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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s 6 des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est i\\m6 6 partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche 6 droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i. f " Outlines OF Ci.AssiriCATiox or Plants, BY D. P. Penhallow, B.Sc, F. R.S.C, Pi'dIcsscm' of Dolunv, McCiill University, MdNI KIAI.; n M IJENOUF. Puhli^hfrv 10 5. - ti.U-n-.l nccoLliMB u, Aa ul r..ili.im.-nl ..I ( .in.ul., .n llu- Vo.u ..no il,„us,lhl nghl b..n.li«l ami nii.fty live l.y l«. T. I'l.Mul !...«. n. tl.c (Hf.^o "I the Mnn-U'r o( A^iK'iiUurc. OUTLINHS Ol- CLASSlllCATIOX S y n o I J s i s , Notes. ranch I. - Protophyta. Ij.ASS I. — MVXOCASIKKS, (SllMlU MiMllds.) (>),/(> s — I'critru.litM'. C'oluiiiclliriT;u. l.itliDcliTine.L. CilDlricliL'.u. Cl vss -. — Scill/ )l'IIVi I- I . (I'l^^i.ii) luiij;i ) OiiUfs — Myxi'l),u:tcri.u:i.'.v. CystipliuriL'. Nomaliifjoiicit'. Iioiii liic ii.iiuii' iililiL' org.iiiisiii-. iii< liulfil ill ilic |priilii| IS iiiipnili.ilili; lli.u many a( (cria in tlic lissucs of cailumilL-icius |llanl^. liyla, fossil ■ ♦nch II.— Thallophyta. tJ.A>s ;;, — .\s. i).\i\, I, IK'-. (Sac i-niii^i ) Ori/i) s — lVris|iorl.iccii'. liiiiciaiiM' ryriiiDinycekir. Disiimiyicti.i . Urciliiicir. Usiilagiiiiii'. S|ili;i;io|isidi.a'. Mi'laiu:oiiic;e lly|ilioinyii.ifii'. I''i>ssil rrliri'si-iitativi.-s Diriir in llii; rarlionikTOiis ami l.iKr in.Uiiins, I liiclly iiiniij Iimvcs and in lignilL'. (!i,\ss 4. — l!Asiii|.)\n( 1 ifv. (lli^lici liiiiyi.) C/iA v) — riasli'idinyicliir. liyprjniimyc'.'lrii'. I'lissil representatives ntciir in ilu' ( ailionileioiis, Gnlktui ucios^crmii^ (Jaitoroiiiyca J\ii iiiOiii>, etc. Class ."> _(.:iii.ciu,,|.mv. ki. ((iieeii Aly.e.) ( '/ kiioi;n muler the name ol mlusonal e.irth. Ci.As-, t; — I'liiiji'iivi. L.I., (iliown AljS.e.) Oii/i'n — I'liii'itsporeii-. 1 littyoteii'. I'lieviideii'. ■|lie e.irlies! InsMJ rc|iiesLnt.ilives ol the lirmvii alji.e ociiir in till. I'pper .Silurian whence they pass into tlie Lower Devonian. I hey .ippear in these early formations as plaiiLs of great size (A.iihilof'/iyh'n), iiulitutmgth.it they must also have Ikiiirished at iii.mIi e.irlier peiioils. hut the remains of the vegetation which e\i>ted prior to the Up]ier Silurian ,ire now represented only by aiarlionaceous residue m the lorm of gra|iliile. I'lweophyceie are lound more or less aliundantly in all the later fornuiions, and