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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film^s d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmA A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images niftcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I EDUCATION OFFICE INVESTIGATION. ''^ 1 1' Jl Education Office Investigation, MR. HUNT'S CHARGES AGAINST MR. ARCHIBALD. Education Office, Marcli 27th, 1877. To the Jlonorahlc Provincial Secretary ; Sir -I respectfully .sul),nit for your consideration the fol- lowing, n^latin^^ to certain difficulties known o in lu.s office, and which I earne.stly trust may receive your iEonlct of 'Ir^A"-, M^'n *'^--/«tatemeat(vill show\ha the conduct of Mr Archibald, the present clerk in the office, has Lp?r« "'^' '"*"i'^' 1''^^"">^"^^ ^^^^ confidence which I shouW of my duties?"' "' ' ^' '"""''^''^ '''^^' "'^ ^" ^^' ^^^«°hargo The charges which I prefer in the following paper are of a ArTLuT"''"' r^ ^'^ ''^'''^' '' ^^i» ^« ^«en that Mr Archibald has .0 abused my confidence and misunderstood his po ition as to use Ins connection with the office only to the pre! harm' J^P^rtniont and to my very great a/noyance Ind ,-t„^f^^^7,f^>^-^^o charge Mr. Archibald with the following nf actions of his official duties, and respectfully request thatyoS will cause such an inves igation to be made in reference to them as m your judgment they demand. For convenience I shall state my charges in the following order, and am prepaiS to ub nut the required proof when such may be called for 1. I charge Mr. Archibald with having deceived me in dis- obeying my instructions with reference to printing required for the Education office and thereby violating the ordSr of the Gov- e-niu'^nt under which it was my duty to act. 2. Without my consent or knowledge Mr. Archibald took ac- gT' n ^'"''^'^^ office which were waiting the sanction of t^e Government for settlement, and .submitted the same to the in- sjiection of parties having no interest in thorn, and who were Ukely to use them to the prejudice of the Educational depart- 5. In opening letters addressed to me in confidence on official business, and communicating the information thus received to I. ir trr ■ rt.t'.ii aet- iiavtie- tv-i).. a . it t.. .•..ulii.v iic aii.iu ;>iii--i.t^ ju.I ot" thr ('ouncil "f I'lihllr lii-liM.ii'.n. ctiicial letUM^ nn i.ur,iiu-.>. sMlii NsiiKtli i\i^ K.lucatinual .lepait- ment slu.ul.l not hitfilV.e, an-l thm-l.y t-.xi.oM'.l me to severe but unmeriteil ct'iisiiic. , 5 Contravening, in the must unjustilial.le manner, my leyal acts by secret correspun.lence an.l hy telegram, eliaigwig the ex- penses to the E.hication ottioe, and in this unwarrantable way in- ducin- the Council of Public Instruction to act upon petitions clandestinely circulated by Mr. Archibald himself, the Council assuming; that such petitions were the voluntary expression ol parties s'ending them, when such was not the case. ti I charge Mr. Archibald with fraudulently takin- Irom my office examination papers and retaining them several months. The said impers were in my care, anfl I alone responsible 01 their safe keeping. Of these papers I charge Mr. Archibald with making i.ntnithful statements relative to the average on which licenses to teach were granted, and thereby aiming to throw dis- credit ui>on the integrity of the examination work. 7 I cliar^'e Mr. Archibald with stating that he was authorized by the Government to watch my othcial acts, to concea certain T^apers a!id to have" a general supervision, and to see that tlie duties of the otiice were conducted legally ; this espionage being, as Mr. Archibald recently asserted, at the suggesti..n ot the tc MR. HVXT'S cn.VROES AOAINST MR. ARCHIBALD RELATINO TO i;0()KS. One of the charges formulated bv me against my clerk is, that he contravened, and as far as he cnuld by adverse inteiterence rendered nugatory the policy of the Educational <>tiice, which ' was carryin'^ out under the instruction of the Councu ot Public Instruction." The facts to which I refer in support ot my charge aie Virietiy as follows : The booksellers in the city and county have made lre»iuent \ .s coinplaiiiU -if til. • unjust iv-iilatiMU ill i.Lranl t.. tlir 1 k- pre- scriberl, which gave to otiu Hrni in the city tlic ,,f all the Readers su|.|)liels thm'ughout ♦h.- I'i-ovinc" This Iiaving \>vrn hrou-li' to the notice ,.f tfic Couneil of I'ul.lic fiistructmn, nud n eli!ni-r ill 'lir l,,.,,!., I,,.;,,.- ,i,,.,nr,i .Ir^JrMl.h. I ''"> r.''|n.->f. .1 \n> t.. ivc- .,,0 ;i iiM 1" -uil;iM,' r.,1 tl,, >,■! U, ;i,|.| ;il -'M'l'i;'!'!': ■•'■ 'IhMn ..|M.|, t.. ill,. r..i,,|„ ' li"in .iii\,|„,|\ , I ;ii-r.,r,|ii|._.|\ "' • imI"-i ..r ^lilf.i.ut \> ..I k ,, i,T.,iii Mil ■III--, Ipi miiiiuil- ,1^ w .■ if l>'i;it|. r- th,;i w . ' li' >;iiii,- t iiif I iir.i'v 1 1|, t iti"ii .it ;il| I li,- I r;ic|.', Ir ■ tri'l i-nicriil .■\.;i(iiii:ili..ii ""■'"''■:l '■••I'll'- >-rh- vvln.l, il„ I'.HiiHil .,1 rnl.ll,- lM,|iii,-ti.,n acconiiu-h |,iv.-.riil,r,l. Tl,i ,1,^.; „,|, | iiiuui,;u,.,i I., tin- various liookscIliTs, wliu ill eonsn,ueiuv mad.' lar-v iiii].oi-tations. During tlie tinir that tliis aiTau.c-.iiieut was in j.iogruss Mr. Arcluhahl ivccivc(l ami oi.i'ncij n ciunumnieatinii aihhc.srd t i;t:;ic;; •''! I'iiiiilc i iisLi uctioil, or at any time to prescribr^ books where such rivalry and jealousy exist, or prevent the j>er])etuatiun i>t a monopoly which ;^ives a favored hrni advantages unfair to the rest of the traile, while its tendency is to enhance the ]»ricc of hooks which, on evciy con- fiidcration, should be furnished to scliools at the lowes^t possible rate. MR. ARCHIBALD'S CHARGES AGAINST MR. HUNT. To the Honorabh the Mcvihcrf of the K.iccutlvc Cou)ic)l of the Pro>'incc of Nova Scotia : Gen'TLEMEN, — In presenting for your consideratian tlie accom- panying document, emV)racing certain charges against the Super- intendant of Education, I do so with tlic less hesitancy, and with the feeling that the less formality is necessary, that the chief facts upon which the charges are based, together with a super- abundance of proof that they are indeed facts were submitted by me early in September last, to the notice and inspection of the Hons. Messrs. Hill and Robertson ; who, in token of their con- viction of the enonnity of the conduct of wliich the Supcrintcn- dant was guilty, and of their want of confidence in his adminis- tration of the duties of his office, gave me written authority over him to the effect that thereafter I would be required to examine and compare the memos, of licenses to teachers with the envel- oi)es of the examiners, and to see that they were correct before sending them out. In fact it is only within the past few days that the thought occurred to me that, after presenting such an ex- pose of his conduct to the Premier and one of his ministry, it would be necessary at all to prefer any charge in writing, in or- der that the Government might regard the matter as formally be- fore them for consideration and final adjudication. In the for- mal presentation therefore of the matter which I now make, I wish it to be understood that it is no new charge which I now prefer, but one of six months standing, reiterated in a more for- mal, consecutive and tangible form, and as such takes precedence of all other charges of later date, which, in consequence of my action on that occasion, and fearing similar disclosures in the fu- ture, any person or persons may have thought proper to prefer with a view to my prejudices, and if possible the setting aside of the charges which I then made. I trust that the reasonableness of this view will be at once ap- parent, and that the virtual expression of want of confidence in the Superintendant of Education and whatever else is implied in the letter of the Premier to me of date September 12th, 187(5, will be allowed to have their due weight as touching any deliver- aiicc wliich tlie Cove niiiHuf mav, in t!i<' near rutii:v -in,. »Il(.' sulijcct. " « ' " I have the lioiinr to he, ^ uur (iNfdiont servant, ^A.Mir.I, ARrmiiALl). Halifax, Murcli I', 1,S77. u|iiin M. 1 Halifax, SdrriA, Marcli -J'JikI, IS??. Tu fhf lloaorahh: /'. (\ //;//, />,,, S'cMani,d;:,Ar.,a,ul Ifotior- able Mviaha-s „f ih,' Emnfnr ('wmclf of Aon, Srofl,,. : T, Samuel ArcliihaM. Clerk .,r tl.e Dopaitnient of Education in this Irovmce do liorehy impeach tlie Kev. A. S. Hnnt Supor- intondant of Education, of c rtain crimes anove charges preferred acrainst the Super- intendant of Education, I am prepared to show tliat there are teachers now drawiii'j' ?! ."lO nrr year fron>. the Pmvin.