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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de ('angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessairo. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. rrata aelure, 1 ^ 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 IT TORONTO AGIEIV'C^, S KI!VG STREET VILEST. JAMES FRASER, Agent. LIVERPOOL & LONDON ^ixt mxA msURAKCB COMPANY. HEAD OFFICES. 1 Balb Street, Liverpool. 20 & 21 PoUiTRY, LOSDOS, mi t i HEAD OFFICBj CANADA. BRANCH* Company- s Bttildtngs, coh^^er ot Placb d'Abmss AND Great St, James Street, Montreal* CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS. T. B. Anderson, Esq., Chairman. Alex. Simpson, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Henry Chapman, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Ed. J. S. Maitland, Esq. Hy. Starnes, Esq., M.P.P J. H. Maitland, Esq., Resident Secretary. G. F. C. Smith, Esq., Resident Assist. Secretary. F. A. Ball, Esq., Inspector of Agencies. y~\ BEPOET OF THE DIBECTOBS OF THB firs: and IiIF£ IJVSlJRAlVCi: COMPAIVY To the Twenty-sixth Annual General Meeting of the Proprietors J held pursuant to the Proviso ions of the Deed of Settlement ^ on the I3th day of Febrtmryj 1862, in the Public Sales^ Roorrif Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool, The event? of the year 1861 have pressed with un- usual severity on the interests and resources of Fire Insurance Cop anies. That pressure, however, has demonstrated tnat the ability of those institutions is equal to the heaviest strain, and that the almost un- limited confidence reposed in them, is fully warranted. The Liverpool and London has had to meet its share of the disasters, but the laree addition to its rev- enue enables the Directors to render, notwithstanding, the following not unfavorable account of the year's experience and results. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Premiums received for Insurance against Fire amount to .£360,130 19s. 9d. Whilst those for 1860 were 313,725 12 7 Showing an Increase in the year of j£46,405 7 2 i L'^'fl I The Directors conceive that these figures, coupled > with the fact that to the augmentation of the Pre- ) miums all the branches, with one trifling exception, have contributed, will be deemed satisfactory by the Sroprietors. They know how frequent and how serious res have been, and will recognize in the important progress now reffistered the best evidence that in all things and at all times the reputation of the Com- pany has been cared for and the public confidence secured. The losses of the year amount to £249,313 198 5d. LIFE DEPARTMENT. A large Life business has also been transacted. The number of Life Policies issued is 754, insuring £448,- 662, and producing in premiums £13,793 13s 6d. The accounts show that the total received from this source was £135,974 28 3d, and the amount of claims paid £75,132 9s 2d. Of the annuitants, thirteen have died, to whom £273 7s 4d was annually payable ; and fifty- one new bonds have been issued, under which the annuities are £1960 13s lOd. The total sum now pay- able in annuities is £21,271 17s 2d, and the balance at the credit of the department at the close of 1861 is £762,262 15s 9d ; against that of 1860, £707,785 7s 3d ; showing an addition of £54,477 8s 6d to the Life re- serve as the result of the business of the year. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS AND AGENCIES. The proprietors will not fail to perceive that much of the improvement now noted is to be ascribed to the activity and zeal of those who, at greater or less dis- tance from the centres of operation, labor earnestly and ably to advance the interests of the Company m their respective localities. RESERVED SURPLUS FUND. This Fund now amounts to £216,421 lis Ud. PROFIT AND LOSS. The balance at the credit of this account is £200,496 3s 9d., and from it the Directors propose to take the same dividend which the Proprietors have received lor pK2^los«; ::::::::::: g \ij :ei,311,906 7 5 This larffe sum is satisfactorily invested and bh^i, r^«^ r.ti^^^'^fi"^'^"' *^^ Directors look back with som#» ^^li^^' Chairman, in moving the adoption of fliP t?^ losses which had beeu sustained at the ?ommencemS JfCred etfdallv fn^T "f "* «l«rin/the1ast"y'earThf io/„^ ii ^^Pccially to the London fire. He eomrratn lated the proprietors on the result ol the veir and pv* pressed an opinion tliat there was no nrobablKtv nf v»j;^^"'^°^*'J'/"'^i'« *o a'-'-est the progress of that^ad lu rZ^lTr wa« carried unanimously. thik- ^HAKi'i's MozLKY moved a vote of thanks tr, iKhatZ "B"oa;S '^f ^'?'"«. «aid t2*e7mVst all Ve° beTa ll^^ti^n%^?rin?Ir?^^^^^^^^ quite true that the progress of the LiveTp^ooTand Lon! .1- le riiT«rl h"'"^"^?. Company had been of an extraor- ress 7ot nnTv^fn^.S' ^/* "^^^ "^"^^ ^""b"^^ «^^^t prog. liil.u?} ^Tt*? ^^R ^'^'•^^ of events, but to tlie care and "«^"^ vr"" P^^^ ^y *^^^ I^oard of Management. Th^ r^f seconded the motion, which was carried, to hfm nnH^?-^ K acknowledged the compliment paid thnnfrnn?.'^ his brother directoFs. He remarked that the Directors were using the best means in their bum- ble power to carry out tie concern in all its integrity -with uprightness and honour, both as regarSI the Ken^'^'oVanv'!!? ^''"^^.1- lY^ ^^^ nrvfr'relted ^Sdfi'^ for ^^^^^'"^ ""'J"'^"* ^'^^^"g ^"IP^*^ anrt full grounds tor so doing. In continuing their services thi ^rosneritv^^^^^^^^^ ^^ "^l ^^ *^^^^ P^^'^^ t« P^^^^^^^^^ M? A^P /r^t**"' great concern. (Applause.) to^Illvt^X; r •T^''^'' moved that the retiring direc- l?«rw ««yf • ^^I'no^ir^ Haigh, Littledale, Jvfarriott, M^^'^^^T'^^^"' a«^ Tobin-be re-elected. wa^caJiied u^anfmo^u^^^^^^^ *^^ ^^*^^"' ^^^^^ M?Rmo^J"?ho V^^^"- ^- ^^^^^' seconded by Mr. Boards o7hiiin?^' Tk'^ ^^^^^. t^ *1^^ various ^loca 7Mk o I^irectors at home and abroad. resTwtPd'^Jn^A^ P^^PP^^i a vote of thanks to their respected Secretary, Mr. Boult. An experience of ^I^i'^yjS^''^^^ a member of the Board of I)i?ecto?8 enabled him to speak of the services of Mr BouU who ^ho^^^'^"^^"^ T?" *^ main spoke of the prosperity ^^ the concern. Applause.) Hfe would not in their W hi^Z^cult^Z''^^'^ '^'^' intoTdescK^^^ ^L?^^^!^'^ merits; he was active-he (the chair- he^wni'l^r «^."^,««^^8 that he was a little sanguine —he was active, industrious, and, he believed as hon- ourable as any gentleman in Liverpool. ' ^ Mr RS^r^'l'' v'''' ^as, carried by acclamation. mflnm.r^L^''^''''r^.^^#?^ ^^^ compliment in a suitable XavfhP fin^'n'^'^^^ir^^/.