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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 163 ■ to 2.5 2.2 ZO 1.8 1.6 A /APPLIED IKV1GE '653 EosI Main Slreel Rochester, New York U609 USA (716) +82 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 -Fox mm: :©-:!«,^,.ipia'--" DENDRITES, BATeilClilANS AND REPTILES Of NOVA SCOIIA, By a. H. MacKAY, Ll. D., F. R. S. C. Fnnit the I'nx rfdi ikJs nf lie \,,r,i Scn/iaii In^ilihilr nf Siiciic, \'iil. IX. Srssimi IS'.'',-'.":. 1:1 \0i^3^ #n^ K "'^"im •n*. J'^JAiX^ .-.„^fal^^ ?-fir, I^ii^&iyu;; i XXXVIII I'ROCKEDINOH. -m 14T9G I'orinH Olihl.VAItV MKKTr.NMi. Cif.'/ Cuunril Cluunhn, JI„,if,u, ,n,U Fehn.anj, 1800. Tlic I'ltKsinKNT ill the cliiiir. e nsftuto, n , „ .,f .,.,Hs,. frceston. five tinu. the Hnoa. Z.21 o t ,.e.,ue.| pl,ot.^..phic n,,n.entatio„ ,ivo,. below, and benr "I 1. sc. tH,K vo.y elosoly ,„ gonemi outline tbe figures and color of .son^ of the buely spraye.l, red for wbich they M-ere no, uhrlv a en. ... ,^ the ordinary b.,..,,,. tests, the si.uLto.I fro.uW U I -.1 alga turne.l out to be an oxi.le of n.anganese instead of a fossil, ad I .i, \ X X I X MA.KVV OX MAV.;anksK I.KNDIMTRS. tl..' mi.Tfw„i.,. " P»".' ""..1,1 l„ i,'^ !> f,l ^fc ^ ', xl I'KOCKKDINOH. pi'M. itmIh iiiwani with n .sciiii-cirriilur, nlli|itii'al or nlhcr proxiiimtt! form of a irvf, II iMiliatiii;^ Byntniii of lines would In- niiiiircil to Hpiin^' ii|> wlu'lU'ViV tin- ilivt'i'fii'lKif Ix'twocii two lines of |preei|iitiitioii excpfiletl twice tlie efl'eitive atti'aetivi' (listaliee of the aj.'Kr<'';atinns of tlepo.sits. Tims there would ri^siilt .i radiuliii;,', sjiray like depo.sit, the luaiiehes liiidiling fortli at pointH iicceasary to allow of the iirt-cipitation of all iraterial within the ran^'e of the sjiecilic attracting forci'. It will 1)»' seen that tlio liranehiiig of inieli of thene fij^iires |iraeti(ally tills up it.H particular hasin so as to aecoinmodate the precipitating molecules witliiii a proximately constant ditaute. Hi? illustrated the same, or a similar priiwiple, hy enclosing between sets of two niicrosco|ie glass sli fr..jr-a fine larKo Creeii Frog, (/{am riamntn) it ai.|>ejire,l to he~\vas shown by its ahvay.s retreating to the; water where it remained nntil closely |.nrsued, when it sprang out in a leap or two to on(! side where it renniined unconscious of any other i)resence, hut very sensitive to the insidious approach of the snak.' wiio was sd interested in its gam- that tlie presence of the slaughterer of its two co'leagues was, apparently, a matter of no conse(iuencp. Owing to a uiistid/,.'scnis), which was examined by the membeis, swimming in water and moving on the tablo. It was one of a jiair which had "come, the «i>ring before from a lak.- in the county of I.uneidiurg, and the habits of uhich he had been studying for a year. The other, having been taken for .some time with an apparent longing for the wi.le woild lieyon.l the horizon of its tank, whi.'h for some days before it was pen- sively gazing at from an island mck, must have maije a leap or unusual reach, and escaped never to be seen again. He gave an outline; of its history from the minute eggs dei)osited in spring on small leaves of water plants ; of its growth in the water, until in August or September it gradually changed into a red land salamander, left the water and hunted like a terrestrial animal, with air breathing apparatus and even a ciliated epithelial lining t»rnrIanur of Jo>.hu>:>. Manual of II,. InrnM>rat,., mS.] Class -HATRACHIANS. Order— .S'rt/a;/ifu/,/,^w. 1. Amhlystoiim pmittatiiin (L). ( Vellowspoltcd Salaiiiiindui). 2. I'letlioflon erythroiiotiia ((Jreen). (Ked-biicked Sithiinaiider). 3. ? (Blackish sp.) Order- X' irtx. 3. Dieiiiyclylua viridesceiis (I!af). (Red Eft, or Verniillioiispotted Olive-Hack Newt). OviXar —Totni- and Froi/.i. 4. Bufo lentiginosus' (,Shaw). (American Toadl. 5. Hyla versicolor (Le Conte). (Coinmon Tree Toad). 6. Flyla Pickeringii (Holbrook). (Pickerings Tree Toad). 7. Rana viresceus (Kalni), (Lfopard Frog). 8. Rana sylvatica (Le Conle). (Wood Frog), 9. Rana clamata (I)aiidin). ((Jreen FrogK 10. Rana Catesbiana (Sliaw). (Bull-Frog). Class— KEI'TILKS. Order— .SV/7»,(/.v. 1. Storeria ocuipitoniacidata (Stor). (Red Bellied Snake). '-'. Kutainia sirtalis (L). (Coninion (iarter Snake), .'!. Liopeltis vernalis (DeKay). ((irass Snake). 4. Baseanion constrictor (L) (Black Snake). T). Diailophis punctatus (L). (Ring-necked Snake). Order -7'«/7/,N. 6. Derniochelys coriacea (V'andolli) (Leather Turtle). 7. C;iiclydra serpentina (L). (Snapping Turtle). 8. Chry.seinys picta (Hermann). (Tainted Turtle). 9. Chelopus insculptus (Le Coute). (Wood Tortoise). »l£BfcW.i,iV-i