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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui ciichA, il est filmi A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jl/0 -^^.v /v^-^y. htt g^ BY-LAWS, ORDERS^ RU^ES AND REGULATIONS 07 THE i "^^^tssr. ■■""tM^ milY HOUSE OF' ODEMC filrM •■ ttc Uyai Ai»rU> 1864 TATUTS ORBRMS, REGLES ET RiGLEMENTS, BB DA^ I4M DF lA TRINITG D^ jjUEBEC' En Umt. k 1.^ AtiII ia64«. S^-^' ^-.-m- w "«<> QDfiBEC DES PRESSES MfiCANIQUES DB A. COTi! ET C»«>- . > 1S4. ■ ./^ '■ 'V ^ n •■•.! ■ ■•■■.!. BY-LAWS, ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS O OF THIS TBIMTY HOUSE OF QUEBEC In force on the ISth Jkpril 1S&4 Ordained tho 12th April, and sanctioned the 22nd May 1850. By-LawB, A.LL and every the By-Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of 2adZ'gSa°' the Trinity House of Quebec : tions of the Trinity House of Quebec re- peftTod. J ne, I Ordained 25th June Sanctioned 29th June, Ordained 15th April, Sanctioned 22nd April, Ordained 2nd April, Sanctioned 16th April, Ordained 1st May, | Sanctioned 2nd May, j Ordained 9th April, ) Sanctioned Ist May, ) Ordained 15th May, ] Sanctioned 10th June, j Ordained 10th November, Sanctioned 17th November, 1805. 1806. 1808. 1810. 1811. 1818. 1820. 1821. 1825. Ordained 19th April, ) Sanctioned 21st April^ j Ordained 220d April, ) Sanctioned 29th May, j Ordained 27th November, Sanctioned 1st December, Ordained 14th June, ) Sanctioned 25th June, | Ordained 11th June, 1883. ) Sanctioned 19th April, 1834. | 1829. 1831. la [ONS STATUTS, "^fi--*::'. ;v7 ORDKES, RfiGLES ET RfiGLElJiirNTS DE LA MAISON DE LA TRINITE DE QUEBEC En force le IS JVvril 1804 Ordonnds le 12 Avril, et sanotionnfi le 22 Mai, 1850, tions of 1 \ Tous et chacun lea Statuts, Ordres, lleglea et R^jrlemeots d^Statuts, or- la Maison de la Trinitd de Quebec : ^'^' '^k'^' ««^ Ordonn^ 26 Juin, 1 Sanctionnd 29 Juin, j Ordonn<5 15 Avril, ) Sanctionn^ 22 Avi-il, j Ordonnd 2 Avril, ) Sanctionn^ 16 Avril, J Ordonne 1 Mai, Sanctionn^ 1 Mai, Ordonnd 9 Avril, Sanction n«J 1 Mai, Ordonnd 15 Mai, 8anctionne 10 Juin 1805. 1806. 1808. 1810. 'i 1818. Ordonn^ 10 Novembre, ) 1821. 1825. Sanctionnd 17 Novembre Ordonn^ 19 Avril; Sanctionn^ 21 Avril, Ordonn^ 22 Avril, Sanctionn^ 29 Mai, Ordonnd 27 Novembre^ Sanctionn^ 1 D^cembre, Ordonn^ 14 Juin, \ Sanctionnd 25 Juin, ) Ordonn^ 11 Juin, 1833. ) Sanctionn^ 19 Avril, 1834. j 1820. 1829. 1831. i^gloments do la Maison do )a Trinitd de Qu6beo rap- polds. 3 Ordained 13th May, Sanctioned 16th June, Ordained 14th April, Sanctioned 29th April, 1835. 1837. Ordained 26th January, ) Sanctioned 3rd February, ) Ordained 24th April, ) Sanctioned 30th April, J Ordained 3rd April, | 1838. 1838. 1838. i Sanctioned 16th May Ordained 3rd Auj^ust, ") Sanctioned 25th August j Ordained 28th December, Sanction"! Slst December, Ordainc > 6th April, ) Sanctio J 8th June, J Ordained 1 5th October, ) Sanctioned 25th October, ) Ordained 12th July, \ Sanctioned 16th September, j 1838. 1838. 1841. 1841. 1842. Ordained 16th May, Sanctioned Ist June, Ordained 25th June, Sanctioned 29th July, Ordained 22nd May, Sanctioned Ist July, Ordained 26th May, \ Sanctioned 1st July, j Shall be and are hereby repealed. 1843. 1844. J [ 1846. 1846. BTory Pilot to take a number from the Clerk •f the Trinity House to dis- inguish his oat and sails. Pilots shall not snchor near the moorings of Her Ma- jesty's Ships. Shall not pilot out of the li- mits of their Branoh.' And it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted : Section II. That every Pilot, to distinguish his boat and sails, shall take a number from the Clerk of the Trinity House of Que- kec, who shall enter io a Rcfjister the name of such Pilot, with his distinguishing number opposite, and any Pilot who shall mark or point, or cause to be marked or painted on his boat, or on any of the sails thereof, any number other than the nutubcr which he shall have received from the Clerk of this Corporation, shall in- cur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. III. That any Pilot who shall stop or anchor any merchant ship alongside the moorings of Her Majesty ships, (except in case of extreme necessity), shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. IV. That any Pilot who shall take charge of any ship or vessel as a Pilot, otherwise than his Branch empowers him, shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. \ I 183G. 1837. 1838. 1838. 1838. 1838. Ordonn.) 13 Mai, ] Hanctionnu 16 .Tuin, j Ordoiino 14 Avril, Sanciionnd 29 Avril, Orduniiu 26 Janvier, .Sancti«)nnd 3 F^vriei', Ordonno 24 Avril, | Sanction nd 30 Avril, | Ordonix? 3 Avril, | Snnctif.nnf^ 16 Mai, j Ordonnd 3 Aoflt, ") 8a net ion nd 25 Aoftt, j Ordonnd 28 Ddecmbro, ) Sanction nd 31 Ddoembre, ) Ordonnd 16 Avril, ") -iqa-i Saiictionnd 8 Juin, j ' Ordonnd 15 Octobro, ) Sanction nd 25 Octobrc, j Ordonnd 12 Juillet, j Sanetionnd 16 Septenibre, J Ordonnd 16 Mai, | Sanetionnd 1 Juin, j Ordonnd 25 Juin, } Sanetionnd 29 Juillet, j Ordonnd 22 Mai, | jg^g Sanetionnd 1 Juillet, Ordonnd 26 Mai, Sanetionnd 1 Juillet, Seront et sent par le prdsent rappelds 1838. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1846. Et qu'il soit ordonnd et statud : II. Quo tout pilote pour distinjiuer sa ehaloupo et ses voile?. Tout piloto prendra un nombro du greffier de la Maison de la Trinitd de Lnibre'dir Qudbec, qui entrera dans un rdgistre le nom de chaquc pilote gjofflor do la avcc son noinbre distinctif en regard, et le pilote qui niarquera ou S? '^'*l*ix ™ ** • 1 „ • 1 * 1 1 ^ 1 Irinite pour pemdra ou lera niarquer ou peinure sur sa chaloupe ou quel- distinguer sa qu'une de ses voiles un autre nombre que colni qu'il aura reyu ehaloupo ot sos du greffier de eette corporation, encourra nue amende n'excddant '^**' °^* pa^ix louis courant. ftl. Que le pilote qui arretera ou ancrera un batimcnt mar- I^es pilotes cband le long des ancrages des batiments de Sa Majestd (si ce pttg°ft'^upr5g jp, n'est dans le cas d'extr6me ndcessitd), encourra une amende vaisseaux do n'excddant pas dix louis eourant. SaMajeste. IV. Que le pilote qui prendra la charge d'uu batiment comme pag^hors les pilote autrement que sa branche le lui permet, encourra une limites fix^os amende n'excddant pas dix 4ouis courant. P"' ^®^" Rhnll not lend thoir Uriinoh. Shall report thoir arrivikl ami (It'parturo, ■Shall report altoriitioiiH in Rami bankH, buo^B, Ac. Shall appear before the cor- poration when .summoned. Shall bo tom- porato and so- ber in tliu dis- charge of thoir duty. Signals for vespol.H ap- proaching Shouts. Pilot Boats to have a marin- er's compasB on board. Pilots to tako their appren- tices with them on board their ships. V. Tiiat nny Pilot who shnll lend his Brunch to any one, on nny account wliatsocvor, shall incur a penalty not oxcccding Ten PountlH Currency. VI. That any I'ilot who engages to pilot any «hip, or voshoI, outward bound, shall give notice thereof, personnally or in writing, to one or other of the Superintendents of Pilots, or, in their ab- Bcnco, to tho Harbour Master of Quebec, before his departure ; and shall give like notice of liis return to Quebec, under a penal- ty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for each and every neglect so to do. VII. That every Pilot who observes any alterations in Sand Banks or Channels, or thut any buoys (»r beacons or any floating light are driven away, broken down, or out of place, shall forth- with report tho same to one or other of the Superintendents of Pilots, or, in their absence, to the Harbour Ma.ster of Quebec, under a Penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every neglect so to do. VIII. That any Pilot who shall refuse or neglect to obey any Humiuonsof this Corporation, rc(juiring his attendance, shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every such neglect or refusal. IX. That any Pilot who shall behave himself uncivilly or not bo strictly temperate and sober, whilst in the exercise of the duties of his office, or who shall not use his utmost care and dili- gence for tho safe conduct of every ship or vessel, while under liis oliargo, or who shall not use his utmost care to prevent her from doing damage to others, shall for each and every such ofi'cnce incur atid pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. X. That every Pilot having charge of any ship or vessel navi- gating tho River St. Lawrence, and seeing any other ship or ves- sel approaching shoals or other cause of danger, shall immediately inform the officer coinmanding the vessscl under his charge of the saiuc, who is required immediately to make the necessary signals to such other ship or ves.sel, and every Pilot having charge of, or officer commanding any ship or vessel, who shall contravene this Regulation, shall incur each a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XI. That all Pilot Boats shall have on board a Mariner's Com- pass, for the purpose of instructing the Apprentices, under a pe- nalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable ftom the Pilot in charge of such boat, for every contravention of tliis Regulation. XII. That every Pilot who shall engage to pilot any ship or vested either up or down tho River St. Lawrence, or to move the same from one place to another within the Harbour of Quebec, shall for the better instruction of bis Apprentice, take snch Ap- ,|«0 dix pus ly one, on (dini^ Ton or vosHol, ill writing, 1 ttiuir tib- oparturo ; r a pcnul- ind every in Sand ly float inj^ lull furth- fndonts of f Quebec, for every obey any liiiil incur ery such ily or not of the and dili- ilo under ivcnt her h offence ancy. jscl navi- !> or ves- nediatoly ^e of the y signals re of, or .'cne thia Pounds r's Corn- ier a pe- )le ilom 1 of tliib ship or lOve the Quebec, ich Ap- V. Que lo piloto qui prCtora sa brancho ii quelcju'un sous quel- Ne pr«t«ron (luo prdtexte quo CO suit, encourru uno amende n'cxcddant pasP* '""^ dix louis courajit. """^ '** VI. Quo lo pilote qui u'enga^ora H piloter un biitinient partant Fornnt rop- pour la nier on donncra avis avant son depart, perHonnollo-I"""'''' '""" inent ou par dorit, i\ I'un des surintendants des pilotcs, ou, en lour *",j' * *'" abseni^o, au niaitru du biivro do Qu<ibeo ; ot donnera dKulonient avis do son retour ft Qu(:;beo, sous peine d'une amende n'oxoddanl pas dix louis courant, pour chaquo infraction ii cu rdglomont. VIT. Que le pilote qui romarquora des changements dans les bancs do sable ou les ohcnaux, ou que des boui^es, des amarques »>u dos phares-flottunts on* ddrivd, sont brisdes ou ddplaods, on fera rapport inimddiatenient ii I'un ou li 1 autre des surintendants des pilotefa, ou, on lour absence, au mattre du havre do Quebec, sous peine d'une amende n'cxcddant pas dix louis courant, pour chaquo infraction au present rdglenient. VIII. Que lo piloto qui refusera ou ndjrlii^era d'obdir aux ordros docette corporation, re<judrant sa prdsonce, encourra unc amende n'excedunt pas dix louis courant, pour chaquo telle infrac- tion au present rdglement. IX. Quo lo pilote qui no sera pas civil ou strictemcnt moddre, et sobro dans I'exdcution do scs devoirs ; ou qui n'omploiera pas tout lo soin et toute la dili<;ence possible pour conduire sfirement le bftti men t sous sa charu,e ; ou qui n'emploiera pas tout le soin possible pour erapCcher colui-ci do faire dommago h d'autres bati- ments, encourra pour toute et chaquo telle faute une amende n'cx- cddant pas dix louis couninl. X. Que le piloto qui aura la charge d'un bdtimcnt naviguant Bur le fleuve St. Laurent et voyant un autre batiment s'approchant do battures ou autres ecueilsj, en informera immddiatement roffi- cicr commandant lo batiment sous sa charge, Ie(|uel est requis immediatement do faire les signaux ndcessaircs, & tel autre bfiti- ment, et lo piloto ayant la charge d'un batiment ou I'oificier com- mandant d'un batiment qui contreviendront i\ ce rdglemont, en- courront chacun une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XI. Que les chaloupes de pilote auront ii bord un compas de mcr pour instruire les apprentis, sous peine d'une amende, pour chaquo contravention au present reglement,, n'excddant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur le pilote en charge de telle cha- loupe. XII. Que le pilote qui s'engngera pour piloter un bfitiment en montant ou descendant le fleuve St. Laurent, ou pour le conduire d'un lieu ji un autre dans le havre de Qudbec, devra avoir son apprenti avcc lui ^ bord de tel' batiment pour le niieu? instruire; Fornnt rapport (lea chango- niontM (lanH les baiKiK <lo 8nble, Uou<teB, oto. Ob6iront aux ordros do ia Cuq)oratlou. ^orontmod^- t6B el aobroa dans I'oxdou- tion do lours devoirs. Foront dos si- gnaux aux vaissoaux qui aoront pr6a a'6- cueila. TjOS ohaloupes (le pilotcs au- ront h bord un compas do mor. Los nilotes au- ront tours ap- prentis avoo eux h bord des vaisseaux. 'I ■ I t i Pilots to have boats when piloting ves- sels down after the 25th Octo- ber. Shall obey when at the rendez-vous the orders of the superin- tendants of Pi- lots. Shall report when ballast may be thrown over- board any vessel under their charge out of the li- mits of the Ballast Ground. Pilots aban- doning ves- sel under their charge within the 48 hours after their ar- rival. Pilots to anch- or ships at a certain dis- tance from wharves. prentice on board the said ship or vessel of which he may he in charge, provided always that the said Apprentice is not at the time required to be on board the vessel belon^ng to this Corpo- ration, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from every such Pilot who shall contravene this Regulation. XIII. That every Pilot taking charge of any ship or vessel going down the River St. Lawrence after the Twenty -fifth day of October, in each year, inclusively, shall keep a boat with such ship or vessel for the purpose of enabling such Pilot to land after he is discharged, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every neglect so to do ; ttnd if such boat shall be lost or da- maged by accident, while such Pilot has charge of such ship or vessel, the value of such Boat or the damage done thereto, shall be paid by the master or officer commanding such ship or vessel. XIV. That each and every Pilot cruizing below Quebec, shall obey such orders in writing or otherwise as he or they shall from time to time receive from the Superintendents of Pilots, or from either of them, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Cur- rency, for each and every instance of disobedience. XV. That every Pilot having the charge of any ship or vessel from which Ballast shall be thrown overboard, in any part of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, without, the limits of the Ballast Ground, fixed and determined by this present By-Law, as hereinafter described in the twentieth Article of the same, shall report the fact to the Harbour Master of Quebec, within twenty-four hours after such Pilot shall have given up the charge of such ship, or vessel, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every neglect to make such report within the period aforesaid. XVI. That if any Pilot, arriving with any vessel in the Har- bour of Quebec, who has been required by the Master thereof, to remain in charge of such vessel during the forty-eight hours next after such arrival, shall abandon such vessel, and give up the charge thereof before the expiration of such forty-eight hours and before such vessel shall have been made fast to a wharf, or shall have commenced discharging her ballast, or unloading, such Pilot shall for every such ofience, incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XVII. That not J*ilot, Master, or other person in charge of any ship, or vessel, shall anchor any such f^liip, or vessel, within two cable lengths of any of the wharves in the Harbour of Quebec, except in case of emergency, or for the purpose of immediately hauling alongside any of the said wharves, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, recoverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person who shall contravene such regulation. pour temp point Bur t •m*- 8 he may be in is not at the to this Corpo- Currency, to ntravenc this ihip or vessel ty-fifthdayof nth such ship nd after he is tids Currency, be lost or da- such ship or thereto, shall ihip or vessel, Quebec, shall ey shall from ilots, or from Pounds Cur- ship or vessel iy part of the , without, the y this present A.rticle of the r of Quebec, given up the ceeding Ten sport within in the Har- r thereof, to t hours next give up the it hours and arf, or shall ading, such penalty not large of any within two of Quebec, mmediately penalty not such Pilot, ulation. pourvu toujours que lo dit apprenti ne eoit pas rcquis en mSme temps ik bord du bdtiment appartenant &, cette corporation, sous peine d'une amende n'exc^dani pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur tel pilote qui contreviendra L ce r^glement. XIII. Que le pilote qui prcndra la charge d'un batiment des- cendant le fleuve St. Laurent, apr^s le vingt-cinquieme jour d'Octabre de chaque annde, inclusivement, aura avec lui une chaloupe k herd de tel batiment, pour pouvoir en ddbarquer quand il sera d^charg^, sous peine d'une amende n'excedant pas dix louis courant par chaque contravention au present reglement; et si telle chaloupe est perdue oil endommagee par accident pen- dant que tel pilote est en charge de tel batiment, la valeur ide telle chaloupe ou du dommage qui lui sera fait, sera pay^e par le capitaine ou officier commandant tel batiment. XIV. Que les pilotes croisant au bas de Quebec, ob^iront aux ordres qui leur scront donnas de temps k autre, par dcrit ou autrc- ment, de la part des surintendants dcs pilotes ou de I'un d'eux, sous peine d'une amende n'exc^dant pas dix louis .ourant, pour chaque ddsob^issance. XV. Que le pilote ayant la charge d'un batiment, d'ou on jet- tera du lest, dans une partie quelconque du fleuve Saint-Laurent, dans les limites du hdvie de Quebec, et en dehors de cclles du Ballast Gi'ound, fixdes par le pr«Ssent reglement, telles que decri- tcs ci-apr^s k Tarticle vingt, en fera rapport au maitre du havre de Quebec, dans les vingt-quatre heures apr^s que tel pilote aura laissd la charge de tel batiment, sous peine d'une amende n'exc^- dant pas dix louis courant pour chaque negligence il faire ce rap- port dans le temps susdit. XVI. Que si un pilote, arrivant avec un batiment dans le h&vre de Quebec, qui a <5te requis par le capitaine du dit batiment d'en conserver la charge duraut les quaratite-huit heures qui suivront son arrivde, le laisse et en abandonne la charge avant Texpiration des dits quarante-huit heures, et avant que le dit batiment ait 4X6 amarre a un quai ou ait commence k jeter son lest ou a discharger, tel pilote encourra, pour toute telle faute, une amende n'exc(5dant pas dix louis courant. Les piloteg au- ront une cha- loupe lors- qunls pilote- ront en des- cendant apr^s le 25 octobre. lis ob^iront aux ordrea dn surintendant des pilotes au rendez-TOus. Feront rap- port lorsqu'il sera jetd du lest d'un b&ti- ment dent ils auront la char- ge hors le Bcd- lavt Ground, Pilotes qui abandonne- ront les vais- seaux dont ils auront la char- ge dans les 48 heures apriis lour arriv<!e. XVII. Qu'aucun pilote, capitaine ou autre personne en charge Les pilotes an- d'un batiment ne devra ancrer tel batiment a moins de deux enca- creront les blures d'aucun des quais situes dans le havre de Quebec, excopte une certain© dans le cas d'urgence, ou pour le haler immddiateuient le long des distance dea dits quais, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis cou- <!"*"• rant, recouvrable sur tel pilote, capitaine ou autre persoune qui contreviendra in ce reglement. I V'l Not to anchor ships at the entrance of or in the inner channel at I'Anae-des- Mirea. Masters of vessels from sea shall hoist the Union Jack on arriv- ing in the Har- bour of Que- bec. Limits of tho Ballast Ground, Mas- ters of vessels shall not dis- charge ballast out of such li- mits. Shall not make fast to the shore except to haul in or out imme- diately. 