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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I SHEA'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LlfiGUISTICS. XL fl AIPHABETICAl VOCABUURIES OF THE CLALLAM AND LUMMI. W GEORGE GIBBS. NEW YORK: CBAMOISY PEESS. 1863. J y v/ /% .... ii' ; — / < PRKFACh The tribe of Clallams, as they are usually called by the residents of Washington Territory — by the neighboring Indians named S'klal'arn, and denominated by themselves Nus klai yum — inhabit the southern shore of Fuca Strait, from about the Okeho River on the west, to Port Townshend on the east, bordering in the first direction on the Makahs, sometimes called Classets (the Klaizzart of Jewitt), a tribe of the Xootka family who inhabit Cape Flattery, and in the other on the Chemakum, like themselves a branch of the Selish, though a yet more remote one. Their language is the same, with some dialectic differences only, as that of the Songhus and Sokes of Vancouver Island opposite. It is this which has been referred to by Drs. Scouler and Latham as the "Nusdalum," undoubtedly, in the first instance, a misprint. The Clallam differs materially from the other Selish languages of the Puget Sound country, though less from the Lummi than the rest. Its noticeable feature is the fi-equent occurrence of the nasal ng. The Lummi tribe live on the lower part of a river heading in the Cascade Range, north-east of Mount JJaker, and emptying by two mouths, one into Bellingham Bay, the other into the Gulf of Georgia, the upper waters of which are inhabited by the Nook- Bahks (Nuk-sdk). They are, however, intruders here, their former country having been a part of the group of islands between the 27G fl PREFACE. continent and Vancouver Island, to whicli they still occasionally resort. Their own name is Nukh'lnni-nu. The Skagits call them Nflkh-lesh, and some of the other tribes Ila-lura-mi. Their dia- lectic affinities are rather with the Sannitch of the south-eastern end of Vancouver Island than with any of the Indians of the main land, and the two probably at one period formed a single tribe, which more remotely was connected with the Clallams and Songhus. The Simiahmoo (Si-mi-a-mu), a small remnant, living on the bay of that name, north of them, belong likewise to this group. On the south the Lummi adjoin the Samish and other bands of the Skagits, who in language approach the Nisquallies. Like the Clallam, their language abounds with the nasal n^, both as a prefix and a termination. It has another peculiarity, in great measure its own, in the brond sound of the letter a, somewhat as in the words mass, ^)ass, but even more prolonged. I have distin- guished this in the vocabulary by the italic. The letters /", r, v, «, are wanting in both languages. The Clallam and Lurami, as will be observed, contain three classes of cardinals, which I have distinguished as simple, personal^ and of valuation, although these terms are not strictly accurate ; certain objects, besides men, being counted by the second, and others, as well as money, by the third ; I have never fully ascer- tained the distinctions which govern their use. The words animate and inanimate do not apply ; those of noble and ignoble, by which the French Missionaries designated the names of objects in the Algonquin languages, probably indicate the idea. Mr. Gallatin, in his " Notes on the Semi-Civilized Nations of Mexico," &c.,* men- tions the same peculiarity as existing in the Mexican and Maya, in the former of which there are three different terminations suffixed to the simple numbers, according to the objects denoted. A similar distinction is found in the Makak language, and traces of it, at * Trans. Am. Eth. Soa, vol. i , p. 54. rUKFACE. Vll least, are observable in the Pima. I imagine tliat by iiMniiry tlie fact would be found to exist in other Indian tongues. Sinrfularlv enough, this feature also characterizes sonic, of the laiigiia-a'S of Micronesia. The affinities of tiie Clallam and Lummi with the Selish arc too obvious to require deiuonstrution. Indeed Dr. Latham has ahvady classed the former with the Shewha})inukh, or, as he terms it, Atna, of Frazer River, the northernmost of the Selish dialects. The term Atna, it may be mentioned, is improperly applied as a i'amily name to these languages, as it is a Takulli (Athabascan or Chepcwyan) word, signifying, according to Mr. A. V. Anderson, " strangers." These two vocabularies were collected, the first at Port Towns- bend, during a residence of a few months, the other at Simiainoo Bay, while I was connected with the X. W. Boundary (Commission. Neither of them underwent more than a partial revision, and inac- curacies have therefore doubtless crept in. They are, however, sufficiently reliable to afford the basis of extending comparisons with the other Selish and the more northern coast families. VOCABULARY OF THE CLALLAM. f Above, tslts-itl Aboard, si-it-hwu. Afraid, sa-si-si. Again, hon-ani^. Alive, o-yo. All, o-liMu'na ; thaVs all^ auklik. Always, wM-an-su; I always icork, w{it-an-s»i clui-ai. Ankle, tsMts-ho-kwi-stin. Arrive at^ to, t^<ss'tsell. Arm, ts4i-is. Arrow, yetcht. Arrow head, of wood, katstl ; of iron, kimi-tin-ai-in ; (k<*m- iu\\\, iron.) Autumn, tchin-s6t-lc. Axe, s'kuk-t<in'. Back, the, stets-i'kAv«ii. Bad, kwaukh, s'ha-as. Barberry, " Oreffon f/rape '* {berheris), she'tcliiii. Barbs of fsh spear, ts6-kwai- ten. lUR Bark, chai-ikli. Barnacle, tsohiigi. Bat, klat-li-i>i-a-lian. Basket, mo-lioi ; cedir hark, t'sho-ikl ; Jir root, sp'olm. Beach, kokh-liwong-u. Beads, kwi'-kwc Bear, black, s'clii-kwaitsli; ///•/.:- zlj/, kwai-it-shin. Beaver, ske-yau. Beard, kwMu-tson. Behind, il-kwa-us. Berries (f/eneric), sWhii-yuk- w'tl. Bilberry, yo-huin. Birds: Sea (lucks {</cnerlc), ni6-ok. Small land birds {generic), tsit-s?nu. (."rauc, si-6-hu. (how, skwa-kwa'to. Duck, mallard {a. hoschas), tc'nwk-scn. Duck, surf (/. perspicillata), kle-yin. Duck, velvet {f.fuHca), ko- inat'sin-blai. I i i ! BIR 10 BYE Birds . Duck, harlequin {f. histrio- nica)y sws-sdu. Duck, scaup (/. marila), swet-st. Duck, goosander (m. mer- ganser)^ ko-6kw. Eagles, bald (Haliaetus), kwiii-eng-s'n. Eagles, golden (Aquila), ku- tait-sin-hu. Goose, ywkh-h6-na. Guillemot, sas-se-mats. Gulls, kwun-ne, ku-te-i<k. Grebes, kla-ai-kun. Grouse, dusky, gne-et. ruffed, ste-yu-hung. Heron, snok-ho. Jay, s'hiiikh-hai. Pigeon, hwni-okh. Raven, sku-to'. Sandpipers, ske'wks. Black, i«iwk-aikh, an-nu-kdikh. Blanket, swi'shi-atl; of dog's haivy skwm-eng-Mtl. Blood, st6-yu-k?<m. Blue, kws-ki^s-sho'it, an-nu- k\v6-o. Board, se-y't-hu. Body, ui-chi-chai-ten, n's-tats-kl. Body, parts of: Head, skung-i. Hair, si-at't'n. Face, sats. Ear, skong'ws. Eye, kai-in. Nose, nwk's'n. Mouth, ts6-ts'n. Tongue, tikh'wh'lts. Teeth, tchin'nis. Beard, kwwn-ut-s'n. Body, parts of: Neck, hong-en. Arm, tsai-'s. Elbow, skop-hai. Wrist, s'hots-kwats. Hand, s'ch-hats'. Fingers, s'ch-hats'. Nails, ts-shuts. Breast or Chest, tswng-Mtl. Woman's Bosom, skwb-6. Back, stets'i-kwwn. Leg, s'hwn-na. Ankle, tuts-ho-kwi-sun. Foot, kl-ta-s'n. Toes, kl-ta-s'n. Bone, st-zum. Heart, ha-chin-nin'. Blood, sto'yu-kwn. Skin, k6-wi. Penis, shel'la. Testes, ng-at's?