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LONDON. 1869, ••••V ■ \; k 4J A. t. ■I w ■•••V' : . r,: ■>r • ■ CONTENTS. .• PiOl" God's Throne, Rev. IV .........y....l The Little Book Open, Rev. X r.... 3 v/the Two Witnesses, Rev. Xi.... .................. .;..,. 4 A Woman Clothed with the S^fe'&v. XII....... 7 The EvERLASTiNG Gospel, Rev. XIV.. ..7......... 9 The Harvest and Vintage, Rev. XIV........... 12 The Millennium, Rev. XX............................... 13 A Millennial Allegory. . , .•• •••••• ..;.... 23 The Resurrection of Christ. . . . . . . ..,..,..,... 24 "-■.•«■ \, "HP ^: *t # »% y .i ^ VV'I GOD'S TH|R01NE. REV. IV. ,. TYPE, The Mosaic Sanctuary, 1. He tiiat Sat upon tub Throne was to Look upon as A Jasper and Sardine Stone. The Jasper and Sardine wore the first and last precious stones in the Breastplate of Judgment. — Ex. 28, 17. 2. A Rainbow Like an Emerald. The Gold, Blue, Purple, Scarlet, and engraved Cfems, on the Ephod.—lS^. 28, 6. 3. TwENTY-pouR Seats and Twenty-foue Elders. j:he 24 Courses of the Priesthood.-- 1 Chron. 24, 7. 4. The Elders were clothed in "White. -r The Pontifical|i?o6e^of fine linen.— Ex. 28, 39. 5. They had Golden Crowns. ' The Priest's Mitre, plated with gold.— Ex. 28, 36. 6. Out of the Throne proceeded Liqhtnino, Thunder AND Voices. The Ood of Mount Sinai was there. — Ex. 19, 16. 7. Seven Lamps — the Seven Spirits of God. The 7 branched golden Candlestick,-~-Ex.. 37, 17. 8. A Sea of Glass before the Throne^ ^ The brazen or molten Sea of the Temple.— 1 Kings, 7, 23. 9. Four Beasts in the midst and around the Throne. Viz^ : The Temple Congregaiion. 1st Beast Like a Lion, - - Court of the Oentiles 2nd Beast Like a Calf, - - - Court of the tTomen, 3rd Beast Like a Man, - - Court o{ Israel. 4th Beast LiAe a Flying Eaole, Court of the. Pries/!*. 10. The Four Beasts ^AD each Six Wings about Him* *r» *#P,r* GODS THRONE. The 24 Courses of Lovitical feather-cleft orders, of sing- ers, musiciwisyguards, collectors, caretakers, poi-ters, Ac, which hovered around Temple Worshippers, made 6 wings eaeh, about the^ 4 living creatures. Thus the Elders or Aaronitesf waited upon God's Throne, and the Wings or Jje- vites, attended upon the Congregation, performing ceremo- nial service.— 1 Chron. 24, 20. • 11^ The FOUR^BASTS WEBE PULL OP EyES BePORE AND Behind. Their Rites were a memprial of the Pas/, and a type ot the Future.— H.eh. 10, L ' 12. They were pull op Eyes within. Their '^LeveMion jnlightemd the inward Spiritual Man.— Deut. 6, <>. V 13. They Rest not Day anp Night. ; . The Fire on the Altar, and Lamp of olive oil were kept bumingday and night.— Ex. 27, 20, Lev. 6, 13. 14. Whei^ the four Beasts give GlOby, Honour, Thanks, &c. v», - i. xi. a j* The officiating Priests conducted the services of the 4 di- visions of Temple Worshippers, praising God for all His mercies, and casting their crowns of honour at His feet in Holy adoration. — ^Ex. 28, 29. J5. IJe that Sat upon the Throne, had a Book in His Hand, Sealed with Seven Seals. . . Christ said to His Disciples, "It is not for you to know, the Times and the Seasons, which the Father h^th kept in His own power or Hmid"-—ActiB It 7. I G, The Lion op the Tribe op Judar hath prevailed to open the Bo6k, AND UNLOOSETHE Seven Seals. _^ ^ For it is evident,'that our Lord sprang from the Tribe of , Judah.--B.eh. 7, 14. 1 2 a 4 ■ '^BSiSH!^* T- [3] TBI LITTLE BOOK OPEN. ■ -REV. X.-, ) ^ ' TYPE, The Phrophetic Visions of Daniel and Hzekiel in Babylon. A MIGHTY ANGEL. . 1. JOHN. A Face LIKE THE Sun. © DANIEL. A Face like Lightning.— 10, 6. 2 JOHN. Feet? like Pillars op Fire. DANIEL. Feet like polished Brass.^lO, 6. 3 JOHN, . A VOICE LIKE A ROARING Lion. DANIEL. A Voiee like a Multitude.— 10, 6. y.'i-' ■ "■■-.. .;.■,,•■ 4 JOHN. « He KAisED HIS Hands TO Heaven. DANIEL. He raised his Hands to Heaven,— 12, 7, y ■f^- 5 JOHN. He SwARE BY Him that Liveth forever -AND EVER. DANIEL. He Sware by Him that Liveth forever and ^er.-^2, 7. /_■ ^. ;■ - ; ^ -.v.;- ■■ ."^ :■ 6 JOHN. There shall be Time no Longer. DANIEL, dt shall be for a Tinu, Times and a ifa//.— 12j 7. 7 JOHN. The Angel had in his Hand a little Book Open. DANIEL. The Book is Sealed up tmtil the Time of the end.--12,4. ,- EATING THE BOOK. 8 JOHN. Received THE little Book from the Anosl. EZEEIEL. Received a Boll or Book from the Lord. — 2, 9. 9 JOTTN. Eat the Book which was Sweet as Honey. EZEKIEL. Eat the Book which was vSiwe^^ as Honey.-3,3. 4 I'HB^TWO WITNESSES. 10 JOHN'S BEj.p OR Bowels— figuratively Affections, Was BitterV EZEKIEL. Waa in Bitterness of ^JJptn'^— 3, 14. 11 JOHN. Was sent to Prophecy to the Subjects OP Mym^ic Babylon. — 17, 15. EZEKIEL. Was sent to Prophecy to the Slaves of Ancient Babylon.— /^, II. ' - THE TWO WITNESSES. . REV. XL ■•::'.„■■;■ ' ' ;: ..*;'.• . TYPE, The Minish^j of ChrisL LA Reed to measure the Altar, Temple, and Wor- shippers. (7Am^ applied a measiirihg Rod to the faith and rectitude of Jewish Worshippers, when He announced the Time fulfil- led and the Kingdom of God at Hand.— -Mark 1, 15. 2. Leave OUT the Court without the temple and MEASURE it NOT. " . ': Christ did not applv the :^tt?e of faith to the Gentile Coui-t, where the traders afid money exchangers sat. He drove them out with a Scourge of small cords. — John 2, 15. 3. The Holy City shall they Tread under foot 42 Months. ■■;;-.■ The Holy City— the Heavenly Jerusalem founded by Christ, the Meek and Lowly King of Zion^ was despised and trodden under foot 3| years. — ^Matt. 21, 5. 4. The Two Witnesses. Two Witnesses being necessary to convict of a capital crime. Num. 35, 30 ; Moses and Elias — ^the Law and. the Prophets were represented in Christ. — Matt. 6, 17. J. I WILL GIVE Power unto my Two WitnesseS.^^^^ John the Baptist came in the^ Spirit and Poiver of Elijah, '.; ■ '■''.■ . ■ ■ \ Ions, ■ I THE TWO WITNESSES. of the Gospel Testimony, R«v. 3, 14 ; had jwice*- given Him over all llesh.— John 17, 2. > 6 The Witnesses SHALL PnopiiECY 1260 Days._ ' Christ being a Prophet and Lawgiver, like unto TVIoses, Deut. 18, 15 ; prophecied 1260 days or 3i years. dcUvering the lively Oracles of God. — Acts, 7, 38. 7 The Witnesses WERE Clotjied in Sackcloth. . ' Christ W^ed for the hardness of the people's hearts, and , wept over Jenisalem. — Mark 3, 5. 