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Las diagrammes suivants iliustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 r i « Vivat EAST RIDINC OF THE COITN Public Notice is iicreb^ g-BTeii to thi of tlM» Ciittiity of filj^in, tbat in oheM^ui^U^ and bearlns date the iwentf»elghth dnfiik our Liord one thousand eight hundred and flfl said Electors at the Town Hall, in the ; in tlie Towmkip IS^^" 00655 COVNTT OF ELGIN, TO Wtt I en to the Electors of the 12«(st Bldin|^ iiiiii!ill# Her IHiyesty'i Writ to we di|pc«l«d, id»f mfthe month of NovMber, In file ytMF of «d ami 0fty-8eve»» I roquire t lie pretenc^^ of tJie of Mfilaliide. on 'owttiPbin The 16th diTf O! At the hour of Twelve o'clock, liiooi a person to represent them in the Lejfii fn (Case a Poll shall be demanded and allowi such Poll will he < Weducklaj, the Tp«Bt|-tiiiid Ifty jO In the Village of Ht. ThouMis, at the T^vrn In the Tovrnship of YarMontb, at a hoiiise i In the Tovinship of Malahide, at ^e Towi In the jTownship of Bayliam, at the Towi fn the Village of Vienna, at (ha Tcinpck, iioon, lor the parposie mi MUeeiht^ >«ri»iRtiYe Assembly •€ (his Prowimme | Mi4 that tnd ftUowed In (he mamier hy law yr tfrl fc ai y 11 wll^ he opened on * the T^wn JHmII. i tt hcbse near dMrfcs' J9ilM. t (he Town Hail, In (he 1^lag# ^BBgim^ (he Tawtt Ilall, In the TMage af Hiiilhffiyl l te, said Vil(a|e, and h the TowwIh|> rf Soutli Pofchctrter. at die idhMHtoue, Iiwkt* |p (, i herbhjr required to iiike M^|e%llMl fmr- - ^- ■i'■^^,,r\.f'^■^ i ^^t "^vT'*' . <* %-?.i^- •>■-.•■-• * ..«. «ias, Ml th« Coiinly of B%l% Ms rMlh ^if if ti* of our liorti, One Thontand ISIgM Ifondilii f « 85t. .?y wtBTVRimia opffwmt. tpatcj^^OffibpC^ % fM Office, TttRxM ^knet, 8t Hmuf^ C. W /■'] t-.