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University of the State of New York State Library Bulletin BIBLIOGRAPHY NO. 3 MAY 1897 SELFXT BIBLIOGRAPHY 'm TRAVEL IN NORTH AMERICA { (1Mi'U.i-:l> HY Charles William Plympton SUUMIl TEn FOH GRADUATION NEW YDRK STATE I.IliUARV SCHOOL, JUNE 189I REVISKD ISftfl Abbreviations 37 North America 37 British America 3^ Mexico 40 Central America 4' West Indies 42 United States, 1607-1775 44 1789-1812 44 1812-45 44 1845-61 45 1S61-65 -• 45 1865- 46 North Atlantic states 47 New England 47 New England {couliiiued) iace Maine 48 New I lampshire 49 Massachusetts , 49 Rhode Island 51 Connecticut 51 New York 51 Pennsylvania 53 South Atlantic states 53 l-'lorida 54 South central or Clulf states 55 North central or l.ake states 55 Western or Mountain states 56 Pacific states 5^ -\ ! P ' ■pu*'^ tl i, L yyi University of the State of New York State Library Bulletin Bibliography no. 3 April 1897 TRAVEL IN NORTH AMERICA AHUKKVIATIONS RefiToiiooH to works in more tliiiii oiii' voliiiuo nro iiiMtlo in tlicsamc form us in roole'H In(li.f to jivriiidicnl liliivliin', volume iiml i)iit,'o numlx'is bciiijr sc[iiir;itfil by a colon ; e. k- '^^' l'*'"* I'lt'iH''* vol. 3, ii;ij;t! lt.">. Anllionty is cit.-y the iler. The i>nees fjiveii are lor elotti hindinj;, unless otherwise speeilii'il. T 32 mo 11 12 mo *i i\m\.rU> S 10 1110 O 8 vo V (olio 917 NORTH AMERICA Appleton's handbook of summer resorts, il. maps, D. N. Y. 1896. Appleton, /a/fr 50c. Appleton's handbook of winter resorts, il. maps, I). X. Y. 1896. Appleton, />(j/>irr 50c. (;oniplete inrormiition as to winter sanilariums .uiil places of resoit in th(! United Stales, West Indies, Saiulwich Islands and Mexico. Benjamin, S: G. W, Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleas- ure, il. maps, O. N.Y. 1S78. Harper $3. The aiillior's ipiicdi eyo lor the pi(;turos(|iie in scene and incident and ch;irac- ter, his lirijiiit and easy style nnd;e the hook a very deli^htfnl one. — /.;/. world 9 : 42 Hahamas, Bcrniudas, .Magdalen islands, Xowfouiidlaud, Prince Edward islands, Isle of .Shoals and Cape lireton island. Ford, I: N. Tropical America, il. D. N. Y. 1893. Scribner $2. I'ersonal adventure is ajjreeably interspersed with economic detail, history and anecdote relieve each other, iutcresitinj,' and iiistrnetive.— C;i/ic 22 : 397 South America, Mexico, Central America and the Antilles. Hayden, F. V. & Selwyn, A. R. C. ! UKAIMNd LIST ON lUAVKI. IN NURtll AMF.UUA 39 Moodie, -'/'> Susanna. Rou^^hin;,' it in the biisii; ^r, Life in (.'anaila iS;, ■ -'V. in 1, O. N. V. 1X77. DuWitt $1. IMilMH-iiiMi' (Icscriptiiiiis of thr Willi Hcciurv of ('aiiiulii, liiiiiKiroMs picliirr* of a scttl.i's lilV 1111(1 well (lni\Mi skriclii's ofllii' riido Mini mil i^nt riiiiii'ii rlianiiMcrs of ilic I.;icliucpc>ils. — /,i7. ic.i)7(/, 17 .Inly IH.'iU' Packard, A. S. Labrador coast. il. map, O. N. Y. 1891. llotigcs .f.vso. .\ii iiullinitir acciiinil cf liie l,ilirii(lc.r coHst, its );t'ogriiiihV, its iHM>,ilf. Ilslii'n«s, giM.ldny, iiiiiiiiMN ami plaiits. l!ilili(Pf,'nipliy of tlic H\ib,i«!Ct.— /'«/'. wvekly, 11 Nov. 1891 Parkin, G: R. 'I'Hf great dominion ; studies of Canada. U. N. Y. 1S95, NLxcmillan $1.75. A most readalilo survey of the Canadian ]iroviii('('s, of nincli vultio and interest to the traveler in Caniidii.— . /. U. Umw f'arkman, Francis. Historic handbook of the northern tour; Lakes Cieorge and Champhtin, Niagara, Montreal, Quebec, maps, O. Host. 1895. Little $1.50. Narratives (d" the most striking events in coloinal history eonnoeted with the priiieipal points of iiiteresr to the tourist drawn from tiie • France and Hiigland in America ' series.— Sfov/oi/ Ralph, Julian. On Canada's frontier, il. O. N. Y. 1892. Harper $2.50. Journeys in western Canada in company with the artist Frederic Remington, and the two bring before the eye and mind a most, jiicturesipu) procession of indiaiia, fur dealers, frontiersmen, hunters aud wood.smon. — ChrlMan iinioit It! ; 3d6 Roberts, C: G. D. Canadian guide-book. il. map, S. N. Y. 1896. Appleton $1.50. A guide to eiisfern Canada and Newfoundland an■ '!"• 1!"^^- 1.S74. lloU.^lltcill $1. All .xnirsii.n to (':il»' 15ivtoM.--.S wri.t.n .0 years a,o tl,e Uo«t „r....ntmont of l,f. >n Jk\y\\vQ.—Si>ecl(iti>r ConklinE A. R. Ai.i.leton's sni.le to Mexico, indu.ling a cliai.tcr oi, (■u';"l'.la „n, an , ',«lis,^-Sl»»i* vocabulary. New e.l. .1. n,a„s, 1). N. Y. i8no. Apploton $2. l„f..r.uatiun is won.lerf.dly cou,!.,...! iu it, an.l I won.ler at its co.npletencBS ill so "ittlosiiMc.". — r. N. (Inint Gooch Mrs F. C. Face to face with the Mexicans; seven years' ''^iarLLrsewtththen. il. O. N. Y. t8S8. F-ds 3.50. A .,..as,„v of roniauc, l.