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Siw I \MES A l.OU.iHKKD, MINISTER; ChARI.ICS Cwist.lX, DFPltTY MlS'ISTFR MINES BRANCH John Mcl.EisH, Aciim. DiHErioR THE PRODUCTION OF COAL AND COKE IN CANADA During the Calendar Year 1920 OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND I'KINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJtSTV I V2 1 No 567. CANADA Di.l'AK I AII.N 1 ( >1 \II.\I-:S 11(111. SrH J\«is A. l.oui.iii.i:!>, Mini-iTkh; Ciiakmvs Camski.l, Di.rurv Ministkr MINES BRANCH J'lHN M< I Kl^ll, AlIIM. I'lKLLtnk THE PRODUCTION OF COAL AND COKE IN CANADA During the Calendar Year 1920 M^7 m^ 1 , A, ACLAM) PKIMKK 1(1 llli kl.NC.'S MOST KXCKl.l.KNT M\n.>rV 1 •) • 1 2;9!9 — 1 No 567. IXI'I AN AIOKV son,. Tlic ;iccoiii|>;iii>iiiu Hrport on •'I'lic I'l u.liiri i,,ii m| ( (.:,i and t nkc m t ajiaila iluriiifi tin- ('alciKlar Year lilL'd" lia- l.i.i, r,,nipil<.| \.\ Mr. .lohn ( a^.'V. in the Divi ion of Mineral l{i>oiin(> and Stati>iii~ This Hcjiort i» >u|>|)lcniciiiMrv in tlic Annual l.'i |.(,ii uu lin- Mindai Pro- duction of Canada: Inn i< not ini liidi d in thai nporl. a< it \va> in l!M7 and prt'vioiis vi'ar«. (Sit^n.d John Mcl.eish, < liiil'. lii\ i-ii I Mnicral ii'i-i.uicc- anil Statistic-. Srpti 7, H'.M. COM IMS ( 1 i\i < ii liil;il .^laliriii ill I'riHliii'iiiin l>y |iri>viiifi-. I1C0 ami ItllH l)j«lril>iitii)ti iif (i>:il liiiriiil, l(tjt» ind I'.ll'i \iiiiiiiil priiiliiciitiM ill Caii.'iil.i Kx|Miri-i III I'litil llll|Mirl» III roiil <'<>ii>iliii|illiiti III ri>:il III I aiKiila Nova Si 111 la rniiliHlioii 1)\ I'liiiipaiiic-. MIJO ami I'M'' ATiiiiial pi'iiiliirtiiiii in Nuva Snilia ("mil IrmI"' liy ciiiintio Slali>lii> Iff ili-.!rilMili<>ti i>f roal ami 1 iImiiii- -i iti-tio cuviiiiik yrar riidnin >. |iIcmi1» i ;l(l. lll'.'d ."III ilii riiivimial ri'iiiMi- Ni'W UniiiMviik ''loilmljivll by i-'.|ll Aiiriiiiil priHliii'tiiiii pi'ii -.i.ii I'll* Saskali'licwaii I'riillllrlKill li> rnllll'lli ~. I'I'JII anil |!l|'.l Xllllll.'il priullirlhMI . Allirila I'miliiclHiii (ii iiial III Allifiia. I>\ ili-liici-. I'll" rimliirliiiM liy n.llirricN. I'.l.'O ami !!iHt \lllllial |Mi«lllrtliitl III Allirria ,1s I'M'i njii Hrili-li ( 'iiImiiiIm.i I'r'.Mliifliiiii liy ili-liiiis ami liy i-nllicric-. I'lJii hmI I'M' Xiiiinal iH'iHliii'iiiiii ill l<^ili^h Ciiliiniliia ^ ukui, \niMi il |ni.,li|, 1 1. .11 I'm.k I •> « II n u i.-> 17 IK l |irnvit|ic-, l!fJO :ltii| I'IPI l)ir, ai ili-,.'{7:< lipiiu tmi-i, valiii'.j at S."i I, n:i, :!!!», or tu\ avfra«r of s;{,'.IS pi r imi, an iiirri'tisc in pMnlm i iMh m I'ljn of "J. '.•.■>(), 7;{)i ton.-, or 21 (i prr frnt. riic aMTaur niiiiilicr of iiitn ciiipioyril liiiriiiK l!t2(l was 'J!l,;{.ST, and total watjrs pail] •< PM7 I .'-MS, a- i-oinparrd with an avcrauc of 27,l'.tH iinn I'lnpiovcd in mi'i, iimI •<:il.vj(l,:tf.:} paid in wage-. 1 ruin l'.il7 till' valiifs of th.' proihiction lor all provinces liavr Imtii fiimi^lii'il diri'ctly hy thr oprrators. I'rrvioiisly, howrviT, complfti- ri'liirns of values wcri' not rii'c'ivi'd from all operators, and tin- values phicid iii"iii the pro- ducli'in in ilie pro\iiiee~ iii' Nova Scotia and liritish < ciluml'ii \\i\f |i:iiiiall\- r-tiiii.-itel, ur a--Mniecl. In ISSli ( '.■inad.'i'- i-on>unipl lun ut' coal was li. IMM II Inns, of u liiiji Pi prr (■(■lit ua> olil.iiiied from ('anadiin lOal mines and .'il per ci nt iinpurted, eliiellv from the I'liited States. The annil.'d consiiiiiptioii per head of population was al'oul threi'-(pi;irters of a ton. In I'.f.'d the ( (in-iimptiiiii of enal u.i> .i'_',7.ll .")21 tons, in l!H'l ii u;i- 2h,. M'):!,(II7. and in litis. :!1.771,s;{2 tons. The pereentaiie of the lot:il rlirivid from (aiiadiaii mini- m I'.IJC was 4:5 .'ind the perceiit.ine imported .")7. Diiriiii; the 'Xi ye.irs that h:i\'c elap-ed -ince IS.Sti ( '■mada's coal coiisiiinption li;i> iiicreaspd practically lenlold in total tonnane and over o times in rate per lic:id of popu- lation. Hn' t|iriiiii;lioiit thi- period the ratio of domestic to imported coal in the annii.i! has varieil withiii iilted in the impositi(jn of al)iioiinall.\' hinh and pii~-ili|\- unjustiliaMe prices Imt ha.s .•iciually restricted in many instances industrial activity. There is no actual shortau( of coal r(soiirccs in cillier the Inilcd Siates or ill Canada, at least in so far a- liitiiminmi- coal is concerned, mi tli;it the proMem involved relates primarily to (|ue-iions of production and distrihution. The ('.■inadiaii coal-lields are situated in the extreme e; s! and in tli^ western provinces, while the (ireat central jirovinces of (tntario ami (^)iieliec. the chief centres of population, are more e;isily .■ind, pn suniatily, more economically sup- plied with coal from the nearer coallields of I'eniisylvania and Ohio. Further, there is no anthracite coal ili eastern ( 'anada, which has urowii dependent U[)oii the anthracite output of I'eiinsylvaiiia for that most de-irahle of the dnmestii! fuels, since anthracite is not only the i liief domestic or house fuel in Ontario and (,!ueliec, hut is imported even into Nova Scotia coal districts, and has bee'i larucK' used .il-o in .Maiiilolia and "-a^katchewan. 1 27979—2 Ill niuiid nmiilx 1-. < 'nnaiia pi i 'iliiii d dmiiii; n>'_'(l atiDiit 1(1 7 iniiiinn toio I.I (if wliiili 2 li iiiillii)ii tiiii- will' i\|iiiiiiil ; anil inipoitiil li! I' riiillinii i(iii> (if l.ituniiiiiMi- riial ami I't iiiilliiui l(iii> uf antliracilc Durum tlir prr\iiiii~ vi-AV. 1(11'.'. w' ]ii(iilucri|. ill iiiiiiiil miiiilMT>, !:•!■.") inilliini tiiM~ ul nial, cxpurtiil 2 iiiilliiiii Inn-, anil iinpiirtnl ]-■'■'< inillinii tun-- i.f liitiiniinnii- chmI and "i millinn t(Hi> iif aiitlirariri'. Production of (ioni bv I'rovincos, 1920 I'roviiici No. of artive opt>r- atoni Avcnmr No. ">f iiH'n . Wairr* paiil cnipliiyi'J i \i.\a Sri, till \r\\ ]lruii>wirk . .■^a.-kalrhcwa AlhiTla , : lirili-li I ■..lllllllii:! ^ uk'Ti 'r.rritiTv .1 T..lal Pnxlurtion of coal Sliort tow Value Average per ton Per cent .i( t.ital (|Uiin- tity I I S S I2,:'41 i:.:N2.7:.-i I 11.429. 291 :i2,2:W, l.Mi ."i 02 ! ^IStiti U ' 47rt .■i.s4.:i44 ' IWi.lMX ' 1 .(^i.-i.JSli liliCi I(KI tin I 4."i:i ' ."iNj.'hU :!4:i.47."i m!i.:;-'ii : .js j or, 250 lll.l).%4 l'.i.'.i.r,.'>.'l ii,s:il.."ilK) ' ."I .sttMills 4 :;7 11(1^1 13 il.l.iti 1111411.1171 2.,S."i.s.S77 ' |i..7.'ii.'.i.'.0 .", >.'i 17 I'.i I 7 I i tiU 1 763 ; 4.4.30 (i 00 3(i9 29.38" 4«. 171.238 1 1«.631.9.>» 80,093.723. 4-83 10000 I Vxviii Protliiition of Toiil by Provinct's. 1")19 No. of I ' artive | .\vera»te ! DIHT- , No. (if liU'il ' Wane- paid atiirs. ' ('Iiiii1i).\(m1. I'riKluction of coal ■iliiirl In Vaiu \vcnw 1 IMT toll : 'cr 'I'lit of total r N'ova Scotia I .\c\\ lirini>« ick. Sa.-Jkatrlii'\\ all All.cil.i Hnti'-li ' oluinbia.. ■ \ iikon 'rcrritory... 1 Total. 24 12 1 4 .370 tltv (I I $ : $ ! 10.978 13.1170. 149 .1,720.373 1 22.078.72B 3 8.59 1 41M :m ' M::.-2hs 1711. iiw 7'.n.7i;i 4422 1 31 4S7 4i;7.4:;il IMIimi s2ll..'i22 -' I.W J 7n 11.343 ' 1I,414,7.M I •"►l , .'i:!."! I^, 2^M. 41l.'i .1 tlS.i :;ii 2tt J..S13 s. ii;.'i.2.Vi J t:i."i,».i:; !_'. lL'ii,44."i :. ma .7 so 12 I .",.."iO(l I. HID 4,4(1(1 4 IH)0 I 01 27.198 i 34.826.363 | 13.681,218 ' ,54.413.319 [ 3-977 | KWIXJ Comparison of Production, 1920 with 1919 Nova Scotia New hruntwick .Sa.'^katcliL'wan- Albcrta Hriti^li ( olamliia Vukii" 'IVrriUiry ( + ) Increase, or i — i I)eciea«e Quantity Total fori aiiaila Short tons + 708, 91S 13. (Hid :]ii. iifi4 . I . SIW. Dl'i.) -^ 422.944 3.37 + 2.9.'>0.738 12 4 7 3 9-7 37 « 17 4 30 6 21-6 Value + Ul,15(t.403 ' 46-0 + 2WI..')2.') 32 s — 1.202 01 + ll..i.w. 113 (i3-2 + 4,30li..i05 I 34-7 + 30 07 +26.280,374 48-3 The totid production in 1020 includctl ll."),()70 tons of Mntliracitc. (jr ahout ' per cent of liic l'2.S(),"),,^." 1 tnii- nf Iiitiiiiiinmi^, or 77- I pi'r rrnt nf llic 1 )tai. and :{.(>l(t.t24 t(in> <"' .jonili'. or- J I 7 pit- irni nl lla- lul.d I'lic filial iniidnrtinn in I'.M'.t iiicliidcil :'.'t t(iii> nt .intlii ,iritc, nv \f» t iiaii 1 p( r ciiit of till' liilal : 1(1, 042. !'()'_* tun,- of liitmniii'iu>. or 77 ■ n per cent of I III total, ;ii:d 2.'.t2tj.!tl)2 Inn> of li^iiitc. or 21 ■ 1 per nut of the total. The roii.