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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. ■ 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 J iMW m f^fiii FOR THE VILLAGE OF EXETER for 1874 'f -J 8 4 6 « 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18;i66 170 200 208 174 170 4: 60 99 100 112 128 180 181 222 182 26 81 82 127 184 186 168 177 18 14 80 19 20 91 22 28 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 31 82 «8 84 8S 86 87 38 80 40 41 12 48 44 46 46 47 48 49 60 61 62 68 64 55 66 67 58 69 60 61 62 68 64 66 07 68 60 70 71 72 78 74 NAME. 01 Acheson JoHei'h 11 Bissett Robert BalkwUl John 67 Bawden Joseph 74 Blaohford George 00 Bawden Isaac 08 Browning J. W. 8|101 Balkwill William 106 Buckingliam iSamacl 186 Bibsett WilUam 186 Bissett Robert 186 Bissett Thomas 144 Broderick John W. 149 Bissett Biehard O. 149 Bissett Thoroaa 162 Bolkv ill John 166 Brawn sr., John Brawn, jr., John Bawden William Brooks Oeorge Braund Dignry Dalkwill Hugh Hawden Qeorge Clarke Mark Crocker Jamea Crocker John V. Gudmore John Creioh Jamea Clarke John P. Cudmore Oeorge Carliug Isaac Ciawford William Christ-e Edwaid Bearing Thoraaa Davis lUohurd Oownie Simon Down Jamea Drew Juhn Drew William Drew Edred Dyer Alexander O. • EUiot B. V. ElUot Olinn Eaorett Oeorge 49!Edworthy Emanuel 146 Eaorett Charles 178,Ea8terbrook James 187l£acrett Michael ' 164 ElstoQ Robert 68 Follin William l' Fanner John l| Farmer Biehard 66Fi8hbarn John 148 Fanson William 26,0111 John 86 Origg. sr., William 86 Origg, jr., William 64 Oolaspie John A. 68 Oreen C. 86 Oordon James 118 OiU Edward 168 Ooald John 1S9 Oidley Charles 169 Oidley Samuel 65!176 Oidley Thomaa 166 Oidley Richard IS Oreenway John 24 Hyndman John SeHawkshaw William 86 Hawkshaw John 61 Henley John 66 Hamlin William 72 Horn William 76 Holland Anthony 75|119 Harris Edward 76 168 Hodgius Oeorge 77 189 Howard William . 78 190 Haidy Lancelot 70'198 80;214 81 225 82280 88142 84188 83 34 Hayes John A. Hoskins William Howard Robert Hibbert Oeorge Hodgson Wharton Howard Jamea Johns David STREET. No. of Lot or Part Lot SURVEY. Huron iH and 24. Carliuc k .\chcsuu Main part 1, 2, & 8. Carling ife Acheson laion 40 and 48 Carliug and others Main 1,3, 48 4 49 ,McCouncir» C'jii. 1, frrmsrly Usb. lart 21 1 Mill aud Williaia i7, 18 and 14 CvHuk & Acheson Ilurou 26 aud 20 darling & Acheson Huron 29 and 8U Jarling A Acheson Mill SU 'arliug A Achusuu Main part 5 Jarling A Achesuu Main )ait 6 Jarlitig A Achesou Mniu )art 6 JarUng A Acheson Main } Jarling A Achesou Mam 18, 88 anl 80 Jikrliug A Achesou Main 18, 88 aud 39 Uarliug A Acheson Mii'n 4 and 21 Oidley'a \i un 10 Oidley'a Miiiu 10 Uidley's William 22 iidlcy's Main 17 and 18 Mcl)oiutUV« klain 14, 15 aud 16 McDonald's William pr.rt 5 Oidley'a William 22 Oidley's Main 50 Carliug aud others .Main 17 and 18 McConnel.1 'a Huron 41, 12, 27. 