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The Congress will be composed of members of the regular medical profession, and of such persons as may be specially designated by the Executive Com- mittee, who shall have inscribed their names on the Register of the Congress, and shall have taken out their tickets of admission. As regards foreign mem- bers, the above conditions are the only ones which it seems, at present, expedient to impose. The American members of the Congress shall be ap- pointed by the American Medical Association, by regu- larly organized State and local medical societies, and also by such general organizations relating to special departments and purposes, as the American Academy of Medicine, the American Surgical Association, the American Gynaecological, Ophthalmological, Otologi- cal, Laryngological, Neurological, and Dermatological Societies, and the American Public Health Associa- tion ; each of the foregoing Societies being entitled to appoint one delegate for every ten of their members. The members of all special and subordinate Com- mittees, appointed by the General Committee, shall also be entitled to membership in the Congress. All Societies entitled to representation are requested to elect their Delegates at their last regular meeting preceding the meeting of the Congress, and to furnish the Secretary-General with a certified list of the Dele- gates so appointed. 2. The work of the Congress is divided into nine- teen Sections, as follows, viz : 1. Medical Education, Legislation, and Kegistration, including methods of teaching, and buildings, apparatus, &c., connected therewith. 2. Anatomy. 3. Physiology. 4. Pathology. 5. Medicine. 6. Surgery. 7. Obstetrics. 8. Gynrecology. 9. Ophthalmology. 10. Otology. 11. Dermatology and Syphilis. 12. Nervous diseases and Psychiatry. 13. Laryngology. 14. Public and International Hygiene. 15. Collective Investigation, Nomenclature, and Vital Statistics. 16. Military and Naval Surgery and Medicine. 17. Practical and Experimental Therapeutics. i 18. Disortses of Children. 19. Dental and Oral Surgery. 3. The General Meetings will be reserved for the transaction of the general business of the Congress, and for addresses or communications of scientific in- terest more general than those given in the Sections. 4. Questions which have been agreed upon for discussion in the Sections shall be introduced by members previously nominated by the Officers of the Section. The members who open discussions shall present, in advance, a statement of the conclusions which they have formed as a basis for debate. 5. Notices of papers to be read in any of the Sec- tions, together with abstracts of the same, must be sent to the Secretary of that Section before April 30, 1887. These abstracts will be regarded as con- fidential communications, and will not be published until the meeting of the Congress. Papers relating to questions not included in the list of subjects suggested by the Officers of the various Sections will be received. Any member, after April 30, wishing to bring forward a subject not upon the programme, must give notice of his intention to the Secretary-General at least twenty-one days before the opening of the Congress. The Officers of each Section shall decide as to the ac- ceptance of any communication ofifered to their Sec- tion, and shall fix the time of its presentation. No commuuication will be received which has been al- ready published, or read before a Society. 