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 Its advantages to the United States and to Canada. 
 By Arthob Harvey, Esq., Fellow of the Statistical Society of London, Eng., Slatistical Clerk, 
 Finance Department, Quebec. 
 FOR many years after the United States had estab- 
 lished their independence, tlieir trade witli the 
 Colonies which continued to own allegiance to the 
 ISritigh Crown was subject to most galling restric- 
 tions. Partial relief wa.s afforded by the convention 
 negotiated in 1830, by Mr. JlcLane, President Jack- 
 eon's Minister at the Court of at. James ; and a further 
 step towards freedom in commerce was taken in 184(), 
 when the American Government secured the enact- 
 ment of a drawback law. The beneficial results of 
 these measures led to the introduction into Congress, 
 in 1848, of a BUI for Reciprocal Free Trade with Can- 
 ada in certain articles. It failed to become law, but 
 attention having been thus directed to the subject, the 
 Senate, in 1851, requested the Secretary of the Trea. 
 eury to eomunioate to it all the information he could 
 gather relating to the commerce of the Provinces with 
 the States. Mr. Corwin selected Mr. Andrews to col- 
 lect and tabulate the statistics bearing on this Trade ; 
 and that gentleman's report, transmitted to the Senate 
 in August, 1852, had a most important influence on the 
 lubsequent action of the British and American Gov- 
 ernments and Legislatures. 
 Mr. Andrews reported : 
 " That the fhje navigation of the St. Lawrence was 
 greatly desired by all those Western States bordering 
 on the great Lakes, as their natural outlet to the Sea. 
 " That the fVeo navigation of the St. John would be 
 of great advantage to the extensive lumber interest in 
 the North Eastern portion of the Union, and that the 
 repeal of the New Brunswick export duty on Ameri- 
 pun lumber floated down that river would be but an act 
 of justice to the lumbermen of that quarter, upon 
 whom it presses severely. 
 "That without a free participation in the fisheries 
 near the shores of the Colonies, the American deep- 
 sea fisheries in that region would become valueless. 
 " Tliat it would be wise to place the border trade be- 
 tween the United States and tlio Colonies on a iliirc- 
 rent basis, and uiider the influence of a liighcr princi- 
 ple, so as to mature and perfect a comiilcio nystcni of 
 mutual exchanges between the dilforent sections of 
 this rast continent— an achievement not only wise and 
 advantageous, but .yorthy of the high civilization of 
 the country." 
 After much correspondence between the Govern- 
 ments interested, and many debates in the American 
 and Colonial Legislatures, in wliich some opposition 
 to freedom of Trade was shown by the Pennsylvania 
 manufacturers and the Maine lumber interest, and 
 much opposition to admit Americans to the coast fish- 
 eries was displayed by the Maritime I'rovincos, the 
 British Government gave the Earl of Elgin fidl powers 
 to negotiate a treaty in accordance with those views, 
 and Mr. W. L. Slarcy having been named plenipoten- 
 tiary by the President of tlic United States, the Reci- 
 procity Treaty was drawn up. (a) It was " done in 
 (a) The Reciprocity Treaty consists of seven articles: 
 Article I gives to the inhabitants of the United 
 States, In common with tlie subjects of Her Biitannio 
 3Iajef ty, the liberty to take fish, of every kind except 
 shell fifth, on the sea coasts and shores, and in the bays, 
 harbours and creeks of the British North American 
 Article /A gives similar privileges to British subjects 
 in American waters. 
 Article III stipuliites that the following articles, 
 being the growth and produce of tlie British Colonies 
 or the United States, shall be admitted into each coun- 
 try respectively, free of duty : 
 Grain, Flour and BreadstufTs of all kinds; Animals 
 of all kinds; Fish, smoked and salted meat^; <;otton 
 wool, seeds and vegetables ; Undrled fruits, dried fruits ; 
 Fish of all kinds ; Products offish, and all other crea- 
 tures llvinj; in the water; Poultry and eggs; Hides, 
 furs, sl'.ins or tails, undres.sod; Stone or marble in Ita 
 crude or unwrought state; Slate; Butter, cheese, tal- 
 low; Lard, horns, manures; Ores of metals of all 
 kinds; Coal; Pitch, tar, turpentine, a8h<f,t; Timber and 
 lumber of all kinds, round, newed, sawed, unmanufac- 
 tured in whole or in part; Firewood, plants, shrubs 
 and trees; Pelts, wool; Fish oil; Rico brooms, corn 
 and bark; Gypsum, ground or unground; Hewn, or 
 wrought or unwrought burr or grindstones; Dye 
 stufTs; Flax, hemp and tow, unmanufactured; IJnma- 
 nufactured tobacco; lings. 
 Article /Kcxt^Mids to llu' inhn1)itnnt.s ,if the United 
 Stiitcs tlio right to naviguto the Kiver St. I.a\vrciic(> 
 ami th(> caniils in <'aiia<la, used us tliu means of com- 
 niuiiicatins bi'twi'on th(> (iri'Ut l,uk(>s and the Atlantic 
 Ocean, witii their vessels, boats and crafts, as freely 
 as the subjecta of Her Majesty. It also gives to British 
 triplicate at Washington on the 5th of Juno, 1854." It 
 went into elToct in Canada on the 18th October, and 
 was put into full operation in the States by tlio I'resi- 
 dcnt's Troclamation of March ICth, 1^55. 
 For several years afferwiinls, iintliiiij; but satisfac- 
 tion was expressed at the working of the new arranffe- 
 mentM; but when the liscnl necessities of Caimdu ren- 
 dered an increase in its revenue necessary, and heavier 
 duties were levied on manufactured goods, the frontier 
 towns of Now York State, whose exports of such arti- 
 cles began to decline, complained that the si)iiit if not 
 the letter of the Treaty was being broken. Each suc- 
 cessive increase in the Canadian tarilf was made the 
 pretext for renewed complaints. 'I'lie American (Jov- 
 ernment began to act less liberally thar. they were 
 wont towards Canadian merchants. Heavy consular 
 foes began to be exacted on imports from Canada. 
 I'roof began to be demanded, that our exports of grain 
 were " the growth and produce of Canada," ami much 
 of the carrying trade wo liad begun to enjoy v.. is tlius 
 cut off. The Legislature of the State of New York re- 
 ported that the action of the Canadian (iovernmeut 
 was nnfair, and requested its representatives in Con- 
 gress to protect tho interests of the IJepublic from the 
 "unjust and unequal system" said to prevail. And 
 although this statement was ably answered by 3Ir. 
 Taylor and the Chamber of Commerce of St. I'aul, 
 Minnesota, (a) and refuted by Hon. Mr. (ialt, (h) then, 
 as now, Finance Minister of Canada, who pronounced 
 subjects the right freely to navigate ],ake Michigan. 
 Hy this article tho (Government of the United States 
 engages to urge upon the Stati- governments to secure 
 to the subjects of ller IJritannic Alajesty the use of the 
 spveral State canals, on terms of equality with tlie in- 
 iiabitants of the United States. It also s'tipulates that 
 no export dutie.^ shall be levied on lumber cut on Ame- 
 rican territ'..ry, float. ' down the St. John and ox- 
 ported from New Br'. . ■•ok. 
 Article V state* t',;.' ihe treaty is to continue in 
 force for ten yearr '■ ■■■ 'le time of 'its going into ell'ect, 
 after which it shal. ; , ninate on either party's giving 
 one year's notice. 
 Article VI provides for the extension of the Treaty 
 to Newfoundland ; and 
 Article I'// makes tho arrangements for its mutual 
 (a) " Wo venture the further statement thct all par- 
 *' ties to this Treaty have hitherto observed its stipula- 
 " tions in good faith. The Americans possess and en- 
 " joy their enlarged rights in the Hritish fisheries of 
 " the North-Eastern coast, and tho free navigation of 
 "the St. Lawrence; neither (iovernment has inter- 
 " rupted the exchanges of tlie free list prescribed by 
 "the third Article; while upon a subject purposely 
 " excluded from the provisions of the I'reaty; viz.: the 
 " Tarilfs of the United States and the adjacent I'ro- 
 " vincesin respect to articles of manufacture and fo- 
 " reign productions there is no legitimate ground of 
 " complaint in any nnarter. Trior to ISUl, the duties 
 " by the Canadian Tarift' were considerably enlarged 
 " after 1854; but recently the American scale of duties 
 " has been advanced in a still greater proportion. Jn 
 " both ca.ses the changes have been enrorced I y tjian- 
 " clal necessity, and do not conflict with tlie Tieai-' of 
 " 1854."— Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce,'.-;!, 
 raul, Minn., January 17th, 1862. 
