MKXOCOPT USOIUTION TBT CHAUT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) I. g 1.25 %: 2.2 u wutt 2.0 ■ 1.8 IRIISESSmSIB 1.4 III 1.6 \ ' ' ,/" .-^ / •,'«• ^ /ff='PLIED IM/IGE Ine r 1653 East Main StrMt - RochMtv. N I I'm Mure Hhe wait poo^Hu more. Then liitcn« I pray, To my ChriHtmiiii lay, ■ You'll know If my tale In trti© ; For If ('hriiitV eome to-day, Ah I've heard «onie nay, net wlUi KenUcfolk like you^ _ 1- _^ ^^■t • An i-M »rr1l»r My*-" Trt many i.f „vr hrnnr boyg, whom w* rail «•<•«*, M-okliiir aliii* l>v iiUyliiir ami klti|t(ii« their fhrfntma* ('■rf>U, ■r ii fi'w Hhort hourn rcpoac ; No tlmo t«) Jm» ^^\a^\, No tliiu' to Ik» hiuI, For our work cannot wait for our woch. Hut it'H up In the morn, At t'urly rK, artd pray ; But you've eloded the door, Left tlie kneen i>f the p<»or Miglit tarniwli yt)ur euHliionH gay ; " For it'« up in tlie morn, At early dawn, ^hen tlic front's on the window-pane ; And 80 late a-i)cd, In our dreams wc dread, That tl»c ., 4»^ 4 I- X. !'■'.■■■ ■* ■ ■■■ ' 111. jt^hit 9i([h Pan's (^hrishniui. »"■ /•■ " Mow •«« U haani fk* hi«Mli>»* i'rl|it>l.< luiilnir ihriMiirh Wtr •irMrt* HI* i>«rMl iH>w, •ml i>n aiiilil Ihx icloiiiii Or iiililiil|thl Ixiiira iirvvalla llm aouuKloinvil ««iiii JH hidding the rich rojoicc I ThcnliMtcn, I pray, To my ChriHtnmH lay, You'll know if my talc in true. For if Clirif^t'8 come to-dajr, ^ A» I've heard aome say, He's with gentlefolk like y«u I Oh I I wIhIi 1 were rich, Though torinorrow I'm poor again I How I'd comfort all grief and pain. They never should moan in vain. Through thiH livelong day ■ I'd sing without pay, Though to-tnorrow I'm poor again. Then listen, I pray, To my Christmas lay, You'll know if my tale is true ; Por if Christ's come to-day,- ^ =^5; As I've heard some say, with gentlefolk like ydtt; V — , r^: ,•* W> ■ ■■' ^■y / Awuy Vo,„,,or«g„„Jf N ho wuko with « gH,„ •' U! MtruMKo amuzo, '""•io'turulionu., '"""' '''»«J«.va»tl||«n,j,.fl|,.d. , ^ A woiniin of Hilt, ' :*"* "''" !*•« "'"t cell. H diiJd. J^.nte'f^M-^^-ei.i' ^ — i^.J "••"... MiKii ii,e street* *clltheje«tiin(lthcie«r AYl,OH,,„koofl,erbr47;oir.s An,I her rttvon httir '"*'^°^«J WavtMl JooHe In the afr '' a hovering «h«,U, of night* "iC ''' '*!;*""' "'"* »'»e wore ' rh|8 morn we were wed Oh ! why has he fled ' i-oreverfrommyHlght?" Her Search is o'er For evermore' Doath'8 bride, un.hrived, unwed ! Some scoffed, and some saw TKi^JJ«3;ga2edinawe, ''' * hat the Lord wa« wWk\i. j . ?o%hr^2??"""-^ pi.® *i'« child of woe,-' Tndtre/rth^a't' ^^*"»' ^'%»»^; 0.ert!;:S:^S:ne"^--en AhfS' l'-""^ '^^'P' 'W« night. -Ah I not m vain, * Ihrough the Wood of the «.r».„ She « clad in a robe of whUe?"'"' i |,'-r:;v'v " <( ;'■■'* ' ■ ;;:'v-^ ':'■,;"';-■■■■.:■■■ ..'■■- -f. ■ ■■rjy.,^r-,y ifi-:>' 1 * ." * "...-.■ . ' J-^ ■.''■■■ ■ :'" . • ■;■■■-.' S* _ Rti''\; ?■■■:;. ^--^^^p»"^-^ > ^'«^>»\Sji»t>!' *4*** «► J • ■> <} VOICES FROM THE STREET. f fto. <, t »y II. G. , HALIBURTON. [Printed for Private Cin-ulatlon.] J i X \ ■■v« ' •fi ».. ^ar' I I V •V <'. VOICES FROM THE STREET. '' ■ ' ., --v''^ . • It \' ; V.,-.'