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' erreta dto It a pelure, ;on A n 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 THIRD REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHUKCH SOCIETY OF THE ▲nCHDBACOlf It-K- OF If BW BlftlJlVSWICK* J^reHetictoii : l>BIMTED BY JOHN SIMPBOIT, MINTIR TO THB flUHN'S MOST BXCBLLBMT tUJIITTt 1839* ^ fJl" mli Iff *' r . h . JifeJil: . /r Pi bei ofj the Bru Feb in i Chri TheV( The Re >: •»> »» '■^■'i • Ha It' ii!' |:V 1 ¥ i 1 1 w\ mi •la^ 'Si'. ^;2e/;J Snthurstk SttckviUeX Campo in *^niptonl Read, March el The sonaJ sec) ^or Missif solution il ^^ MSPORT, *c. February 8, 1839, (the second Friday in February) being the day appointed by the Thirteenth Article of the Constitution, for the Anniversary Meeting of the " Church Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick," on the preceding day, viz. Thursday, February 7, the Clergy and Lay Deputies Cissembled in General Committee, after Divine Service, in Christ Church, Fredericton. PRESENT: The Ven. tbe Archdeacon, The Rev. Jerome Alley, D. D. " Christopher Milner, " Abraham Wood, " Frederick Coster, " Samuel Bacon, The Rev. Alexander C. Somerville, " WiUiam W. Walker, " Samuel D. Lee Street, " George S. Jarvia, " Henry S. Jarvis. " John M. Stirling. From jSf. Andrews, Kingston, Westfield, Greenwich, Bnthurst, Woodstock, Sackville, Campo Beth, Springfield, Kingsclear, Hampton^ Miiamichi, DEPUTATIONS the following Parishes were presented : The Honorable T. Wyer, and A. L. Street, Esquire. Henry Evans, Esquire. James B. Lyon, Esquire. William Pyewell, Esquire. William End, Esquire. LeBaron Botsford, and A. K. S. Wetmore, Esquires. Honorable A. E. Botsford. Captain Owen, R. N. E. N. Scovil, Esquire. Honorable W. H. Robinson, and Honorable T. G. Lee. Ebenezer Smith, Esquire. Honorable J. Cunard, and J. A. Street, Esquire^ Read Minutes of Meetings of the Executive Comn^ittee on March 6th, August 13th, and October 9th, 1838. The Committee appointed to loan, at interest, on good per- sonal security, the £200 reserved at the last General Meeting for Missionary Visits, reported that thej had carried that Re- solution into effect. 1» I" ' 1 ! :i- M h I The Committee appointed to purchase Books to the amount of £50, and Books suitable for Sunday Schools to the amount of £50, reported that they had carried these Resolutions into effect only in part. The Treasurer reported that the Grant of £20 to the Lo- cal Committee of the Parish of Fredericton, to assist in erect- ing a Chapel in New Maryland, had been paid on the Certifi- cate of the Rev. J. M. Stirling, that the conditions of the Grant had been fulfilled. The Archdeacon reported that he had addressed a letter to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as he had been requested, to which he had received a favourable reply ; and that he had communicated to the So- ciety the Resolutions of the Executive Committee, declaring their acquiescence in the proposition of the Society; in reply to which he had received another letter, under date December 6, 1838, from which the following is an extract : — *' I have to express the satisfaction which the Society feels in the exertions made for the benefit of the Church in your Archdeaconry, especially in the establishment of a Church Society. You will perceive by the accompanying Circular, addressed to the Secretaries of our District Committees, that we are making active enquiry for men duly qualified for the service of the Colonial Church." — (For extract from the Cir- cular Letter, see Appendix.) Read an Abstract of the Account of William J. Bedell, Esquire, Acting Treasurer. — (For the Account, see Appen- dix.) Resolvedf on motion of William End, Esquire, Whereas this General Meeting being convinced of the paramount im- portance of procuring a Travelling Missionary or Travelling Missionaries to supply the spiritual wants of the remote Set- tlements of the Province, and having already appropriated £200 of their funds towards the support of such Missionary or Missionaries, deem it their duty, immediately on being as- sembled, to testify their continued anxiety on this subject ; therefore Resolved, as the unanimous opinion of this Meeting, that His Lordship the Bishop of Nova Scotia be earnestly requested to extend his valuable and zealous aid and influence to the attainment of this most desirable object.; and further Resolved, that a copy of this Resolution be forthwith com- municated by the Secretary to His Lordship. Resolifed, on motion of the Rev. S . D. Lee Street, That m the event of His Lordship not being able to effect this ob- ject immediately, he be requested to authorize the Archdeacon to employ on that service one of the Missionaries at present in the employment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in this Province, who may be wil- ling to be detached for a time from his present Mission. Read Reports from the following Local Com- mittees, viz : — Kingsclear. — The Committee report that the Subscription in aid of the Society's funds amounts to £33 13«. 