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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. rata > elure. : 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 . i,i'J.V'''("',!l'"l" l; ..'J^t^ phfcii'mifc imkim ^ i i m m MM ifnm ^ ..-. tm tmmm M«MAWWHUMt novelltei from the Loomi of the oldert and best nianufactiirles In the World, and retailing them at a small advance over man- dUTerent'wl JuSa?* '*'"' Iwrtert to match la aU the i Azminaters (Hand and Power Loom), Koquenes, Wiltona, Velveti, Body and Tapestry Bmsieli, 8-Plyi, Ingrains and Cottage Carpeta Special attention given to the (tunlshlng ot Cottage* and Country Kesidenoei. MATTINGS. Our own direct ImpqHaUon. White and Red Check, •B-W) per roll «f m yards, or IJ IJ cts. per yard. ▲ great variety line fancy patterns, fiauu per mil. OIL CLOTHS ic^^LIGNUMS (In all widths), from 1 to 8 yards wide. SNEPPARDKNAPP&CO., Sixth Ave. and 13th St, Hew York. ^ N. a-8peola> rate* to Hotels, Churches, Pnbllo Insti- tutions, M, I '• *-?.^:&^/iiJi.*iItf£jJ^^j;\ii,^i>^_.j=^:^ TS. ibown. ( noveldei from Dfactiirleii In the Ivance over i»an- loktoii la all the oom), sna, Velvety age Carpets. lllBg Ot CotUgM s. and Red CbfPk, er yard. A great uU. [GNUMS da wide. &C0., Hew York. iM, Pnbllo luu- ii. I V ^^ ^,,uW V SUMMER Rest and Recreation. THE AMERICAN QUEENS DICTIONARY or ^o« . ». ummer Resorts IN THE IINITKD STATES AND DOMINION OP CANADA. WHERE TO GO, HOW TO OETJU-lilUiT-«iJUJ 1 WHAT IT WlM/j C,r NEW YORft, THR qUBBN PUBLIHHINO FRANKUN 8()U>RE, W. R. ANDREWS, HANAnRR. 1883. •V^''''OFWASHiH&"^-^ \^^0al^0^/lftl#tl iii li tltl ' 'l'.P'i. ' ' ' foMRlOHTED 1882, BY ^■^a under new oondltloni and amid the delightful iiur- roundlngi of the fa ihlonable r«8ort«. While nuny set- tle down as comtortabljr as possible In temporary homes, a still larger number flit like gay birds of passage from plane to place, seeing everything worth seeing, meeting erery one worth meeting, and making the mountains, tbe springs, and the sesshore alike contribute (o their pleasure. A majority of people, however, have only a few days, or a few weeks, at most, which they r4>n claim for their vacation, and bow tu get the greatest good out of tbe smallest outlay of time and money, require* careful study. The object of this Diction art is to give prac- tical assistance to every one, not only In tbe selection of a place, or In laying out a careful Itinerary for a trip in any section of the country, but also to affoid such definite Information as may b« successfully compressed into tbe limits of a band-book of convenient slae, as to routes, distances, ratea of fare, and the names, cburac- teristlcs and charges of hotels and boarding houses. For tbe convenience of tbe public tbe worl^ ban been sutMlivlded, first in order being a remarkably compre- iMOslve oompllatlob of all the places, large and small. DICTIONARV or miMMKR HKMOKTII. wllhlnaritdluiiut onehumlredmlltw — or rourliouni' — from (.'Itr >I>II ; this li followiMt hj pro|wrly clamlnfHl Hniuhore anil Inland ritnortj, whll« the 8|irlnin< with ilmir natural altractlona and inu eettlon, and during tba tuM wMon, aU fjw ouk-ol- DICTI0X4KT or SOMMU RHoars. town dellgbca. Surelr • itDffI« resort tbat would aSord Its patrons tbeir Oil of lea-sbore, woodlands, countaics, tauntlnK and flsbing, boatlnfr and batblng, and everr pbase of «octetr from tbe moat tasbtonable dlfslpatf.on to tbe extreme of rural simplicity, would suit irurj' boAj. Mew York City Is sucb a resort. You need not smUa at tbe suggestion. WKbta easy reach from City Hall, by boat, rail, and stage, all tbese attractions are at onoe accessible. Making some one of tbe many un- surpassed botels of tbe Metropolis your beadquarters for tbe week, fortnlgbt, or montb at your command, and TTltbln distances from one to four hours away, tbere am Inexbaustlble opportunities for ever-cbanglng enjoy- ment! and attractions. Witbin tbe radius named lies nearly all of Lr g' Island, with lU ocean front and Ita sbore along the Sound ; Ibe Hudson River and tbe Palisades ; tbe >few Jersey coast and Inland retorts : a large part of Conneotlout and a small slice of Hassa- «bUKttaL Tblf obapter boa been specially prepared not only for tbe beneflt of visitors to tbe Metropolis w;io wlsb to see what tbere Is outside of It worth seeing as well as tbe show places Inside tbe city limits, but also for tbe beneflt and coavenlenco of New Yorkers who make sucb stay-at-bome vacation trips at can be compreassd within tbe limits of a day, or two, or possibly tbree, taken aa business will permit. Care ha* been taken to give precise Information, aa far aa possible, aa to route*, distances, hotels and ezpjcsea generally, Tbe Mat Is an ezteaalve one and furo^^'ies material for programmes of excursions of every deacriptlon. Asbarjr Park, N. JT.— About live miles south of Long Branch, and on Wesley Lake, opposite Bel Air Qrove, with a mile of front directly on tbe ocuau. The Park contalu about tOO aores^ and was originally owned and /oiituM hT Joaepit Bradley. It baa a permanent » » RESORTS. »ort that would afford woodlands, touDUlES, id bathing, and eyery tashlonable dlwlpatlon ilty, would «ult avury- resort. You need not \ uasy reach from C«y i\\ these attractions are le one of the many un- polls your headquarters inth at your command, to four hours away, there for ever-changlnj enjoy- 1 the radius named Ues rith lU ocean front and I Hudson Blver and the istand Inland reports; a a small slice of Massa- been specially prepared tors to the Metropolis w- 10 talde of it worth seeing side the city limits, but enlenco of New Yorkers vacation trips m can be if a day, or two. or possibly 1 permit. Care l»»» been tlon, Mfar»ipoMlWe.a» and expjDies generaUy. nd funJJ«»ie» material tor erery daicrlpUon. -About nye mllet »"*•>* eyl*ke.opportte Bel Air lAectlT ou the ocean. The Sw- originally owned t£Sy. It has » permanent oionoiiAmi or sdhmir unom. pupu'iattoD of about 3,000, wbloh li annually tnenaibi by tbousands of cottagers and summw boardan. Tba •ale of liquor la prohibited within ita UmlCi, and (tor tbla reason ita patronaEe comes largaly from tiie rery best class of elUzens. Its attractions are ezoellent aun bathing, boating on Wesley lake, and the select oliiuao« ter of ita society. Hotels : Coleman, 98 to $4 a day, MO persons; Ocean, $3aday,tl3tol8aweek,«)0perions; West End, Brunswick and Colonnade, S8 a day, $lii to pO a week, «0 persona each ; Oablll, $S to ft a day, $1S to S% a week, 180 persons; Orjeatal, Uetropolltan, Grand Avenue, Sunset Hall, Clark, Surf, Bristol, Gram- ei\>7. North End, Asbury and Princeton, from t» to tS a day, SIO to $30 a week ; accommodations for 100 to sas persoiis each. Also, 100 or more other saaU botels and boarding-housea at an average of abont ^ a day, although some as low as $IM, and from $7 to $15 a week, with aooomraodatlons for 10 to 100 penons each. W. U. Jones has rooms for SO at SO cents a day, Kuro- nean plan, or room with board, $9 a week. Beached from New York, SI miles, by Central Railroad of New Jerseled by AuduboO, the ornlttologlstn The residences ai|^/^ i: 4^ I -iA^m&ffrmm-'-- T ^'~'wiffpj^ w.fytw» 'i w » iw -^ UnXlD Colored Fireworks, Meteoric Balloons. Flags, Lanterns, &c. -TOR- PUBLIC & PRIVATE USE, HOTELS, LAWN PARTIES and FOURTH of JULY. The moet exMnilre Kne by tbe largest manuUcturers la the United States, aud at reasonable prices. The ITnexcelled Fireworks Co., No. 7 Park Place, (Send for Price List.) NIW YORK. -1 •'•^■Af^mfwnmi^ DICT10NART or 8UMMEX HltOBTS. the property ot different ownwi, but tbe grounds - trom wtalob a One view o( Hudaon River U obtained, bave never been marred by (enoee or barrien of any lort, ]teach(Hl by trains of Btxtb avenue elevated rmllwav to One Hundred and Otty-flftb street, or by Hudson Biver Railroad frcim TblrUetb street to tbe One Hundred and Ofty-second street station. Allentown, Pa.-81tuated on biffb (round, eom- mandintf an extensive view, witb broad and well shaded streets, bandscme residences and a population of over 18.000. Helfrlch's cave and springs, two miles from town, are ainoni; V.vd most romantlo spois in tlie country. Other objects of interest in tbe vldnlty are Mammoth Rock, on South mountain, at tn elevation of 1,SOO feet, and Worms n's Springs. Hotels: Ameri- can, 92 a day, SIO a week, ISO persona: Allen House, $3 a day, |l8 a week, SCO persons; Eagle Hotel, fl.BO a day, $7 a week, 100 persons; Gross Keys Hotel. 11.% a day. |6 a week, BO persons ; Black Bear Hotel, tl a day, $5 a week, 50 persons; Centennial, Si a day, $4 a week, 80 iiersons; PminsylTania, 11 J6 a day,|7 a week, SO persons. Reacbed by tbe New Jersey Central, Ubigb and Sus- quehanna division, from liberty street, IS miles, tii hours, 5 trains eacb way daily to New Tork and Phlla- delBbla, (81 miles fiom the latter); fare from New Tork $2.70, excursion $4.90. Or, via Pennsylvania and La- blirta Valley Railroads, from Oortlandt and Debrosses streeU, fare S^.TF- Barnes at, N. J.— A small and ratber primitive village on Double Creek, one mile from Barnogat Bay, and a short distance north ot Atlantic City, reached by tbe Tineland and New Jersey Southern R. It's., con- necting wltb the Camden A Atlantic R. R. There is ex- cellent sea-bathing, but tbe place is famous among sportsmen for tbe abundance of fishing and shooting. From tbe time the blueflsh appear, about the middle of May, to the end of the season, great numbers of people visit tbe piaoe to Indulge in this ezclUng sport. Tbe duck shooUnj tn tbe spring and fall In tbe marsbea near by, and snipe sbooting on tbe beoota in midsum- mer, eouaplete tiie round of principal attraotlons for lovers of tbe rod and gun. Hotels : Clarence House. 9t a dav, Wr to $10 a week, ebildren and servants, halt rates, ar.oiiiiii"(1.itlon8 forfO persons, open all tbe year; 1 RSMKTB. It tlM oroundii' from 'er Is obtained, bave (•rrleni of aiiT lort, elevBled nflw»*to or b7 HodMD Blver B One Hundred and D bigb gronnd, eom* tb broad and well ■ and a population ■prlngi, two ml lea oantlo ipoia In tbe in tbe Ttdnltr are ain, at »n eteration «•• Hotels > Ameri- la; Allen House, |S a e Hotel, Sl-BO a day, I Hotel, lljes a dar. Hotel. « a day. $S a day, $4 a week, ao |7 a week, 80 persons, ral, Iiebleb and Sua- strwit, «S miles, S^ aw Tork and Phlla- fare from New Tork nnsylTania and Le- andt and Oebrossee nd ratber primitive 'rom Barnogat B&y, itlc City, reached by uthem 11. It's., oon- c R. R. Tbere is ez- e Is famous among sbing and sbootlng. about tbe middle of t numbers of people ■xcltlng sport. Tbe fall In tbe marsbei beocb in mldsum- ilpal attractions for la: Clarence House, D and senranta, balf D8. open all tbe year; DIcnOSAKT or 8riiMIR RtSORTB. rioating House Norelty, $1.50 a day, fiO persons ; Mul- len House, $1 .SO a day, $7 a week ; Harvey Cedars, 100 ptTSons; Club House, 25 persoas. Reacbed by t\\» New Jersey Soutbern R.R., from Liberty street, 68 miles, 8^ bours; fare $»M, excursion $8,80. Batb, li. I.— Located at tbe Narrows and one of tbe pleasantest resorts in tbe vlclnty of New Tork. Tbe surroundings are quiet and agreeable and tbe still water bathing, boating, Ashing and crabbing are ex- cellent. The Avon Beacb Hotel, with accommodations for 800 persons, at $18 to $30 a week, and a reasonable reduction for children and servants, has been thorough- ly renovated and Improved. Tbe lawn and grove adjacent cover tun acres, there are nine hundrtd feet of piazza, looking out on the Bay, and lacliidlng a view of the forts. Coney Island and Sandy Hook • On the grounds are swings, lawn tennis, croquet and other games. The Lowrey House bas rooms for a hun- dred and Btty persons, and Is only Ove minutes distant from tbe station ; a large wing has been added since last season, and tbe bouse bas been thoroughly over- hauled. Reached by Brooklyn, Bath and Ooney Island R. R., connections made by Greenwood can at Fulton, South and Wall streets and Hamilton avenue ferries ; fare 15 oents, excursion SO cents ; time of trip, SO mln- utes. Also by steamer direct to tbe new Pier. Battery (The). — Tbere ii no more delightful place m or about New York rtty in which to pass an evening of a hot summer's niglic than at the Battery, a park at tbe extreme southern end of Manhattan Island, on whicb New Tork city Is built, named for tbe fortifl- cattons erected on this spot by tbe pioneer Dutch set- tlers. In colonial days it was the fashionable reaort of the town, and wu surrounded by tbe residences of tbe wealthiest citizens. It covers an area of 91 atrea. Is tilled with shade trees, and is amply supplied with teats. Tbe magniaoent view of the bay, tbe delightful breezes, tbe vened sunset elfecia, the sait water baths —free and for pay (25 cents),— and the cosmopolitan and picturesque character of the crowds of arriving immi- grants at Castle Qarden, which stands within its limits, make the Battery one of the most attractive places In the Mntropulis. About one mile south of City Hall, reacbed by tbe elevated roads, which have their ter> 5 1 OLD SPOBTSKAFS WABEHOXJSZ, EDWIN S. HARRIS, m BROADWA Y, new Cortlandt St., New York. W. & C. SCOTT & SONS' ** AOINT rOR pox B»**®<5h [^oading ghot G""> SHARP'S RIFLES. F< Webler & B«B'a Brefwh Ii«adera> ■uting SultR ft Rbooten' Kmteiia'.s of all Deacriptlonj. SHMLLS LOADED TO OBDKR. ARCHERY AND LAWN TENNIS. rABEHOUSE, \RRIS, udt St., New York. & SONS' IERS> 5 Shot Gttn» FLES. > of all Desoriptloiu. ORDKB. 'N TENNIS. DierioNART or bumuir suorts. inlQl on lU easteri side, by seyeral Unea ol bone-oan and br Broad-; >«iie, N. J.— On ^be wettorn ibora of Nevf Tor>' liitj, lOTen miles from City Hall. Ita ipeolal at- '"^ctlons tn summer are the excellent faolMHas for boat- ing. Reached by Central Railroad, of New J 'wy.trom foot of Liberty street ; fare, iiO oenta. KxRurslon, SO eenta. Hotels : Randall and Pan>t, $8 to $10 a week, B«T RldB«t Ii« I<— On New ?ork Bay, and ad- JolnlDB the southern c;(y limits of Brooklyn. The fround Is high, end tbe alKhtly iooallty baa been util- ized for tbe bnlldlng of handsome mansions, some of them dating back for many years. SeTeral of tbe Coney Island railroad!) hare their termini here, oonnectfnK with hourly boats to New York; also reached by Brook- lyn horse-cars from Fulton, South and Hamilton terries, connectlns with stuiiiri-oars at Greenwood Cemetery, and by direct ferry from the Battery, three times daily. Bayeliore, Ii. I.— On tbe Great South Bay, op- posite Ftre Island Light, forty-one mile* distant. The vHw of the ocean is magnlflcent and the attractions are flshing, bathing and boating. The Prospect House fumlshes excellent accommodations at a reasonable, price, and there are a number of cottages tor those who prefer ibein. Reached by frequent trains on tba Long Island R. K.< from Long Island city ; time one hour, Ofteen minutes ; fare $1M, excursion $sjes. Bayeldej !<• !•— On the shore of Little Neck Bay, on tbe North Side division of the Long IsUnd Railroad. The special attraction Is Crocheron^s Hotel, on the water's edge, and oomplrtely surrounded by a growth of venerable wlllowe. The view is delightful from the Pavilion. embracing the bay, Wlllet'a Point,Fort Schuy- ler, and tbe Westchester shore of the Sound, i. well- cooked and well-served dinner, including clams, oys- ters, and flsb, can In obtained for aTeaaonable price. Beached by two trains In the morning and two In the afternoon, from James Slip and East Thlrty-fonnb street ferries. Time from Hunter's Point, W minutes : excursion ticket, 80 oenta ; hack from station to hotel, 10 cents. Bedloe'B IslMid.— In New York Bay, two mllef ■*;ate«i?*-. ' 1 ! mCTIONAKT »K M MMKR HMOHTB. ■outbiTMt o( the Battery. II, Ip Ikw than a tbird of • mile iquare, ti owned by tha I nlted 8t4iUw uoremmeiat, and liaa a rortlOcatlon known as Kori Wt>o(l. Thla liland li Um propoaed site of tbe oolnaaal atatue ot " Liberty EnllKlitenliig the vrorld," by nartboldl. wbiek li to be preaented to this country by tbe citizens at ftanoe at aome time In tbu dim future. Tboae who riaited the Centennial will remember an arm of tli* Btatue which was exhibl*.«d there, and wblob wai lubsequently aei up In Madlaon Square. Beach H»Ten, N. J.— Located on an lalandS mllea from Tuckerton, whence It la reached by H iteamer In SB minutea. Here one aeea and enjoya aea- atde life at Ita beat. Tbe attractions are surf batliln(, ya«btln(, fliblnff, marine ylewi, and the rei'iiperatlr* effects which are experienced by tbe mo«t ]ac«ted on an Idand 6 It la reacbed br u leea and enjoytM*- ina are lurf bathing, and tbe recuperative Ibe moat laded after a s, )2.S0 a day, $1* to louse, 98.50 a day, tVt lib Haven. t» a (taj. ! a dnr, 98 to |U « 'iew l«rmj RoaUieni Tuckerton, 88 mllw: by steamer 5 miles; out eight miles fn>m 1, opposite Port Riob- •Dd batbing are tbe entral R. R. of New Street; fare, 2B oenia ; shall Street to Port inr. Hotels; Latoar- ;, BOO persons ; Wyke- a week, 100 persons ; to 9IB a week, 80 per- o 910 a week, 00 per- ng-houaes, 93 to $8 a orUnt town of 18,000 om New Tork. There >al Institutions, Inelud- pthorpe," an Eplsoo- ilea, and a MontTlan Tbe place was settled Pennaiyranta, In 1740. DIOTIOMART or si'MMca RHoar' Ttii> water workm commencod In 1781, were (he Brst In till' State. Th« i>lrtiir*'w|ii)t accnery along tbe Lebigh at ihw point, the mountnlii near by, tbe loTltltig woods, II lid the Kenemlly ilMllslitful character of the surround- itiEit, has madH BetliMiem the faTorlle summer home of many rlly folk. Hotels : 81m, t8.80 a da», 98 to |1« a week, 174 persons; Kogle $aM a dar, 98 to 9" a veni, 175 persons; American, 91 JO a day, 96 to 98 a wi-ek. 7B penons. Reached by New Jersey Central and Uhlgh ViJley Railroads, (rom Liberty street, fare f2 IK), excursion tSM. Or by Penruylranla and Lehigh alley Railroads, from Cortlandtand Desbrosses streets, fare tS.60. Boatlnc, Oanoelnc and Rowlnc>— Boating on the Kast or North Rivera Is hazardous for amateurs, owtna to the vast number of steam craft In constant miitlon. Boats can be hired at the Battery ; on the Harlem Blvcr (reachwd by Third Avenue Elevated R. R„ or by steamer from Peck Slip, fare 10 cents by either mute); Hoboken and Elyslan Klelds, We«bawken (reacbed by Hoboken ferries) ; Port Richmond, nortt Bide of SUten Island (reached by ferry from foot of Whitehall street, fare 10 cenU) ; Bergen Point, opposite Kill Ton Kull, (reached by row boat from tbe latter, (wblf-h see) fare, 10 cents); Passaic River, N. J., (reached by train from foot of Liberty, Barclay or Christopher streeU to Nevrark, excursion, SSoents); also on the lake In Central Park, at all the landings on Btnten Island, at all places on Jamaica Bay, ditto. Long Istliind Sound, and at Points In New Jersey, and along the Hudson and Harlem Rivers. Tbe charges for row- boats vary from 25 to .V) cents an hour. Canoetng Is a pastime to which tbe New York Canoe Club, whose hoiiseUofl New Brighton, 6t«t«n Island, and the Jer- sey City Oiiuoe Club, whose house Is on the Hudson River, devote much attention. The Hudson and Pas- sale Rivers are tbe favorite waters In the Immediate vlcln'*y for canoes. BnvHno headquarters are mainly on tbe Harlem and Passaic Rivers. The banks of both are lined with the ^5U8es of rowing dubs, and others are to be found on tbe Hudson, Long Island Sound and BtHten Island. (See Taciitino.) BoundBrook, N. J.— The oldest Tillage In Som- erset County, contnliiini; about 1,000 .InhabltanU. The place Is pariloularly iDterusttog from Its historical 1 O The Social News of the World. ANDREWS' ji merican (j ueen Hu bMn t«riD«d by tti Mnt6riJ!>iiirtilM, "Tba Covrt Jirumalot Ainfrtc«." it«i ci«im to th« tills of balnir (b« Beat Soelatr Paper pulUlahe^l In thia coun- try l9 rouDdt'tl upon llui ruol, ibat It In tiM only juurnal in which lirollBted reports of tbAdo'.ng* of the bwt lorluty In til iiiiportAnt cltlM and towna on thli cooti- Dunt, ihui prvaerrlng, alwayi fraab, acqualntanoe* forrnud duriiiv tbe Maiuna of trarel, and alio keeplna wople of one cliy fully piuted ai to tb« irtlal Ufa ol tbi-lr friend!! In erury otlur. In each liwueof THK QUEEN ara f ull and oompre- hetislTe re|H>rta of ballK, reiwptloiii, banquela, wad- dlnga, and ail otbar faihlouable aTenti In all parte of tlie country. • ta addition to Ita Society Reporta aui Oorraapond- eiKw, THE QUEEN contains, lurlns Um Watering riiioe S<>aiM>n, full and enaiplet« it>porta from all tba chief Waierlnfr I'laoei of America. THE QUEEN, In addition to Its Social ReportM, ForulKn CorraapoDdeuca and Wau-rlng Place New), It tbe great AmerlcaD au- thority on Etiquette, while Itt Literary CmUutm are of a yery blab order of merit. ANDBBWB' AMfcftlCAN QUEEN la publtohed erery Saturday. For taia by newtdealert eTerywiMrt. iHaitla coplea, 10 oeota. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Poataffe tree In tbe United Statea and Canada : Or* Vear #4.00 Sf.x niontha S.OO Three ISontha I.OO THE QUEEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, W. R. ANDREWS. HANAau, Franklin Square, Ntw York. the World. iueen uiM, "Tho Court >tlM titlaot b«lii« Uhed In tblt eouc- lii Um odI; tournkl do'.ng* of the tiwt •wna oil tlili cootl- Hi, •caualntaooM , and au<> keeploa > Um irclal Ufa o( I (uil uid oompre- I, iNuiquela, wad- iDta tn all parte of I aui Oomapond- Ing tba WaterlnK XMTU from all tba THE QUEIN, In ;n Ck>rre«pondHiice eat American au- irr taaiurua ara of la publlahed eTerr rerrwlHm. iHngla I and Canada: M'OO a.oo 1.00 COMPANY, laut, !, Ntw York. DICTIONAHT or SIMMU BJUklHIA. riatloiM. T. .1 la |loon«,a few miles dlaUnt. The Windsor Hotel l.a. rooms for W, at ll.fiO per rtny, or f7 per week. lleanhi to ^ a week, and tbe Double Beaoh House, 9* a day. Tbe Montana, Pina Orchard, Sea View and other hotels are lu tbe vicinity. At Indian Neck, 8 mllea distant, there Is good boating and batblng, and several oomfortable botelf at very moderate prioes. Reached by Shore Una route trom Grand Central depot. Bii4c«P<*r<( Conn.— A eUy of 18,000 Inbablt- anta on an inlat of Ifig Inland Bound, at tbe moutb of tba Pequonnook River. Golden Hill, at tba back of Um town, is covered with the handsome reiidenoea of wealthy dtlMns. Hotels : Sterling House and Atlantic Boose, aaeb |^ par day. Raacbed by tba Shore Una routa trom Grend Central Depo4^ 67 miles, tare, t].10; or by ftaamer dally from Pier 85 Bait River, fare, 91. ■■M«B l.«ke. If. J.— About 8 miles from Bcbooley's Mountain. 8H mltas In eiroumterenoe and witb moat ddlgbttui natural surroundings. There U good boating and Osblng. Tbe rorest Orovr Hotel ac- eomodataa no paraons, f>.80 a day, 9*0 to 917 a waek. It la 7S mllea, or about 8 hours, distant from New Tork . R^n tf^ by the Hlgb Bridge branch 9l the Mew Jeraey ■ • ■sirrr^ f otot.MuiT ov mnn taom. Central, from foot of Utwrty »tr««t, to FlMidora, th^OM bj itaKe; f»r«tl.8S, uounton $8.15, or, bT DclawKnu LHckawanna A Weitarn Rsllroad, from BtroUr um ChrlnUipher tlrwta, to Btnnbop*. tbenoa by (tan. (;«narale, la. I. -Rltiiat«i)1on J»malo» Bar, and la ni)teiii Fulton, RooaaTalt ■ml OrHiiil Htrefft (nrrlei, or bjr rapid tranalt tnloa from South ferry In Eant Nnw Turk, than'ia tj Brooklyn and Ilockaway Beach. In lummer itnamen run regu- larly between Oaiurale and Uiiokaway wfaloh la on Um opiKMlle aide of the l>ay. Time trum NewTorir, by ferry, Uoraa-i-art and rail, about one hour and lUirty mlnulea ; eicunlon tare, liO centa. Oaatle Inn, N. T.— About eighteen milea from NWr York un the outaklrtsot New Rocbnlle. Originally built for a prirntp realdence, In tbe r«udal at/Ie and called Inland Oaitle, 11 la now a olub-houie. It la In tbu mldit of forty aorea of well-wooded novnda ; tbe kennela of Uia Queena County hoiuda ars Toeat«d bere, and tUere are alao faoilltlaa for a great Tartoty of out- dtmr iporta. The Inn la kept up by tba pledged patro- naire of Keutlemen IntoresCed In ihootlnc. ooaobing, polo anil kindred rorreatlons ; but the recMurant, kept by an excellent caterer, l.t open to Uiu publlo. Beitclied br frequent tralm on the New York, New Haven, and Hartford R. R. from Qrknd Central depot ; time, about 40 minutaa ; fare fiO oenta, exounlon 99 centa. Cllfton« N. J.— A favorite reaort (or picnio partlei and excureiona In the extenalre grore near the itatlon. The CUfton Orore Hot4l baa amommodatlona tor flfty, the ratea being $10 to flS a week. Reached by Erie Railroad from Ohambera or Twenty-tblrd atreeta, 13^ miles, twelve trains dally each way, f6ur tralna from and three to New York on Sunday, rare, tteenia. Excursion, 65 cents. A mile and a half distant la Lake View, a smull vllIaKa ; near bv la Lake Dundee. Sum- mer boardera are taken at the Arquackanonok Houii*', on the Patterson road, and at Mrs. Briton's, on the hill. Central TaII«f , N. T.— In the Blgblands, on the Newburgh Short-cut of the Krl« B.B., 48 mllM from New York. The Summit Lake Honse, two miles trom the station, ts :,S(X' fi>«t aborA the sea. and Is a genulua It) mm uMm. Ireet, to riandftrt, th.ut one iKHir tnd itiirty nu. ut eighteen miles from ewRochelle. Oriftnally In the feudal itTTe and a ciiib-lmuM. It to In )ll-wo to It* per week ; secommadatlona foTMi *»Sagi oonnecTlngwlth all trains to and from New Vork. Noison's, ny riiUiuU»' walk from the sta- UOO. IT to M, oblldreu half rates ; rooms for ». ,.Thef« anaieTMi liuea within three "'Um of the Hummtt Uke House. Tbera to good ihooUng In iJie vicinity. In the vlclnJIT of Oontral Valley are 0»«,'^uw'>«*r^"?'.'' OatbSto, PresbTterisn. Eutoonpal, and Melh.«li«l. Beaotad by Erie R.R. from Ohambers and Twenty-lhlr.l IJreStoj four trains from »nd three to New York dally. onetralB from and two to N«w York on Sunday; fare I1.4B, special fl.lB, exounlon t^. Ooner laland. -A watering place as wi-ll known throughout IH« country as It to to N«w Yorkori th«iii- salvea. Ks history an a popular rwort to of recent ilate. QeOBraphlcally It In tlm eilrnnui Wwilorn end of a brtn ken sandbar «trwU-hln«iilonK tlm South ihorj of Looij Island for a distanco of alwut ninety mlltw. It Is about twelve mill* from tliii lliJttory by boat, or nearly four miles Iws In a Ihw H'lo- 'l'l»> '>'■'*'''> "'""*" " .'-''"'"' Isto,nd to about Qve miles In leinjth, tiul beKlnnlnii at the extreme Wentern end IncliiUm, In the order imiiii'il, tee West End, or Norton's ; West Ilrlghtoo. or CiiDlj'j; ; Brighton B«)ach and M*nhatun Beach. Before IS. •'5 Coney Island was little more than a dreary stretch of sand, with two or three ctifiip liotela, resorted to by « doubtful cJasa, and reached by a single liorw-car line from Fulton ferry and a rlikety steaiiwuir line from nrmnwood cemetery. Another stcatii-tinr Hue wST S in 1874 from i»th street, Mrooklyn, to West Brighton Beach, and a large hotel and P«v lion were erecUnJ. The success of that entJirprlne settled the future of Coney Island as the most largely pBtroiiized summer resort on the Continent. T" "'co'''ii°u''''"'J what has been done since 187S would nil a book. At tbe present time there are eight or nine lines of rallniad, as many more of boats, not to mention the single line of horse cars, with a total capacity for t.ausportlng over 180,1^'" IHJople to the beach aiid taking theiii homa again the d-me day. Of hot.ds and rest., uraiits th«re Is efiough to supply a dty of 150.000 inlubkuuts. Of ths four subdivisions of the Island, already ai«n. «»" " ,"»* lU own special attractions and Ito own set of enthualae- tlc and regular patrons. One cannot iti l"ti^y Island, however, without making the grand tour Irom E. DUNCAN SNIFFEN, -a'exr*- DYEBTISING Jj GENT, 8 PARK ROW, NSW YORK. InaerU odTertlsements In all flrst-class Newspapers •D>i Macutnes in tbe United States, Oanadascr Europe, with m Most Attraotiti Mankbr, And gnanniees entire satlstactlon. fiend tor hit Cata- togue ol nnt-daH Advertlalnt Mediums. AILSD FBBS!.^ M*. S Park K«w< VN SNIFFEN, »'Bff^ SING_JLGENT, Bvse^t ♦ w o JW, NEW YORK. s In all Orst-class Newspapers iltod States, Canadascr Europe, and at lower prices, tban can Ion to ng Up AdTertisements kTTBAOTITB MAKKBR, lUifacUon. 8«nd tor bis Cata- ntlalnt Medtumi. ED Ffi££.&.« M*. 3 Park K«w. DICTIONART OF SUMMKR RKSURTS. end to end, and to facllltete this operation are carrtagea on hire b7 the bouror dar, backs constantly running at extremely low rates of fare, and a stoum railway from Brtebton Bench to Manhattan Beacb— which makes a small fortune for the company eacb season. At West Brighton is an observatory, which was rt>iiinved ber« from the Centennial grounds In PlillHdelplna, three hundred feet In helgUC from which a maKnlllcunt view is obtained. Here, also, is an iron pier, running • thousand feet, or a flftb of a mile, into the ocean, at wblcb steamboats from New York land. On tills pier are saloons, a promenade and 1,200 buth-rooius. Near by is the Sea Beach Palace (which was at the Centennial exhibition of the United Stales (iovernment), where an excellent Usblt d'hote dinner, including wine, is served for $1. Brighton Beach Is particularly affected by Brooklyn people. The hotel is 626 feet long, and two storlusin height with spacious and airy piazzas.' The upper Ooor is reserved for permanent patrons and meals are served on the American toMe (iVt<>f« plan ; 2,000 peiaons can be fed at a time. Uanliattau Beach hotel la the largest and most imposing structure on the Island. It is 6«0 feet loug, varying as to the number of stories, and exceedingly ornat-. wild glens, deep-down streams, broad lakes, and spreading valleys. The chain of at- tractions which twgins with the Ramapo and ends at the Hudson seems to be gatbere<; Into one grand, cul- mlnat'.ng point at Cornwall." The place is ai much renowned (or Ita bealthfulness as for the fact that bera are to }« found in close proximity all the combined nat- ural b6.mtles (or which the Hudson is world-famed. Physicians now send patients to Cornwall for com- plaints whlcb were formerly thought could only And relief in the Bahamas, the Bermudas, or in tbe Lake Superior region. As a health resort U waa Ont given 13 L ^ IMKR RKSORTS. ilTRbiA sort of an attrso- islriiiiitmtal rouxlc, after- :i apuvial uIkIiU (for whicti atly papttFit), a mU waCvr I for the children. Th« Rt, and closes when th« Bople awBT. One person land and 'Nee U all." in- $8 to $6, going br boat 3 versa, and two persons t from a total outliur of ' York leave from West Tenth street, Franklii. Iturv ; hoii;^ leave on the kud 9, Broome street and and on Sundays about cents, excursion 60 ceots. Ilroads, or by boat and Id trip from New Tork. advertisements In dally on, or CorniVBll at the point on the Hud- d, and where the river ( Newburgh Ray. It is a nt, and perhaps the most ringr the months of 8«p- er. Some one has rlnhtly lands." The town Itaelf II In a rambllnir, plctur- ?eallty an amtregation of writer: "Here are the e mountains seem to pile lens, deep-down streams, lleys. The chain of at- the Ramapo and ends at lered Into one grand, cul- " The place is ai much I as for the fact that here lity all the combined nat- Hudson is world-famed, s to Cornwall for corn- thought could only Dnd lennudas, or in the Lake resort U was Ont given DICTIONARY or SdUMCR RR80RT3. promlnenoa by N. P. Willis, a quarter of a century uro, whose charming rural retreat "Idlewlld," oooupiea a sightly location. From the Storm King and Old Cru' Nest, two famous crags, the c<^untry for mtlet around Is spread out in a panorama of surpassing bnaaty. The drives in the vicinity are among the most Tarled and delightful imaginable, and theentlre region It crowded with historical and legendary interest. So favored a spot has very naturally been selected as tlw place fur the homes of many people of wealth end reanemeut, which makes the permanent local society unnsually se- lect. The new carriage road to West Fbint, opening the wild and beautiful scenery of tb« r'ver and West Point Mountains, Is one of ti>e latest at- tractloHo. There are Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methii- dlst. Baptist, QuHkor anit Iloman Catliolio oburches. The GLEN RIDUE HOUSE Is 2 miles from Oornwill landing and 8 miles from the Erie station, with car- riages connecting with all trains and boats; tSaday, $10 to $14 a week : SSO persons ; rates for ohilaren and servants according to rooms occupied ; no objection to colored servants ; 100 pleasure boats on the river near the taoteU and good fishing in Ute mountain lakes; fruits and vegetables raised on the place, no hotel bar, 40 acres ot grounds, library of 8,000 and read- ing room; a quiet family home; oiien from May 1st to November 1st. The SMITH HOUSE Is three-fourths of a mile from the landing, to which stages are run to meet boats: $8.60 a dnv, $12 a week; 2H) persons; ohlldren and servants, $8 a week ; no objection to col- ored servants; opens Hay 1st, and cinses November 1st. Other hotels : Elmer House, $8 to $1S a week, 8S0 per- sons, 8M miles from Erie station; Mountain House, $8.50 a day, SOO ptirsons, 4 miles from the Erie station ; Linden House, $8 to $12 a week, 800 persons, 8M miles from Erie station ; Lawrence House, $8 to $10 a week, 100 persons, 8^ miles from Eriestatlou ; Blrdsall Bouse and:Storm King House, each $4 a day, $8 to $^Gi a week; about 90 persons each ; 4 miles from :"rle station, and a dozen other excellent small hotels and hoarding houses, $8 to $3 a day, $8 to $15 a week. Rencbed by Erie (New Tork) Lake Erie and Western Ballu av, from Chambers and Twenty-third streets, 66 miles, 4 trains each way daily, 1 train from and 8 to New York Sun- days; fare, $1.45; excursion, $8.40; or by :;<)W York Central aud Hudson Uiver Railroad, on east Hiia o( tba 14 ASK FOB 5ATS2 X CD CO Fifteen cent boxes clear out rsta, mice, roaches, files, •nta, mo8qult«B, twdhugs, InseutH, skunk, weasel, crows, Bopbers, chipmunks. WELLS' HEALTH RENEWER, Oreateat Tonic on Eartb, and Absolute Cure for Dyapepaln, Decline, Weakness, BPIousness, Mental or Physical Degeneration. TAe Electric Rejuvenator of all Vital Forces. If yon are BK'.OW PAR from advancing age. or men- tal or phTBlca! excesses, restore former vitality, vigor and jroutht : condition liy use of WELLS' HEALTH RBXXWER. VI.U) per bottle at druggists. KIBNET DISEASE, GRAVEL, DROPST « CURED COMPLETKLT BY BUCHU-PAIBA! Bold by dmgglsts at (I per bottle, or sent by ezpreM, 1 bottle for tt, (bottles tsT Address, B. 8. WELLS, 33 Sammit Atc, Jemcr ('itr> N. J. JMMMH ^ 'OR BATS 2 X CD CO : rata, mice, roaches, flies, vtB, Hkiink, weasel, crows. 