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I m F n- ■ ^MmmM:: IliBh i 1^ -^ THE BENEFACTORS OP THE ';■■■ UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, :^fte?' tU Great Fire of Uth February, 1890, ti , PUBLISHED FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BY THE WILLIAMSON BOOK CO., TORONTO. 1892. I i i Ul TO fiev liliUtfcftty, the CQuccn, (iBmpvcs^* of 4lnMrt, HIS MAJESTY, THE (JKIiMAN Ki\Il»ERUk, HIS MAJESTY, THE KINCJ OF SAXONY, HIS MAJESTY, THE KIN(; OF WURTTEMIIEIK;, HIS ROYAL HKJHNESS THE PRINC.'E OF WALKS, I AND TO ALT. TTIKTR GENEROUS HKNEFAOTOUS, THE SENATE AND COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY, THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLECE, AND THR BOARD OF TRUSTEES, UNITE IN TENDERING GRATEFUL THANKS FOR KIND SYMPATHY AND LIBERAL, PRACTICAL AID IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. Vlidiicdlor. President, B^ :i V To the Marquis of Lome, and the English "Uni- versity Library Restoration Committee," the au- thorities of the University of Toronto tender their sincere acknowledgments for the unwearied labour expended on their behalf, and for the prized con- tributions which constitute such effective help in replacing one of their greatest losses. To Dr. John Landauer, of Brunswick, and the Committee of eminent German scholars and pat- rons of letters, who have co-operated in securing valued gifts from distinguished foreign authors, from publishers, and other liberal sympathisers, the authorities of the University record their hearty thanks ; with the assurance of their high estima- tion of the services thus rendered to them. To all the many liberal donors. Foreign and Col- onial Governments, Learned Societies, Authors, Publishers, and private Benefactors : the Chancel- lor, Vice-chancellor, and President of the Univer- sity, the Senate, University Council, and Faculties, unite in the presentation of grateful acknowledg- ments for practical manifestations of liberal sym- pathy ; which, with the additions since made by purchase, will enable them to enter on the occu- pation of their new library— as they confidently hope, at the beginning of the new Academic year 14 in October Moxt, — witli a collection of between forty iind fifty thousand volumes. Without attempting* to discriminate among the many benefactors, whose names and gifts are enumerated below, it will not be unacceptable to the friends of the University to be presented with a brief r^sum^ indicative of the wide and varied character of the sympathy awakened on behalf of the University of Toronto, when the knowledge of its losses became known; and foremost in the rec(».d of prized donations must be ranked the costly and beautifully bound works, the g'ft of Her Majesty the Queen, which it is to be fondly hoped will survive to be the pride of many genera- tions of graduates, perpetuating the loved and re- vered name of Victoria on our roll of benefactors.* Gifts, including works from their own pens, as well as other valuable additions to the * As this acknowledgment of the generous liberality of many benefactors is passing through the press, the announcement has been received of a valuable gift, about to be forwarded to the University Library, comprising nearly five hundred volumes, which have been selected under the orders of His Majesty, the German Emperor, from the duplicates of the Libraries of Berlin, Breslau, Kiinigsberg, Bonn, Gottingen, Greifswalde, Halle, Miin- ster, Braunsberg and Erfurt. The gratifying announcement also reaches us that their Majesties the Kings of Saxony and Wiirt- temberg Lave been pleased to grant donations to the Library. 16 library, have been received from His Royal High- ness the Prince of Wakss, the Prince of Monaco, tlie kite Duke of Devonshire, the Duke of Ar^yk', thu Mar(|uis of Ripon, the Mar([uis of Lome, the Earl of Rosebery, the Earl of Selborne, the Dowager* Lady Vernon, and other noble donors. The names of Universities, Academies, and learned Societies of Europe, Asia, and America, the contributors of valuable gifts of their transactions, proceedings, and other publications, are recorded with grateful pride in our list of benefactors. Among those, the costly liberality of Oxford comprises a selection of choice volumes to the value of £500 sterling, from the publications of the Clarendon