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Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la m*thoda. 1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) |45 HO 12.8 ■ 4.0 1 2.5 2.2 2£ 1.8 ^ APPLIED irVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, Ne« Vork 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288- 5989 -Fax I Fragments From The Feast Belleville i The ' Crose of Oil ' Tract Repository. 1902. - Fragments From The Feast. or* 18 Sermons by the Rev. R. C. Horner. B. 0. f Edited by E. T. Campbell. Belleville: The • Cruse of Oil ' Tract Repository. 1902. [All rirfhti* reserved.] Cnat at Oil Print. Totk* TkOBMRdi ot Maafevn MhtrsiU aa4 Frica4i at tbt HoliiMt Movtmat ChBKh ii Caaada: to tat baadradt at aiialtun, •vaaialUU, aiiMloaarlM aad workan at hoaia aad abroad, wbo bava laltbtally aad aacaaslatly bald ap tba baadt ot oar Balovad Laadar darlai bU rait alUbt yaar* of haad to baad fllbtlai, aa ba by tba graca ot Qod. bald fortb tba Staadari of Nollaaaa, aatll tboo- aaadi wara kroniht aadar lu away, aad tba lovaly baaaar 'naatb wbosa blood-atalaad tolda so naay bava lougbt aad diad, wavad trlaaipbaatly at tba aiast baad tbis volaaia libamMy liKribad. Introdttction. Our objc't in publishing this volume has been sim- ply to bring before the members, adherents, friends , and all who are directly or indirectly interested in the advancement of the Holiness Movement Church in Canada, a concise report of what we as preachers and Evangelists consider the greatest event of the year, " The Ministerial Feast of Pentecost." We named the Book, " Fragments," not because it was, in any way inferior or fragme' ry, but that its contents were merely gleanings, sten graphically gat- hered by the " Cruse of Oil, " reporters as each table was being spread ar 1 rapidl;> rlftared, to leave room for the following one. It was with considerable hesitation that the Rev. Mr. Homer consented to have these sermons published. He considered them rather for the occasion, and not for publication ; and, as he said, " Preached only to Ministers." He thought they demanded his careful Te-writing before they should be given to the public : but after a brief conversation in which we assured Introduction- him that they wore intended by the publishers for distribution among believers, not critics, and they would be more readily received, just as they were preached, uncut and unpolished, he consented. Out of the hundreds of testimonies given at the » Feast," we have inserted only a few which we found lying in the stenographic MSS. With the above explanations we place in your hand, " Fragments from the Feast," praying that they may convey to you the same blessing that they conveyed to the Ministers, Evangelists, and Missionaru- o. the Holiness Movement. Sincerely God's and Thine, Evangelist E. T. Campbell. Belleville, Oct. 258t. 1902. for ere the and ind, nay syed the J^SO Ba-nk St., Ottawa. August 22nd. 1902. Dear Brother Campbell: I comply vrith your request to give a prefatory note. I give my conserd to have these addreftses inserted in your book of Fragments, as it will easily be seen by those who read them, that they were not delivered as literary productions, but spontaneous combustion. I am yours in Christ, R. C. Horner. Contents. The Day Before 12 Opening Address 17 The Anointing 23 Power Promised 35 Testimonies 43 Tarrying for Power 45 Obedience Rewarded 53 The Mighty Descent 59 The Dry-Bone Revival 67 The Way it Comes 70 Witnessing 78 The Anointing; Present, Positive, Real 85 The Flaming Baptism 92 Individual Extracts 103 Power to Prevail 104 Absolute Assurance 116 The Extraordinary Gift 122 Commanded to Wait 130 Pentecostal Praying Brings Pentecostal Power 140 The Pentecostal Outpouring 150 Tne Glorious Church 156 This sermon preached by Mr. Horner, at the Ivonhoe setinK, to an audience of 1500 shows clearly his relation camp' to the different churches. The Day Before, rrr- N IHE AFTERNOON of May IGth. our bus ^y, rattled noisily alonj; the rujraed shore of pictur- Inue Lake Eloide. whose sil very waters luunoved by tixHentle breeze that anon played in the tree tops, stretched far back into the cedar crested hills. This entrancin^r scenery assisted by the smc^ing of birds especially the melancholy notes of the \Vhip- poor-wil carried us away in thought, untd the sdence Cunbroken.saveby the voice of Brother Geiter as he softly sang: "Deeper yet, deeper yet, Into the crimson ilood, Deeper yet, deeper yet Under the precious Blood. Jolting around a curve, over a rolling »"?""d then up a cnade and 'round another corner we sighted the Athens camp-gi-ound nestled amid state y oaks, and elms and maples on the shore of the lovely lake. [12] The Day Before 18 Scores of Workers moved hastily about the ground, while ti-ansfer men, hurriedly unloaded wagons, at the camp doors. Tb'^ughts, joyful and melanclioly, alternately c) se each other through our memories, as we retrospect the part few yei rs. The changes since our first Feast, held in the same place three springs gone, sc^m al- most incredulous. Some who sat at our side in former Feasts, are seated with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven. Others have bidden farewell to home and loved ones and are now in lands of heath- en darkness, fighting the fight of faith. Far ar>ross the raging Atlantic and the dark waters of tlie Mediterranean, at the same hour, our mission- aries in Africa are preparing for the, ^'Feast," neath tlie palms on the bank of the historic Nile. In fancy, we sec the dark Egyptian faces upturned to heaven calling in Arabic to the Mighty God, to, "Send the promised Spirit down," or singing: "Father, Son and Foly Ghost Send another Pentecost." God bless our faithful missionuries there, and cause them to feel that though separated by lakes, and seas, and Gibraltars, that we are still close together and can dine at the table of our common Lord. In England, too, Bro. Moore, and his staff of work- ers, are making preparation for a similar gathering. Oh, dear old England, the Lord bless thee, for one of thy sons, of whom thou mightest well be proud, and whose name rightly deserves to be chiselled among those of thy great men , on the floors of Westminster, 0ktFX;^u. 14 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. once, by the help of God, raised the standard of holi- ness, which had for years, been trampled down in . he streets ,by the mobs of Rome. For this doctrine, do we ,Christians, and Canadians meet yearly at the Feast of Pentecost, to humbly im- plore Heaven to equip us with Power, to go torth and lead others into this grand, and absolutely nec- essary experience. God grant that the blessmgs which fell on the venerable founder of Methodism, centuries ago, within the walls of Clapham ; and the success which followed the mighty, " Prince of Preachers, on Kennington Common, may follow thee, Brother Moore, and thy workers, in the white harvest helds of the'Pritish Isles. The snap of the driver's whip, fails to catch oui attention, as we fly in thought, homeward to Canada and across the rolling prairies, to Killarney, wher. the Manitoba Conference are going to hold ther " Feast of Pentecost. Their work is closely related to mission work, an( the"r mode of travel not unlike that adopted by th eariy Methodists. With Bible and hymn book straf ped to the saddle, thev are ready to lope across prairiei through flelds of waving wheat, or to ford stream which would perhaps force some of us who are n( accustomed to such an active outdoor life, to retiei from such adventures in final disappointment. The rumbling of the stage for some time has be( quite forgotten until a stentorian, "Whoa" from tl driver, and the sudden stopping of the stage, remin us that the camp-ground is reached. Aw aking from soliloquoy, we must leave the pa The Day Before. 15 )f holi- in ihe ladians bly im- a forth ly nec- 3 which mturies success ichers, " Brother st fields itch our Canada, r, where Id their ork, and by the •k strap- I prairies, streams, » are not o retieat has been from the }, reminds and hurry on in the present. Lingering amid past scenes will never save a lost world ; work we must while the sun shines. We alight, receive friendly greetings from the camp- ers, and at once set to work getting ready for the open- ing service at 10.30 A. M. on the morrow. Sturdy hands soon pitch the large Campmeeting tent, and all things are in order for the scenes of the following day. The shadows of evening creep slowly across the Lake, and night gradually shuts out the scene, at the same time, uncurtaining the trembling stars, and hang- ing the silvery moon in the cloudless skies. Soon the voice of prayer is stilled, and the last light disappears from the cottage window, and all is quietness. Peering through the silvered azure heavens, past blinking stars, and flaming satellites, beyond the race-course of worlds, and scorching suns, and heavenly bodies yet unknown to the astronomer, and up, and on, and through, and into the C'elestial City, v/e find the heavenly inhabitants are interested in the Feast. Through- out the streets of Glory, angels Iiurry, to make this Feast the best we ever had, while. Patriarchs Prophets, Apos- tles and martyrs, assisted by the thousands in Paradise, rejoice, that the old time religion is being resurrected. • * « In the morning, long before the sun appears over the Eastern hills, the camp-ground shows signs of life. Wandering otf in the grey dawn, to a remote spot on the camp-ground, may frequently be seca, some consecrated Minister, or E/angelist, seeking a J the past 16 FJUGMENTS FROM TBE FEAST. .lent retreatj. wMcMo ^ ^th^-^Ooa J.rt 'Tana: a p-t ^^^ ofTeir live., lolling in thai, rarwhileluntLs mUlioM. slip through their flng- %h"a'; "alf-past-ten the heU -g -d^Udv»^ ced toward the tent. The inspiration that hUed eacl Jjart "ts indeed remarkable. When all were seated the ReT Mr. Horner arose on the platform and in hi, nsual explsive manner read that beautiful Hymn, And are we yet alive, And see each others face ? Glory and praise to Jesus give For His redeeming grace ? Preserved by power divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesus' praise we join, And in his sight appear. Then let us make our boast Of His redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more : Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain ; And gladly reckon all things loss. So we may Jesus gain. As the music of the Hymn rolled heavenward, bor on the wings of inspiration, tears of thankfulness co^ Sdow^ nLber Js faces. When the 1- -te^ away, and the audience were seated, the Bishop arc and delivered his opening address. ). Just 8, who in their eir fing- 1 ad van - led each i seated, id in his lymn, ,rd, borne less cours- note died hop arose, Opening Address. •If AM very pleased to be here. These Feasts of ^ijl Pentecost do me much good. They make revivals ^^^ commence much easier. I never saw so many revivals commence in one year, as in this last year. I have been in a flaming revival all the time. Revivals burst out around me in a minute. I am here to be anointed again. I am hungry and ready for more. Brethren, we have not exhausted the heavens. They are full of fire and God is ready to pour it on us. A Methodist Preacher used to come to Conference every year to get enough religion to do him until the next Annual Conference. The statement contained a great truth. He became so consecrated that God could pour the Spirit on him all the Conference year. There is a state and relation that men can be in where all tire and power are within easy reach. We can live within easy reach of all the batteries of heaven, but we must reach that state and relation. We are here for that purpose, and God will get us down to it. 6 17 -, rr-«v*l 18 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. There was a time when every Methodist preacli wa« an EvangeliBt. He conducted all the Hpecial re vaTservices on his circuit. He had flaming revivals IvLy place that he labored. He had no need for Hpecial Evangelist and there was none apart from hi sdf When the time came that the special Evan St was necessary it was known that the ^tor . backslidden. It was also known to the hvange S^aUhe pastor w^s the greatest hinderance to revival. When the pastor was restored the revival ^ ce^fn. Some of them humbled themselves and ^^ re^r^, and others greatly hindered the efforts of ^^Thf iloUness Movement Church was born and ra up under this sUte of things. Preachers and pe have considered it necessary to have a special Eva list, a cor vention, or a camp meeting, and apart 1 these the., could be no revival. They were edu to that, and it has been a difficult matter to get to see otherwise. It has been gi-adual work Some o preachers and people have received light and know that flaming revivals are most genuine t the labor of the pastor. Pastor and people get^on knees together and cry unto God day and night the heavens bow. and the revival commences t They launch out together, and reach after the los perishing, and souls are gathered into the fold These Feasts of Pentecost have contributed nu the restoration of pastoral evarigelism. Pastors returned to their circuits from these Feasts and vals have spontaneously broken out, and sinner been converted before there was time to mvit ST. , preacher lecial revi- revivalH in eed for a from him- al Evange- pa«tor was Evangelist nee to the revival was }H and w(!re [forts of the a and raised and people ;ial Evange- apart from sre educated io get them Some of our it and they nuine under get on their night until ences to fall. • the lost and le fold, uted much to Pastors have ,8ts,and revi- > sinners have to invite the Ojyenimj Address. 