ihc genus 1-ucus is well delined in the Cretaceous. Cl.ass 7. — Cdi.KuLii.i.rt. I . U; ./iv— Coleoc hietaceii'. No fossil reiireseiu.itivcs known. Class S. — Kiioiicii'MVij .1.. OrJti- — Kloridea'. KosmI represeni.iii\e.. iroiii the ."'liunan u|iw.iid, ardespecialiy ahund.iiu in ilie Creiaceou.s. Class '.i, — CiiAKoiiiivct.i . C/v/tT— (!haracea'. Keprisen'.ed liy ni,|iiy species m the liwci Crdacecnis, in the I'erliary and (^iialei n.iiy. ranch 111. Bryophyta. (I ASS III — Iln'\iii .». U'l/iVM— Jiicigirin.iniii.ui:!'. Kill 1,11 III- .\nlliiiii.'iiil.it;cu'. M.iii li.iiiii.iciM'. l-iiuiul iiiily Ml riTcm l.irin.iiums-- TcrlLii;' jiid (Ju.ili.iii.ii v. 'illJhIlllUl. Class 1 1.— Musi i.v.k. Or lien — S|)li.ign.iccii'. Aiulrcacix. I'h.iscaci-.L-. llty.U'CH'. I'.issils fi)iiml only iii ilic Tcrli.iry .iiul |ii.)diai i.f. I'silotatiii'. .Silanincliaciii-. Isuitai 111'. Fossil rt|irf!(cmativcs lunmTuiis .iml ufun M-ry lar(;c, from llif rppcr Silurian (/'.(/,'i'/'/n7i///, , A., uliii.U(;li llic IkM.iiian (/y/>.'- iloilciiili i>n) and ('arlmnilcr'jus, Notes. ranch IV.- Pttridophyta (,"1 iss l:i — liiKi.v 1.. Oii/irs— Filiccs. ■Salviiiiarcii'. .M.irsiliai:i':i'. (>|ililiij;lossaLiii'. .M.'rallian:''. liissil nprLMniativcs iiiinifriiiis Iniiii ilic |)noiii.in (/\ti/l;i. otouilfiiiiit, \>iiicifitiiis. S/'/itii,>J>tiHi, . iti.) and ihruuyliijm tlic cafbDiiilctous. Branch V. -S[crniaphyta. L'l.\ss 111. — liVMNi'sl'l KM I ( 'i,/tii — Cyiad.icia . diiiiriiii'. Taxacia'. (iilct.iica . Iiissil ri|ircsrmaiivi.s mtv niiiiii.'ii)us limn iliu litvunian {/hi,/i'.\j/,>M, Ci>r,/,iifis,if..) .iiid liiriiugh ihc CuImhiiIciihis and iiiiKc rcciiu rDrniat'oiis. (.'LAS.> 17. — .X.Vi.liisl'Kk.M 1.. Sii/i C/ihi I. -.MuniKoiylciliiiis. S:i/i C/tiss -. — DitoiylodoiK (lidcis niiiiuruus. l-'ossil ri.|iri.-siiilaiivcs arc very nunuMiiiis .is leaves, li^niie, \-r , Iniiii the reriiiiaii upivaid. beiidiiiii- more luiiiiennis in re cent ruinuliuiii. BRANCH I l'i(tli)|»li\ t.l. Notes. Uliicclliil.ir ri.iiil^ nlicii l.iriiiiin; m<"i-' or less cxlonsiw ni'l.iliiicri-, iliMiiiiili,! I>v Ki.ik'Mcnrc. ('|.A!nJM);.iliiin mmX iIk' fcnniatinn ut iil.i-inindi.i, Irnni wliii li ascAU.il spoii'^ .irisf. ( l.\S> I I— S -HI/ M'llVlK.K. ( lissiiin riinyi.) Oiilf) I. I. M yvuli.icli'riacCir. '.*. (y^tiplMtir. .'I. Ni-iniliigiiii.T Asixti.il ri'pnuluciioii jircJoniin ml r.ir.isiiit or sapuijliylii pl.inls siiini'llnii-s (iirming t;cll.ini'<, ilu- l.iiM oiicn with .1 'Uiii like li.iliit iif Ktawili. Sf»iul KiMHT.it ion iirfilnniin.ini. Notes. III. .