-lQl Tv.-..-.=-.-.-...- as teachers of grade B., who, had the provisions of the' faw'b^een ]'.,■•] Avitli. coul'l "Illy f'(iin| uIir!^ V, iiulil liavc rn t!,;ii, til -uiii tli-ili"ii t" 'liav>. ,vi^. iM Ti^i v^' '^"^^ "";"., , - ' ( \>\\v. » ';iiu| /',,.■,./ II. .11- f ' ■ II" M,K IK i;-!-" i;..i'"i' '.'''•■;" \ S Hunt aii.l Mr S. Aiclul'aM ■ ■n'.M'niin.'il tnnk 111. tlu- ti.^t Ill KMMlui.r Nn. •'.:'., station W . wa> Ai^lnlil cl,ar,.s tin- U-v. Mr. Daly . 1 li. M,|i..ii;il ,1,11 Al-'. Mr Arcliil'alil- l^ai-r .ul.miU.Ml, thr nrni-.l nt^ it Nvitli til.- nivil-'ii.' Mr, til iM.llusinii with Ml- th the (inc AicMii.aia iiiiii-v:> .... .. ■ ■ i,„,. „,,t MKi-er witli the (inc Hunt, a. th.- .■nvc-lop.- imw i-n.. ucrj '^'^ ;;'*',,.,.„„,. Tun-li- '•-•" ^^'''^-^'"s^'- t" H^r h A. nWil St... that in his ,atos n;inir' L. Hail. •^"- ^ , ^i,,„^,,, ,„„st havt N( ik'd her to. Mr Archil. aM Mil.i.iit> rnv.loiH aat.-snanu.. Miss CatluTimj ^^''^^ ^:-^:;,,u, i},,.M,. A savs lie -nt thr tuin nnclopo out ot t <-*t^^^ i„anvreuular.lnf,.a,H..s. llu- onvcl-iics •>!. Station (i t'andi- 'rBa.l.lock, ('. B. Ml-- not ait' nut submitted th the in anv leiiiUar ^ei ..i \uiyy>- ■- „„i,f,. nut with the t„ HI.-. The ,eeu..l aecnU . ith h. --^ • . / '^^'^i,, eo„n.letc t,„none. The menu.. ^^^^ /:^' ,;^^^i' ! ."?lav. after 1 callea itn;ue,:t;:;:^,r;L^^;u:;^;it^:^:rra,te.^^ ..,^,^, j:ini;:i::s^^^-i:-i:rs:.^^^^^^ ^^T;r;L'imc S::Pnncl,a^^.ss ,aj.ev .ho., a total of ^^ Mr. Hunt's memo, in the same [;;^'' '"^^^■j:/; '^^ (-,^,„,^,. K.-urcs ''"S.trGs, r.i., 81 7* h:>, '.'7. ■■»■ -•' 1"^' -'^" "f ^'■'""" ^''^ ci-; Altered histnrv from -20 to :'.0. ; 8-::^i m::spelle,l words, only :^ taken aec-iunto^ , n _I --cv H Katon. Total as recrde-l 12.) ; hyuit . -175 Mr. A says it n.ust have been a^t.i.d, .^ livelope substituted tbr tlu- on;^inal ; M^ued U Mi. Uah S-> A new* cnvelojie — ini.--spciieu u-i-t . q7_9. onlv r. in Mr Hunt's memo 9.j.__Hester'A. Sprow, Cumberland Lounty. on envcl- r... a new* • .|l-titiirr,| ,ii\ Mr. Hi>li..i, , . 1)1 *Vii\ fiiiiifi , ;i> \i. Cwiclut*! ''■.Ili4t\ AliulluM (;a-'; iif •"hl.^lliiIlL I" -h'jW liiMi lu-ar an In- can ifCdili-ct No. :^5 No 4:5. No. 4.-<. On charw No. : \. I ■ 111 Hi lU- ^'iiii^ tiiiic- 111 ( 'ctober \\ (■ coiiijiariMl st'\L'ial papers wit'i a it';;istiA in a bool;. uuil f.aii.'d s.;\tTal iiregularitiu'^, j)iincipally in mi.v-iiulled wonls Did not know what Mr A. i object wa.s in asking nil' to lif iJit-^cnt. Cannot positively iden- tify tlie book produced as the (jnc in which tlie registry was niaile. Was piesent a^ain a night oi' two afterwards. Station 1 No. u'S. Misspelhd words reduced from 1*2 to (J. 3 niisspflh'd Words, (iradc made h)\\ er tlian it sh(juhl hav« been. G mlsspeUed Word-, instead of 'J. I have .veil da}' after day examination ])apers taken out of thf otHc- Ijy Mr Hunt previous to the date of the examination. Miss Kate Mcdnto.sli, of tliis city, tohi him that previous to the date of the last examination slie was in the office and tohl ilr. Hunt she was intending to go up ior grade 15, so a.s eventually to go up for grade A, and therefore wanted a high average on grade h, and tliat Mr. Hunt told her if she would come to the olHco he would give her the examination papers. Mis8 M. never went up. Just before the examination of 1,S75 Mr. Mulholland assembled the class previous to the examination, an«i drilled thi;m in the same questions which afterwards proved to be the examination que.stions. Mr. Thos. Robertson told me last summer that Mr H'lnt had given him examination papers previous to the examination for a candidate in Barrington, a'ld that there are many oth.r eases of which he has suspicions, luit w hicli will require to be proved by the parties themselves. The foregoing are all the charLfes. i J Prcvintial Secretary's Offki:, Halifax, N(jva Scotia, April 1«, 1877. Present: Hons. V. C. Hill, J. McKinnon, llol)ert Roliertsun, an.l Alonzo J. White. Also, Mr. Hunt and Mr. S. Archibald. Mr. Thos. Robertson jnoduced by Mr. Archibald as a witness: Examined by Mr. A.— In reply to question, Did y.,u or did you not inform me that Mr. Hunt had given you exan.iuatiuu questions prior to an examination '. Ans. I may have said so, but 1 cannot .say it was prior t.' an <- ---f-j;iii: ,i.ivj:. i ;,;; ii;;^ 1 eiIie;ii!;L'I' Liic liiUC at ail. V^rtlilml ii.\ it. Q. Did Mr. Hunt give you what he represented as ixamina- ./ s tion papers an the (|uostions beloiij^'inf,' to next cxaiiiinatiuu ' A. Mr. Hunt made no statement about the natuie nf tlie paper-i I received at the time of receivin;^' them. Q. Did you receive from Mr. Ilunt examination papers wliieh he gave you to miderstand wen- the examination papei.s of the de])artinent for the approaeliing examination ;' A. I cannot .say that Mr. Hunt gave nu,' papers wliich were examination papers of an approaching examination. I did not know the contents and do not know to this d^y. Q. Have you any rea.son to believe that ^Ir. Hunt gavo you papers which were examination pa])ers of an approaching examina- tion ? A. I think so, but liave no knowledge cf their contents. I asked Mr. Hunt how a peison couhl get a license who failed in the examination, not knowing the mode in which licenses were granted. I asked him if a private examination could lie held, or in any other way a license could be obtained. Mr. Hunt said come Ijack l>efore the exanunation and I will see what I can do for you. I went back and Mr. Hunt gave me some papers and made n. observations. I think they Were examination papeis, but do not know. 1 .sent them to a party to be given to a candi- date. Some time after this, Mr. A. calleil me into the Education ottice, and showed me a numlier of envelopes on which the figures were altered, and which he said were altered by Mr. Hunt. In the courf^e of our conversation I informed him of Mr. Hunt hav- ing given me what 1 believed to be examination ])apers. Examined by Mr. Hunt : I frecjuently got examination and other papers from Mr. Hunt of previous years for information. I cannot say that the pa] mis given me were not old i)apers of a jirevious year's examination. I have no recollection of anything being said about keejjing (juiet. I decline to give the name of the party "^to whom I sent the papers, or tliat of the party for whom they were intended. My relations with Mr. Hunt have always been of a friendly character. T am not sure, but I think it was last sunnner chat I g(jt the papers re- ferred to. 1 frecpiently received papers from Mr. Ihnit— every year. He never refuses Mcintosh: KlvninSiii..! M,. A ..-.l.;i,«l.l M.. H i if -.-!„._ • , • .■• -J ■••' ":•-:::•■.--:•:. ." : . s : :: :: I. ; :i Ii: eu IIli; f Vvi y HSSlSt - anco ID his power to make my examimition aucces.sful ; about 9 I i, when the papers wuuM bo re 1 v 1 mul . i \' ^'-^^'""''■^tu.n, that examinition. I noNxV'n it for th r ' ^'^^"-''^ *"^" the examination. ' ^''""' ^ "^'V^''- went up for inadvertently sai"traiTM'^^' Vf I--^<-'n.uln c^- tlLk that nto Lat o.T< L ' ';'^ tli^'Passaovs of E„o.]ish to be turne-l into Latin oi Gioek, nor of any l,r.nch of the examination. Provincial Skcretarv'.s Office, Halifax, X. 8, April 21, 1S77, Present, lions. T. C inil and ]{„b,,t ru,b..rt.,ni Hunt and Mr. Archibal ' lux.tii.M.ii, A1..0, Mr. Alice Maloan : 1 hold ^aade V lici nse. I ft'ot this in July before It " '"'r''*"'^' "'•'''^ "^' ^'"^ •■xamination .piestions .tfoie gcfn^r uj., nor of any portion of them. I never saw the papers until examination day. I took 1(,0 marks in \Ieon^I.tTy did better than I expected. 