-«e„a, history, ,.ict,.re..,"e deHcnptu... and genial humor. --.1/ /.■"'"<'•<., M A. D. Hrre and ihnc in Yii. .ilan. S. N. V. i,SS6. liouton $i.2S- A ,|i,„ kOiIv rt.a.lMl.lf vt.lM , Willi nni.h In it ..f n-Vfl un.l inHiiiiflivf iiMtl witlis...,i..s|..ri.^.Ht.f ..xplorint; liiaU an.! lianNliips Ht.mllv l.t.mo.-.VtWi '-'1 July 1HH7 Ober, F:A. Travel, in Mexico an.l life amnii- ihc McnI. ans. O. lk)st. 18S7. Estes $3.50. Mr(U.rris.uifMllniHla.lir iravfl.T who wiilfs of what hf has s.rti in niuif than ..no joi.nu.y an.l xNilh a h.-aily lut.-re.si in ev,M.vthliiK lie b.'.-s. — I".^"'"' mdullilil .".3: 81'..") Smith, F. H. Wliite umbrella in Mexico, il. S. Bost. i88<;. Hough- ton ^i.SO' Skc'lihcH i.f stri'i'l sffiifH by an nrtiHl .— ^■((l•.'/(■"J Stephens, J: L. Incidents of travel in Yucatan, 1S41-42. 2 v. il. O. N. Y. 1S4S. Harper $6. Racy iiarraiiviv dear tk.s..rii.ti..nH an.l HlnUiiiK ifprt.H..ntati..ii« -.f tlilapi.latftl archiifftural mat;iiirH'fiiiM'.— .V'.)//i .li/'cr. n r. 'u : M Wells, D: A. Study of Me.xico. I). N. Y. 1890. Appleton .$1. .Ml- wl-lN iM an ,.oono.i'iist. a Mii.l.'iit in scfiolt.K.v mm.I a statistician. His visit to Moxifo naturally If.l him to i.msuf in,|nirifs in Iho lifl.l wher.' Uv. was most at ht>m.. antl Iht- results he veneh-s are tht.se of a traine.l mintl, what ho say.s is well worth reailin^.— J"('"'(c m.»H//i/.i/ .".'.»: 715 917.28 Central America Bates, H : W. <•vi...iH IviMn.lt.Jp' of llio .'..iintry and |..'»i,U..- /•V(i»('r'» iiiinjn:iiir !.">: I7."> Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, 1839 40. jv. il. maps, (). N. V. 1852. Harper $6. Not in.'irly liio iTcoid of an arclicilpniral tonr ... if all tin' portion . . . wliirh li.sirs tiiisoininicter wern witli.lrawn, thwro would iTniain a work, tlinii whi.li none lia^lalrlv fiill.'n in our way more ri.di in entertumuuM.t and instruc tion.— A'iir//i Amtr.n'v. .Mt;.")0.") Vincent, Frank. In and out of Central America, il. map, D. N. Y. 1890. Appleton $2. ContniiiHHkotidies of travel in littlo known regions ou the western coast of Central America. 917.29 West Indies Ballou, M. M. Due south; or, Cuba past and present. I). Best. 1885. Houghton $1.50. TlioUKlitho author makes his Low .siircially to the 'Goni of thr AnliUe.s' ho has much that is deiiKhttiil to s;iy about Nassau and New riovidencu and the Hahanni arThipolago.— 'Vi/(c ": i.'80 Brassey, Anne, /l ii\ I l< W I I IN SiiKIII \Mll.!li \ 45 Eves, C. W. WCsi liiilii-^. (>. I.Diiil. iSS.). I.ow 7s. f.il. Mil V III' ri'iiil with pliilil li.\ III! w III! i|r-ili« In iiifdliii tlirir liiiliili ii- to tlii'liis- for.V, I'dliilil ions Jiliil pi iirli in the Wi'st Imlii's ; nr, Tlu' Imu nt' llyssts, ( t. .\. \'. iSijj. Scriliiicr .^1.75. Its liiiii' is wlioli'soiiii' mill ilH iniiin ronrliision iii
  • piil;ilili' . . . lliil I'.iiulii ml NJiiiiilil tiiUi' oviT till' i;ovt!iiiiiii-iit nf till' Wi'st Inilirs tii iiiiiiiinihti'r it iittcr tlio I'.iist Inilillii liiMiiIiHr, ilollijf iiwiiv with tin' I'liirn of loral rrpirsi'iilativii iissriil- \,\\vH.Stliinlini in: 115:110 Hazard, Samuel. S.uito Dmnin;;!), past ami present; with a glance at Hayti, 1S71. 11. maps, (). N. \'. i.S7,:5. Harper .^3.50. A I'onili'iiM'il iii story of lint li pints of tin- iNliiiiil iiinl it ili'sirilus in a rnailnlile iiiaiim-r llir aiil lior'.s cNpiriciifr of triivrl llii'i'i'. — .\iithi)i Hearn, Lafcadio. i'wo years in the IrctKli West Indies. 1). N. Y. 1890. Harper $j. A stiiily of lifo in .Martiiiii|iii'. IIi- lia.s ranulit Ihr liriliianoii of iropiiMl fnlor- ilij; iinil lias ini)iirssi'il its lull's upon liis own piiKi'^-- Vii/moi, .'! .Inly IfC.MI Heilprin, Angelo. liernuida islands. O. i'liil. 1SS9. Acad, of naliiral science $3.50. Ill- Ill's wiittmi ino.st iU;liKli'fiilly as well as HcMoiitillcally of tlio imoplo, plunts, nniniiiJH anil j;foloj,'v ol'tlii» iri-sc'iit of islainls; pnckril witli intiTi'stiiii; infornia- tioii as it is, we coii.siilor it on tlio whok' tin" liu^t volnnii' on Ilir .snlijoi'l. — ( ■litir ir. ; 2.". I Kingsley, Charles. At last; a Christmas in the West Indies, 1869. 2v. il. I). .\. Y. 1871. Macmillan $1.25. Pii'Msant iiiclnres of the boanties of tin- islands ami their siirroiunUni^ waters. — .