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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOUIT'ON TEST CHART ,Ar;5i and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ 112 III 2.8 IIIM 1 3.6 14.0 1.4 2.5 12.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IIVMGE inc ^653 East Muin Street Rorhester. Ne* York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Tax Ix 'i2dl:_SJLis. GRADUATES OF McGiLL University, MONTREAL. CORRECTED TO JANUARY, 189S, PKINTED FOE THE UNIVEESITY. By John Lovell & Son, 1895. The List of Graduates is published every three years, giving Post Office address as far as known. To make this publication as complete as possible it is desired that notice of changed addresses, ordination, degrees received, appointment to professorships, or to civil oflSce, the names of deceased graduates, with the year of death, and any other facts appropriate, be promptly sent to the Registrar of the University. m,.i :r GRADUATES OK McGiLL University, MONTREAL. CORRECTED TO JANUARY, 1895 PETNTED FOR THE UNINEKSITV, By John Loveli, cV Son, 1891. ''V Irtibiiiitcs of jftc^ill alnibersiti). {Corrected (i) June, 1894,) DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. l*HetliuiH', Rev. John (ad eumleni) 1X43 ■♦Falloon, Kt'V. Uaniul (llun). I-.l-.D 1844 DOCTORS OF LAWS AND OF CIVIL LAW. •AVbdIt, Clnistopliei, li.C.I.. (D.C.L. in course) '. 1^62 *A14)Olt, Hon. Sir f. ]. C. It.C.L. (D.C.I,, in course) 1S67 •Adnnison, Rev. Wmk A. (D.C.L. hon) 1^4.^ Anderson, AU'.xandcr (Ll,.D. ho'i) •• \'^'^f> Archibald, Hon. fno. S.,M.A., 15 C.L. (D.C.L. in courst), Judge Superior Court ." Montreal, (J. 18S7 *Badf;lev, Hon. Wm. (D.C.L. hon) i.Sjo ♦ Hancro'ft, Rev. C. (LL.D. hon) 1S70 Blackwood, Ri^dit Hon. l're<lerick Temple Hamilton, Earl of Duflerin (LL.D. l.on>'. li^yS, William Thomas (LL.D. hon) 18.S4 Bond, The Rifjht Rev. William Hennett, M.A. (Hishops), (LL.D. hon), Hishop of Montreal a.2 Union .\ve., Montreal, (J. 1S70 Bonney, Rev. Thomas Cieorge, D.Sc. (LL.D. lum) '884 Bovey, Henry T., (LL.D. hon), (^LA. Cantab). (D.C.L. Bishops), Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Professor of Civil Engineer- ing and .Applied Mechanics, McGill University Montreal, Q. iSy^ Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph (LL.D. hon) 1884 Butler, Thomas Page, 15. C.L. (D.C.L. in course) 156 St. James St., Montreal, Q. 1881 ♦Campbell, Ceo. W., M.D. (LL D. hon) 1875 Camidiell, Right Hon. Sir John Douglass Sutherland, Marquis of Lome (LL.D. hon) 1883 Chamberlin, 15ro\vn, M.A., B.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) Ottawa, O. 1S67 [Chapman, Rev. Chas., NLA. (LL.D. in course) i'^87 *Chauveau, Hon. Pierre J. O. (LL.D. hon) 1857 Cordner, Rev. John (LL.D. hon) 1870 Cornish, Rev. (jeorge, M.A. (LL.D. in course). Professor of Classical Literature, McGiil University Montreal, Q . 1872 •Cashing, Lemuel, M.A. (I : , . . in course) 1879 I'OnoRs OK LAWS ANIJ OF Civil. LAW. "(l'trslu,,T),Vn;f,.i!oroV|.u';!v'!''^^ l'.'-'^- ^'"'^- ''•• ^''-nnce), M.A i'av„|.s„n. I..o,H.Ias H. M A c i ' IvV'""-'"'"'"^' ' •^'"""^■'''' '•'• '«7S Con>n,mial, McU L''i „' ' '" '^•""■■'*^'^. ''"''•^-sor of '^ Uavifs, Rev. licnianiin /"II I . i,...,n'^ Montreal. O. 1X87 Kev. (I I..!)"." lu)*n)f ,'.*.' .'.'.'. Montioal, Q. ,887 1>. Kint'sion), (V/.Sc! f'rincV- "•■".A.k.S.M.Assis.ant DLvcloriftheO 1.SS6 inmson. SirJ. Willian, (I.L.D. 1, on) (M.A. >'") I'rofc'ssor of Cieological Survey of Canada II, ,. Ottawa, O. ''1-1'. Kdin.) Montreal, (J. I'fX.ia, Rtv. A. (I.|,.l) |„„n " ' • '''^•" '••"•n.>< Montreal, (J. Dougla.s, Kev. Geo. (I.I..D. hon^ Montreal, Q. "outre, (iun/alve. U (• I, M)C i":' \" .-■i:t Theology i„ ..'The [S.^arJi,',': "'''.'•^^'^' ' '"^"^"'- ''^O''" ''" '-• , isix-vey '" '■ourse), Geologist, Geological Killoon, Rev. D.aniel l>.l).'({,'LA)'h,m\ Ottawa, O nanklaml,Kdw.nrd,(U.O.U) -''""^ • ream, William {I A. A), hon). . Hcclutte, Loui.sIJ.(F.L.i). hon) 1 89 1 '857 1858 1X93 i«70 '«73 i88i H^neker. Kid;aVd'\v:VLL.*DlVon)., M.D. (LL,1). i.on"/. 'Holmes, Andrew F. 'How . Drummondville, Q. ^Jherbrooke.'Q. no ward, Robert Palmer M I ) m i' / Howe, Henry Aspinwal 'm a'^'i '' ""^. •Hunt, T. Sterry (LL.D.' hon) r. ""^ Montreal, y , Hutchinson, Matthew, B CL nVc i"' enkins, Rev. John, (LL D hon 7t') r .'"^''-"''-'^ Montreal O* Kerr, William' H. '(i.t" f i^ToiS-^^- "^"^ ""■''■)--- -London E,!^^; Kirby, James. M.X7B-cnDti •-• ^•^•L. (D.L.L.m course;, (LL.D. in-cou;s;) Montreal O • in course) Rector of St. Ann's i I> Place, New York, N.y ^""^uich'::- ''''''''' ''■''^■^■^^^^^■ 1871 J 888 1858 1886 1870 1865 1887 1879 1873 1874 1887 n. i,A\v. • I'lanci;). M.A. niv.Mnnlual.Q. 1886 )• .Monlii'iil, (^). iHjc >*i')i I'lofessor of • .Muntreal, (^). ,887 •••. 1S56 ),{U.Sc. I'lince- iirvny of t iinadn Ottawa, O. 1891 .>» Montreal, {), i^ej :•/•■ 1S5S 'IcGiIl L'niver- •■ Montreal, Q. ,893 1X70 •'• 1873 of 01(1 r ,ta- •shire, EnRlancl i88l 1st, Geoloj.'ical ...Ottawa, O X887 i,S62 1884 ••■ 1888 , Montreal, (>. ,gg, 1884 •••• 1883 ■so), Professor Montreal, Q. ,891 Montreal, (). ,877 ., porval, (^ ,874 I of Aberdeen 1894 ,;•• 1884 ^.V., U.S.A. 1884 •••, 1884 Jewfomidland 1891 ........... 1862 find Kevising iiondvillcQ. 1S71 erbrooke, Q. j888 1858 ........... ,886 Montreal, Q. ,870 ;; 1865 VIontreal. Q. ,887 ondon, Eng. ,^7^ •; i87'i •n course) lontrea], Q. ,87. f fet. Ann's York,N.Y. ,887 DOCTORS Oi" LAWS AND OK CIVII, LAW. •I.aflanime, ITon. K (i . H.C'. L. (DC L. in course) 'Ludeiiayc, !'. k., H.C.L. 'D.C. I,, in course) *, •I,.ire;iu, Kdmnnd, !'..('. 1. (D.CL. in course) I.awsop, '■-.. (LL.D, hon •I,ei\ch, '.ev. Wm. T. (D.C L. hon^ (L«'.l>.l>"n) ; l.rfroy, Sir John Henry, C.ll , K.C.M.Ci, (I,I,.D lion) •i.of,'an, Sir William li., Kt, (Li^.D. lion) ', 'I.undv, Rtv. !■ rancis (D.C, I,, luin). . , i.yali. Rev W. fl.L.D. lion) ." •Nlacdonald, Sir John Alexander. Iv.CH. (LL. D. hon) .....'.' M.iclati'n, J., H.C I,. (D.C.L. in course), (,).C., 1. M.A. and LL.D. Victoria College) 'I'oronto, O. Macniixster, Donald, (J C., li.C.I,. (D C.I,, incourse) Montreal M.icVicar. Rev. D. II. (LL.D, lion), (D. D. Knox Coll., r.Monlo), Principal and Profess )r in tlie Presbyterian ('ollcne , 69 McTavisli Street, Mcnucal, (J. NK'Oiv^' ir, James, M.A. (LI, I). 111 course; Victoria, I5.C. Merediiii, LdiiHind A. il,L.D. lion) Toronto O. Miles, lly 11. ' LL.D. hon) .i^iuei)ec'. 'Moi I IS, lion. Alexand I , M A., ll.C.L (D.l.' C" ust;), . . . Morrison, Rev. James I)., M..\. (LL. D. in course), cD.D. Union Coll., N. V.) ,\rchdeacon ot' Oj^denshuri,' Ot,'ilensburg, N.V. Mosley, Henry Nottidge(LL D. hon) •Nichol Thomas, PC. L. (D.C.L. in course) Omni.iney, Sir Erasmus (L(,.D. hon) I'arkmaii, Francis (LL.D. hon), M.A. (Harvard) Peitv-Ki'zmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, Marquis of Lansdowne (LL.D. hon) Playfair, Sir Lyon, K.C.B. (LL.D. hon) .'.'**..' Reuleaux, Francis, r LL.D. hon), Professor of Kinematics and Machine l>t;-^ik'"^ Berlin, (Jerrnany Robidoux.J Emery, 15.C.L. (D.C.L. in course) Montreal, Q. iRobins, Sampson Paul, M.A. (LL.D. in course), Principal McOill Normal School ^2 Belmont iit., Montreal, u. Rollitt, Albeit K. (LL.D. ad eun), (LL.D. London) .". Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield (LL.D. honi |Roy, Rev. James, M.A. (LL.D. in course), (B.A. and M.A. Victoria, Toronto), Rector Church of the Epiphany, Suspension Biidye, N.Y. Selwyn. Alfred R. C, I'.R.S. (Lr,.D. hon) Ottawa, O. Shaw, Rev. Wm. L, M.A. (LL.D in course), Principal Wesleyan Theo- logical College Montreal, Q •Smallwood, Chaile- (LL.D. hon) •Smith, William Siuait (LL.D. hon) .......'.'.'...........'.'.. Stanley, The Riy;lit Honorable Frederick Arthur, Baron Preston, G.C.B P.C. (LLD. hon) ' _ Stewait, Geor-e ( LL.D. hon.), (D.C.L. Bishop's), (D.CL. King's, Wind'- sor, N.S.), (I). Lilt. Laval;, Editor Quebec Morning Chronicle Quebec, Q- Strult, John W lUiam, Lord Kayleigh LL.D. hon) 'S7.I '«7.^ 1887 1862 I .S49 1.S57 1S84 1836 1 804 .8S4 ISSS 1894 IS70 iSSo >'\S7 1 .S()0 lSf)2 I,S8o 1SS4 1S.S7 i88f) 1S79 IS 84 IS.S, 1894 I8S7 iSSo .87 1 1884 1 88^ 1881 1887 1S56 1 858 1S90 1S84 188) V on Ariili,.,. I, '-'^'' 'ion. r u n\,\ "> V- „,-m I!!..'; .;r:°" ^■""«*«. k':/,' i - ; ,;'»»■• ••.:•■•:.■:::.■::-• •iJeceased 7S Union avu' ^^"^"' •) Jwontiea], Q, 1S91 JSJ4 1884 1887 1884 1844 1892 1868 1879 1870 1884 tQtialifiedto vote/;,,- iM ■ vutL (01 Llection of Kp,„- "^'^P.'e.sentative Fellows. 1SS2 ^^OCTORs OF Ahoni, W. J J A'i'ii.son, Jas / ^*'fly, G. a" j; ;ff'-^t'tt.s, /„(,„.;. Alexander, Willia,,, W^{,U '^p"e, Duncan o ••■ f'-"', Hamilton (f) A e„, c/arcnce E.:; Anderson, Alev °'''^' ^'^•^^'" ^-niv'e, Anderson, fohi C Archer, Th„n,as. -^'■''•^y'l, Johnson ... ;^'"^'t^«e, Joseph ii Aimsiron,. (;eo h'"\"' •' . L'nivers.ty.. ' ^" '^^^'st^nt Professo'. Arihur, K, jj ^"'^"O Alkn.son, Robert'. . ".l '. ^^i^inciNE, ••••>t. John, xV.Jj. • •...!.""■ i';"'^''"'''''>>'o. .... "'^mm'nuford, () ''■acomaVwa;i;"T°'"''-'^'^ O. P /r „ ,' '*^a*'". Terr , IT « \ Montreal '^■^. . rLvim N A .'' '-•S..'\. ,itv ..."^'''"••'' Assistant Pro- Med." JWf'W/r''^^"""''-^'''' ^i"' ^"<''an Army '.'.v. ^^'''i''s"oVth,'Eng" ;;;^'"'"'a, o. ;.';^^-|'"-v.s;;,!;.;;'"feo. ''^lontreal 18S7 18.S4 1890 1 866 1871 '^73 1872 18S5 (866 1883 •••■Sudbury, o_ 1S69 1866 1S65 J 869 1869 1886 I877 '^47 18S5 1862 \''i. LAW. 't'e •'•iiil'eiio,- Conn Montreal, (J. ^Sg, '" ;SJ4 ^'"-- {^a\v, I\IcGill ■•••Montreal, Q. ,^^87 '.■_■ 1SH4 ■ ''onxWoVein'. '^'^'^ <^t"''a, Australia ,892 '^^'«"-va;o: ;^ . ■ 1870 ' Montreal, Q. jgg^ Ws, '""'ee, Man. George. O. John, X.jj, f"""all, o "■> V.S..\' • •Montreal ■■,'V.S.A. "'^tant Pro- • Montreal '■'in Army my J 8X4 IS6C I.S7I 1X72 1866 18.S? "''1, Kng. '"'iia, O. t-'rloo, o.' ■ McCiili Muntieal '^"'•y/o. 1S69 1866 1865 1869 1869 1886 I877 'S47 1885 1862 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Ault, Alexander Oslikosh, Wis., U.S.A. Anlt, Charles Montreal Ault, C. A Colfa.K, Was-hinj;toii, U.S.A. Ault, Edwin 1) Aultsville.O, •Ault, James V __ Austin. Fred. John, Member of Council of C. P. &= S. ((,)uel)ec) Sherbrooke, < ) . Ayer, N West River Hebert, N.S. Aylen, E. D Montreal Aylen, James Aylmer, <^). Aylen, John, 15. CL., Inspector of Asylums, Prisons and Public Offices of l'.(.) I S60 1890 1868 1S55 1.S62 18S0 1893 iS6.^ Aylmer, (J. 1857 Aylen, Peter, Asst. Surgeon N. W. Mounted Police Fort iMcLeod, Alberta. X.W.T. Aylen, Walter W Sheldon, N. Dakota, US. A liackhouse, J. 1! iiraidwood, 111., U.S.A. J^aer, I>. C Summerfield, 111., USA Pain, 1 ). S. K., Staff Surgeon Major Pain, 1 high U , (H.A. Queen's) Prince Albert, Sask!,' N.\v'. V Haird, James G Riverside, Cal., U.S.A. Bau-d, r. A. D lijiy City, Midi., U.S.A. Paker. Albert Dawlish, Devon, Eng. * Piarclav, George *Parnston, James [ad eun] ....... Parn'it. jos. A Cresco.'lowa.'u's.A". Pattersl.y, Charles Port Ddver, 0. Paynes, Donald, M.A 44 Brooks St., Grosvenor Sq., London, Enc Baynts, George Aylmer 8 St. fames Place, W.Chicago, III, U S A Pa/m, Alfred Turner Momreal *P.eaUy, D •Beau.ietie, Alfred .*.'.".'...'.'."!"..'.".'!!!.'.".".*!"..'."!!!*. Beauihy, Louis B ' Peck.siead, M Lisbon Centre, St. Lawrence Co., X.V., US A* IJeers. .\rtliur Mope, (D.D.S. Univ. Penn.), Surgeon Dentist Montreal Be 1, James (t), Professor of Clinical Surgery, McGill University . .Montreal i'lV ,",-'•/ V''"*''^' Montreal Bell, John tBell, Robert, P.A.Sc (LL.D. Ouee'n'*s{ vey Asst. Director Geological Sur- Ottawa. O. i!'^lj''-^"f"w... ■;.... ::;;p;teri;or;:o i^elleau. Alfred, Coroner for District of niiebec, Sec'y. College of Phy,i can, aiui Surgeons, P.Q Quebec, ( ) bender, f rosper E.,sex Chambers, Boston,, U S. \ Bennie, k|obert Rivertleld, Q. Benson. Joseph H Chatham, x\.B. I >ei gen in, Joseph liergin l).irby, Member of Council of C. P.' c;- S."(OnV.) ".! Corm'vkiiVo £;:;,' ^P Kahspell, Mont.,U.S.A. iei.>,K.i. ... Clermont, Iowa, U S.A. Be. wick George Alexander 53 Prince Arthur St., Montreal 'Berwick, Robert Hugh.. 1S86 18S9 1870 1888 1868 1874 1870 1885 1848 1870 1856 1884 1861 1876 1869 1894 1862 1865 1871 1S7S 189 r 1.S77 IS88 1866 1878 1S62 1S65 1891 1870 1847 1887 1888 1892 1891 s i/iba,„l, Jean (]. ' " iJinniore, ranips i^'a ', DOCTORS OI- MKDICINE. '^'•111, Roliert C uiaiicliet, J. li y"^l',John\y '''"lit, J(. \v |>ogan, Irvine a" ■■ ff^offgs, George W".; Jioniherry, Geo. F '^onesteel, S. A Boone, S. W 'fo" : Jin S '^ostwick, VV £ •^"ulter. George H." fjo^er, Silas T "owes, E, r :::'-^^^^-'-;e;st..i£S ••■•7u-;u]es^'";ti?''^'^- ... •' 'J'lebec, () ' V-" .'.'.' Liranby, (V. :;::;;::;^-;we;t;;i,^::^S.j?- •••••••(.:oJumbi,.s,'A-'eb"'rj"<i';' :•.:.! '-^i- We, Maine; r "St _ ^ • ' '^ • o . y V . r, ■"^'>J.<.- ''> "'OckviJJe f) !£r^"-^---:::::::::-;::::;;::.v:vK.,..„;,;^^ "0>ei, J,,,un; \f.,.., , J^oyce, Lienjiin f oyd, Jviy Coyer, i,,,uis_ Wian, Andreu-'A f^oyle, Albert]). .^•■•-^'j'ey, William.'; i^radey, WiJJiam I Vji A' V^ Bt;,t1„i:"™"S^.:."°.",'°^-- f'eslin, Willi.^n, J J>ngham, JosiaJ, ^ Inssette, Henri R. i^nstol, Amo-ss , 'O' erick, Edward V ' nV \- " V- " : '. '. '°'"''^' ^I^ss., {/.y . ."•°'eur, Alphonse,-*' ^^-^- ^ "'V- ^-B.) ^i^' - . . '^ '•°^'^;obn ... •"'"'" ■''t- St. John NP l;'ooks, Samuel T R ' ' •; " ^^"^'"n Ki'l/s (V iirossar.l, J Jj t V: ^^onobihi, sdwh r ,' S' • " ', '■■> '^ -o.A. ^aprairie, O Montreal • • • • <^"nrbonear, 'Kflll, '■ ^^"caster'/6". ;_';°^vd'i;Ara;s:;u.s;;^; i^'ouse, Jacob £..;■■■■ .^'■ouse,JacobEdwfn'", William H J^iown, Chs. O "Vancouver, iV(;" K. ••••••Toronto, o. iSfij .' ;; 1S43 ifl Senior Demon- ^ '. St* p;/'""!^'*' fSS6 ■^'7, ■'^^ Montreal' /si' '''f-.nnebec,0. ,s4 JS63 '■;; ••: i<S6c , Menie, () ,0,-' 'estminster,Ii.c; xs|| ■ ^Montreal ivq ••.Mag„„,Vy '^2 '^'"n-, U.S. A yo ••••Montreal ,§9^ 1S87 ;;;■; JS42 ^"casteV/o. 11^7 '^47 o'"i, KB. !sn^ Prmne,o. ^s^^' '847 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. ProwM. Krederick Wm. Albert Oshkosh, Wis, U.S.A. 15ro\vii, Georf^e A Montreal Brown, Harry 357 \V. Miinroe St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. ,5 Brown, J. A Buckingham, 111., U.S.A. i^ Brown, J . L I'lattsville, O. Brown, I'ete" ' Brow II, Thoma.s ■ Melbourne. < J . Brown, William /v.tluir ( i) Chesterville. O. Browne, .Arthur A,, li.A Montreal Bruce, Daniel Angu.s Atlantic, Mass.. U.S A. Hruneau, Adolijhe . . . ., Sorel, n. *Bruneau, Oliver T (Hon.) ■ *Bruneau, On^sime *l>runette, fames Terence Cornwall, O. ■ Hryson, William G 70 State St., Chicago, 111., U .S. A- * I5iicke, K(l ward H iiucke, Richard Maurice, l''.K.SC., Medical Supt. Insane .\syluni .... Liin<lon, O. * Buckle, John M. C Buckley, William 1' I'resctt, (). Bull, George J. (M.I). I'aris), Ophthalmic Surgeon 4 Rue de la Pai.\, I'.iris, Fiance *l>ullen, Charles F tBuller, Frank, I' rofess(jr of Ophthalmology and Otology, McGill I nivei- ^ity.. . . 123 Stanley St., Montieal Burch, B. F Burgess. J. A l.isl'iwel, U. Burland, Benj W 32 Jay St., Schenectadv, N .^'., U.S..\. •Burland, John II '. Burland, Samuel C Che.-ter, I'enn . U.S.A. Burland, William B Montreal Burland, William II Punta Gorda, De Soto Co, Ma , I'.S.A. Burritt, C. H .Mitchell, O. Burritt, Horatio C 86 Wellesley St , Toronto, O. Burrows, Frederick N., President of the State Board Medical Examiners, Bathgate, North Dakota, U.S.A. Burrows, Philip P Lindsay, O. *Burnham, Robert Wilkins 'Burns, Alfred J Burwash, Hy. J., L.RC.P. (London, Eng.) 721 N, Iloyne Ave., Chicao, 111. , U.S.A. Busby, John Whitehall, Mich., U.S.A. Butler, Billa F., Specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat London, O. *Butler, George C *Buxton, John N Byers, William Gordon Matthew Clananociue, O. Cahalan, James Wyandotte, Mich., U.S.A. XCalkin, Barrie Howis 4 Temple St., Boston, Mass , U.S.A. Cameron, Chas. E. (t), M.R.C.S. (Eng.) ... Montreal C ameron, D. A .Vlpena, Mich.. U.S.A. Cameron, Duncan H 'J lSq2 IS89 >S73 •893 1879 1863 iSSi 1891 IS72 I .S92 •853 1843 .851 1892 1 867 1852 IS62 iS(o .870 i860 i!>64 1S79 1866 I S6S 1882 ,863 1872 .S75 i89(j [863 .885 1866 i860 1854 1879 1S91 ;S79 1865 1849 1894 18S0 I.Sgl 18S3 1885 1877 10 'DOCTORS OF MEDJCINK. , ' .("'lies ( iinlni*»i*c I) /* *.>'iUarii ^'n men. 11, j jj ,. ''«^">>,'e-s JIospit;i etc Un„.,o„, p.,„, • -^ Umpbdl, A. W t-amp|,el|,jj,,„_^,/-.-; Cniupdell. J ^ "• (adeun) Car„j)beJ|/f '^] ■■ ■ Montreal ■■""nMuiintnin, Mich. L' 8 A Kearney, Neb., L.S.A." Montreal i,S74 •«93 -1.) liarker \V,n . vv'.' .;'.""''"-■". Lome. '-■'"'Pi'c-ll. Snmuel ^.•Tinon, f;i!b,,,f Laiman, P|,ibM J.; Lnrniiclme;, I; .\ CarroJl, k. 'yy > .!^''"IU RobenU' ^^I'luthers. Ceo ^l^'^O", .\nous,u;•.•;■■• <-Tter, L ij Carter. .Sa,„„Jl"{ Cassi.iy, Jj,„,-,, ^j L. CasMdy, Geo. \, |o),„i,^ Castl'.-ninn, \ j ^=^'^""ci,, ■.,,,;!,;;: 7 • Caianacl,, Anf,.„s Af •atlanach, W s ,*^|''''l'"f. John l.eo" <'.a«n„n, VincelauVaR Umlhnor, Francis.... l^SZ,^:z/^'^^^^' ■■■■■:: .J^;;-'''er, Napoleon E. "'.'■nan, Clarence f U "{<'{■ '^r .''"f^^^tant llospiir- •' '^••■^•' 'f" *-'"pnian, R,,pert;.. ' Montreal Montreal -'CorllijO. Montieal •■Almonte, O ■•'^i"'neapoii;;Mi,;,;;-(3--- . Montreal . _/■ Straifoi,!^ O. ■^"i'-^;a,„i;s';^':^-;.;ii;fA: -Med.Sii *.'/_ ^"^amilton, O. •. ^"""''--"."^nster, Kng. ^'ol'lstone, U. , . . ' ' ' ',■ ^Joilericli <) : '^«"i». ««..;■ usa' ;;;--J'-i"iouMe Alills^ o. Fnii"i.*- O'lau'a. o .•.V;.v/;;'^'''".^j'Ho,l^s.;(- •,'^e(ifor(l^'(y_ •'''• Jo'ins, (^.' /ames .... ' ' ^'«>eral 1 1 , * ' • • • ^J ( t a \i'a f "> ''onland, Ore,, Q.S.a 1878 1 888 18S7 I88f 1 886 i860 1S60 1S89 1876 1890 1.S69 I.S,S2 1866 I877 1864 1891 1.S79 'S7.5 1892 '^93 iSs9 :883 'S43 j8Si j88,S '■"^'59 /879 1S51 1S67 1 885 1865 1SS8 '871 1882 '886 1892 1S61 1849 '888 1869 '862 i860 '873 tS68 1S92 I-'iseascs .)fCliil. ^f"nta-al 1X74 •,. Moiuie.-i) ,89, ■^"'i;e(iii ill St. ■^ >'^'^'\,^.S.A. ,S88 Montreal 18S7 1881 1SS6 .; 1S60 Montreal ,860 Montreal ,889 '^"^43 ■ KS76 •••■VY;"'i,,o. ,,S69 'Montreal j,s,S2 ■■'.'i 1S66 •■■■\'iiionif, O. ,j^^^ Mi'-n.;'L-'sA' /f-^ '>^79 ••••Afontreal 1892 •■^"■n-foMl, O. ,^ll ,;;:;■;■■••• 'Sq ;;^'- L'S.A. ,888 ^an;iito;;;6: \l% ol< >to„e, o. ,sSc ?"'\"-»'^- 1892 St;^: i! e'ifo'rd; V)' ,'sf ^ Mns o' Jf° ' t/etiera] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 'L'liisliolm, Alex , Cl'.isholni, MindocU Hay Roberts, Mid. Clnistie, Ednniiul . . .' Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Christie, (leor^e II Lachute, n. Ciiristie. John I! P.alaluma, Sonera Co , Cal., U.S.A. •Chiistie, John II., l'..A Clnistie, Thomas I.acliute, Q. Clnistie, William, U. A Chicago, 111., U.S.A. •('lunch, Charles 11 Church, Clarence R Ottawa, O. ♦Church, Coller M Church, 1'". W Grosse Isle, <^. Church, John J . K Aylmer, (). *( 'lunch. lion. Levi R Clunch, Mills K. Merrickville, O. *Chiuch. IVler H Clnrk, F.(;.i: Clnrk, John Sniethport. I'a., U.S.A. Clark, John L Waterloo, <). Clark, Richard \., M.C.P.S. (Ontario) St . Thomas, (J Cla ke, lly. J Clarke, Henry J Clarke, J. W Tatamagouche, N.S. Clarke, Octavius II. V. 3S57 Vincennes Ave., Chicago.' 111., U.S.A. Clarkf. Wallace. M.A Utica. X.V.. U.S.A. Clemesha. lohn l riig, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L. R.C.I'. (Lon.). I'ort Hope, O. Clemesha. John W., (M.I), of Coll. F. iS-S., N.V) I'ort Hope, O. ClenuT.t. Victor A St. Cuillaume, O. *Cline, John D. (1), Ji.A ,". Clouston, James R Huntingdon, (J. Chine, I'. J Wark worth. U. 'Cluness, D.iniel .... Coburn. .A. I) Keswick Ridge, N.I!. Cddd, Alfred, Surgeon " B '" Troop Canadian Dragoons. ... Fort Osborne, \\'innipeg, Man . Coleman, Alfied H., M.C.P. and S. (Cnlario), Solicitor High Court of Justice, Ontario, Osgoode Hall. Toronto, O. T.icoma, Wash , U.S A. 'Collins, Charles W Collisoii, Robert Norfolk, St. Law. Co., N.Y., L'.s.A. *Col(|uhoun, George Colvin, Alexander R(jbert Lethbridge, N.W.T. Comeau,JohnB Farnham. (^). Conroy. Clare P 6^:;o l6lh Street, Denver, Colo., U.S..\. Cook, Guy R. (P.. A. Albert Univ., Onl.) Louisville, St. Law. Co., N,\., U.S..\.. CiMik, I lernujii L Brighton. O. Cuok, .Sheldon E Ilaldredge, Neb., U.S.A. Cooke, Ciiarles II Kin'^r St., Toronto, O. Cooke, Sydney V ,oS Kent St., Ottawa. O. Cooke, William Henry D'Israeli. 1 ). Cooper, M. .-V Ormstown, (\. 11 i87.« 1879 1882 1872 1X65 iJ^75 184S 1887 1862 1 868 1 880 18S4 1S37 1 S()4 1846 1876 1 8y I I ,S86 1870 1881 1884 1890 1S70 1871 1S91 1 807 1869 1874 188S 1890 1 8 70 1893 1S65 1890 i86q 1878 1S76 1894 1870 1888 1876 '854 1 884 1866 1S69 1876 'S93 '^ f OCTOKS OF MKDICINE. Copclaml, Wn,, [.., M.C.P.S. (0„,.), M.R.C.S. (Kn,, ) •O.rl,..,,, Au>,H,stus M '^^'' ^^'- '^'""'■"'^ ''^'■' ^''''<^'''B-'. '"•/ V-.S.a'. ,8; osial, H---, >^". ivcgro. Art;. ke|mhlic L.k.C.r." and'V.JV.c's Co,l>in,V(; nng. Sm-t,. Army Me, Coi lis, Ji.sial, ...'.'.'. ata^ciiLs, Rio Negn,. Ai CoininJk. Wm** ■ ■ L.R [;' jV ' " ' ' j ' ' • ' • • * : • • • • • • • • • ■'^y^Iney, Australia Corsn,,, Douglas....... l-.K.L.S. (bhn. ) . . . . Guulph. Q. 'Corsaii, John. ...".'.."** Victoria, B.C. Cottui), Ceiliic L. Cnisins, William c' I'V' '/■',',"..: V V \r.:- ;■':..■■■■ ■'^'"''^'^'^^vilk, O. . l-.K.Ci' and I..R.C.S. (K,li,",.y. A ;\f 92 O'Connor Co«it: Cowlt-y, Daniel K.... *Co\vley, 'I'homas McJ Cox, Frank Coyle, Henry \V . •^^'■aig, M. A ".'.V t-raJL,', Thornion Ciaik, R(,hert. Dean ,St. St., Ottawa, O. '^'fs">, Cal., U.S.A. (Iranhy, O, .Morrcll, i'.K.I. Montreal ■ .(-'apay, Cal., U..S.A. • Cnpay, Cal., l'..S..\. ^ of the Faculty of M^dkit^^l^ VwLov ^ Hy;^u;n Cram, Daniel C. .... .'.*... Montreal •Crawford, J.inie.s (acl ei'in) Creasor, John A . ( H. A. To Stuart ironto). Spadina A\e., Toronto, 1. . . .Sonora, Cal., U.^.A. I'Vedericton, N.h] Stanhridge, (^. Crichten Crockett, W . C <"rotliers,\Viiliam .".'*'.,' *Culver, [oscph li '.'.'.' *Cunynghame, \V . C . Thu'rl'ow Curtis, I. JJ '• Cutter, Frederick A. .','.'. Hartland, N.B. i>aly, Guy D. F Sutton, O . Hansel eau, (.!liarles. ...... *Dansereau, Pierre. .*.'.'. . '. Darey, J. Herbert, .m'.A. ." ." .".' /, Davidson, Edgar Allan Cranger, Minn., U.S.A. Davies, Thomas H ....".". Burns, O. Davignoii, F. F\ ... Chel.sea, O. Davis, Robert Edward.'. .'.".".".*. Leadville, Col., U.S. A Dawson, Rankin, M.A. ..'.'.'..'." • " ■ ^'^Howfield, O Day, Alexander Robert Artli Daz^, Henri *Deai(lon, G. A. .*.'.'.'.".'.".," *Dease, I 'eter Warren".'.' ..'" DeBonald, C. S '.'.'.*.'.'. DeBoucherville. Charles B*" •Decelle.s, Chnrles D ." DeCow, Douglas McCJ .!!".'. M.C.P 679 E. S (Ont)... 3'tl St. , .St. >. London, Eng. Paul, Minn . U.S.A. Montreal ''uebec, ( ). . Montreal 2 iSi;4 IS 54 I S90 1S69 1.S81 KSS5 iS66 1S77 1S82 1.S87 iSSo 1870 1869 1S76 1S86 1876 1 872 'S,54 1889 1865 IS86 1876 1848 1S58 1S90 '873 1868 1885 1842 1869 '835 1885 l8q4 18S4 1871 1S94 1882 1892 1885 1882 1847 1862 1S43 1841 IS}- 6 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 13 go, 111., I'.S.A. ,87. i.Si;4 -1" i,S54 . All;. ke|)ublic 1S90 ydncy, Australia 1.S69 • ...Guulph. O. isSi . Victoria, li.C. KSS5 1S66 ( owansville, (). 1S77 ■St., Ottawa, o'. 1S82 . Cal.. U.S.A. 1.SS7 ....(;ianl)y, O. ,SSo • icS7() Mondl, l-.lvl. ,,s6y Montreal j,S76 • Cal., U.S.A. ,886 Cal.. U.S.A. 1876 or of Ilyi^ient', Montreal 1S54 ''^72 •'.• :• '\i4 ■, loronto, ). 1S89 Cai., U.-.A. 1S65 ilericton, N.l!. |,S86 Jtanhridge, (J. 1S76 184.S 1S58 rtland, N.B. iSyo ■. .Sutton, Q. 1873 [868 N'.Y., U.S.A. 18S5 1842 1869 1835 Iiiin.. U.S.A. 1885 ...iSiuns, O. 1894 ..Chelsea, Q. 1884 Col., U.S. A 1871 illowfield, O 1894 -ondon, Kng. 1882 linn, U.S.A. 1892 . . . Montreal 18S5 1SS2 'S47 1S62 .'Quebec, (). 