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CANADA GKODFTIC Si R\ KY OK CANADA \, .\\ I i. .11 \ II i.n'If'ii PRKClSi: I.KVKI.I.INC; CERTAIN LINES IN ONTARIO and QUEBEC Wmi IM>KX AM) MAP SHOWING ALL NVOKK PRKMOl SLY I«l RLISllKD PI BLICATION No. 4 /GEODETIC S UHVET\ . >■ on WW I PL I.AIiKOOl I'.Kll-: TAClll- PKINIER T<i lliK KlNt.- M^-T KXl KII.KNT M.\J1>TV I'll" nKl'\RT\IEN 1 OF T! iN IKRIOR. CANADA GEODETIC SURVEY OF CANADA NO' L 0<ilI.Vlt. ^uf<r,K ».«.■•" PRECISE LEVKLMNC; CERTAIN LINES IN ONTARIO and QUEBEC WITH INDEX AND MAP SHOWING AIL WORK PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED By F. B. REID, Supervisor of Levelllnft PUBLICATION No. 4 OTTAWA .1. i,F. IMiROOVKRIF- TACllK 564SS-1 ■RINTKR TO Tl.K K1NC7S M-.ST KXCKIXLNT MAJKSTV I'RI COM r.NTS Iiitl-D.liictiiii. . . . Di'scriptHiii uf I?inih-M:irks: - M..ritri':il to Hull, (i"'' St. Martin .liiiirtioii 1.. Tlin !• llivirs. (2m- r.ivlivillr, (Jtir.. to I'lvscolt. Out Iviiiilinc to Toronto, Out I'.ctliaiiy to Poll IIo|"'. •'!'< Myitl.' to Wliill'V, Out Noilli 'I'liroiito to Mimiio. Out Klcvatioiis, '\':i\)\i' of Hail V.\i vatioiiH liuli'X ■ Map Paoi;. 6 7 9 10 13 If) 16 16 18 25 29 43 r)(i488— 2 INTHuDrcTluN. '•[',;;;i..ut=on. ..f tl..- I) Ol....rv»tor.V. u. follows: - Vol. I. No. -J. ..«u.a 11.12- Vol. [I. No. 1. .-».•.» HH.. Vol. i,No.;», " m-.i l'i\\\'^"i' Vol. 1, No. H, " I'.MI \..l. Ill, No. H, 1'.)1H 1<.U7 '■"""t. Tl 11 h n th i wo ...lumn. th. ,..nnl...r. of th.- h..n,-h-mark«; flag-xtations. The rt-siilts an- (jivcii .'or tlu' f<^;:-.w.iiK lines:— 1. Montnal to '•..', Qii<'„,^ „. ,, 2 St. Martin .H- ' m to ihn Kivors, tiuc :<! C.renvillo, Qiu.. o Prosrolt, Ont. 4. Ivanhoi to Toronto, Ont. .-1. Hcthanv to Port Hope, Ont. t) Myrtle to WliitWy, Ont. 7. North Toronto to Mimieo, Ont. Line I starts from one of the heneh-marks on «''•' Vr'\''7\ I'lll^T^Xk^S • Levelling in Yukon Territory only. 6 (Icddclir Siirnii of Cdniidii l.incs 2 Miiil ;> MIT l>i-Miii-lics I'rom I'mr 1. I.iiic :! <-!i'S(s on the (iri^iria! House I'oiiit-Tdniiito line at ricsrott, haviiiv: alnad.v intcrsccticl llic >nuu- line at >t. ruly.Mipe ,liiii''tiuii aii.l tlic l" ■.iniwall line at ( 'urnwall. Tlic tlinr links thus foriu.-d have l.i'cn fittnl in witli the old Kvcllinji so as to .■liinuiatc tlif discrcpanriis at tin' junction luiicli-inaiks. Lino \ I'onipli'tis tlic Kfinpton-'l'oronto line tlic ivsuits winch, as lar west as Ivanhoc, wciv |)ul.iishcd in HUT. .". and (i t'oiin connrctions l.ctwc.ii lliis and the earlier levellinu: alone the north shore o| lake Ontario. Line 7 is a short line rnnni.i'.; throUL'h the suhurhs of the city of Toronto; taken in ((.njunctioii with the a.ijacent l.velliii'!: done several ye.irs previously it eoni- pletes a loop around tile western and northwestern portions ot the eity. Ilie elosinjr errors of lines I. .'), (i and 7 have ail l.eeii disposed of hy distril'iilmn- th.m a.s in line 1. ■ . i i o . .i Tlie poliev of disi)ersinu the elosind errors or littiiifr the new lev<'llint; to tne old has heeii a(h.pted for this years liiK s by reason of the fad that all the liiics (with the exeeption of No. 2) form coiiMeetions 1m tweei • vels whiidi were |)reviously well estalili.slied and had been inihlisheil. .V proper ;,reor(lanee Let ween all the iu'iieil-niarks eaiinot he ha<l until an adjustment is made ot the entire net in ('astern Canada, hut the levellint: has now reached a .-taire where it seems better -peiidinj' an ailjustmeiit - to eliminate the cl.^sini!: errors and avoid dis- cordant elevat..ins of jimction bench-marks witli the resultinjj incoiivemeiice to enttineeriiii; proiects, it l)ein>; reasonably certain that such closing errors are caused by the ordinary accidental and .systematic errors in \he levellmn and not bv anv fiross errors. . , , , i i ill Table II the observed e|c\atioli of each junction bench-mark lias heell shown, as a matter <if interest, as well as the adopted elevation. The standard bench-mark ccuisists of a copper bolt, three (luaii- rs i.f an inch in diameter and four inches lony:. stamped on the eii.l with the lettri (■.>.( ., H.M." {(ieixletic Siirvev of Canada. Bench-Mark). The bolt I- sunk horizon- tally in rock or iiiasoiirv so that onlv the end is visible; the iiiimber of the bench-mark is stamped on this end as well as the letters mentioned above and a horizontal chisel line is cut. upon which the elevation is taken. .\t certain points concrete bench-mark piers have b.'eii built; these project Irom six inches to one foot above the y:round and extend below the frost line; in all piers built previous to \\)\7 the co|)per bolt upon which the ilevation was taken was placed horizontallv in a si<h' of the |)ier. about nine inches below the lop. In liU7 a new (h'sign was adopted, the bolt beinn placed vertically in the toji ot the pier. The description indicates in eaili case the iiositioii of the bolt. !««P^^^ Precise Levelling TABLE I BE\CH-M \RKS BETWKKN NKXNTRKAI. (MILE END. AM) HULL, fjLE.. VLV CANADIAN 1>A( inc RAILWAY. Eleialions on fxme IS tiMm from Hull. noithoast face of culvert. In square mnore.e .•ulvort under Grand Trunk railway, i™"\'«li''««ly/;^f '' "'fji;""';?" "^^1 (-anadian I'ii<-ific railwav at Jac.iuos C'artier Junrtion ami at iml.-age 3-4 from Montnal (Place Vit r station). Nortli end of cast face of culvert. T I .1 .„, .. i.ii.liFi. f.viT riviiTe-<les-Prairie3, l)etween Bordeaux and Laval Rapides, on '" '"Ta'nli^lianT^clfic'^U;;;. Smth ret^^ Wall. .out. -..t end o! .outl.wes, face, fourth course of stoni'work lielow top. Hull track), 10 inches below top. In ...n „t concrete l>en.h-mark pier, 21 miles northwe.-t of .St. Martin Junction 200 feet sou'h'^.ast "^i mUe ^s^ 5 from Montreal Ind 8 feet northeast of southwest hne of i Pac fie railway K^ht of way. Also 335 feet southeast of a pair of battery boxes connected with electric block system. In r-.n-Mliin Picilic railway l.ridne ,>ver rivicre-.les-Milles lies, > mil- northwest of rite. Uo.« and at'al^e 17 4 ?rom Mmureal. -South retamiuK wall, southwest face, second course of stonework Ix-low top. In Roman Catholic church a, .Ste. Thfirese. Front -or west; wall, first course of stonework Mow water table, l(j inches from southwest corner of building. '" - 'iis;n;i;lt ;x^-.^tf;:^.,":!::n[r^ri^a::; ^z^i:i-Jl^n. ^^^^ of stonework l)clow top. In v.uare stone an.l .onerete .ulvert u.ider Canadian Pu.ific railway. U miles « est of St.Augustin and at mileaKc 28-7 from Montrcul-2.V) feet east of St. -Kugustin wes; imlo board. Njuth face of culvi-tt, immediately we.-t of water-passage. 835- V In plate girder bridge unmediutely west of .Ste. Scholasti-iue station, on ( amidian IV-ific 8.3.1 .V "'"lii^tay. Concrete .etainii,* wall l«hind west abutment, north enl of e.,s, fu.e. 32 inches above bri<ii?e .seat. In Roman Catholic church u1 .ste. SchoUi.stique. Kront or south; wall tiurd course of stone- work abovi' water table 10 feet from soutlieas'. corner of buudm)?. 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 83.) 836 837 83S 839 840 841 842 , . , „ „ „., , 1 1, ,„.,rk ,ii,.r li miles west .)f St. H Tiiias. .j feet south of north line of '" ""\'lnXn Wclh rallw^v I' ' tf w!^ and third and fourth telegraph poles west o( mile 39 from Montreal-100 feet east of a far ii erosMni£ In Lachute , office. Ea.-t -de, wall, first course of .-tone«-ork l.eU>,v wat.-r table course, directly alwve first ba.M'iiient window from rear ol Ouihlinjf. Destroyed. In w,.si face of sin-ill l„>ul.ler V, iiiles west ol StavuerviUe. lOict nofhof ■ athlineof Canadian I'a, ,nc nXav . X oJ wa'v ,M,d at eleventh telegraph p..l..-.wesi of uu!e i^.st .50 from Montreal — 1.50 feet cast of we-i end of fir,<t curve we,t of MayiierviUe. (double, .ulvert und«.(ana^u.n Pacitic^radw^^ . 4-0 f^t^<^s, .-t ^^^^ end of culvert In plate girder bri.lge on ( .•inadi.m Pacific railway. \ mile ca-- of UrMU ilie ( on.retc rHainins " .dl llhind east stone abum-nt. north end of west fa. e. III inches above bridge .seat. 56488— :J ii,i-:-^;« ■ g Geodetic Survey of Canada M-K In concrete arch culv- rt under f anadian Pacific railway J ii.ile cast o( (irenville and at mileage 843 In concrete a'-J'j;;^™;;^,;^^, „,.^^ p„j „, ,„u,h face of cutvcrt, 14 inches below top. NoTi.-For bench-mark in Grenville Roman ( atholic church see line from Gr. nvillc to 844 In small stone and concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. Ij n.iles of Calumet and at milea«c fil -2 from Montreal. South face of . ulvcrt. «« '" ''"nr;rlr:;iC;i3Tfr ■ N^-int^r ^:^ f^^i^^orviL-r -' -' ''"'"'^-'"- work below coping. R47 In Fi-sctt I umber company^ office, directly opposite Kassctt station. East concrete foundation 847 In *»'';>^Yl, irinVhes l"low wc,.3dwork and 14 inches from southeast comer of bu.l.lmK. 48 In square .ston.- and concrete culvert under ( anadian I'acfic railway, i mile east of Montrbello .IH in square J^""^.,^^^ .,, g ,_.^,^^ Montreal. West end of south face of culvert. 84S In stone and concrete arch ulvcrt under Cana.lian Pacific railway, ! inile west of ^I""^;'*'''; ""'^ 849 in s'"?^»™ ^™ ^, ;,, ,„i,p po,t 75 from Montreal. Northeast retainmK wall, east end of north face, third course of stonework below top. 8TO In -hallow rock cut on Cana.lian Pacific railway. I mile east of I'apincauviUe station, 220 feet 8.TO m sl.auow ™^«^^^,;,y _^^,.j„.,, ^,, „.,^,i„g ,r„,k „„d 330 feet east of an old stone culvert. North side of cut. near centre. lo feet west"! a ^'te in rigla of way fence and 100 feet east of mile post HO fron> Montreal. h51 In -ouare stone and concrete culvert under Canadian Pa.ific railway. 21 miles west of I'^Pin^a": 851 In ^n"af<5;^'™', ^;;",„i|,.„„,, s|.4 from Montreal. West abutment, north face, fourth .ourse of -.tonework bilow top. f<',2 In small rock . ut on Canadian Pacific railwav, U miles west of PlMsance and 360 feet west of^inile In ''"«|]^'J,";.?/rom Montrcal-the second rock cut west of bridg Pct.te Nation river, ."south side of lut, near east end. 85' \ In large mass of rock. 2 miles west of Plaisance, 450 fct north of north line of Canadian Pacific 8o. A m '»'«;.|^»;j: ,lj;;^ „} ,,„y „„,, ^^ ,„i,eaBe 85-7 from Montreal-d.rectly belnn.l an old barn. West face of rock, about 35 fi>et from north end. 853 In small stone and con.-relc .ulv.rt un.ler Canadian Pacific railway 3i miles cast of Thurso and at mileage 86!t from Montreal. East end of north face of culvert. 854 In Roman Catholic , hurch at llmrso. West (side) wall. 54 feet from front of building and about 2 feet above groun<l. - --^/=;^ii;^'?al^xi:;^!;^':f^^"i!M^?^"t.!^f^^^^^ about 20 leet west of a small stune culvert. stonework belo- .■ top. 8,58 In small stone an.l concrete , ulvct under I ana.lian Pacific railway J n.ile of Angers a... .... niileage 104-2 from Montnal. Centre of south face of culvert. 859 In large stone and concrete arch .-ulvcrt under Cana.lian Pacific railway, 2| miles west of ,\ngers, 859 in '"'«^';;,'™'',^1,,.„g,. lofi 3 (r,„„ Montreal. North-east retaining wall, east en.l .,f north face, fourth course of ston.-work bi-low- t.ip. M\n In M(.l tru-s bri.lge over Hlanche river, 1 ,000 f.-et east of East T.-.npl.ton station on ( ana'lian f,m In ■-'",',^';;j.;, ;;7,;« ,. ' Southwest n'taining wall, south lac.;, 30 inches wst of (or w.-at fa. e) of west abutm""nt and in third course of stonework below top. 86, •nU,.man..j,>,i.H;u,.-ha,^s,.|^^ basement w-jn.l.iw n.irth of a -mall .lo.)i'«ay. 86> In -mall «tonc an.l .-..n. r..t.. .■ulv.-r- un.l.r ( 'ana.lian I'a.Mli.- railway Ij miles east of (ialineau 86- in -"<^i;^;;_^,j^„ „„j ^, ,„i|,.„g^ , ,2.e ,r„,„ Montreal. North fa.e of culvert. Precise Levelling '- . 11 ™;io. iHurt nl Catineau flag-station, 10 feet »outh of south line o ^^ '• ♦"'r^iSSrpS^aa^^ ,^U X.y a^id^atTillSle 1.3-./rom Montre.1-3 feet wert o ^i^oT^SSbetl^n lo* 22 and 23. township of Templeton. below top. 864 462 Maniwaki track. PEVCH-MARKS BETWEEN ST. MARTIN .IbNCTION AND THREE RIVERS, QUE.. PENCH MARKS X. ^^^ CANADIAN PACIKIC RAILWAY. Eheations on page 19. es4-B in ^.- ~- ^ll^^^SeS^f f^r?;^^'^ 9 tmhc^Ulow top and 30 inches from side of|!e. 14 inches below top and 8 inches from side of water-passage. e8.B in Ca^an Pacific ^:>^^'^^:^^^^-^-:^:J:^^:^ .^^ ^TJ^XLK 34 inches al)Ove briiUe seat . -B InHo..Ca^^^ ----sfi^S-.;'^^"^^-o!;:.o^^^^^^ southeast face, second course below copmi;. -- •" -'ll;:xl ^-:-;; ™-n;^!^ea^""'^1^.^rs^^!r];;n'n^ we«t face of culvert, 13 inches Ix'low top. e02-B Incon,^,c.c|.cuK...,;.crt^;a^ foot below t"P. ot M.utliwest face, thir.l course above bridge ^eHt. alKjve bridge seat. e«.B lns<iua.s...and™ncretec^^ ■S inches below top. e«:-B in ..