4d. which is placed at the disposal of the Society for General purposes ; and recommend the Parish Church lately erected in that Pa- rish to the most favourable consideration of the Society, as being a Free Church, and unfinished. — (For letter from Rev. 3. M. Stirling, enclosing the Report, see Appendix.) Woodstock. — The Committee /eturn their thanks to the Society for the appropriation at the last Meeting in favour of the Church at Jacksontown, and express their hope that the building will be begun in the Spring, and request a further grant to the same. They also return thanks for the appro- priation of JE8 in Books, and request an extension of it : and further, that the remote parts of their County m^ v be espe- cially attended to by the proposed travelling Missionary. — They report the Subscriptions as follows : Missionary Visits, £5 ; Books, 258. ; Churches, 109. ; General purposes £19 Us. Total, £32 Ids. Norton. — The Committee report the Subscriptions to amount to £7 7s. 6d. ; return thanks for the appropriation towards the enlarging of the Parish Church, for which they have already incurred an expense of about £100, and expect that what remains to be done will require a further expendi- ture of about £90, to meet which they request a further grant. JVestJield. — The Committee report the Subscription to amount to £6 5s., and recommend aid for a Lending Li- brary. Kingston. — The Committee report the Subscriptions to be £16 10s. 3d., and recommend that one third of it should be appropriated to repairing the Parish Church at Kingston ; one third to rebuilding the Parish Church at Greenwich ; and the remaining third to the General purposes of the Society. 'iii , i: ■ ! I StuHx. — The Committee return thanks for the appropria- tions made in their favour last year ; and report that there is 'Overy prospect of the Chapel at Studville being completed in the course of the next Summer, and that their Sunday School is in successful operation ; and solicit a donation of Books for the use of a number of Settlements in that part of the Pro- vince ; and recommend, that until a Travelling Missionary can be appointed, the Clergy of the different Missions in this Province should be requested to devote a few Sundays in the year to the destitute places next adjoining their own Parishes, the Society engaging to pay the actual travelling expenses in- curred in the performance of such Missionary visits. They further recommend the employment of Lay Readers to conduct the Public Worship when the Clergyman is absent on such duty. Butternut Ridge and Salisbury. — The Committee report A Subscription of £5 178. Gd.^ and suggest the grant of a small sum to purchase Books for the use of the District, the inhabi- tants of which are extremely well affected. Saint Andrews. — The Committee report a collection of £35 lis. viz : for Missionary Visits, £b 2s. %d. ; for Sun- day Schools, JCII 189. ; for General purposes, £18 109. 6d. ; and request aid to their Sunday School, and an additional supply of Books and Tracts ; and express their earnest wish that the part of the country between the Waweig and the Digdeguash should be visited by the proposed Travelling Missionary. J^iramichi. — The Committee report a collection of £36 ^8. 6d. viz : for Missionary Visits, £15 lis. 6d. ; for Divi- nity Scholarships, 4s. ; for Sunday Schools, £3 189. 6d. ; for Books and Tracts, 169. ; for Churches and Chapels, 49. ; >or General purposes, £16 49. 6d. ; and recommend a small fium to purchase Sunday School Books recently imported to Miramichi. Shediac. — ^The Committee report a collection of £5 09. 6d., and request Books for distribution, and towards the formation of a Religious Lending Library. Crrand Lake. — The Committee report a Subscription of £7 199. 6(2., and request a supply of Books. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Society to grant aid towards the establishment of a Lending Parochial Library in the Parishes of Hampton, Saint Andrews, Saint Patrick, and Campo Bello. M aid t( towai wardi Weld *i be pia " Misi of£- andCJ to con Commi Reso Bill of. to the £ Pfy of J and Sun and resj. pleased After 1 Head The R ^ittee hav Resolvei sionary Vi Resolvei P?'ring an« With £100 Resolved ^xchange, ^roinotiae sterling. WiJiiam On motio Solved, f £36 Divi- . 6d. ; 3, 4«. ; small rted to tination mon of \.o grant iibrary »attick» Resolved, That it be recoinmend<jd to the Society to grant aid towards rebuilding the Parish Church of Greenwich, and towards finishing the Parish Church of Kingsclear, and to* wards erecting Churches in the Parishes of Richibucto and Weldford. ''*' Resolved f on motion, That a sum of not exceeding £ — , be placed at the disposal of the Executive Committee for << Missionary Visits to neglected places ;" and a further sum of <£ — for *' Aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels ;" and that it be an instruction to the Committee to comply witli the recommendations of the several Local Committees. Resolvedf on motion, That such sum as will purchase a Bill of Exchange for £ — , be transmitted by the Secretary to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, for a sup- ply of Books suitable for Distribution, Lending Libraries, and Sunday and other Schools ; a'^companied with an earnest and respectful request, that the Venerable Society will be pleased to make a Donation to this Society. * The Treasurer being unavoid8bl7 absent, and hit Account not shewing the exact amount at the disposal of the Socie^, these blanlu were left unfilled until the &A- lowing day. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. Friday, 8th February, 1839L After Prayers, and a fiermon by the Rev. Samuel Bacon, Read the Minutes of Yesterday. The Resolutions of Appropriation of the General Com- mittee having been read. Resolved f That the blank in the appropriation for <^ Mis- sionary Visits," be filled up with £200. Resolved, That the blank in the appropriation for << Re- pairing and enlarging Churches and Chapels," be filled up with £100. Resolved, That the blank in the appropriation for a Bill of Exchange, for Books to be imported from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, be filled up with £60 sterling. William J. Bedell, Esquire, was elected Treasurer. On motion of the Honorable T. Baillie — Rwolved, That the coidial thanks of the Society are due 8 rav I. !■ ! m ( I'!?- to the Rev. Frederick Coster, for his valuable services as Secretary, and that he be requested to continue to serve in that capacity for the ensuing year. The Rev. John M. Stirling was re-elected Assistant Se- cretary. Retohedj That the thanks of the Society be presented to the Rev. J. M. Stirling, for his services as Assistant Secre- tary for the last two years. The following Gentlemen, were re-elected Members of the Executive Committee : — Esquire, George F. S. Berton, E«qaire, George Clements, „ John T. Coffin, Samnel Carman, Richard Ketcham, Samnel Scoril, If Ehenezer Smith, John C. Vail, Justus S. Wetmore, „ Charles P. Wetmore, „ Thomas Wyer, „ Beiyamin Wolhanpter, „ On motion of Rev. Dr. Alley — Retohed unanimotulyf That this Society view with the most sincere regret the severe indisposition of one of its most valuable Members, the Rev. Dr. Somerville ; and suggest to its Clerical and Lay Members the propriety of offermg up public and private prayer to God, that He may be pleased to restore our respected and reverend brother to his usual health. On motion of Rev. Dr. Alley — Reaolvedy That the cordial and respectful thanks of this Society be returned to the Venerable the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, for the additional proof afforded to this Province of its liberality and solicitude for the prosperity and extensive usefulness of the Colonial Church, Dy the promise of a Travelling Missionary. On motion of the Honorable Thomas Baillie — Resolved, That the several Clergymen of the Established Church be requested to preach a Sermop, on the second Sun* day in June in each and every year, in aid of the funds of this Society. On motion of Captain Owen, R. N. — Resolved^ That the Venerable the Archdeacon be autho- rized, if he deem it expedient, to convene an extra Meeting of the Church Society during the current year, in the Parish of St. John or Portland, as he may think proper. On motion of Rev. Dr. Alley — Retolvedy That the Anniversary Meeting of this Society Jb^ 9 shall in future take place on the second Thursday, instead of the fecond Friday, of February, in each and every year. On motion of A. K. S. Wetraore, Esquire — Resolved^ That no one article of the Constitution of this Society shall be res'cinded, altered or amended, except with the concurrence of two thirds of the Members present at a General Meeting; and that notice of any motion (or this pur- pose shall be given at the General Meeting previous to the one at which such motion is to be made. Resolvedy on motion of Dr. Colin Allan, That the thanks of the Society be given to the Rev. Samuel Bacon for his excellent Sermon preached this day. Resolved^ on motion of Samuel Scovil, Esquire, That the thanks of the Society be given to the Rev. George S. Jarvis for his Sermon preached yesterday, and that he be requested to furnish the Archdeacon with a copy, that the same may be printed. The following Resolutions were moved by Dr. Alley : — Whereas snveral of the Church Missions in this Province are so extended, as to embrace moru than one Parish; and several of the Parishes are in themselves so extensive, as to require more than one place of Worship, so thai it is impossi- ble for a single Minister to officiate, even in the ordinary ser- vices of worship and prayer, in all of them on the same days; and it is very desirable that these ordinary services should never be omitted on the Lord's days, and special Feasts and Fasts of the Church ; therefore Resolved^ That the several Missionaries be requested to recommend, for every place of Public Worship, so many of the most pious and religious persons, being desirous and qua- lified to read the Service, to receive licences as lay readers, from the Bishop of the Diocese, or such other person as may be authorized to grant the same, — which lay readers shall be entirely subject to the direction of the Minister of the Mission, as to the part of the Liturgy and Prayers, and also as to the Homilies and Sermons, which they are to read from the Desk. Resolved, That the several Missionaries be recommended to organize subsidiary Church Societies at each of the Sta- tions, where a suitable place can be procured, for the orderly and decorous performance of Divine Service; and that he in- struct the said lay readers in those parts of the Liturgy, ac- cording to the Kubrick, which are to be read on all occasions, — Ml' ir f ! 