9 XVIII. That no Pilot, Master, or other person in charge of any ship or vessel, shall anchor any such ship, or vessel, at the en- trance of, or in the channel extending between the Bank and the Coves at V Anse-des-Meres and upwards, in the harbour of Que- bec, except in cases of emergency, or for the purpose of immcdia- tcly hauling alongside the wharves or piers of the said Coves, under a penalty of Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person who shall contravene this regulation. XIX. That the Master, or Commander of every ship, or vessel arriving in the Harbour of Quebec, from sea, shall hoist the Union Jack at the peak, and keep the same so hoisted from sunrise to sunset until such vessel shall have been cleared by the proper • authority, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from any such Master, or Commander, who shall contravene this regulation. XX. That the following shall be the limits of the Ballast Ground within which ships, or vessels, may discharge the ballast into the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, that is to say, between St. Martin's Point, and the west end of Beaumont shoals, as near the south shore as the water will admit ; and also between the Riviere Chaudiere and a line formed by a Beacon erected on the hill in rear of Diamond Harbour, and the centre of the Martello Tower, above it, and not nearer to the north shore than in fifteen fathoms water, and not nearer to the south shore than in ten fathoms water, at low water, in neap tides : and any Master, or Commander, of any ship, or vessel, or the Master of any craft, or any other person whatsoever who shall throw any ballast into the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, in any place without the foregoing described limits, shall incur for every such offence a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XXI. That any Master, or Commander, of any ship, or vessel, steamboat or river craft, or any other person whatsoever, who shall fasten any chain cable, hawser, or other rope or cable across any part of the Harbour of Quebec, or of the Cul-de-Sac or landing- places within the said Harbour, otherwise than for the express purpose of hauling in or out without loss of time, or for the purpose of hauling such ship or vessel, steamboat or river craft off the ground, shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every such offense, and any such Master, or Commander, or other person foresaid, who shall not slack out such chain cable, hawser, rope or cab'e, when required, in order to give a free and uninterrupted passage to any other ship or vessel having occasion to pass, shall (provided the same can be done without danger) incur a like penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XV] d'un bl le diet ei au- gence piliers I rant, rl ; contrei xi:5l vant dl au haij couche autorit dix loi centre XX en ded flcuve Entre Beaun i pourra une lit I'Anse- plus pi et pas d'eau commi i quelcc • dans J dans courri n'exci ■■ stean quja trave de-S£ but tern J ou e cour ou i ama sag( ser, blal xnmtttm'^'^ismm 10 in charge of any esse], at the en- e Bank and the arbour of Que- 'oseofimmedia- 'lie said Coves, Gcoverable from contravene this ' ship, or vessel bist the Union 'rom sunrise to by tlie proper nds Currency, tnuiander, who fallast Ground 'iillast into the , that is to say, lumont shoals, I also between )n erected on f the Martello ban in fifteen e than in ten ly Master, or any craft, or llast into the in any place '1' every such 'J- ip, or vessel, er, who shall 3 across any 5 or landing- the express the purpose raft off the ? Currency, mander, or ihain cable, a free and 'ff occasion it danger) icy. XVIII. Qu'aucun pilote, capitaine c'^ )itre personne en charge N'iincroront d'un batiment ne devra ancrer tel bfui it ^ I'entrde du ou dans ^e*aux*dansio le clienal, s'^tendant entre le banc et les . mlons a I'Anse-des-Mc^res chenal entre lo ^t au-dessus, dans le havre de Quebec, excepts dans Ic cas d'ur- banc etlosfou- gence et pour inim^diatement se haler le long des quais ou des dcs-Misres. piliers des dits foulons, sous peine d'une amende de dix louis cou- rant, recouvrable sur tel pilote, capitaine ou autre personne qui contreviendra k ce reglement. XIX. Que le capitaine ou commandant de tout batiment arri- vant de la mer dans le havre de Quebec, devra hisser le Union Jack au haut du mat, et le laissera ainsi hissd depuis le lever jusqu'au coucher du solcil, jusqu'tt ce que tel batiment ait <5td libere par les autoritds competentes, sous peine d'une amende n'exc^dant pas dix louis icourant, recouvrable sur le capitaine ou commandant qui contreviendra ii, ce riliglement. XX. Que les limites suivantes seront celles du Ballast Ground en dedans desquelles les batiments peuvent jeter leur lest dans le flcuve St. Laurent, dans le Hilv're de Quebec, c'est-a-savoir : Entre la Pointe St. Martin et I'extrenutd ouest de la batture de Beaumont, aussi pres de la rive sud que la profondeur de I'eau pourra le perniettre, et dgalement entre la riviere Chaudiere et une ligne ibrm^e par une amarquc ^rig^e sur la cote en arriere de I'Anse-des-Meres et le centre de la Tour Martello, au-dessus, et pas plus pros de la rive nord qu'ii, la profondeur de quinze brasses d'eau et pas plus pr(^s >de la rive sud qu'i, la profondeur de dix brasses d'eau a basse maree, dans les basses mers ; et le capitaine ou commandant d'un batiment ou le capitaine d'une enibarcation quelconque, ou tout autre personne quelconque qui jettera du lest dans le fleuve St. Laurent, dans les limites du Havre de Quebec, dans aucune autre place que les limites ci-dessus d(^crites, en- courra, pour chaque contravention a ce reglement, une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XXI. Que le capitaine ou commandant de tout batiment, steamboat ou embarcation, ou toutc autre personne quelconque, quj attachera une chaine, haussitire ou autre amarre ou cable en travers d'une partie quelconque du Havre de Qu^Sbec ou du Cul- de-Sac ou ddbarcadire dans le dit Havre, autrcment qae pour le but expriis de se hiller eu dehors ou en dedans sans perdre de temps, ou pour le but express de dechouer tel batiment, steamboat, ou embarcation, encourra une amende n'excedant pas dix louis courant pour toute telle ftiute, et tout tel capitaine ou commandant ou autre personne qui ne lachera pas telle' chaine, haussitire, amarre ou cable, quand il en sera requis, afin de donner un pas- sage libre et non interrompu ib tout autre btitiment ayant a pas- ser, encourra (a moins qu'il y ait du danger k le faire), une sem- blable amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. Lea maitres de vaisscaux ar- rivant de la inor dans le havre, hisse- ront lo Union Jack; Limites du Ballast Ground, il no sera {lasjeW de lest hors ces limites. Aucun vais- seau ne sera amarr6 il terro si CO n'cst pour le h&ler sans d61ai. ^>*^:- 11 How Tessols aro to lie at oertaia whar- ves. Booms to be rigged in, and yards topped up alongside of wharves. Vessels having an inside berth at wharves shall allow a free passage over their , docks. XXII. That all ships or vessels lying in front of the wharves adjoining the north side of the following landing places, to wit : the landing place on St. James Street, and that on St. Antoine street, shall have their heads pointed down the lliver St. Lawrence, and that all ships or vessels lying in front of the wharves adjoining the south side of the said landing places, shall have their heads pointed up the lliver St. Lawrence, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from the Master, Pilot or other person in charge of any such ship cr vessel which shall be placed in contravention of any or either of these regulations. XXIII. That all vessels lying at the wharves or in tiers within the Harbour of Quebec, or in the Cul-deSac, shall have their boats lowered down, their yards topped up, as far as practicable, their studding sail boom irons taken oflF, their sprit sail yards laid fore and aft, and their anchors secured, so as to avoid doing damage to other vessels, under a penalty, recoverable from the Master or other person in charge of any such vessel, not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every contravention of the foregoing regu- lation. (1) XXIV. Thiat when two or more ships or vessels shall lie in the same tier at any of the wharves within the Harbour of Quebec, a free and uninterrupted passage over the deck or decks of the ship or ships, vessel or vessels lying within and next to such wharf, shall be allowed and permitted to all and every person and persons, as well for the purpose of loading and unloading as for all and any purpose of communication between the shore and the ship or ships, vessel or vessels lying without : and any Master or other person having charge of any such ship or vessel so lyinsj; within or next to such wharf, or between any two ships or vessels so lying in the same tier as aforesaid, who shall refuse to allow or permit such passage as stforesaid, or shall prevent, impede or obstruct XXI] $,vi c6t(S de la ru| Levant liients a^ i^barcad (aurentl fant, rec| in charji Ouelqu'i ' XXIl flans le thaloupe dehors ( I'avant i causer ( Rmende, de tel ba (pontrave Vessels lying at deep water wharves shall have stream anchors. such passage, or the use or enjoyment of sucii passage, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency for every such refusal or obstruction. XXV. That whenever two or more vessels are lying in tiers at any deep water wharf within the Harbour of Quebec, the Master or other person having charge of any and every such ship or vessel (the ship or vessel next to the said wharf excepted) shall cause an anchor with a suflScient cable to be carried from the ship or vessel in charge of such Master or other person and laid in the stream, as well for the purpose of hauling oil in case of necessity as I'or the relief of the ship or vessel lying within : and any Master or other person who shall refuse or neglect to cause to be carried out and (1) A portion of the original is left out because it has been repealed by the 2nd paragraph of By-laws, No. 82, ordained 12th Oct. 1855. I . i2 >ntof the wharves > places, to wit: the XXTI. Que tous batbrcnts accost^s au front des quais situds Comment les >t. Antome street, m cotd nord des ddbarcad^res suivants, savoir : le ddbarcad^re e^'teroT *°' -Liawrence, and de la rue St. Jacques et celui sur la rue St. Antoine, auront leicertaiw ves adjoining the deviint tourne vers le bas du fleuve St. Laurent ; et tous les bfiti- 1"*'*- leir heads pointed aaents accostds au front des quais joignant le cotd sud des dits exceedinL' Ten ddbarcadt^res auront le devant tournd vers le haut du fleuve St. tiaurent, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis cou- irant, recouvrable sur le capitaine, le pilote ou toute autre personne ^n charge de tels bdtiments, qui seront ainsi en contravention k Quelqu'un de ces rdglements. X)Cni. Que tous bfitiments accostds aux quais ou en rangdes Coinment lea >t ter. Pilot or^other shall be placed tions. )r in tiers within shall have their as practicable, •it sail yards kid »id doing damage a the Master or exceeding Ten foregoing regu- 5 shall lie in the ur of Quebec, a ecks of the ship to such wharf; !on and persons, dans le havre de Quebec, ou dans le Cul-de-Sac, auront leurs J(,nt°i*u* *)J^. chaloupes baissdes, leurs vei^s apiqudes, Icurs ccrclea de boutte guea apiqudes dehors de bonettes otds, leurs vergues de civadii^re placdes de *' -^"o"'* «n- I'avant i. Tarriere, et leurs ancres disposdes de mani^re ^ ne pas des^quaigt °°* causer de dommages k d'autres b&timents sous peine d'une amende, recouvrable sur le capitaine ou autre personne en charge de tel batiiiient, n'excddant pas dix louis courant, pour chaque 'contravention au present rdglement. (1) XXIV. Que quand deux ou plusieurs britinients seront placds Les vaisseanx dans la uieme rangde k I'un des quais du havre de Qudbec, il sera QuaM*rs* ^ ^1 Jaissd un passage libre et non interrompu sur le pont des bati- un passage inents situds en dedans et prds de tel quai k toute personne, tant i'*""" ««' lo"" 3 for all and any pour charger que pour ddcharger ou pour toute autre couimuni-P""'*" nd the ship or cation entre la terre et le batiment situd en dehors, — et le capi- taine ou autre personne en charge de tel vaisseau joignant le quai ou situd entre deux batiments ainsi placds dans une meme rangde comme ci-dessus, qui refusera de permettre tel passage comnie ci- dessus, ou I'obatruera, encourra une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, pour chaque tel refus ou obstruction. faster or other lying within or pi'essels so lyin": How or permit le or obstruct ige, shall incur ■ency for every 'ing in tiers at ec, the Master I ship or vessel shall cause an ship or vessel the strean), as ty as lor the aster or other Tied out and rcpealoil by tho XXV. Que quand deux ou plusieurs batiments seront placds en Lea vaisseaux rangde lelong d'un quai jircau profonde dans le hdvie de Qudbec, accostdsi un le capitaine ou autre personne ayant la charge de tout tel batiment ^^'J.^^j^J*'*"_ (le batiment situd le long du quai dtant exceptd) fera porter au ront une anor* large une ancre avec une longueur de cable suJBBsante, tant pour se^^'^ge* haler au large en cas de ndcessitd que pour protdger le batiment situd en dedans, et le capitaine ou autre personne qui refusera de faire porter ainsi une anore avec une longueur de cable suffisante comme ci-dessus, de tel bdtiment sous sa charge, encourra, pour (1) Une portion do I'original est omis ayant 6ti rappelde par lo 2e paragraphe Ri^glomcnt No. 82, pass6 le 12 octobre 1855. 1-;' ■jl 5 .\ Not more than three tiers of ships and a barge to lie at one wharf. Harbour Mas- ter shall sta- tion all vessels in the Har- bour. Masters of vessels shall alack their hawsers to allow another vessel to haul in or out of a wharf. Vessels lying at wharves or in the Harbour shall have on board a res- 13 laid as aforesaid, such anchor with such sumcient cable as aforesaid, from such ship or vessel as aforesaid, so in charge of such master or other person as aforesaid, shall for every such refusal or neglect incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XXVI. Tjiat not more than three ships or vessels and a barge shall lie in the same tier at any of the wharves within the Har- bour of Quebec, (except with special permission of the Harbour Master) under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from the Master, Pilot or other person in charge of any such ship or vessel so lying at any of the said wharves, who shall act in contravention of the foregoing regulations. XXVII. That the Harbour Master of Quebec shall station all ships and vessels which shall hereaftcH come to the Harbour of Quebec, or any part thereof or haul into any of the wharves situated within the limits of the said Harbour, and shall regulate the mooring and fastening, and shifting and removal of such ships and vessels, and shall determine how far and in what instances it is the duty of Masters and other persons having charge of such ships or vessels, to accommodate each other in their respective situations, and all disputes which may arise touching or concerning the prem'ses or any or either of them. And any Master or other person ha.'ing charge of any ship or vessel, who shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the said Harbour Master in the premises, or in any or either of them, and any wharfinger or other person who shall resist or oppose such Harbour Master in the execution of the duties hereby required of him, or of any or either of them, shall for each and every such offence incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XXVIII. That any Master or other person having the charge of any ship or vessel lying in the Harbour of Quebec, who shall refuse to slack his hawser or chain cable in order to allow another vessel to haul in or out of a wharf, shall incur a penalty not ex- ceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XXIX. That all vessels, as well 'those newly built as others, shall, when lying at wharves or in any part of the Harbour of Que- bec, each have a Master or other responsible person on board in charge, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from tbe owner of each such vessel for every con in charge person travention of this regulation. £ed on^^aJd ^^^- That no gun or guns or other fire arms shall be fired on of vo9*sels lying board of any ship or vessel lying alongside of or in tiers in front of at wharves or any wharf or on any part of the Beaches in the Harbour of Quebec, within thT'''^* under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be re- Harbour, coverable from the master or commander of any ship or vessel on board of which such gun or other fire arras shall be fired. chaquel 'dix loul XX^ Bur un( (i moil i peine d1 isur le cJ ment pll resjlemel XX^ bS,timei quelcon situ^s d rage et "quel poi la charf! respccti tions ci- d'un ba havre d: garde d« position encourrs louis cot XX\ d'un ba sa haus de se 1 amende ^ XXI ils seroi du hav! personr araend( ventior tout tel XX bord d quai 01 sous pe viable aura 6 14 able as aforesaid, Q of such master •efusal or neglect ids Currency, sela and a barge (vithin the Har- of the Harbour ids Currency, to erson in charge e said wharves, chaque contravention a ce r^glement une amende n'excodant pas dix louis courant. gulations. shall station all the Harbour of of the wharves d shall regulate 'al of such ships hat instances it charge of such their respective g or concerning Vlaster or other shall refuse or Master in the rfinger or other Master in the )f any or either 3ur and pay a ing the charge )ec, who shall allow another nalty not ex- ilt as others, irbourofQue- on Board in Currency, to or every con ill be fired on rs in front of ir of Quebec, y, to be re- or vessel on red. XXVI. Que pas plus do trois b&tinients et une bergese tiendront sur une menie rangie k un quai quelconque du havre dc Quebec i(ii moins d'une permission' sp<5ciale du maitre du havre), sous ipeine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix livres courant, recouvrable isur le capitaine, le pilote ou autre personne en charge de tcl bfi,ti- ment placd ii I'un des dits quais, qui contreviendra au present reglement. XXVII. Que le maitre du havre de Quebec placera tons les bdtiments qui viendront ci-apr^6dans le havre ou dans une partie quelconque du havre de Qudbec, ou se h&leront i^ I'un des quais situds dans Ics limites du dit hSvre, et reglera I'ancrage, I'amar- ragc et le deplacement de tel batiment, et ddterminera jusqu'ii, quel point et dans quel cas les capitaines et autres personnes ayant la charge de tels bS^timents s'entre-serviront dans leurs positions respectives, et toute contestation qui pourra s'elever sur les ques- tions ci-dessus. Et le capitaine ou autre personne ayant la charge d'un batiment, qui refusera ou ndgligera d'obeir au maitre du havre dans tous ou aucun des cas ci-dessus prdvus et le maitre ou garde de quai ou autre personne qui lui r<?sistera ou lui fera op- position dans rex<$cution des devoirs requis de lui par les prdsentes, encourra pour toute telle faute une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XXVIII. Que le capitaine au autre personne ayant la charge d'un batiment situddansle havre de Quebec, qui refusera dc lacher sa haussitire ou sa chaine afin de permettre lY un autre biitiment de se haler, en dedans ou en dehors d'un quai, encourra une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XXIX. Que tous butiments, les neufs comme les autres, quand ils seront placds le long des quais ou dans une partie quelconque du hftvre de Qudbec, devront avoir chacun un capitaine ou autre personne responsable qui en aura la charge, sous peine d'une amende qui n'excddera pas dix louis courant, pour chaque contra- vention au present rdglement, recouvrable sur le propridtaire de tout tel batiment. XXX. Qu'il ne sera tird aucun canon ou autre arme k feu k bord d'un v^isseau situd le long de, ou en rangde au front d'un quai ou sur une partie quelconque des greves du havre de Qudbec, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, recou- vrable sur le capitaine ou commandant du batiment a bord duquel aura dtd ainsi tird un canon ou autre arme i\*fieu. Pan plus de troia vaiasoaux et iinebergo ne seront sur une m^me rangdo il un quai. Le maitre du h&vre plaoora tous Taisseaus dans le h&vre. Les vaisseaux l&cheront leurs haus- sitires pour per- mettre k un autre bfttiment de se hftler h un quai ou en dehors. Tous vaisseaux dans le h&vre sera sous la charge d'une personne res- ponsable. II ne sera tir6 aucune arme h, feu k bord de Taisseaux aux quais ou sur les gr^vea dans le n&rre. 15 111 harbour, but in a oertaiQ way. Masters of XXXI. That any Master of a ship or vessel, or any other person norhcat or ^^ persons whatsoever, who shall heat or boil or cause to be heated boll tar, pitch or boiled, tar, pitch, turppintine, rosin or prease, for the purpose of &o., in the graving or breaming vessels, or for any other purpose whatsoever, in the Harbour of Quebec, at a less distance