." , '■', • * • t ■ » ♦ i] •» #h«t «re ♦*!"• *^ho are wrayed In white rob«f^ mid wht'DCO comt they ?»• Wah It a (Ireuni, *rhat Htirtod Hcroam? Her heart refUHt'd to H'fit; , And Imt brain, it burned, ' A tt her eyt'» Biic turi^ed To th« «lead man at h^r feetr ^ f. OK GchI Itbat Higlit I In the ttitkering IM, A Woody corpse lay there.; Oh the trickling gorv, That dotted the floor, . 5 She gaai^d, witli a dazed siare^- tieriniHon flood • 'J mian Wood 1 Kurging evcrywViore ; she Hhuddering fled •From the ghastly dead, Uuttht! blood was eycrywKcr«. StiH, Htill that B^' .■''^'' .4f'";**-V'--^ •^' Vr -' ■v. V '■' . •4' ^"1 . -*. -i ^ V ■• -"■ . ' - . - ■ " * V . . 1 ' . ■\ .■ . ■ ■' ■ "' ■." ■. '^'' r ■. * ■■:'; fi \- ■ .. ■■,.'■■';.■' ■ ^'^ •■• " ''■.'■"■.-■ 'i'. >■. ;■ -■.■ -y" ■•.. .■ -yj: . ■■: ''^ ■ , .. -# .■,'v :m!i " ■■r* — * - » ( ^ .-. • .,1 ,-v* f- • • 4 \ ■1 »» - • '\ ^ '^l .^r Bwin l« h« iMirlwl— . ■■,.■,■., , ^ , /T -' *'y '**"''*v,*'yr,'M***'* ■■ i " ■'"'■■■.'■ ■•. Out «rflh* (••iM." ,^^:'. •._ ^ : ■ " ■ "'■ ":' '^n^T^^^T " ^^^^w ■ " . fiiiMMRR liuffHt-d. The uuiunin tlntu no ?rior«» ' Could nnH'k lluv ilylnjc fori'Miii. Dull dcctty ^ Hut liroodinK oVr tlio noiiihre fwrth. Th« »kjjr, (Jrown Ktrangt'ly rlrt'ur, Un «»ur« inahtUi doflffl Ifiir nud nttlrv. Over th« red «un rolk'd. Llk« wintry UMii, cloudu Ivadvn hued, that nivrKud ^ Tho diirkcninK hcovt-n. Tin- fitful wind aw«)ke MouninK, «•* if from truul)IOrior." All day long by the door, aweary, Door that I may not enter in, Here I must watch through the Sabbath idrcary, Until tlie Hhadows of night begin. Your charity, kind sir I « • Before you go in to pray. For you know wliat the curates say, *' "^ho gives to the poor he gives to God ;*_' _ U must be true ; but it seems to me odd,, If he loves us so much, as the cuErates say. His house has no plac^ wjiei^ the ^or cpn pray. > '• » ■ List to their praise for wetitlth, and gladness I Oh I I dare not venture in; • ' - Bless him for hunger and paia ! 'Twere mad- ' 'nes« ; Mock bim by raga ! 'Twould be a sin. '■ Your charity, kind sir ! Before you go in to pray, For you know what the curates «ay, "Who gives to the poor he gives to God;" it must be true; but it seems to me pdd, If he loves us so niucli, as tlie curates say, His house has no place whore the poor can pray. Hark I we can come without price or paying — Come where? To the pews where the rich man prays ? Twould cost me full more ^r a Sunday's p#ay- Than I'd ever beg to the end' of my days. Your charity kind sir ! Before you go in to pray, For you know what the curates say, *• Who gives to the poor he gives to God." It must be true ; but it seems to me odd. If he loves us so much, as the curates say, His house has no place where the poor can pray. 4- wl '",> v^"* r rr. Ptailigy and fh< jfinn^r. •dult Five hundred tbonsaad eaclJL are marshalled there, A million, all— of hope and flfb possessed ; How many doomvd to find too soon their rest ; Their iflory In a nameless ff rave, while liigh Will g^row rank verdure o'er mortality ! 