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-f So?, - -t-elr.n/2.0 
City Club, 
 Thomas Brown, President. 
 A. E. CuaREN, Chairman Committee. 
 W. A Black, 
 W. J. Stewart, 
 H. L. Chipman, 
 Dr. Trenaman, 
 J. T. LiTHGOW, 
 Geo. Harvey, 
 John Strachan, 
 Geo. E. Boak, 
 Geo. Campbell, 
 w. c. northup, 
 H. G. Bauld, 
 H. Macdonald, 
 L. D. WiER, 
 Edward Stairs, Treasurer. 
 W. L. Brcwn, 
 I. — This Association sliall be known as the 
 City Club. 
 NuMjiER OF Members. 
 ir.~The City Club sliall consist of not 
 more tlian two hundred members, exclusive 
 of honorary, supei'numerary and priviletred 
 Politics, Religion. 
 Ill- — Political and religious questions of every 
 description shall be excluded from the objects 
 of the Club. 
 IV, — Each candidate for admission shall be 
 proposed by one member and seconded by 
 another. The candidate's name, and usual place 
 of residence, profession or other occupation shall 
 be inserted at the time of proposal in the book 
 for candidates, and signed by the proposer ar d 
 Rules of Ballot. 
 V. — The ballot for members shall take place 
 on the first Wednesday in each month, to 
 commence at four-thirty o'clock, and end at 
 six-thirty o'clock, p. m. A list, dated and signed 
 by the Secretary, containing the name of each 
 candidate to be balloted for, with those of the 
 proposer and seconder, shall be put up in a 
 conspicuous place in the Kooms, at least seven 
 days before the day of ballot. During the hours 
 ?hall be 
 led by 
 al place 
 an shall 
 be book 
 ser ard 
 ith, to 
 3nd at 
 t* each 
 of the 
 ) in a 
 of ballot a notice to the effect that the ballot is 
 going on, shall be affixed to each list, with a 
 particular request that members will attend. 
 The ballot-boxes shall be examined and secured 
 previous to use, by the Secretary and one 
 member of the committee ; and after the ballot 
 is over the boxes shall not be removed until 
 they have been opened and examined by the 
 Secretary in the presence of at least two 
 members of the committee. The result of the 
 ballot as regards each candidate shall be innnedi- 
 ately entered opposite their names respectively, 
 on each list, and signed by the Scrutineers. Each 
 candidate must have at least twenty votes until 
 the membership reaches one hundred, after 
 which thirty votes will be necessary to constitute 
 his election, and one black ball in five shall 
 exclude. In the event of any candidate not 
 having the required number of votes, his name 
 will be placed at the top of the list for next 
 ballot. Any candidate who shall have been 
 twice black balled, will not be eligible to be 
 again proposed. 
 Nkw Members. 
 VI. — Om tli(3 admission of each new Uicnilier 
 the Secretary shall notify the same to him, and 
 furnish him witli a ])rint(Ml copy of the rules. 
 He shall also request him to remit the amount 
 of his entrance fee to the Treasurer or to the 
 Secretary at the Club House. 
 VII. — The entrance fee, payable on admission 
 to the Club, shall be twenty <lollars, and the 
 annual subscription fifteen dollars, payable half- 
 yearly. Members elected aftei* the month of 
 May in any year are only reciuirc^d to pay pi'O 
 rata for the remainder of the year in which tliey 
 may be elected. Citizens of Halifax who were 
 members of the Halifax Club previous to May, 
 188G, may be elected members of this Club 
 without payment of entrance fee. 
 lie rules. 
 »• to the 
 ^nd the 
 'le luilf- 
 »nth of 
 •ay pi-o 
 3h they 
 o were 
 3 May, 
 ^ Club 
 All subscriptions shall be payable on the first 
 clay of May and the first d'av of Noxvinber 
 in each year, after which day no notice of 
 withdrawal shall exempt the retirin- nieniber 
 from the payment of the current half-y,>ar's 
 VIII— No new mend,er sliall be admitt(Ml to 
 ballot for a candidate or vote on any occasion 
 whatever, or fo enjoy any of the privihur^.s of 
 the club, until he shall have paid his adnlission 
 Failure to Pay OxV Entran(m<:. 