-e .on., a.. ■ ™-^c c^- ^^-X^^^^^i^^^^^J^^^^J^ ^0^''' °' ^ end of BOUthwert lace, second lourse below concrete coping. 56488— 3J 10 (ri'ii<letic Survey of Cnnndu 699-B In large square »tonr nmi ron'Tit'" culvprt under (ana'lbn I'iirifir nihvay. I\ miles southwest iif St. f'utliliert aii'l at mile piist 4fl from St. Martin .lumtion. Smthi' face of rulvert. 38 inolie.s below top ami LI in<'he9 from side of wati-r-pa^sane. 700-B In plate (sirder bridge over Cliicot river. 800 feet southwest of St. <'utlil)ert .station. Stone re- taining wall lw>liind northeast abutment, northwest end of .southwest fai'i', seeond rourse alM>ve bridge seat . 701-n In square stone and ronerete ruKert under Canadian Parific railway. 2 miles .southwest of St Bartheleini and at mileage .'10-2 from St. Martin .luiietion. Southwest end of southeast fa ■ of culvert. 1 foot Ix'low top. 7U2-B In small plate giriler briilg>' on ( anadian Pacific railway, I mile northeast cf ."St. Bartli^lemi and at mileage S.l^ from St. Man in Junction. .Southwest abutment, northwest face, first of , stonework below bridt^c .ji-at. 703-B In t'anailian Pacific railway bridge over Maskinong^ river, 1,000 feet southwest of Ma.skinong6 station. Stone and concrete retaining wall iM'hinil southwest abutment, southeast end of northeast face, 4 feet S inihcs above bridge seat. 704-B In Roman Catholic church at Maskinongf. Front lor east i wall, 4 feet tro.:i southi^ast comer of building and in water table of stonework. TO.VB In office at Louiscvillc. 1 runt wall, 11 feet 6 inches west of west wall of clock tov r, in cap stone over a basement window . 7i>i-H In Canadian Pacific railway bridge over rivifcrc-du-I.oup. J mile northeast of Louiseville sttnion. Stone retaining wall lieliind abutment, northwest end of southwe.-t face, third course above bridge .seat. 707-B In square stone and loncrctc culvert umler Canadian Pacific railway. 2 miles southwc-t of Ya - machichc ami at mileage it't i from St, Martin .lunction. .Siuthwest end of .southeast face of culvert, 9 inches below top. 7lls-Ii In Roman ''atholic I hurili a' Vainachiche. Front (or north > wall, 4 feet from northeast corner of l>uildtng and in secontl rour.-e of stonework above concrete floor of portico. 7o;>-B In plate girder briilge over V.iin icliicbc river, U miles northeast of Vamachiclie ami at mileage ()8-8 troll" St. .Martin .lunciion. Stone and concrete retaining wall behind abut- ment, no'.ti.west end of southwest face, second course above bridge .seat. 7:o-l'i In plati' girdiT bridge on anadian Pacific railway, 'i miles southwest of Pointe-( an'l at mileage 71 -4 from .. Martin .function; .Stone and concrete retaining wall indiind southwest abutment, sou'!ica-t eii'l of face. 42 inches above bridge seat. 7'!-P. In plate girder liri'li;e on ( iviiclijin Pacific railway, ! mile southwest of ami at mile |i<).-t 74 iroMi St, .Martin .lunction. Stone relaining wall In-liind ,southwe.-.t abutment, .M>utlicasl end of norUtc:i-t face, second course above bridge seat. 7:j r. In square .^tone and concrete culvert under ( ■ana<lian Pacific railway, 4 miles .-outhwe.-t of Three Rivers and at mileage 7"* 4 from St. Martin .lun.-tion Northeast end of northwest face of fuUert. li iielie- !>el,r.\ T,)}-.. 7!:i-H In I.c .li-uiie street steel bridj;,' o\ er I anadian Pacitii' railway. 1 niile -outli of Three Hiver.. station. Till- liench mark i- in tic siiuare eoncrete pier wiocli is at the .Miuth side of the bridgi' and bitwecn main bm- irm-k and (Irand Mere branch; it faces the former track and is about 2 fec-t alio\'e grouml. 7;4 n li. library iiniiic diaii 1\ I.c 'incl ;incl lonni'cted with Roman ( .illioMc catliislnd at '1' re c- RiviTs. Ue-t side' «.-ili 10 iRclic.. south o( Royalc' strcei wall and in third cour- ; stonework below water t.dilc ■ c.ur-. 7!" !i In post oHi.e ai Three- lii\c.r- Uc.-t sidei wall, seconcl course of ...tonework below water table courv. .'i fc-et -oiitic III' rtcll facing Notre Dame .street anil 12 feet north of siclc entrance to InhlHcl llexcnue cctlle..- 7!*^ H In armoury at Three .-Icenewiirk belc ent ranee. Hiv.T- front wall— facing St. Francoi.--Xavii.r siri'et; thiril course of V icrii k.i. ik. biiwie-n ..-econd and tliinl ba-eiin'nt windows south of main 1 nv It M\RKS Hl'TWl'.F.V f ; HF WH.I.F. QFK , .\Nf) PRF.-COTT, ( )NT., VIA C.VN.VDIW MililTlKRN U.MI.W.W In ll.WVKE.siUK V, (;I{.\N1) TRINK R.UI.WAV TO >T. I>OI.V( AHPF UNCTIUN. < VNADI.VN PACIFIC RAILWAY TO ( ORNWALL, \ND CRANI) TUI'cK RAI1.\VA^ To PRESCOTT. /■.7. /iili'inH nil jiaijf ,'c'. >'i)lr 'Thfgr drticrlptinns are writirn with (hr a»iiUinption (hat llie rallwa)s run In a southerly dlrrctlon from tirrntlUe In <il«n Kobertnon, thenrr s<iiithpa<ttrrl)' to St. Polycarpe Junction, thence i*outhwrtilerl> to ( ornwall, and thence westeil) to Prewntt. s*j" In Roman Catholic chureh at (.i.-inille. Fast c,ii|,-c wall |:! f..e-i -oiit!i ,,( -.euih wall of Irai.sept and in water table e-ccir^.' c f stonework. ^^1*^ ^S?SW ffSfS" ^msF Precise Levelling 11 8W 867 SfiS Sti<J 870 871 872 873 874 87S 876 877 878 879 880 881 92 93 882 883 884 885 1 . I'anailian Ni>itlirin lailwHy liridgi' over C'.renville raiutl. immrdiatoly north of bridsr over Ottawa rivor l*t»(rn CJnnvillf and Hawkpsbury. Stone ri-tttining wall behind north abutment, <a.-t end of >outli fare, ^<ooond <our>c above bridge seat. In Main gtrei't subway under Canadian >:orthem railway in the town o( Hawkcsbury. North eoncrete abutment ol subway, centre o,' south faie. alout 2 teet above street level. In Roman Catholir church at Hawkesbury. Ea^t wall of main tower (at northeast comer of church). 8 feet from south wall of 'owcr and in i^cond course of itoncwork below water table I our^e. In post offid at Hawkcsbury. Front wall, second course of ftonework below brickwork, 2 feet west of west wall of vestibule at easterly entrance. In southwest face of large boulder, 4 miles south of Hawkesbury, l.'i.'j feet east of east line of Grand Trunk railway right of way, 300 feet non*' of mile post 17 from Glen Robertson and 440 feet north of private irossing leading to In '■ and barns of T. Sproule. In sijuare <oniTeie culvert under Canadian Pacific railway, 4 mile east of Grand Trunk railway <liamon<l cro.«sin(! near Vanklcek Hill and at mileage 32 8 from Vaudreuil. West end of south face of culvert. In flat mass of rock, 2 miles south of Vanklcek Hill, 21 fe«1 cast of west 11 'f Grand Trunk rail- way riiiht of way and 1, 260 feet north of a diagonal road crossing, C .cr bolt set vertically. In Cirand Trunk railway bridge over Rigaud river, 1 mile north of Dalkeith. West face of cort- ( rete retaining wiill iH'liind north abutment, 3 feet 9 inches above bridge seat. In a galvaniieil on sheatlic<l storehouse on east side of Grand Trunk railway, 350 feet south of Dalkeith .station. West concrete foundation wall, 1 toot Ix'low she»»hing and 27 feet from northwest <omer of building. In ea.--. faw of large granite boulder, 870 feet south of Glen i^andiield flag-station and 15 feet east of west line of (irand Trunk railw ly right of way. In top of concrete bench mark pier, 3 teet west of east line of Grand Trunk railway right of way (Hawkcsbury-Glen RolK-rtson line), 172 feet north of switch stand at north end of Glen Robertson Y, and 1,040 feet nonh of main line of Ottawa division. In Roman Catholic churih at Glen Roljertson. and in water table course of stonework. East side; wall, 35 feet from front of building I., open culvert under Grand Trunk railway, 2 milts southeast of Glen Robertson and at mileage 70- 15 from Alburgh Junction. Southeast stone and concrete abutment, northeast end of northwest face, 6 fe<t lielow bridge seat. In small plate girder bridge on ' irand Trunk railway, } mile northwest of Ste. Justine. Southwest face of west eoncrete retaining wall, 30 inches b«'low top and 5 feet 6 inches Irom northwe*t end of retaining wall. In square concrete culvert under Grand Trunk railway. IJ miles northwest of St. I'olycarpe Junction and at mileage 64-6 from Alburgh Junction. Southwest ff.ce-wall of culvert, 18 inches lj«low top an'r4 feet 6 inches from northwest end of face-wall. In top of concrete bench-mark pier, 3 feet northeast of southwest line of Grand Trunk railway right of way, 2,060 feet northwest of diamond crossing of Canadian Pacific railway at St, Polycarpe Junction and 386 tee* northwest of distant semaphore of interlocking plant. In small open culvert under Cirand Trunk railway, \ raile southeast of St. Polycarpe Junction. Southwest face of northwest abutr — t, fojrth eours.- of stonework below top. In Canadian Pacific railway bridge over Delisle river, i mile west of St. Polycarpe Junction. West face of stone coping on southwest abutment of bridge Xoat.— Check levelling in 1918 indicates that the a" original levelling in 1908. abutment has shifted slightly since the In Roman Catholic church at St. Polycarpe. North face of pilas'.er at northwes ing, second course of stonework below water table course. .r of build- in concrete arch culvert under Cornwall branch of Canadian Pacific railway, 1} miles southwest of St. Polycarpe Junction and 1,400 feet southwest of junction switch at Soulf nges. Concrete coping on northwest end of culvert , northeast end of northwest (ace ol coping. In Roman Catholic church at &t. Tilesphore. anii about 2 feci above protind. West i,sidc) wall. 19 feet from front wall of building In square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway, 2 miles northeast of Bridge End and at mileave 3-3 from Soulanges. Southwest abutment of culvert, southeast end o( northeast fare of abutment. 12 386 887 ^888 SS9 880 391 ■^92 S93 S94 490 S95 896 S97 S98 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 Geodetic Survey of Canada In Bl»t* girder bridge over Baudet river. J mile northeast of Bridge End on Canadian Pamfie in P'»J^.f^™y" fon?rete retaining wall behind gouthwest abutment, southeaat end of northewt fare. 21 inches above bridge seat. In 80uare concrete (double) cuUert under CanadUn Pacific railwav. J n.ile northeast of North in «l"|'™^™p^ ^J ^^ mileage 8-4 from Soulanges. Northeast end of northwest face of culvert. 10 inches below top. In square concrete culvert under f anadian Pacific railway. 1 1 miles northeast o! Glen Ciordon flag- station an<l at mile po.-t 1 1 from Soulanges. Southwest end of southeasl face of .Ivert. In square concrete culvert, under f 'anadian Pacific railwa>^ J mile .southwest "'<•''" Gordon flog-stat ion and at mileage 13-3 from Soulanges. Northeast end of northwest face of culvert. InDlate girder bridge ov.-r Raisin river. 700 t»-i southwest of WiUiamatown station, on Canadian Pacific railwfy Concrete retaining wall Ix-hind southwest abutment, southeast end of northeast face, 40 inches above bridge seat. In small square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. J mile northeast of G'^nbrook flag-station and a- tnileag.- 19-5 from Soulanges. Centre of southeast face .,f culvert. In square concrete cul-. t under ( anadian Pacific railway. 4J miles northeast of Cornwall and at mileage 23-3 truiu Siiulanges. Northeast end of northwest face of culvert. In top of concrete l„n. b-.nark pier. 240 feet northeast of diamond crossing ut Grand Trunk and intopoi.0 railways J mile of CJ.T.R. station, Cornwall. The pier is 4 feet southed" of north" ..It line of C.P.R. right of way and 80 feet northeast of north fence of road running p;irallcl to and on north side of G.T.R. In Grand Trunk st.-d water tink at Cornwall station. Northeast face-.'i inches below top-of northwesterly concrete footing. In post office at Cornwall. South wall. 32 inches west of west wall of clock tower and in second course of stonework below water table course. In large square stone and concrete culveit und.r Cirand Trunk railway. J mile west of Mille Roches and at mileage 261 1 from Toronto. East end of north face of culvert. In lart-e square stone and . ,)ncrete culvert un.ler Cirand Trunk railway. I mile west of Moulinette flag-station and at iiiilcage 2593 from Toronto. West end of south face of culvert In stone arch bri.lne over Hoople creek S.->0 tcet west of Wal. - station, on Clran.l Trunk railway. North face of ea.-t al.nttiicnt. 4 feet from west face of al tment and m .seventh coursi> below coping . In north face of flat lini.--tone Im.uI.Ict. 2i miles west of Wale- and at mileage 2.i4 4 from Toronto- inimediately north ..f ii.irth line of Cirand Trunk railway right of way and at the east side of a farm cros.-ini'. In stone arch culvert ;jc,.1.t ( .rand Trunk railway. 8.50 feet wot of Farran P.iint flag-station and at mileage 2.