9 BENEWER, Absolute Cure for ess, BIMousness, Mental or ;neratlon. nator of all Viial es. m advancing agre, or men- ore former vltalltv, vigor we of WKLLS- BEALTB tt druggists. ^EAVEL, DROPSY .ETKLT BY PAIBA! bottle, or sent by ezpreM, ddresB, re.i Jerxer ('itr> N. J. OlCmONAU/ Of dllUMKK lUUOHTIl. river ; thence bjr ferry, or by steamers " Drew " and " St. Juhii," Hiople's Line, (rotu Pier 41. Nortb BiTer, foot of Canal street, 6 P.M. ; U miles ; fare, 7S cents ; excursion, $1.W; or by "City of Troy" ud "Sara- toga," Clliy.eii9' Line, from Pier 44, North Rlrer, toot of Cbrlstopluir iitreet. same hour and rates; or by titeameni of the J.W. Baldwin Line, from Pier 84 Nortb River, foot of Harrison street, 4 P.H„ Saturday 1 P.M., fare, 60 cents. Orocer'a, N. Y>— A small station on tbeNewTork Central & Hudson HIver R,K.. beautifully situated, and a favorite resort for New Yorkers. Cortland Park Hotel has accommodations for a large number of people at reasonable {trices. Clambakes.— One of the most agreeable 'gastro- nomic uxperienfes of the summer season, Is tbe enjoy- ment of a properly prepared clambake. Tbis distinct- ively American disb can be found at Ooney Island- Kockaway, Glen Island, Bayslde, Pelbam Bridge, and at many other places Id the vicinity of New York. Coachingr.— Durlnflr tbe season of 18S), for the tint time slr.ce the revival of coachlnir In New Tork, two lines will be run dally— the "Tally-Ho," between >the Hotel Brunswick, (Fifth avenue and Twenty-sixtb street,) and Pelham ; and the "Tantlvr " between the Hotel Brunswick and Yonkers. The former Is driven by Colonel Delancy Kane, and the latter by its Ove pro- prietors—the Messrs. Hays. Fritsob. Bronson, Colonel Jay, and Havemeyer— In turn. The "Tally-Ho " leaves the Hotel Bnmawick at ten A. H., and reaches tbe botel on Its return at 5:K P. H. Twocbanges of horses are mode each way, at the Point Vl^w House. Just be- yond Central Park, and at tbe Swan Hotel, Union Port, Westchester County. The season ends about the mid- dle of October. The "Taiitlvy" will only run from Mays, to June 24; leaving the Hotel Brunswick at 11:30 A. M.; Yonkers (>6 miles,) Is reached at 1:IS P. M.; leaving Yonkers At .3:25 P. fl-< the Hotel Bruaswiok Is reached on tbe return at 5:10 P. M. Hones are obanged on each trip at Manhattanville. King's Bridge and Yonkers. Tbe booking oIHce Is at tbe Hotel Brunswick for both tbe coaches, and «eats munt be secured several davs ahead. A rlda Ah either cdocb affords a deUglitful nieriONART or buhher RtsoRn. vartetr to the mora modmi and taM picturetqne mettiodi of trarel. D«vM>0 lalaad.— At the fouthwatt atremltrof Lung Ifland Bound, 87 tnllM from Uw Battarr, and * mile and one-halt louthweat from Itaw Roohelle. Formerlr a goTernment hoapltal ttatlon, mbaequentir a Rub-dapot tat the remptlon of reeruita, bat diacon- tlDued aa a mlUtanr poat in 1874. BmU BMUik, H. J.— Tbia la ttat of that part or the ooaat lylnK between Long Branch and Aiburr Park. The aution ii Ore mllea aouth ot the former and two milea north ot the latter. Tbe bathing la good and tbeclaa of patrons more aeleot than at the larger re> lorta near by. Hoteta : Hathaway Houae, $8 a dar, tl6 a we«k,aiO penrnnn; Allen Houae, IS a day. |14 a week. W perMma; Roaelle Cottage, $8J>0 a day, 114 a week, 88 peraooi; Boblnaon Cottage. 98 a dtf, |I0 a week, SO peraona. Diatanoe from New York, 49 milea ; reached by Central B. R. of New Jeney, or by boat to Sandy Hook and thence by New Jerwy Southern R. R.; tlma, about S houra; tare ll.lO, exeurakm tl.TS. B lw aa*** VcriTt P*«— On the Highlands of the Delaware, and surrounded by an almnat bewilder- ing vailety of natural attrmetkHM ; reached by a two bran' drive from Port Jerrts over a aplendtd road. Halt a dOMb atreams eome thundering down the moun- talna near by, and there are falla, cataraets, rapids, Klena and gorgea wlHioat number. Tbe locality la ape- dally reeommended for thoae sulTerinc froM hay f*"^} In tbe Delaware Rlrer there ia black baaa Oshing, tha lakea aiwind abound with irtckerel, and tbe streama are filled with trout. The High raila Bolel,^open from May to Noreiatar, baa accommodations for SOD persona ; fS aday; tw*^re«k; ta5and940amoBtta; eblldranand aerTanli,haltpi1fla. Tbe Beflerne Hotel la kept In tbe n«iebjMe: nakaa a iPjclalty tA (Hnpera and ao^ Mia; t*»daT; tt to flS a week, rrom N^w Tork fiSunnan'a VerfT la readied by the Brie Railroad— the same m Port Jerrls (wUcb see): tbenee br stage, which dntfng the season inlikM close eooBeoUoa with morning trMns. running via Mlltord to High raila Ho- tcL from miadalpbia, 7 hoars distant, naehed by the 16 ^ lUER RUOMV. n and IMS pictureaqne eiouthwMt atremitrot trom Uw BattarT, and * •t from Hew Roohelle. itel ttetloD, mbaequentiy 1 of reeniiti, bat diacon- 74. Ilia la ttat MUM of that 1 Long Branob and Aibury M aouUi of tbe former and Tbe batklttft la ffood and ot than at the laiyer re- tway Honae, |S a da;, $15 Uouae, p a day. ill a ttase. $U0 a dar. |14 a O^aire. 9S a dv. $10 a loe from Mew York, 49 L R. of New Jener, or by e by New JefMy Southern \n $1.10, exeunhm $1.7B. tbe Highlands of l by an almnat bewllder- thm!i; reached by a two la o««r a aplendtd road, underinc down the noun- ) falla, oataraeta, ra^ida, Dber. Tbe kwallty la ape-, anffcrtac froM bay **~>-/ la biaek baaa BshinR, the kereL and the atreama are Ula BoteiiOpen from May itiont for WO peraona ; $2 HO a month ; eblldran and tome Hotel la kept In tbe ilty of dinner! and aap- ^week. rrom New Tork If the Brie Railroad— the I aee): tbenee br atase, M elbse eonneouon with Mllford to HiRta Valla Ho- DrB distant, TCwAed by tbe dictioNart or acMMia BBsoHTa. Delaware and Belvldera Bailroad to Water Qap or BtniuUsburir, tbenee by oaMage. Eanton, Va.-A elty ot 11,000, ^andiomaly laid cut aod dullghtfully aituatad, oombltitoK, in a larxe degree, tbe pleaiurea ot the countrr with the oonven- lenueaof ibeclty. It la tbe seat of Lafayette Oolleire, and baa a arore ot ohurobea. It la partly built on tho hllliidea, by which It la aurrounded, which produoea an urrraable eSeot. There la oood boating on tbe Leblgb, aiid tbe ridea and drirea In the Tldnlty are rery aUrao- Uye. Hotels: NaUonal, rooms for BO. $1.50 a day. {• to $8 a week ; American, $1 a day, $S to $7 a week, M persons. Reached by New Jersey Omtral and Lebigh Valley R- R., from liberty atreet, 7 traiaa dally ; fare, $1JS, excursion fS.40: by the Pennsylvania and Lebigh Valtoy R. R., from Oortlandt and Deabroaies streets, fare, $S.a5;orby Delaware, Lackawanna ft Western R.R,, from Barclay and CbriMtoobnr atrepta. 88 mlhw,Sdalif trains, t^ hours; tare. $3jiS, excursion Blk«r*a, If. jr. —The southern utreralty ot Long Branch, and one mile touth ot the West Eud Hotel. Them Is but one hotel, the Blbaron, at which prices range from $S a day up to any sum one desires to pay, and rooma are difflcult to obtain unleaa ordered a long time In advance. The euMint U equal to that of tiM very best botela or reatanranta iin New York. Tbe bote! la aanwinded by a colony of some- thing Uke halt a hundn>d prlyate cottages, built In tbe Bngltsh Tudor, or Blliabethan style, divided by lawns ot generous extent.' The cottages are occu- pied by aaae ot tbe wealthiest and most promi- nent people of New York and Phlhulelphla, General Grant being amonar tbe number. Klberon, aatde from iU exceedingly sjeot charaoler, pictureaque architec- ture and magniHeent aea view. Is of hiatorfc and world- wide IntereS aa being tbe place where President Oar- Deld suffered for wevks and tinally died. Olstanc* trom New York, 47 milea ; reached by the Central R. R. of New Jer <>y; se*en or eight trainaeach war daily; time,abou two hours; fare, $1, exeurrion $1,00; by steamboat from Pier to Sandy Hook, and tbenee by New Jersey Southern B. R., or by boats from New York to Long Branch, and thence by train or carrlago. 17 i.'.l 'Xm fjim-" -A.RTISTIO Wall-papers NAmVACTUUD HID IKPORTED BT WARREN, FULLER & CO. 139 East 42d Street, Jhta t of Or acd Central Depot, V. T. Window Shades made to order. 3TIO APERS > IKPORTED BT REN, &C0. i Street, ral Depot, V. T. iiade to.order. DiCTiONART or samiu rmohs. Hack fare from Elberon Station to hotel, h^ » mllfj, lOcenta; backUre twlween Klberon and Wwt Cud Hotel, one mile, 8S cenu. Bnglewood, M. J.-A dellghtrm •uburtan tI'- Uire, containing tbe hoines of many we^lby cltliens. and a faTorlto iumnier residence for New Torters. Tlie ioclety 1« excellent, two or ',hree of the ohurchea would be ornaments to Fifth avenue. »nd 'he wr- roundlntt drives are dellRhtful. The favorite drive » to the rtllsades. behind wf'ah the vlllHge Is situated. TheBnfllewood House Is Uidt cluss In tto appointments and Is the home of a (food many families the year round. Boarding houses are plenty, the prioea reasonable and th« living good. Distance from New Tor*. 1« mues, f^ed by Yrequent trains on the Nortl>e™P^«''WL ?'. New Jersey, from Chamber 8t. or West ffld Bt. ferry . Ume, 46 mlnut«a ; fare M cents, excursion 96 oenU. Ferrlea.-Fqr ferries In New York, polnta rea«bed by them, hours of nmning, and rates of fare, see X— T—Z Guide." foT'iurrBnt month. FIre'lalau4, L. I.-A narrow strip of land on the south shore of Long Island, forming the I»undary of the Great South Bay. The beach and > »?«''f,°' bathing and " hlng are the attractions. Hotel » • 8urJ House, with accommodations for SOO persons, and Old Domlny House. Reached by Long Island B.E.. f rom Long loland Olty to Babylon. 86 miles, thence by steam- er, 8 miles ; fa/« $1.%. FUhlns«— As midlit naturally be supposed the best flshlng in the ImmedlBiH vicinity of New York Is pre- served by clubs, the membership of which U generally select. The sport that Is f ree-fo.-all Includea every va- riety of salt and fresh water ashing, such aa trout, plck- ereC black and striped ba*.. blue (Uh. eels, cod, weak- a*h and sheep^head- Trout, bass and pickerel can be iSundJntheSrSms at neurly all Ihe ajtUona alo^ the Brie Hallway, or within easy reach of "W stations (Which see). There is good trout "rtilngal teyvUle, Long Island, reached from foot of Mth street.. '^V^m 81lp^eiT>e». via. Long I»>»nd RaMroad, dl*.. UnoaTDfty mllea : fare $1,50. excursion HTQ ; thred ^MwSway ially, except Sunday (one train wch W); board at Foster's, fi.M a day. Including privt- -xui'HWWI^ "■'■■■ OILTIONilItT or IIMMM RM0KT8. I«>(r* of fly flithlnir lu trout MreuB. Brodhnd'a Ctwlt, D«l»ware Water (liip, sffordt good tpori for l.*""*^ y*^ '*"' tu fl»»i tor trout wttb wonu. Rm^ by train* of tlw Delm rntra, UekawMim * WcM. «m R.R. from foot of BareluitrMt: dMaooe, M bUm : tlrna, about 4 boon : fan, ^M. exonrrioa tMO. Bm fluhltiff li food at OoMr bland Ormk, roaobad b* tba .'^'■"■C?"^.'^.'* * •**•' '•'"''<' *• »• *«>« Greenwood to van BlekUm's Katlon ; oonnaoUoni mada bjr racdarMIt avioue oara from Fulton ferry ; fare, SO eenta, ezouriloa » cents. Anotbar tarorlte plaoe for baa* Oablur Is at (loa Cob, Tia New Uavm ft. R. from Onwd Otatral depM; 81 milea; fare, r wnls, excunioa $l.4B. Qood blaok ban (Ublns la found at Greenwood Lakab Oransa County. N. Y.. rb Erie R. B.. and at By* LaSa. N. f! T a New Haren B. B.. (both of wbieta Me.) rarorita plaoes for weakOsb are Newark Bay, Bobbla't Beef. Sand bland, "The Pilot," and Prinoe'i Bay. Tlie lat- ter ta reaotod by tarry from foot of Wbltehall itniet 'Battery), thenoa by Btaten bland B. B. ro aittord'i Btailon; Umllei: fta*, K oenta. Weaktiib, MueMu ■heepsbaad, and otiier Oib In gr«at quantity ve to be found at Garrett Bmltli'i, on the Lung laiand B. B., near Rootoway. Good Mna lUiInt, aiao, at Bay Shore, L. I. ; reaebed by the Long bland B. B. from Thirty-fourth Jtre« or Jamaa' Blip farrlea; dlataiioa,4l miles; tam. tiM, asoursloB 9*JB: Unie, nMrlyilbours. aFor wit water asblnit, saa adrartlsemenu in dally papen of ■teamara wbioh run to Ostalns banks outaide a«>iidr Hook. Tboae who enjoy "bobbing fbr eels" oac lad ample gratlfleatioa off the piers on Bast and North tlTwa, or at tba ptar at QuaraaUne, 8. 1., (wbleii saej OiBbbing" ean ba indulged In at a great number «t poinU along tba Long bland shore. (See UniTiNa.) Ftoridm, If. T.— A small Tillage on a braook d tba ina Railroad, 5 mllaa from GMben. and M milaa from Mrtw York. Hera waa the birtb-pla4]a of tha lata BeoataiT Seward, and tka fkmily nania Is kept tn^ Im the nlnds of the eommunlty by the institutes of leara- inglMndad In the village oy hia father, Judga 8. U. Seward. One result ot tliase Inatiuitaa, which an tet bothssana,lslbe«ultui« and rellnemant ot the retf- denta, maklag tiie piaea partleularly daairabia for thoaa deslrtat soeE aaodaUooa, combined with the aaM beauUes of nature. Tbrra are two Pnsbftma R RKMRTa. ■treui. BroJJ« bjr racdarMit «. so «Mic eseuriloa tor bHi ibhlnf ii u rrom Ontod OMiraJ cunloo$l.4aw Oood "rood Uk«^ Orun »*JLy Uto. N. ^', B«]r, Bobbln'i Beef, ooe'i R«y. TlM lau ^«* WhltahUl Krtet d B. B. fo Qlffonfa Wwtkdth, MimMl t qiuntltr v« to be ng Uaod B. R.. ntu- . from ThlrtT-tourtli »«K», <1 mllM; n,^ 7 8 hour*. aFor wit In diUl7 papan of lou ouiaide ^«d7 An- Ml* " oai ted on iHt and Nortk a. 8. 1., (wbMi tMj a jrraat nunbtr tt (8m HiniTUfsj fa on a braaekcC MO. and M Bflw li-piaea o( (to lata uue la kept fiMk la Uiatltataa of !■■». uitM, wirieS an tv Nuant of tiM n^ daalrabia for tbow ed with tha ««ia| two PreabjtMtea DtmoNiRT or irMnn rmorts. rhurelMa, and one Mnthodiat church. Three mllaa dla- tiint ara Mount* Adam and Ere, on Uie iHliro or th« Drowned Lands, a marriifwaale, ooveiing iT.iXX) ucrea In Oraose County, and S,()00 aorea In »ua*ez County. On Moant (Te a wonderful osTem baa been illaoorered, but la atlU uneiplored. Tbere ti excellent blrd-tboot- Inc In tba Drowned Landii, and pirkerel Oabinf In the UMUtifol lake known aa "The Mirror." file Dill Uouie, near tbe aiatlon, bai aocommodaUooa for SO per- ■ooa, at raaaonable prioea, and tbe Olenmera Houae, at tbe Laka, can aoconmodale 40 penona. In plenty of tt.iuauall7 attraetlve fann-houaea In tbe Tldnltr, food aubacantfal country board, of tbe moat deairabla aort, can be obUlnad froai IS to $8 a week. Rcaobed by ttM Brie Ballraad, from Obainbera and Twentj-tblrd •treeta; senllea: a trains eacb way dally, and 1 on Sundays tm $*J)0; exountoo tiM. P«rhe Jeault fatbera. Beaobed by Barlem Ballway from Grand Central depot, fare, W eenta, or by Sd At*. Blerated Ballway to Uartam BtTer, tlienee by bona can. Perk«4 BIwer, N. J.-Ao old eoast Tlliaga, with exeellent facilities for nerfectiT sata bathlnv, llab- Ing and sailing. Cloae by Is blue-llablng and tbe weakllab grounds of Barnegat Bar. Boat*, tackle, bait and tbe serTleaa of experienced Hliennea can be obtained at raaaonable prtoea. MoteU : Ufkiyetta, $> a day, |1S a weak s 7B peraons : County Hotel, f 1 JO a day, ft to $18 a week; A pertioa. DMaoea from New Toift, AM mllea : reaebed tbe same as Wantoun (wblcb sea). F«it« ak«wt New York.— Tbe tortiOeaMona about New York barbor, on tbe islsnda and mainland, commanding tbe appruaobea to tbe city, an well wortb a TMt. From tbem all One Tiewa ara to be oMalned, bui a hardly leas attraoUTe fMtun to tbe Tlsttor la the aoioyabla and exbllarating steamboat ride by wblcb aaf eral of lb«m an rsacbed. Fnrt Homflton la alao tbe naoie of tbe amatl Tillage surrouait WmlHworth ""'"'• ^ '"''" "'""•'■y ri'w'rvutlon nl Inrt Hanillloa 0OT«r« W! «('ni», .1 47 ftwi uInivh low watiT mark. lli« rort lutfllf iMiliiK a »l.>n« oiimmulmt »tniiaiire. R«achciklyii. from th«m«) by horae .-art W Or«*uwo'"'',"« ""' *•"■ "' ""^- '"" W"" "<>' unrrlaoned UIl I81K. In the war of inmiiiil iirlwuiont, many penwn* ot P'^S.L"*''"*- having liwii i-onflnttd there. December 1. 1*)H, the fort wwi piirlliilly deatroyed by lire and the damaKH had not Iieen n-iHilied. The bnlldlni» whlib nrnaln Intact are u«od for the alorano of orduanrt/i, formerly called Kort UUhmom'.on thoi«xtahor« or suten Island. Is a triple caiwrnate of gninlle. but the name also Includen Kon Tompkins on the bill above, the latter looking down on nailery lludfon. and a long line of water IwtterUw. The government reeerva- tk>n conuins 100 acres of very rugged land. Fort Wadmvortii standing at the head of a sharp declivity 140 feet above the sea level. Reached by SUtea Island ferry boats, from southeast side of the Battery : distance by boat. Ore nilleji. fare 10 cenU: tlienoe by , ^T*^^"^ 'i*™ " **"'•• *'"' ' ■*>''''»('/'''• It at the Junction of the East Illver with I/)ng Mun,! Sonml, on Throeg's Neck. This fort, with the works ut Wlllelfs I'oint, com- mands the water approach to New York on the east by the way of I/)nB iHlund .Souml. It Is a regular caaemated atrnctiire of gneiss. . Th» re-mrfjitlon of sa acres was purchased In 1826, work on Uie fort waa begun In 1*1.1 and It wa« first garrlsnu li of n "try illlupliiikutd rort DIuiiioiKi, wiu VIM Mot KHrrlMinml *«» utilized for the . nmny ixintonn of IlKTi'. Dereinlter fwl by (ItT) and th« « biilldlnK!) wMrit ir«({» of ordiiaiit nf thocllirbeliiir redared to the dlineiiiilnna iif toy iraft; (he wooded ■hore* on either aide are chHrinliiK, wIiIIh far to the anulh la the l>ay, with lhe«li.ire llnea of lemey City, and thi' Kplrea and teller btillillniiitnf the ifreat oietropo. Ill fadInK away In the illatanee. The view iilooe would reiiay one tor a loMKer trip ihun Ibe eXcetMliiiKly dlTer- •ined and asriM-ble buHt-rlib- of M>tne'.liliiK over »a hour, while theaurmuiiillnKa Include the varied at;rnc- tkina of boatlii);, lliiblnK, HWiininliiit, roiiinntlr ramble* IbrouKli the wlh ut the hotel iind rei-tuuraiit. It cxcep> tlonally good, tbo service la much better than one iiaii- Klly flnds at so popular a reaort, and the prices era niiKlerate. A dinner eaten from the Imlcoof of ttia hotel, with the luxurl<-s of charming views, artistlo music by the oriliealiii, and a cool hree^re, makes this an experience one ■honid not fall to enjoy. Unleaa one can amiably endure the iiniioyancea of a very large and very inlx«Kl crowd, It la lielter not to visit Fort Lee on Bunday, and a laienflemoon bout on other ttfternooiis for the caaual vNltor Is m:ij.^y^^- DICTlUMABir or SUMMKR RISOBTS. calliDfi' at Twentr-tourtb street, and Thlrtr-fourth street plbn ; alio, by elerated trains to Manbattanrllle, (One hundred and twenty-ortb 8'reet,) and tlienoe by ferry boat. Tbe round trip fare by eltber line of steam- ers is only as oents. Dinner d la carle, for two persons, wttb wine, will cost from 9S to $S. Fluafalnc, I.. I.— At the bead of Flusblnc Bay. an inlet from the Sound, has a population of about 10,000 and is lantely inhabited by merchants and other:) doing buoiness In New Ycrk. DisUnce, 8 miles ,- reach- ed by terry from James Slip, East 7th or Bast 84tb St., to Hunter's Point, thenee by frequent trains on Lous Island R. R.; tare S5 oents. *• Garden Olty, L. I.— The cathedral dtyof the Protestant Episcopal Plocese of Lodk Island, with a handsome gothio cathedral which has a chime of bellH, and a bishop's residence, built by Mrs. A. T. Stewart, as a memorial to her bu^iband, who founded the vil- lage. There are, also, schools for boys and girls, and a well-conducted hotel, where one can be made entirely comfortable, eltber for a transient visit or for a summer reaidenc«. It Is generally supposed that the body of the mercbaut p';r.ce, A. T. Stewart, the steeling of which from Its grave. In New York, created such a long-lived sensation. Is now safely at rest in the crypt of tbe cathedral. Reached by ferry from James Slip, Ea«t Seventh and East Thirty-fourth streets to Hunter's Point, and thence by numerous trains over the Long Islaud Kuilroad. Distance, 10 miles from Brooklyn; time, nearly one hour. Glen Gardner, N. jr.— A amall place, lonet-"! In • romuiittc iiieu, through which runs the Belvidere and Burlin!rU)u Turnpike, laid out over a century and a quarter agn, and the New Jersey Central (by which It is reached from Liberty street), which wa/t opened in ISSS. The post-offleo ntre of tbe greatest dairy anJ stockraising rrgion In tht, lountry. 'the history of tbe place dates lo 1712, and during the revolutionary 1 XR RS80BT8. It, AiKI Tblrtr-fourtb kins to ManiiattMiTllle, I 8'reet,) and tbenoe by by eitber line of cuam- earU, for two panoni, bMd of FIiMbinc Bajr, I population of about r merchant! an4 otbera stance, 8 mllea ; raarli- !it 7th or latt 8411) St., iquent traloa on Long I cathedral city of the f Long bland, with a H has a ohlme of belln, by Un. A. T. Stewart, who founded UmtII- r boys and girii, and a > flan be made entirely It TMt or for a lummer led that the body of the the steaUng of which ated fuob a loog-Uved It in the MTTt of the torn Jamea Blip, tut ■b atreeta to Hunter's trains oyer the Long alien from Brooklyn ; ■mall plaoe, lontt"{ In -uns the Belvldere and over a oenturyand a y Central (by which it which wait opened la llle, which Is ako tho Ddatlons for BO persons trains each way dally ; of aoo InhrUtanta in he jrreateiM dairy an.l r. The history of the Ing the rerolutlonary D10T10M.UIT or MOMMIIR KHOkTt. war It was prominent in many vraya althuuKh, by some curious neglect, it appeant to lack the euuTen- tional Washington's btuulqiiarters. Many families ot wealth have their h<>mt» bure amid siirronndings of oomblned luxury and natural beauty. Noab Webster was once a teacher, and Ue Wilt Clinton attenUeunty are readily reached from here by the Wallklll Valley Railroad, while tbrt Drowned Lands, ibu Warwick WiHHllands, and a great number of nearer covers, oflurU Kuod woodcock ami other ganie-hird Bbootlng. Tbecburches are Episcopal, Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian, the latter bar- ing cost 1300,000. The Occidental and Orange Hotels, near the Court House, each have accomodations for 80 persons, at ntasonable rates. Titers are many private families and boardinK-houses where one can obtain good board for $5 to $10 a week. At J. H. Decker's, three miles from the station, with accommo- dations for 80 persons at $7 to 810 a week, is the old Cbeobunk Bprlns, which has for many years enjoyed local celebrity. lleachud by Erie Railroad, from Twenty-tblrd and Chambers streets, 00 miles, H trains each way daily and 5 each way on Sunday; fare fl.SS, excursion $3.50. OoTern«»r*a Island.— Sines the Presidential campaign of 18S0, when General WinOeld Scott Han- cook, Ma]or-General in command of the Department of the Atlantic, was the Domocmtlc candidate for PreHl- dent, his residence on Governor's Island has poss o a scd a national Interest, as u-cll as military importaace. The Island contains 6n acres, is about a mile and a quarter In elreumference. and is less than three-quarten of a mlie south of the Battery. It is divided from Brooklyn ty what Is known as Buttermilk Channel. It Is the most attractive of the many attractive spots in the Upper Bay. Here are the residences of the offlccr. ?' the Po5!t, including those of (hmeral Hoiico'V along S4 yfefa-fc¥riiy.s-. iiVtii WILLIAM A. BROWN & CO., UANDfACTURICRS OV W mbrellas .-^^ H arasols. PHIE.ADKL.PI1IA. WAREROOMS: PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK , BOSTON. (( Bole Manufacturers ot the COLUMBIA >j Fast Color Gingham Umbr< it Onr soodR are i tamped on stick or handle, "Drown & Co., Makers." :t^*r? ^a fe^J Efe'fc tfJ*y. ':^.. 'M OWN & CO., CR9 or ^a rasols. LPIIIA. 0M8: V YORK , BOSTON. rers ot the y[BiA" am Umbr< -i k or bandl«, ., Makers." DICTlONAltr or BCHHER RRSOItTS. tbeeutMid WHitb Mm of a lawn that is used as n i«nule onmnd and for target HhoolInK- The northern end of tM Uland la the New York Arsenal o( ibe Ord- nance Department, covered with pyramids uf cunnoD balls In great quantltr and dismantled guus by the score. Id a large wooden building on the nortli side or the parade ground Is a collection of war relics. Tlie defences oouslst of rort Golumhus .uear the cHDtrn of the Island, built of stone, and containing four large stone and brick buildings ; Castle William, completed in 1811, located in a particularly conspicuous spot at tlie northwestern extremity of the Island, in plain alRht from the Battery, bniit of gray stone, with triple csw^ ments enclosing Ure^zths of a circle, open at the lean the Souui Battery, on the opposite or souibem en-l of tbe island, small In size and triangular In shape, with a two-stonr brick building at the rear; there are ' also two magailnea, and all the facllittes for throwing up earthworks, sbould they be needed. TbKre Is a pretty little Episoopai church, where services are held every Sunday. The handsome trees, tbe cool breeze and the view are the natural attractions. There Is, however, no hotel or restaurant on the island, and the visitor can see all that Is to be seen in an hour's time. Reached by Qovernment steamer from south side of the Battery, hourly during tbe day, without any charga. dreeiiwlclft. Oonn.— A pleasant Tillage over- looking Long Island Sound, and with a venerable at- tnoiphere, havtog been settled over 800 years ago. Tbe formar Amertous Olub House Is now a summer hotel, the Morton Houae : the other summer hotels are the Lenox House and City Hotel. Reached by tbe Shore Line route from Grand Central Depot, 80 miles distant. Guilford. Oonn.— A pleawint town on Long Island Sound, 90 miles from New York. The centre of the town la a large public square, nnd the streets are shaded by handsome trees. Uuiirord was the birthplace of tbe poet, ritz-Oreene Halleck, who also died there in 1807. There are a number of small hotels and boarding bouses, and the same is true of Guilford Point, south of the village, where comfortitble accommodations can be obtained for a reasonable price. Reached by Shore Line route from New York Central Depot. GuttenberSi N. J.— A German settlement on 35 m DicnoNART or soiiiin RBSORim tbe Hudson Rlrer, tt the top of tbe bill back of Ww- bawken. Tbe inlnolpal attraction la a laiva braweiTi reached by a itairwar, with an ainr Mloon on the root ot the building; tbera U a sarden adJolnlDg, wbere gleasaot views and (rood beer are obtainable. Reached J ferry from toot of Forty-second street. North Rlrer. GnTinard, N. Y. —A small station on the Krle railway, eighty miles from New York, midway between OtISTUle and Port JervU, and on the western escarp- ment of the SbawanguDlr (pronounced Shawan-gum) Uountaln, tbe descent of 'ilch by rail Is twelve miles In length. Tbe surroundings are at once grand and beautiful, and the rlews from this point are fa- mous among those who have visited nature's sbow places the world over. The Ouyraard Spring House overlooks the fairest part of the Neverslnk Valley, and Is directly on the shore ot a large and pluturesaue lake, the outlet of which Is In a wild gorge. Aside from the • scenery, which is a sumclent attraction In Itself, the pickerel flshlng ond boating arn excellent, and tlie drives are filled with constant surprises. Near by Is a mineral spring from which the house took Its name. There are accominodatlons for 100 persons, at $10 to $Ii a week, half rates for children. Oatbollc, Presbyterian, Reformed and Methodist churches are within easy distance. Reached by Erie Kallroad from Twenty- third and Chambers streets ; 8 trains from and 4 to New York dally, and i each way on Sunday; fare $2.4!> ; excursion S3.30. HiKh Bride*.— A superstructure 1,440 feet long, support«Hi by 13 arches resting on massive piers of gran- ite, 116 feet high In the centre, spanning the Harlem River at One Hundred and Seventy-flftb street, twelve mUes from City Hall. On thU bridge the Croton aqueduct is carried aoroas the river In cast-iron pipes protected by brick maaonrr. From the pathway for toot passengers an extended and ro- mantic view Is obtained, but a still more expanded stretch of country is brought within the range ot vision frcm the top ot the hign-servlce tower which crowns tbe hill at the western end of the bridge. Tbe woods about tbe hill are a favorite resort for plcnicers; there are boats for bire in tbe Harlem River at either end ot the bridge^ ainil good restaurants witb moderate prtoas, where one can dine In-doors or al freteo. 96 f'll IMEB UMRim r tbe bill back of We»- aion Ua laive brawwr. 1 Hirjr saloon on the root mrdeD adjolntng, wbere are obtainable. Reaobed cond iireet. North River. nail itatlon on tbe Erie tw Tork, inldwar between 1 on tbe weDtern eacarp- )ronouDoed Sbawan-irum) ;b by rail is twelve nilles ) are at once grand and rom tbis point ar« fa- re visited nature'! show I Ouyinard Spring House tbu Neverslnk Valloj, and irge and picturesque lake. Id gorge. Aside from tlie • It attraction in itself, the K aru excullent, and the lit Burprtses. Near bjr Is a the house tookita name, r 100 persons, at $10 to $U n. Catholic, Presbyterian, lurches are within easy Railroad from Twenty - 8 trains from and 4 to New r on Sunday ; f ar« $8.45 ; rstructure 1,440 feet long, g on masBlve piers of grau- tre, spanning the Harlem and Seventy-flfth street. Hall. On tbU bridge UTied aoroM the river In ly brick maaonrr. From ;erB an extended and ro> >ut a still more expanded ; within tbe range of vision lervice tower which crowns f the bridge. Tbe woods resort tor picnioers; there Harlem River at either end restaurants with moderate se In-doon or ol frtteo. DICTIOHART OF SUMMBB RISORn. Reached by train from tbe Grand Central or Thirtletk street depot* ; by west side elevated tralna to One Hub* drsd and ntty-nttb street and thence by trains of Mew York Oity and Northern Railroad, every ten minutes oa Sundays, fare five cents from One Hundred and Fifty, flftb street; Third avenue elevated trains to One Hun- dred and Twenty-ninth street, thenoe by boaU on tb* Harlem River to the bridge; or by boat all the way trom Peck Slip to the bridge. Hackenaaek, N. J.— A pleasant town, made up mostly of rtcildencus of iieople doing business in New York, (rom which it is distant about 16 miles. There are shady streets, pleasant drives In every direction and other features that make a suburban residence agreea- ble iu summer. Hotels: Huckunsack House, $3 a day, and Wasbiugton Hanslou Hnusie, $1.60 a day; good board in private familie!*, (or the summer, $& to $10 a week. nea(;bed by tlie New Jersey A New Tork K. R., from Chainbeni street, or West Twenty-third street Ferry, or by Nhw York, Susquehanna k West- em R. R., (forineriy Midland of N. J.,) from foot of Debrosses or Cortiandt streets, Pennsylvania R.K. depot. Frequent trains on both roads, day and nlgbt; tare, 40 cents. HiKlk Brtdce, N. X-A small place, fifty-three miles distant. Here are the .well-known Taylor Iron Works, estatiiisbed In ITUI), and the flrst In the United States. OaoDuu bails were made here during the Revo- lution for the American army. The old Taylor bouie- stead, built In ms, and which now forms a part of the more modem family mansion, was the place where John Penn, the last Colonial Governor, and Mr. Cbew, his Attorney-General, were held as pris- oners for six months during the Revolution by the Federal Government. Aaron Burr and bis daughter Theodosla, Brigadier-General Maxwell, and Colonel Charles Stewart, Washtugton's Commissary, were also visitors to tbe same mansion, the owner of which was famed far and wide (or bis ardent patriotism. Tlie American Is tbe only hotel, with rooms for SS at $i a day, $S to $7 a week. Reaobed by New Jeney Central Railroad, from Liberty street: fare $1.60^ excursion $S.40. HIcItland mtlle, New York.