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Laa diagrammas suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '^ A i^^ .A: "VOTEKS' LIST m ^v' LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE YEAR 1891 MUNICIPALITY OF THE ID H Stratliburn Wardsville 3 C'lshmere Glencoe IS ew bury Knapdale Schedule of Post Offices. 7 Kilmartin 8 AlvinstoM i) Chatham 10 Dresden 11 Bothwell 12 London 13 Toronto 14 Ridgetown 15 Mount Brydges 16 Button IV Dorchester Stat'n 18 Walkers 19 Woodstock 20 Belleville 21 St. Thomas 22 Heather 2a Oakdale 24 Delaware List of Voters. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. I. C„.p.Wn. aU .hat pan of the^-^p^o.^Mosa .y.„. west o< the U„e hetw«„ PART I -Persons entitled to Vote at both MunJ^'P?' Elec- tions and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. NAME. Allan, David Allan, Charles Allan, Ishmael Armstrong, Alexander Armstrong, Hugh, jr. Armstrong, Matthew Armstrong, James Armstrong, Robert B Blott, Wm. R. J. Blain, Peter Blain, Joseph Bristow, William Bristow, Charles Bristow, David 428 462 Clements, Herbert Camplin, Robert D Dykes, William T^ ^^tn TannO Dixon, Michael Dale, Charles O LOT. 1 rs 1 rs 1 r n 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con (ttlier Descriiition. 30 w pt 29 core 30 nhfl7 nhfn nhf 17 s hf n hf 19 nhf nhf 19 Irs 2rn 2r n 1 con 1 con 1 con bf 18 w hf s hf 18 shf 19 e hf n hf 23 e hf n hf 23 w hf n hf 23 2fon 3 con whfnhf21 w hf s hf 20 2rn n hf 18 Irs e hf 22 Irs ipt 28 Irn 'shf 21 M P and owner M P and occup't M P and occup't M P and owner M F and P s M P and P s M P and owner M P and owner M P and owner M P and owner M P and owner M P and owner M P and tenant M p and owner M P and owner 5 M P and owner M P and owner M P and tenant iM p and owner M P and owner, 2 4 4 4 & 5 Voters' List, Towmhip of Mosa, 1891.— Polling SubDivmon No. 1. o 3 3 3 5 5 h J 5| J 2 2 s o §1 a NAME. 21 ;263 'Duckworth, Lawrence 22 <294 Deming, Prosper 23 ;427 Douailas, Jaraea I 46 24 25 26 27 2^ 30 31 32 33 34 35 33 106 lEveringham, Adoram 246 I Edwards, Cornelius 247 Edwards. George W. 293 Everett, Richard iW Flensing, Alexander 9' iFieniing, Gzowski B. ■^ Fleming, Samuel 91 Fleming, John 97 9« 291 292 432 37 168 38 199 39 200 40 201 li 202 42 206 43 207 44 335 45 3J8 Gibb, Singleton Gibb, John S. Glasgow, Thomas Glasgow. James Gillett, William H Hennan, .Tames Harold, Thomas Harold, James Harold, George Harris. Henry Hoooer, Isaac Hooper, Abraham D. Hewett, George Hewitt. Benjamin 295 Jackson, William H. K 47 48 49 51 1571 'Kane Patrick 4(0 JKelley, William 433 Kf nt, John 568 Kane. Daniel C at LOT. Other Description. 2rn 'spt27 2rn neptnhfn 2 con ehfnhf21 Irs 2rn 2rn 2f n Irs 1 rs Irs 1 rs 1 rs Irs 2rn 2rn 2 con pt 28 and 29 w hf s hf 17 w hf s hf 17 n pt n hf 17 23 25 25 nhf 27 8pt27 ept28 s pt n hf 17 s pt n hf 17 w hf n hf 22 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 1 con 1 con e pt 8 hf 23 eptnhf 18 e pt n hf 18 e pt n hf 18 w hf 18 e pt n hf 22 e pt n hf 22 gore 27 and 28 n hf gore 26 ,2rn |nhfl9 ;! con 2 con ]4 con |4 con 4 con li F and owner M F and owner M p and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M p and occup't M F and owner M p and owner M P and owner M F and F s M p and owner M p and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M p and :M p and M p and M F and M p and M F and M F and M p and M F and owner owner i p s p s owner tenant tenant owner owner 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 11 11 5 5 M p and tenant 5 ehf shf 22 n hf gore 24 pt n hf 19 pt n hf 19 and 20 pt n hf 19 and 20 M F and ownerj 5 M p and owner ; 5 M F and owner 5 M F and owner M F and p f^ I 5: j i«p Voters^ Lint, Township of Afosa, 1891. — Polling Sub-Divmon No. J, i>6 o'^ p . OS ^.t ,= M o-^ ia*^ 52 197 53 203 54 204 55 259 56 620 57 84 58 87 59 96 «0 100 61 105 62 162 63 205 64 208 65 248 66 249 67 250 68 264 69 564 70 1C4 71 211 72 254 73 255 74 425 75 569 76 333 77 334 78 257 79 193 80 297 81 421 82 262 NAMK. Lumley, Elijah Little, David Little, Robjrt S. Lamb, William Lalferty, James M Milner, Peter Mills, Sidney Moyer, Abraham Moyer, John Mansfield, George Moyer, Samuel A. Muligan, John Moyer, Samuel Mitchell. John Mitchell, Matthew Mitchell, William Murphy, Joseph Mitchell, Peter A. Mc McCoUum, Milton McCallum, Duncan McCallura, Angus McCallum, Archibald McCready. John McLear, Mark N Nichols, William J. Nichols, William Nixon. Charles W. O'Malley. Charles A. Oliver, John Patterson, Jamos R Robins, George 1 rn n pt w h! 17 1 r n n hf 20 1 rn n hf 20 Irn 22 5 con w pt n hf 17 c5« LOT. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 2 1 r n r 8 r s r s r s r n r n r n r n rn r n 2r n 4 con Irs Irn 2 r n 2r n 2 con 4 con 1 con I con 2rn Irn 2rn 3 con e hf s !if 18 bf 21 w Dt 2S pt'28 pt28 w pt s hf 24 nhf 21 e pt n hf 22 e hf s hf 18 e hf s hf 18 s pt w pt 17 s pt gore 28 nlif 1« pt28 w hf n hf 23 20 20 ehf nhf 20 pt n hf 19 ehf shf 18 e hf s hf 18 21 nhf 19 pt n hf 26 ehf 21 Otlier DeRciii>tioi). M F and tenant M F and tenant u p and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and M F and >t F and M I'^and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M p and tenant owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner tenant occup't tenant owner 2 r n s hf 26 M F and tenant |m f and owner M F and tenant M F and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner 2 2 3 .3 .3 3 o 3 9 2 9 11 5 3 2 2 2 5 2! 