6. All addresses and papers, read either at General fe Meetings or in the Sections, are to be immediately handed to the Secretaries. The Executive Commit- tee, after the conclusion of the Congress, shall pro- ceed with the publication of the Transactions, and shall have full power to decide which papers shall be published, and whether in whole or in part. 7. The official languages are English, French, and German. S In the Sections no speaker will be allowed more than ten minutes, with the exception of readers of papers and those who introduce debates, who may oc- cupy twenty minutes. 8. The Rules, Programmes, and Abstracts of Papers will be published in English, French, and German. Each paper or address will appear in the Transac- tions in the language in which it was delivered by the Author. The debates will be printed in English. 9. The Officers of the General Committee on Organi- zation are a President, such number of Vice-Presidents as may hereafter be determined on, a Secretary-Gene- ral, and a Treasurer, and those elected to these posi- tions will be nominated l)y the General Committee to hold the same offices in the Congress. All vacancies in these offices shall be filled by election. Honorary Presidents of the Congress and of the several Sections may be appointed at the meeting of the Congress. 10. There shall be an Executive Committee, to be composed of the President, Secretary-General, and Treasurer of the General Committee, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and of four other members to be elected by the General Committee. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to carry out the directions of the General Committee, to authorize such expenditures as may be necessary, and to act for the General Committee during the intervals of its ses- sions, reporting such action at the next meeting of the General Committee. 1 1 . There shall be a Standing Committee on Finance, composed of such number of perscms as the Executive Committee may deem expedient, to be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Execu- tive Committee. The Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee shall be ^ officio one of the Vice-Presidents of the Congress, and also a member of the General and Executive Committees. The Treasurer shall be ex officio a member of the Finance Committee. 12. Presidents of the Sections shall be ex officio members of the General Committee. 13. The Committee on Organization of each Section shall be composed of a President, such number of Vice- Presidents as may be deemed expedient, of one or more Secretaries, and of members forming a council. PRELIMINARY ORGANIZATION. President. AUSTIN FLINT, Sb., M. D., . . . Vice-Presidents. HENRY I. BOWDITCH, M. D., . HENRY F. CAMPBELL, M. D., . NATHAN S, DAVIS, M. D., LL. D., . R. PALMER HOWARD, M. D., . LEVI C. LANE, M. D., TOBIAS G. RICHARDSON, M. D., . ALFRED STILLE, M. D., LL. D., THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, THE PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIA- TION. the surgeon-general of the united states army, the surgeon-general of the united states navy. Secretary-General. JOHNS. BILLINGS, M.D.,LL.D., U.S. A., . . Washington Treasurer. JOHN MILLS BROWNE, M. D., U. S. N., . . Washiugtoa New York Boston Augusta, Ga. . Chicago Montreal San Francisco New Orleans Philadelphia 1^; 10 General Committee. ROBERT B^TTEY, M. D Rome, Gft. CLARENCE J. BLAKE, M. D Boston J5^^^3 -®'^^^^^^^' ^- ^- Boston SAMUEL C. BUSEY, M. D., .... Washington JAMES R. CHAD WICK, M. D Boston J. M. DA COSTA, M. D., . . . . . Philadelphia JOHN C. DALTON, M. D., New York W. W. DAWSON, M. D Cincinnati FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M. D., .... New York GEORGE J. ENGELMANN, M. D