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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmds en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »► signifie "A SUIVRE ". le symbole V signifie "FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITY OF THE EMPIRE. TO BE HELD IN THE ARMORY tmUs, Hanuary ^% \m Given by the joint Fraternal Societies of Hamilton, in aid of the fund ^ ^ being raised by the Lord Mayor of London for the benefit of the Wid- ows, Orphans, and Families depen- dent upon the Soldiers and Sailors of the Queen who may fall in the War in South Africa. Programine-Price s as. i McPherson & Drope, Printers. 1— Selection..." Reminiscences of England "...Godfrey Sons of England Band. 2— Song. " Tommy Atkins " Mr. C. J. Meakins. Oil we tiiko him from the city or the plough, , And we drill him and we dres.s him up so nuui. We teach him to uphold his manly brow, And how to walk, and where to put his feet ; It doesn't matter who he was before, Or what his parents fancied for his name. Once he's pocketed the shilling, and a uniform he'.s filling, We call him Tommy Atkins ail the same. Cho. — Oh! Tommy, Tommy Atkins, you're a "good 'un" heart and hand. You're a credit to your calling and to all your native land, May your luck be never failing, may your love bo over true, God bless you Tommy Atkins, here's your country's love to you. In time of peace he hears the bugle call. In Barracks, from "Revally " to "Lights out", And if " Sontty go" and " Pipe-clay " ever pall. There's always plenty more of woi-k about ; On leave o'nights you meet him in the street, As happy as a school-boy and as gay,_ Tlien back he goes to duty, all for England, Home and Beauty, And the noble sum of thirteen pence a day. In war-time then, it's " Tommy to the front." And we ship him off in " Troopers" to the scene, We sit at home while Tommy hoars the brunt, A-iighting for his country and his t^ueen ; And whether he's on India's coral strand. Or pouring out his blood in the Soudan, To keep our flag a ilying he's a doing and a dying. Every inch of hiui a soldier and a man. So Tommy dear, we'll back you 'gainst the world I'or fighting or for funning or for work. Wherever Britain's banner is unfurled To do your best, and never, never shirk. We keep the warmest corner in our hearts. For you, my lad, wherever you may be, By the Union Jack above you ! but we're proud of you and love you, God keep you, Tommy, still by land and sea ! — Henry Hamilton, . Potter 4- 5- 6 7- 3— Song ."Her Majesty"... Mrs. Clyde Green. Adams Oil what's the word that's going round. Comrades on parade ? Her Majesty is coming to review the old brigade ; Then pass the sign along the line, shout it with a will, " God bless her for her sixty years, and keep her with us still. Cheer ! Cheer ! Soldiers of the Queen, Show her how you love her. Tell her what you mean ; Tell her what your fathers did You again will do, — True to Her Majesty, As she is true to you ! Oh what's the word that's going round. Sailors of the fleet? Man the yards and dress the ships, Her Majesty to greet ; Keep the guns in order, lads, keep the flag unfurled. Thus we'll hold her Empire in the teeth of all the world Cheer ! Cheer ! etc. Then hand to hand, from land to land, answer to the call. Soldier, Sailor, Citizen — Britons one and all ! As we're sons of one great mother, so forever let us be, And the voice that speaks through England still shall keep us free, Cheer! Cheer! etc. —Frederic E. Weatherly, 8 th tb 4— Recitation " Canada " • Mr. W. M. McCIemont. 5— Overture. .*' The Barber of Seville " Rossini Sons of England Band. 6— Scotch Dancing Master Tommy Campbell. 7— Song ."Soldiers of the Queen" Stuart Mr. Chas. Spalding. Britons ouce did loyally deoluim About tiie Wiiy we ruled tlio waves ; Ev'ry Briton's son<; was just tho same, Wlien sinfjing; of our soldiers l)rave, All tho world had heard ir, wonihii'ed why we sang, And some iiavi; learned the reu.^ou why. But we're forjj;ettiii(:; it, and we're lettinjj; it, Fade away auil i^radualii' die. Cho — So when we say that England's master Remember who has made her so. It's the Soldiers of the (jueen my lads Who've been my lads, who've .seen my lads In the fip;ht for England's glory, lads When wo have to show them what we mean. And when we say we've always won. And when they ask us liow it's done We'll proudly point to everj' one of England's Soldiers of tlie (jueen. War clouds gather over every land, Our Hag is threatened East and West; Nations that we've shaken by tlie hand, Our bold resources try to test, They thought they found us sleeping Thought us iini)ie|iiired Because we have our pisrty wars, But Englishmen unite, when they're called to fight The battle for old England's common cause. Now we're rous'd we've buckled on our swords We've done with di]iloniatic lingo. We'll do deeds to fol'uw on our words. We'll shew we're something more than jingo. And though Old England's laws do not her sons compel To military duties do. We'll play them at their game, and shew them all the same An Englishman can be a soldier too. 8— Recitation ..." The Absent-Minded Beggar" . Kipling Miss Jessie Irving. (The accompanyiiiB poen is Rudyard Kipling's contribution to a fund for the wives and cliildieii of tlie British .