^i .'f CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICiMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) 1 . ■ '■ e Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona historiquaa » - -. ■ . : r- 1 c !»■■ i ; . .-./-* "T V # T«c(inic«l and 9^ □ Coloured pages/ Pafas da coulaur Q Pages damaged/ Pages endomm a gtes □ Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaurAas at/ou palliCuUas J I Pegas discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pagas d^olorAas, lacbetAes ou piquees Pagas detached/ Pagas ditachAes ^ rjl -Pages detached/ rZ~l Sbowthrougb/ I J Transparence E Quality q^ print vanes/ Qualite inigale da I'impression □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue Includes index(es)/. Comprend un (des) index Title on header taken from: / Le titrede ren-|#te provient* □ Title page of issuk Pagede titrede la Iivraison Caption of issue/ tre de depart de la Iivraison -*-; D Masthead/ Generique (periodiques) de la Iivraison Pages wholly or partially obscured by errata slips, tissues, etc. Additional comments:/ have been refilnieci to ensure the best possible image. Commentaires supplementaires: This item is filmed at the redu€tion ratio checked below/ Ce documant est filmi au taux de rMuction indiqui ci-dessous. IQX 14X 18X 22X 26X 12X 16X m 20X XX 24 X 28 X 22 1 r y Th« copy film«4l h«r« Hm bMfi r«prodM«« (moaning "CQN- TINUED"). or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whiohavar appllas. Mapa. plataa, charta, ato.. may ba fllmad at diffarant raduotlon ratloo. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Includad In ona axpoaura ira fllmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to right and top to Jsottom. as many f ramas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: L'axamplalra fllm4 fut raprodult grtoa Ato g4n4roslt4 da: Matropolitan Toronto Rafaranca Library Baldwin Room * . Laa Imagaa suhrantaa ont 4t« raprodultaa avac la ^ plus grand soln. compta tanu da la condition at # da la nattat* da I'aiiamplaira film*, at an oonformHA avac laa conditions du oontrat da fllmaga. Laa axamplalraa orlglnaux dont la oouvartura 9n paplar aat ImprlmAa sont fllm4s ^n commandant par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant solt par la darntora paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'Impraaslon ou d'lllustratlon. solt par la sacond plat, salon la caa. Tous laa autraa axamplalraa ^ orlglnaux sont fllmAa mn commandant par la pramMra paga qui comporta una ampralnta d'Impraaalon ou dllluatratlon at an tarmlnant par to da<*nl*ra paga qui oomporta una talto ampralnta. Un jdaa symbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur la darniAra Imaga da ehaqua microflcha. falon la cas: la symbols -^ algnlfia "A SUiVRE". la y aymbola ▼ slgnifla "FIN". Laa oartaa^ ptonohaa. tdbtoauK, ato.. pauvant itra filmAa A daa taux da rMuotlon dIffAranta. Lorsqua. to documanf aat trop grand pour Atra raprodult w un saul cllehA, llaat fllmA A partir da Tanjila supArlaur gauoha, da gaucha A drolta. at da haut •n baa. ^n pranant to nornbra^ d'imagaa nAoaaaaira. Laa diagrammoa aulvanta^ illuatrant to mAthoda. I--' 2 3 % 6 •«aocorv RnouiTiON ?mt cnait ... (ANSI yid ISO TIST CHAUT No. 2) ; |o ■ 2^ m ■■i m |3j2 ft3^ IH u u lAO 1 2.0 1.8 S*^ leSJ Eoit Main Slr*«< E*..