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J., .I'fA i 'O^ CO |2 in M ■ ii lil i! f' ' 'Hi '•"MwtntfMI Mift Wi m. i I I " ■ ^uVjiw ^f^^^ OF l^OVA SCOTIA, Cape T^reton. and fnff't ot' IBS'!. X Bnhsh Stt/fntr Mi'fes ff> y* is' ^ -mi - J^ -^: ^2 ...jlCont.ii _ !'■' •^#; 9 ^a ..i-,."r,-i ' .d^'\^. Iir5 -- :;'•' / f nP y. 'f't varuf) M - THE j^-tP" ^ roil TMS irS^^H OP 017B, SlaOHD, ;t5- .-L,l_ v__> /^Ji^ Q^J/ ^ Bciiiif liicjlrst (iflcr Bissextile^ or L-iap Yi^ar '•'r-r- • /•—*., t'fc--- fc - N < » V A ":5|;jALCL'r.ATKn Fon, Tiir, nir.r. joian of ft mi fax in ■^1 S»;UTfA, i:UT WILL Sl'RVK FOR A:VV j'AUT rM% or THE piiovF.vcE. _r|.'>;Containinj::, besk'.es t);e l;'.r;TO iv.'rnher of Aslroroir.if?'! C.ilfili'.ioni^^".^?. "'■'"'' iuui llifc F\'trmer's C'j'k-.inl;:;- for every rnonrli i = ! :l'e \ car. a ■'^" great variety of useful aji'.l tuLertaini.vrn.uKcr. "iXT II ti i^ i'l !::!'l 11' 'i I H lIN 4 li :l 2 PATlMEn's AT-^TA^rvCK. A PERPSJTUAIi "WSSATHSn TABLC. By l)(5Ct,or IfiifscifF.L. The foliou-ins table coni^'nicicd by (he celebrated Doctor Hcrschel. upon a pliilosopliicMl coa.si'ifriif io-i of tli;; attraction of the nun ;iinJ moon in ^heir soi-cral posiiiona as to the t'lrtli, nnd coniinned by the ex peii- nnce Oi m-iny vdrs actual obsci vation, iiiiy,\vi'l. out doubt, suggest to the observer, what ld;ul ofwoithcv will pioVvibly follow the moon's eiUiMUce into any oac o{ i;p,r<[i:artoia, and that as n^i^r the truth, that it Tvill be very seldom fo md :o fai . If it bo a new nr full moon, or tlio niton witcrs into thclirhi or last Quarter, at t/.o hour of 12 at noon, or between li o hoard of 2 and 4 - - - _ 4 to 6 - - a to s - . SlIMMEH. Very rainy. 10 to to 10 - - ni'dni'.rht Miduight to 2 c o o a o 2 to 4 - 4 to 6 - 6 to 8 - 8 to 10 10 to 12 F .i", if w'!i.) N . Vv' ii-iay, if L'. or S. W, Di'to. Fair. cold, v/ith frequent sliov/er,"!. R-dn. Wind and R siu Cltangoabie. WIxNTEU Snow or Rain. Fair ard Mild. FJr F;iir .indl'Vonv. If N. or N. i:. Rain or f'>novv. If S. or S. W. DiiU) F. ir and FroUy Hard Froit iinle.^s wiiid S. Of W. Snow and ttormy Ditto. Stormy cold rain if W. ifr.. Frequent sho\vcr-". ,r!now i From the above Table it will be seen iha\ li.e nearer to midnight either tlie moon's periodical chanp;e.s (i. e. wilhiu two hours ei'.her before or after it) the more fair thcwea'.lier is in sumn-'f.'r; while the nearer to noon that the clian^es take place, the revet, e m..y be t-xpccted. Fair weather may also follow when oil! er of ihc periodical changes occur durinji^the afternoon eix hours, viz. from four to ten, but this ismontly dependant on the v/ind. — The moon's e;itr -ince during all the hours after midnight except the two firr^t, is unfavourable to fair weather. Th« liltemay nearly \>e observed in winter. Every farmer ought to preserte a copy of this table, and cmefully to re;^uiate Lis pursuits^by its iudica- tioiu^. Such a line of conduct might niateiially promoie hia comforts aud hi8 intereat, while in uo cai>e would it di^jturb Li» prospects, or de- stroy Im hopes. ' RoAn=^ to of i link I I Fr«n'lf'r| ^ From 1 i ^*1 ] NorthrMi)! \ Koi-k;iijr!' • P.arhninii| . Fuitz'.s- 1 FiLzi'iaio- I ditto, 'i'i-clVy'.-, Uoa;!, (Walir.c Northrr.} MrpWil' por, (4 Fnlmout Sniitli's- NoilUruj Gaspci' ;i Marti a Grajiam's lor'ti Ilt toii's— Kcntv: Sharp's, Aylor-i'or Iltirris's, Wiluiot, Leonarol Annapo vis'j, iVi ler's, (^ Ditnias, Hoar Ri chcMtc ^1 *Digby '" »m>^ iwiWNt^i.nWgui fap.mer's almanack. TABLE. Doctor Horschel, tiic sun :imj moon fd by thecA-peii- luubt, suggest to low tlie moon's tho truth, that it Wlx\TKU 3w or Rain. • ard Mi'ci. ]• ir N. Of N. K. ri or Snow, or S. W. Uiiio and Frosty ;ard Frojt wiiid S. Of W. w and ttormjr 13 i it o. S'oriTiv rai.i it v7. midnight eiihcr ither i>erore or the nearer to -xpocted. Fair cJia-M^es occur t this is mostly the hours after veather. The ght loprCv^erTe s^by its iiidicd- 9 his coml'orts 1 aspects t or d«- R.tAOs to the Prlnciy)al Towns in tlic Province, with the names ofhinkeeporH and disUneos, luul tlic rotuLs to JSt. Joim and FrrdfrictPii, iS. H. From 1 1 nil fax U) Ditxbv. ToCiunberland. iTerrian'H, MontO' Ftiltz's, niFleicluVs I'-ii jjan (Jove, . > ' k -J ; :!rz*s 15 Coniinir's, Beaver Wh .'cr 14 c I Norfhrup's, Korkni^rham, |Ln»-J;niaii's, .*{|ij ail's FiiitzV, :i|Kc}\ ill! //s . ^ way IionsoDi Ah- Keen's Fitzinaurico's new liJayV River, Cav- i V;iniiouth C}nircli,5 ditto, li! bettV— i^niU-rJs I^jBlanveit's Tuc^ke' reneo's, 8^^ jl^tcwiackc, Pt'l- M'Lailnn'p, 4 lock's 'i'refrv'.^ Newport ] Polly OjJ-arrv's, Yarinoiitli C;| Lakers B -iiJ^tnitirs— Riclian's, Xiiiaire, 10 '.'iisicUu'son';--, Apub- tic r c r a Road, (»'.5) Muiit.'nru Itonsc (Waiir.co's) 5i(;ia)k' N ortnrnp s Mrs Wilcox, Wind- ;i;"o. itterV— >iiii.cv s, A pubti J >: ly liiaiiciuird'f^, (•:! if.arkin's.Pul unioo lU — iKcndrick's, Bar- ( por, (45) '"ij rinq-ton. Falinoutb, bridnfe. Lower Viilaac ");Onr'.lo\v,notn-lcy'p,r.h>owelI,,-;,Clv'Jc riv, ir? Sonircjtor's 4 Y ev;H T 1 Sniith's — liarvioV: l.Foot oi'Cob Moini- [i larg'raves burne. Siieb No I Casj rnp' )eioauxnvcr. Mart: a's t'j.in (Ma !'i 'r' ^ ( IG i'oi tain, of ( (>b M WlioJe dlF.tonccKi'} oan- Piu-d (; o 1 Gra'iam's — Fow- jRivor Phiiip,iiew Icr'fcj IJorton, G\ son's, Brng-jr's — I J amn- ion's — Fuller's, Kentviile, (72) G Sharp's, 7 AylorflbrdjCranc'sjHi i\ te wart's, Anihersr, Bent's, .1 Fort Cuiiiherland, Wctherhead's. From J laiifax to Lu- nenburg. Mill Jnu, 9 [.loli/i.-ou's, Hani- nioinPs plains, 4\ \lr Lean's, Marg-a- I7.i ICrandle's, head of ^i rot's Bay, }l arrts's 1 Whole distance, 131 Chester H m. IG Wiln»ot,Gibbon's 12| l^conarol's, .10 Bridgetown, 5 AniKij)oli-;, ^Trs Da- vis'a, AFrsChand- ler's. U^O) i; Ditnias, Bear River, Win- chester's, 5 *Digby, Rugglcs' 7 150 From Ar-.napolis it She! biirne. Lovett's, Ciiester, (5 Zwieker';:-, head ()f rjahone Ba\ j» i Cleme];t's(~']iiirch,r Bear B ivori^ridoct- :ea( Di '.y\)^ FiVoret's, Wev nio nth roa ,1 VS i'errina'her's! nenb uri iU- to» Whole dictarice,7l Cosinan's, Wey- 'iFrom Lnnenbi^rg to^ mouth Churcii, ("j Liverpool, Journie's.Scis.~ihoo^iMiler's ferry La- Cofeinun'tj, Cluic, 4 have River, 7" 'I i.ii, m ji f ! i ^i 111 ■M .U \ \ V'A Pacl !ciil ]'i,o;sloy's, Na])fi.n,*) Aiii"lierst,13ei]tV., [) Frtmllcliftixto An Bl a nc h -drn'i^, West River, Pic ton, li'J J''(>n Cumberland, Clii.sliolm's New VVethorlicudV, 71 <^l"s^^ow K' USi'.lhcrhind'ri, Mcri- Wliolo distance. ! Ir^l .?^o"^''^'!' !'ioiiilIti!:!ax toPic- :■>] array's 7 Kd Watson's, V/asha- doniOLik. 8 Nevcrs' & Oakley'^ (^'iniscg-, 7 Tdly's, 10 W^duw Purley's, 10 Frcdericlou, 10 Mo, ]")o]iald's Gulf To St. JoIjti, N. B. Shore, jo'jiaxtorsatthe Fin- toil, \shoro jo'jiaxtors atthe Fin- Truro^ B'ancliardV ,.r^^ Sinmiond's and J^cr Board, 237 a.id \\ itler .s, (.1 ^y^i^^^^si,,^. j^; From fiaxter's to -yoii*-^, ^ - _ Do Forrest's, Archibald's, Sal- mon River, 8 Shnvart's, Lfount Tom, 10 li^.'richard's, West River, ;i ?.hvsT]iaiie's and Ivlrs. Davidson's. Picton, 10 Whole distance,! 45| Hampton Ferry. 1^> The road over the P>eatie's, Hammond Avitigonish moun- River, 10 tains shortens the Wt. John, l^h above distance a- bout 10 miles. ^7ocnt's,Amherh:tP25 Whole distance. 1U'> TuPictou via Mns- Dar quodoboit. 'I tmouthF eston err die v'f,() V/ell's Tantr M Hewson's. amare arsh 10 Bass' " London Ta- vern," Sackville, 9 Putnam'sfanu, Hart's, y IVI ornsc n s u Dor- ?) Chester Arms. Dorchester, 9 every 1 1 mornm;X rives nt •-' 4 The 1 lor ton e Varrs'.iori to be al ' l\ifr.^b...'rv o'cKx'k 1! ;-•) ns to b pHrr.d»o;'( B « > n 1 f • ^ \M:U •^'^ min. From' more ^.\^ na mv.ch to the so pivc itm please NoTF,.- M-ht S. lea;vue ; v/ater, tli in'v from When A miles, proper d Wiien point, of Wheii the harl fathon.s ] 11 pa> I'ui ncm from tli* Tlier( Coii'd; not fail the Lit ©fit.. faumf.r's at.ma^tack. s ^'liarler's, r/ 'or'f! & Xr!!yV, <1 ol'tJic Potli- 1 iaclv river, ]:> 1 10 I 1" ►Scott'd ^r :i i'ii}o-cr i ill I'i ;' , liead of '■'. oil's, \V;is]:a- .1 •«*^ -I A- Pur ley's, 10 I rictoii, 10 I 't. JoJjTi, N. b' "'s cil, the Fi:i- ^oard, 2;J7 nnxtcr'ri to i 'orresl'y, )toii FenyJ',} . 's, Ilainnioiid 10 *A Packet leaves Di^-by for Saint John, N'^w-Brunswlck, every Tliur.sday evenin.uf, and arrives tliorc the next niornin;! : heaves St. John on J^atnrday at {2 o'clock, and ar- rives at Difi; by the following morning;. 4 The P;irr.s!)ora' Packet snils reo'ularly to Windrior and lI<)rf.on evnry wc'k, froin tlic i-jl A))ril to Chri -il:; .i;' ; 'caves Prirrs'.ioro' on Monciny ('.vind aril Vve:it!ior }-.c»'initti;ifi:) l-o as to be at \Vin(k:or on Tuor^dav, aiid will t-ail irom ther.»v' (ibr Pj'T.shoro') the fir.:f. hi::h v,'a??i- tif.it happen.^' a* or afj?.'- t' o'clock in the mornhi?, — leaves P;irr.shcro;i.'rii o".\ 'jMi'ir-j l.-y, '••I a.-; to Ih) at llorton i-.u J'^ri-hiy : mid will si'! fro.^ tlionvn I'uv Parr.'biv.o' the liir.L l.i::ii water [•.fL:-'* 6 o'cloci; in tlic nioni- i:)''' — Tlic Packet frct.iioiitiv foc-: to Vv'iruhjor tvv'ico a Vv'cck. DIRECTIONS roil nAiLi:;:; ii- nAt.i' ax nAr.r.ourv. qAM imO Island and r.i^rht Jlou-o i:^ in ] iti.i'do 44 dog, 00' *■■- niin. I'i. a!\d lontri'iudc 1)0 d.n^ -1 i nnn. \V. From the \vo^!:>vi'rd, l^riii-: i'io :-.; ^ht ti* ij.Mr X. E.; ifitbcars more i^Mstcrly, sLrcicii to the ;■:<"■,;; Jivard till it \io?.t<. N.J'L-(and as inncli nori,horly as you ]^lca:-:CjlJioru b-jji-^ii' no r. hoal or iGdf.'-o to the sontliward ,•) tlien kooj) It rM>'>n o]i ycuir laid)o:a-d bow ;■ pivc it more tl^e-n a mile and a ixJ- birth, iij uiuoh more c.3 you plea^G Note. — The oastcvjnnost of the we/trrn lod':;-o-; ;io r;-o!;i the Iii;4ht ;^. W. di:^ta:il:'2 nnles ; the other W. SfW. about oT\e leairuo ; the ca.s•.ern]od_^•o;3 lie in aran.a'c noariv, sonic aSovj^ v/ater, tlie outerino.-!: one mile ajju a hal:' iVv.i ILo L: dit. bi^ar- in:v frora it E. N. ]]. When t!:e Liirht benrs north diftani al.-ont'2 n;;]e«, run M E.. orvh will c'lrrv 4 miles, then norvh will cir: yoM to Chobujlj iicad;ata proper distajice clc V/hen abrea.jt o\' Ol il dai •I'rer, obuct.0 iload, r un .V po ml of(. J e or re ?i I ajiu. Vv hen within half a lu 01' Oeorrc I.d. tlie harbo'ir west of it in 12 falhainr fat Vv". lor tlic south. .na. A'on nav erstor ^a-jt of ']': in JiftceR- iouis waccr. In iKi'^sin'.'- betw 1 o Q. d 1 t!anawic;i po'nt ^.v i*\n nearest the point, to shun a .sho..d v/Ji from the beach. Tiiere i.-; also a shoal lyin-'' o:'o ni'lo so: bca; u L \h ■ K ►. 1 i * i Coniina" from the eastv/ard, rnn for t a; I not fall seeia;ji" Cliobucto Uea! the Light beiufr 4 mllcd distant irom tl ©fit.. on ope;) ihW ':ch point lii. r.nj you can- lie;:*'. !i arbour I ■-saw .._ .:,^iat- — — . a FAUMEU S ALMANACK. lit The liiijlit-IIou;:,© erected last year on the Towop at tha ; Ared, ^^ "W'cst eiju of Mauo'cr'rs lk'a«.*h, at the ci'.trnncc ol'IJcriifax Ilai- 1 ^ red t'( hour ic; tor the express pu^Ilo^;e of leufiingvc^t-eis up the liai- | An Uii hour, the jOreator I'.art of t!ie eastern side is darkened, viz — 'Ititjinc iVcnn N. E. hy N. to {S. half E. — The ioiiow in^if arc the direc- tiojKs ])iihli^ lied by the Coiiiniij-siojicr^i of Light Houses, wiiich «Ut)uh] he attended t ; : — " Vessels coiifiiiL; from tlic Eastward must keep Saird.iro ].i:j'ht cj'eiito the st^i'.tiiward of (Jhebacto hoed and iinlil tha d,or A \vh.itc| A ball should imul il! Il t OpO! IS Ml I*. I avi'iers beaen, vvli.c:i wn icii Dear rs. i VV — they wiii ihcr.x be to the wostward of Thrnm Caj) Shoal.-<, and may sh.ipc a course uj) the hai-hour, ;il\v;'ys kce[dii^ ti'.o jiiol t en the i3cac!i op-en, and on the slarboaru bow. Ve^i-sol :; c«,iii!i;ii- IVom the westward will sec tliis Lii;'lit wlien they arc a-; far to t'le eastward a.s Ch.ebncto head, by keeping' it open, and on l!io starboard bow, it will lead thcni up to ti m } 'VWiri 1 .i.'2'ht will ap]>car ofa rO'l e(donr, v.diich will distln^rnlsh it from Ui'V otln.'v (.m; the coast. It is liitv el'jAii feet hi do [The above are hoisted attiio east or west yard arm, aocord- wg to the quarter the vesscd iirst appears in,Vi!th the addition of a ball at the cer/crc of the yard, until the vessel can be »oen, when one or more of the following dc.;crii>tive colours Yvill be hoisted at the mast head.] An Unidu lor a Uarr ship, with or witliout a squadron. ]Jo. with a red peuvhiut over it, for a tw ^ decJLer. Do. with a blue poiuiaut over it, for a innate. Do. will) a v/hite pendant over it, lor a small armed veoeel, A red iiag- pierce*! white, for a packet. A ulue pendant, for a merchant ship. A red ])ondunt for a nierchant brig A wl'.ite pendant for a toj'sail schooner or .iloop. A blue and v;hite flaj^', horizontally divided, neutral-fleoU. White aiid hiue pendant, neutral man of war» Blue flag, neutral mcrcliantyhip. I Made on t| [whicli vet Ar^Ml i A red ; A red A wlat^ A blue A blue A blue A white A red of Baint L A blue i or Bay of \ A whitv loard. A whit* I For a i A ship in the ce A lozc Do. dc RED, .1 . & i\ Creig Debh Fras( John Bog^ Bext th L'E[ ..jSiim FARMEU 3 ALMANACK. •s Towof at tha njaiillix liar- t-'-^ upthehiij • i 'Ironed, viz— loutfos, which ccp Sarnbro :^Ji0'.V. ', by kce,';irio- n (nstjjio'nisli arccoiniiin- i«tedfor 7 (h). '^'^for 8 do separated i'or ■ i"or 10 or irrn, nocord- tbe udJiiiun ^sel ciin la ive euloura r. mod veoeeL, ;fal-fleoU A red, white and bluo flarr, an enemy's fleet. A red fia;L'", an enemy's jnerchantman. An UnionJaek over neutral or encujy'a signals, vesiscl is do- 'jti 'lined, or prr^ce. A \vI;ito iVdif over any sig-nal, vessel becirs a fla-;^ oftrure. iA ball at the mast head, ves-^ol is oi! ^;liorc or in di3trei>a — sh>uld nnnicdiatc aid be necessary, ,<^uns ar..\to be fired. ''i Expliiiijition of Si';:iia!3 •I »■ s— > \Made on the Erisi^'n Stall' at Fort Geor.:^e, to (h.-notc the part \vhicli vessels entering the Harbour 'mvc arrived liom. ■■• A red ilv.q; iV(-in (ireat-Iiritain. ■: A red and white do. tlie Meditf^-rp.nean. ■ A red pondtmt, tlio Continent of liurupe. I A v/liito and rod pond:ii't,A[adeira, Canary, or Western Islee- f A blue dan;, V7est f ndiei:. •' A blue pendant, Bermudas, Bahama--, or Turk's lidands. I A blue and white flii*^. United State?^. I A white Ikig;', Newfonuvlhuid. •; A red and white Hag, horizontally divided, Quebec or Gulf ■ of ^aint Lawrence. ^ A blue and whiLo flag, horizontally divided, New Brune^/ick, t or Bay of Fund y. -, A white and lluo pendant, vc::-i;Ol has an L'n^disli mail on '■ I ;ard. A white pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia and Cape Broton. Repeat iloin Out Po^ts at Fort (loorgc. ) For a square rij^ged vessel, two balls of ;;izo A ship, a largo ball at the enil of the yard with a small ball in the centre. A lozenge in tlic centre close up, a sloop or schooner. Do. do lialf hoisted, two or more sclioonero'. Merchant's Private Sigaals — l';.it urilaliiii.i. RED, &c.