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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8 6 -^■7 1 ^ -2- To nil who luivo fiikcn uny infeiost in tlio ;if(iiiis ot JJritish folumtiia, it lias (l„ul,tk-ss iMvn mattcvor si,((ulati,.n, why a tohmy ivprcsnit..! to he so lidi in niinorals. and is].i- cially in aurilorous doposits, as well a.s in wide extents of a-rieultural and i)astoral lands. ,nu\ in vast I'ovests of valuahle tiniher, should not liavc more rapidly developed tliesc reso.ure-. and proved its real worth and iinportunee hy the material testimony of a larger af,'gref,nite yield uf ;;old than has hitherto heen produced. This eonsidcration has led many, not personally cognizant of the facts, not imly to discredit the statements piihlislied from time to time of fortunes of I'-JiVIDtt i,v f:iO,0(Ht reali— ' 111 a feu- iiioutlis by individual miners, and of the immense extent of tl." -i-" "'ci of country lhinui;iirmt which these deposits are found, !)ii<. <■■ .' -i-<' .iimost all favourulile ai cnunts lA' t'u- ''oh)n\-, and tn I'l..!-'— .^ti.i-i lo give credence to the ridiculous jiiisrepresentation^ nf tlii> and tlie adjacent ('(dony of Vancouver Island, which have ennnaled from the malice cil dis- appointed place or fortune hunters. In t!ic Colony itself, however, all are fully satisfied, eitlier from personal inve-liL'aliMi iiid expericuci', or from facts brought convincingly to their knowledge, through reliable ■.oiiices. 'if tlie extent and richness of the mineral lands of British Cidumbia. and more especialiv of that milling district caUcd Cavibon. N'.it only is it true, that fortunate individuals ha\( eii- lailicd sucli huge prizes in the mining lottery as have b.'cn just alluded to, but it is combined to prevent the gold fields of liritidi Columbia. ciiiit;iin- iiig beyond doubt .so much latent wealth, from attracting a po[.ulalion adetpiatc f,.r their developnuiit. these arc the remoteness of the Colony from (Jreat ISritain. and the tjKnt expense of rcach...g it- its entire excision from the mother country liy the intu- vcniiig I'liited Slates' territory, in passing tlirough which, many intending to settle in Hiitish Columbia have b.eii d.tcrred from so doing by false rciire-cntations— l!:e ;,ctu,il luinlships .,f the jouiney from the coast to the iiiim-s. the unc|uestionabh. aspcnty of tlie <.mntry in the mining districts, the rig..ur of the climate there during a gr.'at p.Mti..n of the year, and the consequent shortness of the minini' s(>asoii. Tlicse drawbacks might alone have sutliced to account to a great extent foi' the limited number of men engaged In mining in Jirilisli Columbia. Happily .some of themaiv now removed entirely, whilst otliers are greatly ai-iclioraf.'d. A go^Hl stage-coa. h road from the head of navigation on I'raser Itivcr to Carlbo,,. !,;,., 1„ c J construet^ed, so that ihc- journey k now made in a few days and in comparative comlV.rt : -n,,d I ioi: inns !\n> fnnnd iit slmrt iiiin \;il> mIioiu iIjc i'''v ^lultir diivlnu' (lie wiiiln- nmnlli-. lunl I'Ninri.iiri' Iki-. piMvcd that till cliiiiiilr, ihiiii-li inM in n iiil.T. ;iiid ;i! no I im.^ \,r\- L;riii il, i~ (■-.rnl i ill\ li'aMiv. liiit tlir main i;m--i'- u' irii 1i;im' liiihi'rio di'lcncd a nmri' i'.\lcn-i\c> and jpirniaiiiMil linpulatinn iV.iin iiNorlin^' to and i. niaininn' in the mining' ili^tiids ul' Hiili-h ' 'nliimliia, urc 1m \..nil diiulil \m. 'I'lic cxoi-'iiilant |iric('s tlii'iv lA' iiri>vi~i"n^ and all ulln;' n '•(■•-ai'ir^. wldch |iiiiT-. till' cnnslniclion ol' tin' in-CM'nl cxi'iUciit road-- lia^ i.nlv -iilliicd !■> iviliirr loa ni'«l'lied ixliMit, and 'Jnd. riif wi'iil 111' -tiMm [Kiwci . pMrnjis and citlii r niarliiniTV. wliirli avi- 1 -Miitiaj Im- llic pracliral wuikln-. with prulit. ol' \\w dnp -inkin':- of (lie I' Mines, and uillmm il i^ inipo-sililc to \\,.ik them a! all in tli. uinte]-, in i-on-ecpienei. of ih.' u:i(er-\\ liei'I . now in ii-e lieini:- IiroM^lit to a -tmi l--.iill liy IVost. 'I'lii' innnen>e ]iiire- of everytln'nu: in the Carihoo Mine- Irtli ito. ha- l.eon ali liluitaMi' 111 the !ir-| jilaee to the di-lanee loTi niih-l tVoin the heml of naviu'ali n on the Tia^ii-. and to the dllllenllie-. d. lay-., and daiej-ef- of^' aloii.r lli'> luaijh trail- whieh iial lo lie passid .■\er I.efori' roa !- wrw n-In; led ; and. -eeondlv. to the fael that the earruir.'- Iin-iiie^^s ha- heeii in the hane-. on "l'='-' iioiTowed at hie'h rale- of inieic-t. anenj-t whom tlare ha> l.edi Ii':le ei- no hmI • innietilion. anil wno 1 i,,. i , i n • ■• !• i • , ' . ■■iua\,- lieen tra |.'V- a- well a. eurrier-. lorw ardiiii;' then' ow n ;;ou,ls and l>eepinu- l)a' k th.-i' ( n!i!i-i.,| to tJK 11' I ,,,. > . ,i . , i i .i i . i ' ■ '• traders when tlie market aliove wii-" iin-loeked. mid so reenlalinu' ^'U-is as hi..;h as lios-ihle to suit the il own a.lvaun., . The o]ienin:.; o!' a I'oniiniious eood a.r-on roid iVom the -|eanid„,at landiiiir on the Lower ]-'raser to wiihi.i nin-i\ mil. - of Uiehliel.i. in i he aafnnni of IsC!, had ih,' ell. t of reducing;- fiviyhts IVm:,i a maxiMinm of Si.,,.! (one dollar) p.