^ ??f-?*'*'' N«w rork, 14609 USA . ■^^ ("6) 482-0 JOd^, (Shoo. ^p Cte) 288-5989 -Fa» -i, & ^ -W^^TP', .■Huas SPECIAL REPORT or TNI COMMISSIONERS wv ^etireran* «»"l y^nitr ^miplU' rilH THM OITY Ol" SiVIlVT aOIIIN AI«4> TOWN OF PORTLAND, ON THE FORMATION OF ANCHOR ICE, BY TMK HlTrBKINTKMnKNT SAINT JOHN, N. B.: DAILY news" tIt/AM JOB FlUNT, CANTERBURY HTEKBT, . . 1881. la. ..•.* XLl9«r aazxdl, 1««0. KiH|in«arinu D«|>Nrlmanl. ll«war«ii« nnd Wttlar Work« Haiht Joiiw, N. II., Dw Mtli, I MHO. EDWAUD R. MKJKIIART, Kiwj., C'AnirwMn Cutntttianimert Seictmyt and H'aUr SufiiUy , DiAii Hin, — Oil MoiuUy Hvoniiig tlio '22n. m.,) untl bad my nl tuntion drawn to thi|M) yard for homo, tiut not nil, nnd thoNr iiint t'uiiiainumi>i\ to Iw tho oauao of tho failure. Pattioa were lent out nlmoat miiiuI- taneoualy to all the low lying parta of the City and Portlanl mid ulong the main pipe line ; and at 10.' in p. m., Mr. Walkoll ru- tumed with the alarming intelligence that thera waa no i iter ontering the Gate Houae at little Uivor, an4 tliat tho latii i hh well aa the oulyert leading thereto ap[>earod to bo choked with ico. Thia waa a new oxperieuco in connoction with our works aid a greatly more- aerioua one than an oixiinary break. Tho nigliMwna "» r i- r Ttm lUiiKt't (lotn lirr in t|i«« Cil)- oti Mich ti iilnlit w«ii tfr«nl nrul |l|0 ri.'Mttll. Willi llil Wtllfl ttlll MMt tl Itn VkltN ImJiI lit llll' l,«Mii|iUUt , Nlul llii. iitltUliiHinl itmt^nr of ihit Mif I Ui- or " f iii«U " in iImi Ontn limiMi («it*m ill'lv lir.'funHfv nt r\«'n, link (IIhI ••<«•«». Milltv III itli' •'\('ll|llg I liMlllii.l |||)> ( 'tlM'f Kht(llM>r>l itf IIki Kill* l.)><|initiiM«iit uf ilu' fnUiiic «»f (Itc i«u|»ply i«tul iii itmiftt v»i(fi liim rirruMgitl »o IhiM ilm wnli-i in iIm* l<»iiiNtt*r utrwt iiwuoir f«»r lln' ' l>rut«wtion ni iIm* " HUrk Mmum* •iiintiiiil utut » iniiimt «i| miy r.MM) ui I.VMt fift til Ml Wn Mil, 'Thv Mop t'drkn tM.in«N««iii|f niNilr for tlir i'iiiiM« of tlin MtuiiiMKi' XihI ti« NMiil on otlu'i iNTRMioiiii, tliiit tli« WMtoi' h<>l«l in th«* i fitrrvotr i* oiily VAluabln M N tupfiUiMiititl iiu|i|iiy, in itM own vicinity, iin iNwn iiin<*nt« of ib« city hnvc mi fni out* Krown («luriti(( tKi< litMt \\\ vtMni) ttn gnrnti'iit cit|icc«li« niiil H|i|iliHiu*(«M wnr»' <'o||«n. Hy iniilnight tlio work of clmn- ing hiul comini'nrisl 'luul l»y 2 a m. th«t inflow fnmi th«iculvt«rt hiul |M)i-cnMe, luui by H a. M. tho gr«Mitiir juirt of tho Uato HouHo ico WON gono nnil tho fr4H«xiiig cold wal«r which apiienrod to fill tho culvert nnd Onto Hoiiim« well, had hvon (liRplacod by wurtntr cnrront* from umlor thi» ic«»oovor«Ml yttain of tho i-o«orToir.« (hit- CKy hni Ihk)!! NUpplifxl with lAkti and Rivor water for fully forty ihrtt yoain (13 from Lily Lake and 30 from" Littio Rivor,) aiul thin in tho tirat instance, during tho whole of that tiinw, of trouble arising from "ofMAortctf." The prolmblu phyvical circumatancea or cauMM which led to tho intomiption will *Z^ l,C^ *^ 'It 1 s^ ^,H^^ lAtt^ij^^s^ki^^ ^Mt^j^ft. .'M#.*ii-.^fiafr' ■%' *,» y.J:''5«* ' s ,/ « '4 r^ .i:-M- A^. ?<# *> •■ :■:>-■-;■ :■* . t:^'!