8 These ARE the two Olive Trees and two Candle- sticks standing before the God of the Earth. Cyist fulfilled the Mission of Joshua and Zerub^l, the two anointed ones, or Sons of Oil, Zech 4, 14 ; ^^:^^ before the God of the Earth, and succeeded in estebhshing the True Worship of God, l>y buUding a Spiritual Temple of Lively ^tbnes.— 1 Peter 2, 5. j The Seven Candlesticks hein^ Seven' Churches, R^. |, ^0 ; Men do not light a can(i/e, and put it under a bushel,— Matt. 5, 15. _^ 9. The Witnesses HAD POWER TO shut Heaven THAT it RAIN NOT. , _„ j^t^^' Cto« commanded the sea and winds to be still, and they obeyad Him.— Ma^t.,8, 27. 10 The Witnesses HAD POWER to turn Water to Blood. ^ ' C^m/ turned Water into Wine.— John 2, 9. 11. The Witnesses HAD power to smite the earth WITH ALL Plagues. ^.^.' t i tt 19 Christ could Heal all manner of Disease.— Luke 17, 1^. 12. Fire PROCEEDED from the Mouth of the Witness- ES ' CAris^. I am come to send fire on the Earth, and what will I, if it be already kindled.— Luke 12, 49. 13 The Witnesses finish THEIR Testimony. 'chiisU Father, I have finished the Work thou gavest me to do.— John 17, 4. 14 . Th e Witnesses are Kih, ep by the Beast of Mys- Tic Babylon from the Bottomless Pit. 6 THE TWO WITNESSES. Christ was' crucified by the Desolatmg B^ust "of Abomina^ tion of the Apostate Jews.— Matt. 24, 16. 15. The DEAD Bodies of the witnesses ^ ere exposed TO PUBLIC VIEW IN THE STREETS OF THE QREAT CiTY. Christ had a watch set over his body at the Sepulchl^.— . Matt. 27, 66..: •: ; ■ . ^.,: ./-■■ 16. The City was Spiritually called Sodom and Eoypt, AND WHERE OUR Lord WAS CRUOIFIED.; Christ said Jerusalem should be held guilty of all the righteous blood, that had beeu shed upon the Earth, from the time of righteous Abel.— Matt. 23, 35.- 17. After 3| Days, the Spirit op Life from, God en^ TEBED THE' Dead Bodies of the Witnesses, and they, stood off THEIR Feet. Chnst. On the third day, He was quickened by the Spirit of Life, from God, and rose from the Dead.— 1 Peter 3, 18 ; Acts 10, 40. 18. Great FEAR fell upon those who seen the Wit- nesses RESTORED TO LiFE, Christ. The Guard at the sepulchre shook with /ear and became as dead men.— Matt. 28, 4. 19. At GREAT Voice from Heaven called the Witness- es to Come up Hither. , Christ. The resurrection Angel's visit wa^: the Heavenly Call oi a great Voice, U) a Seat at the right Hand of the Majesty on High.— Matt. 28, 2. 20. The Witnesses ascended to Heaven in a Cloud. Christ jwds received out of sight in a Cloud. — Acts 1,9. 21. The same Hour there was a OREAt Earthquake. A great Earthqmlce occurred at the resurrection of Christ/ Matt. 28, 2 ; and a great Bevoluti^ on the Day of Pentecost, when the Disciples overcame Judaism, and established i^e , Gospel Kingdom of Grace. — ^Acts 2. 22. The Temple Was Opened in Heaven, and the Ark "OF His Testimony Seen. When the Gospel Temple was opened on the day of Pen- tecost, the Holy Ghost was seen sitting upon each of them, like cloven tongues^of fire. — ^Acts 2, 3. ^ • ) ;':-^^.ii^f.,l 23. A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH ^HE SUJI, "^ There WAS Voices, THyl4:E, Lightnino, gkbat TlSttotos of ttiePivine presence at Mount Sinai^ere t>eoDld with wonder and amazement. The^»pmtuai r^^ CteCmg all in Commotion, a ^e<^ Had SUm^ of Eva^- S Truth, direct from Heaven, ^^^ P^^^f. ^^^.^Hw Sude, which swept away ^hereftige for he8,«md about 3,000 got converted.— Acts 2 ; Isaiah J», u. -^ A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN. : BEV. XII. " rrPi?, Deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt. 1 A Woman clothed with the Sun. - _ •^•-ae wStT were i«mW with, tiie light of ^^r q„i^ from on High, through the mighty works of Moms- Ex. 4,' 30. , .' •-< 9 »HE HAD THE Mo01< UHDEB HbE PEK*. ^■M^^^c^of the Israelites.was5.;^.eMwJienthe Morning of freedom dawned upon them.— 3i.x. li, 4Si. ^ The Woman had a Crown of 12 Stars.- -a" WUto had a Crown of 12 Ancestral Staw-Sew. ofthepatriarch JacQb.^Ex: 1,2.- •■ ^ ' \ 4 The Woman travailed in pain to J^ Dbwy^^^ ^ TnS^Israelites groaned with pain to be dehver^ fwm Egyptian bondage.— Bk. 2, 24. 5. THE i>RA00N stood READY TO DEVOUR THE Cini^_ P^raoh, King of Egypt, called the Dragon, Isaaah 51, 9 ; pought to destroy them.— Ex. 14, 8. ^ : 6 The Woman BROUGHT forth a ^an CHim ._ ^_ The first-bom of Israel, Delivered Jvom the H^* of ^e d^ i pyiag Angal> by t h e pa^sover Blood, was ^ Man CM, Bom unto the liord.— Num. 6» i6. ■jr A WOMAN CLO' 'WITH THE STJN. .*! 8 7. The Child was Caught up to thi^^^h^onb. The Levites being chosen for th^ first-bom, Kum.,. 3^ 12 ; were exalted to Qod^s Thronei by having the Administratton- of His Laws.~Num. 8j 11. 8. The Woman plbd to the \ViLDERNE8a. The Israelites wandered 40 years in the Wilderness,- for unbelief. — ^Num. 14, 34. 9. There was War in Heaven. [,, The Holy Land of the Israelites was a Type of the H<:av- eniy Canaan,— 1 Cor. 10, 11. 10. HiCBAEL. ' V^ ^ /"' ■- The Captain or Prince of the Lord's Host, H^ appeared tinto Joshua at Jericho, with a drawn sword in his hand.— Josh. 3, 13. 11. Michael AND HIS Anoels pouaHt. Joshua and the Israelites fought under Michael the Prince of the Jewish nation. — Dan. 10, 21. 12. The Dragon and his Angels fought. The Canaanites fought under the Prince of darkness— they sacrificed to Devils. — Deut. 32, 17. 13. The Devil and his Angels wjjre cast out of Heaven. Satan, with his subjects, the Canaanites, were overthrown and driven out of the Holy Land.— Josh. 11^ 23. * ' ■ ■ 14. A Loud Voice in Heaven Sayinjs, Now is come the Kingdom OF OUR God AND THE Power OP His Christ. "^^The Kingdom of Isreal, which administered the Statutes and cnrdinances of God, was established in Canaan. Josh. 24,^L-^^^' :•■..: ■■.;:. ■■r/r;-:^. ;■■■■•■■_..:,..' 16. TraiY Loved not their Lives to the Death. The Israelites Loved not their Lives to the I)«a/A required of them. They died to former habits of life, that they might be alive unto God, by keeping the Laws and Com- mandments given at Mount Sinai.— Josh. 1, 16. 1^. THE DRAqON PERSECUTED THE WOMAN IN THE WlL- ■ .DERNESS. -^ ^ ^""■"^^^..w ' ^ ' ■ — Th e D e vil t e mpted t^e I s r a elite s in the Wildernes s , to murmur in unbelief. Caleb and Joshua only, got into the promised Land.