— In tbe Hudsoo Highlands, on the Newburgh thortcut of tbe Erie lU JtUti-' ^■jMS^kiMl'' MITCHELL, VANCE & CO. Metal ^ S\>rceZain lianvpa, 886 tAd 888 Broadway, 18th St on' VnioB Bqiuure, JTeTT Fbrft:. ,_J ANCE & CO. laXTtLarrtps, L near VnioB BqTUure, York.. DICTIOilART or SOMliia MSOkTS. R., W mllM from New Torfe. Oromwtira Lake, • ?il«u»n( drlTe o( • mile and • halt fnmi the itatlon. to SOO feet aboTe tbe aea. and two and a halt mllea in cireuDiterenoe. Tbe Lake Uouae haa aoeommodaUona tor 900 at |7 to $14 a week. Stasw eonneet with all tralna. The lake la Oiled wltb game and flBb and tbe boet- loK Is Bnt claM. Tbere are aereral plaeea In tb* Tioln- ity where ■nmmar hoarders are taken, $t to $U a week. At Highland Mills are Quaker, Metbodlat. IplaoonU and Presbyterian churcbes. Reached by Erie S. B., fromSSdand Chambers streets; (are $1.45, ezounlOB $2.06. Hob«k«m. If . J.— Nortb of Jersey City, of wblob It Is a eontlnuatlon, and with a population mainly Ger- man. It Is at tbe (ootAf asteq> bill, with parks and pleasure grounds on the high ground above, inoludlng tbe BIysUn Fields, onoe a (aTorite parade and pleas- ure ground but now sadly neglected. Tbe hill Is crowned by tbe Stevens Polytechnic Institute, and the picturesque " Stevens Castle," Gothic In style, built by tbe late Commodore Stevens for bis residence. It to suiTounded by extensive grounds. The beer in Hobo- ken IH good and there are a plenty of pleasant plaoes In wbich to drink it. Reacbed by ferry from foot of Bar- clay and Christopher streets. Hudson CVm to en the summit u( the hill back (rf Uoboken. Tbe only point of interest Is Scbuetzen Park, wltb a stone oaittle In the Feudal style, built as a realdenoe by an Kny-ltohman; now the headquarters for eat- ables and drinkables. This Park Is a favorite resort for Germans, who visit It In great numbers, especially on Sundays. BMChed by the same ferries as Hoboken, thence by Innllned plane railway, or by borae oars from the ferry, about SO minutea' distant. Hnnttmc*— Within three or four boars' ride from City Hall a great variety of sport Is afforded In the way of small game, amply repaying the comparatively slight outlay In time and money. Tbere Is shooting In the woodlands and waters of the various towns on Lon( Island (wbich see) ; New Jersey, and the country lying along either shore of the Hudson are also prolUie or temptation to the hunter : but In no direction can on«> so Willi so complete aasnranoe tA IllUng bto game- bag as to some one of the almost Innumarabl* picturesque looalitles whieb abound along the Una o( as 598SSS "mmr MonoKAKT or mnm utotn. tiM Bri* B. lU Thto road intenMhi thg most rommtlo mountain r«Kloiia of Now Jeney, New Tork and Penn< ^1^1. : kXaaar tte dty la fairly left »«Wnd. tij Idvar of the rod and inn ean hafdly make a nlatake ta Jearlng the train at any tUtlon, for, wlttUo eaay reag, be laiure to nnd flahlnfi or ihoottnc In their aeaaoa. Near G«hen (which lee!, W mllea dWant. on the miMn Une of the Irie^ are ooTora which affordBoodwoodooolt and other nme-blrd ihooUne. In the rfclnlty of If on- ticello. SuUlTan County. N.T. (which see), lUmllee disunt, partrMcea and other birds abound. At the BloomlMGioTe Parit Club House. MIllTtlle. Pa. (which •ee). Jl» mllea, and four hours by fast St. LouisExpress ▼la kria R. B- Is a magnlOoent preserre of TOO acrea eontalnloff deer, black bear, woodcock, roffwl grouse, bares, rabbity ducks, snipe and ."'her small (taino. Sho^ng pormlta are issued to guest*. At Warwick, M ntles, on the Warwick Branch of the Erie R. B., there ii famous woodcock and partridge shooting. At the voints mentioned, and at scores of other along the main line and branches of the Brie B. B.. as well as In many other directions easily accessible, good Osbing, as weU as good shooting, are usually found in close prox- imity to each other. (See Fibhino). Hohokaa, N. J.-Oneof tlie most plcturnsque stattous on the Krie Railway ; H mllea from New Tork. Beautiful scenery and One drives are among the attrao- iions. Joseph Jefferson, the actor, has a handsome res - denoenearhy. A dosen farm-houses, from one-haJi mile to i-vo miles distant from the station, open their doors to BUinmor boarders at t6 to 98 a week. Readied by Erie Railroad from Chambers or Twenty-third streets: almost hourly trains; fare 75 cenUi excur- aton 91. Iron favUloB {at the Brttt«rv).-At Plwl North river, at the north-west comer of the Battery Park, isa Unte and handsomely anisbed Iron building nearty aw feet in length, ».'here concerts are given every aftamoon and evening during the season. There is seating capadiy tor 8.000, the place is lighted by electricity, a restauranl and bar provide solid and Bquld relreahmenta: tha trash bieeie and One view are Uw other attimoUons which have made the pavilion an extremely popnlar place of resort. It was built by the Iron StMmshIp Company, whtoh runs an admirably equipped and well- 89 mn UHOKTS. tMOta Um moat romkntle er. New Tork and Penn- ti flUrlr left beiilnd, tbe nwdlr nake • nMake In 1. (or. wltbla tuBj rteeli, iboottng In their leMon. illet dlmnt, on tbe main lob afford good woodoook . InUMTfotnttrofHon- . (which see). US miles r birds abound. At tbe >use, Vlllrtlle. Pa. (whicb I by fast Bt. lioaiR Express Dt preserro of TOO acres woodcock, raffed grouse, and other small itame. guests. At Warwick, M 1 of the Erie R. R-, there tridge shooting. At the )res of otberr along the e Erie R. R.. as well as In coessible, good nsblng, as iBliy found in close prox- IINO). of tlie most pictnrnsque M miles from New Tork. res are among the attrac- Dtor, has a handsome resl- m-houses, from one-balf n the station, open their M> tots a week. Reached kmbers or Twenty-thlrd s; fare 75 cents; excur- 3cMerv).—M Fieri North r of tbe Batter; Park, Is a 1 Iron building nearly SOO are given everr afternoon . TberelBseaUngcapaolty >T eleetrtolty, a restaurant Uquld refreshments: tba are the other attractions km an extremely popular It by the Iron Steamship irably equipped and well- Es; OlCnOMABT or ICllMkR RKSORTS. ktroQlaed line of boaU between the pier and Uoney land. Iron Plen.-A feature of the pleasure resorts new New Tork. which has become prominent ">e past few sea&ons, to the eonstmc!lon of Iron piers »' »»™"f points. There are Iron piers at C!oney Island, Rockaway, and Long Branch (which see ; also, lROi» Patiuon). ■■land Heifflits, N. J.— A, camp-meeting eround and Methodist summer resort, 8K mlffs «»ut of Tom's Blrer. Four years ago, aoo acres of wo J"™ .» '"J«'. thence by steamer, connecting with nearly all trams. JToBM** "Wood.-North of Sixty-eighth St., and east of ATenue A. on the shore of the East River. Here are a large pavilion and extensive groimas, covered ?rtth a nne growth of targe trees and the place U a favorite resort for picnics, and merry-mak ng of every description. Reached the most e«PeJ,™™ avenue elevated trains to Blxty-seventh street station. Jnnetion (New Hampton), N. J.-8o called from the Junciiim of the New Jersey Central and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wwtern Kal'rojds, ty iKber ofwhtch It U reached ; by the former, from Llb- ertfstreet, flfty-elght miles; fare $1.75 ; excursion Sto!Byttieto«fo?fromBarclayandChrt8topherrtreete. Stu; tiinAinlhw tare $1.90. The attraction of the plM?hettlfulSeui;?^ a ohannlng and.extended vle^ betag obtained of the Musoonetcong Valley. HSSlsrJSKSion tod Nf "on"k,frj"«l"w"^k' 40 and 80 persons, respectively ; $1 a day, $5 a week. Keyport, N. J.-Situated on the shore of tt« lower wBarltan Bsy, with a population of about iS». He^s obtalnea a view of the Narrows, Staten liland,tendy Hook and the broad Atlantic beyond. TOe ^fstws and flsb are plentiful and exceUent and 30 • V ' " ■ !^i"jfi-!J'!^.!"-J|>iiai'--'^"'" dir ^ERMONlf^ HOUSE^ ATLASTIC CITY, N. J. TiM mptt alrr and daUfhtfnl •aramw Boom on th« room. MMr th* lCiIiiIioum, aad wtthln attr yarda of tbabeaeb. g yhe EnterUinment of FMniliei OM,Bte. a Bpwrialty. Mn. D. E 8T0CEHAM, IJHE jl RGYLE, Ooean End of Conneoticnt Atohuo, Joat eompletcd, poMMiIni th» eomfoH* o(* SEASIDE HOME, Wltbln fit It TMd* of Beacb. and Inunedlata TlclnUjr ot Batlu. Caobatrnotad Ttow of ooaaa. MiM a. B. HABTXT, ProprMnM, F. O. Bos MO, AUanUo CItr, N. J. ^ HOUSE^ ITT, ir. J. fnl ■unmar Boom on tha Bta. A na viaw trani averr , aad wtthta flftr rurU of iofFMniliw > Specialty. ). STOCEHAM, St.. WaalilBVt«a< D. O. RGYLE, jneotiont ATenue, liaeoiiitorMo(* HOME, •ad ImmedUta rtolnltj of -off BABTXT, ProprtotnM. Son MO, Atlantlo Olt7. N. J. DIOnOMAKT Of *«nOI» ■•OB* Sid frornlTu) f 1» » "•.». Broo»i»«d »^; ."S8Sfb&««S%«»yV *•«*■ •{ antf«TaUOD of »bout WO fjjt •bwrj "•.■^JJBJS' ^m by lUge. 4 miles. Tofk city amJ Northern B-Bj^j™*"* |, ,q xho S5S."Wbr/'e.r^' iiJSiaaSrr^o-.P.oa-. Ho«ri.U2t«)».»tvweek. . k^.^ . .. iM»i.«»k W. v.— Thii charmlnn body 01 Lake "■•»■"""♦.•, 5,1 hiirheal of moSbawwi- sunk r«n«e ai •"»n'»'"l' "TSJiAha Wtettitrlktnfly 6ud«>n Hirer. Tl»foeu«y.lKW» ih^W^J'^SL- eJtaTJii'ir^vof SS'fow 5'u«« OC New To* Oo- '^'^^Sf^ IT 1 oiorioMABT or ■CMMn umrti. rST.'i^li^.Jlll.^n^.'jr'"*' •"'' ▼»rmoot. Owlnir to Its Glii^S'i'ilJlS^' "'!'"°« "* ""*•••» w«*lh«r, the t«m. att™il.y**'»^,.i?I'" .'"'' ^rohl" »wj«rtlnuiirly f-i^S,'!" K»?252'^ •'V'"' *="■'" ««'ln>«^ («lHllklll V.I- III?'.!'*''''' r**?"™!?" «''•''><*'«<> Mew p»lu laod^ Inj, thBDo. by A»n. H miloi. or by Nf.w Tom CenuS l.n^hf"* Rf»«>'B<»""»'1, from Grand C«ntnil r^uo PouffhkBBpile, uwnoe by ferrr to New P»iu landlnif, ?.?il'^ ']*"",? '" ''^"- Th« Mountain IMum ti un- RIS^ST^ '"/, ^^'L natural beauty and umndeiir of Iti «M rery best claaa of people : rates flS to $30 a week. Lakewood, IV. J. and one of the pleasai E •* » week.VpeS^ »i^t^^^^''«'^*''..'''""^r Southern Rallroa-I fmm Llb- MOurslZy as" '"""••ttch way dally; fare f 1.40, f^St'S***?**? "• J^'-A pleasant vllla«re. nfty miles IITh^^^T ^'"^■, '^;"'"' ^»"«y' "'"oi'trmile f^m thS ?iin. «;J.%aT'^ circular, as Its name Indicates, oon- iK^ST?^''^."''^JiP'l'»»''utln by Cushetunk and 5P ~l^°"''H"'i'',- ^ Lebanon Hotel has rooms for * persons, at |1 a day or $5 a week. Ileiiohed by iSS.i'''7, •'*'*'? *^^"'"" Rall'-'MMl. from foot of Liberty »g»et. time about two hours; fare $1.43, excunOon „,f'***'«*";«''i W. J.-Dlstant from New York 41U I25f-..'"^«*i' excursion $1.80; tea dally tmln; !!f^.o?^' °."* .?^"i'"' ""'"y minutea. The attraoUona arestlU-watw bathlnK. excellent Oshlnr »nd crabMng! It MMRTI. rnoDt. Owlnir to lU IculM-ly hMUthrm aad tMI WMlhnr, rh« (nm- 'etairood tMwtliiir fiid bl«i are portlculiirly MllrMUi (WHilklll Val- ^•ntr-thlrd ntreeti to mlliM, twioe I day, UtoNawPaiu land- by Nfiw York Central nnd Central Depot to New Palti landing, ountain Hntue It un- anit Kninileiir of Ita und lu piitrons nre of I $15 to $30 a week. ras a healtb retort * In tbU part of ttae landaome booiea tur- tent. Caraaalxo I* a ampla faollltlea for Irlres In ilie uelpb- woods near by. The ntela: Ijiurel House, lanslon Honw, fl.fiO I pertJDs; TiilmadKe I week, ai) pprsons. Rallrooil from Llb- :ar dally: fore 11.40, village, Dfty miles loiit a mile from tbe name Indlcatei, oon- by Cuahetunk and li'tel bus ri)om« for week, lleiiohed by rom foot of Liberty ire $1.43, ezcunOon from New York 41^ R. R., from Liberty ); ten dally trains ». The attractions ibinr and crabbing. DIcnONAHT 0? St'MlilB MMMTI. y, ain U) |iii a ty, \\o to iia a ay.tlOawMk; Hotels: Point View Ho.hb. »a.50 a *»y. tj?. » '•"» i 60 pMMns. Bllrer Bay Hou-«, |» a day. weak 1 1« peraons. Boarden s, l» a day, week 100 perwns. Park ""W'vlf'day. 50 peraons. Mulllnar's cottage, $10 a week , i« persons. VouK Bessefc, L. I.-Tblslsoneo( the Mwswt- .ide V»?r ".mihe Ix.ii« l>.land shore. iTlniJ Immedl- lieW^t of Kwkiiway. The hotel, opened two JJM ^(['u^oa oo^»''x""<" ■"'" coin/ortable. Conneot«^ wlli 11 are a number of cottages. There Is ho usual T'li Tlew7s.irt batblnif and salt water fUhlng. Th» Jr*oea at the hotel are sumclently high to keep away all Mwpt a well-to-do class of •""""•""'n';'^ '™, P^'JTC wS fact Has glfen the plu<» a reput*''"" '''!,'7'"; ralMr Monuore and sele<:t. Ileaofied by ferry from James 8Mb oTiast Thirty-fourth -treet to I-ong iHland m" thence bftSlns of Long 1 'd Ballroa.l. ril»U.nt alifiil one hoUr fiom New V excursion (are, DO i.ansr Braneh. N. J.- A snmmet "elty by the sea!" and one among the favorite resorts which H better worth "isltlog for the varied study In human nature Which It sSS^i than for any mtrlnslo attriu-tloB SyoSd that of the oo*an. For a long time the Branch ^Sailed from a small "branch" »"• "tre";™ "^i^ mns parallel with the shore line and emptlM Into Pl5as\uwB*y-wa« a fashionable resort, and It ttm draws i^Bowl many prominent people annually ; but tbe bSS?SiJ«of Its movable populutfon are the resldentt ol the cottages. The moat wlect of »". h"*"/"' »" thewtt«e?rt Elbcron, south of Lo"8, «™'«"' '"^.'f," iSe). U^ Branch 19 the favorite rosort w th theatrl- SpooXandsomoof the hotels are "W"'^ ^^'v^^- UetUj w<^thy Hebrews from Fhlladelphla and New Ynrt The original and permanent village of Long Bmnchls abSut*. mile ft«..Vthe I.r»n.,h, the Hrst seUhj- ment havlna been matlo in 17M by four persons from the K prorlncnf RlnMle Island. Hotels for su.nmer TlStoMwere first built early '" »he present century. >lui at the oreeent time are to he found In great num- I22l^i!i SS? and at prices to suit tbe means of ^^ Burt bathing hoKU a prominent place In the Sr^i^STn Btenue late In the afternoon U another S tofevwroue who wishes to be In style must 4o. 83 m IM * m^'>«»«»*a-SW»i*«*J,v5ff.i*fcj«*».;i«*H»*Jt.Ww> ..^w. SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN, Vew Jersey. The Oldeat «nd HealthlMt SamM- r Mrt la Ute Vnlted StetM. JS^ if^***^ MounUlB Retreat demoiutrstMl lu number of vldtonwho crowded 'tag furnished from It* own (SuSeM, il£!f'ZSK?''***J^V;" • ""UBuru irom ill own lardena. mSf^S^' **" '" '•"' con.Ututeeaplea«m»«5S.. J. WAKRBN COLBMAN, Pr«». lOUNTAlN, ley. ilMt Samaie r Be- ted StetM. lotel U raMrrad tzolu- ;reat demoiutnted It* almoit unpreocdentad d Its hotel! to theu ut- otpal attraotloiu of the IthflilBeaa. Re«ort on the oontliient or health and lonite .I'.^ la In the atetiMoal n- re deUiditfal. the wen- rhlle all the aurround- reoreatlou and mjoj- DCS are but a half mUe wen farorabI]r known le hotel* are a nuuber , where the atudant of loushto, and whet* the r mile* from New York Road, and three and a here itagea are In was t- ntaln, or by Central R. tierty itreet to OeimaD At the OUSE •le nxnna, an azMlIent from Ito own gardana, Itute* a pleaaant aoB- COLBMAN, Pr»». DicnoNART or nmitwM kmobts. nwiB> to M neamesi to New Toi*. ««> !{* ,e<}ual niiMit daath at Uberou, »»• » htotoriw inte re* mm ?.!^^r^m»rtDth«^aoe it had never before poaseaMd. ?fSShSSrti?l?«>eSf tlM meet reoeotiy added attrao- ^.^JcKTHoert Blends, about amUe southwert wStiiwe^tod^UawopentoTtaltora and ara thThSt tt»3»lii the oountiT. There are niiinerona SJwSraSout the Branch, wWdi are enticing to one SSSiSS^ob^Sto kill time. Hojrii.: ^<^^ SSS'bSfw'SSX SStn HouS i.S4iben«. tbe largejt 3^1 at ttaaBnwdJTwlth accommodauons tor l.«» P«r- 5SJr»4^a dSr: Howlav 1. north of the Westftnd. a dw: Clarendon and Horenoe, $« a day . Hotg B^Um; oTthe site of the old Mrtropolltan. »4 tojg ?S*^d ch«*p hotels and boardlnB houses In (treat SnmbMfc Bwohed by two llnea of t.MInwd, and by seT- mll2:'tlm*«feai?; byOentSdIUB, ol Ne w Jersw. Siir«»r2^^ TUMrtVitraeU fare, St, excursion, $1.60, d££iS?«iiMS*lho..?^d'8Jmlnut«^ 13 tralM 2h^ « ila aiS^Hook dally, and one train on SundJyVlaSan^^S^ to New Tortt; w by .*»«»" nnoM. tan 10 oMta. ^_w,--i, n s. AateMonamoaKtiMererlaatlDK wS^^'lJIi'N«^ TT, Twlth^wlad and br^fc- '" '"f ^mr ,„y i )_.y i M.W i DionoRAKT or iDinin >nom. MludMSM. TiM MbaBtatn View HooM, wtUi Mcoof modaUoiu »r 70 pertooa, ft to $8 a waek, hu • repu- tUloD aiDons New Tortara (or the •loellanoe of Ita oulalne. Beaebed by Ute Irie R. B., tnm Obambefa or Twentr-third street ; (lure SB centa, exeonkNi 9IJB. nwMqniiaji If. J.— An old town, attuated near Ute iwacb. es miles, orS boon, (rom New Tork. Tbe plaoe wbere tbe town now standi waa oovered bj a tor- eat aa raoentlj aa 1815. It oonialna Are eburoliea and aareral gooA botels. Ita natural attraottona and blstorl- cal tntereat are aueh as to draw many vlaitora who en- Joy quiet ratber tban Interminable rounds o( (aablon- able dissipation. Hotels : Morris House, $8 per day, $10 to $15 per week, 60 persons ; Havens Houae. 98 io SIS per week, 25 persons ; Cniou Home, $3.80 per day, 910 to 120 per woek, 100 persons ; Ooeau House, fiM per day, 910 to $15 per week, 76 persons : Sea View Cottage, $> per day, 98 to 910 per wee'., 86 persons. Beaobed by New Jersey OentraJ R. R. from liberty street ; (are 91,40, excursion 9>-8B. 10 trains eaob way daily, all rail, or 8 via Sandy Hook ; or, by Pennsylvania A Free- bold R. R. (rom Oortlandt and Desbroasea streets, 74 miles, 8 dally trains eaob way, 8 bours' time ; (are tl.n, •xcuraloD S2.85. nisktawatn. If. J.— Matawan la a plaoe of S,000 Inbabitants, witb several eborcbes, and deliffbtrul walks and drives in tbe vicinity. Hotels: iCatawan House, Mt. Pleasant House ; tbe former can aooommodbite 75 at 98 per day or tlO per week, tbe latter 40, at 91 per day and 97 per week. Reached by tbe New Jersey Central R. R. from Liberty street ; 29 mllea, 1 hour 10 minutes, fare 70 cents, ezcuniioD $1.25 ; 10 tralna each way dally. Snirord. P«.— A villaae In tbe mountains, aeven miles from Port Jervis, N. T., and 88 mllea (rom New Tork. Tbe drive by stage or in a carriage between tbe two places is one of tbe most deligbtful imagine- Me. Tbe attractions of Hllford are Itnbbarming loca- tion and magnillcent natural surroondings, and ezcel- loit bunting and Osbing. Tbe village la on a plateau. 200 feet above tbe Delaware River, and oommandi a (ar-reaching view o( the lovely valley. Tbe oburohea are Catbolic, Episoopal, Presbyterian and Metbodlat. A mile below Hllford begin tbe elUtl, a perpwadlonlar waU ot rock 800 feet bigb, andtwomlM In toogUi. > Bnotn. irHoaw,wttbMeom< I • WMk, has • repu- te aioelleiHM of ita B.. from Obainben or ^ exountoB |IJB. town, •Itiuted new x)in NewTork. The waa oorered by • tor. na Ore eiiureliee ud iracUont muI blatorl> lany vlsitori who ett> ) rounds of fiubion- rouse,t8perdar, tlO .»8.50perd«y.$10to Houae,t8^MrdaT, Bea VJew OotUse, |S eraona. Beubed b; Uberty atreet ; fare each way dally, all ■ennaylvania A Free- esbroasea atreets,74 ira time; faretl.n^ ts a place of 8,000 and dellffbtful walkj s: Matawan Houae, 1 aooommodate TB at$lnerday New Jersey Central 1, 1 hour 10 minutes. «lna each way dally. n the moontatns, , and 88 mtlea from 1 a cam age between leliffbtful Imairlna* Itnbbanning loca- indinga, and excel- ijpe la on a plateau. I aod oommanda a ley. The eburobea 1 and HethodM. A B, a perpeudlottlar iromllea la lengtii. DicnoaAkT or mnam mom. The iummlt la «MUy reached If • iy«* whieh pwajj atonif the edw, from which Tie wa of New Tort, New Jmy^ Pwnaylrania are obtained. UnMrpaaaed buS bS* aSS opena on the Delaware July Ut: VoSL bSl uSHe ind attendance are obtjOnable rt ^MimimbiB ratMiTtlM to $S a day). Half • doMn SkStatbe^ol'are iUfed with pickerel udoth- «"■*; White newly aU the it^fn* «««•>» •*«?"« withtrouL The hotel aooomodatlona *» »»««••"» Bood. iSe Itaohere Houae, with aeoomodatlona for ?nUke?aapectoltyotlU dlnnera and iupPfrglto I^ pii^ waa Itwrnerly with DeHn""'*" »«•"£• "£??•: tenoeof the cuisine to wide y known. The Blwr View e5Sik aS» Sept in the French style, wlUi roomtmn, to Mow by the Wack baas ttsblng ground*. Tho other hoSSTareMaule tottage; ««» o2«™?»,,?««* 2t* Kl oomodatlons for 130 persons, at $10 to $14 a w«j» . the Sawklll House, one of the oldest of aurnmer ranit h». S* $10 tcr$>S a week, 100 peraonK Blufl Home, $W totlBaweett'iOO persona; Dlminlck'a, $10 to $14, MO mSkhu- ^Behrrar$10 to $16, 80 parsons. Beached {^"S^New Tort «5eaa I^Ver^f""? *«^'»«^ by StMB, fare 60 oenta, Ume 1 hour, or by prlnte car- riagen^J»to$6. nonmoatli Beaelt, IT. jr.— Apwt^tlte New lArsBT ooaat between the ocean and Shrewawnr nver, WoTL^nTBranch. TJ* l'«2X^'*jfflS a farm. Is now oocupled to more than lOO wmoea, vm nrooertT of wealthy New Tortera. The attractions are KSwriT bathing, w'lth boating and Ibhliig to t»» river. DtotSSJeftom New Tort, «m1les: '"^^^^{S^^^Z utes; fare 90 cents, excursion $1.6' fl»?'»»"yJ5™??j2 NViS^'jSilyOentiaandNewJeiwySou^^ of Liberty street : or by boat from Pier 8, Norui /u™ to toMiSTthenMValx «^y »^ » «*" *22Sl Bouthero. Hoteto: Olub, $S a day, $80 ■ wg*J*»*£: modatfoia tor 160 ; Boaa OotUg^ $15 a week, rooma for SOboardera. * |niIonro*,N.Y.-Aatatlononth««rieB.H3^»cupy. TnTan elerated position, to • 55«»<»iJ"??lSiS!: iSea and atreama.;The •«>TS«?£?E *5h^« h55S: Ite for aU loTera of nature. !!»••!•■ ■P'SSi CijSff a mllet from the ataUon, haa aoeommodatioiiB nr «m. PMBB The Social Newa of the World. ANDRE^A/'S' American ^ueen Hm been tanned by lu ermtemporMtas, "Tto Omtrt Jourrud of America." IM claim to tb* tiUa at being th« Bm« Soetety P«V«r pabltobed In tbU ooun- try <■ founded upon tbe fact, ^taat It la tba only hmrnal In wblcb la collated report* of tba dotngi of tba beat •ootety In all important dtle* and towna on tbi* conti- nent, tbua preaerrtng, always freata, aoqualotancea formed during tbe seaaona of trarti, and alio keeping people of one city fully poated aa to tba ioeial life m tbeir friends in erery ottier. In eaota iarae of THS QCEKN ara tall and compre- banslTe reports of balls, raoepUona, banqueta, wed- dlnga, and all otber fasbionabla aTant* In all parta of tbe country. ' _ In addlUon to iia Society Beporta and Correspond- acMys THK QUBKN contains, during tba Watering Plaoe Season, full and complata reports from all tbe oblef Watering Plaoe* of America. THl QDKKN, In addition to itaBodal Iteporta, Foreign Oorrespondenca and Watering Place News, I* tbe great American an- tbority on Ettquetta, wblla Its Literary teaturea are of a Tery blgb order of mu .t. ANDRRW8' AHKBIOAN QUKBN U publlsbed every Saturday. For sale by nawadealers eTeiTwbera. Single ooplta, 10 oanta. SUB80BIPTI0N PRIGS, Postage free In tbe United Statea and Canada : Om« \«m* M'OO Slxnontba S.OO Ttarea Months. 1>00 THB QUEEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, W. R. ANDRIWS, M AXASn, Franklin Square, Nnr Yoik. r the World. WS' Sueen ponrtat, "TtM Court a to Um mi* of belDt inbltolMd In tbb ooun- ( It ta tiM only loarnal li« doing! of the beat d towni on tbli contt- frMli, MoiulDtanoM knd, and alio keepina a to tiM loelal Ule ot are fall and oompre- tona, banquet*, wed- eventa In all parta ot wrta and Oorreapond> durlnff tlM Waterinff I reporia from all tbe loa. TBI QDKIN, In irelgn Oorreipondenoe e great Amerioan an- Iterary taaturea are ot IBM U publlabed ereir neTeiTwiMre. Single PRICB. itatea and Canada ; M'OO ».00 1.00 WG COMPANY, ItUfJMOL, uare, N*w Yoik. oionoMART or summer resorts. placet where summer boarders are taken, at $7 to |10 a we«k. Reached by Erie Railroad from Cbamben or Twenty-thtni itreet*, 50 miles ; 6 tralna from and 7 to New York, dall j, and tour eocb way on Buuday ; tar« $1,S6; excursion $2.05. Blontclalr, Ti. J.— One ot many dellgbtful ■uburbaii plwim, witbin easy reach ot the Uetropoll^ being 14 miloa distant. In a northwesterly direction. Tba population Is about 8,000, amoii); whom are many wealthy gentlemen who <1o business In New York. Reached by Delaware, Lai^kawanna and Western R. R. from the toot of Barclay or Christopher streets, or by Ibo Oreenwood Lake R. R. from tbe Erie depot, toot of Cbambers or Wet>t Twenty-tblrd street; fare 35 oer.ta, excursion 60 cents. int. St. Vincent, N. V.~Hhre Is located the famous academy of that iiu.iie. In charge ot HIsters of Charity. Tbe groiinds ot the scliool were formerly tbe country seat of Edwin Forrest, and the small stone castle be bulit etill stands In picturesque arcbiteotuntl contrast with the red brick buildiuRs of the academy. Distance, U miles; reached by hourly trains of Hudson River Railroad from Urand Central or Thirtieth Street Depots ; tare 30 ceots. Navestnk, or Neveraluk Hlghlanda, N. J. —The name "Navesink" is an Indian word, meaning a place to ash. The corruption of this word into the more Intelligible " Neversink " Is very easily explained by the fact that those Highlands are the last land one sees when sallinpr Irom Now York by steamer, and are tbe flrst to give welcome to the incoming ocean voyager. They are on the New Jersey mainland. In- side Sandy Hook, and about 25 miles from tbe city, and form tbe most bold and rugged elevation on tbe Atlantic seaboard. There are two light-houses, one square and the other round, about 100 feet apart, on Beacon Hill, at the mouth of tba Sbrewa- burr River. The more southerly of tbe two is a revolving " Presnel " light, which rises 848 feet above tbe ocean, can be seen a distance of 33 mllei and is the moat powerful on tbe coast. It took tbe flrst prlae at tbe Paris Exposition and cost $-30,000. From the top of Mount Mitchell, 282 feet above the sea level, glorious views are obtained ; tbe HigblanUs also pre- 37 k-U . r R H) *|. i ' . „ .l4|^„ .^i^ DIOTIOSAHT Of SnmiKR BM0KT9. WDt u unvmua v.rt«T of •«f»S5;?"»i2?rA'*iSSll'■«>» i»*.P5??!»*S^wSs5; Bom toot of Cortland iteeet: also by Sapdy Hooli Bowa -K»«,f*- HMMKR RHOKTS. ' BttracUoiu, oomblDlng tU wn oOW, wblob IncludM ling, Mit UMt frtrti water Ad unaurpMMil •oenwT. r 8 to Bandy Hook, thMce ft.; MBMl hour, « minute: Hotel! :lMt to $» eommodattoni lor WO ; ni- % week, MoommodittloiMior 5«d»7.$15to»»»w«ek. ItgbUnd Ooiuwo, *l^to lek. Moommodawm* for IW r.— One mlto dtaUnt from itaUon (or tbti obarmlng re- liM^ed with BprlDg UUe and I BlTer Baj at ttato point U « irpwNed taemuet for yaobt- itngTand itUI-water batbiog. dona, tbero are plnMroves. t fSturee of both inlanil rhe NEWPORT, formerly ooouptea a ••KhUy etera- Ad between Sandy Hook the moat derirable Banltjry only a quarter of a mile dls- eot wiui alltralnaatOcM^ of the hotel la a wharf, aw Here la Brat-olaae O*!"* m"* the bouae are grounda derot- ils, arohery and other out^t- teet of Terandaa aurround the tna and the hOM» wJJLS! her Prioea are raaaoBa* pald'tottieouMna wbtatolalii unodioua oaf<. and *9^g^ iwllng alley* anda tbrnMng 1 thla aeaaon. Ooeaa Grow. Branohare Mar tj- B|"5*;J Central B. B« '^„,"S?2 or by the Pennaylyanla B. B. leet: »lso by 8iu>dy Hook boaU 3S DICTIONABT or IDMMU mSSOBTS. from toot Of Ubarty BtreeL From Philadelphia nuMiw out tralna leave dally from th« Panntylranla E. ■> atatioD. If etlicrwood, N. t.—A. quiet and eomfortaM* plaoe for iummer rest. The Hotel Netherwood la lo- cated on a wooded elevation, with a splendid protpeet stretcblng away on tbe north, eait, and weat. Thar* are aeoommodatlona tor S60 pMwni at $3.80 to $4 a daf or SIS to ISO a week. Beached by the New Jeraey Ceotral R. ft. from the foot of Liberty Mreet ; 14 tntna dally; distance, 80 milea ; time, 1 bour; fare, 70 caatib ezcunloD $1.08. Newark, If. J.— This la a elty leas suburban In character than most of the plaoea oontlKuous to New Tork, It being only about 10 miles from City Hall, whleb Is nearer than a lame part of the territory within th* llmiu of New Tork City itsHtf. It has a population U 18(1,000. Reached by (our lines of railroad : Peonsyl- Tanla, by ferriea from the toot of Oortlandt and Daa- broMea streeta ; Brie, from tbe toot of Chambers and West Twenty-third streeUi; Central of New Jersey by ferry from the toot of Liberty street ; Delaware. Lacka- wanna and Western, by ferries from the toot of Barclay and Cbrlstopher streeu. Stations ct the PennsylTanla la Newark, at Centre, Chestnut and Market streets, stations of the New Jersey Central at Broad and Ferry streets. Time, about 80 minutes ; fare by all road« to any station In Newark, 90 oeuts. Trains are running each way every few minutes, day and evening. Newbarsht N. T.-A city of about 80,000 inhabi- tants, set on a bill, overlooking tbat part of tbe Hudson river, wbl^ at this point. Is known as Newburgb Bay, some fifteen miles long, and from one to two miles fa width. It Is a elty of cburchea and schools, having M^ of the former, an academy, and One public and prlvat* schools, and one of tbe beat public Itbrariea In tbe State. The country all around la hlstorlcaUy eonneoied vrlth the Revolutionary War. Overlooking the Bay Is tb* Hasbrouck Mansion, occupied by Waablngton In ITSS-S,. wblob la filled with Intereatlng relloa. The scenery i* unsurpassed for beauty and variety, and tb« natural attractions of tbe place have made it a favorite raaort tor itaooaMida. annually. There la good hunting awt Oshing m tbe vicinity, and by delightful drlvea witblar 38 -J&Cf*-. «!|5S SSSSS^J^i^PPS*' m . SEA VIEW HOTEL, West Brighton - Coney Island. Jl'O^' PROrRJETOR. Th« houM hM been enl.rgert, «n>Jy raTSvaWd an" refurnl.hed throuRhout. and •-now In "^fa°r°8?o'S-Tir;;^S">?,^?t«ble, on hi. Hv.r. The I ropneiOT gru" " " , , „„,,5rtT. and patron* are jKi'SL"n^of"L"Slnt."u"l*;ur.".ro?'fVe.U?egetable^ """*: OOo'Sl^^r anS BOARDim STABLE ^ •'«> is/s',iirT8'?ij5rt o;;s~ hIi•'bl."n^s' '•^HSfiiS? th?!SL«S. Fi?f urtheVpStl "lara «ee edlto- Sa^„'8'eptSn*Sctt?:o;2dd;!5.the'Tr»Prieto'"«'«>>'«'- A. E. DICK, PKOPRirrOR. J ■'-»S6iK«& ■BS \N HOTEL, • Coney Island. RJETOR. rgert, «nil 1« now In ftrit-olMi iiiproTemenU. tk all the JMicaden of th* (uon. RESTAURANT otcl. and »mple accommoda- :WPORT, rfX VAN DYKE, m Newr Jersey, r, between Asbury Park ean Beach. r HoU'l ha» been thoroughly ed throughout, and ^■now In •clve guests. . , . Ik own vegetables on Ms nrer- Idtel pniMrty, and patrons are 111 supply of freaU ve)$etables, imi BOARDIXa STABLK th the "NKWPOBT,'' and at ^rb Oroheatnt haa been en- rfurther partlculata see edlto- ddress the proprietor as aboTe. A. E. DICK, PKOPRirrOR. DlCTIOMAIir Of BUHMtR RMORT*. ^ n,-licultof nine miles, are reached West Point, fort "• .tiiatn's rocks, the Beaoon Hill of ?,!>« ..HlByjnda, the S( enei In which were locatnl Cooper s Harn ""«''• ibu htatoric Dana-Kammer uroinontory.and otter pw™» of eqSJa interest. The principal hotol •• i5f,BJ"'«. |8 •«»•*» ",!?*! six miles from Erie sUtlon. Reached by Krle l»-R- Jrom Chambers and Twenty-third s'™"". ^"njl'^iS^^RlSk ea(!h way. dally, two trains from and three to "W Tore on Sundays; lar« $1,43. excursion $iW10; or, bjMew York Central and Hudson River B.R.. from Oraod Oen- tral Depot, to FlshklU-on-Hudson, » mllej, i»w £j;''i ttanoe Vierry; or. by "M*"? PoweU/' from foot of TMtry streeU North RWer. 8: 10 P. .«•. »™* .'<>?♦ *J T»BSy-*«oSd atraet. 8 : 80 P. M.; the "Baldwin. ' wad "Cornell." i P. U., from foot of Veetry »irr2J* ^ Albany day boaU from foot of Vestry street, 8 : 80 A. M., and fro.-n foot of Twenty-second st^oe^ 8 j45 A. »U fure 80 and 7B cents, excurslou $1 and $1,85. ^W» connect with all trains of the Erte, and ateamboats. for the Baldwin Houiie. New Dorp (Staten lalaiid).— One of the most attractive spou on Slaleu Island U t^dijrGrov^ Vfl^ every facility for plensura-seekers U U) be found at the South Beach Pavilion, $S to $^ a day. nc«)mmodstlOM for 100 peopl.-. The Pompelan roimi to ttovel, MS should be liispicted by all visitors. The bathlng.wjoo- cock 8hj, tlshlng and boutlng «« «)^»*'»^ ™? ar,. three (:hui dies. Reached by '"JJi ?»J^'?^"£J2n tis«!ments in dally papers', or V •»»» J"™ J™*?—! striwt to Btateu Island, shence by train to New Dorp station. At the New Dorp station Is the !<•»»»«» hotel, with accommodations fur 3J pewona , $iiai»r. $10 to $16 a week, half rates for children and aarTant* New Haven, Conn.-A beuiUtul olty, 74 mllw ■■■■" ■•■:^^^»;r -■iMf ' ' -' ;*v;:5»^iCW Ii iN«wTorlt,o« Look I»I»nd Bound LftBrtlngho. Mto: New Harra Hottie, KM ■ imji Tontine knd Blllou. R<>w;li«d br Bbore Uoe route from Uruid Cen* tnl I)«pot;tiuv$S. New Boekelle, N. V.— A luburbes Tilhkce, «ltUHi«d OD ■ berbiir ut iLeauiiif namo, wtilcb 1* an m- J«t <>t lionc Island Bound. It la ilw permancntlivaldence ot manr prominent New YorkiTK, and In iiimmer Is a deatrable home for pertonii of quiet taiitea, who prefer country comfort to laahtanable dlwitpaMnn. The hotel, on elevated ground, about a mile from tlin village, eomroandi a delightful view of the harbor and the Bumeroui imall iiland* with wbtch It Is studded. Some of the manstons In tha village date beck tn Colonial days. Reached by New York * New Haven Railroad from Grand Central Depot. Dlsuinae, 17 milea: time, about SS minutes: fare 43 oents, excursion 90 oenta. Norwalk, 0*Ma.