— D. ^ E. .Starr, red lag, J. & M. Tobin, a red. tlag crosses white Creigliton S{ Crassie, do, crossed v/hi'e u iigonally. Deblois & Mitchell, do. cei.tre a v vito ;-(p;are. Frasers ik, Co. red and v.iiite, wliuj next the ma.^?t. John Bro\TH, a red burgee, centre letter IJ. a red and white chequered flyg, red. Boggs & liartshorne >ext thcj mant uppermos' L'Epou&ic & Hallj a red and white cijeqwcred fla . blue Durne; M. B. Ainion, abliie llap- crossed whi-c. Jiri:'.3r5'lV)i-ni;ui,' jr. do crossed white (iiapconally. . u;K)rd ■o. au. centre a v. iiil(i ^v.lr, \'/jii.Piy;jr Cc Co. a Idue and white f]i;f]^, blue uppermost. u-.1.ron, a blue and rod (iaLT, b!ue no:;t the mai>t. 1\\. Jticii J, ni. 'in ( a i)!uc thti;-, cciiLre a white square, do. crc..s'"d white d!af''nn.irir. .1 f! \gy whila Coort^c i'. Lnwson, ii bine and while chci^uercci next tiio iii'ist, uppermost. Win. Dfbh.is ifc Co. u ))]ue finfj brrclerod white, letter D.in t';o contre enclosed by two trianyic.s reversed Ci. 6l A.LVriichcll, a blue and while ilao-. blua.un]',crni03t. I'i' WIIITC, ^-c— J. fyT Wdlianison, white fla^. J.L. .irr, ot .1 una J rcinain, cio. cross Co. (10. centre ■ ed bi; bl ue btar. \h jfarri;', docenivo are;I yi^; are ilii'-ix I 'uc iiet Cunipany, a \wiiU J in (J. M ];lie and red bur- fee lite ne;.t the mayt W'vA. LjVv-son, fi'ii'" crossed dii:i^o:ifi,Uv, white next the maat an'- v.-'iii-e oiusi, 1- bl ue uiKne an i b: i\V r'rai'C'.Ji i':itevens, blue, v/hite !u;d Ll'io. blu'! next the maat. J inu; v'ni 1 iVOfi', Co. v.iilte ana red tlajx, v, nite uppermo.it. rni-a'^inin, wiKte.rea ain.i w. % a njiito ihy; pierce a hi ricKay lV yihchilr, a whdo bui-geo, ct ntre a blue square- fla ff, cen- YLI.,iir)\'7, ,■?;;:. — Temple & Lcwhs i'ieri.-!, a yellow tro a blue ball. The jbre^'oinf^ Si^-nals are worn at \.'..n main. Upon vessels ar'-iviir;- in sig'lit iToni tlie Licdit iIoii;;e -jo wearing a signal, a uimilar one is hoisted o;i tije Telcgrapi Stall*, or at the yard arms of the Sl^-nid yta'n at Fort Geor;;f. , witli a pendant uiider it, doacrlptive ol" the cl;;j5i ol"ve.-:.ch^ to which she belon£3.. 1 ;1 • I X-iM ^iamonj. c :5!mIIy, red next '-'low. t tiic nvaal, e. tc, letter D.iu ;| uppermost. t^ti red bur- -xt the mast tlie mnat. 'pennant. ^'A'tthumast 'pcrmost square \' flat-- LS cen- on vessels a sio-nal, a tlie yard ant uuder dono-ai.. farmer's almanack. 9 (COXVF.Yl^G TJ^E ROYAL iMAILS.) FHOM IIAJ.rFAX TO ANNAPOLIS. A Coach !(>aves I.I;iiifax ior Wiiul.-vr and Krntvillo, and ,rmnj)(jlis for Kciitviile, on Tu".ndrvi, Thursday aiui Sr>iinlny^ ;ach week. At 5 o'clock A.M. iVoia )2\.h i-Jav to 12th Aiu »•' |at (I, from 12th Aiii^ to 2-2d ^^opt,, iit day U^ht, fi-orn 2:id ^^e^it, to 8th Feb.; and at (>, from 8ih Feb. to i"-lh ^.lay.* A Coach al?^o loaves KctitvJile for Ai(i!'i[;ol"u-, and another for Wiiidfor and Halifax, at the hourn above mentioned, ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday in each week. RATES OF FAIIF'. »» >t M »> >» >» » 5J 3> >» » 1? J) 5? » ?J >> £0 5 9 li> 15 17 1 5 1 7 From Halifax to Fnlt:',V, {VI mile;?) Hilt/Zs, 21 I\Iount Uniacke, 27 NewportRoad/rerfy's, 35 Windsor, 45 Martiu's Gaspereaux, ()0 Kentvill-, 70 Bridp,'ot'nvn, 115 Anna!)v-'i>, \?>0 Windsor to KoTitviil', '^(5 Keatvij'e to AylcKftn'd, 18 „ to Bridi'town, '15 „ to Annapulirt, CO From Annnnolis to Halifax, accordim,'- to the above c-calo. Way Passenger.^, (Id. };er niile. Infants in arm.s, Fjoc. Five years and under \ fare. Between 5 and M years S Faro. Kach ])fissenger, paving the fnll amount of fares, is allowed to carry 20 lbs. wt. of baggage ; and all baggao-e or parcclw, above that weight, are to be paid for at the discretion of tlj« Agent. • It is expected that during the winter months, the Coaches wiU only go twice a week, of which noticu will, be given in the papen., 2 10 12 7 1 1 1 7 C> G t; n 6 Ai II i»! jk III I r. ^i 10 farmer's almanack. It ■i All f^-lass, and othpr brittle substances will be forwarded atf the risk of the Owiirrs only. Tho Coinpnny nill not bo ropponsible for a greater valuo| than Five {)oun(;s, for any description of parcel or trunk that| mnv be lost, unless socciallv airreed for by the AjTRnt at tho! tiwe of bookinir tiic same. Nor ^vii! the Company be liablel for any ]Moncy, unloso stated to the A:ycnt at t'lo time to bej .«nch, and 2 }-"} per cent, be paid him thereon for Freight and] lii»urance of tlie s-^anio. Agents — At Ilaiifox, John Ilnrvie ; Windsor, John Todd; Kentvilie, John Fiutcliin&on ; Annaj)olis, Mr.Mossnian. (jj^'^Tho above line of coiTimunication lias been estab- lished h.y a snnll Com|.any, and ratiks arnonsr the inij)or- tant enterprizes j^'oinij' Ibrward in thiriProvince. The Coaches! nrc. 'tasy and commodious, the horse.s Vvoij-traiiiod, and the drivers skillYil ui;d e^q)erionced. The rules of t[ie Con)]>tiiiy are exceedini.iy iiboral toward^: Travellers and since its com- uicncerncnt, every accomraodatiou has been aiTordeJ. Lodges under the Jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodge of JS^Qva-Scotia. OjY THE REGISTRY OF EXGL^tYD. No 188, St AndrpwsV, held at Halifax, 1st Tuesday in the month JSo 2\io, St Johirs, held at HaliAix, 1st Monday in ditto. 0J\' THE RE GISTR Y OF .VO VA SCO TIA. No 1, Union, I'.cld atlT.'ilifax, 2d Monday in the month. No 2, Virgin, nl do. 4ili iSlonday do No 7, Teriplo, at Guyr-AiOioi.iji,h, 1st Tuesday do. No 10, Hir.'.m, at SI elbnrne. 2d Monday do. No 11, {'t. Gtoi, StJciin'e, alCharlotteToAvn, P K Inland, 2d Tuesday do. No 28, Harmony, at Svh ey, C B. 1st Wednesday do. No 29, r>t Jolm, at St John, N B. Ipt Tuesday do- No.']1,Midian, at Kin;;ston, NB.2d do do Noa4, Orphan's Frimd, i,:. St. Stephcn'e, N B. 2d Wedneeday after every ftdl moon. No 85, New Caledonia, at Pictou, 2d Tuesday in the month "-'-•-t_ 5e forwarded at farmer's ALIVTANACK. 11 To 3G, Newport, at Newport, Ist Tuesday after every full moon \o 37, Eastern Star, at St Andrews, N B. every Wednesday befor« full moon Sfo 38. Union, at St John, N B. every 2d Tuesday in the month loo9, Royal Standard, at Halifax, 2d Tuesday do To 40, Musquodobit, at Musquodobir, every Tuesday before the full moon. To 4.3, St La^vrence, at Liverpool, N. B. 1st do in the month K) 44, Unity, at Lunenburg, 1st Tuesday in the month Jo 45, Fort Edward, at Windsor, 2d Monday do To 4t), Moriiing Star, at WoodH(ock,N JB. Tuesd-Ty before full moo« To 47, Moira, at Rawdo;>, Monday before do Jo 4S', Colchester Union, at Truro, l!?t Tuesday in the month To 40, Concord, at Barringto.n, 1st Monday do Vo 51), Golden Rule, at Hopewell, N B- IsL Wednesday after full moon [No 51, Cumberland Harmony, at Amherst, Ist Tuesday in the n»onth jNo 52, Allnon, at St Jo]m,N 15. 1st Mo-id.t ,- do JKo 53, Royal Albion, Travelling Warrant let Battalion Rifle iJriga ^ Opposition, or Flanots sitjuiled in opposite longitudes, o? I I. 1'he 1 iiflbiing G si<;ns from each other. " lh. ?i'ii»- i^* amcrlca, ai The Planet Venus ( 9 ) will ho morning star till May 30Ui:|igiirf eelips? thcn.'c cvonin;^^ star tiiroinrli the year. m ^^- "^^'^ nil 5i)in afte will not b >acitic Geo. will be vi: le Three ill bo v:-;ii» lil. Tiie fi^iblc, as t( Japlter (J^) also will bo inorninor star till June Ist thencj evening gt.ur till Dec. ISth, and L!i'on again morning i>i;..r. JMnrs ( ^) will bo evci.nngr-t.'ir till Aug. ISth, thence ir.orui ing &iar to the end of the year. •'^■ Cliroiioloalcal Cycles fbr 1829. Borniniv-^al l.v'dev. l):Sobr Cycle, i«l Lunar Cvele. or g<;idcu numb, ('i Roman Indiction, i'jpact, 25 Julian Fcriod, Moveable Fea^^ts. OrAA Sr'pl.uape^;;na ?"iin. rob.{5. iT.ow fMinday, Awiil 2^. Cluin-.i.'or »Slirovo Sun. 'Miir. I. I !to"ut,ion Hira. !. iiv>L(lavs at tiiu Public Olikcs. 1st Jaii'y. New YearVDriv. 17th MircluStP-ilrick. 17tli Ai)ril, Goud Fiivlay. *20th ,, Eifettr Moiuh}% 2lHt ,, Eu>U;.-Tuopi.\\'. i S'di Jiuic, V/l;it Monday. I f)lh „ Whit T.ur 'lay. lOdi .Tilly, fi'fo ^th frowned, 5 h Xov. Powder Vict. r.O h ,, St Andr»-w. ^O.h D«.'i:. Ciiri-ifiiAa« I).'»y^ A. id ,, fcji. G.-orj^e. C:'jO.''! b.d.'k. Di-its eel tide (d'tbe 1' IV. The J7, at Idi, 'Vh n^'ihlo, Bi: [on-^itude L" ukI annular ludarat the njmi ; at tli ilior.t 8 digi' Kca.the y.en [a(!.r!e place; .) 4.) IN. , IMS'. '^-.I-*^ <■ Lf.ft II a: onth. !L^e he j^un. F [lays in houi ml miti'vitei; rit»mr.s ri:-ii liO moon's ' 'welfth,iUi RifiMT n eoond, Mi fill* I 11 [i!i:ro, I'arr I'he top ( '■hiU'C.-v, "r t usit quarter ECLIPSES. 13 lonn^Itudes, or| till Mtiy 30Ur^ )€ 1st tshfjlK'O •amy; rti;..r. the nee jnoni-i Of each of the two great luminaries in the heavenly pys- ^m, there will be two Eclipses this year, as follows— I.' The first will be of the moon on Friday March V.()th, at |h. ?JHii. morning, invisible. On the N. VV. Coast of North America, and the N. E. of Asia, it will be visible, about 4i piirf eclipsed on the Moon's northern limb. !l. The second will be oi the SSu.v on Friday April rid, at ii 51)111 afternoon ; yet by reason of the Moon's south latitude wiJl lint be visible in JXorth America. But in the Slouth 'aciik' Ocean, lat. 82° l.V S. louix. 149° G' 3" \V. of Lonc'Mi will be visible, centra! and total, en the meridian. Also, at \\e Three -Kin^^'s Islands, and the Ncrtli of New ITolitind, it ill be visllde and very ii'reat, neidy lota), (f '> lat. 3r>' IT;' H. III. TJiO liiird will bo ol'thoMooN, on Siauay, {Se[;t. Kith, fii^ble, as follows : [jeirinnino: at - - - lIi. Ec:if)tic ujjposition, - -i Middle, ... - - 2 En( Dii ration, 4) Morning. J ,iii ei^. ■/Vh. Mav 2i^, no 7. ;ine 14. .\ov .2:). VX (lay. (;■ ftay. frowned, Fiol. Di;rits cclii^sed G° .'/ on the d 's southern limb, in the motik tide ol'i'jo Earth's shadow. IV. The foiu-ih a;;d last will bo of the Su.v, on Snndi-y, Sept 7, at, (!]i ;r?ni. evc)r!ii<«* ; Sun bolow the iiorizc^n, of course in- Isil'io. Bi!t, ill the NurlhPaciiic Occrn, kit. ;>0° 22' 45" i.orth, on.>7ituuc !."7'' 5' 30" E. (.f Loiidon, itv.ill Le visible, coiitrai, J aiiiiiilni- on trio meridian. It will vh^o be visible and an- nuiirat tiie City of Joildo, in the island ofNijdicn, in the fore- loun ; at the City of Penin, in China, the sun will rise with ihoutS digits eciij)sed ; and in the Gulfof Ja(>an, the YclJovy ■^ca.llie i-enin^nla ofCorea, and the wct^tcrn part of China, io :hv..; r. R.'fiMT n/iM. I'Aur.. — F>:-^t column, days of the month. — ^('*^orid, MIscelhiTieous Phenomena, iluiidays, Weather, «ic. i'liifd, Farmer's Calendar. I'he top of the c(duinu« on each '^afve shows tlic Moon's ihascs, or the times of new and full luooii, and of th« fiX'A awU ust quarter or tvro quadratures with thciuri. C r 14 JANUARY, 31 days. I Month. ti#>><,^^ w>i t ^ i^^ t^t o^ t^^ i^^ ci9^ u^ <^^ t.91 W9^ w9^ V9n vsn i^^ i>9^ -..^^ t<5>) >^^ «9^ 1^^ 1,^1 ^^ t^i 1; l^ 'ii'.l ■I t \ V>> -^ '-'^^ i-^n oCn t^5-i 1-5" <>i>% u5^ uS-' '-"^^ 1.^1 '-/^ i>5>^ i<:;ri uvi K?^ <'C>^ i^^ ^'e\'nMoon 5tli (l.lJh.o8m. mm. | First Quur. I^^th d. lih 4m mrn 1) J)| ©I © W irises sets Days ten'th Sun's «lcc.S (Tier K. A & S. soutn tl) J] Till 7 88 2|Pr oj^5a 4;d <1:TU 8 Til 7 :-]8 7 an I) 10 11 v> 14 1: Sa D Tu W )Th k; 17 18 19 20 ^1 2-2 2:j 24 2<5 27 28 29 7 .3 7 ;i5 7 35 34 3'i 4 2-2 4 22 4 2i 4 2:i 4 24 4 25 4 25 •^24 •j< 'r 7 :31 31 39 29'4 28i4 Sa D iVL Tu W Th Fr Sa D M Tu W Th Fr SlJSa 28 27 2() 25 24 1 2;»' 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 12 2(1 27 2/ 28 2J) 2i) 30 8 44| 8 44' \^ 4r.| \s 4<; 8 50 8 50 8 52 8 54 i 8 54 8 5<) 8 08 3J ;) 32 32 33 34 35 3 l<)il0 58 socrets tliiirhs thighs knets Mr. 4 4 (; 8 10 12 14 16 r> 20 00 24 21 20 20 2() 20 20 19 49 19 19 18 48 48 15 () 57 48 38 28 18 7 5<; 43 32 19 7 53i ^i sets 111 58 kneeu 1 H) 42ieve58!ieirs 2 7 22; 4 50 3l8 4|9 40 33!2 44 13 54I4 (jl morn. 1 5 52 le ffs 3 23 4 4 15 „ 5 10.0 8G ;> 20II8 so' 47 32117 ^ 36 40 2(> 12 57 42 2() 11 55 tiS 17 22 J) 10 8|1 912 lo!3 44 4 12 43 45 2j(; 87 ll|8 42; 8 109 3 40 58144 .) 5 rises.! morn. feet feet liead head head neck neck 50|arms 40 arms 2iM breast 4«; 39 20 20 10 l() 17 48 191 20 21 22 C 24* 252 o <> 7 8 9 10 11 40 37^ I 2 85 32 29 2(i 24 morn. 28 32 05 36 18! breast breast lieart heart 51 35 belly 3 3 4 5 5 G 7 8 18 42 25 9 55 44 belly belly reins reina secrets secrets secrets 3(>lthigbi 31'tUi£:b8tS 2 5f) 49 eve 40 30 20 10 50 3iJ US 15 8 45 28 10 52 35 morn. 1 1 10 4« 44 1 2 3 4 4 *» ;) G 7 8 8 9 40 40 41 7 S 'J H) \i 1:3 tt • 1 C's I llijrhjSa //. place.lwater|s|jg ^/ Mill 4lL 1 23 ' ' . /i^ I Month. <-5hU|»ik^-,v^,i^, '^ii* ; - /V / // / A ^ .-t ^. 'y |5>^ v:?^ 4-5h o^ ,^3>., i,^ ,_^ 1 d. ;jh 4 in mrn C's place. ecretjj iiffhs nets j( neey ;g-s bet ;et aad 3ad 3ad !Ck ins ins water; si J5„ 8 0' r; 7 8 8 i) 1 » 12 10 50 3Ji U8 1,") 8 45 „ 10 10 „ 110 52 n 35 morn. 1 5 1 M '^ 4(J|„ \!^ 13 %)i9m 4l,V . /^- ^'' ^/fC^f/ /i h y.-: f ^■/'''/^. e/L A^ ^ .u ■^^^ ;^-/; t^>i;?'.,f L3 -^^ y >^'r ^ ^/^,/:i v^ ^.■^A'}/ r-V/; / / ^. ■If, l" I i \\ i v^ /7/^ ^ 'r/^r-A/// ,/.A / « ■ t/. /./ /I ^ A^ /-////"^ H/i^yiy /. Vx' ^■\ A / >-( /. y / r / / V // ' C?> i/ ^i^>i ^ ^ / /t ; .>;y^'/7 ^/z: />'/ // 7" y ^,/ /;< A >v JfJ / r ;^'; / / A: 5' . 'I /id .« u ''^f'/iM' / 1 r ^;?>j / / 'w £r, J) ^'/V; (i/llni i/'/ ''yfi^t^yA^ yA r 'wr> /2 6/t //• >^- .-''V 1 ^7/»/ <:ri ■4./ '; ./^ ./ 7 V Mi^u^- 70^0% / rr ,-^^. \ Winter, i Thol J Of Ch Full Moor IToi PB1 1 1 /'■':..■-. in l)r2a Su r>'(^ pel F Luciai D 10|^ris( D IstSu 12 Low 1 hU© 151 10 9 ris •17 D:2a Si 19|lligl 201© ei 211 231 24 201 27lls' 28lLo^ 29lK. 3«K. »llK. / 5 r \ 2- -- 6 Winter. JANUARY begins on Tlitjrsday. 15 Thou, Nature r ever-changing, chan^e^t not— The evening and the mornrng duly rome — And spring, aud summer's heat, and winter's cold— The very sun that lookM on Paradise, On Eden's blooming bowers, and sinless man, !Now blazes in the ji^Iory of his poAver. And thus the montlis shall come, aud thus the yeart Revolve ; and day, alternatins^ with rii;^ht, Lead on from bloomino^ youth to hoary ajje. Till time itselfgrows old ; and Spring for^^ets To herald Summer ; and the fearful blank Of Chaos overspreads, and mantles all ! Full Moon l!»tli(l. Sh.oin. cvo. | L;i.-;i (iu.'ir. 'i.^tU <]. Jh. 7iii. nirn. n.M| Ilolitiiiys, Wciithor, &c. F S Pv y\ E R S C A L F. .\ OAR. I r' ;,.„,!, ^,^,^1 jy^ clear 2 9 rises 4h o4m {]\ fine tvintcr IV^tl Sun. af. Clirit^trnas. 5|Tlio]i tides weather **\(L perigee. Epiphany. /o/j.:f, cold, Lucian. 21 rises 4h l.'lni 1st Sun. af. Epiph. Low tides. 9 risGii 5h 18in 10 D V2 13 14 15 1(5 17 D.aa Sun. af. Epiph. li)|lli^h tides. 