-nn.ptiiili of roal ihirinj; tin year iiicliidcd .approxiiliati'lv' -'i.liMti.'.l'.C ton> of .•inthi'aiitc. 2 t.oi, id.") imi- of iiit iiiuino'i-. and .ini'i. ij i ton- of iiomtr. 'rill- ci.;i-niii|)ti(i|i I'f r..:ii iliiiiiiy i'.M!) iiicludi.l: ,i|]|i|(i\iiii:ii rl\ .■|.(ir,;;,!i'i'.i tcp- (.1 :i|]llil:icitc. _'II.S7LM).'t; 'nil- (i| I,|! inil.(.li~. an, I .MfJC.'IM.' tdii- i<\' lillliH.'. I ill l<'l,'ii "iltpiit, |il'(»iu( tiiph. and di~t nlnit iciii oli-iiai iiiiiaii 'i.\- prnvinci- iliiiiiii' Mf.'d and l!Mft i- diuun in ,li,- i,,ll,,uini; talili- I'roduction and Distribution of Coal Mined, hy Pr<»vince,s, \t20. N.ivii .**cfitiu /, \cw ! Hriii]- I u i t ■ k ~M>kal.-l, ,Solil in fai.mlii I 4.,5:tS, .3;tO Solil fi.icxix.M t,. I ^ :)■.', 2,")" Srhl (or «'\[j,iii t.. ..i!irr tri<'« S»(S,220 T.,x»\ -;,!,■ S,4,W.W»7 l> I r \ d I I44.3fi5 3IS,ns7 6. ISO..M.1I 13.212 i:iJ.!)iH ' Uritisli I ^ iiki s.:mfi M)(i. 78j Im'iI hy ini)(iuifr> in iiiakinifl coko.^ii-.-!. l.rirk. otr I 3l7.fi74| \-{,il hy iiillicry' roTi-irriipTiiM, all,! !■> w-irk- liH'ti *).')L',M(I l,i7,377 47,V 318,IM7| 6,313,5031 ui; li.iiW 2. 441. 024114. ()9U.313 T..lal ii-.'.l I'lcxluition* 1 >ifTi'r('rn'P in ,;to*-k< l>o.„.-c,, due to Itn.ikiiL'i othcf caUM',- Tniai i.iiipiit »lMi 17, 7|lii ,1 .■||!l,!l«)7 970,4841 8.47l| 24.4881 JI9.997I 116.t24| 440. 9(U I4N :im,7L'>,l I..VKi,47o (1.429.291] 1W,.(M8| :»43.47.-ii II. 8.1:1.. WO 1 -7881 -r7«! H.:!l '►t.^illHl .Wl| 2.774 111.74 «,195.2,37| 165.811 340.328 I «.9(M.!»:MI 148| 417.8.MI 1.941.441 I 7K1I 2.858,877Jl».h31,951 - urn -SI. .1.101 --i.'3,i;i4 :::i2.07()j .Sfti 3.110.2I7J17.023..191 • rrolucti.mir (Aiwrf to ,.tli,,r ,',)un- trii-.- b 4,274,874 12.119 58.1.C.I4 1(1.1,275 S,5()4 c 3,54.319 HO d 4. 4,55,972 121.2M 4,577.236 6 1,100 h 1,168,122 10.417,662 Ka-2,7M 904.071 1 1 .5.S4,t)14 Total 5aU'> 4,871,607 171,779 354,. 199 1. 100 2. 020. 826! 11. 996, 947 Vsi'il hy proiiii,i'rs in making coke. (*ttH'I. hri,k. et,' 222,2119 62t).497 848.766 5.720.373 +41,574 42.727 5.804.674 7,329 6.715 19.055 3,818 {a) 383,481 163, Ub' ,195.918 i 251. 991 1 1,2«,:{53 I H*',l h\ pro,lti,-,-r- for colliery ,-,,n.-uitipl 101; and h\- \\,irk- mt'ii T.ita: u.M-d , 7,329 179,108 25,770 .180. 169 387,299 1.100 415.107 I. 684. 271 l'r,«liiclion* 4.964.535 2.4,15,933 13,681,218 niffereni (• in "stocks Lostos due to hrpakiiKe or other causes -879 209 178.4.18 +45 3.903 —51,742 91.475 —23 535 100 295,.5(iO| 433,974 Total i,utpui 384,117 5,004.268 1.200 2.707.9.58 14.080.655 • rr,.,l,icti,.nisol,t«ini..l hy a,l,lin« coal soM an I .^oal used. ,1 Indu.lw ,-oal U3o,l in marufii, turo of hnquettee: Mtit,iiniii,.Ms: c l.iKaite: •/ Antl,n„ ,t,., hiti,,tMn,i,i,< iiml liirnito ■" manuiii luro 27979- -'i 4 Oistrilnition of Coal Mintil diirinjs tlu' Years lOl.i- I(.-I7- IS t 1 1915 1910 '• i 917 i i!.-:-. ?f(!d in f'anaiift 0.820.712 10. 701.. 5311 10 409,4i'i8' 301. sm; 301.000, 11,209,184 .-i>ld (c cxi>i>rt til Tailed Statea . 1. 330, 718 1.451,075 1 297,343 2,84,513 1 1.3.'i4.0!t4 278,309 Total sales 11,4.54,773 12.437.118 I> 072.409 690. 573 283.777 12,842,187 ri99, IIH l,436,fi35 Usi'il by produfors for tlie manufacture of poke . L"wd lj>' pnnluc*'r> for colliery ettn.-iuniption. and by w arknien. 701,975 1,110.275 804,814 1.241,40.3! 1 I'roduitiuii nilTerenee in i.toi-ks . I-o^ses tiue to wui-bing. breaka+ii-. or t'liicr tir- (if till' :iiiiiii;il iifi iiliict ii in iif iMial tniiii issl to .1 till followilli: latilr. 'I'lic total pKiiluii 1,111 1)1 ( (lal iKJiii I7."^.'i In l'.t;jil U.I- olii.T this [iliiiiillil Nii\.i .'^riiliii i.-i crotlitiMl with |.s:{,!H).s..i.!ti tmi-. Ill' of tlu' lolal: I5iili-h 1 (ihniihi.a. (i."i,7,")!>.(ilN niiis, nr -JO'.h; p, r .57. ill ).">.". Ml J lnii<. Ill l.s Hi jirr mil: S:i-lKatihi'\vaii, l,2"i(i.iMi_> i. Cfiif Xf» l!niM-\\iik. l.7'-N t.,1 . ,i|- 11 III per irllt. Annual Protlmtion ot f^oal 111' ,- 1 li- nn, t:V_' ."is •!_• n-lii , III- Hi- ll' \'l|!. 2l\-i'li ill Inn-: i)\ prl- ri'llt .Mlii-l-t:i, 1 :'.ti pi'i- nil ■|'rrri- Year .■-liiiit tons Value \vcra«e'; ler tan\ Year ! Short torn, t 1 Valu, .Vverage ,per ton 1 178.V18SO 1881 10.420.253 1,. 537. 100 I.h4s.l48 l,8I8,ti,Vl 1. '184, 9,59 1,920,977 2,110,li53 2,429,330 2.602,5.52 2.rwS.303 3.084.682 3.577.749 3.287.745 3,783.499 3.847.070 3.478.344 3.745.716 3.7S6. 107 4.173.108 4.&25.051 5.777.319 $ 1 28.190.518 2.088.021 \i 1902 1903 ii,4S6,325 7.460.681 7.900, 3M 8.254 .595 8.067.948 9,702,001 10,511,420 10,. 880, 311 10,501,475 12,909,152 11,323.388 14,512,829 15.012, 178 13, 037, ,■,29 13,267,023 14,483.395 14,040.7,-)9 14.977,920 13,681.218 16,031,954 % 12,699, 15,210 15,942 16,592 17,520 19, 732 24,381 25, 194 24, 781 30,909 26,467 30,019 37,334 33,471 32,111 38.817 43. 1911 55, 192 M,413 80,693 > t 2431 1-96 877! 2-04 1882 1883 3.248.440 3,109,035 3,. 593. 831 3,417,807 3, 739,. 840 4,388.200 4.674.140 4.894,287 5.070.247 7,019.425 0.363.757 7,429.468 6.739.153 7.226.462 7.303.597 H. 224. 288 10.283.497 13,742,178 l-7« 833 1 2-00 1-71|| I'Slj! 17n: 1 77 ISli, l-8o;; 1-.V1 1-8-1 l-90l' 1-941 1-9.-1, 1-93 1-94 1 'J3| 1 93! 1904 2311 201 1884' 1905 203 2-02 1885 19O0 OlOi 2-02 1886 19C7 .•v42 2-32 1887 1888. 1889 ■ • • . I'.IUS 1910 573 230 779 640 04-1 9411 SO! 1S2 4sl •>31 890 .349 723 2-31 2-30 2-39 1800 1911 2-34 1891 1912 2-48 isn 1913 2 49 1893 1914 2-45 18M 1915 2-42 18W 1910 2 OS ISIM 1897 1917 3-08 1918 3 138 1898 i 1 1919 3-97 1899 1920 4-85 1900 Cirand total.. 313,790,432 789,999,272 2-52 l^xports of (laiiailian Coal >ta!i-'ir- 111 tlic t\p(irl~ iif iiiai acciiMliiit: in thi- 'liiul'' innMl- ai'i' iii\rn ill the folliiwiiiL; laMi'-. 'I'lic I'Npcirl- of ( aiiadiaii cnal in I'i^n were 2,'>5S.I74 I'll!-, \-ali;c(l at >|s.lll l.Slt'J, (ir an aMiaLi nt S7.(ll per luii. a- cnmparril with 1 \]i(>rt- ill liUlt Ml _'.( 17(1,1 1.M I tnii-. \alnr.i it STJ. J :{S,SS."i. cir an aMTatir (if St;, (II prr tun, Hi-i.|r~ (' rua! cxpnrti'l tiirrc is also a -mall rxpnrt of roal not till proi ji.r, of ( '.'iiLail.a, Annual K.xports of (.'oal ■,In .■•hi'it innh; 1 I'liidurc N ..t the i J*n>diire X ot tt„- Ciil.-u l,,r y.i.r 1 ,■ "'. prr <\\H'V of 1 ': Iflnlai V'l-ar "f pro lurt- of I ( amuia ( aniula (anil. la i.7rifi.54:i (■ inatla 1908 ! 1.72S.S33 1(12, 07ll 1915 39,ft90 mtfl L.iHH.tHf.l lllMWN HUli 2,1 :).■), :t,5« 1)2, 7s;i lyiu 2.a77,m',i l.'i'.»,.s.W 1«17 i,7:H,i,iii 47,:i2s it)ii 1 l,,"iim,ii:i')' KW.'.MS I'.IIK l,M7,l!).-i ii7,4sr. I'JlL' .M27.i:i:i 4li.7(li; liim 2,II7IM).')(I ,w,y8.s 191.! l.-iii:' 11211 iiii.'iliii I'.Cll 2,.).>, 174 ,st,,SUl 1014 l,4L>:i. 12lr M, i;i7, 1' Import.s of Coal 'i'lii total import- of coal of all i-la>M> in l',l.'(l ' futtTcil for consiinipi ion "' a,- pel- the piilili-hfd 'rnidc rciuirts, wen- IS,742..')12 tons, valued ;it §!)S,()H:5„')!I8. a,- roiii]i;irid with total iini)orts in I'Uitof 17,a(l.s,: — anthracite, etiji, tirale, stove, and nut: anthracite, nee. liarley and Imckwheat: hituininoiis. round and run-of-niine: and liituminou- -lack, -uch a> will pa>; throiiiih a t liree-iiuarter-inch screen. The iinp()rt> of anthracite in lit2() included: 4.401 ..'iKl ton- of ejin, sirate, stove and nut. valued at •'<:5.-,,:<|7,,sl."), or an averane of s,s.()2 per ton, :md 471>,7'.)7 tons of rice. iKirley ;ind Imckwheat. valued at SI .4.M,."i:i(l. o-- an averajjc of ^A.iKi per ton, as compared with imjiort- in Idlit of 4,7.'),s. 1 l.t ton- of <%fi. firae. tto\c and nut, valued at Slid, '.)4S. .")'((). or an average of Sf,.,M) per ton, and li)l,2.')ti tons of rice, harley and Imckwheat, valued at S(i47,l()4. or an averaiie of S:{.3;-( l)(>r ton. 'I'he total imports of liituminou- coal of all classes in l<,)2t) were : i;j>til,22'.t tons, valued at S(U.2(i(),247. as ;ic:iinst import-^ in KtlO of 12,:5.')(i,U)2 tons, valued at S2!t,.')(i5,l(i:). The increase in hituniinous imports in nt2() as compared with lltllt wa- thu- 1 ,.")(l."i (M)7 tons, or 122 per cent. 'I'he liituminoii- imports in 1s,47.") tons, valued at S.")