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 I I 
 §ppiiigLili, flom §eofta, 
 MiBRUARY ji. iS,,,. 
 11. 1. Pakikli.ars oI' riiF, Gki;Ari>r Mi.\[\( 
 l)i->\Mi;i< IN Canada, with \ 1)Kii;i- 
 1 )i;S(:kIl'ri()N AND I IlSli iRicAi, 
 Skkt( II (i|. riti.: Spkixc- 
 IIII.I. CMl,i,ii:Kii;s. 
 /V7>V./V///;/i /,'!' 
 H. A. Mcknight, 
 Si'Kisi;nir,i. Niius Pjunt, 
 Kntered ^cronling to Act ,,f I'nrliaiiiunt .,f 
 ( aiMila, III ilic 
 year iSyi, 
 In the Office ..f ilie Minister of At; 
 n. iiltiire, at ( )tt.-i 

 The Inlldwing description of the (ire:i( ColHery I^xplo- 
 sion at Sprini^hill, l)y which one huiKlred and twenty-five 
 nu-n and Ijoys lost their lives, is the most complete and 
 trustworthy obtainable. This account of the scenes which 
 followed -the direful calamity is puljlished on the spot 
 and is strictly accurate. 
 H. A. Mcknight, 
 jolli March. /Sy/. 
 The largest in Canada, 
 Are situated in ruiiilierlaiul rcninty, Nova Scotia, and are 
 coniiLCted with the Intercolonial Railway by a branch road 
 five miles loni^. The Collieries, three in number, are owned 
 and operated by the Cumberlaiul Railway and Coal Co'y, 
 which is composed of Montreal cajjitalists, and represents 
 invested capital of o\er Si, 000,000. This Com])an\' jjur- 
 chased, in 1.SS2, the Miniiii^ property at Sprin,<;hill, and tlic 
 Railway, extending to the shippini:;- port of I'arrsboro, from 
 St. John capitalists, by whom the coal tukl had been 
 profitably de\-eloi)id for ten years previously. 
 Since becomin,^- the property of the present owners the 
 capacity of the Collieries has been doubled. The average 
 daily output exceeds 2,000 tons, and it has occasionally 
 risen to 2,300 tons. The number of persons eniployed is 
 from thirteen to fourteen hundred. This small army of 
 workmen finds steady employment minint; and preparing 
 coal for shipment. The shipment of such large quantities 
 of coal, indirectly affords many others means of earning a 
 livelihood. The total (juantity of coal shipped since the 
 Collieries were oi)ened in 1873, is about 3,500,000 tons. 
 The underground workings are very extensive ; and already 
 three lifts have been exhausted, and the depth of No. r 
 Slope is I, goo feet, while preparations are now being made 
 to increase it to 2,500 feet. The supply of coal, however, 
 on the authority of geologists competent to form an accurate 
 estimate, is said to be practically inexhaustible. 
 The facts recited convey an idea of the extent of the 
 mining operations, and a description of the different seams 
 and methods of working will assist in understanding what 
 loUows. Three seams of coal, from ten to twelve feet in 
 thickness, are now worked, while smaller seams have not 
 yet been touched. These seams dip in a northerly direction 
6 Springhill Colliery E.xplosioi. 
 at an anj^;le of 35''. The surface outcrop of each seam is 
 about 500 feet above sea level, and l)eginnin_t>- at the outcrop 
 three slopes have been sunk. The west seam underlies tlie 
 east, from which it is separated by seventy feet of rock, 
 and the top, or north seam, is separated from the east by 
 about 160 feet. By holding in a standing position three thin 
 pieces of wood, and imagining the intervening space to be 
 stratified ri>ck, and at a certain depth tunnels driven through 
 the rock connecting the seams, a clearer idea of the under- 
 ground workings may be obtained. 
 r.AST si.oi'i;, siiouiNc; dimi' 
 Two sloi)es, Nus. I and 2, were at work on Saturday, 
 February 2iHt, 1S91. Owing to lack of sufhcient empty coal 
 cars in which to transport the output, No. 3 Slope was idle. 
 The pits had been carefully examined, and the reports of 
 the examiners for the previous night stated that the work- 
 ings were free from gas. Work began at the usual time, 7 
Spri)ighiil Col/icrv I'^.vp/osioi. 
 o'clock, a. m., and continued without any misliap up to 
 12 o'clock, noon, when there was a cessation of lialf an 
 hour for dinner. The machinery was attain put in operation 
 at half-past twelve, and everything was ruiniing smoothly, 
 when suddenly the loud roar of a terrific explosion startled 
 those underground, and was felt on the surface by a tremor 
 of the earth. 
 Nos. [ and 2 Slopes, ff)r purposes of ventilation, were 
 connected by a tunnel at the 1,300 foot level. In No. 2 
 Slojie the explosion extended a short distance through this 
 tunnel, but in iSo. 1 Slope it swept along the 1,900 foot level 
 a considerable distance. I^ye-witnesses describe it as pre- 
 ceded by a sudden gust of wind, which swept like a tornado 
 through the dark [lassages, hurling timbers and clouds of 
 dust and Hying missiles before it. This was followed in a 
 few seconds Ijy balls of tire, large and small, and then came 
 a solid body of fierce flame that filled the passages, and 
 literally roasted everything in its jxith. Those near the pit 
 bottom, nearly half a mile from the supposed seat of the ex- 
 plosion, alone are left to describe it. Little John Conway, 
 a driver, was the furthest in the le\el of those rescued, and, 
 therefore, the nearest to the district where the explosion 
 originated. His escape was almost miraculous. 
