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Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bonom. as many frames as required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmAs * das taux da rAduction diffirants. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un seul clichi. il est filmi A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOfY RESOLUTION TIST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ r^PPUEDjVMGE Inc ^B^ '653 Eost Mo... Sl..« S".^ ^OChKV^r, New York 14609 i .c* -■^ <"6,1 48^-0300 -Pta„,™ "^ ^S= ('16) 288 - 5989 - Fox GEO GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. 19H 1)F rAHTMKN'l- OK THK INTKIUOH, CANADA. ,.,,\VI U HUAN't 11 \V.\ .,. M. < l.illi.-. H.ii.t. WATER RESCURCES PAPER No. 7. UKlM)H'l <)?» ,MAN1T0H.\\V.\TK1MM)WERS iiv D. L. MCLEAN, S. S. SCOVIL and J. T. JOHNSTON. COMPILED FOR THK MAMTOB A PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONER PBISTEI) nV OfiOKB OF i> IR/./ IM^' V ()TT.\NV.\ V , I TVCHK IMllNTF.R ro THE KlN«iS MOST i.iiivTH'I) ISY .1. I'K •' 1 AC til.. > '" ' KXCK.I.T.KNTMAIKSTY , , No. 25e— 191-1-] .♦... Niv 0U»38222 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25« A 1914 7'o //(« /.'■■>(.(/ lli'il,i,,>M hulil ]l,i,^h,il I'ini,, Aillni, Williiim I'atrirk- MLrrl. Dukf „l ('„„„„„,,l,l ,1,1,1 „t Sl,;ill.,,i,„, ■ A'.'/'., •!,.. ,1,.. ./.,, >l,„,,n„r II,, ••ml „,ul ('•••/•ii„i„,l, i-i„-('lii,f i,f Hi, It, „„',„,„„ „f M v\ II I'l ^ \«i. Viii II \li,\ u, llii.iiM >-. : Till iiii'li r-i(rni(l lm« ih< \\,,i\,,nr to hiv In lnic ^^,llr l''Ai-i'llcii"y llir rtp.irt .ni .Miiiit..liii W , ;. r jMiWir- l.,v ii,. I' of tlir Di.iiiiiiiMii Wiii.r r..»ir llniii. li. IJl'-«|K'I'tt'llll,\ »llli(llitlli|. \v.\i. .1. ij()( hi;, Miiiixl, r iif III, I III, III, I. On\« \, l.l.riiiir.v U. lull. lllTAHl Ml M (iK im: In IhHInH, oiiuw, Kcliriiiir.v \J. IHII. Tlif licii.iiiralili- W'.M. J. l!"i liK, Minister nt the liilcriur. Silt. I li:i\c tlic iiiiiiniir to -iilniiit the ri'|ioit on .\l;niit ilia Water-iPoHcr- liv tin- KliKiniiT- ol till' Itoiiiinion WiitiT I'owir lirumli, lunl to r'Momrnc ml that if \ir i>iili- lish-d. I liuvi' till' lioiioiir to 1)1', sir, ^'ollr "bciiiciit servant. W. W. roKUV. Di, hi Miuinlir of the liiliiiar. W vrt;ii .w KH l;ii' ■ ' 1!. Ottwv \, , i,rti.,' \\. \\. I oiiv. Ks,,.. i-.MM.. Deinit.v .Minister of tii'- interior. SiH, — I li»j- ,(1 submit herewith the import on .Manitnlii \\ , tii Kii«ijieiTs of ilie Dominion Water I'ower Hraneli. anil w.eiM i,-, ,,!ri jiiilili' 'leil. and that a siittieieiit nninlier of copies he printel to pen widel.v (listrilinti'il anion'.' those intoresteil in the ipie-tion .f wat' i liient in Canada. I{.'lll MINT UK Tilt Imi lll"ll. Wmi 11 l'"«MI llll»V' II. fsiMS llwh II. iinivi.. < )i r\« \. Ill . iiiili r 1-. t'll'l. 1.. Mil l!..ii..ur, .111. Ik.' II A l!'ii-.'\. I'lllllu- rtlillH'" r,.||||tl|..l..ll, \\'llllli|l' L'. Sim. Ilv ..I il.. I |..m..u..,|.I. W, .1 K... 1.. , \i,,ii-t.r ..I ll . Int. ii.t. I l«.tf t„ .Ml>mit til.' f..||..Hnii.' i.i...rt r.-i tin:.' lli.' plivi.-nl f.-.itiirfM .,f lli • u Ml.r- |...w.T» wilhiii III.' pnnni I' M.iiiitil.M. wlii.'li .v.m liiivc ri-iii<'«l<'.l » • I"' I''.l l..v ll,.. ,.„uii r, ..f til.' W r I' .1- l!r..ii. ll. «li.. h.i\. \>r,u maUInu- .. -vI..|m.iIi.- -m-lv .i|" wiilii p.iwi'r an. I slr.iim tliu- tlir.-iii:li''iil ill'' pr.iviii.'.'. In l.ri.'f. 111.' r.p..rt -Iwwh tl,,-.t Hi.' P'.w.t p .s^il.ilili.- ..f ll..- Mii.ill.r riv. rn ..I ll..' pr'.vin.v iir.' limil.'.l .in.l ..'' I.m-uI iiiip..i't:i ly. Tli.' ii. liii H..iir.'.'^ ..i .l.'p.'n.l ti.l.' pi.«.i- ill .•..iiiiii.T.'iiil .pmiititi.- aiv: Tli.' Wiiiiiip.'i.' rU.r. (in.' 1 •ipi.l'* "n tli.' N:i- Uiil.'li.v, M riv.T, mi. I 111.' I.iw riv.T^ ..f lli.' ii..rtli. iii.'lii.liii'.f th,' ( •|iiir.-liill. .V.l-.ii iiii.t It. r.'iit. Th.- p-.'.v.T p..»Ml.iliti.- nf tin- M'.i'tli.'ni ri^.■r.- mv .■ii..mi..iis. nii.l >vi!l'l.v 1... ..f m-.'.it II1..II1.HI ill til.' fiitiir.' .l,.v.''...piii.'nt ..f Mnnil..lMr-. liiiit.'rl.i.i.l. l-inL' i- kM..wii ..f th.'H.' iK.rlli.'rii riv.'r> aii.l r.'-nlN fr-nii r.'.'..iiiini''iiii.'<' ^iirv.'.vs ..iil.v .viT, th.'n. ar..« milh.'i.iil r.luil.l. lata I-'al.' that ..m.rni..ii.* «m..iiiit. ..f .l.'p.n.l- al.l.' p'.w.T. foaKililr "f .l.'V. I..iiiia'iit. .iiiipl.v awaits a m rk.'l t- It liarii.'*>..l. l''.,rtM.iati'l.v Ih.' .Inii..;:.' l.a-iii. ..I ll..' Wnriip.'-' aii.l tli.- KiiL'li-li riv.r-, l.vli,« ttitllili .'MM.v traiiMiii^Hior iislaii. ( ill.' pi. -Nt •• 'iniii.n'ial .■.iitn- ..f Maiiit.'l.a. .'an fiinii.-li •'itli.'i.'iit'-.'l.'.'lri.' .'Ii.tu.v !■■ imvl aii.v anti.-ipat.'l p..»vr r ■ iiiii.'iii.'iiN i.f till' pri'si'iit !<.ttl('.l ii..i'ti..ii« ..I till' pf' » • Tl,.. in.ii'a..' ill c'tli.-i.'n.y .,f .'l.'.'tri.-al nia.'liin.rv. tlii' m t.T .l.-tan..' i- M .MU'W .••.... 1- till' a.lvan.',' u-n. rally in tlu' |.!.'.-Iri.'al ii„lu,try. tl,.' alr.' Bri'at'aii.l .'i'r-i.i.'r.'asii,K ."-t ..f K I -tran, .'.,al (a niatt.'r ..f ■*! ii.l inip-rt .' t.. Mi'nit..l.Ml. all t.ii.l t ak.' Hi.' .l.'V,.l..p.n:.|it ol il.'p.n.lal.l. uat.ri ..w.r in .la' pr..- viiicc .'f Maiiit.ili.i iinii-inally altra.tivi'. Fiirtli,'r,n,.r.-. Hi i^lmi. .-win. .l.'ii.aial t.,r'.,.i'l.'.'trl.''r;.v f.,r ii.aiiM- fa.'tiirin^f. trai.sp„rt..ti.a, an.l .n.M,i.'ipa'. in an.l ar,.,in.l tlu- .'ity ..f W inmp.'u', l,a. mail.' Hu' .pi..sti.,n „f ih.w.t .l,.v.'l„p.m.nt ..,. ti,,. \Vii,nip.u' riv.r ..n- '.t Ha i,np.,rtai.t a.lministrativ.. tnatt.T. „."npyi,itr tl,.- a,ti.„ti.,ii of tl..' I..part.,i.'i.t ,.f Hie " Fortnnati'ly. a w.'ll-.on.i.U'r.'.l aii.l p.,li..y of wat.r-p..w,>r lulniini-ti'i.i,,,. ,,aH l....',i d.'torn,iii.'.l np-.i. an.l r,..ulati..n. pu, int., for.'.' . .co -'ha, .it 0) whi. , ..v..rv r.'as.,na!.l.' pr.,t.'.-i..n t., tlu' pi.Mi.' in tl,.' way ..f limit.' I -'rniits. r.'ntals .m.l oo„tr.,l ..f rat..s, l.„H. ..l.j.'.'t t.. r.ri.,.li.- r.' aial at ,1..' sain.' tm..' provnlinu sufti.'i.'.ulv attra.-tiv.. ,.pp,.r.u„iti,'s f,.r inv,..tmo,it t., ai'tivly intm-.t tlio capita.i^t. Con.Utont with the policy of H.o Dmniiiion (l„vormm-,.t. Ih. Minister .,f the TntoHor,-ti',l that all va.' IV.minion laii.l to power sites ou 0< 1/ I \ (/"/' I II I /M.' /'Ill / /,'N 5 SESSIONAL PAPE9 Nu 25« till' \Viiiiii|ii tr livir, . I iiii> 'till !■ luiT ill \|iiiii|i.l.,i. Ii ii-.rMil I'-r 'li-i'..-ili.!i .iilv Hiiilii' ilii- wiii.r |i'i»'T pMhitimi. ri'fiii. ■! I - II H';i« fiirlv fcniiiil u, II\ , IM I'.iiiiif.'ti rii \\t>\\ ill.' !■ m-i'liTiihiMi ..t -liii.lrv ii|i|ilitMli..ii. r..r |MH\. r |frl\ili'(i. - ,.ii tin U'ihiil|i ;.• rn.i- n: \| ,ii!t,.l..i. |..r tin W'.ii, r I'luvii- I ' I ■•■ ' . M, h-iM- |i .u. !■ .,11. 1 .|,.t-,i>^.- -Ill ll. . ,..,.|. .•( tint i-rl! I III. Wiiniii I'L' ri\.T wiiliiii II 1. 1.^111. lit Miiiiit..l.,i, III. >«• iin..»lrj i..ii% .1i,,h ilmt liullt iImIJiii'I |i(i»i'r »ili«, l.v iiiiiiii- iif t.|..'i'i cii-ilx iiiiil liiiilil.v iii'.'i.iiii li^lii.l ;it III. Lllkl- III' till- W |., Ill 1,11- S.. ll H||.| ..lliiT l.iki'- III Mir iMli ,(' UliLi'lM, ll I- |i .. xiMf iiinl I'.nii.iiiiiMlK |' t.i ii.\,|,.|i iiM r '!>. (I ■■ hv > iu« • 111. iir lii.r«r- |>"»ir. nil wllliiii liulitv iiiili'-> ..I ill,- ri:> ..I W'liiiiii" '.' ;,: ' .itliit nii-ilil, triiii«- iiii>.«iiiii I.I Wiiiiui"".'. pI'iilllHl'- :lt lllr prr-Clll tilui , ill .III Jll.^llll ll-.r-l- p..U, I'. I.ll i> ,,,|.,i!.ll nf I'Ntl n-iniis t,l 11 iimMiiiiiiii III 77,1' III L'l-li'iir linr.,- p,iu,i', 1 1, ii-lupiiu-nl ,it tlir tlinl p..«' r -iti' nt lire, it full-. Iiiiviiiti II niiixlliiiilll pii'"il.]i' ijrMli'piiii'iit "f !l.'.,.Mill Sl-aniir lli'T'i-pmir. Is lllilillt III I Illllli','11'1',1. I'liiTi' Ik, tlii'i'cl'nri'. at llii' prr-i'iit liiin' iil'nnt I7,:!iiii,'-p,i\w r priiliu'i-il mi tin' NViiiiiipi-if river, iitui tnui-inilli'il tor use in iiml iirmiiiil tin- 'ilv I' Wiiiiiip,').'. win, li I'liii. »illi till' twii prr-i'iil pliiiiti. Ill' iiMTi'iHi'ij til |nl!,.'i"i uMli ir liiir-''piiwi r. Ill,- liM' iciiiniiiiii^' p. I. IT >iti'- ,iii till' Wiiiiiipi';; mil' ari' liinlrr tin- I'l.iiti'.l nf till' I Iniiiiiiiiiii ' iiivcrimii'iit, nil, I ,'nii t'linii-li a rui'ilu'i- ain mnt nt LM-limir p,>«i-r In a llia\illllllll ,-\l('Ill nf lM-I,"'!' linl'-. pOWlT. III aililitii 11. tliiri' HIT -I'M'ia! iliipnrlaiit pnvvi'i- -it,'- mi 'ln' Wiimipi't,' iiml Midi'-li I'ivri'-. \\ ' 'liii till' pt ill,'. III' lliitai'in. ulii.'li ari' within ra-^v traii-ini^wimi ili-tain'! i.f Willi Siiri ,lii> alininlaii, ,■ nt' ilnpi'iiilalili- ami I'l'niimiiii'all: fi'a-ii-li' pn'.MT -pi'll> an a--^':..-il iinlnstriiil fiitiifi' fnr tlir pinvincc nf Manifnlia. ami rspcciallv fnr tin' i'ili,'> 'i' VVililiipi't'. I'ni'tiiji' la I'rairir ami linimlnii. It i" iiitcn'-tiiiL' tn iinti' that the Wiiiiiipi';; rivi'r. in it« luitiiral cniiilitioti, fnriM>^ iniv nf III.' !iri»t 11 talili' jHiWiT rivir- in the wnrhl. ha\ iiii: a tntal ilmp in the prnviiu'i' nf .Manil.ilia nf ■J7I i'm't. ami in aMTa'ji' yi'ar> it- iiiaxiniiini lln\viii»(' bpinj; only ahmit fmir tiiii'- its iiiiiiiiiinm -ah lilt 12,'ilMI I'lihii' fi it pir >. i-nml. Vuil infnrnintinii ri'tranliiiif till' ciinriiunis pnti'iitial imuiT ri'Miiirci'- i.f tlin riMr is -rt nut in ilitail in rhaptiT n, hy Mr. .1. T. .Inlm-lnn. h.^-lranlii I'lijiim,'!' nf tin- W'.itrr I'nwii- liraiirh, iinilnr wlinsf iliri'i'tinn tilt' Mirvcys ami invistiualinns nf tlir hrain'li liavr lni'ii I'lirricil mi. Par- ticular iittc'iition is i-alli'il tn thr twn iliaf-'raiiis mi plat's !• anil ll'. which illii-trali' ^riiphically the p.w.'!- -it'iitimi mi thi- rivm- umlir cmnlitimis nf rcjrnlatinn ami imii- nvilliitinli. i>i:f\in\/i:\r <,f mi: i\ii:iiinu 'i'lir |iicpiiriiti,iii nf (lie niiitcria: 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 in tlii.> r.'iM.rt. cxciitiiiK that .vlatii,- t,, ilir "i"'""^ rm.r. was ..„n,M„.M..,.,l l,y ^f,.. |,. f.. M,.|.. ,.„i.,f ..„^i„..,, „f „„. {j „,;,„,,„ «l..-;-cT«.v an,l r..s,.„r,...,„I„ is ,1,,,. a .^r-at „.,.asnn. of ..,.,.,li, f. r th , ., ti.m nl ,1,,. mat.Tial i„ tl„. -h„rt tin,,, availal.l... It .ni,H,t s,...,n ,„.r,i,„.Mt t„ ,„„ ,„, r.v„nl „,„n. ..,„n;,|,,.. ,lata l.-arin.. „„ ,1... l,v,|,.„- r:,:;:; :v""'i rr \ ""• -- •"-- '■•■ ^-'" > ■'-■^ t.;. !:;;:: , V ;."7'V*-"-'' •-' ii,.,.„.,i I,..,,.,, .„, „„„„,,,„,, ,„„ ,,„.,., j_,^,, ^^.j, . . a,, „... s,,n.„. ,■„,,,,.,„„„., „.., ,„,„,„, ,,„„ ^,^.^^,,^„,,_, ^^,^ ^,^;^^___ ''""•" ot Ins n,.„rt ,,n.v..„ts satisfac-tory .l..,l.„.ti..„s tluT-fr,,,,,. I, 1„. „„,,,,■,„ :■•; '' ;"';':'^'-'"" - ^"--'' •^ -l„hi,. .lata o„,v. an,l t,! s,!!':; """,.. at.. «,tl. th,. c.h„.t ..,...,„...,■ ,„• th.. .\ranit„ha ir,„«ra,.hu. an.l Pouvr Survv o,- awa.t the issu.. of th.. r..,.„rt r..f..rr...l t... ' It is regretted that th.-,..., ,i,..., availahh- f„r tho „r..„aratio„ of this ,..,„„.t-. Ino ., the neeessuy of having it plaee.l i„ ,.„. ha„.ls h.v ,h.. ..-..h of U.^LL - has rr..v..,ite,l a more .x.inplete an.l .-areful co.npih.ti.,,, „f th,. ■ivnl. ' " re-ar.lmg the ph.vsi.'al,ims .>f pow.-r in -Maiiitoha. mat.. rial I iiavc tile h.iiioiir to In-, sir. Voiir obedient servant. .1. I!. CIIAI.I.IKS. S,i;„;-i„fr,i Iml n( \y„f,r /',)..■, •, linnirli. mam 1/ 1 MTDit 1 HI rr.ii-rdwi.R-i SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TABLE OF CONTENTS. I.cltiT 111' TniMsiiiittiil liy .1. I!. ( liiillics. Siiiiiriiitfii(liiit nf the \V;itii' I'l.wir lirnm-h. ifcncral Smiinijn\ nf \nt\\t t iHiit-nil Suiiiniary CHAITKI! 1. .ituiitiiin ill .Miinitolia i;i Hi Hvclri.lnKV, KHinfiill K\'ni>orittii II . . Kmiotf Miilli till lit Hyilrn^i-iiphi CH.XI'TKK II. in 20 CH.M'TKI! III. WiiiiiiiM'^f KiM'i- NVci'ssity fur iliv(.sti^jititili l)t-Kt'ri|ition of livcr and (IruiiiH^e lia*in Fliiw records Storaifi- on npin-r wati-i.^ Kxistinjf iM.wHr plaiit.s - (a) KlfCtiir Hallway ('orni.any (I)) City of \Vinni|i(|{ .Miinii ipal I'laiit . *7 1% iiii'Mii \ih:\T or ////. iMr.inoit l).,niiiM..n \V.;fi l',,«,., |!,MTui. LIST OF I'LATKS. I'latr 1 .Maiiit..l,u IJiii.ifall IIwhIm. tl-IHVrs). ■|'..Ki.-.- P. 4 \Viiiiii|..(r IJiv,,,. Hiisiii ."i-.MassCurvi-ipf \Viiiiii|.|.K Kiv.r l-'loH, l> \\iiini|i(g l.'ivtr l'inv,i> I'laii. " ■ " !V,iHlr. ;" TalMil:iti..ii JJ_ •• Circular l)iaj,'rain 11 r.riiki'iili.-ad ami Whiti-iiJiil Iii\i-r», t'l.iii llA -W'liiti'iD.iutli KiviT rnifilf li Little Sa-.kat(hi.\vaii HuiT I'liii. l;f .i»siriil«iiiie ItiM-r I'l-i.til.-.. U-I.ittliSaHkatihfHaii Kivcr I'ti.Hl,- '•r-,' " " — Mil.-.- Cnivv l(p--M..ssy, \all.v anil Shill ftivir^-l'lan ir— Vallry Kiwi — I'n.Hl.-,. .. IH— M(i-i»y KivcT— rrntilf I'.l— I)iiii|ihiii and Kiiirfcinl Itivcr— i'laii •-:",'-, ", -ivufii,...:: :;i— Swan KiMT— I'laTi L'.' -Hi-il l)i.,.r l!iv..--i'laii -.V- Mani>;.itat,'aii liivir—l'lati. -;)-- .. •■ — I'ri.tii,. ; ,; -•' " ■■ — l''li>w,'iiiAf :-••_► Ka>t nf I.ak.- \Vimii|..j,'— Plan t-V '^.i^katulifwan l\i\c ■ Uasin- -Plan ^^'l •■ ■■ in .Manitolia- i'lan . ' . -•'— ■■ ■• at liraiid IJapi.l, Pi,,Hl.- Fluvv— Mas»C-,n\, :ei— PrnKle . . :*:!•- ri, in,!, ill Kiver— Plan ;fj- General Plan i.f Snntlierii .Manin. . In^ide Hark C •Jii 411 4N 4,S r.i fl-J lu i;4 111! iiii pji; i:tn \:\x 14L' I.VJ l)i4 li;s 17-' in 17.x l,«(i ISli lIMl P'4 P.)« 2r Water power ilevelcpnn nt^ L^-Possilile \Vater-|H.wer , Winnipeg- Y" " •' " '■ southern .M;untiilia " ? ,, " I'lltliern • ■-Kuniitf ree inlet \Vnini|,ejf river !l- - 11! 11— lL-~ l;t- 14— l.-e- 17— 211-- 21— 14 14 1". Hi L'S l'!l 2H •M ;«! ;ir> :!- :«i 41 4'i 44 44 45 A. 191-1 MAMKiHA MM / f.A' I'D II f./f.S SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25c LIST i.F TAIil.KS. -f(,nh,ninl. TaKIr 'JJ iimi ri ..,-,1 ,,( \Viiiiii|..'(; nwr . . »' ■.VI- •M :a :ii :«;- ;«»- 4(1 ■41- 4-.'- 4:'- 41— 4:.— 41:— 47- 4!^ 4'.:— 51 - ,",:^ r.i-- Whiti' iitli ruHi- III ok*'nhf 11*1 rtlnliiii S; Ii4 Im •!? 70 71 7H HI K"> (•S S'.l IK) !•) lIKt lici 1(1.-. lui; 1if7 His lO'l III) 111 ir.' 11!) 121 1»4 ■.:!7 14:< 14S l.-iO i:)7 iiiii nil ir,.f Hi7 H-.7 17.-. 177 lliii 1'.)I 1!I2 1!P2 1112 l'.« 1!« I '.I I lI.I.rSTRATIOXS. WimiipcK Kivor. (I'raiul ilii limiiMt Kills, 2iiil I'i'.cli •''4 I.ittl.Mlu Uuini.t Fnll> •^>< -r..inte dn Bciis Miiiiiui r I'laiit (N|iilhviiy fmin f.-.tuf I,ii)f Sliilpsi ■'■' I'inaua rh:iiiiii-l Strci-t Kailuay C'ciiniiaiiy's I'luvcr Imium-. >lin« ili(? tail-race . ■'•' — PinawaCliami'l -(""iitlnldalii takiii from |iciilit liaU-way l»'tw.-(ii dam and initial iKiiiit [''' — Strt-t't Kailway I'ower, Main Weir •>** 10 iii:r\i!i\n:\i or iiii: i\ri:itii,it 4 GEORGE V, A, 1914 VVinni|M'^' Hi' "'t"ltiiu'nt Vm.k. 57 \Viiiiii|i<.([ Hiiil Uhil IWaiii anil .iiill at Asi.,»i|,|,j A,„n,lK„n.. Kiv-r. I)„w„„,r,.an, „ f uM ,|aM, at'MilIwo,Ki ;„:::;r™;,r'" *"';"'■*■': '^"^"•»' '-"""'"« ""i.i K.n, " -"'■a'jHim IVwjTSnrvtjs, twomiies ali(,v; '"'"" ^""'^'"r'"—' «:;-•' MiZji;^. P.,„Wo;, Int,.k. «„ a„d ■ W..r!,„n.,: i ' ''••T l-'k'' downBtriaiii »ii|p of Ham cmtl.t ■■ - llrandon IVmer .Surv.y», Hapid City Milling' C.i hriHT'"'''""' '""'''"•' 'l"«"»tr<'tt»i from Highway BiunHon KlettricC..'.; Po»>r-honse.. ■ ' •• ]?,] ". ,,''""'''.'" ''''™"''':f"o-, Ato,it!.tofKa>tAndin;i;j.. . _ '='1 MoNxy RivHr. Dam site No, j, Ui f)ntlHt of Lake Da use line from left hank iinl 131 132 Hells Rapids from alKiveV. '^' iiO«er Meailow Portage. Fairford Hi w'l. u ",.. -V\''""il»-ifo, l.ridffe L.ttle W ateri.en R.ver. Typical view of water elmnnei . . ! "i ,"„"'"' '""'''"aSiile. . Shore line Lake \VJnni|)e);osi '. siile 'intiK:^™™'""', """^^'^ ''>• --es from lake Win,;ilH.«^si Kairford Dam Site Reachaiiove Outlet of lake Manitolia . . D-.ur.hi., Uil r «■ '"^^ "■ '.''"'''?<'• ^'ai^lord, fromai«,ve; '...'..". ■ '■.uphill Kner.— Scows, ({.iing.lown river. .. " — Kapids exit to Sturjreon Lav. ><«..!! I) • " , ff'fl'"'"' 'ypical view Iwlow'. . '.' K;Jd^rK.:.^te;J^^r^?T!f^r >■'-■•'■"»*? «tati,,„: Manigi 142 141 147 147 148 I4S 14!l 1411 1.-.4 154 l.V. 15.-, ir>i! i.v; «-rKiv..r-L,K.king,uhi«hl,anko;;r;Ri,t';:ttV,V •■■. l^ **an River.-^'iv;::;^!,!^:-:"-.''":' '^'-""""' -- ■ ::::::::;::::;■: u:^ Saskatchewan Ri> - Hai.ids helow Cascade Portape,' 'fn'iiV, al" — \Ni«.d falls, North side of dam .-ile ..and Rapi.l, R,,;ht hank at Cros. lake. . ,k -IJankfromhoat Ml (irand rapids ,;I.. l.e I'a, sh,.wing H. \V. M. 1901 and IIKIS 173 174 174 ll».> liKi 19 rii-lil.v fii'l iwcil with iiuiih'ri.ns u ator-poweri has beuu (;i'>"'i'ally kiiinvM, I'lit prcvhins to the investiifalinns nt' the Water I'nwer liraiieli of the Idpart- iiieiit lit' the liiteriiir nt' ('iinaihi, tlieir extent ami Ti:ai.'nitiHie have eiily been appruN!- mated. IJ iKiii/in« the ni-eat valu" ol >iiiih piiwer*. aijil nitli a view ti> the piiwer repiirc- nf hiith the iire>eiit anil t'ntiire, a <-iiini)let<' .-tmly has liei'ii ma'le if eertain |.ip«ii river.>, ami is beintf made of all other power rivers tbriin^diniit tl • piuvinic'. In Mieli stiidii'.s it is the aim of the department tu fnrm a eumpreliensive .-ehenie i- iiitiinphil- ihff tlie ina.ximum development of the total head available upon .1 river. i'lie Kruu pi Wer p i.isibilities of Miiiiitobu are dne to the irenln^ieal and tup.i- graphieal fe.itnri'S of the proviuee. The central piirtiim of Manitoba ai'ts as a eoliei-l- 111(7 basin for the watirs from an iminen>e ilrainavre area. This vast area e.xtends from the It if'.iy m mntains praefirally as far I'astwaid as laUe Superior; it also eiinprises a fjreat iioiliori of the Northern States and reaches into the northerly lands of We-- tern Canada. As thi's;i wjitcrs reach tlie central port, ni of thi' province, a li.'orcsion i iirs between the prairie- sti'piies and the Lanrentian iilatean, thronjrh which an extiiisivi' fall is available for power devdoiiment. Lake Winnipef; forms the reservoir into which i.s collected praetieally all the rnn-otT from the above desi-ribcd draiiui^'e ana. Vrnm this laUo to Hudson bay the f1t)W is eoneent rated In the Nelson river, on which a drop of appro.ximately 70(1 feet occnrs. From the ab;)Ve it is aiiparent that thi' major portion of thi' \u wers throni;hoiit till' basin are eoneentrated within the lower portion of tin t'l-idarly in ilaniti b i. The iiowers are n itnrally se;)aratcil into two divisions, viz., tlinse occiirrins; on the rivers draiiiinc; into lake Winnip(>ir, which are sitnateci in the older or sonthern jmr- tion of the province, and secondly, t'lc purrs wliidi occnr in the nortliern i)ortioii lyin? in the di-aiTnnro fnim lake Winnipefr. I'nder these two divisions the estimated powers of the prni-ince are tabnlateil below. It shinild be noted that while, on inan.v rivers, possible i)ower cuncentrations have heiMi investigated and an estimate of the available power is tiven for various sites, yet a.s future investi(.'ation.s will show, further power may be available on such river.s. A^ain, in the case of other rivers, no surveys to determin<' the I'.xtent of concentration available have as yet been made, and in these cases where a re without a knowlcdiic < f the circ\imstaiices for which the power might be desired. The jiowers on the Winniperr river have been considered on a 7.5 per cent efficiency basis, for reasons set out in the chapter on that river. The data fur these tables, and also for the more detailed description of the rivers as given in the following chapters, have been secured in the field by the Manitoba i;5 14 in:i-Mn\n:\T nt nit: iMtHimt 4 GEORGE V, A, 191 llv.lru,rn.|,l,i.. m„l I'ouvr S„n.v,. ,,...1 olli n|.ilali„„ i„ \Vi„„i,,..« mi.l ()(ta« I I.e iMiwcr surv,.,v, ..„rnr.l u„l »i„l tli- triMiiri,,^. ,t„ti„.,s .nai,.t,.ii.,..l l.v th.' al-.v.- «.i viv.4 arc i-liowh oii plnfi' X... .'ll. Th.' fulluwiiiK of tlic |M,w,.r. in tlw pruvincf is .,..t int I<'.| tn tuH <'i>vir the siilijiTt. as iiian.v riviTs arc as vi't to he invcNti^fatcil : - T.kiii.K No. 1. 1. -I'OHKIIS OF S(.l TIIBHV AMO t'KVnur, I'oKTION OK PnoMX.i;. ('() E.tisl,ii,i W ill, i-l'ijir, r l>i rrl„i,in,',ils. KinT. i'luiit. I'u«.r 1».v,l,,|,.,|. \Viimi[)**g . . I.ittif .^AKkati'liiwan . sii..n" " Ti.Ul (-'itv of W'Lriiiipi't; \Vii;in|«K Klfctrii- liailwiiv ('<■. lirniiiloii Kl^ctric Mjfhi Co MinruiluHH I'uuiT Co ; AhHtttiMijlIti •H irm* I'm «IT. 2t ,HtJII »i ,'i(IO rm Mm a. tN,av» * Til.- city of Winn, I ,■ p|«nt can uKinmtely «ip|il>, witlj » rtKnlHtnl river, Tli.NOO 2Mm.m.- ,«.■ |«iwf r. Taiiik No. 2. (h) fosxihl,' Wiiti'i-l'oirir l)rrrU>i„ifnls. "INNII'Kc. HIVKH. Sit^. Heail. Sliivi' Kall.s . . 20 Kiri-t Sit*-, Sfvpn Sistrrti . 39 Sci'onil Sit •, Sev.'n Si»t«T« 37 McArtlinr |g Du Donnct g,- l"'"* '.'.".'..'.'.'.'. 37 Tiitals -M HOIK l-OWKII .AT 7,5 IKH CKVT K.KKll H.M 1 . I2,il«(is.i-. ft. 2(l,ntlO «.C. ft. 2li,til«) ll.lUNi I'i.WH) 1H,4(KI ,57,:«HI 37,!IW» lt;4.40<) 4J,4(»i .'!4,Mlii :(7,!«P() :io,7(H> !-3,l»Pl) :*(KS,4i)o U Wlliilt I II \IH,' fitWIKs 16 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Kiv.r. Tmuk N", ;i, Hl'l>K I'mWUH .in N<) l-ni 1 KM KkHI JKSM. ■.'! Ili>l ll« .: i «':; ■'■■""' I'z. •'■•-■■' :i. r...!. Wliii.'iii..i,tli linikMiiti«';i(l. UuM-HU ... . It.katt liewuii \'allf.v Nm. I \... 2 \ .\ f. vVmlrcWH . .\ X \ ('nrriiK l,HniliiiK Ht'iidin^ly , Mill».««l. I Ni.. I .. « ..4 Mnt«MV ., t WntHrlifii Fititfiit'd at)ck ... (tmiKi l{u|ii(U n:< :«i 14 w.\ 212 Ml :t4 ;m 101 !•» 4.V) 4.-..-> li.MIII :i,i>;iu 2,!k"il» 12,7«« ",2tw ; 1-5 I '.Kl 22 .■« H2 XI 4!1 H2 7<> •"'i' 74 ( t!,.Ml,S 2i:,r>4G 4!l,'.l-.'l 1WI INI) :i 11 :l.27ii I !> mo !H.-) W7 *2tl 1(12 102 :«i:t 2M2 DM U4 ;i,iii2 44'.l 10!l iti:< 4(W 1113 24.". 4t.2 :tv 2Hfi 3f^ ;!,i':i4 172 4IM II 1,I1H5 i.:WHl«. OK .N"IIIIIIIIN I'l'IMI'iN u\ I'limiMK. IIl>. Mitf. Il"i." I'lm.i 'ii"'!! ..ti w |.cr ( Krtinrri, V. K''rM Kliliiiixl KImw r.i|Hil< Willi.- Mm.I ri|,i.l. IU.mI'Im rH|ii(li4 I li;.l|. ..f tt.K'krill'Mlx I ifvil'w r.ij'i'N • iiiliil iu|imI> llil'thiliiy r,i|tii|s I'lr^t liiill r;iin(l« ^•- il liiill ni|.i,l. , , 'riiinl (iiill iujiiiIm Kiiiirtli If III! rii|nii,* rir»l Kiftlx liijiirU Sfii.iiil K'ttli- i»|iiiU riiird K.ltli- i.4|.i.l<. I '|p|» r lii'ng .S|niicM rii|iiil- l'|i|»r I.iiix'i'Uinc i'it|Mil> "l.'iO IX),.silll !ni,"irf. l.W.Jlii IKI.lttO l-.'.',6.'in ii>a,:<;n '^i i».\ u»r. !i»),fi;s i:tri,Ki»i !>7,:t;o^i IHl.KiO '.•:!:>. 4iiri I l<.),4.'i*| At KXoWI.KlXiKMKNTS. Ackiiowli'.lnciiiiMit:- .if til.' iri II. 1.111- ii»-i-liiiii'('. whi.'li In s lic.-ii i.'ri'ntly upprei-iuti'ii (1"0 to the t'ollowinjf: — Col. II. \. Riittun, city eiiKiiioor, Winiiii).'!,'. n. A. Koss, (•iiiisultiiiK I'liKiiu'er, Wiimiiiu^-. Wiiiiiipi';; Klcctric Uiiilwny C.inipmiy. .1. (}. Glas!.fo, inanatrcr. City Lipht niiil f .wcr I)i|'nitniiiit. \l. A. Spoukiniin. city oiiKinccr, liruiul.m. !>opnrtniciit nf Piibli.' Works of Cnniulii. Marine and Fisheries Di [lartiiiciit. Metc' Service. I'liited States Weather r.iireaii. Water Resources liriiiich. I'liit.'.l States'al Survey. The Commissi. m of Conscrvati.iti. .T. Pi. AfcRac. coiis.iltiiiK enjriiieer, Ottawa. 4 GEORGl SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25« A. t9t4 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA CHAPIEH II I! vi)Ijol()(;t 4 OCOROC V. 8E8- ONAL PAPCn No. 28« A. 1»14 ( HAl'TKH II. KALNKAI.I.. K\ AI'OKATION AM> Kl N UKF. (h:NKHAi.. Two main fuctor!! piitir iiitn tlii> iiivci«ti((iitii)ii of iiii' i.(.s«iblf i>owcr dL-vi'l(>)>nu>iit - tlie hi'iul and (low availublc. Wliil.' the tir^t of tUrnv i« .btaiiuibli- throuKli tiflil »iirvi'y iitid II kiiou'it'dKO of thu f.xtnnic mui iivcranc stugr> ..f rivir li-vrl. yet the wcoiid I'oi jirisoi an ixtensivo study of the llow uhi'h, dt'ix-ndfiit on natural condition^*, vari»-« not oi\ly with the Reaston and si'ixr, hut aUo with fhi' topoifraiihy and oharactrr of fho drainage area. Primarily, all wati r-4 carried hy rivin* coii.i's from the rainfall or th« nieltitiK of »uow which has k'cn pri-ciiiitatcil during the winter nionlhK. Of thin rain- full a portion cvtt|>oratt's, a jiortion cnti'rs the soil anil i>i either ob»iirlH>d hy plant growth or, hy Kroiind llow reiiciu-i the rivers or lake*, while flie third portinn tindn it« way into Ktreums as surfaee How or rim-olf. Kai.njall. While the record of the run-oflF from n drainatre area in of tirst importance in the (Uiestion iif power development, yet the rainfall or precipitation i» nUo of extreme value in that these latter records, if of a more extensive period than those of the run- off, would indi<'ate the hiph and low raiiKO of flow whii-h miirht be exi)eeted. In n like ma'iicr, rainfall records in a drainaKC b.isin in which no discharire measurements lue available can be used for the estimation of the flow bawd on the rainfiiU and run-off records of an adjacent i;rea. ThrouKhout the southern portion of the province of Manitoba, rainfall rcii.rds have bceu obtained by the .MeteoroloRieal liurciiu ..f the Marine and Fisheries Uriuirt- inent of I'auada, and these records are tabulated for the various stations on I'liito Xo. 1. It is wf !l known tiint llic precipitation not cnly shows a variation from season to se'\son, but also that a reconl extendius over a short period of years is not sufficient to give the m \ annual rainfall, but rather that for this mean a period of cycle of I'.ns term s!u,..icl be considered. .\s the stations throughout the province at which ..nff-terin record'' liave been obtained arc not numerous, it is necessary to carry out snine system of compensation for the shorter records of the adjacent stations. As ig shown on the curves on plates No. i and Xo. .", the records of the rainfall at the Imin- tenn stations, shown separately for the eastern and western portions of the province, have the same jreueral features from period to period. AssuniiuK that the intermediate stations of shorter terms will also ranjfc in a like manner from periorls of heavy to those of li>!ht precipitation in the f ears as at the lotiK-tcrm stations, the prfibable liitio of thc'^e .-hort-term records to that of a lonff term f.r the same station, has been based on the ratio of the precipitation at nn ai:i'\i!i\ii \r (,i Tin: niF.ninii 4 GEORGE V, A t-omiieiisatcil ro>iilts. the |,„-,ti,,„ „r i;,,, ■ i i .... ;:;;::!::,;lf rf '"' " r • '- '"' - "^cir;;:;:,;;:-:..- ;:' ,„ ;;■ - ;- 1^^^' ;^:;»"'".:";ii;.::;:.:,i;;-,;:?;;.;:::--f '■- ' ■• < ■ •■■ KvAI'Oli VriclN. evapuratmn .k.p..n.JiMii „|m,„ innnv tVt„r 1, ul'l ^ •"•'■'H 'M .l,.rs o«.,ir i, I'i.^.Hn,,. i- w,.ll known '• ""■"'• ■•""' ""*■■' "' -■•'-"■'• -■"•"< "-' P ;l:i:s'i:";:r,.-;:';;:'^:,r:,,:r 'i^f:i;'="^ "'">«■' li.n .i»„,ii,v i,„.i„,i,,i ,i„. „.„■... . :r J , "'""'" ■'"""■'■ ' .■..;i::i;:.,:::;l:vr'!-;;:,''S-:rr,;:^::!';;t:;';-.::"r,";: ■ Ill \n| I. --■■■- <■-•'• n,i ,„■ ,.',:;;!,.■:,;:::;,.;;,;:;-;; t:r:,'-,i;r .'■'i'"^: "??■ '"■ srivoa raiiid nm-ntr ,„■ nf I.,m- Ivl, ,r " n thci ,,f slopmt' land toiid im .M,if„nn.'and aL ci :Zz::'::zriTT ir'\ ";" f"-- '^ '-- - yani to .,n-o,r „r stn.n;;!::; ^ ".^ n w':'.;!:;;;::;;;:/:'' -'i^"'-'--''"^' - r-.ont t,m. to obtain tho oxtn,no tl,„.t.Mtion TI,o r ,, , ' n '^' *'"'"'*'' '•'"' ^• ■■Mly from ..oaso„ to soa.on. I„„ „l.o f. ,,.1, . '„ .'• , '' ^^""■'"' ''""' ' 7"""""T'r ■•- '"-'^ - n.,:,, n.': ::'::';:;:? :z.::,::-!:r'^r - ti.atS:l^5;;^'r;"S;;!,£- Z"' '■■ :r "t "^r'^'-'" r"-*-'-'^ ■•■ ^^- - Innd. through irri.^.tion. Snoh a .tudv is . X' it X '''-'•''"^■^f';^" "f ■" schon.P. for fl,o ,,... ..<• -....:.-! noor^Mtatrd on many rivnrs «Ik ' ' <:■<< ■■^nt'.'tti .-irt' pro])r..~,.,l. WltBinut*": >^rmcTix: > . -wy-jo^st***'/- i •! *> RGE V, A. 1914 L'l'ii (linorniiiu>(l I. Ill tlie prc- .' t(l ll-ii" s-i'VlM-ill '"Uiicl t.i vi'i'ifv iii'O. V(>ry little TCIIC'I' hl'tWOlu line to iibsor])- it (Icpi'iiJ alto- i occur in tliu losphurio cnii- E-ther with tlio Wiitnr surfiico tatioii of stiir- 1 cviiporiilioii. it tliiui prcci- iiiiiipoi; river, rs tlicri'iiu, it it riiii^i.rvini,' f the sinnip' ■trift. Tlii'^f poratioM, and iioiits for tlif iiiratiou. was \i\\ 11(111 i w \i rirr(iWh:i,'.< 21 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e MAM TOI'.A nvnitOCIJAIMIK SIKVKV. Previous tc till- year iJill. there liiid Imch no uflieieiit extent to (live information as to the eiintinii .ii~ llow of an.v rivers as exteiij- iiip ovi-r various stajrcs of their dischari,'; , In the ahove year a systematic study of the jMiHer pos-iliilities of the Winnipe;; riviT was inaufiurated by Mr. .1. 15. ('bailies, Superintemleiit of Water l'..uir liramh. I )eii,irtinent id' tile Interior of Canada. Tlie liidd work, of which .Mr. D. I,. .Mid.eaii was in charge, consisted of a ch'tail survey of the river and its power pM-sihilities in .Manitoba, and also included the estalilishment and maiiitenaiici' id' ijauuiii}.'- statlnns no the river. 'I'iiis work, in the sjirinir of 1!H"2, was further eiilar^icd so as to einliracc a systematic >tudy of the tlow and p iwer pos- sibilities of all rivers throut;hout the province. For thi;- I'Xlen-ive work, the Manitob.i IIydro(rraphic Survey was orfranized, with the appointment of Mr. D. L. McLean a.s chief engineer, tile W'lvU «tlll hciiii; carri^i on under tlie -.iiiHTvision of the \\'ater I'owc'r Hranch. Xrmir..ii- liautrinj.' stations were establi-hcd on the rivers and stri'ams throuuliout the proviie-c. and since that time the ffatlierin;;- and compilinvr of the data has bein vif;- .mu^'.y carried on. Tlio various meterim: and frauKius stations at pre- sent iiiaintaineil, tii_'cther with the extent of the p aver -iirveys uf the jircivinee, are .^howii o:i the plan "ii plate .Xn. .'!!. s lirincipally iitlier factors al formation 1 teiidiiisj: to more or less 1 vei.'(>taf ion, ^i"ll an I the e data with lid meforini; «■ over siiffi- 1 v:iries not lat tile same rs. liicrds ly variat ion u the inves- ivcstii^-ation inii nf .-irid ivers where •iF'FWIWUl''.. ■T-aifTT' /isvm^^ 01 22 nEPAinuEST or mt: imkrwr 4 Gn.ORGE V, A. 1914 I'l.VTI. 1. MANII'MIA IlYUKOdUAl'lIK SlUVKV. \[vsiT,.ii\ Kmnk.m.i. Uld'ltlX. T.ns T.»... ^^\^^Z:Ztn'Zt\ ;■.,..! to I i-U of rainfall. 2i I , l.,,i,n t.Tiii M>"" : X 1.^. •-• ''• - Almii-M'I'i A»<-:-ipi'i . Ail.lplii Ur..nil"ii • ■ lllltlr I'.:irn;li";h < '.trltcr»\ {■Uiul.'l>"\e l-'.lklinni KlinTsoti Kdfii Kort Klliif 4ir<'tiia <;ilriiil Hillvi.-w Miiiiii-'lus.i MciicUn . N.iniuav. . ■ Oakliiink Oukilalv I'iirk Tortap' lii rrairiL'.. I'llnt >l"uuil KiipiM City U>iss.n St. Allans Swan Ktmt Slirll Riv.r., Stunv Minintiiiii, . Tmti>' M."iiit:iin.. Trfli'Tin' Wiiinil'fi-' Ki'nniatOii" Ncirwav H.'US*' . Y.)rk Factory. . ,. M, >,,«.. iimi (Sa-'k Saltooatr; (Sa>k). . I'l.rt Artlmr (OntI, I'.irJ l.lTi 1,711 I'.i!--' - I'.il-J rill a l',m:i 1SS.S ISdl I'.lll"! r.Ki-i— I'll-' ISSIl -1SS.S lS*li-l.*.l" IS.'^S 1KM>— li- l^iSl I'.ll- ISSli 1>*K>^ I'.KKI- I'.lll 1SS4 1 «■'•'* lH'.i."i I'.ml imn is'.is 1SS4 -iss; iss.-) l.'^'.ii I'.m:! I'.il'i V.iiil I'.m'i 1 4(iii is'.ii-i'.ni; 1 liMll '.SSI i,-,ss is,ss ixsc, llMCi 1S,S4 iss; 1 ssj 1SS4 1S,S;-. l"lll 1SS4 1S7S l.SSl I'll" is7:t ISSIl IH'.IC. 1S7."> l!i;il -I'.Ni."' liKK) -V i isxii I'.il-' 1. Tiiti lt7S 7lts T40 740 1 ,."i47 l.lSll l.Olill S(« •J.l.Ml 1.21-J 761V 111 1 1 •Jl 1 :i 4 1 1.". l."i I'M -J I'.ir.' I'.nj I'.ii-.; V.N'S IMIS itirj 1'.«I4 v.n-i I'.iiii is: 10 IIHI'.I 1'.104'J ' V.H'J 1012 lim4 -1S.S2 Ihclu-^. •>tl «.h» 12 •-•■"■ 17 :i'j 17 ir. "\ II 4 1.". 4 II "iJ :\ 40 il :i 4 111 •J.". Ill ir, SI) •Jl -■ 1.-, Oil 1 1 v.". 1.-. i,"> 17 1" 1!1 .s2 IS 10 17 07 ir. 7'-' 17 si 21 117 17 14 !-■ -J."! IS 0- 1177 •JK IBl 17 s--' 10 110 10 iiO 21 111 IH 4S 17 ii« IS 74 17 II'' ir. IS 17 no •JO ,s,"i ir. :i7 17 111 21 02 IS 2S 2 r ■">■"> •J2 41 IS ito •Jl) lis 17 :«• i.-,i;o •|;',(IS At. W'uuiiin'ir Mu.n.-.l..,.a . r..ittiniaii, N. I>ak. ililhii'" Wintiiitt-vr. Sic.ny Miuiiitain . . ■ \Vmiiu|»-^' Stonv Muimtani HoltinHail St.iuy .Miiiiiitaiu Minnt-,.,MlMna. N. I'ak liottnuau. . Minni'ilosa i'..niliinii, N. Dak Wii.niit'S; Miiinitlosa , \Vinuii»«. I'iniliinu Mii,iv'lo:-a llillvii-".. Minm-ilosi. \Vinnii»-tf. liottiman. . Winnil"*-'. ■ Wnmil"'!.'. I'- .\rll"'i Hillvn-w. llill^ii-w. HiO •JO r,.-, ' IS W sr. 14 11 mo 17 2 i»i 122 17 s i:l 1 -,., •'2 :i "'1 10 t 7s 7:< IS 1 21 7 12:) s« 1,-, :t •JO i; '.Mt 1> s -■1 21 4 IIT) ir. 1 IIHI •JO 4 74 21 11 0".l 1.-. 4 01 10 s ■ o;i 12 11 HI 17 2 llHl 17 s 08 21 1 sn 21 ',IKI 21 11 110 111 11 o:< IS 2 o;4 •JO 1 01 IS 2 so 111 s imi 80 111 S3 •Jl) « 141 VJ '.» o:i 1!) 11 11111 21 t> !);( 24 II 1 Vm 1.-. 1 ; r_>2 n;.-.viii;'.»t. 1013. ^^si^m^'Sk ^"»3 J-'t •'■J :i V.I » IS I •Jl 7 ir, n •JO )1 In s 21 I ir. 1 •Ji> 4 ■Jl II v< t I'.l s 1-J II 17-2 17 •■< •Jl 1 •Jl ■' 21 11 u; r. IS 2 •JO 1 IS J ir, s 177 Hi '.1 ■JO li VJ '.' Ill r. 21 ti 21 11 1.-. 1 12 2 g z «/)| o UJ ^ <;l«i inCifjoinc'floin 0< i!:12_tl5* r?M 0< j^i;^fi 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. -914 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA ciiAi»Ti:ij in WTNXIPKG lUVKT^ 93 0< 4 GEORGE V, SESSIONAL PAPER (Mo. 25e A 1914 CIIAITKH III \vi.\.\ii'i:(; uiVKK. 1. Nil I -~ll \ Kiill \> I -■ I !■. M lii\. It lias luun Imi a n -'iiizcd tlnit tlicic i> ;iii i'iinriiMni> ri'vi-vi> of pcili'iitLi! Wi,t<-r- piiwcr on the \Viiiiii|M J- rixir «itliiii tlic ipr.ivincf ..t' Mmiilolpii. Tlii' rapiilitv u itli wiiich till.' existing tlrvfldi nn-nl^ > u llic riur li;i\r l.cin. ^nul nrr liciii',' iiicrcnscil tn tlii'ir LMpncity, mill the nilivi' iiilinst lluit liii^ liicii l;ikiii in tin' uiiili Arlii|HMl powiT riitfs of tlic river. Imve niniinlliil llie llniiiiiiion (ioMiiiiiii nl tn nive ttii' wiitci-power losuiii'i-ivi eiiteil to the I toininidn ( ioveriiniciil iiiaii.v appliiatioiK for jiower privileges on thi.s river; selienie.s have Imih propo-cij lur tin uiili/ation of various portions of the natural fa'l. sojiie eoiiteniplatiiiii the eoinliiMiition of several falls ly 111- eoneentratioii of their respei'tivc ilrfips at one p .w.t site, and otlicrs simply pro- posing the utilization of the drop at a particular fall. Tlie^c laui' 1 ii so variid and so eontlict'.iif, anil at the same time supported hy sui li leputahlo I'liirineeriim adviee. that the Koveriinieii' found it inadvisahle to eoniniit itself with n-peet to any further di'veloi>ineiits on the river until it had tirst caused to he made a lomidete -iirvey and investi>fntioii of the whole river, with a \ ic v to sceurinz such iiiforniitiou as wdiilil enable the dictation of developments which wmild contemphite the maximum [possilile advantape.iiia utilization of the water-iiower resources of tlic river. These investiira- tioiis Were started early in the year ll'll. under the eonsultiuir aiiviei' of Mr. .T. R. MeUae, CK. of Ottawa, and the fielil worl; has jiroi ded viL'or.m-ly to completion under ch'r:;e ..f Mr. D. I.. .Mcd.ean. I'or the imriiosc of this report for the rublic T'tilitics Commission, which hud to he a mpleted hy Tleeemher 1.". plans haseil (ai this licld work Imve been rushed to eompletioa. and a preliminary provisional estimate made by the cn^'incers i,\' the Water Power ISranch, of the bi-f method of coneentrat- injr the various separate falls of the river to enable all the natural fall to he ntili/.eJ for power purposes, and at the same time tiavi' each unit develoomcnt a cc.inpoiient part of the comprehensive scheme for tbi> wbide river. These concentrations are indi- cated in plan and profile on plates No. (i and Xo. 7. \ study of this profile will illus- trate the completeness with which the objects of the iuvc^tiyation htive been realized, and the full conservation of the power rc-ourccs of the river providi^il for. 2. T)i sriiii'TioN or rjivn,' wn Diimvai;!: Basiv. The Wiiinipcj; river is one of the most notable power rivers i,u the eontiiient; it llows ill a westerly direction, eounoctiiiji the J.ake of the Woods with lake WinniiM-jr. riie basin drained (see jilate No. 4). comprises an immense area of some .''i."«,noo sipiare miles, lyiiiR at the westerly end of the T.aiirentian plateau. As is typical of Laiirontian country, the area is dotted with innumerable muskesis and lakes, the latter varyiii>r in size from small ponds to the the Winiiipea river, and lends itself to charactei .ic formation throiiphout the river channel, whicli is of execiitional value 9.1 wm:..M.iiQ'V. 'i£%' 01 26 i„l, r. -Is -t P"-v«'- .K'V.I' uu'.iHrMt:sT uf the ivrtinnR 4 GEORGE V, A. 19U :,:;....■. ..t Mu-utol,... i..s ..t . .or,... .. ;-> ; ;'J^,, ' ,, ;,, f,„„. th... ,ko .-xpan..^ will, littl.' ..r no ourr.;..t. I h.' " - r -^ .,vi.l..u.'.. >.t tl... ....t- :..t,. an.l whi..l, fur..., ..r „>..■.. ^'^ "^ ;„,;,, ,,,^,.1 ,..w.-r .ito. ul.m« .I..- r.vr. ,n... .hi. api.l>i..K .nor., .-p.-all. t «' ^_.^^^__^^^ ^_ j^^^.^^^, ,„„ ;^';:';:!r;'„;^.rv:i 1;::^;:;:;;::^^.:.. ^^^ ^'-^ « «- •- -^ '"- -'''-' ' ,,,. l-r,„n.h.t uf lI.Hl...n bay. svl...'l. ^j ;,,,,, i i,„u„.h>r.v. so„.o forty-tivo H:,w. N'.rth lake. whiM, i. "''''';''''\ ''^ '^ ''*[". i,,aKe l.a.m. »"'" >"'"' ,iK. we-t ..f Ink,. Snporior, U tl.- '--^^^ ,;[ t. v sn.^ lake, ooU-.tin. .ho ,,,,. „.„ -.r....... flow. "—"•''•/;. ;X^,,'i'^,^,;,, i,i,„ Jl:u,.y lake. Th-so upper l.oaai,,. i,. npP- I'-V-^ '"i^lo':;;:„:;^: s 1 a drai,.a.o aroa of bo,,,,- 1».«0<) This latt.r has a 8urfaco of .U) .*'!"■•«" n-har^^ tl.o l.ak. of the Wooa.. ,„uan. ,>.il.