-,2 1 tn.ia Toronto. wing wall of culvert, southea.-^t face of top course of stonework. In large open culvert ur'l-r Ciran.l Trunk railway, i mile we^1 of .^ultsville ami at mileage 249-2.5 from Toronto. Northwest face of wing wall, first roursi- of stonework above seat of I-beam^. In stone m nun.cnt crei'-d in 189.-. to commemorate thi- battle of Crysler's Farm: this is on th« nortl bark of St f.awrence river about 3J miles w.'st of Aultsville. 1 he bem h-mark is m north fac- of stof. • bii*'' of monument. In stone arch culvert under C;rand Trunk railway, 31 miles east of Morrisburg and at mileage 2451 from Toroiit.) Siuthenst wing wall, second course of stonework above tloor ol culvert, first stem.' fr,>io mouth of water-passage. In plate girder bridge on Grand Trunk railway. 1 mile i-ast of Morrisburg. Northwest face of northeast retaining wall, siith course of stonework below bridgi^ seat, fourth stone from, north end of cast al)Utment. In Cirand Trunk station at Morrisburg. Front (or north) wall, immediately east of westerly doorway and in second lourse of stonework above water table. In east wail of vestry <» .St .James Anglican . liur. h, Morri.^l.urg. In water tabic course ut stone- work, directly beneath a pair of windows facing .street. In large square stone and concrete culvert under Grand Trunk railway. 3 miles west of Morrisburg and at mileage 238 3 from Toronto— 200 feet west of a highway crossing. East stone »but- .ment, north end of west face, third course below concrete top of culvert. mmmmKmfnutfl&mmfm Precise Levelling 13 907 908 009 910 911 912 118 913 914 119 In top o( conrrete bench-niBrk pier, 1 mile eaut o( Iroquois, o feet north of south line of Or»nd Trunk railway right of way, 28 f'-ct eaut of a farm croninc and 690 feet eant of e»»t end ol a plate girder bridge at mi^dge 235-65 from Toronto. In Grand Trunk station hou«c at Iroquois. Front (or north) wall, immediately east of westerly doorway and in secon'l course of stonework alx>ve water table. In small open culvert undf r Clrand Trunk railway. 2J miles east of Cardinal and at mileage 231 •« from Toronto. West stone abutment, south end of east face, third course below seat ol I-beams. In larire square coi.crete culvert under Grand Trunk railway, l.IOO feet east of Cardinal station. ?-ith face-vall of culvert, 30 inches below top and 6 inches from west end of ace-wall. In square stone and concrete culvert under Grand Trunk railway, 3J miles west of Cai iinal and »t mileage 225-9 from Toronto. West stone abutment, south end of erxt face, • hird couisB below concrete top of culvert. In top of concrete bench-mark pier, 3 J miles east of Prcacott and 4 feet north of south line of Grand Trunk railway right of way— directly a section tool-house. A1.-K) 396 feet west of west end of a plate girder bridge at mileage 223-4 from Toronto. In Grand Trunk railway briiige over Canadian Pacific railway (Ottawa-Prescott line), 1) railea east of Prescott . North tuc-c of east abutment, f-^ntieth course of .-itonework below bridgs seat. In custom house at Prcsi-ott . I^ront (or south) wall, 8 feet east of main entrance and in third course of stonework above sidewalk. In Roman Catholic church at Prescott. \Ve:.t (sidoi wall, 25 feet from front of building and in first course of stonework below water table course. In Grand Trunk station house at Prescott. North face of corner stone at n .theast corner of building, third course above water table. BENCH-MARK3 BETWEE.V IV.\N!iOE AND TORONTO (NORTH TORONTO), ONT.. VIA t ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Ehvalionn on page !!. 187-G In squar" cmi'-rete cuUert under Canadian Pacific railway. 2 miles west of Iv.anhoe and at mileage 73-6 from Glentay. end of north (aw ol (ulvert, I foot bilow top. 188-G In square stone and concrete culver' under Canadian Pai ific railway. 4J miles west of Ivanhoe anf' 40 I'.-ot west of westerly witch ol Peterson pa^^ing-track. East end of north lace of cul.'crt. 15 inches below- top. 189-C. In side of concrete Ix-nch-mark pier. J mile cast ot Bonarlaw. 5 feet s{)uth of north line of Canadian Pacific railway right ot way anil 770 feet ea.-t of centre lino ot a road crossing. 190-G In square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. 4J miles west of Bonarlaw and at mileage S4-7 from Glen, ay. East end of north f;ice of culvert. 9 inches below- top. 191-G In M|uare coc.-retc culvert under ( anadian Pacific railway at mileage 86 9 from Glentay. East end of north face of culvert. 192-G In squiirc concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway at mileagt; 89-1 from Glentay. West end ol south lace of culvert. 193-G In plate girder bridge on Canadian Pacific railway. I i miles east ot Havelock. Concrete retaining wall behind west abutment, south end of east face, 30 inches alxive bridge seat. 193-G-2 In small concrete highway br' Ige ove.- a creek, about J mile west of Havelock .station .ind 200 feet south of Canadian Pac, e railway. We^t face of north abutment. 7 inches below top. 194-G In square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. 1 mile west of Havelock. East end of north face of culvert . I95-G In plate girder bridge on Canadian Pacific railway, IJ miles of Norwood and at mileage 4-9 from Havelock. Southeasi retaining wall, south face, first course of stonework below 196-G In grain elevator about 480 feet west ot Norwood station, on south side of Car.J»'ian Facific rail- way. North concrete foundation wall, 3 feet above ground and 1 tt I froai aortheagt comer of building. 197-G In square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway, 2 miles "-.est of Norwood and at mileage 8-2 from Havelock. West end of north face of culvert, I foot below top. 14 Gc(Kktic "Purvey of Canada 20I-<1 202- (i 2CI4-Ii 205-<! 20fi-(i 207-G 208-Ci 20»-C; 198-1 i In M|UHrr M.inrcK' lulvcri uiiiUr ( a noil inn Pacific railway. 1 niilf inst iil Indian Fiivcr and at nulfft** 13 ti from Havclock. Centra of north face of lulvt-n. lB9-(i In M|uari' r<in(r(i»- culvirl unilfr (anailian Pacific railway, I J niilpn went of Indian Uiver and Ht iiiilfa(H- lii 3 from Havelock— at the cast line of a hiiiliway croiwinR. Ctntre of north lace (if culvert. M)0-C1 In square concrete doulile* culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. HJ mile* west of Indian Kiv(r and and at mileaiie 18-3 from HaveUjck. Last abutment, north end of west lace, ' feet lielow top <■! culvert. In equare concrete I ulvert under ( anailian Pucitic rHil»»y,3i miles cant of Peterlmro and at second telegraph pole we^t of mile post 21 from Haveloek. ' entre of south face of culvert. In Trent (anal litt-lock at Piterl«iro. East lower, centre of south face, 3 feet al»ove concrete fIt'Or at lowc-r level. In armoury at PeterlKiro. Souili or Murray Mreet* «all, fourth course of htonework Ijelow ciri( kwork. 2 feet from ^outhwe.-t corner of huildintr. In "<a< red Heart Koiiian ( atholic iliurch, Peterl>oro: comer of .\ylmer and Roniaine »tre«'t8. Wi^t >i<le «all. tir-t course of stonework In low water talile courw. between fourth and fifth bu1tre-f<> from front of building. In lop <if concrete Unch-mark pier. 1 mile wist of Peti rboro station, 3 le<'t south of north line of ( anailian Pai-ific- railway riulit of way and 370 feet west of west line of Monaghan road. In square concrete doubled culvert under Canadian Pacific railway, 4 mileM west of Peterlroro and at niile;me 28 3.1 from Havclock. East abutment, nonh end of west face, 3 feet Ix'low top of cuhen. In square ( oncrctc culvert unili r ( aniulian Pacitic railway. I ; miles east of ( "iivan and at mileage 'M' from Haveloek. Kast end of north face of culvert , 8 inches Ix-low top. In subwav uniicr ( anailian Pacific railway (cro.ssingof main road between Millbrook and Cavan), li mills west of ( avan station and at mileaite 34 ti from Haveloek. Concrete retaining w'all behind west abutment, south end of east face. IB inches above bridge seat. In Canadian Pa' ific railway bridge over (irnnd Trunk railway (Millbrook-Omemee Junction line I, I mile east of Bethany .luuetion and 4J miles north of Millbrook. West abutment, south end of east face, thirteenth course of stonework below bridge seat. 210-G Inplategirilerlridce on Canadian Pacific railway. ,' mile west of Uethany Junction and at mileaf^ 39 4 from Haveloek. ;<outhwest retaining wall, south face, second course of stonework below coping. 21 1-(_; In triangular tile culvert under I anadian Pacific railway, ti feet east of east wall of Manvers station house. South face of south loncrete face-wall. 9 inches below top. 212-G In small concrete arch culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. IJ miles east of Pontypool and 200 feet east of mile post 44 from Haveloek. < entre of north face of culvert, 1 foot below top. 213-G In grain elevalor ■ *- 'Ut 630 feet west of Pontyixx>l station, on south side of Canadian Pacific rail- way. North concrete foundation wall, 20 inches above door sill and 6 feet from northeast corner of building. 214-G In square concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway. 2J mileo west of Pontypool and at mileage 47 6 from Haveloek— at the east line of a highway crossing. Centre of south face of culvert. 215-G In top of concrete bench-mark pier. 4J miles east of Burketon, 9 feet south of north line of Canadian Pacific railway right of way and 72 feet east of east line of road allowance befwc-en town- shipe of Manvers and Cart Wright — directly opposite mile post 50 from Haveloek. 216-G In Canadian Pacific section house about 350 feet vest of Burketon station. (Front) or iiorth con- crete foundation wall, 14 inches below woodwork and 15 inches east of cellar window. 217-G In Miuare concrete culvert under Canadian Pacific railway, 1 mile west of Brady flag-station and at mile post 59 from Havclock— immediately west of a highway crossing. Centre of soutn laif of culvert . 21K-G In concrete arch cattli'-pass under Canadian Pacific railway, 2J miles east of Myrtle and at first telegraph po -est of mile post 61 from Haveloek— immediately east of a highway crossinc. West face of nonh face-wall of culvert, 1 foot below top. 21&-G In Grand Trunk railway bridge over Canadian Pacific railway, i mile west of Myrtle C.P.R. Stat ion and S mile north of Myrtle G.T R. station. North face of south abutment, twelfth course of stonework below bridge seat, 25 feet from west end of abutment. flF mmmr Precise Levelling 15 below top of culvert. '" ~-sJS\t's!i.s^sj.5'^o;^S^^^t^l:^pK ^^'^ K^!^^ ol south face of roping. 1 foot below top. In .Qusre concrete culvert under Canadiw. P«-ifin railway. 1| mile. ea«t of ClMemonl and at ^ mUeSe 71 I from Havelock. Centre of north face of culvert. In^uare^nc^tejo^b^ culvert ^^^^^^ ?o"p ' Vhil i?The*farthL?w™t of tio aimilar culvert, about 750 feet apart. of stonework below coping on north end of culvert. face of coping. 1.5 inches below top. face, .3 feet al>ove bridgf «"»'■ 10 inches Ijelow top ..JTt ab"ment, ^uth end of west lace. 15 inchc, above brulge seat. 8 inches lielov top. of west face. 30 inches uIkivb brulgc scat. .Wat . ,34-0 .„ ^■^'^^-i^^^^^^r^i^t^z^n^^^'^^^ Uft below top. north of north wall of Dominion Bank. 22lhG aai-G a«-G 223-G 224-G 225-G 226-0 227-G 228-G 229-G 230-G 231-0 232-G 233-(; IRQ In old Canadian Pacific stiition house mow disused) at North Toronto 189 in oia^_anaamn r^ .^^^^^ ^^^^_^_ ^^^ ^^^^ reconstruction of the railway. BENCH-MARK.-^ BETWEEN BETH.\NY AND PORT HOPE. ONT TRINK B.MLWAY. This liench mark has VIA GRAND 915 «16 917 i'/(iu/ionj on page !3. concessions V and VI. township of Cavan. In armory at MiUbrook. Concrete foundation of front wall, west face ol buttress at west side of main entrance, 15 inches below brickwork. - n^"r^s^'?2^rrro"tS^poSi?^^^^^^^^ east end of north face, 3 feet above bridge scat. 56488—4 16 Geodetic Surtvy of Canada •II In F. StnithV 'nrl hriik^ r<■^i^l^•mv in th<" villaiti- o( « ampU'llirnlt, on north niilr of nmin roa<l, inniriliittcly cnM ol (Iraml Trunk railway. Mionr foundatiim of eaat wall, 5 inrhri below l>ri< kwork an<l 10 (I'lt from (outhcant comiT u( building. Alt In lop of (■on"rpir tx>n<'li-mark pirr at Quay flag-ntntion, S fn-t rant of weat linr of Cirand Trunk railway right o( w«y and 56 ftt-t north of intrr«H-tion of Niid line with north line of road hllowanf-e In'twcf-n <-on<t*s»ionit 1\' and V, townithip of Hope. 920 In Canadian Northirn railway'-' Mwl trcrtlr viadud over Port Hopr-IVtcrlMiro line ol (irand Trunk railwHV, I mile north of Port Hopi- iWalton Btnt-t ). (oncnte fooling ol stici coluiiin i^n north >idc of (' N H. and on weet sidv of (i T K. track; centre of north face of footing, 4 fei't lielow top. $21 In Canadian Pacific railway's viaduct over Port Hope-Peterlioro line of Cirand Trunk railway in the town of Port Hope. S<'con<l concrete pi#T from we»t end of viaduct, centre of west face of pier, 18 incht-s* altove (l.T.R. rails. 