20|© enters 21 h 24 D 2() 27 28 29 30 SI aud dark flights. <5©¥. rendered more pleasant bii sleighing. snow. 3d Sun.af.Eph. Conv.St Paul At tliu conniicnccuicnt ot\i 1 N » ; vv ~ i V, ti . , . , . , 1 • 11 wish yoti a year of j)ro:r])Ciity ; tl.a: the earth may yield you her incroa.se, aiid tliut you may have joy,peace and plen- ty in your habitation j. The cold weather is now so nipping' and ea^er, that lyour cattle have aj)petites as sharp as aqua? fovtis, and would, if they could,eat double 6/a«(criwnf.'tenpenny nailsv Yon may a thaw, therefore lawfullytake *dvan- perhaps tage of this omnivorous dispo- rain. sition of the annuals, and thus fine /on Sa f) 511!) 1 n:i,!) 4 54 !l 4 4 55;!) 3 4 5()'n 2 4 571^ r;4 SDh) i; 5«)!5 I () 5815 2 () 50! 5 4 4'''i 17 5l!?7i I i?.5i'' ''"' tT|l(; 4B!'i'^!5 ^8 10 59 4n:]() ;^oi®!sets. n y<) 50'li; 121 1. H) 5|ov.'>8 5Q|I5 54|\> |7 14 1 18 a5!'2 n 555 5 54|I5 ;li:] 5f)il5 17 58; 14 58 10 a; 14 .'?•) 10 4 14 i^^ 3^; 10 47 <) in 57 I.)i (> 53|5 7 <; 5-2'5 8 C, 5ll5 9 u4n!5 11 Tu'() 48|5 VI VV|() 4.-15 in li)|Tli()45!5 15 20Fr ()44|5 l.i I) 8 14 8 10 10 13 40!) 1^) 1 1.13 '^o!io 10 in! 13 o!ii ^Imorn. ro 8 10 18! -2 30ll2il lOo-i'l-^ 18'l3 5 48 31 11 1) n I (T's placo. T ~ - .^ kr.eos feet r 15 'mm 10 1024 11 571415 47i!l 30'heart 21 23 24 «a!6 42 5 18 10 20111 3Oi0|riso:^. 10 30111 15il0(> 10 32' 10 541 17 7 10 301.10 32118 8 D AT T.i a5 w 2(j 29F fib Th Sa 41 15 10' 1 38 (5 3015 2r!0 42 38 G 30 34 C33 6 31 5 22|i;)44 5 24 H; 48 5 20 10 52 5 27 10 54 5 21)' 10 58 10 10110 9 48120 10 18 14 11 9 8 inorn.jbol'y {) 14 holly O.' belly 25121 111 913 9 9 4 8 42 rems rein,? Ojsecrots 5lUccrels 1 1 o •mi 3 4 5 5 7 8 > o 9 » 1m 52 „ 43!„ 33 ,, 14 M 22 9 55 j„ 40:,, 21 M Cm 40 32 22 morn. C 10 10 8 19 24 1 10 7 5612512 10 4 38 5 28 21 7 16 secrets thigfhs thi"^T<^ t^n V«», <,^ • - _ ^"^ ^^-^ I II ^ .-:ii^' 1 '-Om^^m t-"*! u»>, .^^ '>li *5in rnrn 's Hi.U-h!S 0. vvato] r!sl •-' it iji' 1-* s 5 3!) '» <) .31> '♦ 7 88 8 85 99 J> 81 10 S5 15 11 18 >j ev Oj M ]0 5^ I 1 M 1 1 5-2! '♦ 2 4 •1 5 {) 7 8 o \) 10 il '2 481 88 i) 5oj 40j 24! G 4-) 3-2 1(J 1 II 48 morn. I 31 2 13 4/'>/// fi I p 1 K Jfift- - ■ Wint t#«w9i^ if/X. yv 3 n / // n Winter. FEBRUAKY begins on Sunday. 17 Muttering^, the winds tt eve with blunted point, Blow, hallow-blustering, from the south. Subdued^ The frost revolves into a trickling thaAV. Spotted, the mountains shine, loose sleet descends^ And floods the country round. Tl: e- rivers swell, Of bonds impatient. Sudden from the hills, O'er rocks and Avoods, in broad brown cataracts, A thousand snow-fed torrents rush at once. And where they rush, the wide-resounding plain Is left on» slimy waste. Fiiii iMooii IHtli d. oh. Ini. aft. jLast Clii;ir. 'iiitli d. ^li.tJiu. c'lft. i>m| Holidays, Woathcr, «fec. | l)i4th Siin. af.E|)i|)h. 2|Punf. of «. V.Mary. 3inigli tides. 4 (^ pcrig^ee. 5 i D 10 FA R ,M F. II S C .\ L V. \ D A R . a storm Airatha. 9 rises 5h4Im .5th Sun. af. Eniph. dy habits; and l.uebrexkfasls Ui.d 4 o'clock dinners v,-ill not, be re- li.-hed even bj^the bc^t-brcdshort- Jwriis that ever figured ia the an- 15 ?iea/'.''*''^^ of fa:ii:;bIo iivestock. This iri gciicr.uiy a very c^!d nleasanl i'^^^'^ inclement in«)iirh, but there are rational en jo nients lo be ex- Low tides, for a dan or tw9, Pe^-i^^^^'ed at all umes places and •^ "^ season's, loi liad beUer vi^it 1! 1'2| 9 rises 5h 4 Im 14 'Valentino, blustering- ]) 1() 17 Septuai^csima Sun. 6 a ¥' \f^ X^ enters X^ C apogee. V.) ^ Stat. 2<)i 21 .^ rises Ih 5.%!. DSexagesinia Sun. 2:J|<$ sets lOh Oin 2 1 St Matthias. D. of Camb. b. 2;1 2«l|Lo\v tidcs.- yoir b ;rns yoiirself, and not trust to- Tom, Dick and Harry to fdl thein:i)ortn:it oluccof comr.iiss.irT oitneCutJe Dcp.irtmen*, unie<* yo.i wish your c tttle to bec<»nie .poor,andto have yoiirhay waited. maij look out jj^ess llaxaud lieiap, let not your for suow.\thr}<. a thaw with rain. changeable lit(!rs v.'.iiit .sioric for trie 27 1 sphinin.;^; wheel, to keep tlieni in- dustrious, for one piece of hand- some domest'c inauufac'.urc will j2;o fardicr to c-iabliLih tiieir repu- tation tlian a wliole winter's fro- licking: . — Sprinkle brine on your coirse fodder, and M'-'eit to thy cattle before thes[)i-iii^ 0])e:l^■ — it will then be useless exc<-])t for li<- niorc rai»'*^' ■ — ^^ -' ^^ '* t'u-cdiinij; is not all Idoae, looe uo time in liuishinii it. 132. PI ,1) I' IS MARCH, 31 days. Ill Month. ti*^ tK* U^i L^ Itfo i-^n ^.^ i-C>i ■ -5>i v-^ V5>i «.tf>> t-^i «^?i >^^ >-5 T ^■tf^i "^^ i.^ <-^ <-<^ I'Pi '-^. '<5^ '^^ f 7 m No\vMoour>th 'i. ^h. •^•iUi ranilFrst Quar. I'itli (l.'lh.35rii.riu)ni. w I $ I) r © I © Wifiso-M sets Davs'l Sun's leii'tJi dec.S (L\(L ^' south. ^'s High;© r) (^ 'IV>\ M <) 'J8 Tujii'^? VV ^) 2i) Th r> !u>4 1 Fr ^•:^| l^a 'o 2.1 Id •; ill ;\i- <> isi " HI 8! lOlTu II 2 11 4 H () 11 JO .) m II J2 ;•) 37 11 (4 .") ;ll) n J8 r> 41 5 A'l 7 ;i.i 7 10! f> () -.1 (J 1 1 r> '■'*- i 1 >■ 1 •* 15| 4 < :>i! »»„'; •^7 place, water} si 3 (iT8~"lT^[knoes~Tj iisTKI :J 58 J!) Ml leers 4 45110 lojle^rs 5 28; 11 8 Ibct sets lev 5 loot 1 17 mi 1 i \S 37 1 i>/ f) 1( U 'vV!(J 1, i-^'l'li i4|Sa ) ■) »• I 11) ^0 C5 VV Til -ja () i;- v> .« /i (1 1<; <) ^ ; 7 . / • v ; > 4 '1 - 1 '<•-; n 2:^ 4 51 i :) 45 Jl ^J4 4 -^S^l 10 50 i fl 28 4 4 5 li 51 il :}C 3 41 f) aiurr 'll .'M 3 i; )> 5(; ,11 ;h; 2 54 8 1 4i;; liio'ia Ihead 'i 51 j neck :{ 45'. lock 1 3Marni3 5 Jil'arms (j ^^; arms 7 lo brca-;t ;j ii3: 4 yj 5 20 (J 18 »« / 15 8 11 9 7 10 1 10 55 11 4!) ev 41 I 33 2 93 12 )» 5 5^-1 11 40 M)\\) ;t, 1 br »» ♦> 'I 10 >f eas - r » J .J) il 4'>, 2 (5 10 3 'k/i\o 48i heart U I :> 55 II 50 ' ft* ) .M> ~. 1^ 11 5v II 5(i 11 5 1 ,!• i *> 5::! 3-:l 8 iV 15 11|4 1-M i3jl 1415 2 ii> 3:;!M.-art 3l'j0 h:ihe;'rt li 1 25,11 4 ■; r^ u ;> !(l Ci HiSGf?. lUOin. V-J)J1.: o iui7 17iO 2/'roi )lly ;' lis 3., 1 2 8 18 1 Hire ins > ;>■ 5 5 !■.■ 1^^; 1 !•> Ill 1 4 O: 18!y 20 1 iv' SCO rets il; 10 1 11 1 nl.-) 1 1.) o i ■ li-l 2 J.;2ll'.iio rii.j i I 10 12 20 I lr>'r> 24 4 1 t:i > V ■ «j o ii' i. 2 • n. ... -^ 3 si. 2;: 1 1 ft 1 o 4t. 'J.I » u- •.,1 :i; 1 4 A' 1( serrets 'ILl'M.S rli; lis ) 1 r.c( ^ lliO r.>j 1 43 5 23 i; M 54 () 04 )l ci >t 07 01 I) M iV 10 421 11 0<; 18 t» 2u'U knee.s !o;:s morn. I 2 r 3 j: L J , » i'j. 4 / ^ ) /-^ J- ' * A f fA^} ^A7/i 0"^^:^'/ a^n/2rtil .^/U?^ y^p^c-^ ^y^a. 7 y I II ' 1 (»' IT 1 (Si I ,1 :?g 3 W ' ! ' ..UULML ' t-t. ! If 1^ t / ' /■( 7 / / W/,fr^X ■V'- \ •V / V Spring. Ma roll Wlii] Destin Toe Snows Melt Wintei Ov.w Earlie Noi\ 'Tiil tl Wei; FiiU Moor D?J il 01 1st Su: J>|'iuiiiq. olShrovc 5;Hi(rht^ D 1) 10 11 12 Jl^i^ ptat lli^ t^ets ])IU(i Riii; 17 1 «t Pat: 1!)| 2:,!!© cnt D •Jd ,Sui 2:^ 2i S;; Anuui «>'' ^o 2; t^ g*>'. SF. >2 .-^iat I) ■itii Si so TiOw 1 Si 21 ^ta Spring. MARCH begins on S'jnrlay. Id March ! we welcome no'«v thv rei;rn, Whllo f.lie ear]'/ shoots ap[)Gar, Destined in fair Ceres' train, To enrich the ripcn'd year. Snows that whiten'd o'er the land", Melt before the approachinj^ j'ay ; Winter bids liis ;;;i'isl\- band. Onward Iiold its wonted way. Eariier I'rom the j::lowing east, Now tlio ruddy streaks appear, 'Till tb.e 5wing /rj^:'-// irj'/jr/^^ ''^''•^^''"'S i'ooii -:.•; II ■ fiot is oat. mi cq:>.inoctial .sYorw^i'''^ '"'"^' -i'- ^ l'^''' faJ .,and sliarpen 20!© enters Of. C ociinvis. '^^''^'^'^ ^°^" '^-' ■ ^^'^ ^^li'-r .yo>-tr po-t^ 2! j ironedict. IliM-h tides. in at '"'' ' ^^'V<'--^- '1 :• -'! v^ ill Le wclisut Di'JdSun.m Lon:. h-uJ.']'' ''''v" '• ' >^-^^<' ^^^-'^ anrym::r.'.TJenu., however, n/^'f- . ^S J ai I ; .c ihev^vn-;;d ]:;^^l W- ha Sim. in Lout. ]^.Ii;l.L.Sun^evcf :,r. I vcr, ior he had tried xi SOjIiOw tidc,-j. at/;'a;ic//;!:>.|0:it jud o !■, . ttic*.' h.ed Uie truth Sjj^/ i^tat. - [not aiiaie. 90 APRIL, 50 day § . TV Month. 11^1 1^1 vtf>Vt^Vk^t^1t«%«^)k^«*^>«'H«« W I •♦"■^^ v9nti^v©it<^i<5n'>5i\i<5iij^>ij5H»t<5n«<^<^5^'>5^i<^o5iic^^ (,,501.50^0^1 uCot,.5^t<^i^^ 1) IT © Days Sun's Hi gh ;© M w w rises sets len'th dec.N A & S. SOI ith. place. water si 1 5 42 ti 18 12 3G 4 33 27 4 G 9 5(5 feet 5 () 4 S Th 5 40 6 20 12 40 4 56 28 4 47 10 52 feet 2 1? 3 Fr 5 39 6 21 12 42 5 19 • sets. 11 47 head 57 •"V 4 Sa 5 37 6 23 12 4G 5 42 1 7 35 evc42 head 7 52 'J 5 D 5 36 G 24 12 48 G 5 2 8 45 1 38 neck 8 48 „ 6 M v 35 G 25 12 50 27 3 9 51 2 34 neck 9 44 M 7 Tu 5 34 6 26 12 52 G 50 4 10 54 3 38 arms 10 38 12 8 VV 5 32 28 12 50 7 12 5 U 50 4 21 arms 11 31 » y Tlj 5 31 6 29 12 58 7 35 6 morn. 13 breast ev 23 Im 10 Fr ^ ;> 29 () 31 13 2 7 57 1* 39 G 4 breast 1 8 I 11 Sa 5 27 6 33 13 6 8 19 8 1 22 52 breust 1 52 »t H D 5 20 6 34 13 8 8 41 9 2 4 7 38 heart 2 38 5> i;i M 5 24 G 3(> 13 12 9 3 10 2 40 8 23 heart 3 28 5J 14 Tu 22 6 38 13 10 9 24 11 3 11 9 belly 4 8 15 W 5 21 G 39 13 18 9 40 12 3 40 9 49 belly 4 49 M 1(> Th 5 20 6 40 13 20 10 7 13 4 6 10 32 belly 5 30 F 17 Fr 5 13 G 42 13 21 10 28 14 4 32 11 10 reins 18 18 Sa 5 17 G 42 13 20 10 49 15 4 58 morn. reins 59 1 19 D 5 15 6 45 13 30 11 10 rises. 1 secrets 7 31 5> 20 M 5 14 6 4G 13 32 11 31 17 8 18 47 secrets 8 10 ?l 21 Tu 5 .18 G 47 13 34 11 51 18 9 17 1 30 thig-hs 8 4(J M 22 W 5 11 G 49 13 38 12 12 19 10 13 2 27 thighs 9 37 2 23 Th 5 10 6 50 13 40 12 3-2 20 11 (i 3 20 thijjhs 10 30 »» 34 Fr 9 G 51 13 42 12 51 21 11 58 4 14 knees 11 24 »f 25 Sa 5 7 G 53 13 4» 2(J D 5 6 () 54 13 48 13 31 C 40 () 4 leffs 1 14 )i 27 M 5 G 55 13 50 13 50 'U 1 28 59 legs 2 9 M 28 Tu 5 3 6 57 13 54 14 9 >5 2 3 7 53 feet 3 3 3 20 W 5 2 G 58 13 50 14 27 2(1 2 45 8 47 feet 3 57 »» 20 Th 5 7 14 14 40 27 3 19 9 40 head 4 50 ft /;• .<- <^/. c'.-. .(■ \ft.A I ' /'/^ /A n (I ()? j 7v^-/>i ? \ 7 Month, 0^*i^**^t'»<«»« 1.53m. eve. High I© water u4 5 (5 6 2 G 57 7 52!,, 8 48i„ 9 44i„ 10 38 12 11 31 ev 23 1 8 1 52 2 38 3 28 4 8 4 41> 5 36 G 18 G 59 7 31 8 10 8 40 9 37'^ 10 30 11 24 morn. 1 14 2 9 3 3 3 5/ 4 50 „ 5» 1 n ?> F 1 J> »» /r ,v-/ 9^ ^^r.9y^A^ <^/^.^/^W^^5/ ;;/^.vrV;/ /r//; X / // ''r c- /^/^ /"^ /)^ f /^^ .y>> />///? /? , A / \ ' />^ //v/^\ / / 'T-" 17 ' '7 ^-^ I \ 13; 17 18 24 25 D 27 28 21» 80 Spring. APRIL begins on Wednesday. 21 t^M ^-^ '-c^i '>i>i v^ 1^91 '-s^i •-<::^ c^yn '-^ ■ >c>i ' ^1 t^c^ <-'5>i »<>! t-s>^ "-i?! •-i '^ The liiisbandinan seizing liis plough, "Walks round in the pride, of his might ; Thedrops of his masculine brow Fall freely as dews of the night. His home is the centre of rest, His heart is the birih-place of joy ; All creatures around him are blest And praise is their sweetest employ. And evening so calmly serene, Like ay,c in a holy decline, Seems louiiiiiir and lin";erin;r between Two regions, with fervour divine »<^uO)t-^>-i'.--:>i'^->^^ •.;,-. ^^.-o, ■.^;>,-,-r.o'.';.v^^'yC.'.<'' ^^^■J^^\ C-.'^-'/^ -^"iy' /^' y^'.j'y^ .i^s -f>^^9^ grows much finer. ^^ijl Moon IDtli d.'ih di u morn. 1 1 jH ^t ( ) n-. v •»; > '^ -^ JOh l i m c vo. Dm] Holidays, Wea'i her, ^,-0. | karm,"r's calendar. 1 jTi^Ga rise. 2!(r perigee. Sj© ocl. invis. 4J!St Ambrose. Hifjli tides. J) 15th Sun. in Lent, now look out ()1 7!^ S 3h 53m thunder. 8 o lOiLow tides. Ill cold harsh winds. D iGth Sun. in Lent. Paiin Sun Joi lliC apog-oG. It is n®w time thai farrnora pay i)articular attention to all that is connected with their occupation. "He whotrusta for rain, to chance for acrop,doserve8 none, and he 4>-e]ierally has what he deserves." lie that is nco'lig'ont and 8lur;-^p;.di in this month will be generally so throughout the year, and perhaps all his life time ; and a shabby firm is ])ortontous of negleci-ed mofo.l!S, and in- 15! ^ sets lOh 3m hccorn''3 i^enyjclination to idleness, tipi)ling, IGi 7«?7'i ici/.V, and litigation. ('ome tlien, 17 18 D GoodF nUay.n^^.^imildrains iet us be busy with the plough that the earth may be tho- 'Easter Dny. ITightid^s. 20j Easter Monday. ' ©enters y SI !EasterTues.^u6'/o/7/ie season StGeo. K.Geo 4th b. d. kept 2,3 24 25 D 27 28 21» SO StMark. Ds.Glo.b. Low tide lstSuaaf.Eas.LowSunn©^# cooler i seta lOh som$ showers (C perigee. roiigh'y stirred. No matter how much your ground is till- ed with this instrument, more especially if your manura should be short. ITnuse vour rain, sleighs and sleds, uriless yoii prefer (as some do) to iei them take the benefit of the sun and rain through the sea- son. If your spring grain \m not all sown, loeie no time in getting it into the groaxkd. ■■:•; '1 V. i r xs il I i^ 'J MAY, 31 dayi. V Month- «^t(.^l.9lC^1L^b^V»«L#lt,^l«,01h^h^l^^<,0VC««<-»«i^-.^(.^>(.«»l^«t^»l^<>^«*«^k«%h#>» »^ ' <♦! o'>> •.<>i l<^'-/^ ly^ <-^ ^ ><>i '-^i •'^ v^ t>5>i "^5^ 1-^1 <-^o t^^i i/^ lyp^ c.9^ ^>9^ '^^ ^-5^1 t,5>n .>9-, U9i t.^-1 £unv Mooned. 3Ji. 4;Jni.moin. |FirstCiuar. 10th d.3ii.'22in. aft. '1 D D ■ .© © Days' Sun's (L d R. C 1 C's Hi ii'lij S) M W nsfis sftts len'tb dec.N A 28 &S. SOI ith. 34 place. water jv 1 Fr 4 r>i> 7 1 14 2 15 4 3 54 10 ii6au o It o 2 Sa 4 58 7 2 14 4 15 22 29 4 2911 28 neck 6 38 >J 3 D 4 50 7 4 14 8 15 40 • sets 'ev 23 neck 7 33 »» 4 M 4 55 7 5 14 10 15 58 1 8 40 I 17 arms 8 yf 5 Tu 4 54 7 C 14 12 16 15 2 9 45 2 13 arms 9 231 »» C W 4 53 7 7 14 14 16 32 3 10 m 3 7 breast 10 17 4 7 Th 4 52 7 8 14 16 16 49 4 11 23 3 58 breast 11 9 >» 6 Fr 4 51 7 9 14 18 17 5 5 morn. 4 49 breast U 59 ♦> 9 8a 4 49 7 11 14 22 17 21 6 4 5 36 heart ev .46 ii 10 D 4 48 7 12 14 24 17 37 D 40 6 23 heart 1 3i i> 11 M 4 47 7 13: 14 26 17 52 8 1 12 7 6 belly 2 16 » V2 Tu 4 45 7 15114 3(5 18 8 9 1 42 7 49 belly 2 59 n la W 4 44 7 16 14 32 18 23 10 2 10 8 31 belly 3 41 ?» 14 Th 4 43 7 17 14 34 18 37 112 37 9 14 reins 4 24 yt 15 Fr 4 43 7 17 14 34 18 52 12 3 5 9 59 reins 5 9 >» 16 8a 4 42'7 18 14 36 19 6 13 3 33 10 45 secrets 5 55 Jt 17 D 4 40 7 20 14 40 19 19 14 4 4 11 33 secrets 6 40 »»■ 18 M 439 7 21 14 42 19 33 O rises. morn. secrets 7 23 a 19 Tu 4 38 7 22 14 44 19 46 16 8 18 23 thighs 8 3 »» 30 W 4 37 7 23 14 46 19 58 17 9 Ki 1 16 thighs 8 42 >t 21 Th 4 36 7 24 14 48 20 11 18 10 5 2 11 knees 9 22 > 22 Fr 4 35 7 25 14 50 20 23 19 10 52 3 () knees 10 16 - 24 D 4 33 7 27 14 54 20 46 21 morn. 4 57 legs morn. ft 25 M 432 7 28 14 56 20 57 !„ 2 16 „ 2 59 3 41 I 24 5 9 3 55 3 40 r 2i^ B 3 ? 42 10 u; II 12 [iiorn. I I 53 I 45 } 87 t 29 > 22 »» r> »» »» ,V--//' ..^. . .y^^-v^^-^ ^-^-^^'^ f/i'Vi/^^fi^h / ; #;^r ■/ /,^' :4^AJ>/^/ //'/AJ^/rrt V-. ' <• ■ ! U- ''!> 5li* 13 M 6 7 8 9 V. D 25 2G 27 28 29 SO ^1 Spring. MAY begins on Friday. 25 »^» «<^ u^ w^n »^i »^1 1^1 i^>i W5>1 1^1 v^i t^i u9i L©i 1^1 u9^ i.^^ w^ 1^1 1.<^ 1.^1 Vi^ v^ li^ taP» ktfii^^* " Lo ! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the eart}i,the time of the sinj^ing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." The grandeur and beauty o{ the glorious Sun — the mild- ness and serenity of the balmy air — the flowers springing from the green earth — the lively animal creation — the feathered choir, hymning their Creator, and paying their homage in harmony — all invite man to join in the rational ^Slh 54m 3d Sun. af.East. 11 9 Stat 12 (L ai>ogee. changeable 13 j but good 14 ^ seti 9h 4Cm planting 151 weather IG D 4th Sun. af.East Tides rise. 18 :^ S Oh 5(3ra clouds 1{) Dunstan denote 20 (5 © 9 a storm 2li(v) enters D S2|PrsofHomburgb. 1770 23 ^ sets 9h 37m remarkably 5th Sun af.East. Rog. Sun Jine for C per. tome days. D 25 20 27 28 29 20 SI AsceRs.Day. Holy Thurs. K.Charles II restored. settled weather Sun. tf. Afl«tB«.Daj. In the 4tli volume of the New Ei5gland Fanner,p.284, is a conimunioation signed "A Subscriber" recommend- ing the use of copperas water, to preserve Indian corn from the wire worm, from which the following is extracted ; " I used about 1^ pound of copperas in 3 pecks of corn. I made the water warm, and souked the corn full 48 hours before planting, putting in copperas as we used it out It is not easv to use too much copperas. This preparation, the writer says, " I am confident is a full and entire remedy a- gainst the wire worm, and al- so against birds, who will not eat it after they have pulled it up. I am even sanguine in tny belief that it is a preven- tive against the ravages of the cut worm, for I could net otherwise account for their not injuring my field, when many of my neighbours ac- tually lost more of their field* and were obliged to rcjikiBt. i V') r.( fZ JUNE, 30 days. VI Mantb. Now Moon 1st d I h. a'hn. ait. Fir^t Quar. I.'tli .1. *)):. l(lj22 19 4 2aJ7 8^115 10122 2(5 4 24 1 7 :]^vi|5 12j22 WW 4 2417 3o;l.o 12i22 '^a^\ 5114 1:- 1 l:{ 4 23:7 37115 14122 45| fllU 4414 5': 01 aril ;s i|3 2i:i0 54! arms 21.) 17! 1 4;|brea=?t 3i!0 412 38ibreast 4! 10 ^\-A I^ViJieart 9 Ti: 4 22 ('.» VV 4 22 1 Th 4 22 ^ Fr 4 2! h'3art heart 4 23!7 37; (5 14i22 5J| 7|morn.|5 4i|be]iy 2,7 3^^115 ]i;i22 SOiDiO TiJ; 22 J 3t'll5 lli|23 l! 1*0 3(;J7 22 7 38115 lf;!23 5'lOO 54!/ 1 uei ly v'lrems !''!reiii3 7 31?! 15 18123 9ii;iil 2Jir5 34!rein3 K^iSa •" 2!!7 3(M!5 18123 1311.21 1 i) 2(t! sec rets 7 1G!3 8 4|2 8 57 48 10 37 11 23 ev 8' 51 !l 1 34 L. :i ;>i. 51 14 'D '4 2117 3i''i5 lr If ) IC ^eTets;5 15iM !4 2i)j7 4.; 15 20!23 ]i';14:3 llMl r:;;thio-hs !G 12 lfi!Tiii4 20!7 40! 15 20123 2ijl5 3 58 17!W!4 20|7 4(.i!5 2()|23 23|0;nse-=. 18' Th!4 2017 40il5 20123 25 J;|d 20 21 S2|M AV £5 Til 2f>iFr 27! Ha 20'Tu 1 1 - Fr 4 2017 40i.'5 2Ci23 2(;!l Sa 1) 11 5(. morn. 531 ihighs (7 knees 17 knees |8 > 7 I ( ! 4 20i7 4(!!15 20123 27;! 15 20|23 27121 !^ ) AW ■'I leirs 9 10 24 2 4( lions 9 5(i O 1 4 20j7 4( 4 20'7 4f' 15 2(/:23 2*/i21 \\ 3 4 2017 40il5 20|23 ^Cjcr Imorn. 15 11 (3 4l;rect 4 2(> 7 40! 4 2'^ 7 4C ■1 20 7 40 ■1 2(. 7 40 4 2(- 7 4(; 4 21 ^ 3!: 4 21 7 3i> 4 '|U Of; •»•{ Vr; ^irV '«•) <"••/ r,3 ](■ u 10] 20 23 2412410 40 7 10 2C ^3 S2i2^ I 21 8. 2 20 '23 20 21) 1 r^x r4; 20 23 18 27 2 30 9 47 U 23 \:> 28 3 k; iO 40 18123 11 2U ;i 47 11 u2' 'cet feet lie ad ;he;ul iieck reck a Mil a arms 2'btcast }tJ 10 51 11 45 /norn. * "^ •^mV. r K> 12 4 571 ^» :-r,SS?i5S3 /7 r/^rih i^.u/ccy ■^ ;}i^ -/■; .^-c/m ''i/yy ,^7>n -//'^'.. / /. . ev 8' 51 il 1 04 L, ^ «>•-■ U» 3 44 [, 17 50|„ 8 35 '1 9 15L 1) 5(iL 10 r)lL 11 45p inornU 1 Sl''^ 2 2(. kJ ly 4 4 4 57 5 iiC t ItJ . 4J^ t ^ 7 ■ / / V^'/ ^/ // /J- >t ^i. A 'i'/y^'C-'i.. \ i)» 4\\ III i Samme At las Are ii Head The s The I With Mean Some Deep To 5t Othei And, IIoM- Full Mor L / ( 7^'i.-^ 4 ,^ Fet r> J). oi" (^ 1 iOW I? Whit ?^: wb;t Whit r> ,15 «t.Ba [:> V] i) Trini i:. iii 17 Hi-h J8 Katth J'! 'M^ ? so I« iHtHi l>;- ^ sU 2;^ Low tMiNat. 'i)\h\ ^< >.^ p. :',.!r;.k> Pammer. JUNE begins on Monday. 25 %^, »<>i i^^ ii w^ »^o w5»^ i<>-, i<^ i«^^ y^ u-^ «\ I'AKMT.fl n CA LENDAPs. «/i JJ. '^ nil 52m r>;i>. oi"{-'imbrjdge b. (ijIiOW ti iC«. DVVhit ^.^u;>d<^y. ^!Wb;t f.? end ay. {'iWhit Tae«day. 10 T have more y>orii in iny cel- fine lar (says neiglibourBragwoll) than ail the Ariiierjiick ma- kers in tlie province. Fye colder xvilh wmm vour book-woik, and ihirnin, and ?ich stutr. I want,*! t^ gr. ckinjr|none ot'your non.«ersc. I shall signs o/'itarni it, as tatlicr and gran- ?'«iN.!thur did afore nie ; your far- DjTrinity Sunday, 17 ITi^'Iitiden. FJtAlban. J8. Battle Waterloo, lfc'15. V.)\ rnoTf siirns J> } I i St. Barnabas, ^ nets Oh. lOni tners by book are no farmerjt rather dry in lor me — Why there now, 'to- Aome placiis, ther day, my v/itb, poor wo- uian, undertook to make a puddini/ by the book; and she book'd it, and book'd it, and artcr all never cook'd it. No, no, give me the man that pre- fers his hands to them ere books, and with a little, v.dl bring a great deal to pa^y. — And these Armernick ma- kers, what a strange incss of nonsense tliey send out every >».'ar. ]iow 1 verily believe our Zac could make as good Rs t!ie whole of their larjitd heads put togetlior. Irit Hun. af, Trin. (?; \v 1 1 .] e a . nc'Uh frt nueni tMiNat. yt. John, Eanf. showers. good xvcathtr for M Pnn. af. Triu, ^U Pelor. 1) r.'dc^s r;'«e. vtgctation, I in i: u w 26 JULY, 3 J davs. VII Montk t^l '.^^ '..^ '^'.^1 to^ -^ .^. V-C*-, <-5rj l,^ ^/5>l Vp^ lC>1 v,5n '^^ t^ L^ '-(^ (^->l-^ ^^ •^l« ^^ t^i v^ '^^ • ^1 ^/9^ -.,5^, ! ^T ■ /^, ■ ,50 t^>i • -^ •'?>^ •>4> r -5n ' <>o ' <>-. '-5^ •- 5 ■ ' <>T •-■^ '-^ r^cw .Moon 1st (1. Oh. 'sJiJiii. i))(MU. IFiri^LCiiKir.'j'LJi d. •^h.lTin.mrn Pi I.) {^IfX Vrt .'ise-; sots leu'tli Sun's <1ec.N A C K. C's \\V 2-2 jTii 4 2-? Fr 4 y > (Sa 4 2'] D 4 2;^ M 14 0;j Tu 4 24 W !4 24 Thi4 2.-) l r 10 loiM 4 28 11 Tiii4 2'j M W It) 1^1 17 Fr 4 31 2ii 11) @7 ») M Tu ru VV SOlTh ,!10 i'' ;is i7 :i-^\ 7 'St-'-l 7 ;i7 / :]} 7 ;i; ,7 ;5i; 17 ;j(ji 1 >.' 1/ r)5i 1 .. / ml '•4 ;i;^ 7 ;fj '7 ;!:>! 7 i)\\ 7 :Mj 7 2V» -fcrf ji 15 l(i 15 k; 15 k; ;3 23 8 22 5<) ^0 i^* S. I south. I i)hice. ~7~~5-I\'ev"2i } bre tistT 8 3M| 1 ]4ii)reast 2!0 lOI 2 2! heart lllirhi^ 1 19 4i 4!lO Hi 3 3] 10 i;/ (ill! /hi 2 1) 15 14i22 54 15 Ml 22 4M 15 14122 42 15 12122 3(j 15 12i22 30 15 JOI22 2i'A 8|l.{ 52 !5 8i22 15i<{; iinorn. 15 8!22 bi!t/lo 231 15 (1I2I 5UinlO b'J 15 4121 5111211 39 15 4121 42il3!2 o] i) 47 heart belly bollv 'lly 4 14 4 5(-; 5 3;» reins (J 22' reins 7 7 1 sec rets 'o^ secrets 221 o > in 15 ()!21 23115 rise 14 58121 13lo d I (4 5t;|21 3 •I J ti^ 33!7 2/J14 5^20 5:,Mif-;» 3^ 7 27 14 .'>!i>0 41i|:)j!0 I 00 8 44i 9 371 10 »*; U a![ :n(> rn. v) 2!i 1 2/ ■I •> 23; 1 V' igl iiaiis thij^ thiul 14 7 2 3: 3; 7 / '^.) 2-J «^j •• I F 5 Sa 4 3!t 7 21 4i/ 7 20 19 4 43 4 43 4 44 4 45 7 IH 7 17 7 1(1 14 52;-i0 3w:-;io j4 50-^0 Jt;'2! 11 4t^:20 <:ii2 14 4(iil9 5-1124 14 42 14 4U 14 3S 14 3(:' 14 34 J4 32 J4 20 cl 19 5-il 19 41 1 19 2c 19 in 19 1 18 4/ 18 32 Iti 18 lU U/ 1 J 1 ! 11 7 5 3, 11 41 5 55 morn. 47 22 7 40 I 4 S 32 1 53 9 24 1 tf\ 1 <■ <> 2 »> »» » Mm fl f' e' /h / / / y '-^ -,/ £L ^i^'^ ^^y"^'iiv'\'^^^^,"^^' /S^A^ri;^ / A '' / \A . A^y/O'^^ ^^^'' ^^ ^ J f) ^' V •- / ,/ . ^ / /4->/ /'^C / C/U^/- AO^ AT-C^- '-^1 -V ■ M^ "C'-. <^- .•<>■• 'S--. ^ 'C^i-^c^t^ i.y:^;<^-:'^^.<-^' :.:-' '•'^'-^^^^'^ '^•' C- '■C^'^9^ Full Moon IGtIi d lOh 28ui nini JjOstCXnar. 'J'! ->! 'i Lin uiorii DM I llolirlays, Woalher, jSzc. ^Iou2fo<>n:]OtJi(l.l(i-25)n aft. i" A I ; :i i r: K ' s c ai.f. s d a r . 11 (5 a ^' file io<;uihri'\ ri;V!.-^it. Jj. V.Mary. FuUtirle-. This is a bnsy month, bnt for //•c'ltiic {'rovidont finncr finds no hay maktr8.\i\.\^^'^^'-\Mf in frcttino; tliroiirrh 6 Cl) ^* • it, Vv'il'iOut any unnecessary 3; 9 sets r:U ^Zm 41 D !:Jd Sun. afl Tiiu. <) ;({[ apou'oo. 7\Jl sets 111 5Cm. 8'1jOW tides. {.» m$ sets 8h ISm. Ill DlUh Sim. af.Trin. 14 i waste, by the hurry andcou- apptarmicf\\'u/\(;i\\ cf his business. He- of rain \K\y3 his Lands well, keep* tb.oni well, treats them vvelJ, and u;or/?',9 them well ; conw?- railier dull , iniP-nWy Jiis work goes on re- igiiiai' and bris^kly : his hay signs ofiuid grain ai'; 25 D 28 chmifi'e.ahlc St James. Do\i i|; ,'il: 23 AUGUST, 31 days. VITI. month. *-<>-'O*i'9\'-0^^^~><^o^'~^i^u>v^^3^x.-')^\.c>^L<^-,t^-,\'C^^.^^i^^-\<.<::^u^ «»»n V>1 «^^ t.^1 k<^ <-C«^ ■ .^Pi o^ '>5k, uf>i 1-5^ <-^i o-^» U5>i • <>^ <-i>-. «''>i '-<5>%'^ Firat QiKir. 7th d. 5h. •ilhii. aft. Full Moon I4th d. ^h 42m al t. s 01 i) © © Hays Sun's {) 4 Tu 4 50 7 10 14 20 17 1(> 5 9 38 3 34 reins 10 44 }} 5 W 4 51 7 9 14 18 17 G 10 6 4 17 reins 11 27 yf 6 Th 4 52 7 8 14 10 l(> 44 7 10 34 5 secrets ev .10 4 f 7 Fr 4 5e3 7 7 14 14 10' 27 J> 11 6 5 4G secrets 5^; 5 8 Sa 4 54 7 6 14 12 IG 10 9 11 44 (] 34 secrets 1 44 )f y D 4 55 7 5 14 10 15 53 10 morn. 7 25 thighs 2 35 ^f 10 xM |4 57 7 V, 14 (i 15 35 11 31 8 19 thighs 3 2!) ^1 11 Tii.4 58 7 2 14 4 15 18 12 1 21 9 15 knees 4 25 ,, VI \V 4 59 7 1 14 2 15 13 2 18 10 13 knees 5 25 )} J-i Th 5 7 14 14 42 14 3 24 11 11 legs i] 21 )| 14 Fr 5 2 () 58 13 5(1 14 23 rises. morn. legs 7 19 4 15 Sa 5 4 () 5(> 13 52 14 5 10 7 24 9 feet 8 99 Jij 1) 5 5 G 55 13 50 13 4G 17 8 2 1 7 feet 8 4f> tj 17 M 5 t) 54 13 48 13 27 1.8 8 38 2 head 9 32 •}} IB Tu 5 7 h 0.3 13 4() 13 7 19; 9 142 58 head 10 13 }f 19 W 5 y 6 51 13 42 12 48 20! 9 51 3 52 neck 11 2 3 »0 Th 5 10 () 50 13 40 12 28 21 10 33 4 4G neck 11 5() If Si Fr 5 11 () 49 13 38 12 8 € 11 17 5 39 arms morn. • J «2 Sa ■> 13 (> 47 13 34 11 48 23 morn. G 32 arms 1 42 )^ 33 D > 14 G 40' 13 32 11 28 24 4 7 25 arms 2 35 2 94 M G 45 13 30 11 8 25 49 8 17 breast 3 27 «* »5 Tu 5 17 6 43 13 20 10 47 2G 1 38 9 breast 4 17 aa W 5 18 6 42 13 24 10 26 27 2 31 9 50 heart 5 6 )f !S7 Th 5 20 6 40 13 20 10 5 28 3 30 10 43 heart 5 53 1 S(E^ Fr 5 21 6 31) 13 18 a 44 29 4 32 11 28 heart 38 S9 Sa 5 22 (5 38 13 1(5 9 23 • sets ev 12 belly 7 22 ft dCID 5 34 6 3( J 13 12 9 1 1 7 15 55 belly 8 5 Q 9i\ m i 26 6 34 13 6 8 40 2 7 41 X 36 ireU)8 8 48 IK A /I A ^ 1^ rf. month. S liir;-h|S water I h1 11> ?) 1> 10 44 Jl 27 ov. 10 54> 1 44 '^ 3r>! )» 5 25 21 19 » 8 4^>i i) 32| 10 18 11 2 11 5(> morn. 1 42 2 35 3 27 4 17 5 6 5 53 3 38 r 22 ) 5 i 4b,^ 2 1 ♦» »» T vV" / / -/ ^/ •^^ // /^ ^>^ ^'^^"z^*^ j^yy^^i^/ A 07c'7.-^ ? ' " ^ ■" '".^^/ S,! 1 ''»■ II . If' ' 4 s I ; i 'I 11 La I DlTth ^^i Tr; 7 Na II n 12 IK 14 15 DID 17 Id ID 2^ M D 21 25 2f; 27 28 2!.i D ;i- » J Summer. AUGUST begms on Saturday. Nature, attend ! join every living soul, Beneath the spacious temple of tl»e sky,^ In adoration join ; and, ardent raise One general S9n«-, to Him, who rules on high ! Soft roll your incense, herbs,and fruits, and llowera^ In minglc«l clouds, to 11 iM, whose sun exalts, Whoso breath perfumes you, and whose pencil paints. Ye forests bend,yc harvests wave to tliM ; Breathe your still song into the reaper's heart, As home he goes beneath the joyous mo9n Thompson varied. Last Uuar. :iilst d. Sh. 41in. cvelNcvvAJooii 'ZWa d. 41i.41ni. n:ru. p.vj lioiidnys, Weather, &c. | fau^mku's cai.k.ndar. llLammucj Day. 9 sets 81i 11m Di7th Sun. af. Trin. (L apogee. Jijiefor a J tw days. Jl sets llh Ty}i{\. Trans, of our Lord. Name of Jesus. Low tides. rdn 8th Sun. afi Trin. JSt. Jjawrence. with thunder (5 ^ 12' mrd perhaps K.Geo. 4th b.lTO-^. liro- fusion, the .^jource of tlie far- mer's riclios. You now gsctj the chief object of your cul- ture and attention, waiting^ only to be gatliered by your^ iiand. Who can view afield' of corn without liis soul ex- panding with thankfulness ? Experisnco sliould hav» taus;lit you before this, that order and neatness are of th« first importance. Let me re- commend to some of yoa a little attention to the state of your door yards. Some far- mers keep thc'irjields neat and- in order, and at the samo time sufFav their door-yard« to bo the receptacle of every unsigiitly, cumbersome and. olf'jnsive article which tlie uliole farm can furnish. T« prevent vexation, and to save wh:it you raise,look well to }• 3ur fences ; it is as raucit a duty to save a crop, Oi Uh raise our*. Ho that has health has lit- tle else to vv'it:]i for; and if ywa? Vv'aut it. rine early. ih- ^Mi li ili; do SEPTEMBER, 30 days. IX Month *^ 1 ^rC^ v^i i^>i ^.^1 i^o i-Oi i^» <-^> 1^ % i.^» ten '.tfi* »^> v:?> uO^ H^ «^i i<>i ttfh 1 iC^ t^o L.pi 4<^ L^» i^-i i^t FirstUuar. (itii d. 7ii. 4(!ni. mrn |Fiill Moon K'tli d.'^ii. 3om.inrn^ 1) «l 01 W ri.sopl Days' Icn'th ljTn|5 J>7l(i ;-.) 4Fr 5Sa 6 7 8 y 11 15> vs u n K) 17 18 19 20 21 22 1) M 5 'V?. 5 m 5 85 5 ;^{) Tu 5 .S7 () '^a () 98 (J 27 (i 25 Hi () Sim's Id Id R. docNjA I &S. 3 POlltll. d's place. Iliol, (V) water r 1 *> 2 12 58 12 5(; 12 54 G 12 5G () 24 12 4." \V TIj Ft 8;. M D Tu W Th Fr Sa I) M Tu 5 -S!) 5 40 () 20 U 21 231 W 24|TJ; 25 I^'r 26 27 28 29 »0 «a D ■!\! w 5 42 5 4o 5 45 5 4(5 5 48 4f) 5 5 5 5 5 5 () () •) f) () i) <) 51 52 54 5() 57 B^ ( (I 8 18 17 15 14 12 11 1) 1) 12 4() :» 12 4^2 12 40 12 ,%!4 4 12 30 12 28 12 2413 12 18 2 8 12 K) 12 12 4 3 1 58 57* 5" 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 1 1 811 ()' 2 5Ci 54 50 5 ;)4JI1 ^8 L ^^4 5 52 r> 5., ,G U'5 4iMn 3.i,:3 il 41 s u 1 1 3 18 5() 34 12 G 5017 27 42 20 57 34 D 9 10 11 12 13 10 8 44 ii; 9 57 10 38 11 23 morn. 12 3 3 12 If) 32 2i 4 49 24 15 8 4 11 1 14 48 1© Irises. ' 10|7 10 17|7 53 18 8 25 2 39 16 53 29 6 43 19 3 27 50 13 37 24;2 47'3 1 58 rr,; 19 20 d 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 33 2 9 1G3 10 3 4 10 55 5 11 51j6 ijiorn. 7 4(^i8 J2!8 :::8i9 ^ set£ reins reins secrets secrets tliinrhs thighs knees knee J kneas lefjs feet feet head head neck neck arm.^ arms breast breast Jieart heart 3(3 heart belly belly 11 4(r eins /'c; ^^o! reins 12! reins LfOlsecrets 9 31 7 8 9 9 10 11 53 morn. 50 1 40 4;; 38 3:? 28 21 13 2 50 10 14 10 59 !1 45 ?v 34 u 2 25 1 2 30 10 20 33 ii 3 n 1 43il ii-U 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 16 14 11 8 3 31-^ 1 52 10 48 U 43 morn. 1 2 3 4 4 5 () () 7 8 |9 31 23 12 46 30 13 56 39 22 6 G 7 » 8 9 >i 10 jm.mrn I?. C '^ r // / ,/ Z' />/? A^'^^/'^ ^i^^ 'Z'-^/^-^'O ,-'/i^^>-//^^^^' ' / / V?: ^~ -f /{ ^'^^^"^ C >^,>^/^ \ ' 2; A '^l///y?^ /' o. /9v/>i.v^y / M%rd // ./-/Ml /^ / //-/ ^z^ /, X, ^'^^ >^^;e^ /H' /;^v^,/^ Vf \\ Hi jii Ml I, .1 Autumi - Fir For 1 Anil ] See, See, Pomi AucT The' And Borr Dow Last 0,1 PMrii Gilo: 9 «( r2th Nat 1 {) 4 5 D 7 8 9 lf> Dog lllHisi ilillo ir>tiiioi Hi 17 18 l.> D 14t 21 1st © 22 23 24 25 20 D 28 29 ot 15 St St i Autumn; SEPTEMBER begins on Tuesday. 31 *" First of the months in sober Autumn's train, September comes ami j^lads the rural swain j For now the heats of burning Summer die, And finer breezes fan a cooler skv. See, smilinfi; Ceres ^vaves the yellow fields, See, blushing Bacchus, copious vinlago yields ;, Pomona laughhig, pendent globes unveils ; Andjocund Vesta drinks the niellowiiis; gales. The .shortened dav now meets t!ie eou-al ni'^ht. And silver dews deck all the fields in \\hite; Borne by her staff, dame Nature walks rech'n'd, Downwards she tends aiid leaves her ^^ifts behind. Last Q,iiai. IDtli d. Tli.'iiiin. eve, jiNcwMooii :i'7t.'i d. \)\\. 