— Num. 26, 65. \ 9] 12; ared • V THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. w By Three Angel Messenoeiis, REV. XIV. V T^PElTk& Messages of John tU Baptist, Christ, and ih$Amsiies. *^n... ■:^': • ■..'■'/■■■'^.FIRST^GEL."^, Fear Got) AND Gi^ Glory to Him, i-or the Houh . of His Judgment is Come. JoJm the Baptist. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaveiv# at hand,— prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make Uw paths strait.— Matt. 3, 2. ; SECOND ANGEL. Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great City. Christ. 6, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that l^est the Prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often woisld I have gathered thy chUdren together, even as a hen gath^reth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. Behold your house is left unto you desolate, for I say unto you, ye: shall not see me henceforth, tiU ye jhallflay, Blessed is He that Cometh in the name of the Lord.— Matt* 23 37. THIRD A^GEL. i If ANY MAN worship THE BEAST OR HIS IMAQ^ THB SAME SHALL DRINK OF THE WII^E OF THE WRATH OF CxOD. ^;?os«es. For the wrath of God has come Upon th©m^ the Jews, to the uttermost— ! Thess. 2, 16. They shall be tormented with Firb and Brim- V ■;.-.■- ;^- ,•;/,;■• STONE, '&6.. -■ ■-■-■■■; ' ■' AposUes. Forif we smwillfully, after that we hi^ereC€^^^^ ed the knowledge of the Truth, there remain^h no raoi^ sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of jud^^ ment, and "Fieri, indignation which shall devour ^jl^^^^^^ fg- ries, Heb. 10, 26 ; For our God is a consuming 12,29. 10 CHRIST S EVERLASTINO REST, ]W ;1 Ir.-* ■ k.;: They shall be tormented in the tresence of the Holy Anoblb, and in the fresenob of the Lamb. Apostles. And of some have compassion, making a differ- ence, and others save with fear, pulline them out of the fire. Jude22. * These have no Rest Day |*or NioHt, that worship THE Beast and his Image. AposUes. Christ said, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, Matt, 11, 29 ; Hence the Apostle declares, that we which have believed do enter into i2M/.— Heb. 4, 3. ^ Here is the patience of the Saints; Here are^ they that keep the commandments of god AND THE Faith of Jesus. Apostles. Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience, inherit the promises. — Heb. 6, 1 2. CHRIST'S EVERLASTING REST. And I heard A Voice from Heaven saying tjnto me Write Blessed are the Dead which Die in the Lord. The earthquake at the death of Christ— the Saints which arose and appeared unto many in the Holy City,— the dark- ening of the sun, and rending the veil of the Temple, Matt. 27, 46 ; was a Foice from Heaven, declaring Christ who had died, blessed. : ;, From henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea. From henceforth the Spirit performs tlie work. An angel or spirit rolled away the stone from the sepulchre. Matt. 28, 2 ; Christ was put to death in the .flesh and quickened by the ^^tf 1 Peter, 3, 18 ; and the second Adam was made a quiifckening Spirit.—- 1 Cor. 15. 45. V THAT THEY MAY Re S T FROM THEIR liABOURa Christ saidi Father I have finished the work thou gavest ine to dp, John 17, 4 ; for'He that is entered into ids rest, > CHRIST'S EVERLASTINO REST. 11 hath ceased from his labours, as God did from Uis.— Heb. 4,10. And THEIR Works FOLLOW TiiEM. Christ done many mighty works, Ho raised Lazarus atul others from tho dead, and now His works follow Him^ Ho was resurrected from tho dead himself. THE GOSPEL^REST OF THE DISCIPLES. :. The rushing mighty wind, on tho day of Pentecost, and the cloven tongues of fire „that sat upon each of them, Acts 2, 2 ; was a Voice from Heaven, declaring tho Disciples, who had died in tho Lord,^Blessed.— Col. 3, 3. From henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea. From this time forward the Disciples were led by the spint, Gal. 5, 18 ; lived in the spirit, G&\. 5, 25; walked in the spirit, Gal. 5, 16 ; prayed in thp spmY, Eph. 6, 18 ; sung ia the spirit, 1 Cor. U, 15,; sealed by the spm7, Eph. 1, 13 ; and if any had not the spirit they were not of Christ.— Rom. 8, 9. That THEY may Rest from their Labours. The Disciples took the easy yoke of Christ upon them, and found rest to their souls, Matt. 11, 28 ; from the weari- some labour, and heavy burdens of the law.— Lu'ke 16, 46. And their Works follow them. The Disciples raised others frOm Spiritual death, by cast- ing out evil spirits, Matt. 10, 1 ; and now their works follow them. They are quickened by the Spirit, and resurrected to newness of life themselves.— Rom. 6, 4. 0' [12 3 THE HARVEST AND VINTAGE. EEV. XIV. TYPE, The Ooq)el Labour of Christ and the Apostles. THE WHEAT HARVEST OF XIHRIST,— viz. : The Oosrpel of the 'Kingdom. 1. One like the Son of Man sitting on a White . . Cloud. A cloud of witnesses being the symbol )»f a multitude, Heb. 12, 1 ; tlie Divine power of Chiist, sat iWn the white cloud of 70 assistants, whom He sent to heal ajl manner of disease, and cast out devils. —Luke 10, 1. 2. Having on his Head a Golden Crown! Christ Mvm the Son of David, Matt. 1, 1 ; the King of Israel, John 1,49; and Pmce. of life.— Acts 3, 15. 3. In His Hand a Sharp Sickle. Christ came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the King'- dom of God, saying the time is fulfilled. Repent, the King- dom of Heaven is at hand. — Mark 1, 14. 4. An Angel from thi? Temple in Heaven, called upon Him to Reap. - The Holy Spirit who sat upon Christ like a Dove at His baptism, Matt 3, 16 ; was the Heavenly Messenger who call- ed upon Him to thrust in His sickle and reap, in the white ripe fields of Judea and Galilee. When commencing the work, Christ said to His Disciples. . Lift up your eyes and see Ktlje fields are already white to harvest, John 4, 35 ; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the har- vest, that He will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matt 9, 38 ; for he that gathereth notVith me, scattereth abroad.— Matt 12, 30. - ' When he had gathei^ed the wheat into the garner, and thoroughly purged His floor with the fan ot Hk hand, com- mittiiig the chaff to unquenchable fire. Matt 3, 12; He lifted his eyes to Heaven and reverently said. Father, I have finished the work thou gavest me to do.— John 17, 4. ^ THE MILLENNIUM. 