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Maps, plates, charts, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too lerge to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames es required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, plenches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est fiimA A partir de Tangle supArieur geuche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcassfiire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 / c c / ., 6--V .' . / - . '7 JA^^-,U'./ ■ V / CATALOGUE OF THE LOG SHANTY ROOK-SHELF FOR 1888 IN rni-, PIONEERS' SOUTH (SIMCC)E) LODGE, EXHIBITION CIKOUNDS, roKONTO. /*' A,' / (/ THK COLLECTION OF A NOT I'OKdin IMJ!- DKVoNSHIRK MAN. TORONTO: THE COIT, CLAKK COMPANY (LIMITKD). IMCIMKUS, (^OLHOUNK HTKKKT 18S8. /o THE LOG-SHANTY BOOK-SHELF FOR 1888. AT THK FIONKEIIS' SOUTH (SIMCOK) F-(H)(1H. yi. THE COLLECTI(>N OF A NoT-FoRdKTKUL Dkvossbibr Man. It is the privilege of membera of an association of early pioneers to be, if they please, aiitolnitgraphic, now and then, in their eoniniunioations with each othei . In fact, to render complete the record of the large folio llegister of our Society, in the custody of its secretary, we are all of us bound to be some- what autobiographic. I df) not scruple therefore at once to explain liow the collection of vohimes this year displayed on our Log shanty Bor)k-8h(?lf, came to be formed. 1 was born in T)evi»nshire, and althoiij^h leaving )t at ijuito an early age, 1 was still old enough to bring away with me very strong impressions of that county ; old enough to be inspiretl with a curious interest in its customs and traditions, and a 4 or .">, a farm-houBe and largo ham, with a view to making here a honioHteail for a future family, hut trouhlous timoH, ruuiourH of warw, and wars actual, prevented him from carryinp out hiu plan, and it was not until 1H17 that lu ftuuid the way "pen for a aeeond vihit to Canada with a view to arrangementh for a final removal. Ho on this oeea- Hion diiipfmed of liis first iniprovements, hi» farm-hou.se and barn, alonj< with a few acreH lying immediately around them ; ajul with thf pr<»eeedH lie put up hetter and more eommodious huildings for farming pui puses, a nhort distaneu to the north of the site first Helocted, hut still on the origiiuil lot nund)er fifteen. And hither at last in the year 1821 he transferred hiu family ; and here it was that th»( ennteiits of the " Log-shanty Hook-shelf " of last year as well as of the [(resent, lH8f>, Itegan to be collected iia tipportunity offered. It will be observed that interest wtvs taken not only in matters and persons connected with modern Devonshire and the sister counties of ('ornwall, .Somer- set and Dorset iiut also in the anticpiities of the.s.vid counties. It will be seen likewise that some attention was given lo the dialects of the same region. Let now the intellig^iut emigrant from other parts of the United Kingdom go li'd . i!il«'ct8." For iHTsonal reasoiin Mii- '•ollcctor of the works on (.lie l-o^fsliiiiitv Mook-'fliclf, felt an cspi'i'ial interest in two rather olisciire jiariNhes, DuiikeswcU and l.u]i))it. >iot far from his hirtli jilacc in Dnnkeswell jwirish were sitnatiHi the remains of a Cistercian