CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICIMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microroproductions / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual method of filming are checked below. 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Tous lea autres sxemplaires originaux sont filmia en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illuatration et en terminant par la derni«re page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee aymbolaa suivants apparai\:ra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, salon le cas: le symbole -^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartea, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuwent etre filmis A des taux de raduction diffarents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* a partir de langle sup*rieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut an bat. an prenant le nombre d'imagea nacessaira. Lea diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mathode. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.8 1.4 12.5 3^ 1^ IIIIIM 12.2 !r m ^ 1^ 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IM/IGE Inc ^^ 165j East Mam Street :^S Rochester. New York 14609 USA ••.as (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^^ (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax Pictures, Studies and Sketches by Horatio Walker Copyright 1915 by N. E. Montross The Harrowkk — Sunrise HORATIO WALKER, N.A. Born 1858. Gold Medal, Competitive Exhibi- tion, American Art Galleries, 1887; Evans Prize, Ameri?an Water Color Society, 1888; Bronze Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Gold Medal and Diploma, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Pan-American Expo- sition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Gold Medal for Oil and Gold Medal for Water-Colors, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1906; First Prize, Worcester Exhibition, 1907; Member of National Academy of Design; Na- tional Institute of Arts and Letters; Royal Insti- tute of Painters in Water Colors, London; Ameri- can Water Color Society, L'Union Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres, Paris, Canadian Art Club, Toronto. Represented in Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington ; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; City Art Museum, St. Louis; An Museum, Toledo; National Gallery of Art at Ottawa; Pea- body Institute, Bait-more; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. (Evans Gift). Shepherd and Sheep — Morning ^, C Crwo 1. 2> i'<»0 4. / o-o-t, ti. 4. *i. Moon rise — Winter. (>;j. She|)lier(l and Slieep— Antnnui. Loaned by Sir Edmund Osier. 2-0(00 <>-!'• Swine and Swineherd. (5T. 08. lee Harvest Loaned by Sir Edmund Walker. Loading- Logs — >Vinter. The Uising Moon. Loaned by Sir Edmund Osier. Hoy and Calf. Loaned by F. (>ordon Osier, Esq.