11; It. ■ ; i ■ I til; . ■ \i T ■; , I' ■•' #1 10 as to the proper manner, time and place, of giving public and Parish notices, — and furnish them with Sermons and Homilies, pointing out to them the Sermons to be read; — and also to impress on these lay readers a strict adherence to the instruc- tions which they may receive. ^ And in order that the said lay readers, and the congrega- tions whose service of prayer, praise and thanks, they are en- trusted thus (provisionally) to conduct, may ever be kept in mind that such services of the said laymen are but a tempo- rary provision, until regularly ordained Ministers can be pro- vided ; be it also Resolved, That the Venerable the Archdeacon be request- ed to compose a prayer to be offered up, by and with the Bishop's concurrence, to Almighty God, in such part of the service as he may please to direct, by every lay reader, to the effect that our Lord, in his Providence, may graciously vouchsafe, in his good time, to provide for them ordained Ministers of his Church, who may rightly instruct them in his word, and duly administer his holy Sacraments. Resolved, That the subordinate Church Societies or cor- porations being duly organized under the presidency of the Missionary, arrangements may then be made for the establish- ment of Sunday Schools at each place, where the children and youth of both sexes may be instructed in the Church Catechism and Liturgy, — the part the congregation is to take in the reading of the Psalms by alternate verses, — the cus- tomary responses, and in singing praises ; and that the best qualified females be invited to take part in such services of instruction. Resolved, That such arrangements would very much extend the sphere of usefulness of the present Missionaries, and thus the regular course of ordinary service's would be never interrupted, whether he be sick or absent ; and that ihe Mis" sionary may so arrange hia visitations, that all communicants may have the comfort of the Sacrament duly and regularly administered ; and that thus the cords of the Church would be lengthened, and her stakes strengthened. Whereupon, Resolved, That Dr. Alley's foregoing motions be entered on the Minutes, and referred to a Committee (to be appointed by the Archdeacon) to report thereon to the Archdeacon, who will communicate on the subject with the Bishop of the Diocese. (Signed) - F. Costi^R) Secretary. iji: APPKIVBIX. Utot of <^uib0(riiiet0. notions tee (to to the ith the (ary. I. WOODSTOCK. Bedell, John Bedell, George A. Bedell, Joseph Beardsley, Charles E. Beardsley, Horace H. Botsford, LeBaron Bustin, John V. Cunliffe, Elisha A. Carman, A. S. Carman, Thomas H. Coombes, L. R. Dibblee, John Bibblee, Frederick B. Dibblee, D. Lewis Dibblee, H. E. Dibblee, Miss Earles, Thomas Grosvenor, Samnel . ' Garden, A. Nelson Garden, U. M. G. G rover, Mrs. Halsell, Henry Jones, Henry Ketchum, Richard Ketchum, James Ketchum, Ralph Ketchum, William ' Lyou, Henry Melvin, W. Morehouse, Frederick Morehouse, Mrs. Mills, John Needham, W. H. Perley, I'homas E. Purdy, James Raymond, Charles Street, S. D. Lee, Rev. Segee, James S. Upham, James R. Wetmore, A. K. S. Wilmot, William Winslow, J. F. W. £1 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 I 1 5 5 10 1 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 6 1 1 10 1 1 5 ■■ 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 15 1 5 5 1 5 1 Je22 10 "o IL KINGSTON. Crawford, Daniel £0 Crawford, Mrs. Mary A. Dickson, Thomas Evans, Henry Earle, Mrs. Sarah Flewellingr, William T. Flewelling, John H. Fleweiling, James Flewelling, William P. Foster, J. Hoyt Hazlewood, William Holder, Robert Hoyt, Samuel Lawson, John Northrup, James Northrup, William F. Northrup, Benjamin J. Perry, I.^aac Pickett, Gould Pickett, David Puddington, Jamea Peters, James Peters, William Ra3'mond, George Scovil, Rev. Eliaa Scovil, Miss H. S. Simpson, William Smith, E. B. Scribner, William Wetmore, Justus S. Wetmore, James Wetmore, David Whelpley, Richard Whelpley, (loorge F. Williams, John Williams David 1 1 -0 1 1 1 •0 1 2 5 5 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 10 2 d 3 6 6 10 2. 6 2 6 5 10 10 10 10 10 6 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 TIL SPRINGFIKLD. Adams, Joseph £0 Beusoh, Seth £16 10 3 2 6 6 Carried forwardt £0 7^ ; t(; ilii "i Mi Li i m ':«( ',■■■.: ' -i 13 Brought forward, Benson, William Crawford, Jamea Crawford, Isaac Crawford, Joel Marven, Josiah Marven, Samuel S. Marven, Silas L. Nortbrup, Eli Nortbrap, James Nortbrup, Gamalid Nortbrup, Jobn Nortbrap, Jarvis Pickett, Lewis Raymond, Samuel Raymond, Isaac B. S. Scovil, Henry A. Scovit, Edward 6. A. Scovil, Rev. W. E. Scovil, James Sbauklin, James Waddington, Burris White, Vincent IV. SUSSEX. Arnold, Rev. H. N. Arnold, Qeorge N. Arnold, Nelson Arnold, Samuel Arnold, Fenwick W. Beer, Miss E. Beer, Miss L. Beer, Captain T., R. N. Cory, Thomas Evansou, A. C. Fosbay, Isaac Ooimorian, E. S. Oidney, Joshua Hovt, James Jeffiries, Jobn Sen. JobnsoQ, John Ketcbum, Peter Ketcbom, Samuel M'Monagle, H. M*Intyre, Neil Morrison, John Matbesou, James Pearson, Thomas Pearson, John Pearson, Isaac £0 7 6 2 6 1 10 5 1 6 5 2 6 5 6 5 2 6 6 1 10 5 1 I 1 5 5 2 6 1 ^11 3 £1 1 1 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 . 1 5 1 10 1 10 5 5 5 5 6 15 6 10 10 10 5 5 Brmightforwariy £\2 7 6 Preble, Edveard Sfiacord, James Sharp, Uobert Sen. Sharp, Robert Jun. Sharp, William Sharpe, Samuel Vail, Miss M. Vail, Mrs. J. Vail, Edwin A. Vail, Oliver 6 10 2 6 5 2 6 5 5 1 5 5 j£15 12 6 V. BUTTERNUT RIDGE AND SAU8< BURY. Arnold, Oliver Humphries, Jobn Hallet, Oliver Price, James Price, Nelson Price, John Price, Edmund Price, Lewis Price, Allan Price, George W. Price, Isaac Shines, William jei 1 5 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 1 2 2 ] 1 10 ^5 17 6 6 (krriedjorwrd, j£12 7 6 VI. HAMPTON. Crawford, Wm. (2 year's subscription,) Crawford, James (do.) DeMill, Thomas Frost, William Fowler, Monmouth Fowler, Stephen Hallett, S. Hallet, O. Keator, James (2 year's subscription,) 2 Keator, Mrs. Reid, Miss Simonds, R. Simonds, C. Simonds, John