\!»coMV>>:Trs. (Sat I-'ungi.) (.>rjftt. 1. l'fri»lKirii«iir. ■J ■r;ilicriiii!cn'. .1 ryfrnxiiiyrcUii . 4. Mi^coiiiyiflia'. 6. rreiliiirii'. <• r»iil.igincii'. 7. S|iliii'iv|i<.iilcii . M. MclJiuuniiii'. J. Ilyiilioiiiyccicii'. I\'. llAHlPIKMVtfTK.i. ( lliKlwr I'lnigi ) I, (i.isuriimyc tier 'J. Ilyiiictiiiinyiiicii'. V. ClILilkiilMni t.i.. ((irveii .\l)!ii ) Ouldt. I I'rotoi III I iiitlui . 1. liiliglin.Uir. A. .N||i|l(lllill'. I. Ci)iilorvoiJtii\ \I I'll.KlH'IIVl K.K ( llniwii W^w ) 1. l'luio>|iiirin', J. hu'iyuUii'. ;j. KutujUiir. Asctual rc|>rudia'' '.lull cDiiiMuiMly pre- liiiii |ii<.iliiiiiii),iiit tlonniuiit. I rerlctt pLinl >. t .\ntlicriill.i r. Scxii.il rvpriidiH iimi Kc|irulyiili:i'. ri"|iiiiiliii'l:iiii |irciliinii' | n.int 1. I'crlVn |>l.ihl > j I 'I. .Xn'licndi.i I I ;{. .>^iii'nii.iti)/iiii|s. I. I'ftfftI i.l.iiit >. II. Ar(liii-ar|i?< .. I IVilii t il.iiil -. AlUlllTilll.l • II ."ililTlll.llll/.llids. I W \ III. .\srMs. \ \ \\ . S|iiiros. Ni> iliMily drriii- ed scximI ri'|iiodiii lion kn iwi). I, IVrfiTi |il.iiii ? II. ( iiijjiiniuiii. III. (Ii>!i|iliirc (lUuni . Ml. ;i.isiilii.ris (Ov.O. I rcileit plain II. ( >ii:;iini.t . VII. Cnl.dn M.rri.K. I. Ciilvoiiiu'tai:i'H'. .Asmnal ri|irndiir' tiiiii liy sw.iini spores iillcn puil.iniiii.inl. I. IVilVrl plant > '-'. .ViuliiTiili.'. ■ .'I. Spi'riii.iuvniiN. I. IVlI'lTl pl.lPt > II. Di'iJ'iiiiuni III. d.i'-piicri.' (I iviiiii ) I \ l\' n.i^poro. I X IV (io~poro. 5 .\ \ . .""vv.iini -pull's 4 .\ l\'. ( iiispnre. 5 X \'. Siv.uni spiiics 'f Thiillophyia.— (C\'»/;>2.vti. ) I. KiionortivcE.K. Kill scawccJs ) llutidc;!-. I.\. (llAKorilYLK.K. 1. ( liaiJLiir. iscxii.il rc|ir()i!iic- Ascxihil rc|iroiliic!iiiii iilicn I'Tnl.'im- iilii'd |prf(li)niiiiant bv t !i> llK■.ln^. I'l'iclia- iiu'.ins ol Iniiliils, or iilia. tiilicrs, or special vcye- j lative liraiK Ill's. Bhanxu hi— BrvDpiuta. Cellular |ilanls wiili roots. cpiJerinis aiiJ stuiiiala. often with leafy stems. .Sexual generation |ireUuiuuMnl. X. Hiiwric.K. (Liverworts ) OrJcn. 1. Iimgeniiaiiiiiaeca . -. Kictiace.i . :i. .\iuh(icerotace;e. ■i. Marcliaiiliai:eii-. XI. Mustix.R.' (Nt.isscs ) OrJirs. 1. ."<|'liai;nact;i-. J. .Andreaceii . :{. I'hasL-acea-. 4. lirvacea . .\sexual re|iriKliiclion often pre .\seiual reprodiicriion preilonii- doininanl. liy means of simple nam liy the dcveiopisient of a separation o| the vegetative axis, pro!. menu, more rarely ilirougli liy adieiititious slioots or l»y gemiiiii . gemiiia'. Notes. I'lrl'eirt pl.im 1. IVrlcc t )ii.uu > >or :: .