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 J. afiORGE AfaAMI, iil.A., M.I>. (Camb.), 
 Professor ot Pathblogy, McGill University, 
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 J. GEORGE ADAMI, M.A., M.D. (Camb.), 
 Professor of Pathology, McGill University, 
 ■ '■-; ■ Va'., -=i ■ 
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 New Youk: The Publishers' Printing Company, isae. 
 By J. GEORGE ADAMI, M.A., M.D. Camh., 
 Mr. President and Gentlemen: I cannot proceed 
 to the delivery of these lectures without in the first 
 place extolling the beneficence of him throucjh whose 
 regard for this society and generosity it has been 
 made possible for you to institute this series of lec- 
 tures — of him whom thus you are bound to keep in ever 
 green remembrance. And in the second place I owe 
 it not only to you but to myself to give utterance to 
 my very sincere gratitude for the honor done me in 
 inviting me to attempt to fill a position in which al- 
 ready the great pathologists of this continent have one 
 after the other added new leaves to their laurels. For 
 myself I cannot hope to vie with my illustrious pre- 
 decessors. I can but exceed them in appreciati n of 
 the honor done to me, and through me to the city • nd 
 university of my adoption. I feel acutely your kind- 
 ness in thus inviting to deliver these lectures one 
 who is a stranger among you, one who as yet can 
 scarce feel himself other than a stranger to this con- 
 tinent. For my university it does not need that I should 
 be specially empowered to announce to you how, striv- 
 ing toward higher things, that university appreciates 
 and is encouraged by every act of recognition from 
 the larger world. 
 It might, perhaps, sir, be expected by that larger 
 ' Delivered before the New ^'ork l\'itliological Society. 
world that I should here make due and telling refer- 
 ence to my presence among you at the present epoch, 
 I am inclined to think that when the universality of 
 science and our common brotherhood in it are so ob- 
 vious to all of us, and the insistence thereupon is to us 
 so much of a truism, it were almost an insult to your 
 intelligence and good will did 1 say anything, how- 
 ever much I may personally appreciate your kind in- 
 vitation at this especial juncture. The most I dare 
 venture is to express the fervent wish that the same 
 fellowship may bind together the nations which now 
 unites all those striving after good works in all branches 
 of science. 
 Throughout the days of this generation, and to an 
 increasing extent in these latter days, there has been 
 and there continues to be a lively discussion as to 
 what is and what is not to be included in the scope of 
 inflammation. And as of late among a narrow sect of 
 surgeons or surgical pathologists there has been mani- 
 fest the revival of what, were I a theologian, I should 
 denominate a (not unqualified) heresy, but what, as a 
 pathologist, I prefer to describe as, in my opinion, a 
 serious misconception, I have thought it well, not only 
 from the interest excited by the subject in our body 
 but also from the recrudescence of this misconception, 
 to select as the subject of these lectures this matter of 
 inflammation and the relationship existing between it 
 and fibrosis or fibrous hyperplasia in its various forms. 
 Even at the best this is a subject involved in diffi- 
 culties. How involved I did not wholly realize until 
 some months ago I was called upon by my friend. 
 Prof. Clifford Allbutt, of Cambridge, England, to dis- 
 cuss the matter succinctly in the course of an article 
 upon the " Pathology of Inflammation in General," 
 and was forced to face the matter straightly. As I 
 doubt not, most here present have found it is one thing 
 to have general opinions, another to place them in 
 logical sequence upon paper. When I came to at- 
 tempt the latter, and again lo consult the accounts 
 given in the leading articles and text-books, I discov- 
 ered not only the inconsequential nature of many of 
 my previous views but also that most of what had al- 
 ready been written read like the writing of scribes 
 rather than of those having authority; and after having 
 written the article or section of an article alreadv re- 
 ferred to I cannot but feel that what is there stated 
 merits the same reproach, and since the manuscript 
 left my hands the more I have deliberated the more 
 dissatisfied have I felt over my own writing. I am 
 glad to have this opportunity to revise and advance 
 my views upon the subject, and even before the article 
 in question is published to amend it and carry to a 
 more logical conclusion the treatment of the princi- 
 ples upon which the article is based. I cannot hope 
 to solve all or any of the problems that a study of this 
 relationship between inflammation and fibrous-tissue 
 growth opens up; at most, suggesting rather than dic- 
 tating, I may possibly help others toward solution and 
 may indicate the lines along which future research 
 would seem to promise satisfactory results. 
 We are accustomed to employ the termination " itis" 
 with the prefix "chronic" in almost if not quite every 
 case in which there is replacement of the cell ele- 
 ments proper of a tissue by new fibrous-tissue growth. 
 That is to say, we assume all these conditions to be of 
 like origin, to be manifestations of chronic inflamma- 
 tion, or as the attempt at repair following upon acute 
 Fibroid areas in the heart muscle are all grouped 
 together under the convenient term of chronic inter- 
 stitial myocarditis. Fibrosis of the valves of the 
 heart with its sequelae we speak of as chronic endo- 
 carditis. Arteriosclerosis is indifferently spoken of 
 as chronic arteritis or endarteritis. Whatever the 
 form of fibroid change occurring in the kidney, it 
comt's under the hca(lin<j; of chronic interstitial ne- 
 piiritis. In the case of tlie liver it is true the conven- 
 iently non-committal name of cirrhosis is in Knglish- 
 speakinj; countries the term most usually employed to 
 denote libroid chan^je, yet there are not wanting those 
 who speak of chronic interstitial hepatitis. 
 1 might similarly pass in order organ after organ 
 of the body, with its chronic "-itis." Lax indeed is 
 the employment of this common denomination of 
 chronic inflammation, and its sole merit is its conven- 
 ience in cloaking our ignorance of the exact causa- 
 tion of most of the conditions to which it is applied. 
 In these lectures I wish to discuss how far and in 
 what cases we are justified in the employment of the 
 term, and to what extent the development of fibrous 
 tissue in the more noble organs of the body is the re- 
 sult of inrtammatory disturbance. 
 In such a discussion everything depends upon the 
 definition of inflammation which is found acceptable, 
 and the conclusions reached must stand or fall in the 
 exact ratio in which the definition enunciated com- 
 mends itself to other workers. Thus, first, it will be 
 absolutely necessary for me to state clearly and dis- 
 tinctly what I understand by the term " infiammation." 
 Two courses, it seems to me, and only two are open 
 to us with regard to our appreciation of the term. 
 Either we can, with Thoma, agree that it is so unsat- 
 isfactory and that the discussions which have arisen 
 as to its scope, or, more truly, as to the processes that 
 are rightly to be included under the term, are so bar- 
 ren and profitless that we decide absolutely to expunge 
 it from our vocabulary; or, on the other hand, we 
 must determine to include in our idea of inflamma- 
 tion all processes having a like origin and tendency. 
 There is no logical intermediate course unless it be 
 to confine the term strictly to its primitive meaning 
 and to determine that there can be inflammation only 
 where there is "flaming," where there is redness and 
heat. No one is prepared nowadays to take this 
 course, for this necessitates physiol()p;ical active con- 
 <j;estion of a superficial or^an being considered as in- 
 Hamniatory. Sfor ajjain are there many who, wedded 
 to' tradition and cardinally virtuous, with Celsus only 
 see inHanimation when rubor, calor, dolor, and tumor 
 are present. For these cannot deny that identical 
 processes may occur when one or two or more of these 
 cardinal symptoms are wanting. Thus, nowadays, 
 those who would define inflammation etymologically 
 are non-existent, while the partisans of tradition are 
 " minished and brought low," forming a small and an 
 impossible remnant. Hence, to return to my previous 
 statement, there are but two logical courses open to 
 us. Can we accept the first alternative and banish 
 the idea of inflammation? I trow not — the suggestion 
 is too quixotic. It is not within the power of any 
 workers in any one branch of our science, even if that 
 branch be pathology, to expunge at will a term of uni- 
 versal employment, a term that has come down to us 
 through the ages — a term which, however loosely and 
 variously employed, does nevertheless for all cover a 
 greater or less number of processes of common oc- 
 currence. We cannot in a widespread science sud- 
 denly create a "tabula rasa" and start anew. Just as 
 were we to do away with the plutocracy and start 
 equally endowed with worldly possessions, while in 
 twenty years the old plutocratic families would per- 
 chance be non-existent as such, yet the amassing of 
 money and possessions in the hands of a few would 
 inevitably be manifested, so were we to banish "in- 
 flammation" from our vocabulary, in the same time or 
 even less some other word would be surely in common 
 employment to denote the same idea. It cannot be 
 done, and as a consequence the adoption of the second 
 alternative is our only practical course. 
 We have, that is to say, so to employ the term that 
 it will embrace all processes having a like origin and 
like import. Thus, then, starting from the generally 
 accepted basis that the process is in its essence local 
 and that the prime cause of all inflammations is in- 
 jury to the tissues, if we are prepared to admit that one 
 common or allied train of results follows upon all in- 
 juries, we must as our provisional definition state that 
 inflammation is the series of changes constituting the 
 local reaction to injury. 
 This is to all intents and purposes Burdon-Sander- 
 son's definition and is that which for the last quarter 
 of a century has been most generally accepted. For 
 myself 1 cordially accept it as a good working defini- 
 tion ; but at the same time I cannot but consider that 
 the researches made since 1880 have materially added 
 to our comprehension of the phenomena associated 
 with the process and of their tendency, and permit us 
 now to acknowledge the import as well as the origin 
 of the process. Those researches have shown us that 
 a very definite meaning is to be attached to the main 
 vital processes which follow injury to a part. They 
 have proved that the accumulation of leucocytes in the 
 injured area is purposeful ; that, whether by intra- or 
 extra-cellular action, these cells are capable, up to a 
 certain extent, of counteracting the irritant and of re- 
 moving dead and effete material ; they have satisfac- 
 torily proved that the inflammatory serum possesses 
 both digestive and bactericidal powers greater than 
 the serum of the circulating blood; they have demon- 
 strated that the 
 of the leucocvtes into the 
 inflammatory area is not a passive process, but an ac- 
 tive one directly dependent upon the extent of the 
 stimulus exerted upon these cells by chemical altera- 
 tions in their environment; thev have demonstrated 
 that the amount of fluid exuded into any one region 
 of the body varies inter alia directly according to the 
 intensity of the irritant — the more intense the irritant 
 the greater the extent to which it is diluted; while, 
 further, the part played by the fixed cells in the im- 
mediate neighborhood is equally evident and equally 
 purposeful, tending manifestly to result in the cutting 
 off of the damaged area from the surrounding healthy 
 tissue and again to replace the tissue that has under- 
 gone destruction. Hence I am impelled to define in- 
 flammation as the local attempt at repair of injury, 
 or, more fully, inasmuch as there is a certain small 
 class of cases in which all the symptoms of inflamma- 
 tion are present as a consequence of nervous disturb- 
 ance wholly unassociated with previous local injury,' 
 as the scries of chcviges uiJiich constitute the local at- 
 tempt at repair of actual or referred injury to a part. 
 So that needless objections be not raised, let me em- 
 phasize the fact that I do not regard inflammation as 
 synonymous with repair. Attempt at repair and repair 
 are two very different things, and no more to be con- 
 founded than attempted suicide and suicide, or, not 
 to approach too closely to a very delicate subject, than 
 the Emperor William's recent telegram to the Boers 
 and actual war between two considerable European 
 This, then, is the definition I am inclined to lay 
 down. Save in the small matter of the wording, I do 
 not claim any originality, for others in different lands 
 have given forth definitions embracing the same idea. 
