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Dun & Co., (Mercantile Agency), Commercial Union Assurance Co., London, Eng., The Manufacturers' Life and Accident Ins. Companies, Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien, The London and Ontario Investment Co., Ltd. Solicitors and Legal Assessors for- The Board of Trade, (City of Toronto). London Correspondents :—Linklater, Hackwood, Addison & Brown, 2 Bond Court, Walbrook, E. C. Bompas, Bischoff, Dodgson & Coxe. 4 Great Win Chester St., E. C. Glasgow Correspondents :—McGrigor, Donald & Co., 172 St. Vincent Street. EdinburfiTh Correspondents :— Home & Lyell, W. S., 39 Castle St. Cable Address ^-" CHADWICK," TORONTO. r. I R W^ I N ' S J^2a HAND-BOOK TO THE Canada Tariff (REVISED.) RESUM6 OF COMMERCIAL LAW OF ONTARIO EXCHANGE TABLES FOR FRANC. MARK, FLORIN OF AUSTRIA, FLORIN OF THE NETHERLANDS, AND TABLES FOR METRES INTO YARDS, KILOS INTO POUNDS AVOIRDUPOIS, Etc., Etc ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Compiled and Published BY C. W. IRWIN, CUSTOMS BROKER 40 YONGE STREET. Toronto, 1894. . X A.4.«fParUanientofCanada.'.n the ,.«.i89^- by C. W. Irv^.n, at the Depart PREFACE. Thirteen is by some considered an unlucky number, and as a oil for this, peihaps, has been created the comforting adage that there is " luck in odd numbers." In the latter belief 1 herewith beg to present to the Trade my Thirteenth edition of '* Irwin's Hand- book TO THE Canadian Tariff." You have been good enough to buy, lead, and use my previous editions, and I believe that if you exercise the same faith and course with this one, you will not fail to profit by it. A profit is often to be made by noting the variations in the customs ratings, and taking care that the latest lulings shall be advantaged of. The past year has been an eventful one in the line of Customs Tariffs. The United States to the south of us has been waiting almost the whole of that length of time in anxious uncertainty as to what results would be arrived at by their Governihg Body. We in Canada are, fortunately, under our more modern Constitution, relieved from any such long-drawn indecision. By our system of Responsible Gozfernfuent^ the Duties are changed in a single night, the Government takes possession of the telegraph wires, the Bill, as introduced by the Finance Minister is at once Law, and goes into immediate eff^ect. All business interests are thus treated on the same basis, and all unfair preferences prevented. During the session, the Government issued no less than eight supplementary Tariff advices, recording the minor changes from time to time ntroduced by the Legislature in their first draft, and the close of 4 the session completed the Tariff. What the Business houses in the United States were so long waiting for, we, in Canada, at once enjoyed, the ability to go ahead. These changes in Tariff have affected many classes of ratings, and I have given the keenest attention to the solving of every instance of extension, or of change. Other persons have issued Hand-books in advance of mine, but I have preferred to be sounder and surer ^ and not quite so headlong. This Hand-book is up to date : it contains a/l the latest Rulings ^ and is all the better for being mature aiid well ripened, A Resume of the Ontario Commercial Law has been added, and as it has been prepared by the most eminent firm of Commercial lawyers in our country, it will, I am sure, be gladly received by the Trade, and be of advantage to this Publication. Almost every branch of the Importing Trade has been affected by the recent changes. My Hand book is, therefore, more than ever a Necessity^ and should any further enquiries be desired, I shall be glad, on their receipt, to give them my immediate and personal attention. Houses in the United States selling goods in Canada, " Duty and Freight paid," will find it much to their advantage to forward their consignments to me for entry and distribution, as a practised hand may sometimes be able to better discriminate in the details of classification, and so facilitate their transactions. . Publishing my Hand-book fo» *heir use, and thanking my clients for their past business, I am, as ever. Respectfully their servant, C. W. IRWIN. 5 iipiii y iiii I ■! w i n HINTS FOR IMPORTERS. 1 1 ii I! Invoices must in all cases, under words "Certified Correct," bear signature of firm shipping goods to Canada. Invoices must in all cases be made out in currency of the country from which the goods are shipped direct to Canada. VALUATION FOR DUTY. Whenever any duty ad valorem is imposed on any goods im- ported into Canada, the value for duty shall be the fair market value thereof, when sold for home consumption, in the principal markets of the country whence and at the time when the same were exported directly to Canada. 46 V,, c. 12, s. 68. Such market value shall be the fair market value of such goods in the usual and ordinary commercial acceptation of the term, at the usual and ordinary credit, and not the cash value of such goods, except in cases in which the article imported is, by universal usage, considered and known to be a cash article, and so bona fide paid for in all transactions in relation to such article ; and all invoices representing cash values, except in the special cases herein referred to, shall be subject to such additions as to the collector or appra ser of the port at which they are presented appear just and reasonable, to bring up the amount to the true and fair market value, as required by this section. 46 V., c. 12, s. 69. GOODS SHIPPED FROM U. S. BONDED WAREHOUSE. Goods shipped from bonded warehouse in the United Str.tes, must pay duty on the *' duty paid fair market value for home con- sumption in the U. S.," and not on value " in bond " as formerly, 6 CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT. <> HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. This Act may be cited as The Customs Tariffs 1894. 2. In this Act, and in any other Act relating to Customs, un- less the context otherwise requires, — (a) The initials "n.e.s." represent and have the meaning of the words "not elsewhere specified ;'* [Jb) The initials '*n.o.p." represent and have the meaning of the words "not otherwise provided for;" (f) The expression "gallon" means an imperial gallon; {d) The expression ** ton" means two thousand pounds avoirdupois; {e) The expression "proof," or "proof spirits," when applied to wines or spirits of any kind, means spirits of a strength equal to that of pure ethyl alcohol compounded with distilled water in such proportions that the resultant mixture shall at a temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit have a specific gravity of 0*9198 as com- pared with that of distilled water at the same temperature; (/) The expression "gauge," when applied to metal sheets or plates or to wire, means the thickness as determined by Stubbs' Standard Gauge ; (/) The expression "in diameter," when applied to tubing, means thfe actual iriside diameter ; \Ji) The expression * "sheet," when applied to metals, means a sheet or plate not exceeding three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness ; (1) The expression "plate," when applied to metals, means a plate or sheet more than three sixteenths of an inch in thickness. 3* The expressions mentioned in section two of The Customs Ad,, as amended by section two of The Customs Amendment Act, 1888, whenever they occur herein, or in any Act relating to the Customs, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning assigned to them respectively by the said sections two ; and any power conferred upon the Governor ir Council by The Customs Act to transfer dutiable goods to the list of goods which may be imported free of duty is not hereby abrogated or impaired. 4. Subject to the provisions of this Act and to the requirements of The Customs Ad^ Chapter thirty-two of the Revised Statutes, as amended, there shall be levied, collected and paid upon all goods enumerated, or referred to as not enumerated, in Schedule A to this Act, the several rates of duties of Customs set forth and described in the said Schedule and set opposite to each item respectively or charged thereon as not enumerated, when such goods are imported mto Canada or taken out of warehouse for consumption therein. Sa Subject to the same provisions and to the further conditions contained in Schedule B to this Act, all goods enumerated in the said Schedule B may be imported into Canada or may be taken out of warehouse for consumption therein, without the payment of any duties of Customs thereon. 6a The importation into Canada of any goods enumerated, described or referred to in Schedule C to this Act, is prohibited ; and any such goods if imported shall thereby become forfeited to the Crown and shall be destroyed; and any person importing any such prohibited goods, or causing or permitting them to be im- ported, shall for each offence incur a penalty of two hundred dollars. 7a The whole or part of the duti'^ hereby imposed upon fish and other products of the fisheries may be remitted as respects either the United States or Newfoundland, or both, upon procla- mation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that the Governments of the United States and Newfoundland, or of either of them, have made changes in their tariffs of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada, in reduction or repeal of the duties in force in the said countries respectively. 8h Kggs may be imported into Canada free of duty, or at a less duty than is provided for by this Act, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that eggs from Canada may be imported into the United States free of duty, or at a rate of duty not exceeding that, payable on eggs under such proclamation when imported into Canada. 9a Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council that the Governments of France and Spain, or either of them, have made changes in their tariff of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada, in reduction or repeal of the duties now in force in the said countries, he may, by proclamation, order the whole or part of the duty of thirty per cent ad valorem hereby imposed «pon wines imported into Canada to be remitted as 8 respects importations from the said countries, or from that one of the said countries by the Government of which such change in its tariff of duties has been made as aforesaid. 10. Shingles and pulp wood, or either of them, may be im- ported into Canada free of duty, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that sh'ngles and wood pulp, or either of them, from Canada may be imported into the United States free of duty. !!• Any or all of the following things, that is to say : green or ripe apples, beans, buckwheat, pease, potatoes, rye, rye- flour, hay, and vegetables specified in item 41 in schedule A to this Act, shall be free of duty when imported into Canada from the country of production, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that such country imposes no duty on the like product or products imported into it from Canada. 12a Barley and Indian corn shall be free of duty when imported into Canada from the country of production, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that such country whence either or both these products are imported admits both these products free of duty im- ported into it from Canada. 13. If any country imposes a duty upon the articles enumerated in items 734 to 745, both inclusive, in schedule B to this Act, or upon any of such articles, when imported into such country from Canada, the Governor in Council may, by proclamation published in the Canada Gazette^ declare the following? export duties, or any of them, chargeable upon logs exported from Canada to such country, that is to say : on pine, Douglas fir, spruce, fir balsam, cedar, elm and hemlock logs, an export duty not exceeding three dollars per thousand feet, board measure ; and in case of the export of any of the above-mentioned logs in shorter lengths than nine feet, then a rate per cord may be levied in the same way, not greater than the equivalent of the above-mentioned rate per thou- sand feet, board measure ; and such export duty shall be charge- able accordingly, after the publication of such proclamation : Pro- vided, that the Governor in Council may by proclamation, publish- ed in like manner, from time to time remove and re-impose such export duty. 14. Any goods or packages being the growth, produce or manu- facture of Canada, and having been exported therefrom and in- tended to be returned, may be admitted free of duty on being re- impoited into Canada ; provided such goods or packages were e«- tered foi exportation, and branded or marked by a collector or I proper officer of Customs, and are fully identified by the collector or proper officer at the port or place whete they are so re-imported; and provided further, that the property in such goods or packages has continued in the person by A^hom they were exported, and that such re importation takei place within one year of the exportation thereof. 15. On imported Indian corn, to be kiln-dried and ground into meal for human food, or ground into meal and kiln-dried for such use, under such regulations as are made by the Governor in Council, there may be allowed a drawback of ninety per cent of the duty paid. IS. The export of deer, wilr* turkeys, quail, partridge, prairie fowl and woodcock, in the carcase or parts thereof, is hereby declared unlawful and prohibited; and any person exporting or attempting to export any such article shall for each such offence incu' a penalty of one hundred dollars, and the article so attempted to be exported shall be forfeited, and may, on reasonable cause of suspicion of intention to export, be seized by any officer of the Customs, and, if such intention is proved, shall be dealt with as for breach of the Customs laws; Provided, that this section shall not apply to the export, under such regulations as are made by the Governor in Council, of any carcase or part thereof of any deer raised or bred by any person, company or association of persons upon his or their own lands 17. Regulations respecting the manner in which molasses and syrups shall be sampled and tested fa the purpose of determining the classes to which they belong with reference to the duty charge- able thereon shall be made by the Controller of Customs; and the instruments and appliances necessary for such determination shall be designated by him and supplied to such officers as are by him charged with the duty of sampling and testing such molasses and syrups; and the decision of any officer (to whor- is so assigned the testing of such articles) as to the duties to which they are subject under the tariff shall be final and conclusive, unless upon appeal to the Commissioner of Customs within thirty days from the rendering of such decision, such decision is, with the approval of the Con- troller, changed : and the decision of the Commissioner with such approval shall be final. 18. In the case of all wines, spirits, or alcoholic liquors subject to duty according to their relative strength of proof, such strength shall be ascertained either by means of Sykes' hydrometer or of the specific gravity bottle, as the Controller of Customs directs ; and in case such relative strength cannot be correctly ascertained by the direct use of the hydrometer or gravity bottle, it shall be ascertained by the distillation of a sample and the subsequent test in like manner of the distillate. 19a All medicinal or toilet preparations imported for complet- ing the manufacture thereof, or for the manufacture of any other article by the addition of any ingredient or ingredients, or by mix- ing such preparations, or by putting up or labelling the sam.e, alone or with other articles or compounds, under .•>ny proprietary or trade name, shall be, irrespective of cost, valued tor duty and duty shall be paid thereon at the ordinary market value in ihe country whence imported of the completed preparation when put up and ■ labelled under such proprietary or trade name, less the actual cost of labour and material ustd or expended in Canada in completing the manufacture thercv^f or putting u^ or labelling the same. 20» All medicinal preparations, whether chemical or other, usually imported with the name of the manufacturer, shall have the true name of such manufacturer and the place where they are pre- pared permanently and legibly affixed to each parcel by stamp, label or otherwise; and all medicinal preparations imported with- out such names so affixed shall be forfeited. 21. The value of all bottles, flasks, jars, demijohns, carboys, casks, hogsheads, pipes, barrels, and all other vessels or packages, manufactured of tin, iron, lead, zinc, glass or auy other material, and capable of holding liquids, — and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines or malt liquors or other liquids are contained,— and every package bein; ; the first receptacle or cover- ing inclosing goods for purpose of sale, — shall in all cases, not other- wise provided for, in which they contain goods subject to an ad valorem duty or a specific and ad valorem duty, be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty, and shall be charged with the same rate of ad valorem duty as is to be levied and collected on the goods they contain ; and when they contain goods subject to a specific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a duty of customs of twenty per cent ad valorem^ to becom^^uted upon their original fair market value; and all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding liquids, when containing goods exempt from duty under this Act, shall be charged Mith a duty of twenty per cent aa valorem ^ provided the contents thereof ar'^; not of such a nature that the destruction df the package becomes necessary in order to release the goods, — and all other packages containing free goods and beingthe first receptacles or inner coverings inclosing goods for the purpose of sale, and which are not the usual and ordinary outside packages in which such goods as they contain are packed for exportation, shall be II ir i I ill dutiable at the same rate as if imported empty; but all packages not hereinbefore specified, and not herein specially charged with or declared liable to duty under regulations, and being the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation, according to the general usage and custom of trade, shall be free of c ty : Provided further, that all special packages or cov€r?ngs un- like those in which such goods as they contain are usually packed for home consumption, and all such packages or coverings as are apparently designed for use other than in the importation of the goods they contain, shall be subject to the same rates of duty as they would be subject to if imported empty or separate from their contents. 22. Any person who, without lawful excuse, the proof of which shall be on the person accused, sends or brings into Canada, or who, being in Canada, has in his possession, any bill-heading or other paper appearing to be a heading or blank capable of being filled up and used as an invoice, and bearing any certificate pur- porting to show, or which may be used to show, that the invoice which may be made from such bill-heading or blank is correct or authentic, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars, and to imprisonment for a term not exceed- ing twelve months, in the . discretion of the court, and the goods entered under any invoice made from any such bill-heading or blank shall be forfeited. 23. With respect to goods imported for manufacturing purposes that are admissable under this Act for any soecific purposes, at a lower rate of duty than would otherwise be chargeable, or exempt from duty, the importer claiming such exemption from duty, or proportionate exemption from duty, shall make and subscribe to the following affidavit or affirmation before the collector of Customs at the port of entry : — I, {name of importer) the undersigned, importer of the {namcn oj the goods or articles) mentioned in this entry, do solemnly (swear or affirm) that such (names of the goods or articles) are imported by me for the manufacture of {names oj the goods to he manufactured ) in my own factory, situated at (name of the place, county and pro- vince) y and that no portion of the same will be used for any other purpose or disposed of until so manufactured. 24. The following Acts are hereby repealed :— Chapter thirty- three of the Revised Statutes, intitukcd An Act respecting the duties of Customs \ chapter thirty-nine of the statutes of 1887, intituled An Act to af'tend the Act respecting the duties of Customs; chapter fifteen of the statutes of 1888, intituled An Act to cmnend chapter thirty-three of the Revised Statutes oj Canada^ respecting the duties 12 of Customs; chapter twerty of the statutes of 1890, in ituled An Act to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs ; chapter twenty-one of the statutes of 1890, intituled An Act to amend the Act of the present session, intituled An Act to amend the Acts respect- ing the duties of Customs; chapter forty-five ot the statutes of 1891, intituled An Act to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs; chapter twenty-one of the statutes of 1892, intituled An Act further to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs ; and chapter sixteen of the statutes of 1893. intituled An Act further to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs. 25> All Orders in Council and all departmental regulations inconsistent with any of the previsions of this Act are hereby repealed. 26. The foregoing provisions of this Act shall be held to have conrie into force on the twenty-seventh day of March, in the present year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and to apply and to have applied to all goods imported or taken out of warehouse for consumption on or after the said day : Provided, that in the case of goods which were imported or taken out of warehouse fo consumption, and on which duty was paid, on or after the 27th day of March, 1894, in accordance with the rate of duty set forth as payable on such goods in the resolutions respecting the duties of Customs introduced in the House of Commons on the said 27th day of March, or in any such resolution subsequently introduced in the said House, the duty so paid shall not be affected, nor shall the person paying it be entitled to any refund or be liable to any further payment of duty, by reason of such rate of duty being al- tered by any resolution introduced subsequently to that in accord- arrce with which such duty was paid and before the passing of this Act. 13 -55^ ■ DOMINION OF CANADA CUSTOMS TARIFF. , if. rtt A Duty. Absinthe, see spirits, Absorbent Cotton prepared for surgica'i use 20 per cent. Accordeons 25 per cent. Acetate of iron, viz: — ^f-on liquor, solution of acetate of iron for dyeing .^nd calico printing Free. Acetate of lead, not ground F'ree. Acid, Acetic and Pyroligneous, N.E.S. and Vinegar, a specific duty of fifteen cents for each gallon of any strength, not exceeding the strength of proof, and for each degree of strength in excess of the strength of proof, an additional duty of two cents. The strength of proof shall be held to be equal to six per cent, of absolute acid, and in all cases the strength shall be determined in such manner as is established by the Governor in Council. ... 15c. per gal. Acid, Acetic and Pyroligneous of any strength, when imported by dyers, calico printers or man- ufacturers of acetates or colours, for exclusive use in dyeing or printing, or for the manufacture of such acetates or colours in their own factories, under such regulations as are established by the Governor in Council 25 per cent. Acid, viz: Glacial acetic acid or acetic acid exceed- ing the strength of proof, when imported by druggists and others than dyers, calico printers, or manufacturers of vinegar or acetates or colours, to be used in their own factories for purposes of manufacture other than those mentioned in the next preceding item, a specific duty equal to fifteen cents per gallon of the strength of proof and one cent additional per gallon for each degree of strength in excess of the strength ofproof. ... 15c. per gal. Duty. Acids used for medicinal, chemical or manufacturing purposes, not specially provided for in this Act . Free. Acid, Boracic . . , Free. Acid, Muriatic and Nitric, and all mixed acids 20 per cen*. Acid, Oxalic Free. Acid. Stearic 20 per cent. //'t- Vf Acid, Sulphuric 4/10 ci. per lb. hj^ Acid, Tannic Free. '^ Acids, N. E. S 20 per cent. But Carboys and Demiions, containing Acids, Vinegar, or other liquids, shall be subject to the same duty as if empty, viz 30 per cent, ^r- \, ' Acid Phosphate 2c. per lb. y^ ' Aconite Root, unground Free. Acorns, as nuts 2 cts. per lb. Admiralty Charts Free. Advertising pamphlets, pictorial show cards, circulars, illustrated advertising periodicals, illustrated price lists, advertising calenders, advertising almanacs, tailors' and mantle-makers' fashion plates, and all chfomos, chromotypes, oleographs or artistic work of similar kinds, produced by any process other than hand painting or drawing, whether for business or advertising purposes or not, printed or stamped on paper, cardboard or other material, N. E. S. . 6c. per lb. and 20 per cent. Advertising matter, viz. : Labels for fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, confectionery, and other goods, also tickets, posters, advertising bills and folders, 15c. per lb. whether lithographed or printed and 25 per cent.. Adzes 35 per cent. Agaric—-** Dye Stuff" crude Free. Agate-ironware 35 per cent^ Agricultural Implements, viz : — Mowing machines, • self-binding harvesters, harvesters without bind- ers, binding attachments, reapers, sulky and walk- ing ploughs, harrows, cultivators, seed drills and horse-rakes . , 20 per cent- Agricultural Implements, viz : — Axes of all kinds, scythes, hay knives, lawn mowers, pronged forks, rakes, n.e.?., and hoes, and other agricultural tools or implements, n e.s 35 per cent. 15 m in! Agricultural Implements, viz. : Shovels and Spades, and Shovel and Spade Blanks, and Iron or Steel cut t«^ shape for same, 50 cts. per doz., and Air Brakes Alabaster Ornaments Alarm Money Drawers as office furniture Albany Compound, Grease Albumen, Blood Albumen, P2g^ Albumenized and other papers and films, chemically prepared for photographers' use Albums, Autograph and Photograph Ale, Beer and Porter, in bottles (6 quart or 12 pint bottles to be held to contain one gallon) Ale, Beer, Poiter,in casks or otherwise than in bottles. Alhambra Cotton quilts, woven white Alhambra Colored Cotton quilts, colors woven Alizarine and Artificial Alizarine Alkanet Root, crude, crushed or ground Almanacs, advertising 6 cents per lb. and Almonds, shelled ... Almonds, not shelled Almond Paste Alum, in bulk only, ground or unground Alum, powdered, in small packages Aluminum, or aluminum sheets and alumina and chloride of aluminum or chloralum, sulphate of alumina and alum cake Aluminum, fancy manufactures of Amber Gum Amber ornaments Ambergris Ammonia Muriate of and Chloride of Ammonia, sulphate of, sal-ammoniac, and nitrate of ammonia Ammonia, viz : Nitrous ether, sweet spirits of nitre and aromatic spirits of ammonia Anchors Anchovies. See Fish. Anghovy Paste ; 16 Duty. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 " 30 " 25 '* Free. 20 per cent. 30 35 24c. pr. I.G. 1 6c. per I G 25 per cent. 30 Free. (( 20 per cent. 5c. per lb. 3c. " 35 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free. Free. Free. $2.i2ip.gal. & 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. i!3 i;,:; DUTY. Anatomical preparations, and skeletons or parts thereof Free. Angostura Bitters. See Spirits. Aniline Dyes, and Coal Tar Dyes, in bulk or pack- ag' ee. Articles for the use of Governor-General Free. Articles imported by or for the use of the Dominion Government or any of the Departments thereof, or by and for the Senate or House ol Commons in- cluding the following articles when imported by the said Government or through any of the De- partments thereof, for the use of the Canadian Militia . — MilitaryClothing, Musical Instruments for Military Bands, Military Stores and Munitions of War Free. Artificial Flowers .... .... .... .... 25 per cent. Artists Canvas, prepared .... .... .... 27^ per cent. Artists Colour Boxes, Japanned .... .... 25 per cent.^ ,Artotype Engravings . . .... .... 20 per cent. 18 Asbestos, crude .... .... .... .... Asbestos, in any form other than crude, and all manufactures thereof .... Ashes, pot, and pearl, in packages of not less than 25 pounds weight .... .... .... .... Asparagus, fresh, as vegetables .... .... Asparagus, canned, the weight of the can to lie in- cluded in the weight for duty .... .... Asparagus Plants .... .... .... .... Asphalt, refined, and liquid Asphalt for roofing Asphalt or Asphaltum and Bone Pitch, Crude only.. Attar or Ottar of roses .... .... .... Australian Gum .... ..^. „.. .... Autograph Albums .... .... .... .... Awnings and Tents .... .... .... .... Axes of all kinds, Adzes and Hatchets Axles, springs and parts thereof, axle bars and axle blanks of iron or steel for railway or tramway vehicles, twenty dollars per ton, but not less than thirty-five per cent .... .... .... Axles, springs and parts thereof, axle bars and axle blanks of iron or steel n.e.s ic. p. lb, & Azaleas, Palms, Orchids, Cacti, and Flower Bulbs of all kinds .... .... .... • « • • DUTY. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. i^cts.per lb. 20 per cent. 20 " Free. Free. Free. 35 per cent. 32I per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. $20 per ton. 20 per cent. Free. • • • • Babbit Metal X)aCOTl •••• •••• •••• •••• •••« Bagatelle Tables or Boards, Cues, Balls and cue racks. Baggage, travellers, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs .... Bag frames, viz : Frames, clasps and fasteners for purses and chatelaine bags or reticules not more than seven inches in width, when imported by the ''manufacturers of purses and chatelaine bags or reticules for use in their factories Bags or sacks of hemp,* linen, or jute, and cotton seamless bags . .... .... ..... Bags, cotton, made by the needle .... .... Bags, viz., Paper Bags or Sacks of all kinds, printed or plain 10 per cent. 2 cts. per lb. 35 per cent. Free. • • t • 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 32^ per cent. 25 per cent. 19 ! I Baize, green, wool 5 cents per lb. and Baking Powder, the weight of the package to be in- cluded in the weight for duty .... .... 6 Balances, Scales and Weighing Beams .... .... Balbriggan shirts and drawers, knitted .... .... ijaiis, glass .... .... .... ... .... Balls, Rubber, ornamented or not .... .... Balsams (drug). See Drugs, Crude. Bamboo Curtains .... .... .... .... Bamboos, unmanufactured, and bamboo reeds, not further manufactured than cut into suitable lengths for walking sticks or canes, or for sticks for umbrellas, parasols or sunshades o^ananas .... .... .... .... .... Bandages, suspensory of all kinds Bank notes, bonds, bills of exchange, cheques, promis- sory notes, drafts and all similar work unsigned, and cards or other commercial blank forms printed or lithographed, or printed from steel or copper or other plates, and other printed matter, n.e.s. Barbed Wire Fencing of Iron or steel .... .... Barberry gum .... .... .... Barilla or soda ash .... .... .... .... Barks (crude drugs). Not edible and in a crude state, not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other process of manufacture, N. O. P Ocli 16y •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• Barley Flour .... .... .... .... Barrels or packages of Canadian manufacture which have been exported, filled with Canadian pro- ducts, when returned, under such regulations as the Controller of Customs prescribes .... Barrels, containing petroleum or its prcxiucts, or any mixtures of which petroleum forms a part, when such contents are chargeable with a specific duty. Barrels, wood, n e.s., (empty). ... .... . . . . Barytes, powdered .... .... .... .... J^aSc J^mUo •••• •••• •••• •••• ••■• Baskets, wood plain, willow or osier ... .... Baskets, straw or grass .... .... .... Baskets, viz. , Fancy Work Baskets .* . . . Baskets of Wood and Straw combined .... . . . . Baskets of Wood and Matting combined .... 20 DUTY. 25 per cent. cents per lb. 30 per cent, per cent, per cent .35 30 25 (( 30 per cent. Free Free. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. I^cts.per lb. Free. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 20 cts. each. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 '■ 25 20 35 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 ' (« DUTY. 30 per cent. 20 " i( Baskets Mounted on stands .... .... Bath Brick Baths, copper, not mounted 30 Bath Tubs, copper, fitted up in frame or stand of wood 30 Batteries, electric and galvanic .... .... 25 per cent. Bay Rum, in bottles or flasks containing not more than 4 oz. each $0 " Bay Rum, when in bottles, flasks or other packages, containing more than four ounces each. .... $2.12^ per gall, and 40 per cent. Beads, composition, vegetable ivory or glass, in bulk. 20 per cent. Beads, prayer, strung permanently on wire, etc 35 per cent. Bead Ornaments, N. E. S .... .... 35 ** Beans .... .... ... 15 cents per bush. Beans, green (as vegetables) .... .... 25 per cent. Beans, baked. See Vegetables Canned. Beans, viz. : — Tonquin, vanilla and nux vomica, crude only, locust beans and locust bean meal, and cocoa beans, not roasted, crushed or ground. Free. Beans (crude drug) not edible and in a crude state, and not advanced in value by refining or grind- ing or any other process of manufacture and not otherwise provided for .... .... .... Free. Bed Comforters (not to include woyen quilts) . .. 32^ per cent. Bed Lace , , ....... , 30 Bed Ticking, cotton ...... 30 Bed Ticking, linen 20 Beer, Ale and Porter, imported in bottles 6 quarts or 12 pints to Gall.). .. . 24 cents per gall. Beer, Ale and Porter, imported in casks or otherwise than bottles 16 cents per gall. Bees Free. Beeswax 10 per cent. Beet Seed Free. Belladonna Leaves (crude drug) in a crude state, and not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other process of manufacture, N. O. P Free. Bellows, blacksmith's 25 per cent. Bells of any description, except for churches, and gongs 25 per cent. Bells, when imported for the use of churches Fr ;. Belt Dressing 2;j per cent. Belting, rubber 32>^ per cent. 21 (C I Tl !i Belting of leather or other material, N. E. S Belts, Surgical, or Trusses, and Suspensory bandages of all kinds Belts of all kinds, N. E. S. Benzole, see Oil. Berries, for dyeing, or used for composing dyes Berries (crude drug) not edible and in a crude state, and not advanced in value by refining or grind- ing or any other process of manufacture and not otherwise provided for Berries other. See Fruit. Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Books Bichromate of Soda Bicycles and Tricycles Bicycle Bells Bill Heads, printed Bills of Exchange, unsigned Billiard Balls.... Billiard tables, with or without pockets, and bagatelle tables or boards, cues, balls and cue racks ...... Binarseniate of soda Binders. See Mowing Machines. Binder twine, viz : — Twine for harvest binders of hemp, jute, manilla or sisal, and of manilla and sisal mixed Birch Extract $2. 12^ per gal. and Birds, N. E, S. Bird Cages Bird Food Bird Seed. See Seed. Bird Skins, and skins of animals not natives of Can- ada, for taxidermic purposes, not further manu- factured than prepared for preservation Biscuits pf all kinds . . . . Bismuth, metallic, in its natural state Bisulphite of soda ., Bitters. See Spirits. Blackberries, the weight of the package to be in- cluded in the weight for duty Blackberry and Raspberry Bushes Blacking, Shoe, and Shoemakers' Ink, and Shoe, Harness and Leather Dressing and Harness Soap. Black Lead, manufactured of Plumbago 22 DUTY. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 25 per cent, 35 per cent. 35 " 35 " 35 per cent. Free. I2iper cent. 30 per cent 20 " 35 ** 20 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. Free. Free. 2c. per lb. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 •• DUTY. Free. 35 per cent. 35 " i« Blanc fixe Blank Books, Account and Copy Books, to be drawn or written upon Blank Forms, commercial Blanket*?, composed wholly or in part of wool, wor- sted, hair of Alpaca Cioat, or other like animals, 5 cents per lb. and 25 Blanketing and lapping, and discs or mills for engraving copper rollers, when imported by cotton manufacturers, calico printers, and wall paper manufacturers, for use in their own factories only Blast Furnace Slag Blocks, viz. : Hubs for wheels, posts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, gun blocks, heading, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn or sawed only Bloater Paste Blood Albumen and Tannic Acid Blueing, laundry blueing of all kinds Blue Vitriol, or Sulphate of Copper Blueberries, wild Boats and Ships Sails Boilers, viz. : Steam engines, boilers and machinery composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, N. E. S. 2"]% per cent. Boiler Tubes of wrought iron or steel, including corrugated tubes or flues for marine boilers. . . . Boilers, galvanized iron (for house use) Bolsters and Pillows Bolting Cloth, not made up Bolts, viz. : Heading, handle, stave and shingle bolts, N. E. S Bolts, Washers, &c. See Nuts. Bonds, unsigned Bone Dust, Bone Black, or Charred Bone, and Bone Ash, for fertilizers Bone Pitch, crude only Bones, crude, not manufactured, burnt, calcined, ground or steamed Bones, burned, calcined, ground or steamed 20 per cent. Rone, fancy manufactures of 35 Bone, manufactures of N, E. S , 20 23 Free. Free . tree. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 7i per cent, 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. Free. 35 per cen. Free. Free. Free. {( 'il I I i! Ill 15 DUTY. 20 30 30 20 «( (( (( Bone Dice and Counters Bonnets, Hats and Caps, N. E. S Bonnet Wire, covered Book Covers, illustrated paper 6 cts. per lb. and Books of Views or Albums 6 cts. per lb. and 20 Books, viz.: — Bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn, and books printed in any language other than the English and French languages Free. Books, embossed, for the blind, and books for the inst'uction of the deaf and dumb and blind .... Free. Books printed by any government or by any associa- tion for the promotio'' of science or letters, and official annual re;;:, its of religious or benevolent associations, and issued in the course of the pro- ceedings of the said associations, to their mem- '"^ers, and not for the purpose of sale or trade . . Free. Books, not being printed or reprinted in Canada, which are included and used as text books in the curriculum of any university or incorporated col- lege in Canada for the use of students thereof ', books specially imported for the dotm fide use of incorporated mechanics' i» •■ itutes, public free libraries, and university and college libraries and law libraries of any duly organized law associa- tions or society for the use of its members, not more than two copies of each book, under regu- lations made by the Governor in Council Free. Books, printed Periodicals and Pamphlets, N. E. S., not being foreign reprints of British copyright works, nor Blank Account Books, nor Copybooks, nor books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm or Hymn Books... 6 cts. per lb. Books, printed, viz., foreign reprints of British copy- righted works until the end of the next Session of Parliament 6 cts. per lb. and \2\ per cent. Books printed as above, after the end of the next Session of Parliament 6 cents per lb. Books, bound or unbound, which have been printed and manufactured more than twelve years Free. Books Copying .... .... .... 35 per cent. Book Prospectuses, with bindings .... .... 35 per cent. Bookbinders* cloth .... .... Free. 24 DUTY. 10 per c^nt. 20 per cent. 25 " 30 25 30 25 Free. (t (( i4 Free. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. Bookbinders* Tools and Implements, including Rul- ing Machines .... .... .... .... Boot and Shoe counters, made from leather-board and leatheroid .... .... Boots and Shoes, N. E. S .... Boots and Shoes of India Rubber, with tops or uppers of cloth or material other than rubber. . Boots and Shoes of India Rubber, N. E. S. Boot, vShoe and Stay Laces of any material .... Boot and Shoe Dressing as Blacking Boracic Acid Borax, ground or unground, in bulk of not less than 25 pounds Borax in smaller quantities Bort or Diamond Dust Botanical specimens Bottles, glass Bottles, viz. : Earthenware or stone ink bcttles, not exceeding three ounces capacity Bottles, viz. : Earthenware or stone ink bottles, N.E.S. Boxes, viz. : Writing desks, glove boxes, handkerchief boxes, manicure cases, perfume cases, toilet cases and fancy cases for smokers' sets, and similar fancy articles made of bone, shell, horn, ivory, wood, leather, plush, satin, silk, saiinette, cellu- loid, aluminum, fibre- ware of all kinds, or paper ; dolls and toys of all kinds, including sewing machines when of not more than two dollars in value ; ornaments of alabaster, spar, amber, terra cotta or composition ; and statuettes and bead ornaments, N. E. S 35 per cent. Boxes, jewel 5 cents each and 30 *' Boxing Gloves 35 Boxwood Blocks for engraving ...... 25 Braces or Suspenders, and parts thereof 35 Brads, Cut Tacks or Sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand i^ cts. per 1000 Brads, Cut Tacks or Sprigs, exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand .... i^ cts. per lb. Braids 30 per cent. Bran, Mill Feed, etc 20 Brandy. See Spirits. Brass Cups, being rough blanks for the manufacture 25 iC (( (« DUTY. Free. of paper shells or cartridges, when imported by manufacturers of brass and paper shells or cart- ridges, for use in their own factories Brass Curtain Poles Brass, Iron and Copper Wire, twisted, imported by manufacturers of boots and shoes, for use in their own factories Brass, iron or steel rolled, round wire rods under three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and rolled copper rods one inch or under in diameter, when imported by wire manufacturers for use In making wire in their own factories Brass, Iron or Steel manufactures, which at the time of their importation are of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada, when imported for use in the construction or equipment of ships or vessels . . Brass in bars, rods and bolts, drawn, plain and fancy tubing, not bent or otherwise manufactured, in lengths not less than six feet Brass Scrap, or Brass in sheets or plates Brass in strips for printers' rules, not finished Free. Brass and Copper Nails, Rivets and Burrs, and manufactures of brass or copper, N. E. S Brass Wire Brass and Copper Wire Cloth Brass Patterns Brass Screws, N. E. S Brass Agraffe Pins, for Pianos Brass Weights, for Scales Brazil Nuts, shelled Brazil Nuts, not shelled Bread Breadstuffs, viz., Grain and Flour and Meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in transitu^ 20 per cent, ad valorem upon the appraised value ; such appraised value to be ascertained as pro- vided by sections 58, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76 of •• The Customs Act" Barley Buckwheat Indian Corn, N. E. S Free. 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 10 per cent. 20 30 30 25 30 5 cts. per lb. 3 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. (( c< (i Oats 20 per cent. . . 30 per cent. 10 cts. per bush. 7i (< 10 (C 26 Rye 10 Wheat 15 Pease 10 Beans 15 Buckwheat meal or flour Cornmeal 40 Oatmeal 20 Rye Flour 50 Wheat Flour 75 Rice and Sago Flour and sago Breadstuffs, all other, N. E. S Brewers' Pitch Briar and all other Tobacco Pipes Brick for building, and paving Bricks, fire, (not to include stove linings) lor manu- facturing purposes Bricks, Fire, for lining stoves Bricks, Fire, N. E. S. and bath brick Bricks made from Anthracite coal waste Bridges, Iron, and structural iron work, i ct. per lb., but not less than Britannia Metal, in pigs and bars Britannia metal and German and nickel silver, manu- factures of, N. E. S., not plated Britannia Metal, manufactures of, N. E. S. it plated. Brimstone and sulphur, crude, or in roll or flour .... Bristles British Gum, dextrine. Sizing Cream, and Enamel Sizing Bromine ...... Bronze, viz.: — Phosphor bronze in blocks, bars, sheets and wire Bronze, Liquid Bronze Powder Bronze Statuettes Brooms .. Broom Corn .... Brushes Buchu Leaves. See Drugs, Crude Buckles, Saddlers' Buckles for Suspenders Buckles, Tin, N. E. S Buckles, Brass, N. E. S DUTY. per cent. it ti J ct. per lb. cts. per bbl. per cent, cts. per bbl. 25 per cent, 20 per cent. 20 " 35 " 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 " 20 per cent. 30 •* Free. • 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free, it 10 per cent. Free. per cent, per cent. 10 25 20 35 20 Free. 25 per cent. Free. 32^4 percent. 35 •• 25 per cent. 30 ' " (( 27 I Buckles, iron or steel, N. E. S Buckram, for the manufacture of hat and bonnet shapes Buckthorn and Strip Fencing, of iron or steel Buckwheat lo Buckwheat meal or flour .... Buds (drug). See Drugs, crude. Butjgies. See Carriages. Builders' Hardware, N. E. S Building Plans, N. E. S Bulbs, Flower of all kinds Bulbs (drug). See Drugs, Crude. Bullion, gold or silver, in bars, blocks or ingots. . . . Bullion Fringe Bunting ...... Burgundy Pitch Burrs, Brass and Copper Burrstones, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, not bound up or prepared for binding into millstones Bushes — Gooseberry, Raspberry and Currant Bushes — Rose Bushes ...... Bushes, N. E S Bustles .... Battfci Butter Knives, plated wholly or in part Buttons, Shoe, papier mache ; metal glove fasteners, eyelet hooks and eyelets Buttons, of Pearl, vegetable ivory, or horn, 8 cts, per gross and Buttons of Hoof, Rubber, Vulcanite or Composition 4 cents per grosb and Buttons, pantaloon and all other, N. E. S Butts and Hinges, N. E. S. DUTY. 27§ per cent. Free. }4 ct. per lb. cts. per bush. X ct. per lb. 32^ per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 22)4 percent. 4c. per lb. 35 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 20 32;^ Cabbage 25 per cent. Cabinets of Coins, collections of medals and of other antiquities, including collections of postage stamps Free. Cabinet Makers' Hardware 32^ per cent. Cachous, for sweetening the breath 35 per cent. Cacti, Palms, Orchids, Azaleas and Flower Bulbs of all kinds Free. 28 35 per cent. 4 cts. per lb. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. DUTY. Calcareous Tufa ...... Free. Calendars, advertising 6 cents per lb. and 20 per cent. Calumba Root, unground .... Free. Cambric, Muslins, white.... 25 per cent. Cambric Muslins, printed or dyed ; 30 per cent. Camwood and Sumac, and extract thereof Free. Canary Birds 20 per cent. Canary Seed. See Seed. Candied Peels and Candied Fruits Candles, paratfine wax Candles, N. E. S. . . Candy and confectionery Cane and Rattans, not manufactured.. Cane, Reed or Rattan, split or otherwise manu lactured Canes and Walking Sticks of all kinds, N. E. S Canoes, wood Cans and packages made of tin or other material, containing fish of any kind admitted free of duty under any existing law or treaty, not exceeding one quart in contents, one cent and a-half on each can or package ; and when exceeding one quart, an additional duty of one cent and ahalf for each additional quart or fractional part thereof I ^2 cts. per can or pkge. Cant Dogs 35 per cent. Canton Flannel, dyed or colored 30 Canton Flannel, white or bleached 25 Canton Flannel, unbleached ^7% per cent. 25 (( 25 (( 22 It (( Canvas, Jute Canvas, not pressed or calendered, when imported by manufacturers of floor oil- cloths for use in their factories .... Free. Canvas of Hemp or Flax and Sail Twine, when to be used for boats or ships' sails .... 5 per cent. Canvas, Artists' prepared .... 27^^ per cent. Caoutchouc, crude Free. Capers 35 per cent. Caplins. unfinished Leghorn Hats and Manilla Hoods. Free. Caps and Hats, fur 25 per cent. Caps, Hats and Bonnets, N. E. vS 30 per cent. Caps, percussion 30 Caps, paper, for toy pistols . . 35 29 IT '^^"Wmatmmmmm DUTY. lii j 35 25 35 32/2 Capsules for bottles, manufactured of lead^ stamped, lettered or plain Capsules for bottles, N. E. S., to be rated for duty according to material of which made. Caraway Seed, crude Carbolic or Heavy Oil Carbons, Electric light Carbons or carbon points not exceeding twelve inches in length $2.50 per thousand, and in proportion for greater lengths. Carboys, Glass, empty or filled Cardamon Seeds, crude Cardboard, including Bristol board, and all kinds of card cut, N. E. S Card Clothing, machine .... Card Mounts Cards, Curry Cards, Easter, Christmas, New Year's, and Birthday also Chromo and embossed 6c. per lb. and Cards, Playing . , Cards, Wool Carpenters' Rules Carpet Bags and Valises .... Carpet Binding, Cotton, white Carpet Binding, Cotton, colored Carpet Sweepers, not plated Carpet Sweepers, if plated ... Carpets, viz.: treble ingrain, three-ply or two-ply car- pets, composed wholly of wool 5 cts. per square yard and Carpets, viz. : two-ply and three-ply ingrain of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, hair of alpaca goat, or other like animals. . 3 cents per square yard and 25- Carpetting, matting and mats, of Cocoa, Jute and Hemp, and carpet linings and stair pads 25 Carpets, Mats and Rugs, N. E. S 30 Car Axles and Springs, $20 per ton but not less than 35 Car Wheels Carriages, children's ... » . Carriages, viz. : — Railway Cars Carriage Springs and Axles. See Axles. Carriage Tops, Frames, Bodies and Wheels 35 Carriages for travellers, and carriages laden with 30 30 per cent. Fiee. Free. 30 per Free. cent. per cent. 20 per cent. 6c. per pack. 27/^ per cent, • 35 • 30 • 25 . 30 per cent. • 27i 30 (i <( 25 (( per cent. 30 35 30 (( (( DUTY. Free. merchandise, and not to include circus troupes nor hawkers, under regulations prescribed by Controller of Customs Carriages, Buggies, and pleasure carts, and similar vehicles, N. E. S., costing not more than fifty dollars, five dollars each and twenty-five per cent; costing more than fifty dollars, thirty-five • f>er cent .... $5 each and 25 per cent. Carriages, viz.. Farm and freight wagons, carts, drays and similar vehicles Cartavert Yihce ware, N. E. S. , indurated fibre ware, vulcanized fibre ware and all articles of like material Cartridges, viz.: — Gun, rifle and pistol cartridges; cartridge cases of all kinds and materials ; per- cussion caps, and gun wads of all kinds 30 25 per cent. 25 per cent. I 30 30 25 Cartridge satchels Carts, hand Carriage Dusters ...... Carriage Hardware, N. E. S. Carrot Seed Cases for Jewels, Watches, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Cutlery, and other like articles . . 5 cts. each and Cases, Toilet, etc. See Boxes, fancy. Cashmere Mufflers, hemmed .... 5 cts. per lb. and 30 Cashmere Dolmans and Tackets, 5 cents per lb. and 30 Cash t-ailway ..... 27 J^ Caskets, Bui:ial 25 Castor Oil 20 Casts, as models for use of Schools of Design Free. Catgut strings or gut cord for musical instruments ; cat-gut or worm gut, unmanufactured, for whip and other cord .* Catsups Cattle, horses, sheep, swine and dogs for the improve- ment of stock, under regulations made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor in Council ...... Cattle and Sheep, living Caustic Soda, N. E. S Celery Celluloid, Xylonite, or Xyolite, in sheets, and in lumps, blocks or balls in the rough Free. 31 per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. 32^ per cent. Free. 30 per cent. per cent. per cent, per cent. Free. 35 per cent. {( Free. 20 Free. 25 per cent. |r I lo per cent. 35 " n (( DUTY. Celluloid moulded into sizes for handles of knives and forks, not bored or otherwise manufactured, also MQulded Celluloid balls and cylinders, ccated With tin -foil or not, but not finished or further manufactured, and celluloid lampshade blanks Celluloid, fancy manufactures of ,....» Cement, including Portland or Roman and hydraulic or water lime, including the duty on the barrel. 40c. per brl. fement. Rubber 25 per cent. Chaff Cutter Knives 35 Chains, Trace, Tug and Halter ^2^4 Chains, iron or steel, 5-16 of an inch in diameter and over Chains, iron, all others, N. E. S Chalk Stone, China or Cornwall Stone, Felspar and Cliff Stone, ground or unground , . Chalk, manufactures of, N. E. S Chalk Lines Chamois Skins, 17}^ per cent. Chamomile Flowers (crude drug) not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other pro- cess of manufacture, N. O P Free. Champagne. See Wines. Champagne Nippers ...... 35 per cent. Charcoal 20 per cent. Charts, Admiralty Free, Charts and Maps, for the use of schools for the blind. Free. Charts and Maps, N. E. S. ...... 20 per cent. Cheese 3 cts. per lb. Chemical preparations. See Proprietary Medicines. Cheques, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate 35 per cent. Cherries, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty 5 ner cent. Free. 20 per cent. 25 2 Cts. per lb. ^ree. 3 cts. each. 2 cts. per lb. 35 per cent. 20 (( Cherryheat welding compound Cherry Trees, of all kinds. . . .... Chestnuts ...... .... Chewing Gum, sweetened... .. Chewing Gum, not sweetened .... Chia Seed. See Seeds. Chicle Gum or Sappato Gum, in a crude state Free. < chicle Gum or Sappato Gum, N. E. S. 20 per cent. Chicory, kiln-dried, roasted or ground 4 cts. per lb. 32 DUTY. 3 cts. per lb. cent. < r brl. cent. (( cent. : cent, r cent. er cent. ;r cent. ler cent, per lb. jer cent. ;. per lb. s. 35 per cent. Free. per cent, per cent. (C Chicory, raw or grejn Chimney Linings or Vents, and inverted blocks, glazed or unglazed Chimneys, Lamp, glass China clay China figures (ornaments) as statuettes China Toys China Ware and Porcelain Ware, N. E. S China ornaments, N. E. S. Chloralum or Chloride of Aluminum .... Chlorate of Potash in Crystals, when imported for manufacturing purposes only Chlorate of Potash, not further prepared than ground and free'from mixture with any other substance. Chlorate of soda Chloride of Lime Chocolate, viz.: — Cocoa shells and nibs, chocolate and other preparations of cocoa, N. E. S Chocolate, viz. :— Cocoa paste, chocolate paste, cocos and cocoa butter Chocolate and milk, canned Chow-Chow .... Chrome Steel .... . Chromos, Chromotypes, Oleographs or artistic work of similar kinds produced by any other process than by hand painting or drawing.. 6 cts per lb. and 20 per cent. Chloride of Soda Free. Chronometers and Compasses for ships Free Church Vestments 20 per cent. Churns, wood 20 ** Churns and Crocks, Earthenware ... 3 cts. per gallon of holding capacity 3 cts. per gal. Cider, clarified or refined 10 cts. per gal. Cider, not clarified or refined 5 cts. ** Cider Mills 27^ per cent. Cigars and Cigarettes, the weight of cigarettes to in- clude th^ weight of the paper covering . $2.00 per lb., and 25 per cent. Cigar and Cigarette holders, and cases for the same. . 35 per cent Cinchona Bark. (See Drugs, crude) ... Cinchona Bark* powdered Cinnabar ... Circulars, printed. See Advertising. Citrate of Magnesia c 33 35 35 30 30 per cent- Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 20 per cent. 4 cts. per lb. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 15 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. DUTY. 25 per cent. Citrons, green Citron, Lemon and Orange rinds in brine Citron Peel, candied Clays, including China clay, fire clay and pipe clay . Clay Pipes, tobacco Cloaks, Dolmans, Jackets, Talmas, Ulsters or any other outside garment for ladies or children, made up of wool, worsted or alpaca . . 5 cts. per lb. and 30 per cent. Free. 35 per cen\ Free. 35 per cent. {( 30 per cent. 25 25 25 per cent. Cloaks, cotton, linen or silk Clocks, tower Clocks, N. E. S. Clock springs and clock movements other than for tower clocks, complete or in parts Clothes Wringers 25 cts. each and 20 per cent. Clothes Wringers, Rubber Rollers for, if fitted up with Iron shaft, as parts of Wringers, and duti- able as provided b) Lection 61, clause 2, of the Customs' Act, and if of rubber only Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Coatings, Overcoatings, and Felt Cloth, N. E.S. composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat and other like animals. . .5 cts. per lb. and 25 per cent. Cloths, not rubbered or made waterproof, whether of wool, cotton, unions, silk or ramie, sixty inches or over in width and weighing not more than seven ounces to the square yard when imported exclusively for the manufacture of mackintosh clothing, under regulations to be adopted by Governor in Council 12^ per cent. Clothing, donations for charitable purposes Free. Clothing, viz.: — Collars of cotton, linen, xylonite, xyolite or celluloid 24 cts. per doz. & 25 p'er cent. Clothing, viz.: — Cuffs of cotton, linen, xylonite, xyolite or celluloid 4 cts. per pair and 25 per cent. Clothing, viz.: — Shirts, costing more than three dol- . . lars per dozen $1.00 doz. and Clothing, viz.:— Shirts, N. E.S Clothing, viz.: -Corsets, linen, silk and cotton c oth- ing and other articles made from cotton fabrics, N.O.P. 32>^ percent. Clothing, viz. :■ — Socks and stockings of all kinds, N E.S 10 cts. per doz. prs. & 35 per cent. Clothing, viz : —Knitted goods of every description, including knitted underwear, N. E. S 35 per cent. 25 35 per cent, per cent. 34 «( DUTY. Clothing, viz., Silk Circulars lined with fur 32)^ per cent. Clothing, viz., Woolen Circulars lined with fur ...... 5 cts per lb. and 30 per cent. Clothing, ready made, and wearing apparel of every description, composed wholly or m part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like animals, N. O. P. 5 cts. per lb. and 30 per cent. Clothing, India Rubber Clothing, and clothing made waterproof with india rubber 35 Clover Seed. See Seeds. Cloves, unground Cloves, ground Coali Anthracite Coal, Bituminous Coal Dust, Anthracite Coal Dust, N. E. S Coal Facings Coal Oil. See Oils. Coal Oil, gas and electric light fixtures, or thereof Coal Tar and Coal Pitch i Coal Tar Dyes. See Aniline Dyes. per cent. I2>^ • 25 . Free. 60 cts, per ton.^ . Free. . 20 per cent .20 t( parts • .. 27 yz per .... Free. cent. Coat Hangers, as labels Cobalt, ore of. Cobblers' Wax Cochineal Cocoa and milk, canned 15 cts. per lb. and 25 per cent. Free. ...... 20 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. Cocoa Beans, not roasted, crushed or ground Free. Cocoa shells and nibs, chocolate and other prepara- tions of cocoa, N. E. S. .20 per Cocoa paste, chocolate paste, cocos and cocoa butter. 4c per Cocoa Matting, Mats and Carpeting .... 25 per Cocoanuts, when imported from the place of growth by a vessel direct to Canadian port Cocoanuts, N. E. S Cocoanut, desiccated, sweetened or not Cocoanut Oil and Palm Oil in their natural state Codfish, shredded Cod Liver Oil ..:..',' .A... Coffee and Milk, canned ...... Coft'ee, condensed, condensed coftee with milk, milk foods and all similar preparations . . ..:... 30 Coffee, green, and Tea, N. E. S . . 10 35 cent. lb. cent. 50c. per 100 $1 per 100 5 cts. per lb. Free. 21; 20 30 per cent. pT cent. « per '^ent. hit hi iU DUTY. Coffee, green, and Tea, imported direct from the country of growth and production . . Free. This item shall inchide tea and coffee pur- chased in bond in any country where tea and coffee are subject to customs duty, provided there is satisfactory proof that the tea or coffee so purchased in bond is such as might be entered for home consumption in the country where the same is purchased. Coffee, roasted or ground, when not imported direct from the country of growth and production. ...... 2c. per lb. and lo per cent. Coffee, roasted or ground, and all imitations of and substitutes for, N. E. S. ...... 2 cts. per lb. Coffee, Extract of, N. E. S., or substitutes therefor 3 cts. per lb. 2yh per cent. 25 30 25 per cent. 25 30 30 of all kinds Coffee Mills Coffins and Caskets Coffin Trimmings, plated .... Coin, U. S. Silver (file 11228-94) Coins, cabinets of, collections of medals and of other antiquities, including collections of postage stamps Coins, gold and silver, except U. S. silver c^in .... Coir and Coir Yarn ...... Coke Collar Buttons or Studs Collars, of linen, cotton, xylonite, celluloid, or xyolite 24 cts. per doz. and Collars, embroidered Collars, lace .... Collodion 20 cts. per gall, and 20 Cologne. See Perfumed Spirits. Colours, viz., Dry white and red lead, oiange mineral and zinc white 5 Colours, viz.. Paints and colours, ground in spirits, and all spirit varnishes and lacquers Colours, viz.. Ochres, ochrey earths, raw siennas, and colours, dry, N. E. S. Colours, viz., Oxides, dry fillers, fire-proofs, umbers and burnt siennas, N. E. S Colours and Paints, rough stuff and fillers, N. E. S. Colours, viz., Ultra-marine blue, dry or in pulp. . . . Colours, Metallic, viz., Oxidts of cobalt, copper and tin, N. E. S Free. 36 Free. Free. Free. Free. 25 per cent. per cent. 5 per cent. $1 per gall. 20 per cent. 25 25 Free (( (( tt i( it 4( (I <( DUTY. Colour lioxes, japanned 25 per cent Combs, all kinds of dress and toilet 35 Combs, curry .... 32)^ Combs, iron or horn, mane. . . • • • 32^ Commercial Blank Forms, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate Communion Plate, when imported for use of Churches .... Compasses, for ships Composition Metal, for the manufacture of filled gold watch cases Composition Ornaments .... Condensed Coffee, condensed coffee with milk, milk foods and all similar preparations ..... Condensed Milk Confectioner's boxes, printed or not .... Confectionery and Candy .... Copal Gum Copper Grain and Shot, used by jewellers as alloy. . 30 percent. Copper, Precipitate of, crude Free. Copper and Brass nails, rivets and burrs, and manu- factures of copper or brass, N. E. S. Copp6r, black oxide of, and Platinum, for use in the manufacture of chlorate Copper, old and scrap, and copper in pigs, bars, rods and bolts, in lengths not less than six feet, cop- per ingots, sheets, plates and sheathing, not planished or coated Copper seamless drawn tubing Copper rods, viz : — Brass, iron or steel rolled, round wire rods under three-eights of an inch in diameter, and rolled copper rods one inch or under in diameter, when imported by wire manu- facturers for use in making wire in their own factories Copper rollers, viz.: -Blanketing and lapping, and discs or mills for engraving copper rollers, when imported by cotton manufacturers, calico printers and wall paper manufacturers, for use in their own factories only Copper Rollers, for use in calico printing, when im- ported by calico printers for use in their factories in the printing of calicoes and for no other purpose, (such rollers not being manufactured in Canada) Free. 37 35 per cent. Free. Free. 10 per cent. 35 '• 30 " 3 cts. per lb. 35 per cent; 35 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. wmm§. ! I ■ 11 I { m DUTY. 30 pa: cent. Free. 1 5 per cent. i( (( (t Copper Sheets, tinned or planished .... Copper, Sulphate of, or Blue Vitriol .... Copper Wire Copper, Iron and Brass Wire, twisted, imported by manufacturers of boots and shoes for use in their factories Copper and Brass Wire Cloth Copperas, or Sulphate of Iron Copying Books Coral Cordage, viz.: — twine and cotton cordage of all kinds Cordage, N. E. S. i^ els. per lb. and Cords and Tassels Coriander Seed, crude .... ...... Corkscrews, plated . . Corkscrews, iron or steel, not plated Cork matting or carpet. 4cts. per sq. yd. but not less than 30 per cent. Corks, and other manufactures of Cork-wood and Cork-bark, N. E. S Cork-wood or Bark, unmanufactured Corn, canned. See Vegetables. Corn Flour, when found to contain all the properties of the corn or corn meal, less the bran and oih it parts, removable by bolting only, and not capable of being used as s'^rch without further change. 20 percent. Corn, Desiccated, Cracked Corn and Hominy 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent, 20 25 10 30 Free. 30 per cent. 27/^ PC'' cent. 20 per Free. cent. 25 (( Free. Corn, Green, as vegetables Corn, viz. : Indian Corn of the varieties known as *' Southern White Dent Corn," or horse tooth ensilage corn ; and " Western Yellow Dent Corn, or horse tooth ensilage corn, when im- ported to be planted or sown for soiling and ensilage, pnd for no other purpose, under regula- tions to to be made by the Governor-in-Council. Corn, viz. : On imported Indian Corn, to be kiln- dried and ground into meal for human food, or ground into meal and kiln -dried for such use, under such regulations as are made by the Gov- ornor-in-Council, there may be allowed a draw- back of ninety per cent, of the duty paid. Corn, Indian, N. E. S. .... 7^ cts. Cornmeal ..... .... 40 cts. Cornstarch. See Starch. Corsets .... .... .... .... . . 32^ per cent. 3«i per per bush, bbl. V. cent. cent. cent. : cent, K (C I( (( X cent. er cent, sr cent. r cent. er cent. ;r cent. bush, bbl. ler cent. DUTY. Corset Laces . . .... .... .... 30 per cent. Corset clasps, spoon clasps or busks, blanks, busks, side steels and other corset steels, whether plain, japanned, lacquered, tinned or covered with paper or cloth ; also back bone or corset wires, covered with paper or cloth, cut to lengths and tipped with brass or tin, or untipped, or in coils .... 5 cts. per lb. and 20 per cent. Cottolene, viz.. Lard, lard compound and similar substances, cottolene and animal stearine of all kinds, N. E. S .... 2 cts. per lb. Cotton Bags, made by use of needle .... 32 J per cent. Cotton Bags, seamless .... 20 per cent. Cotton Batts, batting and sheet wadding, dyed or not. 22^ per cent. Cotton Fabrics, viz , Grey, unbleached cotton fabrics. This mcludes cotton sheetings, drills, ducks, cheese cloths, cotton or canton flannels, grey or unbleached, not stained, painted or printed :-?2i per cent. Cotton Fabrics, viz., White or bleached cotton fabrics, N. E. S, This includes scrims and win- dow scrims. Cambric cloths. Muslin apron checks, brilliants, cor^s, piques, Lenos mosquito nettings, Swiss Jaconets and Cambric Muslins, Lawns and goods of like description, bleached or white ; but not printed, dyed or coloured ... 25 per cent. Cotton Fabrics, printed, dyed or coloured. This includes Prints, Printed Shirtings, Furniture Prints, Cretonnes, Plain Prints, Silesias, Sateens, French Prints, Cambrics, Window Holland, Shirtings, Cotton Italians, Wigans, Cotton Al- pacas, Jeans, Coutills, Casbans, Muslins, Nets, Lawns, Tarlatans, Denims, Drillings, Bed- tickings, Ginghams, Plaids, Cotton or Canton Flannels, Flannele'.tes, Cotton Tennis Cloth, . Striped Zephyrs, Ducks and Drills, checked and striped Shirtings, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Pantaloon Stuffs, aud goods of like description when printed, dyed or coloured .... Cotton Knitted goods of every description, including knitted underwear, N. E, S Cotton Clothing, viz., Corsets, linen, silk and cotton clothing and other articles made from cotton fabrics, N. O. P. 32 j5^ per cent. 39 30 per cent. 35 per cent. L^i BHSSHm 1 I DUTY. Cotton sewing thread in hanks, coloured, bleached or unbleached, three and six cord I2| per cent. Cotton sewing thread and crochet cotton, on spools or tubes or in balls, and all other cotton thread, .... .... .... .... N. E. S. 25 per cent. Cotton Sheets .... .... . . 32^^ *' Cotton Socks and Stockings, 10 cts. per doz. prs. and 35 per cent. Cottons, viz., J eans, sateens and coutils when imported by corset and dress stay makers for use in their own factories .... .... .... 25 per cent. Cotton Rags Free. Cotton seed cake and cotton seed meal ... .... Free. Cotton Towels .... 25 per cent. Cotton warps and cotton yarns^ dyed or undyed, .... .... .... .... N. E. S. 25 per cent. Cotton Wool and cotton waste Free. Cotton yarns, No. 40 and finer .... .... Free. Counterpanes or Quilts, woven, white .... 25 per cent. Counterpanes or Quilts, white, with woven colored border, and colored cotton quilts, woven 30 " Counters and Dice, bone .... .... 20 " Court Plaster .... .... .... .... 25 *' Crab Apples The barrel containing same to be free of duty .... .... .... .... 40 cents per bbl. Cracked Corn and Cracked Wheat .... .... 20 per cent. Cranberries.... .... .... 25 percent. Crapes, black .... .... .... .... 20 per cent. Crayons and chalks .... .... .... .... 20 " Cream of Tartar, in crystals .... Free. Cream of Tartar, N, E. S. .... .... .... 20 per cent. Crochet Cotton, on spools or tubes, or in balls .... 25 per cert. Crocus composition (oxide of iron) for buffing or polishing metals .... .... .... .... 25 per cent. Crowbars .... .... .... 30 '* Crucibles, plumbago .... .... .... .... Free. Crucibles, sand .... .... .... .... 20 per cent. Cryolite or Kryolite, Mineral Free. Cubic Nitre, or nitrate of soda .... .... Free. Cucumbers, green .... .... 25 percent. Cudbear and Archill, extract of Free. Cuff Buttons or Studs 25 per cent. Cuffs, .otton, linen, xylonite, celluloid or xyolite, 4 cts. per pair and 25 *• Cultivators .... .... .... .... 20 percent. 40 Cummin Seed, crude... .... .... Cups and other prizes, won in bonafide competitions . Curd Knives .... Curling Stones of granite .... Curling Tongs, not plated .... . . . . Curling Tongs, plated . . .... . . . . Currants, dried Currants, green, the weight of the package to be in- cluded in the weight for duty .... Currant Bushes .. .. Curry Combs and Curry Cards .... Curry Powder .... . . . . . Curtain Poles Curtain Pole Ends, Rings and Brackets Curtains, bamboo .... .... .... .... Curtains when made up, trimmed or untrimmed .... Cutch or Gambier and Terra Japonica .... .... Cutlery, viz., table cutlery, N. E. S .... Cutlery, plated, viz., knives plated wholly or in part. Cutlery, N . O. P. , not plated .... Cutters and Sleighs .... .... •Cuttle fish bone, crude, not manufactured, burned, calcined, ground, or steamed .... Cyanide of Potassium .... DUTY. Free. Free. 35 per cent. Free. 27^ per cent. 30 per cent, 1 ct. per lb. 2 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. 25 " 30 " 30 " 30 per cent 30 " Free. 32^ percent. 35 per cent. 25 " 30 " Free. Free. ,( cent. cent, cent. cent. D Damask of linen, including napkins, doylies, tray cloths, sideboard covers, damask stair linen and diaper .... .... 25 percent. Dammar Gum .... .... Free. Darning Needles .... 30 per cent. Dates .... .... .... 25 per cent. Decalcomanie, or transfer pictures . . 6 cts. per lb. and 20 per cent. Decanters, glass 30 per cent. Degras, viz. : Oleo-stearine and Degras when im- ported by manufacturers of leather for use in the manufacture of leather in their factories Free. Demijohns, earthenware or stoneware, .... 3 cents per gallon of holding capacity. 3 cts. per gal. Demijohns, Glass, empty or filled 30 per cent. Dental and Surgical Instruments ofall kinds 15 ** Desiccated Cocoanut, sweetened or not 5 cts. per lb. Dextrine, or British Gum .... ...... 10 per cent. 41 18' -ii n¥ i ii ^F Diamonds, unset, or diamond dust or bort, and black diamonds for borers .... Diamond Drills, for prospecting for minerals, not to include motive power . . Diaper, viz. : Damask of linen, including napkins, doylies, tray cloths, sideboard covers, damask stair linen and diaper Dice, bone Dogs for the improvement of stock, under regulations made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor-in-Council Dogs, n. e. s Dolls, of all kinds and materials Doylies, linen damask Drafts, unsigned Dragon's Blood Dram pipes, sewer pipes, chimney linings or vents, and inverted blocks, glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles Drain Tiles, unglazed Drawings, Paintings, Prints, Engravings and Build- ing Plans, n. e. s Dress Sleeve Protectors or Shields Driers, Liquid and J.^.pan, n. e. s . . 20 cts. per gal. and Drills, diamond, for prospecting for minerals, not to include motive power Drills, hand, as tools Drills, viz. ; Seed drills .... Drugs, crude, such as barks, beans, benies, flowers, roots, balsams, buds, bulbs, fruits, insects, grains, gums and gum resins, herbs, leaves, nuts, fruits and stem seeds — any of the foregoing which are not edible and in a crude state and not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other pro- cess of manufacture and not otherwise provided for Drugs, n. e. s Drugs, Compounded. See Proprietary Medicines. Dry Plates, photographic Duck, Cotton, printed, dyed or coloured Duck, Cotton, unbleached . . Duck, Cotton, white or bleached E uck. Linen .... 42 DUTY. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 35 per cent, 25 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 32^ pe." :ent. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 22^ per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. iH cent* cent, cent, cent, cent, cent. DUTY. Duck, for belting and hose when imported by manii- facturers of rubber goods for use in their factory. Free. Dulse, in natural state Free. Dust, brass, iron or steel , 20 per cent. Dust, marble .... 