1 took lessons from Mi Si.' 1 '":;:mhS;:rV iV'T''"^ t ^''^^ r^'-^^^^"^- branch 3 inetxamination Idi.Inot re-ard my.self as bein.r particular) v deficient m it ; I knew it required a ^reat deai of sUidr ^ lulv S- • ? ^^^oanl hold a license, .rado C, obtained in Ji' y, 1S,0. I wa.s not in the Education oflice liefore the exam nation have not been for two or three years, except once ^t k^^^^^^^^^^^^ ''^*'^^^'' ^''^' examination. J ad no kno^^ ledge ot the -p.estions before the examination No one ever lianded me a set of the .p.e.tions. No papers were t nt to uic. by mail or in any way whatever. Before tie clale of ho ex anunation I nevev ^.nu- nn,- ,s *i,,. . . ''"^ "-^ ll?!!! w-M i'^? ^'"-'^ papers^given to^them -'iiivcr lienld oJ thing till to-ilav o iiev« 1 knew any iicli a 10 Josopli McLauclilin, of Alliin street ncIiu.,! : 1 grailes A anil l>. ! (il'taiiieil -iivle A in ]S7'>. to ilo with inviiavini.;- tlie i|iie^tinii- hold a lieense, iiu\ !■ iiotliinif {'nr exaiiiinatioii. 1 tlon I know whose ,'lutv il i.. 1 kiiov nothiii- v.iutlier Mr Hunt lias obtained tliesi- oiie^tions with m- withuiil asistanee. 1 never ])iv]iaied anv (|UeNtions and snlnnitteii tlinii to tlie Sn]ieriiit(|nd- cnt. 1 never had a eoi,y of ih- (|iiestio:i-. lut'ore any examina- tion, or of any ]>art of iheni. I know Ji-iliinu' of Mr. Hunt • i-ettine- peoiile "to pivi)are (iue>tions for him. 1 kn.)W nolhini;'(it any ti'fic-hers ^(lin-- up for examination wlio jia'l r.^eeiveii cojiies of the iine^tioiiN : ne\ er heard oi' any such tliinu'. Aveline :Me('ul!ncli : 1 hold a lieeiise, eiad.e 11. IfeM -rad.e (' before u;oinft- up for erad.' I'.. 1 ,£;ot grade ( ' ih^' last_e.\aniination in Mr. Rand's time." Mr, Iliiufs name is on tiie license, as he came in immeiliivtely after. Mr. limit came in in Fehruary 1870. At tbat time "there wei-e two I'xaminatioii. in the year-- one in Septemh'r and one in March. Mr. l!am! lield the exami- nati.m.s in Sopt.anher h.'foiv 1 came, hut i- su-d no; 1 (h> not thiidc more than one or two at t!i;- utmo-.t I iia in Is?.'. 1 did not see any of i\v <'xami- natiou -inestions previous to the examinali.Mi, nor had 1 any knowledges of the ,|Uestions. 1 did not know anytlung about the .|uestions till I went up for examination, and Mr. C'oiuhm lianded tlieni to nn'. PKiA-lVe|\I. SK.rliKT.VItV's OliK !■:. Halifax, X. S.. i': , b^TT. ' Present: Hons. P. ('. Hill, Colin CampbeU. Konald Mcl»onald, Kobert Piobertson, and Ahm/o J. White. Also, Mr. Archibald. Mr. Archibald proib.ices certain M. S. (piestionsof an exanuna- tiou OI 1S71, written in .Mr. Major's and .Mr. .McLaughlin'.-^ hand writing; also, the printed ipiestions of the same I'xaniination cm-^ responding with the .M S ,juestions. These were in possession of a party — not tliosi> who prepared tliem. This Mr. A. -ubmits is a state of tilings which -houM not exist, Mr. Donald Archihald stated that h,e had ob-;i:ned tlie ali^ve l.aper.-^ from a Mr. Smith about a week ago : 1 knew nothing about them until Mr, Smith handed them to nie. Over two years ago my attention w:i^ tirst crJ!.'! to irregulari- ties in tlie examination pai>ers . m-. brother called my attention to tliese matters. At that 'time I ,-oniicdiid him to ,^ay nothing al»out it ; 1 did not want to make any tnjuULv until Septeniber last 11 til. !.ap..s ,h,.n slinu-n t , „.. ^ t. .a. ,uust vxha.nUnary ull^l^S^^'l'ir'^^^ ' then aaviscl l.i.n to a J l.iaint tilt; (.on r.nuient, 1],. iuore iia.ardiatelv hrou-ht to ny ijotic.. u-e.v i-nncipaliy froia th. Nonnal School, StationV he.v came mto the once ; 1 was then shown the envelopes with n da ,ons. Al. .. ^he jae.aos, were n.ade out 1 was slLvu th r ^ .• ! ^'t ■ T •'■ '^',''-- ,"""^ ^^"'^ ""•■ ''>■ "'>• ^^-^tl^^'i- fr'>''' the recoul. Ilie two sets (lid in.f o,, ■•■,,.. ii,., ,.. .. ,. ,. -, ' '''■'^ ''n'^*^) tlie.-je Were papers ol ex- anunat.on ol Is,,;. 1 tlunh it was the ..n>e week, but won't 1^. l> ahout tl.e tnae, that n.y brother showed n.e three en- ■e''?! 1 ;;;;■'' ''^' rV'^ ="' ^'■'^"'- ^^'^ ^tov^and which cor. tilatM, and the cnau-ed figures convspon.led with on Hie tl r. :1 '," '7'.''''^. '''""' ^"^i'" l*''^!'^'''^ ^^''^•^^' •^'^ f^'"i' titles in all, but t le record d.d n..t a.nve with the %ur> as altered, but a. ori' -in- ally made ly tlie examiners. ° PitoVlXi lAL S;:( liKTARV'.S Officis, Haliia.x, N. S., June o, 1S77. /Vr,.v;,^: I(,.,,s I. (. ,{i„ ,.,i;,, Campbell, Robert Robertson and Alonzo d. \ hue. Als., Mr, llunt and Mr. Archibald Rev." Mi: Daly was also present. Mr. Hunt opened his d.lence, and called ui^ju Mr. Dalv *o state^whether he had alterated envelopes at thi request of Mr M.^^l).^'''h *'!'' '^?^'' ''''', ^T '""'^^ "'^ ^1'^^'''^ ^'^^'^^ ^Sainst -Ui.JJaly; Jk' moivlv stated t');it '■■•rfn;., .<.. i-i ^ . "• •■ carcri ; „„v.-, j,e ut could not hnd what he wanted, /.... the torn envelup.s Mr. Daly .stated, in ply ,o M,-. Archibalds stat.m.nt, that if any pap.'rs wr,. dupheated, tli.y niusr. .itlun- have been fora-ries or papers of another year, ^'o<-iie.-, T)-,lv'';Yll''l'^l ' I"i'"^ ''i'"'^ '' '"^ '"^'^ ^^"■>' V'c^tions to ask Mr. JJal\, replied that lie had none, xMr. Hunt then submitted a written statement. .\KTI-:i!N(i(i\ SKSSlox, Mr Hunt called Mr, MeLa;i:;hlin, ,,f ,I,e Aibio street school as a witness, and subiuitted to biin the pape,-> previously put' ia ■v.dence . s received from M,-. Smith. S„me of 'these papers Fan familiar with ; soni,' I am not I umte .,„ ..J. !:u, A tor a teaclie- / his own request; that teachei' wa^ ^oing\i"to X^ V' 12 an examination, anr. Parish, Inspector' at Yarmouth. Also, telegrams from Islv. Archiltald to \)v. Farish. Also, telegrams fnjm Mr. Archiljald io Mr. Calkin. Also, telegrams from Mr. Archil )ald to ]\Ir. McDonald. Also, telegrams from Mr. Archibald to I\Ir. McKay. 'J'hese telegrams were charged to the Government, but Mr. Archibald sui)se([uently repaid the amount paid for the same. Mr. Hunt submits bill from telegra])h office. Mr. Hunt put m a letter from the booksellers of Halifax. Also, a written statement relative to the books. Mr. Hunt also complained that in the matter of the Dartmouth controversy with the county about the school assessment, Mr. Archibald had interfered impioperly, by writing letters on official paper to various parties, of wlucli the \\'arden of Dartmouth and other Justices of the Peace conqilaired in very strong terms. Mr. Hunt also complained that Mr. Archibald had taken papers out of the otHee and kept them for a long time. Mr. Archibald staled, in re] ily, that he had nothing to say in reference to ]\Ir. Hunts charges ; that there was a certain basis of tiuth in the statements, but that they were exaggerated and not true to the extent urged by Mr. Hunt ; and that he (Mr. A.) attached very little weiglit to them in any case, and left tlie whole case to the Council of Public Instruction. i I i I 13 MK. HUNT'S PROOFS. I'LI.KUHAMS. IIamkax, Noveiiil)vi- 7tli, LSTG. Tu 0, J. FAR.'sif, M. D., liisprctur, Yaiuiuutli : Please si-iiil with yoin own, iuuir's of sucli tcacilioi-.s and otliei-^ tur petition to Council to-lay, as want Royal Readers on Dre- Samukl Arciiiiui.d. Halifax, November Ttli, 1S7G. To J. B. Cai,kin', Es(|., Tniio: Please send with your own, names of such teachers and others t.n- petition to Council to-day, a„ want Pu.val Pveaders on Samtkl Archibald. Halifax, November 7lh, 1870. To D. McDonald, Inspector, New Glasgow, or, if absent, Princi- pal of School : Please .send with your own, names of such teachers or others lor petition to Council to-day, as want Royal Readers on pre- ^^'■^•^^d ^i«t. Samuel ARCHinALD. Halifax, November 7th, 1876. To Mr. McKay, Piincipal of Academy, Pictou : Please send with your own, names of such persons for petition to Councirto day, as want Royal Readers on prescribed Samuel Archiuald, nECElI'T FuR TELK(;raMS. Halifax, N. S., 1st iMarch, 1,S77. Education Dlpart.mfnt to Wkstkrn Union Telegraph Co. Lt, For telegrams sent and received durir.;j: the month ended 'J.Sth February, 1S77 j*! 8,5 Amount refunded by Mr. Archibald, ..."..".!i,',.'.."l,7.'.'. '" 1 .-,1) RectMvi'd, ii.nvmcii' Certitied jKl' Gi:o. Lkslif, Cashier." |0.3c u LKITKK llti'M I'll!'. l;i iDKSKLl.KltS dl' HAl.lKAX. Ham FAX, January .■!'