<n. Boil, tOy kwai-yis. Bone, st-zum. Bore a hole, «o, t'sh/k'wwt. • Both, cha-sa. « Bow, s'ho'mo-ten. Bow-string, sul-kwd-tchin. Boy, s\ve-wa-us, scha-chi-aitl. . Bracelets, tso'me-chin. Break, to, ti-kwwt'. Breasts of woman, skwb-6. Bring, to, an-akh'w; bring that, {imp.) an-akhw ta-sai-ya. Broad, kl-ktit. Brother, elder, sut-ho-nwk ; younger, sai-tchin. Bucket, sk6-tt«i. Buffalo, kwaisp. Buy, to, tii-kws. Burying ground, md-kwa. Bye and bye, bets. CAN XI DUN Canoe, Chinook pattern, o-6t- hi/s ; Cowitshin do., ste-watl ; ducking canoe, sno'h-wh'l. Carry, to, 6ng-wt-un. Carpenter, worker in wood, fikai-dn-hwii. Catch, to, kl-kwiit. Cedar bark, si-6-we ; wood, ts- shai. Chest or breast, the, tsMDg'?<tl ; chest (box) kl6-y?/ks. Chief, si-am. Chop, to, kum-mwt'. Clam, quahog ( Verms), ski-he- yu ; the large kind (lutraria), swd-hwm; blue striated spe- cies, skwk-lai. Clouds, s'hu-rio-wt/s. Cockle, skle-yom. Cod fish, s'ka-kan. Cold, kla-tchi. Colors : White, p«k'h. Red, wn-tswkw', an-nu-ts?<k'o. Black, ^^n-^^k-aikll, an-nu- kaikh. Blue, ki<s-kws-sho'it, an-nu- kwhe-o. Yellow, nwts-kwai-ye'win, an- nu-kwai-kwai. Green, Mn-tlwtlkh, an-nu- klikh'tl. Comb, kl-sing'en. Come, to, en-dt-sen ; / come, an-nd; \come you (imp.) an- nd-chi. Cook on stones, to, nutch- kw6-nMtl. Copulate, <o, kwat'tl. Corpse, k6i. Cougar, kau-et-sap. Cup, met-k>v. Cuttle fish, sko-iuMkw. Crab, a-che-he. Crane, si-e-hu. Crow, skwa-kwd-to. Cry, to, hong. D. Dance, to, kwoi-e-ish-ten. Darkness, s'chat. * Daughter (child), nimg-un'n&. Day, skwd-tchi. Dead, ko-i. Dead land (country of the dead), sno-mikw. Deep* kletch. Deer, hopt, srae-yis. Demon (the primal race), s'hui- db. Dig, to, tse-ywkwt ; dig out, to, (e. g. a canoe), kd-hai-yu. Do, to, chu-ai. Dog, ska-ha ; j^lur. ska-yd-ha. Dog fish, s'kwats. Door, so'tl, Down stream, kw6-kwii. Dream, to, (Istpers. ind.) kwi- nong-tut-sen. - Drink, /, ko-kwdt-sen; (ko, water.) Drive, to, kwi-lmt'l. Drunk (i. e, foolish), as-hwa- kwu. Dry, hd-ching. Duck (mallard), te-nuk-sen. Dull, u'ko-mukh. Dung,>;o, kd-ang. ( I EAR GOO E. Ear, kwai-in. Eari^, land, sli-sti<ng'a-Mli?/n. Eagle, hakl^ kwai-eng-s'n ; g(dd- en, kii-tait-sin-lm. Eat, (0, ts-kwin-s?mt-scii,it-lun. Echinus, skwct-si. Eggs, sit)g-i-ii-nct. Eight, tats, tats-sai-ya, tats-hait- Elhow, skop-hai-al-ka. Elk, kai-yctsli. End or jwint, elks. Evening, tang-cn. Eye, k:ii-iii. Exchange, to, at-she-ti. t. Face, sats. Far, yt'-ye, l\e-oli. Father, i-ai-in ; r/randfat/ier, se-ya. Feathers, s'cliai. Find, to, cho-iu<t-seii. Finish, I have finUIiod vorl-, lio-its'iia kwin's dial. Fingers, s'cli-hats. Fir tree (^</><V.s J)oH(/lassu), skai-ai-n?<kli, cbi-a-diitcli ; ./?V Ijarh; tsT'yi. Fire, ho-nuts, i^ire "wood, tl-kats. First, i-clia-yi. Fish, tsa'kw. Fish, etc. : Coil iish, s'kii-kan. Crab, a-che-e. Cuttle fisli, skc-mifkAv. Dog fisli, s'kwats. Fish, etc. : Flounder, hwau-kwwn. Halibut, s'hot'b. Herring, klongt. Oulakan, klais. Porpoise, s'iifi-ma-hens. Salmon {seep<x[/e IV). Sculpin, swan-itl. Shark, kla-y?<k-a-tet-s'ii. Sturgeon, kw'tait-sin. Toad fish, s'cbeni-?/kli. Fish gig, sti-e-bu. Fishing line of kelp, scbats. Fish with a line, to, tl-ti-6-is. Fish 'weir, su-ta-l'bl. Five, kl-katcbt, kl-ki/t-shai-ya, kl-k«t-sbuit'bu. Flesh, sli-»k\v'. Flounder,/a«,^'sA, bwau-kwtm . Fly, the insect, kli-kai-ahim-na. Foot, kl-ta-sn. Four, ng-os, ni-sai-ya, nu-sait-hu. Formerly, a long time ago, bets. From, tu-ktit-s'n. Full, es-si-at-st'l. GaffJ/or salmon, kle-kw?/n. Gambling disks, sla-hal'hnn. Get up, to, tsat-hMig. Girl, slet-lat-li-ke. Give, to, ang-at. Go, /, {1st pers. pres. ind.) hai- dt-sen ; go {inqj.) oh'ebi ; Iffo there, ots-na tti-sai-ya. Goat {aploceras), shwet-le. Good, tiikb,hatl ; (joodso {that^s well), iii-yu-bo-nang ; good man, ais swe-ka; good dog, ais ku-ba. GOO 18 KNO Goosander {merffus mergan- ser), ho-ok'w. Goose, yi<kh'ho-na. Grandfather, s6 ya, tcliwtt. Grandmother, se-ya. Grass, s'hats-ai ; mat f/ransfor thread, kl?<tl. Grease or oil, sul^<ts. Grebe (jwdiceps), kla-ai-k?Mi. Green, rni-tMtlh, ar.-nu-klikhtl. Grouse {tetrao obscurus), giio- et ; {tetrao timbcllus), sto'yu- liuiig. Guillemot, sas-st-mats. Gull, ku-te-i<k, k\v?<n-ne. Gum, 2ntch, tcli6-«kli. IT- Hail, chit-la-hiii-siii. Hair, si-at'tn. Haiqua {the dentalium), klets'- chiii. Half, il-cluikli'. Halibut, s'liot'li, tsot'li. Hand, sV-li-hats'. Hard, ko-sang'. Hare, rabbit, ka-kait-sc. Haul, to, lio-kwut'. Hat, s'ches'euk'h. He, %chen j^resenf, tsa-mukw ; if absent, notl. Head, skung-i. Hear, /, yai-ya-n?<iig-scn. Heart, ha-cliiu-nin'. Here, te-at'hla. Heron {ardea herodias), siiok- lio. Herring, klongt. Hide, to, kwai'a. Hit, I, tcho'kwe-nut-sen. Holla, to, k\va-k\v?<t-cliing. Ho"wmany? kwen-chis; how many people? ko-iiai--ya; hov^ many dollars f ko-nai chis ' ng?ni dolla ; hoxo much mo- ney have you f ko-nai te cliin dolla. House, ai-y?mg ; my hovse, n' skwai, te ai-y?nig. Hundred, na-tcho-w?/tsli. Hungry, Invain. Husband, my, \i> swe-i-ka. I. I, ?<tza. Ice, sle'a-lui. Indians, pecple, tl-stai-ing-lui, ats-il-tai-ing-hu. Infant, s'cliu-in. Iron, kuni-t*<ni'. Island, kl-chas. <• J. Jay {yairulus stelleri), s'luiikh- liai. Just now, lately, cliatsh'ta ; 1 havey list come chatsli-ta't n's- ta'clii. K. Kamass, k'whlu-i. Kettle, skwo-teii. Kill, to, ko-clu'>-yu. Knee, skai-ya-ko. Knife, sheath, ko-kwiii-is ; p)oclict, nang-ntm. Know, I, lu<t-chet 't-sen. T LAK 14 MOL 1' ■ i^ ■ Lake, tse-ikhtl. Large, tch?<k. Lately, just now, chutsh-ta. Laugh, to, iict'clting. Lazy, tsa-hung. Leaf, s'cha-sini. Leap, to, h\ve-t?nig. .Leg, s'luni'na. Lie, to, kai-yj/kh'. Light, wai-yu. Lightning, chiu-e-kwa. Like, hon-ang. Listen (imj).), ya-ya-nr<ng-ots- hu. Long, klakt ; lo}iff arjo, liets. Look for, to, kli-yang. Lose, to, tsits-hwu-nMiig. Love, to, iiug-kle. Low tide, s»ng-ot-st'ii. Lynx {L.fasciata), tsat-sats. M. Mallard, cluck, te-nuk-scn. Mammals: Bat, klat-U-pi-a-lr<<n. Bear, black, s'clii-kwaitsli. Bear, grizzly, kwai-it-^iin. Beaver, sko-yan. Buffalo, kwaisp. Cougar, kan-et'sa]). Deer, hopt, sme-yis. Dog, ska-ha. Elk, kai-yetsh. Goat, mountain, swet-le. Hare, rabbit, ka-kait-se. Lynx, tsat-sats. Mink, mis-tcho. Mouse, skwa'tz«i. Mammals : Musk rat, skwlkh-kut'lkli. Land otter, ska'atl. Sea otter, twm'mws. Seal, ass'bu. Skunk, smat-s'n. Squirrel {sciurus), sp-si-yut- s'n ; {tamias), ha-hai-yu- wetsh. "Wolf, Rta'ching. Whale, ch-whc-yu. Man, swe-ka ; plur. swe-yi-ka ; young man, swc-wus ; old man, kwilt-chak. Many, ng' ?inn ; many men, ng' iiw^V sw6-yi-ka. Mat, of round nishes (tule), taks-lats'hu ; Jlat do. {cat''s tail), su-ya-atsh , kai-nim ; cedar bark, tsimi'mut. Mat needle, ho-k'Tu'in. Medicine, s'tai-ing-bu. Medicine man, magician or doctor, s'hu-nani. Middle, ets-t6ng-en. Milk, skz<b-6. Mink, mis'tcho. Miss a mark, to, tang-r«i ; miss the road, to, ti-takh. Mistake, to, in speech, ti-takbf Moccasins, kh<k'shin. Molluscs, etc. : •» Barnacle, tsongt. Clams, quahog ( Venus), ski- he-yu ; large {Liitraria), swa'-ln^ra; blue striated, skt^k-hlai ; cockle {car- dium), sklo-yom. Hai-kwa {Dentalium), klets- chin. Mussel, to'yi^k. Oyster, klokh>klokh. MOL 16 NUM I Molluscs, etc. : Scallop {pecten), na'iia. Sea egg (echinus), skwet-si. Moon, kl-ktiitsli. Morning, kwii-tdii. Mosquito, pwiiik-seii. Mother, tan. Mountain, li'kwi-etsh. Mouse, skwd-twii. Mouth, tsu'ts'n. Musk rat, 8kt<lkh-k?