-. Kai..y riv.r wlu.h '\""; "';;.; ':„,„,„ „s tl... Wi.n.lpo^. Forty l',.,.m ,hi. latter lake to lake W'""-"'"- -, J , J „„, „f „,.. river enters ,„il... .1..W. tie river f''' ■';!>"• /fV'V' ^ t\ „, lar.e ai.i,en.ion. as the r.ver „„,t of the Winnipeg. /' '•^»"'"■^'':;^,,'V ooi l.uare „.iles, vvhile the Wir„.,pe... i,.tn whirl, it flows, as It .Ira.ns an area of -An" 1 :,.,. v, „,p ti.m is alre.ulv b.'iuL' n Vl.nW Ui:i"iil>s. Mani.ol,,. nvar,..ra„hi.. Sunvv. hasea - /' ' j''^;-^,, . Kuttan. 1>. A. Ko... ana the,n, together ^vith ..suits ot '>'':-''-'"'':; l^^''^,?;:,, .,is,.l, whieh are fiiven ,1,0 ei.v of Wi..nipes power e,e-n..eers. Fl km t'"^-^ ' ,,,, ^ois a.ia oxten-.l in tables No 5 to 2. -^-f;-' ,;;: '^lliJ^ ,l^^r ,loJ of n^.-lOO seeona-feet a,.,, „ver a perb.a of six years I or th s pen ^^^^^^ ,,„.„r.l.Ml. The hif:b-Nvater mark^ a nu.r.nnnn flow ot 11.'«> ;';';'"; /"^,,;',,„no.(K)0 seeona-feet have occurrea .n th. along the shor^ wouM .n.heato t»>'' J'"" J ' ^^^ ;„,,,,.,,,. ,v,st Sueh floHls must, however, take plate at rare inn. I. STon\(;r. o\ nn; \V VTV.le Tl„> ,,ur,stion of storage cli the upper of the Wiunipe.' riv,-r is at pn.^.eti iomew t^j^^^z^t^t;;::^^^:^^^^^^'''^- internationnl question, a — rS J a. S OB ^ ff Z 1 n i I « t u OP 5 Z J J t -^ 2 Z ' { " E Q 2* 55 1^ 2 o J: f 1 ( : t .V r u V T ri -r-- / Iv J ; / «'■ I \- \- ^: \ is, \ A ,-'^li \ \ s- H ■'3 ' -i ^:t^ /I --!-- u f 0- o IS 10 2 Si 111 u .iiiiiir«' tiiili-., iilIiTiii« uiifxi-flU'il .^toniK'" fmilitics, it i» «i \itul iiii|i"rtiuief t" till' iMiwifit iif tlu' \Vimii|>i'L' rivir tlmt -turiiirc •liniilil lie hml "ii tin- liiki' I'arliiil ri'ifiiliitiuii .if the ilriiiiniifi' tnliMtnrv !• Kainv luki' !•* now i'..iitrMll(ti uu Uuiriy luki' by lln' il.itn ni tin' Orilari> iili'l MiMin-.ta I'.w.r < niMp.iMv iit I^Tt FniiicC''. liy tliP (.'■•tnlili'hniirit ..t stuniK'' ri'^crMiirs im tin' Kn;.'li»h riM-r, tlii- ll^w "I iIh' l.ilii'r I'illi 1"' rcKiilatrd ; iiinl ill I'liiijiiint icni witli -liTii.'.' "ii llii' I.iiIm' "I tin' W.ini^ ilrMiiiiiKO liHiiii. prm'lii'iilly n . Mini'litc nu'iiliitimi cm" iIi.- llnv 1' tin- Winiuprjf riviT in Miinitulm <'Rii lie nituiniil. Diiriinr (111' iioriiiil u( tlif lii-.t, lix M-iir^. hit which r nU of tin' ll." of lln' Win tiii'iir rivir cxtcnil, a niiiinimii flow of ll.Tnii ^^,.^•fl|•l| i'. it li;i« Immh riiorili I. uicili- ilu' iiiaxiniuin flow in tin' sann' fiTioil i« .V!, l(X1 i»i'i'iin. i-i illimtri'tivi' of tin' i'\tri'nii'!y Imv tlintiiation ninlrr practii'allv natural '■■ii liilioni. Hy ini 'iilt'iinatp systi'in of stnrairi', this flow ran he »•> ri'Knhitril that tin- ininininiii flow will hf nailily ini'ri'a'<('il from uliont li' MHi .m-i'imii-fi'it In oViT 'Jk.'"!*) M niltV'ft. On pliitp No. .1 is -li'iwn a niar-i I'lirvi' of tlii' flow of Mio rivor at Pointi- ilii I'.ois for the piTioil from .lainiary ■_':!, liiotl. to Di'i'i'MiImt :!I, II»1J. For thi-* iniioil a -toi'a.M' of ;!T:I hillion cnhii- firt wmilil liavr hiin ni'ii>>ary for a (•.•Mi|ilfti' ri'V'iiialion. TAIil.K Xo r,. l>i>MMiii.K Mk*--! iii-MKM - of VViiiiii|.i':: IJni'i inir i'.iiii'. ilii 111-. Mm, I'tini lilt.. Ih.ll...-r:'l'i"r lliiullt. IIimI,, \l.„. Il C.l. Ilutt.oi |i.(l , >•■(■■ It. iv,s7i,i 'li-fiin- I to !..«■.. 1- >.Mii._'.. .it I' lint.' >lii r...... .Iii-t .ilii.i.. f.iIU :it I'.iaitt. (Ill I'-.i-, < of W' miiH'^ Uivi i m.ii I'ointi' ilu Hiii>, I'.tn"., HMhoirraiili i;:iiiL" lliMKl.l I ii'i^rf. Fi-it. .s. , . ft. ,\ii..'. I >» n,i.:!T I'nitt .mil K"-- l"i \\ iniiip' _- Sto.i l{.iil«:i\ linni 111'.' •_' 31.11171 IIIL' •.' ;',ii liiNi- ]i.\ •_' n,:iiN»' ( iiHiiTt' lit-i^fht-i rffi-iit-it til li.u !■( K;iiiiff .it I'oiiiti- ilu ! kh-. ' Ui-i. ,\Y (iivfr-ti'Mi (iiiTii ;i!iti I'm i\\ ,i i-h itui 1. '[\\ i i h niinU Tii'-;i-irf I r > u'lv •■ t"t,il -hiirritT ilintc. iHtvr K;iI!h. "M 28 nh:rAi{nih:\r or nit: i\n:iii(ii: 4 GEORGE V, A. 191 TAI'.l.K No. 7. „„,„M<..K M,:vs, KKMKS.s„f \V>Mm,,-« Hue,- near Poi-.te .In Hois, VMX. l>Mt.. 11 Ndv. 7 . llyiln>>rr;iitl»T. I'liitt ;ilil l;..-,- I"i Stl.-.I l!.ul»ii.V CmIiiI'-i'IV K,.,.t, ^.i'. I' 1112 " -'"■""'^ ,;,iup- li.iKliU r.f-rr.':l f. l„*.-r gauir.. :.t | i H..i' TABLE No. S. l,.s,„AU.K MKVsr.KMKNrs of W.nmre:; Riv.,- n-ar Point- -h, 1?,ms. 1!.: 1.. ■ llv.ll>«r:i|.ll.T. Dal.-. iivw ll.-ijilit. lli-cliiirn' (iiiviU^ Muv -J I .lulv 17 t >(t . X N.iv s l-|Utt:H..I Hn,> t.,r.-tli-.l K;ill«a,v ( .' .1.. '1" ,1„ Mm ,|„ ,|„ li'.l o ihi -i:. Hill 7" Hill ,Vi S. r. It. 'Jll .mill ■.'i; .IKHI -'**? ,.-)lll •-'1 .77" llisihiir^'.- iit t>tuv l;ill'. TAIU.K Xo. ^■ D.siMMi-.K MK.M-HEMKVlsof Winnipeg UiviM-mvi. Point i- .In Pois, li'lO. .Inlv •-'-< Hralt iiii'l K..^»f.ii Stmt l!iiil«uvr„. CviKe lM-i,jl.t. rHf..rr.a t,. !.,.«. r I ia„K.- -.a I'.Mnf .1.. IVi- I >i«:hurt?f III' ■>»nr.-r l^ill-. K,-, t. Hi--' -_>"> L".».;i7 0< 1/ 1 Miui: II \i i:i! row i:i{s SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TAIil.K X,,. 10. I l|-c II m:i,i. Mi \ni III mi \ r> ■■!' \\'iiiiii|ic.; I.'iv . r immi- l'..iiiii . , Cui-, I'Ml. 29 |)iMliai>:f. W,IPOli -.""."(lO Mr.M l>.~,M'li. 1 ^'''" W.Jtl,. ^\";i"f V,.|,', N" .Si .In. II. Hil^illt rli;H^'t . I'l-li. I i;, 7.. Si.imiIi.hIiI.ii 1 it\ "I \\ iriiniit K'l I'.u. i;:, n r.. .|.. . . K..t. s,|. f,. '■' I"' I.-, t. .s,.,-. (t. ■JS' ;i .-..IT.-, ■_' -ji; -.'i; r_'.:i:."> M:iv 7 I'liitt ;ui(l K.1-- II..I St.v.t »iiv I '.11 . ... l.V.l 12 |:(,4.">(1 M:i\ I'l ilo l.V.l S7 1.'. SI Ml o.t, i;t. ii \ .M r,.-.ii,. i\V:lt.|- l'..w.i SiicM> 1 . :; -Ji:'.! 7. -'7- '■'■''■> nil ^i> l.''l.Ii."i ' lit. -.'I.. ill. 1 -J 'I ;,-.;is :f I..S ir,i 711 ji; rwii h.-c. i;. 7. ■•. :i A. M. |!,.;,i.. „,i.| , .\li'\. I'in. I I. Ill L'l.'.MO I IM ir.ii r,.s -Jl.ll.i h.', lU" •Jl.'.ilii I II ir,(M;s -Ji.:!:.'!! •JC.ItCill ■.'i;.(KH) ■••>.:<>ii •.'1,7711;i' lU'lKlltS Irf.-rn'l tu l li,.|,.w I'l, .In |',..i,. Man.. -.< ti.iii. in-. i,n. i ; i In ■ 1, m, .i-nr. in. i,t- <>tr.'r KalU. u'l' iii.M-iiuTiifiiT. ' Skn.- l;ilU ' |1 lnll.'.-alK.w.i;.l.,!ii IS.iiih.l t.i!U. I> '.•mii'I ii > mi.i|..i.. (J.i. .Ill l'...|iii.t t.,11-. \ .11. \..l . iin. II, ..I .ili.l.T i.v. rAiir.K -V... 11. I M>( II Mo.i: Mr.NsiKl-MlAT-- ..I \Viiiiii|:iL; Kivir nciir S!a\c hull-;, I'.di 1 1.11.,,i.i \l.i. Wi.ilh. V. V;:,:" •■— S...I \' II. ...lit III. riMIL.. I. .1 Ki. I ■.■.■! 1-t S.-... ft. 211. ;t7'. .\l.n s .\1 i\ !l .\|mv n .li.i,. I .1 .. .I'lh. In .hn:.. 17 • lun.-JI luU i; .liilv s\ II ■ l.ih I.-. .hiU Hi. .lui^ 17 .liilv I,- .l.ilv I'.i -Jll .\iiK-- -II o.t. ■::!, .N.... Jl h.-c- :;i \. .\l. I-.. .,!.■ I. II. r.uiMi...i<. \. \i. i;. ,1.- K r. I';.ll.l-.|1 t. II i'..ii>.h,ii. i: |! P.,t;.i-.... . W II l;i.l.Mr.U..n .\|.A. I'l 1 1 '.'7 -' '1 i;.7'.i ■-' ill 1 ill .•,•• ii'.ii7r> ! !'*7 :..| 7."l 1 ii '-'Ii 1 il ■Jll TJ. sr,.-i 1 i''7 ■_':.i 7.:i.t. ii ... 1 .1 X-. L'; 1 I!m; :.''.! 7.M--' ii ~.". 1 !"_' Ii' L'-,",ir, 1 1'-7 L'7 7 7.."..i."i ii '11 1 i-J .". ■'J I .!t7 1*77 7.. '.Mi ii :i:' 1 IJ ■J , L'li.. ■.!.•( 1 i'l" -7.. 7, ll'i ii s" 1 .-_' u't '-'■•. 'i' 17 1 1:'7 ■.'7:.' 7,;;Mi ii ii7 1 il I'll -'7.111 1 1''7 '-'7 "J 7.'- '•* ii ."n. I il 7-' L'."..7s(l 1 IM7 171 7!'-'.;7 :; ,"..". .1 7 s 1 1!'7 l'7i 7.1 Hi ii .1 1 .1 7.; L'li'ir.H 1 l'.i7 L'7I 7.1 hi ii ."iN 1 .1 77 ■-' Il'.i7 -J '2 ;.l7:i ii l.ll I il 711 ■_'li '«(! I i''7 1^71 7.i7:t ii ..1 1 .1 S.I i.'... l."..-i 1 i.'7 ■-'71 7. III. il .".■-' 1 il 7s L'ii.--1l'l 1 r.'7 •-'71 7, I7.i i( .'..'i 1 .1 7,-, L''i..'>--'S I l!i7 .'71 7. 171! i! ,'..". ; il 7'i ■-'(l,.".'.'s I ri7 "7- 7,l>iili ii 71 1 i! '."S L'7,.ili(l 1 IM7 '-".i:; 7.v:it t iiii 1 iii •-•< Hl.llL'.S i i'l- -;'l . (■■'■» .1 '.1 . I .'_' s. , .."..til 1 KiL* ■l'7i 7.l:'.ii ii lil 1 .'J 111'.l,') (i:l.lj." li.lL'llt. I'il.-n. 1 1.1 1.1 ;.l !'..U1I.-.1.1 I'....-. 30 DEPARTMEST Of HIE IMEHIOU 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 TABLK Dmi.y Guii».'o llciplit aii.l l>is<'lmrge of .IaM AKi. FEIIUI AllV. |)i« M \iii 11. Aiiui.. Mav S ; Hi-ight. 1 .liaive. Utight. clmr>;,-. (iniini- H.i>,'lit. H-iKht. illiUyi' chargi l-',..t. -ilH^.-ft. ' K.-1't, Si T. ft. ■r«.t. Sw. ft. !■""•«■ '^'•'=- (t, Kwt. Si'L-. ft. Ki S,T. ft. 1 . 2 3 . 4 5 . li . 7' (> . it . 10 . li 12 . 13 . 14 15 . 1« 17 . 18 .. li) W . 21 22 2.1 24 ".*! 2t) 27 2« 2!l ;w) 31 l(il ."> Itil S.-i 2i'i, 211, 2t) 2fi 2t' ' o- 1-2S ' 2H 2H (HMI Ud") mill ,(KHI ,70i> ,4(»0 .170 .170 1711 Itil Htl 27. W» KHi 4 HMWI 27,. ^T". 4 HM,s(i ' 27,.">50 . iH,ri«o HO 27.H(i0 2 17,040 1112 211, IWi 3 lS,.-ilii> 1112 'I liU H 2'.i,10() lim 4 10, ISO a;, Mill 3 l(*,.-iliO (; 2li,li20 4 111. ISO 24,1411 'J 17,!t40 24,140 17.320 11'.! 2 24,140 1(10 111.700 2 24,110 '2 17,i»40 ll'iii l> 211.420 ,1 17,!I40 ■8 21,11110 •> 17,040 4 lit.lMI 3 18,. -1(10 Itlii 4 liM.sii IH, ISll Hill 1 1 17,320 17,320 \\ 18,."iilO 1 17.320 ■fi 20, I2<) 1 17,320 ■ "t I'.i.WH) 1 17,320 160 i> 20,420 UK) HI, ,"00 4 I'.i.lMI 1511 !l lli.HKI ■ \ lli.imi "J Ul.liH) r,i,.> H 21,1111" l.")» S l,"j,."iOO 21,040 H l.'i.filK) 20, 420 ■H \h,'M> 11 Kin Hi, 100 Hi. 700 Hi, 700 Hio l.V.I i."ii» n 11 (i ti (1 l.V.l 11 B •n 11 11 l.-l.) 11 H 11 il 11 ir.ii li I ti 'i i ■11 1 l.V.l 11 ! H1.700 Hl.lUO l.-i,."iOO 14,il.-)0 14,4ilo 14,4110 14,4110 14,400 14.400 14,400 14,4(KI 14,400 14.41KI 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400 14.400 14.400 14,400 1 1, OKI 14.41KI 14,400 14,41HI 14.400 14,400 14,4011 14,400 14,4IHI i."i;i ii 7 1.5! I.V.I ■ l.V.l 1 1 41III imi 8 21. Htm 14 '.1.0 8 21,t'> 14 ...^J> 2 2t,140 15,.-,(Hi 2 24,140 14,!l.'-K) 2 24,140 14,!ir)0 2 24.140 HO.-* nil 4 2.">.3»0 14,!».->0 '1 2«,fi20 14!l.-,ii -8 27.WiO \i>X*) 8 27,81iO 14'.».-iO H12 20.100 14,!«) 2<.t.l00 14,0.-.0 20,100 1.-, .MXI 2 30,340 HI 700 2 30.340 17.320 . 2 !»l,340 17,320 H12 3 ::<0,!«iO 17 «4(i 4 ,31, .'.80 5 17.-140 r> 32,200 1 17,320 li 32.820 ' 17 320 'I ,32,820 11 ;0''' 17!o4ii 1112 ti 32,820 3 18.."iii0 <> 32,820 4 l'.l,18il 7 :i;i,44C :, ni,80ii 7 :i:),440 ■:, l!i,8t11i 7 33,440 6 20,120 Hill II 1 1(10 1 0( MA Y / TO HA ir.4 TKR-POVCERf^ 31 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Ko. 12. Wirmijieg Hiver, neiir Otter Fulls, for l!t07. .Ii i.v. A I ■ ; I > T. hKI"IKMI;Kli Nn\ KMl'.Kl!. l)KrlCMI;Kll. li.lllEt' Dis- charge. liaiiKf HfiKht. Dis- H.iKl,t. clmrKe. MeiKlit. charK'' llfi^ht. charijf. HwM 111. ilia.i." Sw. f I. K Jl.tWl S ai.wKi H ■_>l.tlti 2 •-•t.un •J 24.I4II •J •J4.H(i 2 24.14(1 4 •_>.-.. 3WI (; W.IWO H 27.KWI H ■JT.KliO IKI.IO" •.".t.UlO II •_1i,ll»' o ,3ii,;fi'i ■•> 3il.:t40 ■._> i: .'> lU.'JKI Ii TJ.S-.Kl i; :v.',s-_>(i .' ti 's-ACiii ( 3i,HM 't :«,44C I :«,4iii I'l Jin V,-vt. Sic.ft. l-'.-.t. .Sec. ft. K.ft. .Sir. ft. K<'.t. .SiT. ft. K.-l. ft. K.-t. 1 111'* - ;t:t, 4411 Hi.: 2 3(1, 340 102 '.1 34,(:nII 103 i; :'>i.(i2ii »J •,s :u,iii;ii 3 :ai,!tii.!I2II 2 42.7411 ,s :i4,(lilii 2 30.3111 2 ,'tii, 2 42,7111 ,4 7 :W,44II 2 30,3)0 •i Wi, ,"i40 L 42.7411 •1 (i ;t2,KL'ii o 30.3 '2 ;,,"pio 2 12,710 11 .") 32. 2' III l(i2 •> ;il',34ll 103 2 .'«;,.") 10 nil 2 12,740 !•-' '.'l .'(2,2011 •> 311,340 2 30."illl ■» 42.7111 i:< 4 .•il ,i 30.3111 2 ;iii,.'i4ii 3 43,300 14 4 ..I.OSII .» 30,340 3 37. Kill 2 42.7111 i."i 4 .iL.'l.'MI 2 :mi,34ii 1 37,7Sil 2 12. 741) 111 lli'J 4 ;ti.,"j«ii 102 2 30,. 3411 103 4 37.7SO .<,! 2 42.710 17 4 31,. ">«" 2 30,3111 4 37,7Sii 2 12,74(1 IS 4 31..-|S(1 .» 3(1, 3111 4 37,7.'K0 102 Ii 32,,S'20 1(^3 4 ;<7.r.Hii Ili4 3 43.3011 2- 4 31..")M0 Ii 32,H20 4 37,7S(I 4 43.'.)HO •jit 4 31,.-.«0 t! 32,S2II 4 37,7X0 3 43.300 24 J 3i,ris<-'ll 4 37,7X0 3 43.3I1O 25 4 31,.>'ll Ii 32.K2II 4 37,7,-*ii 3 43.3(i(l 2ii irc ;t ;tii.'.iriii 102 I'l ,'I2.>''2(I 103 4 37,7,' 30.3411 Ii 32.H20 3>.l, 020 3 43.31.11 2!» • 1 : Alii. I'HIHI Ai;i . M Mil II. .\n;M,. \U>. .11 sv. ll.M«lil K,..-t. I i,,:t •_> t :f i! li;:( "j 111 11 !■_' Ill ic, IT is I'.i ■-11 •Jl •.':< ir,:; -j 11. ;i l>i- rliiirs;! . rixlit |.|> .-liiuv (JmUIIi' 111- ilfi--lil. i-liiilH'- ll.-lv.-llt Id-,:. i;.iiiin- l>i- ' ..Mil ..Ml' I, MO ;,.Mll ;..Mii '...Mil '...-,411 ...Mil '..'.I'J'l 'i,;\iiii •..:ii«' :r li'.i.ii'ji' 40. -Jill I tu.-Jilii li.;t H'.lt Hi'J II'.; li;:i 111, 'Jill I li,,;'.il :i|,iiiii> ' :u,i"'.i' iii.iii'.i' :i4.i";ii :t4,iiiiii M.lll'.il;ii ; :',-.'.s-.'ii ai.iM'.ii :ci.'.i'jii :t7,'.i'|' :'.7.".iiii ;t7.l'iii :iii,.Mi> :i."i.:!iii> u;.' u'.L' 1 1 I 1111 '.I :!i. 111! :i-j,-'.:ii ;'.-j..^L*.i :**j. -11*1 ;; J.-JIHI ;!;.'.'lill :!■_', 'Jiu I ;ij. f*--'ii h:i,4Iii Hi. (Ill :t-_'."^'_'ii :il..>'i :tl..>ii :!l..\Hii :;ii,'."'.ii :(i,.v-si( ;tl ..■.'^11 ;iii,:uii ■j^t.T'Jii ■j'.i.T'jd •J'.l.TL'ii ■J'.i.Tlii •J'i.7'.'ii •."i.imi •J'.l.llKI •_'S. 4>«1 H'.l s H'.-J II H'.l '.1 ir.'J ti H'll '.I H'.l H H'.l '.I ll'.l s li'C 'I S,-,-. ft. l-'i ■_>7.,si,ii 1 -JM.HKI -js. 4SI1 •.'7,,- •J.s, IHl ■Js,4Sii •JS.J.-^'l 1 •js, LSI I •>,4Sil •JS.4SII 'J.s, 4HII ■.'S. ISO ■JS, 4S|1 •J7.J4i> •-'7 '-'40 27. HI 10 •_'7.siiil L'7..Hi;0 ■j7,-r.ii •_".!. Kill ■_"1, 100 '."I. IIBI •JO. ion •.".1. 100 -_';l,lll!l -.".1. 100 (t K. .-t. S..C-. ft ID'J ir,:i •HI 1 III 11 :'. 2.1.7'iii 'J',i.7'.'it ■JO, 7 '-'11 ■J'.i,7Jii :;o.:ilo I1..1 ■".I.7J0 ::ii,:MO :!ii.:t4o :i,i,:<4i :!ii,:>iii ;!ii,!ir.ii :il.riSii :i 1 , .- .SI 1 :;i.."isii :il ..■"Sii :t|..'iSii H-J.'Jii'i :(.',-'< Ill :!j,'Jiio :<4,iiiio :i4.iiso :!."i,:(iii' :r-.:tiMi :!.-..:« Ill :4'.,M0 ;tn..-HO :«',.."i4ii :tK,riio :i7,li''i H'.l " H'.l 11.4 :i H'.t ;t t 4 I I Is, 400 '.s, urn (S, IIKI ;i.s, 4IHI :l,«.4oii us. lOII as. 400 :is. III I .;'i,ii'jo 10, 'Jill ll.."lOII I-J.71II rj.7iii 1J.7IO I'.'. 7 10 4J, 740 l.'.7tii 42.710 t->,740 y.\.:\w 4:i,:ir.i 4:i,:ii'-<' 4:t,:!iii tn,:tiii 4:1, '.'.1.1 i;(.:iiii IX.II.Sl i:'..o,Hi IH.OSI 4:1. OM '1^^^.^^^^ ■ M 1 MToii. I HM rf:i{-i'u \\i:i{s SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e \o. l:!. WinnipoK Hivor iioiir Otter Falls, fur ]00«. 33 •lii.i. 3. llrlKht. .\l>;i M. Skiik II;H,. llrl^.l.t. ,I..„K,. iliiii-'- In- llM>rht. .Imp- ' »( lotlKH. ll>-i>rlil. cliiiifr N'i'V KMIIH l>K> KMIIKI.. Il'trht fliiirjfi- K..-t. :. ;;s, ii«i .■> :<.■<. 1"" r. :w,4(Ki "i M.v«> I :. :-is, i.iHi :. :(M. 4m p r> ;!s. I" » li .;'i,ci'_'ii M HI, ■.'111 I II ll.MK> •-' I-'. 7 111 •J I-.'. 7 III •_' 1L'.7III ■J lJ.71i> 1 J 4-.',74ii ■J I. '.7 III ■J 4-.', 7 111 •.' t'.74ii :i i:(.;;iii> ;t ;; i:i.:ii.ii :( i:(,:!iii' n 4;t.:tii<' :', 4;<.".iiii ;i ;t 4:f.:iiiii 4 t:'..'.isi> I i:f.!isit I 4:i.!iMi Kill, ! Slc. fl. .S.r. ft. r...i. 1 ii;4 ;i la.aiio III 41,.-|IH) Hi. < 4 ::7.lsii 101 '.,s a 1, • I .•i 1 4a, '.ISO 4a, '.ISO ,0 .'1 41.">lKI II..'<(HI aii.ii'.'o .ail, 020 H It ai.iHio ai.tiso 4 4 4a,!IM) lo: ii 4II..SS0 ;«.40() s ai,iii;o ."» 1 4a,!iHi K Hl.JliO an, 400 - ;i:t,4io I> liH 4 4a,4 a 4a. aim ii;;* h I0,2i;ii lo; a .a7,li;o Hi'. - .'ta,'44ii 12 .a 4a,;f a. i-iiMi - aa]44o If) a 4a,;tiki f .■111,040 Hi-. 11 a4,iiso fi a2,s20 III 1114 a 4a,:i(;o ma 7 a!t,«40 n a4,iisii ii;2 ti a2!sr' 17 a la.aiio .(! ait, 02 11 m, s 34. mill IM a 4a.:ii;o 1' aii.o-.'o 11 a4,oso 7 aa. 441) 111 a 4a.^o .") 32,21X1 2S, .0 4 1 , ."lOO 4 7,780 H a4.iiiM) .5 :!2.2m) •Jttl 41,.-KI0 4 :'7,7SO ,s 'M.iyAi 4 ai.,->,so :ii), (1 41 .■)00 4 .■-.TSO 7 .•«.44ii 4 ai,."..sii .11 4 a7 . 7so .■111, a 10 102 101 1 2^1.72ii 101 a 21,71X1 II 2ll, Hill a 24,7iiO 1 211.7211 ■J 21,140 1 21'. 720 2 24, 1 111 I 211.720 J 24, 1 to 2 ;«i.3|o 101 •J 24,140 1 211.7211 'J 24.140 11 211. loo 2 24. 140 211. |IMt a 24.7IU) 11 21UIHI 2 24, 140 211. liio 101 •J 21.140 211. loo 2 21,140 1 211.720 :,' 24,11(1 1 211.721' .'_' 24,14(1 II 211. l(«l II 22,1I(M1 " 21i.ll"i 101 I) 22,1 Hill 211. IIKI 1 2.1 -20 211, KKi 1 ■.■a,.-.2o 211.1110 1 ■-'3, .V20 S '.'7. Mill 1 23, .-.20 S 27. ~liO llil 22.1l(Kl s "^.SliO 22,1100 7 27.2411 11 22,1100 7 •.'7.240 li:o 11 22,2S(1 '.'li.ii-.'O 11 ■.'2,'_'S0 i; 20.0211 10.1 11 ■22. '."Sd ■"i 20,0110 s 2l,0)^) 4 2."i, aso s 21 . 000 t •.'."1.3.S0 ,s 21, otic t ■.'.■.. a,so s 21,0' s 21.. , 25o— ;i 34 1,1 I'M! nil \r '"• "" '\ ■'>•'•""'' 4 GEORGE V. A^ 191-t lAlll.l |)M| ^ (IM .1 111 I'.ll! \M, 1»IM II Mli.K Jam Miv. S llfitft't. eliiiii;'- K.H. 1 Ha) sii Kkhi m-^ lli',;lit. (Ii;irir>- Sic. It. M Mil M. Anal. M\v. .11 NK. !) 10 II IJ i;t II 111 i: IS 1!> 20 •21 •a 24 2r> . 2t> . 27 '-•8 . 2» 30 . 31 Mil ■Hit ,H11 H'.l '.HI ir.i '^t ■Il!l "!' II'.I I'l'.l H'.l l|.;ii!it. nil ir.l in.) '.I".l ii'.i '.I'.t '.I 1) •t tl!) j!t IIUW (lit ll«l !>!' .'.'.21' ',1^1 .'2.2S" '.f.t .'2.2W1 KKi W JL'.'.KKI lit _'l.7tl'l 2".l 27.210 ;i'.t ■'7..s(10 :v.i 27.210 nil :«t 27 21" 4'.l 2S,4M> > rv.i 2H, ISO M 27..'<'W .Ml 27. WW) i .V.) 27.Kt>0 ' .-.'.t 27.210 :l'.i 20.020 111 20.020 10(1 !l!l 20,000 K'.l 2;i..V-'0 Hit 2:1.210 nil 22.;KK) 1.0 22.!«l0 101 Oil 22. 1" H) II*) 22.1100 KM) nil 22.1K10 1) 22.!*iJ 22. WH) 22,'.H)0 Id,- linlllff I'i' ■liiut;.-. HviK'lit ih.uv- li;in),'>' iifiKht. Hi. ihiiri?!- 22.111" 22.1H)0 22.1HK) 22.0'i" 22,1"K) 22.1HXI 24.1 Ml 21.7t.'> 2.'i. HHO 2.").:wo 2.'.;<.'«i 2*l,Oo«i 20. '.20 20.020'O 211.020 20.020 2r>.HK() 24,110 22.1100 22. 2.H" 22.2HO 22. 'K)" I 22.1)00 23..'>2ii 2;l..">20 22. noil 22.1)1)0 1)1" .'20 Kir 10 23.. V.I) 10 23..V_'0 ii) 23..V2() 10 23 .V.i) 2" 24.14" ■20 24.140 I. unit.- H(?l)t^ 101 2.124.1 ■•0 21.1 2.>2t. 2" 24. :i"21,' 3" 24. 3" 21. 2.'i21. 31)21. :a)2l. .'r.24. ;lii24. 31124. :t0 24, 2.->24. 101 31121 2."«21 •;(0 24 20 21 20 24 nil :i"24 2.') 24 ■2r> 24 3" 21 :«) 2J 101 30 2 •..11 Kll :i"2 30 2 01 \/. A, 1914 lAlll.K .1 II Mil. I (if )/ I \ 1 1 lilt I 11 I ;/ /,• mw I i;s SESSION/" PAPER No. 25k .Nil. II. Wiiinipii; Iiivi !■. iir.ii- ( itl. r l''all-. I'm- lliii!t. 35 .IlNK. .Ill.l. An^rT. SkI'IKMLH;. \lH K>II1KII. IlKl liuillfi' Mght 1)1- 1 lull 1^1 ¥>■■ S.c fl nil 2.i-'4.110 2ii2t.Hi' 2.'i 21. t."." 2(1 21.110 ■:Ki2).7ti'> ;;ll :<(i24.7ii24.4.V( Hil2l.7tiO 2.'>24. l"Ji 1 ■;i(i 24.7(1(1 I 20 21.140 ) 20 24.140 ) nil :tO 24.70" ( 2.')24.4."io ii Wl 21.7(10 ill :tO 24.760 10 101 101 .5 Hi'iKlil. fliiirj^p. (iaiik'i' llfiKlit l>l- I (iaillt.. cllUiyi'. ' llrii-llt. I Ills ( iiiiihri- i iliiiri,— ii;iiip. I hi. i; n.t'i- In- ll>-i|;lit.' uliari;!-. II i.-lit ili.iri;. Kilt. ft. Kii-t. I l'.--t. Sit. ft r.K ft. K...t. S. 1 nil 2.') 21. 10 nil 2.") 2'.rio nil 111 2:1,, '120 I'lii Sll 21 ,1100 nio ,'tii IK.slHl 1iiii'7o 21 .!)1'» ■> 2."> 2t.4."ill 2.*i J 1.4.1(1 IHl ■J2.!I(I0 7.*i 21,:i.-,ii Ci III l!i|l 7.1 :'l,:tM> :i Ml 21.711(1 •>ii 2!. 1 to 111! 22,'.ii'0 7."i 2l,X.O ,"iii II1..S1HI 7.'i 2I.:ro 4 :."i 20,1111 7."t 21,.l.*iO 101 HO 1' 1.7110 10! .1(1 24.700 nil (Kl 22, 111 HI nm 7.1 2i.n.Mi 1 1,11 ,'i,"i 20,110 loo 7.'i21 3.'i(i 7 ;« 2.'i.o<"0 :<() 21,700 nilrlHI 22, 7."i •_-i.:t.".o ,-,-, 20, Illl 7'i 21 . ;i"ii) .^ ;i."i 2."i.070 :io 24.700 ll.'i 22.."!Hl 711 2I .010 ".,"1 211.110 .Ml 21 11(1(1 20.110 :i"i22, j!iO 11 101 Ml 21.700 nil 2."i 2I.4.-KI 1011 2.'i.070 IHl 22.2.SII ■»o 111. Slhl l.ll 211, 120 O.'i 22. ."lOO 111 nil : 21. l.'io nio M.1 21,070 100 .V) l!i,soti i • ,."1 2o,7:tO nil) '■,". 22,.v.Hi 22 :>r iiir i\rt:.:i"ii 4 GEORGE V, A 191 TAlil Dmm (iM '•! IIiK.iii- vM> ni>ni\i!.;F. .1 \M »ni Kkhm \UV M Mil II Ai'iui Mw .ll VK. (liuiui' Dis C. Iliixlif- I'll"!?'' lli'iltlit l)i< (lui.h.'.' I'- ll Kill. .li^ifKi- liilllK' H>iKl>t Ih- tli^irn' ll.ii.Ki- Until ft. K«t. liH 2(> '.It •Jii fill :V' HI 40 "ill nil '.I ■0 11 V.' i:t 14 ir. ic. 17 IS y> 21) 21 22 •i3\ 24 2H 31 IDl ".ti Ml ."it I :*t ."ill ."ill ii;i i."i III 111 :c. .■Vi if.ra'i :o :» •:(."> Uiiiio idi ■:)ii :«i ;» 20 21,140 21,110 21,110 2ii,0,:<'*o 2.">,;t>'0 2ti,00" 2T.-'I0 211.000 2i;.iioo 2i;,i.oo 2ti.0«"" 20,0'X' •ill, 000 2."i,ll'.K> 2.').;iHo 2."i,HHo 2.'. 070 2."). 070 2t>.070 24,7tiO 2.1.070 2.'). 070 2."i.0T0 •>4,7iii) 21.71* 24,7<>0 24.7t«> 2l,7f.O 2I.140 llil mi :'* :«) Id I l))l 211 2o 20 llil 20 20 20 •JO •20; IHl 20 20 20 •JO •JII IBl 'JO •JO 'JO 'JO 20 im-jo; •JO 'JO ,..:, (I, ! 1 24, "Ii" nil Ji ■J4,7iiOi 2l,7l'iO' 2l,7llii| •-•4.71.0 •'I,7ii0| •J4.4.^iO| 21,110 24,14l>| 24,! 401 •24,140, •J4. 1 lOl •.'4.1401 24.1 10 21,110] •J4.H'> 21. HO 21,140, •J4,Uoi •J4,140, 21,140; ■J4,140 21,1401 24,1401 J4.140i 'J4.14(> •J4,140i 'J4,140; S,-, . fl, V' 11.1 I'll 'JI nil llil JO ■-'1,1 lOi nil 40 '2."i,;wo •JO 21,110 ."ill •211,01*1 ■JO 21.140 llil 2H,ri'jo 'JO 21.140 70 •-•7,210 'JO 24.1411 •HI ■JM, l^0 'JO ■J4.14l> 102 ■JO ;io,:i4o •JO '.'4,140 10 ;tl,.vii •JII 'J4,14o 110 ;f2,>i'-'o •JO 'JO 24,140 21,140 iii:i ■HO 111 :ii,iMiO .W.'.IJO 'JO Jl,140 :io :i7,ifio 'JII 21,110 •.Ml ;vs,4oo 1 ."l 'j:t,-(;io 110 :v.i,irjo l"l '.'H,KUI 7:, :,:i.' ■ lit' 'j:!,m:(o '.HI 10..H,S0 1 .'l '-•:(, s:io 1*14 , 0 i>! 1.1 '.•;t,K.n, 'j;i,h;«) 40 ."i.'i ■7.' 4H.!I,S0 41,010 Ki.l.'iO ^l^i it iii4 7r. 4il.l."iO 4ii,iri0 ■1.". •J3,«I0 Hi- 10,770 1.". •j;i,h:mi Hi, :, (HI ■I7,70"l 10 •jn.r.'-ii ■20 4H,0t'iO 1 o;. 00 0)1 '-11,210 'J2,'.K»i '22. WW HI ."i •J."' ;'.it :ui 4!l,'JXii 40,1100 4!l.';o"■• . v; I ,V!,MI0 li'"> ■Ml r.j.soo i>"i ■"• 1 Wl .'ij, 1*0(1 l(,."i CiO.". ,HII r,..' ^0,1 :-i(i ."1 ■I'll .-,2.H .^;^,^-•(| o.-h ■K"| M, PJolOl '••."n ■H.'i fi'<,l-Jo ."•"■J ■S."i .".:t,rji ","■' ."i S."i .■.;i,i'Joiii4 Ko- H5 .^1:1, IJO H'l h."i Kl, I'JO '■' H."i .-kI.I-JO 7"i HO ."i2,H(Kl 70 l."i HII .VJ.S'Hl 104 (i."i .HII ."ri.H- 1(1 ''.'i ■8.". ."ill, 1-11 •"'0 .-."i ."Lt.rjo 40 ■SO yj,m SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e N... i:.. \\'iniu|ii>f Hivfr, iionr Otiir K^ilU, l..r luid. 37 Jim. All SkI'IMIMHI. "i li'HKII N'o\ KMIIKK, !>»! KVIIKK. HVtit iliiiii-'' K.rt. 1S.C ft ui Kiri Kl id Sll ll« LM lli."i UI jO «ltl **\ XHi Hi.'i lOtI urn MM) 441) Hi.' r.'ii i-.iik; 1211 i-jii r! (..■|.M.'<|0 (•..■). •i1,S40 Ii.i.-.1.H|0 i;..M.s|o |>-|.-.\,M0 (■,o.-,l.,V.!(i ritCiO.Kfiii !.•).' 0,5t'>0 •_>.■. ri,-^i 1 !."• i.s.iCio O.'i (S.O'JCI I '.P.-i 17,:«H1 s.-. 4(1, 770 H.-, 4r.,77o I HO M;, 4('..."<:t» '..-,41.^10 :*\ it.iiCKi 40 lii.'.iso :to4;s.:ii ■ liauirr llelKliI K.-i. i>;i '. I.". 10 1i;i iHi (III 10 II I-.' l:i 11 I.-, n; 17 l.s 111 ".".I ;(o :il III. .'llU'»I.' S.1 Ifitiip- Mi'iKlii. rti. IliilllCi' ll.lltllt. ill-. < liiirt:!'. ' (ijllilfl- iH.i^lit. li;:i • o 70 lil.i ■-■1 !■; 10 (i<) .■i(i .'lO ■4'ii im i:i.ii."iii tL',7 4ii I-.'. 740 r.'.4:Ki ii.i»i 4 1,. ".(HI ti.rioo 10, HMO 40, KSII lO.KHO 4(l,.%7ll :vi.!r.o •.•.■i,.>*:iii ■.>l,7(io '."J.IMMI L':t,s:«i •-'•.', mm L':i,^io L^l.Tcli •-•■j.Miii ■-"J, ."ilKI ■-'•J, •.'Mil •-'2, -iXO •-'•.'.•JHO •.'!', 'JNII ■-'l.!l7o r.-.i. Kill HO •HO 70 70 70 I.'. t."i Kill .'id 10 I.'. 40 40 llill 411 X> to I.". 10 liiO .'to X> :I5 4(1 Kl Kid in 40 .10 ;Ci :Ci (t. ' hut. L'l.iimi Jl.l'iliO L'1,010 •-•1,040 •-'1,0(0 21, OKI '-■1. IHO l!l, IMI HI, iHii l!l,lHd lH,."iliO lK,H7d lH,H7d |)i« lil»ll|fl' llin liltllKf III" cliiiivi llfiiflit. rhiiri;! . H'lflit char(te llil lid lifi' 11.'. K'ld iO (Nl l.VI li.'i !I0 '.Ml i.Mi mi H7 H,'> K>- H2 Si'«. It. i K.ft. \w ■>:<\ '-■"i •_ii -' KKI 2<.•. ft i.'i,:i(Ki I.-. l.'l, ISO ir., IHII I4,'.I."MI i4,;i.'Mi 14,'.1.VI l.'. 14,)l..(. 14,ll.Vi 14,ii:ti 14, KMI 14,4i»ll.-. 14,(..K1 ll.(i:<(i 14,4iMI l.'l,(i l.'t,!MMI i:<,'.iO(i i:i,'KMi i,"i I.I.IMMl i:!,;mmi ID.dHO l:f,4.'Mi I :iH i;i, \:« :i.. i:i,--'."M> Xi i:i,2"Mi ;tii in,ii.v' 1 :iii l.'i.ii.'iii .'to i:!.(i'M> ;ki i;i,ii.-i<» {Kl i:i,ii.'ii> .1(1 III.O.'MI I .'III i:i,(i.'Mi ;ki m.ii'mi :ii ;iii U(,o II •-11 r.',7iM» I L'li rj, 7(1(1 •-M r.',7(Mi •-•(I 12,"IM> •-'0 12,7(M» •J.'. I2,H.M1 I •-'."i r-',HH(» IH I2,7(M> 14 I2,.VM> 12 r-',4(MI 111 12, I'd I 10 12,4(m •-'(I r.'.7(Ki 15 I2,.VMI .■Ml i:i.(i.'M> .I.-. 1.1. -rM I 4(1 i:i,4J0 ' ^r-^j^^ 38 1,1 l-M.-l I// W '" "" 'W/ /.•"".• 4 GtORGE V. A 1« I All IIMIN (.M'.l III""' ^-•" '"-' """•' .t \M \li>. KKItlll M'^ Mm:' II AiMiii Mm .ll M (;.iiiHf ll.lK-lll, hi" i,.,.v-. !•- 1 1 •V.l .'.tl l;i .■am 1 ."i.'* It ifKl ,( !•'• It :>■•" - , i:..:iiKi ' |-^. U.MHI It l.'.'.i 7" It.SiMI 1 7" lt,>(it| ii.*i li;,:\-ll |-v 10 ir,.si;ii III' 11.11 ir. 17. 111! 17 IHI ll.lVlll Is IVi 7S l."..:«ii 1!> "ll i;,. 11. Ill ■Ji' 7- i I. ^IHI ■jl IVl il-< 1 l.SKI :,) U .V.II •.';t 1'- ll.ium ■Jl i.ii 1 1 :ii»i l.ll Ki.SIHI *j*t l.VI 111 i;i.:i.-.ii .1- III i:i.:iii ■_*■• 4" |."i i:i.;r.ii i:i.>" ;;•! 1.", l:i .>i' al .'rtl i:t siHi (.miK'- II. inlll lll- fitiiii;' ll.Hfi.t |ti- luilu' I, ,iiif ll.iKl.t rlllURi II xlit H .Vl III M •j:t I 's.\ •.':i S.,. (I. |;|.>U1(1 1 1,11.11 I i.;«"i i;i.*ii II ii..'.:.ti ii.ii.iii i:t.:i.'>ii 13.HIHI i;l,Mim i:i,wiii i;i ;i.'."i 1 J. ! I'll I rj.7Mi I. '.7^11 r.'.T^i' IJ.TH" I'j ■I'ji V-' I. -.'.I '.i.'iii '.I.Vl I'.'.r-"" l.'.i'.nii 1 J. 1,11(1 l-.'.7.->ii r.'.'i.'iii i:i. i.Mi !■■. .t. IVi C' :iii :iii :iii r.;i ■« r; ■.'II 1.". i> l.'i^l ml til I'.' IS II IV.I It 1 1 I I J I" US I. V.l II.'. Ill IJ I.'. I'l I.M im 1.-.^ '."1 l.V.i 111 II. I'.-. 1. ft. I.' i:i,.ir.|' 111. i.'Ji i;t.;i:ii' i:t ;i'.ii r.MiiKi I'j. i-'i'i l-JJilXI I'J.IHKI i;i.;iii i-j.:ii»i l-,i;iMi r.'. l.ll' I'.', t.""' 1L>, i:>ii i'.'.;tiiii I -'..ill I i-.'.:«Ki i_'.i.-,ii r.'.:iiiii ij ;«>" l-.-'. IM' l.'.IMi I'-'.IKII ll.TIK' I'J ,ilKI r.". i.''ii rj.4.Mi i:i.i."',:iiiii IJIUKI r.'.ini" I'.'. IKl" I'i.l.mi IL'.IKHI I'.'IKKI I'.'imi. I-.'. I '11 r.'.i'ii I-.'. I."l r.'.WKi 1.'. I" r;. i."i" IJ. f.ii U.t.Ml IJ.4.11 IJ.7S11 |-J.7>ii I-J.7SII VJ.7SII 1 J. 7SI1 r.'.^sii rj.'i'''i l-J.'.i.Mi i-j.'i.''" I-J.7.SI' i'-..t. IV.I <...•, It. K.'t. ^ l'j.7sii :ii ,,\:*) 11.11 lii . :tiHi r.i , :iiHi lii .-■'SI' SI ill 1.' Oi 1/ I \ //' 10 I V. A 1914 lAlil r (I-. n Ml'. I nf SESSIONAL PAPER No 25b \Viiiiii|pi'a Ku<-i-. Miiir Slii\,' hii!|., I..r i: ,L .llNt. .tin N'H Mi!H. \ht i MM) (ll.lli-r Wi- ll t(ht rhuIK'' Il.l_'llt Hi. I I. II IK' (illlltf** 1*1. lliiK'i' ch.itfc'i' ml,t ill- ,I,.UH.. |i. . 1,,,.^, II. 'IK'- I« - • ■ I M hi- K.,t. -^.v ft K". t. f. I . . t. S. c ft Wl It'll) III 111. Nl" l.-ltl i:. IT.H" l.'lll ■.tii: i-t' l.-l«l :.'" 17, <•-■" IMI •.'II IT. l-^i I.MI Uil> •3) IT r-ti >|(I ■.'II 17. l-'ii Xill •Jti 17 1-1' .iMtl •;:. iT.Tt'f .'intl •j:. 17.7i"<' Mh) ll.< :'.ii 17, 1"*" mt ■ X. Hll'l :i". i'<,'.'t''i mm :i.-. IS •jiai MMl :(.■. is,-.'i;,,.|ii .HIMI (11 i^.r.tii .SINI tC 1 :t'.i i>.,"iii' .SIMI « \-iNr 4i; l,^,:<-.'" .mill .Vl l',l.lil.(Hl •|.H I^M.liC ..ll.'ltl ll II r.ii l',i,i'i ill i, lit HI i.;liHt r,,.".sii ii.fttlii I'l.M'ill I'.ll I^Milill 1.11 i!i,i;i;ii !,■_' i..i,i;(;ii i;i' I'l 1.110 1 liHi li-' i'.i.iii'.ii I'll tl^J •_'"' ■-i.'i u ,1 ti. -'< ■I'Jl' 1'^ iri.tit'rfi I.I •j:i J. ' I i.'i ■J' :»l'i ;< I.I Vl,:i(ll liJI '.'■"' Jli't il^J :; Jii.i t i.i. pi '.till thi 1'.'. ■■III Ii'. ._» . ."i II 1 ..ti pi.ttiii ti.". •_• . M" • 1 1 J," ,,Mli i; li.ii i.ii Mi.lM'i li.l I,> '-'"' SJI) 1 11 til .1', ,,-.1" 7 1 1. i:i,'ili. 7- •-.» <*Ji) till • r •Jim ,.^ 7.> ■.ii.7»ii 'H •-Ii tj^it ,'.'. ■Jl . !l*" ti •111 ■jl.:i|ii »l -1. lit ill |^ Jl 7"" ill • 11 L'MM'i 'HI •jii 'till f. Jl 1-11 II li;.i '1,', L'MiJII ^7 •_'.i ii.ii 1 .1 1'. Jl , 111 v: li.l I'. 1 •_>', IMI s.'. •j'i 1 ii ii 1 t" Jl III" l:< 1" ■.'•-', ItitI M"| ■Jl. liiiii :i> Jl ,11'. II 1,'. ■J_' 71" -^,"i ■jii i;i.ii 1" Jl ,11" I.-' I> •.':t,ir.'ii s.'. •jii .1..." t:i Jl 1-J.i ".' li.l •_.,■, u':(,;(iiii llil !<;i •jii lit." 1 11 l:l Jl IJ 1 .!) 'J,',. fH'ttt M jii :iH" !"■ Jl IJ" 1^ U iiitii s I ■jii ;t,s" 17 Jl IJ" lit tH •.'1. 71"! sii •Jl. il-ui ,11 Jl ,7" ' '.'" t> •Jl. ,11" 7x j'i :i.Mi -.1 Itsti •Jl ]i-\ ;,.j •.'I.7IKI Ilii 7," ■2>i Imi nil .■,!, Jl ',1,1. •,._' :.'1.7iNi 1 .' jii lii'i .*i7 Jl , '.IS" ■j'i .-.ii 24.?"! "Ii ■_*ii |i»i .'.r Jl .IKII ■2t ,"..* •-'|.7lKt "Ii J." , lIKI ,M Jl 'ISO '.'.' ,",j u'l 7IHI 7', ■Jl' tlHI -■.! Jl 7'i'i u'l'i Kll ,'.". •JI.'.l.SII I''. 1 7."' Jl' III" 1 .1 l> Jt - 7"" •j7 i;ii •.''■•-•lii) 7;[ ■Jl . IIHI 1. Jl 4 ■J'I •> !,._' •JJ.»Hi 7" ■j.'i ■^.tl l-i Jl 71 III .11 li- L'."'. ■.i;ii 7" St .S^JI) 1,'. J . !■-•'■ ;ii I'y L'.'i.^.'f." •-Ti.l.'lHl liH ^■. ,*.1l 1^ Jl .711" Ml 17 I'. I Ml nil 11. 1 .'I •■-•'I I'.i Jl 71MI .7 Jl ■isii ; J ■-1 1 j-ti •1 7lMl ;, , Jl ;tMi l.n ■.'" J-*" Jl •IV ,*." Jl 71 Ml 1,.-. !■' 'II" J."« -.111 I. Jl IJii 1... !■' lilt ■'Ii IIHI 'Ill IJ Jl 111 1'." I.J I'l iitrfi :l»ii :i7 ■J.l .Mill 1.11 I'l lU^HI J'i til ii 1 ;(.. J,l ,Slitl 1.11 I'l lilll 1 JII lit ill .11 J.i HI ill ,,l. I'l .Isil J'i •1 ,11 .ti •_.;1 Hiill J. 1 1 .l.stt '.11 :i»ii I'll .1.1 Jl .SI ,11 ll," 1.11 I'.I 1.1'HI •J7 •.'•Jii ;iii J. ..Ml 1." I'l I.IHI ■JII H-l, •J', J.l :uMi till I'l 11' 111 Jii :\sn ■'II ■j;i 11.11 ,'..•. I'l llsl . J'i ;nii I". •_»_» 71" .v. Itt ;t.ii J'i Umi nil r. ■;•] 7111 iMl ,,ll I'l :iHii J."» ,■,1" 1" ■-•J 1' II ll'l III 'i|" ■_'-, Hjll 1" ■_•■_' lii'i ,-.,. I'l :wi ■M\ lull 1" ■J J 1'." ,M 111 :iHii JII 111" "'. TJ IMI ,■.;( I'l :isii •JII :nii I'.i ll'. J J I.-.I. 11,11 '.J lit IIHI •JII ItMll II.'. ■•J |M1 .-..I I'l IIHI •-I' iim in. Jl '.lilll .'HI III IIHI •_1i 111" nil mi Jl ■.Mm l-i I'l llHI J.'i S.'ll nm •>:, Jl 11 '11 .-," I'l llHI ■^■, M-Jf. III "1 iiiiili." Hi IS Sjll ..;, ,H...|| III. Jl HI" IJ 1- .1" •V, SJ 1 s^ Jl HI" 111 Is .M" *J"i \Ji| >,'i ■'1 mill :r. Is ■jr." J."> .-,1" •Jtill .■*" Jii 7S1I mi 1; im 17 'ISII 'IsO Yim'^^m^ '^ 40 iin-Mrnnsi nr nit: isit'.UKiR 4 GEORGt V, A \9S> r.Mii. |)Mi-, tivn.i lln.Mi \Mi l»iMiUHii» I .1 ^M A in KHUM MM. >l Alirll Xi'iili. Mai .h >» (i.i.ii!.- IM- H.mkIiI. ili.irK.- M.ikIii iliuruH lil- H'ltclx. I tiititft I iullif*' III- , li.ilKf ilitiiir- l>i IIVIi* ■'l»*i 4 ."i K H !t 10 II r.' It 1") 111 17 1-* I'.i •J<> •Jl •i"i 2.'> l«l :ii K. .1 iMi mi :«> ;*! :ri i>> irti I... Iiil im o;, 1" 1" 11. 1 111 In It 1. IIUI IM'. .'ill 111!! 4.'i l."i I". 11 II 411 17,*l-ill ir!!i>ii ir.tiHii i« -.-liii Is.Mii I'l^ilii •Jl.'HKl •-'■-'. I'^'l ■'.' I'm ::. \w ■_'■-'. II'" _•■-'. Il'll VI , I >*' I 2"i. I**" •Jl /KM! •JI.IO •.ll.-'JII ._.,,■_>•_>, I Lit. '.'.11 r.i.Mi" 1:i.iMi l'.i,:».HO PI.HHII lM,:iMii I'.l.ll"! lit.H-.ll \^. "^I'll l.S.K'.M IHH-.II. l-i,,Mll l.s,.-,|ll |MI III 111 i'A •Jll 1..M 1.. r.> 111 IMI (»1 IMI mi I.V.I !W !I7 l.".!t '.»> '.tr> III 'i;i IIL' l.-.:i HI s;i SI s,s 1 .'I S.-i .SI «ii IS,. Mil IS, ••111 IS.-JIM) IT.(ls i;.Uii l.V.i in liisiiii I'rJ Hi, SIM) lll.'lSII ii..:uiii iri,:«Hi li;,:iiiii ii.,:«ii> i-.>.:ii»' r.'.4'i.:*nt r.'.iaKi IJ.iKHi I.V.I :i • >.-.. II. i-.',7iiii l'.',7'iii |-.'.77.' I'.'.SI"! 12. Sim |-i.iKm I ■.•.'.Km l-.'.wm r.'.'.NW \:.:>'*t IM.IKHI i:i,iNm i:i. Iim l.t. lim III, Km i;(,i."ji i:i,'.'i»i l-.^l. .H.r II !■■<■. I.ISm- \if '17 III I'l liill 111 IS 11.'. Hill ■■■, li'.l mi '.11 H.l ml .-.1 71 nil >,•> HH !ll 1(1,. '.mil Hi |li,.'>M> HI, still IS.H-JI ri, nil): IS, .Mil H l!i, HK) I'.i, imi I'.I, 11)11 '.11, .■■ml '.'1.111*1 '.'1 . ■mi L'l.iimi ■-•'li :.':i,Hi',4i HI •JI.IHXl 111 •-•1.11(1 •-•1. r.D •."4,(mo, •.'(.7ml: •Jt,?'"' I'l 'J I. US' I •ri.'.iiii n: •J5, S'.li •jiLlim 'Jll. 4m) K 'JIl.CilllI •.tl.!!!" •.li.'.U" •.''.'J-Jii •J7..'i'm i'.' (•.•■•-•2, l^ •.•>»,: If. •-•«,: ■-•II,' ■-"•'. !*) HO, :>ii :«i, :<:< :«), :iii •.II. '.'.'i '.'«, ■JS, •>, : ii"i •-•7, J I..'. '.7, (la '.T, i.-i'> 111 -.T l« •-'7 ■•.r.\n (Kl 1" 1 !C.'.'7 IKi'.ll SO '.11 il S' ns'^.ti •.11 SI. •Jll sT -S 0( If I Minll I II 1 // /.' /'.Il t /,•- 41 V, A U»M TAIll.l' SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e No. 17. Wiiiiiip<-K KiviT, ot Sliue KiilU, fcr H'l; .h v» .Int. ' Mirl I.' HVI» l>i. < •.lilt.'* Il.irfiii III. I liiirki*' H-itflit In-. MM»(ht II.. i.ia,- III, ^•til ilialKi ILiu'l.! Ilyl't III. t ti tlfc/'- Ki-. t. tH.T. It K..I S.I-. 11 I; li li, . )\ lliii ) I I 1 II . II . . II I). II IK'! II lli-J II II «ll III Hi'! Ml: Miltil K HI K) it;i ■.11 I" 1" .11 m . «.'i ■-•*.». "wi l^'.•*,:l♦'| , Ui'.'H,;i«i •"I.IKNI ■.».(,7«m Nt;«i,;< '.'. li.'i'J' 7MI :s,:mi Sil'JIi.iM'l ss1'.h;,(m' LHI ..l.'.".HI lill :lll,MlHi (• 1 il 7."i ■.1« Imi Hii K'l •-T.rMii Hi.' Hi •.'M.;i|ii :il..ii«i H.l 1". ;i:t.'i|ii Hij • ill .'UI. Mlill " 7ii »i HDI III •_'M , 1 IM 1 •! . :.*■*. iiini lIlL' 7ii :il. I'.Hi 1.". .mtiin ■|'l . ll.iMHI X 7* '.Hi IIMII ik; ■-'7. 7 Mil ■J.". L'M.'.I 11 7ii .il.i'.'ii I.-I ;t:i,tii'i Ml .'l(l,;l(lll . Mm 11 1 ;i 7-. ■J>i IINI Hi-.' "7 '_*7. 7mii Hi.' •.■;( L'M."(4I He' til ;;'..'ilii Hit i;. ..,;,'.iiii H. ■ I'l '."1.7 III 1'' 7i. '.Ml imi im 'JM.lltill •.'•| ^■»,ihill tH, iV^'. M-.Ht Hi :i:i. iiiHi 111 i."'.7iii 1.1 L'li ill ■II L'M.IHill .'i •JM.IHHI '1, :i:i. H«i I'l :i.i.iiMi Hi'j'i, : 111 II i-'i ■-li imi ii;i L'7. "Mil •J1I.IHHI Hi:i ii;t :«..'tM'i nil ;i:i. liHt ;lii jii. I ^1 ;,'i 1 f '.Hi IKI (1.1 '.'7.7MII '."l.'.HHI ii.'i :i i.iMi HIJ :»■■ .'i.'. '.Ill :i(i -^1. iM)i III 1 .! T'.i .Hi ■4MII Hi'.' ii:i '.'7,. MM '."i,:'.i«i Hi.'l IHI ;i.i..i,Mii Kt :'r.'.'-H.ii HiL' Ml '.11. 1M(I i: M,l '_*■. .IHII (!•-' •.'7,.'i'HI 'J*.i.'iim III :i:i.iiiiii M."i :i.'.'.H.ii '-Hi JM.IiLHi Ix "M '.Hi ;i.Mr "" /\/f '•""« 4 GEORGE V. A. 1914 TAlll.K 1)M,S (ivl'.l III I.. Ml KM. I>1M HM:..!, „f Kkiiki vin. MMirll. Al'Kll,. Mx>. « lll-ik'llt- K...I. 1 ii;-J I •Iiarp'. 111!'' It'lll. i pi- HU 11 H '.I 111 II 1'.' i:t u 1.". ii; 17 1-1 I'l 111-.' 1 L'l lli'J •J I L'H 1 •-' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S.C ft. 'JS.lMlll •JT.MKI *_*".'' "1 •J7,.'iii«> •.'T.'ilKl •JT.TpINI ■jr.'iiKi •j7.r»iKi ■.'7..'p.(' •>.in;ii i;". Ill 111 •J.lliKI 'iS.llliO IN. mill •JS.I'll 1 •j^.iiriii ■JS.lMill L'-l.lKl'l •js.tmii ■_N,imii ■js. (ii;ii •.'.s.lltlll '2s. ml"' ■j.s.iii'iii •J-s.lMllI •i^.iiiy' nw 1 1 1 ir,-j 11 li-.l '.I nil nil 11 .■.-.ft. I •JS.IKill •JH.Iilill •JS.lliO •J^.lll;ll 'JS.IHill ■js.mid '.N.'llill ■,'7..'>il'i ■_'7..">i"i "7..MH1 •27.:M> •.1i.!'4i; ■.'. -l'l' "."i.'iim •_■:<.. vKO ■j:v.">so •JS.ilJll '."J. Hill •j-i. 4iin 'ji.'iiii' •Jl.'.HK' ■Jl.'.HK' nil I i.i IIKI ; Dis. (i:in>,"' ll.l^lll. i;:UH,"' ll.M>tl.t. 1)U .iiiiini' (iaiiffi' llt?lit ■ luirt; VT. ft. •Jl.lilO •.>i,;uii •.'l.:Uii 'JIl.TMl •-11. 7'^" •JI1.7SI) ■J(1,7M1 •_1i.'i-i' •'II ■J.'ti ft. F.'.t. Si-i-, ft. KKI liUi 1 liii 1 l.V.I !l l.VI '.1 '.l."i Hill It imi II II 11 II 1'. IIIKI (I I'llllill 1110 li."i 11.11 1 I'.i. Ill lii.iiii lll.llK' is,r>4(i IK. .Mil 1 17. list' I' 17,;isti I. I7.!isii - 17. I'.ii niii ■- 17. I -'I" ;'• :i Hi. Mill 4 111.1*1111 •" lll.StlO ll'ill ■' lll.Sllll ' m.^Tiii ~ iii,;«i«i '• iii.iiiK) ; ir..KO(t i.-...-.("i ni.ti-'iii, iii,ii.")ii' ni.itoii' iil.iKH), IH.iilHl in.:«Ki lli.illHl 111. Htm 1(1,1(1)0 lll.f>Sl., 111. .we 1(1.. ".so Hi.. ".so ir...".Hii ir...siiii lll.Hl.ll 17.140 17.1411 17.4-Jii 17.4-JO 17. OHO 17. '.'SO IS. .Ml' I'.i.loo lO.llHI 10. (Kill "li.;.".1> ■.■0.*!i> ::ii.-."-'(i nil 111 7'* 70 SO nil OS l(l-.> OS (lit 10 11 111 J It r.' i.-i :f7 4:i Ki'j 4;i ! 4:1 IIH "11 7S I so 7(1 SS Sll s:i Sll •ji :t4ii iiiJ si :ti.'.if ■jj tiid 01 :!•-•, S-. •i;('i''_'o SO ;'.•_'.. ">- •rViiiHi otiiv.'.s: .14 7(Ki>ii;«.li •1.-, ■'I'.o Hi-' o:t:v.'.s ''.-.' s-iti iiiiiW.s i-'.«-'ii 02 :<■-'.. ^ •>n nso Kin (W :i;<.;' ■.11.040 r^Ki Hi •J7.7HII is.iKiii ()2:t:i. 1 o."):«.;i or. ;cf.:' 11 ;i:i.i (.") ».:■ ••s oi'.ii H12 '■•* H2.I •js.:tii Kin 01 'M. 2s!:U0 H12 20, 41111 :4o.o2ii :to.li2" H12 ao.020 :41. 120 :V.42li :ii . i.iso Hi-. ;ti.7('«' :i2..Mii ;i2. 2(111 :t2.2im :i2.2iio 112 x^. !io:i:«. ot:vj,i oti:i2, SS 82. S7 ;(2. o--. ;i2. 1.111 :(2. Si :t2. si; H2, s.^:v.'. •sr. a2, ill :>.' 0( , A. 1914 TAK1.I-; II Mii.i: (if 1/ 1 \ null I 11 r/7 /.'/•( )n/.7f.N SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e \Viniii|H';; liivir. in'^il' Sljvr I-. I..r I'.tl:;, 43 .Iri.u ^H-I KMI.KI; Nci\ KMIiKK. I>K. KMM lullffC Itfllt ■ I I Jm;.'*- I >i^* * ill : ll.-ii:ht. ,-li;u>r.. \lr l>i- ll''ik-hi. 1)1- ■!i;iii:f ik'ht. I>,- I'l.U tiililL''- hi-* ti.lUt'f ■ liiitvf. llV'lit III- Kilt. S.T. ft K.-.t. I ■lit. I'r.t. tl'J .M :ii.' mi '.11 :!•_•. s-.>" s!i ;'.•_•. i4i' '.iti :!'_' ■Ctl i;. iHi:u. lIHl Hi-. :i:t :v.'. H-J<) iiii:w. s'jn '.I'J :<■-', .M" \K t (W :w. ;wii (12 :t:i. |IH> \() 1 (ir> :(;t :i^>\ ii.-i;w HSO 11 ;o i;i; M ■• ss :v. .■lilt 1 87 :v- .'it'll' 1 !!.". ;v. .h-J" 1 '.Hi ;f. .S'Jtl 1 Hi HI >. ■-'•!(> )i ,\> Stl H >.2''>(l I t^r.:* > -Jliii 1 '.li :i .'.."> 10 I •H.-. :< J.'Jti" i) ill :i .'..■i4" 1 U'.L' VI :>L'.."iiti ii;i '.HI 2il.:i|ii Kil .SI ■211, (.1.11 ll.l 1..1 22.1 Sll .-.O ,sii ."i.;tiHi I.-. 1 s'l l.'i.SlNI 2 ;i:t ,'fj,'<-'ii nil •.'.'..Mill Ml 2H.:i.'>o n.ii '.<:<'.'ii 111) l.iUNI s2 1". :«»! :i 111 :i2."ilii ■S,' ■Jll.tll'.!. M 2ii.:i.-'(i 7,"» ■;o.."HKi 7" l.,SI«l S2l.".:ii"i 4 :i\ ;t.'.'.i" ll'.L' l«l 27..'tft sll 2ii.:!»ii .*.ti Pl.lllHi 7" l,sill 77 I,'>.ii.".ii ;, S'J ;'I .'.i.sii II. i :il 27.'.'!'" 77 211.1(10 112 It), mill '.H ...SINI 7'i i."i.;ioii I'l li.'J 7.'' :il.7iHi '.If- 27 .'.tt" liil 7" 2.".. •'20 ;ii 20,2'2ii .'lit .■*7 .-...ViO 1.. 1 77 l."i.o"i(i 1 HI :ti.!isii lull 112 27. .'." ' i>ii 2.'i.2il(' 42 \s.r,4n M .■i, ,'.'.li Til ll.o.'iO s "._» ;il. l-'ii 01 27.. 'i'"' 77 211.10.1 I,'. 1H..S21I >l .'i, ."..".II S2 ,."..;«Ni '.1 71 .•!1. IL'll O'J 27..'« xt 7il 2ii. 100 Hi ls's2ii M .".. ."..".II 71 1 l."..o.'.o III 7;i :il.7ti'i nil '.'7 27.220 7'i 2."i.S2ll i,"i 1,-,K20 f. . ."l," 1 1 70 i.'..;«.o 11 n;-.' .-'11 .■tl.'.ISlI li'.-J "7 27,7^0 101 '12 2."i.2ll0 llii 1(2 17. OM. '..."il 11 1,*. ' 74 r,,o."ji iL* t;.-i :ii.4'.'(i Oil 2s.initi 111. 2"... MO ill 17. 1 10 ... (."HI i;ii 1 1. siMi III .',2 ;tii.:ii»i l-J 2.S.III.II 112 2 ■.2(10 ;;2 1 7 . '.'>i 1 .".. r.o 72 ll.SIHl 1 1 ,%2 ,'t '..'IIHI "7 27.7M1 ."i| 2t.«IMI 27 17.71111 .".. (."HI .".11 1 i.ii."i(i 1.1 ,%; :ti).;fii'i 111 2>.:;ti. til 2.-.. 