 Manager Swift luul relie\ed Mr. Conway, and was in 
 charge of the pit at tlie time, about one o'clock. He went 
 into the west level half an hour before, and was killed. 
 Those at the pit bottom were without a leader. They w'ere 
 the first to venture into the level, which was still thick with 
 clouds of heated smoke and coal dust. Their names were 
 James Lambert, Wm. McC.ilvray, Geo. Morrison, Malcolm 
 Blue, Geo. (3ulton. Wm. Murray, James Ferguson, Joseph 
 Robinson, Dan. O'Brien, James Miller, and Chas. H. VVeller. 
 They proceeded to the foot of No. 3 chute, where they dis- 
 covered some clothing and wood on fire. James Lambert 
 went up the chute and extinguished the fire, which probably 
 prevented great damage to property. This party picked up 
 and carried out a number of the wounded, among whom was 
 Willard Carter, a 13 year old trapper, whose door was com- 
 pletely demolished. Cries for help could be heard, and 
 men, flying for their lives, howling frantically, were met. 
 At No. 4 Balance, with the assistance of James Harvey and 
 Spyi)i^/iil/ Colliery Explosion. 
 John Maiden, who descended from the surface, they rescued 
 Adolph Landry, who was lying beneath a dead horse, severely 
 burned. About 40 feet farther cries of " Mother " were heard, 
 and after removing a dead horse and a (juantity of rubbish, 
 John Conway, a driver, was found crazctl with the shock 
 and fright, but unscratched. The wounded, so soon as taken 
 to the pit bottom, were hoisted rapidly to the surface, and 
 conveyed to their homes in sleighs, warmly wrapped in 
 blankets. For the first two hours after the explosion a score 
 or more of unfortunates were brought up, ten of whom were 
 seriously injured, the others suffering from after-damp. Four 
 of these have siuLX- died. Medical aid was summoned from 
 outside places. The response was prom|)t. Doctors Bliss, 
 Black, Allen, Cami)bell and Hcwson, of Amherst; Atkinson, 
 Babbitt and Boggs,of I'arrsboro; Dr. McDougall, of Oxford, 
 together with the colliery doctors. Cove and Hayes, did 
 everything possible for the alleviation of suffering. The scenes 
 on the surface, as ixuiic-stricken men made their appearance, 
Sprinffhiil CoUioy Explosion. g 
 and could give no tidings of the missing to grief-stricken 
 relatives who eagerly surrounded them, beggar description. 
 To prevent the overly-curious and anxious from drawing too 
 near, a rope was stretched across the mouth of the pit, and 
 the entrance to the buildings guarded by policemen. Several 
 colliery officials, among them Deputy Inspector Madden, 
 Assistant Manager Mclnnis, and Underground Managers 
 Conway, Hargreaves, and Simpson, who were on their way 
 to a meeting of colliery officials at Maccan, were notified, 
 and at once returned and descended No. i Slope. Under- 
 ground Manager Conway, assisted by James Ferguson, 
 Peter Shannahan, and John Tarris, directed his attention to 
 restoring ventilation with canvas. Bratticing was proceeded 
 with systematically. Meanwhile, Assistant Manager Mclnnis 
 led an exploring party to No. 6 Balance, up which he went 
 a short distance, till overcome by after-damp, he had to be 
 assisted out. Underground Manager Hargreaves and Cecil 
 Parsons, civil engineer, pushed their way into No. 2 Slope. 
 On the levels in No. i Slope several heavy falls were en- 
 countered, and over these the searching party had to climb 
 and crawl, sometimes laden with their dead comrades' bodies 
 spread on a canvas sheet, and carrying their safety lamps 
 between their teeth. After the wounded had been taken 
 out, and it became evident that there could be no living 
 person in the pits, the officials consulted, and ordered the 
 searching parties to withdraw from the pit for five hours in 
 order to admit of the circulation of air, and see if there were 
 any indications of fire, as reported, which might allay fear 
 ol a second explosion. At six o'clock the men withdrew 
 from No. i .Slope. 
 When it became known that the destructive explosion 
 had extended to No. 2 Slope, a crowd gathered there and 
 the wounded were speedily taken to the surface. The first 
 to enter the pit to search for the dead and wounded were 
 William Reese, Ralph Turner, Malcolm McMuUin, Moses 
 Jones and Alex. Chisholm. They penetrated through the 
 tunnel where the after-damp had poured out of No. 6 and 7 
 Balances into the 1,300 foot level, and saw at once indica- 
 tions of its deadly effect. Jesse Armishaw accompanied the 
 party only to find his three sons cold in death. A. A. 
 McKinnon and Daniel Murray went down to search for 
 Sprhiqliill Colliery Explosio)i. 
 McKinnon's brother, whom they found dead on the level, 
 overcome by the powerful narcotic poison. Amonji^ others 
 who were the first to ljo to the relit.'f f)f the wounded were 
 Charles R-'unie, John Matheson, jr., John Moffatt and R. W. 