<t'Ikli. Mussel, the small blue, to'y«k. My sister, na ais ; my house^ na ai-yz<ng ; my things, n's- kwa-na-akw. Mythology : ■'No-kwe-iuatl or D6-k\ve-batl, the principal supernatural being, corresponding to Ikaiii of the ChinooJcs. * S'hui-db, the primal or demon race. S'hu-nani, magic or medicine. Te-yutl-nia, the genius of good fortune. Iliin-ha-ne-ti, a performance of conjuring or '■'■tamd- uou*'^ [Chinook), knoion to the Kisquallies as s'hi-na, i?i ichich it is pretended that the p>erson initiated is killed and then restored to life. N. ■ Name, s'dii. Nails, ts'shuts. Near, klat-le-a-ko. Needle, "chat-st<n. Neck, h6ng-e?i. Ne-w, bau-us, k>hau-6s. Night , s'nat'. Nine, tokw, t'kwai-ya, t'kwait- hu. None, a-WMii-na, aa-w?<ts-ait. Noon, k'e-yit. Nose, iiwk'sn. Now, ti-ii-no. Numerals : Simple Cardinals — 1, nit'zo. 2, cbis'sa. 3, klekhw. 4, ng-os. 5) klkatcbt 6, t'limig. X tsoks. 8, tats. 9, tokw. 10, o-pen. Personal Cardinals — 1, iiat-so. 2, cbii-sa. 3, kl-wbai-ya. 4, ni-s:ii-ya. fi, kl-ki<t-sbai-ya. % t?<kli-tnig-ai-ya. % tsakw'-tsai-ya. % tats-s:ii-ya. % t'kwai-ya. 10, o-pon-ai. Cardinals of Valuation — 1, ii'sakt'bn. 2, n'sbait-bu. 8, kl-wliait-liu. 4, nu-sjiit-bu. fi> kl-kr^-sbait-bu. 6, tt<kb-h!<ng-ait-bu. % tsak-sait-luT, 8» tats-bait-lm. 9, t-kwait-liu. ,1% o-pen-ait-bu. ' f! NUM ItAK [ Numerals : 11, o-pon it nitzo. 12, o-pen i'tc]i?<s-sa 20, t's-kwi<ss. CO, Ii'l-lutl-shii. 100, iia-tcho-w«<tsli. 1000, p'nc-itsli. 0. Old, siu«k-ai. Old man, kwirtcbwk ; old wo- man, kwil'tclmk slu-ni. One, nit'zo, nat'so, n'sukt-liu. Otter, land, ska-atl ; sea, tum'- inus. Oulakan, a small fish, klais. Out doors, as-saktr. Oyster, klokh-klokh. Offshore, tsdt-so. r. Paddle, a, liOng-«<t. Paddle, to, ist. People, tl-stai-ing-hu, ats-il-tdi- ing-hu. Penis, slid'la. Pigeon, hwm-okh. Pipe, pa-akw. Pitch, tche-T«k. Plank, se-y't-hu. Plants, etc. : Barberry (berberis), she-tchiu. Berries {generic), s'cba-yt<k- w'tl. Bilberry, yc-huu. Grass, s'liats-iii. used for mat thread, kl«tl. ■ Plants, etc. : Kamass {squilla), k'vvhl6-i. Rush, cat-tail, kwo-ot. Sallal {Gualtheria), tak'a. Salmon berry, al-o'lo. Strawberry, te-yMkw. Tobacco, sma-nasli. Point or end, elk'hs. Pound, to, as grain, taui. Pour, to, kwi-yet'. Porpoise, s'hu-ma-hens. . Prairie, spelh'han. Pregnant, as-kwa-kwai. Presently, kwa-kwat-Lu. Pronouns : I, absolute, wt'za ; copulative, prefixed to a verb, ^ts ; suffixed to do., swn, sen, sin. My, na, n's, n, n'skwai. Thou, n?<kw ; copulative f>re- fixed, chin ; suffixed, hu ; or in the imperative, chi. He, if present, tsa-n«<kw ; ab- sent, nctl. We, n?<ng'l, kl-ning'«<tl. Ye, ni<kw, kl-nwkw. ' They, kwas'sa, tsa-ta. Prongs of fish gig, sta-whai- MtS. Push, to, chong-Mt. Quick, cotne quick! a-atl. R. Rain, to, s'lcm'hu. Rake, v., to tuJce small fish loith a rake, th<t'a-men. :> ' r| 'I RAV 17 Raven, 8lcu.t6. Red, t«i-ts?<kw', an-nii-tsuk'o. Relations, nis-chii-clia. Relationships : Father, i-ai-in. Mother, tan. Grandfather, s6-ya, tehf<t. Grandmother, s6-ya. Son, my, mtng-im'na. Daughter, ray, nung-Mn'na. Husband, my, n'swe-yi-ka. Wife, my, n'sla-ni. Brother, elder, sut-h6-m<k. younger, siiUchin. Sister, elder, siit-h6-m«k. younger, ais. Return, io, ho-we-ytmg. Rhododendron, kwalt-heltsh. River, sto-a-wi. Roast, by thejire, chj<k-6ts. Rope, hwe-hmi. Rotten, as wood, tsa-kong ; as fruit, skwang'tftst. Rush, cat-tail, kwo-6t. Run, I, skwd-nwng-Mt'sen. SKU Sallal berries, tak-a. Salmon: S. quinnafy kwit'shin. S. truncatus, klMt'shiu. S. iScoiden, kwtch'kws. S.proteus, huu'nim. S. {midete^inmed), mct- hlets. S. canis, kl'whai. >S. Campbelli, kwatcht. Sainton roe, kai-ywkh'. 8 Salmon berries, al-o-lo. Salt, klatl. Sand, pe-kAVMt-cliin. Sand piper {trimja), ske- uks. Scallop (pecten), nti-na. Sculpin, swan-itl. Sea, kl-Ialts. Sea fowl, rauok. Seal, ass'hn. Seal's bladder, ts-s6. Seasons : Spring, tchiu-es-h\v6-as. Summer, kla-t(skf<m, tchiu-e- si. Autumn, tchin-so-le. Winter, kJu-telii. Seat, the, kl<5-\\Mk. See, to, kwten't. Seven, tsOks, tsakw-tsui-ya, ts«k-Sclit-hu. Sew, to, chit-seng-Mt-sen. Seine, so-ywk. Shadow, nu-kwa-ku-no-siiig, ka-katl. Jhark, kla-ywk-a-tct-s'n. Sharp, di-yuts. Shirt, sli-p6i-k?<t ; looollen do., sno-weks. Shoes, kwKt-16-slun. Shoulder, ts6-a-kw«<n. Short, chai-yetl. Sick, as-hdtl'h ; I am sick, as- hatl'h-sen. Sing, to, te-y?«n'tscu. Sister, elder, sut-h6-u?<k; do. younger, ais. Sit, to, 'X-nxni. Six, t'liwng, twkh-lH«ig-ai-ya, t?<kli-lrMng-ait-h u. Skate, j'js/i, kii-kaukli. Skunk, smat-s'n. iiin SKY 18 TWO Sky, tsit-sl. Skin, ko-wi. Slave, skwL'-its. Sleep, tOf et-twt-sen. Small, klut-la, ma-md-min. Smoke, sp-kong. Snake, swa-lmt-si. Sneeze, tOy lui-sMng. Squirrel {Sciurus), sp'si'yut- sen ; ( jramias),ha-hai-yu-wetsh. Speak, tOy kwai-it-r en. Spear fish, to, te-chut. Spear, pronged, for birds, ts6- kwt^n, s'hora. Split, chd-ytits. Spoon, kla-m?;ks. Spring, chin-es-hw6-as. Stand, to, tsit-lwng. Star, te-to-se-na. Steal, to, kaD. Stone, s'nangt. Stop, ho-i ; stop talking {imp.), swm-m6'h-tchi. Story, yct-SMin. Stranger, uatsh. Stra-wberries, te-ywkw. Strike, to, k6-cht. Strong, kMm-k«m'. Sturgeon, kw'tdit-sin. Sim, Bil-shat'sht. Summer, kla-te-kwm, tchin-c-si. Surf, skw-lai-yd-kan. Svrim, to, twng-ong. T. Take, to, kl-kwwt'. Teeth, tchin'nis. Tell the truth, to {\st pers.), as-kla'w-chio skwai, Ten, 6-pcn, 6-pen-ai, 6-pen-dit- hu. Testicles, ug'at-sun. That thing {the there), ta-siii- ya- There, ta-sdi-ya ; / go there, 6ts-na ta-sdi-ya. They, kwas'sa, tsa-ta. Thick, as a plank, ch'hlwt'. Thin, as paper, chd-chMm-e. Thirsty, I am, kwa-kwdiing- sen. Thou, nukw. Thousand, p'De'itsh. Three, klekhw, kl-hwai-ya, kl- hwait-hu. Throw away, to, kwd-nws. Thunder, dt8-a-kw?