*, ls77. Sin, — Having li'arnt iVmn good autliority tliat a olrik in yoiir oHict' lias taken umliiL' advantago of liis icsponsililo ]io.sition and ac(|uaintance with the i>rivatr Kusiness of the ollici', in enter into corre.s])ondeiiC'e witii Teachers and otliers i\)V tlie jturpose of in- Ihiencing 'h<' sale of a particular School 15uok, without your know- leilge or approval, implying thereby that you were privy to his pioceedings, and believing that there exists in Halifax a nefarious design to perpetuate the present Book monopoly, in sjiite of yonr endeavors to restrict it, and that the repreht'nsilije conduct we have alluded to is intended to favor that design ; '{"he nndersigncon the conduct of your clerk, liy which their interests have been tam]iered with, and the integrity of your otlice sacrilice 1 in a culpable manner. They cannot believe for a moment that you at all ajij prove of such proceedings, inju' ious to eilucational morality, ci^nfirming and stren''''thening rather tlian abating the existing luunopoly, and ig- noring the scope anil etfect of the resolution of the Council of Public Instruction, under which at yoi r personal request, and with a view- to meet the exigencies of pnjitabie demantl, they have acted, and they therefore hope, and have a right to expect, that you will make strict eunuiry into the allegations against your clerk, and take such other measures as are necessary to lay before the Coun- cil of Public Instruction the true merits of the case, and so to })reserve the integrity of your otlice and the just rights of all con- cerned. We remain, Rev. Sir. Yours respectfully, Wn.ijAM (Igssiiv M. A. Buckle V & Co. Thos, V. Ci'NNcl.LY. A, \V Niriidi.sox. i III- i ti. \ . The Superintendant of Education. 15 I I t.i:rii;i! ti;()M mi;, c-tf.i.ixs. l)i. Will. Mni'idj, ' Mdi' iihi'i a V'icif'' > Jjij)n:!,hitr(jh, C.nijthell i'n., I'iiyiiiin, '. ,'^<'j,f(',iihfr IHth, lS7i:.\ l»K.\i: Sii:, lufciriiiLr to my loiiniiuiiication datcil 1 Ith of this lu'Hitli ivi^^anliii;^- sciIls of >clio ,1 hooks pul-lishcl t)v our iiriii, I liH\..- jiist hct'M julvisLMi tliut a lieu iinil nilurncd .("lition of i\w ■■ N.'v,- Illustiak-(l Eii-iish Rf;i.!,.is' iiavr just Wi-n puLlislicd, a .saiiipK' set of wliicli wo shall he .ylad t > sriid you for iiis]HTti(in. ^ It lias occuiTed to iiic, that iiistuad of waitiiiu- for a reply from Ulas-ow, sh(juld theiv In; anv inloru>ati-ii voii niav desire to have an.l 111 uiv power t.j furnish," 1 sliall he -hul to reply at once to any coiunuiiiieatiou you may favor me with at above address, 1 shall have oecasioii to \ifer to see me earlier, however, I could without the si lightest personal inconve- nience proeeeil to Halifax at once, and if my doini,' so would in any way lacilitato deliherations on the subject, i would much Jirefer to wait upon you now. A leply ](y ictiirn mail to ah(n-e address, if convenient. wouM i'Teatlv oMine. We are. dear Sir, ^ oui' oliedii'iit '^ei'vants, v'P- p) \Vm. Collins, Sons & Co. (Signed) The Secretary Kducation DfTice, Halifax, X. S. J.niKs McDonald. LvN(iii;ri!.;u, \'.\.. liSth September, laTti. Seeietary Education (Miice. Halifax : Ploase an.Mvei' letter whether mv ])resence in Halifax would be "^''<"1 'l"\^- J.VME;. McDoN.VLD. LKTl'KK ino.M nn lAttlSII. Y.\RMonii. Decemlier -lij, lN7(j. ^ Mj Dair Sir — I have received vour note respectin- flie Acading Books, and mu.-t conless that 1 am puz/led what to tliiiik Rev A. S. lltNT 1 10 ,t\' it, ill till) iaco of a (vli'f,fram iVoiii th.- Ivliicatiuii oHioc, "f Uw (1. 1 will just tell ynii tlic ulml,- story, iterliaps ypeil. Dviriji" theautmun 1 freipiently spoke to all the teachers of the 'I'ow!! ScLools about the books, and they unanimously expressed tliemsrlves pleased to have an addition from which to select rea 1 vii'jitt not be, 1 resolved t.i send the names {.iX those teachers with wliom I had conversed, and who express- ed themselves desirous of having the books. 1 thought that the Ooinu'i! o\' rublio Instruction might not have m.t on the tith.but I had no timo to .see them, and theixt'ore iunnediately telegraphed as follows : — • Inspector. (I J Parish . Teacluis. .\. Cameron. J. ilunro, J. Maekav. M Webster, L. ti. ii ley, A. Starratt, M. Starratt, E. Youui:'. M Wo.'dworth. J. I'a-e. H. Cro^bv. M. TayLir. D. Liind- ers. li. Kllis. L Pent, <1. Harris- n. A. Tuisk. E. Killam, R. Wood- wonh.' e.nirse I i vl'.vved t ' ; -.■ in ac:' n lance with y.^u ..wn wishes, and that vou n.\piired tliat tlu- Royal R-.a lers sh.-.uld U- placed on th.e moscvilHil list. the hist vyeok .u May, 1«76. J ua. thon im.n.iin, to .o up i\„ ..sanunat.on-^ .ouK! k- al.uut July, an,i t.M .ne^to c^> . do^^n to the ufhce ahout th.v. w.-.ks h^torr th. ..xaniinati when th.. pai)ers would I,, 1 und..rston,l th,- pa s ' mpe.s ,1 the office, un-ulanties of Mr. Hunt, &c., an.l I inaavertently sai.I nioiv than 1 int.ndcMl ahout thr Tacts awi- •siated and then told hi.n the whole. I think th. fir t ,ne ^ A,dnhald .pcdce to n.e about th. irregularities was in Apnl l^i' U H. Burb.dge examined ly Mr. Archihald.-I lioh ^.-rade \ .cense; I obtanied it in 1875. I caun.>t ..ay that J saw any ^f the exanunat.on paper., before that exan.ination. At a distance saw papers, but it wa.s by ...e,.e accident, and not by desi.!, e it e on Mr. Hunts or n.y part. I went into M,^ Hunts /^Ice one evening just to see h„n and ask iiiu, about liis fan.ilv. I could hat3r' S i7 r'' ^■^•'•^■"'"'•^tion papers o,. evj.i pape,-s of Sat^nL ;;■ "^ ''"'''. '^"^>' ^^-itJ' I-apers; I coul-l nit tell ^Mr. Hunt. an. lie never was in a position to oive u,e anv were r I "i^ ^''^^f^' ""^ ^l" I'''^^''^"''^ "*' '^--^^in or (ii-ecdc that n o T of n ^'T^''\''^' ""'' V^ t'"^ l-'-^^^'-^M-s of English to ],e turned into Latin or Greek, nor of any bi^aneh of the examination Provincial Skcrf.t.vrv's 0:fici:, Halifax, X. 8., April 21, 1S77. i/T'1'x^TF-\ ^l\ "^^^ ^'^"'^ ^^-^^'^-'t r.ubertson. Also, Mr Hunt and Mr. Archibald. Miss Alice Maloan : I hol.l grade ( ' lie .use. I got this in July IS/*.. 1 had not the slightest idea of the examination n,ie.stions before goin.r up, nor of any portion of them. I never saw the papers until examination day. i took 100 marks in geometry 1 did better than I expected. 1 took lessons from Mr. Bishop i knew nothing of the .luestions in that particular branch before the examination ; I did not regard mv.self as beinr^ ..articularly deficient in it ; I knew it rcpiired a great .leal ..f Miss Ihalia A. Maloan.- 1 hol.l a license, grade C, obtained in July, 18/(). I was not in the E.lucation ofiice before the exami^ nation , have not been for two or three ycar.s, except once just lietore the vacation emled ; it was after tl.e examinati..n. 1 had no knowlclge of the .juestions bef.)re the examination. X,j one ever hande.l me a set of the .piestions. Xo papers were sent t.) me by niail 01' in any way whatever. Before the date of the ex- ^n)...iv I »i. ....... l.« ^, •■; ■ • i i:-j\\:l r^uev. Iiwy ii'iii . ni,ver heard of .such a amination I never .saw any of t' pers.m t.) have had papers givn to tl tl ling till t.)-.lav 10 .!,,., .1,1, \I,-l.;,ii.-l.!in -r nvrt - -linnl I 1, .M a Ii-hm., ,„a.i.- \ Mini i; 1 -l.t:iin-l L.^vl- A in 1^7' I l..v. - :i-t iin- ■?., ,1- with hLiaiiu:; tl ;l.■^tlu^> twi .MViimiatiMii I •! .n t Lnwu v.iiu... .lulv 11 1. I know nnihnr, vJu-thn Mr ilm.t l,a^ ul.Uiinc.l the... ;,,,.Mi,.n^. v.itl. ,,!■ v,it!.M!t :.^-"^tan.;... I n.'V.r •,.,v,,:ii..l ai,v ,,,...,!i..u^aul MiKniltt..! tl,,:,, |,. t!,.' ^n,H.,■|,,t..n., ;,,t 1 :,:-..'.■ !i;.l a .•.pv.-f ll." M"'^ti":'' "■'-"• any .xanmia- ti,,n ov u[- anv i.ait of I know n,.lh,n- m Mr llnni, any l-'acli. is Lv-in- up fnr .•xamination \vl,.. lui.l ivr,:iv-i rnpn-, Mf'th ..|i,,n- ; ii-'Mi.I "f any -iicli tkm--. \v,.linr McCuH.h!:: I liui, 1 a li.Tn-r . -ra,,!,. I'-. ll^'Ll LiaM.; ( l„.f.„v ..-uin..' iii> r.a- ji-a I.' I"-- 1 ,U"l i;''a,l.- (' tli" la^t rvanunatinu in Mr. tii,,r. .Mr. Hunt . name is ^n u,r lu-.'n-r as !„■ ,.ainr in inn„r,liat> Iv aifr. Mr. linnt vauu- ni in l->'l.iiiaiy 1^70 U that liiiP' til 'iv wrw two cxaininatinii^ m tl,.' yar - nnr in S.'i)U'inl..r a..! , n- in Mai'cl, Mr Kan.i !i 'll tl.- .■x-nni- natinnsin Nrt""'"''' '"■'''"'■ ' '■=^""'- '"'"' '■'^""' "" r,""," , ,1) not think nm;., tl:aii nnr "V tun at tk- iitinn4, 1 l.a.l t ,,> u.nnc. iVoni Mr Uan.l,. !mu n..t a lir,.n>.'