IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) :/. IX) LL 1.25 |22 U 11.6 ; Pnotographic .Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WfBSTER.N.Y. MStO (716) S/3-4503 ^ t <^ ^ ► ,t« ,v y. (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exumplaire film« fut reproduit arAce d la g*n4rosit6 da: Bibliothdque nationale du Quebec Les images suivantes ont 6t6 reproduites avec Ie plus grand soin, compte tenu de ia condition at de la nettet* de l'exen«olaire filmd, et en conformity avec ies conditions du contrat de filmage. 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D 3:x 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I k iJ r :-;!C»r/ w^ 'tfMmfi mmmmir -t. If* COPY OF LETTERS RErERRINft TO GEAIN ELEVATING IN MOIS^TKEAL HARBOUR, AnDHKHHRD TO THH BOARf>'-OF TRADE BT TBI ST. LAWRENCE aRAIN CO. 1879. •> >i <> 1. 1 k • , t • ) « « . v« ^'^l /I H^ '^^' 1^ 1^ 3 1 327 C«»MM!SSH»\KRH SrHKKT. „, , „ MoNTRKAL, 2!tth Jamiiiry, 1879. Wm. J. Pattekhon Ksy. Secretary Board ntr t I dopnxe.!, .n the way .ndnaled, of nuxd. husiness for which we \m\ orders Many exan.ples eoul.l he ,,iven to show how the Klovator Co.n a ' n^c-n-ed to send t eir Klevators and take possession of the plaees ah,nS Mups when they have no or.lers, how the Harhour (V,nwnissione.^ alh.w th.s .n v.ohuion of their rules, any the tW.lowin/ClL' McHsra. W«, (U.k * Co., Mont,..aI. """'""'" ""^ **"^' "^'«- Dkau Sirs, fi. «♦ T ^^''*"' ^°" "•*""■*•"•'•'' the '. ITcsitent Sverdrup," it was agree.! that S . Lawn-nce .irain C... wan to Klevate the grain, and we conscufnt. gave that ..mpany a written order to send thdr Klevator. To our .urlrise le are now .nfonned that the ..ther Company has p..t an Eh-vator alongsi Lp^-ve. tZ the St. Lawrence Elevator getting alongside to Elevate Ihe grain "''^^*^"*'"»^ VourH very truly, WULPF A Co. Tui..*j^ I ..., r, Mo.NTBiAL, 25th May, 1878. I HE St. LawrkncbO RAIN Co., Montreal, Ukntlimbm, ,„ , ,^ ***"""■' ^""- «"n° * Co.'s letter of the 2.3rd inst , in reolv o ours of the same date, only came into our possession yesterday afternoon ibi:tr r ^d^' ^'^■'•;.«"o.ic.ay,and the writ'er being aLnt ilUlt ^o ! 8V rdr". i; n/r'"'? "T '^""'•■•♦'■"« ^'^ '-^-^ "f «- .President riT * ., °" H.'tic.pate any trouble or interference respecting the loading of the said vessel after the ri^a. arraD"e»nrnt w r ! ^^.^ *'**' -i_tt. ttiniBotinont wc made witn jUcssrs. 6 Wm. Ounn ic Co., and we know tlicy did n«.t Krant any order to the Montrual Klevating Comimny to do tin- work, iind kk that Company had no iiiKtrii.;tionB from UM it \h eviil.-nt tliey liavr taltfii upon tlicmstlveH witiioiit iriNtrix tiouH from anylKxIy to do the elevatinK ot thf naid \ ohbc'I. Youm truly, WIILFK A CO. :r-'7 CoMMIHSIoNltHH SthFKT, MoNTHiAi., ;tnth Septcnilier, 1 878. Thomas Champ, Esq., , Chainiiaii Harbour Commiuionert. Sni, In reference to the converHation had with you on Saturdiiy. we Leg Jo encloHo copies of letterH relatiuR to the case of the liurque " PreHident Svenlrup,' wiiH brouglit l)efore your Hoard liy Mr. Gould, in May lant, imd whiili led as we were then informed l.y Mr. Uould, to an understanding witli Mr. Hugli McLennan, a director of the Montreal Elevating Co., that such liindrance to our working would not occur again. ThiH understanding lias not been carried out, and wo beg to < all your attention to another case of a vessel m>w in port We have instructions to elevate fjndn into the barque '• Arouca, " but are pre- vented getting alongside by the Montreal Elevating Co., who have placed one of their elevators thero without any orders whafa-ver. This the Harbour Master will conlirm, he having called on the Montreal Elevating Co. to find out if such was the case. Hoping that you can give this matter your immediate attention in order that we can place our elevator in jiosition so as to work this afternoon. We are. Your obedient servants, ST. LAWRENCE GRAIN CO. It is very clear that we were entitled to the place at this ship ; we had the order fioni