(l,,S0S,t;2U. or an averaue of S4.4() per ton uiid lutuminon- -lack. 2.:M2.7.')I tons, valued at 5:10.451,(121, or an average of S4.."i2 jier ton. 4'he value of the imports during llUi) of hitumintm.s nmnd and rmi-of-inme coal aver.aued .S'J.44 per ton. and of hitumiiioii- slack S2.1ti ]>or ton. The record of the exjjorts of liituminous coal to Canada, as i)ul)lisliLHl in the Heitort- of Trade and Xavifiation at Washington, differs in some vears con-ideralily from the Canadian record, in i)artial explanation of whicli it -hould lie noted that the Canadian record repre.sents coal "entered for hoine consumption. I liis entry may lie deferred several months from tlie aetii;il tinx' of im])ort. thus causiiiK a difTerence in the monthlv and vearlv record. tt I in llirniiniT. it i- uiulri'.-lcr.Ml ili;it l!ic riiilnl Slali- riroril ii'c!i;<|i's a 'i|l;ini .■ilniMint i<\ rcil ii-nl lui- I iiin krriiii; lake ~li:iiiirr~ \\lii<'li wnulH put he incliKlcil a^ ail iniiM.ii iiiin ( aiiaila, I'ln' I iut>.| Siatr, i'ii-(ii(| -iiD^^ i\]imii~ "f MtiiniiiiDii- ri>:i\ 111 ( aiMila. limine; iIh' IW'Im iii.'iitli- rii.liiii; I )>ii ml per. I'.'-'ll. ..I ICi.'JJD.SStI -liMM tciii-, a- a-aiii-l II 'i.".ll._':7 I. Mi- in I'M'.k |n KII ;1_'S tciii- III I'.ils. Is,lls.s7!i idii- ill i'.ii:, i:; .'(.ii.lM hill- ill I'lhi, 'I :;:,i, ss'.i i,,ii-. ill Pl|.". |U,_'7I, lii'.i Ion- III I'.MI. ami I ."i I I ."..7:;:; Imp- m |'.i|;;. Imports of Coal liitcrril tor Coiisiiiiiption, I'M'* ami I'*20 Ave. tim - I'lL'H Ave. \;. 1 tnn I n'jiii>!.^ •<}' .\nthrve and mil. Hire. ImrU'.v and burkwlicat I tupoj-h of Jtituininnus: — Uouml jiiul run-<»l'-niiTU' Sla-k . .. Total Iiiitxirt^ l.T.Vs. U'J :;o.'j4s.,vjn li ,")0 i.iui.:,iii .;.").. i 1 7. > 1.1 8 02 1W.25W tH". KM 31.3»5.(i»4 3 33 6 38 479.797 4,8X1.313 1.4.5.')..t3» 3 03 4.952.(17,1 36.773.3.M 7 53 1(1.1 27, 9(M 24.750.717 244 11,548.475 .W, MIS, 1126 4 40 2.22S,142 98.aS.i.j98 Annual Imports of Cloal Kntered for C;(»nsiiniption l^itiiiiiiiioua roiinii \nllir:ii it,-...:il Hlli.Miint.ii- li,.-k .-11. -1. lis arul run of tin- :iii,i .111. lillir.l,' VMll |.,1- tlllMllL^ll ( uU'iutar .Ml- mim ■ 111) llU.ot '.'M i* .■«T*«n . 1(1(1,110 14, 478, .536 l,lll,SII 1,,)55,()77 v.m .■i.ii2.'i,(lii.i 1I.4.VVH1S .■i,OI7,s44 13,906, 1.52 l.-.':;iMil7 1,41. 9.. SS9 191(1 •"i, 9111., 41111 11.919.341 3.266,235 14,735,(Hi2 ' l,.irM.JM l,795,,'i9S Mill ^ ',KI,"i,SI5 ls,ti)7,iio:t 4, (1211,. 577 IS. 794, 192 I.IW.',.'.!!!! J,(I1HI.79(1 1912 ^,49I.S4U lil,s4il,727 4,1S4.(II7 2I).(MI.3SS l.HI!l.'.)5.i .',,Vill,922 IHi:i lii.74:i,17:i 21,7."ir,,(i.iS 4,ivi2,0,"i7 22,u:!4,s:!9 .'.sir,. 423 l.|.)7.(i22 1914 7 77(1. 41, ■• !l.!l,>4,:(2l 4.4;i5,(IIO 21,241,924 I .'..i(l9,i;:52 :;.iKI5.2.53 191.-> 11, 11111.794 7,.'iM,:)ii9 4,1172.192 1S,7.53,9H0 2,2S6,9lli 2.627,256 1911. '.i,.i(H.5,-i2 12,:iii.S,ii79 4,.-i7l),>il5 22.216,363 3,. 505, 236 .i.704,624 1917 12,4ll7,4,Mi :K.712,.S94 5,3211, I9.S 2S. 1(19,. ■wS6 1 3,129,776 s,739,S77 19 1>- l,l.H."i(l,:tli() :i7.2tll,ll57 4,7X5.160 26.(KI7.SSS ; 3,237,067 S, 35 1,639 1919 in.i27,yr.,"i 24,7,-)(l 717 4.9,')2,(i75 3l,,595,6i« 2.22S.197 4,sl4,3.Sh 19211 II ,Vl.s 47.-1 .'lll.SIISIL'li 4 S.SI.313 36, 773,. 351 1 2.312.7.54 t II) 151,621 111 Duty, ,53 cents p<>r tnn. M Coal, anttirni'ito ami nnthnicito coal ilust. .luty free 'a Duty, 14 cents per ton. riic tollnwiim taliir- -liiiu tlir iiinnihix Pii]niit- lit i ill u ]i 1 1 i.i i' I - all. I aiillira- citc c'lal -iiiiT l'.M(i. a- ia.iii|ii|i-il fiiiiii '■ Traiir nt" ('aiiaila " rp|iiiit-. Till' I'liili'ij ."^t.-itc- iri'iiiil lit' iiiiiiitlily cNpiirt- 111 t'.inaila is al-n iiiilu. Icil ti;I- i-nltiliari-iill . i'!l('-'' ."ii'l' CiiliP.M.Ip' [ t!'i>!P. till' '' !' * 'I'l ' P.i!! * • MUH!*'!''**' '.'! '!!•' l"niT*'il stall- " ri|imi-. Monthls Imports of Mituniinous CJoal into C^anada, Consumption Kntereil for 1915 1916 I9I7 1918 1919 1920 •TannfirA- .547,772 1. 124,918 1. 0.11. 719 1,134,493 1.4.>8.240 790.424 lehniar\ i;.'):),iiiri ;i4.'.Mi 7liO,,'i4j 1,4(^,391 I.OIi4.7U) 1171,212 Miirrl, .VI7,7.-.ti ills.Jdli l.lU.iWs l,17.i.ll7H !l22.ti I,.'i4l..->;i7 :".ll.4in ss,-.. 12,^1 IiJUf titil . .'ili'.t i,2:«' l,.'iai,i;.-i2 1.442.412 7:!.l..ViU 924.130 .llllv 7.VJ.>-lt l.(l',Mi,71s l,,').si,:iiii l.<)7(l,soii 1.2><3.'.II12 1,103.819 Vuifu-t H-in. ii;.' 1,1S><,VJJ i,.s<)0,4 i,.ii;7.77:i l.tKM.ML' 1.20:(.!l77 l,2l«.l)94 1 ),.-r IMIll, t.VI 1.314.2.SI1 l..>'<2.7y7 1, "►)."). 320 1.3.-..-,..^77 1,08(;,495 Vovfiiihcr !ltl7.7!ll i.i.Vi.iiig 1.273.498 1.430 .'M .H'.l2 , 248 1,403, Mg n,T,.„,l„.r «37.77.! 8,3«:i.710 l,118,:i80 1.24H.532 1.222,iKI(> I>2ii.".tti5 1,W'. 77 •r,„.i 13,009.788 l.'>,.i.l7.282 Hi. 893. 427 12.3.-)«. lo2 13,681,22» '< 'onipili'd irnu\ ihr Monthly Keport^ nn Triuie nt < *:in;i(lii, <_>ttawa. Monthly Imports of .Vnthracite Ooal into Canada," Entered for Consumption lu .-.liuii tcm.-,/ .I:itiuar\- . l'Lltruur> . Mari'l] . \pril... May .'liii'' .Inly Scpll'MllllT ( Irl.ihiT \ii\tMlltnT lli-r, llilnT 1915 27o,:«Hi 213.797 17.1.813 3111,19,5 477.522 41.->.:i44 :t4l.3,so :;iii.(i.H<.) :^.^,272 4I.1.929 370 :i,S4 M5,471 T..tai 1916 29."),. 578 :mo, ;m7 3N 1,032 194,402 372,204 513,. 528 513, 429.099 433.203 3^5.».5:i 38;i.l03 327.!>48 1917 3(H), 830 277,179 430,.5(i7 3 IN. 782 347,390 .■i51 . 105 .5.59. WW 00.5. 071 .5.13.203 570.771 413.200 340. 1(K) 4.072,192 4. 570. 818 5.320.198 1918 279. (vvs 240.900 424,0.30 3112,291 405.501 401,4.50 3S2.207 4(. 1.1151 179. 2.M .511.214 304. (;05 400.219 4,785,100 1919 39',),ri70 347.s(i(i 170.7.Vt 209.9.58 401.701 431.^74 .534, 4 vs 5'.t2.5.50 .503.301; 443. (■.3S 379,430 417,434 4, 9.52. 073 1920 335.9f.i'i.ilw.r Total 1916 1917 600,610 00,5. 0.84 01 l.MU 740..S05 .4(i7.229 .470.453 .457.320 «,M.3.tO (■40.(K).s >iM . 49,-> 1,022. 171 1.5li9,2'.)7 2,017 flMI 1.. 155. 972 1.7''s.()!i7 2.7I5.02.S 1,51'.), .550 1.739.5S0 I.l'.)0,122 2.4li;.'ii)0 1.023.924 1.504,94(1 x.52.070 1,391. '540 13.260,182 18,118,879 1918 1919 1920 514,072 i'.(H'..222 7|i;,301 <,H0.4(Ht .802.427 1,337.019 1. S.Sri., S,M» 2.091,047 1,"J05,514 2,234,212 1,014,498 1.492. ! 29 1921 1.318 704 002 7SH 1.2.59 510.022 'H7,.S.">5 951. 190 i. 273, 972 1, 078.709 2 010.810 2.098.000 2.194,009 861,023 .500. (KKI 395.221) 502. 173 1.2 IS.. 580 1.002.430 1.498. 081 1.498.208 1.5H1.400 1.022.438 377.038 23.3.002 821 .544 137 150 2,038,073 1,8,59,4,50 1,550,245 t (tit ^11^ 18,134,328 11.950,277 16.220,.S80 *ronipile.lfroni theMimthly SuiiimarJ'of Foreign CoiTiiiii.r.'n of the Tniti'il States. Washington, DC, Monthly Ixpttrts of Anthracitt' Coal from the I nittil Statt's to (ianada' 111 .-i.i.ll l«.|i:>i 1916 1917 1918 (a) 270,2.39 1919 iijI 412.999 ] 1920 (u) 1921 tai Janu:ir\ . 288,521 ;i27.s:!s 312.797 32I,.J0I February . . . :124,3M 2S5. 13.1 2M.597 241, MO 305.052 320,984 March .■«7,S14 40K,337 44.-|,(>4! 131,942 470,044 344. S93 April 2.17. 2!ll );.')»>, 731 aM.7M 319.413 3.S9. 151 412,7.58 Mav 49.'), BOM 4,S().H33 47, 171 1 7.3M,1M1 AuKUHt. . 4:iO.:i7!i 7rtl..'r>3 4,", 177 JO.i,M.i 022.302 8ept(>nil>iT :wi.s7:i .VM.V.I' 4.7«l 407. 71S N(tvcrntn-r WJ.II.Vi .3.><).2.W 4S2.013 ■.m.iOh 1 .373.2.57 Doceniln-i .320. 770;) 327, UIO 4.9(i7,808 38G.850 1 417,134 T,.t,il 4.. 1.56.. 374 6,007.300 4.976.598 5,403,7(8 •(',,?ii|icli4 fmiii till- Mi.iithly Suiiiniary i.f r..riMuii i '.:imLicrrv of tln' rmlt-i -^l.lT^■-, \V;i.-.liHiji;ton D.r (o) Totul fxtM'rf.i, 1 NjM.rt^ t,' '■:iii;iij:i ri'.t riporte. fp:i!;it4-l\' -'t;itr.i. Iml ■■[ :>; |. III, cii '..tal Consumption of Coal Till' totiil '■ciii^imiiiticin III' ciiai intu ( anaila r^tiiii.'itcii l 5,:;7(1,413 (1,(HI.5,735 6,697. 1((3 7.032,661 9, 727,. 560 8. (117., 352 9.15(1.478 8.913,376 10,, 532. 103 9.822.749 12.. 385. 696 12 214.403 11.. 500. 480 12,348.036 12,313,603 13.160.731 11,611,168 14,073,780 45-9 45 7 37-8 44 4 47 ■< 46 7 1,4 47 (1 45 5 45-7 45 1 47-3 48 47(1 47 8 .•K)5 51 ,52-2 49-2 48-9 51 7 45 47 3 479 ,50 2 40-5 4(1 () 42 ij 45 5 48- 1 41 3 37 2 37 8 40 2 43 1.8,84.161 2.192.260 3,314.353 2.490.931 2,.581,1S7 2,980,222 3,(|.^2,42'.t 3, 110,462 2,U17,81s 2,933.7,52 3.124.485 3,274,981 4,0112,3(11 4,;M',1,.5(13 4. MO. 213 5. 1(15. '138 5.491.S70 6.909.651 7,:!43.880 7. 398. '.106 10,. 549,. 503 10.195.424 9.711.826 10.438.123 14.424,'J49 14,, 549, 104 18,132,387 14.(137 920 12,406.212 17,517.820 20,810,132 21.611,101 17,251,849 18.