19 special Evangelist. The numbers increase every Feast of Pentecost. Wo will reach the divine order of things wwn, and every pastor will be a flaming Evangelist. Then every society will continue in a state of revival and all the ordinary services of the sanctuary will have become extraordinary, for the convei-sion of sin- ners and the entire sanctiiication of believers. Revivals will be perpetual and God will be glorified. We have observed that a number of pastors are doing the work of an Evangelist. They are having flaming revivals in their pastoral labors. The cir- cuits where they labor are in a flame of revival ail the year through. It does not make any difl'erunce where they are sent. They are living in a flame of revival and where they labor it commences. One field of labor is the same to them as another. It is not a difficult matter to station them. The people|are glad to receive them, and some circuits say they do not want any other kind. We are near the completed state of deliverance from misconceptions of evangelism when the call for the special Evangelist will be a declaration that the pa-stor is backslidden. Brethren this is a very hopeful state of things, and we are here to have it consummated, and we expect that after having tarried ten days, every pastor will become a flaming Evangelist. Preachers who tail to humble themselves under the mighty hand of G(xi to be endued with power for soul-winning, will not have any place among us. We will be an Evange- listic ministry. We will be a flaming Church. We will commence and perpetuate flaming revivals on everv circuit in the Movement. We are here for fire 20 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST and power to doit, and we will tarry ten days at the t^i ^ JesuH. We will hear the nound from heaven ftHof a nwhing mighty wind. [ApplauneJ ""tl churchi of Christendom did ""t c"n""ence tc decline until their ministerH had l)ackshdden. \\hih thei M Sers were alive and tilled with revival flame there Va^ no decline. They evanKeliz-ed their cn^mt. klthrpeople into the Bible experieiice of ChriHtiiH P^Mor a^id they labored with their paHtorn f (^ th" ^ivation of thei homes, and the comnmni^^e where they lived. They were agKresHivc. Theie ^a In iiicrease in the membership. Circuits were en ai^e and new tields were opened up under t^eir labor The tire of God fell on the Ministry and under Ui inspiration of the Spirit they preached ^^^^^^^ nation to the impenitent - a tree and full salvation < all who would repent and believe m Jesus. Men were scripturally converted and conniu^ic* family woi-ship in their homes, and prayer meetin| were the birth-place of many nouls The Chri.Htian Church that has a dead Mymtry mu of necessity die itself. They are to eed the Jmr of God. ^rhey are to preserve it alive. ^\ he Ministry is dead the church can not live. Bitthi we must be alive, we are here to be .lUickenod. \\ e a here to have all our dormant forces brouKht into h atul activity We are here to be baptized with ti :;;d "we are here to bc.come flamhig E^^^^^^^^^ We are here to be sent to our helds of labor il mighty flame of revival. We are here to > vilons of the masses rushing to Jesus for salvati. When God gives us power to bring the masses to Jes Oj}enhig Addrfm, 21 we will not fail, we will not be barren or unfruitful, we will Hee them wuepinjf their way to JeHWi. The hop«^ of every Chrintian Church is an Evange- listic niiniMtry; a ministry baptized with tire and power, a ininiHtry that will weep between the porch and the altar ; a niini-stry that will not give God peace day or night until every circuit is in a flame of revival, and the niajJMJH being brought to Jesus ; a ministry that knows nothing among men only Jesus ; a min- istry that has the Seal of God on it; a ministry that will warn the people day and night with tears; a ministry honortd, owned and used by God; a ininiMtry that will not compromise to gain the favor of men in good social standing, or men of wealth, a ininistry who can till up chapels with men who are born of God, and who will lead them into the Holy of Holies. Brethren we have reached an experie • e and a state, where it will not be necessary for our Evangelists to lose their time on tields of labor where we have pastors. Every pastor will do the evangelistic work on his own tield of labor or he will vacate and allow a pastor who (•(in do it, or a special evangelist to succeed him. We ha . e reached the time when pastors will not any long- er sit and listen to sjiecial evangelists do their preach- ing and exhorting. Every pastor will commence special levival services and go on for weeks as the Methodist ministers did when they were aggressive, until whole connnunities were convei ted to God. The pastor will have seals to his ministry — souls for his hire. He will weep and pray from house to house and from sinner to sinner until he sees flaming revivals all over his r .me tmie be dry, cold, formal and lifeless. He may be utterly destitute of vital godliness. He may have been baptized x^t the Holy Ghost and with fire, and may feel the Spnit of God with him and on him, and yet be in a dead, dry state, having only a profession. David was living where he felt it all the time, and was flaming hot in the experience. We can be there, and until we do, we will not have the fruit of Pentecost. We may be living in the beautiful Hunshine, and hav- in.^ many showers from heaven, but we need the thunder storms. God is pleased to send the gentle rain, the constant downpour for days and it is his good pleasure to let the thunder roar and the lightning 26 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST flash. When tlie thunder roars, the lightning flashe.^ and we have a cyclone, the mists and fogs are drivei away. , ,. , . , The thunderstorm makes the air light, clear, an( bracing. We catch liery inspiration. We get a tre mendous go in us and we will know that we have i 1 his flaming experience must be kept renewed, or it wil become stale, tame, dry and barren. Brethren we^ re (luire to have these thunderstorms repeateo. It w are croing to have Pentecostal results, we must kee the Pentecostal experience flaming hot and burning While there is variety in this, as in all Christian ex perience, it must be kept equal to every occasion. It is the beautiful variety that is in all Christia experience that makes it enjoyable. There is no po! sibility of our becoming formal if we have plenty < storms. The storm breaks up all the tendencies t( ward form and keeps all the faculties and capabiliti< of the soul in a vigorous and active state. When v are living and preaching under it men must be sav( or run away from it, and some will be saved whi they are running. Brethren, let us reach up after and God will baptize us with fire. We need a tremendous storm here! [Shouts] bon of you may be holding on to a prof ession of fire, b you do not make us believe you have it, and sometim you do not believe it yourself. You need to get anoir ed over again. We are where we can get it and i are here for that pui-pose. Glory be to God! We wa to hear the sound from heaven, and feel the rushii mit^hty wind. No common, no ordinary blessing w do^us hero. We are here to be anointed for soi The Anointing. 27 winning, for power to bring the masses to Jesus BretLn, T need the upper-room ^-Vi^-^-^^^^_ and power-the real cyclone from heaven^ The pow er tliat will take hold of us and deve op all ^^^^^^K^ f Is and let us into the hearts of the people to lead t h^to T 1 for salvation. We need more than pow- r to feel well, to leap and shout the praxes o^ G^. ^ need power to commence and perpetuate flaming le "then th. power of God falls on us we will feel it. \nd it is much more than good feelings It is the to.f-ue of fire,the breath of flame, the spirit of proph- fcy-the unction of the Holy One for -ul-wmmng^ We want it direct from heaven as it canie on the apostles in the upper room in Jerusalem. When we Tow "ur priviirie, our duty, our ^u^-' ^^^^^^^^^^^ God will pour out the Spirit upon us m Pentecos^i ^tttioi ' We ha.e been -eiving ordinary m^^^^^^^^^^ ations of God's power, but we are ^erejor th« ex^.^^ ordinary We need power and courage to commence Tnd pe7petul flanJg revivals until --J --^ - the Conference is in a flame of revival that the gates of hell cannot prevail against; a revival ^h^t «anno^^^ controlled by men; a revival commenced ^nd c«^^^«;»^ bv God Himself. When we are baptized with tire to 'Lp and piay day and night . God will open the hea- vens on our circuits. Hallelujah. Ma"s measure is to be full. God's measure is prey- ed down, shaken together and running ovei. UaMd s fuptas 'running ov^r. ^e need it poured into^^^^^^^^ then we require to be shaken up and have ^^ Presned down, and more poured in until our cups run over. 28 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. God can pour it into us until it runs over the whole nujuth of our cups. We will have no way of controll- inj^ it. Scripture measure cannot be controlled by us. Ciod conti-ols His own measure. He can do very little with us until we get out of our own control. When you receive the old-time Pentecost, you will see a lot of people who have not been baptized with tire. You will see a lot of preachers at this Feast of Pentecost who have not been anointed — a good many people where you are at present. You say, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and I feel better," but brother, when you are baptized with fire you will see a tre- mendous amount of work for you to do in this Feast of Pentecost. When you commence to weep, and pray, and groan and fail to sleep night or day, until you see other? baptized, w^e will be able to believe you have it. Tht preacher who is baptized with fire can not rest unti] it is on his brother minister. The ministry must al be baptized with fire. There is a tremendous powei in a baptized ministry. Some profess to have it who can not lead any othei person under it. They blame the people and say thai tliey are not ready for it. It is true that if they wer< ready for it they would receive it. When you get i' yourself, you will get them ready for it You wil have no disposition to blame them for not being read) for it. You will have such power to help them tha you will get them ready ^.or it at once. Brother, yoi would get them under the flaming fire of God. It i the running-over, flaming fire of God that reache otherH. The Anaiiiting. 29 Some of yon are snug, comfortable and "«<^on«^"\f ' but brother, there will be nothmg in you. Shortly there will be nothing in you for ««1 ^o bap -e^ There it no tent or cottage on the ground would hold you f ^ou were anoint^. You would want to know di^ rectlv from every preacher on the ground it he had W baptized. If he had not received it, you would want to know when he was going to get it, and would follow him day and night until he did. You would not be able to live without seeing him receive '^' Now brethren, we are here to get the real anointing. rAmens.1 I tell you God wants to pour it upon us. He would rather give us the old cyclone than any ordi- nary blessing. He will make us tremendeus soul- winners. . ^. "Thou art coming to a ivmg. Large petitions with thee bring. For His grace and power are such None can ever ask too much." We dishonor God when we ask for little. We honor Him when we ask for much. j i; ii „ We are here for the most that God can do for the Christian Ministry to make it efficient m reaching the masses for whom Jesus died and mediates. Our lang- uage is, •' Take me out of the world or make me effic- ient in winning souls!" Give me the Upper-Room ex- perience ; we want something we will never forget [Voices Amen.] We want something we wi I never get over; we want something that we will never get away from; we want what God can repeat, and repeat, and repeat, again. 80 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST We will give all that is in us - every faculty, every capacity of our hearts and lives for the salvation of the people; we will place it all under God for the glory of His Name; we are expecting mighty, flaming revi- vals to burst out all over our circuits; we can get the power to do it; it is for every one of us; ''My cup rinineth over!" Remember this text is in the present tense ; it implies continued action; this is the mean- ing of the word. We will receive it again and agaic after we have received it once. It is a present continual running over. The Lore pour it on us! W'e require to open up and make roon for it ; we must get our mouths wide open if they an going' to be tilled, if they are only quarter open W( can only be (luarter tilled ; we have to give the Lon the full width of our mouth to receive the full gospc measure. David was so under it, that he knew tha he was being anointed. A cup could be so tipped that it could not hoi any thing, and it might be said that it was runnin when nothing was being received. It could be squt red up so that the whole of it could be tilled until would run over. As long as you are looking aroun and trying to learn what it is like you w^'U never g( it. God ti'Us us what it is like, and if you want \ feel it get under it. Go and get your head anomte and you will be able to 8a3/,"Thou anointest myhei with oil, my cup runneth over." While you are waiting you are only getting farth away from it. Brother you must accept the nak( truth of God : God declares, that He baptizeth wi The Anointivg. 31 fir« He sav8 that "He maketh His ministers a flame otire^ He anoint; men with oil until their cups run over He poured it on Aaron until it ran down hiH be rd and t'he skirts of his garments. ^^^^ have been made known unto us ; if we desire to know more than this, we are trying to be wise above what ''Tou'^^ll get nothing, and you will lose what you have already. If you would go to God with His V^y !S;: :nd ll at H^Is feet and allow Him to be His own interpreter He would pour it on you, then you Tould kno'w more about it than aU he men in th world who have not received it. Glory ^^ ^o uoa^ Halleluiah' You may be wishing to receive it m the l^y iTe otl^r ,erL found it. Dear ^-t,^-; you uiil onlv set farther away from it. You have inc flaming tmth, "Thou anointest my head «•* ™1 -y c™ runneth ivei!" Believe it with your head. Bel- eve U with your heart. Believe it with all your ran- somed soul, and God will anoint you.[Applau8e ] ""you .S^ living in the la«t days .^der the blazmR Gospel of the Son of God. DavulUved ■■> *e old nroDhctic age and he puts you to shame. You require rhumbL yourself before the Lord; Rc^t your feet on IhZTraway 'omteorng You need not be If aM of getting something inferior to >t, Ood will open the heaveSs, you will hear the sound as rf a rishing mighty wind and the Holy Ghost will fall on ^"you will get it as the Apostles and dtacples did m upper room in Jerusalem ; you will hav. .ae same 88 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. power that they had, and you will do wonders an miracles in the name of JewuH. You have to get it i the present tense, now is (iod's time. "Thou anointof Tuy head with oil." When you are under the Spirit, o the promise, and in the Upper Rooni, the Holy (}h<» will fall on you the toungue of tire and the breath t flame. You can remain here for ten days and say it i coming, the way is clear, I am going to he baptize* and go hcmie without it. God never baptized a pret cher in that way ; when you get it in the present tens( you have to come to God's thne, and he will meet yo with the flaming tire. Until you get down to tli present tense, God has nothing to cimie to, and n( thing to put the tire on, God is ready, waiun;* ft you to come where He can let it fall upon you. Th Spirit is drawing upim you to l)ring vou dctwn to i Brother if you feel that you can't wait until th afternoon you are going to get it this morning. ] may be that you can't wait till I am done preachin if so it will fall upon you. You may have such a inexpressible hungering, thirsting and groaning i your nature for it that you are ready to cry ou My God, my God, baptise me now with the Hoi Ghost and with tire. It will fall upon you now an you will receive the old prophetic tire. The Spirit < prophecy will take hold of all the faculties '>f yoi soul anil you will pour the flaming, red-hot lava t all around you. Some of you may have decided that you will g it some time but not at present. You are takir advantage of the ten days, and have eased your mil The Anointing. m with tho thought that you have so many do it. and a I alK>ut it. V e luvve ears to hear; if we have faith to receive, we e Hi^ht to see. if we have minds to understa ^e nmst nee. hear, feel and know what God re.iUi If not we have no business inH.nuatmjr oursehes i histemendous work of Gocl The .