 IX.— Should a new member not pay his 
 admission fee within three months from his 
 adim'ssion into the Club, if in America, or within 
 twelve nionths if abi-oad the Secretaiy shall 
 report the circumstances to the committee^ who 
 shall cause his name to be erased from the list 
 of members, urdess he can Justify the delay to 
 the satisfaction of the committee. 
 Whe>^ Members not allowed to Vote. 
 X. — F* 0111 and after the first day of May in 
 each year, no member of the Club shall be 
 allowed to vote at a ballot or to act as a member 
 of the committee until he shall hav^e paid his 
 Failure in Payment of Subscription. 
 XL — The name of every member who shall 
 not have paid his subscription witliin o\v. month 
 after the same became due, shall then be posted 
 in the Club House, notice of whicli shall be sent 
 to him or his Agent by the Secretary, and if the 
 subscription be not paid en or before the last 
 day of the third month aft(ir the same fell due, 
 the defaulter shall cease to be a member of the 
 Club and his name shall be erased from tiie 
 books by the committee : but he may be 
 re-admitted on assii^niniif to tlie committee, 
 reasons which they may deem satisfactory for 
 his failure of payment. 
 : May in 
 shall be 
 I member 
 paid his 
 ho shall 
 1'-. month 
 e posted 
 1 be sent 
 id if the 
 the last 
 fell due, 
 r of the 
 'oni the 
 iiav be 
 ;ory for 
 Slpernumeuauy Members. 
 XI [. — An}' member leaving the Province, 
 may, on written application to the committee, 
 and on payment of an annual subscription of 
 five dollars, but not otherwise, become a super- 
 numerary member, and during his absence be 
 exempt from the annual subscription. He shall 
 be liable, however, to the payment of his annual 
 subscription for the year in which he departs 
 from fhe Province, and for that in which he 
 returns to it, less the fvvQ dollars so paid as 
 above, provided, on such return he shall remain 
 witliin the Province for more than one month : 
 and if he shall remain that space of time only, 
 he shall be entitled to tlie privileges of the Club 
 for that period. No member's name shall be 
 retained or placed on the supernumerary list 
 until payment of the current year's subscription 
 of five dollars. 
 Committee of Management. 
 XIII. — The ojeneral concerns of the Clnb shall 
 be nianaufed by a conunittee of tifceen members. 
 The committee shall l)e elected by ballot, of whom 
 one third shnll (H) out annually by rotation, the 
 vacancies to be filled at the General meetinijf: 
 but the five retirinn* mend)ers may be re-elected, 
 and the conmiittee may till any vacancies that 
 niay occur in their body by resignation or 
 otherwise dui'ing tlu^ year: such appointment to 
 be in force until the next arnuial meetinu'. 
 Whenever there are three vacancies in the 
 conunittee in the current year, notice s'hall be 
 posted in the Club, and such vacancies shall be 
 filled ui) by ballot on the reiiuhir day foi' the 
 election of mendiers next, after seven days from 
 such notice. A Treasurer shall be elected at the 
 amiual oenend meetiiiLj", who shall be ex offi^cio a 
 membci* of the comniitte(\ The Treasurer elect 
 will be ivcpiired, hei'ore entering on the duties 
 of his offic(% fo pi ovide security to the amount 
 of one thousand dollars. 
 Club shall 
 1 members. 
 )t, of whom 
 )tafcion, tlie 
 1 meetinof : 
 Liicies that 
 ^nation or 
 intment to 
 ies ill the 
 e s'liall be 
 ^s sliall be 
 IV for tlie 
 (lays from 
 ;te(l at the 
 'X officios 
 ui'ei" elect 
 'he duties 
 <' amount 
 May makh: Rules, &c. 
 XIV. — The committee shall, at its tirst meetin**- 
 j after each annual election, or as soon thereafter 
 las they may consider convenient, appoint from 
 its own body as many sub-committees as may be 
 required to superintend the several departments 
 of the Club: and sliall make from time to time 
 such regulations (consistent with these o-oneral 
 rules) as they shall thiidv necessary for the 
 well being of the Club. 
 To Meet Wekkly. 