\V(^;«» 1;?: (K) Ober, F : A, Camps in the t'aribbees; the adventures of 11 naturalist in the Lesser Antilles, il. (). Host. 1880. Lee $2.50. Conveys in a popular inannor a ^'ooil ih'.il of iiiforiniition on various braneheH of niitural history, an interesting though not at all oxhaiistive work. — Xatioii, 2!l ,Iaii. im) Paton, W: A. Down the islands; a voyage to the (\aribbees. il. O. X. Y. 18S7. Scribner $4. Hreezy (les('ri)>tioiis of the little jiiirailise known to inortals us tlie Wimlwaril isles, wliii'h stretches in a ehain of never uiuliniu; ileli;Aht from St Thoin,is to the Spanish miiin. — Xalioti, 20 Dee. 1887 St John, .SVV Spenser. Ilayti; or, The black republic. New ed map, (). N. Y. 1890. Scribner $2.50. We must nilniire the richness and variety of his knowledge and his evident in- tention to <;et at the facts, in spite of his prejudices. — Crilic 14 : 207 4 44 TroUope, Anthony. \V N. V. iSf.o. Harper $1.50. SKW YORK STATK I.U'.KAUY est hulKS ana the Spanish main. ,839. D. llis.,'.,s>.,v..i..nsan.ahva.vs..utw.t:unn,,'.-A,.//, .1" ii. 1). rhii 1895- 917.3 United States 1607-1775 Wharton, Anne H. Colonial days and dames. Lippincott *i.25. ,:i„.,.illv si.iiuUh'a wilh ox- traetslVomlcltor.s.jo.irnals, olr. Ml tlu i..n.a. 1789-1812 1 ;. N.nv Kn'^land and New York, 179^^- Dwight, Timothy. I ravels m Ncu Indian ,sTo. , V. maps, ( ). New Haven .8.1-^2 - ^ ^^^^^ .^ T.,o„„.t„o. ..1..S. initM-.-^o-. '';;j; -'':,., „.., t.o..o.„.. ..n,iuusan.ntvvni.lonvea.HiM...>alv.lu..ho .nu, .,n,is,..K,yan.Uns«.-r,x,ou..-^..er's black and white ser.) ;:-;,„ "ri?::.^""-'.-- ..»-.......■.-— « DiCeas, Charles. A,ne,ican ,"!^' 84^. ■'■ "■ N.V..«,3.M»c- millan $i. . , , ,„f ..ml miiilv 11.- has stciToil j;:r;:;;:;ir:;::s;;r;^^^^ « - be tl,c tn.'lK— V^'W/- vl»N-rkv» r.r. ;.b : 2o() Various. >l!u'r edition.-. Hall, Basil. Travels in North America in the years .-: and tS.8. ,,:,) l.hU.r8.9. ^-^';--^ti^^;:: ;.L.ionw,,i..,.r..i.n.in This vvork .in fuvuisl, focHl lor tlu. ap.-t t. ^or 1. oL m-itaiu toward this .ouut,.y.-A-..W.. n. . -) • 3-o T „ SV. Charles Travels in North America in 1841-43 ; wtth geo- Lyell, Sn Charles, ira ^,^^,,^ ^^^^,^_ logical observations on the Inited States, »... i. 2v.il. maps,]). Lond. .845- Murray../. l„t.'restint.^val«ab■u^sci.ntim^-^-'''<'< . • . • AniPrin --V 1>. N. \. 1837. Martineau, Harriet. Socety m Amenca. .s. Saunders and Otley <>. />■ i— jf n1 I in ish main. 1S39. I). ,;.iv are ih;ii>ti''-^ ii'^" "" uru.:! im.l lli<- r.cnnu.liis. •. rer. '.10 : 'JS') CS. ii. 1). riiii. uS95- „.,.;,lly si.iiuUl.'a Willi ox- , .and New York, 1796- imix.itMiit of Hr l)vvi!;lit« ,10, wlmtevov may l)oi'()in.' , years ago. T. N. ^• iiito ser.) il. 1). N.Y. 1893. Mac- ■on\ luai.ly. II.- buH st.H'io.l point of wl."t bo .leciiis to the years 1827 and 1828. r detra.'tioii wbi.'b v.'isins ni erica in 1841-4-' ; ^^''t^^ 8^^''- Canada and Nova Scotia. /■ ica. 2v. 1). N. Y. 1837- RKADING LIST ON TK.WIX I.\ NOKlll WIIKIiA 45 Martineau, Harriet, ketrospect of wL'stirn travel. 2v. I). N.^■. 1S38. Harper <'./>. No oiif wlio wislii's to t'oiin a corrccl MiHl i'iibii>;cii vii'w of lln' cbaiai'liT, iii- slitutioiis. lesiiuicc's anil |ii'os|ii'i'h' of Aiin-rica slioiild fail to liciiisi' Mi^s Maili- niiiu's voiunii-s. — I'.cU'flic rir. Trollope, -lA.*' F. E. M. Dome 'ic. m.mncrs of the Americans, 1S27- ,V. Newed. 2 v. il. D. N. V. 189^. l)odd$3.5o. Tliouuli sonic of licr strii-tnif.s ar<' well nu'iilcil, the book is conceived in bit tcrnesH .-iiiil ill nature; wbal is trnly saiil is un^racionsiy said: nineb is said on liearsay wiiicii is 110I true; niucdi bs caricatured and exaj;i;cratod.— .Vm //< Aiinf. rev. :!6:38 1845-61 Bremer, Fredrika. Homes of the now world ; impressions of .Amer- ica. 184951. 2v. 1). N. V. 1853. Harper ('./'. Tlip love of nature, unliniilcd failli in goodness and a ncrception of liuiinn- are brigbtly disidayed. — A'/, irorlil l;!:211 Lyell, Sir Charles. Second visit to the United States of North America, 1S45-46. 2 v. 1). N. Y. iS.uj. Harper $3. The nuitcrials whicli he lias liroujjlit to^cllur arc more eomiilete and trust- vortliy tban can be fouml in any single I'ook of travels in .Vnieiica witb which we are ac(|nainled. — Smth .liiicr. nr. C)[i : 'i^'t'.i 1861-65 Russell, W: H. My diary, north and south. O. N. Y. 1863. Harper (>./>. Author was coirespondc?it of the London ri/Kcs ami sympathizes with the south in the civil war. Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in .\merica ; tr. by Henry Reeve, ed. with notes by Francis Bowen. Kd. 6. 2 v. O. Host. 1876. J: Allyn $3. This famous book is a work of undoubted genius . , . it still remains perhaiKS the most valuablo book ever written on American iiislitui ions.— Adams. Maiiitiil of hixf. lit. The abovi' IS now out of print but a new edition will soon be issue 12 : 2S2 R.Pdeker Karl ed. United States; with an excursion into Mexico; Baedeker, K.ari, c m v i8qii Imported by Scnb- handl.ook for travellers, maps, S. iN. V. i»93- 1 ner $3.60 //"■"•' «"^ --' ""■" and s.. far as wo .•;>" ju.lf;.', aceurate.-.Naf.o» Bishop, N. H. voyage or a „ape, canoe; a . . . i--;>-;;^.50o m,le, from Qucb« to the CM ot Mex.co f^eiit'ral- tullia' iiifonniitiou — Sdtioii 5ti: 477 bicycle; by Karl .