 Thus Neumann, in Germany, defines inflammation as 
 '" the series of local phenomena which are developed 
 in consequence of primary lesions of the tissues and 
 which tend to heal these lesions." '" Bland Srtton, in 
 England, is somewhat more restricted. '' It is," says 
 he, "the method by which an organism attempts to 
 ' The most striking example of this class is to be seen in the 
 experiment which has been frequently repeated, among others by 
 my colleague, Dr. James Stewart, of assuring a susceptible in- 
 dividual under hypnotic influence that the hand or other region 
 has been burned or blistered, when within a very short period 
 the part becomes reddened, swollen, and, it may be, the seat of 
 marked serous effusion. 
 ■■'Ziegler's "Beitriige," v., 1889, p. 347. 
 render inert noxious elements introduced from without 
 or arising within it." ' I doubt whether Sutton is 
 right in speaking of it as a method and to me the 
 larger view appeals, not simply of counteraction 
 against the irritant but also of attempt to bring about 
 a return of the region toward a functional condition — 
 but the definition contains the same recognition of the 
 purposive nature of the process. And lastly, here at 
 home, Councilman acknowledges the same. In his 
 most lucid article in Dennis' " System of Surgery" he 
 defines inflammation as " the sum of the phenomena 
 which take place in the tissue as the effect of an in- 
 jury. The object of these various phenomena is to 
 overcome or to diminish the effects of the injury." " 
 Whatever justice there might have been a few years 
 ago in the objection that this view of inflammation is 
 teleological, now, with the facts at our disposal, the 
 objection is no longer valid. As well may the state- 
 ment that the function of the heart is to propel the 
 blood into the arteries be condemned as teleological, 
 or objection be taken to the statement that digestion 
 is the series of processes whereby matters received 
 into the alimentary tract tend to be converted to the 
 uses of the tissues of the body. We are ready enough 
 to admit the deductions drawn from physiological ex- 
 periments; we must equally accept the results of ex- 
 perimental pathology. 
 But the definition here enunciated is altogether too 
 broad for many to accept, and ever since Hiiter pro- 
 pounded the view that the term inflammation ought to 
 be restricted to those conditions in which there is in- 
 fection by micro-organisms, with pus formation, there 
 have not been wanting adherents of the narrower view. 
 And as what is to follow must largely stand or fall ac- 
 cording to the acceptance of the definition herein set 
 ' I here quote from Professor Senn, not having been able to 
 discover the original passage. 
 '■^Dennis' "System," vol. '., 1895, p. 144. 
 forth, and inasmuch as this confounding of infection 
 and pyogenesis with inflammation appears to be grow- 
 ing more and more popular upon this continent, I 
 needs must for a short time discuss the propriety and 
 soundness of the movement. 
 I do this, sir, with some hesitation, for I feel that 
 I am reverting to very elementary pathology; never- 
 theless it is just because the matter is so elementary, 
 so fundamental, so all-important for a right compre- 
 hension of all pathology, and because the distinction 
 with which you have honored me affords an almost 
 unique opportunity for calling attention to this mat- 
 ter, that I make bold to utilize this opportunity to 
 urge a broad and logical consideration of the subject. 
 Dr. Senn, professor of the principles of surgery in 
 the Rush Medical College, Chicago, whose writings 
 have obtained a wide circulation and whose influence 
 in the North and West perhaps transcends that of any 
 other surgeon, states in his " Principles of Surgery" 
 that inflammation, in the widest and most comprehen- 
 sive meaning of the word, should be made to embrace 
 pathological conditions which are caused by the action 
 of pathogenic microbes or their ptomaines upon the 
 histological elements of the blood and fixed-tissue 
 cells, and that " true inflammation is always caused by 
 the presence of one or more kinds of pathogenic mi- 
 crobes," a statement which, it may be added in paren- 
 thesis, does not prevent him from employing figures 
 from Hamilton and others to illustrate the stages of 
 the process, although those figures represent the re- 
 sults obtained by the use of chemical and not bacte- 
 rial irritants. 
 Dr. Roswell Park, professor of surgery in the Uni- 
 versity of Buffalo, in a straightforward address read 
 before the American Surgical Association in May of 
 last year ' is inclined toward the same opinion, and, as 
 he at the onset especially invites kindly criticism, I 
 ' Mp:dical Ri'XORi), New York, i., 1895, p. 705. 
 may say that his challenge has perhaps more than 
 anything else led me to take up the subject here. He 
 urges first the revolutionary thesis that the combina- 
 tion of the four cardinal symptoms should not be re- 
 garded as indicating inflammation. We should dis- 
 miss from our minds the associated idea, and should 
 refer to the redness and heat as hyperaemia, the swell- 
 ing as exudation, the pain as the result of pressure. 
 Only when these become developed or modified by 
 the growth of micro-organisms in an injured area or 
 by the action of their products should we venture to 
 speak of inflammation. And the term should then 
 comprise not only the local but also the general effects 
 produced by the growth of the micro-organism. In 
 fact, the existence of these general effects (as, for ex- 
 ample, the rise of bodily temperature associated with 
 the appearance of a small furuncle upon the nose) is 
 given as a distinction between what Dr. Park regards 
 as true inflammation and the non-inflammatory reac- 
 tions of the tissues to non-microbic lesions. 
 While epitomizing Dr. Roswell Park's argument, I 
 believe that I have accurately stated his main con- 
 Let us see what is the logical outcome of this idea. 
 First and foremost the frequent association of redness, 
 swelling, heat, and pain which may result from mi- 
 crobic invasions of the body is not in itself to be re- 
 garded as symptomatic of inflammation. The associ- 
 ation is common to microbic and many other lesions. 
 Only the extension of this series of symptoms in 
 special directions under the continued influence of 
 bacterial irritation is to be considered as inflamma- 
 tory; or, to carry this view to its logical conclusion, 
 the surgeon must no longer depend upon the presence 
 of cardinal symptoms; he must only call a region in- 
 flamed when he has either personally or through a 
 bacteriologist determined the existence of bacteria 
 therein. There is no attempt made by Dr. Roswell 
1 1 
 Park to limit inflammation to pyogenvjsis, and while 
 this view of inflammation for surgical purposes, in 
 the main, undoubtedly separates suppurative from 
 other lesions, it is in the terms of this definition im- 
 possible to regard suppuration in itself as an inflam- 
 matory manifestation, simply because, as is well 
 known, suppuration may be induced by caustics and 
 severe chemical and physical irritants, apart from the 
 action of bacteria. As above stated, the bacteriologi- 
 cal is to become the sole sufficient test of inflamma- 
 tion. While it is true that the general adoption of 
 this view would result in rendering it absolutely neces- 
 sary that every general practitioner should continually 
 practise himself in elementary bacteriology, or else 
 should banish the term inflammation from his diag- 
 nostic vocabulary — a not undesirable consummation, 
 it may be — I cannot but fear that the general practi- 
 tioner will still continue to speak of the inflammation 
 of scalded surfaces, of black eyes, and of fractured 
 limbs; for he will still require some useful and gen- 
 erally accepted term to embrace the train of symptoms 
 following upon every-day injuries. This attempt on 
 the part of members of one branch of our profession 
 to delimit our idea of inflammation largely for practi- 
 cal purposes must fail when put into practice. 
 Or let us examine the proposal from another side. 
 "Without infection," says Dr. Roswell Park, "no 
 genuine inflammation; with infection, inflammation 
 and, what always goes with conflagration, more or less 
 destruction. Congestion and exudation provoke little, 
 ordinarily no constitutional symptoms; inflammation 
 always does. ... I would," he states later (after 
 discussing hypera^mia, congestion, and " cirrhotic" 
 changes) " in an entirely distinct chapter and in an 
 unmistakably separate way, take up the matter of in- 
 flammation — />., infection." To all intents and pur- 
 poses Dr. Roswell Park would substitute a word 
 which, I think most will agree, has wisely been re- 
 s^''ictecl to local disturbances for a word which has 
 snown itself most useful as indicating the changes 
 which may occur in the organism at large in conse- 
 quence of microbic invasion. Up to the present time 
 inflammation has been understood to indicate the local 
 changes following upon an injury; fever and infection 
 to indicate the more remote effects upon the organism 
 at large. And I am forced to point out to Dr. Ros- 
 well Park that in '' infection" he has a most useful word 
 which will indicate everything that he wishes to in- 
 clude in his restricted idea of inflammation, and, that 
 being so, there can be no valid reason why he should, 
 with those "big, merciless hands" attributed by the 
 late poet laureate to one of our surgical brethren, ap- 
 propriate a word to which can be given a wdder and at 
 the same time a more exact use. The terms " wound 
 infection," " local infection" and '* general infection," 
 and " infective inflammation," are in common and sat- 
 isfactory employment and there can be little or no 
 doubt as to their meaning. I beg Dr. Park to con- 
 sider this before urging further the adoption of his 
 But while one is only too glad to have a word " in- 
 fection" capable of covering the series of local and 
 general effects induced by the presence and growth of 
 micro-organisms within the body, its employment in 
 nowise tells upon the fact that every change in the 
 blood elements and tissues brought about by microbes 
 and their products may be induced by irritants of an- 
 other nature. While it is true that micro-organisms 
 frequently lead to pus production and that suppurative 
 inflammation is almost entirely induced by these 
 agents, it is equally true, as was first clearly proved 
 by Councilman, that sundry chemical substances can 
 occasionally set up an identical process. And as Leber 
 has shown, the purulent fluid produced by this latter 
 means has definite powers of breaking up and digest- 
 ing proteid matter; no clear distinction can be made 
 between the septic and the aseptic pus save that the 
 one is of microbic origin, the other not. A broad 
 idea of inflammation to include all like processes 
 throughout the higher animals must take cognizance 
 of these facts. 
 Nor again, may I add, is it possible to distinguish 
 one series of micro-organisms as essentially pyogenic. 
 To attempt this is to draw a line between human and 
 comparative pathology. While it is true that certain 
 forms in man are peculiarly liable to induce abscess 
 formation, those same forms by no means necessarily 
 exhibit the same liability in other animals, and even 
 in man they do not always lead to pus formation ; in 
 short, suppuration is the expression, not of the pres- 
 ence of certain specitip microbe*}, but of a definite 
 grade of intensity of irritation, or, in other words, it is 
 a phenomenon representing a certain ratio between 
 the virulence of the irritant and the resisting powers 
 of the organism. Increase the virulence of a micro- 
 organism or diminish the resisting power of the or- 
 ganism, and in members of the same species similarly 
 treated we may have every grade of acute inflamma- 
 tion, from local hyperremia and slight diapedesis of 
 leucocytes through local abscess formation, to spread- 
 ing sero-purulent cellulitis and general septicaemic 
 infection. Much has been done experimentally to 
 prove the truth of this statement, while the recent 
 work in the laboratories of this continent upon cases 
 of typhoid and gonorrhoea has abundantly shown how 
 micro-organisms which in ordinary are not pyogenic 
 can be the prime causes of abscess formation. Indeed 
 it may be said with some truth that the main bacte- 
 riological work of the past year has been in the direc- 
 tion of confirming this statement and in demonstrat- 
 ing in case after case this liability on the part of 
 bacteria ordinarily non-pyogenic to lead to abscess 
 If this be so and if bacteria can thus be the cause 
 of a series of reactive changes on the part of the tis- 
 sues, advancing by imperceptible gradations from the 
 simplest transient local inflammatory change up to the 
 most profound generalized septiceemic disturbance, 
 and if again, as all must admit, they can induce either 
 profound local destruction of tissues or well-marked 
 local tissue overgrowth, then surely it is impossible to 
 to separate the lesions produced by micro-organisms 
 from the parallel and identical series capable of being 
 produced by other noxce. 
 I trust, therefore, that I have made it clear that we 
 are compelled to range together the series of changes 
 induced locally in the tissues as the result of injury 
 under the common heading of inflammation, and this 
 irrespective of the nature of the irritant. 
 For pathologists in general, for those studying not 
 merely gross anatomical lesions but finer also, for 
 those dealing with lesions of internal organs as well 
 as with lesions having an outward manifestation, for 
 those whose pathology and study of medicine is not 
 confined to man and who strive to base their knowl- 
 edge of disease and its processes upon a study of the 
 same throughout the animal kingdom, no other course 
 is open and practical. 
