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And Reception to Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, on mm FrWaj & SaMay, May 22, 23 & 24, 1890 AT VICTORrA, B. C. If 6 • H"<--H-+4-+4"l"H"e-H-+-H-4-+-H-->-+ -4 +4-h-h+4-+4--H -l-+ + -H"f--t-H Ofi_PI6I AL^ ^^OG^AMMB COTWTPL-ITW^eNTS OF^ BOURCHIER, CROFT &MALLETTE, I^eal Estate BroHers, GOVERNMENT STREET. VICTORIA, B. C. »>WV*»VV9VVVVVV^*VVVV'WVVVVSrv'VVvVvVVVSrs^wVVWVS»^ fht fOLONUT P11NT. I OFFICIAL /WWWMUWWUMWk/* 4W«A. M OFFICIAL PROGRAMME. i'lUSr D^X, TmURSDA^Y, MAY S2nd, 1800, BEACON HILL, A, M. BASE BALL MATCH Amitv Club vs. Seattle ->>>-ATHLETIC SPORTS AT 1 P. M.-V^- Entrance Fee. Prizes. 100 Yard Raco $0.50 ?10.00 |5.00 Uunning Long .lump 25 5.00 2.50 Half MiTo It-ice 1.(10 15.00 7 50 IJuiuung nigli .lump 25 ri.'. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 11. 15. 16. ST^COlSrjD DA.Y, FKIDAY, MAY 23rd, 18GO. BEACON HILL, A. M. BASE MALL MATCH Jamks Bay Club vs. Vancouver MANOEUVJiRING of Her B. Ihiji'sty's Torpedo Boats at 11 a. in.. off Beaf'oii Hill. SUBMARINE EXF'LOSIOX (we ther permitting) At ILSOa.m. LACROSSE— Junior Laorossh Oluh vs. Picked Side .\t 1 p. m. OUTER WHARF AT 2 P. M. SAILING RACE for nil Bonts under G tons. 1st prize. $50; 2nd. $25. 1. Sloop "Victory." 26 ft., beam 9 ft., 5 tons. Coloi-s— Red, White, Red. W. F. Collin SON. 2. Sloop 'Frolic," IHons. Colors -Red and Blue ftag, letter " F " in White. William Wait. 3. Sloop "fecuD," 3 tons, length 2i ft., 6i ft. Color— Blue, W. B. Charles HORSE RACING, VICTORIA DRIVING PARK, 2 P. M. FIRST DAY— MAY 23rD. Bianning Half Mile and Repeat. Maud, r.m. aged, .lohn Dooloy driver, colors rod, w^hite «nd blue. Rova'. b.g. aged. C. Williams, blue. HobuGson. b.g.. 3 years, Kd Fortune, blue. Cvdone, b.g., ayfcd, P. T. Beals, bluck. Blut Nose, e.g., aged. J. D. Prentice, white and scarlet. 2.40 Claaa— Trotting and Pacing. Celtic, 8., 5 years, B. O. Van Bokkelen, black. Mollie C, c. c. 5 years, D. T. Heals, black sash. Dart, b g.. n«:ed. Thomas Shaw. blue. Daloo, h.s., 5 years. E. I). Adams n. grey and blue. HHny T., g.g.. aged. C. F. Clancy, black and blue. Queen's Plate— Mile and a Half Dash. Oerty, b m, ng< 1. D. Duncan (driver), crimson. Young Heautralph. bs, 3 years, A. McConnell, blue and red. Beeswing, b g, aged. Paul Jones, orange and blue. If I ! 297454 T X XXtO^aXWXXXXWMX^MMX X V i w a St. ■ 'Ml /MMMMMWMMka < Ploughboy, b g, ftged, W. H. Whittaker, pink. ^ Rocket, 8 ft. aged, B Gordon, blue and gold. Young Brody, g s, 2 years, B. ¥. Knglish, white and blue. Maggie, b m, 2 years, C. Hay ward, Jr., green. Indian Race— Mile Dash. Jenny, i; m, Peter, red, white and blue. Soldier, b g, Joseph, red and white. Hunter, b a, Peter Little, blue, yellow and black. Pony, b