— A pteaaant city on Long Is- land Sound, 48 miles from New Tork. and a delightful Blaee to pass • tew days, or the mttn raoatlon season, Tbe houib are : Allln House, Lueas Hotel (botb In South Norwalk). and the Connecticut HoM, in Norwalk. Tbare are also many plaoea where summer boarders are taken. Reaebed by Sbore Line route, from Qraod Cen- tral Depot. Il7«ck. R. T.— On tbe Hudson Itlver, oeariy op- noalle Tarrytown, tite town neolllng at tbe foot of tbe Uigblands, which rise picturesquely back of it. The Rockland Female Institute Is transformed Into a board- ing house during tbe summer TacaUoo. under tbe name «f Tappan-Zee Sowe. Tbe otber hotels are the Pros- pect House, BmilbsooUn House and Olareodoa Hous<<. There are also a number o( boarding-bouses which obaroe reasonable prlcea. Reached by trains of tbe New Tork Central * Uudsoo BlTer ILR., to Tarrytown, tbence by IWry ; or by Hudson River boau. OecMt ■each, N. J.— Situated on thesoutb sbore ofBbarkBlTer, f rout lug directly on tbe ooeaa. Tbere •re ofaurolMe ot several deoomlnatKiM, some line rssl- daBNS and good botela and boarding boosea. Tbe at- traettOBS are tbose ot river and sea sbore anmMned. InchMUng unsurpassed taellittes tor bathing. flsbtOR and enMing. Hotels : Colorado Hoaa^ fS • Sl>» week, SM) persons: Neptune House, t* e day, 9i» MMt.H Rimo.^ra. Itnd Sound LMdlnff h(s S.RO • dsr : Tootlne and toa route from Uraod Oen- ir«— A luburtwii Tillftse. in« namt), whicb la ao Id- Is Um pertnancntlimldeDce km, and in aiimmer l* a f quiet taatea, who prefrr iki diMlpatJon. Tbebot« • 4ar. fl4 t» Ttune Bout*. |> a d»r. 9i& rr- OlUTIOAsitT or SDMIIIR ftCaORTB. a week, 180 peraona ; Surf House, ta.SO a dar, fU to IIB a week, 190 peraona ; Atlantic House, tM.ISO a day. lis to %it> a week, 100 oeisona ; Columbia Hoaa^ t»M to IM a day. tl5 to •»< a week, UO peraooa: WIndsrir House, t* to t- 'W a day, $10 (oJlS a week, 100 panoos ; and a doaen ouixr plaeaa with aoctommodaUona far two or three seoi« peraona eaeh, at tl.AO to |tJiO a day, or $t to lift a week ; Oarleton Oottaie, witb aeeommoda- tlona tor BO peraooa, |l a day and |6 to $10 a week. Reached by New Jersey Central BallroiMi, Irmb Liberty street, fiSM miles: time, 1 boar, 48 minulea: twelTO tralna all rati. aU rU Sandy Hook dally; tara tl.*>. ezcuraion tM. Ooeaa Clr«v«. If. jr.— Tbia ffemoua aummor homo of Methodism. Is Ore mllea aoath of Long Braneb, dlreetly below Aabnry Pait, from whMi It la saparatad by Wesley Uk^ a beantlfui body of frerti water, near- ly three-quartara of a mile In lensth. Ooaaa Orovo comprlaes two bundred aeraa, and Is owned by an aa- aodatlon at the clerry and laity of tbe MetbodM Bpla- copal Church, bounded by WeaJey and Fletobar Lakaa on the north and soulb, reapectlTely, by the tomplko road on the weat and by tbe oeaan on the aaat Tbo Orst of the rag«lar annual eampmeellnca waabeld In 1*70. No Intozleatlnir Uquon are allowed to ba aotd at any time and on Sunday a rigid obaerranea la enforced to the eieluslon of drlrlng, rowing, and almtlar amuso* menia. It la the esaet antipode of a Oaman Sundaf holiday, tte aaaodation tolng ao teraalo kaaptbaoataa of tbe fence anrrounding ibeir p T u pei ty looked on Sun- day. Tbe uanal watartny piaea eonvenleneaaan to bo toupd. HoMa and boardlnt bonan are namerMS : al the tornwriM two laamt are tbe Sheldon, fS a day. tlO to $80 n week, #ltha«aommodittoaa for too, and the Arllngtoo, aama prioaa, with an ommodatlons tor the aame number. There are a doaea botals witb aoeommodattona for HW to 180, at from n oenta to $< a day, and not leas than 9fty anallar houia and bearding houses, atan arerageotabottt $Saday, and from $7 to •IB a weak. Reached from Now Tork by Hew Jersey C«ntral B. B.. from foot of Uhert* straot i dlatanoe, 51 mtlea ; time, 1 hour, IS mlnutaa ; bra $1,10 ; onwsion $1.80. HadttkrHareebeapandwoUregnlalad. •coMiportf I«. jr.— "itoatad on tba Ibrawabury Utar, where tbe boating and bbing araoioallent. It 4B ! «^LAKEWOOD, N. Y.^ Lake Chautauqua. thli faTorlte raiort U now anterlnK upon Its nlntb •TMon, and rontliiiipa tu hold lu |4a(!« In uifl front rank of Huiiirnt^r KciortH. To llioic who •M'k ri-st without sUiRnation, i)l<>a«ur« wltbout miitfinpnt, the .IfllKht of rural life without Iti hwonreiilfiiwa, aii« hanl loHnd. With ItH idctiiri'nquf cott«Ke» aurroiinded or •rweaj lla vilmt fawns nlopliiu down to thr I.akf; tha church with In niiln- ; tlii> hh'bi hoiKla with ihelr ctiol niMl ahady vcrHMiliui ; ami Ihi' Utkn In th« foreground, It imaenu a iM^rfo't picture of rural lovaUuaaa. " H«r<> tx- wiMidH an Krpen lu any ; Air llkowlM' an f rciih mid iiw««t 4£ whttrtf HMUHith xt^phym play i>n thii floot fncc of the fiiih'd utrrunis ; with flower* ai many Aa tbr youov Sprlnx Klvm, and an chn new ddlKhta, oool stream! and welu, ArtHiurr n iTtiri>wn with woMlhlnM, oavea and dellti CliooiK* where thou wilt." The rapid mulllplleatlon of Bummer Reaorta la one of th«enoourof;ln|{" rut, eat too raxt, and we r«at and •ieeptt^x; iiie, ando«acon»e' d vuoatlons— eipeolally In the enerraUnc •mnmermwntiu-la what we need. The notable Inoreue ■monft ur .. ddden deatbalnall our Kreat oentraaor Ira'ii' ...i-.l " iitmerer, la to be Inruely attributed to thia uni-eaaiiw toll In which ao w • nRafut. To all who feel the need of reat and reoreiU' •- run cheerfully rec- onniend Lakewood, I jike Ohaut«n(|ua. A week or two tn the aummir Bponi In drInkInK in the balmy air of thli ■aland lake, which aweepa In purity oTcr the great lake* of the wept, impragnated with the health-klving ofono, together with the woodland rumblaa ana cxouraloni amid the lieautlful aoenery of this reirlon, will be an In- Teatment that will aaaaredly "pay." The time will pror* all too abort for the enjoyment which may be aeoured ; and the new life and vWor whWh will flow Into the or- dinary channels after I hia experience will be a constant and welcome rendnder of Chautauqua days. LAKEWOOD, originally cai.^a " Lake View," from tha '^.i«Mf M lAifti'i Vi'i D, N. Y.^ auqua. interlnit upon Itt nlDtb » pUc« In Qui fruni rank DUt •UBnation, nipaaura t of rural life without It* n of dwrllliiK lifulile a -^mI reooiiiiiM'iiilii lt«*ilf tiful (pot wuuld )>« hanl iiittaKO* >urri>iinte.'' We u>u ra»t, anti w« rest and ••ncc - HUditi'nly. More lally III thc> cnerratlnc ;il. The notable Inoreaae all our Kreat oeutraaof nrKPly attributed to thll .ig«((u. To all who • lilt who believe It -< to preaerve tbelr 111 the exhllnrntlng 1', V. . e an In- sy." The time will prove which may be aeoured ; i;li will now Into the or- lience will be a conitant tttU(tua dayi. " Lake View," from tha eitenilvp view nf thi- l^akp and It* •urroundinn to be had (rum thin vicinity, U directly on the line of tha New York, Pena. 4e Ohio Ballro«4, on the **« train* put* directly thrmiKh tlil.i liraulirul ami popular n-aort. ami all train* iloii reHUlarly at Lakewood Depot to ilellvor anil take on paHafiiKiT*. Conductor* are Inatructnl to (five itnpovci- i hiikii on all through ticket*, wliilher reailing kuld he un- derHto<>d a* kIvIiim pHitiMMiser* the right to reach l>ake- wood In tbriiiigh cars, anil when they are ready to re- ■uma their journey, they can atep right Into one of PULLMAN'S PALACE DrawliiK Room or Sleeplnc Coachea, and go thi'ouKh to NIAOARA FALLS, S ARATOOA , KKW YORK or BOSTOK. Till* cannot bie done by any other route, aa no other road nnm ihrouKh c«™ or ;ti/ac« Steeiiing CiMcht* to or through any plui-e on Lake CHiUTii'viu*. The virltor to (.'hautaiiqua who atop* at Lakewood, U not out off from the oufnlde world, hut ha* the lame railroad, iHwtal ami telcKruph facilltle* a* at Imme. By leaving Cincinnati, chleugo or New Vork at night, you are lauded at l^kewoud next day In time (or dinner. For deacrlpllve pamphleta and ticket* to Lakewood and return, apply at U Weat Fourth mreet, Cincinnati ; lOl Clark street, Chicago; 131 Bank btreet, Cleveland! 33B Broadway, New York ; at ticket offloo* of the N. Y. P. ft O, It. It. ; and at ofllceg u( connecting line*. A. B. CLARK, " P. D- CObPEU, Acting Oen'l Pa**. Agent, Gen'l Manager. Cleveland, Ohio. *ll!! I PICTIU.NAltY or SCMUER RK8 IKTS. It alM near the Moumoutb Park Race Course ; the lat- ter li a full mile lontr, with h lari^ irraud iitanil, race nipetlnsa belnR held annually in July and August. The Park Hotel hat aocoinmodattons for 40, ^ a day, S^O a week: 8mock'i Oottof^ Rlreraide Cuttase, Croxu>n Uouie. |8 to 910 a week, with accommodation* {or 'JO to 80 each. Rttached hy steamer frxa Pier % North RITW, (oSandy Huok, tbencjby New Jeney Soutbero R. R.; dittance, M miles; time, 1 hour, 4& minutes: (are $1 ; nxcuraloo $1.S0. Onuico, N. J.— One of the most deltghttul of tb« suburban u>wus m the Tlolnlty o( New York, from which it is 18 rallea distant. The Orange Mountains, rising behind the aoattered Tillage, are {wrttcularly at- iractlre in tbe summer and fall. From tiie summit a magnificent and far-reaching panorama I* spread out before tbe TMtor, well worth a trip from tiM city. Llewellyn Park ooaulns tbe mansions of waalthy and prominent New-Torkers, forming an ezcluslra 00m- munttyby themselTM; Oeneral Geonra B. HoOlellan's residenoe Is among the number, tliere are severaJ railway itatlonB In tbe town, tbe principal ones being Orange. Boittta Orange, and Brick Church. There aro one or two good hotels, bat the principal attractions are tlie driyea and walks over tbe mountains, through Llewellyn Park and tbe surrounding country. Reached by Delaware. Lackawanna A Western R. E., from the toot of Barolay or CbrMopber streets. Trains are frequent. Fare 10 oeuta; excurston SO cents. PMM4«po. IV. J.— On tbe weatera shore of New York Bay.aDdaward«>(-Bayonneatr. eiz miles In dSataaee, and twenty minulea in time from New TorK : tblrty tnins daily eaeta way, by the New Janey Oentral Railroad, tor* of Liberty street: tare U eentt: ezeur- Rion SB cents. Boarders are taken at tbe Bay View, OadmM, Md tbreeor tour other cottam for from $S to $l» a weak (no transient Tisitor*) mill aooommoda- Uona for from 10 to SO in each cottage. r»::aa4«h (the).- Tbe perpehdloular wall of rack wtatcb forms tbe Westegn sbore Una of the Hudson Rifer, '^nr'rg t VWt Lee. and extending without break fortwealy mliea. In belgbt tbe Palisades rary from 80O to BOO feet, in widtb the] narrow in piaoas to not mOrelMii three-touttbs of a mile, nod tbe top li gen- 4» li lER RM IKTS. Race Course ; the lat- rife irntnd sttand-, race July Hod AUKUst. The for 40, 92 • d«r. $\0 rslde cottam, Croxton iccommodatioiK (or 'JO er frun Pier 8, North New Jertey Soutbera s, 1 hour, 4A minutes ; ) mofit deltghttul of tb* ty of New York, from be Orange Mountains, ge, are parttvularly at- From tbe Mimmlt a inorama is spread oitt a trip from (bs city. 1D8I0DS of wflklthy and ins an ezclusira 00m- Geonra B. HoOlellan's Br. Tbere ara severaJ e principal ones beinir dk Chunih. There ard principal attracSiooi are w mountains. tbrou«rb lurroundlns country, ranna A Western R. B., r Cbrlstopber street*. ) oeuta; ezcurstoa SO I western sbore of New ineatr. Biz miles In itinMfrom NtwTorlf: the New Jener Oentral ; fare U eents: ezeur- Uen at the Bay View, r oottsM for from $S Iton) mill accommoda- Dtwse. perpehdloular wall of bore Una of Um Hudson and eztending witbout eigbt tbe Palisades rary Im nanow in plaoas to I mile, and tbe top Is gen- niCTIONART OF 8LUMKB RSS0.;T3. eraliy flat, affording space for an uneven growth of trees. The Tlew from tbe auinmlt, at Fort Le«, and beyond, includes the well-wooded opposite jrroTe. broken by stately mansions or clusters of more modest homes, with the Hddson rolling tar below. The Palisade MounMn Houiw. about four miles abore Fortl«r. Is a large and well conducted caravansary. Beaoho!:. by carriage from Fort Lee (which see), or by carriage from Engtewood (which see). The most direct way. how- eter, in summer Is by boat (for which see adTertlse- ment in dally papers). Pertk Amboy, N. J.— Situated on BarlUn Bar. at the mouth of the Baritan Birer, and at tbe sotttii eod of tbe Kill Ton Kull. Historically, tiie place Is mterasting. It was Incorporated In 1784. and for a number of yean was the capital of the proTlnoe. In more raoent years Pertfi Amboy became an ImporUot railroad terminus, but changes In routes have taken awar most of tbe througb travel that tor a time gave it lite. Boating and flsbing In tbe waters of the Burltan and lower bavs are tbe chief attractions tor summer visitors. Tbe iuxuils are the Bruen House, SS a day ; |8 to IIS a week ; accommodations tor ISO : Packer House, IS a day, and $7 a week; tbe Park, Pennsylvania House, foglewood Park (BariUn River) all under ttat same iaSSfmmnt, $I.BO and «3 a day, or $8 to $10 • week, withlotai agoommodatlons for tbotit 800; and two or three other cottages, $1 a day »nd $5 a week. Reached by three routes— Pennsylania Railroad, from Cortlandt and E«sbrosaes streMs ; distance, sW mllee; time, 1 hour, 45 minutes ; fare SO oenu; excursion tit Ave trains eceh way. New Jersey Central, from Ub- ertystt«et,tt miles: sts trains each way; I nour,» minutes: to'* same aa by Pennsylvania. Tbeobuap- est and pIsaaantMt route in good weatber is by ferrr from tooiotWbltehall street (Battery) w Statea bland. tkwDB by Btateo Island Bailratd and Hm agiUn from tbe sontisem end «( the Uland. Fara « oenU; Um« abontSboors. PI«Uiacl«, n. t.-K cii> ^ ri,aeo inbaMtanta. with wide streets, beauiined with nmilt trees. To tbe DOithward rises Bi^ngneld MounUIn i«d WasUngton Rock, tbe latter at as elevation of 511 tiM*. rrom this rock Wasbington watebed tbe moveroentti oC the British fleet IB Raritaa Bay, and at Uie smm time the manoeu- mu^ .-'mi^mr. DICTIO.NART or 80MMKR RKSORIg. rres on land of the forces commandpd by Sir William Howe anil Lord Sturliug, by wntcb means he was eu- abled tu defeat tbe enemy. From tlili historic rock • panorama both varied and beautiful is apread out. Board can be obtitlned at the Hazen, Vermule, Wanzer, or Brown Bouses, fur $B to Sl.i per w»ei(, eacb bavlDH r>oms lor about 35 (>eople. Reached by New Jersey Central B. R. from foot of Liberty street; » trains dally ti> New York ; 'M miles, or about one hour distant ; fare 70 oents, excursion $1.10. Point Plearant, N. J.-On the south stiore of t;ie Maiisquun River. It is a favorite retiort tor boating, llshinK and crabbing, and also for yiichtsmen, It being the flrst safe harbor soutli of New York. Hotels : Re- sort Mouse, $S a day, $10 to $■% a week, 900 persoiM ; Ocean House. $2.50 a. day, $10 to $25 a week: 800 per- sons; A-nold House, Clarke, Riverside Bouse, Osborne Uou»e, each $2.50 a day, $10 to $15 a week, from 90 to MO persons each ; Curtis House, Eureka House, AXen House and Brown's, $2 a day, $10 to $15 a week, roomi for 30 to 80 persons. Reached by New Jersey Central R. R., from Liberty street, 80 mlies or 3 hours : 10 dally trains all rail, 8 via Sandy Hook; fare $1.4S, excursion $2.35. Port JervU, N. Y.— A city of 10,000 Inhablunta, 68 miles from New York on the Erie Railway, and most picturesquely situated on the Delaware Ulver. It is on the Iwrders of three states, and the same number of counties. New Yoi k, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and Orange, I'Ike and Suioex. The point of the junction is on Tn-Stales Rook, in the Delaware River, a mile be- low the station. The attractions of Port Jervis include a great variety of scenery, obarming drives and excel- lent (Ishiug in the river and the lakes near by. The Ash- ing Includes pickerel, black bass i:nd trout. Tlie favorite drives are to the Chilton Chalybeate 8prluK», 4 miles ; Sparrowbush, 2 miles fnmi Mllford, Pa., a well-known summer resort, 8 miles along the Delaware River ; and on the Hawk's-Nest road, fnim Port Jervis to Mon- gaup. In Hullivau County. This road is hewn out of the face of the almost perpendicular mountain that forms the eastern boundary of the Delaware Valley above Port Jervis, and looks down from an elevation of 4M) feet ou the river, railroad and canal below. 4S IIK80IIT8. led by Sir Wllllan] niMna be was eu- iili historic rocli • 'ul la apread out. Vermule, Waossr. Km\c, eacb bavlDK led by New Jersey -eet; >5lrain!< dally bourdlitant; fare the south sbore of r««)ort fur boating, trhtsmen, it twins orl£. Hotels: Re- reek, 800 persOM; a weel!; 300 per- Rlvemide House, to $15 a week, lis House, Eureka : a day, 810 to $15 a Kfiacbed by New street, 60 mlies or 1 SaadyUook; fare 10,000 InbabituDtti, Railway, aod most are Hlvur. It Is on he xHme number of nd New Jersey, and It of the Jumstlon Is I River, a mile be- Purt Jervis include it drives and excel- ii near by. The tb»h- irout. Tlie favorite K Bpriiitpt, 4 miles ; Pa., a well-known 'la ware Blver; and >rt Jervis to Hon- id Is bewD out of lar mountHin that B Delaware Valley frohi an elevation and canal below. rilCTIONART OK 81'MMKR RKSOIITS. The denominations having churches are the Epls- en8 for BO, at S« to »iu a week: the Union Hcuse for 20, at $8 to gU) a week. Good board can he obtained elsewhere, from J5 to »» a week. Re/iPhwl by Erie R. R., from Chambers and Twenty-third streets ; 7 trains from New York and 8 to New York, dallv, and 5 trains from New York aiid 6 to New York on Hiindiiy ; fare $2.70, excursion $3.80. Port Monmouth, N. J.— On the mainland, and adiolalnit Sandy llmjk Bay. A small and very quiet resort, reached by ilie New .lersey SoiUlwiii R. R., f rom Llbertv strBBt; 25 miles, two trains each way dally; time, about 2 hours, 30 minutes ; fare $1, excursion S1.75. PoaKbkeepsle, N. Y.-On the east hank of the Hudson River, 75 miles from New York, and the largest cltybetween New York and Albany. The U)wii Is oiian elevation, 800 feet above the river, has handsoine streeW and beatitlful drives, a number of One churches, and, altogether, presents many attractions for a sumraiM- reSaenoe. Two miles east of the city la Vassar College, the leading female educational Institution of the con n- trv TheiTBare several Hotels, the leading one being the Nelson House, 88 per day. Reaolicd by N. Y. Central * Hudson BlverlLR. from Grand Central Depot, or by Hudson RWer boats, yew Paltz iMndim Is on the oSte side of the river from Poughkeepsle. from which It Is reached by ferry, and from the former stage* run to Lake Mohonk. 14 miles distant (which see). Onarstntlne.— The residence and business head- ouartersof i Health Offloer of the Port on the eastern ?hore of Stai iiand. Is commonly spoken of as Qiiar- antSe. This. -i>ortantdei»rtment of the public ser- vlMrwhich wa, established by the State for the protec- llTOof the port against the Introdui-tlou of all corita- Soiis lt»»l«s, 18 effective by a careful n«P«!tl«'n S incoming vessels ; those found to be Infected are obliges to anchor at lower quarantine, while vessels from Questionable ports are allowed u, ancdor »t "PPer qm|r- antinu for a certain length of time. At the Healtn 411 T DicrtONiRT or 8nMiin Msotn. Offloer'i renideMe U a iinall MtUemeot. kBd M UUa point ti Uw bowdlntt station, off wUeb the ooom ■teaiiMri ooma to anobor, on arriral. antil tto boaltii of the MMangen baa paased a satinfaotoiT •xamlnatloo, Tbla boardlDg atatkn is fraqueated b; panooaawaitiuB tbe arrlTal of trtends bjr Meaiiier, aa BiTans»- menu can eaailr be muUx vrltb tbe Mealtb Offloer, or bi« a«ilataiit, for boardiDK tlie ship from tbe offlolai boat. FrequeDtly ttaoae on tbe looliout for (riends are obliged to wait orer nlgbt and aoinHtlme« aa long aa two or tbreedayi. TbeaooommodatioDstorTiaitoraaienotHz- lenalTe or partieularlr atiructive, but at a mall boa- telnr eloae by tbe Healtb officer's reaideiKM, kept by an Italian, one dun obtain prlinlUve bed*, and a dinner lenred In Italian style, witb exoellent macaroot and good wtMs and liquors, at remarkably ivasonable pncea. A pleasant late afternoon trip from tbe city Is to take a SUten laUnd ftorry boat, fool of Wbitehall Street (Battery), to OUfton, (Staten Island) Ore miles, fare ten cents, tbenoe by borae cars, about two milm, fare flve cents, to the Qusmotlne. After dinner, wiib wine, at tbe Italian bostolrle, SO oenta to $1, a ratum late in tbe evening by the uauie route will complete one of tbe most inexpensive and altogetber comfortable ez- cursiooa In tbe Immediate vioinlty of tbe metropolis, during wblcbone wtu bave obtained a One view of tbe barbor and a ceneroas look at the broad expanse of tbe ooean, wltb tbe refreablng breezea that alwaya blow from seaward. », "^"■P*' "• ^•— * "otU nlu«^ M mllea tram New York, on tbe Irie BaUway, amidst moaatSn soeuM-y, at oooe picturesque and beautiful. From tbe bistorle peaks of Giant Tome tbe piers of tbe Bmnkiyn bridge may be seen. Lake Pofiiue, 800 feet abore tbe yaiiey. and 1 mile from tbe station, affords cood pickerel and bass ilsbing. and boaUng. Terrace Hall b a favorite reiiori for artists wbo come to make stodiea of Ramapo Valley scenery, and for families. No Uouon are sold atthe hotel, and there U no bar-room In the village. There la a Presbyterian ctaurota In Ramano and other churches within ertsy distance. Beaobed by the Erie Hallroad. from Twenty-tblrd and Cbamben streets ; fare $1.06: excursion $.i4a *''>«no«* ltedBank,N.J.-OntbeNHvesinkIUrer,orNortb branch of the Shrewsbury, about seven mites from tto 4" ER MSOKIt. tttomeot, Md tt thU off wUeh tlM ooMo no. anui Um bmtlUt or ixtaotory •zunlmUloo, Ml by ponou •waiting leainer. ai unna^ e UMlth OOcer, or bit 'rom tba offloUi boat, orfrlendaara obliged M Ha long aa two or tor vlaiton are not ex- but at a mall boa- raaldeiioa, kept by an « beda, and a dinner oellent maearonl and iinartably ivasonable >n (rip from tbe oltr Is tt, foot of Wblteball m Island) Htb mites, ara, about two miles, ■>• After dlimer.wUta oenu to $l,a return >uie will oomplete one retber oomfortabla sz- t7 of Um metropolis, led a floe riew of tbe I broad eipanie of tba M ttaat aiwaja blow nllac^ M miles from »T, amidst mo3ctxlc oeautlful. From tba piers of tbe Bmoklrn ^ue. 500 f«et abore atatlon, alforda good Ung. Terrace Hall Is ome to make atodiea rbunlllea. NoUquora I no bar-room in tba ^urob In Ramapo, IWonoe. Beaobedbr -tblrd and Cbambers ireslDkBlrer.orNortb oeven milea from tba nicnoNAKT or aDsutcR auioRn. ocean, eigbt milea from Long Branch, and tbirtr-nlne miles from New Tork. Tbera la a population of SJOO and cbnrobes of all denominations. Tbe town la verr old, baring baaa aettled In 1W4 and Incorporated la 1706; wiuulli limits one of tbe Important engarn- menis of tba RaTolutlonary war was fought. "Am drives and snrrouodlnga ara unnsuallr attraotlTe, while tbe fadlitlea for boating, sailing and Bsblng are unexoalled. B«acbed by tbe New Jersey Centralfrom foot Ot LIbartT street, time one hour, ten minutes (by •zpnaa trains; : farefl, eieurslon |t,BO; eight truns dttlly. Or by steamer from Pier 88, North RiTer, tkre ISO oentBitbe time ot sailing being goTerned by tbe tldea. Hotels : Globe and Central, $f.Si> to WiM per day. M to 915 per week; Onion, $1» to $1 JO a day, tSto 910 a week; and sevMal boarding bousea, 98 to 910 par w«e<. Railroads*— For railroad stations In New Tork. departure and arrival of tralps on all roads and for all places, distaaoea and fares, see "Z— Y— Z Guide, tor current moBtb. Rivera.— £>(wt Rioer Is tbe name of tbe strait connecting Long IsUnd Sound witb New Tork Harbor. On lu weatera sbore U NewTork Oltv and on tbe eastern, Brooklyn and Umg Island City. From tbe Battery to where tbe Harlem River empties into It, It is 10 miles in length. Hioriem Blver Is, In reality, an arm of Long Island Bound, wblob, with Spuyten Duyvil Creek, forms a tidal channel between Long Island Sound and tba Hudson River. It baa a winding channel, which glvra It a total length ot about 7 mitm, Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil Creek divide Manhattan Island, on which New Tork Citv Is ballt, from tba main Und. North Bteer to tbe local name for that part of the Hudson Rlvar wblob separatee tbe City of New Tork on tbe east from New Jersey. Hoboken, and other places on tba Jersey sbore. It to about a mile in width. and its course to almost due nortb. Tba docks of tbu ocean staamabip llnea are on both the New Tork and Jersey City shores. The Hudaun River to hardly l««i famous than tbe Rhine for the variety and beauty or lu scenery. The trip between New York and Albany, 144 miles, should be made by dav boat, if possible. For tbe many delightful towns. vUtoges, and resoru 48 If The Social News of the World. ANDREWS' [merican ©ueen Hu been tenued \>j lu oontemporarlM, "Tbe Or>urt Journal of Amerim." Iln daliii to the title of being tlie Bert Boeletj Paper publlihed In tbl* ooun- U7 it founded upon ib« fact, that It li tbe only Joumal lu wbloh to collated reports of tbe doings of tbe best ■ooiety in all important citlni and towu^t on ttils omitl- nent, thus preserring, always frBsb, acquaintances formed during tbe seaimns of travel, and also keeping people of one city fully posted as to tbe social ufe at ibeir friends In eTery other. In eaob Issue of THE' QUEEN are full and compre- bensire reporu of balls, rei'cptlons, banquets, wed- dings, and all other fashionable events in all parts of tbe country. In addition to its Society Reports and Correspond- ence, THE QDKEN contains, during the Watering Place Beason, full and complete reports from all tbe chief Watering Places of America. THE QUEEN, In addition to Its Social Reports, Foreign Correspondence and Watering Place News, Is tbe great American an- tborlty on Etiquette, while Its Literary teaturee are of a very bl^h order of merit. ANDREWS' AMERICAN QUEEN Is published every Saturday. For sale by newsdealers everywbere. Single copies, 10 cents. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Postage free In the United States and Canada : Om« Tear $4.00 Six Montha S.OO Three months 1.00 THE QUEEN PVBLISEING COMPANY, W. R. ANDREWS, Kanaoir, Franklin Square, New York. W'! r the World. WS' Dueen porariM, "The Omtrt II to the title of being lubllihed In tbls oouu- t It li tbe only Journal he doings ot tbe belt d towua on tbls o«Hltl- frtMb, acquBlotMioei iTel, and also keeping s to tbe soalal life ot are full and compre- ions, banquets, wed- ev«nts In all parts of orts and Correspond- durlng the Watering reports from all this Oi. THE QUEEN, In reign Correspondence J great American an- terary feature! are of EN is publlsbed every « ererywhera. Single •RICE, ates and Canada : $4.00 S.OO 1.00 NG COMPANY, ANAQIR, are, New York. UICTIONART or BDMMER RnORTl. along lu banks, see tbe name ot each mentioned, In !(• proper place. Rockawajr Beach, L. I. —This Is a narrow strip of land, about 7 miles In lenulli, lyinff ea»t of <"oney Island, and between Jamaica Buy hmU tlie ocoiiii; ;<« miles from New York by rail and about the same dis- tance by water. After Coney Island came in vofjue. a vigorous attempt was made to popularize Bockaway, It iwlng claimed that Its distance from tbe city gave U tbe advantage of greater selectness as to tbe char- acter of lU visitors. Extensive ImproveiiienU were raade,lnoludlnK tbe construction of an Iron pier and tlie building of an enormous ;■>. ' The hotel, which Is In tbe shape of a letter E, with the unbroken front to the ocean. Is 1 140 feet, or nearly one-quarter of a mile In length, wl'.h an average depth of 70 feet. At dlllerent paru the ^'lildin^ Is four, seven and eight stories In height: tt con'ttlns 1,300 rooms.aiid Ita mammoth dining room will seat 3 000 persons at one time. The Company owns 2,000 acres .urrouniiliitf th Narrows and tbe entire ttretoh of ooaat from Norton'! Point (Oonoy Itland) to Rookaway la obtained. On tbe boat taare la mudo by tbe band and refreabment* c{ all klDda, Uquld aa well aa aolid. Reacbed by freouent tralDi, Tia the New Tork.Woodbayen * Bookaway Ball- Road, from Long Uland City (Oftaen mtnutea distant from Tblrty-roiirtb street ferry, East Rirer, or from fwrlea from foot of Seventb street, Jamea Slip and Pier 10. bourslou faro 80 cents. For steamboats for Rookaway, see adrertlaementa in dally paper. Ilare tame at by rail. Tbe 8EA8IDB HOUSE, and Ita dellgbtful surround- ings, extending from tbe sea to tbe bay. Is under tbe old management, so popular and eoergiBitlc, of Messrs. Runson and Wain wrlgbt. Tbe apartments are of tbe verr beat. Tbe table It flrtt-olaai, and conveniently at band are batblng accommodations for ettber surf or stUI water, boating, crabbing, flablng, etc., altogetber combin- ing a plaoe wbere tbe oppcntunltlea for pleasure are almost unlimited, and wbere tbe Tisitor Is practically tree from tbe annoyances so prevalent H summer retort*. Ita rates are $8 a day, tlB to 918 a week. Tbe station Is witbln 100 feet of tbe Bay House, and tbe str«mert land at tbelr docks close by. Tbere are 1,000 batblng-boutes connected witb the Hotel. Tbe EAST END HOTEI^ (Hammell't ttatlon,) one- bundred yards from tbe depot, bas accommodations for 400 people, at $4 a day, 915 to 9% a week; great im- urore-jnent* iWTe been made since last season, and tba batbing, boating, llsblng, and gunning are unexoailad ; open from June I5th to October 1st. Tbe OOXAN HOUSE, to beautifully situatiid on (be aea, has changed managera, tbe new Arm being Utmn, Seap A Ool, botta of whom are to well-known to plea*- ure-teekera tliat tt«lr names are ample guarantee for tbe •xoellaBoe of tbelr ettabUthment. Krarythlnt about it la new and llrst-olaat. TbeSOO batli-boutei connected wUb tbe botel are greatly improTad, ud tlw BO ♦ / (MKR RmORTS. trtetf. At ibe nuitaeroiu i • ipeoialtr Is made o( iltr well cooked, altbougb stdedly prlmltlTe style. , tlie trip to Rooksway is K pleasant oombloatlon Is irn by tbe otber ; on tbe be barbor and Its Islands, itch of coast from Norton's iway Is obtained. On tbe id and refreshments c{ all 1. Reaobed by frequent ilbaTen * Bookaway RaU- ' (llfteen minutes distant rry, Kaat Rlrer, or from treet, James Slip and Pier M. For steamboats for • In dally paper. Iiare its dellgbttul surround- iotbe bay, is under tbe nd energetic, of Messrs. apartments are of tbe verr and oonvenlently at band >r ettiier surf or sttll water, etc., altoKetber oombln- lunltles for pleasure are tbe visitor is practically 10 prevalent M summer , $15 to $18 a week. Tbe ' the Bay House, and tbe ilose by. Tbere are 1,000 li ttiu Hotel. Hammell's station,) one- , bas accommodations for ) $86 a week; great im- ■Ince last season, and tbe gunning are unexoellad ; irlst. tlf ully situatod on tbe Ma, new Arm bttoff Utmn, » so well-known to pleaa- are ample guarantee for nbUahment. Krarrthing as. Tbe WO batli-taoasea [refttlr tfflproTad, ud tlw DtonoiruiT or taiuuB uiOMt. botel wUI open June 1st. Bates per day, $t to M ; par week, $15 to $»•, cblldren and servuiU balf-priM: witb aooocamodaUous for 2S0 people, and table rooa tor TOO. Rathernird Park, N. S.—k loTely summer borne, 9ii miles from New York on tbe Krle Railroad, wltb 14 trains eacb way d^^Iy, and from and S to New York on Sundays. Tbe Passato rlrer U only a mile from tbe station. Tbere are Kplscopal. Metho- dist, Presbyterian and Baptist Ohurobes. Tbe drlres are One, and tbe boating and flsblng prominent at- tractions. From tbe elevation over wbiob Rutberfurd Park Is scattered, the Highlands, the Palisades and tbe Orange Mountulns are vUlble. A drive that is particu- larly enjoyable is from Central Park to Butberfurd Park, B miles, crossing by tbe Weebawken ferry. Beached by Erie Railroad from Chambers and Twenty- third streets; tare 80 centf. excursion 40 cents; or by Delaware,Laoka wanna A Western Railroad from Bar- clay and Obrlstopber streets, same distance and same fare as by Brie. Wui Rutherfurd is a continuation of the same village. Its e'«tlon being a mile beyond that of tbe Erie at ButbeWu^'S Park. Board at the Rutber- furd House and tbe Riverside Hotel, |8 to $10 a week ; Mrs. Van Riper, on the ridgo, $6 to $8 a week. Bye, N. T.— A dellKbtrul resort on Long Island Sound, 87 mile* from New Tork. At tbo beach are batblDg, boating and Osbing. Coaches run to all trains from tbe Bye Beach Hotel and the Cliff House. Beached by tbe New Havm Ballroad, from tbe Grand Central D^wt ; trains houriy ; fare 81 cents, excur- sion $1.19. Sandy Bookt N> J.— A peninsula, joined to Wardell's Beach, by a narrow neck of land opposite tbe Highlands and tbe mouth of tbe Naveslnk. What la now tiM extreme northwestern point of tbe mainland of tbe Mew Jetaey coast was formerly an island, but tbe channel whlob existed In 1778 baa ainoe disappeared. Beslde#belng a landmark for all incoming Teasels, ttie end of tbe H0(A lying directly acroat we- main ahlp channel. It poaseases bistorio interest. The Pioneer ligbtboooe, ballt in ITes, wasfortilled by British troopa during the Bevolutlonary war. An attack wai made on them by a party of Menmoutta County, M. J., mllUla wltb 01 V4:. / DIOTIONIRT or tnillER RMORTB. 