13 s. ■ I THE VH^TAOE OF THE APOSTLES,~viz. : Ike Gospel of the Resurrection. 5. Another Anoel with a Sharp Sickle. Peter. Ye men of Israel hoar these wonls, Jcsihj of Naza- reth, whom ye have taken, and by wicked hands have cru- cified and slain, this same Jesus hath God raised up, and made Him both Loikl and Christ, whereof wo are all wit- nesses. — ^Acts 2, 22. , 6. An Anoel from the Altar in Heaven, with power over fire, called upon Him to Reap. Christ was called to the wheat liarvest at His baptism, when the Holy Spirit sat upon Him like a dove, and the Holy Ghost, which sat upon the Disciples, at their baptism, on the day of Pentecost, like cloven tongues of Jire, Acts 2, 3 ; was the Heavenly Messenger that called them to labour in the Vineyard of the Lord,— to thrust in the Gospel sickle and gather the vine of the earth. Three thousand branches of Christ, the true vine, John 15, 5 ; were harvested on the first day, at the great vintage of Pentecost. — Acts 2, 41. 7. Blood came out of the avine press, even to the horses bridles, by the space of 1,600 furlongs. ' The Blood of the grapes— the new wine of the Kingdom, miraculously over-flowed from the Gospel winepress at Pen- tecost. The Heavenly /SJpinV expressed upon that occasion, not only unbridled the tongues of the Disciples, but over- whelmed all who were outside of the Holy City, to the marvellous space of every i?ace and language under Heaven. — A^ts 2, 5. ; ■ , .i '. ■■ , TIE MILLENNim REV. XX. TYPE, The Gospel versus JudaisMi - — AN ANGEL, viz. ; th e Apostles. The seven stars, are the angels or ministers of the seven churches, Rev. 1, 20; Peter being chief speaker of the ^v 14 THE MILLENNIUM. ■r disciploH, luul flpncially oominisAionnfl to food tito Hhoep and lamlm of the Lonl's flock, furniRhoH an oligihlo ij\te or roproA<5titativc, of tho Apostle Messengers of tho goBpcL— John, 21, 15. 2. Havino THK Kky of thk Bottomlfas Pit, via.: SpirituaHy IJnlightened Pftter, I will give unto tlico, tho keys of tho kingdom of lieaven, and whatsoever tliou alialt bind on earth, shall bo bound in heaven, Matt., IG, 19; tho Smritual Illumination of tho apostles, by the l)apti8m of the Holy Ghost, on tho ulchre'8, Matt. 23, 37, Mlyort^d destroyers, Rev. 9, loyal j^PP^ts— the Jews, done it the Devil, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning.-— John 8, 44. 5. The Binding OF Sata^,— viz. : Th$ Congest of Jtidaism by the Gospel. The Jewish Dragon— that great enemy of Chriat. who had fallen from grace, being in open rebellion resisted the truth, making war upon the Kingdom of God by beheading John the Baptist, who announced it,--crucifying the Prince^ ^fm TIIK MILLENNIUM. 15 "f ^^^^ Mi^P^^^f^ •*'' '^^^l "laying tho army of inno<;ATlt» at <*«tfllilijjjt<) (lUtroy it, Matt. 2, 16 ; but Peter b«ing in- v^^l WlttWho koys of hoavon, and power to hind mmn \..mSf ^'*'' "^ olovon Apostlou mighty in fuitli, Hk htoou *i?lnT» dcfonCe of thoir spiritual riglit«, ---tho heavenly Jor- UBaloni, ab(f goHind city of tlio living (Jod, Ilch. 12, 22 ; The old Heri)ont wa« conquered and wounded, pricked to the heart with the sword of the Hpirit— tho word of God, Eph. 6, 17, made prisoner and effectually hound — not by a fine spun Thread of eloquence, but witli the great Chain of unde- niable facts, recorded in the gospel of trutli. Thus the per- secuting fiend of Judaism was defeated, captured and Iwjuntl, in the prcsimco of a multitude of witnesses, from every nation under heaven, with the greatchain of wonderful events, in the han, Jews Blinded. The incorrigible Sodomites were smote with blindness^ be- fore they were destroyed, Gen. 19, 11 ; The hardened Egyptians were imprisoned in darkness, before they were overwhelmed in the Red Sea, Ex. 10, 21 ; The fallen angels were reserved in chains uf darkness unto judgment, 2 Peter, 2, 4; andihe Apostate Jewish Dragon whose ^yes were ^hjMf^df^m effectually shut up, in the darkness of Uie abyss, iwrmevitable punishment. — Rom. 11, 7. j Peter being in posscsaion of the keys of heaven-- evangeli- cal primacy, hurled the Jewish fiend — that deicide monster of iniquity, into a dungeon abyss, through the life giving gos- pel light of the world, and power of the Holy Ghost, veri- fying the prophecy of Joel, that Judaism,— the moral lumi- nary of the Jews, Would be totally eclipsed and turned into darkness. Acts 2, 20 ; by the rising brightness of the sun of righteousness, with healing in his wings, Mat. 4, 2 > Thus the Jewish demon, was cast into the bottomless pit of Egyptian darkness, which he felt, Acts 2, 37, by an angel messenger of the heavenly Mount Zion, clothed in the gos- pel armour of Mght.--Rom, 13, 12. 7. Satan Sealed,— viz. ; The rejection of the Jews confirmed by the sure word of prophecy. / :-^: -The miraculous manifestation of the spirit, in the gift of (ongues,--^p\xhUcly expressed by the preaching of the gospel. 4 •■* 16 THE MILLENNIUM. in every language under heaven, confounding with wonder and amasement, the devout Jews from *verjr nation, as- sembled at Jerusalem, — accompanied by rejoicmgs with joy unspeakable and full of glory, 1 Peter, 1, 8 ; closed up and finished the ceremonial testimony of Moses. And,when the Jewish serpent, — ^to whom the vision of all, was a sealed book, Isaiah, 29, if; mocked and scoffed, at the great Pen- tecostal work of God, «aying, these men are drunk— -they are fall of new wine, Peter opened the Book of the prophet Joel, and from the lively oracles of God, read t^e decree of Holy Writ, which confirmed and sealed up for- ever the dark bondage of the dragon. — Acts 2. " Thus Peter overcome the demon of Judaism, by all con- quering /aiVA, bound and secured him with the bright shin- ing chain of gospel truth, cast him into a dungeon, through the heavenly baptism of life-giving spiritual /tc/^/, and sealed his captivity, by a Jitef al fiilfiUment of the sure word of pro- phecy. /; The word of God that proves" a savour of life unto life to believers, is a savour of death unto death to the unbelieving, .2 Cor., 2, 16; and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that moves holy men of God to speak as the spirit gives them utterance, Acts 12, 4 ; Seals up the lips of the ungodly, by giving them a spirit of tormenting fear, 2 Tim.'l, 7 ; Thus ' the blaspheming tongue of the Jewish Dragon was bound and sealed up in the silence of darkness, that he should de- ceive the nations no more with that uni:uly member, until the thousand years was finished. MILLENNltrM^lOOO YEARS,— viz. : The great Pay of Gospel Rest^ Ow« Daf^ is with the Lord as 1000 yewrs, and 1000 yea.rs as one day, 2 Peter, 3, 8; For if Joshua had given them Rest, then he would not afterward ha,d spoken of another Day, Heb. 4, 8 ; Take heed therefore brethren, lest ther^ be in any of y«uan evil heart of Unbelief, in tieparting from the living God, Heb. 3, 12; ro-t^ayifyewill hear his voice, harden, not your heart, Heb. 3, 7 ; for we which have helieved, do enter into jRes^.