the ship, and the order from the shipper of the grain, but becimse both these orders were not " in writing " we are refused the place, and it is given to the Elevating Company which has no order j whatever. Even when our Elevator is placed alongside a ship in the Harbour, if owing to delay in the arrival of grain or for other reason we remove for a short time to work elsewhere, our place is at once pounced upon in violation of the Rules and held against us, not only so, but Elevators are permitted to obstruct and hinder our operations in the manner described in the following letter, and 1 may state that neither this letter nor others previous to it were ever acknowledged by the Harbour Commissioners. Thouah Chami., Ehv., M"»tr«al, 3rd October, 1878. Chairman //arbour Commiuionen, Montreal "lUK (arK... The Montreal Klt-vntcr Co. has aiiuc nlaonH n,,. r .1 . . We re,,„ny direct the attc-nti.m ..1 vour Hoard to •««♦*«.• , 1 ..... you .,„ „„,„ .,. „„_, „„ „^„,„.„„„ :v:,:t„r;r„::'t;,::c We are. Vour obedient NervantM, 8T. LAWRKNCK GRAIN Co oueiH .should nut new be enlbitod, I botf to remind .h« irrril'r-ns;;":,'':"-'' ''';'" "- '■""""■' -■ ""- ""■■'''•- ;;:t wasenac ed 1., ]87.., that since then (ho ehai-os which were loimH,.|v pau by the owne.s <.f gnun have been al..ii.shed, and the o eVut" . un ^' ,nteresf.l parties:' as they were when the rule waride ^Z times now decline to ^nve any orders at all for Elevators I to ask the C<,uncil to consider also these facts That the Fie VHt...Con,pany which J have mentioned as being unduly favotd dm ws .n this I arkjur. receipts exceeding one-fourth of all the llarW 1 eve Hues and .s allowed the privilege of making use of the llarC ra.u n v" n.glor h.rewith its Klevators free •><• all VymenK without i;'" £l under any k.nd of obligation whatever, in return f., ,is p. ileg ' Th .s allowed to compound Ibr the payn.ent of the Harbour dl on vesBds by payM,g only a small lun.p sun, which is less than oneTm^ t e ranrt hxed by law to be paid on all ves.sels, and only one-Jndf o h ^ abouts accoi-ding to the tonnage that we hi-ve U» nnv A . iavored and with otherwise lar^e inHuen; X- ^i. ^^:^IZ he posU.ons at sinps where its services ar« not tequir.l. is able to re^i.t tte? '""T ,r^-^ »'-' '-'"^ - -••-' the position alongside is ecu'd to s gone. The rules which refer to Klevators, not being published are otter, wrongly quoted, in order to prevent vessel-owners making use 'f uur hievator We have proof that this is commonly done in thi Hai boar as we Know has been the case in the Instances stated in the ollo^t.Te ' U'v, luUU-vHHeil |,y ship-nwnoi-H ill Kii^r|jiM»I. (o tli<« rrailMiur ('..mniiHHi.iiiorH, tiiid u ^'i>^ty of whiih wi> moivnl from tljo wi-iUTK: To THI HoNOITHABLf THK HARBOrK TuiMTItlCH, MontHBl. It liitH Ih iiH by tin- <'u|it«iim ..I out HtraiiiiTM^thr " Ii.ih.m rat " •' ArlHto. rat " .iDllows: — HAHBOIH CoMllISSIONiRS or MONTHRAL. Secretary's Offife, MuNTRlAI., 3l8t AugUHt, 1877. 8iH,— In re[dy to your letters of the .Jth ult. and 2!ttb inst., I beg to state that the rule established for the guidan.o of the Harbour Master is, that " when two '< out of the three parties intenjsted present to the Harbour Master a written " order inditutiiig the or elevators they desire to have employed, then " that otticer is to act accordingly," This rule was re-afflrmed in April, 187ti, by a special committee, who communi( ated with the Board of Tra»le and received the following resolution in response : — " That in reply to the communication from the Secretory of the Harbour Gom- missioners this committee suggests that, in all cases of ei ploying floating grain elevators in the harbour of Montreal, a majority of th.* three interests involved 9 ■hall tlitt-rmlne what wieviitor < (iiiipuiiy Nimll l>e ••mploypd In any or .'Hch . «». un«l th«' (' further HiigK<'Htn that nik n rcjfulHtujnH Hh<>itl<| Im^ iiia4|<- bn will lUlord th- *- »>e levied on a„ Ves«el« i„ the arrival to that of their deparrure! "I centf ' '" °"'' ''""^ ^'^'^ '^""'- «*' «''^'' On Steamboats measurinLr under 10 tnn» ..o • . . aforesaid, each 40 cents." ' "^''*"'' *^^"' *'«''»' '^<*J'> 'eckoned as Now all Elevator Boat.s in Monti-^ni n 1 polled by,tea,„.p„w»,,,.