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Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 LABORATORY or THB INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA. CANADA. BULLETIN No. 340 GROUND COFFEE 2946—1 h,' NOTES AND COMMEN' •; Under this hojulinK, its orcasion arises, the Bulletins issued by this Tjir-ai:- ment will contain, a.s an apFiendlx, such comment as may seem necessary or advisable upon matters relatinu to the work of the Department in connection with the :; iministration of the Adulteration Act, the Fertilizers Act, the Feeding StufTs Act or the rroprietury Medicines Act. It frequently happens that correspondents ask information -eparding the above Acts, of such a nature that the matter in question possesses general interest, anrl comment upon it would prove acceptable and useful to others than the immediate ciuestioner. In such cases the reply may find a place in these columns. For convenience of reference these notes will he numbcnd in series. A. McGILL, Chief Analyst. m LABORATORY or THl INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 340. GROUND COFFEE. J. U. Vlncekt, Esq., Ottawa, May 4, 1916. I'cputy Minister of Inland Revenue. ine results of this inspection may be summarized thus:- Found genuine ^"'"S^tt'er.'.""*"'"'"* '"'' *'"'° '" ^"""'^''nt.'foic.ign ''"°'''"'- Passed as labelled mixtures'.". '. ?? ." Doubtful, for reasons given below. . '. n „ Adulterated under the Aft.. .. „l (JO ** T»*«l ~m « •nhor'f? '•- ' *' ' ««°;Pl« judged a. genuine contain minute 'ZTomM, of chicory or ^^^^^J_^ - ■^"»*'^<^ ■""«""»'« too small to be regarded as other thanTcci- 0. f-Tg;:mau;r::re'paS3uri^^^^^ generally much below 10 per cent. in ^omc ot the., ^asc! the forS^.tT.^ ^ '^^'^ "' adulterated. It may be that Pnt.tion of the resuUs of anaS Til " '1''"'"* a^eidentally. In a strict inter- ."-t not be understood that my ct'ioJ^re SZi'' "' ^^'^^^I'^y. adulterated; and it Three samples are dassXrdoubtfuT S^ Vo l^ll ^tT\ ?.^™i.'"' '=''^'- .:. a compound, was not stated until the"'pu;Sse\°ad tS'n' ^'a^d^* ^'"'* ^'^ "'''''^ I beg to recommend publication of this report as Bulletin No. 340. I have the honour to be, sir Your obedient servant, A. McGILL, 2 )+6 — 1 i Chief Analyst, BULLETIN No. 340- Nature of Sample. 1»W. Doc. S» 39 2U S» ao 80 81 31 Cofft*. Dec U .- 17 .. 17 „ 17 „ 17 .. 21 H 24 » 24 Ciiffi* .. i Name and Adilnt* of Vmulur. Cuat. 1 Nanit and Addniaa «f Maaufattun-r or Vurtiuher aa given bjr the Vendor. Maniifartiirer. Furniither. IH.STRICT OK NOVA SCOTIA eaesb cmuR 68IM0 69641 A. J. Koop, New Olaa gow. a. M. LtKkhart Co., New niaagow. Taa. Cavanagti, New (iUa- K»w. Jan. MoArthur, New Glaiigow. K. W. Uurrie, Stellarlon. . .1. B. Strickland, Trenton. Abraham Myettx, Tra cadie. li lb I* " It .. U .. 14 •■ u .. T. H. Eatnbrooka, St. John. ChaM ft Haubom, Montrral. Bower k Bartlatt, Bnatnn. Chaae ft Sanborn, Montreal. W. S. l^uimby Co., Itoaton. 1 . H. KaUbcookii. St. -Tohn. Integrity Mill*, To runtn. F. H. Schwarti, Halifax. Mfn. Rankin, »>■■ John. Mfr» B. V. Rogrn, StalUrton. DISTRICT OF PRINCE KDWARU WLAND- 00435 Coffin ft Co.. Charlotte- 14 lb. t«iwn. 60426 Beer ft QofT, Chartotta- 14 " town. 6042: .... 14 " OOiaiW. W. Walker. Char- 14 .. lot t« town. 60429 .1. . . . CbMoiy and rokated utmU. Chieuiy and UeUt. Stereh tiitor. Pnmmt WAI. A. WEEK8. IN8PKCTOR. 10% Chioory,90% i«M«cd grau ; no ooffw. <0%Chiooty,liO% routed 88812 gnin ; no ooffw. I )!W<3ftU<>nuin«. 09836 68837 •98S8 Adultaratcd. * Adultemtwi. t 09140 •9841 Umuine Chiooiy . Gttnainti 1 010(1 Noii». I.OlXt 64308 64804 •4806 Genuine. *>-»l liraiid .. .... ^"Ti'iKtonHall " m,^ r. 1* ... N ... •• n — ^. 1 ■ A letter, Rffiatc 1 nurki- fC'i"'"' VI *»7»™>"S "— iwumeo ojr tne foetal ant HcBwarti ft OooM claim to have inToiced a* Cumpoond. BULLKTIN No. 310- -.fl H 7 Nktur* oT S»in|>la. i J 4 NknM* (lid Addr of VMKhir. Cost. ■a I Nmim sad Addf«M (•( .VUnufactunr ur Fumiahar, H nivaa by the Vandor. Msnufaottirer. Farnulm. DLSTRICT OF NKW BRUN8WICK- Dm. 1.1 13 1 20 20 33 W 28 2R 1916. Jan. .. 11 » 12 .. 12 .. U .. 14 Feb. 8 8 9 .1 ft » 11 Coffw, ^Hiiid 1915. I)ea 34 .. 36 9H Cafe tIS236 (W337 66238 tI62Sn W. A. Himondi, St. John Dmrborn & Co., IMBZt Janiea Moulion, M. F.. Uraaa, 062291 H. L. Alexander, 66230 Puddinfttoo, Wetmore k Momaon, St. John. 66231 Walter (iilfaeit, .St. John. U62S2|Yer«a (irocwy Co., St. John. 06333 O. E. Barbour Ltd., St. .Fohn. 0R3S4 McAleenan & Brown, St. John. 6C33S|U. K. Doohan, Frederiu ton. Currie Broa., Frederioton. Parent, Bird k Co., Fred ericton. P. Bradley, Woodntook . . B. Beveridge, Andover C6340 Millt Kveloigh Co., Stuaex 66341 \V. a McKay Co., .. 6J242 Reed Ca Ltd., Moocton.. (»14S U6244 Sanitary (Sfooery Co., Moncton. I. B. Snowtwll Co. Ltd., Chatham. 1) lb li .. «4 •• U " I) .. li .. i» •■ \i .. U •■ U " u ■• ■i tini. ti lb u „ 11 ,. 