 McDonald, all of whom exerted themselves nobly in their 
 endeavor to succor the dyinq; and the death W'ithin a 
 c(jmparatively short distance on the k\el, twenty bodies 
 were found lyin^' on their faces, their safety lamps in their 
 hands, where they fell as they ran. Some had succeeded in 
 running nearly half a mile along the dark, narrow passages, 
 groping their way probably when they succumbed. Most 
 of the dead were in the attitude of making violent efforts to 
 escape, when they became rigid under the influence of the 
 poison which they inhaled. A little boy named Ross was 
 found standing with one arm encircling a prop ; he had 
 been dead for some time. Horses had dropped on their 
 knees and expired leaning against the side of the levels. 
 Springhill Colliery Explosion. 
 1 1 
 When it was found that all in this pit were beyond doubt 
 dead hours before, and that the lives of the searchintr party 
 niiyht be endangered by proceeding further, they were also 
 At eleven o'clock, Saturday night, a large party ot brave 
 men descended both No. r and 2 Slopes, and the work of 
 recovering the dead began. The searching i)arty in No. 2 
 Slope found ventilation almost perfecdy restored, and were 
 enabled to carry out those found in the levels. All through 
 the night the gruesome work went on, and Sunday morning 
 all the dead, with three exceptions, had been recovered in 
 this Slope, making 47 for the night. The work was 
 under the direction of Underground Manager Hargreaves, 
 who was assisted by Underground Manager Simpson of 
 No 3 Slope. Large crowds, sorrowful and anxious, watched 
 with eagerness each load of dead brought u[). At No. i 
 Slope, owing to the terrific force of the explosion, great 
 obstacles had to be overcome before the recovery of bodies 
 coukl be undertaken. The remains of two boys badly muti- 
 lated were picked up and taken out of the pit in bags. A 
 young man was found standing where he stood at the time 
 of the fearful blast, which piled debris around him to the 
 height of his waist, and where he was probably instandy 
 killed ik>f()re morning the explorers reached the explosion 
 district, which was literally covered with dead. The men 
 appeared as though instandy killed. They were covered 
 with a lead colored powder, the ash of the burnt coal dust. 
 They did not seem badly burned. Most of them had their 
 hands before their faces, to shield them from the fierce 
 llame. They were t)lown hither and thither by the force of 
 die explosion. With few excei)tions their faces wore a 
 peaceful look, and there were evidences of sudden death. 
 One man had a piec< of bread in his mouth and had not 
 finished eating his diiuier. Another had his teeth firmly 
 set upon the amber mouthpiece of his pipe, which had to be 
 broken to be released from his death grip. Others were 
 lying beside their picks and slunels. Iron rails were Vm\ 
 up and twisted into every conceivable shape ; stout timbers 
 snapped like pipe stems, and heavy material driven hun- 
 Spyiufi/ii/l Colliery Explosion. 
 dreds of feet by the violence of the explosion, before which 
 human life could not last for a moment. 
 Sunday morning the recovery of bodies in No. i Slope 
 began in earnest, and continued during several days. Owing 
 to over-exertion, and the effects of after-damp, Underground 
 Manager Conway was completely prostrated, and his j)lace 
 taken by Thomas Scott. Entering the pit with Overman 
 Reese and others, smouldering fire was discovered in No. 2 
 Bord, No. 6 Balance. This was extinguished with little 
 .M.\.\.\(ii;K (o\\.\\> Ki.siDi'.Nri-; 
 ditihculty. Inspector (iilpin and Deputy Inspector Madden 
 descended No. i Slope, and passed through into No. 2. 
 They concluded that there would be no further danger from 
 fire. Volunteers entered the pits hourly, and it was only 
 during .Sunday forenoon that tlu" appalling extent of the 
 direful calamity became known. Including two, who died 
 from injuries, the dead numbered 123, antl with two, who 
 have died since, the number (jf killed is 125, A complete 
Sp>iii!^hiU Cullicry K\ plosion. 1 3 
 list of the killed, together with those who died from injuries 
 (marked * ), compiled from official sources, giving: the ages, 
 and persons dependent on those killeii, is as follows : 
 Anderson, Arthur 
 Armishaw, Jesse, Jr. 
 Armishaw, Herbert 
 Boyd, John 
 Bentliffe, John 
 Brown, William 
 Bunt, Andrew 
 Bunt, Alexaniler , 
 Bond, George 
 Birchell, William 
 Budd, Alonzo 
 Bainbridge, Ernest 
 Chandler, Ernest 
 C'lmpbcll, Donald 
 Campbell, Alexander 
 Campbell, John D. 
 Carter, Reid 
 Carter, Clarence 
 *Carter, Willard 
 Crawford, John 
 Casey, Jude 
 Carmichael, Andrew 
 Carmichael, William 
 Carmichael, John 
 Clark, Robert 
 Conway, James 
 Connerton, John 
 Carrigan, William 
 Collins, Matthew 
 Dawson, Richard 
 DaW'Son, Samuel 
 Dillon, Fred. 
 Dupee, Joseph 
 Dunn, John 
 Davis, Thomas 
 Ernest, Roger 
 Eurbow, Samuel 
 Francis, John 
 Fife, Hiram 
 Fletcher, Thomas 
 Findlayson, Daniel 
 Guthro, Lazarus 
 ■ Died from injuries, 
 Pbhsons Df.i'endknt on 
 Wife and 5 children. 
 Wife and 7 children. 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Wife and child. 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Springhill Colliery Explosion. 
 — - 
 Pkksons Drvendent .in 
 , Age, 
 THOSE Killed. 