press, eveiy one of them a welcome contribution to our shelves. Cambridge sends its gift of like character, including the entire publications of the Pitt press. From the Universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen and from Trinity College, Dublin ; from the Universities of Christiania, Copenhagen, Marburg, Strassburg, and Upsala ; from Harvard, Columbia College, Prince- ton, Cornell, Michigan, Amherst, Johns Hopkins, Kansas, and other American universities ; from the University of Melbourne, and from our own Cana- dian Universities and Colleges, as well as personally 1() from iiicinbers of tlieir Faculties, many valued con- triljutions are gratefully acknowledged. Not only to the British Government, hut to the Govermiients of France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the United States, we have to render no less grateful thanks for aid in re- storing to the University the indispensable ap- pliances of a well-furnished library. From his Excellency the Governor-General of India, personally, as well as from the Secretary of State for India ; from Australia ; from the colonies of Victoria and New South Wales; and from the Asiatic Society of Tokyo, Japan, contributions have reached us, accompanied with greetings of kindly sympathy that give an additional value to such practical manifestations of good will. One of the latest of such welcome greetings comes from Vic- toria, a sister colony at the Antipodes, stating that the gift is sent as " a mark of sympathy with the University in its recent troubles ; of respect for the high courage with which they were met ; and in token of a warm desire for closer relations be- tween two great colonies of the British Empire." To the disinterested liberality of many of the leading publishing houses of England, France, Ger- 1? many, Italy, arrl the Unitrd States, arkiiowlodf;- ments are no less heartily due for valual)le con- tributions of books. But one class of acquisitions may, without invid- ious distinction, be selected for special note, while gratefully returning thanks to all our benefactors. The works presented to us under such circum- stances, connecting the authors' names with their gifts, will constitute a feature in the new Univer- sity Library that cannot fail to possess a peculiar charm for all who enjoy the privilege of their use. They include complete sets of the works of the Poet Laureate, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and of the late Cardinal Manning; and selections from those of Professor Jowett, Sir William Dawson, Professor J. S. Blackie, Professors Lepsius, Mommsen, Driiiton, Dr. Francis Parkman, Professor Piazzi Smith, Sir Lyon Play fair. President G. Stanley Hall, Dr. G. Humphrey, Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill, Mr. James Sime, and others, whose names are set forth in the accom- panying record. With those, another class of con- tributions claims a place. For we must rank with authors' gifts, others received from the representa- tives of those who still live in their works, and "rule our spirits from their urns;" and foremost B * ainon*^ Hiicli are tlic volnincs prosontrd liy Mr lioluM't IJjirri'tt IJrownin^-, tlu; sun ot* Kii^lamrs ^rrat ])(H't so recently laid to rest in Westminster Abln^y, and of En^dand's ^-ii'ted poetess who lies apart under tlie cypi'esses in the city of Djinte. With such also may fitly he classed the scientific works of the late I'rofessor Clark Maxwell, for- warded for the Library by the Clark Maxwell Me- morial Connnittee ; and along' with those may no less appro]n'iately rank, as memorials of another eminent man of science, the gift from the Chats- worth Ijihrary of valuable scientific serials bearing the autograph impress of the great English Chem- ist, the Hon. Henry Cavendish. A few private gifts have an interest of another kind from their associations with former owners : among which may be specially noted some folios of early date from the library of the Historian of " The Decline and Fall (>f the Roman Empire " ; and other works from tliose of Edmund Burke and M. Guizot. One other gift, of unique historical value, is a contemporary MS. report of the trial of the seven fjisliops, with the autograph notes of the Solicitor- General, Sir William Williams, who, with Attorney- General Powis, conducted the