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Andrew, John Ault, William «. i Ix)t 27, Con I'l. survey B. survey 1, McKiUop 40 F K F 77 78 5 12 Nopper, John Newman, Wm. Pt. S. 4 Lot 27 B. survey 1st McK. 20 T F 4 81 And'iruon, T. K. K. survey 46 T R 6 93 Ament, Jobn ti. B. survey Block I F 79 51 Roe, John B. survey 5 T 6 103 AruiiWxe, Alex. B. survey Block (i F 80 no KobertsoD, W. S. E. S. survpy 3 and 4 T 7 114 Avery, Joseph y.. S. survey Pt. Lot 11 F s 8 3M Aduna, Benj. J. survey 5 F 9 43 Allen, WiUiam B. survey 33 F 81 7 Shaw, Wm. B. survey Pt. D F B 82 18 Smith, Charles B. survey 23 F 83 20 Hcarlet, Samuel B. survey 16 and 17 F lu 16 Brownell, Joseph B. survey 42 F 84 48 Stark, Samuel B. survey 3 F 11 31 Burnett, ThoniM B. survey Pt. 7 T 86 74 Sparling, 0. W. B. survey 86 P 12 61 Badge, William b. survey 35 F tti 108 Stobie, Alex. B. survey 24 F 13 84 Ballantyne, William B. survey Pt. 26, 1st MoK. F 87 no Sparling, Edward E. S. survey 3 and 4 F 14 268 Beattie, Adam J. survey C. Block T 88 112 Sparling, James E.S. survey S. Park Lot 5 P 15 268 Beattie, Luke J. survey C. Block T 89 280 Sparling, Francis Scott, William F. S. survey 12 F 16 472 Beattie, James B. survey Pt farm 26, McK. F 90 335 J. survey 16 F c 91 341 Scott, James, M. D J. survey 11 F 92 348 Stephens, Thomas Smith, Robert Pt F. 12 F 17 46 Cash, Edward B. survey 3 F 93 349 J. survey 185 F 18 6« Cluff, Xoble B. survey 31 F 94 ,365 Soole, George J. survey 22 T lit 60 Cardno, William B. survey 36 F 95 350 Scott, A!bx. J. survey 21 F 20 94 Campbell, Alex. B. survey 20 F T 21 98 Campbell, Wm. K. S. survey Park Lot 1 F X 22 265 t'armichael, K. J, survey C Block F 96 10 Thompson, John B. survey 21 P 23 266 Corb«y, U K. Income. 97 339 Taylor, Paul '. survey 16 T 24 270 Coventry, Thomas J. survey C Block T w 25 :mo Collins, Hobert J. survey 12 T B. survey 98 34 Wilson, D. D. B. survey 2 F 2t; 15 Dewar, Archd. 43 F 99 100 45 68 Williamson, Graham B. snrvey Williamj, Joseph B. survey 4 9 F T 27 19 Duncan, Julius B. survej 16 and 17 T 101 69 Wilson, John B. survey 9 T 28 29 30 31 77 342 346 352 Dent, (ieorge Darling, James Downey, Thomas Derbyshire, J. H. E B. survey J. survey J. purvey J. survey 37 and 38 6 l.*o. F F F F 102 103 104 106 73 107 27 347 V/alsh, John Wilson, Wm. Ward, Thomas Watson, Wm. N. Y B. survey B. survey J. survey F. S. survey 36 23 C Block 1 T T T F 32 267 Embleton, W. J. nrvey C Block T 106 67 Young, Robert B. survey 9 T 33 365 Evans, Wm. F Fairley, John J. nrvey tl T 34 17 B. survey 22 F __. a 35 3 Gay, A. W. Oilby, J. (J. Pt. S. i Lo* iJ-J Ist MoK. T 36 8 B. enrvey Pt. 19 T 37 78 (rlick, Louie B. survey 39 T 38 280 Gray. W. M. J. survey 32 T 39 335 Gray, Adam J. survey 16 F 40 309 (iibson, J. P. J. survey 186 F 41 63 Gutzemeyer, John H B. Borvey 6 F 42 13 Hatt, James B. survey 45 F 43 29 Hunt, William B. survey Pt. 7 T 44 37 Hogan, Dennis B. survey 4 T 45 56 Hazlewood, Ed. B. survey 30 F 4« 274 Hoffman, J. C. J. survey C Block T • 47 274 Hoffman, W. J Jacobe, Sidney J. survey C Block T 4P 83 B. survey 26 F 49 96 Johnston, Samuel K K. survey 21 and 22 F 50 79 Kidd, John B. survey 39 F 1 51 92 Klinkhammer, P. B. survey 35 F 62 113 Kennedy, S. E. S, survey