2110 i'l 17.1211 .".. ;i."iit VI ll.MKI li; U'.j :i7 L".l. Ill'l ii;_' 1.; 2S.:i|ll ll.l .'lit 2.".. •.'1.11 Hill I'.i 17.120 I.V.I 70 .-..iiiiiil.". 1 :".0 1 L.iiNI 17 L'l ■J-.!Mll ii'.i 2.**. (Hill ."iS 2."i.2llO Hi 17.1111 . ."..'.'•'Ji 111 1 1 ..".."ill !.'< 11 L'K.IK'ill t'li 2N.ti'.'(l lilt 2.".. .Mil INI lll.Tihll ."i.2(Nl .".11 ll.ll.'iii I'.l ''l •-'7.7sti III 2.s.r.2ll 4-< 2l.7i'0 I.V.I 117) 11..V.I. , .■..l.Vi ."Ji 11,1 1:' 11 I'll li;i ii!i ■J7..MKI :« 2-.:il.> r.i 21,421: |i.o 112 ii:.: 27. 7.'*" •."kH 2.-|,-.'(10 "2 lIl.ltlNI ."..INNI 411 111, "i70 ::'. ii;i '.ii '.'7 ■.".'11 ii;i I'.s 27. 'HHl .'.;» 2l,'.i-(i 112 m.'iiN. i:.o ii'.i 4. SIHI l!l llt.SIWI ■-'1 '.«) L'''..!ini I'li 27. 2211 I.s 24.70<' INI !ti,;iMi ."..(10(1 .-.11 ll.lillll •J.*) !i:t IT. ■.'■-'11 11,% 27. 2211 HI 21. Ill' i-.'.i :,s i:. :'.oii ."l. IINI 41 l:i..".7i' ■Ji'' li.l S'_' l'i;.:mi 11. 1 II-.' 2i..'.'4ii nil H") 2;( ,'".11 l.Vl '.■'.) t. iiO .'..HI 111 17 1 .ioi:i..i."ji ■2~ 7-_» •.'."i..s-.'ii '.yj 2ii.'.l4tl 2.'i 2H,ili". IHn l.ll 1 . IIIIO ir.!i SI .".,,"..'>ll :i2 12.o-,ii ■_'.*< .^.■| 'jii.iitiii .'v"^ 2li.'.l|ii 111 22.7111 !(l 111. .son Sll .'..."i.'> :is l:;.:i..ii J'.i ^'.l •."il.'.t4" S.'. 2ii.iiiiii 24 2.f.:ii"i 10 111. Mil' s2 ."i, :U.ii .".! lii.s.iii :- 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 M„NTm.v U.S. .IAU.K of Wiunipes River at Otter Fall., for 1007 (DniiiKiii.- ;>r.-a. .">:t.i"J lUr- HMl'.K l^ SKKiNI. KkKT. KlNl>KK. Nk^mii. M;i\iiniii MiniiiDiiii. .laliuiiry KpI Timrv ■ March ... .\pnl May .Ian** . .luly AutJUHt S.'|it>iiil.i-r»i . . l).v.iiil"i- The y:ir 28,17" •."J,U«i 1!>,1H(I 1C,,7"U i;o.42l) :C.,44•' 3!l,02l) 43,9'«) 42,740 42,74') 2t'i,tl<>0 l«..".lil> 1.">.MNI 14.4(K) 14, 41 HI •J1. Ill ill :fll,;.4il :«p,;un lU.i^ui 3ii,il2il 42,1 -HI ;«i,.->4n 14,110 Mean. •Jll,l'ilii 22,NHI) 17.:i2« 14,.V.Hi ir.,2itii •j«,o:iii 32,02' 1 :il,340 37,140 42,">20 12,1*0 39,.")O0 l».| |ilh 111 pcrwi'"^*''' IIK lifKKll mil.-. ilriviliitK*' Iif«*H. ."lOil 432 327 27 f) 17 4.i 31 :!i mi .V.ll 71)1 7» «s 7« Wi2 745 '.12 •10 88 .".i,4riO (lit uslne the gauge heights recorded at the mun NoTE.--These ".""^'^Vl^inXeg^ ."du'sois? Man., together with the discharge measur. r>W'?rntA^a^'d^^;ie^^^^^^^^^ .07, and hence t1 aisoh^-^rgW^n'r =rmraPpUeron,'y for nine day. and the year pen.l . Cor days. TABLE No. 20. Monthly D.schaboe of Winnipeg River at Otter Falls, for 190S. I Dniinuj,'.' an-a, .^.:!,00l» wiuaiv iiiiWM _ l)l«llUi..K IN Skciil<' Kr.s- l>,.r ' '"!■"' .i| ,|,.^j„^ area. .laniiary Kt'liruai y . Marili April .Nlay .fun** ,Iiily. .AllKU!*t . Siptellili' 1 ()cIlll»T. Niiveniber l)tH.-enib*"r. The yejir. 40, 2iai 411, sHO :W.440 21I.1II0 :17 780 13, '.ISO 43,!I.SI1 41,-'>00 3'.i,ii:o iM.r.sii 30.3111 24,7i>o 43.080 3.'i,3llO 3l'.S20 28.4MI 27, 2411 20. 1"0 38.4110 41.."iOO 37.7M1 33. 11" :',ll.340 2.-).38() 2i.i;tio 21.ilfiO 311,8.80 :f(!.ti."ii> 31,380 i;,s.."i(io 32.I100 41.1140 42. '1.80 3'.l,.'i(10 ;<."., '."10 33,041) •2-*. 40O 23.340 34.230 0( K.:;;!iKj:r;i::%l;:'Mi:ilu.iv,-,..a.onerfa>.. H'.Ni 1 102 -)'.l'.> X\H (U.-i 781; 811 747 r,77 (123 .-^(11 440 (>4I1 lit thc'inimi ii'Usuiviiieiit ipal I" s lakiM xi.iyiTOB.i w AT f: I! row Kits 45 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TABLK Xo. 21. ifoNTlli.Y Di-i'ii \rtf;i' i.f Wiiinippir Uivor ;it Ottor FmIIs. fnr lOOO. I 1 >r;llll;tu'». aliM, ."lit.tMMI Mniill !■ unit' ) I >t-i M wii.y. IN .Skc iiMt y^y:\ MnMM .Mii\innnii Miniintiiii M.,.ii Ki \ III 1 I >f]> It III *'|ll;ir«' llK•^l(•^nn lilt-. 'IritlnaK*' 17 4.'> HH 31 3.-, m 7» AS 7H tij •10 88 .liinii.'irr Ft'ltni trv Miinl. . .April .May • hiiM- .l.ily St-pttMllU I ()l-tiil)iT . . N( iVt-MilKT llt't'emirt^r Tlic yi-ar •2!*JXI> L". :.'■>( 1 ■-'1.770 41 ir ■>» Lii.i.i'd l"_',L'sil ■-'4. ISO i.v; 4S ■-'■-', -'SI P l(i,7(KI is.s^-'o :f."i."i 11 17.:'.-.>ip i(;,i(i L'4.I4" IC.KKI •jM.:ti.(p :(,s;i 11 ■Jl.rr," ■-'I.I 1(1 ■-'4..'ii;o iii;t .'>- •.'."'. 1 '7(1 ■s.i.xm L'1,(..">0 4i;.-. .-.4 •.•.■i,07o •-':(..')•.>« L'4..->:io 4i« .•.:t L'S.V.'II •Jl.(i(p(l •.'^'.•-".«l f.'O 17 L'1,111111 l!l,4il 1 u'ii,:f:to :w4 11 •-'1,(1411 l'l.4!KI -",470 IWO i:t •J."i.(lT(i •.'1,040 L'^J.MiO li") 40 ■JS, 4'\v..i- plant city (if W'ililiiiH'tf, I'uilUf dil Hoi.*, M.»ii,, t'ijr''tlit-r with thn 'li.*.(M(<'^I -Kpiurt' iiiilf?'. I Dl-il'HAHliK IX .SkciiNM KkKT. Ri.\ Off. Kl.\-'1K(. M..XT1( M.UI,. ' l)e |.tli m \iM (in Depth ill .Miixitiiiini. Miniimuii mill-. Drainajfe inelieHcll A .rea. (liaiiia(tt ; area. • hiniiary Kel;niarV •27,210 24,140 2,\^-'i;o 477 ;>;i •2l,7C.o •-'4,140 24,^2.S0 4.W 4« so 24,140 2^-'.'.HI0 2."i,:w(i •j:(,s:io :iO,!H)(l 4.-I0 753 ."l2 7.''> .Vpril .->O,240 H4 ti,s May ,Vf,440 .■4),KMll ,')2.!<20 !l M 04 Septe.liU'r . . , L>1.(UI0 lM,.-)tl(l I'.i.C.'lO 370 41 ,•<(■. Oet'il> r . . . . lH,^2-)0 l,-i,!iOO 17.('0(( 321 37 70 Novellibei . , . . l.\.-)00 in, 4^11 11,^2.H0 270 ;to iJei.'eiiiOer 13,4.-ii 12.400 r2,',i2o 244 2S (ill .■il The year , . , . .'S1,440 12,400 •-'.s,:i(Mi .,3,1 ■(■2; Smr. -These (llsiharjfen were ulitaiiiol liy usiinr the gai'ife heijfhts ref inled at the iniiiiicipal ixmcr plant, i itv i.f Winiiij-'^, r.-int- l-i I',...-' \!»n , p.;;t'tl,pr with th- ili-i-har;.-.- iiii a---i:niiic!i*.v taken !'V I'ratt and l^^!l■<. tor the Street Kailway f"(>. at Otter falls. 46 i,i.i'\iii\ii:\i or I in: i\rt:iiit>it 4 GEORGE V. A 1914 TAUl.K N" -'•■ M„v,,„.N l),MHvm.,:,.t\Vi.,Mi,..r Klv..,. .1 Sl.u. i:>\U U. VM\. ( Draiiw.t;.- iir.a. .V.'.IMIO -m,u.ii.- mil.-,.) Ml. MM. ^ ~ Dfiitli 11 |ViKc|ii.ii<' iiulif-iii. |„iiH. Uniiiiat; IlKM. .limiiary Kfltruarv . . ■ Murcli '. . .\|>ril May .hin*'. , .Inly Aii(;ii''t . . Sfpti'IlllKT No^»'lll'l•'^ i)cci'iiiU r Thr Vfur 17,11" 14,.).'lii i:t,Xii) (•.','.tr>» i(i.rt(Hi lll.lilK) •.>."),'-tK' 2t),'.t40 •.'.■|,H2<) •jii.rHio in,:i."iO 1'_',11IH> U.TKii 11.7"" l'J,7K" Ki.KliO I'.l.l'itUI 2.'i,2l>" ■J4,14U 24.4'-'" LM.7HI) 17,!l« 11.7no 14.S2I) i:i,2H0 12."il" r.'.n'.Ki 11,77" is,;u" 22.11'Hl 2ti.i:i<) 24,.S10 2."i,'.H«" 22,'.),"i<) l',i.:«" l',l,"ti" L»s:i ;« '*').'» 27 241 2S 2:w 27 2)*4 lU ;i.'.;i Xl 41" ,M 5,:m i;i,S20 , ■-*■<< May ^{*Z 2«:W0 »1"0 ••'.' •'7- ::. km -••■•.«•-•" -^^y ^, ; •iiiiy 2s.n«(i 27,.^^ -',.(0 ,)*! .\iiKUst Sy'a,jo 27,5(m Z'.'.ll" ^'. ' Octnliei- '■m'-MO ai,70<' 32,111" i;ji N..v,.ii,l»"r ■■^■•^ 28,W10 2!t.4" I'll I tiiiiiiHKi- JUfil . ■Xi 27 2H 27 Xi :t!l 51 r>» W 4 9-* Kis Okk. Depth ill i:iri' infill*"" Diainagf avt'ii- M 14-. ft ■AM ><:r> »i7 >iii 2!tl m .•.(m; Mil IWJ "Ji7 .W) -iR;f "'.17 W) t»l H:tt; 731-) il-'7 7IK) aSri (■.52 471 l> 4411 IIKll lower iiliuit. Manitoba llyilri) t(.f tl.r i.f 191 _>, tell iiHire T le Heiui met- L tl6l 2161 Hin 1061 1061 0( 1/ I Minn I II I I III rnw I. Us 47 SESSIONAL PAPER Nc 25e ."i. K\i>ll\i. I'oVMII I'lWI^. CM II hum;.. ,/ HIrilii, li'ililiril,! Cii. The \Viiiiii|ici; KliTtrir li;iiKviiy < '..iii|iaiiv '- i|iMii.|]iiii-iit i- -itii.ili'.l >.iiiir >i\t.v liulc-- I'ri'lll WilJIlipru iMl tllr I'illilVMI iir i|l;lllllil, Tlli- •■luiMllcl is iiii i>l(l liiBll-wiitiT cliiiMiH'l •<( ~'.iiic L'."i null- III li'ii^'tli, whii'h liii- U'Ti iiii|ipiVfi| ami i- lic-iiin t'lirtluT i'iiliir«i-il. Ilic aalcl lor llif pliiiit i- tnriii''! into llic I'iiiiiWii c-haiiiii'l liv tlin-i- iliv. r-i,,ii .laiii«. tlir iiiaiii "I wliic'li .•iiii»i-t- •>( I, :::!_' iVi I .it' iiiiirri-ti-i'ii|i|ii'i| rcM'k-till ami-- iIh' main cliaiinrl. i-ninn-i'ti'il willi tin- liaiil - ■ ii litlier siili' l>.v coiMTctc s|iill\\av.. Iirinijiiiy tin- tntal linwtli to l.ii.'iO tVc' 'I' ,.i -mall •cirs iif limhcr i-riii t.vpc -pan -i nilary rjiamiil-. Tla' wat tlirmmli tln' tc.rtii.iii- Im li mI' tlic nlil liiiili-watir I'liaiiiK'l. tilt' .siimt' InivinM: liiin ilci'pi'ni'il anil |iartiall\ -traiiiliti-mil l>v .xi-avatiMii I lii- vvntiTWay. wiiilc at prf-i'iil capalilr oC i-arr.viiiL' in -iiiiiiiiiT -oinr ln.niiti - n.l-l'i'it. i- Hilly alili' in winter, on a iint .•! the ice. to il' liver alioiit Iwn-thinl- ot' tlii- aiiiouiit. lielovv llie poHiT-lion-e tile tail-raec^ |ia,. Iiciii iiiiproveil l.y ilre.liriny ami eseavatioii. rile powiT-lioiisi' i- -itiiali'il at a I" ml in the rivi r, ulnre a emiereti' ilam witli ari'lii'il -pilhvay en-iito a thirty nine toot The heailworU- are e(|nippeil with iiehri< liooni. iec-riin. >pillwiiy. trii>h-rael.- iml 1 1 yate-. 'I'lie eleetrieal unit- el' thi- plant eoiisist ot': Koiir I.ikmi U.w. and tive ::.i'ii;i U.«. r-volvim.' li. 1.1, •'■■i ..y.-le. :.'.:;n:i v. It. tliri'e phase freniTiitors, together with two Ij.'. k.w. ilireet .'urrent e\.|tc r-. The jiene- rators are eapahle ..f earryim.' a .".i pev eeiit overloa.l. uivini; in all a t..tal mitpnt of -M.iMiii k.w. ..r J^.Jliit h,.r-e-p,.w,r. When l'I.imm k.w. are availal.h' at tlii- plant lor peak loads, an additional ',>.'*"> lie .ilitai.a'd from an auxiliary -team turhine station at Winnipeg, operated hy the .-..miiany. The ele.-trie energy is transmitted to the eity .if Winnipei; at r.ii.iiHi v. .It- ..ver a •i."iniile tran-mi — ion !iiii'. ('') Cili) III \\iiiiii)i, ,1 Minn, I/, III I'luiil. I he imini'ipal [...vxer . level. . | m.-iit ..f the .-ity ..f WiiinipeL: i- -itiiat"i -..mi' sevi'iity->even miles northea-t WinnipeLr at {' .In I'.i- .. i;.. Winnipeg river. This plant eon>ist- es-eiitially of a lari-'e c.n.Tete power with retainiiii! walls and spillwav- formiie,' tli.' lli.' .iitraiiee t > whi.-li i- e.intr.dled hy a -t.ipIoL' -hiieeu.'V type of'at.'. Tw ret.. «.ir- ..r -pill .lam- .•oiitr..| tlio elevation of tli.' head-waters, and. f.i;;etlier with a i...k-till .lani. ilivert th.^ t.. the forehay for use at the powerdioii-e. This iiower e.ineentrati..|i has .'reated a Ii.m.I \aryiii;; from 11 t.. Is feet, with a pondage of seven sipian' mile- ahov.' th.- plant. Thi-;i' i- a i:reat -el .liiriir- periods of peak 'J lie devel.ipment is desigiieil an ultimate in-t.illation of I'l units, .a.'l n- sistiiiff of tw.i-runner hinh s|H.ed turliiii. - rat.-.l at ."MJim horse-povvi-r for H'. feet head, and a .'i-phase .•J.oiKi kil.iwatt ^;enerat..r, Th.. tinal in-tallatiou w.uild give 1^,(11)11 kilowatts, with tnrliims .,f a maxi ana.'itv ..f s:!.i'itil h.irsi-p.iwer. .\s ■!' tnrlune unit re.|iiires I.:.'.", i seeond-fiet uimIit ma.xiinnm output at a net hi'ad of i't feet and running at Hi-l revolnt'ons per minute, the total water re.piired woiiM I..' .'ii,(H»0 seeond-feet. plus the water tlu' two small e-ieiter units. The present installation eonsi-ts ol live general. irs ..f :',.i>'W kilowatt- .aeli and two e.xeiters of i'.")0 kilowatts eaeh, making a total ..f l."..."inii kilowatt-, an. I at a luaNi- niiini load re.piirt's T.*(«)'et. The electric energ.v is traiisiiiitte.l t.i the .ity ..f Winnipeg at IIU.IMHI vo!ts over a , TT-mile fnmsnii.ssiim lini'. hnilt on a inunieipally-.iw m .1 ln'-f....! right ..f way. The I I'ondnctors nro of alumiiiuin, supported on steel towers thniugh.iut. A duplicate line * is ii(.w under eoiisiderati'in. 48 l,i:i:iRIMt:ST of IIIK ISTEKIOK 4 GEORGE V. A. IS ,1 I^MS OK Ulsrl Ssh.N MS (ioXKUNMlM l'"Wi>' Tu-I-OSMS. T...- "... ;• '"' rv :-t;:;:;v:;:,;,' Zi':;:'w:i'« S'S.' refer in n eiises to tlic oiii'ilul <'..-.t nt aiui . ' .,. , ■ „i|., llnw 1.1 ■MHKKI MCilid-llH't, lir >wn IMiruoii mi |„ utih/.- iit .•...•h >itr. :. rejruhiul n-« "> - „„i,.;,.,,t WMti r into the I'in lively It i. i.: p..rl....c lo ii"tc tli„t .1 .. .m tin. I»m» tli.t Hn '"";,';i;"th;;ni;: ;::™;i!:- « > .-" '"•»»■ '.':"":" S;ri.fpi::;i^::"H:a^^ ,,ower-hou.e, ai.a the pov/er beuiR <.,.nsi.lere,l n^ '''"'^''^ :'""'' { -^ Transinl: elfi.Me.,ov, ha.od on the flow. ThU forms a yory '^'^''''«^;"';^ Vt" 'the ...e to v ^o.t. are'onmtea from the estimates u. it -s "^^^l^f^^^'^^Z^.^ the power at the variou. s.tes may he apphe.1 « e ' ; °';'^^; "^^^^^.^h ma paristm of the sites as they stnn.l is desired. Ihe eo.ts (riv.u :ir£;",r^,S^ ™r,";;'icrr;.,..i.»..^.ti-' .., ..o .„ heads and to meet local eonditioiis. ^ lipginni the ditTereiit site.- has heen made. 01 :. (;o\Kl!NMi:\T I'dWl.H I'llolMlsM.S. (,i) Slav<- F(i//.s Sill'. The proposed development at Slave falls eoncentratos '^ I'j; "'» "J^-I'^^f;! j bv the combination of the Slave and Ei,ht-boot fall.. The dam jns a o o^est of the falls and. eiirvin. ^--^..m thron^^n arc ^^^ * .HiS nects with the power station on the riirht hank o the ruer. '- rS ^rStt^; :,;:iZ 'rat're^i propo.ed. are 02S and . pectS^^^itS installation on whieh the estimate is J ^ prov. e. J, ^,000 horse-power turbines sufficient to provide for a ^r:"[';fZcC.Z, i %, ,ate. with a spare machine ^^ -.;;^-.;-- O- -[^ ^^^fp.: u'r.. basis, 20.00n hor.e-po^^.r wi 1 h. -•^'' (li'lml work tiux a* sri Ixiii |k,.»ilil. -..mtIiu i^ b«"«i imili."! .if 'l|M»i lit ty\< ' piniit nf llir Winiiiprt; Klntric Kuilwa.v < 'unipiiiiy mi iIh' I'iiiiiwa 'uin- iirl, it i" iluulitfiil uliilhiT iiiiv (|i'Vi|ii|iiii.iit III till' Scvi'ii Siilif'* fiillx will lif fiM-ililo iiiitil till' lliiw of till' river I'lUi lu" roKiiialiil In iit li'iwt •."',iHHi -1 coiid-fi »t, liy mpiiii:! of atoruKi' ill till' upper vviitcr>i. 'i'\w powiT aviiilnlili' iil ihi' :ill ot siti'. luiili-r inrrmr lali'd runililioii'4> t* iibuiit ll.tKxi liorav-puMrr iinij, iiii'irr p'K'iliiti^'d I'liiiiliiinii- l,^w«r. Similurly, the iiT-fimt »iti' will ri-iuliT iiMiilubU' l:i,ili^> lior.-i powi;r anil !IO,7lH> hor^e-powpr re(i|«'i'tivcly. ()■) MrArlhiii >iii\ At the lower of the two Mi'Artllur fillU, a ln'ail of 1^ fi'i'l awaits (li'vii|o|imii|it. The rivi r i» liiirr dividoil into '-vo clinniicU liy 11 lartfi' i^liinil. Tin- \ti;\ii 'al 1 lymit /fiiiisidi," of a soliil I'ljii'Ti'to wpill ay iiloiiit llie rrvft of flu' fall on thi' r'nt^it i.r muiii Hiaftncl, and a loiij/ spillway and iinlianhniiMif. iiii'liidinir iliiicrWBy iirovision, r iiiniiiu' diair aially across lli' isliiml. and coiiiiiM'tiinr uith tli<. pnwcr -tnlinn -paiiiiiiiif tli.- left cliiinm'l. I'r vision is made on tlio island for tlio fiitnrii ivn^tni-tioii or a !ork The I ■ ! ut»'r cli'valion is at prr-i'iit Hxed at ■'-'T, i,r.. hImiiiI tho lii>;hi«»t rcc..rd»*d u.iter IhVi ' ,1 ,.aP du nonin't. I'ln' tail »alfr i- | inpii~. d at ""''' ;,'ivitiix a ln'ad .if 1^ fpft. Tlif iiiil al installalioii prm idis for oltncii i',.Mli' hoii-e-powi>r tiiilfiiii'S, siitfi.'ifiit to providi' for l-.',fM<» sorii. d-ffi't at '^m sratp. with a spare tniichliif for cini'rjfcniy. t)ii a 1? i>er (•••111 otiicicnin . I'l-honr basis, Is.loii horsi'-))nvor will )»■ avaii dilc al a j-apitBl i-rt«t of ifli'l por liorse-power at thi- low li'ii^iou «« iii hlxiari' Tlif tiual instal- latioii provides for seventeen 2,.')IN) hiirse-p.iwer units on n basis ,.f ,1 211,0011 weotid-feot How aud T,") per ''eiit eftieiriiey. 'J4-lioiir jxiwer, i.i'.. of ,'1<>,"II0 --1 imwer. The eust per horse-pf developnieiif at the Du licmiii't fall- vvi!i iiltiii; iteK- cnii- cpntriito thi-re a head of r.-i foet, madi! mp -f the (i;.ii!l w. \ Little dn Buniift falls, and the Wlnlemnii fulls. The latter will be added i,.\ bla--^iL'- out the rock bridiie over which the present full takes place. '11 ■ dam. (Mnsistiuvf of einiiankmeiit. spill- ay sc'tioiis. leaves the left bank and (Tii>si,. the river ai the brink of iiiiet falls, connoctiiiK vvitli th.> power statioii which parallel- 'he riiiht til.- pitch. Ice slnices and < nibankmen; nincct the p,>u. r st.ili ai .ii n the -'.'j! * bank. I'rovisn.n is made , future locka^re fa '''ties way ami sluic the Little du i shore line bel with the hii-'li '111 Ihi- bink. f The iicail 'vatc: rlev 11.011 iias been ti.xed at 8(IS. with the tail-water at 7'' lirc- 4 .io ,- to the h I -iuK o'lt of the Whitcmnd falls, and I').! subsciiiient thereto. This ;sectirps a head of 40 feet for the preliniinary. and .'I'l feet for the final installation. The initial iii.-tallatioii is tiLnired oii sevi-n lO.iHK) |,iirse-|iiiw.r turbine iinil-. uti iziiijj 12.:hiO second-feet at '^io pate and 4li-foot head. This on the same basis as iwt oat bovri, dl render a\ailalilo 47.100 horse-power at a capital cost of .*70.4O per l>'ii'ii ittl,- low tension switi-liboard. An intermediate installation, comprisinir 1l' units ,inil pr VI ring- capacity fi-r -'i.iHHi sepond-fci't at Hi-foot (pad, and l>roducin_' 7--.7iii> ;, .; -, -j,,-," -r lias aiso iieen .-1 iiiaied. Tlie i'ii>l o! liie power 1 file su itchboiird '"■■ '■ intermediate installation is *()'*.i)i> per horse-iiower. 'I'lio liioi in.stallntion coi 2.5e— 4 50 inj'MnvKyr or rut: imkrwr 4 GEORGE V, A. 1! of $70.70 per hor..-p..w.T on the switchboard. (r) I'iiir Fall-< Sil<\ Th,. .•i„. m: *v,.i.,-™, .;^i -:t::';,*;,r"i;':i» rxir. Silver t.ll.. Bin.iB . l««l "I •'\'" ■,.'„,,;''.,„ i,,,, MA <■■'<«' ' ~"'».»»li" ,i» d.». Tho ,...,.r >'"";:■ ^,x:' 1 V ; ., :, fLiiiti,. ™. .i.i. b..*. . .H.„n.l-foo. at --f- ;'-;•„;;-' ;;^.j::,;on the. wi,,0.hoar.l. The finalins. hourha... at a " ^ f ^ ^^.^.'/.J^ „,k1 ron.lors avaih,hlo. o„ tho above bas.s. tion proVMlos for J ...HO ^^^^ ^^^^^ „„ ,,,, .witohboanl. horse-power at a fos* ot !i-,it..i> p< r n t. ' i power house. .liapra.n. on plates Kr. f» and Xo. 10 as .atin^r :;^,hS — ^ :::o deve,of , ana nndevelopea power cond,. n. the rlv;r under n„re«uh,ted and re.nlated r.ver flow. 0< E V. A. 1914 I feet nt 50- ,d falls. On ble at a cr,»i UAMTimA WArER^yu^VERS SI SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e ho Pine and le river from iitinuatiun of left br ik, bv s bank. , rcsiiei'tively. year to year t been finally ire eonsidered louf of IL'.OOO (•tlii'ii'iiey, il- final installa- , b:.sis. fi^.lirt X X \i:i i'"|"i"-'(i .1 II IVKR. d, of the Win- lonod power is ^o>^t per borse- cbboard in the fo. M as illus- mdit- ns alonj; y, £. H<^=i ''i '■'i''~ ».' X X X X X X -•fl - T I y. I - r . I . I '•■'II Ufi?;;Tl.;i-,,U .1 'IKAv-pn [_ I II .11.1 Ml'H iuv« !,>•.. II .-. /- r- I,- / c r^ r. X i' ' 7 i - ti ^• ■jr. 25e— 4i ' — S — fcj •■ i "* Ill I *2 ItHI-iinMKST Of lllh: ISVKmoR 4 GEORGE V, A, 191 9.- I'l TiiiK KciiXdMic Vm.i i: lib- TiiK WiSNiriTi RivKR Powers. With reprard to the future eoonomie value of the powers of the Winnipeg rive on.. couM not d<, l„.ttt'r than quote from a report made to the Department of th Infrior ... SeptrmU-r, lf>ll. by Mr. J. R. Freeman, one of the consultin.? engineer •.'tamod b,v tho department for advice in connection with water-power matters. Mi r reenian says : — • ' ^■'■■•»"|'>ll '»,,! C.nsrrnilwi,. -\y\n\f. w:itri-i".Wer u, rtunities o.i th W .nn.,,eK river may have a very few years ap:o appeared so far beyond possibl use that onhnary economics were unnecessary, it is. I l)elicve. plain to-da beyond ser.ous question that all of the remai.iinp orportmiities for power shouli l.e carefully conserved and only developed un.lcr such conditions as will i,„ necessitate any great waste or the impairment of remaining opportunities. Sundry remarkable electro-chemical have been very recontl' invented, which promise to be of great future benefit to agrie.ilture'and othe arts. I'crt.h/er for farmers' use is now liei.ig successfullv made by electrieif f.-..n. tlie i,it.-ogen of the air. and great water-powers in Norway are .low bei.ii deve oihmI for these purposes in addition to those already in use, and rccen develnpmcnts have also been made of similar processes not far from the southerr boundary of Tanada. ■ The great uses of li.vdro-electric power at Niagara falls and at the Sault for m.iking aluminum, carbide for gas lighti.ig. bleaching powders, caustic soda and sundry other important products, were unknown onlv a few vears ago l.idp(d. ,t may be sai.l that every one of the electro-chemical processes no« located at Niairara falls has been invented since the first of the large hydro electr..' powcr st.itions was built at that point, ft is idle to sav that the er.i ot important electro-chemical invc.tion is yet more than begun and, with the niauy able .uvotmators no'v earnestly workin- on these lines in manv part' of tbe worl.l. great additional discoveries and commercial developments in the iipiilication of cheap electric power are almost sure to come, particularlv in metallurgy, or the reduction of ores. 'Th,' II /„,,,;„..,, MarWt now Full,, Sum'U.d.-Thc city of Winniix.g will so..n b.-ivc all th,. power that it needs for publi<. service corporation and for any conccivab.c manufacturing purposes likely to locate in or near the citv for per- hap- a score of years to come, from the railway c, mpany's phu.t already in use and to-day understood to be deliverinL' about S2.(m horse-power and from the .ie«- municipal -electric power plant at I'ointe di, Bois, now nearing com- pletion, with a first installation of 2fi,0()0 hor^e-power. and with works planned to be extendeil to more tlum three times that caiiacjty. i,v. l-u?r ^'"'"' '"■" '1.'""', "'" '"" '■'''"''■«' "^' 'l"'i^-'^''i''? to Winnipeix uiore than l(K.,.. very much a- water-power wa. the basis for c-e.tlnc. vears airo. the e>t,e. of r.owcl.. r.:..wrence. Manchester. FTolvoke. Tiellowa Fall- and a- in re.vnf years, u bas broui-ht tosether hundreds of new homes at Niagara Falls Shawiii.gan Falls and at the Sault. ■ We ea.inot to-d.y ..y what !bc line ..( ,r,anofactt:!-c mav be. f^,- the elect,,cn.ical arts are stil! in a st:,te of ferment and creation. Tt has PUATl 9 f.~.i' thp It. hns nu Bonnet q 8«600 MP LieCNo Dkvklopbd Powkn UNDCVCLorcD Power ' I ToTALPOWrR CAPACITV or W,NN,.ca P.V«b w,-r„ov;T ntsULATlo F.OW ^37000 H P Amount diviloho to oat. 47.300 h P PO W E PS DIAGRAM SHOWIN« THE DEVELOPED AND UNDEVELCPED AT THE VARIOUS SITES ON TMC WINNIPEG RIVER Note Bfl-sed on Lhc-.:nrcguiated |io.> ^^ .^ooo Spc Ftw.Ch undevelcpe. considered ot 75^6 «^f with 24 hr power d fcitee Dec 11'^ 1913 PLATtlO Ol'So 44AO0 H.P LiscND' Dew LO^BD Power UnoivilopidPowcr 1 ] T0TAL»0WeH C^^AC'TY Of WiNNlPC* RlVf* WiTM RKftUI-ATeO FLOW 4 O 9."7 O O h.P Amount dcvclopio to oatc ... 47.300 H.R GRAM owiNa THE DEVELOPED AND UNOEVELOPtD POWERS AT THt VARIOUS SITES ON THK WINNIPEG RIVER NoTe Based on » re^uloted flow of aojOOO S»c Ft win jndev«loped sites considered at 75%ejf with 24 hr power D*' "'^- '«'» 01 UAMIimA WATKR-I'OWEKS 53 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25* already been demonstrated that liv ele<'trie !^nipltiii)r, steel for the raauufaetnre of tools can be made haviiiv' a (lualit.v mid value ditrunilt to obtain otherwise. Fertilizer, in the form of artitii'ial saltpetre, is l)einK i>ro earhide. iMrlH>rundiiiu, alum- inum and numerous other useful products are beiiut nindc by electro-chemical means in great (luantit.v at Niagara and elsewhere, and sooner or later the time will come when fertilizers will not he scorned by the farmers of the Canadian Northwest. There is promise of new metallurgli'al processes for which elec- tricity is a necessity, and the price per pound of several of these products is such that they could stand a considerable cost of freighting to their markets, and such that a power capable of being developed in so vast quantity at one point and at so low a cost per horse-power as appears pracfi<'able at thrive nt the sites along the Winnipeg river, will surely be very .ittractive.' ' Thexe Xi'w Indiistrii'x miixt Lornli- (^Insc to tlie Wdti r /■'«//. -These elec- tro-chemical processes, when carried '.n in the large commercial way. demand that the work be done close to the point where the power is generated, for two reasons: First, because although the air-saltpetre process uses altertuititig (Mir- rent, most electro-chemiiiil proci^-ses ri'ipiire the direct ctirrent iit low voltage which cannot be transmitted to great distances with anything like the facility of alternating current; and second, beca\ise, in order to attract these processes, it is necessary that the cost per horse-jiower be the very lowost and not over- loaded by the cost of long transmission lines or the percentage of power neces- sarily lost in such transmission. ' Wherever a new iridustiial centre, with some hinulred- of homes, can be estal)lished in the wilderness within a hundred miles of Winnipeg, it will add to Winnipeg's prosperity in a degree but little less than if located within it- borders, and will add to the prosperity of the iirovince by fhi' new opportunitic..; that it brings for employment, the diversity that it adds to its l)usiness inti're>i< and by the mone.v that it will put inrr eircul; tion. It is plain that man.y of the recent power developments made in various parts of America, from which the power is transmitted long distances ti- displace steam power in populous cen- tres, results in putting a much larger number of men out of work than it set'^ at work. Such a development is of less benefit to the country than the early water-power developments which are used locally in ideating the cities already named, in building huiulreds of new homes and in setting thousands of men working at new opportunities.' ^^-'^ .J^ Jgl^, 0( :S*ifi s«pr-.3o 1913 C1063 StBf^r-wm itnfFr*. V\*nrj|i-i*^ijK'wt^r 'oil) Ir,! (-''>««>' ^Iciot. ! i 1 1 ^t-'lMr. r^ ; f . . - ■ ^C o'-.-.^L......' • isV' Au^. 1913 B ^H c 1 --'-^ -■ '""-I'- ■ -MS*. n j»^^..... , ^ ..^-. 1 II^^^^^^^^^K IHI^^ > . : '. . '■'• ••S ' Wtm,r|.c<} ^,v^r-,p,y^„^ , .^,^f L-^ lESf.'^IWkr VW.5*. . sKo - ^ir-o TjilroCP '-wT.'* " f ■;; : ,-4. 01 June I*' '"iii C.65S I f ^ t f § i ^,rvawa Chanr^l I Ju.%« 28 1^1 c 38 c.esa Sep.l-'XS drn '.JO, r-P"-^M 01 mHi^ Sep- e.'' 1915, J ' ■ . 1 _^- Eat J«^' 5e(.'' 0'" i')iii B^ 0> 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. 1914 WATtLR-POWERS OF MANIIOBA ciiA i'^ri:i{ IV lilVKHS IN SOITHKKN POUTION OF MANiTOlU fi] i 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. 1914 ■ i ("HAJTKH IV. KIVERS IN SOI TIIKRX I'OU'llON oi MANITOBA. WlllTIMiM 111 IJu Kii. A. — UMATIIiV, The Whiteiiincth river, mi- plate N.i. 11, lui^ its .ioune in Whiteiiioiitli Like. «liieh i^ lecatwi in tlie •>..iitheii«iterl,v piirt "f the pr.ivinee i.i' .Muriitnba. The j;r'iieral iliree- ti.'n <,f the rjver i> iiorth nnrrow ;uiil ni .stly liroken up in fiirni lainU. uhilo tin- iippiT -o.ti. . spremls out and is jiart of what is known as ili,. .Inljiw tiiii,!;i.^r. C. HKIi \M) l(\Mv~. Tiie I.eil o the ri\.T oMi,-i-t- alino-t enlire'y of I.oiiM.t ehi>. » ilh out crops of rock in the lower reaehes. eros-inL' the river at ri^'lif anu-le-. Tlie-i- roi-i< oiti-rops .|o not aii'car heil elexation on, , pt in the vi inity of \Vhi!e!no,irh falls r.r till mouth uf the ri\er. The l-nik- tin-onirhout. with the ahove exeeption. ;ire ivun- poseil of a -aie!.\ elay. ai,.l <■'.-• t- ,i hi-ejhl of approximately .".U feel. In -ane h.eali- ties this hei.;lit is reac'lie I 1.^ a .pii,k >I..,.o fr m the w:;ter",~ .■(|._'r, ui.ih' in ,,ihrr~ the slope is more f.'i,iilii,al, riiniiiii::' l.ael; for a .li-l o;oo of pm fi of. II.- -iiMin:!! A\ii vi;(a:;'\ iios. JoT ,1 (lislanee of ahout two mile-- frnn tlie month of the river there i- a larse aiiioinit ,.f valnahle st.aiiilin:;' timber, ineluilinu' oak. sprm-e and poiilar, hnl as its <'oiirs,- i> f..l|,. ved southward it is found thai the laml has |,o,.;, leared .-tf. ii;irtly hy lire and partly hy the etTorls of the settlers m l.reakiinr up the land for fanninir I'nr- poseb. s(i that only oceasioiial elnmps of i>oplai'. a-h and elm ai-e ene.iiiiitend. Thioin-h oiit the upper reaehes of the river the land i^ inoj-tly eovered willi .-m.ili tamaraek. -prni-o and -onih. K. HI \-olK. Ill) fiai)ifiill.' Vr< u\ the meti>orolnKneal reports at Oakhank. to the we-.t of the 'IraiiniL'e basin, ami at Kenora to the east, .■.xtendinsr over a peri-id of i'l' and '.* yi-ars. resj e-tively. it is found that the mean annual precipitation for the secti..n of the i-onntry covered by the dralnajre are.-i is approxinnitely -Jl inches. lo) Disrhdi;,,. .l/.,,-»o h/.v, \ ineti^riuL' station wa- established on tin' river at thi> town of Whitcniouth. hy the M.mitobi Ilyilrci-jraphi'- Survey, in May of the year 1012. Duriiur the years of 1912-1.". there havi- been twelve disrhnrB-e measnre- niciits made at this station, the ri>sults of whii-h are --hown in table Xo. 2.". Daily i.'au(.'e lieiuht records have also iM'en kept at this point, and these, with their .■is-iinied daily dischar^fes, ar«- tabulated in tables \o. 2(1 ami \o. 27. 63 64 iii:i'\i!i \n.\i lit nil. iMh.moH 4 GEORGE V, A. 191 I . I'oWKIi ^1 iivi;\ . A reL-(.nniii««nii<'e sune.v of tlic river frciii tlii' iiioulli up lo tW IM'.H. .-rossiiiK the t-.wii of Wliitenioutli was in:i.l.' I.y the Muiiitoh.i II.v.lro«raphw Survey iii .luiie the (ireseiit year. C. IMiUKll I'lisslBlI.lTIKS. The r.c.imaisrianee I.r..tile on plat,. No. Ma of the power Mirvey, >how> the aiffe eiice in elevation fr'//, \o ?. -About three milo.s below the town of Wliit.Mrioulh a head of appro; malelv u'O U-vt is obtainable, the liik'h banks leudiu- themselves to snec'essfill devch meiit williout tlondinp any (■(msideralile area of valuabl.> land. 11. — WATKlt-POU in. Base,! ,.n the estimates „f How for the y.-ar eudiuL' O.^tob-.r :tl. HMP.. the folio intr table -ives the pov^-er available per foot head at an -'O per eent eHien-ney. anK (•■'"Kll \t SO rKU I KM KKHClKNrV, H^'iut ill l'''-*t. Miiiitniiiii Hiiw 25 SI'.. It. Kluw UHl ..•<■. ft. I'l iii«l Miiv tu Dilc.Ur. 1 III 20 '.ID :mi ISO TAB!.?: No. 25. DlWllAUOK MkvsI IlKMKNTfi of Whit. Mlth Ki^er at Whitemoutli, 1912- i:j. Mate. ll,villoKr.l|ilii r. litI2 M;iv L>'.1 i;. II. r.iinii illll .1.111.- --'Il . .lulvlH .luh 1.-. '.1 W. 1., W-.r. l.'Il S.|.l. :! oit. r> 1! II. NMsi n I'.ii:!. .\. fill.- .\l.r. IS M:o '1 .■-.-l.t. ■2\ 1 ;, i-.lin. 1 W, ,1, lol;. CO .\1I.M 1.1. • I,, in. ■i-iir i 111" lit. I.-M Wi.ltli. .\li;i .it ,,-.ti..ll. 1.1.. city. lii.ii.'lit Fcit . S.]. II. Kt. |..-i S»T. tv,. US? ii;'_' '.I'.tll .'. •J 'Jll 1 sr, Il.s- I.M 1 ;•.>•.• 1 1 "7 1 ■J IS ns7 lis: iTws r. 7fi :' S.^lS t 1 •! 1 1 ■ it lis :t 711 IIST 11!! 7 ii'.f.i i; 1 Itii lis: lis; ll'i 7 17-' II S'Cl 11 tt;!i> s 1 r,\, :i 7-i 4 4X Itl.'l 11. si; no o I.M " |ss i; 1 1.-. 1 11.^ 1 L'-i :t '..".I lisil ri " 7:i-.' t 1 :is 1 II -.'1 1 i:c. ! i:; II |;!i. 11 .')7s 11 o IW 11 :iii 1 '.I.-. 1 II II dm SSta * (»».*TCll Itll of 2.1:1 i.' - » •; 5 ,', i: t; s £ 2 ;♦ V 7. X — ■♦).-•. :^M^y x; t 'i- r. ,-.,'. i', :: V ?; V V .-" s J. • S i « Vi i i .■? f. i : i.' i § ? . - f». •/' •- 1 » s » " — i i£ - — « i -l » 3 I 7 v' ,=*• t T •; i T .- r ; X ' -■« :r -.- — r .? t ? " -• ^ -^^"'*'"'"'"l*l~l"tTt?l?l?(TI?ttl?'?l*i"l"lti"i?l?iTttlTiTi:^ •n,l ..—5 I 36 /.; /'I/.-; 1/M / '. 5 II. Ii- li.iiif. Ill, <..'.k- hi- ' ..'ii;' "I- II,, ^M .Ik..,-., ll..,4l,i >l,..m. 11. .J.- .l.u.K.. H-'.l" '■''■"■ l.ii i s.,' re Ml It \-.' I.: \i i:i i: I'l •_Hl 21 21 3\ I .>4 |\,i, .s. , II. {•■•t. I :ii I I.' I II I'.. I r,.i I It I K'. 1 II ;i x\ ;( T> :i '.'I .1 ir. ■1 I't .t 1- :l (III :. II ■.MIH •i-.-..l :i iHi ■> ij •.'1.17 _. .,.. .*i ^'j •JNT.t U 'Ml 11 •-'.■' :iu» •J '.l| .■, f* .i;."'.". 2 'A 1 'II) ••:i*' - i*^ 1 ^'^ ■•J7 1 'J Ml 1 -1' '•;:i:i - Til 1 T'l ■jl'.it •J il'J :i '.".I IJM 'J 1'- 't "-*• 1 ■."_'^ •.' "« 1 V'."* :i ■.'_' i-Vi'i ■2 i:i :i v'l rjii-. L' l.'i ;l 4'-. 1 ;»■.■_' •-' l"i :i :.'.i 1 iiii •J i:i :< i;i; 1 I'l" ■.: 11 :i 71' 1 ■".•„"." 'J ;i!i I *,""J J M.'i '> t ■ .1 Til i:.Ii. •; ;i'. :i i;j 1 |i-.:i •J :ti :( Ml i:i->- •_• :ui w 1 \ / ;<)/( I II I , / /,' /■111! / /,"> 67 E^SIONAL PAPER No. 25 1 1 1 1-. 1 1 .'1. 1 •* .*iH^ .'i^H •J ."..1 ._. ,., ■J ;ui 7'. 7 7:s.'i 1 :ni 1 :it 1 ■-'. ; I'l l:i.-( I'.'" Ill .' ii:t M' •i:i ir, .I'm iiSil ;(.-|l 1 ill 1 •_'!, i 'I'l ' ."s lL'.« till 11 1 '' - Xi Iki!) - :'* **'' , j^ lit ■>.; :ii!i 1 .1,. I'l. i"i.> tin;.- : Ti I'l 7' 1 ' ii.i, 1 •-•■.' 1 !~ >i| T'l 7) j.^i* 1 ill l'}l 11' 11117 '.1 ■► 111 7ii;i •J (Hi ('.•, i 11 >~ il.l _"i 1 ." 1 1 ■(> iiii: In •1 :r. ll."'L* ■_' tm r> 1 11 S'' li.s L't'j 1 |tt |nl • 11 •_• ■Si ■,7-> :.' "»"» i7'' 1 i"< -• 7!i 'J'.Kt t '.'• Ml.ul I-.' 'J 1- • l.'l ? \" 'i:i 1 I'M -- I''.' '-'II- KHIl l:l ■_' •Jl ."llr'J 'J 7** '11 1 1 III '-■J I.M ■11- r -'- 'I'l! ■i(ip II I', J 17 IH .".;17 47!i :f In IIIHI 1 i:tJ 1 11.' 1 HI L'll' .iL'i; 1^ I'HI llil, :i Hi -Ti' !•. •1 •IH I7!l ;t jii IJM •-• -'.•1 ."ir."i I'i ll.ll .{ I'^t H*_*,'i 17 1 ■""^ ;iM ■_• Ml li.:;; •-' I.'.' sj;, ;;s l.l> ii *''A T'.KI i . 1 1 Mi 71 'J'll ■} i.i ''.'.'1 '-. '"'' ''Il ||. I'l.l :'"1 ■* '•» 'I'l ''' 1 "If UNI -' .M 771 ,».".n .'1 1-. ■J >( 1 , - 1 1; Jt 1 t.> L'lj I' .11 ; 1 ..'> ■_' !.:; -il ." 1 17'; " ^^ 1 I'l ■J'-' 1 (i7 *.M7 L' '-'" .'• li •J .'.l 771 1 -.11 17-' ■' "^ 711' 'J'.' 1 )•'! •.1W ',' L'»i .'.,')<■' •-' l« I-. Il '> .» — i;!iii .'1 1 1 •-111 17!' •J 1.1 .•'11 47'.) •-' III 1.71 1 II. I'iii II." > 7" 117^ -ti I til li;i 1 m. I'lJ •- ;■> ii71 1 f-' It'i :; *'iM 1 ;.■.■: r.;i'i ■> 1 1 1 .-.' 1 '.'.1 .■;i:t •.'Hi i' ['1 lilt 1 .*ii'-J 1 1.1 II 1 'J III. I' M 1? .V. -■' 1 I't L.*i I i.> •Jl.' ■-' iH .".1 1 .!.■* l..» ■_' ;».i * i'..'l t .'Jt 1 ^._» :il:i 1 •'■' I'l" •J 1-. ".11.". 1 .'ili !:ii '-* M Iill7 .11 1 . 1 isi, •-' 11 •MS ■J .it; ■..-'.• .-.J 1 p MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2; 1.0 I.I ,■■ 13.2 m 2.2 1 2.0 1.8 1-25 IIIIII.4 1.6 A APPLIED IN/MGE In ^— _ ■6'i5 Eisl Mq'I Sl'cet S r^ »cc^^este'. \ew 'cru 1*609 USA '^^ ; ''6; ..8^ - C5,0 - Phone ^= (.'16) 288 - ^1989 - Fa« 68 hi.i-\in\nM III- I hi: isikhior TlIK BlKlKKMIEAD RlVKll. A. — 1."( ATIDN. 4 GEORGE V. A. 191J The I5rnk..„hea.l river (so. N... 11) flow, into the ^f^'^'^'^J^^ ^^^ lako Vinni,,,... It ,lrai„s . Uu, n.rrow .,rip of lan.l .-■"-' J- «■-";> H''^^'^ of th.. \Vinni,.L' and Whifrnoutl, rive.> on the ea.t. nw\ the \M ruer on the wt.t. n. - HIV i:i! in^i\. rU.- drainage area of the river i. UV) s,,uare n.ilos, it, ^-reat.-^t w.a.l, benur t«en . •■ nd its lentrth. from mouth to head-waters .eventy-hve ,mUs. The «reat, ow-lvint' and marslij Umd, tho.n.'li alnntf th<> baul and the lat two miles part of this area is a certain amount of reuhimatio IS broken up for farminR purposes ill the uiiper liasin of llie river mu or .■'■llivated until some system of drainage has been earned out iieli of the land is swampy and c.innot be settli c- ia;ii A\o ii\M<--. Th. bed and banks of the river a- composed of sandy elay. intermixed in sot se -I ions with larsre boulders. ^i i „ i f ,i,„ -tm" The banks, as a sencral rule, are low-lyinsr, an shown in table So. 2S Dailv .auKe height records have aUo been kept at the metering ^ "t.on and th. with their estimated dailv discharges, are shown it. tables ?.o. 2fl and ^o. -W. i:. -rnwKii i-ossinrt.lTiKS. There has been no survey work done on this river with the view to loj^^ting jxv .,te. and it is doubtful, considering the nature of the county' through which t flc i here are anv such on the river. If any should be located, the development of lliliewould necessarily be for operation only the ^.- ---• - >* ^^ ^ found that How is liable to be completely cut off during the wnter '"';';'• The fall in the river from the village of Su.not to lake W m.upeg, a d.stan<< approximately forty miles, is seventy-two feet, or 1-8 feet per mile. K. — \vatkk-i'()\vi;r. During the vear ending October 31, 1!>K!. it will be seen from the discharge tal that The flow wa's entirely cut of! dnrin.- the months of January, lebruary and Ma wiS the extremely low 'estimatcl flow of 10 second-feet in December. Taking account these conditions. ,t is found necessary to ba.c any conpula.ons a= t.. .o ^. A. 19U section of watershed?^ ;he west. uir tweiity- "ho (jroater f the river id the hind t be settled i>.l in some tlie ritrenm i(>an annual in the river •raphic Sur le. lit stages ot n and these. I. .TO. ;ating power lieh it flow?, iment of thr ? it has been s. I distanee "'■ harse table- • and Mare'i TakiiiK int , ;i3 tr. r,va;i Z"-^ Mo yy !9ii 70 iti ruriMLM III nil. isiKHinii 4 GEORGE v., A. 1< al.le uiitcr-ii'i^tT uu the .-itiiniitos of tlow for a i.artiul yoar, as ii.i cuiitimu.u, ..["Tat woul.l have li.'cii possible on this river .luring the ahove period. Ha-ed on the estimates of How for the v.i^r endine Oetoher :!1. l!ti:i. the follow tabic sives the power available per foot head nt an SO per cent ettieienev. and is e. ,,ute.l on the lowest monthly mean flow (•*!) seeond-feet), f..r the period of seven mo, from .\i)ril to October. This estimated power only relates to the period as ul stated :— H'iiil ill K>et. KvriMATKI. HoK-K loWEK AT 80 I'KIl .KNT KkHMRXM Flow H9 wo. ft. IVrio 1 .Vpril to Oct. I 10 20 8 80 lAU TABLE No. 28. DlsciWROK Measi REMKXTS of Bfokenhead River at Sinnot, for 1912-1:5. nate. Ilv'lrouraiiln 1 X,, '*"""• B.ctionn. velocity. lici(?lit. ih I'.ll:.'. M.iy30 .. .Tuiu' 20. . . July 15 . . . AiiK- !».. Sept. :i.... Oct. l."> ... iStia .Ian. 21 April 1!> May 9... Au(f. 15 . . iSepl. 27 li. H. Hurnli.iiii. \V. C K. H. Wordii Nelson Keet. .S 1 81 11H7 8<> 136 42 1 21 1187 . 87 i l«i 52 1 .'■4 11811 7B 1 1 341 1 1 I 39 3 18 fJ."Ebn»i' ^;:^; I }1*Q . \V. .1. Irelan.l \^. C. O. Allen i '*»•» 89 85 82-, 80 298 228 224 15ft i 1-50 I 1 16 1 98 .">6 2 98 2 14 2 23 1 40 * River frown to lot torn. i/.i\/'f"/(.i ]viif:nfowf:iift 71 : v., A. 1914 us .ipcratii'U lie following' 1111(1 is com- icvoii months lod as iiliovo SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Kkhiikxi \. 