■^penuoji'iiiia. ■» .Viillieiiili'.iiii ' ? - ."^lieiniatia ' :i. .■spernialo/oiils V pj lllntlK- ^- -3 c< " .> C -— ■ — IVifci t plain 1. IVrfeit pi.iiit ^ 91 s 4> > <■' ■ >. ■r. = I'rorarp II. ( togoiimin ■ "^ S '1 111 ho_i;yiie. Hi. ()o^plR'rc. 3 I I II Cirpospiircs. I \ l\', ( lospiiie. 1\ rrotoiieiiia. .'i \ V. I'ro iinlnvo. I. rerlect plant > 'pr • 1. Aiitiieridia • ;{. .■spcrmato/oid-s tuotile. 8 — :: O " i a t' -^ 1. l'erfe ir ■ i II. Arcliegoimim. 111. U<>splicrc (Utunw. •4 \ l\'. Oospore. .") x \ . laiiliryo ruJinicni.ity. 7 \ \ II >pores with elattr- 8 X \ 111. rrolonema. I. I'erfeti I'l.int > or • Z. Aiuiieridia • 3. ."•permaioioids inutile. I. Terlect plant > or II. .Vrilieguniuui. III. Uosplicre (Kmiii . \ \ \\ . Oxiporc. ."i \ \'. r.niliryo riiilimemary. • I X VI. .Sporog upon tlie sexual ^cne- taiion. - 1 lijoniiim pir.isilii ir'iiii the MX.ial geilt- raiio.i. 7 ■. \ II. >..■.:,- !) x \ 111 I'lotoiiema. XII. — Fii.n.iN.1:. (Kerns.) XII I. — I'.i.iflSETl.S'.K. (Iliir^f i.iils ) .\. l.c|Hexu,ll rcinmluctKin whully >ul>.ir.linale; \ihcii prcwlil. cliielly liy cxtcn-i ni nnil -iivisiiin ..t" ihe iii.im .ixis, inort' r.itely hy Imllw or by stuliiniri;MmK frond?., or even by .TiM)y.iiiiy. I, S.ilvini.ui:!'. -. .M.irsiliaci-i'. .\si'\ii,il ti'i'rorlut- whullv subordiiiati.-. I!. Kiis]iorani;i.Ue. .'!. I liMiicopormis. 0>,/,rs. 1. Oiiliio^lossaciM-. :;. M,uaUiac'c;iv .\sc\iial U'|>ri)tlii(- .\sc.\ii:il rcprDiJilc- lion siil)i)rs|ioroiis. ( h;/crs. 1. Iviiiisctac't';!'. L'. Cilaniilir (?) 1 lc'U'ros|ioriuis. I. .\nnularicii' -. .\' Will 1. IVolh.ilhi- - well formed. I< Mined. '2. .\ntheridium / ,1'. .Amheruliuni. ■'!. S|.erniauiioid'- inoiile. :i. .■^|ierMiato/fii(N. I I. I'p.lhalliis > well turnieil -'. .\ntheridiuni ' i .'i. .■^penualii/.iiiils innlile. 1. riulhalhi', > well devel<)|)ed. -', Anilieiidiuni t .'!. .'^|ierni:ilc)/oids motile. I. IVolhallus > well 1. riotliilhi', well formed. t.jrmed. II. .Vrcliegoni.i II. .\ri hc!,oiiia. I I'rolh.iiliis > well I rrnlh.dhis > we formed. deM'loped. II. .\rtliegonra II. .\iiheeomum Represented liy I sil forms or.ly. I Miccession as in : heterosporoiis I yen] dime. III. ()o>pl,ere(()vum.) III. t)ospliere (( )vimi I II I, ( )ns|,hLic (( tvmn ) III. ( )(.>plRie (i )Mmi) t X 1\'. f)o^pore. I .\ IV. Onsp.iie ■> .X \'. I'.mbryo rndi- ."> x V. laiibryo rudi- ment. iry. meni.iiy. Ii .