prosecution. essmmmasmm LIST OF DONORS. Mcr MajcHty the (^ucen. His Majosty the (lerinan Kuiporor. His Majesty the King of Saxony. His Majesty the King of VViirtteniherg. His Royal Highness the I'rinee of Wales. (5ovcrnment0 niiD /Iftunicipalitics. Arkansas, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Boston, IJoaril of Health. lirenien, Hureau fiir liremische Statistik. British Columbia, Provincial Secretary's Dept. Canada, Customs Department. Canada, Department of Agriculture, Archives Branch. Canada, Department of the Interior, (leological and Natura History Survey. Canada, Department of Public Printing. Canada, Department of Railways and Canals. Canada, Department of the Secretary of State. Canada, House of Commons, Distribution Otiice. Canada, Library of Parliament. France, Ministcre des Aifaires Etrangcres. France, Ministere de 1' Agriculture. France, Ministere du Commerce, de I'lndustrie et des Colonies. France, Ministere de I'lnstruction Publi(|ue et des Beau.c Arts. France, Ministere de I'lnt^'rieur. France, Ministere des Tr.ivaux Publics. Geneva, Chancellerie d'Etat. Germany, Reichs-Marine Amt. Great Britain, Admiralty. 20 ill! Great Britain, Colonial Office. Great Britain, Foreign Office. Great Britain, India Office. Great Britain, Meteorological Office. Great Britain, Stationery Office. Great Britain, Treasury. Illinois, State Board of Health. Illinois, State Laboratory of Natural History Iowa, Superintendent of Pul»Uc Instruction. Italy, Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Italy, Ministero d'Agricoltura, Industria e Conimercio. Italy, Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici. Italy, Ministero del Tes.iro. Italy, Ufficio Geologico. ItCviy, Ministero della Marina Italy, Direttore della Statistica. Manitolm, Provincial Secretary's Department. Massachusetts, State Board of Health. Michigan, Executive Office. Michigan, State Board of Health. Minnesota, Department of State. Minnesota, Commissioner of Labor. Minnesota, Geological & Natural History Survey. Missouri, Superintendent of Public Instruction. New Brunswick, Provincial Secretary's Department. New Hampshire, Secretary of State. New Hampshire, Superintendent of Public Instruction. New South Wales, Department of Mines. New York, Board of Health. New York, State Library. New York, State Museum. New York City, Health Department. Norway, North-Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78. Nova Scotia, Provincial Secretary's Department. Ohio, State Forestry Bureau. Ontario, Department of Agriculture. Ontario, Legislative Library. ! I 21 Ontario, Provincial Secretary's Department. . Pennsylvania, State Library. ^ Prince Edward Island, Provincial Secretary's Departnieiil. Quebec, Provincial Secretary's Departnn nt. Quebec, Legislative Library. Rhode Island, State Board of Health. Switzeilani', Commission Geologitiue Suisse. Switzerland, Commission Geodcsiurea\i of Education. U.S.. Dept. of the Interior, Census Commisaionci'. U.S., Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey. U.S., Dept. of the Interior, Secretary's oiiice. U.S., Navy Dept., Bureau of Steam Engineering. U.S., Navy Department, Naval Observatory. U.S.. Smithsonian Institution. U.S., Department of State, Bureau of Statistics. U.S., Treasury Dex3t., Comptroller of the Currency. U.S., Treasury Department, Secretary's otlice. U.S., War DepoTtment, OlUce of the Chief of Hngini-'cis TT.S., War Department, Signal Office. U.S., War Department, Surgeon-General's office. U.S., Distribution Office. Victoria, Government of tlie Colony of. TUnivcrsttiee ani> Collcocs, Aberdeen, University of. Amherst College. Berlin, Tcchnische Hochschule. / Blankenberg Gymnasium. Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitat. • { 22 t! 1 Bowdoin College, l^nmsvvick, U.F. l>i-istol, Univer.siLy College. Cambridge, University of. Cambridge, Christ's College. Caml)ridge, King's College. Caml)ridge, Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cassel, Realscluile. Christiauia, Kongelige norske Fredriks Universitet. Clark University, Worcester, U.S. Columbia College, New York. Copenhagen, Universitet. Cornell University, Ithaca. Darmstadt, Technische flochsehule. Dublin, Trinity College. Edinbui-gh. University of. Erlangeu, Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat. Hanover, Technische Hochsehule, Harvard College, Caml)ridge, U.S. Howard University, Washington. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Laval, Universite, Quebec. Lille, Universite de. London, University College. Marl)urg, UniversitJit. Melbourne, University of. Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor. Montpellier, Universite de. Miinster, Konigliche Akademie. New Jersey, College of, Princeton. Oxford, University of. Panjab University, Lahore. Perugia, Universita. Queen's University, Kingston. Royal College of Physicians, London. Royal College of Surgeons, London. School of Practical Science, Toronto. Strassburg, Kaiser- Wilhelma-Universittit. 23 St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London. Upsala, Universitet. ■ Vienna, Kaiserliche Konigliche Universitiit. Wycliffe College, Toronto. Yale College, New Haven. Xtbvavicfi' anD (lovpoiatlon.5. Birmingham Free Libraries. Boston Athenanim Library. Boston Public Library. Bremen, Stadt-Bibliothek. Bremerhaven, Stadt-Bibliothek. British Museum, London. British Museum (Natural History), London. Copenhagen, Store kongelige Bildiothek • ; Edinburgh, Advocates' Library. " > • Edinburgh, Signet Library. Glasgow, Mitchell Library. (iuelph Public Library. London, Guildhall Library, , n u t Melbourne, Public Library, Museums and National Gallery ol "'^^ictoria. , Milwaukee Puldic Library. New York, Board of Health. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Toronto Public Library. Societies, Aarau (Switzerland) -Socic'^U'^ Hel Vi^ti.]ue des Sciences Naiurelles. Aarau (Switzerland)-Aargauischc Naturforschende (^esellschaft. Baltimore— American Economic Association. Baltimore— American Historical Association. Berlin— Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Berlin- (teodatisches Institut. Berlin— Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Berlin— Gesellschaft Naturforscliender Freunde. 24 Bei-lin~-Koiii(,diche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bern— Natuiforschende (iesellscliaft. Boim-Naturhistorischer Vereiii der Preussischen Rheinlaude uud Westfalens. Bonn-Niederrlieinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- uiid Heilkunde. Bonn— Verein fiir Alterthunis-Freunde. Boston— Anieiican Society for Psychical Research. Boston— American Statistical Association. Boston— Society of Natural History. Boston— Dante Society. Boston— Massachusetts Historical Society. Braunschweig— Allgemeiner deutsche Sprachverein. Braunschweig— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Breslau— Landwirthschaftlicher Centralverein fiir Schlesien. Breslau -Verein fiir Schlesische Insectenkunde. ButtHlo — Historical Society. Bufialo— Society of Natural Science. Caen— Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Cambridge— Clerk Maxwell Memorial Committee Cambridge (U.S.),-American Association for the Advancement of Science. Cambridge (U.S.),— Folk l.ore Society. Cassel— Verein fiir Naturkunde. Chapel Hill (U.S.),-Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Chicago— Historical Society. Christiania— Meteorologiske Institut. Copenhagen —Carlsberg Fund. Copenhagen— Society of Sciences. Danzig— Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Dewsbury (England),-Yorkshire Archaeological and Topogra- phical Association. Douai— Union G^ographique du Nord de la France. Dresden- Natur wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 'Isis'. Dresden— Verein fiir Erdkunde. Dublin-Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Dublin— Royal Dublin Society. Dublin— Royal Irish Academy. 25 - Edinburgh — Royal Scottish fJeographical Society. Edinburgh — Royal Society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh — Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Emden — Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Frankfurt-am -"^.iain — Freies Deutsches Hochstift. Frankfurt-a.