*?! ' -9f^- I^^^^Pf ^SP^^ •.v r *».. .M ," '.V' Tl.i tilt I ati • ad* nn iiK *> ev« De nn. pit 12t « oiu '. . cat j: con V gW'-... ''■ con I j t 4, -,>,i.i. 1 per wo» oon. Ho tol'^'i^ ,-,,.^.-... 11 — i_l ■ - ^ :^ h±i>- •i v'- -. '^>.' - U WW: .. (»^' full Lit) :■ tha' phy ./ ^- NL •■f — I- t ^^•M?; ^ ^^ tie :<*; ,.4 t ^ ?j>fvt.| ^y tsss % I "W' IWI U fi ii i li II I i i . -T-^^.-, S3. T-rVx ^rVM TV^ ,■ ,■ ,. , Jill ' £jT-T ''■■''' L,LLB •A. "X^ ! : ^^''^4akk&j£.a& 'Ufa^ .i,l • ' ■^^" ''■iM(f"4Pi*-'*'*^ '»■■*«'«**-_>- ■^\ '^ WTJjy^A'/f/dn;^^ AiiMtifXiQ in. ^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^??=^J^^t^^^??^^^ g- :i I I ' r I *"?^ <*«*! / CQ mill^^r] ijiji / I' . ' .' . ' i' . ' ^ij jima&mu^ ipii/ p.^ '■' l'_lll i |i|i| i | l ,1 ,1 , 1 .1 Jjn £j I ' I I ^^^5^3? I ■' i ' i 'i'i ' 5 'I'll' /«, I 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 rr , ■■.■■■.■■ i' i' i 'i ' f '. ' l ' ■ ' ' J ,^'t' 11 i^' ^' i' i' i' I i 1 y A- . ''M.'H.^aplPf---^-- hjS .^>«.' a„: < ^-^— :^^^"^ ^ ^ -J,--. '^H' k .:*'■ ^ '**^ gSi ^'iT 1^' 1 , . • J.. -, T- .fi I' . ' .' .'l' . '. ' ■w r B ' i ' i 'i'i' ' ' s n. I II I 'I ' 1 I ''.!'.■'.'.' 11 . f ^ ri I 1 '■' 'I » ' I 'I '' ' I '■• ■ '■ ' ' ' I ' ' ' ■ ' » '\\\\ s 1 .1,1. I j: I . I. I » . ». L I I 1.1. i, I ■ I ■ ■'.' . ' . 'rV ' ' ' ' ' I y 1 II I |ij|i 'I 'i 'I ' i:^gi- ^s^ v^' •;s. \ *»IV •J *^ - / fU -(-»**■». in* Tl tilt Mtl aU nil in. «'V £>. nr pr on ca NU va nc CO «t cc in IX w li ^% -»^^vs.\\i^ ,'\'\V''\» jV\\\^ •► *• -.tax •■-* .rf U. * . .„^ „ ' J 1 ' o ^ V^^ V V>V'^'^ *^A\v< . \;A)v/ ^F ■»*.>ii II 11 I* n V K, ). J- •• 4 \ r 1 1 V «,««.♦. "■ t u .. ■ ' ■ .■ - -■ V :-.-.pf-:" ( _ ■ ■", ,■ 1 ■ , ,■",■■ :?r ■ ,. {. . • ■ ■ ■ ■ 'l: ■ •■ ■ • r ■ ■■■■ 1 ■■.:■•■. " i- ■ •. ^ * * ■, ^ J t + — i ~5~ 'A , r |. ''I^ -^ *,. i "' t^ : J^ -- rrw ti V 4 \ 4 [4 p. !:& -^ fcf ' \m notitiMl moiv fully^h)ii-«»iift«r, but in tlm m««Nii tim«« it nmy im wnll to pine* on irncoixl thi' ntoAniiiMi tnkiyi to ovcrroinA th« «lilfl jnilty (»nt rn— with a vii>w to onipty th«« <}ut«« llonN© woll, or tho Hworvoir ItHolf if nowl wrro, lui^ to iiMH«t uny othfr oniorgonfy wliich migiit iiriMe, rc<|uiring for luifety n K|KM>«ly withdrawn! «>f ihfl wAter or m (piiokoning of tho ciirrvnt for lIuHhing puiiioM'N. Tho utrnN^t wnN not apiwrent for Munto tiuio, hut ultimately it lie- gun to iihew, and by 2 A. M. (23rd) tho groutor |Mirt of tho Hoftor ice in tho weiitorn division, or outlet wido of tho (Uto Houho, (marked A on ac^companying pUnn, Hheet 1 nnd 'J), hnd diHApptnir od nnd tho water had gainoil nutlioient ittrongth nnd volunio to riite to the City Hupply main (B) which \* pliipeongy mnHROM in tho inlot or oftHtom chamber, making tho water thick i^nd hIuhIit. Aft(>r an hoUiN trial it ))ocamo apparent thnt Homothing nioro hnd to \h> ott.»M of th« well th« velocity b«*m« ...fflciantly ninul td .I^itn,. or o^rr, out U.« Ic^ fn,„, the „|.,H.r cUmUr. wh.r, it h*.l H„«, J^ long«.t. «!. W..II an tnm th« n.lv.rt : and ultimatdy hriug. ^ uln^ly notice! » w.m.cr In^ly of w*t.. to thn (l.t. HoL, Thi. U t«r r«,ult w.m, „u„|f«,t.H| hy » thin vh,h.. which r^ tnnu tl... water •«< from th« n.nn «ng«g.,| i» cutting th« hol« r.t„n,. «» to Ih. .urf^co In • Uth«r of .wmt. «, if h., h.d Ikm^u working in ft Rummer tinn|Mmitiirc. " Ai Iho .Ung^r w.i. tum (7 v «.) ,^,t, tho .top cock.Tn th« ".n«vg«noy p.,., Jror. M„md«ntly ch^o It. umml heigrtt in tlu, (Jut., Hou«,. .