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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte i des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imagoK n6cessaire. lies diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 . the work has been issued. The names of Senators and Commoners have been alphabetically arranged, and further to meet the requirements of social lite, a system has been adopted whereby it can be easily ascertained if a wife, daughter or other ladies accompany legislators to the city — the city address being given. Suggestions for future guidance will be gladly received by the editor, whose address will be found on the title page. Meantime a generous consideration of the difficulties attending the compilation of such a work, taking in, as it does, matters untouched by previous authors, is respectfully asked by THE EDITOR. Ottawa, March, 1886. TABLE OF .CONTENTS. ,T , ■ n:} PART I. Addenda .... .... 233.234,235, Alphabetical List of Senators, Home Address and City Address .... Alphahetical List of Commoners, Home Address and City Address .... General Index .... .... .... .... .... .... Cut of Parliament Buildings Cut of Deipartmental Buildings — East Building ... ... .... West Building .... .... .... A Review of the progress of the Parliamentary and Departmental Buildings, from their inception to their completion, with Contract, Price, &c. . . General Description of Parliamental and Departmental Buildings when finished. Area of Grounds, &c., &c .... .... General Description of the Library of Parliament, Cost, &c Senators— ' - .... Province of Ontario — Des:riptive of theii birth, education, and public and political career .... .... .... Province of Quebec — do., Province of Nova Scotia — do,, '; Province of New Brunsmck — do., ..,■: Province of Prince Edward Island — do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. Province of British Columbia, do., Province of Manitoba, do.. The Senate-^Statistical Analysis .... Common ERs—. • Province of Ontario — Discriptive of their birth, education and public and political career ; population in each constituency, number of votes on . voters' list, votes polled for and against, and majority Province of Quebec, Province of Nova Scotia, Province of New Brunswick, , , Province of Prince Edward Island - . , • • , Prpvince of British Colunnbia, Province of Manitoba, The Commons— Statistical Analysis, .... C6^»ilTTEES— ' Sessional Committees of the Senate Session, 1885, 48th Vic, Select Standing Committees, Commons, for Session 1885, 48 Vic, do.. do. do., do. do.. do. -do.. ' do. do., do. do., do. PAUK J 236 ;l ■ 25 126 127 127 127 8, 129, 130 131 132 .... 132, m^ 134 •34 .■■■■....■ 135 .... n^. 136 .... 136, m 138, '39 140 .... 40, 141 141 ... 141, 142, 143 143 • • • ' ' 144 144 144 145 •45 ... 146 . • • « • •47 VI CONTENTS. Province of New Brunnvtck — Supreme Court of Judicature Equity Sittings .... . . • • • • • • • ' • • " " ' ' Court of Vice Admiralty ... Court for the Trial and Punishment of Piracy and other oftences on High Seas. .... • • ■ • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' Probate Court Court of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes County Courts ■ • ■ • • • • • ■ • • • • ' • ' Province of Pi ince Edward Island — • Court of Chancery Instance Court of Vice- Admiralty County Courts • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • ' " ' Court of Marriage or Divorce Court of Probate and Wills Supreme Court ... • • • • • • • County Courts • • • • • • • • ■ • " ' Province of Manitoba — Court of Queen's Bench The several judicial Districts North- West Territories — ■ Courts, &c .... .... • ■ • • • • • • • • " • Province of British Columbia — Supreme Court .... • • ■ • • • • • ■ ■ • • Newfoundland^ Judicial Department ■ . . • • • • • the PAOf! 148 148 148 148 148 148 149 ISO ISO ISO 150 150 150 150 ... 151 IS2. 153 ••• 153 ... IS5 .... IS4 PART III. Dominion of Canada— Constitution and Government ... The Governor-General The Governor-General's Staff' Office of the Governor-General's Secretary The Privy Council • • • ■ Members of Privy Council who are not of the Cabinet Privy Council Office .... . • • • Privy Council Staff .... North-West Mounted Police .... Department of Finance .... .... • ■ • Officers of Department, &c., Iepartment of Justice, .... Officers, &c .... Inspection of Penitentiaries, Accountant of, and other Officers, Commissioner of Police for Canada, Superintendent of Dominion Police Officers, Constables, &c I)e|>artment of the Secretary of State, Officers, tic. .... .... Department of Public Works Officers, &c. Department of kail ways and Canals Officers, &c. .... .... Department of Militia and Defence Major-General's Office Inspector of Artillery Military Branch .... .... Departmental S'aflf, &c., &c. Marine Department .... .... Officers, &c .... Department of Fisheries Officers, &c .... Customs Department .... .... Officers, &c Inland Revenue Department Officers of Department and Inspectors of the Dominion Post Office Department • i Officers, &c .... 103^ Department of Agriculture Officers, &c. .... .... The Library of Parliament Officers, &c. Board of Civil Service Examiners The High Commissioners Office Canadian Government Agencies in the United Kingdom Immigration Agencies in the Dominion VII. I'AUK 168 i68 168 169, 170 170 171, 172 172 •72. "73 173 '73 174 174, 175 175 175 .... 175, 176 176 177, '78. 179 179 180 181 18. •, 183, 1^4 184 184 • '85 185 . 185, 1S6, 187 188 188. 189 189 190 190 190, 191 191 192, 193 194. 195. 196, 197. 198 '98, 199 «99 .... 200 200 ... 200 290 2C0 Mil. CONTENTS, I'AKT IV. 'I'lu- Citytif Ottnwa . . . . .... I'npcrs aiifl IVricnlicals .... .... Places of Annisement .... .... I'facesof Inloresl and I'loasure Drives. . . . Churches r.nd hours of Service and Clerfjy City I'ost Office and Officials *. . . . Inspector's Office and Officery .... . Custom House and Officials Inland Revenue Ottawa and I'ontiac Crown Timl)er Office City Rcfjistry Office . . . County Registry Office Ottawa River Works .... Issuer of .Marriage Licenses Coroners .... .... Mayor and Corporotion Water Works Officials I'olice Court. License Commissioners.. Health Officers. Fire Department. . . . . . County t)f Caileton Municipal Officers. . . Commissioners in Ottawa . . .... . . . . County Court Judges and Sittings, District Russell .... .... .... . . . . of Cirleton, Prescott and PART V. Province of Ontario — Lieutenant Governor and Executive Council . . House of Assembly ... .... .... Departments and Officers . . .... .... Province of Quebec — Lieutenant Governor and Executive Council. Officers .... .... .... .... Legislative Assembly . . .... .... Departments and Officers . . .... .... Province of New Brunswick— Lieutenant Governor and Executive Council. OiTicers .... .... .... .... House of Assembly and Officers .... Province of Nova Scotia — Lieutenant Governor and Executive Council , . Legislative Council and Officers .... House of Assembly and Officers .... .... pAiir; . . . 20I 202 202 202, 203 ... 203 204 . . . 204 205 ... 205 205 . . . 205 205 . . . 205 205 ... 205 205 ... 205 206 . . . 206 2C6 . . . 206 207 ... 208 208 210, 211 Legislative Council and 212,213 213 214, 215, 216 Legislative Council and 216 217, 218 218 219 .... . . . .■ 219 CONTENTS. IX. Province ok Princk Edward Island— Lieutenant-Governor and Executive Council , . .... .... Legislative Council and Officers and House of Assembly and Officers Province ok Hritish Columbia— Lieutenant-Governor and ICxecutive Council. . Legislative Assembly and Officers .... .... .... .... Province ok Manitoba— Lieutenant-Governor and Executive Council . . .... ... House of Assembly and OfficerE .... .... .... North-West TKRRrroRiEs— Lieutenant-Governor and North-We.Bt Council .... ... Colony ok Nkwkoundland — The Executive Council, the Legislative Council and Officers, I've. Precedence within the Dominion of Canada . . Titles under Confederation .... .... .... . , .... Precedence in the Civil Service of Canada .... .... ... .... Forms of Epistolry Address .... .... .... .... .... 219 220 221 221 221 222 222 223 ' 224 • • 225 ,, ,, 225 ... 1 ■ t 225 1 1 .. '*" 1! } 'J ? \i I DZAGB.AM OF SBXTATZ CKAMSSB. Chaplain, Rev. J.S. Lauder. L Hon. Messieu RS. 27 Nelson. U Wark. 1 Ferrier 28 Ferguson. 15 Montgomery 2 Trudel. 21) BaillargeoD 16 Hamilton 3 Botsford. 30 Bellerose 17 Viflal. 4 Macpherson. 31 Annand. 18 Benson. 5 Campbell 32 Howlan. 19 Plumb. 6 Smith. 33 Flint. 20 Alexander 7 Uvan. ' 34 Guevremont 21 Mclnnes 8 Odell. 35 O'Donohoe 22 Simpson. 9 Chapais. 36 Robitaille 23 Glasier. 10 Cochrane 37 Schultz. 24 McMillan. 11 McKindsey 38 25 McDonald. 12 Thibaudeau 39 26 Bolduc. 13 DeBlois. THRONE. I Speaker. I J Hon. Wm. ISILLEB. a ona d J. Lani OJ »; 02 O o ■«t 0) Q J5 rortliwooc 65 66 Boyd. 67 OeBoncher- ville. 68 Girard. 69 Read. 70 Stevens 71 Alinon. 72 Cormier. 73 Sutherland 74 Grant 75 Turner. 76 Ross. 77 Clemow 78 Sergeant-at-Arms, Gentleman U. of B. Rod, J. De St. Denis LeMoink. r kd^abd Kimbkr. GSSIEURS. 66 BoyfL 67 DeBoucher- vllle. 68 Girard. 69 Read. 70 Stevens 71 Alinou. 72 Cormier. 73 Sutherland 74 Grant 75 Turner. 76 Ross. 77 Clemow 78 ALPHABETICAL KEY — TO- Diao:iaiii of kn^i^ Kbamber. SesATous. p. (), Alukess M A rLliibald, T D N Sydn.-y, C B 45 Allan, George W Toronto 81 Arniaiid, Joseph F Riv des I'ralries 20 Alexuiider, (leorge Woodstock 71 Alinoi!, William J Halifax, N S •2\> Baillargeon, Pierre Quebec :! Botsford, A E We.stcock, Westmoreland is Benson, .las B St Catherines 80 Bellerose, Jos H St Vine.ent de Paul 6" Boueherville, C E B de Boueherville 2(> Boldue, Joseph. . .St. Victor, de TriuK, P Q tie. Boyd, John St John N B 5 Campbell, Sir Alex Ottawa "2 Cormier, Chai'lcs Pies 'isville oS Chafl'ers, Wm II St C6saire Chapais. JO St Denis, Kani 10 Cochrane, M H Comjiton t)2 Cai veil, J S Charlottetown, 1' E I l:{ Debiois, Pierre A Beauport, P Q 65 Dickey, Robert D Andierst tiO Dever, James St John, N B 28 Ferguson, John Bathurst, N B SSi Flint, Billa Belleville 1 Kerrier, James Montreal 74 icott, Richard Wm Ottawa Schultz, John C Ottawa Simpson, J4)hn Bownianville Smith. Frank Toronto Sutherland, John Kildonan, Man Sti'vens, Gardner Ci Waterloo, P Q Thibaudeau, Jos Rosaire Montreal Trudel, FX A Montreav Turner, James Handlton Vidal, Alexander Surnia Wa. k, !,\ivld Fredericton TiiK Senate has 77 members, being 24 for Ontario, 24 for Quebec, 10 for Nova Scotia, 10 for New Brunswick, 4 for Prince Edward Island, 3 for British Colmnbia, and 2 for Manitoba. The Hon. Wm. Miller, Speaker. Edouarm J. IjAnoevin, Clerk of the Senate and of the ParViamnt. ■I 4* > & ^ A TH i.oo» OF THE . Desaiilniers. St, Maurice. E Pinsonneault, D Bosb6. c Massue. B Bergeron. Campbell. Victoria, N. S. 88 Kanlbach. 89 Townshend. 74 Dugas. 75 Daoust. 59 Wallace. W. York. 60 Hilliard. 44 Curran. 45 McOreevy. 29 McCallum. 30 Patterson. Essex. 15 Woodworth 16 Chai)leaii. 1 Costigan. 2 Carling. 90 Billy. 91 Blondean. 76 Cimon. 77 Guillet. 61 Tupper. 62 Wigle. 46 Hesson. 47 Farrow. 31 Orton. 32 Baker. Missisquol. 17 Pope. 18 McLelan. 3 Caron. 4 Langevin. 92 Desanlniers. Maskinonge 93 Barnard. 78 Cuthbert. 79 Cochrane. 63 64 W'^od. Brockville. 48 Wood. Westmoreland. 49 Foster. 33 White. E. HnstinKS. 34 Macmillan. Middlesex. 19 Williams. 20 White. Renfrew. 5 Macdonald. Carleton. 6 TiUey. 94 Burns. 95 MofTat. 80 Hurteau. 81 Montplaisir. 65 Robertson. Haetini^s. 66 Riopel. 50 Grandboih. 51 Fortin. 35 Daly. 36 Ferguson, Leeds. 21 Rykert. 22 Colby. 7 Bowell. 8 McCarthy. 96 Shakespeare. 97 Wallace. Albert. 82 Couglilin, 83 Small. 67 Burnham. 68 TjTwhitt. 52 Mackintosli. 53 Macmaster. 37 Tass6 38 Royal. 23 White. Cardwell. 24 Gault. 9 Haggart. 10 Abbott. 98 McNeill. 99 O'Brien. 84 McDougald. Pictou, 85 Dodd. 69 Scott. 70 Taylor. 54 Beaty. 55 Kranz. 39 Girouard. 40 Gnllbault. 25 Cameron. Victoria. 26 Bergin. 11 Ouimet. 12 Mitchell. 100 Gordon. 100^ 86 Kinney. 87 Temple. 71 stairs. 72 Labrosse. 56 Dickinson, 57 Pamt. 41 Benoit. 42 Hiokey. 27 Kilvert. 28 Vanasse. 13 Landry. KentN B 14 Valin. 87i McDougall. Cap* Br«ton. 73 Gaudet. 58 Hay. 43 Lesage. 28^ Homer. 14J Robertsoii. Hamilton. Beporters' Gallery Speaker. HOLO.A.BBKPATRICK. a. J. G. BOURINOT. Clerk 1 • •< , N ^ ij a> 1 ^ ^ " Hansard ' t-Arms, cdonell. . OF THE BOCse Beporters' Gtallery. Hon.&.A.KMPATRICE, J. G. BOUBINOT. Clark 1 • •4 • % 1 , ^ 1X4 O/pf o. °** F Wilson. G Forbes. H Edgai. I Auger. J Bernior. k Jackson. 101 Langclier. 102 Vail, 115 Gilhnor. 116 Davies. 129 Robertson Shelburne. 130 King. 144 Bourassa. 145 Rinfret. 159 Catudal. 160 De St George _174 McMuUen. 175 Allen. 188 Campbell Renfrew. 189 Cameron. Middlesex 103 Blake. 104 Lanrier. 117 Mills. 118 Weldon. 131 Cook. 132 Burpeo. SuTitmrv. 146 Wells. 147 Sutherland. Oxford. 161 Fisher, 162 Irvine. 176 Lister. 177 Sjiringer. 190 !9l Livingstone. 105 Mackenzie. 106 Cartwright 119 Casey. 120 Cameron. Huron. 133 Bficliard 134 Trow. 148 Cockburn. 149 Bain. Wentwortli. 163 Tec. 164 Fairbank. 178 Fleming. 179 Piatt. 192 Somerville. Bruce. 193 Watson. 107 Casgrain. 108 Charlton. 121 Paterson, Brnnt. 122 Soriver. 135 Holton. 136 McIsiinc. 150 Glen. 161 Gunn. 165 Somerville. Brant 166 hcCn-iey. 180 Innes. 181 Mclntyrok 194 195 109 Wright. 110 Desjardins. 123 Dawson. 124 Ives. 137 Muloek. 138 Hall. 152 Armstrong. 153 Kirk. 167 Ross. 168 Harley. 182 Sutherland. Selkirk. 183 Baker. Victoria, n. r. 196 197 111 Coursol, 112 Landerkin. 125 Amyot, 126 Gigault. 1.39 Sproule. 140 Ferguson. Wellnnd. 154 Benson. •1-5 Allison. 169 Bell, 170 Bryson, 184 Smyth, 185 Pruyn. 198 199 113 Thompson, 114 Geoffrion. 127 1 Bourbeau. 128 McMillan Vaudrenll, 141 Haekett. 142 Macdonald. King's PEI 156 Cameron. Invernesa, 157 Jamieson, 171 Dundas. 172 GagnA. 186 Dupont 187 Bain, .Soulnnges, 200 200i 114i Rajr. 128^ Landry. Montmagay, 143 Jenkins. 158 Reid. 173 Taschereau, 187i Belleau, ALPHABETICAL KEY TO - Diagram House of Commons. 10 A bbotl, Hon J J C Argenteuil, Q 175 Allen, Beiijimiin Grey, N Kuliiig, O 155 Allison, Win Henry Hants, N S 125 Aniyot, Guillimnie Bellecliasscs Q 162 Armstrong, Jas Middlesex, 8 Hiding, O I Auger, Miiliel SheHord, Q 187 nain, Jas, W Soulanges, Q 14!t Bain, Thomas. . .Wentworth, N Biding, 18;} Baker. Kdgar Crow Victoria, B C 82 Bilker, (leo Barnanl Missiwiuoi, Q <)3 Barnard, Francis Jones Yale, B C 54 Beaty, James, .jun Toronto, W Bergin, Darby Cornwall & Storuiont, O J Bernier, Michel E St. Hyacinthe, Q <»0 Billy, Louis Adolphe Riniouski, Q 108 Blake, Hon Ed .... Ourham, W Riding, O in Blondeau, Chas Bruno Kan-.ouraska, Q D Boss6, Jos Guillaunie . , .Quebec Centre, Q 144 Bourassa, Francois St. Johns, Q .«- T, I ^t. • I. t\ i Drununond and 127 Bourbeau, D6sii6 O . . . . •{ Arthabaska, Q 7 Bowell, Hon M Hastings, N Riding, O 170 Bryson, John Pontiac, Q 67 Burnhani, J no . . Peterborough, E Riding, O '.•4 Burns, Kennedy F Gloucester, N B 132 Burpee, Charles Sunbury , N B Burpee, Hon Isaac St Jolin, N B l8!t Caiueron, D M Middlesex, W Riding, O 2.") t'ameron, Hector Victoria, N Riding O 15t> Cameron, Hngh Inverness, N S 120 Camertm, M C Huron, W Hiding, O A Campbell, Charles James ..Victoria, N S 188 Campbell, Robert Renfrew, S Riding, O 2 Carling, Hon John London, ;{ Caron, Hon J P R A . . .Quebec County, Q lOti Cartwright, Sir R J. .Huron, S Riding, O Hit Casev, George Elliott . . Elgin, W Riding, O 107 Casgrain, Phillipjie Baby l/lidet, Q 15ii Catudal, M6(16riu Napierville, Q 10 Chapleau, Hon J A Terrebonne, Q 108 Charlton, John Norfolk, N Riding, O 7(> Cimon, Simon Xavier Clhailcvoix, Q 7i) Cochrane, E. . Northumberland. E Riding.O 148 Co(!kburn, Alex P Ontario, \ Riding, O 22 Colby, Chas Carrol Stanstead, Q 131 Cook, Hermann . . .Simcoe, E Ridin-;, (i 1 Costigan, Hon John Victoria, N b 82 Coughlin, T Middlesex, N Riding, 111 Coursol, Chas Joseph. . .Montreal, East, Q 44 Curran, John Jos ... .Montreal, Centre, Q 78 Cuthbert, E Octavian Berthier, Q .HB Daly, Mal'.chy Bowes Halifax, N S 76 Daoust, Jean Bap't* . . .Two Mountains, Q 116 Davies, Louis Henry Queen's, P E I 123 Dawson. Simon James Algoma, O 160 De St George's, J E A Portneuf, Q !t2 Desaulniers, Alexis L Maskinong6, Q O Desaulniers, Louis Leon L..St Maurice, Q 110 Des.jardins, Alphonse Hochelaga.^Q 56 Dickinson, Moss Kent Russell.'u 85 l)Mdd. Murray Cape Breton, N S 74 I luga.s. Firman Montcalm, Q 171 Dundas, Jos R Victoria, 8 Riding, O 186 Dupont, Flavien Bagot, Q H Edgar, Jas D Ontario, W Biding, O 161 Pairbank, J H Lambton, E Riding, O 47 Farrow, Thi mas Huron, E' Riding, O 80 Ferguson, C F \ ^"^'^^ * grenville, J N Ruling, O 140 Ferguson, John Welland, O lOl Fisher, Sidney Artliur Brome, Q 178 Fleming. James Peel, O G Forl)es, James F Queen's, N S 61 Fortin, Pierre Ga.»p6, Q 4it Foster, Geoige E King's, N B 172 Gagn6. J A Chicoutimi & Sagucnay.Q 73 Gaudet, Athanase Nicolet, Q 24 Gault, Matthew H Montreal, West, Q 114 Geoffrion, Hon F61ix Verchires, Q 126 Gigault, George Auguste Rouville, Q 115 Gilhnor, Arthur Hill Charlotte, N B .39 Girouard, D^sir^ Jacques Cartier, Q 150 Glen, F W Ontario, S Riding. O 100 Gonlon, D W Vancouver Island, B C 50 Grandbois. Paul E T6mi.scouata, Q 40 G lilbaiilt, Edouard Joliefte. Q 77 Guillet, G . . Northumberland, W Riding, O 151 Gunn, Alexander ... Kingston, O 141 Hackett, Edwanl •. Prince, P E I !» Haggart, John G Lanark, S Riding, O 138 Hall, Robert Newton Sherbrooke, Q H)8 llarley, Archibald Oxford, 8 Riding, O 68 Hay, Robert Toronto, Centre, O 46 Hesson, Samuel R Perth, N Riding, O 42 Hickey, Charles Era.stu8 Dundas, O tiO Hilliard, G Peterborough, W Riding, O 185 Holton, Edward ChatHse, Simon Prescott, O 112 I^nclerkiii, Geo, Grey, S Hiding, O 128i Landry, Pli Montniagny, Q 18 101 4 104 48 176 191 Ijandry, Pierre Anntnd Kent, N B Langelier, Frangnis Meganlic, Q iiangevin, Hon Sir H L Tliree Uivers, 53 Macn'astcr, Donald Glengarry, O 84 Macniillan, D Middlesex, E Riding, O 29 McCalluni, Lauchlan Monek O 8 McCarthy, Dalton Sinicoe, N Hiding, O IfiC McCraney, William Hiilton, O 84 Mc I lougald, John Pictou, N 8 87 McDougall, Hector F. . . .(Jape Breton, N 8 45 MoGreevy, Hon Thos . . . .QueK'c, West, Q 181 Mclntyre, Peter Adolphus. . . . King's, P B 1 136 Mclsaac, Angus Antigonish, N 8 18 McLclan, Hon AW Colchester, N 8 128 McMillan, Hugh Vaudreuil, Q 174 McMullen, J Wellington, N Itiding, l> 198 McNeill, Alex Bruce, N Hiding. O IC Massue, Louis Huet Richelieu, Q IT Mills, Hon David Both\vell, O 12 Mitcliell, Hon P. . . . North unU)erland, N B 95 Moffat, Robert Restigouchc, N B 81 Montplaisir, Hljipolyte Champlain, Q 137 Mulock, Wni York, N Riding, O 99 O'Brien, Wm Edward Muskoka, O 81 Orton, O T Wellington, C Hiding, O 11 Ouiiaet, Joseph Ald6rie Laval, Q 57 Paint, Henry N Richmond, N 8 121 Paterson, Wm Brant, 8 Riding, O 80 Patterson. .las C Essex, N Hiding, O E Pinsonneault, Alfred Lajirairie, Q 179 Piatt, John Milton Prince Edward, O 17 Pope, Hon John Henry t.'ompton, Q 185 Pruyn, Mattliew William l^ennox, O 114J Ray, William Hallett .... Annapolis, N 8 158 Reid, James Cariboo, B C 145 Hinfret, C6me IsaXe Lotbiniere. Q 66 Hiopel, L J Bnnaventure, Q 65 Robertson, A Hastings, W Hiding, O 144 Robertson, Thonnis Hamilton, O 129 Robertson, Thomas. ; Shelburne, N 8 167 Ross, Arthur Wellington LiBgar, M 8." Royal, Joscjih Provencher, M 21 Uykert, John C Lincoln A. Niagara, O 09 Scott, Thomas Winnipeg, M 122 Scriver, Julius Huntingdon. Q 96 Shakespeare, Noah Victoria, B C 88 Small. John Toronto, East, O 184 Smyth, Henry Kent, O 165 Somerville, James Brant, N Hiding, O 192 Somerville, James Bruce, W Hiding, O 177 Springer, Lewis . . Wentworth, 8 Riding O 189 Sproule, Thos 8 Grev, E Riding, O 71 St 11 8 Watson, Robert Mai'quette, M 118 Weldon, Cha.^ Wesley . . . . St John, N B 146 Wells, Rupert M Bruce, E Hiding, O 33 White, John Hastings, E Hiding, O 20 White, Peter Renfrew, N Hiding, O 23 White, Thomas Cardwell, Q 62 Wigle, Lewis Essex, S Riding, O 19 Williams, A T H . . . . Durham, E Hi.iing, O F Wilson, John H.. Elgin, E Riding. O 64 Wood, John Fisher Brockville, O 48 Wood, Josiah Westmoreland, N B 63 Wood worth, Douglas B King's, N 8 109 Wright, Alonzo Ottawa County, Q 168 Yeo, James Prince, P E I III h STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. New Year's Day, January Ist Epiphany, January 6th. Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Annunciation, March 25tli. Good Friday, April 3rd. Easter Monday, April 6th. Ascension, May 14th. Queen's Birthday, May 24th. Corpus Christi, June 4th. St. Peter and St. Paul, June 29th. Dominion Day, July Ist. All Saints, November Ist. Conception, December 8tii. Christmas, December 25th. I LiMlllS'ii r 5 w 9 I 3 K i o 9 U VI 3 O X A REVIEW Of the progress of the PARLIAMENTARY and DEPART- MENTAL BUILDINGS of the Dominion of Canada, from their inception to their completion, with contract price, &c., for each ; also, a general description of the Buildings when finished— area of Grounds, ftc, &c. On the 34th March, 1857, Resolutions were passed by the House of Assembly towards fixing a place as the permanent Seat of Government as follows : " That the sum of Two hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds be appropriated for the purpose of providing for the necessary Buildings, and that an Address be presented to her Majesty praying Her to select some one place as the Permanent Seat of Government in Canada." A despatch from the Colonial Secretary, dated 31st December, 1857, conveying Her Majesty's selection of Ottawa as the Seat of Government, was communicated to both branches of the Legislature on the 1 6th March, 1858. The place having been thus chosen, the site was immediately fixed upon, and a notice issued by the Department of Public Works, dated 17th May, 1859, inviting architects to prepare and submit designs for Parliament and Departmental Buildings, such designs to be received at the Department not later than the ist day of August next following; also stating that the structures "are proposed to be built in a plain, substantial style of architecture, of coarse hammer-dressed masonry, &c., and that the necessary information' relative to sites, size, number of rooms, &c., necessary for the preparation of plans, could be obtained at the office of the Department. Sixteen designs were submitted for Parliament and seven for Departmental Buildings, by fourteen and seven competitors respectively. The first premium for Parliament Buildings was awarded to Messrs. Fuller & Jones, and for the Departmental Buildings to Messrs. Stent & Laver. These gentlemen were instructed by the Department to make •• Parliamentary Directory. certain alterations in their plans, with a view to their better adaptation to the purposes conteriiplated, such changes to be made and specifications prepared by the 15 th October following. Later, public notice was given that the tenders for the construction of the Buildings would be received until 15th November, when it was found that twenty-one were received for the Parliament and twenty-nine for the Departmental Buildings. The tender of Thomas McGreevv (now Hon.) was accepted for the construction of the Parliament Buildings, for the bulk sum of $348,500, the contract being entered into with him on 7th December, 1859, for the completion of the work by ist day of July, 1862. About the same date the contract for the construction of the Departmental Buildings was awarded to Messrs. Jones, Haycock & Clarkf, for a bulk sum of $378,810, and the time fixed for their completion was the ist February, 1862. The architects whose designs received first premium were appointed by the Government to superintend the execution of the work of the respective Buildings, and were paid a commission of about five per cent, upon the contract sum. As no adequate provision had been made for heating and ventilation ip the accepted plans, a notice, dated 14th November, 1859, was issued calling upon competent parties to tender for this service on or before the 30th December, and to submit in detail the system which they proposed to adopt, with a guarantee of its effi- ciency, &C., for a period of at least ten years after completion. In compliance with the latter notice, nine tenders were received, and after due consideration, on the 28th January, i860, the work was awardedto Charles Garth, at a bulk sum of $61,285. This was under- stood to include the whole of the furnishing and fitting up of apparatus necessary for all the Buildings, except alterations that might afterwards be ipade as to the mode of heating- the wings of the Parliament Buildings. The building contractors commenced operations on the 20th December, and were principally occupied during the winter of that year, 1859-60, in the excavations for foundations, preparing materials and making other arrangements for the carrying on of the works during the ensuing summer. The masonry was cor:r'.ienced on the Parliament Building on the 26th April, i860, and \\\ June the foundation of the iliiiMn Central Tower was laid. On the Eastern Departmental Buildipg •r 'HI A Review, % «o a 5 a» . a < 2 y &. ui 'J i: o o -4 CQ Z (XL M (A < operations were begun on the 2nd April, and the works were from th^t time proceeded with generally. On Saturday, the ist September, i860. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales laid the Corner-:.tone of the pier immediately under the north-east angle pillar of the Legislative Council Chamber, and the early part of December building operations were generally stopped for the winter. The works were now fully under way, and it became neces- sary to obtain more ample information in regard to the expenditure on and management of the works than was in the possession of the Depart- ment. With this object in view the Chief Engineer was ordered to be sent to Ottawa to report fully on all matters connected with the general character, superintendence, and progress of the works, &c., from the commencement up to that period. A report in detail was submitted by that officer on the 20th April, i86r, recommending certain changes, by which the works could be resumed under a different system of manage- ment and supervision. During the latter part of the season of 186 1 the appropriation hav- ing become exhausted, work was suspended by order of the Hon. the Commissioner. On the 2ist September, 1861, the Hon. H. H. Killaly was instruct- ed to proceed to Ottawa, and ascertain the best arrangements which could be made for protecting the Buildings during the ensuing winter, and to report upon their condition generally and the best mode of set- tlement v.'ith the Contractors for work performed, &c. He submitted his report, which contained the amoui;its in his opinion that should be paid to the contractors for the various items of work per- formed; and later, sent estimates of the work done in October and Nov- ember, 1861 ; and still later, another Report containing a summary of his previous estnnates, also an estimate of the probable cost of complet- ing the Buildings. In 1862 the sum of $188,344.30 was appropriated under the head of unprovided items for the previous year — and a further sum of $500,000 was granted by the Legislature towards the construction of the Buildings. The Contractors urging a settlement for the works they had per- formed, and alleging certain claims for their suspension, a Commission was appointed under the Great Seal of the Province, on the 21st June, 1862, to enquire into matters connected with the construction of the Parliamentary Directory. 'i I Buildings, and management of the works, so far as they had been pro- ceeded with, and to advise the Government as to the best method of carrymg them on in future, and to supply an estimate of the probable cost of their completion. At this time there had been paid to Thomas McGreevy, for work performed, the sum of $483,163.95 and to Messrs, Jones, Haycock & Co. the sum of $511,391.54. On the 29th January, 1863, the report of the Commission was submitted, and amongst other things recommended that the work remaining to be done should be offered to the original contractors at a schedule of prices fixed by them (the Commissioners). , . The Government acceded to this proposition and it was also agreed to by the Contractors, and on the i8th April, 1863, contracts were en. tered into with Thomas McGreevy, for the completion of the Parliament Buildings and with Messrs. Jones, Haycock & Clarke, for the completion of the Departmental Buildings at a schedule of prices to be applied to the different classes and items of work. Under this arrangement the alleged claims arising out of first contracts were held in abeyance. On a revision of the specifications it was deemed advisable that instead of paying the architects a commission as heretofore they should be paid fixed salaries, and Mr. Thomas Fuller and Mr. Chas. Baillargd, were appointed Joint Architects for all the Buildings, and in accordance with the provisions of the new contract a general Superintendent was also appointed. To settle the claims arising out of the first contract and for claims by the Architects for matters arising out of their supervision for which they preferred claims, the Government appointed an arbitrator, the claimants another, and these two selected a third, and after due de- liberation awarded as follows : to Messrs. Jones, Haycock & Clarke, first contract on Departmental Buildings, on the 8th May, 1886, the sum of $88,176 and for costs $2,203 > ^" ^^^ cases of the Architects, Messrs. Fuller and Jones, $5,064 and $181 costs ; and to Messrs. Stent & Laver, $6,931 and $200 costs. Considerable progress was made with the works during the season of 1863, and during the Session a further sum of $100,000 was granted towards construction. May, 1864, it was deemed advisable that the Chief Engineer should assume control of the works at Ottawa, in order that questions arising there could be settled without the delay of referring to the Department o a! 3 CD 111 s I- a f M O X U 2 o 2 K u I- w u A Review. \ 5 at Quebec. The method of furnishing supplies of gas, water, &c, was decided, and the necessary work commenced During the season Of this year the building operations were vigorously pushed forward, and a further sum placed in the Estimates of $400,000 towards their com- pletion. In May, 1865, ^^^ services of Mr. Baillarg^ were dispensed with, and in the same month and year, it was decided that the Public Departments be removed to Ottawa the Fall ensuing, and the contractors were notified to make extra exertions to put the buildings in order for their reception by that :l.ne. The clearing and grading of the grounds was undertaken and proceeded with, also the laying out and making of roads to the different buildings pushed forward. In the month of October the buildings were reported far enough advanced to permit of their occupation by the several Departments to which they had been allotted. The roads were partially made, and about this time the removal of the Government took place. The wings and central portion of the Parliament Buildings were also sufficiently forwarded t6 admit of a number of the offices being occupied, and of the books of the library being placed in the building. This year the Legislature granted a further sum of $300,000 towards the completion of the works. In May, 1866, the claims of Thos. McGreevy were referred to the Chief Engineer ■as arbitrator, who awarded him, on the 12th November, on account of first contract the sum ^f $61,785. The two Chambers and other neces- sary rooms were so far completed as to admit of a session being opened^ which took place (the first in Ottawa) on the 8th of June, 1866, a day long to be remembered, and of which the people of Ottawa and sur- rounding country may feel justly proud, being in so short a time trans- formed, as it were, from a remote backwoods town to a city, the chosen Capitol for the several Provinces, since consolidated, and now forming the Dominion of Canada, with the advantages of periodical visits from the country's legislators, and still more, that the selection of the site on which to erect the Government Buildings of Canada was made In their midst, and that it was the choice of no less a {Personage than Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. During the. session a further grant of $500,000 was made toward the building fund. In Novem- ber, 1866, Thomas McGreevy, by permission given him, trans- ferred his contract for the Public Buildings to Robert H. McGreevy. By the Fall of this year the Departmental Buildings were comf> pleted, and in March, 1867, a settlement in full was made with 1 6 Parliamentary Directory, the contractors for all work performed under and connected with the hew or second contract, and which, in the aggregate, amounted to the sum of $436,199.72. In February, 1867, authority was granted to make certain altera- tions in the Legislative Assembly Chamber for the accommodation of the increased number of members forming the House of Commons under the Confederation of the Provinces. In the spring of 1867, the Depart- mental Buildings being completed, and the Parliament Buildings well advanced, the staff was considerably reduced, and in May of that year the services of Mr. Thos. Fuller, architect, were dispensed with. Now that we have pursued the rise and progress of these noble structures, it will seem in ordertogive ageneral description of their outline, situation and surroundings. They were constructed from 1859 to 1865, and consist of three detatched structures situated on the south side of the Ottawa River, on what was formerly and familiarly known as "Barrack Hill." The site on which these buildings stand rises about 159 feet above summer level of the river and commands a view of the entire :ui 'insr country. Buildings are erected on the northern, eastern "i v.t, '; w side?, of the hill, leaving a rectangular plot in the centre 1^. .i o« n So feet from north to south, and 700 feet from east to west, alcri^ it!) '^gton street The Parliament House in which, as before mentioned, the Legislature assembled for the first time on the 8th June, 1866, stands on the north side of the quadrangle upon which it presents a front of 472 feet in length, and two storeys in height, above the base- ment ; its breadth being 370 feet at the centre, and 181 feet across the main eastern and western entrances. The Eastern Block has two principal facades at right angles to each other : one 319 feet in length qpon the square, and the other 245 along Wellington street. The West- ern Block is somewhat similar in shape to the Eastern, being a frontage of 220 feet on the square, and 277 feet along Wellington street Fur- ther accomodation being required, contracts were entered into at the A Review. % dates following : for the " extension " of this block, which was com- pleted and occupied in January, 1877, viz: basement walls on nth May, 1875 ; the super-structure on 29th November, 1876. The new building which is 245 feet in length by 60 feet in width, faces the Union Suspension Bridge, which spans the Ottawa River immediately below the Chaudibre Falls. The building covers an area of 17,900 square feet, furnishing 58 additional offices in the three upper floors, besides to rooms in the basement. The main tower, which is 274 feet in height from ground to top of finial, is situated about the centre of the western front, and contains the principal entrance and vestibule. Cost of " extension " $462,247. 1 1. At the time of Confederation the foundation walls of the Parlia. mentary Library building had been carried up to the plinth course and the exterior works partly executed. By Order-in-Council dated 29th February, 1868, the Government directed that the construction of the Library should not be proceeded with. The works were consequently suspended, and were not resumed until the i8th November, 1870, when a contract was entered into for the completion of the walls ; the material for the roofing (iron) arrived from England about the same date, and the building was completed and occupied in 1877. I* is circular inside, and ninety feet in diameter. The main wall is about four feet thick and its exterior face forms a polygon of sixteen sides, at each angle of which is a flying buttress spanning the roof of the lean-to and joining the main wall at a height calculated to resist the thrust of the roof. The Library is floored with Canadian woods, viz : oak, ash, cherry, and wal- nut ; fittings and book cases of pine, the latter in three storys with eight divisions, the spaces between forming small alcoves enclosed with iron railing. The upper storeys have projecting galleries floored with glass, and iron railing. These galleries are reached by stone stair-cases. The Library has accommodation for 103,000 volumes, and it contains that number, of which 60,000 are in the centre om. Cost of completion, $301,812.45. It may not be considered of general interest in a work of this kind to give place to further detail in prices, but the items are as follows : completing main tower, making the attics habitable as offices- arising from the necessity of the growth of the several Departments, the growth being caused by the opening of the North-West, etc. — clearing the grounds, making roads through grounds, fence walls, terrace walls, lamps and lamp posts in grounds, excavating, Supreme Court building and Con- 8 Parliamentary Directory, servatory, making a total to 30th June, 1882, expended $4,i7iJ,990 04 Further sums were granted for the following purposes : — The more efficient exit from galleries in Houses of Parliament ; for better ventilation, &c. ; and the total expenditure for buildings and grounds during year is as follows : — Construction $ 8,860 50 • Alterations and repairs 120,82666 129,687 x6 Total to 30th June, 1883. . . $4,308,67720 The continued increase in the business of the country, and conse quently the enlargement of the Deparmental Staff has been seriously felt for some time past, the Departmental Building being overcrowded ; and as they cannot be further enlarged without seriously detracting from their symmetry it was decided to acquire a suitable site outside the Parliament Grounds and there erect a new Departmental Building. For this pupose the sum of $84,000 was voted at the session of 1883, and the Northern hall of the block bounded by Wellington, Metcalfe, Elgin and Sparks Streets, which fronts on Wellington Street, was purchased by the Government. The work of demolishing the buildings thereon has been accomplished, and the excavating is being proceeded with. Expenditure during the year $70,419.95. A description of dimen* sions Architecture, &c., will be given in second Edition. PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY. SENATORS. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Hon. George Alexander, (Rokewood, Woodttock.) Wan born in Banffshire, Scotland, 2l8t May, 1814; educated at Aberdeen University; was President or the Provincial Agricultural Association, U. C, 1857, and continued a member of the Board of Arts and Manufactures until 1867 ; represented Gore Division in L, Cot' Canada from 1858 until the Union ; called to the Senate 30th May, 1873. A Conservative. lion. George William Allan, D. C. L., F. B. G. S., T. Z. JS., (Moss Park, Toronto, Strathallan, Lake Simcoe.) Whs born in Toronto 9th January, 1822 ; educated at U. C. College; called to the Bar U. C, Hilary Term, 1846; is Chief Commissioner of the Canada Company, and President of the Western Canada Loan and Savings Company; is Lieut.-Col. of the Regimental Division of East Toronto; Chancellor of the University of Trinity College, Toronto, and a D. C. L.of the same institution; iR a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and of the Zoological Society (Eng.) ; is President of the U. C. Bible Society ; was Mayor of Toronto in 1865 ; was returned and sat for York Division in L.C. of Canada from 1858 until Confederation, and was Chairman of the Private Bills Committee of that House, a position^to which he was again elected in the Senate on the first meeting of the Dominion Parliament, 1867 ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation May, 1867. A Conservative Hon. James Rea Benson, (,St. Catharines.) Has been engaged in milling and forwarding for many years; a Director <^ the Imperial Bank of Canada, and also of the (rman and miller, but now retired. Appointed a Justice of the Peace, 1836 ; was first President of the Board uf Police, Belleville ; was Reeve in Hastings County Council for three years, 1856, '67 and '58. Reeve o\ Townships of Elzevir and Greensthorpe for 21 years in succession, to 1879; Mayor of Belleville, 1861 ; Warden of the , County of Hastings, 1863; first elected for Hastings in Canada Assembly from 1847 to 1851, when defeated ; again for South Hastings from 1854 to 1«57 ; an unsuccessful candidate for Trent Division L. C. Canada, 1861 ; represented that division from 1863 until the Union ; called to the Senate, by Royal proclama- tion. May 1867. A Liberal. Hon. John ^K}i\i.To^,{Evandale House, Hawkenburtfy Ontario; Tyrella Houses Sherbrook Street Montreal, Q.) Was born in 1827 ; educated in Montreal ; is a member of the extensive and long established lumber firm of HaMiilton Bros., proprietors of theHawkesbury Mills, Ontario; President of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Company, and of the Canada Timber and Lumber Association, and Director of the Ottawa Union Forwarding Company, and of the Canada Investment and Agency Conipany, and Vice-President of the Riliance Mutual Life Assurance Society of London ; was President of the Merchants Bank of Canada ; was Reeve of Hawkesbury for four years and Warden of the United Counties ot Prescott and Russell for three years; represented Inkerman Division in L. C. Canada, from lb60 until the Union; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation. May, 1867. A Con- servative. Hon. Elijah Leonard, {Talbot Street, London.) Was born near Syracuse, New York State, 10th Sept., 1815 ; came to Canada and became largely interested in manufacturing ; was Mayor of London, Ont., and a Director of the Lon3 member of the Executive Council, and Commissioner of Crown Lands (or that Province, on 21st same rodnth, in which office he remained until 7th Novem* ber, 1873, when sworn of the Queen's Privy Council ; was Secretary of State from 9th January, 1874, until Uctuber, 1878. Acted as Minister of Finance during the absence of Mr. Cartwright in England, 1874, and again in 1876^ acted as Minister of Inland Revenue during the illness of Mr. OeofTrion, 1876- 76, and as Minister of Justice during Mr. Blake's absence in Eneland, in 1876. Represented Ottawa, in Can. Assemblv, from 1857 to 1863 wlien defeated^ and for same seat in Ontario Assembly, from general election, 1867, until November, 1873, when he resigned. Mr. Scott's principal legislative achieve- ment is the Separate School ]epted, but subsequently, for private reasons, resignd, notwith- standing that he had passed the necessary examinations therefor; on two occasions declined important appts. under Govt., and after the death of Sir O. E. Cartier, refused a seat in the Cabinet owing to the unsettled policy of Govt, on Man. Amnesty and N. B. School questions, but principally on account of Pacific Railway charges then pending; sat for Laval in Can. Assembly from g. e. 1863 until the Union, and tor same seat in House of Commons from that event up to his elevation to the Senate, 7 Oct. 1 873 ; represented Laval in Quebec Assembly from the Union until g. e. 1875, when he retired, and was, during the whole of that time. Chairman of the Contingent Committee, and as such effected great reductions in the House expenditure. A Conserva- tive. Hon. Charles Eugene Boucher de Boucherville, M. D., {Quebec, Boucher' ville.) Was born at Boucherville, P. Q., 1820 ; educated at St. Sulpice College, Montreal ; conducted his medical studies at Paris, where he graduated ; was a member of Ex. Council and Speaker of the Leg. Council from July 1867 to Feb. 1873 ; entrusted with the formation of a new Cabinet on the resignation of Mr. Ouimel,a duty he successfully accomplished, 22nd Sept. 1874, when he and his Ministers were sworn into office, he (Mr. De B.) taking the portfolio of Secretary and Registrar and Minister of Public Instruction ; transferred to Dept. of Agriculture and Public Works,27 Jan. 1876; dismissed by Lieut.- Gov. Letellier de St. Just in March, 1878 ; sat for Chambly, in Can. Assem- bly, from g. c. 1861 until the Union ; called to L. C, P. Q., July 1867 ; called to Senate 12th Feb. 1879. A Conservative. Hon. William Henry Chaffers, (^St. Ceaaire.) Was born in Quebec, 1830 ; educated at Chamblv and Montreal ; a merchant, sat for Rouville in Can. Assembly from October, 1856, till general election, 1857, when he retired; has been Warden of Rouville, Mayor of St. Cesaire, a Commissioner of Small Causes, and President of the Rouville Agriculture Society ; represented Rougemont in L. C. Can. from January, 1864, until the Union ; callsd to the Senate by Royal proclamation. May, 186*7. A Liberal. Hon. Jean Charles Chafais, P. C, (^St Denis de la Bouteilerie.) Was born at River Ouelle ; educated at Nicolet College ; a merchant ; was a member of the Ex. Council, and Gommr. Public Works, Can., from March, 1864 until the Union; sworn of the Privy Council, Ist July, 1867, and was Minister of Agriculture from that date until 16th November, 1870, when appointed Receiver General ; resigned Jan., 1873 ; sat in the Quebec Union Conference, 1864; has been a Government Director of the Grand Trunk Railway ; sat for Kamouraska in Can. Assembly from 1851 until the Union. Contested same seat for Commons at g. e. 1867, being opposed by Mr. G. A. P. i6 Parliamentary Directory. Pelletier, special return made and no election declared ; sat for Ghamplain in Local House from 1867 to 1871 ; called to the Senate, 13th January, 1868; A Conservative. Hon. Chablbs Gormibr, (PlesaiavilU de Somerset.) Was born at St. Gregorie le Grand, 22nd June, 1813 ; educated there ; a mill-owner; has been MayorofPlessisvilleon several occasions; President of th« Comnirs. Court, and President of School Commrs ; sat for Kennebec in L. C. Can. from 1862 until the Union, when called to the Senate by Royal procla« mation. May, 1867. A Liberal and " Nationalist." ■ . > Hon. Mathew Hemrt Goohbane, (Mlthurst Farm, Compton.) An eminent cattle importer and breeder ; is a trustee of Lennoxville University; a mem. of the Council of Agriculture of Quebec; a director of the Eastern Townships Bank, of the Canada Meat and Produce Gompan^', and of the Waterloo and Magog Railway Go. ; Presdt. of the Cochrane Ranch Co.* and of the Tolley Manufacturing Co.; called to the Senate, 17th Oct., 1872. A Conservative. Hon. Pierre Aktoine DeBlois, (Beauport) Is engaged in farming ; was formerly in business in Quebec as a merchant ) has been Mayor of the parish of Beauport ; is an uncle of Bon. A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia ; called to the Senate 8th February, 1883, fofiU the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. L. Fabre. A Conservative. Lieut.-Colonel Hon. James Ferrier, (100 St. Alexander St., Montreal.) Was born inScotland, 1800; educated in Fifeshire ; came to Can. in 1821, and uptc l^^^fi was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits; became a mem. of the Corporation of the City of Montreal in 1841, Mayor in 1847, and Lieut.-Col.of the First Battalion of Montreal Militia same year ; projected the Montreal and Lachine Railway, of which he was President for some years ; appointed a mem. of the Board of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learn- ing, 1845, of which he subsequently became President; has been a director of the Can. Board of the Banlc of British North America since it was first established ; was President of the Montreal Assurance Company for six years ; of the St. Andrew's Society, Montreal, upon several occasions ; and a mem. of the Council, Victoria College, Cobourg; is Chairman Can. Board of the Grand Trunk Railway Co., including the Montreal and Champlain and the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Companies ; President of the Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League ; of the Montreal Temperance Vigilance Assn. ; and of Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society ; Vice-President of the Sabbath School Assn. of Can. ; and of the French Can. Missionary Society ; Supt. of the Wesleyan Central Sunday School, St. James Street, Montreal ; and a director of the International Bridge Co; was a life mem. of the L. jC. Can., from 27th May, 1847, until the Union ; called to the Senate by Royal f reclamation, May, 1867 ; apptd, mem. for Victoria in the L. C, Queliec, 867. A Conservative. Hon. Jean Baftibte GnivREMONT, (Charlotte St., Sorel.) Was born in Province of Quebec ; sat for Richelieu in Can. Assem. from 1854 togen.elec. 1856, when he was defeated; represented Sorel in L.C. Can. from 1868 until the Union ; an unsuccessful candidate for Richelieu in Quebec Assem. at gen. elec. 1867; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation May 1867. A Conservative. 1^ 1^ i Senators^ Province of Quebec 17 Hon. Alexander Laoostg, Q. (J.y LL. D., (11 Place D'Armea Hill, Montreal.} Was born at Boucherville, Quebec, 12th January, 1842; educated at St Hyacinthe College, Laval University, and in Montreal : wap called to the bar Feb> 1863, appointed Q.C., 1876, Batounier Quebec Bar, 1876 to 1878 ; a member of the L.C., Qubeec, from March, 1882 to ^dv., 1883 ; called to the Senate 12th Jan., 1884. A Conservative. Lieut.-Col. Hon. Louis Francis Roderick Masson, P. C, {Terrebonne, Q.) Was born at Terrebonne, P.Q., 7 Nov., 1833 ; educated at the Jesuit College, Georgetown, and at Worcester, U.S., and completed his classical studies at the College of St. Hyacinthe, P.Q. ; called to the Bar, L.C., Nov. 1859; has held a commission in the Can. Vol. Militia Force since Oct. 1862, and was apptd. Brigade Major 8th Military Dist., L.C., 21 Aug., 1863, which he resign- ed Jan., 1868; served on the frontier during the first Fenian raid, March» 1866, and was on active service during the second raid, in the same year ; promoted to present rank 1867; elected Mayor of Terrebonne 1874; first returned lo Parlt. for present seat by acclamation at g. e. 1867, re-elected by acclamation at g. e. 1872, at g. e. 1874, and again at last g. e. Sworn a mem- ber of the Privy Council as Minister of Militia and Defence, Oct., 1878 ; act- ing upon the strict injunctions of his medical adviser., resigned his position as Minister of Militia, 15 Jan , 1880, and accepted portfolio of Presdt. of the Council, which position he was compelled to resign through continued ill health, 8 Nov., 1880. Called to the Senate 30th Sept., 1882. A Conservative ^ has taken strong ground in favor of an amnestv for political offences in Manitoba, and of a settlement of the N.B. school question, and declined a seat in the Macdonald Cabinet in the fall of 1873 principally on account of the unsettled state of those questions; is in favor of a Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S. on fair and equal terms; of a moderately protective tariff ^ of the earliest possible completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Alexander Walker Ogilvie, J. P., {Edgehill Avenue, 1160 Dorchester Street, Montreal.) Was born at St. Michael, near Montreal, 7th May, 1829; educated in Mon- treal ; founded in 1854 the firm of A. W. Ogilvie a Co., largely engaged in the grain trade, and proprietors of the Olenora Mills, Montreal ; retired from the firm in 1874 ; is a Lieut.-Col. of Montreal Cavalry (.retired list); was Vice- Presdt. of the Exchange Bank, and of the Montreal Loan and Mortgage Co. Presdt. of the St. Michael Road Co.; Chairman of the Montreal Turnpike Trust, and of the Montreal Board ot Directors of the London (Bng.) Guarantee Co. ; a dir, of the Sun Life Insurance Co. ; the Edwardsburg Starch Co. ; the Lindsay Paper Mills Co. ; the Corriveau Silk Co. ; the Cochrane Ranche Co.; and of the Dominion Ranche and Cattle Co., Texas ; has been an Alderman for the City of Montreal ; Presdt. of the Working- man's Widow's and Orphans' Benefit Soc, and of the St. Andrew^ Soc. ; represented Montreal West in Leg. Assem., P. Q., from gen. elec, 1867 (returned by acclamation) until gen. elec. 1871, when he declined to become a candidate. Re-elected at gen. elec, 1876, aud sat until gen. elec. 1^ ' when he again declined re-nomination; called to the Senate 24th Dec, 1881. A Con- servative. Hon. Anselmb Homgre Paquet, M. D., (St. Cuthbert.) Was born at St. Cuthbert, 27th Sept., 1830; educated at the College of L'Assomption ; is a Licentiate of College ot Physicians and Surgeons, L.C.; Pro- fessor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Montreal School of Health and Sur> 2 i8 Parliamentary Directory. s gery, and of the M«dica1 Faculty of Victoria University ; Presdt. of the permanent Building Society ot the County of Berthier; Manager of the Hgency of the Ville Marie Bank at St. Guthbert ; an unsuccessful candidate for DeLanaudi^re, L. C, 1863; sat for Berthier in Can. Assembly from 1863 until the Union, and for same seat in House of Commons from that event until 9th Feb., 1875, when elevated to the Senate. A Liberal. Hon. Charles Alphonse Paktaleon Pelletier, B. C. L., C. M. G., Q. C, P« C, (Quebec.') Was born at River Quelle, P. Q., 22 Jan., 1837 ; educated at Ste Anne's College and at Laval University, from which he obtained degree of B. C. L., 15 Sept., 1858; called to the Bar, L. C, 1860; appointed Q. C, by the Quebec Govt., 21st Jan., 1879 ; has been syndic of the Quebec Bar, and was elected three times President of the Societe de St. Jean Baptiste, Quebec. Was for several years Major 9th Batt., or Voltigeurs de Quebec ; was in CQm- mand of that batt. during the Fenian raid in 1866; retired, retaining his rank, in 1866 ; was a candidate for Eamouraska at general election 1867, when, a special return was made and the constituency was disfranchised for som^ months; first relumed, for that seat Feb. 1869; re-elected at general election| 1872, and again, by acclamation, at general election, 1874; Sat for Quebec East in Quebec Assembly, from Feb. 1873 to Jan. 1874, when, in consequence of the operation of the Act respecting dual representation, he resigned his seat in tnat body, in order to remain in the Commons, and in which he con- tinued (representing Eamouraska) up to 1877 ; sworn of the Privy Council, in Jan., 1877, as Minister of Agriculture, which he held until Oct., 1878, when he resigned with his (colleagues ; elected Honorary President of the Dominion Council of Agriculture ; was President of the Canadian Commission for the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878, for «vhich service he received the order of G.M.O., 29th Oct., 1878 ; called to ths Senate Jan., 1877. A LiberaK Hon. Christian Henht Pozer, (St. George Beauce.) Was born at St. George D'Aubert Gallion, P.Q.,on the 26th Dec.1835 ; edu- cated in Quebec ; called to the Bar L. C, July, 1860 ; a dir. of the Levis and Kennebec Railway ; was an unsuccessful candidate for Beauce in Can. Assem- bly, at general election; 1863 ; first returned to Parliament, at general election, 1867; sat for Beauce in Quebec Assembly, from general election 1867, until January, 1874, when he resigned in order that he might give greater attention to the work of the Commons ; resigned his seat in the Commons, and called to the Senate, 26th Sept., 1876. A Nationalist. Hon. Louis Robitaili e, M. D., (New Carlisle, County Bonaventure, Quebec.) Was born at Varennee, near Montreal, on 30th Oct, 1836; educated at high school at Varennes and Seminaire Ste. Therese ; graduated M.D. at McGill University Montreal ; was Collector of Customs, New Carlisle; is a captain and surgeon of Division Seven, Reserve Militia, Bonaventure, since 1866 ; was appointed ViceConsul of France by Letters Patent, approved by His Excellency Lord Dufferin, 1874, an office he still holds ; called to the Senate, 8th February, 1883, to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Hon. E. Chinic. A Conservative. Hon. James G. Ross, (Quebec.) Called to the Senate 11th January, 1884. A Conservative. Lieut.-Col. Hon. Thomas Ryan, (304 Peel Street, Montreal.) Was born at Balinakill, Co. of Kildare, Ireland ; educated at Clongowes Senators, Province of Noj'a Scotia. 19 'College, eame county ; is one of the Catholic Commiseioners of Education for the Province of Quebee, and a dir. of the Bank of Montreal ; was for many years a partner in the Quebec and Montreal firms of Ryan Brothers & Co.; retired from the business 1863, and in same year was elected oy acclamation for the Victoria division in L.C., which division he continued to represent until Confederation ; was one of the Commrs. appointed in 1865 to proceed to the West Indies, Mexico and Brazil to open trade relations between those countries and Can . ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal Conservative. Hon. Gardner Green Stevens, ( Waterloo.) Was born at Brompton, P.Q., 1814 ; educated there ; is Presdt, of the Stan- «tead, Shefford and Chambly Ry.; of the South-Eastern Ry.,and a dir. of the Eastern Townships Bank ; has been Mayor of Waterloo and Warden of Shef- ford ; called to the Senate on the resignation of the late Hoa. A. B. Foster, 19th Feb., 1876, A Liberal. Hon. Joseph Rosaire Thibacdeau, (.Montreal.) Was born Ist Oct., 1837, at Cap Sante, Co. Portneuf : a member of the firm of Thibaudeau Bros, and Co., Montreal ; Vice-President of the Royal Canadian Ins. Co.; dir. of the Montreal Cotton Co.; dir of the V. Hudson Cotton Mill Co. ; local dir. at Montreal of Banque Nationale ; called to the Senate 14th January, 1878. A Liberal. Hon. Francois Exavier Anselme Trudel, Q. C. (265 Sherbrooke Street, Monr treal.) Was born at Ste. Anne de la Parade, P. Q., 28th April, 1838; educated At Nicolet College ; called to the Bar, L. C, Dec, 1861 ; appointed a Q. C, 11th Oct., 1880 ; was editor of La Miner»e (Montreal) for a short time, 1860; is the founder and editor-in-chief of L' Standard, a morning and evening daily Eaper, Montreal ; one of the authors of the Programme Caiholique (1871) and as written largely in the French Canadian periodicals of the day ; has been for several years President of the " Cercle Literaire "and of the " Union Catholiques," of Montreal ; sat for Champlain, in Quebec Assembly, from general election, 1871, until general election, 1875; called to the Senate Slst Oct., 1873. A Conservative. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Hon. Thomis Dickson Archibald, {North Sydney, C. B.) Waj born at Onslow, N.S., 1813 ; educated at Pictou Academy ; a member of the firm of Archibald & Co., merchants; is Consular Agent for the U. S. at S^ dnev, and President of the Gowrie Coal Mining Co. ; was a member of the Ex. Council, N. S. from 1860 to 1863; sat in the L.C. of N. S. from 1856 until the Union ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation May, 1867. A Liberal. don. William Johnston Almon, M. Halifax.) D., (107 Hollis Street, and Bosebank, Was born in Halifax in 1816; educated at King's College, Windsor* where he took the degree of B.A. in 1834; studied medicine at the Univs. of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and received the degree of M .D. at the latter in 1838. Is a Trustee of the N.S. Building Society; a Governor of Kin^s College, Windsor, and Consulting Physician to the Halifax Hospital 20 Parliamentary Directory. and Dispeneary ; he has filled the offices of President of the St. George'^ Society; President of the Halifax Club and Surgeon of the Halifax Field Bat- tery of Artillery ; he was returned at the general election in 1873 member of the Dominion Parliament for the County of Halifax ; called to the Senate 1879. A Conservative, and in favor of perpetuating and strengthening our connection with the Mother Country. ■ Nov., 1812; educated at Windsor Aca- flon. Robert Barry DiO£^ ' "Was born at Amht..:'i c. my ; called to the Bar, I . . ^. u,, 1834, and to that of N.B. 1835; appointed a Q. C. 1863 ; is a Director of the N. S. Electric Telegraph Co., and Consular Agent for the United Steff: "t Amherst; was a delegate from N. S. Govt, to- England on subject ol Intorcclc 'al R ^y, 1858; and to the Quebec Union Conference, 1864; was a member of L. 0. of N. 8. before the Union ; called to- the Senate by Royal proclamation May, 1867. A Conservative. Hon. Robert Patterson Grant, {Sea Bank, Pictou.) Was born at Inverness, Scotland, 1814; educated at the Inverness Royal' Academy; came to Canada 1833 ; went to Nova Scotia in 18.35 ; is Attorney for Uie underwriters of the Home Marine Insurance Assn. of Pictou,and Presi- dent of the Pictou Bank ; attended the Detroit Convention (made celebrated' by the memorable speech of the late Hon. Joseph Howe) as a delegate from the Halifax Board of Trade; is, and has been for the past twenty years. Chairman of the Incorporated Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of B. N. A., now incorporated with the Presbyterian Church of Canada ; contested four elections in the Liberal interest, in only one of which he was successful. On that occasion he was elected to the N.8. A^sein. from the N.R. of Pictou, which seat he held from 1859 to 1863 ; has always been a Liberal, but differed from his political friends on one question, that of Con* federation, vi-hich he favored ; appointed to the Senate 2nd Feb., 1877, on the death of Hon. John Holmes. Lieut.-Col. Henry Adolphus Newman Kaulbach, LL. B., Q. C, {Medway- Hall, Lunenburg. "i Was born at Lunenburg, N. S., 1830 ; educated there, at Grammar School, and in classics under tutorship of Rev. J. C. Cochrane, D. C. L., and in Harvard Univ., Cambridge, U. S., where he graduated LL. B. Studied law first with his uncle, Hon. John Creighton, sr., Q. C, M. P. P., and mem. of the Ex. Council of N. S. ; afterwards Presdt. of the L. C., auu subsequently, with Hon. Wm. Young, then leader of the N. S. Govt., now Kt. Chief Justice of N. S.; called to the N. S. Bar, 1855 ; appointed Q. C. 1873, and continues the practice of his profession ; is an extensive land proprietor and shipowner ; apptd. Lieut.-Col. 1st Regiment Lunenburg Co. Militia and Volunteer Artillery in 1859; contested Lunenburg Co. at g. e. 1863, against Hon. Joseph Howe, then leader of the Govt., N. S. (subsequently Governor of N. S.) ; returned by a large majority, and held that seat for the Co. in N. S. Assembly until the Union of the Provinces. During the time he was M. P. P.. he was a mem. of the N. S. Central Board of Agriculture, and an ardent advo- cate of the Federal Union of all the Provinces of British North America, and of free schools by direct taxation. The Acts of Union and Free Schools being accomplished, he again contested the Co. at g. e, 1867 ; was defeated by the opposition to free schools and the Union ; called to the Senate 27th March, 1872. A Conservative. Hon. William Miller, Q. C, {Arkhat, Cape Breton.) Was born at Antigonish, N. S., 12th Feb., 1835; educated at the Grammar Senators^ Province of Neiv Brunswick. m School, St. Andrews, and the Antigonish Academy ; called to the Bar, N. 8.* May, I860; created Q. G. 1872; eat in N. S. Assembly from g. e. 1863 until the Union, and while in that House rendered important assistance to the Union ■cause ; being opposed to the financial conditions and other details of the Que* bee scheme of Union, it was oq his suggestion that the Government delegation to Engaind was appointed, in order to effect, under the auspices of the Imper- ial authorities, such modiflcations of that scheme as would render it more ac- ceptable to the people of N. S. ; was nominated as a delegate to the London -Colonial Conference of 1866-67, but declined the appointment ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation, May, 1867 ; apptd. Speaker of the Senate 17th October, 1883. A Liberal. Hon. Thomas MoKav, (CbZcAester.) ' Was born in Co. Pictou, N. S., 8th Jan., 1839; educated there; a merchant; first returned to Parliament for Colchester at general election, 1874; unseated, on petition, 14th Nov., 1874; re-elected 17th Dec, 1874, and again at gen. elec. 1878; resigned June, 1881, and appointed to the Senate 24th Dec, 1881. A Liberal Conservative. Hon. Alexander Macfarlane, Q. C.^ ( Wallact.) Was born at Wallace, N. S., June, 1817; called to the Bar of N. 8. Dec, 1844; appointed Q. C. June, 1867; is a Surrogate of the Vice-Admiralty, and President of the Spring Hill Mining Co.; sat for Cumberland in N. S. Assem. from 1856 until the Union ; was a meniber of the Ex. Council of N.S. from 1865 to time of Union, and holds rank and precedence as such bv patent from the Queen ; was one of the delegates from N.S. to the Colonial Conference in London to complete terms of Union 1866-67; called to the Senate 10th Oct., 1870. A Conservative. iHon. Lawkence Geoffrey Power, LL. B, (South Park St., Halifax.) Was born Aug., 1841, at Halifax, N. S.; educated at St. Mary's College, Halifax; Carlow College and the Catholic University, Ireland, and Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., where he took the degree of LL.B. in 1866 : was admitted to the Bar in Dec, 1866 ; ser.ior partner in the law firm of Power & Frith, Halifax ; was for six years an Alclerman of the City of Halifax, and for ten years (from 1869 to 1879) member of the Board of School Commrs. of th^ same place; was for ten years (from 1867 to 1877) Sessions Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Bills of the As^^embly of N.S., having been three times elected by the House ; was actively engaged in the preparation of The Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, Fourth Series, 1874, and Laios and Ordinances relating to the City of Halifax, 1876; is a member of the Senate of the University of Hali- fax, and an Examiner in the Faculty of Law of that institution ; was appointed a Commissioner of the library of the Legislature 1882 ; was called to the Sen- ate 2nd Feb., 1877. A Reformer. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Lieut.-Col. Hon. Amos Edwin Botsford, ( Westcock.) Was born in St. John, N. B., 1804; educated at Sackville ; was Presdt. of theProv. Board of Agriculture, N. B., and Lieut.-Col. 2nd Batt. Westmoreland Militia; was Presdt. of the Dom. Rifle Assn. from its organization until 1871, and is DOW a V ce-Presdt. of that body ; was a mem. of the Ex. Council of N.B. .from 1838 to 1840,when he re8igned,and a mem. ofL.C. same Province from 1833 22 Parliamentary Directory. yntil the Union ; an unsuccesBful candidate for Westmoreland, in N. B. As- sembly, 1830; was senior Jud);e of Common Pleas for Westmoreland for several years ; a commr. with Hon. E. B. Chandler, to settle the boundary line between N. S. and N. B., 1836 ; a delegate to Washington, respecting bor- der diflSculty, 1839 ; delegate to Quebec daring Govt, of Lord Durham, to dis- cuss measures connected with the general interest of B. N. A.; commr. with Col. Robinson and Joseph Bouchette, Esq., to settle disputed boundary between Can. and N. B., and a delegate a second time to Washington, respecting a Reciprocity Treaty with the'U. S., 1852 ; moved and carried, 185.'i, an addition to Standing Orders of L. C. of N. B. to allow the public to be present at the deliberations of that bodv, which up to that period had been carried on with closed door; moved resolutions in the same House, March, 1866, approving of the Union of the B. N. A. Colonies ; was requested to form an Administration^ for N. B., 1866, but declined ; was Speaker of the Senate from 16th Feb. to 19th April, 1880, during the illness of Hon. Mr. Macpherson; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation, May, 1867. A Conservative. Hon. John Boyd, (67. John.) Was born at Maugherafelt, Co. Derry, Ireland, 1828 ; educated at the Grammar School, St. John, N. B ; in 1839 entered the wholesale warehouse- of Messrs. HoldHWorth & Daniel, and in 1857 became a partner in the firm, under the style of Messrs. Daniel & Boyd ; has been a Director of the Maritime Bank ; is a Director of the Sun Life Ins. Co. ; has been associated with almost every progressive movement in St. John, whether municipal, political or social^, for many years past, and has always been a warm advocate of the establish- ment and extension of railway communications ; took a prominent part in the- agitation in favor of Confederation from the time of its inception, when it was very unpopular, until its triumph, and on public platforms in various parts of New Brunswick energetically advocated and defended the principle of Union. Mr. Boyd has long been ideulified with Provincial educational movements j has been a mem. of the Board of School Trustees appointed by the Government since the law came into force ten years ago; has oeen Chairman of the Board for the last seven years, and in this capacity has been largely instrumental in adjusting the differences and allaying the bitterness which at one time existed between Catholics and Protestants in the Province in connection with educa- tional affairs, to effect which Mr. Boyd spared neither time nor pains, and in acknowledgment of his services was publically thanked by the Right Rev. the Bishop of St. John, and received evidences of the appreciation of his labors by people of all creeds ; called to the Senate Uth Feb., 1879, succeeded to the seat rendered vacant by the appointment of the Hon. R. D. Wilmot to the Lieutenant-Governorship of the Province. A Liberal Conservative. Hon. James Deveb, (5 Chipmans Hill, St. John.) Was born at Bally Shannon, Ireland, 2nd May, 1825 ; came to Canada- early in life ; was educated at St. John ; a merchant ; called to the Senate 14th. March, 1868, A Liberal. - ' '•■ ' Lieut.-Col. Hon. John Fergitson, (^a^Aurs^.) Was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, 1813; educated there | settled in' Bathurst, N. B., 1836 ; has been for many years a partner in the hnv. of Ferguson, Rankin & Co., a branch of the extensive firm of Pollock, Oilmour & Co., of Glasgow ; is Lieut.-Col. First Batt. Gloucester County Militia, and a mem. of the Council of the Dominion Rifle Association f: sat ill L. C. of New Brunswick, from Sept. 1864 until the Union ; called to> the Senate by Royal proclamation, May 1867. A Conservative. Senators^ Province of New Brunswick, n Hon. John Glazier, CLincoln, Sunbury.) Is a lumber merchant ; a director of the Fredericton Railway Company ; sat for Sunbury in N. B. Assembly for some years prior, and up to the Union, and afterwards, until appointed to the Senate, 14th March, 1868. A Liberal. Hon. James Daviis Lewin, (Si. John.) ... Was born at Womaston, Radnorshire, Wales, in 1812 ; educated at Kingston Grammar School ; in early life entered the Civil Service of the British Qov-. ernment, and in that service came to N. B., in 1830, and continued thus fof 20 years, when, upon the abolition of the Department with which he was connected, was elected in 1855 President of the Bank of N. B., maintaining that position ever since ; calle,d to the Senate, 1876, to fill the vacancy created by the death of the Hon. John Robertson. Hon. Abxer Reid MoClelan, (^Riverside, Albert County.) Was born at Hopewell, Albert County, N. B. 1831 ; educated at Sackville Mount Allison Academy ; was one of the Governors of Mount Allison Wesleyan College, Sackville, N.B., and Vice-President of the Alumni society of the Academy and College of that name ; was a merchant, but now retired ; repre- sented Albert County in Provincial Assembly from 1854 until 1867; was a member of the Executive Council ; Chief Commissioner of the Board of Works, N.B., 1866, until the Union ; called to the Senate, by Royal proclama- tion, May, 1867. A Liberal. Hon. William Muirhead, {Chatham.) Was born in the town of Pictou, 4th April, 1819; educated at Miramichi ; a mercliaiit, shipper, shipbuilder, ship and mill owner; is a director of the Maritime Bank of the Dominion; of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Company; of the North- Western Railway ; President of the Miramichi Ship Building Company, and of the Maritime Warehousing and Dock Company ; sat in the L. C. of N. B. from 1867 until called to the Senate, 4th January, 1873. A Liberal.. - . • ___ * »• Hon. William Hdnter Odell, (Rockwood, Fredericton.) , i Was born in N. B. ; educated at Kings College, Fredericton, where he graduated B. A., 1832 ; called to the Bar, N. B., 1838 ; appointed Clerk of the upreme Court, N. B., which office he subsequently resigned ; appointed Deputy Provl. Secy., Registrar and Clerk of the Ex. Council, N.B., 1838, and subsequently, in 1844; filled the latter position on its being constituted a sepa- rate and distinct office; a Judge of the Court of Commoa Pleai, 1847, and a mem. of the L. C. of N. B., by Royal Warrant, 1850, where he sat until the Union; was a mem. of the Ex. Council and Postmaster General, N. B., from 1865 until resignation of the Govt, the following year ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation. May, 1867. A Conservative. Hon. David Wark, (Water St., Richibucto.) Was born near Londonderry, Ireland, 1804 ; came to N. B , 1825 ; a mer- chant; is a member of the Senate of the University of New Brunswick ; was a member of the Ex. Council, N. B., from 1858 to 1862, and Receiver General for a few months, 1867 ; sat for Kent in N.B. Assembly from 1845 to 1851, when appointed to L. C. of that Province, where he remained until the Union ; called to the Senate by Royal proclamation. May, 1867. A Liberal. J4 Parliamentary Directory. PROVINCE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Hon. Jedediah Slasok Gartell, (Charlottetown.) Was born at Newcastle, Meramichi, N. B, ; was Mavor of Gharlottetown, 1877-78; is a merchant and Spanif>h Vice-Gonsul for P. E. I.; called to the Senate 12th Dec, 1879. A Gonservative. Bon. Robert PooRE Haythokme, (ilfar«A/{e2(2.) Was born at Glifton, Bristol, 1815; educated there; i^ a Magistrate, and A Governor of Prince of Waies Go) le^e; entered the Ex. GounciT, 1867, as a tnem. of the late Hon. O. Gole's Administration ; afler his retirement continu- ed to pit in the Administration of Hon. Joseph Hensley, and, on his elevation to the Bench, succeeded him as Presdt. of the Gouncil and leader of the Govt.> in which he continued until his resignation in 1870; on 2nd April, 1872, four days before the meeting of Parlt., was entrusted with the formation of a new Govt., a duty in which he was successful ; and in Feb., 1872, he, with his col- league, Hon. D. Laird, formed a delegation to Ottawa on the f>ubject of the Union of P. E. I. with Gan., on the result of which mission his Govt, went to the Gountry but not being sustained he accordingly res'gned I8th April, 1873; sat in the L. G. of P. E. L from 1866 to 1874 ; called to the Senate on the ad- mission of P. E. I. as a Province of the Dominion, 18th Uct,, 1873. A Liberal. Hon. George William Howlan, (Alberton.^ Wtm born in Waterford, Ireland, 19th May, 1835; came with his parents to P. E. I., 1839 ; educated at the Gentrai Academy there; a merchant and shipowner, and largely engaged in the fish trade ; is Vice-Presdt. (P. E. I.) of the Dominion Board of Trade, and a Governor of Prince of Wales Gollege. Entered Ex. Gouncil of P. E. 1. 1866, and remained a mem. of the Govt., a part of the time being co-leader, almost uninterruptedly up to 30th June, 1873; was a delegate to Washington on trade matters, 1869, and to Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs. Pope and Haviland, May, 1873, to settle terms of Union with Gan., which terms were adopted unanimously by both Houses of the Legislature ; sat for Prince (Ist Dist.) in Provl. Assembly, from 1862 until June, 187.S, when apptd. Collector of Gharlottetown, which office he resigned in Sept. following, in order to contest Prince for House of Gommons, and was defeated ; Consular Agent for the U. S., and Vice-Gonsul for Sweden, Denmark and Norway ; was in Provl. Asseiobly a strenuous advocate of the building of P. E. I. Railway; called to the Senate, on P. E. I entering the Dominion, 18th Oct., 1873 ; re signed in 1880; was reapptd. 5th January, 1881. A Liberal. Hon. Donald Moxtgomerv, (Park Corner.) Was born in Princetown, P. E. L, I9th Jan., 1808; educated there; sat lor Prjncetown, in the Provl. Assem.,— of wliich he was Speaker for four years — from 1838 to 1862. when the L. C. being made elective ne was returned and was again appointed Speaker, which office he continued to hold until March, 1874; called to the Senate, on P. E. I. entering the Union, 18th Oct., 1873. A Moderate Gonservative. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Hon. Thomas Robert McInkes, M.D., CM., {Mary St., New Westminster.) Was born at Lake Ainslie, N.S., 5th Nov., 1840; educated at Normaf School, Truro, N. S., and Harvard University, Boston, U. S. ; elecl-ed by acclamation Reeve of Dresden, Ont., Jan., 1874; was Mayor of the Gity of Senators^ Province of Manitoba. as New Westminster, B. C, from Jan. 1876 to Jan. 1878 ; physician and surgeon to the Royal Columbia Hospital since May, 1874; appomted Medical Superin- tendent of British Columbia lunatic asylum, July, IS78; sat for Ashcroft in the Commons, from 26th March, 1878, until appointed to the Senate, 24th Dec, 1881; independent in polifics; favors compulsory voting, equitable reciprocity with the United State- and consolidation of the Dominion by the immediate construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Hon. William John MaoDonald, (Oor(2on iSV., Fie^or/a.) Was born in the Countv of Inverness, Scotland, 18.32 ; educated there; came to R. C, in 1851 ; is f^resident B. G. Rifle Association ; was tor eight years in Hudson Bay Company's service, during which time he acted as Captain of Militia and Collector of Customs; elected Mayor of the City of Victoria, 1866, and again, in 1871 ; served as a memlter of the First Board of Education ; member of Govt. Tax Court of Revision and Appeal, Road Com- missioner, &c. ; sat for Sooke in V. I. Assembly, from 1859 for several years, and was also a member of Legislative Council of B. C; appointed to the •Senate on B. C. entering the Dominion, 13th December, 1871. A Liberal, Hon. Hugh Nklson, (Burrar<2 Jn/eO Was born in Larue, North of Ireland, 25th May, 1830 ; educated there ; is a lumber merchant; represented New Westminster in B. C. Legislature, from Nov., 1870, until its dissolution, 1871 ; returned to Commons for same con- stituency, Nov., 1871, on the admission of B. C. into the Dominion ; re-elected 4)y acclamation at general election, 1873 ; called to the Senate, 12th Dec, 1879. A Liberal Conservauve. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Son. Marc. Amable GiRARD, (6^^ £oni/ace.) Was born at Varennes, 25th April, 1822; educated at paris'i f^hool and ;St. Hyacinthe college; a notary public; practised in Quebec up to 1870; •called to the Bar of Manitoba, 1871 ; was a member of the Ex. Council, and Treasurer of Manitoba, from Sept. 1870 until March, 1872, when he resigned ; and Premier of the Province, wUh the office of Provincial Secretary, from 8th •July to 2nd Dec, 1873, when he and his Government retired ; on the re-con- struction of the Norquay Government, in Dec 1879, took the office of Prov- incial Secretary ; he organized the first Agricultural Board of Manitoba ; •appointed a member of the Executive Council for North-West Territories, Dec. 1872 ; is Vice-President of the Selkirk Agricultural Society, and Presi- •dent of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, of Manitoba ; an unsuccessful candidate for Montarville in L.C., Can., 1858, and for Hochelaga in Can. Assembly, 1862 ; represented St. Boniface in Manitoba Assembly, for which he was first returned by acclamation, Dec. 1870 ; elected by acclamation for Baie St. Paul at the general election 1879 ; called to the Senate, on Manitoba entering the Dominion, 13th December, 1871. A Conservative. Hon. John Christian Schdltz, Jf.Z)., (Winniptg — Maria St., Uttatoa.') Was born at Amherstburg, Ont., 1st January, 1840 ; educated in arts at -Oberlin, Ohio, and in medic'ne at Queens' university, Kingston, and at Victoria University, Cobourg; graduated M. D., 1860 ; went to the North- West in 1860, and was leader of the Canadian party at the time of the ^rebellion of 1869-70, was seized, imprisoned and sentenced to death by Rie a6 Parliamentary Directory, but escaped; appointed a member of the Ex. Council for the North- West Territories, December, 1872 ; is a member of the Dominion Board of Health for Manitoba and North-West Territories ; President of the North- West Trading Company ; a dir. of the Manitoba South-western Colonization Rail- way, and one of the Board of Governors of the Manitoba Medical Board;: first returned to Parliament for Lisgar in the Commons, on Manitoba entering the Dominion, March, 1871 ; re-elected at general election 1872 and 1874, and by acclamation at general election 1878; defeated at general election, 1882;. called to the Senate, 22nd Sept., 1882. A Liberal Conservative. Hon. John Sutherland, (Bellevue Hou8e, Kildonan.) Came to Canada with his faiher, 1815, and settled at Red River, 1821 f educated there; was a member of the Council of Assiniboia from 1866 unti it ceased to exist, and was the first Sheriff of Manitoba (appointed 1870) an ofBce he resigned on being called to the Senate, 1.3th Dec, 1871 ; is " National " in politics, out desires to have the connection with the Mother Country oheriehed to the fullest extent. The Senate Statistical Analysis. Oldest Senator. Lieut.-Col. Hon. James Ferrier, Montreal, born A. D. 1800. In the 84th< year of his age. ' . * !. Youngest Senator. , Hon. Alexander Lacoste Q.C., LL. D., Montreal, born 12th January, 1842 In the 42nd year of his age. Senators born between the years 1800 and 1810 inclusive.... 5 *♦ « " 1811 and 1820 inclusive.... 23 " " « 1821 and 18S0 inclusive. ... 15 « « « 1831 and 1842 inclusive.... 16 Senators year of birth not ascertained ,. 16 75 Professiox or Business. The Bar (Legal Profession) 18 Medicine, M. D 8 Shipowners 2 Merchants 22 Forwarding, &c *. 2 Lumber and Manufacturing 5 Farmers, Agriculturists and Stock-raising 3 Mill owners 3 Retired and without occupation 12 "76 There are, at present, of the Senators called by Royal Proclamation tothe- Benate, May 1867 (Confederation) 23. I tb a he- COMMONERS. . *■ •* PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ADDINGTON. John William'Bell, CDeamond.) Was born in the County of Addington, I8th March, 1838 ; educated at the Orammar School, Newburg; is a farmer; was a member of the Township Council of Camden for nine years, and was Ward'n of the United Counties of Lennox and Addington in' 1879; first returned to Parliament last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by J. B. Aylsworth, Liberal. Total population, 23,470. Votes polled 2,816 Votes on voters' list, 4,240. fFor 1,659 \ Against 1,167 Majority 602 ALGOMA. Simon James Dawson, (Prince Arthur's Landing,) Was born in Scotland ; educated there; came to Canada when young; a civil engineer; appointed 1851 to plan and superintend the construction of extensive works, then contemplated, on the St. Maurice, to open up the vast pine regions of that river and its tributaries, which had been previously almost inaccessible to'the lumber trade, which works he carried out success- fully; appointed 1857 to explore the country from Lake Superior to the Sas- katchewan, and report upon its adaptability for settlement and the practi- cability of opening up communications therewith ; resigned the office afles completing his reports, and carried on business for some years as a lumber merchant on the St. Maurice ; in 1868 was called upon to commence the con- struction of the route to Red River, now known as the " Dawson Route," and in 1870, although comparatively little had been done owing to the limited means appropriated therefor, put through the Red River expeditionary force under Col. Sir Garnet (now Gen. Lord) Wolsely, when all other means uf reaching the country, to subdue the insurrection, had proved unavailing;; was Joint Commissioner with Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba, and the Indian Commissioner of the North-West in concluding a treaty with the Saulteux. tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians, 1873 ; resigned charge of the Dawson Route- on becoming a candidate for Aleoma, for which he was returned at general election for Ont., 1875 ; resigned his seat in the Local Leg., and was returned for the Commons at general election, 1878 ; re-elected at last general election ;.. independent in politics ; has stated in the Legislature that in his opinion it would be to the advantage of the Dominion that the ^reat central region known as Aleoma, extending from the 81st to 96th meridian, that is from French River to the Lake of the Woods, should be formed into a separate- Province. Opposed by Hon. Wm. McDougall. Total population, 20,320. Votes on voters' list,- fPor \ Against Votes polled 2,819 Majority 695 «f Parliamentary Directory. BOTH WELL. Hon. David Mills, X£. S., P. C. (.London^ Was born in the Township of Orford, Kent, Ontario, 18th March. 1831; graduated at Michigan University ; was Superintendent of Schools for County of Kent from April 1856 to April 1865 ; was employed by Ontario Government to define the North- Western boundary of the Province 1872 ; author of a pam- phlet on The Present and Future Political Aspects of Canada (1869) ; and another on The Blunders of the Dominion Government in Connection with the North- tVest Territory (1871); elected a member of the Council of Public In- struction for Ontario (representing the School Inspectors) August, 1875 ; an unsuccessful candidate for a seat in the Council of Public Instruction, Ontario, 1874; first returned to Parliament for present seat at general election, 1867; re-elected at general election 1872; at general election 1874; again at general election 1678, and again at last general election, as decided by Supreme Court of Canada; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Minister of Interior October, 1876, which position he held until resignation of Government, Octo- ber 1878; favors the amendment of the Constitution so as to provide for the election of the Senate ; for the appointment of Provincial Judges by the Pro- vincial Executives, and the complete separation of Provincial and Federal jurisprudence ; was opposed to acfmission of British Columbia into the Union, as premature, and the terms of Union as preposterous. He was of opinion that, with more than two thousand miles of unsettled territory between the Upper Ottawa and British Columbia, we were not in a position to undertake the responsibility of governing the country upon the Pacific coast. He held that railway construction, if needed in British Columbia, was a work to be undertaken by Imperial rather than by Canadian authority. He was opposed to pledging Canadn to the construction of a continuous line of railway to the' Pacific, as wholly beyond the resources of this country. Favors the Govern- ment of Canada bv the Canadian Parliament, and not by despatches from the Colonial Office. Holds that power to legislate upon the subjects of navigation and shipping carries with it power to establish Courts to adjudicate upon matters arising under such legislation, in acccTdance with the well settled rules of the maritime laws; favors a national policy, based not upon principles of commercial exclusion but upon principles of commeraial extension ; thinks Canada has outgrown the condition of an ordinary colony ; she has commer- cial relations with foreign States, in which she alone is interested, and which she alone ought to regulate and control on her own behalf ; is opposed to the people's representatives abdicating their functions, either by failing to maintain effective control over the expenditure of the national resources or by surren- dering to the Crown and Privy Council an important part of their legislative functions; does not regard an enormous public debt as a national blessing; and believes that the prosperity of the countrv is to be promoted by habits of economy among the people, by encouraging a feeling of self-reliance and per- sonal independence, and by fostering a spirit of patriotism— not flunkeyism — ' by which the interest, the prosperity and the honor of Canada are made the paramount duty of their representatives, and not upon gigantic and costly works built in wild and uninnabitable regions ; considers the present state a9 one of transition, and regards the Confederation of the Empire, for certain specified purposes, as the most satisfactory solution of our political future* Opposed by J. J. Hawkins. Total population, 22,477. Votes on voters' list, 4,757. Votes polled 3,269. Re-count by a Judge, For 1,643, Against 1,626, Majority 17. For 1,570, Against 1,558, Majority 12, Commoners, Province of Ontario. i^ The returning officer did not act upon the Judge's finding, but the Supreme Court sustained the former judgment, and Hon. D. Mills was declared the duly elected member for Bothwell. BRANT (North Riding.) James Somerville (Dundas.) Was born in Dundas 7th June, 1834 ; educated at the Common and Gram-^ mar Schools there; is editor and proprietor of the Dundas True Banner (Reform) which he established in 1858, previous to which he was editor and Sroprietor of the Ayr Observer (Reform) which he established in 1854 and. ispched of in 1858, on his removing to Dundas ; has filled every municipal office, and has been Warden of the County of Wentworth, and Mayor of Dundas; first returned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal Opposed by Jas. R. Curry. Total population, 17,645. Votes on voters' list, 3,909. Votes polled, 2,255 fFor \ Against 1,603 652 Majority 951 BRANT (South Riding.) William Paterson, iBrantford.) Was born in Hamilton, Ont., 19th Sept., 1839; educated there and in- Caledonia by Dr. Ferrier ; a cigar manufacturer, and proprietor of the Brant- ford Steam Confectionery and Biscuit Works ; elected a member of the Town Council of Brantford, 1808 ; was Deputv Reeve 1869-70-71, and Mayor 1872; first returned i.o Parliament at general election 1872; re-elected at general election 1874, at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by Alfred Watts. Total population, 20,482. Votes on voters' list, 4,154. Votes polled, 2,770 fFor \ Against 1,473 1,297 Majority 176 BROCKVILLB. John Fisher Wood, iBrockoilU.) Was born 12th October, 1850, in the Township of Elizabeth town, County of Leeds, Ont., and educated at Farmersville Grammar School ; called to the Bar, Ont., Easter Term 1876; first returned to Parliament at last general "'"""tion. A Conservative. Opposed by W. H. Comstock. Total population, 15,107. Votes on voters' Hat, 4,027. " Vote, polW. 2,558 {P«^„,^ }||| Majority, as declared by Returning Officer, 4 Re-count by a Judge, majority was declared 5. do Parliamentary Directory, BRUCE (North Riding.) Alexander MoXeil, {Tht Corratit Wearion \ Balmacneil, Paisley.) Was born 10th May, 1842, at the Gorran, County of Antrim, Ireland; educated at Wimbledon, Surrey, England, and Trinity College, Dublin ; is a Barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple, London, England, ancfa farmer ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by John Gillies. Total population, 18,645. Votes on voters' list, 3,497. Votes polled 2,412 . r For X Against " 250 l,x62 88 Majority BRUCE (West Division.) ..James SoMERviLLE, (I^^cA^tow.) Was born in Dunfermline Fifeshire, Scot.. Slst Jan., 1826 ; educated at Dundas High School ; founded the village of Luckaow, Ont., in which he erected saw, grist and carding mills which he has since disposed of; is a notary public and conveyancer; was elected Town Councillor for Wawanosh and Kinloss, and has been a magistrate since 1854 ; an unsuccessful candidate for North Huron, in Commons, at general election 1872 ; first returned to Parlia- ment at last general election. A Reformer, Opposed by James H. Scott. Total population, 24,218. Votes on voters' list, 4,577. i For 1,8.33 \ Against 941 Votes polled, 2,774 Majority 892 .1.,. ' , • ' , « ; BRUCE (East Riding.) RcPERT Mearse Wells (125 Wellington St. W., Toronto.) Was born in the County of Prescott, 1835; educated at Toronto Univer- sity, where he was Jameson Medallist and Silver Medallist in ethics, and graduated B.A., 1864; called to the U.C. Trinity Term 1857; appointed a Q.C. y the Ontario Government, March, 1876; was associated in ousiness with Hon. Edward Blake from 1860 to 1870, but is now a member of the firm of Wells & Gordon ; held the County Attorneyship of York from 30th March to 14th Sept., 1872, when he resigned in order to become a candidate for South Bruce, and was returned; re-elected at general election, 1875, and again at general election, 1879; elected Speaker of the Ontario Assembly on the resignation of the Hon. J. G. Currie, 7th Jan., 1873; reelected 23rd Nov., 1875, and held the ofiice until Jan., 1880; resigned his seat in Ontario Assembly, 1882, and elected to Commons in last general election. A Reformer. Opposed by Alexander Shaw. Total population, 22,325. Votes on voters' list, 4,176. (For \ Against Votes polled, 3,066. 1,668 1,497 Majority 61 Commoners^ Province of Ontario, 31 CARDWELL. Thomas White (5 Beavev Ball Square, Montreal.) Was born in Montreal, 1830 ; educated at High School, Montreal ; served in Peterboro' and Hamilton »h member of Grammar School Boards; was for some time Reeve of Town of Peterboro' ; representative for a number of years •of the Montreal Board of Trade in the Dominion Board; member for three years of Executive Council of Dominion Board, and representative for five years of that body at the National Board of Trade of the United States; first returned to Parliament at general election 1878; was an unsuccessful can- ■didate for South Wentworth in 1867 for the Legislative Assembly, Ontario, lor the Commons in Prescott County,- Ontario, 1874, and for Montreal West in 1875, and again in 1876 ; the aggreeate majorities, against him in the first three elections was only sixteen. A Conservative; believes that Canada eccupie'j an exceptional position, rendering it impossible to apply the principle of Free Trade, as stated by political economists, without serious injurv ; thinks the tarift should be so framed as to promote foreign trade by Halimx in winter, and the St. Lawrence in summer, as against trade by American seaports ; and as to foster the development of the agricultural, mining, and manufacturing interests of the country; in favor of a British Zollverein which would strengthen the bond of union between the Mother Country and the Colonies, bv fostering and protecting their trade relations. Opposed by Jas. F. McLaughlin. Total population, 16,770. Votes on voters' list, 3,498. Votes polled, 2,473. (For \ Against Majority 1,407 1,066 341 CARLETON. The Right Honorable Sir John Alexander Maodonald, E.C.B., D.C.L., (Oxon), LL.D., Q.C., P.C. (.Ernacliff, Ottawa.) Premier of Canada. Was born 11th January 1815; educated at Royal Grammar School, Kingston, under Dr. Wilson, a Fellow of Oxford University ; studied law with the late Mr. George Mackenzie, and was called to the Bar, U.C, Hilary Term, 1836; created a Q.C. 1846 ; a Bencher, ex-offido, of the Law Society of Ontario ; and head of the extensive law firm of Macdonald, Macdonald & Marsh, Toronto; is the Grand representative in Canada of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England, and holds the rank of a Past Grand Senior Warden of the Free Masons of Canada; was a member of the Ex-Council of Canada from Uth May 1847 to 10th March 1848 (in the Admin- istration of the late Hon. Mr. Morris); from 11th September 1854 to 29th July 1858 (in the McNab-Morin, the Tache-Macdonald and the Macdonald- Cartier Administration); from 6th August same vear, to 23rd May 1862 (in the Cartier-Macdonald Administration) ; from 30th March, 1864, until the Union (.in the Tache-Macdonald and the Belleau-Macdonald Administrations); and was, during these several periods, Receiver-General from2l8t May to 7th De- cember 1847; Commissioner of Crown Lands from latter date to 10th March 1848 ; Attorney General for U.C. from 11th September 1864 to 29th July 1858, when as Prime Minister he and his Cabmet resigned, being defeated on the seat of Government (]^uestion ; returned to office 6th August same year, as Postmaster General, anosition which he resigned the followingday,on his re-appointment as Attorney General, U.C, which he continued to hold until the deteat of the Ad- ministration on the Militia Rill, May 1862, when he and his colleagues again ^ Parliamentary Directory. retired from office ; the late Sir George E. Cartier and he led the Opposition^ in the Assembly, until the defeat of the Sandfield Macdonafd-Dorion Government, when the Taohe-Macdonald Government was formed, 30th Marcii, 1864, and he returned to his old ofiice of Attorney General^, and was Government leader m the Assembly from that time until the Union of the British America Provinces, 1867; held the office of Minister of Militia Affairs jointly with that of Attorney General, from January to May, 1862, and from AuguHt 1865 until the Union ; was requested to take place of Sir E. P. Tache as Prime Minister, on the death of that gentleman in 1865, but waived his claim in favor of Sir N. F. Belleau ; has been a delegate to England and other countries on public business on many occasions, and was a delegate to the Conference in Charlottetown in 1864, which had been con- vened for the purpose of effecting a Union of the Maritime Provinces, to that which succeeded it in Quebec same year, to arrange basis of Union of all Brit- ish America colonies ; :;nd was chairman of the London Colonial Conference, 1866-67, when the Act of Union, known as the *• British North America Act," was passed by the Imperial Parliament ; on Ist July, 1867, when the new Con- stitution came into 'orce, was called upon to form the first Government for the New Dominion, anu was sworn of the Privy Council and was appointed Minis- ter of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, an office he continued to fill until he and his Ministry resigned on the Pacific Railway charges, 6th Novem ber, 1873; in 1871 was appointed one of Her Majesty's Joint High Commis- sioners and Plenipotentiaries, together with Earl de Grey (now Marquis of Bipon) Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir Edward Thornton, and Right Hon. Monatgue Bernard, to act in connection with five commisnioners named by the President of the United States, for the settlement of the Alabama claims, and of matters in dispute between Great Britain and the United States, the lal>ors of which Joint High Commission resulted in the Treaty of Washington, signed at Washington, U.S., on 8th May 1871. Received degree of D.CXi. (hon.) from Oxford University, 1865 ; is also LL.D. of Queen's University, Kingston, and a D.C.L. of University of Trinity College, Toronto. Created K.C.B. (civil) by Her Maiestv, July 1867 ; created a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Isabel la Ca^oZtca (of Spain), January, 1872; nominated a member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, July, 1872, and sworn in August,. 1879. Unanimously elected leadfer of the Canada Liberal Conservative Oppo- sition, 6th November, 1873 ; sat for Kingston in Canada Assembly from Novem- ber 1844, until the Union ; returned for same seat in Commons at general, election 1867 ; at general election 1872, and at general election 1874; unseated on petition 21 st November,1874 ; re-elected 29 December,1874 1 contested the City of Kingston at General Election 1878, when he was defeated ; immediately after- wards was elected by acclamation for Marquette, Manitoba, which he vacated —by having accepted office as Premier and Minister of the Interior, on 17th October 1878; was then elected with Mr. DeCosmos for Victoria, B.C.; was elected at last general election for the dual counties of Carleton and Lennox ; the iatter he was unseated on petition, the former he continues to represent. From the rapid growth of the business of the Indian Branch, and the Govern- ment, seeing the necessity of special attention being given to the Indians, it was resolved that the Indian Branch be formed into a separate Department ;. Bight Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald was on the 17th October, 1883, appointed President of the Privy Council and Commissioner General of Indian Affairs. The following are among the principal measures which have been carried through Parliament by the Right Hon. Knight, viz: — The secularization of the clergy reserves ; the improvement of the criminal laws; the promotion of public instruction; the consolidation of the statutes; the extension of the municipal system ; the re-organization of the militia ; the settlement of the seat of Government question ; the establishment of direct steam mail communication with Europe ; the establishment of addi- Commoners, Province of Ontario. 33 tional penitentiaries, criminal lunatic aRylnms and reformatory prisons, and providing for the inspection thereof; the providing for the internal economy for the House of Commons; the reorganization of the Civil Service on a per- manent Liasis; the construction of the Intercolonial Railway; the enlarge- ment of the canals ; the enactment of a stringent election law; the ratification of the Washington Treaty ; the Confederation of British North America; and extension and couL^olidation of the Dominion ; in his position as leader of the C.>position, Sir John, on several occasions, gave the late Government the benefit of this ability and long experience in perfecting several of their most important measures, notably the Insolvent Act, and the Act constituting the Supreme Court of the Dominion. During the summer of 1880 Sir John visited England in company with the Ministers of Railways and Agriculture, where they arranged the contract for the construction of the Pacific Railway, to which Parliament has given effect. Opposed by E. H. Bronson and John May. Total population 18,777 Votes on voter's li8t,!3,649. {For Sir Jolin, " Bronson, " May, Majority, 1,185 617 629 556 CORNWALL AND STORMONT. Lieutenant-Colonel Darby Bergix, CCoinwaU.} Was born in Toronto, 7th September, 1826 ; educated at Upper Canada College; graduated as M. D, at University of McGill College, 1847 ; is one of the examiners in Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, and a Trustee of Cornwall High School ; entered Volunteer Militia service as Captain of a Company raised by him during Trent difficulty, 1861 ; became Major 1866, and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel 59th Stormont and Glengarry Battalion Victoria Infantry, 1859, a command he still holds; first returned to Parliament for Cornwall by acclamation at general election, 1871, au;ain returned at gen- eral election, i878; unseated on petition and reelected 27th January, 1880; elected for present seat at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by James Bethune. Total population, 23,198. Votes on voters' list, 4,430. Votes polled, 3,189. /For \ Against Majority DUNDAS. • Charles Brastus Hickey, B. A., M. D., G. M., {Morrishurg .") Was born at Williamsburg, 24th March, 1840 ; educated at Victoria Uni- versity, Cobourg, and at McGill University, Montreal ; graduated in Arts at the former, May, 186.% and in Medicine at ihe latter May, 1866 ; was Valedicto- rian of the class; was Inspector of Common Schools for the Township of Winchester for two years, and an examiner of Common School Teachers for 34 Parliamentary Directory. County Dundas for two years ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by P. F. Chamberlain. Total population, 20,598. Votes on voters' list, 4,403. Voten polled, 3,349. {J^g^j^^, .• ' Majority 1,719. 1,630. 89. DURHAM (East Riding). Lieut.-Col. Arthur Trepusis Heneaoe Williams, iPeurign Park, Port Hope.} Was born at Peurign Park, Port Hope, Ont., 1837 ; educated at Upper Canada College and Edinburgh University; a farmer ; is Lieut.-Colonel com- manding 46th Eaijt Durham Battalion V.I.; Chairman of the Port Hope Har- bor Commissioners; President of the Midland Loan and Savings Company ; first returned for East Durham in Ontario Legislature at general election 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1871 ; first elected to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last genefal election. * Conservative. Opposed by Lewis Ross. Total population, 18,710. Votes on voters' list, 4,192. A Votes polled 2,895 (For I Against Majority 1,638 1,257 381 DURHAM (West Riding.) Hon. Edward Blake, M.A.y Q. C, P. C, (84 Grosvenor St., Toronto.') Was born in Township of Adelaide, Middlesex, Ont., 13th October, 1833 ^ educated at University of Toronto, where he took first-class honors in classics and received the degree of M. A., 1858; called to the Bar, Upper Canada, in Michaelmas Term, 1856 ; created Q. C., 1864 ; elected a Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario, 1871 ; senior partner in the extensive law firm of Blake, Kerr & Cassels, Toronto; was for a short time one of the examiners in, and lecturers on, Equity Law for the Upper Canada Law Society : returned for South Bruce in Ontario Assembly at general election 1867, and was leader of the Opposition in that body from 1868 until 20th December, 1871, when called upon to form a Government for Ontario, which he succeeded in doing, accept- ing for himself the position of President of the Executive Council in the same (without salary) ; resigned the Premiership of Ontario and seat m Local House, 26th October, 1872 ; elected ChanceUor of Toronto University 1876 ; returned for South Bruce and for West Durham in Local Assembly at general election 187 1 ; (elected to sit for former place); first returned to House of Commons for West Durham at general election, 1867 ; re-elected by acclama* tion, and also returned tor South Bruce at general election 1872 (elected to sit for last named seat), for which be was again returned at general election 1874; re-elected by acclamation on his being appointed to office, 2nd June.. 1875; sworn of the Privy Council, 7th November, 1873, and was a member of Mr. Mackenzie's Administration (without office and without salary) from that date until February 1874, when he resigned ; declined the Chancellorship of Ontario, December 1869, and the Chief Justiceship of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, May 1875 ; appointedMinisterof Justice, 19 May 1875; resigned Commoners^ Province of Ontario. 35 September 1877, and exchanged to the portfolio of President of the Council; resigned Presidency of the Council,31 January I878,in consequence of continued ill health ; visited England on public business, 1876; was a candidate for South Bruce at general election 1878, when he was defeated ; elected to present seat, on resignation of sitting member, Mr. Burk, 17 November 1879 ; re-elected at last general election ; chosen leader of the Opposition 1880. The following statement of Mr. Blake's political views is summarized from his speeches as a })rivate member: "An Independent Liberal; believes that the basis of the ranchise should be widened, and that efficiency instead of influence should be the passport to the public service ; thinks political progress essential to political vitality, and advocates the fullest freedom of discussion on all topics affecting the public interests : supports the adoption of a system of proportional repre> sentation, whereby, among other improvements, the strength of the various opinions held by the people may be more nearly represented in Parliament; considers that, as the franchise is not merely a right, but a trust, the wilful neglect to vote should be followed by temporary disfranchisement; is opposed to the appointment of Senators for life by the Administration, and desires their selection for a term of years by the Provinces; thinks that the future of Can- ada depends very largely on the development of the great North-West ; ad- vocates the construction, as rapidly as the resources of the country will Kermit, of the sections of the Pacific Railway necessary for communication etween that country and our interior sea-board, in conjunction with an extensive scheme of exploration and colonization ; believes that the cultivation of a national spirit is requisite to the success of the Union ; that the present form of connection between England and Canada does not possess the element of permanence ; that, as the child grows into the man, so the State will come to maturity, and that (notwithstanding the enormous difficulties which sur- round the scheme) there is a possibility and hope of reorganizing the empire on a Federal basis, so as to reconcile British connection with British freedom." Opposed by C. W. Bunting. Total population, 17,555. Votes on voters' list, 3,72.3. / For 1,497 \ Against 1,379 Votes polled 2,876 Majority 118 ELGIN (East Riding.) John Henry Wilson, ilf. D. {jSt. Thomas,) Was born near Ottawa, Ont., 14th February, 1883; educated at the Grammar School, St. Thomas, and at University College, New York; £:raduated M.D. at Victoria University, Cobourg, Ont., 1858; has been Professor of Anatomy in Victoria University ; sat in Legislative Assembly Ontario from general election 1871 until general election 1879; first returned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal and opposed to the present Government. Opposed by Thos. Arkell. Total population, 25,748. Votes on voters' list, 6,434. Votes polled, 4,318 f For \ Against 2,221 2,097 Majority 124 36 Parliamentary Directory. I ELGIN (West Riding.) Georoe Elliott Casey, B. -4., (Fingal.) Was born in Southwold, March 1850 ; educated at the Grammar School, St. Thomas, and at the University Toronto, where he graduated (with honors in classics), June 1871; passed matriculation of Law Society of Toronto, February 1872 ; first returned to Parliament at general election 1872 ; re-elected at general election 1874, at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Reformer. Opposed by Alex. Clark. Total population, 23,480. Votes on voters' list, 5,429. Votes-polled, 3,415 {^-^^^^ 2,110 • Majority 805 ESSEX (South Riding.) Lewis Wiole, (Leamington.) Was born in the Township of Gosfield, Essex, 10th March, 1845; educated there; a general merchant; was Reeve of Mersea for six years ; first returned for South Essex in Ontario Assembly at general election 1875; unseated on petition 30th July, 1875; re-elected 1875 and 1880 ; first returned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal Conservative — " unbiassed by prejudice and untrammelled by party, he will ever endeavor to record his vote upon all questions to the best of his judgment and according to the dictates of his conscience." Opposed by Wm. McGregor. Total population, 21,303. Votes on voters' list, 3,934. . Votes polled, 2,890 {F«^^^^ Majority 1,475 1,415 60 ESSEX (North Riding,) James Colebbooke Patterson ( Windsor Avenue, Windsor.) Was called to the Bar of Ontario 1876; is Warden of Essex; has been Reeve of Windsor for several years; first returned to Parliament for the North Riding of Essex in the Local Legislature of Ontaro at the general elec- tion January. 1875; resigned hio seat in the Local House to contest the County for the Commons at general election, 1878; re-elected for present seat at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by J. A. Kilroy. Total population, 25,629. Votes on voters' list, 4,6/7. Votes polle-i, 2,736 (For \ Against Majority 1,714 1,022 692 FRONTENAC. Lieut.-Col. George Aibky Kirkpatrick, LL.B., Q.C. (King St.f Kingston.) Was born in Kingston, 13th September, 1841 ; educated at Kingston Grammar School, at High School, St. John's, P. Q., and at Trinity Coflege, Commoners, Province of Ontario. 37 Dublin; graduated at latter instituiion as Moderator and Silver Medallist, December, 1861, and received the degrees of B. A. and LL. B. ; called to the Bar, Upper Canada, Hilary Term, 1865; is President of the Kingston Water- works Company; Lieut.-Col. commanding the 47th " Frontenac " Battalion V. I. ; Vice-President of the Kingston Rifle Association, and a Director of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway; commanded the Wimbledon Rifle Team, 1876; first returned to Parliament, for present seat, April, 1870, on death of his father, the sitting member ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872; again returned at general election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878; elected Speaker of the House of Commons 8th February, 1883; elected by acclamation at last general election . A Liberal Conservative. Total population, 14,993. GLENGARRY. Donald MaoMaster (Lancaster.) Was born 3rd September, 1846, in the County of Glengarry; educated at Williamstown Grammar School and McGill University, Montreal; graduated with highest honors, and was Torrance Gold Medallist in law ; called to the Bar Province of Quebec, 1871, and appointed a Queen's Counsellor 20th January,, 1882; has been twice President of the McGill University Literary Society ; is a member of the Council of the Bar of Lower Canada; sat for Glengarry in Legislative Assembly, Ontario, from general election 1879 until he resigned in May, 1882, to run for the Commons ; first returned to Commons at last gen- eral election. A Conservative; opposed by D. A. McDonald. Total population, 22,221. Votes on voters' list, 3,616. f For 1,499 "l Against 1,276 Votes polled, 2,775 Majority 223 GRENVILLE (South Riding.) William Thomas Benson, (CarcZma^) Was born at Parkside, Westmoreland, Eng., 1828, and educated at school in Kendal and afterwards by private tutor; is Vice-President and Managing Director of the Edwardsburg Starch Co. ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Jas. Millar. Total population, 13,526 Votes polled, 2,226 Votes on voters' list, 3,117. / For 1,187 , \ Against Majority 1,039 148 GREY (South Riding.) George Landerkin, M.D., (Hanover.) Was born at West Gwillimbury, Simcoe, 1839; educated at Victoria College, Cobourg, where he graduated M. D. 1862; first returned to h 38 Parliamentary Directory. Parliament at general election 1872; re-elected at general election 1874 defeated at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by George Jackson. Total population, 25,703. Votes on voters' list, 4,740. Votes polled 3,454 {^o;.^^^ Majority 1,765 1,689 ~1^ GREY (Bast Riding.) Thomas Simpson Sproule, M.D.^ {Markdale.) Was born in the Townbhip of King, County of York, 1843 ; educated at the University of Victoria and University of Michigan ; graduated in 1867 M.D., since which time he has been practising his profession; first returned to Parliament at general election 1878; and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Peter Christie. Total population, 25,092. Votes on voters' list, 5,402. Votes polled, 3,454 (For \ Against Majority 1,9.^4 1,520 414 GREY (North Riding.) Benjamin Allen, {Owen Sound.) Was born in Sligo 1830, and came to Canada in 1850; went to Australia in 1852, and returned in 1856 ; is a merchant; has been a member of the Owen Sound Town Council several times, and was License Commissioner from 1876 to 1882 ; first returned to I'arliament at last general election. A Liberal and supports Hon. Edward Blake. Opposed by S. J. Lane. Total population, 23,334. Votes on voters' list, 4,654. Votes polled, 3,150 {^^^j^^^ \f,l Majority 48 by Returning Officer, 72 I&ecount by a Judge. HALDIMAND. Major David Thompson, (Euthven Park, Deans.) Was born in the Township of Wainfleet, Welland, Ontario, 7th December, 1836; educated at Hamilton Grammar School and Upper Canada College; a farmer, and grain and flour merchant; is a Municipal Councillor ; a Director of the Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Company ; Major 37th Haldimand Battalion of Volunteer Rifles; Vice-President of the Haldi* mand Agricultural Society ; sat for Baldiman'^. in Canadian Assembly from 1863 until the Union; returned to Commons at general election, 1867 ; re> elected by acclamation at general election, 1872 ; returned at general election. I Commoners^ Province of Ontario. $9 1874, at general election, 1878. and again at last general election. A Liberal ; in favor of Prohibitory Liquor Law. Opposed by Wm. H. Merritt. Total population, 17,660. Votes on voters' list, 3,767. • Votes polled, 2,864 {^^ij^^^ Majority, flALTON. 1,490 1,.364 126 William MoGraney, J. P., (Oakville.) Was born in Township of Trafalgar, County of Halton, 16th Dec'>inber, 1831, and educated there ; a farmer ana lumber merchant; has been Mayor of Oakville ; Srst returned to Parliament for present poat 25th January, 1876, on the elected member being unseated; defeated at general election, 1878; re- elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by George G. McKindsej ieneral election. A Conservative; believes protection of industries is and will be a necessity in Canada for many years. Opposed by C. E. Hritton. Total population, 22,206 Votes polled, 3,709 Votes on voters' list, 4,806. f For 1,993 \ Against 1,716 Majority 277 CommonerSy Province of Ontario. 45 LENNOX. David '« - ght Alusok, {_Adx)lp}msiorjn.) Was born at Adolphustown, County Lennox, and educated there. Is a Contested County Lennox ujisucceasfully at general election, 1882. ' ~ ■■ " ber 2Gth,lS83,on Sir John A. Macdonald farmer First returned to Parliament November being unseated. A Liberal. Opposed by M. W. Pruyn Total population, 16,314. Votes on voters' list, 3,859 Votes polled, 2,806 fFor \ Against Majority 1,405 1,201 ' LINCOLN AND NIAGARA. John Charles Rykert, {,Si. Catharines.