— Heb. 4, 3. The Apostles had now fuUy entered upon the gospel rest, to which Christ ha4 invited all who were weary and heavy THE MILLENNIUM. 17 from employment— neither temporal nor spiritual, but it consisted in being buried with Christ, by the baptism pf the Holy Ghost, and raised up to newness of life, Kom. 6, 4, exemplified in a quickened faith — livelier Jtope, — undying con- fidence and unwearied diHgence, in the cause and service of God. Thus the Apostles had the reality of the 1000 year Bym}aQ\-— -SkliteTdX Sahhath day rest Their gqspel rest with Phrist, was gldrious. -^Isaiah, 11, 10. 9. The 1,000 YEARS finished, fulfilled, &c., viz. :— When the Mystic Body of Christy the second Adaniy was :^ ■ : created^ theiiew iv&rhs of God were finished, an^^ the gospel . Sahbath rest fulfilled. Brethren, look ye out among^^ you, seven men of honest report, fViU of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business, but we will give ourselves cort- tinually to prayer ^d to the ministry of the word. — Acts.6,;3. : , ''^'■- . ■ < '■4'-:'; ;:, '.,■■■ No man taketh this honour upon himself to be a Priest of the sanctuary to minister in sacred things^ unless called of God, as was Aaron.— Heb. 5, 4. Peter was thrice called to the high office of shepherd and pastor of the Lord's flock.— John 21,15. He was not only called to the sacred trust of the cure of souls, but he was the chosen foundation Bock to build the Church of Christ upon— the church of the living God, that the gates of hell 3hould not prevail against. —Matt. 16, 18, The First Church^The Primitive Church. The Model Chmh— The Froiotyj^e Church. The Mother ChurcJir— The Metropolitan Church. The Apostolic Church— The Evangelical Church. The Militant Chufch— The Gospel Millennium Church. The Mount Zioii Church— The City of the Living God and Heavenly Jerusalem, the Church of the first bom whose names wercf written in Heaven. — Heb. 12, 22. Peter had the ineffable honour of creating the mystic BODYt)F Christ— the Church, and inspiring the organized members of his body, flesh and bones, with the vigour of active life.— Eph. 5, 30. Of forming the first Elect Lady. CAwrcA, breathing into her nostrils the breath of life, and espousing her as a chaste virgin to Christ.— !B Cor. 11, 2. Then was the gospel millennium fulfilled artd finished, the kingdom of grace established, the church built upon a rock that defied the tempests of pe r secution, fie r y trials and 18 THE MILLENNIUM. death to move it ; then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee, and Samaria, ah^ were edified, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost were multiplied. — Acts 9, 31, 10. The Souls of the Beheaded, viz. :—jrA« Leader cut off. Wherein few, that is eight soit/s were saved by water.— 1 Peter 3, 20. Let every soul he subject unto the higher powers.— Rom. 13, 1. ^ The Apostles were not only a headless hand through the loss of their leader, but the chief man oi their society was commanded to be the servant of all.-— Matt. 23, 11. This inversion of the ordinary rulos of distinction mado them literally m. organized body without any visible head. Christ having given orders to call no man master.— Matt. 23, 8. Paul calls the attention of erring believers to the true discipline of the church by saying, Let n(^ man glory, for all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos; or Cephas, or the \*"orld, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's.^ — 1 Cor. 3, 22. This company of revived souls, with- out any head at all over them, lived and reigned with Christ 1,0C0 years. 11. 1 Saw Thrones, and they Sat upon Them. Unto Him that loved U8>. and washed Us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God. To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. — Rev. t 6. 12. And Judgment WAS oiven unto Them. -— -;- f ■X0' For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.^-1 Peter 4, 17. Then said Peter unto Ananias, \?hy hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land. While it remained was it not thine own, and after it was sold was it not in thine own power ; thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God, a.nd Aiianias hearing these words feU down and gave up the ghost. To Sapphira^he said, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much, and she ^aid '■* . THE MILLENNIUM. 19 * . yea, for so much. Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit 0/ the Lord. Behold the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out. Theifsshe fell down straightway at his feet and yielded up the ghost. — Acts 5, 1. He that is spintual judgeth all things, yej; He himself i^" judged of no man.— 1 Cor. 2, 15. Thus the souls of the behea4ed followers of Christ sat as kings upon thrones, ad- ing the laws and giving judgment in the gospel of grace. SATAN RELEASED. 13. Satan Loosed for a Little Season, aATHiERS Gog^ AND Magog to surround the Camp of the Saints. The Jews were the most implacable enemies of the Apos- tles and Christian Church. The heathen and Gentiles might be converted, but the Jews never. When tiiey would^ not believe in Christ who went about doing good and heal- ing the sick, they would not be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.