S. pk. lot 50 F 63 354 Kendall, J. P. L Logan, Robert J. survey 23 F M 2 Pt. S, 4 Lot 27 1st McK. F 55 33 LuuiBden, Robert B. sun^ey 1 F 66 41 Uidlaw, J. C. B, survey 35 F 37 42 I^ee, John B. survey 34 F 58 62 Latimer, Thos. B. survey 34 • F 59 64 Latimer, Ed. B. survey 33 F 60 71 Latimer, John B. survey 8 F 61 95 Ltatherlaud Joseph B. survey 21 ,>nd 22 T 62 277 Lee, Thomas J. survey € Block T 63 106 Logan, Wm. M B. Purvey Pt. Ulock P F 64 25 Martin, John B. survey 10 F 65 26 Maleulm, Andrew B. survey 28 and 29 F 66 102 Meyer, Francis B. survey 4 T 67 265 Murray, John J. survey C Block T 68 269 Mfcgarey, Pat. J. survey (; Block T 69 345 Morrison, Matthew Mc J. survey 4 F 70 11 McDtii'Uiid, Maluulm I), survey Pt. Block 11 F 71 14 McKay, John B. survey 44 F ^ 72 21 McCaughev, S. G. MoDougaH, Wm. B. survey 13 and 14 F 73 22 B. survey Hand 12 T 74 24 Mclntyre, .Tobn B. survey 10 T 75 :i8 McNaught, David 6. survey 4 and 37 F 76 52 McG«e, Jacob B. survey 5 F iIST OF VOTERS ?0E THE EAST WAED OP THE O^J7N of SE AFORTH FOR THE YEAR 1875. Xante. A Ariritage, Alex. Armstrong, Kobert AM, Jolm Ault, Alex. Adama, Thomu B Bontbron, James Blaokwell, (Jeorge Beattie, Adam Brent, G. W. Bell, Thomas Beam, Amandus Benson, J. H. Besttie, John c Campliell, William Churchill, T. J. Charles, Oelman Caider, Andrew Cardno, Alex. Curne, John Chirrie, David Coventry, Thomas Campliell, John, Dr. Carnochan, William Cline, James Coleman, T. T. D Downey, TbomM Dorrance, WUliain Doraey, Mattbuw Downs, J. I>«ri«l«on, Alox. Dunlop, C. M. Dawson, K. Downey, Edward E £gan, o .^bnato' Efiioit, Wiili.' F FoUand, William Fairley, John Fisher, Robert G (loveulock, Thomas GamiflB, Thomas Grassie, \\'illiam Giveos, H. C. Gray, Adam Gouinlock, W. C. Govenlouk, Andrew H Henland, George Henderson, William Holt, William L. Hammett, R. Hatt, James Houghton, George Hill, William Hickson, Edward Hickson, John Holland, Thomas J Jones, Robert Jamieson, R. Johns, Thomas K Knox, Thomas Klinkhammer, T. Klinkhamroer, M. Kidd, John Killoran, John Kyle, James L Luaby, Ebenezer Lee, Th«ma8 Loud, ^v'illiam Logan, William ?! Murphy, L. Mitchell, Jonathan Murphy. James May. W. H. Murray, John Messett, H. ■%«■ _ McManuB, John McLellan, Alex. McDoug&ll, Adam McLean, George McGregor, D. Strtet. C. survey 0. S. survey 0. S. survey fl. survey Gl, survey G. S. survey C. 8. survey 0. 8. survey I), survey 8. survey 0. survey Q. survey 0. Bt vey G. S. survey G. survey G, survey G. survey G. sur'ey G. survey G. survey G. survey [G. survey G. survey 0. survey G. S. survey (1. 8. survey G. S. survey G, 8. survey 0. aurvay 'G. survey , (i. 8. survey G. 8. survey G. survey C, survey G. survey G. 8. survey ('. survey G. survey G. survey J" 78fto ,1 24 8 106 3 3 17 and 18 24 part F. 10 part V. 10 part F, 10 7 and 8 part 3 part 8 part 9 part 12 part 16 part 16 79 27 95 94 .25 part F 1-2 19 45 27 •20 34 9 31 22 12 19 39 12 part 9 6 4o C. survey C. survey G. S. survey part 10*Wt.i^/t G. S. s ,:vey G. S. curvey G. S. survey (*. S. survey G. survey U. survey G. survey 3. survey G. durvey G. survey G. S. survey G. survey G. survey G. S. survey G. 5s. survey G. S. survey G. survey (i. survey G. survey G. S. survey U. S. survey