-r Ih. in ih- -priii-. I,, a miniiimm of .'oi-ly-live cents ].e,' li,. at tin (do-e of the sea-en. Siiiee (hen, tweni\-two r.'-.'l more miles of road have heen opened, and the whole d!s|;,n.e threiiiih to IJiehlhld will he .■..m- pletel liy tlie lai I of next vi ar. An aveia-e i\,le of fn i-ht for the -I'asoii ,,| Isi;:', ni,:\ he assumeil at sixty (Dn) cents, peril,.: an.l as ■.'..-,il(, tons of o.non Ihs. p,:-ed .,p hy l.lllo'vn „nd l.v tteii. of "which ahout ■:.oiiO (i,ns were takiii in'o Caiiho,,. it folh.«., i!,;,) ;, -nm ef S'.', loo.oni, „a- paid lor fi, i-ht alone on the -npplie- for iho-ea-on.duiiliir «hl( shown hy the Ih'porl lieret., appended of the (iohl ('..mmis-ioner for Caili.eo Iii-trtei, f. ur ti.on-and men in ahoiit seven months" work l"'"'^'"''''l S^hi'M. heine- an a'.e,a::e ,,f ;:!,oul S I .i to ea. h man. Ih,! of thi- -urn of ■'-^•'•'•'"'■' • S-M""."^i". as jn.t shoan. wa^ paid for fiei.uhl, lo which if the eo-t of t]„. U'ood- at Vie.ori :. iaie,v-l. prolit. \e.. ', ■ add- 1. a- aK , (he an^emt paid fo: l,eef-,-,,lih. driven 'd""i I'-'t I'-m the low. reouul:y. il v.ill !„• iv.rldy de In. e.l that allien .di the a\eraL;v of -ol.l tn oa(di miner nio-l ■■ itisfael.,ry dar^'.-r in fu.'t. it i- he!i,-\ed. than ha- ever he.ii pro- duced (dscNvliere^. y.'l that the irohl ohtaind c-t a.tually alino-1. if not .piit,- as mu h as it- inliiiisic w,.ith. The (, oil C.inml-ione.-e-d-ualed th.-c.,-t ,i| a.tual .1 dly -uh-i -Icilm- durin- this year .,t fs-.-'oOi tw,, .lolhus and a half, whie!, , .liniate was cn-idci, .1 "loo l.,w an averaue" hill at this rate even, four thoiisan ! m. n tor -.■\en m..nihs would h.ave espen hd s;j,|oo.O(Hi •or io..d, im-pe,iiveof tool nail ., .Mudle-. .h.thin- and <,lher inNc.-aries. Ill the enrrcnt year llie rate of fivi-ht. cmm. ucin- in ihe sprln- „! si.xtv h;o| cents, per Ih.. had heen red... ed in the month of V.,,.,,,, ,„> -!.,ur ri 1 1 cents.- tlielowe-t rate at wlii.di frei-rht In- ever I.eeii cairiod over this .listan,- of .■iru mile-. This redi 1 rate, iit w Ideh it was declared hy all ihe no p,„i;, „,. deriv.ihl... was re;:arded a- a temporary one iv-ullin- from a lull in l!,.> amonnt .,f Indeht olferin-. and from the ...n- ,p,.„t compe- ''•'■'"'' 11'- '"ini''i' . an.l al-.,fi.,ni th.. la.-l t!,al at that tim.. of the year wild -ra- w„s al.iin.hml alon;rs'0llmil. s of the allWrdin ■ sullhdent h.d f..r the "ox-teanis ami pack aiiiu.uls. .\s ih,. winter appr.,acl,es ...ra-s fail-, jrood.s are pu-hd up lor winl..r stock :.ud to he ready forth., earlv -piin- tra.le. and the rates of frei-ht pro,,ortiouablv .■iilvujice' i\ Duriii.' ll\i' iniHiihs nl' NovcihIk r, Drci mlii r, Jiiiiiiiirv, l''il)nuin , iiinl Miiicli the tciiins niv tukcii nir, iiiid ^I'lit In iria/r ill tlir Irwiv idiiiilry. iiiiii loruiiidiiiL;' iiliim-l fiitiiulv f('ii'<('s. Il I-. lllf ii|lilli.ill III' ^lll |il.lillr;il 111(11 111 llic idliiuy tlllli I 111' nilr (if IVli^llI illioNi iiiiih. I \i/., twiiit; -Idiir C-'lj cciii^. \Ki- III. - ciiiuiiii lie iiialiTuilly dr iicriiuiiuiilK- iviluci i! willi ihi' iiri'.-(iil iiiciiiH ol' (•Vc.. In rales viT\ din. Il 111 ll'nlll till' )llC.SI'lll. 1 a llic iiHiUlli 111' .liiiii' lasl llic ])i'ii'c 111 li.ii Iry inipiiriMl I'l niii I aiil'uni; i u a- a' Vali live (•"<) ('(Ills |.iT III., iiicicasiii;; to t wcilly-li\i- ( .'")) iciiN ,i| .\li'.\aiiiliia. imd liiilv ■ I'M iciil- ill Ciiiiliiiii ; .iiiii lliis iMlu illi^laii lia^; lliat cnii-i Ici'.ililc i imjis arc now ■.T'lvii in llie iiilciior. Till' liri'i' i^ rcirnlalc.l aliiiu^l i al ircjy liy llic ih-I nl' liaiiliii;;' IVdiii liclou- iMllicr than i\ »|liaiitity 1)1' ;!ialii ^rnwii in the iniuiiy ilscil', a:i 1 a^ liic dctii.m 1 i-. Iikcl\- lo iic'iia-c ai ! .,^1 as rapidl;, as l!i- -!i|>iily. ihci-c du's nil a|i.i'a.- mil 'i c'l iiic m' ally 111 ilcrid ic liii'timi in |iri(,'c. Niiu ihc rails ol rici)i-ht ilciicial. an. I inn- 1 ih |.ciiil. u iih liic |ii'c^rin nirnh's nl inini'vancc. dirciily nil ihi jiiii f ha 1 ley ; I'm ,.!.iii-.;- I ,'i» inile> nl' llie inad, \ iz., I he lii->l I ii.i milis rrom Vale, aii'l ihe la>l lO iiiile^ intn ('ai'iliiin. l'ie|-e i> lilt!.' nr III) trrass al aiiv iinie nl' i'"' \"ar. Imt till- the iiiM-l |i,irl ihi'-li I'mc^ts ni' |iine and lii. an'le\en where llieic l^ <;ra/iiiy; in tin illicni!"ilia!e ■-'"tl miles, It i> wil 1 !.;ru-s asaihdd !>■ I'nr ii.\eii aiil (Liek animals: horse- an 1 iiliih - h iiilliii; ill ieaui- "". < <■•■ le I "11 ijiMiil e\ ■ ry i\\y diniliu: the rreie;htau'e scasnii. ■I'he -real de -iderala then I'nrthi iiinre i :>!