1*0 • lx-prtiinder» cuinmanded by Geiicr h1 Darld FormMU The IttUer whs forctnl lo retreat on the iipptmrance ot • Brltlib man-of-war. At Sandy Huok tiiere ure three Ughlhoiiseii, a UU- - ivliiir utiitlon r..iii rcil necesiarj by the numerous wi>-forin»iKnal station, a lInlt«Ml 8Ute« rorilflcjUInn and ground for toailns ordnance, and iho wharvea and stations of the N»w Jereoy Southern llftll-roiid. Dhianoe twenty mllea from New V k; reitrhee prloei, 1'. persons Reached by New '"rsey Central iiii New Jersey Sotii hiTu Railroads from Joot of Ubertv street, 1 hour, 90 minute* ; faro 85 cents, excursion $1.85; or, by boat from Pier 8, foot of Liberty street, to SandT Hook, thonoe by train of New Jersey southern, 6 dally trains each way. Sea OIrt, N. J. a uew s- isldo resort. Its roman- tic name being sugH'Ulveof th. uiiny attractions which It affords. It Is laid out on the radial plan, all streets and avenues diverging from a common centre, known la local parhii " »■- " The Cres<'ent," a park of 20 acres, fronting on tu.; ocean, with u broad drive extending along the entire front. The place Is owned by a com- pany and In rather select as to Its patrons. Hotels: Beach Hous' $4 a day, $18 to $85 a week. 800 persons ; Park House l Gregg House, each $3 a day, $10 to $25 a week, ano .lOout lOo persons each ; Ventnor Cottage, $2 a day, $10 to $16 a week, SO persons. Reached by the New Jersey Central R. R. foot of Liberty street ; 57 miles, S houn ; fare $1.8u, excursion $2.15; ii trains, all r^ dally, or six by boat to Sandy Hook, thence by rail ; or, bj Pennsylvania A FreetMld B. B. from Cort- 5ae ■Wf !)iMIK RJUORTS. I by OeiR>rHl Darld rormao. at on tb« uppttnrance ol » idy Huuk tiiertt ure three itlim- rciP'S-ri'il nHcesmr; « llH ahorea a >ti)riii»lH:nal rtlflaUlou am\ irrounil tor liiirvns and statloiia of tbe l-roiirt. DUlnnc* twenty •liel(, 220 porojiis; Peninsula W a week, 175 persons; S«a 75 peraous. Readied by Jersey Souihern Railroads 1 hour, 80 minutes ; fare BS f boat troin Pier 8, foot ol I, thence by train ol N«w us each way. «r »• aside resort, Its roman- the imny attractions which tbe radial plan, all streets I a common centre, known •esoent," a park ot 80 a enjoys (ne lieiiiities of nature. The air Is pure, cool and brucltiif, and iIm' healthfulness of the plaoe especially coinraonds It ; lii.leen Kraatly Improved of latai, and haa a etowIiik ixipiilnrlir. Trie noftiprjr o( tlw Itland li dlTttnlned ami Hlinu-tlve, aad tbn aumiund- inga are (tPllKhtrtil. All inlnatlona hare churcbea. Mittela: Prooiwct HniiMi nnd ('(>ttaa«a,|S.BO a da)r,tl7.fiO a ire<-k, chlmrttn nnd aprvitnln halfrauw, art^oiniNJatloDi r'n[M)rt, thence by ferry; (are, pxrumlon 84.00. Mine Slnir, N. V. ()n the eaatem shore of the Hudson RIvnr, 8« nilloH from New York. Here la lo- rated the Htiite Prison, wliirh can hardly be considered an attraction for visit )rH, Ihiwfver. The Hndson RIvrr altalnaltaRrnalett width aiilils point, and the natural attractions aro such as In iiiiikH tho placo a favorite tiiirnmer residence. Nciir hy are the Methmlist oamp- nie«'tlnR {(rounds. Reached either by trains on Ine .New York Central A Hudion River R. It., or by Uudron Itlrer boata. Sloatabnrc N. Y.— A station on the Erie Rail- way, 8« inlica from New York. Three lakes, Tnuedo locally known as Duck Cedar), Pota quarters occupied by (JenemI and Lady Wunhlngton In the winter of 1778-79, where the Sullivan campaign wb» planned. In the neighborhood are romantic gorges, beanttful ciiicadefl, and enticing walks and drives. To 54 -S— .'. MIR HtMRTt. »nn« noiiM— 19 • d»r, I.I' New JtmDj SoutlMini u iiiiitM, S houra. 1 tralD cunlon t^M. An liltiMl 13 mllei lonir m Rraallr linprovtxl at rUj. Th« Koceierjr of tt)* l««, ami thn surn>und- ilrmtloiin haro cliiirclKM. llui{i»,$8.50 A ilHy,$17.80 lair raUft Ulanil R, It., froiii Uhik <)rt, tbenoe by ferry; fare tliA «Biit«m Hfanre of tbs New York Herstilo- ■an hardly be oonaldered for. Tlio Iliiilson HIvit ■ point, anil the natural ttke the plaiv) a fayorlte lire the Melhoilist oamn- eltlier by trains on ln« Iver It. 11., or by Uudron Ution on the Erie Ilall- . 'I'lirt^ liike-t, Triixedo PotM«ue anil Ceilar, are M anil plckoriil flahlnit. iMMl 8prln« .Sanitarium, emona, at $10 a we<'k. od coiinlry board oan be Reached by Erlellitll- 'wenty-thlrd atreeta; 4 from and 8 to New York alon $1.49. llaRe on the north bank ut of SomersHit, with a I'hpre are many plaicw of ; th(>m bi^lnir the lioiid- snd Lriily Wuihlngtou In e Sullivan campaign wai id are romantic gorges, g walki and drlres. To mcrnoRART or •cmin ftnoRT*< llM gmlflfrlat the extenalTe ml ahale depoalU and oM red aandstnne formaiion afford uppiirlunltli^ for a •«•- •on'n Ktudy. Ilolela ; Somprwt, fi.K a day, |7 a weeks OouniT liouie. Ten Kyrk, Ta)lur, ciich t^aday, Mlo flOa week, and moms for al><>ut 2(1 eanh. Ilearhed bf New Jemoy Central Railroad from foot of I.lhertT •treet, 88 milea from New York, 15 dally lralni>ea<-n way; time, 1 hour, 10 mliiutea; fare |t.06, exounlon ■•nita AmboYt N. J.— Situated on the iouth bank of the RahUn Hlver, and at the nolnt where It empties Into the bay of the same name. It Ilea opposite the south end of .stated Inland and leslirosses street* ; or, i>v steamer from Plifr fi. North Ulver, 3 1'. M., fare 31) cents. Hotels: Rlppowmi, $8 a day, $8 a week. 40 permiii^': lliillrooil House, Amboy Housts Kverett llouae, each J 1 .M a day, $7 a week, and accummoilnllons for about 25 Kuesta. floulliflelda, K. V.— A station on the Erie Rail- way, 42 miles from New York, In the midst of wild scenery. Well-known to lovers of piscatorial sport, from tfio fact that at this point Wlld-c»t llrook, a fam- ous trout steam, empties Into the Ramapo River. Man- basha and Truxedo laketi, stocked with pickerel and black tia.eoome popular wltb a most deitrable class of patrons, the number o( 55 mOTIOXART OF SUMMKR RESOKTS. Whom Is annually Increasing. The hotels and boardlHit houses are bounded on the East by the ocean and on the West by the lake from which the place takes Its name. Wonst the beach Is a magnlflcent drive, on the blulTs h a sliflitly promenade, while the shade trees along the lake shore are nn attractive resort. There are surf and still water bathlnp— the former being free from under- tow, salt and fresh water, rowing, sailing and flshlng and tempting rnmhios In the pine woods. Hotels : Mon- mouth, $4 a day, $-M a week, 800 persons ; Carletf.u, AIlRire, Essex, Surf Cottages, each i^i a d;.y, 810 to $30 a week, aoo to a.'W pensons each ; Lake House, S2.50 a day, $12 to $24 a week, 250 persons ; Sea View, $2 a day, $10 to $18 a week, 100 persons; Ocean, $8.60 a day, $15 a week, 125 persons ; Townsend, $8 a day, $8 to $1j! a week, 70 persons; and a dozen other cottages and boarding houses, at $1.50 to $2.50 a day and $8 to $15 a week, lleiiched by New Jeraey C<>ntral Railroad, from Liberty street, twelve trains dally; fare $1.30, excursion $2.30, or by boat from Pier 8 to Sandy Hook, thence by rail. Spuytcn Duyvll.-A village within New Tork city limits, thirieen miles from City Hall, North of the creek of the same name and East of the Hudson River reached by Hudson River Railroad, either from Grand Central Depot, or from the station In SOth street and 10th avenue, fare 22 cents, constant trains day and night. Spuytcn DuuvU Creek separates Manhattan Island, on which New York Is built, from the mainland, and conneota the Harlem and Hudson Rivers. It is designed to replace the present creek with a ship canal so that vessels r, auperuly Illustrated, and la ilUed III! of --^^sFASHION NEWS;^- In London, Paris and Berlin, the bpst mncUnten in tliose great fasldon centres are under contract to furnlsli, by every steamer, exact pattei-ns of every new elyle as it is turned out of their workshops, hence ANDREWS' BAZAR l!> always In advance 01 any Fashion Jourual published In America. In addition to Its Fashion Department, Its Uterary content* are unexcelled. — 'H-^ QQvtllxartt SeTzal,-^— by an eminent writer, is always an attraction, while Its esaays on Books, the Arts and Sciences, Sliort Stories, Poems, etc., are always of the highest character. Its low SubecrlpMon Price— only One Dollar per annani— makes ti.w journal a marvel of cheapness, Kvery hubscrlber Is entitled to SO cents worth of the best Paper Patterns In the world of tlielr own selection. Send a three cent stamp for Illustrat'sd Catalogue of premiums offered for new subscribers. Sample copies mailed to any address upon receipt of ten conts. THE QUEEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, FrariHlin Squart, New Tork. W. R. Andrews, Manager. dMtmMiaiiattk. ^ DICTIONARY or SmilER RESORTS. the Sound, eppotlto Nev/ Rocbelle, and owned by Jubn H. Startn, and cbiefly Mtronlaed by excursionists of tb« better cUm. The bianda are connected by bridge*, and are beautlfally laid oat aa a park, the general effect being Terr picturesque. There is a flue restaoran t, bar, eat^ paTllion, daiiclng-hall, bowline alley, sbootlnir sallery, and everytblng else In tbe line of recreation, amusement and pleasure. A One band of music plays day and nieht, and old-fasbioned Rhode Island elam- ^akes are features of tbe season. There is facility for battling and boating. Special police are In attendanne, and t'lere Is never any disorder or disturbance. This 'Is the most select and desirable of all the excursion re- sorts within fifty miles of tbe metropolis, and In the two seasons It has been opened has attained very gene- ral popularity. Staten Island, N. ^' -Tbe larfrest Island In Nsw York Harbor, about thlri en miles In length by eight at Its greatest width, with \n area of sixty miles. It lies along tho Now Jersey shdre, and the Northern end Is about five miles from the Battery, from whence it Is reached by ferry boats from Whltehjill street run- ning to Tompklnsville, Stapleton and Cl!ftc!i, on the East shore ; and to New Brighton, Sailor's Snug Harbor, Oastleton, Pert Richmond and Elm Park on the Nor.b and West. At TottenvlIIe, on tbe extreme Southern po nil a forry connects the Island with Perth Amboy, N. J. A railroad runs from Tompklnsvllle to Tottenvllle. There are many points of Interest on Staten Island, In- cluding Quarantine and the Forts (which see). The Island Is very much broken up and diversified by hills and groveH, the most sightly locations being mainly occupied by the residences of wealthy New Yorkers. The total populati >n of Staten Island, which constitutes Richmond Conn'}, of wblcb the town of Richmond 18 the county scat, Is In number about 40,000. There are numerous small hotels, restaurants aiid beer gardens, the latter being very much frequented by New York Germans on Sunday. At all the landings I'jere oae sail and row boats to let, with plenty of good salt water Bsbing, and delightful drives In ninny directions. Perhaps the pleasantest part €f an excursion to Staten Island la tho breezy ride on the ferry boat, from which a Doe view of the harbor Is obtained. It wat between Tanderbllt's landing, Staten Island, and the Battery 57 W •--^ - ,.:^6aa!»;- .JM:^ ;R RKS0RT3. «, and owned by John d by ezourslonbts of connected b} bridgea, Mkrk, the general eSeet a flue restaurant, bar, iwltoe alley, sbnotlntr the line of recreation, e band of music slays Rhode Island elam- . There Is facility for lice are In attendance, or disturbance. This f all the excursion re- metropoUs, and In the as attained Tery gene- ?he larprest island in n miles In length by in area of sixty miles. >re, and the Northern Battery, from whence Whitehall street mn- i and Cl!ftc3, on tbo I, Sailor's Snug Harbor, m Park on the Norh ;he extreme Southirn with Perth Amboy, N. insTllle to To;ten?llle. it on Staten Island, In- irts (which see). The ind dlverslfled by hills Kations being mainly real thy New Torkers. and, which constitutes le town of Richmond r about *),000. There ri'sttiurants and beer loh frequented by New all the landings f^ere h plenty of good salt es In ninny dlrpctlons. n excursion to Staten ferry boat, from which lined. It walaoe of the sort.wlU be the i'asino, a picturesque structure In Moor- ish style, to be c(iiiiplnt«d and opened the proseat season, Broadway and 1 liii ty-uluth street. Tom'a River, N. J.— A village particularly fortunate as to its location and surroundings. In the bay and river are flshlnur and sailing unsurpassed. There are splendid drives and delightful views. Island Heights, (which see) a Methodist camp-meetlug reset, Is near by. The hotel accommodations are excellent, and many Improvements have been made to meet the constantly growing demands of visitors. The hotels are: Magmiliii, $3.B0 to $8 a day, $10 to glO a week, 185 persons : Ocean, $2 a day, $10 a week, (SO persons ; Toms Blver, $8 a day, $10 a week, 50 persons. Reached by .New Jersey Southern R. R., from Liberty street, 48 miles, 8>i hours; fare (1.85, excursion Tuckerton, N. J.— Situated on the Ltttie Egg Harbor Bay, a beautiful sheet of water. There are three churches, and a population of over l,iX)0. Sailing and fishing are among the attractions. Reached by the New Jersey Southern & Tuckerton R. R., from Liberty street, 75 miles, 4 hours, fare $2.7.">, excursion $4.50. Tarf (the).— Several of the most prominent race courses In the United Stales are located In Now York or its Immediate vicinity. These Include Jerome Park, near Fordhani (which see), where the Ameriian Jockey Club holds race raoetlugs annually in June and October : the track of the Coney Island Jockey Club, at Sheep-s- liead Bay, Long Island (which see), about a mile back of Ck>uey Island, where meetings are held In June and Septoinber ; the Coney Island Course, where the Bright- on Bleach Racing Association holds races weekly, from the middle of June to the end of September ; the trot- ting course at Fleetwood I'ark, near Melrose, within the city limits; the Brooklyn Driving Park and the PrMpect Driving Park, both on the road between Brooklyn and Coney Island ; Monmouth Park, 4 miles ■fL.t?Maa;y..- by the means of a open-air i;arden Id -third street, near l«?i, on the Bowery, far the nneot, most tractive place of the H stnuiiire In Moor- (1 the pri'sent season, rlllage particularly ToundlnKs. In the atllni; UQsurpa.s3ed. Iitfnl views. Island nip-ineotlu(f reson, tloiis are excellent, n made to meet the -Isltors. The hotels §10 to $16 a week, a week, 60 persons ; week, 50 persons. B. R., from Liberty re $1.85, excursion on the lilttie Egg iter. There are three 1,000. Sailing and Reached by the New from Liberty street, loa $4.60. nost prominent race ated In New York or Blude Jerome Park, he American Jockev n June luid October': :ey Club, at Shpep.-i- about a mile back e held In June and e, where the Brlght- I races weekly, from iptember; the trol- sar Melrose, wlthl-i Ivlng Park and the the road between loutu Park, 4 luilus SICTIONART or SUUMER RBSOP.TS. from Long Branch, where meetings are held In July and AiiL'iist. (For accurate Information covering eTerythliiit one need know of the turf, see "Krtk^ Guide to the Turf," which is the standard authority.) Tarner**, N, T.— On the main line of the Erie Railway, 42 miles from New York, and known to all travelers as an eatlm? station where every train stops. It Is located In the Ramapo Valley, noted for Its beau- tiful scenery, and Its natural surroundings are varied and allurlner. Bass and pickerel are to be found In (■laughter, Riimsey, Little Long, Mombasha, and Round I.,ake!<. all near by. Grod hoard can be had. Including Oranco County milk, butter and cream, for $7 U> $10 a week. Reached by Erie R.R. from Chambers or Twen- tv-ihlrd Streets, 9 trains from New Yck dally and 5 on Sunday: 8 trains to New York dal'.y and S on Sunday; fare $1.46 ; excursion $1.85. Ward'n Imlaud. An Island containing about AXi acres, in Kast River, bounding Hell Gate on the north. On it are located the Insane Asylum for Males, HomfL'opathIo Hospital, the State Emigrant Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, House of Refuge, a Home for Children and a Home for Invalid Soldiers. Permission to visit the Island can he obtained from the ('(piiiiuls- sioners of Charities and Corrections, Third avenue and Eleventh street, thence by boat from fool of Twenty- sixth street. East River. Waretown, N. JT.— Good flshing, boating, and hunting. Hotels: Hopkins, $1.50 |)er day, $8 to $10 per week, 50 persons ; Centennial, S- per day, $10 to $18 per week, 40 persons. Reached by New .Jersey Southern R.R. from Liberty street ; CI miles, 3^ hours ; fare $2.15, excurelon $3.75. Weehaivken, N. J.— North of Hoboken, on the Hudson river, the Elyslan Fields being between the two places. At the foot of the hill on which Weehawk- en stands, was the spot where Alexand<>r Hamilton wag killed In bis duel with Aaron Burr. Reached by ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street. West End) N. J.— The moat southerly station In Long Branch (which see) foriy-slx miles f.-otn New York, reached by same routes aa Long Branch. The West End Hotel, the largest at this resort, with a capa- eo DICnONAKT or SUMSIER KnOKTt. eltr tw 1900 guests, Is about midway between IM Ocean House and tbe Elberou (wblcb also see). West HaTen, C'oun.— DIreotlj (ronUng oi Loug lalaud Bound, 76 miles from New York. Tbs views are Due, tbere are shady groves and pleasant walks, and tbe batbing and Uablng are One attractions. Tbe Sea View Hotel Is a favorUe resort, wblob is con- nected by borse carx witli botb tbe New Haven depots. Bea.-;bed by New York A New Haven B.B. from Grand Central Depot ; fare $1.70. West Point, N. Y.-One of tbe beet known and most popular resorts on tbe continent, and of Interest, not only tor tbe variety and great natural beauty of Its scenery and surroundings, but also because bere is es- tabllsbed tbe military school, " the cradle of tbe United States Army." The hotels are : Cranston's, $4 per day. and West Point Hotel, (4 per day, with aooommodatlonii for 600 pcMiIe. Beached by boat direct from New York, or by N. Y. Central A Hudson Biver B.B. from Grand Central Depot to Garrison's Station, 61 milee, tbence by lerry. Oorrison's is also a popuhtr resort. Tbe hotels are tbe Ulgbland House and Croft House, escb $2.60 per day. JTbere are also several good boardlug-bouses. Wliltestone, I<. I.-A village situated on tbe north shore of Long Island, oommanding a line view of tbe Bound. Good boating and flsblng. "Een mtlee from New York. Reached by ferry from Tbinv-fourtb and Seventh streets, James Blip and Pier 17, to Long Island city, thence by almoet bourly trains on I«ng Island Railroad. Fare, 80 cents; ucunlon, 86 cents. Reasonable rates at boardtng-bousea for the summer ; transient visitors, $8 a day at tbe Wbltestone House. Wiatliic, N. J.HSitnated In the midst of the pine woods, and a desirable place (or those who enloy Srlmltlve accommodations and surroundlnga. Baa lanslon U the only hotel ; $» a day, $8 a weoc. 60 per- sons. Beaobed by New Jersey Bwitbem Railroad, from Liberty street ; tea miles, n4 boun, S trains dally eaob way; fare $1^, excursion I8.S6. 'Woodbarch, I<. 1.— On tbe F&r Bockaway Branch ot tbe Long Island B.R., 18 miles from New York, vrltb Ave tbrough express trains and live way trains each way dally. Commutation fare $9.^ per 01 "-•( ER uaokn. midway between IM bleb alio lee). -DIraotlj (rontiBK oi roni New York. Tbe ly grovetand pleasant Dg are One attracUona. ) reeort, whlob is oon- Lbe New Haven depota. laven B.B. from Grand of the beet known and Inent, and of Interest, at natural beauty of Ita ISO became bere Ss ea- lie cradle of tbe United Cranston'a, $4 per day. y, witb acoommodatlonii direct from New York, liver R.B. from Grand Ion, 61 miles, tbence by liar resort. Tbe butels rott House, eacb $2.50 good boardlug-bouses. Illage situated on tbe imanding a fine view of id flablog. Ten milea irry from Tbiftf-fourtb ) and Pier 17, to Long tiourly trains on Long «; (>zcurslon, fi& cents, ousea for tbe summer; e Wbltestone House. 1 m tbe midst of tbe « for Uioae wbo enjoy I aurroundlnga. Baa lay.tfiawew. fiO per* 9y Boutbwn Ballroad, n< bours, S trains daily i|8.S6. m tbe Far Bookaway R., 18 mllca from New ■i trains and live way utatton fare $9.2S per mciio!i*«T or BtmiiM risobts. month. Tbe views of tbe ocean and bay are magnlB cent, the location Is healthful, and all tbe sunwindlngi are attractive. There Is excellent «>St"yL.""".^';i.li2?. both still-water and surf bathing. IJe nshlng Inehides blue, king, sbeepahead, eels. an«[«»S*.,.Th« "*"f«5S* are Bpisropal and Methodist. Tbe P»irtlion Hotel, ad- mirably locaiod. one-eighth of a mile from the station, has 880 feet of broad verandas commanding the best views, and iW rooms, with accommodations for aoo per- sons. Since last season the hotel has been entirdy ren- ovated. A large pUyground for children U a feature of the establishment, and It U altogther a home-like hotel (or families. Bates $8 per day, $18 to $80 Pe» week ; children and servants. 96 to $10 per week. Time from Wall Street FWry 66 minutes ; excursion fare 70 cents. t'acIitiiur.-Thls is almost wholly confined to sev- eral aristocratic organixatlons. tbe pastime being too expensive, except for those who have plenty of both money and leUure. At tbe bead stands the New York Yacht Club, whose bouse i^ at thecornerof Mad son avenue and Twenty-seventh street. This and the other dubs have large fleeU of boaw. and the annuuraces attract a groat deal of attention. The largest and handsomest new yacht the present aeason was one built at Newburgb for Mr. James Gordon Bennett, the proprietor of tte N- York HeniW. The annual ciuIsM Of the more pi .inent dubs are ranked among tbe social events of the summer season. Yachts can be hired at No. 68 Beaver street. For those who are con- tent with the more modest and inexpensive pleasure of a trip in a sailboat, or a puU In a rowboat, see Boa»(0, Canoiwo and Bowimq. Yonliera, N. Y.-One of tbe many handsome nltles on the Hudson, lu boundaries adlolning New York on the north, and about eighteen miles from City Hau. It stends on a blulT which commands a lovely vlew^ the river, and tbe opposite shore, and amonf,' iU 80,000 lobabitanu are a great number of wealthy men wl» do b^eSsln New fort. While Yonkers U a^ delightful Dlace (or a permanent home, It Is doubly so for a sum- mer iwldenc?, owing to lU accessibility and •wound- Inn. Among tbemany stately mansions near Yonkers, uthat of tomnel J. Tllden. Tbereare churches of al denominations and the best of society. The, principal '--1 ¥'^■1 jiiiiiii_ I'ji,. , i' 'fc- DICTIO.VART OF 8CUUER RESnnTS. out-oMoor attractions nrc boiitliiK, rtdlnK. drlvliiB and tbe i)ct*nerT. One of tbe bent woeklv papura In tlm country Is published hen?, the Gazette, edited by J. G. P. BolUen. Cioud summer board can be obtained at rea- sonable prices. Transient board at tbe Getty House, ta a day ; a reduction by the week or month. Reached by tiie Uurds('t\ River Railroad, from Ornnd Central tlen^twcnty trulos each way dally, aud Ove traln» on Sundir •' (are 80 cents. Or by boats, seveiiK'en miles, four Qugft tvofrom PlerM North Id ver, f mm Pier 4:j Noftt BNa, MC from Pier 35 North River ; fare ao ceuu, eZMiniona) c«nu. 63 liiill' 7 VER BKSORTS. lliiK, ridinfr, drtvliiR and t weekly pap«ra In the iazetle, edited by J. G. P, can be obtained at rea- ard at tbe Getty House. e«k or montli. Reacbed m, from Grand Central dally, and Hve train* on boata, seventeen mlleH, forth IHver, fioni I'ler4i SS North River ; fare 30 SEASIDE RESORTS. There li no coast In the world more diversified In Iti conformation, or affording a ereator variety of seaiide pcenery, thnn thnt which marks the Atlantic boundary (if the United States. From Maine to Florida there Is a constant succession of natural attractions, as multl farloiu as the moods of old ocean Itself In Its everlast- ing protest against the "thus far and no farther" of (he broken but Impassable barrier of the shore line. The hydropathic survey of the Maine coast alone shows that to follow all Its Indentations from Nttvv Brunswick to New Hampshire, one must travel as long n distance as to go from New Yoi'k to Liverpool— nearly three thousand miles. To one "who nature loves In the grandest of all hor moods, where grandeur most doth dwell," the ocean. In Its battles with the storm king, Is a spectacle that never loses Its awful and weird fascination ; nor is It leiis attractive when, as some one has apoatr:>phized It : '• Now beat about by rude waves, Itome along the prls'nlng shores That cast thee back again on thine own self, Thou leav'st thy tiny treasures strewn about— Mementoes for the hands of those that thou hast wooed To bear away, that they may keep thy taunory fresh, E'en as a human lover sacred keeps a Each relic of a human love." What charm there is In the very names of Mnimt 04 DlCriONART or ROMMER RESORTS. Desert, Old Orchard, Nabant, oiid a aoore more ot the quieter place* 1 What perfect dars Newport calls up, •Dd wbat dellgbttui itlsRlpuUuni Long Braucb ! wbllo OoDej Island and Rockaway i>ossew a vitallt; and ta«- dnatlon quite tbetr uwa. Atlantle Ott|r« N. J.— From New Tork Tla Peno- trlTaiila Railroad or CvtitrnI Railroad of New Jersey; dlstanoe 148 mllus, faie $H.m, uxc.iinilon $4.80 ; time 6 to Tbours. A lutiK eatabllsilKHl and coltibrated seaside reaort, cblefly patroulzci] by I'lillod^lphluns and of late ?ean nrdiDlneut as a winter as well as a summer reMrt. 'be air U very bracing and many eminent pbyslclans recommend tbe place to patlenU wbo Hiifter from pul- monary diseases. There Is a lino t)eauh, drive*, and every facility for rational enjoyment. The hotels are tbe tJnlted States, Waverley, llrlKhton, Convre** Hall, Burt, Seaside, Alhambra and Excursion House. ' Bar Hitrbor (Rlt. Desert), Me.— From Port- J: •■ land by eteainer, or Bostuu and Maine Ilallroad.distance from Portland IIU miles. A seaside resort of late years rapidly IncreasinK In favor; mni^nifluent scenery, naturul curiosities and strong sea breezes. The memory of Mount Desert, with Its thonsoiids of summer visitors, Its placid bay and green mountain, forming the back- ground, the bold and wild 8<*a coast of reddish rock, with here and there a stunted tree clinging for dear life, Ita ravines nnd Islands, clings to one forever. Tbe Hotels are the Ocmui, Lyman, West End, Orand Cen- tral, Rodlck. Rockaway, Atlantic, Alamont, Deerlng, Newport, Itolmont, I/wkout and otben; $10 to $13 a week. Block Island, R. I.— From Now York by Sbore Line or Old Colony steamers to Newport, then by steamer direct— a beiiuurul laland rising out of tbe sen, twelve miles distant from nearest land. The pleasures of tbe country, coolness and beauty of tbe mountains, and tbe health-giving breezes of tbe sea are all com- bined at this resort which Increases in favor every *ui> oesslve year. Excellent bathing, Dshing and every facility for sailing. Pleasant drives, romantic walks «Dd One sea views lu every directlou. Tbe hotels are ■ ■^:*~:«^^^'5»i Long Bnocb ! wbllt) iMMiew a vltallt; and tu- From New York Tia Penn- Rallniud u( New Jerse;: 0, t'XCMinilon $4.80; time ittd and cultl^|phluna and of late s wttll as a summer resort. inuQy eminent ptiyslclaiis nU wbo HUlTer from pul- i flno t)eauh, drlvea, aud loymtmt. The lioteU are UrlKliton, Conifrea Uall. Excurslou House. iert), Me.— rrom Port- 1 Maine Ilallroad.dlstance tfiislde resort of late years if^ninuent scenery, natunil rcezes. The memory of iinds of summer Tlslton, ntuin, forming the back- la coast of itHldlsb r<)ck, 1 tree clinglDS for dear llnKS to one forever. Tbe 1, West End, Oraud Oen- mtic Alamont, Dearlng, md otbera; $10 to $ls a From Now York by Shore ra to Newport, tben by and rising out of tbe seu, rest land. Tbe pleaaures Mjauty of tbe mountains, of tbe sea are all oom- eases In favor every suo :bing, flsbing and every . drives, romantic walks irectlou. Tbe hotels are OlCTiUMaRT or KmUKR RKSORTt. tlici Ooe«D View and Peqnot. Tbe former lsap|K»- pi lately named. Cape Cod, naa«.— This Is oneot tbe nioat In- terestlnit parts d thti New England coast, not only fn>m Its natural allrattloim, but itlso from tho quaint and peculiar cbaracterhilis of tbe Inhabitants. Tbe Oap«) In a low. sandy peniniiula, and tbe several vlllaaea are now annually Inviidi-d by a great number of visitors. Among tbe iM'nt known resorts are Hundwicb, Barn- stable, Ooinlt, WellMfct, Hyannis, Truro aud Province- town, the latter liidiig IJO miles from Boston, whence It la reached by tbe Cuiie Cod Division of the Old Colony U. K., fare $.3. Tbe lintels at I'rovlucetown are the Gltford, Central and Pilgrim. Cope Bltzabeth, lUe.— A pleasant and beauti- ful ri-s(irt,oloHe by I'urtlund, and on tbe soulli side of the harbor. The bathing and tlahlng are good. Hotels: Cape C* -r# V # >^ r day, $15 to 118 ^Twwk. Reached from Boston by the Eastern and Gloucester Branch n.n.s. Hampton Beach, nasM. -18 miles from New- buVyp™, wlM-nt^. 11 is reached l.v r.,11 or stage. From BMrrHead a lofty hendland Ilye »"d Hamp- wn beaches an extended view Is obtuiiied. Hotels: I^vm's BeaCh, lk«r's Head, C),-.>aa house. E^* House, and Couch Hou>«. The rates are reas<,n- ahle. Hull. Ma»«.-Frnni Boston by steamer direct, tln"itt uiiiiufs. This Is n place frequented by a -lass ofT'^ple IndlllereMt to fashion and »t.vl«. •{"' P«^^^' manv of the nitruccloiis of more pretentlc . P'a^es. Therer8aK0,Hl lM>ach and g»">«''*. '5??i«'S noiirnaiu- distance 24 miles: time one hour; tare iS ?enu one o l!^.ew seaside resorts on the New Eng- Beach of Essex." The beach is among the Bnest, and t^he surr^undTng country ve-. y attractive. Jhe leading hotel Is the Ma.sconomo, the proprietor of which la J. B. Booth, brother of Edwin Booth. inartlia's Vineyard. MaB».— An Island 15 miles from the mainland, off the southeasteru coast of MnstachuX. It Is about 20 miles ^n l«"8'h by milpji m width, and Is now one of the best known re- fort bling particularly patrot.l.ed by [>>« Methodlsu. through whose annual caum-moetlngs 11 ttrst altracteu T ■ Bi with n flue oroscont- siirf unil slill-wnler (liiiK* lire altractive. are (8 |itfr day. {IMo iiisum by the Eastern -18 miles from Nc.v- iMll or utiige. Fnim fldiiiir live and Hainp- la oliluiiied. Hotels: . Head, Oosin Ilnuse, The ruUM are reasoii- 1 by steamer direct; frequented by a 'lass iid stvie, hut posjesses e protentlo ; places. 1 nsiilmi. The hotels one or t«'o others. From Portsmouth by (les ; time one hour, ce Is veiy enjoyable, es has Initial experl- of Shod' lias loiiK been t.s hlRli 1 .>p\itatlon and the Oiiest, Hsblng the ■e'«!ritel;et, Atlantic. Bl'iek M w^t siS^fMiit'' I n I HI: ni(TIO:.ART OK S.LKMER RKSORTS. nock, raoiflc and Pleamnt Beach. These hotels m niusuy under the management ol Boston men. Nantneket. maB».-Thlrty mllM from Martha's Vineyai-d, and ieactied by steamer t^'co »?*?•,.* long estibllahed but much "eglfCted resort, pld- fMliKined, quiilnt and Tcry Interesting. Bert of flshlng. ntwbatlilntt nnd boating. Much frequented by artists SSd pro ii'Sonal men. fhe air '"ery Invlgoratmg and nas alwnyn been known to have a most beneflclal effect nnon Invalids. The hotels arc the ' oringfleld. Ocean, liKrne. Bay View. Wauwlnet and B.attleboro; prices $2 to $3 a day. Narrasansett Pier, R. "•-^"'m New York vir'mr^lne to Kingston; H. '4. /r ,?« Co^|'/„H';U Provldenc*) or Newport; fare $4.75; excursion »«.■». TwlS resort Issltunled at the mouth of ^'arraKan- sett BaTand about an hour's sail from Newport. The attractions are numerous «"1 ^nc ";?« »?« °i,i^« nSwl beaches In this country for boating or riding, exJellent fishing from rocks or boats, and pleasant wftlla. and churches. Hotels are Tower HllU.Oonti- nenUU,MattSon. Mount Hope. Delevan. Atlantic and Metatoxet. _ _. , New liOndon, Conn.-From New Tort yia New Hav«nand Shore Line from Grand Central Depot ; rtKUincM ISM miles; fare $3.25; time 5 hours. Long kno?^ as a Milwt and fashionable watering place JSSSdto by fhe list class of people. ^B..autlful sc^n- eT and every fa Mty »"-««"'"« ?»1:"*4^« Lfvel harbor, goyemment fort and naval station. The drtvM Sre veVy b«iutlful, and the "velvet" lawns and flower- lids of New London are famous. Churches of all de- STmlSatlo's. Hotels are the Pequot, Crocker, Mgeoomb, and one or two sma'ler houses. NewDort. n, I.