st. Louis WILLIAM A. HARD A WAY, M. D,, .... St. Louis I. MINIS HAYS, M. D., Philadelphia DAVID L. HUNTINGTON, M. D., U. S. Abmy, . Washington ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D., . . . . . New York HOSMER A. JOHNSON, M. D.,LL.D., . . . Chicago CHRISTOPHER JOHNSTON, M. D., . . . Baltimore R. A. KINLOCH, M. D Charleston, S. C. GEORGE M, LEFFERTS, M. D., . . . . New York JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., LL. D., . . . . Philadelphia S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D Philadelphia HENRY D. NO YES, M. D New York THADDEUS A. REAMY, M. D., . . . . Cincinnati THOMAS F. ROCHESTER, M. D., . . . . Buffalo LEWIS A. 8AYRE, M. D., New York JONATHAN TAFT, M. D Cincinnati W. CHEW VAN BIBBER, M. D Baltimore HORATIO C. WOOD, M. D Philadelphia DAVID W. YANDELL, M. D Louisville, Ky. 11 Executive Committee. I. MINIS HAYS, M. D., Chairman, . . . Philadelphia The Phksident. ^^^La^^'C^ T^-^i^^ The SECnETABY-GENEBAL. J^ S ;^ C-CCt^yi THE TBEASXIBEB. jf ^^ ./J^-^*CM^ ^ The Chaibman op ti^ Finance Committee. '^/':«-»^ /w6^^,6^ SAMUEL C. BUSEY, M. D WashingtoT^^ ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D New York CHRISTOPHER JOHNSTON, M. D Baltimore Standing Committee on Finance. Chairman. WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., LL. D., . . . Philadelphia [The organization of this Committee will be announced here- after.] 13 Section 1.-MeDICAL EOUCATrON, LEGISLATION, AND REGIS- TRATION. President. HENRY P. BOWDITCH, M. P., . . . . . Boston Vice-Presidents. STANFORD E. CHAILLE', M. D New Orleans ALFRED STILLE, M. D„ LL. D Philadelphia Secretaries. SAMUEL J. MIXTER, M. D Boston WILLIAM P. WHITNEY, M. D Boston Council. NATHAN S. DAVIS, M. D., LL. D Chicago HENRY D. DIDAMA, M. D., . . . Syracuse, N. Y. HENRY GIBBONS, M. D Sun Francisco DANIEL C. GILMAN, LL. D., Phesident Johns Hopkins Univebsity, . Baltimore JAMES F. HARRISON, M. D., . . University of Virginia CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D., . , . New Haven, Conn. WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., LL. D., . . . Philadelphia J. F. PRIOLEAU, M. D., . . . . Charleston, S. C. JOHN H. RAUCH, M. D., . . . . Springfield, 111. L. McLANE TIFFANY, M. D Baltimore 14 I 'I Section 2— ANATOMY. President. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D., LL. D., . . , . Philadelphia Vice-President. SAMUEL LOGAN, M. D., New Orleans Secretaries. WILLIAM W. KEEN, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia GEORGE E. DeSCHWEINITZ, M. D., . . .Philadelphia Council. HARRISON ALLEN, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia FRANK BAKER, M. D., Washington THOMAS D WIGHT, M. D Boston FRANCIS L. PARKER, M. D,, . . Charleston, S. C. CHARLES T, PARKES, M. D., Chicago THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D., . . . . New York NICHOLAS SENN, M. D., Milwaukee FRANCIS J. SHEPHERD, M. D., . . . . Montreal ROBERT W. SHUFELDT, M. D., . . . U. S. Array BURT G. WILDER, M. D., . . . . Ithaca, N. Y. tm II 15 Section 3.— PHYSIOLOGY. President. JOHN C. DALTON, M. D., New York Vice-Presidents JAMES P. HIBBERD, M. D Richmond, Ind. H. NEWELL MARTIN, M. D Baltimore MIDDLETON MICHEL, M. D., . . . Oharlestou, S. C. Secretary. JOHN G. CURTIS, M. D., New York Council. G. BAUMGARTEN, M. D gt. Louis HENRY G. BEYER, M. D., u. S. Navy HENRY P. BOWDIT (aLJtI,.D^_.., ^_^^^. Boston HENRY F. CAMPBELL, M. D., . ^ T'l^^^t^oC AUSTIN FLINT, Jb., M. D New York WILLIAM LEE, M. D., . . . . . Washington JOHN J. MASON, M. D., . . . . . Newport, R. I. S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia HENRY SEWALL, M. D. Ann .