-tes^^^^^^^^ earth or in heaven, for there is no work like th . Heaven. Heaven is not the place to work, hn cMyoy the fruit of our labors and to receive om wird according as our work here shall be ^o can call himself to the Church of God, the Chi is Ministry can't call men or women, and say thty l trit'ts and graces and ought to preach. -^ Godhas^eserved to himself the "J^'^^t to choose vessels To deliver his own message tluougli vith whom he can work. Not only calling us b re.,uires us to comply with all the conditions tha sertit and neces.Iy to qualify us, to get us into position where he can use us ; and when he gets a Ihere he will not be barren or "nt^^.e labor" be a terror to the community m which he labors labor shall not be in vain in the Lord, but he w , a micrhty soul winner. When a man tarries V God.lill God gives him his equipment, he is not : to be useless ; you can count on that. \on can uence with this blessed truth. When God gives , power to do something, he will do it as sure a.s I a God in heaven. He will not kill himsel either, nor wear himself out, nor run down his s or get sick, or die before his work is done. Bui Tarry I mj for Poa'i' 47 tluT he will do it nnd be blosHed in his work ; hli'SMed in his Ixxly ; ]*. -wedin his luiiul ; blefssod in his soul. Krticifnt in preachinj; ; efficient in praying ; efficient in sin;,'in^'. Owl will crown all his effin-ts. He will havc^ souls ft>r his hire, seals for his Ministry ; the seal nl* ( it«l will be on it. He can count on that every time. Tlu' heavens nii^'ht «;ivt' place and the earth niijjht sink under yoiu- feet, but your labors will Ik* crowned with abundant success. When we receive from God our e^juipnient for prea- chinj; the Gospel we will not fail. But brother you lire not to go before you are sent. Though you feel the ])ower, you need not expect it, and God can't use you, I sjiy he cannot with all reverence and liodly feai-. God can't break his own law. He can't change his own coun.sel ; He can't change the order of things, and you can't do it ! all you can do is to comply. And,' blessed be God it is our great privilege to com- ply with gospel conditions and let God have his way. And when we do we are not fretting and worrying about whether we will have'success or not, for(J(Ml is responsible. We never get tired or sick, but are blessed abundantly. Hallelujah to God ! (Jod has reserved to Himself the right to tit, equip, and prepare a man for his work, and he does not make it hard. He is not a hard task-master. His work is not hard ; it is easy. The heavens are full of FIRE i and POWER. And He can give a per.son so much that it will make everything easy. Till you .say " It lis lovely, it is blessed, I like it." But brother, I tell you God must have his way. I tell you G(xl nuist have his way. I tell you God must have the whole of you. 48 FRAOMEXTS FROM THE FEAST. I ti'll you brotlier (} Vreachinj:. (Jod does the prayinj;. 0

»nen you see the position of the work that is done, and who is to do it. and how it is to be don you are the mouth piece of the Ahuighty. and C to speak through you. And you must be enduec power from on high, that your words wdl not b« idle tale, but they will be the pure, beautiful, trospel of Jesus, under the demonstration of the and of power. There will not be any slang p or large rough words. I tell you brother thei not be very much "cant" about it. It will be tV blessed Gospel. When the Holy Ghost comes on you, you w pickup pretty from sermons, and sayi smart, witty or shrewd men. But you will h awful inspiration from God. And the thun (UkVs power will be on you and in you and son you will not know one word you are going But brother G(xl will know every word of it. Tit fry I vff for Poufr. 40 tt'll yoti hrotlu'V when you get throujjh with one Hen- tciuM' soiiu'thiii;; else will follow, re^^, ou will not have any trouble knowmg it. ^ot a b not a bit of trouble. Blessed be the name of the Lon (lod Almit'htv. [Applause] God has reUved to Himself the right to tell yo. He does this work Himself. He has the nght to make i knowntoyou. He does this Himself . Glory Hallelujal The third person of the Trinity came all the way fro heaven, and stays nght here to do it. He is right le this morning, to endue you with power from on lug Oh! Bless Him. And every clean holy man that cai not do without this anointing this moniing, thatmu: be endued, will receive it. The man who says I war it before I go to my field of labor, and while I am ha and if it can be supplemented, I want it supplement and I will use it here among my brethren and sistti 1 want to preach, and pray, and sing and shout urn it. I want to spend some days on my knees before Gc here, under this awful power, before I am thrust o anywhere to preach. I want to do my weeping b< ween the porch and the altar and bring the heav. right down on the people. And I don't care v^'bere isfNorth, South, East, or West-The darkest place earth or the brightest place on this side of the garC ofEden. Icare^ot. V Ood I want power to pi the heavens on it, and preach the gospel as it is in Ghi Jesus Yes, brother when you get there you \ have it. The man who is decided on being dned with power on high, can't preach, or open Tcwrying for Power. 51 mouth till he gets it. One man here endued with power to preach, knows more about preaching than all the lu»ly people on earth, who have never been anointed to preach the gospel, he can pray under the Holy Ghost. He does not know it from himself, but lie knows it from (Jod. There is an awful something, there is an awful power the world cannot feel. This burning desire for power from God Almighty. If you want it, if you *ayl would liivc to know ho I we act jt' I f'lt i i'hat is none of my busi- h. »i' youi fit' like like mm '"i M»t I' ive it. Y< Mt ki ickfd down, _ = - (' iverte . l^u^ 1 w You ♦tl*t" I "ay I would not like to How ; you may j •> and Id lil ' to be pr ated no tid down betore he « ut tli vay to know you xi u mean I know what it ii»eap - to have M Ui manifestati* »ns and get it like an ot '«»r ^ ow ever got it, or will get it, I know Sometimes I see mauifestutions I it of faith in, see a fellow that thii kg he is go on. wli=*t it n iven't a '♦ing it nd if he 1 iind IS irt- ost on- .)ur If a hen I know he is not, but let »e8 on he will find it. at ^hing this baptism of the H Wh( you get converted, you can t vertt^i w©r again. If you are mistaken ab< idea oi being converted, you are in a sad state lan b< Ueves he is entirely sanctified, he does not look < •!• a repetition, he is likely to be deceived for years, iid say I was sanctified wholly at a certain time — |H rhaps he was only restortl ii-om a backslidden ftate, then going about professing to be sanctified. ' touching this wonderful old Pentecost, there i> istinction ; you know the first one from every- thing rise. After you get the first one you can get it a<;ain, and you can get it again, and you can get it 64 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. a • th^e Lord God Almighty. You will have no trouble n lookincrforit, you will have no trouble in seemg it, vc,u w^U have no trouble feeling it, you will have no mble in believing for it yo" -\\^^-^i^ ^ P^" taker. Hallelujah to the Lord God Almighty. The Mighty Def^cent. 65 It will come suddenly and drop on you, and you will say "I have it." I would not care if you . >'^kl ■ The Dry-Bone Revival. Text. — Ezekiel 37 : 1 The hand of the Lord was upon Die, and carried ine out in the Spirit of the Lord. ^^7 HEN GOD puts His hand upon a man he V\^ knows it. There are some men, when they ■^^ get hold of you, you know it. You say " I do not want that man to put his hands on me. It would be like a battery from heaven." But when the liand of the Lord God is upon you, you will get a tre- inendous shock. It will take hold of everything that IS in you — it will quicken every power in you — it will move you mightily. When the Spirit of the Lord Ooi) falls on a man, he will be so filled that he cannot shout. Yes, brother, when you can shout, it has not Ijuen laid very heavily upon you. When the hand of the Lord has not rested very heavily, it just stirs you up a little, and makes you feel good. When God lets the weight of His hand on you, you couldn't shout, there would not be a shout in you. Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty. You will not jump. You will not climb, you will have no way to climb. C .^y toGoD. sn you get in contact with GoD human powers ispended and Divine take control, and you are lUt in the Spirit of the Lord. Peter was caught up 67 68 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. in the Spirit, and Paul was caught up into the Para- dise of God. Ezekiel was carried out, and set down in the valley of dry bones, where there was nothing but bones. I tell you if the Spirit is on a man, it does not matter whether there is flesh on the bones or not But if you have been baptized and carried out, in the Spirit of the Lord, there will be a shaking. Hallelu- jah. A tremendous shaking, and bone will come to bone. We know men think they have Fire and Power when they have none. It is only your mistake. But if you compare yourself with the word of God, and see what other men were who had will see you have not got it. You say, "If I was set up where there was nothing but bones I could not have done anything, for I did very little when I was with praying people, saved people all around me. Some of them put me to shame, and some had more religion than I had, and being unprepared you had no revival. I tell you, when God puts His Hand on a man he will do something. Glory to Jesus! There must be something come to pass — something wonderful! There will be wonders and miracles wrought in the Name of the Holy Child Jesus: for His hand is not shortened. H J can carry you out, and He can carry you up. Now it just seems that Ezekiel was carried up and set down among a whole lot of bones. Paul was cau- ght up in the third heavens. You see he got closer to Jesus. Ezekiel was set right in the midst of the valley of dry bones,and he had a mighty revival. Hallelujah. We will not have one revival only ,but we will go North, South, East and West, to the four quar- The Dry-hone Revival. 69 ters of the earth, and God will do wonders and miracles. Bless Him. Well brother I know when God anoints you, you will not want to preach your own little sermon, but God will speak through you. He will put his hand on you, and carry you out. And carry you out. You will not be praying round the bush, but you will say, •It is coming." Well it has been a long time coming. For two or three days. It must have had a long piece to come. He will carry you up. Hallelujah ! (Jlory to Jesus. Ezekiel was among bones, and nothing but bones, and flesh came right on to them, till all the dryness came right out of them and made them shout, and put Fire and Power in to make old dry bones roar. And the God of Ezekiel is just the same today. Hal- k'lujah to God. When you get God's hand on you, you will do wonders and miracles. He wants to catch you up. He wants to take you up and carry you right out. Hallelujah ! and baptize you with the Holy (Jhost, Fire and Unction and might. He can take you right up, and make the old dry bones shout, and hring bone to bone. Everywhere, anywhere on this side of Hell. So when you get the old Pentecost you will have a revival. It is the next thing Hallelu- jah You believe it Do you believe it ? Halleluiah, Hallelujah ! Do you believe that kind of talk ? (Audience) We do. You do. Hold up your hands. ■A'ell let us get down on our knees. the next Amen. lace. The Way It Comes. ' i u Text — Acts 2 : 2. Artd nuddcvly there came a minnd from heavev, aft of a rufihing mighty wind. 0:t a ^TlT is a great thing to know God's way of doing 4lr His work. And to know and learn that He does it when He gets the chance. We should know that God is alwaj^s ready, always willing, always waiting, and always able to do it. It is a great thing to know this. You know if you don't get the fulfil- ment of His promise at once, it is your own fault. When a man gets converted if he does not get convert- ed at once, you have to tell him all the time, it is not the Lord's fault. When you repent and believe and seek God with all your heart, you will find Him * He will convert you in a moment, as soon as HE speaks the word you are saved. This is what we preach — this is the scripture — this is the truth. It is a great thing that we are able to teach, that GoD is always ready and does His work in a moment. It is a blessed fact, that when a man comes to seek Entire Sanctitication, to know that God sanc- tifies in a moment. It don't take Him a week, it don't take Him an hour or a minute to sanctify a man 70 The Way It Comes. 71 from head to foot, throughout spirit, soul, and body, and when you see a man on his knees praying toGo'> for the blessing, you say, there is one man in shap for it. As soon as he repents of inbred sin, and trusts God with all his heart, God Almighty will entirely sanctify him. And you say and preach, and tell it all around that sin is the one trouble that keeps the blessing away. You say every man that is seeking deliverance from sin will find it. "It is sin ! it is sin that is repented of." Repentance takes the hinderance out of the soul, and then the seeker must exercise faith And it don't take long. Glory to God ! for a man who lias really repented and believes, will find, he is pleased to have the Saviour to trust in, and says in faith, "I will believe" and gets the blessing in a moment. iN ow you can always tell when a man does not get entirely sanctified in a moment, there is something wrong with him, and you can generally know where the hinderance is, and what hinders him. It is not with the Lord. He is able. He is willing. He is ready and He can do it, and He can do it now. And you never have to pray to God to get able to do it — to muster up His strength to do it, and we never have to pray to God to get willing to sanctify this man — to sanctify iiim, we never][have to do it, and it is a good thing we don't, (applause) We have only to work on one side. God is both able and willing, and you will not have to turn round and say "Lord love this fellow. If you will, love this fellow I would like to make you acquainted with him". (Laughter) You never have to do that. Glory to GoD. You don't have to do that, for you know He loves him. That is always a settled matter Glory 72 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST to God. You never have to say, " Lord have mercy on this fellow. Your mercy is all exhausted. Can you muster up some, and commence to have a little more mercy 'f Be more merciful to him." No you never have to do it, Hallelujah. You can always say " God is standing ready with all His mercy, and abundance of mercy." Just get a fellow before God, truly penitent, and he will get it, for brother the blessing will come in a minute. It will be done sud- denly, Glory to God. What are you going to do with a brother to get him baptized with power ? A voice "Get him ready." Well we never have to get God ready. We never have to say, " Get your batteries all fixed up, and get them in running order. Turn on all your steam, we want you to blow this fellow up. [Laughter] We want you to try your batteries on this candidate. Now Lord prepare all your steam, and get every- thing ready, and try if you could only baptize this fellow, and get some power into him." [Great applause] But faith shouts, "The batteries are ready, the Fire is ready ; the thunder is ready ; and the lightning is ready, and the steam is ready." There is «me good side to the thing. Oh Lless Him. We have a God who is able, willing, gracious. Oh Hallelujah ! When- ever he gets the chance He does the work. ^Iillelujah. You can't escape Him, when you are ready you will got tl.. blessing. Blessed be God. You may just set- tle tlown to it; if I do not get it just now, I am not ready. There is something wrong with me. Lord smash me up and kill me out. You haven't any more M The ivay it conieti. 