(I with groiit labor , journey of 2,500 . . 1874 and 1875. 1 uot be concealed. — I. D. N. Y. 1895. rained and practised ■ly glance iH.— ^'((^'•>» :d. enl. 2v. 1). N.Y. s and tticir character 67. Lippincott $2. mninities. RKADINi; LIST ON TRAVKI, IN NORTH AMKRKA 47 Dixon, W: H. Greater America: hits and hints by a foreign resi- dent. I). N. V. 18S7. A. LovclU\; CO. />./>. There is no book, we think, which gives so oh^r, agreeable and instructive views of the Xew England coast. — Lit. nuirlil (i : 'JO Earle, Mrs Alice Morse. Customs and fashions in old New Eng- land. I). N. Y. 1893. Scribner $1.25. Social side of the puritan's life from the cradle to the grave. -t^-y ISS! 48 NKW YORK STATK I.II'.RARY Rollins, Mr-< Ellen Hobbs). New Kngland bygones; by E. H. .\rr sq (). riiil. 1883. Lipi'incott. $2.25. f V .vv Knol-.n-l lif.' in tl... more rural .listricls, with it« sfrn „:::,!:;::;;:;;:;:;:: '-t::. > -,„ .„ ., .■ .-. «». • ™- „ hi.'lll.Ml.Hl. — A'<((("".><-'>>l.Vr 1^^" c;w^etser M F nl. New I'nglan.l ; a guide for the chief cities at^l Sweetser, M h. b ^ Houghton if. .so. lH)nular resorts. I'.u. 17. ni.ipN, .^. j Mr Swo-tsor is t.. N.'W Kn.h.n.l wi.at H:....lela.r is t. Knropo, ->'> ^-"^ r..ay.U-i..m..s.l.-yaroinv.,ual.l...--/w-n-/''''-'n;,/(nosto.,) 917. 41 Maine nsCoSta B • F. R:m,Ulc, in M. Desc,-, ; will, skcR-l,« of .ravel on "■ Kn„ln„a cons, from ,lK.U,c. of Shoals ,0 Gr.nd Mennn. ,1. S \, Y. 1 87 1. Randolph. Wn.t.n in •. MM. as .ool an.t „„i..t as th. l>l.n no'eh lan.W-a,H- whi.l- .8 ,:.::;;: :;.i:s.:n -'- -.-- ,...«.. ..00....... ;„,,...«„ a ,„u.U-.,„>,k an.l a pm-sonal „arr,>„ .n ct „..vol.-.N..'-" Drakes -A. I'ine tree coast, il O. Host. 1891. Kstes $3- „ ,,',,, „uo„H. . . f. ' Ki"->- >" l--n.ort an.l ,atl>.-rs about -aob spot ' is tho la,u,s..ap,., sU.„-i..s tlio inl.abitnn.H a... ....asionally ■'=;;-;::::— ^^ 1890 Lowell, J. R. A Moosehead journal ( see his Fireside travels p. 89- I-.) ' Host. 1864. Houghton $1.50. (■(|ual.— f'/i)-i.v/ii(" (xaiimity n : 3it) Thoreau.H:D: Maine woods. H. Host. ,892. "oughton $t 50. The plain, una.lov 1 nariation ,.r tlu-s., excu, sio.s, with 't-; -™P^ ''"J "' ; ..tl aos'riptlou^, ana the ,uaiut rene.,ious which interspor.e .1, ts .trauge.y Wmthrop, Theodore. Life in the open air and other papers. D. N Y 1862. U. S. book CO. $1.25. Intorelting an,l aniu.atnl account of a trip to the lak.s of Maine, the Penob- Hcot river anciii>i' whicli is soit of eoiiiproinise lion Kstes $3. cvH iiboiit I'ai'li spot ts iui- 89- ition anil ln';iity (mi- ,v booUsol' travel can Houghton $1.50. its simple iintl min- se it, is strangely in- other papers. D. )£ Maine, tlie Penob- RKADINC. t.lST ON TKAVKI. IN NORIH AMKRICA 49 917.42 New Hampshire Aldrich, T: B. .\n old town by the sea. D. Rost. 1893. Houghton $1. Tlie history trailitioiis ami .l.'scrii.tion of I'l.rlsmoiilh, in thcms.'lvos no morn pirtni.'Siiuc or iMs.-inatinj,' than tiio-o of olh.'r Nrw KnKhiml towns, th.^so trilles btTomo.lelighlfHl tliroiigli thl^ma-i(■ loiu'h of tli.ir historiiin ami Invor.-Dial KiioS Eolles, Frank. At the north of i'.earcami. water; chronicles of a stroller in New England from July to December. 1). Bost. 1893. Houghton $1.25. Very pIoaHimt ami rnsy roading ... he choosos his wonls simply withoni posing for riT.'i't as a scientist or moralist . . . ahonmling in (iiiiet luimor.— Ai/. irnyld 24 : 7(> King, T:S. The White hills; their legends. Iani1scai>e, and poetry. il. C). N. V. 1870. (preface /Sjg) Hurd \- Houghton $3. With his own masnilii'enl i.iosi' p"'''i' '""'''i^ Inst. ■fully intcrwn'atlieil all tho .■li„i,... litenlnr.-amlimi.tiy oflhe Whito hilU;HU.l at tlM- siimo tinu- has put into littin- shap'' not only tho Im'al history Imt the rii'h Ic-iMiiliiry huv, muih of it lii-fori' nu\vntti'U.--A'i)r'/i .imn: rvf. ',IO:L'."iO Sweetser M. F. The White Mountains; a handbook for travelleib. Kd. i6enl. il. map, S. Bost. 1896. Houghton .$1.50. T!,.' best book overmailc for a simihir piupose. It im.v.ms the .uiounil so eiun- plel.ly ih;it as a matter of .■I'onomy no visitor to the While niounliiins shniil.l be without i;.— .l/((.'/<(;i"i' (;/■ Amiiicdii liixlorii Thaxler, A/rs Celia Laighton. Among the Isles of Shoals. S. liost. 1892. Houghton $1.35. The book is not a piiilehook exaetly. It is something moie ami heller— a cr Ward, J. K. White Mountains ; a guide to their interpretation, il. map, 1). X. V. 1896. Houghton $1.25. >!r Want's intention is to base upon a description of eharaetoristii; passages in thp mountain regi.m the rolleetioMs which a contemplative mind, already en- lightened by the prophetic voice of poetry and religion, naturally makes.— ^^ lantic monthly iu : VSA 917. 