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Les diagrammes auivanta illuatrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COLONIES. NOVA SCOTIA. Ai a Cou ncil held at the Government House, at Halifax, on the Uth day of June, 1857. ■ present: HIb Excellency Sir J. Gaapard LeMarchant, Lieutenant-Govenior, The Honorable James W. Jo!m8ton, " Charles Tupper, • « . Michael Tobin, « Martin I. Wilkins, * Stayley Brown, « John J. Marshall, " John Campbell, (Councillors.) The Honorable James W. Johnston, Attorney General, and Adams G. Archibald, Esq., the Commissioners appointed for the purpose of effecting a settlement of the questions relating to the Mines and Minerals of the Province, are tiereby authorized and requested, whilst in England, to solicit, on behalf of this Colony, from Her Majes- ty's Government, the reconsideration of the question of the construction of an Inter- Colonial Railroad between Halifax and Quebec, by tho combined agency of the Im- perial Government and the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. They are also authorized, either in connection with that question, or otherwise, to confer with the Imperial Government, or any other parties interested therein, on the subjects of Immigration to this Color; ind a Unio» of the British North American Provinces. Extract of a Despatch, No. 41, dated l&th June, 1S67, from the Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, to the Rigid Uotwrahle the Seci'etary of Slate for the Colonies : "Deeply impressed with the importance of inter-communication by Railroad between the Colonies of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, both to the Im- perial Government and these Colonies, as calculated to draw more closely the bonds of union between the latter and the Parent State, and to afford security to the Colo- nial Possessions in the event of war, — my Government have instructed the Delegates to solicit Imperial cooperation in the construction of the road in question, convinced that its accomplishment is alike demanded for the advancement of the Colonies, and for the interests of the Empire. " In connection with this subject, the Delegates ire also instructed to confer with Her Majesty's Government on the importance of establishing a judicious system of Immigration into the Colonies, and to bring under its serious consideration the sub- ject of a Union of the British North American Provinces, as tending to their eleva- tion and perpetuating their connection with the Parent Kingdom." Sir,— (copy.) HaUfax, Qih November, 1857. We have the honor to report for the informatioxi of His Excellency the Lieu- tenant-Governor, that, in pursuance of the instructions we had received from the Pro- vincial Government, we brought the subject of the Union of the North American Colonies under the notice of the Colonial Secretary, during our recent mission to London. 9 In our interview which we ha'l with Mr. Labouchere, thiM queatiou wati freely di»- cuMcd. He informed us that Her Majesty'H Onverament had no desire to interfere with the determination to which the Colonies themHelves might corao on a point so immediately affecting their ovm interests ; and that if they should he of opinion that Union would advance their prosperity, the Government would oppose no obsta- cle to the accomplishment of their wishes. Mr. T^jibouohere's own opinion we learnt to be, that while he doubted whether the Union of Ciuada and the Ixjwer Provinces might not embrace too widr ft rirrlo for oonvonionct. and efficiency, hg'b elift T' 'J tha t the Union of the Lower Provinces would bo highly beneficial, and tend greatly to unprove their position, and assist their progress. This declaration of the freedom of the Colonies to decide this important question for themselves, seemed to be all that could be desired from the Government, while, as yet, neither the Legislature ^lor the People of Nova Scot in had given an expression of opinion on the subject, and when we had no authority to answer the enquiry of the Colonial Secretary, whether the people of Nova Scot .a desired the change. We therefore considc red that the question had been brought to a point at which the next step must be taken by the Colonies; and that nothing more remained to be at preoent pressed on the consideration of the Injperial Government. We have the honor to be Your most obedient Servants, (%"e'-*) J. W. JOHNSTON. « ,, „ u, X. n • . . o ADAMS G. AKCHIBALD. To the Honorable thi Provincial Secretary.