than twenty feet from the vessel to be graved or breamed, and from all other vessels, buildings, and wharves, shall for each and every such offence incur a penalty of Ten Pounds Currency, and also the like penalty if a proper person does not attend the pitchpot, or kettle, while heat- ing or boiling, prepared with a shovel and a suflScient cover for instantly extinguishing the same in case the combustible matter takes fire, and for completely putting out the original fire when the purpose for which it was kindled is accomplished : and no ship or vessel shall be breamed in any part of the Harbour of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf at Pointe-a-Carcis, to Diamond Harbour, both places inclusive, (unless in a floating dock or on gridirons) under a like penatly not exceeding Ten Pounds Cur- rency for every contravention of this regulation, (1) I'll Shall not ma- ke fire on board thoir Tossels within certain limits after the close and before the opening of the navigation. Shall not make fire before fiunrise and after sunset on board their vessels when lying at whar- ves in the Har- bour of Que- bec, nor at any other time except in a certain way. XXXII. That any Master or other person having the charge of any vessel lying in the Cul-de-Sac or at any other place in the Harbour of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf at Pointe-h-Carcis to Diamond Harbour, both places included, who at any time after the close and before the opening of the navigation, shall, without the express permission of the Trinity House of Quebec, make or suffer to be made on board such vessel so lying, a fire for any pur- pose whatsoever, shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency for each and every such offence. XXXIII. That during the season of navigation in each year it shall not be lawful for any ship or vessel lying in the Cul-de-Sac or alongside of or in tiers in front of any of the wharves in the Harbour of Quebec, to have any fire on board, except for the purpose of cooking, and such fire shall be permitted at no other ■ time than from sunrise to sundown, nor unless made in one or more close cambuse of iron or other metal, or of briek or stone, provided always that any such ship or vessel lying as aforesaid, at any of the said wharves being deep water wharves, where vessels do not ground, may also have a fire in the cabin, provided the same be made in a stove of metal, brick or stone, that can be closely shut up ; and that each and every contravention of the aforesaid regulations in this article mentioned, or of any of them, shall subject the Master or person in charge of any such ship or vessel on board of which such contravention shall take place, to a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. (1) A portion of the origjfial is left out because it has been repealed by the 16th Vio. cap. 234. *^ »ny other person use to bo heated r the purpose of )ose whatsoever, ;wenty feet from all other vessels, ;h ofienco incur ike penalty if a ttle, while heat- icient cover for bustible matter ginal fire when )lished : and no he Harbour of Is, to Diamond ig dock or on I Pounds Cur- ing the charge icr place in the nie-h-Carcis to iny time after shall, without uebec, make or re for any pur- g Ten Pounds in each year it the Cul-de-Sac wharves in the except for the ;ed at no other ide in one or briek or stone, IS aforesaid, at , where vessels ,, provided the , that can be k^ention of the ' any of them, Y such ship or ke place, to a I repealed by the 16 XXXI. Que le oapitaine d'un bitimentou toute autre personno qui fera chauffer ou bouillir du goudron, do brai, de la t^rfSben thine, de la r^sine, ou de la graisse pour suiver et donner le feu hi un bdti- raent ou pour tout autre objet quelconque dans le havre de Quebec, ^ moins de vingt pieds du biltiment A. suiver et de tous autres b&timents, Edifices et quais, encourra pour chaque telle fauto une amende de dix louis courant, et aussi une pareille amende do diz louis courant si nne person ne convenable ne surveille pas la mar- mite tl goudron pendant qu'elle sera chauffde, muni d'une pelle et d'un couvercle suffisant pour I'dieindre immddiatement dans le cas oii le combustible prendra feu et pour dteindre compl^te- ment le feu originairement fait quand Tobjet pour lequel il aura dt<$ allumd sera accompli ; Et il ne sera 8uiv3 aucun b&timent dans une partie quelconque du hdvre -de Quebec, depuis le quai d'Oliver k la Pointe-ArCarcis jusqu'il rAn8e-de8-M<^res, ces deux places dtant incluses (h. moins quece ne soit dans un dock flottant ou sur aridirons), sous peine d'une pareille amende n'excddant pns dix louis courant, pour chaque 'contravention 1 ce rdglement. (1) XXXII. Que tout'Capitaine ou autre personne ayant la charge d'un batiment situd dans le Cul-de-Sac ou a tout endroit duhfivre de Quebec, du quai d'Oliver k la Pointe-^Carois jusqu'^ I'Anse- des-M^res (ces deux places incluses,) qui k une dpoque quelcon- que entre la cl6ture et I'ouverture de la navigation, sans la per- mission expresse de la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec, fera ou permettra de faired bord de tel b&timent ainsi placd, du feu pour un objet quelconque, encourra une amende n'exoddant pas dix louis eourant pour chaque telle faute. XXXMI. Que durant la saison de navigation, dans chaque an- ode, il est ddfendu k tout b&timent placd dans le Cul-de-8ac ou le long des q»uaia, ou en rangdes au front des quais du h&vre de Que- bec, d'aveir du feu d. bord excepts pour la cuisine, feu ne sera;permis que depuis le lever jusqu'au couoher du soleil, et que -s'lil est fah dans une ou plusieurs cambuses entourdes de fer ou : autre mdtal, ou de brique ou de pierre, pourvu que tout tel bdti- ment ainsi placd k I'un des quais ci-dcssus, d, Veau prp/ande, ou 'les bfitiments n'echouent pas, pourra aussi avoir du &u dans la cahine pourvu qu'il soit fait dans un poele de mdtal, brique ou pierre qui puisse §tre fermd juste ; et que toute et chaque con- travention auz presents reglements mentionnds dans cet article, <<)ii I'un d'eux, assujettira ie oapitaine ou la personne en charge de tout tel bSrtimeot, 4 bord d'lquel tel contravention aura lieu, k ane amende n'exoddant pas dix louis couranL (1) Partie de oe rdglement est omiie, ayant M rappelte par U 16dme Vict, ch. 234. Lei maltrea de vaiaieaujc ne feront ohaut*- fer ou bouillir du goudron, etc., dans le h&vre, que d'une oertaine fa(on. Ne feront pas de feu h. bord leuri rais- seaux dans certaines li- mites aprds la oldture et arant I'ourer- ture de la na- vigation. Ne feront pas de feu & bord leurs vais- seaux Bvant le le.Ter du soleil 'ni Mris le oouoner duso- leil, aux quais dansle hAvre, ni en auoun autre temps, excepts d'une oertaine fa^n. n \ I ' I'll Veflieli lying at wharrea in tiorg or singly to have their hatches oot- erod over. Masters of ves 8ols dropping XXXIV. That tho Master or person having the charge of any ship or vessel lying in the Cul de Sao or in a tier or singly along- side of any wharf in the Harbour of Quebec, shall cause tho hatchways of such ship or vessel to bo secured and completely covered over with hatchings and gratings, immediately after the work of loading or discharging, ab the case may be, shall be fin- ished for the day and the same to continue so covered until the time when the work may recommence in the morning, under a penalty for every neglect so to do, not exceeding Ten Pounds Currencyt XXXV. Is repealed by the first clause of number 84, which is itself repealed by the 22 Vic. cap. 19. XXXVI. That all Masters and Pilots, or persons in charge of vessels, being within the Port or Harbour of Quebec, which may "r'^Ao^^t*"™- *^'^°P °^ ^^® anchors or chain or other cables, shall forthwith report port tlie same the same to the Harbour Master in writing, describing as nearly as to tho Harbour possible the situation and place where such anchors, or chain or Master. other cables may be dropped or lost, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for every neglect so to do. XXXVII. Is repealed by number 80. XXXVIII. Is repealed by 22 Vic. Cap. 30. Rafts not to XXXIX. That no raft of Timber shall hereafter bo moored or make fast out- made fast outside of ships or vessels lying at any of the wharves side of ships ^ within the Harbour of Quebec, nor alongside or between any such wharves, so as to prevent any ship or vessel from hauling into any such wharf or out of the same, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, recoverable from the owner or person in charge of such raft, for every contravention of this regulation. XL. That any person or persons who shall throw dirt, filth, stones, Ac, to stones or rubbish of any description whatsoever over any of the oTerwharves ^^'irv^s within the Harbour of Quebec or into any of the docks or into any of between the said wharves or upon any of the Landing places or the docks or Inlets or on any part of the beaches between high and low ?ng places. water marks, or in any other place within the said Harbour that may in any way impede, injure or obstruct the Navigation, shall for each and every such ofience incur and pay a penalty not ex- ceeding Ten Pounds Currency, and shall remove the same at his and their own cost and charge, immediately upon being verbally ordered so to do by the Harbour Master, and shall incur a further penalty not exceeding Ten Founds Currency, if the same shall not be removed within twenty-four hours after such notice shall have been as aforesaid given. No person to XLI. That any person or persons who shall obstruct any of obstruct the the landing places within the Harbour of Quebec, or who shall landing places incumber any part of the space between high and low water marks the be^MheY of the several beaches within the said Harbour, with timber, within the har- lying at what ves. No dirt, filth, i ^jmm) . ,, ■•.ssxsmi 18 charge of any or singly along- fihall oauso tho and completely liatelv after the be, shall be fin- (vercd until the rning, under a g Ten Pounds ber 84, which as in charge of >ec, which may )rthwith report ng as nearly as "s, or chain or not exceeding r be moored or if the wharves ween any such 1 hauling into not exceeding 3r or person in 1 regulation, row dirt, filth, rcr any of the of the docks ding places or high and low Harbour that vigation, shall enalty not ex- le same at his being verbally ncur a further he same shall \i notice shall struct any of or who shall y water marks with timber, XXXTV. Quclo capitiune ou la personne ayant la charge d un I^« valnienux t *.• X 1 y 1 I n I J o < J 1 ranges aux bittinicnt pluc(5 dans lo Cul-de kSao ou en uno rangoe, ou soul, le ^^^^^ auront long d'un dos quais du hdvre de Qu<5bec, fera soigneusement et Ioum dooutlilea coniplcitemcnt couvrir los dcoatillen de leurs panncaux respcctifs ct oo"^®^""' do lours coursiircH (nmtinys) iiuuiddiatomcnt apr«i8 lo travail du chargemcnt ou du ddchargement, suivant le cas, chaquo jour, ct les laisscra ainsi jusqu'au temps ou I'ouvrago rccoinnicncera lo matin suivant, sous peine d'une amende, n'excddiint pus dix louis courant, pour chaque contravention it ce rdglement. XXXV. Uappcld par la Ire clause du rdglement n<* 84 qui est aussi rappcld par la 22e Vie. ch. 19. XXXVI. Que tous les capitaines et pilotes ou autres person- Le« maitros do nos en charge do b&timents situ«5s dans le hfivrc ou lo port do 'oij"o*" ou"' Quebec qui laisseront tombcr ou perdront des an ores, chaincs, Jaiggoront ou cables, en fcront do suite rapport, par dcrit, au maitre du tomber dos hfivro, ddcrivant aussi bien que possible la situation ct le lieu oil on^foront^r'ap- tels ancres, chaincs ou c&bles, seront tombds ou auront 6t6 perdus, port au maitro sous peine dune amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, pour <*" h^vro. chaque contravention au present r<5glement. XXXVII. liappcld par le No. 80. XXXVIII. Rappeld par la 22e Vict. Cap. 30. XXXIX. Qu'il I'avenir aucun cajeu de bois ne s'ancrera ou ne "^^ oajenx ne s'amarrcra en dehors des batiraents situds aux quais du hiivre de roaiTer°en"de- Qudbec ni le long de ou entre ces quais de mani^re &, cmpScher hors des vais- les batiments de s'y hfiler ou de s'en Eloigner, sous peine d'une ■^'"'* *"* amende n'excedant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur le pro-*^"*"" pri^taire ou la personne en charge de tel cajeu pour chaque con- travention au present rdglement. XL. Que toute personne qui jettera des ordures, des pierres p ne lera paa ou des ddchets d'une nature quelconque en bas des quais du hiivre ^^^^ plerreg'ou de Quebec, ou dans les bassins (docks) situds entre ces quais ou d^chets en bas sur les ddbarcadfires, ou les avenues ou les graves dans les limites^^* quais ou de la haute et basse marde, ou dans toute autre partie du dit oS'sot ks gr6- h&vre de mani^re & nuire k la navigation et k I'obstruer, ou h, en ves, etc. gCner la due iouissance, encourra, pour chaque telle faute, une amende n'excedant pas dix louis courant, et fera emporter d. ses propres frais les objets oi-dessus, aussitdt qu'elle en aura verbale- ment reQu I'ordre du maitre du hfivre, et encourra une autre amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, si elle ne les fait pas emporter dans les vingt-quatre heures qui suivront aprds qu'aver- tissement en aura 6t6 ainsi donnd. *» Xlil. Que toute personne qui obstruera les ddbarcadSres du On ne pourra hiivre de Quebec ou qui encombrera quelque partie de I'espace obstruer ni entre la haute et la basse marde, des differentes graves p^^^'Ug^]!' du dit hitvrc, de bois, mdts, plan9ons ou cajeux, de ZQani^re iH barquement oa gthrn de Hi!., I'll, ll;i': '4 II I' i'i ! th \ tioar with tira- matfl, lops or rafts, so as to prevent a free, continunuH anfl unin- IntBrrunt'uui torruptod passage and coiiiiminicatioii from the Bevcral Btroets anfl eommunicatlon lancH of tho City of Quebec, loading t4)wardH the Uivers St. Law- from th« Htroots f^pco and St. Charlos, over the beacliCH of tlio sanio, down to low down'toTow water mark, to tho full breadth of every such streetor lane, re»- wator mark, pcctively, shall incur and pay a penalty notcxocoding Ton I'ounds Currency. No pomon to onoiimbor nny of the hiir- boura, croeka or inlets with- in the Port of Quoboo with ■tone a, tim- ber, &e. No boata, &o., loaded with flrewood or timber to re- sort to certain prohibited Slocoa within 10 harbour. XLIT. That all and every tho person or persons who shall incumber any of the harbourn, creeks or inlets within tho limits of tho Port of Quebec, or in any way obstruct tho navigation thereof, with stones, filth, rubbish, timber, logs, spars or rafts, of any kind, to tho injury or impediment of ships, vessels or other craft going in or out of the same, shall incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XLIII. That no vessel, boat or craft, loaded with firewood or timber of any description, nor any firewood ip rafts or cribs, shall hereafter bo permitted to inter into or remain at any of the wharves, or landing places within the Harbour of Quebec, from Oliver's wharf, at Pointe-a-Carcia, to Diamond Harbour, both places iviclusivo, under a penalty not exce^ding Ten Pounds Cur- rency, recoverable from tho owner, master, or other person in charge of any such vessel, boat or craft, ruft or crib, for every contravention of this regulation. (1) XLIV. That hereafter all boats or vessels laden in whole or in part with hay or straw, shall repair to the River St. Charles, to dinposo of their cargoes, and nowhere else, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, which penalty shall be recover- able from the master, owner or other person having charge of any such boat or vessel laden in th<i whole or in part with hay or straw, who shall contravene this regululion. Certain whM- xLV. That the fronts of the following wharves, situated in the tod to "th^uso Harbour of Quebec, that is to say, the front next the River St. of steamboats Lawrence of the Queen's wharf, otherwise called Napoleon wharf, ""^M* P*'' the front next the River St. Lawrence of the wharf commonly **"** ' called St Andrew's wharf, the frontnext the River St. Lawrence ufthe wharf commonly called Gillespie's wharf, and the front next lac River St. Lawrence of the wharf commonly called Gibb's wharf, shall be and the same are hereby exclusively appr pi latod for the use and accommodation of steamlboats and steam veh'.«ols< employed and used for carrying passungers, and that ar ma itti- or other person having the charge of any ship or vessel, ^^other ^) A portion of 1ii« origlnAl is left oat baoauao it hM b«en repealed by 16 Vie. oap. SM. Boata, it'C, loaded with hay and atraw to repair to the River St. Charlca, and .no whore else. 4 ■-•^^Wihs T?WM )ntinunuH and unin- several Btreetsonfl tlio KivorH St. havr- 1 8UIH0, down to low 1 street or lane, res- ceding Ton Pounds persons wlio sholl within tho limits of navigation thereof, r rafts, of any kind, r other craft going lot exceeding Ten d with firewood or rafts or cribs, ahali lin nt any of the r of Quebec, from nd Harbour, both Ten Pounds Cur- )r other person in t or crib, for every den in whole or in er St. Charles, to "tier a penalty not ^ shall be recover- ng charge of any part with hay or Bs, situated in the xt the River St. Napoleon wharf, vharf commonly er St. Lawrence nd the front next ly called Gibb's >ly appr ,1. "a^Ml id steair v4'.s,«oJ>i that ar v ma (< ct ►r vessel, (other ten repealed by 16 20 interceptor lo passage, libro et non interrompu, ec Ics oommunica ^'"'"y*."^*. tion des diflfdrentes rues ot ruelleide la oit<5 do Queb'^coonduisantoep^,, i^ p„* au flcuvo Suint-Laurent et ^ la rivi6re Ht.-CharlcH sur 1< i fjr^voB »aKo outre !•■ doB ditea rivieres jusqu't^ niarde basse, sur touto la "'our de t«aU' ^t'l^bMic"" tc'.lc ruo ou ruclle, respectiveracnt, oncourru unc> aniendo n'cxc^-taMfi; dam pas dix louis courant. XLII. Quo touto personne qui cnoombrcra quolqu'nn dcs Pewonno ne hiivros, des onses ou des entrdes dans les limitcs du port do Qudbcc ^r"r"^« h4vm ou (jui en obstruera en quoique oo soit la navigation aveo dcs aoMH ou ua- pierrcs, des ordures, des di^ohetn, dulbois, des planyons, longdres ^"^"^ Z**"* [• oucageuxd'une i\'itui'! queloonque, de mani^re &, endomniager ^eo^ j* pief jej, ou rctardcr Ic V t ';iei.*« ou autres embarcations ca sortant et y boia.etu. entrant, cncouri'a udo aLidode n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XT I [I. >}\i :• btUiment, chaloupe ou autre embarcation char- ^^^ uhar""' j, gd ui' Inns de cht^uifage ou de pieces debois d'une nature quclcon- bois de chauf- qi , ' ' bois de chauffage en cajeux ou cribs, ne pourra iH ravenir 'age, etc., no entrvr ou rostor \ aucun des quais ou debarcadircs du hfivre do uuontor'cor- QufSbtic, du quui d'Oliver k la Pointe-A-Carcis h rAnhc-dcs-M^res, tuinus iiiaoos ces deux places inoluses, sous peine d'une amende n'exc^dont paH<*">« '^ h4vre. dix louis courant, rcoouvrable sur le propridtairc, capitaine ou autre personne ayant la charge de tel bfitimcnt, chaloupe ou em- briroation, oajeu ou crib, pour chaquo contravention au present r^glement. (1) XLIV. Queci-apr^s toute chaloupe ou bfitiment, chargd, en tout ^®' ohar""' ou en partie, de foin ou de paille, devra so rendre A. la rivi6re St. do^i'iUiio ou de Charles pour y disposer de sa cargaison, et nulle part ailleurs, f")". iront ^ •» sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, laquelle cha'rijfs et pas amende sera recouvrable sur le cupitaino, proprietairo ou autre ailleurs. personne ayant la charge de telle chaloupe ou bdtiment charg^ en tout ou en partie de foin ou de paille, qui contreviendra ti ce r^glement. XLV. Que les fronts des quais suivants situ^s dans le Hfivre de Certains quais Quebec, c'est-iH-savoir : le front correspondant au fleuve St. Lau- f.P|,'^''^'^jo'g rent du quai de la Heine conimunement appeld le quai Napoldon ; stumiKi-a qui le front correspondant au fleuve Saint-Laurent du quai commu- '•'""^P"''*®"* n^ment appel^ le quai Saint- Andrd ; le front correspondant au "* ^'^^ fleuve Saint-Laurent du quai os Jinairement appeld quai de Gilles- pie, et le front correspondant au fleuve Saint-Laurent du quai copjn nndmont appeld quai de Gibb, seront et sont exclusivement sy^iuprids ill I'usage et ill, I'accommodation des bateaux d vapour i et batiments k vapeur, employes au transport des passagers, et |[ que tout capitaine ou autro personne ayant la charge d'un batiment (1 ) Partie de oe rdglement est uiui«e ayant 616 rappeUe par la 16e Victoria, oap. 234. 1 ! liilM 1 !.; I I ll'i r I I Steamboats carrying pas- sengers to have proper gangways for embarcation and disembar- oation and to b} lighted at night. Steamers pro- hibited from burning wood when within the Harbour. Every steam- boat when aground with- in the port of Quebec shall show certain lights. 