 XV. — The committee (three of whom shall 
 form a quorum) sliall meet weekly, on a stated 
 day, to transact current business. 
 Expulsion of Membkhs. 
 XVI. — Any infraction of the rules and regu- 
 lations of the Club shall be taken immediate 
 cognizance of by the committee: and in case the 
 conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of 
 the committee, or of any thirty members of the 
 Club, who shall certify the same to them in 
 writing, be injurious to the character and 
interests of the Club, the committee shall be 
 empowered to recommend such member to 
 resign ; and if the member refuses to resign, 
 then the committee shall be authorized to 
 suspend him from the privileges of the Club, 
 until his conduct shall have been investigated 
 and decided upon by a special general meeting, 
 to be convened for that purpose upon a 
 requisition of thirty members, as provided by 
 rule XX. : and whenever any circumstances 
 shall occur likely to endanger the welfare and 
 good order of the Club, or whenever the 
 committee shall think it expedient to submit the 
 conduct of any member to the judgement of a 
 general meeting, the committee shall summon a 
 special general meeting, giving seven days notice 
 thereof : and in the event of it being voted 
 at that meeting, consisting of at least forty 
 members, by two-thirds of the persons present, 
 to be decided by ballot, that the name of any 
 member should be removed from the Club, then 
 in that case the subscription of such member for 
 the half-year shall be returned, and he shall cease 
 to belong to the Club, such decision to be final. 
 ie shall be 
 nember to 
 to resign, 
 horized to 
 the Club, 
 \\ meeting, 
 upon a 
 •ovided by 
 ;u instances 
 elfare and 
 never the 
 submit the 
 ment of a 
 summon a 
 lays notice 
 ing voted 
 east forty 
 IS present, 
 lie of any 
 ulub, then 
 lember for 
 shall cease 
 be final. 
 Retirement of Members. 
 XVII. — Any member v>hose dues are all paid 
 [shall be at liberty to witlidraw from the Club 
 on his written application to that effect, sent in 
 to the committee. The committee are authorized 
 in their discretion to re-admit to the Club on 
 such pecuniary terms as they may consider 
 right, such full members as may have resigned 
 their membership from any cause, and wish to 
 rejoin the Institution. 
 Retiring to Forfeit all Rights. 
 XVIII. — Any member who shall withdraw, 
 resign, or be expelled, or shall cease to be a 
 member of the Club, shall forfeit all right or 
 claim thereon, or in or to its property or funds : 
 and any member who shall be expelled shall be 
 ineligil<le to be re-admitted a member of the 
 Club for five years. 
 Gen kral Mecti ngs. 
 ! i 
 i. ■ 
 XIX. — Tliei'L' sliall he two <^n^n oral nieetiiiofs of 
 the Club, rt'giilni'ly every year, one on blie second 
 Wednesday of JMarcli for the purpose of electing 
 the committee for the succeeding year, and 
 receiving from the committee a report and 
 abstract of the accounts and general concerns of 
 the Club for the past 3'ear, together with an 
 estimate of the receipts and disbursements of 
 the current year. At this meetin<jf members 
 sliall be at liberty to bring forward any subject 
 havino' reference to the manao'ement and 
 concerns of the (dub. The other rei^^ular o^eneral 
 meeting shall be held on the fourteenth day 
 after the former, for the purpose of deciding on 
 such propositions as may have been submitted 
 at the tirst meeting'. The chair shall be taken 
 at all annual and special general meetings at 
 eight o'clock p. m., precisely. The account of 
 the Clul) shall be audited by an auditor not a 
 member of the committee. 
 I sir 
 I SO' 
 rncetinofs of 
 the second 
 of electing 
 year, and 
 •eport and 
 ;onc(3rns of 
 r with an 
 senients of 
 ^ members 
 my subject 
 ment and 
 lar general 
 eenth day 
 eciding on 
 be taken 
 eetings at 
 iccount of 
 itor not a 
 XX. — The committee shall have power at all 
 imes to convene an extraordinary meetino- of 
 ;he Club, on giving seven days notice, to be 
 osted during that period in the public rooms of 
 >he Club, specifying the object of sucli meetino- 
 n the form of a resolution, to be signed by not 
 pess than six members of the committee, and at 
 such extraordinary meeting no subject shall be 
 discussed beyond that specified in the notice. 