1843 184'! • ••Montreal 18^6 ;Deeks, W. E., H.A. (\), Lecturer in Zoology in McGill University Montreal I'edroshois, T. B Roxton Ealls, (Ji. Delaney, William Jos Nangatuck, Conn., U.S.A. Demorest, 15. G. O Warkworth O Derby, W.J Rockland', 6. ' 1 )i'sau!niers, Antoine A 1 >esniond, Francis Jno Newcastle, Nortliuniberland, n'.Ij. 1 )i; war, Alexander Cookshi're, O. Dewar, C. P Ottawa, O'. Dewar, G. F South I'ort, I'.E.I. I 'ewar, T. A 963 Champlain St., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. I )ibblee, George Oscar Moor's Mills, N.H. *Dice, ( leorg;.'. . . , •1 )ick, James R ' I )ickinson, George *1 'ickinson, James S ' ' * Dickson, James A., B.A Knowltoni 'q*. Dickson, William W Pembroke, O. Digby, F. Winniett lirantford, O •Dodd.John l^ 1 loherty, W. W Campbellton', N.'lJ! Donnelly, Charles H. (M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll.), Utopia, Texas, U.S.A. ' Dorion, Severe •Dorland. Enoch '_ _ _ !!!!!! 1 lorland, James Milwaukee, Wis.j U. .S. A'. * 1 )ougan, W^m Douglass, James (Hon.) Dowling, John ]• ". V. Egansvi'lie,' O '. •Drake, Josejih M Drysdale, William Frederick '. " Nanaimo, B C. Duliuc, Charlemagne Montreal *Ducket, Stephen Duckctt, William A [\ .'.'.Montreal puf.,it, Thadde A V.V.V.'s't. Sebastien, O. Duhamel, Louis jly]] ( j i^Duncan, Gedeon Mitchell, Supt. Marine Hospital Batliiirst, N iV iHmcan, George Fareham, Hants, Eng. Duncan, George C London, Enc Duncan, George Hall, Medical Health Officer Victoria, B.C. Duncan, James S Surg. Maj.Army * ' 'Duncan, John ' Duncan, John A .'.'.'.".'."./.*'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". Victoria! B.C.' Duncan, W. T Fergus Falls, Minn., U.S.A. Dunlop,H.A Crookston, Minn., U.S.A. *Dunn, William Oscar Dunsmore, John M '.'.'.'.V.V.'.V. .' .'.'!! *. .' .Stratford "o pupuis,Josei,h 15 Clarence ville,'o. Du V ernet, Edward Digby N.S. Easton, C L ' Smith's Falls, O. Easton, John Brockville, O. ■S93 1 868 1889 1852 1882 1863 1888 1891 1888 •893 '^93 1880 1864 1842 1868 1846 1887 1863 1863 1864 1885 i860 •843 1850 '875 1867 1847 i«75 1861 1894 1864 '853 1859 1865 i860 1871 1866 1S75 1892 '858 .1871 18S4 1882 1882 '843 1870 1856 1893 .887 i8<;2 :^' 14 Eberle, Harry A Eberts, J). W. Edyar, (has. f IJOCTOKS UK MI'DRINE. <-"ty, Mo., U.S.A. ■ ^Vcllint-ton, H.C. Edwards, J. s '^^ • -* •''^- (^nt). . .(„aiul Raimls, Mich., U.S.A. Edwards, OHver C. .'!!!!," Eonihm, O. JElder, John, B.A., .\ss i.Mant Di Ottawa, O. I,S-6 I,S,S7 iSSo 'S73 versii;...;..;. .; ""'■''"'" ^''"onstrator or Anatomy, McCidl Uni- Eldurkin, lidwin J .- .; ' ' ^"^^ ''''• '^"'0'"e, Q. 1S.S5 Kil<-.|on Arthur G. [ 1 ! ! s./. "Ma]: G.;;;.-ca;anl;^:?::'"' ^''"'«^' ^-^^ [^^ ryiiis, 1.11 ,, ■ ■ I002 Ellis, William !■:. Ellison, S. R Enitry, Gordon J. . . .... JKngiand, William S. , •English, T. F *Erskine, foiui Esson, Frank G '.".* Estey, Alfred Steadman. Ethier, Calixte Evans, David J . , .Vssi'sta'nt De , Surgeon Wis. Gent. R. R 268 W. 43nl St. liutte, Montana, U S.A. :ind Soo R.R I'rentice, Wis.', U..S.a' New York, N.V. U.S.a'. Winnipeg, Man. 139 W. 34th St. nionstrator in Oh!^letrics Evans, E. J. (|), Evans, Grillith, F .M. ant Mull, (). S.'(On't.V.;;; .j'-^kesbury.O. rnu. w W r ^^ dliamsiown, o 1049 W. Madison .St., thicago, 111.. U.S.A. New York. N.^•., U,.s".a'. IFartlnnd, N.B." •■ St. Fugene, Q. McGill L'niversity, Montreal. .S., Lecturer Vet. Hygi„ie,'u;;iv' clilege:.^;^*.^■ Evans, John Wm Jirynkynallt, Bangor, X . Wales Ewinj,', Wm Hu Falkner, Alex., M.C.'p Falls, Samuel K Farewell. ;, McGill* i Farewell, W. G '''•'"'' ''^«- Marie, O Farley, t' .'.'. • ; • ^'" ''"11<- Va. , L'.S.A. JFarley, John J., M.R.C. s" V'En.dVndV ^''e'oi<^'e, Kansas. U.S.A. F.irwell, William Arms... ; ^^"^'''"''^ iielleville, O. Faulkner, D. W Slier])rooke, Q . Faulkner, George W .;■.';. Fo.xboro, 6. Feader, H. G ,\\"<"iV \" ' ,'^ "^' I^astings Go. , ( ). Fedde, E. G. ,...;..; .■::;:' ^'^ ^- "=''''''• •^'•' ^''"^-^So^ JIK, U..S.A. •JFenwick, George E. '.".,...'.'.'. '''escoit, O. Ferguson, A. A. ....'.'.*. - •Feiyuson, Alex. R. ......'..','.' -'^lartintown, O. Ferguson, William ........' Ferguson, Wm. A. (f), li. A f ictou, N.S. Ferguson, W. D. T J'>'i"k'''ton, N.U. Fillmore, Edward W ! ! '. * " ' 'J,' " " ,* * ; " V 1 ' " : ' " "-^"'"berland, O. *Finlayson,John V.'..' '^P*^"^"'' s Island, Cum. Co., N.S. jFinley, Frederick G. OUHVLondonV 'm 'r" r '<<" "s" in Medicine and Clinical Medicine Sn,'n' Z^'^'"^''''"' Professor Finnic, JohnT., L.R.C.S. (Edin ) '^°3 Dorchester .St., Montreal *Fisher, John Montreal i8yo 1SS7 '«73 '857 I.SNq IS;,,S i860 1S89 1894 JS67 1890 1 8,^7 1SG4 1S94 '«73 1866 1875 I.S72 1868 1877 1X73 J 89 1 I87,s 1871 1 88 1 iSSi 1847 1864 1866 1S94 1^84 1888 1887 1834 J8S5 1869 1847 i '. Mo., U.S.A. 1^76 -llinyton, B.C. isSi; . ...llatlcy,(j, iss; Mich., U..S.A. i,S55 ...London, O. isko ..Ott.iwa, O. 1873 . Mc(iill Lni- 't. Antoine, (). i.sSs Undjjf, N.S. i.S,S4 1.S62 tana, {] S.A. 1S90 'is., U..S.A. 18S7 N'.V., U.S.A. 1873 •• 1857 nnipeg, Man. iSNg 185S ;•■ i860 f.^., U.S.A. ,S8o tInn,l,N.B. 1894 ■ l-iiilCne, (;>. 1867 1 L'niversity, Montreal. iHtjo ^■|s., U.S.A. 1 8s 7 -ge 1-, N. Wales 1S64 ••Hull, Q. ,894 'kesbmy, O. 187^ imstown, U. 1866 11., U.S.A. ,87, • Maiif, O. 1872 .1., U.S.A. 1868 sas. U.S.A. ,877 "llfville, O. 1873 '"■""l^e, (). 189, oxboro, O. 187S 'SisCo.,(). J871 l- U.S.A. 1881 'iescott,0. 188 r •. 1847 intown, O. 1864 J866 ictou, x\.S. 1891 >ton, N.B. ii?84 •erland, O. 188S Uo., N.S. J8S7 ..... 1834 Professor .Montreal 1885 Montreal 1869 '847 DOCTORS OF MKDICINE. \*F' . .'criild, James IF..; John \^M L.R.c.i\";mrL;R.c;s'(E,ii;;.);"iVi.'"i"\„;r4" <oia..g„w), 1-rofe.sor Tract. an.lSurt,-. Anat., Niagara Un/ve.'sitv Fleming. G. W . . ^^ ^"'"'^^'^' •"^'- - Buffalo, N V.. iXX. Fletche>, Kobert Wh.tne;'.'.'.; Un|,„,an, N.H. :Forlin, Pierre ... .'. .V.".". <-anning, N .S. i •Fortune, Lewis M '..'.".' (•Foster, .Stei.hen Sewell ........'..'. iFowler, hdward Steven.son ..."..*.*. VliulV,.*.,' \\V ' ' i'," l' '.■ iFraleiL'h Williun S •••••.''"<'■''"", \\ is , U.S.A. Fra^ert Alex ( '^^^ '' m"'""« ''''- ''■"'<"""- ^^• •Fr.aser,Donald'.'.'.'; ■;:::: :::••;;• Manuowoc, Wis., U.S.A. [Fraser, Donald M Frr Straifoid, O. '•Fraser, William '.''. Lakeheld, O. Lasalle, ill., L'.S.a' [FVaser, William II. Freeman, CM,... , . . , , :i Fuller, W ', ■ " \' \ Sux^ctsburg, i). ^« Fulton,Jnmes AuguJtu;;; ^■'■^"'' Kap.ds M.d,., U.S.A . Fuhon, James II? '.* i' ranUlin Centre, Q. 'i liidner, '1' .M Montrtral (iak., iiin-h • ....\ork, \el)., L .S.A. Ganlner, Ale.xamlcr'\V '^">' ^ "r. Mid. . U.S. A . (iai Iner, II 1| Moniieal T (ianiiier, John J. ...'..'..".". Caidner, Matthew ',. Montreal (Harrow, A1l-.\. F:. (f) Montieal * Garvey,Jo~eph .'.".'..".'.'.'.*.".'. Ottawa, O. * Gascuigne, Geo. Iv *Gauvreau, Elzear .'..'.',', * Gauvreau, Lewis li . GaviUer. Edwin A Gemmill, Ernest W. Hamilton, O. Gendron, Thomas. . . ".' Almcntf, O. •Gernon, George W.'.'"'.'.".".''* ^^- ^'^'lyniond, (). * Gibb, George I )., M.A, ....'. * Gibson, Edward B [ Gibson, fames B \',t , Gibson lohn B M^mh V "r'<'" ' ^^ ^^^^ 45tli Street, New York, N Y. GilJ::i<obert Ja,"^^^^^ "'"-""'"^'^ "f G. P. ^ S. (Que.). Cowansvile, (.. Gibson, W. li Clinton, O. * Gilbert, Henry L.' ".'.".'.'.■.■.'.■. Burlmgton, Vt., U.S.A. 1". 186,5 1SS7 '8y3 1 89 1 1845 '87.? 1840 1894 J809 1877 1 868 1869 1 88 1 i,S87 1878 18^. 1867 1871 1888 '894 lS;o 1866 '894 '863 1880 /8S2 I -,87 1878 18S3 ■87. 1867 18S9 1852 1 80 1 ••^55 1836 '873 1889 1866 1S72 1846 1864 1S86 1855 1891 187S 1875 Ill DOCrORS 01 MTDK INE. < iillii'SjJolin 'IVcswiiter O. (.iUis, John A. !• Sumniersidc, V.k.l. (.ilniour, Angus A .. .404 (Jolden Gati- Ave , San I-'rancisco, Cal , U.S.A. Girdli'slone, Charles Wm Winnii)eK, Man. (iiiiUvoo^l, Gilheil 1',, M.K.C.S. (Kng.), I'rofessor of Chemistry, McHiill Lfiiivcrsity Montreal •(jiroux, I'hilippe GLidman. (Jeor^^eJ 708 Oak St., Syracuse, N.V. Clen, C. W . !■: 'Clianihly, ( ). (.leiulennint,', KoIrti A. T Manchester, Mass., L'.S A. Godfrey, Altrahani C I'retniaiitlc, Southampton, Enc nOodficy, Robert .... *" t(;off, 11. N.,1!.A Dansviiie, N.'v","u.s!a'. (loforth, Franklin Runcorn, Chester, Eni.. *(,nodhue, I'. J ' ..° CoodiuK, Charles Ernest, M.K.C.S. (Eng,), Med. OflicVrl'st." "I'liilip's District and Govt. Reformatory St. I'hilip, liarlmdoes, \V,I. (Joodwin, W. W 7 Princeton St . E. Hoston, Mass., I'.SA. ( ;ordon, CM Ay'iwin, O. Gordon, Robert Arlint-ton, 111., U.S. A • Gord .n, W. \V ' Gorrell, Arthur Sterling Asiiton O. Ciorrell, Charles Wilson Earran Urockvillc'o. Grafton, Ed>;ar Athelmjr, Heaiice 1'. S. Co MoiUreal, ( )'. ), \, .A. • tlrahani, Henry ( iraham, Kenneth I ) Ottawa O *-"''i|''^"'. J \Vestme.ath', o! Graham, William Chas. Ray i^rescott O • Grant, Donald J ' Grant, 1 high Arthur rVlerboroVo iClrant, Sir James A., K.C.M.t;, F.K.C.l". C- LR.C.S. (London) F.R.C.S. (Edin.) Ottawa, o! (;rant,Jas. A.,jun Ottawa, O. G.rant, J. II. \ Uulfalo, N.Y., U.S A <^'''i'"> ^'^■"1 Perth, o! Gr.ay, .)ames 2600 Bloomington Ave., Minneajiolis, Minn., U S A Gray, John S \\innipei:. Man". Gray, 1 homas .st. Mary's, O (iray, W. L Pembroke," O." Greaves Henry C Harbadoes Green, Thomas J Oxford, Chenango Co., N.V , U S A (ireenwood,F. S., L.R.C.P. (Lon.) st. Catharines,"o" Greer, T. A.. c.SS. Mhiia, Halifax, N.S. * (Jrenier, L. P. A Groves, George II ....".".'.". Carp," O Groves, W..... Quyon, q". Guerin, James J E Montreal Guest, Thomas F gt^ Mary's, O Gun, James Durham, Cray Co., O. ............. ...,^.„ /^iiiiv-imj;, i.cain.1- I . D. 1..0 ivioiUreal,( t Graham, Charles li Hull ( 1 Gn^ham, (ieo. A 702 East 5th Street, Kansas City, Mo., U.S.^ 1807 1877 1 868 1892 1861J 1886 I8.s8 1892 1865 1844 1893 1863 '»7S 1884 1888 i88i 1868 1863 1890 1S94 1891 1865 1884 1863 1875 1886 1892 1^63 1892 '854 1882 1 880 1867 1886 1S76 1879 1881 1877 1890 1878 1876 1863 1879 1886 1878 1S73 1861 .Tfeswater, (). iSij; inieisiilf, r.K.l. 1877 o, Cal ,U.S.y\. 186.S 'innipe^', Man. I892 -■misiry, McCIill Montreal i86() '^59 Sylacll^e,N.V. 1886 . .Cliaml)ly,(^). 1858 Mass., L'.S A. 1892 liani]iton, Eng. 1865 ««44 N. v., U.S.A. 1893 Chester, Eny. 1863 i«7S r, St. I'hilip'.s riwloes, W.l. 1884 Mass., r.SA. 1888 . ..Aylwin, O. 1881 n, 111., U.S.A. 1868 1863 , .. Ashtim, (J. 1890 jrockville, O. 1S94 . Montreal, (J. 1891 ....Hull, (J. 1865 , Mo., U.S.A. 1884 186^ ..Ottawa, O. 187s Vestme.ath, O. 1886 , .Prescott, O, 1892 11-63 reierboi-o, O. 1892 S. (Eondon), ..Ottawa, O. 1854 ..Ottawa, O. 1882 N.Y., U.S.A. 1S86 ■ ■ • • Perth, O. 1867 inn., U.S.A. i886 nnipej;. Man. 1876 L Mary's, O. 1S79 'emhroke, O. 1881 . ..Harbadoes 1877 N.V., U.S.A. 1890 -'atharines, O. 1878 Halifax, N.S. 1876 1863 Carp, O. 1879 . . Quyon, Q. 1886 . . .Montreal 1878 .Mary's,©. 1873 Gray Co., O. 186^1 DOCTORS OK MEDICINE. <ainne, N D. (t), Assistant Demonstrator in Histology, McUill Unj- ver-sity Montreal Guntcr, Frederick M 274 Chestnut St., Chelsea, Mas.s U.S.\. Gurd, Davi-' V., 1,.R C.I', (London), L.P. (Quebec) Montreal (iustin, Sm. h Bay City, Mich., U.S.A. •Gustin, Wni. Claud Ilaevtscliel, C. \V Mattavva.V). "•liK'ii, M New Durham, U. • Hagarty, Dad. M.J ... Ilaldinu-ind, A. VV Montreal Hall, .\. G Ormsiuwn, U. • Hall, Archibald (ad eun) • H.iH, [.amesH •Hall, J. W [[[[[] Hall, M. K Franklin Centre, Q. Hall,\V Walkerton, d. Hallett. E. O Weymouth Hridge, N.S. Halliday, James T I'eterboro, O. • Halliday, Vernon St. Clair • Hamilton, Andrew W. Hamilton, Charles S Demoiesiville, 6'. Hamilton, Gavin Mrirht, O. Hamilton, 11. D Montreal', (}. HamilKm, John R Port Dover, 6. • Ha-i ilton, Rufus F Hamilton, William Fawcett General Ilosiiital, Montreal Hamel, Joseph A Murray Ray, Q . • Hamer, A, L *[. Hammond, J. H Haninj^ton, E. li. C Victoria, B.C. Hanna, A. E. Perth,©. I lanna, Franklin Perth, O. Hannington, James Peters Montreal Hanover, William Seaforth, O. Hanvey, ( harles H. B Tampica, Mexico • Harding, F. W Ilarkin, F. McD Marquette, Mich., U.S.A. ILnrkin, Henry Liverpool, Enc. • H. rkin, William „ Harkne.^s, Andrew New Lancaster, O. Hai kness, John Irena, O. H.arris, Nathaniel M '. Howick, Q. Harrison, David H., Banker Neepawa, Man. Harrison, H.J Moulinette, O. Harrison, John Daily, (M.A. Univ. N. B.), Edmonton, Alberta, N.W.T. Hart, Edward Charles Baddeck, N S. Hart, Frederick W St. Martinville, La., U.S.A. Hart, George C Prescott, O. Harvey, William A Harriston, O. Harvie, J. B 575 ist St., Troy, N.Y., U.S.A. Hattie, William ilarop, Asst. Supt. Hospital for Insane.. Halifax, N.S. 2 17 1888 1879 i88c i8f/^ 1S88 1866 1 888 .88 7 'X43 1866 1S4S 1893 1887 1S85 1865 1892 1859 1868 1894 1H90 1 87 1 1 86 1 1891 1856 1887 1869 1S7S 1885 1879 1894 'S75 188', 1868 1885 1S67 1858 1869 1862 1890 1864 1883 1 891 1894 1835 1879 1874 1881 189I Ifl DOCTORS 01 MliDICINK. Hawkins, A . C 1 1 , , . Hay.i. Mennan V.., m:k^.s;(k;b:;,Vu;;p:s: v,.;,,.): i'':'.'';'::.^:':*- Hayei, Jane- Hayes, John , , , " . , ..'.'.',.'.*.*..... Hayes, Joseph / Isyps, I'a'iick Joseph ... ......,.' lijaythorntr, Thos. J., H.,\.... Heard, C. l*e\V *....' .... ",'.','." Hel/til, r. Zolii|uc' I lemle. M Alex. A llan ( t) '... Cor." AlbeVt "^^ I't.;; S. s., Om^^'^i'o. Ik;iHltrsun,.AiKlrfW Meiriam I'aik, Minn , U.S.A. IS.S; NY., r.S.A. ..Siniciie, (). 'icrlirixike, i). Nelson, N.H. .... Montreal iS.Si iSyi I Si) 2 kS.So Keeli.y, Eny. i.SXo iS.So I.S74 l8()2 Warkwoith, O. • llemieison, E. CI Henderson, James.., Henderson..! .\ (f) nu'Appdie .Station, N.WT .'.So: Henderson. I'eter )■"■<. i.-vy, Henderson. Walter Vi '^'^ •Henry, VVnlier (Hon.) ".'.'.' 1894 • Henry. Walter [ '*^S,5 Henry, Wmii.'l M.C.I'. (LondonV.;;;; .'! ! ] :i;j,;,;,; ; Vlid; " u's ' A Is^*^ Henwood, Alfred J ' ■ '..,';?• •' Hepworth, \Villi..m George l..antfonl, O. ,Xyj •Hervey, Jon.-is J... ^tin. Kv,. Hetlierin|4t()n, Harry PM I.S72 I NtJ I 1 888 1S66 IS 74 1881 ''S73 Hewetson, loin JohnVlIopkins iiospk'aY/lJ.ilIin",;,;.' mIi"'u S a' Hewitt, James ' -i*^ •'^'-.ri. Hickey, Charles E. (15.A. Victoria').'..... Vt'',.'\ ;: • Hickey, S.-xmucl A .'.'...'.'.'.". '"'"■^''"'S, O. Hif^yinson, H. A ' ' iy- " ".'■ ''\.' ' ' ll|i^:';w;,i;„;- 7,:: • i.:K;L»:vii;^ •;;iS;:iS;;,!E;:S Hoare C 'w Montreal Hoekridge, Ti,;;.' gV M'.c:r:s.";om:): "au'.c.s: ' •^n!!:)"l"s a- (London), I'hysician and Med. Otf. for Holbuin ^7 Tys-oe St., Wilmini'ton S.i., London" Vv (" Km.'ioyi* HogR, David H., iJark of Montreal.. '.'. . . ' ^^ , ' ;£""A " c .jHoiden, Donald Booth, Ji.A ,, LinL'lev's;'"V ? 'u?' '^^'-^- • H<,lden, Rufus ......... .... ..^ ' ^"^'°"^' ^ <- i«9» * Holmes, Andrew F. (ad eun), LL.D.'.'.W.' ''^44 Holmes, Arthur D t'wV"."ai"\" ' ■,". '^'*3 Hopkms, Alfred J ." Vh^htJ v""'"'' -l^"'*'''''' '^^« Hopkins, Fred. A. ..... ., Fenn U S. A . Hopkins, iL J ;.•.'.■. .' :;;; Pi'tubuig,;; \,,Z ^^ Houston, D.W Cohoe;, N V U S A ird, James ' , ' ■'^■■^• 1851 iSSS .8-4 -ishire, Q. U.SA "">"■ " f '„!,„.. -M f Howa...,j Howprd, R.J. H. (t), H.A ..Lachme,(2 • Howard, Robert '.*.".■.'.■. ' \\''\ _ London, Eng, • Howard, Robert Palmer, LL.U. .....'.*.'!!..' 1883 1889 1 888 1S81 1S67 1882 1872 181K "Wis, • •Halifax, \.s. iS.Sr ) lo, N.V., r.S.A. i.Sm Siincoe, (). i.Si,, ..Slicrhnxjke, (J. iSc.u . . .Nelson, N.M. ,^,ji Montreal i.Sc).- i.S,S(, ...Keell)), Ent'. i.S.S(, IS;) ►■Sis., Oftnwa, O. i.S-„ Minn, U.S.A. i.S.Vo 1874 Warkworil), o. i8()' Station, N.W.T. iS.^, 1S4.S Moniieal 1891 ««5.i iNv , Mich.. U.S.A. iSS', . ■ liiantfoid, O. jSy) Man. iSi ; I N ( Hatlcy, Q. i,s72 3lf, M(I.,U.S.A. iNyi l8S,S . Moriisburg, O. iS6(, ••,; 1S74 Winni|ift:, Man. 1S81 L't.K.l., U.S.A. 1.S7: l»>l"s;, (LL.D. Moiitital kS:i Walkeiville. O. iSeS.s ;Knt;.), U.S.A. VC, Kn},'lan(l. 1874 ..Loiuion, O. i8(j2 , Victoria, IJC, 1891 ''^44 1843 Mich., U.S.A. 1S89 ewcasile, N.H. 1S94 rboiir, Jamaica 1S68 I'enn., U S.A. 1883 .Cookshire, Q. ,889 I'enn , U.S A. 1S8S ,N v., U.S.A. ,SSi ■ . . Lachine, Q. 1867 . London, Eng. 1S82 1872 • •• ..... rSiR UOUTOKS UF MKDICINK. Ilowden, l^dicrl T Winnijx-g, Man . Ilowt'v, William H .Suf". tv, O. ,.*lf<)wit't, \Vm. 1! T. . ,ati O. Ilowlaml, Krancis I Hi-i v.,\;,0. .Ihilil.anI, Osmon U Walpole, M.iss.; U.S.A. / Iliibfit, I'liiiii) ;1 lushes, 1'. 11 Leamington, O. Jill nif, William L Lced*, (.>. I Hunt, Ilonry Toronto, U. Miiini, J H ^urg- Maj. Army Mli. Dcp , '4*ILint, 1} |.» 1 1 lint, Lewis CJ Sheffield, Lny ')jlliiiil, Kil. P. (f) NcwiHirypoit.Mas.s., U.S./V. (Jlli'r.linan, Henj. V. W., L. R.C.I'.S. (Kdin.) 87 St Albert St., tntawa, (). . Iliiidinan, II. T Mrysoii, (J, 4 llii! 1). It, I'dwiii Augustus 558 Henry St., Hrooklyne, N.V., U.S.A. 1 III. limit, Cuorge W Thoinbury, (J. Ihi'lbua, Richard W Mitchell, O. 4 Hutchinson, John A., L.K.C.P. (Edin) Montreal Hii,chison, James A, Montreal , Imne, Andrew Wm 439 Woodward St., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. i Inksetler, I). (J Costa Rica Inksetter, W. E Costa Kica Ii vine, James C Liverpool, Eng. . Irvine, K. T Physician, Sing Sing Prison, New York., U.S.A. I'wiii- A. 1" Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. ■' I'^in, J. 1 254 Ontario St., Chicag..., Ill,, U.S.A. ; hwin, William T Chapleau, O. 5 Ives, Lli Coaticook, «j . (.\ck, Melville Grant Du Vernet Grand Harbor, Grand Manan,N.H. *Jackson, A. T , jack.son, Joseph A Manchester, N. H., U.S.A. Jackson, Wm. Fred., M and L.C.P.!'. (Ont.;, Coroner, Hrockville, (). JacHies, Henry Merville Upper Dyke, N.S. Jakes, R. W Merrickville, Q. Jameson, Thomas (t) 257 West Ave., Rochester, M.Y., L'.S.A. Jamieson. Alex. jamieson, Chas. J W^innipeg, Man. jamieson, Thomas A Duluth, Mich., U.S.A. Jamieson, W. H Montreal Jenkins, W. E Mahone, N.S. Jento, Charles P., C.P.S. (Ont. . ..Olympi.i, Washington Ter., U.S.A. Johnson, C. H Austin, Minn., U.S A. Johnson, Henry D Charlottetown, P.E.L Johnson, James B London, Eng. Johnson, J. C Surg. Maj. Army Johnson, J. R Spring Valley, Minn . , U.S.A. Johnson, J. VV Johnston, Albert ,'..', .',.. ..'.'..".Montreal , , - , . ^OfniQ iT^i --». .... .... ...«,. .... .... ................ \ . , Johnston, Thomsis G. 19 ■857 187S 187U 1867 1888 .889 iS8() «87S I,S76 1869 1881 1871 t5>6s 1882 1881; l8(.o 1859 '•^73 1878 1 884 1879 i88c) l8(jo 1866 1885 1890 '879 4889 fS63 US92 1846 18-9 18; ; 1894 189; 1892 1877 1879 '875 '893 1S90 1890 1884 18S5 1876 1867 1883 1887 1892 10, ■ r 20 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Johnston, Wyatt C, Lecturer in Bacteriology, McGill University, Montreal Jones, Charles R Hatley, Q. Jones, George N Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. *Jones, H. J. Montgomery, M.A •Jones, Jonathan C. *Joneb, Thomas W. (adeun) Jones, Wm. Justus Prescott, O. Josephs, George E., Asso'c. Coroner, Co. Renfrew Pembroke, O. Kearney, Wm. J., President Board of Health .... Mariposa, Cal., U .S.A. Kearns, James Fiancis Evans, Col., U.S. A Kee, D. N Keefer, Wm. N Ret'd Surg. Maj. Bengal Army *Keeler, Thomas Keir, Erskin Johnstone Saratoga St., E. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Kelly, Charles Israel, (L. S. Apoth. London) .. ..West Flamhorou^h, O. Kelly, Clinton Wayne (f) Louisville, Ky., U.S.A. Kelly, lames A. A., M.C.R.S, (Ont) 2513 N. Street, S. Omaha, Neb., U.S.A. Kelly, Patrick N Wal)asha, Minn., U.S.A Kellv.Thos. ([), M.R.CS. (Eng.) S. Omaha, Neb.,U.S.A. *Kelly, William Kemp, H. D Metis, Q. Kempt, William Lindsay, O. Kennedy, James H Box 61, Sault Ste. Marie, O. •Kennedy, Richard A Kennedy, Robert A., B.A Ottawa, O. Kenney, Frank L. (B.A. Univ. N.B.) St. John, West End, N.B*. *Kerr, James Kerr, Norman 108 *KilIery, St. John *Kincaid, R. M King, Harry Sylvester Cor. Beeker and W. 5th Street, W. Superior, Wis., U.S.A. Kmg, Reginald A. D Compton, Q. King, Richard Peterboro', O. King, Wm. M. H St . Sylvestre, Q . JKinghorn, Hugh McLennan, B.A 85 Osborne St., Montreal Kinloch, J. A Montreal •Kirkpatrick, A Kirkpatrick, Everind A Halifax,' N.S. Kirkpatrick, Roi->ert C, B.A., Assistant Demonstrator in Surgery, McGill University Montreal Kittson, Edmund G _ •Kittson, John G Klock, Robert Ily (VuVon', o'. Klock, William II., L.R.C.P.S. (Edin.), L.F.P.S. (Glasgow). . ..,..;. 189 O'Connor St., Ottawa, 61 'Knowles, James A •KoUmyer, Alex . H Labergcj Ed ,,.,,, , , . . St Plii1r,m«n» o' E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. 1884 1874 2SSt 1874 flw i«73 i86s i«S4 18156 1881 187s 1894 1890 1869 i«59 1891 I8qi 1867 1887 1884 187,^ 1846 1890 1864 1888 1864 1886 1888 1858 1 889 1862 1 888 1S92 1868 1867 1859 1894 1886 i8s6 1 888 1886 187,? 1869 1882 l88s 1866 i8i;o 1H50 , ,^, ; ■■&hi W Mnaa mffrY i Mii iiiii Mp"*-— j ja^uBM DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. (Jill University, Montreal .... .Hatley, Q. n, Iowa, U.S.A. . . . . Prescott, O. . .Pembroke, 0. sa, Cal., U.S.A. ns, Col., U.S.A. i,Mass,, U.S.A. lamhorou;j:h, O. lie, Ky., U.S.A. treet, S. Omaha, Neb., U.S.A. , Minn., U.S.A. ha, Neb.,U.S.A. Metis, Q. .... Lindsay, O. It Ste. Marie, O. Ottawa, O. West End, N.B. JO, 111., U.S.'a. !et, W. Superior, "Vyis.,U..S.A. . .Compton, Q . . Peterboro', O. t, Sylvestre, Q. le St., Montreal Montreal . Halifax, N.S. Surgery, McGill Montreal ••»• -«•••••• Quyon, Q. 'SOW) St., Ottawa, O. Philomene, Q. 1884 1874 1874 i i«7.1 I.S 1865 ^ i«,S4 1856 1881 187s 1894 1890 1869 i«.S9 1891 I8qi 1867 M 1887 ^R 1884 '^^m i«7,^ ^'Wm 1846 '^t. 1890 /i» 1864 w§ 1888 ^^M 1864 s 1886 '"S 1888 '9 1858 .wt 1889 ^m 1862 •j^B 1 888 \3 1892 M 1868 Jm 1867 ■n i«S9 HH 1894 HH 1886 HH 1856 HI 1888 Ml 1886 B 187.1 IB 1869 ^H 1882 Wm 1885 ^H 1866 IBH 1856 ^H l.S=;o ^^B Lafferty, A.M. ;••••.• "ejiot. Dak., U..S.A. Lafleur, Henri A., H.A Assistant Proiessor m Medicine and Lec- turer'in Clinical .Medicine, McGill University Montreal Lambert, Emile Maurice Ottawa, O. Lambly , William Osborne A"ii o"'''^A Landor Thomas H C.P.Ky., O. Lane, John A •• • • • •• Lang, C. L .