(557.741 .•i.480.111 4.010.625 5,:i2.s.27s 4,4^3,9|il 4,941,383 5,,5.S6,712 5. .546, 441 5,933, (i4'.l 5,661, 1114 5,4(K),N(11 5,>45,51l 5,'l.>4.4()2 6.. "18. 0(10 T.7.'4.243 ^, 351, 105 '(.722,877 10,, 542, 351 11,, ',07, (,05 13.(106,s:i4 14, 376. ,541 15,32(1.466 19,1(16,8,55 19.351.902 18,625,202 20,970,226 24,247,698 26,934.800 31,. 582, 545 20.8,52,323 23,906.692 29.86.5,856 33,12;i,7,35 J4. 771. 832 28.863.017 32. 731.. 521 0-7.58 1888.. 871 1889. . 1890. . 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 ISIMi 1 137 0-946 1-031 1-1.53 1-133 1198 l-l.iO 1()«6 1V!17 ' ' .." 1,898 1899 . 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903 1!KM... 1905. . 1906 1907 1908 1 143 1 2(K) 1 454 1-561 1-810 1 927 2 0.55 2 -.346 2-362 2-425 2 947 1909 1910 19II 1012. . 1913 . 1914 1915 2-820 2-682 2 960 3-384 3 .596 4 071 3 325 1916 1917 191S 1919. .. ' ■ ■ 3 669 3 96j 4 047 1920 . 1 Ill (■(.niicxiKn with the rcc(,ril~ of (■(iM-;ini[itioii it iumv he of interest to record the very hirue i>(-n'eiit:m ' (■.•iiK((li:iii r,Kt\ ((Hk uuption n.s,.,l i,v railway (leoniotive-, Diiriiifi- the calendar year IIU'O, the tonnage of coal' used hv ioeoiiiotives amounted to 1(),8;;2. !»!.'> ton-, I lie ()U;iiitity of eo'd eonsuined l,v railway ioi-dinotives in recent y( -irs as coniiiiled from " Uailway Statistics," pnMi-hed li\ the Departni.-nt of' K-dl- way- and ( 'anal-, i- as follows; Annual Consumption of Coal b> Railway Locomotives In ^hnrt t.>n-i Anthracite Hituntinnut* Total 1911 (Year endinn .lune 30) 1912 1913 ■• •• 1914 1915 ■ •• 6,444 5,374 4,662 5, 271 3.691 4,899 4,900 3,283 3! 143 4,270 6,769,903 7,732,9,38 9,040,963 8,268,1,86 6,673,845 8.672.4.55 9.7^3.524 9.836.623 e 13-'*. 51:-: 9!. 329.' 191 10.328.645 6.776.347 7,7.38.312 9.045.025 s, 273.457 6. (177.. 536 8.';77,3.54 9.7,'i8,424 9, ,839, 906 9!. 332! 334 10.332.915 1916 - •• 1917 " 1918 ■■ " 1919 " " iyi« ,1 aii-ndar vpar),. 1920 ■• ■' 27979- :i \()\;l Si<)(i;i 'I'lir iprn.luctKiii n| ,(ial in Ndxa Sintia in I'ljil \..:i- I., (_' Wert -i.M Inr riin-iiiii|il khi in ( ana' la :;_' J'u ton- lui- . \|miii ici i he rnitcl States, an.] ssn.L'.'ii i,.|i- Im- .n|hiiI Im \.\\ I.Miiallan'l ami ..idri .■(unr rir-. Tlir total (|iiaiitit\ i:.-i'(l l.y |ir o|m aliil lor oilii-r loinimiriai |iiir|io-i'-, anr (dal (onipanv. I.iniitrd. lL'.'i,'.tii7 ton-, No\a .'scoti.a \va,- ihi' tii-t pid\incr in ( aianla in uhirli coal \\a> iiiim d .and Up to date has jirodma'd more laial than all llie olln r provinces coinliined. The annual production reached a inaxiinum in !l)i:5 with a total of 7.1IMI.((7:< ion-, liurinu till' pa-t feu \cars. liowexcr. the produclion fell off. 'I'lir l!»2(t produc- tion showed ;i incrc.a-c. ,\- the «,ar proia^eded the I,,-- of e\|)crieiiccd miner- throuuh enli-liiii'iil liecame liea\\ , d'he output wa- reduced and iii- crea-ini; deinaiid- for for con-umption ,ind for Kiinki riiii: om i-cas ~lii|'l'inii - .ah-orl'cd ihc a\|e that forinerl.\ wcin i, the Montreal market. l'' f* ' »^ 1 H — r» t^ t »: ri > .7 S .« a* I - I S; ; '" 5 1; *='' L: X '^ « * ' ^ ' 7 -^ - ^ • - i - : fi ' y r 8 w of , e s SI e o *C Si I "a a l'g'5iil^'S'Eii|ig iS5u?=;;3S'3'S]'i s :a -- ,g T I 5: — .r: 5 I ♦- ' r* «•• -5 MJ «* ' ^ ' 5J — 15 r? ' X S -i I - I - !- = t - .* S ..« *i S I . 2 .- -r » ' :c n 55 i ^ '^ « -^ - ^ f^ •* 2 r^ 1^ - — y. r: I : S ' -^i •^\ ^ «i-ll« I 1 s i?? -f -fC- i~?i tft ' -^ i- «- -r ' C C-l , — fC •- ■ i- , »c — , X '"I I It C — — ■ 3* S ^ rt* - -5— •" = --" S3 ,t £3 r gc C - 1- - 27<»70- 3'. 12 » »■ it t Z. e e i^ a^ c o 3 1 ^ U2ig S f,UU 1 n^nti-.n s 1- 1 2^ «^ ?i3s« 5 5?isgs{iSj-H-|s'- 1 i 1 K * i T in 1 ■ 's u s! : «S ■-! S ^ j 2S s" 1 . : : — : CI 9 J! 1 i='- gji us ii? n s 1 5 g 30 « « gj-. s'l w « !S H - 1 - ^ S3 , 8 iS.l i s H s i 1 •? "* ■ : * •* n ^ ri r» S e 'S i«S?^ s 1- = -. 8^55 52 I a iM m 3: 5 ssa 8i= gs.-ts I — - f . e^it- as w o n -^' 71 CI fi »-" -^ ^ |4fl -M CI 3 ^ *< 3^ 3 5r '^ ■£ . "t 2 * *■! s Id? sis: 2 •* I -r - I- 10 — -c f "; 1* — >o ?9 — -^ « — " o »* ■£ I 5 r a w Si ^j^ •ower (Sprin I.t.l 11 O.C •"S . . : >i— J a 1; : . -=!-- :-^.»"". - li = 5- X- 5_ .;, w a - ;, 5£ Itis'ti'l^-'i: » i^:- — — 13 Oiilpiii, S;iUs. (.(illii-ry Coiisiiinption, ;nul I'roilui lion nt (oil jn \i>\.i Sidtia Output .SuUI or lurd Colliery pon- I'nHiuctinii- mtniptioii Pricf ixT Vnlu.> i> <>( 2.240 Ibf. pnKlui'tioii ■- Tons of 2,000 |»nin>l" ' t rt« t 17M to 1871! .S,0.-..l.ti70 1 75 l2,.'iN:i,s«)o 1S74 *04 71I).:)I2 127. 14:i ^:I7.755 1 75 l,:io,s.o*ii IN77 s4'<..'t!W 7tW.5l;t 110. ro2 ^so 215 1 75 1 . .175. .i;to l.'i '1,741 1. .VI.. toil I.MO. lus IK7S hit.). 075 77o.7:f2 00. 21,2 '>:5.oo, 1 75 IN7'I HX2,MKt 771,25<( '.M'.ll.l Mil,, 220 1 75 IKMO l.l.'.ii,i'.:i:i 1 ,IK1>:m I,2x(I.o.tO 1 75 2.IMI«1.07(1 IHK'J l.."i.i»,7u.s 1 , 400. JIIO 124.747 I..V24.m7 1 75 2. .IH2. 7:10 iw:) I.W.i.iW l.4.Vt.22ti I25.;i>.:i 1.57,><.ilO*l I..>i:i.x2li 1 75 2.412.2:13 IKtSS 1.:>M.47II 1.405.051 142.o:«i 1,.547.»".I0 1 75 2, 4 IS. 7,15 ISHC, l.ii.s2.W4 I..Vls..Vji> l.',0,512 l,(»H,0|- 1 75 2,053. 1.',2 |s>7 i..H7i.; 1.702.041) l,".i,,,VV) l,.VvS..-,or, 1 75 2,8(M,0.57 l-<->s l.S.MI.L'li:! 1.7l>5,MI5 :7il,:;:«i 1,012 2.11 1 75 3,a'M,7:i.i Iv-'l i.«i7.o:« 1.741.720 177,017 I.0I-.,V27 1 75 2.WM. 107 l^■„, J.i-22.iiHl 2.000.441 1MI,.5,S!I 2 jsl ICH 1 75 :i. 107. KiU l^'ll i.llKl.l.V* 2. 071. (Of, lil5.UM 2.2(,7,'.l|0 1 75 :i.. 54.1. 024 1 S1t'.i.«7o ims L'.2;i<).727 2.0OH.27O 2:11. X75 2,225.I45 1 75 :i. 470. 7oti ISiHi 2..V)7.7i;il 2.202.447 210, 1:12 2..*>(IS,570 1 75 :i.OIO,(,.5i IM(7 L'.IIUll.NH,-) 2.2«)M,I7.-- 2.:i75.ii(ii ls7.5lti 2,5(1.1, IMI 1 7.5 4.{HH.07(( ISWI ■i.LMI«l,.MII) 2.'.i.')0.ori7 lOK, 755 .1, HS.S22 2 00 5.022.,S»Js I*Min ;.ri!M.ti4ii :i.;i.'is..').s5 2M.05I :i.ii2:i..5:oi 2, VI '<.0.'vs,2.50 r«M 4.27'J,.M7 :i.N20.4i)2 .i:i7.iK;ii 4. I.'lS.OOx 1 75 0.400. OS.' l!HI.' .■i,Lfl2..'>:tX 4.7:it).iiI4 424.702 5. i(ii.:(i(i 2 00 0. 210, (kit. I'.iii.; A.MI.4J<,) 5. Il:i.ii07 ."1:10.7:11 5,(i,',:i.:):i,s 2 (Kl 10.005.241', I'liit .1.747.S2:t 5.007.049 40.S,2tl 2 IHI O.'.HCL.'.SS I'll).', ■VSJI.C,.".' 5,11,7.470 470. 107 5.(i40..5>i:! .* '!(( 10. Os:). 1H4 i\tt\t\ <).,Vlii, I'll 5 704.:i(l7 510, lOS 0.220.. '•,05 •) 1 1. ids. 044 ]*MI7 l>,^lK^,.■)li.) 5..M;4..tOli l,yi.727 o.:i.vt. i:i:i ■ -, r2.7(H.WIO ]\m\ B,KII.",.4K« 5..'<51.7t)l 045.(1011 (l.(,.')2.."i:!0 2 25 I3.:)(i4,470 I'.KI^I 5.7IK,s7l 5.liljli.012 ,VS5.I77 5.O'i2.0.v.) 2 25 11. :).>!, (>i:i llljll r>,.)i:).iti2 5 72.1.0X1 007, 101 (■'.1:11. 142 2 25 12,010,705 I'.ll! 7.i2.-..;i:)i li.:i,-|.H.ON0 wo. :iio 7,004.420 2 2 5 14.071,370 hilJ " 8:i4.724 7.0.-,2..57:t 7:il.:u5 7. 7s.l.h.s,s 2 .50 1 7 , :(74 , 7.'',0 l!ii:f . «.i:io. KM 7.257.(HMi 72:1.0(17 7.0MI,07:i 2 .50 17.sr2.(W'Cl 1914 7.44H.042 ii.ii:!7. no 7:1:;. M 4 7.:;7ii,oj4 2 ,",0 10.452.0.55 1915 7..')l.T.7:i« i''.'.2:ii;.4:«i 075.701 0,012, 140 3 00 IS. 5 14, 007 I'I17 i;..ri5,:i:i5 5,5i.lJ1 5 02 32.238,120 183,968,338 396,2.85,718 1 I i ■3 e I 8* -^?'^.5 ?. i X * i; •: -; i ■: . J 7 T 1 1 1 i S •t* W tfl "ft ifl -x I ■•' I • ■* -r ■«' *^ t/it^iA 1 s ««>«^«*ro«('^>':tO*' 1^ ^^'^^tt3m««ic>n*ov^^* « ;- 7 7 rt I- zi'itSS -■«?-'%■-« ! ? I s 'j; s a £ :•;■ '4 ."' :i ?; ,< = 3 g ' ■ "7 ./ t'^ * .-^ 5; 9 ■S^. I ri IS i9«S>'=3 g I ^ Silt nis.-^sss .: . I - i I! 3 ^sa8S=3 «e t- "n"^ ^« oi-- R$ IS 3$K:ii;cSS S or* h» M •■«^fr S! i ! is '5 ?!5sanSi §S ■r -r , — * — Ti '^ -2 as « TC »c « « i*? JC ^ 9» •'i ' !■" ■!• •* t» -* C'l — ^ ?| — • 2 o — -j:«d8b.flbb: atT>i I f ^ -i — -M t- 3 I- *t S -r I, *o t! ?; '■* 2 ^' a '£ — ^ '^ ^' 30 .a •3 I s = .1 '. -r . t .2 : f _ -3 I . - . _ _ = • SS ■_ 3 '^ * = •/. c : I I x^ C'>'. - r r :^ - ; I s a, 4) Vi o e ■3 5 i Q- c u « 'S S« ?i "^ -J'' r 1 - — cj — Ox— b- t'»xr';'rio« — '?^tc «--£ — — CN ^ ■5.S 5 S 2: i' ^ — ^ = '^ •" i - J^ ^ ~ '" -^ •- == >" - J' ^ ^ T i- »S • :-s * p-^'z "^ ■ _ 5 g 2 ■»■ g ^r — ^1 3 ic 2 « X it — - ? ■» - - '? - — l>0>^3ie'»"tlt■^^7■i J w « s e I O R U 95Eg"*'2''^"'",l2=S'f;gS*'Sg = "S IS •« 1^ 30 I ^1^11 ;^ •? w-a 3': i- 2 a- = — 5_-- ._ C - c c t— r-c.S i u >-:.! 5 - .= .■- r 2.^~ =J?" -<^i<-A<»S W ^. W ^. I* HM c s 17 New Brunswick The piniiiiilKMi 111" r(,:i| ii, \(.