1"2 In Port Hope town hall. We^t end of south wall, fourth rnurt* of stonework above sidewalk, I72-A In Port Hope post office. South faif of corner stone at ^ou1h»est comer of building, first court* alfove sidewalk. 173 In (irar'l Trunk station houv at Port Hopi' Junction. \\i>t face ol corner stone at northwest I .er of liuildinii. first course above platform. ON'T., VIA GRAND BENCH MARKS BETWKEN MYRTLE AND WHITBY. THINK RA1I.\V\Y. Klrvtttiom on /wffc ti. 922 In top of conirete Ixnch-mark pier, 1} miles north of Brooklin. 4 feet west of east line of (irand Trunk railway right of way and 100 feet north ol north line of road allowann' between con- cessions VI and VII, township of Whitby. 923 In Angliian church at Brooklin, a frame buildinn immediately east of (irand Trunk railway. West wall, 8 feet inches from southwest corner of building, first course of stonework below woo<lwork. 924 In Canadian Northern railway bridge over Lyon brook. 1.100 feet west of Brooklin C.N.R. station and J mile west of (irand Trunk railway <lianiond crossing. Concrete retaining wall iM'hind east abutment, south end of west face, 3 feet above bridge seat. 925 In top of concrete liench-mark pier, li rii!es north of Whitby (town station), 4 feet east of west line of (irand Trunk railway right of wa^' and 30 feet south of south line of rocJ allowance between concessions II and III, township of Whitby. 926 In Whitby post offi<e. King street wall, first course of stonework below water table course. 12 feet 6 inches west of west wall of clock tower. In St. John's Anglican church, } m' end of front wall, second couf 180-A 927 outheaat of (irand Trunk station, Whitby Junction. West of stonework above ground. In chimney of Whitby water works pumping station on shore of lake Ontario at Port Whitby. Concrete base of chimney, centre of north face. BENCH MARK.S BETWEEN NORTH TORONTO AND MIMICO. ONT., VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THROUGH WEST TORONTO, LSLINGTON AND "CANPA." (Eletaliota on page t4.) 23VG Id Spadina road subway under Canadian Pacific railway in the city of Toronto. West concrete abutment, south end of east face, 3 feet above concrete aidewalk. Alao 24 feet north of south line of C.P.R. right of way. 237-G In Dovercourt road subway under Canadian Pacific railway in the city of Tt onto. Westeoncrete abutment, south end of east face. 3 feet above concrete sidewalk. Also 24 feet north of south line of C.P.R. right of way. 338-G Id V.'eston road bridge over Canadian Pacific railway. West Toronto. Concrete pier at south end of rteel tniwi and at east side of bridge: centre of north face of pier. 2 feet above concret* footing. 239-G ' In top of concrete bench-mark pier. 1 } milea northwest of West Toronto station and between the tracks of Grand Trunk railway (Toronto-Stratford line) and Canadian Pacific railway (Toronto-Sudbury line), 37 feet southwest of the latter. Between siith and wventh tele- graph poles northwest of C.P.R. mile po«t I and t40 feet soutfacMt of ao overhead croaeing of the Wecton road. jT'-iTTk -hsmv ,mm. Precise Levelling 17 240-Ci 24l-(i 24a-0 2«-U 244-0 245-G 191 ;i;i,"o l«-t n.,rth <,f «uth line oJ C.P.R. right of way. end of e«Bt f«cr, 2 Iwt «b<jve bridge Mat. ,„ ,„p ... conoret,. .--^'-jvrk jia';:4V^!^h;':J-;L'3'si7eeVurh^einf"JS'^^^^^ '""'r;';t;"'ihlireUon^™C.P R cu'tTiro^ with G.T.R. Toro,.t<.H.milto» nt line. In Crand Trunk railway bridge over Etobieoke creek. 3 milei .outhw.rt of Mimico. retaining wall, northeast face of cap-atone. Eait 56488-4i IlfcAY-lf«< '•SK!ip»?"f.Tf»'5P»frif ™"'it , ""'- ';m 18 (kodetic Survey of Canada TkMlM U. REauLTa or fkecisk levelling MONTREAL TO HULL. QUE. Hun hy W \. MeGratk and F. B. Had. II BiNca- Mahe Diiitaace DinUnes OutCRirANCT between from Elevation sucoeiwive bench- lienrh- iiinrk lilHjve Bbnch-Mamk mean From To mark* 818 Partial ToUl •es level No. No 818 Miles Mile* Feet j i Feet Feet 2ft) 377 No. 818 818 826 09 09 - 012 - 012 182 493 826 824 827 2 1 30 -: 010 - 002 95 966 827 827 828 16 4 6 - 007 - 009 67 4.39 828 828 829 2» 7 5 - Oli - 023 107 <»77 829 82* 8.10 2 9 5 4-00:1 - 020 142 997 830 830 831 2 6 12 - 010 - MO 86 9« 831 831 832 31 15 1 + 011 - 019 149 569 8.12 832 833 3 4 18 5 + (HM - 015 151 486 833 833 KM 2 7 21-2 - 012 - 027 .89 391 8.14 834 835 3 1 24 3 - U22 - M9 219 092 835 835 835-A 3 9 28 2 4- t)29 - WW - 020 232 358 83,5-A 835-A 836 04 28-6 - 023 24t 081 8.16 83S-A 8.17 6 6 34-8 + 025 + 005 242 63.5 837 837 838 4 9 39 7 + 008 + 013 224 278 838 xts 8.19 5 40-2 + 0O» + 017 207 085 839 839 840 5 It 46 1 + 02j + (M3 261 608 840 840 841 4 3 .50 4 + (»24 + ■067 251 889 841 841 842 2 1 .52 5 + IKM + 071 222 425 842 842 843 ?. ,52-8 - 002 + 069 199 142 843 843 844 4 1 .56 9 - (XB -r 06« 188 815 844 S»4 845 2 4 .59-3 -r 010 + 076 m 998 845 S45 846 3 U 62 9 + 010 + ■086 162 'ilO 846 846 847 :i 5 66-4 - 028 + 0.58 169 007 817 847 848 i 2 69 6 + 011 + 069 1.59 285 848 i 848 849 1 1 70-7 + 1)09 + 078 liiU 2.U) 849 849 8.50 :! s 74-5 - 003 J- or5 1.5.5 218 850 8SC 850 A 12 75-7 + 006 + 081 186 272 8.50-A 8S0-A 851 1 4 77- 1 - 1)07 + 074 174 447 831 851 8.52 3 7 80 8 - 029 + M5 184 202 852 8.52 8.52 A 1) ■' 81-5 i-IX).5 + 0.50 186 700 8.52-A 8J52-A 8.53 1 J 82-7 4-013 + ()«;) 181 362 8.53 853 8.54 3-'< 86- 6 -t- 021 + 084 1S4 401 854 . 854 8,55 4 ■* 91 4 -1-029 + 113 175 772 855 i 855 8.56 3 6 95 - 012 + 101 178 073 856 ; 856 857 2 97 - 1)02 + 099 183 .W3 8.17 857 8.58 •i 7 100 7 + im + 105 1808»r 8.58 858 839 -> i 102 8 + 020 + 125 160 162 859 859 860 ! 1 10,5 C 4-006 + 131 149 968 860 860 861 .5 106 4 - 1)04 + 127 186 047 861 861 862 :i 2 109 8 + ()2« + 1.53 176 8,55 362 862 862 .V (1 5 110 1 + 0O4 + 1.57 174 844 862-A ? 862-A 86:1 2 H 112 9 - 010 : + 117 l.i:i 910 863 863 8M 1 4 114 3 - 003 ; + ■144 157-706 864 863 462 13 114 2 - 017 t + 130 163 315 462* * The obaerved eU^vatioa of th4 lun.rtiDn ^>4nc.h<mark 462 was tiil .54.1 «ssr m Precise Levelling 19 RESULTS OF PRECISE LEVKfUNO BT. MARTIN JINCTION TO THREE H. VERS. QUE. Ritnbt W. N. Mcamh. Bcnch-Maiik Distanrr between wcoeMive benrh- mark* Diataoce from bench- muk 839 DiMacrtNcT Elevation above mean ■ea level BiNcn-MAaK From To 1 Pan Ml 1 TuUkI 1 No. SM 684-B 6M-B 688-8 No 839 684-8 685-B 686-8 687-8 Milea 4 19 17 5 8 Mil« 4 2 3 4 98 Km + 003 - 080 - 005 - 061 Feet + 003 - 027 - 032 - 093 I'oet io7on 99007 70 232 79 509 50-781 No. 839 fl8«-B 685-8 686-8 687-8 I 887-8 688-B 02 100 + 001 - 092 57- 184 688-8 687-B 689-B 690-B eoi-B e02-B 6*3-8 694-B 685-B 606-B 697-8 698-8 699-B 70O-B 701-B 702-B 690 8 601-B «02-B 603-8 604-8 695 B 696-H eo7-B 608-B aeo^B 700-B 701-B 702-B 703-B 4 9 2 5 2 3-8 2 3 2 3 12 0-7 .IB 7 3 1 13 2-9 3 1 4 :) 14 7 17 2 19 2 23 25 3 27 28-8 35 5 39. 1 46 1 49 2 50 5 S3 4 56-5 608 - 004 + 021 + 004 - 002 - 018 -008 + 021 - 010 + 005 + 008 - 020 - nil + 006 - 003 - 021 -097 - 076 - 072 - 074 - 092 -100 - 079 - 089 -084 - 076 - 006 - 107 - 101 - 104 - 125 69 106 52 326 55019 60 547 79 448 64 479 58 508 60 194 68 016 53 510 33 105 34 400 35 437 29 564 44865 689-8 690-B 691-8 093-B 693-B 694-B 695-8 696-B 687-B 098-B 699-B IWhB 701-B 702-B 703-8 703-8 704- B 0-3 6M 000 - 125 52 225 704-B 703-8 705-8 706-B 707-B 708-8 709-B 710-B 7U-B 712-B 713-B 705-B 706-B 707-B 708-B 709-B 710-B 711-B 712-B 713-B 714-B 4 6 08 3 3 2-2 1-9 2 6 2 6 4 4 ;)-6 04 65 1 66. 2 69 5 71-7 73-6 76-2 78-8 83-2 86-8 87-2 + 084 - 015 -f 001 + 018 J..' n f jM + 027 + 009 + 035 + 009 - 001 -106 -105 -087 - 071 - 063 - 036 - 027 + 006 + 017 44 209 41 087 33 505 39-454 39 623 34 997 61 888 35-748 53-290 54 424 705-B 706-R 70: B 708-B 709-8 710-B 711-B 712-8 713-8 714-B 1 714-B 1 715-B j 03 87 5 ! -003 + 014 1 53 963 715-8 714-B ! 716-8 0-2 87-4 i +003 + 020 57)03 716-8 JS^'X . SiHSt ■'• LW^\i M»,Br(r'«7PJir 20 Getxietic Survey of Canada OK I'lllX ISE I.IVKLI.IN'O C.RF.NVILLE, QUE, TO PRESC "TT. ONT. Run hy F. 3. Reid. Bcn"ch-Mark From To No. No >M2 842 Srto 865 8t)6 86fi 867 9Kr 868 S68 869 869 870 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 876 878 879 880 881 92 Distiinee betwefii suces^ive Iwncli- nmrk^ MlllM Distance from licnch- iiiurk 842 871 872 873 874 S7.> H7i> i:i OH 4 2 4 ■■>.■> 3-9 3 • Ij 10 S S7S S7'.' S.SO 8S1 92 882 92 93 93 SH3 883 8S4 884 8.S.) 885 SS6 886 887 887 888 888 889 889 890 890 891 891 802 892 mi •6*-* next pag «. Is 2 4 U 7 14 7 10 17 Miles 3 5 4 1 4 5 4 7 8-7 10 9 14-8 18-4 19 4 23 260 26-8 27-8 30 2 33-4 34-9 35- 6 37 9 458 48 4 50-7 53-8 56-9 60'G o;i 9 I)|S< KtP.W" V Partial Total Feet - Oil + «>» -■00'2 + 005 000 + •009 I + ■002 •000 -on -014 - 029 - 003 •000 + 0O4 + ■0-28 -•053 -005 + 003 + 014 -010 • -008 i -Oil I + 002 + 014 - 015 -■0-27 Feet - Oil -007 -009 -004 - 0(M + 005 + 007 + 007 ! -OM I -•018 + 011 + 008 Elevation above mean sea level Bi;scH-M.\RK + 008 + 012 + 0W + 007 + 002 + 005 + 019 370 -007 -002 37-7 -004 -006 39-7 -021 -■0-27 40 7 + •009 -018 42-4 -013 -031 •Oil ! ■049 •0<>0 : •058 ' •014 i ■059 ■086 Feet •2-22 425 166 467 170793 14075.5 149 239 147 323 23fl 128 251 492 297 460 239 943 244111 204^722 193 4-23 186 360 180 578 193 322 1 11-668 ■j.:-8i4 I 197 658 t 195 080 I 1,S7 404 ' 185 0-20 180 978 ' 178 8'20 172 538 180 738 187-733 No- 842 865 866 867 868 869 238-254 , 870 255-516 ' 871 310 869 872 210-887 ' 873 230-248 i 874 875 876 878 879 880 881 92* 882 93 883 884 885 886 887 S88 8.S9 890 891 892 893 Precise Levelling 21 RESULTS OK PRECISE LEVEM.ING GRENVILI.E. QLE.. TO PRESCOTT. ONT. Hun hy F. B. Retd. Elevation above mean 9ea Level Feet 193-584 Bincb-Marc No 894 194 246 •0«2 ■o;8 091 •092 095 •094 249 288 2U819 247 965 281 055 274 717 279 490 285 •627 288 676 268 • 347 300 8M 313837 490* 227 868 895 2-20 374 896 227-889 897 239 870 898 238 823 899 240 621 900 243 153 901 224 226 902 •244 026 903 273 572 904 264 714 905 906 907 808 909 910 911 912 118* 913 914 119' .Ti;r^e.U.evMio«o. the i„nc,.o. ^r^^^^^^^*^,]^^'^' '" •""• "''""""'*• ""'''■ '"'*'' '''■'"' "' »» 314 (WO See Note after liescnption of bench-mark 9J (table 1 . Connectioiw with Public Works Dept's l»nch-markj:- CCC'CI I -Hawkeshury Uoman (.'atholic church, Elev. 14. 5U. ULXir-GT.R station. Cornwall, Kiev l*« "M DLXXX— O T.U culvert, Cornwall Jet . llM 02J. 22 Geodetic Survey of Canada RESULTS OF PRECISE LEVELLING IVANHOE TO TORONTO, ONT. Hun (>!( H'. .V. McGralh and F. B. Hrid BiN< h-Mark Distance between successive bench- Distance from bench- - mark Dl« HEPAM y Elevation aljove mean Bcnch-Mark From 1 To marks 113 Partial Total sea level No. 1 N";, Miles Miles 107- 1 110 1 112-9 116-3 121 1 123-4 Feet Icet + 067 Feet 586-659 No. I79-G 187-G 188-G 189-G 19a-G 187-G 188-G 189-G 190-G 191-G 30 2-8 3-4 4-8 2 3 - 018 -022 - 018 -^■oo8 + 009 + 049 + 027 + ■009 + 017 + 026 616-682 556-354 579-882 629-798 639-274 187-G 188-G 189-G 190-1 i 191-G 191-G 192-tl 193-G 192-G 193-( i 194-G 1 2 1 2-9 2-8 125-5 128-4 131 2 -008 -006 + 001 + 018 + 012 + 013 041! XOb 644 532 701-996 192-G 193-G 194-(i 194-G 193-ti-2 '. 131-8 -000 + 013 698 643 193-G-2 194-G 195-G 195-( ; 196-G 19frG 197-G 197-G 198-G 198-G 199-G 3-8 1-3 2 1 5-4 2-7 1350 136-3 138-4 143-8 146-5 + 001 ! +014 -003; +011 -Oil -000 -1-.002 +m + 019 ■ +021 684-705 : 677081 i 732 014 1 704-790 1 692-663 19.VG 196-G. 197-G 198-G 199-G 199-(i 20t)-G 201-G 202-< ; 203-<i 20&-G 201-G 202-G 203-(i 204-tl 20 2-7 2-7 1-5 1-3 148-5 151-2 153-9 155 4 156-7 + 002 : +023 + 020 1 +043 + 026 +069 + 012 ; +081 -014 . +067 ! 094 012 672-145 637-436 673-365 634 497 200-Ci 201-G 202-G ■203~G 204-G 204-G 205-(; 2(t6-(; 207-G 20M.; 205-G 206-G 207-G 208-(; 209-c; 8 3 1 3 3 , 30 3-3 157-5 : 160-6 i 163-9 ! 166-9 170-2 + 003 -018 -001 + 017 + 029 + 070 i +052 + 051 + 068 + 097 1 644-963 1129-593 ! 636 484 697-105 ; 840-213 205-G. 206-G 207-G 208-G 209-li 209-G 210-G 210-G 211-G 2i2-(; 213-G 214-G 1 1 171 7 173-7 ! 176-2 + 001 + 009 + 007 + 098 + 107 + 114 S93-.740 967-287 1044 932 210-G 211-G 212-<; 211-G 212-G 213-(i 1 1-6 i "■' 177-8 179-9 + 016 - 021 + 130 + •109 1072-488 1090 374 21J-G 214-G 214-G 215-G 216-» ; 217-(i 218-ti 215-G 216-G 217-(; 218-<; 219-(i i 2-4 4 4 4-6 21 29 182-3 186 7 I 191-3 193-4 196 3 +011 1 +VX + 025 '■ +14. + 023 ' +16* + 014 ! +18' --005 +17 1 1099-638 > , 1056-731 t ' 1028-773 ! i 961-733 J \ 870 963 215-« 1 216-G 1 217-G 218-(i I 219-G 219-1 i 220-G 221- G 222-G 223- G ! 