/tl. Tide, high, iimg; low, swng-6t- sen. Tie, to, kc-a-kwt. Toad fish {cottus), s'chem-flk'h. Tobacco, sma-nash. To-day, te-a-skwu-tchi, ai-c-nuk. Toes, kl-td-s'n. Together, two, cha-sa. To-morrow, kwd-tchi. To-night, as-nat'. Tongue, tikh'hw'lta. Towards shore, chdi-ywkw. Trail or road, so'tl. Tree, ski-kai-ai-yu. Trencher or wooden dish, klo- ta. Trout, k'hu-md-mwn. Trow^sers, no-swn'ten. Truff, as-kld-wtl. Tw^o, chis'sa, chd-sa, n'shdit-hu. UND 19 YOU Under, ki-tchd-wtl. Understand, do you? hut- chit'uts-hu. Up, to-yit. Upset, kwdi-kwi. w. Walk, tOj shtMDg. Want, to, nfls-klo. Warm, kla-te-kwn. Warrior, ns'chang-kwn. Wash the face, to, nflt-sd-ko- sen ; wash the clothes, to, tsa- kweng-wtl. Water, ko. Waterfall, tsut-sil-std-a-wi. Waves, n'kai-nMkh, s'ch6-ilt8. We, kl-ning'wtl. Weir, for Jish, sw'kMtl. Whale, ch'whe-yu. What? stang; what do you want? stang chins-kle ; wAa^ are you doing ? stang chin- chdi ; what is your name ? stang chins-na; what is that? stang ta-sai-ya. Where ? ta-hen ; where do you come from? cha-hen-tin sta- chi ; where do you go ? twents-hu. Whistle, to, nus-kwi-6-swng. White, pwk'h. White men, hwa-no-ti/ni. Who? tsan; who is that? tsan ta-sai-ya. Wind, s't'chung ; NortJi wind, kais-hwu ; South wind, skangt, skang'wt. Wife, my, n-sld-a-ni. Wings, skl-kdi-ai. Winter, kla-chi. Within, inside, es-clu-yu. Wolf, std-ching. Woman, sla-ni. Wood, dead, kwt<t-ldi. Work or do, to, chai ; I work, ats chdi or chait-sen ; thou workest, n?<k'\v cliai or cliiii- wts-hu ; he toorks, kw'sd chai ; we work, nvmg'l tsa-chui; ye work, n«k'w't-sa di-a-chai ; they work, tsa-tsa chi'chai. Worthless, tl-whi-os. Wrist, s'hots-kwats. Write, s'h6-ikh. T. Vawn, to, wc'-uks. Ye, kl-nwkw' ; idl ye, n?<kw' hwn'na. Yellow, au-nu-kwui-kwai. Yes, a-ah. Yesterday, chi-ak-kl. Young man, swe-wus. Your, n'skwa; your house, n'skwa n'ai-yt<ng. LOCAL NOMENCLATURE OF THE CLALLAM TRIHE. I S'n£^-o. A rivev runninc; into the Strait of Fuca, above Neah ^ Bay. Ok-ho. Another river near the last. Klat-la-was. A village on the Strait. Pisht'st. Village at Canel River, Pillar Point. Kwa-hti-niisli. Fishing Station at Lyre liiver. El-wha. The village at the mouth of the Elkwa, west of Port Angeles. Tsi-whit'zen, Yin'nis. Villages at Port Angeles. Stet-him. Village at New Dungencss. Shkwin. Village at Sequini Bay. Ka-kaitl or Skwa-kwel. - Village at Port Discovery. Ka-tai. Lower village on Port Townshend. Chem'arkmn. Village site at head of do. if IS VOCABULARY OF THE LUMMl. A. Above, se-suk'tl. Adze, s'chwm'mwn, AfVaid, sai-sin. After, il-kwiVw^s. Alder, skwang-l'tch. Alive, hul-ikh, hal-le. All, makw, mokw. Al"ways, wai, wa-hai, o-wai-la ; always so, wa-hai-yu sluing angs. Angry, kwin-ti/ii. Arm, ta'lo ; my artn, n'ta'Io ; rif/ht arm, si-la-me'us ; left arm, suk-kwe'us. Arrow, yitcht. Ashes, kwai-chp. At, to be at, la-6'i or lak-si ; he is at Lummi, l«-si la Nukh- Iwin'mi. See also "^jw," "6e." Axe, ku'kwm. (kMrn-mwt, to chop.) Back, the, stas-kwitl. Bad, h'as, s'has. BIR Bag or sack, chu-kwal'. Bail a boat, to, clii-kwast ; {in Simiamoo), kwid'lwt. Bald, ko'a-lekw. Bark, of the fir, chwl'li ; of the cedar, sl-kwffiii'. Basket, jjotato basket, kl-pak ; load basket, s'pi-cha; small basket, pep-clialkh. Beads, lat'ge bhte kind, slikwe'- kwwn ; small ichite do., tsutn- hut ; small green beads, tclii- kwul-lekh'. Be, to. See " at;' " live.'" It is in the house, lak-si a- lung. Bear, black, sduiVhuw, grizzly, kwe'chin. Beard, kwin's'n ; Moustache, kvvinks. Beaver, skMl-Mu. Before {inpoint oftime),\i\iu\- hes-l«<t-sin. Belly, kw^<^la, kl«s. Belo-w, klakhl. Bird, waterfowl, mo'Ok ; small birds, ts6ts-at-s?mi. BIR 13IU ^1 11 i Birds: Eaj^lea, golden eagle, kwuV- li/ng-sen ; bald eagle, ywkh- wwl-la. Hawks, pa-iils, tsekh w-t8i«khw, twl-kwe'iuitl, tsi-ha-litsh ; Hparrow hawk, sKs-so-wak- chil-la. Owls, great horned owl, che'- twng-hu ; small owl, kwai- cl-hu. Woodpeckers, logcock, skwwl- Iwt'tMn ; flicker (P. Mexic.) tse'a-k't ; small woodpeck- ers, tst<t-timg. Swift {Cypselus)^ kuk-sjitch. Kingfisher, st<s-she'la. Robins {T. Naevius)^ kwws- kwk'h; (7: Miyrat.) tsel- tcha. Warblers, hu-hw«l-lMsh. Chickadee {Parus)^ ts-kar yis. Finches {generic)^ tch-kwa' kwa ; ground robin, twl- talk-si-nwn ; snow linch, tclu-8a-w?<tsh. Wren, tc'ti-twm. Raven, sku-takh. Fish Crow, sku-kwa'ta. Blue Jay, chi-ya. Magpie, s'hwn'nwn. Pigeon, Imm-okh. Ruffed Grouse, skw?<ts, skwj^ts'ha. Dusky Grouse, ng'e'et. Sand-hill Crane, slem. Plover, chit-hwn-natsh'. Oyster Catcher (hematopics)^ swo-kwk. Yellow-shank Snipe, skwk-ka'- ye. Birds : lieach Birds, small snipe {.^i/e- neric)^ pel-latsh, skeks. Ctirlew, niMk-ni?<k-kwa. Swan, ho'ha-han. Snow Gooso, kla-wnkh-ban, kla-hwa'han. Canada Goose, akh-ha. Brant {Bernida),, hwl-hwl'tsh, hwl-hMl'cha. Mallard (a. JBoschas)^ ti-nwk- sen. Teal {Niettio',t)j ht<s-natch, chil-si'set. Shoveller {Spatula), klel-lt/k- t?<k-sen. Gadwal ( Chaiilelasmua), shes'- swn-na. Sea Ducks {generic), kwal'- hu. Golden eye {Ckmgula), hul- hwl-hd'o-witl. Canvass back {Aj/thya),h6lih- ko-nitfih. Spirit Duck {Alb'ioia), hekh- k?m-ni', k'k-hwn'na. Merganser {Mergus Am.), kwa-okw; {Mergus Serra- tor), sk?«m-matsh. Cormorant, mas-sitch. Gulls, large kinds, kwwn-ne ; small kinds, skokh-kwa. Loons ( Colymbus), swa'kwMn* hweklrv-kwMS. Grebes {Podiceps), skul-kwls', hwa/nitsh, hwwt-tis. Guillemot ( Uria), sko-kwar kwMts, ko-kOkh-kMts. Birds, parts of: Beak, nwk'swnsh (v. nose). Wing, ki-ka'al, sk-ka-al. Feathers, 6tli-pal-kan, stakw. I5IR CLE Birds, parts of: Quills, stli-k(<!. Down, skiu-us. Tail, klap-ai-sin-itsli. Gall, in?<s-suns. Entrails, wk-khcs. Gizzard, s'lic-'a-kw^ns. Liver, iVe-kas. Heart, tsa-li. Bite, to, tsing-ut-twng. Black, n?<k-kikh. * Blanket, /ea^/ter blanket (a na- tive manufacture), sti<ni-mo- wliitl ; woollen do., swa-kwatl ; white blanket, pe-kal-kwwt ; figured do., ni^t-sa'lo-wi/t; red do., nu-kwim ; green do., mck- chal-kw«t ; blue do., ehi-al- ky/t ; large dark blue do., ehil- tal-kwi«t. Blaze, to, hu-tu-ku. BUnd, kla-litsh. Blood, sas-tcbin. Blow %oith the breath, to, pa'- hwt; blow the nose, to, n?<k- h<Dg-sin'na. Blue, chi-a-Iis ; pale, ni- hwekw. Board, planks, sel-to. Boil, to, kw^<l-^^s'. Bone, s6m, s'hani. Bore, to, as loith a gimlet, shA'- w«t, nwk-sl?A'w«t. Bosom {female), sk?nn'ina. Bovr, tsd-clia-sen. Bov^'sman, of canoe, bc'u. Box or chest, kla-yMks. Boy, s'ch-chi-ulkh, schi'atl, stet- latkl. Bracelets, of brass wire, tsa- met-chin. Bread, baked, tau'<<kh. Break, to, {brok,n), ti-kwKt- twng. Breast (chcit), t.s^/ng'/<tl. Bring, to, an-akli-hn. Broad, nMkh-h\vaiw<k-w'tl, Brother, elda; shi-ltlkh ; younger, saitcliin, ni-wlia-ka. Burn, /, ch/'kw' m\ ; it is burning, ch'yukw . Bury, to, {to cache), as-clia-iw<tl. Buy, to, {to trade or barter), hwui-um ; I want to bug, niis- Avhai-yj<m, nus-kle-a-k^Mig s/<l- k'/l'la (nus-kle, I wish). Bye and Bye, o-wv/s-hC-s. c. Canoe {generic), skwi'ilkli ; Cfu- nook and Makuh pattern, iii- \\U9, 6t-hws ; small do., Vuk- ho'iii\ ; large Kamtchen ca- noe, slnva-atl ; small fishing canoe, sno'wh'tl; shovel-nosed or burden canoe, klai. Carry, to, s«ng-at' ; to carrg on the back, s«iig-ang ; on the shoulder, ang-ut-t/m; in the hand, wi-kwo-nat'. Cedar, (7%?(;a),h'pai. Certainly, of course, ho'w«.s. Chalk (projwlg a tchite diato- maceous earth used for clean- ing skitis), stau'okw. Chief, si-am. Chisel, of stone, sh-we'v/kh. Chop wood, to, lium'nmt. Clear sky, slui-cwk'h-hu. Clear off, to, {of the tceat/ier), s'ai-y«t-tung ; it is clearing 'It ■ i;' CLO 24 DUL -I off^ ta-clul sliu-auk-lui (clear it comes). Cloth, calico., as-halkh {i. e. '■^Jiyured'''*)] domestics., p/^k'li; (iDhite) ; baize, tsats'a-\vh«n ; Jlaiinel, ts«rwh«in. Clouds, spa'hu; it is cloud- ing ovei\ ta'cliil n«<kh-uo'- Coals of fire, chtint. Coal, stone coal, jjo'cliit. Coat, siiu-eks. Colors: White, \wk'h. Black, n?