 Following this train of thought it becomes evident 
 that we must regard as of inflammatory origin all those 
 changes in the tissues which we can prove to result 
 from direct injury to those tissues, whatever the na- 
 ture of the irritant, and which we can regard as tend- 
 ing toward repair. We can separate the various 
 degenerations of the tissues, for these form a well-de- 
 fined series of changes from the inflammatory lesions 
 proper; we may regard them as associated with but 
 not inherent in the inflammatory change. 
 Of these local attempts at repair the most durable 
 and, when the process has come to an end or when, 
 being of moderate intensity, it has continued for some 
 little period, the most evident is the formation of 
 fibrous tissue. Now, in studying this formation and 
 the broader subject of fibrosis ' in general, the first 
 point to be settled, one which will materially affect 
 our whole comprehension and classification of the 
 fibroses, is whether it is possible to distinguish be- 
 tween new connective-tissue formation which is di- 
 rectly the result of injury and that which is indi- 
 rectly the result, and if we can determine this we can 
 with greater freedom attack the question of the classi- 
 fication of the fibroses in general and can more surely 
 state which of them are to be considered of inflamma- 
 tory origin and constituting chronic " -itides," which 
 The first question is one of peculiar difficulty, and 
 the problem presented for solution may perhaps be 
 best approached by a consideration of two widely 
 separated cases. A study of the various stages of the 
 development of a tubercle demonstrates that in man 
 and most mammals the first result of the lodgment and 
 growth of the tubercle bacilli in the tissues is to stim- 
 ulate tissue formation. Only at a later period, with 
 continued action of the products of the germs and as- 
 sociated disturbed nutrition of the central area of the 
 granuloma, does tissue destruction become manifest. 
 There is perhaps no better demonstration than this, 
 unless it be that afforded by lepra nodules, of injury 
 leading directly to connective-tissue growth. 
 On the other hand, we may consider the processes 
 which occur in the central nervous system following 
 upon atrophy and destruction of ganglion cells or 
 ' Here let me state that I have no liking for this mongrel term 
 " fibrosis " ; nevertheless, I know of none which can satisfactorily 
 replace it. The terms ' ' sclerosis " and " cirrhosis "indicate only 
 the secondary consequences of fibroid overgrowth, and " fibrous 
 hyperplasia" is a little clumsy, while "fibrosis" undoubtedly 
 conveys clearly its meaning; and in its favor (although two blacks 
 do not make one white) it may be urged that in common usage 
 we have such other mongrel terms as *' fibroma," " fibro-enchon- 
 droma," and so on. 
 upon separation of axis-cylinder processes from their 
 trophic nerve cells. The results can best be seen 
 when the injury affects secondarily all the members 
 of an ascending or descending tract, and they are to 
 be summed up as consisting of degeneration of the 
 fibres forming the tract with replacement by fibrous 
 tissue. Here there has been no irritant circulating in 
 the lymph bathing the fibres and leading directly by 
 its action to their destruction. The degeneration and 
 atrophy has followed upon injury inflicted at a dis- 
 tance, an injury to another region of the body. If any 
 irritant be present it is of intrinsic origin. All the 
 same, we see that the atrophied fibres become replaced 
 by connective tissue. 
 Are we to regard this " replacement*' fibrosis as a 
 form of chronic inflammation.-* Against so regarding 
 it it can be argued that, as already stated, no specific 
 irritant of external origin can be adduced as having 
 acted upon the tract of degeneration, and that in case 
 after case where the degeneration has been gradual 
 none of the ordinary symptoms of inflammation are 
 recognizable, neither the coarser conditions of hyper- 
 nemia and exudation nor those finer ones of determi- 
 nation of leucocytes (though this phenomenon is at 
 times quite distinct), multiplication of capillaries and 
 other microscopical evidences of removal of destroyed 
 tissue, and active new growth. Almost imperceptibly 
 the atrophied nerve fibres are replaced by connective 
 tissue, and it may be that of all the accompaniments 
 of ordinary inflammation the sole distinguishable is 
 the "functio la^sa." 
 But there is another aspect of the condition that we 
 are forced to regard, and I may best approach this in- 
 directly. What satisfactory distinction, it may with 
 justice be asked, can be drawn between this more in- 
 sidious replacement fibrosis and the grosser replace- 
 ment occurring in the case of infarcts? In the latter 
 the normal course of events is, that, infective agents 
 as a 
 being absent, the necrosed area becomes surrounded 
 by a zone of hyperaimia, the dead tissue undergoes 
 disintegration and absorption and is replaced by new 
 fibrous tissue. In such a case, it is true, we can rec- 
 ognize the distended peripheral vessels, the invasion 
 by leucocytes, the formation of new vessels, all the 
 main microscopical and most of the macroscopical 
 signs of inflammation. But, as in our previous exam- 
 ple, no extrinsic agent has set up the disturbances. 
 It is difficult, indeed impossible, to arrive at any other 
 conclusion than that the products of necrosis act as 
 the irritant and that they must be regarded as the 
 cause of the inflammation and subsequent fibrous-tis- 
 sue development. It is competent for us to assume 
 the existence of a cryptic inflammation in the former 
 case, and to hold that a like cause, namely, tissue ne- 
 crosis, has led to a like effect, namely, fibrosis. And 
 indeed if we adhere to the definition of inflammation 
 that I have laid down, both of these cases of replace- 
 ment fibrosis so obviously represent the local attempts 
 at repair following upon injury to the tissues, that 
 unless we further define what is meant by injury 
 we are forced to regard them as equally of inflammatory 
 We see thus that two different types of fibrous-tis- 
 sue development, one hyperplastic, the other, as I have 
 termed it, replacement, may be of inflammatory origin, 
 and the more one examines into the subject the more 
 difficult is it found to recognize inflammatory fibroses 
 by their histological characters. While it is true that 
 in certain cases we have histological evidence of pro- 
 gressive inflammation — the presence of newly formed 
 vessels, of an increased number of extravascular leu- 
 cocytes and small round cells, and it may be of a cer- 
 tain amount of exudation — in cases of the same nature 
 at a later date all these signs may be wanting, and 
 again, in other allied cases, from the very onset both 
 microscopical and macroscopical indications of inflam- 
 miition may l)c peculiarly rare. We cannot depend 
 upon hisloloj^ical evidence alone. At the most 
 we can classify the various forms according to the 
 evidence in our possession as to their origin and 
 The considerations I have brought forward up to 
 this point would lead us to distinguish at least two 
 main types of fibroid change associated with inflam- 
 mation, one of which in default of a better name may be 
 termed productive, the other replacement, fibrosis. In 
 the former there is no causal relationship between the 
 amount of new connective tissue resulting from the 
 inflammatory action and the amount of tissue dis- 
 placed; in the latter the amount of new fibrous tissue 
 developed appears to be primarily governed by and 
 proportioned to the extent of the destructive process, 
 but both equally tend toward repair and arrest of in- 
 This division will, I think, be found useful, and it 
 will be seen that the leading forms of inflammatory 
 fibroid change are to be grouped under one or other of 
 these heads. 
 Under the first are to be included sundry localized 
 fibroses of which the main forms are the focal areas of 
 new connective-tissue growth induced by the presence 
 of certain micro-organisms, that is to say, the more 
 chronic or less acute forms of infective granulomata — 
 the new growths (tubercles) induced by the tubercle 
 bacilli, those (gummata) induced by the not surely 
 determined organism of syphilis, the fibroid nodules 
 caused by the presence of the leprosy bacilli, and, again, 
 the more chronic type of actinomycotic and glanders 
 lesions. Examples are not wanting of similar focal 
 areas of fibroid growth induced by simple irritation. 
 As such may, I think, be safely cited the earliest stage 
 tof one form of cheloid. Although, as I shall point out 
 later, cheloid growths must be included among the 
 fibromata, nevertheless, in many cases of what is some- 
 times termed and rejijarded as spontaneous cheloid, 
 localized connective-tissue growths can L<^ excited by 
 local irritation of the sui fj-^e. Mils was well ob- 
 served in a case which has recently been very fully 
 studied by one of my students, Mr. K. H. Martin. In 
 this, the mere scratching with a pin was sufficient to 
 give rise to the new growth. I am myself fullv pre- 
 pared to regard sundry cases of focal growth as non- 
 inflammatory — as due to stimulation rather than to in- 
 jury. The difficulty is that there is no line separating 
 the one from the otiier; there is no sharply defined 
 boundary between simple hyperplasia and that which 
 is obviously reparative. 
 Merging at times imperceptibly into the previous 
 group there are the capsular fibroses, comprising 
 those cases of connective-tissue development induced 
 around an irritant, whether infective or not. Here 
 the zone or capsule of tissue formation is a develop- 
 ment of so much new material, laid down, it would 
 seem, irrespective of previous tissue destruction in the 
 immediate region of its appearance. Examples of 
 this form will be immediately called to mind. Among 
 the infective we have the thick capsules forming 
 around obsolescent tuberculous masses, around chronic 
 abscesses and phthisical cavities; among the simple 
 irritative are to be classed the capsules developed 
 around such foreign bodies as exercise little more 
 than a mechanical irritation, whether those bodies be 
 solitary and of large size, as, for example, impacted 
 bullets, or minute and very numerous, as inhaled 
 particles of coaly or silicious matter. Whether the 
 capsules formed around and merging into the frame- 
 work of benign tumors are to be classed as of simple 
 irritative or of infective origin may possibly give rise 
 to debate; provisionally I must refer them to the 
 former class. 
 Another type of productive fibrosis, one that can- 
 not satisfactorily be classed either as localized or 
 generalized, is that due to inflammation of serous 
 surfaces, a form including the fibroid thickening of 
 serous superficies and organized inflammatory ad- 
 Besides these, there exist also generalized produc- 
 tive fibroses of inflammatory origin, which again may 
 either be of infective origin (induced by bacteria or 
 their products) or the result of continued non-infec- 
 tive irritation. The chronic interstitial pneumonia 
 following upon subacute pleurisy may be cited among 
 the former; among the latter, in all probability, the 
 generalized interstitial fibrosis of so-called chronic 
 parenchymatous disease, of which a good example is 
 afforded by the condition of productive parenchymatous 
 nephritis. But, as I shall have later occasion to point 
 out, some forms at least of interstitial fibrous over- 
 growth are rather to be counted among the replacement 
 than among the productive forms. 
 The local and general forms may merge, the one 
 into the other. Thus, a liver presenting gummata 
 may exhibit also well-marked generalized interstitial 
 fibroid overgrowth; a kidney the seat of chronic tuber- 
 culosis may show the same; or again, in the inhalation 
 pneumonias the deposit of foreign particles along the 
 lymph spaces of the lungs may be so extensive and 
 the growth thereby excited be so great that the organs 
 present the characters of a generalized interstitial in- 
 flammation. Nevertheless, the distinction between 
 local and general is in the main useful and not 
 To turn now to the replacement fibroses; among 
 these we can distinguish certain well-defined types. 
 All may in truth be termed cicatricial, but it may be 
 well to restrict this designation to the ordinary surgi- 
 cal cicatrix, to the connective tissue developed after 
 breach of continuity in a part. Speaking broadly, it 
 may be said that every such breach of continuity re- 
 sults in the destruction of a certain number of cells. 
 .1 ! 
 ning of 
 )ry ad- 
 in may 
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 lity, the 
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 the one 
 ic tuber- 
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 and not 
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 may be 
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 ed after 
 Dadly. it 
 luity re- 
 )f cells, 
 and that in the absence of infective agents the new 
 connective-tissue formation maintains a definite rela- 
 tionship to the amount of previous destruction, never 
 exceeding it. Very closely allied is the development 
 following upon the complete and sudden necrosis of 
 all the elements of a tissue; of this, as previously 
 hinted, a most satisfactory example is seen in the heal- 
 ing of a simple infarct. 