 (6) " To allege that the policy of this Government 
 " has been avowedly to damage our neighbours is an 
 " injurious imputation which was scarcely to be ex- 
 " pected from the repre.sentatives of a nation whose 
 " commercial policy is itself so exclusively national 
 " and restrict!' e. * * « If complaint can Justly be 
 " made of the infraction of the spirit, and, it may be 
 " added, letter of the Treaty, it rests with Canada to 
 ' be the complainant. * * * It is a subject of deep 
 " regret to tho undersigned that the Committee on 
 " Commerce should have framed their reixirt and re- 
 " commendations in a sjjirit of aeonsation and eom- 
 " plaint, rather than upon a correct appreciation of 
 " mutual advantages in the past inducing further pro- 
 " gross in the same direction in the future."— Keport 
 • Jtfr. Uftlt, March 17tb, 1862. 
 it " unjustifiable," a resolution introduced into Co 
 gross, by Mr. Ward, in December, 1S63, was carried 
 and tho I'resident was authorized to suspend the ex- 
 isting Treaty, and ai)point Commissioners to negotiate 
 a new one. (a) Notice was accordingly given in Lon- 
 don on the 17th Starch, 1S05, and information thereof 
 reached the (iov(.rnor (ieneral at Quebec on the Ord 
 It is perhaps allowable here to take a rai]i<l survey of 
 the regions most interested in the Treaty, which are, 
 Jimfty, those beside the Lakes, their natural outlet by 
 the St. Lawrence and their artificial one by the Hud- 
 son ; and, svcondli/, tho North-Kastern States and I'ro- 
 The basin of tho Lakes has, for the last two decades, 
 presented a spectacle of material progress unexampled 
 in the history of the world. Cities whoso very names 
 W(.re not marked on the maps from which, as school 
 boys, we learned geography, now count their popula- 
 tion by tons of thousands; and the Atlantic seaiiort, to 
 which their trade converges, already boasts of far 
 more than a million of souls, (h) Nor havo the rural 
 districts, admirably adapted by soil and climate for tho 
 support of a dense population, lagge<l behind. Thoy 
 have attracted an unprecedented tide of immigration, 
 and on looking at the census, (e) it would seem that a 
 region must have been in some way connected with 
 the Lakes to maintain its relative position amongst tho 
 States and I'rovinces of this Northern continent, (rf) 
 (a) J}e it liesolved by the Senate and House of repre- 
 sentatives, cfec: 
 "That the President of tho United States bo, and ho 
 " is hereby authorized, by and with tho advice and 
 " consent of the Senate, to appoint three Cimimlssion- 
 " ers, to confer with persons duly authorized bvtireat 
 " Uritain in that behalf, to negociate a new Treaty, 
 " based npon the true princiides of Keciproclty be- 
 " t'veen tlie two tiovernments and the people of both 
 " countries, with the view of enlarging the basis of tho 
 " present Treaty, and for the removal of existing difii- 
 " culties." — I'roceedings of House of IJepresentatives, 
 December 14th, 1863. 
 (h) The increase between the last two census-takings 
 of the chief cities on the Lakes and their outlets, is as 
 follows: POPULATION. KSTIMA'l). 
 1860. 1800. 1805. 
 Milwaukee 20,001 45,246 70,000 
 Chicago 29,003 10it,2f)0 180,000 
 Detroit 21,019 46,619 60,000 
 liullalo 42,201 81,1'29 100,000 
 Hochester 30,403 48,204 00,000 
 New York and Brooklyn 012,385 1,072,312 1,250,000 
 1852. 1801. 
 Hamilton 14,112 19,096 25,000 
 Toronto .. a0,775 44,821 50,000 
 Kingston 11,585 13,743 15,000 
 Montreal and suburbs . . 60,000 .'01,602 "'20,000 
 — From Census of United States and Canada. Esti- 
 mates, from Keportj of Boards of Trade, &c. 
 (c) The population of these States and of Canada is 
 thus given in the othclal census reports: 
 1860. 1860. 1865. 
 W;rcoi:sin 305,391 775,881 1,000,000 
 Micnigan 397,ti54 7't9,113 900,000 
 Illinois 851,470 1,711,951 2,000,000 
 Indiana 988,410 1,350,428 1,500,000 
 Ohio 1,980,329 2,339,502 2,500,000 
 I'ennsvlvania 2,311,780 2,iK)6.115 3,000,000 
 New York 0,097,004 0,880,706 4,200,000 
 1852. 1861. 
 Canada 1,842,265 2,507,657 2,900,000 
 To these should, perhaps, be added : 
 Minnesota 6,077 172,023 250,000 
 Iowa 192,214 074,913 800,000 
 (<l) All the States did indeed increase absolutely be- 
 tween 1860 and 1800, but not In the same rehitive pro- 
 pin-tion. An Interesting table, i)ubllshed In 3Ir. Ken- 
 nedy's report on tho census, piig(* 120, shews thatNew 
 YorK, I'euusylvauia and Ohio, remained iu their proud 
 The valin 
 consin, S 
 nia. New 
 000 in 185 
 The Im 
 to 77,000 
 Wheat g 
 The rai 
 every dir 
 position I 
 from the 
 10th. 15 
 (a) Vi 
 oducpd into Co 
 1863, was carripcl 
 Husipcnd the ox- 
 imcrs to iK'gdfiato 
 tly given 111 J.(in. 
 iiriiiutidii tliereof 
 lebec on I lie Oril 
 n rajiid survey of 
 reafy, wliicli are, 
 tinturul outlet by 
 one by the Hud- 
 11 States and I'ro. 
 Inst two decades, 
 ress unexamplod 
 lioso very names 
 wiiich. as school 
 nt their popiihi. 
 Iaiifics(>iiiiiirt, to 
 ly boasts of far 
 r have the rural 
 id climate for tho 
 d beliind. Thoy 
 of immigration, 
 )uld seem that a 
 connected with 
 ion amongst tho 
 rn continent, (rf) 
 House of repro- 
 !tates be, and lio 
 tho advice and 
 •ee C<mmiission- 
 ' a new Treaty, 
 Iteciprocitv be- 
 B people of both 
 K the basis of tho 
 of existing dilli- 
 t) conans-takingR 
 pir outlets, is as 
 ION. kstima'd. 
 !,312 1,250,000 
 ), &c. 
 d of Canada is 
 67 2,000,000 
 23 250,000 
 13 800,000 
 absolutely be. 
 relative pro- 
 I ill Jfr. Ken- 
 lews that New 
 iu their proud 
 The value of real estate and personal property in Wis- 
 consin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Oliio, I'ennsylva- 
 nia, New York, and Canada, increas(>d from .«3,000,*XK), 
 000 in 1850, to nearly S7,000,000,(KX) in 18r/).(a) 
 Tho improved lands increased from 51,(K)0,fHXt acres 
 to 77,00O,fXKt, and the grain raised shows a similar 
 increase, viz.: 
 1850. 1800. 
 ■\Vheat grown, bus.(&) 8.3,500,000 127,0<ii),(iOO 
 Corn " " 217,000,000 ;j'20,(XKl,000 
 (tot.s " " 104,000,000 1.72,000,0<X) 
 Tho railroads which now traverse these countries in 
 every direction lr.xve sjirung into existence as if by 
 magic. In 1850 there wore but .3500 miles completed; 
 jiosition at the head of the list: that Illinois advanced 
 frurn the lltli to the 4lli: liuliana from 7lh to tith; 
 Wisconsin from 24th to 15th; Michigan from 20th to 
 loth. lint even energetic (ieorgiu lost two places and 
 became eleventh ; Virginia declined from 4tli to 5tli; 
 Mas.sachusetts from Otli to 7tli, and Kentucky, I'eiiii- 
 svlvania, Ac, lost caste in comparison with their North- 
 Western sister States. 
 ((/) Value of Ileal Instate as given iu the census 
 1850. 1800. 
 Wisconsin !e42,050„'')95 8273.071,0O.S 
 Michigan 59,787,255 2f')7,l(«,983 
 Illinois l.')0,205,(HMi 871,800.282 
 Indiana 202,tw0.2fVt 528,R'35,371 
 Ohio 504,720.120 1,193,898,422 
 I'ennsvlvania 722,480,120 l,4lO,.fK)l,K18 
 New Vork 1,080,309,210 1.843.338,517 
 Canada 300,000,000 550,000,000 
 »3,0C8,28O,570 80,935,270,001 
 (The census of Canada gives the value of farms only, 
 viz. : 
 1852 $203,510,192 
 1801 406,075,384 
 An addition has been made for city property and 
 personal estate.) 
 Tlie increase in lands improved was as follows : 
 1850. 1800. 
 ■\V isconsin, acres 1,045,499 3,74t),030 
 Michigan 1,929,110 3,419,801 
 Illinois 5,039,545 13,251,473 
 Indiana 5,040,543 8,101,717 
 Ohio 9,8.'')1,493 12,005,587 
 IViinsylvania 8,023,019 10,403,300 
 New York 12,408,904 14,370,397 
 Canada 7,307,950 10,855,854 
 51,252,723 76,940,231 
 Increase in ten years, acres 25,087,508 
 Tlie increase in agricultural productions is shown by 
 the following table, of which the details are interest- 
 ing, since they prove that New Yol-k and I'ennsy- 
 Ivaiiia grow less wlieat than formerly, and dejieud 
 more on other regions for sustenance. 
 (6) Wheat ouowk— 1850. 1800. 