• iisixeil, m l,i|iiiii ni m i],, iidiK iid wealth ol l!rili-li i nliim'ii I are, that living- sic mid en-l Ic. a'ld ihal a means >hnnlil he alt' in led of wnrl;- ili^ the deep -halt- nl' • 'iiriiino l)y slealii pn\( , r and iiiaehinery lunrccllei live tliali I he priiniliM water- v\ ill el- iii.w in ii-e : -i that in fact I'aiiiii' may he plai ed in llie-e re-pii-l- on somc- lliin.': like an (i|nality with ■ llier ;jnld-tields. Al li'c -.unc lime il i. h. li, \ci| that tin.' liinit of hiwe-l ratc> of Ireiijht h\ pit'-eiit means of eninevaiict' has he. n nearly, if not ([iiili . rciiehed, and \el llc'se rales ..le -lill iniii.i u-e. An in\i si i^atinii of Ihe lnie;4'niii;j (iiii-ideralioM- has le.l to llie projoel of einplnyiliL'. Meaiii 'I'l aelinii I'hifiincs Inr li.mlinf; frci^rhl ainnu' tlu^ rn.ul- of liiili-h Ciilniiilii i. and ii eortailll\ -eeiil- tiial there ne\er cll he a licile appr.ipiiale li, Id Inl' Ihe .sileei — fill ein]iliiv- inoiil of llin-e nui' liiiie-, or line in u iiiih tin ii pci i .ipaliilisie- can In jii iidne;i\ e nf siieli re-uli-. Il i- e iiiriihnlly aiitieinafel llial the -iilist il nl imi of -Irani pimir fur onih and mule- in haiiliic.;- fieiudil ahui'.: the roads w dl oeca-ion ipiile a revoliilion in ilic hii-im -- pro-iieet- iif the enlniiy, nhil-l letiiniiiie- \('r\ l.irj-e prulils on the .-apilal iiueled in earr\ iii::' out tin cnteipri-e. .Not niily, as will he slmwii. eaii l'reii,di| he taken In ihe luiiie- li\ Sleatii 'rraelioii Kllirille- \'ldlil;d'l\ at rale- ei .■all\ \t.■\,^\\ iho-e Ii'iW c\i-l iiiij, lull llie -er\iec call he carried on tlironylioul tlie whnle yar. and nmre ad\ .nuaneon-ly pel haps nii the hard I'ro/eii road .surface diirin;/ lln w iiili r, when leain- are lieec--aiil\ lai'l iqi. ihaii al anv nllier lime of the year; so that a r'liahlc mean- ai redmi'(l ratus would he all'ordcd of IraiisiniitiniH irciMJn llirouehoiit the year with ct'/if/if/'/^/ '///'/ niiiuiK'-hlc ilixji'iU/i in contrast to the svsiciii whicii has liillarto iililailK-d. I'ly llii-ir aui neic- al-i h'::\ier freii;iil-, siieh a- machinery, can he iorwarded, than iiavc he, 11 practicahle up to ill, pre- lit limo, u hleli will had at once to ijie siih-l ilutioii ol -team pump- and lifl- for the iiiaKi --liilt im ^ai- now in u-e. and eiiahle 1 he mines lo h,' worked eiinliininii-l\ I iiroU'ihoiil llii' year. This aioiic would almo-l douhlc llio yield of yold to lhi> same luimher ot men, and hy atlordiim: oecU[iat imi during: the uiiiler, rend, r the miniiiu' popii- latinii a iierinaiiiiil in-lead of a lliiituat ill'.:' one. the hal'ii oi miners now liciii^- to uni'k six oi Kevcii month- in ('arihoo, and sp,iid tla r( si of tin year in idli ue--, -nmc al \'ietoria, but tin Urciitev |iorlioii at Siili I'Milicisco. .^ 'I'lic iiulilic iip;i(In of llritish ( ciliimliiii litivi' 1m in ((iiistiuctid iit mi cxiicii-c miv Rit'iil ill proiKii'tiini I" llw nvciiiu' .il'tlif cdldiiy. mid un- ul ii clmnu'tcr \crv ■.uiirrim- to iluisc ol aliiio>l iill oilier \ouiij; coiiiiliMc-. I'ldiii Yiili', I'oiii ili>t;iii(i' of 'J") iiiilis to llo^toii liar, tlii' load, tollowiii^' ihr coMist' of llu' h'tascr Kivrr (lii'oii;,di a ("iiioii of Miiipas«iiicr f^raiidtur, lia- bcoii I illii r Ida-led oul of the ^rraiiiU' ldiili'> ri-iiig aliiio-l -liirr ii|) from the river, or I'oriiied \i\ a «(i(ideii uallerv or \iae> of ro k \vlii( li iiave lieeoiiie detached from tile dill'- al>ii\e and have lormeil a vont;h -lo|ii' at their lia-e. 'I'lii- iiorl ion of the road i- nio-l -olid, alimisl ciilireiv inacadami/ed, fully adapted for llii' ii-e of lraalley ul' I'raser Ki\er for ■li miles to I.ytlon, iiiul thence up the course of 'riioiii|i-oii l!i\er. (Mlhi- I7niileslhe jfi-eali r jmrtion is level, or over verv easy rolling ground, Iml in i' are enihraicd -ome sleep im lines ol 1 in lu to 1 ill l,* winding iiii tlieslnju-of ihe steep j;iii\el hill- which hound \\\v river valley . There are portions of these inclines on which occur -harp curves, and where also the rtniil -iirfaii" may he so loose that tin- wheels of the traction eiijfines will not Hiid sullicietit resi-t- aiice to eiiahle tlicin to haul their loads up without inaUili^' use of a line, and siieli ]iortioiis nia\ require lo be improved. Of such places likely to impede the proi;ress of the en^fine- there i- not more tliuii adistaiu e ,,f uhunt n ,„i/cx allofiether, in short leii;,'th-, whilst the roml up to thi- poiiit (7'J miles from Yale), aUhou-l. l.y far llie most dillicnll and hilly of the whole line, is ;j;eiierally -uilahlo and favoural)le for the en^in. ,.■ I'lcni ihi- point to its lermiiius ut Carihoo ihi' road, with the exception of a few hills of minor impori.u.. . . i- jjeiierally levid or i;eiilly iiiidulaliiic:. and pre-i nis every faeiliiy for the -iicce-slul workini^ of traction eHfiines 'riiere aie Imt few hridire-, very Utile -idi-liill fiiadiiei', no I'oiislructioii at all liahle to he injured hy ihe weiutht of the en^;iiie-, and Iml fe« jilaces likely I o become muddy in the rainy sea-oii : lla i;eiierality of tiiis di-taiice of •'|tl(» miles hi'intr through level or gently rolling |iraliii-, with -aiidy s'lil and gra\e| -iili-lraluiii, of which th. load surface i^ generally compn-cd. In tlu' eiilire di-laiice of .'i7il mile- it is e-,tiinated thai there are in lengths var\iiig from •JiMI yards to I mile, iipial to '.'■") miles of incline- ol madielits of I in I-', or -leepcr : of lln-e -oiiie s, mil.