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They call themselves A-che-to-e-tin'-ne, as distingmished from the other Tenne. *'A-chi-l6-e-tin'-ni," is " People of the low lands," or " People living out of the jowrf."— Kennicott. (' ->) God Devil Man Wuman Boy._. Girl Infant Father Mother _ Husband Wife Son Daughter Brother, (older) Brother, (younger). . Sister, (elder) Sister, (younger) An Indian, People.. Head Hair Face.... ._ Forehead Ear Eye Nose Month Tongue __. Tooth Beard.- Neck.. Arm Hand Fingers .. Nails Body Belly. % (No idea of a good spirit "> Yem-bah-te-yah. Ten-ne-11-nikh. ': Ts^guh. Ten-ne-H-ne-ya-ci. Tsd-gu-ya-zi. Te-aon'd-5h, Tah. Moh. My husband, se-ten-ne. (Lit., '* My man.") My wife, se-ts^-guh. (Lit , " My woman.") ChQ'-eh. Tti-eh. Kun-di'-ge ; my eldt-r brother, sun-di'-ge. E-ch6 ; my younger brother, se-ch^. S&-deh. E-d«zy. Ten'-ne. Et'-thi. Eg&; my liair, se-thiga. (Lit., " My head hair.") En.ni. Et-tsud'-i Ette&. En-d&-ge. Ingh-ah-gu '. E-dh&. E-dh&dih. E-gd. E-ka-sho-g&. E-k'koth'. E-g<$-en-di. In-1&. In-la-t'the. Tn-la-kwon'.dM. E.ii. £-m'bit'. i-j ,.^^^^.„^^g^^^4i^, — • i i. .ii ) ii , i .ijii,.;. i ,M.M iiii ij) i .wi i ii i i ijiii «Bi iiii iiii i inr i i iW i i' I . . f 't .' ST^AVE iNDlAISrS. Leg. Feet • Toes.. Hone... - ' Hciirt llloxl - ---• Town Chief > Warrior Friend House -- Lodge, (skin tent)... Ciiuip -- Kettle... Arrow _ How.- Axe Knife Canoe.. Boat Indian shoe Bread Pipe Tobacco Sky Sun - Moon - Star.. Grass Pine Flesh, meat ..» Dog.- --- "Buffalo Bear Wolf ^— - Reindeer Moose.— Elk, (Cevvus Canadensis) Beaver Rabbit Kdz^-dy. E.k6 E ket'-t'hun'-ni E-t'thun ni. E-dz6-e. Kd del'-ly. Ko"-o-thla' . 1 These Inaians tormeny useu iiu iu.i^i::> ».. ..^....., ....••„ -■- ,- . formed of spruce brush. They have now borrowed the custom ot u.u.g lod-es fro a the Chepewayans, though many still hvo all winter in open " Ko"-e is therefore the true word for dwelling. Squirrel . 7 (Many houses or camps ) Ba-ta-go-en-de-hah, or bi-kwad-thikh, (All too big cowards to go to war!) ^ (Too great rascals to know such a word.) Ko°-e. 1 These Indians formerly used no lodges or ^euts, living in open^ camps Ni-m'bA-li. K6--e. ) ^"'"P'- T6hn'-d'ih. Ehton'-ih. Ih-tr'. T'thi"hl. M'bCs. E lii-tsuh. Tuch-in'-tsi'ih. K'keh. H'thle'-teh. T'thi'h. T'tsen'tu. Ya-t'tah'. Sah. A dzin'-i-sah. Thun. K'kloh. Eh-ton'di. H'k-kli"; my dog, se-liug'-e. E-ji-de. Sas. Tl-ka-hlh; no-gf-dhah. Be-dzib. Kw&r-15» or ten' di. J6-dhih. Tea. Oah. Klo'-jeh. ,^^^,s>mi^m ii^,:m*jzmm 4 k .. mt> .