11 J I 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 9.) 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ill 112 113 114 115 116 3 117 118 119 120 121 122 153 6 cu o 2 9 2 o 2 j 2 ) ;j ;i 3 2 i 2 j I'oterV LUt, Township of Mom, 1891. —Polling Sub Division iVo. 1. o 83 84 85 86 NAME. 87 405 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9(i 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 la') 423 Regis, William E. 45hi Robinson, Elijah Robinson, John H. Robinson, William F. Ritchie, Peter 46u 461 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 102 163 lf"4 165 166 167 169 209 210 212 213 214 363 394 395 397 398 563 89 92 91 107 168 174 175 215 463 464 Shelly, Walter Saylor, Isaac Saylor, Joseph H. Smith, David Si tier, Allan Saylor, Isaac Sowler, John Stewart, George Stewart. Charles Si tier, Henry Saylor, Nicholas Swarts, Andrew Stocking, Walter Stalker, Duncan sr Stalker, Duncan, jr. Stocking, .John Stocking?, Stephen Sinclair, James Tier, Sidney Taylor, Angus Taylor, Gilbert Tunks, David Tanks, William Tunks, Robert Taylor, Daniel "unks, Charles Try one, Elijah Try one, Lewis 424 Vail, John W 156 ! Walker, Henry 161 Ward Clayton D. 9^; Woodrow, Smith 258 Webb, Harvey 260 Wondrnw Dfinioi 533 j Webster, David LOT. w hf e hf n hf 18 e hf s hf 19 ehf ehf 20 n pt s hf 18 gore 25 Other Description. 2 con 1 r n 1 r n Irs 2rn 2rn 4 con w pt22 e pt s hf 25 wpt24 pts 28 and 29 pt e hf s hf 28 pt s hf 29 n w pt s hf 24 nhf 28 whf21 whf 21 n hf 19 shf 20 ehf nhf 25 ehf nhf 26 22 25 shf 18 M F and owner jiM F and owner M V and owner M F and owner M F and owner pt 24i pt s hf 26 hf s hf 27 whf shf 26 s w pt 26 w hf s hf 27 w pt s hf 28 e hf n hf 23 n pt n hf 24 nhf 26 s pt s hf n hf 27 n hf n hf 27 s pt s hf 20 whf 18 whf 18 s pt s hf 20 s pt s hf 19 nhf nhf 17 M F and M F and M p and M p and M F and M ¥ and M F and M p and M F anr^ F anv F and F and F and M F and Ai p and JM F and |M p and M F and M M M M owner owner owner owner tenant owrer tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant tenant owner occup't owner M p and M F and iM F and I.: F and M F and .M F and M V and M F and M P and M F and tenant 3 5 5 5 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 occup't owner owner owner|ll owner 11 owner' 2: owner.ll: owner 5; owner M p and owner 5 5 M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M y and owner Ai F and owner M F and owner 2 j V 'jr. YoUri LinU Township of Mosa, 189 1. — Pjlling Sub'Pivwion No. L PART 2.— Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal E!nction3 only so CO ^ 3 4 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SO 21 22 23 24 25 26 o — 196 455 256 296 899 265 361 81 82 111 619 172 171 364 597 598 170 103 404 426 362 459 245 363 465 198 NAME. Archer, Kobert Armstrong, Hugh Blair, Alexander Bayne, Jarnes Clements, Sliiiabeth Fields, Elizabeth Fennel, Amos, sr. Henderson, Henry Henderson, Fmnk Henderson, Walter Kierstead, Elizabeth Lobu, Mutty Moore, Georga Miller, Jacob Morin, David Morin, James McCallum, Marlin McNe:l, Mary McAlpine, Peter McC'-ady, Ellen Roome. William F. Robinson, Mary Sbeppard, William Sheldrick, Josiah Sbeppard, William Vose, Jesse 9 « (JOS t r n 3 con LOT. Other ^ DcHci'iiition. nhf 17 pt s hf 18 2rn 20 2rn ;nhfl9 2 con 2rn 1 con Irn 1 r n Irs ocon Iro Irn 1 con 5 con 5 con 1 rs Irs 2 con 2 con 1 con 1 con 2rn 1 con 3 con Irn pt 8 hf 21 Et gore 28 f nbf 18 wptl7 w pt 17 b f 18 and 19 pt n hf 17 8 pt 3 hf 29 s pt s hf 29 nhf 21 6 pt 8 hf 17 w pt s hf 17 w pt 27 and 28 pt28 n pt s hf 24 whfnhf 20 whf 18 w hf s hf 19 e hf s hf 17 nhf 19 gore 23 w pt n hf 17 tenant owner owner C'.vner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant ov.-.er owner 11 5 5 11 11 3 4 h 12 5 27 28 29 30 e c 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 s. a 2 VoUrt' list, Townshlr* of Mosa, l891.—Follinj Sub-Livvtion No. /. 27 28 29 30 160 457 298 NAMR. Ward, Margaret Wei- iter, Rev, Thoma» Yates, Thomas Younge, James i Irn LOT. w pt 8 hf 2n i con w pt 8 hf IH trs 2rn bfSO nhf 27 OtJier De8crl))tion. owner owner owner owner 2 2 11 5 5 5 4 2 5 5 PART 3.— Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly oniy. 2 a 86 Cacksey, John 49S Croabey, Lawrence 5 6 7 3 9 10 173 Everingham, Alexander 286 Frey, Reuben 2:)3 am 337 4(3 261 12 13 14 11 456 565 507 216 Hooper, John House, Jacob House, John Haley, I'rank Harcourt, Miron Mapletop, Joseph Mitchell, Edward Mitchell, Donald Tunks, Robert H. b£20 2 con iwhfnhf2l Irn 2rn 2rn 1 con 1 con 2 con 2. n '■j COil 4 con 4 con Irn 8 pt 8 hf 29 n pt gore 28 8 hf 19 shf 17 shf 17 w hf s hf 22 w hf 25 p s hf 1^ n hf n hf 18 n hf n hf 18 pt29 M V and fl M r M V and H M p M F and H M K and H M K and H M F and H M F and H M F and H M F M P M »■' nd II 2 5 5 5 i I W Votera* List, Township of Mosa, IS'Jl.—PoUiim Suh-Divhiion No. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. Comprising that part of the Township of Mosa lying and being south of road al- lowance between the Second Range North of the Longwoods Road and the First Concession, and from the Town line between Elifrid and Mosa to the allowance for road between Lots Nos. 16 and 17. PART I.— Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elec- tions and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. 3 d "I 10 11 12 13 67 77 123 154 184 222 274 2J)0 343 NAME. Archer, Thomas A.tkinson, William Anuett, Levi Adair, Carson Annetfc, Charles N. Annett, Hercules Annett, Mahlon Avery, James Archer, Alexander B 224 Bodine, John 276 Brown, James 277 285 14 4 15 14 16 15 17 22 18 23 19 120 20 121 21 122 22 1.32 23 178 24 179 25 133 26 275 27 286 28 287 29 288 ao 289 Brown, Andrew Blane, Henry Clanahan, James Currie, John T. Currie, Nathaniel Cnrrie, George Currie, Edward J. Currie, oohn Currie, Hugh Crandall, Hiram Cook, James Coyne, Henry S. Cameron, Alexander Cline, GeorgH Currie, James Cooper, James Uhittein, Charles Chittem, Thomas Chittem, Amos Irs Irs 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n o f n 2 r n 1 r n 2 r n 2rn 2rn 2 r n r s r s r s r s r 8 rn r n r n r n r n r n 2rn 2rn 2rn 2rn 2rn yrn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOT. nhf 12 n hf l.i w hf s ht 5 14 n pt s hf 6 e hf 3 w hf n hf {\ w pt n lif 16 n hf 8 e hf s hf 6 e hf n hf 8 e hf n hf 8 ehf nhf 14 s hf 1 and 2 nhf 2 nhf 2 nhf 4 nhf 4 shf4 shf 4 e hf s hf 5 pt s w pt H nhf 2 nhf 3 e pts hf 11 nhf 7 w hf n hf 14 ;; hf 15 n hf 15 n hf 15 other Dt'Sfrijitivin. M F and M V and M h- and M F and M F and Ji F and u F and M F and M F and tenant owner occup't tenant owner owner owner owner tenant M F and owner M F and owner A^ F and F s M F and tenant M F and M Tf and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and Ji •' and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and owner owner owner owner tenant owner F S owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner F S F H 1 J Ij J J 21 4iJ i I 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 Voters' Lki\ Township of Mom, ISDl.—Pollin;, Sub-Du,L 113 57 241 58 cn Ferris, Charles Ferris, Harry Faulds, James V. Faulds, Thomas A. Ferguson, Robert F Fritz, Daniel Fry, John 59 21 <>0 24 HI 38 ()2 134 <;3 136 M 27d 65 271 G() 272 67 281 Gould, William Gould, Charles Gilbert, Enos Grovor, Charles jGrover, John GiDittrt, James iGilbert, John [Gilbert. Joseph iGould, John r s r s r s r s r 3 r s 1 r n 1 r n 1 r n 2rn 1 rn r s r s r 8 r n r n r n r n 1 r n 2 r n 2rn 1 1 1 4 r 8 4 r s 3 rs 2 rs 1 r n 2r n r n Irs Irs 2 rs 1 r n Irn 2 Y n 2 rs 2 r n 2rn npt 1 nhf 1 sbf 3 14 14 14 w hf s w hf s whf shf 12 nhf 9 whf shf 7 hf 12 hf 12 shf 10 Is hf 10 shf 10 e pt 10 le pt 10 icentre pt 10 Icentre pt 10 {centre pt 11 !n hf s hf 13 n hf n hf 13 jb f 1 Ibf 1 ispt 12 and 13 Is .f 12 s e pt 1 w hf s hf 15 s hf 12 bf4 e pt n hf 5 w pt 8 s e pt 9 w pt 9 n hf n hf 1 hf 7 n hf 2 hf 10 M F M F JM F M F M F M F M F M P M F M F M F and owner and ownei and owner and owner and owner and occup't and owner and p s and occup't i. -id owner and owner M F and M F and M F and M F and M V and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and owner 1 2 F S 2 F S 2 owner 2 owner 2 owner 2 F S 2 owner 2 tenant 2 owner 5! JM F and jM F and JM F and |m f and !m f and [Ai F and a F and 1 owner owneri owner, owner] owner! owneri owner w pt n w Iif n M F and M F and M K and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and tenant owner ov/ner owner owner owner owner owner owner 1 1 2 2 2 j 4 J 4 10 Voters' List, Township of Mosa, 1891.—PoUiii() Sub-Dioision No. ^. a o 2 » o — 68 51 m 62 70 63 71 76 72 142 73 185 74 218 7o 219 76 220 77 78 79 80 81 82 85 86 87 88 89 J 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 29 la-) 223 237 279 118 83 39 84 ! 40 58 70 133 227 228 232 232 6 7 55 64 66 19:^ IM 195 NAME. u ■ 5« H Hills, John Henderson^ Christopher Henderson, Christopher Humphrey, James Hindson, Arthur W. Hurley, Daniel Hurley, Edward F. Hurley, Charles Hurley, Jacob Johns. Thomas B. Jones, Thomas G. Jones, John T. James, Frederick J. Jones, John B. K Kerr, William Lumley, Wellington Lumley, Elijah, jr. Lumley, John Lament, John Lumley, F "sra M Miller, Garrett Miller, John H. Miller, George D. Moore, Henry N Newbigging, John Newbigging, David Nethercott, William Nethercott, Alfred Nethercott, John O'Malley, Charles A., sr. O'Mailey. Charles A., jr. O'Malley, Henry R. A. 1 r !? 