49!ii. evo PMJ Holidays, Weather, &c. Y A R M Y. IIS V. A L F N D A R . 1 4 5 D 7 8 9 10 Giles. 9 sets 7h 39m vt:r\jjinf\ This "h a season of rejoic- i'ci\VM^, lor now the fanner bo- hrins to reahze tlio prolit ol his irarc^Zinfir. iabour. lie 32cs tiiat he has r2th Sun. af.Triii. Low tides 71 sets 9h 58ni evtiMngs iXat. of B. V. Mary. and Do^ days end. inornings hcco:nt H iHiixh tides. not tugged an'l toiled for iioui^lit. , }■ 3 fiekls artj crowned with plenty ; Pro- vidGiice has lo;idod him with blessing's ; and choerfuincsr} aad som::;s of" joy eclio far and cooler^ and\neiir. J3at I'.nii'l ye my friend?! J'-'C] pcioee. Jhow the ku\^;'cst and heaviest l>!l-cii{Sm). af. Trin. 3) eel, vis. land finest onrr. ofcorn bond M;IIoly Cross. reminds .v.v down be.'auso of the sojidity I'^^lHifh tides. l-i^d richuc.-s orUielr treasure that a thlc'. ■ ' v'lule those tliat are poor,lijjfJit g«r/?tc/j/. ;>.jan:i worthless, rai^e up their «cte6';)'a< y.jO ripty ho id.-', overtojjpi.ijir i^U jilier- throu.'ihout the field. 14th Sun. af. Trin. k; 17 18 li> D 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 D 28 So hav'j I soon a popinjay St Matthew. ^ sets Oh l^r.ijin shape of man, "witliout a nlonn Ci'jknov.'ic d;;^-e, virtue or decency, enters dih appruacid: \!;'.hoU\ uu his hr:iinless scull,and l-,vith i ojj.eui; t look down up- ^ ris. 4h 57m fine on those, • w o^e sJioes )atch-» ot Cyprian. (£ apogee. et he is nuw . Uiy t© unloose** 15th Sun. af.Trin.© irl.invi.-', for a few di/s >t MichaeL 'Q. of VVir;.' b « 1 itr. o ;t and so it will J?, l\)v fu ri.icr Sinipkins says Uuve nmst bo souio uiuliuw HI ^ 1 1. i V -I ■' N i) St Jerome. ^t:ets bh 4.jia Llalks in every thin ir. * I I'f I 1 ■ '■' \'J: 3^ OCTOi :R, 31 days. Xifontfl^ First Quar. 5t,!i d. 71i. ;j()in eve.lFiill Moon l-<>tl] d.lJh.lSin. foro. r> 1) .© © U -ys' Hun's c: (L li. (C. C's. 11 igh © MW rirfU!^ SOtsj leii'th Jet ;.S!A Srs.i .'^OUtll. place water F T Th (j l:j 5 4V 11 34 3 10 4 7 47 2 42 secj Dts 9 52 To 2 Fr (> 14 5 4(U1 32 3 34 5 8 26 3 20 thighs 10 39| a ^ Sa (3 1() 5 44 U 28 3 57 !) 12 4 19 thighs 11 29 )f 4 D «j 17 5 4:} 1 1 20 4 20 7 10 4 5 10 thighs eve20 )t 5 M (> 11) 5 41 U 22 4 43 D 11 2 () 4 knees- 1 14 13 6 Tu () 20 5 40 11 20 5 7 1) morn. 58 knees 2 4 fi 7 W (> 22 5 38 11 1(1 30 10 5 7 53 legs 3 3 «• ^ 8 Th G 2:j 5 37 11 14 5 53 11 1 13 8 49 leg3 3 59 y^ » Fr (> 25 5 35 11 10 (i 15 12 2 25 9 44 feet 4 54 13 10 !^a i) 21) 5 34 11 8 (i 38 13 3 30 10 40 feet 5 50 )ft 11 D () 27 5 33 u r» 7 1 14 4 54 11 3() head (3 40 12 M ,G 2i> 5 31 U 9 7 24 G rises. morn. head 7 32 i;{ Tir () an 5 30 n 7 40 10 28 33 neck 8 2 14 J4 w u 32 5 28 10 50 8 J) 17 7 12 1 30 neck 8 47 «« 15 Th <) 34 5 2(; 10 52 s 31 18 7 50 2 27 arms 9 37 k; Fr () 35 5 25 10 50 8 53 10 8 50 3 24 arms 10 34 If 99 17 Sa i; 37 5 23 10 40 1> 15 20 9 45- 4 19 breast 11 29 15 18 D () 38 5 22 10 44 1> 37 21 10 43 .5 13 breast morn. 91 11) M (5 4C 5 20 10 40 1) 50 d 11 44 «) 4 breast 1 14 «« 30 Til <) 41 5 1!) 10 38 10 20 23 morn. !> 53 heart "l 3 'W 2] W (} 43 5 17 30 31 10 42 24 38 7 40 heart 2 50 tt 22 l^h (i 41 5 k; 10 32 11 25 1 34 8 25 belly 3 35 99 2;j Pr (5 4(1 5 14 10 28 11 24 2(5 2 30 9 8 belly 4 18 10 24 iSa 47 • > J • ( 10 2(1 11 45 27 3 29 9 51 belly 5 1 s% 25 1) (] 48 5 12 10 24 12 () 28 4 28 10 33 reins 5 43 2ti M () 50 5 JO 10 20 12 27 20 5 2() 11 10 reins G 2(] fW 9f 27 Til <» 51 5 i) 10 18 12 4/ ® sets ev secrets- 7 10 If 28 W i; 53 10 11 13 8 1 •J 5/ 45 secrets 7 55 7F 2!» Tli »» 51 5 C 10 12 13 28 2 (> 3(i I 32 secrets 8 42 ft :i() Fri|i» .V) 5 5 10 JO 13 47 7 18 2 21 thighs 9 31 fr ai fcia it) 5? 5 5 10 10 U 4 d 5 3 12 thighs 10^2 »> l^t /4 ('■ / tlfontft^ >^^ /?-c- / yj-v //'-^/i (/ / C- y- n 15in. fore, iwator| V To 11 3 9 52 10 f]9 n 29 eve20 1 14 2 ^ 3 S 'S 5!) 5 50 * 7 32 8 2 8 47 y 37 10 34,,, 11 29115 morn.,, '2 3l„ 2 50 3 4 5 )» 13 14 »» 35 18 1 43 (i 20 7 10 7 10 ^2',,. r 551 3 42 ;. 10 M ^- /4 [^. r/ //^ /^/-//z ^ ^^^ y ! |l: W'' m Aiitiimr ■ ^^, IX?1 1.'?! '-.^ Behol la duj Save Noug He k] He St IVher His h Robii To ev Serer And 1 LastQ,u{ DM He "1" 2 3 9 BO D loth 5 Low 6 7 8 Jl^o 9 yti)( 10 Tide D 17th 12 ^ Stl 13 14 15 16 17 ^ St D Idth 19 Low SO 21 22 ^rii 2;^ E) ei 2410: ai D 19th 20 □ e 27 Tid^ 28 StS sy ao 9»( 31 Autumn. OCTOBER begins on Thursday. 33 '^^.ivp^ o-?i 'v^>> L'^ i-^?! '->C^ i-^. lo^'^n c<>iu^- • <>-i '^Jn 1^:;^. '^J^ i-C>l ■<>> •'•r>i i^i-i Celiold the labourer oT the glebe who toils la dust, in rain in cold and sultry skies ; Save but the grain iVoin mildews and tlic flood, Nought anxious he what sickly stars ascend. He knows no laws by Esculapius given ; He studies none. Yet him nor midnight fogs ^nfest, nor those envenom'd shafts that fly ^Vlien rabid Sinus fires th^ autumnal noon, His habit jiure with plain and temperate meals, Robust with labour and by custom steel'd To every casualty of varied life ; Serene he bears the peevish eastern blast, And uninfected breathes the mortal south. 4i L.50 <.<5^ i^w<^i <-i>-. ><>i '.^So v.5n ur5i o^i or>) ■-^>-i '<;.') t<^T ' '^i 1--50 u^ LastUuar.l9tb d.l0h.I7m fore. jNew Moon 27th d. iJh..'{Jui. afu dm| Holidays, Weather, &c. j lARMER S CALENDAR. 1 2 a D 5 6 7 8 9 10 D 12 13 14 15 1(5 17 D 19 20 21 22 2;^ 24 D 20 27 28 ?W iiO 31 signs cj rain which 9 sets 7h 8I1 10th Sun. af. Trin. Low tides. tertninate in may a cold storm, 21 sots 8h IQm St Denye. Tides higher. rain 17th Sun. af. Trin. (T per. ^[ Stat. v&i-y high tides begins to feel a Utile like winter. ^ Stat. Idth Sun. af. Trin. St Luke. Low tide.^. cold night butjhie. ^ rises 41i 47m enters uti. CI apogee. sunny days 19th Sun. af. Trin. StCrispin □ © ¥ Tides rise. St Simon & St Jude. ^©^ attorm 9 acta 7h am Come, my lads, we'll uovr put things in order to givo 'em the farmers concert !— Let the cider-mill scream tha treble — Dick and Joe shall slambang the tenor with their flails — Zachery and Ichabod will rattle a thorough bass, with the winnowing mill, while L jii at the plcughing team, keeps up a fundamental counter, with whoe haw,back star, gee up bright,&c. Select your eeod corn aa you gather it. Do not leave your })otatoes exposed long to the sun and air after gath- erinijf them. Gather in vour root<, and throw up your gar- den into ridges. Set the boys and girls to work, to husk out the corn, and not go the troublc,wa6te and expense of a husking fro- lic ; for if you do, the whola neighbourhood, far and near, must be invited, and away goes one of the boys mounted on the old mare, for rumy that will be to your cost full aa much as your corn is wojrtW .!|! li' 94 NOVEMBER, 30 Jays. XI Motkib, ••^1^.u#»u»»i.^i-.^ ii^%t^n^^t^iwg-.tCn«<5^wgt<^vt^^«0<«^i i^5n i^5o v5^, i^>^ ui>i ly^ '.x^ t^i t^^ i-i>i '>5o u5 -1 ' ^5 . o^ ^/5o t-5^ First Uuar. 4th d. 5h.:]7ui.mni | Full Moon JOtli d.iMi.JUm. ove. A I & «. IhW set> ilon'tli I (lech- er south. place. High 1© water r" J D 2M 8 Til 4 W 5Th 7 Fr Sa D 9|M 10 Tii 11 in 1^ 1;>: i«; 17 J!' Se- al 24 »! 2^ 30 W Th Fr Sa D M Tu W Tl- he .Sa D M 5t; 7 1 IT' O / O 7 5 *^il() 5 OilO "I. 414 54 {) 10 li 57::> 5ri;o 54 jo 5319 5119 50 9 4 4919 l;3|4 47 19 14 4 40:9 1514 45:9 IGU 4.! 7 1714 4.'^:9 7 18;4 4:i|9 7 19 '4 41 19 7 20i4 4019 7 ^'ii4 j^8;9 ; '3;{|4 i\7[} 9 9 I'oi/ '2r>!4 rJ4'9 Wi/ 27 14 3r.'9 Th 7 '28 Fr 7 29!4 31 7 24 '4 3( 7 95i4 35 32 9 Sai7 30 I) 7 31 Mg'7 31 4 30 4 29 4 29 4114 14 >-:.' ir :>u|5 4(;|6 7!4 4 i knees . ft -Ta 1 )> 1 I ) 5J|15 5^2! 15 r.o|i<> 4Sii(> liS 4<; ui 42 40 517 231 5 42 58 U- 56 IG 53 17 10 3^117 20 31; 17 43 3-iil7 59 30il8 15 y8jl8 30 20J18 45 24119 2'^il9 15 19 29 19 43 19 50 •20 9 :iO 22 27 20 34 28 ()!20 40 29 4j20 58 @ 2i21 9 1 21 2012 21 30|3 2i 4014 1 2 5 2(' 10 14 12 1( 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 10 17 18 19 20 2 (l 2310 24il 2 3 8 i) 5314 10 59 1 5 morn. 10 7 i8;8 3J!9 48110 19 3|11 14 rises. 'morn. 5 40i0 11 2i»ll I7I2 9!3 (> 7 8 9 10 11 5 25 8 i.orn. 12 18 2! 23 2-i 5 21 (i 10 scty. 5 58 i'y 48 7 42 d 41 3 4 5 o 7 7 8 :) 9 10 38 11 24 'ov. 13 57 1 knees 51 1 legs] 44 1 legs 37 1 feet 31|feet 24 liead head neck neck neck arms arms breast breast heart heart belly belly elJy reirig reins 4(; 34 29 4 4{) 28 10 53 11 ev 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 IG 14 r- / 1 54 4/„ 41 34 29 24 21 0' 15 secrets 5 3 50 49 42 secrets secrets Lhig-hs . thiohs knees knees lega 19 11 4 50 I morn.',, |l 3()i„ 14 U 5«) 38 20 3 48 34 o 7 8- 9 9 13 13' . «Ollt 10 63i„ ^i (-Oiu^ t/p% i.*^ K-Cn s ce. water r- es es 3 a a k k k s s 1st 1st I't rt y y y 11 14 ev 1 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 :) n ;> SI 54 4/ 41 34 20 24 2] 01 10 11 11 4 11 56 morn. I „ 15 'J 3()!„ 14 11 t ets5 ets ots hs hs es es I 5() 88 20 48 34 I'? I It ,,, 10 6i^„ G 7 8' 9 '» 13 'I i // / '^/^ ^. ./ V >/-^< /-'/n/A A^'i' :^A v,x /If-'^ >/. A ifcP uW'^'"> (^('/^t/^ ^^^i^ j'c/i^ J^/r-^f c ^'^,,^/,/> 't<. P Autumi Kovei Upon! The iJ To shI Whorl And In niel The \\ And Stravl A co\| As dt'l Last Qui jdmI ;iP S| Powd G » si 7 i» High 1!) D © 11 St Ma Vi 9 set 1:31; 10 17 18 Low M S ri: 1) -23.1 ; '.iliStC fcGIlig] ir; i>8 I) Adv Autumn. NOVEMBER l^o<^ins on Sunflry. S^i November's sky is chill and drear ; NoTcmber's leaf is rc| hail and rain. fcO High tides. I) Advent Sun. h stat. t h.nsl'undry, and h:t eacii ?;§ .'have defects or are dama;:'.': d or broken, be repaired in tlic ^ca.'^e]! ofleisnre, that there may be no loss of timo whea you wish to use them. Let rather unpleas ant }i?\\c\i imjdemcnts as yon have done with this season,bc care- \) » . 3U-St Anlu'cw. 9 sets 7h 44ra fully preacrved for th« next- 5« . DECEMBER, 31 days. XII .Woiith^ »«•■ «^>i i.(^ uOi u^'-. '-i^ u;:Vi ><:■-. ix:>i c<>.i<^ 'i u^5i '^ 1 - i<;?T-5-i "?T-T^i>'- 'i *«^. «5Mid>-, ty>i First, (>uar.3(l d. 2!i. 20ni. aft. IFiillMoon iOtli 'L!>h.24m.nioiT. DID 1 01 QlDavri-jSun's rj; |(C M|\Viris:o.sU.>t.silp.ir't!i|d?c.N A |& n a «> a 10 11 12 13 14 If) k; 17 |(! I'll w Til Fr Sa i) M Tu W F/ Sa D Ar Tui vv Th! :*ja 20 D u 2v: 29 w Th Fr Sa D M rn u ~ 4 1.) 4 2f' 7 33 4 27 7 34 4 2(jl 7 34 4 2<; 7 35 4 25 7 3() 4 24; 7 3^: 4 24 i T Ji7 4 23 7 37 1 2.i 7 38 4 22 '7 3r^ 1 22 7 ;>j 4 21 7 31) 4 21 7 3!» 4 21 .7 ;'.9 4 21 i '7 40 4 20 1 7 4(1 4 20 7 40 4 201 7 40 4 201 1 rnJ ri 50121 41)15 )9 8 54|21 5^i() 3 52 8 52 8 50 8 48 i8 48 o5!Jej^3 30 5215 28 i leers 7|])!ujorri.j(5 lifj^bet 22 15 8 5|7 iHfcet 22 23 9 jl 20 3 2 head 22 31110 2 32 8 55 liead 22 3811,] 3 47 9 4<,>i:icck High,© water! f- IWOiil 8 40 22 44 i 1214 51>|i0 44 neck 8 4(;|22 50|]3|( 4 oi 8 44 23 3|l5l' 8 42 23 OnCii 8 42.2rj 10 U^ ) 7 11 40 rises. morn. 5 3(5 ) 4'J I 31 1 7 43 2 24; arnig arms breast breast heart 8 42123 14!l.-^l8 41 i3 151 heart eve. )8 J 2f» 2 21 3 1219 »» ?> jM 4 50 !8 5 54 t> 50 7 35 8 15 9 r& 9 4.6j. 10 3215 >» >» «>. j ; I. 7 40; 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 30 7 39 •~ '':-<^4 - :': II ^0 8 42 8 40 8 4(; 8 40 8 40123 20;23 23 17 23 20 23 22j21 23 24!c: ) 4114 2! heart 10 44 11 47 morn. 50 4 20i8 40123 2(-l24 4 20i8 4(i 4 20|8 40^ 4 20 ; 8 40 4 20 8 40 4 20!8 40 4 20 8 40 4 20 8 40 4 21 j8 42 23 17 4 21 18 42'23 14 23 27 { 2^] 2y! 23 27' 23 2» 1 2:5!;i 2715 47iO 0'^ I 2? '8 42 l(i .^\^ ■] 28! 5 37 1 !5 25 2 lij U 22 21 4 i8 27 ) ?.« ;o 5: secrets .secreti! thiirh.s thig kiic ha w">i. 10 42 11 34 ve 28 knoer- 1 23 knees 2 18 3 11 4 4 leers leirs 2 4: 3«» 4 15 5 2 5 52 G 44 11 7 38! I 8 3; »» i) 282 10 2lU feet ill 14:3 .♦jt ■ .':\(; %'^l. Vrtyp/f /or /W /t4// ,i^'y/'i'/- i^ ^,.'^^#>^//'.>:^/^>^''^<^/. 'y \ '^4m.niorn TligiTj© .j water v 2 2] 3 4 4 (5 9 9 » 5r.>:8 7 J5 ,5 4/ J5 .11 r;<)!4 morn.j,, 1 2.5 !;i ;i3 4 5 .*) 7 8 ri.3|„ 9 S83 10 2lU 11 1^:3 52,0 44 Is 38! I /^ "^-x/u if ^//^^/^U^^ 1 i' 1 1 ' 1*1. ■| f! 1 '. 1 1^ Wiiilcr Tliiun That Full Tiir r (if at Come And s OfvlK hm Low I 2 4 5: 9 set? High t ^ fCti 9 set ■ 1 1 1(1 I) VI IVjTiOW 1 D -lih S 'Z\ S/.Ti -A ^ 241(5 © ti5iChrits £G D 28 29 80 81 ytsti 1st Si liiua( C pt Wlnlor. DECEMBER begins on Tucj-day. .^7 Tliuinp after thump resounds the constnnt flail, That seoms to swiiif^ uncertain, and yet falls Full on the destined ear. IVide Hies the eha/T, The rustling straw sends up a frequent mist Of atoms, sparkling: in the noon-day })eani. Come hither e that press your beds of down, And sleep n t ; ^.ee him sweatiuji; o'er liis bread liefore he eats it — 'Tis the primal curse, But softened into nierry ; nuide i\\i pled;r<^ Of v'hccrful days, and nights without a j^roan. l.ris'. Uuar. It-th d. lli.r>i:iii.ir.rn| NcwMoon ;:V^<'ij d. llh. 33rn, e\c ilv.]i i/nui snou able every moment to be cnt down. See him, at one tirue, in oil liis I'jide, macnificciuio wiriUrnouni\d jrran«.:ei;r, standing- ou his lofty cr..inenee, and lor;!'.- commcnrrs 'njx down o;i a subject v;orlr!! I Look, once ajiain, and whe?*> in c(trncsiM^< he ? The niysterious fire C)f (his existence ih extinguished; uindy and\\.\\G cold clod presses on his cold, colder bosom, and the duil snotu V. , J) Ith Sun. in A-v/cnt. Ul S/. Thorns. 0enteiR ^ 22 24 25i('hristmas Day. Hiffh tide^ Sfi fSt Stephen. 9 S^- elonsf. c^ © ^• 1) 28 29 30 SI worm banquets on that bro\r ivhcre once cflowed tlio star of honor and the purj/ie of'.',(>- iriinion. Oftliose ofourfrurl Adiow-rnortals of this transi- tory and subhinary world, who rolilherran this year with us.moic thajj thirti/ millions are r.o\7 numbered with the mii^hty 1st Sun.af.Christmas. HtJohnjdead. This consiileration Innocents. //jc ^ycrn- should excite U3 to sericiMi expires tci/A 'attention to the things that S}jmptoms o/'jconcern our eternaLuelfar*. C perigee*. astortn.l D 1 S3 ;■'• FAUMKR S ALMANACK. PROVINCE OF NOVA-SCOTIA. Licutcnanl-Goveriior and ContujniHlor inCliicf of the rrovincM' ot'N()v;i-Scuti;i iind its]>o})ciuiericijs.and CoiiiiiuuHler of llic Forces in Nova-Scotia, Ncvv- Bruiiswick, Prince Ivlvvurd jr land, 4>ic. (Sic. d:c. ""is- Excellency Lieutenant (leneral Sir PEPcE- ..iNE MAFl'L AN D, KniiihtGiand Cross ortho Most lionorublu Military Order ol the Path, &c. JIISMMESTY'S COlwriL. ITorornblo Sampson S:i1frr l!]''.\v'>--:, prosi Vnt. nciiotirablo a)vl lliL'Iit ll<^vf •fMi.i ^.^h\^ T>or 1 IVis'iop of Nova ^-cotia, Hon. Michtiol Waliner^, H;c};ir1 J. Mniacko, Clias. Morris, .liuncs Stewiivt. 'j"l. (•••.. X. Jr fopy, Bronton IJair.burtoii, liibhert. N. Biiincy, l^nus ^'o!ii».s. Simon B. Robio' and CharlrsH.Prcscott. Clorl:. Sir II. D. (joorjre. T>t. ; as,i-:t')!it clerk, Wrn. Ilil), E.-^-.i ; cha|)lain, Kcvd Robert, WiMjs. T). J>. HOUSE OF .'1SSE^'^LY. K. G. W. ARcninAi.D, EL^quiro, Sj)oaAor. Omf V ofTTalifax.