 Gallagher, Peter 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Gillis, John 
 Hallet, Thomas 
 Hannigar, Peter 
 Hayden, John 
 Hunter, John 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Hyde, William 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Johnson, James 
 Kent, William 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Letcher, Frank 
 Wife and child. 
 Lockhart, Dan 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Livingston, Henry 
 Legere, Samuel 
 Martin, George 
 Murphy, Richard 
 Morrison, Thomas 
 Muckle, Samuel 
 Maiden, Wm. J. 
 Morris. James 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Murphy, Jeremiah 
 Wife and 3 children. 
 Miller, James, Sr. 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Mitchell, John 
 Wife and 4 children, 
 Mott, Ernest 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 McKinnoii, Allan 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 McKinnon, Angus 2nd. 
 Wife and 8 children. 
 McKinnon, John ist. 
 McKinnon, I.aughlin 
 McEachran, John I). 
 McKay, A.J. 
 McKay, Donald 2nd. 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Mc^Tilverv. William 2nd. 
 Wife and child. 
 McKee, VVilliam 
 : Wife. 
 McDonald, lohn J. 
 1 Wife and 4 children. 
 McDonald, Rory B. 
 W^ife and 4 children. 
 McFaddcn, Robert 
 McPhee, Neil 
 McNutt, Charles 
 McLeod, Neil 
 McLeod, Henry 
 McLeod, Rory 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 McLeod, Norman 
 Wife and child. 
 McNeil, John F. 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 McNeil, Rod. C. 
 *McNeil, Joshua 
 *McNeil, NeilS. 
 McVey, David 
 , 16 
 *Died from injuries. 
Spr'nighill Collicrv Explosion. 
 Persons Dki'kniiknt on 
 rHo>,K KlI.IlK. 
 McVey, James 
 Nash, Charles 
 Wile and child. 
 ■'^Nash, Henry 
 Wife and child. 
 Nairn, John 
 Nairn, James 
 Nairn, Malcohn 
 Noiles, Roger 
 Wife and 2 children. 
 Nicholson, Malcolm 
 Wife antl child. 
 Overs, James 
 Pitt, Joseph 
 Pequinot, James 
 Ryan, Bruce 
 Ross, Philip i 
 Ross, Murdoch 
 Reid, Peter 
 Ripley, Clifford 
 Rogers, Thomas 
 Robbins, James 
 Rushton, Stephen 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Robinson, Hugh 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Swift, Henry 
 Wife and 5 children. 
 Sherlock, Rol^ert A. 
 Wife and child. 
 Shipley, Archibald 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Sharpies, James 
 W' ife and 3 children. 
 Simmonds, Howard 
 Smith, Edward 
 Taylor, Douglas 
 Turner, William H. 
 Wife and 5 children. 
 Tatterstal, Joseph 
 Wife and 5 children and Mother 
 Vance, Alexander 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Watt, David 
 Wood, George 
 W'ife and child. 
 Wry, Henry 
 Wry, Edgar 
 Wife anil 2 children. 
 White, Philip B. 
 Wife and 4 children. 
 Williams, John 
 Wife and 6 children. 
 Wilson, Thomas 
 Wife and child. 
 ♦Oied from injuries. 
 Springhill Colliery Explosion. 
 Anoi.i'HUS Laxdrv, 14 years old, a little French boy, 
 louiid beneath a horse, was painfully burned, and was 
 delirious for several days. He will recover. 
 1).\NNIK RoiuNSON, 14 years old, who distinguished 
 himself by saving a little trapper boy, had his face, head 
 and arms covered with burns. 
 David Lii)I>i,f„ aged 22, struck by a flying missile, sus- 
 tained injuries to his spinal cord that paralyzed the lower 
 parts of his body. 1 le was afterwards removed to the hos- 
 pital at Halifax. 
 James Daniel McDonald, aged 30, was panic stricken, 
 and after recovery from the effects of after-damp became 
 demented. Consciousness is slowly returning. 
 Danill Blatox, 13 years old, was struck by a Hying 
 missile. His skull was laid bare by a scalp wound and he 
Vv"-'t 1 
 Sprin^hill Co/iicty I'l.xp/o.sion. 
 was badly burned. He was rescued by his brother, aiul is 
 recovering rapidly. 
 Cyrus MuNRO.oneof the worst cases oi aUtr-clami), had 
 a narrow escape. He heard the noise of the txplosioii, 
 and with his companion, who was sutTocated, riislicd Ironi 
 his working place. He says he became (piite di/zy, as it 
 intoxicated, and the after-damp tasted sweet. 
 Others seriously etfccted by the after-damp were ]ows 
 Dykf.ns, Daviu Mkrritt. Hyatt Noii.ks, and Joiix B. 
 Anderson. All have reccnered. 
 When the list of the dead and wounded was completetl, 
 it was found that a number of families had been tVar- 
 fully decimated. In one household the father, Reitl Carter, 
 and his two sons, Clarence and VVillard, were all dead. 