Abliey foundeii A. I). liUl. The ruins were not of u very imposiiii^ character, hut they sulfieed to fill a lar^fe I'laee in the thoughts and ini.iKination of one ''oiiHtitutioMalh disi>ose(l t<) busy himself with the past. (loin^ far hack '.;i idea, lie conceived it, very (Kissihie, had it heen his lotto see the li(<-ht in tile inu'isli of Iiunkeswell, Devon, in the thirti'onth century, lie mijfht himself have been a Cistercian brother in that Abbey, and jK-rhaps h.n e ev en been appointed olHi-ial Annalist of the (lonse. In that case he nii;rht have siirvive«'iii Mriiiori.ils lit tlu' WC-it. iiiinu'cl In-low.) In the piirinli of Liippit., auain not. vt-ry far from the wriU'r> hirth place, »t.<)iMl aiiiith«'r CDnspiciioim iiioniiiiicnt of iUv olden time, I)iini|xlo?i Hill, a pro liiHforIc fort Mhcwiny: it-* earth worku and t-iitretichineiits, one of a chain of defencus, place-* of r«-fii«e aiiitn'tihin).' acnmh \M-sterM Knulund hereahoutM from sea te collected at a coi)i|).iratively late pei ioer plate. A bird's eye map o? Devonshire. Folio. London. 1741). KistioM, Tristram. ChoroKrai)hical Description or Survey of De\c)n. Compiled "for the love of his coimtrv and countrvmen of that I'rnince." London. 172;i. Drayton. Poly -Olbioii. With Carew and Sucklinj^'s I'oetical Works. Filinburtfh. 17!»3. Warner, W. -.Vlbion's KuKlaiul. London. Kil.l. Bowen. K. -Ojfilhy Improved. A Uoad-book for all Kn^dand. KiiKTavcd throu^^hout on copper plate. London. 1724. White.- Devon. History and (Jazetteer. «vo. 1103 iia^es. Shelfield. Murray. "Handbook of Devon and Cornwall. London. 1857. Carrinifton, N. T.-1'oems. Dartmoor, .My Native \'illa;.''e (Harewood), etc. Devonjwrt. 1H4.S. Lon(;felliiw. F'oems of Places. Kn^dan. Allom and Bartlett.- — Devonshire Illu.strated (and Cornwall). -Steel plates. Orr. -The Land We Live In. (The vol. relatinjr to the West.) Woodcuts. Ito. f,onfera. - Wunderin^fs in Devon. Seaton. IfSO!). Sylvantjs. Bye Lanes and Downs of Kn;;lahil. London. 18.")('. .lunc. A book for the Country. (June in Devon.) London. 1884. Hunt. -Poi»ular Komances of the West of Kntrland. ('ruii'kshank's F'ti-hintrs. London. 1>.>«1. Heath. Peasant Life in the West of Kn^land. London. 18^1. 2. West of England. T()i'o(;KAi'm»'Ai. Spkciai/iifs. Stockdale— Excursions throuirh Cornwall. Plate.-;. London. 1821. Walli«. The Cornish Rejfister for 2(K) parishes. Bodmin. 1847. Howe.- Perambulation of Dartmoor. Maps. Plymouth. 1848. Cornwall, Han.lbook of. Devonport. 18.')(i. Woixlley. Cornubia : a poem, [..ondon. 18Ilt. <.'uniminii;s. — Cury and 0. G TIIK LCO-HHANTY HOOK-SIIKLK POH 18HK. KvuiiM, U. Homi- '^••ein.'H. Ta\ intcKk ami it»» vidiiitv. I^Hirloii. IhWI. Ilowiiril, N.- HirkliiKli Viile (iKwiii). York. ls(M. KailiriiUuT. .>»liii>tiiii Miillit illu^t^ll^t•tl. HlHi|>t<)ii MiilUt. I87i. A Trip lliiiiii'. (Kr>>in llinluiil.iis tn Ih vnimhinv ) With koiih- IIoiih •t^iin Yiirim. lAHiiloti. Mrx. Hril.\. Il:i|-tl iinl Kni-fnt. A l.cm'llil "( North llfvoll. I.oikIum. H7I. . . Thi' TiHiiiir (imt the Tuv.\ ; in lA-ttfiN ti» |{. Hoiithey. 't vol«. Loiuldri. )K«l. KiiiKMlt'i. Sir Walter UaJPicli ""I IMsTiiiu-H: Nnnh l»i\(iii; mid Wi-stwunl ll<>! lUmtoii. 1 «.'.!