44 Massachusettsv Austin, Jane (Goodwin). Nantucket scraps. S. Bost. 1883. Houghton $1.50. Neither novel, essay nor history but only 'scraps' and yet, we must add, very toothsome scraps relating to a truly ipiaint and charming island . . . with a unique history and people.— /.i(. irorhl 14 : 20 dhJI 5° NI'.W VOKK STATK MHUARY ■9; Bacon E M >'./. Boston illustrate.!; a familiar guide to Hoslon and neighborhood, il. maps. 1). Host. 1893. Houghton, /-r/.r 50c:. (...,„ains.l.H..,i,.ti..nsorpuUlic l.uilcUnps and institutions, bus,n..ss 0,1.1,,.... ..„n.s !m,l s,>..i..„..s, ,,:,Hnents an.l .tatuc., tl,.. l.a,l,..r an,' islaii,ls, \N ith Klitnpsfs of jiVi'Mrr H,.st,)n. Bates, J/'^- Arlo. OldSalcm; by Kleanor Putnam. S. Bost. 1886. Houghton $1. , . . With all i.R rra,n,.nta>i,„.ss it is a .listin..t bit of lit...-atun. . . . s,Mn....u„g t.. value, n,.t merely because ....an never hav.,an..th..rfr..n. its erca.or, b-t, because it is in itself a iWWgM.-.ltlanlic monlhJn .-.8: '269 BoUes Frank. Land of the lingering snow; chronicles of a .stroller in New' England from January to June. D. Best. 1891. Houghton w'iks in Arliuj;tou. Beluu.ut, Waverly. ritohburg. Milton, Cl.ocorua and to Higliland liKlit. Drake, S: A. Old landmarks and historic personages of Bobton. il. ■ D. Host. 1873. Roberts $2. A valuable bo..k . . . Mr Drnk.. has a ,.leamiutly m.pe.lantic way <.f uuparl- ing kuowlo.l«e a.ul has certainly si.are.l neither time nor labor iu accumulatn.g his materials.— -Va'io" Glimpses of pilgrim Plymouth, il. ob. D. Plymouth, Mass. i8qi. a. S. Burbank $1.75- Views in ,.h..togravure acccnpanied with extracts of descriptive h.story. HowellsW:D. Three villages. T. Bosl. 1884. Houghton $1.25 1„ Mr Howells' most characteristi.' vein »f ph.,tographic minuteness, tou.^hed up with his d.'licate huuu)r.— Li*, uorld 15 : 193 Le-KiuKton, Mass., Shirley, Mass. and Gnadenluitten, O. Kemhle, Mrs F. A. Far away and long ago. S. N. Y. 1889. Holt A sket.h of life o^ or 60 years ago in Berkshire county . . . very agreeably done.— -VdfioH, 8 Aug. 1889 Lothrop, Mrs H: M. \\t\. — Crilic 1'2 : liO Kiifu'hl, H-iiupshire founty. 917.45 Rhode Island Higginson, T: W. Oldpoit days. S. Bost. 1888. I.ce $1.50. Skeli'iies (if life and nianiicrs at Newport. Newport illustrated by sketches with pen and camera; with a dictionary of Newport, il. maps, 1). Newport, R. I. 1891. C. E. Hammett jr, paper 25c. Succinct acconiit of fashionaldc Newport and ila sunoiindings, with a chap- ter on its early history. Tolman, M. M. Pleasant places in Rhode Island, il. O. Provi- dence, R. 1. 1895. Providence journal co. 35c. a'<'/. Excellent guide to jilnces along Narragansett hay imd also in tins interior of the state. 917.46 Connecticut Decrow, W. E. Yale and the City of elms. New ed. il. Q. New Haven 1895. E; P. Judd co. boards 75c. net; cloth $1.25 net. 917.47 New York Appleton's dictionary of New York and its vicinity, maps, S. N. Y. 1896. Appleton, yfcA-. r/tf/// 60c.; /(^/cv 30C. Alphab(!tic descriptive index and ffiiide to places, institutions, societies, aranseiuents, resorts, etc., in and ahout Now Vork. Curtis, G: W: Lotus eating; a summer book. il. D. N. Y. 1852. Harper $1.50. Coiitents: The Hudson and the l{hine; Calskill ; Trenton ; Niagara; Saratoga; Lake George; Xahaiit; Newiiort. Howells, W: D. Their wedding journey. 1). ""Bost. 1892. Houghton Essentially a series of travcd pictures and (■haiacler sketches, thrown off with the author's usual photograpliic ^uid plionofirapliic accuracy, and it is one of his erispest and cleverest works. — />(«/, 17:;W8 The Hudson, Niagara falls, the St Lawrence, Quehee. i! NMW VdUK STMK MltKAKV $1.25; /"/'•;• 5°^- ,„,.,H,.,iv,., l.v-nov,.„H, l,Uton.-al a.u. H.i.ntifio Janvier, T: A. I. ol.l New York, U. .nap. D. N. V. .«94. Harper $i.75. . ^,,, ,„,.,,,,,h,v, of ,.....■!. lornl .,^;;;;:;:;;.:Ti:::::':.-:;>^...-^^^ '-'-' KobbeTGustav. N.w V„rW „„.l i.. environ. ,.. .m„s, S. N. V. 1891. Harper ^i. :., ;t.H,.i..,.ii.«ii, an'l '•'""l"**"*'" a oreat .loal nnnConnano,, int., l..s> Ilia.. .U)0 ,.a,c. Murray, W: H: H. Lake Chau.plain ana its shores. D- ^ost. ,890. l)e Wolfe, I'iske .S: co. $1. Aai.«...^.c.Us; iM,.,lai..shist...-ical .v..>....Mr...rs a...! la. t> Northrup, A. J. Ca.ps and tra.ps in .he Ad-rondacks. S. S>ra case 1882. Hardeen $1.25. A.iiron.h.oks of tl.o woo.ls Nvo.ul.y. ..(• .1... '.au'l' >>">>'>• •'"" Phis H P. A"«.nyi. M.»'*^ ' --"5"'' «"'"= ":';;::';"''' searing, -IM A. E. (Pidgeon). ..»«, of Ri„ Van U.nMo. ,i. O. N. V. .885. ''"";:™*;;;,^-^..„,,,„ ,,^ „„„.„„,.„ ............tiv...r« l,t>K.'i..lH iVi.l .k's.np.i.x.s ol the CalsK.ii ii„ i<..ir..ey .hroujih it. . 