^^^^^ t^^«ted he shoiSd thPrnm^t^^t'' f^P"?^ *?^t t^® loss sustained by thtm'eeting bV"^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ *^ *^^ ^^^^^^^°' ^^^ oTcrrxT^^. GEORGE GRANT, Chairman. SWINTON BOULT, Secretary. a2 O €0 €0 LJ O o it > Z < QL o o z o o z o Q z < o o a It > X o in 00 UJ O z 0) Q S «5 OJ M « ^ f-H lO Oi CO o 00 o o 04 o 0^2 rH 00 CO t^ IC '^ tf5 O^ !> r^ f-i CO ^ •. ^ i^ CQ !> CQ t^ e? ^ rH ^ Od O O 1>- CO CO Oi tH ^ ca o lO Csl CO Crt 04 CO rH CO r-l O )C CO 00 00 cx> CO *-H 04 ^co a o pfi o nH '*^ BQ § ^ '^ HI'S 1-^ CO . 'fa CO o .a » ^ CO llJ < S CO 02 p s •S3 P o a o <1> ■fa lA'A'A CO s O -^^ -J « o CO CO O H-5 o ■*-> • rH CO CO 2? O a 03 B CO CO +-» S S3 a a 3 G s rH fl OJ oj s ^ CO OS OQ Oi (V o aa oi m CO CO CO o o o ^S 0) 3 Of Q. U — « •^ CO b ^ C (3* US »* o ■«-. (i> ;«; as g ^ to C3 M *^ 2i ® OS'S •5Sg o o O be J^ o a a 'I? 1^ <2h •j OS ^ ■ '20 »^ 00 oS "^ c^ a © -< 03 «-; !t! ^ O « Pm ,^ o Cm O o B Y TABLE Showing the Ra.;, Progress an fHE LIVERTOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND I I i B^IBB DEPARTMENT. CAPITAL AND RE8ERVI Amount Amount Amount Capital on o*" or of each whicli ^ V ^ Year's Dividend 1 Premium. ] Loisei^ 1 Dividend* wag Paid. £ ' #. ' l«. £ •• d. £ $. £ . 0. (! 1836 9970 11 7 :0T9 4 8 • • • • • • \ 1 < 1837 11986 17 2 5173 3458 16 66175 6 ( 1838 16640 13 10 23682 14 10 3471 17 6 6948V 10 I c 1839 19026 9 10609 12 9 3471 17 6 69487 10 c 1840 20697 18 2 1888 5 6 3471 17 6 69437 10 r 1841 20682 19 11 10758 17 8 3380 12 6 67612 10 c 1842 23805 11 7 46620 13 8 3380 12 6 67612 10 c 1843 48246 8 I 44260 13 10 3380 12 6 67612 10 c 1844 68239 5 5 14060 7 8 11930 12 6 796;^7 10 (] *1845 60193 U 4232 12 6 36730 17 6 101992 10 c 1846 47763 1 24866 10 7 46270 10 3 186092 10 c 1847 41402 14 19752 8 10 36379 1 4 188047 10 tl848 36472 18 I 8169 9 8 33160 17 6 188047 10 1849 36617 15 4 18637 14 24098 5 4 188547 10 1850 42928 7 3 7416 1 1 24834 15 188547 10 c 1861 54305 17 9 9276 6 1 34992 2 11 196697 10 1862 98664 14 10 59091 11 36125 15 3 198072 10 1863 113612 4 6 42846 1 35799 4 8 199322 10 1864 146096 15 9 94178 19 9 38458 9 10 $168568 1866' 186271 16 11 98669 9 41880 16 170868 1856 222279 10 6 108306 16 10 48314 18 7 175008 1867 289251 4 166240 7 6 66895 2 188422 1868 276058 7 190372 19 7 56961 6 188702 1869 296414 8 10 20ir'^5 Y n 56153 8 188702 1860 313725 12 t 225832 4 7 56213 8 188902 1861 360130 19 9 249313 19 5 56252 6 189002 * Rates of Premium largely reduced, t A fUrther large reduction of Rs Y Ri3 ;, Progress and Present Position of >0N FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. »ITAL AND BESERYBD FUITDS. 2.IFE DBPABTMBN7. * it Capital on Amoiuat Amount I which Accumulat* or Premiuio, or Claims. 1^ d. Dividend Wftg Paid. ed Fun da U < o d. ^ . f. d. ^ «• l.-~-€ash in Bank of Montreal. , S8,505 86 Frov'in. Government Bonds. 51,61()'l0 Montreal Harbor *« --'-^^"-^^ •* Waterworks" *' City « Quebec Harbor Loans and Morteagea JJeal Estate .._, Balance due by A^rontH. O2O£2OOCD0iC0OOOT*HC0O(MOi0O©©"-» ^»l*^^<^.'-< OO eS CO (M Oi Oi 00 Tt< 00 ^ JrJ< . 13 O »H -H boos 5 S ^ o 55 1 1 -^ ^i SS88fe88S ?3 w ^rH Oi^CO CO pH <^ O 2 rs ^ s ^"^t>" «o »o tH U3 r-l C :© •O r. © • ■«« : o * 00 :-"g ua^a^ CD r-t