g. Cauquet, white and blue. Tom, cr 8, George, blue with white feather. Mountain Chief, b g, Edwin, green. -^^BICYCLE RACE-V*- Two Milo AiTinteur Championship of B. C— Fred Turner, New West- minster; C A. Godson, C. W. Miner, Thoa. B. Norgate, and Percy Jenns, Victoria. TIIIi4D I3A.Y, BATURDA.Y, MAYS4th, 1800. BEACON HILL. 9 A. M. LACROSSE M ATCH Victokia Lacrossic Club vs. Vancouver HORSE RACING, VICTORIA DRIVING PARK, 12 M. SECOND DAY— MAY 24th. Free for All- Trotting and Pacing Heats— Best 3 in 5. MoUie C, c. m., aged, D. T. Beala, black sash, Roaie C, b. m., a}?cd. C. F. Clancy, green. All entries not in yet. Running— Mile and Repeat. Robucion, b. g.. 3 years, Ed. Fortune, blue. Cyclone, b. s., aged, D. T. Beals. black sash. Beeswing, b. g., aged, Paul Jones, orange and blue. Buggy Race— Mile Heats, 2 in 3. Lady Knox, b. m., 4 years, M. Milter, black. Joe, b. g., aged, H. D. Helmcken, maroon. Gipsey, b. m. aged, R. F. Tolmie, blue. Corporal, b. m., aged, W. S. Chambers, red. Kdinborough, c. g., aged, D. M. Eberts, green. Hurdle Race— Mile Dash. Morning Star, g. g., aged, A. Dumbleton, cerise and white c»p. Bluenose. c. g., aged, J. D. Prentice, scarlet and white. Nellie, b. m., aged, Capt. G. H. Aplin, blue and cardinal. Rocket, s. g., aged, B. Gordon, blue and gold. Albion, s. g., 5 years, T. Shaw, orange and green. —-^BICYCLE RACES^r— Five Miles Free to all Amateurs— C. A. Godson, C. W. Miner, Tho». B. Norgate and Percy Jonns, Victoria, Portland, Tncoma, Seattle and i^ort Townsend bicycle club members to participate. One Mile Amateur Green Race— W. G. Simpson. T. B. Norgate, and Percy Jenns, Victoria, and visiti'.ig amateur bicyclists. REGATTA, AT THE GORGE. 1 P. M. Judges— Lieut. F. Hammond, H. M. S. Amphion, Lieut. -Col. Wolfenden Starler— R. Brcdrick, Esq. Referee-Lieut. G.J. S. Warrenuer, H. M. S. Amphion. Judge (Deadman's Island)- F. Payne, Esq. 1. Naval Race, 10 oared Cutters, 2 miles Prize ?45 00 Two Crews from H. M. S. "Amphion." 2. FourOari n AMATEUR Race, for Navy and Civilians, inrlgged boats, 22 feet and under, 2 niilea. Prizes, Silver Cup o. Medal. Swallow Colors navy blue and white J. Watson, Fred. Widdowson, Geo. Askew, G. Watson. Dart No. 2 Colors white and light blue Robei ts, W. Fisher, F. B. Pemberton, W. Langloy, Wolfenden cox'n. Dart No. 1 Colors dark red .flag same W. A. Ward, A. Pinder, Capt. G. H. Ogilvie, E. Miller, F. B. Ward cox'n. ^ F. W. Barrett Crew from H. M. S. "Amphion" ; iM B3. Professional Sinolr Out-Rigokh Skiffs, 18 foet and under, H d ! •jmxv-V-vji V y.aR»-jK3£gaqrarnaBagag»ci " VJ X J K'M . vrxvrafVise vxyt s miles. $30.00; 2nd, $15 00. J. William Smith Colors- White ti^er W. P. Stone Light blue Geortjo A. Richardson — Pink and black W. Langley Dark bhie L Canoe Rack ou Dug-Outs Prize $35 00 6. PnoFKSSioNAL ShkU/ RACK. Championship of B. C. 2 miles- Prizes— It. $.30.00 and Cup presented by it. C. Davies. 