14 .. U ., 3 tint. 3 .. H lb ChaM k Sanborn, Montreal. Vendor* 'eador T. H. KaUbrooka k Ca, St. John. Vendor Chaae k Sanborn, Montreal. Vendor T. H. Eitebrooka k Ca, St John. Vendor* r. U. KeUbrooka k Ca, St, John. Vendor T. H. EaUbnwk* k Co , St. John. 68 Vendor. T. H. EaUbrook* k Ca, St. John. Chaae k Sanborn, MontreaL T. H. Knabnwka k Co., St. Jolin. . haae k Sanborn, Montreal. T. H. KaUbrooki k Co.. St. John. VMidon DISTRICT OF QUEBEC CITY- 66596 56097 S609R Anatole Pichetta, 17 6 Prince Edward, Quebec J. B. RoiiMeau, 76 St. Valier, Quebec. H. Bacon, 28 Hermine, Quebec. 14 lb. U y- U •• Reamy Cie Chaae & Sanborn GoTomaoha Cie. . Mfr*.. <;kound coffee ■r, Imiirvtor'i K.|«ift (In o'H »n Kipniaiaa "f opinioa). ' . '- lUNlli at AmUyM. — =^ 1 hrr. KxamiDalkNi 1^ i! 2^ Found. "8 Rnurk. •ad ()|V.l ItraiiH tt ... " ... , , . , ^ _ ' ■H , ^^1 - .. .. .... 8«/ flSSM 66SM 86341 Mai2 B6MS II II H ^^1 K«l K.M.. ^ ^^1 .. .. . ■H i'' *'9v ^ ■i 1 1 Hi&J JITY- f X U E. BKLAND, INSPECTOR. HI «nuine . . N one.. . . ft «fiS6(i 6007 am anuine. II It wH .'Kjii { " 5 ^^ BULLETIN No. 340- 1 Nature of Sample. Naiiip and Addteu of Vendor. Cost. 5- Xame and Addnxw of Manufacturer ur Futniaher, a»* ^ven by the Vendor Manufacturer. Furainher. DlSTRiCT OK QITEBEC CITY- 1915. Dec. 2« ., 26 .. 27 ., 2H .. 28 „ 2» .. 28 .. 28 .. 29 » » ., 29 ,. 29 .. 29 1916 Jan. 3 8 3 3 Cafe OfiSUilJ. Audr, 1st Sauvageau, SMiOO O. P. Knuweau, 218 Oragn, rilll A|||af« 66)i01 J. K. uiouin, 36 ChaUu- guay. (Quebec, 56602 Moiae I'ouliot, 365 .St. .Tosej>h, Quebec. 56603 .'Mf. Lai-:<>ntagne. 37 6 Richaidmn, Queliec. 66004 L. P. R«naud, 410 de la Reine. Quebec. 56605 R. P. Couture, IM Cap>n, tiuebec. 5660« (J. K. Tura>tte, 92 Caron, Quebec. 56607 G. Lalierge, 84 Victoria. Quebec. 56608 Erneat RobiUille, 48 Vic- toria. Quebec. &6li09 .\. Larue, 35 Victoria. Q\iebec. 5i%lll J. T. Marier, 136 Dorcliea ler, Quebec. 56611 N. i- tea 3 .. 1.20 :» .. 90 IJ lb. 60 Chaae ft Sanborn, Montreal. Kearney Broo., Ltd., Moutrea! W. D. Stroud ft Son, Montreal. J. B. Renand. N. Rioux, Que- bec Gagnon ft (■">'' ent, Queliec. Manufactureri.. tiUOUND COFFEE. InHiHHitor's K.|Kirt. (Is not :iti *'XpreH8ion "f oiiinion). Kt«uIt8of AnalyHiD. (Qualitative Kxaniioatioii. v^ s ■5«J 4» a il It. 03* =5j Found. ( ■■rirlii'llii. Roasted cerpul I 0221 and chicory. (Jenuine. . . Cliiuory. Oenuine. 1 0125 Prexent. None Cereal and Chicory . . . Chicory. . I 0131 'Jenuinc.. . 10 to 18% Chicory. M to 25% Chlc- -"• '»«.» h, »« pu„ •-'946— a 10 BULLETIN No. 340— mi i Cost. Name and Addresa of Manufacturer or Furnisher as triven by the Vendor. 3 1 Nature of Sample. 4 e i Name and Address of VenJor. i i Manutacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE 1915. Dec. 24 .. 24 .. 27 ,. 27 ., 13 . 1.1 » 21 .. 21 ,. 22 u SS ,. 23 .. 23 .. 2: 18 H 22 » 2.1 ., 24 ., 27 u 27 ,. 28 .. 28 .. 29 .. 16 .. 16 H 18 M 28 M 28 Coffee Cafe Moulu . Cafe. Cafe Com iMmnd. Cafe Cnlfee moulu 4929 George Belanger, St. Al- exandre. 4931 J. B. Pelletier. St. Alex- andre. 4932 J. B. Hendon, St. Pascal. 4933 Chanleau i. Fils, St. Pas- cal. 4131 Joseph Langlois, Armagh. 4435 Cleophas Beaudoin, 4438 G. H. Boy, St. Valier .... 4440 KuRene Bolduc, 4442 .1. A. Lemieux, St. Mi'jhel 444fi Geo. Roy, 4454 Arthur Arsenault, St. Ger- Vftis. 4457 Theodore Bernard, St. Raphael. 4459 Arthur Fradette, Armagh 72202 AnselmePrevostSt. Fran- coin. 72204 T. B. C. Ix)ndreau, Mont- niagny. 72207 Dame P. Richard, Berthier 72.'12 Alex. Fonrnier, Mont maimy. 72214 \lphnn>e Letc imeau, St. Pierre. r22ir Deles Coulombe t Cie., St. Pierre. 72219 Eltear Boulet, Cap St. Ig- nace. 72221 Pierre Morin, Cap St. Ig naoe. 72225 Dame A. Bernier, St. Th<)ma^. 342 E. E. Laflamme, St. J» ronie. 344 .T. N. Desjardins, St. .Te- rom-i. 347 Pierre Simard, St. Jerome 857 Noe Forget, Ste. Agathe Am MoiiM. K» Napoleon Hetu, Ste. Aga- the des Monts. 35» Mde. L. W. Brisette, Ste. Agathe des Monts. 3 boi tes. U lb. IJ ., IJ ., 14 „ IJ „ 3 M 3 boi tes li lb u „ U .. 3 boi- 3 „ U lb IJ „ U .. 14 „ 3 ,. 14 .. 14 „ 14 ,. 14 „ 14 ., 14 „ 2 M 14 .. H .. 14 H 1.35 75 6< 60 68 60 1.35 1.20 68 60 68 75 l.2( 68 60 60 60 1.06 60 60 68 60 75 60 1 00 60 90 60 Chuse ft Sanborn, Montreal. W. D. Stroud t Son, Montreal. Turcotte Frere, Que bee. Chase ft Sanborn, Montrf«l. Turcotte Frere Tinciitte Frere. Chase ft Sanborn, Montreal Whitehead ft Tumer.Quebec N. Riuux, Que- bec. ChaHe ft Sanborn, Montreal. S. H. Ewmg ft Sons, Montreal. Chase ft Sanlxirn . . . lloudrins Chase ft Sanborn . , . N. Turcotte, Quebec. J. B. Rennud, Quebec. Lan^loiii Par ad»", Quebec. N. Rioux,ftCie. Quebec. Langlois ft Para- dis, Qtiebec, N. Rioux ft Cie, Quebec. fjanglois ft Para dis, Quebec. Carle Bros . Chaput Fils. . 'i f 11 |J. F.. Fernet, Femetville. li lb 11 IJ li li li U I J. V. iioudriaa. W. D. Stroud ft Son Co. Montreal. HiHkm Oraali, Ltd., Montreal. Chaae ft Sanborc, Montreal. Magnon Cheval- ier, Joliette. Chevalier ft Pou- liot, Joliette. Chevalier ft Pou- liot, Joliette. 