• • • /.rMaHorytown O. Lang, Frederick Wentworth Marine City, Mich., L .h. A. • LaniT, Thomas D ,•■•.,••■;■••/. ;/ ;,' \' Lang, William A i'anbault, Minn., U.S.A. Lang, W. M Marysville, Mich., U.S.A. I'angley , Alfred Fardon Victoria, 15.C. Langloi.sO. X Amherstburg, O. * Langrell, Richard T • • • Larocque,A.P. ;;Vr^^''T'^ Lathern. f. S ,' * ' * „ xV o "?" Laurin, Edgar J Deer Lodge, Mon U.S.A. Law, D.W C Bond Head O Law, William K Coleraine, Ireland Lawford, John H. (f;, Asst. Ophthalmic Surgeon and Lectuier on Oph- thalmology, St. Thomas' Hospital, 55 Queen Anne St., Cavendish Sci., London W., Eng. *Lawrence, Henry J. H ••••• •,••••••■• •••".;••' Lawrence J. W Winnipeg General Hospital, Winnipeg, Man. Leavitt, Julius Melbourne, Q. *Leclair, Napoleon • • , Leclerc, George Montreal •Lee, James C * •Lee, John Rolph • ••;; Lefebvre, John M Vancouver B.C. Legault, Daniel V,' • ' ^^'' , ' /\" Lemoine, C St. Pierre, Isle d'Orleans, (). I^pailleur, Leonard - •• Leprohon, John L. (A.M. Bishop's College) ..Montreal JLeslie, Archibald C Fisher, Polk Co., Minn., U-S.A. Levi, Reuben ^^'^7°l''; ^xr'u- Lewin, A. A ^c'J^'^^i'tc'a' Lewis, John Taylor Lawrence, Mass., U S.A. Liddell, G. L Cornwall, O. •Lindsay, Heriot •• •••• ••,•'"' Lindsay. W AvFi' ^^'1^^ ?" Lister. James i^rown City, Mich., U.S.A. •Lloyd, H. W •Locke, C. F. A •Logan, David D iV c' '\' Logan, Robert.. , lona, Mich., U.S.A. *Logie, William •Long, Alexander Vii " tVo' a' Long, C. H California St., Chicago, 111., L.S.A. Longley, Edmund 21 1887 18S7 1891 1S94 1 884 1S77 1S76 1 89 2 1866 1 88 1 18S8 1892 1875 1S75 1S47 1SS3 18S1 1 853 1877 1879 1862 1893 1866 1861 1851 1856 1848 1879 1868 1S50 1848 •843 1S90 1870 1890 1894 iSgo i86r 1^93 1S62 1879 1872 1842 1880 1833 1844 1888, 1866 22 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. I.ongi)r6, rierie F Loring, J. Hiovvn. M.R.C.S. (EnK.)i ^o Park Ave., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Loucks.W. F. Stirling, O. *Louprel, An(h'6 I.oux, William Ottawa, O. Love, Andrew New Glasgow, N. S. *Loverin, Nelson Levering, William Thaddeus liallard. Wash. Terr., U.S.A. Lovelt, William .' Ayr, O. Low, David Regina, N, W.T. ♦Lucas , T. D'Arcy (t) Lunam, Henry (B.A. Queen's) Campbell ton, N.B. Lundy , K. L Surg. Maj. Army Lyford, Clias. C, D.V.S Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. JLyon, Ar'.hur Shawville, (). Maas, Rudolph J., L.R.C.S. (Edin.) ..7 W.Superior St., Dukith, Minn , U.S.A*. MacCalUim, Duncan C. Montreal MacCarthy, tieorge Stanisiieet Ottawa, O Macdonald, Alex MacDonald, Alexander D., Surgeon to (ireat Northern Ry Kalispell, Montai... U.S.A. MacDonald, Angus St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. "MacDonald, Colin MacDonald, M. S Marbleton, Q. MacDonald, Robert Tyre E Sutton, (). * Macdonald , Roderick \ MacDonald, Roderick /Eneas Stoney Mountain, Man. Macdonell , Angus C Montreal MncFarlane, Wm Almonte, O. Mactie, James Criswold, Iowa, U.S.A. Macintosh, Robert Mack, Francis Lewis Amherstburg, O. Mac Kay, Daniel Thomas Cliftoti, P.E.I. MacKay, James M Wallace, N.s". MacKelcan, George Lloyd ...15 Gore St., Hamilton, O. *Mackie, J. R , * Macklem, Samuel S MacLeaii, Archibald, Registrar of Deeds Sarnia O. 'Macnabb, I'rancis A. L Macneil, Alex Kensington, P E.I. -tMacphad, )ohn Andrew, B.A., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London), Montreal Mader, Anthony Ivan New Canada, N.S. *Madill,John Maher.James J. E 213 W. 23rd St., New Vork,'N.Y.',U.S.A. Main, Cliarles G Edmundston, Madawaska, Co., N. B. Mair, Asa Wolverton, M.C.P.S. (Ont.) Portage du Fort, Q. Major, George W., B.A Montreal Malcolm, John Rolph Scotland O. >LaIl ay, Albert E., L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S. (Edin.), Physician, Regis- trar of deeds for East Northumberland Colbornc O 1848 1883 1S87 18^0 1870 1S91 1855 1891 1870 1S89 1869 1881 1862 1879 1861 1880 1850 1894 1883 1887 1863 1853 1890 1 881 '834 1874 1852 I86q 1869 1863 1866 1892 1886 i860 1865 1859 1867 1870 1883 1891 1891 1867 1883 1 891 1892 1871 1861 O. 1872 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 23 [11., U.S.A. Stirling, O. . Olla\va,0. isgow, N. S. ;n'., 'u.s'a. ....Ayr, O. na, N.W.T. uilton, N.B, nn., U.S.A. lawville, (). lutli, Minn , U.S.A. , . . Montreal Ottawa, O ii.u U.S.A. nn., U.S.A. arbleton, . Sutton, intain, Man. . . . Montreal Mnionte, O. iwa, U.S.A. :rstburg, O. ftofi, P.E.I. lUace, N.S. Hamilton, O. . Sarnia, O. gto'n,r E.'l". (London), Montreal anada, N.S. j'.y.'u'.s'.a'. ., Co., N.B. du Fort, Q. . .Montreal Scotland, O. :ian, Regis- olbornc, O. 184S 1883 1S87 18^0 1870 1891 1855 1891 1870 1889 1869 iS8r 1862 1879 1861 1880 1850 1894 1883 1887 1863 1853 1890 1881 '834 1874 1852 I86q 1869 1863 1866 1892 1886 i860 1865 '859 1867 1870 1883 1891 1891 1867 1883 1 89 1 1892 187I 1861 1872 1 87 2 1867 1863 1883 IS92 1889 189I 1892 •Marceau Louis T ....•.■• • • • • ;;^,;v;;j;,v;c.;i.; u:s \.. ..., Markell, Richard S ^ S49 *Marr, Israel P 1859 Marr, Walter H... ".".'.". .'.'."i'IuIiVq. '871 Marston, Alon«) W ;;;;.Chevenne, Wy , U.S.A. Marston JolmJ .St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. £S?Ses' ■F„;u;,.ni; bVA;;kVi,.;„t De„,o„,ua.o, ,„ l.a,«„8v. McG.ll Cmvetsity .V.V.MontaBoe, P.E.I. E;:ffil»Mcu;.\:::.\^\HVi;iw;;;™n;tVr, Boston, NL,-^.^ ^ Martin, Simeon Henry ^ ' ' '"^^ j^g^ *Mason,J. L., MA '.".'.*.'.'.. I'aco'lie.'n. 1893 Masten, C. H :"''\y\^ Barbadoes, W.I. 1892 Massiah, William Benjamin Hallam Canli-an. P.E 1 . 1893 Matheson. R ••••,••; " i; V 62'; SheVbrooke St", Mont real 1 894 JMathevvson, George Heibert,B.A 025^ lIarrin<'ton |- F.l. 1889 Mathieson, Charles S\. ." . . ..StrMary's, O. 1871 Malhicion, John 11. (, ) _ ,gyo 1875 1847 1893 1885 .879 1867 1874 1892 1878 •Mathieson,Neil. .".. .Omaha, Neb., U.S.A. Mattice, Richard J ^^ Andrews, Q. Ma>Tand, Willum ■■■ • Y(^;{^^^^^ Col., U S.A. McArthur, A. D • • • ^ _ Winnipeg, Man. McArtlu,,', Robert D '"7 LWte St.,Ch,cago, "'-^]>^^^-^''^^ |S/fSea-.™e«Anii;:::i;;c;n.;;;j.:;weu;M^ rM'Srti/y-, ' j: ■ G-.; ■ x.:s,k«; ' ' 'i--^'^-^^" ;[,^rz': «"«::'! MccSyi'w^n-:.-.-.".:;:;: ■.:::::s.9-con8,« s... c^..,^. i".. ^^^ McCluie, ^V., B.A ] McCollum, E.P : ?MS.Si Jo.™ i.v:.-.v:. . .•.•:.■.::: : : : :«3 Doi^v.;; «.; Mo;i;vi ^-,. Renfrew, O. McCormack,N. '..'.... .Richmond, Q., Andrew G .'.Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. McLiea, James St. Thomas, Ont. McCrimmon, Alexander Addison Luckrow O. McCnn.mon, Donald A ^ .'.'Kincardine, ' O. McCrimmon, John -•••••••••••■••• Palermo, O. McCiimmon, Milton, M.C.P.S. (Ont.) i.^'88 1867 18S4 1886 1872 1873 1882 1885 1874 1894 1891 1869 1878 1878 McCiiaig, \Vili;..m J S'oo Wentwonn .^v., v.u>^, —'_--;;; \f^^^ •McCulFough, George ,843 •McCuUough, Michael [Hon.] -^-^ Vene,'N-B. 1879 McCully, Oscar J '..Chatham, 1866 McCurdy,John J. 3100 Wentworlh Av., Chicago, 111, U.b.A. 2-^ DOCTORS OK MEDICINE. Ktid^^^^^^^^ Sawye.ville,Con,,tonCo.,0. .889 McDia™... Don;ki; -^C^s! -Id^^oJ^i^yi^ia; ' ^n^' sJ^^p:^Sc '''' Mc'ltniiSr:-;. '''-'^^'^^' V^7.| .,S6, •McDiamid, John I). Hensall, O. 1873 McDonald, A. I \',' "","■ '^47 McDonald, Alex '. v•t^?"w",^S• '^^7 McDonald Alex. R. . . / . .' ;. nl'fiv ^n\ ?" 'f ^ McDonald, I). D. «oyd Wis., U.S.A. 1882 McDonald, Geome ;.';. ." • Alexan<lria, O. 1887 McDonald, II r t^agary. Alberta 1S89 McDonnld, JoiinA.'r) Alexandria, O. 18S5 McDonald, Jos. D A .....Montreal iSSo McDonald, Hugh N Vr • • ^Sherbrooke, Q . ,873 Mcl'onald:P.africkA: Mmneapohs Mmn. L'.S.A. 1S89 McDonald, Robert C... ]' .'^i^T'';!'''' °- '''^^9 McDonell,yKneas 1" 'en.ont. Neb.. U..S. A. i88o McDonnell, .ICneas J. " '.'. /.V. • ' •' " ^'""'"^ "• '^^9 McDonnll, Alex R \\ mnipeg, Man. 1S88 *iMcDonne]l,R. L.,' B. A.' ".'.!'.. i *-*""'''^' ^- '^"4 McDougall. Diigald S. ,■.■■■',, '^"^ •McDougali, Peter A Kussell, O. 18S8 McDougall, Peter A. .'.',"'. •' '847 McEachran, Wm ".'. Ottnwa, O. 1864 McEown, F ,.....]. " ^^o •McEwen, Findlay . , .'.'.'.','.'.*.'.*,'..'.'. '^'-'° •McEwen, Hugh .'/, i^7o McFailane, M. A '889 McGannon, E. A. ...'.".'. Ashton, O. 1888 McGannon, M. C Hrockville, O. 1881 McGannon, T. G . ; • .. Hrnckville, O. 1885 McGu.ry, Jame.s....' Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. 1S86 McGeachy, William.*.'.*,".'. ; '^57 'McGiU, William '^'^^> O- 1867 •McGillivray, Donald...'.'.',",'.'.'.'.*. '848 McGowan, Henry W '861 McGrath, Thoma.s ..'.!*.'.'.*.'.*'.'.'.' Knowlton, Q. 1 867 •McGregor, Duncan ...".' 1849 McGuigan, W. J. .. " 1861 •McGuire, Bernard D. '.'.'.','. Vancouver, B.C. 1879 McGuire, J. C 't^*';*", '873 Mcllmoy], Henry A Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. 189 1 Mclnerney, Ja.nes P.' Clayton, N.Y., U.S.A. .1876 Mclnnes, Walter J. M." St. John, N.B. 1S84 Mcintosh, Donald J, *• Vittoria, O. 1865 Mcintosh, Duncan II Vankleek Hill, O. 1870 •Mcintosh, James '.'.'.*.'.'.*.'.'. Pakenham, O. 1889 Mcintosh, Lynden Young.'*.'." '• '859 Mclntyre, Peter A. . " Strathmore, O. 1894 McKay, H. II. . . Souris, P.E.I. 1867 New Glasgow, N.S. 1800 M M M M M M • W M -••1 +1 H ^ ^ • ' ■» ^ I I J ! 1 I mptonCo.,Q. 1889 Diinvegan, O. 1875 igeon, Pul)lic jlengariy, O. 1X67 .Ilensall, O. 1673 1847 le.\anilria, O. J887 leek JIilI, O. 1889 Wis., U.S.A. 1882 lexaiiclria, O. 1887 jary, Alberta 1S89 lexandria, O. 18S5 . . . Montreal i,S8o lerbrooke, Q. 1873 linn., L'.S.A. 1S89 examiria, O. 1S89 >Jeb.. U.S.A. 1880 .Ottawa, O. J849 mipeg, Man. [,S88 ..Oiilha, O. 1874 1S76 . Ku.ssell, O. 18S8 • 1847 .Ottnwa, O. 1864 1880 1890 1S70 1889 .Ashton, O. 18S8 ockville, O. kS8i • ickville, O. 1S85 ss., U.S.A. 1886 1857 ...lona, O. 1867 1848 1861 loivlton, Q. 1867 '849 1861 Oliver, B.C. 1879 1873 on, U.S.A. 1891 V.,Tj.S.A. .1S76 John, N.B. 1S84 /ittoria, O. 1865 k Hill, O. 1870 ;enham, O. 1SS9 •, '859 thmore, O. 1894 iris, P.E.I. 1867 igow, N.S. 1800 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. ,. i- T> r.j c /VA,r, ^ M P P Woodville, O. McKay, John, L.K.C.P. 6- S.(Ed.n.),M.l'.l^..... ...... ,^^^^^^^.^ McKry, RB Courtland. O. McKay, Walter^^. ;;; :,VJ,;;;^;;_ Waltham, Mass., U.S.A. T^""^' Tnhn F H7 Taylor St., Waltham, tS;' ll^^Ekwin- (H.A. VicLrial, ( J^D Jo^nto) 25- 1869 "893 •854 1892 W., Toronto, O. 1S80 ,, . T T T RCP and S (Edin.),L.F. P. and S. (Glasgow), McKenzie, James T., L.K.C.t . ana r^. v /. . jrenton, O. ^^^ Portland, Ore.. U.S.A. Montreal McKenzie, McKenzie, K.A.J Lewis Franci Gill University " Montreal McKenzie, S. R. - • ■ • ■ • • '...... Nanaimo, B.C. McKechnie, Robert b. (t) _ _ Compton Centre, Q- McKee, George L •McKercher, Hugh '.'.'.Bristol, Q. McKinley,John K. '..'.' Kinross, P.E.I. McKinnoi.. Artamas Isaac '.'.Eureka, Cal., U.S A. McKinnon,G^W i '"..'.. Ashland. Wis, U.S.A. McKinnon, H •• .. Liverpool, N.S. McKinnon Thomas H • • • McLaren, uavid Cummings, B.A Be'lle'cVeek' P.E.L McLaren, John Thomas Paisley, O. McLaren, Peter .'.'.*Bi'ud'enell. P E I. McLaren, Peter Ornistown, (K McLaren, Peter Mci.areii, i cic. Benson, M nn., L .^.A. i.->u4 McLaughlin, James Alvin ^^"^" ' ' ,350 18S4 1881 1894 iS92 189.1 1890 1890 1S89 iSy.S 1892 1888 1887 1889 1S80 1S94 1 86 1 1.S69 1S72 I S94 •McLean, Alexander .'.'Kingston, N.B McLean, Charles Murray. .... • • — ^ V " ' '///.New Westminster, B.C. McLean, Isaac Matheson (B.A. Ualhousie;,....! c j^t^yjney C.B. Kr:n;&rN.\\\-: ;;.^^•::;::::.^^^K"^.■^•«iH t;xH;^ tui^: aS.m c.; u;.i.-n mi:ii^r;;i:;^^^^ ^ McLellan, James H -y Dunvegan, O. McLellan, K '*... Martintowr. O. McLennan, D . . . . . •McLeod, Arch., B.A '.'.Chariottetown; P.E 1. McLeod, James I^^^j,^ N.B. McManus, H. D 1S94 1884 18S3 1882 1889 1890 1884 1893 1888 1 88s •873 1890 1S88 1885 851 ,, „ . „ ,, Chicago. 111., U.S.A. McMartin, D. R. . • .^ Saginaw, Mich , U.S.A. McMeekm, James W & ..Toronto, O. McMicking, George ,874 •McMillan, .Eneas J '..'.."..'.."..'.. '•''85 •McMillan, D. L s'yjney ' Australia 1890 McMillan, G. A ^ .Pictou.N.S. McMillan, John •McMillan, John Holmes 'MaiisonviUe, Q. JI'm'!!""' w""-' 6VEd;on"sV,D;;cheVter, Mass , U S.A. McMdlan, W ....... •• 05 cut, n , Richmond, Q. McMovine, Robert Findlay 1857 189 1 i860 >S9,> •895 26 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. McMunny, Samuel M,:\ally, Harry Hopper .'.'..'.'.*.' .'..'..'' Mi'livmV' •McNaughton,E.P ....., McN( N.H. McNee,Stewart Rinlev ' n'v" '{'"^'a' •McNeece, James, L.C.P.S. (One.) ' ^' N.^., L-S-A. McNeil, E,-nest ! . Ililv-anmi 'iW, P.E L ^'^;'^.}y' ^\- Brasher's Falls, N.Y, U sl McOu.llen James Marquette, Mich,' U.S.A McRae, (.eorge ^j.n. McTaggart. Alexander. . . .". .■.■.V.Vlich'rm;,;; Clark Co .VAiaba'.m.u'.slA. iAlcVeaii, Jolin M , •"■ •Manlocli, William 1! ".".'.!!*.'.*.'.!".'.'.'. ManclK'ster, George 1 lerhert ' ' n ', "Malhoit. Alfred; Mai loch Edward C. tawa, O. Ottawa, O. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Hathiirst, N,B, Meade, Chules Joseph.. .2S[ Farrington .St " * Meahan.J. C ' Meane, John . . . Staff Surg. Maj* Army .'.'." ' * ' Meek, James A., Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon .'.".".; [jo \V. 35111' St' •Meigs, Malcolm R ^^'' ^'°''^' U-S-A! Meikle, William Fulton ,' ''' , ' ' " ' Menzies. John B.. . . l-insdowne, O. * Meredith, L. B." " ' ' .' Lachute, Q . JE^'I^'t ''■■ ''•^••••3'3 wc;; cii;u;;-st;Ei;-i;;;N.v.Vu.s:A. Me1calfrHeI;;j- 3^9 Franklin St., BuOalo, N.Y. Mewburn, Frank H., Med. Officer Ali^nV K;.*c;;i c;:V.V."lindge' Mignault, Henri A. (M.D. liishops) sf "Hvihul-^ O * Mignault, L. 13 »t. iiyacmthe, Q. •Miller, R Montreal ''^i^Gi'[l• ui- ssy'^:y-f • ' ^'^•^" '^"•^'^'' '^^-^^ "^f '^^^^^^ Montreal • Chateauguay, N.Y., U.S.A. ^y Honolulu, Haw.iii Islands Mills, Miner, W. C F'ranl I J i t cllliv J J. "^Mines, William Mitchell, Fred. II Mitchell, William. MolVatt, Rev Moffatt, R. D. . . . Delaware, O. ohn EdwarcU «"rg-;^-. Xn;y- M;d: De^"^^^. 27 Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland Moffatt,' Walter ^So Parliament St., Toronto, O. Molsonl Wm . A." .*.■.'.■;.■.'; ;. Pensacola, 1- la., U.S.A . Mongenais, Napoleon - .Montreal Monk, George H ...Rigaud, Q. Monvf; ri,o,o».. c Kockburn. O . Moore, Charles S Moore, JeWelT ::: 1 1: ::!:::[ .[W^M^nn^ London. Minn., Moore f M oV,* 'c / V Minneapolis, Minn., U.S. Moo!:: Joseph : : :;:;:; ; f".] ^^t.^Lawrence Ave., Chicago, 111 .,' U .S. Moore, Richard Q. (). A. A. 1841 1892 1834 1879 I.S69 1870 1880 1874 1876 1869 iS6s 1867 1S94 1S46 1863 1892 18H4 1869 1875 1865 1892 1879 1842 1S84 1888 1876 i88i i860 1880 IeS70 1878 •«93 1877 1.S74 1872 1894 1861 1888 1S52 1874 1865 1875 1874 1S74 '893 1852 '853 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 1841 Ilville, N.B. 1892 1834 .v., L'.S.A. 1879 1S69 ^iver, P.E.I. 1870 ■Y., U.S.A. 1880 c!i., U.S.A. 1874 1876 ima.U.S.A. 1869 iS6s 1867 Ottawa, O. 1894 , 1S46 Ottawa, O. 1863 n., U.S.A. 1892 Hirst, N,B, 1884 1869 *^. 35tli St., Ilk, U.S.A. 187s 1865 «lowne, O. 1892 achiue, Q. 1879 1842 v., U.S.A. 1.S84 iTalo, N.Y. 1888 Thurso, (). 1S76 l-ethbri(lge, a, N.W.T, i88i icinthe, Q. i860 • .Montreal 1880 1870 'hysioloyy, Montreal 1878 v., U.S.A. 1893 'aii Islands 1877 ; •• '«74 laware, O. 187 1 achiite, Q. 1894 (retired,), in, Ireland 1861 oronto, O. 1888 .., U.S.A. 1S52 . Montreal 1874 Rigaud, Q. 1865 kbuin, Q. 1875 ondon, (). 1874 n., U.S.A. 1S74 I1-, U.S.A. 1893 1852 '853 Moore, Kobert L \lgonac, Mich., U.S.A . Moore, W ilham ^^j Keswick, N.i^. Morehouse Oscar b River Beaudette, O. Morgan, V. 11 •Morin, Joseph (Hon.. . .••••;••• ••••;;;;;.:: •;. : : Lachine LJcksVQ. Morphy, Arthur G. (B.A. io.onto) Vernon, B.C. Morris, O •Morrison David R. .'.*.■.■.■.'.'. CuVnduf'V N.W.T. Morrison, John, M.A Metcalfe, O. Mo;r::: wi\ii;;n sui;;-A;;i;tam i)emo,;:t;;;o;'in ^^-oio^y,^^i^m University '.'.""".."... .Montreal Mount, John \y..^ ...,■. .WilUamstown, O. Mo wat, Malcolm M Aylmer, (^. Mulligan A. !;•• •••••••••;•,•,;• V V Montreal Munro, Alexander, L.R.C.P. (bdin.) MaxviUe O Munro James T ^- ■ .-•••• ■ — ■ yj/k.N.Y., U.S.a! ^"''f^', ^ ••; A Carleton Place, O. Muirliead, Daniel A Mu;f^rove, W. J ;. ....Inverness, n. ^'^''■'«'^"^-; :::;; Winmpeg.Man. ^•';'""'r^V-^ Canton, 111., U.S.A. Nelles, [. M... London, O. Nelles,JohnA ' •Nel>on, Horace :?£;:; ^£ ^";!;vrGrkm;^vi^^^: New- y;^^^ ii:;s":]I;.^k!v55E.'3;asonths;;;;,-saiars^ ^NilullirXlbenGeV; M.A 13^ l-us.gnan St., Mont-eal "Nicholls, Chs. R x^'*;"/' ^^"^r ^^ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Sutton West, 0'. Noble, C. i Kjj,„ o. Norman T. J .V '.'.". '.Shelburne, O. Wn.rhos. •• streetsville,0. Oakley, \Vm. D *0"Brien, David ' O'Brien, Robert S ' O'Brien, Thos. B. P • V'-l " "m V'tVs'a O-Brien Thomas Justin P ^ansas C'ty, Mo., US. A. O' I! nen, Timothy Wahpeton, Dacotah, U ^S. ,\ . O'Caliaghan, Cornelius H D'Callaghan, *0'Carr, Peter O-Callaghan; T. A ^^""T'!!:!! .''.^ ■'■ ■ ^Clis !'.!!'.."." .' .'.' ..*.'.' .'.'.* • •"•'•• es'BeaVeV HaVl Vl'ill , Momreal ' ''*.' Ottawa, O. JO"Connor •O'Connor, Daniel A O'Connor, Edward Joseph 27 1S69 1881 1889 1887 1850 1S90 1890 1869 1872 18SS 1891 1 85 1 1889 1890 1S76 1872 1883 1889 1876 1886 1889 1890 1882 1892 1878 1875 1850 1851 1848 1872 1884 1868 1894 1862 1872 1890 1887 1874 1877 1873 1873 1862 1882 1884 1814 1 880 1851 1890 1867 1894 28 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Sdet'wii;r:i::f^'^!':':':.':'; ^^^p'^'-' j^^^^mond co., n.v., u.s.a. O'Keefe, Henry W \" ",'■. ', o.,» C.H. u.o», ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;. w^;-,r.°; .V-; -;-. O'Leary, James Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. O'Leary] Patrick*! ^'- P,'*/^'^'' Q- Oliver, Alfred Jackson '.'.'..■ /. '^^'^r* ^"^ " Oliver, James Waller ", Vr-"- *-",l'"^y' '^ o.<em^c,^,e. Medical supt. .wn;;G;; Hos'uf j^^;;::;;:;: S] Orr, J. E \li'x,'\v"l' ■■;.•,"', Montreal Orton, T. H . .' .' '^ ^' *-'^^'ela"<i, Ohio, U.S.A. Osborne, .\ j} ' Arthur, O. Osier, wm:, f:i<.cp: oiJnd^^i.-p;:.^.;;-- •- " ■ ■ ■ ■ --"^-i'^-' '^• University 7 w ^''-^f,"'' "I" ^Jedicine Johns Hopkins Palmer, G F."." " ^'■*'^"'^''" ''"•' «-'iltimore. Md., U.S.A. r-almer, l.oraii V, London, Eng. •Padfield, Charles *W '.'.'.'.'.'..'. ,\ Toronto, O . Pamchaud, Edw. S I *Pallen, Montrose A '.'.*'. Varennes, Q. •Paquin, Jean M *.'.*.'.".*." .' •Paradis, Henri ;pa.adis, Pierre E.";;; .■;;;;;;;;;;; •Park, George A Park, P. C Parke, Charles ii^hhiL:d}:.v:ands:imnZ:: :::''' ::]'!^^T' °" Parke, George Hughes l\ % .^"" ^J-" '^^^'^' Q- Parker, Rufus S . ,,n',' VvV u' ' V " [• ^^.^"" '^L, (,)uebec, Q. Patason. lames ■^°'* ^^'^'^•^'"gt"" ^^" J^oston., U. S. A. Paterson, " Lament. ,W innipeg, Man, •Pattee, George Harbour Grace, Nfld. Pattee, Richard P. *,-"",', •Patterson, James M. .'.'.' Vankleek Hill, O. * Paiton , Edward K. . . . , I'atcon, Hugh M., B.A Peake, James Palmer (M-k! liniJ.' N:b:)::.- -.V.': o;c;^;c[o;^:;bury Pearman, H. V Co., N.ii. *Pegg, Au.stin J. ..'..".'.* Halifax, N.S. Pegg, Charles H ".*.'.'. Perks, W. C. .. . Perrault. Victor ...'.'!!.'!.' Woodstock, O. Perrier, John .' .' '.',1 'i'>'J'''l V/ ' ,V, ' ' ', Montreal I'emgo,-'james, M. A!," -M.-R.-c's' En^ '^•' ^'^^'^'='""' ^^"'^U•«•A■ * Perry, H. R ^ -^ Montreal Phelan, J., F.R C ;,; •Phelan, Joseph P." *.'.'.■,■.■.'.■.'.■.■.■. Waterloo, Shefford Co., Q. ^^59 1.S49 lSS2 iSq4 18S2 1S66 '«59 1S90 1S68 1S67 icSSS ISS8 rS86 1SS6 riS72 1885 1 866 1868 1848 1864 1S46 1867 1877 1888 1866 1 89 1 1866 1864 1892 1858 1874 1855 1867 1890 1S92 1888 1 8 72 1867 18S1 1852 1868 1870 1892 1874 1865 »«S4 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 29 '^.V,, U.S.A. 1859 I S49 Jak., U.S.A. 1882 "'.v., U.S.A. 1S94 Vis., U.S.A. 18S2 ;. Pascal, Q. 1866 ..Mayo, Q. 1S59 .(Jranby, Q. 1890 la Falls, O. 1S68 Toronto, O. 1867 ...Montreal 1888 'liio, U.S.A. 1 888 .Arthur, O. 1886 Hamilton, O. 1886 lins Hopkins VM., U.S.A. 1S72 >iidon, Eng. 1885 Toronto, O. 1866 1868 arennes, Q. 1848 • 1864 iHi 1846 1S67 1877 iJiirham, O. 1S88 Qu.bec, Q, 1866 ^)uebec, Q. 1S91 ss., U. S.A. 1866 "peg, Man. 1864 irace, Nfld. 1892 1858 iek Hill, O. 1874 •• 1855 1867 1S90 • •Mo;^ o> Sunbury Co., ilifax, N.S. id stock, O. ..Montreal iio, U.S.A. ..Montreal * • • • • • • • J., U.S.A. 'rdCo., Q. 1S92 1888 1872 1867 18S1 1852 186S 1 8 70 '5^73 1892 1874 1865 »SS4 Pomeroy L L. M ."Ku;;,* Niagara Co., N.Y.^U-S. A. 18S6 I'oole, Alfred.. '^^^> n^ier Hill, N.Y., U.S.A. i88c I'oole, Henry h ' ,^84 , . 1863 I'hilip, David L. .... ••• Cookshire, Q. 1893 Phillimore, Raymond 11 ,XSg phiip, William s. , • • • • Q^;;;; • ^■;^^;' l-.^.a. 1883 I'hiiipen, S. S. C ,857 •Picault, Charles ,jj6o •Pickup, John W '..*.'.'.'.*.*.'.'.... 1^47 •I'inet, Alexis .V.V.'sV. Laurent, <^ 1864 Pinct, Alex. R " 1880 Pinsonneault, li !'.'.!... Tweed, U. 1 886 L. E. M ;,*,*!1"tv*:V„V,'.,\*A"x V T^S.A. 18S6 r88o [884 Porteous, Wm. . ••• .'.'.".*.".*.'.'... Powassan. O. 1887 Porter, James A ex., B. A ;:::;n;;v Bedford, Mass., U.S.A. Potluer Joseph C VV.V/n. Clarke St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Potts, J. M '"'/ Sarnia, O. Poussette, A. Courthorpe Ottawa, O. Powell, F. II. ... . *,".",'.!'..' .Victoria, B.C. Powell, Israel Wood Cobourg, O. '.T'^^n^ifw h"w "m .■.".".'.'.'I'SO Cooper St., Ottawa, O. ;; Powell, Robert H. W . (t) _ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ Corners, Q. Powers, Geo. W . p^^^ jlope^ O. Powers, 1 afontaine B ■.■;.'.■. Northfield, Minn., U.S.A. Pvingle, A. 1^ Cornwall, O. I'ringle, Ceorge • " "'A'r,"n Krlireiber O l.nn'gle, W.lliam R., Surgeon to C. P. Ry -^.l^-^^^^^. Pritchard Jaines ■.'.'.ii.'Le Mar^, Ply Co., Iowa, U.S.A. 18S7 188S i860 1885 i86f) 1852 1876 1861 1867 1880 <8SS 1886 1894 1874 1869 Vn Le Mars, Ply Co., Iowa, U.S.^ ,ot Alex" (M.b.' Bishop's), Professor of Ophthalmology an. . jot, Alex, tm y. t'/ ,...2 PhiUips Place, Montrea. .^^^ Otology m Bishop's College f ^^^^ Proiulfooi, John S 1844 Proulx, Phil6as 1X59 ;^;^uCi^dSw.-::::;;73Wo;i;;^^'^-^^-^'^^^^^ S ♦(juarry, JamesJ ij^^^ *guesnel, Jules M .*".".",'.'.'.'.*.'.'.'. Aylmer, Q. 1888 Quirk, E.L 1853 • Rae, John (Hon.) ,..'.'.'.'.'.'.. 1863 •Rainville, Pierre ,j^,q Ramhault, J., Dep. Insp. Cen. Army ^^,3^ •Rattray, Charles J •■• l.'coMen/o. 1874 RaUray,JamesC V.;'..* '.Seattle, Wash., U.S.A. 1886 Raymond, Alfred • ' ,}5g5 'Raymond, G. H * * * " "///Montreal Raymond, Olivier • • • • • • loiifiv N S iJd. Ilerbc-rt H., L. R. C. S. (Edm.) • • p^Vttobfn^on, o". Reavely, E. Winchester, O. 1850 1861 1887 1874 Srii-^:SL.;B:A:;i:.R:S^., L.R.C.P. (London) Montreal .876 • Reddy , John (ad eun) [[[['M]]: Lonsdale,©'. 1 864 Redner, Horace P * ' ' 30 DOCTORS 01' MEDICINE. Kct'd, Thomas I ) m . i Reeves, Fames... , '^'"""■«''^' Reid, Alex. IVter . . Killaloe, O. (M.D. Univ. N.V.), I..R.CS. (K.lin.), '>,.,.si,|; ..S7. 1X94 resident, and Professor of Med. Jurispni.lencean.l Hygiene; Ilalifa.x M,d Coll.' Med. Supt. ViUoria General I logpiial Halifax N s' IS; k't '^■' '^'■^'■'"' ""' ^- ^'""•^ ''^^"" •^'' ^■'"■'''-'' '^- •Reid, Kennetli ' KennerW Scott '^i^^^ !ii''^ '^[lll^Aiuihio^N^x:' V.^.X. 'R^;Sd;;'£a^.::::::;^^!.^!'^:T" :'"' """'^'^' '"•' '■'■''■ KSa"r<t'Mar'er''' ^"^ ''^'''' ^"'''" '^■^y'""''''o'-'l"«'nei VLin.Vlton/o. Richaidson, Alfred v;,', *,.")," Vtl" 'i"/\' Richardson (;. C So th March, O. kichar.lsun 1 lenry James . .".V. s', ^Z f' ?: 1. :,,i,„, I , ■'J'"'" S lencervi le, O. Rlchmonri^l! 30.S Lock St., Chicago, 1.1., U.S.A. Ridley I lenry Thomas . . . .V. ^v: '.' ! ;.'." ! ::::.';;:; ! ! ! ! iia;;ho;;,v>; •Kiel, Ltienne R. L ' ♦ i.'ii..,, ti II Rryson. Q. St., (Jucl)tc, (^). "Riley, Oscar II Rin cr, I'rankJin Ernest i^Si'iS'M' ■-:■.■ :::v3VD'Xi;;;^ii;n,' John L . . .'. ..Army Med .* D;nt' W "'' '"""' ' ' "'• ''■ •Roberts, Edward T. . Rolinsrn"'A S .'.". "!"';^ ^' ^ '^ ^''"'-■"'" ^'^ ' '^'°"''-^''^' Robertson, A. M ,r ',,"/. Robertson David v;,'"; nT'T' V^- Robertson; IX.VU1T. (M.A.Hisi;oV-;).V.V.V.\V."-'''''""it;t"^^ Robertson, Edward Arch. (B.A^iLr^'s). : /.V-^Z^S^ ?^- Robertson, ^ rancis Dunbar .'...... St . /i: .Vnl. Vt . , U fs.A; Robertson, James E -hn \ li i > , Robertson Patrick . . . ! , . '. '. ; '. ". Montague, P.E . Robertson, Thomas Fulton '. ; " '. '^' "l wi m'' H' Robertson, William, M.C.P. and S . (Ont'.) Fln n' n " Robillard, Adolphe ^ ■' ^V ' ?: Robinson, Ryrne Estcomte .".■. n n'''' ,1 Robinson, .^lephen J '.i V. '. V. ' ^^ Robinson, Wesley ».' ■,■;■■ * * " • Robitaille, Honble L. T Markham, O. Robitaille, Louis n"?"'iT' ?: Roddick, Thomas George (t), Prof^ss^V Vf Wrg;;■;^' McJ Ul Unilers.ty Rodger, Edmund J. A., L.R.C.P. and S. m^l'^J^':^:^ „°/^^"^."' Denver. Col.. U.S.A. in Univ »,,„ , ™ cii ci , Denver, Col., "Rodger, Thomas A < ^ '■> i,S5S 1.S7. 1.S90 1864 1.SS4 '«3'> 1.S42 iSSi l>S()4 1894 I.SS; 1S94 1865 >873 1852 i8i7 1879 1H94 186S '854 i8so 1S76 1874 .'859 1867 1894 iSSS ISS5 I.S64 1857 1 89 1 1886 1865 1867 1 89 1 I.S90 i860 lS()2 1867 1877 1858 i860 I86S I88I IS69 '^ I R + -♦- K . l< l< \i * ■jt 1 DOCTORS OF MEIMCINE. ....Montreal 1S71 . Killaloc, O. 1S94 I.), "resident, X Mjd. Coll., Halifax, N.S. i,S5S St. Marie, O. 1S71 I Sgo 1 864 N.