^ Was born at St. Catharines, 10th March, 1832 ; educated at Upper Canada College; a Barrister and Attorney-at-Law ; appointed a Q. C, 13th August, 1881 ; Reeve of Township of Grantham and St. Catharines for 20 years con- tinuously ; Warden five times; President of the Agricultural and Arts Asso- ciation of Ontario in 1865, and has since that time b^en a member of the Coun- cil of the same Association ; Chairman St. Catharines Collegiate Institute Board ; first returned to Parliament in 18^0, and again in 1861 by acclamation ; sat in Parliament until the fall of 1863; elected by acclamation at time of Confederation for the Local House ; again by acclamation in 1871 ; elected again in 1876 ; contested the County for the Local, 1875, and was defeated. His opponent was unsea'^d and disqualified. Returned for Commons at eeneral election, 1878, anU igain at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by James Norris. Total population, 23,300. Votes on voters' list, 5,282. Votes polled, 3,557. fFor \ Against Majority 1,826. 1,731. 95. LONDON. ■ »■ . ♦ Hon. John Carling, {London.) Was born in the Township of London, Middlesex, 23rd January, 1828 ; a member of the firm of Carling & Co., brewers, London ; was a Director of the Great Western Railway for a number of years, and also a Director of the London, Huron and Bruce and London and Port Stanly Railways ; elected a Water Commissioner for London in 1878, and subsequently appointed Chair- man of the Board ; was returned as member for London to the Canadian Assembly, 18th December, 1857, and held the seat > jntinuously from that time until Confederation, when he was re-elected in August, 1867, for the House of Commons, and held the seat up to the general election, 1874; was also returned for the Local House in 1867, holding the portfolio of Minister of Agriculture and Public Works in the Sandfield Macdonald Government from July, 1867, until December, 1871, when the Government was defeated and retired from office; was Receiver-General in the old Government of Canada 1862 ; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Postmaster-General, 23rd 46 Parliamentary Directory. May, 1882 : re-elected to Commons at general election, 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by John Campbell. Total population, 19,746 Votes polled, 2,723 Votes on voters' list, 5,054. / For 1,485 \ Against Majority 1,238 247 MIDDLESEX (East Riding.) Duncan MaoMillan, (London.) Was born in the Township of London, Middlesex, Ont., 11th February, 1837; educated at Queen's University, Kingston, where he graduated B. A. » 1857 ; studied law with Sir John A. Macdonald, and was callra to the Bar of Ontario in Easter term 1861 ; first returned to Parliament (on sitting member being unseated) 28th January, 1875; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative. Opposed by Isaac Langford. Total population, 25,107. Votes on voters' list, 6,535. f For 1,949 \ Against 1,454 Majority 495 Votes polled, 3,403 MIDDLESEX (North Riding.) Timothy Coughlin, (0#a P.O., County Huron.) Was born in the Township of Yarmouth, County Elgin, 8th January,. 1834; educated in the Common School of the Township of Yarmouth and Westminster ; is a farmer ; was Township Treasurer of Stephens for 15 years,, and is now Reeve of the same township ; nrst returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative.. Opposed by L. E. Shipley. Total population, 21,268. Votes on voters' list, 4,979. Votes polled, 3.373 . {Fo^„^, {^^g Majority MIDDLESEX (West Riding.) 109 Donald Mackenzie Cameron, {Strathroy.) Was born at Durgwall, Rosshire, Scotland, 11th November, 1843 ; educated at Hisolos, Rosshire ; is a merchant ; held a commission in the 26th Battalion from 1870 to 1880 ; first elected to Commons December 1883, to fill the vacancy made by Mr. G. W. Ross being unseated, and afterwards appointed Minister of Education for Ontario. A Reformer. ()pposed by W. F. Roome. Total population, 19,491. Votes on voters' list, 4,386. Votes polled. 3.510 {F«.„,, \^^ Majority 32 Commoners^ Province of Ontario. 47, MIDDLESEX (South Riding.) '' James Armstrong, J. P. {Pond Mills.) Was born in Queensbury, County of York, N.B., let March, 1830 ; edu- cated in Middlesex, Ontario; a farmer; is President of the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and a Director of the Canadian Saving and Loan Company; was seven years Superintendent of Schools ; four years Township Clerk, and eleven years Reeve of the Township of Westminster; was Warden of the County of Middlesex for two years; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal and a Nationalist, and intends to support measures not men. Opposed by John Rayner. Total population, 18,888. Votes on voters' list, 4,235. Votes polled, 2,490 fFor \ Against Majority 1,678 812 866 MONCK. Latjchlan McCallum (iS President of the British Mortgage and Loan Company,of the Perth Mutual, and a Director of the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association ; is Reeve of North Easthope, an office to which he has been elected by acclamation, 22 years in succession; ban been Warden of Perth ; represented South Riding, Perth, in Local Assembly from 1867 until 1871, when defeated ; first returned to Com- mons at general election 1872 ; elected by acclamation at general election 1874 ; re-elected at general election 1878, and again returned at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by Thomas R. Guest. Total population, 21,608. Votes on voters' list, 4,876 fPor 1,896 (.Against 1,717 Votes polled, 3,613 Majority 179 to in le a id ' PETERBOROUGH (West Riding.) Oborob Hilliard, (Peieriorough.) Was born at Morrisburg, County Dundas, 28th May, 1827 ; is a millowner and lumber merchant ; first returned to Parliament at general election, 18T8^ and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed hv Johtt James Lundy. Total population, tfi,ZlO. Votes on voters' list, 3,312. Votes polled, 1,910 :/'''''' Majority 160 fPor I Against 1,035 876 54 Parliamentary Directory. PETERBOROUGH (East Riding.) John BcBNHAM, (il«A&urnAam.) . [ Was born at St. Thomas, Ontario, 3rd December, 1842; educated at the Grammar Schools of Peterborough and Gault; called to the Bar Upper Canada, Hilary Term, 1866, and is practicing his profession in Peterborough} is Captain ana paymaster 57th Battalion Voluntuer Militia; was Warden of the County of Peterborough from 1877 to 1881 ; first returi. 'd to Parliament at general election, 1878, and re-elected at last general elect'0<. . A Conserva* tive. Opposed by Willian E. Roxburgh. Total population, 20,701. Votes on voters' list, 3,716. Votes polled, 2,641 f For \ Against Majority 1,449 1,192 267 PRESCOTT. Simon Labrossg, J. P., (^St. Engine.) Was born at St. Benoit, County of Two Mountains, Province of Quebec, 10th March, 1836 ; educated there ; in mercantile business since 1862; was Reeve of East Hawkesbury from 1873 to 1884 ; was Warden Prescott and Russell, 1874 ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Con* aervative. Opposed by Felix Uouthier, also a Conservative. Total population, 22,857. Votes on voters' li8t,*3,403. Votes polled, 2,343 _ . Mfy'ority fFor \ Against 1,322 1,021 301 PRINCE EDWARD John Milton Pl-att, {Picton.) Was born in the Township of Athol, County of Prince Edward, in 1840 1 educated at Fort Edward Institute, New York State ; the Normal School, Toronto, and Victoria College, Cobourg ; at the latter he graduated M. D.; was a Public School Inspector for ten years; is a graduate of the Military School, Toronto, 1866, and is a Surgeon to the 16th Battalion Volunteer Militia; was the first editor and publisher of the Picton " New Nation," which sub- sequently merged into the "Times ;" first returned to Parliamieht at last general election. A Liberal ; is not a supporter of the National Policy, but is willing to give it a trial during a period of^depression. Opposed by J. S. McCuaig. Total population, 21,044. Votes outvoters* list, 5,144. Votes polled, 3,869 fFor I Against Majority 1,944 1,926 Commoners^ Province of Ontario. RENFREW (North Riding.) Peter White, (Fem&roA;«.) Was born at Pembroke, 30th Aug^ust, 1838; educated there ; is a lumbef merchant; was Reeve of the Township of Pembroke, 1870; for the Town of Pembroke from 1871 to 1874, inclusive; an unsuccessful candidate ior present teat general election 1873, and in November 1874; sat from general election 1874 until 14th September, same year, when unseated on petition ; reelected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal Conser- vative. Opposed by Thomas Murray. Total population, 20,966. Votes on voters' list, 2,727. Votes polled, 2,079 f For \ Against Majority 1,111 968 143 RENFREW (South Riding.) Robert Campbell, 3. P., iEgarmiVLt:) Was born at Olenurquart, Scotland, 20th March, 1818, and came with hia ?arents to Canada, and settled in Lochiel, County of Glengarry, Ontario, in 820 ; commenced lumbering early in life, and was for many years manager of the extensive lumbering business or the Bonnechere River, of the late John Egan, Esquire ; is senior partner of the firm of Robert Campbell & Son, lum- berers ; is a Justice of the Peace, and has been a Municipal Councillor; was an unsuccessful candidate for present seat at general election, 1878 ; first re- turned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal, and opposed to the policy of Sir John A. Macdonald. Opposed by William Bannerman. Total population, 19,160. Votes on voters' list, 2,386. Voteslpolled, 1,672 { I^^inst 913 769 Majority 164 , RUSSELL. : Moss Kent DicKiysoN, (Jlfanoft'c^.) ,•,..' Was born at Denmark, State of New York, let June, 1822 ; removed to Canada, perroanentlv, in 1828 ; from 1844 to 1869 was engaged in forwarding on Inland Waters of Canada ; removed, 1870, to Manotick, wnich he founded : is a manufacturer; was Mayor of Ottawa for 1864, 1866 and 1866; first elected to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by William C.Edwards. Total population, 26,082. Votes on voters' list, 4,664. Votes polled, 2,979 { For Against 1,644 1,336 Majority 309 w »« Parliamentary Directory. SIMCOE (North Biding.) Dalxon McCarthy, Q. C, ^Toronto.) Was born at Oaklev Park, near Dublin, Ireland, 10th October, 1836 educated at Rev. Mr. Harnman'e School, Blackrock, at Rev. Mr. Flynn's School, i)ublir, and at Barrie Grammar School; called to the, Bar Xlppor Canada» Hilary Term, 1859; ap{)ointed a Queen's Councillor 18th December, 1872 ; is & Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario ; was President of Agricultural Society, of North Riding of Simcoe until its dissolution by the division of the North Riding into East and West Ridings, since which time he has been Presi* dent of the West Riding Agricultural Society; has been President since forma-^ tion, 1873, of the Liberal Conservative Association of North Riding of Simcoe; contested North Simcoe unsuccessfully, 1872 and 1874; first returned to Par- liament for Cardwell, 14th December, 1876 ; returnei for North Simcoe at general election, 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Apposed by C. Drury. Total population, 26,120. Votes on voters' lis j,091. Votes polled, 3,272 {For.„^, J'jJ} Majority SIMCOE (South Riding). 250 Richard Tybwhitt, (JFarm Cote, Bradford.^ Was born in the County of Simcoe, Ont., 20th Nov , 1844; educated by private Tutor at Barrie, 1854 : College de Dinan, 1857, (Brittany) ; Institu- tion St. Louis Rouen, 1859, (France), and again at Barrie 1861-2 ; is a farmer ; Lieut.-Col. Active Militia from 1878 to present time. First returned to Par- liament for present seat 16th Feb. 1882, on the death of the sitting member, Mr. W. C. uittle ; re-elected at last general election. A Conservative; opposed by David Dunn, also a Conservative. Total population, 22,721. Votes on voters' list, 4,201. Votes polled, 2.88S {F»;.„„ j^ Majority 6 The same majority was dec'ared by a Judge upon are-count. SIMCOE 'Bast Riding.) Hfrmon Henry Cook, (505 King St. West, Toronto.) Was born in Township of Williamsburg, County Dundas, Ont., 1838 ; was educated at Iroquois Grammar School ; a lumber merchant; an unsuccessful candidate for North Simcoe in XiOcal Assembly at general election in 1871 ; fir'i returned to Commons for North Simcoe at general election 1872 ; re-elec* ted at general election 1874; unseated on petition 11th Nov., 1874; re-elected 26th Dec. same year ; elected for Eant Simcoe in Local Assembly at general election 1879, but resigned in 1882, bnd elected for presert seat in Commons at last general election. A Reformer ; opposed by James Quinn. Total population, 27,185. Votes on voters' list, 4,623. Votes polled 2,798 {^o^.^^^ ^'^^S Majority 1,330 138 Commoners^ Province of Ontario. 57 TORONTO (Went.) James Beatty, Jb., Q.C, D.C.L., (S/. James* Square, Toronto.^ Was born at Asbdale Farm, Township of Trafalgar, County of Halton, 10th Nov., 1831; educated at the Grammar School, Palermo, and private tuition; called to the Bar 1855 ; appointed Q.C. 1872; is a Bencher of th'> Law Society of Ontario ; is head of the legal firm of Beatty, Hamilton & Cassels; the business of which has been continued in succession from Dr.William Warre^ Baldwin, through Hon. Bobt. Baldwin, Hon. R. B. Sullivan, John Hector, CJ. C, Mr. /^dam Wilson (now Chief Justice), and Mr. C. S. Patterson (at present one of the Justices of the Court of Appeals for Ontario) dating back over fifty years; was an Alderman in Toronto 1857, Mayor 1879-80; is a director and was one of the founders of the Co^^ federation Life Association ; a director of the Building & Loan Association, and a director of the Scarboro Heights Hotel Company ; first returned to Parliament August 28th 1880, on appointment of sitting men>ber to Lieut.-Governorship of Ontario,and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative; opposed by W. B. McMurrich. Total population, 38,565. Votes on voters' list, 9,121. f For 2,714 i Against 2,283 Majority 431 Votes polled 4,997 TORONTO (Centre.) Robert Hat, (Toronto.) Was born in Perthshire, Scotland t came to Canada in 1831 ; has been a manufacturer of cabinet furniture 46 years; a director of the Credit Valley RR. Co. ; first returned to Parliament ^^t eeneral election 1878, and re-elected at last general «leotion. In politics, % Vs'idv/in Reformer, but M-ith a great many others became convinced that il^e late Goveriment was pursuing a policy detrimental to the best interests of the country, and along with an overwhelming majority of the electors of the Dominion, declared in favor of National Policy. Is in favor of a Prohibitory Liquor Law when practicable. Opposed by J. D Edgar. Total population, 22,983. Votes on voters* list, 6,194. Vote, polled, 3,0« {fr^^^ J;™ Majority TORONTO (East.) 198 John Small, (King Street East, Toronto.) Was born Oct. 8th, 1831, in the Township of York, near Toronto ; was educated at the Home District Grammar School, and Upper Canada College, Toronto ; was taxing officer of the Court of Queen's Bench for 24 years, an office which he resigned to run for present seat ; was a member o? Toronto City Council 1877-78-79 ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative ; opposed by Thos. Thompson. Total population, 24,867. Votes on voters' list, 6,141. f For 1,992. I Against 1,496. Votes polled, 3,488. Majority 496. Parliamentary Directory. VICTORIA (South Riding.) Joseph Rutherford Ditndas, (Xinc^Aay.) Was born at Drum, County of Monaghan, Ireland, on the 20th Jan., 1836 : canie to Canada in 1849, and settled at Peterborough, Ont., where he resided until 1860, when he moved to Lindsay ; is a merchant and largely engaged in the grain trade ; has been a director of the Midland Railway of Canada since 1879; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative, and a strong supporter ot the National PoFicy ; opposed by Wni. Needlar. '>tal population, 20»813. Votes on voters' list, 4,366. Votes polled, .3,094 fFor 1 Against Majority VICTORIA (North Riding.) Heotor Cameron, M.A., Q.C., (Toronto.) Was born in Montreal, 3rd June, 1832; educated at King's College, Lon- don, England, end at Trinity College Dublin, where he graduated B.A. in 1851. afterwards took degree of M.A. at University of Toronto ; called to the Bar, Ontario, Easter Term, 1854 ; appointed a Q.C. 1872, and is a Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario; unsuccessfully contested South Victoria at eeneral «lectiou 1867, and North Victoria at general election 1374— in ooth Tor the Commons; was aeain a candidate for Tatter seat 10th Nov,, 1874, on the sitting member Mr. MacLennan being unseated, but Mr. MacLennan \(a8 af^ain returned, and on the 4th of May 1875 was again unpeated and Mr. CainfTon was declared the member elect on a scrutiny of the vctes ; re-elected atgcueral election, 1878, ao'JJ? Majority 1,116 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^yS IZ5 1^ Uii 122 u us BS ■ 40 2.0 1^ i^ IIU4 I 1.6 I^iolDgFaphic Sdenoes CorporaliGii 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WltSTIII,N.Y. 145M (71*)t7a-4S03 ,L 4^ / 68 Parliamentary Directory. COMPTON. Hon. John Henry Pope, P. C, {Cookshire.) Was born in the Eastern Townships. P. Q. ; is President of the Interna- tional Railway, and of the Compton Uol jnization Society ; one of the Trustees of the St. Francis College, Richmond, P. Q. ; and a director of the Eastern Townships Bank ; commanded the Cookshire Volunteer Cavalry for many years, and retired, retaining his rank . , ...ajor, 1862; sworn of the Privy Council, and was Minister of Agricultu.o 'r<\r,\ 25th Oct., 1871, until 5th Nov., 1873, when lie retired with his chief. Sir J'-,. •*.. Macdonald, on the Pacific Railway question ; again appointed Minis'e.- or Agriculture, 17th Oct, 1878; sat for present seat in Can. Assembly froi;i IB.*--? until the Union; was an unsuccessful candidate for feame Mtat at j^ i:erai election, 1854; returned to Commons by acclamation at general election, 1867, on his appointment to office, at general election, 1872, at general election 1874, and again at general election, 1878; re-elected last general election. During the summer of 1880 he visited England in company with Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Charles Tupper, and took an active part in the negotiations which led to the Pacific Railway contract, since ratified by Parliament. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by H. E. Cairns. Total population, 19.581. Votes on voters' list, 4,231. Votesjpolled, 2,435. {^or^j^^^ ^'^, Majority DORCHESTER. 789 Charles Alexander Lesage, M.D., iSie. Claire, County of Dorchester.) Was born at Mount Johnson, County of Iberville, P.Q., Feb. 25th, 1843 educated at Laval University, Quebec ; a practising physician ; first returned to Parliament at last general election by acclamation. A Conservative. Total population, 18,710. DRUMMOND & ARTHABASKA. DIisirI; Olivier Bourbeau, ( Victoriaville.) Was born 2l6t Sept., 1854, at St. Pierre les Bosquets ; a merchant; is a J. P., and Mayor of Victoriaville ; director of the Arthabaska Building Society; director of the Arthabaska Agricultural Society, and chairman of the Board of School Commissioners; first returned to Parliament 27th Oct., 1877; re- elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Conser- vative, and in favor of the National Pohcy. Opposed by L. J. Cannon. "■ ■ " • " rsMist, 6,317. Total population, 37,360. Votes on voters Votes polled, 4,232. rFor \ Against 2,421 1,811 610 Majority GASPf:. Hon. Pierre Fortin, M.D., (Quebec, Oasp6 Basin.) Was born at Vercheres, P.Q., December 1823; received his classical education at Montreal Seminary ; studied medicine at McGill College, where Commoners, Province of Quebec. 69 he took his degree of M.D, 1845; served as a surgeon at Quarantine, Grosse 'Isle, durin^i; 1847 (fever year) and 1848; aided in 1849 informing a special mounted constabulary force for quelling disturbances of the peace in Montreal and adjoining districts, a troop of which was placed under iiis command ; in 1852 he was appointed Stipendiary Magistrate for the Lower River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, and in that capacity he organized the service tor the protection of the sea and river fisheries in tfjose ports. He was at the head of that service from 1852 until the Union, when he resigned, and in that position he first had under him the armed steamer Doris, and afterwards the armed schooner La Canadienne, built specially for the service, in which latter vessel he was wrecked in November 1861, during a violent snow storm on the North Coast; in 1869 he established on all the coasts and in the rivers of the Province of Quebec the system of licenses for the salmon fishing. In 1862, Mr. Fortin began a work on the marine animals, fishes, mollusca, Crustacea of the Lower River and Gulf ofSt.Lartrence; he described over eighty species of them, and his descriptions, made from nature in nearly all cases, were printed in some of his annual reports to the Government — see report of 1862, and following. Mr. Fortin in several of his reports described the fishing coasts of the Province of Quebec, I,20& miles in extent, and the difierent fisheries that are carried on in these parts ; he has given valuable statistics, especially since the year 1862, when he appointed a formula which is still followed. In 1858, Mr. Fortin was instructed bj' the Government of Canada to visit officially the French Colonies of St. Pierre, Miquelon and Longlake, with a view to study the conditions under which the French fisheries and fish trade were carried on, both around St. Pierre and on the west, north-west and north coasts of Newfoundland, commonly called the French Coasts. Mr. Fortin was cordially received by the Governor and authorities of St. Pierre, and every facility offered him to fulfil his mission, while the schooner yacht La Canadienne. Quebec built, was much admired by the shipbuilders and others there. Mr. Fortin reported to the Government of Canada on his mission and gave interesting accounts of the French Fisheries of St. Pierre and neighbouring coasts. In 1868, Mr. Fortin, in order to make himself better acquainted in everything appertaining to navigation, shipping, shipbuilding and the fisheries, visited the Maritime Exhibition at Havre, France, which, as everyone knows', was a very successful one ; he brought back with him u great deal of information regarding the fisheries and navigation, which formed the subject of much correspondence published by La Minerve. Was a member of the Executive Council and Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Province of Quebec from February 1873 until 7th September 1874, when he resigned; elected Speaker, 4tn November 1875, but resigned in 1876, in consequence of his election being protested. While Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec he founded the Marine Library of the Province of Quebec, and procured several hundred books relating to shipping, etc., and over 600 marine charts from all parts of the world ; also enlarged the exchanges between the Quebec library and libraries ot the United States, England and France. Was one of the founders of the Geographical Society of Quebec, and was its first President. Was from 1867 to 1874 Chairman of the Special Committee of the Commons on Navigation and Fisheries. Sat for Gaspe in House of Commons from general election 1867 until general election 1874, when he retired in order to confine himself to the Local House, for which he was first returned at general election 1867; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1871, again returned at general election 1875, unseated on petition, and re-elected 1877 ; did not oflFer for re- election at last general election for Province of Quebec, in consequence of the electors of the Magdalen Islands, where he bad obtained a large majoiity, being deprived of their votes, the dates of the nomination and polling being so flxea that the Returning Officer claimed navigation was not open at the Islands, i 70 Parliamentary Directory. and did not try to have the proclamation posted there. Elected for present seat at general election 1878, and again by acclamation at last general election. A Conservative. In favour of a system of nautical education with a view to perfecting the scientiflc instruction of our marines, and lhert:by making them «qual to the best in the world ; also empowering our Marine Boards to examine candidates for extra-masters' certificates, and completing the improvements of the St. Lawrence water-course, comprehending the lakes, canalfr, river and Gulf of St. Lawrence, so as to make it the cnief commercial artery of this continent; and firmly believes that the necessary improvt-meiits in tike postal and telegraphic communications in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the sea coasts of the Maritime Provinces are essential to completely attain that object. Total population, 26,001. HOCHELAGAi Alphokse Desjardins, MontrtaP ( Plact Souligni/f St, Charles Borromie street^ Was born at lerrebonne, P.Q., 6th May, 1841 ; educated at Masson College and the Seminary of Nicolet; called to the Bar, L.C., 1863, and practised his profession in Montreal until 1868, when he abandoned lawfor journalism, and Decame one of the editors of UOrdre; was for some years chief editor and one of the directors ol LeNouveau Monde; retired from journalism in September 1879. President of the Jacques Cartier Bank. Created a Knight of the Order of Pius IX, 30th July, 1872, after his return from a visit to Rome, where he had the honor of being admitted to an audience with His Holiness ; took an active part in the organization of the Canadian Papal Zouave con- tingent, which went to the assistance of the Holy Father, 1868- Was one of the authors of the Programme Catholique, first published April 1871, which was prepared for the purpose of being ottered to the Conservative party as a basis on which the several opposing sections of that party, then engaged in a warm contest, might agree. First returned to Parliament for present seat by acclamation at general election 1874 ; re-elected at general election 1878, and by acclamation at last general election. An Independent Conservative. Total population, 40,079. HUNTINGDON. JuLiuB SoRivER, ( Hemming/ord.) . Was born at Hemmi-^gford, P.Q., 26th Feb., 1826 ; educated at the Uni- versity of Vermont ; is a trader ; is President of the Quebec Frontier Railway; eat for Huntingdon in Quebec Assembly from the Union until Sept., 1869, when he resigned and was returned to Commons by acclamation ; reelected by accltimation at general election 1872 ; and again returned at general election 1874; i'e.eleuted by acclamation at general election 1878, and again re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by C. P. Davidson. Total population, 15,495. Votes on voters' list, 3,598. Votes polled, 1,797. (For \ Against Minority 1,206 591 615 ] Commoners^ Province of Quebec. 71 IBERVILLE. Major Francois Becrard, (Mount Johnson.) . Was born in Quebec ; educated at St.Hyacinthe College : resided for eotne years in Illinois; a farmer ; is Major in Iberville Reserve Militia; has been Mayor of St. Oregoire ; first returned to Parliament for present seat at general election, 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at general election, 1872, and again at general election, 1874; re-elected at general election, 1878, and again by acclamation at last general election. Opposed to the present Government. Total population, 14,469. JACQUES CARTIER. Desire Girouar", Q C, D.C.L., (No, 8 Prince of Wales, Monireal, and Dorval, County of Jacques Cartier.) Was born at St. Timothe, County of Beauharnois, July 7th, 1836 ; edu- -cated ai the Montreal College, and graduated in law at McGill University, from which he has received the degrees of B.C.L. and D.C.L. ; called to the Bar of Lower Canada 13th Oct.. ^3i;0, and made Q.C. in 1876; author of Treatise on Bills of Exchange, thb Insolvent Act, Laws of Marriage, etc., etc. ; founder, with W. H. Kerr, Q.C., and other leading Barristers, of the Revue €lritique, and well known by his contributions on constitutional law and intern, tional questions, which have received notice from the press in this country, and also from that of the United States, England and France, among others, his Papers on the Treaty of Washington, the indirect Alabama Claims, Church and State, the Pacific Scandal, Royal Commissions, etc. Until 1872 he devoted himself exclusively to his profession, wherein he obtained success, principally as a commercial lawyer. First returned to Parliament for present seat at general election 1872 ; an unsuccessful candidate for Beau- harnois at general election 1874 ; reelected for present seat at general election 1878, and again at last general election ; promoted and earned during the Session of 1882 the bill authorizing marriage with a deceased wife's sister. A Conservative, and a strongsupporter of the policy of Sir John A. Macdonald, and of the late Sir George E. Cartier. Opposed by B. Laflamme. Total population, 12,345. Votes on voters' list, 2,389. Votes polled, 1,725. { ^or .^^^ f^\ Majority JOLIETTE. 263 Edward Guilbault, (Jolietie). Was born at Daillebout, P.Q., 14th April, 1834; educated at Joliette -Collej^e; is a manufacturer; has been mayor of the town of Joliette since 187^; first returned to Parliament for present seat at last general election ; resigned, and was re-elected 7th December, 1882. A Conservative. Opposed by L. A. McConville. Total population, 21,988. Votes on voters' list, 3,292. Votes polled, 2,207 fFor \ Against 1,216 992 Majority 223 7a Parliamentary Directory. K AMOUR A8KA. Charles Bruno Blondeau, (51. PlaE.vcA«2). ' Was bom at St PaRchal, 20th March, 1835 ; educated in St. Paschal and at Ste. Anne's College; is a contractor; first returned to Parliament at'last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by G. Bouchard. Total population, 22,181. Votes on voters' list, 3,001. Votes polled 2,196 {^o;,^^, };J«5 Majority 18 LAPRAIRIE. LiECT.-CoLONET, ALFRED Pinsonn:-ault, J. P., {8t. Jacquts Le Minear). Was born in the Province of Quebec ; a farmer ; is LieutenantrCoIonel 7th Battalion Huntingdon Militia ; sat for present seat in Canadian Assembly from 1863 till the Union ; returned to Commons at general election 1867 > re-elected at general election 1872 ; returned by acclamation at general election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by J. E. Robidoux. Total population, 11,436. Votes on voters' list, 1,606. \ Against f " Votes polled, 1,247 Majority 103 L'ASSOMPTION. HiLAIRE HURTEAU, N.P., (/S<. £m). 'rs born at Contrecoeur, P.Q., 4th May, 1837; educated at L'Assomptioa Colle^^'; a notary public ; was Mayor of St. Lin for three years, and Warden of the County for an equal length of time ; has also held the office of Secretary- Treasurer of Schools. First returned to Parliament for present seat at general' election 1874; unseated on petition, 24th November, 1874; re-elected by acclamation, 16th January, 1875; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative. Opposed by Joseph Oauthier. Total population. 15,2 ■<2. Votes on voters' list, 2,377. Vote, polled. 1,871 {^^^^^ '.»J» Majority 167 LEVIS. IsADORE Noel Belleau, {Lwis), Was born at Deschambault, 7th March, 1848 ; educated at the Quebec Seminary and Laval University, Quebec ; is an advocate. A Conservative. Opposed by Benoni Samson. Total population, 27,980. Votes on voters' list, 4,876. /For 1,651 \ Against 703 Votes polled, 2,254 Majority 848 Commoners^ Province of Quebec. n L'ISLET. Philippe Baby Gasobain, (4 Collins'.atreet,\Quehec). Was jorn in the city of Quebec, 1827 ; educated at Ste. Anne College called to the Bar of Lower Canada 1850 ; was Deputy Prothonotary of Superior Court, Quebec, for thirteen years up to 1873, when he resigned for the purpose of being free to enter Parliament; first returned to Parliament at general election 1872 ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1874 ; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal, in the true English sense; favours political independence unless the colonies have a more direct influence in the Councils of the British Empire. Opposed by N. J. J. B. Chouinard and Jos. Dufour. Total population, 14,917. Votes on voters' list, 2,246. Casf.rain, 645 1 Chouinard, 480 , p^^. g^g Dufour, J44 V | ^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ ^g^j^^^ ^g^ li269J Majority for P. B. Casgrain, 65 Votes polled. LOTBINIERE. CdHE IsAiE BiNFRET, M.D., (.St. Ctoix, Cowity Lotbiniere). Was born at Cape Sante, County Portneuf; educated at the Quebec Seminary. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by A. D. Ross. Total population, 20,857. Votes on voters' list, 3,244. . Votes polled, 1,837 {J^^j^^j Majority MASKINONGf:. 1,025 812 213 LiEUT.-GoL. Frederic Hodde, (.LouisevUle), Was born 23rd September, 1847, at Louiseville, P.Q. ; educated at the Classical (Nicolet) College of Province Quebec ; a farmer and manufacturer ; was a journalist from 1867 to 1882 ; editor of Le Nouveau Monde, of Montreal, of which he became proprietor in 1874. Is Lieutenant-Colonel of the 86th Battalion Line Infantry Active Militia. Is President of the Club Cartier, Montreal. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878 ; re-elected at last general election. A National Conservative in politics ; an advocate of the patriotic and fraternal union of all classes of Canadians. Opposed by George Caron. Tot^l population, 17,493. Votes on voters' list, 2,652. Votes polled, 1,849 fFor \ Against 1,084 766 Majority 319 74 Parliamentary Directory. MEGANTIC. Louis Israel PRfecHETTE, (S<. Fwdinan/S:). ' Was born at St. Ferdinand, P.Q., 6th May, 1848 ; educated there ; is a merchant. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by L. E. Olivier. Total population, 19,056. Votes on voters' list, 3,357. Votes polled 2,289 M^ority MISSISQUOI. (For 1 Against 1,204 1,085 119 HoK. Georgf Bernard, M.A., Q.C., (Sweetsburgh). Was born at Dunham, P.Q., 29th January, 1834; educated at the University of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, where he graduated, 1855 ; called to the Bar, Lower Canada, 1^60; created a Q.C. 1876; is a trustee of the University of Bishop's College ; appointed a member of Executive Council and Solicitor-General Quebec Legislature, 27th January, 1876; sac for Missisquoi in the Commons from June, 1870, until general election 1874, when he retired ; elected to Quebec Legislative Assembly by acclamation at general ^lection 1875, and again on his appointment to office; re«elected to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by Geo. Clayes. Total population, 17,784. Votes on voters' list, 4,055. Votes polled, 2,699 (For \ Against 1,426 1,273 Majority 153 MONTCALM. Firman Ddqas, (Montcalm Village). Was born at Rawdon, 18.30; educated at L'Aseomption College; a mil' owner ; has been Mayor of the Municipality and President of the Schoo^ Commissioners. First returned to Quebec Legislature in 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at general election for the same seat in 1871. First returned to the House of Commons in 1871, and re-elected by acclamation in 1872, 1874 and 1878 ; re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Was in favor of a general amnesty for political offences in Manitoba, and of a just settlement of the N. B. School'question. Is in favour of a moderate protective tariff for the development of the .industries of the countrf. Opposed by Octave Magnan. Total population, 12,966. Votes on voters' list, 2,606. Votes polled, 1,756 f For \ Against Majorilv, as declared by Returning Officer, Majority as declared by a Judge on a re-count, 16. 925 830 95 Commoners^ Province of Quebec. MONTMAGNY. 75 LiEUT.-CoL. AuousTE Charles Philippe Robert Landry, A.B., J.P., M.C.A., ( Villa Mastai, County Monimagny.) Was born at Quebec, 16th Jan., 1846 ; educated at Quebec Seminary and Laval University, where he obtained the degree of A.B,, and at Ste. Anne's Agricultural Goflege: is a Lieut.-Cul., commanding the 61pt Ratt., Montmagny andL'Islet; President ol'tiie Conservative Association, Quebec; is a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great; a niemberot the Biblographical Society of Paris; a gentleman farmer, member of the Council of Agriculture of the Province of Quebec, to which position he was called after having obtained the first prize and gold medal for the best Treatise on Agriculture; President of the Montmagny Agricultural Society; Vice-President of the Union Agricole Nationale, Quebec ; Secretary of the Montmagny No. 3 Colonization Society ; member of the Entomological Society ; author of "Traite Populaire d' Agri- culture Theorique et Pratique," 'Les Boissons Alcoliques et leurs Falsifica- tions," "On est la Desgrace," and other scientific, literary and political pamphlets; was an unrtuccessful candidate in 1873 for the Local House; first returned to the Quebec Legislative Assembly for the County of Montmagny at general election 1876 ; unseated 29th May, 1876, byjudgmentof the Superior Court ; returned to the Commons for present seat at general election, 1878, and reelected at last general election. A Conservative and Protectionist. Opposed by P. A. Choquette. Total population, 16,268. Votes on voters' list, 2,214. Votes polled, 1,610. (For \ Against Majority MONTMORENCY. 815 695 120 Pierre Vincent Valin, {St. Rochs.) Was born at Chateau Richer, County of Montmorency ; edu( Quebec; a ship owner; was a member of the City Council of Quebec educated at for two years ; is a director of the Stadacona Insurance Company ; was elected to Local Legislature of Quebec in 1874; first returned to Commons at general election, 1878; unseated on petition, 14th Jan., 1880; re-elected; again returned at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by C. Langelier. Total population, 12,322. Votes on voters' list, 1,817. Votes polle,!, 1,627. {f-j^,, f'?; Majority 93. MONTREAL (West). Matthew Hamilton Gault, J.P., (Braehead, Montreal, RoekcUff^e, Cacouna) Was bom iii Strabane ; was President of the Exchange Bank of Canada ; President of the Montreal Loan and Mortgage Co.; Vice-President of the Sun Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Vice-President of Montreal Mining Co. ; Director of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., Dominion Telegraph Co., and Windsor Hotel Go. ; was for some years Resident Manager of the British American Assurance Co., for P.Q.; Cniet Agent of the Royal Insurance Co. of 76 Parliamentary Directory. End^nd ; Agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. ; Foundt>r of the Iriali Protestant Benevolent Society of Montreal, the parent society of this Dominion ; for many yeara took an active interest in the Volunteer Garrison Artillery, from which he retired retaining his rank as Captain. First returned to Parliament at general election, 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative, and in favor of protection to native industries; believes the present fiscal tariff will meet the wants of the country ; looks forward to an era of unexampled prosperity for the Dominion when our railway system through Canadian territory is completed to the North- West. Opposed by J. R. Ward. Total population, 48,163. Votes on voters' list, 8,510. Votes polled, 4,667 {Fo^„,^ 2'707 Majority 747 MONTREAL (East). Michel Joseph Charles Cocrsol, Q.C, (Souvenir, Dorchester St., Montreal.") Was born at Amherstburg, Ont., 3rd October, 1819; educated at the Montreal College; studied law with C. S Cherrier, Esq., Q.C, who subsequently became his step-father ; and was called to the Bar, 1841 ; appointed a Q.C, 1873 ; appointed Joint Coroner for the District of Montreal, 30th June, 1848; Inspector and Superintendent of Police for City of Montreal, 2nd February, 1856 ; Judge of the Sessions of the Peace for Montreal, 1870 ; a Commissioner under 31 Vic, cap. 94, 23rd November, 1869 ; and Commissioner of Police for the Dominion, same date. Was a Commissioner appointed to inquire into the state of the Montreal Registry Office, 23rd April, ls5(i ; t^nd has held the office of Mayor of Montreal. Created a Knight of the Order of Charles III of Spain, 1872. Resigned Judgeship, September 1878, in order to contest Montreal East for the Commons, in which he was successful. Re-elected by acclamation last general election. A Conservative. Total population, 67,606. MONTREAL ('Centre). John Joseph Curran, Q.C, B.C.L., LL.D., (Montreal). Was born in Montreal, 22nd Februarjr, 1842; educated at St. Mary's College, Montreal, and at Ottawa University; graduated B.CL. atMcOill College, 1862 ; called to the Bar, Province Quebec, March 1863, and appointed a Q.C 20th January, 1882. The Manhatten College, New York, conferred on him the degree of LL.D., June 1881. Uas been a frequent contributor to the magazines, periodicals, and newspaper press. Unsuccessfully contested Shefford for the Commons at general election 1874. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by W. Farrell. Total population, 26,078. Votes on voters' list, 7,317. Votes polled, 4,021 /For \ Against Majority 1,287 Commoners, Province of Quebec, 77 NAPIERVILLE. Mederio Catudal, (N'apiei'ville). W.'s born at Napierville, 24th November, 1856 ; educated at the Montreal College ; is the Agent of La Banque de St. Jean in Napierville ; was Secretary Treasurerof the iSfapierville Building Society. First returned to Parliament At last gen ral election. A Liberal. Opposed by Sixte Goupal. Total population, 10,511. Votes on voters' list, 1,903. Votes polled, 1,38.S rFor \ Against 766 618 Majority 147 NICOLET. Francois Xavier Ovide Methot, (St. Pierre lea Becquets), Was born in Quebec, 19th September, 1843 ; educated at the Quebec Seminary ; is a farmer ; has been Mayor of St. Pierre les Becquets for several years ; is a J. P. and holds a Captaincy in the Militia ; represented Nicolet in Quebec Assembly from general election 1871 ; re-elected at general election 1876. Returned to House of Commons for same County, 18th December, 1877, on the appointment of Mr. Gaudet to the L. C. of Quebec ; re-elected at general election 1878, and by acclamation at last general election. An Independent Conservative, and in favour of a judicious protective tariff. Total population, 26,611. OTTAWA. Lieut.- Colonel Alonzo Wright, (Ironsides, Hull). Was born at Hull, P.Q., 26th February, 1825 ; educated at Potsdam Academy, N.y. ; is a farmer; is Lieutenant-Colonel of the Ottawa County Reserve Militia; President of the County of Ottawa Agricultural Society, and a Director of the City of Ottawa Agricultural Society. Sat for present seat in Canadian Assembly from 1862 until the Union, when returned to CommonB by acclamation ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872 ; returned at general election 1874, at general election 1878, and by acclamation at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative. Total population, 49,432. PONTIAC. John Bryson, (Fort Goulonge). Was born in Canada in 1849 ; is a lumber merchant. Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. McCuaig and W. Somerville. Total population, 19,939. Votes on voters' list, 3,498. f Bryeon, 1,047 1 McCuaig, 931 Votes polled, \ Somervflle, 293 First returned to Opposed by N. fFor 1,047 iNexthighest^against, 931 2,271 ' Majority for John Bryeon, 116 78 Parliamentary Directory. PORTNEUB\ Joseph Esdras Alfred De Saikt Gboroes, ti.C.L., M.D., iQtiehec). Was born at Cap Sante, 4tli Auzuat, 1849; educated at Nicolet College and by private tuition ; graduated M. D. at University of Victoria College, Cobourg, and received the degree of ti.C.L. from Laval University, Quebec, 1880; ifl a member of the law Ann of Morisaet and de Saint Georges, Quebec { is a Governor o( the College of Physicians and Surgeonf* of Lower Canada. Elected to Parliament at general election 1872 and 1874; defeated at general election 1878; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal, and opposed to the present Government. Opposed by R. P. Valine. Total population, 26,175. Votes on voters' list, 3,775. r For 1,491 \ Against 1,459 Votes polled, 2,950 Majority 32 QUEBEC (East). Hon. Wilfred Ladrier, fi.C.L., Q.C., P.C, {Arthahaakaville). Was born at St. Lin, L'Assomption, P.Q., 20th November, 1841 ; educated at L'Assomption College; obtained degree of B.C.L. at McGill University, 1864; studied law with Hon. R. Laflarome, Q.C., and was called to the Bar of Lower Canada 1865 ; appointed Q.C. Uth October, 1880; a Director of the Royal Mutnal Life Insurance Co. ; edited LeDefricheur newspaper for a short time ; was a delegate to the Dominion Prohibitory Convention, MontreaL 1875; sat for Drummond and Arthabaska in Quebec Assembly from general election, 1871, untilJanuary 1874, when he resigned in order to contest the seat for the Commons in which he was successful. Sworn of the Privy Council as Minister of Inland Revenue, September 1877, which office he held until the resignation of the Government 1878 ; defeated in Drummond and Arthabaska upon appealing to his constituents ; elected immediately afterwards for Quebec Bast upon resignation of Hon. I. Thibaudeau ; re-elected eeneral election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by J. P. Rh^aume. Total population, 31,900. Votes polled, 3,033 Votes on voters' list, 4,458. r For 1,760 \ Against 1,283 Majority 467 QUEBEC (Centre). Joseph Willlam Bosse, Q.C, {Quebec). Was called to the Bar of Lower Canada 1860, and appointed a Q.C. 28tli February, 1873 ; was Batonnier G6n6ral for the Province of Quebec in 1868. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Jacques Malouin. Total population, 1 7,898. Votes on voters* list, 2,560. Votes polled, 1,821 Majority fFor i Against 966 866 111 Commoners, Proi'ince of Quebec. QUEBEC (West). 79 Hon. Thomas MoOreevy, {Esplanade, Quebec), Was born in Quebec ; of Irish descent; a contractor; is a Director of the St. Lawrence Steam Navigation Co., and of the Union Bank of Ix^w-i Oanuda; is a Commissioner of the Quebec Turnpike Trust ; and was formerly Director of the North Shore Railway Co. ; was a member of the City Council of Quebec from 1858 to 1864 ; was appointed a member of the Board of Ouebec Harbor Commissioners 10th December, 1879; satforStadaconaDivif ii in Legislativu Council of the Province of Quebec from 1867 until the general elect on i874, when he resigned, oa-u;;^ to the abolition of dual representation, to rui. for the Commons. First returned to Parliament for present seat at gc.ic'ral election 1867, by ac; tarnation; re-elected at general election 1872; at general election 1874; by acclamation at general election 1878; and re-elected at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by C. E. Humphrey. Total population, 12,648. Votes on vottrn' list, 1,934. I For 612 \ Against 444 Majority 168 Votes polled, 1,056 QUEBEC (County). Hox. Joseph Phillippe RI:ne Adolphe Caron, B.C.L., Q.C.,'](/>a(y street, Ottawa). Was born in the City of Quebec, 1843; educated at the Seminary of Quebec, at La.-al University, and at McGill University, at which latter institution he graduater' B.C.L., 1865 ; studied law with L. G. Baillarge, Esq., Q.C., and subsequently with Hon. (now Sir) John Rose, Bart.; was called to the Bar of Lf>.ver Canada 1865; appointed a Q.C. 1 9th May, 1879; is a member of the e; 'p ive law firm of Andrews, Caron & Andrews, Quebec ; was a Director of tiie Stadacona Bank of Quebec ; of the Anticosti Co. ; and of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co. ; was VicePresident of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1867; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Minister of Militia, 8th November, 1880; an unsuccessful candidate for Bellechasse at general election 1872. First returned to Parliament for present seat, March 1873; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1874, and at general election 1878; reelected by acclamaiion on appointment to office ; and again returned at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative. Opposed by J. E. Bedard. Total population, 20,278. Votes on voters' list, 3,133. Votes polled, 2,307 {^^^^^^ ^^f^ Majority RICHMOND AND WOLiE. 569 William Bullooc Ives, iSherbrooke). Was born in the Township of Compton, County Compton , 17th November^ 1841 ; self-educated, after taking course in Compton Academy; called to the 8o Parliamentary Directory. Bar of Province Quebec 1867; appointed Q.C. Uth October, 1880. First returned to Parliannent at general election 1878; reelected by acclamntion at last general election. A Conservative. Total population, 26,339. RICHELIEU. Louis HuBT Massue,' ( Fiarennes.) Was born at Varennes ; educated at St. Hyacinthe College ; a farmer; is President of the Council of Agriculture of the Province of Quebec. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected laat general election. A Liberal Conservative; favors Protection. Opposed by G. I. Barthe. Total population, 20,218. Votes on voters' list, 3,383. /For 1,205 \ Against 927 278 Votes polled, 2,132 Majority RIMOCSKl. LoTJis Adolphe Billy, {Rimouski.) Was born at Gentilly, County Nicolet, P.Q., 13th October, 18.34; educated at Nicolet College ; called to the Bar of Lower Canada 7th December, 1859 ; was District Magistrate for the District of Rimouskl from 20th February, 1873, to 6th June, 1882, when he resigned to run for present seat; was President of the Rimouski St. Jean Baptiste Society in 1880, and was its delegate to the Convention Nationale of Quebec the same year. First returned to Parliament last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by J. B. R, Fiset. Total population, 33,791. Votes on voters' list, 4,872. Votes polled, 3,188 { ^orj^^^ Majority ROUVILLB. George Augusts Gigault, (67. Cesaire.) Was born at St. Mathias, 23rd November, 1846 ; educated at St. Byacmthe College; was admitted as Notary on 16th October, 1867; a member of the Board of Notaries of the Province of Quebec ; was Mayor of St. Cesaire from January 1876 to January 1878 ; was Postmaster of St. Cesaire from December 1870 to February 1874; while Mayor was instrumental in having waterworks built in St. Cesaire. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last g^'ieral election. A Conservative. Opposed by Ed, Lareau. Total population, 18,647. Votes on voters* list, 3,105. Votes polled, 2,244 {l^^,^^, \f^l Majority 154 ConwionerSy Province of Quebec. ST. HYACINTHE. 8i Michel Esdras Bernier, iSt Hyacinthe.') Was born at St. Hyacinthe, 28th September, 1841 ; educated at St. Hyacinthe Seminary ; admitted to practice as a Notary 15th June, 1867 ; is engaged in farming; elected President of the Provincial Board of Notaries in 1882, a position be still holds; has been Secretary-Treasurer of the Council of the Countv of St. Hyacinthe since 1864, and of the School Commissioners of the Parish of St. Blyacinthe for 16 years; was Ofiicial Assignee of the District from 1869 to 1880 ; is a Director of the Bank of St. Hyacinthe, of the St. Hyacinthe Manufacturing Company, of the Abel Hosiery Company ; is a member of the firm of C. Leaoux & Co., grain and flour dealers, and proprietors of St. Hyacinthe Woollen, Grist and Carding Mills. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal, and favours commercial independence and all measures calculated to develope the resources of the <50untry. Opposed by Louis Tellier. Total population, 20,631. Votes on voters' list, 3,448. Votes polled, 2.638 {^«.__^^ }^ Majority 134 ST. JOHN'S. Francois Bourassa, Jr., CLacadie.) Was born at Lacadie, June 1813; educated there; is a farmer; an unsuccessful candidate for De Lorimer in Legislative Council of Canada 1862 ; sat for present seat in Canadian Assembly from 1854 until the Union, yehen returned to Commons ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872, and again at general election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed oy Chas. Arpin. Total population, 12,265. Votes on voters' list, 2,208. f For 892 1 Against 747 Majority J 45 Votes polled, 1,639 ST. MAURICE. LiEUT-CoL. Louis Leon L. Desaulniers, M.D., J. P., (Montreal.} Was born at Yamacheche, P.Q., 1823 ; educated a';. Nicolet Seminary; a eraduate M.D. of Harvard University, P'tston ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the Volunteer Militia in St. Maurice County, and a J.P. : was elected for present seat in Canadian Assembly at general elections 1854-57, and 1861-67; resigned in 1868 to accept the position oflnspector of Prisons and Asylums for Provmce of Quebec. Elected to Commons at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Pierre Lamy. Total population, 12,986. Votes on voters* list, 2,069. Votes p(^led, 1,288 f For \ Against 842 446 Majority 396 82 Parliamentary Directory. . SHEFFORD. Michel Augbr, (Roxion Pond). Was born 18th November, 1830, at St. Pie, P.Q.; educated at Grand Leque Mission School, and at Hamilton Academy, Hamilton, N.Y.; is a farmer and mill owner; is Mayor of the Parish of Ste. Pudentaceme and ha& filled that position for five years. First returned to Parliament at last general election. An Independent Liberal . Opposed by Hon. L. S. Huntingdon. Total population, 23,233 Votes on voters' list, 4,656. f For 1,681 \ Against 1,446 Majority 135 Votes polled, 3,027 SHERBROOKE. Robert Newton Hall, B.A., LL.D., Q.C., (Sherbrooke.') Was born at Laprairie, P.Q., 26th July, 1836 ; educated (U.S.) University, where he graduated B.A. in 1867 ; called Lower Canada at Montreal 7th October, 1861 ; appointed Q=G. 1880 ; was Batonnier of St. Frances Section of tne Bar from General Batonnier of the Bar of the Province of Quebec in 1878 ; and is Dean of the Faculty of Law, Bishops College, Lennoxville ; received the degree of LL.D. from that college in 1880; was a Government Director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1873 ; is President of Massawippi Railway ; a Director of the Quebec Central Railway, and President of the Sherbrooke Gas and Water Go. First returned to Parliament at last general election by acclamation. A. Liberal. at Burlington to the Bar of 11th October,. 1877 to 1881 ; Total population, 12,221. S0ULANGB8. James William Bain, (St. Polycarpe.) Was born at St. Polycarpe, P.Q., 22nd June, 1838; educated at the same Blace; is a merchant. First returned to Parliament on the sitting member, Ir. DeBeaujeu, being unseated, 1883. A Conservative. Opposed by G. R. S. DeBeaujeu. 760 734 • Total population, 10,220. Votes on voters' list, 1,869. Votes polled, 1,494 Majority 26 STANSTEAD. ' (For \ Against Charles Carroll Colby, {Stanstead.') Was born at Derby, Vt., 10th December, 1827 ; came to Canada with bis parents, 1832; graduated at Dartmouth College, N.H., July 1847; called to the Bar of Lower Canada 1865 ; a Director of the Massawippi Railway ; of the Crown Mining Co. ; and of the Waterloo and Magog Railway; was a Vice- President of Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League, 1872. First Commoners, Province of Quebec. 8j returned to Parliament for present peat at general election 1867; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872, and again at general election l''?4; rie-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by H. M. Rider. Total population, 15,556. Votes on voters' list, 3,460. Votes polled, 2,321 f For \ Against Majority 1,308 1,013 295 TEMISCOUATA. Paul Etienne, M.D., (River dii Loup, en bas.") Was born in 1846 at St. Philomene, County of Chateauguay ; educated at St. Sulpl ice College, St. Theresd de Blamville, Little Seminary, and Laval University. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878 ; re-elected by acclamation at last general election. A Conservative. Total population, 25,484. •> TERREBONNE. Hon. Joseph Adolphe Ottawa; Ont.) Chapleau, Q.C, P.C, (275 Wilbrod street. Was born at Ste. Therese de Blainville, Terrebonne, P.Q., 9th November, 1840; educated at the College of Terrebonne; culled to the Bar of Lower Canada 1861 ; appointed Q.C. 1873; created an officer of the Legion of Honor (France) 10th November, 1882, and an officer of the Order of St. Gregory the Great (Roman) ; a Director of the Laurentides Railway Co., and of L« Credit Fonder du Bos Canada ; is a Professor of the Lavui University (criminal jurisprudence) in the section established in Montreal ; was a member of the Executive Council, and Solicitor-General from 27th February, 1873, until 8th September, 1874, when he resigned with his chief, Mr. Ciuimet ; appointed Provincial Secretary and Registrar, 27th January, 187C, which position he held until the dismissal of Government by Letellier de St. Just, 1878; became leader of the Conservative Opposition, and was called upon to form a Local Provincial Government, in wnich he was successful, when Mr. Joly resigned, on the 30th October, 1879; was Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Public Works until his resignation; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Secretary of State of Canada, succeeding Hon. J. A. Mousseau, who was his successor as Premier of the Province of Quebec, 29th July, 1882; unsuccessfully contested Vercheres lor House of Commons at general election 1872. 