78 to do than tell Him to turn on the search-light of Heaven. He will get into your heart and nature. He will turn on the light for you. H you want liead or heart light, He will give it to you. H you want confidence, He will give you confidence. There is one wonderful side to this thing, and this only proves to me that there must be two good sides. Now brother, for wenty-tive years — soon be twenty- six I never had any trouble about one side of the thing anjrway whether I had more or less than you, I ^rot it without trying. Now brother, sister the bless- mg always came simply. I never knew much, but I always knew enough to get blessed. And I knew it was not any smartness or cleverness on my part. I was not as smart as you. May be you are tou smart and know too much. [Laughter and applause] May 1)0 you have strange theories and imagine things sometimes. Some perhaps have mistaken notions ^ about it. But I got entirely sanctified and baptized with Fire when I didn't know enough not to get it. 1 knew nothing about theories, I suppose I ought to be more faithful than all the rest. Some may think you have more Power than I have. I would l)e glad to be convinced. Glad if you are Apostolic men and women, baptized with power, for God needs them. Now brethren and sisters I believeit is possible to be ready now. You may get there and be there every day and hour, and minute. Just believing, hungering for it. Just helievc you are going to get it: and get it as the natural consequ- ence. If nobody got it you would get it, and if every- body got it you would get it too. When I got in 74 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. readiness . I came expecting to get it, even if nobody but invHelf sbouM aet it, whatever I aoi, I get it that way VNMthout praying for it. Without any conHCious effort on my part. When the cyclone comen it hits me I throw my face and mouth and eyes open and say " LoKi) turn it on mt, " and it comes suddenly. It does not come a bit to much, Glory to Jesus! Yes 1 have never had for myself any set way for G()Ii Almitrhty to give me the blessing He has given it td ,ne in every way. Now if I didnt get it, if I wa^ n(»t in a place where I couhl get it m a minute, di.ln I iret it where anyone got it, and di converts you. To get entirely sanctified all n- hred sin must come out of you. To get baptized with the Holy Ghoht and Fire there can be no hinderance unless some mis- conceptions, and if it is put out of the way the blessing will drop on you at once. Ulory to God Hallelujah. Do you believe it brother? „,,,., i Series of Male voices, '• We do, Hallelujah ! Do you believe it sister? Ladies," We believe it . Bless God. Do you believe it? ^ Audience together, "Amen we do. Now the hindeance is in you,and you can Power, if you get that hinderance out of you. may be a slowness or a laziness, or it may be you want to get it like someone else. You have your idea fixed up. Well bless your heart, i you jget t the way GoD Almighty .wants to give it to you, it will be good enough for you. I would rather have (l(.iys way of doing a thit.g, than any other way 1 am sure it is alright. O! Hallelujah to God. Hadn tyou better run with your eyes shut, and your head down You say I want to know what I am domg. 1 want to see what I am doing, I want to understand what I am doing. I want to do it iutelhgently. \V "11 you are making the biggest mistake ever you made. You say I want to get it just right. " Oh! i I could )ust J it so and so. If God would only tell me he would doit right I would have it. Don't you ever dictate to the Lord Himself. But, Brother when you sink get It i m 76 FRAGMENTS FP. M THE FEAST, in humble reverence and submiHsion, and say **LoRD do as you likf, do as you like, I don't know a thinjf about' it. and dr^tTt want to know. So brother what do you think now ? If y<»u would jjet your big head out of the way, and y(»ur little heart open, you would feel the niijjhty batteries of Heaven. Every time you wish you could get it, so and «o, you expand your big head. * Kvery time you say " Not my will Jesih, any way 1 will receive it. L<)Rl)do as You please. Make a siiow of me, and let me disgrace myself, or make a foul of iiif." (A voice Hallelujah.) Oh ! you say I would like to be excused. I would not like to be one of these fellows, Because you say " I believe they are putting a lot of it on. You say "There may be a lot of grace, but th< re is a lot of nature mixed up with it. Now, brother, a kllow has to shut his eyes to every- thing, until you get all you want. You never got to that place yet. You say you have seen fellows who have the Power, who didn't get it that way. Weil now some of you fellows— good fellows, you are going to tumble over them,ant. V,ov UmightvwiI have His way. Do yoi; .. , .Vn .«? (> adience Amen Do you all say Amen? Au-iui- .e Amen.) Cod will have to have His way. And suddenly there came a .,ound from heavti. a.-* of a rushing mighty wind. Yes as sure as Go.. J^^^^J^^ darning testimony when they hear it. When a man .e s on his feet to give his experience-to declare that Cion has sanctified him. it is generally an easy matter to know whether he has the blessing or not. But when he tries to make people believe ^e .s what he is not, you will know. When he gets v?f "^ot h^^^^^^: Innn heaven he has no control over it You kno^ when it comes boiUng up from his heart, it has tu, rnendous weight, and carries with it convict o„^ moves people. But brother when you come to Ooi) H. 80 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. Almmjhty and he clothes you, and gives you power and makes you a witness of the whole truth, I tell you that is an awful experience. There is a straight tes- timony, there is no gloss about that thing. I tell you brother when you have received the Unction from the Holy One, when God Almighty has baptized yon with the Holy Ghost and with Fire, to be a wit- ness unto Him — to be a witness of Jesus — to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, you have a flam- ing testimony, you have a tremendous experience, you will not preach round the thing and say I have son.e of it. You have it brother, or you haven't it; You are baptized with the Holy Ghost or you are not. I tell you no man gets into the Upper Room saying I have name of it. It is true to say I have something like it, that is true, that is not deceiving. I tell you when a man is born of God there is a lot of fire about him ; there is a Holy Ghost ring about him, and a lot of desperate earnestness, and Holy Ghost flaming speech. I tell you, brother you wnll like to hear him tell the story thatGoD has converted him and he has become a new creature — old things have passed away behold all things are become new. The baptism with tire is not anotlier Holiness, it is a good deal like it, but it is no part of the experience of Entire Holiness. It is a definite experience. When a man is born again he can bear witness to the blessed truth that Jesus forgives sin and makes new creatures. Hut lu' can't testify to Holiness, Entire Holiness It is no part of the work of Entire Sanctification. When the LoiU[ (Joi) Almighty entirt'ly sanctifies yon. ■MH Witnessing. SI throughout spirit, soul and body and prepares you to he presented to Himself blameless, you have an awful experience of religion — you have a faith that knows no doubt, a love that casts out all fear, anc' which is unspeakable aud full of glory. A peace U&t passeth all understanding that keeps our hearts, and minds, and a patience that knows no end. Brother when you ijet on your feet before God Almighty and before Hod's people — ^you have an awful experience. You have a tremendous testimony to bear to the people. You say I have something like fire aud power, yea brother you have, but you have no part of the old tlaming, Pentecost, Upper Room experience. Blessed he God not the tail end of it 1 But brother you have a grand thing, what would let you get to heaven, what gives you blameless and perfect love, a conscience as wliite as heaven, a life beautiful a., an angel ; without spot, without wrinkle, without blemish, without any- thin? earthly, sensual or devilish, you love GoD with all yoar heart— with all your mind— with all your soul— with all your strength, and you will love your ntighbur as yourself. What a good religion it is, but it is no part of the Upper Room experience, it is no part of the enduement of power for soul winning ; it is no i>art of the unction from the Holy One ; it is tio part of the HoLY Ghost Firk. I tell you it is like everything that is good, and blessed, and holy, it is like the thing but not part of it ; you know you i»:>ve a blessed testimony to give ; you have a treraen- (l(.us thing. Glory to God. As far as you are indivi- hially concerned in your heart and life, and nature, aud in your business — no man can put a finger upon F 82 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. you, when you are entirely sanctified. You are a holy man ; you are a white man, you are as white as heaven ; but you have not the power that sends the truth home, and conviction that takes hold of the people, and moves them as people do, who are baptized with tlve Holy Ghost and Fire. Jesus said so. I like His word. I like to read it to the people and it is wonderful what you find — it is wonderful and beautiful language in the Book. " Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you ; and ye shall be wit- nesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judfea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. " Hallelujah to the Lamb ! These fellows were in the Upper Room and the sound came from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and cloven tongues of Fire sat upon them. They spake the wonderful words of GoD, and the masses came flocking and an awful conviction settled down upon them, they said " What meaneth this ? These men are drunken with new wine." It was not long until they were crying out : What shall we do ? Glory Hal- lelujah ! They had tongues. You say I would like to speak a whole lot of languages. If you speak the one you have — if you get your own speech set on fire. You have read : But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convin- ced of all, he is judged of all. He will declare that God is in you of a truth. There is an awful power in the tremendous experience of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. But brother there is nothing in " I have part of it." I am partly converted — I am partly sanctified wholly is deceit — there is not a thing Witnesfting. 83 in the profeasion. "I have some of the Fire, but I Imve not the old Pentecost. Brother you are evading the thing, and if you know it and do not get it, you will be a deceiver. You may be doing it innocently, and may be ignorantly, you may be under temptation. Brother there is nothing that tells like the Bible expe- rience " Thus saith the Lord.' This is the truth and nothing but the truth. People sit and listen to these wishy washy things, these up and down, wishy washy experiences: I have some power, I have some Fire, but I have not as much as the old apostles had, and they are sickened. Now I am not criticizing you or your experience. Xow brethren and sisters I am not, but I am preach- ing on the witness. I am pointing out what it is, and what it is not. When you get into the Upper Room and God puts the old flaming Pentecost on you, you will say "I have it. I have it." ( Audience Hallelujah ! ) Yes Brother when you get it ; when it comes on your head, when God gives you the tongue of Fire and breath of Flame and has anointed you to be a witness for the Son of God. You are never a full witness until God baptizes you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Jesus said so. After, he said they would receive the Baptism, ye shall receive power after that the Holy would come upon you, and ye shall l)e witnesses. Hallelujah. God's Word is sharper than any two edged sword, dividing asunder the joints and marrow, and is a dis- cerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. It is the whole truth my brother — it is the whole truth my sister ; it is the whole experience ; it is the whole bap- 84 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. tism ; it in the whole Fire ; it is the whole tongue of flame. Blessed be God. He says ye shall be witnesses, and to be a witness for Jesu.s you must know the whole story, all the points of the case. A man who has it can tell all about it, in the face of lawyers, judge and jury. Every word is just so, and condemns and brings conviction to the people. The thing thac tells is the man that knows all about it. It is the whole thing — the whole evidence of the case. You say I saw it ; I heard it ; I felt it, I was an eye witness and know all about it. It would be useless to go before the court and say, I heard so and so, think it was so and so, and believe it is so and so, and hope it is so and HO, and like so and so. Brother it is no good, you are rejected at once and are not a witneas. But Hal- lelujah ye shall be witnesses. My Jesus I will bear the whole witness. I will tell the whole truth. I will not compromise. I will not twist the thing. I want something that will condemn every man and bring conviction every time! What do you say ? Audience, Amen. Well let us get down and get it. The Anointing- Present, Positive and Real. Text— Psalm : fresh oiV^ 92, 110. "I shall be anointed with ^OW it was very good if He said I desire to be anointed with fresh oil. Very good if he said I can be anointed with fresh oil. Very good if he said I may be anointed with fresh oil. And