 The committee shall also call an extraordinary 
 meeting at any time, on a like notice, and under 
 similar restrictions, on the written requisition of 
 tw^enty members not being of the committee, 
 who must state distinctly their object. 
 New Rules, how Made, &c. 
 XXI. — If any new rule or alteration of an old 
 one be duly proposed at the first regular annual 
 meeting, and approved of and confirmed at the 
 second regular annual meeting that day fort- 
 night, by two-thirds of the members then 
 present, whatever the number may be, the same 
 shall be considered as adopted by the Club, but " 
 no new rule or alteration of an old one shall 
 ever be made at a special general meeting with- 
 out the sanction of an absolute maiority of I 
 two-thirds of the members present, and forty 
 members at least voting on the occasion, and |)| 
 fourteen days notice being given ; nor unless 
 the proposed new rule or alteration of an old 'h 
 one has been posted up in the usual place infi 
 the public rooms, fourteen days previous to the 
 day of meeting. 
 House Hours. 
 XXII. — The Club shall be open every day for|bi 
 the reception of members, at seven o'clock in|b( 
 the forenoon in summer, and at eight o'clock in ?st 
 the forenoon in winter, and shall be closed and |ir 
 the lights extinguished at twelve o'clock, except! 
 on Sundays, when the house shall be closed at j 
 eleven o'clock, p. m., and no member shall be 
 admitted into the Club House after these hours, 
 under any pretense whatever, unless specially 
 authorized by the committee. 
 the Club, but 
 old one slial 
 meeting with- 
 ■ mnjority of 
 tit, and fortv^ 
 occasion, and 
 ; nor unless 
 ion of an old 
 5ual place in 
 evious to the 
 Strangers, their Admission, &c. 
 XXIII. — The committee are empowered to 
 egulate the admission of strangers in company 
 ^ 7ith members to the Club House. The names 
 H said strangers to be written in the visitor's 
 ook. No person residing within the limits of 
 he County of Halifax shall be eligible to 
 be introduced as strangers or the guests of 
 very day for 
 n o'clock in 
 bt o'clock in 
 e closed and 
 jlock, except 
 be closed at 
 )er shall be 
 these hours, 
 ss specially 
 Payment of Cluh Bills. 
 XXIV.— All members are to pay their Club 
 pills for every expense they incur in the Club 
 before they leave the house, the servants having 
 strict orders not to open accounts with any 
 No Gratuities. 
 ^^^•— No member shall give any money or 
 gratuity to any of the servants of the establish- 
 ment, or permit any stranger to do so. 
 Wines, Liquors, &c. 
 XXVI. — No wines or other liquors are to be| 
 sent out of the house, on any pretence whatever 
 Nor will tlie jiractice of treating be permitted ti 
 except to guests. 
 Not to take away Papers, &;c. 
 XXVI r. — No member shall take, or permit to 
 be taken from the Club, on any pretence what- | 
 ever, or shall injure or destroy any newspaper, | ^^ 
 pamphlet, or other article, the property of the. 
 Complaints. _ 
 XXVIII. — All complaints respecting the ser-Ico 
 vants or domestic arrangements of the Club lis 
 must be stated by letter, signed by the memberlte 
 complaining, which letter, addressed to the Ix 
 Secretary, must be laid by him before the as 
 committee, at their next weekly meeting. ei 
 Addrkss of Members. 
 •rs are to hM XXIX.— Each meniber of the Club shall give 
 ice whatever lis a.hh-ess, or tliat of liis agent, fi-oin time to 
 e permitted |ii,K', to tlie Secretary, and all notices being sent 
 () such address shall be considered as duly 
 , &C. 
 or permit tol 
 }tencewhat-| ^^X.— No member is on any account to 
 newspaper, f *^'"^o ^ ^^^o "^^^ ^^^^ C^"^ House. 
 )erty of the I 
 Privileged Members. 
 ing the ser- 
 f the Clul 
 'j\\Q member 
 5ed to the 
 before the! 