 If we, following what is not unusual nowadays, re- 
 gard the blood as a tissue, the organization of thrombi 
 must be placed under the same heading of fibrosis fol- 
 lowing tissue necrosis; if we are more conservative in 
 our employment of the term " tissue," we must regard 
 the gradual substitution of the coagulated and ne- 
 crosed blood by fibrous tissue as a closely allied phe- 
 nomenon, namely as a fibrosis occurring in and re- 
 placing a necrotic mass. 
 Associated with these we can recognize two other 
 forms. I would not insist upon their separation, but 
 there is a slight difference in their mode of origin. 
 In the one the essential cause of the death of the 
 cells is local, from impaired nutrition, in the other 
 the nobler elements of the tissue undergo atrophy 
 and death irrespective of local conditions. The 
 two forms may be termed dystrophic and atrophic 
 Of the atrophic I have already furnished an exam- 
 ple, namely, the sclerosis following degeneration of 
 ascending or descending nerve tracts. Of the dys- 
 trophic the heart furnishes the most frequent exam- 
 ples, though I am inclined to regard much of the 
 fibroid change seen in the senile kidney as of the 
 same nature. As M. H. Martin ' was, I think, the 
 first to point out explicitly, and as Weber'" has shown 
 in a very careful research, where there is an "obliter- 
 ' II. Martin: Kevue de Medecine, May, iS8i. 
 - A. Weber: " Contributioii a I'Etude Anatomo-patholoj^iciue de 
 rArterio-sclerose du Coeur," Paris, Steinheil, 1887. 
2 2 
 ating endarteritis" of the coronary vessels with over- 
 growth of the intima and consequent diminution of 
 the lumen, there must result a diminished nutrition of 
 the area supplied by each affected artery or arteriole, 
 and as these are of the nature of end arteries there is 
 developed no satisfactory collateral nutrition. The 
 result affords a very striking picture, more especially 
 if the most frequent seat of the change be examined, 
 namely, one of the papillary muscles of the left heart. 
 In these the fibres run longitudinally and so also, en- 
 tering at the base, do the nutrient arteries, and the 
 condition is so common that I have never had diffi- 
 culty in obtaining material for my class in morbid 
 histology. In a typical fairly advanced case in trans- 
 verse section of the muscle, the arterioles with thick- 
 ened intima are seen cut transversely; around each 
 is a zone of fairly healthy fibres also cut transversely. 
 Passing outward from the artery these give place to 
 fibres that present atrophy and pigmental degenera- 
 tion with intermingling of new connective tissue, 
 while the outer zone of supply of the arteriole is rep- 
 resented by a ring of clear, transparent fibrous tissue 
 with relatively few nuclei and here and there the last 
 remnant of a degenerated muscle fibre. This, I may 
 remark, is but one form of cardiac sclerosis. It 
 would be difficult to find a more demonstrative case 
 of this dystrophic replacement fibrosis. 
 But while thus we are able to recognize examples 
 of the uncomplicated occurrence of one or other form 
 of inflammatory fibrosis, and while I hold that it is 
 useful to us both as students of medical science and 
 as practical physicians and surgeons to seek to ana- 
 lyze the nature and character of every morbid change, 
 it has to be admitted, if we look honestly at things as 
 they are, that case after case presenting itself to our 
 notice cannot possibly be docketed and pigeonholed 
 under one heading. Time and again we come across 
 what can only be classified as mixed forms of the 
 conditions already indicated, not to mention mixture 
 of these with fibroid conditions which I have still to 
 take into consideration. I can only urge that it is 
 well to strive to cultivate our garden and not to allow 
 our ideas of chronic inflammation to continue a riot- 
 ous and tangled growth. Only by such cultivation 
 can we hope to gain good fruit. 
 It is when we come to study the chronic inflamma- 
 tions affecting glandular organs that our great diffi- 
 culty begins in comprehending the essential nature 
 and causation of connective-tissue growth. Let us 
 take the commonest case, namely, that of continued 
 parenchymatous inflammation. Here the first obvious 
 disturbance in the tissue is an affection of the glan- 
 dular cells. With this there is an accompanying con- 
 gestion of the interstitial vessels, and this gives place 
 eventually to a condition in which the collections of 
 gland cells are separated from each other by increased 
 connective tissue, while coincidently the gland cells 
 themselves show signs of atrophy. Two conditions 
 might produce this picture: either the atrophy of the 
 gland cells might be primary and the increased fibrous 
 tissue an indication of replacement fibrosis; or, on 
 the other hand, the picture might indicate, as is usually 
 held, a productive interstitial fibrosis with the malnu- 
 trition and atrophy of the gland cells as a secondary 
 consequence of irritation, impaired nutrition, and 
 pressure exerted by the new-formed tissue combined. 
 It is only by a very full and cautious observation that 
 it is possible to arrive at a decision in any given case 
 as to which form of fibrosis is represented and often, 
 indeed, one is induced to take the middle course and 
 consider both in operation. 
 If, for example, we study the various forms of cir- 
 rhosis of the liver, both experimentally and by histo- 
 logical examination of various cases, this difficulty is 
 very forcibly borne home to us. We can occasionally, 
 it is true, make out with certainty the existence of a 
 productive fibrosis; thus we frequently meet with 
 what appears to be the earliest stage of ordinary so- 
 called alcoholic cirrhosis, in which we observe small 
 masses of small-celled infiltration along the portal 
 sheaths. The condition looks definitely productive; 
 it appears to be an inflammation around the interlobu- 
 lar branches of the portal vein, and the cells in the 
 immediate neighborhood of these accumulations show 
 no very decided signs of degeneration and atrophy. 
 We can, again, as is occasionally the case in early 
 stages of biliary obstruction, find the bile ducts en- 
 larged and dilated and surrounded each with new con- 
 nective tissue, so that the picture given is that of a 
 productive inflammation immediately around these 
 ducts. We can also, more frequently than is usually 
 recognized, make out signs of fibrous-tissue over- 
 growth around the branches of the hepatic artery ; out 
 of eighty-eight post-mortems performed during last 
 year, I found this periarteritis to be well marked in 
 six cases; but in advanced cases of ordinary cirrhosis 
 of the atrophic type it seems to me more than doubt- 
 ful whether malnutrition of the cells does not become 
 an important factor and their atrophy be not followed 
 by replacement fibrosis, rather than be the result of 
 pressure and encroachment of the newly developed 
 connective tissue. 
 In this connection it is interesting to note how the 
 majority of observers who have attempted experi- 
 mentally to induce cirrhosis of the liver have noticed 
 changes of a degenerative character in the hepatic 
 cells as a first effect of irritation rather than produc- 
 tive inflammation in the interstitial substance. This, 
 of course, is what might be expected, the nobler cells 
 of the tissue being the more sensitive. I merely draw 
 attention to it because it is so common to regard 
 hepatic cirrhosis as primarily an interstitial distur- 
 bance. I do not wish to give the impression that 
 this may not be so in certain cases ; very frequently, 
 t with 
 ary so- 
 in the 
 cts en- 
 w con- 
 at of a 
 :y; out 
 ig last 
 keel in 
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 ow the 
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 ^ draw 
 n that 
 I feel as sured, it is not. I need but remind you 
 how strongly the recent studies by Flexner ' uphold 
 this view. 
 Here I may briefly refer to certain studies which 
 have occupied me during the last two years upon the 
 causation and nature of a very remarkable disease 
 affecting the cattle in a limited region of Nova Scotia, 
 the so-called Pictou cattle disease. I do not wish 
 here to publish a detailed and circumstantial account 
 of my observations, for to do so would not be just to 
 Professor Welch, to whom I have promised my com- 
 pleted paper upon the subject. I may, however, re- 
 peat what is stated in my reports to the Dominion 
 government, namely, that the disease is of an infec- 
 tious nature and due to a minute bacillus, character- 
 ized, as are so many of the pathogenic micro-organisms 
 of lower animals, by an intense polar staining, so that 
 frequently it has the appearance of a diplococcus 
 rather than of a bacillus. 
 The disease is apparently of slow onset; the affected 
 cattle eventually suffer from an abundant dark-colored 
 diarrhcea, present a moderate amount of ascites, fail 
 to give milk, and then the end is ushered in either by 
 a condition of violent excitement or by progressive 
 muscular weakness. 
 At the post-mortem the most characteristic features 
 are the ascites, a remarkable submucous oedema of 
 portions of the intestine (I have seen similar submu- 
 cous cedema in cirrhosis of the liver in man), enlarge- 
 ment of the abdominal lymphatic glands, and a very 
 extensive cirrhosis of the liver. It is in the lymph 
 glands and the hepatic cells that the bacilli are pres- 
 ent in greatest abundance. 
 The cirrhosis is generalized and of the pericellular 
 type, and if the livers from a large number of cases 
 be examined the earliest stages would appear to be 
 those of swelling and vacuolation of the hepatic cells 
 M^lexner: Medical News (Phila.) , ii., 1894, p. 116. 
 with great irregularity in the size of the nuciei. 
 There may be great congestion of the hepatic (venous) 
 capillaries, but this is unaccompanied by any notable 
 small-celled infiltration. Following upon this stage 
 of swelling, the hepatic cells undergo atrophy, sundry 
 lobules and portions of the liver showing the process 
 at a more advanced stage than do other portions. 
 And this process may be so extensive that over large 
 areas of the organ only isolated liver cells or clumps 
 of three or four degenerating cells are to be recog- 
 nized. With this the organ is not diminished, in- 
 deed the edges often tend to be slightly rounded and 
 full; there is replacement of the degenerating cells 
 and lobules by a delicate somewhat oedematous con- 
 nective tissue. A characteristic of this new tissue is 
 the relative absence of the ordinary signs of produc- 
 tive inflammation in the shape of small round cells. 
 Of these there are a few, but very few ; more frequent 
 are small irregular cells, evidently degenerated liver 
 cells and others of the " spider-cell" variety, with 
 fairly numerous delicate processes. 
 In short, the impression gained by studying nu- 
 merous sections obtained from many animals dying 
 in different stages is that there is here a primary irri- 
 tation or overstimulation of the hepatic cells by the 
 bacilli, followed by an atrophy of the same and coin- 
 cident replacement fibrosis. I will not say that this 
 replacement fibrosis is the only form of connective- 
 tissue hyperplasia present in these cases; there are 
 occasional indications of productive change. But it 
 is, I feel assured, the main form present. 
 This generalized pericellular cirrhosis is, of course, 
 not strictly comparalDle with the more usual foiais of 
 hepatic cirrhosis met w-ith in the human being. I:-- 
 interest lies in this, that occasionally, more especially 
 in children, we observe a curiously similar condition 
 of the liver without any clear evidence of syphilis, 
 and in children also the victims of congenital syphi- 
 d and 
 sue is 
 lis, even as to a less extent in adults presenting tertiary 
 syphilis, we are apt to meet with a more or less exten- 
 sive pericellular cirrhosis. In such cases it may well 
 be that the cirrhosis is of like origin, due, that is to 
 say, to the direct irritation of the hepatic cells by 
 pathogenic bacteria or their products, to the atrophy 
 of these cells and their replacement by delicate con- 
 nective tissue. 
 Thus far, therefore, we have been able to recognize 
 the following forms of fibrosis of inflammatory origin : 
 A. " I'roductive" fibroses. 
 (i) Localized -, ^ ', 
 ^ ' / capsular, 
 , , , , 1 n • i local. 
 (2) Serous and adhesive • , 
 ^ ' I general. 
 (3) Interstitial, 
 li. " Replacement " fibroses, 
 (i) Cicatricial. 
 (2) (rost)-necrotic, 
 (3) (]^ost)-alrophic. 
 (4) (I'osti-dystrophic. 
 C. Mixed fibroses. 
 But this classification does not nearly include all 
 the examples of connective-tissue overgrowth and scle- 
 rosis occurring in the organs of the body. 