— Luke 16, 31. They not only trampled under foot the religion of Christ in their own nation, iillmg up the measure- of their iniquity, but they sent deputies, delegates and emissaries to oppose and circumvent the Apos- tles among the Gentiles, literally surrounding and besieging the camp of the Saints. They gathered Gog and Magog— enemies of G^ot^— from the four-quarters of the earth, against the Apostles by false accusations, raising seditious, inciting mobs and riots to get them maltreated and expelled from foreign countries for the purpose of suppressing the work of God. , Christianity being founded upon Moses and the Prdphets, its adherents were denounced by the Jews as fanatical schismatics, and apostates from the religion of their people and the fathers. The gospel having originated in Judea, and its author being a Jew, l^e leading men of the nation execrated christians as incorrigible heretics, propagating dangerous doctrines and innovations, subversive of all exist- ing institutions. Imagining themselves responsible to the world for the seeming revolutionary tendency of the gospel, they considered it an imperative duty— a sacred trust im- 20 THE MILtENNIUM. pcMsed upon thiem— to destroy the religion of Christ from off the face of the earth. Led on by their Wind zeal, malignant bigotry, religious hate and intolerance, their whole soul was enlisted in the fiendish work of seeking to annihilate the infant Church of Christ, under the false belief that they Vere serving God in so doing. Thus' the demon of Judaism gathered Gog and Magog^ — Gentile enemies of God in Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, and from the universal Homan Empire — to surround and besiege the clamp of the Saints to exterminate them. f THE JUDGMENT. 14. Fire from God out of Heaven descends upon Satan's Host. A fearful retribution of wrath and fiery indignation was poured out upon Jerusalem and the Jewish nation. * For the powers that be are ordained of God, Bom. 13, 1 ; And the Heavens do rule, Dan. 4, 26. ;, The righteous vengeance of HeSiven overtook them in their mad career of wickedness,' which consumed and devour- ed them, the wriatb of God burnecl ngRmst them in the Councils of great Rome in the Legions and Coharts of the Roman soldiers to their utter destruction by sword, famine and flame. Even in their own bosom the wickednesii that burns as a fire, burst out in fratricidal strife — gjluft^ ting their revenge upon each other in^ blood— slaugh- tering their brethren in presence of the coptimon eriemy, until the unhappy sin-cursed wretches, were consumed from off the land, and not one stone left upon another in Jerusa- lem, that stronghold of Satan and city of the Great King. Thus the fires of a vindictive justice, overwhelmed and de- voured those incorrigible enemies of G^. 15. Satan cast into the Lake of Fire and Brim- stone—where THE Beast and false PROPkET are: The fiendish unbelieving Jew, was driven out of the Holy Land, carried into captivity among all nations, and baptised with afflictions, in a lake of Sodom,— suff^ering eternal ven- geance in wickedness that burneth as fire, among the heathen where the beastly governments of the Gentile dogs, and false Prophets of Idolatry are. * •f: THE MILLENNIUMi 21 ■it ♦ 16. Satan shall be tormented Day and Night for- ' EVER AND EVER,— viz. : EudUss/ cwptimUj and no na- tional restoration of the caitial Jew^. No one acquainted with the histoid of the dispersed Jews, but knows to a certainty, that this state of torment \b literally fulfilled upon them. Those who escaped with their lives from that terrible visitation, were driven out of their country into exile,-^sold into slavery, — destroyed by wild beasts ii|i the- atres,— compelled to fight a,s gladiators and kill each othet in public shows for the amusement of the populace. They were expelled from nearly every nation under Heaven where they had fled for refuge from their calamity, and their property confiscated when they had any. No country wanted them, and no people would protect them ; they were made a hissing and byword among all nations, i)eut. 28, 37. The unfortunate vagrant wandering Jew, .and it is only in some countries they are tolerated at the present time, and fewer still in which they have any political rights. Tribulation and afflictions have been their portion, and will be day and night forever and ever as nominal Jews. The only hope towards God, for the unbelieving Jew, being in the fact that he was not made a cas/aimy froih salva- tion, which the Apostle Paul so clea,rly proves in his Epistle to the Romans, 11, 1, by addhcing his own case as an in- stance, that an Israelite would be accepted of the Lord, and have th6 veil taken off his eye^and lieartj^ if he should re- pent and exercise faith in Christ A national restoration of the \ Jews is frequently inferred from ih^i blindness in part that happened to Israel, until the ■fullness of the Gentiles be come In, Rom. II, ^5; but that event holds ciut but a slight hopevfor the unconverted Jew, when it is considered that the closing scenes of the times \of the Gentile are significantly marked, by signs of the coming oMllhrist in the clouds of Heaven, wliich introduces the resuirection and end of the world, Luke 21, 24 ; when all kindU'eds of the earth shall wail because of Him, and they also--yihe Jews— that pierced Him, Rev. 1,7. Neverthe- f lessjyoccording to promise, we expect at His coming that He wilVsend his Angels and gatlier the elect, from the four winds of P(mven, Matt. 1. 24 31 ; and not a national gathering of the n THE IflLLENNIUH. There are no promises of restitution within the covers of the Bible for those who are Jews outwardly, for they are no Jews at all} Rom. 2, 28 ; nor are they the promised seed of Abraham, as heirs of the projnaises, Gal. 3. 16. The bond!- woman and her son that were caet put never returned, Gal. 4, 30 ; and never can but as pellitent prodigals, Luke 15,* 18. Thus the apostate fiend of Judaism, must bear his tor- ment day and night forever and ever. \ . — THE KINGDOM OF GOD. ^ ^— - - - 17, I sA>v a: GREAT White Thrqne,— viz..- Church. . The Oospel The congregation .of the Israelites was God's Throne, Ex. 17,. 16 J but their temple being destroyed, md the people dispersed into all nations, the ^reat JFhite Throne o{ God, with the Kingdom and administmtion of His laws, were transferred to His servants of the ^spel Church, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.— Rev. 1,5. 