. It v. .k wntt.n nn tli.. „u..iH. tliat tl,.' ln^|KTt.,inl tliM'Miu.iy. Mr W .Itun, IkiJ stut-, that I had ns,,l trxt l>uwk^ at my . xannnatimr Av. UaM I uM not ivl'iisi- to L;i\i' !iic a li'- not statr tli- H,aivo on his own autliorit'-. ,.i- as havin-- \>i-< n a wilurs- ot it. i ohtain-a -ia:\r n in 1^7•'.. 1 'li'l "-"t - > ^'".^ "' '" '■'^'^""" nation oM.-tion.. i.ivvion,-, to th- cxauiinat i-n, nor na-l I an\ knowk.k.- oi th,. ,|U,-,ti,,ns. 1 .li.l not kno^^ anvt hin;^ /I'-'it th.Miiirstions till 1 w.'Ut iq. lor ■■-.aininat ion. arM Nir ( on. Ion liamk'-l til. Ill to nil'. '\{n\ [\- ! \!. Sr.i !!in\i:v - ( ' -i in;. Halifax. N .-^.. A mil -7, I'^T J>r>s,'nt: Hon^. I'."', llili, ( '.'lin t 'aiii[.lM'lk I'^nakl .McDonakl, ll,,l,i.rL llohfrtson, an.l Ak.n/..) .1. Whit. . Al-.., Mr. Airhihakl. Mr XrchihaM i.r.)iliu'i..s ccriain .M. S. .,u.-.tions ..I an rxanuna- ti.jnoF 1S71. wriit.'H in .Mr. .Majoi-s an.l .Mr McLan-hlm s haial writin..- : als.,, tli.^ jaint.-.l .lucstioiis of tlic sain.- cxaiuiiiation c.i - r,-;ni^n7lin." with tlir M. S. .jiu'stions. These in i.o.s.,fssion ol ., p.u-ty-^-n..l tho.e wh.) pr,-|.aivJ th.'i.i. This Mr. A. ■^iihinits i-, .a state ."'f tilings which sliould not e \ist. Mr. Dunakl Aivhilial.l Stat, ■.! that he ha-l ..iiiain.'.i tl:.' ah-v,,' pajiL-rs iVoni a Mi. :-Miiith aho,it a week a-'o ; 1 kii.-w n.jthin;; ah.-ut thi'iii ur.t;! .Mr. Smith lian.ied tliem to ne. (ivi^r t\'. 'I yar.- ago my atleiiti .n was I',.- t call..,! in inv^iilari- tie^ in th.- examlnati..n j.aper,-. : myhr.ther eall. .1 my attention , ,1 , ,..,if..,._. Al (1,.,* ti;,,,i i ;., ..iin.eilii ,1 liili, l.i sHV riotllill.j; al.out it : ! I'i'i n..l war.t t.- m.iK.' :n,N trouMe iinti! S..].!. ml.. . last. \ 11 til.' ],;>]::■)■. tjirll .l|,,\vii in ||„ ;,|ilir;iiv,| \., UV lnn;| : xtia-rMlll IIV tl." nT.-iil:ii-itH'> Mviv SO -laiiii- tii;it 1 t lim ;uU i^.^ I.ii,, tna.' ii>i;uiu ihr (iuvrrriiiuii!, I'h,. |,:i]ut. him,,. ii,,nir,|ialfl v l.rnu'.lit tn my unuvr u,'iv i.i-iiici|.a!ly tVui.i tin- Normal Stl„„,|, Station \\' I u;i.s sliuuii tlir r,vunl .,f tli.,... papn^ wliid, ^\■a-. lakn, wli, ,, tlir.vcanic into til.' oilier ; I was tlim -,|,o-,vn tli^ rnxv|,,|,»..; with niiitilatioiis, Aft-i t!i,. i,i,.|nos. ut-iv uv.vh- out I wa. --liown tlir two sfts, our iiia.jr hy Mr. Hunt an.I our l.v niv ln'otl-n- IV..!,, thr IVC,»1-(I. 'I'lir two -, I , ,li,l not a-,v.-. tlir",. wn,. pap-fs nf ,•■. . aiiiiiiatiou of ls7,i, \ tlunk it was th^ sauic wr.k, l,nt won t l.. liositivc aliout the time, tliat my Iti-otlnr sliowod inr tlm... m- Vr|o|M'S tolll, Wllifli lie siLl llr L,'ot IVoni tllr st,;\>', aUi 1 wliicli cor- ivs|„,|,:l»>l uidi tluvc sets tlnil in tllc oilier, ?'. ^. tllrV Wri-r niU- tilatr,|,un.l tlie elian-vl li-iiirs convs],| with tJiosr ,,ii tile My attriition was eallr.l to th ■ ].ni,rr> tliivr or loin- tinir's in all, hut tlir ive,,i(l .s ( »h-|(i:, Halifax. N. S.. .Iimr :< I ^77. J'rr^r,,/: II, ,n,, j' r. Hill, Colin Catiipl-ll. r.ol.rrt Ijohrrt-m an! Alon/o .1. Wliiir Also, Mr, i|„nt au.l Mr. AidiihaM. Kev, Ml- i)aly wa.s also prrsrnt, Mr. Hunt opened his drfener. and eidird, np ,n .\ir. i)al\- to Mat..' whethrr lir had alterated envd.ip.'s at thr iv.pirM .-f'.Mr Kinit. Ml'. Aieliihald .states thiit h.' inadr ii,» spreiiie rhai.^v a.;ain-t Ml- haly : lir lu.rrly .taie .nirsiiuiis to Mr. I'aly, rrplird tliat hr had uoiir. Mr. Hunt then submitte.l a writt.'U stat.Miirnt. .\i"l'Kl!N(H.\ SKssii iN, i .Mr. Hun! eallr.l .Mr, ;lilm, ..f th.' AH'Im ..(ivet seli.i.,1, a- a w iiii.'ss, and suimuttrd t.i iiini tiir pa| pr.'\ riUsU- put iu rxidi'iie.' as recei\c.l fr.nii Mr, ►'Siuith. S.n | these pajieis I am taiiiiliar w itli : s.mir I am I wrot.' s.iui.' .|Ur-!inns like th. >sr for a teacli.'i at liis ..wn n.'.pirst : that leaclirr wa^i ,u-.)in- ui) to 1:: ail . :n;UMiiiatiwii, ami wa- naturally auxi-ais ta -vt all tli.; iiil.iriii- atioii lio c^)uM. Thi^ writiiiu wa.s dune from livo to sovon y<;ars u"o ■ th'-y V. IV ooj.ircl tVoiii tlu' print. ■(! unc?* after tlio uxaiiiiuii- tH.n' TIkv wfie writtni at the ivquust (jf the teacher. If I lia.l a priiitt I Joi.y I wouM nut havr parted with it, as it inifrht ho the only copy left. There is only one copy printcl and bound for tlie othce, au, of (dase-ow, hookseller. dated 18th September, 1S76 ; an also a tele-rain from tlie .same, dated :28tli September, en.iuinn^' why no answer had been revived to his letter, which was ad- dres.scd to the Secretary of the Education OtHce, Halifax, and which Mr. Hunt slated "he ha.l not .seen when the telegram ar- rived, which Mr. Archibald had opene.l and kept to himself. Also submits a letter from Dr. Parish, Inspector at Yarmouth. Also, telegrams t'rom Mr. Archibahl to Dr. Farish. Also, telegrams from Mr. Archibahl to Mr. Calkin. Also, telegrams from Mr. Archibald to Mr. McDonald. Also, t.legrams from Mv. Archibald to Mr. McKay. These teh grams were charged to the Clovcrnmcnt, but Mr. Archibald suiTscouently repaid the amount paid for tlie same. Mr. Hunt sub.'uits 1»"ill from telegraj.h office. Mr. Hunt puts in a letter from the Ijooksellers of Halifax. Also, a written statement relative to the books. Mr. Hunt also complained that in the matter of the Dartmouth controversy with the county about the schf)ol assessment, Mr. Archibald had interfered improperly, by writing letters on official pa[)er to various parties, of which the Warden of Dartmouth and other Justices of the Peace complained in very strong terms. Mr. Hunt also complained that Mr. Archibald had taken papers out of the oftice ami kept them for a long time. Mr. Archibald stated, in reply, that he had nothing to say in lefirenco to Mr. Hunts cliarges*^ that there was a certain Viasis of tiuth in the statements, but that they were oxaggevated ami not true to the extent urged 1".- Mr. Hunt; and that he (Mr. A.) attached very little weight to them in any case, and left the whole case to the Council of Public Instruction. u MK. 11 LNT .s I'KooFS •J i.i.K(.i;ams. Hai,ika.\, Xi.vciiilxr 7tli, 1.^70. To (;. J. Kauish, M ])., lii.|R.ct..r, VariuMUtli Ploasc -^"tid witli your own, iiitim's of sucli teachers aii want Koval Jvcadns on nvt"- scriljod list. SaMIKI, AucKIItAM). Haf.ikax, N'ovenilici Ttli, l^Tti To J. 1>., Es(j., Tiuro: Please isond with your own, iianu's of such tcarlicr< and others for petition to Council to-day, as want lloyal Readers on in- scribed list. Samtkl ArtcniiJAi-i). Haijfax, Novcuihcr Ttli, l.s7(i. To D. Mc'DuN'ALi), Inspector, New Cla.s-ow, oi', if alisent, Princi- pal of School : Please send with your own, names of sucli teacheivs or other.s for petition to Council to-day, as want Royal Readers on pre- scribed list. Samukl Ahchidald. Halifax, November 7th, I876. To Mr. MiKav, Piincipal of Academy, Pictou : Please send with your own, names of sucli persons for petition to Council to day, as want Royal Readers on prescribed list. Samuel Archiuald. nErF.IPT KOK TKI.EfiHAMS. Halifax, N. S., 1st March, 1.S77. Education DKrARTMKS-T to Westkhx Uxklv Teleoraph Co. Lr. For telegrams sent and received durir;^ the month ended 2Nth February, 1.S77 SI. 85 Amount refunded by Mr. Archibald , ,,,,. I .'>() Received payineh". Certified jxr Geo, Leslie, Cashier. " f').:3.i 14 IIai.i !■ a \ •l,uri:uv .Ml, I ^77. Sii;. I l;i\ mil; !■ anil t'l 'iiii u'uhI aiitlim it v l liat a (In k m VMiir ntl'n-i' lia> lakrii miiliif niUanlaui' nt' lii^ ri'>]Miii-,ili|i' |iii,sitinii ,'iniiit's-. df tin- dtiir-, tn ciilii- into <'oi'rc'')i(iiiili'iicc witli 'I'caflii 1 > ami otliiT> t'nr tlir |iin'[Hi>i' nt' iii- llni'iiciii;^' tlif salt' of a |iai'tiiailar Scliool I (Link, w ithoiit yi>iif i\iio\v- k -lu'r or aji]a-ovak iiiiiilyiny llicivliy tliat yoti wrv ]irivy to Iiis |/iM(:'.