912-13. fianifr Di^'- lii-i(?lit. I liartrf. Vr,t. i-.v.-ft. 3 7n •-'••■• 1 !t4 1H8 181 )73 1-21 •">« ;! 18 474 ^ ggggisss^ug^iaSsSiiiiiSV;?? 0* 298 447 2 14 2I!4 2 28 219 I 4<) 87 3S 2 S _• r-r:,":,= 5 5."s?5 5r-5 3S.^5 5'-2S?.?,5 5?.H3S ?^1 ■?! Tl ?l Tl tl tl ?I M r» Tl ."» ?1 ■ ItlTlTiM?! — — ?tM-t*l?l?l -I i .J = - "J r 1' 5 = X -5 T ~ " '-' * £ "^ " i :; ~ c ,^ r"* " .'^ i' ?i '— " -1 33 -J <1 5 Q a < r 5 '2 fi -2 .'? ~ ,^ 5 5 5 S ?:' ?i ?i — 5 £ rT ? 5: n 5 •; .^ c 5 5 5 ^ S V ?:;'.« :c r^. r. ««"« M ^; ^: ^ ^ ^ 5*5 ?» 7< •*?< 2^ -' •»-> •• "* **^ •' i ; 4 i^s^li^liSuusSBIIi^liiHiirt^iai^aSSr: .9' I -a i ?'.;-5«555s575Jf?25 = S2f.?.i=ti^T?,?,S£5 *: •]; 4^ ^ -r TC « ?1 11 ?l N ft — ?J ?I ^ ^ C - 3 •. -■ * ?■ — 5; S S .- .- 5% •* ^B i: X Z t - 1* t - 1- j£ 5e S! 51 i -^ t- X t- X I- 3 .i o .r: . r t- 1- w as r ?. x r- i ^ : . ; ; : :|3i w r «M ^5iir^eggi^«a2-^^^« ■*»»(I j '-«"-"o--»'-^» ==223S2tr52?i5?!S?;??SiiSSS = 72 in:vARTiit:}iT of iHt: ISTKHIOR 4 GEORGE V. A 191 V I > £Z-i11Vi , j-ti J fi?,i:r;SiS?,P.*'5?*5i5r.i5;'ir:r-35.^..^;rS;»?:."* I =U !• ■ ■ -1-1-. __„. -. r. ?ti, i5 _■ 5 s '5 S J ?. ?. 7 r: X i S S 's i ?■ ?- ii f- 2 5 '■ . .t V - * s « ?. I ^ s:::i2==2=^*:;:;2=="|Sgg|ggagg3aS5SS§ 1 : ! a No. 30. Brukenhc •** ABLE HARGE, H u Si I ^ gf St »!5Sf.?.?.S5s£fe5.5^r-:^*5S?,2£S?.2r:f- 2.5? I i f4r;;ijiri»)ri'.N — i-i- — NN^ — — — — — '"-- — -- — — '-"*--- Sj: J .^ .-! i* f -r ^- X 5= ^ -^ I •9^«0 -^'=^-^'-'=^^«=^-2;;-:'2::;2^U22?iwl3?i=^i^iS^252-^;? MAMTUItA W AU:H ftlWKHH 73 ESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TllK KusKM HiMlt. A. — LOfATIllN. Tho Kospiiu river is tlu IutkcM tril)iit:ir.v eiitoriii- tli.' l!oiiifc' to the west of tlic Lalic of tho \Vn<,. and it joins the Ked river apiiroximutely ten miles north of >ame. The geuerul direction of the river is northwest, and simihir to the Kod river it- course is very wimlin^' throughout its length. I 11.- llIMJt II.VSIN. The drainage basin of the river coverw nn area of 19-iT square miles, KUtT of which are in the Slate of .Minnesota, the bnlnnce, S(tO. beinir in Manitoba. The greater part of this area is flat land, that in tin' upper reaches beinff such that it was impossible to cnltivate the same wifh.iit artiticial drainaire. In connec- tion -.vith this worii, forty miles of the npper sertion of the river in Minnesota has been straightened and widened to ei;:hty feet, ami the land op either side for a con- siderable distance drained into same, with ditchi- spaced one mile apart. The effect of thi- ilrainaue i- shown in the lower re-.u-hes of the river by the rapid rise aiiparent diirinir times of heavy rainfall. i". — nrt) VM) Banks. The course of the river from its source to its mouth lies through level country, with no iierceptiblo valley of any extent. The banks cut sharply down from the prairie level to the bed of the stream. The nature of these banks is stated to be invariably a heavy clay, which material also forms the l)ed of the river. The height of these banks varies from ten to twelve feet. D. — TIMBER AND VKOETATIO.V. A large percentage of the land throughout the drainage basin of the ri\er in the province of Manitoba is cultivated, and there is a very small amount of standiiiL' firaler. What there is consists mostly of small elm, ash and oak, very little of which is large enough to have commercial value e.tcept as firewood. :*S E. — SETTLEMENTS. In the course of the river throiich Manitoba, three settlements are met with. The first located close to the head-waters is the villasre of Spragiie on the ■Ridgeville branch "f the C.N.R. The second is Stuartburn, on the same line of railroad. The third is Hominion City, located at the crossing of the f.F.R., Emerson branch. These vil- l.ifres are .-ill small, the larfrest being Dominion City, with a po]mlation of about two hundred. F. — Ri:X-OFF. (a) A'am/oW.— From rainfall records of the northern part of Minnesota covering a period of thirty years and at Oak Hank, to the north of the drainage area, covering a period of twcnty-two years, it is found thai the mean annual preci|iitation in the watershed of the Roseau is 22 inches. (h) Discharge Mraninmcnts.—h. metering station was established on th- ivnr at Dominion City by the Manitoba Hydrographic Survey in May, of 1912. ring tne .-uranier of llnil year and the winter of 1012-1.3, nine discharge measurement were tiinde. the results if which are shown in table No. 31. 74 nii'Minn.M i>r iiii: i.Mtiumu 4 GEORGE. V, A. 1914 Tliis stutiuii was alnii..lo„..,l .liiriiii; tlx' ^prinff •■( il.- pr.'^.'-.l t„ .■^.■,.,,0 th, ..tlect.s of b;..'kw;,tcr irmn m .Inrn pla.-.M Lcl-u thv n. rii.t' htIkm. l.v tho ( .1 .K.. to, \vaU'r-su|i|il,v iiuriiosi-s. . , .,, , In April of l!»i:i thr >M>U' Mirvv ..>ti,l,li>h.'.l a nu.t^TM,..' -tnliuu on la.k-.rviUe. irutii.' bri.k'e. about tw<'ut.v-tive n.ilo. up>tr..ani from Uonmno,, City, an.l ob-.Tvations inolu.linp daily puij-'c hriubt an.l ai,.har^'o n...a...ron.,-nfs, haw born uvmI at this p.m.t .lurin« tb,- pr.-sc.t s..a,o„. 'I'brs.- ,11 ..■bart... .n..a-ur.Mn,.nts .„bt .. MimbiT, an; sbowii in table No. lili. . , v i Tbo ,.stima....l .laiiy .li-barsios. basr.l m, tbo abov.-n.oi.t.ono.l ,l,^a. m-a^u.n „,onts fur tbo station, at Dominion City and HaskorvilV s Hr..l..'e. w.U be tound ., tabl.s No. :1l' ami No. o!'. (i.~-i'ctol),-r. 1 1(1 20 3-6 :» 72 1/ I \ //((/( I II {III! /'oil / /;> SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TAT5LE \n. rJl. Kl^c iiMici.; Mi:\vi lilMiATs tlli>;;c:i|'ll' r. l'.l|-J. \|;.V -.'I S, S. S,..v,l JHn> IS li. )l. I'.ilMllialFI .liih 11 li. II, I'Minih.Mii. Kut:. 7 . \V. I,, \V,.r.l.ii. L'l . \V. i;. \V,.nl,ii. II, t. i!i i; .1. i,.Tii,ii \.,>. 1 li. .1. l.ii.i.i, i'ii:i. i.M. l:< li. .1. l.Mu\, |-.i.. L'.-i \. I'll..- . <\ ♦. .. .\r»*tt M V..,,,..,. *i»Tt r Wi.lili. ..f li lUk'-' ll.l.-l,' |lr., 1,, hV-t. S.|. (t 1-. ,..,,. ,■ 1- ■ 1 t s. . 11 sT SI 11 n:il J 1 si :t 7'.i HIS ii'^r ::t ."i •SM :> It »;."( '.'•IL' l.v, ii>-: lis 11 ij.; .■. 11 '.''■■_* II ir. ill 1 1>*7 7 1 1' L>lli 1 II i.:m - 'J 'J' i:i7 UN,- ;■-' t i!i'.i :i 11 .•ii.'. 1 re,". iii:t IIHT H.'l M .VVl IP •-' Hi i; s.". M'.i. lis; .S "i ,' ) .-iSl S ■J \:i 7 mi iL'Til I Jl- lIltMSIl ' NoHm flM/,. II Im "9 n HI r\iii ?^5'^-?> 5 = l;Zif,f,?,?ii'i'r:?Str;= = S ■I ' V I ■/ H I 335b"'r:?:i'sS = '^Sifi:;~.^;«3:2r:r-V" = i'.-i^3r:5~ ^i £ 2 S ? :; i «J £ =■ *■: S 5 ?! H { 1 : i *' li ? 1 ^ r. = S 5 it ■; i 3 i '• — — ^ 3 55 5; w „ js i; i,, J-, -J -•, }, -1 5i _ — — — d a t i=;?f5?Ji,!i = ^?i7;r:5SS^rl35f,?,Uiir:5"3=?SS ■AV(1 ;■;,:• : x ;* nr; « n r^ X ^ -^ •* n — Ti X T •■: ■■r 1- ^ "■ = — 3.' 2 ^ — S — i — ?i « ?! ?i ?i Ti S Vl ?i S R 5: 1/ 1 \ //'//; I II t // /,' /•Mir/./.'> 77 tSSIONAI PAPER No 25' I AIM I \ - .'i:! I)l«( liAIK.c Ml\MHlMlM- .'I' H •-. HI i;i\ r. al I!ii-Im r. illi'- l;'i. ll'l;!. |i,.t. ll> l...i'i .|.Im \|.!., W iilil, v'!:;:;, u:':z •"■' ^ \i.i I'j I .'H \. I'm. :ii> I''.. I'.iiikv.h .\i.v 11 K li,.Mk-..ri .1 ..If •> li. Kl.n.i :il \ I'. II. \ug. •-'" !■ i< \l!.i, S.p. IS (■ () \l',|, II. I',iiii.l...ln I'.. I S.| t( I'l I <■ I'. .1 -ii . II I .1. l-.i 7 ■_' 'li > (.1. 1....I l>i. 'Mil -i •_' ■-'.■' I'J '.I .'."1 1 |i.'« IU7 .1 ■_' IL' I'. -> 1..." (I, "I "ti ;"» I I. 'I '• ."l .*." 1-r, i:, .1 s> ■ 1. 1 1 . l!i«; iir. .. I ii.'i ■_' '«! 171 lit.. 'Ill " i< I . . 1- i;(:. 111,. I II M I 7-_ .7 78 ht I'M! I Ml \ I 'il nil l\ II l!l')H :i J,' i; ;;; ii ji 5 « S ; 4 CEOROr V. A 1014 1 / tjr, - ' i ■ / t . / t - 1 / t • ' - " • - •f J / ."!.;:•"■.' ;^£ Jr''Vl:rr-£S?i - s'^i^i^r !•;"::£ : ■ i. - ■» ■- :^ —.-.-/■ I - <■. 1 1 Ti I- — /. ^ : M — "J 1 .-^ a: z. ■-■ f-; 5, ti 'Hi(l 1 1/ I ' llfK I II I / / /,' /''HI I /,•^ 7; -tSS'ONAL PAPen No, 2t><: 'I'm Ul|. lltMii. 'I'liu Kuiirrc ..1' llic lUii i-uiT i-. ill llir \M-lrru .', hUmI p.irt .>!' tlir -l.itr "I ^lnl iii-olii. lis lir-t ll'iw i< ill 11 ■tdiitliiTl.v ilirccii"ii ti't 11 cli-t;iiii'o iif 5i\l.v mil"-, lliiii t^ ilii' ur.t t'i'i' i.iii' liciiiilrcil mill'-. Ill till' tiiWM ■•!' llri"UriilirlilKi', nil tin- 1. liii'hirv hm U'tvviiii till' -t;iti'« i.f Miiiii^Kiitii uinl Ni.rlli l>iik"tii. I'r.'in llii- t.wii i.i .■ int. r !ii'ti"ini li.. miliary tin' riviT furiM- llir ilik iijiii).' line Inmiin llii> two iU'hm iiii'iili'.in I •tiitv. ( 'iiiitiiiuiiif; ill its riiiir-i' lliriiimll Miiiut'ili.i thi- tImt iinptif- iii'n tlii' -■imiIhtii [■iirt 'if !a!«r \Vimii|iri.'. II. lilkl 1 I'lnV. Tl'i' i;i'ui'r;il ilirri'ti.m ,,( ili.- rm r. mI'iit iM--iii'.' il- lir-t lli'-,i l" ihr « ulli iiml •■'i-t, MH iiliiiM' null il. i- iilniii-f ijiri'-ll" iinrth nii 1. I'ri'iii tiir t"Uti •,( Itri'i-I- aliriiiti- til thf '-ity iif Wiiiiiitifif. il lii.tiiii.i' nl' two liuiiilriil iiml tifl.v tiiiji-, lli>' jiiiiriil Ciiiir-i' • f the rivtir dm^s ii'>f vary frniii 1 «tr,iiirlii litir iii.ri' tliMii tivi' iiiili'-. At WiiiiiiiHu' it lii'ars H"nv tn fill' I'listtt.ird. an. I tin- ''>i I tliirtytivi' iiiili'-i nf its cair.-c lii' in 11 nnrtli- i\i-ti'rly iliii'i'tioti. An i'li'i lit' till' i-\trrtiir'y wliuiia'.' iritiiri' nf l!ii' ri\''r can It uMllirri'ij fr'iin ijn' fai't tlutt ill its 1- .iir.f. fniiii Hrri'ki liliriij'.T to Wiuniiw.', t'lmiu'li tin- u'l'lH'ral I'nur^i- iluos nut viirv to nny i.'ri'nt rxtciit fmni n ^tnilirlit liia'. yrt tin' l('iii;th .f tin' iirt iial rivir I'hanui'l i-i iiiMrr tliaii ilirnlilr tl.r ili-lan 'i' Ky iliriM-i liur. Tlii-i I'liar.i.'firi-tl'' is ccin- iii.iii thrauliiuf its IcTiirth. r.--i!n i;i!|\. Till- 'Iraiiiaui' liii-in uf I'lr ri'.ir i-hmt- an ar^a nf 1I''..:;IT ^n ian inili-, nl uiilrli iJ.rilT an- ill M iiiiii'-'ila an-i Hal-' la, "l>,."iiil in Sa-lNiiti-iii'.\an ;niii -.'''l in Maiiilniia. .^ iaiiTi' jiart nf this ana i> iii.ali' np l.y tia' an a '.f it- laru. -: ti-iln ' ny. tin A--inilinin(' rivrr. rim priiiii|i il triliiitarin- miti riuL'' llm rivir in Manitnl.a arc tin lin-miu, tim l!at ainl tlm Sfiiin. frniii tlm na-l, iiml tlin Assinil. nr ami Morris rivnrs the vvi-t. III.- I'l'inbina vImt. tin' irri'Uti'r part ..f it^ ilraiiias-'i' area lins in s,,ntlHrii Maiiitnlifi. joins tlir Itiil -aitli ..f tlir iiil.riiatiniial Imiin.laiy. ■ h. ni.ii A- n iiwKs. I lie ciitiri' Imsin i:, practical, y a level plain, viiryini; in width fmin ."•" In .m' null-, anil «illi u Icniitli nf water .vcr :'.iMi miles. There is n Lriiille -Int.e f,-..iu tin I'll'-, of the Valley tn the center, nf almiit the -aine yrailient a- th.' IhmI '.v i.t- In the ninntli nf the river, naiinl.v. al...iit font In the mile. Il..«n the .'en*, r .n .In .illiy the river ha^ cut a >harp, wiinliiiu .•l,,aniiel, ilr..!ipini; frnin tueiily to tift ee' liili.w the level of the plain- nn either si,|,.. '|'he hank- nf this channel ar 11 • ■! nf a gravelly clay, ami th.iii;:h nn rnci^ niiter..;- -Imw in the ennr; • the river, ;h.- i.eil, chwe t.i the nioiiili, i» iinilerlaiil with a stratum nf rm-!.- at a <] varyiu;.' fn.iii 'I'l: to twenty feet. 1.. TIMIilli V\l> \ t;i.l;T\Tln\. Thrniifrho It the Keil liiver valh'v lyim,' in Maniinl..i there is very litt'.e staiiiliii;.' liniher except in the extrciiie eastcrl.v sctinii ..f sniiie. Ah.nt.' the cnnrsr ..f the ri\er. "•c!i-inn;il ch'nn.s of dm ami nsh are met with. tlinii!.'h net of siifficict extent to ■v.irraiit extensive lntnh(>rini; operati,in«. The himl l>cin'_' mostly prairie, ami heini; alnnir the line of first liiiiniLrratinn int.. \lanitnha, iiatiir.illy it is one of the ..hlcst .eettlcl ilistri.'ts in the i.rnviiicc. The liirsrer perceiitnge nf the laii.l is settle! ami is c .ntinunusly worked as farm hiinl. it biiiiii of a very jirodiictive nature. 80 <>f iiii: imkkioh -NAVKiATIoN. 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 I'lie riv.T i^ imviniiblc for ImhiIs of light (lriuij;ht from the month of the rivor \\\ to (iriuid I'ork.s, Minn. Prior to the (•onstniction of the railroads it was used exteu ,ivolv diiriiit; the open season for freifrht and passenger service. Siiiee the commR o the railroads, however, river traffic eould not .•..uiii.'te with this faster mode of trans portatioii, and has gradually died out. There has heeii a considerable revival in river travel in the lower reaches ot tl^ river since the installation, h.v the Dominion (ioverniiient, of the .St. .Viiafe passage up th.> nve to the <'it,v du'iu;; the summer months. 'i. — sr.TTI.KMr.NTS. In the .'ourse of the river through Manitoba. Mu' first town passed through i Kmerson h,rated at the intermitional boundary, and from th.s point to ^^ ninipe there are located a i. umber of smaller towns. These towns are in some mstanct remove.1 a mile from the river, being located on the C.N.K.. which hue .■losely para lels the course of the river for the entire distance. the city ol Y'lii'M" and the mouth of the river the largest town is Selkirk, located nb.nit 22 miles belo the city, but there arc small settlements scattered thron-hout almost the entire >U tanee. II. IN-OhT. (rO Uamfall -from records in eiMitral Minnesota eovcriic a period of tlm- vears. it is fouiul that the moan annual precipitntioti at the head-waters of the nv is 21 inches, and the r.>cords at Winnipeg, coverin- a perio.l of forty years, give tl mean annual rainfall nt that point to be 21 inches. . , „ ■ .■ u In the we-tern part of the .Irainage area of the river, the rainfall is noticeab less than that noted above, and does not average more than IT inehes. (h) Ul-^rharge MnL-nirrments.' ^\ metering station was located on the river the town .,f Kmerson. in May of th.- year li-12. and during the years of 1!.12 and 19] nineteen diseliarge measurements weiv at .litTerent stages of_the river. 1 results obtained from these measurements are .shown in table INo. •>.>. \ continuous record of gauge height- has also been kept sine., this station « ,biish,.d, and these with the estimated daily discharges, are shown in tables >o. estab'i and No. ,17 IIICII >M> low Flow. The rise and fall of stage in the Tied river throughout the year is. as a rule sr dual, with the ex.-ention of duriiur the sprin.. break-up. \t this time t)^'^^': "J .1>" to br excessive floods. These floorls arc caused by the release of the water held in ( form of snow and ice in the warmer southern reaches of the river some time prevu to the break-up in the colder sections near the mouth. As it reaches the section of i river where the break-up has not yet taken place, this water, not being able to obt, easy egress, barks up and frcpicntlv forces the stage of the river to a height of .M nn feet above normal water level. .T. — WATKK-rOWER. Tn the course of the river tbrouL-h the province the only feasible power deve! ment is Incat.-d at Lockpr.rt. wher^ the construction of the dominion government <1 at the St Andn-ws raphls has enucentrated a head of approximately 1.5 feet. iii:i'\i:nii.\i tii i in: iMi.uiun 81 SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e Any (levfliiiunciit at \\\'\- |ii.iril w.hiM iii-cc-^iirily !"■ I'lT ..|rcr-,ili..|i i,ril,\ iluriii;r tlu^ licrioil (if (iiiru water on tlic rivrr. wlicii lln' il;iia i> hriii .'lip-ifl :i> an aid t'> navi^ration. !i-iially lictwccii tlif iimntlis i.f May and Octolicr. The fcilliiwinu talilc ^ivi's the otimati-d ikpwit availaMc at tliis site, based on an ^o per eent etiieicney. The
  • eliiiru'e on wlildi tlii-; taldi' is liar-ed is an ostiniatecl Icjw llow of :.M0O seconil-feet. and ha- Iiimti arrived at from tlie information at liand as to ilie lowest mean monthly Mow of tlie river as it enters the prnvinee and of the trihn- laries enterinn the river in its eourse lietwi'cn l''nii'rson anriM\rKi' l|on-K-l'o«Kn at wi IV.i; ('km. I'.n ;i km Miiiininm l-'lou -J, litll >.•! ti. P.ii.,i Ma v i . 1 1. •.■iiil"-r. "'.%« TAT5I.K No. 3.-.. I'iscii viii.r Mi:\si iii:Mi:\r- ,,f Kid Itiver. at I"nier-on. I!'li'-I: h.if H\^!ri>L:r.ip!ur. M.-i. I'lpJ. Mo .S . S. S. Si-,nil Is S. S. Soinii. .1 .M.' VI (;. H. Iliinihain I."t . ( ;. II. rmltlliatii .luiv '.I i;. M. r.iinilialii. •-'».. ■;. II. r.iinih.iiii \'i.'. 11 . W. (i. Wonl.Ti L'J W. i;. 'l.t. IS, (J. .1. I, II, ill. ,. ■ -M li. .1. l.iiiiil.. V'l;!. .1 ,1 fi I.. \pl. ,\I;,V .l.ilv l.^l . . .\|i.,i ... I'.i. ('. (). .\ll.-i. Wi.lih. lis: ■ZM lis: ■-'(.". lls7 :;):i lis; ■J i:{ iis; •J It lis; •Jl:; 11, sr •-'14 11 -7 ■JU 1 >: ■'\-l lis; •-'■-' 1 i:i7.'. I'.m 1 ii;-j Is.-, 1 r.i7 ;^.", r iisi; :;iit it'.ii -7" iiiia •J41 1 IC.!' •m I i:t.-. ■J-},, HH.") .,...,, 1 : \ .l..eH\. II. itfht. ■'•i ft. I'l ■ 1 ■".■.1. -.i-.ft. "<7ti 1 ss riHi iiili: i;o;{ - *-'•' 1. HI .•till.-, S.s". 1 'IL' 1 -y. li;!i:i s.'i'i 1 11- ;> lis i:;sii lis:; 1 "i. :< ii:i Il.-.'.i (i71i 1 7t :t .15 ll.v^ t'7-' 1 .•.'., •' r.ii 1 11711 1 7.'i I7.",l SSI 1 r.;t 1 iii: 1 l;!il 7.M fi'.'". 7 I '."I :ii;i.-. L' 1:17 l:;;t:i i;:w 4!1L' 7.",1 1". •-■ II J7s' :! :;7 •-S r... •-'r.'li:; •-' si 17 111 111-': ill ■J 41 11 17 .■.'.i;ir, :! 11 li ;i.", :f-'l 1 1 .-.'.I 1 ■■'■' •J (i'l mi.-, 7' 17 1 .; :i 7:t l.VJI ■Itf nii'a'^nr>'iii''Ht tikfn '2\ iiiil'^ bcliiu station. u MAMTOHA WA TER-POWEKf! 83 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e -X ■ * ^ -r f -r i~ -r ^ -r -r T "T •*• -f ■^ -• r". ft r* rt Ti ?! ?j ?i -I fi i^ r- ?: *i ^ ji ci X X X - X X X X y. X vf / I - 1- * .r - .~ T f i — rT ?i — -r -r ^ -r in • ' ? i^ "^ 'd 'J'' Q X ^"-r * ^. ri — p r^ x x T- r^ H 3 i^ " U ^ It i'T ^ i"* :, ?i .1 « rt r: n r-: ?^ ?i fi n ?i ?* ti ?i 5i — — ^ — ^ — — — ^ ^ 1— -; ^ Z -i ■ z r. X X r. o — ; :-^i«t-.i. '^-^.-lO' £*• *j ^♦ ^ •-; — t- ir^ X ^'. X •" 3 C « :*5 — o ^: X X i-t r. -c r-- ^ .-: -^ * •.": '^ X a ! 2 I r. r. X X X X © c c*. 51 - r: r. X X X r. r. = ^ — -- — r. H ^ Wi .^ X ^ e I . ^ " r »: -X •■^ »»• ** *' w M ?t ?* w *i ti ^i ?i t» w n ?i?i?i ?i :j rc cc « r: rc r; X c^ -r -r o w »* tft c •— 5? « '^ ■?) ^ o c © X — X r: ?i — I- r: — — 5; Q « cc c cc X *^ ;a X «z ! d 5:;'.", ?i32iS2-X2LrS5xSI«;'--'""*S — — i-ss C ^1 ri ;i ^1 i-i ^I fj ti *i ^ ^ ^ ;:; U ZI '-: ;-: ^ ^ ;-; n — n — n iZ — U Z — ' .* .* ..- I- -s -3 t- X X n 'Ti ^: -r r ?■ r. c: r- r. x ■*■ ■=; •- .-—?;—;£ — « ," -^ — — ^ ■- »- ^ ^ ^ ^ _ *, -, «, -., -, *l ;, Ji 5, «, -, a-, J, -, «, .J «, X'f ff, 2-, i, ^: c ?i T) :^ ic ■— X r "t .'^ i ?i ^ -f -r - \H(l : •- t- X n e -- ^1 ft — 1^ ^ r- X r^ r — rj ?t j- ;^-^"y i^- x -.3 — !:.o-c; 84 i,i:r\in\ <>r rin: istf.uwr 4 GEORGE V, A. 191-1 TAIU.K Daily Gmxe IIkioiit and Di:'* "Amii .).\NIAK>. I'Kimi Ain. M.MU M A I'll 11.. May. (lailRi' IliiKht. Fn-t. 2 « tiaiUfe HiiKlit. cliarg"'. (iailRc ll.-ight. I liwtlaw-. HfiK'it. i l.oiiKe . Discharge, Hiiffht. lHwharn S..f.ft : K«-t. Sec. ft. K.-.t. ■|. Si'C. ft. !1 Hi 11 12 IS 14 15 Iti 17 1« 1!- 2<> 21 22 %\ 24 25 2« 27 28 2!t 31 ■"2-45' ".'.'. ;': '2n '''.'. ■ ^2' '.''■ ;; ■"i-is' \''.'.'.'... " •> .Vi' 2 :<\ 2 14 1:! 2 13 3 !• F..t. s.-c..ft. ; K,-.'t. 4 2 : ir.iM 10 15 .'■,■2 21 '.12 9 95 70 :S2.")5 H 7 » t) 42r>:i S 5 111 li 5,514 M 4 IS ir> 1(«I25 ,S 3 22 !•"> 2."i !•"> l4K(i3 IHo'.iT H 7 8 27 l."> 215111 7 tl 2f*-45 2;V.1(H1 7 1 211 45 2IKI2II 7 2 2". 1-45 2fiil20 71 2!l 15 2.5:flKI 1 11 9 2H 55 21103 ti H 27 55 222.55 (1 11 211 55 20ii;« (J ;) 25 55 IdllW •14 ! 24(15 17115 11-3 ; 22 so lotHi.'t 11 2 21 15 13? 13 11 1 19 15 , 11825 (1 II 17 45 io:«7 11 11 1« 15 9304 14 R5 8;tr)4 5 9 13 85 7t>51 5 S5 12 K5 11971 5 7 12 15 «513 5 55 11 15 .5«(lli 55 111 45 .5419 i '-\ 10 :t5 5355 1 5-4 5 :v> l/.l.\//n/M \\Mt:i{ i'i>\\t:u.s iESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Xt>. 37. Ked River, at Emerson, for 1913. .llNK. .h 1,1 AV ■.! >T. Ski'Tkmi;ki(. Ociniim, l>iwharj," H>'ik.'lit. I liwIiiirKi'. Sec. ft. .•.2»i .ilOH 4;tlii 41!K) 4127 4II64 :w7r. U751 3«27 ;C)0:f :w:!i s;!i7 :nii4 :u;« :(uii 2S!Ml •.'Kill 2770 2710 2Briit •J."ir,:i 2171' 2.iilii 2:fiii 2: 4 4:1 4 22 1 (1 :) X."i 7"> :i 1.2 ."i:t ■A 4 ;[ :i ■ii 2S .■^•l-.-ft. 224S 21i<2 2147 2i;ii; 2USII 2iiri4 2111:! 2027 2IMMI 1:174 iiir.r 1!I-.>1 iwi.-, IM! 17!'" 171" H7:i Ui2:i l.Ml.-, U'.Hl 145" 1427 U"t 1,'«)" i:(72 liil'.l IXi.-. 12!!:! 12:.l 1243 H 2."> :! :i a ;t 3 27 :( 2.-I :i 22 n 12 HI :< " ;i " 2 " :t 17 .■14 ;i H 4 2 4 4 4 :! 4 2."i 4 I :< '.If) ;f r.-. n 7 :vr,2 5 ."iS 8 4 :i .M I! 12 :i 2 IJ7 2 6 l)iH(;liiir(^c Sncft. 12:i" 12r)l 12:.1 12:1- 12.1" 1217 117.") 11 (i7 I12.-I 11 2.") l".-i(i ll'.Ml 12'.':t ll7:t inc.'. 17li."i 171."> ir.iHi Uil.-. iri4.' 14WJ U27 1»«) i;t:2 12:« I2(W 117.-. 11 2.-) 1047 !i!Mi Mi!) ll.inlit. cli;irj;<- H.-lK'ht. Ill- cliiilKi' FfH. S.c.-ft. Ki- Ills oliiiriTf. .S., , ft. 2 .")."■ !l,'«l •J KI : i"2 2 (12 !'77 1 2 .) titiM :i II 112.". 2 till !H1!I 2 2 (W IIIINI 2 s H'47 2 411 !l|.". 3 2 7.S l".«l •1 i2 l"lil 2 "2" Sill 4 2 '.i.'i ii"<; 2 1; "11! P 2 2" Sl!l ."> ;■ ■» 12"" 1: .*) "3" 2 23 S.Kt li 2 '.12 l"!ll 2 43 !l"4 2 27 SI.-, 7 2 S7 l"74 »> 37 SS2 2 3"! s..-, s 2 -.7 'Xh '> 23 S-M 2 4,i "12 " 2 .Ml iWi 2 1 7x2 2 .">3 !I42 1" 2 .Vi ":>" 2 2 SI" 2 nil !ll.!l 1 1 ■' ,"> tt;io 2 23 san 2 117 !l"li 12 2 ■ a !i;<" •J ■» s|:p 2 7.'> ll'27 1.3 2 4 M'.Ki 2 4 Mll.i 2 !m l"si: 14 2 :i S.M1 2 1 hMIS 3 1.", llss l.i 2 *> !*V.t 2 "7 III 1 :i 1" 12! 13 III 2 T 7,S2 3 4 12!li 3 1.3 13!l.-> 17 2 1 7.'<2 3 7 1 )27 3 74 144". IH '> Sl'.l 3 7.' !4I1 3 71 1 1 1.". 1" 2 2 SI" 3 s 11:3 3 Wl 1 173 •'" .»■)-• N4.". :i " l.M!i 3 7li 14.-I.-, 21 2 .'l ^.■|(; H l.Vl.-. 3 7" 1 (27 2* 2 3.1 KT.'l 1 nil.". 3 7" 1 427 23 2 4 wi;t '.t l.ilit 3 7" Ii27 24 2 3 .^.■)i; ~ 1 127 3 11" 2.", 2 27 ,S4.-i :, 133.". 3 fm 133.^ 211 2 :l.s SS" 3 12.".l 3 4.". 1311 27 2 '> <«" 3 () 112.", 3 4" 12' '3 2H 2« 'lli'.l 11 lllSf. 3 31 12.-,.^ 2!l 2 S.-i Kliili 7.'» 1(I2S 3 1.-, lISS ;<" 2 « im7 3 211 12ll!l 31 86 ut'.twmMKST Oh' Tur i\rh:iti(>R liii; rKMiuw RlMII. 4 GEORGE V, A. 19U \. i.iM \rioN AM) iPlltm Tii'v. Tl,.. ,.r tl.,. I'wnlmia rlvpp ar. fou.i.l r.n tho ,>,.rtl.-ast..rly ^'"P''^ "f Turtl.. n>,.M.>tain. fn.n. wl.i.h .1,,. r.vvr How. i,| a win,lin« .■a^torlv "••^■•■' ";•;• J" "^ then turniM,^ UKain to tl,. -a^t Hows into tl.- \U;\ r.vor al,o..t hv. ....U- . Manitoba. „, ,ii l„l... .i.„l In the npper reaches of the river Imsi.. there loeate.l M...nero„s sm. 11 '"t^-- »"'' sluu«hs. ana it is i,. this s..etion that most ..f the .lr..ina«e .s ol.tan.e.l. "";'""; feature of the watershed i. the f,.et that pra.-tieallv ..11 ot the dra.....«e th. ru r fr."m the the tr.lo,tari..s e,.terinK from the north h.-.n^ .mall ai.-l hav...« ^er., little tlow .-.xeei.t in the early sprii.K or t.i....s of rams. The princpal trih..t..ri..s .,re the,.! r.ver. I-o,,.. r.ver. H.^.v..,- ereek a.i.l Snowflake ereek. all tLwinj; from the C. — BfD AM) BANKS. The lower fort.v miles of the .■o„rs..'of the river ... flat level conntry. typical of the Red River valley. The hanks of the stream e..t sharply . ..«n from the level ot the prairie to a depth of fr,.... twenty to forty feet. The eonfoniuition ot the l..u.k~ in this seetion is priueipally a s....dy ..^.y, whieh also eonst.tntes the bed of the r.^e . After the above distanee is tn.v.Tsed. the ot the valley ehange. he banks beeomin^ bolder an.l risi,.« to .. hei^cht v..ryin.' fron. 17:, feet to 4... -'•]'"•■;;'."';;, of the soil :n the valley ..Is., .■hantr.'s. b..iuR m,..0. ...ore s...,.ly. .ind the flats and oc.l of the river an' c,.mp..s...l .,f s..n,iy !,rave'. and stn^w.. w.tli b....lders. II. — wiinn. The average width ,.f the rivr is ..i..ety feet, but i.. the middl.- rea.'hes it out i.. sevral plae..s,; hik.'s varying in wi.lth from halt ;. mile to a mile ami a half. Tl... m..n- importa..t of th.-se lak,.s are Swan lake and Roek lake, these being si.< an.l inil..s. l.,ng r,sp..etive.y l:.— TliANSPdUIATloN AM) A. I KSSll!ll.n\ . The Pembina riv..r is ....t navigable, b.i'.. flowi..g tl.r.).igl. a well-settled e.)..ntry. it is easilv ae..."ssil,h. fr..n. g.)o.l r.)adways. .....1 ..Is,, fn.m r..ilro..ds eross it .it many p..ints in its wi.iding .'..urs.. fn.m moi.t;i to F. — HI" .)KK. (a) h-ainfall.-Thv m.'a.. a....ual rainfall ..t the m,) of tl... river is 20 inehes. This decreases as the .,f tl... riv.-r is f,)ll,.we.l , .....1 ..t the l.en.l^water. the vearlv average is U i....l...s. This l.,w r..inf..ll has a .lee.ded effe..t n„ the flow, a^ it is i.. tliis locility that most of the .IraL.age enters the r.ver. and ... t.mes of dro..ght the dis.'harge is cut d.,wn to an'ly low fignr.-. (h) IHscharae M>-a^nn'm,'nf.—Yor s.>me years the I i..t.Ml States Geolog.e.i. vSui vev 1...S ma.le ..bservatic.s us t„ fl..w -n the P.^mbina river at Neche, North Dakot... and from the report of these, .v.- tables N... 38 to No. 42 .t w.ll be seen that there .s a large vari..tion in the flow of the river, the mean ra.)uthly dis,.harge ranging from th. il \iA\iinin \\ \n:ii i-u\\ f:i{s 87 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e low tl :>" nf .1 M'ciiiiii IVit (Iiiriim tile iiiuiitlis (if Aii>rii.«t. Scptfiiilicr mill Oi'l'iiier, in thi' .v,;ir i:il'", tn II lii-li .it' II.^Tii ill M:i,v ..f I'.uit. I'li iiii' K.- U \TI.IMi«Wl-;il. ■| ii'Ti' is nil iiilHriiiiiti"ii iif liii'.ii ii> tii iiii.v survevs liaviiKr Im'iti iinidi' (Hi the river fiT llif iPiiriiiisc ut Inciitiiiii Wiilir-piiwiT -itf^ Imt the iiiitiiri' nf tin- viiili'.v iiiid tti.> iMtiinil full "f fill' riviT pniiit to the imssiliilitv nf tluTi- luiiiii Mich in its cuiirsi'. 'i'lii' f;il! of tlif riviT fnitii tlic Imv <>< 'riirtli- iii..niifiiiii tn tin- pniiit wIicit tlii" Mllli'.v "Mi'll' iillt illtu till' \:i\\,-y of till' IJi'cl river i- Til" feet or ilii|iroxini.ltely :! feet |ier II The low tiiiw of the rivi r i^ extri iiiely small, ami aii.\ |iower ilevelo|iiiieiit ili |ieiii|- iiii: ':i tlie hafiiriil tlow w.miIiI lie >iili.ieet to serious iiiterfereiiee till ell laek of water for a eoiisiilerali'e perioil of tlie vear. A I'ertaiii ainouiit of -.toraj,' iild lie olitaiiieij on the hike~ in the <".iir-e of the river, anil also on I'eliean lake, which i^ alioiit two miles distant from the river elian- ih I, Whether or not this storaue woiihl he siillieient to carry any devel. pinent over the |M>riod of lov !ow is very iineertain. TAIU^K No. :!•«. MoNTiiT.v I)is< iiMii.i; of Pemliina River, at Neelie. North I»akofa. for litii:;. [l>raiiii(^H area ll.tUti m|ii .i-e iiiilcM. j Month. I>is(M.vki:k. in Ski oMi kkkt. Maxiiniini. Miniinii M.'iiii. Krs on- Totiil in .\cr» -fft't. A|.iil May .luni' .luly .AuKUSt Septenitier. . . . ili'tiilur NriVfnitHT Ofi-t-intit-r Tlie iH-ri k1 110 no J.J 211? 14'l nil Xi Note — Olitiiined from nr.irJ.s of Water Ki'sources ISrancli, t'.S. (!i.ii]c.>;ieiil Survey. S,M'i(i ;t.iis» ."i.Vi 1.74!! 1,150 ^^^^tfm gg i,t:i'\HTMf:\r or Tin: iMEimm 4 GEORGE V, A. 1P14 TAHLK No. no. Mn.NTmv 1)1-1. M,.:i: ..f P^'iKhina Uivr. at Srrhc, N„rth Uaknta, for IWl. 1 I>i»iiw»»r>' iir»tt •-' !l>i' !ii|»iire mil'-. 1 His. I1A1I..K IV Skiomikkki. ' Itis okk. M.mtl,. T IvT I'-P'I'in .otal in M:ixilnulii. Mlriin.ulM. Mt-^m. s, ,11:11. ■ Mil-. .iln'JiTar™. ^'T'- '™'- '''■"■'" ^ I V{ T:Vi f« '«^ "•■• ■'•"" |h.,-rM.l»r ... 4iW,(i») ■|h.' |..n(..l • I Son:. Oht:un.-.l frun, recrd-uf W.l.r K.,...,„r < li,-..ul., T.S. <;e..l.,KH-.,l Suney. TABLE Xn. :w\. Mn.Nr....v Discuvm.r. of IVn.biua River, at Ncho, X,.rth Dakota, for 1905. I hriiiiiMj-v iiri'ii •.',1'4M >ipiari) inilf». 1 ,„,,aMH.E,N SK:0N,-KKKT. lUN-orF. M-MH. l>..i.tliin Ti.t-il ill Maximnii,. M,„mm,„, M-...,. 'l:^'" ,^^;^:]:Z ^"■'•■■'•■'■'- M»rcli»:u ':i^ :^" ^ i,Mi 21!) iH,ni.; Mftv '•''■" -ir, U- i:-i I'.w iiu!'«i .Tun*- '-.'.^ I ., 2i«i '^4 "'i^' 'r''.', sei.t... .!.•■.• !; ;';, H'.i "4-' "f ;■;'• N.,vml»-r 1--Jii 1-W " ll",!)Oi Th'- l-ii"'! N,„K. -()l.ta„i...l rn„„ i,.c,.r.l..,f W.t-i K .ro. Mn.n.l,, I'.S. .i,.,.l.,,fcul Sur^.y. i; I \ //'!/; I II I7/./.' mw Ills B9 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TAHI.K No. 41). HT.(M") 1H-.',0(MI llll.lKMI .M.tXMI IH.KKI U.411'1 li.tlil 4r,H,iiOi™ IUHliF. IN «F.i11M)-rF.rT lUN-i Month. - — I'.i-. II II.- "'I'''' I" Mjt\iiiiiiMi. Miiiiiiiinit. .MfHii. ' 1. ijV lilt lif* nil iti'nV** iir»-ii. \|,n| .... iL'i'ii i:w 17^1 II li'.:i " \>* \lA . •j:ii 17.'> vx\ in;ii "« .iiiTi.- ■-•Ml \m ■-■71 <«'J I" .l,,lv --'71) II'' 17 ■ "Klo 117 \.it'M«t UH nil i:..|.t..iMli.r I'^li i:ii: 117 ii i:ti; 14» mil "<■' \.,i..|i,l...r VM' -2 111 IW 0:i 'riit- (h-iumI . I . . . \iirK. U(itai,..-.| Iriiiii Wiit.-r K.-unin .-^ lii.ui. li. I'. S. ( ;....l..wiial Sun. y. lOOli. T..ta 1 >n U"T»' t "i- ■N ."i(Kl 1) '.Hill tti. .IIM) 1", ..•«»l M ,t»ill M, ,7ri lli'.itOii MilNlll. .\|.ill ■2\M Miiy ... . .liini' .Inly. . . Aut'iist .•^1 |.f..iiil»>r . ut.iU.f , N..v.nil».r.. lliri-iiiUr , , Tilt. periiKl. Maxiiuiiiii. MiniiiiiiTii. •J,liN» .■sll.", ■.>ii;i 7*1 :«; ■j.i ;«; 1). jilli ill ■|'..l-»l an. ' . 1 ' j I.IH nil ■In- .III 1 a. ..- l.-.-t. - _ „ ill II I.'., ar.-a. — si;.i M •_'!t:i 1 11 11 I7.11HI llllMI Ml r>:i 'IS, HKI .")ti7 17J '■' :h 1.21 11 l.Mi io;f ik; I '.i,."i(iii .•i4 .S ■lU HL* 1 :i,:v4o :t4 H 111-.' 111 ■J.orii .Vi *' mil ll_* :;.:«ii) :t.s ii|:i 111 •-'.•-■r-ii mo (HHl 111 1,1711 ll.S.lll)(l NiiiK. -Olitain.-.l fioiii ri'i.niU nf W.ifir I!. -..uni> I'.raii.-li, I'.S ( .. -.l.tgical Sun.-y. 90 iiirutniiM or iiii. iMt.iiiuH 4 GEORGE V, A 1914 r.MSI.I. N'. t"l' M,,Miii,v l»iviuu..r, uf INn.l>ina Kivr, nt S-rr.i;r. •" ^ "" M">'TH. |>,-,,tlMll T.,'"l .Maxiiiiimi. MmiiM.iin. Mf.ui. , „,if,, ,i,'v^(',VVmi '" »'■'"'"'•■ r. !«>•.• !><•-' ■""' .laniliiry ., no) l*ll IH Kilini»rj- '.. ,t)| (.III IHl .MHr.1, .,;;-, ,3M It •-••.'.:«"' April »-• , •;: „.,, II, !f.i,l<« V>'l{"»t i*' f, ,;,., if.M iri :Mi2rtli Uakuta, for \mx [|)raiiiiigi' ikre» •-'.ItJii wiiinrt iiiilf*.] |)l«HAll.iK IN SmiiNi. Kkkt. Itrs l.KK. Month. Miixiiiiwiii. >' iiiuiii. Mean. .Inllf .hily ^ n^UMt . ■ ■ SrlitcIlilNT ( ictolM-r XiivflnlxT XiiTK. nlitaiii'd fniiii rii on 11)0 M 73 67 aw 3-.' US vr, ii:t 41* :» ■'T - 4.') !l .-.1 9 »Vr«.uur.. ;,;;;!;:!;:: T.aali« tlr II K'' ai''». 14.5 o:w 0111 IMKI4 1)10 Ills 117 II.IHIII Wt:Ks •t SESSIONAL PAPER No. 29t lAlil.K Nm. I.'. MnMIIH |M-MIM(i.l .it ri'llll>ili:l KImT. ill Niilir I |;i ar>ii. '.'.'il" ".|iiaii mil. \..|l|i l'ilx..tii. f..r I'.'l'l. |l|»r|l.«K..K IV Mkii.M. I''KICI. lit N ><>>: m •/.i.KlO la.lloii .">.4im a.'.lili ii.iiaii IT.' TS.IkKI 1I,IK» .■.latii •-',St7'l l.CiO 2,'.l7ii 1.410 MnVTll. Mux . I «.|t|;i|. Ihjilli III .ll II itv .11. . I M.ucl. \|.nl . \l,iv ■litiif .Inly Aiitfiirtt S..)iThiiiUi 1). l..ll,T IW.» ll.') :iri ■.'.<• u; 1 iiii |))4 Wi ' 1.11 UNI 7 Ml 4 lui 111 :ti II ll' :i 1 i; 17 :i :i li:l III :i li :tti II I|H : II IM (l.Vl i INi (Ml 1 liTi ll-.H. II'.' "I'.' ! Ill (»r.':! (iii;i iiiii:i mil IKI'.'-J ' i.ii.f T.'Ml III .\.l. f..t. I I. Mill tl.HM) 7.:i.>Ki ;;,.Vhi •J l.'.'i I'."-.' LMt :t!i:i XiHK. *lbt.kiii««l fnmi iwtirilxif W.iiir l[i-«.iiri>-« Itnimli. I'.S. (;i.i.|^ liMiri TlilV. Till' -Diirci' of till' Siiiiri- riviT lii- in tin' m iitliiTii p.irt "f tlu' |ir.iviiiri- ut Sn^liMt- iliiwun, itfi hi-nil-wiitcrs liiMiiff tili .;t I'O mill's imrthwi'st uf tin' luaii nf Wcylm ii. Tliu u|i|HT ..'.Hirst' (if till' rivrr is in ii s.iutli.'ustiTlv ilii'ii'tioii. il.iwn into tin' stuti' ..r North nakotii. wlicii' it lii-iiils to tin- iiorthi'iist. anil this (ri''i<'ral i-onrsr is foil., .vol ■ iiilil it joins till Assiiiilioini' rinT, iilioii I'-J iiiilcs soutliiM-t of tlii' '-itv .if Itraniloii. II. -lini:ii lusi\. The liasin of thi' S.mri^ is iir.ihahl.v lar^ir in roniiiarlsnii with it-, tlow than aiiv ■ ihir wcstiTii rivi'r, it coviTinn 'n iiri'a of i'-,":iiiii' is ItlO mill's and tlii' li'iinlli fr ht-ail-watcrs to month _'i«l inilfs. The length of thi- river itself sidi'rinc ils wiiuliiies, is niMrlv ."i.-iO miles, witli a 'Aiiltli var.viiin from >*."> to ITii feet. The upper part of the Imsin in .Maiiitoha consists, in the greater luirt. of a sainlv • ■r uravely siihstratiim, overlaid with u liirlit iilliivial soil. The valli'.v in this district is -IkiIIow hilt, lis it ncars the niuiith of the river, the ,v ll.r.n in .1... low -ta^r. 4 OEOROE V. A 1914 „| iliiUc'iilty \ynU »»• x,,,.,i.M.MMl in . *.i. i.y in. mi ... ■.■■ • - ■ , f ,,,„,r „ ;z ;;;s:::;;:^,"e::;..-'1: v.- :. -:.:\;'L- .•.-. - ^-^ > • l„,.n..1nr.v fmn. th.. Hl«t.' ..f N-rtl. Kaknta. y, HI N-iiV>. ,,n l!ahl„l'. Tl„. (.r.-iiataliui, ,.^.■r thr .ir-a •';r7':\' ' 'I', ^^iii^'l^ (Vih^'m .„,„11. 1...I... fn- i:. t.. IS in.-lu.. aii.l .1 .Mai -'"-'f ;;,,;.> , Thi« ..Ntr..n,..!.v .mall rii.iolf fr,.ni .1... lar^.' »r.>a '>-•'" ^ n trv; th- fla First, .nail rainfall 1 -i„,wf,.ll ;-.■... "l'' j^^"^ .,','.; Z^^ wh.TO i tl.inl. tl». .li.trila.tion ot tti- raiiita 1. It .. n'.t....l tr " f ,„, ,...,„ ,h.. greatest amount o. rainfall in .hi. ar-a -..nw. u. tli- .To..-.. wh.Mi rvaporal ion lo...- ar.' also itr-a.p.t. ,/,) ,H.rl,nn„. M.anurrm,nh.^-U> nrU.Wr of .li- '^'^^^ "';'™,; ij' ;' wa. e..abli.h...l ,,n tW nvr at tho ;.«..;. ; " ~ ^ ,,„., .„„„„.„ „f „,„ ,,r...... year. Lav 1 n ma.l... .!..• r-MiH^ of tnl>lf No. 4:?. 1 . , ,. »i,;. .f.iiioii liii'l tla-i' "iih tho Di.ilv hoipl.t rooonl. l.av. ...on ko . at tin- .....on rstiin ,..m1 .li-..l,ar.'.-. arc shovn in tal.l... ^... H n""• «-• fi. — WATKTI-I'OWKR. The .litToren.0 in -l-vation b-two,.,. tl„^ wator l.n..!. «•'';••■" 'j;'^/^;"'; A.Mn,boino nn.l tin- l-mt wlu-ro it fir.t tho ,.rov,nr.> .. «^>.. UoU '"' ?i:;::t, be,... no .urv^y work ,lon.. o„ this riv.r for th.- .-,.■- ;;no. Mbl. power site., and the of power obtainable a. .1 ... table 1. ^""'Th!nl,le i. on the ..-.inutod th.. for the year endi, 31 1-1 , a ... on the lowe.t mean monthly rtow for a peru„l of ... n A ;.v 1 O.. ober . f the same year. These «...«. aP.dy only to th,- per.od. al join, t ir about •atins p •low i. ] ,^r Oeto' .nth. fr love stal Il.-ii.l ill f.-.-t. 1 10 2» K-TIM.MK...l....-I..'o«K!l AT!«"l'KI;(t:ST KrK.IIKM\. Minina.1.1 rtow ."> ^w. ft. ' 4."> 4 a 9 VI. >\\ .51. '•■<■ ft I'lr im) M ay tol ■til,,..- 4 45 Wi 1/ I \//. I U I // // rnWf US ftl SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TAMI.K No I.!. |>,r, Ih.lf/r.fl"' M."r\.. Wi.llti An ;i ■■{ \|» (HI li.Mik.* . II.JI \'l l<« ll\ l> I -hi •::j: I.,-, .,..„... 1 llu (hi r IM •Jli I'M I lilll. J-l \|.r I-. \i;.v : Imii.- mi \ui! II ». I.l li' Knt't Sii. ti. I't. f» I K..t. H..,. f. w 1! U..i.|,.„ il'i. h'> II ||i< •.' W 1 .^; K. ll;iiiU...ri 1 ll.'l '.11. •_' 11. i ■• :i III 1 K.' li:u \ I'll..- 1 t'K. Mi II 1-1 ) .'rfl 1 fl '.•1 \V ,1. I|.-I.,M.|. 1 !<;'• H-'i t I'.it :t :i! 1 ,11 II W .1. Ir' 1 1 ir.:i ;*"i 1. l:ll II ;w. 1 -T 111 ') |i ' llirii^MI'-liirtll-. 4 TAlil.K No. U. |»Mi\ (iMi.i: llm.llT \M> l»i-i II Mi'.i , .'^Miirl- IJImt, inMr Wiiwiim-i, l'..r I'.'l'.'. NiivKMiim. Ni.\ KJIlil-ll. lla.iK.. lu- ll, u'lii. I'lt.Hi:.'. h.nrht. lllUrf.. (i.iMiT. Hi- hiinht. ilK.rif' i;.nil.'i' |ii-- 1. nrht .h.inf Vnt. S.«. ft. K,-. 1. r..i. ,"<.-c. II. I ..I S,,.. ft. 1 II ..II Trf'. 41 ! Ill 1 .-.ll f«4 tl ."ill .■»! V .v n: ;t'.i -, t 1*7 III 1 m'i St 1 1.1 "rfl .■•1 1 ■ ."ill H. 4' .■'! N.'. r.' .•.:( >« 41 I I'.i ,s:i 1 77 17 .'ill SI lil 1" 4:1 Kl .'.11 I'.i .•.1 .>". .'n. •-'11 1:1 S'J ■.1 •Jl 1 !•> M'J 1 .•.■-' '_•_* I'l «.( I.t j:i I-" ^'J 1 *' •Jl 11: ;ii lij •J.J I'l .x;i :iii •ji; 1 .•I « 1 r.ii ■j- 17 M. ."..'. L's 1: Ml i;:i -_«( 1> s-j ii:i lUi :.l III 'li .11 7'.i i..< 94 i»i:i'.\ia\n:\r of iiik imkkidr 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 TAIil.K l)\ii s (IM I i; Ili.H.iir \Mi l>i~' iiMi'.i., .Iasiam. l-'KlilU AlO. NlAhlll. AlKll.. Mav. l■.u^ll■ h.iulit. Hi- IJaiit,"- li.M-lit. l»i- (Jillli.'!' In-iulit. I>,. i'li;lll.'i'. F.'t. S.-.-.-ft. I'''t. >•■'■■ » 1 .17 •_• IW |.-..,t S,c.-fl. |-,...t. 1 Hi HI , 11 1 ti'.' 12 i:f 14 1:1 11; 17 18 •J 117 111 ■Jl) 'J I •22 •m •21 ai 27 ' . . . '2X '• 2!l 1 1 M". ». 1 - . . ;ii 1 •;:! 1 ai> :« 22 2 S.i :< "ii •iXi 4 24 4 24 ;*."> ■ts 111 •i" 4 74 ■h;< H4 s- 4 >'7 Kli S3 I.IKI l.lli 1,11m i,2:*o l,2!l."> 1.32.") l,:'.ilii i,:tMi 1,4(l'. 1,410 i.42r. 1,42.-| 1,42(1 1,40.-> l,4ii.-| l,|il."i 4 S!l ini '.II .S ;t o."> 2 114 tMi Ml ■7r> 2 ffii ."i!l ."lit .■)l 45 '.,4;i'> 1,4111 1,41.1 1,4211 1,4115 1.4ii."> l,4i' .M.5 4r>;i 42".l 4(l'.l :«h."i 327 327 312 2S.") 21; 4 ..MMiJi J . mmmm^mmm 1/ 1 \i nm 1 II \ I t:i{ I'DWiiRs SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e liver, iifiir inviiiii'>:i. |..r l!il: .ll \K. ■■Kl'; KMMKK. .r. ft. ;,l:i') 1,1111 1,11.1 1,4"."> 1,111.'' l.:i!»i l,:i.v. l.:t:;."i !,'>:. i,'j.">ii 1,-M."i 1,1 ;o 1,1120 '.II. "i 7»i (11.-. .M.-' 4(i;i 42!! JiKI ;is."' Mil ;i27 ;t27 nrj •2<< 21 U 1 Jailer'- l)i^ (iuilt,"- Ki-'- llank'i- !•■» Caiit'i- l>i- 1 iallt.'.. !>... ll'l^rht. cliarjif. Iu'IkIjI. cllal>,'|.. lli'inlit. (•Iiarj;f. h.i'.-lit. .■l.a»..'. Ii.-i(.'ht. c h.IlK''.. - I'.-.t. S...-, ft. I'V'-t. St.. ft. K.'t. Sic. ft. K.-'t. .Sr,. ft. IV'-I, S..C. ft. 2 l"! 2,17 7s I 111 47 1 21 .V 1 2". ■ •t 1 22 220 1 42 74 I'l 47 ,>,' ,''0 51 1.S 210 41 7:i IS 40 •I't .".:t 2H h't ;l 07 ih;i 40 72 IS Hi .■ll 51 1 17 •j'>7 .■(X 117 17 4.". 2."' ."ll 20 l^ .' |._» 111.-' 1 :ii 0,"> 1 17 4."> 1 2S 1 IS 111 i; " (12 172 ■M (!.•' I'.i 47 •>- ."'tl [ 17 45 - 1 '.l!l Kill •;«) lUl 17 4.'. h ."lli 2o 4 s .s IHi liio 211 ."'It 17 4."' 21 .".;( ' 21 4'.i ;i4 l.'ili :io till 111 47 27 .Vi ■2.S III 1 H7 112 1 :i4 O'l 1 20 4s 127 ."lli 1 27 ."ill 11 H."' i:i'.i :ji; 117 20 4S 2.