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Les cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvant dtre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour «tre reproduit en un seul clich«, il est film« d partir de I'angia sup^rieur gauche, de gauche A droits, at de haut en bas, en prenant la nombre d'images nAcessaira. Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 " %1. \(^22. ra, 3, ffiage & Co/« Etrucational S,mt». THE FIRST PRIMER: BEING THE ALPHABET IN PICTURES AND WORDS. BASED ON THE SERIES PREPARED BY J. M. D. MEIKLEJOHN, M.A., PROFESSOR OF KDUCATION IN THB UNIVERSITY OF 81. ANDREWS. AND EDITED BY CAMADIAN EDUCATIONISTS FOE U8E IN THE SCHOOLS OF CANADA. '%.. W. J. GAGE AND COMPANr, TORONTO AND WINNIPIO. • ■**•*' , PKEFACB. , Jhe First Primer is based upon two principles: 1. That the Alphabet i8 best taught in Words ; 2. That Words are best taught in 2nd through Pictures. The picture and tiien tlie symbol — that is the key-note {b this little boolc. But the words and the lessons have been selected and drawn up with a view to leave room for the Teacher to employ the method he considers best in teaching the letters and their forces. Those who prefer the Alphabetic Method will find the lessons arranged so as to suit them admirably. The presenta- tion of the picture, and from that leading to ihe.word sign^ is the best way of teaching by the Word Method. The fact that only one power of single letters is used in the lessons contained In the early part of the book, from page 7 to page 19 inclusive, adapts this series perfectly to the Phonic Method, or the combined Word and Phonic Method. It will be an event to the child to turn to a new page, as ht. will then find a new set of pictures and new symbols. The single letters, in one and only one of their powers, are first taught; then the double letters — double vowels and double consonants, initial and final. It is earnestly recommended that the names of the letters be not taught until a need for their names has arisen in the pupiPs mind. The alphabet is given at the beginning for reference. Stories are introduced as soon as possible, so that there may be some mental movement at an early stage. Teachers are advised to let their pupils begin to write and read script from the beginning. A B C D J K L M N y^r T U V W X Y Z ■J SCRIPT ALPHABET. 'O^ c^ C^ ^ St- ^ ^ J -^ ^ c^ air e ^ <^ ^ .^ .sr (^ €^ C^ ^ c/ e ^/. ./ -^^ <n^ /?- ^^ "^^ ^i^ a: • • / ■I J // SCRIPT FIGURES. y .^ A .-^ /^ /I/ ri ^ V / / ^ y a J THE FIRST PRIMER, PART I. Or the 26 Letters in 26 Lessons STRUNG (TPON a e i LESSON 1. 1. a cat and a rat. 2. a rat and a hat. u LESSON 2. 1. the cat sees the rat. 2. run, rat, run. 3. rat, run from the cat. /€i^^ /f€^ /^^/^ 8 FIRST PRIMER. -J LESSON 3. 1 I see an egg. ^ this is a pen. 8 that is a hen. ' I see an ^gg^ and a pen, and a hen. 5 the hen has ten eggs. LESSON 4. ' a hen, an egg, and a pen. '■ *^^ "i^D' ten eggs, and ten nens. 3- ten hens had ten eggs. *• the cat sees the hen. «• run, hen, run. ^^2<P. / -^^ i 4 FIRST PRIMER. 9 1 LESSON 5. 1- a pig, and a fish, and a chick. «• I see a fish on a dish. 3. the fish has fins. 4. I see a pig; it is big; it can- not run. LESSON 6. 1. the hen has three chicks. 2. the hen met the big fat nig. 3. the pig met the hen. 4. the cat met the hen and the big fat pig. j^d^ <5Z%i^ 10 FIRST PRIMER. . LESSON 7. I an ox, and a fox, and a box. 2. a fox, and an ox, and a box. 3. the ox is fat ; the box is big. 4- I see a dog and a fox. 6. the fat ox is in the shed. LESSON 8. 