2 rs 2 rs Irs 1 r n 1 r n 2rn 2rn 2rn 1 rs 1 r n 2r n ' r n 2r n 1 r n 2 r s 2 rs Irs 3 r s 1 r n 2rn 2rn 2rn 3 rs r s r s r a r s r s LOT. 10 s pt n hf 12 s pt n hi 12 shf 12 wpt 10 w pt n hf 7 ehf shf 1 whf shf 1 e pt 8 hf 7 nhf nhf 6 ehf « shf 4 s hf s hf 13 w hf n hf 8 shf 3 shf ehf 8 nhf ehf 8 whf nhf 11 shf 14 S 3 pt 9 s hf s hf 9 ehf shf 10 s e pt s hf 11 n pt 13 and U n hf 1 and 2 n hf 1 and 2 whf shf 11 hf 11 8 hf 12 Other Di'scriiitioii. P M V and M F and M :■ and M V and M V and M p and M F and M F and M F and owner owner tenant owner occup't owner occup't owner owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M F and F s M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner 1 r n n hf 16 M F Knd owner Irn n hf 16 M F and F s Irn nhf 16 M F and F s 1 1 2j 9 M I 127 128 129 130 131 lb 2 133 134 135 T36 yyi 138 139 140 Voter>i' Lid, Township of Mosa, ISOL-PolHny Sub-DiviHion No. 2. o Oh' 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 2, 2l 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 8 9 12 11 13 19 20 25 '2Q 34 44 146 147 153 221 2.M 235 47 244 243 244 123 124 125 12(J 28 56 57 267 Simpson, Isaac Simpson, William Simpson, John Simpson, CJmrles S. W. Simpson, George Stewart, Dnncan Stewart, Alexander Simpson, Thomas, sr. Simpson, Joseph D. Simpson, Isaac, sr. Simpson, Thomas, jr. Smith, Charles Smith, George Simpson, John C. Siddall, Joseph Storm, Jacob Smith, John B. Strong, Tom Sheppard, Frederick W. Sheppard, Clayton B. Sheppard, Albert J. r s r s r s r s r s r s r s r s r a r s r s r n r n r n r n r n r n r s r n r n r n 127 30 128 31 129 32 130 m 131 35 lb 2 m 133 37 134 27 135 41 T36 45 !»7 4-S 138 49 139 72 140 73 Thompson, Andrew W. Tilson. William Tilson, John Tait, George shf 1 bf shf 2 nhf 2 shf 1 s pt s hf nhf 3 nhf 3 n w pt 5 n w pt 5 !nhf7 s hf 9 wpt 11 w pt 11 13 shf 2 epts hf 11 w pt s hf U nhf 9 s hf k; s hf 16 s hf 16 Irs Irs Irs 2rn W Watterworth, William H. 1 r n Watterworth, James W. 2 r s Watterworth, Elijah 2 r s Watterworth, Lorenzo Irs Watterworth, Benjamin 1 i s Watterworth, Wentworth Irs Watterworth, Joseph B. |l r s Welch, Edward T. l r s Watterworth, Charles Irs Watterworth, James, jr. Irs TT .".(.Lcrwurtn, vviiuamll. 1 r8 Watterworth, Joseph 1 r s Watterworth, James, sr. 2 r s Watterworth, Lewis 2 r a ehf ehf nhf 6 ehf n hf 11 ehf n hf 11 shf n hf 1 pt 8 hf 6 s pt 6 n pt 6 w hf 8 hf 6 shf 7 shf 7 shf 7 ehf fchf nhf 6 ehf nhf 8 e pt n hf 9 10 .10 8 hf 13 8 hf 13 M F and M p and M p and M p and M pand M p and M p and M p and M p and M p and M p and M p and M Pand M p and M p and M F aid M p and M p and M p and M p and M p and owner owner owner owner F 8 owner p s owner ? 8 owner owner owner P 8 owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 o 2 2 M p and owner M p and owner M pandoccup't M p and owner M p and O'.vner M p and owner M p and owner M p and occup't M p and owner M p and V 8 M p and p 8 M p and owner M p and owner M p ard owner M paDdoccup'tl M Pandoccup't JM p and owner M p and F 8 4 2 2 2 2 9 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 12 Voters' List, Towm/iip of Uosa, 1891.—PoUin5* NAME. LOT. Other Description. 141 142 14i 144 145 14<; 1'17 14S 149 150 151 152 158 154 155 15(5 157 158 159 IGO 161 162 163 164 74 114 li5 IK) 124 127 12H 129 l;Ji 1J7 14^ 149 180 181 182 188 189 231 240 225 226 273 69 144 Watterworth, Thomas Webster, William Webster, William J. Web.ster, David F. Williams, William H. Watterworth, John Watterworth, Isaac Weekes, George Weekes, Edwin Watterworth, Joseph H. Whitlock, John Whitlock, William J. Weekes, William Weekes, Thomas A. Weekos, Alfred Winger, Christian Winger, Joseph Watterworth, David Ward, James T. Welch, William W. Welch, Coglan Walker, James Yates, Robert Younge, Robert M. 2rs r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r u r n r n r n r n r n 2rn 2rn 2rn 2 r n 3 r s 1 rn shf 13 pt s hf 1 pt s hf 1 Dt s hf 1 w pt 6 shf 8 shf 8 s w pt s hf 8 w pt s hf 8 e ptlO e hf s hf 12 ehf shf 12 nhf4 nhf 4 nhf 4 s hf n hf 12 nhf nhf 12 whf v/hf shf 10 shf 14 e hf 8 hf 8 w hf s hf 8 nhf 5 s pt 13 & n pc 13 e pt 11 M F and M F and M F and M r and M p and M F and M F and M F and M F and M p and M F and M F and M p and M p and M F and M p and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M p and M F M F and and F s owner P 8 F 8 owner owner F 8 owner tenant owner owner F S owner p 8 P 8 owner owner owner j owner owner owner owner owner owner 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 PART 2.— Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. ©■:: 'A NAME. (5« LOT. Otlier DuHci'iiitidii. 183 196 Allan, John Allan, David Aniiett, Almeda Archer, Robert 3 3 r s r s r n 1 r n n pt 1 n pt 1 nhf 5 ehf nhf 17 tenant owner tenant Vuterx' LU, TownMp of Mom, mn.-Pollituj Sub-Division No. a. 1. c ° ^ 1 2 1 J 1 1 1 4 1 5- o- NAME. Con or Range. LOT. other Desciiption. P.O. Juror. 1 j 3 /^ner 1 ' 229 230 Bartlett, Isaac Bartlett, John 2rn 2rn nhfshf9 nhf shf 9 owner tenant 4 4 rner '^ner 1 125 Degraw, Hannah M. 1 rn e hf s hf 7 owner ^1 > ^ner ant 2 j 2 1 " GO Faulds, Thomas 2rn s hf 12 owner H ner 2 j i ^^^ 'ner ner 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 ?^" 4 J 1 11 190 269 Gibb, Singleton Gunn, D. G, Gilbert, Jane Irn Ir n 2rn e pt n hf 15 e pt n hf 15 nhf 2 owner tenant owner ^1 ner ner ner; ner ner 1 12 1 13 * 14 t 1^ 71 81 82 217 Hamilton, Rev. John B. Henderson, Henry Henderson, Frank Hurley, Ellen 3 r s 2rn 2rn 2rn nptl3 e hf s hf 15 6 hf s hf 15 e hf s hf 1 owner owner tenant owner ^1 ner i ^^H ner 1 IG 282 McAlpine, John 2rn nhf 11 tenant ^H 17 192 Rielly, Elizabeth Irn n pt e hf n hf 15 owner ^H ner \ 2 1« , 19 20 119 187 238 Stewart, Mary Smith, John Sparling, William H. J :n Irn 2rn shf 3 n pt e hf 11 n hf 8 hf 13 owner owner owner ner \ 2 j ^1^1 21 22 117 I7(i Trestain, William Thompson, John Irn Irn shf 2 nhf 1 owner owner t 23 24 , 2.') . 