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 gSriiisf) llosociafiott for fl)c |l5Danccmcnf 
 of Science. 
 TORONTO, 1897, 
 D.C.L., LL.D., Sc.D., Trra.s.R.S., V.P.S.A., Fou.Skc.G.S. 
 Once more has tho Dominion of Canada invitorl tho British Association 
 for tho Advancement of Science to hold one of tho annual mootings of its 
 members within the Canadian territory ; and for a second time has the 
 Association had the honour and pleasure of accepting the proffered 
 In doing so, the Association has felt that if by any possibility tho 
 scientific welfare of a locality is promoted by its being the scene of such a 
 meeting, the claims should be fully recognised of those who, though not 
 dwelling in the British Isles, are still inhabitants of that Greater P»ritain 
 whose prosperity is so intimately connected with tho fortunes of tho 
 Mother Country. 
 Here, especially, as loyal subjects of one beloved Sovereign, the sixtieth 
 year of whose beneficent reign has just been celebrated with equal rejoic- 
 ing in all parts of her Empire ; as speaking the same tongue, and as in 
 most instances connected by the ties of one common parentage, we are 
 bound together in all that can promote our common interests. 
 There is, in all probability, nothing that will tend more to advance 
 those interests than the diffusion of science in all parts of the British 
 Empire, and it is towards this end that the aspirations of the British 
 Association are ever directed, even if in many instances the aim may not 
 bo attained. 
 We are, as already mentioned, indebted to Canada for previous hos- 
 pitality, but we must also renieml)er that, since tho time when we last 
 assembled on this side of the Atlantic, the ponunion has pro\ idcd the 
 REPORT — 1897. 
 Association with a President, Sir William Dawson, whose name ia alike 
 well known in Britain and America, and whose reputation is indeed 
 world-wide. We rejoice that we have still among us the pioneer of 
 American geology, who among other discoveries first made us acquainted 
 with the * Air-brofithers of the Coal,' the terrestrial or more properly 
 (irhoroiil Sauiians q( the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Coal-measures. 
 On our last visit to Canada, in 1884, our place of assembly was Mont- 
 real, a city which is justly proud of hej* McGill University ; to-day we 
 meet within the buildings of another of the Universities of this vast 
 Dominion — and in a city, the absolute fitness of which for such a purpose 
 nmst have been foreseen l)y the native Indian tribes when they gave to a 
 small aggregation of huts upon this spot the name of Toronto — ' the place 
 of meetings.' 
 Our gathering this year presents a feature of entire novelty and ex- 
 treme interest, inasmuch as the sister Association of the United States of 
 .\merica,— still mourning the loss of her illustrious President, Professor 
 Cope, — and some other learned societies, have made special arrangements 
 to allow of their members coming here to join us. I need hardly say how 
 welcome thcnr presence is, nor how gladly we look forward to their taking 
 part in our discussions, and aiding us by interchange of thought. To 
 such a meeting the term ' international ' seems almost misapplied. It may 
 rathor be described as a family gathering, in which our relatives more or 
 less distant in blood, but still intimately connected with us by language, 
 literature, and habits of thought, have spontaneously arrau,ged to take 
 The domain of science is no doubt one in which the various nations of 
 the civilised world meet upon equal terms, and for which no other pass- 
 port is required than sonie e\idence of having striven towards the advance- 
 ment of natural knowledge. Here, on the frontier between the two great 
 Knglish- speaking nations of the world, who is there that does not inwardly 
 feel that anything which conduces to an intimacy between the representa- 
 tives of two countries, both of them actively engaged in the pursuit of 
 science, may also, through such an intimacy, react on the afifairs of daily 
 life, and aid in preserving those cordial relations that have now for so 
 many years existed between the groat American Republic and the British 
 Islands, w ith w Inch her early foundations are indissolubly connected 1 
 The present year has witnessed an interchange of courtesies which has 
 excited the warmest feelings of approbation on both sides of the Atlantic. 
 1 mean tlin return to its proper custodians of one of the most interesting 
 of the relics of the Pilgrim Fathers, the Log of the ' Mayflower.' May this 
 return, trifling in itself, be of happy augury as testifying to the feelings of 
 mutual regard and esteem which animate the hearts both of the donors 
 .and of the recipients ! 
 At our meeting in Montreal the President was an investigator who 
 had already attained to a foremost place in tiie domains of Physics and, 
 Mathematics, Lord Rayleigh. In his address he dealt mainly with topics, 
 such as Light, Heat, Sound, and Electricity, on which ho is one of our 
 principal authorities. His name and that of his fellow-worker, Professor 
 Ramsay, are now and will in all future ages be associated with tlie dis- 
 covery of the new element, Argon. Of the ingenious methods liy which 
 that discovery was made, and the existence of Argon established, this is 
 not the place to speak. One can only hope that the element will not 
 always continue to justify its name by its inertness. 
 The claims of such a leader in physical science as Loi-d Rayleigh to 
 occupy the Presidential chair are self-evident, but possibly those of his 
 successor on this side of the Atlantic are not so immediately apparent. 
 I cannot for a moment pretend to place myself on the same purely scien- 
 tific level as my distinguished friend and for many years colleague, Lord 
 Rayleigh, and my claims, such as they are, seem to me to rest on entirely 
 different grounds. 
 Whatever little I may have indirectly been able to do in assisting to 
 promote the advancement of science, my principal efforts have now for 
 many years been directed towards attempting to forge those links in the 
 history of the world, and especially of humanity, that connect the past 
 with the present, and towards tracing that course of evolution which plays 
 as important a part in the physical and moral development of man as it 
 does in that of the animal and vegetable creation. 
 It appears to me, therefore, that my election to this important post 
 may, in the main, be regarded as a recognition by this Association of the 
 value of Archaeology as a science. 