220 G. 1 221-G 1 222-( ; 1 223-G i24-G 2'9 i 2-6 i 3 1 2 1 199-2 201-8 20j-5 -009 +161 -017 +15 -015 1 +13 i 852 810 1 820 468 8 818-233 220-G 221-G 222-G 206-6 208-7 +012 1 +14 + 024 i +17 8 810,017 2 \ 729-197 223-G ' 224-G 224-G 225-( ; 225-G 226-G 227-G 228 G 2-4 1 2111 ' 13 ! 212-4 + 023 i +19 + 006 +-20 -f- 005 +20 5 i 633-175 1 \ 664-809 6 ' .565 714 225-G 226-G 227-G 22fr-G 227-( i IT 216 5 - 00 J -^ 19 5.32 707 22»-(i Precise Levelling RESULTS OF PRECISE LEVELLING IVANHOE TO TORONTO, ONT. Ann by W. N. MeGralk and F. B. Reid. 23 1 Bench-Mark 1 Distance DisUnce (rum bench- mark 113 DlSTRIPAWT Elevation l)ctween successive bench- marks above mean sea level Binch-MaRK Partial Total From To No. No. Miles Miles Feet Feet Feet No. 228-C; 229-(l 30 219-5 221 1 223 1 225-1 226-9 -t--002 -(-■003 -000 + -201 + -2M 5S9 687 566 110 22ft-C-. 230-G 229-(i 230-Ci 1-6 + -2M 557-692 231-(; 230-(i 231-(; 232-G 23i-c; 232-C. 233-Cl 20 20 1-8 -(--006 -t--2l0 -1-216 461 016 410 169 232-C; 233-(i 233-C; 234-C; 235-Ci 2U-(i 23,5-Ci 1S9 20 13 228 9 230-2 230-2 -(--005 -f 014 - 004 ^221 •+-•235 -(--231 425 869 399-410 405-106 234-(.; 23.=>-(; 189* ark 189 was 404-754. ComactioM with Public Works Dept's hench-marluv- IMTrXXll- Trent (anal lilt-lock, Peterboro, Elev 838 503 vrCXXI-C- P U bridge over Otonabee river. Peterboro Wev. 8.1 ■ iM. DCXXII-oia C P K^ion, North Toronto, Elev. 406-401. RESULTS OF PRKCISE l,KVKI,I.IN< i BKTH.\NY TO PORT HDPK. ONT. Hun ()!/ F. B. Rad 921 Ben> h-Mabk 1 209-C. 20»-tl 915 915 916 916 917 917 918 918 919 91» 920 930 172-A |72A 172 172 A 921 3-2 15 5-8 3 2 4-0 4 3 10 1 173 0-3 0-3 3 2 4 7 10 5 13-7 17-7 22-0 230 23 23-3 23 6 -(-■007 I -(-013 i -031 ! -029 i -017 -(--0.34 -(-008 -f 007 + 020 -Oil -040 -047 -023 -015 840-213 819 551 701-538 806 809 630 602 480 661 310 087 267-835 -(--004 I - Oil 257 027 -007 I -022 1 271-471 •f 003 1 - 019 287-835 209-G 915 916 917 918 919 920 172-A" 172 921 173' , Th. oh»r-.-cd elevation, o. .h. junction bench-mark. 173-.V «,d 173 were respectively 2«7^«7 and W-JU. I 24 Geodetic Survey of Canada UESILTS or PRt:< I.SE LKVEI.LINti MYKTLK TO WHITBY, ON'T. Kun hy F. B. Reid BtV H- Mark 1 IJi.ttanre iH'twt'cn Diatanc from l>onr.h- m.irk Dm HEPAW Y F.levation Hench-MaRK lH>ncli- moan Krom To ni:irk-» 2I9-C; Partial Total aca level No. No. 219-C; Mili-i Mile.-* Fwt Fc-ot Feet 870963 No. 219-G 2l9-(; 922 3-4 3-4 -004 -004 611 .V)! 922 922 923 1-2 4 (j + IXW — 000 5.39-3.38 923 923 924 2-3 71 - im -004 471-496 924, 024 925 3 10' 1 + ■002 -■tK)2 3.59 489 925 025 926 13 11 4 -■005 -007 314 060 926 926 180-.\ 1-9 13 3 -008 -Olo 2S8^84t> 180-.V iso-.\ 927 14 14 7 -OOti -021 250 3.56 927 • The observed elevation of the junction twneh-mark ISO-A wa^ 3S5^:17y. Hi;.>l'I.T.S OF PIlKt I.>F LEVELLING NDRTH TOUDNTl) TO MIMICO, ONT. Hun hy F. B R-'l Benih- Mark Distance \ l»i't\veen - rtUi-i-essive hencli- iiiark- ; Distance from liench- inark 235 G DiSl KEPAXfY Elevation alwve mean sea level Bench- Mahk From To Partial Total No. 235-G 236-G 237-G No. 23.5-G 23t>-G 237-G 238-G Mil.-^ 1 O-d 1-3 14 Miles 0-9 2-2 .3 l"i Feet ' --008 -006 f 004 Feet '-■008 ' -014 -010 Feet 399-410 403 -2.80 398 935 395 794 No. 235-fi 23('.-G 2.37-G 2.38- c; 1 238-G 239-<; 1 -' 4-S \ 239-Gt ■ ' ■ " ' ' ! i 2;»-0 24ft-G ; 4 4 + 005 -005 389-790 240-G 238-(i 241-(i 242-<; 243-f; 244-G 245-G 241-<: 2421J 243-G 244-G 245-G 191 1 \'» 2-7 4-7 6 2 7 4 8 4 111 12 1 ■ +002 + -0O4 i +010 + 015 + 023 -t 017 iiiiii i i ++++ 390 399 .396 424 399-294 397 IM)2 316-081 2SS-3,56 341-G 242-< ; 243 Ci 244-(i 24.5-(; 191' t The elevation of bench-mark 2M-G hii? n >t yot bi'^a <leterinm*>i ' Tlie obaerved elevation of the junrtiDti benf'h mirk 191 wx^ JHS H». 1^ Prexise Levelling 25 TABLE Ui. KAIL Canadian Pacific Railway KLKVATIONS, MONTKK.VI. TO HLI.L. QLE. (Elevalioiis tiikon in 1917 und 1918 1 -Montrciil. IMare Vigpr Stution Hoohcliiga Angus MileKnd Brcslav (signal tower) ,I:ic(iucs Cartior Junction UiviiTiMles-Praines: water, June 12. 191<,o6 S. rail I jiviil Rapides St . Martin St . Martin Junction RWitJ^es-Milles lies; water, June 13. isi?: 69 0;rail" Rosomere Ste. Thfercse St . AuKUstin Ste. Soholustitiue St. Hennas f^h'river; water; September 20, 1917. 1910; ■fail: . '. '. C'anadian N'ortliei n railwa.v diamond crossing) Stayncrville f 'hatlMiro Magnrsite Cln'nville \w'i^ver; water, bctoher 9. 1917. IMD; rail.. ..:::: Poinli'-au-t 'lidne KiSJe river; water. ' >ctobcr 26. 1917, 128 9; rail. .: . . MontpbelU) Papineauville P^iJ^'sation river; water, May 9,1918: 134-7: rail..:; Bl!^*e river: water: May U: 19is: 135-5; rail L<.>i'haber. . . - Buckinuliani Junction _ I.ievre river; rail at centre ol bridge Li^irBlanrhe river; water. May 20, 1918, 14,1-4; rail. water. May 22, 1918, 137-8; rail Blanche river; Kast Templc'on '^ SEEl^^niT'l^fw^l^l^.marMam^^.krLe-.underc™^^^ rail 151-7; North Shore line rail Hull ftWT. 58 I 77-2 160 3 222 7 193 9 »8-2 75-4 73 8 74 3 107 2 109 2 90 89-5 91 3 121 3 223 4 237-2 255 3 228 209-1 250-0 260-2 311 8 2-.8-4 209-1 195 178-1 187-1 169 9 161 4 170 7 155 187-2 185 7 185 9 170-7 180 5 1900 188 3 187-5 168 9 1.54 8 159 3 178 « 182-1 177 1 1909 R.UL ELEVATIONS, ST. MARTIN Jl N< TION TO THREE RIVERS, QUE. (F.levations taken in 1917) Canadian Pacific Railway-St. Martin Junction " I* Cap ■I St. Vincent-<le-Paul Rty'l^r^les^Milles lies; water. June 23, 1917, 26 7; rail « Terrebonne « Masi'ouche „.■ na j -i •• Mascouche river; water, July 9, 1917, 26-4; rail « Cabane Ronde ■ " l.'Kpiphanie • \ fanadian Norlbern railway aj:,,„,.ndcro-sinK) « Achigan river: water, July ., 191. ._24J; rail « St. Esprit river; water. July i. ""'•,-]>;4'- ™!' • ., ■• « I.Assomplion river; water. July II. 1917. .4 2; rail.... « Vauclust 109-2 100 5 72 1 54 3 y-4 59-6 62 8 62-2 59 2 72-7 7,! 7 72 4 68 3 63 3 76 26 Geodetic Survey of Canada RAIL ELEVATIONS, ST. MARTIN JUNCTION TO TKUEE RIVERS, QVE—Conlinuti. (Klevationa taken in 1917) ( 'anntiian Pacific Railway— Lavaltiie 8S-3 " Lanoraie 68'4 Paqu»tte 84-4 Chaloupe river,; water July 19, 1917, 21-8; raU 56« " IJerfhier Junction 38-7 " Bayonne river; water, July 21, 1917, 16-4; rail 37-0 " I'hirot river; water, July 23, 1917, 160; rail 37-9 " St. <uthl>ert 37-8 St. llartWlenii 33-0 " MaHkinonR^ rive:; water, Augusts, 1917, I7'6; rail 48-8 *' Mai<kin(ing<- 48-9 '* LouiHeville 42-4 " KiviereKlu-I.oup; water, Ausust 10, 1917, 15-9; rail 44-2 " Viiiimrhiche .... 33-8 " Yaiuttchiihe river; water, August 11, 1917, 23'6; rail 43-5 Pointe-<lu-I,ai' 67-7 RAIL ELKV.MIOX, (iKENVILLE, QUE. TO PRESCOTT, ONT. (Elevations taken in 1918) f 'anailian Pacific Railway— (irenviUe 209 1 ( ariailiun Northern Ry. — — < irenville 174-5 " (irenville canal; water 128 (1; rail 174-8 " Ottawa river; water. May 29, i»18. 117; rail (centre of bridge) 174-5 " Hawkesbury 162-4 (Iran 1 Trunk Railway— Hawkesbury 142-9 •' Canadian Northern railway (diamond cro.s»ing) 159-9 I'anadian Pacilicrailway, Ottawa- Vaudreuil line (diamond crossing). 263-8 Vankleek Hill 296-0 Higaud river; water, June 10, 1918. 194 2; rail 214-8 Dalkeith 229-1 (;ien .Sandfield 237-8 Clen Robertson 2631 " Intcrprovincial boundary, Ontario-Quebec 244-6 " Sie. Justine 247-3 " Canadian Pacific railway, diamond crossingat St. PolycarpeJunction. 194-1 " St. Polvcarpt- 177-6 Canadian Pacific Railway— I>eli»le river: water, June 17, 1918, 157-7; rail 193-8 " Soulange:^, jun(-tion switch 200-5 Ubergc 210-2 Baudet river; water, June 17, 1918, 183-2; rail 197-7 Bridge End 198-5 *' Norin Lancaster 186-5 " Clen Gordon 182-3 " Williainstown 182-1 Raisin river; water. June 27, 1918, 157-6; rail 181-6 " (tlenhnxik. ... 176-6 Cirand Trunk railway, main line (diamond cr ssing) 191-0 Cornwall 182-7 Grand Trunk Railway Cornwall.. 192 9 Ottawa A New- York railway, diamond crossingat Cornwall Junction. 201-7 Mille Roches 226-0 Moulinctte 233-6 Wales 237-3 Karran Point 242-6 Aultsville 247-6 " Morrisburg 271 * I " Iroquois 245- 1 Cardinal 278-8 " Canadian Pacific railway, Ottawa-Prescott line (under crossing) rail, 284 6; GT R. rail 304-6 Prescott 310-9 Canadian Pacific Railway- Presoott 260-3 Precise Levelling 27 RAIL ELEVATIONS, IVANHOE TO TORONTO, ONT. (ElevstioM taken in 11116 and 1918) Canadian Pacific Railway— Ivanhoe . . Pet«r»on .■•,■."••.■. j Canadian Northern railway, Trenton Maynooth line, diamond crow- ing at Bonarlaw Crow river; water, October 16, 1916, 582-9; rail Tiffin Havelock — Norwood Asphodel (flag station) Indian River Otonabee Trent canal; water 6320; rail - Otonabee river; water, Aug. 22, 1918, 6205; rail Peteiboro ■ ■ Grand Trunk railway. Port Hope-Peterboro line (diamond crossing). Kendry (flag station) Cavan ■. — ; ■ . Grand Trunk railway, Millbrook-Omemee Junction line (under c-os»ing) rail 839 1; C.P.R. rail Bethtny Junction Manvers Pontypool Burketon Brady Myrtle • Grand Trunk railway, Whitby-Lindsay line (overhead crossing) rail 8930; C PR. rail Dagmar Glen Major Claremont Atha Road Locust Hill Little Rouge creek; water, Sept. 17, 1918, 597-7; rail Rouge creek; water, Sept. 17, 1918, 481- 1; rail Browns Comer Agincourt ^ ■ Grand Trunk railway, Lindsay-Soarboro Junction line (under crossing) rail 543-7; C.P.R. rail Weiford ■ ■ Canadian Northern railway (under crossing) rail 373-8; C.P.R. rail (eastbound track) Donlands I,eBsid<> North Toronto (centre of Yonge street -tubway ) 610-3 561-2 8083 600-4 444-3 701 671-9 728-5 710 3 6771 640-6 632 5 631-4 636-8 655-9 645-6 864-7 855-5 960-1 1,067-1 1,057-0 1,064-1 888-8 870-4 861-0 843-5 8870 747-5 666-2 «.'?6-7 .526-3 563-4 565-5 5702 537-6 4,58 448-8 430 2 417-2 RAIL i;i.i;\ ATIOXS, PKTERBfiUO TO PORT HOPK, ONT. (Elevations taken in 1918* Gr»nd Trunk Railway— Peterboro " Canadian Pacific railway, main line (diamond crossing) •' Millbrook. Peterboro track " Millbrook, Omemcc Junction track " Carmel " Campbellcroft " Perrytown " Quay " Smith creek; water, August 2. 1918, 310-9; rail " Canadian Northern railway, Toronto-Ottawa line (overhead crossing) rail 348-8; G.T.R. rail •' Smitli creek; water, August 2, 1918, 292-2; rail " Smith creek; water, August 2, 1918,272-9; rail. " Port Hope (centre of Walton street) " Canadian Pacific railway, Lake Ontario Shore line (overhead crossing) rail 294-6; G.T.R. rail " Port Hope Junction 647-6 636 8 768-6 7700 908-3 627-3 642-1 475-5 328 5 304 8 298-1 280 8 278-3 270 286 8 28 Gemidic i<uri'ey of Canada HAIL KLKVATIONS. MYHTI.i: ID WHITBY. UN T. iKlrVHliuns taken in 19IX) Grand Trunk Railway— Myrtle ". ( am'i.lian Ni.rlli.rn railway. T.ironlo-Ottiiwa lino uliamond crossing) Cirand'l^.i;;k&"'-r^l"'n'j'»':iH<- '""""V' '»'"■ ""•»"" ^^^ore lino (dianu,nd crossing) roroiiio and Kai-tcin clftric - railway, diamond croasinR. Wliilliy itown -tatiiim Wliitliy .lunction. 8320 537 -3 48n-8 479 2 299 3 291 5 2.SB-2 278-3 RAIL KLKVATIONS. NORTH TORONTO TO MIMK O, ONT. iKIc'Vatidn' taken in 191SI Canadian Pacific Railway- -North Toronto 'centre o( Voniie street subway) .• ■ (irand Irunk railwav. Toronto- North Hay line (diainond crossing)., (irand Trunk railway. Toronto-Stratfi.rd line (diamond crossing).. .. < anadian IVific railway. Toronto-Sudlmry line (diamond crossing). West Toronto ■ Lanibton Humber river; rail on bridge -i oai' a- Toronto Suburban -ekctricj railway, under crossing, rail JSi-t. C.P.R. rai'.. iKlington < ibico, junction switch ■ C anpa, junction switch rEiT 417-2 397-9 396-0 396-0 390-4 .398-8 399-6 4029 402-7 399-8 317-9 Preciife Levelling 29 INDEX ALPHABKTICAL LIST OK (ITIES, TUVVN.S ANM) VILI^C;E8 AT OR NEAK WHICH BENCH-MAHKS HAVE BEEN ESTABUSHEU Note.— ruder "Vearof PuhlirjitUin 19l2re(>T9to Xol 1913 •• Vol 1, 1«I4 •■ Vol I, 19U " Vol 11, 191(1 " Vol III, 1917 " Vol III 1918 1919 No 2*, "Publicatiou ol the Dominion Obxrvntcry.' No. 3, " No «, N.). 1, No. «, -. .... No. 8, 'ubiiration No. I, Geodetic Survey ol Canadn. the prpitent publication. Plaio Abbotaford.B.C... Abbottaford. Que. . . . Abercorn, Quo Actonvale, Que AdaiDBvillp, Que A^incourt, Ont Ailaa (^ra<8, Ont . . Alameda. Saxk Albert C anyon, B.C Alcove, Que Aldergrove. B.C Alsoina, Ont .