very good if he said I will never stop until I am anointed with fresh oil. But this would not be the language of faith. Our text this morning is the lan- guage of faith. It is the expression of unbounded confidence in God. The language of one who knows he is going to get it. It is the affirmation of his firm confidence. And then he declares it. I shall be anointed. I shall be. You know everything has to give place to a man when he reaches that point. You may say " I would like to be. I wish I was. " There is a great difference between wishing a thing and declaring that it will be so. There is a great difference between expressing the possibilities of the thing, and affirming that the thing will take place. Now when you say " I may be. " you are expressing a doubt. But when you say " I shall be." you make a 85 86 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. declaration and there is no room left for doubt. No "if," nor " but " about it, but it is .simply, " I shall be." Well you say it is the language of ond who had it already and living under it. Yes I will grant you that. In the P.salm 23 He says, " Thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over." Now it is very easy to say he will get it again when he has it. Just as easy as to breathe, just as easy to get it again when you have it as it is to breathe. And the man who can't get it as ea.s^ as he can breathe is the man who has not got it. You may be sure of that my brother, you may be sure of that my sister. If you are entirely sanctified there are no heart hinderings, and if you are anointed with oil, there are no head hinderings. And it is natu- ral for you to say if it is on yon, " I shall be anointed with fresh oil." Now after all. Brother, you say I got it seven or eight years ago. And you say 1 have been living un- der it, and getting it gently and nicely ever .since. One coat after another, till you have a regular stiff coat, and nothing can get in or out of you. isow Brother I can see that in you, and .sometimes I think some of you are there, because you got it (juite a while ago, and now we see nothing in or out of you. You say I don't get it in the way I used to. If you got one like the first one, it w^ould break that old oil coat off" you. Would tear you all to pieces. And you would get the fresh oil all over you. You would just feel the very .same as when you got it first. You know that' is the benefit of the old cyclone. The thunder .storm breaks up things. It is a rashing mighty wind. The Anointi'ng — Present, Positive and Real. 87 Now, brother, in all Christian stages, you know there is a necessity for a breaking up, and God's way is to break up, and break down, and tear us all to pieces. You might have what you call a pretty good state, and yet be harder to do anything with than if you hadn't it at all, because you got so stately that the thing be- comes kind of a drag to your nature, and you say, "I have the tiling and some way or other I can't give it up." Yes. brother, you know it will come over again and get so stiff, that you would be perfectly useless. 1 can see that. Can't you ? Couldn't you see that ? David had been getting it. You know he tells us, he was where he could say "Thou anointest my head with oil" in definite tones, denoting continued action, coming, gently coming till it forms a rock-coat. Some of you have become hard and it never gets through. Some say it comes on you and runs off. Others say it comes on me but never gets into me, you never would know he had it. Now .Brother a fellow needs it fresh, there is nothing like fresh oil. There is nothing like the fresh. Now, Brother, it is so in aU stages of Christian experience. A man just newly bom of God has a fresh experience. It has a trem- endous grip in it, and it moves everybody. Every- body wants to hear a fellow pray, and praise God, and tell it. You let a man get converted here this morn- ing, and everyone will want to hear him. As soon hear him as that fellow professing Fire. You say a man when he gets Holiness, when the thing is fresh and beautiful from Heaven,Oh! it is lovely and sweet to hear him tell it. But after a whUe, it don't seem 1 88 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. the Hame. Well brother, he in t»l to get it fresh again. He needs something fresh. Now let a fellow get up and tell you he got it two years ago, or eight years ago, the thing seems very stale and tame. Do you see? If you have to go hack eight years, or two years, or a month, or a day to tell it, why, brother, nobody cares very much to hear you. I am glad he is in for the tiling. I am glad he is true to the doctrine, and on that line. But as far as his experience is concerned, his prayers, or preaching, brother is dry, and he needs it fresh. That is one advantage we have in coming to this Feast of Pentecost. Those of you who got it last year, need to get it fresh. You would lie better oiF if you got it all over again, as if you never had it before. Brother if you don't, the thing will be dry as can be. Do you believe that? You can see it. You would rather hear a fellow that would say he got it this morning, than a dozen others who got it a year ago. It has more weight in the meeting. There is more Fire in it. There is more in it that moves. And God's order and plan is to renew give it freshness, and not let it get stale, but keep it flaming hot, and have the fresh from Hea- ven. You will not have to say, I got it a year ago; but I never had it the way I have it 7ioiv. You say, " It dropped from Heaven on me this morning. I am on Fire now. I am more surcharged than when I got it first." Brother, if you say I don't feel the way I used to feel, and wonder if I ever will feel that way again, you ne >d the fresh oil. There is nobody in the world needs it worse than you du. Nobody. You ought to be able to say with David, 'Thou anoint- The Anmntivg— Present, Positive and Real. 89 est ray head with oil." You ought to be able. If you can't, brother, you are in a desperately bad state. I tell you, the man who says he has it on him, and can't get the fresh, he is a hopeless case. And the man or woman who is not living, so in touch with it, that if anybody gets it you will get it,you haven't got it right. A voice, ' Praise the Lord.' It is the freshness of the thing that pays. It is the fresh manna. Hallelujah to Gou. You know it don't keep, when you .get enough on Saturday to do you over Sunday's work. It will not keep, it will rot on your hands. You can gather enough on Saturday, to do you over Sunday, but you will have to gather up fresh on Monday Morning. Well you say, " What about us fellows who never had it ? " Well brother you will have to come to the same language. It will not do my brother. It will not do my sister: "I wish I had it. I hope to get it. I am praying to receive it. I know I may get it. I believe I can get it. You have to get all over that, brother. And when you get over where you can affirm with David, " I shall be anointed with fresh oil," you are going to get it." But brother, until you get there, you are not ready. You are not anchored. You have no confidence. No faith. You are not in any receptive attitude. You are not where GoD can find you to put it on you. But when you get anchored with the "shall he's" you will get it. I don't pity you a bit when you have to say, " I shall be anointed with oil." I don't pity you any. You don't MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I |4.i 1^ 13.2 |5J ■ 54 1^ ISi I4£ 2.5 2.2 2.0 i.8 ^ APPLIED IIVHGE 1653 East Main Street Rochester. Ne« York 14609 USA (716) 182 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288- 5989 -Fax i'j? 90 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. sent him ahead and he went as a fore-runner to prepare the way. He must have been a fearless preacher when he uttered that strong expression:" Ye generation of vi- pers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." It was customary for him to hurl it home, in the face of devils, Scribes, Pharisees and Hypocrites. God could bless a fellow like that. He could preach such a Gt)spel before Jesus came at all. Before Christ commenced to baptize he could preach or fore-tell that " He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire." God could say that to John. And when John met a company of followers, he codd tell them the same thing, under divine inspiration. He met men who were separate, and would hazard their lives and even have their heads chopped ofl'for the truth. Each died at his post as a martyr. And the man who is not willing to die ,if need be a hundred deaths for the cause of (ioD, has never taken God's Word to heart. Some preach while things go just about as they want then.. If it does not go as they want it, they are ready to kick over the business. They will sail along while they can have some of their own way. But when they can't have their way, their work is done. Now God knows that wishy, washy, dirty thing. He knows all He has called to the Christian Ministry just The Flaming Bnptimn. 95 as well as He knew John the Baptist, or Paul. As well as He knew Peter, or JoImi, or Matthew, or Philip, or Bartholomew. He kno le whole Ministry, and I tell you, brother, when a man gets where Goo can speak right to him, and tell him in his big head and little heart, " I will baptize you. I will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and witli Fire," he has a man He can bring right to the place where He can give him the blessing. He can get him there, and it won't take Him a month or a week either. He has some- thing to work on. And when He has something to work on, He will work. Oh ! Hallelujah. When He can get our big heads an' little hearts , our soul, our nature, and find our purpose and intention. When He can get our affections, and we know nothing among men, save Jesu.s Christ and Him crucified; and don't want to know. And everything bends to that one thing, and you shout, Jesus, Jesus, my Jesus and I are one, and the Trinity in the God Head are come to fit me to preach. And if it takes every angel inHea- ven to get the Fire on you. Heaven will be emptied. Yes, brother, the whole air would be full of horses and chariots, and the Heavenly music, and the shining stars of Glory would be all around your head, and every devil would be driven away, till God would get you ready to be clothed upon; till you would say, " Glory to God, " right on the top of all things. [Grreat Applause.] I tell you when God gets a fellow, when God gets you, every bit of you, till you say "I am nothing, but I can be anointed. I am out, and out, and out and out, and He has my head, and heart, and purpose, 96 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST and will and intentions, for all time and for eternity, you will never see Him better, not one iota. God has me riirht there,and He can either kill me or cure me, Hk can turn me inside out, and stand me on my head, and knock the breath out of me,and pick me up again and say, " Stand on your feet. " Yes, Brother, when He has a fellow, when he is ready for the lion's den and furnace, for the prison and for the inner prison, and stocks ami is ?cady for everything and every place, like Mr. Nelson going to preach, when he had only » -ries to live on, and some old books for a J -iiow. In the morning after spending the night on the tender side of a plank, Mr. Wesley turned over and clapping Nelson on the side, said, " Cheer up Brother Nelson, I have one whole side left yet! " I like a fellow that will stand right square on his two feet, ard die right there at his post, who will not have only the outside right, but also the insipe, converted, - -' -d straight up and down, true to the heart, to .' y core, inside and outside. I tell you to sue. v\an God Almighty says, " He shall baptize yoii with Holy Ghost and with Fire. Every fellow like that can say in his head and in his heart, and in his nature, " I shall be anoin- ted with fresh oil" , and I will not have to wait a min- ute to get it. And what do you think brother ? I often wonder what fellows wait for. For God to get ready.? Wait! No brother. Hallelujah ! Blessed be God ! The Holy Ghost is here. I tell you brother He will fall on every fellow that will take Him. He will fall on every fellow that will take Him. You know Jesus came to His own and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him to them gave The Flinnnnj linptiHrn. 07 He power to become the Sons of (Ion. Tlie man who will receive Him will he j(iven the unction of the Holy One, the anointinj; that ahideth, he will receive the blessing, and it will stay with him. Blessed be God in the Highest ! You may have received a blessnig, because some one else was getting blessed, but it didn't abide, and you can't live under it. But when you get wiiere (loi) can open the heavens on you, and let the Holy Ghost fall on you and keep pouring the Spirit on; I tell you In-other, you will never lose it. I don't believe it. And you will get a tremendous lot more. Glory to Jesus ! Glory to Jesus! He shall Ijaptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Now God knows a fellow just as well as well as we know half of you. An life, or of death unto death, every time brother. We have the Salva- tion of the people on our hands, and we have their damnation. We have the keys of the Kin;;d()m of Heaven. We can bind or l{K)se. Whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever we l(X)se on earth shall be l(M)sed in Heaven. This thing is committed to us brother. God Almhihtv holds us responsible. We are in an awful position — in an avful position. It is an honor to preach the Gospel. But Brother, I tell you there, is a respfjn.sibility that most don't reckon on. I tell you there is an account to Ix* rendered to GoD for eveiy sermon. A man has to give account for every word — of every idle word. What alxjut the wishy-washy sermons full of little stories, and things, what about them, brother!' How are you ever g»)ing to meet (!oi> AL.MKiHTV unless you g«'t the message straight from Him:* (iod will bap- tize you with the HoLV Ghost and give you every text and sermon, and the seal of (Joi) on it every time. I tell you brother this work is buautiful. It is no ordi- Tlif FUnnunj litipt'tHm. 101 nary work. I tell you, brotlu-r and siHter. I tell you ajrain. you woiild Ih« bett«'r cuttinj; brush and waHhinjj disht's. tluMi prt-achinj: without b«'in«; unch'r the demon- stration of th.' Si'iHiT and of Tower. Other tha i heinj; the numth-pieee of the Al.MIJIITY. Other than l)ein}J tlie iK'st (l()l» can n* '' a rum. What do you say r {Speakers voice 1 - m the response of con- tjrejiation.] Now brother are you wliere (}oi» can say to y(>u , where (J()l» can talk to you and say, " Hk shall baptize me." 1 am as strai«;ht a man as ever preached the jjos- i)el. Ca-' you say that '. I am true to the Hoi.Y Ohost enerjjy, and mi*;ht, and power and this eipupment. and holiness of life, ami purity of character, conversjition and Uvin;;, and don't know anything sine J'-'.srs, lam cut loose from everythinjr. 