13 (i ROUND COFFEE. Ins|iector'i RffKirf. (In not an exprcMion ol opinion. ) RnultiofAn Ijnig. ( "ncludtd. i R«inarkii an' Opinion of the 1 tuief Analyit. o n Z Genuine.. I 0140 R'o Bated oereala and chicory. Genuine Chicory 'roil(3 Genuine Prcnent None. . . Cereals and Chicory to to 18% Chicory Chicory and !*« »tan'li. Genuine .... Present. Suae. . RoaateJ [leag, 60%, Chic- "fy ^0 %, no coffee. 870 371 872 3040 3654 3656 36.'i9 3tiOI Genuine. Adulterated.' (iennine. Adulterated. Genuii.e. 3672 »75 36'ki 3681 Si!82| Adulterated, v^eniiiiie. "I! V. 1'. I.AVAIXHE. INSPECTOR. Genuine RuoKted ceie- ttis t Chicory Genuine.. 10125 No e... Present None Cereal ft Chicory. 0:1203 69204 69206J 63212 89218 69219 Genuine. Sf)ld ax a Cotqpoand. Genuine. • KuJniahen. claim wid a. oomt^nnd mark, d mi .uch. and v endoncUina to have aold aa CaMCo n| oaC. 14 BULLETIN No. 340— j;l N'anie and AddreM of Manufacturer Naturo of Sample. •3. i Name and Addn«a of Veudor. Coat or Vumialieraa ^ven by the Vendor. "3 >> 1 i a 6 Manufacturer. Fumiaher. DI.STKICT OF THREE RIVERS 1916. Jan. 3 4 4 Cafe Moulu 6<)222 L. I*. CreiMu, Joliette. 6922 1 Ro 14 .. 60 14 .. 60 14 .. 60 14 .. 60 14 .. 60 14 „ 60 14 .. 60 14 .. fiO 14 .. 60 14 .. 60 60 K r afrance, St. Hy- r.cintbe. Vendor E. Lafranoe, St. Hy acintbe. Laporte Mailin, Montreal. Vendor E. Lafrance, St. Hy acinthe. L. Chaput ft Fila, Montreal. Nat. Coffee ft Spifce Co., Montreal. Denault Grain and Proviaion Co. Denault Grai'' and Proviaion Co. 15 (J HOUND COFFEE. Iiiiipvftor'a KH|«)rt. (lanotsn I'xpruMion of opioiun. ) RMulta of Ana!jr.U. CmirhuM. (Juolitative Kwniioation. "5 J 1 si i^ 'p KouDd. a, Remarin »nd Opinion of the Chief Aoalyit. IJiciiuine. Trace* of chic ory. Weniiine I 0106 None. '!9232 Oenuine. 69224 » to lOJi Chicory.. .. 6b288 Le»« than 10 p.e. chicory. Paaa. Uenuine. K HLONDIN. TEMPOKARY IX.SPKCTOK; J. J. COSTIGAX. ACTING INSPECTOR. Roosted cn«. "In an.1 chi- cory. ii>-nuiue . . . 1 OIUO None. . Present. Ko»«ted rere als and chi- cory. (ienuine.. . I 0180 None. Present. v-'ereal and Chicory. Ceruala and Chicory . None. Roukted cere- als and chi- cory. t'hicory . . . (icniiine.. . 1 Ol3«f PrB«,nt. roios ■N'onc. Cereal and Chicory. / J to 10 p.c. Chicory.. Chicory . Genuine . I 013S a) to 25 P.C. Chicory . :j?5 MX 4027 402R Genuine. Adulterated. Genuine. Adulterated. 402!) 40:iO 4031 4032 403:< 4034 G7.W1 Gen. line. Adulterated. Ixws than 10 p.c. chi- cory. Pass. Genuine. C7502 C7.M» 67604 ti7306 670061 Adulterated. Genuine. 1« BULLETIN No. 340- filal m I. ( li- ■I Nature uf Sain pic. e X&iii** and Addrvwfl uf Vendor. Co.t. Name and Aildrem of Manufacturt r or Fumiaber a* fpven by ■he Vendor. s .X "S 1 , 5. 1 NUnufacturer. Furnisher. 1V16. Feb. 2 M 10 .. 10 Colle Feb. 9 ,. lu ., U . 11 .. M .. 11 „ 11 .. 11 .. 11 „- 15 „ 1.-. ,. 15 „ 1.-1 M 15 ., 1,-. M U. ,. Ih ,. V) .. 1.-. .. 15 Cuffef DISTKICT OK KASTKRX TOWNSHIPS- C7507 t>760H 6750!i 67510 L. S. Uiirand, Cua ic(K>k . W. W. Kuiery, Sher hrooke. Nap. Bacliaud, Mating . . . (iniuielin & Paradin, Ma If*- lilb.. 60 li ,. no IJ ., no 14 .. 60 Lit»ter'« Pure Food Co. DI8TRIOT OF MOXTREAL- ti7;fll6 S. Whitehfad.'.flil riiarnm «t., Montreal. 67207.1. C. Hadley, 293 Mag (l:il<-n St., Montreal. 6720*! Nap. Gendron, ^,".4 Kielle livf., Verdun. 6720;' H. .Stephen. 47:i (Jordon ave., Verdun. 67210 U. l.#duc. 338 Crdun ave., Verdun. 67211 .1. K. -Slottery, 298 Gonlon ave.. Verdun. 67212 K. .1 Mi:.. , 1453 Welling- ton St.. Venlun. 67213 O. Tnideau. 1394 Welling ton, Verdun. 67214 L. Leblanc, 143 Church ave., .Vi-rdun. 07215 l{. W. Hatlley, Cit Conlon ave., Venlun. 67216 .1. (1. Parent, 351 LawiU. ave., Verdini. 67217 C. Uan^ereau, 349 Ualt uve., Verdun. 07218 K. Menard, 4(f7 Gait ave., Verdun. 67219 N. Turcotte, 485G»lt ave., X'erdun. 672.0 Mrs. F. Willianii.,219Gttlt ave.. Verdun. 67221 S. C. Pric.-, 215 Church ave., Venlun. 67222 F. l>uinouchel,244Ch\irch uve., Verdun. 6722S W. H. Noseworthy, ."«^ Ciuiroh ave.. Verdnu. 67224 -I. lionentaiit, 428 Church ave.. Venlun. 67225 .Jo«. Pilon, 430 Churcli ave., Verdun. li lb«. 2 .. U ,. J,. li „ 14 „ 14 .. 14 .. 14.. 14 .. 14 .. 14,. 14.. 1 .• 14 •■ lA „ If. ., 14 .. 14 .. 14 .. S. H. Ewing. . Cham' ft Sanborn . Auguxtine Couite h Cie. J. Cox Hudon Hebert. Augustine Cointe & Cfie. Vendor D. Stroud . Vendor . . . Nat. Coffee ft Spice Co. Vendor Unknown . Vendor . . . Nat. Coffee ft Spict* Co. 17 GROUND COFFEE. H I KEARNBY, INSPECTOR Genuine. RtNwted Cereal and Chicury. Chicory . . . . Non.>. Routed Cereal and Chicory. Ctenuine. . , I 0140 1 oi.-^h.. 18 I I i N»tiiro of Sample. ■5 'A Nanit' ami Adtlr* !«ii of V'l'ndor. BULLETIN No. 340- C.Hlt. ! Name unil Adtlrwui of M»nu(»oturiT or KiirninlitT w given by the Vindor. Maniifacturvr. Furniiher. DISTRICT OK VALLKYFIELI) i I 1916. Deo. 28 .. 38 1916. Jan. 4 4 n 4 .. 12 .. 12 ., 12 .. IS „ 15 „ 1.5 .. 19 .• 19 „ 2U .. 20 ., 20 ., 20 .. 