'Tis sad : but sadder still, the task is vain. To win by arms ^ne warm Soutli back aifain ; O'er law to ride j that law may be supreqie. And freedom lose, to triumph in a dream. Soon, at this rate, the wond'ring World will see The whites in bonds, the blacks alone the free. 'Tis 8aid.8 dame, who in her morninff walk Saw her pet Sliang^hae mangled by ftliawk — Kushed to the rescue, bore him ttota the strife; And killed the fowl, to nave the poor thlng^t life > 'Tis thus our fVionds, ft-om fbar of di»»olution, Jtave killed the State to save its conKtitution! Hark ! t» it fancy brings tlie sound so near-" The wall of grief that falls upon my ear? Not the wilacry of battle and despair. Where death's dim eye8sf' ■v--.;.(^«|>; '^ J-.-- .■■/■J ■ ■■ .. : I-.. V / !».. i law yin Uy y^wr needles doiirik < ? And lilent ntuae swhlie, ; then j'tyfu' marked yoar MdnMi tiA% ' .' And vaniih in a imile. Pair 8ii)tpl« lad ! I noit believed«i*!> Aye, auld thoagh now lb*, V ■• v, i dream your thooffbta irer« annRnrhig otfine, And that you Mniled on me; :i I dream I stand, ai then I Btood» On tiptoe peeping through 1 . . The window o' Olenallen Mr To gel a blink o* yon. Though Hfty Buitnniers ba« gaot hi|r^ - I've ne'tr Ibrgottcn thee; fT"^ *■. Through mony a year that peioirite ihoe And sunny smile I see; \ That sunny smile onoe more, when #* The world's at i«st, appears; * : ! Once more we're bairns, till memory Aides And fills my e'e wi' tears. Folks clash ami say, my goWd's my lk*| Sin' well to do I be, '^I'm aic a orabbit loncsOme man^ \ Non6 kindly think o' me; And that this hard heart cannot luve* Thnt luvcs thee still sae weel, "* And hoards mair close than a' my gowd* The lost blink o* thyseiv I own I feel His foolish noo^ _ye maun like me be auld : ft may hoe died and never kcQ't The tale I never told. ■■■■.(■" Thou mayst be changed, is I am ohattgcd; Time may haa dimmed thine e'e; - I- Thou mayst be noo a wrinkled damf «<*- 1 Thou'rt still a bairn to me. ' Still, still to thee mj ipirit yeams, ^ Tho' furrowed is my braW, ■ ;l: And lang, lung years hae passing shied J Their white snaws o'er my pbw'; Though age has bent me, a^ the birk ^ ll Bends to the bleak Nor' blast, " I And eauld, sae oauld this heart has gfowjD Sin* ][ hae seen thee lasi M^ V ,):•.■ .-■-p v-s:^? .1^ Of inlKty cItmdM, the HtiiM peeped out, And Muw no form amid the darkened deep, Suvc thi'ir own image. And the Pleiades, • - CluHpc'd in each others arms, mused moJlirnfVill/ Upon Earth's erring daughter, and recalled >t Tlieir own lost sister, that had strayed and fallen > Frotti mid her kindred stars. And now the fh>st» Bf-batliing upon the stream, with silent chains ' Stole o'er its wares, and in their ice-bound depttia " Long held the wearied sleeper ; and when motttht ^ Had rolled upon their course, and the warm wipdji . Of Spring had loosed the waters, a pale, form ' Was borne far on their bosom, and waH laid - By strangorH' hands within a nameless grav«; Rut HtiM the vacant chair, that once wan hers. Is placed bef ceeeed, that, unsuepeoted by the world, there had lingered a sunny spot in a heart, that had long been steeled against human