1 m V 1800 Stoddard, S.R. Lake Ceorge and Saratoga .Uustrated. N. V ,890. Rand, McNally, cM/i 50c ; A'A''' 25c. . ,• 1 ,.i-c il man D. Syracuse logS- Wallace, E. R. The Ad.rondacks. .1. map, > Watson Gill $3'5o- Warner. C: D. l.> the wilderness; Adirondack essays. New ed. enl. S. Bust. 1878. Houghton $1. „„„,,,„,,,, wroic- 1, i«as .,o.ha...l f.-a«.autof the woods an a..jth,..g /.•reH.-H!/ biiUetin (I'Lihuldi-bia) ukai>im; i.isr on iravii. in nokih amiku a 53 etc souvenir lichols, cloth and Hcii'ntiflc N. Y. i894- ol' liiucli locftl i,ll„ii I'lict and ps, S. N. Y. D. Bost. iiclitsnifii ; pt 4 slKircs of I-akf :ks. S. S> ra- il,. AdiiKiKlaokst IrtMiins liouty.— and resiilent's Vi, paper 25c. Winkle, il. O. tlio nainitivo of a d. N. Y. 1890. Syracuse 1895. jsays. New ed. icaii L-ver wrolc— 917.48 Pennsylvania Hartranft. R. C. I'ockct k"''''- ■""' liandhook of tlic city of I'lula- (idphia. New ed. il. map, 1'. I'liil. iSSf,. Hartranft, /•t. piililic mid liislcnic liuildiliijM, etc.; iiInii mIiows 111!' loriition of all lln' slrpcts. Kelly, J. M., cc;///. Handbook o( Clrcater Pittshurg ; first animal ed. il. mai), 1). I'ittsbiirK. if<95. J- M- Kelly co. half clolh. WestCOtt, Thompson. Historic mansions and buildings of I'hila- (lelpliia. il. ( ). Phil. 1S77. I'ortcr $5. Till' writcr'M oltjcct is to ^iiillicr in fvcrv f:icl of intorrst or pcrnoii of nolo rciiited liowcvcr icniololy to liis lliciiii' . . . iiini liis liook .should find 11 ready sale ontsidc of Pliiliidtdphiii, iis wrll :is :it 1 le. — .V((h'o», - .May IK7S Wharton, Anne H. Through colonial doorways, il. D. I'hil. 1893. Lippincolt $1.25. Folk lore and (loaiiit t:ilos of old Pliiladelpliia sot-iety. The receptionN aixl asitciuldii's, the iniiniels and card parlies, ihe dabUlinKs in philosophy ami ■(Mfiiiee (if till! colonial and levolmionary period are faithfully descrilied from oriffinal doeiinieiits and .shed a^'reealih' light on higher and more coniplirated sulijeels. — Critir 23: !!• 917.5 South Atlantic states Evans, G: G. <;l. Washington illustrated, a visitor's companion at our nation's capital ; a guide to Washington and its environs, il. map, I). Phil. 1892. Kvans, liofh $1.50 : $2 ; half vwr. $2.25 ; $2.50 ; inor. $3. In all respeot.s it will prove an excellent ynidohoiik to W.ishin^'ton, while its more extended seoiie and eoniplrleiiess in detail make it well worthy of ti placo on the sliidf devoteil (o referenee works.— '/uid/idii lui'ww 15:1261 Goodwin, Mrs Maude (Wilder). The colonial cavalier; or, Southern life before the revolution. U. N. Y. 1894. Lovell, Coryell iV co. .$1. A delii{htl'ul sketch of tlie eolonial cavalier in his liome, cbureh, state and social reliitioTis. — Outlook HO: 1019 Hollander, J. H. Guide to the city of Baltimore. D. Bait. 1893. Murphy 75c. Kemble, Mrs F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgia plantation in 1838-39. D. N. Y. 1863. Harper $1.50. The first ample, Incid, faithful, detailed account from the actual lieadciuarters of a slave plantation in this eonntry— .l//«ii/ic moiitlih/, Ani;uNt 181)3. Nordhoff, Charles. Cotton .states in the spring and summer of 1875. O. N. Y. 1876. Appleton,/^7/r;- 50c. Describes the political and indnstri.il conditions of Arkansas, liOuisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia, the result of un exploration made for the Xew i'ork herald. ,jJk\ 54 NK.W VOKK Si A IK l.ir.KAKY 1 ,i>,„- i invellei's observationi <>n "• ^,- y^ '""■ """",„':';:,„,;:;'. i-- ■ ■ ' '■•;'" ValnaMo lu'riiUM< . • • i,.,.i.„,w his ionriu'\H. not in order to v.-rify ,,.rvi..n.ly f...nuMl o,.,i,n.n.. l.nt t<, . '11. . t opinmos.- ■>•<"•"••'""•'• '•"'•'■"■■-'■ ^ ., *,,, .„ ,ie .1, n \ Y 1802. Scnbner ^1.25- Page,T:N. The old S.n, h D. ^-yj ,„.„ „.,..Uellnm Writ...,, ol.ar..,iM«l>->»..-. >h .0 sonHy. n<. 1 Ralph, Julian, nixie ; or, Southern scenes an. ..et.hcs. .h O. N Y. 1804. Harper $2.50- Strother, D: H: Virginia illustratcl, by I'o.te ( .a>on , .85 ^rner C- D. On horseback; a tour in Virginia North Carolina "^^T'^,^;.^, with notes of travel in Mexico and CahO^rnta. D. Boston 1889. Houghton $1.25. „.,;„, l,u,„or lull of obsorvn- l>..s..rit....i .i.U ... ..r>,r War„....-s w,.„ -;-'•':;;•,, ,,„. _n.,. tionof tl.e ,.ol-lo«'"^ tl... count,y :.„>. .ul, .„ wirson, Henry,,.. 0.,.,h;» in s,.u,„er„ .. ,n.l .,.,«.. .. 917.59 Florida TM H 4/;.Marearet Florida days. il. O. Bust. 1889. LH-le $4- Deland, Af's Margarer. ,..„i,„..,„ ,,,.1 is f,.i> of ,.o.-t,r n.-^'g.'s- J)01,i.tst.>OS„l.jl-0ti,>UN.„>ot l.,,Kl,t liveni'ss.- '■'•'■"'• ^ Y g Apple- Holder. C: F-. Along the Flortda reef. il. O. N. Y. 189 ton $i-50' . , e „,, „,. fiv,. vcars iis a '"'y, „li„>n,c a,„, ...«™y ii- D. Lanier, Sidney. Honda, us scene >, Phil. 1876. Lippincott $1.75- ,^i , j,, ,^ ^.