\lui, Alta Allenford, Ont AUiaton, Ont Almonte, Ont Alton, Ont Amherst, N.S Andover, N.B Angers, Que Antigonish, N.S — Apohaqui, N.B Appin, Ont Appl" Hill, Ont Ardendale, Ont Ardrossan, Alta . Argyle, N.S Arnprior, Ont Aroostook, N.B. Artland, Sask Ashcroft. B.C Asquith, Sask Athalmer, B.C Atwood,Ont Auburn, N.S Aultsville, Ont Avondale, N.S Avonmore, Ont ... Ayers Cliff, Que Aylesbury, Sask — Aiilda.Ont Baden, Ont Bakar Brook, N.B.. Bala, Ont Banff, Alta Barons, Alts Barriagton, N.S — Barrington Passage, Burrys Bay, Ont.... Bashaw, AlU N.S. B.M. Number Year ol I Publication | Description 1 levation 28-J S2fr-B 54 630-B 50 i29-G, 230-Ci 343 67-C 303-C 472 24-J 602 61-F. «2-F 292 382, 383 64-G, 65-G,«6-G 131-F 545-B(o548-B 40-B 858 172-B, 173-B 115-8 240 100 166-G 55-H 457-B 73-G, 74-G,75-G 41-B 28-H 74-J 6-H 163-D 309 487-B 900 H7-B 103 28-A-2, 29 14-D 457 101-F 3«4-B 408 240-C, 241-C 70-D, 77-D 444-B 440-B 523 es-F Page. ^' 1918 23 43 1918 11 33 1917 282 318 1918 9 32 1917 281 317 1919 15 23 1914 220 ffl 1913 69 83 1917 270 310 1914 218 234 1916 170 191 1916 156 181 1916 165 187 1913 60 83 1913 64 8« 1917 250 293 1918 17 37 1916 14« 173 1917 277 314 1919 8 18 1913 47 74 1913 44 73 1913 S« 81 1917 285 320 1917 266 296 1916 163 186 1916 13 30 1917 250 293 1917 277 314 1915 20 34 1918 26 42 1915 19 34 1917 265 306 1913 61 83 1916 148 175 1919 12 21 1913 47 74 1917 286 320 1913 48 75 1913 72 90 1914 226 238 1918 15 3« 1917 247 290 1913 66 86 1916 167 188 1915 25 38 1915 12 29 1915 12 29 1915 16 32 1016 165 1 187 • The bench-mark lumbera in thi« publieation (Yukoo levBlliat) loUow a swies iade^dnt ol tioM: is order to diatinauiih them they are printed is italics in the "B.M. Number column. those ia the later pnb- ( •< . 30 Geodetic Survey of Canada AI.PHABKTKAI, MAT OF CITIKS, TOWNS AND VILI.AGKS AT OR NKAR WHICH BKNCH-MARKS HAVK BKEN ESTABLWHKIV-fonJinyei. ! Year oi Plwe i B M Number Publication Description Klevation Pm* Pa^e Bath. N.B SS-B 1917 27B 314 Bayfield, N.S 177-B 1813 48 75 Beamaville. Ont 2«M 1913 63 85 Beaudctte. Minn IS-E 1914 226 239 Beavernidulh, B.C *^W-0 1917 286 308 Bwlford. Que "68 1917 282 318 Bedford, \S .Wft-B 1916 144 171 Ikwoher FalU, Vt ,V)2-B 1916 153 180 Beeton, Ont ;t79 1913 64 86 Beineker, Alta 4S-K 1916 164 187 Belgrave, Ont 316 1913 61 83 Bellamy, Ont 101 (1 1917 252 298 Belle River, Ont 2S2 1913 57 81 Belleville, N.S 4.59-B 191,% 13 ,30 Belleville, Ont I.Wr« 157-A-2 1917 288 322 Bcloeil, Que 606-B I91S 9 32 Bennett, B.C «-« 1912 23 23 Benton, N.B .. 18-B 1917 276 313 Berthinr Jet., Que . fi98-B 1919 9 19 Berwick, N.S 488-B 1916 148 175 Bethany Jet.. Onl 209-(i,2I')-G 1919 14 • »■> Bethune, Saiik 9-D 1913 71 90 Bienfuit, Sask 6I-C 1913 69 88 Biiwar, Sask . . 12-H 191.1 20 34 Blaekie, .\lta 83-D 191.5 2('. S3 Blailworth. .■'ask 19-n 1914 227 240 Blaine, Wash 1!KI 191H 169 190 Blairmore. .Vita loi-n 1917 262 304 Blind KiviT, Ont ft )».«().") 1916 156 181 Bloonifield. N.B 1 1 1 u 1913 44 73 Blue River, B.C 124 J. l2.'.-( 191H 28 43 Bluevale. Ont 31:! 191.1 61 83 Blyth.Ont 317 1913 61 83 Bolmrm, .■^ank lOi-C 1914 229 241 Boie.itown, N.B 33 < 1916 151 178 Boissevain. Man 31-C..32-I.,' 1913 67 87 Bolton, Ont 2W 1913 58 82. 86 Bonarlaw. Ont 189-(; 1919 13 22 Bordeaux, (^ue S2H 1919 7 IS Botliwell, Ont 243 1913 57 8t Boundary (reek, N.B 128- B 1913 45 78 Bow Lsland. .Vita 17i ( . I7'.i-C 191,5 23 35 Bowmanville. Ont 177 1913 M 79 Bra-burn, Y T •5^ 1912 27 27 Brani .Vita ... IM I > 1915 26 38 Brantfonl, Ont 2iM..'2') 1913 55 80 Broslau. *>nt '.14 1- 1918 14 36 BridgeburK, Ont 21.>-V 1913 64 8S Bridnewater. N.S llXt R '. 41. B 1915 10 28 BrifrlyBnwk, N.S 171) U 1913 47 74 Brighton. Ont llW 1917 288 322 Bristol, N.B .■i4-B 1917 276 314 Britannia MilU. Que. , 62.5 B 1918 i| 32 Broekville, Ont 123. 124 1917 286 321 ** lO.i <;. I'H-G 1917 252 298 Broine, Que .Tit 1917 282 318 Rromptonville. Que ft48 B 1918 10 33 Br<x)klin, Ont 923.924 1919 If) 24 Brookport, Que «0 1917 281 317 Bruce, Alta 4.'i-H 1916 162 186 Bruce Mine.t, Ont j 61!) 1916 1,56 182 Brucefield, Ont 329 1913 62 84 Brunswick, N.B 6-B 1917 275 313 Bru-.sels. Ont .■;i2 191?. fi! .V. Buckingham Jet., Que 8.'>7 1919 8 I8 Bull River, B.C 13.5-D 1917 264 30f. Burdett, .\lta 1 i8ft-c, m-c 1915 23 35, 30 Burketon, Ont ; 2I6-G 1919 14 22 Burlingtun Jet., Got j 198 1913 55 80 Bury. Que ! lJ-A-2 1913 4» 78 Precise Levelling 31 ALPHABKTKAL LIST OK <1TIF.S, TOWNS AND VU.I.ACiKH AT <»U NKAH HHKH BENCH-MAKKS HAVE BKtN KHTABUKHKl>-( uKimird. riHce B.M. NumLi-r ^ear <if Ful'lii'Ktion Dewription CulalMwip, Ont. Calaii*. Mainp .. ('•Id well, Out Caledon, Oni .. CHlgary, Alta Canibriiigp. \ S . Campbellrriift. Ont.. ramplx-llton. N.B... Cammw, Alia C'anmore, Aitu. . . . . . CanivlxTf, Que ... Canterbury, N.B , . C'apelton. Que Cap St. iKnace. C^ue . Cap St. Martin, (^ue. Cardinal, Ont CaribiMi, Y.T Carievale, Sa»k Carleton Place. Ont . CarmanKay, Alta Carnduff, Caron. Sask Cartwright, Man Caacadett, Que Cataract. Ont Cavan, Ont Chamberlain, Sask . . Champion, Alta. . Chaplin. Sask Chase. B.C Chatham, Oni Chatham. N.B Chataworth. Ont Chaudiere. Que Chauvin. Alta Chelaea, Que Chesley, Ont Cheater, N.S Chesterville, Ont . . Chilliwack, B.C Chin, Alu Chipman. N.B ChuChua, B.C CUrkaon, Ont Clarkaville. N.S Clayburn. B.C Clifton, N.S Clinton, Ont Cloverdale. B.C Coaticook, Que Coblens. Sask Cobourg, Ont Cochrane, Alta Colborne, Ont Coldbrook, N.S. . . Coldwater, Ont Coleman, Alta CollinaBay, Ont Compton, Que Condie, Saaic Coaa Miib. N.S Cookimi Lake, Alta Cookshire, Que Copetown, Ont Corbetton, Ont Corbyville, Ont Kll'Mtliol. Pa«e Page 13»-<i IV17 254 299 1-B 1917 275 31.1 512 191S 16 32 2M 1913 58 l<2 205 1911 17 37 SO-D. 51-n, 52-D 1915 27 39 3» F 1916 163 187 217-C, 218-C 1916 16« 188 490-B 1916 148 175 918 1919 16 24 25-G. 26-'! 1916 151 177 70-F. 7I-F 1916 165 187 23*-c; 1916 167 188 e23-B 1918 '.1 33 1»-B 1917 276 313 2S 1913 48 75 S67-B 1917 247 291 S84-B 1919 9 19 910 1919 13 21 n-R 1912 24 24 '»-C 1913 68 KM 60-<i, 61-Ci. f.2-(; 1917 249, 250 293 73-D, 74-D 1915 25 ;w SO-C 1913 68 88 108-<; 1914 229 241 2ft-C 1913 67 87 467 1914 218 234 130 F 1918 16 37 208-(} 1919 14 ■lO 12-D 1913 72 90 71-D 1915 20 38 113-C 1914 229 241 342-<- 1918 31 45 248-A.247, 247-A 1913 57 81 373, 247 1914 222 236 49-G 1910 152 178 283 1913 59 82 MCLXXU 1918 X 34 30-H 1915 21 34 4M 1914 218 234 295, 296 1913 60 83 401-B 1915 10 28 107 1917 285 320 34-J, 35-J 1918 24 42 191-C 1915 23 36 342-B 1914 216 233 98-J 1918 27 43 192 1913 55 80 520-B, 521-B 1916 145 171 29-J 1918 24 42 S31-B 1916 145 172 320, 321 1913 62 83 20-J, 21-J 1916 169 191 14, 15. 16 1917 283 319 17-H 1915 20 34 171 1913 53 79 222-C, 223- C 1916 166 188 166 '917 288 322 491-B 1916 148 175 399-A 1913 65 86 105-D 1917 262 304 144 1917 287 321 10 1917 283 319 5-D 1913 71 90 138 B 1513 4S 74 S3-H 1916 163 186 lO-A-3, 11-A 1913 49 7« 216-A 1913 65 80 273 1913 59 82 185-G 1917 257 301 t Refer to Public Workt Dept. 32 Geodetic Survey of Canada AI.PHABKTICAI, MST OF ( ITIKH, TOWNS AND VIM.AOKS AT OR NEAR WHICH BENCH-MARKH HAVE BEEN E8TABI.ISHED-r<m/,ii»«<. Ptww B.M. N'umber (ornwull, Ont . »S9, 4W) 491 S»3, H^i C nrunna. Ont . sai < uti-BU Jrt . (iue UO ('Ale-<li-t-NVi«c«. (Jii» SIS, SH. S:7 <'(>urtrMjht. Ont Mi < (lutls, Alta . 2lll-(t < (iwley. Alta 97-I) ('rnighurst. Ont .■)«■,' (raik. Simk . Kl-I) ('ranhri>i)k. H (' 172-1) .'o ITl-D < rcuton. B.( ■ 19.)-I), 19t^-D < 'rookaton, Ont ir9-<'. (rowsnesi. B.C IW-O (rysler. Ont 49<l Crystal ( ity. Mi lil-(.' DalhiiU'iiv Milia, Ont . '.i:> Ualkritti. Ont s;:!. S74 DanI)!,-. (iup ikU-H Danville, (jue 67 'iU Dauntless, Alta iri-( Davidson, Sink 1"*-D Dawsiin, \ T ♦,'», •;, I )ean I,uki>, Ont (i<;i,t Dcljee, N H . 2i>-» Delliurno, .\lta ,'59-K Dcktra'no. Man . . . :iti-< ' IWaon, (iuf .V.t:l-H, ■)!)» B Dcnfield, 1 )nt :!,VS Denmark. \.S . U9 B Depot llarl)i>ur, Ont jiiti, .w; Derby .lot.. \.B 4:-(i-2 Derby Line. Vt :w-.V De Sales, (iue tisT-B. IWs B Desb.>. Ont i;-2> Devlin. Ont 27-1; DeWinton. .\lta .'i7-I) Dinant. .VIim . ... 7:'.-i Disley. .S;i,k si) Doakliinn. .\.H. ,",7-(i Dobbinton. Ont yn Dorohe-.liT, N,B I )( 1 i l,.\ \ XI \ Dorenlee. .\lta 'W-l' Doscjui't. (^ue (i.')7 H Drayton. Ont 123-1- Dresden. Ont . :t7n Drinkwuter, .■'ask !)!-( Duck, B. ( .iU-( Duck Lake ask 42-D Dundalk, l> 274 Dundas, Oni 21.^ Dundurn, .Sank i.i-D Dunmore, Alta 10.VC Eastman. Que 44 East Pubnirti, N'..S 4.>:!-B Eastray, (jue 44 East Templefon. (}ue . Siirt. 861 Eaatwood, Ont 22,5 Echo Bay, Ont fi28 Ediierton, .\lta Xi-H Edmonton, .\lta ,M-H to 61-H Edmund.ston. X.B 08-B. .59-B. 60-B Euflon, Alta »ii_jj u2_j{ t-ganville. Ont 514 Elmwood. Ont 297 t .\l«o bench-mark in international boundary moaumeat ; Rder tu Public Worka Dapt Year of i*ublieatiuo Dew ri pi ion 1914 1919 1914 1917 191S 1914 mil 1(117 I9i:i 191.1 1917 1917 1917 1917 1914 191.1 2I» 12 221 Wi 13 222 2S 262 65 72 266 2m 2,W 263 220 67 Elevation P*«e 23S 20, 21 2.16 320 35 23« 37 304 fW DO 307 307 296 304 235 87 1917 2HS 1 320 1919 11 20 I91S 10 ' 33 19IS 12 43 IUI.> 22 ! 35 1914 227 ' 240 1912 i 34 34 I'.tlii Vi 182 1917" 27« ! 313 1»1« 163 1 187 1»|:! tvl 1 88 191S H 32 1911 62 84 1911 46 74 1915 11 i 31 1916 152 J78 1911 49 75 1919 9 19 1916 m 182 22.i "uft 191.) 2* ;w 191(i 165 187 1911 71 90 I9ll> 151 178 1911 60 83 19lii i 174 191ti 163 187 191S 11 34 igi.^ 16 3' 1914 222 236 1911 70 89 I91S 31 45 1914 22s 240 1911 59 82 1911 55 80 1914 227 240 1915 22 36 1917 281 317 1913 11 29 1917 281 317 1919 8 18 1911 55 80 I'il6 1.37 182 1915 21 34 1916 161 186 1917 278 314 1017 IT-J 311 1913 16 32 1913 60 S3 Precise Levelling 33 ALPHABETICAL U8T OF CITIES. TOWNS AND VILI.A(!EH AT OR NEAR WHICH BENCH-MARKS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED— Oxi«»»«<<. YearoJ riarn B.M. Numbar Publication Detcription F.lavatioa P««e Pa«B Elfir*. Onl. 117-F, <18-F 44-C m 1918 1913 1914 16 68 220 .37 JClv» Man . 88 Emlirun, Oni 33S Emrrimn. Man .vc 1913 6« 87 Emo, Out 2.3-E. 24-E 1914 226 239 Knlaimrn . Qve SI 1917 282 JI8 Entign, Allu tl«-D 191.1 26 38 Enn, )n' . . 129 K 1918 16 37 Emrntown, Ont 146 1917 287 321 Krnfjlil, Saak IIS-C 1914 229 241 Eiit«van. S«»k 62-c:,6.l-<; 1913 66 88 Eu.-pka, V.T 187 332, 33.) 9.^-B 1912 1913 1917 33 62 280 31 84 Fainille, NH 316 Faruham, Que. 62 1917 281 317 «.(, 64 62.i-B. 62 1917 1918 282 II 318 " 33 Farrari Pnint. Ont X99 1919 12 21 Faswt* <iuc 847 1919 8 18 Fergus, Ont 119-F, 120-F 1<I|8 16 37 Ferintofh. Al;,i 67- F 1916 165 187 Fernie, 1! < ' 121-D (•' lii-D 260-C 1917 1916 263 168 305 Field, nc 189 Finch Ont lOS »'.5 1917 1914 235 219 320 235 Findlater. Sa-ik U-D 1x13 72 90 Flesherlon. Ont 277 1913 59 82 Forest, (Int.. 351 1914 22i 236 Fort Krie. Ont 215-A 1913 64 85 29-E. 30-E OO-E to 92-t 1914 1916 226 161 239 Fort William, Ont 184 Foster, Qr.* . . 47 1917 281 317 Frank .Alta . ... 10: -D 70fi 1917 19r 262 261 304 Frani. i>nt 303 Frcnili Villugo. N.S 39.i-n 1915 9 28 .V. 47-C 1913 1917 1913 69 281 68 88 F'l'i.vr'l (Juf.. 317 Ciainhhorough. Sask 08 Clalt.Onl Sl-K(o82-F-> 1918 14 36 Ciirvin, .*^ 17-D 1913 72 90 Glacier, B.C 21M-( •6-S 1917 1912 270 36 309 Glacier, Y.T 36 24!, 241-.V .W-C 1913 1913 56 68 81 Glen F.wpn, ,'<aBk 88 C.len UolxTt.'too, Ont 876, 877 1919 11 20 Glentav.Ont. ..^ 117-a i9l7 253 295 Goderich, Ont. .12.5, 326, 327 1913 62 83, 34 Godfrey. f)nt 150-G 1917 255 300 Golden. B «' 273-C 1917 269 309 Golden Lake, tint 51.1 3«-G 1915 1913 16 68 32 Goodlanil.-, Man 88 GracetieUI. (iue 48t 1914 219 234 Grneetor.. Minn 14-E 1914 226 239 Gra/ton t>nt . . . 168 50-F 1913 1916 53 194 79 Grainger. Alta Grand Coul/'e, Swk 187 101-C 1913 71 89 Grand FalU. N.B 46-B 1917 277 314 78 4l«-B 3-H 1917 1916 1915 280 149 19 317 Grand Pr6 N.S. 175 Grandora. !^ask 34 Gt-SMy Lake, Alta m-<;, 183-c 1915 1 23 36 Gr«en River. N.B 54-B a? 1917 1917 277 ' 283 314 Green Valley, Onl 32) Grenville, Que 842, *U3 1919 7 18 865.866 4-C 1919 1913 10 66 20 Gretna. !Jaii 87 ; Rfler to Public Worm D«i)t. 34 (ieoddic Survey of Canada AI.I'HABKTUAI, I.IST i)| ( ITIKS. TOWNS AM) VILLACiES AT OK NKXU WUK H BEN( H-MAKKS HAVE BEEN ESTABU.SHED-fonf.nufd. Pla • iririisliy, (inl. Ouclph. Out. Ouelph .let.. Ont., Cull Lake, Siisk . Hague. Sa-k . Hulljrilo. Sask.. . Halifax. N..'< Hallock, Minn Hamilton. Ont Hampton. N.B Hanley. Sa.<k Hanovtr. Ont Hanl.^port, N'.S Ha-laka .lit.. Que.... HarrishufK, Ont Harrisliin, t)nt Harrow-smith, Ont... Harlland. N.B Hatton. Sask Havelo<k, ( >nt Hawkesbury, Ont . Hawthorne. Ont Heath, Alta Henfryn. Ont Herbert. Sask. . Heron Bay, Ont . . Hespeler, Ont Hillhurst. Que Hillsburgh, Ont . Holden. Alta Holland Centre. Ont. Holmesville, Ont. . Holmfield, Man Hope, B.C Howick Jet., Que Hubbards, N.S Hull, Que Hume^, Y.T Huntingdon. B.t' . . Hvdc- Park Jrt., Ont. Iberville, Que Ilderton, Ont Indian River, Ont.. Itdian River, Y,T,, IngerwU, Ont Inkerp.aa, Ont Irnia, .Mta Iroquoiw. Ont Irvine. .\lta Islington, Ont Ivanhtie, Ont Jaekfish, Ont Jaffray. B.C James River, N.S. .lanper. Alia Jasper. Ont Jeannette, Ont Jordan, Ont Juniata, Sask Kakabeka Falls, Ont Kaiuluope. B.C Kamloops Jet., B.C... Kasabaiua, Que Kearney, Ont Keewatin, Ont B.M. NuMib.T 2(« m^-K /.<!!■.'