 Leaving all personal considerations out of question, I gladly hail this 
 recognition, which is, indeed, in full accordance wi^h the attitude already 
 for many years adopted by the Association towards Anthropology, one of 
 the most important branches of true Archaeology. 
 It is no doubt hard to define the exact limits which are to be assigned 
 to Archaeology as a science, and Archaeology as a branch of History and 
 Belles Lettres. A distinction is frequently drawn between science on 
 the one hand, and knowledge or learning on the other ; but translate the 
 terms into Latin, and the distinction at once disappears. In illustration 
 of this I need only cite Bacon's great work on the ' Advancement of 
 Learning,' which was, with his own aid, translated into Latin under the 
 title • De Aiigmentis Scientiarum.' 
 It must, however, be acknowledged that a distinction does exist be- 
 tween Archaeology proper, and what, for want of a better word, may be 
 termed Antiquarianism. It may be interesting to know the internal 
 arrangements of a Dominican convent in the middle ages ; to distinguish 
 between the different mouldings characteristic of the principal styles of 
 Gothic architecture ; to determine whether an English coin bearing the 
 name of Henry was struck under Henry II., Richard, John, or Henry 
 III., or to decide whether some given edifice was erected in Roman, 
REPORT— 1807 
 Saxon, or Norman times. But the pownr to do this, though involving no 
 small degree of detailed knowledge and some acquaintance with scientific 
 methods, can hardly entitle its possessors to be enrolled among the votaries 
 of science. 
 A familiarity with all the details of Greek and Roman mythology and 
 culture must be regarded as a literary rather than a scientific qualifica- 
 tion ; and yet when among the records of classical times we come upon 
 traces of manners and customs wliich have survived for generations, and 
 which seem tt) throw some rays of light upon the dim past, when history 
 and writing were unknown, we are, I think, approaching the boundaries 
 of scientific Archjuology. 
 Every reader of Virgil knows that the Greeks were not merely orators, 
 but that with a pair of compasses they could describe the movements of 
 the heavens and fix the rising of the stars ; but when by modern Astro- 
 nomy we can determine the heliacal rising of some well-known star, with 
 which the worship in some given ancient temple is known to have been 
 connected, and can fix its position on the horizon at some particular spot, 
 say, three thousand years ago, and then find that the axis of the temple is 
 directed exactly towards tJiat spot, we have some truitworthy scientific 
 evidence that the temple in question must have been erected at a date 
 approximately 1 100 years n.c. If on or close to the same site we find that 
 more than one temple was erected, each having a diflTerent orientation, 
 these variations, following as they may fairly be presumed to do the 
 changing position of the rising of the dominant star, will also afford a 
 guide as to the chronological order of the different foundations. The 
 researches of Mr. Penrose .seem to show that in certain Greek temples, of 
 which the date of foundation is known from history, the actual orientation 
 corresponds with that theoretically deduced from astronomical data, 
 Sir J. Norman Lockyer has shown that what holds good for Greek 
 temples applies to many of far earlier date in Egypt, though up to the 
 present time hardly a sufficient number of accurate observations have been 
 made to justify us in foreseeing all the instructive results that may be 
 expected to arise from Astronomy coming to the aid of Archaeology. 
 The intimate connection of Archeeology with ot^er sciences is in no 
 case so e\ ident as with respect to Geology, for when considering subjects 
 such as those I shall presently discuss, it is almost impossible to say 
 where the one science ends and the other begins. 
 By the application of geological methods many archreological questions 
 relating even to subjects on the borders of the historical period have been 
 satisfactorily solved. A careful examination of the limits of the area over 
 which its smaller coins are found has led to the position of many an 
 ancient Greek city being accurately ascertained ; while in England it has 
 only been by treating the coins of the Ancient Britons, belonging to a 
 period Iteforc the Roman occupation, as if they were actual fossils, that 
 the territories under the dominion of the various kings and princes who 
 struck them have boeu approximately determined. In arranging the 
 chronological sc(iucncc of these coins, the evolution of their types — a pro- 
 cess almost as remarkable, and certainly as well-deiined, us any to be 
 found in nature — has served as an elhciejit guide. I may venture to add 
 that the results obtained from the study of the morphology of this series 
 of coins were published ten years before the appearance of Darwin's groat 
 work on the ' Origin of Species.' 
 When we conu; to tin; consideration of the relics of the Early Iron 
 and Bronze Ages, the aid of Chemistry has of necessity to be invoked. 
 By its means we an; able to determine whethci- the iron of a tool or 
 weapon is of meteoritic or volcanic origin, or has beiiu reduced from iron- 
 ore, in wliich case considerable knowledge of metallurgy would be in\ olved 
 on the part of those who made it. With bi'onzc antiquities tlie nature 
 and extent of the alloys combined with tiie copper nmy throw light not 
 only on their chronological position, but on the sources whence the coppr-r, 
 tin, and other metals of which they consist were originally derived. I am 
 not aware of there bcang sufficient diflerences in the analyses of the native 
 copper from different localities in the region in which we are assembled, 
 for Canadian Archieologists to fix the sources fiom which the metal was 
 obtained which was used in the manufacture of the ancient tools and 
 weapons of copper that are occasionally discovered in this part of the 
 Like Chemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology may be called to the 
 assistance of Archieology in tletermining the nature and source of the 
 rocks of which ancient stone implements are made ; and, thanks to 
 researches of the followers of those sciences, the old view that all such 
 implements formed of jade and found in Europe must of necessity have 
 been fashioned from material imported from Asia can no longer be main- 
 tained. In one respect the Arclueologist ditters in opinion from the 
 Mineralogist —namely, as to the propriety of chipping off fragments from 
 perfect and highly finished specimens for the purpose of submitting them 
 to microscopic examination. 
