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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 187:1 HE(iI LATIOXS I MH.I! \Mlli II FREE (JUANTS OF LAND (AN l;i: Ai'il li;i |i 1,\ Hlimsil (Ol,(.\ll!IA. u iw ili:^' Kil;'! ilati< iIkI I liiliiian llic ( ic ( •n\ lilllllt lit i>\' lii'lti^li n'|i|llcil lML;IVr I' irr (ir:inl-ii| \ai-;ilil llli--lir\c_\ ril V I'OWII Laiiil, TNhKU III.' lull ( 'oiniiillia iiic I . . iiilalili' llir M'tllciiiciit iiihI iiiliisaiicjii. ainl imi l.cinu' Miiu'i'al Laial. ti^ liunn tiifi •tlli'i-.-, ill I lie jiilliiw ill::' i|iiaiirnii~ ami ~c(iii'ii- ni' ilir I'i'ia iiirc. vi/. : — t'li ilu' l'"-a,-l ('I'a-l III' \'aiii''iii\ (■:■ l-laiiil. ImIwccii Clialliaiii I'uilil and Kiiil Iviiiicil... Ill lliat |iai'l ol'tlic l'i'(i\ AikI iiitt'inl selling a>iil District, lor Fht ( 1i;n iiii'«.> -1 iirilii- ('a.-iailc laiiii-f I'l' Mountains :i40 aciv? Two 'l'"\vn> riif \c\v Wi'stiiiinstiT 1. M rani Ini-alimis of Itin acre-, wln'ii Siirvi'Vi'il. ted tor a Free (irani nl' land, lie nr sill' shall (.'liii'c any [iiT-on can lie tnca make atKilavit, to lie di'imsitcd with tin' Cliicl' Coniini^siniier of Lands and Works, that 1'ei.n she has not lieeii located tor an \ land under the l-'ree (iraiit sections or ilatioiis ol' the ••Land Anicinliiiciii .\ci. ]> i- not a iiie eiiintor or owner of land in the I'roxincc. and iliai he or -he i> of liie a^-c of eiii'hti't-'ii ■,oars or iiiiwardK. and lielii'\-es ihe laml t'or \\ hicli In- or >he a|i|dies or de-ires to he hu'ateil. is >nitod tor seltleinenl and eiilii\ ation. and i- not valiiahle chietlv tor itrt mines or minerals, and is not aci|iiired fir the iiiir|io-c of olitaiiiing |iossessioii ot' or disjMisini;- ot' an\ tinilier crowing;' <ir Jieinii' on -aid land. ,^iid that >neli location is desired for his or her lienetil and for the |.iir|io-e of actual -eltli'inent and eulti\-atioii oi'siich land, anil not either directly or indirectly for the ii.-c or lienelit ot'any other iierson or |iersoiis \vlioni>oe\ei'. nor for the |iiii'|Mi-c of :iny Li'old. -ilvor. c'o|i|ii'r, load, hcd of -loiic. marldc. or ^-yiisiim iron, or other iiiiiie> or niincral-. or aii\ i|iia!ry oi' theri'yii. .Any person niakiim' aiiiilicalion foi- a \'i\r (iraiit -hall, if rei|iiired. pri leiiri; an afHdax'it from .-iich |iers<in a> can make the -amc. -tiiliii:^' thai the land is vacant, and thai no |iersoi, lia> re-ichd upon il lor the lasi -i \ nciiith-. :>. No per-oii >liall he cniiilcd io hold fiinl in ihc |'ro\incc under the I're- (.•mption and Frec<iraiil Aci- ai the s'.nic liiiic : and any .-!ili>c!|iicnt pre-eiiiptioii ird hv the locatec. -hall h iii-nlci'i'il a an act ol iorle;tiirc ot anv riii'lits ai'- ijtiired under the l'"rec <iraiil (laii^c- ol'ihc Aci o| and liie locatinii' ot"a Free <iraiit shall he con-triicd a- an aci of I'orfciinrc of any pre-emption riii'h'^' acijiiiri'd U)K ler anv of the Land ( )rdiiia ir I 'rocl.iiiiatioii- in I he I'roxiiH 4. .\u .Mien si lall lie I ntltlcd to loiMte a l''rec (ir.iiil under the same conditions as a Mritish snhjecl. upon -iu'nin.u' a dcidaration. lieforc ihc Commissioner ol" the District, or a .liislicc of the I'cacc. ot'hi • oi' her inicnlion lo liccoinc a ih'itish sul»- ji'ct ; hilt in the exciil ot -iich .Mien not coniplctiii;,' his or her naturalization at an early a period as the law admits, ihni lie or slie -hall t'orfcit all riirtits a<-i|nireil. .'). No Crown urant -hall i— iic i'or aii\- land located under this \v\ or