^ are I in In. and perlia|i- 'J mih- I in >< ill short pitches of from '>(> lo 'jiin y.iid-. The roa|ual footing with waggon- hauled by teams, the e\rlii-i\e right of n-ing these engine- up I nil the 1st of -May, lf<(l(), and an cx.niplion from duly on all iieces-ary machinerx which -hoidd enter the Colony incvioii- lo the l-l of May. IMI^V The privileges so granted were furlher extdidcil by leiici ii,,m the (',il..ii:;,| Sir. laiy for rea-oii- iheicin -taled to the |-t o| ;'■'"'"''' '^"■''- ^""' '"<■ '-' "' "•"■'•"'■• '^'''S rr.,„v|iv,.ly. ropk-.of iI,c.m. ,lo,,m„.I,t> Mlv Mr. Tnil.!i,«l„, I,,,, inucli i,r,|ii;,iiil„ii,-r will, tlic nu.K .,1' llliliMi (•(,lunil,i;i. 1i:m ii,- f Ih. 1, r,„r,,n.,.,| t„r li,.. yrnrs in tli,>ir rouslnirti.,,, „-. u Coiitnirtor iiikKt tl.c Im.kN nnd uuvir^ ■I'l''"""' II'. i'11,1 «li., is ii,m- in rlmrfr.. nf iIkiI (ioimrtm.Mil in th.. C.L.ny iis Cliicf Cunini- MnM,T,n,.|^,\ni-,,i in '■"''"•'■"'"""' ^' l>.nlliH. Itoviil I'ln-in.T,-,. wl,.,„;„„l..„p,v~,.n,.,tll,.. i,i:,|.„rih,. rn-in.-. !...> liiN Min.lion lor st„iin- lhi,l hv Inlly M-r.r.M i„ Mr. Trulrl,'s ..pinion „s f,, il„. p,n.po,M ni III. ■.nr,.,-,|„| vvM,kin-or il„.,nMin.>s„n tl,.' i-„m.I> ..f l!iMii>l, ( ■„l,.,„l,iM, „n,l ,„n,„i-, in tli.^ .■^'miiili-. ;iii(| si^i)(.n,<'nl.N .iinlMlni .1. Il 'n;,y n,r,l„.r !,.■ i,(l,l, ,] ,l,ai M,.,„.,. |.-„„ l,,. nf l,,.,.,ls. ,|„. „ianiil;i,I„)vivs „r llir... M,yi„r.. ,nv M, >;,'.l .,1' th.i,' , „p!llnlily t„ p.rlorni ill.' MM'vi,.' .M,i,l,.ini,!Mt.'.l in tll.' iuli.m- u,tr cvi- ,1,.. ,.,„,[s „f liiiiisl, Cnliinil.ii,. M.s.l..scn'lH.,l l.y >!,■. Tinl.;],. tlial tUry ],MV. "vnr.i I,, i,,i<. H liii-.' ninn.v M,,k.' it, il„. ,„t, ipri-r „i' inii-,,,!,,.-!,:.. ,!„.„, j,,,,, n-clhnv. r.MiM VII ..!■ ((.ST „r Jli Tnicliou Kimin.'saihl .V) Fivi-hl W;i--.,ns, willi (Uipli- .■.-.1- woikiii- pirts .,r ,-,i-in,-s ,l,-li\.M",l in Culmul.iM, also of tools ncfivssiuy n.r ruiiu- ni, :, r,.,,;,ii- >1m|)s, ,ost: ,.C sIi.mIs, xv:ii-elioiis.-... ■2-I i'l-lhUsr p.,\\. ,■ ini;inr^. ill i.' l-")(l cncl, . . . ■'«" lViii;-|,| uajz'ti'ili-, ill l'.")ll car!, Uwpliciilc ]i:ii|s .if 'J:! in;^ini-.. ill I'-'iii ciirl, 'I....1- M'lpii-it.- I'.il' litliny' i,p ") jipiiir >ii(ips < 'iKt 1)1' liiiil.linjr- anil lilliii'j up .-;nn.' l-'ivi.U'liI, ..n till' aliM\,. tn .\,\v Wi-iiinnMci-. si\ ■.'■"ill li.n~ ill f.") I'l-rlL'liI "1, -, iVdiii N,«- \\'( viiiiiii-iii- |(, Vair, a( L'J p.'r luii 1 1] -Ill-ill, n I'll I' I "..null, ill •.' per I, 111. ( .-1 .,r n.'.'.ssiiry waivlimiM's. nlli.cs, ^Vr.. iii .-, Million- in l!riti>l, Cilnml.ia hi per .■iiil. .'.iniinumcic- nn tli.- iilmxi', vi/.. on X''J ."),■'>' 10 j'iLs^^iij;.-- c.iil I,, I he (ninny ..r ID in.'n. iiu'cliaiiics, drivers, an.l assistanls. at an a\i rii;^i- liili' nl' J.'-")il riirh. \i,"i I'aiiiiniii I'l.liiniiiiii'y . \pin-.s ii, I'.rili-h Colmiiliiii ami Kimliin.l. say... Six niniiili-' inii 1,-1 at ili.' liit ' ni' In p, i- v.'nt. ,,n .L''.'n.oiMi, l„int,r <„, fli>t .•.■M nf .iisiinc-.. .v... tV dill, of pii,r!iiis,> to diii,' .if .■oninipn.Mii-; wnil; in liiiii-li ' •■liiniliiii I 'I, ."..■.() ■.'..jDII 1.1--.n I.J.Vt l..')liii I, ■.'■".I I .-((10 ;!.oi.(i l.O(M) ■-..■> 'ill •.'..lOii I, .■)(!( I 1..I0.I t';iv>,.-..-)() i-.i:j i) l'.>iiM\ii: of llu« CruuKNi' I'^M'LN'si's lou ONio Viovit of working; 20 Stcuii 'rnic'tiou Miii^iiu-'s in Itritisli Coliuiibia, iiicliidini; wai^i's at tin* liiuln>t Colonial rates, siipcriiitciuli'iict*, niaiiayonicnl, and Miti.Tcsl on (irsi cost at the rale ol' 10 \)vv cent, per annum. 'I'm Ijcll lill^ilU' lllMW ill^' 'J I'l'liLfilt NN'lllIli'nlls 1 |iii\ir 1 A--sis|iiiil ... .,. 1 lir.ik. ~iiiaii MnUlIlK WilLlCS lol' (lull t'lmilll' lit <.'i^n* JK'l' llllilllll . .. llHl ., ill » lili-li rail' \\Mi;cv |,ii' |\M l\c iiiiiiitli> w ill aiiKiiiiil to S l."''iii lur carli l-!ii^iiii'. i:iviii;: Tdl M, W \(.|> I'l'.ll ANM \1 inl! 'Jo l\(,|\|^ Alldw iii'^- carli I!hl;1ih' to luii'ii J niiiK (if tir wdml I i|ual tn I ."iim l!i>. Ill' roal per diiv ol' I'J linin-, iiIpI in \\i Ij.illlll ri'l'iN, wllirh at S'l |i( r iiilil i;iM-i 'I'm M rii~l l'i;u \\M \l 111 II 11, ini; ;.>!) l;\f;|M:s Alluuin- tn iMi'li I'.iiiiliir at iIh- rate nl' S'i. nil |iiT ilay I'i.i- nil. wa-lc, \r. tnr '.Tn ilay^. L'ixc Siii''7.nO I'nr caih riiiiiiiii', ami TnlAI, iii-l I'll! ANN! M lol; (MI. vVc, Kill '.'ll l:N(, I M:-, . . 'InlAI, \.N\1 \l, r..\n \~l 111- |;IN\1N|. Jll INi.lM^ . . at !^-,'iii) ... at 1(111 'I'n ( aill rc|i;;il sIkiJi I ^llTliallir I .\>-iMaiit \|niitlil\ uaLii'i I'll!' carli sill.]!... ... ... .. wliirli I'm- .") -linjis Inv 1 •.' lunnilis ni\r~ Total wajii's jici aiimiin I'nr •") M']laiv -lln|i-^ ■|n faili -lin|i ,,ll,,u 1 luiOii 1 nlrnal ]iir iliy I'nr 'Jrn ilays at -"lO rents l" r lm>lii 1 -ivini;- Tnlal furl InV 5 rn|iaii- -Imp. per anniiiii ■'I'nlM I 1 KIII.M \\M\I i;\ri:N--l> Ol n Id TMK -.Jlnl'-.,. Mipiiliiti ndi ii'c ill I'liitisli Cnluinliia Sal.iiy nf nciicral -upiriiitfiHU'liI '-' il'puly iln, n \\'anlinusc ('iciks I ia\iHiiiLr cxiu'iiM's and (•niitinucncics l"l\l I "i: ^M'l i:l\ irMliM l; IN i;|!lll-ll i'imM|;,\ ll ;i"ix.7".ii !^:10(J Sl.*7 S'llHIO lllliO llllllll Itino is.csr ■'■'.