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The teat recorded frame on each microficha shall contain the symbol — »- (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ^ (meaning "END"), whichever appliea. Mapa, piatea, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many framea aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'axemplaira flUni fut reproduit grftce it la ginirositi de: D. B. Weldon Library University of Western Ontario (Regional History Room) Lea imagea auivantas ont 4t* reproduites avac la plua grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at de ia nattat* de I'exemplaira film4, et en conformity avac fas conditiona du contrat de filmage. Lea exomplairea or'ginaux dont la cnuvarture en papier eat imprimia sont filmte an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la darniire page qui comporte une ampreinte d'impraasion ou d'illustration, :wner owner owner owner tenant owner owner ownftf owner tenant tmm LIST OF yOTEBS, 1883.— MUNICIPALITY OP OLENCOE. ilTo. on RoU. Noma. 177 Goulding, M. 214 Goulding, Harry S 167 Gordon, W» W. 226 Graham, Alex 168 Graham, D«nald J 209 Griffith, EU J 64 Greives, James 180 Gross, Horace 137 Guy, Thomas 5 Hammond., William it 3 301 Hamlet, Thomas J 211 Harris, George (( • 3 212 Harris, James 284 Harrison, George M. J 136 Heaman, Robert J 135 Hindson, William J 20 Hillman, John J 3 3 J J (( 89 Hodge, William 69 Hopkins, Thos. 103 Howard, R. J'. 104 Howard, W. J. 128 Huston, George 130 Huston, Jacob 196 Huston, K J. 19T Huston, Geo. sr. 13 Kapelle, Stephen 3 134 Kennedy, Angus J 228 Keiler, A. J 146 Knoe, Fatiick J 42 Leitch, Colin - 72 Leitch, Malcolm 270 Leitch, Dugald 3 271 Leitch, Jno. A. 12 Lethbridge, George 3 50 Lindsay, Alex. 153 Liviiigston, Neil 154 Livingston, Donald 127 Lumley, W. G. aOfi Tivnn. Jamea Lot. 46 { ^ , LIST OP VOTERS, 1883.— "MUNICIPALITY OP QLENCOE; ^ i \ No. on EoU. Nanie. 106 Mallorjr, Stephen . 2 MarahftU, Edward 4 Middletariss, Eli t Id 5 Miller, Henry 256 Moore, John 290 Munro, Malcolm 102 McAlpine, Mai. J. 44 McAlpiue, John 48 McAlpine, Pugald 159 McAlpihe, Peter J. 208 McAlpine^ Jaroes 62 McCallum, Neil 9 McCracken, isaac 265 McOrackeu, John 78 McCreery, Saimiel J. J J •# 144 McDonald, Peter 206 258 279 248 139 123 124 233 183 71 10 15 237 264 53 113 McDonald, W. D. McDonaik], A. P. McEachfei'n, Arbh'd McEivie, J^qhlaft McTnty re/ 'Dttpcan ♦ Mclntyre, Hugh Mclntyre, James Mclntyre, Malcolm srt Mclntyre, John McKay, Biugh McKjlllar, John MoKellar, Arch. McKellar, Arch. B. McKellar, Randolph R. McKenzie, Kenneth McKenzie, Angus It 3 J J 263 McKenzie, Murdock 297 McLachlan, Hugh 34 McLachlan, John 213 McLean, Angus 260 MoLellan, Arch'd 280 McMillan, John P. 14 McNeil, Hugh B. 85 McNeil, John J 125 McNeil, Hector J 36 McRae, Donald B. J 199 McRae, Donald sr. Lot. pt 2 16, 17 and 18 pt o hf n hf 24 9 48 59, 60, 61 & 62 13, 14 antl 15 1 3 16 and 17 1, 6 and 7 1 9 and 15 r. sl:"shflot 24 pts 5, e auc ^ 19 and 20 