20 per cent. Dutch or Schlag Metal Leaf 25 per cent. Dyeing or tanning articles, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, n. e. s. ; berries for dyeing or used for composing dyes ; turmeric, nut galls ; lac, crude, seed, button, stick and shell ; indigo, indigo paste and extract of, and indigo auxiliary or zinc dust ; persis, or extract of archill and cudbear, terra japonica, gambler or cutch, extract of logwood, fustic, oak ?\d of oak bark ; cam- wood and sumac and extract thereof, tanners' bark, hemlock bark and oak bark ; ground log- wood, ground fustic, and patent prepared dyes. . Free. Dyes, Aniline and Coal Tar Dyes, in bulk or package of not less than one pound in weight Free. Dyes, patent prepared Free. Dyes, N. E. S. . . 20 per cent. Dynamite, viz., nitro- glycerine, giant powder, nitro and other explosives ...... 4 cts. per lb. E Earth Closets, wood 30 per cent. Earthenware and Stoneware, viz., Demijohns or jugs, churns or crocks, 3 cents per gallon of holding capacity 3 cts. perl.G. Earthenware, viz., China and porcelain ware, also earthenware and stoneware, brown or coloured and Rockingham ware, white granite or iron- stoneware, *'C.C." or cream-coloured ware, decorated, printed or sponged, and all earthen- ware, N. E. S 30 per cent. Earthenware or stone ink bottles, not exceeding three ounces capacity 20 per cent. Earthenware, viz.. Drain tiles, not glazed 20 per cent. Earthenware, viz.. Drain pipes, sewer pipes, chimney linings or vents, and inverted blocks, glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles 35 per cent. Edge Tools, N. E. S .35 *' Effects, Settlers'. See Settlers' Effects. 43 il :-^ a IP ifliiii If pin 25 per cent. 10 per cent. 27/^ per cent. DUTY. Effects, viz.: Apparel, wearing, and other personal and household effects (not merchandse) of Biliish subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada. Free. Eggs .' 5 cts. per doz. Egg Cases containing eggs, ** not being packages for exportation only," are dutiable. Egg Albumen . ... 20 per cent. Egg Yolk Free. Elastic, round or flat, including garter elastic 30 per cent. Elastic Rubber Thread Fre?. Elastic Webbing 20 per cent; Electric Apparatus, viz. : Telephone and telegraph instruments ; telegraph, telephone and electric light cables ; electric and galvanic batteries, electric motors, generators, dynamos, sockets and electric apparatus, n. e. s Electric Light Carbons or Carbon points, not exceed- ing twelve inches in length, $2.50 per thousand, and in proportion for greater lengths. Electric Light Glass Bulbs Electric light. Gas and coal oil fixtures, or parts thereof .... Electric Light Shades, viz. : Insulators of all kinds, and lamps, including arc and incandescent ; lamp chimneys, sidelights, and head-lights, lamp, gas-light and elfictric-light shades, and globes— for lanterns, lamps, electric lights and gas lights Electroplate, and gilt of all kinds, N. E. S Electrotypes. See Stereotypes. Elemy gum Elixirs. See Proprietary Medicines. Embalming Boards ■. Embroideries Embroideiy and Sewing Silk ...... ...... Emeiy, in bulk, crushed or ground Emery Paper, sand, flint and glass paper Emery Wheels and manufactures of emery, N.E.S. 25 Enamelled cloth for carriages ...... 30 per cent, but not less than 4 cents per yd. Enamelled iron or steel ware, including signs and let- ters enamelled on any metal and granite or agate ware • 35 per cent. Enamel Sizing and Sizing Cream . . 10 per cent. 44 30 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. (( 30 25 Free. 20 per cent. (( n^ Engraved plates, viz., Plates engraved on wood, and on steal or other metal, and transfers taken from the same Engravings, paintings, drawings, and building plans, N. E. S.. Eno's Fruit Salts Entomological specimens .... Envelopes, printed or not .... Esparto or Spanish Grass, and other grasses or pulp of, including fancy grasses, dried bu*^^ not other- wise manufactured Essences, Alcoholic $2.i2}4 per gallon and Essential Oils .... Ether, Nitroi^j, viz.. Nitrous ether, sweet spirits of nitre and aromatic spirits of ammonia $2.12)4 per gall, and Ether Sulphuric Evergreens, for decorations Excelsior Extracts, Alcoholic $2.i2}4 per gal. and Extracts of Meat and Fluid Beef not. medicated Extracts of Logwood, Fustic, Oak, and of Oak Bark Extract of Malt,(non-alcoholic)for medicinal purposes Eyeglasses and Spectacles Eyeglass and Spectacle frames, parts of Eyelets and eyelethooks, and metal glove fasteners . . Eyes, glasses DUTY. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 *• Free. 35 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 10 per cent. 30 per cent. 5 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. 25 " 30 *' 25 " Free. 25 per cent. 30 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. :nt, pent. :ent. yd. Icent. Icent. Facings, for foundries, coal Facings, for foundries, plumbago Fancy boxes, &c. See Boxes. Fanning Mills and parts Fans, to be rated for duty according to material of which made Farina. See Starch. Farm Wagons and Carts. (See Carriages.) Farriers Knives, not plated Fashion Plates, (tailors and mantle makers) 6 cents per pound and Faucets, brass, copper or plated ...... P'aucets, all wood Faucets, iron or steel, not plated ..... 45 20 per ceat. 25 35 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent 27^ per cent. Wf DUTY. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. I7|f per cent. Feathers, undressed Feathers, N. E. S Feather Beds and Pillows Felloes of hickory wood, rough sawn to shape only, or rough sawn and bent to shape, not planed, smoothed or otherwise manufactured, and D shovel handles of wood Felspar, viz. : Chalk stone, china or Cornwall stone, felspar and cliff stone, ground or unground Felt, Adhesive, for sheathing vessels. . . Felt, wool, pressed, of all kinds, not filled or covered by or with any woven fabric Felt Cloth, N. E. S 5 cents per lb. and 25 per cent Fence Posts, N. E. S Free. Fencing, viz. : Barbed wire fencing of iron or steel. ^ cent per lb. Fencing, viz. : Buckthorn and strip fencing of iron or steel . . . . /^ cent per lb. Fennel Seed and Fenugreek Seed, crude Free. Ferro-manganese, ferro-silicon, spiegeleisen 5 per cent. Ferrules of brass, or plated, N. E. S 30 per cent. Ferrules, of wire, iron or steel, N. E. S. 27^ per cent. Fertilizers, compounded or manufactured 10 per cent. Fertilizers, uncompounded or unmanufactured, in- cluding kainite or German potash salts, German mineral potash, bone-dust, bone black or charred bone and bone-ash, fish oflfal or refuse, guano and other animal or vegetable manures Fibre, Mexican, and Tampico or Istle, Jind vegetable fibres, natural Fibre, Vulcanized, in sheets . . Fibre ware, N. E. S., Cartavert, indurated fibre ware, vulcanized fibre ware and all articles of like material Fibreware, fancy manufactures of Fibrilla Figs Filberts, shelled Filberts, not shelled File Blanks .... Files and Rasps Filings, Brass Filings, iron or steel Fillers. See Colours. Fillets of Cotton and Rubber, not exceeding seven 46 Free. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 5 cts. per lb. 2 CIS. per lb. 27^ per ceut. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 27/4 per cent. fl DUTY. Int. lib. lib. iut. Int. Int. Ut. inches wide, when imported by and for the use of manufacturers of card clothing. . . Films, viz., Albumenized and other papers and films chemically prepared for photographers' use Filter paper, in sheets Fire-Arms, N. E. S Fire-arms for use of Army and Navy Fire-brick for electrical purposes, and fire-brick for locomotives (not classed as manufactures) 20 per cent. Fire-bricks, not to include stove linings, for manu- facturing purposes Fire-brick for building or repairing furnace for gas works Fire-brick for baker's ovens • Fire-brick or tiles for lining stoves and furnaces,N.E.S. Fire-clay Free. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Fire-clay Gas Logs Fire-clay Gas Retorts Fire Engines and extinguishers Firewood, N. E. S Fire-works Fish, viz.: Mackerel Herrings, pickled or salted Salmon, pickled or salted Free. Free. 20 per cent. Free 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. ..... I ct. per lb. .... ^2 cent per lb. I ct. per lb. All other fish, pickled or salted, in barrels i ct. per lb. Foreign caught fish, imported otherwise than in barrels or half barrels, whether fresh, dried, salted or pickled, not specially enumerated or provided for by this Act 50 cts. per loo'lbs. Fish, .smoked and boneless fish. . i cent per lb. Codfish, shredded 25 per cent. Anchovies and Sardines, packed in oil and other- wise, in tin boxes, measuring not more than five inches long, four inches wide, and three and one half inches deep 5 cts. per box. In half boxes, measuring not more than five inches long, four inches wide, and one and five-eighths deep 2^ cts per box. In quarter boxes, measuring not more than four inches and three-quarters long, three and one half inches wide, and one and a quarter deep .... 2 cts. per box. When imported in any other form ... 30 per cent. 47 11 m tL-l i T n "!! DUTY. Fish, fresh or dried, N, E. S., imported in barrels or half barrels i cent per lb. Salmon and all other fish prepared or preserved, including Oysters, not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act 25 per cent. Oyster pails, tubs, &c. Pails manufactured in the United States in which oysters are im- ported are liable to duty each time they are brought to Canada, but if they are wholly manufactured in Canada, and are properly branded by the customs, they may be ser i to the United States, and on return entered free, on identification. Oysters, viz. : Seed and breeding oysters, im- ported for the purpose of being planted in Canadian waters . . Free. Oysters, shelled, in bulk .... 10 cts. per gal. Oysters, canned, in cans not over one pint, three cents per can, including cans 3 cts. per can. Oysters in cans, over one pint and not over one quart, five cents per can, including the cans. 5 cts. per can. Oysters in cans exceeding one quart in capacity, an additional duty of five cents for each quart or fraction of a quart of capacity over a cjuart, including the cans 5 cts. per qt. Oysters in the shell .... 25 per cent. Packages containing oysters and other fish, N.O. P. 25 percent. Oil, Spermaceti, whale and other fish oils, and ail other articles, the produce of the fisheries, not specially provided for 20 per cent. The whole or part of the duties hereby imposed upon fish and other products of the fisheries may be remitted as respects either the United States or Newfoundland, or both, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that the Governments of the United States and New- foundland.or of either of them,have made changes in their tariffs of duties imposed upon articles im- ported from Canada, in reduction or repeal of the duties in force in the said countries respectively. Fish, preserved in oil, except Anchovies and Sardines. 30 per cent. Fish, viz : Cans and packages made of tin or other miterial, containing fish of any kind admitted free 48 FJ Fl Fl DUTY. of duty under any existing law or treaty, not ex- ceeding one quart in contents, one cent and a- half on each can or package ; and when exceed- ing one (juart, an additional duty of one cent and a-half for each additional c}uart or fractional part thereof Fish Hooks for sporting purposes, (not plated) Fish Hooks, nets and seines, and twines to be used in making nets or seines, and fishing lines, not to include sporting fishing tackle or hooks with flies or trawling spoons, or threads or twines com- monly used for sewing or manufacturing purposes. Fish Lines and Twines, N. E. S Fish Nets and Seines, N. E. S Fish Offal or refuse, for fertilizers Fish Plates and tie plates, railway Fish Pumice Fis>h Skins and fish offal. ... Fish Sounds Fish Spoons for sporting purposes (plated) Fishing Flies Fishing Fly Books ., Fishing Rods .... ...... Flags, bunting or cotton Flagstones, dressed Flagstones, not hammered or chiselled. . Flannelettes, N. E. S Flannels, woollen, of every description, 5 cts. pel lb. and Flasks, Glass ...... Flax, fibre, and flax tow ...... Flax Seed Flax Seed Oil. See Linseed Oil. Flax, viz. : All manufactures of hemp, flax, or jute, N. E. S., or of flax, hemp and jute combined. . Flint, Flints and Ground Flint Stones Flint, glass, sand and emery paper Florist Stock, viz. : Palms, Orchids, Azaleas, Cacti, and flower bulbs of all kinds Flour, viz. : Buckwheat meal or flour Flour, corn, viz. : Corn starch or flour, and all pre- parations having the quality of starch, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty Flour, viz. : Corn Flour, when found to contain all i^ cts. per can or pkge. 27i per cent Free. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. $10 per ton. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent, 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. % cts. prr lb. i^ cts. per lb. % D 49 I It i II I : I S ! 1 1 .l i , ii -, 1 r . . . 20 per cent. . 50 cts. per bbl. . . . 25 per cent. 75 cents per bbl. Free. . 25 per cent. ... 20 t( Free. per cent. (( DUTY, the properties of the corn or corn meal, less the bran and other parts, removable by bolting only, and not cabable of being used as starch without further change Flour, Rye Flour, Rice and Sago Flour, Wheat.... Flower Bulbs .... Flowers, Artificial Flowers, Cut, N. E. S Flowers (crude drug such as chamomile) not edible and in a crude state and not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other process of manufacture and not otherwise provided for. . . . Fluid Beef and meat extracts, not medicated 25 Fluor Spar 20 Fly Paper 35 Folders, advertising, 15 cts. per lb. and 25 per cent. Foline Digitalis Free. Foot Grease, being the refuse of cotton seed after the oil has been pressed out, but not when treated with alkalies Forks, viz , Cast Iron table forks, not handled 'f ground or otherwise manufactured. . . Forks, pronged. Hay, Manure, etc., N. E. S Forms, blank .... Fossils Fowls, domestic, pure bred, for the improvement of stock, homing or messenger pigeons, and Pheas- ants and Quail Frames, clasps and fasteners for purses and chatelaine bags or reticules not more than seven inches in width, when imported by the manufacturers of purses and chatelaine bags or reticules for use in their factories Frames, viz.: picture and photograph frames cf any material . . . .' Freezers, (Ice Cream) Freight Carts. See Carriai^es Frillings and Flounces Fringe, Bullion Fringes Frogs, switches, crossings and intersections for railways 30 per cent. Fruit, viz., Apples, dried, desiccated or evaporated ; 50 Free. ^ 10 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. Free. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 27^ per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. :ent. ent. ent. ent. cent. DUTY, dates, ti^s, and other dried, desiccated or evapo- rated fruits, N. E. S. 25 per cent. Fruit, Apples green, the rate to include the duty on barrel 40 cts. per bbl. Fruits, viz.: — Bananas, plantains, pine apples, pome- granates, guavas, mangoes and shaddocks ; and wild blueberries, wild strawberries and wild raspberries Free* Fruit, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Straw- berries, Cherries and Currants, N. E. S., the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty .... 2 cts. per IB'.. Fruit, Cranberries, Plums and Quinces 25 per cent.. Fruit, green Grapes 2 cts. per Ibi. Fruit, viz., Prunes, rais ns and dried currants ic. per lb. Fruit, green Pears, and all other, N. E. S 20 per cent. Fruit, Peaches, N. O. P., the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty i ct. per lb. Fruit, viz.: Jellies, jams and preserves, N. E. S 3 cts. per lb.. Fruits in air-tight cans or other packages, the weight on which duty shall be payable to include the weight of the rins or other packages 2 cts per lb.. Fruits (dr q;). See Drugs, crude. Fruits, pre *rved in brandy or other spirits $1.90 per gal'.. Fruit Juices nd Lime Tuice,fortified with or containing not mors, han 25 per cent, of proof spirits.. . . 6ucts. pergaU Fruit Juices and Lime Juice containing more than twenty-five per cent of proof spirits $2 per gal. Fruit Juices, viz : Lime Juice and other fruit .syrups and fruit juices, N. O. P. Fruit Jars and preserve jars, glass, Fullers' Earth, crude 20 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. Fullers' Earth, prepared for toilet purposes 30 per cent. Fur Jackets, lined with satin Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner . . Fur Skins, wholly or partially dressed Fur, viz.. Caps, hats, muffs, tippets, capes, coals, cloaks and other manufactures of fur Furnaces ...... Furniture of wood, iron or any other material, house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair and spring and other mattresses, bolsters and pillows 51 25 per cent. Free. 15 per cent, 25 per cent. 27i per cent. 30 per cent. m j If! SB « ■ DUTY. Fuses, Electric or Platinum, consisting of a length of covered wire, connected with a detonator 30 per cent. Fuse, N. E. S. 20 per cent. Fustic, extract of and ground fustic .... Free. I 'I' i-H Galoon, Silk .... Galvanized Ironware, .Stamped tinware, japanned ware, including signs made from these materials, and all manufactures of tin, N. E. S. Gambier or Cutch and Terra Japonica Game and poultry, canned Game and poultry, N. O. P. Games of Cards, such as Old Maid, Authors, etc., N. E. S Gannister Garden rollers Garden Shears . . Gas Black ...... (xas. Coal-oil, and electric light Fixtures, or parts thereof Gas light Shades Gas Logs, P^ire Clay ..... Gas Meters .... Gasolene. See Oils. Gas Retorts, Fire Clay Gas Stoves .... Gas, water and soil pipes of cast-iron . . .... $10 per ton, but not less than 35 per cent. Gedda Gum .... Free. Gelatine 25 percent. Gauzes, prepared for surgical use ..... 20 per cent. Gentian Root, unground .... Free. German and nickel silver, manufactures of, N. E. S , plated 30 per cent. German and Nickel Silver, manufactures of, N.E.S. not plated .. ...... 25 percent. German Potash Salts and German Mineral Potash, for fertilizers Free. German Silver, Silver and Nickel Silver, rolled or in sheets . Free. Gigs. See Carriages. 1 Paris White Free. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cenr. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 27 h per cent. 30" *• 20 " 35 *' 20 per cent. 27/4 per ct. JL ting 52 «BIWB?mfl?^ff" mi. Gilling Twine, to be used in making seines and nets .. Gilling Twine, N. E. S. Linen Thread. . Gin. See Spirits. Ginger Ale , . Ginger, candied . Ginger, preserved Ginger, unground ..... Ginger, ground . . Ginseng Root, unground .... Glass, viz. : — Crystal and Decorated Glass Table- ware, made expressly for mounting with silver- plated trimmings, when imported by manufac- turers of plated ware Glass, viz. : — Common and colorless window glass; and plain colored, stained or tinted or muffled glass in sheets Glass, viz : — Ornamental figured and enamelled colored glass ; painted and vitrified glass ; fig- ured, enamelled and obscured white glass, and rough rolled plate glass . Glass, viz. : — Stained Glass Windows . . (ilass carboys and demijohns, empty or filled, bottles and decanters, flasks and phials, glass jars and glass balls, and cut, pressed or moulded glass tableware . . (jlass, viz. : — Insulators of all kinds, and lamps,includ- ing arc and incandescent ; lamp chimneys, side- lights, and head-lights, lamp, gas-light and elec- tric-light shades, and globes — for lanterns, lamps, electric lights and gas light" Glass bulbs 'or electric lights Glass, viz. : German looking-glass, unsilvered .... Glass, viz.: — Silvered Glass, bevelled Glass, viz.: — Silvered Glass, N. E. S. DUTY. Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 12}4 per ct. 25 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 30 per cent. \j ** per cent. \ 30 per cent. 4> 30 per cent. . 10 per cent. / T\ I7i perc>int/ ^^ 32I per jent>f 27K psrcent.^J Glass, viz.: — Plate glass, not coloured, in panes of not over twelve square feet each ; - and when bevelled, two cents per square foot additional . . 4 cts. per sq ft. Glass, viz.:— Plate Glass, not colored, in panes of over twelve and not over thirty square feet each, and when bevelled two cents per square foot additional .... .... 6 cts. per. s(j. ft. Glass, viz.: — Plate Glass in panes of over thirty and not over sevf ity square feet each, and when bevelled, two cents per square foot additional. Sets, per sq. ft. 53 t (i!ajs, viz.: — Plate Glass in panes of over seventy square feet each, and when bevelled, two cents per square foot additional .... .... 9 Glass, viz.: — All other glass and manufactures of glass, N. O. P., including bent plate glass. . . vj icido \v y Co ■••• ••■• •••• •••• •••• Glass, sand, flint and emery paper Glass Stoppers .... .... .... .... Glass syringes ^■^■***wO V drOWO •••• •••■ •••• •••• •••• Glauber Salts ... .... .... Glaziers' Diamonds, set in brass, steel or iron Glaziers' Knives, not plated .... .... .... Globes, geographical, topographical and astronomical Globes for lanterns and lamps .... .... Gloves and Mitts of all kinds .... .... (ilove fasteners, metal, eyelets and eyelet hooks .... (^ilove leathers when imported by glove manufactur- ers for use in their factories in the manufacture of gloves, viz.: kid, lamb, buck, deer, antelope, and water hog, tanned or dressed, coloured or uncoloured Glove Boxes ... .... , . . . .... .... '(ilucose or Grape Sugar, Glucose Syrup, and Corn Syrup, or any Syrups containing any admixture LlXd-CvH •••« ••*• •••• •••• •••• Glue and Mucilage .... .... .... Gluten Flour and special diabetic food .... \j ly (^ci xiic »••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Goldbeaters' Moulds and Skins . . Gold Bullion, in bars, blocks or ingots Gold Coin .... . . . • .... .... .... Cicld and wSilver, viz. : — Manufactures of gold and silver, and all other articles, N. E. S., commer- cially known as jewellery .. .... Gold and ^Silver Leaf, and Dutch or schlag metal leaf (7 old and Silver Leaf, imitations of .... .... Gold and Silver Sweepings .... | X^ « X-^* i^* •••• •••• •«•• c*^* Gun Tools, such as reloading sets, etc .... 55 DUTY. 35 per cent. 2 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 75 per ton, 30 per cent Free. 35 per cent. Free. Free. 10 percent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 *• 25 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. i i Gun Wads of all kinds .... .... .... Gunny Cloth and Gunny Bags Gut Strings or gut cord for musical instruments Gut and Worm Gut, unmanufactured, for whip and other cord .... .... .... .... Guttapercha, manufactures of, N. E. S Guttapercha, crude Gypsum. See Plaster of Paris. Gypsum, crude (Sulphate of lime) .... . . . . DUTY. 30 per cent. 20 Free. t( Free. 25 per cent. Free. rree. H Haddies, smoked .... .... .... ....let. per lb. Hair Braids, Chains or Cords,or other manufactures of 30 per cent. • • • • Hair Brushes Hair Brush pads .... Hair Clippers, not plated .... ..... Hair Clippers, plated ... .... .... .... Hair Cloth, of all kinds .... .... .... Hair, curled or dyed .... ... .... Hair, cleaned or uncleaned, but not curled, dyed or otherwise manufactured .... .... .... Hair, Horse, not further manufactured than simply cleaned and dipped or dyed, imported for use in the manufacture of horse-hair cloths . . .... Hair Oils, Pomatums and Pastes, and all other per- fumed preparations, N. O. P., used for the hair, mouth or skin (non-alcoholic) .... .... Hair Pins, made of Metal Wire. . .... .... Hair Pins of Horn, Shell, Celluloid, or other material than metal, having two or more prongs with fancy top . . .... .... .... Hair Pins, two pronged, plain, made of horn, shell or celluloid, without fancy top .... .... Halter Chains .... .... .... Hammers ... .... .... .... Hammocks and Lawn Tennis Nets and other like articles, manufactured of twine, N. E. S Hams, fr sh . . . .... .... .... Hams, salted, dried, or smoked Hand Carts. ... .... .... Handkerchiefs .... .... Handkerchief Boxes .... .... Handcuffs, iron or steel, not plated 56 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 20 per cent. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 30 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 tc • • • • • 30 per cent. 3 cents per lb. 2 cts. per lb. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 27/4 per ct. , t. b. it. it. It. It. It. nt. nt. nt. mt. lb. lb. mi. mt. ct. Handcuffs, plated .... .... .... Handle Bolts, N. E S . . .... .... .... Hand Scoops, granite ware, or enamelled ware .... Hand Scoops, brass or plated .... .... .... Hand Scoops, wood .... .... .... .... Hardware, viz. : — Builders' hardware, cabinet-mak- ers', upholsterers', harness-makers' and saddlers' hardware, including curry-combs and curry- cards, carriage hardware, locks, butts and hinges, N. E. S., saws of all kinds, and table cutlery N. E. S Harness-makers' and Saddlers' hardware . . .... Harness and Saddlery, of every description Harness and Leather Dressing . . .... .... xiarness ooap .. .... .... .... .... Harps, Musical Instruments .... .... .... Harrows and parts .... Harvesters .... .... .... .... .... Hatchets, and eyes or polls for same .... Hat Boxes, Valises, Carpat Bags and Trunks .... Hat Covers, rubber. See India Rubber. Hats, Caps and Bonnets, N. E. S. .... .... Hats and Caps, fur ... . .... .... .... Hatters' bands (not cords), bindings, tips and sides, hat sweats and linings, both tips and sides, when imported by hat and cap manufacturers only, for use in their factories for the manufacture of hats and caps . . .... Hatters' Furs, not on the skin. Hatters' Plush, silk or cotton . . ... .... ' MvLjr t« ■••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Hay Knives ... .... .... .... .... Hay Rakes, made wholly of wood .... .... Heading Bolts, N. E. S. .... .... .... Heading, rough hewn or sawn only .... .... Health Food, Cold Blast whole wheat, flour and wheat, peirled wheat and oats, granulated oats and barley, universal food, pea and bean flour, bran flour, bran food, pearled corn meal, white - wheat gluten .... Hemlock Bark .... .... Heailock Bark, extract of .... .... Hemp, undressed .... .... 57 DUTY. 30 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. S2}4 per ct. 32/4 per ct. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent- 25 per cent. « t • • • • • • Free. Free. Free. $2 per ton. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. '.'■ it : 'H IS 1 DUTY. Hemp, manufactures of. See Jute. Hemp Paper, &c. See Paper. Hemp rags Free. Herbs, (Drugs). See Drugs, crude. Herring, kippered, preserved in oil 30 per cent. Herring, kippered, preserved or prepared (not in oil) 25 per cent. Hides and skins, raw, whether dry salted or pickled, and raw pelts , Free. Hinges, T and Strap Hinges and hinge blanks, N. E. S I cent per lb. and 20 per cent. Hinges and Butts, N. E. S 32^^ per cent. Hoes ^1; tc (( (( Hogs, living 1% cts.per lb. Hollow-ware, viz.: Granite ware, enamelled iron and steel ware and agate ware 35 per cent. Hollow-ware, viz.: tinware, japanned ware and gal- vanized ironware 25 per cent. Hollow-ware, of cast or wrought Iron, N. E. S 27^ Holly Twigs 20 Honey, in comb or otherwise, and imitations and adulterations thereof ,. '? cts. per lb. Hoof Ointment 25 per cent. Hoofs, horn strips, horn and horn tips, in the rough, not polished or otherwise manufactured than cleaned Free. Hoop iron, not exceeding three-eighths of an inch in width and being No. 25 gauge or thinner, used for the manufacture of tubular rivets Free. Hoop-skirts 32^ per cent. Hooks and eyes, iron 2^\ per cent. Hooks and Eyes, brass or plated 30 " Hops 6 cents per lb. Hop poles, N. E. S Free. Horn, Fancy manufactures of 35 per cent. Horn and horn tips, horn strips, and hoofs, in the rough, not polished or otherwise manufactured than cleaned Free. Horse Boots, leather 30 per cent. Horse clothing of jute, shaped or otherwise manu- factured 30 Horse Clothing, woollen, shaped . . 5 cts. per lb. and 30 Horse-hair, not further manufactured than simply cleaned and dipped or dyed, imported for use in the manufacture of horse-hair cloths Free. S8 per cent. Horse Netting Horse Powers, portable Horse, mule and ox shoes and horse shoe nails Horses, N. E. S Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Dogs, for the im- Ij provement of stock, under regulations made by the ^ Treasury Board, and approved by Governor in Council Horse Radish Root, green Hose, Linen , Hose, Rubber, or Cotton or Linen lined with rubber. Hosiery, viz. : — Socks and Stockings, of all kinds, lo cents per dozen pairs and Hubs for Wheels, rough hewn or sawn only .... Hubs, Spokes and Felloes finished, for farm and freight waggons, carts, drays, and similar vehi- rle? NFS Hubs, Spokes and Felloes finished, for buggies, car- riages, pleasure carts and similar vehicles, NFS Huckleberries, wild .... Hymn Books. . .... .... .... .... Hyoscyamus, or Henbane Leaf (See Drugs, crude).. DUTY. 30 per cent. 30 30 per cent. 20 (( Free. 25 per ceut. 20 «* 32^^ per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Ice Free. IceBoxes 30 per cent. Imitation Precious Stones, not set 10 per cent. Incandescent and arc lamps 30 per cent. Indian Corn. See Corn. India-rubber, viz. : Rubber, crude, caoutchouc or India rubber, unmanufactured; hard rubber in sheets, but not further manufactured, and re- covered rubber and rubber substitute P'ree. India-rubber elastic thread Free. India-Rubber Boots and Shoes with tops or uppers of cloth or of material other than rubber 30 per cent. India-Rubber Boots and Shoes, and manufactures of india-rubber and gutta percha, N.E.S 25 per cent. India-Rubber or Gutta Percha Belting, Hose, Pack- ing, Mats and Matting, and cotton or linen hose lined with rubber 32^ per cent. India-Rubber Clothing and clothing made water- proof with India Rubber .... 35 per cent. 59 India-Rubber, viz. : Sheet rubber, soft ... . India- Rubber Cloth or cloth flocked or coated with rubber, N. O. P .... .... India-Rubber Water P.eds .... .... Indigo, indigo auxiliary or zinc dust .... .... Indigo Paste and Extract of .... ..*.... .... Indurated Fibre Ware Ingot Molds .... Ink bottles, earthenware or stone, not exceeding three ounces capacity Ink bottles, earthenware or stone, N. E. S Ink bottles, glass Ink, printing or writing .... Ink, shoemakers Insects (drugs). See Drugs, crude .... Insulators of all kinds Insurance maps Iodine, crude .... Ipecacuanha Root, unground Iris root, unground ...... Iron, Steel or Brass Dust .... Irons, viz.: sad, hatters and tailors .... Iron, corrugated Galvanized Sheet Iron Iron, steel or brass manufactures, which at the time of their importation are of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada, when imported for use in the construction or equipment of ships or vessels. Iron or steel beams, is,heets, plates, angles and knees, for iron, steel or composite ships or vessels Iron or steel masts for ships, or parts of Iron sand or globules, and dry putty for polishing glass or granite Iron hoop, not exceeding three-eighths of an inch in width, and being twenty-five gauge or thinner, used for the manufacture of tubular rivets Iron Wire Cloth Iron liquor, solution of acetate of iron, foL' dyeing and calico printing Iron, viz.: — Wrought scrap iron and scrap steel being waste or refuse wrought iron or steel, fit only to be re-manufactured, the same having been in actual use, not to include cuttings or clippings which can be used as iron or steel without re- manufacture, and steel bloom ends and crop ends 60 DUTV. 25 per cent. 27^ per cent. 25 '• Free. Free. 25 per cent. Free. per cent, per cent, per cent. iC 20 30 30 20 25 Free. 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. 20 per cent 27^ percent. 27^ per cent. Free. Ii Ii Ir Free. Free. Free. Free. 30 per cent. Free. Ire Iro Iro Iro Iroi Iror DUTY. t. t. it. Lt. It. nt. nt nt. ent. ent. $3 per ton. $4 per ton. $5 pf:r ton. $lo per ton. of steel rails, three dollars per ton ; and on and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, fcur dollars per ton Iron or steel, being pieces, punchings, or clippings of boiler plate or other plates, sheets or bars of iron or steel, whether the same have had the ragged or cropped ends or edges sheared oft' or not, and crops from iron or steel rails having both ends sawn or sheared off, the same not having been in actual use and being fit for re-rolling or re- manufaciure only Iron, viz. , Ferro-silicon, spiegeleisen, ferro-manganese. 5 per cent. Iron or steel ingots, cogged ingots, biooms and slabs, billets and puddled bars, loops or other forms less finished than iron or steel bars but more ad- vanced than pig iron, except castings Iron, viz. : — Bar iron or steel, rolled or hammered, comprising rounds and squares ; shapes of rolled iron or steel, not more than four inches in diam- eter, and flats not thinner than number sixteen gauge, whether in coils, bundles, rods or bars, N. E. S Iron or steel plates or sheets, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves, and iron or steel of all widths thicker than number seventeen gauge, N. E. S $10 per ton. Iron, viz. : — Universal mill or rolled edge steel plate, less than thirty inches wide, and plates or sheets of iron or steel thirty inches wide and over, and one-quartv^r of an inch and over in thickness .... 124 per cent. Iron in pigs, iron kentledge and scrap iron $4 per ton. Iron or steel sheets, and other iron or steel of all widths, sheet iron, common or black, smoothed, polished, coated or galvanized and Canada plates, number seventeen gauge and thinner, and hoop, band, or strip iron or steel, N. E. S 5 per cent. Iron or steel hoops, bands and strips, eight inches and less in width, number eighteen gauge and thicker Iron, viz. : — Plough plates, mould boards, landsides and other plates for agricultural implements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel but not moulded, punched, polished or otherwise 61 r'r r- : $10 per ton. DUTY. 5 per cent. 35 per cent. manufactured, and being of a greater value than four cents per pound Provided that on all iron and steel bars, rods, strips, or steel sheets of whatever shape, and on all iron or steel bars of irregular shape or section, cold rolled, cold hammered or polished in any way, in addition to the ordi- nary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-sixth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates imposed on the said materials. Iron, V ^. : — Forgings of iron and steel of whatever shape or size or in whatever stage of manufac- ture, N. E. S., thirty-five per cent, ad valorem ^ but not less than fifteen dollars per ton 35 per cent , Iron, VIZ. : — Rolled iron or steel angles, channels and other sections, weighing less than thirty- five pounds per lineal yard, N. E. S., thirty -five per ceut. ad valorem^ but not less than ten dollars per ton . . Iron, viz. :— Rolled iron or steel angles, channels and special sections, weighing not less than thirty- five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel beams, joists, girders, column sections, trough sections, and other building or bridge structural sections, weighing not less than twenty - five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel bridge plate not less than three-eighths of an inch thick nor less than fifteen inches wide, and flat eye bar blanks not punched or drilled, . 12^ per ct. Iron bridges and structural iron work, thirty per per cent, ad valorem^ but not less than one cent per pound . . Iron or steel railway bars or rails of any form, punched or not punched, N. E. S., for railways, — which term for the purposes of this item shall include all kinds of railways, street railways and tramways, even although the same are used for private purposes only, and even although they are not used or intended to be used in connec- tion with the business of common carrying of goods or passengers Iron, viz , Steel rails weighing not less than forty- five pounds per lineal yard for use in railway 62 30 per cent. I I] Ir Ir< 30 per cent. It. eiii , ;ent. r ct. :ent. :ent. DUTY. tracks ; but this item shall not extend to rails for use in the tracks of railwut rough or undressed 10 per cent. Leather-board and leatheroid and boot and shoe counters made therefrom 20 per cent. Leather and skins, N. O. P. , tanned ; belting lea- ther, and sole leather 15 per cent. Leather, viz.: — Upper leather including dongoia, cor- dovan, kid, lamb, sheep, kangaroo, alligator, 67 hi or enamelled lea- 17)4 per cent 22j^ per cent lo per cent. DUTY chamois skins, and calf, dressed, waxed or glazed .... Leather, viz -.