 Illinois, bus 9,414,575 24.1,59,500 
 Indiana, " 0,214,458 15,219,120 
 Michigan, " 4,925,889 8,313,185 
 New York, " 13,121,498 8,081, liX) 
 I'enn., " 15,307,691 1.3,(H5,231 
 Wisconsin, " 4,280,131 15,812,025 
 Ohio, " 14,487,351 14,532,570 
 Canada, " 15,75(5,493 27,274,779 
 83,574,080 127,038,110 
 Indian Corn raised— 
 Illinois, bus 57,040,984 115,290,779 
 Indiana, " 52,9»H 3(>1 09,041,591 
 Michigan, " 5,041,420 12,152,110 
 New York, " 17,858.4<"K) 2(),(Hil,048 
 I'enn., " 19,8aV214 28,190,821 
 Wisconsin, " 1,988,979 7,505,2iX> 
 Ohio, " 59,078,095 70,037,140 
 Canada, " 2,090,094 2,591,151 
 217,104,119 320,141,930 
 in 1800 there were 17,000, (a). Ihe tonnage of llio 
 lakes, which was but 215,787 tons in 1850, was 450,000 
 tons ill 18(2, {/>). As might naturally be exnectod 
 fniiii such an increase in the means of transportation, 
 the commerce of the Luke region has increased in pro- 
 portion. To give one item only. The movi ment of 
 grain Ka.-tward, which was about 20,000,000 bus. in 
 18.'>0, reached tin- enormous aiiiouiit of 137,772,441 bus. 
 in 1802, (c) and 1:58,798,074 bus. in 18(i3. 
 Oath {shown — 
 Illinois, bus 10,087,241 15,ay>,072 
 Indiana, '• 5,t'.iV),014 6,028,755 
 Michigan, " 2,80t),0.50 4,073,098 
 New York, " 20.'>)2,814 ,'55,176,13;j 
 I'enn., " 21.5;iS,l,-,ii 27,387,149 
 Wlscou.sin, " 3.414,r,72 1I,(j69,270 
 Ohio, •' 13,472,742 15,479,133 
 Canada " 20,309,247 3.8,772,170 
 103,9.55,942 152,310,780 
 Nor did the jiro^rress of the .States stop even when the 
 Iicliellioii began. Kiiriii IJlodget, in a remarkable 
 pamphlet on •• the Coniuieri'ial and Kiimncial .Strength 
 of the liilted .States," 18154, shows that tin? "quanti- 
 ties handled" in 18t53 were " more than thirty »<;rce«<. 
 over the (nuintities of 18tj0." and gives the udlowing 
 table of" Domestic Kxports of the Loyal States": 
 In 18;j9-00 S173,7,59,(5(i4 
 im)-m 201, (551, .5.54 
 ^>il\\-^fZ 213,0(59,519 
 lS02-0;3 305,884,998 
 lie adds, " we have a right to claim tliat almost the 
 entire advance in value from 1800 to tlie close of June. 
 180.3, was a legitimate and reasonable increase, caused 
 by no intlation or deiireciation of the currency." 
 Compare ti.'" nddress of the Illinois delegates of 1803 
 to the (ioveriior (i^""ral of Canada: " With otic-tviitli 
 " of the arable surface ..:.'— cultivation, the iirodiict 
 " ef Wheat of the North- Western States in 1802 is 
 "estimated at 150,000,000 bus., and of Indian Corn at 
 " 5(X),000,000 bus." 
 (a) Itailroads in the Lake States and Canada : 
 1860. 1860. 
 New York, miles 1,403 2,702 
 I'ennsylvania, " 822 2,542 
 Ohio, " 575 2,999 
 Indiana, " 228 2,126 
 Michigan, " !W2 799 
 Illinois, " 110 2,808 
 Wisconsin, " 20 922 
 Canada, " 12 1,974 
 3,512 10,932 
 Cost of the same $132,220,000 $723,579,641 
 (h) Tonnage of 1S.',0, from Andrews' Keport, page 
 ,52. That of 18(52 from Keport Chicago Hoard of 
 Trade, 18(53, p. 59. The nationality of the craft was : 
 American, iTons... 3(51,997 .... Value. . .!?ll,3&t,100 
 Canadian, " ... 88,896 .... " ... 2,607,500 
 450,893 §13,971,000 
 (f) The amount of grain sent Kastward depends 
 much on thi- abundance of the harvest. Wo have no 
 figures for the jieriod between 1850 and 18,50, but the 
 following table shows the <iuaiitity sent Kastward in 
 eadi year, excejiting those in that interval— {Flour con- 
 verted into (irain): 
 18,50, bushels 26,000,000 
 1850, " 57,707,709 
 ia57, " 44,111,'299 
 1858, " 58,872,566 
 1859, " 44,354,'225 
 1860, " 78,(539,420 
 18(51, " 120,741,861 
 1802, " 137,772,441 
 1803, " 138,798,074 
 1804, " 100,007,384 
 Tho above figures aro ft-om a jiapor read by 
 the author before the I..iterary and Historical 
 Society, t^uebec, supplemented as to i;5i53 and 1804 by 
 those in the renort of the Montreal Board of Trade, 
 18(54, from which we take the annexed table, showing 
 the manner in which thisgraiu reached the Eaateri) 
 Status and rroviucea in 1863 : 
Tliig woudorful progrpss i» not to bo attributed to 
 any one cause; the I'xodus from Ireland, (jcrmany, 
 and Norway, tlio adoption of a Krp<' Trade policy by 
 England, the expenditure of about $1,000,000,0<JO on 
 railroads and canals- -all these have powerfully contri- 
 buted to make the lands around the lakes attractive to 
 capitalist and laborer, liut not the least among such 
 causes, and one which especially concerns commercial 
 men, has been the enactment of the Itcciprocity 
 Treaty and the freedom ot trade which these regions 
 have consequently eiyoyed. 
 The Lakes and their connecting rivers have a coa.st 
 line of upwards ;'4000 miles— half British, half Ame- 
 rican. At numerous points Canada and the States 
 actually indent each other. Hero Canadian, there 
 American railroads and canals offer to the joint com- 
 merce of the two countries the shortest transit, the 
 clieapost and most rapid means of conveyance from 
 East to West. Here Canadian, there American mar- 
 kets are the best or the most convenient for the people 
 of the neighbouring districts to buy or sell in. It has 
 been permissible since 1856 for the inhabitants of eilier 
 side of the frontier freely to use the facilities afforded 
 by the other, and a trade lias grown up whica, though 
 before Keciprocity it never exceeded »13,000,000 
 per annum, now averages about 840,000,000, surpass- 
 ing what the entire foreign commerce of the States 
 was for several years after the beginning of their 
 government, (a) 
 R(!Cci7c<l nt 
 Western Ter. Bait. 
 and Ohio K. U... 
 Western Ter. I'enn. 
 Central K. It. . . . 
 1152! t2 
 Suspension Bridge, 
 CajM! Vincent 
 (a) Statement of the trade of the United States with 
 Canada : 
 Imports Exports 
 from Canada, to Canada. 
 1849 84,234,724 
 1850 $4,285,470 5,930.821 
 1851 4,956,471 7,929,140 
 1852 4,669,969 6,717,060 
 1853 C,278,116 7,829,099 
 1864 6,721,539 17,30O,7(H5 
 1865 12,182,314 18,720,344 
 1866 17,488,197 20,883,241 
 1857 18,291,834 16,574,895 
 1868 11,681,671 17,029,254 
 1869 14,208,717 18,940,792 
 1860 18,861,073 14,083,114 
 1861 18,646,457 14.361,858 
 1862 16,253,16^ 12,842,504 
 1863 18,816,999 19898,718 
 The above figures are from 5Ir. Cliaso's letter to tli ; 
 House of Representatives, January 28th, 1864. 
 It is remarkabli) how closely tliey agree with the 
 The last nine years sum up thus : 
 Canadian returns. 
 Import*! from Export* to 
 Canada. Canada. 
 9145,329,914 8153,334,720 
 Exports to Imports from 
 U. States U. States. 
 Our o^vn returns sum up to . $141,704,429 $183,611,249 
 Something should be added to the Exports both 
 from Canada and the States tor '• short returns," and 
 tlie figures would then correspond to a nicety which 
 almost proves their correctness, and is highly credita- 
 ble to the statiiitical ofiicera of both countriea. 
 If wo now turn to the F^^ifward wo shall see a> 
 entirely diffi'rent scene. 'I'he Noth-Eastern communi- 
 ties, living under a less genial sun, and possessing a 
 l(>ss fertile soil, look to the sea for a great portion of 
 their harvest. The value of the deep sea fisheries of 
 Massachusetts, in 1860, (a) was no less tlian »9,300,442, 
 of Maine and Connecticut over 81,000,000 each, and that 
 of the British Provinces $8,000,000, (/<). The tonnage 
 engaged in fishing, exclusive of whaling, is not stated 
 ill the American returns, but it i)rol)aI)ly equals that 
 of the Provinces, which is uliout 1(JO,(K)0, worth, at a 
 low estimate, ,'!?4,000,000. 
 The population of these coiiiitrie.-* has not increased 
 with great rapidity, but the trade of the States with 
 the British I'o.s,sessions lias increased, under tlie opera- 
 tion of the Keciprocity Treaty, from 88,000,000 to 816,- 
 000,000 per annum, (c) 
 (a) Kennedy's Preliminary Ueport on the Census, 
 page 188. 
 Value of fish caught by United States fishermen, 
 (United States census :) — 
 Mackerel and cod fishery J Maine .SI ,060,755 
 including, it appears, J Massachusetts.. . 2,774,204 
 hake, lierring, iic ) Connecticut 281,189 
 The statistics of the fishing industry of the United 
 States, as given in the census, are very incomplete. 