Simonds, Mrs. R. Smith, Ebenezer 1 Smith, Newton Smith, Charles Smith, Joshua £0 10 2 5 10 1 6 1 5 5 2 2 6 6 2 6 2 6 10 10 10 5 Carried /ormrd, jCU 5 13 10 5 10 6 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 10 10 10 5 7 Brought forwarii XII 5 Walker, Rev. W. W. 10 Walker, Mrs. 10 Walker, Miss 5 £\d VII. NORTON. Barberie, Oliver Baxter, George Elliot, John Fairweather, James Hatfield, Daniel Hendrickg, John Fuddingtou, George PuddiogtoD, William Fuddingtou, Mrs. Esther Rajrmond, Isaac B. S. Seley, James J. Smith, Abraham B. Wetmore, Clarissa H. Wetmore, Thomas Wetmore, William P. Wetmore, D. B. Wetmore, Elias S. jeo 1 1 5 5 10 7 6 5 5 5 2 6 5 5 5 2 5 5 Brought foTwardt £13 10 9 " ~ "26 10 10 £6 12 6 VIII. ST. luke's, gondola poi»ir. Callagan, Patrick £0 6 Forrester, John (2 year's subscription) Forrester, Mrs. John Forrester, Stanton Harris, Charles F. (2 year's subscription) Harris, John Harris, Mrs. Nickerson, — Prince, Edna C. Prince, Harriet Prince, William M. Sherwood, Francis A. Sherwood, Charles (2 year's subscription) Scovil, William Saunders, Mary E. Saunders, Catherine Saunders, Edna A. Saunders, George Saunders, Emma Saunders, Charles Wetmore, Sarah E. Wetmore, Mrs. James Wetmore, James Wetmore, Bei\jamin F. Wetmore, Stephen H. Wetmore, Robert J. Wright, John H. (2 year's subscription) Wright, Mrs. Wright, George H. Wright, Lavinia Wright, Jane R. Wright, Hannah B. Wright, John H. Wright, Susannah Wright, Eliza Warrell, William (2 year's subscription) Warren, David 2 5 1 1 1 3 6 IX. WESTFIELD. 5 2 6 5 15 2 6 2 2 6 2 2 6 6 9 '8 15 10 1 3 1 3 1 3 7 6 1 3 2 6 Belyea, Solomon Belyea, John Belyea, Townshend Belyea, Edward Belyea, James Bertou, J. Coffin, Captain, R. N. Fowler, Stephen H. Fowler, Sarah E. Fowler, Thomas Jun. Fowler, Johaunah French, Joseph Giggey, Charlotte Harding, William Sen. Harding, William G. Harding, Louisa Harding, Julia Harding, Amelia Harding, Sarah Hyland, J. Holder, Samnel Havelind, Susannah Havelind, Jane Lyon, James B. London, James London, William Mowry, Uriah Mowry, George £0 5 6 6 4 10 6 2 6 6 4 2 1 t 9 £15 7 8 6 6 6 Carritifmmi^ 4613 10 9 7 2 2 5 2 1 2 6 1 3 7* 1 3 2 6 7* 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 7* 7* 10 6 2 6 8 6 8 6 2 6 CarrM fanoardt £4 8 9 t.'" C' ,1 I -if ■ i M ! f 11 , I? ''ill Brought forward, Nase, Henry Nase, William H. Nase, Mary Nase, Charlotte Nase, Eliza Na«e, Amelia Nase, G. L. Nase, John Nase, James Pnrdy, Obadiah Pnrdy, Emily J. Purdy, Graves Reed, J. C. Reed, Alexander Reed, Jane Iteed. William Reed, James Smith, John Smith, Stephen Waters, George Waters, Munson Waters, Jacob Waters, Joel Jun. Wood, James R. ^ Walsh, Michael OAOETOWN. 14 X. Bonnell, W. F. Clarke, Rev. S. Chase, Henry Cnrry, Gilbert Curry, Charles Davis, John Gilbert,^ J. Gilbert, Mrs. Gunter, Charles Smith, Mrs. D. L.. Smith, Mrs. Hannah Travis, John VaU, N. XI. SACKVILLE. Botsford, Mr. Justice (1837) Do. do. (1838) Botsford, Hon. A. E. Bass, Abraham Black, Samuel ^£4 8 9 2 1 3 7* 7* 9 7 6 1 3 7* 2 6 7* 1 3 7* 7* 74 2 2 6 2 6 5 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 7* 2 6 £6 5 10 jCO 5 1 2 6 5 5 5 10 10 5 12 6 5 12 6 7 6 :e5 5 10 5 1 118 11 8 E17 3 4 4 Broiught forward, £VJ 3 Backhouse, Dr. 1 Crane, Honorable W. 10 M<Kinlay, Mr. 118 Merrice, Mr. 11 8 Sayre, Thomas S. 118 Wigmore, Samuel 10 XTI. CHATHAM. Abrams, William Bacon, Rev. S. Baldwin, Daniel Breahott, Smith Barwin, Joseph Blackstork, Mrs. Blackstock, Mrs. R. Bell, George B. Bulman, Daniel Cunard, Joseph Cunard, Henry Carman, William Coulson, Robert Carman, William Sen. Chambers, Anthony Copping, Isaac Carmolt, Jonathan Colgan, John Cupphge, John Dean, Joseph Douglas, William Dennett, John Duulop, William Frost, Shepherd J. Fiuity, James Grimley, Richard fludson. Rev. James Hand, William Hopson, James Hayden, George Hawbolt, Leonard Harper, Alexander ' Harley, John Joplin, William Johnston, John M. Johnston, John M. Jun. Jenkins, William Johnston, Robert Joseph, Mrs. Joudrie, Jacob Letson, William Letson, George :e21 18 4 £\ 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 3 5 2 5 6 10 2 2 6 2 6 12 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 5 2 2 5 10 10 5 5 5 2 6 10 12 fl Carried forward, £2B 6 Lan( Layt Afajo Mart Marti Mum Murra Perciv Peters, Peters, Pefre, J PeJre, J Parker, Parker, Russell, Renet, I •Robinsoi Street, J. f »e', Ric Stoney, J, °>ncJair, \ Samuels, J J'»"'th,-./oj Jfavis, Dt ^y^or, O. vvmhurst, J^niiams, J^Hfston, J^i'liston ft""' An} "^n«rht, Johl ' XIII. I ^iahtovf, Jan I XIV. Jjarrison, Rei P«>ond8,HonJ hv. . 15 Brouffht forwards Lander, Charles Laytoii, Caroline . Major, Frederick J. Martindale, Jonathan Martin, Mrs. Murray, Robert Murray, John Percival, John Peters, Thomas H. Peters, Charles J. Peke, Sherewood Peke, John Parker, John Parker, George J. Russell, John Renet, Henry Robinson, John Street, J. A. Suel, Richard Stoney, Joseph Sinclair, William Samuels, J. J. Smith,- John Travis, David Taylor, G.F. Winhurst, Samuel Williams, J. A. Williston, Wm. 8t Alex, Williston, Luther Williston, George Williston, Benjamin Wooluer, John Wathing, Silvester Wallace, Robert Wilson, Andrew Williston, John T. Wright, John £36 18 6 XIII. SAINT JOHN. Disbrow, James £\ XIV. PORTLAND. Harrison, Rev. William £10 Simonds, Hon. Charles 10 £25 6 5 2 2 (' 2 b 6 5 2 6 10 1 5 .5 5 5 5 5 5 2 6 1 2 6 5 5 5 5 1 5 - 1 2 6 10 5 5 5 2 6 3 2 2 2 15 £11 I XV. OABLETON. ICoiter, Rev. Frederick £1 XVl. SAINT ANDREWS . Alley, Rev. Dr. & Mrs. £1 6 Allen, Jacob 1 2 