18. I SAW THE Dead small and great stand before GoB^'^xiz.: Jew and Gentile dead in sin before the Christian Church. The handwriting of Ordinances being, abolished. Col. 2, 14 ; and the partition wall between Jew and Gentile broken down, all people, nations and tongues of the earth, Jew and Gentile, great and smaU stood before God^ in the common equality of the grave, dead in their trespasses and sins of un- beliof:— Ep. 2j 1. . lNd the Books were 0PENED,--viz. : 3f!^: ^n/m^* of Moses and the Prophets fulfilled. After the resurrection of Christ, he opened the Scriptures to his Disciples, by showing them fulfilled in himself, Luke 24, 32 j and How again, when the work that He cam© to do is all finished, the writings of Mofies and the Prophets are opened, understood and known to be fulfilled, in the atoning Lamb that was slain,— the jJewish nation broken and dis- persed, and the gogpcl given for alight to the Gentil es . - — Isaiah 42, 6. ■v._ ■ . •;..■■-■ ■ ; ■-■ •.-'■■ #.. .■ ; ■•"..:. !■ ; THE MILLENNIAL ALLEGORY. 23 WAS OPENED, WHICH IS THE y/k! Gospel History of tlis Evan- 20. And another Book Book of Life, — viz, '' gelists fulfilled. The Gospel of the JVeu; Testaynent is emphatically a Book of Life. It brought life and iihmo^lity to light, 2 Tim. 1, 10. It was dXm opened, — read, understood and known to be fulfilled in the doctrines, miracles, life, death and re- surrection of Christ. . MILLENNIAL ||iLEGORT. THE BINDING OF SATAN. Peter was an angel messenger of the Lord, commissioned to feed the sheeji and Iambs of the flock. He had the keys of the King;dom of Heaven; with power to loose and bitid upon earth, and opened the door into the kingdom of grace — the gospel Ghurch of Christ— by preaching the first sermor on the day of Pentecost. He laid hold upon Satan, tha* old serpent the Jewish dragon, and bound him, not witn a fine spun thread 6i eloquence, but with the great chai^ of marvellous events recorded in gospel history, the mira life, death and resurrection of Christ, and_ cast him i^to a bottomless pit of Egyptian darkness, which he feli and called upon the brethren for light to find a way of/escape from his dungeon. But Peter confirmed his dark bondage by afiiiing the broad seal of Heaven upon hini^ the sure word of prophecy by. the mouth of Joel, and other/Prophets of the Lord. > / The^ Gospel Millennium^; Peter and his brethren, arrived headless band of Disciples, sat down upon thrones to live .and reign with Christ 1 ,000 years in a Sabbath gospel rest, which was fulfilled and finished by a new creation of the body of Christ— an' or- ganized C'Attrcii, formed out of the members of His body, flesh and bones, standing upon the rock Peter, which the gajbes of hell cotll^ not prevaU against. n THE BESURRECnON OF CHBIST. — Tbe Loosing OF Satan. Satan, the persecuting demon of Judaism was then bosed for a little seion, about 30 years, who gathered Gog and Magog— all the Gentile enemies of God-from the four- quSs of the earth, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, and the . Tversll Roman Empire,'inciting them on to.Burromid and Wege the camp of the Saints for the fiendish purpose of exterminating them from off the face of the earth. t;^ /The Punishment OF Satan. "^ ' The fire of God's wrath, the destroying legions of Rome, fell upon and devoured them. And tSie Jewish dragon wa^ rit into a lake of fire and brimstone, «tfnong the heathen where Sodomite wickedness burneth as fire where the Stly goveniment of the Gentile dogs and false Prophet^ of idolatry ar^, to be tormented and driven from place tq pUra hWand by-word among all nation^the vagrant wandering Jew. The General Judgment. The handwriting of ordinances being ^lished, the peo- ple^and nations of the earth, JeW anS Gentile, great and small, stood before God in t^common equ^ity of^the grave, dead in their4respasses j|| sms of unbelief. Then L books of Moses and the aihets were opened under, stood, and seen fulfilled in the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb of Gid, the dispersion of the Jews, aud ^ving the gospel for alight to the Gentiles. Aiid another book-theboc^^ -of Itfe was opened-the New Testament that brought Me and immortality to light. It was opened read and seen . SSin the doctrini, miracles, life, death and resurrec- • tion of Christ.,-* THE KESIJEKEGTION OF CHBIST. this is the chief corner stone of the Christiaji /eligion ; for if Christ he not ri « en, the Apostles axe found «„.>.^„„ «v.^ i.oii«,7Arfl am vet in their sms. That there was ' nessesvaSd believers are yet m their sins. That there jm such a person as Christ, must be^clear to every one, for all k Qosed ; and four- d tbo d and ose of Rome, m was atheu, re the ophets lace to agraxit le peo- at and of the Then under- 3 Lamb > gospel le book ght life id seen esuirec- feligion; jlse witr THE RESURKEC3TI0N OF CHRIST. 25 here was e, for all : religious svstems, as well as secular governments, must have had founders, whether Jewish, Pa^an, Mahometan, or the ' religious sects of Methodists, Baptists, &c. It is quite as clear tliat Christ was put to death as a malefa^stor. This stigma of reproach is acknowledged by Christians. It is also quite as evident, that none of Christ's Disciples or fol- lowers were put to death with Him. Whether Uiey eluded 1 capture from cowardice,'renounced his cause, or partly both, will be a subject of inquiry. .1^ Without having recourse to well attested historical facta in support of the Resurrection of Christ, we will confine our observations to the internal evidence of the subject, aj^peal- ing to the reason of every man. That we may do this un- derstandingly, it will be necessary, as a preliminary to our investigations, to inquire into the character and conduct of the Disciples, upon whose testimony the merits of the case chiefly depends. 