'First returned to Parliament for Terrebonne by acclamation at general election 1867; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1871, and again on his appointment to office ; again returned at general election 1876, and by acclamation on his second appointment to office in the DeBoucherville Government; re-elected at general election 1878 on accepting office, and again at geucral election 1881 . Elected for Terrebonne in the House of Commons, 23rd August, 1883. A Conservative. Total population, 22,969. Votes on voters' list, 3,616. S4 t Parliamentary Directory, THREE RIVERS. HoK. Sir Hector Louis Lanoevin, K.C.M.G., C.B.,Q.C., P.O., (Cbmcr of St. Louis and St. Ur sale streets, Quebec; 45 Slater street, Ottawa, Was born in the city of Quebec, 25th Aueust, 1826 ; educated at the Seminary of that city; studied law first with the Tate Hon. A. N. Morin, and afterwards with the late Hon. Sir George E. Cartier, and was called to the Bar of Lower Canada October 1850; appointed Q.C. 30th March 1864; was editor of the Melanges Rdigieux (Montreal) from 1847 to 1849, and also of the Journal d' Agriculture (same city); and at a later period (1857) of the Courrier du Canada (Quebec) ; sat as a member of the City Council, Quebec, for some years, and was Chairman of the Waterworks Committee ; was Secretary- Treasurer and afterwards Vice-President of the North Shore Railway Co. ; Mayor of Quebec from January 1858 to January 1861, nnd during his incumbency visited England on matters affecting the city finances, etc.; for two years, 1861 and 1862, President of St. Jean Baptiste Society (Quebec) ; and m 1863 and 1864 President of the Institut Canadien, same city. Author ofLe Canada, ses InsUutions, etc., a prize essay (Quebec, 1855), and of Droit Administratif, ou Manuel des Paroisses et Fabriques (Quebec, 1862), a second edition beingj)ublished by him in 1878. Was a member of the Executive Council of Cfanada from 30th March, 1864, until the Union ; and held the offices of Solicitor-General of Lower Canada from 30th March, 1864, to November 1865, and Postmaster-General from latter period until the Union. Was sworn of the Privy Council, Ist July, 1867, when'appointed Secretary of State of Canada, in which office he remained until transferred to the Public Works Department, 8th December, 1869; was, while at the State Department, ex officio Registrar-General of Canada, and Superintendent-General of Indian Afibirs; was a Commissioner to assist Mr. Speaker in the management of the interior economy of the House of Commons ; also, Chairman of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council. Created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of tlie Bath (Civil) by Her Majesty, 1868; Knight Commander of the Roman Order of Pope St. (Gregory the Great, 1870; Knight Commander of the most distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, 24th May, 1881. Was a delegate to the Charlottetown Union Conference 1864, to that in Quebec in same year, and to the London Colonial Conference 1866-67, to complete terms of Union of B. N. A. Provinces. In 1871, at the desire of the Privy Council, visited British Columbia with a view of acquiring a knowledge of that new Province in relation to the Pacific Railway and its western terminus, and also of studying the requirements of the Province, and ascertaining personally what public works were necessary for it. On his return he published a report containing much information about British Columbia, and making known its present position and immense wealth and resources (Ottawa, 1872). Acted as leader of the Lower Canada Conservatives in the session of 1873, during the absence in England of Sir George Cartier, and was elected by the Conservative members, after Sir George Cartier's funeral in Montreal, June 1873, as the Conservative leader in the Province of Quebec; sat for the County of Dorchester in the Canadian Assembly from general election 1857 until the Union. Returned to Commons by same constituency from the Union until 1874, when he retired. He had ceased to be a Cabinet Minister, with his colleagues, in November 1873; he also represented Dorchester in Local House from general election 1867 to general election 1871, when returned for Quebec Centre by acclamation; retired January 1874. Elected for Charlevoix January 1876 ; again returned for same constituency April 1877, after being unseated on petition. Contested Rimouski unsuccessfully at general election 1878. Sworn as Postmaster- CommonerSy Province of Quebec. «5 . i-J e e g s d is h id es r» '8 of m (le to so ■al ed or ed General 19th October, 1878. Appointed Minister of Public Works 20th May, 1879. Elected by acclamation lor the city of Three Rivers 17th November, 1878, on resignation of the sitting member ; re-elected by acclaniation at last general election. Is a member of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council. On 5th April, 1879, was chosen by the Governor-General-in- Council to proceed to England and lay before the Imperial Government the views of the Canadian Ministry in connection with the proposed dismissal of M. Letellier de St. Just, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec ; the result of such mission being the recognition by the Imperial Government of the constitutional rights of the Canadian Government to remove Lieutenant Governors for proper cause. Total population, 9,296. TWO MOUNTAINS. Jean Baptiste Daoust, iSt. Eustache.) Was born 18th Jan., 1817, at St. Eustache; appointed Magistrate and Commissioner of Small Causes, and has held various municipal offices; elected by acclamation in 1854 for Two Mountains to the old Parliament of Canada, which seat he held from that until the Confederation of British North Ameri- can Provinces in 1867, when he was elected to the Commons by acclamation, and continued to hold the seat until 1872, when he retired a short time from political life ; held the position af Warden of Penetentiaries of the Province of Quebec for three years ; re-elected to the Commons 11th March, 1876, by acclamation, on the resignation of Mr. Globensky, the eittin^^ member; re- elected at general election 1 878, and again by acclamation at last general election. A Conservative. Total population, 16,894. VAUDREUIL. HvoH McMillan, (Rigaud.) Was born at Higaud, P.Q„ 19th Dec, 18.39 ; educated at Montreal College, Montreal ; a saw-mill owner ; is a J. P. for Vaudreuil, and a Town Councillor forRigaud; is a Lieutenant in Active Volunteers; first returned to Parlia- ment at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Alfred Lapointe, F. X. Archainbault and H. A. Desrosiers. Total population, 11,485. Votes on voters' list, 2,241. Votes Polled, McMillan, Lapointe, Arch am haul t, Desrosiers, 6221 490 418'. 10 f For, 622 I Next highest against, 490 1,440 J — Majority for Hugh McMillan, 32 VERCHERES. Ho». Fblix Geoffriok, N.P., P.C., (Vercheres) Was born at Varennes, P Q„ 4th Oct., 1832 ; a Notary Public ; was Registrar for Vercheres from 1854 to 1863; has been President of the Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Rail «ray; moved for Select Committee, 1874, to enquire into causes of the difficulties existing in the North- West Territory, 1869-70, of Parliamentary Directory. which Committee he became Chairman, and prepared report submitted to Parliament; 8worn of the Privy Council, and appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 8th July, 1874; sat (or present seat in Canadian Assembly from 1863 until the Union, when returned to Commons, where he has since con- tinued to sit; re-elected by acclamation on his appointment to office; resigned portfolio in consequence of serious illness, Dec, 1876, retaining his seat in Parliament ; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by M. E. Ducharme. Total populatioQ, 12,449. Votes on voters' list, 2,166. Votes polled, 1,743. [I'l^r^.i, Js Majority as declared by Beturning-Officer, 17 Majority «8 declared by a Judge on a re-count, 19. YAMASKA. Fabien Vanasse, (364 St. Henry and 212 Notre Dame street, Montreal.') Was born at St. David, 6th November, 1849; educated at Nicolet Seminary and admitted to the Bar at Montreal 12th January, 1875; was President of L'Institut Legal of Montreal, 1873; Secretary of the Club Cartier 1874 to 1876, and Vice-President of the same institution from 1877 to 1879 ; is one of the collaborators of the journal U Opinion Fuhlique. First returned to Parliament for present seat 7th July, 1879, to fill the vacancy made bv the Appointment of the sitting member, C . L . Gill, Esq., to a judgeship ; re-elected last general election. Elected as a "National Conservative." Opposed by Victor Gladu. Total population, 17,091. Votes on voters' list, 2,668. Votes polled 2,027 {J^^j^^^ ^'J^g I Majority 71 PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. ANNAPOLIS. I LiEUT.-CoL. William Hallett Rat, ^Clements Parh.^ Was born at Clements, Annapolis, 26th May, 1826: eJacated there; to a farmer ; is Lieutenant-Colonel of the let Regiment Annapolis County Siilitia ; appointed Custos of the County of Annapolis in 1876 ; eat for present «e«t in Nova Scotia Assembly from February, 1864, umil the Union, when Mturned to Commons ; re-elected at general election 1872, and again 1874 ; defeated at general election 1878, but re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by R. E. Fitzrandolph. Total population, 20,598. Votes on voters' list, 3,380. . • C /For 1,4,30 (Against 1,368 Votes polled 2,798 ill ,. Majority 62 Commoners^ Province of Nova Scotia. 8» .': ANTIGONISH. Angus MoIsaao, iAntigoniah.) Was born at Antieonish, 1842; educated at St. Francois Xavier College, N.S. ; appointed Inspector of Schools for Antigonish 1868 ; called to the Bar of Nova Scotia 1871. First returned to Parliament for present seat December, 1873, on resignation of the sitting member, but did not take his seat owing to the dissolution of Parliament soon after; re-elected by; acclamation at general election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878, andi again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by G. B. Whidden. Total population, 18,060. Votes on voters' list, 2,396. Votes polled, 1,803 {Ig';„gt Majority 1,068 7.36 3.33 COLCHESTER. Hon. Archibald Woodbury McLelan, ^Londonderry ; 119 Daly street, Ottawa") Was born at Londonderry, December 1824; educated there and at Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy; a Director of the Cobequid Marine Insurance Company; sat for Colchester in Nova Scotia Assemblv from 1858 until 1863, for Northern Colchester from latter date until the Unfoii, and for Colchester in Houne of Commons from the Union until called to the Senate^ 21st June, 1869. Appointed one of the Commissioners for the construction of the Intercolonial Kailway, June 1869. Was opposed to Confederation until ** better terms" were yielded to Nova Scotia. Sworn a member of the Cabinet and Appointed President of the Privy Council, August 1881, on which occasion he resigned his seat in the Senate and appealed to his old constituencyt Colchester, Mr. McKay, the sitting memoer, having resigned. Appointea Minister of Marine & Fisheries 1 0th July, 1882. Re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by F. A. Lawrence. Total population, 26,720. Votes polled, 3,339 Votes on voters' list, 4,947 . f For 1,887 \ Against 1,452 Majority 435 CUMBERLAND. Hon. Sir Charles Tufper, K.C.M.G. C.B., ^.Q,., {Russell House, Ottawa, Victoria Chambers, London, England.) Was born at Amherst, July 2nd, 1821; is an M.A. of Acadia College Nova Scotia ; took degree of M.D. at Edinburgh, and obtained the Diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, same city, 1^3; is Governor of Dalhousie College. Halifax, (appointed by Act of Parliament, 1862); waa President oi the Canadian Medical Association from its formation, 1867, until 1870, when be declined re-election ; was a memberof the Executive Council and Provisional Secretary, Nova Scotia, from 1857 to 1869, and from 1863 to 30th June, 1867-; And Prime Minister of that Province from 1864 until he retired from office 4P 88 Parliamentary Directory. with his Government on the Union Act coming into force, let July, 1867 ; was a delegate to England on public business from the Nova Scotian Government^ 1868 and 1865; from the Dominion Government (with respect to the Nova Scotian difficulty ) March 1868; leader of the delegation irom Nova Scotia to the Union ConKrence at Charlottetown, 1864 ; to that in Quebec in same year, and to the final Colonial Conference in London to complete terms of Union, 1866-7; holds patent ol rank and precedence from Her Majesty as an Executive Councillor ofNova Scotia ; created C.B. (civil)by Her Majesty, 1867» and K.C.M.G., 24th May, 1879 ; author of «A Letter to the Bt. Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon on the Union Question" (London, 1866); declined a seat in the Canadian Cabinet, 1867, and Chairmanship of Intercolonial Railway Board 1868 ; sworn of the Privy Council June 1870, and was President of that body from that date until 1st July 1872, when he was transferred to the Inland Rev.^nue Department, and there remained until the 22nd Feb., 1873, when appointed Minister of Customs ; resigned office with Sir John Macdonald, 5th Nov., 1873; sat for present seat in Nov d, Scotian Assembly from 1856 until the Union, when returned to Commons; re-elected by acclamation on his accepting office in 1870, returned at general election, 1872, agam at general election 1874, and aeain at general election ^878; re-elected on accept- mg office of Minister of Public Works same year, and again at last general election by acclamation, making twelve times that he has b(en elected in his native county ; sworn as Minister of Public Works, Oct. 1878, and as Minister of Builways and Canals, 20th of May, 1879, and as High Commissioner for Canada, 1883. The following are some of the measures which were introduced and carried through the Legislature of Nova Scotia by the honorable member: The Jury Law; Education Act, providine free schools; Equity Judge Act; Windsor and Annapolis Railway Act ; Bill providing for a Quarantine Station and Hospital ; Representation Bill ; Executive and Legislative Disabilities Act ; the first Act passed by any of the Provinces prohibiting dual represen- tation ; an Act reducing the number of members in the Assembly from 55 to 38 on entering the Union, and an Act relative to certain public officers and their salaries, which abolished the office of Financial Secretary and Solicitor General, and largely reduced the expenditure for salaries; he also inaugurated the movement and moved the resolution for the Union of the Ik^ritime Provinces, 1864, under which delegates were sent to Charlottetown in that year ; and the resolution authorizing delegates to be sent to London to arrange the terms for the Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with Canada, 1866; visited England in the summer of 1880 in company with Sir John A. Macdonald and ^n. J. H. Pope for the purpose of negotiating for the con* ■truction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the result being the contract since ratified by Parliament. A Liberal Conservative. Total population, 27,368. CAPE BRETON. Murray Dodd, Q«C., {Sydney, Cape Breton.') Was born at Sydney 23rd Mav, 1843 ; educated at Sydney and Sackville, New Brunswick ; studied law with late Judge Johnston of Nova Scotia and Judge Henry, Supreme Court of Canada ; called to the JBar of Nova Scotia 2nd May, 1866; appointed Q.C. Uth Oct., 1880; was Registrar of the Court of Probate for the Counter of Cape Breton from the 1st Oct., 1867, until 10th July, 1872, when appointed Judse of Probate for the same County ; resigned Oct , 1879, when he unsuccessfully contested Cape Breton for the Commons «*? t Commoners, Province of Nova Scotia. 8y on the death of the sitting member ; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by N. L. Mackay et al. Total population, 31,258. Votes on voters' list, 3,893. MurrrayDodd, 1,237 Votes polled, 6,605. W. McDonald, 1,297 H. F. McDougall, 934 N. L. McKay, 1,013 W. McK McLeod, 1,124 6,605 Majority for Murrav Dodd, 113 " « . W. M'cDonald, 173 William McDonald, (Liitle Glace Bay.) Was born at River Dennis Road, Inverness, Oct.. 1837; educated there and at St. Francois Xavier College, Antieonisli ; a merchant; has been postmaster of Little Olace Bay, which position he resigned previous to general election, 1872; Issuer of Marriage Licenses, and Registrar of births, marriages and deaths. First returned to Parliament for present seat at general election 1872; re-elected at general election 1874, again at general election 1878, and reelected at last general election. A. Liberal Conservative, and in favor of protecting the native industries of the country from unequal foreign com- petition. Opposed as above. Majority, 173. DIGBY. LiEUT.-CoL. Hon. William Berrian Vail, P.C, {Halifax.) Was born at Sussox, Vale, N.6., 1823 ; educated there ; is Lieutenant- Colonel 2nd Regiment Digby Militia ; was a member of the Executive Council and Provincial Secretary of Nova Scotia (in the Annand Administratiou) from November 18C7 until 30th September, 1874, when sworn of the Priyy Council and appointed Minister of Militia and Defence ; sat for Digby in the Nova Scotia Assembly from 1867 until his appointment to office in the Dominion Government, when returned for same county in the Commons ; was not a candidate at general election 1878 ; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by John C. Wade. Total population, 19,881. Votes on voters' list, 2,741. Votes polled, 1,994 {{^^.^^^ Majority 1,1?3 871 252 GUYSBOROUGH. LiBUT.-CoL. John Anous Kirk, J.P., (Cross Eoads St. Mary's Guysborough.) Was born at Glenelg 1st March, 1837, and educated there; is a farmer ; was Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Guyxborough Regiment of Militia ; held the office of Custos Rotulorum for tne district of St. Mary's until the incorporation of the counties in 1880 ; has been a Councillor and Warden of the Municipality oi St. Mary's since 1880; was a Commissioner with Messrs. Annand and Allison to enquire into the svstem of managing inebriate asylums in the United States ana neighboring t'rovinces in 1873; carried through 90 Parliamentary Directory. the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1868, a measure greatlv restricting the granting of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in Nova Scotia. First returned to Parliament for present seat in Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia at general election 1867 ; re-elected at general election 1871, but resigned in March 1874 to run for Commons. Elected for Commons at general election 1874; defeated at general election 1878; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal, and in favor of a revenue tariff; believes the present tariff burdensome to the farmer and the masses of the people and against the interest of the Maritime Provinces generally. Opposed by Alfred Ogden. Total population, 17,808. Votes on voters' list, 2,212. Votes polled 1,446 /For \ Against Majority 818 628 190 HALIFAX, Malaoht Bowes Daly, (18 Kent street, Halifax.) Was born at Marchmount, near Quebec, 6th February, 18B6 ; educated at St. Mary's College, Oscott, near Birmingham, Fing. ; Barrister at Law ; was Private Secretary to Sir D. Daly, Governor of Prince Edward Island, for six years, 1854 to 1859 inclusive ; also Private Secretary to Sir R. G. Macdonnell, Governor of Nova Scotia, and Sir Hastings Dovle ; also, Provincial A.D.G. to Sir W. Fenwick Williams, Governor of Nova Scotia. Was for two successive years President of the Charitable Irish Society of Halifax, and is at present President of the General Council of the Societv of St. Vincent de Paul of Halifax. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last genei-al election. A Liberal-Conservative. Opposed by H. H. Fuller. Total population, 67,917. Votes on voters' list, 9,131. > ( ' ^M. B. Daly, 2,811 ^ Votes polled, 6,606, as foUow8^.H.Richey, 2,786 ; (H.H. Fuller, 2,663 ;: Majority for M. B. Daly, 91. ,, Majority for M. fl. Ritchey, 66. .'. /V HALIFAX. John FitzWilliam Stairs, {Halifax.) • ' Was born in Halifax, January 19th, 1848 ; educated at the Halifax Grammar School and Dalhousie College; is a merchant and manufacturer; represented Halifax County in Nova Scotia Assembly from 1879 to 1882. First returned to Parliament by acclamation, 1883, to succeed M. H. Richey, appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia. A Conservative. . '. Total population, 67,91 7. HANTS. William Hevry Allison, (Mantua^ Netoport.) ' I Was born in Newport, June 1838 ; educated at Sackville, N.B. ; is a Trustee of School Lands, and a Captain Reserve Militia; sat for Hants in the ' Commoners^ Province of No^ia Scotia. 91 Legislative Assembly from general election 1871 until January 1874. when he resigned to contest the constituency for the Coirmons, in which he was unsuccessful ; again returned to the Legislative A.ddembly in December, 1874. First returned to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Wm. Gurry. Total population, 23,359. Votes on voters' list, 3,700. Votes polled, 2,727 f For \ Against Majority 46 INVERNESS. HuQH Cameron, M.D„ J. P., i^Mdbon.) Was born in the County of Antigonish, N.S., March 18th, 1836 ; graduated M.D. at University of Philadelphia March 1861, and at the School of Practical Obstetrics, same city, August 1861 ; represented Inverness in the Commons from eeneral election 1867 until 1872; sat in the Legislative Council N.S., from March 1879 to May 1882, when he resigned ; re-elected to the Commons at last general election. A Liberal Conservative and favorable to the National Policy. Opposed by S. McDonnell. Total population, 25,651. Votes on voters' list, 3,996. V„t« polled, 2,974. ] P°;^,„,,_ |;91| Majority, 860 KINGS. DonoLAS Benjamin Woodworth, iKentoille.) Was born at Canning Ist June 1841 ; educated at Cornwallis by Rev. W* Somerville, at Sackville Academy, and at Normal School, Truro; called to the Bar N.S., 1866; sat for present seat in Legislative Assembly from 1871 to 14th June 1874, when he resigned ; re-elected at general election, 1874; first returned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by F. W. Borden. Total population, 23,469. Votes on voters' list, 3,761. ! fFor, 1,707 '. \ Against, 1,367 Votes polled, 3,064. .1 Majority, 360 LyNENBURG. LiEUT.-CoL. Charles Edwin Kaulbach, (Lunenburg.) Was born at Lunenburg 13th July, 18.34; educated at the Lunenbure Acadeniy ; is largely interested in farming, and is a ship owner ; is Lieut.-Col. of the 76tb Batt. Active Militia, Lunenburg; performed the duties of High Sheriff in County Lunenburg for many years ; was adelegateto the Provincial Synod in Montreal, 1876, to the Diocesian Synod Halifax in the interest of the Cfpiscopal Church in 1870-2 and 1876 ; at present Vice-President of the Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; first returned to 92 Parliamentary Directory. Parliament at eeneral election 1878 ; defeated at last general election ; aj|aia elected 1883 on tiis opponent, Mr. Keefler, being unseated. A Conservative. Opposed by T. T. Keefler. Total population, 28,583. Votes on voters' list, 4,176. /For 1.991 \ Against 1,712 Votes polled, 3,703. Majority 279 PICTOU. John MoDouoald, J . P . , ( WesiviUe . ) Was born in Blue Mountain, Pictou County, N. S., 13lh March, 1848; educated at New Glasgow Grammar School ; a merchant ; appointed a J.P. in 1879; elected County Councillor of the Municipal Council of Pictou County in 1879. and subsequently in 1880 and 1881. First returned to Parliament 18th June, 1881, on the elevation of Hon. Jas. McDonald to the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia ; reelected at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative, and in favor of protection to native industries. Opposed by J. W. Carmichael and J. A. Dawson. Total population, 35,636. Votes polled, for two members, as follows Votes on voters* list, 6,052. John McDougald, C. H. Tupper, J. W. Carmichael, J. A. Dawson, Majovity for John McDougald, 389. 2,709 2,681 2,397 2,320 lo]l07 ' ' PICTOU. Charlis H. Tvppeb, LL.B., ^Halifax.') Was born at Amherst, Cumberland, N.S., 3rd August, 1855 ; educated at HcGill College, Montreal, and Harvard University ; is an LL.B of the latter ; called to the Bar of Nova Scotia 1878; held a commission in 63rd Battalion Halifax Rifles. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by J. W. Carmichael ana J. A. Dawson. See above. Majority, 361. QUEEN'S. James Fraser Forbes, M.D., (.Liverpool.) Was born at Gibraltar, 1820 ; graduated at Univ rMty College, N.f. y Physician and Surgeon to 1st Battalion Queen's Cou^uy Militia; has been Coroner for the county for over 26 years, and Health Officer for Liverpool and the county for a longer period ; elected President of the Bank of Liverpool 1874. First returned to Parliament for present seat at general election 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872, and again at general election CommonerSy Province of A ova Scotia. 93 1874; defeated at general election 1878; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by J. N. Freeman. . . Total population, 10,677. Votes on voters' list, 1,617. Vole, polled, 1,2«2 {i^„„ «« Majority RICHMOND. 132 Ebkrt Nicholas Paint, J.P., iPori Hawkeabury.) Was born at fiellevue, Strait of Canso, Inverness, 10th April, 1830 educated by Rev. Philip Hayes, M.A., Grammar School, Guernsey, and Borton Academy, N.S. ; is a merchant, and engaged in shipping and coal business ; was a Lieutenant and Captain in the l^va Scotia Mihtia from 1863 to 1869. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative, favours the policy of Sir John A. Macdonald, and desires universal suffrage for males in a modified sense. Opposed by E. P. Flynn. Total population, 16,121. Votes on voters' list, 1,61?.^ Votes polled, 986 fFor I Against 626 461 Majority 64 SHELBUBNE. Thomas Robertson, (,Barrington.) Was born 13th September, 1862 ; educated at Barrington ; a farmer ; was appointed to Civil Service of Nova Scotia in 1868, and retired by resignation in 1877; filled important positions in Mines and Works and Provincial Secretary's Departments, also in connection with the Immigration Department. Is a prominent member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows ; Historio- grapher of Grand Lodge of the Lower Provinces of B.N. A., and was representative of that body in Grand Lodge of the United States for the years 1876-77. Author of History of the County of Shelburne, N.S. (an essay), and History of the County of Digby (prize essay, King's College, Windsor, N.S.) Unsuccessful candidate for Local Legislature at special election held in January 1878. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general-election. A Liberal, and favours Free Trade and advanced temperance legislation. Opposed by N. W. White. Total population, 14,913. Votes on voters' list, 2,464. Votes polled, 1.687 {|°^^^^ Majority 912 776 137 VICTORIA. LiEUT.-CoL. Hon. Charles James Campbell, J.P., (^Duniulm, Baddeek ; International Botel, Bal\fax.) Was born at Duntulm. Inverness-shire, Scotland, 6th November, 1819 ; came to Nova Scotia in 1831 ; was in business as a merchant, and proprietor 94 Parliamentary Directory. of the New Campbell Coal Mines ; is a fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute^ London; appointed a Coroner for Cape Breton, 1857, and a J.P. for the same county 1851 ; was Lieutenant-Colonel of the 1st Regiment Victoria Militia for some years pre-ious to Confederation ; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel Victoria Reserve Miiitia 1868; has held a number of municipal appointments at different times ; was a member of the Executive Council of Nova Scotia from 1866 to 1859. First returned to Provincial Parliament for Victoria 1851, but unseated on petition ; again returned 1853, and sat until 1859, when defeated on the " Protestant Alliance" cry ; again returned 1860 ; unseated on petition 1861 ; returned 1863 and pat until 1867, when again defeated on the Confederation question, of which he was in favor; again returned at general election 1871, and sat until called to Legislative Council of Nova Scotia, 2nd May, 1873, where he sat until December, 1874, when returned to Commons for present seat; an unsuccessful candidate for Victoria in Commons December 1873 and general election 1878; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal-Conservative; advocates protection to home industries and the maintenance of British connection. Opposed by Dr, T. J. Bethune. Total population, 12,470. Votes on voters' list, 1,705. Votes polled, 1,401 J For \ Against 857 644 Majority 313 YARMOUTH. Joseph Robbins Kennet, ( Yarmouih^ Was born at Annapolis, N.S., 16th April, 1839 ; is a Commission Merchant and General Agent; amemberof the firm of Hatfield, Kenney & Co. ; Consular Agent for the tfnited States ; a Notary Public ; sat for present seat in the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia from 1878 until dissolution. First reti"'ned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal, and advocate of *• Free Trade ;" also believes that it would be in the country's interest to abolish the Local Governments, and that the Dominion Government should control all railroads and telegraph lines. Opposed by Frank Eillam. Total population, 21,284. Votes on voters' list, 3,102. Votes polled, 2,107 fFor \ Against Majority 1,204 903 301 PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. ALBERT. John Wallace, J. P., (JBtillsborough.) Was born at Hillsborough, 18th November, 1812 ; educated there ; has been President of the Albert Agricultural Society. First returned to Commoners, Province of New Brunswick. 95 Parlianieut for present seat at general election 1867; re-elected at general election 1872, and at general election 1874 ; defeated at general election 1878 j re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by Alex. Rogers. Total population, 12,329. Votes on voters' list, 2,199. Votes polled, 1,607 fFor \ Against Majority 784 72.3 61 CARLETON. David Irvine, {Centrenille.) Was born in Criraiand, Ireland, 26th November, 1831; is a farmer. First returned to Parliament for present seat in May, 1881, on the death of Mr. Connell, the sitting member; re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opjwsed by Wm. Lindsay. Total population, 23,365. Votes on voters' list, 4,410. Votes polled. 3.465 {F»^„^, \fl Majority 159 CH.-.ILOTTE. nt ar he rat of to lid HoK. Arthur Hill Gillmor, iBroadway, St. George,) Was born at St. George, N.B.; educated there; is a farmer and lumber merchant; sat for Charlotte in New Brunswick Assembly from 1854 until 1866, when defeated on Confederation question ; was Provincial Secretary in (then Hon.) late Sir Albert J. Smith's Anti-Confederation Government, 1865; contested Charlotte unsuccessfully for Commons at general election 1872. First returned at general election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by Hon. B. R. Stevenson. Total population, 26,087. Votes on voters' list, 4,274. fFor 1,568 I Against 1,244 Votes polled, 2,802 Majority 314 GLOUCESTER. has d to Kennedy Francis Burns, CBathurst.) Was born at Thomastown, Tipperary, Ireland, 8th January, 1842; educated at Halifax and St. John ; a merchant and mill owner ; served in the Volunteer Militia Force for a number of years, and retired with rank of Captain in 1874 ; sat for present seat in the Legislative Assembly of New 96 Parliamentary Directory. Brunswick from 1874 to 1878. First returned to the Commons at last general election. A Liberal Conservative. Opposed by O. Turgeon and T. W. Anglin. Total population, 21,614. Votes on voters' list, 3,263. K. F. Burns, 1,206 ] O. Turgeon, 664 ( , »^^. i oak Votes polled, \ T. W. Inglin, MO \ { ^o' ^ ^^^^^^ against,'f64 2,309] Majority for E* F. Burns, 641 KENT. Pierre Amand Landrt, (Dorchester.) Was born at Memramcook, N.B., Ist May, 1846 ; educated at Common Schools and St. Joseph's College, New Brunswick ; studied law in the office of the late Sir Albert J. Smith; called to the Bar of New Brunswick 1870; appointed Q.G. 11th November 1881. First returned to Legislature of New ^unswick for Westmoreland at general election June 1870 ; defeated at general election 1874; elected at general election 1878, and again at general 'election 1882; appointed a member of the Executive Council and Chief Commissioner of Public Works 13th Julv, 1878 ; resigned with his colleagues 26th May, 1882 ; appointed Provincial Secretary 26th May. 1882, and held office until March, 1883; on the resignation of the sitting member, G. A. Girouard, he contested the countv for Commons 22nd September, 1883, and was elected. A Conservative. Opposed by G. V. Mclnerney. Total population, 22,618. Votes on voters' list, 3,981. Votes polled, 2,738 {J^j^,,^ \'^ Majority 638 1 KING'S. Georoe E. Foster, B.A., (Apohaqui, Kin^a Co.) Was bom in King's County, 3rd September, 1847 ; educated at the Common and Superior Schools, and at tne University of New Brunswick, where he graduated B.A. June 1868; spent 1872-3 at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and at the University Heidelbergh, in Germany ; taught school for some years, and was Principal of the Ladies' High School^ Fredericton, N.B., in 1872 ; held the Professorship of Classics and History in the University of New Brunswick until 1st January, 1879 ; has held the highest position in connection with the leading temperance organizations in Canada and the United States. First returned to Parliament at last general election ; resigned and re-elected 7th November, 1882. A Liberal-Conservative { favours a civil service system which shall, so far as consistent with the peculiar circumstances of our country, conform to the system in vogue in Great Britain, a moderate protective tariff such as shall maintam our markets for our own manufactures, and at the same time not conduce to the Commoners, Province of New Bruns7oick. 97 ii formation of exclusive monopolies; a wise economy in the administration of the finances of the country, ana an enlightened, progressive and comprehensive general policy. Opposed by James Domville. Total population, 25,617. Votes on voters' list, 4,497. Votes polled, 3,728 { ^0^,,^^^ ^^ Majority 282 NORTHUMBERLAND. Hon. Pkter Mitchell, (Montreal.) Was born at Newcastle, Miramichi, 1824; educated at the Grammar School there; called to the Bar ot New Brunswick 1848; has been an extensive shipbuilder ; author of "A Review of President Grant's Recent Message to the United States Congress relative to the Canadian Fisheries and the Navigation of the St. Lawrence River " (Ottawa 1870); sworn of the Privy Council. .July 1867, and was appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries, the duties of which he successfully performed from that date until 6th November, 1873, when he retired from office with his colleagues, the Government of Sir John A. Macdonald ; was a member of the Executive Council of New Brunswick Irom 1858 to March 1865, when his party was defeated on an appeal to the people in the scheme for the Confederation of British North America ; in April 1866; after the resignation of the Smith Cabinet, was called upon to form a government in conjunction with Hon. R. D. Wilmot, which he did, holding the office of President of Executive Council from that date until the Union ; was a delegate to Quebec in 1861, and again in 1862, on the subject of the Intercolonial Railway ; to the Union Conference iu same city 1864, and to the London Colonial Conference to complete terms of Union of B. N. A. Provinces 1866; sat for Northumberland in New Brunswick Assembly from 1856 to I860, when appointed to Legislative Council of same Province, where he remained until tne Union ; called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation May 1867 ; continued to sit in that House until general election 1872, when he resigned and was returned for Northumberland in the House of Commons by acclamation; re-elected at general election 1874; defeated at general election 1878; re-elected by acclamation at last general election. Total population, 25,109. QUEEN'S. George Gerald King, (Chipman, Queen's County.') Was born at Springfield, King's County, 11th December, 1830 ; educated at the Public School of that place; is a merchant; was Warden of Queen's County for one year. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878, and re-elected at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by S. L. Peters. Votes on voters' list, 2,574. Total population, 14,017. Votes polled, 1,970 /For, \ Against, 1,084 886 Majority 198 98 Parliamentary Directory, RESTIGOUCHE. KoBERT MoFFATT, {J)alhousie.) Was born at Campbellton, 5th March, 1844; educated at the Academy, Annan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland ; is a merchant. First returned to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Geo. Haddow, J. McAllister, and D. Ritchie. Total population, 7,058. Votes on voters' list, 1,109. Votes polled, R. Moffat 452^ Geo. Haddow, 135 J. McAllister, 181 D. Ritchie, 88 856: « For 452 (Next highest against, 181 Majority for R. Moffatt, 271 SUNBURY. Charles Burpee, {Sheffield.) Was born at Sheffield 18th June, 1817 ; educated there ; was a member of the Provincial Board of Agriculture from 1864 to 1866. First returned to Parliament at general election 1867; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1872 ; and again at general election 1874 ; re-elected at general election 1878. and again at last general election. A Liberal. Total population, 6,651. Votes on voters' list, 1,4.36. Votes polled 1,155 rFor \ Against (.18 5.S7 Majority 81 ST. JOHN (City and County.) Hon. Isaac Burpee, P.C, {Belleville, St. John.) Was born at Sheffield, 28th November, 1825 ; educated at the County Grammar School ; removed to St. John in 1848, shortly afterwards entering into partnership in the hardware trade with his brother Frederick, under the name and style of I. and F. Burpee, and subsequently with another brother, John P. C. Burpee, from which nrm, however, he retired on his appointment to office in 1873; while a merchant of St. John, took an active part in having manufactories established to provide employment for the surplus population of the city ; and he was also one of the leaders of the movement which secured for the town of Portland an act of incorporation, thereby doing away with the old system of irresponsible life magistrates, and placing the administration of civic affairs under the control' of the people ; is a Director of the Confederation Life Association, of the Victoria Coal Mining Co., and of the New Brunswick Deaf and Dumb Institute; Treasurer of the St. John Industrial School ; a member of the Executive Council of the Congregational Union of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Minister of Customs 7th November, 1874; resigned with his colleagues (the Mackenzie Government) in 1878. First returned to Parliament at general \ Commoners^ Province of Neiu Brunswick. 99 election 1872; re-elected it general election 1874, and returned by acclamation on his appointment to office ; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by C. A. Everett and W. H.Tuck. Total population, 26,839. Votes on voters' list, 6,556. Votes polled, for two members. Isaac Burpee, C. W. Weldon, C. A. Everett, W. H. Tuck, f For 2,459 \ Against, 1,926 . 8,473. ''lajority for Hon. Isaac Burpee, 534 ST. JOHN (City and County.) Charles Wesley Weldon, A.M., Q.C., {Si. John.) Was born at Richibucto, N.B., 27th February, 18.30; educated at. the Academy and King's College, Windsor, N.S. ; graduated 1847 ; studied law with his father, Mr. Justice Weldon, Supreme Court ; called to the Bar of New Brunswick 1852 ; appointed Q.C., 1873; President of the New Brunswick Electric Telegraph Co. First returned to Parliament at general election 1878 ; again at last general election ; was stronsrly opposed to the Confederation of the Provinces, and was a supporter of the Government of which Hon. Mr. Mackenzie was the head; opposed to the National Policy and the present Government. Opposed as above. Majority for C. W. Weldon, 300. ST JOHN (City.) Hon. Sir Samuel Leonard Tille^\ K.C.M.G., C.B., P,C., {St. John; Si. Andrevo's ; "Brunswick Place," Metcalfe street, Ottawa.) Was born at Gagetown, Queen's County, N.B., 8th May, 1818; educated at the County Grammar School ; is a Commissioner to assist Mr. Speaker in the internal economv of the House of Commons; a President of the Diocesan Church Society, New Brunswick ; Vice-President of the Auxiliary Bible Society, Ottawa ; and a local Director of the Canadian Life Assurance Co. ; was a member of the Executive Council of New Brunswick from November 1854 to May 1856, from July 1857 to March 1865, and again from April 1866 until the iJnion, during which several periods he held the office of Provincial Secretary of that Province ; and from March 1861 to March 1865 was leader of the Government ; has been a delegate to England on several occasions to confer v/ith the Imperial Government on important public business, notably regarding the Union of the British American Colonies and the construction of an Intercolonial Railway ; has also repeatedly served on like missions to the sister Provinces ; was a delegate to the Charlottetown Union Conference 1864; to that in Quebec the same year ; and to the London Colonial Conference, to complete terms of Union, 1866-67 ; holds a patent of rank and precedence from Her Majesty as an Executive Councillor of New Brunswick ; created C.B. (Civil) by Her Majesty, 1867, and K.C.M.G., May 1879; sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Minister of Customs.for the Dominion 1st of Juljr, 1867 ; was Acting Minister of Public Works from November 1868 to April 1869 ; sworn as Minister of Finance, 1873, on the resignation of Sir Francis Hincks, and again I7th October, 1878 — a portfolio he has held to the present without intermission, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the lOO Parliamentary Directory. country; resigned November, 1873, on appointment as Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick ; was Lieutenant-Governor from 15th November, 1873, until 11th July, 1878 ; sat for city of St. John in Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick from June 1854 to June 1856, when defeated on the Prohibitory Liquor Law question, and the Government resigned; from June 1867 to March 1865, when defeated on the Union policy of his Government, and again from 1866 until the Union, when he resigned to accept a seat in the Commons and represent New Brunswick in the Dominion Cabinet. The Prohibitory Liquor Law of New Brunswick was the work of Mr. Tilley as a private member. Amongst other measures of importance introduced and carried b the Government of which he was a member, may be mentioned the following : Vote by ballot ; an extension of the franchise ; an Act authorizing the construction of the European and North American Railway as a Government work ; an Act authorizmg the construction of the Intercolonial Railway, New Brunswick agreeing to pay three-and-a-half twelfths of the cost ; an Act granting facility for the construction of certain railways, under which 230 miles have since been built in New Brunswick. Returned to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal- Conservative. Opposed by Geo. McLeod. Total population, 26,127. Votes on voters' list, 2,929. Votes polled 2,439 f For 1. Against Majorit}' 1,288 1,151 137 VICTORIA. Hon. John Costigan, J.P , P.C., (Grand Falls, xV.J?.; Ottawa.) Was born at St. Nicholas, P.Q., 1st February, 1835; educated at Ste. Anne's College; has been Registrar of Deeds for Victoria, and Judge of the Superior Court of Common Pleas, New Brunswick ; sat for present seat in New Brunswick Assembly from 1861 to 1866, when defeated. Returned to Commonr, at the Union; re-elected at general election 1872 ; at general election 187^ <' .-eral election 1878, and again by acclamation at last general elfi. io >r*i of the Privy Council and appointed Minister of Inland r no '2, : .. "Tay, 1882, which he still holds. Moved an address, 20th May i ;'!i; 1)' y/. j ii.]'; Excellency to disallow the New Brunswick School Act, on the £; o" . . ■ lid law is unjust, and causes much uneasiness among the Romait 0« it. Vi population ; and on 14th May, 1873, "that the Governmen should advise Uis Excellency to disallow the Acts passed by the New Brunswick Legislature," which was carried. On 6th May, 1874, moved for an address to Her Majesty, praying to cause an Act to be passed amending the British North America Act, 1867, by providing that every religious denomination in New Brunswick shall continue to possess and enjoy all such rights with regard to their schools as they possessed and enjoyed at the time of the passage of the said Act, etc., which motion was subsequently withdrawn On 8th March, 1875, moved resolution praying for the passage of an Act amending the B. N. A. Act, by providing that the Roman Catholic inhabitants of New Brunswick shall have tlie same rights, privileges, etc., as are enjoyed and possessed by the Roman Catholic minority of Ontario and the Protestant minority of Quebec, which, after amendment, was carried. In Session, 1877, moved for an enquiry into the case of Prof. O'Donoghue, charged with having aided in the North- West Rebellion. A Conservative. Total population, 15,686. i Commoners^ Province of Prince Edward Island. WESTMORELAND. lOI JosuH Wood, M.A., (^Sackville.) Was born at Sackville, 18th April, 1843; educated at Mount Allison Wesleyan College, Sacltville, where he graduated in 1866; called to the Bar of New Brunswick 1866 ; after practising a ahort time he relinquished the profession to enter mercantile pursuits ; is also a private banker and shipbuilder ; unsuccessfully contested Westmoreland for Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick at general election 1878. First returnea to Parliament at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Sir A. J. Smith. Total population, 37,719. Votes or. voters' list, 5,979. Votes polled, 4,808 fFor \ Against Majority 2,620 2,188 432 YORK. Thomas Temple, (Fredericton.) Was born at Oxford, England, 1818; educated there; is interested in Lumbering and Railways ; was High Sheriff for York County from 1864 to 1883; has been President or the Fredericlon Railway from 1868 to the present; first returned to Parliament 29th Jan., 1884, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. John Pickard. A Conse):vative. Opposed by Geo. F. Gregory. Total population, 30,397. Votes on voters' list, 4,932. Votes polled, 3,846 fFor \ Against Majority, 2,012 1,834 178 PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. KING'S COUNTY DISTRICT. Peter Adolphos McIntyre, M.D., CM., (^East Souris.) Was born at Peterville, King's, P. E.I. ,1840; educated at St. Dunstan' College, the Quebec Seminary and Laval University; (graduated M. D. at McGill University, 1867 ; is a Coroner for King's ; was _ Railway Commis* sioner for P.E.I, from May 1872 to August 1873 ; first returned tO Parliament at general election 1874 ; defeated at general election, 1878 ; re-elected at last' general election. A Liberal, and opposed to the present Government. Opposed by A. C. McDonald, E. B. Muttart and J. E. Robertson. Total population, 26,433. f Peter A. McIntyre, v^*«o ^r.u^ J A. C. McDonald, Votes polled j j ^ Robertson, 2,002 ' • ' ' (B. B. Muttart, 1,854 J;J4J} Returned. 102 Parliamentary Directory. t ^ KING'S. Augustine Colin Maodonald Was born at Pan mure, P.E.I. , 30th June, 1837; educated at Grammar School, Georgetown and Central Academy, Charlottetown ; appointed Com- missioner for managing Exhibition of Local Indastry, P. E. 1. on several occasionB; a Captain in Volunteer Militia. B'irst returned to Parliament in 1870 as one of the representatives for the Third Electoral District of King's County, in the Local Assembly ; supported the Railway Bill, and on a dissolu- tion ot the House was again returi ed with a handsome majority ; in 1873 went to the country on the question o( Confederation, and was returned in favor of Confederation on the "Better Terms ;" on the Island goin^ into Confederation was returned for King's County to support Sir John A. Macdonald ; defeated at genera) election 1874; re-elected at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Liberal Conservative, and in favor of the National Policy^ Opposed ^•s above. See population as above and names of opposing candidates and votes polled. PRINCE. HoK. James Yeo, (Porthill) Was born at Porthill, 1832 ; a merchant, shipbuilder and shipowner; sat in the P.E.I. Assembly for some years before the Union with Canada, and also held a seat in the Executive Council of that Colony; first returned to Commons on Prince Edward Island entering the Dominion, September, 1873; re-elected at general election 1874, at general election 1878, and again at last general electidH. A Liberal. Opposed by E. Hackett, 8. F. Perry and D. uoeerG. Total population, 34,347. Votes polled f James Yeo, } E. Haok-ett, ''l S. F. Perry, I, D. Rogers, 2'388} Returned, 2,178 2,184 PRINCE. Edward Hackett, ( Tignish, Prince County.) vVas born at Tignish, P.E.I. , 1840 ; educated there; appointed a Justice of the Peace for Prince County, 1872; resigned, 1876 ; first returned to Local Assembly, 1876, representing the first district Prince County ; sat for two sessions in the House of Assembly ; firsi returned to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last general election. Conservative in politics ; believes in a policy that will encourage and [)rotect the industries of the country ; is a strict believer m the rights of minorities ; will support such measures as he thinks conducive to the interests of the whole people. Opposed as above. See population above, and names of opposing candidates and votes polled QUEEN'S. Louis Henry Davies, Q.C, (Water street, CharhUetown.) Was born at Charlottetown, 4th May, 1845; educated at the Central Academy and Prince of Wales College; called to the Bar of Prince Edward Island 1866, and appointed Q.C. 26th November, 1880; is a Director of the Commoners^ Province of British Columbia. 103 \\ le h sd al rd le Merchants Bunk of Prince Edward Island ; was CounHel for the Tenantry before the Prince Edward Island Land Commission, presided over bv the Right Hon. H. C. E. Childers, and was Counsel to represent Prince Edward Island before the International Fishery Commission, 1875 ; was Solicitor- General of Prince Edward Isl oid, 1869, and again in 1872-73 ; was leader of the Opposition in tlie Legislative Assembly until called upun to form a Government, September 1876, which he did successfully, asaummgthe position of Premier and Attorney-General ; his Adminis, ration resigned on 7th March, 1879; sat in Legislative Assembly Prince Edward Island from November 1872 until general election 1819, when he whs defeated. First returned to Commons at last general election. A Liberal. Opposed by F. D. Brecken J. T. Jenkins, and'Hon. D. Laird. Votes polled as follows : L. H. Davies, F. D. Brecken, J. T. Jenkins, Hon. D. Laird, L. H. Davies, J. T. Jenkins, F. D. Brecken, Hon. D. Laird, The decision of the Judge was upheld by the Su virtue of the Speaker's Warrant, under 37 Vic, cap. 10, f'ebruary, 188.3, the name of J. T. Jenkins was expun, that off", de St. Croix Brecken was substituted in lieu t As declared by Returning Officer As declared by a Judge Returned. -Returned. 3,516 \ 3,472 ; 3,462 3,062 3,164 1 , 3,122 r 3,120 2,759 preme Court, and bv oearing date the 27th ed from Return, and ereof. QUEEN'S. Frederick De St. Croix Brecken, Q.C, {King street, Charlottetown.) Was born at Charlottetown, 9th December, 1828; educated at the Central Academy ; called to the Bar of Prince Edward Island, June 1857 ; appointed Q.C. 1876; was Attorney and Advocate-General from April 1859 to January 1863; and from September 1870 to April 1872 was a member of the Executive Council and Attorney-General ; re-appointed April 1873, and held office till August 1876. First returned to the Provincial Legislature of Prince Edward Island for the city of Charlottetown in 1863; was re-elected until August 1876. Returned to Commons at general election 1878, and again at last general election. A Conservative. (See above.) PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. CARIBOO. James Reid, (Quesnelle.) Was born in the Township of Hull, P.Q., 1st August, 1839; educated at the Common School of that place; went to British Columbia in 1862; engaged in mining and mercantile pursuits ; a member of the firm of Reid & Hudson, Quesnelle ; President of the Quesnelle Quartz Mining Co., Cariboo. First returned to Parliament Slst March, 1881. to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J. S. Thompson ; re-elected by acclamation at last general 104 Parliamentary Directory. election. A Liberal-Conservative ; favors protection to native industries, and in order to encourage emigration to new districtH, main roads and other facilities of ingress should be projected ahead of settlement. Total population, 7,550. NEW WESTMINSTER. Joshua Attwood Reynolds Ho.mer» (iVcw Westniinsier.') Was born at Harrington, N.S., August 1827, and educated there; is a Commission Merchant ; settled in British Columbia in 1858; was elected to the first Legislative Council in British Columbia 6th October. 1863 ; and re-elected by acclamation lOth October, 1864. First returned to the Commons in March 1882, on the appointment of the sitting member. Dr. T. R. Mclnnes, to the Senate ; re-electea by acclamation at last genera' election. A Liberal Conservative. Total population, 15,417. VANCOUVER. David William Gordon, CNanaimo.) • Was born in the Township of Camden, Ont., 27th February, 1832 ; served apprenticeship lo the building trade with Smith & Fisher of Wallaceburg, Ont. ; emigrated to California in 1856. and thence to British Columbia m 1858 ; settled in Nanaimo in 1861 ; is a contractor and builder, and head of the firm of Gordon & Co., wharf owners ; twice declined the offer of a Commission o( the Peace ; was one of the promoters, and for many years on the Committee of Management of the Nanaimo Literary Institute; was an unsuccessful candidate for Nanaimo in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia at general election 1856, and on the resignation of the sitting member, John Bryden, was elected to that House in June, 1877 ; sat two sessions, and was one of the Committee that arranged the order of business which terminated the dead-lock in the Assembly in 1878 ; was an unsuccessful candidate for same seat at general election 1878, and an unsuccessful candidate for present seat in the Commons at general election 1878. First returned to the Commons 4th August, 1882. A Conservative, and in favor of the railway policy of Sir John A. Macdonald's Government; was chiefly instrumental in inducing the Elliott Government of British Columbia to carry through the Assembly the Bill known as the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1877. Opposed by Arthur Bunster. Total population, 9,991. Votes on voters' list, 1,202. Votes polled, 755 f For \ Against 466 300 Majority 165 VICTORIA. Edward Crow Baker, (Saurel Point, Victoria.) Was born at Lambeth, Surrey, England, 16th September, 1843 ; educated at the Royal Hospital School, Greenwich, at which he attained nomination into the Royal Navy by competition ; entered the Royal Navy Uth September- 1860; obtained first Commission 11th Sept. 1865, and Lieutenant's Commission Commoners, Province of Manitoba. 105 9th August 1870; was Navigating Lieutenant of H. M. S. " Niobe;" retired with the relative rank of Major in the Army 22n(i Sept. 1878 ; is an Accoun- tant, Notary and Conveyancer; was Accountant in the Provincial Treasury ; is Secretary to the Board of Pilot Commissioners, and Superintendent of Pilots; Secretary of the British Columbia Board of Trade; Secretary of the Victoria and Esquimault Telephone Co., and Orand Secretary of the' Grand Lodge of Free Masons; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Con- servative. Opposed by N. Shakespeare, A. DeCosmos, C. Booth, James Fell and John Boyd. Total population, 7,oOL Votes on voters' list, 1,211. r E. C. Baker, N. Shakespeare, Votes polled, 1,618. J A. DeCosmos, C. Booth, Jas. Fell, John Boyd, 441) 400/ .308 241 139 89 Returned. VICTORIA. Noah Shakespeare, {Victoria.^ Was born at Brierly Hill, Staffordshire, England, 1839, and educated there*; is a general agent ; served in the Municipal Council of Victoria, in Jan. 1882; is President of the Mechanics Institute; first returned to Parlia- ment at last general election. A Liberal Conservative, and strenuously opposed to Chinese immigration to any part of the Dominion. For population, &c., &c., see above. YALE. Francis Jones Barnard, ( Union Club, Victoria.) Was born in the city of Quebec ; educated there ; was a member of the Legislative Council of British Columbia for the District of Yale from 1866 to the date of the Union, 1871. First returned to Parliament on appointment of sitting member as Indian Commissioner; re-elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by Jas. Robinson and F. G. Vernon. Total population, 9,200. Votes on voters' list, 509. /F.J. 1 Jas. Votes pol led, <' F. G F. J. Barnard, Robinson, . Vernon, 266 -j ^SHfFor 266 _^ r \ Next highest against ' 09 463 ) Majority for F. J. Barnard, 157 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. LISGAR. Arthur Wellington Ross, B.A., ( ITmmjpetjr.) Was born in the Township of East Williams, 26th March, 1846 ; educated at Navin Village School, Toronto Normal School, and graduated at Torontd io6 Parliamentary Directory. Universit^v ; Ih a fiarrieter-at-Law of Manitoba; was Inspector of Public Schools for tiie County of Glengarry from September 1871 until Novemhr 1874. First returned to Parliament (or Springfleld in Legislative Assembly of Manitoba at general election 1878, and re-elected 1879; resigned to run for 8 resent seat in the CommonH; elected at last general election. A Liberal, pposed by John C. Sclmltz. Total population, 6,786. Voles on voters' list, 4,914. Votes polled, 1,480 I For \ Against Majority 760 720 40 MARQUETTE. Robert Watson, iPoriaye LaFrairie.) Was born in Klura, HOlh April, 1863. and educated at the Common School^ Salem, County Wellington ; is a millwright by trade; is now engaged in the frain trade, land breaking and railroad contracting; went to Manitoba in 876; has been in the Municipal Council of Portage LaPrairie for two years ;. first peturned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal, and opposed to the policy of Sir John A. Macdonald. Opposed by E. McDonald. Total population, 19,449. Votes polled, 2.253 { ^^/^j^^^ Jg Majority, as declared by Returning Officer, 193 Majority, as declared by a Judge on a re-count, 188 PROVENCHER. Hon. Joseph Royal, LL.D., {Provencher Avenue, St. Boniface, Winnipeg.) Was born at Repentigny, P.Q., 7th May, 1837 ; educated at the Jesuits College, Montreal ; called to the Bar of Lower Canada, 1864, and to the Bar of Manitoba 1871 ; as an advocate, has been retained in many important causee^ the most notable of which were those of the Queen vs. Ambroise Lepine, and the Queen ve. Naud, tried at the Manitoba Criminal Assizes, Oct. 1874, for the execution of Thomas Scott, under the Provi(*ional Government of Louis Riel, and in which he was associated with Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Q.C., as a Counsel for the defence ; was for some years one ol the Assistant French Translators to the Canadian Assembly ; has been a prominent writer on the French Canadian newspaper and periodical press for a lengthened period ; edited the Montreal Minerve from 1857 until 1869, when he estaolished JJOrdre,^ which he conducted until 1860 ; was one of the founders of La Bevue C'ana- dienne 1864, to which he contributed many valuable and interesting papers; in 1867, founded, with others, lie Nouveau Monde (Montreal), of which he became chief editor ; in 1871, shortly after his removal to Manitoba, estab- lished Le Mitis, of which he still remains editor and proprietor ; is leader of the Metis and French Canadians of Manitoba; author of '*' Vie Politique de Sir Louis H. Lafontaine" (1864)^ and of many other importaot contributions to French Canadian literature ; was one of the Secretaries to the Montreal Central Committee, and took an active part in organizing the Papal Zouaves Commoners, Province of Manitoba. 