-M. — Zoologische Gesellschaft. Frankfurt-an-der-Oder — Naturwissenschaftlichcr V^'ercin. Frauenf eld (Switzerland) — Thurgauischer NaturforschendeVerfin Fribourg (Switzerland) — Societe fribourgcoise des Sciences Na- turelles. Giessen — Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Glasgow — Geological Society. Glasgow — Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow — Natural History Society of Glasgow. Gorlitz — Naturforschende (lescllschaft. Gottingen — Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Grimsby (Ontario), — Fruit-Growers' Association. Halifax — Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Sciences. Halle — Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Karol'nische Akadcnnie der Naturforscher. Hamburg — Deutsche Seewarte. Hamburg — Verein fiir natur wissenschaftliche Unterhaltung. Haml>urg — Hamburgische wissenschaftliche Anstalten. Hanau — Wetterauische naturforschende Ge»^>ellschaft. Koln — Giirres-Gesellschaft. Koln — NiederrheinischerVereinfur(>fTentlicheGesnudheitspflege. La Rochelle — Academic des Belles-lettrefi, Sciences, et Arts. Leipzig — Koniglich-siichsische Gesellscluift der Wissenschaften. Leipzig — Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Leipzig — Verein fiir Erdkunde. Li6ge — Soci6t6 Li^geoise de Littt>rature Wallonne. London — Ballad Society. London — Biblical Arclueological Society'. London — British Archteological Association. London — British Association for the Advancement of Science. London — Chaucer Society. London — Clinical Society. t 26 London-Early Englisli Text Society. London— English Dialect Society. London— Hakluyt Society. London— Haileian Society. London— Hibbert Trustees. -Howard Association. ■Imperial Federation League. Institute of Bankers, Institution of Civil Engineers. Matlieniatical Society. London London London London London London— New Shakespere Society. London— Obstetrical Society. London— Palestine Exploration Fund Committee. London— Pathological Society of London. London— Philological Society, London-Royal Archiuological Institute of GreatBritain and Ire- land. London— Royal Astronomical Society. London— Royal Colonial Institute. London— Royal Geographical Society. London— Royal Institution of Great Britain. London-Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. London— Royal Society. London— Royal Statistical Society. London-Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. London— Society of Anticjuaries. London — Society of Arts, London— Societv of Engineers. London— Zoolog^al Society of London. London (Ontario), -Entomological Society of Ontario. Madison— Wisconson State Historical Society. Madrid— Real Academia de la Historia. Magdeburg— Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Manchester — Chetham Society. Manchester— Manchester Medical Society. Miincheu-Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic Miinchen— Geographische Gesellschaft. 27 Miinster — Westfalisclier Proviiizial-verein fiir WisHcuscluift. Newcastle-upon-Tyue — Society of Anticiuaries of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. New Haven — American Oriental Society. New Haven — Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New York — American Geographical Society. New York — American Institute of Mining Engineers. New York— International Young Men's Christian Association. New York — New York Academy of Sciences. New York — New York Historical Society. New York — New ^'ork Microscopical Society. New York — Society for Political Education. Niagara Falls (Ontario) — Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Offenbach-am-Main— Verein fiir Naturkunde. Ottawa— Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club. Ottawa — Royal Society of Canada. Oxford — Oxford Historical Society. Paris —Acadt^mie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, Institut de France Paris — SoGi6t Prof. E., University of Bonn. Scott, Hon. Mrs. Maxwell, Abbotsford, Melrose. Scott, H. J., Toronto. Sears, George E , Toronto. Senkler Estate, per E. J. Reynolds, Brockville, Ont. Shaw, G. E., Toronto. Sheldon, E. S., Cambridge, U.S. Shortt, W. A., New York. Sidgwick, CM., Cambridge. Silver, S. William, London, Sim, Mr., Woodstock, Ont. Sime, Mr. & Mrs. James, Chiswick, London. ■'». > 41 I. Sinclair, J. R., Toronto. Skipton, S. S., London. Smith, Miss Eliza Carter, London. Smith, K. O., Woodstock, Ont. Smith, Rev. Dr. T. Gregory, Malvern. Smith, William, Ottawa. Smith, W. J., Brighton. Smyth, Prof. C. Piazzi, University of Edinburgh. Snell, H. Saxon, London. Sommervogel, C, Paris. Spencer, Rev. E., Tavistock, England. Squair, John, University College, Toronto. Stanley, W. Ford, London. Stephens, Prof. George, University of Copenhagen. Stokes, Prof. G. T., Trinity College. Diildin. Stracey, Rev. W. J., London. Strasburger, Prof. E., University