> r<~ 27 .51' 12 ■H2 l:;:t :i7 v-s 20 4S 27 :•>; iio t',0 in H2 l.'Ci 40 72 20 4S 2f) .".4 2s ^'7 1 1 n2 1,« :« liil 211 .V' ■2r. "'4 2."' 51 15 1 M i:i2 1 X) lii; I III 47 V2r> 54 1 22 ?" 111 7.*' 122 :i4 IM 27 fili 2ti M 211 .55 ]- m 112 2H .Ml 2tl ;V» 2r> 24 ,'i:t IS tw 110 27 .".11 :« 114 2K ;"'7 2:i .52 111 lilt 102 •:!5 54 211 ,V> :ii 111 .50 20 1 .'i7 !ia 1-24 .V4 1 as To 1 27 .Ml 1 15 411 21 fiO M4 2.« .W ■;wi 70 22 .'lO ■20 4S 22 4!l ,s;» ■22 ,">!» ;«) ii<; 27 ,W 22 ."»o 2:t 4S 1*2 21 411 x> m H2 112 i't 52 24 41 77 22 ,^'11 :u 6r> ;n t;i 24 53 25 1 41 73 1 20 4S 1 -M K, 1 22 .Vl 122 M 211 41 7:i 19 47 Xi 114 2S ."'7 2:t 52 .V( ill 18 4li 211 .-'.1 211 15 i:i 2S .*'.'' 111 IS 41' 2i; .'id 2'1 !).■> ■IS .'{II ;«i 411 f.i IS 4li 2 211 .")."' IS :«! .'111 IS 40 211 ,"l.'l 1.1 ;«i :il SlIKI.I. KlVKII. .\. — I.IH ATll'V. 'I'll.' Slicll riviT, iinii III' llir liiriir-t Iriliiiliirii's ,i|' tl.r .\s~iiiili..iiir, li;i. is -nurr,- 111 the iinrfliiTl.v I'orl df Duck iiinuntiiiii. ;iiiil llmviiiu^ I'miii tlic -:ii n'. ciiiiitii-- iiiln ihf .\--iiiiliiiiiir iiliiiiil thrrr iiiili-.- :iImiV|. tin. vilhiirr uf Sli, .11111,111111. II.- -IIIUKI IhJS. 111!' L'cjirni! (lirrrti.iii ..!' ill.. i-Im.i- 1- :iiiiio-t line -.Hitli I'r.iiii it- -I'li ; .I'l-— iiii.: ■iliii l-(..rrii„ili;^ III,. I, lli,,..; lini- I ii .t VvTl M i |-.-||i:ji'- J7 IIImI L'"' Ul'-I , ■ l' till' tii'-l 11 1, ri , I i .1 1 1 ' ' I |iiii:il uilliiii ti\i' .,iil(~ lit' it> III,, nth, wli.-rc it lninK -li;ir|,l> t,i tin- ui'~t iiml i,,iii- '!., .\ — iiiili liiii' I'iMiii a -.inilliri-lirK ilin-iiimi. I. KIM.U HS^IN. I'll!' waliT.'ilicl iH'.ir ihi' iii'iiilli ,.!' tli.. rivrr i- n.irrnw. ln-in;.' iniitiiii'il lulHcru llir ■iir-li,'il- ,'t the N'allcy rivrr .iiid tlir A-siiiili(iiiic- : liiit ii- it nc-iir- ihr ii|i|ar r, i.-lu-. I lr,i;Mli,ii~ iiiit til a|iprn\iiM:ili>ly .■1.5 miles in wiiltli, where it ail.ieins the watersla .1 ,,1' U'l" I- te.ii III iL- --' • ;::i!;,;rl-^s;'s'":™"' --'''-* ••■•■ -• •• " ' ' iiruviiii-'e. „,, .„ ivn wri re of bottom. ' jr WIDTH oK UUbU »M> >Ali n'- "' ■ , • ,• i,>cii :.(• and 00 feet iu A-iilth. ami i= stat- ■l-he natural bed -t the r.ver '^"'^ ^'"'''^''.r^XiXh larsre l.ouUlers. ., l,ein. ,.f a .ravelly nature ^1'--'^-; ' ^i: ;^ ^:;,", ff!;";, „., distinet fall., b „..,:::- ti t - " :' --- - ^^ '- ---'^ -^^ '" ^^ "^ ''^ ^'^ is I'ontrai'ted. ^ i , rivTiiiv The upper water. „f the river th.w through the -.;J;^-;:t '^d^ .,d iu this distriet valuable titnber . t. ^ ^ j ' ^;^ ^^^ ^ ,d, and poplar cov ,.nrd, it is stated that the timber has been '" "'" -^^^ ,,,.^,,,,e spruee and tamara he unbroken lan.l. .vhile low n, the v^dley her - _ " ■^^•(.^i,,; ,oi,>e. so„,o splen^ On reaehiun the tlats at the junction ot the hhUl an.l proves of larjre eln.s are --'-;;^^!j ^^.^^^ „^ ,, the village of Asessipi, but For some years a small ~a\y -mi. 1 "'^ ' 1 ; , ,„ „„ this river. the last fifteen years no lumbennu operation, (;.— lllCil AM) I.oW WATI.Ii. the September. It was learned tnrni loi-al iii^ v that the riv.'V i- not subjei't to -lul September. It was learned. rom .ai ^^ . ^^ ^^^^^^,^ ^^_ ^^^,^. ^^_^, ^^^„,„,,, ehaufies or to exeessive tlood-. it> ii,. an II.— iUANSl'ollTMIos. ;t:::u";ir::i'i'vr:..."::i; ..;" - '"- '-»' '-"■ ■■' ""■ - trails foliow .'losely tlie euur-.' ot -am.-. ^^^. ^j^^.^.h,,. , at Shellmonth. ^ .,, ttlkmia-.s. ,Mti .b in th beriy ...■,;,,„ ^•^;'",; -:: ':;r-:,^:;;;-:,::;t:,,:;n;ie; ^::: ;;::■.!: i:-::ru;e\;;w;rsh;:dn:::tiei.ty-;ivem^ ^^^_,^^ ^^^__^ ^ The vilhit:e of Asessipi i- eompr.-.a ■ . . •. • ^ - ^^^.„ ,^,^g there a store, a sehool. '-';-;^;;i ' :' ! : ■ the s^;^.;. of lOtt, when n wa operatedby water power from the. I i J, A. 19U met with r. while the ;,'oniicetioii foot, iifiir id with ail ovoriirowh ioinid agri- iinil ill thi III is stato.i t falU, bill i)f the rivor •esi reserve, owed south ni)lar C0V01 - d tamaraoV. me sp'.ciiJi ; siyii, liut f -i' is river. it WHS fouii'l iiuiUy ooeui- he month ■ '. ...f til -^luhl' • jf iiavifiatii ,h whore it ot' the riv. ^hovliii. whi ,11 tlie C.X.I -ottlod. thr;v ur miles fri i« beiiis Icoatr-J J mill has bi 'U nen it was ;• it 1086 Ct'i^- mamtoha water-powers 99 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e out of commissiuii througli tlie iireiikinj; uwa.v of the dam from which it ulitaincil il« power. The dam is at iirc«oiit bfiii« n'jiaired, and it is e.^pecfiil tliat it will be in i.|ii'ration durin;; the eoniiiiK winter. 'I"he town of Russell is lorated fourteen miles din^etl.v souilj nf A-(-.^i|.i, and a % splendid well-settled farming eountry lies between the two. 5 .r.- Hil N-l)KK. ^ \ii) liaiiifall. -The iireci;iitation n-cord> '■o\eriiii.' ii |Mri<.d of nijjc vear-. taken " ;it Uussell. locatotl at the .-oiith of the draina;.'e area (^f ihe river, g\\c a mean vearly rainfall of Il!.4 inehes. Records taken nt Swuu river at tlie nnrtli of the drainai-'e area (ind eovcrinf; a period of four years, cive a mean yearly rainfall of 2<)H inches. The alH,v<' records would tjive a|i]iroximatc-!y a mean yearly precipitation for the river basin of IS inches. Assumini; :!."i jier ei'nt of this as a<-tnal run-off, we have a mean yearly discliarse of ii'o second-feet, or (»•,".:! sei d-feet \H-y s'lnare mib' nt' drainatre ;irca. "'■) Dhcharnr iinaf^iirrin, nl.y. .\ revriilar fiauuiiii.' station wa- c^tabli-lail on the liver durinf: November of the present ye:ir. bs th(> .\Ianitoha llydruf.'r:iphic- Survey. I'icid w,.rl; in conneciiun with thi- >tation is beinn i-arric I on, biit :i> yet -utlicient liita li ivi' not been collected on which to baM- a definite estimate of flew. I l.c rc-nlt of a discharire nii>a\'.'>. I ill bi' found in tnli'c Xo. V,. Tlii- nici-uriinenl w,i< nnidc when, acordiiii- to local iiifliui-ity, the static ..f the r'wrr appro, u-bi-il very iirirl.\ the i.i'dinary lov.-u^itcr level f.r the yciir. K. UAira-i'owi;;: i'o>sii!ii,irii:s. As to '' locations for po->iblc power development-, lla're is very slifrhl informa- tion, then? h.i.infr been no -urvey work doni' on the river with this object in view, but tieni cii-iial ibservatice and the information at linnd, if seems as if this river is to be liiteil M- one of the best for pin'cr piirpo-e-; amonjr the sTiialler rivers of the i>rovincc. From the mouth of tiie river to the junction of the East Brunch Shell river. .iliproximatcly T.'i inilo, there is a dilfei'ence in elevation of tlOO feet, or .S feet to the ; iiiiie. 'J'his tail i-i (piile evealy distributed in the upper reaches, but the perceiita>.'c ■ 't rjrop increases in the lower section of the ri\er. This natural drop, combined with the aecoiupatiyiii!.' Iiiu-li banks, praeti<'a!ly throughout the course of the river, point to e;i-y ilevelopiuent at ditferent points aloni,' its course. 'I'he one ilevelopment. on the river at .\sessipi has a head of l(t feet, and tliouiih i-iiiL; (puly a small jiortioo of the tlow. developed .Mt bor-e-powcr. and tuner at any 'line of tlu' year was tliei-e cNperieiieeii trouble throiiL'li lack of tlow. 'I here havini;' been no sii!\e\ neide on the river I tiuj.' po-sihle dam sites, the I iornuition as to actual lie^id at any siuOi i- not av. liable, but the foUowiuL' tabb- .\es tl.e pos-ibli' horse-power per foot lieaer lit e'liclency. (n) (//) (, I 1 20n lv,;> 10 20(1 ISl'.ii l'O ...... -jno ;j(U.O 111 regard to winter flow on the river, -.iifficient data arc not at hand on whie., to .!-- al! estimate. ;,s 'here feive !;ee,; :■..: whiter . !• .'.s iiVcle. b"f the air. . r H-Jiircs !' r the open months woiild po-sih)x |,e rediu-ed lio pir cent d.irinu: the reniiiiiinsr six e. tiths of the year. 100 4 GEORGE V, A. 19U TABLE No. 46. PiscH^noK MKAsniKSiKNis ..f Sh.^ll Kiver at Ascssipi, 1913. I)nt.' llviln«r..i.hpr. Mt-trr No. W i,,pr hundred miles of its course is very Manitoba. . , ^. ;nf.,.miiiir draiuaiie is noticed, r numerous sm.ll lakes with whi,h the upper basin is dotted. c. — nKscuii'TiiiNi or banks. *'"" f"V i- rctcd a -rc.t variation in the width of the valley, which, iu a uumbor • ol a vc"; ri'h nature, i. in eou.tnut dnn,er of flood in the spnn, freshets. PTST^ ..'.v.:>i*^f..*'JJW u^^.Li^.i^^.1,^ a, r. , i 7 2^3 0«PA»TM«NT OrTHb 1 NTKRIOR , CANADA Watch Power Branch Manitoba Powts SuRvev LITTLE SASKATCHEWAN RIVER Orainaoe Area AMD Possible Power Concentrations Scale IP. Nl t i e 3 Caf^c'etl for Mamfvos Pvb/ic UH':t!ti Civnm^mm !:? • J::tfv v^ '•.€.i..«~ju(»Jbnin of the river in Manitoba the land is praetii'ally all settled iULil beins uorkod for airrieultural purpose-. There is very little ■itarjdini.' timber of any value to bo found on Siinie. Wiiat is met with is mostly >mall and of litt!.- val'ie except for firewoixi. f. — SKrrl.ii.MKNT'i. Th Assiniboino flows throutrb the mostly tliiekly-sottled seofiim of tho provineo and on its banks are found three of the larjrest cities in the province, luitnelv. Winni- jiei.'. I'ortaKO La Prairie and Hrandon. while its point of junction with the Itcil river is directly opposite tho city of St. Honiface. (;. — TI!\NSI'OIlT\TION- .XNT) .VCllSSIIllI ITV. In the lower reaolies the river oan bo naviiratcd with boats of small ilraft but, on aocount of its very windiii-: nature and tlic numerous shoals, the river is not u>;ed for mivi^'ation of a oomniercial nature or for luiniosos other than ploas\iro. At almost any point in its length in ^Manitoba the river is easily aooossible from flood roads and prairie trails. It is cross(>d by numerous lines of railroads, and its course is closely paralelled by thorn for a larf:e porcentafje of its lonirtb throuL'hout the province II. — It IX -OKI', (a) Hainfall. — From the records of tho ini'teroolotri. stations si'iitterod throufih- mnual precipit:iti(jn for the drain- out tho basin of the river, we tind that iiio avora area is approximately >evontecn inches. ( '■) Discliar'jv inuas'in nu'iits. — A frao}j;injr station was e-tal'li-la-d on the river at the St. James C.F.H. bridiro in Miiy of theyiar IHI:.', by the Manitoba ll.vdrofrrapbic Survey. At this station sixteen di>iha'-i.'o moasuremenl:. wore taken durinir a year's observations. The results of those measurements arc slxiwn in table Xn. .1."i. This station was aban- doned in the spring of tho present year to escape tho possibility of backwater cfTocts from the closing of the dam at the St. Andrew's locks. There are at present three frauging stations located on the river, which wore established by tho Manitoba Ilydro- grapliie Survey. The first of th(>so, established in tho spring i>f 1013. is located at the C.l'.K. bridge at Hoadingly. fourteen miles west of the city of Winnipeg. Since llie installation of this station there have been fourteen discharge lueMsurements made, tho result of which are showu in table Xo. ."i.'l Daily gauge roadinu's have also been made and a record of those, with the estimated daily discharges, will be found in ta'.le No. 54. The second station is located in the city of Brandon at the First stroi't traffic Iridgp. It was established in July of 1012. and since that time continuous observations have been carried on. A record of the dis<'hargo ineasurciiients made durin...;" that time will be found on tables No. 40 and No. M. and the daily gauge heights with their c-timatod dail^v discharges are recorded in taldos No. .'1 and No. ."2. The third station, located at the village of Millwood, was established in October if 1012, on the traffic bridge below the ohl dam and. during the year, eight discharge Tuoasuroments were taken, the results of which are shown in table No. 47. The dail. gauge height records, with estimated daily discharges, are given in table No. 4**. ■•w^ ■ 2wv3nm-t£ : Jtrnt^f^r^ Aus«iim m 1«t nFPARrut:s'r of rut: istkhior 4 GEOROE V, A, 1914 I HIOII *NO LOW rLOW. ■Ih.. riv.r. .i>.rin« the .prin« frc^hcU, i. liable to l«r«.- variation, in .taKo ami during hi i^Jnt vn.r a v,.ri,.ti..n of twelv foot hnH boon noto,! between the exl ome rri'ow" or level. The period of hifil. water, however, .loe, ,.ot oover more than thnV w«4:i! r! .he avoruKo variation duri„« the remainder of the year m approx,- mutely five fee'. J._|.0\VKR l)KVKIX)PMKNTS. There are at pro«M,. no pow.r dovelopn.ontH on the river in the provi.uv of Ma"i- ;:^ 'krdx^':S'r:;i;"r ^:;r:yMnlj;.f^=':S,::' ':^ K.— POWER Sl!RVE\S. There, have U-en thro, .urveys made on the river in the vicinity of the city of Hrandon with a view of bx-atin, p.w.ible .Jan. .ite« for the ,f ^ ;;!;;;;7 ;', , ^^ l , the -Mtv . ..o of .luso l.oin^' ma.lo in UH):i by the late ( e.-.l B. M.uth for the W , .t. n Fl^-tr "LiKht and Power Company. The second, by U. E. Spoakman, o.t.v on.Mno.. otUo if Hrandon. This Kurvoy was made at the inHta,>oe of Mr^ ITmadebvthe Manitoba Power Survey under tho d.rect.on of the late (.. H. Bi.rnbam. at a point about twelve miles below Bnuubm. t „,,,ii„>, (^-o The n-nlts of those survey.s show that i.i the v.oinity of ( urne 9 La ml. iK ho 1'" ,. ivolvo nnlos U-low the oitv of Uran.lon, there is a possible bead of i:!So^rf.i; ;b;i^I::bl" This head wouW probably be diminished somewhat dur.n. times of biph water. t,. — WATKU'PinVEn. 'ZrSr^^S^^^:^'f^^ osfin.Ued low flow at each station, a^.d a^o or he low"t monthly mean flow for a period of six months, from ^ay to October. , this Htter case the ostinmte.l power only relates to the ponod as seated bo^o. Tbi l.eTw,uld apply to any proposed ,m the r.ver .u bo no,. ,- bourhooTof the station., at which the information was obta.ned. and also at tho Cnrrio'a Landinp dam site. Hkaoimm.v. i:,.,i,l in f..'t. 1 10 20 |.VrlMMKI. ll,.K>K-roWKI, AT SO I'Ki; .KM K.KHUKNrV. Mminmir «,m IWt >.■.-. ft. Kl..w 11.S2 «r. ft. l'.r„«l May lolKt. 3C 3 72H HIT ; 1o:."> ■Jl.vj 1914 ' a " o •" o T3MT V3S SAOav 132A N! SklOUWA3-'a i^' il.iSIToH.i WArKHfuWt;K.S 103 SESSIONAL PAPER No ?*• Itn SW»K >l W IHH ItNT K»>hl»M». Mil mil Hiiw »iNl...r ft Klmi IKtiiMi II I'.iitKl Mm luiM Mil I Mikil. II. :ill III f.-.l. t K>iiM.Micii lliiii-i iiiMKii \i >*» iru ■►M Kim KM V, Miiiiiiiiiii rt..» KUi.if fi. Kl'iw TCSmi. ft, I'lriinl May lutlvt. II ■• 1|-| ;'.KI li4 " lilll IIi.mI in feit. IH CiKHiKH Lamiini. Dam Siik. KiriMATi':. HuKHK |ii»itn IT .s« iieic ■ km Kkhi ikm v. Miiiiiiiuiii Hu» l(Xi-.i- ft. Kli.w lii:iii-... ft. ''ill..! .\lin t.itki. lIMTl TABLE No. 47. I»l»( II Mii.i; Ml v^i HK.MK.Ms uf -V: -iiiiluiiiu' KiviT, near ilillw.Mjil. IHI:;. I>;lt. I'll'.'. ",'. 11 . I'.M:;, •1.11, -.'7 \|'r,l l!l . \l,.v M .liiU :) .s-.Ti'. I.I llv'Irnnr^M'l" '• Wuidin K. i;;ink-i.ii X. I'iri.- W. .1. !r ('. II. .-Vllf 1 -^l;.;';-' \v„iti,. \rii. ..f M.iiii liiiiiK'. I>i' -. rth.n. \.|.Kin. Ii.-iu'lit. ■■Iiiiiv K.. t. .>M- f' ''!,,.,''"' ^'"■^• ^"■- •'• ii'.i: ii"i >!*! -' 1^1 - •-".' ii'-H i:t:i m; -rii 4 o iw is i7ii ui'.'.i i.)7 ,-. ii.Hi I ;i (IS II i.-i (.-in 1411.1 I'.ij i."t s ;i "■■ 7 4_' .vji:; 1I!h; ii.^i 7ti' 1 x-l 1 iM l:!4il ! i:;'l !!■.-: ■< ! li'.'l .S ■' ."..s .-^ il.-. :i7.-'.!l I III'! Ill <•'>'> 7 17-' 1 :;ii I'J '1 I l.O 1 1 1 (I :ii (;;f.' 'I I« H iiifaxiri'iiu'nt. 104 i>i:i'M!r\ nr i in: isry.itioii 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 TABLE DmI.V CaIIM: IlEKillT AND DISCHARGE of .(am ah v. Iiclt'iit. eliuri-'i' l-"Ki:iir.\iiv, Al'Kll. Mav. it.. I..MK I),s- (iailk"- It. (.'iMirk'f. lii-iK'lit.>.'f'. |-,.,t. S.-r, ft. Kert. S..,-. ft. V>-t. S.-lt. K.-.'t. II 111 O KO 10 11 VI in II l.-l \'\ 17 1.x 111 DC I i'l T.^ •-'4 :ii (I Hn 10 (I J.s 1 IHI cli.irg*'. 1 rio i.JiK) 4.H07 4..M.-) 4.5in 4.r..s:i 4.147 4,.M."i •"'.71- (iilUfJf li>'i),'lit. H 2."i 7H0 H 'Jl 7 70 7 r.ii 7 •JO Ci^ii 7 40 - 2(1 7 lo 7 on t; sii IK) r>o li 4(1 70 III) ."w 4(1 40 ai •JO ■Jo 1" 00 I.IO l)i- S.c. ft. li. ■)! i>.in:< ■■■'."•Jo li.lliO ,").I)L'.5 .~),4:i.*> .■.,l."iO 4.7HO .•>,340 .\1.'HI ."i,(ld.5 4,!»'iO 4.7SO 4,i'iOO 4.. Mr) 4.4:i0 l.'J70 4.11" i,(i:C) :t,!i';o .■i»X.'i :(,.•< 10 :i,7;ri ;t.(i(io S.tiflO 3,.Vi,s ■<..M5 ::..M.-i :<. 1 15 'i,:t:.'i 3,:to5 MAMTOIIA WAIEK I'OWERS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e .No. 4S. Assiniboine River, near Traffic Bridge, ilillwood, for 1913. 105 .IlNE. .Iri.v. Ali.IHT. NH-lKMIlKri. < IrloliKli. ii,i.s:f f.,721) r),i;L'."i .•■,i:ji 4,7.Hii r),:u" •M.-id 4,!ttHI 4,7Sii 4,li(KI 4,51 :> 4.4:tii l.'JTii 4,11" 4,o:i.^) :i,»N.-. :(,sici :!.::(■. li.i'.iKI :t,r,iiii :i..".."is :i,:.l."i :'...".1."> :<, 1 ir> 1, :(:.". ;i,:tii,") l■i^'llt. lni(,'|]t. cli.irK'c S.'c. ft. F.rf, Si-c. ft. hfll,-llt. 1-V,.t. ili:irn.' h-ik-lit. so n,-.':i.-. 1 411 I, -'111 ."1 nil .■<..slii ir 1 .III''! i, ■ . 7" :t,Hi.-i .".11 KilKi ri."» ■.\MM 'K i .■">."l| .1 'lO H,ii;i.'i IK i,:ri(i 711 :'< llll 1 .'■i'l _''.» in -,'i7n •J til l.7:l."i 711 :i.s. •J. IHI.". liii :i.s|i. ■7'.i .In."' in 7" ■J. .".1.1 .V. ;i,iMi.\ i'lii :i, 7.1". 7;; .:<7.". Ml L',:tL'."i lo .■;.i.v.> -II :i."i|."i lii; ; .-tin IS J" L'.'JiCl ,••11 .•(.•.':;."> 1 711 .vin.-i ."i.'i •j;^ III •.'!ii.s."i .'1 IHI :i„'t7.". 1 nil L'.710 1 HI 1 .I'm L'ti 7'i l.llll.". .',7 :i.7«s :; 411 ■J.:ij.". :iii 1 .]'.«> 'J'.f 7'i I.: III.". ■i;.". :i.-4-< ii."i -Ml.'. -li 1 .14l' ■J!t "ill 1.7:10 .S(l ;>,|.».n - 71 1.1 III.". is 1 .111.; ■_"t -'II I.l.-'.'l .s.( :.'.Ki 411 1.7:i-i in 1 .11711 ;;it III I,."i7ii 5 ns 4.iii.'ii •J 111 I,7o."i 1 M 1 .•i;;.i n SK 'ti l.."ll.-. I'L' t,'j.".ii K7SI1 1) 111 |K"i ;(L* III l.Hlii Mil 4.II.'..-". l.slii •N"i II s "11 l.Jiriii S.". :i,:i:i,s l..s'iii ,SII 'III.'. ;;n ;ii l.:ilii ■H.S t,IV_>li l.'.iin 7,! Iinl ^s ■ill l.L'1-.ll .". !MI 4.ii:i,"i ■J.OtHi (;> .*'*.">. ( II -J 1 III l.-_'lit !l."i l.ii7:t ■J .si; L.'.ll:.( 1 1 ; 1 l.|i;ii !M |,ll"i,S 'II ■J.lllll .".1; >u III l.lliO M."» ;;.'.iiis :iii L'.'irii "it ^L''! IJ Jii 1,11". ,SII :v.iiii' '.ij L'.ii:i7 .".1 1 ^IH Ml l.iiTtI "i * .". H.HL'I 'J 7'.i l.'.Ci'l II t'l *»(►'. «' ■_".* III l.ii:.'.-. Ill H. s^."i - 77 1.III7 III :■'( L'ti III I.IIL'. lin :i..siii ~ r.7 l.-<^7 1J 77*^ • >1 III ',11711 liil ;<..siii ."il i.7'.ii: 411 77" ;ii l.lii'i liii i;ii :i.siii .■l.sKi :t'i 1.7:111 l.l..".S 7.1S H.'p lieit-ht. His- il.ur;; r. ft. 7)11 1 7;u 7L11 ,; 7111; 4 (;:h) \l (•S'i - r,si> ,s tNL' \t 7M It 7',M'. I-.* ;[»,! 1 t 7.1" 7; lit !•> '■As ] - 7;i.^ 1 s 7;'-n 11' .slltt (;."is 7111 II' II I ."ill.". .".:i."i i'.:ij 106 hKi'MiiMKM lit' iin: iMh:iii'>i; 4 GEORGE v.. A. 19U TABLE No. 49. DisciiAncE Measurements of Assiniboine River, at Brandon. 1912. lut. llyili.'K'nqilifr. .r.iiv 4 .IlllV (; .liiU ■•> An«. 1" Au«. ■j:i <>. MctiM X... Widtli — ■ Ar.^a i.f s*'ctit»n. III ily. ..■i>.'>it. |li» S(|. ft. Kt. i» 1 itxr L'lii ."' iw.". 7 IIHT •-•14 .". Hs!i :> us: •21 ti n7" ■-' 11H7 ■2\->r, S.-.7 ■-> 11K7 •J07 1 7;n 1 11117 I'.Ml fi 7HK 14!i7 L':« r. 1.-.II4 .") 11K7 •J15 .-. 9."iO .T T4 :t 7'.' ■J7 :; :ti ;( 1.^ •.•:«;7 •.'■.'4i; .VI ■2 w 2(i4'.i of .\>-iinl)(.iiic Ilivcr. at lirniiilmi. l!tl:;. 107 hat. Hy.ln.pril'li' \l.t.-i Wi.ltli Ana of Ml all (laii'' {),> »ti-ti"ii Ml.ifity. Ii.ipht. ch:irKi' S.V, fl. •JTitl .1.11. .... •Jtr.i IM.. ■M -SMu Vpiil 7 •j24i; M.iv i; ■im:> .lull.- 'j< U.S'.p Vu^-. !l 474.-. >.|it. II 2i;:!:i .1, t -" . , <:. Laiiili i;i7:) \. I'ini' . 14i;'.i K. I'>aiik-..ii I 111!. IW.t . .\. I'lii.' 14(111 W, .1. Irilaii'l 14(l'i 1 IIIH .. " Hllli In- 111.- i^ur.-nx-ilt. F.-.t. S(|, ft. Ft. ,» r [■■.•-■t. .S.f. ft. 1 Is ■S.iS r, 1 i;-j 1 (I.-. :w7('i i«;7 ■J77 11 I ■>" 1 '.':> :.xii|i| ■jii'j •>fV> 7 :i 77 s .-.1 7.".7.'< :i|.s :(:(L'7 i; :< ^7 1-j :t7 l-js(;;i ■Ji 1.". sji; li 2 l.s A -J] ■.IMS ■-M.; 1 l.iir. 7 ■J ;i:t Ci n:i 144L' 1.'14 -i 7.'.r. '.( ■-' 11 *- 77 i.s:i:f i.s;i :i .".0.". H 1 7* 1 17 .S.Sl. 108 itii-MnMc.yr or riii: isrr.Riou 4 GEORGE v.. A. 1914 T.VBLK No. 51. DMLV C:m ..K IlKU.UT ANU Dis, „M..;K, As.i.^l^m^ Km.r.^ ,u arJ^n>Jon. fo.^012^ .IlLV. An.iM. Shl'lKMIlKll. N'lH KMBKH. hfinlit. i cllUIk-i'. Vift. s ii 10 II 1-J lit 14 i:i tr. 17 IS m ■Ji •J I ;i ."..■> :ms :i 111 :i (I'.i •J 71 ■J 7iJ 2 s:i J SI) •J s7 ■J M :; 411 :( i:< :i K! :» -JO :t i» :i ii» ■J 'X> •J '.III •J 71 •_> '.III •J >l ; ir^ ;i 111 ■J ll'.i 'JMii L'tHS •2o!MI •jnivi 21 i-'H l,s2--' 1S.-.7 I'.MIIi I'.H.s I'.i:! I 1.'>'I2 I'.ili'.l •Jim; ■_':i-j(i L'll.s ■JUS •J171I ■Jl-J.'i ■jii.".:; IWHI I'l.-,.-. is-jj 1".V. isirj ■Jiilifi •Jii:i'j ■Jills (iaiij.- liPlBlit. r.'.-t. :\ Hi :( (IS :! 117 2 '.111 :f ii."> :; IIS ;s III) 2 '.'1 :mki 2 !is ■J '.ll 2 '.n 2 in 1)1- cliiirj!.- ll.Hfllt. Dis lillllUf llriRllt. cliai).'! :il ■:iii 2 l."i 2 111 S.c.-ft 2iiii; •JII- 1 'ji7t 2til.s 2iir>ii •JDSl ■Jll-.'l I'.K-.J 202.'i •21111 I'.iiy llllij llll'.J ls7s IH'Ul 1 7: is 11. I'.I I.. 12 l,-.:i."i I.Viii 1 l,sr, 1 \x. IIIKI 1 :ii;s 1 ISIl 1 :i.-..-. 1 ;;:!.-. rjrii t ii;."i i."iii; 2 21 2 21'. 2 :iii ** *J7 2 [".I 2 ;« 2 l.s :i 21 :'. 411 :\ n't I r.ii 4 7:; 4 7S I -II I 7S I 711 4 7'.i 4 '17 . c. ft. 147 J l."iii7 i.^:C) IMI l.vjs I. I'.I imu l.slil I'll III 2l7S 2:tjii •J., I ill •J7:;i :ij'.iii :<4iil :ui;i :l 11.11 :iit:! :14.">J :i i.".2 »;i:i 41 II'.-' Ill" 1 1 Ml 4'j:.'' t :'.»:. 4 |s.-. 4l'> Sll ;i 7:t :( lis :i 112 'A ■ It ;i .Ml Si-c.-ft ,M."i7 .".1112 llCii 4s7;; 4S(ii) 4'. IS 441.-. 427 ■. 411*' :i'.l.lli ;l7."i7 :;.'.'.i.'. :ililii :;.;.■.! I :vj IS :;ilii :tii7s :iiilii 2'.i:-t 2-711 'J77 1 "7'Jil 2ii'.it 21IS1; •ji',:iii 2 .7 4 2.".:t I •J4-I1 2ns Jim .iiiiK. ii.iu'lit. ;i 411 n 411 :t :t2 :i 2.'. :i 21 :t IS :i 1.". :i 12 :i IIS A II.". s 112 ',i ii'i 11 ; 10 111 :t'.i ;'.ii .Imrn.' c.-ft 2:iii.". 211211 2HI11I ■il7s 21."..". 21X1 21111 2IIS1 •Jill 11 1 211:111 •JiiJ". 111117 IIHIII M.lStinI! I U I7/.7.' /'oir/.A'.V 109 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e .•l,„r>!.'. O 3. •! ~i I" *-♦ U 7 ^-' ^ -i ^1 — '-' * ■* * Z.~—iU^ 'i ?• 1 'j ? -J -t .■« > .- -"« ; li -5 :t t'i TT _ r. .- .r « .t r. — ti — ri .^ t-2'<- * ? ^- - ^' ^ ? ^ * " -x -i ? ? ? = r:?i — — /-r?. Txx:<:xi--.r<"-^-r-^r-. ?;ti — — — — — — — — ^- tS fiTi ri — fi fi — — ■2:tr,.-. •.•It"" ■_>•_>! IN •.'i:n ■_M.V. •jiiii ■Jiisi •JtH.U ■JIIU'.I •.IrJ.'i 1!I|I7 I'.Hl'.l I'llN l:OI i<;ic, ir.o.-, i.;ii:. i;,'iN 1. -,'.!> l."i'i: 1 iJi. 1 iL'ii 171' /^ < ! .5X .-I r'. s ?i I- r ?i « — X — r •- — -^ ?i r. ■* t- ti ss :c"'i ;t.v.'ti ih;;.-) i'.it; lll.VJ 1S71 11114 UlTll I""'" :( ir2 •.\ W :i w ;« H:i H w; :( n:. '.' '.'11 ■J ;i»i ■J 41 L' II '• ;vj 1 t.'i • 44 1 r.i Ki.t. (i H."l 7-711 H IHi :i til 11 7S K 7:1 4 Ki 4 S'.l .". ^)■2 4 s:i 4 S'.l ■J so ■J :v.' 1 II.-. V.,-. (1. 71.7;' '.fi'i>< ln:«7 i:v4ti4 i»iii' 10447 :4H>I 4;i;c. 47.V' 4.v.'i; 4'J7i. nir.n i.-,r.i M 1 \l lull I \\ \l i:i{ /'(ill l.lls SESSIONAL PAPER No, 25e •• *^*>""--'*^i-r'~^>^^**^?!i''i'^i»iir'^t-»--^*"t»i-— ■»^«i , ; ?. / z. I - I - I - I - 7 / 1 . t , I - / I - . - .* T :'. T ) 5. 2 5 !^ !^ '^ '-^ '•■' C p '■ n .--• A :j V ,■» i; ix 1-, i: , -K Ij '.-t X » 71 i7;' \cp;«' i;«ti4 10417 :ilMi 4;f;v. 17.V.I 4.v.'i; 4-J71. HIW I.V.I a. r / -I. r r t. £ ,■« i; i V ---'-+ ^ - ■ r i' - -* T'l — i 7 ■- "^ — I - 1 - ■ r^ *■; :^ r*. ;■*.-. M T I "'"'"'" I K :-: .'. v. S 71 Ji - -3 '/. r X X :/ r. /. y /.//./. t - 1 - I - I - - - ~ '~. * "z. '/! X X X Jr 'zi X -^ 5 X - '' — T ■' ~ ' * ' *' ^ ■? ' * "i^ Lr i- .- .- -J X I - I - I - I - I - X X X- -- J -J 1- r- i- r* 1 - f - r-f - t - (,(- r X •Alt(| I TI Tl 71 tl Tl . . tl Tl ' ^R ■ ftf ^ k«i. ■ -a-JB- ^ " •t.l'i- Jh-i; 4 GEORGE V, A 1914 T.\i;i.K N.. .■.■.. n,snMn.;K Mi:x-unMiMs ,.f \.<\n\U,\n. U,v. r. ;,t St. m-^^- Unti'. Il\.li..itr.i|.l M.I. Wi.ltl \r.;l 1. M.;.li (ianu- I»i.. -.■C'll.ill \.1.H ily h.iulit. .hurt! IMl-J M.y II •-•I. .lulv 1. Si.f Kt. |.. y,.,,t, Sir, ft •.';i. A s. |.t.'.'4. 1 )< t, H. II -c. 'JX. • liiii 17. . .Mar. 7. Mav :i. . S S S-".\ll 11. II I'.'llllllulll \v (; w..ici.ii .\ I'iri.. U. II. X.l...n 11. >1. N.1-..11 .\. rill.- (i. II. r.unil 1 K. r.:ink>"ii 11 si; ■.".n J.l.»- 4 7« 1 ::• .^sl,^ ll>7 'XA'i iiw) 1 .il .'i :;;* 711-1 lli«7 X.- lt>llS ( >*7 & !>«l 7.'^;'"_* 11^7 •j>.w lllH 4 ■& 4 ■.'•-' i»ii 1 is7 •JMl 1IIH7 t "7 H H'.l If.Ti lls7 '_'.'*."■ '.111 :t I'.H :< -.ii :v«iH 11 ■>7 ■J-<,"l Hi;:i n iw ■_* ■ 7 1 2* »■')'.* 11H7 11S7 •JS.'i 7'.i" •J 7'> •J I.-. 2-.'-Jl ['Hll 72^ •• ii:t ■-> 17 I'tlt 11H7 ■.".HI iiiia 4 111 3 7-'. ITiti 11H7 •j'.i:. 1 IL«.t 4 ;ii 1 7:* iimi 11 '.'7 ii'.ir ■js.-i •JS.') 77*1 1 ;Ci •J s7 It <;;! 1«.V.>| ' 1 1411!! U'.l" 1 W.i ■AW 1 :il 2 !■>;* •"'■--' :ti7 1 ;is 'J n:< t:t"i' ....(■> t (M 7 «7 10(i,")i', ii| U...C..i.r wr— '■^WWH IKtl •_•<;■)!• Ti-2\ I'.ill liliil in.v.'. imi'ii. L'oe— 8 < > ^ l » ' ■ II si.\ \ //<<« 1 II ATt:ii i'u\vt:Hs 116 ,ESSIONAL PAPER No 35« Tut 1.1 I n K S\Tl ||M\ \V. ,\.-- I '" MIliN \Mi |i|t(K< IImN. Til.' I.itfl,. Si,.|s„fli.w;iii I.... |>lnti' N.,. I.M.rU... in ll,.- «..„il,. rlv |Mrt nl U„liiiK Maintain For.-^t rrscnv unci IIowh in ,t »n,illi.-,i«t.Tl,v .lir.vtiui. until it, tl„- 1 .wn of Minn.Kl,^;. At this town ih.' river l.en.U llimntrli alinu-t a ri^ht ant;!.-, and i! .w* in II ^..iithuoti'rl.v ..f it« iiK.uth whm it ii-Miii rfsMin,., itH ori^tiiial c.iirM' t.. th,. Huiitlira-t uikI joins tli.' .\->inil"iiii.' riv.T riir imiit of jmictinii »itli llu. latter river i> eiflit miles «e.| , f tlie ,.it,v ef liiMii.|,,n iii'l all -1 direetly .sfnitli nl 'hi; head «ate^^. II. IIIM II ll\- \\rrin: oi- ni n. , riie river, ■ilnio-t tiirouirhout its entire len^'th, tlows ..ver a 1. -d e..iniio-ed of lino I Lr:a. I and sand, thouirh in some localities it is thickly cov.Tcd unh lari;.. hou!i|ers. "I In wiiltli the natural heil varii's from fifty to ninety feet. i .Vo roek outcrops have heen noted, and it is not likely that r,..-k v, ill he nict with 4 : ny part of the river. K.— IIMIlKIi Wl) VKI.lTVTKiV. I In the upper reaches of the river a considcrahle amount of valnahle timhcr liai ^l,,.M ..bsprv,.,! !,i!', with fl,i= rvccptir^Ti. ^■,-ry litth- :i:ar!.r!ah!r iiml. r i- t,. i.e had. ih. titry beini,' well settled and the 1; 111(1 mos tly hroken throutrhout the entire h; inhrnken land i,s mostly covered wi'li small poplar and scnih. .■e-«J 116 /./ r[i;ivt M "I nil i\inti»i( I GtORCE V, A 191 riic liilKili "t ! i„. nw r M ,.r..i.M.u f.i '■>•■'' :'■•"'•'' "1 "'" '•'';:l'';: n . . ^.t I .. »..,1 l'..r It^ Milt -r-'lk'. ^V lllP III tt ,,„„tl„r,M-r.. »l...t t..nn. iu..|aru.Tpr..l>..rh..u..l tl,- . r.,, K. TIMN>|..inMI MMHSIllll.irV. ;:r:,;r,:;t:::.::;.:::'VH:'a;^'l^:::';::;:': .>;^^ n-- ;,::;,:;:;;:;.;.: ;':.'■.!.- u,y .i.,> .. ..>,..... ... SI. 111. I \lt:\r-i. '■'■'■ ^•':\:''''':l;;;;:':;:\!n;K:;:'ii.;;:;';^i:tM".'."-i^^ ;;;:;;;;n,t.;'i: S-ri;' ^; .;---. ,;:i»::r ;t;;:,= r;"i: .Wa. Uapid «'it.v. tlu- l..nn.T luivmit a i...i,ul,.lV.ii ut aiKU. latter about tiv.- huii'lri-.l ami ..iirlil.v. 11. HI N i.ii--. ,„, /;,„„/a//.--Uaiufall ro.-r.K f.T th.. t„«n ..f MMmo.losa. ...venu^ a r.-n...l ""■^ti: '^IZ^^^.n. .„..:u.le .....rln.-. ,h. ro...ts .,f whi-h a,- .Iv.u i '"""W,;;nl ,.f the .laily Ka,..e la-i.h,. has al., been ke„.^, with i.e as.,;'. "nXhar.e,. u ill bo fouu.l o. .ho ,laily ,h-, .lar.o table No. .„. I.— llli:il .\.M) I'lW w.MKII. 1 1 i„"l,.. ..«» -t .!..■ rivo, 1 .- « ".■.^.."™ "f ^' '"'■ J. — SIRVKVS. (a, The lan.l ,hr..u^;h..ut the -Irainase area ha« been .urveved a,„l sub.lm.i .ite. was made ,m the river ,lnri„K the sunnn..r ol tin. year bv the Ma,ut.,ba I ..v Sotd^iiS:^ the"^:' ito No. ll .ivo the location of four possible da. ^ and II... the two existing developments, as i„ve.t,.ated by this survey. mm wm >I), plat, V I lie (lam ' * 1:1 .i/i.\/7o/M WMt.K nnvi as H7 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e K. — STORACK. The lukc nnd streiiiii iireas. with tluir uccoiiipaiiyiiiK low laml ainl iiiiirshcs in the u|iper liasin which could be iitiliznl for stMni^ro purposes, iirc as [( — Acres. Andy Iak(>, inclndiiif; liifr .laiktish I'rtik I.IKHI Jackfish lake 1,l>S() IJottlc and SpriK'o lakes 1,1(V) Siniaw creek 2,500 Clear lake S,9t;0 Proiitts lake ;j_e-,0 Stuarts lake C-,0 O'lk lake i;i(l„ Tlionia.s lake l',()(K) Heaiiford lake COO I.oiiir lake ^ s(M) .■^aiidy lake 2..')00 Til., total siirfaiH' area obtaiiialdo for st,ira,i;c piirpcis.'s in cuMiiection with these hikes IS 24,»UO acres. The amount of storage foot on the ah .ve .ir.M is 1,047 billion cubic feet. L. — \i \ss (I nvi;. From mass curve studies, j.late Xo. 1.-,, made in connection with the discharge •lata obtamcil during the year of 191:!, we tind that to maintain a uniform discharge of 230 second-f(>et, there would be required a properly regulated storage on the head- water lakes of 3-lG billion cubiL feet, or an average depth of ;5()1 ,.n the above-men- ti'iiied storage areas. il- — WATEK-PUWEH. There is a dilferenee in elevation of tOn feet betwe.Mi the water lev<.|s at the point of junction ot the Little Saskatchewan with the Assinil,..iMe, and a point four mile, iilinve the town of Minncdosa. In this length of the river the possibility ,,f coni-eiifratiug ,i portion of the natural ImII at six different locations has bei'ii iiivestigat(>d. At tw., ,,f the.,, points develop- ment work has been don,., and these, with the ctlaT pus>ibh> devclepnients and their estimated horse-powers, arc listed beb.w. Hased on estimates of fl,,w fur the year ending October ni. IIU:!. the following table gives the power available at an mi per cent* etlicieucy. and is c,uiiput,.,| fnr a low t!-w of .50 second-feet, and also for an estimatcl regulated flow of 2;!0 secnd-feet. I 118 DKPAKTMEST OF THE lyTERIOR 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 KsTIMATKIi HOIISK I'OWKR AT 80 Pi I ('►ST KkKI(K\. Brandon Klretric Liglil Ci> Miniii'il.ian I'ower Co Imiii Siti' No 1 liead. L.;* H"« Flow ;)<)«c..ft. 2:«) ».i-. ft. 33 140 i;!Mi 14 nw rx»4 40 ISO H4II 4r> 2o;t !ii:. 47 •jrj '■»' 20 tHI 4-.'0 N. — I'OWKll UKVKl.orMKXTS. (0) The Brandon Klirlric Light Co. The Brandon Electric Light Company own and operate a water-power on th^ river about half a mile above its junetion with the Assinibome This plant is used throuj;hout the sunimer months, but is shut down and held n- a possible auxiliary to the cnumny's steam plant duriuR the winter Ihis rever>. of the usual custom is accounted for by the fact that the company sell their exha>M steam through the winter m,.nths for heating purposes, aiul in that way aotuallv have a source of revenue above the cost of fuel used for Kcneratir.!? power. This development comprises au earth dam 25 feet hi,-h and 450 feet long, with wooden spillway OS feet wide. ,. , , i .i, i ™ The power-house is a frame building erected immediately below the dam. Plant has been installed here f.,r the development of from 400 to COO k.w. under . head of ."J:? feet. (h) iln< Minncilosa I'owcr Co. The location on the river which has been developed by the Minnedosa Pow. , Company is situated within halt a mile of the town of .M.nnedosa^ Work was commenced on this deve'.opmout m January of 1910 and the i.Uu . though not complete.1. started operating under a head of 1. feet in the sprui. of the present yeir. It is claimed that this head is increased to 24 feet under co,.. pleted conditions. This head has bcei- ina.le possible by the erection of an earth dam, '■'''V'SimTgenerator and turbine house is s,tuate.l about 4(.0 feet below the da,„ .n.1 the water is carried from the intake to a 450 horse-power turbine, through a - ,„„t wood stave pipe line. (See page 12:!.) Provision has b>^en made for doub In:, th.- enpacitv of the plant as the demand for power increases. At tne opposite end - the dam to' the intake is lo,at..d a concrete spillway. fiO feet w„ e. , . p, It is .tnted that th mpany has the right to raise the level of the water m U lake n feet f,.r tl». purpose of obtaining storage to carry the plant over periods of b • flow, and n photo of the timber dam .-re.t.d fur tin- purpose >s 4 2 r.l7 *J2."i 1 !M .'( 71 4M) Tr>4 1 01 H IS ]M i:!4 11 (i; 2 SI ■S'l 117 7.1 2 .^S S"i 'Ici* iiifif^urt iiH'iit m 120 UK i:\KIMKST OF Tin: IMHlllOK 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 TiUJLE Daily GAiiiE IIkkjiit and Discharge, Little .1 ASl AKl. FKHnrvi;v. .Maiiih. Al-IUL. May. JS Heinlit. clmrgf. Height. K.-.t. Oil. chargr. H.-iglit. S.t-.-ft. Fi'it. l)i»- charK'f- Sec. ft. 8 ' t) { 10 11 ] 12 13 14 ! 1.5 111 IT 1« I l!l ZIP 21 22 23 24 2.-, 2ti 27 ay •M :u 4 411 4 ii; 3 17 4 20 4 33 '4 !»3 4 44 4 50 4 t!3 4 iij au^e l)i« (iaugc HMgllt. K«-t . IJU- ivrht. ihargf. S.T,.ft. chaig**. V.-t. S.C. ft. 4 10 1 4 «0 KiW) 4 IC. 4 70 704 4 .S)i 4 IKi 4 3« 4 0.5 !H)1 4'r>*i li.5.5 4 4« sy« 4 .53 4 4H ns;t 4 .■»< 4 2.■< •.iW 22;t r. 71 12I)H :i 2!) 22H r> '.12 1204 :$ 10 1S4 5 lil iir.7 ;< '.«! 407 5 21 ioo;< :i Hx 45>t 5-.".l ivjr. ;i 7N 410 .■) 11 '.102 :i W( 427 ,■. IK) 12W, :t 07 405 .5111 058 ■A «7 4.55 .5 70 12114 HSO 427 .5 :«) 11)40 ,i so 427 -. 2I( il'I'i :i so 427 40l» .5*»7 ;< sii 427 :i is MAMTOBA WATER-POWERS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e No. r>7. Saskatchewan Kiver, near Riverdale, Man., for 1913. 121 .r NK. .1 in. .\i.. «T. .•SkF' miiiKii. OiTi ll'.KII. . — cliariff. 1 iau^M cliaix*'. .SK-.-tt. (Janiff Htiitht. Ki-.t. His chaitv Sw. ft. liaii^i Mf'i^-li Kect. |li» . rliaiyt- Sfi. ft. llanitt-. Il('i);ht. F.-,t. I)i». ('iiar^'i' S.r. ft. J^ l'..t. S.V. ft. K...t. :<77 :t7r 41.-) 41.^ .1 Wl 3 :*} 427 ;iii7 3 «0 3 40 347 2117 3 Oil 2 4!l 1211 31 2 .■'0 2 im 41 1 ;t 70 3S7 3 i;ii 317 3 40 2117 3 no 1211 2 So 101 ;i 3 8 447 3 47 2!C. 3 >t2 47.5 2 70 nit 2:ni im s :m;(i 347 3 SO 427 3 111 3.-.I 2 mi lot 2 47 2)1 ;i 3 !i5 4«7 3 Mi 3;tl 3 H3 4*1 2 ss '.111 2 !K) 101 111 3 10 l.")4 ■.inti 427 3 30 227 2 ss '.111 2 IIS .->(1 11 3 4K 2!HI 3 4H 2!W 3 20 iM7 2 24 12 2 !KI 1(11 12 3 :t(i 2.'- 3 70 ;W7 3 00 12(1 2 "lO 32 2 70 5!l 13 3 ill ■.117 3 4.S 2) 111 3 20 1.S7 2 .so 7s 2 !lo 101 14 :' 311 227 3 (HI 4ti7 3 10 151 2 44 211 2 80 7'S 15 3 70 ;W7 3 2'.» 223 3 10 l.-i4 2 45 ■»- 2 27 13 111 3 4n 2117 3 Ml 427 3 10 154 2 .50 .32 2 47 20 17 3 47 •M 1 _", 3 ilO 4117 2 s;i till 2 .so 78 2 80 7s IS 3 Wl 427 4 00 ."107 3 20 1S7 2 Mil 7s 2 70 .5'.! 10 3 ;«1 o.»- 3 !«> 4117 .■> 22 11.15 2 45 27 2 IIS .Ml 211 3 14 Ttl7 3 4!l 3»3 3 42 275 2 .".0 32 2 87 01 21 3 Ii2 3.V. 3 ito 4li7 i< .S3 43!l 2 .^f .S.5 2 (18 5H 3 73 3'i!i 3 N, 427 3 si 431 2 !lo 1111 2 S8 ml 2.3 3 Do 317 3 i>r, .371 .3 30 227 2 SO .'s 2 is :>o 24 .; L'3 1119 ;! 20 211 3 42 275 2 811 78 2 so 7 s 3 4.". 2K7 3 liO 3 (7 3 10 154 •' 5) 32 2 2S 13 211 .f i;."i 31 i7 3 IH) 347 3 110 1211 ■i 44 2 4S 30 27 3 Wl 347 3 Si. 447 2 S!l !KI 44 2 .SO 78 •is 3 70 ;W7 3 tki 347 3 IKt 12'1 ini 2 70 .50 20 3 70 3S7 3 41; 2tll 3 10 2117 - 41. 3 ml 1211 311 3 70 ;tn7 3 IHI 12ii 3 II 271 31 1 1 lii. ^11 TSi. ( ^iHI<-_ 5a3|<,ak;K«v4Qn Ri'<«>^, H»r»r\cctJ-Js^_ J fe I If J H^ I -[--. r t 1^ ■!!■']'•!» .•Si 3^' II IS ■ 4^ GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. 1914 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA. CHj^PTKR v. RIVERS IN WESTERN CENTRA I. PORTIONS OF MANITOBA. 127 i: 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e A. 1914 CHAPTKR \'. UIVERS OF WESTEliX (^KXTRAL rOUTlOV OF MAMTOliA. V\i.i,i:v IJivKii. A. — r.ocATrov. The Viilloy rivor. so called sinoe it flnws in the valley lietweei, the UUWwj: Miid r)ml< moiiiitains. rises in the Diiek Mountain Forest Reserve and dir^ehame- into lake Dauphin. (See plate No. 16.) B. — KIVER BASIS'. SiuKoosh lake, which lies in the northerly part of the Duck mountains, is statinl to be the source of the river. From this lake the flow is in a southwesterly direction to East Angling lake, into which the tributary drainage from Laurie and West Angl- ing lakes enti'rs from the north. From East Angling lake the river tlows southerly a distance of some 10 miles, and then bends in an easterly direction, continuing this latter course until it empties into lake Danpliin. Near the easterly bend. Short crc-k, which rises in Riding Mountain Forest reserve and drains several small lakes, enters the Valley river from the west. Below this the main drainage to the river enters from the north, chief among the tributaries being the Drifting river, which joins the Valley river some three miles west of Valley river station on the Canadian .Northern r:\ilway. C. — .NATLRE OF BKD AND BANKS. Tu the rciiches below the Duck Mountain Forest reserve the river flows in the valley lying between the Duck and Riding mountains, the banks vary in hci).'ht from 15 to <^a feet, while the width of the 1: it torn land ranges from 700 to l'.kOO feet, widening in some few places to 3.00;) f..c!. The river at ordinary summer stages has a width vary- ing from 100 to 200 feet; the banks are composed of .vellow clay overlying a bed of aravel and boulders. Investigations carried on at several points in that iiortinn of the river lying between (Jilbert Plains and Valley River station, have shown a ilcpth of clay varying from fi to 30 feet overlying the gravel strata. The bcil of the river is I'l' uravcl, with boulders. n. — TiMiii:ii Axn M:or.T\TioN-. In n tlie upper watershed there is considerable crrowth of valciblc tinilicr. cnipris- iuir spruce, jackpine and poplar. Lower down the river tin- valley bottom an.l banks :irc covered with a growth of scrub oak. pojdar and briar. Very little <-lcaring has Imii done in the immediate vicinity of the river, but grain growing and mixed tarm- iiiir are carried on to a considerable extent in the a«de in h. vear 1SS7 bv the Geological Survey of Canada. In October. ICl.' a^ meter staUo, was established at the Canadian Northern Railway bridge near \ a: .y K'ver poM office by the Manitoba Hydrographic Survey. In the fo lowmg 7"^™".,'?;!" " sance survey of the power possibilities of that portu^n of the river ^''"•n .