sympathies and alho- OH ! Ally Deane, tho' mony a line Is deep'ning on my brow, ^ — - And Ung, lang years hae passing shed Their white siiaws o'er my pow; Though age has bent me, as the birk Bends to the blealK Nor' blasi. And oAuld, so oauld this heart has grown. Sin' I hae seen thee last; I'te ne'er forgot where aft we met, ] Twa baimies baith, while I > Skulked truant frae the weary sohale ^ ^' To spe thee passing by. I thought— 'twiis but a childish dream— The sun beamed safter then; The laty winds frae sleep awoke. And murmured through the glen; I More sweet the gowan breathed, the notes ' or throsties louder grew. All, all seemed greeting yon, save one, ^ Wha dauma speak to yon. ' My cheeks brent red, I scarce knew why ; My heart beat hard and sair : Te iMard it not — nor knew the flame. That bume^ sae wiMly there. Tet ere I left my ain dear land. To cross th* stormy sea, I stole abooB ^e bum to' look, Unken't to la*, at thee. The bleezin' faigle cheered the glen ; ' I i^tohed yttif ituptipg there : Oh ! by that gladsome gleaming Are I'll see thee erermair ! i«*" ^i ihe 4atl. of ttic J^»jgek L Thi account of the origin of sin, the fall of tlie artgcls, and the creation of the human race, in the\Bud(lhu Guadma's Doctrine (see Up- ham's Mahawanse, vol. 8, p. 156), is one of the most bjautiful traditions on the subject, to be found i, [1 the whole range of classical or Oriental literati; re. Compared with it, the legends of the Vedas and the Sagas, and the fables of Hesiod, Lucre! us, and Ovid, are rude and grotesque. It has i ever lieen before selected^ it is believed, a» a 8U aject for English poetry, a circumstance that miiy be explained by the immense prepon- durancs of the most puerile absurdities in the sacred books of the Singhalese Buddliists. The name « f one of Jlie cimpters Garomenttconmanre' sooty (lym^thc mention of the 16,000 wives of the-amitory king Dootoogamenif^ are enough to 'deter the most adventurous from any enquiry into so unpromising a field. The belief in sin having been caused by the use of food,l and in the sons of God having come down tA prth, points to the same primeval traditions wi^fih are preserved in sacred writ. ^ . High o'er the deluged earth, the tide Rose up from the realms of night, Till the waters danced at the golden gates, And joyously hailed the light; And the lotus* gleamed on the murky waves. As pure as the drops of snow, So fair, tbat the Dewasf wond'ring gazed On these Vraifs from the world below. And longed to seek for that unknown land. Where the fi^agrant lilies grow. Then they bade farewell to heaven, and made Each lotus cup their bark ; And their rays lit up the sunless void, r As stars, when the moon is dark. Like an infant clasped to its mother's breas^^ As they floated o'er the deep, \ They drank long draughts of the lilies' breath, Till they felt earth's odors steep \ Their senses in strange drowsy dreams ; \ Then they wondering sank to sleep. rf^ \ 'W **>, 'L i: ^ Thil wind mty nm wlthimt, jre* iwinil the h(>iirUp Mure cloMcly driiWMjh** itTuu\t. 