 One further group of cases may at first sight appear 
 to be sharply defined, namely, the group of the true 
 fibroid neoplasms, the fibromata proper. Neverthe- 
 less, a study of the forms usually included in this 
 group reveals the fact that there has been in the past 
 not a little confusion as to what constitutes a fibroma, 
 and an attempt to classify the various forms cannot 
 but lead to the conclusion that the line separating in- 
 flammatory new formation from fibroid neoplasms can 
 be drawn only with a cautious hand. 
 As I have pointed out, one result of irritation may 
 be overgrowth of connective tissue. Ordinarily this 
 appears to be not greatly in excess of the needs of the 
 injured area, nevertheless at times it exhibits itself 
 greatly in excess of these needs. When infective 
 agencies interfere with the normal course of cicatri- 
 zation of a wound and the healing becomes delayed, 
 when, in short, superadded to the normal tendency for 
 fibrous tissue to be developed so as to repair a wound 
 there is a stimulus to connective-tissue proliferation 
 from the presence of b?i:teria and their products, then 
 it would appear that fibrous tissue may be developed 
 in excess of the requirements of the part. This 
 "false" cheloid, it is clear, originates primarily after 
 inflammation, and we may have every gradation from 
 what may be regarded without second thought as re- 
 dundant cicatricial tissue up to what, from its con- 
 tinued and very extensive growth, it is difficult to re- 
 gard as other than a frank neoplasm. Another form 
 I have already referred to, namely, the " spontaneous" 
 cheloid developing where there has been no breach of 
 continuity of the tissues. On this continent among 
 the colored population (and the negro appears to be 
 peculiarly prone to be affected) cases have been re- 
 corded in which the new formation has attained enor- 
 mous proportions. 
 As an example of so-called spontaneous cheloid let 
 me here briefly describe the case already referred to, 
 studied by Mr. R. Martin, for it throws light upon 
 sundry important features in this class of tumors. 
 The patient was a French Canadian girl, aged twenty, 
 who had always been healthy until about four years 
 ago, when she noticed a very small growth which 
 looked like a little pimple on her left shoulder. This 
 gradually enlarged and in about a year began to be 
 painful, causing sharp, stinging pains. At the end of 
 two years it was two inches long and three-quarters 
 of an inch wide, and was then removed by the knife. 
 About three weeks after the operation it recurred and 
 became as large as before. An operation four months 
 later was again follow^ed by a recurrence. Three or 
 four months later it was removed "■ by means of a 
 plaster." It has never returned, but there remains a 
 very large cicatrix, larger in fact than the original 
 tumor. The patient was free from any further 
 growths until about a year ago, when another small 
 pimple appeared on the outer side of the right arm 
 just above the elbow, which gradually grew larger 
 until in April, 1895, it was one inch long, about a 
 third of an inch wide, and elevated above the skin. 
 The edges where it passed into the surrounding skin 
 were irregular and claw-like. On further examination 
 another similar tumor was found on the back, and 
 when the skin was made tense in several places, prin- 
 cipally on the outer side of the right arm, clusters of 
 flat, small round cicatricial spots were noted, of a white 
 and glistening appearance. Each cluster contained 
 about four or live spots. Upon relaxing the skin 
 these clusters were unnoticeable. In July the clus- 
 ters had all disappeared and there remained only the 
 tumor on the back, which was also diminishing in 
 size. At this time needle scratches were made on the 
 left arm. When seen again in September, 1895, little 
 nodular lines of cicatricial aspect were to be observed 
 corresponding to the previous slight scratches caused 
 by the needle. It may be added that microscopical 
 examination of the tumor removed from the arm in 
 April presented all the characters of true cheloid. 
 Here, then, we have a case apparently of sponta- 
 neous cheloid, in which nevertheless the subsequent 
 history, results of operation, and of experimental 
 slight cutaneous disturbance show that the fibroid 
 hyperplasia was to be induced by injury, so that pre- 
 sumably the primary growth had a similar origin, not 
 improbably, as in certain recorded cases, from an acne 
 pustule. The case affords an example of what might 
 very easily in its earlier stages have been classified 
 as spontaneous cheloid. 
 In fact, from this case and from a study of the liter- 
 ature of cheloid, I am led with Jonathan Hutchinson 
 .:; 1 
 to doubt whether the conception of a spontaneous che- 
 loid is possible or consonant with facts. 
 Thus, it can be shown that in those exhibiting a ten- 
 dency to the disease- -those in whom cheloid masses 
 already exist — a minimal irritation as, for example, 
 the scratch of a pin, may induce the subsequent ap- 
 pearance of a mass of subcutaneous fibrous tissue in 
 the region. Where this is the case it is difficult to 
 deny that the condition originates as a productive in- 
 flammatory fibrosis, and the fact that at times some if 
 not all of the multiple nodules undergo absorption 
 and disappear (as happened in Mr. Martin's case to 
 which I have already referred) is against regarding 
 the condition as typically fibromatous. It is equally 
 difficult, in fact impossible, to maintain that a mass oi 
 new tissue, which occasionally attains to the weight 
 of a pound or more, projecting from the head or trunk 
 is an example of inliammatory fibrosis. It is difficult 
 to see where the line is to be drawn, unless, as I have 
 recently urged in an address before the Mcdico-Chi- 
 rurgical Society at Montreal,' we recognize that in 
 inrtammation the new-tissue formation ceases with the 
 removal or cessation of the irritant, whereas in neo- 
 plasms the cells, having once commenced to proliferate 
 rapidly (whether as the result of chronic inflamma- 
 tion of moderate intensity or from other cause or 
 causes), gain a habit of growth and continue to prolif- 
 erate independently of any due stimulus. Assuredly, 
 in these multiple cheloids as in the cicatricial forms 
 growth of the tissue is continued after the irritant has 
 ceased to be in evidence, and consequently I am 
 bound from their course to classify them as among the 
 fibromata— as fibromata of inflammatory origin. 
 I am not prepared to do the same with another 
 form, the so-called " lamellar fibromata," whereof the 
 most frequent examples are to be encountered as 
 1 "The Habit of Growth," Montreal ^Medical Journal, Febru- 
 ary, 1896. 
 <lense, sharply defined, whitisli nodules and small 
 plaques upon the surface of the spleen. So far as I 
 have been able to follow their development, these ap- 
 pear to be examples of pure and simple intlammatory 
 jijrowth. I can see in them no evidence of continued 
 growth independent of injury or irritation. 
 l^esides these two forms we have the group of typi- 
 cal fibromata, isolated, sharply defined neoplasms of 
 in general slow growth. While among the cheloids 
 we can postulate an inHammatory origin, in these we 
 cannot as yet venture to assign a satisfactory causa- 
 tion. Nor is the time quite ripe to make a positive 
 statement concerning the massive interstitial tissue 
 occurring in sundry mixed tumors, in fibrolipomata, 
 fibromyxomata, scirrhous cancer, etc. Studying these 
 and comparing the outer border with the more internal 
 parts, 1 gain the impression that in many cases we 
 have, as in cheloid, to deal with a productive inflam- 
 matory fibrosis which merges insensibly into neoplas- 
 tic incontinent growth. This is my impression, and I 
 dare make no more definite statement, 
 I'luis we can divide the forms contained under the 
 title of fibroma into: 
 A. I'ure or true f"il)ronia. 
 (i) Of inllamnialory orij^in (most if not all examples of 
 (2) Of undetermined causation (typical hard and soft 
 1). Mixed tibroma, beniijn, cancerous, and sarcomatous (admix- 
 ture of fibroid overjjrowth with over^n^wth (jf other tissues). 
 (-". i'alse fibroma (due to simple productive inflammation, I'-j^''., 
 "lamellar" libromata). 
 In my last lecture, having laid down my definition of 
 inflammation — namely, that it is the series of changes 
 constituting the local attempt at repair of injury or re- 
 ferred injury to a part — I proceeded to discuss the 
 forms of fibrous hyperplasia which in the terms of this 
 definition might well be lield to be of inflammatory 
 origin, and showed or attempted to show that such 
 forms might be divided into the two main classes of 
 productive and replacement fibrosis. Following upon 
 this, I discussed the group of localized neoplastic 
 fibrous hyperplasias, and pointed out that two groups 
 might be recognized: the neoplasms of inflammatory 
 origin and those of as yet undetermined causation — 
 the true fibromata. 
 A consideration of neoplastic growth leads almost 
 insensibly to the inquiry whether it is requisite that 
 injury should precede new connective-tissue formation. 
 The answer must, I think, be an unhesitating No. 
 In the nobler tissues of the body we know full well 
 that increased work leads to hypertrophy or, more cor- 
 rectly, to hyperplasia; that is to say, a physiological 
 stimulus leads to multiplication of the cell elements. 
 What are the exact steps whereby this is brought about 
 must perhaps always remain a matter of supposition, 
 the most that we can say being that the call for in- 
 creased work is followed by increased blood flow to 
 the part with presumably increased nutrition, and that 
 the increased work necessitates greater activity and in- 
 creased metabolism in the individual cells. In con- 
 nection with the basal connective tissue of the body it 
 is difficult to grasp the idea of active work; to attempt 
 to formulate such an idea may perhaps justly lay me 
 open to the charge of dealing in transcendental pa- 
 thology, and yet, as I shall proceed to show, a consid- 
 eration of several forms of ribrous-tissiie hyperplasia 
 in connection witii the dilTerent or<jjans and diverse in 
 character, forms in which it is ditticult tt) decide any 
 clear inHammator orij^in, leads to the conclusion that 
 there is a certain bond of union between them, that in 
 them the exi:itence of an increased strain upon the tis- 
 sue is to be reco;j;nized, and that if we could group 
 them together as being of the nature of " functional" 
 hyperplasias or hyperplasias of increased function, we 
 should advance materially in our grasp and compre- 
 hension of the same. 
 I had at one time thought that increased nutrition 
 would be sufficient to explain these cases, and indeed 
 1 have l:)een inclined to press this point until quite re- 
 cently. It is certainly true (as is best shown by the cases 
 of dystrophic sclerosis already mentioned) that a nu- 
 trition insufficient for the nobler elements of an organ 
 suffices often for the active growth of connective tissue. 
 This fact that a nutrition ample and suitable for one 
 tissue does not suffice for another has long attracted 
 attention, while the converse, or rather the corollary, 
 was proved more than a century ago by John Hunter 
 in his classical experiment of grafting the scantily- 
 nourished cock's spur upon the cock's comb, and in 
 this richly vascular and well-nourished area obtaining 
 a remarkable, if temporary, hypertrophy of the grafted 
 organ. Under certain conditions, then, active increase 
 of nutrition of a part may lead to hyperplasia of its 
 cells. Where the specific cells of a tissue undergo 
 atroph) 't may well be that there results a definite in- 
 crease in the amount of nutritive fluid at the disposal 
 of the baser interstitial cells, and that this has to be 
 taken into consideration as w^ell as any more direct 
 stimulus to proliferation afforded by the products of 
 tissue degeneration. 
 If this be so we are met with the likelihood that in 
 conditions tending to altered nutrition of a part — lead- 
 ing to the tissues becoming bathed with lymph, either 
 in excess of the needs of the specific and nobler cells 
 of that tissue or of a quality not suited for the uses of 
 those cells— there may be induced an overgrowth of 
 connective tissue, a fibrosis, to be ascribed primarily 
 to nutritional disturbances; or, in other words, it be- 
 comes likely that there may be nutritional fibroses as 
 distinguished from inflammatory. Plausible as this 
 seems, a fuller study of those cases which at first 
 appear to be examples of simple nutritional fibrous 
 overgrowth leads to the conviction that there is some 
 further factor also at work. Or otherwise, increased 
 nutrition, even if long-continued, does not inevitably 
 lead to increased connective-tissue overgrowth, and 
 therefore when we find this factor most in evidence in 
 the production of any form of fibrosis we are bound to 
 assume that there must be some additional directive 
 factor. What I mean will best be shown by a study 
 of the cases I am about to brins: before vou. 