^^^^^ W" ' to a point some four miles below Valley River pc.t office ^^"^ -^f ""^ 'l" ^f, ' Manitoba Power Survey, operating under the Water-power Branch of the 1 epartnn . of the Interior. In the fall of the same year a preliminarj-inyest.gat^ion of the stora., possibilities of the upper watershed was made by Mr. D. B. Cow. who previously ha.l been in charge of the field party carrying on the power smvey. I. — B IX -OFF. '" ^^ T^, a ' lakes, it would be possible to obtain a r>-foot storage on North Angling lake and n 3-foot storage on East Angling lake, the latter lake being a collecting basin of to major portion of the upper drainage. In the case of the former lake, the to,.- gooooooooQeooooooooooioooe -9i UAMTom HI lilt I'nWKRH 133 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e I.nt th.MMI, ;„«n,.n 1ms 1,....,, ..,tMM;,...,| „. |„.i„.- .11 ,|.at ,!.,• Iril.ut.rv run-otr w„„|.| nMU.r... In, s,m,.. frntMr.. ,,,'pli.- f.. S|„ir,„„|, |„k., „l,i,.|,. though it Im. M..t „. vrt '■; '"--."ff;'-!. - >'H,...I l,..nll.v ,„ 1 ,,,., „f .. „„,„,, „,• ,„ •[,,,.. Wlu . f r,i -tora,... n„« ,t ,.. .,|,hu„.., ,„, ,„ ht Mnall Ink-s ,1„. t„ll„wi„.. ,:,.,!,. ,.iv.., , ,i„.„.. •f that avaihilplo ni, tljc three al".v.-iiiriitii.ii...| lak.>:-- l-.ik.- I ji»t .\ii(t iriu' \"rtli Aiinlihi >ll(K.''>ttO,l INI Ihl.itMt.f IN) Y .11. 191.!, ,t ,s esflMHted that the hnv ttow of the river .l»riu^- winter ,„,.„th« "iilU be inerease.! from M seeon.lteef, a. f„un.i in 1!U:!. t.. .lit M-eon,|-feet l,v th.' iitihzatK.n of this storajfe. '>■— " MKU-l'oWII!. The foUouin^. tahh. drives tl,e ...,i„n,te,l power availahl,. at fonr pus.-ihN. powe,- Mtes m that portion of the river n.vesti;. .e,l as shown on profile plate No. 17 J he est m>ate.l power, based on an >U per eent efficieney, has been eomputed under tliree separiit"' headings: - ' ll.i;/'^ On a miniinuni How of J(l se.-ond-feet as recorded .Iiirin:.' the winter .,1 \'M>. U) 0„ a regulati^ flow of fiO seeond-feet. it heinsr estimated that the l.,w How ' 'Uld be increased by ret'ulation to this amount. (3) On a flow of lOr. seeond-feet. this heine the lowe.t mean monthlv How lor a m\ of S..V months from April to S ,„e,nher, inehisive. and .onse-pientlv the esti- mated power under this heading „nl.v aj-i-lies to the peri,.d a- given All estimates of power are i,ase,l on run-otf data for the vear ending ()..t.,l,er .31 .'1.. and as hese re,or, s do not .-ovei- an extende.l period of time, the estimates of til" flow are therefore sub.ieet to a revisi.m: — jL 134 liKPAHTMKM Of THE ISTBRIOK 4 QEOROe V, A, 1914 EktimatiI' Mokhk Powkk i>\ HO',' KmciiKrv. l*uwitK 8il(. IrfiWHtt iiionthlv N... 1 N4>. a N... a No. I TuUl liorm' >ii)«»r. lt> 34 I'.l 31 .V) 101 /••J «4 ■JII3 Kri lifj TS'l Ml i,:uii TABLE No. B8. DI8CH.VBCE MKA81I.KMKNT8 of Vulley Kivcr, at Valley River. 101-.'-13. \ha>: 1'.I12 (»tt. » l'.>13 K.l). I!* April 14 14 „ 14 .lulM- All/. ,, Oct. Hy.lrt«ru|.h.r. MH.rX<).| WidOi. I ^,i„„. \V. (}. Wonlin A. Piri*- K. Ilankmm (;. Kliii'T A. F-rie .. ( ;. Klimr. W. .1. IrrUml CO. AlliMi.. 1 1'.t i 141)2 llHfi lIMi llWl I4r,!i UNI 1 1'.tti 1 4tir> liiiii 1 Hi!t I tiui 1 4;rt Kwt. 4,-> i:>7 V>7 154 Mi .'•4 l'.i;i 144 .">;« 51 S M'.") 4 12S na 7 sr8 M™i. «i.,,iK.. Di^.imf... VMc« ty lii'iKlit. Kt. I»T Hit. •.' (l!> 'jri :t 7s 4 III :v7i •J ui 1 4M .1 Sll 4 11 1 IW •-•■111 1 llil S'J V,-rt Htv-h. 2m :t2>» 2 IK I li 17 ti 17 r (1.1 2 Wl •J 4:1 : 41' f) !i.*i 2 4" 2 :« 1 Ml 1 (i; 'jit 2.1(1" I 221 1 21 vj -■»i ^S^ :<(Kir. . iv ;> ■' 111," ilAMT'iHA WATKH POWSKH tM SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25« TABLK Xo. 50. lUlI.Y (iAIliK IlKmilT AMI I )lsrn MK.K. VlllllV U iviT. at Valley Kiver, ll»ll'. • hTcitmii. Ilxv. -Hi ••■Hit . l> 111." I'll II IS. Ill, ii •-•4 •1» ■s>. .•11 tiimifi' liiiKht. K.-.t, 'i !l| 'J IM L* 711 ■J (i'l a Ii7 l»l»'i'li;trKf .S.i-..(l. 371 :«i7 ■U7 ;(..7 J77 an ii.inj.-r li.'i|rh(. K..t. L' .■.!! K .".* •-' .Ml L' lil 1' Mi ■J 111 •-• ".» a .'HI L' »7 J ;i< I illllj^f lu'ltfllt. II,.. clmrKH ti»ii(ei' Itfigtii. IM. K..1 ft. I s » 4 ft 6 7 H 9 HI 11 IS IS 14 Ift 10 17 W I't »» n as ss S4 86 S6 27 2H 2« ao 31 ... . . .i •i«,\' ".'.'..'..'.. 1 i 3 111 , •'•{■iir ::.'..'.''... 1 ; s ei 1 • ■ ; 2'«2 '.'.'.'.'.'.'■ ■■J6i ■ K.-.i. Sftl 6-» •'«■ «»> 6 14 r> 41 4SS 4 44 !>n 6 57 7 UO it III 5M r.«7 6Tl r> 43 5 m .•i 51 5 81 fi 18 5 W 4 71 4 31 3 !»l 3 .-il 3 II 3 lin 3 »*1 S.<\ ft. I.MOtI i.r-i I.'.':!* '.'.iito I.H'.ni •i.7tK> 2.lfil) l.ilWI l.'.fJ" l.MMI l,"4l> l.tilM l,:w. l.ltii mNi tXi4i 4I*> •lis H4ti Ki-<-t. 3 ','1 3 71 3 74 3 117 3 :i 3 111 4 iKt 4 113 4 Oi 3 IM 3 3 3 x:) 3 till 3 rxi •2 «l •J 41 ■J 31 2 31 •(31 •-' 31 •.' 31 •J 31 •J 31 2 31 Hrt:. f». Kwt. miii 7x41 Mil 711'.' 7Ht'. r.ii !I7H '.I'.Ni 1I1H ll-.M >40 IU«l 7ric. 7i'.« 7 Mi HUl ♦•.7H Wll --Il Will S>3 1!I7 172 177 172 172 172 IT'* 17-i 172 2 31 2 31 2 31 3 4.". 2 M 2 '.13 2 K\ 2 24 2 24 2 24 3 m 2 113 :' Hi 2 73 2 .M 2 f>l 2 43 2 .-Jt 2 33 2 If I 2 24 2 2() 2 IH 2 73 2 71 2 Ml 2 5l» 2 Itt 2 IW 2 im .>*...: -f I 17-' 17-' 172 t;;t» 3111 :iii7 327 i.vx i.'« \:^ III 3i;7 31 !> ._>,., 223 221 2111 211 ITi* 17" l.> l.Mi 14ii 2WI 2)>;i 2211 2211 '*.V 27t 2."'ll I It. 1/ I \ //' SESSIONAL PAPER No. 2S« Ni), tio. Valley Kivir, «t V.ill. > Ki\,.r. f.,r Ilti:i. U7 Ji II. M..1- t *it1ltf> Ik'IKIiI 3 II * !•! » ::i 7 H" 7 1" tl 21 f. y. i\ til N .'11 M '.tl r. 71 :. ai 1 f\ i II 4 11 :i Nl :i .'Ki .1 111 1* HI •J r,i •J 41 -• il 2 01 1 >i 1 t.\ Uarift li'iglit. '■ tt. (•V.f •J!M ;< II ;« ■2 •» :t.)Mii •J 71 :i.L'7o •-• HI :i,ii)iii a "I ■2,-Jx»i a 7 •-' « •J..'HHt .» .P.J I.IISII o .J.J 1.741; •} ifO 1,1 til L' 21 l.-XPt. ;< 11 l.iiLli :i ml »<4ii :< 1)1 lilNi 2 Wt "kVl 2 H2 .-i^m 2 7" ;tiit 2 IMI •j:,:i 2 BO 1!'7 2 2,1 \:>J 1 l."i lilt .' 4:i !):t tl .f 1 71 2 ?.'. I>i-.lw ft 44.'. fX< ;».!» :i.".» aid ;tw :n!» ■Jim ■JXi Tl.i 1!»7 1H2 172 i:.t 1.".4 1.V4 17- I.^2 4».'. lilt :v.m :m :i-£i 3X0 J.iO 2211 i:* 4<) 2I<1 ir>« i;tr ."<► t'l t »( »lf I 1 Im'IIIIiI 1 >l.l 1 hll^. • lii..>. Im IK' t r. . f. .s.,. ft. K.,, 2 u*> 12:1 1 1 (.H lim 1 t 1 «l nil 1 .'14 1 Ml 1111 1 .-.a 1 H7 :K> 1 .'41 2ti7 271 1 :>i 2 4< I'm 1 ,'i»i a 27 nil 1 4tl :' 211 l.«i 1 47 2 12 134 1 ."^ 2 IM 1211 1 ."iM 1 ttl Kifi 1 ■."> 1 11 as 1 till 1 IM) l'i4 1 !■: 1 IN) nil 1 i.'i 1 M4 '»'i ' M 1 Ml ■ -'» •: i,:i 1 7lt Nil 1 ■;! 1 7" Ml 1 l..^ 1 71 SI 1 1. 1 \ i>it 711 1 Ml 1 .K) Ml 1 Tl t M 11.1 1 il!l 1 tui 7" 1 &!l 1 IKI 7• '1 ,M ■ 'II 7h 21 -1 •».» ' •.'t :il jli 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 138 DKI'ARTMKST OF THE lyTERlOK Mossy Rivkb. a. — uk"ation. The Mossy river, which rises ii. lake Dauphin, and is some 21 miles in length, discharRes into the southerly end of lake Winnipegosis. B. — OKNKRAL niRKCTIOS. Heading in the extreme northerly portion of lake Dauphin, the river flows in a westerly course for a distance of two miles. It then bends in a northerly direction, rutaininn this li-.tter course to the mouth. I .— HIVKK BASl.W With the exocption of the Fork and Fishing rivers, whioh enter the Mossy from the west, the drainage of the buMii is collected by If ko Dauphin. Discharging into this lake arc the Vallev, Turtle, Ochre, Wilson and Vermilion rivers. Fiiese rivers, which head in many small lakes and muskegs in the Riding and Duck mountains. How in a general easterly course to the lake. The upper watershed in the mountains .•oniprises a hilly or rolling country which is well timbered, while the lower and greater portion of the basin is uii.lulating prairie, covered m many places with a growth of willows. In this prairie section, whi.-li is very fertile, grain growing and mixed farniintr are carried on extensively. I>. —NATlHli l)K BANKS. The banks of the Mossy var.v in height from four to fourteen feet, and are coin- ,>.,sc.l of,. or yellow clny overlying a b(xl of Hue gravel. Approximately, li miles above lake Winnipegosis, an (.ut to 2(M) feet, with an average ..f \m feet. The bed of the stream is coinpos.Ml ,.f sand and gravel, with numerous boulders occurring in certain localities. The channel has been improved by dredging and by the removal of boulders, practically eliminating all rapids. Due to sand bars, very shallow water occurs at the entrance to the river at lake Dauphin and also at the mouth of the Win.;ipegosis. F.— TIMBER AND VKOKTATION. 'lo the west of the Mossy, the land is well settled, and fertile fields devoted to tbc •Towth of wheat, oats, barley and root crops border on the river. Farming is not car- ried on to the same extent east of the river, the greater portion of the land being covered with a growth of willows and poplar. a.— HIGH AND LOW W.\TKR. High water usually (K-curs in April and early May at the time of the spring break- up. Heavy rains in the head-waters also give rise to high water during later periods of the year. It is stated that in the .vcar lOOJ extreme high water occurred, beiiiL- I niAJT vat JMISV xa34 N, ^NO'J.VASTa MlXiroUA HI 7 i'«-/'0 WEHS 139 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Mmi.' six IWt liiifhcr than tlie ordinary sttiKcs of the river level. In July, lOl.'S, the vviiter was aguiii hi^h, due tc i)r..[on>.'wl heavy rains, hut did not reaeh within 4 f«>t of till' u.\trenie i>( 1!»02. Low water u.siially occurs in February. II. — ICK CO.NDITION'S. It is stated locally that fi>r the first three miles l.elow lake Oauiihin the river does not freeze over in winter, but lower down the surface fr.«c/,..s. in some pla.esj to a depth of two feet or more. Jt is also reported that ^ince thi' improvements to the liver channel, the ice breaks up in th, spring without the f..rnuitioi, of i,..- jam>. I.- AK KSSIBII.ITV .\Ml \«1<;ATI0N. \Viunipesnsi>, the terminus of the Winuipetf.rsis hraic-b of the Camulum Nor- thern railway, is sitiiate.l at the m-yuth of tlic river. South*"rlv from this town for a (listanc.. of U miles to Fork river, the railway is never m-^ distant than lA miles trom the river. .Some six bridjres, which are aM . rafts, but is „ot now ii«ed for transportation J. — SKJTI.I Mi:\Ts. As st.l.- was iria.le in the yur l-<>!» by the dominion CeoloKiea! .Survey. During the vcars Iss; t„ i^lts, the country was subdivided by Dominion Land Survey, and open.-d up for s.-ttlement \\ ith a view to low..rinK lake Dauphin by dredKiatr the river channel, tlie IVpartmeiit of Public Works made a survey of the river in V.m and. in the four fol- iowiiiK years, dredjriiif; was proceeded with. In 11)0.5. D. A. Keizer. C.F,. sun-eved and reported on a possible power site situated one-half mile above th(. town of'Winni- I'csrosis. Durinp the summer of I'Ji;!, a reconnui.-san.v iuvesti(,'ati f the p,ju<.r po.ssibilitics of the river was made by a tield part.s ..f the .Manitoba I'ou.-r Sur\cy. I. — HI NMiKF. ■IV, ';""'''"';""--^lt''""!?h no rc'ords of precipitation of sufficient period are av.ulable tor the district, it is estimated that the mean iinnual rainfall is approxi- niateiy 1> inches, the estimate beiiinr based on re,. in adjoining drainace basins •t practically the same physical features. (h) l)u:|itli (pf -tuniK"'; l''» till- rat<. uf ilriift availiiLl.' fur ii r-turajre t.xtcii.lim; "V.t u perhMJ of .-i.\ iii'.iilh-: (' ) the. rat., of draft avaijil.l.' for a -tora.jr iM.n.liiii.-'i .• voar: I'l.i.H IS . 1 . f I. I Kit -K. ONI |i. |,-li ..f St..riik'i- .^Ti.iMu''- til mini..ii- ..f i-'i. tt. l'.ri...|.; a, l-.n-.-l 1 \..|ir. 1 f,«.l I.. I Mm ll.llL'H CI 173 :t4»i .N.- I'DWKII |.o»Mlll.lTII>. Wliilo the HH-ords of stream iia-asiirciiioiit^ f..r tlii- river do not at . M. iid ..M-r >nlli.ient period to define the niiniininn How. it i- .-tiniat.'d that the miiuiniiin flow is approximately .">i"i s.-ond f. it. this e-timale W\\\\i l)as(>d on traii^re i ..r.l- ohtain...! diirinu' the wiiit.r ..f IHII-IJ l.y the I »i-partineiit of rul.lie Works, at a i.'.int approximately om.> mile upstream the Manitolia llyilro-raphie ^rainriii); state.ii. I'simr this amonnt, whieh is siihi.'.-t to v.'ritieation or revi-ion as fiitiir.' r.'fords are oMnined, the foUouint' tahl.' t'iv.^s the estimated availahl.' hors.-power at two possihle p,,wer sites as .shown on profile jilate No. \*. In th.. results, as •.•iv.n. th.. power ha- |.e(.n has.-.l on nn SO per estimate is made as to the addi- tional imwer availalde through a r.rL'ulation .if the flow .if the river, although th.' .^ani.. would (frently inerease th.' jiower possihilitii's :— !'..». r Sit.- I'^^liniatiil IL.rrti' |«)wi'r, on N(; |»T ('.'nt I'ttiei.n.y itii.l '•**'"'• a luinmimn How of .rKiO swoii.l f.-.t. N'.i 1 10 10 Ti'tjii luiiMf i«m>r. 4jV> '.no mmmmmmmmmm IL- I -. -L, l l g i 1 i k. . ilAMTOHA WATFR rnWKRS 143 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25* TABLE No. 61. 1)ik<-hak.;k Mkasi hkmknt>* .,f Mos.y Uiv.r U-low^ Hiv.T (Lmn-y's). 191:!. !>»)•' llMlr.iKr.i|,(,..,. M.-ifi \,,, WiHlh. Anai.f Mn,,, -.■lion. I V.l.Kiitj. h.i^ht. '""«•'•"«•■ liilv M .Alii. 11 III \..>. II . \. I'iri. I>. It. Cow l>. II. (iim W .r. Ireli.n.l. r " t s... ft L' sii :t li'i II. ■> 1 :.' lit ;( ».i l-.'WI 1 1 ';i ■J i..t li:il :i •-• .4 ■..' li.'' ir.i :i •-' :il 1 .".!• l>l^i ' Mfter...| twu mll«( below regular neotlon TABLE So. •;:>. I)M..^ ni:i.,iiT AN,, Dim , urn;,:. M.,.,v I!lv, r. „..„• K^h.uc illv.r. f..r 1!»l;:. Jii.t. (oiiiK'' li'MKllt. iJiwIiiir^fe. h.i({lit. I ^i-^'lmiyt-. I tiiii|;f iMflgllt. I>l.,l,, < iniiif*- hfit'tit. l>)<^-har);'-. K.-,.t. S.-C. ft. K..t. 1 :< I ■*' ■ ■ ij ] . ' '.','.,,]'_ 7 . . 8 ;• . . I " ' Id .... 11 : i:< . . 11 » :«■ iriii I'l :t till ii; .-I ii<> Hi,-,-, '7 ,'1 ."ill IlilNI IN :i .-al i,;i|ii '''■< :i "' iiUNi •M ;. .11 i:.4r, '-'1 I ^" I.'.)-. ---' :i :^ I4IHI L':t :( .■If! 14. ^M .'I :ai 1 r«i :t .W ! 1!KI A -Ml 14:1(1 :i 'JO 14.1,-) '-'•* .! yo HJv. -"I :i 4» l.-,4.-, :< 'J" Ua'i 'I :i -I' 14:c. .t 20 :« ai ;« a» .1 .'HI :4 111 :t 10 ;4 w 2 Ml •i H(l 2 ."i ■J iri 2 «t •' iw 2 la S.K-. ft. I4:j.-, H:iri N:if. HINI i:mi iii.'^ii i:<;«i I2HII I2M) ICHO litW) IIMII 1(IS(> MM) I I.SII IIK'I 111.-. iirii llli.-. llm I ur. I I If. ll.V, ii.v. ll.V. ll.V. lU.-i 1 1 1.'. 114.-. I OHO Vnl . S..| . ft .. ;,_-, 1 HI.-. 2 .'.n lil.<(i 2 .v. Ins.. 2 .*Ji I'lMl 2 r.i 1.W-. 2 fHi IfLSI. 2 .VI HMO 2 :«i !V<0 2 21. it:<.-. 22.. •a-> 2 21 M40 2 2:< ■14:. 2 2(1 'xr. 2 2". ■xe, 2 1:1 II.41 2 1" H90 2 1.-, !ii:i (1 li.l .•t2!l 1 1.-. I'lS 1 'HI .S.K. 1' .10 Hir. 2 2E. S. I.IH MlllS. Till' Wuli'i II riv.T. liliitf so. t'.i. tloWH out df lake Win ■ml. ami ili^.'liar«(> iiit'i tlu; tiortlii'ri.v I'liil of laki' '! itiilnl,;i. il»>jf'*>* "• '•* itoutln i'..v B. * ..iL- Ldforu cm|'»>iin{ into lake .Unnitolia. V. iiivKn n\MV. Thf ilraiiiai.'.' laisiii of tho Watrrlini ri^ r, whioh \m* an ar.a .f 21.2(V> «.•■> ir- mil.w at tli.> outlot of lako \VinMii..-.{oMs .■, ( .pri*.- that porti.. , ■- Maititol,. lu:.' l,.tw,...ii tho abov lakr an. I llio liiRhlamU of ^u•■ I'on-npino, Ki.liri: aii.l l>nck ■ .^nii tain-. Wfstwar.l. from '.ak- WiiinipruoKJ, to xuo nionnlain-. tho ha^n i» u sliL-hU> l,ilalin« plain with a tf-nil- slop., whmh. for th.' nio,t purl, Im. an ow , h intf -oil of clav, through whir-h o i-ioiial fork oiifrops or.-iir. In the v.nnit.v 4 ih moii.itaiii^ tho Lvuntry Uvoni. . niw.'.l an,l ri«-- v.ry al.rnptly. This ni^vr md u, uhi''h lie the head-wat.rn of the draiiuiKe is. to 11 Kreat extent, rovered with .> tiiiil • 1 urowth of pine and spn The main stream, trihutury to Like W innipei^o.,- Ii. a.l M.K in this di-triet are th.- lied I>.-.T. Swan and Valley river-. Whilo -evernnarj.- lake*. >.n.'h as lake- WinnipeKo-iH. R»hI Deer. Swan and Duuphm ire -itnuf ! m th. h.wer p..rti..n of the drainaRe, yet lake- ...■.•nrrina in the h. a.l-«ater-. thoui: inmiorons are exeeedinxly -nuill in si/o. 1). mVKK CHAVNKI.. From lake \ViiinipeK.)sig to Waterhen lake there are two .li-tiiiet river ehanml- a Mualler ehanmd head- in the lake- some six miles south of tho main river and ha- a conr-. parallel to the latter with an intervenini? spaee varying '\n width fnim om- lialf mil.- to a mile. At a ..lie the source ..f the main river a iTo-s channel flow - irom it t.. the smaller -tnaoi, IVIow thi- there i- n .nnecti..u l.etween the tw.. riv.Ts until Waterhen lake i, reaehed : fr..m thi- lake to lake Manit..l.a the riv. r ll.)w - i'l one .dunm-l ..nly. K.- NATI UK OK tlANKS. In the upper .-hannel- the river tl.,w- hetween h.w inar-hy bank-- whieh exten^ haek some ],2t)n fe.-t hefor,- the timher line i- reaehed. Where this (growth oeeur tho bank- reach au averaf.-.. ,.|, vation of fr.mi three t.. four feet above the ordinal Ptatre- ..f river l.'V.'l. (ireat portion- ..f th.- int.-rvenim; spa.-e hetw.'en river and timb. • lini' ar.- .■..vere.l witli wat.r. iin.l irrowth- ..f reed- extend far .lUt into the river it-el' The soi:, to n depth ..f one foot, i- liiibt and, but umlerlyinp this i- a strata • lifjht blue elav Tni\..l with gravel. I'rom Wat.rh.-n lake t.. within a few miles of lal. Manitoba, the banks are slisihtly higher ami .Irier an.l. from surfa.-e indieatiori!'. mp ,.(,inpu,ed of tho same soil. In the vi.'inity ..f lake Manitoba the banks again bee.uiv low and marshy. K.--WinTH or HlVFlt VM> N'.Tl UK OF TlIK BKI). The width of th.' main Wat-erhon riv. r avernRo- about 6'>n fe.'t. with the ex..' ti n ..f the I" rti. 1. in tho vicinity of Hie lake-, where the wi.lth in.'ienses to .ippr • u.iMnni 1 n ATcif i'ii\it:Hii 146 ■itSSIONAL PAPER No. 26« -""-(mS'"- -,r'i 7;'""' V ■;"";"":'• "V'-""" ^^■"'-•"■"- '-- - --... w.i.h ..r ::il:.n ";'i;t:^ '^'"" '• -^ ••' "- •••" ^^■"-- '"^- •"■'^- (J. 11MHKH AMI VK(i>;rvrii)v. -y .» -ut .Im. to 11... ,.xtr..M... w..tM..H, „f ,1... 1,.„,|. TimlM r in ,,l.., ,: ,.u .l..i.Mt .•■.t.r.l.v of ,,„,,lar, with a H,,rii.kli„« .,1 .,,ru.v „„,| |.,r.-l,. At ih- \V„...rl,..., I rH.l..i^ p,„t m, W ,.t..rl,..„ '..k... r,.,.f .t,.,,,, «r,. ,r.,w., for Kh.. umptio,, II Id \i-iit>. .or u. wh ,1.. -I,„„..K.. l,nM„. IJ. .,1. at K II | M„„.',lo., «l.i,.| ,.,■ , ' slightly U> th.' Mouth of tl„' liriiiniif l>M.ii. .l.ov, ... 1 ■""■•"•■'" Itimml' oi in 1 ;. 1 / "riiiniiM i.„.,ii. >l,.m ., mi.mi, a, .iial |.rr,M|.it,iti„ii at .I.t.o ., „,,,,lv |, to If,,. M,,,...r .Irahuw, ..f th.. WaLThw, .,,,.1 to ,1,,.... , v, points it "uy I. ,„.„m,Hl that th.. pn-'ipitati..,, i, „f |,k., „„„„„„ ' "" " " (/., /;M,/,„n„. .1/. «,,»,•,.„..„/,,, |„ ,|K. Mmnn.T of ls>,. , .li„.|„„^,. ,„, ,,.„r,.m..nt II.. r.,Kr«pha- Sum.,, at a .o-tio,, l„.|o«. Wat,.rh..„ lal<,.. ,l, a .li,..|.ar... ..( M7 ..•0..I f....t. table No. a. OvMMu to tiK. ina,......Ml.ili,,v ,., ,hi, por.i f ,1„ ,J-r j- r... ,l,,r ^aM...„« star,,,,, ha. h •„ m:,l„tai.,..,l. I,. ,|... .,1,...,.,... of ,, ,.,.|i„,,,; . thn h.nrlor.! nvr .lur.n.. I'MM:! |,v ,|„. M,.„i,„i.,. irv,lro..ra S„rv..v \ Vh V • .IS .".,.„, ,... H ,„.., for ,.o„.p„ti„... th.. po«...r , ihiliti... i, .ho„l,| l„. |.„„„. i„ ,„i,;,i ' th,. l1o-,v .rn.... IS pMr..|.v an,.. ar.d -imr.itii.u' lake W iii,iip,.j:,,«,s fn,,,, lak,- Xrar.itol.a. -.iithwoHt eorii..r , f th,- f,,.iii,.r lak... Ii \f..a.low Porta«,. a «i,|tl, of «„.,„. ».„«» ,^,,. , ,„. sH,„„„t ,.!..vat,o„ i. soil i> ,.oiiipo..,| ,,t .-I ii^fiit ^r,.y cal lis f\,,y. llol,|i||;r Phi-, strip of laiiil. lyinit at the r I'.k... has. at ils part in the vicinity ,,f 1 wi.itli ,,f M,..m. O.tiM) fe,.f. Th,. sHiiiMiif ..!..vati,,i, ak." \\ ii.iiipi'ifosis, Ihi- siirfa.-.. he ... J ma- V p,.|,bl..s ,,f h|.|,.to.,... I.r,,i.. ii,v...ti-ati,au ijia.l,. at -ii.imif. hard-pan oc-urs at a .Ifpth ,.f f ,iir f,.,.|. wliil,. a,lia....|it to th.. |.,k..s .-l ,v -tltutos th<' underlying soil. At various timi^s th,^ ronstriini,.,, „f ,, ,.;,„al K.iw.-,.,, ,1„. tw,, L,!.... 1,„. 1 „ .„|vn ■at,.(l for nnv.Kation purpoM.. .,,,.1. ^^.^n' ll,i- u.ul.rtakin;.' pr..,,.,..!,.,! with, ,1... ,l,.v,.lon ni..|.l of p.nv,.r in ..nnjnn.-ti,.!. uith tli,. ..anal u.,,i,|.l I.,. .■,„ imp..rtanf f.u.t..r J. rin-. >|.oi(rvrii,\ \m, \(..-h:ssiiiir.n y. Tlu, Wi.t,..h,.M riv,.r an.l Mo.s.v P.,rla.,.o .n- l,..,h a,. i„ suninwr l.v hoat tr..m th<- town of W in.i,p,.!ros,s. «h>..h ,s -it,iat.. mih-s to tho rivor '.'"' Vv"" , *" !*"' •':"'"-'■ '^ "■■"-"'" '"^"' "1^'^ '-'"'J^ f>-'"n tlio '"wn to tho porta-o I 10 Water!.,.,, r.vor .s nav,-aMo for boats of shall.,w drnuirht, but. b,.low Watorhon lilo. nnviirat.on is difficult, ,lu,. f,, boul.Iors in tbo riv.-r b,.d and to sulmioru'o,! voiro- f.iflo.l. :' M. -10 MrCROCOPY RESOIUTION TfST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No, 2) ■*r 146 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR K. — SETTLEMENTS. 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 Outside the Waterheu Indian Reserve, which lies to the north of }[^^^'"^J'^f^^' and between the upper and lower branches of the Waterhen. -. -" ™-f ^^^^^^^ size are situated in the immediate vicinity. Land surrounding the Meadou 1 orta^e has been subdivided and is partially settled. I,._Si KVEYS OF WATERIIEN UlVEll AND MEA1X)W POUTAr.E. The countrv in the vicinity of Meadow Portajre has been subdivided by Dominion Land Survey. In 18S!) the (Jeolosioal Survey of Canada made a geological survey ot the district, including the Waterhen river. A survey of Meadow I'ortage was mad slightly previous to the year 1909 by the Dominion Department of Public ^\"rk .h.l in the vear 10O9 further investigations were carried en by the same department. In the summer of 19K! a reconnaissance survey of Meadow Portage was made hy he Manitoba Power Survey, with ifr. D. P. Gow in charge of the tield P" t>- ^^^ t^^ same time, investigations were made as to the location of dam s tes »" the upper Waterhen rivers, as it would be necessary to divert the waters from this for ,> v complete development in the vicinity of Meadow Portage. M. — HEAU AVAILABLE. The difference in elevation between the two iakes on August 26, 1913, as deter- mined by the Manitoba Power Survey, was 18-6 feet. The water m both lakes at the time was stated locally to be at a high stage. As published m the Geological Survey Report of 1889-91, the difference in elevation m 18*3 was found by Mr. H. a. bmith, C. E., to be 18-73 feet, and later, in 1889, a determination of 17-4 feet was made by ^' ^D^^trstorms on the lakes, considerable variation in this drop is quite probable It is stated that a severe storm from the northwest is capable of raising the waters at the southerly end of the lake Winnipegosis to an extent of three feet. Evidences o such an effect were noted, after a severe storm, by the Manitoba Power Survey. At the same time, a lowering of the northern waters of lake Manitoba occurs, but of a decidedly smaller range than in the upper lake. N W ATER- POW ER . As stated previously, a low flow of 5,000 second-fcct has been assumed for th.> Waterhen river. This, together with an approximate head of 15 feet (both of whicl, figures are subject to revision) would, on a basis of 80 per cent efficiency, show :, power possibility of 6,807 horse-power. O. — STORAGE POSSIBILITIES. Lake Winnipegosis, which acts as the collecting basin for the entire drainag. area, offers immense storage possibilities. It has an area, exclusive of islands, o some 2,000 square miles. While storage would be possible on this lake, ihe effect o- •mv raising of the waters would have to be considered with reference to any low-lyin- areas bordering on the lake. The following table has been computed i.i uraer tu sho: the possibilities of additional flow and power from such storage under the foUow.nv headings: (o) the flow in cubic feet per second for a storage utilized i;. a period o six months' (h) the power av.iil.ible from this flow based on a 15 foot head at 80 pr- -'iiu— lOi i 1/ 180 ItEPARTMK^iT OF THE INTERIOR 4 GEORGE v., A. 1914 cent efficiency; (c) the flow in oiibio feet per second fo. a storage utilized in a period of a year; (d) the power available based on the same conditiitiS as in (b). Klow in Hio. ft. I),.|.th (.f Stor».?e in K«-t. , 'f'T.i'm.'.nths. ' "">>'•'■ 1««<"-- I y Flow in Sec. -ft.. I i (o) 1 ! H.Wli 2 - I 7.mi 4.Kt4 9.628 l.TOH 3,6S« Httr^H-i»t(wer. 8,407 4,614 TABLE No. 63. Discharge Measurement of Waterhen River, four miles from Lake Manitoba, 1913. Dftte. H\(lroKra|ilit'r. MftlT Width. Art-aof Mean (likige Section. I «...i«e yiieharg. Velocity. Height. " 1913. Aug. 22 . D. B. (iow , U87 4J9 Sq. ft. Ft.l)erstc. Feet. Sec.-ft, 3038 I 27U 8474 Fairford and Dauphin Rivers. A. — location and general direction. The Fairford and Dauphin rivers (see plate No. 19), form tho connection between lake Manitoba arid lake Winnipeg. Heading in lake Manitoba at almost the extreme northeasterly comer, the Fairford river flows in a northeasterly direction and enters the westerly end of lake St. Martin. This latter lake is discharged by the Dauphin river which heads in the northeast comer of the lake, and flows almost due north for a distance of 14 miles. A sharp bend to the east then occurs in the river and thi^; latter course is held throughout to the mouth, which enters Sturgeou bay on the we?t shore of lake Winnipeg. D. — RIVER basin. Lake Manitoba, with an area of 1,711 square miles, acts as a collecting basin for practically all the drainage carried by this system of rivers. In general terais, the an :i drained is that land lying to the east of the Manitoba escarpment, together with thoi-.' portions of the plains tributary to tho Swan and Red Deer rivers. While the upper reaches of the watershed extend into the Riding, Duck and Porcupine mountain-, where the country is hilly and to a great extent covered by a fore-'t growth, yet tli.> greater portion of the area is a slightly undulating prairie. The soil for the mo-f part is an agricultural clay overlying beds of gravel, with occasional roo'c outcrop-. Numerous lakes occurring in the drainage vary in size from mere ponds to lakes cf great extent, such as lakes Winnipegos-s and Manitoba. In the mountain district. the lakes, though numerous, are small in size. In the centre! portion of the basin three larger lakes occur, lake Dauphin with an area of 196 square miles. Swan lake with an area of 121 square miles, and Red Deer lake of some 100 square miles. The^e latter lakes, together with many streams, empty into lake Winnipegosis which has an area of 2,000 square miles. The Waterhen river, forming the connecting link in the drainage system between lake Winnipegosis and lake Manitoba, flows in a ' V shay.: \ MANITOBA WATER-POWERS 151 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e course across a narrow neck of land separating these two lakes. While considerable adjacent territory drains .nto lake Manitoba, yet the only other tributary of any size is the Whitemud river. From the outlet of the lake to the mouth of the Dauphin river in Sturgeon bay, no streams of any extent are tributary to the river system. C. — NATURE OF BAVKS. For the first three miles the banks of the Fairford river are well defined, varying n^^T^ u° ^^ ^^^^ "' *''^'*^''*' reaching a maximum in the immediate vicinity of the C.N.R. bridge at Fairford station. Below this point the banks become gradually lower, opening out into a wide expanse of low marshy land, which merges into a Bi.Ptch of water known as lake Pinemuta. After leaving this lake, the banks range trom 2 to .3 feet in height, but again merge into swampy shores as lake St. Martin is approached. Throughout, the banks are composed of light grey clay, in which a few boulders are imbedded. Where the Dauphin river leaves lake" St. Martin, the banks are poorly defined, low-lying meadows, subject to overflow in periods of high water, merge into the timber line about one-half mile from the other side of the channel. The banks, which are composed of sandy clay and which vary in height from one-half foot to t\yo feet, present this same general appearance for the first 11 miles of river; at this distance from the lake, the river cuts through a sandy -idge running in an east-and-west direction, and of a maximum height of some 8 feet. For the following 12 miles, to a point on the river where rapids occur, the banks become higher, ranging from 1 to 6 feet in height, though in many places giving way to swampy indentations, from the rapids to Sturgeon bay there is a range of from 5 to 32 feet. At numerous places in this lower reach, limestone ridges cross the bed of the river, and rock out- crops are visible in the sandy soil of the banks. D WIDTH OF niVEB AND NATURE OP BOTTOM. The Fairford river varies in width from .500 to 900 feet. It is stated that the river is shallow in the vicinity of lake Manitoba, whore it flows over a bed of lime- stone. About one-half mile below this a small rapids is caused by n bed of limestone and gneiss boulders; this same feature is also noticeable in the lower portion of the river. The Dauphin river, which has an average width of 4.50 feet, is in places slightly narower than the Fairford. The river bed for the first 11 miles is sandy and seem'- mgly free from large boulders, but below this gravel bars and boulder-strewn bottom are encountered, both of which give rise to numerous rapids. Outcroppings of lime- stone are also found in this lower reach of the river. K. — minER AND VKOETATION-. The Fairford Indian reserve borders on the Fairford river, nnd the banks for a short distance in the immediate vicinity have been cleared of timber. Bevond this IS a thick growth of poplar. Along the Dauphin river the greater portion of the land is covered with a dense growth of poplar, spruce, maple, oak and birch, yet at the same time large areas of low-lying swamp land and hay meadows are scattered throughout the course of the river. With the exception of some fields devoted to root crops along the Fairford river, farming is not carried on to any extent in this district F. — HIGH AND LOW WATER. High water usually comes in the latter part of April and the early part of ;. ,v. while February is the nonth of low water. The range in river level between the^e 152 ni:i'M{TMt:sT of the imtkriok 4 GEORGE V, A. 19»4 two periml. is onliuMrily =n,n.. » f.-t. .\.> «tr...n.- n.niro "f s,.m,. S f.-.-t was not,Hi in the .vfur 1 '.»••:>. C. — II K CDMMTKINS. It is st;.U..l thul lor tl... tir,t tl.iTo uiiNs, tlm Fairlord river .lors not free/.e ov.r in wiiit.r, hut below an i.'.> oover forn... The stntemeut is ul^o that durum' the Bpri..^' broak-up oi. the Fairfor.i tl>e iee passes away fredy without formations of jams or of destruetiou to the Imnks. while severe jams do occur on the Dauphin river at the rapids near Sturgeon hay. It is eh.iined that the jams at t i.s punt have .•.u.s.hI a rise of from 15 to 2(1 feet above ordinary summer stages. Kvidenec of sueh an oe..urrcneo was noted by a field party of the Manitoba Power Survey, boulders, lo^-s „„d driftw 1 b..iu,r full> .'» f.'et abov the water level ot September. t.M... II. IIIAN'M'o|iT\rio\ AM) M ( I'sSlllll.n Y. The Fairford river is navi^ablo for small steamers, thmi-h it is elaimcd that ditlieulty occurs near lake Manitoba, due to bars. Navigation on the Dauphin river is also possible for small steamers m early sum- mer, but acordimr to loc'al information the river is treacherous, due to eontmua ,.lain«o of ••hannel. The only point at which the river system i.s accessible by railro.-l is at Fairford, where the ('. N. My. have n bri.lne s|ianiiini-' the river. While no railroa.l lies in the imm.-diato vicinity of the Dauphm river, v. ^t steamers ,,lvin.' on lak,. Winnipeir navijiate to the mouth of the river in Sturgeon bay. I. — SKTTM'..MKNTS. Out.-ide of the settlements in the Indian reserve, only tw,. settlements are lo.-iited in the district, one of those bein^ at Fairford. which is one-half mile from the L NK. crossinp of the Fairford. river, and the other settlement is at Sturgon bay. At this latter place a fish hatchery was constructed by the DepaUment of Marine and Fish- eries during the year 191:!. J. — St HVKVS. A gec.ogieal rcconiuiissanee was made of the rivers in 1889 and 1890 by the Gcoh.«;cal Survey of Canada. Surveys at the .ndipn reserve on the Fairford river have also been made by the Department of Indian Affairs. Tn order to secure data for the improvement of navigation on the Fairfonl river, survevs extending over the years 1898, 1908, 1910 and 1910 have been made by the Dominion Department of Public Works. In September and October, 191.3 a recon- naissance survev of the power possibilities of the river system was made by ah. »3« 3A09V ia-aj ni «NOiivAna « * . MAMlnUi \\.\n:il I'liMI US 1W I •sessional paper No. 25« th.. l-.Mrf„rjl K..irlnni ,.„„ „ih,.., ,1... r.-ult, .,1 ,!.,>,■ ,n. ..-nr.,,.. ,.N U.„,, ■■"ff.T .lams an.l p.or. ut .1... al.ov.. l.ri.l«... a n.^uh.r .fa.i ,„l.| „„t 1 ,,al.'i!L,l <)..t,.l..r .1.) a K.n>«u.K ,,:,..,„. «as .l,...l. Lata i. „„. In-ia^ ..l.taim-l . , ,l,a. ■. .•o.npl-t- r..,..r.l „l it,., .lail.v Mow fnan llu. laff-r -lata wil! i,.. availal,!.- U.n ..,.,Ma,..,l ,,. ,h,. win,..,. „f „MM:,,. ,„. ,!„. i. bW.,. „s,.,l f„r .la-l.! . IM.ta .... f p,ss,|,|,. „„„,.r. .v..t ,t » !,| 1„. I,.,,,,., in „| ,|,a., |,..i„;, „„ ,.,ti,„at,. it M Kuhjcci to ivviMM,, wli..„ ,„„r, n.plrh. ,|at., atv ..l.taii,,.,!. !•• »l'"li\i.i. l'i)>-.iii;i lilts. Containing. a.s it .I,,... an inini,.n.o lak.. area in flu- Imu.t r...;,-!,,., „f ,i,„ „ |t shou d ,.. ,,o.s«, to ohtain pra,.i,.al|y a m.npK.,.. n.^Milati,,,. of tho .low. nuUe of tho .stora«.. on \A. Winnip..,.,si,, .1,.. n.-nitin.^ in, flow durn.K low ponods. ha. alroad.v l,.v |,. i„ ,i„.,„.., vi||. wi,l. ,•..'.„,„ Uati-rhw. river an.l .Uoadow I'ortaj;. . Lake Mahitoha i,. .sai.I to or.linarij.v vai f,,,,, ^.l,,,,,, ,„„i ,„„. f„„, , " levol. >r,v,..,« „. all a rai.Ko ol ,.., f,...f. .\-.„„,in. ,l.,„ ,„„,. , .„,.^,. , . I .rpoHos ..ould l„. n.>h...d. .1... fnllnwin,, tal,:, .mv.w th. variou- ratiM.' f dra ahk- from su.-h a stora^fo <-o.npl,.tol.v a.- .,| in a prriod of ..ithiT :; ni..nth. li „, alrr-lii',1, .\n f«ti- ■ri'Msi' in ill In the "•|o« iIn ■ Moratfc It avail- iillw. or Drpth 1 f.K.t HxTK OK I III \n |\ Ski m\|, J.'kh St,,r.,t-,. ,„ MlllJllllM I'll. I'r i'..i.„i ;t .\i..i,tii,. r.ii...i •i.Muiiil,^ ^ ir- on MKH r.M.Hi 1 V.MI. ).-|ll: >'• — W.\TKll-I'o\VKH. Ml. .wor conoontra.ion on tl.o rivers ur. .|,„u,i ,„. ,|,.. ,„.„,i|„ „„ ,,i,t,. j,-„ ■rio tZn """'■; ""'""''''' "* ""^^'' ^""-^ '^ «'-"' i" ' '"• follow nu'abi: J ho power has been ..„mp„ted at SO per cent noy on an estimated low ^1, v of I'OWIT Sit" . Ileal! in Kii.i. K-tiiiLitpil Hi.r-.-|io«,rat sii|„.| ,.,,nt Krti, 1.0VV Flow of ."i.lHKI .S, ci.ii.lf,., , N. .2 3. H (i 2H i<; \i. 4 TiitttI liorxc power ... . a»33n t270A 1'-* -»S^" *■!"-" JW^*- — .'^""*_. '^'' "'^* - •"*■— '-»— "-~ — "^*^' iT''^*^^* I ^1 / •4 ^^T^^^P^ ' »-,■■■ ' ' - .* ii,^ . m4 k .1/ l.\77n/}.4 W.ilKHl'OWICR/i SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TA1U,K N„. 04. DisciiAROE Measuukments ..f F;,irford Uiv.T. „t Fiiirford, 1913. 157 l>!tt.-. llydroKraplicr. •Tiiiii* •js .llllv M Auk. !".» < M. II IVc. i; ■Apr. 21. Mav 15. .\ii(f. 14 iiiiiliaiii Alfx. I'irin. . K. II. Nelson , . It. .1. Lamb.. K. liiiiikHoii .... 7lt 17i:0 4-fw 7 tW KOI 11X7 I1H7 L'HC .iu« HUli I'.ifii; 4 ;w 4 .c' 7 52 1) m 7(W3 X.SSCi mill 2-:4 I. -.72 4 tW 7 a;* 7;^45 UWi 33) itiir 4 67 -■•Mi 7ry27 74 ?r. 1 ;{ iVJ 1.124 4 lU 7 riO Sw.v.v I{iM:it. .V.~I.(K '.Mil IN. to the ^^o>t of the Ior,M.iu..e .noMntnin. .mm.I. tlowins i„ the valley l.etwoen the I'or..,!- Pine and Duck mountains disehar^e,* int.) Swan hike. B. — CENER.VI, DinECTIciV. Heading in township 42 along the si n,] meridian, the river flows in a south..rlv . re-tion n distance of 50 n,ile... Here the river bends to the northeast, eonti i . tin- hitt(>r course to its mouth. ^ ' .- ItlVI I! lUSIV. mountains Jn the lower imrt.on ,.f the watershed from .Swaa lake to the point nt whtch the nver h.ops around the Poreupine n.oun.ains. praeti-allv all in.i' g -n er from the south, ^fan.v su.all trii.utaries he:,,!!,,^ i, th.. 1), ek n.ou Z Above the bend or loop, the basm widens out. with ,na,,v sn.all tril,utari,.s ent-ring from the east and west. Man.v springs are sf:,t,..l to e.xi-t in the vL-initv „f tho river iH.t the lake., of the hasitl are both small and few in nuu.b,.r ' n.— V\TIRE OF I!EI) WD BWKS. Ihe val|,_v ,„d the l,anks of ,1,.. riv.r are tn a .reat ..xl.-nt ,-„mp s.d ,.f a d.p.sit "t alluvial sand or , lay. In tl... upper portion of the valley it is statrd that outerop- \v!!i;rnriro' ;•'■;''" vv'l'' ^f"'-^*""'; «•'■'."• "'••"'? the river. The latter has an average u.dth of l.-.O feet, w,th Hanks ra.i^nn,;, fr.m te,i to fifty feet in heigiit, a.ui a be.l reported to be composed of gravel and ela.v, with the occurrence of boulders at manv points. ' "'.loj 158 DEPARTMEST OF THE ISTERIOR K. — TIMBER AND VEGETATION'. 