G. S. survey G. survey 31 part m 40 44 29 part 12 .58 &c 72 4c 74 »6 &c lOU ta 35 part 17 part 10 12 8 45 part 15 part 16 104 4c 6 44 ■ 28 part 17 Other De4eription. F F T T T T 'F T Income. F F F Ist Con. T. K. F T T F F F F F F F F F F T F T F F T F F F T T F F T F Income. F F F G. S. survey 4 G. S. survey 29 G. survey part 9 and 10 G. survey 17 G. burvey 26 G. survey 28 G. S. survey C. survey G.8. survey G. S. survey G. survey 5 24 41 36 part 9 T T T T F F F F F F F T T T F T T F T F F F T F T F T T F T T F T F 80 81 82 83 84 85 8< 87 88 91 W2 S3 !M 95 96 97 98 99 100 lUl 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 no 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 >, k 200 207 214 233 238 239 332 523 177 89 217 90 140 149 154 227 227 259 HI 167 182 189 199 205 229 236 237 249 260 116 117 118 127 129 1.50 175 171 180 182 218 263 521 138 176 123 245 130 131 132 181 44 217 220 243 476 476 617 135 516 Name. McDouisll, A. McMulkin, James Mulntyre, John McCulloch, David McLean, M. ¥. McNaught, D. McBride, James McFanl, L. H. MoGee, Jacob Oliver, W. H. Ogilvie, A. \V. P Pringle, James Powell, S. Pattou, Thomas Pillmau, M. Pillman, F. Potts, Wm. R Robertson, W. S. Rogers, R. P. Roberts, J. S. Robertson, Wm. Robertson, M. Ryan, T. D. Koss, James R. Ritchie, Davil Rettig, Christian Ritchie, James Rose, D. D. S Smith, D. \V, Uhoni, Thnilks Stephens, Thomas Smithera, George Stewart, James Smith, Charles Smith, Charlai Stark, Samuel Smithers, Hsraum Scatter, Jobs Strong, A. Stewart. A. Scott, Wm. T Toms, Isaac Thompson, John V Volmar, P. w Walsh, James Watson, W. N. Woods, 0. VVUliami, J. R. Willis, R. Wilson, James Ward, John Williami, James WilaoD, .lohn Wilson, C. Wilson, A. Y Young, A. Street. survey survey survey survey survey survey survey survey S. survey -, fe-J part 15 84 and 82 18 4u 29 5(1 . 46 4c 35 10 29 G. survey 18 G. survej pt. F. 10, Con. 1, Tk G. S. survey G. S. survey G. S. survey G. .S. survey G. S. survey G. S. survey 25 17 and U 42 23 23 Block K C. survey pt. F. 25, McK G. S. survey 37 G. survey part 8 G. survey part 10 G. survey part 12 (*. survey part 16 G. survey 26 G. survey 53 G. survey 52 G. survey 118 G. survey 32 C. a. G. G. G. G. G. G. C. G O. G. C. survey pt. 25, Con. 1 McK 8. Hurvey jjart & 8. Hurvey S. survey S. survey S. survey S. survey S. survey S. Survey survey , survey S. survey . survey survey G. S. survey G. S. survey G. S. survey G. S. survey G. S. survey G. .^. burvey C. survey G. survey G. survey G. survey G. survey G. survey G. survey G. survey part i. 3 4c 19 28 26 part 25 parts 19 106 26 part 38 29 CO *c 16 15 14 12 4c 18 4c 18 19 09 oi» pt. 24, McK pt. 24, McK pt. 24, MoK part F. 24, McK Othr DfMcrlptwii. F r F K T F F F T F F T F F F F T F F T F V F F T F T F F F F F F I, William Elliott, Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, do certify that the foregoing list is a correct list of all persons appearing by the Aisetsment Roll of the said Municipality of Seaforth, for th«' year 1875, entitled t« vote at elections for members of the Legislative Asstmbly of the Province of Outsria ...... . .-.. — . .-.. — . «.— - . — j._. ... I...