-From Now York by Old Oplony stiJmm'^or' s'ho"* Line, from Grand (Antral De^ot riutitnpfl 170 miles: time "Vt hours; fare V>- ^db mSrt errant S and celebrated of all AmertOM wa- tering SacS. Patronized by the behest and most so- cially dlsUngulshed classes of society. J^mous for m maBninMnt residences, beautiful scenery, walks, drives MlbS A city soinclent and once so Pfouilne^ " uVhe^ Interest to all visitors, aside from Its fasulona- ble^itlSnsTlnnumerable polnte of Interest, library. utf RESORTS. Tliese hoteli are Mton meD. dllesfrom Mnrth»'i >r twlC8 R day. A lected resort, old- Ing Best of flstiinfTt requented by artist* ■ry InvlRoratlnif and lost lieneBclal effect ' orlnafleld, OcBan, I HDd Biattleboro; .—From Now York ,T Old Colotiy Line to 75 ; excursion 8«.!B. raoutb ot Narranan- sall from Newiiort. I Include one of the boBting or riding, bf)nt8, and pleasant « Tower Htll, Oontl- elevan, Atlantic and rom New York via }ran(J Central Depot ; time 6 liDiirs. Long able watfrlng place )ple. BtMiutirul sceu- { and rowlnR ; fine station. Tbe drives Bt" lawns and flower- Churches of all de- t, Crocker, Edgeoomb, f York by Old OOlony Irand Central Depot. our«; fare »6. Tbe d of all Amerioan wa- B rlcheat and moat »o- jlety. nimoua tor It* cceuerr, walks, drives I once 10 promiQeu as Ide from Its fasolona- ito of Interest, lUNrary. DicnonART 0> buHUIR risobii. rhurches, opera bouse, casino and tbe most attractive shops. It ts. In one sense, the suntmnr home of '.be wealth anc fashion, the culture (.nd reflnement of New York, Boston and rhlladelphia. Hotels are the Ocean, Perry, Aquldneck, United SUtes, OlIS Cottage and Uartmann s. The season Is from June to October. Oakland Beach, R. I.-From New York via Providence Steamers, or Shore Line to Warw.ok. A very pleit,sant place of resort, having all faciil!l«s and nrrangemenls forenjoyment. Fine boating ami dshlng. N'(jtes, Ocean, Sea Shore, Blancbard's and Brunswick. 1»Id Point Comfort, Va.— From Now York via Pennsylvania or Baltimore A Ohio Railroad, or old Do- minion Line ot steatners. Fare t^.no. Of late years I his has become a very prominent and popular resort, and H open alt tbe year ronnd. It Is but a few bundled yards from Fortress Mon/oe, and the views are very extensive and varied as they are beautiful. The cli- mate Is mild, balmy and equable. Tbe Artillery School, Boldler's Home, and tbe various educational Institutes are all adjacent, and of points and places of interest there Is no end. Batbing ikdltties are excellent, and there are drives and walkj In every direction. Churolies are of all denominations, and there are excellent postsl and talegiwhio arrangements. Id winter the place u frequented by tbe moat noted people o( tbe country, and Invalids congregate by tbe hundreds under medical advice. Tbe Bygela is tbe leading hotel. It is a very large and anique establishment, well arranged and weU conducted, and known tbrdughout the United State*. Plccon Cove, RIaaa.— On Cape Ann, wbenoe It Is reacbed by Eastern Railroad from Boston. A pto- 70 /. ikiiiiitfiiliiliiWMi> UICTU>NART or BCMMKR RRWRTS. tur««ine an.l deservedly POP"l'S,friJ-re""'*" ' *"'**"" CcTellousc, ooean View, •nd Glen A<;re. central. n«. HoBcli. N. H.-From Boston yla Ea«U-rn lumr'om "rNort.'. Item^o'n Station or by a drtre of ■ nteed resort and fnl"y» » 7^2 ,^"^(1^ ral Farragut. '^'^'^n^/of uStow The ^.' e durlnu the seaaon ?j\rorf.e'."5v3;a„^^^^^^^^^^^ rra«f S&n-wir ;rr^" ^e rrnuXv'MrTnkX'u^wVrtle -.«a are reasonable. Knw'rerrd^a.ry?«rtcWotS^a'the wS^^^ wanuck House, $4 a day. ^wUr'y:i:.oSs:!^-: X'^^'m A-a. warn. ^.*l=H 9RT3. Hotels: PIgeoa m Boaton br rt, very pli>as- B muckurel. blue and plcture»])ie, way or salliDg, sadloK botel la tbe oatoD Tia EasUTD or by a rtrtre of 7 ndard at>d rer^id- brlty, and waa tbe Admiral Farraffiit. drives and walks, I u( society. The bard, and tjere is during tbe season and all Tisltors are Is a very charming -t. The hotels are o Ware : there are rbere tbe rates are t, comfortable town It drlres and good (.'bed by Shore Line I, or by Stonlngton al hotel Is the Wada- BostOD ria Eastern miles. Noted for Ives. A favorite re- irs much froqui'nt>«d Hotels ; LittiK Aiia- oean snd Big Aua- lew York via 8ton- ine to Westerly, R. aside rsaort w:th a sailing, and flsbing Interest. Hotels are THE Literary III Musical Bureau -or— Andrews' American Queen. TO THE PUBLIC! We bnvf br u roustantlv In receipt during tbe past year, of Inquiries as to the Iwst way in which to secure satisfactory Music for Parties, Heoepllons, Private Balls and other occasions of a like character. We have also beon called upon by Churches, Societies, Literary Associa- tions, and Social Organizations in this and neighboring cities, to recommend Elocutionists, Lecturers or Artists, capable of presenting a pleasing Parlor £ntertalument. With a view uf caterlug to tbe wants of our patrons, we have established tbe <1QUEEN[> iterary^zBrfflusiqal BUREAU. The Artists on our List have been recommended by us in tbe past, and have given every satisractlon. A.iy addHlons to our list will be made only from personal knowledge of excellence, or beciiuse of undoubted guar- antee from responsible sonrces. We Invite correspondence not only from friends in tbe city, but also from the suburban towns and summer resorts, In regard to Music (single instrument to full orchestra). Parlor and Children's Entertainments, Elo- cutionists, Lecturers, Singers and Maglclaits. Address, The Literart xhd Musical Bdriau, andrews' amkrican q17een, Frauktin Square, New Tork. ■tl), DKTIONiRT or «l'MMICR RII80RT3. Ihp Larkio, Plimpton, Ocean, iitlantio, Watcb Bill, Bay View, and NarrnffnoMtt Houm. Wells Beach, me.- A ahort dUtance from Portamoutb, and miI«K from Wells, a station on tlie Boston and Maine RallroBd. whence it Is reached from Boston. Sportsmen frequent the beach to shoot snipe and curlew, of which birds there are an abundance In the season. Hotels: Island Ledsa and Atlantle House, tlS to tSX) n week. York Beach. Me.— From Portsmoutb by steamer: distance, v miles. Frequented oblefly by Bostonlans. A place famous for Its scenery and nat* ur..l attractions. The air Is very InTloforatlnff, and there Is an excellent beach and line surf batblnir. The leading botel* are the Marshall and the Seafoam OoU tace. 79 .i.i,ai. |>RTS. ratcb BUI, Bay Idlitanoe from ■•ution on (be 1» reached from to iboot mine abundance tn •nd AtlantJe orUmoutb bv t«d obleOjr by inery and nau Ifforatlns, and oatblng. Tbe Seafoam Oot> . INLAND RESORTS. Nature appears to have devoted herself to expert- nif Dis in many parts of t he Kl<>be, but In this (aTored <-ountry she wan lavish o( the most finished and de- liRbtful results or ]»:r experience. In faot, tbe rare spots scattered thrcuKh lar countries, wlilch tbe trav- eler Journeys weary thousands of miles to see, all find their counterparts or rivals within our borders. The whole gamut, from (rraco to grnndeur, mattes wordless music for the eyes of those who visit the various parts rf the United Sbites. To catalogue theae attractions, even by sections, would Oil a small From the Wbitd Mountains to thu Itockeys, from Moosebead Lake to PontchartrHin, from the pine woods of Maine to tbe prairie sea, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf, from Nl- aitara Falls to tbe Mammoth Cave, from the Hudaon to tbe Ulasiaslppl, the Adirondacks, the CatsktUs, (heCon> nectlcut Valley, tbe mountains of North and Soutb Carolina— go where you will, some new charm, some added joy is sure to greet the summer loiterer. Arra, N. v.— From New York by Hudaon Elver f^teaniers, fare $1.00, or by Hudson River Railroad, fare t3.S0. The scenery is varli-U and heauUful. and the air Is remarkably pure and Invigorating. The Catsklljs may be reached L. delightful drivea over g(X>d roada and through picturesque scenery. The most popular resort is "Sunslde Farm," terms S3 per day. $7 to $10 per week. Special rates to children and servants. Adlrondarka, Scliroon Ijafce, Baacx Co., N. If -s<'ljroon l>«ke is tbe most attractive sbeel ol water in the Adirondacks, and Is surroanded by acenery unsurpa/-sed for beauty and variety. Tbe 73 ! i DlCIIONARr or SCIHtKR RM0RT8. rllmaM li rool and naluhrloiin, giMxl boBlInc and drlr- Inn. Hxcelleiit hunting and flthltiK. wells Hoiiw and LkIriiiI Hoiiiw urn Itii* two principal Hou*!:!. Tflrini $ wr day, (lU to %14M par wmik, and f to $)< rorclilUlr*>D andierVHnlii. S<-hroon Ijiks Is r(>u('hed l)T fteamtr or by Hudson Ulver Rcliway to Alhimy ; (henre railroad via HomtoirH u> Ulve rsldo station on Adirondack Ridlroad. A roach from illverxide runs dally to (k'linKin l^ke, u dlstuncit o( six uillfs. Fare from NmW York JU.4fl. . Ardcn N. C— Is a nlmiMint vlllairi*, seven nilies from Aalievlllo (Which loe) iinil connected by carriage service. The liolel ^ the Ardcn I'.irk ; rates, |li) per week. AMhr ^lllr, Btiiiconibp County, N. <'.-Is • b«!uutl(iil llttlH tow'i or S.bXl lnlial>ltBnt,>, aUuuK^i in the French llroad Itl'cr, anduliont ^',S(Ml fwt alN>ve the ■eu. It Is suminni)" : '." Ijvdy nionntain 8»-enciy, and the climate :> uellgbtful during Ixilh snnmier and winter. It bus been called "The Lund of the Sky." There arc cbulybeuto and sulphur sprlnRS wltlilu con- ▼eiilcut diHiuni'e from the town which may be reached by pleasnntdrlvea. Fine HhootliiK may be enjoyed. Qiioll, pheuKantJi, turkeyH. squlrrelM, and larger Kaiue abound. The place if a favorite resort, and there Is often a vlslt- InK population of twelve or tlfte<>D hundred. A Knnita- rliiin Is one of the featuies of the town. Ashevllle lb a central point from which excumlon parties usually start for the numerous plai'esof Inierest In Western North Carnllim. These usually climb I'lKiriih, eighteen nlle^i distant, thence push on tbrouKb Tnin»ylvanla, to Bre- vard, or go to Hickory Nut Gap, riiliiuiey Kock, and Bold Hotsntaln. Ashevllle Is well supplied with churches of all denominations. There are several ex- <«ilent holeU THE 8WANNAN0A HOTEL is the largest and best arranged. It has all the modern lui- provement«. Rate* $3.3U to $.S.OO per day ; $15 per week. Ashevllle is reached via Bullltnore. and Waahing- tOB, over the Ulcbmond and Dnnvillu Railroad, N. C. DIviiilon to Sallsburv, where a chiinKo i» effected to the W. N. C. R. It. for the traveler's destination. The dis- tance from New York l.i about TOU miles, and toe time about thirty hours. The fare is $%. Betblehem. N. H.— New York A New Haven R.B. to Bprlngneld, Mass., thence by Connecticut R.B. 74 "«f5»:Ai;,:i«fr«r'^ hTS. ling and drlr- Wells HouM iclpul HoU>l«. wk, and |A lo kke li reacbed BT to AlhiiiiT ; ilde itHtlun 00 II vemlde nina iiillrs. FBre seven niM«) by riirrlaga rutus, $10 p«r altilUKrU OD fi-t't alHivH tb« in w-Hiicry, and mininiur and 1 of ilio Hky." (H wliUin con- iiiy Ih! ruaclied I'lijiiyed. Qiiotl. KviUM ubouud. In often a vlalt- reett and inoit comprehenblve vli-u of the U'hite Moiintalna. Tbe hotel arconitnodatlon la Fxcelli'iii. Htrawberry Hill Houae, Maplewood Honae, and l'ro>i()e<'t Houae are all vodU, lAid their Icrnia reHaoniible. HIni iuir Hoiiae la an eleirnntly appointed hotel; l-rma, 9'^''*) per day. (lood pilvalc fioHril ran be otitulned In the town froin t" to |I0 iM'T week. Bmllleboro, Vt.- Itt'iiched by New Tork and New Haven Kalln>ad iinil ConiKH'tlriit Itallrnud. The scenery around thiM iioint la romantic and varied, tbe iilr InvlironitlnK. There are aeveral hyiiropathio ra- !atillahiiienta loc.nteil here. Knun Oineterv Hill a One view of the (^oniii'ctlciil Vullry and the Wuntniileftnet Mountain la obtained. There la Kood hotel av<'oiniii(>- datlon. The lirooka Hoiiae t^i to (S..^) per day ; tbe Brattleboro >louae, fiM per day, uud Ihe Itevere Uoiiae S>i per day. Fare from New York $^. Bolton, On>e George is one of the moat beau- tiful resort* >n that f II viirlto sheet of water. There Is fotid tlahlnK .1 rourM* iliirhifr thn aeaaou. The atmoa- phere la pure and tiivli^iiratlnir. The hotel rales are %i per day, SIO iM.>r week. Uike George is aoinewbiit over aOO ihllea from New York, over New York Central and Hudson Itlver Kallroau, and connectloua. The fare la (S. Bridccloujlflo.- Is about thirty-elvlit miles from r«itilHn bo reaobed from tbe UUter and Ihtlaware llallriMd. wbloh skirta Um loutb- ern bane of the uiuuiitulna. Thla n)ut« Ilea throuRb a Inmiutalu uaaa calli-d Hlony Clove, where It la so cold that loe la found all the year round. There are oioer Cctoklll Mountain reaorta tu the north of tbe Mountain Uouae whioh are mentioned In their place. Tbe Cataklll Mountains have l>eun lo well and often dea- orlbed that It U not nn'ury to set down any duacrlp- Uoo here. The ntni(Mi>liere la pure and Invlgomtlug, tbere are nunierou!! wuIkH and drlv<« abounding 10 loeDM of i{r(>Ht unlurnl lH>auty, which (xHUry baa oal- lowed by detw^ripllve ifgi^nd and which well-known art- ists bftve preitorved for iia on c^invus. According to tbe route taken the Hxpense of reaching the central por- tion of Die CutakllU la something more or leas than fb. Tbe bolel rates vary from $4 tu $4 per day and frum (10 to %ilO per week. Hood t)oard can be bad from ^7 to $8 per week at boantluK liotues. Cat8klll, N. Y., U a prettv little village one-halt mile from OatsklU liand- Ingaud niiicli rre<|uente<1 by vlsltoradurlng tbe summer aa It is within convenient distance of New York and the mouniniiis are within eony driving distance. 27i< Irvitm Hiiunf, H. A. Person, pf' >i>rtetor, baa been relll- ted during tbe winter, and la open for gueata. Rates are from $2 to |S per day and $10 to t% per week (see Ciitskill MouuUlna). Caldwell, a small town on Lake George, bMl reaobed from New York by tbe Renaaulacr and Saratoga R. R. Fare, %».»). Caldwell la In tbe midst of scenery combining blatoric lnt«reat wltb wild and plotureagut beauty. !n the tieiir violnlty are the ruins of l«r< Jty f -I'^Mf-'*:, BouUiernpor- 7B mllM. Tn«r« lUful Tinwi a'ung JoDittPhicnlcIa, •ntn. Pniiii Cui- tlMrn portloim of d prtTiM euuvxr- ileoiilTa view ae- ir'i noTel m " aU la li »t tbo fDut of ir. Halnna Falls M M furtber un, and « Tllline lu tb4 mA twHUtr iiillw °eaoli ban) It U su cold rbera are oloei h of tbe HuuntalD hHir pluofl. Tbe III and oft«ii dea- own any duscrlp- tnd Invtgoi'atlQa, rt>a aboundlDg lb h iHNttrr baa ul- b wi^ll-knowD art- AccordlDg to tbe [ tbe central por- re or leaa tbaii $&. ^r da; and from in be bad from 97 Ctttskill, N. Y., U oui Oataklll Land- lurtngtbeiummer of New York and ig dlitauce. The tor, baa bean reliw for gueala. Rata* fW par week (aea L«ke Oeorye, bari elacrsDd Saratoga ) mldat of aoenerr Id and plotureagiu the mint of lw< DicTioMAar or itniiiia Biaotn. Gaorge, Frenob Mountalni, and lUttlaiDaka UIU. Tb« Fort Wllltani Hotel li on tbe ilte of Uie old rurt WlUUin Henry ; term* fa to fS per day. (Kber goDd hotel! are the Lake House, |8 per da;, and Fort (Jvoriie Hotel, IS per day. Okarleatown, N. H., laa very attraotlra and bealtbflll summer reaort. (iood hotel aooommodatlou ; tbe leading hotel la the Fjiglu, $2 ix-r da;, 97 to 910 per weak ; half price for chllilrnu ami »p«H',lal rat4ts for ser- raiila. Itouie from New Vurk Is by tlie New York * New liavcu and Vermont C<>iitral Rallruada. Ohautanaaa Lake, N. V.-ThU beautiful laka U lorroundHd by bllla from BOO to »u tmt hUh. The aoenar; la very attractire an.>nlly shaded aveuuea are tbe great atlriictlons in Cincinnati lu the summer days. Avondale, <',den Park, and Hurnet Woods, and Ollfton Avenue are tbe most frequented. Tbe Zoological Garden, situated In a beautiful park, has tbe flueat collection of wild onlnmlK in America. Tbe boteU ^-•■ir:.- • ^^^ ^ i wi i i iiiii I ' DiC'IIUNAnV OF SIMMER RESORTS. are numerous and eicellent. Of thesi; the Hotel Emery in the Arcade on Vine street, between Fourth and Fifth streets: the (irand Hotel oi. Fourth and Ontral avenue ; the Burnet House on Tlilrd and Vine streets; the Gibson House on Walnut street; the St. Nicholas, the St. James, and Ileppler's Hol«l, all In South street, are Ilie n'ost elcRantly fitted. Other ex- cellent hotels aro iheWnluut Street House, the Crawford House, the (ialt House, the Florentine, the Merchant's Hotel, the Indiana House, the Avenue HoteJ, Madison House, the Carlisle House, Hunt's Hotel, the Queen City Hotel, the Geneva, and Reea's Broadway Hotel. Be- 3lde« these are many pleasant and desirable boarding- houses and restaurants. Silver Lake Is seven miles from Cincinnati and the sla'ion for Florence, a charm- ing village In Boone county, only one and a half miles distant, where the comforts of a summer home IQ the country may be found within easy reach of the city. There is good hunting and fishing. Board may be had at Jos. Hunt's for $7 per week or $25 per month. The house '.s nlcelv shaded, and a good table provided. An- other deslrnbie place Is Mrs. (Ji-aiil's house, situated In beautiful grounds.wlth fiower-garaen and fine orchards. She has 1« rooms and will take 20 boarders at $7 per week, or $26 per month. ClarkavlUe, Habemliam Co.,G«m <8 within convenient rea''>i from Mt. Airy (which see) by car- riage. The climate, surroundings, ami natural advan- tages ire similar In character. There are Episcopal, Presbyterian, Mellio. N. C. B. B., and will tollow the directions for other points on the same line (see AsfaevilleJ. Hotel ratea, fi per day, |10 pel week. • i6 '-T IF.Il HLSORIS. Of Ihesp the Hotel street, between Fourth I Hotel 01. Fourth and nine on Third and Vine Walnut sti-eet; the St. Hcppler's Hotel, all In fiiiillv tltted. Other ex- rtHjt House, the Oawford rentlne, the Merchant a 1 Avenue HoteJ, Madison It's Hotel, the Queen City 8 Broadway Hotel. Be- and dewlrahle hoardlng- ■er Lake Is seven miles n for Florence, a charm- nly one and a liaH miles a summer home In the I easy reach of the city. hintt. Board may be bad i or $25 per niorilh. The rood table provided. An- Giaut's house, slttiated in -iraraen and flno orchards, ie ao boarders at |7 per ■am Co.jGa., iB witbln Airy (Which see) by car- dlnK». and natural advan- cter. There are Episcopal, id Biptlst churches. The « being $1.50 per day, and ith.dover the same route I Co. N. C, 19 situated on riix)ve Uie sea, midway be- U B. B., and Johnson City, led by dally uiatl lines, ruu- rrom the top of Roan Moun- levcn States, and over BO.OW 1 mountolntops over 7,000 Travelers from the North It ion on the Vi. N. C. B- B-i ns for other polnta on Uie t becoming a fashionable summer resort, (iood board oan be had from $8 to 312 per week. The Cooper Hotel and the Hotel Fenlmoro accommodate guests at from $12 to $20 per week. Fare from New York, $6.15. Cornwall, Conna— There can be no more health- ful or attractive spot for the summer tourist than this ; surrounded by mountains, lakes and pine groves, scenery at once wild and beautiful greet the eye every- where. The brooks are wldaty known for their excel- lent trout nshlug, and the lakes provide eood baming and boating. The principal hotel Is the Beers House ; terms $7 to $10 per week, children aud servants half price. Route from New York via Sew York and New Haven Railroad. Fare $2.86. Cantbbrland Falls, IBO miles from Cincinnati, on the Cincinnati Southeru R.R., la connected with the Cumberland Falls Station by a dally hack service, the distance being ten miles. The Fulls of Cumberland River are among the most remarkable objects In the State. The river here is precipitated over a perpendicu- lar fall of sixty-two feet ; the iall and rapid are seventy feet. The roar of the water may be heard for ten or twelve miles. Immediately behind the falling sheet of water there la a cava in the surface of the rock, and one oan go almost across the river by this paaaage. through an arch formed on one side by the rook end on other oy tbe plashing water. Just below the falls large fish are to be caught in great numbers. The ocuntrv for eight or ten mllea above and below the fails is very irregulsr, and presents m the eye of the beholder a ■uocesslon of romantic and picturesque scenery. Pleas- ant trlpi to Rock Castle Sprlngn and other points of In- 70 1 'IHI DICTIOMABT OF BOMIIU USOKTS. f«nit may be mad* bj boat on tbe Oumberlud Rirnr. Anonc tbe amuMOMnbi are boatlnc batblng. bowllajt, daoolng, fltblng and bunting. Tbe Cumberland Falls Hotel wlU accommodate liM) gueati. It la situated oo tbe brink of the (alli, gXring a splendid Tiew from tta Torandas : ve'J iliaded bT forest trees. Terms 91.90 per day, $10 per week, and ttb per montb. Delaware Water Gap, PenD.— On Um Dela* wai«,Uekuwanna and Western R.><:road, distance from New Tork alnety-ona miles, exrurslon fare %*M. Tbls faforito summer resort Is becoming more attrao- tlTe every year, by reason of tbe improvements con- tinually being made tor tbe accommodation of Increas- ing numbers of vlslton. Besides tbe bracing air and pore water, tbere Is tbe far famed Mount Munst, and tbe celebrated oold air caverns. Trout and baas flsblng. dellgbttul driving. Qlenwood House Is one of tbe best botels, It is situated In beautiful grounds, and tbe botol is Dtted up in a Hi^t-claas manner. Tbere is room for over 900 gueets. Yerma $8 per day. BecanalMt, ^leh.— Tbls dellgbtful summer re- sort. Is ass miles fi«m Cbicago. on tbe Chicago and Mortta Western RaUway. It tolocated at tbe bead of tbe " Little Bay des Noques," at tbe nortbem eztremttv of Qttea Fay. On a jutting comer of tbe falnst land, tbe beautifully transparent waters of tk bay batbing eltber side, clusters tbe town ; lu Italrd )> ■undarr being laved by tbe Kscanaba River. On Uie fonrtta line Uie darksome plney woods form a delidous parapet of living green. Tbe streeU of Kscanaba are long and wide, tbe naldenoea One and elegant. Tbe air Is delighttnlly cool imrely reaebing elgbty decrees. Tbere are cbarmlng walks and drives, good batbing and boating. Tbere Is excellent abooting In season for ducks, geaaa brant, partrtdgaa, and other smaU game, ■wuwjia la yearly becoming more popular as a reaort. Tha Ttldea House U tbe beat hotel In tbe place; taareniaybeftHin.1 every comfort in.doors. and ovary amusement ooti^Mrs. Splendid sbade treea and lovely views. Batea, $10 to gu per week. Anotber very oomfortoble hotel la ttw Sodlngton House. Splendid faoilltlaa (or M^jlnr «»( OB 'te Inland sea, over to tbe numerous baautlfnl UtUe bleu and otber points ol grand woodland scenery. eeorcetowB, sUty-aer«n miles from OiMtnnatl, is one el the moat attraCtva dtiea In Centaeky.Ma -^^. ~ '"'V^S'Si'M'' KOOBIS. be Oumberlud RItaf. Ing, batblDg, bowllajt, le Cumberland Fall* Its. It la iltuated oa Iplendld Tiew trom Iti it tree*. Term* %l,90 ir montb. Penn.— On tbe Dela- L>';ro«d, diataooe from eirunlon (are $iM. beoominK mor* attrao- ba improTementi con- mmodation of increas- e* tbe bracing atr and Died Mount Munsl, and Trout and baatflibtng, louie is one ot tbe best ground*, and tbe botel jr. Tberei* room (or lay. deligbtful lummer re- to, on tbe Chicago and located at tbe bead ol ; tbe nortbem extremltr mer of tbr tainat land, BT* of tk bay batbtng U ttalrd fc -uiidary being On tbe tonitb line tbe tUdoua parapet of living a are Ions and wide, tbe le air i* delighttnlly cool m. Tbere are cbarmiog and boating. Tbere u tor dDcks, geea*k brant, DO. Baoanabft is rsulj a rewrt. Tbe TUden laee; bare may be fOunil 3 r amusement ouMeon. yyiew*. Batea,ilOto oomfortable botel la tbe aoUitiaB (or latllng out umeroo* baaattfal ottle I woodland scenery. 1 mile* trom Otnewnatl, DiUei In •eK">"^rouBd -o t abound In Rarae and Osli. The scenery Is beautl ill. BMTd can bo oblalnoU for $6 per week or $20 per month. Creen take, WUcon»ln, Is reached via the Chicago and North Western RtiUway. Beside the rci - i^^K effects of the pure.cml «tn.*MPhew,(.reen Uke ^D beast of scenery ilie most varied and bea""' ','• Splendid drives over (rood roads and throuRh jomamc regions ■, excellent llshlnir and boating. Few .summer re- sets ai-e so well supplied with superb hotels, cosy cot- lMra,«nd every arraiiRement for the comfort and amuse- i^^of -isltore as Green Uke. Oakwi«,l "»"*«; a«,^, yards from the lake. Is a lanje hotel, with delight i.l i-ooras, extensive halls, and almost endless verandas Pavilions, boat houses, bath house, billiard rooms, and bowllnB halls, good livery stables, first-rate cuisine, XtT 5f f?ult. n,llk. cream, and vegetabl.«j. Terms. ^■2.50 per day or $13 per week. Children i'";Jer ten half price. Clarence Park Is another charming retr^t on Green Lake, being flrst-class as to bote aocoinmoda- tlo^s. and delightful In Its grounds. The large v^ll^ like hotel is near the shore, and surrounded by a hundred acres of magnlOcent old oaks, the land b^lng ploTuresquely diversified. Its out ook upon the lake to exqulslt«. No fairer scenery «»» be imagin- ed The pretty drives are numerous, and surprising ^utlMgfeSttheeyeon every road. The hotel hir- nlshes hwiM, oarrlBges. boats, flshlng tackle, etc. The wblflsXlOTtlfuIly supplied. The hotel «««>mnioda es "very large number, and there »re a number of pretty cottajres on the grounds. Terms, $12 to $15 Per week, «r $^per day" Pleasant Point to another cw retr«u in^ biS. oi the lBke,.«lUiaMid upon » wooded rtolng point. green-Uiwned. oool and homelike. Terms. $K per week ort2.50 per day. Another large, remWlng oonn- toTiride hotel S Como Bay aocommodatea about sixty S«S« « fTOTi $7 to $10 per week, or $2 per day. Spring i^swm ■~ -IwKSS 1'«fe?«^S^ ML..- . RKSUHTS. age, tber 111*7 cboofie rtaara |3.S0 per day, TaoU $Si) p«r monlb. uests at eltber resort. lies from Clnclnnaii, ray, la to tbe heart of e reK'013 round iibotit v>«nery Is beautiful. per week or $!iO per I, Is reached via the ray. Beside the rocu- tniiwphert'.tireen Lnke vnried and beautiful, nd throuKh romantic tlBg. Few summer r«- uperb hotels, cosy cot- he comfort and amuae- Jakwood House, a few hotel, with delightful osi endless verandn.s. se, bl!llurd rooms, and les, flrst-rate cuisine, d Tegetabl(is. Terms, Jhlldren uuder ten half ?r charming retreat on ) to hotel aocommoda- unds. Tbe large vllla- and surrounded by a , old oaks, the land 1. Its outlook upon scenery can be Imagln- nerous, and surprising road. Tbe hotel fur- Isbtng tackle, etc. The be hotel accommodates are a number of pretty s, $12 to $15 per week, t Is another cosy retreat d upon a wooded rising tmeilke. Tenni,|18per ' large, rambling ooun- immodatea about alxty k, or $8 per day. Spring ♦ I DICTIONART or 8UUMKR RCSORTS. Grove Houae Is a large hotel wltb ipactousand pleasant groimds, good board and every comfort. Rates, $S p«r day or $7 to $10 per week. Gre»t Barrlneton, IVau. -Beautifully situ- ated In the Berksbiio Hills, and a JellghKul summer home with mpny patrons who annually return. The s'cnery and surroHmllUBS lire charming. Hotels : COI.- I.INS HOUSE, $2.50 a
  • r. $8 to %Vi a v-eek, lociited on a farm of 65 acres, with aecom.nnjatlons for M people, halt a mile from the rallr(iH between Chicago and St. Paul. It Is 77 miles from Oconomowoc, the centre o( the great lake system o( Wisconsin, aln-cr noUoed ; B7 miles (rem Hadbsn, the capital of Wiscon- sin. By the run of trains the tourist can leaye Kil- boum in the morning, goto Sparta (a dtotaace of « milea) ai into Um rcoki aad r lime formatlODa. make tbit a (arortte •anata. Board tor Id at Hlgb Bridgn day. North Towera the lame ratea. M banki of tbe New iwood Station on tbe rmountalB-aoeiiery, ablnv and fair bunu > boarden at ilOM $00.00 per montb. oftbegpiat aystem >nk> between Cbloaso n Ooonomowoc, toe t Wlaoonshi, aln-t:T le capital of Wlsoon- >arlat oan leare Kll- rU (a diatosee of 09 1 return IQ tbe eveo' I, hvn four or fire and (et baek to Kll- llaon, arrlTloc tbere which It la eoTtroD- ke abort runa oat by > Oouirlaa, and new >ag the line, or oy& M- U will be aeen rthe tounau'head- tbe mala point bt>m vionoffABT or scmm umkts. whMbal tbe beautiful lakaa, rooka, and marraloua beau- liea of Wljconain may be reached, bealdea whieh it ia itMlf a pUoe beautltuIlT altuated and prorided with eTerytbinc to entice Uie trayeler to lUy. rinpb a Hotel la the beat Ratea rpamoable, good and plen- tiful table. Thia la the iiartlDC point, from which la reached the charming delli of Wlaoontin. A aleMoer leayea twice daily Trom the wharf near the rail- way brtdge upon a tour of the Drlla. At a itMtmer makealtav^yloColdwaterCaflon, the Tlsltor ia held ipellbonna by tbe weird beauty of tbe majeatio rocka mat overbai'ir 'iio p'RcJld water, fantastic cavea. gulcbea. and grottoa lonned io and among the roeki. and ttie lorely alwia and niTlnea which leem toleadtoaoma fairy land. A landing U effected at Ooldwatar Oa&on. Any attempt to describe thIa canon must fall. It must be Men to be entirely appreciated. Borne ten wInntM walk from tbU landing place Is a beauUful glade Oiled with treea and sbmbs, a croquet ground and a pleasant refreshment room. Other points of beauty and InCeren ara almost too numerous to mention. The beauty ot the seaoery ail along the route of the steamer \'. almost bawlMerlng. Sereral days will only s'jfllce to Tisit tba many eayes, grottos, sulobes, with whiob tbe 'Delia abooBd. Wa will mention as a guide to the Ttaitor soma of the ahM of thne aUractlona, "Echo Point' " Beara' Cava " " Obimney Rock " " Obserration Point" "Stulta'a Hook" "Sirnal Peak," "Bugan Bend," "Lona Rook," The " Oaya of the dark Waters." " Refleotloii Aroh," "Grotto Roek," "fails of the Dawn," "Oold- watar Spring," "Barle's OtTe," "The Owens." " HawS a BlU " and^Oobblestone Oaye." Laka Blnfl*, Wla.— "The only Obrtstiaa snm- mer rasort in tbe Nortbweat," as it Is styled by its pro- prietor. Bey. 0. O. Trusdell, is 80 miles north of Chicago ontbasboraaof Lake Michigan. Tbe hotel, wbMi U Ont elaas In erery respect. Is one hundred feet abora the laka, ot which a beautiful Tiew is obUlned. There are ihwdrtTaaand walks, with boaUng, batbiM and natalng. Tha prngramme for the season ot 1881 U u fonowi ! Sunday Bcdhool Assembly, July 1 to 20 ; oam|>- maeUng, July t» to August 8; NaUonal Tempernp'ja OonTenUon, August 8 to 10. There will also be aOer- OMB National Temperance Camp-meeting— tbe Ural one «nr attempted In this country, and a reunion ot Sanl- ''■■^^5j^:,f;;^;^'f^ M II ' DiaiOKART or SUMMER RI80RTS. Urr knd OhrlRtlan c:ointniM«li)n!i, Armr cbaplatna, and niinM of the Coiifesl8. loroga, whicli la on the Itennselaer 'York to White- >(r» «re excellent. »rd ffii(-8ts at $3 'en miles belnw At Port Heiirr I' «t Lee and Ulohard'a Hotel s Hotel, Eagex, ittractlve aumDier a tod for lt« pure sivc lake scenery, " raiiRes. Splen- ln»f and batlilnir, ho fare from New >y Udinscinnr and nco l>y Htenincr Is and Fort Ooorife, Its: terms from tasre, 93 per day. iffe of Geneva Is apulatlon of the lent tbrougb Its (iducatioual ad- able walks, belugr ■ la refined and of M the visitor to I advantaees can- rilQed by numer- .dland, bold and Kt tr««s, and con- ilallng lauds, the There Is boating J. MADDEN, 645 6th Avenue, - - Corner 4Sth St. Importer and Manufacturer ot Fine Saddlery and Harness, . ENGLISH WHIPS AND "horse clothing. We handle only flrst-class Komis on honorable business principle. > CHARLES M. TRUMAN, Propkuitor, Woodabaralii Im I> Via Far Rockaway Branch, L. I. R. K. ; IH miles from N. Y. City ; 10 trains each wny dally. Rooms c«n be secured on apnilcatinn tu United States llotcU N. Y. City. The Palisades, Mountain House, KNGLEWOOD CLIFFS, o.N thk Hudson, 45 minutes from HarrlRon St., New York, by steamboat, will remain open late Into the fall. Apply to D. S. HAMMOND, Hotel BrUtol, 6th Ave. and 43d St., Send for circular. Naw York. -;4- DicTioNART or imMm rhorts. and fldilTiB, iplendid drlTM and romintto walk*. Th« air la oool and liMUhful. The Whltliw HouM to • dallffbttul iummer nmri. Th« hoiiii« li •■•(•ntjr a^ 'jlntod, Ita culiilne perfect. Th« alluatlon of WhIUnf ouae oomroanda lovely Tlawa of the lak« and Hi« mr- .undlnit iMimrT. Suporior facllltKia for ridlnf , l)o*t- IM. raohUnfr. etc. Terinii. |3 per dajr, or $10 to I17.B0 mr week. Elgin Oamp la one of thii nimt attrvRtlTa iDota on the lale, andean bo reached over tbo lake by imall boat or iteamer. On the north Khore of tJio lake "Plaoatauqua Park," the I'ark of the "KparklInK watera. It la attualed on Clooo Bar, »nd occuplna itxMen aoraa of foreiit, dell and dingle. It li proverbial for Ita de- , llBhtfiilly cool and refreahlng breeiea. The Pl*"*- tauqua Hotel l« a abort diatance from the ahore ; tue rrounda are finely laid out In walki and drtTee.H«r.'< ma be bad eleaant and flnrt-olaai acoommodatlon .d tb« mWit of wUdwood. The eitenalve lawna are oiUtl- vated for the nao of cblldren, who Bnd ample room all over the ground for amuaement. Good boaMnB. bowl- In* and bllllarda and other amuaementa. Tenna p-W to •» per day. and from $10 to flS per wert. From UilaBolnt, aa well aa OeneTa, can be vlalted the almoaw innunwrable attraoUona which abound within a few Bllea of either place. Hotela are at almoat orery point of Inlerwat, and cottage accommodation can be aecured at moderate ralea. I,aSie liuserne, W. Y.