 Clarence was to have been married the fust of the Inl- 
 lowing week, and Willard was killed on his thirteenth 
 birthday. The family of Fred. Carmichael was sorely 
 afflicted. Three sons, John, Andrew and William, wcie 
 killed, and another boy, Gordon, carried home uncon- 
 scious from the effects of after-damp. Three members of 
 Jesse Armishaw's family, Jesse and Herbert, and Ernest 
 Brainbrid^ \ an adopted son, wete taken home at the same 
 time, all suffocated by after-damp. John N'earing and his 
 grown up sons, Malcolm and James, wt're laid low. Tin y 
 were all miners, and worked in the vicinity of the seat of 
 the explosion. In several other lamilies two of the bread- 
 winners were snatched away. Richard Dawson and his 
 son Samuel worked together, and their bodies were found 
 within a few feet of each other, covered by stone, with the 
 exception of their heads, which could be seen. Two young 
 sons of Hugh Bunt, who were assisting in the supi)ort of a 
 large family, were killed. Their names were Andrew and 
 Alexander. Neil Ross lost two sons, Philip and Murdoch ; 
 and the family of Robert McVey was reduced by the death 
 of his two boys, James and David, who were found clasped 
 in each others arms, overcome by the choke damp. Two 
 brothers, Allan and Laughlin McKinnon, were killed. 
 Donald Campbell, the father of a family of seven children, 
 worked with his nephew, John D. Campbell The body of 
 John D. was found lying across that of his uncle. A young 
 man of strong physique, Alexander McKay, worked in the 
 .\/'/ /i/i;///// Collin \ li\f>losion. 
 pit only a coupli- (jf days, and was numbered with the 
 dead. A lnoken hearted lather, Oliver Dupois, whose son 
 josepii was killed, was ttMulerlv conveying the remains to 
 liis house. His lour year (jld boy ran out to mei-t him, 
 slipi)cd on the iec, and struck his head so violently in fallinj^ 
 that he expired instantly. The grief of the little family was 
 \i'ry s^reat, and the sad event added to the gloom which 
 overspread the community. 
 (;oiN(; TO Tin-: (toietkrv. 
 Though the absence of Ihx' made the work of recovering 
 the bodies tolerably easy and safe, yet, owing t(j the tiinl)ers 
 for the support of the roof being in many cases blown out, 
 access to the working places where the men were suddenly 
 killed was rendered somewhat dangerous, and many of the 
 dead were buried beneath immense quantities of roof stone 
-Tv^ Mr~t ! *?'" y- "^' 
Spn')ifiiii// Colliery I\xfylo<;ion. 
 that had caved in. The search, h()\ve\er, was prosecuted 
 with tlie utmost \i,ii;or, and with s^reat success. Two and 
 three bodies were brought up at a time during Sunday, and 
 the crowd which surrounded tlie Slopes' mouth made way 
 in silence for the men who carried some poor victim on 
 tlieir shoulders, wrajjped in a sheet or blanket, with only 
 the boots visil)le at one end to denote that another human 
 being had gone to rest. The bodies were all taken to the 
 carpenter shoi), which was used temporarily as the morgue. 
 There, on two rows of benches, from si.xtcen to twenty 
 could sometimes be seen at one time awaiting identification. 
 The sights within the large building, illuminated at night by 
 the electric light, were sickening. The door was closely 
 guarded. Outside, sleighs awaited the bodies, which were 
 first strii)])cd of the clothiiig worn at the time of the accident, 
 prepared for burial, and then conveyed to their former 
 homes. This work was most trying, aiul few men could 
 stand it longer than a few hours. 'I"he men hail to be con- 
 stantly refreshed with stimulants. .Spectators surrounded 
 the building, and those unable to gain admittance, an.xiously 
 peered through the windows. The dead were identified 
 amid most pathetic scenes. Fathers wept piteously over 
 sons, and widowed mothers and wi\'es ulteretl Ijitler wails 
 of anguish as they were taken to the side of a co\ered body, 
 which proved to be the lost one. " That's poor dear John," 
 was the broken-hearted cry heard as a grief-stricken woman 
 leaned for support on the arm of a friend and itlentified her 
 relative. These tragic scenes among the deatl will never 
 be forgotten by hundreds who looked in upon the rows of 
 corpses. From Saturday atternoon till Thursday evening 
 — five long days — this building was ne\er closed. During 
 that time the bodies were taken up and buried. Those re- 
 cox'cretl after Tuesday were in a bad state, and carbolic 
 acid had to be used as a disinfectant. .Still the attendants 
 continued faithful. Bodies that had begun to decompose 
 had to be at once interred. Some of these were in places 
 not accessible earlier, and those found beneath falls of stone 
 were well preserved. The last to come out ot the ill-fated 
 pit was that of Henry Swift, the Manager of the Collieries. 
 His remains were found near the face of the 1,900 foot level, 
 covered by nearly three feet of stone. 
 Sprin^/ii// Co/fiery lixplosion. 
 No services were held, except short ones in the ICpiscojxil 
 and Roman Catholic Churches, on Sunday, the day after 
 the explosion. Throughout the precedinf,^ ni^ht few of the 
 inhabitants of the town sle[)t, and at day break many were 
 astir. The clert^ynien of the different denominations moved 
 anions the bereft widows and children and offered conso- 
 lation; but the whole population centred its thoujjht on the 
 tragic scenes that attended the recovery\)f bodies at No. i 
 Slope Anxiety was depicted on the faces of even strangers 
 by whom the town was thronged. Sunday evening admass 
 meeting was held in Fraser's Hall ; Mayor Hall presided. 
