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'rata o lelure, I a lera] ed ephemera] J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; m n- d'^ /CAN,WA COMMITTEE FOR PROMOTING THE ' EDUCATION OF THE POOR, 'T^HE Committee having expended a large sum out of the mo. A uIl's subscribed in Great Britain and Ireland, and having no> an establ!;;hmcnt, where 300 children may receive the benefit ^ an olemontary Education, and where young men may also be in. structed in the mode of teaching known »iy the naiDe of " the BritisL System of Education," consider it their duty to call i-.jon Ihe inhabitants of Quebec for their generous assistantej iusttpport of the S<;hooL , " The committee do not consider themselves authorized to con- tinue the School at the expense of the subscribers in Great Britain and Ireland unless the inhaUtanUof Quebec show their approbation of their exertions by contributing thereto, and have therefore re- solved to send round a subscription list, by Mr. Osgood and Mr. KiaiBEE, and to whom the coramitteo request, that Subscriptions be paick Extract from the Resolutions <f the Canada Committee, Jbr promotins <*« Education of the Poor, of the 19 th of April, 1815. Resolved, That each SubscnWr for cveiy twenty shilBngs of his Subscription, shaU be entitled to send one Scholar to the School for one year. Resolved, That the Committee report annually to a meeting of the Subscibers to bo publicly called, for the first Tuesday of May. Resolved, That three Members of the present Committee go out by lot, on the said first Tuesday of May annually, and three be elected in their stead, at the general meeting of the Subscribers, on that day. Resolved That the President, Vice President and officers be elected by the Committee annually, on the first Tuesday of May immediately after the general meeting. The following are the Members of the CommiUee appoiiuedin April last, to act tvith such of the Gentlemen named btj the London Committee as may be inclined to serve, Hon. JOHN MURE, President, F. TETU, Esq. Vice President, Hon. JOHN CALDWELL, Hon. W. B. COLTMAN, Hon. ROSS CUTHBERT, Dr. BLANCHET, J. VOYER, •^ C. DENECHAU, Treasurer i Esquires. JOHN NEILSON, Secy. J COMITE' POUR PROMOUVOIR L'EDUCATION DES PAUVRES DANS LE CANADA. LE Comu<5 ayant depcns6 une grande somme sor let Areebs . «ou.cr.tsda,i.la Grtnd,i.Bre«gneet rirJande. et .«« nuuuenant un Etabli.«,mint ou 300 «:fao, p«m,t a,oi7l "- peuveut au.« etre .nstruit. d«u h maniire d'tnj^^c^^ «u. le nom de " System. Angtei. cTEdocatioo/'Tc^Td; son devoir£avo.r recour. at« Mabina. de Quebec pour leur assistance g^f reu« ao sovtiM ie PEcoJe. Le ComkTne^ crou pa. autonsf i coniiouer TEcole au depen. deTsou^i! Habitan. de Quebec ae t^mofgnnr leor approbation de .es efforts, en y conmbuaot,. et il a e« cwsAjueoce re'solu de £urc cour» une liste de Sou«:riptiom par Mf:o wood et Mr. Kim- ber, auxqueU le Conut^ prie 4t payer lM:Soiscriptioi». Extrait des RcsoluUoiu do Comity du Caaatl* poar promou- voir l-Educadon de« Pauvret, paisees le IdAvril, 1815. RxsoLU. Que cluque Sooscripteur, pQur ch^-e Vlnirt Shelings de sa boMcription, auta diwt d'enwrer uo EcoUeri 1 Ecole pendant uOe aan^ \-"- ■■'■■ ' . RxsoLU, >>u9]e0mit€(Kf Awembl^ des SouscrtMeitny, qt pour le premier JHfrdJdd Resolu, Que trota -._ de charge par Ballotteekidilr ment, et troii seront ^lui a des Souicripteun ce jour la. RrsoLU, Que !ePrAidet«i le Vice Pr^ene, et le.~o7. ficiers seront elus par le Comite anoueilement le premier Mardi de Mai, immidiatemeat aprit I'AMembUe g6a4nl: Ci loiveot lea noma de* Membree du Comit^ nomre^ ea ATril dernier pour agir a»ec ceux de« Memcura nommifs par le Comit^ de Londres qui seront dispose a servir. ^L'Honble. JOHN MURE, Prudent. FELIX TETU, Ecuyer, Vice-President. L'Honble. JOHN CALDWELL, L'Honble. W.B. COLTMAN, L'Honble. ROSS CUTHBERT, Docteur BLANCHET, J. VOYER, ^ C. DENECHAU, Tr^sorier. C Bowers. JOHN NEILSON, S«cr<uure,5 a uoe It coQvoqu^e Coout^ Mrtirone Mvdfde Mai annoelle- !*» i^rAMembl^e g^n^rale