—Japanned, patent ther and morocco leather Leather^ Glove leathers, viz. : — Kid, lamb, buck, deer, antelope and waterhog, tanned or dressed, colored or uncolored, when imported by glove manufacturers for use in their own factories in the manufacture of gloves Leather, skins for morocco leather, tanned, but not further manufactured .... Leather Belting . . Leather Boots and Shoes, N. E. S Leather, fancy manufactures of. (See item Boxes ) Leather, all manufactures of, N. E. S Leather and Harness Dressing Leathi Laces .... Leaves (drug.) See Drugs, crude. Leeches Leghorn Hats, unfinished, Caplins and Manilla hoods Free Lemons. See Oranges. Lemon Peel, candied Lemon, Citron and Orange Rinds in brine .... Lemon Squeezers, made wholly of glass .... Lenos, cotton, white or bleached .... Lenos, cotton, colored Lentils Letter Copying Books Letter Heads, printed Licorice. wSee Liquorice. Limes. See Oranges. Lime Lime, acetate of ...... Lime-iuice and fruit juices, fortified with, or containing not more than twenty-tive per cent,of proof spirits 6octs per gal ent.^y nV ^5 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent, 35 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. Fiee. 35 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Lime-juice and fruit juices, when containing more than twenty-five per cent, of proof spirits Lime-juice and other fruit syrups and fruit juices, N. O, P Lime-juice, crude only Lincru - Walton, wall decorations Linen, manufactures of, N. E. S Linen bags or sacks Linen Clothing, all kinds, N. E. S 68 $2 per gal. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 20 20 per cent. 32i " m cent. ^./ ■ centT/ r cent, r cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent, cenr. ent. Linen damask, including napkins doylies, tray cloths, sideboard covers, damask stair linen and diaper. Linen Towels ...... Linen Rags Liniments. See Proprietary Medicines. Linoleum See Oiled Cloth. Linseed or flaxseed oil, raw or boiled, lard oil, neats- foot oil, and sesame seed oil Lint, prepared for surgical dressing Liquorice Root, not ground Liquorice Paste and liquorice in rolls and sticks .... Litharge Lithographic Presses Lithographic Stones, not engraved Litmus and all Lichens, prepared or not Lobsters, fresh. . Locks Locomotives for railways, N. E. S Locomotives and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of Railway Companies in the United States, running upon any line of road crossing the Frontier, as long as Canadian cars and locomotives are admitted free under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations prescribed by the Controller ofCusoms Locomotive and Car Wheel Tires of steel, when in the rough Locust Beans, and locust bean meal .... Logs and round unmanufactured timber, N. E. S. . . . Logwood, extract of, and ground logwood Lotions and Lozenges. See Proprietary Medicines. Lubricating Oils. See Oils. Lumber, viz. : — Firewood, handle bolts, heading bolts, stave bolts and shingle bolts, hop poles, fence posts, railroad ties, ship timber and ship planking, not specially provided for in this Act. Lumber, viz. : — Timber hewn or iawed and timber used for spars and in building wharfs .... Lumber, vfz. : — Timber squared or sided Lumber, viz. :— Creosoted lumber Lumber, viz.: — Sawed boards, plank deals, and other lumber, undressed or dressed on one side only. . Lumber, viz : — Pine and spruce clapboards 69 DUTY. 25 p.' r cent. 25 Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 10 per cent. 20 " Free. 25 per cent. 32i " 35 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. DUTY. Lumber, viz. : — Hubs for wheels, posts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, gun blocks, heading, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn or sawed only . . Free. Lumber, viz. : — Laths, pickets and palings Free. Lumber, viz. : — Staves of wood of all kinds ; wood unmanufactured Free. Lumber and timber planks, and boards of amaranth cocoboral, boxwood, cherry, chestnut, walnut, gumwood, mahogany, pitch pine, rose-wood, sandal-wood, sycamore, Spanish cedar, oak, hickory, whitewood, African teak, black heart ebony, lignum vita;, red cedar, redwood, satin- wood and white ash, when not otherwise manu- factured than rough sawn or split or creosoted, vulcanized or treated by any other preserving process ; the wood of the persimmon and dog- wood trees, hickory billets, and hickory lumber «awn to shape for spokes of wheels, but not fur- ther manufactured ; hickory spokes rough turned, not tenoned, mitred, throated, faced, sized, cut to length, round tenoned or polished. Free. Lumber and Timber, manuf£»ctured, N. E. S 20 per cent. Lye concentrated 20 per cent. ' M Maccaroni and Vermicelli 25 per cent. Mace 25 per cent. Machine Card Clothing .... 25 per cent. Machinery, viz. :— Mining and smelting machinery imported prior to the sixteenth day of May, 1896, which is at the time of its importation of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada, . Free Machinery, viz. : — Portable machines, portable steam engine, threshers and separators, horse-powers, port^ '■: \e saw-mills and planing mills, and parts therec. in any stage of manufacture 30 per cent. Machinery, viz : — Steam engines, boilers and ma- chinery composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, N. E. S 27)^2 per cent. Madder and Munjeet, or Indian Madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of Free. Magazines, quarterly, monthly, and semi-monthly, 70 i Y. cent, cent. cent, cent, cent. cent, cent. DUTY. Free. and weekly literary papers and newspapers, un- bound Magic Lanterns and slides therefor, philosophical, photographic, mathematical and optical instru- ments, N. E. S Magnesia, citrate of Magnesia, Fluid .... .... .... Mallets, Wood .... .... .... .... Malt, upon entry for warehouse, subject to Excise regulations .... .... .... .... 15 cts. per bush. Malt, extract of, (non-alcoholic) for medicinal purposes. 25 per cent. Mandarine and Tangarine Oranges dutiable as oranges. Manganese, oxide of ... . .... . . . , .... Free. 25 per cent. 20 " 50 35 per cent Mangles Mangoes Mangold Seed Manicure Cases 27^ per cent. Free. Free. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 " 30 " Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. Manilla Grass, dried, but not further manufactured. . Free. Manilla Hoods, Caplins, and Leghorn hats, unfinished Free. Mantels, marble .... .... .... Mantels, slate .... .... .... .... Mantles, wool cloth .... .... 5 ^^s. per lb. and Manure, Guano, and other animal and vegetable man- ures, uncompounded or unmanufactured .... Manure, prepared or manufactured, all kinds Manuscripts and insurance maps, and album insides of paper, and hair brush pads .... .... Maple sugar ... .... .... .... .... Maps, insurance Maps and charts, for the use of schools for the blind . Free. Maps and charts, N. E. S, .... .... 20 percent. Marble in the rough, in blocks ... .... I^ree. Marble in Blocks or slabs, sawn on not more than two sides .... .... .... .... 10 percent. Marble in slabs or blocks, sawn on more than two sides 20 per cent. Marble, finished, and all mnfrs. of marble, N. O, P. 30 per cent. Marble Dust . . Marmalade . . .... .... .... Mastic Gum . . .... .... .... Masts, iron or steel, or parts of, for ships. . . . XVXu.L^il(^d •••• •••• •••• •••• •• Mathematical Instruments,. N. E. S Matrices. See Stereotypes. Mats and Matting, of cocoa, hemp or jute. . 71 20 '* 3 cts. per lb. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. • • • • Mats and Matting, rubber Mats and Rugs, N. E. S. .... Matting, viz. : Cork matting or carpet 4 cents per sq. yd. but Mattocks Mattresses, hair, spring, and all other Meal, buckwheat meal or flour. . . Meal, corn .... .... .... J*lC3.1y Oal >••• •••• •••• Meal, Wheat not less than DUTY. 32^ per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent • 35 P^^ cent. . 30 per cent. )4 cent per lb. 40 cts. per bbl. . 20 per cent. 75 cts. per bbl. 25 per cent. Measures, Tape, of all kinds Meats, viz. : Canned meats and canned poultry and game, extracts of meats and fluid beef not medi- cated, and soups ... . .... .... .... 25 percent. Meats, viz. : Mutton and Lamb, fresh 35 per cent. Meats, fresh, N. E. S. . . .... 3 cts. per lb. Meats, N.E.S., (when in barrel, the barrel to be free). 2 cts. per lb. Meats, viz.: Poultry and game, N. O. P. Medals, Cups or other prizes won in bona fide com- l-'C^LI L 1011 ••• ••«• •••• •••• •••• Medals of Brass, Bronze, Copper or plated Medals of Gold .... .... Medals of Silver .... Medals, collections of, and of other antiquities and cabinets of coins .... .... .... .... Medicines. See Proprietary Medicines. Meerschaum, crude or raw Meerschaum Pipes .... ^*XC1^.'H3 •••• •••• •••• •••*, ••■• Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regulations prescribed by Controller of Customs Mercury or Quicksilver Metal, composition for the manufacture gold watch cases Meters, electric Meters, gas .... Meters, water iVllCa .... .... Microscopes .... Middlings, a low grade flour Military Stores and munitions of war for use of Cana dian Militia, when imported by the Dominion Government or any of the Departments thereof. 72 • • • • 20 per cent. Free 30 per cent. 25 30 per cent. Free. Free. 35 per cent. 25 Free. Free. (( of filled . 10 per cent. . 25 per cent. . 35 per cent. i'jYz per cent. . 20 per cent, . 25 per cent. 75 cts. per bbl. Free. Milk, condensed .... .... .... .... Milk Food and other similar preparations, condensed coffee, and condensed coffee with milk .... Mill Board, not straw board .... .... Mimeograph (Edison's) .... .... .... Mince Meat . . .... .... .... .... Mineralogical Specimens .... .... .... Mineral Pulp.. .... .... Mineral Water, natural, not in bottles, under regu- lations, prescribed by the Controller of Cus- LvJXX19 •••• ••«• ■••• •••» •••• Mineral Water, in bottles .... .... Mineral Wool .... .... .... Mihing and Smelting Machinery imported prior to the sixteenth day of May, 1896, which is at the time of its importation of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada Whenever any free entry is rendered of Mining Machinery, such oath to be in the following terms : — I, , the undersigned importer of the machinery mentioned in this entry, do solemnly swear that it is Mining Machinery within the true meaning of the word, and that at the time of its im- portation was of a class and kind not man- ufactured in Canada, and that it is imported for use in mining only, at the mine, situated in the Province of and will be used for no other purpose whatever. Mirrors, bevelled Mirrors, hand, in wood, not bevelled .... Mirrors, hand, silver or plated, not bevelled Mirrors, for wall, if framed, not bevelled Mirror Plates, silvered, not bevelled Mirror Plates, silvered, if bevelled Mistletoe Boughs .... .... .... Mitts and Gloves, of all kinds .... Models, viz. : — Casts, as models, for use of schools of vlColi^Il ■••• •■■• •••• •••• •••■X^ ICTWa Models of inventions, and of other improvements in the arts, but no articles or article shall be deemed a model which can be fitted for use .... Free, 73 DUTY. 3 cts. per lb. 30 per cent. 10 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. 2,2% per cent. 2^)4 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 2^% per cent. 32)^ per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 1 ■'? *". ill Molasses, second process,. or molasses derived from the manufacture of '* molasses sugar," testing by polariscope less than 35 degrees, when imported by manufacturers of blacking, for use in their own factories in the manufacture of blacking, condi- tional that the importers shall, in addition to mak- ing oath at the time of entry that such molasses is imported for such use and will not be used for any other purpose, cause such molasses to be at once mixed in a proper tank made for the pur- pose with at least one-fifth of the quantity there- of of cod, or other ( '1, whereby such molasses may be rendered unfit for any other use, such mixing to be done in the presence of a Customs officer at the expense of the importer, and under such further regulations as may from time to time be considered necessary in the interest and for the protection of the revenue, and that until such mixing is done and duly certified on the face of the entry thereof by such Customs officer the entry shall be held to be incomplete and the molasses subject to the usual rate of duty as when imported for any other purpose . . . . Molasses, N. E S. wSee Sugar. XVXLIlConkllld ••■• •••• •••• •••* •••• •^*X^^i UC^L LC •••• •••• •••• ••«• •••• Morphine .... .... .... .... Mosaic flooring of any material . . .... .... Moss, viz.: Iceland Moss or other mosses DUTY. Free. 30 per cent. 30 20 per cent. 30 per cent. seagrass .state, or and seaweed, crude or in their natural cleaned only .... .... .... Free. Mother of Pearl, and other shells, unmanufactured . . Free. Mould Boards, Plough plates, landsides and other plates for agricultural implements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel but not moulded, punched, polished or otherwise manufactured, and being of a greater value than four cents per pound. 5 per cent Mould Boards, Plough Plates, &c., finished, as parts ZZ of ploughs .... .... .... .... Mouldings of wood, plain .... 20 Mouldings of wood, gilded or otherwise further manu- factured than plain Moulds, viz : Ingot moulds Mower and Reaper Knives .... 20 percent. (( 25 per cent. Free. 20 per cent. 74 'nt. ;nt. ;nt. at. int. ;nt. ;nt. Mowing machines, self- binding harvesters, harvesters without binders, binding attachments, reapers, sulky and walking ploughs, harrows, cultivators, seed drills and horse-rakes. . . .... . . . . Mucilage and Glue .... .... .... Mufflers, cashmere, hemmed .... 5 cents per lb. and Mufflers, silk . . .... .... .... .... Mufflers, cotton, hemmed .... .... .... Mufflers, wooi, knitted , . .... .... .... Muffs and Satchels combined .... .... .... Mule shoes .... ... .... .... .... Muriatic and nitric acid, and all mixed acids . . . Mushrooms, fresh .... .... .... .... Mushrooms, canned or bottled, the weight of the can or bottle to be included in the weight for duty. Mushroom Spawn .... ' . . . . .... .... Music, printed, bound or in sheets .... .... Music for Automatic Instruments, perforated paper. Musical instruments, viz.: Cat-gut strings or gut-cord, for musical instruments .... Musical instruments for bands of Army and Navy . . Musical Instruments of all kinds, N. O. P. .... Musical Instruments, being the property of Com- panies of Musicians entering Canada for the purpose of giving public concerts, shall in all cases be entered for duty in accordance with the law, and that the Minister of Customs may grant a refund of ninety per cent, of the duties so paid, on being fully satisfied that the said instruments have been duly re-exported, provided that such re-exportation takes place within one month of the date of such import entry, and that said instruments have been fully identified at the time of making entry of the same by an Officer of Customs. And further, that any Collector of Customs may permit any musical instrument to be imported and used on not more than two occasions, within the limits of his own port, under such precautions or provisions as he may consider necessary to secure the due ex- portation thereof immediately after such use, that no instrument or insruments so admitted shall be allowed to be removed to any other port unless the above conditions have been complied with. 75 DUTY. 20 per cent, 25 per cent. 30 per c^nt. 32^ per cent. 35 per cent. 30 '« 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. i^cts. per lb. 20 per cent, locis. per lb. 35 per cent. Free. Free. 25 per cent. BB Music Stands, iron and wood .... . . . . Musk, in pods or in grains .... . . . Muskets, Riiies, Guns or Pistols, N. E S. Muslins, colored or printed . . . , Muslins, white or bleached .... . . . . Mustard Cake .... . . . , Mustard, French, Liquid .... . .... Mustard Seed. . .... Mustard, ground Mutton and lamb, fresh N • • • • DUTY. 30 per cent. Free. 23 per cent. 25 15 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. Nails, viz., composition nails and spikes and sheath- lil^ lldllo ••«« ••••• •••• •••• ■••• Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, galvanized or not, horse shoe nails, and all wrought iron or steel and other nails, N. E. S., and horse, mule and ^Jv suv./cro •••• •••• •••• •«•• Nails, viz. : Wire nails . . .... .... Nails, viz. : Cut nails and spikes of iron or steel, in- cluding railroad spikes .... .... Nails, Rivets and Burrs, brass and copper .... Naphtha. See Oils. Napkins, linen damask . .... .... .... Ntatsfoot Oil .... .... .... Necklets of gold or silver .... .... Necklets of strung beads .... .... .... Neckties, cotton, linen or silk .... . . .... xNeciarines .... ..... .... .... .... Needles, steel, N. O. P Nets and Nettings, Lace, of cotton, linen, silk or other material 30 percent. Nets, viz. : — Lawn Tennis Nets, Hammocks, and other articles manufactured of twine, N. E. S . . 30 per cent. Nets for use of fisheries. See Fish Hooks. Nets and Seines, N. E. S 30 percent. Nettings, mosquito, cotton, plain white. ... .... 25 per cent. Nettings, mosquito, cotton, colored .... .... 30 per cent. Nettings, painted cotton (an imitation of wire cloth) 27^ per cent. Newsoapers and quarterly, monthly and semi-month- ly magazines, and weekly literary papers, un- bound .... .... .... Free. 15 percent. 30 per cent. I ct. per lb. ^ ct per lb.. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 32^ per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent 76 25 per cent. 30 10 20 per cent, per cent, per cent. DUTY. Newspapers, or supplemental editions or parts there- of, partly printed and intended to be completed and published in Canada .... .... .... 25 per cent. Nickel .... .... .... Free. Nickel and German Silver, manufactures of, N.E.S., not plated .... .... .... Nickel and German Silver, manufactures of, N.E.S., L)1£Il6CI • • • • • • ••• •••• •■•• •«•• Nickel Anodes .... .... .... .... XNlCKCl oallS •• •••• •••• •••• •••• Nickel Silver, Silver "•^'^ German Silver, rolled or in dliCdd •••• • #••• •••• •••• Nitrate of amm. .... .... Nitrate of Lead, not gronnd. . .... Nitrate of Soda or Cul ••: Nitre . . .... .... Nitric and Muriatic Acid, and all mixed acids .... Nitrite of Soda .... Nitro-Glycerine .... .... Nitrous Ether, Sweet Spirits of Nitre, and aromatic spirits of ammonia . $2. I2j'2 cents per gall, and 30 per cent. Noils, being the short wool which falls from the combs in worsted factories .... .... Free. Notes, unsigned .... .... .... 35 per cent, Nutgalls .... .... .... .... .... Free. Nutmegs .... .... .... .... 25 per cent. Nuts, Cocoa, when imported from place of growth by a vessel direct to a Canadian port .... 50cts. per i(X>. • • • • Free. Free. Free. F'ree. 20 per cent. Free. 4 cents per lb. $1 per 100. 2 cts. per lb. 5 cts. per lb. 3 cts. per lb. Nuts, Cocoa, N. E. S Nuts, (drug). See Drugs, ciude. Nuts of all kinds, N. O. P .... Nuts, shelled, N. E. S. .... .... Nuts, viz., Almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans and shelled pea-nuts, N. E. S .... Nuts, viz , Wrought iron or steel nuts and washers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt and hinge blanks, N E. S., and *' T " and strap hinges i ct. per lb. & 20 per cent. Nuts, viz.. Wrought iron or steel nuts and \*ashers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt blanks, less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, one cent per pound and twenty- five per cent, but not less than thirty-five per cent. 35 per cent. Nux Vomica Beans, crude only. . . ... .... Free. 77 wmm mu DUTY. h- 'Mi ~ ii ■ i - • • • • . . Free. . . Free. . . Free. . . 20 per cent. . . Free. . . 25 per cent. 10 cts. per bush, . . 20 per cent. 20 cts. per gal. and 20 per cent, 30 per cent. Oak and Oak Bark, extract of . . . . Oakum .... .... .... Oakum, prepared for surgical dressing Oar blocks, rough hewn or sawn only Oars, wood .... .... .... v^aLS •••• •••• •••• I^aTiTiCcII •••• •••• •••• • Ochres and ochrey earths. See Colours. Oil and Ottar of Roses . . ... Oil Finish, N. E. S Oiled Silk. See Oilcloth. Oils, hair, (non-alcoholic) perfumed or not .... Oils, viz : Illuminating oils composed wholly or in part of the products of petroleum, coal, shale or lignite, costing more than thirty cents per gallon. 25 per cent* Oils, coal and kerosene distilled, purified or refined, naphtha and petroleum, N. E. S., products of petroleum, N. E. S .... ... .6 cts. per gall. Oils, Lubricating, composed wholly or in part of pe- troleum and costing less than twenty- five cents per gallon, six cents per gallon .... ... .6 cts. per gall. Oils, viz : — Crude petroleum, fuel and gas oils (other than naphtha, benzine or gasoline), when imported by manufacturers (other than oil re- finers) for use in their own fac*ories for fuel purposes or for the manufacture of gas • - . . 3 cts. per gall. Oils, Lubricating, N. E. S., and axle grease .... 25 per cent Barrels containing petroleum or products, or any mixture of which petroleum forms a part, when such contents are chargeable with a specific duty. . . .... .... ... 20 cents each. Oils, carbolic or heavy . . Oil, cotton seed .... Oil, cod liver . . .... Oils, essential — .... .... .... Oil, olive, N.E.S., for manufacturing and mechanical purposes .... .... Oil, lard Oil, linseed or flaxseed, raw or boiled, lard oil, neats- foot oil and sesame seed oil Oil, neatsfoot • • • • Free. 20 per cent. 20 per cent, 10 per cent. Free. 20 per cent, 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 78 1 DUTY. Oils, olive ^ prepared for salad purposes. ... .... 30 per cent. Oil, sesame seed . . 20 per cent. Oil, spermaceti, whale and other fish oils, and all other articles the produce of the fisheries, not specially provided for . . 20 per cent. Oils, viz., cocoanut and palniy in their natural state. Free. Oil Cake and Oil Cake Meal, Cotton Seed Cake, and Cotton Seed Meal, and Palm Nut Cake and Meal. Free. Oiled cloth and silk, India-rubbered, flocked or coated with rubber, N. O. P 27^ per cent. Oiled cloth, viz., Enamelled fioor, stair, shelf and table oilcloth, cork matting or carpet, and lino- leum, thirty per cent., but not less than four cents per square yard .... 30 per cent. Ointments. See Proprietary Medicines. Oleographs, chromos, and chromotypes, 6 cents per lb. and 20 per cent. Oleo-stearine and Degras, when imported by manu- facturers of leather, for use in the manufacture of leather in their factories Olive Oil, N. E. S., for manufacturing and me- chanical purposes Olive Oil prepared for salad purposes. . Olives, dried .... Olives, green .... Olives, pickled . . Onions Onion Sets, for planting, and not fit for table use. . 20 per cent. Opera, Field and Marine Glasses 25 per cent. Opium, crude, the outward ball or covering to be free of duty $1 per lb. Opium, powdered .... $1 35 per lb. Opium, prepared for smoking $5 per lb. Optical Goods, viz. , Opera, Field and Spy Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Magic Lanterns and Slides, etc 25 per cent. Optical Goods, viz , Spectacles and Eyeglssses 30 per cent. Optical Goods, viz , Parts of Spectacle and Eyeglass Frames 20 per cent. Optical Instruments, N. E. S. 25 per cent. Oranges, Lemons and limes, in boxes of capacity not exceeding two and one-half cubic feet 25 cts. per box. In one-haif boxes, capacity not exceeding one and one-fourth cubic feet. . 13 cts. per half box. 79 Fr^e. Free. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. ■paH ll Eli I Hf'r ^ ;;* DUTY. In barrels not exceeding in capacity that of the 196 pounds flour barrel 55 cts. per bbl. In cases and all other packages, .... locts. per cub. ft. holding capacity. In bulk $1.50 per 1,000 Oranges, Lemons or Limes. Orange or Lemon Peel, candied 35 per cent. Orange, lemon and citron rinds, in brine Free. Orchids, Palms, Azeleas> Cacti and Flower Bulbs of all kinds .... Free. Ores of metals of ill kinds ... Free. Organs, cabinet . , 30 per cent. Organs, pipe organs, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for cabinet organs 25 per cent. Ornaments of alabaster, spar,amber,<^erra cotta,or com- position; statuettes and bead ornaments, N.E.S. 35 per cent. Orris Root, unground ' Free. Osiers Free. Ottar or Attar of Roses and oil of lOscs Free. Oxalic Acid Free. Oxides See Colors. Ox Shoes 30 per cent. Oysters. See Fish. Oyster Knives, not plated ... 25 per cent. Packing, Rubber or Gutta-percha 32^ p^r cent- Padding, Jnte or Linen . . 20 per cent* Padding, Woollen ...... 5 cents per lb. and 25 per cent* Paddy. See Rice, unhulled. Pads, viz. : — Hair-brush pads Free Palis, tubs, churns, brooms, washboards, pounders and rolling-pins 20 per cent. Paints. See Colors. Paintingf drawings, prints, engraving«, building phrs, photographs and pictures, N. E. S Paintii.gS; in oil or water colors, the production of Canadian Artis.j, under regulations to be made by the Concroller of Customs .... Paintings, in oil or water colors, by Artists of well- known merit, or copies of the Old Masters by such a.:tists... Free. Paletic Knives, not plated . . 25 per cent. Paling.*" Tid Pickets ...... Free. 8c 20 per cent; F ree. "■"'*"■ ■•■""" '''"■'" '■'-' Palm Leaf, unmanufactured Palm-nut cake and meal . . , . Palms, Orchids, Azaleas, Cacti, and Flower Bulbs of all kinds Pamphlets, advertising. ..... 6 cts. per lb. and Pamphlets, books and periodicals, N. E. S Paper Carpet Lining Papers, viz., albumenized and other papers and films, chemically prepared for photographers' use. Papers, Manilla, tissue, printing and paper of all kinds, N. E. S Paper Bags or Sacks of all kinds, printed or not. . . . Paper Boxes, such as are used by confectioners, plain or printed . . '*aper, glazed, plated, marbled, enamelled, embossed, in rolls or sheets, and cardboard similarly finished. Taper i"sides for albums ... . Paper letters, cummed, plain cr colored, in bulk Paper letters, gummed, put up in envelopes, with printed descriptions for special advertising signs DUTY. Free. Free. Free. 20 per cent. 6 cts. per lb. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 15 cents per lb. and 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per C2nt. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. cent. or labels Paper, ruled , Paper, tarred ... . Paper. Toilet .... Paper, waxed or oiled . . Paper Union Collar Cloth, in rolls or sheets, not glosse'^l or finished Paper Union Collar Cloth, glossed or finished, in rolls or sheets ...... Paper, manufactures of, including ruled and bordered and coated papers, papcteries, boxed papers, envelopes and blank books Paper waste clippings Paper, viz. : — Hemp paper, made on four cylinder mach'ues and calendered to between •cxd6 and •008 inch thickness for the manufacture of shot shells ; primers for shot shells and cartridge's, and felt board sized and hydraulic pressed, and covered with paper or uncovered, for the manu- facture of gun wads, when such articles are im- ported by manufacturers of shot shells, cartiiuges and gun wads, to be used for these purposes only in tueir own factories, until such times as the said articles are manufactured in Canada : Pro- F Si 15 per c^nt. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. mam 3t |^V~ DUTY, vided always that the said articles, when im- ported, shall be entered only at such port or ports as are named by the Controller of Customs, and at no other place ; samples of such articles to be furnished to the Collector of the said port or ports by the Customs Department for the guidance of the officers when accepting free entries of such materials Free. Paper fasteners, brass .... 30 per cent. Paper Hangings, viz. : —Wall paper, not including borders, printed on plain ungrounded paper and colored with any material except bronze gilt or flitter .... All other paper-hangings and borders, per roll of eight yards and under, and proportionate- ly for greater lengths. i}4 cents per roll and 25 per cent. Papeteries • • 35 per cent. Paraffine Wax 2 cents pci ib. Paraffine Wax Candles ..... 4 cents per Ib. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 percent. 10 per cent. Free. Parasols of all kinds Parasol Sticks or Handles, N. E. S Parian Busts or Statuettes .... Paris Green, dry Paris White and Gilders' Whiting Passover Bread, not being imported for sale but for free distribution among the Hebrew community iu connection with their religious rites Free. Patterns, brass . . ^o per cent. Patterns, iron or steel '27^ per cent. Patterns, wood ., ...... 25 percent. leaving Blocks, made from the slag of blast furnace . . 20 per cent. Peaches, N. O. P., the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty i cent per lb. Pea(:h Trees .... 3 cenla each. Peanuts, not shelled 2 cents per lb. Peanuts, shelled 3 cents per lb. Pearl Card Cases Pea.'line Pearl, mother of. not manufactured .... Pears Pear Trees of all kinds Peas Peas, green, as vegetables Pecans, shelled 82 35 per cent. 35 per cent. .... Free. 20 per cent. 3 cents each. 10 cents per bush. . 25 per cent. . . . 5 cents per lb. per lb. 6 each, per lb. per lb. ler cent, er cent. the DUTY. 3 cents per lb. . 35 per cent. Free. . 25 per cent. . 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent» . 2$ per cent.. . . 25 per cent.. 25 per cent„ ,27J^ per cent. . 25 per cent. . 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. Pecans, not shelled .... Peels, candied . . Pelts, raw Pencil leads Pencils, lead of all kinds, in wood or otherwise Pencils, slate .... Pen Holders, the handles being of wood and holders being steel or iron 27^ per cents Pen Holders, the handles being of wood and holders being brass ..... Pen Holders, entirely of rubber Pen and Pocket Knives, not plated Pens, Gold Pens, steel ...... Pepper Shells .... Percussion Caps . . , . Perfume Cases. . . Perfumery, including toilet preparations, (non-Alco- holic) viz.: Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes and all other per- fumed preparations, N. O. P.. used for the hair, mouth or skin Perfumed Spirits and Alcoholic Perfumes, bay rum, cologne and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes and other toilet preparations con- taining spirits of any kind, when in bottles or flasks, containing not more than four ounces .... Perfumed Spirits in bottles or flasks and other pack- ages containing more than four ounces each. . . . $2. 12^ per gal. and 40 per cent. Periodicals, illustrated advertising. .6 cts. per lb. and 20 per cent. Periodicals, vh.i Newspapers, and quarterly, month- thly and semi-monthly magazines and weekly literary papers, unbound Periodicals, N. E. S Per&is, or extiact of Archill and Cudbear Petroleum. See Oil. Petroleum — Barrels containing Petroleum, or its pro- ducts, or any mixture of whirh Petroleum forms a pan, when such contents are chargeable with a specific duty Pharmaceutical preparations. See Proprietary Medicines. Pheasants, living . . Free. Phials, glass 30 per cent. 83 50 per cent. Free. 6 cts. per lb. Free. 20 cts. each ^BB^^sBmmmmmmm DUTY. 11 ! Philosophical Instruments and apparatus, that is to say, such as are not manufactured in Canada, when imported for use in universities, colleges, schools and scientific societies Philosophical instruments, N^ E. S Phosphorus Phosphor Bronze, in blocks, bars, sheets and wire . . Photograph Albums Photographs or pictures, N. E. S Photograph frames of any material Photographic instruments, N. E. S Photographic Views Photographers' Cards Photographic Dry Plates Pianofortes Pianofortes, parts of Pian J Covers, embroidered . . . Piano Stools Pickles, vSauces and Catsups, including soy Pickets and palings Picks, mattocks, grub-hoes, adzes, hatchets and eyes or polls for same, and tools of all descriptions,N. E. S. Pictorial Illustrations of Insects, etc., when imported for the use of Colleges and Schools, Scientific and Literary Societies ... Picture Cord, worsted Pictures and photographs, N.E.S Picture and photograph frames, of any material Picture Nails Pigeons, homing or messenger Pillows and Bolsters Pillow Cases, cotton or linen Pills Pine Apples . . Pine tar, in packages of not less than 15 gallons Pinking Irons Pins, manufactured from wire of any metal Pipe Clay Pipe, viz.: Cast Iron pipe of every description $10 per ton but not less than Pipe fittings of wrought iron oi ot^f.' pipe, and chilled iron or steel rolls , Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds, pipe mounts, cigar and cigarette holders and cases for same 84 Free. 25 per cent. Free. 10 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 70 per cent. 3S per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 -per cent. Free, 30 per cent. 32J rper cent. 25 per cent. Free. Free. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. 35 per cent* 35 per cent. 35 per cent * Pique, cotton, white, or bleached Pique, cotton, colored .... Pistols, toy Pistols, N. E. S Pilch, Brewers . . Pitch, Burgundy Pitch-pine and Pine Tar, in packages of not less than 15 gallons . . Pitch, VIZ. : — Coal tar and coal pitch Plaits, chip, manilla, cotton, mohair, straw, Tuscan and grass Planing Mills, portable Plans, viz. : — Building plans, N. E. S. Plantains .... Plants, viz. : — Palms, orchids, azaleas, cacti and flower bulbs of all kinds Plants and shrubs, N. E. S . . .... Plasters, medicinal Plaster Casts, N. E. S Plaster of Paris, or gypsum, ground, not calcined . , Plaster of Paris, calcined or manufactured, forty cents per barrel of three hundred pounds . . 40 Plated ware, viz. : — Sterling or other silverware and platedware^ all other, electroplated or gilt, of all kinds, whether plated wholly or in part Platedware, viz. : — Plated cutlery, namely, knives plated wholly or in part .... Plates, engraved on wood and on steel, or other metal, and transfers taken from the same . . . . Platinum Primers or Electric Fuses Platinum and black oxide of copper, for use in the manufacture of chlorate... Pliitinum Wire and Sheets . . Platinum retorts, pans, condensers, tubing and pipe made of platinum, when imported by manufac- turers of sulphuric acid for use in their works in the manufacture or concentration of sulphuric acid .... Platinum, manufactures of, N. E. S Playing Cards Pleasure Carts. See Cairiages. Plough Plates, mould boards, land sides and other plates for agricultural implements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel but not moulded, 85 DUTY. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Ftee. Free. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 15 per cent. cents per brl. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 Free. Free. Free. 20 per cent 6 per pack ■tr DUTY. punched, polished or otherwise manufactured, and being of a greater value than four cents a pound 5 Plough Plates, Mould Boards, etc. (parts of ploughs) 20 Ploughs, sulky and walking. . Plumbago, crude Plumbago, all manufactures of, N. E. S. Plumbago Crucibles . . . . , Plums, green .... Plums, dried, desiccated or evaporated . . Plum Trees of all kinds Plush, viz. : Hatters plush of silk or cotton Free. per cent. per cent. 20 per cent. 10 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 3 cts. each. 30 35 30 30 per cent. t( Plush fabrics, N. E. S.. Plush, fancy manufactures of. (See item Boxes) .... Pocket-books, purses and satchels Pocket Handkerchiefs Pomades, French, or flower odours, preserved in fat or oil, for the purpose of conserving the odour of flowers which do not bear the heat of distillation, when impoited in tins of not less than 10 lbs. each 15 per cent. Pomatum, or paste for hair, mouth or skin (not al coholic) Pomegranates Pop Corn, popped Pop Corn, unpopped Poplins, silk, or silk warp Porcelain-ware, N. E. S Pork, fresh, N. E. S Pork, N. E S., when in barrel, the barrel to be free. Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in bottles (6 quarts or 12 pints to gall) 24 cts. per gall. Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in casks or otherwise than in bottles Postage Stamps, collections of Posters, advertising .... 15 cts. per lb. and Posts, rough hewn or sawn only Potash and Pearl Ash, in packages of not less than 25 pounds weight Potash, chlorate of, in crystals, when imported for manufacturing purposes only Free. Potash, chlorate of, not further prepared than ground, and free from admixture with any other substance. Free. Potash, viz. : Sulphate, bicarbonate, chlorate and nitrate of, N. E. S 20 per cent 86 ... 