107 who were fcnt to the aseistnnce of the Holy Father, 1868 5 elected FirHt Vice- Chancellor of tlie University of Manitoba, in 1877, and re-elected 1878} appointed a ConiinisHioner for the Consolidation of the Statutes of the Province in May, 1877, together with Chief Justice Wood; elected Speaker of the first Legislative Assembly of Manitoba 1871, an office he vacated March, 1872, on being appointed a member of the Executive Council, dnd Provincial Secretary of the Province ; resigned with the Government 8tii July 1874; re-appointed to the Cabinet, with the offices of Provincial Secretarv and Minister of Public Works 3 Dec. 1874. Resigned office of Public Works, and accepted that of Attorney-General. May 1876, whicli he held until resignation of Gov- ernment, when he was offered and acceptal portlblio of Mmister of Public Wo>ks in the new Administration 1878; early in 1878 a difference of opinion having arisen between the Premier and Mr. Royal, the latter resigned; appointed a meniber of the Executive Council for the North-West Territories, l87;^ ; was tlie firstSuperintendentof Education (appointed 187I)for Manitoba, and as such exerted himself in having the law explained and carried out in every locality; resigned March 1872, on his appointment to office; obtained the command of a cavalry troop, composed of natives, at the time of the Fenian raid, Oct. 1871, and was detailed on an important scoutin'j expedition in the south-west of the Province ; dischargeti the administrative duties of Attorney-General from 3rd Dec. 1874 until 1878, and personally supervised the important legislation of 1875-76, introduced by the Davis-Royal Government, which included the County Municipalities Act; the Administration of Justice Act; the Electoral Law ; the Act respecting the trial of Controverted Elections and the Act for the abolition of the Legislative Council ; is also the author of the School Law 1873 ; of the system of registration of deeds, and of the mode of establishing and collecting vital statistics ; has been a delegate to Oitawa on several occasions on the subject of " Better Terms," and of the enlargement of the boundaries of Manitoba; in Oct. 1875 was successful, with Mr. Davis, in securing a re-adjustment of the financial arrangements of Manitoba with the Dominion ; first returned to the Legislative Assembly, Manitoba, for St. Francois-Xavier West by acclamation, Dec. 1870, on the erection of Manitoba into a Province of the Dominion ; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1874, and again at general election 1878; elected for present seat on appoint- ment of Mr. Dubuc, the sitting member, as Puisne Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, Dec. 1879 ; .e-elected b}[ acclamation at last general election. A Conservative. An advocate of extension, so as to make Manitoba a Maritime Province, with a port on Lake Superior and on the Hudson Bay ; a firm believer in the great destiny of the Far West, and will labor zealously towards its accomplishment. Total population, 11,496. SELKIRK. HtOH MoKay Sutherland, ( Winnipeg.) Was born in New London, P.E.L, 22nd February, 1843, and educated in the County of Oxford, Ont. ; settled in Winnipeg in 1878, and is extensively engaged in lumbering; was superintendent of Public Works in the North West Territories, from 1874 to 1878 ; during his absence was an unsuccessful candidate for East Simcoe in Leeislf.tive Assembly, Ontario, at general elec- tion, 1875; first returned to Parliament at last general election. A Liberal. Total population, 12,771. Votes polled ,2,551 {f^^^^^ \>^\ Majority 423 I '^. M 1 08 Parliamentary Directory. WINNIPEG. Lieut. Col. Thomas Scott, ( Winnipeg, Manitoba) Was born in the County of Lanark, Ontario, 1841, and educated at Herth High School; commenced the publication of the Perth Expositor newspaper, in the Conservative interest, in the year 1861, and conducted it until 1873, when he removed to Mr.nitobd; was Captain of a volunteer corps at Perth, and was on frontier duty at Brockville and Prescott for three months in 1866 ; gazetted Major of the 42nd Battallion, same year, and Bt. Lieutenant Colonel in 1871 ; received command of a company in' the Ontario Rifles in 1870, form- ing part of the Red River Expeditionary Force, under Colonel (now Lord) Woleley ; returned to Ontario, winter of 1870-71, and, when the Fenians inva- ded Manitoba in the fall of 1871, again offered his services lo the Government, and was appointed to the command of the second expedition, which, after undergoing severe hardships, arrived safely at Fort Garry on 18th November 1871 ; elected mayor of the City of Winnipeg in 1877, by a majority of votes, and in 1878 by acclamation j first returned to the Legislative Asembly, Manitoba at general election, 1878 ; re-elected at general election, 1879 ; resig- ned to contest Selkirk for the Commons, September 1880, and was elected; conteisted Winnipeg, and was elected at last general election. A Conservative. Opposed by E. G. Conkliu and W. O. Smith. Total population, 16,452. Votes on voters' list, 2,830. Votes polled, 949. iThos. Scott, E. O. Conklin W. O. Smith 491 385 73 Majority for Thos. Scott 106 The Commons.— Statistical Analysis. Oldest Commoner. — John Wallace, J. P., Hillsborough, born 18th Novem- ber, 1812. In the 72nd year of his age. Youngest Commoner. — Mederic Catudul, Napierville, born 24th Novem- ber, 1856. In the 28th year of his age. Commoners, Where Born. Born in Canada 169 «« Scotland 14 " Ireland 9 « England 6 « United States . 6 «' Wales 1 " Germany 1 « Gibraltar 1 Place of birth not ascertained 5 211 The Commons — Statistical Analysis, 109 Commoners born between the vears 1812 and 1820 inclusive 10 *' « " ■■ 1821 and 1830 inclusive 41 «' «* " 1831 and 1840 inclusive 75 « « . « 1841 and 1850 inclusive 69 '« « " , 1851 and 1856 inclusive 5 Date of birth not ascertained 21 n- n- PROPESSIOK OR Business. The Legal Profession 56 The Medical Profession 17 Farmers Cof whom 11 are associated with milling, lumbering, grain dealing and shipping) 38 Merchants 30 Journalists 11 Manufacturers 8 Notaries 8 Milling 6 6 4 illing Lumber Merchants Contractors Shipbuilders Civil Engineer Forwarder and Manufacturer Managing Director of a Company. Brewer Trader (General) General Agents Bank Agent Professor (Educational) Retired, and whose occupations have not been ascertained. 16 211 S9 Who have held positions in the various Local Legislatures. Who have held the offices of Town or City Alderman, Muni- cipal Councillor, Deputy Reeve, Reeve, Warden, Mayor (as the case may be in city or county) some having held the se ver-.l offices in succession 46 Who have held the office of High Sheriff of County 2 Who have held the office of School Inspector 6 Who have hek office of President of Agricultural Societies. 10 Who have held the office of Chairman of High School Board 4 [The above are all that could be ascertained for present edition as having held such offices.] n COMMltTEES. Sessional Committees of the Senate, 3rd Session 5th Parliament, 48th Victoria, 1885. JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY. The Hon. Speaker of the House of Commons, Chairman. Senate. Hon. Messieurs: The Speaker, Alexander, Allan, Almon, Baillargeon, Bellerose, Bouclierville, de, Gowan, H ay t home Lacoste, Macpherson, Sir David L., Odell, Plumb, Power, Ryan, Scott, Sullivan, Trudel, Wark. House OF Commons. Hon. Messieurs: The Sneaker, Blake, P'ortin, Macmillan, Caron, Laurier, (Middlesex), Ouimet, Cameron, Scriver, {Huron), Colby, Daly, Davies, Tasse, Weldon, Wells, Wright. Desjardins, JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. The Hon. Mb. Read, Chairman. Senate. House of Commons. Hon . Me.*i8ieurs : Hon. Messieurs : Chapais, McMillan, Bowel 1, Landry, Dever, Ogilvie, Allison, (Montmagny), ijowan. Pelletier, Baker, Somerville, Guevremont, Read, {Missisquoi), (Brant), Haytliorne, Sullivan, Belleau, Tasse, Kaulbach, Vidal, Bergin, Thompson, (Haldimand), McClelan, Wark. Boura^Ma, De.«jardin8, Trow, Foster . Whits, Innes, (Card well). [Quorum 9J. BANKING AND COMMERCE. Allan, Archibald, Belltioee, Benson, Botsford, Boyd, Carvel], Chaffers, The Hon. Mr. Allan, Chairman The Hon, Messieurs : Chapais, Clemow, Cochrane, Ferrier, Hamilton, Lacoste, Lewin, Maclnnea, (Burlington), Macpherson, Sir David L., McMaster, Odell, Paquet, Plumb, Ross, Ryan, Simpson, Smith, Thibadeau, Trudel, Turner, Wark. [Quorum 9.] .:; ►: Committees. Ill RAILWAiS, TELEGRAPHS AND HARBORS. SA' i' t The Hon. Mr. Dickey, Chairtnan. Alexander, Allan, Boucherville, de, Campbell, Sir A., Carvell, Cliapais, Cochrane, Dickey, Ferguson, Ferrier, The Hon, Hamilton, Kaulbach, Leonard, McClelan. McDonald, {Cape Breton.) McKay, McKindsey, Macdonald, {B. Columbia), Messieurs : Maclnnes, {Burlington), Macpherson, Sir David. L., Montgomery, Nelson. Ogilvie, Plumb, Power, Robitaille, Ryan, Schuitz, Scott, Smith, Stevens, Sutherland, Turner, Vidal. [Quorum 9.] Alexander, Archibald, Armand, Botpford, Campbell, Sir A., Chatters, Cormier, DfcBlois, Dickey, Ferrier, CONTINGENT ACCOUNTS. The Hon. Mr. Howi.an, Chairman. The Hon. Messieurs : McKay, McKindsey, McM aster, McMillan, Mact'arlane, Macpherson, Sir David L. Flint, Girard, Grant, Hamilton, Howlan, Leonard, McClelan, McDonald, {Cape Breton) Mcltincs, {B. Ciibimbia) Nelson, Odell, O'Donohoe, Pelletier, Power, UeaJ. Rob.Laille, Ryan, Scott, Smith, Vidal. [Quorum 9.] STANDING ORDERS AND PRIVATE BILLS. The Hon. M. Lacoste, Chairman. Alnion, Archibald, Armand, Bellerose, Bolduc Botsford, Campbell, Carvell, DeBlois, Dever, Sir A. The Hon Ferrier, FIlMt, Girard, Glasier, Gowan, Grant, Guevremont, Haythorne, Howlan, Lacoste, Messieurs : McTnnes, B. Columbia), McKay, MacMillan, Macfarlane, Montgomery, Nelson, O'Donohoe, Ogilvie, Paquet, Pelletier, Power, Read, Reesor, Schuitz, Scott, Sullivan, Sutherland, Trudel. [Quorum.] repok'Ting debates. The Hon. Mr. De Bouoherville, Chairman. The Hon. Messieurs; Howlan, Schuitz, Trudel, Bolduc. Boucherville, de, Macfarlane, Scott, Ha^thorpe, Plumb, Tliibaudeau, Vidt 112 Parliamentary Directory. Select Standing^ Committees of the House of Commons, 3rd Session, 5th Parliament, 48th Victoria, 1885. 1. ON PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. Abbott, Amvot, Belfeau, Blake, Bosse, Cameron (Huron), Cameron ( Victoria), CaBgrain, Colby, Costigan, Curran, Daly, D. GiROUARD, Esq., Chairman. Messieurs : Davies, Desjardins, Girouard, Hall, Laurier, Lister, Macdonald (Sir Joiin), Mackenzie, Macmaster, McCarthy, Mclntyre, Mclsaac, 2. ON EXPIRING LAWS. Edward Hackett, Esq., Chairman. Mills, Ouimet, Patterson (Essex), Robertson (Hamilton), Royal, Shakespeare, Temple, Wei don, Wells, White (Cardtoell) and Wood worth. — 35. Armstrong, Benson, Billy, Caujeron (Inverness), Campbell (Renfrew), Campbell (Victoria), Casey, Cochrane, Coughlin, Messieurs : Daoust, De St. Georges, Desaulniers Dodd, (!St.[Matii'ice), Guillet, Hackett, Harley, Hesson, Labrosse, [Quorum 7.] Mclntyre, McMillan (Vaudreuil), Paint, Prnyn, Rill fret, Robertson (Hastings), Tyrwhitt, Valin and Yeo.— 27. 3. RAILWAYS, CANALS AND TELEGRAPH LINES. The Hon. Sir Hector Langevin, Chairman. Abbott, Allen, Amyot, Bain (Soulanges), Bain ( Wentworth), Baker (Missisquoi), Barnard, Beaty, Bochard, Bell, Belleau, Benoit, Bergeron, Bergin, Bernier, ' Blake, ^ essieurs : Fairbanti, Ferguson ( Welland), Fisher, Forbes, Fortin, Foster, Gault, Geoff rion, Girouard, Glen, Gordon, Grandbois, Hay, Hickey, Or ton, Ouimet, Paint, Patterson (Fssex), Pope, Ray, Riopel, Robertson (Hamilton), Robertson (Hastings), Robertson (Shelburne), Ro«8, Royal, Rykert, Scott, Scriver, " ' Small, Committees. "3 3. RAILWAYS, CANALS AND TELEGRAPH LINES.— r Co/Kin uet/ J i Blotideau, Bosse, Bourassa, Bowel 1, Bryson, Burns, Burpee {St. John), Burpee (Sunburif'), Cameron (Huron), Cameron (.Inverness), Cameron ( Victoria), Carling, Caron , Casey, Casgrain, Cliapleau, Charlton, Cock burn, Colby, Cook, Costigari, Coursol, Curran, Daviea, Dawson , De St. Georges, Desjardinp, Dickinson, Dodd, Dundas, Edgar, Billiard, Holton, Irvine, Ives, Kilvert, King, Kinney, Landerkin, Landry (Kent), Landry (Montmagny), Langevin (Sir Hector), Laurier, Livingstone, Macdonald (Sir John), Mackenzie, Mackintosh, Macmaster, Macmillan (Middlesex), McCallum, McCarthy, McCraney, McDougaid ( Pictou), McGreevy, Mclntyre, Mclsaac, McLelan, M c M i 1 1 an ( Vatidreuil), McMullen, Mills, Mitchell, Mulock, Smyth, Sproule, Stairs, Sutherland (Oxford), Sutherland (Selkirk), Taschereau , Tasse, Temple, Thompson, Tilley (Sir Leonard), Townshend, Trow, Tupper, Vail, Valin, Vanasse, Wallace (Albert), Wallace (ForA:), Watson, Weldon, Wells, White (Cardwell), White (Hastings), White (Renfrew), Wigle, Williams, Wilson. Wood (Brockville), Wood ( Westmoreland), Woodworth and Wright.— 140. ON MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE BILLS. W. B. Ives, Esq., Chairman. Messieurs : Girouard, Glen, Guilbault, Hay, Hickey, Holton, Homer, Ives, Jamieson, Jenkins, Kinney, Kran -, Labrosse, Laneelier, Landry (Kent), Allen, Amyot, Baker (Missisqnni), Bell, Benson, Bourassa, Burns, Burpee (Sunbnry'), Cameron ( ^ict^^ia), Caron, Casey, Catudal, Cock burn, Cuthbert, Daoust, ijanury <.jve«t;, Desaulniers (itfa«A;mon.9^) Landry (Montmagny), Desauloiers (St. ilfaMnce)Laurier, Edgar, Lesage, Montplaisir, Mulock, Oiiimet, Pinaonneault, Ray, Reid, Robertson (Shelbume), Scriver, Small. Smyth, Springer, Sproule, Stairs, Taschereau, Tasse, Taylor, Thompson, , Tupper, I, 114 Farrow, Fleming, Foster, Gagne, Geotfrion, Gillmor, Parliamentary Directoty. ON MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE BILLS.-rCon Council of the Bar of the Province ot Quebec ; was one of the editors of Le National newspaper (Quebec) 1856-67-58 ; sworn of the Privy Council 7th November, 1873; was Minister of Inland Revenue from that date until 8th July, 1874, when appointed to succeed Hon. Sir A. A. (now Chief Justice) Dorion as Minister oi Justice, in which office he remained until transferred to the Post Office Departnient, 19th May, 1875 ; appointed a Puisne Judse of the Supreme Court October same year ; was elected and represented Bellechasse in the Commons from Au^iir't, 1870, until his elevation to ttie Bench, and represented Montmagny in Quebec Assembly from general elections 1871 until 7tn November, 1873, wIumi he resigned on his takmg office. T'^e Supreme Court Act and the Insolvency Act 1875 were introduced by him, niiJ success- fully carried, aa Minister of Justice. The Hon. William Alexander Henkv, Rideau Club, Ottawa. Was born in Halifax N. S., 30th December, 1816 ; educated there ; was called to the Bar N, S. 1841; appointed n Q. (>. 1849; has been Mayor of Halifax , became a member of the Executive Council 1849 and subsequently held office as Solicitor-General; was a delegate to England on public business in 1858 and 1865 and to Washington on Reciprocity Treaty in conjunction with Hon. Messrs. Gait (now Sir A. T.), Smith (late Sir A J.) and Howland (now Sir W. P.), late Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 1866; was a representative in the Charlotteiown Union Conference, in that at Quebec, alsu the final confer- ence that assembled in London 1866 to complete terms of union of British North America Provinces ; was a member of the Nova Scotia Assembly for many years from the date of his first election 1841 ; an unsuccessful candidate for Antasonish in the Commons at general election 1867 and for Richmond in March, 1869; an ad Aoc judge in the trial of election cases in N. S. 1874;. appointed to the Supreme Court 8th October, 1875. The Hon. Henri Elzear Taschereau, Daly street, Ottawa. Was born at St Mary's Beauce, P. Q., 7th October, 1836 ; is co-proprietor of the Seigniory of Ste Marie de la Beauce,* conceded to his greatgrandfather in 1746; educated at the Quebec Seminary ; called to the Bar in October, 1857; appointed a Q. C. 1867 i practised in Quebec with the late William Duval Esq., and later with Jean Blanchet, Esq., Q. C. ; represented Beauce in the Canada Assembly from general election 1861 until the union of 1867, when defeated for th** Commons; appointed a Clerk of the Peace fur the District of Quebec 30th September, 1868, an office he shortly afterwards resigned ; appointed a Puisne Judge of the Superior Court ot the Province of Quebec I2th January, 1871 ; appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominion. October, 1878 (as successor to his cousin, the late Hon. J. T. Taschereau); he is author of the following works: The Criminal Law for the Dominion of Canada with notes, commentaries, precedents of indictments, t&c, 2 Vols. 8vo; and of a Code de Procedure Civile du Ban Canada, with annotatiops. The Hon. John Wellington Gwynne, Metcalfe street, Ottawa. Was born at Castle Knock, in the County of Dublin, Ireland, on the 30tb March, 1814; entered Trinity College, Dublin, in July 1828; came to Canada and was admitted a member of the Law Society at Toronto as a student of law in June, 1832; studied ^rst in the office of the late Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., Q. C, of Kingston, M. P. for Frontenac, and afterwards in that of the late Mr. Justice Hagerman and Chief Justice Draper, then practising in partnership at !,. Legal and Judiciary. *25 Toronto; was called to the Bar in June, 1837; contested unsuccessfully the County of Huron at the general election in 1847 in the interest of the party of which the late Hon. Robert Baldwin was the leader ; was made a Q. G. in 1850 ; from 1845 to 1852 devoted himself to the formation and mamtenance of a com- pany, for which he obtained an Act of Incorporation in 1847, for the conKtruc- tion, as part of a scheme of colonization; of a railway from Toronto westward to Lake Huron through the then waste lands of the Crown, which, after much opposition, eventuated in the Toronto and Guelph Railway Company, and was amalgamated with the Grand Trunk Railway Company in 1853 ; in 5rovRmber, 1868 was made a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas at Toronto ; in May, 1874 was nominated by the then Ministerof Justice, Hon. A. A. Dorion,asoneof the permanent Judges of the Court of Appeal in Ontario, under a clause in the Provincial Statutes 37 Vic, Cap. 7, providing for the appointment of thr^e additional Judges to the Court of Appeal, of which court he was then a member, but was obligea to decline the appointment after accepting it in consequence of the Government, after the retirement of Mr, Dorion, having assumed (as appeared to him in violation of all precedent) to deprive him of n is precedence conferred by the Commission, in virtue of which he was already a judge of the court; in January, 1879, he was transferred from the Court of Common Pleas to the Supreme Court, vice the Hon William Johnston Ritchie promoted to be Chief Justice of the court. Robert Cassels. Jr., Registrar, 194 Chapel street, Ottawa. Called to the Bar L. C. 1864; called to the Bar U. C. Trinity Term 1866; graduated as B. A. with first rank honors as student at Morin College, affiliated with McGill University ; appointed to present office 8th October, 1875. George Duval, Esq., Precis writer, and Secretary to the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, 54 Daly street, Ottawa. Was born at Quebec 19th December, 1843; educated at the Jesuits College, Montreal; called to the Bar L. C. 1865 ; practiced at the Quebec Bar until 1874, when he was appointed Private Secretary to the Hon. Sir A. A. Dorion, Minister of Justice; was afterwards appointed Private Secretary to Hon. T. Fournier, Minister of Justice, and a chief clerk in the Department of Justice ; was in January, 1876 appointed to his present position in the Supreme Court; a Commissioner for administering oaths in the Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. at The Law Sooiett of Ontario. The Law Society was first established in 1797, by the Act 37, George III, cap. 13, which enabled the then practitioners of the law to form themselves into a society, and make rules for its government. By the Act of 1822, 2 Geo. IV., c. 6, " the Treasurers and Benchers of the Law Society " were formally incorporated ; and under these and other statutes the Society has continued to be governed by a Board of Benchers, in the same manner as the various Law Societies of England. By Revised statutes of Ontario, c. 138, the Benchers theretofore appointed, from time to time, by their own body, are made. 126 Parliamentary Directory. exclusive oi ex-officio meinber8, elective by the Bar; the cx-o/??cio consisting of the Attorney-General of the Dominion for the time being, if a member of the Bar of Ontario, and all members of the Bar of Ontario who have at any time held the office of Attorney-General of the Dominion or of Ontario, or of Attorney or Solicitor-General of the former Province of Upper Canada, and any retired Judge of the Superior Courts of Law or Equity of Ontario; the elective, thirtjy in number, being chosen by the ballot, for a term of five years, by the members of the Bar in manner prescribed by the Act. Vacancies during the term are filled by the remaining Benchers On the first day of Easter Term, annually, the Benchers appoint one of their body to be Treasurer, who is also President of the Society, The Benchers sit in Convo- cation every term for the call of Barristers, the admission of Attorneys and Solicitors to Practice, and of Students to enter the Society, the fees paid by whom form the revenue of the Society. Osgoode Hall, appropriately named after the first Chief Justice, is the Or carlo "Inn of Court,' or headquarters of the Society, in which is provided accommodation for the Court of Appeal and Courts of Eauity, and for the sittings in term of the Superior Courts; with a valuable ana extensive library. Visitors — The several Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. Treasurer—Ron, Edward Blake, M.A., Q.C., M.P. Benchers. ^x-O^cio— Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, K.C.B., D.C.L., Q.C., Atty.-Gen 1854; Hon. James Patton, QC, Sol.-Gen. 1862; Hon. A. N. Richards, Q.C., Sol.-Gen. 1864; Hon. Adam Crooks, Q.C., Atty.-Gen. Ont., 1871 ; Hon. Oliver Mowat, Q.C., retired Vice-Chancellor 1872, present Atty.- Gen. Ont.; Hon. Edward Blake, Q.C., late Minister of Justice and Atty.-Gen. of the Dominion; Hon. Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Minister of Justice; Hon. Samuel Hume Blake, retired Vice-Chancellor, 1881. Elective— E.T. 1881— E. T. 1886— James Beaty, jr., Q.C., M.P., Toronto; John Bell, Q.C, Belleville ; H. C. R. Beecher, Q.C.'. London ; James Bethune, LL.B, Q.C, Toronto ; B. N. Britton, M.A., Q.C, Kingston; Hector Cameron, MA., Q.C, M.P., Toronto; J. Crickmore, Toronto; J. Harry Ferguson, Toronto; James J. Foy, Q.C, Toronto; Hon. C F. Eraser, Q.C, M.P.P., Brockville; D. Guthrie, Q.C,, Guelph ; Hon. A. S. Hardy, Q.C, Brantford; J. Hoskin, Q.C, Toronto; A. Hudspeth, Q.C, Lindsay; iE. Irving, Q C, Hamilton; J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Toronto; A. Leith, Q.C, Toronto; Huson W. M. Murray, Toronto; E. Martin, Q.C, Hamilton; W. R. Meredith, LL.B., Q.C, M.P. P., London; James MacLennan, M.A., Q.C, Toronto; D'Alton McCarthy, Q.C, M.P., Toronto ; F. McKelcan, Q.C, Hamilton ; D. McMichael, LL.D., Q.C, Toronto ; Charles Moss, Q.C, Toronto ; Hon. T. B. Pardee, Q.C, M.P.P., Sarnia; D. B. Read, Q.C, Toronto; Thomas Robertson, Q.C, M.P., Hamilton ; L. W. Smith, D.C.L., Toronto; James F. Smith, LL.B., Toronto. Secretary, Sub-Treasurer and Librarian — J. H. Esten, Barrister-at-Law. Assistant Librarian — C B. Grasett. , • . Junior Assistant — L. Williams. " • • Examiners — Equity, A. H. Marsh ; Criminal Law and Torts, W. A. Reeve ; Real Property, E. D. Armour ; Mercantile Law, T. D. Delamere. Legal and Judiciary. 127 THE SUPREME COURT OB^ JUDICATURE FOR ONTARIO. Hon. Job 'J Godfrey Spragge, President of the Court of Judicature and Chief Justice of Ontario. Hon. John Hawkins Haggarty, Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench and President af the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Hoii. Adam Wilson, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Hon. John Alexander Boyd, Chancellor of Ontario. Hon. Joseph Curran Morrison, Justice of Appeal Hon. Thomas Gait, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Common Pleas Division. Hon. George William Burton, Justice of Appeal. Hon. William Proudfoot, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Chancery Division. Hon. Christopher Salmon Patterson, Justice of appeal Hon. John Douglass Armour, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Queen's Bench Division. Hon. Matthew Crooks Cameron, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Queen's Bench Division. Hon. Featherston Osier, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Common Pleas Division. Hon. Thomas Ferguson, Justice of High Court of Justice, Member of the Chancery Division. COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO. Constituted for the hearing of appeals in civil cases from the Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas Di visions of the High Court of Justice, and from the County ; and by recent Statute, the Division Courts also in caees defined as to amount, and appeals from criminal cases from the Queen'r, Bench, Common Pleas, and County Courts, From the judgment of this Court an appeal lies, at the option of litigants, either to the Supreme Court of the Dominion, or to Her Majesty in Privy Council, in cases over jEI,000, or where annual rent, fee, or future rights of any amount, are affected, the judgment in either case being final. The Judges of this Court, in addition to their appellate duties proper, take part in presiding over Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery ana sittings of the Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Common Pleas Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and mav be placed on the rota for the trial of Election petitions, with the Justices of the High Court, who, as ex'Offido Judges of this Court, choose from their number a Judge or Judges to sit in Appeal in case of there being a vacancy in this Court, or if, from illness or some other cause, one of the Judges of the Court is unable to be present, or is under any legal disqualification to hear an appeal. Chief Justice of Ontario — Hon. John Godfrey Spragge. Justices of Appeal — Hon. Joseph C. Morrison, Hon, G. W, Burton, Hon, ^Christopher S. Patterson. Registrar — Alexander Grant. Usher and Messenger— "£1. 0\\\&T. 128 Parliamentary Directory. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE FOR ONTARIO. Queen's Bench Division. The jurisdiction of this Division extends to all manner of actions, causes and suits, criminal and civil, real, personal and mixed, within Ontario, and it may proceed in such, by sucli process and course as are provided by law, and as shall tend with Justice and cfespatch to determine the same; and may hear and determine all issues of law, and also (with the inquest o\ twelve good and lawful men in the cases provided for) try all issues of fact, and give judgment and award execution thereon, and also in matters which relate to the Queen's Revenue (including the condemnation of contraband or smuggled goods) as may be done by Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Law in England. Chief Justice — Hon. J. H. Hagarty, D.C.L. Members of the Queen's Bench Division — Hon. J. D. Armour and Hon. M. C. Cameron. Registrar — James S. Cartwright. Clerks — A. Macdonnell, J. L. Whiteside. Orier and ITaAer— Andrew Fleming. Chancery Division. This Division has the like jurisdiction as the Court of Chancery in England, in cases of fraud, accident, trust, executors, administrators, co> partnerships, account, mortgages, awards, dower, infants, idiots, lunatics and their estates, waste, specific performance, discovery, and to prevent multiplicity of suits, staying proceedings at law prosecuted against equity and good conscience, and may decree the issue, repeal, or voidance, of letters patent, and generally the like powers which the Court of Chancery in England possesses to administer justice in all cases in which there is no adequate remedy at law. Chancellor — Hon. John A. Boyd. Members of the Division — Hon. William Proudfoot and Hon. Thomas Ferguson. Special Examiners — J. Crickmore, George M. Evans and (shorthand only) John Bruce. Registrar — G. S. Holmsted. Assistant Registrar — A. F. McLean. Clerk of Records and Writs — G. M. Lee. Docketing Clerk — Entering Clerk— Henry Semple. Usher — R.. Parks. Houaekeq>er and Messenger — D. Sutherland. Common Pleas Division. This Division has the same powers and jurisdiction as a Court of Record, as the Queen's Bench Division. Writs of summons and capibs issue altern- ately from either Division. Chief Justice — Hon. Adam Wilson. Members of the Division— H.on. T. Gait and Hon. F. Osier. C^ 3\ Legal and Judiciary' 129 Ul Divif^ions of the High uour the Judicature Act, 1881. Chambers. be transacted by a s^nf^VLsSance of the Reg.sirar of the Queen SrSroJ oYanXct S?:e to sit with or for h,.. aerfcs-F. Arnold! and W.O Neil. Master's Office. . /-»«,«•/— Thomas Hodgins, Q.C. .Ua.^er m Ordinary o/<^e Srepmue Cou,^-iho Clefk—^- McLean. Ju,»-or CTcrfc-L. B. YouMg. Accountant's Office. jeco»H/an<-George S. Holmste.l. . ^^-. oM-f -^rr A. It^wart, Iliss M, Bachan. CTerfc.-George ^J^^"' J.' g gciark. raxing Oi?icers-J.H.ihom,&.o Maritime Court of Ontario. •>l as a Superior Court of uuuii ■'-^--' ■- p - . Qf Ontario, as ^*"J'.^^'"";'9^„^_-:n The Sittings 01 ui«= Judges at such times as they sn administration of justice. ninistration ot jusuuc /„.,,e /or ,». «».!. lV<..in«.-Hon. John Bo,a. JJc^istrar— John Bruce. Jlfarsftal-William BoyC. 31 es n. te e r I30 Parliamentary Directory. Reporters. Editor — Christopher Robinson, Q.C. Reporter in Queen's Bench — S, J .Vankoughnet. Beporter in Common Pleas — G. F. Harman. Reporter in Chancery — A. H. F. Lefroy. Reporter Court of Appeal, Insolvency and Election Cases — A. Grant. In Chambers— F. T. Rolph. Distributor of La'x, Siainps — W. W. Baldwin. Heir and Devisee Codrt. Commissioners — The Judges of the Superior Courts, and such other persons as may be appointed by cominission under the Great Seal. Their duties are to determine claims to lands in Ontario for which no patent has issued from the Crown in favour of the proper claimants, whether as heirs, devisees or assignees. Sittings at Toronto, first Monday in January and July in each year. Clerk of Commissioners — W. B. Heward. Courts for the Trial of Controverted Elections. The nature of these courts is sufficiently indicated in their title. In respect to elections for the House of Commons of Canada, the Superior Courts, by one of their Judges appointed in that behalf, are invested with special Jurisdiction for the trial of contested elections, and appeals lie to the Supreme Court at Ottawa. In respect to elections tor the Local Legislature of Ontario, the Judges of the Court of Appeal and of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity meet annually in Michaelmas Term and severally select, by a majority of votes, a Judge of their respective Courts, to be placed on the rota for the trial of election petitions. In the case of death or the illness of a Judge so chosen, the Court of which he is a .member meet and elect another Judge. Trials involving corrupt practices are presided over by two Judges, otherwise a single Judge presides, and an appeal lies to the court'of Appeafof the Province. County Courts. Presided over by a resident Judge in each County, assisted in some counties by a Deputy or Junior Judge. Their Jurisdiction extends to all personal actions wnere the debt or damages claimed do not exceed $200; and to all suits relating to debt, covenant or contract, where the amount is ascertained by the acts of the parties or signature of the defendant, to $400; and to all bail bonds and recognizances of bail given in the County Court, to any amount ; but not to cases involving the title to lands, validity of wills, or actions for libel, slander, crim. con., or seduction. An appeal lies to the Court of Appeal of Ontario. County Court Sittings and Court of General Sessions. The County Judge in each county holds a sitting of his Court and a Court of General Sessions in his county semi-annually, on the second Tuesday in June and December, except in the County of York, in which county said Court is held four times, commencins on the first Tuesday in December and March, and the t8 of King, Whitchurch, East and North Gwillimbury, and Georgina; Villages of Newmarket, Aurora, Holland Land- ing and part of Stouffville. East and West Ridings— TownsluTps of York, Markham, Vaughan, Scarborough and Etobicoke ; Villages of ^arkham, Richmond. Hill, Parkdale, Brockton, Weston, Woodbridge anH part ot Stouffville I 138 Parliamentary Directory. COUNTY AND JUDICIAL When the Officer's Post Office Address is not COUNTIES AND CO. TOWNS. Algoina District Brant Bruce Carleton Duflferin Elgin Essex Frontenac. ... Grey Haidimand . . . Haliburton . . Halton Hastings Huron Kent , Lainbtou Lanark Leeds and Gren . Lennox & Add . . Lincoln Middlesex Nipissing Dist. . Norfolk Northumb'and ) & Durham f Ontario Oxford Peel Perth Peterboro' Frescott & R.. Prince Edward. Renfrew Sinicoe Barrie Sault S*. Marie Brantford .... Walkerton .. Ottawa Orangeville . . St Thomas.. Sandwich . . Kingston , . Owen Sound. Cayuga Minden Milton Belleville.... Goderich Chatham Sarnia Perth Brockville Napanee St. Catharines Lon('on Simcoe . . Cobourg. Whitby . Woodstock , Biampton ., Stratford ., Peterboro' . . L'Orignal. . Picton Pembroke ., Stor't, Dundas ) & Glengarry ) Thunder Bay... Victoria Cornwall , P. A. Landing Lindsay Waterloo , Berlin . Welland Welland Wellington . Wentworth , York Guelph Hamilton Toronto , JUDGES. Hon. W. McCrea S. J. Jones J. tT. Kingsmill . . f W. A. Ross. . . \ R. Lyon T. A. McCarthy. D.J. Hughes... C. R. Home .... C. V. Price H. Macpherson. J. G. Stevenson. A. Niven Thomas Miller.. j T. A. Lazier . . ( E. B. Fraleck. j J. F. Toms , . . (B. S. Doyle .. Archibald Bell.. C. Robinson W. S. Senkler . . H. S. McDonald W. H. Wilkison. E. J. Senkler . . . j F. Davis 1 Win. Elliot. . . John Doran T. B. McMahon. J G. M. Boswell. 1 G. McK. Clark (T. M. Benson. \ Z. Burnhaui . . ( G. H. Dartnell D. S. McQueen . A. F. Scott D. H. Lizars R. Dennistoun . . James Daniell . . R. P. Jellett.... John Deacon... j J. A. Ardagh . . I J. R. Gowan . . j R B. CaMuan. 1 J. F.Pringle.. Robert Laird... W.W. Dean.... )A. Lacoursc . . Wm. Millers.. Geo. Baxter \ A.C. Chad wick } Geo. A. Drew. J. 8. Sinclair.... ( J. Boyd iK.McKenzie. SHERIFFS. W. H. Carney. . . John Smith Wm. Sutt<-n.... J. Sweetland... Thos. Bowles. . Colin Munro John McEwan.. Wm. Ferguson.. C. H. Moore.... R. H. Davi&i.... (Annexed to M. Clements Win. Hope Robert Gibbon.. John Mercer Jas. Plintoft Jas. Thompson. CLERKS OF PEACE. O. T. Pruyns . . . J. A. Woodruflr. W. Glass E. Deedes H. W. Burke . . . Thos. Paxton... Genrge Perry... Robt. Broddy. . . John Hossie James A. Hall.. I . D. Merrick . . . Jas. Gillespie... James Morris. .. T. D. McConkey D. E. Mclntyre. J. F. Clarke .... Geoige Kempt.. Moses Springer . G. J. Duncan . . . Hon. P. Gow . . . " A. McKellar J. M, Hamilton G. VanNorman Thos. Dixon . . R. Lees J. P. MacMillau James Stanton.. S. S. Macdonell. B. M. Britton... W. Armstrong.. J. B. Martin Victoria for Judi John Dewar... C. L. Coleman. Ira Lewis W. Douglas.*.. J. P. Bucke ... E. G. Malloch . J. D. B"ell .... A. L. }>lorden . . , Jno. McKeown . . C. Hutchinson.. J. H. Aiisley.... John W. Kerr. . . J. E. Farewell... F. R. Ball W. H. McFadden J. Idington C. A. WcUer.... E. T. Dartnell . . P. Low H H. Loucks.. J. R. Cott«r .... Jas Dingwall... A. P. Devlin.... W. H. Bowlby.. L, D. Raymond. H. W. Peterson. John Crerar. . . . F. W Jarvis. . . . T. H.Bull Fred, enton CO. ATTORNEYS. J. M. Hamilton... G. R. VanNorman Thos. Dixon R. Lees J. P. MacMillan.. James Stanton. ... S. S. Macdonell... B. M. Britton .Mfred Frost J. R.Martin cial purjioses). John Dewar C. L. Coleman . . . , Ira Lewis W. Douglas J. P. Bucke E. G. Malloch J. D. Buell A. L. Monlen Jno. McKeown.... C. Hutchinson.... J. H. Ansley . John W. Kerr John E. Farewell. F. R. Ball W. H. McFadden. J. Idington C. A. Weller E. T. Daitnell .... P. Low H. H. Loucks .... J. E. Cotter . . Jas. Dingwall. A. P. Devlin W. H Bowlby.. L. D. Raymond. H. W. Peterson . John Cierar Post Office Addresses — 1. York. 2. Dunnville. 4. Cooks 'i,lH,9".l^^^' L ot E 1.. eil. ■1 Zega/ and /udiciay. OFFICERS— Oi>fTAR10, 1884. ^ven it is that of the f .ty Town. 139 LOCAL MASTERS OF HIGH COURT. Hon. W. McCrea 8. J. Jones J. J. Kiiigsmill • W. M. Matlieson J ( R. Cassells, juu. f M. M. McCarthy.... James iSlianly 8. S. Maedonell J, A. Henderson James A. Masson . . . • J. G. Stevenson Thos. Miller S. S. Lazier {h. Macdermott. S. Malcolmson.. R. O'Hara •C Robinson W. S. Senkler J. D. Buell S 8. Lazier W. F. Macdonald . LOO. EEUI8TKAR8 OF HIGH COURT. REGIS. SURROGATE. T. A. P. Towers. W. B. Rubidge.. William Gunn.. J. P. Peatherston John McLaren.. David McLaws.. F. E. Marcon... J. Fraser George Inglis. .. James Mitchell . W. L. P. Eager . A. G. Northrop. D. McDonald... W. A.Campbell. W. R. Gemniill.. Charles Rice... 8. ReynokW..., J. B. McGuin... •J. Clench James Shanly . ...... John McBeth . . C. C. Rapelje.... G. McK Clark ... G. H. Dartnell... H. F. Beard, Q.C A. F. Scott D. H. Lizars C. A. Weller J. Maxwell 8. 8, Lazier . . . . John Deacon J. E. Cotter J. F. Pringle W. W. Dean .... A. Lacourse George Baxter. . . J. W Hall ( M. O'Reilly, O.C ) tJ.E. O'Reilly .. )' T. A. P. Towers . . W. B Kubidge . . . William Gunn. ,. J. P. Featherston John McLaren.... David McLaws... F. E. Marcon J. Fraser George Inglis. .. . James Mitchell... W. L. P.Eager!.. 8. 8. Lazier D. McDonald W. A. Campbell.. W. R.Gemmill.... Charles Rice Samuel Reynolds . J. B. McGuin. ... Johnson Clench . . John McBeth C. C. Rapelje. R. D. Ohatterton L. T. Bartley . . . James Canfleld . J. A. Austin Jas. McFadden. John Moloney.., John Fraser John Twigg A. Thomson . . , J. M. 8tevenson R. McDonald.., W. Grace J. McDougall.. LP. Willson... James Hough . ., 8. H Ghent... W. McKenzie.. COUNTY CLERKS, C. C. Rapelje.... R. D. Cnatterton. L. T. Barti y James Cantleld. J. A. Austin Jas McFadden . . John Moloney . . . John Fraser John Twigg H. Thomson J. M. 8tevenson. R. McDonald.... W. Grace A. J. Peterson.. D. D'Everardo . . A. McKenzie.... 8. H. Ghent J. Gordon Brown H. M. Wilson... George Gould... Charles McNab . John C. Reid... K. W. McKay . . Thos. McKee... F. Elkington .... George J. Gale.. F. Stevenson? . . . F. Mooney W. Panton James T. Bell... P. Adamson Daniel Kerr Hugh Smith Thos Brooke . . . Sam Reynolds.. VV. V. Det'or . . . F. A. B. Clench. D. G. Mo'.enzie. J. Ermatinger. . . E. A M'Nachtan J. E. Farewell . . James White.... D. Kirkwood. ... Wm. Davidson.. E. Pearse John Fraser Robert Boyle... S. E. Mitchell . . R T. Banting4.. Charles Poole... T. Matchett . . . . I. D Bowman .. Jos. C. Page . . . . John BeattieB... G. S. Counsell . George Ealtin. .. TREASUREKS. W. 8. Campbell J. G. Cooper Wm. Cowan R. T. Hann J. McCausland Thos. H. Wright F. F. Vanluven 8. J. Parker A. P. Farrell S. 8 Peck F. McCallum Thomas Wills A. M. Ross C. G. Charteris Hon. Alex. Vidal. W W. Berford David Mansell J. M. Parrott G. P. M. Ball Adam Murray Henry Groflf E. A. MacNachtan J. B. Laing H. P. Brown Geo. Graham A. Montelth E. Pearse John Fraser Robert Boyle Edward Bourke H. R. A. Boys S. McDonald Thos. Matchett L D. Bowman Jas. McGlashan Wm. Reynolds John T. Stock J. K. Macdonald >ks town. 5. Gait. 6. Fergus. 8. Bath. 140 Parliamentary Directory, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH— Appeal Side. Judges. Sir Antoine Ainie Dorion, Kt., Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel C. Monk, \ Hon. T. K. Ramsay, ( Hon. Ulric J. Tessier, Puisne Judges. Hon. A. S. Cross, i Hon. F. L. G. Baby, ; Officers of the Court. — L. W. Marchand, clerk of Appeals for Montreal ; Corate Duleau de Grandpre and Louis Ouimet, deputy clerks of Appeals for Montreal; W. E. Duggan, deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec; Augustin Dorval, special deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec. •QcEBEO — BVom the first to the eighth days of February, May, October and December, these days inclusive. •Montreal — From the fifteenth to the twenty-seventh days January,. March, May, September and November, these days inclusive. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH.— Crown Side. Where Held. When Held. Quebec 10th April and 10th October Montreal .... .. [^^^ March, Ist June, Ist September \ 2nd November Three Rivers 23rd March and 23rd September Sherbrooks 1 st March and Ist October Kamouraska 23rd March and 18th December Aylmer 21st January and 2nd July Perce 13th February and 7th October New Carlisle 13th January and 13th September Arthabaskaville 19th February and 19th October Beauce 20th June and 20th October Montmagny 26th March and 25th November Joliette loth January and 2nd July Sorel 20th January and 2nd July Chicoutimi 2nd June and 15th January Sweetsburg 2nd Tuesday in March and' September Rimouski 23rd March and 23rd October Maibaie 5th February and 22nd June Beauharnois 1st March and 1st October St. Hyacinthe 15th January and 15th June St. Scholastique 7th January and 2nd July Iberville 11th March and 11th October Hor « (( (( it « c< (< (I (I M< Qi T] SUPERIOR COURT. Hon. William Collis Meredith, Chief Justice, Hon. Andrew Stuart " Louis Victor Sicotte " Francis G. Johnson " Fredrick W. Torrance Puisne Judges. Hon. J. W. Bourgeois •' H.T. Rainville " A. C. Papineau *' Louis A. Jette Si 'fUMI'S^.yw'v r,'' ;al f for stin iber ary, • sr Zegai and Judiciary. 141 Hon. Louis E. N. Cassault " Adolph B. Routhier " Thomas McCord " Marcus Doherty " Louis Belangers ** Hubert W. Chagnon " Marc A. Plamondon " Louis B. Caron " A. Stuart " R. McKay Hon. C.J. am " Henri T. Taschereau William Macdougall Auguste Real Angers G. 0. V. Buchanan Michel Matthieu L. O. Loranger M. H. E. Cimon R. AUeyn E T. Brooks COURT OP VICE-ADMIRALTY. Hon. George 0. Stuart. SUPERIOR COURTS. County oe District. Whkke Held and Date. MOMTHEAL. Hochelaga. Jacques Cartier. Laval. Vaudreuil. Soulanges. Laprairie. Chambly. Vercheres. City of Montreal. Quebec. Portneuf. Quebec. Montmorency. Levis. Lotbiniere. Beaumont Parish. City of Quebec. Three Rivers. Maskinonge. St. Maurice. Champlain. Nicolet. St. Francis. Richmond. CityofSherbrooke Wolfe. Compton. Stanstead. Montreal, 16 Jan., to 20th April, 1st May to 30th June, Ist September to 20th December. Quebec, from Ist to 5th of every month except January, July and August. Prothonota RI E8. Sherifks. R. A. R. Hubert. John S. Honey. Pierre S.GendroD Louis J. C. Fiset. J .H.R. Burroughs Arch'd.Campbel Three Rivers, from 17th to 22nd March, June, September and December. Sherbrooke, from 10th to 14th January, March, May, Sep- tember, November. P.J.O. Chauveau Hon. C. AUeyn. Altred Desilets. C. F. Short. J. J. Morris. S. Dumoulin. G. F. Bowan. 142 Parliamentary Directory. SUPERIOR COURTS— rCon/tn«en J County or District. Whkrb Held and Date. Frothonotarieb. 811EEIFFS. Kamouraska. Kamouraska. leiniscouata. Ottawa. Ottawa. Pontiac. Gaspe. Gaspe. Bonaventure. Nkw Carlisle. Terrebonne. Argenteuil. Two Mountains. Terrebonne. JOLIETTE. L'Assomption. Montcalm. Joliette. RlOHELlEU. Richelieu. Yaniaska. Berthier. Saguenay. Charlevoix Sague. ay. Chicoutimi. Kamouraska.trom 19th to 22nd March and May, and Sep- tember 14th to 17th December. Aylmer, from 13th lo 19th Feb., June and Nov., 2()th to 25th April, 6th to 11th Oct, 16th to 20th December. Perce, from 13th to 19th Feb., Ifit to Till June, 7th to 13th October. New Carlisle, from 1 3th to 19th Jan., 10 to 16 June, and 13th to 19th September St. Scholastique, from 20th to 26th Jan., March, June and October. Joliette, from 12th to 20th of every month, except Jan., July and August. Sorel, Ist to 11th of every month, ex- cept January, July and August. Malbaie, 3l8t Jan. to 4th Feb., 17th to 2l8t June, 6th to 8th Sept., 8th to 12th Nov., both days in- clusive. Chicoutimi,12th to 14th Jan., 3rd to 7th June, 13th to 19th October. J. G. Pelletier. A. Driscoll. J. H. Lavoie. G, F. Maguire. J. R. Berthelot. P. Desrochers. J. Desilets. A. N. Gouin. C. Duborger. F. R. GosseliD. SF. A.irois. L. M. Coutlee. L. Z. Joncas. W. M. Sheppard. Z. Roussille. H. B. Leprohon. P. Guevremont» P. H. Cimon . 0. Bosse. Legal and Jtidtciary. SUPERIOR COURTS.— ('CoMtmuet/;. 143 County oe District. Wiiekr Hki,d amd Datk. Protiionotaries, Sheriffs. RiMOUSKI. MONTMAUNY. L'Islet. Montmagny. Bellechasse, (less the Paris-h Beaumont.) Beauce. Beauce. Dorchester. Arthabaska. Megan tic. Arthabaska. Drummond. Bedford. Shefford. Missisquoi. Brome. St. Hyacinthe. St. Hyacinthe. Bagot. Rouville. Iberville. St. Johns. Napierville. Iberville. Beauharnois. Huntingdon. Beauharnois. Chateauguay. of St. Germain, 16th to 21st March, June and October. Montmagny, 13th to 19th February, Mav and November, Ist'to 27th Septem- ber. St. Joseph de la Beauce, 13th to 19th March, June & Oct. Arthabaskaville, 20th to 25th March, June, September and December. Sweetsbnrg, 2nd Monday in Jan,Av»ril, June and Oct., and the five juridical days following. St. Hyacinthe, Ist to 8th February, April, June and November. St. Johns, 20th to 25th Jan., March, May, Sept. and Nov. inclusively. Beauharnois, 23rd to 28th February, May, September and December. A. P. Le tendre. A. Bender. Z. Vezina. Barwis & Theroux F.T.Hall. Roy & Richer. A. N. Charland. F.J.H.Marchand P. J.W. Beaudrv C. F. Lapointe. J. D. Lepine. T.J. Taschereau. A. Quesnel. A. W. Foster. L. S. Adam. C. Nolin. Phile. Laberge. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. C. A. DnoAS AND M. C. Desnoyer, Chairmen. C. E. Schiller and Wilfred Sicotte, Clerks of the Peace. A rk Tj ^^ t / Deputv Clerk of the Peace and Superintendent of A. De Beaumont.| *" Orown Witnesses. Geo. A. Hughes, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. C. R. Doucet, accountant ; Allan Hamilton, clerk. , 144 Parliamentary Directory. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Under the Statutes of Canada, 32 and 33 Vic, Chap. 35. M^aDeSoVera, } Presiding Justices. Wilfred^SicoUe } ^'*''^* *'/ ^^^ Peace— Crown Prosecutors. A. De Beaumont, Geo. H. Hughes, Deputy Clerks. C. R Doucet, Accountant. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCB, CROWN SIDE. Terms held ox — let March, let June, .Ist September, and 2nd November* each year. C.E.Schiller and Wilfred Sicotte, clerks of the Crown; A. De Beaumont and Geo. H. Hughes, deputies ; C. R. Doucet, accountant; Allan Hamilton, clerk ; W. Fraser, messenger. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. SUPREME COURT. HAVING LAW AND EQUITY JURISDICTION THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE. Chief Justice — Hon. James McDonald. Equity Judge — and Judge of the Supreme Court, Hon. Alexander A. James. Assistant Judges — Honorables Hugh McDonald, Henry W. Smith* Robert L. Weatherbe, Samuel Gordon Rigby and John S. D. Thompson. The Judge in Equity sits to attend to Equity business every Monday and Wednesday, when business requires, in the New Court House, at II o'clock A.M. Attorney General — Hon. Alonzo J. White. Masters — Halifax, Henry C.. D. Twining, Hugh Hartshorne, Wm. Howe, Wni. Twining, Benjamin G. Gray, Wm. F. MacCoy, L. W. DesBarres, E. S. Crawley, J. Harvey Frith, J. Parsons, Jas. H. Thorne ; Pictou, Edward Roach, Jas. Fogo ; Yarmouth, Thomas D. Chipman, Jas Murray ; Shelburne, Thomas Johnson; Harrington, Gabriel Robertson ; Hants, David Frieze, Wm. ,H. Blanchard ; Kings, John P. Chipman, Stephen H. Moore, James R. Prescott; Lunenburgh, James Dowling, Hon. W. H. Owen; Annapolis, Thomas William Chesley, Timothy D. Ruggles, James Gray, Edward C. Cowling, Albert Morse, George Woodbury, J. M. Owen; Queen's, Robert Roberts, J. N. S. Marshall, Geo. T. Moore ; Antigonish, Henry P. Hill ; Colchester, James F. Blanchard ; Inverness, Samuel MacDonnell ; Dighy, William B. Stewart; Cape Breton, E. Tilton Moseley. Reporters — Benjamin Russell, John M. Geldert. Crier of Supreme Court — John Murphy. Librarian — George A. Allison. Legal and Judiciary. MS COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES. Judge or di nary, tlie Judge in Equity, with appeal to the Supreme Court Registrar — James H. Thome. OFFICERS AND TERMS OF THE SUPREME COURT. CONTIrVi. Annapolis " Bridgetown Antigonish Cape Breton Colchester. . Cumberland Digby •■•••• Clare.. Ouysboro'..., Halifax* Hants . .... Inverness. ., Kings Lunenburg. Pictou. . .. , Queens .. .. Richmond. . Sholburne " Barrington Victoria Yarmouth " Argyle Shkbikks. A. Robinson, M.D H.'p.'HiYl John Ferguson L.J. Crowe, R. McLean, Benj. VanBlarcom. VV.' F. besBaVres Joseph Bell. Prothoniitakikm. Edward Curry. Hugh McDonald, Stephen Finck. Stephen Belcher. Wm. H. Harris. T. F. CtuMpbell. F. Fuller. G. W. McLean. David Dunlop. W. K. Dudnian. R. J. Uniacke. jl'c.McicinnonDM S. J. Brookman. George Reading. E. B. Blenkhorn. W, B. Stewart. E. CarrittJM.b. Simon H. Holmes. Isaac Carvor. Jno A. McDonnell . Henry Lovett. W. J. Daup'iinee. David Matheson. Jno. Edgar. D. O'C. Madden. Wm. J.Bell. A. Taylor. J. Huntington. Tkkms ok HiTRKMK Court. 3rd Tues of June. IstTuesof October IstTues. of Jime. 2nd Tues of October I St Tues. of June. 1st Tues of October Iftt Tuf .. of June. IstTues of October 3rd Tues of June. 2nd Tues of October 2nd Tues. of June. Last Tues. of Oct'r. Last Tues. of May. 1st Tues. of October 4tli Tues. of April, I St Tues. of Nov'r. 2nd Tues. of Dec'r. Last Tues. of May. Tu.bef.lastTu.Sep. 3rd Tues. of June. 4th Tues of October 1st Tues. of June. 2iidTues of October I'hur.be.lstTuJne. Thur.af.2dTuOct; Thur.af.2dTu Jne. Thur.af.3dTu.0ct. 2nd Tues. of June. IstTues of October 4th Tues. of June. 1st Tues. of Nov'r. Last Tues of Sept'r. 3rd Tues. of June. 2nd Tues. of June. 4th Tues of October 4th Tues. of June. Tu.bef.lastTu.Sep. *At Halifax there are three Sittings and one T O o o :i] Dd Eh o a « Q 23 <1 as O O S IK o d «/ 1< • 0; , * 111 "a- : —; - td 5 «-l • 7i • is ■ *i • '. . -9 ! 2 bO w ■ -^ — o. , ^ • 4=^ o 5= : a o c S 1/ 3 = ^ 4/ 03^ S 3; u ;j = = cS S ^ ^ -o oi CS-S 0. ■" 23 i2 u • — c o > Q <1 5 2 = ^ 5," • 2 ^ c o u^ .5 £3302: ^ is Ic CO • •* "^aa3_-^ ^ ^ '-S -5 i> g? < Q > e S^ . = 4; >. O 3 = S C c = ►^ a. 5: •«^ _ u c = O-T c -^ ~ eg (/J r,. . = 3 *-2 S «- «; tiO a. <1 = c 3 «9rH >. a rs r/. Ol Ob 3 H -«^ r. O .■T3 ^^ „ c > 'C 4) « re 3 ^ .=.= 3 tfcZ Oi - H; c 00 ^^ . g^ VM _j -3 = 2 . "* 13 3 C ^ C — T ^ C 3 a '*J '-^ »i4 *-* '^ 3 3 tH ~ -? * "■ Ji •* -5 6C 5o-s "^ '^ 3 3- << "3-^ 3 C cS e3 -3 JS - a< > ji< 3 -_. Oh^"^ o .?•= > S 4) ci'e .. = >.>• = 58 -3 CC>4 ;I'"t3 ^ >> 4* 3 »r3 4J 3 t-i c-i -u „^ ^ rH 3 B*-""_B_S c c - 3 c S_B s 5§£-3iii?^-'5 5 2|-= = BcrB = r3csEa 3 3 s g 3 3 3f_, 3 ■ ST" >> >. ^ ^' ^ «« o4 5J * « :4 ■3 1^ .J; -5 "3 -n a 2 £ oj 4j eu c oc au bi *j u C 4« u ■w 1 C4 148 Parliamentary Directory. NEW BRUNSWICK. SUPRKMK COURT OF JUDICATURE. Chief JuHtice — Hon. John C. Allen, October 1876. Justices — Hon. J.W. Wehlon, 6th December, 1865; Hon. A. R. Westinore, 25th May, 1870; Hon. A. L. Palmer, June 1879; Hon. Geo. E. King, December, 1881; Hon. John Jamee Frazer, December aoth, 1882; W. H. Tuck, Clerk of the Crown; T. Carieton Allen, Clerk of Pleas and Equity. Terms — Hilary, first Tuesday in February ; Easter, second Tuesday in April: Trinity, wecond Tuesday in June; Michaelmas, second Tuesday in October; Nisi prius sittings in the County of. York, second Tuesday in May, and fourth Tuesday in October. EQUITY &ITT1NGS-1884. Mr. Judge Palmer, Equity Judge — Sittings, first Tuesday in each month, except September, in Fredericton ; in St. John, last Tuesdny in March, May, July, Septen»ber and November, and third Tuesday in January. COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY. Hon. Charles Walters, Judge; B. Lester Peters, Deputy Judge and Com- missary ; William Jack, Advocate General; Alfred A. Stokton, Registrar and Scribe ; G. Sidnev Smith, B. L. Peters and Alfred E. Oulton, Surrogates ; Thoe. C. Humbert, Marshal. <:OURT FOR THE TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT OF PIRACY AND OTHER OFFENCES OF THE HIGH SEAS. The Gevernor, the Chief Justice, and otner J udges of the Supreme Court ; the members of the Executive Council, Judge of the Vice- Admiralty, the Provincial Secretary, Commander-in-chief, Flag Officers and Captains, and Commanders of Ships of War on this station fur the time being. The Court sits at any place within the Province to be appointed by any three of the members; the Governor, Chief Justice, or one of the Supreme Court, or Judge of Admiralty, being one. PROBATE COURT. For the City and County of Saint John, is held every Friday at three o'clock, at the Registry Office, Hon. C. N. Shinner, Judge; W. C. Drury, Registrar. COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CASES. J udge— Hon . A. R. Wetmore : Registrar— F. A. H. Straton. Terms : The fourth Tuesday in February, June and October. SlTTimJ JrWIK -COONTV. Jamks G. Stkvens. Charlotte. Carleton. Victoria. Madawaslfu. Jamks Steadman. York. Sunbury. Queens. Bliss BoTSFORn. Westmoreland. T^^al and Judiciary. COUNTY COUKTS. 14^ DaTRH (IF SlTTlNim. Cl.KHK. Kent. WiLUAM Wilkinson Northumberland. Gloucester. Restigouche. Charles Watters. Saint John. Wm. Wedderburn. Kings. Albert. 2nd Tue8. June, 4th TueH. March & October. 2nd Tuei3 in March and Dec, 2nd Tues in Julv. 4th Wednesday in June, .Srd WenVday in Nov., IstTnes. in Dec , latter for re- turn of executions only. Tues aft.4thWed. in June & Tues. aft 3rd Wed. in Nov. 2nd Tues. in Jan. 3rd Tues. in March. Isi 'I'ues. in June k October. 3rd Tues. in Jan. h June; Wed. ful. 2nd Tues. in Oct. 4th Tuen. in Jan. & June; 3rd Tues. in October. IstTues, in June; 2nd Tues. in Sept. A Dec ; 1st TueH, in March. Sept Term only for return of Executions. 3rd 'I'ues. in Jan ; last Tues. in April : 1st Tues. in July k 4th Tues in Oct 4th Tues. in Jan ; 1st Tues. in Apri" 4lh Tues. in July ; 3rd Tues. in Oct. 3rd Tues in Mch ; 2nd Tues. in July; 1st Tues. in Nov. 4th Tues in Mch; 3rd Tues. in July ; 2nd Tues. in Nov. 4th Tues. in Jan., April, July & Oct 1st Tues. in Jan., April, Julv & Oct, SrdTues. in June '2nd Tues. in Nov. Geo. S. Gruniner. Wm. M. Connoll D. B.Gallagher R. A. Stewart. F. R. J. Dibbler. Jan. Tibbitts. A. R. Balloch Chas. H.B.Fisher Geo J. Bliss. ./as. R. Curry. W. W. Wells. Iliiai Hhrkifk. F.J. Rice. A. A. Sterling. Chas. H. Clowes. John Palmer. R. A. Chapman. Jas D. Phinney. Samuel Thomson, T. DesBrisay. James S. Morse. Mont. McDonald. A. E. McLeod. S. G. Morse. A. Gerouard. John Shirritf. fi. R. Doucette Wm. H.Phillips. Jas. A. Harding. S. N. Freeze. Asael Wells. 1,0 Pa rliamcHtary Di recto ty PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. COURT OF CHANCERY. Chancellor — Hifi Honor tlie Lt. Governor Tlios. Heath Haviland. Master of the Rolls — Hon. .fames Peters. Vice-ChanceMor — Hon. Joseph Hensley, Ma.';ters and F^aininei — Hons. John Longworth, Tlio.s. Heath Haviland and Edward Bayfield. Master Extraordinary — Thos. Kelly. Regi.-ster — James D. Irving.] [Crier and 'J'instaH — John McKinnoii. Terms of the Court or dates of liolding Hilary Term — Commences 1st Tuesday in February, ends lolluvving Saturday. Trinity Term — Commences last Tuesday in May and end? following Saturday. Michaelmas Term — Com- mences 3rd Tuesday in November and ends ensuing Saturday. INSTANCE COURT OF VICE-ADMIRAL"- i. Judge — Hon. Edward Palmer, Jui'ge of Commissary. Hon. Joseph Hensly, Deputy Judge. Hon. John Longworth Dtputy Jmlge. W. W. Sullivan, Surrogate and Advocate General. Jas. D. Irving, Registrar. Freil. W. fivndman. Marshal. COUNTY COURTS. Judge-D. 0. M. Reddin. Clerk— . Date ol sittings — COURT OF MARRIAGE OR DIVORCE. Sheriff- Held on the 2nd Monday in May, with power to adjourn from time to time. His Honor the Lt. governor, PresiiJent. Her Majesty's Executive Council, Members. The Attorneys of the Supreme Court, Solicitors and Proctors. COURT OF PRORATE AND WILLS. Hon. Charles You.ig, LL.D., Surrogate. John G. J. Weldon, Registrar* The Attorneys and Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Proctors and Advocates SUPREME COURT. Judge — Hon. E. Palmer, Chief Jui'tice. J. Hensley, Assistant Judge- J. H. Peters, Assistant Judge. Sheriffs — Henry Longwortr, Queens Cotinty > W. G. Strong, Prince County ; James McDonald. Kings County. Queens County, Terms commence : Hilary Term — 2nd Tuesday in January. Easter Term — Ist Tuesday ii.' May. Trinity Term — Last Tuesday in June, Aiichaelmas Term — Last Tuesday in October. Kings County, Georgetown — Last Tuesday in February, 3rd Tuesday in July. Prince County, Summerside — 2nd Tuesday in June, Ist Tuesday in Oct. COUNTY COURTS. Queens County Courts: Judge— George Alley. Chief Clerk — F. W. Hughes. 1st Circuit, Clifton, Lot 21 — 1st Tuesday in August, OclabvT and March. Clerk-Geo. B. McKay. Legal and Judiciary. 151 2n(i Cirr uit, New Glasgow, Lot 23 — On the Fridaj' Dcxt following the first Tuesday ir August, October, December and March. Clerk — Arthur B. Dickieson. '^rd Circuit, Bonshaw, Lot 30 — On the 2nd Tuesday in August, October* December and March. Clerk Robt. Fnce. 4th Circuit, St. Peter's Road (Dunstaft'uage) Lot 35 — On the Friday next following the 2nd 'iuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Jlenry M. McJ^e-^d. 5th Circuit, LJIdon, Lot 57 — On the 2rd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Donald R. McDonald. oth Circuit, Charlottetovvn — On the 4th Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Frederick W. Hughes. Kings County Courts: Judge — Dennis O'Meara Reddin. Chief Clerk — Geo. A. Aitkin. 1st Circuit, Souris East — 1st Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — James Moynagh, jr. 2iid Circuit, Head St. Peter's Bay — 2nd Tuesday in Atigust, October December and March. Clerk — Andrew Lewis. 3rd Circuit, Dundas — (Jn the Friday following the 2nd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk, Geo. McKenzie. 4th Circuit, Head of Murniy River — On the Monday next. following the ^nd Tuesday in August, October, Dec iber and March. Clerk*-R. Whiteway. 5th Circuit, Georgetown — On tl 3rd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Chas. Aitkin. Prince County Courts : Judge— Thos. Kelly Chief Clerk— W. T. Hunt. li^t Circuit, Alberton — On the 1st Tuesday ;• .iugust, Octoberj December and Miirch. Clerk — J. D. Woodman. 2nd Circuit, Port Hill — On the 2nd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Hugh A. Ramsay. 3rd Circuit, Abrams Village, IjOt 15 — On the Friday following the 2nd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Sylvanus E. Gallant. 4th Circu't, Centreville — On 3rd Tuesday in August, Ojiober, DecemU-r and March. Clerk — Alfred Schurman. 5th CirciMt, Summerside — Gn the Friday following the 3rd Tuesday in August, October, December and March. Clerk — Hugh J. Massey. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. COURT OF QIEEN'S BENCH. Chief Justice — Hon. h. Wallbridge. Puisne Judges — Hon. Jos. Dubuc, Hon. T. W. Taylor, Hon. Robert Smith. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown and Peace — G. H.Walker. Deputy — Aug. Mills. Cliamber Clerk — Geo. A. Betournivy. Record Clerk — H. S. Sherwood. Entering Clerk— R. R. Tait. Master in Etjuity and Referee — Wm. Leggo. Registrar in Equity and Clerk of Records and Writs — And. Lemon. Accountant in Equity — H. A. L. Dundas. Clerk (Equity Side)— J. A. \V. Innis. 152 Parliamevtary Directory. Eastern Judiciai, District. Sheriff— C. Inkster. Deputy — J. Robertson. Ckntral Judicial District. Deputy Prothonotary and Deputy Clerk of Crown ami Pleaw — i^ McDonald]! Portage La Prairie. Sheriff— J \ Setter. Deputy — Chap. G. Johnston. Western Judiciai. District. Deputy Prothonotary and Deputy Clerk of Crown and Pleaa — W. J, Fergusson, Brandon. Sheriff — Stephen Clement. Namk of .Judge County and Where Held. Datk k\y Holdino. W. D. Ardagh, Selkirk— Held at Jan. 2nd, Feb. 1st, Co. Jud^e, Winnipeg. {March .3rd, April Winnipeg. jlst, May Ist, June i2nd & I7th, July !2nd&14lh,Sept. l9t, Oct. Ift, Nov. 3rd. Cl.KKK, L. N. Betourney. Eniertion — Held at Ei)j6i.