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Las diagrammaa suivants illustrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO. 10. 1807. A CATALOGUE OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS ^>. At Low Prices to Suit the Times, -v^ TEK DOIURS WORTH AHD OYER SE8T FREE, Ud TBI PER CERT. OFF CATALOGUE PRICES. ADDf^Esr John Connor, 338 Richmon d 8t., London, Ont. I New Te)t»ment »nd Ooramentury by Dr. Lyr., in l»tin. old Enxliib bUtok lettor, oalf, folio, about 1000 pagea, ^ good QosditioB, prioted in IS07 The author died 13(0— kgMl 48 (ouriotity). Price $25.00 *2 Middhton'a Geography and liiatory, 2 voli, folio, Bach vol. contain. n46 page., numeroaa copper platM, inolud- , ing Niagara Fall, as it wa. then. J Co»ke, London, * & 1777 (a little broken on the back) price $'6.00 the aet. • f The ^Doclesiaatioal Hintory of M. L. Abbe Fleury, 3 voU, quarto, calf, Loudon 1728. Kach vol. containa 916 page*. PrioQ 95.00 the wt. 4 Altar of the Household, half calf, large quarto, nnmerona ■teel engraviAg., by Rev. L. Alexander, D.D. Price $3, 5 Tile Colombian Jabilee or four oentoriea of Catholicity in America, 2 vols, quarto, illn'a. with steel eng, almost new, Chicago. Price $3.00 the set. 6 Dr. Kitto't History of the fiible, numerous illu'a, calf, Warwick, Com..., 1872. Price (2.60. 7 Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, illn'i with maps •nd engg cloth, large quarto, OSl page*. London 1841. ' 8 Christ in His Church, her dogmaa and her Saint., lavgc quarto, cloth, good condition. Thoa. Rdly, N. Y., oatholic publisher. Price 18.00. 9 Enoyolopaedia of smI nl arts, by Charia. TomlinMW, ilia*. vol. "eiMtilfW 'U& pkge., qimlo, loouoon & Co., London 18S4. Price $4.00 10 Enoyolopaedia of modem travels by Bayard Taylor, half calf, quarto, numerous illu's (title page lost) 9d6 pages. Price 12 50 II Dr. King's Family Physician, quarto, calf, 798 pages, good condition, numerous illu's, Indianapolis 1859 Price $2.60 12 Manitoba and the Great North West by Macoun, quarto, numerous maps and illus, 690 pages, World's Pub. Co.. Guelph 1882. Price $2.60 15 Light, and She lows of human life, .sketches from the lives of many d'stingnished men and women, 103 beautiful illu's, by Daniel Wiee, D. D , Phillips & Hunt, Cincin- natti 1882, quarto, 746 pages. Price ^ 00 14 Human science of phrenrlogy, self culture and mental philosophy, by O. S. Fowler, qnarto, numerous illu's clean as new, 1211 pages. Price #2 60 16 Science of life, including love, its laws and powers, court- ship aud marriage, by O. 3. Fowler, quarto, numerous illu's clean as new, 1211 pages. Price |2.50 Vhc fbUowlae at §1.00 var. VoL 16 Geological and natural history — survey of Canada, by Selwyn, L. L. D,, numerous maps in case, large quarto, about 1000 pages. Montreal 1880. 17 Buried cities recovered, or explorations in Bible lands illu's with maps aud eng, by Dr. De Has8, quarto, 625 pages. Philadelohia 1883. 18 Chambers' information for the people, 2 vols quarto, good oonditiou. Edinburgh 1842. 19 Commercial law, a book of reference for busiuecs men. 20 Lord Elgin's mission to China and Japan, Oliphant, quarto numerous illu'a 645 pages (title page lost) 21 Edward Wiuslow Martin's book entitled Behind the Scenes in Washington, showing how the public money was (quandered, illu's quarto, 618 pages 22 Hunter's saored biography, beiug a complete history of the patriarchs, illu's, quarto, 596 pages. Philadelphia 1841 23 Fowler's English Grammar designed for college, and schools, quarto, cloth, 706 pagns. Harper Bros., New York 1874. 