\'., U.S.A. 1S.S4 ,111., U.S.A. i.Sjo 1842 Hamilton, O. 18S1 1S64 itli March, O. 1894 viclinioiifl, O. iHiSj •ncerville, O. 1S94 , III., I'.S.A. 1865 1S73 lamiltuii , (,). 1852 iSs? • • ■ 'S79 . . Iiryson, Q. 1H94 , (, (}. 1868 • V '854 , loronto. O. i8so inn., U.S.A. 1S76 '874 1859 , Jam., \V. I. 1867 .v., Montreal 1894 1SS8 coiiver, B.C. 18S5 ilton Co., O. 1864 no.wille, Q. 1857 inoxville, (,). 1891 ^t., U.S.A. 18S6 ague, P.E 1. 1 86s Andrews, Q. 1867 rockville, O. 189 1 . .Klora, U. 1890' Ott.avva, O. i860 ..Orillia, O. i8()2 1S67 larkham, O. 1877 Quebec. Q. 1858 Carli.sle, Q. i860 Univer-sity, /., Montreal 186S of Suryery ol., U.S.A. i88r I869 . Ottawa, O. KoKers, Am-.s.... Montreal ;;Ko^ers,,H.A ; -"-JOJlnm,. I'lacer Co., Cal., U.S. A. K„o.R-y. South Woodslec, O. Koike. K. I* i>^el >; jj, Uuss, I )e,nore WellinRton .^. • ^. j ;•;.•;• ; • ^ "^ '^ _ Ross, Donald Lawrence ^^^^ ccui , ^^^,. •Koss, Geort^e (f), M-A • • • •■.'. Montreal 1880 Ross, G. T •Ross.H^ry ;;;;.v;;";; " ! " 'oueb^c; Q* Ross, 11. K ThiMnimrn, N.S. Ross, '■"«"••;•••••• Dundas.O. jRoss, James (1),1..A .. Halifax, N.S. Ross, James ' • • ' " ;;.^^ ^ . y ., U .S. A . Ross, John Wdham..... • bewiiiviUe, Q. :Ross, Joseph John, li.A Ros-, Lewis Davidson , . •Ross, Lewis Frederick, 15. A . . Ross, Ihoma and 1 land *Ross, William D William C Ross, W ill am Kuld Aihelstan, Q Rowan, W . M ;;;;;;! v. ".! San ISamadlno, Cal.. U .S A. , btanstead Plains, Sianslcad, n. VIS UilVUlMMl ,•••# ,,.r.- I' 1 "1. HV •«•.•••■•••* ••• ••••• imaVlMw^ician and SurKeoii] rresi''l'-'"t of Woodland Str.-ut Ry. .rSdem/.olo County Med. Soc , ai.d ^ayor ., t.ty of X ood- Woodland, Zolo, Cal., U.S.A. Ross, W.uiam ;^;^;^• ;;;;•;;;;;; I."" .ViYamilton Asylum, Hamilton,©. Rowt 1S70 «S93 IS94 1887 1872 1 89. ) 1894 1881 1 89< • i8«i 1894 18S4 i8b>«) 1863 •i>75 1871 18S3 1 886 1 884 1S65 Rut-g, Henry C ='»-'-- '' \- ,5^59 'Rumsey, William... ;;;;A:i;;,;;;"a;.: ChiJaeo,*!!!., U.S.A. 1SS2 1879 1SS3 1S52 18S0 K-i"*^:- 1:?::;"'^ -:-""'::^::T.Mi^:^^., u:Si , Moosomin, N.W .'!". , NapaiK'i-. O. .Riverside. Cal., U.S.A. Ruuan' K. l'" "(B.a! Toronto)', Professor of Practical Chemistry and Re- JiJtra; of the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Montreal 18S4 Ru'.liciford, Mart Rutlcdi;e, And. J ^ /Ont ^ Rutlan, Allan, Member of Council, C.P. •S' S., (Ont.)., Kuttan, A. M of the Faculty of Medicine, iMcuui u. live. ^il;, ^ *Sabouvin, Moise ,g^y Sami-son, James (Hon.) • • j • • • -'j^ll'^l^'o, 1850 Sanderson, Georye W ,g(,6 •Sava(;e. Alex. C ' " •///■n'^iVtieVown'.'o. 1S54 Savage, Ihonias \ • •Sawyer. James H — '////sV. John," X. b'. Scammell, J- H ■.■.■.".*.'.'.*.".".".*.' Montreal Sciiii>., J. >\ •• .*,'.' ct A„l,^;,lo >-;t Mnnireal 1863 1894 1893 1886 c.'''^'"'' u A A.'ilfV V ... -^44 St. Anloine St., Montreal i»»0 Schmidt, Auguste I 344 ^^. ^- ^ a . .886 Schmidt, A. J ijj^- •Schmidt, Samuel H jg,^ •Schofield, David T i •\- ::;iVaVeid;an,'ca;rCo:: O. 1870 Scott, joimG :::::;:;;;::..;■.. Philadelphia, Penn., u.s..\. 1887 Scott, J. M Scott, Siephen A . 1854 S; -^r; McE;V„Vi>;;.-|nd;. Co,o™r a„d Me,,. ^^'^^^^^ ,,,^ South Norfolk ' DOCTORS 01 MEDICINE. *ScoU, William E Scott, wm. !• ; .'.'.■.■.'.■.V.;.V..Vi;ii"Q. Scott, W illiam 1 lenry . . Qwen Souiul, O. 'Scriven, tk-orge Augustus. ^cully,D.J ColorPdo, U.H.A SeaKcr, Francis R UriK.Ien, O, Socord. Levi n,-„if,...,i rt Seery, F.J 'Scyuin, Aiuirti Scyuin, J. W. A Seniple, E. J Sciikler, A. E Sc'iviss, T. \V *Setree, Edward VV... liradford, O. . Frederictoii, N.H. Rigaud, Q. Montreal St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. Oroville, liutte Co., Cal , U.S.A. Seymour, Maurice McD . . . ., Uon Qu'AppeJIe, N w't Sewell, IharlesColin (ad eun), (M.D. E(lin.>, Surijeon "H" Battery Canadian A rliUcry ,^,u^.,,^ /,' .Sev/ell, Stephen C. (ad eun) Shanks, AllKMt L .\ .\ . . ! ! ! 1 .\' Mor'dVn, Man. Shank. J.amesC ^i^^^-^.^^ ,, Sharp, sa.ic Clarence Marysville. N.H. Shari), \Vr,i ... . south Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. .Shar;.f, Edward Montrose Wetaskiwin, N.W.T .Shaw, Alexanrler .Sjiaw, Georj^'c I'lanaj^an Shaw, Henry Samuel Shaw,TlK,masFatton '.'.'.'.: I'M'.:: Montreal -Shaw, W.I. . Orillia.O. Shaver, I'eter Rolph ' •Shaver, R.N St. Andrews, Q. Montreal •,;•> /; Wales, O. I rolessor of Anatomy, McCill Univ Montreal Cheapside, O. Rivcr^-icle Co., Cal., U.S.A. .. 305 IJank Si.. Ottawa, O. .ban; ning, Shaver, W. H ; Shepherd, Francis J , Slierk, Georjjc '. , . Shibi. -.J. I Shillington, Adam T... .Shirrirf(ieor^.e Robert Huntingdon,' (J. Shoebottom, Henry Pmt lliii-,,r. m;.i nJ a shufcit wm.A., i!:R.c.s.(Edh;.);38w:;9;hsr,'ii^Zk'Kv;:u Sillier, Ci. A <.■■ V>' •Simard, Amable ....■.."..■.■.■;: ". ". ■.■.■.■.■.'.'.■.';.*.'. ".' ' ""'' Simpson, Thomas '«*' " 1' ' "1 Sincl.iir, Coll ..Montreal Sinclair, I^"n.can Robertson ! 1 ;;•;. ■r;mbina; D"aiu>ta! 71 A. Sniclair, Olivier Willard (M.D. N.Y. Univ.) ., >J. -->.«. +< 11 Ti „ Eureka, Humboldt Co., CaT,' U.S.A. 4^n] :.. r'T ^^^"^°"^ '27 Maria St. , Ottawa, O. amallwood, John R ' 5" t^'/- '^ • p- • V;. Portsmouth, Iowa, U S.A. Smith, Casey Frankhn 'g. Miiv'/o •Smith, Daniel D »t. Ma.ys, O. 1844 •87s 1894 1846 1887 1870 1876 1886 1848 •89.^ •893 1863 1881 1878 1879 1H69 ■843 1889 1881 1885 1872 1894 1882 1893 1894 '^93 1879 '854 J 857 1883 '«73 1865 1SS5 1894 189 1 1857 1881 1883 1852 1S54 1874 1884 1891 1S80 1868 1877 1880 1891 1868 i^ DOCTORS OI MEDICINE. ''•* \V;\lkeiton, O. 1878 S.mth, Daniel I'.,... ".FuUarton, Nub., USA. 18X' Sn.ith, Ivlwara I msston '«59 •Smitl.. iMlwanl W V.'. We'^'Memkn, Conn., U .S.A. 18M '::;t\^::^^v^r:-^^ ,chica,o,n,..u...A. .884 s:ui;;'>^:™A:Hi:i.-u;u;;:.;v^.:-i:^:iVc;n..^ ,^^,^ lionavi.ta. N'tM, iSc^i Smith, •rii'""-'^'* H^n'y 1 acluitc, <.). lS7<^ Snu.lw NViUi^un.. ...-;••--••;— ^ ,884 siiuUi.Wni. A. DeWolf,^ .rR. U.<<- 7 . . Stieibiooke, <,». 1890 Smith, Winmni Duncan Winnipeg;, Man. 1892 Smuh, William llancy ! V."/. VlVrihoi-ough, Mass, U.S A. iSS, Snivth, llfili.Mt l'..lmun.l *>' ,S4(. Sniythe, v. W .'.".'. '.Tueterville, U. 1878 Sniilcf, iMokiicU .S ,852 Siuiham, Kric U ; "' i5,ucUville, O. 1841 Siiavhani, Tuicnci- _ Douglas', ()• 1891 Siiailin^!, Albert John. '.'Danville, n, 1874 Spccr, AndioNv Maxwell Hiamlon, Man. 1879 Spencer, Kiclnn .n.l . •••••«;: ".Qnt')' ' 24V9"Notre 'iVame St., Monueal .S9I Spiev, lolin Robert, M.t. I .S. (Uni.), ^4.iy Montreal 1S88 Sprint;le, I. A l8()4 •Squire, \Vm. Wood '.'.iLittle liay, Nfld. 1878 SlaUord, lied. J. ^^ '■••'■:•••• ;'".': . . ..Simcoe, O. i868 Stanlon.George, M.C.I'. ^S.(Ont.) ••" .g^^ Stark, George A 1846 •Staunton, Andrew '.Coaticook, (,>. 1^94 Stenniny, Willia.n Arthur . ■••r''V:{;^;^[ '(London) „„ Stephen, George Caldwell, L-I-C.P. ^ojJ;.S.- (^^ ^^^ J^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ,887 •Stephen, William .'.".*.'.'.'. '.'.'.. ." '. '. Iroquois,' O. 1859 Steplienson, James • ^'•"i" * " '\' ' *AV V ' 'llniv. Vt.~), ( AI.L). Stevens, Alex. Dull (M.U. ad eun Bishops), (M.A. ^;^;^;_j\i,\,,^ ,,. ,857 Caslleton Med. Coll., Vt.) Coaticook, (). 1876 Stevenson, Charles N _ AVakefield, <>?. 1880 Stevenson, Hans ■ L akeuo'rt,* Mich., U.S.A. 1856 Stevenson,]. M ^^ ^ /^ 1S73 •Stevenson, John A 1855 *Stevenson, John L .'.*.'.".'..... Toronto, O. 1871 Stevenson, Rolxjrt A '.".'..'!!.' Richmond, Q. 1888 Stewart, A. D ;:,*".". xf' V.'on,'l' p'ron 'Ontario Vaccine Farm,, Alexander, Physician, Mgr.' and Frop. um.r j,^,^^^^^^^ q. ,873 ^ ^ ,T 1 X 264 W. Adams .St., Stewart, Andrew, L.R.C.I'. (London) ^2«4^^,^_ ^^ y^ ^.^, ,884 Stewart, James, Prof, of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, McGiU^Uni- ^^^^ versity 1862 •Stewart, John Alexander Cazaville, Q. 1880 Stewart , J . O Montreal 1888 Stewart William Grant, B.A • m :u DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Stinipson Alfred O Tl,ompson, Susquel.anna Co , Pa USX iSfi^ *St>owbrid..e, James Gord;,V. ! ! ! ^^ ' '• ^^^^'-''"" ^^ . Montreal ,876 Staithers, Alexander D ' ,V Vr ' \ '^^^ Stnilhers, Robert B Bedford, Q. 1881 »vSutherland, Fred. I )un"l,a'r Sudbury, O. 1S83 ^ " ■ 1864 '874 vSutheriand, Waller ,, „ ^ 'Sutherland, Wm Valleyfield, Q. ♦Sutherland, Wm *.'.".'.'.'.'." ''^3^ 1870 1879 1865 vSutheriand, Wm. R Svvitzer, Fgerton R . .'.'. ••••••••• Montreal Tabb, Silas E..M \ ■"' Sahna, Ks., l.S.A. __.^ *Tait, Henry Thomas ".'...■*■*.■. .■.■.'■.;; Sherbrooke, Q. 1S68 Taplin, Mortimer Ma.son i"" I Vt V, . ''''^o Taylor, fames Norman Copenhagen, N.Y U.S.A. ",892 Taylor, Sullivan Alfred (l^A! Bi*shop's-»* ..^°'<''^"' ^^.C. 1892 ^ iiups; Odmanton Iron Taylor, Thomas Trumpou.sM.C.P.dr^ 8 rOnt , ^^'°'''''' ^:^-\!^'''-}- Tayh,r, Wm. II., L.rIc.S (Fdin ^ ^^ ....Chatham, O. Telfer, W.J ... I'eterboro, O. Temple. Tames .\Iap*n)i',wAr t » '^'.i' ■."_'-■,■.■ ".•■.••::•• •• Montreal imple, James Algernon (M.D. ad eun Trinity) M k' r '^^ ' rr '^l""^'^'''^ fessor of Obstetrics and Jyn in 'IV it M , ( V.11 ^< ^'-^'.^ ■■"■ Toronto General Hospital '•^'"'t> ^'^'l- Coll., and Gyiuecologist _\v II s -°5 Sinicoe St., Toronto, O. Thayer, Limi; bn^n; L.c.P ^s'.; L.c.; iis .A z r:>;^a^i,^":': !::': •Theriault. F. D ^'^'^^ ^^' ^"''^therine vSt., Montreal Therrien, llonore * *. ' Thomas, Walter Russell, L.S.A." (Lo'ndr Ihompson, Frederick Ernest 1S70 1892 1S58 1S90 . Carberry, Man. 1S65 1864 1863 1S63 J 886 nip.son , James . . ..V;. '^i lileury St., Montreal ,890 Thompson, F 1 r. Sumner P.O., Neb Thompson, Robert . . ,'^'"' •^''^'^•^ Thompson, Wm. lvlwanl,"i:R.C.V.'ar;dS."(Ed;n')^,nn'FP jow), Physician, and Coroner for this Prov nee i- . > ' ^V ' ornton, IIast%vell W., P. A . ^'"^'"ce . . ...... Fiandon, Ma Thompson, John " A " .L^.. r , r Sumner r.u.. Neb , U.S.A ■Elf^in, Neb., U.S.A. ...45 J^'ver St.. Paris, O. y"w),J'hysician, and Coroner for this Provide"''*' ''" ^ ^v'-^'\^- <^^'''^" ' Thornton, Ilastwell W , li \ ^'"^'"ce ........ Frandon, Man. Tomkins, J . E •'^^^'' l^'chmond, Q. Tracy, Andrew W. ! '. ;/ ' ' ; " ' ' ' "-'Iverton, (^). •Trapnell, II. E '.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. Mendcn, Conn., U.S A. Travers, fohn Poyle ♦ , •Trenholme, Edward IlenryVlVc'f ^^' J°''"' '^'•^'• Troy, William "" iAl'iV " Z "V *. •Trudel, Eugene Vl...;.. ' Hamstead St., St. Lawrence, M. Trueman, [.imes F ' ■:Tunstall, Charles Augustus -Sackville, N.R 1842 1892 18S8 1852 1S82 1882 '893 1873 1887 1892 1862 1891 1844 1 88 1 Tun.slall, Simon John(t), PA V ancouver, R.C. 1891 *Tiirgeon, Louis G ...... Vancouver, B.C. 1875 Turnbull, Alfred Russell..! ;;'" V i860 Moose Jaw, N.W.T. 1886 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 35 Tuzo, Henry A Issher, Henry Walkerton, O. Vannornian, J. M * Vcrcoe, Henry 1 * Vicat, John K Yineberg, Hiram N. (t) 167 E. 6ist St., N. York city, N.Y., U.S.A. . . . Vipond, Albert Kclwanl, L. R.C.I'. (Edin.) Montreal Wade, Alfred Seeley ....St. Lambeit,*,). Wagner, A. Dixon Cornwall, O. Waijner, G. C Taccma, Wash. Terr., U.S.A. nv'agner, Wm. H • • Wakrhani, Wm., Commander Fishery Protection Service and Commis- sioner Imperial Government Gaspe Basin, (2. Wales, Benjamin N Robinson, (). •Walker, Fdix D ,■ ■ • Walker, J. L 3523 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. *Walker. Robert Walker, Wm. Geo Stratford, O. W^allace, Isaac U ■,... Milton, Q. Walsh, Edmund C Madrid, N.Y., I .S.A. Walsh, Thos. Nelson Ormsiown, Q. Walsh, Wm. Edmund Morris, 111., U.h.A- Walton, Geo. O'D., Med. Officer St. George's parish, and District " B " Bolice Station, I'resident Barbadoes Branch British Medical Asso- ciation Airy Hill House, St. George, Barbadoes, W,I. *Wanless, John R • Ward, Michael O'B Montreal Ward, William T Monistown, Minn., U ,S.A. W.arneford, 1'. H Hampton, N.B. Warren, Frank Brookhn, O. *Warren, Henry l^ ' "■" " u r Wasson, HiUiard John Nanainiu, B.C. Watson, Neil Malcolm Red Lake Falls, Minn , U.S.A. Waugh, William Lonclon, O. Weagant, A. A Dickinson's Landing, U. Weagant,' C. A Calton, Cal , I'. S.A. *Webb, James T. S ;■ • ; Webster, Arthur D Edinburgh, Scotland Webster, Robert Edward Lansdowne O. W^eilbrenner, Remi t'urtneuf, O. * Weir, Richard ; • • • • Westley, R. A Alexandria, O. Wetmore, Frederick Henry Hampton, ^ .B. Wheeler, Claud Lament (B.A, Laval) • • ''.''' 251 W. 52nd St., New \ork, N.V. * Wherry, John Whitcomb, fosiah G ',.' * ',' " "i White, D. De J Alnurich North, England White' Frederick I. L.R.C.P. (London) Shediac, N.B. White, Walter Woo'dworth, B.A i^t- Jo"". ^•^• •Whiteford, James W i853 1 861 .S65 1867 .878 1889 1892 1872 1 881 1S44 1S66 1S74 1884 1893 1S51 1892 1874 1866 1S92 1892 1873 1867 ■ 875 '873 i8cS7 ?72 tS6o 1 89 2 1S91 1872 1888 1879 1871 1S7S 1891 1851 1852 1 888 r88S 1889 1862 [848 1890 1886 1886 '873 36 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. Whitefoid, Richard Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. •Whituell, VV. P. O tWliyte. lames Thompson, 15. A Metcalfe. O. Whyte, f ohn J Metcalfe, ( ). •Whytei Jose])li A Wiyle, liiram Wiarton, O. •Widnier, Christoiiher (lion.) *\Vilcox, Marshall J5 ' . • • • \Vilkin.s, Geor^'c (ad eun), Professor of Medical Jurisprudence and Lectu- rer in llisloluyy, McGill University Montreal Wilkins, H. P Williams, E. P Montreal Williams, I. F .••••• Williams, Joseph 15 Monument Sn., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Willianiscn, Iledley M., Shurly"Bldg., Grand Lircus I'aik Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Williamson, William P Ga.spe, n. WiUiston, H. V Newcastle, Willson, James Alfred K., LR.C.P. c- S. (Edin.), L.F.P. &' S. (Glas- gow) Ladner's Landing, B.C. Wilscam, John Wilbrod Wilson, Benjamin S Belleville, (». WiNon, C. W Montreal Wilson, R Franconia, N.H., U.S.A. Wilson, Richard Davidson Derby, N .B. -Wilson, Roliert M • - • • Wilson, Samuel F. (M.A. Univ. N.15.)....44 Kings Sq., St. John, N.B. * Wilson, Wm Wilson, Wm. Alex Derby, N.B. Wishart.D. J. G Toronto, O. Wolf, Charles Gforge Lewis Winniieg, Man. Wood, Ed. S 10 E. 3rd St., St. I'aul, Minn., L'.S.A. Wood' Edwin George (t) Mitchell, O. Wood, eorge Faribault, Minn., U.S.A. Wood, George C Wood, Hannibal Whitney (B.A, Univ. Vt.), Collector of Customs St. Johns, Q. Woodful, Sam. Pratt .... Surgeon Major Woodrulf, Edward Ilaynes, 1!.A. (Harvard), Asst. Surgeon Northern Pac. \iy., Sec'y. Seattle Med. Soc 13 Sullivan Bldgs., Seattle, Wash., U.S.A. Woodruff, Thomas Adams, L.R.C.P, (London) 4759 Madison Ave., Chicajjo, 111., U.S.A. Woods, David Staff Surgeon Army Woods, John J. E Aylnier, C^. Woolverton, Algernon (M.A. Toronto), 225 James St. N., Hamilton, O. Woolway, C. ] St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. •Workman, Benjamin , . . •Workman, Joseph Worthington, A.N Sherbrooke,* J- • Woithington, Edward (ad eun) [S57 i860 1S93 18S9 1S70 •875 1847 1S68 [886 1887 18S7 1886 iSSi l8go 1 89 1 [879 1S85 1846 1 866 1 886 ■893 1894 1850 1S84 1857 1890 1885 1894 1883 1885 1863 1849 1865 1864 1890 1888 i860 1875 1868 1875 '853 '83s 1886 186S J.S.A. i8^7 i860 Ife, O. i«93 Ife. O. 1889 1870 on, O. 1875 1847 ; . . . . 1S68 Lectu- Jiitrcal 1886 1887 Diitieal 18S7 1886 J.S.A. 1881 j!s'a. 1890 IX', <>>■ 1 89 1 ,Xs.lJ. 1879 (Glas- I, 1^-c. i8S<; 1846 le, <). 1866 JiUieal 1886 J.S.A. ■ 89:, , N.H. 1894 1850 , N.H. 1884 '8,S7 N.ii. 1890 to, O. 1885 Man. 1S94 .S.A. i88s ell, 0. 188s J.S.A. •86.^ 1849 n5, g. i86t; 1864 rthein ''.s!a. 1890 .S.A. 1888 i860 er.Q. i87.'i on,0. 1868 .S.A. 187.S 185.-^ J8.S5 Ke,(J. 1886 1868 MASTERS OF ARTS. „ Otta\vn,0. J\V right, Henry P . IHcton. O. Wright, John \N • • • j-^-^' ' p^n Wortli* Texas. U.S.A . Wright, Stephen 20S layioi St., ru .Montreal Wright, Rev William . • • ■ ^--^.^-{^^r., England Wye, lohnH ^ ..Montreal Wylde, Charles F ••■' ,}rantford, ( ). Yates, H. B ' ' ' ' ' Barbadoes, W.I. Yearwood, C. -^ • • • • • . . Metcalfe, O. York, "enry Edward. ;i42' i'rince St., Truro, N.S. Yorston, b rederick Steacy "*- ^,^^^^^'^ y^^ y t^. A. Young, A. A ;!^^i,;4-£: .;,;;..» or ky|ij^^^ vjiuk^u;^ „ , ,. ^^ ■■" Ridgelown,(). Young, Robert C Belleville, » >. Youker, Wni ' * Deceased. - (Qualified to vote for Election of Representative Fellows. 37 1872 1878 1859 1848 1868 1889 1893 1893 1894 1890 18S7 1888 1876 1873 1870 MASTERS OF ARTS. Aiiworti, Rev, jcjn, ^B^^^^^^^^l';^:^^^;^ Coii^;^::: Amaron, Rev. Calvin L., B.A., icsiaem 3^,.^^^^,,!, Mass,, U.S.A. tAni., Henry M., B.A. (IXSc. Queen's), Assistant Ta^^ontologg Geological Survey of Canada . ...... .^. . -^^ -^ •y^p^.-ior Court . . Archibald, Hon. John S., B.A., h.C.L., U.C.i.., juage .-51 p ,^,^^^,^^1 *Unnrroft Rev. Charles (ad eun) !,'■',' "\ nt;':f^K.v. c..>«.i»., n.A.^(M.A.^... »..Srtek;ui-A ,,,. , ,. u V ..,2S Lome .Vv, Montreal il5inmore,t.hzabeth, B.A.,.. 3 *Bothwell, John A., B.A., B.C.L ' Bowen. Wm. M. (Hon) .Toronto, O. Boyd, John, B.A., B.C.L *i;utler, Kev. John (Hon.). >' -'r 'pr^s'Coil )".'.*.*. '.■.*'.. Milll>'°o^. O. Cameron, Rev, James, B A (B-D. Coll.) ... ... ^,^^.^^^^^ ^,_ University Chapman 32 Lome A RerChaiies(ad Vun); LL.D. (M.A. London), 1875 1880 18S5 1877 1856 1870 1889 1867 1869 1894 1868 1859 1864 1852 1874 1890 1871 1857 1879 1872 38 MASTERS OF ARTS. Clarke, Wallace B.A., M.D Utica, N.V., U.S A Clowe, Jolin D., B.A ' -j^.^--^. ^°lff-\ \\"' '-''■"'■S^'- '^••^•' ^-L-iJ'. P'ofessm' oV Cla'ssicai 'Lit'eraUu-e, McOill University Mnin ■ 1 S' ^^^P ^''"w '^V i'"\' •••••• •"•"••• '•"•'.•■.■.'.*;. ".i'iUroV iiarbo'r.' U. ,SH-X Crothers, Rev. ^\m.John, J!.A pji-t Hone ( ) S,r Cunninglmm, Rev. Thonus E., B.A ^ ' ' '^^S 'Cushin,, Len,uel. B.a'']: tl^'u d"'' '' Chan;plai;; ^i; M;;^;;] .883 trio,-, i.'i,... Txr- 't i>\ ' -• Io57 1872 1874 1863 1883 JDart, Rev ^ym. J B.A ^t. Lambert, Q Darey, J. Herbert B.A., M.D Grant;er, Minn., U.S.A avu son, on. Charles P., B.A., B.C.L., D.C.L [ Montreal Davidson, Rev. James, B.A Davidson, Leonidns Ileber. B.A., B.C.L., D.C.I.., r-ofe^s'oVorComm'Jr- cial Law, McGill L niver.sily Mnntv^ni iDavidson, Peers, B.A., H.C.L •; ' " " Mo t 'nl Dawson, Rankine B.A., M.D LmVl^n tUawson, \V m . B , B.A., B.A.Sc, Ma.E., Tidal Sur^ Marine Knglam vey, Department of 867 1S74 1885 1867 IS66 1867 1S94 1882 tDougall, John Redpath, B.A JDulV, R ig ueoiogist, -,,. 124 St. James St., Montreal Editor Montreal Witness Office, Montreal ^ , "' ^^'u 4'''';r''''''/l-^;' ^'f-^^-' l^'ofessor of Old Testam'ent Theo logy in 1 he United Col l,.ge " Bradford, Yorkshire, En '. Duncan, .\le.\ander E., B.A., B.C.L..,. " Ells, Robert W., B.A., LLD., Geologist,' GeJlogic'aY 'smv'eV.o'ttawaro' EcilS:; Re;:Ceoi^'X.;BA '" ^"'^"^'-^'^^ -^t., Montreal tl-raser, Rev. Danief James. i^.l^CB D:^;^^: (:.{{: Mo^^^^':]'::^::: •Gibb, George D. (Hon.), M.D Albeiton, P.E.I. *Gibson, Thos. A. (Hon.) Cilman, Francis E., B.A., B.C.L.,* LL.D Vt^'y, Gould, Rev. Edwin, B.A f,' n\;{ 'l:V' .l'"'"''^'" Graham, John II. (Hon.) I. ...:;: ^ ^^"''" ^'^ ^^°""-'^''^' Ckeen,Jo.seph B A.. • • • .600 sih St.*, Cincim'i^tY, Ol'JoVu.s'A" jGunn, Rev. William T., B.A VVitn^e.. 1 ur ht ■ •Haight,Fred. S. (ad eu^), (M.X. Wiii;;;Vc;;i^M::^)''"'"' ''°"'-^"' Hall, Rev. William, B. A., Governor and Principal French." MethV iiist'. Hart, Lewis Ale.x., B.A., B C L Notary ^cT^f^ ^""^"l^' ?!°"""^'^'l tllibbard, Frederick WnV., B A^'bCL "^ ^ ^'" m"?"I •Hicks, Frank, W., B.A.!.... Montreal Hindley,Rev. John Ingham, B A. (Ph.D." "Na'tionaVuni;.'),' ViVe-Chkn- cellor National University ,, ,^ " 1S82 1867 1867 1S75 1879 1880 1893 1856 1856 1865 i860 1859 1864 1894 1S81 1867 1S69 1892 1870 versity ranby, (). 1873 MASTERS OF ARTS. 3D J.S.A . 1872 1S74 •ature, ntieal 1S63 or, ( ). . 1 883 pe, U. 1875 ntreal 1S83 ■ • • . . 1867 rt, C^, 1S74 .S.A. 1885 Ureal 1867 1866 nnier- itrea! 1867 Ureal 1S94 1882 ;nt of a,0. 1879 e, <>. f875 itreal 1882 itreal 1S64 ... . 1S79 treal 1882 1867 'heo- i;ng. 1S67 1875 I, U. 187s ; ot :real 1879 i,U. 1880 E."l. 1893 1856 1856 real 1865 real i860 '859 i.A. 1864 eal 1894 . . . 1S81 nst. real 1867 real 1869 •eal 1892 1870 an- (), I87t llowe, Henry Aspinwall (Hon.), LL.D Montreal Tones, H.J. Montgomery, B.A., M.D Ivihler Frederick A., li. A. (Graduate Lutheran Theo. Sem.,Phil., I'a).. 242 Carolina St., Kuflalo, N.V., U.S.A. Keays, Rev. Charles Hy., B.A Ravens.vood, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. *Kemp, Rev. Alex. F. (Hon.) Kennedy, George T., B.A., B.A.Sc. (D.Sc, Hon. and M.A. ad eun. King's) F.G.S. (London), Professor of Chemistry, Geology and Mining in King's College Windsor, N.S . Kennedy, Rev. John Kirby, James, B. A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.CI Montreal IKrans, Rev. Edward H., B.A., LL.D., Rector St. Ann's Church 71 Irving Place, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Lafleur, Paul T., B.A., Lecturer in Logic and English, McGill Umv Montreal Robert, B. A Halifax, N.S. Montreal Laing, Rev •Leach, Robert A., B.A.,B.C.L. Lighthall, \Vm. D., B.A., B.C.L, tLyman. Albert Clarence, B.A.. B.C.L., Notary 157 St. James St., Montreal JLyman, Henry Herbert, .B. A., Merchant ....74 McTavish St., Montreal Macfarlane, Rev. James Anderson, B.A Ottawa, O. Macfee, Kutusoff N., B.A., B.C.L. (Bachelier en Droit, Pans), Legal and Financial Agent ,''"': "'^' " St. George's Club, Hanover Sq., W., London, Lng. lMacleod,Euphemia, B.A., Assistant Teacher Lachute Academy Lachute, Q. ♦Markgraf, Charles F. A. (Hon) *M.ason, James L., B.A., M.D •• • • • • • Mattice, Corydon J., B.A Cornwall, O. McCord, David R.,B.A., B.C.L , ..Montreal -Mc(;oun, Arch.. B.A., B.C.L., Professor of Legal Bibliography and Secy. Fac. of Law, McGill University 181 St James St.,_Montreal McGregor, Rev. Duncan, 15. A Antwerp, N.V ., U.S.A. McGregor, Ja.nes, B.A., LL.D Victoria, B.C. ^Mclmosh, Joiin, B.A., B.C.L ■ W " V, '1 McLaren, John R., B.A. , B.C.I 52S Sherbrooke St., Montreal McLennan, Rev. Duncan IL, B.A Bruce Mines, O Morin, Rev. Joseph L., B.A Montreal •*Morris, Hon. Alex., B. A., B.C.L., D.CL Morrison, Rev. James D., B.A., LL.D., (D.D. Union College, N.\.), Archdeacon of Ogdensburg Ogdensburg, N.\ ., ^ . S. A. Morrison, John, B.A., M.D Ogdensburg, NY., U .S.A. Munro, Rev. Gustavus, B.A "^"'^'f"' ^Z N'aylor, Rev. William Herliert, B.A., Rural Dean bhawvdle, Q. Newnham, The Right Rev. Jarvois A., B.A. , Bishop of Moosonee.... Moose Fort via Teiniscamingue Moosonee, N . W . i rNicholls, Albert George. B.A. 131 Lusignan St , Montreal Xicholscr., John Alex., B.A., Prin. The Academy . .Cote St. Antoine, (^ ; Patterson. Wm., B.A 43 McGill College Av., Montreal Perkins, John A., B.A., B.C.L 1855 1873 1872 18S3 1863 1872 i860 1S62 187s 18S7 1877 1S69 1 885 i88r 1880 1888 1 888 1894 1865 1868 1862 1867 1889 1874 1868 1878 1868 •875 1886 1852 1868 1870 1874 1885 1883 1893 1893 1889 1862 40 MASTERS OF ENGINEERING. Penigo, James, 1!. A., M.l) Montreal 1869 *Plinisoll, Reginald J., B.A., ii.CL 1X67 •Ramsay, Robert Anstrutlicr, Ji. A., B C.L 1866 iRobins, Sampson Paul, B.A., LL.I)., Princijial McCHll Normal School 32 Belmont St., Montreal 1S68 •Rodger, David (Hon.) 1856 •Ross, George, B.A., M.I) " \\\' ,,s66 jRoy, Rev. Jas. (ad eun), LL.D. (M.A. Victoria College), Rector etiureh of the Epiphany Suspension 15ridge, N.Y., U.S.A. 1S79 jSciimger, Rev. John (ad eun;, (M.A. Toronto University), (D.D. Wes. Theo. Coll., Montreal), Professor of Theology in Presbyterian College, ^Io"""^'al 67 McTavish St., Montreal 1884 Sbaw, Rev. W. I. (ad eun), (M.A. Victoria College), Principal \Vesleyan Theological College .Montreal 1880 •Stewart, Rev. Colin Campbell, B..\ 1S70 Sweeney, Rev. Canon James Fielding, B..