 Take in the first place chronic obstruction to the 
 flow of lymph. Where such obtains — whether by pres- 
 sure of tumors upon the main lymph channels of a 
 part, by blocking of the same, or by diseased states of 
 the lymph glands — it is a matter of frequent observa- 
 tion that in the absence of satisfactory collateral tracts 
 the part becomes swollen and gradually the fluid swell- 
 ing gives place to a generalized, if not very extreme, 
 connective-tissue overgrowth. In such cases the cir- 
 culation of the blood through the afi^ected area is main- 
 tained, there are no positive signs of inflammation evi- 
 dent either macroscopically or microscopically. We 
 cannot recognize in the condition an attempt at repair. 
 The primary injury has been at a distance from the 
 region of fibrosis. Nevertheless, it may be argued that 
 the stagnating lymph acts in these cases as an irritant 
 to the connective-tissue cells and that the condition 
 must be regarded as a productive inflammatory fibro- 
 While this view deserves full consideration, its ac- 
 ceptance must lead us almost inevitably to a point at 
 which we become bound to regard as of inflammatory 
 origin every condition of fibroid overgrowth, whatever 
 be the stimulus. Some limit, I think, must be given 
 to our conception of what is included in the process. 
 It will be seen that thus far every example given by 
 me until the present case has been strictly within the 
 limits of the definition laid down, namely, it has been 
 reparative in its tendency and has been due to evident 
 injury to the part which becomes the seat of the fibroid 
 change. We must, I take it, decline to consider a le- 
 sion as an infiammatory fibrosis in the development 
 of which these two conditions cannot be clearlv recoc:- 
 Failing inflammatory origin, can we regard the ex- 
 ample given above as being brought about by perverted 
 nutrition pure and simple? 1 am inclined to think 
 that we cannot. We should expect perverted nutrition 
 to tell first upon other and higher tissues, but in mai.y 
 of these cases we find singularly little evidence of pri- 
 mary degeneration of nobler tissues (the muscles and 
 skin of an affected extremity, for example). Where 
 the circulation of healthy blood persists through such 
 a region there must occur constant interchange between 
 blood and lymph, and the blood must carry away the 
 products of tissue change to a considerable extent. In 
 deed we know that it is capable of vicariously remo^'- 
 ing much of the lymphatic fluid. With our present 
 knowledge, all that it is absolutely safe to say is that 
 we are here dealing with a quantitative disturbance in 
 the lymph of the region, coupled with a mechanical 
 disturbance, namely, increased extravascular and in- 
 terstitial pressure; or, to put it otherwise, the cells of 
 the connective tissue are subjected to an altered ten- 
 sion. The qualitative disturbance is of doubtful extent. 
 With these cases of obstructed lymph flow in a part 
 certain examples of elephantiasis Arabum would ap- 
 pear to be classed — provisionally. So little has been 
 accomplished in establishing the real nature of this 
 disease, or more truly of this group of diseases, that 
 the most I dare venture to say is that disturbed out- 
 flow of lymph from the affected region seems to be in 
 operation in some cases (elephantiasis lymphangiec- 
 tatica), while others present indications of venous dis- 
 turbance (elephantiasis telangiectodes) ; others again 
 (the neuromatous and lipomatous forms) can only 
 safely be described as hypertrophic conditions ap- 
 proaching peculiarly close to generalized neoplastic 
 Without discussing further the intimate nature of 
 the fibrous hyperplasia in these cases at the present 
 time, let me pass on to consider another class of cases. 
 Increased bathing of the tissue with lymph and in- 
 creased lymph tension may also result from active and 
 from passive hyperaimia. From either of these causes 
 there may be passage outward of lymph from the 
 blood-vessels in amount exceeding the efferent capac- 
 ity of the lymphatics. Here again mere increased 
 amount of lymph does not seem to lead necessarily to 
 fibrosis. Some other factor or factors must be in- 
 voked. Thus in the liver, while extreme congestion 
 leads especially to dilatation of the vessels with pres- 
 sure atrophy of the specific cells, and though presuma- 
 bly there is here increased exudation, we get little evi- 
 dence of fibrosis; long-continued moderate congestion 
 induces, on the other hand, a very evident fibrosis, 
 most marked, it is true, in the walls of and immedi- 
 ately around the intralobular branches of the hepatic 
 vein, but seen also in the interstitial substance of the 
 neighborhood. The peculiar arrangement of the new 
 fibrous tissue shows that it cannot be regarded simply 
 as an example of replacement fibrosis. The history 
 in these cases points to the long-continued action of 
 two factors — increased effusion of a not greatly altered 
 lymph and long-continued (and probably varying) pres- 
 sure affecting especially the central parts of the lobule. 
)f this 
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 The relative rarity and the slight extent of the 
 fibrous hyperplasia accompanying well-marked passive 
 congestion is in itself an indication that the quality 
 of the effused lymph plays a part in the development 
 of the hyperplasia. Neither increased amount of 
 lymph of poor quality in a part nor increased intersti- 
 tial tension alone, it would seem, is capable of induc- 
 ing overgrowth. 
 From this brief and hasty consideration of fibroid 
 changes associated with the lymphatic and venous sys- 
 tems which are not to be regarded as of inflammatory 
 origin, I will now pass on to discuss in somewhat 
 greater detail what appear to me to be allied condi- 
 tions affecting the heart and arterial system. 
 In ordinary practice apart from malformations, neo- 
 plasms, and the direct effects of trauma, the patholog- 
 ical changes of the heart valves are divided into the 
 two broad classes of acute and chronic endocarditis, 
 and although the non-committal name of arterio-scle- 
 rosis is in frequent use and although its employment 
 appears to indicate a doubt as to the exact etiology of 
 the condition, it must, I think, be admitted that such 
 arterio-sclerotic changes are regarded as inflammatory 
 in character, while sporadically the attempt is made 
 to explain them by suggesting or presupposing the ex- 
 istence of some irritant substance in the blood which 
 by direct action upon the vessel walls leads to injury 
 and to reaction in the shape of connective-tissue over- 
 growth. I see, for example, that in a recent number 
 of the British Medical Journal \\\^ apostle of uric acid, 
 Dr. Haig, suggests that a cause for sclerosis of the 
 heart valves is to be found in the irritant action of 
 his beloved uric-acid crvstals.' 
 The existence of inflammation as a cause of sclero- 
 sis is more frequently to be determined in connection 
 ' Alexander Haig : " Arthritis and Endocarditis Due to Drugs 
 which Diminish the Solvent Power of the lilood for Uric Acid," 
 Britisli Medical Joiinial, December 28, 1S95. 
 with the heart valves than with the arterial intima. 
 Thus, it is well recognized that acute valvular disease 
 may be followed by chronic thickening of one or more 
 segments, that similar thickening may follow rupture 
 of a segment, and that a valvule which has from any 
 cause become injured, whether from simple roughen- 
 ing of its surface or more usually from the develop- 
 ment upon it of vegetations, may by friction induce 
 inflammatory disturbances in the parts with which it 
 comes into contact. 
 In general these forms present an irregular or vari- 
 cose type of fibrosis, but it is often difficult, if not im- 
 possible, to distinguish from them sundry cases of 
 chronic generalized thickening in which through de- 
 generation localized disturbances have occurred in the 
 thickened valves with, it may be, ulceration, deposit 
 of fibrin, and subsequent organization. There are, 
 that is to say, doubtful cases in which it is practically 
 impossible to declare whether we are dealing with 
 processes following upon localized valve lesions or 
 with the sequelae of a generalized lesion. 
 Apart from these undoubtedly the most common 
 form of valve lesion met with in the post-mortem the- 
 atre is a generalized thickening. Perhaps generalized 
 is not a wholly correct designation, for in the slightest 
 forms it manifests itself more especially along the 
 edges of the mitral segments, and in the aortic valvules 
 it is below the line of apposition, and again at the in- 
 sertion of each segment, that the fibrosis is most 
 marked. So common is the condition that in general 
 we disregard it and, accepting it as almost physiologi- 
 cal, make no note thereof. But in the examination 
 of a series of hearts we may pass almost impercep- 
 tibly from one case to another until we reach condi- 
 tions of extreme mitral stenosis, with such extensive 
 generalized thickening of the whole valve and conse- 
 quent shortening of the new connective tissue laid 
 down that the mitral veil becomes converted into a 
 ich it 
 circular plate, or more generally into a short blunt 
 funnel with button-hole passage. And we come across 
 case after case of this category which shows no sign 
 of localized valvular disturbance either old or recent. 
 The condition affects the whole of the valve and affects 
 also the chorda: tendinete, which are thickened and 
 While in acute endocarditis and in the nodose or 
 verrucose sclerosis following upon such we find clear 
 evidence of vascularization of the valves, and sections 
 show fairly frequent vessels, this is not the case in 
 the generalized thickening here referred to. The es- 
 sential characteristic as revealed in sections is the 
 rarity of the vessels; the fibrous tissue is laid down 
 in layers parallel to the surface, and the most recent, 
 the most cellular layers are those nearest to the endo- 
 thelium — while the deepest layers, those most remote 
 from the surface, show a peculiar tendency to degener- 
 ative changes. This tendency to hyaline swelling, 
 fatty degeneration, and other evidences of necrobiosis 
 — in short, to atheroma — is in itself a demonstration 
 of lack of due vascularization and of malnutrition. 
 Indeed, although I know that Luschka and others 
 have described vessels throughout the extent of the 
 mitral valve segments, my own injections of healthy 
 hearts of several species have led me to the more gen- 
 erally accepted conclusion that the outer two-thirds of 
 the mitral are almost, of the aortic valves are quite 
 non-vascular, and to the further conclusion that 
 healthy valvules gain their nutrition in the main from 
 the blood circulating within the heart. It is, I hold, 
 by passage or circulation of the plasma through the 
 stomata of the lining endothelial cells into the lymph 
 spaces between the layers of connective tissue forming 
 the supporting frame of each normal valvule that the 
 main nutrition of the non-vascular areas of the valves 
 is effected. While a layer of the vascular myocardium 
 is contained in the proximal third or so of the seg- 
 ments, the outer two-thirds is scarce anything but a 
 fold of the endocardium. 
 That the endocardium of the heart in general gains 
 its nourishment from the blood within the chambers 
 and that the nourishing plasma may even extend for 
 some little distance beyond, is very prettily shown in 
 some cases of advanced sclerosis of the papillary mus- 
 FiG. I. — Transverse section of a papillary muscle exhibiting dystrophic 
 sclerosis to show xone of intact muscle fibres immediately beneath the en- 
 docardium, a^ Layer of intact muscle fibres beneath endocardium ; />, scle- 
 rosed areas— replacement of atrophied muscle tissue by fibrous tissue. In this 
 are venules and occasional atrophied .uiscle fibres; c\ arterioles cut trans- 
 versely, exhibitinii' thickened and sclerosed coats, and surrounded by intact 
 muscle fibres; </, periarterial sclerosis. 
 cles, which present complete fibroid metamorphosis of 
 the central area of the pillars with a zone of healthy 
 fibres all around the periphery immediately beneath 
 the endocardium. These healthy fibres present no ac- 
 companying arteries; all the arterioles coursing up 
 the papillary muscle may exhibit advanced proliferat- 
 ing endarteritis. The only and the obvious expla- 
 nation why these peripheral fibres remain is that they 
 have gained their nourishment through tlie endocar- 
 Wherever we find well-marked vascularization of the 
 outer two-thirds of the mitral valve, for example, we 
 may feel assured that there has been inflammation 
 present. The vascularization is strictly comparable 
 to that obtaining in the cornea and other non-vascular 
 areas, and indicates a development secondary to acute 
 disturbance of the organ. In the generalized thicken- 
 ing to which I have referred one is struck by the pecu- 
 liar* rarity or almost complete absence of vessels and 
 by the fact that the hypertrophic fibroid tissue is laid 
 down after the plan of the normal connective layers of 
 the region. And while obviously the neAv growth is 
 continuing and the newest tissue is situated immedi- 
 ately beneath the endothelium, we do not there recog 
 nize any characteristic presence of small round cells. 