 The total .'alue of fish taken is given at $12,924,092, 
 which iiiclud"s 87,621,588 value of products of the 
 wlialo fishery. The onlv other important figures 
 relate to the mackerel, cou and herring fishery, given 
 (6) The following figures show the extent of the 
 fishing industry of the Lower Provinces: — 
 Value of fish caught, (from the census tables of 
 the several Provinces, 1860): 
 Newfoundland— .seals excluded $4,440,000 
 Nova Scotia— cod, mackerel, and herring.. . 2,602,000 
 New Brunswick— cod, mackerel, lierring, 
 alewives and hake 388,235 
 Prince Edward Island — cod, herring and 
 mackerel 272,532 
 Lower Canada— {estimate) 700,000 
 (f ) Population of the North Eastern Atlantic States 
 and Province.^, 1850 and 1860: 
 States— 1850. 
 Maine 581,813 
 Miussachusetts 986,450 
 Connecticut 363,099 
 New Hampshire 317,466 
 Newfoundland 122,638 
 Nova Scotia 276,117 
 New Brunswick 193,800 
 Prince Edward Island 71,496 
 Trade of the United States witli the Maritime Pro- 
 vinces ;— 
 1803, U-stlmated). 
 Imp. from them. 
 . 1,736,651 
 . 1,620,330 
 . 2,272,602 
 . 2,206,021 
 . 2,954,420 
 . 3,822,224 
 . 3,832,462 
 . 4,224,948 
 . 5,518,834 
 . 4,989,708 
 . 4,417,478 
 . 4,(>16,843 
 . 5,000,000 
 Exp'ts to them. 
 From the letter of ilia Secretary to the Treasury, 
 January 18(54. 
1 wo iiliall goe ai 
 eastern communi- 
 and po!<i<t'!«8ing a 
 a Krvat portion of 
 t^p spa fishcrips of 
 18 than 8i9,3Cl0,442, 
 OOOeach, and that 
 ''). The tonnage 
 iiip, is not stated 
 i;ihly e<iiml!* tliat 
 u.im, wortli, at a 
 us not increased 
 llie States with 
 under tlie opera- 
 58,000,000 to $16,- 
 t on tlie Censuf, 
 States (ishcrnion, 
 • ... iPl.OSO.TW 
 lettf... 2,774,204 
 ut 281,189 
 ry of the United 
 ■ery incomplete. 
 Ml at $12,024,092, 
 I)r()duct.s of tlie 
 iportant tipiires 
 iig flsliery, given 
 R extent of tlio 
 inces : — 
 lensus tables of 
 . . . $4,440,000 
 ill?.-. 2,6(J2,000 
 g and 
 !i Atlantic States 
 >1 788,049 
 Maritime Vto- 
 Exp'ts to them. 
 the Treasury, 
 Until tlio passage of tlio IJeciprocily Acts of 1864, 
 the Americans were excluded, in terms of tlie Con- 
 Tention of 1818, from the rifrlit to li:*li within thiTO 
 milts of the sea coastof New liruiisuick. Nova .Scotia, 
 I'riiicu Kdward Island, and (iinadu. Neither could 
 they legally resort to all jiarts of the Newfoundland 
 shore. Since, however, mackerel can only be caught 
 within that limit, (ai where also the best kinds of other 
 lisli are often to be found, the lishernieii from the 
 States were frei|iieiitly led both clandestinely to evade 
 and openly to defy the terms of the Iiileriiatioiial 
 agreement. When detected and caught, their ves.-els 
 were; often conliscated; and, just bel'ore the negocia- 
 tion of the Treaty, the Ini])eriul (jovernment (.ent out 
 a tleet of armed vessels, {/<) while the Colonies them- 
 selves fitted out six cruisers, fully armed and manned, 
 to prevent further aggressions. There was an addi- 
 tional cause of irritation in the misunderstanding 
 which existed as to the jirecise nieaning of the <'on- 
 Tention — the iirovinciiil authorities contuniling that 
 the line from which the marine league was to be 
 measured, was, not the coast-line, but one stretching 
 from headland to headland. The Keciprocity Treaty 
 happily brought these disputes to an end. American 
 fishermen coining northward ceased to be and to be 
 regarded as thieves; und were no longer liable to bo 
 chased from one secluded port to another. They now 
 ply their honest calling in an honourable way. Fleets 
 (a) "Our fishermen cannot go through another 
 summer without involving themselves in serious dilli- 
 cultios with the British I'roviiices. . . Not that war 
 will ensue, unless the fishermen arc <]Uieted, but I 
 believe there is danger of bloodslied. Tlniv nru no 
 mackerel left on the shores of the United Slates, and 
 that fishery cannot be succe.s'sfuUy jnosecuted without 
 going within three miles of the shore, so that unless we 
 nave this privilege, to enjoy the shore fishery without 
 annoyance, the mackerel fishery will bo broken up, 
 and that important nursery for American .seanion will 
 be destroyed."— .Speech of lion. Amos Tuck, of New 
 liumpshirc, i!i ll'seofUep's, 1851. 
 " Accounts dated the 17th instant, from I'ort Hood, 
 " mention that all the United States craft fishing 
 " along the Nova Scotian coast ' are detained by the 
 " • steamer Devastation, for alleged informality in their 
 " ' papers, and any vessel attempting to leave will be 
 " ' fired into.' "— Lxtract from tiuebec Mevcunj, Sept. 
 (h) " A circular letter has been sent to the governors 
 of the several colonies, announcing that Her .Majesty's 
 Government has resolved to send a small force of 
 armed vessels and steamers to North America to pro- 
 tect the fisheries against foreign agj're.ssion. The 
 Colonial Ciovernments have fitted out si.v cruisers, 
 fully manned anc". armed, which have sailed for the 
 best fishing grounds, and there is imminent danger of 
 a collision. The colonial cruizers threaten to make 
 prize of every vessel "fishing, or preparing to fish," 
 within certain limits, which the colonial authorities 
 contend are within three marine miles beyond a line 
 drawn from headland to headhnid, and not three 
 miles from the shores of the coast, which our citizens 
 contend is the true reading of the convention." — An- 
 drew's Keport, page 30. 
 One of the most serious consequences of this ha- 
 bitual eva.sion of the terin< of the Convention of 1818 
 was, that the American fishing vessels were obliged 
 to place themselves in diflicuit ond dangerous posi- 
 tions to avoid detection. In 1851, over 100 ves.sels 
 were driven asliorc on I'rinco Kdward Island in a 
 gale, and over 300 lives lost. The fleet braved the 
 storm rather than run for port, and thus confess their 
 inltactiuu of British rights. 
 "The return of mackerel tliis year will fall short 
 " one-half of the ([uantity taken to this date last year. 
 " This is attributeil mainly to the vessels being 
 " obliged to keep further from the shore than here- 
 " tofore. Another cause is their being prohibited from 
 " fishing in the Hay of Chaleurs, where full fares could 
 " have been obtained."— From the Gloucester 2We- 
 graph, Sept., 1862. 
 of fishing craft, owned in ^faiiic and Massachu.scttH, 
 now visit, unhindered, every Now Brunswick island, 
 every Nova.'^cotian bay ; while, preceding the advance 
 of spring, they jxnir in almost countless numbers 
 through '_■ gut of Canso, the side gate to the (iulf of 
 .St. Lawrence, and taki' homo full cargois from the 
 Bay of Chaleurs and Canadian waters. A return laid 
 before the Canadian ruiliainent last year gives some 
 important inl'orniation on this score. It shows that 
 the value id' fish taken in our waters by American 
 llshermen, which was but .f2S0,fjo0 per annum pre- 
 viously to XKy'i, rose at once to .'«t).','2.400 in that year, 
 and reached no less a figure than $1,205, 70<J in 1.S50. 
 :t then gradually declined to S41(i,f)f)0 in 18W. When 
 the rebellion commenced, the war navy of the .States 
 needed and obtained the .services of many fishing ves- 
 sels and their crews, und the value of the fish taken fell 
 to s'i'W.'MM) annually ; but there is little doubt that, now 
 theircountry no longer needs their services, tlie fisher- 
 men, if allowed, will again come north in the .same 
 numbers as beioie. {ii) It was at one time feared that 
 the inllu.x. of American fishing vessels would si'Hously 
 injure tlie fislieries, and dejirive the fishermen of the 
 Provinces of tlu.ir means of sujiport. This api>relien- 
 sion has not been realized to any great extent; and 
 any injury that may have rosulteil in this respect has 
 been more than counterbalanced by the increased 
 energy wliich the comiietition of the Americans has 
 taught their cousins to employ (b). As a proof it may 
 bo mentioned that the value of the fish taken by Nova 
 Scotians and Now Brunswickers, which was j?2,llO,750 
 in 1S50, reached no less a figure tlian iS2,9u0,2;l5 in 
 IStjO ((•). 