2r> Coffee «291!5 (!292li 02927 02929 62930 62931 62932 62933 62934 62935 62'.»3»l 62937 62938 62939 62940 62941 62942 52943 62944 V. (Jregoins St. .John. J. HpitT, St. .lolin .1. K. Lcduc, Alexanilria. ToMph .Sabourin, Alex- andria. A. Markwn, Alexandria. . \V. .t. McPherson, Valley Held. K. Dion. Valleyfield A. R. Biron, Valleyfield.. Dn|>iiia & Ste. Marie Lamtiert. 1). St'ward, Hawkedlniry . F. X. IWrtrand * Cie, Hawkeslmry. V. Doin, L|iiiiiun.) KmuIU u/ Aiuklyiis. t^iiilltativp Kxaitiinatiun. J i Rfiiiarki nnil ()|ijniiin of tho Chief Analyiit. I I. COSTIIJAN. ACTINO INSl'ECnxjR. (•onuino . . s. Ill n» cuntnining; t iiiciiry. Chicory (lenuine. . . . None 1 0140 Roasted cer- eala and chi Cory. Chicory Genuine . Chicory . 1 017(i I 0139 25 to 30% Chicory. Prpsent. None Roasted cer- eal* and chi Cory. Genuine I OHH 10155 1 0094 Present. None C<'real and Chicory. 25% Chicory RoaHted cer- eals and chi Cory. 1 0244 25 to 30% Chicory Cereal and Chicory . . Present. Coreal and Chicory. 62926 62928 62927 62928 Genuine. ^2930 62931 62932 62933 629S4 62936 C2936 63940 62941 C2942 6294S 62»t4 Adulterated.* Genuine. It Adulten^ted.t II Genuine. II 11 Adulterate.1 ti Genuine. Adulterated.; -^^^^^V^^^X2^^S^^^^^7^T^^^^rX^^::^^ BULLETIN No. 340- Nsturn of S*ii>pl«. 4 I Nainif and Aiiilmx of VuiuJor. Cwt Name and Addnw of Manufaotunr i>r Furnitber a* given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furniaber. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA - llllO Dec. 7 H (■niuiid Ci»tfw 7«*,W 7Ui>rt' 7*74 Ttftrs 7iio»W 7u'i86 Ti>5«8 70U05 7(iflOfi 70« 70B21* 7UI-.31 7UtKi*> 70e3S 70«i48 70.;5l 7«)652 71105.' .Mundl« ft I'oiciviil. Ki'ni|itvilli'. \Wx. Sililiiit, f'arlitoii I'llUV. W A .1. .Meikli-, Morri* l.iiru. •I. I). M. l),m»ld k Co., Morriiburx. HrudNrl'l BroH. k Co., MorriMhurK. A. K. ThoiiiM, Ariipi'itir. . .r. K. Cahill, .\rnprior.. T. MuCoruiick & Son, Arn|>ri(>r. .fohuMm'k Canh (irocory, Ilruckvillu. R. T. IVckrtt, Unwkvillo H. l»oviT, Kfranvillti K Jiimin, Etcanville. . . Fei-li'y & UuKliarty, Kgan- liiienDf I & Clemeut, Alfred. Uaouat k Belanger, Alfrfi. D. ScRnin, Rut du Punt, Hull, RQ. King (ieorffo Grocery, .SomtTsct St., Uctava. Alex. Uimcan, Somerset St.. Ottawa. T. E. Miicdonalt, 711 StMiH'ri'ft St., Ottawa. fanii'M Milk. .Siniiriw t and I'rtnton, Ottawa. lb. „ m .. 00 .. Ik) .. 60 .. CO " SO „ 68 .. GU .. 00 •■ 00 " tiO oz. 48 lb. EO ■• (W oo " 00 " 60 Vendor* . Vendor . . . Vendor* , .. Lipton'i, Toronto. Vendor . . Vendoni Vendor ChaHe ft Aanbom, . Montreal. Lipttina, Topinto. . Dalley'i), Toronto.. . The J. M.UiwexCo., Toronto. Korbe« ft Co., Mon- treal. White Swanii ft Co., Ltd., Toronto. Vendor v. DaoustftCie, Hull. F. J. Caatle Co., OtUwa. DISTRICT OF KIXGSTON- Dec. 9 9 9 Gr Mind Coff**. 7172.'. 71726 717L7 71728 S. J. Wutti*. Kington... C. R. MclAi'd, Kingnton H. M. Stiivrr, KinKKton. , W. J. Lee, Kingston li lb. 60 u„ CO 1J„ 60 14., GO iJhaHe ft Sanborn, .Montreal. <>K). Robertson ft Son, KingH- ton. W. G. Craig ft Co., Kingitun. 31 C HOUND COFFEE. • '\|*ri'«Mitiit I if o|iiiiioii. KnolUuf Aiwlyiia. l^ialitativt' Exaniinatiiiii. ?d *- I £ Kiitind. .1 \. lUCKKV, INSl'KCTOR. Genuiop., , I'l'ii'l Nu. 3 . •I 'lai'ti.n'i Slwl Cut <'"lf. (iruuiid by Cbicory . (lenuitie. Suae. I U1U3 •-' •Sultaiia. A '■'■i"l.U * Cie. Chia)k-y Ucmiine 5 t<> 10% Chicory. iii"i'.tS!ir Blmd loilfi „ I-013X ., 5 to 10% Chii-ory. •.•01.1 26% Chicory ■'niKS HCMiAN, INSPECTOR. Oeniiiue. Chievfy. . Hi-nuine , lOUt; 10 to 16% Chicory.. i Kfniiirk* kimI Opinion of thi Cbivf Anaijrit, Ofnuine. Lew thiui 10% ohi "OfiTifl 706(il 70670 70674 7067N 705,S3 706HK 70588 I c 717iO 71727 71 Genuine. Adulterated.* Genuine. who cUiau to have n •t 22 % ■ BULLETIN No. 340- o •s Nature of Saniplo. i 'o d 'A Name ;itid AddresH of Vendor. Name and Address of CoHt. Manufacturer or Furnisher as i^ven by tlie Vendor. >4 Manufiu.'tunr. Furnisher. a ^ s O DISTRICT OF KINGSTON 1915. Djc. in ,. 10 « 10 (Jniund Colfe.'. It II II tl M 71730 71731 71732 71733 717»4 71735 71736 71737 71738 71739 71740 71741 71742 71743 71744 P. A. HalfniT, Kingston . J. CiiUen, Kingston C. Saunders, Kingston . . . C. H. Pickering, Kingston .\. Smith. Kingston Anderson Bros., Kingston Ed. A.Kellaway.Belleville .1. H. P. Young, Belleville. A. G. Verniilyea, Belleville F. O. Diamond and Son, Belleville. W. H. Ireland, Trenton. . W. Websters The Fair, ., D. A. Parks, \V. M.FoitCo.,Cobourg A. M. Cowling, Peterboro I Sib. IJ „ 14" ii„ ij„ ij • ij„ li „ ij" ii„ ii„ 14.. 14 ., 14.. 14.. 14., 60 CO 67 CO 60 GO CO 60 60 60 63 CO 60 50 60 .1. M I-owe^ Co., Toronto. A Sanlxjrn, Montreal. Mcl.«ren's, Ham- ilton. Chase & Sanborn, W. t;.Cr.-iii;C>i., Kingston. .. 10 ., 10 .. 10 Montreal. McLart n's, H a ni - ilton. J. M. liowes, Co , Toronto. Puredold Co., Tor- onto. n 13 •. 13 M 13 .. 13 R. B. Hayhoe, Tor- onto. Chase & Sanborn, Montreal. „ 14 ,. 14 .. H White Swan Co., Toronto. H 14 » 14 .■ IB Pure (iold Co., Tor onto. Todhunter Mitchell, Toronto. DISTRICT OF TORONTO- Dec. 