\. (M.A. ad eun, and D.D. Trinity, Toronto) Toronto, (). 18S1 labo, SUas Everett, B.A., M.D Sherbrooke, Q. 1869 jTaylor, Rev. Ernest M., B A., School Inspector Brome and Missisquoi Cowansville, (^. 1S82 Thompson, Rev. George J. A., B.A. (B.D. Pres.ColL), (Ph.D. 111. Wes. University) \ylmei.U. 18SS Ihorburn, John (lion.) iv;5l Torrance, Rev. Edward Eraser, B..\ '.['.'..I, .'pcteVboro'Vu. 1S74 Irenholme, .\orman W., B.A., B.C.L, D.C L., (^.C, Dean < f the Fac- ulty of Law, and Profe.ssor of Roman and Public Paw, McGill Univer- „,^'',>' • • • •, Montreal 1878 Wal ace, Rev. R. W., B.A l.oiKion,(). .S75 .;. Walters, Henry, B..\., Professor of Mathematics and Math. Physics, Morrm College., Quebec, Q. 1893 Ward, George li., B.A " '^ j^j^!? \Vhillans. Rev Robert, B..\ ] ] '. '. 1 ! i iim;;,b;;;g;o. ,883 ^White, \\ m Joim. B.A., B.C.! , , Plaee d'Armes, Montreal 1886 Wicksteed, Richard J , B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., Advocate and Barrister, *\\T-\i ■ TA -1 ,, Ottawa, O. 1S66 •Wilkie, Daniel (Hon.) ,X/:„ Wilson, John, li.A.... \\ \fl Wotherspoon, Ivan Tolkein, B.A., B.C.] '. . , MontVe'al 1869 Deceased. t Qualified lo vote for Election of Representative Fellows. MASTERS OF ENGINEERING. Carlyle, Wm. A., B.A.Sc, Lecturer in Mining and Metallurgy, Mc- Gill University Montreal 1892 JDawson, William B., M. A., B.A.Sc, Tidal Survey, Department of Marine, Ottawa, O. 1S80 If ft MASTERS OF ENGINEERING. 41 1869 1.S67 1866 i,S6S 1856 I,S66 1S79 1884 1880 1870 1881 1S69 1S82 niei.U. 18S8 1 86 1 ro", U. 1874 le I'ac- ^niver- oiitreal Ion, ( ). 1878 1875 ^liysics, iec, Q. urg, C). 1S93 18S3 Diitreal 1886 nister, iva, U. 1866 ontreal 1869 1870 1869 , Mc- )ntieal larine, va, O. 1880 Kerry, [olin Gale G., U. A.Sc Montreal jl.ea. Richard Smith, li.A.Sc, Lecturer in Mathematics and Drawing, Mc( liU University Muntreal + Mcl.e(Hl, Clement H., li.A.Sc, Professor of Surveying and (Jendesy, and Lecturer on Descriptive Geometry, Supt. of Meteorological Obser- vatory, McGill University Montreal jOgilvv. Robert Forrest, l5..\.Sc.. .74 Cortlandt St., New York, U.S.A. Smith, 'Cecil LSrunsvvick, B.A.Sc, .Assistant in charge of the Drawinj^ (l)e- scriptive Cleonietry) Dejjartment, McGill University Montreal jSproule, William Johnston, B.A.Sc, Asst. Engineer Harbor Trust, Har- bor Commissioners 27 Common St., Montreal +Stone. Finest Albert, B.A.Sc 1 12 Stanley St., Monlrtal Waddell, John Ale.\. Lov\-, B.A.Sc. (C.E. Rensselaer I'oly. In>t.), Consulting Bridge Engineer Kansas City, Mo., U.S..V. T < )ualified to vote for Election of Representative Fellows. 1892 MASTERS OF APPLIED SCIENCE. t Adams, Frank D., B..\.Sc., (PhD. Ileidelhurg), I'rofessor of Geology and Palaeontology, McGill University Montreal ■Antlitr. John IL, B.A.Sc Montieal tEvan-, Nevil Norton, B.A.Sc, Sessional Lecturer in Chemistry m McGdl ' University Montreal Thompson. Wm. Thos., B.A Sc , Dominion Land and Topographical Surveyor (^)u' Appelle Station, Assa., N.W.T. Wardro]), NoVvai.'b.A.Sc, (Sc. D. and LLD. National Univ.), Professor of Architecture in National Univ. . 14 Noble St., Detroit, Mich , U.S.A. % Qualified to vote for Election of Representative Fellows. 1S94 «%3 1878 1894 1894 1SS7 1894 1882 18S4 1894 1892 1882 1 884 BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW. 'Abbott, Cl-ristopher C., D.C.L 1850 1 Abbott Harry. O.C, Professor of Commercial Law, McGiU University J I Hospital St., Montreal 1878 •.\bbott, Hon. SirJohnJ. C, D.Cl ;• • i<|54 Abbott, John B........-' ^«"trea 1874 .\dam,Joseph ^\onUe^\ 1878 Adams, Abel J^°7 , ,, T ■ I8ft2 Allan, Irvine ••• •', „„ Alguire, John Calvin, Registrar of Deeds, Co. Stormont .... Cornwall. O. i8»o tAmbiosse, lohn David Long, Dominion Appraiser H.M. Customs ' • 36 Cathcart St., Montreal 1890 Archibald, Hon. John Sprott, (t)M.A-, D-C L., Judge Superior Court. ... ■' '^ Montreal 1870 Archambault, Henri •* w' ' ." " "i \q^. . , t 1. T^c I r Montreal 107 1 Archambault, J os. 1^- C ' 42 15ACIIELOKS OF CIVIL 1,.\\V. Armstronjj, I ,ouis Montreal Isid ore G ASChtTj At watt- Austin, ros,'|)h 1 Aylen, John, M.l)., InsjK'Clor Asylums, I'risons anil I'ublic Offices in I'.i,) Vylmer, (^. Albeit W., (1) U.A Montreal Aylen, I'ttci-, IJ.A Aylmer, <^) \ylmcr, Hon- Henry, jun - - Melbourne, (J. •liadgley, Frank H. Hagg. Robert Stanley Clark 1 1 29 Shei brooke St.. Montreal Bampton, (Jeorj^e F". Montreal liaril, f<ise|)li liarnanl. Arch. E Montreal ; 15arnai(l, Chas. .Austin 600 Sherbrooke St., Montreal Harnsion, John G *Harry. Hon. Dennis .... Baynes, FJdward Alfred Montreal liaynes, O'Hara Montreal lieaudin, Simeon ,,, Montreal Meauchanip, Joseph Montreal lieaudet, < )rner Bergeron. Horace Heauharnois, Q. * Benjamin, I ,e\vis N Montreal Beaubien, Nap. Hudon, Advocate, and ("liief Translator of the Debates, House of Commons Vamacliiche, i). Beauregard, Henri .\lbany. Prothonotaiy St. Hyacinthe, (^. lierthelot. Jos. B .' .'. . ,. , , Berthelot, l.ouis II Montreal Bethune, Meredith Blenkarne, (|) M.A. (M.A. Bishops) 169 University St., Montreal Birny, fean B. S Bisaillon, F'rangois Joseph Montreal B issonnette, i ,ouis A •Bothvvell, John A., (t)M.A lioutliillier, Charles F Boyd, John, M.A Toronto, O. Bowie, Duncan F Montreal Brakenridge, James W Montreal Branchaud . Athanase Montreal tBrooke, Charles James Hull, Q. Brooke, tieorge H. A Richmond. Q. JBrown, Albert J. (t), B.A 331 Prince Arthur St., Montreal Buchan, John S Montreal liudden , I lanbury .\ 1 thur, B.A Room 216, N. Y. Life Bldg., Montreal Bullock, \Vm. E., B.A lUirroughs, \Vm. Herbert N.Y. Life Bldg., Montreal 'liuie, Hector Busteed, E. B Montreal Butler, Thomas Page, D.CL 156 St James St., Montreal ^Cameron, John Alex., B..\ Huntingdon, Q. iS6r 1.S63 1S80 1880 1 86 1 iSi;4 1S81 1S52 1S71 1S79 1S.S4 1SS2 iSSg 1856 1872 1867 1874 1878 1878 1882 1877 1863 1877 1887 1880 1878 1S69 18S0 1876 1878 1869 1867 1864 1S73 1S80 1862 1878 1882 1 886 1884 188S 1863 1S87 1887 1879 1865 1893 n.\CIIELORS OF Civil. LAW 43 Jiitreal 1 86 1 '«6,> antieal i88o i88o res in .er, (.X i86i ner, t^) iSs4 ne, i). iS8i 1852 )ntteal 1S71 )ntreal 1879 18S4 )ntreal 1882 ntreal 1889 1856 . • • . 1872 1867 ntical 1874 ntreal 1878 ntreal 187S 1882 jis, Q. 1877 ntrtM] 186,^ bates. le, O. 1S77 le, (I 1887 1880 ntreal 1878 ntreal 1869 18S0 ntreal 1876 1S78 1S69 1867 to, 6. 1864 1^7^ ureal 1S80 ntreal 1862 11, Q. 1S78 d, Q. 1882 ntreal i886 1884 . Life itreal 188S 1863 Ureal 1887 .... 1887 Itreal 1879 Itreal 1865 )n, Q. 1805 38 St. Jan1e^ St., Montreal 1 lieilforcl,(3. ameron, John D., apsey, George .... f.ililer, John arden, llenry aron. Sir .Vdolphe '.' Quebec liter, Ciirisiopher 1! Montreiil t'niter, Kdward, Q.C nrter, George K liamberlin, Jlrown, M..\.., D.t'.L Ottawa, O. \nil)erlain, Joiin, jun. , Napanee, O. Ii.iniliers, .\ . Husteed. Iiailand, Alfred ' liarette, I'ierre P uuiret, Am6dec ... Montreal lauveau, -Mexandie ( Hiebec iiiiiuet, Ambroise Montreal io<iiiet, l''r.s. X .i.\ton, .Mbert (i. B 107 St. James St., Montreal Clerk, Ronzo Heathcote (t). 1..V., Notary I'ublic, Commis^iioner for Ontario and Quebec. Room 41 Temple Hldg.,185 Sf. James St., Montreal I'Tan, Henry Joseph 235 St. .\ntoine St., Montreal * onroy, Robert Hughes Vylmer, <J. <H)ke, Geo. F , .'loke, Joseph P Montreal "1 nell, /. E 'luillard, Kdouard Ste. Martine, (J. ')iiiilard, Jean IJ I'Litlde, l.e\vis W Registrar General, Winnipeg, .Man. Cowan, Robert C Montreal 'ox, William Henry, (J3.A. Laval) Standard Buildin<,', Montreal i.uiksliaw, James Montreal iiighton, James George A., (B..V. Dalhousie), Law Cle-'K and Master "f Chancery, Senate of Canada Ottawa, O. Crimmon, W.J Cn,ss,Alex.G Montreal Cross, A . Selkirk, B A .Montreal Crciss, Wni. Heber, Ranchman 751 Pine av., Montreal Cidthers, Robert A., B.A. .Evening Bulletin, San Franscisco, Cal., U.S. ' luikshank, Wni. G Montreal Culif-n, James Monti eal ;' urran, Francis Joseph, (B.A. Manhattan, N.V.) Montreal Ciinan, Joseph J Montreal {dishing, Chs., Notary Public 1 10 St. James St., Montreal Cashing, Lemuel, jun., M.A, LL.U l»'!y,J C 1 '. nsereau, Arthur I ' iiisereau, Clement Montreal 1' I i)y, Daniel Waterloo, (J. D.'.iey, Pierre J., (B.A. Univ. de France), (M.A, Bishop's). LL.D., Kmeritas Professor in the Faculiy of Arts, McGill Univ Montreal ICvid Alphonse Moiiireal 18S5 1877 187 1 1800 1865 1S66 1864 1879 1850 1S67 1S75 1863 1877 1S73 1S67 180:; 1874 1 88 5 18S9 1S82 1S69 1S84 iSSo 1879 1S75 1866 IS 7:. 1862 i8q4 1SS2 18S0 1878 iSSi I8-S 1S82 I87S 1872 1884 1893 1862 1869 186:; IS58 1865 1877 IS70 1868 1882 44 liACllELOKS OK Cl\ll. LAW Davidson, Clins. I'L-ers, M . A. I). CM. Montreal i86;, Dr VKlson. itjonidas lleb M.A., DAM... I'lofessor of Comiiieicial Monlical I'eeis, M..\ .' Montreal Moiitri'al I. aw, McClill L'nivei'iity t\ )avi(ls(in, I'ee Day, Lihnunil 'i Dei;.-aumont. Alfred I M""" 1)< Dei ccarv, Ald6r , Montreal lean 1'. , Notary I'lililic and In-pcclor of Schools. . ..'^t. Johns, (j. DeMariiKny, Alplionse I .,,. Montreal 1 'eMaiii^;ny. Charles 1 Montreal Desaulniers, .\ lexis L 1 )esaulniers, Dionis I )esaulniers, I lenri Lesicur Desniarais, Odilon St. Hyacinthe, (J. DesRivieres, Rodoliihe Montreal Desrochers, lean L. H Desrusiers, Joseph Montreal Dicl<Mm, \V. E Montreal Doak, GeoryeO Coaticook, (J. Doherty, lion. Chs. ]. (t), D.C.L., Professor of Civil Law, '..cdill Uni- versity Montreal Doheity, Thomas J Montreal Dorion, Adelard .\. 1 Montreal Dorion. LonisC. \V Montreal Dore, I'ierre J ■■Doutre, (jon/,alve, D.C.L I >ouire. I'ierre DriscoU, Nettervdle 11 Montreal ■'■'Druniniond, W'm. D ■ I )ubiic, Joseph Diichesnay , 1 lenry J. '1' Beauce, (^. Diielos Charles A. CI), 1!.A Montreal Duttett. Henry ]., \'...\ MeKantic,Q. DutVv, Henry T, 15. A Sweetsburf;, Q Diihi'i,', John T (Quebec Dugas, Franc^ois O Duncan, Alexander E., M..\ Diinlop! John Montreal U'nnlop, John H N. V. Life Building. Montreal JDunton, Robert A., Notary Public ilo St. James St., Montreal Dupras, I'ierre N Durand, Nephtalie Montreal tKngland, Georj^e Prevost, 15. A Montreal •Elhot, Raleigh J Ethier, L6andre Montreal Ethier, Marc Montreal lEair, lohn, Nttaty Montreal JFalconer, Alex., B.A 157 St. James St., Montreal Faribault, Joseph Edouard, (,).C L'.\.ssoniplionville, Q. Farmer, \Vm. 22 Victoria vSt . , Montreal Fav, lohn E Knowlion, Q. iSr)4 1 86? 1880 1879 1 8 S3 iSSi iSSo 1 86 1 1876 1864 1876 »S75 1863 1883 1863 1876 1863 1862 1877 1880 1861 185S 1 80 1 1867 1869 1S66 18S4 18S5 187S iSSo 1879 1869 1894 I88S 1866 IS64 iSqo I8'S6 1879 1877 18S3 18S4 1878 1866 187S HACIIELORS OK CIVII, r.WV, ■4,S . Moiitri-al iininercial . Mi)nUcal . MoiUic;il . M(ilitri:nl . Mom real .Montreal Johns, (J. . Montreal . Montreal eryuson.John M. (t) 1S5 St. James St. (Montreal I islnr, Roswcll C , Montreal cinthe, (). , Montreal 1X64 i8«o 1879 1883 iSSi iSSo 1861 1876 1864 1876 18O3 .Montreal 1873 . Montreal 1 883 ticook, (J. 1863 cdill Uni- .Montreal 1876 .Montreal 1863 .Montreal 1S62 .Montreal 1S77 1880 1861 185S ..Montreal 1801 1867 1869 [ieauce, (^. 1S66 ..Montreal 18S4 le^antic, Q. 1S85 elsbuv},', Q 187S ...Quebec iSf^2 iSSo 1879 ...Montreal 1869 -r, Montreal 1894 ., Montreal 188S 1866 ..Montreal 1S64 . .Montreal iSqo I8'S6 ..Montreal 1879 ..Montreal 1877 ..Montreal 1883 . , Montreal 18S4 ionville, Q. iSjiS . , Montreal 1S66 now lion, Q. iS/i* John Jeffn'v, Manufacturer L'oaticooke, (J. cet, ('has. Jain'-s., H.A .157 St. James St., Montreal I'liraii, Thomas 1' jiirnet, .\<Klar(l Montreal I Ulster. Josei)h L M^ ml real 'I'l (1. .!..!,. Laval), Professor Civil I'l (IN. :1 'rococlui l.iw. Mcliill University 97 St. lames St., Montreal |-i)ster, (ieorjje G Montreal I ranks, .\lbert W I ly. Henry, jr., Notary Public 157 St. JameaSt., Montreal •I lairdner, \Vni. V (i.iiariifau, Josej)!! .\ntoine liailiraiti), Rev. VVm , ( 1 .1 .. 1!. Victoria), ;.M. A., I'h.D.Wes. L'niv. 111.;... 335 Berkeley St., 'I'oronto, ( ). ( laron, Alplionse 15 (l.iuilet, Oscar Montreal (.autliier, .\ntoine N Sault au Kecollet, (^. (iaiitliier, D. Z., D.C.I ( itlinas, A ; I leolfiiun, Aime (t) qoS Sherbrooke St., Montreal t,eotlri(jn, Christi.|iher .\., (J.<J., D.C.I.., Professor of Law of Contracts, McCill University 97 ^l James Si.. Montreal ; ( ieoftrioii, Victor Imperial lUiilding, .Montreal ( .ibb, James Robertson Cute St. -Xnioine, <^>. Cilman, Francis E., MA., l.L.D Montreal ( .irard, Alfred C Marieville, (J. (.irmiar ., DOsire, D.C.L., (^.C , M.P Dorval, Q. :(.irouard. Desire Howard, (H.A. Laval) Dorval, Q. I .lass, James M Montreal ( dass, Lewis Cordon Woodstock, N,B. (i'.ldstem. Maxwell (f) Royal Ins. Bldt;., .Montreal t lordon, .\sa ( t) Ottawa. O. i.osselin. [ean Quebec i.o(.dhiie,"lIeniy S. W.(t), Buenos-Ayres, Invadavio, Artjeiitine Republic (..oyette, Henri A • •• • .rahani, Dugald, (LL.B. Toronto), Manufacturer and Merchant.. 16 Macgregor .'^t,, Montreal i.ieenshields, James N. (f) Montreal t.reenshiekls, Robeit A.E., B.A Moi treal I .icnier, Am^dde Wolfred 99 St. James St., Montreal (hiertin, Alfred L Montreal Unierin, Edmund \V. P., B.A 909 Dorchester St., Montreal 1 1 ackett, Michael F Stanstead, Q. Hague, Frederick Montreal ilaL;ue, Henry J., H.A Montreal Hall, Alex. Rives, B.A Cote St. Antoine, Q. : 1 lall, Hon. John Smythe, H.A 862 Sherbrooke St., Montreal •liall, William A IS.SS 1869 I S6S IS 79 1870 1S77 i,S8i I Sc) I I.SSl 1871 IS8S 1S56 I sii4 '.^75 1S82 1S7S .881 1879 1^93 1S6S I S9 1 1868 1S65 1.SS2 iSfco 1890 1877 1876 1862 1S77 1877 1S80 1883 1876 1885 1863 1882 1881 1874 1883 1885 1S93 1S75 1863 46 n.\cni:LOK> uf civil law. .;**, 'S' Hainmoiul, llcnr) K • • • • llainclt. \Vm. <lf Cmircy, . 130 Clark St., Juiscy City Iltit;lus, N,L, U.S. Hail. LfWii A . -NLA., NutaVy 15C St. James St., Montreal :Harvcy, Alficd K 13 I'liillips Sq., Montreal rHarwonil. Chas. Auj-iiste de I Vaudreuil, (J. ; llalilRUL-, Krancis Joseph, (IJ.A. St. Juiin's. iMtidliaiii, N.Y.) lo.sS Dorchester St., Mdiitreal llcniniiii<.;,Lilw. J., U.C.L.,< KC, antlRevisint; Ofliccr.. DMiniinoiiih illo, Q. ; UiLbanT.' iMtileiiLk \V. (t), M.A Muntreal •Ilu.lKe. Davi.l \V. K. (+), ll.A : Ih glf. Arthur H. (I) .Temple lluiKling, Montreal lloltoii, K.lw Muntreal •IlmjjiUun, John C K •Howard, Rice M ; lloulislon, .Mexander, Accountant Three Kiver.s, (J. Hunter. Herbert S Montreal Hunter, Walter, H.A Nanainio, 1!.C. :; Hutclkson, Robert ISennett 3J74 •''L Catherine St., Montreal •Huiuinyton, l\uss Wood Hutcluns, Horace .\ Montreal Hutchinson, MaUhew (*)- '••<-'•' Montreal Ingalls, Allen G ..(iranby, i). *lnternoscia, Jerome, ILA 1841 ( )niario St , Montreal Lacl<s(jn, Samuel W "ijacobs. Samuel W 52 McC.ill Collcj;c Av., Montreal Jenkins. Ceorye E . . f odum, L^aie iljolnison, Alex. Ronald, Ij. A S95 Siierbrooke St., Montreal Johnson, Edwin R . .. Slieriti of the District t)f St. Fr.incis, Sherbrooke, (,). TolliUe, William J Stanstead, (J. tollv, James G Roikburn, {). JTones, Arthur G Richmond, n. Jones, Richard A. A Montreal Joseph, loseph O Montreal Kavanai^h. Henry J , (J.C 627 Sherbrooke St., Montreal Keller, !■ rancis I *Kelly,Jolin Kemp, Ldson, Ji. A Montreal Kennv . Wm. Kobt Aylmer, Q. Kirby, James, M.A,, LL.D., D.C.I Montreal Kittson, Geo. R. \V Montreal jKlock, Robert A., B.A , Lumber Manul cturer Klock's Mill, O. Knapp, Fiederick A IKiieeland. Warien Anderson (t) Principal Riverside School, Point St. Charles 2S6 Charlevoi.\ St., Montreal Labadie, M. T Adolphe, Notary Public, 15 St. Lamheu hill, Montreal Labadie, \- A. Odilon , . . Montreal Lacoste, Arthur Montreal •Lallamnie, Hon. R. G., D.C.L .Laflamme, I eopold (P>.A. St. John's Coll. Fardham, N.Y.) 70 St. James St., Montreal 1S80 1S7,. i.S6t) i8yo ««93 1891 •<^SS iSgi i,S74 I ,S<)4 1.S63 1X09 1865 1880 1S83 '«93 KS75 1883 '873 1 88 1 1894 1 88 1 l'S93 1874 1858 1893 I soo 1882 I8SS 1894 1864 1864 I87S 1869 IS62 1859 1865 1867 1867 1882 1 890 1874 18,4 l.Sog 1856 1869 iSSo ,,U.S. iS7(i ( unreal iNGy 1 lilt real i8(jo ■uil, (J. 1X9.5 I .Si; I '«55 I Sy I .. 1S74 ea I I .S94 cal 1S56 .. 1SO3 1885 r885 18S1 1894 18S1 i«93 1S74 1858 «S93 ISOO IS82 1885 1894 1864 1864 1878 KSC9 1862 1865 IS67 1867 1882 1877 1890 1874 ,8,1 1S09 1856 1869 BACHELORS OV CIVII. I.WV. Lalleiii, Kiigcnc, U.A., rrofessor of Civil Law iiiMcdill University , . , , N.V. I.ifeltMj,', Montreal •Lafrenaye, I', k., D.t .1 I.auiarche, Jos. |{.,St'c'y of the Judges Cuun of Appcais.. ..*.",,! iifj'iSt' Denis St.. Mnntu'.nl lambe. William H Montnal I •"'^"". ' '"^"'L''- M. ntival i .anctut. M<:.,U.| II Montreal i.anc, Campliell, li.A Montreal l.aj.lante, Jean lite ,Si. Stanislas *l,areaii, lidmonil (ail euii). D.tJ.I [ l.arivitre. Mane Joseph Clement, Commissionei for Manitoba . .Monfrt-al I -arose, T^k'spluire l-asallc, l.ucien .'..'. Moniical l.a'ioleiie, I'lerre H Montreal ll.auiier, Hon. Wilfred Ottawa. O. 'Lay, Warren Amos ! .awlor, Richard S Leach. David .-, [ '.'.*.". Vloiu'iVal "Leach. Roiteit A,, M.A I .c'hlanc, Albert '.',*. ViontrVal Libuiif, Louis C Montreal Ix-'bourvcau, Steadmaii A Montreal l.cdieu. Leon I -tfebvre, Freddric [ Lefebvre, Rev. J'oussaint Z < (uebec Leet, Lynn Tell, Manager fur Can.ida, Canadian Accident Li's. Co. Montieal ;Leet, Selh Tenn 185 St. James St., Moiuicai Lew, J. C. E Montieal I .ighihall, (Jeoiije R Montieal l.iyhtliall, William D., M.A Montre- l.onertjan, Lames, Notary I'ubhc Montr* I oneryan, Michael S Montr Loranf^er, Louis Ceorge ; Lyiiuan, Albert Clarence, M.A., Notary. . . 157 St. James St., Moiitrea! Lyman, ElisliaStiles care Rook room, I'hillips Sq., Montreal Lyman, Frederick S., li.A Montreal Lynch, Hon. Win. Warren, (f) (D.C.I, l.ishops), Judge of the Superior Court. Quebec Knowlton,Q. MaeDuugall, Cordon Walters, li.A 178 University St., Montieal MacFee, Kutusolf N., M.A. (Hachclier en Droit, Paris), Legal Mid Finan- cial Agent, St. tieorge's Club Hanover Sq. W., London, Eng. ^Lackay, Frs. S Papineauville, (.) Mackenzie, Fred Monlieal .MrcKercher, John (H. A. and LL.D., Victoria), Principal Senior School 766 Palace St., Montr. ■! iM-ackie, John F., R.A 157 St. James St., Moiitn il ■ laclaren, John J., D.C.L. (M.A. 6- LL.U. Victoria Coll.), Q.C Toronto, Ont. Macmaster, Donald (+). Q.C, D.C.L Mon.real 47 1880 1856 1S87 1850 1878 i860 1881 1S80 1874 '874 1 860 1877 1 87s 1864 1867 1865 1 80 1 i860 '879 <«73 1876 1879 186:5 1882 1883 1879 1878 1S82 1 88 1 'H73 1S63 .865 1869 1868 1894 i8,So 18S6 1S61 1880 1 886 ..^68 1871 4* BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW. ^\ Montreal ^ fe 4- I Montreal Montreal Macpherson, Kenneth R., I Madore.(.'amille Major, Daviil (t) M K Uv las . iMonireai - Marl'er '\Vm.'l)eM."(+),'B.A., Notary, Professor of Notarial Law, McGill ■' Cnive"rsuv 157 St. James St., Montreal Martin, John E. (+) ■ SweetsburR g. Martincau, I'aul G M"""^"^" Matheson, Roderick I) • ./ • • • • McConnell, Arthur 1229 i6th Street, Denver, Colo, L.S.A McConl, 1 )avul Ross, M.A ;, ^l«"t'e^l McCorkiU, [ohn C. J. S CowansAille Q McCorniick, Duncan L., Q.C Montreal McDonald, Frank II McDonald. John S •■;•• •■•• McDouyall,John M Aylmer, (^ •, 'rhomasd'Arcy V;"'," 'i McGd,bon, R.D., HA •••:•.. • • • • Mo^^iv<,a\ IMcGoun, Archibald, ^LA., Professor of Ix-al Ihbhoyraphy. and Sec > . Fac. of Law,McGill University iSi St. James St., Montreal *Mclnlo>h, [ohn, M.A ••• •••• McKen/ie, Peter S. G Richrnond O- McMahon, Edward M ■ Montreal McKinnon. Edmund '.; " ' .' ' ' ', McLaren, John Robert, M.A Montreal •McLaurin, John Rice ;;".""i McLean, lircdalbane Campbell, B. A Montiea McLennan, Farquhar S H'T ^ McLennan, Francs ^^T'" ■McLennan, W illiam, Notary Montreal •McNaui^hton, Peter J :.\' \" \" W Merry, John Westley Sherbrooke, i). MessiJr Damase o'VT't Messier, Josephs ^'" -[y''"''^, Mignault, Pierre B ...Montreal Mitchell . Albert Ed Huntingdon, (). Molson. Alexander Montrea Monk, A Montreal *Monk, Ed. Cornwallis • • Monk. Frederick D. (D.CL. . Laval) Montrea Morgan, Fdw.ard A. D Montreal Morin, Pierre A *Morris, Hon. Alexander, M.A., D.CL • Morris, John L M'-"^r'n Morrison, Adelard Napier ville, IJ. Murchison, Roderick L. (f) Montreal *.tMurray,J. Ralph, B.A •Nagle, Sarsfield B *Nichol, Thomas, D.CL ■■• iNichoUs, Armine D. (f) (M.A., Bishops), Bursar of Bishop's College.. Lennoxville, <.^. 1S84 1880 1875 1S71 1872 1883 1879 18S4 1883 1S67 '877 1871 >S73 1876 1877 1861 1879 1878 1 868 1883 1 88 1 187S 1859 1 86 7 1879 1884 1884 1880 1879 1870 187s 1868 1887 1867 J 85 1 1886 1870 1877 1882 1878 1850 i8s9 1879 1887 1886 1862 1875 1879 real icS84 .... iS8o treal i875 treal 1871 ;Gill treal 1872 uQ- 1883 treal 1879 • > • • 18S4 S.A. 1SS3 treal 1S67 ^, Q. 1877 treal 1 87 1 ...» ■873 .... 1S76 r, Q. 1877 1861 1879 itreal ^ec'y. ilreai 1878 1868 cl,Q. 1883 Ureal 1881 187S ntreal 1859 1S67 ntreal 1879 ntreal 1884 ntreal 1884 ntreal 1880 1879 ke, (,). 1870 ntreal 1 875 ms,Q. 1868 )ntreal 1887 on, (^. 1867 )ntreal 1S51 Hit real 1886 1870 )ntreal 1877 sntreal 1882 1878 1850 jntreal 1859 lie, n. 1879 ontreal 1887 1886 1862 187s liege.. He, Q. 1379 BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW. Nutting, Charles A W.-iterloo. Q. O'llalloran, Oeorge F., 13. .^ New York Life Bldg, Montreal ( )ut;htre(l, .Mian K. (f) Montreal Ouimet, Adolphe P Montreal I'aiiicliaiul, Joseph I'alliser, Joseph Montreal I'anet , FJdouard A I'apineau, Joseph G Montreal Pariseault, Charles Ambroise ;;:rclletier, Ilormisdas R6nii 62 St. J.inies St., Montreal I'elletier, Louis C Montreal •Perkins, John A., M.A l'erodeau,"Narcisse Montreal I'erras, F. X Montreal Perry, Joseph New Orleans, La., U.S.A. I'iche, .Vristide Pillet, I. Henri Court House, Montieal •i'limsoll, Reginald J., M.A Polette, L. r i'olelte, Wm. A Three Rivers, <). I'outr^, Felix E Montreal Power, Alexander W. A Ottawa, O. Prefontiane, Raymond Montreal Purcell.John D Montreal KainvillJ, Henri Benj Montreal •i\.amsay, Robert Anstrulher, M.A Ravnes.'cimrlcs, 15. A. (B.A. ad eun Bishops) Montreal Reddv, John F 259 University St., Montreal tReddy, Wni. P.. S , Notary Public Montreal •Redpaih. Wm. W., B.A Rexford, Wm. Hawkins San Francisco, Cal. isicard, 1 'amase F. J I>lichard, F.dward E • Richard, Emery VA Battleford, N.W.T. Rielle, Norman T. . B.A Montreal Ritchie, Wm. F.,B.A Montreal Robertson, David E Lennoxville, Q. Rohidoux, J. Emery, D.CL Montreal Robillard, Emile Robillard, Ovide Montreal Rochon, Charles A Montreal •Rogers, John Henry, B.A Montreal Rose, Wm , Ross, Walter Lord Montreal Rutherford, Alex. Cameron, B.A Kemptville, O. :;:Ryan, Percv Carrol (t), Lecturer in Roman Law and Civil Procedure McGill University N.Y. Life Building, Montreal Sabourin, Ernest • t Santoire, Camille Sarasin, Ferdinand L6on Montreal t Sawyer, Bannell Westmoimt, Q. 49 1872 1885 1881 1861 18S0 1S77 1874 1869 >859 i8yo 1877 i860 1876 1S7.S 1S69 1868 1879 1 86 1 1886 iSSi I '^75 1868 •873 1S77 1 873 1S66 1 88 1 18S8 iSSo 1881 1865 1859 1868 1867 1884 '873 1889 1866 1874 1886 1861 1884 1 866 1879 1881 1892 1863 1863 1871 1894 il so BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW, 4i i: I Scallon, Wm 1876 Sexton, James Ponsonby.. Montreal i860 Sharp, Wm. Prescott Montreal 1880 JSheridan, Philip Argyle Av., Westmount, Q. 1894 Short, Robert Montreal 1867 Shortiss, James W iSSi Sicotte, V. Ji Cadastre Office, Montreal 1862 Sjorstrom, Paul R. U Sherbrooke, Q. 1S81 •JSmith, Arthur Welsford, B.A 1SS5 iSmith, Robert Cooper, ... 185 St. James, Montreal 1881 •Snowdon, H. L 1.S56 Spong, Rev. John J. Rowan 222 Waverly Place, New York, U.S. A . 