\v IJniii-uick ill l!f_'il ua- liihllls ton- 'i-^ u^iaiTi.-l ]7!1.1IIS Inn- in ][>]<>, >li,,\vinfi a ,lc.TrM>c (,f lH.dliO tuii>. (,r 7:{ per (•.■iit ■riiidiiyli tin r,iuilc>.\ of tin- o|icrator- flif di iiarlnicnt i- |iiTiiiiltr.| to piii.- listi a i-fconl of till' pi(.(iiir!M,ii individual proprrtir<, as >liou n in the acroni- piinyiiiK t.'iliii's: Production of Coal in New Hrunswick, I'UO ■ In tiln>rt tons' Co . I.t.l.. Newcastle Creek . . (ininil I.iiki- < ciiil (',, , Ltd.. Minto K.'lly CoulC,.. I.t,l.,Minlii '■MiruMiii hi I.urnlxT <'u. i.'J). MinK.C.iil (■,,.. I.til.. Minto Hiil^c < ,,:,1 ( ■,,.. I.til., \,.wi"i.-tli- Hndiji. I!nth«. IMoiil (■.,., I.t.l.. H„iii«,.ll' I .instruct ion I o . l.i.l,, Minto Uclton, ll;ii,\,.y. -Miiilo oWrltoi, A H,.ri.|i'r-^.ii, l,t,l Minto u'l... Tilnc in operation Total -Total tor sales roUiery uae 299 (lays Laft 'i tnos, I^ast .'» iiios.l 12 nu.n. :u:!ilavs. :illK iliivs. LN4 . ITOiliiy.s. 249 days. Total -New Jirunswiik 20,916 1.4l.i 1 . ii;iO 2.H. 1,57 :i5,4Xii ;», 2.32 1 1 , i.w 22.0K(1 2.t. 937 3.465 1.57. ,577 yHH l,U»o 2.412 2.419 4tiO SOU Total production 87 8,471 21,9(M 1,41,5 1 . Mr, 2"). 237 .■J7.HH,S 11,6.51 11,713 22.SSti 23,937 3,552 16»i,04S ,nd Wlllw^f ol^o'^l^" ""'' ■'"'"' "•■"'''■^^'" " '' '"' ''''■■ " '^'- ' ■ ^- " ''"^'^■'- ' ■ Production of Coal in New Brunswick, 1919 111 .-hort toii>. Avon I Oil! ( ■,,.. 1.1,1.. .N(.w("islie ( ixvk, (■.wikIi!y..l(T.. .Mint., Grand l.akc < oal ( 'o,, .Minto Kinn, ti. (I.. (I ipman Minto Coal Co., Ltd., Minto Nortljfiol.i Coal Co.. Ltd.. Minto liidttoCoal Co., Ltd., .Vfuca.stleHridsf Kotliwi-llCcal Co.. Ltd., Hotlmrll Mii-flicld Coal Co.. I.t.L. Minto.. Taylor, .\. U., Mint .^5 1 I9 42-J ii.o;!0 2 (W IIXIN i:).7<»2 1 .^o 191(i lil.ljdci l.i.OOO 1 .-.o 1917 17 t;':ii .•|l,v57 ■-• 94 191S IS 7!).i il'.l.tWI 2 11 1919 Hi. 000 10.000 2 50 1920 -tu<,-< 9.112 _".l UK I :;4.(l7il :14..VS4 (K».0(KI 49.029 .M.4.'i.i .v.. 7s I t4.7s(i 70.:;il 9S,(I49 127.391 143.540 lH9.09.i 2t>.H.212 179. l(^ 166. (MS \\llu,- .\WTM,.r \xt tiia 1 $ t «» IS. 224 2 00 .'tS S(Xt ' IHt (IS. I.i.i _' (HI 1 77.SI4 2 25 135. (MMI 1 2 25 , 9H.49t> , 2 25 1 110.91(1 2 00 in..")li2 2 (HI S9..'ili(l 2 00 lli(i.G37 2 37 241.075 2 4() ' 309.612 2 43 .386. 016 2 69 70S. 010 3 74 1.331. 7111 4 97 1 794,761 4 42 ll.05o,2S6 ; 6 36 .lal 1,769,496 i6,06S.440 '•'he i'():(l |M(nlu(". .,;i aica.s include llir ('riaiid Lake icai-licld- in ()uccn- aiid .'^iiiiKm;, cuunlic-. and tlic l?( (■i>villi- .area in l\inl ripunl\. In llic liiand Lake .area tin inai -caiii-. whirl, \:ii\ in liiickiic^N Irdin '_'(• to :i'_' iinlifv, aic fiiwnd ai a di'l'ili iii fruni ill) lu til) trrl \n^i,\\ tlic -iirfaia^. Saskatchfwnn riir '■iial il('|Hi-it- dt' S.a.-kali-la' liirni^li ri,al n\ tlic liunilr \alicl.\ (>nl>-, and tlir pindinnoii in liljtl tVdin (i:i (aillirric- \\a> .{}:■!. 17.") tipii-. xalmai at .siM',t,HL'(l, .1- (< nil pa red '.mIIi :i.S(t.l (i'.t inn~, \a!ii.d .it .s^.M'li.."i'J2 in I'.M'.i. ,i . ircrca.-c (if ;-ili.(i'.i 1 Inn-. Ill- '.I- 7 [MI- I I lit 'I'lic I'.i.'ll pindniiKin iiicjiidid .;|s.'.i^7 ii'ii- ni ('(jai -ujd .ami -Jl.tss tun- ux'd liy pi'iiduicr,- Inr (aiiJiiTy ciiii-uinpt lull. ii\ Wdiknini nv in liiickiiia kinu. I li'' uiitpiit 111 i-nal i-dinr- cliicllx liiiin llic \irinii\- df k -ti\an. Idc.alnl dn the .<(Miri- ri\ai. mar tin -din !i.a-itin rmni i dl the ])r(i\imc. ( dal dnpii.-il.- fxi.-t fdi- 7."' dr Kill null - in a iiorthwoi — dill ln'a>t dir(H-ti(ju alon^ the Soiiri- river, im Km .\liidd> > reek, draiiiiiis; \\ illdwliiincli l,ikc and mi the -ouih br.aneh of the Sa.'^katchewan iiMr. .ilidiit llln mile- -dUlh\M-.t of Sa-kaliam. The annual |irddiic-tidii and tin iirdiluetidii l.y inineijia! upeiatdi- in I'.ii!) and lil'jn i< -hnwn in the fdHuuinu lahle-: 19 s s K o a a u e •c a. SS^gSgSS^SIf S|fe|g|2g| I R 1^^ ?I2 S :5 ■ ^ . : ? s -PPS?? fc '-S ?c e-: 3C 3C o L- -^ .r c ^? M $ x' , .fi ?■=.::: >•: > " ? ' ■' r2 S ^ '" ^ -^ X '-r -c -1 I- -t- 3 -J ! £ ' - s — e* eg i I u en «s o e o 'G u 3 •O s a. X cc t- — ri ■•.-■=— ~w •■- £, r •"■-3' "■ * -- In X =: - ;^ ^ ?; X i. /: r. v: s s = -- zf.s elm ; iskatclu-wan in I'M*), by F'rincipal Opi-rators I In ^ll<>rt tui.i! N'linie of C'iinipuny Time in nl T.ital : AniitTsnii. Nioli*. I'.sti'Van. , Hienffiit iVimiiH'ri-iul Co.. Ltd.. Hifiifait liii'nfuit Mine 'riiio Hicnfait ''ri'srcnt ('ollicricr-. Ltd Kidsni'^i" Unis,. Cladmiir i;sli-\aii <'.>al ;ind line k ('.' . IjJ l..«tovaii . Hc'uvrl. Ilonry \'.. Hart Intor-l'riivmcKil (ciiil i',, , Ltd., Uotlie I'crrtc.. l"*0lrips«'y. W ni.. .•^hauna\ on McNeil *V Urooks. Lstovan Manitoha and .'^a>katili('wan foal <'o., Ltd.. Kstovan Xicholsiin. H., I'.. inos. 12 10 2111 nio9. mos. days ,tt day.s 354,399 Total I for colliery use* Total pr'xluction l.iWl ; 2.-ts7 I 030 l.'C ' .j,«3fl 124 30 .340 il.Ot I 8,774 25,770 l.lilS 41.740 IW.47S l.'..')7l 1..M2 m.W)2 I, IHS .'.3.-)l ■!. ISO 1 , l.W 1)7. 142 7,124 4.419 1.077 .'1.795 1.016 11.-I.487 1.340 14.X92 380, ie» ■Ineluiles eonsiiiiiption under boilers, ete.. and colli uaod by workmen. \nnual JVoduction of Coal in Saskatchewan Calendar Year i.'^liurt tons Is.->7 ISIIO ISill \s>A2. WJ\i l.siM ^^y.) i.siii; l.v.)7 ISifi^. ISWi liHHI I'.IOl IWI2 lOo.i I!«M 1WI5 ■11 Krom Turtle MoiintJtin dittriet, Manitoba. ('1 IneluilincH small Muantity from the Turtle Mountain di.'tri.t. M.initoba. Average Short tons Value per ton * « .-t*. 10S.39S IM.Ut) 1 51 151.2.32 2.52.437 1 IJ7 I.'.<...5.5H 2.53,790 1 1)9 1<,I2.125 2"JI,.339 I 54 IM.lif) 293.023 1 62 ■.'llti.77<» 347. 24H 1 (VS 2.'5..!t2 3iW,135 I 63 Jl-'.s'.i: 3.->s. iy2 1 6,S l'32..'>,f.( 374.245 1 61 240. 1!»7 31)5. 24>j 1 52 2.- uvll riiii>i(lrialilr Idiinaur iif liuiiiti li. nc'd iMliiniiii.iu^ (•(,,■, I .(.nlnliiilcl -1 tons, vaiuial at SIS.21tt,4",ir), in l|»li». I line aiv many -mall (i|ici'at()fs in tiic pni\incc the fcpditinti prdductiiin ni I'.tl'l) l.cinj: 2.')(l. 'I'licrc wctv (i,-) cdrnpanic- rcpdrtinii a production iTi (•xcc» of ID, (10(1 Ion;,, and tlic a>ii:ri';ialc proddction liy tlics*- firms was ek Coal and Coke Company, Limited, witii ;<.S(),ltK() tons; the International Coal and Coke Com- Piiny. Lnnited, with :iO(.,S.")2 ton-: the Canmore Coal Companv, with 27."), 447 ton.-: and the Oliphant Miin-on Collieri( Ltd., with 244.ti;i;5 ton-. <»j' tjie total production t),;ii;{,.")(W tons were reported as sales, including t>.lso,,-,S.-, tons sold for consumption in Canada. :ind i;i2,!tlS tons sold for ex|)ort to the Lnitcd St.ates: ,-,]<). i)l)7 ton- were u>ed l.y tile producers for colliery openttions. the nianufaeture of liri(|Uettes. and for workmen. d'he falling-olT of over 1,(100.000 tons in l!)Ht was ascrilied l,y the Chief Inspector of Mines for the province, in part to the accumulation at the end of liUS ot unusually larjie stocks in the hands of the trade or consumers. It will he noted also that less eo;d shijipcd to points out.side the '-.roviiice during tiie year HII!» than during the previous year. Tliat portion ■ i central Canada comprisinsi the provJTices of Saskatchewan, Manitolia. and Ontario west of the head of the Lakes hud lieeti sui)i)lied annually with from 2,()()().(I0() t(j 2. .500.000 tons of coal uni)orted fi. -n the rniled States. IJestrictions on this supply during 1018 necessitated a larger consumption within the territorv. of .Xllierta coal. An effort was made on the of the Alberta producers to secure and retain an increasii.^ proportion of this market. In view of this it i> not sur- prising the 1020 prodi:ction retlccted this elTort hv attaining its maximum record. i 111 production of authr.acite. Iiituminous, and lignite coal (hiring 1010, :ind tin production of each of the Larger collierie- during 1020 and 1010 are show n HI the following tallies: -' g-"e^"-.- — ^ •*: — ri !i i__LJ I I " • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■__[ X ^ 7 -* I- r I- « y -I — y c S X ?i CI- — '"^ I- - — rt I- Jt x r '': 2 ■-'1 » T-: c f-. r. i fl; ; I ' I s! = S35? S .= ,S jSl • ',£'!-: >"* 7 n -i -^ * r* — -J — r — ri — I - -f rr -r n .» -r 3 ?