30 per cent, . . Free. . . 35 per cent. 7^ cts. per bush. . . . 30 per cent. ..30 3 cts. per lb. 2 cts. 16 cts. *• Free. 25 per cent. Free. Free. DUTY. Potash, muriate and bichromate of, crude, caustic potash, and red and yellow prussiate of potash. Free. Potash, German mineral, and German potash salts, for fertilizers ..... Free. Potassium, cyanide of Free. Potatoes, except sweet ... 15 cts. per bush. Potatoes, sweet, and Yams .. . .. 10 cts. ** Potted Meats, and specially prepared meats 25 per cent. ^Zs% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,> 7 ^A t", Q>, % -^ C/j (/. 1.0 IIM III 2.5 1112 12.2 1116 '""= I.I 1.25 ^ 14 '>. .^ .'r 1.4 2.0 1= 1.6 "1 / i;^. '"'\ ^--.f y (3 y >^ Photogidphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 # ■^ ^V ^ C^ &? 6^ ^ I K'^i DUTY. Roots, medicinal, N. E. S. See Drugs, crude. Rope, viz., Wire rope of iron or steel. . . 25 per cent. Rose Bushes 20 *' Rose Water, when without spirits, to be classed as perfumery .. ...... 30 per cent. Rove, when imported for the manufacture of twine for harvest binders 10 per cent. Rubber and manufactures of, see India Rubber. Rugs and Mats, N. E. S 30 per cent. Rugs, viz , Railway or travelling rugs and lap dusters of all kinds.. 25 per cent. Rules, measuring 35 per cent. Ruling Machines 10 per cent. Rum. See Spirits. Rye . . 10 cts. per bush. Rye Flour .... 50 cts. per bbl. s Sacks or Bags of hemp, linen or jute, and cotton seamless bags 20 per cent. Sacks or Bags, paper, of all kinds, printed or not . . 25 per cent. Saddle Jiggers, stirrups and saddle-trees of all kinds. Pree. Saddlers' Hardware 32^ per cent. Saddlery and Harness of every description 30 *' Safes, d >ors for sates and vaults 30 *' Saffron, saffron cake, safflower, and extract of Free. (( 25 per cent. 25 35 Free. 20 per cent. Free. Sago and Sago Flour Sails for boats and ships , Salad Dressing . . Sal-Ammoniac . . Saleratus Sal Soda Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf fisheries Free. Salt, fine, in bulk, and coarse salt, N. E. S. . . 5 cts. per 100 lbs. Salt, N. E. S., in bags, barrels or other packages, the bags, barrels or other packages to bear the same duty as if imported empty T% cts. per 100 lbs. Salt Cake (sulphate of soda, crude) .... Free. Saltpetre Free. Salves 25 per cent. Samples which are of no commercial value, such as 92 DUTY. cut samples of Dry Goods, cut samples of Wall Paper, etc. Free. Samples which are of value, such as single Socks, Stockings, Gloves, Boots, etc., are to be rated for duty according to material of which they are made. Sand Free. Sandarac Gum . . . Free. Sand, Flint, Glass and Emery paper 20 per cent. Sappato Gum or Gum Chicle, in a crude state Free. Sappato Gum, or Gam Chicle, N. E. S. Sapolio Sardines. See Fish. Sarsaparilla Root, unground .... Satchels, Pocket-books and Purses .... Satchel Frames .... Satchels and Muffs, combined .... Satin white .... Satin and Sateen .... (( (( 35 per cent. 20 " Free. 20 per cent. 35 Free. 30 pc"^ cent. 30 30 30 per cent. Satir and Satinette, fancy manufactures of. (See Item Boxes.) Sauces, pickles and catsups, including soy Sausage Casings, cleaned .... Sausage Skins or Casings, not cleaned . . Sawdust of the following woods, viz. : Amaranth, cocoboral, boxwood, cherry, chestnut, walnut, gum wood, mahogany, pitch-pine, rosewood, sandalwood, sycamore, Spanish cedar, oak, hickory, white wood, African teak, black heart ebony, lignum-viti^e, red cedar, redwood, satin- wood, white ash, persimmon and dogwood .... Saw Mills, portable •",'.-' Saws of all kinds, and saw teeth ...... Scales, balances and weighing beams ... Scenery, theatrical Schlag Metal Leaf ...... Scissors, plated Scissors, not plated Scrapers, railway or road . . .' Screws, commonly called '* wood screws," two inches and over in length, 3 cents per lb. but not less than 35 per cent. Screws, do., one inch and less than two inches, 6 cents per lb., but not less than 35 " Screws, do., less than one inch, 8 cents per lb. but not less than 35 per cent. Screws of iron, steel, brass or other metal, N. 0. P., 30 '• 93 Free. 30 per cent. 32^ " 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 25 «' 30 ''•^^ir^ "^ti^^^f/. : ) Scrims, cotton, white or bleached Scrims, cotton, printed, dyed or colored Scythes .... Scythe Stones . Sea-grass, crude or in natural state, or cleaned only . . Sealing Wax Seaweed, crude or in natural state, or cleaned only. . Seedling stock for grafting, viz., plum, pear, peach, and other fruit trees , Seeds, viz. : — Annato, flax, beet, carrol, turnip, man- gold and mustard .... Seeds, viz. : — Garden, field and other seed for agri- cultural or other purposes, N. O. P., when in bulk or in large parcels .... Seeds, as above, when put up in small papers or par- ^dd «••• •••••• •••••• •••••• Seeds, aromatic, which are not edible and are in a crude state, and not advanced in value or condi- tion by grinding or refining or by any other pro- cess of manufacture, viz., anise, anise-star, carra- way, cardamon, coriander, cummin, fennel and fenugreek.... Seed Drills Seines. See Fish Hooks. Senegal Gum Senna, in leaves. See Dings, crude .... Separators and parts Sesame Seed Oil Settlers' Effects, viz. : — Wearing apparel, household furniture, books, implements, and tools of trade, occupation or employment, musical instruments, domestic sewing machines, live stock, carts and other vehicles and agricultural implements in use by the settler for at least six months be- fore his removal to Canada, not to include ma- chinery, or articles imported for use in any man- ufacturing establishment, or for sale ; also books, pictures, family plate or furniture, personal effects and heirlooms left by bequest ; provided that any dutiable article entered as settlers' ef- fects may not be so entered unless brought with the settler on his first arrival, and shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of without payment of duty, until after twelve months actual use in 94 (t DUTY. 25 30 35 30 Free. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Free. 10 per cent, 25 per cent; Free. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 30 percent. 20 '* Free. 35 25 per cent. 35 30 P>ee. per cent. 25 25 per cent. (( (( • DUTY. Canada ; provided also, that under regulations made by the Controller of Customs, live stock, when imported into Manitoba or the North West Territories by intending settlers, shall be free until otherwise ordered by the Governor in Council .... Sewer-pipes, drain pipes, chimney linings, or vents and inverted blocks, glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles Sewing and embroidery silk Sewing Machines, when not of more than two dol- lars in value .... Sewing Machine?, or parts thereof, N. E. S Shaddocks Shawls of all kinds ; railway or travelling rugs and lap dusters of all kinds Shears, Bankers, Butchers and Tailors, not plated . . Shears, Bankers, Butchers and Tailors, plated 30 Shears, Garden, Pruning and Sheep 35 Sheep, Horses, cattle, swine and dogs tor the ii iprove- ment of stock, under regulations made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor iu-Council ... Sheep, living, N. E. S Shellac Gum .... ...... Shellac, White, in gum or flake for manufacturing purposes .... Shell, fancy manufactures of, N. E. S. Shells, marine, ground or broken Shells, tortoise and mother-of-pearl, and other, un- manufactured Shingle bolts, N. E. S Shingles Ships and other vessels built in any foreign country, whether steam or sailing vessels, on application for Canadian register, on the fair market value of the hull, rigging and all appur cnances, ex- cepting machinery On boilers, steam engines, and other machinery. 25 per cent. Ships and Boats sails ... .... .... .... 25 per cent Ship timber and ship planking, N.O. P., and timber used for spars .... .... Free. Shirts, costing more than three dollars per dozen, .... .... .... $1.00 per dozen, and 25 per cent 95 Free. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 35 per cent. 20 (( Free. Free. 20 per cent. 10 per cent. I anw I onirLSj Xii ■ i-i* O.J •••• •••• •••• •••• Shirt Fronts, linen or cotton .... .... .... oii^uuy •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Shoes. See Boots. Shoe Blacking .... .... .... ... Shoe Buttons, papier mache .... .... .... Shoe Knives, not plated .... Shoemakers' Ink .... .... .... .... oHOc i^^tlCcb .• •••* ••*. •••• •••• Shoe Linings, cotton, unbleached, not dyed or colored Shoe Linings, cotton, bleached or white, not dyed or cjoiortjci •••« •••• •••• •••• •••• Shoe Linings, cotton, colored, printed or dyed .... Shoe Tacks, one-half ounce to four ounces to the thousand .... .... .... .... Shot Guns, n.e.s .... .... .... .... Shot, Lead .... .... 4/10 cts per lb. and Show Cards, pictorial or artistic, not framed .... .... .... .... 6c. per 11^. and ofiow leases .... .... .... .... Shovels, (vSnow), made of wood .... .... Shovels and Spades, shovel and spade blanks, and iron or steel cut to shape for same, 50 cts. per doz and Shovels, viz. — D shovel handles of wood . . . . Shrubs and plants, viz., palms, orchids, azaleas, cacti and flower bulbs of all kinds .... .... Shrubs and Plants, n.e.s .... .... .... Sideboard covers. See Damask. Signs made of tinware, japanned ware or galvanized iron-ware .... .... .... Signs, viz.. Enamelled iron or steel ware, including signs and letters enamelled on any metal and granite or agate ware .... .... .... Signs, glass, framed ... .... .... Signs, glass, not framed, as figured glass .... Silex or Crystallized (Quartz . .... .... Silicate of soda, in crystals or in solution .... .... Silicias, plain or beetled, and Casbans .... .... Silk Circulars, lined with fur .... .... .... Silk Clothing .... .... .... .... Silk, oiled. See Oiled Cloth Silk Twist, Sewing Silk and Embroidery Silk .... Silk Tassels, Cords and Tassels .... .... 96 DUTY. 35 per cent. 32^ per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 22 1 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. I ct per 1000. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 P^r cent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. Free Free 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. Free Free 30 per cent. 32^ per cent. 32I per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. ft cent. r cent. Free. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. DUTY. Silk, r.iw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any way, silk cocoons and silk waste .... Free Silk in the Gum or spun, not more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown organzine, not colored 15 per cent. Silk Velvets, and all manufactures of silk, n.e s.. of which silk is the component part of chief value, except church vestments .... .... .... 30 per cent. Silk, fancy manufactures of. (See item Boxes) .... 35 per cent. Silver bullion in bars, blocks or ingots .... .... Free. Silver or Gold Coins (except United States silver coin) Free. Silver Coin of United States. (File No. 11228, 94) .. 25 per cent. Silver, German Silver and Nickel Silver, rolled or in SilcciS ••■• •••• •••• * •••• •••• Silver or Gold Leaf .... .... .... .... Silver and Gold Sweepings .... .... Silver, viz.: Manufactures of gold and silver, and all other articles, n.e.s. , commercially known as jewellery ... .... .... .... Silverware, viz.: Sterling or other silverware and plated ware, all other, electroplated or gilf, of all kinds, whether plated wholly or in part .... Sinks, enamelled iron .... .... .... .... Sinks, galvanized iron.. . . ... .... .... Sinks, earthenware .... .... .... .... Sink, iron or steel, not galvanized or enamelled .... Sizing Cream and Enamel Sizing .... .... Skates .... .... 10 cts. per pair and Skeletons, and parts thereof .... .... .... Skins and Hides, raw, whether dry salted or pickled, and raw pelts .... .... .... Skins, viz.: fur skins of all kinds, not dressed in any iiiclTiI16r •••• •••• •••• ••■» •••• Skins, viz.: fur skins, wholly or partially dressed. ... I<) per cent. Skins of birds, and skins of animals not natives of Can- ada, for taxidermic purposes, not further manu- factured than prepared for preservation .... Slag, viz : blast furnace slag .... .... .... Slate Pencils ■ .... .... .... .... Slates, slate mantels and other manufactures of slate, n.e.s., school writing slates, and roofing slate, thirty per cent, ad valorem^ provided that the duty on roofing slate shall not exceed seventy-five G 97 30 35 cent, cert. per per 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 27^ per cent, 10 per cent, 30 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. 2$ per cent. ! I ■I 5HB \> cents per square for bhick or blue slate, and ninety cents for slates of other colours .... .... olcdt^CS •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• n •••• •••• •••• ••«• •••• Snutt .... .... • • • • 35 cents per lb. and Soap, common or laundry, not perfumed. ... .... Soap, castile, mottled or white. ... .... .... Soap, HarneijS .... .... .... .... Soap, n.e.s. ; pearline and other soap powders ; pumice, silver and mineral soaps, sapolio and like Socks and Stockings of all kinds, n.e.s .... .... .... .... .... lo cts per doz. prs and Soda, Sulphate of, crude, known as salt cake, barilla or soda ash, caustic soda ; silicate of soda in crystals or in solution ; bichromate of soda, nitrate of soda or cul)ic nitre, sal soda, sulphi le of sodium, nitrite of soda, arseniate, bina'-seniate, chloride, chlorate, bisulphite and stannate of soda .... Soda, Bicarbonate of ... . .... .... .... r^oQct Wciicr •••« •••• ••)• •••• •••• Soda Water Fountains, if marble .... Soil pipes, cast iron. . . .$io per ton, but noi less than Solder, Spelter .... ..... .... .... Ov/U MO •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• OOV • 9 • •••• •■•• •••• •••• •••• Spades. See Shovels. Spanish or Esparto Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, includmg fancy grisses, dried but not colored or otherwise manufactured .... .... .... Spar Ornaments .... .... .... .... Spe ttacles and Eye-Cilasses .... .... .... .Spectacles and Eye-Glass Frames, parts of .... Spelter, in block or pigs .... .... ... ■^L't^rni v./ 1 1 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Spices, viz., Ginger and Spices of a.11 kinds, n.e.s. unground .... .... .... .... Spices, as above, ground .... .... .... Spices, viz., Nutmegs and Mace . . . . , • .... Spikes. See Nails. Spirituous or alcholic liquor^, distilled from any ma- terial, or containing or compounded from or w^th distilled spirits of any kind, and any mixture thereof with water, for every gallon thereof of the 98 DUTV. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 12J per cent. 1 ct. per lb. 2 cts. per lb. 25 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. 20 per cen". 20 per ceni. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent 35 per cent Free. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. ''o per cent. Fre^. 20 per cent. I2| percent. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. V. cent. cent. cent. r cent, ler lb. per lb. ■ cent. r cent. r cent. ;r cen'. 2r cent. ;r cent, er cent. r cent, sr cent er cent er cent. er cent. er cent. er cent. 561 • cent. er cent. er cent. DUTY. strength of proof, and when oi a greater strength than that of proof, at the same rate on the in- creased quantity that there would be if the liquors were reduced to the strength of proof. When the liquors are of a less strength than that of proof, the duty shall be at a rate herein pro- vided, but computed on a reduced quantity of the liquors in proportion to the lesser degree of strength ; provided, however, that no reduction in quantity shall be computed or made on any liquors below the strength of fifteen per cent, under proof, but all such liquors shall be com- puted as of the strength of fifteen per cent, under proof, as follows : — {a) Ethyl alchol, or the substance commonly known as alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl or spirits of wine; gin of all kinds, n.e.s.; rum, whiskey and all spirituous or alcoholic liquors, n.o. p. ; amyl alcohol or fusel oil, or any substance known as potato spirit or potato oil ; methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood naptha, pyroxylic spirit or any substance known as wood spirit or methylated spirits, absinthe, arrack or palm spirit, brandy, including artificial brandy and imitations of brandy ; cordials and liqueurs of all kinds, n.e.s.j mescal, pulque, rum shrub, Schiedam and other schnapps ; tafia, angostura and similar alcoholic bitters or beverages . . ..$2. 1 2^ per gal (d) Spirits and strong waters of any kind, mixed with any ingredient or ingredients, as beinj; or known or designated as anodynes, elixirs, essences, extracts, lotions, tinctures or medi- cines, n.e.s .... .. ..$2. 12^ per gal. and 30 percent. (f) Alcoholic perfumes and perfumed spirits, bay rum, cologne and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes, and other toilet preparations containing spirits of any kind, when in bottles or flasks containing not more than four ounces CclCiT •••• •••• ••»* ••• •••• When in bottles, flasks or other packages, containing more than Jour ounces each .... .... .... $2. I2iper gal and 40 percent. {d) Nitrous ether, sweet spirits of nitre and aromatic spirits of ammonia $2. 12J p«« ■••• •••« •••« •••• Steel or Iron plates or sheets, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves, and iron or steel of all widths thicker than number seventeen gauge, n e.s. . . . .... Steel, viz : Universal mill or rolled edge steel plate, less than thirty inches wide, and plates or sheets of iron or steel thirty inches wide and over, and one-quarter of an inch and*over in thickness .... Steel, viz.: Malleable iron castings and iron or steel CciSiin(^S) n*c»s« <••• •••• •••• •••• Steel or iron sheets, and other iron or steel of all widths, sheet iron, common or black, smoothed, polished, coated or galvanized and Canada plates, number seventeen gauge and thinner, and hoop, band, or strip iron or steel, n. e.s., .... .... Steel or iron hoops, bands and strips, eight inches and less in width, number eighteen gauge and lllICiv6i •••• •• •••• •••• •••• Steel, viz., plough plates, mould boards, landsidesand other plates for agricultural implements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel but not moulded, punched, polished or otherwise manu- factured, and being of a greater value than four cents per pound .... .... .... .... Provided that on all iron and steel bars, rods, strips, or steel sheets of whatever shape, and on all iron or steel bars of irregular shape or section, cold rolled, cold hammered or polished in any way, in addition to the ordinary process of hot rolling or hammering, there shall be paid one-sixth of one cent per pound in addition to the rates im- posed on the said materials. Steel, viz., forgings of iron and steel of whatever shape or size or in whatever stage of manufacture, n.e.s., thirty-five per cent, ad valorem, but not less than fifteen dollars per ton .... .... .... Steel, viz., rolled iron or steel angles, channels and other sections, weighing less than thirty-five pounds per lineal yard, n e.s., thirty-five per cent ad valorem^ but not less than ten dollars per ton DUTY. $io per ton. $10 per ton. 12 J per cent. 25 per cent. 5 per cent. $10 per ton. 5 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. 102 1 ^1 V. ton. ton. cent, cent. DUTY. cent. r ton. cent. cent. cent. Steel, viz., rolled iron or steel angles, channeU and special sections, weighing not less than thirty- five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel beams, joists, girders, column sections, trough sections, and other building or bridge structural sections, weighing not less than twenty- five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel bridge plate not less than three-eighths of an inch thick nor less than fifle en inches wide, and fiat eye bar blanks not punched or drilled .... Steel or iron railway bars or rails of any form, punched or not punched, n.e.s., for railways, — which term for the purposes of this item shall include all kinds of railways, street railways and tramways, even although the same are used for private purposes only, and even although they are not used or in- tended to be used in connection with the business of common carrying of goods or passengers .... Steel rails weighing not less than forty-five pounds per lineal yard for use in railway tracks ; but this item shall not extend to rails for use in the tracks of railways used or intended for private purposes only, nor shall it extend to rails which are not used or intended to be used in connection with the business of common carrying of either goods or passengers, nor shall this item extend to rails for use in the tracks of street railways or tramways. Steel, viz., fittings of wrought iron or steel pipe, and chilled iron or steel rolls .... .... .... Steel, viz. , chrome steel .... .... .... Steel for the manufacture of hammers, augers and auger bits, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles, for use in their own factories only. Steel of numbers twenty-four and seventeen gauge, in sheets sixty-three inches long and from eighteen inches to thirty-two inches wide,forthe manufacture of tubular bow sockets, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles, for use in their own factories only .... .... .... Steel, Brass or Iron rolled, round wire rods under three eighths of an inch in diameter, and rolled copper rods one inch or under in diameter, when imported by wire manufacturers for use in making wire in their own factories .... .... .... ' i\ 12^ percent. 30 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. 15 per cent. Free. Free. Free, Steel, for saws and straw cutters, cut to shape but not further manufactured .... .... .... Steel, viz. : Locomotive and car wheel tires of steel, when in the rough. ... .... ... .... Steel, viz. : Rolled rods of steel under hall an inch irt diameter, or under half an inch square, when imported by knob or lock manufacturers or cutlers for use exclusively by such manufacturers in their own factories ... .... .... .... Steel, valued at two and one-hulf cents per pound and upwards, for jse in the manufacture cf skates. . . . Steel I3owls for cream separators .... .... Steel for the manufacture of files, when imported by file manufacturers for use in their factories .... Steel, crucible sheet steel, il to 1 6 gauge, 2)4 *o 38 in. wide, imported by manufacturers of mower and reaper knives for manufacture of such knives in their own factories .... ... .... Steel of No. I2 gauge, and thinner, but not thinner than No 30 gauge, when imported by manufac- turers of buckle clasps and ice creepers, to be used in the manufacture of such articles only in their own factories .... .... .... Steel of No. 20 gauge and thinner, but not thinner than No. 30 gauge, to be used in the manufac- ture of corset steels, clock springs and shoe shanks ; and flat wire of steel of No. 16 gauge or thinner, to be used in the manufacture of crinoline and corset wire and dress stays, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles for use in their own factories • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Steel strip and flat steel wire when imported into Canada by manufactureis of buckthorns, plain strip or other fencing, and safety barb wire fencing, for use in their factories in the manufacture thereof. Steel wire, Bessemer soft drawn spring, of numbers ten, twelve and thirteen gauge, respectively, and homo steel spring wire of numbers eleven and twelve gauge, respectively, when imported by manufacturers of wire mattresses, to be used in their own factories in the manufacture of such ^rLiCiCS •••• ••*4 •••« •••• •••• Steel Plates, viz. : Plates engraved on wood, :ind on 104 DUTY. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. iftez. S s; S S s s s DUTY. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 27^ per cent. 25 per cent. 32^ per cent. 25 per cent. steel or other metal, and transfers taken from the SclIIlC •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Steelyards to be included in the item " Scales, bal- ances and weighing beams " . . .... .... Steel, viz : Manufactures, articles or wares not specially enumerated or provided for, composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, and whether partly or wholly manufactured .... .... Steel, other. See Iron. Steels, butcher .... .... . . , . olcciS) l.£llJl6 •••• •••• •••« •••• •• ol6r60SCO]3cS •«•• •••• •••• •••• •• Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids for almanacs, calendars, illustrated pamphlets, newspaper adver- tisements, or engravings, and all other like work for commercial, trade or other purposes, n.e.s. ; and matrices or copper shells of the same .... 2cts. per sq.in. Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids of newspaper columns, and bases for the same, composed wholly or partly of metal or celluloid .... f ct per sq. in. Matrices or copper shells of the same .... 2 cts per sq. in. Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids of books, and bases and matrices and copper shells for the same, whether composed wholly or in part of metal or celluloid... .... .... .... .... Free. Stickers, advertising .... .... 15 cts per lb. and 25 per cent. Stirrups, viz. : Saddle jij;gers, stirrups and saddle- trees of all kinds ..». .... .... .... Stockinette (rubber coated cloth) .... .... Stockings and socks of all kinds, n.e.s. . . , . .... .... .... ... 10 cts per doz. prs. and 35 per cent. Stones, viz. : Burr stones in blocks, rough or unmanu- factured, not bound up or prepared for binding into millstones .... .... .... Stone, viz. : Chalk stone, china or Cornwall stone, felspar and cliff stone, ground or unground .... Stones, vi^. : Flagstones, granite, and rough freestone, sandstone and all building stone, except marble from the quarry, not hammered or chiselled .... Stone, yiz. : Gianite, flagstones and freestone, dress- ed ; all other building stone dressed, except marble, and all manufactures of stone, n.e.s.. .. Stones, curling, of granite .... .... .... Stones, flagstones, dressed .... .... 105 Free. 27^ per cent. Free. Free. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. . 30 per cent. if- til DUTY. cent. • ■ • • • • • • 10 per cent. 27 J per cent. 25 per cent. 27^ per cent. 25 per cent. 27!^ pel cent. Free. 20 per cent. 2 cts. per lb. Free. 20 per cent. Stones, lithographic, not engraved .... .... 20 per Stones, precious, in the rough .... .... .... Free. Stones, precious, n.e.s., polished but not set or other- wise manufactured, and imitations thereof .... Stoneware. See Earthen A'are. ^LOVCS •••• •••• .••• •9*« ••«. Stove bolts and nuts. See Bolts Stove Polish, not to inclu le Stove Varnis'i .... Stove Pipes and Elbows not galvanized. . . . .... Stove Pipes and Elbows galvanized ... .... Stove Shovels .... .... ... .... oliclW IT^IcLIlS •••• ••»• ••f« •••• .••• Straw, and manufacture** of, n.e.s .... Strawberries, n.e.s., the weight of ihe package to be included in the weight for duty .... ... Strawberries, wild Strawberry Vines Straw Board, in sheets, or rolls, plain or tarred. 30 cts. per 100 lbs. Studs, shirt or collar .... .... .... .... 25 per cent. Sugars, viz. : All sugar above number sixteen Dutch standard in color, and all refined sugars of what- ever kinds, grades or standards, the usual pack- ages in which they are imported to be free . . 64 / roo cts. per lb. Sugar, n.e.s. not above number sixteen Dutch standard in color, sugar drainings, or pumpings drained in transit, melado or concentrated melado, tank bottoms and sugar concrete .... .... Free. Sugar, viz.: syrups and molasses of all kinds, N.O.P., the product of the sugar cane or beet root, n.e.s., and all imitations thereof or substitutes therv-'for }4 ct. per lb. Sugar, viz.: Molasses produced in the process of the manufacture of cane sugar from the juice of the cane when imported in the original packages from the district where produced in the country where the cano was grown and which has not been subjected to any process of treating or mixture after leaving the country from which originally shipped, — the packages in which imported, when of wood, to be free. {a) Testing by polariscope, forty degrees or over i|cts. per gal {d) When testing by polariscope less than forty degrees and not less than thirly-five degrees, one and one-half cent per gallon, and in addi- 106 '"! I ct. per lb. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Free. ""ree. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Free. 4/loct. per lb DUTY. tion thereto one cent per gallon for each degree or fraction of a degree less than forty degrees i.^cts. per gal Sugar, viz., glucose or grape sugar, glucose syrup and corn syrup, or any syrups containing any admixture lllwlC*'! •••• ••• a*** •••» ••>• vSugar candy, brown or white, and confectionery, in eluding sweetened gums, candied peels and pop c^oni • • • • • ■ • • «.• .« •••• •••• Sugar, viz. : maple sugar .... ... .... Sugar of Milk .... .... .... .... Sugar of milk tablets, not furtht;- sweelencvl .... Sulphate of alumina .... .... .... .... Sulphateof copper (blue vitriol). .. . .... .... Sulphate of lime, crude (gypsum) .... .... Sulphate of soda, crude, known as salt cake .... Sulphate of soda or glauber salts .... Sulphate of iron (Copperas) .... .... .... Sulphide of sodium .... .... .... .... Sulphur and brimstone, crude or in roll or flour . . . Sulphuric Acid .... .... .... .... Sulphuric Acid, viz. : platinum retorts, pans, con- densers, tubing and pipe, made of platinum, when imported by manufacturers of sulphuric acid for use in their works in the manufacture or concen- tration of sulphuric acid .... . , . . .... Sulphuric Ether .... .... .... .... Sumac and Camwood, and extract thereof .... Sunshades of all kinds .... . . ^ . .... Sunshade sticks or han lies, n.e.s. .... .... Surcingles, cotton or hemp .... .... .... Surgical dressing, viz. : Antiseptic surgical dressing such as absorbent cotton, cotton wool, lint, lamb s wool, tow, jute, gauzes and oakum, prepared for use as surgical dressings, plain or medicated .... Surgical and Dental Instruments of all kin is .... Surgical Instrument Cases Surgical Instruments in Cases, cases *' '* •* instruments .... Suspenders and Braces, and parts thereof .... Suspensory Bandages and Surgical Belts or Trusses of all kinds .... .... .... .... 25 per cent. Sweepings, viz.: Gold and Silver Sweepings .... Free. Sweet Potatoes and Yams .... locts. per bush. Swine, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Dogs foi the im- 107 • • • • Free. 5cts. per lb. Free. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 15 per cent. 35 per centi 35 per cent. 15 per cent. 35 per cent. Ifp' i :• ru. provement of stock, under regulations made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Gover- nor in Council .... ... • • . . .... Switches, Frogs, Crossings and Intersections for Rail- WdrVS •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Swords, iron or steel, plated .... ...» .... Swords, iron or steel, not plated .... .... Syringes, glass .... .... .... .... Syringes, rubber .... .... .... .... Syringes, hypodermic, as surgical instruments .... Syrup. See sugar. DUTY. Free. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 27^ per cent. 20. per cent. 25 per cent. 15 per cent. Table Covers and Table Cloths when made up, trimmed or untrimmed .... .... . . . , 30 per cent. Tacks, viz. : Cut Tacks, Brads and Sprigs, not ex- ceeding 16 oz. per 1,000 .... ........ i^ cts. per 1,000 Tacks, viz. : Cut Tacks, Brads and Sprigs, exceeding 16 oz. to the 1,000 .... i^ cts. per lb. Tacks, viz.: Shoe Tacks, ^ oz. to 4 oz. to the 1,000 i ct. per 1,000 Tagging Metal, plain, japanned or coated, in coils not over 1 1 inch in width, when imported by manu- facturers of shoe and corset laces, for use in their icictorics •••• •••• •••• » ^ m • V rc6« Tags, leather parchment, not printed .... .... 25 per cent. Tags, paper or cardboard, not printed .... • • • • 35 per cent Tags, printed (as labels), .... 15c. per lb. and 25 per cent. Tags, tin, for plug tobacco .... .... .... 25 per cent. Tails, undressed .... .... .... .... Free. Tallow and stearic acid .... .... .... 20 per cent. Tampico or Istle and Mexican Fibre .... .... Free. Tangarine and mandarine oranges dutiable as oranges. Tanner's bark .... .... .... .... Free. Tannic acid .... .... .... .... .... Free. Tanning or dyeing articles, in a crude state, used in tanning or dyeing, n.e.s. ; berries for dyeing or used for composing dyes; turmeric, nut galls; lac, crude, seed, button, stick and shell ; indigo, indigo paste and extract of, and indigo auxiliary or zinc dust ; persis, or extract of archill and cudbear, terra japonica, gambler or cutch, extract of log- wood, fustic, o?ik arid of oak bark ; camwood and sumac and extract thereof, tanners' bark, hemlock 108 l)ark and oak bark ; ground logwood, ground fuslic, and patent prepared dyes Tape measures ... .... Tape, woven or printed for labels, 15 cts per lb. and Tapers, paraffine wax .... .... Tapers, n.e.s. .... .... Tapioca .... .... .... Taraxacum root, unground Tar, pine, in packages of not less than 15 gallons. . . . Tar, viz., coal tar and coal pitch Tarred paper .... .... Tartar emetic and gray tartar ; cream of tartar in crystals and argal or argols Tassels and cords .... .... Tea and green coffee imported direct from the country of growth and production .... .... .... This item shall include tea and coffee purchased in bond in any country where tea and coffee are subect to customs duty, provided there is satis- factory proof that the tea or coffee so purchased in bond is such as might be entered for home consumption in the country where the same is purchased. Tea and green coffee, n.e.s, .... .... .... Tea lead and tin foil .... .... .... .... X cjdScIS •••• ••'•'• •••• '•• •••• Telephone and telegraph instruments ; telegrai>h, tele- phone and electric light cables ; electric and gal- vanic batteries, electric motors, generators, dynamos, sockets and electric apparatus, n.e.s. Tents and awningjs .... .... .... .... Terne, or terne plate, being sheet iron coated with a mixture of lead and tin .... .... . . . . Terra Cotta ornaments .... .... .... .... Terra Cotta, panels, mouldings and cornices .... Terra Japonica, gambler or cutch ... .... Thermometers .... .... . . . , Thimbles, golS .... .... .... .... Thimbles, steel .... .... .... .... Thimbles, celluloid or aluminum .... .... Thimbles, hard rubber .... .... . „ . Thimbles, silver, brass or plated .... .... Thread, viz : Cotton sewing thread in hanks, coloured, bleached or unbleached, three and six cord .... 109 DUTY. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 4 cts. per lb. 25 per cent. 20 per cent Free. Free. Free. 25 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. Free. 10 per cent. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 32^ per cent. 5 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 25 per cent. 27I per cent. 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. i?i per cent. fi Thread, viz : Cotton sewing thread and crochet cotton, on spools or tubes or in balls, and all other cotton thread, n e s .... .... Thread, elastic rubber .... .... .... X fir6ci>jj SI I IV •••• •••• •••• •••• Thread, linen .... .... ••••.. • • • • Threshing Machines and separators .... .... Tickets .... .... 15 cts. per lb. and Ticking for Tents, cotton .... .... .... Tiles, viz., drain tiles, not glazed .... .... Tiles, viz., drain pipes, sewer pipes, nhimney linings or vents, and inverted block >, glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles .... .... .... Tiles, encaustic, floor and ornamental . . .. .... Timber, viz : Logs and round unmanufactured timber, not specially enumerated or provided for in this xxCt •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Timber, viz: Firewood, handle bolts, heading bolts, stave bolts and shingle bolts, hop poles, fence poits, railroad ties, ship timber and ship planking, not s})ecially provided for in this Act .... Timber hewn or sawed, and timber used for spars and in building wharfs .... .... .... Timber, squared or sided .... .... .... Timber, n.e.s. See Lumber. Time Detectors .... .... .... .... Tin crystals, tin strip waste, and tin in blocks, pigs, bars and sheets and tin platen, tin foil and tea 16clvl •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Tinctures. See Proprietary Medicines. Tinfoil Labels, printed .... 