1874 St. Jean, Edmund N Montreal TS79 Stephens, Charles Henry , Montreal 1875 Stephens, Charles 1864 tStephens, George W S45 Dorchester, Montreal 1863 Stephens, Romeo H Chanibly Canton, Q. 1S50 Struthers, Irving E. (t) Phillipsburg, (K 1885 Tach6, Pascal Montreal 1876 Tait, Hon. Melbourne, U C.L., Judi^e Superior Court . .994 Sherbrooke St., Montreal 1S62 Taschereau, Arthur (^)uebec 1864 Taylor, Arcliibald Dunbar, H.A Montreal 1S78 Taylor, Reid 1869 -•TerriU, Joseph Lee, ().C 1865 JTopp, Francis, B..\ 18 Latour, Montreal 1889 •Torrance, Fred. W^ (Hon.) (M.A. Edin.) 1856 *Trenholme, Edward IL, M.D 1865 Trenholme, Norman W., (t) M.A., D.C.L., (j.C, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Professor of Roman and Public Law. McCill University. Montreal 1S65 Trudel, Bouthillier J Montreal 1879 JTruell, Harry V., B.A 2367 St. Catherine, Montreal i8y2 Tucker, Henry Montreal 1883 Vandal, Philippe Montreal 1881 Vilbon, Charles A - Montreal 1S63 JVipond, Thomas John, Montreal .and Jamaica SS. Co Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. 1890 Walker, Wm. Simpson Montreal 1874 tWalsh, Joseph Charles (B.A., Laval) 1322 Notre Dame, Montreal 1894 •Walsh, Thomas Joseph Watts, Wm. John, B.A , Drummondville. Q. Weir, Frank Montreal Weir, Robert S Montreal Weir, Wm. Alex Montreal •Welsh, Alfred JWhite, Wm. John. M.A Ii Place d'Armes, Montreal Wicksteed. Richard J., B.A. , M.A. , LL.D Ottawa,©. Wight. James H Wood. Yiank Ogilvie, B.A..,, Wotherspoon, Ivan Tolkeir (ad eun), M.A. (B.C.L., Laval) Montreal i860 1869 1882 1880 1 88 1 1864 1882 186S 1868 1870 186S 1876 Ureal 1S60 Ureal 18S0 t, Q. 1894 Ureal 1867 . . • . iSSi Ureal 1862 e. Q. 1S81 1885 Ureal 1881 • • ■ # 1S56 S.A. 1874 Ureal T879 itreal 1875 . . > • 1864 Ureal 1863 ^, Q- 1S150 R. <.>• 1885 11 real 1S76 e St., m Ureal 1S62 iiebec 1864 ntrcal 1S78 i860 1865 iitreal 1889 1856 1865 ilty of srsity. ntreal 1S65 nlreal 1879 ntreal iSy2 intreal 1883 mtreal 1881 ntreal 1863 w!'l. 1890 mtreal 1874 intreal 1894 i860 1869 1882 1880 1 88 1 1864 1882 1 868 1868 1870 antreal 1868 lie, Q. jntreal )ntreal jntreal jntreal wa, O. BACHELORS OF CIVIL LAW. 51 JWright, George Cunningham, B.A Hull, Q. 1886 •Wright, Wm. Mackay, B.A 1S63 Wurtele, Charles John Campbell Sorel, (). 1863 tWttrtele, Hon. Jonathan S. C, D.C.L., Judge Court of Queen's Bench, Professor of Law of Real Estate, McGill University.. 78 Union Av., Montreal 1870 * Deceased. t Elizabeth Torrance Medal. t Qualified to vote for Election of Representative Fellows. BACHELORS OF ARTS. JAbbott, Mnud Kli/abeth S. (t) 471 Guy St., Montreal Allan, Rev. James C. ( tE) • Allan, Rev. John (N)'s Mills, Q. Allen, Kev. Krancis Aaron Philipsburg East, Q. :Allen, James II West Osgood, O. Allworth, Rev. John, M.A. (P>.n., Pres. Coll.) Amaron, Rev. Calvin E. (E), M.A. (B.D., Pres. Coll.), President French Protestant College Springfield, Mass., U.S. JAmi, Henry Mark, M. A., (D.Sc. Queens), Asst.Pala'ontologist Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa, O. t Anderson, Duncan Peter (Morrin) New Liverpool, Co. Levis, Q. Anderson, J.acol)de Witt (fC) Abercorn, Q. Anderson, Rev. James .Mex Godench, O. JAnderson, John Duncan Tiverton, O. t Angus, Frances R 4483 St. Catherine St., Cote St. Antouie, <J. ^Archibald, Edwcr-' "^ (fML) 113 Mackay St., Montreal Archibald, Hon.' ■ -prott (tP), M.A.,D.C.L., Judge Superior Court. Montreal Atwater, Alherl ^\ , ^.C.L Montreal Aylen, Peter, B C.L Aylmer, Q. Bancroft, Rev. Charles, jun . , M.A. (M.A. ad eun Bishops) 40 East Pearl St., Nashua, N.IL, U.S. Barlow, Alfred E. (N), M.A., Field Geologist, Geological Survey ,Ottawa JBarlow, Walter S 20 Shuter St., Montreal Barnston, Alexander (t),C.E • JBanon, Robert II..., no St. James St.,Montreal Barron, Rev. Thomas J Lachut", Q. Bayne, Rev. George D Pembroke, O. Baynes, Donald, M.A., M.D.44 Brooks St., Grosvenor Sq., London,Eng. Beckett, Wm. Henry • Bell, John H., M.D Montrea Bennett, James Montreal Bethune, Meredith Blenkarne (fN), M.A., B.C.L. (M.A. Bishops), 169 University St., Montreal JBickerdike, Francis A. C P.O.Box 94, Montreal JBinmore, Elizabeth, M.A 25 Lome Av., Montreal IBlachford, Henry Huntingdon, Q Black, Charles 890 873 S74 880 892 87 1 877 882 S90 866 877 892 893 892 S67 876 850 866 883 894 8S7 892 882 8S0 S64 866 886 880 866 894 890 892 88 1 52 BACHELORS OF ARTS- Jilack, Tames R • • • • r-lackaik-r, Alex. U. (N),M.1>-, I'lofessor of Pharmacology and I lierapeu tics, Lecturer on Dist-ases of Children, McClill Univ , Montreal tBlackader, Kdward II. P., M.U 136 Dorchester St., Montreal llHacketl, John Wm Ormstown, i) P.lair, Geor-e A Manotick, O, lilakely. Rev. Malcolm 1) I'orester s halls, O. Bland, Rev. Charles Edwar.l (\C), fB.!)., Wes. Coll., Mont.) 35 Metcalfe Av., St. Henri, Montreal Bland, Rev. Sal- 1 (ioldworth (Moriin) Cornwall, O. Ilockus, (..hailes !■. 1874 1870 1S84 1S94 1886 1878 1883 1S77 1852 il'.ond, William 1 42 Inion Av., Montreal 1894 Ji'.orinht, Mabel A ^"""». ^^ '^93 •Botliwell, lohn A. (I-NU M.A '864 liotterell. H . Inez R. (N) 916 Dorchester St., Montreal 1890 IBotterell. le^umie Turner 916 Dorchester St., Montreal 1890 Bourne. Ke"v. N. A, Fit/roy Dunham, <J. 1S87 Boyd, [ohn f]Sl2). M. A., B.C. I I oromo, O. 1861 tBoy.l", Leslie 11 33 .St. Mark St., Montreal 1894 Bracd, Rev. lean C. (P2). Professor of Modern Languages, \ as>ar College. " ■ Poughkeepsie, N.V., U S. 1881 Brailhwaiie, Edward Ernest (P;, (li.D. Oberlin, Uhioj.5201 Minewa Av , St. Louis, Mo., L ,S. 1886 +lireniner. William ' "tawa East, O. 1894 Brewster, Wm. (tC) ■; , 'S65 •ilirittani, Isabel E 407 Mance St., Montreal 1894 :Prudie, Charles E. (Morrin) (,)nebec, Q. 1890 Brooks, Rev. Charles Henry (tN) '868 tBrown, Albert J. (h, (Morrin j, B.C. L.. 331 Prince Arthur St.. Montreal 1883 jBrown, Cecil 1 246 St. Maitm St., Momreal 1893 JBrown, Daniel ^'"'"n t '-its, ( K 1892 JBrown, Tames T. CP), care of Aikens d-^ Culver Winnipeg, Man. 1S93 + Hrown Tessic 32 Crescent St., Montreal 1894 Brown, Martha" Lucinda (Morrin) 546 St. John St., Quebec 1891 lirown. Rev. S, R Regma, Man. 1887 Brown. Thomas '"53 lirowne, Arthur Adderley (E), M.D Montreal 1866 tBryan, An.lrew C 33 Albert St., King-^ton, O. 1S88 Bryson. Alfred P Montreal 1888 Budden, Hanburv Arthur, B.C. L. . Room 216. N.Y, Life Bldg., Montreal 1885 Bull, Haicourtf. (+P) 16 Exchange Place, New York 1880 15ullock, Wm. E. (tP). li.C.l i860 CaUler. Geo. F Ottawa, O. 1885 Cameron. Donald Tiverton, O. 1885 Cameron. Rev. James (tM). M.A. (B.D., Pres. Coll.) Toronto, O. 1871 ^Cameron. John Alex., B.C.L Huntingdon, Q 1890 Cameron. T<ilm D. (fP), B.C.L 138 St. J.ames St. , Montreal 1883 Cameron, "Kenneth, (IN). M.D Montreal 1SS4 Cameron, Wellington A. (P), M.A 25 Toronto St., Toronto, O. 1887 Campbell, Henry (Morrin) 1885 Campbell, K.ite M . (P) 68 St. Famille St., Montreal 1892 1874 ipeu ureal 1870 it real 1<, o. 1884 IS94 1886 s, O. 1878 itreal 1883 11,0. 1S77 1852 iitrcal I.S94 n, O. '«93 1864 itreal 1S90 nireal 1890 »>,'.'• 1887 0,0. !86i lit real 1894 .Ueoe. US. 1881 1 Av , L'.S. 1 886 ist,0. 1894 1865 intreal 1894 ec, Q. 1890 1868 )iitreal 1883 unreal >»9.3 Its, (). 1892 . Man. 1S93 jntreal 1894 Quebec 1891 , Man. 1887 IHS.3 jntreal 1866 Lon, 0. 1888 onlreal 1888 jntreal 1885 V ^■ork 1880 i860 wa, 6. i88,s 3n, 0. i88s nto. 0. 1871 lon, Q 1890 ntreal 188,, ntreal 1884 to,0. 1887 i88s )ntrea! 1892 HACIIELOR.S OF ARTS. 53 JCampbell, Rosalia F Murtreal 1894 Carniichael. Rev. James, M.A. (MA ., ad eun, Toronto) .. .Norwood. O. 1S67 +Carmichael. Saumarez S. \) 160 VVindsor St., Montreal 1S93 JCassels, Hamilton (Monin;, l)arri^ter and Notary Bank of B. N. A, building. Toronto, O. 1873 +Cassels, Robert (Morrin ( (Pi Ottawa. O. 1866 Chalmers, VVm. W., M.D Magog, (). 1886 ^Chambers, E. J. C. (Morrint 274 Grande All6e. tjuebec, Q. 1S93 :5:Chandler, George II. (tM). M.A.. Professor of Practical Mathematics, McGill University 32 Lome av.. Montreal 1875 Chiprnan, Clarence J. 11., M.lJ., House Surgeon. Co. Carleton Gen. Protestant Hospital O.tawa, O. 1866 •Christie, fohn H , M.D 1872 Christie, William, M.D. I.achute, < K 18S4 Chubb, Sydney C. (N2> 1877 Clarke, \V.alhce (+Ev. M.A. .M.D Utica. N.V., U.S.A. 1869 Clay, Rev. Wm. Leslie (|) Moose Jaw, Assa., N.W.T. 1S87 Clements, Benjamin llerthier en liaut. < J. 1886 JClerk, Ronzo Heathcote, BC.L., Notary Public, Commissioner for On- tario and (Quebec. . Room 40 Temple P)ldg.,iS5 St. James St., Montreal 1886 •Cline, (ohn 1), (tC), M.D 1871 Clowe, John D., NLA 1.S63 Cockfield, Henry M Montreal 1S82 Colby. Chas. W. itE),(Pb. D. Harvard) Professor in History, McGill University Montreal 1S87 JColclough. W'ni. Frederick (C) Lanark. (). 1890 JCole, Anliur Augustus, B.A. Sc 28 Victoria St., Montreal 1891 Colquhoun, A.H. Urquhart (fE) 59 Borden St , Toronto. O. 1885 JColquhouii, Philip L Colquhoun, I). 1892 Cook, Archibald H. (Mornn) (^)ueb"C 1869 •Cornish, Rev. George (ad eun), (B.A.. London). M.A.. LL.D... 1856 Coussirat. Rev. Adrian D. (ad eun), ofllcer d'Acad^niie (B.D-, Univ. de France) (D.D., (Queen's), Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature, McGill University Montreal 1871 Cox, Rev. Jacob Whitman Economy. Colchester Co , N.S, 1876 JCraig, Rev. Hugh (Morrin) Sawyerville, (^. 1890 Craig, Rev. James A. (P2), M.A.... Fitzroy Harbor, O. 1880 Craig, James Renfrew, O. 1874 :;:Craig, Margaret 4142 Dorchester St., Montreal 1894 JCraik, Galen 11 Rockburn, Q. 1892 Cross. Alexander Selkirk (tP)., B.C.L Montreal 1879 Cross, Eliza C. (Mrs. Currie) Glencoe. Ont. 1888 Crothers, Robert A. (+C), B.C.L Evening Bulletin. San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. 1876 Crothers, Rev. William Jno. (P2), M.A Port Hope,U. 1872 Cunningham, Rev. Thos. E. (P2), .\LA..St. Luke's Rectory. 49 Chami)- lain St.. Montreal 1880 Currie, Rev. Alex Virden, Man. 1885 Currie, Rev. Dougald (R,) (B.D., Pres. Coll) Glencoe, O. 1880 Currie, Rev. Waller Thomas, Missionary . .Cisamba, Bihe, West Central Africa, O. 1885 54 BACHELORS OF ARTS. ' \?.'j SI 1-1 ItCushing. Harold 15, (tN.) 70 City Councillors St.. •Cusliiiif,', Lemuel (C)., M.A.. B.C.L.,LL.l) :| D.nley. Rev. James T Ruifonl, O. Dalpe'. \V. 11 Roxton Pond. (J. Darey.J. Ilerbeit (iC), M.A.. M.D Granj^er, Minn., U.S.A. ■.!;l)art, Rev. \Vm. J.. M.A ...St. Lambert. O. ■.;:l)avey. R. George (P), (15. 1)., Wes. Co]].) 226 University St.. .Montreal Davidson, Charles Peers, M.A., 15.C.L., D.C.I JDavidson. Clara Felicia .Mary. Teacher, Tiie Rectory, I'relighshury, (^). 1 )avi<lson. Rev. James (ad eun) M.A Montreal Davidson, Leonidas Heher. M.A., 15.C.L . 1>.CL., Professor of Cummer- cial Law. McGill LJniver>ity Montreal + Davidson, Peers, li.C.L Montreal :|: Davis, David Theodore. 1 IC) io<j4 Sherbrooke St.. Montreal *Davis, Ernest A Morin Flats. Q. Dawson, R.ankine (P2;, M..\., .M.D Montreal :Da\vson, William 1!. (IN).M.A.. 15.A.Sc. . Ma.E Tidal Survey. Dejjartnient of Marine, Ottawa. O. ■tDay, l''r.ank J. ( IS.L) Coni,'reg.ational College, Montreal Day. John Lewis (tC). Sessional Lecturer in Classics, McGill I'niversity. .|o Durocher St., .Montreal JDeeks, William E. (IN). M.D., Lecturer in Zoology in Me(;dl Uni- versity Montreal IDerick. Canie M. (tNj. Demonstrator in Hotany, Mc(jill Iniversity.. Montreal JDes Hrisay. Charles T. (Morrin), Principal Ontario School of Lan- guages Oddfellow- llali, Toronto. O. Dewey, Rev. Finlay McN. (F2), M.A !... Montreal DeWitt. Caleb Strong, M..\ I2l(j Dorchester St.. Montreal Dey. Rev. \\ illiam John (IN). M.A Simcoe, O. :;:Dickson. E. 11. Trenholn-.e Trenholme, Q Dickson. James A.. M.D Knowlton. (i! JDickson. Sydney M. (Ez) Kichniond. (). tlJi.\on. Wellington (IE) Montreal |l)obson,John R Pictou. N.S. JDonahue. Wm Wevtmounl, (,i. Donald, James Thos. (rN), M..\. , Chemi'-f , Assayer and Mining (ienlo- R"'^' I2.t St. J.iniesSt., Montreal Dougall. Duncan \\ indsor, O. JDougall. John Redpatli, M.,\., Editor Montreal Witness Witness Ollice, Montreal }l)res.ser.John A Kicinnond. Q. tDruni, Lome (E) ilS (nande Alice, (,)uel)ec. (}. Drummond, Charles ( i. !',. (N) JDuclos, Arnold W 166 M.ince St., Montreal 1 )uclos, Charles A, CMorrin), I5.C.L Montreal tDuff, Rev. Archibald (\M). M..\ , LLD.. Professor of Old Testament Theology in '• The United College '' Dr.ulford, Yorkshire. Eng. Duffett. Henry J.. 15. C.I Megantic, n. Dufly, 1 U-nvy T. (E2). H.C.L SweetshurL'. U. 1S92 1863 1S90 1886 1880 1868 1892 1863 I.S92 1863 1S63 1890 1894 1894 1878 1874 1894 1S88 1S89 1890 1890 1S74 1861 :87i 1894 1883 1894 18S3 1 89 1 1878 i860 i860 1S93 1892 1862 1894 i88r 1S64 1883 1S76 1 89 2 1863 1S90 1886 1880 1868 1892 1S63 1892 1863 1S63 1S90 1894 1S94 1 8 78 1S74 1894 18S8 uSSg 1890 1890 1S74 i86r .'871 1894 1S83 1894 18S3 1 89 1 1S93 1S7S KS60 i860 1S92 1862 1S94 i8Si 1864 1883 1S76 BACHELORS OK ARTS. Duncan. Alex. E.. ^r.A,, li.C.L Ea.ijo, RoiuTt ( to) . '.''.'.:":'.".:: :oa\:\^{.o. [bMn; John (fP), .M.IJ., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, McGili K en wood, W „,. R . Yarmouth, N.S. ..Elliott, Rev, blwanl Arthur (B.D. Wes. Coll., Toronto) . . .Otona<,ron. Rev James Ame(l(P2) Mille'lsk^.^C^: Elh. Robert W. (\JH). M.A.. LL.D.. Geologist. Geological Survey.... ,„ , Ottawa, O. ., Empson, Kev. Canon John. M.A., Clerical Secretary Diocese Montreal. 71 Universitv St., Montreal lEni^land. George I'revost, H.C.I 181 St. James St., Montreal Enijlami. Re-. Luther M. (N) Knowlton, Q Evans, nianche I!. CN). Artist 497 St. Urhain St., .Montreal Evans, W Herbert, Coal Merchant II29 Dorchester St., Mcmtreal Ewint; , W m Eairbairn, Thomas (P2) : Fairclou,i,'h. Elizabeth M . (C) Hamiiton,"ont. ; Falconer, Alex. (IE), H.C.I 157 St. James St., .Montreal -IFarnsworth, A. H Flanders, (J. F'erguson, James D. (Morrin) ( jucbec I'erguson, John A. (.Morrin; ( Hiebec i'ergiison. John S Montreal M'erLiuson, \Vm. A. (tM). M.D *l'errier. Robert W Lessen len. Rev. F^lisha Jos Th- Rectory, Chipi-ewa, U. ;:Finch, K-v. Calvin \Vri,c;ht (li. D. Wes. Coll , N[ontreal)..Cookshire, i). ;;Fleet. Charles Jas. (E), H.C.I 157 St. James St.. Montreal Fc nicret. Rev. George Augustus, Ni, .\ ILiniilton. O. F'ortin, Rev. Octave (ad eim) Winnipeg, .Man. I'owler, Albert ... I'owler. William (N) ;Frar,tr, Rev. Daniel James (P), M A. (H. D., I'res. Coll., MoiitVeai) ' . Alberton, I'.E.L ;I:Liaser, Ethel ( Morrin) care D. Eraser. Hank of Montreal, Hucbec :!:Fra«er, Frank C 70 University St., Montreal I'raser. John (Morrin) Eraser, William Dundee. Q. IFry, Fred. Morley. M.D 38 McGiU College Av.. Montreal !• vies. Rev. Wm. Adolphus CtC) (Juyon, (_). TfLale, Ethel L. niorrm) 7 De Salaberry St.. (Juebec (jand)le. Rev. Robert Waketieid. ()■ ■IGarrett. Wm. 1* 102 Cambridge St., Ottawa, O. ;;.Gaith. Rev. Wm. H New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Gerne, Rev. Andrew W West Torrington, Conn., U.S. Gerrie, John I' Toronto, O. •Gibb, Charles *Gd)son, William I >. CtC) :;:Giles, Wm. Jus. (N), (D.D.S., University Penn.), Dental Surgeon . 55 1S67 1879 18S1 1 89 1 1 89 1 1890 1872 1874 i88S 1883 iSSS 18S6 1878 1863 •S9,-, 1881 ''*^93 iSSo 18S5 iSb'i l8,Si 1S57 1S63 1 800 'X73 1877 1867 ■S6S 1S9,.. i,S94 1S94 1869 1883 1890 i88() 1^193 1 88 1 1S94 1S89 1887 1884 1865 18S9 99 Union Av., Montreal iSSS It 56 liACllEl.OKS 01' ARTS. 51 Oilman. Francis Kdward. IS.C.L.. M.A., I, L.I) Montreal XiuAW Many M., M.D Dansvillo. N.V. UjokIom, |(,hn S. (t> Alberion. P.lvl. (jorc, !■ iL'deiick Gould, Chas. Henry (+C), University Libraiian. McGill University 963 Dorchester St., Montreal Gould, Rev. Edwin. MA 6 Hayle St., Montreal iGraliatn, Anj,'us i tP) Cileneoe, O. JGrahani, Frederick II S96 Durchester St., .Mont'reai JGrahani, (Jeori^e Dunc:in Hull ( 1. (Jr.iham, [dim ( tfi) Winnipeg;, Mail". (iraliam. Kev, John Hugh Watfoid O. ( >raiidy , John ', . / (jrant, Rev, Andrew Shaw (15.1)., Fres. Coll.; Almonte, O. Gray, W m Union Tlieolo^jical Seminary, New York Green, Joseph (tC), M.A Ooo West 5th .St., Cincuinati, Ohio, U.S. Green, Uoiisdaie, Mereliaiit . . ;, Great WincJiester St., London, E C.Kng. :rGreensiiiflds, Edward B. (iP),()fS. Greensluehls, Son ^: Co.M.mtreal (ireensiiields, Robert A. A. (t),H.C.L Montreal *:t(ireenshieiils, Samuel Montreal C-regor. Leii^li R. CP2j, Lecturer in Ceniian Language and Literature, McGill University Montreal M-duerin, Fdiiuui.l \V. 1'. (IE), B.C.L...909 Dorchester St., Montreal Oiii);nard, J. A. (a<l eun), (1!.A. and H.Sc, Univ. Fr.), Asst. Entom- ologist and liotanii-t, K,\pevimental Farm Ottawa, O. tGuitn, Rev. William Tjios,, M.A Witness Office, Montreal •tC.urd. Charles C. (N) 65 McGill College av., .Montreal :;:(;iithiie, Donald Presbyterian College, Montreal Hague, lluiiry J. CtC), H.C.L Montreal :ilall, Alex. Rives, li.C.l We.stmount, i). Hall, Elizabeth Oi Greene Av., Weslmount. ( ). iHall, Hon. John Smythe, H.C.L 862 Sherbrooke St., Montreal JFLall, Richard Snuire, Teacher Westmount () •Hall, Rev. W^m., M.A ..". itlLimiUon, Daniel S , Forest" O. *Hanran, Robert Jas Inverness' (). :Hargiave. Edith Sherbrooke, ( K Hargrave, Rev. L Hijih Hlurt". ^Harper, Robert M. ( + ) Box 405, Quebec Harrington, Bernard J. (tN), Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, and Lecturer in Assaying, McGill University Montreal Hart, L'.wis A.,M,A., B.C.L., Notary Montreal Harvey, Alfred St. John's, Nfld. •Harvey, Charles J., li.A. Sc -tllarvcy, Frederick \V '.'.'.".'. .".'. AbercoVn", Q* Haythorne, Thos. J., .M.D den Avon, Monmouthshire, Eng. Hemming, Henry K. S. (Morrin), Merchant .. .76 York St., Toronto, O. Henderson, Mary J 896 Dorchester St. , Montreal Henderson, Robert B. (P2) , . ... Montreal :Hiblwid, Fred. Wm., M.A., B.C.L Montreal ♦Hicks, 1- rank W., M.A 1862 1S91 '^5 186I .877 1856 1894 1894 1S92 1876 1.S78 1 866 1885 IS 76 1 861 1S64 1869 1S83 1S74 1882 1.S7S 18S3 1891 i«93 1S92 1882 1890 1S91 1874 1891 1861 1892 1894 ih'94 1886 1894 1869 1866 1874 1874 1S94 1884 1880 1890 1887 1886 1864 treiil 1862 N.V. 1S91 .E.I. ««9,> 1861 tiful 1S77 I tea I 1856 •. O. 1894 trcnl 1894 .'J. 1S92 laii. US76 ,U. 1X78 1S66 . O. i88s 'ork IS 76 J.S. 1861 -"«• 1864 real 1869 rial 1883 leal 1S74 uie, real 1882 leal 1878 om- ,o. i.SSc; real 1891 real 1^93 real 1892 real 1882 , Q- 1890 .<.>• 1S91 real 1874 <.'• 1891 1861 ,6. 1S92 , <^- 1894 ^>- lh'94 Ian. 1886 -bee 1894 and real 1869 real 1866 fl.l. 1874 1874 M. 1S94 iR- 18S4 O. 18S0 eal 1890 real 1887 real 1886 1864 BACHELORS OF .\RTS. tllickson, Joseph W. A. (+P) 272 Mountain St.. .Montreal Hi(Tyins, Rev. Joseph H Nanaimo. B.C. Hmdley, Kev. John Ingham, M.A. (PhD , National Univ.), Vice-Lhan- cellor National University (Jranhy, Q. .1,Hil>p, Edmund (ireyory "liedfurd,' ( )! •llodye, David \V. R. (fE), B.C.L .', :iIol(!en, Arthur R 49 lielniont I'ark,* Montreal ;;.H(>lden, Donald li., M D 13 Langley St., Viciona, K.C. Holden, hdt,'nr \)e F St. Arniand Centre, Q. Holiday, Caleb S., I'rincipal Huntington Academy Hunlin^idon, (K Home, \V. A. (Morrin) ( juehec :Honeyman, Howard A Kiiowlton, < ). Howard. Kobt. J. 1!. (IN^.M.D Lomlon, hni^. Howitt, Rev. William, (II. I),. Wesleyan Coll.) . . Hemmingford I'.U, O. :;:Hunt, l.ovisa E. (Mrs. [Rev.| T. M. Talbot) Elkhorn. Man. t Hunter, Alexander lJ^t^, o iHunter, Georgina J(tE), English Teacher, Girls' High School ....'. .". Montieal Hunter, Walter, H.C.L Nanaimo, B.C. ;;:Hutchison. David lirechin, Ont. ^Inlernosia, Jerome, li CL 1841 Ontario St., Montreal ilrelaiid, George D I'resbvteii.nn College, Montreal ijackson, Annie L. (ML) 4215 Do.chester St., Montieal +James, Agnes S. (IE) 25 Torrance St , Montreal :tJamieson, Walter L Montieal +Jaquays, Homer M Sutton, (). JJekill Henry, Travelling Agent Sabrevois College. ..117 Chatham St , Montreal :johnson, Alex. R. (1 M). li.C.L Johnston, Rev. Jas. A. (tP) Johnston. Rev Kobt. (t) Lindsav, O. *Jones, H J. .Montgomery, M.D , M.A .' Joseph, Monteliore (N), Merciiant (Jueliec Kahler, Frederick A. (tC>, M.A., (Graduate Lutheran Theological semin- ary, Philadelphia, Pa) 242 Carolina St., liut'falo, N Y, Keay.s, Rev. Chas. Hy., M.A Ravenswood, Chicago, III., U.S. iKelley, Frederick W. (+E), (Ph.D.,Cornell) Teacher High School, Peel yt .Montreal Kemp, Edson, B.C.L Montreal Kennedy, Geo. T. (N), M-A., BASc. (D.Sc. Hon. and M.A., ad. eun., Kings), F.G S. London, Professor of Chemistry, Geology and Mining in King's College King's College, Windsor, N.S. 1868 Kennedy, Robt. Alex., M.D Rockland, O. 1884 *Kershaw, Phili]) G 1857 JKillaly, Hamilton M Morrisbi-rg, O. 1893 + Kinghorn, Hugh McLennan, M.D 85 Osborne St., Montreal 1890 tKing.->ton, Chas. B., B.A. Sc I050 Dorchester St., Montreal 1887 Kinnear, Rev. George New Richmond. Q. 1883 Kirby, James (t), B.C.L., M.A. . LL.D., D.C.L .Montreal 1859 Kirkpatrick, Rol)ert C, M .D., Assistant Demonstratorin Suigery. McGili University .... . . . . ^ . Montreal 1S84 .895 Sherbrooke St., ^lontreal 57 '893 1S85 1S68 1891 1872 1 89 1 1889 18S6 1 870 1.S85 >«93 1.S79 1888 i^<93 1890 1888 1883 1893 t^93 1894 1893 'S93 1889 1892 1S92 1887 1870 1887 1869 1870 1869 1880 1S71 1859 s« l!.\("IIKLOK>^ OF ARIS. 5 JKIock, Robert A., ll.C.l,, Liinit)er Manufactuicr Kloik's Mills, O. lS8o :!:Kolliiiytr, \V. Huctor S. (tCl iP) 20 Union Av., Montreal iSi)2 tKiaiis, Rev. Edward II. itEl, MA.. 1.1,. I)., Reclor St. .\nn's ( luircli . . 71 living riacc. New York, N.V. I.S65 Laneiir. Eugene (fP), li.C.I,., Professor of Civil Law, Mcddl L'niversity N.V. I.ife lUdij. Montreal 1877 I.alleur, Ilenii .\. (tN). .M.D.. .X.vsistanl I'rofe-sur in Medicine in Clinical .Medicine, McCiiil l' Diversity .Montreal I.SS2 Lafleiir, Taul T, f I^E), M..\.. Lecturer in Logic and Knglisli, McCill I'ni versity Monlteal 1S80 Laing, Rev. Robert (tP), M..\ Ilalita:., X.S. 1.S68 *Lan-.t)ly, Morky Osliorn Inverness, i). 1894 Can.', Caini)bell, li.C.L. 29:; I 'eel St., Montreal 1879 1 ;.nf;ton. Rev. Joseph l'i,UH:i> Rockhurn, (J. 1887 i.ariviere. Rev. Dolard 117 Cliailiatn St., Montreal 1SS4 Laiiviire. Rev. Vital len Quebec . (J. l8,So Larkin, Rev. Frederick II Chatham, O. 1888 -Arch. (Morrin) , L Leach, Miliia :^2 •L ,; '^87 lii|'|ierM., Montreal 1S92 Robert .\.. M..\ , li.C.l ' 1857 Lee, Rev. ,\rch. (Cl Kandoops. H,C, 1883, Mabel (N) 2; I',>;,\de St., (Jiiebec, (^). 1S93 LeRossi^nol, [ I'sycl Ed ychiilOL;y an( 1 Kil (t^). (M..\. and lli.D., l.eipsic), I'rofessor of Ohm Univeisity \lhens, ( )hio, U.S.A . 1888 l.eRo.-siynol, Waller John (rPi 88 Park .\v., Montreal 1S91 into, O. 1869 Lewis, .\ibert Romain ( IE), < >.( JLewi.s. Wni. V. Ron 74 l.owlher lber\il LiiihthalJ. Wni. D. dEi, .M..\., I'..C.L 1 ,indsay, N'orniaii ( H2 1 (.). 18 94 .Montiea! 1S79 i\ew Richmond, (J. 18S8 1892 ■; Livingston, Xtil (Mtariiu. reaLJier Lon|,'Ueuii, (J. Livm};stoiie. Colin 11. (•'), I'liliiisiiei .827 I'ark \v., .New \'ork. N.V., U.S. 1886 Lochhead, Win. (N). Science M.ister, Gall Coll. Inst (ialt, (>. 1885 .; Lyman, .\lbert Claience, M..\..1!.C.L 157 St. James St., Montieai 1S78 Lyman, Fiederick Stiles, ILC.I ", Montreal 1863 Lyman. Ilfleii W 1,17 Mackay St.. Montieai 1S92 ; Lyman, Hy. IIeii)eri r'N), M..\., .Meichant . 74 McTavi.vh St., .NbmUeal 1876 '>' Waller K. (ML-') 74 .N Mabon. James r'Pi :1 Macadam. Mart;aiet (Monm) .Macaliuiii, Rev. Lred.Wm. (I! 1).,\ ale), .Mi: M., Montreal 1S81 richer Waterloo, ( ) 1881 5 C<d lege Court, (,)uebec, (^). l8i(; sionarv,Er/room Macdonald, Jessie 11 200 M urkev As 1888 M ikon St., Montreal 1S93 acckinald, Minnie Limoii 14 St laniille Si..' Montreal 1892 f.MacDonnell, Richard L. rtC). M.D ... 