of Bonn. Streeter, Ed. W., London. Strieker, R., Berlin. Strode, E., London. Struthers, Dr. J. , University of Aberdeen. Stuart, Mrs. G. , Okill, Quebec. Sturn, Dr. R. vSwanwick, Miss Anna, liondon. Swinton, A. H., Bedford. Tache, Louis, Ottawa. Tarleton, F. A. Tatham, Rev. Geo. E., East Mosley, England. Teefy, Rev. J. R., St. Michael's College, Toronto. Temple, Sir Richard, London. Tennant, Gen., London. Thorn, A. Bissett, London. Thom, Mrs. D., Liverpool. Thorn, J. H., Toronto. Todd, George, London. Tozer, Ephraim, Toronto. Uschner, Dr. Oppchi, Germany. Usener, Prof. H., University of Bonn. 42 '^ . , Valle, Prof. Guido, University of Turin. VanderSmissen, W. H., University College, Toronto. Vicars, Mrs., Toronto. Wagner, Fried., Brunswick. VVaterhouse, S., Washington University. Weiss, Georg. Heidelberg. Wells, H., Wadham College, Oxford. Wendt, Ernst p]mil, London. Whiting, Hon. J. W. Wicksteed, G. W., Ottawa. Wilkie, D. R., '^'oronto. Willeman, Prof. L. von, Darmstadt. Williams, George E., Kingston, Ont. Williamson, Prof. B., University of Dublin. Williamson, Mrs., Toronto. Williamson, T. G. Willman, Wm. Wilson, Sir Daniel, University of Toronto. Wilton, Chas., St. Alban's. Winchell, N. H. W^inkler, Dr. Clemens, Frieberg. Wishart, Dr. D. J. Gibb, Toronto. Wlssler, Henry, Flora, Ont. Withrow, Rev. W. H., Toronto. Woodhouse, J. J., Toronto. Woods, Samuel, London, Ont. Wright, A. G., Malvern. Wright, A. W., Gait, Ont. W^rong, Rev. G. M., Wycliffe College, Toronto. Wiilker, Prof. Richard Paul, University of Leipzig. Young, C. A., Princeton, U. S. Young, Hon. James, ({alt, Ont. Zais, Ernst, Munich. Zeller, Prof. E. , University of Berlin. The above list embodies a record of the Benefactors to whose g^enerous sympathy the University is so largely indebted for the restoration of ts Lib- rary. A detailed record of their gifts would involve the printing of a Library Catalogue of upwards of 30,000 volumes. SXJBSCI^I P^ION S LIBKAFY BUILDING. Alexander, D. W., Toronto ^ !•"' <><> Bank of Commerce, Toronto ^^^^ <^<^ Barbour, Dr. Hugh, Edinburgh 2,422 22 Beatty, W. H., Toronto ^<-*<*<' ^^ Bell, Bigg & Cowan 1^- 0<^ Buntin, Reid & Co., Toronto >^'0 00 Caldecott, Burton & Co., Toronto 1 ^0 Cawthra, the late Joseph, formerly of Toronto r)00 00 Christie, W., Toronto '''^^^'^ ^^ Copp Clark Co., Tlie, Toronto 1^0 00 Cox, Geo. A., Toronto 5,000 00 Cumberland, Miss, Toronto ^ ^^ Davidson & Hay, Toronto ^'^^^ 50 Dowsley, Rev. A '^ "^^ Goldsmith Company, London 241 67 Gooderham, George, Toronto 10,000 00 Gooderham, W. J., Toronto 1»000 00 Hamilton, W. B -'^^ ^^^ Hammond, H. C, Toronto • ■ - L^OO 00 Hoskin, Dr. John, Toronto 1.000 00 Jamieson, P., Toronto ^^^^ <^0 Keith, John, Toronto 200 00 Kilgour Bros., Toronto 500 00 McConneli, M., Toronto 100 00 McGaw & Winnett, Toronto 250 00 Mathews. W. D., Toronto 1.000 00 Milburn, T., Toronto -^'^ ^^ l^ t f?^:'^'J^'!i''?f^f - 44 Muliick, W., Toronto $ 5,(MM> 00 Nelson, H. VV., Toronto 100 00 ObIci-, K. li., Toronto IO,0{K) 00 Puysley, John, Toronto 2(X) 00 Quebec, firant from Province of 10,000 00 Rogers, Elias & Co. , Toronto 100 00 Scott, .lames, Toronto 500 00 Smart, Mrs. Kmily, Cobourg 500 CO Smith, Dr. Andrew, Toronto 500 00 Smith, Dr. Larratt W., Toronto 500 00 Sweny, Col., Toronto 500 00 Warwick k Sons, Toronto 100 00 Wyld, Grasett & Darling, Toronto 200 00 LIBRARY RESTORATION FUND (Books). Acheson, Dr. George, Toronto Aikenhead & Crombie, Toronto ..... Aikins, Dr. H. Wilberforce, Toronto, Aikins, B. M., Toronto Alexander, A Alexander, Prof. W. J. , Toronto . . . Allan, A. A. , Toronto Allan, H. & H. A., Montreal Allen, VV. McC, Millbrook Angus, R. B Annis, J. W., St. Thomas Anonymous Armstrong, T. C L., Toronto Ashley, Prof. W. J., Toronto Austin, B. F., St. Thomas Baker, Prof. Alfred, Toronto Bain, .lames, .Jr., Toronto * 50 00 25 00 100 00 25 00 5 00 250 00 100 00 200 00 50 00 100 00 10 00 20 00 100 00 100 00 20 00 250 00 25 00 45 liaMvfin, Rev. J. Macqueen, Japan !? Baldwin, Prof J . Mark, Toronto Baldwin, Robt. , Toronto Baldwin, W. W., Toronto Ballard, VV. H. , Hamilton Balmer, Miss E. M., Strathroy ,. Banks, (i. VV., Toronto Barber & Ellis Co., Toronto Barker, P. M., Regina, N. W.T Barrie Collegiate Institute Barton, Dr. S. G. T., Toronto Bascom, Dr. Jos., Uxbridge Beardmore & Co. , Toronto Beck, H. T., Toronto