-eiliiii;s. aiiil kflic\-iii;j,' that ilicii' cxi^t^ in Ilalii'ax ' lui'lorsii^iinl lie-' lo ri'iiiiinl you. that auT'-cakh' to a irs,,- liitlciuoi' th<' ( 'ouucil ol' i'liMic lu-.t iiictioii jTcscriliiiiL;' tin' ('^'1 lin ■ Si lies ot' h'^ailciv-. aii'l at your ii'ijUfst. they haw' iiiiiioitcil hir^i'ly of that Scvii's ; liut ivjiot to >ay !y- a suksriiuciit action "f th ( 'onncik a]i|.ai\ntly in th'' intrii-tsot' the monopoly, the Koya! HrailiTs wrrr mttiT.l iipon tin' pro^ciikiMl ki^t ; thrivly plai ini,' in joopai-iiy th" use au'l -ak' of the cxt'cllcnt S.'iii's uhich liail piwiousiy lurn aiioptcd anil -tultifyini;' tlnMr own action ; and they look with surprisi' ami inili^nation upon the cninluct of \"i)ur (Ic)-k. hy which tlnir intori'.sf^ lia\'f kron tampered \\ith. iind the int•■^•^ity of youi' otli<'o saciilicc 1 in a culpakic nianm r. I'hcy cannot lic!if\i' t'ov a moment that you at all approNc of s.ich jiroci'odinu's. iujuiious to I'ducatii ii d morality, c iidirmin^' and strciiixtlu'ninL;' ratlicr than ahatiui;' the i-xi-tiui:- niMnopoiv. and i^- iioriuL;- the scope and eti'ect of tlie re-olution of the ( 'ouncil of i'uklic liisi ruction, under which at youi personal reipie-t and w ith a \ iew t ) UCet the I'xii^eiuies ,,t p,ol:;-lk|r deicaii I. they ha\e acted, and they tkeietoic hope, and lia\e a I'iuht to e\pee;,ihat \ou will maki strict eiiipufv int' ilc ;dle-;iti"n- against ymii- cki k. and lake -uch other nieasuie>. ;!•> ai'' .ieee--aiw tii la\ ket'oii' the ( 'oun- cil of I'likiic Iiistnu-tion the i\\\,- merits of the ca-e and -o to jn'escrvc the inte-rity of your ollice and the. just li-ht- ot'all cu)- c-crncd. ^\'c leuialii !!• \ , Sir. Your.T rcspefrttully. W'll ! I.\.M tiiissil'. ,\. I'.l I )\1 IV A' i'o. C"X\>i|,|.', Tie llev. Tlic .Supi r n endant it \ \\ \ !i !!! ;I l;. ,< lie lUoii. i.Ki'ri;n \uj>\[ Mi:, r..i.i,i\s. 1*1 11//'. J/'//', •,'//. Mni'.Jiliii \'',,ii\" > I.'/l'f/il'ii lyl' . Cu :,i jil.cfi < 'n._ ]'i ,yi II ill . Srjif.' „,hrr ]stl,, /-<;/; I IM:ai: Sii:, 11. tciriii- tt/ iii\ ciimuuiiiralinii .lut'^l I4th nt' t!;:-, iii"iitli i(--Mr.liii- >..ii,.s Mf si'honl 1 ks ]/iilili,-~li/-il liv ./111 lii'in. J iiuyr Jii-,! l/ccii ji/lviMMl t!;at Ji ii/'V, aii.i ('iilai-:.:c.I . Vlitiz/ii of ih,. ■• X.'W Illns!ial-'.l Ku-lisli ll:,',,!,.,-. !,a\ /■ jii.-t Immmi i.ul/lish,.,!, a Sillll|ilc si-t of wliirll we sliiill i„. -ia:! 1// M'll/i \,)1| tnl' ill ^] KCt ii i| I, It Iia- (ii,i-iiir,i| In 111/', iliat iiisleail //f Uiiitiii-' fi/r a rcj.h- iVuin (ilasL^iiu , -liDiiM lli.'iv 1,,. any iiiinrinati/in \/iii nia\ desire t'/ tiav;' aii/l in my |,(,w,.|- [■.> fiinii'^li," ! sliall lie -hul \n iej)l\- af miee in any coiiunuiiicatjnii y,,ii may I'unr ni/' \sitli at aJ/uve ail/!iv^s. i sliall lia\'e (/ceasi.iii tn\i it llalit;ix mi l/usiiie-, e/.iuieeteil \'-it!i (/ill- lirm late in N//\ cinln.'! n\ tlii> \ ear, uiien ! ,-lia:; iiaxc till' |/leasniv 1/1 waitiii;^ iipi/ii y/zn. Slnnil/l yi/ii pi/'ter i.. -,/'/■ mi.' ea'liiT. li..\ve\ei\ I e.iuM with/zin tile sliL;lite.>t |iers,,nal ine./n\-e- iiieii/-/' iiK.cer.l t/i Iiali!'a\ at i/iiee. ami il' my lininL:- no \\//i;Ii| ii, any way facilitate d. lil/eiati/ni-. //n t!:e ■-iil/j/ct, I w./iilij mnch pielei' t// wail- ii|///n \ i/ii n//\\ . A reply Uy leiinn mail t-/ a;/i/\'.' a/Mr/'--, it' ci/iiv I'liient, wi/iijii ,;;ieatly i/l/liev. \\'/' are. di'ai' Sir, \ //iir i/lz/'di/'iit. ^I', 'l'. !>•' W'm. ('/ii.i.iNs. Sons >w/'i letti'i r my ].ie'-eni-e in Il.-difax v.-mil I li^'llll Ih/U . .I.\.\i!> Mi'DdNAIJ; i.i:i I'l !! ri;i/.\; iiii r \({(sii. 1 A I! \)i 'i 1 Ii , I'e/ lli). loi7G HeV A S. IIINI Ml/ Ihii r Sir 1 lia\i' ju-t i/eeivid \-(iiir 7i//te iv 'iiecf inLT the"-' •'•'••I ■ •••■•l •■■ ■■ ,,<■.,,. i..,. 1 ' 1 I ..,1... i i. Ti ;..K IC of it, in the face of a tcli'gTam fiuiu the Kilucatioii oHico, ul Doe. (J, I will just toll yon the whole story, jiurliaps you can unravel the whole mystery,' If I have in any way acted contrary to your wislies. he assured I thou;^'ht I was complying with yijur orders. About the 1st Sejiteniber, I received from Mackinlay, a parcel containing a s,-t of tlie Jloyal Readers, 1 to G inclu>ive, and a set of the Wall Cards, with a request to introduce them into the Schools, stating I thhtk, tlmt they would be prescribed. 1 have mislaid the letter and am not sure of his words. However, un- der the imiu'ession that they were to be prescribed, I went to the Bookseller and a.sked liim" if he would import tliem ; he said, " decidedly not ; he had a cart-load of Nelson's on hand, and he wished to get rid i^ them lirst ; lie won' ' do nothing to injure- the sale of those on hand ; he was willing to exchange with Mac- kinlay for the new ones, nothing else." I wrote to :Mackinlay, and so dill the Bookseller to that effect, and there the whole mat- ter dropped. During the autumn I frocpiently spokt to all the teachers of the Town Scliools about the books, and they unanimously expressed themselves pleased to liave an addition from which to select reail- inx- books, as soon ax they were prescrU/til. I liad only once acci- dL°itally heard of the Collins' Series, and did not sujjpose tlu^y would ever be introduceil here. I concluded v,e liad to deal only with the Roval "Readers or the old Nelson Series. While in' this state of uncertainty, I received the following telegram : — Hai.ii'AX, Dec. ti, 1S7(J. To (J. J. Farish, M. I)., Insjioctor . Please send, with your own, names of such teachers and others for petition t(j Council to-day, as want Royal Readers on proscrib- ed list. S-VMli:!. AlK IllliAI.I). 1 received it on the moining of the 7th, and believed I would be too late; but as 1 i)Li(/ltt not l)o, 1 resolved to send the names of thost; teachers with whom 1 had conversrd, and who oxpress- er'i„to the room with the Hon. Mr. Rnbortson for the of inspect- ing them, 1 was surprised to tind that they were not to be found, and the most diligent search has failed to discover them. Ju tlie room I observed a ])aper which I recoiinizi'd as thf wranner that iiad been round tiie envelopes, on th.' in.-ide of wliirh tlim-r^ wn« i. memorandum in Mr. Archiba; effect, if not in tl lese exart woiib handwriting' to the t loiti nu: ollowing lulv to be 18 ust-a if a!)->ulut(lv ii-(vx-aiy." It iiiixy i.c that tlu's.' w.>rds fur- nish a kfv to tlu' loss of tlie onvelopfs, ami that havin-- discov- fci-od that "the story fahiicated out of tlH-m would not l)Car the liglit of invc'sti^'ation and truth, they had hccn oarri.jd ott" as tho eaHlest solutionOf the ditKcuIty. Bi- that, however, as it may : in the alisencf of the envelopes I take it for granted that the (lovi-rninent would e\iynnL,'e out of the evidence, and leave out of their consideration, all the charges l.ased on them. But that is not enough for mv pui'pose. Stories prejudicial to me personally, and detrunental to the management of the Education ofiloe, have been iniUwtriouslv circulated hy interested parties, and I am not content t.j be deprived (jf the opportunity of jiroving how utterly gi'oundless tlios,- charges are, or to lie undca- a stigma that but for the absence of those papers could have been most satisfactorily removed ; and I tru>l that the (lovernment will use every endea- vor to discover when and by whom the missing enveloi)es were abstracted. In regard to the torn envelopes said to ha\,e been taken out ot^ the stove, I most positively deny that they were the covers of any r. Ross having marked 15, 85, 3.'), total So, and that those' I had altered liy changing _the tiguri'.s one into three, thus making the marks read .S5, 3."), ;}."), total llo. Was this envelope produce. 