28 Carling A Achesou Huron 81 aud 82 Carling A Achesou Huron 84 Carling A Achesou Huron 4 aud 18 Carling A Acheson Huron 7, 8, 14, & 16 Carling A Achesou Main B Carling A Acheson Tir.ke Road part 3 McDonald's Con. 1, formerly Ste'n part 21- Elizabeth 18 Carling aud others Main 26 and 20 Carling and others Main 48 McConnel'a Huron 8 Carling A Achesou Main part A CarUng A Achesou Main parti Carling A Acheson Main port 1 and 2 Oidley'a Carting 7 and 7 Oidley'a Main 5 aud 7 Carling A Achesou Main 28, 29 and 80 WiiUa Main 8, 6 and 7 Carliug and others Andrew 104 and 106 Maconnel's Main 10 Caihng A Acheson Carling 8 aud 8 Oidley'a Main 8aiidO Carliug Main 0, 7, and 8 Oidley's Union 47,48,51,58,54 Carling aud others Main 1 WilUa Main 1 Willis Main part 8 and jMacouuel Main 7 and 8 jCarling & Aelicsou James 17 jCarUng and others Main Main 60 ^Carling and others 60 |Carhng and others Andrew 5 and |Macouuera Union pt. 64,47,48,68 CarUug and others Huron 1, a, and 8 Carling & .Acheson Huron 98 jCarliijg &, Acheson Main 4 and 6 Oidley 'a 18, 19, aud 20lGidley's Main Mai IX 18, 19, and 20loidley's Carling E, 5,0, and 7 Oidley's Con. 1, formeHy Ste'n part 21 Main 18, 14 and 15 Carling & Acheson Con. 1, formerly I'sb. part 10 Main 45 Carling and others Main 46 Carliug aud others Andrew 108 and 109 Maconnel's Main jl8, 14 and 15 Maconnel's Andrew 67 and 58 A. Maconnel's Lake Road ;306 aud 807 McDonald's I to 13 inolns'e Tavlor'a MarlboroqghA Carling 3, 4, 8, 4. Oidley'a Main ;10 and 17 Carling'a Main 866 and 867 McDonald's Main 11 1. Lake Road 121 and 122 " Lake Road 1, 814audSlJJ i •* Lake Road 81, 808, & 804 '* William 80 CarUug A Acheson William F Oidley's Main 82 Carling aud other* :l'/11,a NAME. Ul^idlfOilXHIO^OAJJIV 80188 Jury Uri 87i 12 KnariiH John 81, lUS KUpatriok GnorKO 8U 1U8 Kilpatrick lUlph 9<)217:KilpHthck John 01 260 KtHlilio Jehu Mmd Main Coil. 1, *>im«rly 8tc'n'p»rt 24 and 26 Con. 1, formorly Bte ii !'"» 'i* ""kI 'j^' 02 98 04 06 0(1 97 98 90 1()0 84 Ii<>gK Jnmen 87 Laiubrook Henry 160 Mucp Oeorge A. 04 Miittart (ioor^o 171 Moore Uobort 0. ailUlMillH Jiimeii 216!Mattic«Jolin 215 Merrill Henry 40,Mcl'liitlipH Patrick BTBEET. No. of Lot or Pari Lot. ill and la 8, 9 and 10 sunvEY. Carling Carling & AobcMn ^ (U*-**'^ rtiih oia» 1/ iiiiii.: ■ ■.r.lf) :. - AiilH c aM<;l->»i «;.•>: ij.llisl. !f!»n-.i, Ar :.K:!siI-' ■■ \f .1 '.'!■ ) i;j lOll 6ai.McConiu'U Thomai A. loal OilMoDoniiia John 10»102;MeN«bl).IiiraOB J04 196 McI elkn iJavid >< l05 Idr. MoDonaJd John' loo aa-i McLeod tJeorgo A. l07 2a'2 McLood James 10H212MeLuclilir John l09 oOkc Thomas llO 111 ll2 ll8 ll4 116 llO ll7 ll8 ll9 l20 121 l22 l28 l24 as 28 2!) 27 88 120 Piek&rd Jumca Picknrd Uobort Pickard William Powell Albert Percy Sylvcntor T. Pickard Richard l25 l20 l27 l28 l29 l80 l81 l82 l88 l84 l85 l86 l87 l88 l80 l40 l41 l42 l48 I44 I46 140 I47 I48 I40 l60 161 I52 I58 l64 I55 I50 I57 l68 I59 leo ifli l82 lo.i nu 10,- Ifi!) Ifi' IRS 18!) 170 148 Pcdler Ocorgo 224 Piiich Daniel 85 Pratt John 00 Itambey Jumoa 08 Kyan John 7') Uouu John 140 Itauton John 204 UoUins William lOO Howe CharlcH 8 Kmith Joseph 88 Sanders John 41 Barnwell George 48 Spackman John 89 Snell Charles 09 Sraallftcombe William 80 Snell WiUiam 118 Sweet William 122 Sanders William 122 123 123 124 129 Sanders Robert Sanders Abraham Sanders George Sanders Samuel Sanders Richard Ehzabetli Con. 1, part 21 Main Main Main and Andrew Main Main Oidley Main Eliiaboth Elizabeth Union Andrew i William iMani Con. I, fomicily ijle'ii . Con. 1, forn-.crlyTll.'n p >rt 24 and 26 Co,i. 1, fcirnierly Hay I'ar. 1 Con. 1, forratrly Hay pait 1 Market Ol. «ii. »"<1 ^8 Huron •' , ,„ \»a M ••^ and 18 Huron • 70. 