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'/^j /i // fff^' f/_ //^ //-^ o/i// ^// /<>/ // /////// /m/^ fi^tz/ //-J rP iff^^/c/t '/__//iL^o/Jt/P 'tL'/A^y^"^ //•> /juoi. i'^y'/tr'' //1/O'j (' / //f±_ .///////■>/ .^//^//'/n/ri ///'/ //?/ ro?/ ///// ji'/// //// ////>- /'/'}// //-I // //// ///■//// / fi/// //ff///Y_ ^^'f'^fi/(/_j'i_ <^o /'////////// /// //'// ' /'///: C//-I // ///c '^C/////(/ 'O/'^/i/i-f //'////// //'// /////•*(///■///'// //I ////rn^ ./yl///t-i/i -m/fpe/.K 48 *^y /(/i'oP o/ /Ar' J^/j/t/f}// /f't//(///n/f, cr /t' f//t/fff//^ //a //j//// 'i(( ///<// /o '^£f/i(y((ff?i/ /f-j/fc/mrfi' fy //<'// /a///^. ///oit //////f/fui/y ///j'fff/ff/ //y mc?u' ii'f// ffA//ft.'/ //' //fffi ^{/f'/u/u ///(/// /or /f(//(-tj, ''^/ti/ /r/ftt //////// oo////z/(/////.i (/ //if. I /////(/. ■t//('///(/ ///f // /'( rf/f/-K' /or (/('///f/ rir, ////// (//^^ //y/f/(.i/<(/ /(' //r//N-i// ///, ^^f//(rf/////j//r/Q//(//( //v// ff rr//y f/ ///r /f/h'' or /fy/f/(//(o?i/' //'//(<// fJ f///(f/0'/ f//^'/ff/o/ot/f/ /f f////r/ /^t/r //f/A/.t fp /f t/ff//,'f Of/f f////(/N 'Y^ffp f/oKff ////// ff/(o/i fu/z/^ro// //zf //■i//( ////( ;// /■/ ///r /r-t/foo/ff'c^ ooi/n///oo, o?^ //'//// f/ 'i/a/omo/^/ o/ (///y ■i//A//oit f/ y/n /'rn/rf i/i^ Mr/ o.r€0/(//o?i oJ 't/frA /f//o oP /oyff/(f//o/f; tn/ o/f/( P ///a/ //■/ ////y//, p j/iffu ffo' oiOKaufUcl Ay /Ao' /^f'o '^{jo/Ufumt/i/d. rA/f mf'// j/^f/Af /Ai-j f/iuc/io/i^ A?/o/i'?i /o /Ac W(/'t//o> o/ -jffoA /f-j/ff//y ^'cjif/j f/j A^/f'/,// // ?/o//P Ao//, on,'^ tf/cAf man nop </•/ yo// ^fff/?/ f/orm mot/ f/f/f'/0(f/'// . Qy <f?/f, o/P, /o-t//ir/A////Y. '^y/o/f?^ oAo(/fu// if/fu//^/, W. L. ]\^ARCY. I- I, r? # I L [ k I, rl ff/r /4f' /f^//r//ff/if/, ///m //ft' J//L(/'f-Kf/Q7/(f/ff/r-j c/ G^Aff/^ ^//')f/f/f.i/f'/r/, ^«^ f'o/. / , ////( ^^^>. r//r,A/tP /(>/ : " 7. The warikiis of any county mIuiII, when necessary, murk out and (lesij^fiiatc, in i>r(>i)or positions, 'gurry grounilH,' putting up notices thereof, descrihing their limits and position, in the several school houses, and other most public jdaces in the parish where tlie said gurry grounds are marked out, i»ul)lishing the like notice in the Royal (razette ; and no person, after such posting and jiuhlication, sliall cast overboard from iiny boat or vessel tlie oOal of fisli into tlie water at or near tlie said ])arish at any place except the said gurry grounds." '•' 12. Within tlie parishes of (rrand Mauan, West Isles, C.imp.) ii^'lio. I'eiiulield, and Saint (Jeorge, in the county of Charlotte, no seine or nei shall bj set across tlij m )uth of any haven, river, creek, or harbor, nor in such place e.Ktending more than one-third the distance across the same, or bo within forty fathoms of each other, nor shall they be set within twenty iathoms of the shore at low-water mark."' '• 15. No herrings sliall be taken between the lotli day of July and the Jotli of October in any year, on the spawning ground at the head of Grand Manan, to commence at the eastern part of 8eal Cove^ at a place known as Red Point, thence extending westerly along the coast and around tlic southern head of Bradford's Cove, about five miles, and extending one mile from the shore ; all nets or engines used for catching herring on the said ground within that period shall be seized and forfeited, and every person engaged in using the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished accordingly."' # I L