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 It Ground Coffej.. 70141 70142 .. 70113 .• 70144 .. 70141! M 70147 .. 70148 tl 70149 Wm. Meeker, Whitby. . . A. T. Lawlor, Whitby.. V. C. Callacot, Port Perry Brock Bros * Co., Port Perrv. G. S. Vernon, Uxbri-.lge . , 11. J. Gould, I A. Hftrdy, OanntriKtnn . W. Wallace Estate, Can- ningtun. 14 lb . fiO 14 M 60 14 „ 50 14 „ 60 IJ „ 60 14 M 60 14 .. 60 14,, 60 Chase & Sanborn, Montreal. Chaw A Sanborn, Montreal. McLaren's, Ltinion.) Reaulta of Analynia. g S^ 'G ii Qualitative = V Cxamiiiatiun . = i feS ±» •s^ m Found. J "S o 9i Remarks and Opinion of tlie Chief Analyat. 'ufkd. Genuine Caicorj' (lenuine 1 0118 7172S 7173r) 71731 71732 71733 71734 717:» 71736 71737 71738 71739 71740 n741 71742 71743 71744 1 11 iicukfd Mixture. to to ISZ Chicory Sold M a mixture. Genu inn. .1 .... •^ " Chicory (■enuino 10127 10 to 15% Chicory Adul*- .L«i • DAUKR, INSPECTOR. I I V Mcinarch. Chicory . (ienuine . Chicory Genuine. 10118 10126 Vone . . , 10 to 15% Chicory 10 to 16% Chicory ' V'> iKlor claimi wa« aold a« mixture, and purcbaaed by him M audi. : -iild as compound, plainly marked. 70141 Adulterated. 70142 Genuine. 70143 70144 70146 i 70147 ( 70148 7014S H fBoth vendor and (umiiher Adulterated, t Genuino, 24 BULLETIN No. 310- Xatnre Sample. •f. Xaino and Address of \'tndor. r- CoHt. Name and Address of Manufacturer or FurniBher as gi%en by the Vendor. 1 6 1 2 a Manufacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF TORONTO 1913 Dec. 17 20 21 21 21 21 2S 23 23 24 27 27 Oroiuid U.)fTe<. 7U15() Kstjite of F. MeR.-Ms Ilea serton. 70151 \V. Thomiwon, 22.'?rarlia ment Ht., Toronto). 70152 Taylor McLean, 244 Har lx)rd »t., Toronto. 701.53 East India ..Vf. Co., 738 ItathurHt St., Toronto. 701.54 (ieo. Burf.iot, 524 Ill.Hir St. W., Toronto. 701.55 \V. .1. Chesher, 900 BUmr St. W., Toronto. 7015<> C. McClenah»n,8l7Bra|ie ave., Toronto. 7015!! .M. Jchainack, 255 Aumi »ta ave., Toronto. 70100 fi. Rolx'rtson, 108 Shuter Rt., Toronto. 701fil M. Cain. 1078 Queen st. W., Toronto. H lU U „ U .. U „ U .. IJ ., U .. IJ „ U „ \\ „ 14 .. Pure Cold Mfff. Co., Toronto. Daltiin Una., Tor onto. Todhunter .Mitchell Co., Toronto. Vendors Todhr.nter Mitchell CndoD and New York. Chase ft Sanborn, Montreal. (;kound coffee. 25 Inii|iector'H l!.|»irt. (In not an expregftion of opinion.) Reiulte of Analysis. (Qualitative Examination. ^2 Found. S Oenuine. Chicory 1 01ft i „ .. .") to 10% Chicory . ... 7016 Less than l(t% chi- (•enuine . .. .. 7015: cory. Paw. Uenuinr. Chicory ... . 1 OlOi i .. .. 5 to 10% Chicory 701iM Less than 10% chi- (Jenuine . . . ■' •• 70154 cory. Pa™. Oenuine. ; ::., .. . . 70156 70156 70167 " " n , . 70188 70169 7<.160 " .... 70161 tl )R- I'lHN T.VLBOT. I N'SPKCTOR. . . . • IW'.". Hall (Jcnulnf. . . . None. . . 51524 S452R 64531 64 !I8 (x«nuine. ^''.ti ilr;ind •■ • • „ H lii'l. .., Mall „ ^"1 l:r.tii, 5 i 1 i Name and AddrvH of Manufacturer or Furnisher as given by the Vendor. Furniabrr. DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- 1915. Nov. 1« Ki Iti i: 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 1-^ V.I 1» !■> 1! 19 23 23 23 21 23 23 34 (t round Coffee. 614«i 61447 61448 61449 61450 61451 6H52 61453 61454 61455 6145G 61457 61458 6145!) 61160 61461 61463 61463 614SI 61466 6146 61467 61 UiH in Wit 61 170 61471 B. Uinionsky, 1260Se'kirk Ave.. Winni|jag. B. Dalman, 257 Main St., Selkirk. D. Gold, 280 Main .St., Sel kirk. T. Cttlish, 1789 Main St., Kildonan. R. .1. Bell, IS-lit Main St., Kildonan W. N. Lanktree, IWl Main St., Kil 'onan W. .1. Parker, 2203 Main St., Kildonan W. Geo. Govan, 973 Main St. Winniiieg. R. S. Peter«>n, 1817 Main St. W.. Kildonan S. Kainamfsky, 1131 Sel kirk .\ve., \Viniiipefif. L. Vazm. IW W. Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg. .1. Ck>, 9U1 Selkiik Ave, Winnipeg. P. Osmiak. 865 .Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg. Oretzski & Co . 863 Sel kirk Ave., Winnipeg. Rodutree & McKeown 1028 Main St., Winni Lvioh ibinson, 974 Main St., Winnipeg. Klliot & Hazel, 97S Main St., Winni|ieg. G. Hoffman ft Son, 9.'i7 Main St, Winnipeg. L>. A. Ritchie, 812 Main St., Winnipeg. W. ft I). Mayer, 105', "Main St., Winniixu. r. B. Coyle, 1116 .Main .St., Winnipeg. A. Ingram, li68Main St., Wmnijieg. r. J^'nton C'j., Winnipeg. . li lb. IJ „ I ., II ,. 1 ,. li „ 1 „ IJ „ 1 .. I M t „ 1 H 1 M I .. I ., 1 ., u ,. 1 M I M li ., I „ M. Bryer, 1238 Main St., 1 Wiiiiii|tt.g. M. Werier, 2:1H Selkirk 1 .\ve., Winni|ieg. S. R. Muit^T, 101 Suther land Av»>,, Wiiini|ieg. White Star Co., Win- nipeg. Campbell Bros, ft Wiliion, Winnipeg. Blue Ribbon 0>., Winnipeg. Red Rose Co., Win nifieg. •To bin Marrion Co., Winniiieg. EsUbrookCo., Win- nipeg. Chase ft Sanborn Montreal. Blue Ribbon Co., Winnipeg. ■Jrbin Marrion Co, Winiii|>eg. G. McLean Co., Win- nipeg. Golden ft Slobinsky, Winnipeg. F. F. Ualley Co. Hamilton. Chase ft Sanborn, Montreal. Baker Importing Co. . New York. Gold Standard Co. Blue Ribbon Co. Winniiieg. Divinwell ft Wright Co., Bo8U>n, Mass. WhiteStarCo.,Win- niptw. (lold Star Mfg. Co. WinuipMT. ■VIcLarensLtd., Win- niiieg. Vendors A. MacDonald, Win- niiieg. Dyson Co., Winni|Mg Fntabrxok ft Co., St John. 27 GROUND COFFEE. Result* oJ AnBlyiis. IiiHpector'a I ReiMjrt. ilanotan 1^ »3 I'vprewion of i>|iiniun.) l^ualitative Examination . ?l Found. 