under said reii'tilations. until llie cNpiralloi I Ol I lllce \ car- Holii 1 hi date of -iic'h location, nor unless, nor nnlil the locatec o|- tlm-c claiiuin,::' under hiiii or her. or -ome of them. shall have pcrloinied the i'ollow iiiu' sett Ichicni diiiic-. thai i- to -a\ : hall havi- cleared ami lia\ c inn ler ciiiti\'aliuii at Ici-t twenty acre- ol' the -aid land, \\ln'ri'ut"at least tive acres shall he cleared and cnlti\aled annually diiriiii;' the three years next after the ilate of the location, to he conipnred Irom sii<-li date, and lia\e Imilt a house thereon tit t'<ir hahitati.m. at Ica-I sixteen feet hy twenty feet, and shall have aetnalh- ami eontiiiuoiislv resided upon and cultivated the said land for the term of three years iie.\t sticceedinji' the date of >iicl I location. aiM I tVotii thence up to the issue ot the < rowii e\i it that the locatec shall he allowc.l one month from the date ol'tlie location lo enter upon and oci-iipy the laml. ami that ahseiiee from the said land I'or in all not more than -In nionlh- during' any on<' \ear (to he com- liol he held to he a jiiited from the date ol'tlic> loi-ation) > residence, jii'oxided such land he ciilli\ated as iifore-aiil 'c--alion o f such ti. On tailure in pertormanee the sctllenu'tit duties aforesaid, tiie location shall he forfeited, and all rights of the lueutee. or of any one claiming under iiim or hvr, in the laud, shall eeai»e. 7. rruofiit acliiiil -«ll lenient- ami ciiliiviilinn -liiill lie niiule liy (Ivcliinitinn. under tlie "Oatli^ < hiliiiiilicc. iHtlll,'' '>> tl"' eluiniiinl iilid two settlers in tlie lieiijli- ItoUl'lludd, Ix'tiiri' tlie CiPliililissiciiiel' " r a .lustiee 111' the I'eaee, H. h it is I 1(1 ilie satistiietinii crtlii' ("lilel' ( "ninniisBinner ot' Lands and Winks, llial tlie settler lias vnlimiarilv relini|uifilieil liis elaini, or lia- lieeii aliseiit from tlie land Icicaled Kv liiiii \''>y more tiian six nmntlis in an_\ uiie vear. or hits not made the ini|irciveiiieMt> rei|nired liv law. tlieii tlie riirlit Ic siieli land sjudl Im" forleited. and llie settler so reliiiiiiiisliiiii;- ur aliaiiduniiit;' Ids elaim shall not he IKTinitted to he located a^'ain for a Free (Jianl. '.I. Neither the loi'atee. nor any oi';' elaimiiig under him or her. shall have ijowi'r to alienate (otlierwise tlian "h.v devise) or to niortnii!.'*' or pledge any land located as aforesaid, or any riirht or interest therein hefurc the issue of the Crown Omnt. 1(1. All assi^rnmenis am I transfers of Free (Jrant riirhfs Id'Hire the issiu' of the (^rown (iraiit shall he iinll and void, and shall he deemed e\idcnce of ahandonment of the riirhl. and the jiersoii so assiu'iiinu' or traiist'errinL;. shall not he iicrniitted to ajfain locate a Ki'ec (irant. 11. .Vll Free (irants mii-t he, slaked olf with stakes or jiosts. at least four inches si|narc, :uid standiiii;' not less iIimii liiur fe<t ahove the siirtiice: and one siieli stake shall he |ilaecd at each anule of the claim. Any tree may he used for a post, firovided thai it he cut down and s(|iiarcd as aforesaid. No siieh homidary post shall he removed without the permission fllie Commissioner of the hislrict wherein tho lanil lies. Upon each jxist. a notice in the followinii' form shall he afHxed: — •'A. />> land >«. K. post" (meanini;' North-east post): ••.!. U - land N. \V. post" (nieaiiin^- Xorth-west post); and so on. as the ease may he; and shall measure West of tlu' Cascailes 411 hy 4(1 chains, aial Fast ol the Ciiseailes 80 by 40 chains. 