— R G W .Ar-|ICnvan:!:'b :k <' R J TJnincVp,K«.!.or!i('. E-;'|rs. banksa.;(l J,.; nrMilvI inlo-hJOrtsirs*. Co Jilt} of A nun pu", is. — TClIa-. Tr'io. — (' )> y\ ichibaul, E-sq l?i>-;rtOf'. a-.il \VmRoa-b, K^(:r?. Or.s', .-,-.- - JC:o-v, Ky^i. County of Cuml frluul. — Alex. J.oii(:>)i:-'«'; ;• , .-— J Wior, Esq. K,(->v:'.rt a!:(l Jo^ Oxioy, Eir'.jrs. I A ii,'i:iro!i'-.- — J:is R Lovei<,F>,sij. Co'hity of JiUiifiibur^r — lot (i!:):.v;I,('. — T l'i^<;ier, Esn ami Jobii Vonn^^ Escjr.s County of Cai^e I3:Cion — L.i»w. IM ■.h;-.-— J Mo!-. on, iv (|. 1/Mi'-. ! ':5;'.— J Hcrknian, E.-^q AinlM'.>:.— J:,s F: A^)r-o, Esq I '(»i on. -~..J.is ! fa'ri-, E-q Ci'T/'vi lis. — Jiio ]\I():io?i, Exj. Win.;:nr. — ]),.v:.]D,il, E.«.). F,-,!i.:oi:li.— V/ U Sbcy, Esq ])'n')1^!n?l, J I'OtiKT, Es:l. Livc-peol , — Jas R 1 '0'vo)f,E.-<(i. Newpor' — SiiiibaolDirnocIx .Estj Rhell^'unf. — J A "Harry, Escj. Yarin(»iab. — S S Poole, Kaq. Chaplain, Revd F Uniacke, MA. C oik, John Whiddcii, Esq ; A*Ht do, I ¥ (Tfuy, Es(|. Sor^eant at Arms Mi Tlios Rojd. Ser- geuul ol tiiU Gallery, Mr M Furrcyter. Mt8ben<^c>i,Mr Johii GibW Parmer's almifack. 39 Provincial Officers. Surveyor General of Lands, lion Chas Morri.? ; Treasurer, Hon M Wallace ; Secretary, Sir R D George, Bt. ; Commis- sioner of Crown Land, John Spry Morris, Esq. Court of Chancery, Chancellor,niy Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland ; Mast^ of tlie Rolls, lion S IJ Robio, L L D ; Masters in Ciianccry, Hon B Halliburton, Hon Jas Stewart ; Lewis M Wilkins,Peleg Wiswell and J G Marsliall, Esqrs.; Registrar, H H Cogswelj, Esq.; Counsellors and Solicitors, tlie Barristers and Attornjes of the Supreme Court. Court of Erroi\ J]Iarriage and Divorce. His Majesty's Council ; Advocates and Proctors, the Bar- listers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. Court of Five Jldmiralty. Judge, Hon S S Blowers ; AdvocateCieni.llon R J Uniacluty Registrar, J S Trcmain, P^sc). ; Mar- shall, J Putmau, Esq ;* Dep Marshall, S W Debiois, Esq ; Ad- vocates and Proctors, the Barristers and Attornies of the Su- pieuic Court. Court of Escheats and Forfeitures. Commissioner, lion Michael Wallace ; Registrar, Sir Ru- pert I) (leorge, Bt. Court for the Probate of JVills and granting Letters of Jldministraticn. Surrogate General. Hon Chas iMorris ; Registrar, John Spry Morris, Esq Supreme Court. Chief Justicc.Hon Sanqison Salter Blowers ; PuisneJudges, Hon B Halliburton, Hon Jas Stewart, and Lewis M Wilkins, Esd ; Associate Judco, P Wiswell, Esq ; Attorney General, Hon R J Uniacke ; ^Sol Gen S i\ W ArchibaM, Esq L L D ; Kiig's Cdunspl.R J Uuiacke. jr. Wm Hill,and C R Fairbankfi, Eo'jTs. (Mcrk of the Crow ii and l'r(jtli(Uinlriry throughout the PrDviiice, VV'in Thompson, I'sq ; Deputy, J W Xultiug, Esq. Barristers and ,'ittorni('s at Lam cf (he rujireme Court residing in the Vrovincc Halifax— H 11 Cooswell, D S Clarke, S ^/ W Archibald, R J LTniacke, jnn. J W iXiiiliu'/.William Ilill.C i\ Fairlank-, J W Johnston, \V^ QSawcrs, .las Coc.hrau, N VV White, VV B Bliss, Beamish Murdoch, 10 Craw ley, Alex Priuirot'o, James*} Tremain, Chas Twining, . las B liiuacke, C D Ai(liibahl,J J Sawyer, J F (iray,W Flciglu.'rjas Stewart (.'larke,Wm^'oung, Hugh liartshori'.e, E H llarrin<]C(< u. Law. (**C. i)oyle,Joliii C Halliburton, W Bowman, and VV H Keating, Esqrs Pictou. — Thos Dickson, Jotham Bhinchard, Henry Black- adar, R B Dickson, Martin VVilkuiij, Wm j^utlierhuid, Esqis 40 FATlSi'En 3 ALMANACK. Truro — Jonatlf^]) Mrir.--ter:-<, Junios \V Chandler, John D A*-(.!i:ijt;l(!, aaJ iioo U Emerson, E;vjrii. \:i:i:Lpo!;^. — T C Hrtlib'irtDn, ] [ (.lok^sniith, John Johnston, ^i.: - "■.Vniriiolt, und Vv'iii If Lcc, I'si^rs. [),,yhy— G K Nichulls. I^sq. i;r; ;^^o^;\vn— Step.'j nr<.iiiioy and C. T. C. Mnc Tolla Esqr.». .XMihcr.s]. — Janie-J S Morse, Alex SLovvart, Chus D Roaoh^ a.'Kl tSUas C Morr-e, Es']r.-:. KentviUe. — .!o!!n Wiiiddcn, Jolm C Hall, Jas Deniiijoii and Ktcplien II i\!()ore. Es^irs. '\Vii]d>:')r. — J I A IvipTson and L ^: Wiikins, Es<[r-^. ^'Townort. — I) !) Stcv.'.ir', l-.s.|. A*!t,!^/ol:i^h. — J!.'i:i 'I'ho.'' liiii avA Alex McDoug-all, Ef^qrs. Shoihurne. — CnWn Cr,!iij>he!i, l'U(\. "\' ir'D'int};. — ':o]\\\ Fv»ron.;t;i, i^s;!. iJiysbon>n:>;!.— E \V Des Oarro- ;>n'^ C \V W -iis, Tl^qrs. Eivorjx.ol. — Will Storiis aini 8 I* i'^airbatiks, Esqri. .'Srirhat.— Win C i)(danoy, Esq. J .i'lienbyj-r^ — .Ino C'reio^titon, C' V >^o!oinon,C W H iJjirria, (.hdrles Owpri ;tnd ('liorles ijoi'irvn, i'l-i(;rs. (.djoster.— Win GrPaves, ]■'^q. r\on-ro--idonts pracU-'inu; i;i Cii.'.:'v:r!and — E B Chandler Riij JaniCs ►Stewart, Ils^is, ^\ ova ^cUia rarrhU'fr. Focktij. Patrons, r.is E.xoeiier.cy the C.iaiicollor, the ilonorablo th9 CI' •'^f Justice. i.^!!ioriu•y Arenilior.3, the Jr,dn-os of the Suprernr? Ccv.nt. : Tr3aL?ijr;'r, II I i ('()g:.!',voIl, Esq: Se; rotary and Librajian, J W Xntldng, Esq. C():- TOMdor); Sec'y 6<'rrc-isu)c:Jii^ t.ocliraii,ll-:q ; LibrariaM, Al>r i- hum Wio'o-ins, S-.-'h')} n- ; Academy under the direction of the Governf)rs of KiniiV l''>licfre ; Priiirinal, Rov Fr:is IWn, M A. TKRAIS.-^-'-'Sfi) . Is; — Michr.elmasTt-np. rununenccs, andciubon thel">ih Dec. J.m. l.j. Hi!:tr/ Teim t'oininenfcs, and end:; o.i tlia feat'ipl.iv prfccdin;, Fnhn SundA}-. Mo idiiy af er E ister Mo d ty — E ivter Term commence?, and end^ Satunlav se"nin;.du b(v'n ro V/ 1. it Si!r.d".y. The morrow ol' Triiiiiy S.indiy — Trinity Term commences, and €f\(\H Oil the 1st of July. l);iihuiis-]e Col!ea'(i IlariKix. Patron, his Mtijo^ty t!>e Kinfj-. Guvcrijor^, the Rii'-lit Hon. Gcnr£;-o Earl of J)>ilh';n5;:., his "Exc(dlo!U-y ^]!ir .Thhips Kempt, K (.' lithe lion and lit, Rov John, Tir.rd Bi'-jhop r,rMova-,Scol>.n, Hon Jl' S Blowers, Hon Michael \Va,llace, Jlun yinion B Robic and the President. Pi clou AcnU.'my. Goveriied by fonrtoenTriisleos,\vho are to profcs?, either th« Presbyterian .'^yoicm of Rolifrion. or that of 'iho Chureh of Hnnr- land. ' TruLnees, Hon 8 B Robin. [. L D, S G W Archibald, Esq E J. D, Rov Thos McCullooh L) I), D:mcrin Roe's, Ceorne Kniith, .fames MficGreo-or DD, J no .Molvinley, J;: ^ Foicman, Alex Grant, Joh'i Paterson, R( bt McKiiy, .Tiio McLean, Wm Mattlie\vrCiilloch, D D.; As^^istant, MrM MoCnlloch ; hjec'y, RevJno McKiidey. Cif'Vijy oftho E-tablisljod Church in Nova-Rcotia. Tlie 'fo.'iriul R!.rht Rr^^' John, Ijord !Msl;o;) oT ^•^ova-^^■^.•oti \, Ne\r PmiisMifk and tiieir LV"pe!uicnrieH. Vent':' ilile Robert VViHis, ]} ]), Archdeacon of Nova-Sc(j i;», an IReetor o:" fit PcKiPs, Halifax. Rf^r Fitz^irald Uniacke, M A. Rector of f^t GeorfTe',-, Halifax. Rev J T Twinjn;;-, D D. Garri -ou Ciiapbua. Rev E'lvVPtd Wiv, i\I A.(dia{)- lain to the Lord Ih^ho]-! of NI A , (Jnysboron;;}i iuid AiiW;^oiiish. Jiov Edwin Gilj'n, M A. AyleH.^oid. l{ev J.nnos Shrevc, M A. C"lle^'^;r. Rev Rthert Norii.-^, >> A. ("ornwnlliM. Rev Ro-^er'Viet-', Id/^by. RcvA\ illiira Cochran, DD.FahnoLith. Rev .1 Wliall^y, Gr jiviile, RevJo'cj.W Wright, B A. Hortoii. Rev Jame« Cochran, B A. I/'MiPiibtir.';. Rfv Charles Porter, D D. Newport, Ii»vd Gror,..,c V, W \iorriV, "M A Hawdoii. Bov Thomas B Bowbuid, Ti I^ 1 ^.Slielhiune Rev Al- fred Gil[)in, M A. Weymouth. Jlev Wm CoNel King, M A. Wind, •or. Uey Wm King.jua. M A. vi«iliug mijaioaary. Rov Tho* A. I' i I! f (J tii'\ ] ,'i!f lisli! i .m:' 4^ farmer's ALMA.NACK. Gnanthara, M A. Yarmouth. Rev John T Moody, H A. Liverpool. Her Johu Buniyeal, Truro. Rev Moore Campoell, B A. Cornvvallis, Bu^istirit. Josh'n "Weeks, B A. La Have. Rev Charles Ingle.-, B A. Sydney ; Rev Richard B Wiggins, B A. Amherst. Rev J Shaw, Arichat. it Matthew's, Rev John Scott. St Andrew's, Rev John Ma-'iii, Rev Thos Aitlan. Dartmouth, Rev Jas Morrison. Coni- waJIis, Rev Wm Forsylh Horloii, Rev Geo Struthers. Pictou Town, Rev K J McKiuzie. Z;. t River, RevDoiiald A Eraser, Up- pei- Settlement, Rev John McCree. Prince Eilward Island — (Belfast,) Rev John McLennan. New Brunswick — (St John,) Rev George Burn», DD •; if St An- «lrcw*!*) R«v Alexander McLean. MINISTERS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NO- VA-SCOTIA Presbytery of Truro— Stewiack, Rev Hugh Graham, A M. ho9^ iverpool. rnvvalii!;, ngles, B J Shaw, Rev F t, wick. a, New B A. lev Geo Coster. Sanviel Rev lev Ra- ramicliL ey, M A r Benj G Thonip- Ro/ ven poii '»llan(i. o ia, and V'eiuv d Rector d. Rev irrihgton •s. Rev Trinity 'g. M A. Scotia. d Dennit ;vd Colin acadie. — 'I^aTrap- t^Eagon V, wlor, St, lev John Coni- Pictou ser. Up- (St An- DFNO. FAKMER^S ALMANACK. 43 A>nderr3r, Rev John Brown. Truro, Rev John Waddell. Musqiw)- dobit, Rev John Sprott. Douglas, Rev T S Crowe. (EconomyRetr . Andrew Kerr. Presbytery of Pictou — East River, Rev James McGregor, D D. West River, Rev Dune m Ross. PictoM, (town)Rev JnoM'Kinle'^, AM. RivrrJohn, Rev John Mitchell. Merigoniish, Rev Wm Patrick. Miijtrnirl.i, Rov James Thomp.-on. Dorchester, Rev Thoj Trotter. St Mary's, Uev Alex Lewis. Mauhou and Port Hood, Rev W Millor. Rici.ibuCio, Rev John M'Lean. Presbytery of Halii'ix — Upper Shulenacadic, Rev RobtBlackwood. Presbytery of P. E. Island — Priace Town, Rev John Keir. St. Peter's, Rev Robt Doii'las. Riclnnond Bay, Rev Wm M'Grcgor. ^Ve.sloyan MissioTiaries. Nova-S(oMa, (Tlnliriix) Rev 8 B-mford, chairman, RevWm Crns- combe and Rev Wm Bl jc.c , siporiiumorary. JJverpool.. Rev John Marshall. Anniipoli:?, licv Albert Deii^brisay. Hortnn and Corn- wallis. Rev G Miller. JVe\vpo-i,R3v R II Cririe and RevWniBen- nett, SLiperntimerary. Windi^or, Rev Robt Young. Parrsboro' Hfir H Pope. Wallace.Mr J I[enne;;ar. S:ie!biirne and Barrington.Rer M Richey. Ji'inenburg, Rev Tl os K Davis. JVew-Brunswiclv, (Si Johi) Uev R Williams, chairman of thedis- trict. Wesiniorclaiid, Rev Samp on Bisby. Fredericton, Rev J B Strong. St Stephen's, Rev D McColI. Prince Ed .vard Inland, ( lUached to the N Scotia district) CharlotU Town, Rev W Teniijlc Tryon & BedeSa\vvcr,E^f|. Coroner, James F. Oray, Ksq Hijili Court of Chancorv,li<'](l Irftlbre the Master of the Rolls, on the first Monday in every week. Supreme Co\irt sits at llaliiVx oti tli:. Corninissionors' Coui-t .sits the 1st Monday of every month. ConiTnissioner.s, Jas Fcrninii, Jas Tobin, Rirli Trernaiji, Jno Liddell, and D S Ciai-ke, Esqi-.s. Clci'lc, Jas Slewail. Chirke, Es.) Ro^jis, Ji:o Albro, E Pr}or and J Ckrke, Eflqrs — E Pryor and JCl.:rl:, F..?qrs to di.ect the Axc-D.en. Fire Fn;Ane Ccinpcwy. Jrt'- Dechmnn. cap'ain— -l''irhl l'ivi>.ion, D Iliit'on, lieut ; H Hi!|, J Farquhar, TMacl ie, J Carter, T Palli^.ter,W J i;o-«TS,J Mitel el!, W Caldwell, D McLennan, T Co ir.ors, W Murra;. , A Mah o!ni, J Wiikie, J JM'di.my, H St Aiulrovs, Jos Bennett, J Sturmy, Wm Li#- wtll ajid \^ m FlyiK!. Seroijd Division, Thos C;5ssedy, lie-it ; Jas Carmichnel, E StJirmy, Irn-iii, J Drillio, A Crawfcd, G S Wilson, ]> IVf.I.ean, J Win'o-i, T Wilson, C H'lnter, JMu!ili;s J Richardson, S liiidolf, B Smither?., J.iS Malrolm, W Crawford, Jno Johnston, Jus Mcrivcn, Wm Miller «ndTSK.to,i. Tlii'd l^ixiMJon, Geo Lil.lc, lieut ; II Spike, Ja^? 7''hompRon, Bo*H Ilivcr^tock, S;',ni! Carer, i^ Manson.Wrn V: 'enliiie, Jas Tlionu on, Sd»^ Isruol Thomas R Pi.rb - (.sec'y), and Wra Dih'cn. Fo.irth Divi:io;i,M Pyre:), 11^:11 ; Eliny C.dbott, Jr.hn West, Rob«t Nonis A Poyle, ii Wnoi'.dl, P f-'parlir.g and J Vvii:(crs. rjxc-iironcn for il,:: 7'cwn of FiuJ'ax. % i B. I^irhiirdso c-pf;un ; .? II':Il,!iout ; TMcl'ie, ?cr>.Ceo lo^t, M C/«Jincr, J McLti.izJe, JJ,iihl^.l<■n\.[, El^ovd, Ji.o McJSctl, Pcier D :i ft. = 1 46 farmer's a.i.mx:^.\ck. Fall, VTm Marvin, H Miller, Jas Gnmi, Wm Rose, M Lownds, W j£ihDStoji,W Slricklan(^ P Mahoncy, Gee Kose and Geo Booths National SchooU^-'Abel SGore, Esq mastej. Acadian Scliool-'^^T O'Brien, Esq master. Mail days — The Eastern and St John, N B. mails arrive in Halifax on Saturday at 3 o'clock, p m. and leaves on Wednesday at 1 o'clock, p m. The W' '.•{tern mail arrives on Wednesday Evening by tl e mafl Coach and made up at the Post OfRce on Monday at 4 o'clock, p. in. »ad forwarded by Coach next morning. EASTERN DIVISION Incliidesthc Counties of Cumberland and Sydney, and Dis- tricts of Colchester and Pictou. Chief Justise of the Inferior Courts of Common Pie lo and President of the Courts of Sea- won in this Divisi .Tared I. Chipman, Esq. C: TN.' ^' OF HALIFAX. DISTRICTS OF CO* , rESTER AND PICTOU. Supreme (.ourtsits at Pictou on the last Tuesday of May, »rnd .'id Tuos lay of Sept. At Truro, on the 1st Tuesday ol' June and 4t,h Tuesday of Sept. Infi.'rior (^urt and iSessions of the Peace, held at Pictou on iaa .'M Tue.^lay of July and 4th Tuesday of January. Assistant Judges, Ilusrh Denoon. A McDonald, Geo Smith, R Low Jen, A M'Cara,^- G Johnston Esqrs. And at Truro, oii the 2d Tuesday of July and 3d Tuesday of Jan'y — Asst J jdjres, Jolin Fulton, Jas Fulton, Jas Arcliibald, Thomas J i^rown, and Hob; Dickson, Esqrs ; Geo Dill, Esq. depproth'y Dis. Colche-tcr ; Jas Skinner, Esq ditto Pictou. JiLftieeGf/he Peace — of and for the County residing in t'ha Districts of CoK'heHterand Pictou — Huafh Denoon, Jno Stew- art, Jas Arclnbald . Robt Lowden,- Sam Tupper, W Cottino-, Josli M'lrsh, .lojin Dickson Wm M'Kay, Geo P„oy, Mntt. Archi- fcalil, Wont Taylor, Jno Allen, Jas Skinner, Robert Dickson, James McCurdy, Gcdrjre Smitli, Ja5;Benvie, A Archibald, Jno Fraso", Nil 111 xMar.>lers, Thos .1 Brown, Jas Flcmminj^, J Mahon W Carrie, Wm Matthr-son, D M'Lean, R M;Kay, And M». Carra, E S l>!ancli;u-;l, Jas Carmichael, Jno Olding', Wm Iforti-.ner, Silas II Crunc, Jno Finlavson. Ceo McLeod, Alex Cam;>!)oII, Jos Fulton. D W Crow, Wm Loi;an, II llatton, D Criclitnu, S-im An -ii).;' 1 ?■], Jno Yuill, Jno Holmes, Ken. McLf'.in, A lam ( UuT, and .la^ Fra':?er, Esqrs. Siirr()'.;ato Judircs — Dis. of Colciiestor, S G W Archibald, Esq. Dis. Pict 'U. Goo Smith, Esq. Conn »'i-s I'or ta!:int;: Special Bail, on Actions dcp'g in the K.Conrt. — (^olcliostor, J Fulton and G Dill, Esq. Pictou, Jaa Bkiimorand H Denoon, Esqrs. iletii-^tra;-> of l)ee;'s- 1': ;, oi'Colchcstcr, Israel Allison,Esq Dis. QiTicLou, Geo »b'iiii>li, Ec^q. Dl Gi on Ej R m A D Lownds, W iBooth. lails arrive '^ednesclay at )y tl e mafl [clock, p. ID. and Dls- lie Interior arts of iSea- ay of May, Tuesday ot' t Pictou on y- Geo Smith, t Truro, oii an'y — Asst, Thomas J dep proth'y iding in tha , Jno Stew- iV Cotting", Ifttt. Archi- )rt Dickson, ;!jibald, Jno \g, J Mahon , And ]\r. ding", Wm Leod, Alex [ llatton, D mes, KcD. Archibald, p'g in the Pictou, J as t\llison,Esq PARMER^t ALMXHTACK. 47 Die of Pictou— Col of Lijjhi Duties, R Corbett.— Col of Im- post and Excise and Pro Col of Customs, H Denoon, Esq. — Ditto ibr Disf. Colchester, Robt Dickson, Esq. Deputy Slierifis— Dis. Colchester, Israel Allison, Esq, Di«, Pictou. J \V Harris, Escj. Postmasters.