- K X8-K. 89 F 135-( ■ :w- 1 ) 71) ( • .1S(v H. :!S7 H ■WtV B. :iS7 B 2 ( • MIX, IflO. 20t) IU<^ B 23-1) 298,299 ,'iOO-B 219^H 77- F ;««. »(M i.M-<; :)1-B l,51-( ■ 193-(i-2 8fi7 lu 869 ,902 :J4-H 310 118-C 742. 742- A 86- F 13 128-F 46-H 281 322 22-C 42-J, 43- J 87 397 B 459.460 IM 26-J, 27-J 341 74 339 198-<; tos 229. 230 110 39- H 907,908 1S9-C, 160-f; 243-(;. 244-(i 17fr-G 757 131-D, 132 D 189-B 104-H 97-G 249-A 205 6-H BS-E 363-C to 35S-<; 87-J 4» SS3 34-F Vear of Puhlinition 1913 1918 1918 1914 1914 1013 1915 1916 1913 1913 1913 1914 1913 1916 1913 1918 1913 1917 1917 1915 1919 1919 1914 1915 1913 1914 1918 1918 1917 1918 1916 1913 1913 1913 1918 1917 1915 1914 1912 1916 1913 1917 1913 1919 1912 1913 1917 1916 1919 1915 1919 1917 1918 1917 1913 1917 1917 1913 1913 1915 I9l<t 19i8 1918 1914 1915 191S Do.M-riptii Pa^re 63 14 14 230 228 69 9 144 66 6:! 44 227 liO 149 52 14 61 255 276 21 13 11 220 21 61 230 19 14 283 16 163 59 62 67 24 284 9 217 31 170 63 280 63 14 33 56 28S 162 13 22 17 257 19 264 47 274 252 57 63 19 16! 31 2« 218 14 1» Elevation Paul! 85 36 36 241 240 89 28 171 87 85 73 240 83 176 77 36 8;i 300 313 35 22 20 235 34 8;i 241 39 38 319 37 186 82 8;5 87 42 320 28 234 31 191 84 317 84 22 33 80 320 186 21 35 25 2«« 305 74 312 298 81 85 34 184 45 43 234 31 33 Precise LeveUimj 35 AI.PHABKTK AI. I.IMT OF (ITIKS. TOWNX AND VIM. A( .KS AT OR NEAR WHK H BENCH-MARKS HA\ ' BEEN ESTAHI.ISHED-ronfmBed. Fla.e Keiiipton. <)n(. ... Kemptville. Out. Kenaston. Sask. . . . Kennetrook, N'.S. , . Kenora. Ont Kentvillc. N.S . Kilbum, N.B Killaloe. Ont Killarncy. Man KingH«'j-, Quo Kingston. N.S Kingston, Ont Kipp. Alta Kippon, Ont. Kirkoalily, Alta. Kirk Kerry. Que . Kitchener. (,>nt Kleinhurg, C»nt Knowlton. Que Koinoka. Out Kootenay Landing, B.(' . Lac Baker, N.B I^aohule. (^ue Lacolle. (^ue l^ake .\lta Lainbtiin. Ont Lamli.s. Sask Ijinoraio, (^ue I>ans(lowne, Ont Laprairie, Quo l,av!inr. Ont I.,ea.sitit'. Ont I.* Cap, (^ue I^Aickfoni. .'^a!*k Iwcney, Sask Ijonnctxville, Que L'Epiphanio. (juo Ix'prcau, N.B I-etliliriilge, .\lta I-fvis, (iue L'Islet, (^10 ListowcL ( »nt Little Hivor, V.T Livorp(M»i. N.,*^ Locust Hill, Ont ljOn(ioslK)n(Ug!i, Ont London. < Int Londnniicrry, .N'.iS lx>n(jW(MMi. Ont Ixjui?«<'villc. Quo Ijou.'sana, .Aita lx)W, <^uo l^owor .\r»<yle, N.,S Lower I-'a.^t Pubni«'o, .N..S Lucun, Ont Lucan ( "rcj-i^ing. Out Lucerne, B.C Lumaden, Sask Lyn. Ont Lynilen. Ont LvonBrwk. N.S Ly(*tcr, (^uo Lvtitin, B.C B.M. Nunilicr Macran. N.,S MacloiKl, Mia Macoun, ,^ask J KHiT to Public Works Dt'pt. ii:; ;■•< A .:• ') :.' .L.ii'i-B ; > E. 37-F, :ts-F 4 .'-B 1,1 494-B ,7-B .iW. .519 2,V-( ■ 677 B 480- B 139. 141, 141-A. 112 Sl-I) XiO 70- 1 ) 4<». lliii 9.->-E (.- 97-F 25H 49 2.17-A 2(M-I). 20.5 I) 2ii7-B .5s:i B 24S -( ■. 249 ( 242 (; Ki -H <«t7 -B l.'iO i: 1 .59») B \?.i (. •ix\ -i; IW4- -B 41 -I) H H m:\ -B s<^ B 190 -( '. 2IJ0-C s:i I) 221 B. 222-B ■>•»'> B .5(W ii lior ;;iii Si 41x B. 4iyH. 12(H» 220 (. :il.H 21! .5 2:i ( MI.\.\I.\ 2:«i A 70.1 B ;oo-B .5.S 1 470 4.5.5 B 4.52 B 114 V .■W7 .■I:i7 111- H 12.5 1) 217 !.50 u my B t>2 1. ^t ,1 < M.WI .S7 I). IV O j 09 < Year of 1 Publication Description Elevation Page F'agi- 1917 286 320 19l:i 52 7S 1914 227 240 1910 145 171 1915 19 33 1910 148 175 1917 277 314 1915 10 32 1913 67 87 191S 12 44 1910 148 175 1917 287 321 1915 25 38 1913 62 Ml 1915 26 ,;., 1914 218 234 191H 15 30 1913 .58 82 1917 282 3H I9i:i 56 SO 1917 268 MS 1917 247 2'.>0 1919 7 IS 191S ,s 32 I»|li 107 IS'.t 1919 17 25 191.5 20 34 1919 9 19 1917 280 321 1918 8 32 1917 2,54 2*) J919 15 1919 9 I'> 1914 22.S 240 1915 19 34 1917 2S3 31!) 1919 9 1!> 1917 279 310 1915 24 30 1915 25 3S 19|:! .52 1910 ISi 179 1917 248 291 1913 01 s:; 1912 26 20 1915 11 2;i 1919 15 1913 01 s.i 1913 .50 ■SO 1916 t 172 1913 50 SI 1919 10 I'.t 1910 165 1S7 1914 218 234 1915 13 30 1915 12 21) 1918 15 30 1913 02 K4 1»18 15 36 1918 22 41 1913 71 90 1917 286 321 1913 65 80 !1»t': 47 74 1918 U 34 1918 25 42 1916 t 173 1917 262 .■W4 1913 69 89 36 Geodetic Survey of Canada ALPHABKTICAI. LIST OK ( ITIES, TOWNS AVD VILLAGES AT OR NEAR WHICH BENCH-MARKS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED— Con(mu«i. Place M!\va>k:i, Out Mn<lc)0.)ct., Ont MacoK. Quo Mailland. Ont MHlaKH^h, N.S Mallorytown. <>i i — Maniiuu, Man Maple < "rcfk. Sask... Maikdalc. Ont Maiyavillc, Ont. Mascouclip. (iue Maskin()ng6, Que Massawippi. (^uo Masson, (jue Masj*ey. Ont Mather, Man Matsqui, lit ' MoAdaiii. N.H McBri.le, n.C MoOivm-y.Iit.. N.B. Meadowvillo. N.S..,, Me<iioinc Hat, Alta . Modora, Man Medway. \,S. Mettaniii-. (^iie Mi'lan<'tlinn. i >nt Mclila, M:in Melville, lint .. Meinraiii'-(Mik, N.B. , MetiKciiiiish, .\.S Mcrrirkviile, Ont Merritton. Ont Michel, tt.C Michipicoten, Ont . , , . Midale, Sask Middleton, N,S Midhurst, Ont Midn;iixire, Atta Milan, (^ue Mile.^tone. .S:i<k Milk Kiver, Alia Milllirook, Ont Mille Roches. Ont.., Mill rtuh. \.B ,, Mimiio, Ont Mine ( "entre, t>nt Minto, \.T Mirror, Alta Mission, H,' ' Molson. Man M<>narf'h. .\lta Monekland. Ont Moneion. N.l* Monk.C^iie MonlaKui'. \ .'V Mont ( ■ariiii-i, (^ue . Montebello. (Jue Montmaijny, Que. . Montreal , Que Montreal West, Que. Mooretown, Ont M-.-'osejaw. Sask Morden, Man — MorrisV)urn, Ont, Morse, Sask. . , . Mortlach. Sask.. Iti8-C, 109-(' 2 A I:M ' .WO, .Wl 182-<1 40, 41, 41-A 121 U4-B 128 lie, I2-C H.V-C, 14tK; 279 l.->2 li89 B 70:i B, 7(M-B ■2K\ 857 590 17-C 3ft-J 11-B im-H .tSii-B 15:i-i, lti7-( ■ 40 i; 415 B 21 -A 2, 271 A. 2; 42 (■ 132-1' 549-B l&i-B 84-(; 209 lit !) 71 f 4S2-B. 4S.!-B 390 M-1) 18-A 2 h5-C 2i:i-C, 214-C 915, 910 895 47-(i 245 ',; 42 K /(*■ 63-F 30-.! 10- K 84-U 102 132-B, l:« B. 134-B 373 B, 374 H, 132 B 132 -B 38^B 69 28-Cl 848. 849 5«6-B 807 (</ 825 811 f<;813 3t)2 «4-<'. OS-J' 103-(; ■-<•. s-c 904, 905 II6-<', ll"-< IKH-' Qfi-C Year of Publication Description Elevation Page Page 1915 15 32 1917 257 301 1917 281 317 • 1917 286 3?, 1913 46 74 1917 286 321 1913 06 87 1914 231 241 1913 59 82 1917 288 321 1919 9 19 1919 10 19 1913 48 75 1919 8 18 I91li 155 181 1913 67 87 1918 24 42 1917 275 313 1918 23 41 1914 215 233 1913 46 74 1915 22 35 1913 68 88 1915 10 28 1913 50 76 1913 59 82 1913 68 88 1918 17 37 1916 146 174 1913 47 74 1917 251 295 1913 63 85 1917 263 304 1917 261 301 1913 69 89 1916 148 175 1913 65 86 1915 27 39 1913 ,50 76 1913 70 89 1915 25 37 1919 15 24 1919 12 21 1916 1.52 178 1919 17 25 1916 158 183 1912 .30 .30 1916 165 187 1918 24 42 1915 17 .33 1917 26; 3W 1917 285 320 1913 45 73 1914 217 2:t3 1916 146 174 1917 245 289 1912 28 28 1917 248 ■292 1919 8 18 1917 247 291 1918 13, 14 35 1918 13 35 1914 221 236 1913 71 89 1914 229 241 1913 66 87 1919 12 21 1914 229 241 1914 221* 241 \ Precise Levelling 37 AI.I'HABKTUAL LIST OF ( ITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES AT OR NEAR WHICH BENCH-MARKS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED-Coitimuerf. Mountain, f'^nt . . . Moyie, B.( ' MulKravc. \.S , . Muniai", N.B Murrayvill,.. B.C. Mu^«lua.^ll. N.B .. Myrtle, Ont. Mystic, (^uc . Nairn. Ont NapaiioKan. N.B Napantt^. ( )iit NapiiTville. t^iip Napinka, Man Nappan, N.S Nauwij(('\vauk, N.B Ni'l^ion .Jet.. N.B Npwliurx-. ( )nf Ne«c'a-ll('. Ont New IJayton. .Vita New Cioriiiany. N.S New Cla.sgow. .N.S New Haniliurn. Ont New Norw;ty. -Vita New We.^tniin^ter, B.C... Nictaux, N .s. . . Ninwa. Slan Nipt^on, ( )nt . N<)l,lef..iil, .Vita Nortten.skitiid. V.T Nortlitielil. Ont North Lake, Ont North Lancaster. Ont North I'oital, .SasU NorthwiKH* ' >:U .Norton, Norton Mill.'*. ViTii.ont. . NorwiKML < >nt Notch Hill. B.I-, Notre-Oariie-ilu-Lac, (^uc. Oak Bav. N.B. Oakville, ( )nt . . Oban. Sask Okotoks. .^ita. Oraimeviilr, ( )nt. Os^ooile. Ont. . . . (►whawa. ( hit Osier. Sask.. Ottawa, Ont. Owen .SouniL Ont. < )xl)u\v. Sa.^k. . Oifonl, Ont Oiford. N.S. Oxford .Icl.. N.S.. Painsn'c, N.B. Pakenhain, Ont.. I'alKrave. (->nt . Palmerston. Ont. Papineauville. Que Paquette, <^ue Paris, Ont Parkl)e|Cv Sask Park Head .let., Ont Parkhill. Ont i t Iitt«ro«ttoul boufidary moaamcut III ISl-I) 18.VB 37 B 23 .1 91-B, 92-B 21»-ti an .S-'J. .sso 323-B. 324 B 149 (.1 \M-X-2 oHfy^H. 587-B 41 (■ < MXI.X III? B 47-0-2 242 I7ii ^M^-^ ■. 207-< ' 409- B 2 l«> B 1I)2-K. 103-K t)8-K 9 .) /" 13 .) 4M>-B 29-( ■ 7s.'> 79-1) 494 lOi^K SS7 t 24,1 113-B 23, 24, 2,5 l9li-(; 339-1 ■ MB 4 B 193 14-H 1)0- 1) 287 117-A, lis A 178- A, 179- A, 179 124 A, 125-A S03. .W4. 124 A 286, 287, 28.8 .l.'i-t • lit 1,36^B 1.3,5-B 135-B MDXLUI fi8-li, B« (i 376 305 850. K.'iO-A 557- B 222 lll-C 291 .346 t lUtct to PubUc Work! Prpt. 38 (ieixidic Suney of Canada Al.Phxm. K AT, LIST OF ( ITIKS. TOWNS. AXD Vir.f.AdKS AT OR NEAR WHICH B! NC'H-MARKS HAVK BKEN ESTABI,ISHKI>-C.m(.n.i^/ IMiir H M \ \'t';ir of Publication ! IVscriplioii Klpviilion I'.irrv Sound. t>nt I'aMjua. Su-k. IVllv V T. IVns.-. S;i.k IVrtli.Ont IVrili. N.» I'ptiTboro. Oni I'etitccxliac, N.l» Piapot. .sa~k Pi.'keriim. < )nt Pi.-iliiii>nt. N.S. I*io'--i4>n. Miin Piki-Crivk. Ont. Pilot Moun.i. Mun. PinchiT. Altii Pinowooil, l>nt ^ Pinto. Susk. Plastor Riw k, N.K Plcs-iisvill.-. iim: P.iinte-iiu-i.a'-. Que. - Pointf < ;aiim'au. (Jul'. I'oMiqui't. N.S I'ontvpool. "lit. Portal, North Uaknta Port .\rtliur. Out Port I Iv.l,.. N.S. Port ( olh.irnp. Out. Port Dulhou^ic. Ont... P,)rlhill. Muho I'.irt Hoiv. tllil. Port UohiiKon. ' )nl I*ort Saxon. N.S. Port Vnion, t'nt. Port Whith.v. Ont I'ri'.*.-ott. Ont Preston, Out. . . I'rince Aliicrt, Saxk. Prinroton. Ont Princcvill.\ (Jue l*ui>iurij. N.S., (^uarryvillf. N.H. Raiii.v Iti..T. Ont. . llefor.l. Sa-k Roi^ma, Sa-k UonfrfW. Ont R.-ii!,Ti.i™i, n.<; R,-v,-Utok,'. IVC Itii'lifonl. Vt Riiliiiiond. tjiu' KiviM Ufauili-tto. (iiu-.. River tiial,-, N.H Rivii'Ti>-<lu-I,oiip- (Jiic. lUvior.- Oj.-lle ,l.-t., (iuo. Ro.lif-PiTc-.V. Sa.-.k Hook Islanil. (iui- tloinford, t >nt l<.)o*'volt, Minn Uo.-KyJakv B < Rose Point. Ont Ko><f!|»irt. Ont loHtliern. Sa-k.. Rothesfi.v. N U l(oili''au, Si-k. 4m. 11-' :iit ■.'oi> 12:! 141 l-iO lii.V 4t> 2.'>:! !.) (•4 ■Ji) (i;. :'.ill- iMi.V Til sit;. 7'V 2i:i 1 !):'. !<:i 41J i:i.V i:« 1!)S 172. 1120, 212 441 ISJ :»27 lis. s:i 47 224 4:4 I." .( (i '.. 115 f> ( ; t,. .'0-, ( , < ■.\-2 U ( 1) 1-. ( ■ H. :i02-H H. li'W-P H S'il H O 1: '■. y.-i: i: IS r <; 1.17-1' K. i:!4-! 1) 172 A. 17 ;i2i il'.t.Ol:;. f'U V. s4 I I), ii'l). 4'.' p H 17 1 .VI.'. .'.O.'i 117 ii:i'.i 01 Ml' 11 1). J 11. :. .')(|i), .')07 11. I.W .1 I .'■> :;i4-t U. 1.40 H WVII n H, 77 B 7- X.X.WII IA2 l:i 1: ,V1.") .1 7HS 40 1) 10:1 H. 104 B S-l ( ■, S't ( IUI4 l<4i:i 1012 lOlU 1917 iyi7 19IU I9i:i 1914 191;! I9i;i I9i:! I9i:! I9i:! 1917 1914 l»i:i 1914 IV'i.S hll9 1919 I9i;l 1919 I9i:! I9lii lyis 19 1. i I9IS 19IS 1917 Pa«e 22:1 71 ;!o 71 2*! "l4 47 O-S r.7 07 2112 220 t>9 21:! 12 10 9 4S 14 (is lf)l 21 12 17 17 2iW Patfo 2:!" 89 30 89 29') 314 22 7:! 241 79 74 88 81 87 3IM 2;!9 S8 2:!2 :i4 19 18 74 22 S.S 184 40 29 38 :!.s :!07 1919 10 24 19 1:! (i:l 83 191.-. 12 29 19i:i .'■.1 79 l!tl9 10 24 1919 13 21 I9IS 14 30 1914 22s 240 19i:i "m 80 I9IS 12 31 191.T 13 30 19111 1..2 I7S 1911 220 239 19 1.'. 20 :;4 1913 71 '.Kl 191 :. 17 :i2 1917 2.'>l. 2i4 291. 299 19IS 29 41 1917 271 310 1917 2S2 31S 191s 10 33 1917 * 322 1913 i:< 73 1917 279 31.-> 1917 292 1913 09 S.S 1913 49 75 1911 224 2:!S 1914 220 2:i9 191S 24 42 l«lj 13 ;ii 191 S 2tl 40 1914 22s 210 1913 44 7;! 1913 70 Htt ■ Int.Tr .in:il t.'m;i'l;ir\ nin!!'] -t . l>. W.'ri. I>-|)t. \ I'ircisc lAV(llin)/ 39 .Mi'ii Mil, IK Ai, i.isr <)[• ( iriKs, rowNs. and vii. lacks at oh ni;ai{ which ni..\( II MAiiks iiAvi: ni;i:\ i:sr\ni.isni:i) r.,.,',-,-/.^. ' Year of I'lllCC H.M. Xiiinl.IT ■ Piililication Doseription I-Jevation [ ' Pa.e I'aKe Himsc r.iiiif . \ \ . , .Wl H ! Mils M 32 Hu>l. l„lk<'. S;,>k 12(H ■ mil 2:;ii 241 l!ii>.<>l|, Oiii.. .. .. •;«i Kill 220 235 Hylcy. Alia 47 II, IS II i!Mi; nu ISO Sahlr liiviT, VS. . 427 M KU.l 11 29 S.-i.'kvill(-, X It. MCI < (XN.W I..I,. KIHl , t 174 S,-ilrniiri Ann, H.( ' ;!'',.'. ( KIIS 30 45 SMiulstoi'.i', AI);i r>.s 1) KM-'i 20 :is SarniM. t )ut . :i.")7. :i.">s, :i.-)<i, :iiiii 1014 221 2:t« S,i-k,iliiiin, SM-k 2(1 1 > I'l :i:i i ) 1 1011 1 227, 22S 240 Saull Sci.. \I:,rii'. ( liil. iti2, ii:i:i ! 10 Hi 1,57 182 S.-iuit Sir. Malic. Miili fiiii 1 lOli; 1,57 1S2 Savuiia. H ( ' SI .1 [ 101 s 211 4.1 S.uv.MTvillc. (Inr .V,.' n 10 111 l.Vt 180 Siliri-il.i'r. Ont. 7i;:!. 7iit 101 s 20 40 Sicilia .1(1.. ( )nt. .W:! 101.5 14 SI Sfot.stowii. (^iic. Ill A 2 1013 49 76 Scolt. Sa>k. . Ml II 101.5 20 34 Slr.MK ll.irlMiur. \ S. 44(1 It 1015 12 29 Sliailcnv Lake. ' ii,i. ,, •J!HI 1013 m 83 Slianinili\illf. 1 hil I.M 1017 2.S.S 321 Sliarhcit I.aki'. ( )iil 121 i; 1017 2.53 29.5 .shcJlMitni*. N S. . l:i:! It 1,, l.iii It 1015 11. 12 29 .Slii'lliin he. ( hlf 271 1013 .50 82 Slicrhrnokc. (^Mli-. 1. 