\rbor, Mich. 16 Section 4.— PATHOLOGY. President. FRANCIS DEL AFIELD, M. D New York Vice-President. WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., LL. D., . . . Philadelphia Secretaries. THEOPHILE M. PRUDDEN, M. D., . , . New York WILLIAM H. WELCH, M. D., . .. . . . Baltimore Council. CHRISTIAN FENGER, M. D., . . . . . Chicago REGINALD H. FITZ, M. D., Boston EDWARD G. JANE WAY, M. D., . . . . New York JAMES B. JOHNSON, M. D., St. Louis THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M. D., . . New York GEORGE M. STERNBERG, M. D., . . . U. S. Army JAMES TYSON, M. D., Philadelphia WILLIAM F. WHITNEY, M. D., . . . . Boston 17 i Section 5 —MEDICINE. President. J. M. DA COSTA, M. D Philadelphia Vice-Presidents. ALFRED L. LOOMIS, M. D., LL. D., . . . New York JAMES B. McCAW, M. D., . . . . Eichmond, Va. RICHARD McSHERRY, M. D Baltimore ALONZO B. PALMER, M. D., LL. D., . . Ann Arbor, Mich. THOMAS P. ROCHESTER, M. D., . . . . Buffalo Secretary. WILLIAM OSLER, M. D., Philadelphia Council. SAMUEL C. CHEW, M. D„ Baltimore WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D., New York WILLIAM H. GEDDINGS, M. D., . . . Aiken, S. C. WILLIAM W. JOHNSTON, M. D., . . . Washington Gi<:ORGE A. KETCHUM, M. D., Mobile FRANCIS MINOT, M. D., Boston WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., LL. D., . . . Philadelphia BEVERLEY ROBINSON, M. D., . . . . New York ANDREW H. SMITH, M. D., . . . . . New York JAMES T. WHITTAKER, M. D., ... Cincinnati 18 Section 6.— SurgeRY. President. DAVID W. YANDELL, M. D Louisville Vice-Presidents. D. HAYES AGNEW, M. D., LL. D Philadelphia WILLIAM T. BIIIOGS, M. D Na«hville SAMUEL W. GROSS, M. D Philadelphia W. H. KINGSTON, M. D . Montreal R. A. KINLOCH, M. D Charleston, S. C. EDWARD M. MOORE, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. LEWIS A. SAYRE, M. D New York Secretary. JOHN COLLINS WARREN. M, D Boston Council. JOHN ASHHURST, J„.,.M. D„ . . . . . Philadelphia DAVID W. CHEEVER, M. D Boston PHINEAS S. CONNER, M. D., .... Cincinnati W. W. DAWSON, M. D Cincinnati GEORGE E. FENWICK, M. D., .... Montreal FREDERIC H. GERRISH, M. D Portland, Me J. C. HUTCHISON, M. D . Brooklyn CHRISTOPHER JOHNSTON. M. D Baltin.ore LEVI C. LANE, M. D. „,„ j^,„,.^^^ THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D New York ALAN P. SxMITH, M. D Baltimore J. FORD THOMPSON, M. D Washington THEODORE R. VARICK, M. D Jersey City SAMUEL B. WARD, M. D Mbany N Y ROBERT F. WEIR, M. D ^ew York ^ 19 Section 7.— OBSTETRICS. President. THADDEU8 A. REAMY, M. D., . . . . Cincinnati Vice-Presidents. WILLIAM T. HOWARD, M. D., . . . . Baltimore R. B. MAURY, M. D., Mempliis JOHN C. REEVE, M. D Dayton, O. ALBERT H. SMITH, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia Secretary. PAUL F. MUNDE, M. D., . . . . . New York Council. ROBERT P. HARRIS, M. D., . . .• . . Philadelphia ALFRED F. A. KING, M. D., . . . . Washington WILLIAM T. LUSK, M. D., New York MATTHEW D. MANN, M. D., Bviflfalo THEOPHILUS PARVIN, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia JOHN SCOTT, M. D., San Francisco 20 Section 8.— GyN/€COLOQY. President ROBERT BATTEY, M. D R„,„e, Oa. Vice-Presidents. WILLIAM H. BYFORD, M. D ohicago THOMAS ADDIS EMMET, M. D., LL. D., . . New York HENRY P. C. WILSON, M. D Baltimore Secretaries. JAMES R. CHADWICK, M. D., Boston GEORGE J. ENGELMANN, M. D., . . . " . ' gt. Louis Council. WILLIAM H. BAKER, M. D . .Boston WILLIAM GARDNER, M. D Montreal WILLIAM GOODELL, M. D PhUadelphla A. REEVES JACKSON, M. D . Chicago J. TABER JOHNSON, M. D Washington GEORGE H. LYMAN, M. D., . . . . . . Boston EMIL NOEGGERATH, M. D., New York T. GAILLARD THOMAS, M. D New York ELY VAN De WARKER, M. D., . . . Syi-a^use, N. Y. <r 21 Section 9 -OPHTHALMOLOGY. President. HENttV D. NO YES, M. D., New York Vice-Presidents. WILLIAM THOMSON, M.D., .... Philadelphia E. WILLIAMS, M. D,, Cluciuuuti Secretary to be announced hereafter. Council. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D., . • . . Now York CHARLES S. BULL, M. D New York SWAN M. BURNETT, M. D., . . . .• WaHhlngton A. W. CALHOUN, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. HASKET DERBY, M. D., Boston SAMUEL J. JONES, M. D., Chicago HERMAN KNAPP, M. D., . . . . . New York EDWARD G. LORING, M. D., New York WILLIAM F. NORRIS, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia W. W. SEELY, M. D., Cincinnati SAMUEL THEOBALD, M. D., Baltimore OLIVER F. WADS WORTH, M. D., . . . . Boston HENRY W. WILLIAMS, M. D., . . . . Boston i 22 Section 10.— OtolOGY. President. CLARENCE J. BLAKE. M, D Vice-Presidents CHARLES H. BURNETT, M. D., . H. N. SPENCER, M. D., . . . ; . Secretary to be announced hereafter. Council. Boston Philadelphia St. Louia ALBERT H, BUCK, M. D., JOHN GREEN, M. D,. J. ORNE GREEN, M. D., . STEPHEN O. RICHEY, M. D., DANIEL B. St. JOHN ROOSA, M. D., LL. D. SAMUEL SEXTON, M. D., . GEORGE STRAWBRIDGE, M. D., . . New York St. Loma Boston Washington New York New York Philadelphia 23 Section 11.— DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILIS. President. WILLIAM A. HARDAWAY, M. D., . . . . St. Louis Vice-Presidents. LOUIS A. DUHRING, M. D Philadelpliia JAMES NEVINS HYDE, M. D Chicago JAMES C. WHITE, M. D., Boston Secretary. ARTHUR VAN HARLINGEN, M. D., . . Philadelphia Council. I. EDMONDSON ATKINSON, M. D., . . . Baltimore L. DUNCAN BULKLEY, M. D., .... New York EDWARD L. KEYES, M. D New York FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D., . . . . .New York ROBERT W. TAYLOR, M. D New York EDWARD WIGGLESWORTH, Ja., M. D., . . Boston HENRY C. YARROW, M. D Washington 24 Section 12— NeRVOUS DISEASES AND PSYCHIATRY. President. S. WEIR MITCHELL, M. D., . . . . Philadelphia Vice-Presidents. CHARLES F. FOLSOM, M. D., Boston JOHN P. GRAY, M. D., LL. D. .... Albany, N. Y. J. S. JEWELL, M. D., Chicago Secretary. CHARLES K. MILLS, M. D., . . . . Philaclelphia Council. ROBERTS BARTHOLOW, M. D., LL. D., . . Philadelphia ALLAN McLANE HAMILTON, M. D., . . . New Yorli WALTER HAY, M. D., LL.D Chicago FRANCIS T. MILES, M. D Baltimore JAMES J. PUTNAM, M. D Boston SAMUEL G. WEBBER, M. D., Boston HORATIO C. WOOD, M. D Philadelphia JOHN P. VAN BIBBER, M. D., . . . . Baltin.ore 26 Section 13 —LARYNGOLOGY. President. GEORGE M. LEFFERTS. M. D New York Vice-President. FREDERICK I. KNIGHT, M. D Boston Secretary. D. BRYSON DELAVAN, M. D ^ew York Council. F. H. BOSWORTH, M. D., ^^^ ^ork mLLIAM H. DALY, M. D., p.^ E. FLETCHER INGALS, M. D. chica.o J. N. MACKENZIE, M. D , t, i^- ^ ' ' Baltimore GEORGE W. MAJOR, M. D.. . at . , ' ' Montreal E. CARROLL MORGAN, M. D . vv.. i • . ' • •^•' • • • . vVaHbington WILLIAM PORTER, M. D., . cf t • ' ' bt. Louis E, L. SHURLEY, M. D.. t^ * x „. , ' • •' Detroit. Micb. 26 Section 14.-PuBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL HYGIENE. President. HOSMER A. JOHNSON, M. D., LL. D., Vice-Presidents. Chicago EZRA M. HUNT, M. D., .... . Trenton, N. J. JOHN BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M. D., LL. D., . Nashville JAMES E. REEVES, M. D., . . . Wheeling, W. Va. Secretary to be announced hereafter. Council. HENRY B. BAKER, M. D., . ALFRED L. CARROLL, M. D,, GRANVILLE P. CONN, M. D., . WILLIAM H. FORD, M. D., . DANIEL W. HAND, M. D., . . . JEROME H, KIDDER, M. D., CHARLES A. LINDSLEY, M. D., J. N. Mccormick, m. d., . J. H. RAUCH, M. D JOSEPH H. RAYMOND, M. D., . JOSEPH R. SMITH, M. D., STEPHEN SMITH, M. D., . . . S. O. VAN DER POEL, M. D., LL. D., H. P. WOLCOTT, M. D., . . Lansing, Mich, Albany, N. Y. Concord, N. H. . Philiidelphia . St. Paul . Washington Now Haven. Conn. Bowling Green, Ky. Springfield, 111. . Brooklyn, N. Y. U. S. Army New York New York Cambridge, Mass. 27 J Section 15.