181) 3-i8 342 Welch. James E. Walker, John S. Walker, Atchison 2rn 2rn 2 rn w hf s hf 7 B hf n hf 6 shf 5 owner owner i Dwner - ctions 1 d 04 i 1-5 p 1 4 2 ■ 14 Voters* Lint, Toiimship of Mosa, 1891. — Polling Sub- DUmion No. 2. PART 3.— Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly only. 3 O 00 ,. 5« 68 o 178 NAME. Archer, Greorge Clanahan, John Coyne, James 177 iFarrow, George H. 5 268 Finlayson, Duncan 10 11 16 278 17 34 50 130 McPLee, Neil McArthur, Duncan Peebels, Peter Robinson. Harper Watterworth, Perseval Weekes, John A S u Irs 3 r s 1 r n 1 r n 2rn Irs " r s Irs 2 rs Irs 1 r n LOT. Other Desoription. n hf 12 M F n hf 1 and 2 M F n hf 2 M F n hf 1 M F s hf n hf 1 M F pt n hf 2 M F e hf n hf 8 m F n hf 2 M F s hf 7 MP 10 M F w hf pt s hf 8 M F * 3 C 5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lU 11 12 13 14 lij 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Voters' List, Township of Mom, ISyL—PoUbuj Sub-Divmon No. ,i. 15 3 the 3 >-5 1 4 4 4 1 4 1 2 4 2 I POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 3. ^°Twin ?h«^SpS R ^^^ ^^u'*'? *l^ ^°«* ^°rt^- °f *h« road allowauce be- Son fntwi?*n^^^°'*^^u°^*^^ Longv/oo8 94 100 101 112 495 jHarris, Alfred 516 jHarris, George, jr 551 iHillman, George 552 Hilliuan, Peter 553 Hilhnan, John I 478 Innes, George 482 Innes, William, sr. 518 Innes, William, jr. K 350 Kelly, Timothy :i89 King, Charles, jr. 447 King, William 5(0 King, Daniel 422 King, Charles, sr. 351 Leech, E ,ward 352 Leecli, Thomas 314 315 316 497 5.9 510 511 513 514 544 547 301 317 33J 347 372 373 103 |434 lO'l ,391 105 560 106 '486 M Munroe, George Munroe, John W. Munroe, Alexander Mitchell, Duncan Mitchell, Peter Mitchell, Donald Mitchell, Duncan Munroe, Donald Munroe, James Munroe. William Mitchell, John Mc McEachren, Daniel R. Mcpherson, John McCalluni, Duncan McCallum, Duncan A. McCutcheon, Alexander McCutcheon. Hugh McURlIum, Dun(;an McCuUy, Ervin McDonald, Arthur McConnell, John J. |3 con w hf n hf 14 |4 con le hf s hf 7 |4 con le hf e hf n hf 12 4 con e hf 8 hf n hf 12 4 con w hf e hf n hf 12 3 con w hf n hf 6 3 con in hf i5 4 con s hf 8 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 2 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 1 con 3 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con w hf n hf 10 n pt s hf 13 shf 11 w pt n hf 16 e hf n hf 15 ehf 11 ehf 11 s hf 5 s hf 5 s hf 6 n hf 15 pt s hf 4 pt s hf 4 s w pt s hf 4 shf 6 shf 6 nhf 4 nhf 6 1 con Dt s hf 1 1 con ;e hf s hf 7 1 con js hf 16 1 con in hf 7 2 con lo hf5 2 con :ehf6 3 con s hf 1 2 con s pt hf s hf 16 4 con e hf n hf 15 3 con n hf 10 M F and F S M F and tenant M F and owner M F and F s M F and owner M F and owner M F ar ' r.wner M F an ' ' -wner M F and owner M p and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and M F and owner F S M p and owner M Fand tenant M F and owner M F and tenant M F and owner M F and ownei' M p and owner M F and owner M F and occup't M F and owner M p and owner M p and K F and M F and M p and M p and M F and iM V and M F and M F and owner owner tenant ownerj owner t.t Cl r a owner owner owner owner 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 /• 4 18 Votfrs' List, Township of Mosa, 1891.-PoUing SubDivlsion No. 3. 9 O 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 ^« NAME. 487 489 490 508 092 523 526 520 548 549 550 |McRae, John A. jMcRae, Duncan iMcLean, Donald McLarty, Malcolm McDonald, Donald McConnell, Goorge McConnel'. John McKelvie, Lachlan Mc Vicar, Archibald McDonald, James McDonald, John N 118 |300 Newport, William 119 421 Paterson, James 12C 121 122 123 124 125 126 299 127 340 128 374 129 375 130 376 131 390 132 395 133 396 134 410 135 411 136 480 137 481 138 517 139 536 140 349 Reycraft, Richard 3^3 Reycraft, El ias 423 Regis, William 440 Reycraft, William 479 Robertson, Donald o43 Robertson, William S Stewart, Alexander Siddall, Francis Stinson, John Stinson, Frederick Stinson, Thomas J. Swift, J. R, Stalker. Duncan Stalker, John Stinson, James Stinson. William Satherlptid, Alexander Sutherland, William K. i Scott, George Sands, W. H. 304 141 328 Tait, John Tilfer, John S 5 P-.0: 3 con 3 con 3 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con 4 con LOT. nhf 11 e hf n hf 12 w pt n hf 12 shf 2 pt s hf 9 8 w pt s hf 9 wptsbf 12 8 hf e hi' s hf nhf 7 nhf 9 nhf 10 (Jther Description. 1 con 2 con pt 8 hf 1 nhf 13 1 con 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 eon 4 con nhf nhf 9 w hf n hf 11 whf nhf 15 e hf s hf 6 e hf n hf 7 nhf 3 I 1 con Is e pt 8 hf 1 Icon ehfnhf3 2 con shf 6 2 con s hf 6 2 con s hf 6 12 con 8 hf 14 3 con s hf 15 3 con 8 hf 15 3 con n hf 2 3 con n hf 2 3 con w hf 7 3 con w hf 7 |4con ptehfshflo 4 con pt 8 hf 19 and 20 1 con pt 8 hf 1 1 con Is hf 13 M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M. F and AJ F and M F and M F and M F and M F and owner owner tenant owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner 4 5| V 5 4I *l 4 6 M F and owner M F anrl owner M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M p and owner owner owner owner owner owner M pand M t' and M F and M F and M F and u F and M F and M^F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and owner owner owner F 8 F S F 8 tenant owner owner F 8 owner occup't tenant occup't 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 M p and M p and owner 4 owner, 5 s o 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 * on. d L — oi '^ wner 4 wner 5' mant •'^i wner 4 j nant 4 wner 4 fvner » ivner 4J >vner 4 vner 4 vner 6 Voters^ List, Township of Mosa, 1891.