 XXXI. — Gentlemen residing in Nova Scotia 
 for an indefinite period, who shall satisfy the 
 committee that their residence in this country 
 :is temporary and precarious, and liable to be 
 J terminated by the occurrence of circumstances 
 beyond their control, may be elected by ballot 
 as Privileged Members without payment of 
 entrance fee, but subject to an annual subscrip- 
 tion of fifteen dollars, semi-annual ten dollars, or 
 quaterly five dollars, and also to the constitution 
 and regulations of the Club generally, and after 
 having paid their subscriptions, but in no cas«^ 
 before, will be admitted to all the advantages of 
 the (Jlub, except that of being elected members 
 of the committee, or voting in any way in the 
 attairs of the Club. 
 Persons residing outside the limits of Halifax 
 County may be admitted as Privileged Members 
 under this rule. And when their permanent 
 residence is within the County of Halifax shall, 
 as regards their subscriptions, be subject to the_ 
 provisions of Rule VII. 
 Privileged Members desiring to retire from 
 the Club will be expected to give notice thereof! 
 in writing to the Secretary previous to thel^' 
 expiration of the period for which they have|F 
 subscribed; any Privileged Member failing sol^ 
 to do, or who shall frequent the Club after that I'' 
 period, will be liable for the subscription for the ^ 
 ensuing period. 
 ten dollars, or 
 le constitution 
 illy, and afteij 
 ut in no case 
 advanta^ifes otl 
 3ted nioniberji 
 y way in tli 
 tsof Halifax! 
 ged Monibers 
 r pei-nianent 
 Halifax shall, 
 abject to thei 
 XXXII. — Each candidate as a PriviletJ-ed 
 ember must be so designated in the book and 
 iso on tiie lists of candidates for election posted 
 the public rooms, and no candidate to be a 
 rivileged Member shall be placed on said list 
 nless his name shall have been submitted for 
 ^he approval of the committee one week before 
 .he day of ballot. Candidates for Privileged 
 VIembership whose stay in the city shall not 
 exceed six months, may be elected by the 
 retire from 
 otice thereof 
 /ious to the 
 1 they have 
 5r failing so 
 b after that 
 >tion for the 
 Honorary Members. 
 XXXIII.— The committee shall have the power 
 I to admit as "Honorary Members" for such 
 I periods as they may deem fit from time to time 
 I any persons of distinguished rank or position 
 jto whom it may seem proper to offer such a 
 I compliment, but the resolution to admit them 
 nmst be agreed to by a majority of the com- 
 Fourteen Day Privilege. 
 XXXIV. — Any member wishing to introduce 
 a friend temporarily visiting Halifax, and not 
 residing in the County of Halifax, as an Hon- 
 orary Member of the Club, must send in a 
 written application for permission to do so, 
 stating the name and profession of such friend 
 to the committee at tlieir weekly meeting, for 
 their sanction ; or he must obtain, by re(|uest, 
 the signatures of three members of the com- 
 mittee, or tlie acting committee for the month, 
 to his application as approving of it. The 
 application thus signed must then be handed to 
 the Secretary, who will notify tlie person named 
 therein tliat he has been admitted to the Club 
 for fourteen days, and this privilege may be 
 extended, w^ith the consent of the committee, for 
 the further period of one month on payment of 
 tive dollars; but it shall not be extended to 
 more than one friend to each member at one 
 time. Every member to whom this permission 
 may be accorded will be held responsible for the 
 eligibility of his nominee, as well as for his 
 observance of all the rules of the Club. 
 The name of every Honorary Member, with 
 tliat of his proposer; will be entered in a book 
 provided for that purpose on the day of his 
 admission; but the period for which the privileges 
 of the Club may be granted him will be reckoned 
 from [lis first entry to the Club House to partake 
 of them. If, however, any Honorary Member 
 sliall fail to avail himself of the permission 
 within the fourteen days, it will then be can- 
 No person shall be eligible to be proposed as 
 an Honorary Member after havino- been in 
 Halifax foui'teen days, nor for more than tvvic<3 
 in any one year. 
 Rules to be Printed, &c. 
 XXXV. — These Rules and Regulations sliall 
 be printed, and a copy of them, together with a 
 list of the connnittee, shall be delivered to every 
 luember of the Club, or transmitted to his 
 address, and thenceforth become binding upon 
 every member of the Club ; but no meml)er shall 
 be absolved from the effi-ct of these Rules, on 
 any allegation of not having received them. 