1 it woidd show no evidence of hav- ing been tampered with, or tliat Dr. Ross's figures had been al- tered. Owing to the midtiplicity of examination papers and en- velojjcs, it soTnetime ha)ipens notwithstanding all ]ios.sible care tliat an envelope gets into a wrong set, that is, that one is ex- changed for another. This will exillain why the envelope pro- duced .Hti'ers in its results from the lecord kept by Dr. Ross. The next charge preferred is, that I procured from Rev. Mr. T)alv duplicate envelopes showing ditlerent results of the .same years work. ^U. Archibald produced three envelopes, several dilai)idatiMl and torn, taken, as he said, from the, which lH)re the Rev. Mr. J)alys genuine signatinc ; the others and corres- jionding ones taken fifo'r- rcd by me against Mr. Archibald. " 22 Hi Miss Moliitosli liolils a liceiisi! of n^railc 15, a 1st cliuss luulij lic- pnsi", ulitaiiieil in luli), at the Normal Scliuol, and lieiico any in- crease ii\ her " average " laaJe at any subse(;uent examination would not entitle he^' to an additional claim on the CJovemment grant or on any other school fund. 1 may also remark that since 18T(), Miss Mcintosh lias Ivfen employed in the City Schools, and is deservedly regarded as one of our best city instructors. On .several occasions Miss Mcintosh intimated to me her wish to be examined, that she might obtain a higher average. I, of couise, encouraged her to do so, and distintly remember at .several times during the past two or three years, saying " Well, Miss Mcintosh do so, take an examination for a higher average, ami 1 will do an}' thing in my power to uiake it succe.s.sful." To give the ques- tion.s was not in my power, hence 1 had no such intention, but in consideration of Mclutosh holding already a 1st class male license, and also of her being so constantly engaged in her school duties, I could tell lier what Ituok to study in her preparation, and what especial branch should receive particular attention with- out in any t.ay violating the (obligation of my office. I have to regret that Miss Mcintosh so misunderstood the language I em- ployed, as I had no intention of giving her the (juestions, nor do I rememUr that I told lier to call at the office as stated, but if such was the case, I nierely meant to say that when the questions were published I would give the information above stated. Your honorable council will bear in n)-nd that this young lady's testimony only relates to what she coasidcred my intention to be. The questions, most assuredly, were not given, nor is it claimed that they were, nor lias Miss Mcintosh been examined since 1870. The charge therefore rests upon what my intention was supposed to be ; 1 must express my regret that my language was misun- derstood, and again affirm that I had no intention of giving the questions as Miss Mcintosh seems to have expected. I thus succinctly gone through the main charges preferred against the management of the Education Office, and I think that I have clearly shown that they ai'e recklessly, if not vindic- tively made, that they rest on no basis of truth, and aro sus- tained by no evidence, and I cannot forbear calling the attention of the Government to the animus of Mr. Archibald as evinced by the tone and stjde of his summing up in writing now in the hands of the Government. The evidence is distorted, anil in many instances falsely stated, while almost every line contains an insult or some sly insimiation or inuendo in regard to my.self Now, while I by no means chal- lenge the right of Mr. ArchiV)ald to conqilain to the Government of any irregularities committed or permitted by nie in the execu- tion of my office, and am not disposed to (juarrel with him for laying the chari/es l)f>fore tlie ( ii)\erni!if>nt^ \vifhoiit tirst oalliufi my at- tention to them, yet I submit that the language ii.scd is not such as should be used liy a subordinate to the head of a department, Rnd whows a maliciousness towards me that renders it plain that 23 zeal for the ,„.l,li,. s..,vic,-. a,.,l a desin- to n-fonn almses were not e n a,n spnn,. that ,,ron.i,t.Ml his action,a,.l lends pn.bal.ilitv tu t e stato,n.,nt he has n.ade, that he was there as a s pv upon L, and possibly was not an unwilling, tool in the hands .if crafty £ d., ;'"••; ^'■' "I" '" -^q-tend^er last, of what he c.on- s de ed an irre.Mdarity ,n the cxaniinatinn ^vork,>et I was not made aware ot Ins havin-,^ don." so, nor were any specific charo-s Wu ated until after I had n„.n,orinIiz .1 the (lilveln^i^^n^on hi: tunduot ,u the othce.yet months l„.fore he hao been plotting ^gainst me. an.l huntnig up evi.lence in proof of which I be.r to Aichibad ha.U,ven me every infonuation about Mr. Hunt's ir- eKuIanties, and he drew the statement from me (contained in her e^-idence), and also «iys Mr. Arcldbald first spoke to me of Mi. Hunts uTeuulanties in April of year or earlier;" and the Goyernment wdl giye weight to the fact that in his anxiety to make out a cas.. agamst n.e. he calk.l several whom he was Inmso obhgcd to adndt, proved nothing, and in like nii I submit that all las allegations have failed, an.l although the envelopes are mis.sing, fortunately uiy statements are corroborated h the evidence of the Key. Mr. Daly, who testifies tliat he never a tered or ack to me for correc- tion If, theref._,re, an error shoul.l escape my notice, and my clerk see it and fail to act upon his instnic-tion.s, up.)n him, more than upon me, should rest any consequences that may result from such errors. •' And 1 may further submit that the charges to which I liavo n.>w replied were preferred several weeks subse.juent to the pre- sentation .,i a .series of comi.laints which, a .sense of .lutv 1 was compelle. to make against Mr. Arcliibald, an.l which are yet to receive the consideration of your honorable Tlie charges against me, so unfoun.led an.l unjust, were doubtless de- signed to offset, and. if possible, diminish the weiid-.t rif mv a.^f^n- sations. Hence I cannot but regret that your honoiabfe body gave a priority to Mr., as it has, t.) a considLiable ex- tent at least, protecte.l ymir .ielib.'rations. 24 In cunclusion, I haw only to leave my reply to the cliame.s made a-ain.-,t me in tlir hands of the Government, aHsui-in^' them that in no ca^e have I evt-r been guilty of any irrpcrnlarities in the performance of the duties of my oHice, nor 'have"l wittingly violated tlie law or infringed any of the regulations of the Coun- cd (jt Public Instruction. But in view of the conduct of Mr. Archibald and liis insubor- dination, of which the members of the Government have ha-.> i,, -"'■'^•- I" tl.o cas. .!fNV;-.r^4;t'rr ''"''"" '" oxann,.;. ^''- '■""-'• tu C l,'i(>, wl i , t at '^""' f ^' ^I'-nvs tI>o total of i-l'Iu,.lk^at.^l.n^vv; oft : . -//^ '"^ V-','^' -'"*• '^' there '-■>l-kenuf dso^vlK.v w. - V^^^ ^^,'"^i '••'l-'iros that it TI... hi.storv of (!..o.n-a phv .,n o ^'h'-'" ^'\- '"' '^^'^^i'^" ^^'^ t"tul of th;.;;: '' a ,; t Ko .''r ^f "''^^" ^'>-^^^ the t.'.i.lanfs ,„ is 2,S0 r + i ' , '^' ".^"'''.tl-at of tin- Superin- Kxa.Mincr. The ^rJ'J it' Z^.t 7''.'''^^"^'\.<^f ^1'- Provincial '^••i"fn.lant is that a U ,;"?''' ^1'';:''^'''^'^^'^ '-v thoS„i.- y.-a.le.s lower. The int , P. ''''' " ""'•>' -'■^^''' ^'^- ^^vo this countr; o\ n i'r^^ o t h '^n ■"' ^'■•'^'"' "I'on tho people of l-i^I-st^uaraiueeo rk±p;;r';:"f''^^°/- '" t^-m tho School license, hy mean o? Xhto 1"^"'"''^^' ^^^™^i >X'ce-ve a very much iuc.e-r^e 'i ' V ;' '" ^ ^'"•'^'tion to ••nahle, 1,- reason of ineffi d ' \ Sa^,, IJ;;" /'"■ I-i-'^. though .'^ervico for which thev a^ree t nn , , ^ ,''""''"' ^''^"' the the chil.h-en an,l vouth If V„ >^ ' '" ',""'''' " ^'^^^ I'-oreovcr of that u,omZ ai n ^ ,. -T'^" ^'^/'t""'!-! hr all tin.e ing her ha.l uJ^^l^^^,^:^'^^''''' ^''";-'' ^''" tn^^tces on.ploy- ^^'.•e this a ita4 i.^. n ^^-^ i:^" T'" ' '"'"^'^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^'^'^'l^- )>ou-cvor, he a ^nSL^'^^Z^l^!:^ F^'otratod. it would, to be only one of a largo r^::^lT^nUr ^"" ^V^l^"^"^ ca.. of very n.any to which -oUr lu^ltn l^^s^eSlf "^(^ :;?^;a:;;^g^mrihrs;;;p';;^^ les. grouml f;.r:un-excu.e in the:;;S;£T i "^ .llCi ^ "^ le8,s ground for anv excu..e'in the c^asJ't h "iV ^ ; ,' "; """ I . . times so -larin- and oalndlVt M , ' '? ^lefoct at all tospellcorrce Fy V ;? ' 'iTi ''\''' themselves ahle it w nl 1 , •> • " ", ^''^ r''>L'nfc state of matters perpetuated nm th el',-'''' • T !'"^'^"' " ■ 1"'V1^'"^^"^ -^'^ to annoLc tS?: '•and the selt-ovident prognostication that manv venvs n,.,./. 1 26 .■hl|.M. l,..|n,,. thr .1M.||,„_. ,,(• th,. I'n.vilUTWnuM 1„. ,..,i,KV,l tu tl..' Irv,.| uluch luis m.-i.l.. ... unUnum. tlir .lallin- rf the E,luca- Tl.o MC.Mi.l chai-.^ i,ivf..,T(..| a-ain>t «]„> S.ip.'iintcn.lrnt is that of a t..nn<,r th.. Ii-mes .,f Kxai..i.i..r Dalv ovor his own si.^na- tmo I In . cluu-.., tho.i;,h unr of so -lav,' import, constitirtin- as It .loe. a ciunr lumisl.ahl,. hy !a\v, as w.ll as a m.-ivo oliWicr a-ainst th.; sp,.cial onactn..'.,t which, in al! its .ictaii... th,- Suiht- intc.Klont IS sn-orn to ailiniriistcr rightoonslv, is at tlio same time -n.