<k-kikli. Ked, n'sj/k'li, n's^kw. Blue, chi-a-lis; pale do., ni- liwekw. Yellow, n's-k\v?d-la-AVim, nn\i- wai. Green, ni-tlut'h, n«k-wai. Come, to, n'a, e-iia ; 1 come from Simiamoo, si-t«-sin Si- nii-a-mu ; come with me, nuV- wa-shin-niis ; cotne into the house, an-a-la we-hmg, or an- iisli-ta no c-hmg (a-L«ng, a house) ; come near (imj).), n'at'la. Cook, to coo/c on hot stones, k'k'pak. Cooked, it is cooked {^^done^^), kyvul. Copulate, to, sim-nokh. Cough, to, ta'kwlai. Cradlej pat'sids. Crustaceans : Crab, bes-kwu, a-chiikh. Spider Crab, ku-kwatl-shin. Stone Crab, ku-kwin-no-wa. Cry, /, ho-ang'suu. Cover, to, kle-lnvcs-t?<ng. Cup, niem'ty<ki). Cut icith a knife, to, shipt. Dance, to, koi-el'lish, kwi-e-lish. Dark, klatcli. Daughter, ng-?/n'na. Day, skwa-chil. Dead, kwdi-i, ko-aikh. Deep, ki/^tsh. Deer, sniis, smo-is, liOpt ; a buck, ses't^n (" Aornef?") ; in Jvawitchen, liau-i>a ; atnongst the forest or " Btick''^ Indians, klalk-ten-na. Dig, to, i'oots in general, pci- n^dihw', j)an-liu ; potatoes, si- a-k\va!s; fern roots, tlai-</kw; clams, k»kh-h;d'la. Dirty, t?nig-li\vas'. Dishes, nu-wb'tsh-kwc-la. Dog, sko-uiai, ska-ha. Don't, kwe-6t. Door, also road, satl. Dream, to, k/d-kid-la'sin. Dress a skin, to, e'«kh. Drink, to, ka-ko, nus-kakh ; / drink, kwa'kwa-s?6n. Drum, to, as in conjuring or at dances, kau-«'t<mg. Drunk, foolish, as-hwakAv, as- hwakw-tun. Dry, sel'-t^p. Duck, spl-hantl ; mallard, ti- nuk-sen; (iv'tfe "i/rrfs.") Dull, as a tool, k<d-las. r EAR 25 FOU V E. Ear, k\v*d'I«u. Ear rings, sklaii-?ni. Earth, t/ic, land, s'cho-tuug'a- wh?cu, s'che-t^^ig-a-lunig ; — eart/i, dirt, s6-juk. Eat, to, ii'hm, itl'nkh; I eat, nit-slt-Hn, it-lwn-sim. Echo, san-gun. Egg, sn'lng-ant, kw^ni-k\v?^n- ne. Eight, tas, tus-sa-la, tas-s«It- hu. Elbow, or knee-joint, kl-jiit-sc- tun. Elk, kwau-watsh, ky-j-etsh, kai- yets. End, the ejid of anything, m- ans. Evening, t'tang'eu. Every' thing", mukw' stang=. Exchange, to, i-yakt'. Eye, k«a'h/ng. Eyebrow, simg'un ; one-eyed, as-takws. F. Face, sas. ' Far, chak^', chokw. Fart, t;<k-snitch. It is the com- mon expression of disgust at anything, or any one. Fat, adj., tlot-h/k. Father, man. Feathers, sta-kw, sl'pal'kan. Female, sla-ne. Fetch, to, an-akhw. File, a, ch«<k-h?m; to file, ch«k- ktls. Find, to, k\v?m'nwng. Fingers, clii-hals'. Finger rings, hi-a'l«m-chis. Fir tree, ch«l-li-iltsh, cli?/l- chils' ; fir hark, chul-li. Fire, clu/k-hos; bring fire, kwwn-tatsh. First, il-cha-la. Fish, etc. : Cod, ait. Flounder, o'we. Herring, slang-?<t. Calorhynchus, skwa-raa. Large cottiis, sk^m-nakhw. Skate, kakh-kokh. Oulakan {thale'ichthys), ti-a- ko-wa. Pencil fish, a small fish that comes in schools, katl. Salmon, vide infra. Fiah, 2)arts of : Scales, sles. Fins, ka-ting-ws. Tail, s'h?<p-shin. Roe, he-a-hetl; herring roe, che-mash. Fish weir, large, s'chi-yak ; small do., ti-kap. Five, kl-kats, kl-katch-sa-la, k><tch-salt-hu. Flea, tat-a-th«n. Flesh, tneat, sle-?/k\v. Fly, a, i-k\vi<]'hmg, kwil-l«ng. Fog, spi-a-hwuii. Food, set-hMi, sa-w?<n. Foolish, as-h\vak\v. Foot, s'h«m'na. Foot-print, h?m-n?<ug 'en. Forehead, skwang'us. Formerly, kw«t-li sil-la. Four, ng'oss, ni-sa-la, salt- hu. IS k FRI ?0 HON Friend, klc-n?<k-wil ; my friend^ n's-kle; {literally, Hike him.) Full, ht'ta. Fundament, kla-wdkli. G. Game {beaver teeth dice), smi'- ■ la-li. Get, to, kwwn'nrtt ; Iwanf to (jet^ pantaloons^, nus-kle-?<k' kwjm-nj/t" s?/k-ke-i^s° ; fjet something to eat, fetch^ food^ , imp., kw?<n-nas-s»iig' sMt-bni"; get into the canoe, Irt-ti k\v?<t- la-tsi ti shwa-atl ; ai-ba kwii elang'j^t ; (la-tsi seems to he " a<» or " into ;" vide " at " and "Zeucy") get fire tcood,to, iiik-kutaW . Girl, st-hld-ni, sln-clid-atl. Give, to {to give as a present), img-i\8 ; {in the sense of " to help or to hand ^o,") klatch ; give it me, an-dkh\v, {i. e. brifig it.) Gloves, ts'-kwii-lit-clia, no-s6- sin. Gnat, chetsks. Go, to, h'ya ; J go, kwnl-h'ya'- sun, yas-sin-sa ; lam going to Liimmi, ya-sin-kin Nilkh-h/m- mi; presently Iioill go, wi-a- sin-sa ; let ns go, is-ta ; go you, imp., ho-ni-chitl'h ; go out, ini])., ske-h<ng, ho-nes-ke-haig (a-lung, house) ; go there, a little further off, yi-h6-\v?<l- iu\-\&.. Good, aikh. Grave, serious, okw-ln^m'. Grasr;^ s'li?/s-sai. Great, hai-yikh', ke-yikli'. Green, iii-th<t'h, n«k-wai. Grey haired, s?/ts-?<m-mt'kliw. Gum, resin, light wood, sind- nitsh. Gun, nortJi tcest musket, p6-y?<k (pu, the sound of a gun) ; re- gulation mtisket, y?/m-k'sn ; rifie, hai-choi-i-ki<tl ; double- barrelled gun, nu-clu/s'a-kun (clii/ssa, two) ; pistol, chi-cliai- etl p{i-y?<k (s'chi-cliai-an, an infant) ; revolver, wun-huV- '^n\-^(k^lm ; to load a gun, li'uu- w?/l-l?ys's?yn ; to ram doion the load, se-a-k?m ; to fire a gun, k'\v?<l-sh«ria, {Simiahmoo) kl?nn-kw«l'la. Gunpo"wder, kwalkh ', flints or caps, kwz<l-l«n. II. Hail, kl»m-whai-la. Hair, si-at'tt<n. Half, kl-cli«kh'. Hammer, to, h'kwMs'cliis ; hammer, a, s'k^v^<s'chis. Hand, sa'h<s. Handle, kult-slic-nidi. He, iiekhl, nitlkh. Head, s-kwiiiigi, sk\vang-i. Hear, to, cliis'a-lan. Heart, st-sa-la, tsa-la. In the sense of the mind, li'cliiiig- ing. Heavy, hum. Here, ti-a-kwu. High, ses'l. Hone, or whetstone, shu-tdks. i. • ) ■ HOU LOO • J / « House, a-l«ng; the })ost8 that sxqyport the roof, k(^-kan ; the ridge pole, s'khnn-smelt-hu ; side plates, ha'met-sin. How, hoio shall I do it P awim- ne-itng-sct ti-u? Hunchbacked, sko-iuc-sin. Hundred, nat'so-itch, nat'so- w</tsh. Hungry, kwd-kwi. Hunter, ts«m-a-m?m-sa ; seal hun ter, n us-lam-?<kh . Hunting bag, shit-t<^-la. Husband, n'sta-lush. I. I, us. Ice, s'lel-lokh, se-ma. In, i7ito, nu-as; put in, imp., nu-as' ats-ches'si^k ; to be at or in, lak-si ; vide " live ;" it is in the house, lak-si ii-hmtr. Indians, people, atl-ta-ling-hu. Infant, s'chi-cliai-an, k?«k-ke, n's-chai-in. Iron, kMm-t?«in'. Island, kl-chas, s'k\v?^s-sa, sk'- sas. Jealous, sii-si-si. , K. Kick, to, l«m-inat'. Kill, to, k'cha-t?<kh, ku-diel'Ia. Kiss, to, n«<kh-wh'm-k\v6st. Knife, shpdi-tin ; do. with one edf/e, il-kdkh-lian; two-edged, wat-clia-haii. Kettle, iron, skla-lup; tcooden, sko'ten. Know, to. Bo you Jcnoio Sk6- ?<kl ? [a man of that name /) liMt-che-tws-hu Ske-»kl ? 111*..: Lake, s'weltsh. Lance, st-kwdi-itch. Large, mokw. Laugh, I, n*<ii-ndi-y«ng-sen. Lazy, sa'lmng, sakhw; lam lazy, sa'wh«ng-sin. Leaf, s'chti-s?«ii. Leap, to, hwo-tung. Leg, sla-lu«ls]i, ska-k«ni ; calf of leg, katl-s;a). Lend, to, a-y\l Liar, kai-ya-kan,' Lie, /, hukli-kai-ya-k^ni. Light, adj., stfi-tu. Lightning, chara-kvva-ch?