-^:i. Varennes — Held at Kat Portage. Lisgar — Held at Selkirk. Morris — Held at Morris. D'Iberville— Held at St. Robert. Marquette East — Held at St.Francois Xavier. Feb. 'ith, Aprii:W. J. Whitley. 4th, July 6th, Sept.| 5th, Nov. 7th. ! Feb. 7th, April T. A. Gadbois. 8th, J ine 9tli, July 17th, Sept. 22nd',! Nov. 10th. ! Feb. 11 til, April! A. J. Murray, llth, June TithJ Sept. I2th, Nov. I 1.1th. Feb. fiih, June Ifith, J ilv llth, Sept. 26th, Dec. Sth. Feb. 22nd, Mav 26th, July 9th, Sept 27th, Dec. 10th. T. C. Ten nan t. Jos. Lemav. Feb. 23rd, May! Pierre Lavallee. 27lh, July 10th, Sept. 29th, Dec. llth Le^al and Judiciary. ^s.-v NaMF. of JuiMif. W, D. Ardagh, Co, Judge, Winnipeg, County and Where Held. Datk of IIou>ino. Cl.KRK. Nelson— Held at Feb, 13tli, May Nelson. 20tli, Sept. 17tli, Dec. 16th. Pilot Mound — HeldatPilotMound Carillon— Held at St. Pierre (Joly's i Post Office), Feb. loth, Mav 22nd, Sept, 19th', Dec. 18th. 8th July. C. F. Collins. J. M. Fraser. P. A, Saxbertan. Central Judicial District. Joseph Ryan, Co. Judge, Portage La Prairie.' Prairie. Marquette West — i March 4th, MavjThos. Collins. Held at Portage La 27th, Aug. 2fith", Nov. 25th. Westhourne — i March 1st, June Held at Gladstone. 7th, Aug. 23rd, Nov. 2n(l. T. Corry. Beautiful Plains 90, I — Held at Neepawa. r>tli, Aug. 21st, Nov. I _ 1 20th. Western JupiciAL District. Feb 28ih, JunejM. H. Fieldhouse Jlon. D. M. Walker,! Brandon — Heldj Feb. 26th, May W. Barr. Co. Judge, at Brandon. |27th, Aug. 2oth, Brandon. .Vov. 25th. Miiinedosa — Heidi March .Srd, June at Minnedosa. ,3rd, Sept. 2.id, Dec! I2nd. Birtle — Held at! Feb. 12th, Oct. iBirtle. 14th. F. H. Herchnicr, NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. COURTS, ETC. Stipendiary MagiKtiHtee — Lieut.-Col. Hugh Richardson and Lic-ut.-Col- McLeo^i, CM. (J. Sheriff — St. Ange Chapleau, Regina. Hegi-'itrais — Registrar-General fo; N. W, T., Wni. J. Scott, BattU'ford ; Prince Albert District, Alex. Sproat, Prin(!e Albert; Regina, Touchwood and Sourip Districts, Goo. A. Montgo'iiery, Regina , Calgary, T. A, McLean, Calgary. J 54 Parliamentary Directory. NEWFOUNDLAND. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Chief Justice— Sir Frederick B. T. Carter, K.C.M.G. Assistant Judges — John Hayvvard and Robert J. Prusent, D.C.L. Attorney-General— Sir W. V Whiteway, K.C.M.G. Solicitor-General — Hun. Jas. S. Winter, Q.C. Chief Clerk and Registrar Supreme Court — P. Emerson, Q. C. Registrar Southern District — Henry T. B. Wood. Crier oJ the Supreme Court and Tipstaff'— John Burke. Sheriffs. Central District— Thos. Talbot. Su j-Sheritt- Lionel T. Chancey. Northern District — John Bemister. Southern District — James Carter. Masters in Chancery. Hon. George H. Emerson, Q C. ; Thos. J. Kough, Q.C; Sir W. V. ^hiteway, Q.C; Prescolt Emerson, Q.C; Hon. J. S. Winder, Q.C. Sessions Supreme Court. Spring Term commences 20th May and continues three weeks. Autumn Term — 20th November and continuing three weeks, with power to the Judges to prolong the Term from day to day, not exceeding six days in all. Sessions after Term. The first Monday in February, March, April, and July, and to continue for a period not exceeding six days. Vice-Admiralty Court. Judge — Chief Justice for the time being. Registrar— R. R. W. Lilly, Q.C. Marshall — A. 0. Hayward, Q.C. Surrogates— D. W. Prowse : R. R .W. Lilly, H. T. B. Wood. St. John's, Harbor Grace. Central District Court. Judges — D. W. Prowse, Q.C; Jas. Gerve (\>nroy. Clerk of the Court — II. R. W. Lilly, Q.C !fl III I V. Legal and [udiciary. '55 BRITISH COLUMBIA. SUP HEME COURT. Judcres-Hon. Sir M. B. Begbie, Hon. 11 P. Crease, Hon. J, H. Gray, Hon. J. F. McCreight, Hon. Geo. A. Walkeiu. Sherifts-Victoria, Tl.os. Harris; New Westminster J. Morrison; CariSo G'B/.nes; Kamloops, G. C. Tunstall ; Nananno, M. Bray ; Cassmr. J. L. Crimp. jwer liavs inue lin's. irt— '. II' DOMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT. The Dominion of Canada consists of the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, (formerlv Upper and Lower Canada), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia and the North West Territories. The first four provinces were united under the provisions of an Act of the Imperial Parliament passed in March 18(57, and known a"* " The British North America Act 1867," which came into operation on the 1st <''jly, 1867, by Royal Proclamation, The Act provides that the Constitulijn' of the Dominion shall be similar in principle to that of the United Kinjidom ; that the executive authority shall be vested in ihe Sovereign of (Jreat Britain and Ireland, and carried on in her name by a Governor General and Privy Council ; and that the legislative power shall be exercised by a Parliament of two Houses called the Senate and the House of Comnjons. Provision is also made in the Act tor the admission of Newfoundland — still a self-governing Crown colony — into the Dominion of Canada. October 1876, by an Act ;^8 Vic, cap. 49, the North West Territories, excepting t^ie portion already comprising the Province of Manitoba, were formed into a separate and distinct government. They (the Territories) are governed by a Liputenant-Governor assisted by a council of five members, and subject to instructions given by Order-in-C'ouncil at Ottawa and forwarded through the Minister of the Interior or the Secretary of Slate for Canada. Representatives may be returned from time to time to council or a«8embly according as districts containing an area of 1,000 square miles attain a population of not less than 1,000 inhabitants of ;?dult age exclusive of aliens or unenfranchised Indians. The members of the Senate of the Parliament of the Dominion are nominat'^d for life bv »iunmons of the Governor-General under the Great Seal of Canada. By the terms of the constitution there may l)e 7.S senators, viz., 2f from Ontario, H from Quebec, and 24 from the Marititne Provinces, divided as follows: — 10 from Nova Scotia, 10 from New Brunswick, and four from P. E, Island— 3 from Manitoba and S from British Columbia. A senator must be .30 years of age, a born or naturalized subject, and |K)sses8ed of property real or personal of the value of $4,000 in the province lor which he IS appoinud, The Hon, e of Commons of the Dominion i.-* elected f>y the people for live years, at the rate of one representative for every 17,000 souls ; at present on the basis of the census returns of 1881, the House of Commons should consist of 21.3, as follows : — 93 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec, 21 for Nova Scotia, 16 <^or New Brunswick, 7 for Prince Edward Island, ;> for Manitoba, and 6 for Br'tish Columbia. Themeabersof the House of Commons are elected by constituencies, varyi' g in the diflerent provinces. In Ontario and Quebec a vote is given to every male subject l>eing the owner or occupant or tenant of real property of the assesseii value of ;>00 dollars or of the yearly value of $30.00 within cities or towns, and of the asHcssed value of $200 or the yearly v&lue of $20.00 if not so situate. In New Brunswick a vote is given to every ri 'i' subject of the age of 21 years assessed in respect of real ej"tate to the amc nt of 100 dollars, or of personal property or personal and real amounting together to $400.00, or $400 annual income. In Nova Scotia the franchise is with all subjects Domunon of Canada. •57 of the age of 21 years assessed in reripeot of personal estite or of real estate to the value of $150, or in respect of personal estate or of real and personal together to the value of $400. Voting is by ballot. The Speaker of the House of Conimons is paid a salary of $4,000 per annum, and each member an allowance of 10 dollars per diem up to the end of HO days, and for a session lasting longer than that period the 8un\ of $1,000 with, in every case, 10 cents per mile for travelling expenses. The sum of $8 per diem is deducted for every day's absence of a member unless the same is caused by illness. The same applies to inemVrs of the Senate regarding allowance, mileage, etc., etc. The seven provinces have each a separate parliament ai)d administration with a Lieutenant-Governor at the head of the Executive. Tliey have full power to regulate their own local affairs, dispose of their reveniips, and enact such laws an they may deem best for their own welfare, provided only they do not interfere with ot are adverse to the action and policy of the Central Administration under the Governor-General. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. Is Chief Executive Officer, carrying out the Government of Canada on behalf and in the name ot the Qiteen, and is a corporation sole; and all bonds and other instruments by law required to be taken to hiu) in his public capacity, are taken to him by his name of office, and may be sued for and recovered by him by his office aa such; and the same may not in any fa^e vest in the personal representatives of the Governor General, in whose- name they were so taken. The Queen may, if Her Majesty thinks fit, authorize the Governor General from time to time to appoint any person or persons jointly or severally to be his deputy or deputies within any part of Canada, and in that capacity exercise, during the pleasure of the Governor General, such of the powers and functions of the Governor General as he, the Governor General, deems it necessary or expedient to assign to nini or them, subject to any limitations or directions expressed or given by the Queen ; but the apf.'oioiment of any such deputy or deputies shall not affect the exercise by tl\e Governor-General himself of any power, authority or function. The Goverjior General is paid yearly, and pro rata for any period less than a year, a salary ot ten thousand pounds sterling, being equal to forty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-three cents, which is paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund ot Canada, and forms the third chartre thereon. His Excellf^ncy, the niost Honorable Sir Henry Charles Keith, Petty- Fit/.maurice Marquess of Lansdowne*. in the County ut' Somerset, Earl ol V/^yconibe, of Chipping Wvconibe, in the County of Bucks, Viscount Calm- and Calnestone, in the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycombe, Baron of Cliippintr Wycombe, in tlie Coiinty ot Bucks, in tlio pe 'raj^c uf Great Britain; Earl of Kerry and Earl of Slielburne, Viscount Clanciduriceand Fitzmaurice, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw and Dunkerr'^f i'l ''.t peerage ol Ireland; Knight Grand Cross of our most distinguished order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor General ol Canada and Tice Admiral ot the same, See, Ac, Born Januai . 14th, 1845; educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxibrd; appointed Commis.sioner of Exche(]uer of Great Mritain and of Treasury of Ireland 1868- • 72; Under Secretary of State for War 1872-74; Undersecretary Hir India in 1880. Appointed Governor General ot the Dominion ot Canada Au{.^ust 18th 1883; assumed government theieot October 23rd, 1883. Rideau Hall, New Edinburgh. Office: Eastern Departmental Building. Governor General's Entrance: west side ot building, under arch. ' XS8 Ji ! Parliamentary Directory. GovKiiNoR Gknkrai/s Staff, Tlie Viscount Mclgnnil, Governor General's Secret'iry and Military Secretary. Lieut. Henry Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards, Aide-de-Camp. Lieut, the Hon. H. J. Anson, Highland Li<:lit Infantry, Aide-de-Camp. Capt. Russtll Stephenson, Aide-de-Camp (extra). OFFrCE OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S SECRETARY. Charles J. Jones, Chief Clerk. Wm. Campbell, New Edinfthurgh. Peter L. McUermott;New Edingburgh. Fitzmaurice Stuart, *JH ^ 'bert street. George Smith, Messengei-. Sergeant Clarke, Orderly. Charles Jeromk Jones, B.A., Chief Clerk, Governor General's Of'ice, Rideau Club. Born at Port Hope, Ont., December the tth, 1848; educated at Port Hope Grammar School, Trinity College School, and at Trinity College, Toronto, at the latter he graduated and received the degree of B. A. ; entered the Governor General's Office 17th January, 1875 ; was made ii senr. 2nd. clasc clerk, October, 1878; 1st class clerk, Ist June, 1882; a chief clerk — prest nt position — Ist July 1883.— Eastern Departmental Building. THE PRIVY COUNCIL. The Executive Government of Canada is vested in and exercisable by the Governor General, by and with the advice of the Queen's Privy CVmcil tor Canada. The members of the Privy Council are chosen and summoned from time to time by the Governor General and sworn in as Privy Councillors. All power and functions which, under any Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, or of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the Legislature of Canada, were, at the Union, vested in the Governors or Lieutenani. Governors of the sever^^l provinces, with the advice and consent of the respective Executive Councils thereof, or in conjunction with those Councils, or with any number of members thereof, or by those Governors or Jjieutenant Governors individually, as far as the same is capable of being exercised in relation to the government of Canada, are vested in the Governor General, with the advice and consent of, or in conjunction with the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, or any members thereof, or b}' the Governor General individually, as the case requires, subject, nevertheless, (except with respect to such as exist under Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) to be abolished or altered uy the Parliament of Canada. The Executive for the time being, or the Cabinet, is composed of the several Ministers of the Crown, and is at present as follows : Itir.HT Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.B. President of Council and Prime Minister, and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. Hon. Sib Leonard Tilley, •' Sir Alexander Campbell, " Sib Hector Langevin, " Sib David MoPherson, - " Mackenzie Bowell, » A. P. Carc , Minister of Finance. Minister of Justice. Minister of Public Works. Minister of the Interior. Minister of Customs. Minister of Militia. Uj. Dominion of Canada. 159 Hov, (I (( <( it (c John CosTifiAX, J. H. POI'K, J. H. Poi'K, - John CAiiLixfi, - A. W. McLkt.an, J. A. CiiAi'r,KAr, Frank Smith, J. (C Minister oi'Inlanii Revenue. - Minister of Agriculture. - (Acting) Minister of Railways and Canals*. - Postmaster General. - - - - Minister of Marine and Fisheries. • Secretary of State. Without portfolio. J. McGkk, Clerk of the Council. The following arc members of the Privy Council who are not now of the Cabinet : Hon. Sir Charles Tuppor, K.C.M.G., C.B., High Commissioner for Canada, London, England. " Sir A. T. Gait, G.C.M.G., D.C.li. " William Macdougall, C.B., Q.C. " Sir WilUam P. Howland, K.C.M.G., CB. " A. G. Archibald, C.M.G., Q.C. Peter Mitchell, M. P. Jean C. Chapais, Senator. Sir Edward Kenny, Kt. Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M G., Q.C, London, Eng. Sir Francis Hincks, K.C.M G., CB. Alexander Morris, D.C.L., Q.C, M.P.P. J. C Aikins, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. John O'Connor, Q.C, Puisne Judge Court of Queen's Bench, Ontario. Theodore Robitaille, M.D. Hugh McDonald, Judge Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Alexander Mackenzie, M.P. Sir A. A. Dorion, Chief Justice of the Province of Quebec. Edward Blake, Q.C, M.P. Sir Richard J. Cartwright, K.C.M.G. David Laird. Isaac Burpee, M.P. Donald Alexander Macdonald. Thomas Coffin. Telesphore Fournier, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. William Ross, Collector of Customs, Halifax, N. S. Richard W. Scott, Q.C, Senator. L. S. Huntington, Q.C. Felix Geoftrion, M.P. William B. Vail, M.P. J. E. Cauchon. David Mills. R. Laflamme, Q.C. C A. P. Pelletier, C.M.G., Senator. Wilfred Laurier, Q.C, M.P. " A. J. Jones. " R. D. Wilmot, Jjieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. " L. R. Masson, Lieutenant Governor of Province of Quebec. ♦• li. F. G. Baby, Puisne Jud^e of the Court of Queen's Bench of Quebec. " James McDonald, Q.C, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. " James C. Pope. " Joseph Alfred Mousseaii, Q.C, Puisne Judge Superior Court, Quebec. Privy Council Office. All despatches from the Colonial Office, the British Embassay at Washington, the High Commissioner in London, the Lieutenant Governors ot (< (C << <( <( i( (C <( (( C( (C i6o Parliamentary Direclorw UiCBi'voral provinces, &c. are brought, under tlie consideration of the Privy Council, and Slate papers generally are of record in this office since the conquest. Stakk ok the p. C. 0. P. J. U. Beaudry, Assistant Clerk of Council, 248 Chapel street. Henry Alexander, Clerk, 186 Queen Street. W. Horace Lee, Clerk, 2(>2 Sominerset Street. Lewis J. Burpee, Clerk, 338 Wilbrod. U. W. Baldwin, Draughtsman and Accountant, Gloucester street. Clerks. F. K. Bennetts, 251 Slater Street. P. .1. Brennan, 180 Wellington. L. Lelievre, 198 Albert. F. Newby, Rideau Club. 1 M. Nauhgton Doorkeeper, 468 Rideau Street. L. H. Chute, The Queen's O. L. E. Moll, Beseerer St. May, 49 Metcalfe. H. A. Messengers. B. Grenier, 147 St. Andv.'W Street. W. Groom, 488 Cumberland. W. Reynolds, Janeville. B. Chilton, Stovvarton. John Josei'H McGee, Clerk of the Privy Council, 383 Daiy street, Ottawa. Born in Wexford, Ireland, 1845; educated at St. Peter's College, Wexford, which is affiliated with the Catholic University. Dublin; came to Canada in 1863, at the instance of his brother, the late Hon. Thomas D'Arcy McGee; became a Provincial Land Surveyor in 1866 and has been contin- uously employed by the Government since that time; was tne of the engineers under the Government in the construction of the Intercolonial Railway; after spending thirteen years in the outside service of the Govern- ment, entered the civil service in 1879 as a 1st class clerk in the Dominion Lands Branch of the Department of the Interior ; appointed Assistant Clerk, 19th January, 1880, and Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council, 20th May, 1882. Eastern Departmental Building. Pierre Janvier Ubalde Beacdry, Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council, 284 Chapel street, Ottawa. Born in Montreal, 1843; educated at St. Mary's College, Montreal; received an Advocate, 1866; appointed Prothonotary, Clerk of Circuit Court, Clerk of the Crown and of the Peace for the district of Beauharnois, 186"^; member of the Academie des Muses Santones Royan, France; appointei Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council, 28th May, 1884. Eastern Departmental Building. The Nortii-West Mounted Police. ThePresident of the Privy Council hasat present the control and manage- ment of the Police Force and of all matters connected therewith ; but tlie Governor in Council may at any time transfer such control to any other Department. TheManajfementof the North West Mounted Police ie conducted by an oflF.cer with rank as Deputy Head of a Department and styled the Comptroller of the North-West Mounted Police. Dominion of Canada, i6i Frederick White, Comptroller of the North- West Mounted Police, St. Paul St. L. Fortescue, Clerk A. Fisher, Accountant. R. M. Gallwey, L. Duples&is, Junior Clerks. Frederick White, Comptroller of the North- West Mounted Police, St. Paul St. Born in England 16th February 1847; educated there; entered the Canadian civil service as clerk in the Department o( Justice Ist March 1869; translierred to the Department of State as clerk in charge Mounted I'olice Branch April 18'36; promoted to be a chief clerk 23rd Septemtier 1878; transferred to Department of the Interior, with title of Comptroller, November same year; transferred to Department of Privy Council 17th November, 188.3; was private secretary to Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.H., from 1880 to 1884.— Eastern Departmental Building. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. The Department of Finance is presided over by a Minister of the Crown, appointed by the Governor by Commission under the Great Seal of Canada, and styled " The Minister of Finance and Receiver General." The Deputy of the Minister of Finance and Deputy Receiver General, is appointed by the Governor-in-Council, and holds office during pleasure. The Treasury Board, Consisting of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Customs and the Minister of Inland Revenue, act as a Committee of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, on all matters relating to Finance, Revenue and Expenditure or Public Accounts, which may be referred by Council to the Board, or ot which the Board may deeu) it necessary to call the attention of Council, and have also the power to demand from any public department, board or officer, or other person bound by law to iurnish such to the Government, any account, return, statement, document or infor- mation which the Board may think requisite for the due performance of the duties to be transacted. The Minister of Finance and Receiver General is the Chairman of the Treasury Board, and the Deputy of the Minister \f>. ex- officio the Secretary, and through him shall the Board communicate with Departments, officers of Departments or others with whom communication is necessary to be held. The Treasury Board have power to prescribe from time to time the method and form in which the books in the various Departments are to be kept, by submitting a report of the same to the Goveriior-in-Council The Board have also the power to direct any officer having charge of a Branch of the Revenue to keep his books and accounts in such a form as may be deemed advisable, and the more ready means of obtaining and furnishing statistical or other informatio;i in reference to Trade and Commerce, Public Works or other matters of public interest, in relation to the business ot the Country. The Deputy of the Minister of Finance, under the direction of the Minister, has the supervision, control and direction of all matters relating to the Financial Affairs, Public Accounts, Revenue and Expenditure of Canada, which are not, or in so far as they are not by law or by order of the Governor- in-Council, assigned to any other Department of the Civil Service, and such other duties as may be assigned to his Department by the Governor-in-Council ; he shall keep the accounts with the Financial Agents of Canada in England, and with the Bank or Banks receiving or paying public moneys, and the accounts of moneys payed lor interest on Canadian Stock Debentures or other Canadian securities. 11 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 2.0 lU u IL25 1111.4 I 1^ FhotograjM] Sciences CarpQTBtiQn 33 WKT MAM STIHT WnSTIR,N.Y. 14SM (71*) •72-4503 '^ mmmusmammmmk ..^ / <62 Parliamentary Directory He shall nl^o classify all appropriations of public moneys, and keep posted up a book to be called the appropriation book, containing an account under seperate and distinct heads, of every appropriation, whether permanent or temporary, entering undor each head the amounts drawn on account of such appropriation, with the jateH and names of the parties to whom payments are made; and shall keep the Public Accounts ot Canada. POBLIC ACCOXTXTS. The Public Account- .<^ kept by double entry by an officer of the Finance Department, and !.oaer the supervision of the Deputy Minister; and a statement i^ prepared h*- ma^ly, soon after the close of the fiscal year, showing the amount of tl. ' assets and liabilities at the time specified. Also an account must be prepared and transmitted to the Auditor General on or before the 30th September, showing the issues made from the consolidated revenue fund during the financial year ended on the 30th June preceding, for interest on the funded and unfunded debt, for the civil list, and all other issues in the financial year for services directly under the control of the Finance Department in order that the Auditor may report thereon and the Accounts and Reports are l"'d l)efore the House of Commons by the Minister of Finance and Receiver General on or before the Hist Januarjr the following year, if Parliament be then sitting, and if not sitting, then within one week after Parliament shall be next assembled. It is the duty of the Deputy Minister of Finance to prepare and «ubmit to the Minister the Public Accounts to be annually laid before Parliament, which accounts shall include from 30th June one year to the same dale of the year following, such space of time constituting the financial year. Estimates are also prepared by the Deputy Minister, such e«timut»'S being for services coming in course o/ payment during the financial year, and are submitted to Parliament by the Mmister. Balances of appropriation remaining unexpended at the end of the financial year lapse and are written off. All returns and statements required from Savings Banks, Chartered or other Banks, and such other institutions required to make financial statements or returns, shall (when not otherwise provided) be transmitteii to the Deputy Minister of Finance, and under his supervision such as are so ordered are prepared and published in the Canada Gazette, at intervals, as prescribed by statute, as is also the List of Shareholders of Cliarterpd Banks, with amount of Stock — par value — held by such, which latter is published in book form annually. The Deputy Minietar of Finance has full charge and control of 'the internal management of the Department, assigning to the officers and clerks of his Department such duties as he may deem proper that they should perform, and see to the faithful performance of such duties; to faciliate the more ready carrying into eft'ect of which, the Department is divided into the following branches : — Accountant of Continqenciks. An officer attached, for convenience, to the Finance Department, whose duty it ir to atten I to the payment of the contingencies of each department of the Civil Service and to ascertain tliat the charges are just and not exorbitant claims, and which are, as nearly as possible, under the following heads: Subscriptions to and advertising in newspapers. The purchase of books, where not purchased through stationery office. Telegraph inj^. Postage, freight and express charges. Wages of charwomen and other expenses fur cleaning offices, &o. Dominion of Canada. 163 Travelling ex pen pes, cab hire, %c. Extra clerks to such extent as allowed by Civil Separlment. Superintendent of Savings Banks, Finance Department. The Superintendent of Savinjr.a Banks has charge and receives notice of deposits nuide at the several branch offices throughout the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Alanitoba, British Columbia, and also of the City of Toronto, where an office is under the management of an A.ssistant Receiver General. The accounts are kept, and interest anniiiiily computed, and withdrawals made at the head office, Finance Depart- ment, and under the supervision of the Superintendent. Pass books are ordered to be forwarded to head office once a year for comparison with ledger account, and to have interest entered therein. The Comptrou.er of the CrRRENCT, Has full charge of the currency branch of the Finance Department and Treasury vault, and all Dominion Notes as received from the engravers, and controls the issue of them to the several Assistant Receivers General as they 164 Parliamentary Directory, require them, and in accordance with the law controlling such issue, superin* tends the cancellation and destruction of all Dominion and other notes returned or unfit for further circulation, also superintends the preparation of the state- ment of the circulation of specie and Dominion Notes published monthly in the Canada Gazette. Is the custodian of all securities deposited with the Receiver General by the several Insurance Companies in accordance with the Dominion Insurance Act, and also those by contractors for the satisfactory performance of public contracts. Senior 1st Class Clerk holdiko office axaloqous to that in the Imperial Treasury, op Auditor of Civil List and Assistant Finan- cial Secretary and Treascbv Officer of Account. Supervises the Appropriation Ledgor work, and the half-yearly payments of dividends on Dominion Stocks, and is custodian of all dividend cheques returned to the Department as uncalled for. Has supervision of the Establishment Books, inside and outside, of the enti e I!ivil Service. l8 charged with the management of the Superannuation List, and keeps a record of all Orders-in-Council, authorizing the expenditure of Public Moneys. Signs the Departmental cheques, letters of crec^it, the certificates authorizing the issue of the credits^, and instructions to banks authorizing the Eayment of Salaries of the Lieutenant-Governors and Judges, Sundry Pay ists (outside Service), and all Pensions and Superannuation Allowances. In the absence of the Deputy Minister, signs Dominion Stock Certificates, Bills of Exchange, and Certificates authorizing tlie issue of Departmental cheques, and authorizes the payment to executors or administrators of the balances standing at the credit ot' deceased depositors in the Government Savings Banks. Acts for the Accountant of Contingencies in the absence of that officer. Prepares Governor-General's Special Warrants, Pay Lists for the Montiily Salaries ot the Department, and Returns called for by Parliament. Clerk of Statistics. Supervises and prepares for publication in the official Canada Gazette all statistics in relation to Banks, Savings Banks, Loan Companies, Building Societies, &,c ; prepares annually a list of the Shareholders of the Chartered Banks in Canaaa with the number ot shaies held on .31st December of each year, and the value of uch shares ; prepares such Returns and Statements relating to Banking as may be called for by Parliament during Session ; audits and keeps an account of the amounts paid monthly for Stationery, Printing and Binding for the Department; carefully examines that each Return made to the Department is in conformity with the law under which such Return is intended to be made; and prepares such extra statements from month to n.onth as the Deputy Minister may deem of importance, to show the true standing of the several financial institutions obliged to maktf Returns to the Department. Sir Leonard Tilley, C. B., K. C. M. G., Minister of Finance and Receiver General. (See page 99.) J. M. Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance, 460 Wilbrod street. Lt.-Col. Thomas Ross, Accountant of Contingencies, " Littlecot," 188 Stewart.. T. D. Tims, Financial Inspector, 879 Cooper street. Dominion of Canada, 165 Fred. Toller, Comptroller of the Currency, " Devon Villa," cor. Chapel and Daly streets. J. A. Torrance, Dominion Book-keeper, 471 King street. C J. Anderson, Chief Clerk Savings Bank. Branch, 196 Maria street. Richard W. Baxter, Senior Ist Class Clerk, Auditor of Civil List and Assistant Financial Secretary, and Treasury OfHcer of Account, " Fairview," Elgin Street Road. ■G. Y. Crookshank, Private Secretary t^ the Minister, Grand Union. John Robins, O'Connor street. M. G. Dickieson, Accountant Treasury Board, 90 Slater street. Robert O'Reilly, 148 Church street. J. A. Clayton, 209 Daly street. Geo. Lowe,jr., Teller Currency Branch, Metcalfe street, Stewarion. J.B. H. Neeve, 104 Goucesier street. J. R, Nash, 206 Daly street, N. S. Garland, Clerk of Statistics, "The Grange," Kars, '.rand Union. John McNicol,376 Gloucester street. G. M. Jarvis 57 Theodore street. C E. Turgeon, 64 Gloucester street. C, J. Street, 17 St. Thomas street, New Edinburgh. H. J. R. Fripp, 59 Theodore street. C. A. Gough, 239 Theodore street E. Stone Wiggins, 2.37 Daly street. James Hopkirk, 76 Slater street. C. \V. Treadwell,55 O'Connor street. T. C. Boville, 192 Bank street. C. W. C. Tabor, Bank street. A. B. Foster, Lyon street, J. P. Nutting, 149 O'Connor street. E. A. Black, 94 Bank street, W. H. Hayes. Ed. L. Brittain. C. J. Taaker, 241 Nicholas street. W. L. Blair, 1.33 Slater street. ^ . Capbert, .351 King street. Thomas Gilmour, 94 O'Connor street. Cameron Stanton, 346 Maria street. F. A. Coffin, 94 Bank street. J. P. Taylor, 266 Lisgar street. C. A. Galhvey, 378 Besserer street. Messengers: — Peter Connelly, 137 Wilbrod ; W P. Pender, 112 Augusta. H. O.strom, 118 Augusta; John Mortimer Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance and Deputy of the Receiver General, No. 460 Wilbrod Street. Born in England, 22nd July 18.38 ; educated by private tution ; entered public service of Canada, as Chief Clerk Treasury Board, 2nd June 1869; appointed, 2!id August 1878, under 41 Victoria, chapter 7, Deputy Minister of Finance; is ex-officio Deputy Receiver General, and Secretary of the Treasury Board; is a Director of the Civil Service Building and Savings Society. — Eastern Departmental Building. Lieut .-Col. Thomas Ross, Accountant of Contingencies, " Littlecot" No. 188 Stewart Street. Born in Montreal, 8th July 1821 ; educated at the High School, Montreal ; entered the public service as extra clerk in the Provincial Secretary's office, Canada, April 1852; Chief Clerk and Accountant of Contingencies and Deputy Governor for Signing Marriage Licenses, June 1858; Accountant of Contingencies and Deputy Governor for Dominion 1868; organized Station- ery Brancli of the Department of State 1870, which has eftected a great saving to the public funds; served in Militia of Canada since 18.38 ; is Lieut -CoK commanding the Ist Battalion Governor-General's Foot Guards^ Ottawa. — Eastern Departmental Building. Thomas Dillon Tims, Financial Inspector, 379 Cooper street. Born in Ireland, 6th January, 1825; came to Canada in 1834; educated at Quebec; engaged in commercial pursuits up to 1858; entered the civil service of the late Province of Canada, 1st ,)anuary 1859, as a 1st class clerk in the Department of the Inspector General ; superintended for a ' li i66 Patrliamentary Directory. number of years the compilation and printing ot the Public Accounts for Parliament and the preparation of the EstimateH for the Fii.^nce Minister : ii> 1863, selected as an expert in accounts to assist commissioners appointed by Government to inquire into the affairs of tlie Grand 'J'runk Railway; same year appointed a commissioner to enquire into prison management at Montreal; 1866, appointed Superinter'dent of the engraving and printing, at Ottawa, of the first issue of legal temler notes; visited Waf.liington in the Autumn ofthatyearon otfic'al business, with credentials from His Excellency the Governor General to the British Ambassador: in 1867, reported upon a financial system for the new Province ot Quebec, and with the permission of the Dominion Government assisted the Provincial Treasurer in organizing his department ; in tjje Autumn of 1867 was placed in full charge ol )ominion Afitiirs generally at Halifax, pending the organization of brar. .es of the Don)inion Departments in Nova Scotia; in 1868 appointed, with others,, commissioner to enquire into the management of Government Railways in Nova Scotia ; in 1870, appointed Financial Inspector of the Dominion ; in 1876, made an inquiry into and reported on the working of the Money Order systeni of the Dominion ; many important changes then suggested have since been carried into effect; since Confederation, has organized branches of the Finantre Department in the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia and Manitoba. — Eastern Departmental Buildint/. Fred. Tom-er, Comptroller of the Currency, Devon Villa, corner Chapel and Daly Streets. Born in Barnstaple, England, 21st June 1841 ; educated in London, England ; entered the public service 30th September 1871, as senior 2nd class clerk ; promoted l>-t class, July 1873; was Private Secretary to the Minister of Finance from 1st Jiinuary 1879, to 30ih June 1881 ; appointed Comptroller of the Dominion Currency 1st July 1881 ; is a Cai tain in the Governor- General's Foot Guards. — Eastern Departmental Building. John Andrew Torrance, Chief Clerk and Dominion Book-keeper, 471 King Street. Born in Montreal, 15th December, 1818; educated in England, at the Devonport Classical and Mathematical School, and at Trinity College, in the University of Cambridge; was engaged in mercantile persuits in Canada fof several years; entered the public service as a Ist class clerk and Private Secretary to the Minister ot Finance l.«t April 1866 ; was promoted to the office of Dominion B^ok-keeper 1st July 1880. — Eastern Departmental Building. Chari.es Joseph Anderson, Chief Clerk Savings Bank Branch Finance Department, 196 Maria street. Born in Cupar, Fife, Scotland, 21st February, 1835; was educated at Edinburgh, Scotland, and Cheltenham, England, and Addiscombe. Surrey, England. Entered the se.'-vice as extra clerk 16th November 1858; 2nd class Ist April 1860; Ist class 20tb April 1861; chief clerk and head of Savings Bank Branch Ist July 1874. \V as ensign and lieutenant in Hon. East India Co's service 18(>6; lieutenant and adjutant Civil Service Rifle Corps 1861 ; Major of Militia 1866,— Eastern Departmental Building. Richard Watson Baxter, senior 1st class clerk, Auditor of Civil List and Assistant Financial Secretary and Treasury Officer of Account, Fairview,. hlgin Street Road, Stewarton. Born in Toronto, 27th November 1836; educated at Toronto; entered the service as extra clerk 16th February 1858 ; was n)ade a 2nd class clerk 1st April 1860; a 1st class clerk 1st July 1866; Isl class higher grade ° Ist July 1874. — Eastern Departmental Building. vwM •■A n»^«<. 'I", ""a'"""'" Dominion of Canada. Insmraxce Tnspkction. 167 Tlie Superintendent of Insurance is appointeri hy tlip(5overnor in Council and acts under tlie instructions of the Minister of Finance, to whom he submits his annual report, who lays the report before Parliament within thirty days alter the opening of the Session. He is further required to report, from timf to time, all matters con lected with insurance as carried on by the several companies licensed to do business in Canada, or required by Act of Parliament to make returns. He is also obliged to keep a record of the eevernl documents required to be filed by each company in the Superior Courts of Canada, viz., a ctrtified copy of the Charter Act of Incorporation or articles of association of the company, also a power of attorney from the company to its head officer or a>jent in Canada under the seal of the conipaiiy, and signed by the President and Secretary, or ether proper officer thereof, verified by their oath. The power of attorney mu.«t nece^sarily declare at what place in Canada the head office of the company is intended to be established, also such otiier information as the law demands and in such form as may be required by the Minister of Finance. He keeps a book and under the heading of each company enters the securities deposited on its account with tiie Receiver Geneial, naming the securities, their par value and the value at wliich they are received, and before issuing a license, reports to the Minister of Finance that the requirements of the law have been complied with ; and keeps a record of licenses as they are issued. He visits the head office o* each company at least once a year and makesi a thorough inspection of its affairs and reports its condition to the Minister of Finance if anything therein requires his attention, and once at least in every five years he must value the policies of all Life Insurance Companies. The Superintendent of Insurance has free access to the books, &c., of each company, and should any complications present themselves he haa authority to examine officers or agents of the Company, under oath, in relation to the company's business. All such examinations or investigations must be reporte«l to the Minister of Finance in wr'ting, stating also !iis (the Super- intendentV) opinion as to the financial standing, &c., of the company. An annual assessment is madejsro rata up' n the premiums received by each company during the preceding year for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the office of Mie Superintendent. J. B. Cherriman, Superintendent of Insurance, Russell House. C. B. B. Anderson. Chief Clerk, 26 Stewart St. A. K. Blackadar, 322 Slater St. W. J. R. McMinn, Stewarton. John Braoforu Cherriman, Superintendentofln.'^urancp, Russell House. Born 26th April, 1823, at Doncaster, Yorkshire, England; educated at Doncaster Grammar School and St. John's College, Cambridge; is a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge ; 1850, Deputy Professor of Mathematics in the University of Toronto; 1852, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Uni- versity College, Toronto, and Director of the Provincial Magnetic Metero- logical Observatory; 1862, Lieutenant University Rifles; 1867, Cai.tain 2nd Battulion Queen's Own Rifles; 1871, Major by brevet; 1873, retired retaining rank; 1875, appointed to his present position. — Eastern Departmental Building. Charles Edward Blake Anderson, Chief Clerk Insurance Inspection Branch. Born in England 17th November, 1815. Educated in Scotland. Is a Barrister of Ontario and Quebec Bars. Served as an officer under Col. Prince during the troubles of 1837. Entered the Civil Service of Canada 16th May, 1845. Was made a Chief Clerk, Ist grade, Ist July, 1875.— Eastern Depart- mental Building. ' 1 68 Pttrliamentary Directory. DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT. The Auditor-General Holds ofHce durint; good behaviour, and is only removable by the Governor General on Address of the Senate and House of Commons. The Auditor- General has power to make orders and rules for the conductor the internal business ot his office, and to promote, suspend or remove any of the officers or clerks employed therein, ana to prescribe regulations, Ac, tor the guidance of principal and sub- accountants, in preparing their periodical accounts for examination, such rules, regulations and forms to be approved by the Treasury- Board. The annual report of the Auditor-General's Department to Parliament is made through the Minister of Finance John Lome McDougall, M.A., Audi tor- General, Richmond Road. JamoH Paltorfion, Assistant Auditor-General, Daly street. ThoH. Porter, 119 Arthur street. J. H. P. Gibson, 205 Albert street. John Gorman, 76 O'Connor street. F. Hayter, Poplar Grove. Geo. C. Bolton, Aylmer, Que. J. H. Balderson, 189 Queen street. L. A . Bissonette, 206 Daly street. J. B. ijynch,326 Besserer street. John B. Simpson, 344 Maria street, Horace Dunlevie, 360 Slater street. E. D. Sutherland, 110 Gloucester street. B. \V. Sherwood, 41 Lyon street. A. B. Hudson, Auditor-General's Oflice. H. H. Gray, 229 Wilbrod street. Messenga's — Francois Casault, John Pender, J. C. Macdonald. John Lorne MoDouoalLj'M.A., Auditor-General, Richmond Road. Born in Renfrew, 6th November, 1838. Educated at the High School, Montreal, and at Toronto University, where he took gold medal in mathematics, silver medal in modern languages, and graduated B.A. 1859; has been Warden of County Renfrew, and President o( the South Renfrew Agriculture Society ; sat lor South Renfrew in Ontario Assembly from general election 1867 until general election 1871, and in the Couimons from Septeujber 1869 until general election 1872, when defeated ; ajrain elected at general election 1873 ; unseated on petition 9th September, 1874 ; re-elected by acclumution 24ih October, 1874 ; again unseated on petition 2lst January, 1875 ; re-elected 20th February. 1875, and resigned his seat on being appointed to present otiioe 2nd August, 1878. — Ulastern Departmental Building. James Patterson, Assistant Auditor-General, Daly street, Ottawa. Born in Belfast, Ireland, 15lh December, 1831; entered the Civil Service of Canada 1855, when the audit was first formed, and has remained in it continuouslv since ; appointed to present office October 1878. — Eastern Departmental Building. THE DEPARFMENT OF THE INTERIOR. The Department of the Interior, presided over by a Minister of the Crown, who is styled " The Minister of the Interior," lor the time being, appointed by commission under the Great Seal of Canada, to hold office Jurinif pleasure. Has the full control, administration and n)anagement of the public lands of Canada, viis.: Dominion Lands of the North- West Ten itories, and the Pro- vince of Manitoba, Dominion Lands in British Columbia, transferred for Railway purposes. Has the control of all Crown Lands the property of the Dominion, and including timber and minerals on and in such lands, and those known as Ordinance and Admiralty Lands, and all other public lands not directly under the control of the Public Works Department, or of that of the TfT V Dominion of Canada. 169 Militia and Defence, and excepting; lands connected with Marine Hospitals, Light-houses, St. Paul's, Sable and Portaee Islands, and is substituted tor the former Commissioner of Crown LandSyandas regards Ordinance and Admiralty Lands transferred to the late Province of Canada, being in Ontario and Quebec. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to lay before Parliament, 'Nvithin fifteen days after the opening thereof, a report of the proceedings, transactions and affairs of the Department durine the preceding year. Persons employed in one branch of the Department maybe directed by the Minister to perform any duty in or with respect to any other branch. The Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Is charged under the Minister .with the performance of the Departmental duties of the Minister, and with the control and management of the Officers, Agents, Clerks and Servants of the Department; also any powers and duties that may at any time be assigned to him by the Minister. D. L. Macpherson, Minister of the Interior, 233 Metcalfe. (See page 11.) A. M. Burget<8, Deputy Minister of the Interior, " Roseacre," Richmond Road. Secretary's Branch. John Hal!, Secretary, 470 Albert. K. J. Henry, 6 Lome Place, Ann St. H. Kinloch, 118 Vittoria. C. C. Rogers, Billings' Bridge. L. C. Pereira, 243 Chapel. R. M. Bon fellow, 39 Stewart. N.O. Cote, 213 Wilbrod. G. G. V. Aidouin, 29 Britannia St., Hull, P. Q. G. W. Paterson, 387 Gloucester. P. B. Donglans, 19 Slater. Wm. Howe, Maria and O'Connor. A. Chisholm, 263 Queen. J. S. Brough, 288 Wellington, A. L. Jarvifl, 67 Theodore. G. A. Sparkes, 45 Theodore. E. Genest, 106 Queen . W. Hatch, 119 O'Connor. Lands Grant Branch. W. M. Goodeve, Clerk in charge, 118 F. H. C. Cox, Charles St., New Gloucester. 1 Edinburgh. R. Lang, 3G Wellington. \ N. Tetu, 522 King. H. Sherwood, Mount Sherwood. F. Checkley. J. L'Etoile, 2«6 CHiapel. B. Wallis, 283 Stewart. Timber and Mines Branch. 2 appointed bv the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the recommendation of Sir T. Dtf la Beche, the Director of the Survey to undertake the geological survey of the colony of Victoria, Australia ; in 1854 and 1859 respectively, by special request of the governments of Tasmania and Australia, examined and reported upon the coal Hclds and gold fields of those colonies ; appointed one of the Victoria Commissioners of Mines in 1856; member of the Board of Science and of the Prospecting Board in 1858 ; Commissioner for the Victoria International Exhibition 1861; was also a member of the Government Tender Board, and member of thf* Councils of the Board of Agriculture, of the Royal Society, and of the Acclimitization Society up to 1869, when he left Australia for Canada to succeed Sir W. E. Logan in the superintendence of the Geological Survey of the Dominion; has b^-en over 39 years in the service of Britain and the colonies. — Museum and Office, Sussex street. Admission free. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. By an Act passed 46 Vic, cap. 6, section .3, the head of any Department appointed for that purpose by the Governor-in-Council, shall be Superintendent Geueral of Indian Affairs and shall, as such, have the control and management of the lands and property of the Indians in Canada." The Deputy Superin- tendent General of Indian Affairs appointed by the Governor General under the Great Seal holds, under the provisions of the Act 4.3 Vic , cap. 28, ihe rank of Deputy Head, and is charged with the performance of the Depart- mental duties, with the control and management of the officers, clerks and servants of the Department, and such other powers as may be assigned to him. Indian affairs are under the management of the "Department of Indian AfFuirs." Offices : — South Side Wellington St., opposite Eastern Departmental Building. Sir John A. Macdonai.d, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs (see p. 31). Lawrence Vankoughnet, Deputy Superintendent General, 445 Albert St. Robert Sinclair, Chief Clerk and Accountant, 381 Daly St. Wm. Plummer, Conmiissioner of Indian Lands and Timber. W. A. Austin, Chief Surveyor and Draughtsman . A. Dingman, Inspector of Agencies k Reserves. J. V. DeBoucherville, French Trans- lator. A. N. McNeil!, Corresponding Clerk. F. W. Smith, Assistant Accountant. T. F. S. Kirkpatrick, Clerk of Records. J. D. McL«^an, Stenographer. M. Benson, Ass't Corresponding Clerk, S. Stewart, Clerk of Records. D. C. Scott, Book-keeper. R. G. Dalton, Book-keener. John McGirr, Clerk of Statistics. Saml. Bray, Assistant Chief Surveyor and Draughtsman. T. Coffey, Ass't Clerk of Land Sales. H. J. Brook, Assistant Book-keeper* J. Delisle, Copying Clerk. H. G. Maigny, Copying Clerk. H. C. Koss, Stenographer. F. Yielding, Clerk of Indices. C. Reiffenstein, Clerk. W. A. Orr, " A. E. Kemp, " H. McKav, J. W. Shore, " John Austin, Clerk (extra). F. R. Ross, D. C. F. Bliss, " L H. Wilson, " L. A. Dorval, " T. Starmer, Housekeeper. J. Slocombe, Messenger. F. R. Bysche, " Dominion of Canada, 173 Lawrence Vankouohnet, Deputy Superinteitdent General of Iiidian Aflfairs' 445 Albert street. Born in Ontario 7th October 1836 ; educated at Cornwall Grammar School and at Trinity College, Toronto ; entered the civil service as a junior clerk in the Indian office 13th February 1861 ; mad( Chief Clerk July Ist 1874, and promoted to his present position 13th May 1880. Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Indian Commissioner for Manitoba, Kewatin and North West Territories. Robert Sinclair, Chief Clerk and Accountant at iieadqunrter°, si\ Daly St. Born '4 Edinburgh, Scotland, 15th February 182S educated there; entered the public service April 1869 , appointed Acoonntunt Indian Branch, Department of the Interior, 1873, chief clerk Indian Depnnment Ist July 1881, THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Is presided over by a Minister of the Crown styled the Minister of Jntiticc and Attorney General of Canada. The duties devolving upon his tiepartment, and for which he is responsible, are partly as follows (the departmental work beine presided over bv a deputy) : The Minister is tlie legal adviser of the Governor General and the legal member of Her Majesty's Privy Council lor Canada. He sees that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with law ; has the super- intendence of all matters connected with the administration of justice in Canada not within the jurisdiction of the Governments of the provinces composing the same; he advises upon the legislative acts and proceedings of each of the Legislatures of the provinces of Canada and generally advises the Crown upon aH matters of law referred to him by the Crown, and such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Governor in Council. Ah Attorney General of Canada he is responsible for the performance of the following duties: His powers are the same and he is charged with the same duties as belong to the office of the Attorney General of England by law or usage so far as the same powers and duties are applicable to Canada, and also with the powers and duties which, by the laws of the several provinces, belonged to the office of Attorney General of each province up to the time when the "British North America Act 1867" came into efiect, and which laws, under the provisions of the said Act, are to be administered and carried into effect by the Government of Canada ; he advises the heads of the several departments of the Government upon all matters of law connected with such departments; he is charged with the settlement and approval of all instru- ments issued under the Great Seal of Canada ; he has the superintendence of penitentiaries and the prison system of Canada ; he has the regulation and conduct of all litigntion for or against the Crown or any public department in respect of any subjects within the authority or jurisdiction of Canada ; and he is charged generally with such other duties as the Governor may at any time think proper to assign to him in his capacity as Attorney General of Canada. Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., Minister of Justice. (See page 9.) George Wheelock Burbidge, M.A., Deputy Minister of Justice, 276 Metcalfe. Augustus Power, B.C.L., Chief Clerk 90 Wilbrod street. James George Moylan, Inspector of Pvoitentiaries, 154 Daly St. H. J. Hopkirk, Minister's Secretary. G. L. B. Fraser, 107 Nepean street. John Leslie, Grand Union. F. H. Gisborne, 180 Elgin street. W. H. Blackdder, 189 Queen street. Henry Low, Clerk, 28 & 29 Victoria Chambers. P. M. Cote, 313 Wilbrod street. ■ ■ 174 Parliamentary Directory. Inspection of Penitentiaries Is under the control of the Minister of Justice, and over which he has complete admintstrative power. The Inspector appointed by the Governor in Council represents the Minister in the performance of his duties and holds oflSce (iimiig picaaure, and is an officer of the Department of Justice, it is the duty of ihe Inspector, twice ft jeac, oc ottener if ordered by the Minister of Justice, to visit, examine, and report to him upon ikft state and management of all the penitentiaries, and all suggestions which the wa wlwfr luay make for their improvement. He also keeps an exact record of all mfrfuteft of inspection made by him in the Inspection Books of the various institutions, together with all his proceedings in connection therewith, and shall transmit monthly a copy thereof under his hand to the Minister of Justice. The Inspector is, by virtue of his office, without any property qualification, a Justice of the Peace for any district, county, city or town in Canada, but shall have power to act in matters connected with the criminal law of Canada only. He makes rules for the management, discipline, &c. of the police of the penitentiaries, for the duties and conduct of the wardens and all other officers employed therein, and for the diet, clothing, maintenance, employment, instruction, discipline, cor.ection, punishment and reward of convicts imprisoiied therein, and may alter or amend the same from time to time subject lo the Governor in Council, and when so altered the wardens and officers are bound to obey. He also prepares a report annually which is, by the Minister of Justice, laid before Parliament; said report to be ready not later than the 1st of December, and shall contam such statistical infortuation in respect to each penitentiary, and the whole in condensed form, as is embraced in the registers of the establisliments, together with any dissatisfaction tliat may arise in the working thereof. He may at a'.l times enter the penitentiary or institution and have access to the books and documents, and may investigate the conduct of any officer or servant employed therein, and can have power to subpojna any person and examine them under oath. The Accountant of Penitentiaries. Is appointed by the Governor in Council and is an officer of the Depart- ment of Justice He is charged with the direction, inspection and audfit of the books, accounts, money transactions and financial affairs of the peniten- tiaries, and with «uch other powers and duti^-s as may be consigned to him by order of the Governor-in-Council ; and by his appointment the Inspector is relieved of the duties heretofore enumerated and which previously were performed by him. Penitentiary Brasch G. L. Foster, Accountant, 101 Elgin H. B. S. Lane, " Queen's." Messengers. — John Clay, P. B. Curran. George Wheelock Burbidge, M.A., Deputy Minister of Justice, 276 Metcalfe. Born at Canning Cornwallis, N. B., 6th February 1847; educated at Mount Allison Wesleysin College; called to the bar of New Brunswick 22nd June 1872; practiced his profession at St. John as a member of the firm of Harrison & Burbidge ; was secretary of commissioners for consolidating the laws of New Brunswick; appointed to present position 23rd May 1882. — Eastern Departmental Building, Augustus Power, B.C.L., Chief Clerk, Department of Justice, 54 Daly St. Was born at Quebec, December 1847 ; admitted to the Bar of Quebec, July 1869; practiced, his profession in Montreal; entered i.'epartment of Justice December 1874; appointed chief clerk January 1879. — Eastern Departmental Building. Dominion of Canada. 