1. the dog sees the fox. 2. the fox sees the dog. 3. run, fox ; run, dog. 4. the dog will catch the fox. 5. the fox is in his den. % ^IHST FBIMJSH. 11 ' LESSON 9. 1. that is my dog on that log ; he sees a frog. 2. a dog, and a frog. 8 a frog, and a log, and a dog. 4. the dog will not catch the frog. LESSON lO. 1. the dog is still on the log. 2. the dog will catch the fox. 8. the dog sees the fox. 4. the fox sees the dog /) /€^^ /' 12 rrsST PRIME R. LESSON II. 1 I see a boy ; I see the sun. 2. my boy s^es the sun. 8 the sun sees my boy. 4. oh what fun to run in the sun. LESSON 12. 1. run, boy, run, in the sun. 2 the sun is too hot. ' 3. I must not run in the hot sun. 4. the boy will run to the mill. 6. the sun will set soon. f /f^^^f^ /i-f^i^ygy ^d^wygy FinST PRIMES. 13 h LESSON 13. 1 a duck, and a bee. 2 a bee, and a tree. 3. the duck says quack. 4. buzz, buzz, says the bee. «• the hen says cluck. lit-tle LESSON 14. 1. the bee will say buzz. 2 I see a bee, and a tree. 3. the hen will sit on the tree. 4. the hen had ten Ut-tle chicks. 14 t'iBSf PRIMES. LESSON 15. 1 a jug, and a mug. 2. a rug, and a mug. 3. a rag, arid a jug. *. bring me the milk in the jug. 6. the rug is on the car-pet. LESSON 16. 1. the milk is in the mug. 2. the milk is for the cat. 3. the cat drinks milk. 4. the dog and the cat will get the milk in the jug. /T^^Z^U- ^ if FIRST PRIMER. LESSON 17. 1. a man, a pan, and a fan. 2. a pan, a fan, and a man. 3. Ann has a fan in her hand. 4. a fat man, and a pan. 5. the man stands on a hill. 15 o. LESSON 18. the fat man has a big jug. the lit-tle boy has a mug. the lit-tle boy will get milk for his cat. Sam will bring it in a big jug. /^^^^^^^^ /^ t^Kn^ ^t^yri^' t 16 FIRST PRIMES. LESSON 18. » a bell, and a shell, and a well. 2 the bell fell on the shell. 8. the fox ran fast from the dogs. *• the shell fell in the well. LESSON 20. 1. quack, says the duck in the pond. 2. bow-wow, says the dog. 3. the fox and the dog fell in the woods. i. off ran the fox; run, fox, run. FIRST PRIMER. 17 f > LESSON 21. 1. a king and a ring ; the king has a ring. 2. the ring is on his fing-er. 8. I see the king. i. the bird will sing a song to the king. LESSON 22. 1. the bird sings on the tree. 2. smg, lit-tle bird, sing. 8. the king's dog ran at the fox. 4. ring the big bell. • a 18 FIRST PRIMER. fTiJl^ LESSON 23. 1. a cow, a sow, and a dog. 2. the dog says bow-wow. 3. the cow met the sow. 4. get off my path, said the cow. LESSON 24. 1. ver-y well, said the sow. 2. I see a fox, said the sow to the dog. 8. I will catch him, said the dog. ^. John sees the dog rmi af-ter the fox. "^.^yj^fy y(.yi PIBST FJilMin, Id LESSON 25. 1. a pup, a cup, and a tub. «. a pup, and a tub. 3. the pup will sup out of the cup. 4 the pup sees the cup and the tub. LESSON 26. 1. rub and scrub him in the tub. 2. rub and scrub him ver-y much. 8. bring milk in a cup. 4. the pup and the cat like to sup milk. /c^uJ^y / y •20 t'lmr PRIMER. "Our Little Oneo.^' Har-iy had a i>e. '-hip-monk. He used to let it out oi its cage to see it play. One day the cat killed it, and Har-ry felt ver-v sor-rv at thA Inue o^ his lit-tle friend. FIRST PEIMER. 11 PART II. I 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 8. 9. LESSON 1. Let US peep at the sheep. Ba-by sleeps ; let us peep at him. I see a deer near that hill. The sheep feed on the grass. The deer will cross the riv-er. T see a, sheep and a deer. Oh Lu-cy, see that lit-tle sheep ; I '11 hold you up to get a peep. ^^ ^ ^tUST PRIMER. /■''... u • LESSON 2. Mam- ma gave me this book. 2. The cook put the fish in the dish. 3. The rook sat on the tall tree. 4. The fox sat at the foot. 6. The brook is cool. 6. The man shot all the rooks. 