24 Critical miscellaneous writing of T. Noon Talfonrd, rtisel portrait, quarto. Boston 1854 26 Gleaning, from the oaitow, from th« liar*wt fieMi of literature, by C. C. Bumbaogh, A. M., M. D.. quarto. ■864 pages, clean as new. Hartford, Conn. 1876 28 Bible readings, illu's, calf, qnarto, 69«« '>agM Toronto 1889 / 27 Imperial Lexicon of the English languiige, nnmerou. map* and ilin'., science, literature and art, half oalt, quarto. Fnllerton ft Co., Edihburgh V 28 Pictorial Bible and CummenUry for young people, by Cobbib: 460 illu's, small quarto, 707 pages, good condition 29 Montgomery's oomplrte poetical works, with life of Ih. author, by R. Griswold, calf, stoel eog, fine copy, lOOOi pages 30 The life and time, of Hon. Sir John A. MoDonald, staal portrait, h»lf morocco, clean a. new. Rom Publishing Co , Toronto, sold for |5.00 31 Fleetwood's life of Christ, also the lives of the Aportlea and history of the Jews, calf, quiirto, numeroua illu'a 680 page.. Buaton 1856 32 Stateeman of the Common Wealth of England, by John Porster, oalf, quarto, numerous steel engs, 647 pajiie.. Harper Bro.., 1356 S3 Canada's patriot statesmnn, the life and career of fhe Right Hon. Hvt John A. McDonald, by Marcer Adairs, quarto, 613 pa0s. oloth. London 1801 quarto, oalf, 458 page.. London 1788 36 The daughters of America, illn'a quarto, 780 pagaa. Augusta, Missouri 36 The Colonial History of the SUte of New York by O. CalUghan, large quarto, vols, I, 3, 4, 6 ft 8. Albany 1866 37 Dictionary of the Bible by Richard WatMn, (nnmerou. colored maps), quarto, oalf, N, Y. 1848 1003 pages 38 Autobiography and personal recollection, of John B. Ojugh, iltu'i quarto, cloth, steel portrait, 562 pagea. Toronto 1870 39 The Secret service, the field, the dnngeon and the Moape, by Albert D. Richardwn, Tribune correspondent, steel portraits, quarto, 612 pages. Hartford, Conn. 1865 40 France in 1829 and 1830, by Lady Morgan, 2 vol.. quarto, steel portrait, each vol. contains 527 pages. London 1831 41 Somerville's diligent life in the service of public Mfety in England, qnarto, 320 page.. Montreal 1860 42 Memoirs of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith, author of Rattlin the reefer, 2 vols, i teel portrait, qnarto. London 1839 43 Illustrated treatise on the art of shooting, by Charles Lancaster, quarto, ^ ' ' pages. London 1889 44 History of the old and new Teatament from the declen.ion of the kingdom of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ by Humphrey Prideaux, D.D., Dean of Norwich, numer- ous map. and illu's, 4 vnls. oalf, small quarto, 1729 Tilt foUowlntr at 60 Oti. per. TeL 45 Godey's Lady's Hook, 1855 46 Youatt on the horse, 481 pagea, (title page lost) • 47 Essays on the following subjects, celibacy, wedlock, m- duotion, pride, duelling, self-murder, lying, detraction, duplicity, avarice, eto., by Dr. Barrie' There is not any date on the book but I judge it to b« aboct 150 year* old ~800 pages, quarto 48 A manual of vooal music, with supplement for children by H. F. Sifton, quarto, cloth, Ross ft Co., Toronto 49 Familiar lecture on botany, by H. Lincoln illu's, small quarto. New York 1860 60 Five acres enough, a practical experience, shswing how a very small farm may be made to keep a very large family ooUvo, cloth, 256 page*. New York, 1864 Ik J Catalogue of S«eond-Hand Books. o o U Fint vM. of The Gcwpal Tribana, by Rob«rt Dick, quuto,' 338 pagM. Toronto. ISM (onriqcity) 52 The great Exhibition of all nation*, ilia'* quarto, 568 pages. CsMell, London, 1861 5S EMays on Popular Ignorance, Life of Lather, Dr. Bachanan'a retearohea in India and life of the cuthor. Life of Felix Neff, Bernard Overberg (all in one large vol) 54 The Requirement* of American village hoice* with dedgn* at moderate oo*t, by Cleveland and Baoku*, nnmeron* illn'*. oloth. ApplBton, New York. 66 The Booaomio Cottage Builder for people of tmall mean* illn'* with {inted deiigni on itone, by P, Dwyer, archi- tect, quarto, oloth. BufTalo 1856. 66 Diplomatio Corretpondance relating to foreign affair*, 2 tola, qnarto. Washington 1864] 67 The Life and Times of James Fisk, jn lior, numerous illn's quarto, oloth, S04 pages. New York 68 Journal of daored Literature by Rev. Henry Burgess, L. . L. D,, small quarto, 6 vols, in 3, each vol. oontaitis 495 paget. Londor 1865 69 Rnaaell'i Sermons, calf, small qnarto. London 1819 60 James on the Collects, small quarto, calf, 480 pages London 1828 61 Treatise on Horses and the moral dntiea of man, by John Lawrence, quarto, half calf, 391 pages. London 1796 63 Freemasons Guide, by Sickels, numerous emblems and illn's, 408 pages (<3 Rev. T. Bowdler's Sermons, quarto, calf, 637 pages, vol. I I«ndon 1818 64 Smith's School (>f Arts, book binders, plasterers and artists, and tradea of all kinds, illu's with