- on whic), It is not iioccssa.y that l' ilwdl at vrry -mit length, for tho simple reason tliat tlie proof is so convincing ami covers ...xaetiy the same groun such check is kept -y Father Daly, else he would have referred to it lo establi.Sh the Superintendents innocency. If ho lias any such private ecor as the other Examiner's keep, it will be very easy to de- term Irom It what were the original numbers (;n these envel- opes x^ ,ich now show marks of alteration, as well as those which are spoken of as, and doubtless are, duplicates of the original. Ihc third charge,_ which is ojucmlment of the envelopes mutL huedhy }asaltcrnUons,v;o,xU require the presence of witnesses at the time in the office lor pusitivk proof. Of the,.e, however there was none. Apart., then, from the conviction of the truth-' lull ess of it-wluch the proof of the two preceding char-es. and all the circumstances of the case, including the dispositi^^n so rong in tlie human mind, to conceal guilt, convey-apart fmm liese niy chief proof lies in the fact, which may po.ssib y be now orgotten, that very .shortly after I made complaint last Septem- W and the instiuctions which I did from the Premier, of n< ^}l}^''^'''^'^'' t^''-^ i ^vas unable to make any comparison of one of the memos, and envelopes of Station G, ("Baddecki in consequence of an envelope being missing. Mr. K.' immediately told me to ask him lor it, which f did, and three .lays after re mi's,?. ""' T^-^'- ^•^'■'■^■^P""^li"K to the one Mhicli had been imssmg. As this circumstance may be forgotten l>y Mr. R., the 27 tnitl.f.ilnc.s of thi.>, chari,'o will ),.. r..,^,..i..i . . i , , - , , ..P|;n tl... ,......• aJ,h.c...r,;„. th. .st^JiJ n ,^:r" '1 :''f.. ^'^Sj' ee.l.nj,.^^. It .s lu.t iMunau t,.,! .nit t Xl opes (Ji.stiiruif.l l.y his chai..res ' I nil I ^ S^'", '"''•'- te,ii,„„„.v t, du. fact s,,,,.?!;,:,; i„ :.i,:;:n-:":, "■'■ "''" "'^' """ iworo ,„„ throe o,;ji'-n'v,.,',p'™ „;■;;,",; i ;' ,;■;;:' i";',r™'-' w^t,,t^^^ ^™ ft r-iJat- '".J "!;;,/;;;:;;,f!:;":;;;5 .h,.vm« „al.c.v the san,,. H,„,v., „r an au«„|,t to" J o ^ mark, which i. placed o^^hn^v.^lo l^ V ^1^, it Ex^ln^;" m eve,y cas«, as he alone is supposed to t.e cog£ant of In tha mark «, a comparison of it as found on the^.orn and du H or no'n n 1^''' '"''' f^T "'''^'' ''''''' station will show wl e .^ 01 not both seem to be done hy the same han.l. For mys,U can only say that I saw what was to me very p ain evi c^I of he bupenntenJent's own hand. In the case of No. 2* Stati. G It will bo seen that the en-lingof the - Exannner a>^ doubt not hat a smular comparison of .W iV, and 08, Station T .T"^'^^^" "•''"' •'""''^'' indications of indtation ihat the bupenntendent should seek to procure du,,licates of th.^e envelopes, wlien he was callcl upon lor th.u. in on er mther concealment of his guilt, is singly just as na; rd a fo im to concea them in the lirst instance. Both were necessarv hat h.s gudt in altering the Hgures uf the E.xandne s u iXt no^ aH.ear which in other has been sufticientlv proved i' J\ btation W, IS the best proof of charges .\os: 1 an.l " but Jiere is no doubt whatever thnf. if l.a.l l>- ".^*:-^ • i ' ^T\ ^^^ in the narefil wJfJi ihr, ^.♦i,..„.. „fii,-x _._.• -•"--, ...o. .i. ... ^n the parcel with the others of that stat envelope I retaine, its wa- iiiiU' uni 28 iiianv of St;ifion W cle.'lll >,lirrt, Mr. Di.l 'I'-^ trstiiuony, aswrli as thjit of i Ci .!I IT 1-1 »•/ .. 1 * 1. I ^h'lw a !-■ ro^^ard..,! as ja..,! , i ]'. ' ' >■-■- :lKUM>n,.,. will, | j,,..,L,., the three .uulJiau^s 1^ :,',:'• ''^^' ^ ""'>• ''^ ^'" <■-.• ^Z ciuuve shown to 1 ■ tru u^ '^r '""^'n'"^'''' ' "''^ '''"•'ti' W fur u-hic-h vou ha V V' S ,'•::;"''? " • ^^'' ^*"- "f' ^'^^ti'^n having j,rc.c,rr,..l dupli : t. t ' '"' ' ""■"^"- ^'"••'-v.t, nvinals of all tho... ^vitll the m.n.os v Z " '• "^ •";" ^"^'"'■'^ oonvspon.lin^ now show a clean i;. ' X T ,' V! ^''^^ ■^^'''^^""' '^^'^ ^vl.ich Xoveml,erlast, : the..^;;:r^' ^ "-•^' ^'V 'l'-troye,l. Sine. thestoveintheotMce :,;'";"•,'"""■ "^^? ^'^"^ I-«ession, not so, ],owever, in S.. ^1 ! . " i," ,; ;;;]^; "";- ''^^>- ft was them, Were'n,.,! to t!„. r\ i V ''' ^""^ '^' .^'''i' •^'■'■ l-ear evidence J. ;^™i';^;^^ the Hane.: Th..- towards destruction .i/d 1, ;-.^'-; '"""'''""' "'' '''^ '-^-^^ "ttorts of Purpose on Id., piV^ ■ ; V' r"^ ""' '"^''"y' *" '^"V laelc all .vJnts. there mI^ a . n ^, '"^ "^ 1 " ""^ "•!' ^""I''*^^' ^^^ to bear testimony a4inst hin, 'uutdated condition, a. the examinatln"a.e ontn^ ^'■"'■' ^ *^^^ presented, not bein.^ witi i ' ol'. ' ^T " "^ ''' ''' ^^' ^'^ .hmcnlt to ^eu.^ f have ;i;;^i^r;i:r;;: '--"-' '--. -ore Other witnesses were brouV^.u ,''"''; T^ ^''^^ ^fcl.tosh. hope of elicitii..^ fu h ;, r ''/V, :"'''/^''^'' ^'"' ''^'■"^'■^t ,,o.ssi],l,. the hope was n; u!;:,; ^X^l ^'"^ ••"-^'•' '"'^ the ,ain[n,.s of Mr. Ilobertson's evidciic,. u-,.nt f i .i of a candidate fbr examina,!:";,^,;^ -,.;';'• ^''-^ a-^tanc. Sui.ennten.h.nt, Mr. Hunt t, Mr / ,''ad spukcu to (]„; him an envelope witI, ,.a,HT en lo. T 1 T'',' ""■'"■'^"- ''a'"''"' the assistance of the candidal , '^''''""^;.'","^ exannr,ation. !•'.,, i'n.nediatelv previous t'h . vi "" ""•' ^^■'■'•" ^'"vea ahnost -iththendli^nvic^nthth^ ;'''"';;''■ "' ' *'">■ ^^''^ -"t exa.iiination, ^'"> ''^■' ^h'' pap.r, of (h,, coniin- Krom.sui.e of (he ,,ne.| ;, ,,. ,,„, .,. -^r,. p , , I P"t to .w. io.brrlsnn, nppoalin-to 2U wmmmm "f the i, b,./breha,u! bv tL>s, ' t'^^nelu.iv, to the oivi,, ; Jhe nature of .Mi,, Melntoj' '^"ll^^^'^^^'-'Ifiit. '''""i>' -^P-t to the charge ..f o S!.^^^"':'^"^'^ ^^ -actlv sin.ilar with '^'' '"tosh ,nusM„ ,,,„„,,,,.,, ..,'.J;1^' 'f. the statement of ,\T,... 30 give the papers to her when the tliroe weeks spoken of before examination should have arrived. ^ Before closing the case I may be allowed to add that aa the Superintendent, being a sworn officer of the Government and has been spoken of during the course of this trial as always on his oath, any statement -hich he may make may on this account be regarded as worthy of more credence than an ordinary statement. I wit..i it to be understood, therefore, that the statement which I now make I r.'oard as equivalent to sworn testimony, and such as I am prepared to make on oath before any tribunal. I accord- ingly testify that for the last two years and a half irregularities have constantly coiae under my notice in connection with the work of the examination which I would long ago have considered sufficient to bring to your notice, as 1 regarded' them sufficient to warrant his removal. I was deterred, however, from doing so by the personal advice of my brother, to whose notice I had brought every detail of an irregular nature fiom the time when irregular- ities first became known to me in the office. The irregularities complained of in the charges preferred and now under investiga- tion were of so heinous a character as h, jgarded admitted of no longer being kept secret, and by his direction I brought them to the notice of Messrs. Hill and Robertson in September last. With respect to the envelopes which I claim to be duplicated, I am willing to attest that as far as regards No. 98, Station W, tlio torn and mutilated envelope is the original envelope which' con- tuned the candidate's work when it came into the office, and that along with it I took the fragments or pieces of No. 25, Station W, and No. -li, Station G, from the stove in the office. I also assert that the record which I took of envelopes before they passed to Mr. Hunt's hand was a true record of the valu- ation of the Examiners as presented by the envelopes when they came to the office, and that the figures which they now bear are alterations made by the Superintendent, as indicated by their correspondence with the memos, as made out by him. If the evidence which I have adduced of the truthfulness of my statements and of the charges preferred be not regarded by you as sufficient evidence of such truthfulness on the one hand and guilt on the other, I feel it to be my duty to ask, not only in order that I may be myself exonorated, but for the .satisfaction also of iho Government, that one and all of the Provincial Ex- aminers be called in, and the disputed papers submitted to each one in turn and sei)aratoly without th." envelopes, in order that such a valuation may bo given them r.s in the judgment of each i-xaminer they are entitled to receive.