>. KulviKli, Sir \V. A Hiwtor.v of the World, vU: l-omt'iii. I7iHi. liliuknion', U. 1>. Loriiii Ivmiu' : a Hoiiiiiiicc or Kmimioi'. Ntw York. Ia8t( Hitchiiis, I'ortf-iciu'. On \\u> Si;;i Shore : rucin rfi.itinu' to Dfvun iiiwi (.'oriiwall. Slifrhorne, lliilHwiJI. Itanililijs ill VVuMt<,'oriiv\.ill. I.diiclon. t">*l o( Cornniilluiui othi-r |HKiiiH. Lomlun. iHii'.i. Tonnui.v. Tw(iitv->t ilir Wcsf . Ili^torical and l>(Hi'ri|>ti\f. KActcr, l>Vi This writer «iveH an weount of DunkcMWfll Aliliey, I'riiij:, .1. II. -Mt'iimir of Tlioin!i.s Cliaril, last Alihot nt Kdrd AIpIicn, fmin wliich l>niiki'»well \\;is .1 colony. The (h-ypt. .VnliiiiiiticH ot till- Wfst ot Kiiciaiid. :i\(ils. Kin^jwoml, \ . \ . Treluwny. — I'fnaii/aliiiliK'. .Nt-tt York. 1S4<>. MusKruve.—HelK'iiim liritannicmn. Kvi-tor. (Witli MiisKi-avc, an with (aindun, Soiiuirset )H.'oi)le aiv lU'lyai', iniiahitants of Doisi-t, aiT iMiiotriKt-'s, and Pevoniaiis Daninonii ) London. Irf04. Grove — Livffi 'if till' Uuki'ijof Dc^onsliirc. London. I7ii4. Polwhelc— Historical vii-WHof lievunshire. (Thj Ihitihh iVriod.) Ivxi'tur. 17)W. . Traditions aiK I lU'colluctions. 2 vols. London. 1«2ndon. U71t lianiel. Ballads and Chaji-hooks in thel'ornish Dialect. Pevonitort. V, V. Ihayley. -Ciniiiliic and llistoiic Illustrator. Somerset Dialect, ji. 4'_'. London. 18;{4. HariiuH, W.-- Poems of Kural Life in the Dorset Dialect. London. 18(K1. . Poems in the Dorset Dialect, lioston. ISW. Dewar.— Karly (iernmn Poetry : With AutoKrajih of W. ]{ariiu«. London. 1847. (.Mr. De- war was suinetinie mistjionarv at Thornhill on Yon.;e Street). Wolcot.f, of Dodlirook, Devon,' (Peter Piiiiiar) Works, a vols. London. 18U7. Keynolds. — Devonshire Dialect. London. 183o. \n aililition to the usual lafgo nuiiiber of iiortraitH, viows, plaiiH, etc;., illua- trativo of tlu' c.irly hi.story of Wcstcru Canada, di.splayod on tin; walls of tin; I'ioiiocr.s' Loilyo, there aio this year (IfSSS) shewn the following /o I'lIK I.Oii.HIIANTY HOOK SIIKM ViAK ISHS. ANiiUAVKK ViKWS, PlIOHM) H AI'IIS .\M> DRAVSIMJS (ONNKCTKH WITH Dkvonshiuk. The (>r of Ik'voii. K\«'t»r fioiM tin- K. K. Kxctor from t\\v N. W. Kxf'tcr Ciitht'ilral. K.xttfr Ctttliidral rhi>t.i)mii|ili. Il<iiiii|>li. Iloniton Old Cbur<"h (iiikrior)- Photoiiiiiph DniikeHWiU AIiIm'N Wiitcr Colour. Duiikt'Hwell Al)l><-y ('hiipt'l Wuter (;«(lour. Wolford li<)riur— I'hotouraph. Wolford ••'ann -Water Colour. Wrdford Kariu, flistaiit view -Oil. The Hart : Itelow (Jreenw.iy : home of Sir Humphrey flilhert Water Colour. Toripiay. Teijfiimouth. Herry I'oitieroy Castle. LftiinccHton aiul nciifhhonrhcMid. Desley'K Views in Cornwall. Tintaifol Castle. Ktehinif. Chatt«(k. r S. -Ah there was no cat^ilonue printes were volumes once the projtert.v of Chief .lustice 8<-ott, President Kns^ell, .hid^'e Willis, Ju(',j;e Hoiilton. Chivf-.Justiee Diajier, Chief-.liistice Harrison. Chie|-Ju.>tici Moss, Hon. .1. II. Cameron, Sir Allan Maenah, Sheriff (first) .Jarvis, Hon. Iloliert I'.aldwin, Itev. Saltern (Mvins, U. C. Home, et<'. In 1S«.^, the colli etion contained many hooks (and en;,Mavin;rs) leUtin;; to Frederick, Duk. o| York, after whom York (now Toronto) was named ; likewise works and views illustratiie,' the old l';n;,dish York and its history, ((/.(vi/x.s- of many works e\hihitefer place ot the same name in Cpper Canada.