21 than a steamboat or steam vessel employed and used for carrying passengers), who shall make such ship or vessel fast to, or shall place such ship or vessel along the front or fronts next the River St. Lawrence, of any or either of the said wharves, without a per- mission in writing signed by the Harbour Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XLVI. That every steamboat or steam vessel employed in the conveyance of passengers, ressorting to any of the wharves in the Harbour of Quebec, shall be provided with a good and sufficient stage or gangway exclusively for the use of the passengers or per- sons coming from or going dn board such steamboats ur vessels, and every such stage or gangway shall be made of four inch plank and be three feet broad, with ridge ropes on both sides, from the boat or vessel to the wharf, supported by wood or iron stanchions not less than three feet high ; and at night a light shall be placed at either end or any other part of the said stage or gangway, so that the same may be seen clearly from the wharf and the boat or vessel : And the master or person having charge of any such steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect, after this or- der shall take eflFect, to have a stage or gangway of the before mentioned description placed from such boat or vessel, of which he may have the charge, to such wharf, each and every time after such arrival, and immediately after such arrival, shall for every such neglect incur a penalty of Ten Pounds Currency, and any such master or person having charge of such steamboat or vessel, who shall neglect to have the said gangway lighted at night, as heretofore directed, shall for every such neglect incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. XLVII. That hereafter no boat or vessel propelled by steam shall use or burn wood, for the purpose of raising or keeping up steam, when within the litniLs of tbo Harbour of Quebec, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, recoverable from the owner or person in charge of such boat or vessel on board of •'•'hich wood shall be so used or burned whithin the limits afore- said, for every contravention of this Regulation. XL VIII. Is repealed by 22 Vic. cap. 19. XLIX and L. Are repealed by a portion of No. 82, which is itself repealed by the last mentioned statute. LI. That every steamboat, when aground at night within the limits of the Port of Quebec, shall show three lights horizontally placed over that side of the boat on which other vessels should pass under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from the master or other person in charge, or from (a. trail tel que le sivq alia tel d'<; de des et 22 nd used for carrying jssel fast to, or shall •onts next the River irves, without a per- stor, shall incur and rency. ?sel employed in the ' the wharves in the good and sufBcient e passengei-s or per- samboats u- vessels, made of four inch 3es on both sides, 1 by wood or iron nd at night a light of the said stage rly from the wharf son having charge ect, after this or- way of the before )r vessel, of which d every time after al, shall for every Currency, and any eamboat or vessel hted at night, as ; incur a penalty opelled by steam g or keeping up f Quebec, under recoverable from essel on board of ;he limits afore- ^'o. 82, which is ight within the ^ts horizontally vessels should Currency, to be iharge, or from (autrt qu'un bateau h vapeur ou bStiracnt h vapcur eraployd au transport des passagers,) qui araarrera tel batiraent ou qui placera tel biitiment au front correspondant au fleuve Saint-Laurent de quelqu'un des dits quais, sans une permission par dcrit signde par le muitre du havre, encourra une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XLVI. Que tout bateau h. vapeur ou batiraent it vapeur em- Los Steamboats ploye au transport des passagers, accostant A, I'un des quaia du po'tant deg n fi. 9 Rfi firm's fl 11 • havre de Quebec, sera muni d'un pent- volant ou embelle, exclu- {.pnt, dos ponts- siveraent iL I'usage des passagers ou des personnes venant de ou volanta ot au- allant a bord de tel bateau sL vapeur ou batiment ^ vapeur, et tout J""* **^^ '""'^' tel pont-valant ou embelle sera fait de planches de quatre pouces nuit. d'dpaisseur, et de trois pieds de largeur, et garni de chaque cold de garde-fous en cordes, du quai jusqu'au batiment, soutenus par des appuis de bois ou de fer de pas moins de trois pieds de haut ; et la nuit il sera placd une lumiere b, Tunc des extrdmitds ou '\ un endroit quelconque du dit pont-volant ou embelle, de maniere a ce qu'il puisse etre vu distinctement du quai et du bateau a vapour ou du batiment k vapeur ; et le capitaine ou la person ne ayant la charge de tel bateau ii vapeur ou batiment d. vapeur qui negligera, apres que cet ordre aura commence i. avoir efFet d'avoir un pont-volant ou embelle de la nature ci-dessus mentionnde, de tel bateau ou batiment k vapeur, dont il aura la charge, k tel quai, a chaque arrivde et immddiatement apri^s son arrivde, encourra pour toute telle negligence une amende de dix louis courant, et tout capitaine ou personne en charge de tel batiment ou bateau h. vapeur qui ndgligera d'dclairer le dit pont-volant, la nuit, tel qu'or- donnd ci-dessus, encourra pour chaque telle negligence une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant. XLVIT. Que ci-apres nul bateau ou batiment mu par la vapeur n'aura ou ne fera usage de bois dans le but de faire de la vapeur d'eau, dans les limites du havre do Quebec, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur le pro- pridtaire ou la personne en charge de tel bateau ou batiment u bord duqucl il sera ainsi fait usaga de bois comnie ci-dessus, dans Ics limites susdites du havre de Qudbec, pour chaque contravention ib ce r^glement. XLVIII. Rappeld par la 22e Vict. cap. 19. XLIX et L. llappolds par une partic du No. 82 qui est aussi rappelde par la 22e Vict. cap. 19. LI.' Que tout vapeur echoud la nuit dans les limites du port de Qudbec, aura trois luniiorcs plaedes horizontalement du cotd du vapour sur lequel les autrcs biitinicnts dovraient passer, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable .sur le capitaine ou autre personne en charge de, ou sur le proprid- Los Steamers no pourront brmor d« bois dans le hXne. Tout vapour (■^chouc dans lo port do Qud- bec inontrera cortaincB lu- mi^res. 23 I if steamboats carrying pas- sengers be- tween Montreal and Queboo to reduce their rate of speed in certain pla- ces and in fogs. Koute for the landing of gunpowder from mer- chant vessels in the Har- bour of Que- bec. Duties of tho Harbour Mas- tor. The Harbour Master to de- mand from tho master the draft of water and tonnage of each vessel. Duties of tho tionior Super- intendent of Pilots. the owner of such steamboat, for every contravention of this regu- lation. LII. Ihat all steamboats carrying passengers between Mont- real and Quebec shall, when between Pointe-h-Pizeau and the Island of Orleans, in the Harbour of Quebec, reduce their rate of speed to half speed, and that during thick fogs, such steamboats whilst within the limits of the Port of Quebec, shall not go more than half speed, " and shall keep a bell ringing..." under a pen- alty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from the master or person in charge of, or from the owner of such steam- boat, for every contravention of either of these regulations. LIIl. Is repealed by 22 Vic. cap. 19. LIV 55, 50, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65 are re- pealed by 16 Vic. cap 234. LXVI. That all gunpowder coming from on board any mer- chant ship or vessel lying in the Harbour of Quebec, in boats or bateaux, shall be landed by the master or person in charge of any such ship or vessel, during high water, at the landing place, at the foot of St. Thomas' Street, in the Lower Town of the city of Quebec, or on the wharf adjoining to the said street, and at no other landing place, wharf or place within the said city, and shall be conveyed from such landing place, or wharf, through Hope gate, and thence along Rampart street towards Palace gate, to the powder magazine, and by no other route, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency for every contravention of this regulation. LXVII. That it shall be the duty of the Harbour Master to enforce the execution as well of the provisions of the said Act of the Parliament of the Province of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, as of all and every the By-Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, in relation to the Port of Quebec. LXVIII. That it shall likewise be the duty of the Harbour Master, to demand from the master or person in charge of every vessel coming into the Harbour of Quebec, the draft of water and tonnage of such ship or vessel, and to register the same in a book, to be kept by him in his office for that purpose, for the informa- tion of all whom it may concern. LXIX. Is repealed in virtue of 8 sub. section of 2 section of 12 Vic. cap. 114. LXX. That it shall be the duty of the Senior Superintendent of Pilots, to enforce the execution of the said Act of the Parliament of the Province of Canada, passed in the twelfth year or Her Ma- jesty's Reign, and of the several By-Laws, Orders, Rules and 24 ' this regu- een Mont- u and the leirrate of ■steamboats ot go more der a pen- rable from uch steam- ions. 65 are re- d any mer- n boats or charge of ding place, of the city }et, and at d city, and ,rf, through i*alace gate, 3r a penalty ravention of r Master to said Act of the twelfth le By-Laws, 1 relation to be Harbour •ge of every )f water and le in a book, the informa- 2 section of rintendentof I Parliament r or Her Ma- , Rules and Lea vapeurs transportant dc8 pasaagors ontro Mont- real ot Qudbeo (liminuoront leur marohe dans certains lieux et pen- dant Io8 jbru- mes. Route par la- quello dorra fitre transpor- t6e la poudre k tirer debar- qu<!e de vais- seaux mar- chands dans le hivre de Que- bec. taire de tel vapcar, pour chaque contravention au present r^gle- ment. LII. Que tons vapeurs transportant des passagers entre Montrt^al et Qu<jbec, losrqu'ils seront entre la Pointe-il-Pizeau ct risle d'Orldans, dans le hstvre de Qudbec, diminueront leur mar- che de raoiti<5, et pendant les brumes epaisses, ces vapeurs, lors- qu'iiS seront dans les limites du port de Qudbec, diminueront leur marche do moitid et sonneront une cloche sans interruption sous peine d'une amende n'cxcddant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur le capitaine ou personne ayant la charge de ou sur le propridtaire de tel vapeur, pour chaque contravention i quel- qu'un des presents rdglements. LIII. Rappeld par la 22e Vict. cap. ] 9. LIV. 55. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 et 65 rappeles par la 16e Vict, cap 234. LXVI. Que la poudre ^ tirer, venant d'un batimentmarchand, situ(5 dans le havre de Quebec, on chaloupes ou en bateaux, sera ddbarqude par le capitaine ou la personne ayant la charge de tel batiinent, durant la mar6e haute, au ddbarcad6re, situdau piedde la rue Saint-Thomas, dans la Basse-Ville de la citd de Quebec, ou sur le quai joignant la dite rue, et ^ nul autre ddbarcad^re, quaiou place de la dite citd ; etelle sera transportde du dit ddbarcad^re ou quai par la porte Hope, et de la, le long de la rue des Remparts vers la porte du Palais, h la poudridre, et par nulle autre route, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant pour chaque contravention au present reglement. LXVII. Qu'il sera du devoir du maitre du hdvre de faire exd- ^"T"'" <^" cuter tant les dispositions du dit acte du parlement de la Province ^*' "^^ ^ du Canada passe dans la douziemc anude du rdgne de Sa Majeste que les statuts, rdgleraents ct ordres de cette corporation, en ce qui a rapport au port de Qudbec. LXVIII. Qu'il sera egalemcnt du devoir du maitre du havre, J^.^^Jfj^nJ". de domander au capitaine ou a la personne en charge de tout bati- dora le tirant ment venant dans le havre de Quebec, le tirant d'eau et le jau- d'cau ct lo ton- srease de tel batimont, et d'entrer ceux-ci dans un livrc tenu par ""^^„^? ^^";' ,,^ ' _, _ ,_ ,* (Jut/ VUlOSutlUa lui dans son bureau, pour cet objet, et devant servir de renscigne- ment i, qui il appartiendra. LXIX. Rappeld en vertu de la 8e sous-section de la 2e section dela 12eVic. ch. 114. LXX^ Qu'il sera du devoir du plus ancien surintendant des Devoirs du pilotes de faire exdcuter le dit acte du parlement de la province du P^"? f"*|**'" f , , , , , , . , , ^ 1 , 1 CI »« • . ^ surintendant Canada passe dans la douzieme annee du regne de ba JMajeste, et des pilotes. les differents statuts, rdglements et ordres de la dite corporation, li I •ill Duties of the Junior Super intondont of Pilots. 25 Refrulations of this Corporation, as far as the same relate to Pilots and their Apprentices. LXXI. That it shall be the duty of the Junior Superintendent of Pilots, to superintend the Apprentices of Pilots in the explora- tion of the North Channel, as required by the twenty-second section of the said Act of the Parliament of the Province of Ca- nada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign ; it shall also be his duty to attend to all matters having relation to the Buoys and the Light-Ship, as also to visit the Light-houses and other establishments under the control of this Corporation, and to superintend the delivery of Stores and other articles necessary for such establishments when required by the Trinity Board so to do. Each Superin- LXXII. That in case of the absence or sickness of either of the tcndent of Pi- Superintendents of Pilots, his duty shall be performed by the lota to do the other of them. LXXIII. That it shall be the duty of the Bailif of this Corpora- tion, when not employed in performing the duties specially im- posed upon him by the said Act of Parliament of the Province of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, to loo'i: after the steamboats and steam vessels and the Beaches in the Harbour of Quebec, and to report to the Harbour Master any contravention of the By-Laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation in relation thereto. (1) LXXIV. That the Clerk and Treasurer of this Corporation shall perform respectively the duties attached to their respective offices. LXXV. That every Pilot shall take from the Clerk of this Corporation, a copy of the said Act of the Parliament of the Pro- vince of Canada, passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and also a copy of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this Corporation, which copies shall be furnished grati?i to each and'onho By- Pilot : A nd it shall be the duty of every Pilot, when in the exer- Laws, &o., of cise of his duties as Pilot, to have with him the said copies, as well to have tli'om ^^^ ^^^ ^^" guidance, and that of his Apprentices, as for the in- with him when formation and guidance of masters of vessels of which any such acting as pilot. Pilot may have the charge, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency for every contravention of this regulation. n!r4"2i'n*^the I^^XVI. That there shall be continually kept on board, and Port of Quebec postcd up in a conspicuous part of every steamboat and steam ves- to have posted sel navigating the Port of Quebec, a copy of the By-Laws, Rules "P|J'g*|"'"''P'' and Regulations of this Corporation, which relate to steamboats pyof By-Laws, and Steam vessels, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Ac, relating to Currency, recoverable from the owner or master, or commander of them. ___ (1) A portion of the original is left out because it has been repealed by the 10 Vie. cap. 234. duty of the other in case of absence or sickness. Duties of the Bailiff of the Corporation. Duties of the Clerk and Treasurer. Every Pilot to take from the Clerk of the Corporation copies of the statute 12th Vict. ch. 114, ^1 1 relate to Pilots Superintendent in the cxplora- twenty-second rovince of Ca- leign ; it shall relation to the ht-houses and )rporation, and icles necessary inity Board so )f either of the brraed by the this Corpora- specially im- ■ the Province ity's Reign, to le Beaches in ur Master any legulations of s Corporation leir respective Clerk of this ntof thePro- ler Majesty's I Regulations grati?! to each n in the exer- copies, as well , as for the in- ich any such Lceeding Tea [^ulation. n board, and nd steam ves- -Laws, Rules steamboats Ten Pounds ommander of lealod by the 16 26 «D autant que ceux-ci ont rapport aux pilotes ct k leurs ap- prentis. LXXI. Qu'il sera du devoir du second surintendant des Devoirs du se- pilotes do surveiller les apprentis pilotes, dans I'exploration du ^"""J ^j^"""}^"' chenal du nord, tel que requis par la vingt-deuxi^me clause du tos. dit ticte de la province du Canada, passde dans la douzi^mc ann^e du r^gne de Sa Majestd : il sera egalement de son devoir de veiller k toutes matieres concernant les boudes ct les phares flot- tants, et aussi de visiter les phares et autres etablissements qui sent sous le controle de cette corpoiation, et de prdsider a la livraison des provisions et autres articles ndcessaires ii ces Etablis- sements, quand il sera requis de le faire par le bureau de la Tri- °i^- ^ En cas d'ab- LXXII. Que dang le cas d'absence ou de maladie de I'un des sonco, etc., surintendants des pilotes ses devoirs seront remplis par I'autre su- J^'"" des sur- . . J , , ., 1 r r intendants dos nntendant des pilotes. ^ pilotes i'autre LXXIII. Qu'il sera du devoir de I'huissier de cette corpora- fera son devoir, tion, lorsqu'il ne sera pas employ^ -X rcmplir les devoirs qui lui sent nJu^ggfo^do spdcialement imposes par le dit acte de la province du Caiiada, la corporation, passd dans la douzi^me annde du regno de Sa Majestd, de sur- veiller les bateaux {L vapeur et les bS.tinients ii vapcur, et les graves du havre de Qudbec, et de faire rapport au maitre du havre de toute contravention aux statuts, reglements et ordres de cette corporation k cetdgard. (I) LXXIV. Que le greffier et le trdsorier de cette corporation rem- Devoirs du pliront respectivement les devoirs attaches il leurs charges rcspec- forien'^ ° ' ' tives. LXXV. Que chaque pilote prendra du greffier de cette corpora- Tout pilote tion une copie du dit acte du parlement de la province du Canada, ^'^Sf'^^'f "i passd dans la douxi^me annde du r^gne de Sa Majestd, ainsi corporation qu'une copie des statuts, reglements et ordres de cette corporation, copies du sta- iesquelles copies seront fournies gratis -X chaque pilote, et il seragf^^g^^g^^^'j^^ du devoir de tout pilote, dans I'exercice de ses devoirs comme tel, Trinitd ; e< les d'avoir avec lui la dite copie, tant pour son instruction et sa con- portera a^oa duite et celle de son apprenti que pour I'instruction et la conduite esercera"8a des capitaines de batiments dont tout tel pilote pourra avoir la charge de pi- charge, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis cou-'"*^* rant, pour chaque contravention au prdsent rdglement. LXXVT. Qu'il sera constamment tenu affiche dans une partie Lea steam- apparente de chaque bateau a vapeur ou batiment it vapeur navi- j'"^'^,"*^'^""^"* guant dans le port de Quebec, une copie des statuts, reglements etde Quebec, af- ordres de cette corporation qui ont rapport aux bateaux d vapeur fichcronti et batiments i vapeur sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas ^ ^'J^g^gPJg ^^ ' dix louis courant, rccouvrable sur le propridtaire ou le capitaine la'corporation qui y ontrap- (1) Partie do ce rdglement est omise ayant 6t6 rappelee par la 16e Vict. ch. port. Tarif of Feoa. 27 such steamboat or steam vessel, for every contravention of this r^ gulation* LXXVII. That the following shall be the fees to be received in suits brought before the Trinity House of Quebec, and for de- livering and registering Pilots's Branches, and for the other causes hereinafter mentioned, that is say : — BY THE ADVOCATE. For attendance as Counsel on the trial and hearing of any suit or prosecution brought before the Trinity House of Quebec, by the advocate of PlaintiflF or Prosecutor, One Pound Five Shillings Currency, and by the Advocate of Defendant, One Pound Five Shillings Currency, and the like fee of One Pound Five Shillings Currency, for attending as Counsel for, or against any party in any other proceeding before the Trinity House of Quebec. BY THE CLERK. For every Summons, Two Shillings Currency. For each copy of Summons, Six Pence Currency. For entry of