^od He m.ort. upon ^.nos, ..ry .nnt " ;---- ;;^.., ,, ,. ,,. ,,,e„ie dealo{hiHtoricHl.nfonnat,on ... -'"J: eha,act.-vistics of the c.onutrv.-/.(. .co,/.K. . lib lU AhINd Ilsr ON IKAVI'.I, IN NOKIII AMI KIlA 55 ■vationi on 2V. iiinp, etailed f«otii not in oiilor r I'orming hit^ $i.25- iinto-bellum cs. il. O. ,S.v. il. o. )f iiute-belhim irth Carolina alifornia. D. full of ob»orv!i- )niiiitioii —/'«''• character, il. s who Ir.ive lieon IciliitK. (89. Little $4. of iioftic HU^'!i''s- . 1892. Apple- irs as il Ix'.v, mion lias will It'll il per- history il- D. workinj; in ii good US to the hygienic Norton, C: L, ll.nul budk nf I'ioiii'a. maps, S. N. \'. 1891. l.diigiii.ins $1.25. All !iiliiiil'iil>h' s|iiTiiiii'ii olwliiit llii' u'liiilfliiiolv -.hiMilil 111'. Sun ,Now Vol U ) Torrey, Bradford. Iloriila skitch-lxM.k. 1). liusi. 1894. Hough- ton $i.:!5. Ah 11 c'oiii)i;inii)ii Ipcfm n" gors lo Kioriiln, iidii oiif coiiii'h liiult iinilwiiilo out' is not t'vcii loiil i.laliii^; ilic .I'immu'v, In- is most njircciililc, ;;inli.v insioU-nr, lint iicvci li'diiMis. — lllaiilir iiiiiiilliln 917.6 South central or gulf states Allen, J. L. iiluc-grass rct^ion ot Kontm ky aini otln'r Kentiuky arlick's. il. O. \. V. 1892. Harper $2.50. Coiiibiiii's lli« tiiii (111 |il;iiii 11 mil t iki' iiii iilr;ili/<'il iiiilnic — '/inN/KiH union 4i'> : VMl Boynton, H: V. National military [lark, Chickamauga-C'hattandoga ; an historical guide. I), t'in. 1895. Clarke $1., so. Incliiilos a (l("<(ri|iliiiii of tin' piiiU. 11 siitisriictun uniilt- for visitors to the liattlo jjioutnls nil I vicinity, 11 lii>toiy of llii" n.ovcmcnl for the crciilioii of tho ]iiii'k 1111(1 ill! account of I ho ('hickiiniiniKa cnnipiiu'ii. Cable, G: W. Creoles of Louisiana. O. N. V. 1889. Scrihner $2 50. IlistDrical iiml d ■sci-iiit vc accomil of Fi'.'iicli s|M>:il, for tho most part upon the Ohio and MisHissippi rivers and with 11 siuiill diicU-hoiil or ' sne.lk-liox ' iiistoiid of a canoe, us his vehicle. — S'litinii. 2!> .Ian. 1880 City map of Detroit; with information on over 400 points of interest, il. Detroit 1895. Farmer, c/c>//i 25c. iTftm 5« NIW YOKK STAIK I IHKAKY Ri,hon N H C-itv ..r Milwaukee; «ni.lo t-. the 'CTcnm . itv ' for Bishop, N. H. t ^^ Milwaukee- .8.sr,. Caspar X viMliirs iinl citi/.cns. u. "i-'l > x.,,,,, ,„A. .,.■ ^■^;'^J^; , , , ,., , J':;;: ::r;;::;«. ;;;:... » ■ '" ' Hiiinin.T.vsoils..|SViM-oi.H.i.. Clemens, S:L. ,* on .!,.■ Mis»is.i,.,.i, Uy M»,V T.-a.n. .1. O. ,,i.,„n..„l work l.y .... ox.,..lot of .1,. < -1 M ^ M .^ ^^^^ ,_^ „,,. ;;::::;;;:;::,:r:;:r,,:::x:r'::.;:i;:r::.': .•-— ,,,■ (i„. i.,.iWi.« ..r 'iv»i i»ii''"'--'^'"''"" ■" ^ '"- Howells,W:C. Reo*c,i,.„s o( life i. ol"" '""» ■»'3 I" .«40. i,„..lU...lnMl au.l .■■■iiUi".." .-.Mit.o.is „. it...l Ohio. 1 /.Vricir ('/ irrieir- 1- : :»"•' . . . Hudson H B. Hudson-s dictionary of Minneapolis and ncnUy. d nnp S. Minneapolis .8,:. Rayn.er's Old hook store, ,./.. .5c. Schick L. C-hica,o and its environs, a hand-book for the traveller. il „iaps,S. Chic. 1891. Schick 75c. Shewey A. C. Shewey's guide and directory to St Louis and hancl- ^Wk'V historical, statistical and chronological inforn.at.on. n.ap, S. StL. n. d. Shewey, /«/<•'' 45c- Thwaites R G. Historic waterways; 660 miles of canoeing down Tnwaites, n.. vj. ggg ^cClurg the Rock, Fox and Wisconsin rivers. S. Chic. .»»». *'*^5' I tiwin for history iukI kiiowliMlRt' of ,-::;::™X';;;:,;^,:::';:nr';:.r::,:;:.;;...» ■■' personal a.lvoi.ti.re.— I"«"'i'' '»"""•'•" «" = -^^ 917.8 Western or mountain states Bishop. .)M I.. L. (Bird). A lady's life ir. the Rocky mountains. 1. 1) N Y. 1800. Putnam $1 75- . , , . , , ... she has ivganl to thi* essentials of ;v \o»».—Spectntor ■^ RF\I>IM, 1 isr ON IkAVKJ- IN NOKlll AMF.UICA 57 uu < itv ' f'T illllHiil;miM> ol of lilt' niili'il ratn. il. O. li'Mcriptivi- mill ikHiik to l>tin>; IS il wic< ill •'"' iiitcrlorfhi> fnnii tho ihi,\M of Low in Chirk (i> thi' iiifinil tiiiir. . . 'I'lii' ilrsiMi|ilivi- purl cdiiIuiiim 11 mirriiirl llioiiKh coinpn-- liiMiHJvf tri'iitiiu'iit of till' vaiiouH M'.iciilKh' iiiiil pnpiilnr fcatiuiM of lhi< park. Custer, ''/'••f E. . B. Hoots and saddles; or, Life in Dakota with (len. fiisler. man, 1). N. Y. 1SH5. Harper .$150. Iiiciili'iilHof iiiiui'h throii;;h tlin wcslfiii country, iifi' in hniiiiiJks and camp.— Sariienl Davis, R:H. 'I'lie West from a car window, il. 1). N. Y. 1892. Harper $125. Not II iliill linr in the hook; he kIvos a triuT vh-w- of tin' llniti-il Stiitiw Mi.hlior ,1,1, 1 111.' A rifiiii iiiili;in IIimii half a .lozcn iiiiliimy \u,\vU. — \iilioii .'