2. :i 1(117 2.S3 319 ::.•.. :ii'i 1017 2.S1 317 ;; lOls III ;« Sicaninus. H < ■. :i:«i ( ■ lOls 30 4.5 Sii-ira.s \ 11. .il It 1017 277 314 Sinlar. I*.( ' 20.! 1) 1017 2i>.S 308 Slate HiviT. On!. . .S7 i: lOlil 101 184 Srnillis I'alU. Onl ,s.s ( ;, s!i i; 107 ( '■. Ills c. 1017 251lo2.Vt 29.5 Suutli Ourltam. *^)iif- n:i.-. It lOls 10 33 Siiulll Maillaii.l. N'.S .i2S It, .■)2(» It lOlil 14.5 172 Sdulli Slllki'l.\ . (jlli'. 4.i 1017 2S1 317 SiKMicp Hiiiliri-, H.( ' 117 .1. W .1 Kits 2.5 42 Spilliiiiailicrp. H.( '. I.V.I 1) 1017 20.5 306 Spra^u*', Man Id I'. 101 1 225 239 Siriniiliciil. .\.S. 472 It 10111 147 175 Sprlnirliill. (juc l!» ,\ 2. 20 .V 1013 .50 76 Spiinuhill .let.. N'.S . . CMX 10111 t 173 -Sprticcdalf. ( tiit... . .").V» 1015 14 31 Spruroiirovc. .Ml;i.. M-n 1017 ; 271 311 .^tanhlitiizc. (^iic f)7 1017 2K2 318 Stanl(\\', Ont sfi-i-: lOlil ': IKl 184 .Stanstcad. <^tic 34 1013 49 75 Siccli-, H.C i:tx 1) 1017 1 2(>4 305 SliH'ltiin. Ont. ...!.i lOlll ! 1.57 182 Stcllarton. N'.S. . MCCC 191.3 ; 75 SteplnMi. Minnos'ita. 1 c 1013 Mi 87 Steven.-. \ .'V. )^f 1012 31 31 Stewart ( 'lor^siiiK. \.T.. ;«,', /«.? 1012 32 32 Stiekney. N.H.. 32 It 1017 270 313 Stiilinc Alta. . . 203 C.201 (• 1015 24 M Stittville, 1 Int. . . . . .w (; 1017 • 240 293 Stoney t reek, Onl.. 201 1013 ra 85 Stoney Toinl .Ont 0.1-11 1913 j ,57 1(M7 j 271 SI 311 Sttmyplain, .\lta Stdltsville, (^iie 70 1917 . 2S0 317 Stratford. Ot.t 1(H> 1' In Ills !■ 19IH i \a 30 Sudlmry, Ont 4.'>4. 4.")4 .\ 1914 ! 22.5 lOlll 1.54 1910 170 1913 ! 44 1917 1 282 3:« 181 191 73 318 ."itl? .\ Surnas, \ 2I> .1. 27 .1 SuMsex, N.B 117 It Sutton, {^ue .52 Swalwell, Aim .51 K 1910 ! 1(14 191.5 2.5 187 37 SnoetRr.iss, Montana 21frC t Swift Current, I2li C, 127 -C 1914 i 230 241 J Refer to Public Worku Uept. t AIbu b«nch*niark in internutiui nl boundary monument. 40 (Utuhtic Survey of Vauadn AI.I'IIAHKTK AI, l.lsi ol « HIIS, IOWNS. AM) VIM,A(;i:s AT Dli NK VU WHICH Itl.NC II MAItKs IIAVK ISKKN ESTABLISH Kl)-r„n/J,rf. U.M NuniljiT St. A«;ipir , ( itjr. St.Ali'xantlri', (^uo. ( Kaiiintirri.^kir Ci..).. Sli'. Annr. (Jiic. i K:>ni>>iir':i>k^i St . An^'liiio, (^ur. St. Ariiiatifl, (^uo St. Hartlirlfirii. (Jui> i S.. Hazilc, (inc. (iM.'iiiiiilv < ■•>. I St. Hruni), (^licv iCIiaiiilily ( o. i St. Cathariniv. ( Int.. St. diaries .let., (Jiic. St. CllllilHTt. (ill.- St l-^douanl. Que. Napirrvilir (■(I. 1.. St. Kvari-"!!'. (jMr. St. (In.rKc. .\,H. i Str. H*'-In''»iilH', t^lir 1 St, Ilpiiri. (Juc ■ Ij'vi^ ( 'i.unix i. 1 St Hilair.'. NIV St, llil.iirc. (^ui', I HiMiVilIc- ( '..,1,, -■^t, HtMnirf, (^uc 'r«'iiii^''iiiia(a (■|i,i,, St. Hlll.iMt, (iuc I St, H.vaiintlic. (.tiiiv, j St, , I'oit ,l.>li, i^ii', j St,.lolin. \,H i St, .||,1||1,<. (JiH'. SI, .l(»i'pli •K'-l/vis. (^uf, , Str, .lulic. (Jur, I .\Il>^anti^• ( Vi, ), Str, .lii>liln'. ( jut', i\;iti(ltrijil < "ri, i St, I.aliilMTI, iim\. Si, I.t'onanl. N.IV, St, i.ittiiirc, t^ui" St, I.oui-, <^l»', I lii'auharnoi> < "o, ! Stc, Mailcli-inr, (^uc, Stc, Malai'hif, (^iir St, Malo, (^iii", it ■ornptnn ( 'Minty ) St. ,Mar(£aLot, \',S Si, Martin .lit.. (Jur.. ..| Sliv Marie, (juc i Hi.'aufi' Coi St. Mar.v-, ( )nt St, I'acoMH'. I^iic. Si. I'as.tiai, (Jiic. St. rililip|X'-ili-\i'ri. (Jill', Si, Pip. (^lav t Hairoi ( .tiint,vi , Si, Picrri'. (Juc, i Mnntinaiifu- Co,),, Si. I'ojycarix', (^uc St. Piilvi'ari)!' .lot., (^111 Sic. Rosalie .111., (Juc. St.', Kosc, (^iie, I I.aval iH.].. Stp. Il(),si', (^tic, ('1 fiiiisciHiata < ■>» ."^tp. l{i)si'-(lc-l,iTna. (Jill',, . Sip, .Sflii>I;i-.t iijiu'. (jup. St. Sipplipn, N'.U. . SI, Trlpsplioip, (JiiP,. Sip, 'rhi'-n-^i', IJiip,, Si, \iiliicr. (Jiip.. Si. Vini-piii-ilp-1'aiil. (jiu'. 'I'uImt. Alia ... Tafl.H.C Takhini. V.T.. Taki). Sa.«k. 'I'ara, Onl 'rutainatfourlip. N,S Tprrpbonni'. tjup. t KeltT to Public Work> Drpt ^'par of Pul>lii'atioii j Klpvalioii ii.v; li /., i;,V) H M( 1.1 M.\( I.\ •Jit l» •'iX , liil, 71) 7(12 B l»M B Wl U 2117 21 IS M( \.\\1 7(KI i< ,W!I B lil.l B, IWi 11 K\ B 212 B 2111 B 2i;2 B Iill7 B 70 B lilKI B (111 B /.. Ill:) B (il.-) B M( VI '17 It tu imi It 7.') 7ii 220 B ()«2 B x7n r)!»7 B 2, .VJX It M B f>2lHl .S.S IKHI B 2'*7 B ."i.'t B :i!M B X2!» 2on B 111) V. \\\-V M.\( \l M( \I.V1 27 c (il.S B .Vi.V B S.S2 !t2. ■S.SI (il4 B n:ii (i2 B ■ .Mill, .Sli! .s:).V .\,s:iii 2- n. :i B Ksi s:!2 M( x \v IWI) B .SI)- C, IS7-C '2(1 Jl 20 11 2'.W 147 B 0»7- U 1 PaKP 1 PilKP IIM.S 11 ;i4 11117 • 2»2 IHI7 1 + 292 l!M:i .^2 77 I1I17 2.S2 318 I'll!) 10 19 KIIS :i2 1!I|X 9 '■12 l;ii;i (tl 85 I!I17 * 291 liil'j 10 19 I'.IIS H 32 l!(l:i .-.1 77 1BI7 270 310 I'.ii:! r)2 77 l!ii:i :>2 77 1!M7 247 2(M) Kll.S 9 32 1!I17 27S 314 I'.il.S 9 32 KHS 9 32 I91S 10 33 1017 + 291 1917 2W) 3 If. 1017 280 317 l'.li:i 52 77 lOlH II 34 I'.M'.I II 20 l'.)I.S 32 l'.M7 277 314 lOl.S 9 32 1017 284 320 mix 9 32 l'JI7 244 280 lillC. I.W 180 I'.ll.i 28 Kll'.l 7 IS l!»i:i 51 77 litis 15 37 1!)17 J 292 1017 * 292 l'JI7 24H 202 I'JIS 11 33 1'.I17 247 291 1910 11 20 1019 II 20 191S 9 32 1919 7 18 1917 27X 314 1919 .s IS 1919 7 18 1017 27.i 313 1919 11 20 1919 ( IS 1917 * 291 1919 9 19 191.1 2.T 36 i»ln .10 44 1912 25 2S 1015 20 34 I9i;i 60 83 19i:i 4fl 74 1910 !) 19 Precise Levelling 41 AI.PHABKTIC.\r, LIST OF CITIKS, TOUNS AND Vir.I.AdKS AT OH VKAR WHICH BKNCH-MAHKS HAVK UKKN KSTABI,lSHi:i>-r,m/m«„/. Place Thainravilli'. (Int.. Thi'dfiirii, Out I'liDnihill, Miin Thorulil, Ont Thrcp Hills, Alia. . i '' w Ki' iTs, Que, Thurao, Qui'.. . . Tichbome, Ont Tofielil, Alia Tonipkin.s, Sask.. Toronto. Ont Tottenham, Ont. . Trenton, Ont Trint! Jit., Huv Trixhu, Altu Truro, N.S Tuppervillis Ont... Ti'sket. N.S Twceil. Ont Tnity. Lppi-r WixhN Harliiii L'pton, (^ui-. I'lopia, ( )nt . . . Vallovfield, (^up. Vallfj- ,Jrt., (iuiv \'an Huri'M, Maini-.^, \'ani'i'l)oro. Maiiu'... VaniouviT, B.C Vanklt'ek Hill, Ont Vpra, .Sa»k ViToiUi, Ont Vi>r.-,ailii'!<. (iui' Victoriavillf. (iuc... Vikinii;, .Alia Vulran, .\lta VVabaniun, .\lta.. WainwriKlit, .\lta Wakeliilil, (iup Wall's, Ont WalkiTvilli', Ont Wallari'liurg, Ont , . Walsh. Alia Warnian. .Sask VVarni'r, .\lla Warroail, Minn W'arwirk, <^ui' WatiTloij. Ont WatiTvilli', N.S Walirvilli'. iim- Wall. N.B Wi'l.l,, ,Susk WVliliKiK.ll, Ont Wollanil. Ont Wi'llanil .111 . Ont WVsiihi'siiT, N.S . , Wi'stfurl, Ont Wi'st HiintiriKilon, Onl. West .Mi'riuiiinish. N.S Wi'stniounI . (^ue Wesliin. Onl West Toronln. Ont W'eylmrn. Sask Whitl.y, Onl Wliili'l'isli Lake, (iup { lU'tir 111 I'ulilii' Works Dept. H .\I. NunilM'r 24.1-A .14» 9-C 210.211 .W-K 713 B/.. 7lli-B HtWi 50-11. .51-11 138-C 185 U> 189 2.34-<l/o241-Cl .377-A 161 204-B .55- K .Wl-B ^l .■>.17-B .16» 4I>0-B 174-(1 /„ 17li-(i 22-H 4.51 -B B27-B. 62S-B 387 89 207 -B ,5011 12 B. MB .>.l 871 2.t-H 1,52-(1 72 fi7a-B In f>72-B 4:t-H w-l). r,9 I) fi9-H .Ili-H 4««. 471) 897 2.55 387 1.5.5-C 3.VI) 20<M'. 210-C 1)74 B. i;7.5 B 98 1', 99-1 489-B 9 8-B 1.12-( ■ .585 213 214 ( MI.X S9-1-; 181 (i !(W B 810 2.5(i-A 2:).S-(i /,;24I-(1 80-C. Sl-C i ISO- A, 020, 927 487 ^'ear of Puliliiation Description 1913 1914 1913 1913 1910 1919 1919 1917 1910 1914 1913 1919 1913 1917 1913 1910 1910 1914 1915 1917 1915 1915 1918 1913 1917 1913 1917 1917 1910 1919 1915 1917 1917 1918 1910 1915 1917 1915 1914 1919 1913 1914 1915 1914 1915 1914 1918 1918 1910 1917 1917 1914 1910 1913 1913 1910 1910 1917 !'>I'5 1918 1913 1919 1913 1919 1914 Pane 57 221 00 03 104 10 8 2.55 to:< 231 54 1.5. 16, 17 04 288 51 104 140 2'>2 "i.3 2.50 20 12 9 0,5 284 51 277 275 108 11 20 2.55 280 12 102 20 21 218 12 ,57 222 'VJ 228 24 220 12 15 148 2.S3 275 2,30 1.55 04 04 101 2.57 47 !3 58 16, 17 70 10 219 I'ilevalion P:iBP 81 230 87 a5 187 19 18 ,300 186 241 79 23, 25 86 322 77 187 172 2.36 30 296 .34 29 32 86 320 77 314 313 190 20 34 300 317 34 185 :t8 311 34 234 21 81 236 35 240 , 37 239 .34 30 175 319 313 241 181 85 85 172 184 301 74 35 82 25 89 24 234 30 ^ 42 (ifodctir Surrci/ of ( 'nitnihi AI.I'll MtKTK \l. i.isr (11- ciiiKs. lowNs \M vii.i..\(,i;.s AT ol{ \|:AI( WMK II Ill Ncii-MAUKs Mwi. ni:i;\ i;si .Mtl.lSIIIK <,!. Year of Vl-MV H,M. \iMnl.,'r riililiialion Mr-iaipiion I' I'aK.- I'aKc' \Vliit,.|i..r^', ^■ T / liliJ :.''> ih UliilrtiM.iilli. Man . 14 r I'.M.'i I.s ;« While I'ii-.^, H < i; It. ;.?/.' I'M.' ■j:i 2;t Wllitf KiviT, (iMl 1 7:M. 7j:i \ lOI.S I.s M Wliit,-r..ik, 111- 1 17 .1. IH .1 i<<ii; 1 m IMl WhitoHatiT. Mun . . . ! :« ( ■ Kii:; lis f«S Whilnry, 1 '"t ! .">:!i) nil.-. l.-i ;!i Wili'iix. SMsk 1 sn-i \ ,S7 I ' mm:! 70 H» Williuinstown. < >l.t . .S!KI I!M(I \1 20 Wilinot, N.S 4S.-, H l!M« 14H 17.i WirichfsttT. 1)111 . IIMI 1!M7 I's.'j :!20 Wirulsur, Out . . ! 'h:, • i:m:: .")7 SI Windsor. \.S .■)ii2 ij (., .vr> « HMD II!) 1711 Winder J<i., N.S. . M \ .\ \ 1 \ KMr. J 171 Windwjr Mill-., line IA\ U. Cl.-i II I'.MS Id ;t:t WinKhain. Out :1I4 I'.ll.l lil M Winnifri-il. .\ltu. 17iiC I'.M.i ;i,5 W innipt'K. Man . . l-l', -2 V. ., 1' 1111 a i'7 :!3 Winona. (Mit ... L'lt' I'.M:1 r,:s K.-) Winter. .Si-k :'.■. n l'.M.-> L'l) ;u WulfvilU'. N..S, . 4!l.-| It l„ 107 H I'.MIi I4.S, I4'.l 17.) Wf)odsto<'k. 1 )nt ^■y,. JJ7 l'.ti:i M so W,«,d.«to<k. N.H L'.V H. Jii It. :>: U 11M7 2',i\ a 13 Wnrttiinyton. ( >nt . . .177 i'.Hl', \:a LSI Wuiindwl Mu,w. V.'l . , /r.'> I'.ML' :» :i:; Vahk. ii.C 1.S7 1) l!M7 2(17 ;!07 ^"a!lla^■lli(•iH■. t^uc. . , 71 IS H IIM'.i 10 19 \'ariiK)iil! . -N'.S 4ii:i IS. liil-li. li'..-i n I'.Pl.'i i:i :<o Vcllnw lira—. Sask. .s:i -( ' l!M.'. 70 S!) Yukon ( ro-.-^inu. V 1 ... '' ; KM-' 2'.i 29 Zuinbro, Sask .. : .7,. lai.-) 20 .14 ; H.-t.T tu I'ul.ii.' \\\, k, Dipl ■ \ Fchrimiy. I'.Mlt. I ll I T t* . ..- ■! ^BB^^^^ n^a irfgStit-.-^ia ! M.1,,1' ' \ ^: > s f / «4 / ^\ ^' "S <^ .1 60 \ .w./ \ r \ •^\ ~. ..,'■' ^g2 .^ ^-"^1 " X*-, ^k '^u A ^ -S'' /^ :^,/ i.- A \ \ '^-^ v.^4 ^ . V \ .'•^^^'" >T ^■ \ ■«<■ ♦^•'•\ ,/■/; V 7 y v~i ,■■> .."^^ •^ N- ^-< ^'. T _y :5\- >♦ ^^ .>^ (i ' /<■•" \ ....■.-^, , ,/f/ r'-'--^ Xr /T «.v';^ 'i^'. # j:^,..- ^^ t -y -\- ^ LN • ^ *:»' .%/ N^' ^V^ 45 * \ V- ^» -5 ;vx / ,/ \ P r y^ X '-x,< y t .'^X-'^j'. •t'\ ■'CM ' \ ^ ^i.^^-^ '■ \. v ?^- ^*^ \ X- - \ '--SI. , n4 ■ 'h P '{ . .*' ,^^. V- *^ \ V^-..'"' ^ ■?v X . X''; ,i=^ '~^ V--. . K( .V •■ S--^- - ./f ! ■^. . v,^ v.^ > s \W /' c ;/ ■■" .M- >^ ■> :;#'■■ c N' ■-% ^:. /■w'* (: W ^ /, .'-^y i»^*' ^>'' ./ ..-V ^^.>'^' v^^-^^^' ^-^ .j- r _. \ ;^ <* -J J' mmammk (iftn/ftu- Mtt/'frv nl' ('titin)la t'liltlirtiliiui S'-' i \ \ \ if-J#'' V \ / \ V ^ ^-%, 44 ■N,.^.^ ii '\ ^^-z ''•iTrfv. v l>8 "S-fS. tV- f ^ •:' / ,7,7.1 o ^r... „„.. ■■•■ <C (:■ /-: — w./ /i^ J.; -',. i ^ -J i . V '• _ i - ^'--,. . ^ J "■■■■■} . v^^f ■ ^^ '••"1,^ y :'«,i')i.,,V ,1 ^"• j^ *^ ■■ .. . -t;'^ >, • ^:« .- \, i / Jl'Mi.-r • ^ ^;. , r'5' .y ..I ' J"'-' I '.,^..ii'. !^ I w JV. . -W ^^^^,A ,..„e^.^ ^ . ;^:.: ••-«•• '14,. /•i^-.iv-^^ .,vO<' A. T ; , \i' 1 yj' , T^^T" — '#R7-- l?4 2? I?0 ■MM ..t: :; ■■» < 7'i^wiiU£tac;£k<h I '••^ V'^'Vl X- /./ \ '^■ \ 1 * V 3""," ^ 1 /^ > .., .. „ Lot" A * V "-'jit*- ■ C^>/' ':^«...' ife-'C I C. ~ ) ^ ....^ Cv»'" >- r ^v f3^/.r V-. ■;auai"tiniiAi5.'.-B£3Bi''-^tr'-\.«ir .'w-- ""ai»t- zs'HiuE' uw^n..":! <«Gt T^T'^^^^^^HW^B!^^^^'^^^ \ !U:-^» — ir--" 1 -. i f 1..;-.. ; ^^-^--t^^ -'-■/^■ \ V <; w > * i \ '• ■ fi-'>' \N K ■ V '%r':V ,--s O^Ai' ^' A'^-.. r J A / ^ \ .. <^- f r" ;- •, ,^,.-' ^ tr /. ■^ ^■',, <W,.i?^^( / '*f'('( 1st' I rxt'llirr^ Puhli'^ln-d. i*f'f'ris(' li\rllif)\:. \nl /'//////s/ ^\ /•-'' ■ .^ \ .^r-^V' .'■.^^■' JlW ^.»^~ ^^ *■"•-' 4/ \x : N v:: .►*• ^v' '^■^r \j4 ' O^ ^•. s^>' S<^ M !^ \ . ^l o---.^' ;^-- ^- '. r \ v V- "^^ "x .> ' r^ A* ■1»» * k.>l V ^; ^.^^ ^,^^. ,.# >" ,,v,n • .,.0^ -rT- 'i'^v ^N^^ »'- \ ^\^ .-t \ \ ^^\ vV >■' U i^ ^i^i ,i \ >'v\- y V /. .xV ^c^ ■X t :,V*' .i^^^.Av -/:t. N i^ K^"- W\ F?Whi i^^ ' ^ \ »w .^ jt. ..>/^ ■->>■ V" v^ /^ A- £ /^ >/'■ V-^ ' A_J"" .^, >^ ^/' .4^ -^' -r>^ •~^. ?i tx.-^ ./ .^ 1 _ _^__ «tBf .2£ \ flsf* •tH^MMMMl ruhhshrd 1 r-' \ ^.^' 1 v^. X- t.,. f^.; \ r t^ o ."■'■■-v*' ,.•'• --'^ , ,^.. *•*>*' ../ .■ i'y , /'' ,-x.. ,>' «.■•-'-)' /^ ■^. \ ^'-', t ■ >^ % v"^ o \ \ \ >f^'"7'< /... t:-- <ri- f %" \ ;i v^\' v^) ■■\ Cll >f'f"r ■^^. *<:■ u<y^ # ^ t .ifr ■^w^. /<■ f' ''Z -.- ^^^^■^^ ■ V -V- /• i'^ST'^' ;e>" y ^^>- V -vu ' l^ '^J..^ vV A'*^' ■\ '.. I - ^~:^K V- ^,o S^ ./' ?■ u M vV- ^^ -# ,^. i**f. >--, ~-''^l .. N ^- \ liT N»° I A -<X. ,^> f^ c M ^ t.< :s^ M. -^i^ ---" - A - ' X > '^vV' w. H^^ ^r .<• .^* '-A. ^i.^ -W-V ^ v. ', ■( _y Tv^.'- y- ->-i^: \ • - W \i t V f illii -J i iiiiii •>in<i \ ) I v.- o^>si?>ii&wirift? ^S^'^'^^^^S^^Il'^^S^ % ^ * r GEODETIC SURVEY OF CANADA M^M» SI I<>>VIX< i BY TKE />, I- \ ^ ^ f'\ \ V 1 ^^^^^ A. \ X ~^""/>^^^^<-^' NOEL OaiLVIC. Suparintandant |,,.i'' \ H * * B n i w :$sssiasst:mimmm^ -^ / V ( jm.t 4.»j i i -^^i ' ^. ii »«*■ cqm