1 "3 (S !c Rtmarka and Opinion of the Chief Analyse. .1. li. COSGROVK, TEMPOK.\RY INSPKCTOR. Ci.ffw Comixnind. .. (inid -Seal Coffee Mixture. Culf.e .Mixture.. . Chicory Genuine . . . . Ladle,' Delight , Our Own. Ch'cory . Genuine. Chicory Genuine R«1 Cru«8 No. 2. Willi admixture 9 61470 .\dulterated. Genuine. Sold as a cumpoiind. (ienuine. Sold as a mixture. Genuine. 61471 Sold as a mixture. Genuine. K..J,4f Uhllll^'"'*" "'•'"" ^ *"'" "'"' " «»npound. Veador. a fot«iKner, claim. inabiUty to rewl I I 28 BULLETIN No. 340- § Natiiiv Nftiiip aud Adii of Sam pip. 1 4 of Vendor. ^ S "3 ■f. i "^ "" y. Co«t. Name and Address of Mucifoctur^r or Furnisher as ^ven by th« V't'ndor. Manufacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OK MANITOBA- f ilih 1915. Nov. 34 " 21 M 31 " 21 " •s> .. 2ii " 30 " 30 Di-e. 1 Nov. 2.-> " 2.T " 2.-1 ■• :'.■) •>■•) " 25 .. 2,' " 2."' ".* I).-L-. 1 2 •• 3 (injund Cotf<.-. 01472 CU73 )il474 (11475 r.l47h 614.S2 G148:< f.1484 614RJ M48fi 6UH7 (!UH-< (■.148» (onianiHh \ Wcin^tein. 30 Sutherland Ave., \Vinnipe((. N. S4>lielnian. W Snthei- hm-l .^ve., \Vinni|»eK. L. Stollsr, Hi Sutherland Ave., \V'inni|>eg. L. KoHUiai.. 5;jt IhilTerin Aye., \Viuiii)ieg. lose|ili Mountain, Hart- nev. R. M. Sume & Co., IV'iaiie. vain. H. L. .Moutgomery, Delo- ruine. H. I, anohljer}-. Curt Wright. L. Keplan, 7'*.*t Dufferin Ave., Wi nipf^. -Mrs. Pa«kor»ky. .VJS Duf ferin .\vi'., \Vinni|K'p. r. Trasirwieg. ."His |>iif- feriu .Vve., WiiiiiiiH.g. A I.anin. 472 Diitfi'tin Ave.. \V'iTmi[ng. P. X.lw.n. «i;l Diitferin .\\e., \\'inni|*eg. A. i;.M)dv. «■_' Dufferin r\vv. , \Vinni|i»-g. KreMiiumii & KiiidHUiith, 2^tri ])uffeiin .Vve.. Win- '>i|»t.' M. .T.Kol.,. '27.^ Dulfirin .Ave.. \Viiini|».g, .M. K.iHl.r. 27.'. hiiffeiiii Ave.. \\'in'n|w.(f. C. K. Kic!i;iifis, Killarney. .1. E. A. Mitrhen. Killar- ney. .V. liiilliiiilyne, I'ilnt .MomihI. Ti,. i; mvii V, ( 'i vrtUii Citv. I'. A. Voung, f 'rystal City I n> 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 40 DysonCo., Winnipeg 50 Uarrington Hall, Minneapolis, U. S. A. 3i; VVhiteStarCo, Win- nipeg. :« (Solden & Sloiinsky, WinnijK'g. W White .Star Co., Win- nipeg. 50 Campbell Rrfw. * Wilson, Winni|)eg. :«> Wiiini|re«. so Divinewell A Wright, Boston, r.S.A. •IC C.«iwlle Co., Win- ni|ieg. :«i a'i V. V. D.dley, Ham- ilton. 110 Cati. >Ialt Coffee Co., Wiiini|>eg. 411 Hudson's Bay Co., Winiiiju^g. :ii) r:»tal>n)ok Co., St John. 2.S Dvhon Co., Winni- peg. 4(1 H. L. McKinnon, Winnii»g. r.0 7.'i Pim- Malt Ci.ffe<> Co., Winni}»»'c- 25 Oi\inewe]l A Wnght, IJ-Ktoii. r..s,.A. 311 H^tatm-ik Co, St. St. .Fohi). :r> Cslville Co., Win ni|Hg 4:) RiH(,'w»yJ: Co., Win niiieg. (O t^tain-rnwiun of ii|>inioti. ) KeHulU of Aniklyaia. Qiwliutivti Examinutiun. l-:,:,„l,>l. t5 Found. Keinarki and Opinion of the Chief Aualytt. li.>M Seal Coffee Mixture. Lat., ll,i MaltCoffee. tivnuine Chioiry f Jenuine . ^\ iili ailiiiixture o( cljlOTV. Genuine . Chicory Cerealii . Genuine. IaUII.-.) MaltCoffeo. I OlfB Chicory Genuine Chicory Cereals Genuine ... Chicory Genuine None. Present. None. I 0151 10200 1 0194 Present. None . . 1 OlSO W t Chicory and Cereals 60% .. K)% Chicory V)'^ Chicory and Cereals Cereals 50?c Chicory. 1 Oil!. Prf^nt. None 20% Chicory. Cereals 8% Chicory. 6H75 nilTii 61474 61475 61478 61482 61483 61481 61485 61486 61487 61488 614SB 61490 61491 61492 Genuine. Sold as a mixture. Adulterated. * Genuine. Adulterated, t Sold as Malt Coffee. Genuine. 0U93 61494 61495 61496 61497 6149^ eU9!t 611 Sold as a mixtura. Genuine. Adulterated. Sold as Malt Coffee Genuine. Less than 10% Chicory. Fass. Genuine. U9!t isooj • s.-,. under 61446. t Labelled Compound by itjnufacturers. 30 BULLETIN No. 340- Natim of Sample, I 2; Name and Addr«>iu> of Vendor. Coat. i Namit anri Adflmm of Maoufaotunr or Fnrniirt. (la nut I i-Ypmaiuii cif opinuin.) RmiiIU of Aiuklyu*. QtuUiUtivn Kxkiniuation. 95 Found. i J I. II. UALL, TKMPORARY INSPECTOR. KrinarlM and Opinion of the Chief Analjrit I)<«. Brand... Rujjth Rrand .... • i'lld.SUndiird... R«l Roue Brand Genuine. ii"l(l .Standard. Sfal Brand ... Top top Brand, sold AK Cumiiound. Golil^n Rot Brand C'otf(.<^ Cereal, Chicory mixture. Chicory. fSenuine . Chicory. . (Jenuine. . . Kinprcs.H Brand Chicory. . . (ienuine. . 10106 1 016a 10104 Present None... 50% Chicory and Cereala. 1 0108 28% Chicory. 66461 Uf nuine. 664S2 664AS 66454 664S6 674W 66460 6d{fl6 It 6C46T 66468 „ 664G9 66470 66475 66476 Sold a* a compound. 6647T Genuine. 66178 Sold aa a mixture. 5% Chicory. 