~PoUing Sub-Division Nn. 3. 142 318 14-3 338 144 339 145 342 14G o'44 147 345 148 3:)(i 149 3(J9 irx) 371 151 387 152 388 153 475 154 561 155 562 Walker, James H. W.ilker, John S. Walker, John Walker, Atchison Walker, Mitchell I Walker, Mitchell E I Winship, James R. j Walker, Mark Walker, Isaac Winship, Roth well Wiuship, Asa R. Walker, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Clifton 1 con 1 con 1 con Ic 1 con 1 con 1 con 2 con 2 con 2 con 2 con 3 con 4 con |4con w hf shf 7 ehf nhf 2 |e hf n hf 2 'nhf 4 n hf 5 n h*5 e ht n hf 14 shf 2 s pt s hf 4 s pt s hf 13 s pt s hf 13 w hf n hf 4 w hf n hf 15 w hf n hf 15 M F and owner M r and owner M F and F s I M F and owner: M F and owneri M F and F s M r and tenant' M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner, M F and F s M F and owner M F and owner' M F and occup't PART 2.-Per8on3 entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections only. 331 370 501 525 Archer, John J, Adams, Sarah Armstrong, Alexander Armstrong, John 5 382 6 360 7 J 8 9 10 11 12 13 Beverage, Ann Connolly, James 5iJ5 Degraw, Mrs. 354 359 441 1 con 1 con 4 con 4 con 2 con 1 con 4 con n hf 16 s e pt 4 shf 11 pt s hf 12 shf 9 w hf n hf 15 occupant owner owner owner owner owner Fennell, Stephen Fennell, Amos, jr. Freeman, Susan w hf ii hf 12 owner 1 con e hf w hf n hf 14 owner 1 con jW hf e hf n hf 15 'owner 2 con Iwhfv/hfnhf4 owner L 270 ^Gilbert, James 0-1 i^r^tydon, Alexander 2<1 Gilbert, John 1 con s hf 2 2 con s pt e pt s hf 16 1 con s hf 2 owner tenant owner 20 BO g.i: Votere' List, Townshii) of Mom, ISOL—PolUmj SuhDlvUion No. 3 a . NAME. C V a; ° (5« LOT. Oilier MfHCllntiOIl. £ a ■-» 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 416 Gordon, Jane 532 Gibb, Singleton 272 Gilbert, Joseph 307 Harris, James 63 Henderson, Wm. J. 452 Haggett, Robert 393 Jeffrey, Will- n* 302 Kelley, Sarah Jane ;^81 Knight, William 499 King, Ann 538 539 2«> 1 498 27 558 28 306 2i) 407 30 454 31 473 32 488 33 491 34 35 408 36 384 37 446 38 39 40 41 517 127 453 Leitch, Dueald Leitch, John Mitchell, John Moore, James E. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. A. P. McRae, Finley McLarty, Alexander McRae, Philip, sr. McRae, Philip, jr. McElderry, Caroline Peachey, Josiah Robertson, Maria Rathburn, Isaac Smith, Lonson Scott, James Watterworth, John Ward, S. G. 2 con 4 con 1 ccn 1 con 3 con 4 con 2 con 1 con 3 con 3 con 4 con 4 con 3 con 4 con 1 con 2 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 3 con 4 con 2 con nh£nhf9 n pt 8 hf 13 shf 2 pt s bf 2 w hf s hf 6 pt s hf 16 e pt n hf 16 pt s hf 1 w hf s hf 5 e pt n hf 16 nhf 1 nhf 1 n hf 15 nhf 13 pt s hf 1 nhf 1 _ n e pt 16 nhf 3 ehf shf 7 \v ot n hf 12 n hf 13 nhf 1 1 con :-i iif i\ hr 12 3 con '.= hf o 4 con 4 con 1 con 3 con e nf s hf 7 pt e hf 8 hf s pt w hf 11 pt s hf 16 owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner owner tenant tenant owner cwror owner owner owner owner 3 4 4 2 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 \ J ^<'('"-''' ^< rownthipo/Moaa 190, p „■ PART S.-Persons entitled to Vote at E.«of, ^Xlslatlve Assembly only ""^'""^ *° *^« Name. LOT 1 |437 Black. Hugh J. Childs, Henry i \i?i te"^' Henry ^ IS g*^««V William - 493 Guy, John 3 con 'shfS 3 con s pt 14 1 con 3 con s hf 8 hf 12 nhf 3 3 con e hf n hf 14 6 441 Henderson. Christopher 3 con |w hf 3 hf 6 7M|Leese.Neil 4confnhfl 9 feS te'^P-y^.*^' Archibald 10 449 M';ConneIl, Robert 11 373 Nisbet, Edward 1^ 041 Steel. James 1 con |w hf n hf 6 2 con |8hf8 3 con s hf 13 2 con whf5 i4 con s hf 8 |4 con n hf 1 14 313 Watterworth. William jl con shf3 22 Voters' List, Township of Mosa, 1S91.— 'Polling Sub-Division No. 4- POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. Comprising that part of the Township of Mosa lying and being north of ' oad allowance between the Fourth and Fifth Concessions, and from the iown line between Ekfriu and Mosa to the line between Lots Nos. lb and IT. PART I.— Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elec- tions and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. 