\ \'\. Normal plant. Ii < VI. Normal plant 7 X yil. Sporophyll. 7 x VII .^p.iruearp. 8 X \'lll. .* X \'. I'.mliivo nidi- .'i x V . l-aiilnyo rudi- mentary, inenliry. I l! X \'l. Noriii.ii plant, il x VI. .Noim.il pl.ini ' 7 X yil. .">puiopliyi|. , 7 X VII. .Scales of ter ; '•X Vlll, .Sporanj;ia. ' tile spike. i ' II x IX. .S|.ores. I 8 X VIII. Spor.iiii'ia. i I II X IX. .spores with ■ 1 elaters. opliyta. iiul Wisrul.ir .Syslcin. ptugaiiis.) Dnlin.iie. .\I\'. SlMltNOl'llVI LE.K. Notes. lK'toros]H)roiis Or,kr. S|iln.'noiihyll.icc:i'. jHoini)s|iuroiis m llclerosiionms, li]i; latter los^il only. Order. I. I.yi'()|i()di,i<:cn' Rciiu'scnli-(1 liy (o^sil Iciriiis ily. 'I'lie Mii'rcssKin .is in the li'iiisiiorovis l.yc(i|ioiJiii.c. .\se.\iial R-iiroiliiclioi) sub- onliivtti;, by means of axilUry doiiiin.inl I l)u'i!)ils, or by l.iter.il biiddnig I of innlorfiroiintl tubers. .W. I.vloi'ouin.k. (Club Mosses) 1 lomosjioroiis. Onler. 1. I'silotactce. Se\u,il tc]inKliiLtion |.re- 1. I'rulli.illiis 5 ur ' • nidi- iiieiit.iry. -. .\mliericliiini t \\. Siierm.ito/oids motile. I. I'rollKilliis ^ or ' inent.iry. II. .\r(lieL;onium 111. CJosiihere (Dviim.) 1. riotli.illiis ■ r .i.linientary. '.'. .\ntlicridiuiii • 1. :s|ierm.itc]/oids motile. I. rrolli.illiis . riKlimeiii.irv . I II. .■Xrelieuoniiiiii 111. ( los|'luTe (t Ivimi). IIeleros|iorous. I. deldymellactii-. 'i. Isoetateie. .\sc\ual projiagation sub- ordinate, by dni^ion of the mam axis, rarely by apojiaiiiy. 1 I'rothalliis ' riidiiiieiilary. 'I. .\i)tlicridiuni. 3. S|ietmato/oids inniile. I I'roiluiuis . rndiiiientaiy. II. .\icliegonium. .11. ( I'lplyere (Ovum). I J X IV. Oospore. .") X v. Sn^pensor. il X VI. I'^mbryo rudimenlaiy. 7 X \'l I. Norin.il pi. ml. s X VIII. Spcii.inj;ilerous leal. !) \ IX. Sporangium. 10 % X. .Spores. 1 X I V. ( lospore. 5 X \'. Sii^peiisor 4. Oosp,jre. j. .Sii>|ieni r. •i. laiibryo rudinieiit.iry. 7. Nuimal plant. 8. S|H)rai)gil'erous leaf. '.'. .Mitrosporangia. li X \ I. Knibryo rudnnentary. In. .Miciospores. 7 X \l I .Normal pl.mt. "■ X \ III, >por.ln_^:l'erolH leal II .\ I .\. Spor,iny4uni. 10 .\ X. .Spores. IV. Oospore. V. 6uspeii.-or. VI. Kmbryo rudnnentary. .'III. Sjiuranjiikious leal. VII. Normal plant. I.\. .\l.ii ro>poraiigui. X. .Maerosporeb, Branch v.-Spcrniaplivta. 'Iruc seed liUiiis. Sexual jjciicr.iuoii very siibordinale, in llic DicoiylcJoiis l>ei niiiiiig ilinosl ioiii|'k'lcly siiii|jri.s>.cd with icsiictt t.i tla- general iliiic uiic. Notes. XVI. — (iV.MMlslKKM.l . Carpels iipcii, seeds naked. XVll.