 Tlie fisheries of the lakes cannot coinpan. in value 
 with those of the ocean, although they are of the 
 annual value of about !i?7.')0,0<X). (</) The iSociprocity 
 Treaty does not, in terms, apply to these inland 
 waters, but, owing in great part to its existence, 
 Americans have not been molested while fishing in 
 Canadian waters, where the best fisheries are. It may, 
 therefore, be considered as one of the incidental 
 advantages of the Treaty to the Americans that they 
 {(I) Statement of the No. of American vessels engaged 
 in the fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Cana- 
 dian waters. &c., &c. :— 
 ^"- "* InnnntTe ^''■'' " *" ValuO of 
 Ves.sels. tonnage. ^^^^^^^ Fish taken. 
 18.")B 2()0 18,200 3,4(K) S 204,(K)i) 
 1853 2-20 15.40(J 3,i)00 270,<K)0 
 1854 231 lti.3Si) 3,'220 280,8(K) 
 1855 3.34 23,.380 3,580 (32,400 
 185t) 476 3ii,:ja) (i.iiOO 1,26;',,700 
 1857 4.^2 31,iHii 0.240 l,or>},(H)0 
 18.58 4.'>;j 31.710 6,170 6;J4,50<) 
 law 3K0 ati.ooo 6,it;o 628,i)oo 
 1800 yro 25,01 K) 4,itS0 459,(KX) 
 1861 3.',6 24,0-20 4,840 410,400 
 1802 274 lit,^) 3.740 267,000 
 18tJ:J '235 10,450 3,2;i0 249,750 
 Ueturn compiled by Sir. Whitcher. Fisheries Branch 
 Crown Lauds Department, 27tli June, 1804. 
 (h) Vide speech of Hon. Charles Fisher, of New 
 Brunswick, delivered at Toronto, 1864. 
 (c) These figures relate to the cod, herring and 
 mackerel lisheries. The total value of all kinds offish 
 taken in N. Brunswick was 1f518,,')31 in 1860 as ..gainst 
 S!3'31,328 in 1850; and the census compilers state in 
 1861 that " a considerable proportion of the catch of 
 the past year has not been reported." 
 (d) The white fish taken in the lakes, 1860, by the 
 Americans, was given as $,587,479, of which $250,467 
 was the result ol the industry of Michigan.— Census, 
 p. 188. 
 The value of the fisheries to Canadians, vide census, 
 was about $150,000. This is probably an under-state- 
 meut, as it does uot tal)y with the export tables. 
 havo been allowed frcoly tu (ako on our lake shores 
 tluli worth • Sout ?250,000, while tln> Cunttdianx havo 
 had tlic III ,■ >it ' t lh< market ol' llio Ktates for their 
 catch, uf which about 976,00U worth had been annually 
 exported acrosM the border. 
 It would not be difficult to occupy, in trcatin;; of 
 this branch of the Hubject, the few columns allowed 
 for the discussion ol the whole. Suffice it, however, 
 to remark fUrther, that a good supply of llsh— a 
 necessity of life to the members of at least one numer- 
 ous creed— is of no little conseiiuence to the health 
 and comfort of all classes. Without reference then to 
 the exjiort trade in ffsh, it follows that every measure 
 which enlarges the Held of the llsherman's calling 
 must be advantageous to the whole community. 
 Moreover, (without alluding to the recii)rocal trade 
 In ffsh and flour between the Stat( s and the Maritime 
 Provinces, of which hereafter,) it is evident that, since 
 the ffshcrman is a consumer, not n producer of vege- 
 table food, every measure which encourages the rtsli- 
 inft induhtry of the Kast benefits the funning commun- 
 ity of the We; t, as well as the forwaidiiig and 
 commercial interests of the middle States. 
 Wc need not, however, look to such indirect effects 
 to sec the enormous advantages of which the Treaty 
 has been productive to the agricultural interests of the 
 States and of Canada. Under the clause which per- 
 mits the free importation into either country of most 
 of the raw products of the other, the trade in these 
 articles betw -n Canada and the States, which was 
 only some •¥10,000,000 in the best years before the 
 Treaty, has expanded to an average of 823,000,000 per 
 I'cople do not buy and sell unless for mutual profit, 
 and when wo look at this enormous increase of trade, 
 wc must infer that the gains of those concerned in it 
 have been increased in proportion. It is indeed diffi- 
 cult to over-estimate the influence of this enormous 
 volume of commerce in building up the fortunes of 
 commission merchants, railway shareholders, steam- 
 boat and ship owners, and their dependents, as well 
 as of the farmers themselves.(a) Wo gain an insight into 
 (a) Free imports into United States from Canada, 
 under Reciprocity Treaty. l'"rom Secretary Chase's 
 returns :— 
 Half year to June, 1855 9 5,950,500 
 Year 1855-50 15,927,185 
 " 1860-57 16.450,788 
 " 1857-58 10,475,133 
 " 1858-69 11,444,330 
 " 1859-00 10,1210,128 
 " 1800-01 10,300,377 
 " 1801-62 14,293,922 
 " 1802-03 12,807,3li4 
 Estlm'e 1803-ti4 13,000,000 
 Do. iof'64 0,500,000 
 Total trade under the Reciprocity 
 Treaty for ten years »139,.3C5,727 
 Free Imports into Canada, nnder Reciprocity Treaty. 
 From Canadian T. St N. Tables:— 
 Year 1855 » 7,725,672 
 " 1856 8,082,820 
 " 1857 8,642,044 
 " 1858 5,5(54,015 
 " 1869 7,106,116 
 " 1860 7,009,098 
 " 1861 9,980,937 
 " 1862 14,430,()26 
 " 1863 12,339,307 
 " 1864, (I'istimate) 12,000,000 
 * 92,941,195 
 Total trade both ways $232,300,922 
 Excess of imports into the States $40,124,632 
 the reciprocity of this beneflcial influence by observ- 
 ing the course in which it is conducted with respect 
 to the leading articles of e.xchangc. 
 In 18ti3, wo importeil from the .States 4.210,!KI0 bush, 
 of wheat, and exported thither 1,100,000. The imports 
 were chiefly at Kingston (3,175,055 bush.), and at 
 Sarnia (78,795 busli.) The exports were princi|)ally 
 across the Lakes. We al.-o imported 225, 4.39 bbls. of 
 flour anil exported 490,<X)l. Converting these into 
 their e(|Uivalents in bushels of wheat, we tind that our 
 imports of this cereal from the .States were 5,3;J8,095, 
 and exports thither, 3,8.jO,0<W. Now we did not 
 im|)ort the balance, 1,488,095 bush., because we needed 
 it for food, for we had a line surplus of our own, and 
 exported to Kurope and the Colonics 1,494, W4 bush, 
 of Wheat and 2,783,1"j0 bbls. of Fiour; together, 
 8,9t;9,30-J bush, of Wheat. IJut it helped to feed our 
 internal commerce, nnule up \'j per vent . of our foreign 
 exi)ort of this article, and increas/^d the business of 
 our millers— since the figures ':how that what wo im- 
 ported as wheat, we exported chiefly as flour. Re- 
 sides, sectional bcnelits resulted : for the price of 
 wheat was rendered uniform iu ail accessible parts of 
 the country. On the other hand, the price of flour 
 was somewhat reduced to the people of the Xorth- 
 eastern States, who received a portion of their sup- 
 plies by our cheap freight routes, while the American 
 merchants and forwarders enjoyed the beneflt of the 
 trade with the Maritime I'rovinces, which consume 
 annually about the same quantity of broadstufls which 
 we export to the States. In 1863, the Lower rrovinces 
 imported from the United States flour and wheat to 
 the extent of 3,615,232 bush. ; our exports to the 
 States being, as above given, 3,850,000. {l>) 
 From Secretary Chase's report, pages 10-18, it appears 
 that the total trade with the Maritime I'rovinces, 
 under the Treaty, for the flrst ten years of its con- 
 tinuance, was :— 
 Imports into 
 U. S. 
 « 35,500,000 
 Add the Trade with 
 Canada, as above. . 139,305,727 
 Imp^rt8 into 
 Total trade under 
 this Treaty $174,805,727 $132,941,196 
 The U. S. Tariff" on the principal articles mentioned 
 in the Schedule attached to the Reciprocity Treatv, 
 was on— Animals, 20 per cent.; Rutter, 20; I'ork, 20; 
 Fish, 20: Kggs, 20; I'elts, 20; Wheat, 20; Flour, 20; 
 Rarley, 20; Oata, 20; Rye and Corn, 20; Vegetables, 
 20; Fruits, 20; Lumber, Timber and Wood, 20; Wool, 
 30; Clover and Grain Seeds, 30; Coal, 30. 
 The present United States Tariff" is considerably 
 higher, although few of the above articles are speci- 
 fled in the Tarift". It only mentions— Coal, $l.2o per 
 ton; Seeds, Garden, 30 per cent; Sheep skins. 20; 
 Tobacco, unmanufactured, 35 cents per lb.; Wool, 
 unmanufactured, if less value than 12 cents per lb., 3 
 cents, 24 cents per lb., cents. 
 (6) Compare Hon. Mr. Ilowland's nmort to the 
 Executive Council on Intercolonial 'trade, 1801. 
 Also, speech of Hon. T. Ryan. (I'arlliiiucutary Re- 
 ports, 1865 ) 
 The figures for 1803, arc the following : 
 Imports of wheat and flour from the United State** 
 into — 
 brls. bush. 