— Fare from Now Tork, lAfiO. A heaiJiful and plcturewjue aummer reaon; sood flahlng and b<»atlng, vnrled and romantic aoenery. Waydde Hotel. »8 Per day: Rookweli'a, W Por are otben comfortable and at moderate ratea. ■<»k« nemphremacog, Vt.— Beached by the New Tork * New Haven and Connecticut and Puaump> SS BlTor B.B.a ; fan. $«.B0. Thla beautiful take to fn tiMinldit of a bold and mounUlnout recrton, and u completely aurrounded by hllla. The faahlonable re- aort. Newport, la aituated at the head of the take. Utr- BOO. anouier aUraetlve point, la reached brMeamer S^ mna dally, returning in the ewnl"*- Tto *Jf hotela ' the Memphremagog Houae, S* to 94 per day, and tt.e Bellevue Houae at lomewhat lower ratea. %jmU» Wliinep«Mt«ke«, N. M.— TJda b not «rly the largeat, but the moat beautiful of the lake* In w IRTJI. lo wtHc*. TIm HOUM It • ~«l«Cantlr up- Ion of Whitlnr J« UMl Uin sur- ir rldlDti h(MU irtlOtoflTM niMt attriKiUr* (trtke Uke by ora of Uin Itka rkllDfwatera." I* lUUMII KOTM >UI tor lU (f»- Tb« Ptirt. the (bora ; Uie il drlTM. Htt•^ nmiDOiUUoii id awD« are oultl- imple room all boatlns, bowl- TBniMtt.go Br WMk. rrom Ited tbe almoil wltbln « few lottererr polat oan be leourcd jm New Tork, lummer maort; mantle SMnery. MbotoM; tbwv rata*. -B««cb«4 hy tb« It and PaMump- utltul laka U In I refftoD, and ia (aablonabla r»- r tbe lake. Ma- ihed byMeamer nlng. Tbe beat ts to 94 per dar, werratea. !•— Thia i* not I of tbe lakea In DicnoK ART 0? iniim rbmrtii. tkli atat^, no mllea frain Boaton, and one nt the mo«t popuUr r«aorti in Mew Entland. It la atxiiit « mIM In len«th, and varrlni from on* Ui t«n inllwln width. Tbwe II excplleot boatlnff and n*hlnR, and itrlklDR ioaiMrT from almoit every part of tbe iborp. AMianHtn eoBoeet witb the different reaorta, botnli, ind landlnn- Hotels at Alton Bay, WInnepeaaukee Houm, tlO to f 18 a week ; at Wolfboro, tbe PaTlllon, fS a dar. and the Olendon Mouae, BelleTue Huum, liid Uke Houae. At Centre Harbor, twenty mllea 7. .hi Wolfboro, 8BN- TIR HOURI, charmingly iltuated, t tb acoommoda- tloni for ISO people, IS a day, tlS.M to ISO a waek, and the Moal'..Mi Home, 18 to |19 a week. Reaobed by wiue roDtea aa tbe White Mountalna (which lae). I per month. Qood priTale board can be procured In Lex- ington at from tS to $7 per week. Minrmj Oav*. V»., I« near Lurav. on the Shenan- doah Valley R. H., 80 mllM fmm Ha«rerau>wn. Tlila wonderful work of nature wai dlioorei-ed In 1878. The Rwneral verdict la tbat It exoela all other* In the extent, variety, lelenUOo interest and beauty of lu oalclta for- nations. " Oomparing this great natural ounoaltr with others of tbe same olaas," says tbe report of a party aeot out from the SmIthsonUn Institute, '*lt la Mfe to say that there Is probably no other cava in tbe world more eomplrtelv and profuaely decorated witb italaetltic and stalagmltlo ornamentation than tbat of Luray." Tbe Gave Is Illuminated byaneleotrlo tight. Luray village Is not unknown U) fame. It waa through 1U streets that Stonewall Jackwin passed in making his flank movement upon Banks at Slrauabourg, In 1883. Luray Is a gord central point from which the hlstorto- irapher may visit the numerous batUeflelds of tbe Val- ley kQd Piedmont region of Virginia. Within a few ■r p M>. nONART or m.'MMBR mCMORTII. mllM ara Kernitown, Fnmt llnyul, WInclioiMr, Strtuj- bnurir, New Market, Oe|imM li«>«n prii{nirii1 in exuiriliilriK Ui«in. I.iiray la or iIm» direct IIiik from New Ynrk Ui the fa- niouK Urm>nhrl<>r W'hitn Hiilphnr, Old Rwis't. KbiI Hwiiet, Wprm 8prlnit», and other pmnilnent Vlrifinla waierlna pl«n>*. The I.iiray Inn, built by the Lumr Cave anil lintel rnnipanv. In Qiintn Anim atyle, li near the rall- Mitd atatlon, and MtrTM Kllhcr aa a lempiiniry aUipplna place, or a« a n'«nrt for pinminH wlahlnii a lutallliy anil nmiaDtlo plaoi wlieriNit U' a|H-nd the auinuier. lienox. naaa.— Houaatnnic nallway, IM) mllet from Now York. Mountain nccncry and pure air, drlv- Imh anti b"nilnir. Kxci-lliint nihliiff, and hntitliiK, Fare from New York $a.7B. ( iirila' Ilotd u aliout the boat, nait'i tS and tS.BO per day. Proteatant and C'athollo Churohei. nancliealer, V(. Nultnatml In the heart of thi' (in-cii ri!inHiinln!>, (K) mlloi north of Troy, N. Y., on ihi- HcnnlnKton A KnMnnd U.K. II Ih aonivwhal over SOi) mllea from New York. There U plenty of trout n»hlnK In the vlclnilv, and Iho nioiintnlnH abound with boautl- ful drivea. Tim air la rrnmrkiilily pure and InvlKorat- intf. There are numerous niarblu qiian lea In the neti^h- Ixirbood, and Iho atreeta of tlin vlllairearo pnvrd with thN prucUiUH and beautiful auine. At tlio TACUNIO IIDTEL, which haa been newly paiwriMl, palnltwi. and car|H'li*tn IhH nnlgh- aru (HivtKl wllb the TACONIO il, painted, and $3 pordayand illy reiiohed Tia Lud ilao by way nsin, in Rituat«d hoiit doubt on« I8tut<>ii. Nature y oilier city In Bgrefl the pfew- of the cltv, the In art. Oae of re " thut lead! oiOTioNARr or aruMia rkhorts. akmii the ihorm of l^ke Mfndota. tbrouKh ahudowlnv wuo " Uhw>rvatiiry Hill." AlmihciB li tint l*ru«r drlv« about Ijkkti Monoua, and t4) " Nina ■pHnKK, anil lli« "Kliih Halcbwry," i-ach ami «»ery road li full of lnt«ri'iit Ui tlin nuiiimnr touii.ii. The Mlnnriil HprlUKi nt "Tiin-ya-wnUi-a" are m nrwlliln liy ilie MxaoKT '.fhlch plli-.i hourly iHawtx'ii that |"'''it and the city. JatHib'a KuiiiiiKir hotel la at Tou-ya-waUi- . _„ charuiiiitf iind ('.oiiiiihnIIouh iiuinnier hiiitil vt reaiooable rate*. Exc-rlinnt hotel nccouiinddatlonii Id the city are to be nlilnliiHl at the I'ark, Vula* and Capital Uousei. Ilalliiiail oonneetlon to other point* of lo- terMt In the iitate are mnel oonTenleot. IHaach <'hunk, Pa.- rroin lla •ubilma and ptctureM|ue iH'4t hu* Iwen called tba "Hwltzerland of Anieiica." 'i'he air la pure and In- ylBoratliiK. Froteatant and ObUioIIi- plauea of w<>r> •bip. The prlnrlpal hotel la the MhiisIou llouHe, Terina |a |ier day, $I2.9U to $l7.flO per week. Hpurliil rata* for children. Kure (roio New York $3.60, by the New Jeraey Central Kullroad. ITfcKlnneir, one hundred and twenty-4ilKht mllui* friiiii ('liKiiinull, near (Ireen Ulver, on the Cincin- nati s per niunlh. Ait- dress agent of the OlucluDatI Southeru Hallway for fur- ther particulars. IHaaon, thirty-nine mile* from Cincinnati, on the ('lucliinatl Southern Ilallroad. Is a pretty llttl«> Tillage where may tie found good hunllug uud flablng. Board nuty be liad for $10 per month. Corinth, Ofty-Uve miles from the Queen Oltr, has two hotels— Corinth House, terms fS per week ; Boutb- em Uotel will take S6 boarders for SB per week. neawika and Neenah, liria.— Tbeae lulted towni are located on the shore of Lake Winnebago, Just 00 ill' "1 DIOIIONART or 8V1IMU SOOtTS. at a point wbere ttie Fox RiTer diTlolc: tM two noble channel*, iweeplnir around a beautiful luland, wblob ti about tti J central part o( Menaaba and Neeuab. Ttaera ii beaatUul woodland soener^, good boatinf, nnrtfaled IMilng, and splendid ibootlnB In seaaon. Lilte Wlnna- boffo Is renowned for Its romantic surrouBdloffs. Russell House, Neenab, tbe National, Henaaba, and Robert's Summer Resort, are all good botels. Tbe rates at Robert's Summer Resort are $8 to $14 per week. Menaoba and Neenab are retebed ria tbe Oblear) and Nortli Western Railway. nooachead Lake, Me., one of tbe moat favor- ite resorts In New England, Is readily accessible from Portland and Bost^. It Is 1,088 feet abore tbe sea and bas tlM Kennetwo Ritrdftor'^rDUtlet. Tbe lake is well stocked witb n.ih. Greenville Is tbe principal Tllbige on its banks. Tbe WILSON HOUSK, at tbe eastern outlet. Is on an elevation commanding a view of twenty miles over tbe waters of Vm lake. There are tbirty miles of wilderness to tbe west, wbich affords bunting tor all kinds of gass, and plentiful flsblng. Toreacn Hocee- bead Lake, take either boat or train Iroiu Portland to Bangor, cbanglng there to Bangor t Piscataquis R.R., which brings you to Blancbard pS miles), from wMcb point a stage runs io Oreenville at the foot of tbe lake. Auotber route is over tbe Maine Central R.R. to New- port and thence via Newport A Dexter R.R. to Dexter, when stage Is t^ken to complete the]oumey. Wt, Airy, Oa., is a new, bright, tbrUty village, twenty-seven ■Miles northeast of Gainesville, oti Um Piedmont Air Line. It is 1,610 feet above soa level. Tbe atmosphere resembles that of Colorado la dear- ness, VroB Grand View Peak, two miles awav, tbe views surpass those of almost every other place m the State. At the Ht. Aiiy Hotel, tbe rbtes are $8.00 per day, and tlO.&0 per week. Mt. Airy is on the AUantto and Obariotte Division of the iUobmond A Danville Railroad, and Is consequently reached by taking tbe BiriimoDd it Danville Railroad at Washington. Ne «r BlTer, Teiui., two hundred and fifteen mil»i from OinotnnaU, on tbe CtnctnnaU Southern Railroad, Is another of the many picturesque spots on tbe road, with splendid hunting. Ashing and boating, 1. B. Ooone can take ten boarders at $6 per week. Hr. 91 •'i RES0KT8. ItTioc: BIO two noble lUful biland, wblob la uKl Neeuab. Tbera ■i koAtinff, nnrlTtlad Lake Wlnne- antlo aurrouBdliwia. NaUonaU Henaaba, re all good hotels. leaort aie t8 to $14 I are rekobed via tb« ay. >ne of tbe moat (aTor- adll7 aooeaalble from feet abore tbe lea umI tiet. Tbe lake is well le principal Tillage oa , at tbe eastern outlet, i view of twenty miles ere aretbirtj miles of lords bunting for all ing. To reacE Hoose- ain from Portland to or A Piscataquis R.R., (7B miles), from wMota kt the toot of tbe lake. I Central R.B. to New. [)ezter R.R. to Dexter, the journey. bright, thrifty TUIage, of GalnesTllle, ou Um feet abore sm lervl. tot Colorado la dear- , tT7o miles awar, tbt rery other plaMmtha tbe retes tm $8.00 per iiry is on tbe Atlantio YUohmond * Danrllie eaobad by taking the i Washington. > hundred and flfteen e Cincinnati aouthem ly picturesque spots on g, flihlng and boating, rs at $5 per week. Kr. -n ucnoN^aT or sitmmcr usoRia. W. Moore takes twenty at Uie same flgure ; and B. Hale, twenty at $4 per week. Nlacmm F«U«, N. T.— Brerybody has described tbis wonderful body of water, and has done it badly. DIokens turned the English language Inside out, and simply excited contemptuous amusement. Niagara Falls are simply indescribable. Tbelr grandeur and beauty tcaosoend language. Tbe nuis are reached Tia Bullaio, ettber orer the Jaleor New Toik Central and Hudson BiTcr railroads. Tbe fare on eltber road is $0JU. There are seyeral hotels cm the Amerloan side, among wbiek are tbe International Hotel and the Oat»> raet House- both dose to tbe Rapids— tbe Spencer House, and the Park Place Hotel. Rates Tary from $8.00 to %iM per day, and f IS to $90 per week. On tbe Canada side of tbe nills, THE PROSPECT HOUSE stands on tar>t»med Table Rock, and aaorda ai. unsur- passed view of Niagara. Tbe rates here are trinn $S.fi0 to $8.GQ pM- day, and $17.G0 per week. Tbe OUftoa House is also a flrstHdaas and fayorite hotel. NleolsusTllIe, ninety miles from Oindnnati, on tbe Cincinnati Southern Railroad, is in Jessamine County: Has One scerery, and romantic surround- ings. Camp Nelson is six miles distant. The Tennda Hotel has room for ilt^ guests at $7 per week. Prirate board may be had tor $4 per week. Nortkampton, IBUm*.— Iwe Krom New Tork $4JIB by the New Tork ft New Hayea .lud OonneoMout Rtver B.BA There are several water-cure estabUch- ments. Smith Vemale Colleg«, founded by Hiss Sophia ' gmltb of Hartford, is in tbe centre of the Tillage. Tnsre are loTely drlTM through beautiful scenery. l%e streets of fb» vlluge are well shaded by old and iounenae trees. In the Immedlata Tidnlty is (bat popular summer re- sort. Bound HiU Hotel. Here also are tbe buildings of tbe State liunatio Asylum and tbe Clarke rn^tuMfj^^n |ar Mtttes. Noitlk OAMway. IT- 2C.— Fare $6; beat roatSb Tla Boston by Eastem^R. Tbis faTorite resort Is at tbe eatranoe of tbe White Mountain region, deligbt- f uUy sitaaiad far rambles and driyes. Air pure and bracing. Good hotels. Tbe Kearaarge House has ao- CQmmodatloDfbrS00guests,at$8perdaT. TbeSuaset PaylUon, Int«rTal«.lfeMillan House, Wasbingtoa House, IN DimON'ART or srMMKR RK80RT9. Nortb Conway Hoiue, and the Randall Houae are alt good botelH: rates %2M to ts per day. Rood priTato iKiard intbe TUIage can be had from $7 to %li per week. IJ. Oeonomowoc Iiake, one of the chief attrac- tions In the Wl!eautlful Lao La Belle. 'l\j climate of this delightful region is genial and wonderfully Invigorating The siiortsmaD in quest of game will dud duck, wood- cock, snipe and other varieties In abundance. Every hotel aud boardlng-honse bos croquet grounds and other orrangemeuta for the entertainment and dlversioa of visitors. rmimjr*^ In the TTlsoonsin Lake Region, li tltu- ated twenty-aeven mlfw west of Waukerba, and twice (bet distance from Milwaukee. It bM among Iti many otiwr •ttraotloni a bijou lake, serentl ttaenual and 93 'JT" ""I '-^mAi^fti^m^ KSORTa. lall HouM sre all ar. nood private "lY to tVi per week. the cblet attrec- can be easily 3, Peawulcee and le charming Iooa- owlDK (lescrlptldiis 1 to ilo it justice. ind Fowler's Lnke, I of tourists. The telle.are surround- rai spriURs iu the I are the La Itelle HaKiiesia Springs, the famous Mlnne- >eeu analyzed and iDd io this region. 8t-olaS8 ; these are good. In addition sa boarding-houses, lie most delightful )f the Oconoinowoc, ;he (ilftord Station, one hundred acres idows und romantic lere the niagnlflcent lis localeie Ulster A Delaware R.R. It ia ilti'tved •t tbe eulrancfe to one of tbe romantlo passea In tbe vntbern belt of tbe inountaliu. Tbere la a threat deal of good fliblnic for trout In tbe nelgbborhood. Dr. Winters, tbevlllafe physician, Is Intimately aoqiialnted wltb tbetr dwelling-places. Tbe Tremper House, wblcb was built tbree years ago. Is tbe only botel. Tbere are many good boarding-bouses. Tbe fare from New York la tS or $5, according as boat or train ta taken to Bon- daut. Point Bnmalde.— Uue hundred and nf.T mi.les from Cincinnati, on tbe Cincinnati Soutbern RHilway. Is one of tbe soenlo oltles on tbe Cinolnnutl and Soutbern Line. It Is ik tbe midst of magnlboent maiintain scen- ery, and tbe visitor flnds an endless variety of natural beauties to gladden bis senses. The wonderful natural bridge wltb a span of one-buiidred and twonty-nve feet, and more than sixty foet biKh, Is one of those ^eocentrlcltlee of nature, that ever futerests the ' lOIIl- gent bebolder. Tbere are caws, cascades, and pools, to visit. Uood hunting, and tbere is excellent dsblng In tbe rivers, carp, aalmon, pike, black and striped baaa, buffalo, and cat-flab abounding. Salmon have been caught weigblng 15 pounds. Tbe Burnslde Hotel sltu- at«d on an eievauon of two hundred feet above tbe river, has twenty-two room& for summer boarders. It Is tbe dinner station for both tbe north and south bound day ezpreM. Katea, $10 per week, $86 per mouth. Pnt-lU'Bay I«Iand, Liake Brie.— Aooessible by any of the leading railroad lines ; is adellgbtful re- sort, noted for its salubrious climate, the peculiar purity and dryness of the air rendering It especially beneficial to those suffering from any lung or bronchial troubles. This spot has many hlstono attractions, and cap boast of scenery of great v ^tural beautv. It is In the midst of other attmci . . ) resorts, which may be raaohed by lovely drives tbrougii vineyards and groves, or by boat. Good Ashing. No mosquitoes. The Beeb« Uouae is tbe principal hotel. Rorkivood, Teun>, twobundred andiUty-flv* 1 fiL_ 'l^""''H^m£^.i,^ .___-asa MSOBTS. rings of Colorkdo to be prettiest TUU«ei mebour'srtdo froa- > II.U. It U SltUtvSd lantlo pMseii tn tha ruere U a trreat deal nelgbborbood. Dr. Hlmately aoqualnted feet above sea level, an extensive ▼lew of tbe valley of Btowe may be obtained. On a clear day the auiiimlt of Mt. Washington In th» White Mountains is dimly visible. At Stowe la tbe Mt. Mans- field House, and on Mt. MansOeld, tbe Summit House, botb under the same management. These houses will be open July ist. The rat<'8 are $3 per day, $12.50 to faOper week. Stowe lt one hundred and flfty-sevun miles from Cincinnati, la the county seat of Pulaokl County; it It pleuantly situated, and has dally connection wltb lav- mfte places of summer resort. Hicks House, $8 per day; AppleweU House, $1 per day; Seaport House tbe same rates. ■monaand lalanda, Canada.— This group of over fifteen hundred Islands affords the most delightful scenery Imaginable. Tbe Islets p.i« of every form and sise. Alexandria Bay Is a small village on tbe New Tort side of tbe River 8t. Lawrence andln close prox- imity to a number of the Islets. There are several large and line hotels at the point. Boating is excel- lent and there Is good Qshlng. Fare from New Tork, •boat $8. Reaubed by New Tork Central II. R. to Rome. N. T. ; thence by Borne. Watertown ft Ogdeosburg B. 97 J "•■^•■?>«jt5.v;;!-a.Fn"'^ — X. Ir RI80RT8. ||DK 60 people, termi , In the Berkshire ,)rt la aecemlble In a , Haven by rail, and rive*, beautiful sceii- d boardlnn at reawm- 1 known hotel tt Hie superior accommoda- te ol $2 per day or $10 )oint for the asoent of ; of the Green Moiin- ached by a Ko<)d ear- le miles distant from r miles. At the half- ea level, an extensive y be obtained. On a sbington in the White Btowe Is tbe Mt. Hans- d, the Summit House, nt. These houses will $8 per day. fW.M to quiet, pretty village of r-two miles northwest of the State, and Is 1, twelve milea and by red and flfty-aeven miles eat of Pulaski County; It klly connection with (av- l. Hicks House, tH per day ; Seaport House the inada.— This group of fords the most delightful 1 pi* of every form and lall village on the New rence ana Id close proz- 9ts. There are several )lnt. Boating Is exoel- , Fare from New York, k Central R. R. to Rome, irtown ft Ogdensburg B. '"'SJa;"^iJ-si-f'v mCTIO.NARr or 8UMMIR RKSORTS. R. The Cromman House and the Thousand Island** House are the leading hotels. Rates high. Trenton PalU, N.T.— New York Central R.R.> fare $A.73 tnnn Nuw York. Noted foi' Us ronutntto beauty of scenery. Its pirturesquu falls, and Its pure air. Visitors rnnnot do brtler than stay at Mt«'s Hotel- Rural Resort— one mile from the nillWHy station. Evorr arrangement for the coiiifortahlu accommodation ox 150 guests will be found at this homelike hotel. Terma, J3 per day. Tivln Eikkea, Col.— One of tbe most noted re- sorts In the upper Arkansas Vulley. Tne lakes are fourteen miles Kouth of I^eadvllle. on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. They may be reached from Denver by the Union Pacific Railroad over the Denver and South Park Division. The I.akes are at an altitude of 9,:»7 feet— over one and three-quarter miles— at the mouth of a cadon, In a little nook surrounded by lofty mountains. lioth litkes are well sttH'ked with flsh. Surruunding the lakes are large foresUs of pine, that add tiielr ehara(^t«rlstlc odor to the air. The nesreat mouiitiitnfl. whose forms are rcHected in tbe placid waters', are Mount Elhert. 14.631 feet In height. I* Plata 14,311, Lake Mountain and the Twin Peeks. Even In midsummer flannels are necessary articles ot apparel, and thick woolen blankets are indispensBble at night. The hotel and boarding-house accommoda- tloiM are eicellent, and the rates are moderate. Vpper Saranae Lake, Adirondaek IHoamalna.— The finest lake In the mountains, with teauiifu! surroundings. Tbe air Is pure and clear, aoll sandy and dry ; no fogs. Consumptives derive peculiar beneflt in this delightful climate. Splendid drivea over good hard roads which run for miles into the dense, green woods. There is line trout flshing In May and June. Deer bunting in August, Septemlwr, and Octo- ber. Best Hy-flshldg in August and September. After Juir 6th, a steamer maxes two trips daily to Bartlett'a, calling at Carey's and Sweeney's. Carry and Morgan's Camp. The lake is bounded by most delightful wood- land scenery. The quickest route from New York IS by the New York Central to Plattshurgh, thence by train to Ausable Station, where a stuge mt^ets the train to ocn- vey passengers to Saranae Lake. Fare from New Tort $13. Stage from Ausable to Saranae Lake $4 JO. 98 li mm nlCTIONART or Bl'UMKR RK80RT9. ^ Tbtre nre good hoteU and reRMnikbIa rates. Derby'i mwpeot House RCcomnnxlaU'a one biindred and flfty gurM* i niiHlv altimtiHl ; »ii|KilnlinenU (Irtt rlaaa : 1( vely Ttowa; livery kIuWiw. and lii>allnK. Tt'rnw $8.5<> per daj. Baranar Lake House JSper day. Bwriley House, out mile from the Laka. The beauties of Saranao lAke muit be seen to he appreciated. Urartbnrg, Tenn., (our milea frnm Klimet Stft- tlOD, ontim Cincinnati Southern Railway, two hun- dred and thiny-elght uillea from Cincinnati. )« within one mile of the Emory lllver. A unlet country place, wtier«^ pcn«>ns who difslre to wk»ph the conventlonall- Um of siM'Icty may while away the bunimer. The Wart- burg House, a small, comfortuble bouse, takes boarder* •t |M per webk. Wankcaha, aimut 21 miles west of|Htlwaukee> ll sltuattMl In a UMUllful wooded. rollInK region. A good plan for tourlsu Is to make Waukesha a oentrft of operations, excumlom' being made fn)m there by earrtage to llic liikps or by rnll U> any part of the West. While the size of tho place Is not too larut" t.) atforJ the quiet, piiftoral hablu which nature demnads of those who se«'k rest, the facilities for dive rsUMi are not ex- ceeded by any watering place In the land. It Is well supplied with hotels. The Fountain Spring Hotel U the largest, having ample accommodatloas for six ban- dred guests.' Here are the famous springs of Betbead*, Celurinn, Fountain Hygelo, Wiiukesha Mineral Rocl Spring, and others almost ns well known, all good fw kidney, otomacb and liver diseases. The water strengthens and purines the blood. Leading physldant •end patients here from all parts of the country. White Illoniitainii, N. H.— By railroader ■oond steamers to Boston or Portland; tbeooe, tU Grand Trunk Railroad, to Gorhara N. H., or by Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad to Olen station, and thence by eoac^ea 15 miles. Fare, from New York $11, from Boa- ton $S. These mountains are widely famous (or tbelr iirand. picturesque and romantic sconery, aod the ex- tentlTe and magnlDcent views In InexbanaUble Tariety, which may be enjoyed in every dlrecUon. Tele- naphic (acuities are afforded to all distant points. LeadlDE bou Itulhvay, two hUD- Inolnnatl, )n witbia ulet voutilrjr place, thA ronventlonall- kuiiiniHr. The Wart- lOUM, takes boardert w<>llln({ rp({lon. A WnukHslia a o«iitr«> nade from there by iiy part of tliu Weat. larxn t.i afford the TH deinnada of those ivertiluii are not ez- the land. It In well In Hprliii; Hotel U latlous for six bon- i springs of Betbeada, keaha Mineral Rock known, all good for isensea. The water Leading pbysldana f tbe couutry. H.— By railroad or 'ortlaad; tbenoe, via N. U.,orbyPortbuid itatloo, and tbenoe by York $11, from Boa- ely famous for tbelr conery, and the ez- s In tneihanatible sverydlrecUoD. Tele- > all distaot polota. mnuin Uoiue,UleD, uicTiuMAHT or MtfMH Raoa\.. White Mounialn, Crawford Hoiise. Terms ») to $t.» per day. WlllUmatown, the pretty county-seat of Qr«nt couniv, 1» 35 miles from ClnclnnaU,ha8 tele«™P"' 7"^' and cxpnm facllltlef. T»vo holeto are In the »lll»«e« The Johnson House can accommodate ten ?«"""»»'••• per day or »4 per week : the Campbell House will UJte forty guestTat |1.N) P«r day or H.HO per week. PrlTat* board r*n be hart at Is.N) per week. Whiteir Station, 187 mllaa from Cincinnati, liii good little place for hunting and Oabing, and » JfJJ CoaiU of several mineral wausrs. Board can be had M prlTate housea for $8.80 per week or $14 pe<- month. TMeTlII«. 107 milea from Cincinnati, on tbeOI*- clnnatl Southern Il.It.. N u good llshlng !<;>'"«", Tfjoj twelre perauns may nnd comfortable K OT Mahkers " is the well OhOBOn tUU- of « n ™M«r.m.l ,...l.lUI»-u by TIIK QUKKN PUB- Tl^lllSO r<>MrA.\Y. Kriiiiklln Nqiiare, New York. It ta notalmi" "^^^^^^^^ " How to U I'o Ite." but "aiVier an .nt.rtalnliiK .iiHay, teachlnK valuah e leMons hi a wai not to ulv.. ..ffrnHe. It toiiolies on and explains ill conventional .•oniifsl.a, alluiles to many maiinor- limsaiirt u.i-iillarllU'H of the Ani.Tli-an ix-oplc. and tells what It !» uronur to do In alniont every nodal eontln- BencT It la written In a (n-aphlc and nlcturemiue «tyl». KdTtheworkof one W^io l« au fait on all matters treated In lu coliinin». It I* the tM;»t book of the kind In the EnVlUh lanuuagc, and «houlil be In the hand* of kVwho wish to fieXiroughly Informed concerning " the minor morals." For sale by Booksellers everywhere. Bent to any address on receipt of price bj The Queen Publishing Company, nUNKUN SifUAliE, NXW TOBK. W. B. ANDREWS, Manager. ff •tr! I 1 1 ^11. DICTfONART or IIIIMIIl RMORTB. Pt •timm^r ratort. The hotcia ars CoDfrtM Htll, Kniek* erhookar, Uvlngiton. ■•aver D«m, Wis., (IxtT-thrM diIIm w««| nf Mllwaukiw on tli« NiirtlH>rn DtTlflOD of th« Mllwaukvo *niintulri!i. H«m tha weary Inralld and im'ki-r for hfallh and pli-iiiiiire llDd • grateful r)rii|M-rtln!i, IxikIh an iidilltloiial ■'harm to thla b<>HUtlful n-Klon, mid irlvpa to ll<-Hvor Diini a rightful place anionir the inoat attractive of healthful nuininer reaorts. The t-legant Park of twelve acres surroundlnf Vita Mineral St>rliiK li a perfect Kern of beautjr. Dr. 8wan haa lIlttHl up tlieiw Krounda i^ardleaaot eipenae, and thrown them opih« nd pli'iixiin* and • d«llKliir>il K!<-nM natliiKJiiKt nulling, .akH whlcb li Um ooDilillnff bttaldat Lakn. ThH recent '112 iinexonlled lal I'harni k> tbia ir Oimi li rlglitftil lieallhriil !iiiinm«r aorm surrDimillng Bin of beauly. Dr. >r(lli>t«ii>f HxpAuae, iM'iii'lIt iif all wbo ir^K find beautiful I'ark, li ipeclallr iinier vlalton. All nd healtb. TbOM appljr carljr to Dr. ot«l, Bearar Dam om New York Ti» ilderable oelebrlty. aUraandtoolcaDd raaulu In caaei of lea, etc, Tbe au^ and tbern la erery Tbe leading hotel —flare from New Um New Harea R. out R. B. Bellowt aceouot of Iti a»- que acenea wbiota .*-.■»* "fP" iiu.'rioNaRT or ariiiiitK HKWtHTs. ahoand In Ita ImmedlaM Tlrlnllr- Tbe Alientaule •prinn or* hiKblr i<'nl<' a>)d poawM Taliiahle niMllofnsl prurertlM. Tim KhIIh um a wrlea of rapldx In tliH Ooo- nertlcut, ext«ndliiK alunif the barn of a lilKh und pre- rtpttouii hill known ii« M'liint Kllbiirn.' The »1eW from the brldKe which iTonawi Ihn rlvnr li wondxrfully effertlVK. The Inlmul Iloiiae l> the tnwt hotel. Prf- f ate board can he Imd at rHaw>nalile ratea. Blue Llek Hprlnce, Kr.-rrom New Tort ?ta N y. Central ll.ll. to OIncliiimtl, Ihence Tia KentiirkT Central K.R. ; dlntanne about HfKt mlh-a; farealviiil $l». Tbeae HprlnRa were dlnroveretl hi long ago an I77S, and bare been Tlaltwl In bygone year* by the m celebrity. Thi' leading hol.el In the Arlington, a new estnblUhinenl baring excellent acc<>ininodatl>)n« at moderate ralM. Canon CItr, Col.-Llea at the head of a greet cave on the front rmnfe of the Rix-kr Moiiiitalna, be- twwn the (Jreenhorn .MouiilalnnHiid the raiigea aouth of the South I'ark. mid Jiist lielow where iht- Arkanaaa rlTer pliingea through a ohiimn. half » mile deep la tbfc aolld graiilte, t'l enter upon lu alnuwt Interminable career acroaa tlie plain*. It» population N i.'XW. It la reachwl from Denver bv the Denver and lllo (irand" Railroad over the branch road alartlng from Roulh Pueblo. South I'uebln In reached from the Eaat by tk« Atcblaon. Topeka and Hante ¥6 Kalln)ad. The mineral ■prtng* at Oafton City, liotb warm and raid, are regard- ed aa among tlie moat valuable In tbe 8Ut«. Tbe bot tprlDgi are recommended for ouUneoua and blood diaeaaea. Ohittenanco Whlt« Solphur Sprinc*, Cblttenango, Madlaon cwinty, N. Y. Krom Sew York ▼la New TTork Central R. H. Dlatance, 874 mllea. Time. 9 boura. Fare, $3.78. A well-known aummer reaort, tbe principal advantage* of which are Id tbe oae of lla mineral wateni, to which varloiui diaeaaea gradu- allr auccumb. The waters of the White Pulphur Sprloga How directly from tbe rock, t«n feet above the lerel of tlw ground. In a atream 18 Incheii In width, and differ ▼ery materially from all other aulpbur sprlnga found in ttw Northern Statea. There are alao Iron, magneala and 103 w^Km DICTIONART or SUMMER RESORTS. Other sprlngfl hiKhly henedclal In cases of dyspppsla, nerroiisness, rlieiiiiiatism hikI troubles of a scrofulous chmracter. As a home for those seeking a restoration trom chronic or other ailments, and as a resort {or all those wtjo desire a respite from the fniimies of a buol- nen life, this is an especlallv deslriihle place. The leadlnor hotel is the CHiriENANHiO WHITK SULPHUR 8P«IN(;8 HOUSE, a lar^o and well conducted hotel, thai has become very (Mipninr. The country about ij very sitractve, and the fiwllltles for recreation are am- ple. There are churches 'ind tclcKraph olllces and fre- quent malls. Clarendon Sprlnga, 'Vt.— From New Tork via Hudson Kiver RulliiHid, and l^elaware and Hudson Railroad. Dl8tiiiicea« miles. Time 9 hours. Fare $t.l5. A celebrated waterini; plac« poss<;selng min- eral sprlnirs of great renown and of curative properties. The country Is very dellKhtful, the scenery being noted. Bieasant drives, churches, and all the attractions of a Atshlonable revrt. The leading hotel is the Clarendon House, sltuateii in a park, and a summer hotel com- plete In its appointments ; terms $2 per day $8 to $10 per week : children and servanUi, $5 per week. Clinon Sprlna:a, N. Y.— From New Tork via New York Ceiilral llttllroad. Distance 85S miles. Time 10 hou' :. Fare S7.34. An old, but much neglected resort. For over fifty years these waters have been tamoug for their cure of bilious and cutaneous dis- orders. It has great celebrity as a healthful resort. The waters are sulphur and magnesia. The resort Is patronized by a class who are Indifferent to fashion and its follies, but who are ambitious to gain health and strength. There Is attjuctlve 8c*nery and pleasant drives. The chief hotels are »*>e Foster, and Snnitiv- rtum. Prices are rea-sonuble, and a llbeml concession la made to permanent boarders. Colombia Sprlngpi} N. T.— From New Tork to Budmm via New York Central Rallrond, thence by stage. Distance, 125 miles. Time live hours. Fare $3.50. There are three springs, which together bear this name, bubbling up in the meadnw-iand In the town of Stockport, four miles from Hudson, and In view of the Hudson and the Oatskiils. The vrvni la regarded as the best combination of healthful logre- fllents of any in the country. The highest medical 104 'felif RESORTS. Pases of dyspepsia, bles of a scrofulous IseoklOK a restoration d as u resort for all fniliriies of a biiil- leslnihlo place. The D WHITE SULPHUR veil coniue are imall but M $4.E0 per week, sotuges, 90 mllfti e tbe oelebr»led r more noted In oTeljr, belDK sltu- no\fntalDs end In ed bealth-gli^lnff Spiing Hotel are rateit to taBiiUei. om New T — R ••» Time, I ..'■ n. g been Kuuwa ia\ le waters tlowlag nd being tasteless ell arranged and 9 to tlie faiAuui over a hundred Lee. There are lotel If Columbia October. There li oauon, but tbere U (amoua watering the terminus ot a Grande Baltroad, fanltou I* situated bill* ot tbe Rockr nt. It U tbe gate, itk outa westward n, of wblob PIke't the norttaem ilde, Is great mountain, nrer. Host o( the moDg plcturexqua ilew, uit-runnlng DiCTIONART or aUMMCR RkSORn. ■tream, which oomos down frnm the mountain througb the Ute Pais. These springs have, from time Immemo- rial, enjoyed a reputation as healing waters among the Indians. Hither thejr Invugbt their slok, bnllt wig- wams on the banks of tbe stream, and used tbe water both Internally and externally. Then, as now, it was obaerred that their use was eapeolally benoflolal In all oases ot rheumatism and skin diseases. Celebrated chemists bare declared that tbe springs resemble those ot Ems, and exoel those ot Spa, two of the most oele- breted groups In Europe. The summit ot Pike's Peak may be reached from this point, and the return trip a«- oomplished within tan hours of daylight. There are numerous other pleasant excursions to places of Inter- est which may be conveniently made from Hanitou as k starting point. Manltou has several Bmt-olass hotels, where tbe rates are from $3 to $4 per day. The Beebe House and the Manltou House ara tbe two principal ones. Tliprn nra also several axoellent boarding bousei tn the village. -^ " naaslna Sprlnca, Hatneld« N. J.