— COLLECTIVE INVESTIGATION, NOMENCLATURE AND Vital Statistics. President. NATHAN S. DAVIS, M. D., LL. D., Vice-Presidents. Chicago JEROME COCHRAN, M D., . . . . . . Mobile EDWIN M. SNOW, M. D., . . . Providence, R. I. Secretary. JAMES F. TODD, M. D., ...... Chicago Council. NATHAN ALLEN, M. D., RICHARD A. CLEEMAN, M., D., J. H. HOLLISTER, M. D., . ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D., JAMES T. REEVE, M. D,, . JAMES TYSON, M. D., Lowell, Mass. Philadelphia . Chicago . New York Appletou, Wis. Philadelphia * I 28 Section 16.— MILITARY AND NavAL SuRGERY AND MEDI- CINE. President. DAVID L. HUNTINGTON, M. D., . Vice-Presidents. U. S. Army FRANK H. HAMILTON, M. D., LL. D., . . . NeW York HUNTER McGUIRE, M. D Richmond, Va S. P. MOORE, M. D., Richmond, Va. WILLIAM E. TAYLOR, M. D., . . . U. S. Navy, (retired.) Secretary. BENJAMIN F. POPE, M. D., . Council, EDMUND ANDREWS, M. D., DELAVAN BLOODGOOD, M. D., . R. B. BONTECOU, M. D., . JOHN H. BRINTON, M. D., , JULIAN J. CHISOLM, M. D., P. O. HOOPER, M. D., E. J. MARSH, M. D CLAUDIUS H. MASTIN, M. D., . GEORGE PECK, M, D., . W. F. PECK, M. D., . CHARLES SMART, M. D., . J. RUFUS TRYON, M. D., ALFRED A. WOODHULL, M. D., U. S. Army Chicago . U. S. Navy . Troy, N. Y. . Philadelphia . Baltimore Little Rock, Ark. . Paterson, N. J. . Mobile U. S. Navy Davenport, Iowa U. S. Ai-my . U. S, Navy U. S. Army f n 29 Section 1 7.-PraCTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL THERA- PEUTICS. President. HORATIO C. WOOD, M. D Philadelphia Vice-Presidents. ROBERT T. EDES, M. D., ..... . 3,^^011 F. PEYRE PORCHER, M. D., . . . Charleston, S. C. Secretaries. EDWARD T. REICHERT, M. D PhUadelphia ROBERT MEADE SMITH, M. D Philadelphia Council. ROBERT AMORY, M. D., ...... Boston EDWARD CURTIS, M. D., New York LAURENCE JOHNSON, M. D., . . . . New York HENRY M. LYMAN, M. D., . . . . * . Chicago SAMUEL NICKELS, M. D Cincinnati ISAAC OTT,M.D Easton, Pa. DANIEL WEBSTER PRENTISS, M. D., . . Washington CHARLES RICE, M. D., New York CHARLES H. WHITE, M. D., . . . . u. S. Navy THOMAS F. WOOD, M. D., . . . Wilmington, N. C. 30 Section 18— DISEASES OF CHILDREN. President. ABRAHAM JACOBI, M. D., . . . , . New York Vice-Presidents. SAMUEL C. BUSEY, M. D., . . . . Washington J. LEWIS SMITH, M. D., New York Secretary. THOMAS M. ROTOH, M. D., Boston Council. F. FORCHHEIMER, M. D., Cincinnati JOHN M. KEATING, M. D., Pliiladelphia WILLIAM LEE, M. D., Baltimore JOHN H. POPE, M. D., Marshall, Texas JOHN H. RIPLEY, M. D., New York I i 81 Section 19— DentaL AND ORAL SuRGERY. President. JONATHAN TAFT, M. D., Cincinnati Vice-Presidents. W. W. ALLPORT, M. D., Cliicago WILLIAM H. DWINELLE, M. D., . . . New York JACOB L. WILLIAMS, M. D., Boston Secretaries. * EDWARD A. BOGUE, M. D., . . . . . New York GEORGE H. CUSHING, M. D., Chicago Council. W. C. BARRETT, M. D., Buffalo THOMAS FILLEBROWN, M. D., . . . . Boston F. J. S. GORGAS, M. D., . ■ . . . . Baltimore EDWARD MAYNARD, M. D., . . . . . Washington H. J. McKELLOPS, D, D. S., St. Louis W. H. MORGAN, M. D., . . . . . . Nashville C. NEWLIN PEIRCE, D. D. S., , . . . Philadelphia L. D. SHEPARD, D. D. S., Boston JAMES TRUMAN, D, D. S., . . . . Philatlelphia J. W. WHITE, M. D. . . .... Philadelphia