..'i : ll'ilt Dodge, R : I. I'lains of the great West and their inhabitants, il. map, (). N. Y. 1877. Putnam $4- A practicul study of thf life of thi' plains, l>v an army omccir . . . an intriTNtinK hook wliosi' very siniplicily iiltisis its truth,— A'a/iixi Irving, Washington. Astoria ; or, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains, 1810-14. Various editions. Nanalivi' of this oll'oits of .lohn .lacoh Astor to carry the fur lia(h< aciims flio Kocky niouiilains and to c.Htahlish a tradiiin po^f at tlin inoiith.of the Coliinihia. " Adventures of Capt. Bonneville . . . 1832-35. Various editions, I'ictiiiinK'^ I'f die Kocky niouniain.s and their wild inliahitantw and of the wild lifo tlnit prevails there. Lummis, C : F. Land of the poco tiem|)o, il. O. N. V. 1893. Scribner $2.50. Ihcidcdly interesting.' iicconnt of New Mexico, of its motley popuhiee, its curious survival of pie-Colnmhian rites and ciistonis, its ancient walled cities, etc.— />ia; 11) : :s Tramp across the continent, il. D. N. Y. 1892. Scribner $1.25. rioin Cincinnati to Los Anodes, C.il. in 1«81. Tlieic is plenty of hnnior and on the whole we do not know of a heftor or more ainu^in^' book of its sort.— CciMc 21:i)« Parkman, Francis. The Oregon trail; sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. D. Host. 1891. Little $1.50. New il. ed. O. Host. 1892. Little $4. Accounts of hunting in the west; experiencei auiong indiiinsin 1«17.— .Sor■. ^:!-„;:;:,'::::if;^^; ::p::i::::::r::-z:it.^^. ,. -^-^ Roltevelt, Theodore. K:.n,:h life ami .he lu„mn« trail. H. I'- ^::;^!-.,^:-^f :::r:;;;:;:;;;:t:^rr ::;;:. - :;;::;^:v;;r-i::;»;;:rr;;r ;;::,:; » -— ■-- wXce, Susan E. ..an,l„f .I.e Facblo. Newe.l. IX N.Y.,8,,,. ^ ,., .,., , ,u tu,. ^' .n,- p;uk on horse-back. u. Wiugate, G:W. lln-oui;h the 1 nvu> 1) N. Y. 1886. ludd $1 ,. , • . n ""!' . , ■lin.iwo . V' aiuU.filmt won.l.Ttuliv.mon; a Murhtho bos. p.ucnr.l «u,. -1 ';.; .,;^, .^ .,,,,;,. ,„^„,,„,,..sof .lH..o,Mist.- ,,h,in, sim,,U..ji..ta.ul.cTU.a.e>vo.aol II,. .vv. >,..,< 1 Crilkd-AM 917.9 Pacific states Ballou M. M. TLe no« l::i,.ora,l,K a .-">."" i-™'' '» '^'»*» ^ health resorts of California. .1. ma|', »■ San Iran. 95 BlrtO^ Tf. City of the saint, an,l across .he Rocky rnonntains to ^:'r;;.„;!r;:;i .,„. e ,,»e„>tatae .,.,*. —yortli .imir. rcv.'do: lib TP . H • ir Two years before the mast. D. Bost. 1895. °h"u.L";; ;oc^/y6oc. (Rive.ule,it.ser.r.o.84) Houghton, /.r/. ^_^_^^ ^,^^ 11^^^^^ ,^^ (..l.tonna a.ul botttecn 1835 and 18.''». c- t H • T I'acific coast scenic tonr from sonlhern Cal.f..r,na to •^ Ahl:La"heT:-ar.:;ia;! Lacihc railway, Vello.su.ne „ark ana the Oran. canon, il, n.ap, O. N. Y .8,0 ^-''-f ;;5;,^^,„. „„„„„^ „ ,. lu i.oint of roaclabloness and ,nlo«r.st, ih.. nauaiue aeairfd.— A'ck. il. t wdiiilcrful rc.nion; a I'liccsof tilt' tourist.— journey to Alaska; S(l. |ost. 1894. 1 [oip^liion $1. Mrijllitly written, willi |il<'iity ol' local color and cli.iiaclci skelcliin;,' and with sonic discussion of tlic doctrine and ]ir>>scn| praci icti ol' tln^ ' Saints.' — lliii, 17: y.'i Muir, John. 'I'lic mountains of California, il. 1). N. Y. 1S94. Century ^1.50. Describes jjlaeiers. forests, sloiinsand fauna in a style of stiikinj,' clianii ciii- liixlyinif seienlilic iieciiraey, jioclic iiMai;i nation ;ind loviiij,' Uinsliip with nature. — .V. }'. stole Irnr. lib. liitdiii;/ lint 'Jl Robinson, Phil. Sinners and saints; a tour across the states and around them, with three months among the Mormons. I). Host. 1883. Roberts $1.50. A iiraclised and ,ii;ree:ilile trave'er wlio extracts a 2:2i<~ Scidmore, E. . R. Alaska; its southern coast and the Sitkan archipel- ago, il. maps, t). Host. 1885. I.othrop, <7r'/// $1.50 ; /ir/r/- 50c. A pleasimt and readable narrative of licr cxpciicnec ; a ;;r.ipliic account of the unparalleled scenery of the aithipcla-o, together with interesting historical incidents. — Xalinn, 2."> .Tunc 1S8.") Stevenson, R. LI Silverado scjuatters. S. Best. 1883. Roberts, c-/(>//t $1 : /(!/<■/■ 50c. Entertaining; sketidies of Culifornia scenery and life . . . showiii";' the observiiij;; eye and <,'raceful touch of an artist.— AV(/(«)(, 14 I'eb. 1><|S1 Stoddard, C : A: Beyond the Rockies. 1). N. Y. 1894. Scrib- ner $1.50. - One of the best itineraries of the California tour . . . fresh, unprejudiced, relia- ble, and eiitertaininu. — Critic 25: 350 Taylor, Bayard. I'lldorado ; or, Adventures in the path of empire, il. 1). N. V. 1S50. Putnam $1.50. A voy.ane to California via Tanania in 1849 shortly after the discovery (d" gold and returning; across Mexico from Ma/at tan to Vera Cruz. Taylor, B : F. lietween the gates; or, Summer rambles in California. D. Ch. 1888. Criggs $1.25. Record -„;,.„ ,„,.>.. ...- — • »« - "-" »' imttiri'.— Ayi-(/i Jmtc. rev. W : '-'6(i if! 1 resources ). only with . Y. 1876. iiiil)iii river ii IVesliiu'Ss no lover of