- ,..,..g..i,jg ,|gt n-aa um pu-:t-t: up :n my office on the sixth day of August, 1875. .\nd I hereby call upon all elector* to examine the said list, and, if any omis- sions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said error corrected according to law. Dated August 6, 187^ WM. ELLIOTT, Town Clerk. / •<;-._. M^" LIST POE t: TOAATN ll ^1 .Vani*. A Sinn. 1 104 Atkinson, A. ". survey o 243 Aiilt, Wm. -. survey 3 249 All»n, W. .. survey 4 261 ArniBtrontf, C. Andrew, W. .". survey .«, 223 ■. survey 6 4. survey , 59 379 Kennedy, S. I. survey 60 267 Kidd, Thomus 1. survey 61 488 Kinft Joseph '. survey 62 375 Kidd, Joseph L 1. survey 63 510 Logan, John I. survey 64 394 Lynn, Thomas 1. survey 65 272 Ijiidlaw, J. C. 1. survey 66 383 Lambert, iM. I. survey 67 497 Lowrie, Joseph M .1. survey 68 329 Martin, S. t J. survey 69 371 Murphy, Kcv. Jamea J. survey 70 418 Martin, John J. survey 71 419 Marshall, W. J. survey 72 471 Mitchell, James ' ■I. survey 73 484 Meyer, F. J. survey '^. 489 Mifchdl, P. .!. 5i-.rvr-y 75 254 Meyer. U J. survey 76 390 Messett, M. L. ■J. survey 77 404 Mabee, L. J. survey Mc • 78 497 McLeod, Alex. J. survey "M 384 McBride, Joseph J. survey [.1ST OF VOTERS POE THE SOUTH WAED OF THE ra^ATN of SE AFORTH FOE THE YEAE 1875. 1 ^V^ HMHa ^1 <; J .\flin«. A • Stmt. "4 Othfr Dneriiilimi. 41 at .M iVamr. Strr>-f. niktr Ih»friptiun. 80 281 M:()iimii, James J. survey 48 F IM Atkininn, A. ■'. survey 74 T 81 II McDerinid. M. pt Rv- Uei. F 243 Aiilt, Wm. .. survey as T 82 387 Mclit.«li,J. .1. survey l,'i3 K 24(t Allan, W. .. survey as T 83 492 MoCaan, 1'. ,^ MoDousslI, «' J. survey 126 r 2,11 ArmBtning, C. 223 Amlrew, W. .'. survey 80 T 84 509 d. survey 66 V • . survey « T 85 243 .Mclean, M. Y. d. Murvey 32 V 467 Andrew, John J. survey ai F 8« 240 MoDougsll, A. ■). .lurvey 34 T Bll ArchiluUd, C. E. J. survey 40 F 87 410 McC'allum, K. ■1. 8ur\ey 188 F B 88 370 McCulloch, J. d. survey \M T 89 397 MclJartney, James d. survoy 131 F 440 Kt'Attie, Jamei !, 8. survey 18 F 90 398 McCartney, Robert d. survey '200 F 370 lirett, H. .'. survey 186 r , N 376 Bromlfoot,.!. H. 1. survey fl7 F ' ,384 Belt, Holiry '. snrvey 142 P 91 4«9 NeviuH, .Unu'8 d. survey 83 F 280 Bowileri, ,1. J. survey 47 F 92 275 Nopper, John d. survey 41 T 484 Bums, B. J. survey 76 F 203 Benttic, .rohn J. survey 00 F 247 Benson, .1. H. c J. survey 148 F a3 04 322 493 O'Connor, T, OdcU, Joseph P d. survey d. survL-y 102 6 T T 50,'> Carter, James .1. survey Block J F 27!) Cmwturd, J. ■I. survey 46 F 96 244 I'owell, S. d. survey 33 F 3fl2 C'(jnlcr»v, .James .1. snrvey 104 T 96 268 Pnrcill, M. d. survey .'19 T 472 Camiibell, ,)ohn .'. survey 84 T 97 366 Porter, J. S. d. survey 146 F 242 Cijunter, M. K. .1. survey 83 F 98 .'108 I'orter, W. B. d. feurvey 143 F 24,^ I'ardno, A. J. survey 34 F 99 406 I'eters, John d. survey 193 T 2,'iO (■nil, ('. H. J. survey .35 F 100 361 I'illman, M. d. survey •26 T 170 Carter, Jimathan }, survey Block J F \l D U. survey 101 .<<8 Redmond, .lames r'. S. survey 1) F 280 Dickson, A. .32 F 102 329 lloas, Jamed d. survey 68 F 2.'>5 Ihinean J. ■1. survey 36 T 103 241 Robertson, M. d, survey 32 T 2.'i:i IJimcan, T. .1. survey 36 T 104 482 Rose, A. F. .1. survey 7 T 482 Dorsoy, M. (W- tomiTT, T. J71 Diek'iiiii, S. .'