 I have hitherto been speaking of the aid that other .sciences can afford 
 to Archaeology when dealing with questions that come almost, if not quite, 
 within the fringe of history, and belong to times when the surface of our 
 earth presented much the same conHguration as regards the distribution of 
 land and watei', and hill and valh^y, as it does at present, and wiien, in all 
 probability, the climate was much the same as it now is. When, how- 
 ever, we come to discuss t: remote age in which we find t'e earliest 
 traces that are at present known of JSIan's appearance upon earth, the aid 
 of Geology and Paheontology becomes absolutely imperative. 
 The changes in the surface configuration and in the extent of the 
 land, especially in a country like Britain, as well as the modifications of 
 the fauna and llora since those days, have been such that the Archicologist 
 pure and simple is incompetent to deal with tliem, and he must either 
 himself undertake the study of these other sciences or call experts in them 
 RF.rORT — 180' 
 to his assistance. The evidence that Man had already appeared upon the 
 earth is afforded by stone implements wrought by liis hands, and it falls 
 strictly within the province of the Arcliicologist to judge whether given 
 specimens were so wrougfit or not ; it rests with the Geologist to deter- 
 mine their .•itratigraphical or chronological position, while the Palaionto- 
 logist can pronounce upon the age and character of the associated fauna 
 and flora. 
 If left to himself the Archaeologist seems too prone to buildup theories 
 founded upon form alone, irrespective of geological conditions. The Geo- 
 logist, unaccustomed to archaeological details, may readily fail to see the 
 difference between the results of the operations of Nature and those of 
 Art, and may be liable to trace the effects of man's handiwork in the 
 chipping, bruising, and weai'ing which in all ages result from ratural 
 forces ; but the united labours of the two, checked by those of the 
 Paheontologist, cannot do otherwise than lead awards sound conclu- 
 It will perhaps be expected of me that I should on the present occa- 
 sion bring under review the state of our present knowledge with regard 
 to the Antiquity of Man ; and probably no fitter place could be found 
 for the discussion of such a topic than the adopted home of my venerated 
 friend, the late 8ir Daniel "Wilson, who first introduced the word ' pre- 
 historic ' into the English language. 
 Some among us may be able to call to mind the excitement, not only 
 among men of science but among the general public, when, in 1859, the 
 discoveries of M. Boucher de Perthes and Dr. Rigollot in the gravels of 
 the valley of the Sonuiie, at Abbeville and Amiens, were confirmed by 
 the investigations of the late Sir Joseph Prestwich, myself, and others, 
 and the co-existence of Man with the extinct animals of the Quaternary 
 fauna, such as the man^motli and woolly-haired rhinoceros, was first 
 virtually established. It was at the same time pointed out that these 
 relics belonged t(» a far earlier date than the ordinary stone weapons 
 found upon the surface, which usually showed signs of grinding or polish- 
 ing, and that in fact there were two Stone Ages in Britain. To these 
 the terms Neolithic and Paheolithic were subsequently applied by Sir 
 John Lubbock. 
 The excitement was not less, when, at the meeting of this Association 
 at Aberdeen in the autumn of that year. Sir Charles Lyell, in the presence 
 of the Prince Consort, called attentifni (o the discoveries in the valley of 
 the Somme, the site of which he had himself visited, and to the vast lapse 
 of time indicated by the position of the implements in drift-deposits a 
 hundred feet above the existing river. 
 The conclusions forced upon those who examined the facts on the spot 
 did not receive immediate acceptance by all who were interested in Geo- 
 logy and Arclun)logy, and fierce were the controversies on the subject 
 that were carried on both in the new.spapers and before various learned 
 It is at tho same tiino iiiutructive and amusing to look back nn tlio 
 (liscus8ions of those days. Wliilo one class of olyectors accounled for tlio 
 configuration of tho Hint iinphnneiits from the gravels by some unknown 
 chemical agency, by the violent and continued gyratory at^tion of water, 
 by fracture resulting from pressure, by rapid cooling when hot or by rapid 
 heating when cold, or even regarded them as alierrant f»»rm8 of fossil 
 fishes, tliore were others who, when compelled to acknttwledge that (he 
 implements were the work of men's hands, attempted to impugn and set 
 aside the evidence as to the circumstances under which they had been 
 discovered. In doing this they adopted the view that the worked flints 
 had either been introduced into th(^ containing beds at a comparatively 
 recent date, or if they actually formed constituent parts of the gravel then 
 that this was a. mere modern alluvium resulting from floods at no very 
 remote period. 
 In the course of a few years the main stream of scientific thought left 
 this controversy behind, though a tendency to cut down the lapse of time 
 necessary for all the changes that liave taken place in the configuration of 
 the surface of the earth and in the character of its (jccupants since the 
 time of the Palaiolithic gravels, still survives in the inmost recesses of the 
 hearts of not a few observers. 