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 In many portions of the mountain country there is an overgrowth of timber, while in the Swan River valley the country is more open. On the rich nioadow land of this district, grain growing and farming arc carried on extensively. F.— HIGH AND LOW WATLK. Tlio latter part of April is usually the period of high water, while February is the low-water ! nth. In the year lOl.'], a nniKe of some 4 feet was reeorded between the two extremes. G. TRANSPORTATION'. Due to many beds of boulders in the river, navigation is impossible. The river is aceessiblo, however, by old trails, and is also crossed by the Canadian Northern railwiiy at the town of Swan Iliver. A branch line of this railway parallels the course of the river for a considerable distance above the town. H. — SETTLEMENTS. The country is essentially an agricultural district, and is well settled. The town of Swan River, which is the commercial centre, is the most important settlement, though many smaller settlements occur throughout the district. 1. — SIKVKYS OF THE RIVER. The Geological Survey of Canada made a geological survey of the river and the surrounding territory in the year 1889. In the year 1909, Messrs. Pratt and Ross, hydriulic engineers, investigated the power possibilities of the river in the vicinity of the town of Swan River, and reported upon a possible power development. A gauging station was later established on the river on October 24, 1912, by the Manitoba Ilydropraphic Survey. J. — RIN-OFF. (o) Precipitation.— ^o complete records of precipitation are available for this basin, but it is estimated tliit the annual mean is some nineteen inches. (6) Discharge Measurements. — Discharge measurements have been made by the Manitoba Ilydrographic Survey near the town of Swan River since October 24, 1912, th • results of tliis work being given in table No. 65. As shown by the estimated daily discharges in tables No. 00 and No. 67 the minimiin. floiv for the year 1913 to October 31, was 50 second-feet, while a flood dischar re during the same period amounted to 4,800 second-feet. K. — WATER-POWER. No iiebl survey has been made of the power possibilities of the river though it is knowi that considerable fall does occur throughout the extent of the river. At the junction of Snake creek with the Swan river, some 18 miles west of the Manitoba boundary, the elevation of the river bed, as obtained from preliminary lines of the Canadian Pacific railway, is 1,390 feet above sea-level, while Swan lake is at an elevation of Sd5 feet. This would indicate a drop of 535 feet in an approximate distance of 100 miles of river. In 1909, Messrs. Pratt and Ross reported on a pos- sible power concentration of some 14 feet head in the vicinity of the town of Swan River. Based on the estimates of flow for the year ending October 31, 1913, the fol- 160 /)K/'.t/f/.MK.Vr OF THh: ISTERIOR 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 l„wi,.g tal.le Kiv.-s the power availal.le ,kt foot head at an SO per cent offieionoy. and i« ,.,„Mputod for a low flow of 50 socon.l-f«.t. and al.o for t ho low^^t month!, moan flow ,,r.O sooond-f.ot) for the period of 7 months from April to (Moln^r. In th.. hUter ■ •ase. the estimated power only relates to the VK>riod. as stated above: - KHriM.\r«i. HoHSK-rowKB at 80 I'nt 'knt Iliiid in Kwt. 1 10 20 Miniiiium How, 50 »fc 4 5 4". (HI j..fe«-t. Flow 1110 «'i;-lf ft. IVilii.i, April to Oit. II 5 Hf. 2iM) TABLE No. 65. DisciiAHGE MKAsi HKMKNTS of Swan River, at Swan "River. Man.. 1912-13. lUt... Hydrunriii.h.r. Met.r No. Illfi. ' (tct. '2-i.. W. <1. Woideii |)tc. 11 ti. 1-0111) I mix Fell. 12.:a. I'lrie : April 12, April 13 .vprii i;r •■ .Imic "i. ;K. HiUikKoii .1 line 17 <;. Khtifr .lulyH. A. I'irir | ,XnH. 13. C. Kliner Auk. 2(i. \N . .1 IreliHul Sept. 1.. • ■ Si-Dt. •-';) Oct. 13. C. (>. .Mlfii. . . , i. !tc nuiisuruments. II'.NI ll!«7 llli'.t 1 IWI UWi 1 «■.!» llWi 14'.ICi ItWi i4r,;i 14K1P ii;».-. ith. .\rfi» (if M. in 1i;lU^M- Di.-cliarn SfCtioii. Velocity. lli-is'lit IT». Si . feet. Kt. |»r 8fi.-. Kert. .Sec. fiH- HIS 104 2 .ll 2 55 1C13 101 177 72 I 43 125' lOf) .'>! 1 (K) 131 .54' liVl 4 12 40.55 150 7K1 .'^p 27 4 9*1 4118 l.")0 7S1 .-) 44 4 '.111 4251 i:« 133 ;!H7 .124 I 24 1 '.13 1 51 40J 144 (174 3 «S I 01 2(1 IS 140 341 1 25 1 (14 428 137 3.".7 13.-. 1 !I4 400 1.S7 307 ro3 1 47 31(1 ii2 2.-)l 112 !!S 1;>5 123 2n» (!.■) 1 Oil lt)7 ■\i\\iTon\ Wiiin i'()\ii:iis SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e lAIU.K X,, (;,;. il'r.MM.l-. ;,,,■.., l.-.M.-, ,.|, ,.„■,. ,„,1, . t61 I'M J. \>.r |1M,. |)|. 'VKMIlKll. li.-i-llt. "'-'■ f' Ill'it'llt. l'i>.l,M,:;, l>Ki millKir. <.,lut.'.- lii-.-liar.T. lit.. II.. i:t.. U,. V>.. I'll.. •jn. . ..1 . K»--t. Sr.' II. 2-.-| M h<;.-> 2 '.'S K21 2 2r. SOO S.f.-ft. ■J I.! 7ii; 1 '.Hi .Mill 1 7;i 4liL' 1 ;i IM 1 71 4.M 1 ( - 4.M; r..i w: ; 7l' •.•xi 1 71 l.-.l 1 71 l.M 17'! 445 1 711 4l.i 1 i>*.i Mil 1 l°>!l 4411 1 li'.l 4111 I l(.S ):!."■ r, ,.• I -f I 25 12;) 1 2.i I'.V-Il ill f'i 162 l)KP.iHT\ir.\r OF TIIF. ISTKKIOR 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 TAIM.K Daily (5m (JK IIkimit vnh nwiiARfiE. Swim IDraiiiRK*' "■''<' Kkhhi AKV. Makhi. Al'Hll.. May. ^ < iaiitp- J5 li.iKlit. tifi«lit. Dm- rsHiiKi' DiH 1»1K ohiirn''. * iailK<- 1 2 4 r. li 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 V> 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 2:1 24 25 20 27 28 3* 31) 31 K«-t. Ht-f. It. Kect. See. ft. ; Kwt. ! S«!.-ft. \ 1 37 1'33 1 1 31 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.{.'.'.'.'- '■'■'■'■I 1 i (« i ■ i 103 j 1 i \'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. "i' ■y2' '.'.■■■ i::;:;;; :;;;;;;:: Kfit. !SiC. ft. Krit. I)i« ehariit' S.-c.-ft. 1 70 •2 M a 45 2 40 2 3;i ■.Mill !l,'>tl •I in 2 40 2 42 !iai 2 71 '■ lUKt 2-87 1 1317 , 2 Hti i:to: ' 2 70 1241 2 till ' n.-i2 261 ' H>84 4 12 2 57 , IIWI 4'OR 4166 2 57 1 10.'.! 1 5 03 4278 2 5» i(l«7 B 31 472t> 2 til 1 10H4 ."> 38 4838 2 HI 1 liiHt 5 37 4822 2 »it> 11211 5 03 4278 2 <>3 1101 4 m :S92H 2 04 1100 4 ■'■*> 3626 2 60 1075 4 45 3360 2 M 103:1 4 SO 3430 2 51 iKll) 4 87 1 3222 2»it !W2 4-17 2HI5 2 40 "llil 3 82 ' 2S!t8 2 M7 HHH 3 38 ; 18.52 2 37 K8K 3 04 148f> 2 3.5 873 287 ! 1317 2 35 H7,f 273 ' 1187 ; 2 28 821 2 63 1101 1 2-28 821 2 24 7!.:i m I/.I MTOIIA II .1 Tt:n I'OWEHS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e N... tl7. Kiv.r, i.oi.r Sw„ii IJiv.r, Afnn.. f,.r l!»i;i. l,'JI."i wnmrt- iiiili.|i. | 1«8 .riNK. •Ill, Aim NT. •Ski'IKMHKH. '>" 1 !I7 ■JS 2 INi I'll 2 (W .•til 2 1! Di,.- <'!i»iye, >t 7lli 7;t />42 tm; 478 47:« i:to 42.-. 4211 ;t!Mi ;«).■) .•i'Ki 314 2) 111 2!Mi 272 210 22.S 2.">i; 24 1 tUHi (!ii7 ii4i; 702 lifiKJit. Kii't. 2 :«» 2 73 a 21 4 «7 4 M 4 !>2 4 24 .■? 95 ;t liH 3 4li 8. '.7 3 7il :« !i7 4 mi 4 02 ;i 1*7 3M7 :!()!) 3 41 313 2 !l| 2 71 2 47 2 31 2 IS 2 12 2 01 I !I7 1 !I7 ; 2 14 , 2 10 I lli» clmrK>' ».■ !NI,'I 11H7 lll!)4 .•f7ii2 341(2 .SOU 2.WII 2214 11144 2074 23! H 2(iOH 2(>li4 26MI 2tl(W 24tW 2227 1W*7 lf>"7 law lltiH otit; H41 7r>i 70! I •132 fMKi IKXi 723 «!»5 (iaiiKf lifiKlit. K....t. 2 04 1 117 1 -''7 1 a. 1 •.'>7 1 .Ml 1 44 1 :!ii 1 41 1 40 l-HI I 62 1 H,-) 1 70 t HI! 2 IN! 2 111 2 22 2 24 2 ■2,', 2 30 I 2 34 j 22.) i 2 0<.» , 2 00 ; r.sii 1 74 1 (i4 1 (i2 1 ra 1 4ti ; llix ilmr({e. liuiiKf (iOt) ri42 4:v> ;wo 34.5 31,S 2!Hi :to.-) :ioii ;'.4.-. 4II.J 420 44.-) .'l.'Ui |>|>7 7.W 77!i 7!I3 MIKI 83;-) .Hli.', 7HI) Ii2.5 rKi4 411- 415 40-1 3tiO 327 l.M 1 4i; 1 .-ll 1 M 1 fi3 1 M 1 4li I 42 1 .^I 1 4.S 1.1 ;i.-) :tii 20 1 I 1 1 1 20 1 l.'H 1 15 I II 1 to 1 07 1 0"> I 04 1 01 1 04 I(IM 1 07 1 05 I 04 1 03 1 03 III. ehaiKi. .^•■c. ft. Ki'.t Si'c.f' ;t.-iO 327 3.'ril WUl .'<«iO 34UI .327 :40!l .•f,-« .vili 322 2N0 2(kl 24) 22"! 212 201 IMi 1 82 172 la") IKI 151 llil 175 172 1(15 ii;i 1.58 l.w I lUlltfc liiM((ht. K.ff. Mi-lii|. H. r.iuu.' 1'.'. w-l ..| il ,. I ,„. I.-, mil, . ^. "111 ■■( Mrl| S,.k. It ll.w. in ,.M .-.-t.-rlv .inv^ li,,i, I,, i:,| II. I.ikr. nii.l li'-iu tli.^ int.. 1;.N.' \V inn i|"'J..-i-. r.. IIIV I II ItN'IN. * Siiiiiliirlv t.i th.' Sumi ii\.i'. tlir IJcl l».ir liv.r ul.i.-iiil ..ri'jiii. tli..ii«li ..r -rtMi.r lAt.iii ilriii til.' Mil ll..«- in II cliMp wi.l.' \,i.l.',\ ..1 V ..I' III., r.iniii T riv.T. Ill 111. " r iH.iti !■ tl,.. v.iiI.t.Im.I. III.' .l.-iii.i.iV.r i- .•.11...I..I l.v -vimI trUiiMiv -liviin,-. ,„,lii.liM« ill.' I'ir. I'.t..i.n,iir.i. I'i) :m.l Harri.r liv.i-. ulii.l. .M.iM ..\.i- n Inir. ira.-t ,.|- .^.initn. iiii.l lu'ii.i In iim • '""iH ■'^^>-' »'"' -".'"'I'- A '"'■'-' iiivwtli .■..l.. ,,.,.,„l ,,r ,|,ni.-,. nil pill-. •••>v.T- ;i ^rriit .'St. •1.1 ..f till- u|.;"T ili-tn.-t. In Hi.' Imj.-i ,...,„.h..- ..I tli.^ rivr, 111.' .ii.inir... t.. tli- n..rlli i- ^...n.wlnit .■ .lu- f. :. piin.ll, I riv-r -vl-iii. •.■n mil.- iiLnw ll„. m..utl,. tl... riv.T l-.i--'.- llipmwl. U..1 l>.vi hike. \vli!.-li liii« nil iiivM ..I' li'ii -.1111. IV mil''-. <■. — NMl hi: "I I'll' \Mi n^^^i*^. Wl.ik' I k .,iit.T,.i.- -iir 111 a f,.u- ill 111.' L.w.T r.'ii.'li.- ..t' llw nv.i-. lln l,.'.l nn.l l.;ink> iin' f..i' tli.' in.. -I purt ...mposnl ,.f .-^an.l. t^rav..'. aii.l .•lav. tliLs liilt.'i r..atui',. 1.,'in;.' appli-'iiLl.' In a ^iviit.'r p..rti.„. ..f tl..- K.'.l IWr vall.'.v. 111.' IhmI .,1 tli. I'iv...- i.. a!-.. ^Iivuii witti l.i.iil.l.'rs at many phu-fs. Tli.' ^si.llh ..t tl..' nv.r w'.l t.. vary tr..iii l."." I.. -■"■" I'-'-'i. wliil.' lli.' I'anl- m-.' . tli.'i'.' i> I'Xt.'ii-ivc iir iiulli ..f tiiiiliiT in till' iipp.T p<.i'ri"ii til.' .iraimw.'. Tli.' !!.'.] K.'.i- i.iinilM'i- r..inpany .'iirrv ..n L.-yimr ,.|H'riiti..ii- .n H ■ .i;>trl.'t an.l ..p.Tiit.' a -aw-uilU ..ii \l:\ ''.■.T Ink.', llu' L'S-'* l''iiifr tl.'al.'.l ,l.'Wii-.ti.'i,i I., ill.' mill. i;. -inn wn l..i\v « \i'i-ii. llinh uaf.'l- un.l.-;' ..nliimry .".ii.liti..n< iirs in lli.' latf.T part n{ .\pril ..i' .'nil \ii.v while 1..U- w it.T i^ -till. '.I 1 'H' in lll.> v inl.'.' in .iitlis, with a raii«.' ..I -.'in I tM .-. I.'.t iM'tw.'.'i, th.' tu.. p.'1'i...U. I III.' tl. ir. .iiiiii-_..n th.' riv.'r, i.ii .'Xtr.'iii.' ran'-' .,!' I I t'.'i't wa-'il at' in tli.' spi'iiiu ..I I'.H:!. f. ■ni\Nsl'..IIT\ri. IN. •jl,,, riv.'r i ".1 hv th.. ('una. linn X..rtlu'rii railway at Krw...i.l. s.iiii.' IM mil. - w,.,t ..f K.'.l 1' ..'. Th.' railway a!...v.' this i„,inl is sitiiat.-il within tli.' vi.'ini.- ,,,■ th.' I'lv.T -i'l.ii.l.!.' .li-tnii.'.'. .\ -l"-i- lin.' .'f lli.^ -an..' rn.Uvny nl-.. t'l - l;i>.| !>.'.r I r.arr.iws. ,;,--^ (s .If riii: iiim;ii. \ ..,',l....|,'nl -iirv.'v ..i' ill.' riv.r an.l n.l.i... .n.t tcrritiry has !..•<■!, mid.- 'v'' '' (;..„l„.n.-nl ."^iirvin- ..f CaniKla. On .Inly .". H'l:!. a nu't.MMiifi stath.n was I ly the Manit.iha Ily.lroiii'aplii.- Siirv.y .,f th.' riv.T in th.' vicinity ..f .n 1. ^ .IiiMi'ti.'ii. O a \*^ u^W*»*#U»M|itl*'^ 166 hHi'\KrMf:\T OF Tin: istkrwr 4 GEORGE V, A. 1914 -BUN-OKF. (13. An estimate of the daily discharge since that date is given in table No. 60. While these records do not as yet extend over sufficient period to cover a com- plete water year, it is estimated that the minimum flow is 150 second-feet, this latter figure being subject to revision or verification as future records will indicate. I. — STOBAUE POSSIBILITIES. No field iuvestigation has as yet been made of the storage possibilities of this river. As many small lakes are situated in the upper drainage, storage should be available, and of sufficient extent to greatly increase the low flow of the river. Red Deer lake, with an area of 100 square miles, offers facilities for a regulation to a con- siderable extent of the flow from Red Deer lake to lake Winnipego^iis. As an indica- tion of the flow available from a one or two-foot storage on a lake of this size, the following tabic has been prepared. The rates of draft in second-foot are computed for a storage being used in a mouths or a year period: — Rei> Dker Lakk. D.ptli ot Su,r;iK''. Ciiiurity in Hilliun Cii. ft. Kat.' o! Dnift li iiiontlis. Hat.- of l>raft 1 y.-ar. L',7S7 !<4 17H .1. WATKlt-mWKlt. The head-waters of the Pipestone creek, one of the Red Deer tributaries, rise in a country whose elevation is some I'.OOO feet above s(>a-level, while lake Winnipegosis has an elevation i.; some 8:2S feet ; so that, approximately, there is .some 1,000 feet fall between the head-waters and the mouth of the river. Considerable fall does occur in .Manitoba, the fall between Red Deer lake and lake Winnipegosis is stated by tbc 1 fool '■'•' 10 " "" 20 " 274 risab! titaa MAMTItm ir.l TERPOWEHS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e TAIM.H \o. (!S. D.SCHAKOK MKASURKMENTs of Rod I^r liivor. near II„,lso„ Bav Jet.. 167 Diitc. •lulv 5. .. 10. Au»{. 12.. " »•. , .Si.i>t. IS. . Oct. ti. llyilro)rr»ph( . it. KhlltT.. . . . A. I*iri«' 'J. Kl)ni'r . \V. J. Ireland . \V. J. Inlaiul C. O. A Urn. mi.'!. I )i.icliiuari'. TAHLE No. 69. I)A...v Ga.,.k IIK..MT Ax„ I),s. MA..,:. K,„i ,)„.., Hiv.T. „..„• H.ulson a,v ,r„„Hio„ fur lOl.'J. .s !) II) 11 12 l.i M i:. Ill 17 IH III L'll L'l 22 ■S.i 21 2:) 21 i 27 2s 2) I ;)!• i .Tli.v. .\lc;r>T. (laiiK"' ln'iglit. Keet. 4 IMl ■7:f .%],''. 4."> .">•')( I (!S ■M iiS 17 1 !»■) 8(1 4!l »l 4 44 ^r< ■ III ■ 'V> nn .S .Sii Misc'liiirp-, ."^.■i-. ft. .1 44 2X 21ti4 liwil 2ll!l."i 2.S(IS 8i;is 4i:!i 447li 4i;4S 174(1 4.->:« 4:ill.5 4ir)t ;^!l(ll 372H X,Xi :!;i72 .Hl:-,:{ :i;ti 4 .•(;(2(i :<2(is .'idiiii 2iH2 2(i47 (iaiii;e hi-iglit. Ke(.t. :i 75 (>:< ■48 4(i 32 3 I!» 13 (lil 0!t 1(1 3 13 (I!) 23 2(1 4(1 3 72 (ii; 117 (;:i (■>(! 3 (12 "i!l 37 37 n; 3 o.-> 2 112 .SI I ■ s^o 7t> DiHt'harKi'. S.'c. ft. 2521 2;is;i 221(1 21 S7 2(»2fi 1W 1«0« 17(12 17i;2 1773 IWW I7H2 1'.I23 IHXS ■JV.x 24S(i 2417 242!l 24.-i2 2417 2371 2.337 2as4 •.'(IS I 1S42 17I(i l:"i(i(i ir,32 1 l.M i:iS2 i;«i4 .^KI•TKMilRll. (faii^f lii-iKlit. I'.et. X2 7n ■77 74 2().S Ii4 r,r, .Vi 12 2 4(i 42 ■3!l .3S 23 2 20 Hi 11 ■|1,S IIS 2 (15 115 "14 03 (12 2 (12 111 (Nl I !I7 !I4 I>iMcharge. S|.c. ft. i3!l4 14.->1 1417 13!)4 13.VI I2!ll 124S 11(14 11. -.4 lli2."i 10(!t H 2") ill 17 '.W!» SI 12 s:is SIIH 707 74S 74s 7111 712 'Ik-) 7(ir> (i!W (iill (171 (i.M OlTollKU. ( Jau(f». li'iKlit. r.vt. 1 IK) SO S2 70 '77 1 Sd S(l Sll SI I SI 1 .'*3 Sll S2 ■711 73 1 71 73 7(1 lis (is 1 (1.-) (is lis 71 (ill 1 711 S(l (ill 411 73 ■73 Oisclmrj^t'. ■Sec. -ft. (i2.'i Kill .".7(1 ;VI7 r>47 .5(14 ■M .■|(il rM 571 1 ."iS2 liiil ."]7(1 511 .".21 .">13 .".24 .".(17 lllli tliil Is I 411(1 4:i(i .".13 4.")4 .M17 .".Ii4 ir.i 3(;;t ■".24 .".24 i 1 wka Plate 23 MANIGOTAGAN RIVER map showing Drainaoi Are* RSMIBiePoWR CoMCtNTRATlONS Comi)il%d far Htt Mtmlvai Puain. Uhlihet Ccm-n 1^i>f.£^. Chief tngin««r . AM^ Chief Engineer 4 REORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A ! 9 I 4 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA CHAl^TKIf VI illVKHH IN EA8T1:rn PORTION OF MANITOBA Ki!) 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. 1914 CHAPTER \l. KIVKUS IX TItK KASTKHX PORTIOX OF MANITOBA. -MaNKJOTAOAN UlVKH. GK.SEHAL Di:HLR,niOS> OF lilVKU AND Wa TKIisI.Kl.. A LOCATION. the centre of Bi,: ishuul. ( "w pl'lte Xa 21) """'■■ '""' "'""^' '''''■-''' ■'"""^''^ B. — CJKNKHAI, DIRKCTIOV. The general bearinij of the rivpr w u.. t in i '■ ■ ■""■ "- -"■ -■- «- '- i:^".■';:z:■r::„'^S.S' "■■ - C. — RIVKn BASIN. States t.:Kwr:ir:i„i;'" ""'"^^'t'^ '"''-■ -' ^^* '«- -"•--'• -^^ it is Turtle lake the .as n i,t„ "^t TT '," ^•^";"' ^'""»-' '""<«• ^ '"'^'n !-'"« lake t Fro. and man.v oth^r IlSlla^e . ""p'ror T n.^'Hl-eT'^T'- ''"'' ^^"*- ^^""- «"'> niimher of small creek. ,lrainin.r t}.„ n,K • *" *'**' "'"'■'' "'""th thore are a n- — NATiitE OF Banks. At the month of the river the IiinL- ., c i . , "f ocenpied hy settlers Ev^ ^h ^ ^ .;"' r"-'""'"-' ■'">• P-tially cleared Plnocs. Above Won,i falls the b„k Tn.; f "'V-"'"'' ""' ^"""'' "^ ^"''^'•"l inj? from 2 feet to HO or 70 fe t n lull i ~, "f ■"'";' '" ""''' '"""^ "^''^y- ^""J^- either side. ^ ' *'"^ ' "f"^"^ '^"^'•'"^^- '''"'*-'''* of hills skirt the river „n K. — \\ rnrii >y unr.R ANo WTim: of iiottom. .iow,f:; ;!:: 'Z;::s:^ S;: tr^^T^^^'^ i^*'; f -'-^ ^^^ ^-^- --vi„. widens, and from that poi o A ,' - Tt i krH, " ''"'""' ^'""'^ '^'^^ ''"' '•'"> a width of from TOO to 000 feet Belo„ 1 ' . '' """ """':' ^''"■'^^ '" ^^■'''^•'' '* ''-^ 800 feet in diameter is a feature th,!; is ,„tiee hi " ^;^/''''C''^^^ P-1 ^-m 500 ,., Pfras« and reeds whid, extend into the river .".O feet in nV , are oyer(.rmvn nith aWers are found at man.v points where the hank nr" W '' Tr"- "'"^ T'"""'^ ^■"' w-th hlack mnek except at .alls and rapids. J^ Zj::;. al^r^rfi IViT •■'■ — TI.MBKR AND VKOKTATION. .uiti haiSiiio. Tn the vic-nitv of \r>,-l. t? » i i " "— , ,' """ 1-'"" P'ne. hir< h, oak 171 172 hi r M.'l \ii. \ I "I I III M 1 1 mill.' ■i GEORGL V . A. 191 t biirli iiil'. llir iiilciior. In llic' II -iIliIc \ii-iiiilv ,,r \\u ii\(|-'.' I'liili.f lui lirrll rr .Ill, l.ut lin- (I'M- lii.l •-rclu lo ll:IVi' lunl all.V ll.lll'l ill .|i "ili'l lli'J 'll' -I'I'I'''' 11^ i^ nlll 11 r..lllic| V. lire til'-t ciillill'J llil- Im-iii Illnilc. 1:. nil. II VMi l.iiw « M I I!. lliuli w.'iti'T ii-ii:ill.v i.criir- ill .Imir. ulini ;i lifi'.:lit nf ■',', nr 1 I'fi't' llir l..\\ WMliT liiiirii li;w 1 lirc'l. I-''V. Uiiirr n. i-nr- in llir lall. .nnl in Mnivli ..v .\iiril. 11. lit WSI'lill 1 MiiiV. Siiiiill .-tiMiiiiT- can nii\it:atr tn t lie l'..i.t 1.1' W.mhI Tail-. iMif lii\..nil llii- ||"iii' caniM'^ iirc tin- iiiil.v iiumii- 1 .f lran-|hirt;\tion nn ml ol till' iiuiiirMii- ra|Hi winter roiiil lia~ luiii i-u t thri.iiiili from .Manij;i'ta«iiii sittli'imnl to Mn-k Um laUi his n il ro»i> ami mTossi th ■ nvcr, aiH .f n-r.l unii'-; III' , illt T llloTltll-. Tl I. ^lin.i.MiAi^ !'■ only iPiTiiia Month of till' rivi'r. t th,' .Manit!-ota'.iaii |io-t olli.'.' at lli'- iii'iit .-cttli'inrnl at ')ri'-i'iit i« a 'I'll.' riiii'iiix l!ri<-U, Till' iind laiinlicr ( 'oinpuny liav.' lui'ii niaUli brii'k at tliis point with a nioilcni plant, ami liav.' also opira tioii with their hrick pliint. ti'il a sawmill in .'oujum'- .1.— snnKvs or iiii; him it. The (!foloy:ii'al Siirvov if (' amuhi madr a ^i' ilouieal rt'coniiiiis-ani'r ,f th ISOO and l.'^l'l from Its month to I-om.' laki'; since that tiini few isohlted land s for timher herths ami settlement areas liave he.n inaile. In Deeemlier. 101-J survey a meter station was c: tablished hy the Manitoha irydrotrraphic Survey and a n naissaiii-e m ide of Wood and I'oplar falls. In the followintr year durinfj the month •■( Mine a reconnaissance o f tlie river irom Wood falls to l.ony: h;ke was made Manitoha IIydro5>raiiliie Snrve.v. \vi th D. 15. (iow ill ehaiTO of party. HI N-inr. ((I) llnin fiiU.- Thi'iv are no rainfall records avaihi lie for this drainage are: hut it is estimated that a mean aiiiinal rainfall of .s(mi(> -Jl indies niiffht he expeeteil. (/O D'lsrlninji' .Ui'«/.vi(/r;;irii/.v. -Mefcriiif-is have heen taken at the innnth nt t river bv the .Manitoha Hydrographic Snr\ey and results of th d of the year I'.U IV he found in tahles Xo. 7(1 aii< rk estimated to the I No. "1. From these record- that the minimum discharfie wouhl he about 3i» second-feet, and tin it will be seen that the minimum disi flood discharsre some 1.:.'IHI second-feet. ((•) .l/«.s.>- ( ;.'*/i.— Bv usiiifi the rnn-otT data at present hand for IIU: d estimating the probahle. flow for the nniainiinj months of thi au' that a nil storage re 25.) ■ar. it IS touiii ifoim llow of l.'ill SI iid-1'ect ennld have been iiiaintaiu' d had tl Tvoir capable of huldiiif; \-\:> billion cubic feet uf water. icre liei'll (>'.'.' plate .\. I,.— sroiiAcK rossiiiii.nii:! ]'• nil mass I'urve stnilie: fo im;l it will be seen that a sti 000 cubic feet would he reipiired to iiroduee uiii'orm r itT; tl hi r.s eoulil De 00 if l.l.'iil.'KHi. itaiiii'i b; pus; Musk l{at lake. This hike has an area of S-:! square mill's, and it would bi si'ule to btori feet, so tluit amide storaiK' feet. TIr ] ihl L' ive n storaire e;ip.icit\ tv of l.'^ bill 1011 enin ■ (> ]irovui led f or on rnis laKc iiiiiiiiiiitmitirilii ^j^s^^u: m i:^M!MF^^Tmmii »-■■ » '1 I » 1^ I w MiMToni niTi:ni'(n\r:ics SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e Th, 175 M. WATKH-l'I.WKIt. .o»-,T c™i,.,,,t„,i„,„ „ „|„ ;,,,';,,„ ", ■ " '""•■""» tali.,l«t„.„ ,|,„„, ,.„.i|j,. th pow b; \... N.AMK. IIka • lollHK ri.MKIl IvvilMMKI. ON SI) '■Kli IK.NT KkFUIKM V. s. !t 10. ■ •'•|> fall, •■';* . {■'"■'" >a||i,lal«,v..l>,,|,l..„. fall.,.. .JJ . ^tlir.,|.i;lal,ov.. |-..|,l„ilalU... .'- 'Ill rapid aliiiK. " '- .•'liail., falls .,.;..■.■■ }>* Tiiitic' ia.suadi' '^^ 'Aid rapid alnup 28 Caril»,u falls , '".,,',"■ r,i T.tal l|..r.-,-|«,w..r ' f'.-n R.(t. Kl •t;( 4 lit -- Mill •x: lii.t >-* II W ..!.i Dili !*-' 4'.:; ;isi 74 ;iti« (iOS ;«)u TAFil.K Xo. TO. -\,M ll.vdr.ijrrapliii- Siu-vcv. IMtf. Stream iftrj. I>fe. lis .Mani^'iitagaii. i!ii;!. May 211. - M.iv .'tl. • 'line 4. •'line 7. ■'line 10. •IniiiU. ■Iiini- IS. .\iiK- 2;i. I-itrality. i\V,..„l falls' il»-iKlit. Kcft. 4 00 n Mil.s U.1..W ras,.;i,l,. I'.irtai;." .''-' ' 2.\I,l,.sl„.l„w Turt... l,ak/ *^ '' " nutlet -.f .Mnskiat Lake.. Headuf Miiskrat l,ake i Outlet „fM,,„se Lake... : ' < alilKiii liapiils \V...d falls, *.r74 Disi liarge. i See..f,.et. 4i;:i 42.( :i-s.i 2'*^'S li;s 47 2ii:t 93 • Uefeired to (Uninr al.ove -Vo,„| Kails. 176 in r \i;i \n:\ i m i iii i\ 1 1 inni; 4 GEORGE v.. A. 1914 I'.MII.K I )vii \ (1m I.I. lIiK.n I will >IS( I! \i;i,i , M;iilt,i''i .-iti a. Kl liKl Vll^. .\l Ml. ( i.lUUM Il-IL-Ilt. I>i-l|| \:\\f[v ll.iL-1,1 lli-ll]lll^'f li.ii;l,t. |)i>, liii'-lit. Di-c |-'r..t. Kilt. KlLt. I I III) !l 10 II 1-.' i;f II i.-i 111 17 in 211 21 2s 2!l Id) :! li.'i :t 9.-> ;f iir. :V!KI \ (HI •■■-^i •■■■■■ 'A HO 1 no 1 ilii 21111 .i."i 2Ti> 4 00 . . , . 4 .".:! 2ri; ."ill ; 2112 "ill 2112 .10 2t«2 .")0 202 4 ."ill 2112 . . -."i.s 2H4 . . . no 2'.n 4 110 liO 2ilO . . till 2!HI =-ESSION/lL PAPER Ko 25e 71. >i iyrii>i!\ HI///,' i'i>\\i:us 177 i\:i.., ife'"tagaii Ji'ivtT. "■■I I.-, i aljDvc Fall. ■r i;ii.;. ■hsK lil.v \i ..I . ■'^^:^M:^^i^:ll. .'HI .■•I l"it'lit. I-',.. 7(1 so M I '.«! '■>■! III! Ill 5 IN) II ■"•110 1:; IIS i.-i III M i.*> 111 ii; In i> (111 17 HI IS III 11) 1-' -'II 12 Jl "> iO -2 111 .';{ 111 .'4 lU -'.> 10 'i; 5 10 111 s OS III no I'lvl,, s. .•f.'ll .IL'O X.2 .•),;ii .•, :<:u .■isii 4ii!» 121 4LN ir>i; iiii MJ4 4114 •24 Hi) )i;4 47;{ 4r.t 41)4 4i;4 4114 4li4 4«4 4ti4 4fi4 4riii t!l 4fi) • 2) f^.lll;.',. Il'i^'iit. llH,- ;l IV ") (XI 4 !l'l .") On 00 III 4 no IIII nil MO so 4 MO 4 ■* 7;i 70 711 4 nil i;ii 70 ■Mil lill 4 no (In rill ■711 i;ii f iki ■.")() .'ill .V) II. 424 4211 424 421 4114 UMi; ;wii Hsi; •»">2 :f;)2 .•i.-i2 ;!.«! :i:in .(20 32(1 ;u7 .•fl7 320 .■i:i2 21H1 200 21(11 2I!2 ;!2n 2!i(l 2110 2(12 2'Jii 2(r' 2(12 lii-iglii. K.-.i. lllM Im.|«I„. Ili~ eh. 11-;;.. (faiu. Ii.-.l,'!,.. >••■■■. ti. 1 Mil 23."i 411 :; SI 112 '.'> t)!» s~ fiO fill 2i;2 2(:2 si M4 ' 7 1 112 112 121 S3 40 2.S5 ( 1 3 'M III 4t; ."•."1 4 III .-ill 2:t.-. 2111 3 Ml SI 131 112 112 li."j , . lit; ,S3 ■,sll 1 .'in ;t.-i2 210 74 74 34 3 i;i •71 ~ 1 20 4 :'.(i 30 iMIi 210 2III 12 SI 1 : .'iO 2111 Il.'l 411 20 2.i.-i 1 '^*' 1 ( ICi 112 1 2n i."*ii isi; s* 112 211 ."ill Isi; 2112 liu ii;i lM(i isi; I'I4 lln II11 III ' In in,") IO.-. t 211 2ii 10 .1 7 1 10.-) KiO KMI nil 143 71 i Id 10 Iii4 IIII 1 III 10 10 •10 ini iiii ii)i ICI 2(1 1 l»lt \i 10 i •i; S4 ll' w 176 hi i'M:r\ii:\r m iiii: iMiinun 4 GEORGE v., A. 1914 I;i.>Miiu 1 1\ |;i\ : u. A. —\TI(i\. The II|..M,|\, in ,,!■ Mi-k,,u-,.\v river ( ^ , ],l;.t,. N,,. Ji',) ili-.-li !ii:>s Inl- ;i li.iy on |]i,- cast shore of lake \Viiiiii|i('i.' situ.itcl at tlie nortlic-rlv |i"rli..n ,,f tlic narrows -rparat- iiif; the two main hoilies of the lake. B. lilUKCTION OF I LOW. Inutile ii|i|" r roaclu'S the river tlows in a westoils dirrctioii. lot in llic '. irinit\ .if laki> Winnipeg tiie river jjends slightly to the no-th. ('• — UEMCUAr, Di;.SCHlPT10Nl OF 1(1M:1[ AM) liASIN. While little is known of tlie hea NAVIGATION AND ACCESSIDILITY. Xavigation of this river is impossible other than by canoe, and even by thi> mean- many portages are necessary. The mouth of the river is easily reached during the summer months, as it is within a short distam-e of the route followed by stea-uer- on lake Winnipeg. K. — WATKR-roWKH. Sitnilar ti most rivers "jTJrJ,^,^ s?,"^''^ a^^A/ -^^ As^^ Chief EngmHer w Til I y St i/n/77,/f| II .RSSIONAL PAPCR ,\o ?5« " A" /'oil /.//.s 17'> I'll. I. .V ]{H||, ■-■"--"::;;L't:x^^^ .,.„. ' "" '"Ten, racr. II. t-I.M.UM. l>mi..— TliAX.s !-"<'rAT,OX AM, .CCKssn.M..T^. '•• — «ATi;ii- 'i: 4 GtORGt v.. A. 191 » r. i!i\ i.ii AMI inMV. (.■Mfiit 111 tliu aruiiiii yr liM^iii (if tilt' lii'iHMis river is e^l iiiiali'4 ;if T.-Ol) -.iiiai" • in tlif iii'iKlibourhiMKi u( Jino iiiiicR. 'I'lio IumiI mill-, anil tliu tutiil length oi' tliu riv< walii-s mI tliL- (IraiiiiiKo which aru situaUd in Onlarii,, arc oncin'li'il by the lii'iKhtc.l land in which lios the source of the Severn iiiul Albany, and also tributary KiiKlir-h rivir drainage. l:i -Manitoba, in the vicinity of UiUo \Viiniii)e(j, the ba>in is contined liiituecu those of the I'iKcon, Leaf and I'oplar rivers. While the head-waters a» yi l have not been fully ixplired. it 1>^ known thai tlio r. -er widen* t.ut into in:uiy hiUc-. together with tributaries In'adiiiK and jjassin;,' throiiiih several lako^^, the main tributaries bcin;? the Windfall, White, Crooked .Mouth, and Ktionianii riviT- The general nature of the country is rcM-ky, wllh a varyiiifi deiith of (i^y.'lyiii:/ elny soil. In the reaches of thi> river from the inoulh to the junction of the Ktinniaini river, a distance of si.\ mile?, the banks which vary in hciifht from 10 to 20 feet, are alternately composed of rock and clay, occasionally Kivintr way to low-lyini; swamii land. Some 5 miles above the entrance of this tributary, the first rapids which is .state.l to be of some !> feet drop, is encountered. P'roni this rajiids tn Family lake, which i- hituited some 18 miles west of the Manitoba boundary, there" are stafcil to be fifty-tw.. rapids and falls of varying height, but all of which reeiuire pMrtapes. The mai;i descent, which is known as Oraiul rapids is at the i utlet of Family lake and is stated to be approximately a 10-foot drop. Family lake is iriun^-'ular in shape, very irrct;ular ill outline, and about 10 miles in length. In this lake the Pisjeon river is also stated to obtain its source. A short distance above Family lake, another rapid with a drop of some ".5 feet occurs, while slightly beyond this, the river nsain widens out into Ulaek or FishiuL' lake, which is some miles in length and 2 to 1 miles in width. Til this portion of the basin the country becomes more ruir'-'cd, and instead of the very low hills in the vicinity of the mouth, the latter ranpe in heijrht from 12." to l.'jO feet above the lake level. Between Eagle lake, which is situated on the provincial houn dary. ami Fishing lake, there .^re many small rapids. The difTercnee in elevatioi, between the two lakes is stateil to be some ,')() feet. Above Fairle lake, in Ontario, th. river widens out into several lakes with many rai'ids intervcnimr. n — si:tti,i-mi:v rs. Outside of the Indian i-e-erve. which is situated at the mouth of the river and tw- Hudson Bay posts, one at the m uitb atid one at (Jrand Rapids, no settlements occiit in the vicinity of the river. i:. — NA\i(;\TioN AM) Ai ( i.ssnni.ri'Y. m The river is not navi;rable oth.'r than by canoe, and in this latter manner mat. portages are necessary. Though no railroads i\re as yet located in this district, tl. river is accessible at its mouth by lake Winnipeg. steamer during the period of navigation F. — RIN-OIT. (.(I i'/cfi/nVfi/iOH.— Records of the annu:d i)recipitatiou are available for a peri of 5 years at a station situated at the mouth of the river, and though not of sufiicit : duration to show the extreme variations, they indicate an annual mean of some ehes (')) Discharge Mca.s)tri-menls. — While a dischartalc.l t„ I,.. ..„„.o 1,-'().M,,.f n,i,„„ '•^"'-. '" < "^ licad-wahTs, ,i„,l ihr ,m..,„|, j. I'"i'i.Ait ];i\r:n. "ic I (,j,|;,|- river (>., |,|.,t,, v .,,., ,, ;\';"il-.' nl.n„t „,i,|,,,, ,„, • ,,•;,;, "f.,^ f" ''■' '"I'-t -■' 'I,.. ,.„st >l,„re .,,' h.L,. '""'>■ •<( tlio lak... "" '"""' •""' ^""'1' extroiuiri... „( the ,„,,,..• „,„in I'-— i.i,\'i;n\r. uinii iins- w..e rl; r::;-,' ,1: •''-'■'""•--'-"-— ,.e't.,h.UW <••- l(IVI;l! AND UAM> imiiji.'fT is i, 1 ;! in.rth- '''■'"■'■ "■^•■■'-l-.l Mm .tal,,l ,„ he I ."'^' "■"-"^ ^^".'';ns o„t. (Jreat portion. „f thi- l'.--\AV[.:\T10X AM) A(Vi:sv,„|,.|TV .-. ■'^"^;J■:.'■:i';:r;:^;:;;t;:■ :'a,i';T''"-"'' -' ■ ™- -■ ■ ■< '-- »■ ■ "" = i" '■■"■»■■". inK,,;;,; !',':.:::"■;■ ;:'■ r ^ """ i - -- i ■"•• !> '■<\ lake W iiiiiipe;.'- -leainer-. ■All Tiuli ''•-M:Tll,i:Mi;\r>;. '• -l''MVMt !'i>SS!mi,ITI|N. its T'v ,„,u, l-l-v Th.,„ler lake. ' .V , .: |, ;, " V ,"" '"""''"" '"'"■' '^^ ^'"- --'• "f "- ^-r ■=""'0 ;.^:, s „i,l feet. ■'■f I-'- -'M,.e „,ile, ,,er vear ,v.„l.l ,;,„ , ,„...|,„.^, „f V. i.()i\ri(i\. Tlio Hi- !{l,ek river , .-. , p],,,, X„ .,,.> ,■ , '■f lake Ari„„;pefr. ahont 10 ,„;ie. <,^uth '.{ ,C7rT'\ """ '" i"'"^ "" ""^ '■^'^' ^'"^^'^ "•— ':i:Ni:i;Ar, Diiirrridv. • r- ci,i,r.-r u ..i.tains n ninre westerly heini. ai(,.._h e^lZ'-L^:-'"-'' Z''"''''^*'.'''' ."r^'''' ^i^'^r ff'Mn it. . at I 18;? ht.r \i;i \ii.\ I iif I III. i\ 1 1 mill! 4 GEORGt v., A. 191 t '■. IIUI li \Ml lU'lV. W'ui'.o litili' I- kii,,«i, .,f til,. Iirinl ..f il„- ilr.iiu.iyc nrni, \\\i> litt.T 1^ f^li inatdl to hu l.:i.Mt ...|' niil.M. Al.uiit in mile.; iiliuvc tli.- iiDutli, tlio r.lii'nii rivir ii* tril.Mfnr.v to tin- Itiif Itln.-U. In tli,. (•nuiifrv trilmtiiry t.i tin- of riviM- In. hi tlin iiioiitli to ill,, junrtioii ,,f til,. 1', lii.iiii. till' ov.ri.viiii,' s,.i! is rl.iy, with roi'k .iut,'id|i., hi till. ii|.|»r rrnrhcs llic i... Miito.l t.. 1.,. l,.u ;ih iii;ir«li.v. with frituriw of iti.iI-^ :iii,1 rii>lii'< i\l..||.|ii|.,' int.. tin' tImt. lu tlio 1.,\v,t rnwl;,. m t-ri-i'i:: 111., rljiv li,.:t, n iiiiN,.,! ur..'Mli ..l' fin,', -j.rn.,.. .iinl p-iil.T i< n p. ri,,!. l.iil ill.' L-rowlli ill ;!,|. ii|)|i(.f \i iifcr'-lii'.l i- |.finc.i|iiill\ ..t' uill,,w-. I>. \ W |,.\'||o\ Wli \< . I,>>lllll.ll V. I'll.' I- \ i.|. in oiil\ iiiv I' h\ r.;iiii.|.. mill III,, only iil.Mti>" of ;ii-i.i'-- i- l.y I fr ni Sill;irk iliiriir.. |i.Ti...l of ii:nii-';iti..ii, K. -Sl;l ll.rMKNTS. 'I'lici-n ari' ii.. >rtt!,.|iii'iit.> ill the vicinity ..f tli,' n\<-r. Kill it i- -tatcd iIkiI tr;i|.| - ln'.|i'M;t ilii- rryioh in uiiilor in i|!ii<.>t of fur. r.--lll \n||.'. As-iiiiiinn: ., .Iraiini-,. of l.:!.,(l ,.|uiir,. lnil,•^ mimI iii,.aii annual riin...|V ,,f i(..-, .,i,.,,m,1 fi-Pt siiuar.' mi;,., llii- ucnM i^iv,- a moan annual ,Ii-.-liarL:o ..f -..iiic Ion , uj.i,. f,^,.t pfT Second, .itinitp,l ill nn iinsiifvcyi.,! ]iorti..ii of Manit..I.a. and al~.i nt a i:! diilii'iilt of access, little is l.\\ lliis river, I'ut "hat inf.irination is availal.l,. it is l iib.uit 20 miles from the norlher!v ,nd of tlio lake. % H, (IKNKIIM, niUKCTION. The river, w]ii._.h Inis its source in the vicinity of nutiisac lake, in n wes- terly dinctioii t.i lake Winr.ipeir. <'. RIVKR lUSlV. The lielaiiKor river drains an area estimated to bo 7.W square miles. The hasiu is narrow, beinir from 10 to 1.5 miles in width and lyiic between the Gunisac rivei- to the north atid the P.i;; Black river to the south. The. eoiintry for the most part i.- level, with the exception of a few roekv hills. !>■— NATl Ri: OF HANKS. For the first nine miles above the in.uith thi- b inks are stated t.) be from fi to 1," feet in height, and composed of clay with very few rock outcrops. Outcrops d.., he ever, occu r at all rapids throu,i.h.iut the e.\t(>nt of the river. The banks above the first rapids l|,.,l liMV,. ,1,, , . " •'""' ■' riiu-„tris (,.:; ,.,,|,:,. ,■ ' ''"^•' "' '-" -l"^iiv mil,,,. .\-„mi,i„, ■;':-':c;;;:'.SS:;;:',-*-'::'.::::;;:ir,;;:-;;;,:f' ""- ' ^*l^''n .'ilrl, ijiit:, '•^-I'l'UI.K l',,,ssi„l|.rill.>. '■■- '''- '™':m »:liis:';;:;;:;;;|:;-,i;i''"; "-, >. ., '-■''1 .111,1 1M.C,.--;|;||,. J .^^^.^ ,'^^'^y -I r.^oRCF V. SESSIONAL PAPtR No. 26, A U..J WATER.POWKRS OF MANITOBA <'n\p'rf.:i} mf SASKATCHEWAN RIVER *.^^ ■:^J 4 GEORGE V. ^t'^SIO.NAL PAFE tR \ o. i:'je A. 19U <'iUPTi;K \li. hi: S\s 'M' iii:ha.\ II, lIVIl! IN _\I V\l|i.|!\, TJ, 't' Siisknt -L(K:.\Tif),v. '""■"' c'i„l „(• J, cJnuai '!' the iali, T] »•— lilM R nAsiN- '<:• iires a fjreat ( ■-■'•« plate No. 27) whicl ,, ^^"'•■'^J' '""""tains, and the d n across tli.> i, >•.;„,•„, i _ P'Ttion of tlie r^iiinge, thou-h eolL ' IS m extent, 'cm plain., ^""1 .South S. ,1-:; , """ "'-''"' tlie ,,ra;ries i>v two ,r / ^ ^''■' ,"'""^''' *^^""«-^'to.l bv »"^^t '■( -Medic err' '"-'"'^^ '"" »''« «""-^ mount, 'ru ' ""^'' "'' ^Jmontoii, I'eer river .'' ""'• /"t«"ediate l,otu,,v th o' v I ' ;'"i'^°-''""'"'-'ly on a line '.vin,' nature if !' " '.* '^'^ ^''Pannoek channel irtoV'-' '^'"''" , '""^ "'-" ='"d '^'^'^ ^vinni,i:^;*, ;:::':;'-;:7"^ '" "- portion" r i 'r t "r '^"T ''''^• -pi''^ -^d Grand ra;!!:" ^-""'^ ''^''^ -'"'^-■■■^ the Tr:!:' L Jr:"idsrB:.j't,Hr -■''•ATI-HE Ok banks. I" llie vieinit.v of Le Pn<, ♦!,« l. i 'cconie L'radinl'v l „ -, ' ''anks rancre from T^ <„ .>- j- • . '"«'- rai'u . .u ir "T""^'^ "^ ^i'"-*-- t ur the ?■• . "". '"''"■^^ '^I^*^ *<> t'>o loft shows no rock i '' ^'"P''^*'^ °f Unjestone o 1;. , ", *'f .^'^''-tv of Red higher. At tl'e ' tter •V""","'^ '''^'"^''- '^e banks whi^h re f , ^- ^"''^ '" '■«'i^'''t- ^-t above r^^' ""'T r' t".*""*^ '^ "^-" --•''' '" W • ^ ^"'"'"""^ ^'^'-■"^ 188 /»;.7MA'7i;/;.\r o/' riir isriiuioR 4 GEORGE v.. A, 191 V ^.u^v, \vlu.-li wa> probMMy at ono tinio an ov.tIIou- .•h^.imel, swcn»- i'll^'i'J f''"' ''"" lull bank and rftiiriis to the ina^ii river a mile fartlior down. I). — WIDTH OF HlVKIl AND NATlUi; Ob' HANKS. The river iu Y .nitoba has an averapo width of about 1,000 feet; a n.inimuin « Idtl, .f a,n.roxin.aiel,v 500 feet occurs in Grand rapid., widcni-u. to 2.100 fee below the rapid . Fron> the Manitoba b,.un.h,ry to Cedar lake the nver has a mud-nnd-j:r.n. botton.. with the occurrence of shifting bars, l.i the rea-he.s below tins ^C'^t'-'^ho bed of the river at variou.s rapid.s is composed of limestone, while many beds oi boulders oceur in the intervening spares. i;.— TiMni;ii and vkoktation. A valuable tin.ber growth a slight distance above T.e Pas. but from the^ to Cedar lake the growth is stunted; and while a dense growth occurs «>•"»'>; "^^^ Cedar i.,Hl Cross lakes, yet the timber occurring b.'low tins is largely of second gro^^th. F.— IIKlll AN'D LOW WATICR. Hi.'h water usually comes durin- the months of July and August, while low NU.ter .„..u,.s in the winter months, the river reaehin,' ^^^ l-'^^\':t'^"V''lVl,%r while March. At Le Pas the range between these two periods is ord.nardy some ^5/«f ' ^7""^ at (irand Rapids the ran^e is gradually lessened, be.n,' ordinarily from 4 to 5 ect with an extreme of some feet. During the spring break-up the field ice of lake Whinipeg occasionally becomes jammed at the mouth of the river, damnung the and causing a rise at the lake of from 12 to 15 feet. C._NAVIG.VrlON AND ACCKSSIBII.ITY. The Saskatchewan is naviu-able above Grand rapids, the IIudson;s Bay Co. havin.- at one period run steamers as far upstream as Edmonton. The river "* Pre^nit i> navigated by gasolene launches from Le Pas to Cedar lake. It is accessible U rail- road at Le Pas, and also by steamer at the mouth. TI. — SKTTI.K^IKNTS. With the ex.-eption of Le Pas. no settlements of any size o.cur iu the lo^vet reach!.' of the river! A ITudsoii-s Bay post is situated at Cedar lake and a small settle- ment o<'furs at Grand Rapids. I. — >ri)\r.vs w t:ii; nivru. In ISS!. Dr. Otto Klot. made a traverse of the river. The late P. E. Youul',> a survey of the settlement in the year lOOP. and continued his traverse to the head of Grand rapids, obtaining at the same time a profile of the portaire Tn 1^.1 a .■■.on naissauce survey of the river was made fro.u Le Pas to lake ^^ '-'7"' l^',^; . -; Forward, of the Public Works Department. The investigations made by the W .ite, power Branch of the Department of the T„teri,>r comprise a reconna.ssauce po«er Inrvev bv the late William Ogilvie in the year 1011. and in the following . ear a detailerl snrvev of Grand rapids and vicinity from lake Winnipeg to Cross lake. Tm latter survev was carried out bv E. B. Patterson. ,n charge of a field P^i:^.^ //'^^ Afnnitoba Power Survey. At the same time a cangm- station was rstabl,slie,l_ at .1 rapids and discharge r: iea>iil'i'nii li ts wr -.- th. id have sin"" been obtanied nt this station. u 1 \77'<;{ I \v iimrrnw i:iy\< 189 SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e .1.