<k, cha-k/<ts-o-kikh. Like, slii^n-angs. * Listen, imp., iii-hw<i-i-yan. Live at, to, laksi ; (this word appears to be the equivalent of the JVisqually at-suts, and to be really an adverb signi- fying '''■presence^'' or '^exist- ence) ; Hive there, lak-si tel-M. Long, in dimension, kl«-kut. Lookout! kwa-Ia. Looking glass, skwo-na-s«ng, aku-ko-na-siaig, Im-ku-nti-sing ; the image or inflection in the glass, kukh'-k«tl. /^ n m <P LOS T, /•■^ // 28 MAN 1 ose, to^ ek-kwa. Liouse, n^/8'sMn. liOve, to^ ntis-tle, iiis-klc>. 1. Magic, conjuring^ ch'8i-6-wwn ; for medicine^ shi-nam. Make, to, chai ; what are you making? stang n's chai? I am making a canoe, chai its sno'hwr<tl ; make fire, imp., cht^k-kos. Mammals: Horse, sU<k-ke-u. Elk, kwa-watsh, kai-yets. buck, sist-?«i, i, e. " horn- ed." Deer, smc-yis. buck, si8t-^<D. fawn, 8t<<l-la. Bear, black, sp«s. grizzly, kwai-et-chin. Big horn {ovis montana), kwe-kwwt-chen. Mountain goat (aploceras), 8wet-le, pi-kwlkh-^n. Racoon, blops. ■, ;"\Jicva Dog, 8k6-mai. ' ^ Wolf, st'kdi-ya. Cougar, shwoVa. Lynx, sk?rts-a'm2^s. Beaver, skwl-la-u. Sea otter, twm'niMS. Land otter, s'katl. Seal, fiss'hu. Mink, kai-yakh, s'che-a-k«<n. Weasel, kt<l-ke-la. Skunk, 8?/p-pi«k. Squirrel (sciunis), tsip-si-d- sun. Mammals: Striped squirrel {tamias), h\ve-pe-chin. Kamasa rat (neotoma), mi- wit. Mouse, kwa'twn. ^^-, . , . lJ n Mole, spi-la-w?<n. ^ZVv^f^,/,- ( /<^ Ilaro, ske-ka-was. Mammals, parts of : Neck, tatsh-swns. Atlas joint, kwk-kak-w'chis. Ribs, h<k-h'ws. Marrow of legs, twts-t^sh 'shin s Brain, smet-k^<s. Gristle of vertebrae, kwa-a-h<s, Liver, stwk'chtnig. Lights, spi^l'hu. Paunch, spukh. Wind-pipe, hwang-tm. Tail, klo'wak-t<s. Skin, kwwl-los. A dressed skin, hwl-la-kan. Hair, s'chais. Hoofs, kwa-nwngs. Kidneys, st<n-s?<ns. Sinews of legs, kli-e-mins. Sinews of back, twng-e-sens. Horns, tses'twn. Heart, tsa-la. Os calcis, kiit-lin-si^ns. Thighs, kat-chat-chs. Saddle or hind quarters, as- satch-chatsh (chus-sa, tico). Leg, sku-shwm-shins. Lower joint of do., s'hwn-n«s. Fore quarter, ta-los. Both do., skwl'la-hans. Fat, nas. Meat, sle-wk, Man, swe-yi-ka. Many, n'gann, n'g?/n ; matiy people, n'gwnhl-ta-ling-hu ; I Y MAT NON P have many jyeople, n'gan al- ta-ling-hu ti-us. Mat, sla'w?/n ; the large mat used for making temporary lodges, sa-letch ; cedar bark mat, tsMm'in?<t, lo'kMai. Mend, to, cl)y<ts-«l-k-\vi<t'tMn. Merry, nMks-ne-ni. Middle {of length), a-no-wt/ls. Mistake, to, either in sjjeech or on the road, mal-min. Molluscs, Radiates, etc. : Small round clam {Venus), sk«t-blal ; quahog {Saxi- f?om?<s),sdkh-hwa; large clam {Liitraria), swam. Cockle {cardlum), sk'lam. Mussel {Mytihcs), kla-k«m. Oyster, klokh-klokh. Whelk, swk-kwdi-yt<kh. Barnacle, si<m-mai-ya. Chiton, huVhing. Laud snail {helix), wwk-kwk'h. Slug {Umax), kai-yat'lin. Sea egg {Echinus), skwet- si. Sea slug {holothuria), sekt. Star fish, k\v?/l-la-chi, k?<l-la- sis. Cuttle fish, skc-muk. Shells, kii-ya-men. Moon, kl-kiiltsh. Morning-, skwa-chi. Mosquito, kwii-an. Mother, tan. Mountain {same as rock), sng-ant. Mouth, sfi-s?<n. Move farther, yi-h6-\vf<l ttd- U ; go there, ti^k'whist. Much, n'gun ; tmich food, n'gwn set-l«m. Mythology : Ila-als, the principal super- natural being, equivalent to Ilun-ne of the Nisqnallies, No-kw-makhl of the Clal- lams and Skagits, and Ika- ni of the Chinooks. S'hui-db, or S'hui-iim, the pre- human demon race. Yiitl-ma, or Shwa-mat-wun, the spirit that presides over good fortune. Ch'si'o-wwn, a particular gift or capacity acquired by fasting, etc., or by incan- tation, similar to the Chi- nook tamdnowas. Shi-nam, magic or medicine. Nails, t'sals, chi-sd-lis. Naked, klt«t-sang. Name, s'na; my name, u^-na. Vide ''%oho:' Navel, mwk'h-hwoi-ye. Near, kl-ke-a-ke, twl-Ie-kai, sti- talst'. Needle, chat'swn. Net, for catching ducks, etc., t^^k'hwm; seine, aukh-wh6i- ycn. New, hau-wifs. Night, snat. Nine, t?<k'hw, t^k-who-la, iuV- ■\vhalt-hu. No, a-wii, a-wi<kh', okh-M'^a. None, there is none, a-wwn'na ; are you not ashamed? a-wt«n- na s'het-sil ? {literally " no shame .^") NOS 30 PEO Nose, iiuk'si^n. Nostrils, skwd-l^k-scn. Now, ti-a, ti-au'k'h. W-i:; ;3 . Numerals: JSwiple Cardinals — 1, nt<t'sa. 2, clms'sa. 3, klikhw. 4, ng-oss'. 5, kl-kats'. 6, t'hwukh. ^, tsdkws. 8, tats. 9, twk'hw. 10, o'pun. n, 6-pwn it nwt'sa. 12, 6-pwn it chtts'sa. 20, tswk-kws, tswk-wt«s. 30, kl-whl-shA. 40, ni<sl-shd. 60, kwts'hl-sbd. 60, tMkh-hwm-sha. 10, skwl-shd. 80, tr<sl-sha. 90, to-wol-sha. 100, nat-sa-w«tsh. 1000, o-pantsh. Personal Cardinals — 1, nat'sa. 2, cha-sa. 3, kl-whdi-la. 4, ni-sa-la. 5, hl'-katch-sa'la. 6, twkh-hwng-a-la. ^, tswk-so-la. . 8, tt<s-sa-la. 9, twk-bwa-la. 10, o-pMii-a-la. 20, nt-su-ku-sa-Ia. Numerals: Cardinals of Valuation— 1, tsak'\vi<t-hu. 2, tch's-salt-hu. 3, kl-whalt-hu. 4, salt-hu. 5, kwtch-salt-hu. 6, tz<kh-hwng-alt-hu. 7, swk-salt-hu. 8, tMS-salt-liu. 9, twk-whalt-hu. 10, o-pun-alt-hn. 20, tsti-kw-salt-hu. 0. Oak, s'chMDg-altsh. OflT shore, tk\. Old, tsa-kwng, snuk-kai; an old man, as-a-lokb, as-raes's?<n. One, nwt-sa, nat'sa, tsak'n wt-hu. Out doors, set-lwng (a'lwng, a house). P. Paddle, to, ist. Pan, or plate, \a-sun. Pantaloons, sz<k-k6-iis. Penis, shel-l(f. People, i.e. Indians, atl-td-ling. hu ; people inhabiting the tcoods, ^'- Stick Indians,''^ mas- hwi {whence the name of a tribe on Fraser River, gene- rally knoxcn as Maskwies) ; people living on the salt water, s'cbit-lals'ha (klnls, the sea) ; PER Jiiver Indians, chig-ta-lo, st?<l- td-lo (stii-lo, a river) ; ichite men, hwa-ni'tum. Perhaps, yj<kli-wlui. Pigeon, h'mo, hi^m-o'h. Pin, a, hum-mon ; lar</e blanket pin, k\v<<n-ne-sing. Pipe, pakvv. Plane, to (boards), sl»c-sli'/b ; {probably hj onomatopoeia). Plants, etc. : (See also Trees.) Salmon berry, al-e-la. Barberry, skwa-cha-sitsh. lied raspberry, t*<k'vv?nn. Gooseberry, keMii-kweltsh. Dewberry, sk«<l-nii-whelsh. Rose bush, k?<l-kel. Berries of do., kwl-htk. Snowberry bush, pat-saltsh. Berries of do., p'pi-kdi-yas. Honeysuckle, kat-kat-eltsh, saltsh ; (the leaves are chewed as a medicine.) Spiraea, kads-sulch. Wild pea, h?<m-kwai-a-sin. Wild rye, pshai. Yarrow (Achillia multifolia), p?/;l-lc-a-kw?«tsh ; (it is used to expedite delivery.) Prickly pear (cactus), tsa-ta. Thorns, chit-ti«u-nias. Equisetum, makhw, a-is-k?<d. Root of do., ko-nia-lokh. Cat-tail rush, sa-k«n. Tule or round rush, skwwl-hd. Wild onion, swel-nitsh. Brake fern, sMk-ka-an'. Roots of do. (eaten), skvvi'yu. Small brake, ts?«k'kwa. Wood fern, s'ha-lMm. Liquorice fern (an expecto- rant), kh<s-slp. 31 PRO Plants, etc. : Lichens, k«t-che. Spanish moss, st</l-hai-is. Liverworts, ni»/kh't«l-b<s; a sjjecies of moss with a peppery taste, used in medicine, kat-si. Sea weeds, chil-lr i. Kelp (fucus yiyantic), kwa- ang. Plant, to, chin-eng-i!<tl. Plenty, n'g?<n. Point of anythiny,\-^uV.'mi. Poor, wretched, s»d-la-wa. Porcupine quills, tsuts-?<l- kan. Porpoise, kwa-nat. Posts for supportiny the roof of a house, ka-kan. Pound, to (as seeds, yrain), kli- a-kw6ng-wtl. Prairie, spelkh'han. Pregnant, ska-kwi. Presently, hwa-sing-ang'a ; in a little while, h'wes'ta-al, hu- as-ta-al'. Pronouns : I, us; suffixed to a verb (copu- lative), &ur\. My, ti-us ; prefixed to noun (possessive), n's, nus. Thou, n?