 In his Address to this Association at the Bath meeting of 1HG4, Sir 
 Charles Lyell struck so true a note that I am tempted to reproduce the 
 paragraph to which I refer : — 
 ' When speculations on the long series of events which occurred in the 
 glacial and post-glacial periods are indulged in, the imagination is apt to 
 take alarm at the immensity of the time required to interpret the monu- 
 ments of these ages, all referable to the era of existing species. In ordei- 
 to abridge the number of centuries which would otherwise be indispensable, 
 a disposition is shown by many to magnify the rate of change; in pre- 
 historic times by investing the causes which have modified the animate 
 and inanimate world with extraordinary and excessive energy. It is 
 related of a great Irish orator of our day that when he was about to 
 contribute somewhat parsimoniously towards a public charity, he was 
 persuaded by a friend to make a more liberal donation. In doing so he 
 apologized for his first apparent want of generosity by saying that his 
 early life had been a constant struggle with scanty means, and that " they 
 who are born to affluence cannot easily imagine how long a time it takes 
 to get the chill of poverty out of one's bones." In like manner we of the 
 living generation, when called upon to make grants of thousands of 
 centuries in order to explain the events of what is called the modern 
 period, shrink naturally at first from making what seems so lavish an 
 expenditure of past time. Throughout our early education we have been 
 accustomed to such strict economy in all that relates to the chronology »>f 
 the earth and its inhabitants in remote ages, so fettered have we been by 
 old traditional beliefs, that even when our reason is convinced, and we 
 are persuaded thai wo ought to inako nioro liberal grants of time to the 
 Geologist, wo fool how hard it is to got the chill of poverty out of our 
 Many, however, have at the present day got over this feeling, and of 
 late years the general tendency of those engaged upon the question of the 
 antitjuity of the human ic^ -e has been in the direction of seeking for 
 evidence by which the exisiunce of Man ujion the earth could bo carried 
 back to a date earlier than that of the Quaternary gravels. 
 TluM-e is little doubt that such evidence will eventually bo forthcoming, 
 but, judging from all probability, it is not in Northern Europe that the 
 cradle of the hunum race will c\ tually be discovered, but in some part 
 of the world more favoured by a ipical clinuite, where abundant means 
 of subKi.stence could be procured, and where the necessity for warm 
 clothing did not exist. 
 liefore (iutering into speculations on this subject, or attempting to lay 
 down the limits within which we may safely accept recent discoveries as 
 lii'mly (^stabliKhed, it will be well to glance at some of the cases in which 
 implements are stated to have been found under circumstances which 
 raise a presumption of the existence of man in pre-Glacial, Pliocene, or 
 even Miocene times. 
 Fli. t implements of ordinary Palajolithic type have, for instance, been 
 recorded as found in the Eastern Counties of England, in beds beneath 
 the Chalky Boulder Clay ; but on careful examin.ition the geological 
 evidence has not to my mind proved satisfactory, nor has it, I believe, 
 been genei-ally accepted. Moreover, the archa'ological difficulty that Man, 
 at two such remote epochs as the pi-e-Clacial and the post- Glacial, even if 
 the term CJlacial be limited to the Chalky Boulder Clay, should have 
 manufactured implements so identical in character that they cannot be 
 distinguished apart, seems to have been entirely ignored. 
 Within the last few months we have had the report of worked flints 
 having been discovered in the late Pliocene Forest Bed of Norfolk, but in 
 that instance the signs of human workmanship upon the flints are by no 
 means apparent to all observers. 
 But such an antiquity as that of the Forest Bed is as nothing when 
 compared with that which would be implied by the discove.^ <es of the 
 work of men's hands in the Pliocene and Miocene beds of England, 
 France, Italy, and Portugal, which have been accepted by some 
 (icologists. Tluire is one feature in these cases which has hardly received 
 due attention, and that is the isolated character of the reputed discoveries. 
 Had man, for instance, been present in Britain during the Crag Period, 
 it would be strange indeed if the sole traces of his existence that he left 
 were a perforated to^tth of a large shark, the sawn rib of a manatee, and 
 a beaming full face, carved on the shell of a pectunculus ! 
 In an address to the Anthi-opological Section at the Leeds meeting of 
 this xVssociation in 1890 I dealt somewhat fully with these supposed 
 discoveries of the remains of human art in hods of Tertiary date ; and I 
 need not here go further into the question. Suffice it to say that I sea no 
 reason why the verdict of ' not proven ' at which I then arrived shimld be 
 In the case of a nn ^ recent discovery in Upper Durma in beds at 
 first pronounced to be Upper Miocono, but subseijuently * definitely 
 ascertained to be Pliocene,' some of the flints are of purely natural and 
 not artificial origin, so that two questions arise : first. Were the fossil 
 remains associated with the worked flints or with th(».se of natural forms ? 
 And second, Wert; they actually found in the Ix^d to which they have 
 been assigned, or did thoy merely lie tog(!ther on the surface ? 
 Even the Pithecanthrojnis erectus of Dr. Eugone Dubois from Java 
 meets with some incredulous objectors from both the physiological and the 
 geological sides. From the point of view of the latter the difficulty lies 
 in determining the exact age of what are apparently alluvial beds in the 
 bottom of a river \alley. 
 When we return to Paleolithic man, it is satisfactory to feel that we 
 are treading on comparatively secure ground, and that the discoveries of 
 the last forty years in Britain alone enable us to a great extent to recon- 
 stitute his history. We may not know he exact geological period when 
 first he settled in the British area, but we have good evidence that he 
 occupied it at a time when the configuration of the surface was entirely 
 different from what it is at picsent : when the river valleys had not been 
 cut down to anything like their existing depth, when the fauna of the 
 country was of a totally different character from that of the present day, 
 when the extension of the southern part of the island seaward was in 
 places siich that the land was continuous with that of the continent, and 
 when in all probability a far more rainy climate prevailed. Wy have 
 proofs of the occupation of the country by man during the long lapse of 
 time that was necessary for the excavation of the river valleys. We have 
 found the old floors on which his habitations were fixed, we have been 
 able to trace him at work on the manufacture of flint instruments, and by 
 Ijuilding up the one upon the other the flakes struck off by the primajval 
 workman in those remote times we have been able to reconstruct the 
 blocks of flint which served as his material. 
 That the duration of the Palajolithic Period must have extended over 
 an almost incredible length of time is si.:>;ciently proved liy the fact that 
 valleys, some miles in width and of a depth of from 100 to 150 feet, have 
 been eroded since the deposit of the earliest implement-bearing beds. Nor 
 is the ai)parent duration of this period diminished by the consideration 
 that the floods which hollowed out the valleys were not in all pi-obability 
 of such frequent (tccurrcnce as to teach Paheolithic man by experience 
 the danger of settling too near to the streams, for had he kept to the 
 higher slopes of the valley there would have been but little chance of his 
 implements having so constantly formed constituent parts of the gravels 
 deposited by the floods. 