1st. The Disciples were not vagrant, vicious characters, for their nomadic manner of life gave them such an exten- sive field to operate in— all over Palestine — that any indul- gence in theft, or any other mischievous propensity, would have afforded a much desired opportunity for the rulers to / suppress and abolish the ministry of Christ altogether, by causing his speedy arrest, as jleader of the band. 2nd. They were not indolent, worthless characters, who get weary and discouraged J nor faithless, capricious laen, who get easily offended, leaving one day and returning the next. Some of them were husbands and fathers, and all of them had honest callings to make a livelihood by; but they continued faithful with their Master to the end. 3rd. They were not self-conceited free thinkers; they vere governed, jn all their intercourse with Christ, by a strict regard to their national relijgion and faith. In com- mon with other Jews, they expected the Messiah, hence Philip said to Nathaniel, ** We have found Him of whom Moses in the Taw and the prophets did write." And when Christ gave Nathaniel a test of his superior knowledge, He confessed at once, and said, " Thou art the King bf Israel" 4th. They were not passive/ obsequious adherents, sub- missively yielding up their judgment, or well-foun d ed opinions. They interrogated Christ concerning the mean- '/ * ■ !B6 THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. princij Til in/and import of His discourses. They deliberated inong thimse vesrcarefully considering their own, as well as their . mSs affairs, keeping .with vigilance a close scruhny upon all He said and don^^ They Uon^r reasoned among themselves, but communed and consulted *with others f^ they could promptly respond to the inquirv of Ch««*; JX, !^the desired infomation, concerning what the people thought^ of Him. 1^^ ^^^^^^^j ^^ ^^^^ religious twjning and incipies ip the end. Their private opinions of Chnst were verSedTy the example of Moses, their great prophet "only judged Cbrist by their highest attainments pf. knowledge, and the greatest man in the whole .v. le of their prophets, but their confidence m Him de- ^:- , lea altogether lipon the successful issue of his mission, Moses, o4rcoming all obstacles. James and John re- ' .ted thkt tLy migEt sit on His right and Idt hand m the Kingdom.! ind when Christ spoke of His hum^tion and death, atl Jerusalem, Peter, their spokesman i^u^ Him, for they W good reason to believe^ by the miracles He wrought, tW He was the great man He claimed to be, and, like MoseL, they expected He would triumph ov^ aU His ememies. i Hence they venr naturally supposed that no such misfortunUfiUld befell Him. »"* ^^J? ^^ ^^,*', rested, and His Wpa^n* impotency discovered, they became Shamed, deserte^ana denied aU knowledge of Hi^^^ i^^2 they found that He was actuaUy put ta death, then aU^their bright hopes withered and perished, and their feelmgs found vent in the mournful lament-not for tbejmwi, but for the seeming failure of His and their <»««gC7^*7*TJ/^^lJ« had be?n He that would have^deUveifcd Iswe';. ^^^**^! Disciples wore honest men, and acted ^is*®?*iy^*V3 leUgious convictions, in aU their intercourfife^ ^»«8t^«J« to «ip the climax Judas, like a true Jew, sold hia Master ■ fbrgain^ .' , : . ^. •_ ,-" ■. ..•: V;,' ■■.',•.■:' ;'. ■■/•■": frokthe foregoing, it wm be seen that^e^ -not brought up in religious ignorance or heath en _btoidne8S, to be deluded by reli^ous farse pretences. Theu- cunosity for marvels and wonders could not have begiided them, for ^ they were instructed in the mighty works of Moses jnd^He y ~>r" THE HESURRECTION OP CHRIST. 27 long iheir ifciny nong I, for with ughtft ; and wore phet. Its of, yhole «; Vi nde-;^:. jsion, n re- ' ndin ifttion )uked raclea to be, er all Lat no as ar - ecame When 1 their found or the Btedit 18, the h their st, and li^ier 38 werQ adness, - mositjr lem^for ^d the Prophets, and had intelligence of the exorcising of evil spirits by men of thoir own nation. At the apprehension and death of Christ, we (liscover their religious consistency with an extenuation, if not a full justification, from the , Vchaige of p)rfi/' / THK IlKBURRECnON OF CMlllST. Mo«wi deliverwl thorn from tho hand (»f thfl ((pfirnMor, founded th«ir kingdom, and made their laws ; whdo Christ cond«nmcd thoir nd«rfl, dcspiHed iheir law8, and founded nothing for thorn, hut on the contrary, was Adjudged a dangoroug man to their nation, and put to death as a transgressor. Why, then, should any Jew esteem Christ worthy of more honour than Moses 1 This mystery can only be accounted for by the resurrection of Christ from the dead, as they testify themselves. His vic- tory wks spiritual ; He conquered and overcome death, the king of terrors; led captivity captive, and gave spiritual gifts to His people. Moses had been instrumental in giving the Jews a goodly heritage, the Jerusalem, which was then in bondage with her children ; but by the victory and resur- rection of Christ, He brought his servants to Mount Zton, the city of the living God, and to an innumerable company of Angels, where they have spiritual food of the hidden manna, and drink from the wells of salvation. Hence, with propriety, the Disciples could assert the superiority of Christ . over Moses, and worship Him as divine. For now is Christ risen, and become the first fruits of them that slept What earthly object could the Disciples have in view, to report Christ risen from the dead; if it was not sol Would a collusion be held Ijy so many, of no possible utility, at the risk of their lives? Some were men of families, and all of them had felatives and connections, to disgrace and bring into jeopardy. And let it be remembered, the testimony of these men are not alone in this matter. Eye witnesses of ' the gentler sex is involved. It was a female who first seen and reported Christ risen from the dead. A company of women went to the grave and found it empty, when another one seen two angels at the grave, and, turning round, seen apd spoke with Christ himself. Then did a number of men and women, some of them fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, conspire together to propagate an unmitigated falsehood, of no possible expediency, but on the contrary, at the peril of their lives. To believe that a mixed company of both sexes could unite to di8Bemina,te a mischievous lie, with the blood stains of Calvary, and ignoQiimous fate of Cfaript Wore their eyes, is too great a stretch of credulity for iffl^y sensible mMQ^^ BuV if ^l^ese people were it ;r- TIIK UKHUIlHKCniON OK ■♦.', K ' ■<■ « , : J ■ ■ Lm ■ , v; ■' ■;. ■..- ^ , . ...■■,.-#. 1 m f s .;;*;:^;A;^ •", f i'. 1 W V ■-;;-":';-/',^. ■■■.: ■■ M : . * , ■■ ». ■■ ■ ■ - ' .. 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