eng, vol, I. qnarto, calf. London 1799 65 The Life of Catharine the Second, Captain Cooke, Ellis the Miser, and a great many others, 664 pages, quarto, half calf (title page lost) 66 Notes of a Half-pay Officer in Russia, Ciroassia and Crimea, by Captain Jesse, 2 volt, amall quarto. London 1841 67 Early Navigators and ocean stories, hundreds of illns, small qnarto, 712 pages (title page lost) 68 Hiatoir. of the War in Spain and Portngkl. with Lord Wellington's entry into French territory, by Camden, illna with eng. and maps, 704 pages. London 1814 (ouriosily 60 Russell's Hwtory of Europe, 2 vols. London 1826 70 The Life of Rev. Robert Newton, D. D,, by hos. Jackson, steel portrait, small qnarto, 427 pages. London 1865 71 The Central Idea of Christianity by Jesse T. Peck, D. D. Boston 1867 72 The Immortolity of the Soul and the condition of the wick- ed, by Landis, ooUvo, oloth, 518 paget. N. Y. 1850 75 Torkey and the Turks, letters on Turkey translated from th* French by M. A. Ubioini, 2 .als, red cloth, small ootavo, each vol has 368 pages. Murray, London 1866 74 Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in health and disease, by Dr. Carpenter, 284 pages, London 1860. A valuable book on tomperacce. 76 Stories and Sketehea from the best authors, ootavo, clcth, 307 pages. Boston ISC 76 Fredley's Practical Treatise on Business or how to get, save and spend money, ootovo, oloth, 852 pages. Phila 1864 77 Prison Life in the South, by A. O. Abbott, illus, Harper Bros. N. Y. 1866 78 The Life and Public Services of James Buchanan, Presi- dent, by Horton, steel portrait, 450 pages. N. Y. 1860 79 The Life of Washington, by Williams, portrait, Phila- delphia 1801 80 Smile's life of Oeorge Stephenson, the first railroad engin- eer, steel portrait, ocUvo, 486 pages. Boston 1858 81 The Flower Garden, by Downing, illu's octevo, 1423 pages New York 1849 82 The Physiology of Common Life, by Lewis, 2 vols, ootovo, cloth, numerous illn's, each vol has 363 pages 83 Russia after the War, by Bnnbury, 2 vols octavo, London 1857 84 North America, by Anthony Trollope, octevo, 623 pages Harper Bros., New York 1862 hy Dowr.sng, ost»vo, g64 p^s^' am TI-Jl New York 1862 fc: „.!«..... (I * C\ n ••n /"> 86 Prussia and the Franco- Prussian War, numerons maps and illus. 87 Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey- Bee, numerons illus, octavo, cloth, 390 pages. M Life in the North West by Begg. Toronto 1871 SO Robinson Crusoe, illus, octavo, 433 pageu. 90 Dr. Pope's Medical Hand-Book, ootavo, cloth, 243 pages, tendon 1873 91 The Life of Hallook of Canton, Conn, octavo, cloth, steel plitte, 390 pages 92 Spanish Grammar by Baroelo, octaro, 360 pages. New York 1866 93 Dr. Hall on Health and Good Living, ootavo, half calf, 286 pages. New York 1875 94 Pictures from the Battle-Fi^ld by a roving Englishman, illus, octavo, 259 pages. London 1850 95 Twelve Years of a Soldiers Life in India by Hodson, 444 pages. Boston 1864 96 Life and Explorations of John Charlss Freemont, illns. Boston 1856 97 Sharpe's Genealogical Peerage of England, Ireland and Scotland, vol. 1, abont 1000 pages, illus, London 98 The Memoirs of James Hutton, of the United Brethem. by Benham, steel portrait, imJI qnarto, 639 pages. Lon- don 1856 99 The American Fruit Cultoralist by Thomas, octavo, oloth 417 page*. Auburn 1853 100 Marx Musical Coicpoiition, Saroni, with Giraco appendil^ . octavo, cloth, 500 psges. N. Y. 1868 101 Wild Animals iu freedom and captivity by Harrison Weir 120 beantifbl illus, octavo, half calf, 440 pages, London 102 The Teacher's Complete Manual, illus, octavo, oloth, numerons colored maps— 4(X) pages 103 Scripture Manual by Simmons, octavo, 528 page*. New York 1861 104 Mineralogy and Geology by Phillips, octavo, 292 pages. London 1Q26 106 Hitchcock's Elementary Geology, with folding-plate and n illus'. ootavo, half calf, 424 pages. New York 1857 %i/t06 Tht British Nation identified with lost Israel by Edward ' Hines, ootavo, 300 pages 107 H. M. Hindman on the Bankmptoy of India also on the Silver Question, oloth, octavo, 215 pages. London 1886 108 Life in the New World by Saittafield, ootavo, cloth, .149 pages. New York 109 Holy