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Laa diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 a.;. ,;;.' ■■,: ,fe »i".«S:», (,«,..< :,.;i'f»'«^ js^tfia^V! la.;, r ; fS/.t-:w &fi> ?fi 'i--. m. rv,r',.v» ft, sifBrSftrr- ' ' If' ~'-.';-«r!/.'(j5P!'^T.J;y.M »■■■ ;>£*-/■ -i^ ''^^'<)«n«i'' -,^1'^'^^'-'' TT.T?I?3j^ (mat^Hemtay Js«d„,.;i .fr-, '•Jj.'i'v'.' a •^ '■- -■ -r^.^---,--... 31 \- ,' ". ' if.-'-': '1 1> :•>;■■'■. v^ivi'S-*^ '*•-»■ i..:.'?::/-^'*'* I iivi!Ai*«^^ Irt ^fifiociatioit of ||onfnjal •• • 1868. SAfA2.©@Wl OP OIL AND WATER COLOUR PAINTINGS, AND OTHER "VrOTUS-S OF -A.RX, LENT FOn THE OCCASION, AND ■■C-? EXHIBITED AT THE GALLERY OF THE ASSOCIATION, MONTREAL, 25tii February, 1868. * Though luveliiiess will imss nway From iiidiviiUmi beint^a, nnd Is oft More iiiurtHl ihun the huiimn heire ol death, Y^ No. 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 SUBJECT. *Storm Lake Ontario ^ James "Weston Ophelia (sketch) ! A. E. Chalon, R. A. I The Queen Landscape Do Capelcwrrig, Wales On the Thames : George Dodjjson ;^34 Cattle ' R. Bea \l35 136 Newcastle on Tyne i W. W. Mn Sunset on T ake of Two Mountains 137 Landscape 138 ; Rustic Artists i 139 i Landscape i 140 j Indian Council on Lake Simcoe in 1792 141 Duchess of Rutland (a minuature) \ Sir Joshua Reyn Ids i 142 j On the coast near Scarborough j Aaron Penley 143 j Moonlight j 144 I Water Falls 145 140 147 148 149 150 STATUARY. No. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 SUBJECT. The Bride -Shadow before Sunshine— (alto relievo) ARTIST. TheDaniiid Amoroso Insidio Bust The Reclining Child . . Girl Reposing Boy Do Winter (baaso relievo) . Summer do W. Fraser Ranch . . • Benzoni R. Reed After Ranch Do Canova . . . Do Pardier . . R. Reed Do CONTRIBUTOR. W. Fraser W. F. Kay Do R. Reed R .^orsyth Do Do R. Reed Do No. 101 Bf 163 Se 163 Ki 164 165 D. 166 D( 167 Et 168 H 169 0] BRONZES AND PARIAN- No. 161 163 163 164 165 166 1167 168 [l69 SUBJECT. ARTIST. Bathyllus Gaston Guitton. . , . Sesostris ' E. Picault Knight in Armour. Do Don Coesar de Bazan . Don Juan Emily and the Doe . . . Hope Ophelia CONTBIBUTOR. F. M. Miller W.C.Marihall,R.A Malempre Dr. Sterry Hunt Savage & Lyman Do Do Do Do Do Do Do MISCELLANiE. No. SUBJECT. AKTIST. \ 171 Falstaff (Needlework) 173 173 174 175 Mepliistopheles, do. Christ in the Temple (Proof Engraving) After Holman Screen in Oil and Fresco. Do. do CONTRIBCTOR. Robert Notman. Do Hunt. . • Thos. Rimmer John Murphy John Murphy James Weston James Weston BCTOR. btman. mmer irpby reston !!