— Alex P Ross, Esq. Pictou. Israel Allison^ Es(|. Truro. Samuel Moore, Esq. Gay's River. Comm'rs oflSchools— Dis. Cnh.hQster, Kev\J Bnrnycat, Rev /no Waddell, R Dickson, Saml Tupj)er and J Fiemniing-, Esqrs Dis. Pictou — Rev Dun Ross,Geo Smith,Jas Skiuner, David Crichton and Jas Carmichael, Esqrs. COINTY OF SYDNEY. Ilijfh Sheriff* for the Comity, Kenneth McDonald, Esq. — Deputy for tjje Lower District, Mr Wm Heiytrnan. Supreme Court sits at Dorchester, on the 2d Tuesday oC Sept— dep proth'y Alex McDonald, M D. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace for the Upper Dis- trict, held at Dorchester, on the last Tuesday of May ;ind Si Tuesday of Oct. Asst Judges, J W Hierliity, John Cunning- Lam and Bcnj Ogdcn, Esqrs. Justice of the Pence — J \V" Hierlihv, John Cunningrham, Alex McDonald, M D, John Mc Donafd, Robt Murray R N Henry, Hugh McDonald. Don. Sinclair, Esqrs. R N Lod , Esq C P. Surrogate Judjre Alex McDonald, m d. Rcfjistrar. Ken McDonald, Esq. Dep. Regfistrar of Deeds, Jno Cunnin^Tham. Esq. Coroner, Mr J G Peabudy. Dep. Postmaster, R N Henry, Esq Antigoiiishe. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace — for the Lower dis — held atGuyshoro' on the iJdTuesday of IMay and 'IthTues- dayofOctr. Asst Judocs, Thos Cutler and Jos Marshal!, Esqrs. Dep. Protli'y, \\'ent. 7'aylor, Esq (yomm'rs for takiuL^ Special Bail on Action:^ ald, WniMcKeene, T (ilencross, D Camp- bell, H McDonald, R Hartshorne, Jno Nevv^ton, Jos Maxwell, E(l\v Lanu'iev, Ji'.o Whitman, Geo Norris, and Win F.dt^e, Esqrs. Mr \V O IIetVernan,C P. Sur Judge and Dop.Reg of Deeds, Tho«; Cutler, Esq. Postmasters, Robt M Cutler, Esq. Guysboro'IIugh Me Donald, Es!(. Shcrbrooke. St Mary's. Cor- oner, Mr P Host. Pro Col of Customs and Col of Impost ani Excise, Duncan McColl, Esq. Conimisioners of Scliools. — Lower Dis. Rev. C. W. Woek.^, R. IM. Culler, Went Taylor, Robt Hartshori.o, and Dnnciui McColl, E-;qrs. Upper Dis. the Right Rev. Rislmp Eraser, Alex ?.ic Donald, J. W. ilieriihy, Reuj Ogdcn and Hugh Mc Donald Esqrs. 48 i-aiimkr's almanack. 1 rOU.VTT OF f TMnF.nLAND High SherlfT, Josliiia Cljaiicllor, Esq. Suproine Court sits at River Ph'.lip on the 2d Tiics of Juno. InferiorCoiirt and Hossions of tlie Peace, held nt Arnherst en tljc Ist Tuendav of Janv and Inst Tiiosdrv of June. Asst Jud^res, Tlios Roacli, D McF;nlano, R McG *l)ickoyand Wm IJ.iker Ksqrs S H Alord'^ Esq. (\v]). prolh'y. C'oinm'ry for taking* .Special F'ail on Actions dep'ir in tlieSnp. Court, (.'has Daher, Tlios Roach, S li Morbc and D McTar- lan' hiHur."' .Justicc.i oftiie Peace — Gilbort Purdy, Custos Rotulornm, Edw Boker, Ciabrifd Purdy,Thos' Roach, D McFarlanc, Wm Laker. Jno Ii!;;ck, Win Wiiito, Coo Dor;:;nian, James M'Nab, Tlios Cooke, Stephen Oxley,R M'Clowan Dickey,Wni Daker, Esqrn. Ja^ W xMi^rse, E^-q. C V. ISurrofrate Judi^'e and renr'r. Alex Stewart, E-^q. Dep. Reg*, of Deeds, Chas Baker. Dep Sur. Lands, Win Baker, Ejsq. Col of ltni)0>stand Excise, Tho3 Chapman, E'^q. Ccd of Customs?, Mich Cordon, Esq Coroner, Jijo -.lor.^e, list}. Dep. Po;-'tuiastfrs, W White, E-^q. Amherst; C»co B(:r:';!i)au, Esq. Pu;j:\vash; Jo:-'li ilnstis, Esq Wallace. Comm IS of Schools — Rev N Wig-g-ins, Thos Roach, Daul McFarhiiie, R McG Dickey, aud Jos Oxley, Esters. -0- Mwn L i: ij fyjsj cky Includes t!"^ counties of Hants, Kino's, Queen's and Lnncn- burp. Ciiief Justice of tlio Inferior Courts of Common Pleas and President of the Courto of Session in this division, W II O Hull burton, Esq. rOI'NTl Oy HANTS. Hi^ifij Sheriff for the County, Terence Cochran, Esq. Supreir.o Court sits at Windsor, on the last Tuesday of May and 4th Tuesday of Sept. Irsferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held nt Windsor ©n the Est Tuesday of .lany M;d 1st 'i'uesday of July. Asst. Jud,< ue.'^es, K i."i:uniii^-]iani, Ei^q. Ivev Wm Cochran, D. D. Wm H bjj!?y and JnoEldcr Esf,rs. Dep prelli'y. H Jen;; ins, Esq. Comm'rs for takino- b^pecinl Bail on Actions ucp'g- in the 3 Coi.'rt, IlJenicins and Patrick Vrrif>ht, Esqrs. Justices ot't!ie ['e.-ice. — .luo. Kmerion, CusRot. Ptich CunM- iii>.iitl!, '-hul.ael i-iitiock, W Stiller. J Walker Caleb Smith. W H Sf'V, J;i.s ^^■llidden, Jno Sira'j, A Scott, J Parker. B Dea'cdf, W'O'Bricn. J WitJii-ow, J A!;i.-;on, J Dim- «.( k .} J'J',:"er 1) Wier, R Smith, T Kin^-, B C;!scy,.i Sentell, Jno T Wa!:<.:'tl,Bo'/ Sli^lito, Jno Cochran, Benj ,S'in!th,E8qrs Sur. v''-i';;'e, l.j M Wiikins, E;-q. Dep Ren- of Deeds, Col of J*i;in. 0.: ^ixcise, an-. Dep. Pos! master, W Eowes, Esq. — Coi o''Cus,oM.-i, Winds'.r, P Wrinljt.Estj. Douglas, — RobertJun Lj.qr. (vouiiu'rs of :?Lreets, }'. Wrii'Iit and D. D'll Esqrs. Comm'rsof S.:lu>e!s— Txev WC Ki:iy, LMW.ikms, W li Slicy; P V/ri^ht"aii'} J Ailison, Eiqi-s fabmir's alhanack. 49 cs ofJiinQ. t Amherst 1110. Asst ;.' and Wui in tlicSui). ) M otuJnrnm, lane, \Vm s M'x'Vrib, 111 Driker, iid rrrr'r. ^or. Dep Coroner, ace. 2ii, Daul Lnncn- n PJens ^, W 11 of ilajr indsor Asst. Win H Esq. the 3 CuiiM- ;oi of -Coi rtJun vv u COUNTY OF KINGS. High Sheriff for the County, Geo Cliipman, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Kentville on tJie 1st Tuesday of Jane and 3d Tue:jday of Sept. Inf?ri«, J rscv,t,on, J Free- man, S Par!" T B Ktiautand J Dewolf. E.-(|rs. Dt'p prothy'y. J Rorrors, Esq. Com. for takin^r Special f'ail on Actions dojiV in the S. Court, J Ro<^'eL-s, E.-q. Jii.Htices of the Peace, J Newton, Cus. Rot. ; J R Dc'wolf,N Tupp-or. I Dexter, J Free- man, S Parker, B Kniut, J (jorliam. JnoBars^tJus Dewolf, and R Barry, Esqc?. J Rogers, Esq C P vSur. Judge, J Newton, E'jo. Col, of Imp, and E.x. a.nd Col of Cuilom-;, J Newton. Esq. Coroner, J Whitman, Esq. Dep Reg' of Deeds audDep Postmaster, B Kiiaut, Esq. Comia'is crSfhoo!?!. Rev. .Tno Moody, Joshua Nevrton,B. Knaiii, Jno Barss aiiu Nat Siintli J0s;r.5, Comui'ra of Stroc:ts,J R Dowolf.BKnaut and W' StcniSjEaqr* COi.NTY OP' LUNKMJl KW. High Shcrifl'fur the Comity, H Kauthack, Esq kHipreme Court si's at Lunc^ibMrg on the l">i 'i'co.^.of Jnnff. I'-'^LTlor Court rnd K^cssions of the Peace held on Ihc X?il 'I'yes. ci April aiid %] ']'•;>'.?. of v Jet. Asst J'idgos, J P.-rnette, ii Mil- Irr, E James, I) W Crandiili, Esqrs. 1.5. p i:rot!'."y. D Owen, Esq r'ijri). f(M taliin-^"' Sjie.i.il Bail on Actir,,:^ 'n'p'T in I'.ie S Couri, F J KuaoliVt'i'^>i--J^'-=i.-"Cv> of the I'eac^vE J.....j.-5C" Hscjrs. iller, Jno fn'ef Jng. ^^idftiit of of June, 1 Peace, ? and at . AsaL J^onneli; ^■jVGciaJ 'isq.— . — 5 V Bay. • ^on, J M ^cll,jr.B F Um- CJiesIejr Neilej, James, on, Ksq ett, Esq Col of dvsniitli FBon- Jarne* ulr fVar- lioa. of ;. Jud- ]HG Uo for ^ *• rxr.MF.R's ALMANACK. St th« tlis of Shelburiic, held at Slielburue on tlioQd Tuesday of »Iay and "id Taos of Sept.—arist Judifus, G White, W }\ Sar- [irpant, J V Bu»kirk and T Cruwell, ]''.s([rH. J)rj) protli'y and co'.n'r for takiniif spcrial bail on Actions dopV in the S. (>ourt, Robt Binjray, K-s'i — Jusiticc of tiic Peace, (i White, Cus Hot; S S Poole, h D'Hutromont, J V Bu.-^kirk, Jus Dore, J N Bond, J Lent, Eb Crowd!, UG Farish, T Crowell, J Binrray, (J V Norden,A L'jindei>',J Kelly, B Bin! R Bin«]ay, Esq C P. Sur. Judoe, (iid VViiite, Esq. Dep iJ'^jr of Debris for tiie Eastern (lis. B'n\ — Shelbnrne, Ilnnkinson, Esq. Pro CoTrs of Cnstojns, — Slielbiirne, j V Biisldrk — Weynjoi.th, R Ilankinson — Barrinj^t*;,!, J Homer — Ar^'vle, JMcKinr.on ; Yarmouth, A V IS Forbes, Esqrs. Coro- ner, (* 13in^ay,E.i; tr;irs of Don, Is — Western tlis. J L Treuiain — Eastern do, J 'ii.;-nlnill — South- ern do. C R Ward, Esqrs. Actiri:^ Col. oiCi.-tom-: ,ind Conip. J W Bonn, Esq. Cofrs ofLiipo'l, 1 Chas E Leonard, Esq Sy-^ir-v— J L Tr. '•. trict— J Turnhull, Ej] Southern do. !>r McAlpine, Esq Sydney — JiioFullor, I'si] Genl of Tiands and Siir. J!idi,«-e, Tiio.'s C.itV> Jno JSniitl), and Joso],h Noau» ;i i Liii'ht i'u^y, : o \ ]:iS" " q N W dis- .-■tm'istoi's, Cha.s 'ici'r. Snrvevor '.-fi. Ccronerj, y *i 52 PARMER^S ALMATTACK. Comm'rs of Scliools — N E dis.Rev C Infrles, J G Msrshatt; Thos Crawlev, C: E Leonard and Wni Duflus Esqrs. S 11 dis Rev mr Siiaw, Rev Mr Potcvin, Law Kavanagli,C Hubert, Dr Madden, S E dia Rov Mr Lawlor, Wm Watts, J McKeen, Juo L Trcmuiiiaud Nat Clongh, Esqrs. SlVirF OF Tlit: .lliMY la Nova Scotia, under the command of his Exrrncncj Lieut. Genl. *Sir Pkkf.giune Maitland, KrH. ^ aids de ramp-; Capt. P Maltlawd, 74 f mil. s^cV; It col 11 B Harris, hp BG f dc}) ndj j^en; It col W Bei( sfoid, li p 31 f (icp q m pen; moj ») Bazal^ette,h p 9J] f. h;i;^*maj; dop com ^en tieoDamcrum, Ksq, asst com <^ou C A ClatkcKsq ; dep asst co'ii pons lias S!:)do,0(ioldi)iith, \VLo\v,C U'illiams, (3 F iiavorsnat, Esfjrs ; assislant commissary pjeneral of accounts A Victh, Esq; deputy ns'istant commissary j^n\ of acots A Grant andChas Swain, l^sqr^; J Blair, Ksq bar.Hiast.: Doctor IIoji;^,L:sp of llosjiiiai.s; J Carter, Esq apotlj. to the forces ; Doctor F(>;rlain. Windsor — A. (hur McDou;?:nll, Esq har. mast. Annapolis — J Norma'i^ Esq (h'p. ord. s'.orekrej>er; Dr G Shiels, bosp.asst.; Rev .1 !Mlil!(^d.:ic, oii'\T o. J K V.'ljiie, .5(1 do. W 1 1 Tapp,, jt di>. J Uii^by, cltrU b ir. hrar.rh, C X File, !brom:iii of carpenferu. J l';uniiner,nrino'uer. W Daliing, overseer oi lalourtvw. J A*.U!/'.•/. •'/r/'.V.-n/.iT Ciraiihisn LtCoiA Urediii I Li(v;ts ^\'u■or G ColjLe Cap !ii;iq P DS k>;ur:, l^ S!:!d,. '.I u-;:u 1 J E iVr. ;. in . vt : rs, Col. il :\i"M;!s '.np;. (i W'esl Li'.' i's '•Co " Rt " Fuen I'. " Ciud go" " "SJ ;. \ '* To SirG o^T:>il'oaoMlJ S II \'>'e..l\v0iib »* Yiiuicfa" ^.^ I Manthtttt; s. S E rlis ^Jubert, Dr Keen, Juo xcpllcnej cJe camp-; [arris, li p (Icp q m com f:v.n 'sq ; dep V\ iliiams, mnissarj iiair,K,sq rtcTjKsq hp lujr 1 m njor ' 1 1 Tapp., J A«.dcr. or. 2lf» and :«r, ckk )r, niaHtrf .d G Uui- ire) FARMER S ALMANACK. ««Co-«nna" jHeii S Davis lEWBIeiuowe «« Biisaco" IF G IJuU l(Teo Andrrson Tho«t E KcJly F H Kyriie W Warren 53 '•Fuenles d'0-j*Pay nir J Win- p inr K Scolt i:or" itMbo'itom AdjK SntlH-rlnnrl *J Kitic;iid " Ciud.id Roflri-AdjJ iit'ntliarn,ll Qin J Mur('hi-ou|*(T Sininionij fc" ' Had 1 i o A " I (^ 1 . 1 r J I'Ao :>• a n " Salainap.ca" "' \ i;iori:i" ♦• Nivdie" '• Niv«"' " C)r;ht!.i" '* Toulouse" " renin<^iila" •• Waterloo." j^ i.^^ J H(.ib.-on *As s,'; ii Tul- hill, M D ,, Ci>as 1^1 own j Fat; in;;" b'lll — jLact' t:'il\ t-r I A j; en Is GroonvNOod &'-'o Surj>[ J Sliorlai.d GeoKiiller As sg A 2vic An- drew ,, A W Murray Fatin^s yellow ". J. a ec si!'/er. a.:,eiiis Colonel iS8th JiKGT, SirGT Walker,; ( oloi^el (JCn. ll^eu Lt Col Jiis Ferris; on Majors M McNair •J Cro>*.s Capt;iiiis »G F B St John S 1) Fritchard *G (iawler Wtn Hiuis «G II l.ove A\ S Moor.soui K I) Kin;; Geo Mo ;»;*i;-\I I^T.rv Dev'tci Sir Jos I<'uller,G C If It iron Lt Col *J Fulierion.CH j\'. : 'ors I Jen Wiiiie A < 'lirncross C.'ii'.'iins \^yu\ I Inline, m. Ri'h Ge-.liin J W f> Waller Ricli ^'ii-m IE Kl'ill i^Vn»LC:lrcy lVViaOu;eley ]i: n C'nnbei-Iund' Green w ood h'.'o " Coj e;il.a;.',eir 1st Lit'ntfj •Ji o Fiv,rfi.p |)m A A'acMud-.lin WSI{Nor'^'" ,,0^ M |T W Smith " Cindad'Rodri-;-'".^ >'r.r'in " "Ij'd I'o/" •'"'''^''' ^ ^"''-^ " S.dr.irnnra" " \it.oria" .li" i.ordCJKR.ishvllAVni Kopo lis RIlI^'izT/erbort RV/in'lamHU'ad R Wi br-wiam Sid I'eekwiih A lev Monro IPmr W Ho'den Adi\\'SR JNof- I cot',!. -tit iOmr "Wn.Hill " ]Vive!Ie" ••Mv(;" '« Or;).e,;" «' To ^lo i!:e" " Peri;isi.la" " Wa!erloo." Pc:er ( I.e.-pe | Col. in ( l:iuf j'Ariliur.Diikeoff^A-^ Rnrke,MI) I Wellin-'ton.KG''^'^'^^^ ^n ^^ ^ , .,-.. I Gcn. vS: in'u.'i J>''"i''«-'.y ;K S illieiland, adj! field mnn-hall. |MR^^^' Rooert ^V () G'lifini'ig } A liotior'ron, d p, Col roinm. J II I5al«;ni;i P « i\'i;ienl Walter I]. itler !a MeKenzie R K Hill, dep pmi J.iejts A Wedierall LF .lor,es J Ht;ntli;ini, adj ! Wrn k'i.inian AVm Vi , i in G W Pireh Rifh r'reinh C V No/lo.i (i C Swan Fusions WJMllii,'>ieH S U Stre:iilielil Wni Cliiloiier (' W Foi ester (; M Yo:!..e. J Allen ^'i^'ors A Tal Ivistiire >V Arnli iiale Jo 4 Telford Tio. Ahlot P F de :>!e;tron Ro')t Ri;li J ^^' A w. I- R R \V M-ren Kii^i.ius Don O' i'lien E II Finney J.,s Clyde R S M"iirray KiKv P-iiclay k) llulhaway son *SirAFi:arn.-;rd! Ke;,iment«I. KCR & K( H.'?rce". I acing* Maek. A^e.its ni.t] /,c'» " Lt Col I'Amo <.'od,.ilR(/^'f"^"'^^<^-^''*^<'« lert IV oi cull, ( R. tol Ma ors 'Jos ji M^Ht\ CajitainH * W JoliliStOil 'A Slev. art *J C Hope *J Mollo/ Tlistn.'irk(*) prefivccl to th« nan e. oi'CJflic* c» dero'e tl.eir hav- inj;' I'eeii at Wa- terloo. Ti'e words «uh- • rriled to tlic ti- tles olRe^iuitnt* m 54 FARMKR^fl ALMANACK. as •• Peninsula,'* «' Waterloo," &r. denote the honorary dif«tinctlon« permitted lO be borne oa tlieir colours and i^ppoiiitmeats.i.i commeiw*. nUiou or tlieir services. •••^ > «»<'•• ~-~ OFFICER^ OF HJSM.UESyy S smPS. Sir Charles Oj-lc. Cf. Rpam- A(]nii-f\l of the Red, com- man del- in chief of his Majesty's Shi^.is and Vessels cn»|)loye(l, oikI to he eniiiloyet', at Ili'Mfax, or ihe roast of Noiurgeon, IJen Kclsal.; purser, Wni Han\iltOii, rclii-':. ROSE, 18 — r; mpr-i'-r, .1 Jl Eiiiock ; Burf^eon, John W Reid ; asaijE H Rowley; p"i>;er, (mo Starr. MANLY, I'i — Lt com. H W Bi:ihop; master, Isa.ic Mo wlc; asst •urg J as Macaliister. ^<^^^ : *r r^^x^ — j\iJLrrii OF j\or^.wl:a!>on. S.uj.';eon,Mattlu;>s1 [oaman Ls-/ /7'i/|7*f'J'/ife-{ A Richardson, |Jas G Ro'iscs I 1st Lieuts 1 c;iiiu'tif. I^ie'it Col. G N Russell Majors, iolm Dempster Cap'ains. J.-.s ?,lcN.ib "VVm Pryor, jr 'John Slayter Ijas Black iTlios Lvdi.ti'd ('has De Wolfe ]j W Mi-dilcn jThos Adams 'LawO'CDoyh (llonry Ciniurcl iS lUnney J C Hume iJ H Noonan 'A W Flieger A B Kiel K Stevens liobt Roi gaml Ly< Tlios Kin Adj Qr mr G Sarg A \N A si do W Ijieul Sami Cui maj Chas J H Capt WM !•( J A Ban (i B Creii C D Arc! M G Frar M Tobin I'hos To John Cui M Tobii^ 1st Li J H Clar John E ^ J S Clarl H Pryor adj. J / captain Qr inr. J Sur^!; Wj >!») at/ Hall ^iu Lieut Sanil Al ma J Leanc JohnE J — (:;iad Ca, J as L>f Edw Ct 1 1 Y M( 8 WA! Geo Ha A Tayl P Ogilv Thos G A Dunl Edw L -' -'^ y distinetioHa i.i comtnenMX> PS. Red, com- nd A^csspIs X, or ilie Boxer, Epf-r E q sup con.; mitli, IXohi (; , Win Hai;T ne'Iy, M D. > Siiiicierhon ; Wm Cordon, obt I^eonard ; iniNI Brown ; Esq ; IJeuts lie ; surjeon, Lieu*s JiTs V , IJen Kclsal; ArlhorWa'/e- olin W Reid ; ; Movvic; asst 1. AITLAND. 1 and Charles en oral, Major i 11 obi e. "'aptain, Ric h 2d Lieutenant 1st I.it'i:t. tM;>sT[oiTriiaa 1st Lieuts iry Cunard iniiey Hume Noonan V Fiieger FARMER S ALMANACK. 