6 Al'nnshHw, Hon. J. 1 AUanshaw, Miss 10 Andrews, R. M. 1 Aymar, J. 10 Bartlett, L. 5 Barry, Thomas 5 Briscoe, C. 5 Chandler, J. W. 10 Do. do. (donation) 1 10 Conolly, J. 10 Diminock, C. W. 5 DeWolf, Doctor 10 Ellraan, WilUam 10 Friend, 5 Flaherty, H. 2 6 Foster, C.V. 1 Grant, A. 1 Garnet, W. 10 Do. do. (donation) 1 Hudson, T. 15 Haddock, T. 6 Haddock, J. 5 Hasson, Miss 5 Hetheriugton, W. 5 Ingram, C. 2 6 Jarvis, E. 5 Jarvis, J. S. 10 Jarvis, R. 10 Jarvis, Mrs. 5 Jarvis, W. 6 Johnston, H. 2 6 Kerr, Robert 5 Lowdon, Elizabeth 5 Law, Captain 10 Law, Mrs. 5 M'Curdy, S. 5 Malony, WiUiam 2 6 M'Stay, M. 5 M'Curdy, J. 5 M'Gee, C. 10 Parkinson, Mary 10 Parkinson, J. 10 Price, J. 5 Pheasant, Edward 5 Pike, John 6 Reading, Joel 2 6 Rogers, J. 5 Ross, Robert 5 Street, J. W. 1 Carried /ormrd, £23 1 16 'if -'■'''' ' 'ii ^ifilUl mm i Is * .1 :f':i;i i;!i BrougJu forward, £23 1 IStreet, A. L. 10 Do. do. (donation) 1 10 Street, G. D. 10 Scott, W. 10 Stiuson, David 5 Stinson, James 5 Stinson, John 5 Stinson, Joseph Sen. 5 Stinson, Joseph 5 Stinson, William 5 Stentaford, Edward 5 Strang, Mrs. 10 Smith, Peter 10 Do. do. (donation) 1 Slure, William 2 Strahan, Mrs. 2 Turner, T. 10 Turner, David {Snint Patricks) 10 Walton Robert 5 Wyer, Hon. T. 1 Do. do. (donation) 1 Wver, T. Jun. 5 Wilson, J. ■ 5 Wilson, E. 5 Wilson, T. 5 Wardlaw, C. W. 5 XVII. SAINT STEPHENS. Abbott, Samuel Abbott, George Abbott, Thomas B. Abbott, Mills Andrews, Mrs. Connick, Joseph Connick, Mrs. J. Orimmer, John Orimraer, Mrs. John Grimmer, William H. Grimmer, Maria Grimmer, Jane Gillis, James Gillis, William Hanlin, Peter R. Kelly, Edward Lindsay, Andrew Lindsay, George Lindsay, Miss Moore, James je35 11 £\ 5 5 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 10 5 2 6 1 3 1 3 6 5 2 6 6 5 10 6 2 6 Carried forward, j£5 2 6 Bro7tffhi forward, £5 Maxwell, James Maxwell, Mrs. J. Maxwell, Mary Maxwell, Thomas H. Maxwell, George Maxwell, Mrs. G. Maxwell, Joseph H. Maxwell, Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, James Jun. Maxwell, Mrs. James Jun. Maxwell, Eliza Ann Mitchell, Thomas Jun. Porter, William Porter, Mrs. William Porter, Miss Phillips, John S. Phillip?, Mrs. J. S. Stewart, James I'homson, Rev. Dr. Thomson, George J. Todd, J. H. Trumble, George Upton, David Watson, Robert 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 10 2 6 1 3 1 3 5 1 5 10 5 2 6 10 2 £14 17 6 XVIIT. PRINCE WILIJAM. Allan, Mrs. Allan, Miss M. Allan, Joseph C. Allan, A. D. Brown, Thomas Cheyne, George Davidson, Mrs. J, Davidson, John Ellegood, Jacob Henry, James Henry, John Henry, Andrew Henry, William Jones, Thomas Love, William Lockard, William Morehouse, Henry Rosboroogh, Robert Rush, Andrew West, Mrs. Wiggins, Rev. C. O. £0 1 c (2 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 5 5 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 10 5 1 6 5 5 5 year's SQbscriptioD) 2 £6 U H xi: Bar Bre\ Cam Coffi Fogg rogg, Gal], J Do. GaJl,j Garden Grant, Hansar Lee, Mj fee. He fee, Ge( fee, Chi Af'Henr, Murray, ' Murray, Murray, j MyshraJJ, M'Smile;, Pierce, E. i«J^e, Jo; "amsford, 5«"'o8ford, RaiD8fo,d, KobmsoD, . Wheeler, fJao> Col/rt Aieriey, Wi jwton , G. J R °"f ' HngW ^ovfden, TM ^rriedl XIX. KINOSCLEAB. Barber, Duncan *| Brewer, John r, Campbell, John n Coffin, David M. i Fogg, WilUam n Fogg, Mrs. " Finnimore, Mrs. a iJo. do. (2d do 1 GaU, Miss ^ ' Garden, George Grant, Ichabod Hansard, Hugh J. Lee, Mrs. George Lee, Hon. Thomas C. Lee, George, Jun. Lee, Charles JJ'Henry. Thomas Murray, Thomas ^"way, Isaac Muiray, Joseph Myshrall, Joseph j;'Smiley,ReuJ&en Pierce, E. G. ^ayne, Joseph Bainsford, Charles / Bamsford, Francis Bwnsford, H.B. Bobmson, Hon. WaUam Wheeler, Thomas B. XX. FBEDERIOTON. AJan, Colin, M. D. Akerley, W. N. Beckwith, J. A BecMth, F. £ BedeU, W. J. Berton G. P. S. Block, Hugh Bowden, Thomas ^34 13 4 1 17 Brought formrd, , Sr«°» Chief Justic^, &*f» Archdeacon Jjbblee, George Attend, Fraser, Peter jTosvenor, WiUiam Hailes, Mrs. Kay, W. p. Needham,Mark Odell, Mrs. Odell, Miss Phair, W. B. Putnam, Mrs. Power, R. Roberts, Geowe olason. Miss ^tephens, John ^tirhng. Rev. John ' Mewart, Anthony Shore, Hon. George femiler, Charles ^treet, Hon. G. F. Iryon, Captain -^jyon, Mrs. Wetaiore,C.P. Wolhaupter,B. Woods, George I Wilson, Matilda l^l\, "°^«''As. ^rried forward, £is 15 *£rJr«SSK"*"'^'««»* Burt, Mrs. *n /, ^ 0. 1 XXII. SAINT Mary's ^6 4 6 le remittances onftccompanied Ki ■'! ' #1: !1 ! 18 The Subacriptiom for the year 1839 are as follow : Carleton County. Woodstock, £22 10 Kind's County. Kingston. £16 10 3 Springfield, 11 3 Sussex, 15 12 6 Butternut Ridge and Salisbury, 5 17 6 Hampton, 13 Norton, 6 12 6 Gondola Point, 15 7 8 Westfield, 6 5 10 Greenwich, 4 2 7 Gagetown, Grand Lake, 94 11 10 Queen's County. £5 5 7 19 6 13 4 6 IfVestmorlancl. Sackville, £21 18 4 Shediac, 5 6 26 18 10 Ifortliuniberlantl . Chatham, £36 18 6 Amount carried forward, £194 3 8 Amount brought forward, £194 3 S Kent County. Ricliibucto, £3 5 3i Weldford, 3 2 6 7 3j Saint J'olin County. Saint John, £10 Portland, 11 Carleton, 1 13 Charlotte County. Saint Andrews, £35 11 Saint Stephen, 14 17 6 — 60 8 6 -Vork^ Conn tj Prince William, Kingsclear, Fredericton, Douglas, Saint Mary's, £6 15 34 13 74 3 12 5 6 4 3 4 4 6 134 1 6 £203 19 2i Total of Subscriptions for the year lfQ9, £398 10} Subscriptions for 1838, £398 10| Arrears paid up, From Springfield, £3 14 8 Norton, 15 Grand Lake, 2 11 9 7 1 6 Carried forward. £405 2 3i Brought forward. Donations. From His Excellency Sir