^'-^-'-i ^^ ^ MM BLAVK I]SrDIA.N^.S. Tortoiso ..-. Fly.- Musquoto- yiiiiko- IJinl y-'^'^ Feutli«>ra Willi's |)i-.k Pigeon Kish..- - 8aliiii)n .--. Sturgeon Niiiiie Affection White Hlaclv.- Kcd IJluc .-. Yellow - (Jreen (licat__ Day- -- Night Light Darkness. Morning Evening Spring -- Suiunier Autumn Winter --- Wind Thunder.. Lightning Rain Snow Hail Fire Water Ice Earth, land. 8 ThHz T'lhikh. Ch(V'-e and de-ty'-ni. (Cho-'-c, Rniall birdn ; de-t.V'-ni, large birds.) K-ge'-7,ih Chu'-dhi-h. Taun'.l'Gli. Chit'fh; goose, h'kah. I-iu'in'-.-h. Thlu'-g'e. (None.) . (None.) K5"'.zlh. Pe k'kfih'l i. Ten-d'i'-tlrh or tend'i'-tSJ or te-zun. Di-t^ih'. Tc-zuu'-d'e. Pe-t'tho'-g'e or di-let'-ze. Di-tleg'-ge. Nc-chah'. Dzu'i-i. Eh tle'-ge or tedh'.e. Kehn'-dih. Kwo-ni'-tsj' YCh'-ko- Ehyeh'lih. Thlu-k'kCh'. Ini-beh'. * Ten-Bil'-i-ge. Yah'-ki-eh. Nih'-t«Ih. Nah'-ten-ni. I-tlih. Cho- Yath. Kwo'-luh. Kwon. Tub. Teho. N'deh. | I4IWI11BIII BJgg^^a3fe«yi»iwavr&ii»»«f'«'!s»fc>!»f**'^^^^^ . ,, ,„ ..-i. . . ,»,H iM j ti M«W»>'« 'l "* l 'J P if-; » ktiMiw im tmiikmKf ti m »imimtimmaa^ slave: INDIANS Sea River Lake Valley Hill, mountain.. Island — Stone Salt Iron Copper . .. Tah-t»"hi. Tflh. (Lit., " Water.") Ko-ne-ni-to"- Shlth. N'dOh. T'thCh. De-dhai'-Ih. Tsab'-taJn-e. TsAh-tBon-di'-Jsi. Tree I Te chin'. Wood • L-juf — Bark Small.. Strang Old Young Good Bad Handsome Ugly Alive Dead.- Cold Warm. I : Thou He We... Ye .- They. This That _. All Many, much Who. Near _. To-day Yesterday. _ TomorntW-. - Yes.-.. - .- Techin. K-t«''. Tilla-tu-ze Ag'e-tsut'-le, Nah'-tsut or n'dah'-teut. M'be-ih(J Ne-zo*'. Ne-zu'-lth. Mo-ueh'-h'li-no. Ah-tain'-de. Kon-dikh', (applied to men ;) ye-ndilh', (applied to animals ) Thlan-i'-dha, (applied to men ;) be-dhr>'h'-thc-tah, (applied to animals ) Kwoh-d'lih'. Kwoh-kun'. Sen'-Ih. Nen'-ih. • ■ Echu' nih or c'-yih. Nahken'-ni. K-chu-ne'-kCh. v TidMh Chu"-go-&h'. Ah-chi.'-g'th. H'thlft- Mah. K'hGh'-a w ko '-g'e. Di-d'ze'-nih or duh'-d'ztn-e. Ekh-yt'h'-no. Sa-choh. Ah'-eh. BffiStlM nm MlMIUMWH I WI s*. \ y J .'I / /■. .1 "i ^■:: r :.. :V' , ; HMS - :. /' ll',' ''(•. .>!'. ,' ■■■1 -Kl ui: m M' t m. mtimmmmHiuiH0A ' ilt imr \ii n gi m maei^lllAmi^t "■TntiKViiijiimr 8LA.VE INDlAlSrS. No 1 n'\'-Mi. One- Two Three Four — Five Six. Siiveii Kight Nine Ten Kleven -- Twelve Twenty Thirty. One hunJred One thousand To eat To drink To run.-- To dance To sing To sleep To speak To see.