1 636 2 724 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 576 577 615 618 625 672 673 686 687 GdO 704 705 706 708 742 742 743 754 755 756 Booth, John Baxter, Malcolm 23 24 25 2() 27 28 640 712 745 74() 747 o3i) Corbett, William Corbett, James E. Campbell, Neil D. Clements, Thomas Crawford, John Campbell, Duncan Campbell, Donald Chuholm, Hugh Chisholm, Colin Carswell, Andrew Campbell; Duncan Campbell, Duncan A. Campbell, Duncan P. Campbell, Donald D. Campbell, John Campbell, Duncan Carswell, Neil Campbell, William Campbell, John M. Campbell, Edward ' D'' ^ Dewar, Alexander Dewar, John Downie, Finley Downie, Malcolm Downie, Duncan Douglas, JainCS o con 5 con 5 con 5 con 6 con 7 con 7 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 8 con 9 con 8 con 8 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 11 con 11 con 11 con shf6 sbf6 w hf n hf 13 n hi 16 shf3 n hf 3 nhf 3 8hf3 s hf 3 s hf 6 nhf 2 shf 2 w hf n hf 4 n hf 2 e hf 5 ehf 5 6 gore 4 gore 4 gore 4 M V and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and 1 M F a. M P and owner F S owner owner owner owner F S owner owner occup't owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner F S F S 6 con 8 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 6 con nhf 1 nhf 9 nhf 3 nhf 4 nhf 4 15 M F and owner M F and owner M 1' and owner M F and owner M F and 1' 8 M V and owner 47 48 51 54 55 Voters' Lis( Toionshi ^P of Mdsa, 1891.— Polling Svb.Diviaion No. 4, 23 29 655 yo 655 31 657 32 680 33 m^ 34 693 35 739 36 739 37 1740 38 i741 39 (751 40 1617 Felkor, Samuel I e ker, Frederick f elker, John ^erguson, Donald ||;erguson, Donald D. jFerguson, Alexander ^erguson, Hugh f '^rguson, John |,erguson, Donald B. ^erguson, Alexander !*letcher, Daniel © 41 m [Graham, Archibald •«^'> Gray, Rcoert R. J. 6 con 6 con <> con 7 con 8 con 8 con 10 con 10 con 11 con| 11 con 11 con 15 con nhf 12 nhf 12 nhf 12 nhf 9 ehf shf5 shf 9 s hf 3 shf 3 whfshfS w hf s hf 3 shf 2 whf nhf 15 7 con |5con n hf 11 s hf 12 M V and owner M F and F s M F and F s M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F and owner M F andoccup't M F and occup't M P and occup't! M F and owner |M P and owner 5 5 5 8 7 8 8 8 8 i\ J J ^ Fand owner 81 M F and owner I 6! H tl 1^ te^^''^"' Neil 45 613 §!"'•''"' I^"ben *J bid Hilluian. Daniel ^ pG June, Will lam K 4^ I95 fel!^^' «^«Phen *o •>9-i Kelley, John 49 [633 «»0 I66() 01 j667 •?2 |(JH4 t>3 {(i85 '^ 711 5.'> 730 56 731 ,^7 752 5B 580 59 !62i ' Leitch, Neil L. f-oitch, Malcolm Leitch, Neil jLeitch, Alexander U. Leitch, Neil j^eitch, Neil Livingston, .John Livingston, Neil Livingston, Neil Livingston, Alexander Laiierty, .James ji?con whf shf 14 •> con w hf n hf 12 l» con w hf n hf 12 a con e hf n hf 15 P and owner! oi P and owner 5 IM p and tenant! 5 M F and tenant 5 ^ con IS pt w pt 16 L L, „ J » con 8 pt w pt 8 hf 16 ^ °^"®^l Kj con 1 7 con i7con 8 con Hcon H con 9 con 10 con 11 con :5 eon 10 con ,shfl] s hf 9 shf 9 ehf shf 2 w hf shf 2 n hf « nhf 5 w hf 5 |e hf s hf 3 |H hf 8 IwptR hf 17 M F and M F and M F and M i" and M F and M F and M F and |M Fund M r and M P and M F and owner! 6| j owner! 6) F 8 j fjl owner, 71 owner, owneri owner' F S owner owner owner 24 Voters' List, Township of Mosa, 1891.— Polling Sub-Division No. 4. s o 5'- c — NAME. C 03 LOT. Other Description. 60 fil r»2 63 (54 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 611 621 622 629 635 654 658 659 661 669 671 727 729 738 744 744 748 749 750 79 668 80 572 81 573 82 578 83 581 84 51-S2 85 58;J m 584 87 587 88 588 89 591 90 592 91 593 92 599 93 600 94 601 95 602 96 6.3 97 604 m 606 99 6C6 100 (>07 101 610 1C2 623 103 G26 104 630 105 631 10() 632 107 6;i4 108 641 109 G12 M Mitchell, Neil Munroe, Malcolm C. Munroe, John N. Mitchell, Duncan Merritt, Joseph Mitchell, Peier Munroe, Malcolm Munroe, Neil Munroe, Neil L. Munroe, Hugh Munroe, George Munroe, John Mitchell, William Munroe, Archibald V. Munroe, Hugh Munroe, Neil Munroe, Archibald Munroe, John A. Munroe, Duncan C. Mc McVicar, Neil McVicar, Donald McKellar, Archibald B. McKinloy, Angus McDonald James McDonald, Dugald McDonald, Allan McNaughton, Duncan MrXntyre, Colin .McDonald, Edward McDonald, Duncan McDonald, Robert McDonald, David A. McLachlan, Alexander McLachlan, Donald Mclntyre, Archib.vld Mclntyro, Neil Mclntyre, I -^'^ jlm McNeil, Hugi. McTavish, John McTavish, Hugh Mclntyre, Duncan Mclntyre, Archibald McAlpine, Alexander McLachlan, Hugh McLean, Allan McLean, Malcolm McLean, Lachlan McLarty, Malcolm McCallum, John McGallurn, Duncan G. 5 con 6 con con 6 con con 6 con con 7 con con con 7 con 9 con 9 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 11 con 11 con 11 con w hf n hf 11 shf 1 shf 1 w hf s hf 8 s w pt 12 w hf n hf 11 shf 1 shf 1 3hf3 nhf 1 w hf n hf 2 nhf 2 nhf 4 w hf s nhf 1 nhf 1 shf 1 shf 1 s hf 15 7 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con con con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 6 con 6 con 6 con 5 con 6 con 6 con 6 con 6 con hf 1 s hf 12 shf 1 shf 4 w hf s hf 7 shf 9 shf 9 shf 9 shf 11 e hf s hf 13 e pt w pt s hf 13 e hf w hf s hf 15 n e pt s hf 16 w hf w hf s hf 15 nhf 1 nhfl 2 2 2 nhf 3 e hf n hf 5 w hf n hf 5 nhf 6 nhf 9 shf 2 shf 4 shf 9 nhf 8 shf 10 pt s hf 12 nhf 2 n hf 3 M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and MF and M P and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and owner owner F S owner owner owner owner occup't owner owner owner owner owner owner occup't occup't owner occup't occup't M F and M F and M F and M F and y> F and M F and M F and M F and F and F and F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M F and M P and M F and M P and M F and M i-' find M F and M F and owner owner owner owner owner F S F 8 owner owner owner owner owner occup't owner F S owner owner occup't owner owner owner owner F 8 owner owner owner occup't owner owner owner owner 6 4 4 6 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 18 18 8 8 8 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 41 4i 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 \ yotera' List, Townah ■^P ofMosa, ISOl.