66479 66486 66486 66487 66488 71512 71517 71618 -iSZl 71626 71634 715S6 Lew than 10% chicory Paw. Genuine. Leu than 10% chicory Pan. (>enuine. 82 BULLETIN No. 340- ■ =^ 1 N»nw and Addirn of Manufaetun-r Cct. or KuriiiKhiT, an Bivtn by Xatuiv Samplf. i Nmno end Addma ip( \ iiidor. tli« Wiidor. i ■3 f. !J Manufacturrr. KurnUhrr. 1 i 1 1 DISTRICT OF ALBKKTA 191R. Feb. 10 I'l 11 11 11 11 14 14 15 15 15 IB 16 1 17 •i\ 22 22 22 23 (iruund ColTeo. . S2335.r. H. Morria A Co., Ed nionton. 52336.1 A. Hallier, Kiimonton. 5233; .lohniton Walker LM., KdiiiKnton. 52328 Hudson'! Bay Co., Ed- monton. 5232U .laiiieii Kam.«y Ltd., Ed- monton. 523.%) .r. S. AndxraoD, Ednionbrn 52331 r. J. Chriilopher, Wetan- kiwin. .52333 I^ku & Co., Wetaakiwin. 52334 Younfte Bro*., Cumroan . . 53;n'a Itay Co., Cal gary. 52343 .Folin Irwin Co. Ltd., Cal gary. 62344 J. A. Nolan, Calgary .... 52382 (iM>. L Wood, .. U lb. 1 tin. 3 1 lb Win. Braid ft Co.. Vancouver. A. MacdonalU Co., Winni|ieg. Baker Ini|jurt'g Co., Minnea|»lia. Kelly Douglaa Co., Vancouver. T. H. Kaubruok, St. John. Chaae ft Sanborn, Montreal. W. A. Jameion Cof. lee Co., Victoria. W. H. Malkin Ltd., Vancouver. \o Vary Product* Co., Toronto, tirorgeaon ft Co., Calvary. Eroprenn Mfg. Co Vancouver. Bine Kibbn Ltd. Winnipeg. No Vary Product* Co., Toronto. T. H. Eatabnok, St. .lohn. Chaae ft Sanborn, .Montri«l. Divinell Wright Co. Chicago. W. \. JanietKin Cof- fee Co., Victoria. Baker I ui p o r t i n g Co.. Minnpa|ioli». DISTRICT OK R(X;KV MOUSTAINS- lOlf Dec. 14 14 14 14 14 14 Ground Coffw. 68120 6hl30 ail .11 68132 681.33 68134 Union Ca»h Grocery, Nel lion. Star (Jrocery, Nelimn U lb IJ .. 15 - li ., U ,. li ., Empretw Mfg. Co. Vancouver. W. A. .lammon Coffee Ca, Victoria. W. H. Maikin,*rn., Vancouver. Kelly, Douglas Co., Vancouver. ChaM ft Sanborn, Montreal. Baker ImportingCo. Minneapolis. OKOUND COFFEE. 33 TrM|M*c't<>r'i K<|a'rt. Ilaimtin tvpn-aniun of nplniiin.) Kamlto cl AaiUyiw. <^HUii»tivc ExkniiiMtiuu. FuuDd. A W R. MAKKLKY, IN8PKCTOK. Rcmarkii mu>) O|iinion of tb* Chirf Anklyit. BreiilB KMt (>»auina Chicory Genuine I'OIM rriiMut. None... Trace utarch HB37 Kssaa Genuine. Chicory deolared UoubtfuL Genuine. R.>yal lliiiiid. (Con- i»inii a KHuIl qiuko- Illy (if cliiii>ry). Dim.iliii Brand 76% KMMted Ceraal and ChioiiTy. Bak.ri/..'dStMlCut. " . * . .'. " Xal> Brand. . K«l K.«e .... •1 ... ssno sie»i sasss 62334 saasb 62S3H 62SS7 62339 SfHl Brand .Iaiiie«un Brand.. . . Prrwnt. None... Malkiir» Best M N. Vary Boka Brand Tuxwiii Brand. . . t* Kiii|.rtna Brand Hlu>- Kililn.n Brand. N'"Vary Brand BaKa Brand 62340 62341 52342 62343 63344 62382 K.-.II!„H^ Brand.... •'iial ISrand Whiu- Honv Brand.. .. •'i" "11 JavaMrwha HarnnKtciii Hall M 1 THUS, I'.^RKER, I N.SPECTOR. Genuine None . . . , C8120 6813(1 68131 681S2 681SS 68134 Genuine. )< .... n 11 « " N»tiirv of Siiinplo. "5 34 (It Vendor. BULLETIN Na 340 Cwl. ■a Nairn %xA AHilrHM lA Mmiufactun'r (ir Kurniatnir m (ivrii by Mttnufacturrr. Kurniahrr. DISTRICT OK ROCKV MOUNTAINS : \ igiH. .Ud. Fob. iSniund ('otffw Coffe* (IiDUnd Cuffee. CoBee. Miiture tlHlM KH14H 68ir>t> ti81S» G8160 6S17t* 6W7! tittlSO G8tHl tMltM GHI87 .1, Miuining, Cranbruuk.. Iim I>. Manninfr, Cnn br<»k. I>, K. tinibv, Ymir .. . Salnio TradinuCu , Sa'.mu Hunter Bnw., RtwaUnd. Kuibleton Cirocrry Co. Riasland \gnew ft Co., Htwaland. T. Laiirivntr & t^o, Trail Co-u|wretive luliuia At d'd.. Trail. ISO I 10 75 W 1 00 Young Hro*., Van- «»u*»^. Clianti h. .Sanlwrii, Muntr««l. W. H. Malkin&Co, VaiiOiiivfr. W. A. Jaiimon Cof- fee Co., V'i< loria. Krily, Uuuftla* Co., Vancouver. Eui|ir»i> Mfg. Co., Co., Vancouver. 1. A. Folgrr h. Ca, 8an Franciooi. Ridgway, I»ndon. . 90 1.00 I 01) l.Oi 70 70 Chaae & tiaiibn ii, Montreal. W. H. MalkinftCo., Vancnuvcr. Wm. Braid & Co., Vancouver. W. A. Janiesoii Cof fee Ox. Victoria. Royal Millt, V»n oouver. W. A. .Iaine«>n C.f fee Co., Victoria. DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- ii Jan. 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 (■round Coffee. 56430|T. W. Tume.- 8flO Pender St.. Vancouver. 65431 The Ciewient Store. 1003 Pender St., Vancouver 5 432|HenderaoDUrocHries,Ltd., Pender and Nicola StB, Vancouver. 56433 Frank Wright, 645 y iiiour St., Vi.ncouve \\ lb. 14 .. Ii .. Ii . .'M434 .5M3- 354.'J7 Oaviil M|iencer, Ltd., Van couver. W. H. Kdgett Co., 118 Haatingn St., W., Van (TOiver. Woidward Dept. Store*, Ltd., Vancouver. Shaw Kocher, Haatings Market, Vancouver. 38 40 Vendor \V. Braid ft Co. Vancouver. Vi-ndor. 40 W. H Malkin Co. Ltd., Vancouver. u (;U()I ND COFF :& litKiMctor'ii Kr|vrt. (IinutMl filtrfMionol 'ipiiiiun. > KmuIu of \nm\yu. Kxkminklioii. II 11 5-2 riNiiid. I d K lUnariii Md OiiiBian of tli» Chief Aiwl^t. TllDS, I'ARKBK, IXHPKt-n>K. KrdI :»(••. Mumiiig taiH)8taraiiiaate liai. Praent. 8% ruaated Ceraal 68144 Onmine. 6HI40 «M1M 68167 68160 68160 68178 68179 Lnathan 10^; foni«n matter. 6n80|G«nuiiM. 