— .\.M.IUSI'KRMI-. t'arpeU Cormiiig closed seed vessels. Ucltrusitorous ; iinitlialli twu . '. lleterosiHir.)iis, ihe rudiment.iry |iroilialli ulttu vs-anling 1. .MoiiuLolvledons. ( Irders. 1. lycadaeeae. -. ("oiiireia'. :i. ra.\aee,e. I. (iiietaie.e. .\sexiial iiroii.igalion siilionliiiale ; suinelinies by lubers. Orders lumierous. U. Dicotyledons. Order luinieroiis. .■\se\ual [iroiLigaUoii siil)urdinale, rarely wlu)lly repLiciii;,' llie sexual; varied, by means nf runners, stolons, onsets, bulbs, sucker>, tubers, and rarely by paiilieiiogeneais. 1. I'rothallus rudimentary. ' 1. I'rotli.dlus not de^eloped. I. I'rotluilus not developed. • ■1. .-Vntlierid.un. rudiinenlarv. (I'oUen li. .Vntber.diuin nidnnenta.y. (rollen li. .VniI.endrau. rudnnentary. (i.,\W^^ tube.) ud.e) '"1«^0 ;!. Spernuio/onls none. ( I'rotnpl.tsn. :i. Sperniaio/oids none. (I'loiopl.iMu :i. . (cmlosperno, lonncd 1.7'roTlullus (endosperm). lornKd I. I'roiiullu^ ,endospern.) formed I .-. ...•;.... .\t" *li.. ..Ilk- nlriT ittii I ri*'* ii.it lull tif llie beloie unpret;n.uion ; parasitic only alter impreyn.Uion ol die upon the asexual generation. ovum ; paraMtic upon the aseuial (.Seeds albuminous ) generation. (Seed,, albuminous.) II. .\ri:l,egoiiiuni well fnnned. H- ;\rcbegoniuin not fotmed. III. Oosi.here (Ovum) HI. Oosi.here ^O- nm. tie.in cell 1 Illy alter impregnalioii of the ovum, generally oblileiaiej. (Seeds ixaibuminous) II. .\rcliegoniuiii not formed. Ill Oosjihere (Ovinii or Germ cell.) 1. Oospore. *• Oospore. ."). Susptnsor. ■»■ Suspensor. Kinbryo vviili 1' to several cotyled.uis (!. Kinbryo with .uie cot>ledon. 7. Normal plant. 7. N.irmal plant, s. .\nthophyll.i. i^- Stamens. !t. Microspofangia (.\tuhcrs.) '■' .Mnrosporangia (.Vnthers.) 10. .Microspores (I'ollen) I" .Microspores. (.I'ollen ) I IV. Oospore. i V. ( )os|iore. \. Suspeii.sor. ' V. Suspensor. VI. Kinbrvn with •-'to several cotyledon- VI. Knibry,) with one cuvledon. VII. N.umal pUni. Vll. Normal plant. VIII. Carpopliylhun. ^ HI I''''"'- l.v M.urospoiangia (Ovules ) IN- .M.nrospoian.ma (Ouiles ) X. .Ma. lospore (Kmbryo s.icj 1 X- -Macrospoie ^VM^h<)'' s.ic) 4. ( )os]iore. 5. Su-pen>or. li. r.mliiyo with two cotyledons. 7. Norni.il plant. ■>. Stamens. II. .Mil rosjiorangia (.\mlier.s ) III Mierospoies. ( I'odeil ) |\ . I Icjspore. V. Suspensor. \ 1. Knibryo •.vitli two coiyleilins. Vll. Normal plant. \ 111. I'lstil. 1 .\. M.icrosporaiigia (( )vulcs ) I \. .Macrospore (Kmbtyo s.ie )