Dying by Jer. Taylor, D. D., .nnaU (|narto, oalt. London 1808. (a fine old eopy) no Lord Russell's Life of C. J. Fox, 2 vols, cloth. Phila 1663 111 The Women of the French Revolution, by Miohelet, cloth 371 pages. Philadelphia 1866 1 12 A Treatise on Government by John Looke, quarto, 401 pgs, beautiful steel portrait. London 1821 113 Olcott on the Growth of the Chinese and African Sngar Oac^s, steel plates, octf,vo, cloth, 400 pgs. N. Y. 1857 114 The Constitution of the United States of America with the declaration of Independence by W. Hicke", numerons iilus, oloth, ootavo, 509 pages. Phila 1848 115 DuiBeld on the Prophecies, ootavo, cloth, 484 pgs. New York 1842 116 On the Difference Between Authors, umatl quarto, 300 pages, 1835. (title page lost) 117 Life and Manners in Europe by Henry Coleman, 2 vols, — each vol contains 378 pages, ootavo. Boston IS.'W 118 Allen's Rural Architecture, farm houses, cottages and ont- bnildings, beautiful illus, octavo, 378 pgs. New York 1808 119 Schmeissor's Mineralogy, 2 vols, calf, octavo. London 1705 120 Life in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, by Bunbury, 2 vols, ootavo. London 1853 121 Seven YeaiV Street Preaching in San Francisco, by Rev W. Taylor, steel portrait, 394 pages 122 MoGowan's Dialogne of Devils, 2S4 pgs. Phila I860 123 Fredet's Modern History, from the coming of Christ to 1354, half calf, 552 pages. Baltimore 1869 124 Law's Serious Call, calf, 466 pages, a fine old copy. 125 Fox's Book of Martyrs, illns, calf, 640 pages 126 Sansom's Interest and Exchange TebleD in dollars and cents, half calf. Montreal 1857 127 The Methodist Magazine for 1814, by Rev. John Wesley, numerous illus. 128 The Shoulder- Knot or the Three- Fold Life of Man, 305 pages. Harper Bros, N. Y 1860 129 The Age of Creation by Caasidy, 358 pages 130 Architects and Builders Companiun by Vugdes, 284, pgs. Philadelphia 1875 131 History of the People called Quakers, from 1653 to 1700, by Thos. Wright, octavo, calf, 348 pages, 1800 132 Drelinoourt on the Fesr of Death, calf, curious old plates 410 pages. Loi.don 1705 133 Lambton Panonage by Sewell, 322 pgs. New York 1851 G C O IM P 3: 135 B 01 136 8 41 187 T L 138 I K yW^''' v^-— h Cataloflfut of Saeond-Hand Books. $ IM PHrat* Jndgmmt rad Ohnroh Aathority by Maw 8h*w, 871 p;. rri.^2-in7iA^ WfU'ks r.( R£7. Thossss SooH^ aiiaytn. 697 page*. "Edinburgh 1888 802 William J. Fox on Religion* IdMM, quarts. 946 pag**. London 1849 901 The Prmoher's Auisant by Ror. Jdm Cook*, vol I, quarto. 487 pagw. Oxford 1789 t'.V" 804 Tl 47 306 Hi Ai 306 W tol 807 So T« Oj 308 AI fl 309 Bi U 310 M 37 311 S-: Bi 312 A M 313 Tl M P« 314 Tl v< 316 Tl B 316 A Jt 317 D gy John B. Sumner, M. A., quarto, 334 pages. London 1826 313 The Doctrine, Discipline and Mannerk of the Wesleyan MethodisU, by Rev. Latham W. Ainwright, quarto, 217 pages. London 1812 314 The Pulpit or sketches of popular preachers, by Onesimni vol 2, 381 page*. London 1812 316 Thoughts on Religion and a Christian Life, by Bishop Beveridge, quarto 398 pages. Oxford 1816 316 A Chronological Hiitory of the Bible, by Rev. Joseph Jones, quarto, 404 page*. Oxford 1836 317 Dr. Chalmer's on Chnroh Eatabliihment, quarto. Glas- gow 1838 318 Lives and Deaths of Authors and Preachers from the refor- mation, by Rev. Erasamus Middleton, vol I, quarto. London 1779, one cover off. 319 Sermons Attributed to Samuel Jihnion, L.L. D., qnVrto, 388 pages. London 1812 820 A Dissertation on Miracles, by Dr. Oeorse Campbell, minister of Aberdeen, quarto, 240 pgs. Edinburgh 1812 821 I'he Truth of the Christian Religion, by Hugo Grotiu*, quarto, 362 page*. London 1786 322 The Apo*tIe'* School, its history down to the present, by Maitland, qsarto, 461 pages. London 1849 323 Bishop Miinh^t Lectures on the Old and New Testament, quarto, 296 pages. London 1840 324 Tracts and Observations on St. John, by different writers, quarto, half calf. London 1824 325 On the Defence of the Church of England, by Rev. John Lingard, quarto, calf. Loodon 1824 326 John Locke on Christianity, octavo, calf, 254 pages. London 1764 327 The Rev. John Isherwood on the Divinity of Christ, quarto, 223 page*. Oxford 1836 328 The Apocalypse of