J. Harvey, Pation of the Society, £10 From John Stephens, Esq. and otherSjWhokeptSt.Oeorge'sDay, 1 £405 2 3} 6 3 Total, £416 7 6i J^e Church Society of New Brunswick in Account with W. J. Bedell, Dr. Treasurer. Cr. 1838. To amount paid Messrs. Simp- son & Beek for Report and Sermon, £33 5 Paid the Society's Grants in fa- vor of five Sunday Schools, 20 Paid Grant to Chapel in New Maryland, 20 1839. Paid Grant to Saint Andrews Sunday School, 4 Paid Grants to Sunday Schools in Dundas and Wellington, 5 Paid Grant to Norton Parish Church, 10 Paid Grant to Chapel at Stud- viUe, 10 Paid Bank of B. N. America for Bill of Exchange, remitted, 74 Paid for Books supplied to dif- lerent local Committees, 30 5 This sum reserved for Travel- 1838. February 9 — By Balance in Treasurer's hands, £390 14 10 Less error in extend- ing a subscription, 1 10 £389 4 10 By Subscriptions and Dona- tions for 1838, £409 3 0} Less difference in Exchange, &c. 15 3} By arrears of 1837, paid in 1838 to Treasurer, 408 7 9 7 1 g £804 14 1839. May l-^By Balance in Trea* lurer'i hands this date, £198 A Th Geo Th from 1 July 4 Brunsi Visits Societi *'Tj veiling bee an( salaries of travel adds, th will be tbe direc This the great ■Resolv gratitude ciety's this Provi nieans air "^eaos the to procui ready to S^^^iy anc of such c] and earned «s possiblj The foJ To the Rel 11 I* •I II II I II 4 ^J^ lOi i 31 4 10 408 7 « 7 1 S £80414 1» Extract from Minutes of the Executive Committee. At a Meeting held August 13th, 1838 — PRESENT : The Ven. the Archdeacon, Honorable Thomas Baillie, Rev. Dr. Sonierville, Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Rev. J. M. Stirling, Benjamin VVolhaupter, Esquire, George Clements, Esquire, Samuel Carman, Esquire. The Archdeacon laid before the Meeting a communication from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, dated July 4th, 1838, in reply to the application made by the New Brunswick Church Society, for aid in providing Missionary Visits to neglected places in the Province, — stating that the Society had Resolved — <' That it will use its best endeavours to engage four Tra- velling Missionaries, to be employed in the dioceses of Que- bec and Nova Scotia, and will allow to such Missionaries salaries of £150 a year, provided that all the actual expenses of travelling be defrayed from local funds." — The Secretary adds, that he presumes one of these Travelling Missionaries will be appointed for New Brunswick, to be employed under the direction of the Bishop. . This communication was received by the Committee with the greatest satisfaction, and it was unanimously Resolved, That the Archdeacon do express the heartfelt gratitude of this Committee for this new instance of the So- ciety's benevolent attention to the wants of the Church in this Province ; and assure them that to the full extent of the means already at their disposal, and of whatever additional means they may be enabled by the most strenuous exertion to procure, the Church Society of the Archdeaconry are ready to assist in this most useful and necessary work. They gladly and thankfully engage to pay the travelling expenses of such Clergymen as the Society shall appoint for this duty, and earnestly pray that the appointment may be made as soon as possible. The following appropriations were made .: — To the Rev. Elias Scovil, for the Sunday School at Kiugston, £4. „ „ „ Springfield, £4, Dr. S. Thomson, „ St. Stephen, £4. H. N. Arnold, „ Sussex Vale, £4. J. M. Stirling, „ Fredericton, £4. » >» >» » »♦ » •) » 4 20 m ,m II •'■ Refolvedf That the Rev. George S. Jarvis be informed that the Committee will reserve the sum of £5 for the use of the Schools at Dundas and Wellington, to be paid when the amount collected in his Mibdion for the Society shall have been remitted to the Treasurer. That the Rev. H. N. Arnold be informed that the Com- mittee will reserve the sum of £3 for the use of the School which the local Committee of Brunswick and Salisbury had resolved to establish, provided that the sum collected there be remitted to the Treasurer, and that they be certified of the said School being in actual operation. Meeting, — October 9thy 1838. PRESENT : The Ven. the Archdeacon, Uonorahle Mr. Justice Botsford, Rev. Dr. Soinerville, Honorable Thomas Baillie, Rev. J. M. Stirling, Honorable G. F. Street, Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Honorable Thcnas Lee, Benjamin Wolhaupter, Esquire, Samuel Carman, Esquire. Resolved^ on motion. That £4 be granted to the Rev. Dr. Alley, for the purchase of Books for the use of the Sunday School in Saict Andrews. That the Treasurer, Mr. Berton, and Mr. Wetmore, be a Committee to loan the £200 set apart for paying the expenses of Travelling Missionaries, for a further term of six months. That the sum of £40 be expended, to supply the following places with Books and Tracts, to be at the disposal of their respective local Committees, in the proportions following, viz : — Waterborough, for distribution, Woodstock, ditto. Grand Manan, ditto, Fredericton, ditto, Westfield, for Lending Library, Greenwich, ditto. Saint George's, Saint Andrews, £8 £8 £5 £2 £5 £5 £5 £2. Meeting, — Saturday, 2d March, 1839. PRESENT : The Venerable the Archdeacon, William F.W.Owen, Esq. Capt.R.N. The Honorable the Chief Justice, Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, The Honorable Judge Botsford, The Rev. J. M. Stirling. The Honorable the Solicitor General, J(±. be a )enses nths. owing their