each suit or prosecution, One Shilling and Three Pence Currency. For entering up Judgment in each case, Three Shillings Cur- rency. For copy of any Judgment, if required, Two Shillings Curreno For every Subpoena, one Shilling Currency. For every copy of a Subpoena, Six Pence Currency. For office copy of any document including the certificate, at the rate of Six Pence for every hundred words. For every writ of execution or capias. Two Shillings Currency. For each Appeal Bond, Five Shillings Currency. For making up and transmission of any record over and above office copies of any necessary document. Five Shillings Currency. For registering Branches obtained previous to the passing of the Provincial Statute, 12 Vict. cap. 114, including endorsation of description on the Branch, Five Shillings Currency, each. For registering and delivering new Branches under the Provi- sions of the Provincial Statute, 12 Vict. cap. 114, including en- dorsation of description, Twenty Shillings Currency, each. BY THE BAILIFF. For service of every Summons on each Defendant, Two Shil- lings Currency. Pot ♦d'une par I'f ilings lings ( rant, *quelco 'Trinit ^v % ^ntion of this r^- 2S to be received jbec, and for de- • the other causes iring of any suit use of Quebec, lie Pound Five Defendant, One ! of One Pound I for, or against inity House of «ou Ic eoinmandant de tcl bateau h vapeur ou batiment h, vapour, pour chaque contravention au present r^glenient. LXXVII. Que Ics suivants scront les honornires H recevoir dans Tarif dliono- ilea poursuites, amends devant la Maison de la Trinitd de Qudbec, '*'"'• et pour livrer et enregistrer les branches des pilotes, et pour les autrea objcts y mcntionncs, savoir : PAR L'AVOCAT Pour presence comme conseil pour la procedure et I'audition •d'une poursuite amende devant la Maison dela Trinitd de Qudbec, par I'avocat du domandeur ou plaignant, un louis et cinq schel- ilings courant, et par I'avocat du ddfendeur, un louis et cinq schel- lings courant, et le meme honoraire d'un louis et cinq schellings cou- rant, pour prdsencc comme conseil pour ou centre une personne ^quelconquc, dans toute autre procddure devant la Maison de la Trinitd de Qudbec. PAR LE GREFFIER. ling and Three i Shillings Cur- Uings Currenc ■ency. e certificate, at lings Currency. over and above ings Currency, the passing of og endorsation ncy, each. nder the Provi- :, including en- y, each. Pour chaque sommation, deux schellings courant. Pour chaque copie de sommation, six deniers courant. Pour I'entrde de chaque action ou poursuite un chelin et trois 'deniers courant. Pour I'entrde d'un jugementdans chaque cause, trois schellings » courant. Pour la copie d'un jugement si requise, deux schellings courant. Pour chaque subpoena, un schelling courant. Poar 6haquc copie de Subpoena, six denier courant. Pour copie de tout document de bureau, y conipris le certificat, ii raison de six deniers pour chaque cent mots. Pour chaque mandat d'exdcution oncapias, deux schellings cou- rant. Pour chaque cautionnement d'appel, cinq schellings courant. Pour faire et transmettre tout rdgistre, en sus des copies de bu- reau de tout document ndcessaire, cinq schellings courant. Pour enregistrer les branches obtenues antdrieurement d la tpassation du statut provincial, 12 Victoria, chapitre 114, inclus le signalement endoss^ sur la branche, cinq schellings courant •chaque. Pour enregistrer et livrer les nouvelles branches en vertu des ■dispositions du statut provincial, 12 Victoria, chapitre 114, inclus le signalement sur le dos de la branche, vingt schellings courant ^chaque. s PAR L'HUISSIER. int, Two ShU- Pour signification de toute sommation k chaque ddfendeur, deux schellings courant. i I It For each return of service of each Summons, One ShilliniT Currency. For service of every Subpojna on each witness, Two Shillinga Currency. For return of service of each Subpoena, One Shilling Currency. For travelling expenses, if sent out of the limits of the city, at the rate of Six Pence per mile. (1) For the seizure of goods and chattels, exclusive of mileage, but including all other incidental trouble, Seven Shillings and Six Pence Currency. For the sale of goods and chattels, exclusive of mileage and of disbursements for advertisements in the newspapers. Seven Shil- lings and Six Pence Currency. For arresting the person on a capijs or writ of attachment, Ten Shillings Currency. For the service of any writ, process or lotice not expressly above mentioned. Two Shillings Currency. For the return of service of any such writ, process or notice, One Shilling Currency. 1853. 'j; ill No Ballast to be thrown in certain parts of the Port in Ordained 17 th June, Sanctioned Qth August. LXXVIII. That no ballast shall be thrown into any part of the River St. Lawrence, or into any part of the Rivers, Waters, Creeks, Bays or Coves where the tide ebbs and flows, comprised ie8s'than'l2"fa- within the limits of that part of the Port of Quebec situated be- thorns of water, low the Eastern limits of the Harbour of Quebec, where there arc not at the least twelve fathoms of water at low tide ; and any Mas- ter or Commander of any ship or vessel, or the master or person in charge of any craft, or any other person whatsoever, who shall throw or cause to be thrown, any ballast into the said part of the River St Lawrence, or into any part of the Rivers, Waters, Creeks, Bays or Coves where the tide ebbs and flows, comprised within the limits of that part of the Port of Quebec situated below the Eastern limits of the Harbour of Quebec where there are not at the least twelve fathoms of water at low tide, shall incur for every such offience a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency. LXXIX. Is repealed by 22 Vic, cap. 19. Boats, &o,, sorting to Lower Town Ordained 1 bth June, 1855. Sanctioned 25th Jannary, 1856. re- LXXX. That all Pilot Boats or other Boats resorting to the landing places, at the Lower Town Market place of the City of (1) This item is altered by No. 82. 80 as, One Shillinr; !ss, Two Shillings Shilling Currency. its of the city, at :e of mileage, but hillings and Six if mileage and of ipcrs. Seven Shil- t of attachment, 2G not expressly process or notice, to any part of the Rivers, Waters, flows, comprised ebec situated be- 3, where there are de ; and any Mas- laster or person in soever, who shall e said part of the llivers. Waters, 1 flows, comprised Quebec situated ebec where there it low tide, shall ling Ten Pounds ;s resorting to the ce of the City of Pour chaque ;'apport de la signification d'une sommation, un Bchelling courani Pour la signification de chaque subpoona it. un tcmoin, deux Bchellings courant. Pour le rapport de la signification d'un subpoena, un schelling courant. Pour ddpenses de voyage, s'il sort des limites de la cit<5, six de- niers courant par mille (1) Pour la saisie de biens et effets, non compris le mileage, mais y corapris tous les autres troubles incidents, sept schellings et demi courant. Pour la vente de biens et eflFets, non compris Ic mileage, et Ics autres ddboursds pour avertissements dans les papiers-nouvelles, sept schellings et six dcniers courant. Pour arrCtor une personne sur un capias ou mandat d'arret, ' dix schellings courant. Pour la signification de tout mandat, procddure ou avis, non express«5mpnt mentionnd plus haut, deux sohellings courant. Pfi".r ie rapport de la signification de tout tel mandat, procd- dure ou avis, un schelling courant. 1853. i'eau. Ordonni le \7ejuin "I Sanctionn4 le 9c Aodt. J LXXVIII. Qu'il ne soit jetd de lest dans aucune partie du ii no sora pas fleuve Saint-Laurent, ni dans aucune partie des rivieres, eaux,Jot<s do lest dans ,. ' ,1 ,*^.ii_' • cortainos par- criques, baies ou anses ou la maree monte et baisse, comprises ^i^g ^u port dans les limites de cette partie du port de Quebec situde au- dans moins do dessous des limites orientales du hdvre de Quebec, oil il n'y a i^i^braasos pas au moins douze brasses d'eau ^ marde basse : et tout maitre ou commandant de quelque navire ou vaisseau que ce soit, ou le maitre ou la personne ayant charge d' aucune embarcation, ou toute autre personne quelconque qui jettera ou fera jeter du lest dans la dite partie du fleuve Saint-Laurent, ou dans aucune partie des rivieres, eaux, criques ou anses oCi la marde monte et baisse, comprises dans les limites de cette partie du port de Quebec qui se trouve au-dessous des limites orientales du h&vre de Qudbec, oil il ny a pas au moins douze brasses d'eau k maree basse, en- courra pour chaque telle ofiense une pdnalitd n'excddant pas dix livres courant* LXXIX. Rappeld par la 22e Vict. ch. 19. Oh'dbnni Te 15e Juin 1855. Sanctionni le 25e Janvier 1656. LXXX. Que toutes les chaloupes de Pilotes ou autres oha- Chaloupes, loupes se rendant aux ddbarcaddres k la place du Marchd de la et"., qu» de- ^ * vront debar- (1) Get item est changd par le No. 82. 1 iwi I landing plnces to haul off af- tor landing thoir pasoen- gerH, <to., oer- tiiin boats ex- cepted. 81 Quebec, except sueh as may have produce on board for market, or such snilinp; terry Boats as may have obtained and possess a Li- cence or Licences from the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Quebec, under the provisions of any By-Law or By-Laws pass- ed or to be passed by the said last mentioned Corporation, shall liereafter, on approaching the slip or steps thereat, immediately land their passengers or crew and haul off, so as to leave such slip or steps clear, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Curren- cy, to be recoverable from the owner or person in charge of any sueh Pilot Boat or other Boat, forcvery contravention of the afore- said regulation. Ordu tned 1 Wi Juhj, 1855 } Sanctioned 25</i January, 1856. j Masters of Ves- Buls not to en- gage pilots for a shorter dis- tance than to Bic. Pilots not to be discharged before arriving off the An- chorage at Bic. LXXXL It shall not be lawful for the Master or person in charge of any ship or vessel proceeding or about to proceed to sea on a voyage beyond the limits of this Province, to engage the servi- ces of a Pilot for any shorter distance than toBic Island in the Ri- ver St. Lawrence, nor to discharge the Pilot engaged for or con- ducting such ship or vessel on such voyage, before she shall have ar- rived at or opposite to the anchorage at Bio Island aforesaid, nor to consent to the Pilot so engaged for or conducting such ship or vessel on such voyage leaving the said ship or vessel before shs shall have arrived at or opposite to the anchorage at Bic Island aforesaid, and every master or person in charge of any such ship or vessel who shall without reasonable cause or excuse contravene any of these regulations, shall incur a penalty not ex-><^eding Ten Pounds Currency, for each offence. timber while lying at cer- tain wharves. Ordained \2th October, 1855. Sanctioned 25<A January, 1856, LXXXII. And whereas it is expedient to prohibit vessels lowed tofoad " ^yi"n ^^ ^^ moored to wharves situated in certain localities within the harbour of Quebec to load timber, it is hereby further ordered, ordained and enacted : That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to load, or cause to be loaded on board of any ship or vessel whilst lying at or moored to any wharf situated within the harbour of Quebec, from the upper line of the Sast India Wharf to the upper line of the Queen's Wharf, any description of timber whatsoever, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, to be recoverable from the Master or other person in charge of such ship or vessel for every contravention of this re- gulation. Basso-"^ des proi] iui aura cs consj itatut I Cornier | iBicrm«S liatemcl peine d'l •ur le pi de piloti Bt^glemi it d for market, or d poR808H a Li- 8 of the City of -By-Laws pass- rporation, shall t, imniodiately • leave such slip Pounds Curren- ohargo of any ionoftheafore- P or person in proceed to sea igage the sorv'.- >land in the Hi- ;ed for or con- shall have ar- Poresaid, nor to such ship or sel before sha at Bic Island any such ship iS2 contravene xv'^eding Ten ahibit vessels ilities within •ther ordered, )r any person f any ship or lated within East India iescription of Ten Pounds er person in a of this re- 32 Basse-Ville do la Citd do Qu<Sbcc, oxceptd cellcs qui portoraientquerlenn les produits au march<5, ou bien encore les chaloupes traversi^res jj^a^co et gagner Jui auront obtcnu ct possdderont uno ou dcs licences du Maire ct ausaitdt le cs conscillors do la Citd do Qudbec sous I'autoritd d'aucun ^""K®- , fitatut ou Statuts passds ou d. ctre passds par la Corporation en "*P °° iornier lieu mentionnde, dovront ci-apr68, en approchant du plan •iclind ou dcs dcgrds do resoalier y attcnant, ddbarquer iinmd- qiateuicnt leurs passagcrs ou dquipago ct gagner lo largo sous peine d'uno amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, rccouvrablo ■ur lo propridtaire ou la personnc en charge do toute telle chaloupo dc pilotc ou autre chaloupe pour chaquo contravention du dit Bdglement. Ordonni h I3e JiiiUet, 1855. Scinctionni le 25e Janvier, 1856. LXXXI. Qu'il ne sera pas loisible au maitre ou H la personne •tyant charge d'aucun vaisseau ou navire faisant voile ou dtant ^*'? Mattros de Sur lo point de laire voile pour la mer en vue a un voyage au-dela dovront pas dcs limites de cette Province, de louer les services d'un Pilotc ongftger un rmr une distance moindre quo jusqu'i I'llo du Bio, dans le Sno'moinUro leuve Saint-Laurent, ni de donner congd au Pilote ainsi retenu distanoo quo |)our lo service ou la direction du vaisseau ou navire en un teli"81"'a« "io- Toyage avant d'etre arrivd au mouillage ou vis-iH-vis le niouillago 4c rile du Bic susdite, ni de permettre au dit Pilote ainsi retenu j^eg pUotes no pour lo service ou la direction de tel vaisseau ou navire en un tel seronl pas d6. toyage, de quitter le dit vaisseau ou navire avant d'fitre arrivd au c^arg^s arant |nouillage ou vis-il-vis le mouillage do I'lle du Bio susdite ; et tout mouiiiago du liaitre ou toute personne ayant charge d'aucun tel vaisseau ou Bio. navire, qui, sans excuse ni cause raisonnable, contreviendra •! au- Oun dc ces rdglcments, encourra une pdnalitd n'excddant pas dix livres courant pour chaque offense. Onlonne le 12e Octohre, 1855. Stinctionni le 25e Janvier, 1856. LXXXII. Et vft qu'il convient d'emp6cher les vaisseaux ac- Les vaissoaujc Oostes ou a I'ancrc pr^s des quais dans certains lieux dans le havre "° pourront de Quebec, d'y prendre un chargement de bois. II est par le prd- Jhargement do lent de plus ordonnd et statud : Qu'il est ddfendu iL aucunc per- bois £i oertaioA donne ou personnes <l'effectuer ou de faire effectuer si bord d'aucun l'"''*^' navire ou vaisseau ..ccostd ou ancrd ^ un quai situd dans le havre 4e Qudbec,le chargement d'aucune esp^ce de bois, depuis la ligne infdrieure du quai des Indes Orientales jusqu'iJi la ligne supdrieure du quai de la Reine, sous peine d'une amende n'excddant pas dix louis courant, recouvrable sur le capitaine ou autre personne en charge de tel navire ou vaisseau, pour chaque contravention i ces '"•'..6. rCgleip 3 ii m ;-.l 33 VoMoigtorig And whorcnpt prcat inconvonienco and dnniapo have boon occa- boomM'an'a lly -'''''" "-''^ '" *''" liarbnur ol" Qucl)eo by want of proper rcj.'ulati()nH Innjib-booiDH, respectinjj; the rifrjiinj; in of the jib-booin.s and H)fing jib-booms afuir thoir or- ,,j' yoHHcls whilst lyinj^ there, it is hereby further ordered, ordained and enacted : Tluit every vesi^cl shall, within forty-eifj;ht hours after its arrival in the harbour of Quebec, have its jib-boom and flyint; jib-boom rijiged in so as not to exceed the lenj^th of three f(!Ot outside of the cap of lier bowsprit, and the same shall be kept BO ri^>:;ed in until she may be about to sail ; and that no vcbsel shall bo allowed to have lu^r jib-boom or Hyin}; jib-boom run out within the harbour of Quebec until after siie shall bo loaded and at anchor in the stream, under a penalty not excecdinj^ Ton Pounds Currency, to be rocnverable from the Master or person in clunve of any such vessel for every contravention of any of these regulations. Allowanco to "'^"^ whcroas it is expedient to increase tlio amount of travellinj^ Bailiff foi tra- expenses now allowed to the bailiff of the said Corporation, ac- volling ox- cording to the tariff of fees now in force, it is hereby further ponsog. ordered, ordained and^ enacted by the authority aforesaid that there shall bo allowed to the bailiff of the Trinity House of Quebec, for travelling expenses, if ?ent out of the limits of the City, at the rate of len pence per mile instead of and including the sum of six pence per mile allowed by the said tariff". (1) LXXXIIl. Repealed by No. 90. ■I ,tl 4 Ordained 23nZ June 1857. tSanctiuiicd Gi/t Maj/ 1858. LXXXIV. Whereas, it is necessary and expedient, in order to Certain whar- pi^yiJe suitable accommodation for the sate and convenient moor- atodTo'uriuia I'lg and fastening of Steamboats and other Vessels or Craft bo- Trunk Railway longing to or employed by the Grand Trunk llailway Company of Company. (Janada, in the transportation of passengers, timbei-, deals, lire- wood, live stock, goods, wares, and merchandizes, and other pro- duce and etfeets, across tlie Kiver Ht. Jjawrence, from and to the respective stations of the said Company ut Pointo Levi and Quebec, as well as of any other Vessel or crait which may, from time to time, be engaged in the loading or unloading of iron, tim- ber, rails, railway stock, machinery, and other materials required for the use of the said Company, that certain wharves, situated within tlie Harbour of Quebec hereinafter mentioned and describ- ed, should be exclusively appropriated for the useandaccommoda- (1) Tho firet four clauses contained in tho original are loft out because re- pealed by 22 Vic. Cap. 1». ra de de est liei vai de bio CO ni' tir :bv have been occn- opcr rcfiulatioriH fl^'iiif; jib-booms JiJored, ordained orty-ei<r|it liours its jib-boom and lon/ith of three lino .shall be koit tiiat no vc.vsel b-booni run out 11 bo loaded and exceeding Ten I'ster or person ntion of any of unt of travelling corporation, ae- hereby J'urtlior ;■ aforesaid that iiiity House of limits of tijc and including tariff. (1) ent, in order to 'uvenient moor- L'ls or Craft bo- •ly Company of 'her, deals, flie- iind other pro- rom and to the lite Levi and lich may, from >g of iron, tinj- erials required xrvee, situated id and describ- id accommoda- out beoduso rc- Kt vft quo Jo grands inconvoniontf. et de« doinniaires ponside- T'<'»"i!«'^*«"-« rahles ont ete oecasionnes dans le ha\r(! de Quebec, par le detuut |„„f,^„iy,,;,,|(,_ de n^glcments convenables toueliant Ic diJsarniement des batons niirmer lonm de foe et des bfitons do clin-fbc des vaisscuux (|ui s'y trouvont, il|>i^ton»i(lot<)o est par le pr(?sent ordonn(5 ct slatu*^ : Que, dans Ics (|uarante-huit heures qui suivront son arriv('e dans le havre do QuC'bee, tout vaisseau dcvra difsnrmor son baton do foo ct 8<»n baton do clin-foc do mani^ro i\ eo qu'ils no ddjiasM ,it pas de plus de trois picds Ic bloc de sou beauprd et qu'ils devront roster dans cot dtat jusqu'sY CO que lo dit vaisseau soit hur le point de niettrc i\ la voile, otqu'il m- sera porinis A aucun vaisseau dans le havre de Quebec, de cor- tir son bfiton do foe ou son baton de clin-foc jusqu'i ee (ju'il soit charge et il 1 ancre au large, sous peine d'une amende n'excedant pas dix louis couraut, recouvrablo sur le capitaino ou la personno en charge do tel vaisseau pour chaque contravention it, aueun do CCS reglements. Kt vil qu'il est exptJdient d'auginentor lo montant allouc? i\ Allt.wnnco ;\ I'huissier de cetto oorporation pf)ur ses depenses do voyage suivant','!'"""""'^ I,'*""' le tarir des iionoraircs nuuntenant en lorco, il est de plus par le voyugo. present ordonne et statucS par I'autorite susdite (ju'il sera aHoue li i'huissier do la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec pour depenses de voyage s'il sort des limites de la cit<5 ii raison de dix deniers cou- raut par millc au lieu de la somnio de six deniers par niille allouee pai le dit tarif. (1) LXXXIII. llappele par lo No. 00. Ordonni le 236 Jnin, 1857. Sunctionni le Gc Mai, 1858. LXXX[V. Etcommeil est neccssaire et expiJdient, afin de Certains quaie fournir les accommodcments convenablcs pour la sUretd, ramarrago jipiropfit's ^ , ct I'ancrage des vapours ct autres vaisscaux ou bar<|ues apparte- j', GranS"^"** nant \ ou employees par la Compagnie du Chenun dc For du Grand Trono. Tronc du Canada dans le transport des passagcrs, bois carre, uiadriers, bois do chauflfage, animaux, eflf'ets, uuirehandises et autres articles et produits d'une rive i I'autro du flouve St. Lau- rent, de et aux stations respectives de la dite Compagnie a la Pointe-L^viset i^ Qui^bec, aussi bien que pour les autres vaisseaux qui pounont de temps en temps etre engagds dans le chargement et le deehargenient des for, bois carrd, rails, fourniturcs pour chemins do fer, machines et autres effets requis par la dite com- pagnie, que certains quais situds dans le port de Quebec ci-apres mentionnds et decrits soientexclusivement appropries il I'usage et (1)Les quatre premii^res clauses contenues dans I'original sont omises, ayait iid rappeldes par la 22e Viut. oh. 19. Ill Penalty. 