1 am one you can depend on every tune, ihe F.vrHER, Sox and Holy Ghost can depend on me. Here is you can count on every tin.e, and put me down Wi the number that will be baptized with the HoLN Ghost and Fire. Here is one LoKD, Goi>, you c.r. put Fire and power on. I will have my head ta V. i» oft: I will \ro to the bleachincj sands. My God here am I, here am I. Here am 1 to suffer all n:annor of reproaches, but to be like jEsrs. EverywhtTe— every where -everywhere to walk with Jesu.s. Here am I JEsrs you can baptize me with the Holy Ghost and Fire. There is no power in earth can keep it off me. Jesus you can put it on me rijjht now. I am ready. I am rijiht there. There is not a cloud. There is not a shore line. There is not a thinj; that lunders me I am right in the presence of Jesus. You can i S""/! iil 102 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. baptize me now. Yon can do it now Jesus. I have the faith and the assurance, you can baptize me now Jesus. You will do it now, I am shut right in. You can do it now, and you ivill do it now; and you are doing it now. Now brother are you there i Now sis- ter are you there ? Here we are Jesus, and nothing can separate us, and nothing can hinder us. " He shall baptize you with the HoLY Ghost and with Fire." Are you there brother ? Sister are you there ? If so stand up? Don't get up unless you are. Are you there ( are you there ? are you THERE ? If so all come to the altar, and I am sure yon can't help but pray. [The Audience rush over seats to the altar while the mighty Pentef(.stal Baptism sweeps through, mowing, like a cyclone, numbers to the earth as though dead. Most surely such a scene is a repetition of Pentecost *] Individual Extracts. Sam. Hollingsworth : -" I know I am converted." H Lindsay :— " I am glad I have the flaming tire to- night. Glory to Goi) ! I have the old time baptism of the Holy Ghost. For God's glory I will use it. Addie Cross:— " I never felt in better condition than I do tu-night. God is revealing Himself wonderfully to me He is shutting me away with Himself, I am buried to everything else. My soul is groaning for C^hrist. He is tremendously baptizing me now, but I want an extraordinary baptism before I I«a^'«- I am in the Fire to-night, and I love to preaclu Ihe flame is on me now. I just feel like you Sister Mas^m, I would like to be exhorting sinners to-night. 1 he Pentecost has fully come, and I am mightily anointed. Bless the LoRD." Sam Lindsay:—"! feel the flaming Fire all through me. Jessie Naismith :— " I praise God because He bap- tizes me this evening. Glory, Glory to God !" George Warren :— God lets the old time Fire on me. These days have been the best of all my life. I am living under the flaming Pentecost. I Ivuw GoD has baptized me. 1 have been feasting this ten days and I am burning in the old tine Pentecost. [103] 1^ Power to Prevail. Text— John: 14; 14. "Ifyeshall unit anythimj in my name, I will do it. W^ EV. JlcShea : '* A beautiful promise ! Is it not? ^:PV Mr. Horner :— " Yes a GOOD promise. There are a number of good promises, one is, "What things soever ye desire when ye pray, be- lieve ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This is the confidence that we have in Him. ''If we ask anything according to His will, we know that He heareth us, and we know we have the peti- tions that we desired of Him. "If ye shall ask any- thing in my name I will do it. " Now what do you want Him to do this morning? He says He will do anything for you— anything you ask in His Name. Now I suppose some of you often look at a promise like that and wonder how you would ever get up to it. Well there are promises for every stage in the Christ- ian experience. Our Text is one of the promises we are to take and test. When God baptizes you with Fire, it is power to believe. Glory to GoD. It is power to pray. Now, brother, dont get the idea that God is going to make a tremendous preacher out of you, })y baptizing you with Fire, He may not. He [104] Power to Prcvu il. 105 can't take out of you, what is not in you. If it i» not in you to be a preacher, Gon will not take sonietlun«i out of you that is not in you. He will make the best out of what is in you; He will brinjr all yu have reached the point, and have the experience where everything you ask you get it. When a man is under definite power he prays in the Holy Ghost. He does not pray accor.ling to a bright intellect. He does not pray according to learning. He does not pray according to the sharp, shrewd, witty knowledge of men but he prays in the Holy Ghost. The prayers that Goi) will accept, go straight through God the Sox, and reach the FATHER. The answer will come down. Sometimes, I think it is like two buckets in a well. When one is coming up, the other is going down. And as soon as one is up, the other is down— plump down. That is how you will appear when you are under the flaming Pentecost. I hope we will learn this one thing brother, to live under the Flame, you will have to live on your knees. You will learn to pray, V. 106 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. to supplicate, to take hold of God, and hold right on. Rev. William Bramwell learned that. When he want- ed a Revival he prayed five hours a day, till he would feel the heavens had come down to the earth. Then he would call the people together, and as soon as he had them right under the Heavens, they would get converted hy the hundremnd souls out of the ^rasp of the devil in one day. Wesley turned more than ten thousand souls to the Loud God. Look at Dr. Finney whose prayers of faith have shaken the half of America. Look at Moses aftsr being forty days on the Mount with God, came down and found the people he had led out of Egypt, dancing round the Golden Calf. He got at the praying and said, " Lord God forgive this people, and if thou wilt not, blot out my name. " AudGoD forgave thousands of people in a minute. And in answer to his prayer, they started on for Ca- naan. Look at the apostl after having been bap- tized with the Holy Ghos. ,nd with Firo, went out preaching and working miracles. They got together and commenced to pray, and they were all tilled with the Holy Ghost. When the apostle Peter was arrested and put in prison, the others got on their knees in a private house and commeucud to pray to ('oD, to It 108 FRAOMEXTS FROM THE FEAST. release tlie prisoners and let the revival sweep on. On receivintj a sier one night in the Methodist Church, at Carp, a tidal wave of Holy Ghost Fire and Power swept over the place, and the people commenced to fall all around, by the dozen. I suppose there were Poii'PV to Pre rail. 100 sixty fallen to the floor. When one fellow got able to crawl on his hands and knees, he went over to some- one else, prayed for a few minutes, and, the first thinj; he knew, the fellow he was praying for, would fall head-long to the floor. After that one lay a whde and c'ot able to crawl on his hands and knees to some- one else, he would slay him. They slew each othev by the score. They jjrayed under the old Pentecost, and tested the promise, '• If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it. " God sent the Power. He ans- wered prayer. Hallelujah to Goi). Some of these, were people who were not long converterl, and had the experience of Entire Holiness, and were under the flaming Pentecost. They could pray the Heavens down, and souls would fall arounf hoi}' men dying in prayer }>einij found dead on their knees. Hallehijah to Jksis. I tell you when a nian goes from house t«> house, \veepin«j and prayini; with the people, men get converted. VVhen you go from house to house a fla- ming revival will break around yr ., and your people will work. Hallelujah to J Ksrs. Now you just pray under the H(H.Y (Jhost, around your circuit the way you pray here. You know you don't abide under the Holy (Jmost, unless you pra}' around your circuit. I tell you there will be an awful revival burst out. Hal- lelujah to Jksis. The old Methodist preachers nmst have ha get it, and you will not receive it. But there are houh! people who will all the name. Ye shall ri'ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Is it you brother '. Is it you. my Hi.ster ;' (Jet away down low enough, where (Joi) is dispensing of gifts. You are stuck up on your little piimacle. If you get down where it is, you will have no trouble getting it, if you are humble enough to get it in any way. It will be a tremendous thing if you get it at all. I tell you, I have no time to dictate. I can't wait, because time is too short. Time is too short, and there is so much to be done. (Jive it to me (|uickly, and let me get the blood of scjuls ott' me. I tell you, brother, you have the blood of .souls on your head, and on your garments. You will have an awful meeting at the bar of God. I would not stand in your bf)ots for the gold of Vanderbilt. I would not .stand in your boots for ten thousand worlds. It is a sin for you to go about atteTnpting to preach the (Jospel, without the extra- ordinary (Jift of the Holy (Jhost. You know there is a pas.s{ige which reads, " Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed ? " Have ye received the extraordinary Gift of the Holy Ghost since ye believed The E,rh'«iotflinary Gift. 120 That GIFT in what Wesley called the extraordinary gift. Tliere are other gifts, but this is the extraordinary one. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Glory to God ! I have it. I tell you, I am glad I have rece- ived this Gift. BlesH the Name of the Lord God Almighty. Are yoa going to receive it ? If so, when ? Are you going to receive this extraordinary Gift of the Holy Ghost this afternoon ? If so, run up your two hands ! Hold them away up ! Run to the altar. nf. Commanded to Wait. Text Acts : 1 : 4. " And rommnodcd fhcm that they should not depart fnnn J^rnmlem, hat wait for the vnmilm of the Father, which, saith He, ye han- heard of rue. ■i[\T was not optional with the apostles and discipleK M whether they went to the Upper Room or not. ^""^ They had to j^o or forfeit their sonship. They luid to ^o or transgress God's law. They had to go or break the command. The eonnnand was that they should not depart from Jerusalem, and it was not op- tional with them how long tliey should stay. They had to stay until the fulfilment of the promise. For one of them to leave the Upper Room before he recei- ved it, was to break the command of God. So it is a tremendous thing to obey. They were in a tight corner. They had to be satisfied with the conditums to wait for it or else they would lose what they had. They had not only to forfeit their experience of entire holiness, but they had to forfeit their sonship, or be endued with power from on high. [180] Commanded to wait. 131 You know we don't dictate terms to God. We don't run the business. The LoKD God Omnipotent runs it. He has run it, and He runs it now. And we are to submit : we are to obey. VV^hen He gives the com- mand it is for us to go tliere. That is all that is left for us to do. My brother that is wiiat God says to do. And do it at once, and \ learned to obey — they learned to obey. Glory to God. So do we. We have been learning. I sup- pose the devjl would like to drive some fellow off the ground without it. He will do it if He can — if He can. I tell you, brother, I tell you, sister, you are here to stay till you get it, or transgress God's law. If you didn't get it since last camp-meeting, if it is not on you now, you may say, " Good-bye " to your people, and home, and friends, and to everything, and make up your mind to obey God Almighty, and tarry here, Coniinonflcil f<> ivnif. 139 until ye be endued with power from on High. You say " I am afraid I will have to stay a month. Well you will not get it then. You will have to bid fare- well to your fears, and put your two feet right on the Eternal Truth of Goi), and say, " God has commanded me that I should not depart from Jerusalem. I will obey ! O God, I will obey ! I will obey God, I must obey. " , • x i. You know it means everything. It just means to stand before God, in the face of men, and devils and and angels. You say, " I womd not present myselt before the LouD, as though I had to stay here a week, or a month to get power. The people would say I hadn't holiness at all, and all that sort of thing. Weli brother, when you have thought about what the people are thinking about you; you are not going to get it. You have to die out to the opinions of the people, and say, " Lord I am here to obey. I am here to tarry. I am here to tarry. I am here to stay. I am here, Lord God, to get it. " Let us all pray. Wl Pentecostal Praying brings Pentecostal Power. Text: — Acts 1 : \A. '^ The ae^dl continued with one ac' conl In i>r(iyer, (ind ftupplleatlon." I?"'^ LolU) Jesus had a number of followers, TX\ disciples and apostles, not oidy converted to ^' God, but sanctified wholly, throughout spirit, soul and body. Before He left them He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of me. He thus assured them that thej^ would receive power, after that the Holy Ghost was come upon them, and be witnesses unto Him both in Judaea, and in Jeru- salem, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Before He left them He led them out as far as to Bethany, and lifted up His hands and blessed them ; and a cloud received Him up out of their sight ; and they returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing GoD. Our text tells us that these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. [140] Pciitevimtal Piayiiitj. 141 Tlien in the Hecond chapter of Acts, first verse, you read • " When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place ; and sudden- ly there came a sfmnd from heaven as of a rushing mighty win.l. an.l it fille.1 all the hoone where they were sitting, anecause you don't know how to pray ; you pray so little, you have lost your power to pray. Hut these men had travelled with their Master, for three years, and had learned how to pray, and bring the heavens down. When the Holy Cihost inspires a man, it is easier f ,1 i ■ » to pray, than to (juit praying. iii V if you commence to pray with your old, dead profession, for ten days, you would have an awful time. You would have a sore throat, ami a pain in your head, and a hundred other things wrong, with you. Hut there was not a thing the matter with the one hundred and twenty people, who prayed and wrestled with (Jon, day and night, for ten , on earth. They were going out to weep over the lost. Thay were going east, west, north and south, among J '•I' :ii't| I-I 146 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. the enemies of jESUS-among proud Pharisees, and SRducees- into the synagogues ot the Jtws They were going to the death, to preach the gospel '^They we getting ready for the prison for the ieiie^ foi the^tock;. for cruel n.ockings and scom^^ nts for the stones, for the cross, for the block and S otalUo preach JESUS to His enemies withou :Xromising,'without f^r or favor ..d thunde t home on men, and to declare unto Scnbes^ ^^"'^ Hypocrites, that unless they repent, they would be eternally damned. Thev were going to be preachers. ' Xachers^ " you say, " why I never expect to ^' Wen! 