15 cts. per lb. and Tin-ware, viz : Stamped tin-ware, japanned ware, galvanized iron ware, including signs made from these materials, and all manufactures of tin, n.e.s Tin Plate, in sheets decorated .... .... Tobacco Boxes, tin .... .... .... .... Tobacco, cut .... .... 45 cts. per lb. and Tobacco, manufactured, n.e.s., and snufF, 35 cts. p* r «••• •••• ••••^ •••• I lj« ^ilCl Tobacco, unmanufactured, for Excise purposes, under conditions of the Inland Revenue Act .... Tobacco pipes of all kinds, pipe mounts, cigar and cigarette holders and cases for the same .... Tobacco pouches ••.. •••• .... ...• liO DUTY. 25 per cent. Free 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 35 per cent. Free Free Free Free 25 per cent. Free 25 per cent. 25 per 25 per 25 per 12^ per cent, cent, cent, cent. 12^ per cent. Free 35 per 30 per cent, cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. r cent. r cent- cent, cent. Toilet Cases .... ... ... Toilet Paper .... .... ... Toilet Preparations, vu : Alcoholic perfumes and perfumed spirits, bay rum, cologne and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes, and other toilet preparations containing spirits of any kind, when in bottles or flasks containing not more than four ounces each .... .... .... Toilet Preparations as above, when in bottles, flasks or other packages, containing more than four ounces each, .... $2. 12^ per gal. and Toilet Preparations, perfumery, including toilet pre- parations (non-alcoholic), viz., hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes and all other perfumed preparations, n.o.p., used for the hair, mouth or skin .... .... .... Tomatoes, fresh .... 20 cts. per bush, and Tomatoes and other vegetables, including corn and baked beans, in cans or other packages, n.e.s., weight of the cans or other packages to be in- cluded in the weight for duty .... .... Tonics. See Proprietary Medicines. Tonquin Beans, crude only .... .... .... Tools, viz.: picks, mattocks, grub-hoes, adzes, hatchets and eyes or polls for same, and tools of all de- scriptions, n.e.s .... .... .... .... Tools, viz. : track tools, wedges, crowbars and sledges Tools, viz.: axes of all kinds, scythes, hay knives, lawn mowers, pronged .forks, rakes, n e.s., and hoes, and other agricultural tools or implements, 11* KZu O •••• ■»•• •••• •••* •■•• Tooth and Toilet Powders, and other washes (non- alcoholic), n.o.p .... .... .... Tortoise and other shells, unmanufactured .... Tow prepared for surgical dressing .... .... Towels of every description .... .... .... Tower Clocks *. . . . .... .... .... Toys of all kinds and materials .... .... 1 rB.C6 v^iiciins •••• «••• •••* •••• Tracing Cloth .... .... .... .... Tragacanth Gum .... .... .... .... Transfer Pictures or Ornaments.. 6 cts. per lb. and 1 rapS} sieei .••* i... .... Ill DUTY. 35 per cent. 25 per cent 50 per cent. 40 per cent. « • • t 30 per cent 10 per cent. J 1 i^ cts. pei lb 1 Free. 1 35 per cent. 30 per cent. f 35 per cent. I?' 20 per cent. Free. iii 20 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. 32^ per cent. 27I per cent. Free. ■■ - i 1 W:.:m 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 27^ per cent. • * Travellers' Baggage, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs .... .... .... Tray Cloths. See Damask. Trees, viz.: apple, cherry, peach, pear, plum and quince, of all kinds .... .... .... Trees, viz.: grape vines, and gooseberry, raspberry, currant and rose bushes ; also fruit plants, n.e.s , and shade, lawn and ornamenial trees, shrubs and TJiATilS •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• Trees, seeding stock for grafting, viz : plum, pear, peach and other fruit trees .... .... .... xrccSyiittTftS**** •*•• •••• •••• «••■ ■1 TG\Z 1^ clliS •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Tricycles and Bicycles .... .... .... .... Troches. See Proprietary Medicines. Trucks, railway depot express . . . .... .... Truffles, fresh ... .... .... .... .... Truffles, canned or bottled, the weight of the c n or hottle to be included in the weight for duty .... Trunks, Valises, Hat Boxes and Carpet Bags . .. Trunk Hinges. As Hinges. Trunk Trimmings of tinned iron or tin .... .... Tru-ses or surgical belts and suspensory bandages of 311 Kincts •«■ •••• •••• •••• •••• Tubs, Bath, copper, fitted up in frame or stand of WOCQ •••• •••• •••• •••« •••• Tubs, wood .... .... .... .... .... Tubing, brass, viz. : Drawn, plain and fancy tubing, not bent or otherwise manufactured, in lengths not less than six feet .... .... .... .... Tubing, viz. : Zinc seamless drawn tubing .... Tubing, copper, seamless drawn ... .... .... Tubing, viz. : Boiler tubes of wrought iron or steel, in- cluding corrugated tube^ or flues for marine boilers Tubing, tubes not wel led, nor more than i^ in. in diameter, of rolled steel .... .... , , . . Tubing, lap- welded iron or steel tubing, ihreaded and coupled or not, i;}: to 2 inches inclusive in diame- ter, for use exclusively in artesian wells, petroleum pipe lines and petroleum refineries, under regula- tions made by the Governor in Council .... Tubing, wrought iron or steel tubing, threaded and coupled or not, over two inches in diameter .... 112 DUTY. B'ree. 3 cts. each. 20 per cent. Fiee. Free. Free. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. i^ cts per lb. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. Free. 7i per cent. 15 per cent. Ti 20 per cent. 15 per cent. I ^. each. cent. cent, cent, cent. 3er lb. cent. cent. cent. cent, cent. cent, cent. r cent. r cent. Tubing, other wrouj^hl iron or steel tubes or pipes .... .... .... . . i cent per lb. and Tubing, viz. : Rolled iron tubes not welded, under one and one-half inch in diameter, angle iron, nine and ten guage, not over one and one-half inch wide, iron tubing, lacquered or brass covered, not over one and one-half inch in diameter, — all of which are to be cut to lengths for the manu- facture of bedsteads, and to be used tor no oiher purpose, — when imported for manufacturers of iron bedsteads to be used for these purposes only in their own factories, until such time as any of the said articles are n.a,nufactured in Canada .... Tufa, calcareous .... .... .... .... X Uiiiicrrio •••• •••• •••• •••* •••• X uriiiLi Occci •••• •••• •••• .«••• •••• Turpentine, raw or crude .... .... Turpentine, Spirits of . . . . .... .... X MmLlvJ*) •«•• •••• •«•• ,.•••• •••• Tweeds, cloths, doeskins, cassimeres, coatings and overcoatings, composed wholly or in part of wool .... .... .... .... 5 ets per lb. and Twines, for use of the Fisheries. See Fish Hooks. Twine, sail, and canvas of hemp or flax, when to be used for boats and ship sails ... .... .... Twine and cotton cordage, of all kinds .... ... Twine for har est binders, of hemp, Jute, Manilla or sisal, and of manilla and sisal mixed. ... .... Twine tennis nets and hammocks, and other like articles manufactured of twine, n.e.s.. . . .... Type for printing .... .... .... .... Xr lllclSll •••• •••• ••••■ •••• ,••• Type Writers ... .... .... .... .... Typewriters, tablets with movable fixtures, and musical instruments, when imported by and for the use of schools for the blind, and being and remaining the sole property of the governing bodies of the said schools and not of private individuals ; the above particulars to be verified by special affidavit on each entry when presented .... .... DUTY. 30 per cent. Free. P'ree. Free. Free. Free. 5 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 5 per cent. 25 per cent. 12^ percent. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. 10 per cent. 27^ per cent. • • • • Free. U Ultramarine blue, dry or in pulp .... .... Free. Umbrella, parasol and sunshade sticks or handlesj U II 3 . I i Il*d>^» •••• •••• »••• ••• •••• Umbrella parts, viz., ribs of brass, iron or steel, run- ners, rings, caps, notches, ferrules, mounts and sticks or canes in the rough, or not further manu- factured than cut into lengths suitable for um- brella, parasol or sunshade sticks, when imported by manufacturers of umbrellas, parasols and sun- shades for use in their factories in the manufacture of umbrellas, parasols and sunshades only .... Umbrellas, parasols and sunshades of all kinds and materials .«•• .•... ..«• ...• Underwear, viz., all undershirts of whatever kind of yarn composed, which have been knitted in tubu- lar form, and which have not been handled or treated by the seamstress, except to be faced in front by a strip of satin, silk or other material, in which the button-holes are worked and to which the buttons are attached ; and all underdrawers^ which are similarly knitted in tubular form, and which are subsequently finished by tl-e seamstress by having a band of some further material sewed thereon, button-holes worked therein, and buttons sewed thereon, shall be held to be dutiable as *' knitted underwear." .... .... .... Underwear, of whatever kind of yarn composed, which is first stamped or cut in sections, out of a woven fabric and then sewed together by a seam- stress, if composed of silk or cotton fabrics .... Underwear, of whatever kind of yarn composed, which is first stamped or cut in sections, out of a woven fabric and then sewed together by a seam- stress if composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal .... .... 5 cts. per lb. and Underwear, cotton, linen or silk, n.e.s., made up by Svcunsii v^ss •••• •••• •••• •••• Union collar cloth, paper, in rolls or sheets, not glossed or finished .... .... .... Union collar cloth, paper, glossed or finished, in rolls or oiic6lS •••• •••• •••• •••• Upholsterers' hardware .... .... .... DUTY. 20 per cent. Free. 35 per cent. Vjiccine and ivory vaccine points 35 per cent. 32^ per cent. 30 per cent. 32^ per cent. 15 per cent. 20 per cent. yi\ per cent. Free, 114 6 cts. per lb. and DUTY. 20 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. Valentines .... .... Valerian Root, ungruund Valises, carpet bags, trunks and hat boxes Valise frames, opened to end or bottom of valise . . Valves, hydrants and water gates, brass or plated . . Valves, hydrants and water gales of iron, not plated. 27J per cent. Vanilla beans, crude only .... .... .... Free. Varnish, black and bright, for ships' use. ... .... Free. Varnish, stove ... 20 cts. per gallon, and 20 per cent. Varnish cut with spirit .... .... .... .... $1 per gall. Varnishes, Lacquers, Japans, Japan Driers, Liquid Driers and Oil Finish, N.E.S .... .... .... .... 20 cents per gallon and 20 per cent. Vaseline, and all similar preparations of petroleum for toilet, medicinal, or other pur|)Oses. . . . .... 35 per cent. Vases, China, Porcelain or Earthenware .... .... 30 per cent. Vases, Glass .... .... ... .... .... 20 per cent. Vaults, viz.: Safes, Doois for Safes and vaults .... 30 per cent. Vegetables, Potatoes, not sweet. ... ... IS cts per bush. Vegetables, Tomatoes .... 20 cents per bushel and 10 per cent. Vegetables, Tomatoes and other vegetables, including Corn and Baked Beans, in cans or other packages, , the weight of the cans or other packages to be included in the weight for duty .... .... i^c. per lb. Vegetables, when fresh or dry salted, N.E.S 25 per cent. Vegetable Fibre, natural, not produced by any mechanical process .... .... .... Free. Vegetable Fibre, twisted for convenience in transp't'n Free. Velocipedes, Children's or Railway .... .... 30 per cent. Velvets, Velveteens and Plush Fabrics, N.E.S 30 per cent. Veneers of Ivory, sawn only .... . . .... Free. Veneers of Wood, N.E.S., not over one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness Veneers of Wood, not over one-sixteenth of an inch thick, made from woods native to Canada Verdigris, or sub-acetate of copper, dry. . . . Vermicelli and Maccaroni .... .... Vermouth Bitters. See Spirits. Vessels. See Ships. Views, Photographic .... ... .... Vinegar. vSee Acid acetic. Vines, Grape, and Vines, N.E.S. Vitriol, blue, or Sulphate of Copper .... "5 . 5 per cent. 10 per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. - ^-^^ II "4' . - •warn wmmmt I Vulcanized Fibrewarc w. Waggon Blocks, rough hewn or sawn only .... Waggons, farm and freight .... .... .... Walking Sticks and canes of all kinds, n.e.s .... Wall Paper. See Paper Hangings; Walnuts, shelled .... .... .... ... Walnuts, not shelled .... .... .... ... Washers, Bolts, etc. See nuts. Wash Boards .... .... .... .... Washing Crystal .... ... .... .... Washing Machines .... .... ... ... Waste of any kind, except mineral waste .... .... Wciicnc^ ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Watch Actions or Movements .... .... . .... w ciicri v^ciscs •••• •••• ••••' •••• Watch Case Metal, Composition Metal for the manu facture of filled gold watch cases .... .... Watch Keys, brass or plated .... .... .... Watch Keys, steel, not plated.... .... .... Water Gates, brass or plated .... .... .... Water Gates, iron, not plated .... .... Water Lime. .. . .... .... ... Water Melons .... .... .... Water Meters .... .... .... Water Pipes of ca5t iron, $io per ton, but not less than 35 per cent. DUTY. 25 per cent. Free. 25 i)er cent. 25 per cent. 5 cts. per lb. 3 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. 20 per cent. 27 J per cent. Free. 25 per cent. 10 per cent. 35 per cent. 10 per cent. . 30 per cent. . 27^ per cent . 30 per cen*. . 27^ per cent. 40 cts. per bbl. . 25 per cent. 27 J per cent. Wax, cobblers Wax Dolls .... .... .... .... .... Wax Flowers ... .... .... .... Wax, Paraffine .... .... .... ... Webbing, elastic and non-elastic .... .... Wedges ... .... .... .... .... Weighing beams .... .... .... ... Whalebone, unmanufactured .... .... .... Whalebone, manufactures of, n e.s .... Whale, and other fish oils, and Spermaceti, and all other articles the produce of the fisheries, not 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 20 per cent. 2 cts. per lb. 20 per cent. 35 per cent. 30 per cent. Free. 20 per cent specially provided for Wheat .... .... Wheat Flour Wheat Meal Wheat Screenings • • • • . . 20 per cent. 15 cts. per bush. . . 75 cts. per bbl. . 75 cts. perbt)l. . 1 5 cts. per bush. nO iJ DUTV. Wlicels, spokes, hubsanct ("elloes, finished, for buggies, carriages, pleasure carts, and similar vehicles.. .. "^5 per cent Wheels, spokes, hubs and felloes, finished, for farm waggons, cartSi drays, and similar vehicles .... Wheels, car Wheelbarrows • • • • Whips of all kinds, including thongs and lashes . . Whips, viz. : Square reeds and rawhide centres, tex- tile leather or rubber heads, thumbs and tips, and steel, iron or nickel caps for whip ends, imported by whip manufacturers for use in the manufacture of whips in their own factories .... .... Whiskey. See Spirits. / Whiting or Whitening, Gilder's Whiting and Paris VY niLC •••• ••• act* •••• •••• Whitening, prepared .... .... .... .... Wicks, for coal oil stoves or lamps Willow work, or Osier work, n.e.s. .... .... Winceys, checked, striped or fancy cotton winceys .... Windmills .... .... .... .... .... Window Blind Cord, worsted .... .... .... Window shade rollers, .... .... .... Wmdow shades in the piece or cut and hemmed or mounted on rollers, thirty-five per cent but not less than five cents per square yard .... .... Window Screens, wire.. . . .... .... .... Wines, sparkling, Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than a qus^rt but more than a pint. ...$3.30 per doz. and Containing not more than a pint each but more than one-halt pint .... .... $1.65 per doz. and Containing one-half pint each or less .... .... .... . .... . . 82 cts per doz. and Bottles containing more than one quart each shall pay, in addition to three dollars and thirty cents per dozen bottles, at the rate of one dollar and sixty-five cents per gallon, on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle, the quarts and pints in each case being old wine measure ; in addition to the above specific duty .... .... Wines of all kinds, except Sparkling Wine, including orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, elder and currant wines, containing 26 per cent, or less of spirit of the strength of proof, whether imported 117 25 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. Free. Free. 20 per 25 per cent, cent, cent, cent, cent, cent. 35 per cent. 25 per 30 per 30 per 30 per 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. 30 per cent. i 1-4 I Wi in wood or in bottles, six quait or twelve pint bottles to be held to contain a gallon .... .... ... .... 25 cents per gall, and And for each degree of strength in excess of 26 per cent, of spirits as aforesaid, an additional duty of 3 cents until the strength reaches 40 per cent, of proof spirits. All liquors imported under the name of Wines, and containing more than 40 per cent, of spirits of the strength of proof, shall be rated as unenumer- ated spirits. Wire, Crucib'e Cast Steel .... .... .... Wire, Cf-"..ied with cotton, linen; silk or other material Wire, viz.: Galvanized Iron Wire, numbers six, nine, twelve and fourteen guige, when imported by . makers of wire fencing, for use in their factories Only •••• t«efl •••• .«•• •••• Wire of Iron or steel, No. 13 and 14 guage, flattened and corrugated, ued in connection with the machine known as the wire gri[^ and champion nailing machine for the manufacture of boots, shoes and le.^*^' er belting, when imported by manufacturers of such articles to be used for these purposes only in their own factories .... Wire, viz.: P^lat Wire of steel, No. 16 guage or thinner, to be used in the manufacture of crino- line or corset wire and dress stays, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles, for use in their own factories .... .... .... Wire of all kinds, n.e.s. .... .... ... Wire, iron manuft^Jtures of, n.e.s. .... .... Wire of brass and phosphor bronze .... ... Wire of copper .... .... . . ... Wire Cloth, brass and copper .... .... ... Wire Cloth, n.e s .... .... .... Wire Fencing, barl. wire fencing, of iron or steel .... Wire Fencing, buckthorn and strip fencing, of iron or sl6Ci •••• •••• *••« •••« •••• W^ire, German silver or nickel silver .... .... Wire, platinum .... .... .... .... Wire, viz., steel wire, Bessemer soft drawn spring, of numbers ten, twelve anc thirteen gauge, respect- ively, and homo steel spring wire of numbers eleven and twelve gauge, respectively, when im- 118 DUTY. 30 per cent. Free. 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Free. Free. 25 per cent. 27^ per eent. 10 per cent. 15 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. J ct. per lb. ^ ct. per lb. 25 per cent. Free. ent. cent. ;ent. cent, cent, cent, cent, cent, cent . |r lb. 1 lb. cent. Free. hXJTW ported by mjtnufactitrers df wire mdttress^ to he used in their own factories in the manufacture of such articles .... .... .... .... Free. Wire, viz.: steel strip and flat steel wire when im- ported into Canada by manufacturers of buck- thorns, plain strip or other fencing, and safety barb wire fencing, for us£ in their factories in the manufacture thereof .... .... .... Free. Wire, viz.: brass, iron or steel rolled, round wire rods under three-eighths ot ar* inch in diameter, and rolled copper rods one inch or under in diameter, when imported by wire nsanufacturers for use in making wire in their own factories .... .... Wire, viz : brass, iron and copper wire, twisted, when imported by manu'acturers of boots and shoes, for use in their own factories .... .... .... Free. Wire rigging for ships and vessels ... .... Free. Wire rope, of iron or steel, n.o.p. .... .... 25 per cent. Wood, viz.: firewood not specially provided for in this ' Wood, manufactures of, viz.: pails, tubs, churns, brooms, washboards, poimders and rolling pins 20 per cent. Wood, fancy manufactures of, n.e.s. .... • • • • 35 P^r cent. Wood logs, and round 'unmanufactured timber, not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act. Free. Wood mouldings, plain .... .... .... 20 per cent. Wood mouldings, gilded or other vvise further manu- factured than plain .... .... .... 25 per cent. Wood naphtha (wood alcohol). See spirits. Wood, other. See lumber. Wood plates, viz.: plates engraved on wood, and on steel or other metal, and transfers taken from the SuiTlw •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Wood, pulp and wood pulp board .... ... Wood, viz : staves of wood of all kinds ; wood un- manufactured .... .... .... .... Wood veneers. See veneers. Wood, manufactures of, n.e.s., and brushes, .... Wool and hair of the camel, alpaca goat and other like animals, not further prepared than washed, n.e.s.; and noils, being the short wool which falls from the combs in worsted factories. ... .... Free Wool, viz.: Leicester, Colswold, Lincolnshire, South- down combing wools, or wools known as lustre 119 20 per cent. 25 per cent. Free. 25 per cent i 8 I V Wools, and other like combing wools, such as are grown in Canada .... ... .... .... Wool clothing, ready-made and wearing apparel of every description, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of alpaca goat or other like animals, n.o.p ....5cts. per lb. and Wool Fabric, viz.: Women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Italian cloths, alpacas, Orleans, cashmeres, Henriettas, serges, buntings, nun's cloth, bengalines, whip cords, trills, plains or jascquards of similar fabrics, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the camel, alpaca, goat, or like animals, not exceeding in weight six ounces to the square yard, when im- ported in the gray or unfinished state for the pur- pose of being dyed or finished in Canada, under such regulations as are established by the Governor in Council .... .... .... Wool fabrics and manufactures, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like animal, n.e.s. .... Wool Hosiery, viz. : Socks and Stockings , . . . • ••• .... lo els. per doz. prs. and Wool Shawls .... .... .... .... Wool Waste .... .... .... .... Woollens, viz : Knitted goods of every description, includmg knitted underwear, n.e.s .... .... Woollens, viz : Manufactures composes wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal, viz., blankets and flannels of every description, cloths, doe-skins, casbimeres, tweeds, coatings, over-coatings and felt cloth, n.e.s .... .... 5 cts. per lb. and Woollen Rags .... .... Work Boxes .... .... Worsted Picture Cord .... Wringers. See Clothes Wringers. Writing Desks .... .... X. bUTV. 3 cts. per lb. 30 per cent. 22^ per cent. 30 pc cent. 35 per cent. 25 per cent. Free 35 per cent. • • • • 25 per cent. P'ree 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 35 per cent. Xylonite, Xyolite or Celluloid, in sheets and in lumps, blocks, or balls in the rough .... .... Free 120 DUTY. lb. nt. jnt. nt. ;nt. :nt. :nt. Int. ;nt. nt. nt. Y. Free 10 per 25 per cent, cent. Yachts, whether steam or sailing, constructed in, and imported from Great Britain, on application for Canadian register .... .... .... Yachts, built in any country other than Great Britain, upon applicatit»n for Canadian register, on hull, rigging and all appurtenances .... .... On Boilers, Steam Engines and other machinery . . Yachts, imported into Canada without registration, if built of wood, hull . . .... .... .... 25 per cent. machinery .... .... .... 27^ per cent. Yams and Sweet Potatoes .... .... 10 cts. per bush. Yarns, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal, costing twenty cents per pound and under .... . .... .... 5 cts. per lb. and 20 per cent. Yarns, woollen and worsted, n.e. s .... .... 30 per cent. Yarn, viz.: jute, flax or hemp yarn, plain, dyed or colored, when impoited by manufacturers of carpets, rugs and mats, and of jute webbing or iute cloth, and of twines, for use in iheir own XclCLOr 16S ••• *••• •••• «•• •••# X ciniSy CrOiF ••••' •••• ••*• •••• •••• Yarns, cotton, and cotton warps, dyed or undyed, n.e.s. Yarns, cotton, No. 40 and finer .... .... Yarns, mohair .... .... .... .... Yarn spun from the hair of the alpaca or of the angora goat, when imported by manufacturers of braids for use exclusively in theii factories in the manu- facture of such braids only, under such regulations as are adopted by the Controller of Customs .... Yarns, made of wool or worsted, when genapped, dyed or finished, and imported by manufacturers of braids, cords, tassels and fringes, to be used in the rnanufacture of such articles only in their own iAdv/ric.!!>* «( •••• •«■• •••• •«•• Yeast, compressed, in packages weighing less than fifty pounds^ the weight of the package in the latter case to be included in the weight for duly Yeast Compressed, in bulk or mass of not less than fifty pounds .... .... .... .... Yeast Cakes and baking powders, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty . . 121 Free. Free. 25 per cent. Free. Free. Free. Free. 6 cts. per lb. 3 cts. per lb. 6 cts. per lb. Yellow Metal, in bolts, bars and for sheathing DUTV. 20 per cent. Free. Zinc Dust or Indigo Auxiliary Free. Z'nc, in blocks, pigs and sheets, and zinc seamless drawn tubing Free. Zinc, salts of Free. Zinc, manufactures of, N. E. S 25 per cent. All goods not enumerated in this Act as subject to any other rate of duty, nor declared free of duty by this Act, and not being goods the importation whereof is by this Act or any other Act prohibited, shall be subject to a duty of twenty per cent. Any goods or packages being the growth, produce or manu- facture of Canada, and having been exported therefrom and in- tended to be returned, may be admitted free of duty on being re- imported to Canada : Provided such goods or packages were en- tered for exportation and branded or marked by a collector or pro- per officer of Customs, when fully identified by the collector or proper officer, at the port or place where they are so re-imported : And further provided, that the property in such goods or packages has continued in the same person or persons by whom they were exported, and that such re-importation takes place within one year of the exportation thereof. SCHEDULE C. PROHIBITED GOODS. Books, printed paper, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Reprints of Canadian copyright works, and reprints of British copy- rights works which have been also copyrighted in Canada. Coin, base or counterfeit. Oleomargarine, butterine or other similar substitute for butter. Tea adulterated with spurious leaf or with exhausted leaves, or containing so great an admixture of chemical or other dele- terious substances as to make it unfit for use. 122 1 Goods manufactured or produced wholly or in part by prison labour, or which have been made within or in connection with any prison, jail or penitentiary. The importation into Canada of any goods enumerated, described or referred to in Schedule C to this Act, is prohibited ; and any such goods if imported shall thereby become forfeited- to the Crown and shall be destroyed ; and any person importing any such prohibited goods, or causing or permitting them to be im- ported, shall for each offence incur a penalty of two hundred dollars. EXPORTS PROHIBITED. The export of deer, wild turkeys, quail, partridge, prairie fowl and woodcock, in the carcase or parts thereof, is hereby declared unlawful and prohibited ; and any person exporting or at- tempting to export any such article shall for each such offence incur a penalty of one hundred dollars, and the article so at- tempted to be exported shall be forfeited, and may, on rea- sonable cause of suspicion of intention to export, be seized by any officer of the Customs, and, if such intention is proved, shall be dealt with as for breach of the Customs' laws ; pro- vided, that this section shall not apply to the export, under such regulations as are made by the Governor in Council, of any carcase or part thereof of any deer raised or bred by any person, company or association of persons upon his or their own lands. PACKAGES. The following tariff of values for packages containing goods paying a specific duty is given as a guide in cases where such value cannot be otherwise obtained : — Acids, carboys containing acids $ i • So each. Ale, Beer and Porter — llhds, $4 each ; barrels, $3 each ; quart bottles, 30 cents per dozen ; pint bottles, 25 cents per dozen. Beans — bags 10 cents each. Brandy and Whiskey, puncheons, $6 ; hogsheads, $4 ; quarter casks, $3 ; octaves, $1.50 ; half octaves, $1 ; cases of i doz. bottles, 60 cents ; cases of 2 doz. flasks, no cups, 80 cents ; cases of 4 doz. flasks, no cups, $1.20 ; cases of 2 doz. flasks, with cups, $1; cases of 4 doz. flasks, with cups, $1.40; cases of i doz. decanters, $3. 123 m II Butter — Tub- and Firkins, of 25 lbs and over, i5 cts. each { undel? 25 lbs., 15 cts. each. Candles — Paraflfine Wax, boxes, 10 cents each. Cheese — Tubs, 40 cts. each ; cases, 20 cts. each ; boxes, 10 cts. each ; crocks, 30 cts. per doz. Chicory — Tins, 28 4bs., 35 cts. each ; Tins, 56 lbs., 50 cts, each. Cocoanut and Palm Oil, natural state — Hogsheads, $2.co each ; barrels, $1.00 each. Cocoanuts, bags, 10 cents each. Cocoanut — Barrels, 20 cts. each; pails, 20 lbs. , 14 cts. each ; 11 lbs., 12 cts. each; pails or cans, i lb., 4 cts. each; \^ lb., 3 cts. each ; ^ lb., i cent each ; bread boxes, 30 lbs., 65 cts. each ; tin caddies, 1 5 lbs. , 45 cts. each. Currants, dried — Barrels, 20 cts each ; half barrels, 10 cts. each ; caces, 20 cts. each ; half cases, 1 5 cts. each ; quarter cases, 7 CIS. each Fish — Codfish, boxes, i lb., i cent each ; 2 lbs., 2 cts. each ; 5 lbs , 3 cts., each ; 10 lbs., 5 cts. each ; 25 lbs., 6 cts. each ; 50 lbs., 12 cts. each ; 100 lbs., 20 cts. each ; 500 to 600 lbs., 75 cts. each ; Finnan Haddies, boxes, 30 lbs., 12 cts. each ; 50 lbs., 15 cts. each ; Herrings, kegs, 15 cts. each ; half kegs, 7 cts. each ; Mackerel, kits, 10 cts. each. Gin — Puns, $6.00 each ; hhds., $4.00 each ; quarter casks, $3.cx) each; octaves, $1.50 each; half octaves, $i.coeach; cases, I doz. quart bottles, 60 cts ; red cases, 80 cts. each ; yellow cases, 80 cts. each ; green cases, 60 cts. each ; blue cases, 60 cts. each ; green, white or blue half cases, 30 cts. each. Glucose— Barrels, 75 cts. each; half barrels, 50 cts. each; kegs, 10 gals., 40 cts. each. Grapes, kegs, 20 cts. each. Grease for soap stock — Tierces, $1.00 each ; barrels, 40 cts, each. Hams and Bacon, in pickle — Tierces, $1.25 each ; barrels, $i,co each ; dry packed, tierces, 40 cts. each ; barrels, cases or crates, 20 cts. each. Hops — Bales, 60 cts. and $1.00 each, according to size ; English being always larger than American bales. Jams and Jellies — Glass jars and earthenware pots — i lb., 13 cts. per doz. ; 2 lbs., 19 cts. per doz. ; 3 lbs., 24 cts. per doz. ; 4 lbs., 30 cts. per doz. ; 7 lbs., 50 cts. per doz ; 14 lbs,, 75 cts. per doz. ; tms, i lb., 20 cts. per doz. ; 2 lbs., 30 cts. per doz. ; 3 lbs., 35 cts. per doz. ; 4 and 5 lbs., 40 cts. per doz. j 6 lbs., 45 cts. per doz. ; 7 lbs., 50 cts. per doz. ; 14 lbs., 75 cts. per doz. 124 ,o, Lard — Tierces, 335 lbs,, $1.00 each ; barrels, 240 lbs, 90 cts. each ; half barrels, 100 lbs., 35 cts. each ; fancy tubs, 56 lbs., 20 cts. each ; kegs, 50 lbs , 25 cts. each ; wood buckets, 28 lbs., 15 cts. each; 20 lbs., 14 cts. each; 10 lbs., 10 cts. each; wooden cases in which tin pails are packed, to hold 60 lbs., 12 cts. each. Lime Juice, quart bottles, 60 cts, per doz. ; pint bottles, 40 cts. per doz. Nuts — Bags or boxes, 10 cts. each ; barrels or cases, 20 cts. each. Pease — bags, 10 cts. each. Pork — Barrels, N. O. P., $1.00 each. Prunes — Hogsheads, $1.00 each; barrels, 25 cts. each; kegs, 15 cts. each; cases, 15 cts. each ; half cases, 7 cts. each ; glass jars, 2 lbs. each, 25 cts. per doz. ; glass jars, 4 lbs. each, 40 cts. per doz. ; glass jars, 7 lbs. each, 55 cts. per doz. Rice — Barrels, 20 cts. each ; bags, 10 cts. each ; pockets, 5 cts. each. Salt— Glass jars, 25 cts. per doz. ; boxes, 10 cts. each. Seeds (free)— Cotton bags, containing, 16 cts. each ; jute bags, containing, 10 cts. each. Soap — Barrels or cases, 20 cts. each ; boxes, 10 cts. each. Starch — Boxes, 40 lbs., 10 cts. each ; 6 lbs., 5 cts. each. Vinegar — Hhds., $4.00 each ; quarter casks, $3.00 each ; cases, one doz. bottles, 60 cts. each ; demijohns, 5 gals., 35 cts. each ; 4 gals., 30 cts. each ; 3 gals., 20 cts. each ; 2 gals. 14 cts. each ; i gal., 10 cts. each ; /^ gal , 7 cts each. Wines — Puns, $6.00 each ; hogsheads, $4.00 each ; quarter casks, $3.00 each ; octaves, $1.50 each; half octaves, $1.00 each ; cases of i doz bottles, 60 cts. ; cases of 2 doz bott'es, 80 cts. r« ts. • » 75 125 ■nm CUSTOMS— CANADA. LIST OF PORTS, OUTPORTS AND PREVENTIVE STATIONS.* ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. I i I) Acadia, Outport, under Weymouth, N.S. Advocate Harbour, Outport, under Parrsboro', N.S. Agnes, W. P., Outport, under Cookshire, Q. Alberton, Outport, under Summerside, P.E.I. Alder Grove, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. Algoma Mills, W. P., Preventive Station, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Algoma Park, W. P., Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Alma, Outport, under Moncton, N.B. Almonte, W. P., Outport, under Ottawa, O. AMHERST, W. P., Port, N.S. Amherst, (Mgd. Island) Q. AMHERSTBURG, W. P., Port, O. Anderdon, Preventive Station, under Amherstburg, O. ANNAPOLIS, W. P., Port, N.S. ANTIGONISH, W. P., Port, N.S. Antigonish Harbour, Preventive Station, under Antigonish, N.S. Apple River, Outport, under Parrsboro', N.S. ARICHAT, W. P., Port, N.S. Arnprior, W. P. , Outport, under Ottawa, O. Aroostook Junction, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock,N.B. Aspey Bay, Outport, under Baddeck, N.S. Athelstan, Outport, under Hemmingford, Q.. Aultsville, Outport, under Cornwall, O. Aylmer, Outport, under St. Thomas, Ont. Black Bay, Preventive Station, under St. Andrews, N.B. BADDECK, W. P., Port, N.S. Note.