 RErOKT — 180< 
 The examination of British cave-doposits affords corroborative evi- 
 dence of this extended duration of the Palaeolithic Period. In Kent's 
 Cavern at Torquay, for instance, we find in the lowest deposit, the Ijreccia 
 below the red cave-earth, implements of flint and chert corresponding in 
 all respects with those of the high level and most ancient river gravels. 
 In the cave-earth the'»3 are scarcer, though implements occur which also 
 have their aualoguea in the river deposits ; but, what is more remarkable, 
 harpoons of reindeer's liorn and needles of bone are present, identical in 
 form and character with tliose of the caverns of the Reindeer Period in 
 the South of, and suggestive of some bond of union or identity of 
 descent between the early troglodytes, whose habitations were geographi- 
 cally so widely separated the one from the other. 
 In a cavern at Creswell Crags, on the confines of Derbyshire and 
 Nottinghamshire, a bone has moreover been found engraved with a repre- 
 sentation of parts of a horse in precisely the same style as the engraved 
 bones of the French caves. 
 It is uncertain whether any of the River-drift specimens belong to so 
 late a date as these artistic cavern-remains ; but the greatly superior 
 antiquity of even these to any Neolithic relics is testified by the thick 
 layer of stalagmite, which had been deposited in Kent's Cavern before its 
 occupation l)y men of the Neolithic and Bronze Periods. 
 Towards the close of the period covered by the human occupatiori of 
 the French caves, there seems to have been a dwindling in the number of 
 the larger animals constitutin'^ *^he Quaternary fauna, whereas their re- 
 mains are present in abunr" k e n . the lower and therefore more recent of 
 the valley gravels. This .u^ ' tance may afford an argument in favour 
 of regarding the period reprr .ited by the later French caves as a con- 
 tinuation of that during whic he old river gravels were deposited, and 
 yet the great change in the fa^ la that has taken place since the latest of 
 the cave-deposits included in the Palaeolithic Period is indicative of an 
 immense lapse of time. 
 How much greater must have been the time required for the more 
 conspicuous change between the old Quaternary fauna of the river gravels 
 and that characteristic of the Neolithic Period ! 
 As has been pointed out by Prof. Boyd Dawkins, only thirty-one out 
 of the forty-eight well- ascertained species living in the post-Glacial or 
 River-drift Period survived into pre- historic or Neolithic times. We 
 have not, indeed, any means at command for estimating the number of 
 centuries which such an important change indicates ; but when we 
 remember that the date of the commencement of the Neolithic or Surface 
 Stone Period is still shrouded in the mist of a dim antiquity, and that 
 prior to that commencement the River-drift Period had long come to an 
 end ; and when we fui'ther i,>ke into account the almost inconceivable 
 ajres that even under the most favourable conditions the excavation of 
 wide anvl deep valleys by river action implies, .he remoteness of the date 
 at which the Palaeolithic Period had its beginning almost transcends our 
 powers of imagination. 
 We find distinct traces of river action from 100 to 200 feet above the 
 level of existing streams and rivers, and sometimes at a great distance 
 from them ; we observe old fresh-water deposits on the slopes of valleys 
 several miles in width ; we find that long and lofty escarpments of rock 
 have receded unknown distances since their summits were first occupied 
 by Palaeolithic man ; we see that the whole side of a wide river valley has 
 been carried away by an invasion of the sea, which attacked and removed 
 a barrier of chalk cliffs from 400 to 600 feet in height ; we find that what 
 was formerly an inland river has been widened out into an arm of the 
 sea, now the highway of our fleets, and that gravels which were originally 
 deposited in the bed of some ancient river now cap isolated and lofty 
 And yet, remote as the date of the first known occupation of Britain 
 by man may be, it belongs to what, geol'^^ically speaking, must be 
 regarded as a quite recent period, for we are now in a position to fix with 
 some degree of accuracy its place on the geological scale. Thanks to 
 investigations ably carried out at Hoxne in Suffolk, and at Hitchin in 
 Hertfordshire, by Mr. Clement Reid, under the auspices of this Associa- 
 tion and of the Royal Society, we know that the implement-bearing beds 
 at those places undoubtedly belong to a time subsequent to the deposit of 
 the Great Chalky Boulder Clay of the Eastern Counties of England. It 
 is, of course, self-evident that this vast deposit, in v, hatever manner it 
 may have been formed, could not, for centuries after its deposition was 
 complete, have presented a surface inhabitable by man. Moreover, at a 
 distance but little farther north, beds exist which also, though at a some- 
 what later date, were apparently formed under Glacial conditions. At 
 Hoxne the interval between the deposit of the Boulder Clay and of the 
 implement-bearing beds is distinctly proved to have witnessed at least 
 two noteworthy changes in climate. The beds immediately reposing on 
 the Clay are characterised by the presence of alder in abundance, of hazel, 
 and yew, as well as by that of numerous flowering plants indicative of a 
 temperate climate very different from that under which the Boulder Clay 
 itself was formed. Above these beds characterised by temperate plants, 
 comes a thick and more recent series of strata, in which leaves of the 
 dwarf Arctic willow and birch abound, and which were in all probability 
 deposited under conditions like those of the cold regions of Siberia and 
 North America. 
 At a higher level and of more recent date than these — from which 
 they are entirely distinct — are the beds containing Palaeolithic imple- 
 ments, formed in all probability under conditions not essentially different 
 from those of the present day. However this may be, we have now con- 
 clusive evidence that the Palaeolithic implements are, in the Eastern 
 Counties of England, of a date long posterior to that of the Great Chalky 
 Boulder Clay. 