 Newfoundland, flour 216,595 = 1,082,975 
 New Urunswick, wheat 16,157 
 Flour 217,420 = 1,087,100 
 Nova Scotia, flour 286,000 — 1,430,000 
 Total, bushels 3,615,232 
 Exports of wheat and flour from Canada to United 
 Wheat Bush. 1,400,000 
 Flour, brls 490,000 — " 2,450,000 
 Total, bushels, 3,860,000 
 Looking n 
 we exportei 
 while we ini 
 exports to 
 ■112,097,688; t 
 other hand, 
 !*975,014, am 
 see that the 
 enabling tin 
 to u-ie their 
 f,ir which tl 
 corn. 'l'he( 
 tiige of chei 
 had been ili 
 corn. >' 
 wort'i >2,3;i 
 Imt ue impel 
 only to thee 
 who grows 
 The exchan 
 henefieial to 
 recent war, 
 and cattle n 
 rican peoph 
 farmers wel 
 their usual > 
 States abou 
 1863, the an 
 of theutnui 
 possesses vi 
 fleece of tlu 
 their manul 
 'fuming 1 
 mine, we fii 
 tages result 
 articles free 
 sold 5,000,0( 
 ciprocity Ti 
 thracite, ar 
 gave in the 
 15ut the biti 
 so far Wes 
 (a) Imports 
 Animals fo 
 1865. . . . 
 1856. . . . 
 1867. . . . 
 1858. . . . 
 1859. . . . 
 Our exy 
 Mais are ( 
 •' ih) Expoi 
 1860. . . . 
 1852. . . 
 •' (.)urt 
 " can wo 
 " worth 
 " ricau v 
 iiiflucnco by obson- 
 nilucfi'd nitli rcsptct 
 SliitL>.i4.210,!J(iO bu.-h. 
 1(H),<X)0. Thf iinjiurtH 
 ,<)'jo buNh.), ami at 
 rt.i wcro priiicij)ally 
 if<-<l 2Z',,43'J bbls. of 
 ivii-tiiijr tliwo into 
 tut, woiiiid flint our 
 ;iafcs wtTO 5,aj8,095, 
 Now wo did not 
 , bfcauKL' we iicodird 
 liiK of our own, and 
 )iiieM 1,494,;]«-1 bush. 
 )f Fiour; to^'fthcr, 
 Ii('li)id to feed our 
 r cent, of our foreign 
 i-"'d the business of 
 IV tliat wliat we ini- 
 liielly as Hour. Uc- 
 for the price of 
 II accesiiible parts of 
 th(! price of flour 
 ?')l)le of tlio Xorth- 
 ortiou of their sup- 
 while tlio American 
 d the benefit of tlie 
 ;es, wliich consume 
 of breadstullswhicli 
 he Lower I'rovinces 
 flour and wheat to 
 [)ur e.vports to the 
 ,000. (b) 
 ces 16-18, it appears 
 laritime Provinces, 
 m years of its con- 
 Impftrts into 
 1 articles mentioned 
 Ueciprocity Treaty, 
 utter, 20; I'ork,20; 
 loat, 20; Flour, 20; 
 rn, 20; Vegetables, 
 d Wood, 20; Wool, 
 oal, 30. 
 iff is considerably 
 articles are speci- 
 ns— Coal, $1.2o per 
 ; Sheep skins. 20; 
 its per lb.; Wool, 
 1 12 cunts per lb., 3 
 id's report to the 
 nial Irade, 1801. 
 L'aHiiiuicutary Re- 
 the United Statox 
 '• bush. 
 |95 = 1,082,975 
 •• 15,157 
 20 = 1,087,100 
 00 = 1,430,000 
 Canada to United 
 Bush. 1,400,000 
 " 2,450,000 
 Looking now at the coarser grain: , we \-)orcrlve that 
 wo exported *2,2t)0,438 worth of Barley and Kyn, 
 while we imported r>nly S75,793 worth. Similarly the 
 exports to the United States of oats, amounted to 
 .?2,0!t7,688 ; the imports to but !gl7,637. Hut on the 
 other hand, we imiKirted Indian Corn to the value of 
 •*(>75,014, an<l exported only ?^;i!t,S07 worth. Thus we 
 see that the Treaty has had the lH>netieial effect of 
 enabling the farmers of Canada and the United .States 
 to (lie their lands in raising just that kind of produce 
 for which their soil and <'llinate are best a(la])ted ; the 
 Canadians growing oats un<l barley, the AnuTicans 
 corn. The consumer has consei|iiently had the advan- 
 tage of cheaper prices than if the farmers of Illinois 
 hud been driven to raise oats, anil those of Canada 
 corn, ."^o with animals. We exported live animals 
 wortli ^2,KI0,7!'0, imiiorting to the extiMif of i!«520,83.'.: 
 bnt we iini)i)rted meats worth ■*1,2;5S,!'2.'), andexported 
 only totheextentof*25<;,527.('f) 'f he Canadian fanner, 
 who grows oats, bre(>ds horses and cattle; and the 
 American, who grows corn, converts it info pork. 
 The exchange, pcrmitfed by the Treaty, and always 
 beneficial to both, was never more so than during the 
 recent war, when the command of the Canadian horse 
 and cattle market was of the utmost value to the Ame- 
 rican jieojile, and the hard times in Canada nuide our 
 farmers welcome the American buyers with more than 
 their usual cordiality. Nor nnist the article wool be 
 overlooked. ISefore the Treaty, we exiiorted to the 
 States about •'i?100,0<K) worth of wool jier annum; in 
 18<)3, the amount had risen to .«'J74,0()0. The money is 
 of the utmost value to our farmers, the wool, wliich 
 possesses valuable qualities not to bo found in the 
 fleece of the American sheep, is of the utmost value to 
 their manufacturers." (6) 
 Turning from the produce of the farm to that of the 
 mine, we find other illustrations of the mutual advan- 
 tages resulting from the Treaty. Coal is one of the 
 articles free from import duty, rennsylvania, which 
 sold 5,000,000 ton.s per annum at the ejioch rtf the Ke- 
 ciprocity Treaty, yielded in 1860 11,869,574 tons of an- 
 thracite, and 2,060,000 tons of bituminous coal. Ohio 
 gave in the latter year, 1,130,000 tons, all bituminous, 
 liut the bituminous coal of I'ennsylvania and (Jliio is 
 so far West, that Boston and other North Kastern 
 4 9S 
 (a) Imports of meats from the United Slates— 
 1855 81,019,714 1860. 
 18.56 1,417,771 1861 
 1857 903,264 1862 
 1858 544,366 ' 1863 
 1859 601,454 | 
 Exports of animals to U. States 
 Animals for food— 
 1856 9862,590 I 1860 
 1856 490,853 1861 
 1857 692,833 1862 
 1858 787,582 1863 
 1859 1,235,546 
 Horses — 
 1865 8491,493 1860 
 1856 323,!«4 1861 
 1857 467,321 1862 
 1858 417,154 1863 1 
 1869 778,657 
 Our exports of moats, and our imyiorts of live aui- 
 Mals are comparatively unimportan. 
 (h) Kxports of wool from Canada to Che U. States — 
 1850 566,860 ; 1867 !?27u,00O 
 1861 '79,136 1868 312.798 
 1852 74,000 : 1859 400,232 
 1863 165,000 11860 401,894 
 1854 30,333 11861 424,9.30 
 1855 275,375 1862 724.815 
 1856 313,0(!1 ! 1863 974,153 
 ■' Our entire crop would scarcely suiipiv fin- Anieri- 
 " can worsted manufacturers. Our ' combing wool ' is 
 " worth twenty cents p(>r lb. more than the tine Anie- 
 " rican wools."— Newspaper paragraph, 1865. 
 cities have to depend upon Nova Scotia for their sup- 
 plies, (a) That colony yielded only 100,000 tons per an., 
 until of late, owing to the mining monopoly held by a 
 powerful corporation. Now, liowevrT, this monopoly 
 ha.s li«'en destroyed, and the report of the Nova Scotiu 
 Commissioner of minii* shews that 429,.']51 tons were 
 brought to surface in 184k!, and 40<i,G!K) tons in thi> first 
 lliree <iuarters of lS(Vi. Mll^t of Ibis was exported to 
 the States. Ohio is, Iiowcmt, within easy reach <if 
 Upjier Canada, and we have imjiorti'd an increasing 
 <iuantity of cor", thence; in lHi*5, 103,547 tons, worth 
 *548,S4li. (/)) Now, OS wood becomes annually scarcer, 
 c<ial ir becoming more and more indis|)ensable, and 
 since, from the |)osifion of the coal beils, the permission 
 to imi)orf it reciprocally freeoldiity materially reduces 
 its cost to the consumer in New Kngland on the one 
 band, and in I'pi'or Canada on the other; the with- 
 drawal of that |.erniis-ion would be not only injurious 
 to tin commercial and maniifiu'tiiring interests of both, 
 but one of the most cruel injuries to the whole popula- 
 tion of the two countries which could jiossibly be in- 
 flicted by the recklessness of their 'ulers. 
 ■file trade in other minerals is only just beginning 
 to be developed, and as yet consists ihiefly in the ores 
 of cop))er and iron, many tons of which are ex))orted 
 to the United States, (c) where our cojjper ores are 
 much sought after, since they act as a flux in smelting 
 tlio.se obtained fn>m American mines. 