'Vhv imtrr^ (*hiq> Tlmt chfcrN llu; f-iniU'r'n Hr«'«il«lc, I" ht'urrl^ MuH! tilithcly tiirilnii lu nhrlll iiu'lody, "** ,An thouirli it MtrivoH Willi fi'fliK* Ntrnln, to^ip With till* l(»u«l iiMMinliiK wiiul. Ahii«>rtH>o< Altuvnt, Miiil gnxing on tliv ttliminiTinK flri>, - U'iw fatlu-r Mili'iu MitN ; yvi utt In* HtcutM A toitrfUl liMik tit the lonK-vMcant rlmir, Thiit nunv ta UH'rt' to occupy, nml oft Thi> miiitt(,>fuypil their mirth, lent it tn^y brusll^ llii moiin^jPrfvvuric. At length thu clock HcMiin(l|Jiirn o^hc hour for prHycr ; then luir » lie bowl in Nupplioiitlon/anil IcAdH on I • ■f ur\ . i_ ^ w The aniiwerinK Kroiip of youthful worMhtppem | N(»w uMking heiiveu for hicMMinK" on the heiid Of thoKe thiit Journey fur o'er Itind und .-«eii, And in compiiNHlon to curthV erring oncn, "To riiine Up then) thwt fnit"; but no voice Hildt^ KcMnonHively, "Amen." With bruuthinKit huNhed, Kiich wond'ring »trive" to catch once more the Mountf Of the deep gr >iin, thit brought th^ir prHyer-wiuged fhouKlit* *^mni he;iven to ciirth iigiiin. Ty|^iy|^*n Jong : ^^.the uiomn' Of the compWifiing wind. Agn To Urge the carneHt pniyer, an j For ejich around a blcM.sing from int« , At th|j!i utrange eycB, that, wildly gazing to, GlaiK; through the xnow-wreatlied window. ^ All t^^kjip, iind Hcc a haggard, ittartled fUce recodu, AncmrahUh in the darkneno. From bin, kncen The father wildly ruMhes 'mid the sitorm. And weeks the wanderer. In vain I The snow Whirling in chilling wreaths, shuts out the view^ And blinds his eager gaze. He ealU her name, And fondly bids her welcome back agaiit ; But list'ning hears no answer, save the voice Of thi& rude blast that raises up on high Its howl of mockery. Now when a lull Comes o'er the tempest's breathings, he again \ya8tcs his wild cries upon the muffled air; The dulled tones soon, unheard, aK> drowned beneath The rising Htirges of the wind. He h^ 1'^ And silent, long he doubts : "It is not »he, So frail ! so gentle I She could never brav«. •* -T, i I A „l«l,t nkc tW.. wb.n even, the f^-^ "-|;^, It WM ^'^''^^ "^iZi ioVVi -'"« »"»'•*' "*•'" ■• ll.,rn.iii>, ''»n"''l\'V|iiilopm. At ling* • S.Vh .1,-.. «. "•»-nS;«-t .'"•;*"*.• ..... Vn. ?. .» lift'- iKr? ■;;»•»" ",\.!;':i< u--*" I 11 \..\a .„,,.i» toru I'T #1 «l' 'To wearied """ r; ^J ^^'^^^^^ lur«t 4. 1 wiU not wttU U y ^X'" drcaiiiH ; n<> more * * The wtttern cloKca^around , And .Uently «o-d onward AmH --^ ^,, ,,,, - — i)eath'tt cold, eongeaimK "^ ■ . i < # ' * - "4 ' ■ > r 1 1, CIHM ICMH * Microfiche Colfection de '""\ ■■.-....■■■ '- ■' ' -■ ' ' Series microfibhes * (Monographs) (monographies) V " V 1 « ,1 , -4 . ^ 1 Canadian Instltuta for Hiatorical IMicroraproductiont / Inatitut caiman da mlcroraproductlont hiatoriquaa .0 . _r -■-. V «■■../'■■■-■,'■ / ■-■ ■ ' . ■ ■'. ■ ■* t ■,-'v- _.■ '* .■•■;■;"■ •- [, ^'r- • ',... : •-■:■:;■■ : ? 1 .'.'-'* ' ..- 1 1 '■ft' fi0^ k- - w J • ■•. - ' 1 ""*. < ' \ ■ ; 3 t % ;\ ;:;f'v^:/:£;:::: • , - ' \ - * ..-v,. \. ■,;. . ■.-.■-:..,■>■■:: « ',■"'.■■•■ /^■•: "■ , / w \:--::.^i^:^:'- ■ -- ' ■■•1 - t t" • V -'■■ .■■■ . 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