\rniv recruits sent to South Africa. He sold it to the London Daily Mail for $1,2^0; of all the proceeds Mr. Kipling recrives no- thing. One newspaper raised $2|;o,ooc by the sale of tliis poem), 1. When you've shouted Rule Britannia ! when you've sung God Save the Queen. When you've finished killing Kruger with your mouth, Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine, For a gentleman in khaki ordered south ? He's an absent-minded beggar, and his weaknesses are great, But we and Paul must take hiin as we find him. He is out on active service wiping something off a slate. And he's left a lot of little things behind him. Chorus. Duke's son — cook's son— -son of a hundred kings — Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay. Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after their things ?) Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay — pay — pay ! There are girls he married secret, asking no permission to, For he knew he would'nt get it if he did. There is gas and coals and vittles, and the house rent falling due. And it's more than rather likely there's a kid. There are girls he walked with casual ; they'll be sorry now he's gone. For an absent-minded beggar they will find him ; But it ain't the time tor sermons with the winter coming on, We must help the girl that Tommy left behind him. Chorus. Cook's son— Duke's son — son of a beltod Earl — Sou of a Lambeth publican — it's all the same to-day ; Eacli of 'em dointr his country's work (and who's to look after the nirl ?) Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay— pay— pay ! •6. There are families by thousands far too proud to bep; or sjteak, And they'll put tlieir sticks and bediliny; up the spout ; And they'll live on half o'nothiiin paid 'tun punctual once a week, 'Cause the man that earned tlie wa^e is ordered out. He's an absent-minded b('Kj;!ii', but he liMiird liis country's call, And his re(,inient did'iit need to send to lind him ; He chucked his job and joined it ! so the jol) ijefore us all Is to help the homo that Tommy left behind him. Cliorus. Duke's job — cook's job — fjjanleiier -bavoiict <;room — Mews or palace or paper shop— there's someone t^one away ; Each of 'em doiiifj; his country's work [ixud who's to look after the room ?) Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay— pay — pay ! \. Let us manage sons later we can look him in the face, And tell him what he'd very much prefer — That while he saved the Empire his employer saved liis place, And his mates, (that's you and mo) looked out for her. He's an absent-minded be;;nar, and he may forget it all; But we do not want liis kiddies to remind him That we sent them to the workhouse while their daddy hammered Paul, So we'll help the homes our Tommy's left behind him ! Chorus. Cook's home — Duke's home — home of a millionaire — (Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay?) Each of 'em doing his country's work (and what have you to spare "?) Pass the hat for your credit'ssake, and pay — pay— pay ! 9- -Song... "We're Britons None the Less, Sir" Mrs. Palmer. M. DeS. Wedd In Canada, our country, true patriots abound ; We're just as loyal Britons As can anywhere be found. The flag to us that's sacred Is the grand old Union Jack ; If called on to defend it You'll find we nothing lack. Though our home is far from the Motherland, We're Britons none the less, sir ; And ready, aye ready, to fight and die For our Flag and Queen, God bless her. No land's withont its traitors ; 'Tis iust the adage old ; You'll always find a black sheep In each and every fold ; And our land's no exception ; But they're few and far between Who cannot sing with fervor God Save Our Gracious Queen. 10— Selection " United Empire " Hughes Sons of England Band. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Mr. f]. Pearce • - - Accompanist. The Second and Last Concert under the auspices of the Fraternal Societies will be held on Thursday, January 25th, 1900. 13th Regt. Band will assist.