 The appearances in this region are those of an orderly 
 Two hypotheses may be adduced to explain this 
 state of affairs : Either that the sclerosis is of inflam- 
 matory origin, the residt of an irritant mild in charac- 
 ter, causing little reaction but acting continuously over 
 a long period, or that it is non-inflammatory and com- 
 parable to the fibroses already referred to in connection 
 with the lymphatic system. 
 It is, I must frankly confess, impossible to adduce 
 sufficient proof to entirely refute the former hypothesis 
 — there may be chronic intoxications, auto-intoxica- 
 tions, or otherwise, due to substances which manifest a 
 special tendency to act upon the endocardium: but 
 such substances have not yet been isolated. Increased 
 pressure upon the valves may directly damage them 
 and the fibrosis may be the indication of a reaction to 
 chronic injury, but the thickening would appear to be 
 progressive and to continue until a condition is reached 
 out of all proportion to the injury. We find, therefore, 
 no absolute and sufficient reason for regarding the con- 
 dition as of inflammatory origin. Nevertheless, the 
 mere fact that we at present are ignorant of any imme- 
 diate cause for the production of this lesion is not 
 suflicient ground for flatly denying the existence of 
 such cause, and even the fact that the microscopic ap- 
 pearances are not those of ordinary inflammation is not 
 proof positive that the process which has led to the 
 lesion has not been essentially of an inflammatory na- 
 I cannot, that is to say, hold it proved or disproved 
 that generalized sclerosis of the cardiac valves is in all 
 cases of inflammatory nature. And the matter being 
 thus an open one, it may be well to hold it possible 
 that the second alternative may be correct and to seek 
 for evidence in support of it. 
 Now, it is interesting to note that just those conditions 
 in which there is a liability for the production of gen- 
 eralized thickening of the heart valves are clinically 
 conditions in which there is found heightened arterial 
 tension, conditions which also bring about arterio-scle- 
 rosis. It is just in these conditions that we might ex- 
 pect to have, with increased pressure, increased nutri- 
 tion of the endocardium and of the intima — increased 
 passage of plasma from the intracardiac blood through 
 the endothelium, or perhaps, more correctly, between the 
 endothelial cells. And I cannot but consider that this 
 increased nutrition coupled with increased strain may 
 afford a satisfactory explanation for this condition of 
 so-called chronic endocarditis. Such a proof as one 
 would desire of the correctness of this opinion is diffi- 
 cult if not impossible to devise, for the condition is the 
 production not of a few hours but, not to exaggerate, of 
 many weeks. Experiments upon the subject are al- 
 most if not quite outside the range of experimental pa- 
 thology. Yet certain considerations appear to support 
 the view. Roy and I,' for example, found that by con- 
 ' Roy ami Adami : " On Failure of the Heart from Overstrain," 
 British Medical Jounial, December 15, 1 888. 
 striding the first part of the aorta in the clog and in 
 the rabbit and thereby raising the blood pressure within 
 the heart, we were able in the course of a few minutes 
 to bring about the production of numerous small pearly 
 vesicles along the edges of apposition of the mitral and 
 aortic valves, and we could onlv account for this devel- 
 opment by assuming that with the increased blood 
 pressure the plasma of the blood had been driven into 
 the substance of the valve, and that the pearly vesicles 
 of lymph (or plasma) appeared where they did because 
 at these regions the difference between the pressure on 
 one side of the valve segments and on the other was most 
 in evidence. We obtained, so we held, clear proof that 
 with increased blood pressure increased fluid penetrates 
 the valve substance. It is important to note that simi- 
 lar pearly elevations are generally regarded as the first 
 indication of valve disease. 
 But, as I have already pointed out, it is unsafe to re- 
 gard increased nutrition alone as a cause of connective- 
 tissue hypertrophy, and if we cast round to find what 
 other factor there may be 1 am inclined to consider 
 that it may briefly be entitled increased strain or ten- 
 sion acting upon the individual connective-tissue cells. 
 The idea may at first appear transcendental ; we are 
 not accustomed to think of the connective-tissue frame- 
 work of the organism as being strained or, to carry this 
 view to its logical conclusion, performing work. We 
 only regard the nobler tissues as workers — the muscle 
 fibres, the nerve cells and the specific cells of the 
 glands. Nevertheless, we acknowledge freely that in- 
 creased work thrown upon one of the connective tissues 
 — namely, bone — does lead to its hypertrophy. It is 
 a matter of common observation that not only are the 
 bones of those accustomed to active exercise larger and 
 heavier than the bones of the sedentary, but also that 
 where any muscles are strongly developed there bony 
 ridges and bony overgrowths are most developed at their 
 origins and insertions. 
 The factors leading to this overgrowth may be 
 suninied up under the comprehensive title of increased 
 work. And in connection w ith connective tissue where 
 there is any force in action tending to draw apart and 
 pull upon the constituents of the tissue — whether the 
 force acts from without or (as in cases of increased 
 effusion of lymph) from within the tissue — where, in 
 short, there is a strain upon the components of the tis- 
 sue — there, if we regard the work of the connective tis- 
 sues, as is most plausible, as being to bind together and 
 support other tissues, undoubtedly that work is in- 
 creased and, granting that at the same time the nutrition 
 remains good, we have a condition favorable to in- 
 creased growth. A /(>rt/(?r/ wti img}\t expect such hy- 
 pertrophy where simultaneously the amount of nutrition 
 is increased. 
 I suggest this very tentatively, for I have a horror of 
 far-fetched pathology and an accompanying belief that 
 the fuller our knowledge of a subject the simpler and 
 more straightforward do we find the laws governing the 
 associated phenomena, and it is only because the idea 
 is straightforward and is in harmony with our knowl- 
 edge of occurrences in connection with other tissues 
 that I venture to formulate it. My aim in these lec- 
 tures is throughout not to dictate but to suggest and 
 call attention to the many diverse conditions which may 
 bear a part in the production of increased fibrous tis- 
 sue. At most I will here urge that it is possible that 
 increased functional activity of the connective tissues 
 results under favojable conditions in increased growth 
 of the same. 
 Passing now to the arteries, we find that just as the 
 muscular walls and pericardium of the heart are nour- 
 ished by the coronary vessels, so the media and ad- 
 ventitia of the arteries are nourished by the vasa 
 vasorum, whereas in health the intima appears to be 
 non-vascular. Indeed, where it is well developed, the 
 internal elastic lamina appears to constitute a boun- 
 clary line between the vascular and non-vascular areas 
 of the arteries. We are forced, I hold, to re<;ard the 
 intinia as nourished from the blood circulating^ within 
 the arteries. 
 The diseases to which the arterial walls are subject 
 are closely comparable with those of the heart. 
 There can, for example, be undoubted inflammation; 
 we may even have collections of pus cells separating 
 the intima from the media, although this is very 
 rare and is always secondary to a purulent mesarte- 
 ritis, the pus cells wandering into the intima from the 
 vessels of the media. Facu in cases of septic embo- 
 lism or thrombosis, necrosis is the lirst noticeable 
 change in the intima, and the invasion of leucocytes 
 appears to be associated with the later inHammation 
 of the media and adventitia. Rather more frequent 
 is an acute productive inHammation, seen especially in 
 the first portion of the aorta. 'I'his appears to be sec- 
 ondary to simi; ir verrucose, subacute, and ulcerous in- 
 flammation of the aortic valvules. It is characterized 
 by the development of almost papillomatous or warty 
 processes projecting into the lumen of the aorta, and 
 these are richly cellular and also vascularized from the 
 vasa vasorum. They are often covered by a layer of 
 But these ob\'iouslv inHammatorv conditions are 
 relatively rare. The most common form of arterial 
 disease in the larger arteries is that termed by Vir- 
 chow endarteritis chronica nodosa sive deformans, the 
 arterio-sclerosis of Lobstein, or atheroma. I need not 
 here enter into statistics concerning its frequency, or 
 take up your time by details concerning the forms that 
 it may assume. I will accept Dr. Councilman's classi- 
 fication,' simply modifying his terminology to indicate 
 my doubts as to the endarteritic or inflammatory na- 
 ^ Councilman: " On the Relations between Arterial Disease and 
 Tissue Changes. 
 Trans. Association American I'hysicians, vi., 
 1S91, p. 179. 
 ture of tlic coiulilions. With him, therefore, I would 
 clistin<;uish i^a) a uocluhir arterio-sclerosis, {/>) senile 
 arterio-sclerosis, and (c) diffuse arlerio-sclerosis; and 
 would with him acknowledge that these three forms 
 merj^e one into the other, l-'or our purpose, as throw- 
 in*; lijj;ht upon the nature of the conditif)n, the nodu- 
 lar form, the true endarteritis nodosa of Virchow, is 
 that to which I would more especially call your at- 
 'J'he process ]ie<:jins l\v the development of semi- 
 transparent, almost gelatinous, plaques here and there 
 upon the walls of the aorta and larger vessels, most 
 often in the neighborhood of and around the orifice 
 of some side branch. Where the process is older the 
 placjues are found firm, dense, and of almost cartilag- 
 inous hardness, and with this stage the deeper regions 
 of the pla(.(ues exhibit manifest degenerative changes, 
 passing on to the deposit of calcareous salts in the 
 necrol)iotic substance. 
 If we examine these plaques we are struck by the 
 following peculiarities: (i) The endothelium over the 
 plaque is continuous and apparently unaffected ; (2) 
 the new tissue is laid down regularly in layers paral- 
 lel to the endothelium; (3) the connective tissue of 
 the intima in the immediate neighborhood of the 
 plaque passes imperceptibly into the hypertrophied 
 connective tissue forming the plaque; there is no 
 boundary line to be made out; (4) the oldest layers 
 of the plaque are evidently those nearest to the elastic 
 lamina, the most recent are beneath the endothelium 
 and farthest away from the vasa vasorum of the media; 
 and (5) the plaque is devoid of vessels save and except 
 in those cases in which there is an evident attempt at 
 the removal of the necrosed atheromatous material, and 
 vessels penetrate into the atheromatous mass from the 
 media in a manner comparable with their passage into 
 a thrombus. Such passage, it will be recognized, is 
 of purely secondary nature — the fibrous tissue has de- 
 veloped and undergone degeneration before it takes 
 The picture presented is not one usually associated 
 with intlamination. The picture is ratiier what we 
 sh(Hild exj^ect to find in an orderly connective-tissue 
 hypertrophy, while the degeneration appearing in the 
 deeper layers is what might i)e expecteil to occur in a 
 non-vascular area in which layer after layer of con- 
 Fir,. 2. — Section of the Aorta from a Case of N'odosc Artcrio-scltrosis. i, 
 Thick Ia\'er of iiypfrplastic coniuTtivc tisMic iyinj,^ immccliatcly bt-iicath the 
 endothfcliiim; 2, hyaline and fatty dcxciR-ration of tlic lower layers of tlie 
 intinia; 3, internal layers of the media, staining poorly and havin.i,' a liyahnd 
 appearance; 4, outer layers of the media— cellular infiltration around the 
 vasa vasorum.i 
 nective tissue cut off these deeper parts from their or- 
 dinary source of nutrition. Indeed, the sharp defini- 
 tion of the necrosed and calcareous tissue at the in- 
 ternal elastic lamina is often very remarkable and 
 ' For this specimen and that from which Fig. 3 has been made 
 I am indebted to Dr. G. H. Mathewson, who is studying the 
 cases of arterio-scierosis occurring at the Royal Victoria Hospi- 
 tal, Montreal. 
 would appear not only to afford a proof of the correct- 
 ness of the view that the intima is nourished from the 
 interior of the artery, but also would suggest that the 
 internal elastic lamina performs a very definite func- 
 tion in separating two vascular areas. 