35 tion of such Vessels so belonging to, employed, or engaged, a» aforesaid. Wherefore, it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, that the whole front next the Kiver St. Lawrence, of two certain wharves, and of the landing stage erected between them, situated on the South side of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, in the Parish of Notre Dame de la Victoire, at Point Levi aforesaid, belonging to the said Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, and having a frontage altogether of two hundred and ninety feet, english mea- sure, or thereabouts, together with the whole of the two side slips of the said wharves, running on the South-Eastern and South- western extremities of such frontage in towards the land ; as also the whole front next the River St. Lawrence of those two certain other wharves, and of the landing stage erected between them, also belonging to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, situated on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence, in the Harbour of Quebec, having a frontage altogether of one hundred and ninety-four feet, english measure, or thereabouts, and bound- ed on one side by the Queen's Wharf, and on the other side by other property belonging to Her Majesty, occupied by one Reynar, shall be, and the same are hereby respectively and exclusively appro- priated for the use and accommodation of Steamboats and other Vessels and craft belonging to or employed by the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, in the transportation of passengers, timber, deals, firewood, live stock, goods, wares, and marchan- dizes, and other produce and effects across the said River St. Lawrence, from and to the stations of the said Company at Point Levi and Quebec aforesaid, and of such other vessels and craft of every description, as may, from time to time, be engaged in the loading or unloading of iron, timber, rails, railway stock, machi- nery, or any other materials or effects required for the use of the said Company ; and that any master or other person having the charge of any Steamboat, Vessel, or other craft (other than a Steamboat, Vessel, or other craft belonging to or employed by the said Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, for the purposes aforesaid, or a Vessel or other craft engaged in loading or unload- ing materials for the use of the said Company as aforesaid,) who shall make such Steamboat, Vessel or craft fast to, or shall place such Steamboat, Vessel or craft along any part of the fronts next the River St. Lawrence of the said wharves, or of the landing stages erected between them, or along any part of either of the slips connected with the same, as hereinafter described, without a permission, in writing, signed by the Harbour Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds Currency, for each and e\ iry contravention of the foregoing Regulation. The firnt clause contained in the original is left out because repealed by 22 Vic, cap. 19. I ■? ■i I 36 E)r engaged, as nacted by the ext the Kiver landing stage the River St. Irish of Notre nging to the nd having a english mea- Iwo side slips and South- iand ; as also e two certain tween them, r of Canada, ence, in the one hundred and bound- iher side by one Keynar, lively appro- I and other •and Trunk passengers, i marchan- 1 River St. ly at Point nd craft of aged in the Jck, machi- use of the laving the ler than a yed by the e purposes or unload- iaid,) who hall place 'onts next B landing lor of the , without 3ter, shall Currency, ition. raccommodement de tels Yai<8eaux lui appartenant employes et engages conime susdit. C'tist pourquoi il est par le present statu^, ordonn^ et arrStd par la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec, que tout le front sur h fleuve St. Laurent de deux certains quais et de I'^chafaud du d^- barcad^re ^rig4 entre eux, situ^s du coUS sud du fleuve St. Lau- rent, dans le hdvre de Quebec, dans la paroisse de Notre-Dame de la Victoire k la Pointe-L^vi susditc, appartenant 4 la dite Compagnie du Ohemin de Fer du Grand Tronc du Canada, et ayant ensemble un front de deux cent quatre-vingt-dix pieds, me- sure anglaise, ou environ, ensemble avec toutes les glissoires des deux cot^s des dits quais, s'^tendant entre les extr^mit^s nord- ouest et sud-ouest de tel front du cot^ de la terre, aussi bien que tout le front sur le fleuve St. Laurent de ces deux certains autres quais et de I'^chafaud du ddbarcad^re 4ng4 entre eux, appartenant aussi k la Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Grand Tronc du Cana- da, situ^s sur la rive nord du fleuve St. Laurent, dansle hdvre de Quebec, ayant ensemble un front de cent quatre-vingt-quatorze pieds, mesure anglaise, ou environ, et born^s d'un cot^ par le quai de la Reine, et de I'autre c6\4 par la propri^t4 appartenant k Sa Majesty, occupde par un nomm^ Reynar, seront et les m@mes sent par le present respectivement et exolusivement appropri^s k I'usage et k I'accommodement des vapeurs et autres vaisbeaux ou barques appartenant A ou employes par la Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Grand Tronc du Canada dans le transport des passagers, bois carrd, madriers, bois de chauffage, animaux, effets, marchandises et autres articles et produits entre les deux rives du dit fleuve St. Laurent, de et aux stations de la dite Compagnie k la Pointe-L^vis et Que- bec susdit, et des autres vaisseaux ou bateaux de toute description qui pourront de temps en temps gtre engages dans le chargement et le d^chargement du fer, des bois carr^s, rails, fournitures de chemins de fer, machines ou tons autres efiets et mat^riaux requis pour I'usage de la dite Compagnie, et que tout maitre ou autre personne ayant la charge d'aucun vapeur, vaisseau ou autre barque (autre qu'un vapeur, vaisseau ou autre batque employ^ par ou ap- partenant k la dite Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Grand Tronc du Canada pour les fins ci-dessus, ou un vaisseau ou autre bateau engag^ dans le chargement ou le d^chargement d'effets pour I'usage de la dite Compagnie tel que susdit,) qui fera accoster tel vapeur, vaisseau ou barque, ou placera tel vapeur, vaisseau ou barque le long d'aucune partie des fronts sur le fleuve St. Laurent des dits quais o,u les ^chafauds du d^barcad^re ^ng^s entre eux, ou le long d'aucune partie des gli^ssoires en connexion avec eux, tellcs que ci- dessus d^sign^es flans une permission par ecrit et sign^ par le Maitre du Havre, encourra etpaiera une penalite n'exc^dant pas dix livres P^nalit^. courant pour chaque et toute contravention au present rdglcment. La premiere clause de oe rdglement est omise, ayant 6t6 rappeHe par la 22me Vict., Chap. 19. Vesatis not to anchor in a certain pnrt of Hie River. 37 Ordained ISth December, 1859. Sanctioned 12th March, 1860. LXXXV. Whereas it is expedient and necessary, for the safe navigation of the River St. Lawrence, to prohibit vessels from coming to anchor in a certain part of the said Kiver, near Crane Island, hereinafter described : wherefore, it is liereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec : — That no Pilot, Master, or other person, in charge of any Ship or Vessel, shall anchor any such Ship or Vessel within that part of the Channel of the said River St. Lawrence running between the North side of Beaujeu bank and Crane Island which is situated opposite to the space designated by the Beacons placed on Crane Island aforesaid, marked Numbers I and II to the Westward, and Numbers III and IV to the Eastward, respectively ; the said pro- hibited space to be reckoned from where the said Beacons Num- bers I and II become in a straight line with each other, when passing down the said River from the AVestward to where the said Beacons Numbers III and IV, iu like manner, become in a straight line with each other in passing down the said River to the Eastward, and vice versd when passing up the said River, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, to be recoverable from any such Pilot, Master, or other person, who shall contravene this Regulation ; ^sola lying at And whereas it is also expedient, in order to prevent obstruc- tho new Custom tioi^s to the free approach from the River St. Lawrence to the new House not al- Custom House, recently erected in the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, to prohibit Vessels lying at or moored to Wharves si- tuated within the immediate neighbourhood of such new Custom House, to load Timber, as also to make other regulations for the same object : wherefore it is hereby further ordered, ordained, and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to load, or cause to be loaded, on board of any Ship or Vessel, whilst lying at, or moored to the Wharf in. the Lower Town of the City of Quebec, commonly called or known as " The East India Wharf," any description of timber whatsoever ; and further, that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to encumber that part of the River St. Lawrence which lies in front of, and opposite to the lot of ground upon which the said new Custom House is erected and extending therefrom towards the main Channel of the said River to a dis- Spaoe near the tance of one hundred yards, with Timber, Masts, Deals, Staves new Custom Firc-Wood, Logs or Rafts, of any description, or by anchoring OTcumbered.''^witl"'^ ^'^^^SP^^'® aforesaid any Ship, Vessel, Steamboat, Bateau or river craft, whether loaded or unloaded, or in any other manner vhatsoever, under a penalty not excee^ling Ten Pounds currency, lowed to load timber, <S;c 1 LI sftrel vais( I'llel ordc ■••■flBP d8 for the safe vessels from Kiver, near it is liereby )f Quebec : — of any Ship lin that part ing between h is situated 'd on Crane estward, and the said pro- icons Num- other, when lere the said econie in a River to the i-iver, under recoverable contravene ■nt obstruc- to tlie new >f the City Vharves si- 3W Custom ns for the ained, and lawful for 1 board of larf in the >r known f timber 1 for any 'iver St. f ground X tending to a dis- 3, Staves ichoring Bateau manner irrency. Ordonni 13e Dicemhre, 1859. Sanctionni 12e Mars, 1860. LXXXV. Attendu qu'il est exp(5dient et ndcessaire, pour laPwtiedufleuve sftretd de la navigation du fleuve Saint-Laurent, de defendre aux °^^^l^ ne nour- vaisseaux d'ancrer dans une certaine partie du dit fleuve, pres de root pas ancror. rile aux Grues ci-apviis dcJcrite, il est en consequence par le pr(5sent ordonne et statud par la Maison de la Trinitd de Quebec : Qu'aucun pilote, maitre ou autre personne en charge d'aucun navire ou vaisseau ne devra ancrer aucun tel navire ou vaisseau dans cette partie du chenal du dit fleuve Saint-Laurent entre le cote nord du banc de Beaujeu et I'lle-aux-Grues, qui est situd vis-i-vis de I'espace designd par les signaux places sur I'lle-aux- Grues susdite, marques Nos. I et II tl I'ouest et Nos. Ill et IV h Test respectivement : le dit espace prohibd devra etre comptd de I'endroit oii les dits signaux Nos. I et II viennent en ligne droite I'un avec I'autre en descendant le dit fleuve de I'ouest jus- qu'tk. I'endroit ou les dits signaux Nos. Ill et IV viennent pareil- lement en ligne droite I'uti avec I'autre en descendant le dit fleuve a Test et vice versd en remontant le dit fleuve, sous une pdnalitd n'excddant pas dix louis courant dont sera passible tout tel pilote, maitre ou autre personne contrevenant h. ce rOsglement. Et attendu qu'il est expedient, afin d'empecher les obstacles qui encombreraient la libre approche depuis le fleuve Saint-Lau- l-ent jusqu'i la nouvelle batisse de la douane rdcomment drig^e en la Basse-Ville de la cit4 de Qudbec, de ddfendre que les vais- ^ . seaux se placent on s'attachent aux quais situds dans le voisin age certains quais immddiat de la dite maison de douane pour charger du bois deprSs la nouvelle construction comme aussi de faire d'autres rdglements pour le nowront' char- meme objet, il est en consequence par le present ordonnd et status ger du bois. par I'autorite susdite : Qu'il ne sera permis h aucune personne ou personnes de charger ou de faire charger 5, bord d'aucun navire ou vaisseau placd ou at- tache au quai dans la Basse-Ville de la cite de Quebec, commu- nement appeie le quai des Indes du bois de construction d'au- cune description quelconque ; ct de plus qu'il ne sera loisible ^ aucune personne ou personnes d'encorabrer cette partie du ditfleuve Saint-Laurent qui est situee en face du lot de terre sur lequel est batie la dite iiouvelle Maison de Douane et qui s'etend de li vers le principal chenal du ditfleuve jusqu'.\ une distance de cent verges, Certaine partie avec du bois de construction, des mfi,ts, des madriers, des douves, ^^ ia"nou'«ille du bois de cbautfage, des billots ou des radeaux d'aucune descrip- Douane ne de- tion, ou d'ancrer dans I'espace susdit aucun vaisseau, navire, ""* pas fitre steamboat, bateau ou radeau de riviere, soit chargda ou non°"""" 39 to be recoverable from the Pilot, Master or other person, in charge of any such Ship, Vessel, Steamboat, Bateau, or river craft, or other person or persons contravening any one or more, of the aforesaid Regulations in this present By-Law contained, for each and every contravention thereof. (1) Ordained Vlih April, \ Sanctioned 16th May, J 1860. Remai of part LXXXVI. Whereas, it is expedient to amend the By-Law of the By-Law passed by the Trinity House of Quebec, on the Thirteenth day «f^« 13th De- of December in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight relating to ' Hundred and Fifty-nine, by repealing all the provisions therein Oliver's Wharf, contained having reference to ships or Vessels whilst lying at or moored to the Wharf in the Lower-Town of the City of Quebec, commonly called or known as « Oliver's Wharf, > Be it, therefore, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, — That all, each and every of the provisions in the said By-Law, passed by the Trinity House of Quebec on the thirteenth day of December, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty- nine, contained, by which Ships or Vessels, whilst lying at, or moored to the Southern side of the said Wharf, called s Oliver's Wharf, > are prohibited from loading any description of Timber whatsoever ; as also all, each and every the regulations in the said By-Law contained, directing how Ships or Vessels loading Tim- ber, whilst lying at the Eastern End of the said « Oliver's Wharf,5 shall have their heads pointed and in what manner only such Ships or Vessels, whilst so lying, shall be loaded with Timber, shall res- pectively be, and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained Ath January, \ Sanctioned Vith February, J 1861. Vessels, Ac, LXXXVIL Whereas, it is expedient to prohibit Vessels, lying at shoal Schooners, and other craft, lying at, or moored to, or lying be- ■m*RiTe7 sT^*^ tween shoal water wharves or docks situate in the River St. Char- Charles to re- les, in the Harbour of Quebec, from having their anchors out, move their an- whereby other Vessels, Schooners, or other craft coming to such wharves or going elsewhere in the said River St. Charles, may be (1) All that portion of this By-Law having reference to Oliver's Wharf is repealed by No. 86, chore. 40 ),in charge 5r craft, or ore, of the d, for each 3 By-Law teenth day lud Eight 'Ds therein f ing at or )f Quebec, therefore, I By-Law, ath day of and Fifty. ing at, or 8 Oliver's Timber the said ing Tim- Wharf,» ich Ships shall res- Vessels, ring be- Char- out. rs po such lay be rharf is charg(^s, ou d'aucune mani^re que ce soit, sous une p^nalitd n'exc^dant pas dix louis courant doni sera passible le pilote, le maitre ou autre personne en charge d'aueun tel navire, vaisseau, steamboat, bateau ou radeaux de riviere, ou autre personne ou personnes contrevenant ^ aucune ou plus des clauses susdites con- tenues dans le susdit r^glement, pour toute et chacune de ces contraventions. (1) Orihnni 17 Avril, Sanctionni 16 Mai, 1860. LXXXVI. Attendu qu'il est expedient d'amender le r^gle- Rappei d'une ment passe par la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec le Treizi^me partie du R^- jour de d^cembre, dans Tannic de Notre Seigneur, mil huit cent fl^^^vL'^i qIq •'. . „' 1...1 =". .' ^ decembre, 1859 cinquante-neuf en rappelant toutes les provisions y contenues concemant le ayant rapport aux navires ou vaisseaux ^tant ou amarr^o au quai quai d'Oiiver. en la Basse- Ville de la Cit^ de Quebec, commun^ment appel4 ou connu comme le ** Quai d'Oiiver. " Qu'il soit en consequence or- donn^ et status par la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec : Que toute et chacune des provisions contenues dans le dit r^- glement pass4 par la Maison de la Trinity de Quebec, le Trei- zi^me jour de ddcembre, en I'annde mil huit cent cinquante-neuf, par lesquelles il est prohib^ k tons navires ou vaisseaux ^tant ou amarr^s »u cotd Sud du dit quai appel^ " Quai d'Oiiver, " de charger du bois de toute description quelconque ; comme aussi toutes et chacune des provisions contenues dans le dit rdglement indiquant comment les navires ou vaisseaux ^tant h, I'extremitd Est du dit " Quai d'Oiiver " et y chargeant du bois auront I'a- vant tournd et de quelle mani^re seulement tels navires ou vais- seaux ainsi places seront charges de Bois, seront respectivement et elles sont par le present rappel^es. Ordonni 4 Janvier, "I Sanctionni 18 Fivriei', J 1861. LXXXVIL Attendu qu'il est expedient de d^fendre que les Vais8eaux,eto., vaisseaux, goelettes et autres embarcations, dchoues aupr^s ou R^^tre^st. * * amarr^s cu places entre les quais des battures ou les docks situ^s Charles de- dans la Riviere St. Charles dans le Havre de Quebec, aient leurs"°°*{^®J«J^^ ancres en dehors, embarrassant ou endommageant par E d'autres °"'° °""~" vaisseaux, goelettes, ou autres embarcations qui pourraient ac- (1) Toute la partie de oe r^glement qui a rapport au " Quai d'Oiiver " est rappel£e par le m. 86. leurs anores. 