- - To love. To kill To sit To stand Togo To come --■ To walk The tongue . My tongue Thy tongue His or her tougue.. Our, your, or their tongue The nose My nose Ihy nose.-- -- T'thllg'-go. Ung'klh. . T&K'yIh. Tingh'-Ih. Inlah kldh'-i. Kh-UPn'-tai-i'h. Thlahn-di'-ih. Kht8en-tinj;'-ih. T'thlig-go-hu'le. llo-na'-noh M'bfn'-dah o-tea t'thlig'-ge. M'ben'-dah-o-tsa-ang'-klh. Ung'-k?h-ho-niu'-oh. T&g'yih ho-neu'-oh. Ten-nO-In.la-fthol-o-k'kc-bo-nen-oh. ^All the fingers of ten nieu.J His or her nose. 10 Wfth'-kah. W&h-t<4i?/. Eji-de'-tlah. Tah'-tsc-tli. T8<5-jfn. Wohteh. Kun'dch. Ba-g'yoh-ndali' . Bego*-n'di-e-to' Be dhd-dih-tsih'. The-dah'. Ndi'-tlah. Yeh-hin-tleh'. E'-gwoh. Ye-chih'. E-dh&-di. Sedh&di. N'de-dh&-di. M'be-dh&-di. Kwodh4-di. Ing-e-go". Sing-e-go*'. Ning-e-go '. Miag-e-go"'. -I asSirfsffta^-iiUBs.^ ,.,,,,^«as»^i««s««=»«»««»«=^^^=- ■"■'■^ wWiiarti'Wiirtii mt^iimSP^ .' 11 i\ ■if.-*, * lil.,\v .;.: ! f / SLAVE IISTDIAIN^S Our noses. \ N'aah-ing-e-po" The mother E-ni5h'. My mother - Se-mOh'. Thy mother ^ Noh-inoh'. His or her mother \ Moh-muh'. i Our mother. ; N'deh-m^h'. Tho father Ktilh'. My father - | Se-tnli' Thy father -| N'de-tfih'. His father- \ He-tah'. Our father - j N'dah-tilh'. The knife -1 M'bes. My knife ' Sem'bos'-e. Thy knife.. N'tle-m'bcs'-c. His knife M'be-m'bes'-e. Our knife N'duh-m'bes'-o. The dos: K'kli" My dog -, Se-ling'-e. Th) dog -- i N'de-ling'-e. His dog 1 M'be-ling'-e. 1 Our d'.g I N'dah-ling'e. To fleep Ni-tih. I sleep . Thfti. Thou sleepest The-ti. He sleeps ! Ts^-ti. We sleep... ' Tae-tc. I eat ■- Uh-k'kah'. Thou eatcst • Ne-k'kah'. He cats . Ing-k'kah'. We eat j Ya-gu-k'kah', late 1 I-yi-tik. I cat I will eat Thou clidst eat . Thou eate^. — Thou wilt cat.. He ate He eats He will eat Give it to me. Give it to him. Give it to all. 11 Uh-k'kah'. Wah-tik.y. Yi-nCkh-tik. Nc-k'kah. ITn-gd-tik-y. Zh'yi-g'ing-tik. Zh'ya-knh. Zh'yi-g'ing-tik. Sai ga-ni'-ohQ. Bai gi-ni'-cha. Kw'b«5-lft-go-d&-chu. so-^ fA ■;** ■=i\iiAiMk^i&^)/tHS^!iitiL-jSiv»t^i^m»,'-i^'^'^^'^^' i V - Ug.,V^W»>l^" ' i.j ' ), !; iW iB »W 1 1 I I I i w )l*f**"aww— W _„_ 1 1 MurtiiiiiiilniiMirf^t \ a >■-• T V > r.:.kn,-^^:,Xi:. ,,.,.1i«;i--n r- MHI SLAVIC I iST O I A IS^ y This person ga' e me Ten-ni-sai-ni-o" Who gave yoi.. j Mfh-naini-o"- Mine ' Se'-tsih. ■':r^~'^t-''i-: 1' Yours His, hers, ita. Ours N'de'-tsih. Be'-tsih. Na'-tsih. '.2 _l^i-iiii:iii iWa'f~~' mm ..-Pf Sit0aijltBk£AaMt'ii'»''fi°ft9SIilS^m:ST:. ^^v