2nd, $15.00. William Thos. Cotsford Colors— Pink Chas Hush Pink and white J. N. Seeloy i.Blue 6. Profkssionai, Fouk-Oared Race, 2 miles. Prizes— 1st, $50 ; 2n<), $20 Wm, Cotsfowl. F. Campbell, N. Basso, Ed. Shields Pink [ William Copclaud, T. Watson, C. Smith. T. Townsend. Bowles, cox'n. I Colnra-B. & W. Striped. J. Davis, W. Langley, J 7 9. & Boggs, subject to rules hereinafter mentioned. F. Widdowson Colors— Navy blue and white G. Watson Rod and white D. DesBrisay White, red cap Charles N. Nicholson Dark blue J. WatBon Pale blue and white S. Y. Wootton Blue and White Stripe Charles Le Lievro Red and white Arthur D. Lewis Pale blue Naval Race. 10-oared cutters 2 miles Prize $45 00 Two crews from H. M. S. '*.A.mphion." Canoe Race fob Indians, 2 miles, 11 paddles. Canoes not to exceed ij 30 feet in length, keel measure. Ist prize, $4 a paddle ; 2d, $1 a paddle. 10 H. 11 * 12. 13. k U. 16. IG, and all Indian Races may be enteretl on the barge at the Gorge VEVENINGS-^- Orand Illumination at the Government Grounds at 9 P. M. Bicycle Parade at 9.30 P. M. Barnes, H. Georgeson Dark blue Amateur Championship of B. C. Single out-rigger skiffe, 18 feet ,« and under. U miles. Prize— Cup presented by Crane, McGregor d i ! Four-oaurd Amateur Rack in boats 22 ft. and under, two miles. ? Prize— Cup presented by Davidson Bros. Roper, D. Spencer. J. Mcintosh, D. DesBrisay. F. Jewell (cox.) '"'olor— White with Red Caps. J. Jones, Tom Brown, G. Smith, F. Thomson. Color-White. Watson, F. Middowson, G. Askew, G. Watson, Kenedy (cox.) Colors— Navy Blue and White. Kloochman Race, short course, 7 paddles, lat prize, $3 a paddle ; 2d prize, $1 a paddle. DiNoy Rack for Civilians ; may be entered at the Gorge. 1st prize, $10.00; 2d prize, $5.00. Entries: Wm. Cotsford. Petekboro, Rob Roy and Birch Bark Canoes, not more than two J)addlc8. IJ miles. Prizes— Medal.s of the value of $ir).fl0 and $7.50. \ Sullivan, F. J. ?!tannard Ked and White. J. Watson, F. Widdowson Navy Blue and White. Fred Pamphlet, William Cotsford Pink. William Fullor, W. F. Williams Magenta. Tom Watson, C. Smith Pink and Blue. DouRLK OUTRIOOER SKIFFS, 2 milos. 1st prize, $30 ; 2d prize. Boat "Albion," W. Copeland, T. Townsend Blue and White Fred. Pauiphle^, Nick Basso Pink Henry Georgeson, M. CoUinson Light' Blue C. Smith, T. Wats«m Pink and White H. W. Pauline, G. A. Richardson Cardinal avd White Wm. Cotsford. Ed. Shields Brown SwIMMI^■Q Race $10.00 Greasy Pole $10.00 Entries Free. No prize (cutter races excepted) $10 \ k unless three or more boats enter and start |i Dingy Rivces, Swimming Race, Greasy Pole (i and \