12. All lini's shall ran dui' North and Soiitli, and due Fast and West, and all lueatces or claimants under this Ordinance must comply, in all cases, with the ofti<Mal survey when made. 1:!. .\ locatui' of a I""ree ( >rant on imsurxcycd land shall, after (he otKeial survey has been made, and within three months after a copy of the map of said land lias been deposited in his District, and iiuhlic iiofn'e thereof given in the Ih'tlisli Cihiiii- liiii, Giniltr, make application to he located lor the ijuarter section, or (|uartei' section and ))ortion of adJoiniiiL:' i|Uifiter section, as the cifse may be, in which the land uiion which he has resided, and which he has improved, may he. in case of disputed owner:<hili the Chief Commissioner ot Lands and Works shall determine tlie respee- tivc rights of the adverse claimants, according to priority of record and jiriority of .'^ettlemont, and the 1ii<t of such settlement may he shewn hy actual occupation ot tind iinpi'oveinents maih' im the laud in dispute. 14. Any locatee shall. at any tinn' alter otHcial survey and prior to the I'Xpirafioii of the tcrni'ofoecuiiation reiiuii'ed by the " Land ( )rdinance .Amendment .\ct. 1><7:>." have the right or laivilegc, should he or she so desire it, ol applying for and obtain- ing a Crown (iratil of the lam man how I included in the Fret' (irant location, in the same ner as if the said land had been iire-empled in the first inslaiae. upon payment, •ever, for the land, al the iiii-et price fixed t'or iire-emplion claims, and upon ful- filling the conditions applicahU' to ]irc-emplion claiii or l.j. Xo laud located as aforesaid, nor any interest therein, shall in any c\eiit be tislaitioii of aiiv debt or liabilii v contracted oi' incurred come ha file to ihc sa be bv the locatee. his widow, heirs, or (h'\isees. hefi>re the issuing ofthe Crown (irant for such land. .M'ter the issuinu' of the Crown (irant tor any siuh land, and while such land or any part thereof, or ai \' interest therein, is owned bv the locatt his widow, heirs, or de\isees. such land. part, or interest shall, during twenty years next after the date of such location, be e.veinpt from attachment, levy under execu- tion, or sale for |iaymeut oi'debts. and shall not be or become liable to the satisfiic- tioii of any debt or liability coiitradeil or incurred bcfcne or din'ing that period, save anil except au\ debt secured li\ a \alid mortgage or ph'clgc of such laud iiiai'u subsei(Ueiitly to the issuing ofthe Crown (irant therelbr. 10. Xothing in these iicgulatious shall be construed to exem|it any land from lew or sale for rales or taxi ir hereafter letrallv imposed. 17. FiVery Crown (irant to be issued for any land locateil as aliut'said, shall state in the body thereof, the name of tin' original locatee of the said land, and the dati- of tlie location, and thatthe said Crown (irant is issued under the authority of the '•Laud Ordinance .\mendnient Act, 187-">." 18. livery location shall be recorded at the Land Office in the District, fiillow- ing the rules of record as to pic-emplions. !!•. The Chief Commissioner ol Lands and Works shall liaNc powi'r to cancel miv Frei- (irant record. u|ion proof satistiictoiw to him that any of tin' above stiiiii- latitiiis have not been complied with. •J(), The jirovisions of th<' "liaiid Ordinaiai'. |s7(i.' and the "Land Ordinance Amendment Act, IbTii," to be complied witii, together with the above I'cguhitioiis.