Bell, Prof. A. J., Cobourg Bell Telephone Co., Montreal . . , Bell, W. N., Strathroy Bertram, John, Toronto Bettridge, Dr. VVm. , Strathroy Bigelow, N. Gordon, Toronto Biggar, C. R. W., Toronto Bilton Bros. , Toronto Blackstock, G. T., Toronto. Blackstock, Mrs. G. T., Toronto Blackstock, Joseph, Toronto Blaikie, J. L. , Toronto Blake, Lash 00 Coatsworth, Emerson, Toronto 200 00 Cockshutt, C. & Co 10() 00 Cody, H. J. , St. Catharines 10 00 Collier, H. H. , St. Catharines .TO 00 Congdon, Fred. T., Halifax oO 00 Cook, W., Toronto 2 Lamport, W. A. , Toronto Langton, H. H., Toronto... Langton, T. , Toronto Larkin, P. , St. Cathaiines Lawrence, A. G. F. , Toronto Lee, Lyman, Hamilton Lee, Walter S. , Toronto Lennox, Haughton, Barrie Lennox, T. H. , Woodstock Little, J. G., Ridgetown Little, R. A. , London Long, J. H., Camden, N. Y Long, Mr Loudon, Prof. J. , Toronto ^ Loudon, W. J. , Toronto Lount, Samuel, Barrie 5 00 100 00 25 (X) 100 00 2r) 00 2.") 00 500 00 100 (M) KM) (M) 10 (X3 15 (H) 5 00 15 00 100 00 800 00 400 00 100 00 OS 50 00 10 (X) 10 00 10 00 250 00 100 00 50 (K) 25 00 50 00 100 (X) 25 00 25 00 50 00 25 00 50 00 4 87 250 00 KK) 00 25 00 i \ I 52 Lyman, Bros. & Co. , Toronto $ 50 00 Macallum, Dr. A. B., Toronto 100 00 McAndrew, J. A., Toronto 100 00 Macbeth, T., London 100 00 McCabe, Wm., Toronto 200 00 McCaul, C. C. , Lethbridge, N. W.T 100 00 McClive, W. H. , St. Catharines , 50 00 McConnell, F. W., Toronto 5 00 McCrae, D., Guelph 100 00 McCurdy, Prof. J. F., Toronto 100 00 Macdonaid, A. A. , Toronto 5 00 Macdonald, G. S. , Montreal 50 00 Macdonaid, W 2 00 Macdonell, A. McLean, Toronto 50 00 Macdonell, Rev. I). J., Toronto 100 00 McEachren, Trof. D 25 00 McEachren, Neil, Toronto 50 00 McEachren, P., Toronto 50 00 McFarlane, Dr. L., Toronto " 100 00 McGeary, J. H.,St. Thomas 100 00 McGowan, J. , Toronto 40 00 McGuire, W. J. & Co., Toronto 100 00 McHarrie, R. C., Toronto 10 00 Mclntyre, E. J., Toronto 50 00 McKay, A. C, Toronto 30 00 McKay, John A., Toronto $ 25 00 McKay, Rev. W. A., Woodstock 25 00 McKendrick, J. N., ( uilt 25 00 Mackenzie, J. J., Toronto 40 25 McKenzie, Dr. K. , St. Thomas 10 00 McKenzie, John J . , Toronto 25 00 McKenzie, Dr. T., Toronto 100 00 McKeown, John, St. Catharines 50 00 Mackinnon, Dr. A., Guelph 100 00 McLaren, Prof. , Toronto 25 00 McLarty, Dr. D. , St. Thomas 10 tX) Maclean, C. G. , Toronto 250 (X) H 53 McMaster & Co., Toronto _ jjqo oo MacMurchy, Angus, Toronto J(K) cX) MacMurchy, Archibald, Toronto loo ()0 MacMurchy, Helen, Toronto 25 00 McPherson, R U. , Toronto 100 00 MacRae, N. , Toronto 5 00 Manley, F. F,, Toronto 100 00 Marsh, A. H., Toronto 200 00 Martland, John, Toronto 25 00 Mason, J. Herbert, Toronto 100 00 Matchett, R. J. , Lindsay 25 00 Meredith, W. R., Toronto 100 00 Merritt, W. H., Toronto 15 oo Meyer, H. W. C, Wingham 100 00 Michie, George S. , Toronto 50 00 Mickle, H. V\^., Toronto 100 00 Milden, A. W., Barrie 25 00 Millar, Charles, Toronto 2OO 00 Millar, John, St. Thomas 50 00 Miller, Rev. J. O., St. Catharines 50 00 Miller, James, Toronto 30 00 Miller, W. N., Toronto 49 00 Mills, James, Guelph 50 00 Mills, Prof. Wesley, Montreal 5 oo Milner, W. S., Toronto 100 00 Mitchell, Rev. A. E., Almonte 10 00 Molyneaux, G 10 22 Montgomery, J. D., Toronto 50 00 Montreal Gazette, Montreal 20 00 Moore, W. H., Peterboro' 50 00 Morgan, H. A., Baton Rouge, la 10 00 Morgan, J. C. , Barrie 25 00 Mortimer, Edward, Toronto 20 00 Morton, Dr. E. D., Barrie 25 00 Moss, Charles, Toronto 500 00 Moss, Hoyles & Aylesworth, and Moss, Barwick & Franks, Toronto 1000 00 54 Mowat, Mr. Sheriff, Toronto 1^ Mulvey, Thomas, Toronto Murray, VV. A., tfe Co., Toronto Neil, Rev. John, Toronto Nesbitt, Dr. W. B. , Toronto Northrop & Lyman, Toronto O'Brien, A. H., Toronto O'Flynn, F. E., Belleville Oldwright, Dr. Wm. , Toronto Osier, B. B., Toronto O'Sullivan, Dr, D. A. , Toronto Page, J. A. , Toronto Park, H. G. , Uxbridge Parkdale Collegiate Institute Parlane, W. A Paterson, B. Eton, Sackville, N.B Perth Literary Institute Peters, Dr. George A. , Toronto Philip, James H. , Barrie Pike, Prof. W. H., Toronto Ponton, W. N., Belleville Ponton, J. Hayes, Guelph Pope, Hon. C. H., Toronto, proceeds of Lecture on Shakespeare Proudfoot, W. A. , London Radenlmrst, G. A. , Barrie .... Radford, Dr. J. H. , (ialt Rae, Dr. Francis, Oshawa Raines, F. N. , Uxbridge