^ r- ff -T c e .r y I - T- — r- :^ l "^ S — I- c c -^ ■- — c t; r ri r. ;■: n — — ?i — / js — •. i- ^t c "^ 3P I i ^ «e t - I »£ ■ ^-KC X 12 •S ^1 I- a — ;r X s « o w: s C I- -M -^ «« ?i *ci TC ri »— — CI -c — Si W S 1 S ^ •■; "* r- c r-- 5- ■ ^> — T^ -'• r- X rr — X — * I, X -3 ?^ -c X "? ■?! I- S « T4 r- J5 tr •• w |! " ''t d '^fr-'ill'-' ' '-' ------•-■ - -^ ■-■------••-•- -^.^-.^^ ■ * ! = iS< ;i b li I __ ^ ' *^ I a '-" • i* ?t r^ -I -^ t^ I -Ml- ^ i-r^ re "? --C '^ I- ?c rr S I- r: I- — *i It 5 X O •£ — -*— : * ^ ci -r r; X I- — — ^ -J o a c f^ s r-- c — I- 1- *i ^ £ c -r ?? X - X -^ i — 3t »^ y- i ■^ X t- -^ -T hJ— — ?j 5: irf * "fri "T r; -.c /s'y? "■ ^'*'~ " r** — — r ' ■ ' * ri — ci \J : s ! s w r ^ C O .i^ ' t i -. _>;5 s = S 5 3 S 3 5 S S = 'i .^ -5 »' ?i' |? | \i 5 ^' = ?i = ?, "W '4 -^' = : I r; 5 -' '^ § -' f ~ i rj | g 1 O O ^ X "i 3 rc "^ 5 Tl tC » Ci * S( 5 Nc "' '*■' — •*■ I- 1- — *' — " _J — ■ ^] ^» — — ^ "T r- — 5l S a ^. I - ■£ c •• ^ ?l 3; <5 -c 1^ ?t C •c u IS a 'S e r a,. >« "* 2 S i 58 ~ 3 -15 71 •- 2 rr -f -!• M — i — 2 -3 t - f 1 r- 1^ ft t^ X — ft — S *i r^ ?t — ?; — ^ ?1 — - ?« — " f™ 3 ,r; « |g - 5 ' 22 ^ ^ 12 21 •>■ ;^ '£ 5 i ?' ^ in *' ^ i* » "^ ^' P r* ^ — '=^ '^ :t ?J "^ ac -f — -I -T — 31 c '-'; « -J ^T I _ t ? T i' L: ~ ~' ^ 3 "^ ^ '2 'r "T - 71 X '- c ;r >: -I n * ri r • _r 3 .^li 8 O e % u 3 •O I 2e! __^_____ ^ -,j,_- -*-^_ .25-t — ^ 5 a 5 — ' ;===iii 24 4 9 ..•2a — 3 — — 3S — i; ar "'^ O re S ft ?I .i — -M ^^ — jCO-f^'^i'- ("■aii>v«75 3 •- 71 — -I r? ri Ti t-. I- ^1 ccca-r'Mi-/: tins — xt-ji ci re jc r -r -r ?( .^ -r — r: — -m 3-. -» -j rt ti f» i- < i- j «$ is (5 : X I- p o — ? *! tc — PC t- ac i-r — — M I- 1- X 31 T^ — — ■ X c* ce »o g 2 "^i *J2 ^ '1 2 "^ o ?* ?i -^ :i — o 'i 5» rt — •.e I- 3c o oc o -M ?i — ?t x' ?^i a t-^ tt t - '^J « O wj T'l re 91 ao ff-i « f* ai « » 3» 3: ee — V »C ^: ^ »» X -M re Ci -^ T I X «3 — a u e ^ = 2 ?-,:i = SS^f <'.>nip;(ny anii Mine .\ii' Hankln'ail .Mine (lalt Mini-i. l.i.tliliriilKc ... Ciiniiiori' Ci,;il ( ',,,_ Ltd.. f 'aninon- CarihiT Colli,. ra..H. Ltd., Chinook Coal I .... Ltd. citv ■!' I.iihl.nili;,. ( o.i I 'lov,.! Har Coal Mm... Dawwiii ( ',)al I o . Ltd Dinant < oal ' o.. 1.1,1. Dida-ll Coal Co.. Ltd. DniniliilliT Lan,l Co Kdnionton Cillu'i i*v-i Co.. Ltd.. KfdiTal Coals, Ltd.. I-"raH(»r-Mi' Kav ( 'olli, Crc^at \\,.M Coal Co, Crcat West C,,. Hamilton • 'oal ( Card 1 If I '. Ml 'luiiu'ri-f ni', Lft liliridijr Co.. Ltd . Clovi-r liar . 'I'Ih'I. Kdm, niton . , Dinant ■riiel. Tolield Tlu'i, nrunihelU'r Ltd., i:,liM(iiil,Mi . Ttir..!- Mills L.-thl.riilK,., i'ri,'<. Ltd., < 'lover Har. . Ltd riipi. Clover Har. . ' Star V me). .\eri;il \\a\ olfiiian Ltd.. t 'olfiiian. Hlllire.~t I'ollii.ries. Ltd.. lIllliTesl HuinLerstone ( oal Co.. Hev,'rl\' . Hy-Crade Coal Co.. I )rnnilieller [nternalioiial Coal A Coke Co.. Ltd., .tapper I'ark Collieries. Ltd.. I'oralion lowell ( "oliiiTies. Ltd.. \\ a.vne Ijike.-iid,' Coais, Ltd.. Waliaiimn. ">Iareus < 'olliiTies. Ltd., ' lover Har. MeCillivray Creek Coal .V Coke Co.. Mel'eak. I'. .1, l:d:ni>ntiin Mi.Uand Collieries. Ltd.. Midlandvale .Mountain I'ark C;oal Co.. Ltd.. Mountain "irk Neweastle Coal Co., Ltd.. DniiiilielUr . i'aeitii- l>a.-...i, Luvettville I'elnbina. I'.vaiishuivtl HeKal, l)o,ld3. MoiKvirh, I )niiiiheller Letliliridlle, ( oalliur-l Kipp! I Mipliant-Mui .son Collieries. Lt.L. I lliphant M. Otle»ell (',)( 1 Co., Ltd., Clover Har I'reiiner CoaW'o.. Ltd.. Dniiidieller UedchIT Hriik and Coal Co., KedcllIT KeiraK ..lli,.ri,.s, Ltd., Hoek Sprinus CiKil and Hri'k Co., Ltd., l^lean. Kosedale ( 'oal and < 'lav I'loiluets I 'o..Ltd.. H. !{(.«■ Deer 'oal Mining Co., I t.l , W.ivi.e Hounil llilU'oUieries. Li,l.. Houndliill Saunders Creek ( oUieries. Lt,l.. Saundera... .Scranton Coal Co., I >nirii1ieller .■spieer ( oal Co.. Ltd.. Dinant Tofiold Coal Co., Ltd.. Tofield T;v;nC^tyf'^;;IC.. } ,.\ !'d-„vntoa South. . eilal. 183 days 175 ■• ISO " H niofr 12ii dav» lill ItH " :Mfi '■ S!( lays I4:i '.'ID '.'(HI J 2o:t 177 days mt .'{ll! •• I7S L'4» L'4'2 ■ 270 '• 2«0 •• 2MJ •■ I.S7 ■■ inos. 222 davs ! 194 ■• ! 2I« ■■ ' 180 •• I iiH ■■ 134 •• 213 •■ I Mr, 212 " 222 m • 210 ■• i2i; 217', ■ 2.V) ■ !l MIOS Hit dav.s IS7 280 days .1 moa ISO days 174 Kit; 24 :i 2tM IfW 171 249 77.386 ,>4. 749 47. 19.S 40, 7K2 n.H-,7 :!(i,Ut>l '.iti.WI 27«, ^'l«^ 12.815 48.441 157. 8.V)'l 19. 156 241. I.>4 |H4,728 70. 802 ld,2.i:f II.H44 r!..-)X.-i 14.88:! 22.626 :iM,6.'>7 2«. .-187 is, 210 Ii'p,6i:t 22,. -ill > 2l.7.i:i »ii,927 , a:i, l.M l.'),:iO« , 226, 4(a ! .".201 :;;!.>< 58 l.'iS.24(l 41.106 ■-'(), 2 W ;il..32,S 2I,<.»90 202,, "C'i 1 7,. ').■«( ,>S,SOO lo:i.,S4H 47.805 72,0(IS <)s,27."i i:i.4i;i :;2,«.i:i l.')O.N49 •<.'<. 7(W U.IKHJ •-'4,119 1.1,674 I 22,992 ' l.'t,'28;i I 7."i,947 7.'i,'2lK) ■.'0,:j,W ' 2o,3:)o 1 44,074 ' 16,950 I .">2.76:s I Touil collitry Total eoniunip- prixluction tion 4,155 81.541 2.927 .'.7,67« ;i.6.''>5 50.8.13 1.430 42.212 1 , :iw l:i.'22:! (',4.1 :ii.:ii)ii 4, 179 IIKI.Mill 5 >46 ■.'.S2..144 404 i:i,219 1 . 2.t0 49.671 1.165 1.19.01,1 1 2 492 .12,325 n,i 92.168 111.324 4:1.716 285,17(1 17 tL'ti J()l,74.s 1.0.11 7.1.,s.i:i 1. 9(W 36 ..sxo . 032 ;t56 285 6 989 941 5:i0 1 2., 842 .1.932 226 15,432 :i,702 528 1 . .189 1.684 8,357 1,688 4.625 9.116 1.245 s, i:iO 7,921 i. 154 14.929 985 200 7:18 3.5;i6 1.943 1 . 946 4 . li24 175 !.(KM 2.467 446 SOO 111 .324 285 17(1 J()l 74.S 75 s.i:i 7s 24:; II 84 1 15 .567 14 8H3 23 .594 :i9 693 K 467 IS 2 Hi IS ti45 2.t 8li7 22 o:i8 '.i;j 916 .11 094 15 8:i9 2;i9 305 ti:i i:!:i 40 0,S4 173 672 44 K(),s 20 784 32 .117 1:3 6H0 210 S7s 19 227 ci:i 425 112 9li4 49 05(1 SO i:u 106 19S 13 416 :i(i 107 165 778 so 68N 11 200 24 S57 15 674 26 528 In 226 77 89:! 79 S24 20 52.1 21 3;u 46 .541 17 396 53 sea (oj Inclutit'8 iMial u?H'niiiipriral <"m.. Ltd.. Wnyni' Ui'MtiTn (icrii MininKCii., \.\ti., l>niitihi>n Vfllowlifuil ( Vml < 1. , Ltd.. CiiHltpur Tiilul iHI i All Mihrr upvrntiir? > I1)t Toiul. All^Pftii. Total I nil" III I TmIaI ''nlliffry >i|M'rmlitin f mIi'k : ronnumiv tinn -ii".'; •l»yii( M ' ■■ I l.'ll iti •• ; 7 niui>. :".N),i)m , I'lN.HI.-i 57.4:L' 47,421 : I.V.'M , 4.:liH 71(1 ' -•i:'.:.i7 4.A77.23A I I.MWt) .•|.«72 4.2ttO I..VN( 1.078 _- .W-.'.fi7fl 4.1(2:1 387. 3M ToUil prnlurti'Mi :«i2. 7.S4 234. 4H7 ni . )W2 4M,921 IA.36U 4. 747. MS 117.14(1 4.t64,S3.5 \tnui;il I'rndiu'lion of in MbiTt.i 1 iilpnilur \'l'1ii- " Short 1 \alu.- .Xvnrage jir VBur Slmn Value Avcragi' tr.l.^ * PIT ton t tonfi per ton % t ItMMi 14.220 "1- !1: 1 S8 I'.KM mil. 7,32 l.4W7 74.i.-)2 ; 1.57.. 577 2 13 1 ItHL'i 031,917 1,003.91,5 2 14 IXHJt IIA. 124 isn.xvt 1 59 I'M 11, I,24t>.3li0 2.014.702 2 10 isyi 97.;itH ' l7«.tV4» 1 K.5 I'll 17 l..V,tl..57« 3.H;lB.2Xti 2 41 ISild 12S.7.):i 1 l'.IS.2«.H 1.54 I'Ml^ l,ii.S5.tiiil 4.127,311 2 45 1H91 174.i;il 4;)7.24:! 2 Al 1 lllll-l 1. '104, 711 4.''3S. 109 2-43 I.S92 17.s.tl7l) ' 4fiO,i\(l.i 2 -.57 I 1-110 J,SlM,4r.O 7.(llw,73« 2 44 is9;i -Mil (17(1 .\sa.2iiu 255 1 lllll l,.511,(Wi> 3.070, 2M 2ti:) 1S94 1>U.940 473. M7 2.50 1012 3, 240. .577 X, 113.. 525 2 -.50 ISO.-, l(19.s.S.j , 3X2,. 52« 2 25 j l«i:! lfl.41S.941 2 .50 i.s9r> -•Ott. 192 1 .5.H1.S.(2 2'7S ; 1014 3.11X3.01.5 2 .>4 |H'J7 J42. i«;i ri;io.4(iK 2 tVI 101.5 3. 300. 81s S. 2X3, 070 2 40 IS9S ., :ll.-.,OSS ; 7S7. 720 2 30 ion; 4,. 5.59,0.51 ll,3Hii..577 2 .'lO IMHi m.i'm . 774. (Km 2 ."lO 1017 4,73I>,3()X 14. 1.53, O.S.- 2 90 l<.MNI . M\.4M 77.s.r.2.5 2 .50 lOls 5,m72,M« JO.. 537. 2X7 3 44 lUUI :Uil.27.'i 1 H.5(l.tW7 2 .50 1010 4,«t>1..53.5 IX. 204. 49.5 3 (is 1902 402. s 19 ■' WKI.IiOl 2 its 1020 U.n;«..5» £ a 1 . \\ "2 ~- 5 ': li .2" ' "a f- o = !! 3 ; r- a« X *- c -s I. .22 1/'.; i'a? r I' ^ ' 1-^J *»=* s ( 2^ 1> 111^ s' ^ * ^ '" : ■3 _ -n ■ 1 II i 11 1 3-^ :2X ii2 8 3 : s ijii 1 « Jl i 1 i^ s ■ 1 IF 3 ai fin « ^ p , ^ : : ' 1 ^ 1 i 1 '^ * .1 t i 1 1 1 11 , SIlSjS ti 1 CI ■" i 3^ 1 i IIS is «s 1 s i" S 1 J 3 S 5 |S: i .9 ■ 1 1: 5 ft i| e 1 , 1 sS-ifi 1 ' 1 SSS|S 1- > U — ^ . o 1 o = 3 i 2 ^1 3 i ^ 5Ks !S lg ' 1 5 J — i~ r. = c ^ — 5 1 i ! t «? 5 - ^ — 1 ii •JH I'r'tisli ( uliiinhi.i Till- |ii'(>ihii'tii)ii of ciiiil ill Urili«li « iiliiiiiliiii ill llf-'tl w;i« '_'.H.'),H,H77 tiilif. us umipjiri'il with 2. J;i.">. !•;<:{ ti>ii» in \U\'.K in inrri:i-.r of rj'.'