 This, however, is not the whole picture. Con- 
 stantly accompanying and indeed preceding the 
 changes in the intima, there is to be recognized an 
 injury or degeneration of the outer coats, whether 
 of specific, inflammatory causation (as in cases re- 
 corded by Thoma and Peabody), or whether due to 
 more obscure alterations in nutrition associated with 
 disturbances of the vasa vasorum. In many cases 
 these small vessels are congested and present either an 
 infiltration of small round cells in their immediate 
 neighborhood or the development of surrounding 
 fibrous tissue. The muscle fibres of the media fre- 
 quently exhibit hyaline and other degenerative 
 changes, and there may be some replacement fibrosis, 
 or again evidences of more extensive failure of nutri- 
 tion and of necrobiosis in the shape of small areas of 
 calcareous deposit. That is to say, the media is very 
 definitely affected and, as Thoma's experiments have 
 fully proved, each plaque of overgrowth of the intima 
 corresponds to a localized giving way of the arterial 
 wall, to a localized slight bulging of the same; for 
 by injecting affected arteries with paraffin under a 
 pressure of one hundred and sixty millimetres of mer- 
 cury, Thoma obtained a smooth cylindrical mould 
 showing no signs of depressions corresponding to any 
 projecting plaques; the hypertrophied intima fills and 
 obliterates the slight bulgings or pouches of the outer 
 coats. However produced, there can be no question 
 that we have here to deal with a compensatory hyper- 
 trophy of the intima. 
 In the diffuse form also Thoma has demonstrated 
 that the growth of connective tissue in the intima has 
 a similar compensatory nature. 
 Is this process to be denominated an inflammation? 
 Thoma and his pupils have shown that a thicken- 
 ing of the intima which they regard as strictly analo- 
 gous is to be met with in the arteries of amputated 
 limbs, in the portion of the aorta between the ductus 
 Botalli and the offset of the umbilical arteries imme- 
 diately following upon birth, in the uterine arteries 
 after menstruation has set in, and still more clearly 
 after childbirth; so to a less extent in the splenic ar- 
 teries. All these latter cases must surely be classed 
 among physiological rather than pathological reac- 
 tions. Surely it is impossible to class a normal con- 
 stant change, such as the overgrowth of the aortic 
 intima following upon birth, as an inflammation. Nev- 
 ertheless Thoma refers — or referred — to all these as 
 conditions of compensatory endarteritis. But if he is 
 right — and I do not see that he is not — in grouping 
 all these cases, physiological and pathological, into 
 one common class and ascribing to all a common 
 causation, then not one ought strictly to be regarded 
 as of inflammatory origin. 
 Thoma would explain his compensatory endarteritis 
 according to the following law, namely, that the con- 
 dition is to be ascribed to a slowing of the blood cur- 
 rent. If this slowing be not arrested by a contraction 
 of the media and consequent narrowing of the artery, 
 leading to more rapid flow, then there occurs a new 
 growth in the intima which leads to the same end — 
 causing the lumen to become narrowed and the cur- 
 rent to be restored to its normal rate. 
 He thus holds, and in this we must agree with him, 
 that the primary lesion in arterio-sclerosis is a defect, 
 a giving way, of the media, due to loss of elasticity 
 however produced — and the only factor that he judges 
 capable of explaining both the physiological and the 
 pathological cases of connective-tissue overgrowth in 
 the intima, and which is common to all cases, is rela- 
 tive slowing of the blood current. It is difficult to 
 follow his explanation of the mechanism whereby such 
 slowing induces the hyperplasia of the fibrous tissue. 
 Even if this slowing leads, as he indicates, to func- 
 tional disturbance of the vasa vasorum, I cannot see 
 how these vessels influence the nutrition of the intima. 
 As I have said, I cannot find evidence that in healthy 
 arteries or in the earlier stages of arterio-sclerosis any 
 branches of these vessels pass into the intima. The 
 process within the " bandelette " (as French histolo- 
 gists term the internal elastic lamina) appears to be at 
 first sharply cut off from that occurring outside the 
 same, and to be of a different nature— the new growth 
 does not appear to develop from the neighborhood of 
 Fic;. 3.— Section of the Aorta from a Case of Nodose Arlcrio-sclerosis, to show 
 the bulging and thiiininsj; of the media, prepared by Dr. JMatliewson ; 
 ma.Lcnified 8 diameters. The section sliows also the hyaline de;tjeneration of 
 the deeper layers of the overgrown intima, and the persistence of a fine 
 layer of less altered intima tissue immediately beneath the media. The 
 media in this case showed evidences (jf calcareous degeneration in patches, 
 with some hyaline change. 
 the " bandelette" and in the proximity of branches of 
 the vasa vasorum entering the intima, did they exist 
 (save, as I have already stated, secondarily to degener- 
 ative changes), but occurs at a region farthest away 
 from such branches. At most a thin and in general 
 hyaline degenerated layer may frequently be found 
 lying between the calcified atheromatous mass in the 
 overgrown intima and the internal elastic lamina. 
 This would indicate that a small amount of nutrition 
 is derived from the media. On the other hand, the 
 examination of numerous sections would indicate that 
 after the degeneration of the lower layers of the intima 
 and the deposit there of a dense calcareous mass, 
 growth still occurs actively and new layers become 
 formed immediately beneath the endothelium. Were 
 the main nutrition from the vasa vasorum of the media 
 'ic. 4. — Section of an Arti'ry of Medi- 
 um Size, from the collection at 
 McGill University. ['I'his had 
 been employed as a test specimen 
 for the class and its label removed 
 so that its exact oriifin cannot be 
 stated.] I, Intact endothelium; 
 2, layers of fibrous hyperplasia ; 
 3, hyaline degeneration of the 
 fibrous tissue ; 4, layer of calcare- 
 ous degeneration lying in immediate: 
 proximity to 5, the internal elas- 
 tic lamina, .somewhat swollen ; 6, 
 media presenting no distinct evi- 
 dences of disease. 
 Fk;. 5.— Section of Coronary Artery 
 from a Case of general Arterio- 
 .sclerosis, to show the persistence of 
 a layer of but slightly altered con- 
 nective tissue between the internal 
 elastic lamina and the layer of 
 calcareous degeneration. In this 
 artery there had evidently been, as 
 indicated at 4, two successive 
 periods of sclerotic thickening of 
 the intima, corresponding to a giv- 
 ing way of the media in two places. 
 this would not be possible, and malnutrition in conse- 
 quence of disturbances in these vessels would lead to 
 the production of wedges of degeneration extending 
 toward the lumen, rather than to plaques of degenera- 
 tion lying deep down in the thickened intima close to 
 the internal elastic lamina. 
 Thus I cannot but conclude that disturbances in the 
 vasa vasorum are incapable of immediately originat- 
 ing the changes that occur in the intima. There may 
 be fibroid, hyaline, and necrotic changes in all the 
 coats of an artery, but the sequence of changes in the 
 intima does not maintain a strict dependence upon 
 and direct association with the sequence in the media 
 and adventitia. 
 Alterations in the vasa vasorum failing to explain 
 the new growth, I am compelled to fall back upon al- 
 tered tension as a factor to be adduced in partial ex- 
 planation of these cases of increased growth. With 
 Thoma we may possibly also call in the agency of the 
 sensory and trophic nerves as governing the growth, 
 but here we enter further upon speculative ground. 
 They may play — they probably play — an active part, 
 but we have no direct evidence that they do. 
 The most that we can safely urge is that with rela- 
 tive expansion of an artery or portion of an artery there 
 must be an altered tension acting upon the cells of the 
 intima of the affected region — that accepting the view 
 that the intima is nourished from within the lumen, 
 anything which will lead to increased passage of the 
 blood plasma into the subendothelial layers of the in- 
 tima may at the same time lead to an increased strain 
 upon the connective-tissue cells of the intima, and so 
 to increased proliferation of the same. 
 If this be so, we may have another ground than the 
 histological appearance for regarding the condition as 
 non-inflammatory; we have to deal with a stimulus 
 rather than injury to the cells of the intima, and may 
 see in the fibrous hyperplasia a response to a physio- 
 logical stimulus rather than a reaction to injury. In 
 any case with our present knowledge, limited as it is, I 
 would urge that the non-committal term of arterio- 
 sclerosis is preferable to that of chronic endarteritis. 
 Than this latter the term chronic arteritis is more ac- 
 ceptable, for in connection with the artery as a whole 
 as distinguished from the intima there is in the giving 
 way and thinning of the media evidence of injury, and 
 in the intima as well as in the media, and it may be 
 in the adventitia also, evidence of repair — of the 
 Fig. 6. — From a Section of the left Ventricle of a Patient dyinjj; from aortic 
 stenosis with general arterio-sclerosis, to show mixed dystrophic (ci) and 
 periarterial fibrosis {//). 
 artery as a whole, not of the intima ; an arteritis, not 
 an endarteritis. 
 The distinction I admit is fine drawn, yet I am com- 
 pelled to acknowledge that it exists. I cannot ac- 
 knowledge a physiological inflammation, and if, as 
 Thoma points out, the initial process is identical in 
 physiological overgrowth of the intima and that occur- 
 ring in arterio-sclerosis, then the latter process must 
 be regarded as functional. Were some irritant discov- 
 ered capable of directly inducing the hyperplasia of 
 the intima, the case might present a different facies. 
 That such i ; irritant exists is, it seems to me, highly 
 improbable. The peculiar contrast between the pul- 
 monary and the systemic arteries in their liability to 
 arterio-sclerotic changes is strongly suggestive of the 
 action of differences in the circulation as explaining 
 the contrast and not of the action of any irritative 
 component of the blood. 
 I do but suggest this, and suggest it most tentative- 
 ly. I shall feel rewarded if the suggestion leads to 
 increased study into the phenomena underlying some 
 of the commonest and most important forms of con- 
 nective-tissue overgrowth. We are so woefully igno- 
 rant of the causation of such common conditions as 
 chronic valve disease and arterio-sclerosis that I feel 
 that, even if the views here enunciated originate strong 
 and successful opposition, the stimulus they may have 
 given to further investigation will be an ample 
 The whole matter, as it appears to me, resolves it- 
 self into this : " Can we regard fibrous connective tis- 
 sue as following the same laws as the higher tissues 
 and so as undergoing hypertrophy in consequence of 
 increased work or increased strain brought to bear 
 upon it?" If we can, then it would seem that we can 
 divide off an important series of fibroses from the 
 huge class of inflammatory fibroses. If we cannot, 
 then we must continue to regard all fibroses save the 
 neoplastic as chronic " itides." 
 Provisionally, therefore, I would divide the various 
 forms of fibrosis as shown in the diagram, namely: 
 A. Of inflammatory origin : 
 1. Replacement. 
 2. Productive. 
J St 
 3. Combined productive and replacement. 
 4. Neoplastic. 
 B. Neoplastic, of undetermined causation: 
 I. True fibromata. 
 C. Of functional origin : 
 1. Lymphatic. 
 2. Venous. 
 3. Arterial. 
 There are very many individual cases of fibroid 
 change that I have not discussed in these two lectures. 
 To have done so would have consumed too much time 
 and would have carried us still farther into conjectural 
 regions. But the cases that I have brought before you 
 represent, 1 believe, the main types of fibrosis; and 
 those not here taken into consideration will, I believe, 
 fall into one or other of the main classes here indi- 
 In conclusion I beg, Mr. President, to thank you 
 and all the members for your great courtesy in endur- 
 ing so patiently the long discourse that I have in- 
 flicted upon you, and once again to thank you for the 
 honor you have conferred upon me in inviting me to 
 deliver these lectures.