 REPORT — 1897. 
 It may be said, and said truly, that the implements at Hoxne cannot 
 be shown to belong to the beginning rather than to some later stage of 
 the Palaeolithic Period. The changes, however, that have taken place at 
 Hoxne in the surface configuration of the country prove that the beds 
 containing the implements cannot belong to the close of that period. 
 It must, moreover, be remembered that in what are probably the 
 earliest of the Pala;olithic deposits of the Eastern Counties, those at the 
 highest level near Brandon in Norfolk, where the gravels contain the 
 largest proportion of pebbles derived from Glacial beds, some of the 
 implements themselves have been manufactured from materials not 
 native to the spot but brought from a distance, and derived in all pro- 
 bability either from the Boulder Clay or from some of the beds associated 
 with it. 
 We must, however, take a wider view of the whole question, for it 
 must not for a moment be supposed that there are the slightest grounds 
 for believing that the civilisation, such as it was, of tl«v' ralieolithic Period 
 originated in the British Isles. We find in other countries implements 
 so identical in form and character with British specimens that they 
 might have been manufactured by the same hands. These occur over 
 large areas in France under similar conditions to those that prevail in 
 England. The same forms have been discovered in the ancient river 
 gravels of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Some few have been recorded 
 from the north of Africa, and analogous types occur in considerable 
 numbers in the south of that continent. On the banks of the Nile, many 
 hundreds of feet above its present level, implements of the European 
 types have been discovered ; while in SomaliLaid, in an ancient river 
 valley at a great elevation above the sea, Mr. Seton-Karr has collected 
 a large number of implements formed of flint and quartzite, which, 
 judging from their form aad character, might have been dug out of the 
 drift deposits of the Somme or the Seine, the Thames or the ancient 
 In the valley of the Euphrates implements of the same kind have 
 also been found, and again farther east in the lateritic deposits of 
 Southern India they have been obtained in considerable numbers. It is 
 not a little remarkable, and is at the same time highly suggestive, that 
 a form of implement almost peculiar to Madras reappears among imple- 
 ments from the very ancient gravels of the Manzanares at Madrid. In 
 the case of the African discoveries we have as yet no definite Palasonto- 
 logical evidence by which to fix their antiquity, but in the Narbada 
 Valley of Western India PaUt'olithic implements of quartzite seem to be 
 associated with a local fauna of Pleistocene age, comprising, like that of 
 Europe, the elephant, hippopotamus, ox, and other mammals of species 
 now extinct. A correlation of the two faunas with a view of ascertainin<r 
 their chronological relations is beset with many difficulties, but there 
 seems reason for accepting this Indian Pleistocene fauna as in some 
 degree more ancient than the European. 
 Is this not a case in which the imagination may be fairly invoked in 
 aid of science ? May we not from these data attempt in some degree to 
 build up and reconstruct the early history of the human family 1 There, 
 in Eastern Asia, in a tropical climate, with the means of subsistence 
 readily at hand, may we not picture to ouj-selves our earliest ancestors 
 gradually developing from a lowly origin, accjuiring a taste for hunting, 
 if not indeed being driven to protect themselves from the beasts around 
 them, and evolving the more complicated forms of tools or weapons from 
 the simpler flakes which had previously served them as knives ? May we 
 not imagine that, when once the stage of civilisation denoted by these 
 Palieolithic implenients had been reache<l, the game for the hunter became 
 scarcer, and that his life in consequence assumed a more nomad character ? 
 Then, and possibly not till then, may a series of migrations to 'fresh 
 woods and pastures new' not 'i naturally have ensued, and these follow- 
 ing the usual course of 'westward towards the setting sun' might 
 eventually lead to a Paheolithic population finding its way to the extreme 
 Iwrders of Western Europe, where we tind such numerous traces of its 
 How long a term of years may be involved in such a migration it is 
 impossible to say, but that such a migration took place the phenomena 
 seem to justify us in believing. It can hardly be supposed that the pro- 
 cess that I have shadowed forth was reversed, and that Man, having 
 originated in North-Western Europe, in a cold climate where clothing 
 was necessary and food scarce, subsequently migrated eastward to India 
 and southward to the Cape of Good Hope ! As yet, our records of dis- 
 coveries in India and Eastern Asia are but scanty ; but it is there that 
 the traces of the cradle of the human race are, in my opinion, to be 
 sought, and possibly future discoveries may place upon a more solid 
 foundation the visionary structure that I have ventured to erect. 
 It may be thought that my hypothesis does not do justice to what 
 Sir Thomas Browne has so happily termed * that great antiquity, 
 America.' I am, however, not here immediately concerned with the 
 important Neolithic remains of all kinds with which this great continent 
 abounds. I am now confining myself to the question of Paheolithic man 
 and his origin, and in considering it I am not unmindful of the Trenton 
 implements, though I must content myself by saying that the ' turtle- 
 back ' form is essentially diflerent from the majority of those on the wiile 
 dissemination of which I have been speculating, and, moreover, as many 
 here present are aware, the circumstances of the finding of these American 
 implements are still under careful discussion. 
 Leaving them out of the question for the present, it may be thought 
 worth while to carry our speculations rather further, and to consider the 
 relations in time between the Palajolithic and the Neolithic Periods. We 
 have seen that tho stage in human civilisation denoted by the use of the 
 ordinary forms of Pala.'olithic implements must have extended over a vast 
REPORT — 1897. 
 period of time if we have to allow for tlie migration of the primaeval 
 hunters from their original home, wherever it may have been in Asia or 
 Africa, to the west of Europe, including Britain. We have seen that, 
 during this migration, the forms of the weapons and tools made from 
 silicious stones had become, as it were, stereotyped, and further, that, 
 during the subsequent extended period implied by the erosion of the 
 valleys, the modifications in the form of the implements and the changes 
 in the fauna associated with the men who used them were but slight. 