<kw. Thy, ti-n«k-wa. Thyself, tin-tsi-la. He (that one), nel, nitlli. We, rainglkt, kl-ming'«lkh. Ye, nr<k-kwe-li-e. They, nan-etl-ya, kw-si-a-hal- tun. My canoe, nus-kwa n'shwa-atl. Thy knife, s?«ns-kwun's-pal- tun. PRO 32 SAL Pronouns : His gun, tsa-ka po-y?<k. Our country, tsd-kw?m iimg'- hu. Your house, tsimg a'nnng ha-la. Their father, k's«n man. Pull the hair, to^ heng-?<k\v- twn. Put on, to, pantaloonSyhuk-6\Y- sing ; a coat, hut-che-trmg. Put into, to, imp., nu-ds ats- ches-Bitk. Put doTvn, to, sa-kws. Rain, sb^rn'mOkh. Raise up, to, sa-at. Rake, for taking herring and other small fish, tlet'ha-men. Rapid, in a river, kwet'chwm. Ra-w, hets. Red, n'swk'h, n's?<kw. Relationships : Father, man. Mother, tan. Husband, my, n'sta-h/sh. Wife, idem. Son or daughter, ng'wn'na. Brother, if older than the speaker, sh f-itlh ; if young- er, sai-tchin. Elder sister, d-lish ; younger do., sai-tchin. Grandfather, cha-mok. Grandmother, se-la. Uncle, latl, hai'tch; {as the nephew grows older, the uncle becomes an elder brother.) Relations : Aunt, shc-ilsh. Father-in-law, slatl. ]\Iother-in-law, idem. Brothei'-iu-law, idem {?). Sister-in-law, s'lig-at'hwun. Sister's husband, idem. Step father, n's-gna-ini. Step mother, idem. Daughter-in-law, skwa-lo-wis. Husband's other wives, sdi-ya. River, stu-lo ; small stream, std-ta-lo. Road, satl. Roast, to, in ashes, twl-ldk ; oti a sticJc, s'kw^d'hnig; Rock, sng-iint. Rope, hw6-h<ni. Run, to, kwa-n ?<ng-i<t, kwti- n»ng-it. S. Sad, hatl-tin, h?<tch-ing'en. Sail, maJce sail, imp., chai-a- kw?m pa-kwwn ; taJce in sail, imp., kh<ng-a5. Salamander, pet-h'yil. Salmon, generic, s'chan-hu. — Various species : kiitiih'kus Salmo scoideri, Richardson ; hun-nun, the himip-backed sal- mon {iS. Proteus) ; s«/k-k6 {?iot ascertained) ; yo-mutch, tS. quinnat, Rich. ; kwal-hu, S. cams, SucKLEY (this name, it tcill be noticed, is also ap- plied to sea ducJcs) ; ke-r<kh, S. tnmcatus ? kwid-yauk, salmon when exhausted by spawning; t?<ghs, salmon trout SAL m STA {iS. Campbelliy Suckley) ; su- kwdi, brook trout {S.stellatus, Grd. ); hu-ni.i-ni, salmon fry. {This last word suggests the Spokane word for the brook trout, liu-mii-na.) Salt, klat'ha). Sand beach, s'het {Lummi), si-et's}<m {Kwantlen). Sand spit, na-wa-16tsli. Scoop, for bailing a canoe, tsang'twn. Scrape, to, eklit. Scratch, a, si-hoks. Scratch, to, liMt-che-tMiig ; I stratch, hi-kek-swn. Sea, klale, kt'hlals. Seasons : Spring, tchin-kw6-lis, tchin- kwai-lus. Summer, kM-a-lus (kwa-lis, toarm) tchin-e-yi. Autumn, cliits-at-lin, tsa- -vvhongst. Winter, chints-e-liMm, chin- sa-tMtsh, sA-titsh. See, to, lang-wt, lang-it. Sell, to, hwi-ma'la. Seven, tsakws, tswk-sa-la, swk- salt-hu. Se^w, to, chets. Shake hands, to, kw?«i-sest'. ShallOAV, shai-sliMm. Sharp, ai-yas. Sharpen, to, to lohet on a stone, t'kasl Shawl, swt-sa-mi<sh. Shirt, " kMts-a-lis ; " hickory " shirt, hwtl-pe-wMn. Shoes, moccasins, s'kljfk'a-shui. Shoot, to, with a bmo, ts-man. Shot, htfs-wm-dkw. 6 Sick, s'hatl. Sick, lam, s'hal'sun. Sing, to, t'c-lwm, te'lim. Sister, dder, ji-lish ; younger, sili-tcliin. Sit, to, ?nn-niut, «m-mit, tsura- nia-no. Six, t'hmikh, tukh-h?mg-a-la, t«kh-lw<ng-alt-bu. Skin, dressed, hwl-kwu ; un- dressed, kwMl'lo. Sky, so-ishl, skwdi-yil. Sleep, to, 6t-t-t, e-t«t-twt, i- tit. Sleepy, a-tii-twng. Slowly, o-s'ii-ang'lj. Small, nii-me-min. Smell, a, liakw. Smell, to, ht/k-kw«ria, \\xik- k\v:i-li. Smoke, to, a pipe, sma-nis-tin (sma-ni^sh, tobacco) ; as afire, spat-h^ng. Snake, s'alkh'ka. 6 i.-!'i < .^.> \,\^C/ ji. Sneeze, to, lia-sing. ~ ~ Snore, to, hwJl-na-kr<ng. . " Snow, nd-ka. Son, ng-Mu'na. Soul, the, std-le. Sour, sa-hau. Sow, to, grain, <&c., cliai-its (chai, to tcork). Speak, to, kwal. Spear, to, loater foicl, t'kwa'- i\um',seals,9'X\-yiin\-mun',fish, t's-liMng'iai. Split Tvood, to, sk«<t. Stab, to, met-at-^<ng-k\va ; Si- mianioo, ti-chet'i«ng-kwa. Stand, to, nil-lun. Stiar, ko -s'ji, ka-s'n. Stay, I will stay, a-wt<s-sin. STE 34 TON 'i. i! Steal, I stole, as-kwa-kan'; »/ou stole, imk'wa kwa-kaii'; he stole, nlkhl-kwii-kan'. Steer, to, chuw-wa-wi, clH<k-kc'- nwng. Steersman, of canoe, as-kwa- at. Stockade, faice, ky/l-I//kli'li;iM. Stone, chet-liliikli ; rode, sng- dnt. Stop, / will stop here, o-at'la- Rwii (perhaps " / hace ar- rloeiV) ; stojy, i/np., i.e. stop doing any thing, un-nukli\v kwa-tt<n s'cliai ; stop (when one is helped sufficiently to food), liiii; sto}) {talking), s;^m-mukl). Strike, to, with thejist, nwt-stls- ttfiig. Striped, as-lK'-?/tsh. Strong, kain-ky^n, kwMnj-kwMiii. Sturgeon, skwiVwjnsli. Sun, sku-k'^r. Sw^eet, sak-kMiij,' (aikli, good). SAvim, to, t«iig-a-aiig. T. Take, to, kwMn'iiut (same as to get). Take off, to, klti-lis, kh/t-sang'. Tale, story, skwuVkwu]. TaU, kl'k-taklil. Teeth, chin'nis. Ten, o'pwn, o-pun-a-la, o-pMii- r/lt-hu. Testicles, ma-tcbin. Thank you, hekh. That, twl-lii, ta-16 ; that is Lit- cy^s, la Lucy ti-lo. There, ta-ld ; there it is, o-i-t6- i-ti, tit-la-ti. They, nau-ttl-ya, kw'.si'a-hal- Uin, Thing, things, stang ; every thing, ii«k\v-stang. It is no- ticeahh; that in this language, a.s well as in. the N^isquidly, C/iinool; (did j>r(>btibly in others, the loord for " thiiig " is the same as that for ''what.'' Thief, kdn-kau. This, ti'et-hla. Thou, n?/kw; thyself tin-tsi'la; you are a Kanaka yourself. Kanaka tin-tsi'la. Thousand, o-julntsli. Thread, twine, Invu-liim. Three, klikhw, kl-whai-la, kl- wlirtlt-hu. Throat, haung'en. Throw, to, as a stone, tsi-lakli ; to throw ajcay, hwolt-hu. (In the Simiamoo dialect, 6- k\Vi<t ; to throw away tcith violence, tini-nmt.) Thumb, SMs-tals. Thunder, s'ho-hwaa. Tides: Flood tide, kum'unil. Ebb tide, lii-klatrh. High tide, kj^m-kj/ni'in?/l. Low tide, shain'shum. Tobacco, sma-iiMsh. Tobacco pouch, sina-na-sha- la. To-day, ti-a-kais, ti-o-skwa-chil. Toes, s'cl«<s's?«ji, sno-hwl-shin. To-morrow, kwa-chil, kwai- ikhl. Tongue, te-whis. k TRA Trading house or store, shwui- iiKil (Invi-nmla, to ncll). Trees, forest, s'ki-lti-lMng-hu. Trees, etc. : Jteil pine {P.ponileros(t),k\vn- kwa-yt'-la-hilp. Dwarf pino {P. vontorta), k\vAkh\vl-cli. Spruce fir {Ahles Menzesii), clii-k\v«t'lp. White fir {A. [/randls), sko'- ine-ywk». Hemlock spruce (Abies ), s'kc-eltch. Yew, tlng-kiilsli. Cedar {I'huja), h'clia-chiltsh. lied cedar {Jnniperus), pits- iu-di-ilp. Arbutus (.4. 3femeau), ko- kwt'ltsl). Trailing arbutus [A. nva wsi), kwMn-neltsh; the leaves of this vine are used for smoking. Birch, kats wl'tch. Maple (A. macrophylla), Viinx' an-ilp. Vine maple {A. circinata), sho-clw/lp. Alder, s'kwilng-z^ltsh. Crab apple tree, k?<kh-whotsh. Fruit of do., ka-akliw. Elder, tse-wv^kfi. Willow, sw»l-lolsh. Trees, pt^^'ts of: Roots, ko'mel-lokh. Fir cones, ta-iua-ku-k?<ns. Pitch or rosin, smd-nitsli. Leaves, sats-tlA. Fir bark, t'cbwl-le. Cedar bark, slil-kflm. Inner bark of do., skwekhw. 