- lil.NOKK. {(I) I'fi cii'itdiinn. — No euiiipli^li! ncDi'ds arc available lor tlu' inocipilatioii in cltlier tlie extroiue WL'stcru or eastern portiuii of the draiiinsi'. Tho fdllowiim table nbtaiiieil frmii the iletci)rol(if,'ical records of Canada (fives the precipitatinii at varioui* pniiits tliroiij;li()iit the central ixjrtiuii of llie draiiuitie, toKether with some few records of pri:'iii)itatiou in the Koeky mountains: — LKStnii 111" Hkciiud. I'r.lii. Alli.rl S ^^k;ltu't|l . . < 'a1i;iirv . K.liii.'iiti.ii . , , lUiitf !''i>i-t Ihiini-^.iii IVrioH. l--|..,i, ' l:.ii:i T.. llil-_' |).|.t ilM ll 17 1 . i.t !t ' pint \:<\-l It i:. •w 1SH4 P.I'.L' IL' ".s •]7 issr, I'll-J I'i IT ;.'s isxu I'M-J n; i;: I'.i IMM \Wi 'jii :; 4 .. l!l|..-. l"ii'.i 11 yb) Discliari/t' Measuriniinls. — l-'loat discharge measurements witc made in the vear 1909 by K. A. Forward at I.e I'as, and also at (Jrand rapids. This was followed by measurements made by the late William Ogilvie in the year 1911 at (iraiid rapids. On Ausrust 8. 1912, a {rauf^'ing station was cstablislied at (irand rapids by the Afanitoba Ilydrographic Survey, and on October 21 of the same j'car. a second station was established at Le Pas. The results of discharse measurements made at those stations are iriven in tables No. 72 to 79. It is estimated that for the year 1913, a low flow of .'),((00 second-feet oceurred during the month of February at Le Pas, and while several lakes and a great area of low-lying swamp.v land occurs between this point and Grand rapids, which should give some rcguhition of the tlow at the latter jioint, yet it has been assumed that a minimum flow of .".000 second-feet also occurred at Grand rapids. During .Tul.v of 1913 a flood discharge of approximately 01,000 second-feet was recorded at Le Pas. K. — sroliAGE I'OSSIBILITIKS. Three lakes are situated in the lower portion of the river system immediately above (Jrand rapids; through two of these lakes — Cedar and Cross lakes — the river Mows, while Moose lake is a tributary to the north. The combined area of these three lakes is estimated to be 970 square miles, being made up as follows. Cross lake, 39; Cedar lake, 125; and Moose lake, 513 square miles. While there might le a possibility of storage on these lakes, investigations are at present being made as o the reclam- niation of low lands in the vicinity of Cedar lake through the lowering of tho latter, which, if carried out, would forestall storage possibilitias. Investigation is also being made as to the storage possibilities in the head-waters of the Saskatchewan river. Making the assumption that the flow of the winter months from October 1, 1913, to April 1, 1914. would be sir ilar to the same period during 1912-13, mass curve studies (see plate No. 30) show that n storage of 30,"i billions of cubic feet would be necessary for a uniform flow of 32.000 second-feet. A one-foot storage on Cross, Cedar and Moose lakes would give approximately 27 billion cubic feet, indicating that a storage slightly over 10 feet would he necessary to create a uniform flow for a period similar to that found year ending September 30, 1913. 1M in.i'\uivi \r or iiii iMrinoit 4 GEORGE v.. A 191 ♦ M. -WAl'liM'oWl H. All I'-llin.ih.' i)t tlio poWLT iU;iilalilt' at tlic tliree rapiils (>,, |)lati' \n. :.".•), is Kivi'ii Li'low. Till! power nviiilulilc lia- liccii based on an * per eoiit etiicii'iii'.v. ami is also CDiiiputi^i : First, for an estimated iiiiniimitu flow of Ti.tM)!! secoiidleit ; and second, for a llst months of the year etidlriLr Septi'inhi^r I'd', lltl.'i, and extendin(r from April to September, anil the power as indieated rufer.s onl.v to this period. No estimat<' has bei'ii made as to the adilitionnl pmver avaiiaiile diirinii periods of low flow tiiroiiyh any storafje system: F.^TIM \ ilorsei iiwer on «(l per cent Ktlieieiiey. Mil.. n..« .il.l. l'.,\Mr Sil. . M<^t.l In S.-.t. p, iI.kI i; I, jo... .\pril Si|.i. :'.(,iiipii -IT ft. Delhi ( 'IlillV- (!iil It.ifk tiiuiicl Kapi'is I.-) 15 Ml ||(>r-i'-|>iui'i lli.iM I'liwii. IWOS ir.L'sii lll-jsli TABLE No. 72. DiscMARCK Mkasihkments of SiLskiiteliewun IJiver, at [.o Pas, Man., 1!M2 and ll'l.'i. Table Ni>. 72. m hut". p.ii-j Myliii^iapliiT. .\l,t.-i Oct. 21 JL". W . i;. Wi.i.l.i, II!H! l>.c. It ... li. .1. I/iiiil, ll"? p.ll.l. f.'l.. .s!) . A. Pirie 14(l!t .April !l llntl .\Iav;)l K. Panksiin 14110 .iiiiii- 4.. . i;. Kl.rier lIMi '■ 10 .. UHli . 12 1HK 14. .. llSf, .hilv HI ll'.ll! ■■' 12.. . lllMi . 1.") ,, llliti . 1« IIIMJ 21. ... IliHi .. 23... lllHi .. 2."i ... 1 UHi .. 2."< lI'.Ki .. :«). . 1 1196 .\UK. 1 ... lllKi ■• 4. . . ; (i ... IIIW lllNi ■ ■ 2s ... W .1 livl;in.l. . . 149 Det, !l.... C. (), .\llin.. 14,V> M 2.3 14.« Nuv. IS \. Pii-i.-. ...'.'.'.'.'.'.' U'M< 1. Ice lllfan iilerni'iil. 2. Ice ninninj-' in liM-r. Uli. .\,ea ..f sectiiin. Mean M-l.ielty. ^',.i^^g<■ l.ei;,-llt. l>i-*cll.o;7 ee';. Si|. ft. Keet per lA.,.t. See. It. '.H4 ISilli:! 2 11 3H123 .SSI 12SIS OS . 'S772 771 II.MIH o-."i:i I '.-.lo.-. 77"> 72 '7.")02 7til I42t;i ;t 10 11 40 I.MS2 7r,ii i;t:i;tl 3 ;!i ;i ;{- i 14124 7.MI IHSKII ;i .'w (1711 ; 40!'79 7(;» 14o(I ;i .-ii 10 11 v.^jyr, 7.'f'.l 141117 :i t;:i m :w r>\rM 7."iS IMIii .i liii nits ' .MilllH 71)11 l.v.s; ;( r>H 12 i.') r>77l3 7:ili llilllHI .■I ii:i 12 r,s 02SS3 7x0 HilHil'i ."! !»s 12 70 o:i!i7o (;r;t l(!lo7 .S si; 12 HO 02120 7.Vi iii:fo'i .s ii:i 12 ill 041 nil 7.')0 it;:u2 .{ iti 12 110 r,;4H 11171 2 i.-> 3. •2102.-I SlfO 12!i:iH 112 3 71 'll.SilO IT *••-(- -^44 ?? i lis? I 1.1 y5 -"aAaivasa^ay^jj^^, ^Moixy^gna SESSIONAL PAPER No 25e i u win, in II \iini;,\\u;. »9f -i-z • ■• ;< u ,"■ ^' f > f. fi t, a. sf i > taM ;^ ^ ~ i f3 is «■ a S^ j< o u J2 ^ 35 ^ «3 ^ = £i H ^ « i ^ 5 .s a i ^ y Q - - '• 1. & £ •- s - • ■ ; I ; ,^ I - "T T ■'«! Z 1" li 3 .' .» a 5 ? '-. ■- = — \ i ■ , . 5 . b ' £ * « ■« 5 ?' '" c ; 1 = St ,i . : ?: I' 1' i C- ? •; • . . . , •?• •^ j« ^A ,_ ; -^ ri . 1 5. t": ■ 4 .? 7 3 r, » .? ; o ^, ^ ?^ r. ct *"* ,^ ,■* 1^ i •A«,| :i-/: .-.=_.,,__,.. i^?ij;nv^s^7?i5i. l'J2 I'l.r.iUI Ul \ I III I III l\ 1 1 I! I'll! 4 GEOHOE v.. A. 141 ■) T.M'.I.K N . Tt. 1)1*1 II Mil. I, Ml *»i iii;mi.\t« of Sii.«kiilrlH "iiii Uivcr, :it tiiaml IJ | ub, Man., VM)'.\. ||<'I" .'lll|ilM I \\,i!ll, Vi I M. .11 ;V,, i.,..i.„„ lM.:i K.-.I. \i.n- \I«.M iii|.mI-, N" will. I ■^nil.uf IL.^.I-. \l. .ii ..f li. ■ t'o"*! \|.„„ tiiMi fil I " L"J," > -•■■ >mt;i..liil. ..I H..« (Hltt, -.<• li.iti I ml i,,iiimI r..(K l..!!' II.. M W. 111. I -IX I. •ft »I..M' piii'iit IimI I'.iiImI.I. I..ti ■•! H..» (1(1 /"I- 'I''" lll.'ivllliuin .iHrli.lli."' I -i-r (■ -I lll"l 1 Him VI / ,IU ..,. tt. TAni.K No. :.'.. 1)1-1 iiMii.i; .Mi;\M iik.m1';ni> of SuMkulrlu'wan Kiver, at Oraiul i>l j .. M I »»!•■ IIVlIlil)/! t|.ll. Mil Ari'ii "■ Mciii t..iiu'.' N... ^^i'"l' S.I Vil.-'i . llHitflii. ' •I'l .!,,»» , Wih. OtfilM.' I)l-t. Win D^riKli' I-'. .1. >.|. II. It. |« I -. . . !•'. .-t, S.I.. I' im- i:i:iii ■_' 1^". T"-!' ■-'-' iiVf.':' NolK. T.!!.. 11 un-icliiiii iiM-l l.v \\ r S .<.|.|.r..\;in:iln«.liA .! ..11 iif i-Miitfi- TSUI".'. ■''.VIU.E Xo. 7rt. l)lscil.\noE Mi.ASl liliMtNTs of Saskutiliowun IJiver, at (iraiid liajiiilH, .Man., I'.Ui. H\.!r..v;r..|.l,i-i \l. t.T N... \» mIiIi \ii.:i ..f • i.-iii..;. MiMIl -•iti'.ii. »f|.H.'ity. ill i^lii His. Iia. .\iivr. ^.. S,.|.,. l,v. K. IV I';.1M^..I1 I-: I'.. r;iit.i-..M K. li. I':.ll.l-..ll Ki'f!. .Sc(. tt. Kt.|»rvr. h'l'.t. Sii-.-tt. :; (7 7S.S is .vj.^i-; i III yR-- 'iii i;.i,,"i7(i :; i.i.s 7:-i'.i ml i;.'i,.'i1ii ."l 1,1 1.V. i.\iiiii :( 1,'l.Mi 1.-..X.:; :i i.ii.'.s l.'i.'CiT StSSIONAL PAPtR No 2U "'W/o/M 1, i UN ,'„X\ , il.s I9J H.. i:>|.!. \hi, ">'!' ■Ki.|.l..r M.,,,\„ „.,1 ih .H) .\ .1 III M !•■.. A I' A r.ri. \ I'iri. V I'lii,- x.v.r; I.W l.tIM l,«M I. a. I I.UTil I, "Hi I, Oil' «.|, ft I ', til' I"', I":. 1I,m7l' ll.!Ki,( I ■'■I M.| :i ri 3 -.r I tut "«.■>, •an; ■'•., '« 'Ml.\ (Ju Mil,. I l>i< ■'■ ^m I -\i.. 7.S. "'/'"■•. S„-k;,l,.|,..„;,„ '{Hplils f,.r l!»lli. '"■■■"■ "''I'l '■( <;n,i,.| 1 a ;t 1 5 i; 7 .s y 10 ; 11 ' 12 . 13 U 15 lii i; l,M Ml Li I -'I L'a LM Ai..|. ' '^''Ki' I livight. "!-■ Iiaitr.-. MKnKMIlIci f>1',2.V) 53, (mo ■"«I,.-KIO 5il »7,7">() 47,7:i0 t7,tllH( 47,111X1 50,7.V) ■•»,n7. 50t) ■ iil,'J.-Hl lil,L'.)0 iil,260 l'>2.(K»ll '•1' HOC Ktft. 7(«-7» «4 1*0 74 77 7HS Mil 7N0 II 7«!l w, 7».s ,,'il«l IHi.-KO lill,l'."i,(Ki(l «.">,0<)(i '.5,(HKI M1,.".IKI l>."i,7">i) 'i4.2.Ml I't.L'.'id li»,2riii Ii4,2t,(l • :4,L'->ii '•4,LTrf) lifi({lit Ki.i 7n!» ii'.i 7H'.i liO 7Nil .Ml "itf- B5,IHH» 'm,()00 •m,0(Xi i>5,(N)ll 'iA.lxiO •iii,W»l li.">,0(m liti.-'UHI lit.OtKI ••".■illO 7I,(NIKI 72.,Vlti 72..^.i«i 72,."iiill 7-,."iU» Ii7,2."«. i;-?,imii .">ii,7.Vi .")1,.')(KI 4«,2.Vi 11,1X111 .V.\'*<0 ;<:i,.-iii.. ;i'.i.."iiiii > mum '•aiiK'- Imuht •'!■< Ii .tvi-. y,,- im: iv, Vi It. :«.75(i •■'>i,75ti •■W,7fi<» ■■w,7rio .w,7"i«i 24..-,tXi -'.K7'*> 2.'t,iiiiii J.'t.lHNI L';i,(XNi -i;j iBIKSi^m^M 194 iiir \in \ii \i or riii: i\ri:in<>ii 4 GEORGE v.. A. 1914 m X 1 » X X I :i — T 1 - .'\ S ■?: r. i .■'; ■■'-':■ ! '"; " *j ?i r'l ?j ^ I ? I T I f I ?i ^ « ^ ^5^xxx?xxx^xx5.txx.= xxxxxxxxirxxxx *- T. .-'. s ■; - r- '-• 7 ~if--^i i y< -i .'■. .r^. ?. ?. r- - ."=. ;. :". r- - .''. ?. p-. r- ^ z I s . .7 7 ■ . . I, 1 - ■ ■ X X ;.» - u 5-, ;^ -^ r' n' -/ r' x' 1 - 1 - t- ?i 7 i-: ?. W T: : '*? "^ t"* ."* t* ■'*■ i* i'^ ■ ! * 2 X X m, ;x ^i ^-T j-m ^■TE !j', ^*, x s x j\; J^ V, U', x ^ ,T ,T ,t jT ,"^ ."T r? j"K )« ';* '^ '^ 1^ ,^ fT T^ ,*? j*! I'T 1^^ J 4 *■« .'x )x x«i;5:5;i-t:r -^ 5 w ? .4 ^ 09 ■5?? ' t • t^ I • :^SI X ,x ^ ,X ,-i = X : •---•— I - f- I - X X X X I , I - I - t- r T. ^ •:; T» ^ 1 ' .•« .-x .- .T' ; SS ; * : ; ^ : r, ■ 1- ■ ■■■'■ -Th '■■ :':■£:■ : • ■ r^ ^ ' ' X X X X X • 5 - 5 5 X 5 t y .-K .-X ,"» ,T .5? X X X X I-.I-— — . ; = 5 9 5 X ; I 5 I I .' S r". ?^ f "T *i^ ■^ 1"^ 1'^ ■'^. <^ -r -r -I ! \«(j - ?i rt n* it — t- / r. c — "t ?^ "t" <~ "^T t - /: r: o — ?i r^ -* '" — »•" z T". : Ml*?? *^i J .8 3 3 '.V- i;}j !• 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 25e A. t9i4 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA CHAPTER Mil RIVERS IN NORTHERN PORTION OF MANITOBA 197 \ -Pl-ATK 31 Chwf big in AMtChJ«f Engine.. t t, :\ \ th th Ci L: ti( thi Lii ffre lati inn T.nv siirv feet chni porti Win; 4 CtORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPtR No. 25e A 1914 HIVERS ,N NORTHERN PORtI OF MANITOBA •*•- LOCATION. liu.\ ^- — niVKii iivsiv. ;-^t3;|:°i:r5;:rr ,;i»,:f ;,;;^,;;« w:"..ipo. .,i„.h„„„ „„„ „., -rent lakes compri.sin,. h.k., .AL. Uobl , ^.I r ""'-"'^ 'i'^ "^ ''"^ ^'•"'•'tnrv svston.s of " -on of tho flow of the Kelson • r res . "Tr'""- ""T'"''"' '^ natural "o. <-— GENKR.u. w;.srR,i-T,o,: OF rmuL survey niadofv I> ' 'J'T f/'T ''l'^''. '"''"'"'Pe*? to IT,„lsn„ bav .s d.f ■ . , feet oceur. Tn tl °'^- '* '*''^ ""l^a- In tin's ,\ V ,'^' '"'"'"ed by a J99 H'j'iion. AJthougfa aoo i>i:i'Ma\n\r ni rin imkuidk 4 GEORGE V. A. 1914 the iivcr, Us tituU'il. uxpuiuln ill tliio u|ij>i'r ei-ctioii into uiau.v hiki's of practii'uU.v lioiiilid or of hIow rtiiiuiuK wutcr, yet thu fulls uro more sharply dffiiicd and iisiiolly of Hticpor dcuteiit thnu found in the l..«ir rcuchfs, oiid nt the sniiio time uro often M>purated by islands into nunuTouH niirrow channel!*. N"t only are the bonk* lovvrr us lake WinniiH'U ia approached, but the dixtancu botwoon them li<<'oines jfreater. The descent, also, is not ao abrupt, bein« more often a series of nipids or swift runnin« water. These latter characteristic!! gradually become more accentuated as Hudson bay is approachends and ilrops through the Kbb and Flow rapids, followed by the Whitemud falls. The Bladtler rapids follow, in which the river flows in one narrow channel. Below this rapids, the river again divides into two main channels before lake SejMjwcsk is reached. On the eastern channel, three rapids are met with; Over the Hill, Ked Kock and t'liaiii of llock rapids, Below Sepewesk lake to the Maniton or Devils rapids, the river is more contraetecriod of low water is usually in the late winter months. It is also stated tluit the extreme rnnce between these two periods is never more than six feet. r.. — TRANSPORTATION. Steamboats at present navigate the Xclsim river from lake Winnipeg to Whisky Jack portage, but below this point navigation is only possible in certain portions of the river. The river is not crossed at any point by railroad. l>ut at several points J" in the vicinity of the new Tludson Bay railway. SESSIONAL PAPER No 25. ^iUlnin I, U,H,;,\M,.'s 'IMVkvn UK |„, „n,^ 201 '"T l»>e pr,.,.,.( „ „ "r •*"'"• "xlu-i'i.*? a profile, of ,1.,. ri. ' , ^ V" "'" ^'1'"^' ".' th. Interior, im- .Je a I''" "'""'"' "" ^^ ""• \V"t..r 'l, ' '"'," '"'•" '^'"•""••<' '•— KI\-OKK '•■OijM be. T ,. V,Tl • '""'"'•-•''I'l^' t.. e.s,i,n,,te w > f '. *■"'""''■ »""""" "»" tl,e -n. I. W.I1 be n.,te.| H,„t there is i ""^ n!,,^'', a'" t '';;:;•:;;::: •^tiitl..ll I'iiiikI,,) H.cnl Kn nil Wiiinii >y inni|i,.» Miin. Kfnora, Or ,,, -. <>nt.. . M,K.,|,..„, M.nn. »/'"« Aii.Tt, s».i,.; VWl.t,,,,. Altii. f alLfaiv, Au. ■«CL.H>1|, \|t«. 1H78 1NN6 IWNi INHl IBat 188:< 1H!W IWIl! urn V.XH KM-.' I!»12 !z!«3R"'''^™"-'""^^^^^^ ■ • *^'^'^''»'>- '("-'Teased the flow. "iiini|),.ir ;,t ,f, „ortheilv ^.,..l •'■ ^■^OR.M.K PDSSiniMTIrs ' ^V.„„,pe,, off,,,, „„,,^^.„,„, f::;fi;,V^;'"'hoa,I of the river. The ' '' ■ '^"-''^''^ nhiel, should 302 1/ I \lli>H 1 li I 1 1. If ''(11 t.lty. 4 GtOHGL V , A 19 •» r..i!i|.KtiIy r<,ju!.iti tlii> l!ov. i'. Till' fiilliiwiiiu' tiililc tfiviM nil ('".tiiiiiifi' i>t' tln' llow whiih a Ktnrairi* cf "iil.v "J fi'i-t woiiM ri'tnli'r availalili' (<•{• pirio.!^ ,,{ citlicr ■! moi,lli<. il in^iifhs or a y>.>r: — |i, |,tli n| St..i,.i:.- •»r'.t u'» 111 Uilli"it' .1 r,i It li.ili <>i l>i il< u.i t. , i;,.,|:; \l..i,il,- ..,!.. \|. !• I I V. 1 I -t. •.'II.' ;ai .'.ji till :f;i ■-' 11 la; :..'i) |ii u.ui :!;t -jiiii Kii.'i IIU3I -« M l,ll-l'll» III. The folluwiii^; talilf givt.s .iii i-atiliiato of power availalilc on tin' Xilson river at various jMiiiW of uonotnilralioii (xcv pliiti' No. :WJ. An no dctaili'il iiive.^ti^;atioii of till' river's jKjwer possibilities hu.s as yet been made, the bead avadalile is subjeet to revision. Tlie estimate has been bused on a intniniiini flow of .'iO,(KM> seeond-feet, eoni- liiiteil for an etHoieiiev of ^(1 per lont. Tlie estimate of iiiininiiini ilow is also ^ubjcet to verilieatioii or rivi:.ion as future records of the .Maiiitolui llvdroarapliie Survey will slii'W. No esliinate lias been made for the additional power available throu^rh leL'iibited ll.>ii.!i r..«i I- .sii... h'-tMlllt«(l M'T-.t-l"'".!' IkiM-iI I'll 11. .h|«, IIIIMIIIIIIMI tli.W '.( .'MI.IKlll Wl .mil fr.t ,,t .-^ii imt * I'lil itlirii'iii-y. ".Vlii-ky luck iNiitiini-.. . Kill, ill! I Ki.iw r;i|iiil» Wliilr Miiil ia|iii|« .. r.ii.l.l.r rliain I't t!..rk« iii|iiil- I livil-i rai'i'U. . (ii.niil I'at'i'U . r.irtlirkiv iM|iiil- I'll-t (illll l;i|ilil» . ."^lucincl . i.ipi'l- . . Tliiril ■■ i:i|iiil- . I'.iilitli " liipi.l.' !'ii>t Kittli' r.iimlB S. tv'li.i • rii|ii'l- Tliu'l •• i..|iii|« 1 lipi i l.'.lik; S|irllri- nilHil- l,iivvi-r I-'-iik' S|inici' rat fN I '(i|i»'r l.itii*l.illi' rapitl.i l.nwir l.inii-*ti'm* ra|iiiif«, .. r-.t. II) 17 ;tii 2(1 •-7 ;«! IT L'l •.'II M 17 -'1 : 411 40 :>s :« tl H'.i-i i-iwii. Isl.l.V) 77. I'm IXl.HliO I'll. 57.'' i:.s,r.|ii Ii:t/-'--ii r.'L'..".»i li;:t,:i7.") 77, 1. Ill !i:i,iii.'. !lil,,'i7."i l;t:i,siki 77,l.'>il 'i7,:t7i' tsl.i.-io IHI.IMI ■.'.(•., 4!i.-. 1 l!l. I.ill 1S."i,(i,SII •.'..'il>..'.ii.". IIavks Ki\hi;. A. — LOCATION. 'I'lie Hayes river ("^'V jilate No. ;ll l is situated in the eeiitral portion of muthprii Maiiit'^ba. RiriiiS" ?li?htl,v tr- th" '■■■-,-* ."f the northerly end of hike Winnipo!:'. thp river flows in a northerly direction, discharginsr into Hudson bay. ■* "* « . .,, ^ ^ S !G g « o •'J -v* (vj fo *^ r^ « mg^^/mft. StSSIONAL PAPER No 25« 203 "• -imi:n iivsiv. iirr(7iP(> of niniiy rodc "llffTfip.-i. -'•I-.MMV. 1,K,, |,,,,|,,,N "' mw.l; AM) IIVMN. ''oi^'ht at .some tw pi;'' ''"'"'"' '^'"-^ '"- '"'nk-S al ho "h" ..'Tir'''"'''^ "'•'"• r-.s river tho l,. nK . ' *^ '■^•"•'' "^ »''« rive; ext K ""' ""■'■'-'■•'^" "' f'.v n,p,d, or falls. " '' ''> --''o" .-tr..t..h,.s of ■.•.■ry swift vvni'r ''" Cllll- -TIMBt-K AXD Vk,;etatK).V. »^S:it^S£r- '-"'«- S » VJIJ.;;!- K.— skiti.i:me\ts. of Jhi.. river. l,„t eon.;,I,.ri.,„ ihl \ f'sti.nnfe i. nmfio ms to the „^ '" 204 MA M'inm H 1/ f;W-/'«H'KR.S -\\ \TEn-l'l)\\ Kll. 4 GEORGE v., A. 19U Whilr no tittiiili-il investi^fiilioiis have as yet lufu made of tlio i>o\vcr uvailiil'lf "H this river, vet it is state.l that at many points in the river there is a possihilit.v ..i power (•oiie'entratious. The elevation of Ishind lake lyinjr nt the head-waters '^t tli.' Shaniattawa river is stated to he ihH) feet above sea-!evel, whioh would indicate a dr..p of this extent (ie\irritifr between the head-waters ana the mouth. Jn the readies of the river ahove the junetion .>f the Fox iUid .'xtendinsr to the upper hik.'S. the averaire de.-cent is stated to he over S feet per mile, nnd it is in this section of the i4ver that the hanks arc of sutticient height to permit of power e.meentration at many point-. riiini ini:. IviM.K. .\. — Lu( .vno.N. The Churchill river («»<; plate No. :i3) flows iu an easterly direction acr.— the we.-tern province- until the Manitoba boundary is reached. At this point the river bend.s to the north and the coiu-m: through .M.jiitoha is in this latter direction to the mouth of the river on the soutliwcftern shore of Jlmlson bay. U. -ItiNKU U\slN. The ba^in drained by the t hurehill is 114,150 siiuare miles in ixtent. It lie- to the north of the Saskatehewan drainaj?e and heads iu the vicinity of the Athalui-k.i liver. Ju the lower reaches in the vicinity of Hudson bay the ri\er is situated to the north of the Nelson river and roughly parallels the course of the latter. The fiemral nature of the basin is altogether the opposite of that found in the lower region drained l.y the Saskatchewan. Jnnumcrabie lakes of varying size o pr^uticall.v the largest lake throughout the basin, and. in it! head-waters of the drainage and are situate..,.,tero.i tin .Cii z z:^:;'' ""'"^'' ••"■^• "■ AM. A,,>;ss,HirriV f — HATKR-POWKR .iiion oi i,i;,o feet above sea-;*.^,.! • i- ■ ""' ^'anitf.lia houndnrv ; * ■ «■"» :.:':-tr-^"- ■■■"■■■ •"" "■■"■• ":-";:r,:r;i",i™i;:;;:,r::; Per «^v^3v JAJl'. ' ■AU'WI. . riaJMB . , -Ur .1 _li'- , '¥»:. 4 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER f,,^ 25e A 19m 207 WATER-POWERS OF MANITOBA. CHAPTKJt IX. KKGULATONS GOVERNING THK GIUVTINr OV WATER-POWER PRIVIlS ^^ WKJOBA. SmrCHEWAN, AlBERTA AND THE mmmi lERRiroR/Es ^ ■»*..-; 3»ai« Ill t. fo 1 J. ^^ ^:-. fl t ^ 1 1 1 ■ pi- I ¥^- 1 li 1 s_ p 1 1 -*:■■ i tal iia fh, ■T'l or rcir Inr tl,;, neci '■ )ni fiiTi "IK' th.. 1 lilc ,■ takiii "^^.r •» GLORCt V. StSSIONAL PAPtn t\ o. .'5c A. rou ("HAPTKR r\ Jf'-'i.Mi-.Ns „„„].. i,v n„ |.\,.,r ... , , •'"'' ■■'■ ''"""""-. /. /. ,,; „„, ■••'• I..IM.I, win. Il .„■,. ,„ 'I'll- r/.„,r. ,. '-; >ulijic[ ti, ti',,i.. 1 ■ , ~ M... 1.1,1- ;:;-"-:^.;;::;:::;::i'T^.::-r£r '-P'-- pun...... ..,.1 ri,,.;,,:';;,;:- ; ;;;;7;'-- - '- ...i .■.,.-„':;,:' 7',;.,,;:.; ;T•-'■'--•'^-"::^:::^ " l.av ,1,. , „, ' "'";.■■• '"'■ I' !""•,„,.,.., .lull r., ,1 ' "'"' ""■ ■'—•-'•'. f-r tl,.. ,„,„„„„ ■ '- ■ "' ' :.i.l lt„l,,,„ .1.., .: . , ■'' '"■'•""- '■■' li ''-' A../ .i'./ „,■ „;■" ■;■' '■' '■'■"■^ '■• ""■ '-,.!..„: :;.■•"„";■""- '-- -.'N.- ^■■>' -^",.1, „„„., „i,„:,„;,| ,„,, -"''^-^ ■"'■■'I.- "11. • conv .1, ,• , ,, . . ' '""*- (i( ivlinr. I,.ii 1 ^■■>' -^",.1, „„„., „i,„:,„ I ,„,, ■"' ^-^ ■"'■■'I. taking ' '"' ■'"> f'"n.— iu -...i,,,...,!.,,, .,,,,, '"■'""" ^^■'" ' tio i>i:i'\nTMr.\T < •' Tin i\Tf:iii(Ht 4 GEORGE V , A. 1914 l!i:til I.Al IONS (iOVKKNINii Till': i .IfANTI N< I (»!•' WATIU l'( )\VKU IJKIIITS IN III!'; I'UOVIM i:s OK MAMTOHA. SASK" ATCll i:\VA\ ANH Al.ltKHTA. AND I UK NolM'IWKST rKIJIMTOlM KS, I Eyhii,i,^h,\ to mtim iind inclmlc nil §hiii'cs, r.ifc-i, tlaiiis, weirs, tuiiiifl.'', pit-, --liili'-:, lluiii.-'. iniK'liiufs Hxcil to tli«' ""il. luiiMJiii.'s Hiiii (.tliif -tniitiirc.-t for tiikii i.'. ilivfrtitiir nml stiirinu: wnUr (or pow«>r pur- poses, or for (le> • lopiiiir w.if' r-pi^wrr aud nniliiiiiL' tin' ^niiie nviiilnlili' for uno. Mom; oi M'i'i ii \Tl"V. 2. Kvery upplirnnl f..r a lii'.ii-c I.. laKo iiri-l ii-e water for p- 'r purr-oM-s >)\:\\\ tllt> willi tlie Minister of li.e Interior a 'tiiteiiHiit in li ipiieate settiu- forth: - (a) The nnine. iiddre^s and ..eiipatio;! of tlie iipplieart (ft) The finaiK-ial stiimlinK o tli. appiieani so far a,- ll v lii^ - to li!s ability to I'urry out the prupo«ed wurks. (C) Tlic eharucter of the propo-i ,1 wrnks. ('/) The niitiio, or if nnniinied. a sntliiMcni .ir.criptloM of il„ river. Like or other soiiree from whieli wnter is pro|iosed to lie tak.'ii or ili-.c rted. (f) Tiie point of diver-ion. (/) The lieiu'iit of tile 1 Jl or rapid of mhIi river, or ,,thiT -onree I'f water at lii;;h, niedinni and low sta>.'e>. witii eorie-pi'iidiii;,' di-eharj;i - of water per seeond, reekoned iippro.\iniatel\ in cahie f(H^t. (g) A rejisoi.aMy acenrafo deseriptioii. and tlie urea, ol the lands ro.piired iu eoiineetioii willi tiie proposed Works. -iH'li hinds, if in -invited territor.v. to he d hy spetion, township atid ranne. or river or otiier l.t, as the I'a^e may he. and a statement whether sneh lands are or nrc not Potniiiion hinds. (/') If such lamls he not I'ominion land-, llieii tie- appiieani -iiall i,'i\e the name of the reLMstered owner in fee. ami of any reL'i>tereil itf-'am r le-see thereof, and of any claimant in aetiial pos>ession other than a roistered owner, niorttra^ee or lessee. (I) The npnimnm and ina\imiiin of witer-pow.r uhidi the applieant iwoposes to de\.'op. and the nia\iinum am .i nt of wat-r whieh he desires for sueh I"iri)ose. ,( ) Ski'teli pliMi -liowiii'_' appro\imale loeati,,ii, of the |iro|io-ed work>. ('. ) Klev.itioiis ot he;id v iter and tall \».iler of the neansi existini: work-, if aiiv. hehm- und almve tlio proposed works. (0 Partienlnrs ns to nny water to he taken, divi ited or -t ired to the detriment of the operation of e.viMtinjf works, if any. en) Parlir'ulars as to nn.v irritration ditcla - or reservoirs, or other works for irrication within the nienninjr of the Irrigation .\et. in use or in course of eoii|i,i( H- ifivi'ii" — " I " '■■••""":'• "'^•" """1 ' '"l-r... „r ,1... „i..i,,..I tv C) 111.} pn-M'ut .-.ti,| vhIim. of tl... pr.„„.,lv' ,,«•„ I I iinMii.'ipality, ainl M'Msrn, MS, i„,.„,>r tMrnin, im,.„mm„,v '-'-•■ >.v ..,.1 a, ,i„. ...r,;:,.",.;;,!;: ,;;:,:;i,t;,"' -^>' -■ "- -^ >."'i '..■ f-.. TMK ii.iniMiM Ml! \ IK lAsi;. C. I ,„„, r.,v,|,i .111,1 ,.,,iisi,|,.rati(,ii .,f tl„. ,in„li,..,ii,,,, .„ 1 ( n..' sanic. ,1... .Mini „ r ,.f the lufrior ...a v , r p Z, " 1' ''"^■'"■''""; ---npan>- into un nKR....n..nt ,Mtli tho".„t «•!, "l'l"•■'^.■ ■;! tl... ,.r..p„s...l vv,,rK-. ,.„t..r tion. .... ^..a.'.:;t::;:;,:.^:!\r™- ,;;;,,::':'!!: -"• "- the wo;j:L::.i;:i;:;:;;i;;:\r:n;:z;:;;:r '" ' '"^ ' -' ^- for wS.;:^:r;::;iT:;';,i:^::c:e.,:: ' -•■■'■'"••' '-" -"^ -"- -"..... abovil^; ■rz7,.:n::;:;':::;;,;;U';i;r'"' "• "^- •"" ^'"-- -^ - <'^ '"•■ appiil'i;':::;;!;-,:;':;.;:^::;:-!:;; -- -f i>"' i-. ......s w.,,.;,. .hi,.,, „... to wLi..h;,T ;,.:';,;'.,: ::;;'*'i'''''' "•'--*:'•.- i"".is i.. '>( tho Dominioi, Land. A.:t ' " ""'"'' ^'■'•""" •'•'■ ^"l"""'i'>>' .■■nu.imt of water. Minister; ih. ,..„,. .f :.. ' i'"!';';' ^"-'"-ti- '- approved by th. -"-all., and ..h H.-enso to l.en^JwSl^^;; ri'^^Tru;^' " '^'i'V"' ^"^'"''^ lease to ho at a'lixod iv, 'n I ; , t,::^.:^:!:'::^' "' '■' ''"■ '''"'^''^■•- -^'' the said license, and rencwd,!,- i„ liL ' ' ■•"""">« eonc.irrently with the terms and :zlti:::::£,. VI, ";;;;::: :;'r T"' "t 'r ^"•^^'^^■' ^ ^'" * MiaOCOfY MSOIUTION TKT CHA«T (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2i ^ i^PPLJED IfvHGE '653 East Ua-r sir«. (716) 482 - OJOC - Phor.r ("6) 288- M89 - Fo. 212 nil' \in MUM III' Tin: i\ii:i!iiii: 4 GEORGE v.. A. 1914 Inr such piiiiiciM'. tlii'ii llio .Miiii-lci- -hiill ilciiric -iich l.incU in ri\:^;iril In wljii-Ii llir :i|)|ilii .ml riKiy cxiTi-i-r llic |MiU(r~ i;iM-ii i;imI,i- -i.-i;,,ri :;.">. -nli-c.-l imi .'I. ..T tlic l>(iiiiiiii.Hi Lands Act. 7. Iiiiiin^' tlio iMiistrnctinn nl' an.\ uurk^ I'm- tlic ilcvrlo; .ncnl cpI' watiM'-iPHWcr. the -Miiii-lir (if the luti'rinr, iir an.v cnirincir appniiitcil liy liiiii for tliat pnriMisc, shall have liTr access to all parts nf snch wurks fnr the pnrpnsc of iiispcc'linir same, ami ascertaiiiinf; if Ihi' cMUislrnctidn tiicrcnf is in accunhiiiec witli tln' plans and specitica- tieiis appiovcil of h.v the Minister, and whether the terms (if tiie afrrecinoiit, as ]pri>- vided I'nr in tho prcecdiii;; sect inn, ar!' hcnii- fiiltilled. rilK I.K t:NSK. ><. I'liJM fnlfilnient h.v the applicant nf all iliticpiis nf tlie saiil ayreenicnt. the Minister of the Interior shall jiraiit to the applieaiit u license as aijrood upon; and sucli license shall contain clauses to provide as follows: - (rt) The term of the lii'cnse shall he twenl.v-one .years, reiiewahle for three fnrtiier eoiisecutive terms of twent' 'ne years each, at a ti\ed fee jiaynble aiiiuiiilly, nnd to h<' roiid.insted ut tln' hepiniiiii!.' of each term, as hereunder provided. (b) At the expiry of eaih term of twenty-one year- the (lovernor in Council, m;iy. on tho ree.imniendation of the .Mini^tei-, order and direct that the license and any lease granted in connection therewith he canci'lleil : I'rovided that the Minister shall have piven at least one year's notice to the licensei' of intention so ti' cancel. (f) If the licensee shall refuse to ])ay the license fee as readjusted hy the (iover- nor in <'onneil, or as tixed Ipy arhitrators chosen as provideil in paragraph ('') liere- under, then in such ease the Minist(>r may renew the license at the former fee, or the (;overn(jr in Council may. on the reconnnendation of the Minister, order and direct tlnit tlie license and any leasiy issued in coiniection thi'rewith be cancelled. ((/) In either of the ahove cases compensation shall he paiil to the licensee as provided for in piirajjrraph ('■) hereunder. (c) On termination of the third renewal of such license, except in case of de- fault oil the part of the liccn-ee in olxiTvam f .my of the conditions tiiereof. or of any license granted in conncc-tion therewith, compensation shall be paid for the works to the amount tixed hy arhilration. one arbitrator to he appointed by the (iovernor in {^onncil. the second by the licensee, and the third by tlie two so apfiointed. If the licensee fails to appoint an arbitrator within ten days after beinn notified by the .Minister to make such ap])ointment. or if the two arbitrators ap])ointed by the (iover- nor General in Council and the licensei' fail to afirce upon a third arliitrator within ten days after their appointment or within such further ix'riod as may be tixed by the .Minister in either such snch arbitrator or third arbitrator, as the case may be. slnill he appointed by the Judsie of the Kxchequer Court of Canada. In tixing the amount of compensation oidy the value of the actual and taiiKible works and of any lands held in fee in comieetion therewith shall be considered, and not the value of tlie rights and privilejres granted, or the revenues, i)rotits or dividends, being, or likely to be, derived therefrom. (/) The license shall state the maximum amoimt of water which the licensee may divert, store and nse for power piirjioses, and shall provide for the return to the stre.iin. or other source of water, of the full anio\i'it so divertivl. (.'/) The licensee shall dcvelo]) such po er as. in the opinion of the .Minister, there shall be a pid)lic demand for. up to the full extent possible from the amount of water granted by the license. (/') I'pon a report being made by the .Minister of the Interior to the (iovernor in Council that the licensee has not develojied th(> amount of power for which there is a public demand, and whi<'h could be developed from the amount "\ water granted by tho li!- inii ..x,,.,„ i,„..ii,i., ,>,„„„,.. , :„„„,. "'""" :' i-n.Hi ,„ i„, ,i,,„| ,,, „„. ^,.,,.^,„_._ ^^,_. 1^ . , . ■•«.(: Iill-ll IHirin<>rl ,.( ..II . 1-tiiK' "t lilt' 'I- .-,.■.,::'■""•:■ ''■•' ' "—•!<> >hall , I,,.,... i!l],V '■Olllc iifiim vosf a,„l 1,1 licensee. '0 I'poii a r«.j.(,rt bpii^^ "' <'oiiii,;i ||„.t a greater a '"" ""limit any .-..ii Msati.,„ f, '"'"''• [''■ '^'" ^'i"i^t'-r of tl„. I„t,..i„r t,. .. (;.„ til,. curry on to oompletion siieli ciilir..-..,! , .. i r.- , " "" '" "< ..cordanne with ,.la„s ati.l J4i .ui , '"'''"""'""/-ks. au.l t. nplete sanie in -ore l.e.,.„ an,l ,.,.n,plet..,l : ..r f.^di I,'' , V' "T ,','""" '" ""^ ""'^"'"^ ""■•'^^ f'"m.,l that the ...xistinjr «,„l:, 1;.,.. . T"r''T ^''"." '•'"'"•' f" the (i„v,.ni„r a"eet the prohalile „r J, ; ,' '" '''■"''"'' '^'■'•""■n-w,.r siitficient to -;ch p„rpo>e; „r ,,>d, t,„, the ;. i i,,. "" I"""" '" "*'"'• "'"'^^ '-"...nplat..,! for yclvanta«eous!y „,K.rat,.,| ,„vin« to th, , x vr.., 7 ."^'/'""t- .'"•. « ill n„t. 1„. any l„n,..r rr,gat,.,n A-t; then in ..verv sueh . iV 1 r ^ ' :f '''''"' '•' "'"""^^'^ '""'-• '•- 'I'at the license, ami anv lea.e i' .,■,"'■"""■ '" '"'""■'' >"^>.v ..r.ler a,i,l ^I'all be eaneelle.1. an.l the !:>;::,:: ;:X'T;: .!'":--^''- =""'. "•! n.hts rU.n.S:, port.vofth,. Crown: i'rovi,|,.,| nlwav f^hall thiT,.] Pa.d to th.. licensee as provi.le.l for n p i ^ ' "r T"'" ':'^" '•'-"•'.■nsation shall 1... together with a bonus apportioned as f-ilb."? ' ' "' '""'"'" " '"' "»-' reunlations, '"'"I's^upon the vabo'ofThe Z'rks' "'"''""'"" '''^^ "'•"' «v,. y.,,rs. a thirty |...r .ent O) If in operation ni.,re than five, an.l tl,.,, , bonus. ' " ^~ '"•in ten y.>ars, i bonul!'^ ^' "' """■"'"" """■" ♦'"'" i"". mi, (4) If in '■e"t I'^nns. "■- iiian r v.Mity yi>ars. a tiff,...,, ,„., <^» inn ..penition twenty years or .„o,.e. a ten per ..ent bonus. ii twenty-five p.'r .•.■nt ssthan fift..,.n y.-ar.. a Uv, a,y ,„.r ..,.nr "I--ti..n niore than fifte..,,. and 1..SS than tventv ■". rates or pri-es for ;^::2^ CiSZ:l^'"'"l""'^ ^"^ "■*" '^-t- an.l that s- jKlnist..., an,l approved nor if th v , J.^ ST^''''' ""'" -'■ -'-'"I" l-s he..n ^""1 that sn..,. s h,..l„|. shal rea.lj ,^ ,1 ' ?' ,"" ""Tl'' ""■'' ''■^- -""'' ^'-'""l'-:'-; 214 iii:i'iiri \ii:\ I m iiii: isiruinit 4 GEORGE v., A. 1914 (/) 1 hat fur till' luirposi' of ;i--rirlaiuiiijt tlio i|iiuiitit.v >>( power actuully dfVC'lii|)eil, iir capalili.' r tliat i)iirp(isi', sliall have free a ■-- to all I'arts of tlie Works, and tasurenientiJ, take obser- vations and do sneh other thinus as lie may consider ne<'i'ssary or expedient for such purpose, and tlu^ tindinfis ol the Minister, or such engineer, tliereou shall he conehi- sive and biuding upon the licensee. (m) For the proper provision, as required by law, for the passage of logs and timber down the stream or other waterway iilfected by tiie works. (n) For the erection and niaintenancp by the licensee of a durable and efficient fishway in the stream or other waterway affected by the works when so required by the proper otlieer or autiiority in that behalf. (0) That the licensee shall l.av{- no rif-'ht to any water beyond the amount stated in the license. (P) For the indemnifyini,' of the Crown acainst all action.s, claims or demands airainst it by reason of nnythinfj- done by the lii'ensce in the exercise, or purportetrnntcd under the lease or license. 9. The agreements and licenses to be issued hereunder shall, subject always to the provisions of these regulations, be in such form and contain such provisions as the Minister mav from time to time determine . stoi!\i:k or \VA'ii:n. 10. If at any time it is iiroposed by the aiiplicant or the licensee to divert water from any lake or body of water for storage purposes, or to dam same in order to aug- ment the flow of water in any stream from which water-power is to be developed, the aprlicaiit or licensee shall, in addition to other information reiiuired under these regu- lations, file plnns as follows: — (a) A gcueral plan in duplicate, on tr-.cing linen, showing the location of such lake or other body of water, and the lands t<.' be submerged or otherwise affected, and contour lines showing the water level at high and low stages, and the level to v;hich it is proposed to raise such vvater for storage, and the estimated storage capacity of such lake or other body of water. (6) A plan in duplicate, from actual survey, by a Dominion land surveyor, and eertified to by him, showing the lands to be submerged or otherwise affected by the pro- posed storage; the name of the registered owner in fee of ?uch lands, and of any registered mortgagee or lessee thcrenf, and of an;, -hiimaut in actual possession other than a registered owner, mortgagee or lessee. (c) A detail plan in duplicate on tracing iinen, showing all dams and other works proposed to be constructed in connection with such storage. 11. When the plans for such storage of water have been approved of by the Min- ister of the Interior, provision for same shall be nuide in the agreement for a license, or in the license itself, or in a supplementary license to be issued for such purpose, upon such terms and conditions as may . ;.pcar to the Minister reasonable or expe- dient in the circumstances of each case, and subject to these regulations. S.MM.I. WATKI!-ro\\ KRS oK l,i:ss CMWCITV THAN :.'0<> HOFlSK-rOW 12. If upon receipt and consicieration of the information set out . -otions 2, 3, 4 and 5, the water-power to be developed is found to have no greater capacity than 200 horse-power at the average low stage of water, the Minister may issue a lease and a license as may be required, authorizing the development of the proposed power; the lease and license to be for a period of ten years, subject to such special terms and conditions as may be considered advisable in each particular case, and renewable if, in the opinion of the Minister, the power has been continuously and beneficially used. I I o \ r ^K "i — PLATE 54 D«|Mi,1 I m-.^. I I t.'Hh il'i!'i(!t,'i ) CLASSIFIED LISTS OF REPORTS or THK DOMINION WATER POWER BRANCH Tbt H.'pofit publUhfd by th« Doininnio W«IM fomtt Braacli vllk ll.< nctpiion of ih« Annual Kei>.jr«t, h»y« b««ii callM watar K'tuuicM Papwt. uid brvt t»>n numbntd I, ), IkC. ANNUAL REPORTS. Annual RfporM pfc»(oui m 1*11 «• ln.l.i.|t.l «llh th. Annual Rmom of Ow t>.|,«u».ol o/ lh« Inttrlo' anJ c«n be •«cuitil frum tht lacrataity of 0»a Uapaf untnt. Annual Ripnrl ft>r I«|] IJ. pubUahdi I«I4. Annual Raport for I II J t4, In pftta. WATER RESOURCES PAPERS. WATER RKSOURCES PAPER No 1. Raport of tht Railway Halt Hvilro»raphle Sujvay fof 1»«1U. by F. A. Caaaea, B.A., D.L.8.. Chlai' Enamccr. PublwhaJ Htl4. WATER RE80URC49 PAPFR No 1. Rrpnrt of 11.1 . rivar powar and itorata Invmlaallona (Bow rivat araat of Caltary.l by M. C. ,)end»y, A.M. Can. Soc. C E, Chiaf Sn«iiiaaf Id charga of iiKvaya. Publifhrd I'l 4. WATER RESOURCM PAPER No. J. Rroorl r.n lowtr and Storait InvMflf ailotn. Wlnnlpai rIvar, by J. T. Jobmtoa. A, M Can Soc C.E.. Hydraulic Enfineat of Walai Powaf Brancb. lo couna of praparattun WATER RE80UR';KS PAPK«» Report of Ihe Manitoba Hydrifraphl- Handry. A. M. Can. Soc. C. E . Chief k,. -vey to the year andini Itl4, by M. C. ^jiaar. lo couraa of praparatioa. WATER RESOURCES PAPER N > S. Prell' .inary Rfport on the P.iqula Rfclairatlon P'oject. by T. H. Dunn, C B., O I .d.. Chief Engineer in charga of RacUmaUoo Survey. Publlabad 1914. WAT'a RESOURCES PAPER No. 6. Report on co« of vnriout Murcee of power for pumping li> eojinactitjB arllb tba Smith Si.ikutchewan Wite. Supply Divfr^u.n Project, by H. E. M. Kantit, M.l.B.B. Mem. Am. Init. E e. Mem. Can. Soc. C. K. PubUabad 1914. WATER RESOURCES PAPER No. 7. Report on the Manitoba Water Powera, by D. L McLean S S. Srovll aiid J. T. Johnston, ompiled for the Manitoba Public Jtilitiea Commualin. I ad 1914. WATER RESOURCES PAPER No. S. Report of the British Columbia Hydrographic Survey for 1913, by R. O Swan, AM. Can Soc. C.E.. Chief Engmeer. In preaa. WATER RESOURCES PAPER No. 9. Report of Red river Naviiiution Surveya. by S. S Srovil, B.Sc.. Aiaiatant Chief Engineer of Manitoba Hydrographic Survey. In courie of preparation. WATER RESOURCES PAPER No. 10. General Guide for Compilution of Water Power Report! of Dominion Water Power Branch, prepared by J. T. Johnston. A.M. Can. Soc. C.E., Hydraulic Entlncar of Water Power Brrnch. In presa. Limited edition. H Dunn, C B., O.L.S WATER RESOURCES PAPER No 11. Final Report on the Pasquia Reclamation Project, by T. Chief Engineer in charge of Reclamation Survey. In preaa. WATER RESOURCES PAPER No 12. I- roort on Small Water Powers in Western Canada, and discuiaion of lourcea of p,.vver for the Farm by A. M. Bcalc, A.M. Can. Soc. C.E. In preaa. WATER f ESOURCES PAPER No 13 Report on the Coquitlam BunUrn Hydro Electric "«*«'°P""'V.>''K?-™lf?™hi; Conway. M. Inst C K . M Can Soc C.E . Chief Engujecr of the Etitiah Columbia fclectric Railway Company. Lmiited. In press. &:: i^sim