 The I'lnibcr trade is of e(iual importance to Canada 
 with the trade in grain; but, contrary to the usual im- 
 pression, t does not appt ^r to have been so beneficial- 
 ly effected by the UecijiroLi'v Treaty, (ireat Britain 
 remains the consumer of by fa. the greater portion of 
 our annual export, the States taking little from us 
 save I'lank and Boards, wbicli they bought in largo 
 quantities before th Treaty, and will continue to buy 
 (a) Tons shipiied to U. States from Nova Scotia— 
 1S49 92,000 11851 80,000 
 1800 98,000 I 
 Mines in o]K'ration — 
 1850 4 I 1864 20 
 In 18ii3, exports of coal to U. States— nearly— 
 Tons .3(10,000 | Valued at .«679,4.30 
 (')) Imports of Coal from flic U. .S. info Canada:— 
 Value of coal imjiorted in 1851 (from U. S.), ."JSS.CSa. 
 -Andrew's IJeport, p 4.31. 
 TONS. VAI.l-K. 
 18,55 80,000 .«326,512 
 1866 84,0()0 386,.3()1 
 18.57 94,816 400,'297 
 1858 70,097 242,760 
 1869 78,567 237,776 
 1860 79,886 364,(179 
 1«61 171,5(51 4.58,6()5 • 
 1862 105,905 437,391 
 18(!3 103,647 548,846 
 Compare speech of Mr. Towusend, of (»liio. Use. of 
 Reps., 1863: — "The coal imnorted from Nova Scotia 
 and New Rrunswick is highly bituminous. • » * 
 Some factories in the East are now lying idle because 
 they cannot, without paying a high duty, obtain a cer- 
 tain amount of I'icfou coal, which they find it beiiefl- 
 cial to use in connection with that from rennsylvania. 
 * * • * Now the question is: shall we, bv legisla- 
 tion preventing competition, conqiel the millions who 
 want coal, and must have if, to i)ay an extra and ex- 
 orbitant price in . rder that a few brokers, owning 
 coal stock, may re- :ize enormous jjrolils?" 
 (c) Ores of Jleials imported into the U. S. from 
 Canada (Sec. Chase's return):— 
 TONS. v.\LrE. 
 1855-56 26.372 .*19.213 
 1866-57 3,231 42.824 
 1857-58 6,28i) 236,858 
 1858-59 2,7:« 2'26,086 
 1859-60 6.681 .360,714 
 lS(i(>-61 12,267 .'J92.314 
 1S61-62 4(l,7!)9 .'J7.3,(>58 
 1862-63 4,916 266,22;* 
 (This statement of tons is fcvidcutly incorrect. The 
 values are probably reliable). 
 if it should not bo ronowcd. Tho amount of our ox- 
 port of lumbor to tlio States has indeed increased con- 
 siderably, but not much faster tlian tlie trade with 
 England (a), or than the increa.so of the population of 
 tliese regions and the denudation of tho American 
 forests would lead us to expect. The truth is, tliat al- 
 though tlio Lake Cities may for a time be supplied by 
 Michigan lumber, tl:e Atlantic States must liave ours, 
 for which they must pay us what it costt- uc to 
 procure it, and a reasonable profit besides. If 
 they put a duty on it they but enhance tho price 
 of liouso building, and consequently of house rent in 
 every one of the Kastoru cities, of which public injury 
 a few lumber manufacturers in the well-nigh exhaus- 
 ted limits of Maine will alone reap the temporary 
 benefit, (h) The restricted intorprefation given by 
 the American Goveniment to the clause aflTecting lum- 
 ber has no doubt cliocltcd tho increase of trade. Tlie 
 words ure that lumber is to bo rociprocally admitted 
 free, if "unnuinufactured in whole or in part." Under 
 this phrase tlic United States have considered them- 
 selves entitled to charge duty on boards, if so much as 
 grooved and tongued; on shingles, if oO much as 
 dressed. It will behove tliose interested iu the lumber 
 trade, on both sides of tho lines, to see that, in the 
 event of the renewal of the Treaty, a more liberal policy 
 is adopted in fliis particular. 
 t)ur limits, now fast being filled, warn us to pass at 
 once to the consideration of tlic last important article 
 ofthe Treaty ,-tliat which .-iecuros to the United Stales 
 the right of using our canals, and enables Canadian 
 vessels to navigate Lake Michigan. This, the a tide 
 wliich i)C!liiips most deeply concerns the Western 
 Slates, ijiiiears to be tli:\t which ha> led to all t)ie agi- 
 tation luistile to tlie Treaty. Freedom to use our canals, 
 especially on the liberal terms fixed by the Canadi;cn 
 Govennnent, has naturuily interfered witli the mouo- 
 poly of transport enjoyed by those of New York State, 
 wllo^:e po'icy has always byen to raise as much revenue 
 from lulls as the Western producers could be made to 
 pay. lUilIUlo and New York conseijnently fir.st took 
 grunnd against the Treaty, and the Committee on Com- 
 merce (if tho New York Legislature, in re]iorting 
 against it, plainly shewed their animus in tho com- 
 plaint that we liavo " built canals and railroads in 
 {a) Exports of Lumber from Canada. 
 Til nil roimtri'ii 
 r„r,rri,t Uriiiiin. 
 To til.. V. S. 
 .... !g3,873,0S0 . . 
 . . Sl,147,2()8 
 .... 3,918,('88 . . 
 .. 1,590,310 
 1.85'1. . 
 8,(!i;(), 11)11 
 .... ti,l»i2.")ii8 .. 
 .. 2,-,S3,184 
 18f- . . 
 .... 7,24l),9(;S . . 
 . . 1,975,030 
 . . 7 127 1114 
 .... 4,370,(]ii8 . . 
 .... 5,935,892 .. 
 . 2,ii94,23() 
 . . 2,897.548 
 m-.n. . 
 .... 7,212,132 .. 
 . . 3,121„550 
 . . . ^' "■)'t,755 
 .... 5,10ii,iJ9i> .. 
 . . 3.2(l7,9ii4 
 18;-.9. . . 
 .- . :i,u;JH,»'91 
 .... 5,204,218 .. 
 . . 3,.301,819 
 . .J'l.UOl.liT 
 .... ').130,77i! .. 
 .. 4„H4H,»)11 
 . .. , 'isiaH 
 .... f|..«l)H.7H9 ., 
 . . 2.005.870 
 lS<i3. . . 
 . . , 1'„'I51.147 
 .... 4,wri,.-,;!;5 . . 
 . 3,252,589 
 . . 12,204,178 
 .... 7,713,31ij .. 
 . . 4,165,290 
 (b) The value of I'lank and Hoards exported to the 
 U. S, since 1851 is given below, together with the price 
 per yi. feet; and tho sliglit ineieiise in this price, nut 
 gi"aier than ihat in the price of pine-lnrnlier shipped 
 to Kiig'and, afib'ds. it is believed, r. remarkable illu.s- 
 tration that tho consumer, nut the prcMlucer, of impor- 
 ted articles chiefly sufTers by (/. e, j'Uys) the duty 'hat 
 may be imposed upon it. 
 r.rports of Planks and Hoards to the U. S. 
 Value. I'rick. Vam'k. I'nicE. 
 Si7.ooperM:1858i«2.S9ii.3l9 7.75 p.M. 
 "" ■■ '18i-,9 2.tl7(;.4t- 
 1851 !«774,lli 
 1S.V2 1,141,1192 
 1853 l,.MiO,712 
 1H54 1,579,821 
 1855 2,313,3.59 
 185tt 2,483,1)87 
 1857 2,667,206 
 1803 2,903,420 
 Canada to compete with American interests," and 
 "engaged in fruitless but persistent efforts to divert 
 tho trade of the Western States from the natural chan- 
 nels it had already formed," Let the Legislature of 
 Now York bo answered by that of the State of Illinois, 
 Tho Commissioners from that State, appointed under 
 resolution ofthe 14th Feb., 1803, to confier on tho subject 
 of transportation with the Canadian authorities, said 
 in their memorial : " For several years past, a lament- 
 able waste of crops already harvested has occurred ir. 
 conscijuencfi of the inability of the railways and canaLj 
 leading to tho sea-board to take off tho excess. Tho 
 North-west seems already to have arrived at a point of 
 production beyond any possible capacity for transpor- 
 tation which can bo provided, except by tho groat 
 natural outlets. It has for two successivo years 
 crowded tho canals and railways with more than one 
 liundred millions of bushels of grain, besides immense 
 quantities of other provisions and vast numbers of 
 cattle and hogs. This increasing volume of business 
 cannot be maintained without recourse to the natural 
 outlet of the Lakes. * * * The St. Lawrence 
 furnishes for tho country bordering upon tho Lakes a 
 natural outlet to the sea." (a) Our canal system, then, 
 though it may compete with that of New York, does 
 not appear to tho representatives of Illiuoia to bo 
 " hostile to American interests." We have not yet 
 succeeded in afToi-fling so much relief as wo could wish 
 to tho bursting granaries of tho West. Owing to a 
 combination of causes we only transported in 1863, 
 13,300,000 bushels of wheat through tho Welland canal, 
 of wliich but 3,303,000 jiassed on down the St. Law- 
 rence; but even this must have been of great assistance 
 to Wc'stern producers and forwarders. Wo hope, 
 however, soon to do better than this. Wo have now 
 but one grain portage railway connecting Lake Erie 
 with Lake Ontario. We hope soon to have three. Wo 
 contemplate the enlargement of our existing canals, 
 and the construction of another to connect the Geor- 
 gian 15ay more directly with the St. Lawrence, and 
 shall thus endeavour to realize the ardeut hopes ofthe 
 Great West, " whoso future prosperity depends," say 
 the Illinois Commissioners, "upon cheap transporta- 
 tion to foreign markets." Here, however, it is per- 
 haps allowable to state, that we have not boon permit- 
 ted to realize tlio advantages contemplated by that 
 clause of the Tioaty under which the Government of 
 the United States engaged "to urge upon the State 
 Governments to secure to the subjects of Her Britannic 
 Majoffy the use ofthe several State canals on terms ot 
 erpiaiity with the inhabitants of tho United States." 