 At the close of the period during which the valleys were being eroded 
 comes that represented by th(^ latest occupation of the caves by Palieolithic 
 man, when both in Britain and in the south of France the reindeer was 
 abundant ; but among the stone weapons and implements of that long 
 troglodytic phase of man's history not a single example with the edge 
 sharpened by grinding has as yet been found. All that can safely be said 
 is that the larger implements as well as the larger mammals had become 
 scarcer, that greater power in chipping flint had been attained, that the 
 arts of the engraver and the sculptor had considerably developed, and 
 that the use of the bow had probably been discovered. 
 Directly we encounter the relics of the JNeolithic Period, often, in the 
 case of the caves lately mentioned, separated from the eai-lier remains by 
 a thick layer of underlying stalagmite, we find flint hatchets polished at 
 the edge and on the surface, cutting at the broad and not at the narrow 
 end, and other forms of implements associated with a fauna in all essential 
 respects identical with that of the present day. 
 Were the makers of these polished weapons the direct descendants of 
 Palseolitbic ancestors whose occupation of the country was continuous 
 from the days of the old river gravels 1 or had these long since died out, 
 so that after Western Europe had for ages remained uninhabited, it was 
 re-peopled in Neolithic times by the immigration of some new race of 
 men 1 Was there, in fact, a • great gulf fixed ' between the two occupa- 
 tions ? or was there in Europe a gradual transition from the one stage of 
 culture to the other 1 
 It has been said that • what song the Syrens sang, or what name 
 Achilles assumed when he hid himself among women, though puzzling 
 questions, are not beyond all conjecture ' ; and though the questions now 
 proposed may come under the same category, and must await the dis- 
 covery of many more essential facts before they receive definite and satis- 
 factory answers, we may, I think, throw some light upon them if we 
 venture to take a few steps upon the seductive if insecure paths of con- 
 jecture. So far as I know we have as yet no trustworthy evidence of any 
 transition from the one age to the other, and the gulf between them 
 remains practically unbridged. We can, indeed, hardly name the part of 
 the world in which to seek for the cradle of Neolithic civilisation, though 
 we know that traces of what to have been a stone-using people 
 have been discovered in Egypt, and that what must be among the latest 
 of tho relics of their industry have been assigned to a date some 3,500 to 
 4,000 years before our era. The men of that time had attained to the 
 highest degree of skill in working flint that has ever been reached. 
 Their beautifully made knives and spear-heads seem indicative of a culmi- 
 nating point reached after long ages of experience ; but whence these 
 artists in flint came or who they were is at present absolutely unknown, 
 and their handiworks afford no clue to help us in tracing their origin. 
 Taking a wider survey, we may say that, generally speaking, not only 
 the fauna but the surface configuration of the country were, in Western 
 Europe at all events, much the same at the commencement of the Neolithic 
 Period as they are at the present day. We have, too, no geological indi- 
 cations to aid us in forming any chronological scale, 
 The occupation of some of the caves in the south of France seems to 
 have been carried on after the erosion of the neighbouring river valleys 
 had ceased, and so far as our knowledge goes these caves offer evidence of 
 being the latest in time of those occupied by Man during the Palreolithic 
 Period. It seems barely possible that, though in the north of Europe 
 there are no distinct signs of such late occupation, yet that, in the south, 
 Man may have lived on, though in diminished numbers ; and that in some 
 of the caves, such, for instance, as those in the neighbourhood of Mentone, 
 there may be traces of his existence during the transitional period that 
 connects the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Ages. If this were really the case, 
 we nn'ght expect to find some traces of a dissemination of Neolithic culture 
 from a North Italian centre, but I much doubt whether any such traces 
 actually exist. 
 If it had been in that part of the world that the transition took 
 place, how are we to account for the abundance of polished stone hatchets 
 found in Central India ? Did Neolithic man return eastward by the 
 same route as that by which in remote ages his P;ila3olithic predecessor 
 had migrated westward 1 Would it not be in defiance of all probability 
 to answer such a question in the affirmative 1 We have, it must be 
 confessed, nothing of a substantial character to guide us in these specula- 
 tions ; but, pending the advent of evidence to the contrary, we may, I 
 think, provisionally adopt the view that owing to failure of food, climatal 
 changes, or other causes, the occupation of Western Europe by Palaeolithic 
 man absolutely ceased, and that it was not until after an interval of long 
 duration that Europe was re-peopled by a race of men immigrating from 
 some other part of the globe where the human race had survived, and in 
 course of ages had developed a higher stage of culture than that of 
 Paleeolithic man. ' 
 I have been carried away by the liberty allowed for conjecture into 
 the regions of pure imagination, and must now return to the realms of 
 fact, and one fact on which I desire for a short time to insist is that 
 of the existence at the present day, in close juxtaposition with our own 
 civilisation, of races of men who, at all events but a few generations ago, 
 REPORT— 1897. 
 lived under much the same conditions as did our own Neolithic predecessors 
 in Europe. 
 Tl»e manncTS and customs of these primitive tribes and peoples are 
 ehaiigiuf; day by day, their languages are becoming o!)sol<'te, their myths 
 and traditions are dying out, their ancient processes of nianufaciure arc 
 falling into oblivion, and their numbers are rapidly diminishing, so that it 
 seems inevitable that ere long many of these interesting populations will 
 become absolutely extinct. Tlu; admirable Bureau of Ethnology instituted 
 by our neighbours in the United States of America has done much 
 towards preserving ;», knowledge of the various native races in this vast 
 continent ; and here in Canada the annual Archteological Reports pre- 
 sented to the Minister of Education are rendering good service in the 
 same cause. 