St. John, by Rev. George Crowley, L. L. D., octavo, 372 pages, London 1838 329 The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua, by Bishop Colenso, jf Nata:, part t, octavo, 302 page*. New York 1862 330 Religion in India, by Samuel Flavel— a Converted Hindoo, octavo, 344 pages. London 1830 331 A Bunch of old Tracts, bound, by Rev. Benjamin Wallin and others, octavo, calf, 300 pages. London 1763 332 View of the Ooapel Ministry for the Christian World in general and younj{ ministers in particular, by Joseph Button, octavo, .SOO pages. Grantham 1819 333 Candidates for Holy Orders according to History Canons, by William Wotton, D. D. & St. George, D. D., 400 pgs. London 1708 334 Crucified Jesus, by Anthony Horneok, D.D., octavo, calf, beautiful steel plate, 680 pages. London 17l9 335 Bishop Beveridge on Religion and Christian Life, octavo, 388 pages. London 1818 336 Alexander Hill, Minister of Dailly in the Chnroh of Scot- land and Edinburgh, 1837, octavo. 337 On the Tree of Life and the Fall of Man, by B. Kennicott, octavo, half calf, 239 pages. Oxford 1747 338 Thoughts on Divine Goodness, future rewards and pun- ishments from the French of the Rtiv. O. Petitpieere, quarto, caif, 294 piiges. Bath 1788 389 A Vindication of St. John, by Bishop Surges, chart, quarto. London 1823 340 A Series of Essays on God, by Rev. G. Barrow Kidd, of Macklesiield, quarto, 407 pages. London 1835 841 A Collection of Sermons from different Minikiters, by Rev. John Haydon, oi Dcffy Caibeurai, qtiariu, caU, 3()0 pgs. Londonderry 1824 342 A View of the Gospel Ministry for yonng ministers in particular of all denominations, by Rev. John Eads, quarto, 438 page*. London 1787 348 Rev. The*. Fenton on the Book of Job and the P*alm*, octavo, calf, 440 page*. London 1732 844 Letter* on Sacred Prediction* b« Dr. Lobb, calf, London 1761. Thi* book wa* preaented by the author to Han* , V^ W. Mortimer, Esq. V ; ( *^846 Baohe's Exposition of Unitarian Christianity, quarto. jK London 1866 *1uj^ 846 Historic Proof of the Doctrine of Galvanism, by Augusta* 3* Toplady, vol I, quarto, 362 page*. London 1793 347 The Tract* of St. Cyprian from Dr. Milner, quarto. Manchester 1832 348 The Oracle* of God and the Judgment to come, by Rev. E. IrvioK of the (yaledonian Chnroh, quarto, 548 page*. London 1823 •i 849 Concordance to the Holy Bible, by Rev. John Butterworth and Dr. Adam Clarke, quarto, 500 pg*. London 1812 350 Rev. Charlei Girdleetone'* Commentary on the New Testament, part 3 quarto, 374 pages. Oxford 361 Manchester Sooinian Controversy, steel portrait of Rev. Henry Newcombe, quarto, 219 pages. London 1825 352 Rev. Charles PInmtre's Christian Guide, for the use of families, quarto, 349 pages. London 1802 353 The Harp of Judah or Song* of Zion, by Dr. Drake, vol I, quarto, 264 pages. London 1837 354 Bishop Poynter on the Evidence and Character of the Christian Religion, quarto, half calf. London 1827 ,356 Sermons Delivered to the Israelites at Hamburg, by Dr. Salomon, translated from the German, quarto, 247 pages. London 1839 856 Sermon* by Dr. 8. Clarke, octavo, calf, 361 pg*. London 857 Dr Ruthe'forth'eVindicntionof the Protestant Charchea, small quaito, half calf, 300 page*. Cambridge 353 Rev. W. Deaitry'a Sermons, quarto, calf, 600 page*. London 1820 369 Rev. Thos. Belsbani's Sermon*, delivered to the Unitari- ans at Hackney, quarto, half calf. London 1805 360 The Unconditional Freenes* of the Gospel, by The*. Erakine, Esq., of Edinburgh, 1823, octavo, 350 pages 361 Tracts on the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, by Bishop Barges of St. David's, quarto, half oalf, 170 pages. Dur- ham 1814 362 Galvanism, beine a reply to Mr. Roby'a late defence of it, by Rey. K. Smith of Dublin, octavo, 391 pg*. London I8I0 363 The Sacred Classics Defended, by Rev. A. Blackwell, 1 la" ^1 ^ octavo, calf, 432 page*. London 1827 Unitarian Christianity, octavo, cloth, 276 pages. ^**'*^64 Unitarian Christianity, by Rev. Jame* Martineau, D. D., London 366 A Bound vol. of Illustrated American Tracts, octavo, 400 pages. New York 366 Evangelical Magazine for 1814, numerous steel plate*, quarto, 634 pages. London 367 