 Although 808.289 tons of American shipping passed 
 through I ho Welland canal in 1863, against 521,808 Ca- 
 nadian, (b) the figures for tho othorcanals also shewing 
 (a)\'\\o value to tlie Western States of oacli additional 
 facility for tniu>portution cuniiot bo over-rated. Each 
 cent per bushel taken off tho cost of carrying tlieir 
 produce to market increases tho value of their annual 
 (•ro]) by ii50,5(K),O(Ki; ihey having laised in 1802 660,000,- 
 <K}() bushels of wliuat and coin. 
 (b)No.qfvessets emjayed inour can-ying trade, that is 
 the A'o. that passed up and dow)i our Canals in 1863. 
 Atii'n. C'rtd'n. 
 Welland 3474 3425 
 St. Lawrence 258 10987 
 Chambly 808 2972 
 1$. Hay 92 1655 
 Am'n. CftH'n. 
 St. Ann*.... 100 4941 
 Ott. & Uldeau 66 6833 
 Tonnage of the alore. 
 \m'\\, <'()irti 
 Wcllinnl. . . .SIIS289 521808 ,St, Anns 
 St. I,nwr'c". ISMli 1(118103 Ott. Jc Kid'u 
 Chambly 52578 220110 
 U. Way. , . . 13398 227047 
 4798 30813 
 Am'n. rnd'n. 
 O79o 311475 
 4587 371674 
 903706 2670177 
can interests," and 
 nt ofTorts to divert 
 >m the natural Chan- 
 : the Lcgislatnro of 
 the State of Illinois. 
 0, appointed under 
 ionfcr on the subject 
 an authorities, said 
 ears past, a lament- 
 tod has occurred in 
 railways and canals 
 ir tho excess. Tho 
 irrivod at a point of 
 )acity for transpor- 
 iccpt by tho groat 
 > successive years 
 ith more than ono 
 n, besides immense 
 I vast numbers of 
 i'olumo of business 
 urso to the natural 
 The St. Lawrence 
 ; upon the Lakes a 
 ianal system, then, 
 f New York, does 
 of Illinois to bo 
 Wo have not yet 
 fas wo could wish 
 ''est. Owing to a 
 insported in 1863, 
 ho Welland canal, 
 lown the St. Law- 
 of great assistance 
 dcrs. AVe hope, 
 is. We have now 
 lecting Lake Erie 
 have three. Wo 
 r existing canals, 
 onuect tho Geor- 
 :. Lawrence, and 
 ■dent hopes of the 
 ty depends," say 
 ;Iieap transporta- 
 ownver, it is per- 
 not been permit- 
 mplatcd by that 
 e Government of 
 c upon the State 
 of llorlJritannlc 
 analsun terms of 
 United States." 
 shipping passed 
 ;ainst 521,808 Ca- 
 nals also shewing 
 feac!; additional 
 )ver-rated. Kaoh 
 )f carrying their 
 ■^ of tlieir annual 
 din 1802 650,000,- 
 ing trade, that ia 
 Canals in 1863. 
 Am'n. Cdrt'n. 
 • ... 100 4941 
 Icau 66 
 4798 30813 
 Am'n. rii<rri. 
 ■• iu'J'n ;J11475 
 'u 4587 a71574 
 a fair proportion of American craft to bo engaged in 
 ■our trade, wc have not been allowed the slightest par- 
 ticipation in the business done on the American canals. 
 Not the least of the benefits tho Lake Shore Cities 
 have derived from the Treaty is, that they liave been 
 able to enter into a direct trade with Eiiro|ii'an coun- 
 tries, where, indeed, they have found a ready market, 
 not only for their cargoes but fven for their vessels. 
 The Now York Legislature assert in their report, that 
 " hope seldom told a more flattering tale than on this 
 subject." l$ut if tho expectations of the Americans 
 have not been realized, they must have been unreason- 
 able. It was not to be expected that this direct trade 
 should at once assume colossal proportions; wellnd, 
 howcTcr, that, in the years before the war, tho en- 
 trances and clearances from and for Euroiie amounted 
 to over 5,0*H1 tons per annum. During the war, many 
 vessels went from the Lakes to the Atlantic to aid in 
 the blockade of the Southern ports, and for other pur- 
 poses; and at least three regular lines are now estab- 
 lished to carry on direct commerce between the Lake 
 cities and various European countries. This trade is 
 at least of equal value to the Americans with the right 
 given under tlie Treaty to British subjects to navigate 
 Lake Michigan, and one can hardly imagine how 
 Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Milwaukee, nnd Chicago 
 can reconcile themselves to the idea of being degraded 
 to their old position of inland cities, to whose craft 
 the Atlantic must be a closed and unknown sea. 
 This list of the benetits tho Treaty has conferred up- 
 on the parties to it, is necessarily but i)artial; in a few 
 short columns one can only enumerate tho most 
 Entrances and clearmices at Lake Ports of the U. S., 
 from and to Foreit/n Countries other than Canada, 
 throiiijh the Ht. Lawrence. 
 Entkkaxcks. No. Tons. 
 1857-58 3 .... '*a7 
 1858-59 7 .... 2401 
 1859-60 10 ... aJ75 
 1860-61 8 .... 28,36 
 1861-62 3 .... 1168 
 1862-63 1 .... 394 
 Clearances. No. Tons. 
 1856-57 1 .... .379 
 1857-58 13 .... 4:io4 
 1858-59 19 .... 6737 
 1859-60 5 .... 1436 
 1860-61 5 .... 1791 
 1862-6.3 1 .... 394 
 —From Secretary Chase's Itcport, ])agc 35. 
 salient. Surely, however, cnougli has been said to 
 prove that a strenuous etfort should be made by the 
 enlightened commercial men on both sides of the 
 frontier to continue lhe.<e advantages, which are so 
 liglitly being risked by tho American Government.— 
 Doubtless there are Americans who think that the 
 balance of profit, undi-r the Treatv, has been with Ca- 
 nada; and they can be met by i .illy well-informed 
 Canadians who believe that bala..t.e to have been with 
 the I'nited States. Hut the question should not bo 
 ajjproached in that narrow-minded way. We should 
 not enciuire too closely and too jealously which party 
 has gained the most; but, seeing the e.xclianges to be 
 mutually profitable, we should devi.-o means to allow 
 of their continuance. Nay more, it would seem to be 
 the duty of those charged to watch over the interests 
 of commerce to see how still greater freedom of trade 
 can be secured. Let thorn decide what other orticles 
 can be placed on the free list of a new Keciprocity 
 Treaty; and, throwing a.side the exjjloded fallacy 
 that it is possible for a Government, by imposing vex- 
 atious duties on all articles of import, to benefit all 
 classes of its subjects, (at) show that tliey are imbued 
 with, and know how to support, t lie principles of a 
 more enlightened political economy. (Ii) 
 (a) The demand for other than the " incidental pro- 
 tection," which may be necessary to raise revenue and 
 satisfy the public creditor, implies conscious weakness 
 — a feeling of which, with our climate, our soil, our 
 geographical position, our wonderful resources, and 
 the acknowledged energy of our constantly increas- 
 ing population, we who dwell on this portion of tho 
 Western llemisi)here ought to be ashamed. 
 (/)) Compare Mr. Gait's pamphlet on the Treaty, p. 
 23: " Much greater scojw could bo given to the Treaty, 
 without compromising on the one hand tho Kevenuo 
 interests of the United States, or on the other tho just 
 clainis to an ecjuality in the Canadian market, which 
 belongs both of right and duty to Great Kritain. Tho 
 abolition of the Coasting Laws of both countries on 
 their inland waters, the iree purchase and sale of ves- 
 sels, and the removal of discrnnination on the score of 
 nationality, th(> extension of the privilege in both 
 countries of buying foreign goods in bond, or by re- 
 turn of drawback, the addition to the tree list of all 
 wooden wares, agricultural implements, machinery, 
 books, and many other articles peculiarly of American 
 manufacture, and tlieir assimilation of tho I'atent 
 Laws — all these, and many other topics, naturally 
 offer themselves for consideration." 
 To this sni'cinet enumeration we can only add metals 
 in |)igs, and crude ]ietroIeuin; but the Hoards of Traiie 
 of doth countries may be able to suggest other addi- 
 903796 207017;