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Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux sont filmfo an commandant par la p-amlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d impraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par la darni4ra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un daa aymbolaa suivanta apparaitra sur la darniAra Imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la caa: la symbola -^ signifia "A SUIVRE ". la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Laa cartaa. planchas, tabiaaux. ate. peuvant dtra film^s A daa taux da reduction diffirents. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour fttra raproduit an un saul clichA, il ast film* A partir da I'angla supiriaur gaucha. da gaucha i droita, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nicassaira. Laa diagrammas suivants illustrant la mithoda. 2 3 5 6 FOODS AND DRUGS LABORATORY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE / OTTAWA. CANADA. BULLETIN No. 420 y ICE CREAM. 54103 NOTES AND COMMENTS. Under thi. h«idiii«, as occasion arises, the Bulletins issued by tliis Department will contain, as an appendix, such comment as may seem necessary or advisable upon matters relating to ti»e work of the Department in connection witfc tiie administration of the Adulteration Act, Um Fertilizers Act, the Feeding Stuffs Act or the Proprietary Medicines Act. It frequently happem that correspondents ask information regarding Uie above Acts, of such a nature that tiie matter in question iwssesses Rcn«»al interest, and comment upon H would prove acceptable and useful to otiiers than ti»c immediate questioner. In such cases the reply may find a place in these columns. For con- ▼wiience of reference these notes will be numbered in series. A. McQILL, Chief AnalyMt. FOODS AND DRUGS LABORATORY OF THB DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE OTTAWA. CANADA BULLETIN No. 430 ment upon ation etary above , and ediate ■ coh- lyMt. ICE CREAM. Ottawa, January 9, 19W. F. C. T. O'IIaha, Esq., Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce. Sm, — I beg to hand you herewith a report upon aixty-four lamplea of Ice Cream, purchased by our inspectors in September, October and November of last year. Ice Cream, formerly looked upon as a luxury, has now come to be regarded ac a very desirable food, and is largely prescrib<>d by physicians in cases of convalescence, as well as in certain diseased conditions. Our original standards for the article, as published in G. 934 (Nov. 14, 1910) considered Ice Cream to be essentially a frozen cream, and demanded that it should contain not lees than 14 per cent of milk fat Later investigation, and especially the opinions of the Medical Advisers of the Depart- ment found that a more desirable article would contain less than 14 per cent of fat; and O. 1178 (8 April, 1916) was issued announcing that no action would be taken to interfere with the manufacture of Ice Cream containing not less than 7 per cent, of *\t. Subsequent developments, consequent upon the scarcity of fats, owing to war litions, led to restrictions placed upon the use of fats by the Food Pjard, and we .sidered it inadvisable to press strict standardization until the close of the war s'^nuld restore normal food conditions. It is satisfactory to find that HMSt of the samples herein reported are fully up to a 7 per cent standard; and in the cases (13 in number) where slightly less than this amount is present I would respectfully recom- mend that no penalty be imposed, the conditions obtaining during the period covered having been quite exceptional. , In addition to determination of the fat content of these samples /attention has been given to the nature of the thickener employed to give deeirablk consistency. Oelatin is more largely used for this purpose than any other material, beincr founH alone, or along with small amounts of gums, in 36 samples. Onr standards permit of the addition of not more than 2 per cent ; and this limit is only exceeded in two sunplea. Other thickeners found are starch (in 11 samples) and gums, with or inth' out ttareh or gelatin, in 10 samples. None of these articles are in any way objection- able as food prodnets. flamplm oontsininc no thiekcaar J7 It i> itiueh oolv T " II mUtbioBly IR n N iFQins obIv* 3 11 I. ffmni sad sUreh vi n H ipnm and galattn R II ,, K itanh and iralatiii. 2 » n iilaRh, gelMfai ud gum. 1 . . ' Total....;.... 64 PW w^p^ BULtETIN No. 420— ICE CREAM. ; 1 4 RraulU of AiulyaiK. ! "8 6 Ramiltt of Analytii. K«t Cans Sugmr. Htm* of Thickmnr. F>t Cmm SufMr. o( ThiokMHr. p.C. P-*. IMS. p.e. MMl U 61 None. H0800 67 91 GvlMiD. 809M 771 86901 6-3 6-6 M f)0M8 1186 90 •• 86301 ,68 96 6-6 10-8 ft 84636 8.6 ' H 807V7 7 « n „ 88133 .4 4 136 M jMTIH 106& „ 88184 86 10-8 II ' 86446 1060 96 „ 88136 94 11 II 8844* 9 36 100 „ 88138 96 7 1 H 86447 1000 97 „ 88141 100 . 10 7 II 86448 18 30 10 8 M 81867 63 7 II 08738 6 40 704 tl 81368 67 6 3 • I 687S1 6-70 8 49 „ 8136B 99 6-6 .1 687S3 7-70 883 „ 81370 fl 6 10-4 M 861A6 9-6 8 8 „ 68607 85 16-94 » 67 60 GaUtinand 68696 5 80 3-83 M gum. 68730 1160 788 86302 6-8 13 4 ■1 8394C 8-34 GeUtin. 86303 18 1 « IS 3 n 83^7 766 11 OS 86.-W4 WI30& 11-5 88 9 6 11 1 n 83949 1. 839G0 8 05 ,, 881,^5 11 4 10 9 • Stanhand 80362 10 8!) „ \ gdatin. mma 13 36 „ 88137 13 4 11-3 HUrohand mmh 9 40 ff^'S. .. sotio 7 29 with PMoh 84636 9 3 10 6 ,, rniit. 84627 80796 90 58 13'S 9-5 H813» H-a 9-8 '•rsjr^- 80799 5-4 13-7 " gum. For the most part the t' 'ckeiier is present to about one half of one per cent ; but in two cases, where starch was used, the amounts found were No. 88605, 2-66 p.c.; No. 68696, 2-01 p.c. The sugar content has been determined in most of these samples, and varies from about 7 per cent to about 12 per cent, in most of them. Two samples contain leis than 3 i>er cent; and six more than 12 per cent sujrar; but these arc exoeptionnl. I would respectfully recommend publication of this report as Bulletin No. 420. / I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient serrant, A. McGILL, Chisf Analjfst.