.fin tiin-^, or 17-4 JMT (lilt. 0| the tiital pnttliii lii'ii in I'.fju, J.lll.n.'l inn- \m i. n |intlril ji^ silc.-, incliuiiiiK l,iV.">.'i,.')l< folil fur citiii^iiinptioii in ranailji, H7(i,i(4il tdii.s sulil for rxjxirt to tin- I'niti'il Stales, ami H,.'iti.'i tons to other eniintries. There were 417>.'>.{ toii> ii.-ed l>y the |»roiiueer>, ineliniinK ll(i,12* to!i> for inakinjc eoke and .'{(M,"!?!' loii" for the operation of collieries and l>v workmen. The produetion and I'l irilnition of the collieries on Vancouver ishiml. of the t'rowMiest district, and of the interior at Nicola and I'rinceton, arc -hown .separatelv in the following taMcs, The three larcest operators in the province were: the ( row -m-t I'.c- ( oal < ()iii|>an\. with a total proi'iiction of 77!l,'.tl.'i tons; the (aiKKhiii Wi-iern Kiiel ('onipany. with 7Hl,:{ti:{ tons; and the ('.•inadian Collierie- 1 1 )iiii^nniir'i Limited, with ti74.ti|N inn-. The«e time ci.Mipanies contrilmted "ttS per cent of the province's proiiuction. t'oal production in Mriti-li l nluniMa rcaclird a niaMiiiiiin in I'lln, vvitli a total of :{.:<:{(>, 74.'> lon>. In the loilowiim year the pr:i2 ton- and the avcratc produclimi diirinu the p:t-t nine years ha- liecii -liuhtly •.'..■>:{•_'. IMIII toll- I'n', i.ii- in isit.'i practicallv K(( p.r < nt the coal production wa- -nhl ini I Apnii riic ilevclopment of metallurt il and indus- trial activit\, lin\\i\ii, (lurini; llic followiim lifteen \car-. ni'callv iiniia-cd the lioini' con-nniiil inn. wliilc the actual tnniiauc -oM for export li;i- imi -howii any m.arki'l < lianLc 'luimi; llnit.v' scar-. Coal Production by Districts in Britisli Columbia, 1<*2() iln nlmrl tiin»i Sold for <'nn-iiiiipti>>ri m Canaita.. SolJ for export to I'nittHl Statl'^ SoliI for oip<'»"t to ottMT pountriew I'otnl -;lU'S t'swl t>y (iprrator for making rokt*. t-ie I'seti for c'ollii'r.\- t-on.-uiiiption. t-rr IVniuftion I'er cent . Output Vanoouver . IhIi-1 I ' l.lTil.ait) ;|3(!,703 S..'M5 l.-'ilil.lUS ■22h.W.\ NitH>Ia ami '*"int'tui. i.747.:ui 611 1.993.370 1.14,207 i.ea» CrowsneHt luiit K.aiit 'Coiilonay 23)<,2M Total 1,S.«,310 )47ft.M» 8.SCB i,v>.s4n •-'.277 t>,S3.') 167,«tW S9 170 131 TiCt stto 11.1, HIT ti1<1 (or rnni-uinption in C'anaila Sojil tor export to fnited Stales SoUl for eiport to other countriei' Tutal salc!« L'seil tty operator for niakiiifcr rokr, \'^f*\ for colliery con^urllptll'n, clc I'roiluf tion , Per cent . Output V;uieouvi'r Islantl '.M«.L';t4 i 427.103 i nil I i 1,;!76.:K7 fi2,3.5:i ! iHfi.OH;) i 1.024.77;) 66-7 I 1,915,129 Nieola and Prineeton 14,5. 5M3 7,068 152, 13,421 1B«,072 6-8 168.993 (*rowHne>l an, a o 3 ■§ la au a c -i I ■A ' i' L: '' js ~ ~ S — s ?l X :rjst = 1 iX — ^ ?: ^ •"- 7J H « .■« i :^ u , _J ti ri '•r ^C -' I- ■'^" * H — — 3! Annual I'ruductiun of Coal in BritKsh Columbia < 'lilrnilitr ^ far isM: t,, IH74 1S73 IS7(i. IS77. 1878. 1879. issn IsM IKS'J 1N8") 1884 1885 1886. 1887 1888 1889 I.M.KI IMM iwi:' l8u:t "

1' I'jlii IDU. 1912.. 1913.. l',)I4, I'JI.-. IDlii I'.HT mi'' lUl'J. 1920 1S73 lion,,. ( lutpin S..|.lf.,r Total. 4.S(I.7h:) >»1..')47 i 110,145 139. 1W2 1M.C.-2 17!).S4fi 241.:t(Pl L'liT . .il'.i :'2^,:^.■l7 js-j.iw 2i:!.2!i» :i»4.u70 1 :it>5..'i9 l.ii!ll..i.')7 1, Ml, 020 I,4i0,tm3 l,(W.'j,69s 1.736,696 l,.MtU,07l) 2. 2 in. 002 2.lll,! J.iNS. l!i(i 3. 1. '.J. 207 2,304,794 2.857.345 2..Vi7,357 2. In2,1W l.yiL'.MT 2.4X7,012 2,37."). 745 2,.j70,«24 2.417,.S20 2.77B.979 i T.onK t<>n> : I 2.',. 023 31,2.52 17.S,T« 24,311 2li. Ititi 40.291 4t;.513 40, 191 Mi. 161 M 786 s:.:j88 05.22" s5,9.8 99.216 115,953 1 24.. 174 177.07.-I 202.1197 196.223 i 207,851 I 16.1.776 188,349 \ 261,984 1 290.310 I 375.423 ' .■|26.0.'>8 6x5.6t)7 799,666 I 837,871 947,499 1.129.465 1.0.S9,667 • 1.236.476 i 1.438,402 ' 1,486,511 1,. 585, 232 1,798.873 ( .■|6.o;i,s 1)6.392 t 122. 329 115,381 I IM.H82 ' 192.096 22.'i.X49 I iK<).:i23 ' 232.411 149 .iti7 :!06.478 237.797 249,205 334,839 365,714 443.1175 .)Ox,27li xoil, 179 i'40,.")79 768.917 S27.642 7.56.3:t4 634 . 238 1119.890 7.i2.x63 751,711 '111. IM '.tH. 163 77ll.sn9 .".49,449 ,">33,.593 647,343 679,829 673,114 .197. 1.57 74 1 . 667 1.17.".. 0117 1112, 966. 623, 1.02. Ml 761 790 696 96:! 946 7S5 II7S («5 789 0S3 343 638 rroilucIiMt, • I t ."ihmt 1. ^I.IMII '.17. M4 140.185 139.092 IW.848 232,390 272. 362 229.514 288.. 572 214.3.13 393.866 3X1. (r24 3.^1.192 434.0,15 4S 1.667 ■"16X.249 llv",.:l45 l.(KI9,176 .836.. S02 , 976.768 I 993,41s m4.liN:; MI6.222 ' 910.170 t 1 12S.2SI1 I 277.769 1.5i«I.S51 I 1,713.829 ] 1,014,680 I 1.496,948 I I.663.0,">8 ' 1. 737.0111 j l,yl0..ilJ,'> 1 2,111,516 I 2,083,6tW 2.326,899 2.973.880 I 2.270,118 2.865, 176 2. 423.. 589 j 1.999.821 i 1,,S44,297 ' 2,307,197 2,173,114 2,29:!,3,s:f 2,174.940 J., 7,12. .569 ."..•!,x.4.xO ',x),:,s8 109,361 1.17.UI7 1. ".6, 4.15 213,7.".0 260,277 :t05,(M5 2.17,0.56 323.201 240.075 441.130 372.987 375.415 ISO. 142 ,'..(9.467 6.i6.l:19 7(17., isil I. 130.277 937.218 1.093.980 1.112.628 1.0.18,045 1,003,769 1,019.390 1.263.6S0 1.431.101 1.791.833 1.919,4.88 1,, SOS, 441 1.676,581 1,.H62,«25 1,915.45' 2.146.262 2.. 164. 898 2.333.708 2.606,127 3.330.745 2, 54 2,, 132 3,208,997 2,714,420 2.239,799 2.065,613 2..\s4,061 2,4.(3.888 2,.".6S,.1.S9 2,43.1.9:13 I'liri- Pi'l ll.riK In i ct.s. 4 (H) 3 00 :'. 00 3 (Kl 3 (K> :( (Ml :i (Ki :: iKi :; 0(1 3 00 :i 00 3 00 :( 00 3 00 :: 0(1 :( 00 3 (Kl :( 00 :( (Ni :( 00 3 00 3 (Ml :( 00 :i 00 3 (Kl :i (Kl 3 (Kl :; (Kl 3 (K) 3 (K) 3 (Kl 3 (K) 3 00 3 (81 :( .".0 :i .K) :( ."HI :! M) :i 50 :( .10 ■,i ,10 3 ,10 3 M ■i 50 3 79 5 01 5 71 6 .15 \'iilut-. 1.923,140 243, 181! 292,932 420,. 155 4l9,il7li .".7 J. "4 1 1197, 170 si 7. 086 688.. ")42 S65,716 (>43.0,19 I. ISl .1(»S 999,072 l.(K)5,57(l l,::u.'. Ill,-, 1. 41.".. 001 1.704.747 3,027..")2S 2,51(l,4(Mi 2,9:«l,:«)4 2,9,S0.2,"hl 2.s:!t.iit!i 2,6,ss.i.,ii, 2,7:((I,51U 3,:i,S4,8.18 3,8:i3,:!07 4, 799,. 1,13 5,141.ts7 4,sii,oiu 4,49(1. S44 4,9S9. 174 5.211 (i:',i) 5,,"4s.lii.-, 7,3i»0,:;o,i 7,292.s:is 8.144 147 10.408,."iSO 7.945.413 10.02s. 116 8.482,.">(,2 ti.'.W. 174 6.4.'..'.,041 8.07".. lyo 8.2:i."..7l6 11.491.1VS1 12.420.44.'. lB.72(i,9.".(l 58.713,9M 65,759,618 209,521,481 * Tliisprodurlii.n i> i.hmined l)y luMins "'lomp Consumption" unil "Sdl.l for i;\pi.rt". t .12,935 tons i.f tlii= :ir,,i.^,nt wcri' rL.,<>rti.<, as sales wittii.ut the .livisii.n into •Iti.tiii' Cc.n-umption" anil ".Sold for l-.\|xtrt." 32 Yukon Coal , \u tl.r \nkuu .listrict in I'.riU wa. n.| as 7(W t.,ns ,11 III., pnl-lnn of tl,.. TMn.ahi^ minr of .!,.■ 1-nv l-innersC oal ( on.pai.y. nrai I \\'liil»lior<( . \iimial I'loiliKtion ol < oal in 'S iikoii Tirritory Calendar Ye-»r Short tone Value Avcragi' por ton 19(11 I9U2. I90:!. lUOl 190.>. 19()7. iy«s. i»oy ItflO •.■),^ti-l 4.910 1,849 7.000 7.000 l.-.,U00 3.S47 7.3M 16. \Ho Mi. 230 37.2S0 .•9,.i«4 21,000 2H,000 60,000 L'Ul.W 49,. MW 110,925 C'iilenditr Year Ishort tonti $ Its 14 70 7 ,i9 16 00 3 00 4 00 , 4 00 I .i 50 6 72 6 85 • Part of tlii^ production was mined in liWO. t Valuu not ri'porte'i. l>ut istimiite 44,958 4 86 I9i:t 19,722 95,945 4 86 1U14 i:!,443 53,7(iO 1 00 I'll.-. 9,724 38,S'.«i 1 INI IMHi 3.300 13.2tMI 4 nil 1917 4,s72 2'.),.':!.' tb on IJMM 2.900 Il,>>llll 4 00 1919 1,100 1.400 4 00 1920 763 4,430 600 Totiil 136.928 7.52,880 COKE,^.--tatistu's.-ov..r.,nlylh.-i'''«lurtionoirok, i„ l.> -pnMlurl ami iKvhivf cok.' .ivrn plants .-.nd do not inchld.' retort .okr nr.,vr,v,i l.> !-,i- fonipaiiics. Roth doni.Mir and inuiortod roal a.v u-d in lli- maimtartrnv ol roko in ( alKidian coke oven plant-. In 1920, -i:.7,<»4.-> ton. -if doinesti.- a.ul LlLSilO-M tou.s of i"'!';;'".'-! ''f ''^''^ ..harmed to c-oke ov.-ns. from ^vhi,•h was ..l.tainrd an output " ' -' "'i^'' ; %f cokeVthu.s averafjinj; (iH-S tons of coke p.T ton <,f roal rhar^i •!. < oki t, h> product oven- -■nnipri-cd ST-li pt-r rent ot tlu' total. In 191't ,s.Vi V<.-. toii-.ofdonir>tir. and 1 ,()_'.-.,7(h, ton- of imporinl mal uvr<; .■hari!^! U,;;.k.. ovtMis. fron. wlu.d, ^^.t. olitaincd an outpn, o, , ,,,,0 J ,U ,o,,- o coke, thus averaninn 0-(il7 tons of n,k.> p.-r ton of ••oal « nk. Hon, In product ovens eompriMd >9 prr cmt nl ilir total. The amount of .ok. .