 Moreover the Committee of this Association appointed to investigate 
 the physical characters, languages, and industrial and social conditions of 
 the North- Western tribes of the Dominion of Canada is about to present 
 its twelfth and iinal report, which in conjunction with those already pre- 
 sented will do much towards preserving a knowledge of the habits and 
 languages of those tribes. It is sad to think that Mr. Horatio Hale, 
 whose comprehensive grasp of the bearings of ethnological questions, and 
 w^liose unremitting labours have so materially conduced to the success of 
 the Committee, should be no longer among us. Although this report is 
 said to be final, it is to be hoped that the Conniiittee may be able to 
 indicate lines upon which future work in the direction of ethnological and 
 arclueological research may be profitably carried on in this part of Her 
 Majesty's dominions. 
 It is, however, himentable to no* ' 'e how little is being or has been 
 oflicially done towards preserving a full record of the habits, beliefs, arts, 
 myths, languages, and physical characteristics of the countless other tribes 
 and nations more or less uncivilised which are comprised within the 
 limits of the British Empire. At the meeting of this Association held last 
 year at Liverpool it was i^esolved by the General Conunittee ' that it is of 
 urgent importance to press upon the Government the necessity of 
 establishing a Bureau of Ethnology for Greater Britain, which by collect- 
 ing information with regard to the native races within and on the borders 
 of the Empire will prove of immense value to science and to the Govern- 
 ment itself.' It has been suggested that such a bureau might with the 
 greatest advantage and with the least outlay and permanent expense be 
 coiuiected either with the British Museum or with the Imperial Institute, 
 and the project has already been submitted for the consideration of the 
 Trustees of the former establishment. 
 The existence of an almost unrivalled ethnological collection in the 
 ISluseum, and the presence there of officers already well versed iii 
 ethnological research, seem to aflbrd an argument in favour of the proposed 
 bureau being connected with it. On the other hand, the Imperial Insti- 
 tute was founded with an especial view to its being a centre around wliich 
 every interest connected with the dependencies of the Empire might 
 gather for information and support. The ostal)lis!irnent witliin the hist 
 twelve months of a Scientific Department within the Institute, with well- 
 appointed laboratories and a highly trained staff, shows how ready are 
 those concerned in its management to undertake any duties that may 
 conduce to the welfare of the outlying parts of the British Empire ; a fact 
 of which I believe that Canada is fully awai«;. The Institute is therefore 
 likely to develop, so far as its scientific department is concei-nod, into ' 
 Bureau of advice in all matters scientific and technical, and certainly a 
 Bureau of Ethnology such as that suggested would not be out of place 
 within its walls. 
 Wherever such an institution is to be established, the question of its 
 existence must of necessity rest with Her Majesty's Government and 
 Treasury, inasmuch as without funds, however moderate, the undertaking 
 cannot l)e carried on. I trust that in considering ti le question it will 
 always be borne in mind that in the relations between civilised and 
 uncivilised nations and races it is of the first importance that the pre- 
 judices and especially the religious or semi-religious and caste prejudices 
 of the latter should be thoroughly well known to the former. If but a 
 single 'little war' could be avoided in consequence of the knowledge 
 acquired and stored up by the Bureau of Ethnology preventing such a 
 misunderstanding as might culminate in warfare, the cost of such an 
 institution would quickly be saved. 
 I fear that it will be thought that I have dwelt too long on priina3val 
 man and his modern representatives, and that I should have taken this 
 opportunity to discuss some more general subject, such as the advances 
 made in the various departments of science since last this Association met 
 in Canada. Such a subject would no doubt have afforded an infinity of 
 interesting topics on which to dilate. Spectrum analysis, the origin 
 and nature of celestial bodies, photography, the connection between heat, 
 light, and electricity, the practical applications of the latter, terresti-ial 
 magnetism, the liquefaction and solidification of gases, the behaviour of 
 elements and compounds under the influence of extreme cold, the nature 
 and uses of the Rcintgen rays, the advances in bacteriology and in pro- 
 phylactic medicine, might all have been passed under review, and to many 
 of my audience would have seemed to possess greater claims to attention 
 than the subject that I have chosen. 
 It must, however, be borne in mind that most, if not indeed all, of topics will be discussed by more competent authorities in the various 
 Sections of the Association by means of the Presidential addresses or 
 otherwise. Nor must it be forgotten that I occup)' this position as a 
 representative of Archceology, and am therefore justified in bringing before 
 you a subject in which every member of every race of mankind ought to 
 be interested — the antiquity of the human family and the scenes of its 
 REPORT — 1897. 
 Others will direct our thoughts in other directiona, but the farther we 
 proceed the more clearly shall wo realise the connection and inter- 
 depp.idence of all departments of science. Year after year, as meetings 
 of this Association take place, v.e may also foresee that ' many shall run 
 to and fro and knowledge shall bo increased.' Year after year advances 
 will be made in science, and in reading that Book of Nature that lies ever 
 open before our eyes ; successive stones will be brought for building up 
 that Temple of Knowledge of which our fathers and we have labouretl 
 to lay the foundations. May we not well exclaim with old Robert 
 Recorde ? — 
 • Oh woorthy temple of Goddes magnificence : Oh throne of glorye and 
 seate of the lorde : thy substance most pure what tonge can describe 1 
 thy signes are so wonderous, surmountinge mannes witte, the effects of 
 thy motions so diuers in kinde : so harde for to searche, and worse for to 
 fynde — Thy woorkes are all wonderous, thy cunning unknowen : yet 
 seedes of all knowledge in that booke are sowen — And yet in that boke 
 who rightly can reade, to all secrete knowledge it will him straighte 
 leade.' ' . . 
 ' Preface to Robert Recorde's Castle of Knonleoge, 1556, 