1S7- .MacDougall. (ioidon Waiters, 15. Cl 17S University St., Montreal 1S91 .Mad) ill (iP> ^MacDoii^all, Robt. fP).2;, Hilton liiock. U MacUiilf, .Mexandt-r Rainsay . care of 11. J. I'.oslwick. 'rientsin, China 1S86 uvard S([., L aniondi'e .M ass. 1890 1 866 Macfarlane. Rev. James .\. (tP), .M..\ Ullawa. O. .'885 *:1:M icfailane, .Mary Mnura 1890 .MacFee, Kulusuff' N. (tP), M..\., H.C.L. (I'.achelier en Droit," Paris'). Legal and Financial .\genl, .St. (Jeoiye's Club, I lanover Stp W., London, Eng. 1S74 i88o 1S92 1865 .877 1SS2 iSSo I,S6S 1S94 IS 79 1SS7 1S,S4 liSSo 1 888 ISS7 1S92 i8S7 1S83 1888 1S91 1869 i8()4 1879 1 888 1892 1886 1885 I.S78 1863 1892 1876 1 88 J i88| 1 8.15 1888 1892 •S73 1S91 1S86 1890 1866 !88s 1890 1874 liACMKLORS OF AK IS. 59 ; Nlac(;reRor, Alexamkr st. Amirews, ( ). ,894 : m"'/'"^!/''""^"''/ • ; 'oo Union Av.. Monm^M 189] .kay .lam A. , Ml f. Halifax, N.S. ,884 Mackny.Kc.v_I)amd Addi.on. NT.. U.S.A. 1882 ,Macke„/,e lane L !•. (E) ,4, .St. Ak.xan.lf. St.. Montreal 1844 . ; '"■■^'^''.l"l"'J'- ( ) (.Momn), H.C.I ,57 .St, Jame.s St., Montreal i8s{ ,M.c .cay, Alfred A Danville,.,). 189. . .Mac .ennan Kenneth (H.D., Fres. Coll.) J.i.cknow, 6. 1892 .MacLeod, Luplienna (Morrin), .M..\„ .\ssist. Teacher Lachute Ac.idemy. N|acl>I,e,son. Kenneth K.aN,,B.C.I '^"Su;;;^''? M.icVica., Kev f. Ilarvey Preshytery of Honan, HoMan,(lnna i88c ilf^r '":'',> °'"" ^^ ^9 McTavi..h St., Montreal l.Syi M.dmtfy Alhert ..... . I're..l,ylerian College, Montreal i.Syl M.nj.jr, OeovKeW., M.D. . Longford, ^Lirket Drayton, Shropshire, Knaland 1870 .Mansur, Cliarles (N) Stanstc -d d i8.r ^I'l'^f "^'A'?"'"'' Naniervilie,' ( ). 1884 ..Marler. Wm. de M. (tM), H.C.L., I'rofessor of Notarial Law, McGill University ,57 st. James St.. Montreal 1868 Martin, .\lfred \\ ,j^jJ2 Martin, Charle'; F. (E), M .D '. 3V i)umchcr St*.." 'Montreal 18SS Martin, Rev. J. ( . (E| " Tarsus, Syria l88s Mason, Horace F. C ,v;^^ •Mason, James L., M..\., .M.D ......'.'".'.'..*.'."."'.'.!!!!.!.!.'.'.'"'" i.s';', Massd. Arthur '..."."..'! .'(iVance Lijine, ( ). I'sss .Massd. (Jodefroi Narcissc (t), Principal Feller Institute. .Crande Li<;ne, ( 1. 1884 Malheson, Kev. John .Martintoun, U. 1876 ; Malhewson. (ieorge Herbert, M.D 625 Slwrhrouke St., .Montreal 1S90 Mattice, Cory.l.mJ., M,.\ Cornwall, O. i8sQ Ma.vwell, John (N) L'OriKnal, U. 1879 ' Mc.Mpnie, Kev. John J Huntsburgh, Ohio, U S,.\. i,'-92 Mc.Xrtluir. .\rch (Jranbv. ( ). 18.S7 McLlure, Wm. (iM), M.D., Medical Missionary, I'resiytery of Ilonan.". llcnan. (. liina 1879 McConnell, Richard O. (N) Geological Survey. Ottawa 1S79 McCord, David Ross, M,.\., i;.C.L .Montreal 1863 ; McCullough, Robert Inverness, ( ). 1891 ;McCu-ker, Rev. Samuel F Mdlti l^les, n. 1S.S9 McDonald, Hector C Cnarlottetown, I'.F.L 1881 McFa)deii. Allan L ,S-,s McFee. Janet D. (P) '.*.'.■"■ \iontVeai l8s!s ; McOerrigle, John .\lex Orin<t..wn, <^). 1893 Mc(;d)l)on, Robert I-) , H.C.L ' untreal 1877 McGoun, Archibald (fP), M..\.. H < '.L.,, Professor ofLei,'al Hibliography, ami Sec. Fac. of J, aw, Mc(Jill L'niversity iSi St. James St., .Montreal 1876 ^McGregor. Kev. Alex. M Buffalo Lake. N.W.T. i8yo Mctiregor, .Archibald F Listowcl. O. 1877 60 BACHELORS OF ARTS. McG ^ f. regor, Rev. Duncan, M..\ \ McGiLfTor, l-:ii/al)etli Methia. ( Mrs. John" G.' (Van 1 McGrLj^or, James (C), Ni.A., LI„I) :|:Mc(;re(ror, folin Mun *McInt'is|,, Jolm (*M) Mclntyre, llfctor A . . MiKfPi'io, John (Moir •McKen/ie, R.ili.-rt iP, •;.McKen,;i,-, k„l,cit lait, M I).', ' M'f.liVaV Ex ntwerp, N.V.. U.S.A. tier) Montreal Victoria, K.C ■ly 1 1;, ii,/\.ac. . . MA.. FJ.C.L... •'"} ' tv ilispell, .^ >*■••• • lont.ina, r.S..\. ....Manilla. O ') W^^ '. '.'.['.'.''"" Mc!' ■ yiina^lics, McGill University Ken/ie, Rev. W tii. A. (C) aminer nnd Instructor in M( ontren Mrockvillo, () McKillo|,, Roland.. M>1 ircn, I);i\i( :I .McLaren, Harry ft) . McLann, John R,. M.A Cimimin<.^s, M.l>. M.C.L.'. , . ..67 .Mansfield St., Montreal ,, , ,, , ,, • ■••. "••' 525 Shorhrooke St.. Montreal McLean, Ihedaihane Campbell. H.C.I Montre^ .Veil W. ( Morrin;, CPz, McLennan. Rev. Duncan 11„ M.A iJ/^V-'UnUJ Min^^/o. McLennan, (.eorfie A j ' Y' • IIiiijli S. (|ML) ....".'.' J'i'vis, u. ^McLennan. Juim St, wan f P);(K.A.Caniah.);Tn^;;;; UniVeiJiis ■ l..i;. \r^T . I, ,, , , 270 I'.eacon St,, Boston, .\Lxss.. U.S.A. McL-nn.-m, Rev. .Malcolm (1M>.. I'res. Coll , St Elmo P.O., O Alcl eod. Arch., ,M I) . , - > • Mci..o,i,inu,canc.(tM, ..::;;:;.:::::; :::::;:cVarh;tt;3town;p^ .^Icl.eod, !■ indlay J ' VMcLeod, ] hi^'h ^ ... .". VMcLeod. Rev. Murdoch ]...................'.'.'.., McLeod, Norman rMorriri > '. HmnM. »',.'„' '< •.!,'..' '/.' + .\lLl.eo(l, .Norman .\ i' 1 •, x- .. \If'\lilli„ 111 Lockside, N.b. McNa 1 'i. .V • "l" • ; ■ ^^' Dorchester St.. Montreal .Mci\ai)i), Kev. Koliert d 11 /i McOuat. John Walter, School Inspecu;." .V.'.V." .'.V. Mchule' O •-McOuat, Walter rN> i.acliult, (^). tMcFhail, John Andrew, ^LD. (m'.R.C.'s" Ei'ig.V/f L.R.C.P.,' Londo,;;;; McR.-ie, A , , ^!l'^l''A^ jMcVicar. Archibald I'l ' . ' n :.McVicar, Donald s 'f '■"^' o" McWilliams, Rev. Andrew . . . . [ '::::::;::. ^''^'Z' O :rMei.yhen, Frank S ;;: p' •; ' f'';, "'' °; Mercer, W.alterl)..:; 34^ I eel St., Montrea Merritt. David Fresco. M I, P^'^i-^^^"' ^^ V wi ciin.on St^ Eim'S^V Hearlsburij, Cal., U.S.A. • • St. .\nne de Uellevue.O- JMitchdl, Robert J. W >N. "M^pfJ v'" Jl""""'"! iMotlat. David S.(tE).. 74 Hark Av., Montreal '■^^ Inverness, Q. .•1 CIV. 1.-1, >» aucr II Merritt. David Pre-'coti, .Ml)., Physician' \'i\ :Me.sseni,'er. Wm. John ( ^E) '. . . *Me\viioit, S Louise ^Miliar. Fdith M. 1871 1891 I.S6.} I.S91 1S70 1881 1867 1869 1889 1881 1S79 1875 1882 1878 1878 1858 1856 lS6y 1869 187I 1885 1885 1 874 1887 1 88 1 '873 1S72 1866 1887 1883 1892 1891 1881 1886 1865 1888 1886 '893 1890 1884 1889 1880 1863 1892 1892 1893 1892 1894 HACllELORS UK ARTS. 6t J.S A. 1871 )iUrenl l8yi , B.C. 1864 '.S.A. 1891 1S70 lla.O. 1881 1867 1869 tor in nitreal iSS^ lie, O. 1881 ny, (). i«7y Lo.,0. 1875 1882 1878 187S mtieal 185S iitieal 1856 ntical i86() 1869 es, O. 1871 'is, O. 1885 1885 ■ iiih. .S.A. i«74 J.,0. 1887 18S1 I'.E.I. 1873 1S72 1866 1887 re, (.). 1883 , N.S. 1892 ntreal 1891 g, O. 18S1 :t, Q. 1886 1865 3n). . ntreal 1888 11. O. 1886 y,0. 1893 y, O. 1890 o, O. 1884 ureal 1889 Ureal 1880 i,N.V 1863 .S.A. 1892 ne.Q. 1892 Ureal 1893 ureal 1892 . Q. 1894 Mollat, Kval 261 I'.O. IS. ., . . Moison, Chas. A. (fNj, .Manaijer i:ik| )X, Moyan I'ark, tDrk Co., III., C.s.A. 1891 Moore, Francis X 11 Mining Co., Ltd F.lkhorn, Montana. U.S.A. Moon-, Levi, Principal I Mo nvernessi Acadci rin. Rev. Jos. L. ((ML), NLA., Sessional Lecturer in"l' In verness, (,). U niversity. rench. M :Gill Montr Lirriston, O. Av., .Montreal . Urantforil, O. ■ St., Montreal Morison, Rev. Ihvi.l W. (E) The ALinse, Urmstown, ( >. •Mc.nson, Rev. joim Archibald ; i.,towcr u •Morris, Hon. Alexander, M.A., It.C.L.. I) (.L •Morris, William " Morrison, Rev. Jas. I) (N), NLA.', LlIu. VuH Vlni^m CoVk^'e,' N. V*)" .\rclidtaconofOKdcnsl)urt; Ondensl.uiL', N.V . L'.S \ .Morr. son, John, M.A., M.lJ O^.tensburt:, .\.V.. U.S A . IMoss, Rev. William Tlios. 1) Lortage la I'r.-iirie, .Man. Mmr. Andrew C ^.,,,., ,5 . Mmr, John F * Muir, Rev. I'etcr 1 ). (ad eun ) '. ..'.'. • ^!"''- ''•^"^'- " ■■■.".■.■. .;;;yc;ut;^:^;n; ;;: IMunn, Stew.irt M .,,, jvd Si., M-muJal Miiiiro, Rev. (nistavus, M..\ Hr Miinio, .Murdoch , M urphy , ,M ai tha C ."...".'.'!.".. .Siaimcrh Murray, .\lfred 1' Muriay, Alice J '. .... . ,, ' '.\'{y •Murray, Chaiies 11. (TN), NLI> ". ' '.rMurray.J. Ralph (IM), 15. C.I .'.". .'...'.'.'.'."".'.'."" ' NaLsmith, Rev. James (P2), Instructor V. M. C. A. Tiaini„K Scho'i , ..' .... ., „ Spiinyfieki Mass., L'.S..\. .W.iismith, Peter L., IL.V.Sc., Resident Kngnuer International Coal Co.. , NT , ,, liiidgejxirt, C.Ji. , iNay lor, I leiiry .\ Ifoid 1 )ioce.san College, .Montreal •Naylor, Rev. WillMin Herbert (tP), M..\., Dean. . Shaw. ille. (). Newnham, Rev. Jarvois A., M.A., Bishop of .Moonsonee. . Moose Fort via 'I'emiscamingue, .Moosonee, N.W.T Nichols, Wm. A tNicholls, Albert Geor.^c rfC), M..\., M.U. . i"v Lusignan St.j Montreal Nicholson, John Alex. (E), Principal Cote St. Antoine Academy Westmount, O. O Halloran, George F., J5.C.L N.Y. Life Building, Montreal O Sullivan. Rev. K. Benj St. Andrews, O. •Ogilvie, Archibald N .,., ; Ogil vy, Charles 1 144 Dorchester'st.', Montreal :,';Og)lvy, Isabella 1 144 Dorchester St., Montreal Oliver, Theophilus H. (Morrin) (P2) iOliver, William Kockbui'nVQ. Palmer, Jane V 267 Queen St., Ottawa, O. Parent, Manasseh B. (t) i,t. Pie, Q. iParker, Edwin Cordon (E), Sessional Lecturer English Language and Literature and History in Stanstead Wesleyan College.. .Stanstead, Q. ;t Parker, John, School Inspector Leeds Village, Q. 880 868 891 882 S70 S,S8 S49 859 865 866 8(jo 880 S64 S64 8()^ 871 S72 888 8S7 888 873 S83 887 SS8 894 872 878 887 890 887 883 886 880 894 894 866 891 888 884 892 S90 62 BACHELORS OK ARTS. Parsons, Simeon II. (atl eun), (IJ.A., I'niveisily N.Ii,), Principal V School 'ictoria „ „,.,,. ,,, , 50 St. Luke St.. Montreal 1 aton, \\ illiam Edward, Manufacturer Sherhrooke ( ) Patterson, William Cantl :;Patt \V ^y, <.>. Paulson. Mary I.elia illiam (C), M..\ 43 McGill College A v,, Montreal Clar ence\ ille, ( ). Patton, Iluyh M. (ML), M.U. (M. I)., iN.V. Ilom.eopathic College) .. Z. Montreal 120 Jiroadway, New York, N.V, Port Perry, O. . Montreal Pease, Geo. H. (fC) Pedley, Charles S. (P| f'e'l'ey, Francis (P), '. q i./ Xciela'ide" St*. E., Toronto. O. Pe, cy, hlton (tN) ; Cobourg'. O. Pedley, luyh. Cobourg, U. Pedley, James W ColjourL' O ^I'erkins,John A., MA., B.C.I ^' I'eiiigo, James (N|, M..\., .M.D. .. Petit, Rev. Charles P Phillips, Charles W '.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.".,! ^Pidgeon, George Campbell '.'.'.'.'.'.'. New"Ric'hmond,'o. Pi Isbury. Carroll K Augusta, Me., I .S.A. ...I itcher, Ethelwyn (tP), Icacher Stanstead Wesleyan CoU.Stanstead O *Plimsoll. Reginald J., M. A., B.C.L ' "' Porter. James Alex. (N). M.D ■.'.■.■.■..■ .■'.■. Pouass'an,"o. ■^^}-^iUhev bvana, Dunham, Q. Pntchard.JohnC. (Morrin) . Ouebt-c : rritchard \Vm. Sultle '. . li^wmanville, O. ••^•Kamsay, Robert Anstruther |tN), M.A., B.C.L Raynes, Charles, B.C.L. (li.A. adeun Bisiiops).. ,'.".".".'.'.' Montreal JRaynes. Ethel Geraldine. ... 135 Cote St. Antoine Rd., Westmount, O ;Kead, Kev. hrancts Winter, Missionary of the American Board of Corns for I- oreign Missions, American Mission ; Bailundu, Benguella, West n ,, ,, , . , ,_ ., , Africa via Lisbon Keddy, Herbert L.(E), M.D M^^j^eal Kedpath, George D *Redpath, William W., B.C.L .".'"" JReeves Archibakl C pVe'sb^teVi,;,; Colk-g^; MontVeal Red Helen R. Y- (tML) 57 L' nion Av. , Montreal ^p^w■.f'■^"'^^<?f^V •;;■•,, • North Mount.iin, O. H.Reid, William I). Maple Hill, Q. ; P. O. Address, care of Pastor of Vic- + ,, f , D .., , . ,^ lO''''i Church, Point St. Charles JRexford, Rev E son Irving (P), ..Rector of the High School, Montreal Richardson, A. W JRichardson, Rev. Peter L. (I^.d],* Wes.'coVl.') Wesleyan 'ColY., " Montreal Rielle, Norman l.(E). B.C.L Montreal Ritchie, Arthur F.(C), M^D . . .bulutrMinn. ...Ritchie, Octavia Grace (N), (M.D., Bishop's), Physician „ , . . n, .,. .. ,,„-, 471 <J"y -"^t-, Montreal Ritchie, Phuip E. (tML) ....Toronto O Ritchie, Wm F.(tC) B.C.L .660 Sherbrooke St., Mont'reai Rivard, Ed. Samuel (Morrin), Principal Cowansville Academy Cowansville, Q. iSSi 1S90 "893 iSS() ISS7 1864 iS-eS ISS6 IS8S •875 18S4 iSscS 1 866 1.S50 1S52 1S91 1S80 1892 185S 1883 1893 1881 1892 1862 1880 1892 1889 1S73 1857 1879 1892 1889 1S81 l8go 1876 1883 1890 1S82 '873 1888 1886 187s 1887 BACHELORS OF ARTS. 63 meal iSSi e, <). 1S90 y, »J. >5iq> Ureal I S.S6 e,(,). i8yi Ureal KSS7 N.V. J 864 y.O. 18-S 0.0. kSS6 ^,'.0. 1S8S 1,0. '^"iys 1,0. 18S4 . . .. 1858 I real 1866 • • • • 1.S50 • • • • 1852 1. (J. 1S91 ?.A. 1880 1,Q. 1892 . . . . 185S 1,0. 18S3 , Q- 1S93 ebec 1881 ;,o. 1892 . . . . 1862 tieal 1880 ,Q. 1892 )ms. Vest >l)on 1889 real i«73 • • • i«57 • • • 1879 real 1892 real 1889 , 0. 1S81 Vic- irles 1S90 real 1876 I88,s real 1890 real 1882 nil. 'S73 real 1888 0. 1886 real '875 'Roberts, George V. (P2) Roberts, Rev. W. D. (HI)., I'res. Coll.) , *Robert.son, Rev. Atlani (Moriin), Missionary., t Robertson, Albert J C JRobertson, Alex. (tN), Secy.'i'reas. Harbor Commissioner^ , St. I'aul, Minn., U.S.A. Metis, (). incinnatus, N.V.,U.S..\. iRobertson, Andrew Armour (N), M.D . Robi 1 100 Dorciiester St., Montreal ...24 Lincoln Av. , Montreal 1887 Kobertson, George ^Robertson, James (P) Patterson, N.j., L'.S.A. Robertson, I'hilip M Montreal •Robertson, Roliert (Pi J Robins, George Dougall (t) 513 Notre Dame St., Montreal Robins, Lillian B., Teacher, McGill Normal School 513 Notre Dame St., Montreal i^Robins, Sampson Paul (fM), M.A., LL.D-, Principal of McCilJ Nor mal School 32 Belmont St., Montreal Rochester, Rev. VVm. I^L (tC) I'rince Albert, N.W.T. Rogers, Rev. George (N2) Winnipeg. Man. * Rogers, John Henry (IP), li.C.L J Rogers, William, M.D Montrea'; Rolph, Nathaniel (Morrin) (Quebec Rondeau, Rev. Sam, (ML2 ) Sudbun-, O. *Ross, George (tC), NLA., M.D Ross, J. T. (t) CMorrin).. Quebec JRosSjJames (tP), M.D Dundas, O. :;.Ross, Jessie Katherine 156 St. Luke St., Monti al iIRoss, Joseph John, M.D Dewittville. o, Ross, Lewis Frederick, M.D.. .Willi.ims Av., Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. tRoss, Robert Oswald ....McGill Med. College, Montreal + Russell, Rev. Andrew Bristol, <■), Russell, Henry (, Morrin) , Russell, Rev. Walter Bristol, Q. Rutherford, Ale.x. Cameron, B.C.L Kemptville, C. iS.adier, Thomas A Dewittville, Q. Sanders, Rev. Wm Montreal Scott, Henry C. (Morrin) (P) Montreal Scott, Rev. Matthew H, (tN) West Winchester, O. Scott, Sarah B 482 St. Urbain St., Montreal Scrimger, Alex, (f) Gait, O. Scriver, Ch.arles W Hemmingford, Q. iSeymour, Martha (E) St. Albans, Vt., U.S.A. iShaw, S. Louise 196 Milton St., Montreal Shearer, Rev. William K Drumbo, O. Sherrill, Rev. Alvan Foote (+N). (D.D., Ohio Coll) .Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A. Silver,Herl)ertJ.(Moriin),HeadmasterAnnSt. School. 171 AnnSt., Montreal ::Skeels, Albee A. (tC) 91 St. Paul St., Montreal Slack, George Sloane, Edith J. (Morrin) 278 Grande Allde, Quebec iSmardon, Charlotte (tML) Three Rivers, Q. tSmith, Alistair (M2) Woodlands, Petitcodiac. N.B. *iSmith Arthur Welsford (H), B.C.L iSSo 1 886 1889 1893 1S70 1890 1 88 1 1S89 1885 1877 1892 1 89 1 1863 1S87 1884 18S2 18S9 1885 1884 1862 1883 1878 1892 1890 1883 1892 189I 1869 1887 1 88 1 1893 1887 1866 1877 iSoo 1883 1S80 1893 1894 1883 1864 18S5 '89.^ 1868 1889 •893 1894 1882 64 15ACHEL0KS OF ARTS. JSmitli, Edward 1". Mel Ilawkeslmiy, O. Smith, G. Louise . . , . , 901 Dorchester St., Montreal ilh, k ,Ua ill ( ). H. (Morrln), (M. A., Victoria) , :I;Smytli, Walter Henry 414 St. .Antoine St., Montreal Smyth, Rev. Wm. f. (ad eun| 414 St. Antoine St., .Montreal Solandt, Rev. A. Parker (U.D., Oberlin Coll.).E. Berkshire, Vl., U.S.A. Sparling', Wm Staffoid, O. Squire, .Maud M. iNl, (Mis. Wm. McL'rum) Arniagli, Ireland .Stetheni, ( ieor^e '1' Stevens, Wm. li.. Science Master Eindsay Coll. Institute. ... Lindsay, O. *Stevenson, Rev. J. F. (ail eun), (15. A., London Univ.) +Steven^on, Rev. James II. (15.1)., Wesleyan Coll.). .South Dummer, O. Stevenson, Samuel C^., M<^r. Mont. Exposition Co., and Secy. Council of Arts and Manufactures 76 St. Cabiiel St., Montreal •Stewart. Rev. Colin Campbell (tN). M..\ IStewart, John Chuk Woodstock, O. Stewart, Rev. Robert North Gower, O. Stewart, Wm. Grant (tN), M.D .Montreal Stewart, Wm. S. (fC) Charlottetown, I'.E.I. *Stirhnj^, Robert ... Stuart, Guhtavus G. (rP) (Quebec tSulberland, llu^di C. Carnean, Man. Swabey, Chas. (tN) Toronto, O. tSwansou, Isaac J Chicaj^o, Congre. Theo. Seminary. Chicago, 111. Sweeny, George R Manning: .\rcade, Toronto, (.J. Sweeney, Rev. Canon fames F., M. A. (D.D., Trinity, Toronto) ,Tor(jnto, O. Tabb, Silas Everett (P), M.A., M.D Sherbrooke, (). JTanner, John U E. F. (Morrin) Sawyervilie, (^. +Tailey, Eleanor (N) 325 Prince Arthur St., Montreal Taylor, .\vchibald Dui,l)ar (C), H.C.L. . ! Monti-eal Taylor, Edw. Thornton, The Cheshire Regt. care of Messrs. Cox &^ Co., Army Agents, London, England I'eshawa, llurnia, India JTaylor, Rev. Ernest M., M..\., School. Insp. Brome and Missisquoi. . .. Cowansville, (J. ^Taylor, James 104 Mackay St., Ottawa, O. JTees, John Montreal JThomas, F'rancis Wolferstan G London, O. Thomas, Henry W . (tE) Toronto, O. Thompson, Rev, George J. A., M.A. (B.D., Pres. Coll), (Ph. D., HI. Wes. L'niv.) Aylnier,0. J Thompson, James Bristol, Q. Thornton, Hastwell \\ . (N), M.D New Richmond, Q. Thornton, Rev. R. McAlpine (ad eun), (B. A., Toronto) .... London, Eng. Thuilow, Rev. H. M Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. J'loimie, Alexander, Teacher Mont. Collegiate Institute 162 St. Luke St., Montreal JTopp, Francis (tM), B.C.L 18 Latour St., Montreal Torrance, Rev. Edward Eraser (P2), M.A Peterboro,0. Tonance, Frederick W., D.V.S Brandon, Man. •Torrance, John F'raser, B.A. Sc JTory, Henry Marshall (tM (B.C., Wes. Coll,), Sessional Lecturer in Mathematics. McGill Univt.,.,ity Montreal '«93 1891 1889 1892 1887 1887 1886 1889 1S59 1879 1876 1889 1874 1867 1894 1882 1885 187S 1.S82 1875 1890 1886 1890 i,S88 1S78 1.S69 1892 1892 1S74 1878 1875 1892 1891 1882 1874 1885 •893 1878 1872 1888 1890 1886 1871 i8>8 1872 i8qo BACHELORS OF ARTS. i«93 1 891 1889 1892 1887 1887 1S86 1S89 1859 1879 1876 1S89 1874 1867 1894 18S2 1885 187S 1 882 1875 1890 1886 1890 1S88 1878 1S69 1892 1892 1874 1878 1875 1892 1891 1882 1874 1885 1893 1878 1872 1888 1890 1886 1871 |8>8 1872 tTownsc-.Kl. William McN Trenholmu, Clias. W. (Ni, 11. A. Si Tiaveller's Rest, I'.K.I. Montreal tTrenholme. tAlwanI L. (]N) We.s'.moiint, O. Trenholmc, Norman Wm. (F\, M.A., 15.C.L., D.C'.L., Q.C., Dean of tiie Faculty of Law, and I'lof'ss^r of Roman and Public Law, Mcdill Uni- ^ t-"'-^'' >• '. . . . Montreal tTfucll, I Inrry \'. (tP), li.C.L 2367 St. Catherine St., Montreal Tucker, John \V. ( tC*, rrinci[)al and Proprietor Montreal Collegiate ''I'-'iliite 60 Dninimond St., Montreal TiinMall, Simon [no. (E), M.D Vancouver, B.C. Tuppur, James '^tcwart (C), Q.C Winnipeg, Man. lurner. Walter II. (I-E), I I5.A., Manitoba), Publisher 42 Temple Court, New York, NA'., I'.S.A. Unsworth, Rev. Jos. K. (tE) Hurfurd, O. Walker. John (Morrin), Walker, Rev. George F ( )xbow, N.Y., U*s!a* Walker, 'I'homa-. li. A.Sc Wallace, Rev, Rol.t. W. (P), M.A LondonVo. Wallace, Rev. Wm, E Maple Vailey, O, JWaller, Charles t:. (ad eun), (1!.A. Cantab) Diocesan Theo, Coll., Montreal, Q. t Walsh. Alex. W Huntingdon, Q., J. 15. ( INl Ormstown, O. ;; Wal>li, 1 hos. N Ormstown, Q. JWalteis, Henry (Morrin), M.A. , Professor of Mathematics and Math. Physics, Morrin College Ouebec Q Ward, George li. (tCl, M.A \. ....... J Warne, James Facey Eastman, Q. :!: Warne, William Arthur Eastman, Q. :;: Warner, A-nes L. (N2) ,St . John, N. B. Warriner, Rev. Wm. H. (tE) , Montreal * Watson, AlindusJ ,, . Watson, Rev. Murray Leamington, O. Watts, Wm. John (C), B.C.L Drummondville, Q. Weeks, Wm. A Charlottctowr., P.E.I. Wellwood. Rev. James M, (M.A., Univ. Manitoba), (M.D., L'niv. Louisi- ana), In-pector of Schools Minnedosa, Man. Wlullans, R.v. George (7i»2) N. Georgetown, Q. Wliillans, Rtv. Robert, M.A Hintonburg, O. WIme, Walter Woodworth (.ad eun), (B.A., Univ. N.lJ.)..St. [ohn, N.B. White, Wm. John, M.A. ,[;.C.L 11 Place d'Armes, Montreal ;;.Whitela\v, Rev. James NL (Morrin), (15. D., Morrin). Kinnear's Mills, Q. Whyte, Charles William, Missionary among the Indians. Kamsack,\.W.T. J Whyte, { Jeorge Leeds Village, Q. :;: Whyte, James Thompson, M. O Metcalfe, O. Wicksteed, Richard J. (C), B.C.L., M.A., LL.U Ottawa, O. Williams, Annie (tP), (Mrs. iRev.J Francis VV. Read), ^rissionary, Am- erican Mission Bailundu, Benguella, Africa (via Lisbon) ;-. Williams, Edward J '. Sherhooke, Q. Wilson, Alice .Maud (P), Teacher of German in the Presbyterian College. Toronto, O. 65 '893 1882 1890 1 868 [889 r88i "873 1871 1 884 r8S4 1880 1882 i860 1872 1886 •893 1890 1887 18S9 18S5 1874 1891 1891 1894 1877 1876 1866 !8;>i 1878 1872 1872 1885 1881 1889 r8S7 1892 1890 1863 1S90 1892 1889 66 BACHELORS OF ARTS. Wilson, Joliii (P). M.A iS6f) lilWood. Artluir 1!. r'M) St. folins. (J. 1892 Woo.], Frnnk Op;i]vie. IJ.C.I '. Montreal 1869 Wood, Hamilton liojton. I'residciit Derby Street Ky. Co. . . liiimintjliam. Conn. , I'.S.A. 1879 Wood, Thomas Fiank Diinliani, <). 1S69 Wotlierspoon, Ivan Tolkein iP). iMonir.) M.A., H.C.I Montreal 1866 ;;:Wright, Georpe Cunninj^'ham. H.C.I Hull. Q. 1.S84 •Wright, Wm. Mackay. H.C.l Ottawa. 6. i86r JYates. Rev. Nelson P. (Pi. Lecturer Bishops Collefie. . .Lennoxville. (). 18S6 tYounj;. Henry C HiilValo. X.l). . U.S.A. 1S91 |C1 l-'iisi Rank Ilomnii |E| <lo 'lo ti iMl >!,. <^iit (1 |N| .lo do (1 IP] ,1,. do d |ML1 dc. do d ISLl do d<< d ■ in Clas"^ics, ill Knylish I.iicialinc, i-lc. ill M.-itlii'iiuitics and I'hysics. in Natural ScIl-iicc. ill Mental ami Moral ^hilll^•.'])lly ill Modern l.aiii»iiat;es. in .Semitic Lans:na};cs. fCa) S ecnn IK2I <ln |M2i do N2I do l'2i do [ML^i do |SI...| <1(, nd Rank di>, do do do do do do do d.. do do do -do I Indicates the Hold Medallist for the snliject denoted hy tin- leiier to uhich il is prefixed ; or, if standiiiK alone, I'or tiest general vtandinL'. l''or the 'itlcN of the Cold Medals, assigned to the ~i:\eral sul)jt.cts since 1804, see J VI. if Tacully of Art-,, University Calendars. In 1857, 1858, iH^g, the Chapman Medal wa-- awarded for the bc-.t general standinu; ; iSt'.o, 1861, 1B62, for Classics ; iS6f, for Mental anil .Moral Plii!oso|iliy 1S64, for Natural Science. In 1S62, the Prince of Wales Medal aw.irded lor Natural Science: 1863, for Mathema- tics and Physics ; 18(14, for l.'lassics. * Deceased. t (Juali lied to vole for Ivlcction of Representative hellows. liACHLLORS OF AIT'LIKD SCIENCE. i JAddie, (ieor^e Kyle. Frov. Land Surveyor No. 2 I'actory St.. Sberbrooke, Q. :!:Antlitr. lohn llojden, M.A.Sc, D.I'.S. (Ottawa).'. Montreal •Archibald. Hy. A Ball, T<'liii Pl.-iw, A.M.C. Soc. C.E. ..Chica^'o 1 )iainnL,re Canal, U'mont, 111., C.S.A. liatcheller, Al van A Bedford , Q. itHell, Robt. (N), M.L.. (LL.D.. (,)ueen's), Asst. Director (ieological Survey Ottawa.O. JBickerdike. Robert, Jr F.O. 1)0x94, Montreal iBolton, Ellsworth 1)., Civil Fng'r Listcwel, O. Boswell, Jaiiu'!-- St. Ceoii^e, M . Inst. C.E.and F. Imp. Inst. (London). M. Can. Soc. C.E.(Mont.'), IM. S. (Quebec), Chief Engineer C)uebec Harbor Commission Quebec., Q. lioulden, ('lias. M Millersbuig, Ky., U..S,A. iBowden, William A Richmond, Q. Brodie. Robert J., Fresident and Mgr. Standard Fertili/.er 6^ Chemical Co. , Ltd Smith's F.ills, O. ;l:Uulman, William Jardine Hydrogiaphic OHicc. Halifax, N.S. 1889 1889 iSSr 1 88 7 1861 1S91 1892 1874 187S 1873 l8qi liACHELORS (H- A1'I>I,IED SCIENCE. 