( ;i II I Ic.iiiiii 'Ml M KIMAT \Mi|(MM, IXPLVsr- Mu; | M v |; ,.m|||,|x,, ||, p,,, I I \ I , n\ or I i,\\ .S^nli.ll. ^ full ,■:l^.s,,f ..x,i,.,,..s,„.,.,,l„w,.,, fur ,li,. :, i:„,,,, .,,„,,, ,„„ „„.,„ „.„,, , ,„. „ ,, ,„ , li..n,u,K..«„.l..l,„ul,l l,..,„n..f,„.„.,u,ile cu.., cs.lli,. ,:.,.,,u U «,„,,, ..,„„.„. „..,„', „„,,„„„ H-iluic til. turrcul (..\]iciiws i.f tlie icimlr .l.-i.arliii. nt lOsTiMATi.: OK l!i;\i;siK lo lii< .Iciivcd IVoiii < )ii(( \i",\,-^ Workiiiu' tiiii;iti'.l tli:il ciirli I'tiixiii. wcirkiiu' lof -JT.'i il.iv . \M,iiM iHiiki |(i lri|i l"'!' iilllll iMtVMrn tl'i' |i(iiiil. ir.ciMiJ. iilldwillv '.'7 (lav- Ini caili tli|i, \\/.. 17 ilav- fur till jiiiiniiy ii|i "I'll liia^l, li, ill;; •.'.' mill - jm i (la\, civ at ill. lalc i.l iilimil 'J luilrs |„ r liuur. ami In ,la\ ■ the iTtiini j..iirm'_v. Iciiiir •'* iiiili - jicr diiy. or at t lii' rale of alioiil :i mile ■- |ii'1- lidur. liaili liiiyiiir «oii|.| liki' iqi ',' «ii;;:;(ins with u load on cucli ol' •"( 1i)li><. iilll i- ^iiI>]Mis.(l to nliii'li i-miily. 'riiii>. larli I'liLnm- u oiiM lake u|i lH ton- iit ciicli trip, iniikiiiL!' h'll lolls ill iht' lolll-.r ol lllc yiMT, .\llllol|..;l| •.':', |-',ll;r;i„.s a IT Jiroviijod lor il i- ol|lvr\]Mrti'd tlial -.'il 111 tliciii woiil.l lie iiiiiiiiii". iIh- ollici--, liciiit: ki'|it on liiiiiil ill ca-c of acciiliiils : .so thai ihc lull s, rvicc ])ir iinniiiii Would he -Jii liiirlms ut lOii i an-oiint. "liii h is llio main ilciii in tlii> rurinil W'oikiiin iixiiiiiscs, is liasnl on the full rates of wai;. .s now ji.iid in tin ( 'oloiiy to lirst-cliis.s Mci-iianirs, and lo the other ela»es ol lialiofi Is :.|ii lirieil n-s|ierl i\ely. I'lie si i\ ie, s e-.tiliialcd In lie rendered Iiy the I'llloines roiisl il iile the oiiU lllieertain elellli III ill tile i alrllhit iiill. 'I'his I'.^liiiiale. Iiouever. liavinu; lieeii suliiiiilled lo llios, hesi (ju.ililieil froiii |iie\ii.i|s exiierieiiee of the iierformances of these niarhines. lo oive :t just iniiniull of their prolialili ea|ialiilily. wluli employed on the UoaiN of llritisli Ciiliiinbia. lias lieeii deeliived livtlniii veiy ino:|eiale. as eoiiip.ire.l wilh what has heeii aeeipiiiplislie,l in this loiiiilrv iind idsewllele. 'I'lie i.iil\ liiii'liMih e that can pii'M^nl the fulllliiK nl of Ihesi' e.\pei|;ii inns i, ih- p,. si- liilily of some [lails of the to he worked oNcr lieiiiLj' iiol sullieien(l\ hard to allow of ihi eiij;iiies lumiiiii; lo aclvanlage. In this ease it is su^'o'osled that .some ex])i'nse iniu'lit ha\e 111 he iiieiirred in niaeaihimisiii^' or c-ross-layinu' wilh tini'.H-r the ohjeelionahle portions of iciad. iiid\iiled ihe (lo\-eiiiiiienl imild not, in consideration of the puhlie heliotits to lie eoll- -.17 :{ ll'I'ITll li\ ill'' illlltxllll linll 1. 1 lIlCM- cll^rillr-, III- imlllilll 111 .l(l.l|l! ill. KKIll - llinri- lullv ivV ilii'ir ii«i'. 'I'llf IlllllV'ill I'l pliilit, IliiWCMT, -llnwil liy llic lllidM' !•»( illllltr t !« sn l.lfpc llw t(l lldlllit III ;l W'ly I'liJlMill-rnlili- ilcilui'liiill III! illrnnilt nl'lln' ,il)iiVl' Ml";.'<'->li'il iNlHlldil lllf, slllllllil it |iroM iKH'ivtmivy, Mi >till liMVf II vt ly I'.n niinililc ii-iill, i m ii ,il tlic lin\ i;iti'. «{' riti^;lil lollti'llllilitiil, iliniiuillill;;- only to tilif-lliilil nl iIhim' now rlliil;;! cl. 'I'lic lllUlllnr 111' '-''l cllninrs lius lift II iiiliipU'il tu l)c >!lil out. Iiii-iil nil llic iillrli!:ill.i|| |lii'_\ wiMilil ^iillirc III I' III (arilM.ii iliii iii^: Ihc. \c;ij' ihr 'J.nini |.iii- nl' In i;.'! '.wliirli l« lilmill li'i' iilllimiil l.ikrii lluiiM^Hl lilst yi;ir iiiior(|ill;,'Iii llli' lc|iurl ul'llii. ( inlil ( 'iiiiinii — imici' la.l'.iri i|iiiitiil. 'I'll.- aiiMiiiit fnrwanlcd tlil^ u'lir Ims imt mi l.r. ii a-, crtiiiM-l. Iiit may Ir .rMlliH'.l 11- I'linal III iIkiI III' l.isl Near, Inr il w ,i- alimil llic .>aiiir ilji In llir I I . .iMuls , a^ -Imu ii li\ till' ■ll'l'iilillialiwii;^- >',.l(.'lli( 111 liikill Iriilil the (iiiMTiili III irluills nlinail lull-, illll ill;j the Vi-ai l.''ll;l. iiinl iiji III 1>I (if July 111' I Sill. I'viiiii lliiM' lltlllU^ il \wll 111 .(vn hImi llial alllidii-ii ■.'.ihmi (i.hs miK ucir i ,|iiiialiil l>N till' );iilil 1'iiiiiiiiiv.ioiU'r t.p liaM' umiIiciI Curll la. I mhi. I.! I .' Ii.ii- alliij^iihrr w .lit iiii Ir.ilii Villi' aluM>(iiii;la.-. llic ilill'iTiuc lictwcfii tlicsc aliiiiiiiiN lia\ iii;^- lurii ciin-iiiiinl ,il lln' il.U'llllfcliutc liiiilil> alnllL;' llir idail. 'I'lic iiimiUlll llulrl'nic a-Mllllcil us tlii' -i; \ in- llial iiii;jlil lir lApii li il In lir jk 1 1', i mi il ilinin.^ til" year i^ liy liii iiiiaiiN all llic t'r('i;.'lil nil. iiii.^ CM II at tin iiicsciil ilim., anij a.- t!ic rail'.. Ill' I'm i-lit wmiM Lr s,, mali lially lou rrnl li\ thr iirn|iiiM.|| iiicmiis dI i'nli\r\:iiici', it tiiiiv I'l' a--iinif(l that ihirc wmilil lin an imria-nl (■iim--iiiiiii| imi l.\ lim -aiiiv ]in|iulalinii. w liiKt till' rlicapfuiii- (if the (ii-t nf Jiviii- vuiiilil a-Miiidly .illi.icl larncr iiiimlici> nf Tiiiii. i>, all'l ll'.U- !ul(l til thr Inlllia.^r ll.