 Arrangements were made for the funerals. P'or the pur- 
 pose of attending to the burials, and relieving the stricken 
 families of care, a committee was appointed to attend to the 
Springhill Colliery Explosion. 
 digging' of the gra\es and to appoint the time of funerals. 
 Sub-committees at the cemetery and at headquarters in 
 town assisted greatly. The digging of graves was difficult, 
 owing to the earth being frozen hard. Volunteers were 
 called for, but it was found on Monday that little progress 
 had been made, and at another meeting held Monday even- 
 ing, another call was made for more volunteers. Tuesday 
 morning the grave diggers faced blustery weather, and at- 
 tacked with greater success the frozen earth. \ lot coftcc and 
 other refreshments were provided for the workers, near the 
 cemetery. When more than one member of a family were 
 to be buried, they were buried side by side in one grave. 
 Two and three were laid in several graves, made large 
 enough for this purpose. The strangers were buried in a 
 large grave sixteen feet square. The funerals began Mon- 
 day afternoon, and continued every day till Friday. It was 
 not an unusual sight to see two and three coffins on a sleigh 
 followed by sorrowing relati\es. At times the Clergymen 
 of different dennminations conducted burial services simul- 
 taneously in different parts of the cemetery. The resident 
 Clergy were assisted by others. Twd members of the 93id 
 battalion Band, Jesse Armisiiaw and Thomas b'letcher, 
 were\ictims of the exi^losion ; the band i)layed at their fune- 
 rals Tuesday. Monday afternoon one long procession 
 followed ele\'en of the dead to the cemetery. The funerals 
 each day were: Monday, 33 ; Tuesdaw ,S3 ; Wednesday, 
 14; Thursday, 3 ; Friday, i. besides these funerals, the 
 remains of 21 were taken by rail to other places for burial. 
 The committee appointed to look after the funerals were 
 F. L. Peers, Wm. Wylie, U. J. Weatherbee, (ieo. A. .Smith, 
 William Cargeig, A. D. Ferguson, James Murphy, James 
 Highton, Martin Black and Robert Dykens. At the Pro- 
 testant cemetery, .Samuel Russell and John Murray, sr. 
 directed operations, and at the Roman Catholic cemetery, 
 Thomas Shannahan attended to the placing of the graves, 
 of which there were over twenty. Several funerals were 
 conducted by the different Societies, among them the Odd- 
 fellows, Orangemen and Masonic lodges. The funeral of 
 Manager Swift, P'riday afternoon, was of the nature of a 
 public funeral ; it was largely attended. The procession 
 was nearly three-quarters of a mile long, and the streets 
 Springhill Colliery li.xplosion. 
 were lined by luiiKircds of sorrowful people, many of whom 
 followed thf remains on foot to the i^-rave. The Masons 
 took charj^e of the remains, which were buried accordiiig- to 
 their rites. The jtrocession was headed hy the 93rd Bat- 
 talion Hand, reinforced by members (jf the Cumberland 
 Cornet Band, and played a mournful dirt>e. The closing 
 scene of the calamity will long be memorai)le. 
 There were many instances of heroic conduct. Those 
 who disiilaycd the coolest courage, and faced the greatest 
 ^,, -■'%'*" 
 dangers, were Mie men who, momentarily expecting a second 
 explosion, risked their own lives for the sake of their 
 wounded comrades, whose plaintive cries for help fell upon 
 their ears. They penetrated the smoking levels as far as 
 they could without endangering their lives from the choke- 
 damp, which met them after proceeding about half a mile. 
 When the first party left the pit-bottom they were accom- 
spring hi 11 Colliery Explosion. 
 panied by John Dan Beaton, whose thirteen-year-old brother 
 was working not far from the scene of the explosion. When 
 nearing the place where his brother was supposed to be, 
 young Beaton — who is seventeen years old — dashed ahead, 
 and was soon met carrying his wounded brother toward 
 the pit bottom. He declined assistance offered him, and 
 succeeded in taking out his brother severely wounded. 
 Beaton's heroism is greatly admired. 
 Little Dannie Robertson, though badly burned himself, 
 assisted little Judson Tarris, a ten-year-old trapper, to make 
 his escape. Robertson was badly burned about the back, 
 arms and face. 
 Malcolm Blue and Joseph Robinson exerted themselves 
 nobly for the rescue of their comrades, antl succeeded in 
 carrying out many of the wounded. Robinson was more 
 than once overcome by after-damp, but never gave up. 
 Assistant Manager Mclnnis pushed ahead too far and 
 fell. Me was assisted out by those who were with him. 
 Underground Manager Conway displayed great cool- 
 ness, and at once exerted himself to render the work of 
 recovering the dead less dangerous. 
 Overman Reese rendered most heroic service, which was 
 gratefully ajjpreciated by at least one of those rescued, who 
 has shown his appreciation of such a noble act. 
 J. R. Cowans, the General Manager of the Company, 
 who had just returned from Montreal, did not hesitate to 
 descend No. i .Slope, and see for himself the extent of the 
 Rev. David Wright went down No. 2 .Slope, and re- 
 freshed the exploring part}- with hot cottee. 
 On the surface, while there was a possibility of fire. 