„d « edrrltfr";,™, ''""'*'''■'■ '''■"- levial on all mioh boats. ■* •"'" '" *" ''""'' "'"'"'I. to be . of .1^ f^iio^i,,' il::l :Tr^C'^'^ i'""!"- '■*'"^""- reglste,. ..Official Number, 46,204 leS 90 ^*,""?■''^",' ""> P°''' tonnage, 90 to,.; bo^^XTf eS^Jo'?.™' '"""*' '='=' '""'^ ■«•« . ve4r';Lr:i,?;:r„!::rir'"r-"*'""^-^''-'«'- Ut May i.. ,6th Novembe / 0?.; ! C ''ot>,""''r ""'■ <"•""' belonging to tbe same CV.npany „lC ' , f '" °""-''; J*''™""'- Boats, and approximately the JZo "LZiJ^7'''' """' """ ™"''' "™«i. :rs:i :ni,:?r.:The^- ^^^ -r o:i;',;'i 'i:r rt .in. ...en as their smS r -dTr I^:? ;----.; : •' > , as 1 • 'f . 11 subject to about «3,960 for each Boason's Harbour dues; but instead of paying this sum, the Harbour Commissioners commute the payment for a sum of $900 only, being a concession in favor of the Company of about $3,000 per annum, while any proportionate concession has been refused to the Company I represent, and we are compelled to pay, as nearly as possible, the Tariff rate. This will be manifest from the facts stated below. Our Elevator is the most powerful in the Harbour, but to avoid useless and unnecessary size, and to secure stability, the boat was made short, and low in the water, which also diminished the Tonnage, an element of econ- omy we m-Aonerf upon also as a commercial advantage, because in all ports the dues are charged by Tonnage. The Register Tonnage (calculated by the Builders, Messrs. Barclay, Curie & Co., Glasgow) is Gross Tonnage, 71 Tons ; Net Tonnage, 44 Tons. Our Boat then having v -let Tonnage, " ufider 50 Tons " is by the Tariff, properly chargeable fbi aos 40 cents per day, which for 200 days amounts to 880. We are charged by the Harbour Commissioners $75, a concession to us of $5 per annum, against $3000 per annum, allowed to the other Company. This is inrtnatly a sub- sidy given to that Company which I trust the Council will see is (apart from other considerations) most unfair to its competitors in business. That this favored Company is well able to pay Harbour Dues on its vessels in accordance with the Tariff rates, the same as other vessel-owners pay, is manifest from the record of its profits, which for the last 1 years were:' 1872 21 percent. 1873 21 " " 1874 24 " " ^875 11 " " _and 2 Elevators built out of profits. 1876 13 " " —and 1 Elevator " " " « 1877 12 " " —and 1 Elevator " " •' 1878 17 " " I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, James Inolis. 12 Copy of Article from the Ottawa " Daily Vitisen " the public Ihc'vf' . ,'■ "' '° '"""*'■" "•"'•'' '""'"■"'■'I}- "fct »er(,f„ me t^'o h P '•""""■^••,"7°,."' "» """"""""" ''-™»'"' ">» a. a wl,„le ^ ^^^^T^'^r!: P""'" ■»'»-te,i, the eo„„try tliat the object for whic , Tltl * 1 " "' *" "'""»" ™l>»rt"noe tho oo,m„e„.;::,d:s rr !Lfc:tt:xr'H;:ti,'''""r" '■'■ the Atlantic seaboard. In view of this t .1 i . the ports on hjr bcrj;XL'"T,r/"'T'^ i"" r""^ "">■«'■ "■« --'^ referre,! to ,, i . , P"""' ^"'' "ccoMmg to the statomonls of the letter u course which is prejudii il T „ : :,:iTi°Ct" r^r'''^ the object, which L «over„„,ent I T Pa ilen ha" i! ' ''™' •mproving the Welland and St. Lawrence . V T 1 ' ' '" * . i * < ? » 13 other views of the duties which attach to the important office. It is hroad- ly charged that three of the leading Harhour Commissioners are directly interested in the "Comhination Grain Elevating Company," and that mattei-s are ho arranged and manipulated that the favored company enjoys a monopoly of the work and pi-oHts accruing fn.m the handling of grain by those labor saving apparatus. There is another companv m existence at the Port of Mont.eal, but, not being represented on the Board of Harbour Commibsioners, being, in fact, a rival of the "Combination Company," consignees, masters of vessels and steve