'brother. you are preaching finething every A Vnn are nreaching Holy Ghost living, flaming H -troL hrerthe .nfshty 'thunder of OoD^, powers o . you ave preaching formaltan. d'-^d profess.on and tU are livin.' a» a blasphemer ot the hon ot God. C;rhive n-o faith in you ^".ey on. wan^^ you religion, or your old dead i ■ J"- as isiiom '^But when you get into t. ■ -ountain of cleansing, wh"gof to Cllvary's brow, and after being cl^^^^^^ Ted entirely from all sin, you tany mthe Upper Room until the Holy Ghost falls on you-you will be just ''You'sa7'"\^^^^^^^^ , Well vou will never be any better than you expect. We read ^The promise is unto you and to your children and to them that are afar otf, and to as many I Pentecofiinl Praying. 147 an the Lord our God shall call. " If you get to your knees for ten days, there will not be a more red-hot preacher, than you. Get down on your knees, and stay there until every devil is gone out of you, and the Holy Ghost falls on you, and no apostle, or reformer will have prayed with more zeal and power than you. Hallelujah, Hal- lelujah ! You know you can't change the Book. You can accept any dead, dried up profession of religion, and commt.iceto live a formal life, and try to justify your- self, and excuse yourself, and say things are different with you — but let me assure you, that God the Father and God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost are just the stime. And, brother, when the flaming Pentecost hits you, when it falls on your head, when it falls on your head, when you are crowned with living tire, you will be as God told us to be. You say, " Mr. Horner, I used to be hated just as much as you are. " Well, my friend, I am loved just as much as you are, [laughter] and a great deal more. Nobody looks up to you with your old profession. I tell you, they would have to look down into the miry pit to find you. I tell you, there is joy in being hated, and gazed at, as the oftscouring of the earth. But we are a thousand miles above that kind of joy — we are the most popular people on earth. I tell you, when the world, and all that belongs to it, is out of you, and you have the smile of God, and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost upon you, you are in 148 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. company with all heaven— you are in great company. You are a thousand miles above the profession of goody fcoody, wishy-washy religion. Glory ! Hallelujah ! When God Almighty crowns you with the hre trom heaven, you are a king and a priest to GoD. Glory to the Lamb forever, and ever, and ever. But, brother, you will never get there, until you get sin out of you, and enough grace, and prayer, and sup- plication to wait on God until He clothes you with power from on High. You ask, " Brother Horner, how do you like it? " „ „ , . . I like it immensely. Hallelujah '• , ,, , , But, brother and sister, bid good-bye to the old world to your pride, to your compromising spirit and to your friends. How they stroke you on the back, and tell you, you are a Christian and Ikr your religion. Bid good-bye, to everything that is earthy, sensual and devilish, and get where God can crown you with fire and let the Pentecost wind blow on you. 6 praise God ' [Audience, Amen !] for our immense Salvation. [Speaker's voice is lost in the praises of the *"a you^formalist, you will have to get the devil and sin all out of you, and weep your way to Jesus, and tarry there until the fire falls from on High and you are unctionized ; pray there, until God makes you a soul winner ; pray until you can do wonders and mir- acles in the Name of the Lord Jesus. How many of you have the old flaming Pentecost on you, will you stand up ? [Over 100 preachers risingj How many want it will you stand up with us, for Jesus to send ^he old time fire. \ ou good Methodist Pentecostal Praying. 149 people don't be sitting round there. I know you, and you know me. Get up on your feet ! Come away from your formal laziness and get the flaming fire and power of God on you ! I tell you, brother and sister and sister you will have to shake yourselves from the dust and get right out into liberty in Jesus Christ. I tell you, I am just the same as when you knew me well. I wish you were. The Lord bless you and lead you out and set you in an awful flame. Now that is the real sound doctrine of Holiness and Fire. Come to the altar. The Pentecostal Outpouring the Text— Acta 2: 17. ^' But it shall comf to pitss ni last days, mith God, I ivill pour out of my SpirU upon all jiesk." SHERE are many people who believe we are living in the last days. I have not s in me ia«t «»:y». x »„ said anything against it, and I am not going to say anything against it, for it is nothing to me whether we are or not. You can get papers, to the advocacy of that theory, papers books and periodicals advocate that thmg and teach and set forth that we are living in the last days. Many people don't expect to die ; they expect to live on to the end of the world, they think it is so near. \V ell I cannot say anything against their teaching on that point, or their conceptions either, because we dont know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man Co- meth But, my brother, but, my sister, if we advocate we are living in the last days, we should preach what God says He will do in the last days. He has promised that He will pour out of His bpirit upon all flesh. Now that must mean in a very large scope When He says all flesh. It is a very expres- sive term, and ve can't help but expect a tremendous outpouring, that will be very far reaching m its ettccts. [150] I i ; Tlie. PenM'OHtal Oitfpoitrijig. 151 I like, \ fA God 8ays, He will pour out His Spirit. " Thiifj aaith the Lord." . It shall come to pass in the last days ; it shall come to pass, you can't change the order of things. If you never believed it before, you had better believe it now for God says the thing shall come to pass. It will ! it will' it will! Your theory, your conception, your stiffness, your inability, your distrust does not change the eternal truth of God. He says it shall come to pass Now I believe it. I believe 'K Glory to God, I preach it ! Glory to God, I receive it ! Glory to God I live in it. Glory to God, I walk in it. Glory to God I pray in it. Glory to God I am in it ard filled with it, and expect to bring thousands under it. I have seen a thousand brought under it myself in my own neighborhood, brought right under it, until they bellowed, and groaned, and sighed, and fell right under it. But you know I expect greater things than I have ever seen. I expect all you preachers will preach it. You cannot be preachers in the Holiness Movement unless you do preach it. It is our doctrine and you must come up very year and say, '' I preached the doctrines, " which you could not do honestly unless vou preached it. And that is very clearly, very strong- ly one of our doctrines. Glory to God. Hallelujah ! The third bles.sing, the out pouring of the Spirit, Pen- tecostal power. Blessed be God. So then you are shut into it, the short and long ot it is, that you could not have any place among us un- less you believed it. You would tell a lie every tame vou would come up to Conference. We beheve God will pour out His Spirit. He says He will in the last 1 '''>, FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. days, and you know we must be in the last days because it commenced on the day of Pentecost. * They j;ot the real earnest of the thing. That is what was to be done by the establishment of the Christian Church. He gave the taste of the final outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh. Blessed be God. I like the record, I like the truth'. Bless Him. You say it is an awful dead time. Well, brother, there is nothing too dead for God Almighty. You know the dead times in history were the times God did tremendous work. Mai*tin Luther nailed up his thesis on the church door at a dead time. Twas a tremendous dead time in England when John Wesley rose up to preach the doctrine of justification and sanc- tification. A tremendous dead time in Scotland when John Knox went all over it crying, " Give me Scotland or I die." But I tell j'ou a flaming revival burst out of it. You know man's extremities are God's oppor- tunities when things are dead and hard. It is an aw- ful realization, and if you get the old outpouring of the Spirit upon you, you will find it will carry you, west, north and south with the flaming message. He says it shall come to pass. God said it would in the last days, and we are living in the latest day. Hallelujah 1 Blessed be God. God wants us to tremen- dously believe it, and preach it, and pray it. Well you say, there has to be a preparation, some men pre- pared to preach it, and some men prepared to receive it, but, I tell you my brother and sister, when the real old Pentecost falls, it will fall on saint and sinner. FALL on them, and when it has dropped on them there will be flaming revivals. There was a great re- The Penteco>ital OatjMnrinff. 153 vival in Ireland in 1832. Am I right about the date Bro. McConnel i Bro. McConnel. (returned missionary from Ireland,) «* 'Twas in the year 1858, I think." Mr. Horner: " You are right, my brother, the great revival of '32 was in the United States. However in the Irish revival of 1858 men were saved in the meetings, and on the streets, and in the fields, they would fall down under the power of Almighty God. Roman Catholics used to fall on the streets, and they would carry them to the priest to know what to do with them. He said, " Take them to these shouting Method- ists, I don't know what is the matter with them. " Mighty outpourings of Almighty God. May He inspire your faith to look up, your courage to pray till you get down to awful business, praying, praying, wrestling and pleading with God to pour out His Spirit. It is awful, for us to believe, for us to feel it. But you know, " What we have felt and seen. With confidence we tell ; And publish to the sons of men, The signs infallible." Now brother, you must preach it, and you can ne- ver preach a thing you never felt You must feel the mighty throbbings of the Triune GlkI, in your nature, and the Holj' Ghost must be in you and on you as a mighty wind, as a melting flaming fire of God from heaven, and your nature must be in a glow with Holy Ghost energy, you must be charged and surcharged with the Holy flaming unction from on High, to preach m 154 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEA ST. this blessed and wonderful doctrine, this blessed and wonderful truth, that Ood will pour out His Spirit upon all ftesh. When I see it fall on a man and knock the breath out of him about twenty five tinien and see him going about on his knees, and hear him groan and pray and cry to God with strong prayers and tears, to pour it on every))«)dy, whole comnmnities, I think he has all the fulness of it. Blessed be the name of the Lonl God Almighty. I tell you I am tremendously thankful for what God has done in chese nine days, but I hope and pray, and trust that we will have an awful cyclone an cxtra- onlinary, di>wn-pouring of the Spirit before we close yet. [Hundreds shout, Amen.] He says it shall come to pass. I tell you God must have the glory. He can pour His Spirit out. I tell you if you will not tak-' h, God will pour it on some one else, for He said, it shall come to pass. The hea- vens will give way and the earth under your feet, but the Word of God abideth forever. You cannot change it. You will have to believe it, and receive it, and say, *' My God I believe you will pour it on me, all the Fire and Power you have in heaven to make a Holy Ghost preacher. I tell you I don't feel like urging it on you. I don't feel like urging it on any other people, or any otho- ministry. 1 would like other ministeries to get ii, but, brother. I would like tremendously for you to get it, to be under all that God can put on you. I tcil you the Heavens are full of the flaming Fire and God can pour it out till the country will melt under it, till men will not know wha> to do with themselves. Glory ! The Pentecontul Outixmriny. 155 to God, all awalloweil up in it, aduged in it. God can deluge the whole country. Sometimos, I think He tillH this giound, right to the tops of the trees - all hlled from the top to the roots. I pity the fellow, who pro- fesses to have any religion, and can't get baptized, m such a place as this. I pity him, brother. I pity him, sister, in my heart I pity him. I just feel Goi> would till the country, the way He fills this camp-ground, would just fill your circuit, if you were only where you could pray the heavens on the place, and tear it down, and tear it up. Just like Finney one time he went into a mill. He was not sjiying anything, but, God just opened the heavens, and let it drop on the mill, and they had to shut it down, and go into a I revival. . . . , ^, u I It is just the same to-day— it is just the same. He Hays '" I will pour out. " God cimtrols the thing. I tell you, brother, nobody has enough of the blessing^ God has the outpouring, and controls the heavens, and the windows, and can let the whole bottom drop out of the thing— in awful, mighty out pouring of OoD.s Spirit, convincing, converting, sanctifying, anointing anfi endueing, and rushing all over the country, telling the story, and preaching it to every one. Bless the Name of the LoHD God Almighty. Do you believe it ? " We do : " , , ,^ Well, if dou do, stand on your feet, and hold up your hands, and shout, Amen ! , „ ^ , » i [Hundreds of hands are raised, and all shout, Amen.J } The Glorious Church. I'-*' Text-— Eph. •} : 27. Thof Ue .imjh* pits, it t ./ to kha nAf ti (fliu'lotis hnrrj', n'>f /atvii.j sfnttot wt mfde, c • It try Hiii'h thin'j ; but that it nhmihl he h^Ay a' 4 with imt fdemixli. nujubcr of churches. Wo 1 ir jjrt =t do. about them, but there is one hea'" \ - v litt about, and th«re are not very amny wh* d to iHilonj; to it. It Hp<»k 'U . ^" in onr text. 1 l^ ealleU< x-h- 'i : it ' it (•ailed ..ij Episcopalian ehureh : ii is not calh* ! » t s- byterian church; it is not ailed a Ikiptist c ■? * ; it is not called a M^'thodint iuireli : it i« not <1 a Holiness Movenitt iuwb ; btit it is called a • GLO- RIOUS CHURCH Now these othe! clum ar U _ hkI, but you coul.l belong to tlu wkoi i ibt i auu ^o to hell. But if you belong to this « aer one >ou would go to heiiven. There is i.onf of tbt - hrrHg<»ii to heaven — not one of them. You will -i tind a 1 u. Cat- holic, an Episcopal ;i, a Presbyterian, a - ..ij ^tist, a Methodist. (^ a Hoi ness Movement churchman in Heaven Tht;re is just one, u is a glorious church. Ttte OUmous Chiurh. 157 A voice, I d >n t believe Huch Htuff. " Mr. Horner: Please stop till I am dom . { have 1 thing to say againHtyour church, only your church is not going ' h«*aven. Voice, " You are talking against our people. Mr. Horner : I am not saying anything againnt your people. 