 Deputy Inspector Madden ])laced thermometers in the 
 return air shafts, which registered the temperature of the 
 pits. These were frequently examined, and any change of 
 temperature carefully noted. These and other observa- 
 tions were taken as a guidance for the men. The Deputy 
 Inspector was present from a short time after tlie explosion 
 took place, and stated that in his experience at four 
 coliierv explosions, he had never observed greater spon- 
 taneity on the part of volunteers. When appealed t(j, the 
 response of the men was hearty. Many were disappointed 
 Spyi)i^hill Colliery lixplosion. 
 because their services were declined, owing to the number 
 who were anxious to descend to succor their icllow- work- 
 men. From ten to fifteen men went down in each searching 
 party, and these were relieved hourly. 
 Sunday afternoon a meeting of prominent citizens, Town 
 Council, rcprescntati\e workmen and Clergy, tt)ok place, at 
 which it was decided to issue an appeal for aid for the 
 sufferers. The appeal, which was as follows, was telegraphed 
 free by the telegra])h companies to the principal cities of 
 Canada and the United .States: 
 A minin,^; disaster. atlendt;tl with fatal results unparallelled in 
 the history of Canadian mines, lias fallen upon the town and 
 peo|)!e of .Spririi;hill. The loss of life is prul)aljl3- as ^leat as the 
 conil)ined appallini;- loss at the Dniinniond and Iniord pit explo- 
 sions. About 117 lives are known to be lost. Fifty-one widows 
 have been left behiiul, and 157 children made fatherless. The 
 widows and fatherless will reciuire alnuidaiit assistance, and that 
Springhill CoUicry lixplosion. 
 promptly, from a pul)lic ^lluckl'(l and liorrilk'd l)y lliis liorrible 
 calamity. Seventy tliousaiul dollars will he rtHpiirnd to niLC-l the 
 demands and to alleviate the sul1'erin,<;s of the bereaved and dis- 
 tressed tinriii};- the most i)ressin,L; period ol" their direful misfor- 
 tune. The residents of Sprin,L;liil1, in meeting assembled, have 
 appointed a committee, consistin.n of the Mayor, Town Council, 
 and all the resident Cler^^y, to soli<-it and acknowled|;e subscrip- 
 tions to the .Siirin.uhill Relief lund, and tln-y conlidently and 
 earnestly ask for an mimediato response of all denominations, 
 societies, guilds, trades, and nationalities. 
 Wii.i.iANt IIai.i., A/avDr. 
 A. Mtl,i:< )i>, Si'i /■('/(! ly. 
 The response to the appeal has been hi.uhly j^nitifying, 
 and it is expected tlial the amount asked tor will he sub- 
 scribed. Among those who contrilnited was Oueen Victoria, 
 who also sent a tcleg-ram concerning the loss ol" life and the 
 wounded, asking lor particulars, to which Mayor tlall 
 replied. The Governor General subscribed S500, and other 
 amounts followed. 
 Since the appeal was issued several names have been 
 added to the list, making 125 deaths. The number of i)er- 
 sons dependent on those killed is 57 widows, 169 fatherless 
 children, and S widowed mothers. These will be provided 
 for out of the relief fund. 
 Coroner Dr. C. A. Black, of Amherst, began his inquest 
 Monday evening, February 23rd, in Fraser's Hall. The 
 twelve jurors sworn were: William Hall (foreman), A. E. 
 Fraser, Richard Piennett, Robert V. Scott, George Watt, 
 Daniel Coghill, R. W. McDonald, Timothy Leadbeater, 
 Daniel Ferguson, Robt. Gray, Charles Simpson, and Simon 
 Fraser. After viewing the remains of John Connerton, the 
 jury visited the scene of the explosion, descending No. i 
 Slope for that purpose. 
 The inquest continued during Tuesday, and was then 
 adjourned till March loth. The workmen were ably rei)re- 
 sented by Robert Drummond. Inspector Gilpin watched 
 proceedings for the Government, and Hector }fclnnis, of 
 Halifax, on behalf of the Comjiany. 
 Voluminous evidence was submitted. From the begin- 
 ning it was asserted that the explosion was caused by coal 
 dust, and took place in No. 3 Bord of No. 7 Balance. It 
 Sprin^i^hill Collioy hlxplosion. 
 w.ns also broui^ht out in the cxiclence that it had hcen cur- 
 rently rcporti-'d tliat Mrs. (\i(), a reputed prophetess of 
 niininm^ tlisasttrs. had |)redicted an explosion in May, which 
 had causeil a feelinjr ol' uneasiness amoni; the men. Manager 
 Swilt consulted I'ndermround Mana,t;cr Conway re^ardin^q; 
 this, and to ri'assure die men ol" the sat'ety ot tlu' pits, they 
 were invited t(j make a thorough inspection. This they 
 A niKlAL. 
 did. Wm. I). Matthews and Thomas .Scott, who examined 
 No. I Slope, i)resenletl the following; report: 
 "We, tlie undersigiied C<Mnniittee, appointed l)y I'ionier lx)clge 
 to e-Naniiiie No. i Slope, in accordance witli tlic- law, as contained 
 in the Mines Regulation Act, snbniil llie lollowiiii; Report: On 
 enterint; the Mine at 6.4a a. ni. we were met i)y W'ni. Conway, 
 Underground Manager, who accompanietl us through the work- 
 ings and |)rincii)ai airways, and we are jileased to state that the 
 ventilation is all tiiat could be desired, both in distribution and 
 quantity, and the workings generally we found in good condition. 