7. Ned took the rooks from the man. 8. I hit my foot on a stick. 9. Get a spool, a spoon, and ten hooks. 10. The wind shook nuts from the trees. 11. Cyfpi^yty^ ^^ ^.e^ i&i^y FIRST PRIMER. 23 h. n. )ks. jes. LESSON 3. 1. A boat, and a coat, and a goat. 2. The boat floats on the sea. 3. The coat hangs in the bed-room. 4. The goat feeds on the rocks. 6. The toad sat on the road. 6. All you do and all you say, God can see and hear. 7. Eain, rain, go a-way, Come a-gain some oth-er day : Lit-tle John-ny wants to play. 24 FIRST PRIMER. LESSON 4. 1- This is a nail ; That is a pail. 2. Look at that snail ; He has a short tail. 3. Put the snail in the big pail. 4. Tell Tom to bring me a nail. 6. When the stars at set of sun Watch you from on high, When the morning has begun Think the Lord is nigh. 6. (^€^ ^^^/^ -a^^ yi^ t>ei^^^ ■c- r ^^'(^ az^^. FIRST PMIMBR. 25 ?^ ^M m ^M £igj LESSON 5. 1- The cow is whisk-ing her tail. The maid is hold-ing the pail. 2 We'll spend the day In mak-ing hay ; 3. This fish is af-ter a fly. When it rains, he wants no um- brel-la. 4. La-zy Tom lay on the hay, AH the sul-try sum-mer day. First I work, and then I play. ^Jye^^^ ^^^?^1*«^ yf^^^y y y /^ 5. 26 FIRST PRIMER. LESSON 6. 1. Tom shot a crow with his bow. 2. The north wind doth blow, And we shall' have snow. 3. I saw a crow on the tree. 4. When falls the snow, flow-ers will not grow. If warm winds blow, and melt the snow, O quick-ly then the flow-ers will grow. 5. When you work and when you play, Think the Lord is near. 6 ^. t-^d ^^^y¥^U '9^t€^€4^ u^W^^f 'U -^ FIRST PRIMER, ii LESSON 7. 1- See that mouse run-ning in-to the house ! 2. Run fast, or the cat will catch you ! 3. How quick the mouse runs ! 4. The gown hangs on its own peg. 5. The queen has a crown on. 6. A trout, a mouth, and a mouse. 7. I caught a trout in the brook. 8. Tom took the hook out. 9. The cat has a mouse in its paws. 10. CW, /^^^ ^'^ee ^^i^c^i^ ^^^ -&e^':^^ d.ciie^yi^. i^'^/^/ 0» -^/ i^i-i;^ T t^i-t^n-. 88 FritST PRIUEB. LESSON 8. 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The 7. The 8. The S3j 1 c> Or B '*5V^ ^ IP^ ^l eats grass and clo-ver. eats hay and oats. eats grass and this-tles. eats grass and tur-nips. eats oats and bar-ley. eats beef and bones. eats mice. eats cab-bage and roots. FIRST PRIMER. 29 PAET 111. Our Little Ones. This is lit-tle Har-ry Brown. He can-not walk ver-y well. He of-ten talis but ae does not cry. He puts out hishands, so as not to liurt tiis iiead Have you a ba-by at liome ? Yes and lie can tailc and walk. He does not talk like me. He says iing fo thing, and tat for cat. Our ba-by has two ears, two eves, a Joes ^ "'''^' ^"^ ^'"^^'' ^"^ *^« 80 riRST PRIMER, When the day 's o-ver. When tea-time has come. Brin-dle and Bess Walk slow-ly home. They stop by the bars And switch their tails, J ,j^^^. ^xxjo n-ri ill KJiXh Their milk-ing pails. "Our LlTTi/E Ones," F/;/ST I'lilMER. 3] 1- I love my lit-tle kit-ten, She has such pret-ty ways, fehe looks so ver-y fun-ny, When with my ball she plays. 2. I like to watch my kit-ten. She has such fun-ny tricks C!U„ 1-1 ^ HICKS, ^"« looks so ver-y pret-ty When on the couch she sits. 82 FTRST PniMER. ^ I 1. Birds in a nest, Nest up-on a tree ; Un-der moth-er's breast, Warm as warm can be I 2. Moth-er keeps you warm. Farther brings you food, Safe with-in your nest, Hap-py lit-tle brood I