55 A TJ Richardson I J Allen K Stevens I J Chamberlain liobt Romans gaml L>diard Tlios Kinncar Adj I 1st IJeuts |W Hall jGGlawson IR Allen Qrmr G T FillisjC iMarks Siirg A Wallace jE Greenwood A si do VV Gi it;or S Breedin Daniel Starr 'id Huiifax Rt- pimtnl. Lieut Col. Saml Cunurd major Chas J Hill Captains VrM l^ebloiH J A Barry, adj (i B Crei^^hion C D Arrliibald M G Fraj^er MTobin,jr I'hos Tobin John Cunard M Tobin, 2' 1st Lieuts. J H Clark John E Starr J S Clarke H Pryor adj. J A Barry, captain, Qr uu . J Dupuj Surj? WBAimou AH) W J Slarr John liar vie Wm Albro R D Clarke 2d Lieuts Jolin Leslie "W Anderson J Kennedy J Brown R A I^oaan C HBelc!'.er,qni!jasY„ill {G P \aiiBuskirk|Yv ^ E.ron, adj W Guild |Geo Corbet John Linsie I i^t IJeuts /Mex Taylor {Wm Pliillips E D=ckett,jr pmi Ta, Ruthford J Y Patrick T Kenney S G Morse J \r\ Anderson H Leslie U Halifax W:.- p;iment. Lieut Col Saml Albro majors J Le.uider Starr JolinE F.iirbaahj — (j lad win Captains Jas L}oas Edw Cunard 1 1 V Mott 6 W Albro Geo Haw bolt A Taylor POgiivie A King [S Arcliibald,:W Wm Lo^an I Wm Blair, 3d Adj. T Grassie,.And\v Yuill captain. .p Parker Qr. Master, C.H. Alex Kent Belcher. It 2d Lieuts. PnuE l)uckett,ir Jno Fi her Sarg.SHcad,MDT Putnam ^!: *''^' ^^i!^ll r^''" McCuIley 'UhYldi/nxRc- Lt ColJ Albro m ijor IW A Black I Captains [J Albro, jr |F Dauphpoy I Fi Pryoi , ;]d adji iJolm Parker |>Vin M Allan Thos Pyke I) Fletcher Azor Stevena ]J Wier H Yeomans,jr j A Campbell Edw Allison jJohn C'row adj EPryor,capt]R McLelland Qr mr T Hosler-jR Spencer man ) A Thompson Surg J Stirling |E D Dick on, adj 77 7", — rZ~Ul iRobt B Dicksjon J as D Hauu Alex Vance 1st IJeuts Kufus McNut D Dower Vv'ni Baxter Alex Conkey Robt Flemming Thus Corbelt jJ Ur(iuhart H Munro Jno Mc(iratU Wm Vance Jac. Marsh Geo Ro s J Archil»ald Jas Wilson 2d Lieut* DV Crow- Alex Bl.iir Sam Waugh W H Yl'ilson M AVaugl) Edw Langeal DHCrow \ Robt Six.'iicer Chas DM' Curdy Jno McKay J M'J. Dickson I Robt Corbet j J:!S M Spencer Wm Fletcher gimenfs. 1st B ATT. Lieut Col. Jame- Kent Major A L Archibald Captains Jas Phillips Wm Rutherford: Jas D Blair Jo- Fuhon John Ganmiill jJ.is Dunlap i Joim A^'atson JoluiGammjll, 2d o 1 . tv* T-> 1 . ir * .Kobt Murray Robt Kent im -m*? 1 Jas Pollock :ri . ^r 1 Thos Grassie, adj A Kioth A Dunbrack Ist Lieut* £dvr Low 'j Dauphney Ad) WC Eaton, capt Qmr Sg.D B Lyrds "'^^iImtt." L» Col Robt Dickson major Thos J Brown Captains Jas Dickdou J Flemming iPat Miirsh Adj. Eli-^h.DAV Die.; son Q mr. AV Cat ten Siirg J^dwCaiiiit lixijci- Picfnn j tnt'iil.t. 1st BATT. Lf Col Geo Smith I major IRoU McKof hG farmer's ALMAJfACK. Captains |D McDonald ILnke Jervise 'W Atwuter John Doutlas UiO Geo McDonald | A McDonald jAlex McDon;.la R Patterson jjohn Sniiih jDon n.is);olm John P-tteron ID ^U' I.ennan U McMillan >Vniror' .-^tt John Cordon Vni i\Ioi timer I) Cameroii {T McPheron T}ios Muiuo leiMs Iht 1 imon McKay (JeoComijlon jf>inio;i Fraser Authouy f::nrith ;Koli \V;tl 1 lU I. WRink l«cr Alal I angill J Ma'.l'.oion David Da- i? ic.ilH j A ley Fraser in..sart'y,A\,„Fra-er 2ci Lieuiflv T jy\. J J^anii'^o I, jr Jo!ii) Milrht'il Jas Ilaiulall Aug McDonald IJ McliKO'^li S McDon.ild AVmllieilihy A M Cl.ij-l.olm A Mci-i.erua Jr () J^lfv\ art Ji o N ew Ion, jr A I) Harrin"ton, Wni I "art •> dl. IfUlS Jl.O Jo't J W Forrestr.ll,|A(ij Poht Poles Id McDonald H McLr-nnan |Qrn,rJnoJot |J:!s W (*orl;etf 'J;is Ta;, lor o" IDon McFoiiald S McDo.u'dd Saml Archibald \\m chi.l.vAm \A Knn.cdy Ja i l^a'R son AVni Chirk l^ou Fraj^er 2'! I.ieuts A hit Scoit Tf-.os M'C:aLc David Ro»» Jas M(C;ill K McPoiuild Mat P.-t'itcr; on J?w Cricl:ton C Patlcijo Don P.oiiii.pon iD L\)rlr.<, Don Monro 2d LiciitH Aug McDonald Auic O,. (icn -A V/ K anlni! Jacob Ojtiii)^ Alex M(DonaIdj A!ex (i) uit I ill' li Fraser !J;;ir;c.s AVilkie J J Marsl.'tll Cvinherland llvsrimevt. J.t Col 'Thos Koach mnjor And >'o<>hreT ('■•'pt ai!iB I on f^in)-.crlaiid 'At!) J M( DOu'ild Wni ( hapniau John Frahcr A McDo.irdd 'i' Chjpn\in, adj ihos Copdand t 2d H ATT. iGcoKi:i^ li'c'cr w •er O^.S iLlColKM Culler ''pi^rv P^irdv rna'or P ^rc(i DicLcT n Kul H 1 J' on OliHii.S jJ'anlForster ll^aac AVvhie iHF(!rdy2d ; Don McL'o'igald' .ii Ji: olnus. V aptnnid AiwaicT l^ mr A Fraser IJum l.y ic M'ni(.\.nipl.oIi,-rlsr Fh lavson iC ArtJ,ibahl \','v^ MaUJ.<,.-Oii; ■-- McKchzie ICoh-nh/ ofSi/..n Kii^. I Jas J-Jcherta ■Jo^ .iJi.tck ilos 1 op an Isf JJeiita Jo*h Hunter \>i-j iawrenco (.:'.! ins Lt C J Jol I.t Col j W O Iletrcrnan .*•' .n! Puruy in lAiiinio «i. ij (I'ro INrl.()r.-| (^ a!d, capt tna|or r N Il«M,rv jJi.o ^■o^ter John (iiiuit Ii ( on;nio 1st I ICMtS •p'aln^ Tlos JV'art ;]) ^rc(^u•en .(IV. Mo rns Qnir. DMiit'o,i,j)„„ M^.j^,_.iii Vv „, fni.ojH.i S.'T ..on iMcrsuii W II Irish ' 2d PATT. Lt( ol J riirriM( IkicI liia'or X) Muiray (Japli.iiid .T(-hi' (iU;ju;§ A C)cdf(>rd L;anil Symonds \'\\'u\ S.julou 1st l..icul8 !Jaa Kcag W M'Nub >{ ( 1. apiiian .IO.< J\ Oif^Q Prown Pipe* Anth Taylor U l)arl;er 2d Lieut* B S;cve,is Josi,ua Pd^a AirioK Eaioa J(>< Ox ley Jiif» l/otien i hsChapnian, 2d Iv/iia Pent II Clir^pmau, ZA Tim vV'.af ,) (rPur.ly hn Finlayson [Alhm McDonald;{^r>in. ^,yhiiir&n i D^,,! P ; ,'Sl! C."pt Sii^:r I'] Pu, C 2'inu' Is' BA lA. Co U'H .•►•hey m.i or N Je.iKiiii V (!o?l.rai: Cipt;:. WmSCh' Jrh'; yUn' JasSmiih A-.tiiy SjiH John E'der Vj K.indfo. ])i\:\] Foe!- I'a:.i VYicf J ''"'o.lgSlf llMcIiaU^ ''}■ M.u'lvcr its I.io'i J M Srnhh M W i-ht I) Mother rji.i-i Payzi .I.(oV) Antl I liiniock J ( 'ochraii C Cii-ion Sd Lieu T Ma, ate) y ( 0' It an Joi .\(irtlir (.1 I^ri^iitra: J;i"^ Sterlin A iL.'rv ie *.'iii Vlunii V Walker Tl.os Allin K Carver H(;P;,hne II C'O idge ^iJj J Son ^in TO'l , ^',' Jo» Wi ■^ '"i^. '' Atwater 2cj Licuim ' Aynr' 'r Ja»',i'"-o I, jr )!ii) Mitrlnil . McPlierMja o Stewart no fvewlon, jr ■'ni I "art ■ o Jo't (ij ]!ol)t V.o\'* r n.r Jno Jo t Li W ( antriii FATllfFR S ALMANACK. h^CofcM I 2d l?ATr Tim W'tatliurby .LtColRichfiinuth jr \y 'Jy 1. V »uskir!v Ist Lieut: siey rmor Elijah Fow^ .S Avpry, ju 57 n F D 'JHChipman iCHRand «ir.-, ji) cnfMorc |.>.miUi' Re; >iiiin S.jri: !•: P.irdv iTi u ;i.< y7- ^j'inieuls. wn .t. Co: .ey m.i or e iKidji \\^n ()-Iiri'n J ^\ i lirow 'C Putnam AIov MrPhee jj (j ;»f I J r AI!i:?oa J')!in H'.'lch'T F^'iiis Calkin U'C Campbell 10 Co-sMe!l iJiKlah Wells 2d Ijtiitft. |S Purrri inter '< ) lilarniiioa Jas IJrac/r N J T (io.'liran ! 1 J iieitt- J Vt'ood-vo:. li J 1) eiisino.ii m ipt.iiris U)h:\ Grtnt For.n J5teriiii.ni] Siii'roo SC'h..'r(.h [i'i o > ^Val^i(•e jJolin Pre.cilt ,. ;_ lEdw Murphy ;j H Allii^oa 1( o r eiry A J'ishop Jos Caldv^e:l Dan S I>c/i'ii«ori J:is V/ooilmaa Kiiphiler Fuller Auj J M Terry Q inr J I) flariL: '\i V/ W'd ster >i.!i;nini IlUi Alex F;"-;i;n-o:i \Jv.r T ,t!iv Im V 2<1 I Jol.n K'der ■ .ll-C ;o.d le.i; r.oa (irant ! i: 11 PI )er ir!)id'/e lie It' 2d I Jr;o l)e'i>.iio;e !T TJ Ci'Hinbrll ])hi\] i.ockiiart i'.rw \Vici- ,dj •' ^o.i;jjs'.er, a R MeliaUey '}■ Parlvi'r Its I.ic-us. J M SrniJi M W;i-ht I) >! oilier ' rJi.is Pavzant Sun Metk I J W'i lirovv Ijolm ^'v^lllare 1 1) Ki ''■'M^'ei Joiin iMcPht.c Art;!i i'n\ l\V v\ Slarr 'i'l.o; Weltoii 13 J)oiiold-o!i I [ei\ (jj^ner J F Hiitrliin.o: iltich 8trr Will -Miiic!-. ir j'arrsoorou'j'k hi. Col. Jas llatchford Captains. JR .tiiiford.ir adj .^'.^^..c I^e-,\ i» C)niui I.ewJ* A Tl.oinp-oi Alox F'lller'oi 1st T ^ie;)!*;. .1 1 roll / Am] iniock ony I I i ('oclifan C Ci)>-ron il'I IJeiitH T \i r. Latciiy V Cocbran Jo> .Vortliriip G I^ii^lifinau in^ Sterliti A n.!r\ ie I <^'(o Hunter V Wr.Ikor Tl.os Alline K Carver ^ C Pahner ; H Cto idj-e iVj Adj J Songster J.'sRely Kva:i ."'.UPheG i I>duIIunr.iev'' 'i'lo^ Ki o vies |v;m }].-('k>vi:h 'n F!i!U;r:on lAVECrar* E Kerr Adi \i f'-mifii (.) mr M Ca-ey '.Dan C) Ssi- F C PiKe Adj A J !1 Too re :e.- !<•,:■! ill /vn?.'," .? Co »//(n/ /,,](,) oir H CUpnni f'^r.-nnrvl.t, Lt Col ilejiry (Jij.:er ma, or \V C \!oo, J f 'apt,s\vtiil or;on :U' J J M J K Crane A Hci'kwith, adj;J Fuller T I^arijaby yiiaplaiii, NoTi IS Waxier Jl r i: Kat.hford W Spratt "Will Mi.rFh, :^d Lif'.iti^. 'Robt JtCwj* I F.I W .V:Ct!»!-0« iJo hn P e;n 2d Dxri LtCo!iS])cn!.i,-on| ina^or,J JV Crai.« t '.ii'.l lias (-has JJiOA u Joii Cr 'ham Khviii r.isi.o:^ ErioehFoi.'ivth lAdJiCirrl-ford i, ;Q inr J Ftiiiro'O \'.v Uhint if/'iUS Jonit Crane J H (linner H^n T O'Hrien | N Woodu orth O 'SI E F J Johnston D Rathlniri.e 1st ijieul;*. C Randall 1st PA'i"?. LiCo'.T ltitt:hi» ma '.or Timothy H:>g:2;l (^apt.'xirv*. EThornt Wni David (t RohiriHoa .) RobertAO* S CowUv^g 'm "■»- ■ *^'. ■'-''1 1^ 5fl Roht Spurr E Wliitman S T'horne A Troop 1st Licuts. S McCojiu-tc!: Win Sauiidfirs Jacob Hoj:a"t AVm Harris S Parker 8 ('iiip»n 111 A Fowlor Kil.v l(i!;kle Is .ac Ditiiias 2(\ Lieut s Jon Wo Oil berry H Gi-;rer J H Ditmars Weston Hall (ico Hane.ix Jjs LeCaia Jiio Hichi-s 2d J-.o Keiir;ecly Coislint Morse Adj (leo I?oberi- ;>oti, copt Q mr Ja.-d'rny fc^ Edni Phclan ~~2d IJATr." Lt. Col. B it Ee ird.dey Tr..iior farmer's Jas Hall Jr^o Shaff.iCl HMrGee Hen I) 'inn Saml Langley ALMANACK. B Robichau J Terrio Fr.is l?o!irnuf 2d Lieiits Renj AVhife C'aprean Martin St'il. llobishau J no Hanks lAdjR Stone, cat) Q mr Jjio Ross Ciriac I?eIivo S-i J V Riisl:irk|ne;;o-ic While I Adj II Harrr, JVcsf In ,invoUs , ^l_."lli^_ i!!!^!*" UlHATT I.t (.'ol W F Ho:ir.eIl major, WniMuir John Williamg D Rodreau J Hatfield S D'E itremont P D'Entremont V. Porter Sil Por'er iM SKi\Tcrj Jno Rider 2d Licuts V, Rlanvcit G V Busk irk W Larkia J B Bodreau Captiuas R TtiriibiiJl J Timpanv T n RijfTiiles I) Uulheriord Ed\v Mor;;-m J K ?,Ior on, adj M Mev'oihiell } 1st Llfc'it.s ('has Tucker {< 'has I^;dd 11 fen Stewart |C;h:>sC Moody L^rael liKent jJjioAVi.rd 2d Lieuts Shell)}! rnt He IstPATT. , ,„ LtCoIJiJli.i.kirkfr;^.^,^'"'^^ T r» !<-" '^ „ 1 (^has Meliarrm - (r 11. .slow, adj J?eiij Perry V/ni Ci olden J.is Ban !''y P Spear water J 1) W White 1st Lie'jts Sniril l.oelc C' (,'ainpbcll, jr \\yin McMiiian 'i'hos Jo!;i;sLon Jas ]'ini';a3'- Jno Kir.}^ 2d iJeuts. Rieli. Ki'.v; D ?.Iatt!.e'.vs M D'Entremdnt Adj DVNofder/f| Capt Q rnr Jas Lent ^\\ E:ce'l Cleaveland MR HiitclJiison! Wm Me Alpine ('iiptaius Robi Stoiu^, adj Jas Iiyji()-.n E Pliinney Areh I licks rarsha]l Jno ^uiiU) Joi;e.-;'VforehOi.isejJas GriiVin \VG Taylor Geo Boole Alj)!ie!is Jones Iw A/wir Adj J E MorionlAd) I GEnsIovv,' QmrVi^TavIor I capt 2d BAT r. iQmrJTo-tji J Lt Coi 8Do:jcetl major Saml Campbell Captains H Brrr S:.ml WJ,i;e Jos T.irrio F A Poliicliau J Porer Jno Ilolden I it Lieuts Jos Wl.-i e Jo.i Commo Geo Tax .or J Parrey 3d BATT. LtColJj.oBingay Major G B V .\'o!(lea Captains Geo F^iii;^ay, Jas Dane 1) Pattm Israel Kelly \^'0n\ Lewis Jolin ( ook -M Killnm A H iiitinpUm 1st Ileiiti Jas Allen iTlo^ Tooker M Shaw Jo Shaw* 2d BA'i r Li Col Abram Lent ^ Til 'or J .I\Tei'Iij;i,oa (■n)niuas Dr?:o.deM,adjt!^' ''-•^"' J.isIIoMidd ||->5'Ov.en AVWhiehoM^e iVll'°" . .MirEntremontit^ Raymond J Servaa jG Bor.il !J Pat (in 'ZCh-ircLill R Robins • 2d JJe;U3 C Lewis M Amcro I) l-'odreaii TLeo K Frost 1st Licuts J C'arin J ( 'ro.-hy H Hiintirgylon Slayley B.own iH Chipiuaa J P i: Jos Fr n J R !)( J '>\'hii ( J Ro; Jon ]J. John ( J..S \i ilat J Isl F T.-i T F,-ef IV Fie( > farmer's ALMAIIACK. Jos Stoneraan |N Mcintosh Ee K KcyriOld'J 1st Lieu 13 S Keniiey .lo.hio (.'ovill E Ki.owies, JoHii Atwood 2d I.ieuts Tbos Collin Jas Keniiey J C^ Crowell Geo Freeman Jno McDonald A McDonald Cieo Freeman Robt J)arro',v Jr.o H Freeman ElkR:;Ovvles '.las A 'i'a>ior jllei) Ciodiey Jiio Kemjj'on Jiobt Ilolerts Philip Ma'-on Jos Undoif John Hebb Geo Fa;n'y John Er!ist Fras lioeli'.cr Jr.o Frederick G'arret Miller Jos Miller AdiGTSo'orr.o'i 50 |Adj H Ernst iQm J B C'omingo iSg Jno Harley jCArn KRETO>. I l.s7 nattalion i J.s7 I{ro-L I Lt Col IChas E Leonard 1 Ma r^r ,^ ,- ,, , I eter H Clarke QmrD Sl^ranij ^-.p^rdus iSaml Phht jllenW Crawlej "Win CJaminell jSg G J r cobs 2d IJATT. Lt. Col. Jtio Heckaian JMaois. 'John E/ans Aai \/ I'reeinan, ,• ,, . , • . I J ( reu'lilon capt I, ; , Q T 1 rr r^ |J'-»''' ^ 1 i omf mrJohnil De-I ,, on waal I ISg A Webster I lAstdo D tiiieve! Cap'ain- '( Ilcn iOnisl, adj G l\n\' Geo 'iur,'z;oy!io Iitu;iment. Lt Col Jos Freeman majors J R De-A olf J >\' hitman ( aptains J Robcris J(j:i ]J«*,v o!f ^'i m li ray lor John Campbell 1st HATT. Ip Pt r^ri LtCoIJC Rudolf; JiH.TIunt Ma':ors. jrjco Lanuillo Wrn Rudolf (rarret Miller C;on< 1 1 i ••; W Freeman, adj'P Arreidjor;^ J.on j 2dLie;:is A Z\:'u l:rr 1^ O' Dii- <) A". 1 Li-iiL IF M)!l/. A L.M.tz Jos ] ovd'ov ll-DGildci-t \]uhv 7.V h'kor IM Publicover I Sam Ri;j,by, adj JRich Rrown ;(J Me A I pine IvVmR ]',:dl jChas M L>o*:.» lEdm M Dod'J i(' Rarringfon 'Jno Sco t John F^enis Isl ijiejc!< 'John Hagnall I'rancis Dixori Luke Hall 'JJe\^■i.s Rrown lOo Ri:{,l)y 'Josh Week. 9 Win Gjunnie'd |(. hH< Duiiiarev^ I An. old Holuie* lJ:.o Hill |Jmo Martell jPettr Mooip |S\{| B.'.rring.oa 'J; o Mar.'hail jj^ii.i Currie lAi^xCarr-pled ii'os i'enui'O'e l>;e;;i ;\]cNeiii D INFcDonald Vv'ni ( driic A.t'g MiGilvery .11 <) ]MiEii«iiran Rich (»i|,'i oi s, I'r ic'i S Ri;ibv,c;ipt PnirP Dei.yslf' (}i mr Jf)lin R.tll Sg Jno Vv'hii; as do VVmH.iir« I'M lUiinstRurt 'Ltcol r 60 u I I ! John R Smith |Jno Smith Desire Houdroit Geo nis^ot Jno Bjllfine A Hrymer J F Wilson F Ho (droit j r Lelievt iJos ^S ii-ion \\\ G f ANACK. Lieuts jJno MathewsonIA MrDonaldf |Duti Campbell Jno Proctor NMrMill.in Don C impbell F Mt'Pherson .T M( risO'i R M'Pher-on Don C'.i-iho'm Vicnir T('.rriot,jr, Alex Mur^-hi^on Don Campbell D Camoron A .Mclntyre Iliii^rh McKay Jno McKav Adj J L tro- inain adjDPHlier.rap mrijors jK Ivav-aiiaj^h I rnp*ai:is /rTMrM'i!li:i [Nath Clo'i-h ,'J..o C'aniplHill Men Taylor c;ipt'Mu« RniiMcKinnon Jjio Campbell A McDonald QmrJno\Valsh j^^^j.^, h^ Aiul^^b(!do,,.j„^ ycKeon 'Ui^:'llMfL A'co-/ I.,,-,v O'Hyrne l.t Col jI{ol)t (iray JL Kavana;ijh, jr ■ Ro'ot Patte;-«0!i Jno Dan Lo:;"an Jr.o Frarfcr J't«8p:>r)ing Rob; Sadiorlan^i adi J !'ro\vn,caj>,/ >K„ . AT 'vf,.vj-,,u 1 \ ^., .^ ^^ ^ ,, i J ,Lj..,..i -MtrsaD , j,ts ij;{« McLcIlatt A!ev ATv-Don:»ldjA MrLnllan Wm Watts |\Vm M.-Lcllan Jiio AIr-DouT?ld A Af'.- Donald lieuts TnoKoss Tn ) McKinnoH ma;, or !J L Trcmaiii,adj.;no McFariing j c;cr{rGt^^\'y>"^^>'^^^^^'lll AIcl)a:iaia «E FLf MoutaisiDav MrPLer^ionl"^"^ Havv.oy \Vi,» ^iciihtoa iF Ho ,ho . |Alox IJontoa Tkou Le iSoir |Jiio M cLougal) l-^HS Doyle AdjDCuiupbttH % \ (FINIS.) i -^•--^ A McDona!(f DiHi Campbell Don Campbell D Cameron A Mc In tyre iliiirh McKay Fno McKav Afij J I. tro- maiors Wm McKocn Men Tavlor cjint'iitvM RouMcKinnon hio Ca'.npbnll \ McDonald \ McLolIan \Vm Mr* Lei Ian Fiio AI'-DoiiT?ld A M'.- Donald I '.cuts TnoKoss Tri ) McKinnow fno McFarling Ta« McLcilau A Smith M () on L'iin^ Hoii.lrot Din .".rollae M McDonald VV:m C:im}»l)ell A Mc Iy,'llan A Mo Innis hio Mc Titdlan II McDa:iuld AdjDCuiupbell i.i