wing, L839. japt.B.N. re, 31 Resolved} on motion, That the sum of £200 set apart for Travelling Missionaries in 1838, with the accumulation of interest thereon, ns also the sum of £200 set apart for the same purpose at the last Annual Meeting, be loaned at interest for aperiod of six months, and that the Hon. Mr. Street, the Treasurer, and Charles P.Wetmore, Esquire, be a Com- mittee to carry this Resolution into eHect. Resolvedy That the sum of £100, set apart at the last Ge- neral Meeting, for aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels, be appropriated to the following objects, recom- mended by the several local Committees, viz : — To the local Committee of the Parish of Green- wich, to asist in rebuilding the Church lately destroyed by fire, £32 6 To the local Committee of the Parish of Kings- clear, to aid in finishing the new Church lately erected there, 22 5 To the local Committee of the Parish of Wood- stock, to assist in building a Chapel at Jackson- town, (subject to the same conditions as the sum of £20 granted for the same object by the Society last year,) 10 To the local Committee of the Parish of Norton,* to assist in enlarging and rendering more com- modious, the Church in the said Parish, (a further grant of) 10 To the Rev. Henry Jarvis, to assist in erecting a Church in the Parish of Richibucto, the same to be paid when it shall be duly certified that a building has been erected on land held in fee simple by or for the use of the Church, and the external walls completed, the sum of 10 To the Rev. Henry Jarvis, to assist in erecting a Church in the Parish of Weldford, subject to the same conditions as the grant for Richibucto, the sum of 10 To the local Committee of the Parish of Kings- ton, the sum of £5 10s. — they having them- selves appropriated that amount to assist to re- pair their own Parish Church. 5 10 £100 JOHN M. STIRLING, SecreUiry to the Executive Committee. It 22 Extract from a Circular addressed by order of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to the Secretaries of its various District Committees through- out England and Wales : — *< The appointments for which at the present moment the Society is especially desirous of obtaining the services of good and able men, are those of Travelling Missionaries, to 6 employed under the direction of the Bishops of Nova Scotia and Montreal, in the Noith American Provinces. To these Travelling Missionaries the Society is willing to offer an annual Salary of £150, together with u grant for outfit and Jiassage, — while the actual expenses of travelling will be de- irayed from local funds. (Signed) *< A. M. Campb£ll, Secretary. nSPORT. I V ' ! ! .■•• !,''" ' i Frederictofif February 7 thy 1839. Reverend Sir, I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of the General Committee of the Church Society of the Arch- deaconry of New Brunswick, that since the lest Annual Meet- ing, the sum appropriated by the Society to aid in building a Chapel at New Maryland, in the Parish of Fredericton, has been drawn from the hands of the Treasurer, the inhabitants of that place having erected the building, and complied with the conditions of the Society. The Committee will, no doubt, be gratified to learn that owing to their timely assistance, the people of this Settlement who have long endeavoured, but in vain, to rear a house of prayer, for themselves and their children, have now the satis- faction of worshipping in a building dedicated exclusively to the service of the Almighty. The Chapel is a plain structure, sufficiently large to ac- commodate the congregation for some years to come, and when painted, will be fully completed and ready for con^ secration. The efforts made in the neighbouring Parish of Kingsclear to advance the cause of our holy religion will not be viewed with indifference by the Committee. A few individuals there, by great exertions and at considerable expense, (aided by the contributions of their fellow Churchmen elsewhere) have suc- ceeded in erecting and in nearly finishing a neat and faithfully built Church, large enough to contain two hundred and fifty hearers. As the seats in it are free, and it is considered expedient that for a time they should continue to be so, and as the ex- penses thus necessarily become burdensome to the Church- men in the Parish, the local Committee, when contributing their mite to the funds of the Society, have ventured to re- commend their Chu' h to its most lavourable consideration, and I doubt not that the Committee will give that attention to their recommendation, which their zeal in the good cause so well deserves. It were almost invidious, where many have done well, to mention the name of any individual in particular, but I cannot permit the present opportunity to pass, without expressing the opinion, that to the indefatigable industry and perseverance of Charles Lee, Esquire, the Parishioners of Kingsclear are mainly indebted for the creditable edifice, in which they now assemble to worship the God of their fathers on the Sabbath day. I have the honor to be. Reverend Sir, Your most obedient servant, J. M. STIRLING. The Parish Church of Kingsclear is forty feet in length and twenty eight in breadth ; it has already cost three hundred and twenty pounds; and when finished, the expenses will pro- bably amount to nearly four hundred pounds. The Chapel at Maryland is large enough to accommodate seventy persons — and has cost seventy five pounds. To Rev. F. Coster, Secretary*