Brown's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, vol 2, calf, quarto, 686 pages. Glasgow 1306 368 Sermons by Robert Walker, vol 3, quarto. Edinburgh 1816 369 The Life of David, the Psalms critical and practical, with Hebrew and Chaldee grammar translated, by Rev, Thos. Dee, curious charts, quarto, 300 pages. Dublin 1836 370 Rev. George Stanley Faber on the Prophecies, 3 vols, quarto, eacn vol contains 495 page*. London 1S28 371 A Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, vol 4, quarto, 6.33 pages. Loi'.don 1814 372 The Rev. N. Coleman's Sermons, quarto, 356 pages. London 1846 373 Exposition of the Prophecies of Daniel, by Rev. Fredrick Uoos, translated by Henderson, quarto, 328 pages. Edin- burgh 1811 374 Majur J. S. Phillips on Prophecy, with a beautiful chart, quarto. London 1855 376 Sermons on Select Subjects, by John Hyatt, quarto, 369 pages. London 1811 376 Sermon* by W. Craig, D. D., Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Glasgow, quarto, 391 pages. London 1808 377 Oisborne's Sermons, 2 vuU, quarto, each vol contains 453 pages. Loudon 1814 378 Sermons to be used in Families, by R«v. i. R. Beard, quarto, 440 pages.' Manchester 1820 379 The True Church-meu ascertained, by Rev. John Overton, quarto, 424 pages. York 1802 380 A Practical View of the Redeemer's Advent, by Rev. J. Aldino Stewart, quarto, 406 pa^es London 1826 381 Discourses on various Subjects, by Richard .Muiikhouse, D. D., Minister at Baptist Church, Wakedeld, vol 3. nna*.fn 403 '^ii'^fis. XjOndou 1805 382 Remarks on the Prophecy of Haggai, by the Bishop of Exeter and Dr. Heberdeo, quarto, 200 pgs. London 1786 383 The Doctrine of the Chnroh of Geneva, from modem Divines, quarto, 820 page*. London 18.32 6 Catalogue of Second-Hand Books. SM Tha Lif* of Bichop WiUon o( Sodor, mH Mad, by lUr. Hugh Stowell,it«al portrait, qu»rto,4U pg«. Lonilon ISW S8S Cormpondanoe of the Rev. Joieph ChkmberUin. with tketohet ol hie lerinoni, 2 vole eteel portrait, querto, 463 pegee in each vol. Leeter 1868 8^6 Biahop Wheatley'a TraoU, quarto, BS3 pga. London 1836 SS7 Hoffman on the Law of tha Ohnroh, quarto, oloth, 480 pagee. New York 1862 388 Preaohing, ita Warrant, Subject and RffecU, by Rev. U. 8. Brioknell, quarto, 218 pagaa. London 1841 389 The Greek Revolutio- . Origin and Progreae, by R. Blaqn- iere, E*q. large colored map, qaarto, 862 pga. London 1824 390 Th9 Life of Arohbiihop Sharpe of York, ujr hi* eon, Tho*. Sbarpe, D D., 2 voU, querto, eteel portrait, (book platea) each vol oontaina 449 pages. London 1826 301 Life and Writing cf Biahop Walton of Cheater, eteel portrait, vol I, 351 pagee. London 1821 392 Miioellaneoui Diicouraei of Biihep Stillingfleot, octavo, calf, 464 pages. London 1736 393 Divines of the Church of Bogland with the Life of each Author, by Eev. T. 3. Hughes, B. D.. 6 vole, quarto, each vol contains 180 pages, (sold for 91 87 a vol. 394 Kighteen Christian Centuriee, by Rev. Jamea White, ocUvo, oloth, 633 pagej. New York 1864 395 The Scholar armed againat the errora of the times, by a Society for the Reformation of Prinoiplea, 2 vols, calf, quarto, each vol oontaina 490 pages. London 1800 396 George Campell, D. D., of Aberdeen, on Kcolesiaatioat Hiatory, vol I, quarto, half calf, 429 pga. Aberdeeh 1816 397 Harmony of the four Gospels, by Jamea MoKoight, D.D., half calf, vol I, quarto, 620 pagea. London 1819 398 Rev. W. Dorman's Sermons, ootevo, calf, 294 pages. London 1743 396 Biahop Lowth's Dissertation on Isaiah, calf, etch vol haa 385 page*. Edinburgh 1807 400 Rev. G. Pearaon on Infidel and Deistioal Writers, quarto. Cambridge 1834 401 Eccleaiastioal Hiatory, by Rev. John Newton, calf, octavo 366 pages. London 1770 ^ 402 Joaephtts, vol I. 408 Rev. Walter Chamberlain's reply to Bishop Colenso, quarto, 211 pagea London 1863 404 the Rav. B. Miller'a «tarmons, qaarto, 410 pages Chi- oheater 1882 409 The Songs of Solomon, with many beautiful Propheciea contained, by W. Davidson, Bsq., quarto, 606 pagea. London 1817 Historical Booka on the New Testament, by Rev. M. Bland, D. D., vol 2, quarto, 1829 Christ and Hi* People, by Rev. Charlea Henrtley, quarto. Oxford 1842 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 416 416 417 418 419 420 421 423 424 Hiatory of Chriatianity and the Overflow of Pasaniim, by Rev. R. Miller, vol 1, oalf, 447 pg*. London 1731 Vindioation and Dootrinea of the Quakers, by Robert Barclay, 1765, qaarto, calf, 674 pagea. Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, by Robert Nelson. Esq , quarto, oalf, 620 pages. London 181 1 Illustrationa of the Four Qotpels, by John Jones, quarto, 614 pagea. London 1808 CommanUry on the Collects of the Church of England, by John Jamea, D. D., of Peterborough, ocUvo, 495 pgs. Lmdon 1840 Rev. David Dixon's Explanation of the Psalms, vol 2, octavo, 533 pages. Olaagow 1834 Juatiftcatloo and Regeneration, by John Witherapoon, D. D , of Paisley, octavo, oalf, 231 pga. Edinburgh 1816 Robinson's Scripture Characters, vol 2, octavo, calf, 383 pages. London iSOS Chronology of the New Testament, by Thos, Lewin, Esq. quarto. Oxford 1854 Rev. John Leifohild on the Christian Temper, qnarto, 307 pages. London 1821 Episcopal Rights and Oltra-MonUne Usurpationa, by Father Antonio Pereira, translated by Rev. E. Landon, quarto, 346. pages. London 1847 Rev. Daniel Tyerman on the Wisdom of God, quarto, 612 page". London 1818 EleoL. a and Reprobation, by Daniel Whitby, D. D., quarto, 466 pages. Landon 1817 Life and Writings of Rev. Cladins Buchanan, D. D., vol I, quarto, calf, steel portrait, 396 pga. London 1819 Bishoc Patrick on thft Lord's Supper, octavo, calf, 450 pages. London 1717 Alfred BareH's Essays in reference to the Wealeyan Methodists, qaarto, 370 pagea. London 1839 History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by Rev. John David MoBride, vol I, quarto, 418 pga. Oxford 1864 4tS 426 4S7 438 429 430 431 432 433 %. .( i» 436 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 440 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 464 455 456 William Robinaon on the UsafnlasM of tha Waalayaa Ministers, ooUvo, 184 pages. London 1833 Soaro* and Valuable Traote and Sermons, by Rev. John Ab^matby, qaarto, calf. Loudon 1761 Viscount Barrington'a Theologioal Works, vol I, qmrto, 266 pagea. Loudon 1828 History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churoha* andMeet- ing Housee, with lives of their Min'^ten, by Walter Wilsoa, vol 2, quarto. 008 page*. London 1808 Rev. Humphrey Prideaux'a History of the Old and Naw TeaUment, Jewa and other Nationa, qaarto, steel portrait, 2 vula, 3.)7 pagaa in each vol. Oxford 1820 Biahop Tomiine's Refutation of Oalvanism, qaarto, 590 pages. London 1817 Blakey's History of Mural Soienc*. qaarto, vol 2, 367 pages. Edinburgh 1836 Archdeacon Pratt on Scripture and Soieno". quarto, London 1801 Ohriatian Philosophy, by V. Knox, D. D., qaarto, 888 pages. London 1824 Reply to Bishop Wardlaw on UAitarianisim, by Rav. Jamea Yatee, 36i pages (JIasgow 1818 The British Churches and the British People, by Edward Miall. quarto, 458 pagea. London 1840 Outlinea of Mineralogy translated from the original of Sir Corbern Beryman, vol 2, quarto, 603 pgs. London 1822 Rev. Samuel Clarke on the Truth and Certainity of the Christian Religion, calf, ocUvo, 604 pgs. London 1782 Blair's Sermons, vol 2, quarto, calf, 468 pgs. London 1781 Russia, translated from the French, by Marqnia de Cue- tine, ooUvo, 600 pagea. New York 1854 Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Sainto, vol 4, 672 page*. London 1769, wants binding The Illustrated Self-Instructor in Phrenology, Fowler & Wblds, selU for $1.00 Human Face* and what they mean, by Dr. Sim*, 800 illus. The Amerioan Praotioal Farrier and Doctor How to make five hundred dollars a year profit with 18 hens, by Co.bett The Waterworks for the sopply of Citie* and Town*, by Hughes, C. B. 364 pages. London 1869 OMworks and how to Manafacture and Diatribato, I - Hughes, B. 368 page*. Rudimentary Arohitectare for Beginners, illne, by T. Berry, arohiteot, 167 pagee. Treatise on Metal and Copper, by Lambom, ilia*, 232 pg*. The Electric Telegraph, ita hietory and progre**, numer- on* illut, E. Highton, C. E. 179 pagea. On the' Conatraction and Repairing of Road*, illn*, by Henry Law, C. E. On tho Conatraction of Lock*, by Charie* Tomlinaon, C. E. iilu*. John Lrxike on Christianity atao his