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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. y errata )d to nt ne pelure, iqon d 13 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 6 6 i ANJ^UAL REPORT of the Deacons Court of Knox a CfiUrcli, presented at the Annual Meet- ings on the '21th Jannurif, I8Ji. The Deacons in prtsLiitini; the Accounts to tlic Annual Meeting now assembled, would beg permission to acconijjany them with u few reiniirks. The Resolution oi' \\io last Annual Mectinfr, directing early steps to he taken for the erection of (ialleries in Knox*;: C'liiirch, comes tirst to be noticed. The work then rcconnniMuied was taken up with due ex|)edition ; the (Jalleries were completed, and the Church re-opened in June. The accompanying Account headed " Build- ing Fund," nill shew the transactions connected therewith; and it now only remains for this meeting, having fully approved of the erection, to make, at the; proper time, suitable provision for the unpaid balance; of £120 10 1, which will be due in July with one year's interest thereon. The Stipend Fund shows a larger sum collected than in any previous year, which lias been expended in paying the Stipend during that part of the year in which the Congregation has been permitted to enjoy the services of a stated Pastor ; the payment of a half-year's annuity to the bereaved family of our late lamented Minister, as directed by a public meeting of this Congregation in the month of July last, and the sum of Forty-six pounds, sixteen shil- lings and three pence, due our late Minister on the years 1818 and 1049, there remains still the sum of Twenty-five Pounds to be paid to bring up the dividend from the Sustcntation Fund of 1848, to the late Rev, R. Robb, to the full sum promised, (i. e.) Xa.lO. Should the present happy circumstances of this Congregation continue, there can be no reasonable doubt but the Pew Rents will exceed the present demands upon that fund. Tiic Local Fund being the proceeds of the Sabbath day collections, has also been gra- dually improving from the increase of the Congregation. In anticipation of the Installment of £73 maturing on the 10th April, proximo, the Ladies' Association has kindly placed at the disposal of the Deacon's Court the sum of £50, at present deposited in the Savings Bank, towards that liability ; with this aid the Deacons have full con- fidence in being able, during the first six months of the ensuing year, to meet all liabilities on the fund, from which the Installment on Mortgage, Interest of del*, Salaries and Incidental expenses fall to be paid. The Deacons recommend that the outlay for Communion purposes, and the Travelling expenses of all Pulpit supplies, be paid by the Treasurer of the Local Fund on the application of the Elder or Deacon in charge. jVll which is respectfully submitted Dn. To Sundry Collections, and Subscriptions, To Donnt'ion IVoni Liulics' Association. To Balance (iilrll AcnUIIlt, . . . ^ liv Aiin'iiiit |i;uii .lauK's MtrrilcfS, £17(1 U 1(1 (• • »-. ,') I) , 11 V Aiiioiitil paid on accomit ol^ Cr. JC T) 5 'JO 17 II . I't7 10 ti |{y paid II. Ilill^.i'ir Plans. iVc, iTv i/uid ('..i.lra<;t ImI' I'.'intiii;^. .1:'J38 111 T)' f) t> . 10 (t iTIvMS l^NPMK. Mr. Jan-.fs Osborne - " ■ Messrs Stewart 4: Co. Balance du.- Mr. A. Morrison,. >n ( 'niiir.i.M ( and Kxtras, ^ Bulanco due Treasur(;r as abow, - - - - 7 i-~: S 1) (jl-j:-, 1(1 10, Dn o Amount of Subscriptions and Pcw Pvents > codectcd during! past year. - - > sril'EXl* FUM'. ' 15v paid Arnars of 1840, ro-n oil) ifv paid do., on account oflH 18. - - L)y paid Two and a-lialf Quartrr s blipeui ''By P'dd Supplies By paid bair.ycnr's Widows' Annuity, - , By Bulanco in Treasurer's liands, - - £270 10 .C 17 •JO II •J.') 7 u- Cii. 3 4 3 .") Dr. To Collections durinc; past year. - - - Amount received from Ladies' Association J towards Cburch debt, ■ - ■ ■ S Balance duo Treasurer. - ■ - - - LOCAL FUND. JEIOO 10 1 P.v Balance due Treasui-L-r, - - Hv Syiiocl'8 Home Mission, - - ,-,() By hisuranee on Church, £1500, n 10 ni 15y lii-t;diiKnl on Mortgage, By Interest on Debt, . . • • By F'oreign Missions, . - - - 'Bv Common Rxpensos. - - ■ ; By Salaries to Door Keejier, - - i Ry " Precentor, - - By French Mission I'und. - - ; By Treasurer Sabbath School Fund, By Home Mission Fund, - - ' Bv General Disbursements including Re Cleaning, Printing, ^-Ve., pairs, } •70 10 Cr 4 17 7A i-i 8 8 10 7.J 41 12 H 9 1 ^ 21 10 25 10 8 '2.') 11 1 £2.")3 U Audit<;< )Wm. I a JOHN S 7th £2o;} li I. PARK, B. ELLISON. February, 1851. AMOUNl": ^^FMMAUY Ul' DISBURSLMENTS. To Building Fund, - - ■ To Treasurer's Local Fund, To Mr. Osborne. - - - £12'^ 10 :l 10 2- \2 10 0.' 4 1' Ucniitted to Imlia I'rom Sabbath School Missionary Box. - Mosithlv Collections for Foreign Missions, - lSuW;cvipt ions to Knox's Co! logo, - " " ".. Ladies' Association ivservvd lor Church debt^.. Home Mission, Bursary, Stiptn! Fund. iLocal iMind and Ciiiu-ch Debt, ... - Building F'und. - - SablK'.lb School Fund, - 18 15 7 8 9 85 1 9 -.a 40 10 271 11 7 2.53 9 u 238 19 .5 10 £03r n Cr. ) 5 > 17 11 1 1(5 t> ') t> ) u ^ 1ft ;") Ck. f) 3 <> 1 T) {) (1 {) !) 3 (» 10 Cii IT 7A I (t * 8 10 . . 12 i 9 1 j r 10 j 3 J 3 .-) 11 1 3 u UK, LLISON. iry, 1851. 18 15 7 8 9 a.-) I 9 ^ 10 10 71 11 7 ^)3 9 H 38 19 5 10 135 5 7J^