Rathbun, E. W. , Deseronto Raynor, T. , Rose Hall Redpath, Peter Reesor, H. A. , Toronto Reeve, Dr. R. A. , Toronto Reid, Rev. H. E. A. Toronto Reynolds, A. , Strathroy Richardson, George H. , Chatham r)00 00 40 00 500 00 30 00 100 00 1000 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 500 00 100 00 100 00 5 00 130 00 20 Oo 10 00 15 00 25 00 25 00 258 33 25 00 50 00 123 50 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 100 00 5 00 97 22 100 00 100 00 10 00 5 00 50 00 55 Rifldell, G. I. , Parkdale ,c; 12 oO Rivington, Messrs., London ,-,() oq Roaf, Wm. , Toronto 1 00 00 Robertson, Charles, Hamilton 50 (X) Robertson, Miss Madge, Toronto 2') 00 Robertson, Dr. S. E., Newark, N.J 200 00 Robertson, W. J., St. Catharines 2.") 00 Robinson, Christopher, Toronto 100 ^^) Robinson, George E. H., Toronto 50 00 Robinson, Samuel, Orillia 10 00 Robson, Miss Jessie H. , Walkerton 2") 00 Rolph, Smith & Co. , Toronto 25 00 Roseburgh, Mr 4 ,vj7 Ross, R. , Peterboro' 25 00 Ross, Dr. W. A 5 qq Rowsell & Hutchison, Toronto 250 00 Ryerson, C. E. , Toronto 50 00 Rykert, E. G. , St. Catharines 20 00 Saunders, B 25 00 Scott, H. J., Toronto 1000 00 Scott, J. J 100 00 Scott, J. Mc P. , Toronto 25 00 Scott, W. D. , Peterboro' 100 00 Seath, John, Toronto 50 00 Seymour, Fred E., Madoc 100 00 Shaw, N. , Toronto 25 00 Shepherd, W. G., St. Thomas 50 00 Shortt, W. A. , New York 50 00 Simpson, T. Walker, Toronto 50 00 Sinclair, John R. , Toronto 25 00 Small, J. T. , Toronto 100 00 Smith, Sir Donald, Montreal 1000 00 Smith, G. A. , Toronto 30 00 Smith, George, Woodstock 25 00 Smith, George H. , Toronto 50 00 Smith, J. E. Berkeley, Toronto 100 00 Smith, L. H., Strathroy 10 00 56 ii i :^l Smoke, S. C, Toronto $ 100 00 Soiners, F. , Toronto 25 00 Somerville, T. C. , London, Ont 25 00 Sparling, J. A. , Strathroy 25 00 Spence, Miss Nellie, Toronto 30 00 Spencer, Dr. B. , Toronto 50 00 Spotton, H. B., Toronto 25 00 Spotton, W. H. B., Toronto 10 00 Sproule, R. K. , Toronto 100 00 Squcair, J. , Toronto 100 00 Standing, T. W., Biirford 5 00 Stayner, F. Sutherland, Toronto 50 00 Steen, Frederick J. , St. Catharines 10 00 Stevenson, A., Peterboro' 100 00 Stevenson, A. , Toronto 10 00 Stewart, James 5 00 Stewart, Louis B. , Toronto 50 00 Stewart, F. J 100 00 Stewart, Miss E. M., Aylmer 25 00 Stirton, D., Guelph 50 00 Strathroy Collegiate Institute 25 00 Stratton, A. W., Hamilton 50 00 Stuart, C. A., Brooklyn, N. Y 03 00 Swan Bros. , Toronto 10 00 Sykes, Fred H., Toronto 30 00 Tabey, C. W 10 00 Tait, D. M., St. Thomas 10 00 Tavlor Bros., Toronto 300 00 Thomas, Miss J. , Toronto 25 00 Thomas, Miss L., Toronto 15 00 Thompson, Mrs. Agnes, Toronto 25 00 Thompson, A. Stewart, Strathroy 10 00 Thompson, C. E., Toronto 30 00 Thompson, R. A. , Hamilton 50 00 Thompson, Thomas, & Son, Toronto 100 00 Thomson, Rev. R. Y., Toronto 60 00 Tobey, C. W., Collingwood , 10 00 57 Toronto Collegiate Institute, Toronto ^ 42 (X) Toronto Orchestral Society, proceeds of two concerts . . 1 14 56 Tracy, R, Toronto j^ ^^ Tytler W., Guelph ' ' ' ' * ^^^ ^^ Thorburn, Dr. I., Toronto j^^ qq Urquhart, D., Toronto 1 1 100 (K) Vandersmissen, W. H., Toronto " i(X) 00 Veals, Miss, Toronto /^ qq Vogt, A. S. , Toronto 20 00 Walker, B. E. , Toronto jqqq qq Walker, W. F., Hamilton *_ ^ 100 00 Wallace, Rev. Prof., Cobourg 100 00 Wallace, M. J I qq "Wallace, Edward Wilson, Cobourg 3 qo Wallace, Rev. W. G. , Toronto 20 00 Warner, R. I., St. Thomas iq qq Watt, James, Guelph 50 00 \A'edd, William, Toronto 25 00 Weir, A. , Peterboro' 1(X) 00 Weld, Dr. 0., London 25 00 Wetherell, J. E., Strathroy 5Q qq White, Richard, Montreal Wickett, W. L., St. Thomas 10 00 Wightman, John R., Grinnell, la qq 00 Wilkins, Dr. George, Montreal 5 qq Williams, Green, Rome & Co., Toronto ]()() 00 Willmott, Dr. J. B., Toronto 25 00 Wilson, Sir Daniel, Toronto 250 00 Wishart, Dr D. J. G., Toronto "so 00 Wismer, J. A., Toronto 30 00 Witton, H. B., Sr., Hamilton ' . . ' ]5 oo Witton, H. B., Jr., Hamilton 50 00 Wolverton, N. , Woodstock 50 00 Wood, S. G., Toronto TjQ qq Wood, Mrs ■ 24 33 Woods, S., London jqq qq Wright, A. W., Gait . . 40 00 '"Ma~-— - Tf^ 68 Wright, Dr. A. H., Toronto $ 100 00 Wright, (ieorge S, , liellevillo ')() 00 Wright, Prof, R. Ramsay, Toronto 250 00 Yale, H., St. Catharines 25 (X) Young, A. H. , Toronto 25 00 Young, Sir F 24 35 Zavitz, C. A,, (jiuelph 10 00