7H, and 79 Huron 70, 78 and 79 Jainos '" Main !""■' "1 Huron 1 ""«1 '^ Main • ^ Itakfl Road '^ Main ^•' Main 1^ »"•' 1*5 Andrew & Main 4'A 43, AC, Main 8*S, and 87 Main H Main l^ Main 2* Main » a'"! 5 Union pt. 65, 42 4 53 Main 88 .Main 6" Andrew 6" and 60 Main 10. II. 12, 18 William 17 Huron 88 Con. 1, formerly Bte'npart 21 Con. 1, formerly Ste'n'part 21 29, 81, H'i &83 McDonald! • 28 iCariliig and others 3 Carling k Achesoii 67, 100 k 107 ('arliug and olliers part 1 and 2 Gidlcy'a 117, 18, 19, 20 A. Macouncr» Ipart 18, 14, 16Ui,tloy'i and 7 McDonald's 85 86 10 and 5rt Carting and others 101 and 102 Maoonnol's 45, 40 57,it6 H C!arling A Achosou 8ns,H6i,8Htt, 18«( McDonald s part 24 uirl 25 '• 183 Strathy Edward W. 147 Shaddiok Ricliard 148 Bouthcott Charles 162 Sprngue Obed H. 178 Senior Charles 199 Simpson William 40; Bouthcott John iHJTKit Sinclair 2n.'reble WiUiam 82 TrcUo John 166 Tom Ohai'lea 161 Trick John 185 Trivitt Tlkomas 208 Towers James SOVandusen Courad 147 Vanstone James 68 Veysey John 212 Verity W. H. 5 Willis Oeorgo 9 Willis John 12 Wilkins E. J. 19 White John 19 White W, J. 19 White T. M. 28 Welsh Richard 01 Willis Caten Oi") Wostaway Bamnet 70 Web^tsr William 111 WhIsU WiUiaiu 137 Wilkins W. E. 2(i2iWn-den John 218:Whitlock Isaac. Willis Carling and others ' k Aohesou ■ and others " k Acheaoii, I* It McDonald Carling and other* K. Maconuel Maconnel Carling k AcheaoB McDonald Oidley's WiUis Carling and otbera Macounel's A. Maconnel Carling k Achesen ('arUng bnd ethers Main Main Main Huron Main Main Main WUliam Gidley Main Main Main Main Main Main Oidley Main Main Main Main E E part A S audO part A 12 12 Kaet hair 4 pt. 13,14 k 16 19 and 20 40, 48 and 44 2, 8, and 9 1 part 81 9 11 and 12 4, 4, and 6 1 and 2 part 19 part 12 Con. 1, formerly Usb. 19 and 20 Market 01,02,03,04,05 Main Huron Main Main part 2 William Mam part 2 William Main part 2 William Con. 1, formerly Usb. ilaiu Main Main Huron Main Elizivbeth Ehznbeth A, 28, 24 part 15 a 9, 10 part 22 part 22 part 22 nait 10 81 and 82 10 8,4,.'i.-14,& 45 82 piirt 15 jparl 5 81,H;',84 65, 50, 67, 68 Gidley'a McDonald's Carling and others Gidley's Carling's McDonald's Carling and others Carling k Achesou McDona'd's WUhs' Carling k Ach>>son Car., others k Gid. McConnel's A. McConnel ■1 Carling k Acheson (t It McDonald .■A- -A .:.:l 'Jjr,; TAKE NOTICE.— That the foregoiug is a correct list of the uames of all persons appearing by the Assessor's lioU of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1874, entitled to vote for Members of the Legislative Assembly. And, also, that a (^opy of the foregoing list was posted up in ray of- fice in the Village of Exeter, on the IHth day of ne, 1874. And all electors are hereby called upon to exaiiiiiie the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate prooeedmgs to have the aame coirected according to law. M. EACRETT, VlLtAOE ClEBK.