(|lli|((l In l.c I'nIW a nlcd. TllC (In\ llil])IHi lit lln- Vfaf nf tin' aiil fAU'n»i\<' trnjil liiliU ill I lie Kiini.iiiai- (list i id . in tin- sniilli-ca-tci ii |Mii nf tlu' ,.,I,,|;\ wliiili aif II. m altnicliii;;' so nialiy iinijilf IV. la tin- iiii;;lil„,iii mjr I'liil, .1 Slal. s l.i litoiiis. may saloly li. i.ji.d „ii i,, nu,. ;, .j,.,,;,) impi.t,,,. j,, ^l,^, ,.,||iylii^ |,u,iii..>- mi\i vi'av. as lli( .illiiial niimt- iVcm lli.lKc, ,.s u,.|| a- Ir. m lai il.. o. ii ,( Im ,1 li_\ ||„ |a.| mail.aic in.i.-t JlV.lluisill;^. t Til fad tlic .■litiTliiiM' i.f inlK.ilii. ii,o il,|. liM' III .liam trailimi . ii- ;.i..s ii,|,, Miiii,), 'nlimilii.i fnr the iiiii'ii.iMs ]ir,,],n.,.|. a|t'„.ii,-h |i.iliai.s in ii, inilialini innatiMly a small iiialiitakiiiu' ill a liu>iiicss jxiint nf \ii\». ,niiiaiii-. lu'vciliiclcss. tlic .rdinsnf miv .•nn-i.ld-- alil<. (..Niiaiisinii. A- the r.niiitiT liccums ii.iiiii.,1 and loads ( \|. uded. an iiicivas.d and maiidif liiisin. -s may 1„. ...miid, nll,\ anti.iii:ilrd, .\l the -:,m . linic tli,' imiiu.iial.' n-ults nf 111.- .■.■iiti'iniiiatid iindd'takin;,' must !„■ at .mcr nmM Ik in Ii, i;,l (,, llm .■nliir, ,il iai-c and \( i\ idniiiicrativc in the ivtunis iiiadi' to it- |ii(,in.i|.i .. i n tin- .aiiilal .•ni|if v.d. liMiJud rMiiii n.|,iil .,!• I'«'1.r0'l{.illy, rs(|., (ioldC,ininii.ssi(mri(,rC:iiilio.., t., Iiis Excc'llt-m-y Sir ,JaiiH\s JJoimla-s. " Iliavo 111.. ImiKnir 1.1 state that ijie nuii.licr ,.f mdiaduall.N . ,„,,],im.,| i„ iiMnlim imr- Miil- iiMhe »Vt/c/,7 „/■ r.(r-/,.r., nnrtlinf fiuesn. 1 UIm ,•. may l.c sd dnuni,,' l.iKKi. TIi.-.:;i„., aninnnt nf ,t;iil,l lal« i, frnm tl.c sam,- di.tW.I ,.|in:al..l fmm u . . IJy ivtiiins nl.l.iiued the claim n«n. i-s ..,, ll,.- .iml, and aNn Imin |i..,Minal Kn,i«h.l,e. niav I... .-, m- l.uu.l at :'.,!'"',""" dnllais. Thefill,i«inv;aiv I h, ,„.,i. . eils nf 1 I.I. e « , ll-Knnu n , lalius ,„, William's :- 'I'lic liillcr f 'iiTiipnny Tiitiil yii 1(1 tripiii l>lli rdiruiiry to Jntli Sr|ii.iiil>c|-. If^'i:! Si(»'.'.V'l V.VV!! l..\]HiiT> ol' workiii;; N'l iin.lit ... Slln.{i:iil Till Ni'M r Swi'iit ('nlll|i;iliv. 'I'^Lil \i. 1.1 I'idiii 'JsiliJuiic. t(. l>t Octiilii r. I,s(i:i l:\]MiiM'> mI' Working' ... Net pr(j|its ••[•J.ti'.'S Sti'i.MN;") Till (irirr ( '.iiri])iiiiv. Tuiiil yi, 111 iVuiii .Inly ti) Imli I'rinl),!'. iNi;;! I'.\|ic|i~c>, 111' niii'kill;^; Ni I |iioiii Ili.lKIII ,S )■,'."»(»> Tlio :il.uvr coinpilllii - WITC worked liy 1I101I11S ol' ,)i;il'ts ni/il (In'l'tilli.'. with tlli'ix.-i l.lioll 111" III.' I;i.-t. wliirli was workiil liy an open ciil in llic lu'il .1 ilic Ci.ik. I'n m ..'o In :!il iiicii «.ii iiiiplo\.(l on each ilaiiii. al waf,'.'^ IVoiii In ilollar- l.i |(i dollars j. r .j.iy. Tlii' (pialililir.- ol ;•■ • -loUK si'iii lo lii,. upper couulry a>eerl:.iueil iVoiii I'.r nllecli..ii ..j' roail tolls, are o\ei ■J.IMMI to||> The averajie r.ile i.r siili.^Meiice ill William - CrcL was 'J dollar- o'l iciils, per .lav. liMiKvs .11 Amoi MS ('(ii,i,i:(ii.:i) i\ ls(;:i. Mil: l;..\i) 'I'oi I ■ IS U.C. KSIl:;, • laiuiary I'ei)ruury Man). Aiail May I Mile Illlx A\igii-t ^e]ileliilK'r • li'toller j NoMuilur llennitier Total, l^Cw. Yale. I.ytloii. lluiii;la-. lall.Ht i >. .1. ,f s. d. I >. d. e .^ d. tii; 1) (1 1? \o s :!1 t Ill •) 1 i; 1 l-.'7 11 II •Jl 17 lo •J7S lo 1 •J2 1(1 !l I.ih'ii; ii; II •J'il) is Ii i l.ini i II i:;o 1 1 l.ii! 1 11 ,s filJ M l.D-M ( 1 711 Hi !l i.jii; 12 o 7") 7 1 o l.l.^ll |.^ il 1.1 1.-. 1 'J 1,1''!' I! i; •lo7 ') l..!l.j ■S 1 o.^s 10 I :!!Mi Ill ,., lol 10 1) \.i''>-', s - 7oi» l.l 1 .Mil hi i; o,"l 1 1-2 11 1 .11 111 l.-) .) 1.17ii ( Ii r,:i :i ■') oOll 17 11 ii'.i'.t lo .) \n-2 lit 1 r,\ 1 >» (1 •J-20 (i 1 r7i l!l .") :,'.<■■', II ',1 :!.|'.i III ,s !):'. 1 11 :;j(l 8 10 lol IM O 1!IJ 11 i- :>l 1-. o li'iii o! 1 •J-> II •» 7;iol I 1 :;.(;:;! lo.dCr :) 1; 1: 10 Kill i;.N 111' Amoim^ (oi. 1.1. 1 1 1.1) 11' TO Isi Jri.v, lf«l|, i nu Uoad Toi.i.> in UhiiI'^m Coi i mi;i \. I.Mll. ■ liiimaiy I rliriKii y Mmrh \|.rll M:i\ • Illlic V;,l I.vttoll. t s. ,1. .1' S, ,1. 17S K; II 111 7 (1 .■;;i(i 1(! .s .",-,> 7 7 '>\n 1!) s ||:! :! :! 1,1:;) i I ;'. ccr p! i' lit ') l.dil 111 r, .--i.s (I I; II II Doiio];..-^. £ s. (1. •j'j; I 7 •20S II ID ■!!)>! 17 I S-)i\ (I s It;;.-, |;! .-, !in^ j;; !) l.illnl-I. .C h. (1, .">ii III (I I--' s s 7-' i: c •Vjs (I .-, .■)7'.» hi ^ .")I7 1^ <> Si\ iiMiiiihs ..!' l.--(;i ... .■,,ii-J7 1:'. 7 ^.^W 1 I I l.(;7.") In 7 I 1,77! I Til" ViltC III' tnll licillu: fl JHT tdll (if 'J, (Hill lil: 'I'lic alilniillts 111' IdiiliaLlo ]i,i-.>iiiL;- llio 1 r.-l'i'd ivi' [loiiils \va^ a^ I'cillnws lly ^'all' in 1>-H:'i, I .^J.") ton-- ... . liy ItcHi-las ., 2.7 1.-, li\ I.XllliU .. I'lK Si.\ iii(iiiili> III' |."-('i I, l,'J."i7 tuns 'II 'I 7ii:'. .. Jiv I.illiict I .".17 ., Ii:! r.lM'l'lSli (orA.MlUA. Nil. s. An iivilinaui-f tn auilmiiM ihr inli-niliiciinii nf .strain Irariinii ciii^'iiio inin linii^h Cdluniliia. (Iml, .M;,,,.!,. j.sci.i I'ri'amlilc. Uliciras il I- i'\]„Mliinl ihat tvacti.m ( ii-ims. iin.|i, [jcl liy -Icaiii. -liniiM he inlriKliiivil aiHin the n.aiU iil' l!i:ii-li r,,linnl.ia. f,i|- {]„■ i,ui-[i,,m. ,,f ci.iivvyilli,' uimkI.