— Goods are not to be manifestd to points marked * until further ordei^, 126 te. O. 5h, ,B. \. :her Bale Verte, Outport, under Sackville, N.H. Barnston, Preventive Station, under Coaticook, Q. Barrie, Outport, under Toronto, O. HARRINGTON, W. P., Port, N.S. Bass River, Preventive Station, under Truro, N.S. Bath, Outport, under Kingston, O. Batiscan, Outport, under Three Rivers, Q. BATHURST, W. P., Port, N.B. Bayfield, Outport, under Antigonish, N.S. Bay Fortune, Preventive Station, uuder Charlottetown, P E.I. Bear River, W. P., Outport, under Digby, N.S. Beauce, Outport, under Quebec, Q. Beaver Harbour, Preventive Station, under St. Andrews, N.B. Belliveau's Cove, Outport, under Weymouth, N.S. Belle River, Outport, under Windsor, O. BELLEVILLE, W. P., Port, O. BERLIN, W. P., Port, O. Bertsimis, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. Berwick, W. P., Outport, under Kentville, N.S. Black River Bridge, Preventive Station, under Picton, O. Blenheim and Rondeau, Outport, under Chatham, O. Bloomfield, Preventive Station, under Woodstock, N.B. Boundary Line, Preventive Station, under Coaticook, Q. BOWMANVILLE, W. P., Port, O. Brampton, W. P., Outport, under Toronto, O. Brandon, Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. BRANTFORD, W. P., Port, O. BRIDGETOWN, W. P., Port, N.S. Bridgewater, W. P., Outport, under Lunenburg, N.S. Brighton, W. P., Outport, under Cobourg, O. BROCKVILLE, W. P., Port, O Bruce Mines, Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Buctouche, W. P., Outport, under Chatham, N.B. Byng Inlet, Preventive Station, under Collingwood, O, Caledonia, Outport, under Sydney, N.S. Calgary, W. P., Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Carnpb ell ford, W. P., Outport, under Belleville, O. Campbellton, W. P., Outport, under Dalhousie, N.B. Campobello, W. P., Outport, under St. Andrews, N.B, 12/ IJ: Hi: \i [1 if. Canada Creek, Outport, under Kentville, N.S. Canning, Outport, under Kentville, N.S. CANSO, W. P., Port, N.S. Canterbury Station, Preventive Station, under Woodstock, N.B. Cape Cove, Preventive Station, under Perce, Q. Cape George, Preventive Station, under Antigonish, N.S. Cape Sable Island, Preventive Station, under Bariington, N.S. Cape Traverse, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Caraquette, W. P., Outport, under Bathurst, N.B. Cardigan, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I, Cardinal, Outport, under Prescott, O. Carleton, Preventive Station, under New Carlisle, Q. Carleton Place, W. P., Outport, under Ottawa, O. Centreville, Outport, under Woodstock, N. B. Chance Harbour, Preventive Station, under St. John, N.B. CHARLOTTETOWN, W. P. Port, P. E. I. CHATHAM, W. P., Port, N. B. CHATHAM, W. P., Port, O. Chemainess, Preventive Station, under Nanaimo, B. C. Chester, Outport, under Lunenburg, N. S. Cheticanip, Preventive Station, under Port Hood, N. S. Cheverie, Outport, under Windsor, N. S. Chicoutimi, Outport, under Quebec, Q. China Point, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P. E. I. Chippawa, W. P., Outport, under Niagara Falls, O. Clarenceville, Outport, under St. Johns, Q. Clark's Harbour, Preventive Station, under Barrington N. S. Clementsport, Outport, under Annapolis, N. S. Clifton, W. P., Outport, under Truro, N. S. Clinton, W. P., Outport, under Goderich, O. COATICOOK, W. P., Port, Q. COBOURG, W. P., Port, O. Cocaigne, Outport, under, Moncton, N. B. Cockburn Island, Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Colchester, Preventive Station, under Amherstburg, O. Colo's Ferry, Preventive Station, under Brockville, O, 128 )ck, .S. on, wn, B. >. kvn, ton ). Collins' Bay, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. COLLING WOOD, VV. P., Port, O. Coniox, VV. P., Outport, under Nanaimo, B. C. COOKSHIRE, W. P., Port, Q. Consccun, Preventive Station, under Picton, O. CORNWALL, W. P., Port, O. Country Harbour, Preventive Station, under Canso, N. S. Courtwright, Preventive Station, under Sarnia, O. Coutts, Outport, under Lethbridge, N. W. T. Cow Bay, Outport, under Sydney, N. S. Craniahe, W. P..; Outport, under Cobourg, O. Crapaud, Outport, under Charlottetown, P E. I. CrOw Harbour, Preventive Station, under Canso, N. S. Crystal Beach, Preventive Station, under Fort Erie, O. DALHOUSIE, W. P., Port, N. B. Debec, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock, N. B. Deloraine, W. P., Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Descousse, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N. S. DESERONTO, W. P , Port, O. DIGBY, W. P., Port, N.S. DORCHESTER, W. P., Port, N.B. Douglas, W. P., Outport, under New Westminster, B.C. Dover, W. P., Outport, under Simcoe, O. Duck Island, Preventive Station, under Windsor, O. Dundas, W. P., Outport, under Hamilton, O. Dundee, Outport, under Montreal, Q. Dunnville, W. P., Outport, under Hamilton, O. East Chezzetcook, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S. East Point, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown,?. E.I. Economy, W. P., Outport, under Truro, N.S. Edmundston, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock, N.B. Egmont Bay, Preventive Station, under Summerside, P.E.I. Emerson, W. P., Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Escoumains, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. Esquimau, Preventive Station, under Victoria, B.C. Esquimaux Point, Outport, under Gaspe, Q. Essex Centre, Preventive Station, under Amherstburg, O, Father Point, Preventive Station, under Rimouski, Q. Fighting Island, Preventive Station, under Windsor, O. Fish River, Preventive Station, under Woodstock, N.B, Five Islands, Outport, under Parrsboro', N.S. I 129 i H •' ■ : ■ ;!•. ■:-.•*:!. :■ :•■■ ■ ' 'J . ' :s-. :/lt Ii L' -Ml. ef Florenceville, Preventive Station, under Woodstock, N.B. Fort Covington, N. York, Preventive Station, under Mon- treal, P.O. FORTERIB. W. P., Port, O. FORT M'LBOD, W. P., Port, Alberta. Fort Walsh, Preventive Station, Alberta. Fort William, W. P., Outport, under Port Arthur, O. Foucher, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N.S. Foul Bay, Preventive Station, under Victoria, B.C. FRBDERICTON, W. P., Port, N.B. Freeport, Outport, under Digby, N.S. Frelighsburg, Outport, under St. Johns, Q. French Cross, Outport, under Kentville, N.S. French River, Preventive Station, under Owen Sound, O. Frontier, Preventive Station, under Hemmingford, Q. Gaberouse Bay, Outport, under Sydney, N.S. OALT, W. P., Port O. GANANOQUE, W. P., Port, O. Garden Island, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. GASPE, W. P., Port, Q. Georgetown, W. P., Outpc t, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Georgeville, Outport, under Stanstead, Q. Glace Bay, Outport, under Sydney, N.S. Glenora, Pioventive Station, under Victoria, B.C. GODERICH, W. P., Port, O. Gore Bay, Preventive Station, under Sault St- Marie, O. Grafton, Outport, undet Cobourg, O. Grand Falls, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock, N.p>. Grandique, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N.S. Grand Narrows, Preventive Station, under North Sydney, N.S. Grand River, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Granville Ferry, Preventive Station, under Annapolis. N.S. Great Brasd'Or, W. P., Outport, under Baddeck, N.S. Grenville, Preventive Station, under Ottawa, O. Gretna, W.P., Preventive Station, under Winnipeg, Man, GUELPH, W.P., Port, O. Guysboro', W.P., Outport, under Canso, N.S. Hagersville, W.P., Outport, under Hamilton, O. HALIFAX, W.P., Port, N.S. HAMILTON, W.P., Port, O. i B. L.I, ey, .b. Hantsport, Outport, under Windsor, N.S. Harbour au Houche, Outport, under Antigonish, N.S. Harbourville, Outport, under Kentville, N.S. Harvey, Outport, under Moncton, N.B. HEMMINGFORD, W.P , Port, Q. Hereford, Outport, under Cookshire, Q. Hillsboro', W.P., Outport, under Moncton, N.B. HOPE, W.P., Port, O. House Harbour (Magdalen Islands), Q. Hubbard's Cove, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S. Huntingdon, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. Isaac Harbour. Outport, under Canso, N.S. Island Pond (Vermont), Preventive Station, under Coati- cook, Q. Ingersoll, W. P., Outport, under Woodstcick, O. Ingonish, W. P., Outport, under Baddeck ,.S. Iroquois, W. P., Outport, under Moriisbu O. Jeddore, Preventive Station, under Halifax. N.S. Joliette, W. P.. Outport, under Montreal, Q. Jones* Creek, Preventive Station, under Brockville, O. Jordan Bay, Outport, under Shelburne, N.S. Kamloops, W. P., Outport, under New Westminster, B.C. KENTVILLE, W. P., Port, N.S. Kettle River, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. Killirney, Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Killarney, W. J?., Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Kmcardine, W. P., Outport, under Goderich, O. KINGSTON, W. P., Port, O. Kingston, Preventive Station, under Chatham, N.B. Kingsviile, W. P., Outport, under Amherstburg, O. Knowlton's Landing, Preventive Station under Potton, Q. Kootenay, Outport, under New Westminster, B.C. Kootenaylake, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, iJ.C. LacoUe, Outport, under St. John's, Q. Ladner's Landing, Preventive Station, under New West- minster, B.C. Lahave, W, P., Outport, under Lunenbuig, N.S. 131 :i'i III ill i ■ *-:Xr iiliii lfi!f Lahave River, (mouth of), Preventive Station, under Lunen- burg, N.S. , Lambton, Preventive Station, under Wallaceburg, O. 1/Ardose, Outport, under Arichat, N.S. Leamington, VV. P., Out)Dort, under Amherstburg, O. Lennox Passa^^e, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N.S. LETHBRIDGE, VV. P., Port, Alberta. Lepreaux, Outport, under St. John, N.B. LINDSAY, W. P., Port, O. Lingan, Preventive Station, under Sydney, N.S. Liscomb, Outport, under Canso, N.S. Listowe), Outport, under Stratford, O. Little Current, W. P., Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O Little Bras d'Or, Outport, under Nortli Sydney, N.S. LIVERPOOL, W. P., Port, N.S. LOCKEPORT, W. P., Port, N.S. LONDON, VV. P., Port, O.^ Londonderry, W. P., Outport, under Truro, N.S. Longueuil, Preventive Station, under Montreal, Q. Louisburg, Outport, under Sydney, N.S. Lowei Andover, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock, N.B. LUNENBURG, VV. P., Port, N.S. Mabou, VV. P., Outport, under Port Hood, N.S. Madaline River"'', Outport, under Gasp'^, Q- Magdalen Islands, W. P., Outport, under Quebec, Q. Magog, VV. P., Outport, under Stanstead, Q. Mahone Bay, W. P., Outport, under Lunenburg, N.S. Main a Dieu, Outport, under Sydney, N.S. Maitiand, W. P., Outport, under Prescott, O. Maitland, W. P., Outport, under Windsor, N.S. Malignant Cove. Preventive Station, under Antigonish, N.S. Mallorytown, Preventive Station, under Gananoque, O. Malpeque, Outport, under Summerside, P.E.I. Manitowaning, Preventive Station, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Mansonville Station, Preventive Station, under Potton. Q. Maple Creek, Preventive Station, under Lethbridgei Alberta. Margaree, Outport, under Port Hood, N.S. MARGARETSVILLE, W. P., Port, N.S. Margaretsville, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. Matane, Outport, under Rimouski, Q. McAdam's Junction, W. P., Outport, under St. John, N.B. 132 en O. -I ■i LS. 1,0. irta. I ^.B. Meaford, W. P., Outport, under Collingvvood, 0. Mericromish, Outport, under Pictou. N.S. Meteghan, Outport, under Weymouth, N.S. Metis, Preventive Station, under Rimouski. Q. Middle St. Francis, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock. N.B. Midland, W, P., Outport, under Toronto, O. Milford, Outport, under Picton, i). Milltown, W. P., Outj)ort, under St. Stephens, N.B. Mineral Springs, Preventive Station, Windsor, O. Mitchell, W. P., Outport, under Stratford, O. MONCTON, W. P., Port, N.B. Montague Bridge, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Montmagny, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. MONTREAL, W. P., Port, Q. Mooretown, Preventive Station, under Sarnia, O. Moose Factory, Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Moosomin, Preventive Station, under Winnipeg, Man. Morden, '* " " Winnipeg, Man. MORRISBURG, W. P., Port, O. Mouth of Bear River, Preventive Station, under Digby, N.S Mud Bay, Pieventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. Murray Harbour, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Musquash, Outport, under St. John, N.B. Musquodoboit, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S. NANAIMO, W. P.. Port, B. C. NAPANEE, W. P., Port, O. Navy Island, Preventive vStation, under Niagara Falls, O. Nelson , W. P., Outport, under New Westminster, B.C. New Bandon, Outport, under Bathurst, N.B. NEWCASTLE, W. P., Port, N.B. NEW CARLISLE, W. P., Port, Q. New Glasgow, Preventive Station, under London, O. New Glasgow, W. P., Outport, under Pictou, N.S. New Haven, Preventive Station, under Baddeck, N.S. New London, Preventive Station, under Charletlown, P.E. L New Richmond, Preventive Station, under New Carlisle, Q. NEW WESTMINSTER. W. P., Port, B.C. NIAGARA, W. P., Port, O. NIAGARA FALLS, W. P., Port, O. Noel, Preventive Station, under Windsor, N.S. ^33 North East Harbour, Preventive Station, under Shelburne, N.S. North Head, Outport, under St. Andrews, N.li. North^port, Preventive Station, under Picton, O. Northport, W. P., Outport, under Amherst, N. S. North River, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P.E.I NORTH SYDNEY, W. P., Port, N.S. Oak Bay, Preventive Station, under Victoria, B.C. Oakville, W. P., Outport, under Hamilton, O. Orangeville, W. P., Outport, under Toronto, O. OrilHa, W. P., Outport, under Toronto, O. Orwell, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. OSHAWA, W. P., Port, O. Osoyoos, Outport, under New Westminster, B.C. OTTAWA, W. P., Port, O. OWEN SOUND, W. P., Port, O. Oyster Harbour, Preventive Station, under Nanaimo, B. C. PARIS, W. P., Port O. Parks Hill, Preventive Station, under Woodstock, N.B. PARRSBORO', W. P., Port, N.S. Parry Sound, Outport, under Coilingwood, O. Paspebiac, Preventive wStation, under New. Carlisle, Q. Pelee Islands, (see Southport) Pembroke, W. P., Outport, under Ottawa, O. Penetanguishene, W. P., Outport, under Toronto, O. PERCE, W. P„ Port, q. Perth, W. P., Outport, under Ottawa, O. PETERBORO*. W. P., Port, O. Petite Cove, Outport, under Windsor, O. Petit de Grat, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N.S. Petrolia, W. P., Outport, under Sarnia, 0. Philipsburg, Outport, under St. Armand, Q. Pickering, Preventive Station, under Whitby, O. PICTON, W. P., Port, O. PICTOU, W. P., Port, N.S. Pinette, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Point Abino, Preventive Station, under Fort Erie, O. Point Brule, Preventive Station, under Pictou, N.S. Point Edward, W. P., Outport, under Sarnia, O. Portage Island, Preventive Station, under Chatham, N.B. Portage la Prairie, W. P., Outport under Winnipeg, Man. , le. :.i c. .B. an. Portsmouth, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. Port Alexander, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. PORT ARTHUR, W. P., Port, O. Port Bruce, Preventive Station, under under St. Thomas, O. Port Burwell, W. P , Outport, under St. Thomas, Ont. Port Colborne, Outport, under St. Catharines, O. Port Credit, Preventive Station, under Torento, O. Port Dalhousie, Outport, under St. Catharines. O. Port Daniel, Preventive Siation, under New Carlisle, Q. Port George. W. P., Outport, under Margaretsville, N.S. Port Gilbert, W. P., Outport, under Weymouth, N.S. Port Greville, Outport, under Parrsboro', N.S. PORT HAWKESBURY, W. P., Port, N.S. Port Hastings, W.P., Outport, under Pott Hawkesbury, N.S. Port Hill, Outport, under Summerside, P.E.I. PORT HOOD, W. P., Port, N S. PORT HOPE, W. P., Port, 0. Port Latour, Outport, under Barrington, N.S. Port Lome, W. P., Outport, under Bridgetown, N.S. Port Macoon, Preventive Station, under Liverpool, N.S. Port Medway, W. P., Outport, under Liverpool, N.S. Port Metcalf, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. Port Moody, Preventive Station, under Vancouver, B.C. Port Mulgrave, W. P. Outport, under Port Hawkesbury, N.S. Port Robinson, Outport, under St. Catharines, O. Port Rowan, Outport, under Simcoe, 0. Port Ryerse, W. P,^, Outport, under Simcoe, O. Port Stanley, W. P., Outport, under St. Thomas, O. Port Williams, W. P., Outport, under Kentville, N.S. POTTON, Port, Q Pownal, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P.E.L PRESCOTT, W. P., Port, O. Preston, W. P., Outport, under Gait, O. Princeport, Preventive Station, under Truro, N.S. Prinyer, Outport, under Picton, O. Pubnico, Outport, under Yarmouth, N.S. Puqfwash, W. P., Outport, under Amherst, N.S. Qiiaco, Outport, under St. John, N.B. aUEBEC. W. P., Port, Q. Queenston, VV. P., Outport, under Niaijara, O. Rat Portage, W. P., Outport, under Port Arthur, O. |!i MJ: ii .1.; Regina, W. P., Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Renfrew, W. P., Outport, under Ottawa, O. Richibucto, W. P., Outport, under Chatham, N.B. Richmond, W. P., Outport, under Sherbrooke, O. Ridgetown, W. P., Outport, under Chatham, O. RIMOUSKI, W. P., Port, Q. River Hebert, Outport, under Amherst, N.S. River John, Preventive Station, under Pictou, N.S. Riviere aux Canards, Preventive Station, under Amherst- burg, O. Riviere Bourgeoise, Outport, under Arichat, N.S. Riviere du Loup, W. P., Outport, under Quebec, O. Riviere Ouelle, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. Riviere Pentecote, Preventive Station, under Queber, Q, Rockland, Outport, under Dorchester, N.B. Rockport, Outport, under Sackville, N.B. Rockport, Outport, under Gananoque, O. Rollo Bay, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Romney, Preventive Station, under Chatham, O. Rondeau and Blenheim, Outport, under Chatham, O. Rouse's Point (N.Y.), Preventive Station, under St. Johns, Q. Roxham, Preventive Station, under Hemmingford, Q. Ru3seltown, Outport, under Hemmingford, Q. Rustico, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E. I. Saanich, Preventive Station, under Nanaimo, B.C. SACKVILLE, W. P., Port, N.B. Salmon Point, Preventive Station, under Picton, O. Salmon River, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S. Salmon River, W. P., Outport, under Yarmouth, N.S. Sand Point, Preventive Station, under Shelburne. N.S. Sandwich, Preventive Station, under Windsor, O. Sandy Cove, Outport, under Digby, N.S. SARNIA, W. P., Port, O. Sault au Cochon, Preventive Station, under Quebec, O. SAULT STB. MARIE, W. P., Port, O. Seaforth, W. P., Outport, under Goderich, O. Seal Cove, Preventive Station, under St. Andrews, N.B. Shag Harbour, Preventive Station, under Barrington, N.S. Shannonville, Preventive Station, under Belleville, O. SHERBROOKE, W. P., Port, Q. Sherbrooke, W. P., Outport, under Canso, N.S. 136 :rst- L.I. Shtuiac, W. P., Outport, under Moncton, N.B. Sheet Harbour, Outport, under Halifax, N.S. SHELBURNE, VV. P., Port, N.S. Ship Harbour, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S. Shippigan, W. P., Outport, under Bathurst, N.H. Shislers Point, Preventive Station, under Fort Erie, O. SIMCOE, W. P., Port, O. Smith's Falls, W. P., Outport, under Brockville, O. Sombra, Preventive Station, under Wallaceburg, O. Sonora, Preventive Station, under Canso, N.S. SOREL, W. P., Port, Q. Souris, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Southampton, W. P., Outport, under Goderich, O. South JJar, Preventive Station, under Sydney, N.S. South Fredericksburg, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O, South Port, Outport, under Amherstburg, O. Spanish River, W. P., Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. Spring Hill, W. P., Outport, under Amherst^ N.S. Spry Bay, Preventive Station, under Halifax, N.S, STANSTEAD, W. P., Port, Q. Stanstead Junction, Outport, under Stanstead, Q. Steep Creek, Outport, under Port Hawksbury, N.S. Stickeen, W. P., Outport, under Victoria, B.C. Stony Point, Preventive Station, under Windsor, O. STRATFORD, W. P., Port, O. Strathroy, W. P., Outport, under London, O. Streetsville, W. P., Outport, under Toronto, O. St. Ann's, W. P., Outport, under Baddeck, N.S. St. Anne des Monts"^, Outport, under Gaspe, Q. ST. ANDREWS. W. P., Port, N.B. ST. ARMAI^D, W. P., Port, Q. ST. CATHARINES, W. P., Port, O. St. Clair Flats, Preventive Station, under Wallaceburg, O. St. George, W. P., Outport, under St. John, N.B. ST. HYACINTHE, W. P., Port, Q. St. Jerome, W. P., Outport, under Montreal, Q. ST. JOHN, W. P., Port, N.B. ST. JOHNS, W. P., Port, Q. St. Joseph's Island, Preventive Station, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. St. Leonards, W. P., Outport, under Woodstock, N.B. ^17 \^ ■ i ; U M 'I i;' St. Mary, W, P., Outport, under Stratford, O. St. Mary's, W. P., Outport, under Lelhbridge, Alberta. St. Mary's River, VV. P., Outport, under Canso, N.S. St. Peters, W. P., Outport, under Arichat, N.S. St. Peters, Outport, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. Su Regis, Outport, under Montreal, Q. ST. STEPHEN, W. P., Port, N.B. ST. THOMAS, W. P., Port, 0. Sudbury, Outport, under Sault Ste. Marie, O. SUMMERSIDE, W. P., Port, P.E.I. Sussex, W. P., Outport, under St. John, N.B. SUTTON, W. P. Port, Q. SYDNEY, W. P., Port, N.S. Tadousac, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. Tatamagouche, W. P., Outport, under Pictou, N.S. The Cape, Preventive Station, under Chatham, N.B, THREE RIVERS, W. P., Port, Q. Thome's Cove, Outport, uuder Annapolis, N.S. Thorold, W. P., Outport, under St. Catharines, O. Tidnish, Outport, under Amherst, N.S. Tignish, Outport, under Summerside, P.E.I. Tilsonburg, W.P., Outport, under Simcoe, O. Tiverton, Preventive Station, under Disby, N.S. TORONTO, W. P., Port, O. " Tracadie, W. P., Outport, under Bathurst, N.B. Tracadie, Preventive Station, nnder Charlottetown, P.E.I. Trail Creek, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. TRENTON, W. P., Port, O. Trinity Bay, Preventive Station, under Quebec, Q. Trout River, Outport, under Montreal, Q. TRURO, W. P., Port, N.S. Tusket, Preventive Station, under Yarmouth, N.S. Tusket Wedge, W. P., Outport, under Yarmouth, N. S. Upper Mills, Preventive Station, under St. Stephen, N.B. Upper Sumas, Preventive Station, under New Westminster, B.C. Valieyfield, W. P., Outport, under St. Johns, Q. VANCOUVER, W. P., Port, B.C. Vernon River, Preventive Station, under Charlottetown, P.E.I. 138 VICTORIA, W. P., Port, B.C. Virtoria Pier, Preventive Station, under Sydney, N.S. Vogler's Cove, Preventive Station, under Lunenburg, N.S. Wakopa, Preventive^Station, under Winnipeg, Man. Walkerton, W. P., Outport, under Guelph, O. Walkerville, Outport, under Windsor, (). Wallace, W. P., Outport, under Amherst, N.S. WALLACEBURG, W. P., Port, O. Walton, Outport, under Windsor, N.S. Waterside, Preventive Station, Moncton, N.B. Welland, Preventive Station, under St. Catharines, O. Weller's Bay, W. P., Outport, under Piclon, 0. Wellington, Outport, under Picton, O. Wellington Square, Outport, under Hamilton, O. West Arichat, Preventive Station, under Arichat, N.S. West Bay, Preventive Station, under Parrsboro, N.S. West Bay, Preventive Station, under Port Havvkesbury, N.S. West Cape, Preventive Station, under Summerside, F.E.I. West Isles, W. P., Outport, under St. Andrew's, N.B. West Lynn, Preventive Station, under Winnipeg, Man. Westmoreland Point, Preventive Station, under Sackville, Westpoint, Preventive Station, under Picton, O. [N.B. Westport, O itport, under Digby, N.S. WEYMOUTH, W. P., Port, N.S. WHITBY, W. P., Port, O. White Haven, Preventive Station, under Canso, N.S. Whitehead, Preventive Station, under Canso, N.S. Wiarton, W. P.. Outport, under Stratford, O. WINDSOR, W. P., Port, N.S. WINI.SOR, W.P., Port, O. Wingham, W. P., Outport, under Goderich, 0. WINNIPEG, W. P., Port, Man. Wolf Island, Preventive Station, under Kingston, O. Woli'ville, W. P., Outport, under Kentville, N.S. Wood Harbour, Preventive Station, under Barrington, N.S. Wood Mountain, Preventive Station, N.W.T- WOODSTOCK, W. P., Port, O. WOODSTOCK, W. P., Port, N.B. YARMOUTH, W. P., Port, N.S. York Factory, Outport, under Winnipeg, Man. Young's Millsj Preventive Station, under Brockville, O. m i 11 Ml H Ml < I'i'i III " II Values of Foreic-n Coins. Country. Argentine Re- public Austria - Hun- gary Belgium Bolivia Brazil Central Ameri- • can States — Costa Rica . . Guatamala. . . Honduras . . . Nicaragua . . . Salvador Chili China Colombia Cuba Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland France German Empire Greece Hayti Tndia Standard. (iold and Silver. Gold Gold and Silver. Silver Gold y Silver. Gold and Silver. Silver Silver ........ Gold and Silver. Gold Silver Gold. Gold.... Gold and Silver. Gold Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver. Silver Monetary Unit. Peso, Crown Franc . . . Boliviano , Milreis. . . Peso Peso Tael: Shanghai . , Haikwan . , (Customs.) Peso Peso Crown Sucre Pound ( I oo piastres). Mark., Franc Mark.. . . Drachma Gourde Rupee. . Value yi Canadian Currency. $0*96, 5 •20,3 •19.3 •53.1 .54,6 •53.1 •91.2 78,4 •87,4 •S3.I •92,6 •26,8 •53,1 4*94»3 •19.3 •19,3 •23,8 •19,3 •96,5 •25,2 140 Values of Foreign Coins.— Continued. ( Country. Italy .. . Japan . Liberia. Mexico Netherlands .. Newfoundland Norway Peru . . . . Portugal. Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland . . . Tripoli . Turkey Venezuela. Standard. Gold and Silver. *Gold andSilver Gold Silver Gold Gold and ^Silver Gold Gold Silver Gold ., tSilver, Gold and Silver. Gold Gold and Silver. Silver Gold., lold and Silver. MoUetary Unit. Value in Canadian Currency. Lira •19,3 •99,7 •57,3 1. 00 Yen: Gold Silver Dollar Dollar •57,7 •98,3 •40.2 101,4 •26.8 Dollar Florin Dollars Crown Sol •53.1 I -08 Milreis Ruble : Gold •77,2 •42,5 •19,3 •26,8 Silver Peseta Crown Franc •19,3 •47,9 '04,4 •19,3 Mahbubof2C Piastre ►piastres Bolivar *n. ^Goid the nominal standard. Silver practically the standard. fSilvcr the nominal standard. Paper the actual currency, the depreciation of which is measured by the gold standard. it 1 p u 141 STERLING TABLE AT 9^ OR Par of Exchange. POUND STG. $1.8(;§. Pence Cts. £ •1 c. £ 1 2 7 34 07 51 2 4 8 38 93 52 3 6 9 43 80 5.{ 4 8 10 48 07 54 5 10 11 53 53 55 12 12 58 40 56 7 14 13 63 27 57 8 16 14 68 13 58 9 18 15 73 00 59 10 20 16 77 87 60 11 22 17 82 73 61 12 24i 18 87 ^'0 62 19 92 i7 63 Shil'8. 20 97 33 64 21 102 20 65 1 244 22 107 07 66 2 48| 23 111 93 67 3 73 24 116 80 68 4 97A 25 121 67 69 5 1 21§ 26 126 53 70 6 1 46 27 131 40 71 7 1 704 28 136 27 72 8 1 941 29 141 13 73 9 2 19 30 146 00 74 10 2 434 31 150 87 75 11 2 67| 32 155 73 76 12 2 92 33 160 60 77 13 3 164 34 165 47 78 14 3 40| 35 170 33 79 16 3 65 36 175 20 80 16 3 894 37 180 07 81 17 4 13| 38 184 93 82 18 4 38 39 189 80 83 19 4 62 40 194 67 84 20 4 86S 41 199 53 85 42 204 40 86 £ $ c. 43 209 27 87 44 214 13 88 1 4 87 45 219 00 89 2 9 73 46 223 87 90 3 14 60 47 228 73 91 4 19 47 48 233 60 92 6 24 33 49 238 47 93 6 29 20 50 243 33 94 Jf c. 248 20 253 07 257 93 262 80 267 67 272 53 277 40 282 27 287 13 292 CO 296 87 301 73 306 60 311 47 316 33 321 20 326 07 330 93 335 80 340 67 345 53 350 40 355 27 360 13 365 00 369 87 374 73 379 60 384 47 389 33 394 20 309 07 403 93 408 80 413 67 418 53 423 40 428 27 433 13 438 00 442 87 447 73 452 60 457 47 £ 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 i::4 135 136 137 138 $ c. 462 33 467 20 472 07 476 93 481 80 486 67 491 63 496 40 501 27 506 13 511 00 515 87 520 73 525 60 530 47 535 33 540 20 545 07 549 93 554 80 559 67 564 53 569 40 574 27 579 13 584 00 588 87 593 73 598 60 603 47 608 33 613 20 618 07 622 93 627 80 632 67 637 63 642 40 647 27 652 13 657 00 661 87 606 73 671 60 J ■ STERLING TABLE at 9J or Par op Exchange— Continued. £ $ c. £ $ c. £ $ 0. £ $ c. 139 676 47 182 885 73 224 1090 13 2G0 1294 53 140 681 33 183 890 80 225 1095 00 267 1299 40 141 686 20 184 895 47 226 1099 87 268 1304 27 142 691 07 185 900 S3 227 1104 73 269 1309 13 143 695 93 186 905 20 228 1109 60 270 1314 00 144 700 80 187 910 07 229 1114 47 271 1318 87 145 705 67 188 914 93 230 1119 33 272 1323 73 146 710 63 189 919 80 231 1124 20 273 1328 60 147 715 40 190 924 67 232 1129 07 274 1333 47 148 720 27 191 929 53 233 1133 93 275 1338 33 149 725 13 192 934 40 234 1138 80 276 1343 20 150 730 00 193 939 27 235 1143 67 277 1348 07 151 734 87 194 944 13 236 1148 53 278 1352 93 152 739 73 195 949 00 237 1153 40 279 1357 80 153 744 60 196 953 87 238 1158 27 280 1362 67 154 749 47 IW 958 73 239 1163 13 281 1367 53 155 754 33 198 963 60 240 1168 00 282 1372 40 156 759 20 199 968 47 241 1172 87 283 1377 27 157 764 07 200 973 33 242 1177 73 284 1382 13 158 768 93 201 978 20 243 1182 60 ^285 1387 00 159 773 80 202 983 07 244 1187 47 286 1391 87 160 778 67 203 987 93 245 1192 33 287 1396 73 161 783 63 204 992 80 246 1197 20 288 140160 162 788 40 205 997 67 247 1202 07 289 1406 47 163 793 27 206 1002 53 248 1206 93 290 1411 33 164 798 13 207 1007 40 249 1211 80 291 1416 20 165 803 00 208 1012 27 250 1216 67 292 1421 07 166 807 87 209 1017 13 251 1221 53 293 1425 93 167 812 73 210 1022 00 252 1226 40 294 1430 80 168 817 60 211 1026 87 253 1231 27 295 1435 67 169 822 47 212 1031 73 254 1236 13 296 1440 53 170 827 33 213 1036 60 255 1241 00 297 1445 40 171 832 20 214 1041 47 256 1245 87 298 1450 27 172 837 07 215 1046 33 257 1250 73 299 1455 13 173 841 93 216 1051 20 258 1255 60 300 1460 00 174 846 80 217 1056 07 259 1260 47 400 1946 67 175 851 67 218 1060 93 260 '265 33 500 2433 33 176 866 53 219 1065 80 261 1270 20 600 2920 00 177 861 40 220 1070 67 262 1275 07 700 3406 67 178 866 27 221 1075 53 263 1279 93 800 3893 33 179 871 13 222 1080 40 264 1284 80 900 4380 00 180 876 00 223 1085 27 265 1289 67 1000 4866 67 181 880 87 : tl H < . * ! • » III Table OP Belgian, French and Swiss Francs, Spanish Pesetas, Grecian Drachmas, and Italian Livres. Customs value, each, 19.3 cents. 0) TS i i and i B 0) 1 4 a . 1 22 c3 8 •« § sl i §1 a -3 v 1 f^ 2 -SO -SO 2 -oO 2 r N P £ ft ^ ft & . 1 19 31 5 98 61 11 77 91 17 56 2 39 32 6 11 62 11 97 92 17 7'-. 3 58 33 6 37 63 12 16 93 17 95 4 77 34 6 "^6 64 12 35 94 18 14 5 97 35 6 76 65 12 55 95 IS 34 6 1 16 36 6 95 66 12 74 96 18 53 7 1 35 37 7 14 67 12 93 97 18 72 8 1 54 38 7 33 68 13 12 98 18 91 9 1 74 39 7 5;^ 69 13 32 99 19 11 10 1 93 40 7 "' 70 13 61 100 19 3> 11 2 12 41 7 71 13 70 150 28 9:> 12 2 32 42 8 li 72 13 90 200 38 GO i:^ 2 51 43 8 30 73 14 09 300 57 90 14 2 70 44 8 49 ■ 74 14 28 400 77 20 15 2 90 45 8 69 75 14 48 500 9(i 50 16 3 09 46 8 88 76 14 67 600 115 80 17 3 28 47 9 07 77 14 86 700 135 JO 18 3 47 48 9 26 78 15 05 800 151 40 19 3 67 49 9 46 79 15 25 900 173 70 20 3 86 50 9 65 80 15 44 1000 193 00 21 4 05 51 9 84 81 15 63 2000 386 00 22 4 25 52 10 04 ! 82 15 83 2500 482 50 23 4 44 53 10 23 1 83 16 02 3000 579 00 24 4 03 54 10 42 ' 84 16 21 4000 772 00 25 4 83 55 10 62 85 16 41 5000 965 00 26 5 02 56 10 81 86 16 60 6000 1158 00 27 5 21 57 11 00 87 16 79 7000 1351 00 28 6 40 58 11 19 88 16 98 8000 1544 00 29 5 60 59 11 39 89 17 18 9000 1737 00 30 5 79 60 11 58 90 17 37 10000 1930 00 7 21) (> 50 r> 80 5 JO 4 40 :\ 70 :i00 ()00 i 50 !)00 2 00 5 00 8 00 I 00 4 00 7 00 00 TABLE OP Marks op German Empire. Customs value, Mark 23.8 cents. m i 1 • 00 t ollars and Cents. ollars and Cents. • 00 1 ollars and Cents. 1^ Q p. Q ^ O s ft 21 66 If' 1 24 31 7 38 61 14 52 91 2 48 32 7 62 62 14 76 9i 21 90 mk 3 71 33 7 85 63 14 99 93 22 13 ]■ 4 95 34 8 09 64 15 23 94 22 37 ■ W' 5 1 19 35 8 33 65 15 47 95 22 61 !|! t 6 1 43 36 8 57 66 15 71 96 22 85 lyj- 7 1 67 37 8 81 67 15 95 97 23 09 JH 8 1 90 38 9 04 68 16 18 98 23 32 S 9 2 14 39 28 69 16 42 99 23 56 S 10 2 38 40 9 52 70 16 66 100 23 80 ■ 11 2 62 41 9 76 71 16 90 15J 35 70 fl 12 2 86 42 10 00 72 17 14 200 47 60 HI' 13 3 09 43 10 23 73 17 37 300 71 40 14 3 33 44 10 47 74 17 61 400 ■ 95 20 15 3 57 45 10 71 75 17 85 500 119 00 ■ j;. 16 3 81 46 10 95 76 18 09 600 142 80 ! 17 4 05 47 11 19 77 18 33 700 166 60 1 18 4 28 48 11 42 78 18 56 800 190 40 > ' 19 4 52 49 11 66 79 18 80 900 214 20 - (J 20 4 76 50 11 90 80 19 04 1000 2^8 00 i 21 5 00 51 12 14 81 19 28 1500 3:57 00 mi 476 00 m 22 5 21 52 12 38 82 19 52 2000 23 5 47 53 12 61 83 19 75 3000 714 00 24 5 71 54 12 85 84 19 99 4000 952 00 1 i 1 1190 00 1 25 5 95 55 13 09 85 20 23 5000 26 () 19 56 13 33 86 20 47 6000 1428 00 I 27 6 43 57 13 P7 87 20 71 7000 lGt)(> 00 It 28 G 06 58 13 80 88 20 94 8000 1904 OC if 29 6 90 59 14 04 89 21 18 9.)00 V 142 00 1 3U 7 14 60 14 28 90 21 42 10000 2380 00 11 •» ii' ■ ■3(1 ; M.t : mH TABLE OF FLORINS OF AUSTRIA. Customs Value 34 i cents. 'O TJ •-^ tJ • q • c • c • c C . ■■■* M3 a a V) C • w^ t^ TJ •^^ tn Ji< W W • •^ v: ^ ^r^ ha « S c ,52 J3 G S^ ^^ E -o^ E 'o"^ l^ 'c'^ Q 31 Q 61 Q • Q I 34 10 57 20 80 91 31 03 2 68 32 10 91 6i 21 14 92 31 37 2 I 02 33 II 25 63 21 48 93 31 71 4 I 36 34 II 59 64 21 82 94 32 05 5 I 71 35 II 94 6S 22 17 95 2,2 40 6 2 05 36 12 28 66 22 51 96 32 74 7 2 39 37 12 62 67 22 85 97 3308 8 2 73 38 12 96 68 23 19 98 33 42 9 3 07 39 13 30 ^9 23 53 99 33 76 10 3 41 40 1364 70 23 87 lOO 34 10 11 3 75 41 13 98 71 24 21 150 51 15 12 4 09 42 14 32 ! 72 24 55 200 68 20 13 4 43 43 14 66 73 24 89 3 102 30 14 4 77 44 15 00 74 25 23 4C0 136 40 »5 5 12 45 15 35 75 23 58 500 170 50 16 5 4<3 46 15 69 76 25 92 600 204 60 17 5 80 <7 16 03 77 26 26 700 238 70 18 6 14 48 1637 78 i6 Co 800 272 80 19 6 48 49 16 71 79 26 94 900 306 90 50 6 82 50 17 05 80 27 28 KOO 341 CO 21 7 16 Kl 17 39 81 27 62 1500 511 50 22 7 50 52 17 73 82 27 96 20:0 082 00 23 7 «4 53 18 07 ! 83 28 30 3000 1023 CO -4 8 18 54 18 41 : 84 28 64 r*4 J3 V • w^ ^ 1» JQ i4 31 ;-iQ 61 134-48 UJ JO I 2 • 2046 68-34 91 200 -62 2 441 32 7055 62 136-69 92 202 - 82 3 6-6i 33 72-75 63 138-89 93 205 ■ 03 4 8.82 34 74 96 64 14 (-09 94 207 • 23 5 1 1 02 35 77-16 65 143-30 95 209.48 6 13 23 36 79-37 66 145-50 96 211-64 7 1543 37 81-57 67 147-71 97 213-85 8 17-64 38 83-78 68 149-91 98 21605 9 19S4 39 85 98 69 152- 12 99 218-26 10 22 05 40 88-18 70 154-32 100 220-46 II 24-25 41 90 39 71 156-53 no 242-51 12 26 46 42 Q2-59 72 158-73 120 264 55 13 28 -66 43 94 80 73 160-94 130 286 60 14 30 -86 44 97-00 74 163-14 140 308-65 15 33 07 45 99-21 75 i6->-35 . ^50 330 69 16 3527 46 loi -41 76 i^7'.S 160 332-74 17 37-48 47 103 62 77 16975 170 374-79 18 39-68 48 105 82 78 171-96 180 396-83 19 41 89 4Q 108 03 79 174-16 190 41888 20 44-09 50 110.23 80 176-37 200 440-92 21 46; 30 51 112 43 81 178 57 250 5Sii6 23 48-50 52 114-64 82 180-78 300 661.39 23 50- 71 53 116-84 83 182-98 350 771-62 24 52-91 54 119 05 ^ 18319 400 881-85 . 25 55-12 55 121 -25 85 187-39 500 1,102-31 26 57-32 56 123-46 86 1 89 60 6co 1.3:2-77 27 59 52 57 125 66 87 191 -So 700 1.543-23 28 61-73 58 127-87 88 194 00 800 I 763 70 29 63 -93 59 130-07 89 196.21 9C0 1,984 16 30 66 14 60 132. 28 90 198-41 1,000 2,204 '62 148 KELATIVE MEASUREMENTS OF THE FRENCH METRES AND ENGLTSH YARDS. Metre = 39 3S2 inches. • •^ • (/} M5 m5 • en • V. w <^ t TJ M ns .c ha rs "H -« ■■u )a4 C 31 u c 61 S >- 13 c 1 « I I 33 33 C6 26 91 99 20 2 2 7 32 35 62 67 30 92 ICO 23 3 3 10 33 36 4 63 68 33 93 loi 27 4 4 14 34 37 7 64 70 94 102 30 5 5 17 35 38 10 05 71 4 95 103 33 6 20 36 39 14 66 72 7 96 105 1 7 7 24 37 40 17 67 73 II 97 106 4 8 8 27 38 41 21 68 74 14 98 107 7 9 9 30 39 42 24 69 75 17 i 99 108 II 10 10 34 40 43 27 70 76 21 ' ICO 109 14 11 12 I 41 44 31 7^ 77 24 1 no 120 12 12 13 5 42 45 34 72 78 28 120 131 10 13 H 8 43 47 I 73 79 31 130 142 8 14 13 II 44 48 5 74 80 34 140 153 5 ^5 16 IS 45 49 8 75 82 2 150 164 3 16 17 18 46 50 12 76 83 5 200 218 28 17 18 21 47 51 15 1 77 84 8 250 273 18 18 19 25 48 52 18 78 85 12 300 328 7 19 20 28 49 53 22 79 86 15 330 382 32 20 21 32 50 54 25 8j 87 19 400 437 21 21 22 3) 51 55 28 81 88 22 450 492 10 22 24 2 52 56 32 82 89 25 500 546 35 23 25 6 53 57 35 83 QJ 2f^ ! 600 656 13 24 26 9 54 |9 3 84 91 32 700 765 27 25 27 13 55 60 6 85 92 35 8co 875 6 26 2S 16 £6 61 9 86 94 3 9DO 984 20 27 29 19 57 62 13 87 95 6 1,000 1,093 34 28 3:' 23 58 63 16 SS 96 10 1,250 1,367 16 29 31 26 59 64 23 89 97 13 1,500 1 . 640 33 3^ 32 29 Oo 65 23 90 98 16 2,000 2, 187 32 .i 1., fill If 149 ( WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. By section 14 of •* An Act respecting Weights and Measures/' (49 Victoria, Chapter 104) it is slated as follows : — One-sixteenth part of the Dominion standard pound shall be an ounce, and one-sixteenth part of such ounce shall be a dram, and one-seven-lhousandth part of the Dominion standard pound shall be a grain : One hundred standard pounds shall be a cental or hundred- weight, and twenty centals or two thousand pounds shall be a ton : Four hundred and eighty grains shall be an ounce troy : All the foregoing weights, except the ounce troy, shall be deemed to be avoirdupois weights. i I In section 16 of the siid Act, the weight equivalent to a bushel of any of the undermentioned articles, is stated as follows : — Wheat, sixty pounds ; Indian com, fifty-six pounds ? Rye, fifty-six pounds ; Peas, sixty pounds ; Barley, forty-eight pounds ; Malt, thirty-six pounds ; Oats, thirty-four pounds ; Beans, sixty pounds ; Clover seed, sixty pounds ; Timothy seed, forty-eight pounds ; Bucl^Wheat, forty-eight pounds ; Flax seed, fifty pounds ; Hemp seed, forty-four pounds ; Blue grass seed, fourteen pounds ; Castor beans, forty pounds ; Potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets and onions, sixly pounds. 1 Tables of the Values of the principal denominations of Measures and weights of the Metric System, expressed in terms of the Standard and Weigrhts of Canada. I MEASURES OF LENGTH. Metric Denom? nations Equivalents expressed in terms of the and Values. Standard of Canada. , In Standard yards and decimal parts of a yard. In feet and In links and Metres. decimal parts of a foot. decimal parts of a link. Miriametre .... lOCOO 109.39-444444 328i8-3333?3 49724-74747 Kilometre . . . lOOO 1093-944444 3-8 r 833333 4972-47475 Hectometre.. . . lOD 109-394444 328-183333 497 -24747 Decametre .... lO 10-939444 32818333 49-72475 Metre 1 1-093944 3-281833 4-97247 Decimetre .... 1 ITT • 109394 -328183 ■49725 Centimetre .... T 173 175 173. 173. Partnerships, Limited 174. Personal Property, descent of 167 Personal Representatives 167 Promissory Notes 163; Promoters of Public Companies, liability of i58> Real Propeit/, descent of 167 Sales, Conditional 165; Wages 160, 172 and 173. Warehouse Receipts , 164. Wife 167 Wills 173 sii 7:?! 155 RESUME OF THE Commercial Laws of the Province of Ontario. The Letters R. S. O. stand for Revised Statutes of Ontario. " R S. C. " " Revised StatJtes of Canada. t( ACTIONS. Actions are brought according to the amount involved and nature of matters in dispute in the High Court o^ Justice,the Exchequer Court, County Court or the Division Court. HIGH COURT. The High Court of Justice is composed of three divisions, the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Chancery Division, the jurisdiction and the practice being the same in each, and the jurisdiction being practically unlimited. THE EXCHEQUER COURT. The Exchequer Court has jurisdiction in all cases in which it is sought to enforce any law of Canada relating to the revenue and generally speaking, in all suits of a civil nature in which the Crown in the interests of the Dominion is concerned. It is frequently resorted to in copyright and patent cases, as the judgment of the Exchequer Court is binding in all parts of the Dominion. The sittings of the Court are fixed in any part of the Province whenever a case is ripe for trial. There is an appeal from the decisions of the Exchequer Court to the Supreme Court of Canada. 