80 you Ih.i \ your tongue or I'll attend to you. I hax .' nothing ly against your people- you never heii me. ' ce, " I did !it>ar yon. " Horner .■ Vou diihi't hear me. I did, and ^ " ^,.= Horner : " you never did. It is not true. \ou don't contradict me again, or I will make you prove it. I have neviM iM'en guilty of the like. I tell, you, I. V( iCe, M when I coiH' 'iitire holii the Name «>. Christendom, sinner, and I lo these cliurches <1 1 . preach, I had religion, and I had m! I had it ever since. Blessed be And I love all the churches in love every christian and every n with all my heart. The church, . 1 have mentioned, they are but the honies of the people. If a man does not belong to th." church of Jesus Christ, he will go to hell, because there is just one goin^ to be presentable before Him, and that is a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. I believe many men hav. religion m the Koman Catholic Church. There have been saints in it. There have been holy men and women. They have gon^ up and they will be presentable to the Son of 0* Holy men. I have read their lives. Men and wf who adorned the doctrine of Goi> our Saviour. imir^^ 158 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. and women who were saved from the world, and their sin, who walked with God in white and were pure anc: holy. Men out of the Episcopalian church, have been saved from sin. They have had their garments wash- ed, and made white, and loved the beautiful, pure gos- pel. Men who have read the history of the Christian Churches, know that out of the Presbyterian Church hundreds and thousands have gone up, all of them, men and women who wept their way to Calvary, who sought and found, and enjoyed religion Calvin had such a conception of this Holiness, that he said, when men found it, they couldn't loj^c it, but was as sure of heaven as if he were there ! They went up by the hundred, and went up by the fifties, while some burned at the stake, and sealed their testi- mony with their blood. Holy men, and holy women. You read the history of Methodism, it's rise and pro- gress, and spread, and how men were converted, and sanctified holy, how they moved their circuits, and you would see that out of it, thousands went sweeping through the gates. But they belonged to the Church triumphant, and were, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Blessed be the Name of GoD. [Shouts.] The Baptist, and Congregationalist Churches, if you are acquainted and familiar with their history, and workings, and the men who were saved in them, you know they have gone up by the thousand to swell the great numbers who washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. [Great shouting.l In this Holiness Movement, we have seen them con- verted, and sanctified by the thousand, and have died, The Glorious Church. 159 and gone sweeping through the gates, by the score, and by the hundred-gone up to swell the number. Blessed be God in the Highest. And brother, and sister, it you are going to go there, you will have to get every spot oft- you. You will have to get all the stains out of vou. You will have to get every wrinkle out ot vou You will have to get all the blemishes out of vou You will have to be as clean as GoD ever made a saint. No matter what church. I tell you, they were without a spot ; they were without a stam ; they were without a blemish. You know John had a vision. He saw a great number out of every kmdred and na- tion, and tongue, and the question was asked, Who are these aad whence came they ? "These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes, and made them white m the blood of the Lamb. " They are a beautiful company. Glory to (xOD ! Halleluiah. They are a blood washed company, and they have lost sight of all the churches in Christen- dom, and are now one triumphant church. Hallelujah to God. And they are all one. There is not a Roman Catholic, an Episcopalian, a Presbyterian, a Methodist or a Holiness Movement man. There is not a Baptist, not one. They are all Jesus' they all belong to Him. and they all shout around the throne, and sing: " All hail the power of Jesus Name, [Torrents of Blessing.] " Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the Royal Diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. " It is alright to have a church home. I have noth- 160 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. ing to say against it: and every man can go where he likes. I love all the churches, not so much for what they are doing, as for what they have done. And, I tell you, if you knew the history of them all, you wou- ld have to love them, and if you don't, it is because you are ignorant. The man who knows the history of them all, he loves every one of them. He couldn't do otherwise. If he hadn't a bit of religion, he would have to love them, for what they have been, and what they did, and how God honored them, and smiled on them, and blessed them, and honored them, with the salvation and sanctiiication of thousands of people, that have gone up, and we are hard after them. [Shouts of, " Amen, " "Hallelujah, " " Glory, " " Praise the Lord, '" etc. , drown the Speaker's voice.] It is not matter which church you take. You go to the Roman Catholic, you find as beautiful saints, as ever walked the earth. Go to the Episcopalian, and you will find there, on record, as CHRiST-like saint8,a8 ever lived. In all the churches, you would find them. Glory to GoD, Hallelujah ! Blessed be the Name of the Lord God Almiohty. Men who laid down their lives, and counted not their lives dear to them, but adorned the doctrine of God our Saviour, in all things. Men, who were free from spot, the Sons of God, with- out rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom they shone as light*" " > 'he world. Glory to God, Hallelujah ! Hallelujah V u would find them in every church, that you ild follow closely, till you would go sweeping through the gates. But, brother, you would have to follow them right to the foot of the cross— to the feet of Jesus, and weep I The Glorioua Chnich. 161 over all the sins of your heart, and life, and so trust God, that He would forgive every one of them. in Yes : you would hav-. to follow them to the foot of the cross, until the root and seed of all sin, would come out of you, and every spot or wrinkle, or any such thing ; and you would be holy, and without blemish ! You will have to follow them very straightly. And if you men and women, n -embled under this canvas to- day, who represent the different churches of God, if you ever meet your fore-fathers in heaven, you will have to go the way they went— weep your way to the feet of Jesus. You will have to know your sms for- given, and your heart is made whiter than snow. You know men differ. They have differed in all the ages. There was one point where they all agreed— that heaven is holy. I never heard a man say differently yet. You never heard him. They say it is a holy place ; there is no sin. Other men have declared it in all the ages, that heaven is a pure and holy place. There is not a man there, that has sin in him. The Roman Catholic people have their Purgatory. But what will you fellows do, who have no Purgatory ? You deny that Jesus Christ is able to save a man from sin, and keep him clean, and holy. Why you will be lost and damned, bee use you have no other way, for, " There is no other Name under heaven, given among men, whereby we can be saved, but, through " JESUS, the Name high over all, In hell, or earth, or sky ; Angels and men, before Him fall. And devils fear and fly. " il 162 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. You know Jesus can save a man, and can save him from every spot. He is going to present to Himself, a Glorious Church. He says He will. Now, brother, if you are going to be presentable, you have to get the spots off you. You know, every man knows when he is presentable. You know it well. You know when the sin is all gone. I go to one of the homes of the ladies here, and you are in among the pots, and have your old garments on, and are all wet from scrubbing, and washing, and you say, " I am not presentable. Why did he come now ? What brought him ? I wish he would stay away. " Why, you would feel out of place, and would not want to see me because you were not presentable. But if you have your ordinary clean dress on, you, you would say, " I am alright, let him come in. I am presentable. I am presentable. I tell you, brother, I tell you, sister, you know when your heart is not clean, and your life is not clean, and your commercial business is not clean. You know just as well when the sin is all out of you, and the Lord God Almighty has cleansed your heart, and taken away your pride, and fear, and selfishness, and mur- muring, and fretting, your sin, and your bigotry. " Why, " you say, " through all the Christian ages, people are bigoted. " No sir, there is not one bi<;ot among them, and if you are bigoted, sir, you haven't a bit of religion, and will have to repent, or you will be lost. "Well, " you say, "God's people, they are bigoted. " I say they are not. The people of God love, and . , The GlorlouH Church. 163 ^ they love each other with all their heart. I don't care where a man comes from, if he has religion, when he meets another man who has religion, they are just one. Glory to God ! [Shouts.] They are the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a ciooked and perverse nation, among whom they shine as lights in the world. You can't make them tight. [Laughter.] Glory to God. You can't make a sinner and a saint fight. A sinner can fight a saint, but, brother, the saint will not abuse him. Glory to Jesus ! He will affirm the truth, and stick to the truth, and he loves him, and will pray for him. All his desires are good, and he is good. Glory to God. "But, " you say, " I don't think you are free from bigotry. You belong to your own church, and are as bigoted as anybody else. " Well sir, you are not right, and you don't hold the truth. You believe what is not true. I rememember a few months ago, I had severe test. I had an awful spirit of prayer upon me, and I was praying to GoD to send a revival, and God commen- ed to talk to me, and said, "Where do you want it?" I said, " I want it." He says, " Where ?" 1 want an awful revival. He said, "What if I commence it over in the Met- hodist Church ?" I said, "Lord send it anywhere." He said " What if I should send it to the Presby- terian Church ? " I said, "Lord send it anywhere. If you don't give 104 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. 118 a taste of it. Let there be a awful revival." I tell you, brother, if you can't pray that way, you can't have any religion. You may as well not pray at all, because God can't hear you if you are bigoted. I heard of a man who prayed, " Lt)rd me and my wife, our John and his wife, us four and no more." Well sir, such a stingy creature will never get a bless- ing. [Applause.] I tell you, brother, when when God Almighty con- verts you, you will love everybody, but when He sanctifies you holy, there is not i, spot or stain, there is not a wrinkle, and every is taken off you. There is not a sin in heaven. And if there is a sin in you, you would have to go to hell where it belongs. And if you don't get it out of you, you will go to hell. " For He will present it to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but they are to be holy, and without blemish. '• Well, " you say, " Professors of religion get angry, anyway. " Well professors might, but those who possess it, never do. They never do. When a man has salvation I tell you, God Almighty saves him every hour, and every minute, and you will never see him angry. When a man gets angry, he is a child of the devil, and he belongs to him. You will never be a coward. God says the righteous are as bold as a lion. Hallelujah ! When your eyes are on Jesus, you don't care for men or devils. You will walk with Him, and follow him. Praise GoD. The poet says, " I'll praise my Maker while I've breath. The GloriotiH Church. 165 We are after people, to get them white and holy, and want you to ff'»<^ that way too. " Well, " you 8, I don't want to get it among you fellows. If I „ . ' ed it, i would get it somewhere else. " You know these are men that are bigoted. A man can't have his heart on church homes. Be a Christ- ian first and then be something else in harmony with it. Be sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty without rebuke — without rebuke. It is my basiness to see you get converted if I can. I don't care who you are I an; after you with all my heart, and might, until you get at the feet of Jesus, until sin and the devil is out of you, till you are free from every spot and wrinkle, and are as ready to go to Heaven as I am. You will be just as glad to get there as I will be, and when you get the sin out of you, you will be just as definite on Holiness as I am. I tell you, I like religion. I tell you, it is not fear. When you get it, you will not be selfish— nothing of that kind in you, but you will love everybody. You will be free, and want everybody to be free. When you shout, you say, " It is my privilege to shout, and I will shout when I like. " And when other people shout, you will rejoice with them. [Shouts.] You will rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. And you men and women, who want to scold, and find fault about noise, and all that kind of thing, you will feel just as good as we do. Just as good as we are. And all you want, is the religion we have. Glory to GoD Hallelujah. [Shouts.] 166 FRAGMENTS FROM THE FEAST. O, Remember ! Remember He will present it to Himself, a Glorious Church, not havin;; spot or wrin- kle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy. You say, " I don't want your holiness. " Well I don't want yours. I want the kind Jesus has. And when you get it, you will say, "Je.sith has made me holy, Hallelujah ! He has taken the spots and stains out of me, the wrinkles are all gone, and the blemishes are all gone! You can talk to n.e and you will find that I will talk and pray with you, and do anythin^,,^ for you, but don't run away with delusions. Don't believe I am your enemy. Hallelujah to God. Bless His name. And the woi*st wish I wish you, men and women, no matter where you came from, is that you would get this religion, that saves men through and through. For twenty-six years, I have been without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, holy, and without blemish. Blessetl be GoD. Hallelujah to Jesus. This great Salvation, it saves a man all the time, and saves him to the uttermost. And will save him evermore, and will bring you up presentable in the Glorious Church without spot or wrinkle. How many of you have the spots off you, there is not one spot, will you stand up ? How many of you want to get every spot of sin right off you, will you stand up ? I