- and [mlvsvii-vi ^ ii]iiiii ami ailing- llic roails ol'Jti'ilish ('dlnniliia. And wluTca.^ it is cxpcdi.Mil. I'ortln' i.inpoM' nf enimiiatjiip.; tin- use ,.1' sudi ciiji'in. -. Iliat ccilani iirivil('uv> -liniild lio -ranted tn llif ]ii'r-,,n> wlm iii-npci^o to inlnidmr tiio sana intii the Ci.ldny of i!rili>li Cdlmnliia : lid il ll„Tdl.ii-d riiactdd liy the (Hixdiniir „f l!riti>li CdluniUia, liy and with the advirr and rdii-rnl ul' llic l.r^islativf ( 'unnril tlicirliiu' a^ follow-. : — J'rivilcdc of rising Stcnm 'rrnclinn I'nirim-s.— To wliom oTMiitcd. 1, Thd followiiid- ],d,„,ns. nannlv. Kolidrt ( l„.s|,yiv .lanii.n, of l.ivdr|ii,dl. nidP-l,,.,,!, I.ovvtlnaii (inrn. of llon.ilula, ninvliani. ;.iiid ilrnry i;liiiil.>. i,f Virtmia. nuivhanl. am! •I.i-dlili William Tint.di. of Virtoria. civil dii-iiuvr, dx.vnlors adininiMiatdis, and as.^inns. .^Iiall iR.nccfoith have tlir iiii\il,.ri. ,il ,,.;„;,■ Miaiii tiadioii rn-iiids on iho imlilii roads oftlu' Colony of l;rili.>l, Colundiia. for il,,. ,iur,„,.,. ,,f runvrvin- -nods and pa-Mn-.i- fol- llild lllollii' SUcil lOLld- I 11 >. ,1, ii; (J s ■> i; i; |0 S Trni tioii Kiioiii.'s ,„>| u> Ix- used below Lyttou and Lilloct. •J. l'iov„l,.,| :,|„;,x. ,1,„ ,i„, ,„i,, ,.„|„,,, ,.|,,,,,,^,,,. ,,,,„•„__ ^vill,^n„ r,„«tM;m '•'•-„, an,l II.M,> i;i„„l,.s. ;„„l .l,«.,.l, Willi,,,, Tn.tcl,. oMTutors, a.lMunistn> an,l :.~m.;ms .s ,to,-..s.„|. .|,„il „ol „,,,k,. um- cf su.h stoaiu tructi.,.. ,-Mj;im.s lor ...rh ,,ur,.nM.s :,. .iloivsn.l oil .•.m.l.s lyinj.- s.Mithw.nls ori,ill,„.t m,h1 l,vtt.m in ll,r s„i,l Cnhmv, withnui tl,.. -.HMut n. NvntiMjT In, tl>:,t ,,nr,,os.. s|,„„i,l j,, |i,.t „,„,,•„„,, „,• „,., (.„„„„i,,i,;„,,, „,■ ,^^„,,,^ aii'l Siiivoynr (u'lK-nil lor tin' li„i,. Iniiif-' of the siiid t'„l,)iiv. IvvchiNivo i.rivil(-c of usiii- tlioso lilii-ines -nnited. Eii-iiics to he in use in Coluiiy l)eion> (he 1st May, 1805, on pain ol' Ibrlciture of I'xiliisive |tri\ ik'ije. •!• "'i^nul niu-v il,.. Isl ,U.y of May, A.D. lS(i.-,. for (he p,.,.;,,.! ..fou.- tlu>,vrio„>. iIm--;,,,! l!„l,rri ('l„.>|,y,v .iMMion. Willi;,,,, Lowt hiai. G ivo„ . iiiull Iwi 1 \ liluuU. Mad Jusq,l, N\ilh:ni. Tnilci,. (hrii- ,.x,Mut,.,N. a.l„aulst.', and assigns as ain,", said, shall have lii. .■x.lusiN.. ,„ivil,.o.. ,,r „.i„„. ih,. said s(oan, (rarlioi, cn-incs an.l suitahl,. ,-an-ia-vs and wa-.,ns lor Ih.. said puriHw,.., „„ thr said an.l durin- the sai.l ].„ri,.l il shi.ll n„| he h^^ ful I.t au\ nih.-i pei'son nr |Kis,,ns I,, use siieli enoines .in ihe said roads. I'njM-dedaUvayslhat if ih.. sai.l linlu.rl ( 'lu'shyiv .Jani„n, William I.o.vthian (uvn .ni.l ll.nvy l;i„„l, s. ;,„d William Trut,.),, excrut.,ivs. adminislralors. ami assigns a> aln,rs:nd. .hall to introdii.r tlnv,. of smh engines, with suitald.. .■a,-riag.-s m,d' uagons. lor the aloN.-m.Mition.-d ,a.,,,oses. unh'ss (rn'rent.-.l hy tvpairs, .n^ in..Nilald,. l'-'i"ivth,. said Isl .las of May (v.„.i. ISiio. ,he„ the said ...vlusive ,„-ivil..g,. shall h.von.e n hollv void. \ C'.Mii|iaiiy iiiMV nitike reasoiiahle Chai'i^vs for Conveyance; stales iiiaxiniuiii rale of C'liai'i^cs. I Th.-ai.l Itoi.erl ('h.'shx r.' .lanion. William l..,\Mhian (ir.rn. un.l Il.'nrv itho.hs. m."! ^dl.r th,. said 1st .lay of M av . ISCo. an.l f..r the sai.l i.erio,! of on., v.'ar th.MvlV.m, mak.- -i„.|, r,a.,.nai,l,. .■harg.'s in ,vs,,.-..| .,f th,. ..on\,.yan.... I.y ..ariia-.s ami ua..;-,,ns ,|,.aw„ hy the ^..,,1 ,.„gin,.s along the sai.l i., or any of th..,,,. .if all sueli |iass,.„.,.,.s'aml g [, ,, ^l,,!] '"•""'■'•'■'""""•"•t.M'that|,i„.|,os,..a-tlayniayf,.omti.m.t,itin, The maxinmi,, 1:11, ol -l.arg.s. lioueve,.. .aiM,.!, gooils, or,ias.,.ng....s ...spoetivelv. shall in m. ,.ase ex,....,l "'-■'""""""" "'^".lut rat,, or f,...ighl.,ir passage mo„..y, „hieh shall at anvlim.. hav.. he.,, A./--,,,/-.'. ,.har..;..,l an.l paid.luiingthepei.iodof ,.,„. year ant..,.,.,lent to th.. 1st day .if Max Mill. ISC.-,. |„,. ihe sani.. dislam.s. ..nd .m the same r.ia.U i...speetiv..|y. l^iiihiiiiL's of 111.' (\ii,i|,ni,y saiii.> as th„s,> of Common CarritM-s. may claim liKe ]ir(.t..(ti„i, .uul privih'nes witli Cummoii Carrii-fs. ■■1 Th.said Kolwit Cheshyie .lanion. William lanvthian (Jr,...n.and ll..nrv Ulm.l... and. Ins., ih Wdham Tiul..|i .'X.rntoi.s. a.lmii.i.s, ratois. an.l assign-, shall he s,.l,j,.et to til. sa„„. as - ta.;, -, „arh p>.op,.ieto,.s. a,„l eo.nn,,,,, ..arri,.,s. Iml nothi,,.- |„.,...i;, l:ii.....l ^liall ..M,,„| ,0 ,.|ia,.g,. or mihe lialile the said Kolierl ( hoslivre .iani.m. William '•'" (i,..,.,,. and II, ,„y l!l„i,h.,s. and, William Trnt.h. th..i,.' e.x..,.,.l,.rs. a.lnihils. irators. ami assigns, as ahm.sai.l. n.rlli.,.. or in a.,y .iili..r ease than vUru- ae,,lii,g to the i i i\v (if r.ritish Coluiiiliin, -liiji'c-cnMrh prdin-ii'tdiH Mini r.niimdu ciii'Tiors would \>v lialilc, iicn -luill I'Xtond in :mv ili'^'iTf t(i il piivc ihc s:ud lidliLTl ( 'In -^liyn' .lauidii, Willium I.owtliiiiii lin-on. and IK'nrv I'lmd.'