-old or u-.d hy th- pmdurers u'l »-;''.;;•'; 1.;>-27,1K() tons, as compared with 1 .i;?;i,ti8ll tons in 191-.. an m.rease of 193,ol)0 ton-. 'i„ to the ...nnajic sold or u-ed, '|''7':,:;^:;;. '"'i'''' ''':' /'"Vi!^:,!^ .-,S(i,UKi ton- of cok,., wluh- the exports totalled .i9,.,.i.. tons. / J :/.;"' '•^'^ consumption m 1920 was, therefore, 1,S74,().,(. tons, an '"'■"'^'f ,« 't''.;' l^^^' ';: 'i-lie consninption of oven .'oke duri-.f; recent years has he e as ^ ' 7. -•.V.Yons tons in 19U). ■J,19-.',:i7;i tons in 1917, 2,3St>,72-2 tons m 191s ,,nd 1 ,.,(._.., !■> tons i!i 1919. 33 Cokf I'roiluitioii. I'>20 r usoU 129, KIS 746,2411 151,316 1.327,180 VoT cent ii' total "All imported coal. f:()ko Production, I'M'J 111 allun lulls; 32:!7 .-i6 23 II 40 100 00 Valuo of roko aolrl or 1 ^- auiii I* production I yj^ l,:i4(i,'.)Xii >S. 1113.613 2,nO2.07.i 14.515,874 t 'oal 1 <'liargei*olia- . Ontario ; All«Tta Hl■iti^^l < oluiiiliia.J •li.Ir.l I 699. tillii ■I.O25.70IJ 1.55, 130 194,744 1*7, OSl 98,04S j 1,8S0.M1 1.160.470 3,1)34 »,2S1 2,164 1.5,044 13,.V)2 26,S.5« 4.53 40.S61 :i»3,2.53 M9..506 ,565 100,356 1,133.680 33 S2 .57-2",) U 04 S 85 .i, 939, 900 4,S,sr),662 3,602 H90.2I7 100 00 9.720..3,s7 importril ciiiU. Distribution ot (ioke I'roduction, IflQ tin ?.lnitt (iin>i Siilil in ( anairi >ii|il li'f cxpiilt . . I .-.I'll li> iiiaktT 111 ^lla^lI furiiafi-oi '>thi-i\visi* liital solil III UM-(1. NuioliiT iif ovens in upiTatiuii l>tM'. 31 Xova Scotia t,4(Mi 4,406 j 425,212'< iji) J 7111.246 240 1,327.180 660 I'.llll l.lll itii : I'.in ^ I'.ii.'i I'lii, I'.lIT lOl'.t 1^:11 Him, Ml .' n.Vi.MiT .' .•17.'.ii:i I •.II.. '•47 l,viii.:!'.i. I oki' 'tUlP'lt M.'.i,;iN^ I. Kill. o:;^ I..il7.i;i:'. l.lll.l.L'.Vi l.l'IK).7lHi .'.l.!4.iMI I.I4I«.7WJ l.'.ii'x.(ij:i i.L':!l,sri.'> l.iis;i.:i4: l.sxii.vil I.J.VS.-JS4 ' iiiti ;ii;i| 1 :;iii'.,i'i4l Coke 1 roUuitiiii 1 ,In -h. Il ttn- , 11."-.. \ -l...k..ll hr hlol 1 ..k. \ am.- ..: rt\ IH-r ....1.1 or ,■ .ko -I.I.I ..1 . \'..,r^r .., 1 11 .,• :il ,,-,..1 U-...I ;T. r7ii ..II. _ - !•■-' -r: 1.7 -7 1 ; . '>:;i' .:i,..'iii(l. !i:C.. ...■,! ,i.ii;;ii. nil lis-.") :•.!!. (i7;i ;;;J H'-t It 11. •-••-11 .•i.lM.Xll i>7 .'i'i^ Jll..'il«l I..T«I, lilH .I.IM'i.VIC. ri.'i II :'ii.i.;i4. I.Ml-.'7 1 ii'2:i.Mtii i.r«.'>H..')ii "U 7 > «7 1 ;;>.'.M'.i 1.170.47:1 i.jri.s..vt() «7 "1 '.>.i ..; 1 ~ s 'f. 1.".. '.IHi I.J.VI.714 ll.ltl.'i, l!l."i III. Mil 1. IXl.tVMI !i.7l'(i.:!s7 I!i,:'l7 1 :iJ7.1Mi It. .'il.'.. 1171 \v.i .L''- pn sl M ;t S.S :l tUi :i K7 '.\ .Vi :l M 1 IJ •i 1.*. N Hli III <)l \nnii;i! I'rodiu liim of Coki' |-:il.n.l 1^^7 lsv> ISV.i I SIM I ISUI ihli:' ]W.'. IS'll IMI.-. IMH. I.s'l7 IMI» IV.HI HHKI mill |iHi:' ,i."i.:i;Mi < nil. '.nil 411. l2^ 1 :■.■.. 'i.-.l l.-..:i7;i l:ll.l^l .•.t.. V.I.I l.V>.lli:l .V1.4."ill ir,ii.'.Mis .■i7.Us| 17.'.. .■)«■_• vi. i:;.V li7.iKlll .Ml iKm iiKi.s:>ii ;l.MMl-.'.> I.-.7. i:t4 IWtl. 14(1 ;'.i..->..i:tl .■2-2S.2-2T, .■.ii2.iii:i ,.11'' 1^" ". (I>> •J S.-), 2 CO, 2Sllj, J ll^ •* ■2'j •] ill :i jr. :t 47 « i:i :l :iii : iv; r.iii; IWl I'.m.'i l>HHi 1IK17 l■lll.^ I'.HW lliin I'll I llll-J inr; I'lii I'.ii.". mill 11117 l!i|v llll'.l Hl.'ll -lll.ll 1 .,-, \ ' 1 .„ ,-,i,l :',1N »l . . -.1 inl - , ii'.i .•..•)4.II.V1 •J.lHJ.lHs :i 1.1. Tll(l.4^^ 2.4:lil.'.'ll I IN 7.>>2.(l">.1 ■.>.sri;i.."i(i:; :i liii sli'.IKi:!, :(..>:!, 4iis 1 L'll >>.Vi , •.'.■>7 , :i.44'.i.:uil 1 IC SI..'. mi :l.4s4.:l!i:i 4 114 IHf.71.1 :i.4lr-".s7J :i SI !l.l.'l.( :t lUli. llll .1 ss 1,111, 1'Jll .-..11.4. .1:11 1 III. 1. •l.lll III!' .-..'.ll'.i.VHl :. ^1 lllJil.MHI :i.ii-.s .'ill ,1 .1,. 1 1711. 17:! 4.J."hs..''.sii :i 1.4 1. liW.741 r..ill'i. IIJ 1 I-' 1. ■.'!.•.. sili ri.lili-.'..'l.s| .) .1.) 1.. '■.11.744 ll.lli.'l. 111.-. ^ SJ 1, i:;:i.iMi '.1 7-.'li,::~- V ., 1 ::J7, Isii l4..M'i,' Nniiiial I'roiliu tidii of Coki- hv l'r()\ imos < ':ili'nilar Vciir ISfl" IK9X 189!) ItMMI I'.KIl l'.t(IJ I'Ni;! I1HI4 IWI.j IWHi liKI7 I'KIX HKm I'Jll I'lrj lint I '.II.-. I '.hi; I'.tl7 111 '. I'.ll!) I'.l.'d Nova Snitia Ontario Alberttt Rritixh Columbia Short tons Value Shiirt urn'* Vuluf r>li!( 17!«.7(17 .•w,:ifii 171,2.1.1 Ill.7li7 22:i,:m.-> «.i,:i()7 121.741 222. im M().M) 142,s:i7 Ii:i7,(i(i,1 :tii:(.:t:«i smt.VM) i:i.s,7i:t 819,2,1,1 :i7i.74:. IH9,7.i:i 84(i,:ll0 i;7j.)t'7 H(IH.022 2II.!1S4 7H,!VW 2.17, 172 1,I4H, 1)911 :!Wi.:i(Ki 1.0.14,712 4 1, Mill 17!;. 4W 2(i«. 2.1(1 1 202. (i:i.-. 47(1. :il>4 l..>t(l.»7li liit, 4s(l 2(iS.042 2:!(i,20.1 l.(».1».4.s.1 •■«24.nn l.l«KS.t)7(l 7(l,:t2l 21)7.. •>«.■> 241.. 172 1.049.4:12 rM.w2<.> l.(;.\s.l.-.| 7.1. ftt.^ liim.Ol'.l 27(i.ii.s:! 1 4s2,l«l 4tt-.'.!t4 l.:ils,:M):i :iil.2lii S2.:t27 :i.1«,879 62:>.(/lS I.M(I,12« :i7.ll.ill:t 2fi'.l.lil2 :i2 1,771 1. .■«)(), 21X :!4;t.2stt l.ll.H.tiM :i.sil.:!14 l.:i.V2.0!HI 2«.0.-.!) ll(1.2:«l 2(1.1 . 1!H l.071,.1(i.1 .Vs.'>.s7:t l.QOS.-lHi 2.s.-) 1.14I.(XI4 2:i.N2fi 9.).;«I4 27.1,. 12:i 1,110, ,1U(i r«4.4:i:i 2.fil7.7:!2 472.. W 2.(K>s.l.i.-, 4i,'j:io 1(17, H(K) :iO().x.1l 1,2.1.1,72.1 (m;!,7:i7 3.21.S.7N.-I :w.i,ms 2. l.V>,:!2li :ti.iu» 1S1,ii.) :!.(i()2 IOII,:<.1(i V.)0.217 4L'<).(il.S 4.:it«. :!0 1 s79.oiirp 10 7 1,03(1,229 12-7 1,140,276 Total 4'i 00 871,727 41 ,1 901.2(i9 74 (i 9.14,388 71-4 1,400,028 r,7 1 1,. 117, 133 lis -2 (i7 4 1.2()'». 7(1(1 (19-4 1,448,782 74 -2 1,231,80,1 (ill ■ 9 1,2.1.8,284 89-3 1,1(10,470 87.3 1,30(1,(144 \nmial f vports o! Coke ( 'nloiular \viir .■^ilMl t ll.N.v \:ili.,> ( 1897, , 2.987 $ (),07S I'.KIM 18'J8 3,774 8,394 191(1 1,SH9 .i,.-),o 18,72(1 1911 I'.IIKI 41,. 129 131,278 1912 1913 I'.'lll .17,.K)1 17(i,'J9() I'.HI-' (12,. 1(18 ISO, 920 1914 1WI3 32,(i08 131, 9,17 I'.U.I 19(14 102,4(13 34.1, 031 I'.llil lild.-. Mil. 1171 ."Kl(l.908 1917 I'.'ot; ;17.0(I3 1118,, 171 I91S l'.K)7 70.1117 320,357 1919 1908 ,1«,708 248,758 I92U ;il,-tHl,.i .^,.■ Sliort ton^ Value » 74,11(17 :!J9.0.11 ,17.971 2,10.715 9.,s,12 39,823 .1-.744 2.12,7(13 (18,231 308.410 '.7 , s:',s :i0il. 117 ,;,'), s'.'.t Imi.U.Vi I ^,, ■.:;',! 221,334 .'3..-i9."i 137,318 .".1.1112 223,1)29 14,709 129.703 3U,536 390, 101 ■Hi .\iiiui;tl Imporis of ()\fn ( ni*9 1«12 H2S,174 IttU 723,900 Value ralcniliir Year Bhiirt Uin- \iilue t l.,WS.2.W I.H.'il7.2ti0 s.ll7.'..443 2. 40.'), 740 0.4.'M,'>»A ■| hr >.i.\a >r(ili;i inki ua- Inailf .at .-\'lin'> ami Sxiliicy .Mini-. In OntMrio the priMluctioii raiiic Iniii: llw Altidin.a Strci CDrpDnitinii |ilahl at Sauit Sic. .Marie, ami fnnn tin- m « .■\i'U> oiwratcd l',\ the Steel ( ■(Hiiiiaiiy ot Canada, at Haiiiilton, Out. In .Mliert.i tlie eoke oven |ilaMt> .at l.iile. ra-^imri; aiel ( (lienian weic mIW all XfAT. ' In HI■ili^ll ( ■(iluinl.ia rokv ua.- iiiaiie i).v tlu' < Xc-I l'a>-( (kiI (Ompanv at Mieliei, .ind i)y tiie (iraniiy ( 'onscilidated .Mining and Snullin- ( ■innpany at Anvox. The ovens at IVriiie ;ind L'nioii Hay were not (ipeiated. The eoke prndiietion of the ea.-tcrn provin<'es is used almost entirily in the iron !ind steel industry, while that of the western provinces is u.sed ehielly l>y the copper and lead smelters, finding a m.irket in the Uiiiird State- .a- well .as in C'anad.i. Coke Oven Uy-Producls The coke-dvcn plants at Sydney, .\.S., Sauli Ste. .Mane, and Ilaiiulton.t hit., and .\iivox, B.C., are hv-prodiiet plants, iuu' the recoveries of eoke oven hy- [iroducts in l!t2(l included i4.()2(i,l72 pallons of tar; P.i.'nn tons of sulphate of .ainnionia. toficther with iiniiortant ipiaiititir- of lun/dl. toluol, and solvent naphtlia ,aml naphthalene. Annual Production of Coke Oven By-Produits 'I'ur Sulphate of Tar Sulphato Year amniunia Vem uiiiiuuma Gallons Short tons CiuUons Short tons 1901 IIKG 2,6fi2.612 !.0'.t4. 13."i 1,014 2.393 1911 nil 2 6,464,155 8.42S.S96 7,124 11,'2.S!I 1'm: 3,,249 l.l',4y,lU7 3,207 1.773 1913 1914 s, 371. IKK) .-..714,172 10,608 8.. 172 IWI.'i . . 3.407.784 2..'pulpliate of ammonia in l;t2l) were repoiteil a- ilTJ :i Ions, valued at .'>;51,."):)1 , a> afiainst imports in KUi) of l(»l-7 Ions, valued it .s|2,l2'.l. Lxports of sulphate of :iniiiioiu:< duriiifi the twelve inonlhs eiidiiiji December :il, l!t20, were l.S,H2!» tons, valued at Sl,Sl)(;,f.t;(i. :is compared with exiiorts in 1910 of 18,488 ton.s, valued at §1,821,880. r-;r^itf.>iftV-.;^- f.r].^r^i^^- ^^f^.c