68181 68184 68186 68186 68187 Sold a< a mixture. v.. ■'. .M(tK(}AN, INSPECTOR. After purcliarH) was omi|)ltt<'d, vendor cluiint-ii articltf wai !tol'la.-«artnnpr>und, Chicory Genuine. IChicory . . . . 1 014fi 1 0190 None IZ^{, Chicory and caramel ized material. 3 76% Chicory. 66430 Genuine. S64S1 664.13 IU433 66434 &543A 65436 66437 Compound character declared after pur- chaie. Doubtful. Genuine. Leaa than 10% chi- cory. PaM. • BULLETIN No. 340- •I Nature of Sample. 1 1 Name and Addrtwa of Vendor. Coat. Name and Add.-eaa of Manufacturer or Fumiiher ai iriven by the Vendor. 4 ■s. 1 jj , Manufacturer. Fumiaher. 9 1 •s •s s i DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- 191G Jan. Ui 18 18 18 1" 18 18 19 1!» 1!( 22 22 (iround Coffee. A5438 " 5J439 H 35440 " S5441 " 55442 .. S6IM " SS444 M 56145 " 5544fi " 66447 554 18 55449 S. T. Wallace, 41 Hant- U lb. iniri St. W., Van couver. Central Market, 32 Hast- 1} ingx St., E., Vunconver. Powell'a Market, 58 Haat- 4 inita St., E., Vancouvei. liudaon'a Bay Company, 1} Granville St., Van- couver. .1. McTanart & Sona, 794 2 tinik Granville St, Van couver. Slater's Market, 830 Gran- 2 ville St, Vancouver. A. t C. Grocery Co., 520 i (iranville St., Van couver. D. McGnwnr, 121)1 Pen- 2 der St, W., Vancouver. W. Couling. 1374 Pender 2 St, W., Vancouver. Duke's Grocery, ( Jore Ave. and Hastings St, Van- couver. Overwaitea Co., 746 Co- U lb. luiubia St, New West- minster. C. A. Welsh, Ltd A8I 2 tins. Columbia St, New Westminster. Vendor W. H. Malkin Co., Ltd., Vancouver. Vendor Vendor* Nelson Shakespeare, Watkins, Ltd., Vanoo,;ver. Knij»ress M'fg. Co., Vancouver. Kelly-Douglas&Co., Lt ., Vancouver. W. H. Malkin Co- Ltd., Vanuiuver. W. Braid & Co., Van couver. Vendors.. C. A. Slaoey Coffee Co., New West- minster. DISTRICT OF VICTORIA- Feb. 21 32 22 24 24 Gtoii ind Coffee. 66648 66H60 60063 66678 06081 66089 Windsor (Jrocery Co., 817 •ikivt St, Victoria. Dixi H. KoM ft Co., 1317 li (io»t. St, Victoria. The West End Grocery. IJ 1002 Govt St., Victoria. H. O. Kirkham &Ci>., 1109 1^ (iovt St, Victoria. ActonJlros., 1317 Douglas H St, Victoria. Henry W. Driver, 85014 Yates St, Victoria. U lb. Pioneer Coffee and Spice Hills, Vic tnria. .1. A. Folger ft Co., San Kranci>cr>. Empress MTg. Co., Vancouver. W. A. .lameson Coffee Co., Victoria. Wm.BimidftCa, Vancouver. f:i 87 GROUND COFEEE. In.tiKH.'tur's Kp|N)rt. (Is not an < x|irMwion of opinion.) Ciiicludtd, KeiuiUof Analynia, Qiwliutive Exkminstion. K«i!ud. i e Remarkt ■nd Opinion of the Chief Analyst. •^lak^• r Brand KuiitrcNs „ Genuine Malkin's Beat Brand Braiil'a Boat „ DiikeV English Brinkfaat Coffee. Contiiiri). a amall Ifixentagc of chi corv. R"val City Brand. l"nt.iin« a amall: qiuntityof chicory. Jfone. Cvreal and chi oory. Genuine . . . Chicory . I 0170 I 0118 Present. Vooe . , Preeent. 82% roMtwi Cereal and Chicory. 5% Chicory and roasted legume. 5M38 &S49M aSMO fi6441 96 M2 65443 56444 0S445 66446 66447 Genuine. 66448 Chicory declared. Doubtful. Genuine. 5544H Chicory declared. I' OSILLIVAN, INSPECTOR. Genuine . None. 66fl6!l 06678 66681 (rennine. 38 BULLETIN No. 340- I 6 Nature uf Sample. lUlB. Fpb. 2«( ., 28 •• 2i< ., 2>> •■ 2" ., •> " 2!l Mar. 8 •■ \s ■• l■^ •• 1,-. \i- in (tntund Cofft- Xame and Addreas of Vendor. Coat. s 9 3" Name and Addreim of Manufacturer or KurnUher as Riven by the Vendor. Manufaecuivr. Fiimi«her. DISTRICT OF VICTOKIA- aecm «ti700 71301 7130S 71304 7130U 71313 71328 7132!! 71331 713:M 71.33!) 7i;mo Liu.'lL-n (iincery, Linden li lb. Ave. and May St., Vic- torift. Tlio«. L.-a. 13."i8 (iladstone U .. Ave., Vic^^^ia. Gladstone tliocrrv, 1301 IJ .. Gladstone Ave., Victoria H. Schr(H«ler. 3"0 Menzie.- li .. St., Victi-»ria. Winiinor (Jrocery Cu., H.'i U .. Meii/.i<'s St., Victoria. h. U. Kines, Men/.iert ami 1^ ■■ Sin-ciie Sts , VicUiria K. 15. .Jones, 1800Ci»>kSt. ' ,. Victotia. WelllmrnV Oi»li (ir.H..ry U St»re,105« Pandora .Ave., Victoriii. K. K. I'liinmier, 1118 U Hiiadni .St , Victoria. Western (iroceiy Co., 7P51J Fort St., Vietrvria. W. A. .lanifwmCotfeeCo., 1^ 7.51 Rronifhtim St., Vic- toria. I'itmeer Coffee and Spice IJ Mills, till Pembroke St., Victoria. Fairfield Grixvry 259 Cook li St , Victoria. The CiK>k St. (iroivry CiKik Mild Flirt St»., Vic- toria. 14 W. A. .1 ameaon Coffee Co., Victoria. Pure Gold Mfg. Co., Toronto. Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills, Vic- toria. W. .\, Jameson Cof- fee Co., Victoria. Pioneer Coffee and Spite Mills, Vic- toria. Wni. Braid & Co., Van(K>uver. \V. A. Jameson Cof- fee Co., Victoria. Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills, Vic toria. W. H. Malkin Co. Vancouver. Wm. Braid * Co. Vanctmver. Vendors Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills, Vic toria. Ridgways Ltd., L*>n- don, £ng. 39 GROUND COFFEE. In«ii«!tor'N Ki'|»>rt. (In not an •-xpreMJun of inion.) t oncludcd. Knviu of Analysis. Qualitative Examination. Mm 6» a "s Found. •a Remarks and Opinion of tbe Chief Analyst