-Poinng Suk-Di^i^ion .V, u no 643 111 1644 112 645 lia 646 114 650 115 651 116 652 117 653 118 '660 119 J662 120 663 121 674 122 675 123 676 127 1682 128 691 129 694 130 (695 131 696 132 '698 133 699 134 1700 JJcTavish, Farlane jMcTavish, John A. (Mclntyre, George Mclntyre, Geor|e G. McDonald, John L^«Vicar, Donald I Mc Vicar, John IMcCaiium Archibald )Mclntyre, Hugh f cLachlan, Malcolm I Mclntyre, Colin MoPhail Dugald Mc ravish, John P. ,McA pine, Donald A. 'JJcA p ne, Hugh A. ^cAlpine, Robert Mc Arthur, John S;^^?/"e',I>onaldR. McColl, John McCoJl, Archibald , McDonald, James mI'""^^.^ Alexander McLach an, Hugh ,McLachlan, Dugald '^^f ach an, Archibald McLach an, Duncan [McLachlan, Donald McLean. Malcolm McKellar, John L, , McLachlan, Hugh H. McLachlan, Alexander ijf^ije ar, Dunca McKe ar, Malcolm McKear, Dugald C. McKellar, Peter C, McAlpine, Hugh Mclntyre, Malcolm C Mclntyre, Donald McLityre, Duncan A 6 con in hf 4 7 con e pt s hf 6 ;o con in hf 5 fi con -n hf 6 P con pt n hf 9 lb con jn hf lo ;n hf 10 ehf nhf 11 !s hf 2 s hf 4 ,s hf 5 (nhf 4 11 hf 5 nhf 6 ehfnhf 7 whf n hf 7 nhf 8 !e:ore n hf 12 s hf 7 '^ore 10 jgore 10 IRore 11 ,„ - iPtnhf 1 If con (pt n hf 1 g con ipt s hf 1 « con (pt s hf 1 S c'>n ipt 8 hf 1 ^ con (pt s hf 1 nhf 3 8 con j8 con (8 con (9 cor. j9con !9 con 9 con j9 con 9 con nhf (nhf 7 is hf 1 (s hf 5 s hf 5 s hf 7 s hf 7 111 - \^ 11 con s hf 2 11 con s hf ] 11 con 8 hf 2 M P and owner 7( i 'M F and owner 7 j M p and owner 71 JM F and occup't 7( M F and occup't 6 |M f and owner 6 j |M p and PS M p and owner (M P and owner |M p and owner M p and occup't |M F and owner M P and owner M P and owner JM V and owner! j*t p and owner( M p and owner M p and owner 1 M p and owner' ' M P and owner i pH p and owner ^ M p and owner (M p and owner 7 M p and owner! '' M p and occup't' M p and occup't' M p and occup't! M P and occup't M p and o'.vnerl |m p and owner ( M pand owner M p and owner M P and owner i ,M P and tenant I |Ai P and occup't |m Pand occup't M p and owner M P and owner! M p and p s M p and p s 150 574 151 575 152 714 Parish, Solomon, sr garish, Solomon, jr. Parish, James 154 Al rS"f^^' ^^iili«'" 155 iW9 ,yuick, Thomas con (n hf 5 con n hf 5 (9 con n hf 4 b con jpt n hf 8 » ^on ,u hf 7 l«con l6hfshf8 (M p and occup't' 4 jM p and occup'tl 4 M p and ownerj 8i j i'" f '^riu owner I 4, (M P and occup'tl 4! IM P and PS, 4( 26 Voters' List, Tmonship of Mosa, 1S91.— Polling Sub-Division No. 4- a o §•£; 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 627 628 637 638 683 717 718 719 732 733 NA., Secord, John Secord, George A. Sheppard, John Sheppard, Joseph W. Stewart, Rev. A. S. Shields. Roland H. Shields, Andrew R. Shields, Duncan C. Shields, James Shields, John J. W o 589 Wilson, Thomas 664 Walker, Hugh L. 6 con 6 con 6 con con 8 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con 9 con r> con 7 con LOT. ehf shf6 w hf s hf 6 shf 14 e hf n hf 15 pt n hf 1 shf 6 shf 6 shf 6 nhf 7 nhf6 w pt s hf 13 shf 7 other Descriiition. M P and M F and M F and M V and M P and M V and M P and M F and M P and M p and owner owner own»T tenant occup't owner occup't occup't owner owner M p and owner M P and own«^r PART 2.— Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Eloctions only. E3 O 5-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 734 735 736 737 759 512 545 NAME. y« 8 744 9 i544 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 665 18 764 19 20 Campbell, Dugald Campbell, Archibald Campbell. William , Campbell, Duncan Campbell, Neil Gillies, Dugald Gillies, Duncan Munroe, Archibald Munroe, William McKinley, Donald Mclntyre, Jane McLachlan Robert McPhail, Dugald McPhail, Archibald McPhail, John IvIcKellar, Dugald E. Walker, John Walker, Archibald 561 Wilson, Thom.is 562 Wilson. Clifton 579 (i09 724 %^ 7G1 762 763 LOT. 10 con 10 con 10 con 10 con 11 con 5 con 6 con 10 con 5 con 5 con 5 con 9 con 12 con 12 con 12 con 12 con 7 con 12 con 5 con 5 con ehf shfl e hf s hf 1 e hf 8 hf 1 ehf shf 1 gore n hf 3 nhf 7 shf 7 Other DcHCiiptioii. tenant tenant jtenant [tenant lowner jowner I owner nhf 1 owner s hf 3 owner whfshf7 owner nhf 9 owner pt n hf 1 tenant e pt 1 i owner e pt 1 j occupant ept 1 1 occupant gore 1^2 owner shf 7 owner gore 1 and 2 tenant ehf shf 14 owner e hf 8 hf 14 owner 22 22 22 22 8 4 4 18 4 6 7 8 8 8 8 18 8 & 5 ^v I 5 6 7 8 Mosa, the for ing by vote at and Tv said R( An or othoi said en Townsli Dat ts PART 3.-Persons entitled to Vote at P, .■ _ Legislative Assembly only ^^^*'^"^ *^ the 1 688 pownie, Duncan 2 [586 Gosden, John Kelley, James 4 j758 Livingston, Dugald X^^ay- Donald McDermid. John McDonald, James « ?oo Ar b^^P^'d' James « 722 iMcKellar, John G 9 614 IVosburg, James BENJAMIN WA'. lERWORTH Clerk of said Municipality. ings residence, in the