67 1874 187S 1893 1873 1891 + Hiirii.s, Jolin Andrew. McL-liaiiiciil lliifjineer and Miifis' A^eiil 6S6 Ciaii; St., Montreal Cliilds, .Vitliiiv K.. Manager Electric StiHage Hattoiy Co'. Exchange l)uildin<^, F.oston, Mass., U.S.A. Cliipman, Willi.s (N), M.Am. Soe. C.E.. M. Can. Soc. C.E., Civil and Sanitary Engineer 103 Hay St.. Toronto, O. Collins, John J Olt.awa, O. :;:Copelaad, Eouis iienjaniin Room 72 Imperial lildg., Montreal iCostigan, James Shearer 1272 Dorchester St.. Montreal Cowie, Fred. \Vm,, Resident Enj;r. Depi. l'ul)lic \V(>ri<s Ottawa, O. iCunningliam, William Norton 50 I'lymoulh Grove, Montreal t Uarliny, Ildward 1 ' B) 99 Dnunmond St. , Montreal Davis, Allan R., Civil Eng'r Xapanee, O. + Daws(in, -Mexaiider Scott 95 Milk St., Boston. Mass., U.S.A.. Uawson, Geo. II . City Engineer's Office Vancouver, 1!.C. ;; L)a\v.sGn, Wni. Ileil. M..\., Mivl^, 'I'idal Survey, Department of .Marine. Ottawa, O. ;;:Denison, William Simeon Denison's Mills. (). Dowling, Donaldson Hogart (I), Field Geologist and E.\plorer, Geologi- cal Survey ( )ttawa, O. Drummond, Artiiur E. (t) Montreal 1 )rummond, Thos Kamloops, 1!.C. 'Dudderidge, James :;;Duff, William Archihaid Laurie F>ngine Works, .Montreal :;:Dyer, William FJniest Leonard Montreal iEUacott, Charles Herbert Victoria. H.C. Eneas, Aubrey G John Hancock lildg , ISosion, Mass., U.S. A. Forlong, Gorilon . Wilmington cr" Norfolk Ry.. Wilmington. N.C., U.S..\. Forneret, V'ictor W. F . Civil F^ngineer lierthierville, Q. Fortier, Samuel, I'rof. of Hydraaiics, College of Utah, Logan, I'tah, U.S.A. F'oster, Philip ! An.aconde Mining Co., Hutte Ciiy. Montana, U.S.A. *F"rothingham. John I Graham, VVm C. M.^S- St. P. Ry.. Chicago, 111.. U.S.A. JGreen, Thos. D Department of Indian .Affairs, Oitawa, O. tGreenl.erg, Louis (tB) 17 Tonance St., .Montreal + Hall, Richard, Lumber Manufacturer Rat Portage, O. *Harvey, Chas. J.. i;.A ;;: Hawkins, .\lbert Ho-.var<l I'.L.S. (11. C.), Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Ho.\ 404, Vancouver, 13. C, * Hawley, David F' JHeidt, Louis McGill College, Montreal Hetherington, Frederick .... " 336 John St., (Quebec, Q. Hill, .\rthur li., F^ngineei of Water Commission . .New Westminster, li.C. Hislop, John L F:agle, F.^agle Co., Col.,U.S..\. + IIo!man, Robert Claude Providence, R.L, U.S.A. +H.opkins, Marsh ;11 W., Sanitary Engineer Hamilton, O. i'Jones, Thomas Harry, City Engineer Drantfonl, O. Kennedy, George T., M..\. (D. Sc. Hon. and M.A. ad eun King's), (F'.G.S , London), Prof, of Chemistry, (Jeology and Mining in King's College King's College, Windsor, N.S. Kerry, John G.G. (tB)., Ma. E 149 Durocher St., Montreal '<'^93 1S88 1S76 1882 1892 1894 18S6 1S92 1894 1S84 1894 18S6 •875 1890 18S-, 1888 1882 1880 1894 1894 1890 1 888 1884 1887 1885 18S2 1875 1884 1S82 i«93 1878 1874 1890 1876 •893 1S76 •875 1884 1893 t888 1877 ■87.^ 1886 68 15A(. IIliLOKs OF AI'ri,IL:ii SCIKNCK. JLarmont Jolui Herbert, C, T. R. Shop- lO l,is|^';u St., Ottawa, U. Jl.aurie, William I'if 596 St. John St., (^)uebec, Q. + Lca, Richird Sr.''''', Ma.E^ (h, Lecturer in Mathcmaiics an^t Drawing, McC;ill University Mt.ntreal l-esage, T. \V ( iiy I'.n^'ineer's oClice, Montreal + l,onergan, Gerald Joseph I'.uckini^liani, (J. Lovelace, K(l(jar S . M . ( t E\ II. 1'.. Ives <^ Co 'Montreal +Mackay, Henry Martyn (t| Ottawa, L). + Macphail, James Alexander (I) Orwell. I'.E.l. :J:Massey, Arthur W. K \^i)h Dorchester St., Montreal +Mattice, Ernest Kduard Stewart i)oni. i5(lt,'e. (Jo., Montreal iMcCarthy. Jas. Marmaduke, Civil Enj^iiu er .... Stand ml lUi;., Montreal McDonald, John, .Vrchitect Omaha, \el),, U.S.A. McEvoy, James Geological Survey, Ottawa. O. +McEarlane, Malcolm C Almonte. O. McKen/ie, John M , .' McLear, Ale.\. J D. W . o- Sit. Sie. Marie Ry., i'lockvi'lieVo., Murdy J Willianislo-^ n, O. JMcL:"od, Clement H., MaF, , Professor of Survvint; and (ieodes.)', ani) Lectiver on Descriptive Csomu y, Supt. of Meteorological 01.?,ervi-. tory. .VicGill University MoiitrcTJ iMcLeo.i, Thomas M.rskt 1; Waltham, Mass. , U.S. A . McMillan, David E.. <.;. I'.R ,ChicaLo, HI., U.S.A. JMcTaggait, Duncan !)> naii) . . 76 Redpath St.. Montreal JMiddleton, Percy Howe !>;. 223 X. Cayui,'a St., Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. Miller, Frederick F. (+) j .■; n. Iltlg. . Co., Reaver Falls, Pa., U.S. A Mollatt, James W , (.'hiei engineer Great Western Ry Salt Lake City, L'tah. U.S.A. :;:Mooney, George Walwortli , 269 University St., Montreal iMudge, .\rthur Langley 295 Peel St., Montreal :;: Murphy, David 41 S Guy St., Montreal iMurphy, Peter Joseph 031 East I36tli St., New York, N.Y., U.S..\. JNaismith, Peter L., li . ,\., Resident Engineer Dominion Coal Co., Ltd.. Glace bay, N.S. O'Dwyer, John S. (i),C.P.R Granby, Q. Ogilvy, David, Aichitect 1 144 Dorchester St , Montreal JOgilvy. Robert F.. Ma.E 1144 Dorchester St., Montreal •Page, John Palmer. Robert Edward, Asstistant City FJngineer. ..Vancouver, 1!.C. ;;:Ramsuy^ Henry Martyn (t|, .\sst. Chief 1 "raftsman L. V. Ry. Co.'. .... South Easton, Pa , U.S..\. ■.!;Rankin,John 838 Dorchester St., Montreal ;:Red|)ath, Peter Whiteford 1065 Sherbrooke St., Montreal h: Reed. Chester Howdiich 4130 Lake Av., Chicago, 111., U.S..\ Reid. Wm. M ;... 178 Guy St., Montieal iRe.\ford, Orrin, Headma-ter McGill .Model School 32 lielniont St.. Montreal Richard, Louis Napoleon ( ieological Survey. Ottawa, O. Rinfret, Raoul, P. U.S., Civil laigineer N.Y. Life BuildinL'. .Montreal :;: Ruben. .Mphonsc .Marie .\ntoine Ottawa O. 1S94 I S(jo 18S5 i.Si>4 uSSS ).S()3 -S93 iSqo (8^7 INS4 i<s,S3 1X89 188} KS74 :889 «873 'S93 1S84 1 89 1 .89 1 1SS2 1884 1890 1S94 !«93 1892 1889 1S80 1884 1 888 1875 1887 1 09 1 1894 1890 1 8()o 1 886 1890 18S1 |8,S7 ^^93 W. i,S94 1.S90 iSSs 1894 WS94 i.S()- iNS4 I .S^3 1S89 1S84 IS 74 :8S9 I" ^1 '873 1S93 ^. 1884 al 1891 a, \. 1891 V, 1SS2 V. 18S4 \l 1890 i! 1894 \[ '«93 i. 1892 ^ , 1SS9 ). 1S80 al 1884 al iSSS 1 875 '• 1887 \. 1 :m_) I al 1894 li 1890 V. l8qo il 1 886 il 1890 >. iSSi il fSS- ). ■a ''''93 HACIIELOHS OF Al'l'LIKD SCIKNCK. 69 i Robertson . Oen, Ivhvanl, Resident Assl. lln^incci < ialo|)s Canal, Cardinal, O. 1874 Rofjeis, Richard 1! Tuiit \'al!oy <annl \V(>rk<, IV'tiMhoru, (). 1S77 Ross, (It'oryc Wi'llnnd, O 1S75 l^Ross. IMiillii' Dnn-kcn. i-'-diioi and Mnt;. Direi tor ( >tiawa hiinnal ( ».:a-va. ' ). 1S7S RnutliiT, [. T. [udc I'ld). W'.trk- 1 )l'|ii tmnit. 1 Hm'v 1. t ) iSS^ , Uyan Arnold J Nrnvknk. < tkl.ili mia. C.'-i.A. 1 Si)^ ."' cunders, liiyce J., City l^nj^'i- UmLkvill •. i » 18S0 :;:;)chwitzer, John Edward, Assi. Knf^intci Oitawa, Aiii)pr,in 6^1'M:y Sound Ry Otiaw;-. , ( ). 1S91 .1 Simpson. Lincoln . . . i.(iv\rll. Ma s . IS A. iSg^ l Skaife, Wilfred 'i' 6;,o Shcrliidoku Si., iSSo ;[:Smart, W. C. Giegory. Oiaftsinan, Goldie w-^ McCiilloi^h ...dak, (J. 1S92 Smith, Cecil Uninswick (h., Lecturer in Civil iMit^ineeiiiiL; and Descriptive (leomeli)', Mi-(;ill L'niversiiy Montreal 1884 I^^Sniith, Geori^e Sinclair (I) rittsbiiiL;, i'a.. U.S..V. 1892 Smith, Richard !•" N'oire Uanie St., Montreal 1883 :I;Si)oule, \Vni . |.. ^^^. !•".., Asst.. Enjjineer Harbor I'rusi, Harl))r Com- missioners Common St., Montreal 1S77 r Stevenson. James .\lbert McGill Colle;;e, Montreal 1893 iStewart, Donald .Vlexinder, Civil Engineer C.l'.R. . . . VVinnipcij, Man. 1873 iStone, Ernest .-\lbert itB), Ma.E., I'ark C.-' Island Ry. Co.... Montreal 1891 !,': Street, Leonard Lee Liedeiieton, N.I!. 1893 JSlrontj, Allan W. (tBi, Teacher, High School Montreal 18S9 iStuart, Henry Hlack, Canada Switch M(g. Co id Hutchison St.. Montreal 1892 'Swan.John 187S Taylor, Daniel, Division Lnj^meer S.F.V. o-^ S . W io}2 Lumber Exchange, N'-inneap'-li--, Mmn., L'.S..\. 1887 Thompson. Hedley Vicars (t) C-' n. Rv . Chicago, 111.. U.S .\. 1885 Thomjison, VVm.Thos. (N), M .V Sc, Dommion Lnnd and I' Surveyor ',' 1' MM' He Maiion, Assa.. N.W. I'. 1877 JTij^he, fames 1 South lladley F.dls, Ma-.s , U.S.. \. 1892 Trem])lay, .\lfred J St . Roch des .\ulnels. (,). 1888 Trueman. Herman Chicago, 111., U.S.. \. 1886 JTuplin, lames Preston ... McDonnell &' Hood, Guaranty and Loan Big., Minneapolis. Minn., U'..S.A. 1889 Waddell. John .\.le\. Low, Ma.E. (C.E., Rcnsilaer Poly. Inst.), Con- sultini; I'.ridLje En^' n. er Kan-a- <Jity, .Mo., U S..\ 18S2 W.addc 11, R(d>oii Wm I 250 Grant St.. D.'nver, Col., U.S .V. 1S81 H-'Waii wrii.;hi. James Georije R., Diaui^litsma'i . Hamilton, O. 1892 ;'HWall)aiik, \Vm. McL, Civil Eni;ineer ?.I4SI. lames St., Mon'real 1S77 Wardrop, Norval, M..\.Sc. (Se. D. andLL.D, National University), l'ro^es^or^i .\ichiteet ire in M:iiioiial Universit\) .14 Noble St., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. 1877 ;', Warien. Wdliam He- rv . . . I urtle Creek. ,Mlet;li.i:ey Co., Pa. , L' .S..\. 1S92 Wicksteetl, Henry K . I'oronto, Ilamillon ^'-- Hulfalo Ry., Hamilton, O 1873 :;:\Villiams, Miles Lawrence Montreal 1891 Wilson. Robert .\ Winnipeu, Man. 1875 +Winghain. Thomas Heiny. Draftsman Fdeclrical Co .Xfjueduct St., Montreal 189 1 70 BACHELORS OF AlTLIKl) SflENCK /// Mining iiiid .ls.<ii_yii/.i,' . lAdanis, Walter C'lamtilcl 45 Metcalfe >t., Montreal 1S94 Drown. (Jlias. I'ercy (N2), Secy, and 'IVeas. to the lirown-Shannon Co, Lt'd rittslmrg, E.K. l'a.,U.S.A. i885 Carlyle, W. A. (IB), (N), Ma.K.. Lecturer in Mininj; and Metallurgy in McGill University Montreal 1887 :I:Cole, Arthur Augustus (Nl, HA., (ieologicnl Survey. . .28 VicU)ria St , Montreal 1S91 n'ealherston, John Hamilton (N2) Huesnelle Forks, B.C. 189,^ Kerrier, Walter Frederick (IN), I'.tJ S., Lilhulngisi. . .(Geological .Survey, Ottawa, O. 18S7 JGunn, Robert .\lex.. Mining I'.ng'r .Nutley N.J.. I'.S.A. 1894 tllenit, Henri I). (N2) (j8 Dtloriinier Av, Montreal 189:^ Howard, Wm. H. (N) Pueblo. Colo , C.S. A. 1883 t-Kingston, Charles B., !5..\ 1050 Dorchester St., Montreal 1892 :!;Lanil)ert. Frank Woodstock, O. 1894 + Leach. William Wilson Montreal 1894 Leofred. .\., lie I'.X. A. Roy (, Laval), Consulting Mining Engineer 17 I'l.iee d'Armes, Montreal 18S8 Low, .Vlbert F. (N) Geological Survey, Ottawa, O. I,S.S2 Macnutt, Charles H. (N2), .Mining Engineer. . . . Lendville, Col., U.S.A. I,S88 Macy, Ernest McCourl (N), Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor. . Burl md, i\. H., U.S.A. 18S5 JMatthewson, Edward Payson (N), Supt. and .Metallurgist The Pueblo Smelting X: Refining Co I'ueblo, C(jI., U.S.A. 1885 ^McGregor, John Murray, B.A.(N)(tB) \'ictoria, B.C. 1892 iPurvcf, James George H Bridge Port, CM! 1892 Robert, Jo.seph A .Montreal 1884 Robertson, William I'leet (N2), Mining Engineer and Assayer. ... 77 Pine St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 1880 Rogers, Richard B., Superintending Engineer Trent V^alley Canal Peterborough, O. 1S78 iRussel, Hugh Yelverton (N21. Geological Survey of C^aii.ada. . Ottawa, O. 1891 Spencer, Joseph Wm. (N). State Geologist Vtlanla, Ga., U.S..\.. 1874 •Torrance, John Eraser (N), B..\ 1873 Trenholme, Chas. Wm. (tB). 1!..\ 395 .Mountain St., Montreal 1885 •:;;Walker, William Henry Hamilton (N) 1891 iWUiteside, Orton i:. S. (N) \uthracite, N.W. T. 1894 Wicksteed, Henry K T. H. &- \i. Ry., Hamilton. O. 1874 *Wilkins, Llan. F. H. (K), (B.A., Toronto) 1875 /« PiactUal Cliemiit)\, JAdams, Frank D. (N), M.A.Sc (Ph.D., Heidelburg), Professor of Geo- logy and Paleontology, McGill University ... .393 Guy St., Montreal 1S78 i".\dams, Walter Chamblet 45 Metcalfe St., Montreal 1892 JBarnes, Howard Turner. Post Graduate Student 14 Lome .\v., Montreal 1S93 +15oustcad. William Edward Toronto, C ). 1892 I GRADUATES IN CIVIl, ENGINEERING. 71 JBiodie. Alexander, McGill Collef^e, M(,ntrtal 1S94 + I5urlan(l, IclTiey II. (N2) 287 University St.. Monlieal 1SS2 tCalveit, Sidney (N), (A.M., Harvard) 23 Hilton Hlock, Cambrid-^e, Mass., L'.S.A. 1890 tfiinnor. Matthew Francis 199 Theodore St., Ottawa, O. 1894 ;: Kd wauls George M. (IN), Chemist 14 Lome Av., Montreal 18S9 tEvans, Nevil Norton, M..\.Sc.,Lecturer inCheniistry in McGill L'niver.sity Montreal 1S86 ; Evans, Perry Norton (IB), il'h.D., Leipzig) .. 217 Milton St., Montreal i8qo llamdton. Edward Henrv (N2) Pueblo, Col., U.S.A. il-84 llamiilon, Wdliani I Pueblo, Col., U.S.A. 1888 JHer-ey, Milton I.., Chemist of the Can. Pac. Ry., CP.R. Testing Laboratory 76B Cherrier St., Montreal 1889 t-Jamieson, Robert Ileniy Montreal 1890 tKlock, Alon/(. John Aylmer, Q. 1892 *iLeRossijrnol, Peter Henry 1892 *Molson. Herbert 170 University St., Montreal 1894 :;:Shiitlleworth. .\rthur Edw&rd, Professor of Chemistry, and Analyst Ontario Agric:iilnii;il Col'i'tJf Guelph. O. 1890 *Smaill, Wdliain.chemi.-t to Londonderry Iron Co., Ltd .. Arcadia Mines, Colchester Co., N.S. 1.S90 Walters, Charles Liiiohlin, Lvnian's Sons iSr=Co..St. Paul St., Montreal 1888 Weir, Arthur (t), b- ->ker and Eililor BanciueVille Marie, Montreal 1886 •:|:Voung, Andrew 1889 /;/ I'.lKtriial Eiii^ineo in^. :tCol!yer, .Mfred Engineering Building, McGill College, Montreal 1S94 t-Longworth, Charles Henry Blackwood Charlottetown. P.E.I. 1S94 ;'; Morris, John Wm ...Wallace, N.S. 1894 tPitcher, Frank Henry, Physics Building, McGill University, Montreal 1894 l8q2 GRADU.VTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Barnston, Ale.xander, B. .\ 1 859 Crawford, Robert 'S59 Doupe, Joseph Winnipeg, Man. iS6l Edwards, George 'S63 Frost, Geo. Hy., Business Mgr. Engineering News e- .\mer. Ry. Journal Tribune Building, New Voik, N.V., U.S A. 18O0 Gaviller, Maurice, Land Surveyer \ CoUingwood, O. 1863 *Goodiiig, Oliver I'^S^^ Gould, James H 'S62 Kirby, Charles H ...%Jas. Kirby, Imperial Building, Montreal i860 McLennan, Christopher '859 Reid, John Lestock Prince Albert, Man. 1863 Rixford, Gulian Pickering Bedford, Q. 1864 72 DOCTORS OF COMPAKATIVE MEDICINE AND Koss. Anliur Montreal iSfio •Snvago, losejih i860 VValktr, Thomas i860 (N) I'irst Kaiik Honours Natural Si icncc. (Na) Secutirt Rank Honour^ Natural Science. t llnvcrnor-CJenerars Medal fnr highest goii- Science, (til) British Association (iold Medal, ftjualilii-d to vote for Klcctinn of U. inrscutaiivc Kclh^w- * Deceased. . fir II. i lic-lur (>! Appli DOCrORS 0¥ CUMI'AK.MIVK MLOICIXI-: AND VE IliRIXAkV SCIEM 1:. .\iKleison, liruce Detioit, Midi., U.S.A. 1X^4 .\uslin, R. U, (V S., Mont. \\t. Coll.) 1890 Uaker, Godfrey I'lipps Uinscarth, Man. 1894 ii'.akLT.Maku'l.i. C. (V,S,, Mont. Vet. Coll.). Fiui", of Vet. Anatomy, IVlc- ( .ill University. Montreal 1890 liall, Erasttis r. (\ S., Mont. \et. Coll.) Stanstead, (>. 1890 liecket, (ieo. C. |V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll... (M.KC.V.S., London). I'rof. liacteiiolog. A.M.\ .C. .47 E. 2ist St., New York, N.V., U.S.A. 1890 Uol;;' r, David r Caiidiriilj^p. Mass., U.S.A. 1892 Iiiainerd, K Rakoko, Mo„ U.S.A. 1893 •liiyden, Williamson (V.S, Mont. Vet. Coll.) 1890 Biichan, James .Andrew L'( )ri<;nal, O. 1894 Campbell, J. C Montreal 1893 Cannon, Ale.\aiuler Georj;e 1 Keene, N.H., U.S.A. 1894 Carey, Emerson Jay North .\dams, Mass., U.S.A. 1894 Cleaves, A. S Kindle, N.H.. U.S.A. 1893 Clement, A.W. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) Baltimoie, Md., \J.'> V 1890 Cleveland, llany Roland Danville. 1894 Comstock, David I! .Mhany, N.V., C S.A . 1891 Coutnre, J. A. fV.S., Mont. \et.(oll) ." (^itel . (^). 1S90 Craiir, Wm. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll 1 Cuinwall,0. 1894 Crevier, Eiward C. (V.S., Mont. .'. CoM \ I'eterboroiiijh, O. 1891 Crossman, Ceorj^e Seth (I).S.,t"oii m Mai, N.^'., I .S.A. 1890 Ciimmings, I'eter (V.S., Mont. \et. ( oU.i Quebec, (). 189 1 Darlint;. .N'ldrew 3230 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.. I'.S.A. 1890 Daubigny, \ . T. (V.S., Mm 1. Vet. (' .d,,. Dir. Eeole ^'et. de Mont' , 1 Laval University , .. . • MontH.d 1S90 Dawes, Mark A. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.), City Inspector of Danies Mcmtreal 1890 Deimy. II. Dillon, Get' Mcl.eod Diinton, II: Dyer, Cliai Dyer, Robt French, Cf <jangloff, ( Goddard, / Gorhani, A •Grntfan, I Hall, .\le\ Hall, Will Harris, Alt Harris, Jai Ilayman, I Higginson, Hinkley, ^ Hoare, Ed Fellow ^ Jakenian, ' Keys, Aid Lamb, An l^e, Geo. Leniay, D Lofgren, C Lyford, C Coll . . . Macaulay, Mc Alpine McCorniic and \ e : McCrank, McDonali McDonak McDouga McEaclirJ and Di? McEachra Faculty Mcdicii McGillivr McGlue,. McGuire, Mclntyre McLellan McLeod, McNaugl MtWhinr Miller. G. _ ViniiRINARV SCIICNCE. Denny. 11. F, . M.l' Montreal Dillon, Geral.l I'. (VS., Mont. Vet. Coll.;. N. W. Mn.i. I'olice, Hort Mclxoil ^\ I'ta. N.W.T. Dunton, Harry H Richmond, Q. Dyer, Cliavlcs K. (V.S., Mont. Vet, CoH ) Sutton. Q. Dyer, Robert K.. Hoslon, Mass., U.S.A. French, C \ .1 (t) ' •"'"'"" ; l''"^' <;anKlofr, (.CO. E Hutfalo. N.V.. U.S.A. Gocklard, A. [. G. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) .. hrunswick. Main. U S.A. Gorh.nm.A. W .bellow's Falls, \i , U.S.A. •Grnttan, Ricliard Ilarvey . . .. Hall Alexander Hammond Leeds, n. Hall, William H. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) <,)usbec, (,). Harris, Alex. Waddell (V.>.. Mont, Vet. Coll.) Ottawa, O. Harris, James (i. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) Dululh, Minn,, U.S..\. Dayman, lulien Marshall Montreal HiL'ginson, Chas. M St. Albans, Vt., I) S.A . Hinkley, Nelson V. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) HufTalo, N.V., tS.A. Hoare, Fdward W. (V.S., Monl Vet Coll.), (F.R.i.V.S., I.omlon), Fellow V.M. Soc l8 Cook St., Cork, Ireland Jakem.m, William (V.S,, Monl, Vet, Coll.) Halifax, N S, Keys, Archibald A, (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.l Minneapolis, Mmn., U.S.A. Lamb, Andrew S, Montreal Lee, Geo. H ' ^ton, Mass^. U.S.A. Leniay, Daniel (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) US. Cavalry Lofiiren, OscirC Saukcentre, Mmn, U.S.A. Lyford, Chas. C.,M.D. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.). I'rof. Minneapolis Vet. Coll Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. MacaulayVoeorge K Salem, N -V-, U. S. A. McAlpine, Donald \ankleek H'll, O. McCormick. Archibald (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.). E.xaminer hac, C. Med. and \ . Sc Ormstown, Q. McCrank, |ohn A Plattsburg, N.V , U.S.A. McDonald: ' 'onald M Winchester, O, McDonald, os. B 'Joston, Mass.. U.S. A McDougall, James Montreal McEachran, CI . . (V.S , Mont. Vet. Coll.), Prof, of Veterinaiy Obstetrics and Disea- , Cattle, McGill University Montreal McEachran -. (Hon F.R.C.V.S. (V .S., Jdiubttrgh), Dean of t' • Faculty. ompar Med ind Vet. See., and Professor of \ eterinai Medicine and Surge 'cGiU University Montrcil McGillivray, John Duncan ... Winnipeg, Man. McGlue.John Lynn, Mass., L-S.A. McGuire, W. '" ''^i'f """A K" I' Mclntyi John D. (t) Waterville, Me., U.S.A. McLellan, Frederick W. (V.S. , Mont. Vet. Coll.) •■,;•;• Bridj^eport, Conn., U.S.A. McLeod, lohn Ilatley •" Amherst, N.S. McNaui,'lUon, Donald D V ' ' Vt\^?^?^"J V " McWhinnie, Henry (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.). Troy, N.\ .,L S.A. Miller, (/eo. A., Vet. Surgeon, Inspector Bureau of Animal Industry.... i>ur!ini;lOii, Vt., U.r...'. 6 73 1893 1890 1893 1S90 1H92 1S94 1S92 i8go 1S9I 1S94 1894 1890 1890 1S90 1.S91 1S91 1890 1890 i8go 1 89 1 •893 1892 1890 1892 1890 1891 1894 1890 1891 1 89 1 1 89 1 1893 1890 1890 1894 1S90 1893 1892 1S90 r 1 1890 1891 I jt" 74 DOCTORS OF COMI'ARATIVK MKDK INE AND MilliT, John A. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll ), Manajjci Stock Kiirm and I'.rctHlinji Y.inls Storm Lake, Iowa, U S.A. .Mills, r Wesley, M.D., Professor uf I'hyMoioyy, McCill Univirsity. Mi)ntreal Moltatt.Jos. W Harper, Kansas. U.S.A. .Mollatt, Samuel J (Jrmstuwn, Q. Moore, Ariliur Edward Cornell Stanl)ri(lj;e East, (,). Mulvey, Charles John Mooers, N.V,, L'.S.A. Munri), Malcolm (VS., Mont. Vet. Coll.) I^ncaster, O. Mylne. R. C. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) Indiana, U S.A. Oiinonil, Chas. II. (V.S , Mont. Vet Coll.) 2i8 Syt.imore St., Milwaukee, Wis , U.S.A. Orr, t;. <) New Aimagh, I.) i'aiije, James I!. (U.Sc, Mass. A>-r. Coll.), (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.). Pro- fessor of Veterinary Science, Mass. A(^r. College, .\mherst, Mass., l; S..\. Pa(iuin, Paul (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.), l{.acteriolo|4ist an.l Professor of \eterinary Science. .Vjjriculiural College Columbia, O., C.S.A- i'arker, John M. (V S , Mont. Vet. Coll.). E.vaminer ' 24 Esse.\ St., Haverhill, Mas?., U.S.A. Plaskett, Joseph Woodstock, O. Phiskett, W. S. (t) Woodstock, O. Pote, Thos. H New Harmony, Ind., U.S./». kam.^^.iy, Roht. A Columbus,©. Robb, Edward M Montreal Robertson. Alex. T Agassi/ , H. C. Robertson, John (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) 2nd U.S. Cavalry, Eort Wingate, New Mexico, L'.S.A. Rowat, -\. K. (V.S., Mont. Vet. < oil.), Chief Veteiinarian to the Gov- ernment of Honolulu Ilonululu, H.I. Ryan, John (V.S , Mont. Vet. Coll.), Prof. Chicago \et Coll ' Chica^.o, III., U.S.A. Salley, Isaac Lee Skowhegan. Me., U.S.A. Sangster, Geo. (V.S,, Mont. Vet. Coll.) Huntinglon, Q. Scanlan, Henry Gloucestt r, M.-iss., U.S.A. Scott, James Frederick Eort Mcl.eod, Alberta Scale, John H Spokane, W.T.. US A. .Shaw, Joseph R Keene, N.H., U.S.A. Simpson, Chas. R. (V.S., Mont. Vet Coll.)..Charlestown, Mass., U.S.A. Simpson, Martin W. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) , .Greenfield, Mass.,U.S.A. Smipson, Thomas C St. Andrews, ( ) . Skaife, E.W. (V.S,, Mont. Vet. Coll.), (M.R.C.V.S.. London), Dean and Professor Vet. Coll San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. Smith, Henry D. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) , Montreal Solandt, John Vernon New Bedford, Conn., U.S.A. Stephens, Joseph Huntingdon, Q. St. Louis, David Sheldon, 111., U.S.A. Sturrock, Thomas Laggan O. Thayer, S. W Cambridge, Mass,, U.s'.A.' Ihomas, Flaval S. (M.D., Harvard), (M.A. and LL.D., ShurUeff), (M S , Syracuse), (Ph.D., D. Z., National), (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) Hanson, Mass., U.S.A. 1890 1890 1802 1892 1894 1894 1890 1890 1890 1 89 1 1S91 1890 1892 "893 1892 1892 1892 1892 1891 1891 1891 1894 1890 1890 i8q4 1892 1894 1 891 1890 1891 1890 1890 1894 '893 1891 '893 1893 1890 VETERINAKY SClENt E. 75 Thomas, UoU-rt MkUllebush, N J., U.S.A. 1894 Torrance, Frederick, H.A. (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) lirandon, Man, 1890 Tcwiiseml, Georj;e, Government Insp., Nova Scotia.. New Glasgow, N.S. iSyi Tracy, Angus M .Sheihrooke, (J. 1H93 Twombley, Sitlncy S. (t) I.,oj;an, Ulali, I'.S.A. 1891 Walsh, James Frederick Ormstown, (J*. 1894 Wal^h, K, N. (t) Huntingdon, (}. 1890 Ward! Walter (V.S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) Aqueduct St., Montreal 1890 Watsoi. |ohn Beauharnois, (K 189 1 Wells, Geo. P Calgary, Alherta 1892 VVillyoung, Lester E Albion, N.Y., U.S,.\. 1890 Wroughlon, Theodore Ambrose (V..S., Mont. Vet. Coll.) N, \V. Mntd. I'olice, Fort Mcl.eod, N.W.T. 1890 Wylie, M. C New Harmony, Ind., U.S.A. 1893 tMLilalist. {(Qualified to vote for Election of KepreHeiUutive Fellows. "Deceased. SUMMARY'. Living. Doctors ok Divinmtv Doctors OF Civil, Law 17 Doctors of Laws 59 Doctors ok Mkdicink 1 162 Masters ok Arts 104 Mastkrs OK Engineering lo Masters ok Applied Science 5 Bachelors OK Civil Law 395 Bachelors of A rts 623 Bachelors of Applied Science 184 Graduates IN Civil Engineering 13 Doctors OF Veterinary Science 118 EAI). Totai 2 2 '5 32 20 79 304 1466 21 125 • • • • 10 r • • • 5 48 443 46 669 12 196 2 «5 2 120 2690 472 3162 Deduct number of Higher and other deforces taken by those vvlio were already graduates 324 'IVriAL NUMIiKR OK GRADUATES 2838 P > I 1^