-. and' ,Ins,'p]i William 'I'lalili. thcii' oxccutors, administrator^ and assigns, as aforesaid, of uny iirotintion or iirivili'^i'^ which conniion carriers or static-coach jiro- prietors may bo entitled to. I'lant of llio Coinpaiiv [n lie iiitroiluccil Iiilo tlio ("oloiiy {liirini;' tin- (irst year iVcc of Import Duties. t'l. The .-aid It'ilicrt ("lu'sh\ri' .1 anion, William l.owthian (irccn, and Henry I!hiKlc>, and .loMpn \\'illiani 'I'nilih. their cKccntors. administi'ators, and a>si^iis as aforc>aid, may from time to time durin;:: the tw,l\emonlh from the said tii'st day of May, A.l). 1 8(i.'i, IntriKliice into the f 'olnnv of l!iili~h ( 'olmiihia tlie ri>(|iii>ite elinine^, not exceeding; einlileiii in n'lmlier. with maidunerv. carria^-cs. and wa^'n'ons, and all tools re(ini^itc for the con^trurtioii :;iid M'pair of the same, free of all duties and charii'es to he otherwise levied at any porl in the -aid ('oh.ny. Short I'lllo. 7. This ( )i'dinanep may he i-ited for all parpose- a- llie '• Iirili-h ( 'olnmliia Steam Trai'tio!! l-'.nu-ine Act. I.sill." Passed the I.e^ishitive ' ',,uniil the .s|l, ,,1 March. Isi'.f. ( ll.VUI.KS (idOll. ( lerk. Iteecived m\ a-.>ent this lenth day ol .Maivli, A.H. \S'')i. (Signed) .I.\Mr,S llurill.AS, t io\el pur. ('o])y of Letter iVoin Colonial iSecnvtary of IJritisJi L'olmul)ia, iwtcudiii'^ the periods of the privileges giaiiled jjy tiie '• Slcaiii Tnn-tiou j;iii.iiae (jrdi- naixco, ls()i. No. s.' Coleniid Secretary's < Mtlce. New Weslmillstel'. :iiith Aii,eu-i. isfit. Sii;. — W ilh r< ferenre to -he conversations that I have Irul with \ oii re^jardiiiL: t lii> ■ xteiisieii of time luyeiid that already speeilled iiilrodiiclii;^- Steam Traction IliiLiiiies into ISritish ('ohiiid)ia. T am diricted li\ His Kxcelleney to inl'oriii you tint your departure for I'.iiilland to prosecute this undertakintr liaviiij; )uineipally heeil delayed on pnhlie grounds' lie will have no hesitation in applying t' the 1,. gi-laii\e Cmnieil t,, inereasi- the perio.l of the iirivilegis grained to you and .Messrs. Jaiiioii, (ireen and ithodes, inicha- <»rdlnaiice .No. S. of l>'ll. hoth as to the time ly which the F.nglnes are to he introihiced. and the duration of the nopely. the fnrnier to 1 \temled to 1m dct.ilier, 1st;."., and the j.iiti'r to the l-t n, idier. '.•^ilii. and tliul in _\inir laisiness arrai)geiiienis ynii m-ay rely on such extension. 1 ha\e the honour to he Sir. Vour most obedient Servant. I he Honourable .1. \\ . I rutrh, Ov:c,. i^r.. \r. 13 Ik' lialilc, iini uin I.DWtliiuii islralor.-., mid II" lirst vrai' ■ IiIhkIiv--, iilid liil, iiKiy iVimi ''i.'>, iiunxliicc ■II In iiMinliiT. ■tnu'tiuii ;!ii(l y jxiil in the U'liliiu Steal; I til. ( Irrk. I, AS. • iilMlllclI-. 'ii(lin'4 (lie i^iiii! Qrdi- •■ LuMilon. 4(!i January, l^G!). ,'i ■■ SiRj— Allachcil, ur havr tin' jilia -lire In liaiid you the arc()nii)anyin.u- -^tatumtiit ol' our views el' eniiiloyin;.;- Steam TiMcl ieii liiiLrine- en tlie voaiK ol" llii(i>li ('oiumliia. J "On the l>a.sis of this statement, we pmiiose o.stablihhiug a limited private comiiuny. witii ii eai)ital of f.")il,(i(lil, jiart of whieli i., already ])]'oniised : the calls oil sueh part of tin ( ajutal as would he rciniired to extiiid o\ei' a peri. id of about eij;-litoeu inonllis. '• In enn-ideration of reliiii[iiishin^' t'l the ah(i\(' pro|i(isod f'oiniiaiiy tlie euiieosiolls maile lo tlioni l)y the 'io\criiiuent of i'lritisli Cohuiii'ia, the undersigned jironioters ask nothiii!.' uiilij after a clear 'JO per cent per annum di\idendon, th.e paid-up eapital shall have hoen di\ided amon--.| the Sliaiidioiilers ; then, liiat (.ne-l'ourth ol' wli.ilever surplus aumui! ehat piMiii may remain over and aiiove sueli ■.':! per cent., shall lie [laid to them, the promoter^ . Ihe remailiili;^' tliri'e-fourths being di\ Ided anionest tlie .s.iid Sharejjolders : but the promoter- olfer this mode of remuneration to them merely a.> a sugpjestior. suhjeet, ol' eouise. to diseus- eussion liy \ou and tliose otliers who may join the eiiterpnze ; aad we submit the above foi your eoi;>i(U-ration. trusting that you may fei Idisjiosedto take a lueiieyed inteie-l in a sehi'ine wliicli we tliink lunmises not only large returns for tlie eapital luvoted in it. but \er\ maleiial benelil to the Colonv at large. '• Shoidd your ideas be fa\ourable. «!• beg to iinite you to attend a meeting at ih. • iuildhail Coll'ee House Uooiii. No. (Kl, eu Thur-day tin- I'Jtli iust.iiit. at noon (or any of tin undersigned will be glad to have Nour views in writing, to the >ame aildre-^, on (hat da\l, at wliieji meeliug the projeet will be ninre fully di-iiis-el an 1 expLiined, and if pos>ib!i> made to .l-'^ume I! mole busilles~-l;ke ^liape. „ ;uM, 1S(;4. egardillg tlie iliigines into lepartiire for blie groulllK' leriod of the nee .No. S, ol ration of tin 1m (Ic toiler. an, We are. Sir, •• Vnur mo,-.t i.iuedienl --erNaiits, •' .1 rMON. (illll.N ,<;; ];il()I>]>, ■• i'l r llobeil < '. .laiiioi!, '■ l)f Liv(>rpijol, •■ -lo-i rii W. 'I'm leii. " Of Ihiiish ('olnmbia, " .Vn I iiii.N\ l!ii\\i:i(, " I'er i * J. »ii. t.j A~.;>».jiiaj<^.^_ iMfmr, i , "-r^. ^V+Wi-J .t* ^.^^^ ^,_ J? ^ ^ lo 00 SCi / j »i«W^t 4M)W|M(a»M. WS' f JitaiHiiiiiiiir