156 COUNTY COURT. There is a County Court in each County or union of counties, which is a Court of Record, and speaking generally, has jurisdiction — 1. In all personal actions where the amount claimed does not exceed the sum of $200.00. 2. In all cases relating to debt, covenant and contract to $400.00 where the amount is liquidated or ascertained by the act of the parties or by the signature of the defendant. This Court has no jurisdicJtion in regard to titles to land and certain personal actions such as slander, etc. See R.S.O. 1887 Cap 47. DIVISION COURT. There are several Division Court in each County, each of which sits at short intervals. JURISDICTION. 1. All personal actions where the amount claimed does not exceed the sum of $60.00. 2. All claims and demands of debf:, account or breach of contract or covenant or money demand whether payable in money or otherwise where the amount of balance claimed does not exceed $ioo.co. 3. All claims for the recovery of a debt or money demand the amount or balance of which does not exceed $200.00 and the amount or original amount of the claim is ascer- tained by the signature of the defendant or of the person whom, as executor or administrator, the defendant repre- sents. R.S.O. 1887 Cap. 51. There is no jurisdiction where the title to lands and certain actions of tort are involved. APPEALS. There is an appeal to the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Division Court Cases where the amount at stake exceeds $100.00 also in all County Court and Superior Court cases. Where however the amount involved is under $500.00 leave to appeal has usually to be obtained. There is an appeal from the Court of Appeal for Ontario to the Supreme Court of Canada. IS7 ALIENS. Aliens may take, hold, and dispose of, real and personal property as freely as natural born subjects. Naturaliza- tion is easily obtained. ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. Imprisonment for debt is not allowed in Ontario, but in case a creditor by affidavit of himself or other person shows to the satistaction of a judge that he has a cause of action to the amount of $100.00 and upwards, and that there is reasonable and probable cause to believe that the debtor is, unless forthwith apprehended, about to quit -Ontario with intent to defraud his creditors, the judge may igrant an order for the arrest ot the debtor who thereupon may be arrested and confined in close custody till he puts in special bail for such sum as shall be named by the judge in an order. See R.S.O. Cap. 67, also Ontario Judi- cature Act, Rule 1045 ®^ seq. Under the criminal code everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a iine of $800.00 and to one year s imprisonment who : — (a) With intent to defraud his creditors or any of them (i) Makec or causes to be made any gift, conveyance, assignment, sale, transfer or delivery ot his property. (2) Removes, conceals or disposes of any of his pro- perty; or (b) With the intention that anyone shall so defraud his creditors or any one of them receives any such property. Also everyone is guilty of an itidictable offence and liable to ten years imprisonment, who. v 'th intention to defraud his creditors or any of tf falsifies any of his bo makes or is priv entry in any Criminal Cor ^a, Ql , alters, mutilates or rs, V .; ;s or securities or of ai. false or fraudulent or other document. See z, Sec. ^68 and 369. Promoter , rector ur Managers > ^' Public Companies or Bodies Corporat( who make, tmblish or circulate or concur in the making or publishin of any prospectus, statement or account which they ki material part with ^'^e intent to inr?' shareholders or to o iceive the mt w to be false in any persons to become >ers or shareholders, 158 Bl ard guilty of an indictable offence and liable to seven years imprisonment. See Criminal Code of Canade 1892, Sec. 364 and 365. The Crmiinal Code also contains stringent provisions for the punishment ot clerks or servants who, with intent to defraud, destroy, alter or falsify books, documents or valuable securities belonging to their employers. There are also numerous sections providing for the pun- ishment of persons for such offences as the concealing of deeds or incumbrances, the false registration of titles to lands, fraudulent sales and hypothecations, the giving of false warehouse receipts, the wilfully parting by ware- housemen with goods or property covered by warehouse receipts and other matters having special relation to trade and commerce. ASSIGNMENTS. There is no Insolvency law in force in the Dominion of Canada and no means is provided by law by which a debtor can be compelled to execute an assignment for the benefit of creditors. A debtor may however make a voluntary assignment, such assignment must provide for the paying rateably and proportionately and without preference or priority of all creditors of the debtor their just debts. Assignments for the benefit of creditors are made — (i.) To the Sheriff" of the County in which the debtor resides or carries on business. (2.) Or with the consent of a majority of the creditors having claims of $100.00 and upwards to a person resident in Ontario other than the Sheriff. In case an assignment is made to a person other than the Sheriff and without the proscribed consent of creditors, such assignment shall be void as against a subsequent assignment made in conformity with the Act. An assignment for the general benefit of creditors takes precedence of all judgments and of all executions not com- pletely executed by payment. "The Act respecting assign ments and preference by insolvent persons" R.S.O. Cap. 124 makes full provision in regard to proof of creditors claims, meetings of creditors, valuing of securities &c. At any meeting of creditors all questions discussed at 159 I 111 1; the meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the creditors present in person or by proxy authorized in writ- ing, and the votes of creditors shall be calculated as follows: — For every claim of or over $100.00 and not ex- ceeding $200.00 one vote; for every claim of or over $200.00 and not exceeding $500.00, two votes; for every claim of or over $500.00 and not exceeding $1000.00, three votes; for every additional $1000.00 or fraction thereof, one vote. Every creditor in his proof of claim shall state whether he holds any security for his claim or any part thereof and if such security is on the estate of the debtor or on the estate of a third party for whom such debtor is only secondarily liable he shall value the same in the manner mentioned in the Act. Claims must be proved by affidavit and vouchers must be furnished. A creditor holding a claim not accrued may prove and vote. Interest is to be deducted m fixing the amount of such a claim. The law of set off applies to claims agains^ the estat6. Employees are paid three months wages in priority to other claims. A landlord has a preferential lien for one year's rent prior to the date of assignment. AFFIDAVITS. Affidavits must be drawn up in the first person, stating the name of the deponent at the commencement in full and his description and true place of abode, and shall be signed by him. The jurat may be in the following form "Sworn '*beforeme at the in the County of on the day "of A D." Where affidavits are made out of the Province of Ontario, among others, they may be sworn before a Notary Public certified under his hand and official seal; the Mayor or Chief Magistrate of any City, borough, or town corporate ia Great Britain or Ireland, or in any Colony of her Majesty, or in any foreign country, and certified under the comm( n seal of such city, borough or town corporate ; or if made in Province of Quebec before the Judge or Prothonotary of the Superior Court, or Clerk of the Circuit Court; or before any Consul, vice-consul, or consular agent of her Majesty exercising his functions in any foreign place; or 160 Rl f^ bofore a Commissioner authorized by the laws of Ontario to take affidavits in and for any of the Courts of Record of the Province. ' Voluntary and extra judicial oaths are forbidden by statute, but in matters of a voluntary or extra judicial na- ture, statutory declarations may be made. Such declara- tions may be drawn in much the same form as an affidavit, with the exception that the words "Do solemnly declare" should be substituted for "Make oath and say." At the end of such declaration the following clause should be in- serted "And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously "believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same "force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of "the 'The Canada Evidence Act 1893.' " If a person called as a witness or required or desiring to make an affidavi< or deposition in a proceeding respecting which an oath is required refuses or is unwilling from alleged conscientious motives to be sworn, the court or j udge or other presiding officer or person qualified to take affidavits or depositions may permit such person instead of being sworn to make his or her solemn affirmetion or declaration in the words following: "I, A.B. do solemnly, " sincerely and truly affirm and declare that the taking of " an oath is according to my religious belief unlawful, and "I do also solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and " declare etc." AGENTS FOR SALE OF GOODS. R.S.O. Cap. 12S enacts as follows inter alia Any Agent entrusted with the possession of goods or of the documents of title thereto shall be deemed the owner thereof for the following purposes, that is to say 1. To make a sale or contract as in Section 5 mentioned: Sec. 5 "Any person may contract for the purchase of goods "with any agent entrusted with the possession thereof, or "to whom the same may be consigned, and may receive "and pay for the same to such agent ; and such contract ' 'and payment shall be binding upon the owner of the goods "notwithstandhig the purchaser has notice that he is con- ^'^"tracting only with an agent." 2. To entitle t)ie consignee of goods consigned by such K 161 i agent to a lien thereon for any money or negotiable security advanced or given by him to or for the use of such agent, or received by the agent lor the use of the consignee in like manner as if such agent were the true owner of the goods. 3. To give validity to any contract or agreement by way of pledge, lien or security bona fide made with such agent as well for an original loan, advance or payment made upon the security of the goods or documents as for any further or continuing advance in respect thereof. 4. To make such contract binding upon the owner of the goods, and on all other persons interested therein notwith- standing the person claiming such pledge or lien had notice that he was contracting only with an agent. Section 2, Every agent in possession of any goods or documents of title as aforesaid shall, for the purposes of the Act be taken to have been entrusted therewith by the owner, unless the contrary is shown. Section 3. No antecedent debt owing from any agent entrusted as aforesaid, shall authorize any lien or pledge in respect of such debt, nor shall it authorize such agent to deviate from any express orders or authority received from his principal. Section 8. It will be observed from the above that the authority of agents under the Act is very extensive. The Act also con- tains other provisions further defining the powers of agents and the rights of owners of the goods. By the Criminal Code, Section 363, it is provided ** Everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable for ** seven years imprisonment who being a trustee of any " property for the use or benefit either in whole or in part " of s-ome other person or for any public or charitable pur- ** pose with intent to defraud and in violation of his trust " converts anything of which he is trustee to any use not " authorized by the trust." See also Sections 308, 309 and 310. ATTACHMENTS. Attachments may issue in the case of absconding debtors who leave Ontario with intent to defraud their 162 ending ' their creditors and who are possessed to their own use and benefit of real or personal property, credits or effects not exempt by law from seizure. The full practice is set out in R.S.O. Cap. 66 : also see Ontario Judicature Act, Rule 1089 et seq. All creditors who place attachments in the Sheriff's hands within six months from the date of the first writ share pari passu with the attaching creditor. In the Division Court, all creditors of the same class with the plaintiff share pari passu, if within one month after the issue .of the first attachment they give notice of their claims to the Clerk of the Division Court out of which the first attachment issued, or in which it is made returnable. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND NOTES. PROMISSORY Demand notes and bills are payable without days of grace. On sight and time notes and bills three days* grace are allowed. If the third day is a Sunday or other legal holiday, the note or bill is payable on the next juri- dicial day. ' The legal holidays are Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, the birthday (or the day fixed for the celebration of the birthday) of the reigning sovereign, Dominion Day (isc July) or if that day be a Sunday (the 2nd July); any day appointed by pro- clamation for a public holiday, Labour Day, or for a general fast or a general thanksgiving throughout Can- ada, and the day next following New Year's Day and Christmas Day when those days respectively tall on Sunday. The acceptance of a bill must be written on the bill and be signed by the drawee. The mere signature of the drawee without additional words is sufficient. (53 Vic. Statutes of Canada for 1890.) Interest does not commence to run imtil after maturity, unless bill or note is expressed to be paid with interest. If the note provides for payment of interest from its date at a rate exceeding legal rate (6 per cent.) '* until paid," such words are not sufficient to entitle the holder to 163 interest beyond legal rate after maturity of note. In order to entitle a holder to interest at the rate stipulated, far more express words would have to be inserted, as the law presumes payment at maturity. CHATTEL MORTGAGES AND BILLS OF SALE. All mortgages or conveyances of personal property are void as against creditors and subsequent purchasers or mortgagees in good faith for valuable consideration, if not accompanied by an immediate delivery and followed by an actual and continued change of possession of the goods mortgaged or sold, unless registered in the office of the Clerk of the County Court within five days from the exe- cution thereof together with an affidavit of such execution by a subscribing witness, and an affidavit of the mortgagee or purchaser or his agent, as to the bona fides of the mort- gage or bill of sale. Within thirty days next preceding the term of one year from the filing of the mortgage a statement exhibiting the mortgagee's interest in the pro- perty and showing the amount still due for principal and interest and all payments on account thereof and an affi- davit of the mortgagee that such statement is true and that the mortgage has not been kept on foot for any frau- dulent purpose, nnist be filed in the Clerk's office or the mortgage will be void as against creditors and subsequent purchasers or mortgagees in good faith. A similar state- ment is thereafter to be filed yearly. An agent may be authorized generally to take and renew all or any mortgages. It has been held by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council that warehouse receipts taken by a Bank pursuant to the provisions of the Banking Act, Statute of Canada 1890 Cap. 31 need not be registered. It would therefore be advisable in taking a chattel mortgage to make specific enquiries of the mortgagor as to the existence of warehouse receipts or conditional sale notes. In the event of false answers being given to such enquiries, the mortgagor would bring himself within the provisions of the Criminal Code Section 373. 164 e. In ilated, as the rty are acrs or I, if not \red by 3 goods of the he exe- ecution rtgagee e mort- Bceding tgage a he pro- Yci\ and an affi- iie and ly frau- D or the sequent ir state- may be or any le Privy )ursuant Canada herefore specific irebouse of false ortgagor riminal COMMISSIONS TO TAKE EVIDENCE. In case the plaintiff or defendant in any action in the High Court, County Court or Division Court, is desirous of having at the trial tiiereof the testimony of any aged or infirm person resident within Ontario or of any person who is about to withdraw therefrom or who is residing without the limits thereof, the court within which the ac- tion is pending, or a Judge thereof may upon the motion of such plaintiff or defendant and upon hearing the parties order the issue of a commission or commissions under the seal of the court in which the action is pending to a com- missioner or commissioners to take the examination of such person or such persons respectively. The examina- tion of witness under a commission is to be taken either orally or upon written interrogatories or partly in one way or partly in the other as a court or judge may direct. The commission contains full instructions to the commissioners how to act in the execution of the commis.sion. In case any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction in a foreign country has duly authorized by commission order or other process the obtaining the testimony in or in relation to any action, suit or proceeding pending in or before such foreign Court or tribunal of any witnesses out of the jurisdiction thereof and within the jurisdiction of the court or Judge applied to, such court or Judge ma}- order the examination before the person appointed and in a manner and form directed by the commission, order or other process of such witness accordingly ; and may by the same order or a subsequent order command the at- tendance of any persons named therein for the purpose of being examined or the production of .my writings or docu- ments mentioned in the order. Such order may be en- forced and any disobedience thereof punished in like man- ner as in case of an order made by the same court or Judge in a cause depending in such court or before such Judge. R. S. O. Cap. 6i Section 47. CONDITIONAL SALES. Receipt notes, hire receipts, etc. in the case of manu- factured goods or chattels, where the possession of the chattel passes without the ownership being acquired by i6s i ffi Ill ttHl I III! bailee until payment of purchase money or some stipulated part thereof are only valid as against subsequent purchas- ers or mortgagees without notice when name and address of manufacturer, bailor or vendor are plainly attached. 51 Vic. Chapter 19, Section i, Ont. The above does not apply to household furniture, but pianos, organs or other musical instruments are not in- cluded in the term of "household furniture." It also does not apply where a copy of receipt note or hire receipt is filed with the clerk of the County Court within ten days from its execution. A n mufacturer, bailor or vendor is to leave a copy of the receipt note or hire receipt with the bailee at the time of its execution or within twenty days thereafter. In an agreement for the sale of merchandise to a trader • for the purpose of re-sale in the course of business in which possession passes to the trader but not the absolute owner- ship until the consideration is satisfied any such provision as to ownership is void as against creditors or purchasers unless the agreement is in writing and such writing is filed within five days after the delivery of the goods. Such an agreement though signed and filed does not affect purchases from the trader in the usual course of his business. 55 Vic. Cap. 26, Section 5 Ont. The above Act 55 Victoria Cap. 26 is not intended to af- fect the case of manufactured goods or chattels provided ''or by the Act respecting conditional sales of chattels. 51 Vic. Cap. 19. See also Chattel Mortgages and Bills of sale. A manufacturer, bailor or vendor of chattels under the Act cannot be defeated in his right to property within the meaning of the Act by the bailee or vendee annexing a ■chattel to realty so as in all other respects to make the chattel part of the realty. If the intention has been shown to treat an article as a chattel, a bailee cannot by annexing such chattel alter its character. Generally speaking, a sale of fixtures is a sale of chattels, even fixtures such as a vendor must have known must become part of the build- ing retain their chattel character in favor of vendor who retained right of property in the fixtures. See also Chattel Mortgages and Bills of sale. 166 1 DESCENT. The real and personal property of a deceased person devolves on his death npon and becomes vested in li s legal personal representatives subject to the payment of his debts. In case Probate or Letters of Administration are not issued within one year from the death of such person, or in case the property be not sold by the executors or a caution registered by the executors or administrators, the estate of a deceased person shall at the expiration of a year from date of death become vested in devisees or heirs without conveyance. The real and personal estate of a married woman dying intestate is divided in the same proportion between her husband and children as the property of a husband dying intestate is distributed between his wife and children, namely, one-third to husband or wife and the remainder to be divided equally among the children (the descendants of any deceased child to take the share of such child). In case there are no children one-half to husband or wife, and the rest to next of kin. When a person dies without leaving issue and intestate as to the whole or any part of his real or personal property, his father surviving shall not be entitled to any greater share under the intestacy than his mother or any brother or sister surviving, nor shall a grandfather or grandmother of a person dying intestate share in competition with a surviving father, mother, brother or sister. The widow is entitled to dower (which is a one-third interest for life in deceased's real estate) but may elect to take in lieu of all claims to dower her share as above stated in her husband's undisposed of real estate. See R.S.O. Cap. io8. EXECUTIONS. Execution may be issued against the goods and lands of the debtor as soon as judgment is recovered. Writs of execution remain in force for a period of three years, un- less satisfied in the meantime or withdrawn by the party at whose instance they were issued. All executions in the Sheriff's hands share pari passu. Under the Creditors Relief Act, if a debtor permits an 167 ; h ■ I ■ execution under which a seizure has been made by the Sheriff to remain unsatisfied for twenty days after the seizure, or until within two days of the time fixed for sale or allows an execution against lands to remain unsatisfied for nine months after it is placed in the Sheriff's hands, creditors in respect of other claims may proceed in a sum- mary manner in the County Court and obtain certificates entitling them to share in whatever is made under the exe- cutions of creditors in the Sheriff's hands. In order to entitle creditors to share in any moneys realized by the Sheriff, their executions or certificates must be lodged wifh the Sheriff within one month from the date of the levy by the Sheriff. For full practice see R.S.O, 1887, Cap. 65. Stocks, moneys, securities, leasehold interests, equities of redennption, etc., etc., may be sold, but it has been re- cently held that equities of redemption in shares of a Com- pany cannot be sold. The proper course in order to realize upon such equities, is, to apply for a Receiver. EXEMPTIONS. The exemptions from execution are, speaking generally the beds and bedding in ordinary use by the debtor and his family, necessary wearing apparel, and a list of domestic utensils necessarily incident to living ; not to exceed in value the sum of $150. 2. Necessary provender for thirty days not to exceed in value the sum of $40. 3. A cow, six sheep, four hogs and twelve hens, in all not to exceed the value of $75. 4. Tools and implements ordinarily used in the debtor's occupation to the value of ^100 or the debtor may elect to receive the proceeds of the sale of such tools, etc., up to $100. 5. Fifteen hives of bees. The debtor may select the several chattels exempt from seizure. In the case ot 2, 3, 4 and 5, the exemption does not apply when the debt is contracted for the identical chattels. See R.S.O. (1887) 64. Under the Free Grants and Homesteads Act there is an 168 exemption from liability for any debt incurred before the issue of the Patient and for twenty years from the date of location, except where the land itself is mortgaged or pledged or for the payment of taxes. See R.S.O. (1887) Cap. 25. FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. Except in the case of Insurance Corporations, which cannot do business in Ontario unless registered here (Insurance Corporations Act, 1892) there is no statute prohibiting the making of contracts or the bringing of actions by Foreign Corporations in Ontario. The law may be stated to be that a Foreign Corporation can mam- tain an action here for a debt due to it by a person in Ontario, or for breach in Ontario of c: contract, Whether made in Ontario through an agent of a corporation, or in the domicile of the Corporation, provided the contract is one which the Corporation could validly make under the law of the country in which it is incorporated. Foreign corporations may be sued in Ontario under circumstances corresponding to those under which they may sue, Foreign Corporations, like foreign individuals, may (so long as they do not exceed their corporate powers) hold property in Ontario. HOLIDAYS. See Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. INTEREST. Six per cent, is the legal rate of interest, but as there is no law against usury, parties may contract for any rate they see fit. Interest may be allowed in the discretion of the Court upon open accounts, from the time when a demand of payment is made in writing informing the debtor that interest will be claimed from the date of the demand. See Bills and Notes. JUDGMENTS. Judgments do not bind the property of debtors until execution is issued and lodged with the Sheriff,, A judg- ment remains in force for twenty years. A writ of ft la 169 may be issued within any time within six years from the date of judgment witliout leave, and after that time leave must be obtained from the Court. Judgment debtors, their clerks or employees or former clerks or employees or any person or persons to whom they have made a trans- fer of their property since the debt or liability which was the subject of the action was incurred may be examined as to the debtor's property. A foreign judgment is proved by an exemplification under seal of the Court being produced. LIMITATIONS. All actions upon bills of exchange and promissory notes ; also actions for the price of goods sold and delivered, and generally all actions arising out of the breach of simple contracts, must be brought within six years from the time when the right of action accrued. Actions for rent upon an indenture of demise, and actions upon a bond or other specialty (except upon covenants contained in an indenture of mortgage) v/ithin twenty years after the cause of such actions arose. Actions upon any covenant contained in an indenture of mortgage made after the ist of July, 1894, within ten years after the cause of such actions arose. MARRIED WOMEN. A married woman is capable of acquiring, holding, and disposing by will or otherwise of any real or personal pro- perty as her separate property in the same manner as if she were a feme sole without the intervention of any trustee. A woman who while single contracts debts or renders herself liable for torts, remains liable for such debts or torts after marriage. Her husband is also liable for them to the extent of any property he may have received through his v/ife, and where so liable he may be sued alone or jointly with her. All contracts made by a married woman are prima facie deemed to be made in respect of her separate estate, and unless proved not to have been made with respect to such estate, will bind all separate property owned by her at the date of the con- tract or subsequently acquired. 170 In order to obtain judgment against a married woman upon her contract, it is necessary to prove not only the contract and breach thereof, but also to show that she was at the date of the contract possessed of separate estate. Then unless she can show such circumstances as rebut the inference that her contract was made with reference to her separate property, judgment may be obtained against the married woman in respect of all separate property which she possesses at the time of the i'u'qn-; ^ or may subsequently acquire. mdiT'^d woman has the same remedies for protection 61 ner separate property as are possessed by a feme sole. She may in certain cases, e.g., if deserted by her hus- band, obtain an order for the protection of the earnings of her minor children. She is exempt from the provisions of the Acts respecting arrests for debts. R. S. O., Cap. 67. A married woman is entitled to dower in all lands of which her husband was seized in fee simple during mar- riage, and all lands to which he was beneficially entitled at the time of his decease. The above does not apply to lands in a wholly unim- proved state which have been conveyed by the husband during his lifetime, nor, of course, to lands conveyed by the husband in which the wife has barred her dower. Even if under the age of twenty-one years she may so join to bar dower in case of a sale for value or mortgage, and she may also by deed release her dower to any person to whom the lands have been previously conveyed. R. S. O., Cap. 132. Ontario Statutes, 1894, Cap, 41, MECHANICS LIENS. Every mechanic, builder, miner, labourer or other person doing work upon or furnishing material to be used in erecting, furnishing etc. an}' building or mine or placing machines etc. therein has a lien upon the building or mine for the value of the work done and materials etc. furnished, provided that the work was done at the request or with the consent of the owner or some one having an interest 171 i in the property. The lien binds only the interest of the person at whose instance or with whose consent the work was done or the materials etc. were furnished. A person, however small his interest, who procures work to be done or materials to be furnished renders his interest subject to the lien, but cannot bind the interest of any other person in the property unless the circumstances are such as to shew that the work done was with the "privity" (not merely the knowledge) of such other person. A person may waive his right to a lien by express written agreement. A mechanic, labourer or other person performing labour for wages upon the construction, alteration etc. of the building or in connection with placing of machinery, etc. in any building erection or mine, has a lien for such wages not exceeding thirty days wages. All persons employed by or furnishing materials to a person entitled to a lien, may, provided their work was done or their materials furnished in respect of the subject of such lien, give notice of their claim to the owner within thirty days and then acquire a charge on the money pay- able to the lien holder by the owner. Liens must be registered within thirty days after the completion of the work, or the supplying or placing of the materials, etc., or within thirty days after the last day's labour for which the wages are payable. The lien may, however, be registered belore the completion of the work, and the safer course is to register the lien at once, as in case the owner should dispose of the property to a purchaser for value without notice, the lien holder would not be in a position to enforce his lien as against such purchaser. A lien 'not registered within thirty days ceases to exist, unless proceedings are taken before that time to enfore it, and the certificate of such proceedings is registered. Al- though the lien has been duly registered it shall cease to exist after the expiration of ninety days after the work has been completed or materials or machinery furnished or wages earned or the expiry. of the period or credit, where such period is mentioned in the claim of lien filed unless in the meantime proceedings are instituted to realize the claim and a certificate thereof registered. 172 Registration has no effect after six months unless re- newed or unless proceedings are taken in the meantime to enforce the lien. The full practice is set out in the Statutes and there are provisions by which lien holders obtain the benefit of any proceedings instituted by other lion holders of the same class. R.S.O. Cap. 126. Statute (Ontario) 1890, Cap. 37. Statute (Ontario) 1893, Cap. 24. MINORS. A person attains majority at age of twenty-one years and until then cannot enter into a binding contract, ex- cepting that a married woman may bar her dower while under age. PARTNERSHIPS. All persons associated in partnership for trading, manu- facturing or mining purposes are required to register within six months after the formation of the partnership in the Registration Division in which they carry on business, a declaration setting forth their names and addresses and the firm name, etc. (See form given by the Act.) A similar declaration must be registered on a change in the partnership, and a declaration of any dissolution of partnership must also be registered. Allegations in the declaration are not controvertible as against any party by any person who has signed same. Persons signing the declaration are to be deemed partners until a new declara- tion is filed. Every person carrying on business under a firm name or in a name other than his own is also required to file a declaration setting forth this fact. Penalties are provided for the non-compliance with the statute. An employer may by agreement allow an employee a share in the profits of his business in lieu of or in addition to his salary, and such agreement shall not create any relation in the nature of partnership or entitle the employee to call for an account, and any statement by the employer of the net profits of such business by which he appropriates ^71> »■ -^ the share payable under such agreement shall be final and conclusive between the parties. R.S.O. Chap. 130. LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS. Two or more persons may forni a limited partnership consisting of one or more geneial partners and one or more special partners ; the latter contributing in actual cash payments a specific sum to the common stock, and being liable for partnership debts only to the extent of such contribution. The general partners alone are authorized to car^y on the business, and any special partner who transacts ^ny business on account of the partnership, or acts as agent, attorney, etc., for the partnership, becomes liable as a general partner. A s.iecial partner may, however, from time to time examine into the partnership concerns and advise as to management. In case of insolvency of the firm, a special partner is not allowed to claim as a creditor until the clamis of all other creditors cf the partnership have been satisfied. During the continuance of the partnership a special part- ner cannot withdraw any part of the sum contributed by him to the capital stock of partnership. He may, how- ever, receive annual interest on the sum contributed by him, provided the payment of such interest does not diminish the amount of capital. The partnership is formed by the recording of a certifi- cate setting out — 1. The firm name. 2. The general nature of the business intend d to be transacted. 3. The names and addresses of all the partners distin- guishing general from special partners. 4. The amount of stock subscribed by each special partner. 5 The period of commencement and termint^tion of the partnership. This certificate is to be signed by all tl " partners before a Notary Public and is to be filed in the ofBce of the County Court Clerk. 1/4 x