43 9 and 10 1 and 2 pt s hf Irt I 9, 10 and l\ 27 3 1 and. 6 4 44 9 pt 3 1, 2 and 3 4 6T 1 and 6 pt n hf 23 pt 2 8 and 9 30 ^ 47 3 and 8 pt s hf 24 w pk n hf 1 16, 17 and 32 pts 6 and 7 2, 3 and 10 64, 65 and 69 4 6 1, 2 and 3 Con., Block or Street. blk A, E s tenant blk P, E s owner con 1, Ekfrid joint owner blk E, E 8 owner McKellar siuvey owner McKellar purvey blk G, M. S. blk A, E 8 blk H, E s blk £, E 8 blk B, M s blk G, M 8 blk B, M 8 blk J, E 8 con I:., Fi' f b'k '\ E *. l>eH"* ./'tyvey "Jtcan gnr%'ev blk i>. E !> ' bik G, M 3 eon 2, Mosa Deati survey McKellar surve/ blk B, M B blk D^ Ms blk D, M 8 McKellar survey oonl; MODO blk A, E 8 blk D, E 8 blk P, E 8 blk C, M s Currie survey blk C, M 8 t;on 1, Ekf blk 0, M s blk O, E 8 McKellar survey Dean -survey blk J, E 8 con 1, Ekf con 1, Mosa Dean survey blk O, E 8 blk A, E 8 McKellar survey blk D, M 8 blk D, E s blk B, E 8 tenant owner owner owner owusr owner tenant owner owner owner joint owner owner ovner owner owt^r f.wner 'tunftDt owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner owner owner owner owner owner ' owner owner owner tenant owner owner 6 LIST OF VOTERS, 1883.-MIlNICirALITY OF QLENCOB. No. on Roll. NomiA. 203 McRae, Donald jr. 347 McRae, Doiiald 201 McRae, Jchn D. 202 McRae, Mm- 80 McRae, John R. ion McVicar, Arch'd J J J J 224 Nash, B.enry 230 Newport, William 175 Nichol, Jaiaes 299 Niphol, Al§!x. 47 Niger, Ben.j. 156 Nixon, W.m. 21 Nortb, Henry ] 14« Oldrieve, John 121 OUis, Willliam 170 Orrs.nge, (itjorge J 234 Orrimg*, John J 81 Otton, Arthur W. J 11 OtDon, Demas 24 Otton, Samuel J 169 Peine, W. W. J 195 Parker, D. C. 215 Parks, Wm. B. J 40 Parrott, Geo. J 278 Peachey, Joaiah 66 Pool, JohD , J 286 Rathburn, Isaac 298 108 J 16 j 293 i 69 J 17 I J J } 18 82 93 6 Rae, William Ricbardson, Georgo Ritchie, James Rcckett, William Roe, Theophilus Rogers, W. S. Rogers, Wm. G. Roome, Joseph E. Ryckman, Cornelius Ryckman, Myles J 481 Sara, John J 205 Scott, John 29 Shanks, Fred 110 Slater, Cliaa. B. IfiPi SiicuDBon. Wm. J. Lot. 6 27 63 7 3 and 8 16 and 21 43 ^ and 26 6 and 46 pt2 11 48 47 6 and 7 pt3 6, 7, 11, IS 45 pt 3 3 9 11 3 7 3 pt a hf 1 14 and 15 6 and 7 2 pt2^ 10 pt 4 ^6 1 and 2 pt 4 10 pt 4 pt 3 1 and 2 pt 1 7 3 8hf2 8 2 2 56, 57 and 58 Con., Block or Street. blk C, E 8 owner McKellar survey McKellar survey blk C, E s blk 0, E a McKellar survey owner owi owi dwner owner rdr McKellar survey owner Dean survey owner Dean survey owner blk C, E s joint tenaftt blk B, M 8 McKellar survey Currie survey tenant tenant tenant blk E, E s blk D, M 8 h 14 blk A, E 8 McKellar survey blk C, E s blk O, E 8 blkN, Es^ McKellar survey blk C, M 8 blk F, E 8 blk N, E s con 2, Mosa blk E, E 8 blk J, E. 8 blk E, E s blk 0, E 8 blk N, E 8 ///'blk 0, M 8 /^ Dean survey f>/ blk Hi, E 8 blk C, M 8 blk 0, E s blk 0, M 8 blk 0, E 8 blk G, B 8 blk C, E s blk K, B 8 owner owner own<3r owner tenant owner owner tenant tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner joint tenant owner tenant owner joint tenant joint tenant tenaut joint ienrmt tenant tenant joint teaant cwner blk E, E 8 blk A, M 8 blk B, M 8 blk O, E 8 blk C, M s McKellar survey owner tenant owner tenant owner ownr r L ^f I ■«■■■■■*■«■■ Street. 