 ■ ^ ■ 
 The following regulations will be in force in 
 the Billiard Room : 
 1st.— The game of Pool shall have choice and 
 take precedence over Billiards and Pyramids, 
 and may be played in consecutive games. 
 2nd.— For Billiards and Pyramids the table 
 can only be engaged for one game of fifty or 
 one hundred points. 
 Precedence of playing is given according to 
 entry of names on markers slate. Players of 
 billiards must intimate to the niarker whether 
 they intend to play a game of fifty or one 
 hundred points 
 The charges will be as follows: Pool, five 
 cents per ball, stars five cents extra. 
 Billiards, fifteen cents for a gamo of fifty; 
 twenty-five cents for a game of 100 points, or 
 two consecutive games of ,50. 
 Pyramids, one cent per ball, two consecutive 
 games twenty-five cents. 
 Carom Games, fifteen cents for games of 
 titteen points; twenty-five cents for games of 
 twenty -five points. No carom game to exceed 
 twenty-five points. 
 Other games, by the hour, sixty cents. No 
 stakes will be permitted in any game of pool or 
 billiards beyond the sum of twenty-five cents 
 Players will immediately after play obtain 
 their cheques and deposit them in the box. 
 The marker is instructed on tlie conclusion of 
 each game, to present to the loser a cheque for 
 the an.ount of tlie game, together witl) the box 
 in which the same is to be deposited. 
 Each player before commencing to play will 
 deposit in the card room box, the sum of ten 
 All cards will be supplied bN' the Club. 
 Second hand cards may be bougl'it from the 
 Placers to have tlie privilege of cutting in 
 after each rubber, six players to form a complete 
 Tables may be engaged for parties of four 
 and upwards, on giving notice to tlie Steward, 
 who will enter name of party in Ids book, and 
 reserve table for said party, who will deposit 
 twenty-five cents for tlie Table. 
 Gambling or the use of money prolnbited. 
 Whist to be linuted to ten cent points. 
 Games of chance, such as poker, nap, lou and 
 games of like nature prohibited. 
 Smoking will be permitted in all the rooms 
 except the cotlee, reading and reception rooms. 
 No large boxes or baggage belonging to a 
 member will be admitted into the Hall, and bags 
 or portmanteaus sent by members wishing to 
 dress, will be sent to the dressing room. 
 No member, except on special duty will be 
 allowed to go into the apai'tments apportioned 
 for tlie use of tlie servants of the Club. 
 Strangers calling to see members of the Club, 
 will be shown into the Reception Hall, or other 
 room set apart by the committee for that 
 purpose, and intimation of tlieir arrival sent to 
 the member inquired for, if in the House. 
 No officer or servant shall receive under 
 penalty of dismissal, any present whatever, 
 from the members, guests or tradesmen of the 
 Articles of glass, earthenware, &c., which may 
 be broken by members in any part of the Club 
 House, to be paid for by them at prices to be 
 fixed by the committee. 
 Servants will be held responsible for breakage 
 and loss of and damage to the property of the 
 No servant of the Club will be sent out of the 
 house on any errand or pretense whatever, 
 unless upon Club business by the Steward, 
 Secretary, or member of committee, or to post 
 letters at stated periods, forward telegrams, or 
 to call a cab from the nearest stand. 
 No pamphlet, adverfcisement or notice of any 
 kind shall be laid on the table or put up in the 
 Club by a member, without the consent of 
 the committee. Any pamplilet which it may 
 be wished to make known to the Club, shall be 
 sent to the committee for approval. The local 
 daily papers are on no account to be taken out 
 of the reading room, during the day or evening 
 of publication, nor any other papers for one day 
 after they are laid on table. 
 Sandwiches, biscuits, or liquids, will be served 
 to members in the coffee, smoking, billiard and 
 card rooms only. 
 The foregoing regulations may be altered by 
 a majority of the general committee at any 
 meeting, notice of such alteration having been 
 given at the previous meeting, and communicated 
 te each member of the committee, together with 
 the date of the meeting for final disposal of 