— Distance from New York ten miles. Flue rolling country and woodland acenerj. Utut l.aoo miles : fare In tbe northeastern rer Uountalns, amid I pleasant to tbe taste and In kidney, llrer, n are very beneflclaL "^^^m ^s-^ v ^' OIOnONABT OF BDIIMUt Tbm an teTeral botela and bawnUag-hoiuMi «U new. TlM plaea la advertlMd ■■ tbe futiira gnat baaltli rewMt efUieworid. Tiie laadlnc iioielli Um BonUMn. BliMi SprtaM, Ttmm.f t» two Hflw from Spring City on tbe Otnelnnatl floaUieni Bailway. This lorely neon If sitnatM mbM Mm emenM hllli, grand old moontalB and pletaraqne Menery of tlw Bwltier- land of Amertsa, upM MM itaiiks of tbe Plney Blver. a oryital momtoln atream fringed with bealeeki and RbododendToni, wbere tbrnuanda of game flab their Mver and gold rainbow ttnta in ita oooi ibadowy depUw. Hw waUnare so elear that tbe Oab mar b« seeBattbegi«ateaideptb,anddartS*f •«>*;»°* ">H^ Rook, one of ttM mart ittttUig Wto rfiock lOiiiMTr «» Springs. Wln»toB'» ItoTto* yiliuM^ ^* f^S! Wildwood BprtoK are ttarae mUw tnm Mont Ugf flDrinm!and reJoiiedoTerafllMmonnlianroibd. Only ^Ml "ere Cate. Tlie Mont bmto H«M»I to the mojt ooDTentent for Tisl Tloinltr of •»*"^. wlSi eTery modwn ImiioTenjentrit to !«'■'*•*. ^ good ^l«. MMl with a »few t« VtrtMioot^rL ntn BTatoeban room awl WIMMdroom «fg2A^SS Tentent to tka botrt. JI»fi«S?*2:£?"*5L'*552S ara laid ont tn KnglUb gar««>tnc "^l^jJf^i^IS: walks. w«»-'»rt*andTtamt«^j/Jhttjtm»^^ latea to famlUca. flaratoc* SprlBCiS W.T.— From Hew Tort to AlbMT^ Newport central B. »n er ««f or nlgbt M«amen up .tbe Hudson. Dtstanoet ni mUea. Tima ikTe. Tlie Mont ■agle Hotel to tbe moat r Tisltors. being stt^aUd.lntbelmmedtoto aarly aU tbe gointo of Interest In Mont lot^ to w . -:ir«lass and modarnstroottire. las. 8pe«i2 8 hoSS" FsJre |4.16. The most odsbrated M^tMb- loSSSf wateringplsje in a»,^^JS^*^S^*S3S aU oTer tbe world tor ito mineral iOTtogSj^po«eim| YariouscuraUTe properties and qnaliaes. nesewatan have most beneSdal elteot on «««»« £o"»S2?S> dtoeascN, and tbelr euraUTe proDMlles In tboosande SfSSs an attested; 8eraMg» » "jj*"*;*;*^;!* plain and unpretentious TlllMe. Tbe MROmdlnc MontiTtoTery beautiful, andttwre are many driw* ^ (^tbe mMt attraoUTe beuig to Woodlawn. tbe sum- usoBn. aztrtordlDarr bri)' IMcd peiMlMit at t BlffraaMoBtlifta and molt BMcmO- Um Bocklc^TTkU* • d rock MMiMT OD t fmn Houal Baft* ton'i OkT*, Mid Qm I tfcm Mont ligto Mnntaln road. Only tlia loTolr UtUa nla bounda in a aariai of pUon. OiM amona ^ Jnntala DaU. and Bl« Hotal U Um moat •dlnUMlBBiedlala ot Intaraat In Mont )d nodani atmetara, .; It la fnrnlAad la aetoomfott. Tbara nMaoiiad.aimeoB- nmtrontotibalkoM r atria, wtth dilvaa. k latba tauMdtaU aanrafovBd: nbaa (ta of anlartdnment NT la kapt. Tbara la apblo oommnnleation r a daOy mall ; tanna month ftB. Bpaelal -Trom Naw Toit to B., ordai or nlglit loa. 181 mllea. TuM OMebratad aadtei^ tad Stataa, and Knowr i nirlniia, poataMni laltma. Tbeaawatan nflaren from ohronle tn tbooMnda I. Tba auromidliw a»» manr )Wood:aim,i m ant many drtva^ .-.^'J^^Vir; .M.- .. II ELEGANT CABBIA0E8. J. B. BREWSTER & CO., t S6th STREET. BoIeMakenoftlM Windsor Wagon, WUh Vertical Steel Plates in Axtet. i Warerooms, Stli Avenue, oor. 42d Street raBfWt"" ^^- — I I. II I t ill I bicnoNAKT Of luiuuu usotn. mer homo of cx-Judae UUton. The Maion U July and Aiik'imt. aurliiB which time th« hotels are crowded and the vlltaKo ull life, animation and eaTety. There are races, conoert*. ballii and railous other a iUMinents and recreation*. The hotel«-all largo, drrt-olaai and ete- S ant— are the firand Union, United 8Ute^ Oonirrem [all, Windsor, Clarendon, Columbia and several tmall- er ones, with boardlnit houses Innumerable. The rhiiracs are from $8.80 to $6 p*r day. CtongreM Park is open day and nlRht, and In the season conoerU are Blven In It afternoon and evenlnd. Not to spend a few days at Saratoga In mld-aeason. Is to mlu nelug the wealth and tashlon of America enjoying Itself. Sbaron Sprinica, N. T.— From New York Tla New York Central. UUtanceSOO miles. Time 8 hours. Fait! $4 1)0. One of the old established and most curi- ous waterlnK places In the stale, owing to the existence of several different kind of springs Idustered close togelher. They Include sulphur, magnesia, blue sul- phur, and chalybeate. The village Is ft a ravine very pretty and picturesque, and the waters fall over a high ledge of rock. Cherry Valley, of Bevolutlonary mem- ory. Is near Sharon. The most prominent hotel U tM Union UaU; there are also many boarding houses. Sharon is patronized by old, conservative people, who go there for the baths. It 1» a quiet place, but In high repute. Churches and shops are in the village which Is }U8t sumulently quaint to be Interesting. Sparklins Catawba Sprlnsa, N. C— From New York via Pennsylvania R.B. Located seven miles from Hickory Station on the Western North Carolina R.B, The waters aro white and blue sulphur and cnsc lybeato, and are of good effect In cases of rheumausm, kidney complaint, and dyspepsia. There are Ave churches. The hotel accommodations ore for 800 peo- ple; rates 9'i per day. Sprins 0*ti. Tcnn., 880 miles from Cincinnati, on tlie Clnc'.onall ft 8ou^^ern Bailway, is a pleasant little vlllaee at the foot of Wslden's W;?KeMd Cum- berland Mountains. The celebrated Bhea Springs are only two miles distant, with dally hack connection, mails, telegraph and telephone facilities. Private board may be had at J5.50 per week. The Spring Heel has ; ki tm }(•&;. w. xsom. oeaion U JuIt and 8 are crowded and lajetT. There are ira /UMmentaand nrst-claan and el»- d BUtes, OoDffrem Hnd several imall- iimmerable. Tbe . OougreM Park U saion coDoerta are . Not lo spend • a. Is u> mlu seeing njoylng Itself. im New York Tla l«a. Time 8 hours, ed and meet curl- ag to tbe exUtence i» [clustered close lagnesla, blue sul- s in a ravine very ira fall over a high ivolutlonary roem- Llnent hotel Is the boarding bouses, rvattve people, who t place, but In high n tbe village which -eating. DSa, N. C— From located seven mile* im North Carolina le sulphur and cha- se* of rheumatism, .. Tbere are Ave >ns are foi; 800 peo- les from Cincinnati, Iway, Is a pleasant s Btdge and Cum- d Bhea Springs are f hack (wnnectlon, ties. Private board e Spring HoCel hot DICTIORAKY or BUMMER RKORTR. raom for forty gneats; rate* fS per week or f» per month. •«. OatlieriBe'a Ontt.rto, Can. — Known dileflv for IM saline inlncrnl iprings. These nprlngs poaaest remarkable curative prt pertles In all canes of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, and diseases of «?« kW- nevs. liver and skin. Lake Ontario Is two miles lUtsnt, where excellent Oshlng may be had. The clt nat.) Is Hilubrious. Splendid drives and picturesque 'wenery. lire from New York $B.BO. Protestant and Catbollo plioes of worship. The Welland, SprlnKbank, and 8te- Dbenaon are the beet hotels ; ran? from 93 to JJ.BO per day, and from $10 to $16 per week. Special .erms for children and servants. SUeboTC«n, Wi^, Is situated on a ttrlp of land that luw out Into the blue waters of Lake Michigan seven or eight miles farther than any othfr point on the laKe. Sheboygan Is blesstid with cooling breeze.^ In the very bott<>»t seajton. There Is a flna jeach and splendid boatlug. The town la a pretty, c.ulet place, with some elegant reuldenced. Tbe Sheboygan river traces Its way through the town to Join the waters of the lake. A park of superb forest trees occupies a prominent locality. In this park Is found one more of Wisconsin's wonderful healing fountains. Its waters resemble those of KIssengen of Germany. The water of this fountain or spring is a famous curative ot mn- larlal fever, and most valuable In kidney and liver oomplalnta. Tbe Park Hotel Is a cozy and pleasantly appointed house, well kept and conveniently locjited. Beekman House also offers flnit-clasa accommodations. There are several good boarding places in the town. Bates at hotels and private bouses reasonable. Sheboy- gan la reached via the Chicago ft Northwestern Rail- way. Sparta, lliria.— Reacbed over a delightful country through Belolt, Madison, Devil's lJ>ke, Eiroy, etc., via the Chlcaito and North Western Hallway. Sparta is ■ituated in a broad valley, surrounded by a succMslon of crags and picturesque bluffs. Many hundred fwt abovethe level of Lake Michigan, its secluded looatloii does not hinder the pure, invigorating breezwi that make this charming Ultle place so pleasant to stay in during aie summer months. The atmosphere is pecu- liarly dry and bracing, pure and cool, without the least Kt*^' '" J^ t'i! manoKAKt of imauB ■■wkii. Mrid efftoet, ind MrfMUy tree Irotn ■"^W^lj;'*^ and buraldUy. There ere mMj ehanntog mmcU ta ebm Tlotnlty to BpfrU. Tbere li iptonaid ibooUDt and trout MilDg. TtieWwner Houm It pertwoe ttae beetbotel. oioee by tUi bouae to a wdl or (ounUln o( toe ramoM Bparta mtaenri water. It to tbe moat power- ful chalybeate watw, yet «j*wei»d. wd oanJWai double tbe amonnt ol Iron (oaod iB..*'ir 'V^Tf^ mineral water. TWe water to enMOtolly b«iMB«tol for tboae afflicted witb debility, palmoDary aSeMknia, In- dliertlon, kidney and Urer iximplatole. and rbeomatto and neuralgic lAeoUona. In ooDoeotion witb tbe botel li a TurkUb Batb Inatttute. Tbe aooommodaUona at tbis bouae are excellent, and tbe obargaa moderate. Another good hotel l» tbe Ida Houm ; good board «an be obtained In tbe TlllMo »t «e*>n*ble ratea, flnubrlsbt, Tonn., la two hundred and twwity- eight mlleiTrom Olnclnoall on the ClnolnnaM BouUiem Railroad. Ii In the Mtme hunting graund aa Glen Mary; there to ;i«o excellent flahlng. *«.«}»•»"'•«••" tbe minerRi aprlnga. Board can be obtained In the Til- lage tor $a.SO per week. WatUn'a and] Havana Olome, H. T^- rrom New York via Krle RiOIrpad. D««mm. «» mllca. Time 8 boura. Fare $7.80. One of tbe moat romantic and beautiful of the ^J"?";,"*"?*."*": brated tor Ita acenery, climate and bealth-glTlnc air. The magnetic and aulphur aprlnga cure tbe ino^o"- atlnate and Intractable dtoeaaea and oommand Immm- IHK oonndenoe. The leading hotel to the Qlen P«rt. which la near the entrance to the tamoM Wetklna Olen, and to moat oonveDlent to HI pout* of Intanii. HI RMOm. BUlartol potoOM lumlDB raaorU to •pleodld ibooUnt UM li periiaoa Um i well or fouablii ot ( la Um DKwt power- nd, ud oontalni in any dlMorartd MlaUr toMMflaial tor IDU7 klboUoiM, in- loU, and rlMumatle oUon witli UM bote! aoeomipodatlona at I obaiiaa modarate. w; good board oan Kbiorataa. UDdrad and twanty- Clnelnnatt BoatlMm ixHind aa Glen Marjr; Bar Um Tlilaffa ar« obtainad in the TiU OI«M. N. T.— oad. Diatanoe, WO >. Oa« of tbe moat mmer reaorta, eela- bealth-fllTlng atr. oura Um moat ob- idoommand iatnaa- I U tiM Qlen Park, lie hmoua Watklni 1 poluta ot InlartA. ]l Vor the Handker«hl«r. RJMMEL'S PKRFUMBS iMlnar miMtly dlitllled from freshly-Kathered flownn. by mmui* of hl» now Palgnl Murtiyrnt, \>o*»v*» the (lollKhtfiil HU rtttoi «( tbe Republlo. TlixlnU and West Virginia dlvMa tbe bonon, aa ttaey did (beir ttniturr, aa to tba Tarlatj of their iprlnga and th« great rang* of benefl- eevt f liM oountry oMi one |orr baneat, than ^' <«lr import- U> are olaa- '•.— From New Tork oe 414 mllea. Theaa of chroDle dIaeaMa I mllea from If 111- pntatlon. The moun- are beantlfn] drlTea. the beat In Tirvtnia. Hi arraofmnenta. Tba Iprlnca Honae. which fm.—Tnm Mew Tor* tMieatUmllaat Hmf DiononAKT oy lOMMn MHoarik U boun ; fu« fT JO. Oalebraled for Ite mineral hatha' Which are nnrlTallad, and Inolnde ipout, abower, plunire MM iwlmiQlnit pools. Kbeumatlam, gout and nerroui dlteaaea ant ourad, and the batba are alao oomnetia and baauliOan of tba akin and oomplexlon, remoTlna tan •22 ^y"? '"*• •"'PW^'niT «»' aoflaaaa. fraahnaaa and elaatlcltr pmullar to health. There are alao ubalT> beato and aulohur wrlon. K to a beautiful oountrr, and there li tba baa. of bunUng and Oanins In aeaaon. rjSitVSP* •■* •4?'^"'- ■**• IWMJIng hotel la the BCIUILaT BPRIIMMMOTIL. which baa aoeommoda- Uona for aoo paoiila and ia a modem, Drat-olaaa eatab- notadfortht ' -■ > Der dar; |1S pe. ratea tor ehlMrm and nrranta. Habmeat, m •e.110 theexcaUenneof tbeoMMtM. IUi«a daj ; lis per w«A and fllO per month ; half Bin* •■Jpkar SpHMa, Wm« V«.-rrom Mew Tork rtathananiMylTanla and OheaapeakeAOblo R.R., toSlaantoa. DUtooca 414 mllea. rar«fl8.W. peae iprlnn ara near the famoua \rhlt« Sulphur Sprtnga, and ara in a varr beautiful oountrr. noted for it* JpenarT and polnta of Intaraat. The watera are ^leB} of benefit In kidney troublea and aUn dlaaaaaa. There ara rapor and yarloua otber batha. The hotel and oottaM acoonmodatlona are (rood, but not preten- Uooa, and: the riallora ara not atrlotly of tba faahlonable order. One of the great attractioni of tba Blua Snl- phor aprtngi U tba eHmate, which la Terr pnra, bra< r and Inrltoraunif. The aeaaon la from June to Oct r and wortanen are anre to And excellent bnniMic. Ofcur«baa are eouTenlent and the pottal faoUltlus an good. Capoa SprliMO, Wm« ▼a.-rrom New Tork ▼la PennarlTMila or Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ^^i'^P^'f'^ piwMant and attraetlva watering place « ettablubM reputation and axi«n«lTe popularity, lo- cated in • eharmlDg oountry, abounding in mountain •oenery, watta, drlraa, and ramblea. "Ae watera are Ter* btMflotal, both Internally and externally, and tbe P^Si^E"^.?^ •** rheumaitam, gout, etcaoon yieMa to tbefr.6oiTeatlTa and raaturaUre power. It la hem that tte Virgtm, trimming batha in tlie world ara located. There &a aerena ehurchea, '«legraph, and poat-offloe, etc. The leading hotel ia tbe Capon Bprlnga Hotel, which like the geuentllty of hotels at the Bprlnga duplU fMaa tbe name. For many rearathlareaort baa had th« Ji> DIOnOHABT or ■DIOUB KHons. of the ratrmwm of promloaat paopto from all puti of oouutry. and u arar deMrredly growloR In taTor ''Iranqvler Salphor ■prtMC^* T«.— Trom New York via tb* Bfiumora * Ohio or PenniylTaiila R. B. Time 18 bourB. Tbew waton are ehalybeatod ■olptanr and are moat beneOoUl In «aMi ol dyipepiU and cbrnnlo trouUea. Bafora Utl, tbia naort waa mm ot the moM. (aililonaMa for baaltti and piaaaoM aaakan In the UaJon, but nntU a tew years afo waa neclaetod. It la a moat beautttui and ploturetque plaoe, with the BapDabannoek river running throogh It, aflordlnK one nihinK, boattnar and (alUng. Hotel aocomodationa are exoellent, aniftbe grounda furronndlng tbam far nan than ordinarily attractlvo. er«enkHer l»Ute Salpbvr tortaM. W. Ta.— From Mew Tori^ via Fenn(ylTaDU& Waab- Ington, from which olty It ta 9M mllea. TIma IS bowa. Long eaiabltobed among the wmmar reaorta andaato- biMed for their enraUTn mineral watera. The attimo- MooB of aeenery. walica, drlvea and ramblea are niuaw- 0U8, and there is good baM and trout aahing. Tte leading hotel is the Qraenbrler Sprlnga Booaa, wUata, with adlaoent oottagaa caa aooommodata flfsaaa hundred people. The aeaaon la from Iby to Ootobar. BeaUnc Sprincta, Batk 0«., Tau- from Haw Tork Via BalUmore * (Ato ILB.: fare IMJO. A notod reaortlnlthe Warm Spring TaUey, U mllaa fMa tha town of OoTlngton, and ooooplaa a eantnl paaMloiita the great group of mineral apringa. The aoenMT U gnM, wild and pictoraaqna ; the air pc^e and Infim- ratlng, and the oUmate delighttttl, the mwoury imiwy rising aboTe 76 dega. Tbert are four apringa, bright Md oryatalline, and tM arer-barrttng babUeaM gaa Hut eacape with tha water and Ikiat In myrtada of vaalelea uponiU Burfaoeimp«rttolt a peoaUar, aparkltag a^ pMranoe. The batha are highly beneOitfil in eaaeaaf akin dlaeaaea, rheumatism, dyapepata, ate., aad ha«9 th« endorsement of some of the moat emmeat madiaal maa of the day. There are ohurotaa «« aU dMOKloaUoMk abundant game, and good flabing. The HKAUNO BPBINas HOTn. ia tbelMdlng ofie, and wittlta pretty oottagea aooommodatea 800 people ; rataa $U0 per day. Hot SprlaM, V«.~iroM Haw Tork Tla Baltt- Ohlo B. B. Ther are lire miles Iran tha 110 mora ani "^1 ?8 I KMOint. rom »U puli of the trowlDR in faTor sad !■(■., Ta.— From bio or PeDDiylTBiita •ten are elialybcated 1 «BaM ol djripepiU 1, tbi* NMTt WW on* • ago WM MKlcoM. wqiM plaoe, wltli the toffh li. •flordlng Ine el aocomodkttoii* are iidlog Umuh far i rlvanla^ B. to Waib- lUea. TliM tl boon. iBMtr rtaorta and «•!»- waters. Tbe attimo- d ramblM ar* niUMr- 1 trout Mkinc. Tte iprloga Boon, wtleb. aooonmiodat* flfSaaa 'omlbytoOotobir. ^., ▼*.- froin Haw faralMJO. ADOlid tjr, U Bilca fn» tbe laeantna pofrttlMita log*. Tbe aoenMr Is 9 atr pure and Inflfto- d, tbe mwenr* raiwy >ar iiNiiigfl, bright aad ig habUeaitf gea tbat In myitada of T«alelea eoallar, ipartUag ap- rbeneHitfil in eaaaeof iNla, ete., aiidba«9tb« , emuMnt madiaal men of all dMmninatlOM, ling. The HKAUMO )fie,aiidwitbltafnttr e:ratei$MOperdajr. New Tork Tte Baitt* re are mile* from the OKT OVF AT OOTIHOTOM HEALING* SPRINGS. Bath Ceaacy, Ta. I have leaaad theea Sprtngi, to long udgo f aror^ly kaown to tbe paHle, for thiee years, and wm opeii them OB (he let day a^aae next. ^ P»™oaiwlio dertre to eome earlter &iSa not be turned aw«y. but they miut ezpeot ■imply •• feunUy fare." difht yean with my father, at iM me in ehdmlcc a ihare of the DubUc i ~ The aitkiraMeadedlo.~lielDiln~bidUUnii.thr^^ ..ber. lit yean with my father, at the Warn ^meinehdmliicailuureottheDabUcs^ waste of the InraVd and the pleeinrfreccker •taae water ie eoBwed mooataint through the ~ are of brtok, ciurounded by forty beantlfnl cottane Spable of raMBlift thraa kandred gaewte, Tb* all Keaea and '"-'^- T"^ *~ — ...i- «, are unple for tbe liM-Olaee Band ^ mnrie hae jtwn and BairRoom. BUilard laene ate vroTlded, oad a Good chanie of the hotd. Fare ]r jdpee from a epring la the I bnlldingi and groanda. nmleh- tag an ample nippbr tor aU porpoeee. The bathing lielUtlee have liuit been tborotSbly repaired, nnle mlnerel water at It* aataraUemiwratnre. whleh to teidi^ tStordi a voet eThilaratlBg batb in the Poole need torUiat porpoee. whfle in tteMba, by meana of iMam, It eaa be heated to any hlgter tunperature dealred. mS^HealteapriaalSeaBS^ ta^ beaatlfiil;|«l- lay of tbe Winn wuica aioimtelna, and are a,40O feet a»i>Te tidewater. Theabrtopnre. dry and bracing. Foge, aoeommoatombitof the atoantalr raeorta,arealmoei nakaown here, ney are oeatraUy -wated with ref er- eaee to the otherS|^lnKi,a elrwUtaf ilfty mlleeembrao- Ing aU the Mted reeortaja tiMfcnlnnreglmi o: '''Irglnla Sd Weet raglala. The dletanee from Ciovliigton Ie SaMU view tflSe ^brateST^aUlag w^rlnga and the (Dlendld aoeaery oa Jaekaon*8 River. Tbla part of the route, heretofore tedloua oa aoooont of the alow and heaTlly loaded atagii, wUl tUaeeaaon aSOfd an eoee- aUeebaagetothetraTeler, a* turangevumit have eeea auwie to tia wV W' tK* baagaa» |a «mwoiu, and UnM aar- riaau are jiroeMed to ooavey thtp amm gen only. VtkUtM wm he *» oltMuiaite* to meet pMtmttn by H. OAKTBR EUBANK, Praprietar. DB. D. A. LAMaBORNB, Resident Phyehslan. ^r Bend Foetal for Pemi^eta. u rii •♦wtn monoRAmT of stfimii mom. Beallnff Bprloffi. The mtara «i« moot laooMrfal In «aiM cl Koat and rbearnktSam. and ttmA at 110 ieg. TIM bot«l aoeommodatlon«i<«iialr; priCM moderate. Jordan** Wfclte ■■Ipfcar »prtnB% V*.- Frorn New Torit »1» PeiuJBjl»anla B. B. ; ttonee BaltN more and OWo B. B. to WlMbMter. DManoe JTO mllaa. Time lUhouw. Hare^OJO. Located In tbe SiMnandoab Tallej, to Prederlik Ooontr, «««•„*• WW ofWlneberter. and In a deHcbttnl oooatrr. Inn of ^ne fomta. and witii a oUmate remanabir tree from ^.m im— - Tbe watnv are wute anliriiur, Iron, ud Sahrbeate, and bare Terrbeneflotal propertlei. Tbe bote! mortpatroDlaed la Jordan's ; tenna, |S per day. Old Sweet Srrlaa^ T«.-irom New T«*"^ FenDaylraola B. B.. aDdtbeneo CboMweako * weL The waten of these sprlnjp haro for many years bem tamoosascuratlTe In iS^ pulmonary disorders. The : riace Is likewise noted for Its scenery and pyre atmoa. S/-^"^' ^•t&rt J ^1'^'^tei mm" tnom. noot mooMrfol In ■tMid at 110 dw. moderate. torinca, ▼«.— .K.: UHioeeBaiU- ler. OtaUiMw VTO D. Umted In ttie nitr.near the City Mintrr. Ion ct nine irkebljr free from ■nlidiur. Iron, and A vroDMilea. Tbe ■mMtlSperdar. rtom New Tortiria etapeake * Ohlc B. r batbinK and bare IM are eommodioiu •lor. Adjaoentare at wblcb are obaly- I obMIr patnmlMd n tbe rMton froiQ rbe leaaoDla from 'emeBtoarBiore to iBaltlmovaTia Bal- nea; tlmee bonn; eae fprlnin, ebarm- kUejr.areaatanstbn eovntryandlMlnde d tlw tamoaa Bear wMehare wooder- ytamrr bprings tiere la excellent M botel baa recentir many new feature* I fine tauntiog and turkey, deer and 'Ivania Ballroad to nd Oblo to LoweL >r many yean been try diaorden. Tbe t7and pyre DionoHAST or Biiiunm siBoms. pbere. Tbe maple and tbe pine are tbe predomloant traea of tbe region, and In rammer tbe pine (crert per- fomea «be wbole atmoaphere with bealtb-glTlnt and ■ttmuIaUnc properttaa one of tbe pbyaieal ^nomena praiented b a bamlni aprint, with a flame lo wblte tbat It U InvUble In daylicht. Tbe flow of the water* la M great (hat It tnmlaoes an abundant aupply tor drink, batbing and exportation. Tbe bnnting and flib- lag I* excellent. There are Epiioopal. Congregational and PreabTlwrian etrarebe*. Tbe leafing bMeftatbeBID BtTLPHDB 8PBIN08 HOUSK, a large, handaome and weU-eondueled«*taMI*hment. wb«■ baaoh on tha \ZAR, • or THX DAY. Jim-iD STAna. , printed on ele- ted. and la mied nent, It* UtoraiT ays on Bonka, the la, etc, are alwaya hie Dallnr par 1 or oheapneaa. rata worth of the lelr own leleotlon. kted Catalogue of ■ upon receipt of COMPANY, rork. isaawi, Kanacar. DICriONAKT or 80IIMMI BnORIH. Umdo* i>7 Obetapaake and Ohio R. B. Celebrated mlnanri iMlnn. Um watan of wbtob are UMd mora tor baUtlnir UMB Intaraallr. Terr beneflotal In caaea of riMamntinn, rent, ■waUlnr, ete. The tamperatur li 96 datB< Tbe hotel aMommodatloEs an goorl, tbe leadlngr touaa taking Ita nania from tbe Bprloga. Wklto Stflphnr Sprtnca, Weat Va.-rrom New Tork via PeniMTlvula and oonneot with Cbesa- paake* Ohio R.B.: tare $I8J0. Of the Vlmlnla SprtDRi ntfi la amoog the moat prominent, and U rapidly r«- l^ntnir ita nairiHoB and pi«aUfe interrupted by the war. The baoeOdal and enmire nropertler of the watera are weUkBown, aa la the rare eham and beauty of the lo- Bsn ttan uraallr KteMttT* tor famUet. IW. ,vri7*.-.iif'.-.wa.--.--j. --^ DionoN^mT or nnain koobti. INDEX. PLACIS WITUIK VOro BOUU OV OITT RAU. Asbary Park, N. J. t ArtorU, L.I S AudnbonPark, N. T.... 8 Allentown, Pa 4 Bamant, N.J 4 Batb. L. 1 6 Battarr (Tbe) 6 Bayonne, N.J S Bay Bidge, L. 1 8 Bayibore, L. 1 8 Baydde.L.1 8 Bedloe's Island 6 Beaob Haven, N. J 7 Bersen Point, N. J 7 BetElebem, Pa 7 BoaUnK, Oanoeins and Rowloff 8 Bound Brook, N.J 8 Braoebport, N.J 9 Brantord, Oonu Bridgeport, Oonn S BudPi Lake, N. J Oananle, L. 1 10 Oaitle Inn, N. 7 10 Clifton, N. J , 10 Central Valley, N. T 10 Coney bland It Comwall-on-Hudion, or Cornwall Landing IS Cniger8.N.Y 15 Clambakea 15 Ooarhing 15 Dand'slidand 18 Deal Beacb, N. J 18 Dlngman's Ferry, Pa 18 Xaaton. Pa 17 m OOBTB. iMcnrio>AmT or nnam Bmum. mbmm, N, J J! BMj^wood, N. J 5 llKw»i>diL.'*iIII!.^'."i.""".'"."-"-*' }5 fMmw K notMm N. T g IMUum •• S lUrkMl BtTer, N. J S Horn •boat New Tork Jf Port I«e. N.J ' 5 nmiiliig, la. 1 5 OMdanCMr, I.. I H OtaQ Gwtmw, M. J • H G<«lMii,N.T H Goramor's MuA S Oremwlab.001111..... S iUfonl,Oaim S _ ittonberg , H. J 5 QnyaMrd, M. T. jg BMk«Md[rii."jM.'.'.*."I-*<."'"*- S HUta Brid|ra, N. J., S HIClllMtdlilUl. N. T.. 5 BoMmb, M. J., 2 HnntliiCn. S RkM,N. Jn S Iron Pavfltoo, g iitauidiM^iii'irVj^!!"'"''"'-* g Jonw'Woad,..;....^... ."... 5 Janelion Waw Hunptin), N.J., ••• g lJSeEtopirtmac.'ljLJ^.'.'.'-'.'.'. fi Uk* MaEopM. N. T., » I«toXolMOk,N.T, " Ukawood. N. J.,. S UbMa^. J,... S UMe-Wm. K. Jh 5 tons Bnaeb. H. J., 5 I«iicB«Mli. L. L. H ■•llWBll. N. J., 2 gSSMfc::::::::::::::::::::::::::"::"! mUardTn JS llOiiBoatliBMali,N.J 2 1IUIJRW.N.T. ijj^- " DionoHAKT or mnnntm luaoBn. Vontotelr, N.J ft iMint St. VtDoent. N. T K MtTMlnk. or Neronlnk, HIcblMUla, N. J tl N«ptuiM Ottf . N. J W Netbenrood. N. J » Nawark, N.J » Newbanrb, N. T M New Dorp, (Stotan ^ibuid) 40 NewHftvea, Ooiui M New Roelielia. M. T 41 NorwBlk,Ooon 41 MTMsk. N.T 41 OOMB BMeli,N.J 41 OoeNi OroT«, N. J 4| Oeaon Port, N. J 4i Or»ii«e,N.J.. « Punrmpo, N. J 4i Pallmdw (Tbe) 4t P6VmI AIDDOTi N* J* •••••. ■•■•■••••••••••••••■•••«••# VA PWlBOttiOt Na J<>** ■ •<*•••■•■••• ••••••••■••••••••••••• 44 Point PleMUt, tt.V 4B FDrtJerTKK.T 4S Poft MoniDOuUi, N. J. ...••••*•••••.••. .••••»•••■•. 4$ POttgbkaopd*, M. T U Qoanutlne 41 IUUii»po,N. T 4r IlfldB»nli.N.J 4r RallroMla m BlTem ~. 48 BockkWkjr BcMdi, L. 1 4Q Kutherfnrd Pvk,N.J il Bye.N. T 61 gftotfy Hook, N. J U SMbritrbtjN.J « BeaOirt,N.J H aehootort Mountain Bprlngi (HonU Co.), M.J H SbMDoaf, N.J H Bbolter UlMd, L. I M MncBlDg N. T M MOMCDUrK* N* z < ■■••••••■•••••• ••••■•••••••«•••••«•• M 8om«rv1ll«. N. J 64 Soutb Ambor, N. J li 8ontbfleldi,N.T 8B Spring lAke, N.J H ^uyten DufTii 66 StMBford, Oouu ~.. ^ M ^■<*^'ii'^ViiiiSMi^ mtMiii m' temoiTABT or Mnam immn. n'l Oton UuHl, N. T. m nIiliiad,N.T S MMmboato ud BiMiublps. V. '." V." '.'.' 3 rOantaH S l5*«rtw.».J~ "........,...5 Tmn.lm ■■ TnrMr'%N. T. m Wuil'iUHid .........'. n Wuftumu, N. J. .,,.. **'" M wmaia.ti.> .;...» W«l BWrw, Oddii M nmrota t,n.r g Jj522*fl*' «> JWWMMI. J 01 S^S^'^^ W TmMtag • ""■^"•T m tMumm RooBis. ktktMoOttr,1l.3 m av*Ood. MHi .. " 5 SKJSpKr.''^:::::::.:-:::::::: o«rBerlMijta«t(Bortoii Hmitor). Mm..'.'. ^SS^Stt^'!^^:::.::::::::::::: ■'-■■t uiiofnMiMLB •............'.:■.','.:'.■.■.::» "ttetb*** ▼&•»»«,■ iiiii!'.! ;;;'.'.!'.'.: :;;::::': S MarttabMul. M Mi. 5 NMtMMBMMk.MMi. :'.'.::',:.;: « NMitOBkat, IUm S NHncuMtt PMr. B. I . S Mwl«Mtoa.Ogaii. 5 SWWport, R. I aa MtlMMlB«Mil,B.I M m I The Social News of the Worl4. ANDREWS' jl^ merican @ tteen Bm bMB tsnMd by tto eootMiponulM, "TM OoHrt Journal of AnMrKs." »■ eialm to lb* «tU« o( bilng tk« BMt SoetoCir Par«r pnbliab*« to Ikto ooi»- trr li founded apon tb* fact, that It li ttM Mir Jewaal in wbleb Ij oolUted raiwrU of tb« doti^s ot IM bMl •oai«t7 In all Important olttM and towni on ibia oontl- nent, tbni praMrnng, alwaji tnab, aoquatntan«M tormad dnrlnc tbe mtwima of tnvvl, and auo kMttlBf peopla of on« ottr fnilr potted ai to tbe io«tel lln « tbetf fMeoda In eTtrr otbtr. In eaeb iMue of TBI QVWMS are fall and oa«pr»- benilTe report* of balli, reowtlou, banqoeta, weA- dlnii, and aU dbar (aablonable eranli In all puttvt tbeeoontnr. m addition to tla Sooletr Bepcrta ant Oa mm au t ■nee, TBS QDIBN eontalna, daitef the Watartnc Plaee Be a a on, full and oompleie reporia fro ai al l tte eblef WatarlnK Plaeee of 4mert«a. TBI QOIIM, in addition to He Social Iteporta, roreign Osneapoadanaa and Watering Place Newa, la tbe great Aaerkaa as- tborttr on Ktlqnette, wbUe Ua Utarary ttatorai are d a fan blgb order of merit. Ain>UW8' AUKBIOAN QUIKN la pDbttihad aTMT Batardar. for lala by newidealert e i w y w b eia. Mngia eoplait lOoenta. 8UB80BIPTI0N PBIOl, Poatage free In the Pitted ■tateaaadOiMfc I <»■• Tawr M*eo nx IKonthn •.00 TkVM ■•■«&■ 1.00 THM QDEEtr PUBUSHIMB COUPAMY, W. B. ANDBIW8, l**«A«^ Pranklla Sqmra, Now Totk. i^^^^-'-'MAi^^s^js^^^^^M^^:,^!' .?)«». khe World. lueen rMl«, *"n« OOMTt otiM llttoof balnc tliaba* In Ikto ooi»- ii tiM Mly Jeimat doti^i o( IM bMl ownt on tiila oodU- Mil. •oqiMiatMMM -•1, wd UM kanlM to tiM MMtal Unol rafoU uid oMiir*- oa, banqiMtB. w«d- TMltllll aU pw«s«( rto ui OofTMBoaA- latiiil iba WamIik "•para iroMgll (ta» k TBI QCTBN, in Rign OonwpowlMiM gTMt ABMleUHI- »rM7 tmUum mtt UM lapabUdMaarwy laTWTWbM*. Mnglt mua, itMMtOiaMki •4.M •.00 1.00 NO COMPANT, an, Now Toili. J 1 DionoMAaT or loiuict khorti. Old Point Oomfort, ra f> iMfnwaCoTa, Mua TO Prr)vlDontowii, Mau Tl R;>^ IlKW.Ii, N. a Tl SkinlntttuD, Coon Tl SwampMOtt, MiM 71 Waldi UtU,R.1 71 WelU B4«cb. Ma Tl York Beacli, Ma. 79 Inland RcaoBiiib io(m,N.r n Adlrondaoki, N. T 78 Ardan,N.O T4 jUI)«t11Ii, Mm* S llaiichmtar, Vt B MKlliton, Win B Maucli Chunk, Penn H MoKliiney, Ky S Norwood,Ky S> Utmm,ij 2 Corinth, It .••■•• S MonMh and Nnenah, WU » Miwimhead Ijilto, Me J! lit. Airy. Oa g New UIV'-.Tenn SI Niagara Kails. N. T S NtobolMTJlle. Kt S Northampton. M«»" S North Oonway, N.H^.. g Ooonomowoc Lake, Wit ~ Pte2^IUl^■or■tJalo.ivilUll^ky::::::::::^^^^■■:2 Pewaukee. Wis S Phoenk^la, N.T... S Point BurntUe.Ky.......... S Put-tn-Ha. WU........ 2 Wiatelfoaiit«liM,N.H...;^ * ;p~^"" t>ifci monoHABT Of mntuMM umbm. UMKIt. ••••■■■• •• ••••• w :::::"".::::::: 8 ::::::::::::::::: 5 :;:::;:::;::;:::; 8 :::::::::::;::::: 8 ::;;;e;;e8 M W »• . K ::::::::::::::::: 8 « ;;:;;;;;;;ee8 « ; M M « r. ...... ..■••••;•• .!;;;:!!;!;;!!!"■ « 9P so M 98 «6 w W IT W , m . 96 HountalH BB w as ; n WUIlMMlown, Ir WbltolrBtetloo, ky.... Tale«Thla,K7 .MX. :18 THI MIKIKAL BPBlNOa. Atoo Bprlngi, N. Y {g BAtrer D«ni, WU ™ Bedford BpriDH, PaoD •"■ BeUowiF»II»,Vt }™ Blue u<* sprtmr* Ey. ™ Ouiou Otty, Col .;. }W ObtttonMiKO. Whiui Sulpbar Bprlosm N. Y JW C'Urendon 8prln«H, Vt {Jj; Clifton Bprlri|ri,N. v.. }»* Columbl* BprliiRi. N. T '"J Or«Moa Bpriag*. Peon ™ D«»Tlll«,lCy..^ }S Hoi aprlim, Ark }}5 JunoilonOlty. Ky..... j" Lsbaoon BpriDCK, N. Y JJJ Multou.Ool vvv^-V \m llMrin»8priiig^H»tneld. N.J 'W Mont BMW Bpr1n«^ Tenn vn PotondBpring^ll*..^ |* R«TeDd«n Bprinipt. Ark Jg lUie» Springs, T«nn.... "g" RlobOeld Hprlnn, N. Y Jg Saltpetre C»TO.Tenn.. }"• 8M»tog« springy N.Y }0 Btaaron Bpringl, N.Y. "' BparUlDB Outkwba Bprlngt, M. 0. "} Rprlnff OltT. Tenn }{» St. Oktbkrlnes, Ontario, Ou ;j« SbeboTKmn Wto '}" sputfc Win 'i; Bunbrlrht, Twin •••■• ••■"5 Wtttln'i wd H«T»n» GteM. N. Y '» Till TIROINU SPRIMOB. BiMi Alum Sprluin, Vft. "* Berkeley Sprina^W.^.y J" Blue8ulpburBprln«,W.Y» "J G«ponBi>rlii«i,w.V» .^ '" i~w: DKRIOIIABT OV ■DIUfBB BMOMt. iMiqutw Vblto Sulpbnr Sprinn, ▼• • ^M GraMibrier Wblte Bulpbar Spnim W. V* IM Hailliis Bprlnn, Ta ;}• Hot Bprlnm: Te, }}• JordMi'i WUte Solj^ur Bprinsi, Ta. ■IV! Old Bweet Bprinin, T* }1T Orkney SpriDga. V» }w Bed Balpbur Bprinci, W. Ta JIT Bockbndge Alora bprlnga, y*. lU Warm 8piti4ii,Ta iig Warm Bulpbur SprtDSt, Ta. tU WU(«8(;l^nrBprlagi,W.Ta U» W: KMOMl. .▼• IM «!. w. y* iM «• m Va 1:7 117 iir IIT IM 118 118 m JANUARY. b|m|tw;tiv:8 II I • ': 6 ( I 8; tlJII ItllM <15!l«'l1lliil»!l0:ll jWIO'JI s FEBRUARY. ril'"l''| » ijialn'is ll««|3»|.. ■I* 10 11 17 *\*l IIIJ 19W 2«:?7 SI..! APRIL. I S < 5 S f l!l9 i(ii7liitji»;«i SO..I..I..I.. MAr. j ..I 11 ll'sl 41 B|6 7 8 «l0!ll'lll.1 Ul('l«|n!lK 19 20 21 n 29il4 25,3*17 28!»iaoi»l|..|..|.. JUNE. i!-i!- -»1882«- ANDREWS' AMERICAN QUEEN, Weekly Society Joomal, $4.00 a year. ANDREWS' BAZAR, UontUy FaBbioiu, $1.00 a year. AHBBICAN CODE OB iHANNERS, Price $1. JULY. 'i'i'irj'iri • *I01ljl2l3 1«IS Itl7I8|l«20 21 M i7I8!]9|90{S1 .. SEPTEMBER. 4 i\ a 11 1319 181920 ts|26l27 I 1 a t IBM no tttn OCTOBEiB. 2«|10|91 ,«l» 18|l« 2526 NOVEMBER. 11 ii » * «l 71 8 lilOU 19114 is;i|!l7il8 13|11 22 39 24.16 »t|lg|29;90i..|.. DECEMBER. 9 < 7 8| 9 11|19I14 15:i8 li|90i21 22 2.1 2*37 28 39 90 mi m niemornnda. mi Ulcinoraaida. 1^ '^'m s^ *, l^J- W«!" It' da. ^^^Bmsssz mMB««i 9I«ni*rlUftda. r ^.,it4 ^ ^ #^ k^^ i g :y^ii^P^: THE COLLENDER BILLIARD I POOL TABLES. These Tablet are nsed in erery Country in the World, And are aeknowIadKad to be niperiar to all othan for ^autf.ot dMlim and flnliii, iqlldUr of o durablU(7. . , -1 conitruotlon and Tbey have taken Flrat Pramlum at the Centennial I The Parii The I The Bshibl- Bxiilbltlbn, I KzhtbitlOD.r ~ Chilian UonatM- Philadelphia. I IffiS. JBzhlblUon. jner.lTaw, And even other eahtbltlon where they were bronchi bt oqmpetltlon with table* of other maker*. The celebrated Collender Combination Cnahknu, with which ail tbeee tables are iiupplled, ecmblne the great- eit ipeed «lth aocuraoy, and are warranted to stand In any climate. A toll eapply of BOllard and Fool Tablet i alio Oloth, Ball*, Cne np* and Billiard material* of erery deeerlp- tlon, of the flneet quality, and at the loweil prieae, eoB- itantly on hand. Sand for Cataloeaa and latest Priea LMk TUK H. W. COLLKNDEB COn Pvlnolpal Wurerooaab Tas BraMway, H. T. Branoh Warerooma: Boiton:241TremontSt. Bt. Louis, IB Booth fifth SI PhUadelpbU: lUBOw Ninth B». Ohleafo : M a M BtMa St LI«^il>l»»,lW**ll>»ili I'**" M i l i i yn ' mmm Ider ABLES. rj Country in to M otiMn for oonitruotloB and mlum at tk* ThaCzhlbi- Li »• I nay, T wer« broiuht Is in. an Ciuhloiu, with 'KiblM tiM an**- rantadtosUndln iblMialaoOlotb, >WMtpri«at,ooS[. ERCO^ »-«-thnrgjt ,-♦. UonatM. SHEPPARDKNAPP&CO.. Sixth Ave. and ISth St, Vew Toark, At* offertnc special induoenwDU Is CARPETS. UPHOLSTERY GOODS At popular prioaa, VtTfco lines Flashes, Satteeni, Raw Silks, Turkoman Cloths, ?Isln, Figured and Cross Striped, Cretonnes, Fumltura Cblnties, Gimps, Fringes, Ae. LACE CURTAINS The entire range, Brussels Lace, Swiss, Antlqna Guipure, Notliiigham, The new Madras and Caboul Curtains. WINDOW SHADES A SPECIALTY. We make and haag mors Sbadaa than aajr otkar hooss la Uw ouuutrr- SHEPPARDKNAPP&CO.. Sixth Ave. and 13th St, Hew Tork. -,i .i M t '.