41 Worka and ob- jects coverad at high wator in the Harbour to be indicated by Beacons and Lights. Anchors of Hulls of vessels and wrecks to be buoyed. interfered with or endangered : It is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted, that all such Vessels, Schooners, and other craft so lying at, or moored to, or lying between shoal water wharves in the said Kiver St. Charles, and the anchor or anchors of which said Ves- sels, Schooners, and other craft shall have been cast or let go for the purpose of so mooring or coming to such wharves, shall im- mediately, on being moored or made fast thereto, remove such anchors so as not to interfere with or cause damage to any such other Vessels. Schooners, or other craft, so coming to such whar- ves, or going elsewhere in the said llivcr St. Charles, as aforesaid under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, to be re- coverable from the owner, master, or other person in charge of such Vessel Schooner, or other craft who shall contravene this regulation ; — And Whereas, great inconvenience and damage have been occasioned in the Harbour of Quebec by want of proper regula- tions respecting the manner of indicating works in the course of construction and objects covered at high water. It is hereby fur- ther ordered, ordained and enacted, that proper Beacons be kept during the day, and lights during the night, upon the corners of such wharves or other works in the course of construction as ''foresaid, and that all hulls of vessels and wrecks which may be grounded within the said Harbour of Quebec, and for the safety of which it may be necessary to carry out an anchor or anchors, shall, besides being indicated in the manner aforesaid, have the said anchors buoyed, and that the buoys used for so buoying such anchor or anchors shall be the ordinary ship's buoy or cask, not less than thirty gallons, under a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds, to be recoverable from the person or persons erecting such wharves or other works, on the proprietor or proprietors of such blocks, hulls of vessels, wrecks, or other incumbrances, or the person or persons in charge of the same, for every contraven- tion of any of these regulations. Ordained 8th August, 1856. Sanctioned 1st June, 1861. Wharf appro- LXXXVIII. Whereas, it is necessary and expedient to pro- priated to Tow vide suitable accomodation for the safe and convenient Mooring and Fastening of Tow Boats or Vessels propelled by steam and employed in towing vessels to and from the Harbour of Quebec from and to sea, and for that purpose to appropriate for the ex- clusive use and accommodation of such Tow Boats or Vessels pro- pelled by steam and employed as aforesaid, the front and one of the sides of a certain wharf situated within the said Harbour : ined and , so lying the said 3aid Ves- let go for shall im- ove such any such ich whar- aforesaid to be re- charge of vene this ave been er regula- course of ereby fuv- is be kept corners of uction as ih may be the safety r anchors, have the ying such cask, not Ten erecting prietors of ranees, or lontraven- ing iii to pro- Mooring steam and of Quebec for the ex- essels pro- Bind one of hour : 42 coster tcls quais ou se rendre ailleurs dans la dite Riviere St. Charles, il est par le priJsent rdg^, ordonnd et statud que tous tels vaisseaux, goiilettes et autres embarcations ainsi ^choucs au- pr6s ou amarrds ou placds entre les quais dcs battures dans la dite Riviere St. Charles et dont I'ancre ou les ancres auront dtd jet^es ou lach^es dans le but de s'amarrer ou d'atteindre tels quais, devront imra^diatemcnt en y etant amarrds ou attaches enlevcr tellcs uncres de mani^re h ne point causer d'em- barras ou de dommages h autres tels vaisseau, goelettc ou autre embarcation approchant des dits quais ou allant ailleurs dans la dite Riviere St. Charles comme susdit, sous une p<5nalit<S n'excddant pas dix livres courant, recouvrable du propridtaire, maitre ou personne ayant la charge de tol vaisseau, goiilette ou autre embarcation qui violera ce rdglement. Et attendu que de grands inconvdnients et dommages ont 6t6 occasionn(5s dans le hdvre de Qudbec par le ddfaut de rdglemcnts convenables relativement si, la manitire d'indiquer les travaux en voie de construction et les objets converts i. la marde haute, il est par le present rdgld, ordonne et statud que des signaux conve- nables soient tenus durant Ic jour et des lumieres durant la nuit sur les coins de tels quais ou autres travaux en voie de construc- tion comme susdit ; et toutes les coques de vaisseaux et dpaves qui peuvent 6tre attdries dans le dit hdvre de Qudbec et pour la suretd desquelles une ancre ou des ancres seraient devenues nd- cessaires, auront, outre les indications susdites, les dites ancres pourvues de boudes et les boudes employdes ainsi pour indiquer telles ancres ou ancre seront les boudes ordinaires aux vaisseaux ou futailles de pas raoinsde trente gallons, sous une pdnalitd n'ex- cddant pas dix livres recouvrables de la personne ou des personnes construisant tels quais ou autres ouvrages ou du propridtaire ou proprietaires d'iceux, et du propridtaire ou propridtaires de tels blocs, coques de vaisseaux, dpaves ou autres obstacles, ou de la personne ou des personnes en ayant la charge, pour chaque con- travention ^ chacun de ces reglements. Travaux ot ob- jets couvorta h marde hauto dans le hftvro doivent 6tre in- diqu<^B par des signaux et lu- miCres. Lea ancres dea coques do vais- seaux, etc., se- ront indiqu6ea par dea Bouses. Ordo?in4le8 ^ofi<1856. Sanctionni le lerJuin 1861. LXXXVIII. Attendu qu'il est ndcessaire et expddient dcQuai appropri^ pourvoir k des arrangements convenables pour la sdcuritd et la aux vaisseaux comraodite pour I'affourche et I'araarrage des vaisseaux remor- "'°°'^'^®" queurs ou vaisseaux mus par la vapeur et employes k touer des navires du HS,vre de Qudbec jusqu'en mer et vice versd, et de ddsigner k cet effet, pour I'usage et I'utilitd exclusifs de tels vais- seaux remorqueurs ou vaisseaux mus par la vapeur et employds comme susdits, le front et un des cotds d'un certain quai situ4 dans le dit Havre ; 43 Penalty. Wherefbro it is hereby ordered ordained, and enacted, by the Trinity House of Quebec, that the whole front next the River St. Lawrence, and the south western side of the wharf, commonly called and known as « Atkinson's Wharf, » situated within the Harbour of Quebec, shall be, and the same are herebjr exclusively appropriated to, and for the use and accommodation of Tow Boats, or vessels propelled by steam, and employed in towing vessels to and from the Harbour of Quebec, from and to sea ; and that any master or other person having the charge of any ship or vessel, (other than a Tow Boat, or vessel propelled by steam, and employed in towing vessels to and from the Harbour of Quebec, from and to sea,) who shall make such ship or vessel fast to, or shall place such ship or vessel along any part of the front next the River St. Lawrence or of the south western side of said Wharf, without permission in writing signed by the Harbour Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, for each and every contravention of the foregoing Rule. Ordained 8th July, 1862. Sanctioned i4:th July, 1863. LXXXIX. Whereas, it is necessary to provide for tho ac- commodation and safety oi' Passengers on board of Steamboats or Steaiii Vessels resorting to the Wharves in tho Harbour of Quebec, — it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, as follows : — HowOanii^ays I. — That all Gangways required, by law, for the use of Pas- ^T P*!^'':*^®' sengers or persons coming from or going on board Steamboats or tobo'made^fast ^*'^*'^ Vessels, employed in the conveyance of Passengers, resort- ing to any of the Wharves in the Harbour of Quebec, shall be made fast at both extremities by ropes or chains, fastened to iron rings or wooden blocks, whether such Steamboats or Steam Vessels be lying alongside such Wharves, or alongside Pontoons, or other Steamboats or Steam Vessels ; and the master or person having charge of any such Steamboat or Steam Vessel, who shall neglect after this Order shall take eflfect, to have such Gangway made fast in the manner above-mentionned, each and every time after such arrival, and immediately after such arrival, shall, for every such neglect, incur a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency. Penalty. Free passage allowed over steamers at wharves, to eommunlcate between the shore and fitoamers out- eide. II. — That when two or more Steamboats or Steam Vessels, employed in the conveyance of Passengers, and resorting to any of the Wharves in the Harbour of Quebec, shall lie in the same tier at any of the said Wharves, a free and uninterrupted passage, of seven and a half feet in breadth and eight feet in , by the lliver St. ommonly ithin the cclusively of Tow n towing i to sea ; ge of any »pelled by Harbour ) or vessel art of the in side of I Harbour n Pounds )ing Rule. >r the ac- imboats or rbour of by the se of Pas- raboats or irs, resort- shall be stened to or Steam Pontoons, or person who shall Gangway very time shall, for n Pounds Vessels, ng to any the same terrupted ;ht feet in 44 II est done par le prdscnt ordonnd et statud par la Mai* son de la Trinit^ de Quebec que tout le front sur le Heuve St. Laurent, et le c6td sud-ouest du quai, commundmcnt apr)'-!^ et connu sous le nom de quai d' Atkinson, situt^ dans le H.' >o do Quebec, scront et Ics mumes sont par le present exclusivement ap- proprids pour 1' usage et la commodity des vaisseauz remorqueurs, ou vaisseaux mus par la vapeur et employes pour touer des vais- seaux du Havre de Qudbec en mer et vice versd ; et qu'aucun maitro ou autre personne ayant la charge d'aucun navire ou vais- seau (autre qu'un vaisscau remorqueur, ou vaisseau mu par la vapeur et employ<5 in touer des vaisseaux du Hfivre de Quebec jus- qn'en mer et vice versd,) qui fera amarrer tel navire ou vaisseau ou placera tel navire ou vaisseau le long d'aucune partie de la devanture touchant au fleuve St. Laurent ou du cdtd sud-ouest du dit quai sans permission par 4cnt signd par le maitre du. Hflvrc, encourra et payera un%i amende n'excedant pas dix livres courant pour chacune et touto contravention au prdcddent rdgle- P^naliW. ment. Ordonni le 8 Juillet 1862. Sanctionni le 14 Juillet 1863. LXXXIX. Attendu qu'il est ndcessaire de veiller au confort et ti. la sdcuritd des passagers k bord des steamboats ou bateaux k vapeur abordant aux quais dans le hdvie de Quebec, il est par le present ordonnd et statud, par la Maison de la Trinitd de Quebec comme suit : I. Que toutes les passerelles (^gangways) requises par la loi Comment se- pour I'usage des passagers ou des personnes allant t\ bord et reve- ^°* arrews ie« nant des steamboats ou bateaux tki vapeur employes pour 'e trans- steamers por- port des passagers, accostant a aucun des quais dans le havre de tant des passa- Qudbec, seront arrctdes k leurs extrdmitds par des cordages ou ^^^' chaines attachdes A des anneaux de fer ou ^ des blocs en hois, soit que tels steamboats ou bateaux i vapour demeurent le long detels quais ou le long de pontons ou autres steamboats ou bateaux h vapeur ; et le maitre ou la personne ayant la charge d'aucun tel steamboat ou bateau ^ vapeur qui ndgigera apr^s que ce r^gle- ment aura 6t4 mis en force de se pou^-voir de telle? passerelles {gangways) retenues de la mani6re susmentionnde chaque fois apr^s telle arrivde et imraddiatement apris telle arrivde, sera pour chaque telle offense passible d'une pdnalitc n'excddant pas dix P^naiUd. louis courant. II. Que lorsque deux ou plusienrs steamboats on bateaux h. Passage Ubre vapeur eniployds pour le transport des passagers et accostant^ au-r^8erv6 sur lo cun dos quais dans le hdvrc de Qudbee seront sur le mcme raner P°°* du stea- . A J. . I't, i • X J ™^" pres du a aucun des dits quais, un passage hbre et non mterrompu de quai pour com- sept pieds et demi de largeur sur huit pieds de hauteur sur le pent muniam uer avec dehors. 45 Ponulty. height over tlio deck or decks of the Steamboat or Steam Vessel, or Steamboats or Steam Vessels, lyinj,' within and next to bucU Wharf, shall bo allowed and perniittcd to all and every person and persons, i s well for the purpose of loading and unloading, as for all and any purpose of communication between the shore and the Steamboat or Steaiu Vessel, or Steamboats or Steam Vessels, lying without ; and any master or other person having charge of any Steamboat or Steam Vessel, go lying within or next to such Wliarf, or between any two Steamboats or Steam Vessels so lying in the same tier as aforesaid, who shall refuse to allow or permit such passage, or shall prevent, impede, or obstruct such passage, or the uso or enjoyment of such passage, shall incur or pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, for every such refusal or obstruction. Ordained (itJi February, ") Sanctioned 7th April, j 18G3. Wharf appro- priated for app priateii for Transatliuitio Oooan Stoa- inerB. XC. Whereas, it is necessary and expedient to provide suitable and additional accounnodation for the safe und convenient mooring and fasten-ng of Iransatlantic Ocean Steam Vessels resorting to the Harbour of Quebec, and, for that purpose, to ap- propriate, for the exclusive use and accommodation of such Steam Vessels, the front of a certain Wharf situated within the same: Wherefore, it is hereby enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, that the JJy-Law of the said Trinity House of Quebec, ordained on the ninth day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred Repeal of for- and Fifty Six, and sanationed on the tenth day of July of the nier By-Law. same year, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed ; And it is hereby further enacted by the said Trinity House of Quebec, that the whole front, next the River St. Lawrence, of the wharf, now the property of D. D. Young, and formerly known as Munn's Wharf, situated at the place called Pres-de- Ville, on the North shore of the lliver St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, and bounded on the East side by Smith's Lane, and on the West by the Government property commonly known as the Gunboat Wharf, shall be, and the same is hereby exclusively appropriated for the use and accommodation of Trans- atlantic Ocean Steamboats and Steam Vessels resorting to the Harbour of Quebec, and that any master, or other person, having the charge of any Ship or Vessel (other than a Transatlantic Ocean Steamboat or Steam Vessel), who shall make such Ship or Vessel fast to, or shall place such Ship or Vessel along any part of the front, next the lliver St. Lawrence, of the said Wharf, without a permission in writing, signed by the Harbour Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, for each and every contravention of the foregoing rule. 46 1 Vessel, to Buch ■y person dins, ^^ hore and I Vessels, liarj^o of t to aucli I so lying jr permit passage, or pay a Dry such ou Ics ponts du steamboat ou bateau h vapour ou dcs steamboats ou bateaux tV vapour places en dcc'.ans ou pris do tol quais, sera dnnnd et alloud it, toute et cliaquo pcrsonno ou personnes, aussi bioii pour opdrcr lo chargement et Ic ddchargement quo pour, tou- tes autres tins do communication entrc le rivago ct lo steamboat ou bateau il vapour ou les steamboats ou bateaux i\ vapeur placds en dehors ; et tout maitr ou pcrsonno ayant la charge d'aucun steamboat ou bateau il vaj ;ur ainsi placd en dedans ou aupriis do tel quai ou ontro deux steamboats ou bateaux ii vapeur so trou- vant sur le ni(5mo rang comme susdit qui refusera de donner ou d'allouer tel passage, ou qui empcchcra, crabarras.scra ou obstruera tel passage sere passible d'unc amc!»dc n'excedant pas dix louis p^nalitd. courant pour chaque tol refus ou obstruction. Onlonni le 6 Fivrier, Sanctlonne le 7 Av ier, I :ril, J 1863. I provide )nvcnient 1 Vessels se, to ap- ch Steam same : House of ' Quebec, Hundred ily of the House of rrence, of formerly Pres-de- yithin the y Smith's 3ommonly is hereby of Trans- ing to the m, having itic Ocean or Vessel lart of the without ster, shall rency, for XC. Attendu qu'il est n<5cossairo et expi^dicnt do faire dcs ar-Qu^j approprid rangomonts couveuablos et nouveaux pour la suretd et i'auiarrage aux Vapeurs facile dcs naviros il vapeur transatlantiques qui vicnncnt dans le '•^'"'insawanti- port de Quebec et pour cctto fin d'appropricr, pour I'usage et la commodity exclusifs de tcls naviresil vapeur, le front d'un certain quai situ4 dans ce memo port. C'est pourquoi il est par le priest- <t ordonnd par la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, que le Reglement de la dite Maison de la Tri- nitc de Quebec, passd le ncuvieme jour de niai mil huit cent cin- quantc-six et sanctionnd lo dixi^me jour do juillet dc la meme an- Anoion Rftelo- nde, sera et est par le present rappele. mont rappeld. Et il est de plus par le present ordonnd par la dite Maison de Trinitd de Quebec, que tout lo front, voisin du fleuve Saint-Lau- rent, du quai maintenant la propridte de D. D. Young, et ci-de- vant connu sous le nom de quai de 3Iunn, situd il I'endroit ap- peld Prtis-de-Ville, sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, dans le havre de Quebec, et borne du cotd est par la ruelle Smith et du cotd ouest par la propridte du gouvernenient commundment connu sous le nom de Gunboat Wharf, sera et est par le prdsent exclu.sivement approprid ib I'usag*. et ill, I'accommodement dcs steamers et navires a vapeur transatlantiques venant au havre de Qudbec, et que tout maicre, ou autre personnc, ayant la charge dequelque navire ou vaisseau (autre qu'un steamer ou na- vire ^ vapeur transatlantique) qui attachera tel navire ou vais- seau, ou placera tel navire ou vaisseau le long de quelque partie du front, pr6s du fleuve Saint-Laurent, du dit quai, sans une per- mission par dcrit, signde par le Maitre du Havre, encourra et paiera une pdnalitd n'excddant pas Dix Louis courant, pour chaque et toute contravention au rdglement ci-dessus. 47 Ordained nth March, ) -iQcn Sanctioned 'dOth April, \ ^°"'*' XCI. Whereas, it is expedient that notice should be given Ve«»eii arrir- hv Ships or Vessels arriving in the Harbour of Quebec, with ing with Emi- Emigrants on board, of such fact; TsigLi! It is hereby enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec : That the Master or Commander of every Ship or Vessel arriving in the Harbour of Quebec, from sea, and having on board Emi- grants, shall hoist, at the Mizcn Peak, the Union Jack under the Ensign of such Ship or Vessel ; and if neither of such flags bo on board, then ho shall hoist, in lieu thereof two distinguishing flags, one under tie other ; and if the Union Jack or Ship's flag only be on board, then such Union Jack or Ship's flag shall he hoi&t«d, with another distinguishing flag under it, at the Mizcn Peak ; and he shall keep the same so hoisted from sunrise 'o sunset, until such Vessel shall have been boarded and inspected by the Medical Officer appointed to perform such duty in the said Harbour of Quebec, uuder a penalty not exceeding Ten Pounds currency, to be recoverable from any such Master or Commander who shall contravene this regulation. Ordained 2G th February, Sanctioned 26th March, 1864. XCII. Whereas, it is necessary and expedient to provide Certain other priated to Iran- further suitable accommodation for the safe and convenient Batiantio Ocean mooring and fastening of Transatlantic Ocean Steam Vessels Steam Vessels. jggQPjijjg ^^ ^j^g Uarbour of Quebec, and, for that purpose, to appropriate, for the exclusive use and accommodation of such Steam Vessels, the front of a certain Wharf situated within the same : Wherfifore, it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the Trinity House of Quebec, that the whole front, next tiie Kiver St. Lawrence, of the wharf, the property of the Quebec Harbour Commissioners, called " Pointe k Carey wharf, " on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence, within the Harbour of Quebec, shall be, and the same is hereby exclusively appropriated for the use and accommodation of Transatlantic Ocean Steamboats and Steam Vessels resorting to the Harbour of Quebec, and that any master, or other person, having the charge of any Ship or Vessel (other than a Transatlantic Ocean Stea:r;boat or Steam Vessel), who shall make such Ship or Vessel fast to, or shall place such Ship or Vessel along any part of the front, next the Eivcr St. Lawrence, of the said Wharf, without a permission in writing, signed by the Harbour Master, shall incur and pay a penalty not exceeding Ten Ponnds Currency, for each and every contraven- tion of the foregoing Rule. 48 St. Ordnnni It 17 Mart, Sanctionni le 30 Avril, a,} 1863. XCI. Attcndu ((u'il est ndccssairo quo Ics naviros ou vaisHoaux Leu ▼ainnoaax entrant dans Ic port do Qudbeo avcc des (Jinigranta donnont avis ""''"''"' '^»""'" do leur arnv<5o ; ... Kmigrdi de- II cHt par le priSsent Btatu<S par la Maison de la Trinit<$ de vrunt hisier un Qudbeo ; ''K"^' Que lo mattre ou commandant de tout naviro ou vaiflRcau, ar- rivant danN le Havre do Qu(?bcc d'outro mer, ot ayant des Emi- grants ib son bord, hissera ii la corne du mfit d'artimon lo Union Jack. 80US le pavilion de tcl naviro ou vaisseau, ct si aucun do cc8 pavilloiiH no bo trouvc li bord, on Ics romplacera par deux pavillonH distincts, I'un au-dessous de I'autre ; ct s'il ne bu trouve it bord que le Union Jack ou pavilion do vaissoau, alors tel Union Jack ou pavilion do vaissoau sera hissd aveo un autre pavilion distinct au-dessou8, h la corne du milt d'artimon ; et il fes tiendra ainsl hissiJs du lever du soleil ii son couchor, jusqu'A ce quo tel navire ait 6t4 abord«3 et inspect^ par lo m^decin charg<5 do co devoir dans le dit Havre de Qudbec, sous une pdnalitd n'excddant pas DIX LIVRES courant, t!li Gtre recouvrdo d'aucun tel maitre ou com mandant qui contreviendra ^ ce rdglement. Ordonni le 26 Fivrier, ) Sanctionni h 26 Mars. J 18G4. XCII. Attendu qu'il est ndcessairo et expedient de faire de Certain autre nouveaux arrangements convenables pour la surety et I'ainarragc ^"i^ugage'dog facile desnavires & vapeur transatlantiqucs qui viennent dans Icgteamora oc6a- Havre de Quebec et pour cette fin d'approprier, pour I'usage et laoiques. commodity exclusifs de tels naviros^ vapeur, le fVont dun certain quai situd dans ce raSme Hfivre. C'est pourquoi il est par le present ordonni et statud par la Maison de la Trinity d« Quebec, que tout le front, voisin du fleuve Saint-Laurent, du quai appartenant aus Oommissaires du Havre de Quebec connu sous le nom de " Qaai de la I'ointe ^ Carey, " situ^ sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, dans le Havre de Qudbec, sera et il est par le present, exclusivement ajv ^^ propria ik I'usage et k I'accommodement des steamers et navires ii vapeur transatlantiques venant au Hfivre de Quebec, et que tout maitre, ou autre personne, ayant la charge de quelque navire ou vaissoau (autre qu'un steamer ou navire ii vapeur transatlantique) qui attachera tel navire ou vaisseau, ou pla«era tel navire ou vais- soau le long de quelque partie du front pr^s du fleuve Saint- Laurent, du dit quai, sans une permission nar ^crit, sign^e par le Maitre du Hjivre, encourra et payera une {^tinalit^n'exc^dant pas dix louis courant, par chaque et toute contravention au r^glement ci-dessus. Abstract of the Act 2i nd Tict. ch. 19) viz t constructed as to be visible on a dark NATIOAZION— LI0H1 ) AND FOQ SIGNALS. LiqhUfor Si earn Yessels, h AH Steam Vessels, when under S earn, shall, between sunset and sunrise, exhibit the following Lights : 1. A bright White Light at the Mast Head, or, if the Vessel have more than one Mast, then at the Foi smast Head ; A Green Light on the Starboard side ; A Ked Light on the Port side ; 2. The Mast-head Light shall be so night, with a clear atmosphere, at a diiiance of at least five miles, and shall show an uniform and unbroken light pver an arc of the horizon of twenty points of the compass, and it shall be si fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the ship, viz : from righi ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side ; J 3. The Green Light on the Starboard side and the lied Light on the Port side shall be so constructed as to be visiftle on a dark night, with a clear atmo- sphere, at a distance of at least two miles, and show an uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten joints of the compass, and they shall be so fixed as to throw the light from riAt ahead to two points abaft the beam on the Starboard and on the Port sides Respectively ; 4. The side Lights are to be fitted w th inboard screens projecting at least three feet forward from the light, so as across the bow ; 5. Steam Vessels under Sail only, are to prevent the lights from being seen not to carry their mast-head Light. Fog Signals for i Ueam Vessels. 