. survey a-s«r«y •1. survey 7 40 F 105 106 107 492 38H 515 ReirdoD, D. Ramsay, A. Robinson, — ./, survey J. Mirvey (I. T. X 5 87 F F T fM Digule, C. •T. Hurvey 101 F 108 262 Rogers, R. P d. survey 37 T W,-> Dyall, T. 'h survey 140 T 109 266 Reid. W. 0. d. survey 38 T J»0 l»or««y, John tdfl Deunison, .S. J. iur,vey J, survey 118 1.34 V F 110 2ii0 Robei-tsou, Wia. J, surye^ 38 T 397 Dennison, Thomas tS'J IJruranionil, T. 40; Dolphin, P. (7. survey T, survey f. survey 1S4 199 194 T T T 111 112 113 420 277 278 Sutherland, A. Smith, Dr. Stewart, A. J. survey d. survey d. survey d. survey '.'08 44 45 T F F 46'f Duncan, John 1. survey 46 F 114 483 St. John, James P F E 115. 603 Seegmillcr, F. d. survey 62 F 408 Edwards. \V. 0. J. Survey J. survey J, survey 191 F 116 370 Strong, A. 3, survey 161 F .371 Kmblctou, \V. 2a T 117 401 Somerset, John d. survey 197 F 381 Kwuig, (Jeorge F 9t F 118 119 402 402 Spain, P. .Shearer, Wm. d. survey J. survey 1C6 106 F T 120 407 Smith, John d. survey 192 F 2T.i Foster, T. h survey 4. F 121 376 Scott, Walter d. 8ur\'ey 146 T 11*3 Forsyth, George J. survey 1.30 T 122 240 Spas-ling, F. d. survey 32 T 424 Freeman, W. J. survey IfiO T 123 287 Scott, K. d. survey 37 F G „ "ids (iovenlock,*— J. survey 70 F 124 421 Scobie, John T .1. survey 229 F 385 Grimoldby, K. ' 1. survey 147 F 125 494 Taylor, Thomas d. snr>'ey 7 T H 126 507 Thomas. James d. survey 72 F 127 363 Theston, George d. survey 102 T 379 HoVibs, Thomas '■ . survey 112 T 128 367 Taylor, Henry d. survey 144 T 380 Jin me, K. ■ . survey 94 F 129 416 Trott, S. d. survey 204 F 4113 Jloward, R. ■'. survey 196 T V 404 Jlaines, John ■'. survey 194 T r>» H-ilmested, F. '. survey 37 • 1 1.30 .375 Vercoe, H. . d. survey 107 F ^T" JJill. -. survey 40 F 131 461 Vanstonc, J nes d. survey 61 F 4SU IJoffman, W. '. survey F w WhitesiJes, \V. 4iK) Hudson, F. 202 JJickson, E. 1. survey i. survey 125 35 T F 132 .392 .1. survey 392 F 474 Hushes, P. t73 Hayes, M. P. J '. survey '. survey 5 217 F F 133 134 195 274 458 462 Wriirht, J. White, William Whitesi.les, T. d. survey d. survey d. survey 41 61 79 T F F 136 473 Willis, Solomon d. survey 85 F 2flG Jdlittami, Samuel I survey 3fi T 1.37 445 WdliamsoD, (i. F. 8. survey D F 2.S6 Johnson, David i. survey . 36 T 1.38 257 Wilson, C. d. survey 37 T K 1,39 276 WUlson, 0. C. d. survey 42 F 140 280 Weir, James d. survey 47 T 179 Kennedy, S. 2(17 Kidd, Thomus I. survey 12 F Y 1. survey 38 T • 188 Kinc, Joseph [. survey 12:1 T 141 240 Young, X. d . survey 32 T 57.') Kidd, Joseph L ild Logan, John 1. survey 31 F 142 257 Young, A. d. survey 37 T J. survey 05 F 194 Lynn, Thomas h survey 1.32 F .'72 Ijiidlaw, J. C. J. survey 40 T 383 Lambert, iM. I. survey 140 F 497 Ix>wrie, Joseph J. survey 10 T M ^ 129 Martin, S. , J. survey 151 T 171 Mnrphy, Rev. James J. survey 29 F 4J8 Martin, Jo',-<.a J. survey 205 F « 419 Marshall, W. J. survey 419 F 471 MitcfceU, James ' ■I. survey 86 T , 484 Meyer, F. J. survey 7 F 4SD M;t.-.hol), P. .!. 5i-.r^-r-y 12.3 T .'B4 Meyer, L. J. survey 36 P 190 Messett, M. L. ■J. survey 117 F t04 Mabee, L. J. survey 184 F Mc • 197 Mcl-eod, Alex. J. survey 10 F 184 McBride, Joseph J. survey 142 T ,