7 7 owner owner owr owr dwner owner j^ owner owner owner joint tenaftt tenant tenant tenant jy ey ey owner owner owner owner tenant owner owner tenant tenant owner owner tenant owner owner owner joilxt tenant owner tenant owner joint tenant joint tenant tenaut joint tenrmt tenant tenant joint te^aant fwner owner tenant owner tenant owner own( r irvey LIST OP \ DTER8, 1883.-— MUNICIPALITY OP OLENCOE. Ho. on ItoU. Name. J 150 SimpHon, James 230 Simpson, John 232 Simpson, Wm. H. ?43 Skill, Petw 111 Smart, A. 91 Splain, Allan 37 Small, Walter ((. 198 185 112 152 133 151 241 161 163 Steer, H. • Stiuson. jTiimes Stuart, A4ex. Stewart, S. R. Smith, John Surbey, K A. Stevenson^ James Swaislandj Ernest Swaisland, Vvilmot 17 Sjmes, William j 263 Swift, ^. D. 194 Tait, John ' (t j 96 Tait, Joseph M. 296 Thomson, John j 26 Thomas, Stephen j 120 Thompson, Samuel j 115 Toon, Matthev*- j 8 Trott, George j 244 Turnbull) James 49 Urquhart, Alex. 303 Virtue, WilHam- j 210 Vernon, Rich'd 188 Walker, Atcheson j 190 Walker, Samuel. J. 227 Walker, Joseph j 165 Warner, John_R. j 189 Waudby, Johti j 25 Weekes, Wm. J. j 217 Wilson, George 222 Wilson, Andrew 268 Wilson, Wm. B. j 3 Young, Nelson j 77 Younge, James ^7 Lot. 29 34, 35 and 36 1, 2 and 3 pt 17 pt2 pt 1 K 'J 2 5 and 6 2, 3 and 4 pt2 pt 2 4 pt2 6, 7 and 42 1 and 2 4 6, 7 and pt 8 4 pt n h£ 5 3 2 and 3 pt 1 48 8 pt2 pt2 8 hf lot 23 6 10 2 17 1 55 66, 67 and 68 41 and 42 Cow., Bhck or Street. McKellar survey tenant McKellar survey owner block A, M s . tenant MoKellar survey tenant blk C, M s tenant blk C, E 2 tenant blk N, E s owner blk r>, M s joint teniint McKellar survey tenant blk F, E s bH: C, l^it^ III.— Pei-sona entitled to vote at Elections to the Legis- \ lative Assembly only. Total miraboi- of qualified Jurors appearing on this Lisr, 142 I, George A'l. Harrison, Clerk of the Municipality of Viloncoe, in the Couijty of Middlesex, do hereby certify th^c Parts I and III of the foregoing list constitute a correct List for the year 1883, of all persons appearing by the last Revieed Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to bo entitled to vote at Elections for members to the Legislative Assembly, and that Parts I ani IT constitute a correct .List for the said year of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled:to,.^Cote at Municipal Election? in said Municipality, and I hereby call upoh all; Electors to examine said List, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. And I further certify that a copy oi the foregoing "Voters'. List was postbc' ,up in my office at Glencoe, for inspection, on the 13th day of August, 1883. Dated this 13th day of August, 1883. GEORGE M. Harrison, Clerk of the said Municipality.