2* AH Steam Vessels, whether prope led by paddles or screws, when their steam is up, and when under way, shs I in all cases of Fog use as a Fog Signal a Steam Whistle placed before tl e Funnel at not less than eight feet from the deck, which shall be sounded ( nee at least every five minutes ; but when the steam is not up, they shall us( a Fog Horn or Bell, as ordered for Sailing Vessels. i4 4< Lights for Sai ing Vessels, 3« 1. All Sailing Vessels when und( r sunset and sunrise exhibit a Green Lig it Light on the Port side of the vesnel, and as to be visible on a dark night, with a least two miles, and shall show an unifoifca the horizon of ten points of the compass the beam on the Starboard and on the ~ way or being towed shaH between on the Starboard side and a Ked such Lights shall be so constructed clear atmosphere, at a distance of at and unbroken light over an arc of from right ahead to two points abaft sides respectively ; P)rt y y 50 Extralt de PActe 32 Tict. ch. 19, tIz I KAVIOATION, — FEUX E r SIQNAUX DG BRUHE Feuxpour bdtir \ent8 A vapeur. It Les batiments h, vapeur, en mouv( tnent, porteront, entre le coucher et le lever du soleil, les feux suivanta : 1. Un feu blano brillant k la tSte di mdt, ou, si le batiment a plus d'un mat, alors au mat de misaine Un feu vert b^ tribord ; Un feu rouge bb babord ; 2. Le feu de tete de mSt sera instal S de mani^re k gtre visible par uno nuit noire, en temps clair, a une distant e de cinq milles au rooins, et a jeter une lumidre uniforme et non interronipu 5 sur un arc de Thorizon embrassant vingt points du compas, et il serr fix^ de maniere k jeter la lumitire dix points de chaque cot^ du batiment, c'est-ii-dire , depuis droit devant jusqu'il deux points en arri^re du bau, de I'un et de I'j utre cot^ ; 3. Le feu vert de tribord et le feu rou ;e de babord seront installcs de ma- nidre k etre visibles par une nuit noire, en temps clair, a une distance de deux milles au moins, et ^ jeter une luiniere i miforme et non interrompue sur un arc de I'horizon embrassant dix points d i compas, et ils seront fixds de ma- niere bi jeter la lumiOsre depuis droit dcvaijt jusqu'tb deux points en arridre du bau, b. babord et b, tribord respectivement ; 4. Les feux de cotd devront avoir des Jcrans en dedans, projetant de trois pieds au moins du feu en avant, de mani^i b i empCcher les feux d'etre vus par le bossoir ; 5. Les batiments il vapeur sous voile S( ulement, ne devront pas porter de feux de tete de mat. Signaux de hrume pour les 2( Les batiments i vapeur, mus par d( s palettes ou par des roues-vis, en pleine vapeur, et en marche, feront, dans ous les cas de brume, usage d'un siflet bb vapeur, placd d> 1' avant de la chemi ide, comme signal de brume, b, pas moins de huit pieds du pont, et il devra sc faire entendre au moins une fois ii chaque cinq minutes ; mais quand les bati ments ne seront pas p.n. pleine va- peur, Ton se servira d'une trompc ou d'uni ' ' " des batiments tb voile. Feux pour les bdtirAmts a voile. batiments a vapeur. cloche t brume, comme dans le cas 3* 1. Les batiments b, voile faisant rout 5, ou remorquds, porteront entre le coucher et lever dii soleil un feu vert a t ribord, et un feu rouge h babord, et ces feux seront installes de manicire h ei^re visibles par une nuit noire, en temps clair, a une distance de deux milled au moins, efc h, jeter une lumitire uniforme et non interrompue sur un arc de I'horizon embrassant dix points du compas, depuis droit devant jusqu'A deux ipoints en arridre du bau, -X tribord et h babord respectivement. 51 2. The Coloured Lights shall he fixed w lenever it is practicable so to exhi- bit them ; and shall be fitted with inboar< screens projecting at least three feet forward from the Light, so as to preve it the Lights being seen across the bow; 3. When the Coloured Lights cannot be fixed (as in the case of small ves- sels in bad weather), they shall be kept on deck between sunset and sunrise, and on their proper sides of the vessel, reac y for instant exhibition, and shall be exhibited in such a manner as can be b sst seen on the approach of, or to, any other vessel or vessels, in sufiBcient ti ne to avoid collision, and so that the Green Light shall not be seen on the P( rt side, nor the Red Light on the Starboard side. Fog Signals for Sal ing Vessels. 4i All Sailing Vessels, when under-way, s lall, in all cases of Fog, use when wqen on the Port Tack shall ring a t least every five minutes. on the Starboard Tack a Fog Horn, and These signals shall be sounded once Bell. Pilot Vessils. 5» Sailing Pilot vessels are to carry only a White Light at the Mast-head, and are to exhibit a Flare-up Light every 1 fteen minutes, observing also any Trinity House regulation not inconsistent \ ith this Act. Vessels at A n :hor. between sunset and sunrise exhibit t exceeding twenty feet above the 6« All Vessels, when at anchor, shall where it can best be seen, but at a height n( hull, a White Light in a Globular Lantern constructed as to show a clear, uniform, ai d unbroken Light all round the horizon, at a distance of at least one mile. of eight inches in diameter, and so 7t The owner or burning thereon from navigable water. Rafts. conductor of every R sunset to sunnse, w NAVIGATION — MEETING 8t Whenever any vessel, whether a stear i one direction, meets another vessel, wheth sr ceeding in another direction, so that if bo respective courses they would pass so nea sion, the helms of both vessels shall be put side of each other ;— -And this rule shall b^ by all sailing vessels whether on the port or hauled or not, — unless the circumstances o departure from the rule necessary in ordei ft shall have a bright fire kept lie drifting or at anchor on any AND PASSING. or sailing vessel, proceeding in a steam or sailing vessel, pro- h. vessels were to continue their as to involve any risk of a colli- .0 port so as to pass on the port obeyed by all steam vessels, and starboard tack, and whether close- the case are such as to render a to avoid immediate danger, and 52 2. Les feux do couleur seront fixds, quand il sera possible do les exhiber de cette ii)ani(ire ; et ils sevont munis d'ec de maniere 310*1 ans en dedans, projetant de trois pieds d. ompScher les feux d'etre vus par le au moins du feu en avant bossoir ; 3. Quand les feux de ouleur no poitront etro fixds (comme dans le cas des petits navires dans les mauvais tempi), ils seront tenus sur le pont entre le coucher et le lever du soleil, et sur leaj cotes qui lour sent assignds dans lo navire, prets ^ 6tre exliibds au besoin, fet ils seront exbibds de maniere A Gtre mieux vus D, I'approclie d'un autre nav sion et de maniiro si ce que le feu vert rouge ^ tribord. re, assez ii temps pour dviter la colli- ne soit pas apergu -X biibord, ni le feu Signaux de brume pour les btitiments a voile i, Les batiments k voile faisant roi te feront usage, en temps de brume, bordde de tribord, ct sonneront une es signaux dovront se fairo entendre d'une trouipe de brume, en courant la cloche en courant la bordde de babord. au moins une fois cliaque cinq minutes. Batexiux-j^lo tes. 5* Les bateaux-pilotes a voile devront )orter seulement un feu blanc de tete de mat, et exhiberont une lumiere flamboj ante i chaque quinze minutes, en se conformant toujours aux reglem^nts d€ la Maison de la Trinitd non incom- patibles avec le prdsent acte. ^c^/ •• '* d, Vancre. 6* Les batiments k I'ancre exhiberont jntre le coucher et le lever du soleil, k I'endroit oil il sera lo plus visible, mais d. une hauteur n'excddant pas vingt pieds au-dessus de la coque, un feu blan j dans une lanterne ronde de huit pouces de diametre, et installe do maniei 3 h, jeter une lumi^re brillante, uni- forme et noa iaterrompue, tout autour de ['horizon, d. une distance d'au moins un mille. Trains de t'horiz jois. 7* Le propridtaire ou le guide de brillant qui brftlera depuis le coucher train flottera ou sera k I'ancre sur des eaus chadue train de bois y tiendra un feu au lever du soleil, tant que le jui qu'i navigables. NAVIGATION, — BATIMENTS BE REN DONTRANT ET SE PASSANT. 8« Chaque fois qu'un biltiment ^ vapeur ou k voile, allant dans une direc- tion, en rencontrera un autre, ^ vapeur oi b, voile, et allant dS&B|une autre direction, en sorte qu'en les laissant tous les deux poursuivre lour Course res- pective ils so trouveraient iH. passer assez prfis I'un de I'autre pour courir le risque de se hourter, les deux batiments firont barre h babord de maniere b, passer i babord I'un de I'autre ; et ootte : 6gle sera suivie par tous les bati- ments h vapeur, ainsi que par tous les bat ments a voile courant ou la bordde de babord ou la bordde de tribord, et alia at ^ la bouline ou non, — 'X moins que les ciroonstances ne soient tellcs qu'e les ne forcent & se ddpartir de la y I 53 subject also to the proviso that due regkr gation, and as regards sailing vessels o\ keeping such vessels under command,- leaving the harbour of Sorel, shall take of Montreal shall otherwise direct. d shall be had to the dangers of navi- tho starboard tack close-hauled, to the And except that vessels entering and he Port side, unless the Trinity House 9» Every steam vessel, when naviga ing any narrow channel, shall, when- ever it is safe and practicable, keep to tint side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies on the starboard side of sucH earn vessel, — except that when two steam vessels of unequal speed are purs\»mg the same course, the slower vCdsel, if ahead, shall draw towards the Port si le, and the faster vessel shall pass on ring and leaving the Port of Sorel as . going in the same direction with raft first mentioned shall not be so the Starboard side ; — and except in ent aforesaid. lOi Whenever any Vessel or raft another which is ahead, the Vessel oi navigated as to come within twenty ya 'ds of the other, nor shall such other be so navigated as to come within twent r yards of that first mentioned. lit The Master or Person in charge of any Steam Vessel, Sailing Vessel cr Kaft, offending against any of the p eceding provisions of this Act, shall incur a penalty not exceeding fifty poun Is nor less than five pounds. 12« If in any case of collision it appears case is tried, that such collision was oc( asioned of the foregoing rules, the or/ner of the infringed shall not be entitled to recov damage sustained by such ship in sucl satisfact:'on of the court that the circumstances from the rule necessary. to the court before which the by the non-observance of any vessel by which such rule has been fr any recompense whatever for any collision, unless it is shown to the of the case made a departure 13* lo case any damage to person oi vance by any vessel or raft of any of th be deemed to h'^ve been occasioned bj charge of such raft or of the deck of su^ trary be proved, or it is shov^^n to the cumstances of the case made a depart owner of the vessel or raft in all civil in charge as aforesaid in all proceedings the legal conBequences of such default, lUIS 111 All penalties incurred for any off of this Act, shall, if such offence is committed Trinity House of Quebec, or of the recovered and applied in like manner of the By-Laws of the Trinity House committed. Trii ity a! property arise • from the non-obser- fbregoing rules, such damage shall the wilful deiai'ilt of the person in h vessel at the time, unless the con- satisfaction of the court that the cir- from the rule necessary ; and the p[:oceedings, and the master or person civil or criminal, shall be subject to mce against the first thirteen sections within the jurisdiction of the House of Montreal, be sued for, penalties imposed for contraventions ^thiu whose jurisdiction the offence is crs of navi- iilcd, to the iterinjj; and oity House ball, when- aid-channel when two )wcr vcdsel, lall pasii on of Sorel as 6i rSgle pour parer si, quelque danger imr (5diat, et dans tous les cas on aura ddment dgard aux dangers de la nayiga ion, et, lorsqu'il s'agiia de batiments k voile courant la bordce de tribord ^la )ouline, Ton aura soin d'en conserver \a maitrise ; mais les vaisseaux entrant c ins le hdvre de Sorel, ou en sortant, prendront ndanmoins b, b&bord, 5, moins ( ue la Maison de la Trinitd de Mont- real n'en ordonne autrement- 1 9* Dans les passages dtroits, les bsltiments si vapeur, lorsque la chose sera sure et praticable, tiendront le cotd du \6 ou milieu du chenal qui se trouvera d, leur tribord ; mais lorsque deux de cei poursuivront la m6me course, le plus lent, le plus , ite passera ^ tribord ; except<S en en scrtaat, comme susdit vaisseaux, etant d'indgale vitesse, s'il est en avant, tirera ^babord, et entrant dans le port de Sorel, ou en ction with 1 not be so such other led. ing Vessel Act, shall which the ice of apy e has been er for any wn to the departure non-obser- tnage shall person in is the con- at the cir- ; and the or person subject to n sections ion of the ! sued for, Taventions offence is lOi Lorsqu'un bc~'ment ou un train le bois ira dans la mSme direction qn'un autre qui sera ( i avant, il devra e ;re gouverne de maniOre ti se tenir eloign^ $\ au moins ving*^ verges de Tauti 3, et ce dernier ne devra pas non moins de vingt verges du premier. d'un batiment A vapeur, d'un bd- ontreviendra h aucune des disposi- e p(5nalitd de pas plus de cinquantc plus etre manoeuvrd de maniire i\ passer t II. Le patron ou la personne en charge timent k A"oile ou d'un train de bois, qui tions ci-dessus du present acte, encourra ui ni de moins de cinq louis. 12* Lorsque dans un cas de collision illapparaitra k la cour saisie de I'af- faire que la collision provient de quelque c( ntravention aux regies ci dessus, le propridtaire du bdtiment qui aura enfrein ; la riigle sera ddchu du droit de recouvrer aucune indemnity pour les domi lages que son batiment aura souf- ferts de telle collision, ^ moins qu'il ne soit raontrd a la satisfaction de la cour que, dans les circonstances, il a fallu ndcess; irement se ddpartir de la rtigle. 13* Lorsqu'il rcsultera des dommages i . quelque personne ou si. quelque propriety en consequence de ce qu'ur batia ent ou un train de bois ne se sera pas conform^ ^ quelqu'une des regies ci-c jssus, ces dommages seront censds avoir dtd causds par la udgligence volonta ire de la personne alors en charge du train de bois ou du pont du batiment , k moins que le contraire ne soit prouvd, ou qu'il ne soit montrd k la satisfac tion de la cour que dans les cir- constances il a fallu ndcessairement se ddps rtir de la regie ; et le propridtaire du bS,timent ou du train de bois, dans toi te action civile, et le patron u la personne en charge comme susdit, dans tou ;es procddures au civile ou au cri- minel, seront sujets aux consdquences de te) ie negligence. Ill Toutes 'ea amendes encourues pour quelque contravention aux treize premieres sections du present acte, si telle iontravention est commise dans la juridiction de la Maidon de la Trinitd de Q idbec, ou de la Maison de la Tri- nitd de Montrdal, seront poursuivies, recou^ r6es et employdes de la meme ma- nidre que le sont les amendes pour contraventions aux rdglements de la Maison de la Trinitd dans la juridiction de laquelle 1' offense a dtd commise. il^ SCHEDULE. The following Diagrams arc intended to illustrate the use of the Lights carried by vessels under the foregoing Act, and the manner in which they indi- cate to the vessel which sees them the position and description of the vessel which carries them : First. — When both Red and Green Lights are seen : A sees a Red and Green Lights ahead ; — A knows that a vessel is approaching her on a cc'"'«'e directly opposite to her own, asB ; Les Pre3 I'appi comn If A sees a White Mast-head Light above the other two, she knows that B is a steam-vessel. Second. — When the Red, and not the Green Light, is seen : A sees a Red Light ahead or on the bow ; — A knows that either, 1, a vessel is approaching her on her port ')ow, as B ; bait ( Deu: or, 2, a vessel is crossing in some direction to port, as D D D. oomn carried y indi- of the r own. 56 CEDULE. Les diagrarames suivants sont desanda h, illustrer Tenaploi des feux que doivent porter les bfitiments, sous I'autorit^S de I'acte ci-dessus, et la ma- ni6re en laquelle ils indiquent au bdtiment qui les aper^oit la position et la description du batiment qui les porte. PEEMiiREMENT. — Quand Ics deux feux, vert et rouge, sont apergus : A aper^oit en avant un feu rouge et un feu vert ; — A sait qu'un b&timent I'approche en courant dans une direction tout-ilb-fait opposde k la sienne, comme B ; knows 3r, Si A apergoit un feu blanc de tete de mdt au-dessu8 des deux autres, il sait que B est un batiment ii vapeur. DEDXiiiMEMENT.— Quand le feu rouge, et non le vert, est aper§u : A voit un feu rouge en avant ou sur le bossoir ; — A sait que ou, 1, un navire I'approche par son bossoir de babord, comme B ; ou, 2, qu'un navire le croise i babord dans une direction quelconque, comme D D D. .-*;> ' *^^^^ '^^W' 61 If A sees a White Mast-head Light above the Red Light, A knows that the vessel is a steam-vcsscl, and is either approaching her in the same direction, as B, or is crossing to port in some direction, as D D D. Third. — When the Green, and not the Red Light, is seen : A sees a Green Light ahead or on the bow ; — A knows that either, 1, a vessel is approching her on her starboard bow> as B ; lent CODII DD Tro or, 2, a vessel is crossing in some direction to starboard, as D D D. comi If A sees a White Mast-head Light above the Green Light, A knows that the vessel is a steam-vessel, and is either approaching her in the same direction as B, or is crossing to starboard in some directica as D D D. que dire( com] 3WS that irection, 68 Si A voit un feu blano de tSte de mdt au-dessus du fou rouge, A sait que le navire est un bdtiment d. vapeur, et qu'il Tapprochc dans la m6ine direction, comme B, ou qu'il le croise tl bfibord, dans une direction quelconque, comme DDD. TroisiI:mement. — Quand le feu veiii| et non le rouge, est aper9u : A voit un feu vert en avant ou sur le bossoir ; — A sait quo ou. 1, un navire Tapproche parle bossoir de tribord, comnje B ; ou, 2, qu'une navire le croise ib tribord dans une rVrection quelconque, comme DDD. knows le same Si A aperyoit un feu blanc de tete de mdt au-dessus du feu vert, A sait que le navire est uu batiment h vapeur, et qu'il I'approche dans la m§me direction que B, ou qu'il le croise k tribord dans une direction quelconque, comme DDD.