 'I"lu; system of ventilation is such that it is almost impossible for 
 gas to accumulate even in the goafs, a sullicient current of air 
Sp I /f/j^ h ill L 'oilier} • li i plos ion . 
 beinj^carrifd to ki'tp tiu'in clear. In visitiiif;; N'os. 6 and 7 I'.alanccs, 
 west side, main seam, we found tlie places very dry ami dusty, and 
 the air in a condition, from tlie (juantity of ilnst lloatini; in the air. 
 to make it a possible source of dan.t;er, whicli iiossilijluy, Imucxcr. 
 is rendered nil l)y ;i system of water woiks curviii!.; uatti- to cadi 
 hord, and uidi a liose attaciied for sprinklinj; and damjinii; the 
 places. In fact, we find cver\ tliin.i; as afoiisaid in 'j^tunl ordci' lor 
 Evidence was adduced to shrnv tliat the district in which 
 the explosion occurred had been inspected by the (",o\ern- 
 rnent InsjK'ctor, Mr, Madden, tlie day before the explosion. 
 He found it in oood condition. It was also shown that 
 precautionary measures had been adopted for the safety of 
 the jMts that weri' not known in other collieries. 
 After the adjournnient of the in(iuest, the Ins[)ect(n- of 
 Mines began a searching investii;ation into the cause of the 
 disaster, and tiie system (jf workini; the pits. Tart of the 
 evidence taken by him was put in at the Coroner's intpiest. 
 The inquest was resumed March ioth,and lasted two da\s. 
 All the evidence was in at five o'clock of Wednesday, the 
 nth, and, after three hours' consideration, the ibllowiny 
 verdict was unanimously agreed u[)on : 
 ''The Jury do say upon tluir o.itli tiiat tlu- late Jolni Connertoii 
 and others came to their deatii by an exjilosion which ori,iL;inated 
 in No. 3 Piord of Xo. 7 ISalance, in the west side of the Kast .Slope 
 on the 2ist of February, 1S91. Tliey further believe said e.\i)losion 
 was caused by the llame from a sliot fued in said ISord i.nnilin^; 
 coal dust, and a certain portion of gas whicii mii^iit have been 
 present at the time. They also believe that there was an unusual 
 tiame from the said shot owiui;- to a slip in the stone. They believe 
 the ex|)losion was accidental, that no blame can be attached to 
 the management, and they iiave taken every iirec.'Uilioii for 
 the safety of their workmen. 'I'he jurors do make the following 
 recommendations: first, that in future, where safety lam|)s are 
 used, and in very dusty jilaces, [lowder sliould not be allowed. 
 .Second, they recommend that in gaseous pt)rtions of the mine, 
 before the men resume work after dinner, the places should be 
 examined by competent ofHcials. Third, they recommend that 
 the local government procure for the use of the Deputy Inspector 
 of Mines a .Shaw machine for testing gas." 
 HENiiY SwiiT, the late Manager of the .S[iringhill 
 Collieries was a self-made man. He was born at Bicker- 
 staffe, Lancashire, England. His fother was a miner, and 
 S/>r/fii^//f7/ CoUicty Ii.\/>losion. 
 atU.T ixxcivinj; a meagre education at llic School, 
 yf)iin},f Swilt entered tlic employ of the Rainford Coal 
 Company. In iSo^ he Ictl ICnglaiid ior the rniitid States, 
 wlure he w Hiked as a miner in the anthracite coal region, 
 attciuard going to Maryland. 
 Mr. .Swift (lid not reniain long in the States, lie removed 
 to the .Albion .Mines, Tictou County, when: he was married. 
 He then came to .Springhill, and for si.xteen years hekl 
 various positions in tiie colliery here, beginning as a miner 
 and ending as manager. 
 Mr. .Swift was 42 year old at the time of his death. His 
 wife and live children survive him. He was Vice-I'rcsident 
 (if the Xova .Scotia Institute of Mine ( )fticials, and took a 
 deep interest in mining subjects. Ten years ago he was 
 appointed a Justice of the Peace. He was a memljer of the 
 rresbyteri-in Church, and for manv years had been .Secre- 
 tary of the Congregation. 
 The Colliery I'jigineer of .Scranton, I'a., referring to Mr. 
 Swift's untimely death, says : 
 " hi llif (leatli iif Iliiuy .Swift, llie late manager of tlie C'lini- 
 herlaiid Railway and Coal Coiiii)aiiy, the miiiini; fiat' rnity of .\i)\a 
 Scotia loses one of its brightest lights. Mr. .Swift met his death 
 in the sail .Springhill calamity while in the pursuit of his ofticial 
 duties. While the loss (if each of the victims was to his own 
 immediate friends and family just as great as that of ^b■. .Swift, 
 the hitter's attainments and liie prominent position which he filled 
 so skilfully and .icceptably, makes more than a passing n(Aice of 
 his vlealh necessary. While we never had the i)leasure of Mr. 
 .Swift's ac(iuaintance, we knew him through corres|)ondence and 
 ri_pute. Professionally, he ranked very high as a successful col- 
 liery manager, and he possessetl the good-will and respect of all 
 Ills subordinates, as well as the confidenct; and esteem of his 
 superior officers in the directory of the Com|)aiiy. When this is 
 said of a man who has managed successhilly interests ;is large as 
 lliose of the Cuml)erland Railway and C(jal Company, and has 
 had control of a small army of workmen, it furnishes such an 
 inde.x of his ch.iracter and attainments that nothing more need 
 hu said." 
4^' 4 
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