175 James George Moylan, Inspector of Penitentiaries, 154 Daly St. Born near Maynooth, County Eildare, Ireland, 11th January 1826; educated at St. Jarleth's College, luane, and at the Royal College, Maynooth ; came to Canada in 1856 to fill the position of professor of classics and English literature in Guelph R. C. College, just then con)p1eted. Through some financial difficulty that enterprise was abandoned ana he became principal of the first R. C. High School of Upper Canada; later he was prevailed upon to resume his connection with the press, and established at Toronto in 1858 "The Canadian Freeman," which he continued to conduct until 1873. He then accepted the poisition of Commissioner of Emigration for the Dominion at Dubhn, which he held until March 1872, when he returned to Canada and was appointed on the Board ol Penitentiary Directors ; in 1875 the board was abolished, pursuant to the Penitentiary Act of that year, while he was retained as Acting Inspector, and was appointed to his present position on November 1st 1875. — Eastern Departmental Building. Commissioner of Police for Canada. Is an officer of the Department of Justice, and the head of the Dominion Police. Powers equal to those of Police Magistrate in Cities, Stipendiary Magistrates in Territories and Disiricts, and of Justices of the Peace through- out the Domir.ion, and by Act and Order-in-Council can appoint any Police Constables within the Dominion, for the purpose of duly carrying out Criminal Laws, and other laws of the Dominion, and collect such information within his jurisdiction, and perfcrm such other duties as His Excellency the Governor-General, may prescribe and require. The Superintendent of Dominion Police Is an officer of the Department of Justice and is charged with the protection of Government property at Ottawa, including Rideau Hall, and to provide protection for His Excellency the Governor Genoial while in Ottawa or when travelling within tiie Dominion of Canada, also to enforce the provisions of the CiLstoms, Fisheries or any other Dominion Acts when required to do so, and attend to the delivery and to conduct a half-hourly mail service between the eastern and western departmental buildings. Augustus Keefer, Commissioner of Police for Canada, 15 Metcalfe Square. Arthur Percy Sherwood, Superintendent Dominion Police, 199 Albert St. Daniel O'Leary, Inspector. William Keane, C ousts James Hughes, Sergeant. A. McCuaig, (t C. J, Stevenson, T. C. Slade, « P. Stiinger, Constable. T. H. White, (( H. Deslauriers, *• J ';8. E. Minard, (( M. Murphy, '• R. Chamberlin <( P. Godin, Jos. D. Barber, « N. Morrison, " E. Boyer, C( W.H. Timbers. " P. M. Schmitz, <( A. Thibault, ♦' Allan McLean, <( E. Spenard, *• Samuel Shore, nt of State, and is under the management of a chief clerk. The duty of this branch of the service is to supply any articles of siationery to the various departments of ihe civil service according to such regulations as may be approved by the Governor-in-Council, and on receiving a requisition therefor, signed by the deputy head of such department (or clerk authurized by him to sign), and the amount will becharifed to the department for which it was supplied, as well as the quantity ; and monthly accounts are furnished to the several departments, accompanied by the requisitions S resented during the month. He also furnishes monthly to the Auditor- ■eneral accounts an) Light Lifantry ; and a Fellow of the McGill University from which he obtained degree of D.C.L. 1867. Created by the Queen, in September 1870, a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St.. Michael and St. George for services in repelling the Fenian invaders at Eccles Hill, May of same year. — Eastern Departmental Building. Richard Pope, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, 603 King street. Born in Toronto, 19th October, 1827. Called to the Bar of Lower Canada 1855; assistant editor Lower Canada Law Reports 1855 to 1861 ; Government Gold Mining Commissioner lor the Chaudiere (Quebec) Gold Mining Division 1865 to 1^71 ; President of the Chaudiere Gold Mining Association 1866 to 1871 ; clerk in Correspondence Branch, Department of Public Works and Private Secretary to the Minister 1872 until 2lst October 1873, when appointed to present office ; a major in the militia ; organized the Quebec Volunteer Rifle Association at the time of the "Trent" affair; won first prize medal of Literary and Historical Society, Quebec, tor the best essay on Canada 1853. Author of ** Canadian Minerals and Mining Litereets" (1857); "Gold Fields of Canada" (1858); "Notes on Immigration and Mining and Agricultural Labor in Canada" (1859). — House of Commons. LuDOEii AiME Catellier, Deputy Registrar-General, 63 Metcalfe street. Born at St. Valier, Co. of Bellechasse, Quebec, 1835; educated at ' Quebec; entered the civil service August 1859; was raised to senior second- class cleik 8th July 1872 ; Deputy Registrar-General 26th July 1873; chief clerk, third grade, 3rd October 1873; promoted to chief clerkship, first grade, and Deputy Registrar-General, his present position, 13th June 1879. — Eastern Departmental Building. Henrv Jame3 Morgan, Chief Clerk, Bank street Road. Born in the City of Quebec, 14th November, 1842 ; educated at Morrin College in that city; entered the public service 19tli November, 1853; sessional clerk Leg. Assembly Canada from 1860 to 1864, when appointed secretary to Hon. Isaac Buchanan, then President of the Executive Council ; translerreii to Provincial Secretary's Department as private secretary to Hon. Wm . McDougall, C.B., November same year ; at Confederation was appointed to Departpient of State as junior second-class clerk,; promoted to first-class (with the charge ot the State Records of Canada) October 1873; to a chief clerkship with the title of " Keeper of the Records" 22nd December, 1875, and to u chief clerkship of the first grade January 1879 ; was called to the ¥ Dominion of Canada. '79 Bar of Quebpc, January 1873; to that of Ontario, Easter Term same year. Is autlior of the " Tour of H.H. H.tlie Prince of Wales throu^li British America and tlie United States " (Quel»ec 1860) ; "Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, etc." (Quebec 1862) ; " Tiie Place British Americans have Won in History," a lectnie, (Ottawa 1865); "The Bibliothecu Canadensis, or a Manual of Canadian Literature (Ottawa 1867); "The Canadian Legal Directory," a jruide to the Bench and Bar of Canada, (.Toronto 1878.; In 1862 «6tabli.<>hed "The Canadian Parlianif ntary Companion," which he continued to publisii and edit annually up to 1876; edited " TheSpeeoliesand Addresses •of Hon. Thos, D'Arcy McGee in Favor of British American Union" (London 1865); is also editor of the*' Doniinion Annual Register and Review," estab- lished by him in 1878. Is a corresponding member of the Manitoba Historical Society, of the Buffalo Historical Society, of the Literary and Historical Society ol Quebec, of the New York Historical Society, and of the American Geographicai Society ; a Fellow of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Denmark, and one of seven Honorary Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute of England. — Eastern Departmental Building. Lieut.-Col. Alphonse Audet, Keeper of the Records, 26 and 27 Victoria Chambers. Born at Montreal 14th November, 1841 ; was educated at the College of Montreal, taking a full classical course; is a lawyer; was French translator, House of Commons ; appointed 7ih June, 1883, Chief Clerk and Keeper of the Records. — Eastern Departmental Building. James You.vg, Chief Clerk Stationery Oftico, 9 John street, Stewarton, O. Born at Oundee, Scotland, 12th February, 1829 ; was educated at same place; entered early in life the mercantile and manufacturing business ; was employed in the Queen's Printer's establishn^ent from 1857 to 1869, at which latter date he entered the civil service; has since that time had the management and control of the Stationery Branch ; first connected with the Finance Department, but afterwards attached to Department of State. Eastern Departmental Building. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. By an Act passed May 1879, 42nd Vic, cap. 7, intituled "An Act respect- ing the Offices of Receiver-General and Minister of Public Works," the duties devolving upon the latter are set forth as follows: — " The Minister of Public Works, appointed under the Great Seal, is a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, and shall liold office during pleasure. He has charge and management of all public works and property appertaining thereto. When any doubt arises as to which department any work belongs, it shall be decided by order of the Governor-in-Council. The Governor-in -Council may appoint adepufy for the Department of Public Works, who shall bs the chief officer of that Department over which the Minister is to preside, a secretary and one or more chief engineers, a chief architect, and such other officeis as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the business of such Depart- ment, all of whom shall hold office during goomit such accounti« to be aii'litcil in such mann >r as may he appointed by law or by tlie Governor-in-Gouncil ; to have charge of all plans, contracts, estimates, documents, titles, models, and other like things relating to any such work or building ; to keep proper accounts with each contractor or person employed by or under the Department ; to see that all contracts are properly drawn out ami executed; to prepare certificates upon which any warrant is to issue; to keep minutes of all proceedings of the Department; to prepare reports, and conduct, under the direction of the Mi'iister, the correspondence of the Department ; and a copy of any map, plan, or other document in the custody of the Secretary, certified by him as a true copyr shall be held to be authentic, and shall \\q •prima facie of the same legal effect as the original in any court, or elsewhere. Sir H ECTOR Lonts Lanocvin, Minister Public Works, R.G.M .,G.C.B., Q.C., P.C . (See page 84.) George F. Baillairge, C E., Deputy Minister of Public Works, 179 WilbrDdSt. Henry F. Perlev, C.E., Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works, 109 Metcalfe Street. Thomas Fuller, Chief Arcliitect Department of Public Works, 84 Nepean St. 0. Dionne, Accountant. R.Steckel, Chief Clerk. J. C. Tache, Draughtsman. J. K. Arnoldi, Mechanical Engineer. E. P. Bance. Antoine Goheil. D. A. McH*her8on. P. Cartier. N. Uenaud. J. Cote. H. Talbot, Stephen O'Brien. A. Kingston. J. E. Verrault. A. Lacerte. E. Dionne. F. C. Lightfoot. J. P. Macpherson. A. E. Belleau. George Hennessey. Messengers. — Henry Potvin, Joseph Chabot. Note. — The ofHce of Secretary of Public Works which was made vacant on the I7th of January, bv the death of Mr. F. H. Enoie, is now temporarily filled by Mr. A. Sobeil, his assistant. George Frederic Bait.lairoe, C. E., Deputy of the Minister of Public W(M:k8 of Canada, 179 Wilbrod Street. Born in Quebec, 16th October 1824; educated by the late Lieub. Shadgett, of the British army, and afterwards in the Seminary of Quebec;, was a law student from 1843 until 1844 ; entered public service as French and English translator and assistant draughtsman of E.igineering Brarich, under the late Hon. H. H. Killaly, President of the Buard of Works, 22nd September 1844, at Montreal ; commissioned as P. L. S. in 1K47 and afterwards acted in that capacity, also as Assistant Engineer of the various public works of Canada; declined the position of Superintending Engineer of the canals and other works of the Province of Quebec in 1852. The appendices of the Public Works report of 1867, containing the history of the same prior to and since the conquest of Canatla until the time of Confederation, 1st July 1867, were publislied in both languages under his direction, as well as the' volumnous and in teresti'ig report on the various public works under the charge of his Department from 1867 to 1882; was appointed Assistant Engineer in chief ot the Department of Public Works in 1871; was the first who submitted a Dominion of Canada. i8i praclicable scheme to the Engineer-in-Cluel" of Canada and located a Jine lor the construction of a ship canal to connect the waters of the Bay of Fiindy with those of tiie Gulf ol St. Lawrence at Baie Verte 1872-73, altliough the project had been studied and reported upon as being next to impracticable by Telford in 18-6, and by Captain Crawley, R. E., in 1843: appointed Superintendini; En>rineer ol Canals in the Province of Quebec vice the lat' J. G. Sippell, who resigned in 1877; appointed to his present position 4th October 1879. — VVestern Departmental Building. Henry F. Perley, C. E., Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works, lOi) Metcalte street. Born in St, John, N. B., 1831; entered the public service of New Brunswick 1848, continuinjs; until the summer of 1852 on exploratory surveys for proposed system of railways; in 1852 was engaged by Messrs. Peto, Betts & Brassey on surveys in New Bnu >vick, and tlunng 1853 on surveys in Ntfva Jscotia, and during 1854-55-56 was employed by the same firm on the construction of the Grand Trunk railwav lietween Montreal and Brockville; in August H56 again entered the service of New Brunswick as Resident Engint-eron the construction of the E. and N. A. railway lietween St. John and Shediac, remaining until the completion of the line in December I860 ; between 1861 and 1863 was engaged in private pracli'e; in May 1863 entered the service of the (Jovernment ol Nova Scotia, continuing as Provincial Engineer until August 1865, then resigning to fill the position ol agent for Messrs. Kelk, Waring Bros. & Lucas, contractors (or the construction of the Metropolitan Extension (underground) railway, London, England. At the completion of this engagement in 1870, he returned to New Brunswick and took charge ol the work in connection with the improvement of the Ireighting facilities of the government railways in that province and thp construction of the deep water terminus and extension line thereto iit St. John; in May 1872 was appointed Engineer in charge of Harbors, &c. in the Mariiime Provinces for the Department of Public Works, holding that po.> as a true copy, shall be held to be authentic, and shall he prima facie of the same legal effect as the original in any court, or elsewhere. It is the duty of each Chief Engineer or Chief Architect to prepare maps, plans and estimates for all public works which are about to be constructed, altered or repaired by or under the management of the Minister of the Department to which he is attached ; to report for the information of the Minister on any question relating to any such public work which may be submitted to him ; to examine and revise the plans, estimates, and recom- mendations of other engineers, arJiitects and officers, touching any such public work, and generally to advise the Minister on all engineering or architectural questions affecting such work. Provided alwavs that two or more persons n>ay be appointed, each of whom shall act as Chief Engineer of either branch of the Department of Public Works with respect to such works or classes of works as the G(jvernor-in-Council may from time to tinie direct. No deed, contract, document or writing is binding upon the Department, or held to be the act of i he .Minister of such Department, unless signed and sealed by him or his Deputy and countersigned by the Secretary or person authorized to act for him. Tonssaint Trudeau, C.E., Deputy of the Minister of Kailways and Canals, Daly Street. John Page, C E., Chief Engineer of Can ah, Russell House. CoUingwood Schreiber, C. E., Chief Engineer and General Manager^ of Government Railways, and Government Chief Engineer of Canadian Pacific Railway, Argyle Avenue, Stewarton. Dominion of Canada. 183 Second Class Clerka : Samuel McLaughlin. Andrew Unincke Alinon. Lo< and Canals, Daly street. Born in Lower Canada, 2Mtli September 1826; appointed Deputy of the Minister of Puhlic Works Mtiy 18G8; was previously, for a shoittime, Secretary to the Department of Public Works, Canada; subsequently Chief Engineer to sanie Dt'partn\eiit, and (rom March 1864 to the Union, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works; a Commissioner of the Intercolonial liailway 1874. Is Secretary to Railway Coininitlee of Privy Council, as pruvidml bV Consolidated Railway Act 187'J, sec. 36. Appointed to present position 20th May 1879. — Western Departmental Building. JoHX Page, C.E., Ciiief Engineer of Canals, Russell House. Born in Scotland, 1815; served under the late Robert Stephenson as engineer of the Northern Lighthouse Board; came to the United Stales 1838, and was engaged on the Erie Canal until 1842, when he entered the service of the Canadian Government on the Welland Canal. Appointed Chief Kngineer of the Department 1863; declitied the Deputy Ministership of Public Works 1863. — Western Depaiimental Building. CoLMN'owooD ScHREiKKR, Chief Engineer and General Manager of Govern- ment Railways, and Government Chief Engineer of Canadian Pacific Railway, Argyle Avenue, Stewarton, 0. Born in Colchester, Essex, England, December 14th, 1831 ; onme to Canada in 1852 ; was engaged upon the engineering staflfof the Hamilton and Toronto Railvviiy until its completion in 1856; from that time until 1860 was engaged \'\ private practice in Toronto, when he entered the service of the Nortlierii Railway of Canada in connection with the restoration of ^the works upon that line, retiring upon the completion of the works in 1863, wlun he entered the service of the Nova Scotia Government in the capacity of division engineer of the Pictou Railway, and continued in charge of the works until their completion in 1867. In 1868 was appointed by the Dominion Govern- ment to take charge of the surveys in connection with the Intercolonial Railway of tiie route via Lake Temiscouata; in 1869 was placed in charge of the Eastern Extension Railway as Superintending Engineer, and in 1871 as Superintending Engineer and Commissioner's Agent fbr the entire length of the Intercolonial Railway, which position he held until 1873, when he was appointed Chief Engineer of Government Railways in operation, whicli position M J 1 84 Parliamentary Directory. he continues to fill in conjunction with that of Chief Engineer of the portion of the Canadian Pacific liiiilway under conntructiou hy the Government.— We!»tern Departmental Building. Htpolite Adolphb Fissiault, Chief Clerk and Law Clerk, 278 Wilbrod St. Born at Pointe aux Trembles, Island of Montreal, 8th October 1828; educated at College of Montreal ; studied law and practiced as a Notary; entered the service as a Ist class Clerk 15th .lune, 1860; was made Ist class Clerk and Law Clerk 21st December, 1869. — Western Departmental Buildmg. Alexander Priestley Bradley, Chief Clerk and Secretary of the Depart- ment of Uailways and Canals, 141 Maria street. Born at Portland (now (Jity of) New Brunswick ; educated at Grammar School, St. John ; was enjjaged in early life in incrcuntile pur.siiitM; npi^ointed Deputy rtegistrar of Deeds for the District of Parrsboro,' in the County of Cumberland, U.S., under commission, dated 9th Sept., 1852; commission ae Registrar of Deeds, 16th Nov., 1857; as Postmaster, Parrsboro,* 10th August, 186:1; as Issuer Marriage Licenses, 9th July, 18t!4. Resigned the foregoing July, 1871, on appointment as Assistant Accountant, Department of Public Works. Commission as a Justice of the Peace for the County of Cumberland, U.S., dated 27th August, 1857 ; commission in the 6th Reginient Cumbarland U.S. Militia, as follows: Captain and Adjutant, 4th August, 1854; Major, 18lh Sept., 1863; Lt.-Colonei, 27th Sept , 1866, and by militii general order, 3rd January, 1879, placed on the "Retired List" with rank of Lt.-Colonel. Appointed Assistant Accountant, Department of Public Works, 29ili June, 1871 ; Private Secretary to the Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., C.B , as Minister of Public Works, 17th Oct., 1878, and held the same position under him H8 Minister of Railways and Canals, np to 1st June, 1882, when appointed to present position. Chief Clerk and Secretary of the Department. Thomas Cross, Chief Clerk, 289 Wilbrod street. Born at Bolto%, Lancashire, England, 1838; educated in England and on the Continent; entered the Civil Service of Canada, Post Office Department, 186'>; promoted Pith April, 1866; again promoted 1st April, 1868; transferred to Fmance Department, made a senior second class clerk Ist July, 1875 ; first clas<4 clerk Ist Nov , 1878; Chief Clerk, and transferred to the Intercolonial Rnilwav Office — his present position — Department cf Railways and Canals, 1st February, 1880. THE DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. Presided over by a Minister of the Crown styled The Minister of Militia and Defence, who is charged and responsible for the administration of militia affairs, including all matters involving expentliture, and of the fortifications, SUMlM)als, ordnance, ammunition, arms, armories, stores, munitions and habilim^'nts of war belonging to Canada, and has the initiative in all militia affiirs involving the expenilitnre of money. He is controlled by orders from the Gov»'rnorin-C>uncil re-pejifing the duties he thinks necessary to perform. The .Minister i»* assisted by a Deputy Minister and other officers in carrying on the work of the Department. Majob-General's^Office. The Major'Geneial Commanding' the Canadian Forces is charged under the orders of Her Majesty with the military command and discipline of the Militia. % S' Dominion of Canada, Inspkctok ok Ajitillkhv. i8s The duties of tlie Inspector of Avti]iery comprise the annual inspection of all Bri};ades aii.1 Batteries of Artillery therein ; the annual inspection of all forts, magazines, armaments and artillery material in militia store charge; and the armaments, etc., at Quehec and Kingston ; and the examination and proof of all artillery ammunition manulactured in the Dominion. He is also the medium of communication between the Staft of tiie several Military Districts and the Adjutant-General on all regimental matters relating to batteries of artillery (clothing and discipline excepted). In the above duties the Inspector of Artillery is assisted by Assistant Inspectors of Artillery at Kingston and at Quebec' These officers are also Commandants of the Ruyal Schools of Artillery at these stations, and, as such, are responsible for the instruction and exammatiun of all utiicers, non-commissioned otticers and men attend inz for courses of instruction, and for the discipline and interior economy of tue batteries of the regiment under their command. They are also in charge of the forts, arnmmento, stores, etc. at Kingioton and Quebec, and report di recti v on all official matters to the officer conimandmg the regiment, uho is also the Inspector of Artillery. Lt.-Coi. Hon. C. EuoENG Panet, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence, 189 Theodore Street, Military Branch. Major General F.D. Middleton, Commanding the Canadian Militia. Lt." Col. »Valker Powell, Adjutant General. Lieut. H. E. Wise, Aide-de-camp to the Major General Commanding. Lt.-Col. D. T. Irwin, Inspector of Artillery andj Commandant of Canadian Regiment of Artillery, 119 Daly Street. Departmental Staff. Benjamin Suite, 66 Stewart Street. Lt.-Colonel J. Macpherson, Director of Stores, etc., 219 Daly Street. C. H. O'Meara, Accountant, 3 Kent Street. Lt.-Col. Thos. Bacun, 253 Augusta Street. F. H. Lambert, 61 Metcalfe Street. Grant Seymour, 107 Vittoria Street. G! E. M. Sherwood, 69 Vittoria Street. T. C Larose, 116 Slater Street. Major W. U. S. Wainwright, 112 Elgin Street. F. E. Knight, 118 Vittoria Street. J. B. Donaldson, New Edinburgh. P. Clarke. •Capt. A IphonseBenoit, 245 Theodore Street, 1 w. • * > t» • . -o i. • F. \ P. AUirich, New Edinburgh, '} Minister's Pnvale.Secretaries. G. Campbell, McLeod Street. Stewarton, Ed. E. Lemieux, 400 St. Patrick Street, Lt.-Gol. D. A. McDonald, O'Connor Street, Stewarton. W. H. Aumond, 503 Cumberland Street. E. B. Holt, New Edinburgh. ' |86 Parliamentary Directory, Enoineeiis' Drancii. H. James, Arcliitect. F. W. White, Clerk. Mesmknqers. C. Dion, J. VV. Oow, Napoleon Caaault, Wn». Taylor, Eugene Vernnill. Lt.-Col. Lamontagne, Deputy- Adjutant Ottawa District No. 4, 114 D.iiy St. Lt.-Col. Hon. Ghaulks Euuknic Panet, Deputy ot the Minister of Militiu and Defence, 189 Tiieodore Street. Born in the city of Quel)ec I7th November, 1830; educated at Qu»'bec Seminary; called tu the Liar L. C. 1K.')4. Is a member of the CoiiuliI of ihe Dominion llifle Association, and a Vice President of the Duiiiiiiiun Artillery Association; was Lieut.-Culonel Commanding the 9th liattiilitHi V. M. or Voltigeura de Quebec for many years (retired retaining ranU IPS'), and Coroner lor the City of Quebec for fourteen years. Sat in the SciiuU' '(\)v '• La Salle" division from March 2nd, 1874, until February 5th, IS75, when appointed to present office. — Western Departmental Building. Frederick Dohsox Middletox, Major General Commanding the Canadian Militia. Born at Belfast, Ireland, Nov. 4th, 1825; edncatef>8 and Woolwiclii ArKcnnl; wuh lieutenaiit in Ruyal Artillery, iliily, 18G1 ; retired ns It.-colonel, July, 1^82 ; atinclied for pervice with Ouiutilian Militiit in July, 1872; Coniinnndaiit Royal School of Gunnery and As8i. Inspector of Artillery; appointed ihe Innpector of Artillery for the Dominion IhI AugUHt, 1882, and totlie conintand of the regiment of Canadian Artillery — hiw preHent position — on the lOth August, 1883. — Western Departmental Building. Lieut.*Co1. John Macphkrson, Director of Stores and Keeper of Militia Properties. Born in Ontario 1850 ; educated in Montreal, where he afterwards engaged in meicantile pur^uitw; in 1841) he received a conimis8ion in the Ilrd Battalion Montreal Miliiia,and in 1856 organized the first Highhind Company in the Province of Quehec, of which he was appointed captain ; this conipany was afterwards attached to the 1st or Prince of Wales Hegintem, Montreal, and formed one of the guards of honor during tlie visit of H. H. II. the I'rince of Wales in 1800; he retained this conunand until his pioniotion to the rank of ninjor in 18GI ; was appointed brigade major to the Active Force of Montreal in the same year ; in 18(i2 was selected by His Excellency the Ccmnuinder- in-Chief to fill tlie post of Brigade Major of Military District No. II ; in 1865 was promoted to the rank of lieut.-colonel in the Militia; served on the staff of Majiii-General Lindsay at Montreal during the Fenian troubles in 1866; the same year was ai)pointed iJeputy-Aspistunt-Adjutant-Geneial of Militia, commanding one of the military districts in Lower Canada; in 1869 acted as Deputy Adjutaiit-Oenerai Commanding Military District No. 3 in Ontario ; in 1870 appointed Acting-Snperiiitendent of Military Schools in the Dominion until the tlireatcnp- '.dw St. Thomas Casev, 168 Daly St. Inspectors. Henry Godson, Chief Inspector. John Davis Windsor District. J. Mjrrow, Toronto District. W. L. Hamilton, Kingston District. R. Bellemare, Montreal District. J, M. Lemoine, Quebec District. Ihoinas Hanford, New Brunswick Dis- trict. W. J. Johnstone, Chief Inspector Weights and Measures, 127 Bank St. R. Borradaile, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward (sland District. W. K Gouin, Manitoba District. C. T. Dupoht, British Columbia Dis- trict. John Da vies. Inspector of Distilleries. W.J.Gerald, Prescott, Inspector of Tobacco and Cigar Factories. Ddmihhn of Canada, 1^3 Edward Miall, Conmiissioner of Inland Revenue, 233 Metcalfe St. Born in England, 1838; educated there; entered Civil Service 1870 5 appointed Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue 1872 ; attended Fishery Commission at Halifax, 1877 ; and was u member of the Pacific Railway Oonimisttion of Inquiry, 1880-81 ; appointed Conmiissioner of Inland Revenue — present position — 26th January, lo83. — Eastern Departmental Building. Paul Movle Robins, Chief Clerk and Accountant, 265 Cooper Street. Born in Guernsay, 13th July, 1842; educated in England; entered the ■Canadian service (outside) Inland Revenue Department, Toronto, 22i)d January, 1868; senior 2nd class clerk, 1st April, 1872; Ist class clerk, 1st of July, 1873; Chief Clerl: nd Accountant — present position — 1st October, 1878. — Eastern Departmental Building. Wm. Himswobth, Chief Clerk, Correspondence Branch. Born in Montreal, December, 1847; educated at Toronto and Quebec; entered the Civil Service of Canada, 30tn June, 1868; was made a junior 2nd •class Clerk, Ist July, 1872; senior 2nd class Clerk, Ist July, 1873; 1st class Clerk, Ist January, 1875; Chief Clerk — present position — Ist July, 1884. — Eastern Departmental Building. THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Is presided over by a Minister of the Crown, styled the Postmaster- •Gencral, and has charge of all mails while in Canada and passing through Canada, and, in compliance with the Postal Service Act, may be assisted by a Deputy Postmaster-General, and Inspectors over the several postal divisions. (See Postal Regulations 38 Vic, cap. 7.) The Chief Inspector performs the duties, as the name indicates, of Inspection General and Special throughout the Dominion or elsewheie in relation to the Postal Ser 'ce of Ca.iada. Hon. John Carlino, Postmaster-General, Russell House. (See page 45.) W. H. Griffin, Deputy Postmaster-General, 300 Sparks Street. Secretary's Branch. W White, Chief Clerk, Secretary, 185 Wurtemburg Street. W. D. LeSueur, Chief Clerk, Assistant-Secretary Rideauville. H. S. Weatherley, Ist class clerk, 72 O'Connor Street. -J, Walsh, Ist class clerk, 125 Nepean Street. A. Lindsay, Ist cIasr clerk, .'iO Lyon Street. H. G. Hopkirk, 1st class clerk, 12 Clif) Street. ■G. H. Hargrave, I'nd class clerk, 46 Lvon Street. H. W. Griffin, 2nd class clerk. Royal ICxcliange Hotel. ■J. Graham, 2nd class clerk, 69 McKay Street, New Edinburgh. C. Sangstcr, 2nd Clads clei-k, 281 Maria Street. A. W. Tliroop, 2nd class clerk, 5 Calhcart Street. ■C. Falconer, 2nd clans clerk, 98 Elgin Street. •G. R. White, 2nd class clerk, 185 Wurtemburg Street. J. M. O'Leary, 2nd class clerk, 380 Rideau Street. A. McLennan, 2nd class clerk, Stewarton. •G. J. Binks, 2nd class clerk, 198 Bank Street. . ■ ... 'G. Ranee, 3rd class clerk, 31 Charles Street. D. A. C. MacDonald, 3rd class clerk, .322 Besserer Street. A. J . MacDearmid, 3rd class ciferk, Ann Street, Stewarton. ■ > 13 154 Parl\an\^nt(iry f)irec(Qry. J. A. Macdonald, Srd clasa elerk, 19fl Bank Street. » . W.J. Frechette, 3rd class clerk, 85 Alma iStre.et, flull. , ' . H. H. Morton, 3rd class clerk, 5J58 Wellingto'h' Street. ' •■. J. Cartef, 3rd class clerk, 325 Wellington Street. , ,' H. Knsta/, 3rd class clerk. Concession Street, Mount Sherwobd.. F, G.Bebhel-, 3rd class 'clerk, in England. ' J. ChHit^krd, 3rd class clerk, 486 Sussex Street. G. Marsan, 3id class clerk', 257. Bridge Street. A. E. Hemming, 3rd class clerk, 191 Slater Street. W.C. Little, 3rd class clerk, 84 Bank Street. J. Brown, '3rd class clerk, 139 Chapel S'treet. ' . G. A. D; Mailleue, 3rd class clerk, 1 14 Cathcart Street. Ni Champagne, 3rd class clerk, 309 St. Patrick Street, T. Itoy, 3rd class clerk, 245 Sussex Street. F. G. Moon, 3rd cluss clerk,..117 Rideau Street. ' .' C. P. V. Beroard, 3rd class cleirk, 241 Wilhrod Street. E; p. Stanton, 3rd class clerk, 223 Rideau Street. B. M. Northrup, 3rd class clerkj McLeod Street, Stewarton. E, L. 'I'aylor, 3rd class clerk, 266 Lis^ar Street. E. Daubney, 3rd class clerk, Cummings' Bridge. , E. Bunel, 3rd class clerk, 69 Redpath Street. C L. Hutton, 3rd class cjerk, 84 Waller Street. G. C. Wood, 3rd class clerk, 34 Slater Slreet. H. Brenot, .3,rd class, clerk, 33 Daly Street. N. W. Curtis, 3rd class clerk, 316 Gloucester Street. '' C. Pope, 3rd class clerk, 370 Maria Street. W. AlfOrd, 3rd class clerk. Bank Street Road, Billings' Bridge. A. Lampman, 3rd class clerk, 144 Nicholas Street. J . S. Stevenson, 3rd class clerk, 199 Bank Street. J. Prendergast, 3rd class clerk, 48l Besserer Street. Printisjo and Supply Branch. Sidney Smith, Jr., Chief Clerk, Superintendent, .381 Daly Street. O. Fortier, 2nd class clerk, 122 Stewart Street. J. K. G^eeiifield, 3rd class clerk, Sweetland Avenue. v' ., ' 'tVBrien, 3rd class clerk, 241 Kent Street. ... ■ ■ ,, -;•/■. Accountant's Branch. ■'.c •■ M :. '■:-:. steed, chief Clerk, Accountant, 262 Wellington Street. W. H. duiitiison. Chief Clerk, Assistant- Accountant, T2 ^Igin Street. P. E. Bucke, Ist class clerk, 390. Daly Street. . j : , J. Plunkett, 1st class clerk, 164 Nicholas Street. :■ .^ . :>... E. H. Benjamin, 2nd class clerk, 417 Rideau Street. L. Blanchet, 2nd class clerk, .358 Slater Street. C. J. 1^. Higgins, 2nd class clerk, Russell Road, Coupty Garelton. G. M. Patrick, 2nd class clerk. 2.9 Victoria Avenue. W. McK. Blanchard, 2nd class clerk, 21^ MariaStreet. ' . : ■ R. J. Oliver, 3rd class clerjk, 384 Sussex Street. D. F. McCarthy, 3rd class clerk, 513 Rideau Street. J. G. Fortier, 3rd class clerk, 572 Wellington Street. E. A. D. Jones, 3rd class clerk. ; • ' W. M. Brophy, 3rd class clerk, 496 King Street, P, T, Lahey, 3rd class clerk, 244 Lyon Street, L. E. Poulfiott, 3rd class clerk, ^8 Waller Street. s > . . ; . l Dominion of Canada. C. O. Doucet, 3r(i class clerk* 137 Augusta Street. . ,..' D. A. Barrett, 3rd class c'erk, 327 Theodore Street. ■ ' T. McGrail, 3rd class clerk, 223 Rideau Street. N. G, D'Auteuil, 3rd claps clerk, 217 Bfesserer Street. ,, W. H. Burpee, 3rd class clerk, New Edinburgh. A. Divine, 3rd class clerk, 126! Nicholas Street. T. M. Olivier, 3rd class clerk, .S84 Sussex Street. R. Henderson, 3rd class clerk, 134 Nicholas Street. G. C. Anderson, 3rd class clerk, 180 Wellington Street. E. Wilson, 3rd class clerk, 193 Lyon Street. F. K. Rochester, 3rd class clerk, Hintonburgh. .' . F. Lemieux, 3rd class clerk, 223 Wellington Street. H. S. Shaw, 3rd class clerk, JaneviDe. fl. S. Campbell, 3rd class clerk, 55 O'Oonnor/Street. . T. Ainsboi-ough, 3rd class clerk, Janeville. C. R. Robertson, 3rd class clerk, 124 Nicholas Street. J. Ashworth, Chief Clerk, Cashier, Belmont, Aylmer Road. Money Order Branch. J. C. Stewart, Chief Clerk, Superintendent, 414 Slater Street. G. F. Everett, Chief Clerk, Assistant-Superintendent, 144 Slater Street. W. J. Barrett, Ist class clerk, 323 Theodore Street. J. P. Brof)hy, 2nd class clerk, 495 King Street. F. W. Creighlon, 2nd class clerk, 41 Lyon Street. T. B. Smith, 2nd class cl6rk, 281 Gloucester Street. R. J. Shaw, 2nd. dlass clerk, 136 Queen Street. S. S. Thorne, 2nd class clerk, 107 Nepean Street. D. McPherson, 2nd class clerk, 73 O'Connor Street. W. J. Johnstone, 2nd class clerk, 127 Bank Street. M. K. Dunlevie, 3rd class clerk, 109 Vittoria Street. .1. F. Wall, 3rd class clerk, 207 Sparks Street. J. C Bonner, 3rd class clerk, 357 Nepean Street. A. W. Wall, 3rd class clerk, 382 Lisgar Street. J. H. Spencer, 3rd class clerk, 94 Gloucester Street. E. R. H. Brooks, 3rd class clerk, 85 O'Connor Street. P: B. Powell, 3rd class clerk, 238 Gloucester Street. F. M. S. Jenkins, 3rd class clerk, 504 Albert Street. F. H. P. Mercer, .3rd class clerk, 112 Metcalfe Street. F. E. S. Grout, 3rd class clerk. 191 Lyon Street, C. W. Lally, 3rd class clerk, 262 Lisgar Street. T. E. Visser, 3rd class clerk, 94 Wilbrod Street. W. R. Hanley, 3rd class clerk. 368 Slater Street. J. L. Oliver, 3rd class clerk, 95 St. Andrew Street. W. Rowan, 3rd class clerk, 347 Lisgar Street. W, T. Wilson, 3rd class clerk, 208 Albert St-'-t. J. Mullen, 3rd class clerk, 364 W ellington S .cat. E. L. Learoyd, 3rd class clerk, 88 Bank Street. G. H. Hayes, 3rd class clerk, 368 Slater Street, J. A. Lockhart, 3rd class clerk,. 113 Maria Street. J. H. Conroy, 3rd class clerk, 368 Slater Street. E. JyO'Hagan, 3rd class clerk, 1 Nicholas Street. Savings Bank Branch. a J. C. Stewart, Chief Clerk, Superintendent, 414 Slater Street. D, Matheson, Chief Clerk, Assistant-Superintendent, Grand Union HoteU 195 T96 PaHinnteniafy Dinctd¥y. W. H. Harrington, let class cltirk» 387 Nl^pean Street. ■J. Koee Smith, 2nd class clerk, 118 Vittoriii Street. W. H. Engleson, 2nd clats clerk, 430 Bensej-er Streets J. H. Fairweather, 2nd class cle^k, 244 Besserer Street. E. B. Bell, 3rd class clerk, 50 Kent Street. W. H. Kreps, 3rd class clerk, 234 Wilbrod Street. W. H. McCuaig, 3rd class clerks Stewarton. J. C. Beatty, 3rd class clerk, 188 Queen Street. J. H. Bollard, 3rd class clerk, 39 Slater Street. P. B. Taylor, 3rd class clerk, 97 Gloucester Street. E. E. F. Taylor, 3rd class clerk, 371 Daly Street. H. N. P. Chesley, 3rd class clerk, 191 Lyon Street. H. J. Finn, 3rd class clerk. 125 Nicholas Street. E. F. Jarvis, 3rd class cl^rk, 9D Wilbrod Street. W. C. E. Stewart, .3rd class clerk, 88 Victoria Street, New Edinburgh. A. F. L. Geddes, 3rd class clerk, Nicholas Streets H. McGillivray, 3rd Class clerk, 323 Maria Street. E. G. Hayes, 3rd class clerk, 188 Queen Street. J. D. Elliott, 3rd class clerk, 135 Albert Street. J. E, Pelton, 3rd class clerk, 690 Albert Street. E. D, Weldon, 3rd class clerk, 188 Queen Street. R. W. Breadner, .^hl class clei-k, 180 Wellington Street. M. Bennett, messenger, 75 Frank Stret^t. J. Bell, messenger, MacKay Street, New Edinburgh. J. Dodd, messenger, 270 Nepean Stfeel. ■S. Graham, messenger, 79 Victoria Street, New Edinbureh. D. Courtney, messenger, 26 Alexander Street, New Edinburgh. 'S. Short, messenger. Union Street, New Edinburgh. S. Greenfield, packer, B. Street^ Archville. W, Ferguson, packer, 212 Besserer StriSet. R. Greenfield, packer. 673 Lisgar Street. €. A. Clark, packer, 203 Queen Street. W. Cooch, packer, Gilmour Street. M. Galvin, packer, 146 Clarence Street. T. Hartnedy, packer, 587 Lisgar Street. T. A. Caflarati, packer. Fifth Street) ArchVille. G. Elburne, packer, 578 Albert Street; J. Briggs, packer, 259 Bank Street. A. Morse, packer, 285 Mafia Sti-eet. D. Glarabut, packer, Lisgar Stt^tj Mount Sherwood* J. Barett, packer, 40 Daly Street. J. Elliott, packer, 385 Maria StI-eet. J. B. Laurie, packer. Mount Sherwood. J. Marier, packer, 128 Bessei-er Street. W. J. Bell, packer, MacKav St.eet, N^w Edinburgh. A. Wheatley, packer, DrillHall, MiiHa Sti-eet. D. H. Ooulden, packer, 335 Sussex Street. J. Bradley, packer, 57 Victoria Street, Nei^ Bdinbttrgh. W. J. MahoQ, packer, 375 King StiHefet. A. L. Jarvis, private secretary, 5t 'Theoclo/e Street. William Henbt Griffin, De^ttty i^bsttnaster-Oehi^i'alj 300 Sjpaiffis StoMi; Born 7th August, 1812 } enteri^d Imberia) public service as a clerk in the office of the Deputy Postmaster-General 21st April, 1831; promoted to be Surveyor of Post Clfflental ^ Building. Sidney Smith, Jr., Chief Clerk, Printing and Supply, .381 Daly Street. . , Born at Cobourg, Ont., 29th July, 1850 ; educated. Point L.'vis College, Que.; Upper Canada College, Toronto; Royal Grammar School, LniicaPter, England, and under Vicar of Zealand, Ijanca'shire, England, Rev. W. M. Shaw, M.A., Cambridge ; passed School of Military Instruction, Toronto, 0th July, 1868 ; ensign in Canadian Militia 1806 ; captain 1869 ; granted colonial nomina- tion for midshipman Royal Navy 1862 ; 1st vice-president Canadian Associa- tion Amateur Oarsmen 1882, wliich office he still holds; entered the Civil Service of Canada 28th January, 1870; second class clerk 1872; first class 1879; chief clerk and Superiniendent of Printing and Supplies, his present position, 1882.— Western Departmental Building. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Presided over by a Minister of the Crown, styled the Minister of Af^ricnl- ture. The direction of all public bodies, officers and servants employed in the execution of the following, are controlled by him, assisted by a Deputy : — 1. Agriculture. 2. Immigration and Emigration. 3. Public Health and Quarantine. , . , 4. The Marine and Immigration Hospital, Quebec. 5. Arts and Manufactures. 6 The Census Statistics and the Registration of Statistics. 7. Patents of Invention. H. Copyright. '9. Industrial Designs and Trade Marks. It is the duty of the Minister to cause to be prepared and to submit to the Gove'*nor-Oene.ral, an annual, report of the proceedings of liis department, to .be !iid before both Houses of Parliament within twenty-one days from the commencement of each session. • . Hon. John Henry Pope, Minister of Agriculiure. (S^e page 68). J. C. Tache, Depifty of the Minister of Agriculture, 374 Sussex Street. John Lowe, Secretary, Inkerman Cottage, Rideau Canal. H. B. Small, A'ccountaht, 24'i Wilbrod Street. ' J. E. W. Currier, Minister's Secretary, 190 Wellington Street. W. F. Boardman, 39 Victoria Cham- bers. J. C. Peper. '. L. Durey. J. E. Lemieiix, 396 St. Patrick Stree^. / , Patent Branch. A. J. Cambie, Chief Clerk in charge, 270 Cooper Street. H. Casgrain, 179 Theodore Street. D. Routhier. E. D'Auteul, 216 Maria Street. • T. McCabe, 425 Wellington Street. 'A. Leveque, 98 Water Street. C. C. Neville. J. F. Dionne, 128 Chapel Street. W. J. Lynch. ' J. H. Fraser, 147 Chapel Street. C. Cak'on, 122^ Catbea^-t Street Ddmihioh df Canada. 199 A/ Ttichi', 280'lTel8bn SlrteV; ' ' *• W;-HaiirighlV- ' :;•" ''';'■'. ,1 L. J. Beland, 41 Bolton Streetv ^ * J. H. Ly8tet,'313 Somerset Street; ', J. Ley^ilei'Mod^l'repairet. Model Keepers.— L. Z. Chabot. Oeorge l^eraaitre. / Rev. C. Tanguay Attache, 90 Church I E. H. St. Denis, 214 Gloucester Street. | Street. - I, . Archives. .... D. Brymner, 10 Dalhousie Street. | J. Marinette. Copyright a^'d Trade Mark. J. B. Jackson, Registrar, 387 Cumber- land Street. fi. Tetu, Assistant-Registrar, 83 Stewart Street. Messengers — B. Moreau, D, Cote, Alf. De.s«jardin8. . ; 1 Packers. — T. A. Caffaroti, J, JJ. Laurie,, J. Marlen, Wm. J. Bell. '.*'■'■ Joseph Charles Taohe, M. D., Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Statistics, 374 Sussex Street. Born 24th December, 1820-; doctor of medicine ; represented Rimbuski, .ill' 'Canadian Assembly, from 1847 to 1857, when he resigned} Was a commissioner from Canada to {*aris Exhibition, 1855, on which occasion he was created, a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, by the Emperor of the French ;. editor of Le Courrier du Canada (Queliec) from 1857 to 1859, when appointed an Inspector of Prisons, Asyltims, Ac, of which he became Chairman, 1'863; was appointed by Order-in-Council lUth June, 1880, a member of the Civil Service Commission ;' was, with Mr. Tilton, instrumental in preparing the minority report recommending a qualifying examination and probationary service, which was afterwards adopted by the Government in framing the Civil Service Act; was a commissioner to Paris Exhibition, 1867; author of various •works on Can'ada; declined a fellowship in tiie Royal Society of Canada, 188^; appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Canadian Assembly, August, 1864, which office hfe c6Atin(ies to hold. — Western Departmental Building. ■John Lowe,' Secretary Department of Agriculture. /.' Born 20th February, 1824; was .reporter and assistant-editor Montreal Gazette, from 1848 to 1861: editor Toronto Colonist^ from 1851 to 1853; joint editor and proprietor Montreal Gazette, from 1853 to 1870; is author of several Statistical and other publications; entered the public service of Canada as Census Staff Officer, July, 1870 ; appointed Secretary of the Department bf Agriculture — his present position' — 21st February, 1871. — Western Depart- mental Building. . . ■ , ■•' '..•■■' ■•.''" ' '. •', . THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT. . ::..■; v. The Library was constituted a separate department of the' public service by the Act 34 Tict., chap. 21. The officers are appointed by the Crown, and are responsible to the Speakers of the Senate and House of Comjiions, assisted by a Joint Cbmiriittee (if both Houses, sessionally appointed, i , A. p.'DeCelles.... .. ,>..«k ••«••• .... .tActing Librarian of 'Parliamjent. -'- 'Augustin Laperriere ......Senior Clerk, FrenjcH Division. A. Hamlyn Todd Senior Clerk, English Divisioti..^ James Fletcher «., Accountant. /•'. Mi"? '^ ' 30O Parliamentary Directory. James Campbell Clerk, Englloh Division. L. P. Sylvam Jun. Clerk French & English Division E. Stewart Thane B^itra Clerk. L. J. Ca^iault Chief Messenger and Caretaker. James H. Dunlop 'ind Messenger. J. W Ryan 3rd Messenger J. R. Ratte 4th Messenger. Board of Civil Service Exa.iinerh. John Tliorburn, LL.D., Chairihah. A. D. DeCelles. P. LoSueur, Secretary. Thk High Commissioner fob Canada Is appointed by the Governor-in-Council under the 'Great Seal of Canada, and his duties are in part as follows : To act as representative and resident a;;ent of Canada in the United Kingdom, and in that capacity to execute such powers and to perform such other duties as are assigned to him by the Governor-in-Council. He has the supervi<)ion and control of the immigration offices and agencies in the United Kingdom, under the Minister of Agriculture. He carries out such instructions as he may from time to time receive from the Governor-in-Council respecting the commercial, financial, and general interests of Canada in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Office of the High Commissioner for Canada in London, 9 Victoria Chambers S. W. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., P.C., High Commissioner for Canada* (See page 87.) Clarence C. Chipman, Private Secretary and Assistant Accountant. Joseph G. Colmer, Official Secretary. F. J. Dore, Accountant. Clerks— C.F. Just. C.J.Taylor. E. W.A.Dixon. John Howard. A. Welland. Canadian Government Aoencies in the United Kingdom. John Dyke, 15 Water St., Liverpool. T. Grahame, 40 St. Enoch Sq. Glasgow Chs. Foy,29 Victoria Place, Be.fiast. Thomas Connolly, Northumberland House, Dublin. J. W. Down, Bath Bridge, Bristol. Immigration Agencies in the Dominion. L. Stratford, Point Levis, Quebec. > J. A. Donaldson, Strachan Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. W. J. Wills, Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario. J. J. Daley, Bonaventure Street, Montreal, Province of Quebec. R. Macpherson, William Street, Kingston, Ontario. John Smith, Great Western Railway^tation, Hamilton, Ontario. A. G. Smvth, London, Ontario. £. Clay, Halifax, Nova Scotia. ' . S. Gardiner, St. John, New Brunswick. W. C. B. Grahame (H. J. Maas, German Assistant) Winnipeg, MftQitoba. . J. E. Tetu, Railway Station, Emerson, Manitoba. Thos. Bennet, (Julius Eberbard, German Assistant) Office at Railway Station, Brandon, Manitoba. :...-.... J. Mi McGovern, Port Arthur. "• ' s '. ;, John Jessop, Victoria, British Columbia. .... » . ■ , . THE CITY OF OTTAWA, ' Capital ot the Dominion of Canada, is picturesquely situated on the soutiv fhore of the nver of the same name, or familiarly* known as the "Grand Kiver," in the County ofCarleton, Province of Ontario, about 87 miles from its confluence with the St. Lawrence River and at the point of junction of the Gatineau and Rideau Rivers and Rideau Canal with tne Ottawa River. The- celebrated Chaudiere Falls are situated at the west end ot the city, and are spanned by a handsome suspension bridf^e erected by the Government at a cost of nearly $67,000, which unites the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. At the north-east of the city the Rideau River falls into the Ottawa, forming two beautiful cataracts, over 40 feet in height. The city is distant about 120 miles from Montreal, the^ame from Kingston, 280 miles from Toronto and 75- from the Town of Brockville. The city is easy of access from all points. The following are the railroads running into the cit^ : Canadian Pacific — theCanada Atlantic, connecting with Grand Trunk going eas'. — the St. Lawrence and Ottawa, connecting with the Grand Trunk going west — atid that known as the Ontario and Queliec Railway, running to Toronto— and the North Shore, run- ning to Montreal and Quebec, the two latter now links of the C. P. R.; as well as a line of steamers plying between Ottawa and Kingston, on the Rideau Canal, passing through the magnificent scenery of the Rideau Lakes, which rival, if not excel in grandeur, their perhaps more extensive sisters the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence. This line connects during navigation with the steamers on the LakesOntario, Huron, ftcand the Ottawa River Navi- eation Co.'s Line of Steamers to Montreal where,along the river banks a grand display of natural scenery is visible to the excursionist. The River Ottawa takes its rise near the 49th parallel of north latitude, and descends some rugged stretches over a course of about 400 miles. This river drains an area of 57,800 square miles, and its banks are so hizh that it gives to the land adjacent ' an admirable system of natural drainage — hence Ottawa's boast of being one of the most healthy and pleanantly situated cities in the Dominion. The Town of Bytown, out of which Ottawa has developed, was founded by Col. By, R. E , in the .ear 1827, the same year in which the Rideau Canal was undertaken to be built, this work being performed by the Imperial Gov- ernment for military convenience, as a means ol communication betweerv Quebec and Lake Ontario. Ottawa is proud of its being selected by Her Majesty the Queen as the Seat of Government for Canada, although it had a- strong rivalry in the older and larger cities of Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, and even Kingston at that time. The city can fairly be proud of the natural beauty of her surrounding scenery. Certain views along the Gatineau River and in the valley are admitted to oe, by all who have had the pleasure of beholding: them, unsurpassed for natural grandeur in America, and require the pen of an artist to describe them. The Act incorporating Ottawa as a city, waf> passed in 1854 ; it then com- fTised ten thousand inhabitants. The Act came into operation 1st Jan., 1855. ts annual assessment, at present 's about $12,000,000, and it has a population of about 30,000. A few of the leading industries, public buildings, ac, may be here enumerated and seem in order. The lumbering interests are on an extensive scale, and the amount of money invested in the prosecution pf this enterprise alone, is marvellous. The iron mines, in close proximity to the city, IS another source of wealth, also the phosphate mines in the sairie i^fgion^ The mercantile trade of the City is well represented (wholesale and retail) in all its branches; and manufacturing, although it has not reaeheel the- 202 Parliamentary Directory. extent it should have, where so many rare privileges offer, ie gradually grow- ing and may, perhaps, in the near future, so develop, as to assume ponderous proportions. The following papers, periodicals, and anntiarle, are published in the City :— •* The Ottawa Citizen," publiffhed r'ally, and semi^weekly, 31 Metcalf St* " The Free Press," daily and weekiVjCprner of Elgin and Queen Sts. ■ i' " The Dally Sun," published :daily,'52 and 64 Elgin St. . "Le Canada," published daily and weekly, 624 Sussex St.' i '• ! ■ r'^* "The Investigator," published monthly, 31 Metcalfe St. ■ "The Ottawa City Directory," published annually, 36 Elgin St. "The Parliamentary Directory," published aiinually, 36, Elgin St. ..);!. ■ . .;,,., " ' i?LACEs OF Amusement. ' Grand Opera House, 132 Albert St. ,,'■•'' . ." Drill Hall and Military Museum. St. James Hall, 115 Sparks St. , . Victoria Hall, corner Queen and O'Connor Sta. Canadian Institute Music Hall, 20 York St. " ■^ Young Men's Amusement Hall, over 22 Rideau St. ! Metropolitan Athletic Club, Kent St., between Sparks'and Wellington. St.- Patrick's Concert Hall, 103 St. Patrick St, Royal Skating Rink,, between Slater arid I'aria Sts. Places op Interest. . Government House, McKay Estate, New Edinburgh. Parliamentary Library, Government Hill. Parliament and Departmental Buildings and Grounds, Government Hill, facing Wellington St. Pater )ffice and Model Room, Western Departmental Building, 4th flat. Geolo^jCal Museum, 547 Sussex St, Cana-fian Fisheries Museum, comer of O'Connor and Queen Sts. Art GiJ.lery, Supreme and Exchequer Court Building, Bank St. . School of Art and Design, Sparks St. , Lover Walks, around Government HfiH, overlooking the Rideau Canal, ■Ottawa River and Chaudiere Falls. (, Powder, Magazine, Nepean Point. : , Chaudiere Falls., Rideau Falls. :. ) . Supreme and Exchequer- Court Buildings, Government Hill, facing Bank St. ( .County Court Buildings and Offices of the County of Carleton, corner of Daly and Nicholas Sts. City Post Office, facing Canal, between Sparks and Wellington Sts. Customs House and 0.ffi'ces, Post 0.flHce Building. . r . Military Stores, &c., foot of locks, Rideau Canal. Protestant Hospital, 689. Rideau St. . . Protestant Orphans' H.QqiijB, 66 and 58 Albert St. City Hall, and ofhces of Cjty Officials, centre town. City Water Works Pui;ip-|^((>u8e, Pooley's Bridge, near Chaudiere. .^ Suspension Brijge, Cb.ai*diere« ... • - . •> ..• Normal and l^odeISQiio!qJ&,-:Blgifi( St. f v .' - , ,- , Ottawa UniverpAty,(be^\jj^n;'>V41bro4T»nd Thiep^orpSts^ «,i ., .; i,.t '^ ■■ ( . 8. )■( • Ci(y of Ottawa. . 263 Pleasure Drives, r: , . I Larisdowne Park, E?gin and Bank Sts. Major Hill Park, Canal and Ottawa River Bank Rockliffe, Ottawa River Bank. '•' Bank Street Road. 1 , Richmond Road. , ' '' ' ,, • ; ■ Aylmer Road. '' , . ' . Chelsee Road. ' .' ' ' Hogsback, Rideau Canal. CHURCHES AND CHURCH SERVICES. ' Baptist Church. — Maria Street, corner of Elgin, Rev. A. P. McDiarmid, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday School, 3 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. Catholic Apostolic Church. — Albert Street, south side. Hours of service, 10 a.m. and 5pm.; week days at C a.m. and 6 p.m. Eucharist service every Sunday and every fourth Tuesday, at 10 a.m. Metropolitan Methodist Church. — Corner Gloucester and Metcalfe Streets. Rev. J.H.George, B. A., pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school at 2. .30 p.m . Congregational Church — Corner of Albert and Elgin Streets. Rev. John Wood, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school, 10 a.m. summer, and 3 pni. winter; bible class at the same hour; lecture and prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Emmanuel Church, (Refornied Episcopal). — Corner Elgin and Gloucester streets. Rev. J. S. Trotter, rector. Hours of service, ll a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. Lecture on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. German Lutheran Church. — Wilbrod street. Rev. J. C. Borth, minister. Hours of service, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Eastern Methodist Church. — Cornei^ Besserer and King streets. Rev. W. Hansford, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Sabbath school at 2.30 p.m. Dominion Methodist Church. — Metcalfe street. Rev. B. Longley, B.A., pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. Western Methodist ChurcJi. — Wellington Street. Rev. James Allan, M.A.; pastor. Hours of Service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p.m.; Wednesuay evening service at 8 p;m. St, Paul's Presbyterian Church. — Cor. Daly and Cumberland Streets, Rev. W. D. Armstrong, M,A,, pastor. Hours of Service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Presbyterian Church. — Bank Street, weet side, Rev. Dr. Moore, pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday at 7.30 p m. Presbyterian Church, (Knox Church).— City Hall Square. Rev. F. W, Farries, pastor, h 364 Slater. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednee- ^lay at 7.30 p.m. St. Andrew's Church — Wellington Street, south sidp. Rev. S. T. Herridge, B.A., pastor. Hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sabbath School at 3 p.m.; prayer meeting and lecture on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m.. ' . . Chrvsi Church (Church of England.) — Sparks street, south side^ ' Rev. J. S. Lauder, D.D., archdeacon of Ottawa, rector; Wu<'i. Muckleston, curate. 2Q4 Parliamentary Directory. Hoursof service, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Free seats in the evening. Ghurcb Warden3 — A. J. Cambie and G. Macnab. Delegates to Synod — A. J. Gt)mbier H. Hartney and E. P. Remon. Church of St. Alhan the Martyr^ (Church of England.)— Free flents-r-Daly street, north side. Rev. J. J. Bogert, M.A., rector. Hours of service, 8 a.m.,. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.; Sunday School, 3 p.m. Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., alternately, ana on the Church festivals. Daily service at 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. During the summer at 9.30 a.m. at. John the Evangelist, (Church of England). — Sussex Street, west side. (Mackenzie Avenue). Rev. H. Pollard, rector. Hours of service, il a.m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion, alternately at 8.15 and 11 a.m. Seats free in the evening. Church Wardens— H. N. Bate and Major J. Stewart. Cathedral of Ottawa. — Sussex Street. His Lordship Joseph Thomat4 Duhamel, Bishop of Ottawa; J. O, Routhier, Vicar-General; Rev. (ieorge Bouillon, Rev. L. Campeau, Bursar ; Rev. M. Sloan, Secretary; Rev. M. .Molloy, O.M.I., Lefrancois, doorkeeper. Hours of service, 6 o clock a.m.,. 8 o'clock a.m., 10 o'clock a.m. and 7 o clock p.m. in summer, and 3 o'clock p.m. in winter. St. Ann's Church. — St. Patrick street east. Rev. Rene Prud'homme, P P, Hours of service, 7.30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 3 p.n). St. Joseph's Church.— VfWhrod street. Rev. A. A. Pallier, P. P. Hours of service, 6 a.m., 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. ; Vespers 7 p.m. St. Pairicies Church.— Rev. M. J. Whelan, P. P., assisted by Rev. T. J. Cole. Hours of service, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. ; Vespers in summer at 7 p.m., in winter at 3 p.m. St. Jean Baptiste Church — Primrose Hill. — The Dominican Fathers. Hours of service, 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. ; Vespers 3 p. m. V CITY POST OFUCE. Office hours, 8 a. m., to 7 p. m. James A. Oouin, postmaster; F. Hawkin, assistant |K)stm aster ; F. French, E. B. Bates, E. S. McDermott, E. J. O'Connor, Charles Shaw, W. H. Pennock, J. G. Poston, D. J. Smith, D. B. Gordon, W. O. Mercer, A. A. Smith, B. B. Wood, H. O'Neill, J. Traversy, C. W. Macdonald, M. J. Whittev,. 4. H. Bartlett, H. Poole, H. Carroll, H. E. Landreau, S. J. Bradbury, E. L. Chevrier, G. R. McQueen, L. Garrett, A. H. Gallup, L. E. Noel, E. H. Matthewman, clerks ; F. S, Warwicker, superintendent of letter carriers ; John Brown, P. Larue, M. Dolan, P. Robert, A. Dupuis. F. J. George, T. Guddie, J. Dunne, W. Lamb, M. J. Egan, J. N. Favreau, T. J. Egan, J. Lari^e,. M. Fagan,T. J. Bedard, J. Barrow, letter carriers ; W. Darcy and W. Goodwin, .letter collectors ; H. Duggan, messenger. Inspector's Ovfioe. T. P. French, inspector; C. P. LeSueur, J. F. O'Connor, D. Maloney,. <;)erVa ; R> Roy, messenger. Mail Clerks. — J. D. Thompson, Ed. Gordon, R. Peden, F. Burnham, L.. . A. C^saraio, E. Stanton, G. T, Gorrell. A. Leclaire, G. G. Wood, J. A. ^^vriteiia Jr. 1^. %. LegtDdre, R. Haitfomery, J. Q. GiUiaie. i City of Offa7va. CUSTOM HOUSE. 205 Office hours, 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. Z. Wilson, collector; J, T» Bartram, surveyor; Thomas t'atterson, :apprai8er; W. 8. Kirbv, chief clerk ; G.J. Horan, J. B. Steacy, Charles 8. Scott, clerks ; Alex. Uenev, P. Marier and A. A. Graham, landing waiters; :S. C. Kier, locker; John McGovern, storenian and packer; G. R. Johnston, messenger, R. C. W. MacQuaig, measuring surveyor of shipping. — Post Office Building. Inland Revenue Division of Ottawa and Poktiac. Comprising the Counties of Carleton, Russell, Ottawa and Pontiac. Martin Battle, collector ; J . M. B. Henry, deputy collector : W. G. Bedard, ■accountant ; John A. Heney, exciseman. — Post Office Building. Crown Timber Office, Corner Queen and Kent. John Poupore, crown timber agent and collector of slide dues ; C. S. McNutt, assistant; James Ritchie, accountant ; A. J. H. Russell, draughts- man; E. T. Smith, E. J. Darby, S. C. Larose, James Slator, clerks ; John Jackson, messenger; J. W. MacDonald, deputy slide master; James Steen ■and John Redmond, timber counters and boatmen. City Registry Office, Nicholas Street. Alexander Burritt, registrar; L. A. MacKenzie, deputy registrar. Office hours, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. County Registry Office, Daly Street. W. H. Waller, registrar; H. F. McNaughton, deputy registrar. Office hours, from' 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ottawa River Works Office, Post Office Building. George P. Brophy, superintendent engineer; David Scott, accoutitant ^ William Kane, messenger. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — F. Yielding, 370 Slater Street. Coroners — Dr. Corbett, Dr. Robillard, Dr. Stephen Wright, # CITY OFFICIALS. Francis McDougal, Mayor. Officers of the Corporation. W. P. Lett, city clerk; Henry Jackson, assistant clerk; William J. Kennedy, clerk ; T.H. Kirby, city treasurer ; James Lind.say, city k,,, ntant; T. W.Thompson, city c:?M»<^tni-! Itobert Surte^s, city engineer; Josepji F. Rowikn, clerk ; A. Pratt, sssessment commissioner ; Joseph Riopelleatid Wm. Porter, assessors ; W. P. Lett, registrat of births, marriages and detithft. WiTBR Works Officers. R. Surtees, manager; E. Pinard, coUectof of water rates; Jbtties F. CuhHlngham, G. R. BIyth, ^ohn A. MbDougall, clerks ; W. G. Williams, water policeman , E. A. Lapierre, bailiff. 2o6 Parliamentary Directpry. . Police Cqurt. The Mayor, Judge of the County Court, and Police Magistrate,-commi8- sioners ; Martin O'Gara; Q.I0EB3, , A. RoblHai^d, M.D., medical health officer; Israel Proulx and Williani' Kilby, inspectors;- Fire Department. ■ • XV^m. Ybung, chief superintendent ; Paul Favreau, assistant superintend-, efttj G. F. Macaonald, superintendent fire alarm ; Emile Turcotte, assistant'. i;. ', : ,:■... . . . . :. ■ , , , Va\ COUNTY OF CARLETON MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. . ! County Officers.— Coxinty Town, Ottawa. — Ira Morgan, Warden ; Williani Cowai^, treasurer; Charles Macnab, clerk; Aichibald Smifle, inspector of Eublic schools; William Mosgrove, solicitor ; JohnPennock and George E.' ^idd, county auditors and auditors of school moneys; Dr. Church, surgeon of the Gaol ; William McEwen, custodian of the court house. , Judicial Officers. — W. A. Ross, county judge ; Robert Lyon, junior county judge 5 W. M. Mathesori, local master of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, and deputy registrar of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice; Robert Lees, county attorney and clerk of the Peace; John Sweet- land, M.D., sheriff; E. D. Sherwood, deputy sheriff; J. P. Featherston, deputy clerk of thciCrown atid Pleas of the High Court of Justice, clerk of County Court and registrar of Surrogate Court; William Kehoe, governor of gaol;' B. W. Granger and James Davitt, turnkeys. Justices of the Peace for the County of Carleton, resident in the City of Ottawa. — George Hay, W. H.Thompson, AJexaniler Workman, Hon. Francis^ Clemow, Thomas Langrell, W. P. Lett, M. O'Gara, P.M., Abraham Pratt, Francis Abbott, Wiliam Cousens, Jm A. Pinard, John Culbert, jr.^J. K. Esmonde, Donald M. Grant, Henry Grist, James O'Connor, Hamne" Hill, M.D., Joseph Kavanagh, Richard O'Connor, A. J. Russell, Robert Cummings, Cummings Bridge; James Hickey, Stewarton; J. P. Taylor, Finance Dept^ ;/ Commissioners in Ottawa. Commissioners in Ottawa, empowered to. take, in Ontario, affidaoiis tobe usedfn Quebec. — Hon. R. W. Scott, Q.C., Edward P. Remon, W. M. Matheson, N. S. Garland, H. J. Morgan, Robert Cassels, R. J. Wiejcsteed, J. J.Gormully^ A. P. Pauet. Commissioners in Ottawa for taking a^daviis to be used in Manitoba — H.J. Morgan apdN. 3,> Garland. ., ,. Commissioner^ in Ottawa for iaiiiing qffidaoits to, be ns^ iji Noiin Seotin-r^} R. J. Wicksteed and H. J. Morgan. . ■ . '..><. i ' , City of Ottmva. 207 Commissioners in Ottawa for taking affidavits to be used in New Bruns- wick — R. J. Wicksteed, H.J. Morgan, John Tilton. COUNTY COURTS. District op Carleton, Prescott and Russell. James Daniell, county judg^j-Prescott artd Russell; W. A. Ross, county judge, Carleton ; Robert Lyon, junior county judge, Carleton. General Sessions and Counhj' Court Xwith Jwj'y)-- Second Tuesday in June and December* * County Court Sittings ^without Jury^—F'xr^i Monday in April and October. . County and Surrogate Court Terms — First Monday in January, April,, July and October, lastinj; till Saturday inclnsrve. ■ - ' ■ < : ( ' i-.V ,r', V'^- I I- I PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 3; QovEBNMENT— Toronto. LiEUTfiyANT GavBBNO ' ' Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto. J. B. Uobinson, jun.. Private Secretary. '^XEOD I" " " COUKOIL. Hon. Oliver Mowat «. .... Attorney General. " T. B. Pardee Commissioner of Ornwn Lands. " C. F. Fraser Commissioner of Public Works. " A. S. Hanly Secretary and Registrar. " A.M. Ross Treasurer and Commissioner of Agriculture. *' O. W. Ross Minister of Education. J. G. Scott, Q. C, Clerk of Exective Council. J. L. Capreol, AssH Clerk. HOU|SE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Charles Clarke, Speaker. >«• •• ■••• CONSTITUENCIES. Addington Algoma Brant, N. R Brant, S.R Brochoille Bruce, N. R Bruce, S. R Cardwell ■Carleton Cornwall , Dufferin Dundas Durham, E. R Durham, W. R Elgin, E. R Elgin, W. R Essex, N. R JCjSS^C% tS% XC •••• •••• m • • • • • Frontenac Glengarry Grenville, S. R Grey,E.R Grey, S.R Haldimand , ... Halton Hamilton Maatingst W.R NAME. p. o. Address. George Denison Hartington Hon. James Young . Hon. A. S.Hardy. .. Hon. C. F. Fraser. .. John Gillies H. P. O'Connor W.H. Hammell .... G. W.Monk A. P. Ross Robert McGhee. ... Aftdrew Broder C. H. Brereton Jas. VV. McLaughlin CO Ermaiinger. .. John Cascaden Solomon White W.D. Balfour Henry Wilmot James Ray side Frederick J. French D. Creighton N. Colman John BIythe Jacob Baxter W. Eearns...... ... John M.Gibson Ephraim G. Sills.... .Gait . Toronto .Toronto . Gillies Hill i Walkerton . Beeton .South March .Cornwall .Homing's Mills . West Winchester . Bethany . Bowmanville .St. Thomas . lona . Windsor . Amherstburgh , Kingston .Lancaster . Prescott . Owen Sound ,Thornbury .Orchard * . Cayuga .Burlington , Hamilton iFrankford .{ , .•'■ r ■ Province of Ontario. 209' CONSTITUENCIES. Hasiings, E. R Hastings, N. R Huron, E.R Huron, S. P. Huron, W. R Kent, E.R Kent, W. R.... Kingston Lambton, E. R Lambton, W. R Lanark, N. R Lanark, S. R.... . . . Leeds and Grenville, N. R. Leeds, i^.R JjQlMiJtij£ ••••• •■•••• •••••• Lincoln ..■ London Middlesex, E. R Middlesex, N. R Middlesex, W. R. Monck Muskoka and Parry Sound Norfolk, S R Norfolk,!^. R Northuviberland, E. . Northumberland, W . Ontario, N. R Ontario, S. R Ottawa Oxford, N. R Oxford, S. R Peel Perth, N.R Perth, S. R Peterbord', E.R Peterboro\ W.R.... Prescott ; Prince Edward Renfrew, 6'. R Renfrew, N. R Russell Simcoe, E. R Simcoe, S. R Simcoe, W. R Stormonl Toronto, East .... ... 'J'oronto West Victoria, N. R Victoria, S. R Waterloo, N. R.... Waterloo, S.R.... Wetland Wellington, W. R Wellington, C. R . Wellington, S.R,. NAME. P. 0. ADDRESS. . . . • • • • W.P.Hudson Roslin A. F, Wood Madoc T. Gibson Wroxeter Archibald Bishop Hay A. McLagan Ross. Goderich D. McCraney Bothwell James Ciancey Wallaceburgh James H. Metcalfe Kingston Peter Graliani Warwick Hon. T. B. Pardee Toronto Wm. C. (Caldwell Lanark William Lees Fallbrook H.Merrick Merrickville Rol:)ert P. Preston Newboro' G. 0. Hawley Bath Sylvester Neelon St. Catherines W. R. Mereilith London Donald McKenzie Hyde Park John Waters Springbank A. Johnston .... Strathroy Richard Harcourt Welland J. W. Dill Bracebridge William Morgan Port Rowan John B. Freeman Simcoe Ja?. M. Ferris ... Campbellford Robert Mulholla'id Cobourg Isaac J . Gould Uxbridge John Dryden Brooklin Patrick Baskerville Ottawa Hon.O. Mowat Toronto G. A. Cooke Norwich K. Chisholm Brampton George Hess Listowel 1 Thos. Ballantvne Stratford Thomas Blezard Villiers John Carnegie Pelerboro' Albert Hagar Plantagenet James Hart Picton John F. Dowling Eganville Thomas Murray Pembroke Honore Robillard Ottawa Charles Drury Crown Hill George P. McKay Lefroy Orson J. Phelps Phelpston Joseph Kerr Farran's Point. Hon. Alex. Morris Toronto Henry E.Clarke Toronto John Fell Bury's Green D.J. Mclnty.e Lindsay E. W.B. Snider St. Jacobs Isaac Master Washington James E. Morin Ridgeway Robert McKim .Parker Hon. C. Clarke Elora James Latdlaw Guelph 14 no Parliamentary Direitory. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Weiitroorth, N, li J. McMalion Diindas Wentu'orth, is. R Nicnolas Awrev Hinluook York, E. R 1. W . Badgerow Toronto York, W. R Jolin Gray Parkdale York, X. R J, H. Wi.Jdifield Newmarket Officers of the Legislative Assembly. — Cliarles T. Gilrnour, Clerk of the House and Clerk of the Cnwn in Cliaiicery ; Arthur H. Sydere. Clerk Assistant; J. M. Delaniere, Clerk; John Notnian, Accountant; John R. Cartwrigl't, Law Clerk; F. J. Glacknieyer, Sergeantat-Arins ; P. O'Brien, Housekeeper and Chief Messenger. Provincial Secretary's OFFicE.^Hon. A. S. Hardy, Provincial Secn- tary ; George E. Jjunisden, Assistant Secretary; J. B' McLachlin, Chief Clerk ; J. D. Warde, 2nd Clerk ; L. H. Irving, 3rd Clerk; Arthur Burtchaell, Messenger. Department of Asylcms, Prisons and Purltc Charities (connected with the Departn>enl of thi; Honoralile the Provincial Secretary) — Dr. W. T. O'Reilly and R. Christie, Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities; H. Hayes, Chief Clerk ; F. M. Niclioison, Siiorthand Writer; J. Mann, Account- ant; J. Smith, Messenger. Provincial Hailitts (attached to Inspector's Office) for the transfer of prisoners, lunatics ( it (t It tt <( (< « « tt ft tt ti tt ft tt tt tt tt ft ft Jean Louis Beaudry. .Montreal. Thomas Wood Dunham Flats. John Jones Ross ....Ste.AnnedelaPerade^ L. 0. Champagne.... St. Eustache. Edouard Remillard . . Quebec. J. A. Dorion St. Ours. J. G. Laviolette Montreal. H. Starnes Montreal. Elizee Dionne...... .SteAnnedelaPocatidre Thomas Savage Cape Cove. George Bryson Mansfield. E. Gerin Three Rivers. L. F. R. Masson Terrebonne. Jean Elie Gingras. ..Quebec. G. Couture Levis". F. X. 0. Methot St. Pierre les Bequets. C.B,deBoucherville..Boucherville. Louis Archambeault. .L'Assomption. E. Prudhomme . ...Parish Montreal. P. B.de LaBruere(Sp).St. Hyacinthe. P.E.Roy St. Pie. John Hearn Quebec. James Ferrier Montreal. , , W. H. Webb Melbourne. Province of Quebec. 2»3 Oeficers of the Legislative Council — G. B. de Boucherville, Clerk, Master in Chancery and Accountant; Isaie Jodoin, Assistant Clerk, Master in Chancery, Clerk of Private Bills and Assistant Accountant; N. Legendre, Clerk of French Journals and Translator; N. Beaudry, Clerk of Committees, Translator and Copying Clerk > A. Frenette, Permanent Clerk and Sergeant- at-Arms; S. 8. Hatt, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod ; Frangois Blais, F. Drouin and Elzear Papillon, Messengers. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. Speaker. constituencies. NAME. P. O, ADDRESS. >••• •••••• ••! Argentenil . Bagoi Beauce Beauhaiv/ioia Bellechasse Berthier . . Bonaventure '. Brome Chambly Champlain Charlevoix Chateauguay Chicouiimi Jb Saguenay. . . . Compton Deux-Montagnes Dor^chester •• • •• Drummond A Arihabaska.. Gaspi Hochelaga Huntingdon Jacques Cartier. Kamouraska Laprairie L'AssompHon Levis L'lslet Loibiniere Maskinong6 Megantic Missisquoi Montcalm Montmagny Montmorency Montreal, West Montreal, Centre Montreal, East Napierville JMtCOLCv •••• ■•«• •••••••••• Ottawa iCouniy) Portneuf Willliam Owens Stonefield. Antoine Casavant St. Dominique. Jean Blanchet ...... Quebec. Celestin Bergevin St Timothee. N. H. E. Faucher Quebec. Joseph Robillard Lanoraie. H. J. Mnrtin Carleton. Hon, W.W. Lynch Knovvlton. Dr. D. Martel Chambly (Basin). Robert Trudel Ste. G. de Batiscan. Onesime Ganthier St. Urbain. J. E. Robidins Montreal. E.St. Hilaire St. Prime, L. St. Jean. W. Sawyer Sawyerville. Ben . Beauchanip St. Hernias. N. Audet ■ St. Anselme. W. J . Watts Drunimondville. Hon. E. J. Flynn Quebec. .Hon. L. Beaubien Montreal. , Dr. A. Cameron HuntingJon. A.L. Demers St. Gee. iljnryville. A. Boyer Montreal. V. P. Lavallee St. Felix de Valois. .Chs. Ant. Er. Gagnon Riviere Quelle. L. B. A. Charlebois Village Laprairie. Joseph Marion.... St. Paul I'Ermite. P. E. LeBlanc Montreal. F. H. Lemieux Quebec. , Charles Marcotte L'lslet. Hon. H. G, Joly Quebec. Edouaid Caron Louisville. John White Leeds. B. E. Spencer Freligsburg. J.B. Treffle. M. Richard. .St. Liguori. N. Bernatchey L. G. Desjardins Levis. James McShane Montreal. G. W. Stephens Montreal. Hon. L. O Taillon, Montreal. F. X. Paradis St. Michel Archange. L. T. Dorais L. Duhamel Wright Township. W. J. Poupore Chichester. D. Brousseau Quebec. I 214 Parliametitary Directory. CONSTITl'KNCIKS. NAMK. l>. O. ADI)KK.«S. Quebec, En 8 1 lospph Slicliyn CJueltec. Quebec, West Felix (/iirlini'y Queliec. Quebec, Centre II. F. itinlret Quebec. Quebec (County) Hon. Pierre Ganieau Quebec. Richmond tt Wolfe J acq lies Picurd Wotton . Richelieu Leon Lediic . ... Sorol. liimounki Jj. N. Awselin HimoiiHUi. Jiouville Etierine Ponliii Ste. M. tie Moiitioir. St. Ilnucinthc Hon. II. Merrier Montreal. St. Jean Hon. F. G, Marcliand St. Jean d'Iberville. at. Maurice F S. li. Dtsanlnier.s Yamacbiche. ahefford ... I.';ue, Clerks ; P. Prevost, Stuickeepcr ; A. Dure and J. iJlonin, Messengers. J loss, jrf'tary ; Co C3 Dkpahtmknt of Agiuci'ltukk and PriH.io VV'oRKs. — Hon J. J. ininiissioner; S. Lesajre, Assistant Ccnuiiissioner ; E. (ia;;non, Secrf: J ]}. DeroMie, Enj^in^er and Superintendent of Pultlic Works ; P. Cousin, Assistant Eii^iineer; A. Trudelle, Drafisrnan ; .1. (). Metlmt, Inspector ol AVorks ; P. M. Partridge, Accountant ; A. F. li'Ivsclianiliault, Book-keeper; L. U. Fontaine, Director o( Colonization; H. A. I'liriieon, Assistant Director of Colonization ; E. A. Harnard, Director f>t A^rriciilture ; A. C. Giiilltault, Registrar ; .1. Cole, Eliz. Gauvreau and J. B. C. Ileliert, Clerks ; P. Arcliain- baull ami P. Poirier, Messengers. Council of Agriculture. — L. H. Ma«siu', Varennes, President ; Georjre Leclerc, Secretary-Treasurer dions. .I..I. Kuss, Ste. Anne de la Porade: G. Ouiniet, Quebec; Ij Beaubien, M.P P., Montreal; L. ArcliaiMbaiilt, I'Assoniption ; Messrs. P. B. Benoit. M.P., St. Hubert ; S. N.Blackwood, Shed'ord ; J. M, Browning, Longueil ; A. ("asavant, St. Doininiiiiie ; E. J. Deblois, Quebec ; Auguste Guilbaiilt, St. Eiizabctb ; A Sunierville, J^ower Lacliine; Dr. J. Martin, Carleton ; A. Marsan, rAssoinption ; Kev. F. Pilote, St. Augustin; H. Lussier. St. Vincent de Paul; Aug. Casgrain, Riviere Ouelle; O. Gauthier, M.P. P., St. Urbain ; .lames Coclirane, Compton ; Eugene Casgrain, L'IsU't ; L. .1. Leinire, Baie du Febvre; Charles Gibb. St. Paul, Abbottslord — OtKce, 7G St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. DEi'AiiTiMKNT OF Crown Lands. — Flon. W. VV. Lynch, Commissioner ; E. E. Tacho, Assistant Commissioner ; C. E. Gauvin, Superintendent ot'Surveys ; Jules Tache, P. M. A. G'^nest and F. X. Genest, Surveyors and Draughtsmen; H. U'Sullivan and D. C. Morency, Lispectors of Surveys; J. V. Gale, Accountant and Cashier ; L E. I^epage, As.«istant Accountant and Cashier; Allreil Pare, Superintendent of VVoods and Fore.-^ts ; W. E. Collins, Super- intendent ol Land Sales, Section West ; L. L. Rivard, Superintendent of Jesuits Estates; L. D. Lemoine, SiiperinteKlenl of Land Sales, Section East ; D. C. Mackedie, Superintendent of Mines and Fisheries; F. Chas.«e, T. Morkill, C. A. Parant, V. Derome, T. P. Morin, E. A. Sutton.. C. 0. Lavoie, J. M. Turcot, F. Keroack, A. Faucher, A. Dumais, Paul Picard, Clerks; J. N. Proulx, Registrar for Department ; L. H. B. Garneau, Clerk in charge ot Stationery; F. M. Lachaine, Inspector of (-adastre; G. A. Varin, Secretary of Cadastre; C. Chartre, Assistant Secretary of Cadastre; L. N. Dulresne, Draughtsnian ; J. Caron, Office Keeper; J. Fiset and G. Rinfret, Messengers. Crown Tiinbir and Land Agents.— lilontvew], D. Tasse, Agent; Three Rivers, A. Dubord, Agent; Tadousac, C. H. Duberger, Agent; Malbaie, J. A. J. Kaine, Sub-Agent; Chicoutimi, J. O. Tremblay, Agent; Roberval, I. Dumais, Agent; New Carlisle, W. Maguire, Agent; St. Alexis Melapedia, 0. Martin, Sub-Agent; Quebec, H. J. Chaloner, Collector of Crown Timber Joseph . . ^ . Agent; Montmagny, E. Renault, Agent; Rimouski, G. Sylvain, Agent; Gaepe Basin, W. H. Annett, Agent; Perce, E. B'lynn, Sub-Agent; Cap Chat, Louia Roy, sen.. Agent; Quebec, J. E. Boily, Agent; Joliette, J. B.Delfausse, Agent; Upper Ottawa, John Poupore, Agent; Robinson, C. Fatten, Agent ^ 2l6 Parliamentary Direcioty. Riviere du Loup, F. F. Gagnon, Agent; Ottawa, J. Macdonald, Deputy Slide Agent. Board of Land Surveyors of the Province of Qukbec (Incorporated under 45 Vic. c. 16). — Managing Directors: Jas. Addie, W. A. Ashe, Chas. Baillairge, H. Duinais, E. T. Fletcher, J. N. Gastonguay, F. M. Lachaine,S. Lepage, J. H. Leclaire, Jus. .McArthur, D. C. Morency, A. Painchaud, P. P. V. du Tremblay, L E. Vanier, W. McLea Walbank. President, C. Baillairge, C.E. Vice-Presidents: J. Addie and Antoine Painchaud. Secretary- Treasurer, E. T.Fletcher. Syndic, F. M.Lachaine. Committee of Examiners: M. M, Ashe, Baillairge, Lepage, Morency and Walbank. Queen's Printer's Office. — Officers — Chas. F. Langlois, Queen's Printer. Charles Pageau, Book-keeper; Edouard Trudelle, French Translator; J. Ni Boure, Messenger. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat of Government — Fredericton. Lieutenant-Governor — His Honor the Honorable Robert Duncan Wilmot. Provincial Aide-de-Camp, A. F. Street, Esq. Private Secretary, H. Wilmot, Esq. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Thos. F. Gillespie President. A. G. Blair Attorney- General. David McLellan Provincial Secretary. P. G. Ryan . . . . , Chie/ Commissioner Board of W'^rks, James Mitchell Surveyor- General. R. J. Ritchie Solicitor- General. A. Harrison .Member of Council. Dr. Vail " " Gaius S. Turner " " F. A. H. Straton, Clerk. COUNIIES. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Hon. Daniel Hanington, President. NAME. p. O. ADDRESS. Albert Albert '• Carleton .... " Charlotte " Gloucester " Kent " King's " Northumberland " Queen's " Bestigouche " St. John " St.John ♦' Hon. J. Lewis Hillsboro'. James Ryan Elgin. W. Lindsay George T. Hill St. Stephen. R. Young Caraquet. O. Mclnerney Richibucto. John^Flewwelling.. . .Hampton. A. A. Davidson Newcastle. Francis Woo. Xavier. , E. G. Coadlin Winnipeg. A. L Kellam Winnipeg. W. Wagner Ossowo. Officers of the House — Thomas Spence, Clerk Clerk Assistant; John McDougall, Sergeant-at-Arms. J. A. N. Provenche.r, NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Seat of Government. — Recixa. Lieutenant-Governor— His Honor Edgar Dewdney, North- West CoONCiii. — Nominated Members — Lieut. Col. Hugh Richard- son, Lieut.-Col. James Farnuharson Macleod, CM. 6., Lieut.-Col. Acheson Gopford Irvine, Paschal Brehnd, Hayter Reid, Charles B. Rouleau. Elected Members — Day Hart Macdowell, Electoral District of Lome; James Oliver, Electoral District o( Edmonton ; John Claude Campbell Hamilton, Electoral District of Broadview; Thos. Wesley Jackson, Electoral District of Qu'AppeJle ; William White, Electoral District of Regina ; James Hamilton Ross, Electoral District of Moose Jaw ; John G. TurifF, Electoral District of Moose Mountain; James Davidson Geddes, Electoral District of Calgary. Clerk of Council — Amedee E. Forget, Regina. Stipendiary Magistrates — Lieut.-Col. Hugh Richardson, Regma; Lieut.- Co). James Fanjuharson Macleod, Cal^rary ; Charles B. Rouleau, Lattleford. SAcr/jf— Major A. E. St. O, Chapleau. Registrars — William J. Scott, Battleford : Lieut.-Col. Alexander Sproat, Prince Albert; Major George A. Montgomery, Regina; Thomas A. McLean, Calgary.' Colony of Newfotindland. COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. The ExECDTivK Councii,. The Honorable Sir W. V. VVhiteway, K.C.M.G., Premier. The Honorable W. J. S, Donnelly. '• •* Edward Dalton Shea. « " James S. Winter. 223 The Honorable Alexander Mackay. " " Edward White. Honorable Edward Dalton Shea — Clerk of the Council The Legislative Council. The Honorable Edward Morris, President. The Honorable Edward White The Honorable Charles R. Ayre. Charles Crowdy. Philip Cleary. James S. Pitts. John Syme. James McLaughlan. Edward D. Shea. John Winter. Augustus W. Harvey. Robert i horburn. Thomas Talbot. John H. Warren. Officers of the Legislative Coi'ncil — Hugh F. Carter, Acting Clerk Thomas J. Kough, Acting Master-in-Chancery ; William F. Rennie,°U.-her of the Black Rod ; James VValsh, Doorkeeper ; James Corcoran, Assistant Door- keeper and Messenger. Public Officers— Departmental, Hon. Sir W. V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G., Attorney-General. Hon. Edward Dalton Shea, Colonial Secretary. Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly, Receiver-General. J. O. Fraser, Surveyor-General. Smith McKay, Chairman of the Board of Works. Colonial Secretary's Office. Hon. Edward Dalton Shea, Colonial Secretary. John W. Withers and G. W. B. Carter, Clerks. Charles Brockelhirst, Office-keeper and Messenger. Financial Secretary's Office. Francis Wlnton, Financial Secretary ; Alexander S. Reid, Clerk. Stipendiary Poor Commissioner. John Caeey, Commissioner j^John Dunphy, Clerk. PRECEDENCE WITHIN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Downing Street, 23rd July, 1868. My Lord, AdvTung to the altered ciroumstances of Canada, which would render unsuitable the general Table of Precedence laid down in the Book of Colonial Regulations, I have the honor to transmit to you, by the Queen's command,, an amended Table of Precedence, which has received Her Majesty's approval, for the Dominion of Canada. < 1 have, &c., BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS, * Governor, "i ."' The Right Honorable > &c., ttc, &c. Viscount Moncky J ' . ' 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Table of Precedence within^the Dominion of Canada. The Govern or- General or Officer administering the Government. Senior Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops within the Dominion, if of the rank of a General and officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Station," if of be determined the rank of an by the Queen's Forces on the British North American Admiral. Their own relative rank to Regulations on this subject. Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. « " Quebec. ' .• « « Nova Scotia. ' " • " ** New Brunswick. Archbishops and Bishops according to seniority. Members of the Cabinet according to seniority. The Speaker of the Senate. The Chief Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity according to seniority. Members of the Privy Council, not of the Cabinet. General Officers of Her Majesty's Army serving in the Dominion, and Officers of the rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy, serving on the British North American Station, not bein^ on the Chief Command ; the relative rank of such Officers to be determmed by the Queen's Regulations. The Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops in the Dominion, if of the rank of Colonel or inferior rank, and the Officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces on the British North American Station, if of equivalent rank ; their relative rank to be ascertained by the Queen's ' Regulations. ' ..- Members of the Senate. Speaker of the House of Commons. Puisne Judges of Courts of Law and Equity according to seniority. Members of the House of Commons. Members of the Executive Council (Provincial) within their Province. Speaker of the Legislative Council within his Province. ,, ,,.. Members of the Legislative Council within their Province. .7i/!> Speaker of the Legislative Assembly within his Province. ,. ..j^; . ,''v;.,v Members of the Legislative Assembly within their Province. '^i '^^''''''■■' ' Precedence. 225 r TITLES UNDER CONFEDERATION. Downing Street, 24th July, 1868. Mt Lord, In consequence of the Confederation of the British Provinces, some revision of the former usage there, about titles, has become necessary, and 1 have the honor to inform you that Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of the adoption of the following Regulations : 1. The Governor-General of Canada to be styled " His Excellency," 2. The Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces to be styled " His Honor." 3. The Privy Councillors of Canada to be styled " Honorable " and for life. 4. Senators of Canada to be " Honorable " but only during office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards. 5. Executive Councillors of the Provinces to be styled " Honorable " but only while in office, and the Title not to be continued afterwards. 6. Legislative Councillors in the Provinces not in future to have that Title ; but Gentlemen who were Legislative Councillors at the time of the Unioriy to retain their Title of " Honorable " for life. T. The President of the Legislative Council in the Provinces to be styled " Honorable " during office. 8. The Speaker of the House of Assembly in the Provinces to be styled " Honorable " during office. I have, &c., BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS, Governor, "j The Bight Honorable > &c., rd (Lady) Grantham. Commencement and conlusion as Earls. The younger sons of Earia and all the sons of Viscounts and Barons are styled Esquire and Honorable, and the da-ighters Honorable, and the eons' wives take the title of Honorable. Superscription : To the Honorable Henry Grey Bennett, M. P. Com- mencement, Sir. Conclusion, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient and humble servant. When the daughter of a Viscount or a Baron marries, she takes the name of her husband, reserving the title of Honorable; thus, if she mairy a Baronet or a Kniirht she must be addressed: The Honorable Lady, if a Commoner, The Honorable Mrs. Baronet and his Wife. Superscription : To Sir John Beckett, Bart. (Lady Beckett). Com- mencem»'nt. Sir (Madam). Conclusion, I have the honor to be, sir. your most humble and obedient (madam, your ladyship's most obedient and and humble) servant. Enigiit and his Wife. Superscription : To Sir Peter Laurie (Lady Laurie). Commencement, Sir (Madam). Conclusion, I have the honor to be, sir, your mosi humble and obedient (madam, your ladyship's most obedient and humble) servant. Tlie title of Knight is added only in formal docunients and in addressing familiarly a Ba^^onet or a Knight, we must add the christian name to dear flir, thus: Dear Sir John or Dear ^ir James. The widow of any person of rank down to Knight inclusive, marrying an untitled person, retains the title of her for»!!er husband, but marrying a person higher than or equal to that of her former husband in rank, she assumes his title and name. .-,., ,i . i Esquire, This title is now given to every man of respectability, but persons entititled to superior consideration aredistinsuished by Ac, &c.,4^c.. added to the snpfrscription, and it is deemed more respectful to write the word esquiut at lull length. The wives of gentlemen, where several of the same family are married, are distinjjuished by the christian name of their husbands. I n 228 Parliamentary Directory. Privy Councillors have the title of Right Honorable, which is prefixed to their name thus : To tlie Right Honorable James Abercromby, Itl. P. To the Right Honorable Sir Archibald Macdonald, Bart. Comniencing* Sir. Conclusion, I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient and humble servant. The Clergy. ..,.■•, ■• • ■ '•■:.,■,'. Archbishop. Superscription : To His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Commen- cing, My Lord. Conclusion, I remain. My Lord, your Grace's most devoted obedi* nt servant. ,% The Archbishop of Armag'; is addressed : To His Grace the L^jrd Primate of Ireland. The other Irish Archbishops, as the English ones. BisTiop, . : ' , ,; . Superscription : To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Durham. Commencement : My Ix)rd. Conclusion : I remain, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient humble servant. Doctor of Divinity. Superscription : To the Reverend Charles Cooper, D. D.. or to the Rever- end Dr. Cooper. Commencement: Reverend Sir. Conclusion: I have the honor to be, Keverend Sir, yours, &c. All other Doctors are a'. Superscription : To the Very Reverend The Dean of Ripon, or to the Veir Reverend R. l). Waddilove, D. D., Dean of liipoi.. Commencement: M Dean, or Reverend Sir. Conclusion : I have the honor to be, Mr. Dean, Oi Reverend Sir, your, &c. Archdeacon. Superscription: To the Venerable The Archdeacon Wrangham. Com- mencement: Reverend Sir. Conclusion : I remain. Reverend Sir, yours, &c. Clergymen, Superscription : To the Revtrend Alexander Clarke, Commencement : Reverend Sir. Conclusion : 1 have the honor to be, Iteverend'Sir, yours, Ac. When a Bishop or other Clergyman possesses the title of Right Honor- able or Honorable, it is prefixed to his clerical title. Baronets and Knights have their Clerical Title placed first. Superscription: To the Right Honor- able and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Canada. Superscription : To the Honourable and Right Reverend The Lord Bishop ofD. Superscription: To the Rght Honorable-and Reverend Lord Alston, Superscription : To the Honourable and Reverend Jacob Marsham, O. D. Superscription : To the Reverend Sir Henry Bate Dudley, Bart. No clerical dignity confers title or rank on the ^yife of the dignitary who, unless she has a title in her own right or through her husband independently of his clerical rank, is addressed simply Mistress. ^!l PrcceJence. a 2^ JUDQEfl, &n. Lord Chancellor, Superecription : To the Rigl>t Hi nonrable John Singleton, Lord Lynd- huret, Lord High Chancellor ol'Great Untain. Bolls. Superscription : To tlie Right Honuurahic the Master of the KoHs, Chief Justice. Superscription: To the Right Honourable The Lord Chief Justice (or The Kislit Honourable Sir Thotnan Denliarn, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench). The Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and the Chief Baron of the Exchequer are addrespod in the same form, and they all are styled My I>ord, lotli on the Bench and off'. ■ •"■ Puesne Judges. The Puesne Judges and the Barons of the Exchequer (who on the Bench are styled My Lord) are Knights, and in private intercourse addressed as such ; but the title of Judge being superior to Knight, it is usual to address thus . Superscription : To the Honourable Mr. Justice Gaselee, Superscription : To llie Honourable Mr. Baron Alderson, Kivg^s Sergeant, Superscription : To Mr, Sergeant Spankie, or Spankie Esquire, Her Majesty's Sergeant at Law. -V •.•■'■•.• Sergeant. ■ • Superscription : To William Freere, Enquire, Sergeant at Law, Naval Officers. ' '^ Admirals have the rank of their flag added to their own name and title» ibuB : Superscription : To the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Exmoutb, Admiral of the Blue. If untitled, they are styled simply Sir or if familiarly Dear Admiral. Commodores are addressed in the same way as Admirals ; but Contmodore is only a local rank, and ccaseH witli the command that conferred it. Captains are addressed either to Captain .lolin Thornton, R. N., or if on service to John Thornton Esquire, Comniander of H.M.S. Invincible. ■ .- , , " . '■""' ' Lieutenants. '",',,.' ' ' - ' " To Charles Gould, Enquire, R. N., or if on service: To Charles Gould* Esquire, Lieutenant ol U. M. 8. Dreadnought. . <:■ •■Vli fXv'VtUl, i.:i: i'l Military Officers. _ All officers in the army above Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns, have their military rank prefixed to their name and title. 230 Parliamentary Directory. Superscription To the Right Honorable General Lord Hutchinson. To Lt.-General Sir Thomas Bloomfield, Bart. S'.ihal terns are addressed, Mr. or E.squire, with the name of tlie regiment' to which they, il on service, belong. - The familiar address of officers above the rank of Captain is, Dear Colonel. Dear Major, Ac. Municipal Officers. • ; . . • Lord Mayor. Superscription : To the Hight Honorable the Lord Mayor (the Lady Mayoress) of London, York, or Dublin. The Lord Provost (theLady Provost) of Edinburgh. Comn)encen)ent, My Lord (Madam). Conclusion, I have the honorto Ik', ,vly Lord,YourLordship'8 (Madam, Your Lady .« hip's) most obt lient humble servant. Tlie mayors of all corporations, with the sheriffs, aldermen, and recorder of London, are styled Right Worshipful, and the aldernjen and recorders of other corporations and justices ot the peace, Worshipful, but these titles are eeldoiii used except in court or on nmtters relating solely to their office. The heads of Scottish corporations are called Provosts. Ambassadors, i&o. ', Ambassadors have Excellency prefixed to their other titles and their ACCred ted rank added. Superscription : To His Excellency the Prince Esterhazy, Ambassador, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from H. I. M. (His Imperia' Majesty) the Emperor of Austria. Superscription : To His Excellency the Honorable Lord Viscount Stranglord, G. C B., H. B. M. (His Britanic Majesty) Ambassador Extraor- dinary and Plenipotentiary to the Sublinie Ottoman Porte. Commencing, My Lord. Conclusion, I have me honor to be, My Lord, Your Excellency s most obedient humble STvant. The wives of ambassadors also have Excellency added to their other titles. Envoys and Charges d'afTuirs, are generally styled Excellency, but it is dnly by courtesy ; none but ambassadors have any right to the tiile. Consuls have only their accredited rank added to their names or titles, if they have any. Government Departments and Public Companies. Qtieen in Counn'f. All application3 to the C^ueeri in Conncil, the Houses of Lords and Com- mons Ac, are by petition, as follows, varying only the title: To the Queen's most excellent mtij-'sty 'n council. The humble petition of A. B., Ac, humbly sheweth that your petiti. .ler, &c. Wherefore your petitioner humbi}' prays that your majesty will be graciously pleased to Ac. And ^ our petitioners an in duty bound will ever pray. Province of Ontario. 231 Lords and Commons. To the Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal (To The Hon- orable Tlie Commons) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ^Dominion of Canada) in Parliament aspembled. The humble petition, &c. ■ ' Senate of Canada. Address: To the Honourable the Senate of the Doiu nion of Canada in Parliament assembled. The petition of humbly she-veth, that «S;c. Address: To the Honourable tlie House of Commons of the Dominion of" Canada in Parliament assembled. The petition of humbly sheweth, that &c. . ; Treasury and Admiralty, :■. Superscription: To the Lord Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. «• To the Lords Commissioners of the Admirality or for executing the office of Lord High Admiral. Commencement, My Lords. Conclusion, I have the honor to be, my Lords. Tliese two words are usually addressed by courtesy, Rijjht Honorable. Navy Office and Ordnance. Superscription : To the Principal Officers and Commissioners of Her Majesty's Navy. Superscription : To the Principal Officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance. Commencement, Gentlemen. Conclusion, I Ijave the honor to be, geritle- men, &c. Victualing and Avdit Office. Superscription : To the Commissioners for victualing Her Majest"'8 Navy, " To the Comnussioner (or Auditing the Public Accounts. Custom House. Superscription: To the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs. Excise Office. Superscription : To the Commissioners of Excise. Tax Office. Superscription : To the Commissioners of Taxes. Stamp Office. Superscription : To the Commissioners of Stamps. Bank. Superscription: To the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Court of Directoi's of the Bank of England. 1 . East India House. Superscription : To the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies. «3a Parliamentary Directory. . South Ska House. Superocription : To the Sub-trovernor, Deputy-Governor and Committee of Directors of the South Sea Company. Commissioners of Government Departments— if they have no other title —are generally named after their office, and in conversation, Mr. Com missioner, or Commissioner. These Commissioners, and the Directors of the Bank, &c., are also often, especially by inferiors, styled Honorable, but they have no right to the distinction. , ^ , , Addenda. AODEN DA. 233 Circumstances havin;; prevented the issue of this work at the time originally intended, and a review ot' the Parliamentary and Departmental B,ujldingB having been printed which included up to 30th June, I«83, it will be further necessary to give a brief account of the advancenient since made, and expenditure incurred to 30th June, 1884. The Kditor concluded in hie previous description with a statement of a vote passed for a sum of $84,000 towards purchasing a site whereon to erect the required additional buildings. During the session of 1883 a sum of $207,000 was also voted by Parliament for the purpose of erecting a suitable building thereon. As described in the closing portion of the review, the site fronts on the south side of Wellington Street, and extends about half way through to Sparks Street. Is bounded on the east and west by Elgin and Metcalfe Streets respectively. The total cost of the site was $88,136.84, a little over the first estimate. On the 20th Septem- ber, 1883, a contract was entered into with Mr. A. Charlebois of Quebec, for the erection of the new building, for the sum of $295,000, and work has been progressing so favoraltly that the foundations werecompleted and covered over for the Winter before the termination of the building season. The contractor is further aking atlvantage of the cheap labor season, and has erected sheds, &c., where he is preparing the heavy stone that requires much time and labor in dressing, thereby facilitating the speedy accomplishment of his contract. The building is intended to be faced with sandstone, backed with brick, on a solid stone foundation. The floors and ceilings to be con- structed with wroHght iron girders and rolled iron jOists with brick arches between and concrete on top; the entrance halls and corridors to be laid in encaustic tiles set in cement; the roofs are tc be constructed of wrought iron covered with slate. "Se Wellington Street elevation is 280 feet long; the Elgin Street, 110; ll't Metcelfe Street, 99 feet. There will be sub- basement, basement, ground, first, second and attic floors The Wellington Street elevation will include basement, three stories and attic, and will be broken by a central projection and two angle pavillions, projecting 12 f-jet. The general height of this elevation, from level of sidewalk to deck of roof, will be 96 feet, the central projection being however carried up to 112 feet, and the angle projections 104 feet above level of sidewalk. In a future edition, when the building is completed, it will be Im order to give a more detailed description of its interior and general appearance. Total expenditure on the building, $115,604.17. Since previous reference to the public buildings, further improvements have been made, viz : The north-western entrance to the apartments of the Speaker of the House of Commons was altered and a stone porch erected over the landing of the outside steps. A further extenson of the ventilating system of the House of Commons lias been made, and the result it is said, has proved satis- factory. The incandescent electric lighting of the Parliament nuiidings has also been effected, and for that purpose two installations were constructed for the lighting of the vestibule and corridors of the Senate and Commons, the Speaker's apartments, the basement, corridors, the restaurant, the official reporter's room and the press room. The lighting o' the Commons side was done by the United States Electric Lighting Company of New York, and the main vestibule and the lighting on the Senate side, by the Edison Electric Lighting Company of Hamilton, Ontario. Total expenditure on these buildings for construction . . $4,20.'3,052 08 Repairs at dif!erent times 1 ,307,002 91 Total $5,512,054 99 234 J'arliomefiiary Directory. Tlie editor trusts to be enabled to collect and publislj uimually in this book, in brief and interesting form, information relating to the public buildings throughout Canada, and to furnish cuts of tlie more pretentious Government edifices in the several Provinces. The Library of Parliament has so far increased the number of the voluniesjthat instead of 103,000 as given in previous review it contains in last report 111,200 volumes. [Omitted in DESCRieTivE Portion.] Kon. David Reesor, Markham, Out. Born in the Township of Markham, Out., 1823; educated there; founded the Markham Economist newspaper, of which he was editor for sonie years ; has been Warden of York and Peel ; represented King's division in Legislative Council, Canada from 18(50 until the Union ; called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation May 1867. A Liberal. LAVAL. Lt. CoK -JosKPiT Ar,DERic OriMKT, LL.B., Q.C. Was born at St. Ros.% P.Q., 20th May, 1848; educated at the Seminary of St Therese de Blainville; graduated an LL B. at Victoria College, Cobourg, 18G9; called to the Bar L.C., 1870; appointed a Q.C, llth October, 1880 ; is a member of thf law firm of Desnoyers, Ouimet & Ouimet, Montreal ; appointed a uicinber of the Board of Ronian Catholic School Commissioners for Montreal, 1874; is now a director of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank ; Lieut.-Col. of the ti5th Battalion Volunteer Rifles (Mount Royal). B'irst returned to Parliament, Nov 1873; re-elected by acclamation at general election 1874 and 1878, and again at last ^fiieral election. A Liberal Conservative and was first returned as an inilependent supporter of Sir John Macdonald. Is strongly in favor of British connection and the carrying out of the Confederation scheme in 'ts entirety. Supports a protective tariff and any well devised scheme for the improvement of the country. . , Total population, 9,4(>2. Oil page 83, for Paul Ettienne, .M.D., read Paul Ettienne Gruiidbois, M.D. , On paire 74. for Hon. George Bernard, M.A., Q.C, read Hon. George Bernard BiUer, M.A., Q.C. On puiie 9f, lor John Rul)bins Kenney, read John Robbins Kinney. Mr. .Idliii Alexander McDtniaid was first elected member of the Canada Asisemiilv I2tb November, I '^44. Rt. lion. Sir John A. Macdonald (now G.C.B.), was raised lo the dignified Order of Grand Cross of the Bath 28th November, 1884. Hon. (now Sir David) D. L. Macplierson, was created a Ivnight Grand Cross St. Michael and St. George, 28th July, 1884. Department of Militia and Defence page 185. Hon. A. P. Caron (see page 79) was omitted. Changes in Senate and House of Commons since descriptive portion of book was printed : — Hon. TheodoK^ Robitiiille called to the Senate 28th January, 1885. Hon. Michael Sullivan called to the Senate, Jan. 2«th, 1884, to fill the vacancy causcil by the death of the Hon. John Hamilton. Addenda. 235 Hon. Jai^. \i. Gowan, called to the Senate, Jan. 28th, 1885. Hon. William McDonald, called to the Senate, 12th May, 1884, to fill the place made vacant by the death of Hon. Mr. Bounnot. Hon. Jos. Bolduc, called to the Senate, 2nd Oct., 1884, to fill the vacancy caused bv the death of Hon. C. H. Pozer. Hon. Francis Clemow, called to the Senate, 3rd February, 1885, to fiH the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. Ja.^. Skead. Hon. Pascal Poirier, called to the Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. Wm. Muirhead. Mr. Methot resigned his position in the House of Commons to accept the appointment of liegisiative Councillor, Province Quebec. NICOLET. Mb. Authnese Gaudet, (Nicolet.) Elected to represent the County of Nicolet, I6th April, 1884. Opposed by Mr. Archambault. Total votes polled, 2,671 { Against 1 .5.35 l,i:56 Majority 399 MEGANTIC. Mr. J. Langeiier, elected to represent Megantic. Mr. Frechette, unseated on petition. CAPE BRETON, N.S. Mb. MACDOUGAbL, {Cape Breton.') Elected to represent Cape Breton 3rd July, 1884, to fill the vacancy caused bv Mr. Wm. McDonald, who was called to the Senate. Opposed by N. b. McKay. Total votes polled, 2,640 { For Against 1,395 1,245 Majority 150 CUMBERLAND. Hon. Chas. J as. Townsuend, (Cumberland.) Was elected by acclamation to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sir Chas. Tupper to accept the oftice of High Commissioner for Canada. QUEEN'S CO., P.E.I. John T. Jenkins, M.D., (Queens Coimiij.) Elected to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Brecken beinc appointed postmaster of Charlottetown, P.B.I. Opposed by W. Welsh. f For 3,428 Total votes polled, 6,816 \ Against 3,388 Mr. Tachereau. Majority 40 Was elected for Beauce, to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Bolduc being called to the Senate. 23<^ -Parliatnentary Directory. WEST ONTARIO. Mr. J. D. Edgar, ( »re«< Ojiteno.) t ,);•;(, t a Wafl elpcted by acclamation to fill the vacancy caused by the rcsiijnation of Mr. W heler. ^ ^ MASKINONGB. . , , , Mr. a. L. Dehadlniers, iMaskinonge.) Was elected for Maskinonge 22nd December, 1884, to fill the place made vacant by the death of Mr. Houde. Opposed by 0. J. Corelambe and D. R. Lafleche. fDesaulniers 607 Total votes polled 1,487 4 Corlanibe 570 i Lafleche 310 Majority for Desaulniers 37 LENNOX. Mr. M. W. Pruyn, {Lennox.) Was elected for County Lennox, made vacant by D. W. Allison being unseated on petition. Opposed by D. W. Allison. Total votes polled, 1,988 n^"". , ^ ' lAgamst 1,515 1,473 Majority 42 • .1. I" !• .. . ! ,■ " . , ' I S; I ALPHABETICAL LIST -OF SENATORS AND COMMONERS -WITH- Their Home Post Office Address and Residence in Ottawa. The * rlesigiiates those whose wives accompany them. The § deHignates those whose daughters accompany them. The il designates those having other ladies \vith them. (SENATORS. Name. Home. Post 0_jfiri:. City Address. Page Alexander, George Woodstock, O 74 Elgin st (» Allan, George W Moss Park, Toronto 234 Metcalfe st 9 Almon, WilRam J Halifax, N. S 101 Vittoria st 19 Arcliibald, T. T) North Sidney, C. B: The Russell 19 Armand, Joseph F River des Priiiries, (J 490 Sussex st 14 Baillargeon, Pierre Quel:)ec, 1») SherbrookK St., Montreal .4't Metcalfe st »i» Allen, iienjaniin (iiey, N. K. Owen Sound, () The Windsor 38 Allison, I). W Lennox. vVdolphtistown, () 44 Allison, Wm. Hy Hants. Mantua, Newport, N.S 114 (iloueester st. . . !M) Amyot, (iuillauine Bellechasse. Queljec, (/ 114 Metcalfe st «>5 Armstrong, James Middlesex, S. R. Wilton Grove, (>.. The Windsor 47 Auger, Michel ShefTord. Roxtr.n Pond, Q Citv Hotel 82 Cardinal () The Russt^l . . . e Ht)use. liain, Thomas Wentworth, N. R. Strabane, (). . .The Windsor Bain, J. W Soulanges. St. Polycarpe, Q The Russell Baker, Edward Crow. . .Victoria. Victoria, B. 270 Coojjer st Baker, Geo. B Missiscpioi. SweetsVnirgh, C^ House of Conunons. Barnard, F. J* Yale. Union Club, Vic, B.C The (irand Union . . Beaty, Jas. jr.* § :; Toronto W. Toronto, Jarvis st IMt VAgiu st Bechard, F Iberville. Mount Johnson, *} 284 Bank st Bell, John W Addington. Desmond, O 287 Albert st Belleau, Isidore Noel . . . Levis. lie vis, H Water st Gen. Hosj). Benoit, P. B Chambly. St. Hubert, (.} 282 Bank st Benson, Wm. T Grenville, S. R. " " ' " Bergeron, J. G. H Beauharnois. 114 St. Hubert St Montreal Argyh Bergin, Darbv Cornwall and Sturmont. Corn- wall, (> The Russell Bernier, Michael K St. Hyacinthe 14.^) Albert St Billy, L. A Rimouski 125 Murray st Blake, Hon. Ed Durham, W. R. 84 (irosvener st., T(.r..nto 74 Metcalfe st Blondeau, Charles B Kamouraska. St Paschal, 4 ( Gloucester st . . . . 30 Casgrain, P. B L'Islet. t Collins st., Quebec. . .01 O'Connor st 73 Gatudal, M Napierville 105 Mariast 77 Chapleau, Hon. J. A* . .Terrebonne 275 Theodore st 83 Charlton, John Norfolk, N. R. Lynedoch. O Windsor House 48 Cimon, S. X Charlevoix. Murray Bay, Q 00 Metcalfe st 0,' Cochrane, K E. Northumberland. Brighton, . .Grand Union 48 Cockburn, A. P.§ Ontario, N. R. Beaverton, O Windsor House 49 240 Parliamentary Directory. Namt, Conatitui nciim and Home Font Ojfflcf. Citii Addresg. Page Cjolhy, C. C StttiiKtoiid Tlit^ Ru«hh11 82 Criok, H. H Simcop, K. R. 505 King st. W.'8t, Toronto The RhwshII 56 Coatigaii, Hon. .1 . * Victoria, N.B. (J land Falls, N.B. . . Th«- Ruhh.'11 100 Coughlan, T Middlesex, N. R. ( )tfa, Co. Hnron.C Jrand ITnion 46 Coursol, C. J Montnml East, C^. Souvenir Dor- chester St., Montreal The Russt^ll 76 Cinran, J. F MontreaLCentre, Q Tlie Russell 76 Cuthbert, E. O Rerthier (en haiit), tvine Grand Union 44 Ferguson, John Welland. Niagara Falls, O The Russell 59 Fisher, S. A Brome. Alvalarm, Knowlton, (i. .214 Wellington st. . . (16 Fleming, James ...... Peel. Brampton, O The Windsor .52 Forbes, J. F t^ueen's, X.S. Liverpool, N.S. . . .100 O'Connor st 92 Fortin, P Gaspe. (iasjie Basin, Q The Russell ($8 Foster, (i. E King's, X.B. Apohmiui, N.B 81 Albt^rt st 96 Frechette, L. I. (unsi^ated on petition) Megantic. St. Ferdinand, utimii^Saguenay. Chicoutuui.Graiid Union 67 CJaudet, A Nicolet. Gentilley (jrand Union 235 Gault, M. H Montreal West. Braeluml, M(tnt. . .The Russell 75 Geoflfrion, Hon. F Veivheres 85()'Connor st 85 Gigault, G. A Rouville. St. Cesaire, (^ ( Jen. Hosjil. Water st. 80 Gillmor, A. H. * Charlotte. St. George, N.B The Windsor ....... 95 Girouard, D. * Iiicques Cartier. Prince of Wales Terrace, Montreal ArgyleAve,Stewrt'n 71 Glen, F. W Ontario, S. R. Oshawa, O The Russell 49 Gordon, D. W Vancouver. Nanaimo, B.C 81 Albert st 104 Grandbois, P. E Temiscouata. River diiLoui)(en ba8)ll7 Allwrt st 83 Guilbault, K. § * T(.liette. Joliette, Q The Russell 71 Guillet, G W. Northumberland. Cobourg, O . . 287 AUkjiI; st 48 Gunn, A.* Kingston. Kingston, O The Russell 43 Hackett, E Pi»ince. Tignish, P. E. T 32«t Gloucester st. . . . 102 Haggart, J. G Lanark, S. R, Perth, O Rideau Club 44 Hall, R. N Shorbrook. Sherbrooke, q The Russell 82 Harley, A Oxford, S. R. Harley, O The Windsor 52 Hay R. § Toronto Centre. Toronto, O. .... .The Russell.. 6T Commoners. 241 .' •• Name. Covatituencies and Home Po,H Office. Citi/ Address. Page Itesson, S. R Perth, N. R, Stratford, i) Grand Union 52 Hickey, C. E Dundas. Morrirtburg, (!) IHO Wellington st. . 'Xi Hilliard, G Peterborough, W.R. Peterboro', U.. Windsor Hoiimu 53 Holton, E Chateauguay, Q. 1075 St. Catharine Street, Montreal Grand Uni(jn (57 Homer, J. A. R New Westminster. New Westmin- ster, B. C Grand Union 104 Hondo, F. (deceased). . . . Maskinonge. Louisville, Q 73 Hurteau, H L'Aasomption. St. Lin, C^ 125 Murray st 72 Innes, J.* Wellington, S. R. Guelph, O Windsor House 00 Irvine, D Carleton, N. B. Centreville, N. B.103 Maria st !t5 Ives, William I).* Richmond & Wolfe. Sherbrooke, Q.. Bank Cottage, 0"Con- . . nor st 70 Jackson, J.* Norfolk, S. R. Simcoe, O Windsor House 48 Jamieson, J Lanark, N. R. Almonte, O Grand Union 43 Jenkins, John T. M. D. .i^ueens, P. E.I. Charlottetown . . .20 Albert st 230 Kaulbach, C. E Lunenburg. Lunenburg, N.S Grand Union 91 Kilvert, F. E Hamilton. Hamilton, O 72 O'Connor st 39 King, G. G (Queens. Chii>man, N. B 1(53 Maria st 07 Kinney, J. R.* Yarmouth. Yarmouth, N. S Grand Union 04 Kirk, J. A Guysboro'. Cross Roads, St. ' Marys, N. S 135 Albert st 89 Kirkpatrick, Hon. G. A.* (Speaker) Frontenac. King St., Kingston, 0.. Speaker's Chambers, House of Com- mons 36 Kranz, H Waterloo, N. R. Berlin, O Grand Union 58 Labrosse, S Preacott. St Landerkin, G Grey, S. R. Landry, Pierre A Kent, N. B. Landry, Ph Montmagny. Langeiier, F Megantic, Q . Langevin, Sir H. L.* (Min.Public Works). .Three Rivers, partment Laurier, Hon. W Quebec, East. Lesage, C. A Dorchester. Lister, J. F Lambton. W Livingstone, J Waterloo, S. , Eugene, O Hanover, O Dorchester, N. B . . Villa Mastai, Q . , The Russell 54 .74 Metcalfe st 58 .04 Kent st 37 .117 Albert st 06 .01 Albert st 75 Public Works De , Ottawa Arthabaskaville, Q.. St. Claire, Q... R. Sarnia, O R. Baden, O Cor.Slatei& Elgin St. 84 The Russell 78 165 Maria st 68 Grand Union 43 Grand Union 59 Macdonald, A. C. Kings, P.E.I. Montague Bridge. .The Russell 102 Macdonald, Rt. Hon. Sir John A., G.C.B.*. .Carleton, O Ernscliflfe, 21 McKay street 234-31 Mackenzie, Hon. A.* . . . York, E. R. Toronto, O 292 Wellington st . . . 61 Mackintosh, C. H.* Ottawa, O. Raigmore Bank Street Road . 50 Macmaster, D Glengarry. Lancaster, O The Russell 37 Macmillan, D Middlese.x, E. R. London, O Argyle House 46 Massue, L. H Richelieu. Varcnnes, Q 105 Yittoria st 80 McCallum, L Monck. Stronmess, O Grand Union 47 McCarthy, D Simcoe, N. R. Toronto, O Argyle House 56 McCraney, W.* § Halton. Oakville, O The Windsor 39 McDonald, W. (called to the Senate) Cape Breton. Little GlaceBay, N.S. 135 Albert st 89 McDougall, Hector F.* . Cape Breton Grand Union 235 McDougald, J Pictou. West ville, N.S Grand Union 92 McGreevy, Hon. Thos. .Quebec W. Esplanade, Q 45 Slater st 79 Mclntyre, P. A Kings, P.E.I. East Souris, P.E.I 101 16 243 Parliamentary Directory, Name. Comtitucnciea and Home Post Offi.ce. dtp Addrens. Page MeTsaac, A Antigonish 100 O'Connor at ... . 87 McLelati, Hon. A. W.*. .Colchester. Ottawa 232 Metcalfe at 87 McMillan. H Vaudreuil. Ripaud, Q The Windsor 85 McMulloM, J Wellington, N.K. MountForeat.O.. 5)4 Queen at 59 McNeill, Alex Bruce, N. R. Paisley, O 107 Nepean at 30 Methot, F. X. O. (re- sigfned to accept the ofHce of Le^. Coun- cillor of Quebec) Nicolet. St. Pierre lesBecquets, Q 77 Milla, Hon. David ... Bothwell. London, O 14 Kent st 28 Mitchell, Hon. Peter. . . .Northumberland, N,B. Montreal, QRideau Club 97 Moffat, R Restigouche. Dalhouaie, N.B Grand Union 98 Montplaisir, H Champlain. Cap do la Made- lame, (} Grand Union 66 Mulock. W York, N. R. 68 Avenue Road, Yorkville, O 49 Metcalfe st 61 O'Brien, Wm. E.* Muskoka. " The Woods," Shanty Bay, O 8 Cliff at 47 Orton, G. T.* § § Wellington, C. R. Winnipeg, M. .62 Lisgar at 59 Ouimet, J. A Laval. Montreal, Q Argyle House 234 Paint, H. N.* || Richmond. Port Hawkesbury .... 115 O'Connor st 93 Pateraon, W Brant, S. R. Charlotte at., Brant- ford, The Windsor 29 Pattei-son, J. C Essex, N. R. Windsor Avenue, Windsor, O RideauClub 36 Pinsonneault, A Laprairie. St.Jacque8LeMineur,Q.165 Maria st 72 Piatt, J. M Prmce Edward, O. Picton, O . . . . The Windsor 54 Pope, Hon. J. H Compton. Ottawa Bank Cot'ge, O'Con- nor st 68 Piniyn, Mathew Wm . . . Lennox. Napanee, O The Russell 236 Ray, W. H Annapolis. Clementsport, N.S 62 Bank st 86 Reid, James* Cariboo. Quesnelle, B.C The Russell 103 Rinfret, C. J Lothbiniere. St. Croix, Q Windsor House ... 73 Riopel, L.J Bonaventure. Quebec, Q Argyle House 65 Robtirtson, A Hastings, W. R. Belleville, O . . . . House of Commona . 40 Robertson, Thomas Hamilton 64 Slater st 39 Robertson, Thomas Shelburne. Barrington, N.S 100 O'Connor st 93 Ross, A. W Lisgar. Winnipeg, Man House of Commons . 105 Royal, Joseph. Provencher. Provencher av., St. Boniface, M 1.5 Mackenzie av . . . . 106 Rykert, John C § Lincoln and Niagara. St. Cath- erines, The Russell 45 Scott, Thomas Winnipeg 213 Nicholas st 108 Scriver, Julius Huntingdon. Hemmingford, Q. . .The Russell 70 Shakespeare, Noah Victoria, B.C Grand Union 105 Small, John* . . . E. Toronto. King st. east, TorontoThe Russell 57 Smyth, Henry Kent, (). Chatham, O Royal Exchange .... 42 Somerville, James Brant, N. R. Dundas, O Windsor House. ... 29 Somerville, James Bruce, W. R. Lucknow, O Windsor House .... 30 Springer, Lewis Wentworth, S. R. Hamilton, O . . Grand Union 61 Sproule, Thomas S Grey, E. R. Markdale, O . . .The Russell 38 Stairs, J. F. W Halifax, N.S 174 Metcalfe st 90 Sutherland, Hugh Selkirk. Winnipeg, M The Russell 107 Sutherland, James Oxford, N. R. Woodstock, O. . . .The Russell 51 Taschereau (mover of ad- dress in House of Com. )Beauce. St. Joseph de Beauce .... 130 Sparks st 236 Tasse, Joseph* Ottawa City 635 St. Patrick st. . . 51 Taylor, George* Leeds, S. R. Gananoque, O Grand Union , 44 4^ ^\ I Commoners. 243 ■■i\ Name. Temple, Thomas* §.. Thompson, David Tilley, Hon. Sir S. L*§. Townshend, Chas. J. (secon'd address, H. C. Trow, James Tupper, Charles. . . . Tupi)er, Hon. Sir Chas (High Com. for Can.) Tyrwhitt, Richard ... Constituencies and Home Post Office. Git 11 A(Mrrss. Pafie York N.B. Fredericton, N.B. . . .The Russell 101 Haldiniand. Ueaiis, O 74 Metcalfe st .^8 St. Johns, N.B. Brunswick Place,2!K) Cooper st., cor of Ottawa Metcalfe MO 235 53 92 Vail, Hon. Wm. B... Valin, Pierre Vincent Vanasse, Fabien )Cumberland, N.S Rideau Club Perth, S. R. Stratford, ( ) Windsor House ... . Pictou. Halifax, N.S Rideau Club ...... Cumberland. Dejit of RaihvayslOVictoriaChambers and Canals London S.W., En^ 87 .Simcoe, S. R. Farmcotte, Bradfurd72 O'Connor st 00 Digby. Halifax, N.S House of Commons . 89 Montmorency. St. Rochs, <7 41 Gloucester st . . . . 70 Yamaska. 304 St. Henry st., Montreal The Russell 80 5)4 03 100 99 Wallace John Albert. Hillsborough, N.B 80 Queen st . WaC' N C ... York, W. R. Woodlridfre ^ Sussex st WaK Robert * Marquette. Portage la Prairie The Wnulsor We don Chas. W.* St. John, N. B , . . • .The Russell. Wells R M Bruce, E. R. Wellnigtim st. west. weiis, IV. lYx. Toronto. O Rideau Club .^0 Wheler, Geo. (resigned), .Ontario, W. R. Uxbridg.s O ^ ^^ f White, John Hastings, E. R. Roslin, O 1 he Kusseii *«^ WhltH Peter Renfrew, N. R. Pembroke White Thomas! '.'.'. Cardwell, 5 Beaver Hall Square, ' Montreal , , , • Witrle Lewis Essex, S. R. Leamington, O . . . Grand Vmon wS&.^A. T. H Uu*a,„. J^:, B5 P-V" !■«%,, «„,,„ 34 Wil»„, J»h„ H Elgin ER. k. Thon,.. O The K„...u .^, . . , . 35 ^•;;:^:S^ ..;.:. ..w;S|anf.,SacW.,e II,., R;«eU 10 The Russell 31 ... 30 Wright, Alonzo Yeo, James Prince Porthill, P.E.I 94 Queen st. 102 I INDEX Judges and Officers of the SupreF ; Court. Fournier, The Hon. T 123 : Strong, The Hon. L. H 123 Gwynne, •' J. W 124 I Tacbereau, " 124 Henry, " W. A 121 | Cab.sels, R 125 Ritchie, " Sir W. J 123 i Duval. Geo 125 ■<► Chief Officers of the Cii/il Service. PACK Anderson, C. E 167 Anderson, C. J 166 Audet, A 179 Baillairge, G. F 180 Bauset, S. P 191) Baxter, H. W 166 Beaudry, P. G. W 160 Bourinet, J. G 120 Bradley, A. P 184 Burbidge, G. W 174 Burgess, A. M 170 Catellier, L. A 178 Chainber\iii, B 178 Cherriman, J. B 167 Courtney, J. M 16") Cross, T 184 De-.ve, J., . 197 Fiaseault, K, A 184 Fuller, T 181 Griffin, W. H 196 Hall, J. R 170 Hardie, J 189 Hartn- y, H 121 Himsworth, W Vj:^ Irwin, D. T 186 Johnson, J 191 Jones, C. H 158 Keefer, A 175 Kimber, R. E 118 Langevin, E. J 118 Lauder, J. S 118 Lowe, John 199 Macdonnell, D. W 121 McPherson, 187 McDougall, J. L 168 PAOE McGee, J. J. 160 Melgund, Viscount 158 Mial, E 193 Morgan, H. J 178 Moylan, J. G 175 O'Meara, C. H 187 Panet, C. E 186 Page, John 183 Patterson, J 168 Perly, H. F 181 Pope R 178 Powell, G 178 Powell, W 186 Power, A 174 Robins, P. M 193 Ross, T 165 Rouleau, F. F 121 Schreiber, C 183 Selwyn, A. R. C 172 Sherwood, A. P 176 Sinclair, R 173 Smith, S 198 Smith, W 189 Tache, J. C 199 Tims, T. D 165 Tilton, J 190 T'.ller, F 166 Torrence, J. A 166 Trudeau. T 183 Vaukoughuet, C 173 White, F 161 Wliite, W 197 Wicksteed, H. A 1n Senate, Statistic ;il Analysis, Supreme Court and Court of Exchequer, Titles under Confederation .... Vice- Admiralty Courts— Quebec " " Nova Scotia '• " Nt;w Brunswick .... .... .... '• " Prince Edward Island .... .... Wills, Court of Probate and, Prince Ed\\ ard Island PAGE . 167 168 . 168 170 . 172 173 . 174 175 . 177 180 . 182 184-187 .. 188 190 .. 190 192 .. 193 198 .. 199 200 .. 2C' 204 .. 205 206 .. 255 224 .. 158 159-60 .. 210 215 .. 218 219 .. 220 222 .. 221 222 .. 223 135 ... 205 205 ... 26 123 ... 225 141 ... 146 148 ... 150 150