85 WIIA Trees, parts of: Willow bark {used for mak- iug seines), swd-lakh. Rotten wood, pi-kwiii. Two, chus-sa, chd-sa, tch's-salt- hu. Uncover, to, kut-lest. Understand, — I understand thitt, li«t-che-tu ti-ats; IdonH undi'.rstand, o-nd kwins-hu- clu't; T>o you understand CUdlamf hwt-che-tMt kwws- sa Xiis-klai-yfini ? Urinate, che-wa. ( This applies to either sex, there not being a distinction made, as in the Nisqually) W. Walk, to, 8-t?<ng, sh-ti«ig. Want, to, skle ; I want, n's-kl6 ; Idon''t tca7it, <l-wa sins-kle. Warm, kwass, kwa-h/s. Warrior, nus-chang-k?<n, mich- k?/rio-wi'/tl. Wash, to (the hands), tsj/k-s^- sj/ng ; {the face), ts^k-wii- s/^ng; {clothes), ts^/k-J^l-k\vo'- iuug ; / tcash, sa-kwwm'si<n. Water, kaukh. Waves, skw«/t-la-lak-?m. We, ninglkh, kl-ning-»<lkh. Wet, kl?«k-s6t, tsa-mii<ng. , What, stang, st«iig-AVMt ; lohat is thatP stang ti-ti? what are yon doing? stang nis-chai? .0 V ["^ i i i WIIE 8d YOU r\ what foodiio you bityf fltnnp kwii chats Sf^'wun? what? {in anstrer to a call), stang ? tchat is the matter with yotif cs- tantf hat-sii ? what do yon want? stang sins-kic ti-ru^k- >va; what is your name? {vide "?»/to.") Where, a-hc'n ; where is my gun? t'hon-ku ken po-ywk? IdofiH knoin rnhere, kwa-hcn ifih-tf/k'ka; where do yon come from (tchence yon ?) tsa-lions- hu, tsa-lu'iitslm ? ichcre are you going (tchither you?) t'wlions-hu, twentst-hu ? Whistle, to, sli-pi-las. White, pt<k'Ii. Who, wrtt, wat ; %cho did that? wat'la kwuts-chiii-a ti-a? what {literally " tcho ") is your name? \vat-tun-m:i? watkud sna ? Wife, n'sta-liish {same as hus- band). Wind, st-cliang-. Winds : West, stc-WMt. Winds : W. N.W., tont-sa-lwk. N.W. and Nortli, 8'chd-y«m. S. S. E., skang-?<t. S. W., s'oliis. Wings, sk-kal. Wipe, to {the face), nu-liwa- clui-8j<ng; {the hands), chc'kw- jsini. Wolf, st-kui-wkh. Woman, slu-ni. Wood, 8'cli?<tl ; a log, kwt-hlai ; dry wood, strt-ta-chi. Work {do, make), chd'i. Worthless, kl-liwl-o-rfs. Wrestle, to, tsal-twng. Write, to, huVlut. Yawn, to, we'a-kws. Ye, you, n^k-kwe-li-e. Yellow, n'8-kw?d-la-wMii, iiwk- wai. Yes, a-iih ; yes indeed, certainly ^ lio'wMS, hu'wa, si-ot. Yesterday, chi-lak'hl. Young, s'hwe-wils. LOCAL NOMENCLATURE OF TUE LUMMI TRIBE, Chil-twn-n?/m. Point Roberts, No-ku-me'khil, A creek running into the bay, Pi-kalps. The Indian village of Camp Simiamoo, Sim-i-a'mu. The name of the band. Kul-la'han. " Stockade," the site of the old village, A'la-la. Creek at the head of Drayton harbor. Se'litsh, The site on the sand spit of ditto. The name Tsihe'lii has the same signification, Kwtid-shad, Mount Baker, Hol-hol-ok'h, Site between Drayton harbor and Birch bay. Tsau-wwkh, Site on Birch bay. Tut-si-nwts, Slai-ek-sen, Sandy point, Chau-wks, North end Lummi island. St'kwap, A site on eastern side of do. Ska'lek-shMu. Fishing on west side of do. Mam-e'wk or S'm?<m-me-?<k. The mountain on south end of do. Kle-kwa-ni. A rock off S. W. end of ditto. It is a simi-yab or demon. To-whwtsh. Eliza island. Ku-kwa-ne-wng. Viti rocks. Chd-cbu-sen. Part of the Delta of Lummi river. Skul-ha-netl, Sla-yt<ks. Mouths of the river on Hale's passage. Tora-whik-sen. The winter village on the passage. Ta'la-pi. Anotherneighboring site. Swtll-^-sen or S'hal-e-sen, The Portage, as I. J I': Nils-kd-la-ht^ra. The neck of Point Francis. S6-liss. Point Francis. ( Vide So-litsli, supra.) Klik-a-t^nus. The small prairie at the military station, Fort Bel- Hngham. Kwal-lu-htlm (Squallicum). The small creek above Whatcom. What-com. The outlet of the lake. The name refers to the noise of its waters. Si-hom. The site of the Bellingham Bay Coal Mine. Ma-m6-si. Pattle's claim. Si8'lit-ch?<m. Thomas's claim. Tai-chd-mish. The cove at CuUum's claim. Tchwk-a-nwts. The inner bight of Bellingham bay. S'hwts-kws. Point "William, or Samish point. A8-6-a-ktm. Samish village behind the island. Ven-ukh-hu. Vendovi island. The name is derived from that of a bulbous root growing there. T'ch&,-kwil-la. N. W. point of Gueymes island. T'kw4-wa-tchin. N. E. side of do. do. Kwil-shants. S. E. point of do. do. Nukh-whai-i-mikhl. Samish village S. W. side of do Tdl-la-lokh, Nu-kwMt-ld-al. Locaiities on Fidalgo island. Mwk-kwk'hs. N. E. point of do. SkMt-lt<s. Sinclair island. T^^t-8ekh. Cypress island. Twtl-ki-t6-n?/s. Strawberry harbor on do. Sh6-Mng-tl'h. The peak on the N. end of do. It is the nest of the thunder bird. S'nuk-nokh-hw'tl. Site on western side of Blakely island. Nus-kwi-chen'n?mi. James's island. Chis-si-nd-a. ]5ird rocks off Decatur island. II><t-tat-ch'l. Site of Indian village on S. E. end of Orcas island. Ko-pc-twn. S. E. point of eastern bay in Orcas island. Mfik-kwiil-nitch. Small lake and cascade emptying into the eastern bay. I-nkli'kan. The cove at Mfik-kwul-niich. Chin-chin-tse-lung. A rock on the eastern shore of the bay. It was another demon — a woman vho committed u lultcry wit'i every one. She was turned into stone by ITa-dls, but her spirit remains. She used to live at that place in summer, but went up the bay in the winter. Nfikh-whdi-yum. Deadman's rock in the eastern bay. An old cemetery of the Lummi Indiana. Ts;4-wli(3-s?ni, A site at tho l»e;ul of the bay. Swd-lakli. Mount Ooiistitution, on Orcas island. Tho name is also given to the eastern bay itself, or rather to tho country upon it. S'ko-ma-ang. A mountain on tho peninsula between the eastern and middle bays. The name refers to a berry called Vkwalma^ anil means '•'■Uke t/t<(t birri/y A'la-la, "-liki'. a /wn.w,'" from a'lKn;/, "« h<Misey Another hill on Orcas island. The name also applies to the land bordering on the middle bay, Nfis-k?d-ling-»s. The point at tho entrance of the middle or A'la-la bay. Skwek-sen. A rock on the eastern side of do. This was another demon. rye-h?<n. The bald hill at the head of A'la-la bay. T'kui-yetsh. The extreme S. W. point of Orcas island. Nukh-lo-kwoi. A site on tho W. side of do. Kwi-n?<s. N. point of Lopez island. Sklel-nip. Sand point N. end of do. Nuchad-kwun. E. point of do. S'\vhwl-b<tsh. The lago-n on the W. side of do. (Its Clallam name, Pal-2)i-yu.) Kut-i/l'la. E. point of Shaw's island. H«s-saltsh, Hwi-chd-son. Localities on tlie S. side of do. Kl-chang. Point on N. side do. Nuk-pd-katsh. Kocky islet N. side do. Kla-ld-ka-mish. Former inhabitants of the E. side of San Juan island ; a band of Lummis now exUnct. Si-a'I«ng-hu. Hudson's Bay farm, San Juan island. Wa-h?d-a-n«m. Hudson's Bay salmon house, San Juan d ,. Kl-whai-ten. Patos island. Klakhw-k/?m {tmissds). Patos island. Pen-okh. Matii group. The name has tho same signification as that of Vendovi island. Chu-she-n/mg. Sucia groui\ Si-lii-ka-mish. Spied nr island. Kw»ii-n«s. Stuart island. S'llmi-ne. Waldron island. Le-mf/1-teha, St«-shum. Former villages on Waldron island. El-t'nlh. Point Disney, do. Pl-hunk'-'snn. W. point, do. 40 Names of Lummi Chiefs. Sa-hop-kan, now dead. Chil-b/k, his son, also dead. Chdu-its-hut, another son, and Chil-lc-wk. The last is Chief of the Nortli Lummis, and Chau-its-hut of the southern band. Hu-t6-sarlwk, at Simiamoo. 5 f ifl i; f