celebrated essay* and aliort aooonnto of his life, calf. London 1810 Serious Address to Maaters of Families, by Joseph Priest ly. L. L. D., F. R. 8.. half calf, 300 pga. (ourioaity) Hiatoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, (3 vols out of 4). Pari* 1747, calf, curiou* old plates, (worth 4 timea the money) Columbue and Cooke, 2 narratives of maritime discovery illus, 227 page*. London 1875 Hoylo'* lllu»trat«i Book of Game*, 439 page*, (one cover off) Any of the 7ollovliitr Souoe Old Sooka and FampUots at 10 ott. OMh. 457 Sander*on'*Cau»e* of the Battles of England. London 1863 458 A Short and Easy Method with the Jew*, by Rev. Charles Leslie 459 Land-Holding in England, by J. Fisher 460 Landscape Painting in Water Conors, by Ban j»A 461 New and Popular Dance Music, by D. Albert 462 Mental and Physical Culture, by Dr. PUyter 463 Through the Keep-It- Dark Continent, and how I found Stanley, 24 illus from Punch, by Bernard 464 One Hundred Lessons in English Composition— Huston 465 Dr. Bartlett on Digestion and Aasimilation 466 Dr. Kennedy on Diseaaes of the Skin, illus. 467 Samuel Hereman on the Vine and Fruit Tree Cnltivaticm 468 The Life of Captain Marrayat. also the three Cutters 469 Illoetrated Guide to Cnioago, maps and diagrana 470 Guide to Paris, beautiful colored map 471 Coleridge's Complete Poem* 472 How we Raised oar Baby, by A. Beaadict CaUlogut of SMond-Hand Books. 478 Th* ChriskUn Imgiu OUddM ol CkwDMtiovt. by WMhisgton 474 LoBgfcilow'i Pmhu 479 Monairar Leooq, by BmiU OaboriM, 9 ▼ob. 476 Holdm'i Book on Birdi 477 What to Bat Md how to Cook it 478 Canada, • handy Book for Farman and Laboran, oolwad map. 479 Tha Ladiaa Oompleta tatUr Writer 480 My Snmmer in a OArdan. by VVamar and Hanry Ward BMohar 481 Commentary on tha Old and Ntw TaaUmant, by Bar. Robert JamawNi, D. D., Olaagow, and Rev. D. Brown, Aberdeen, part 3 483 DiitisoUre Pricciplea o( the eomnonly called Southern Pretbyterian Charoh. Kiohmond, Va. 483 Sheep, Piga, Ooate, Aaaee and Malee, illna. 484 The Trinity of Bvil, by Rev. Canon Wilberforoe 489 Laoroaao and how to Play it, by MoNaught 486 Tha Mahdi, illoa. 497 Talee of the French Revolntion, by Harriet Martinaau 488 A Viaion of the Fntara, by Rev. 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Barcelona 1860 919 Obiolete Scripture Words, Booker 920 Johnny McKay or the Sovereign 521 Ellen of the Glen, a Covenanters Story, by Pollock I 522 Worcester's English Diotiousry 923 Home Comforts, a Book for Uousekeepen 924 Hand-Book to Clevedon 925 Much in Little, History of the Institutions of Slavery, by Fletcher 526 Stories of the History of England 627 Biahop Watson's Apology for the Bible 528 Anec'lotes of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, by Wbitecross 629 Ou the Loss of the Teeth ai' > the Best Means of Restoring Them, by Thoe. 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E*ther Ann Roger* 697 Advice to a Friend, by Biehop Pbtriok, calf 958 Home on the Paalma, vol 2, calf. 559 r)evote Esercice* of the Heart, by Dr. Watta 560 Love, Conrtahip and Marriage Health and Wealth 501 Bible Wordii for Birthdaya, morooca 662 The Rainbow of Covenant, Rev. Jame* Smith 663 Case- Views of Philadelphia 564 The Gates Ajar, by Elisabeth Stuart Pbalp* 569 Esaays, by Joaeph Addison, noroooa 666 Uorae.Paulinae, by Paley 567 Moore'a Irish Melodiea 568 History of Ra**elaa, by Dr. JohnwM, half oalf 669 Domaetio Fowls and Anamila aad the UaMgaaaat ol Iha Dairy • 570 Bible Reading Hand Book, by Cobbin 571 Dictionary of the Bible, by Rev. C. H. Latnridg* 672 The Beantiea of Canning 673 Life of Col. 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Pughe 594 The Felon's Track, by Doheny 595 Cage Birds and all Kinds of Pete 506 Capital, Commerce and Monev, Cansea of the Preaent De> presition of Trade, by Richard Sniley of London, Oat. 507 Masterman Ready, by Captain Marryat 59S The Duohees, by the Duchess r 590 Oatline* of Grecian History 600 David Livingstone the Great African Traveller PZOTTTItlSQVa CAVAS A, utennd, $3.60 — Ooit 931.60. nm TOLSL, TuU calf, LattONd, la ffoed oenditlon, of 8LA0SV00B. ▲TLAXTTXO UOSTSLT mH OOBKSZLL ICAOAZninB, at 60 eoati a TToL ait