„ul the work of refilling the In.: ? V . '5 "'"' «rticulftr in relating n.inuteJy u|l tho cin^um- Btancea of our ox,,erienco on thia occaHion. that they may Ik>co«.o .natter of i^rd and ,KMmibly aaaiat in .hewing how t<,.leal with u iko occurence again, ahould auch another trial unfortunately como to ua In duujovoring it, if inmible. in ita incipiency and in load- ing to the adoption of meaaurea fitted to mitigato. « far aa prad- ticablo, the evil, which apring from such viaitationa-toarert the danger altogether or reduce it to a minimum. To do thi. «>me knowledge i. required of the nature of * "/nm/ " "^«nd or •; anchor ice"-it i. known by all the three nameal and thecomhtion. under which it i. formed. It is well known to # ^'l I « millmnit kimI cith«ni, ihrougti iUi frM|tiffnt int«rfor«no« with fRtm Mi*l flumtw, Ami in rwr iitatatujM to nMii«K««ni of WAtmr wnrkn UiniuKli thn Rud on aeveral occaaiona before no (wrticular notice waa takcn'Of tho fact until tho follWing night, when it had fallen *■''.• * f , t '.I • *. .V- i *w«y to Niioli mt AAt«iii UmI oho |ium|> onljr could b« kept foliif *l oti« fourth ol llii tiMwil. Thin UhI Ut iiwiuirj. An tsAiniiuitUm wm omwIh of tJM M|itt«lMi " mmI it wm UiMov- 4«r«i| that fmm (ti« iul«t for thn clUtamm ol oigkt kumlrtHl (HOO) ffwt inUiiil U WM jUlmi with fiuA |«rti«l«w of iflr, which Mrhoiut of inUke haa been changod, for nanitary ronaonii, and the watiu- in now conveyn«l to tho Mttling iMwiuN through eleven httndrett (1100) foot of GO inch wrought iron pipe. I am not awai-o of any trotiblw having been cxiKwience*! as y«t with thin now [Aytt, but with thw old 36 inch on«> tho intorniptionM were fnN|ueut ami ReripuN, though oamoHt offortH luiil lioon maile to prevent tho formation or rather the ag- gregiittou and adhoeion of tlie io«) to the inlet utrainem and framu work by which they w«re HUiitatne « \ 1^ f .-^ .*,. y, , UiUiUly iMMMMit|MUtjr Um« fiirtiMtUHi «^ lltn Ntichor ito liu mWr in itiil iknmIimIihi tlml it* wi^ chk^ tliio Ui milUtimt, »t%A iMKimHl mc (Toniiiigly, with njtiviw to (Ml llir nvciinifjr t»f Itlii iktlirjr, (Im> mtHMriiig of A mft rIiovp (iin iiiliH mid iif tW \ti\» Tliiii Ihi iiit|» |MMOi| woiilil i%rrwit Ui« umIUuI lii^it nitil |>rtf vntly fitMtR. ' III Ui« folldwiiig yiNir Ui« (itHiimitUm in clmrgt* v«r thn tiit««t |ii|Mi until tiM iiw fortuml ; but tliA \Mf\n*A (tM* ruaulta ilid iictt ftillow. Ily tlui nid of divom m NulmitirKiil |ilitt form wrwi thoii plAc*! ov«r tti« Htntiiioni in Uto tio|w of iit«tti|>iii)( thu Mii|i|H)Mi«i miliittimi. iiut ttiiit t fuiliNl luid iniitt'Ail of Aknting tlio itvil lliif itO|i|iiig«m took plitcu lit It liighur t«ui|NMiituni UimM tvtr. During ono of tlio fr«N|uunt inUtrru|iUoiM which t^ Aiid iitrainin-N, witli tlioir Nurrtmnd iiig Mpiltu WAN Olio iiituM of ico imriiulM, coIImcUnI into n iiioiind Noiuo Un fiMit high aiuI About flfto«n feet in diAniotor ; luid that Urgo <|UAntitiaa of minute oryatd of ioe wor« rApidly iMuwing mid Adding to tli« niAHN dreAily o«l odgoii. A fiirthor oxAtninAtion rovmliNl the fAct tliat Uto iinuUI Amount of wAtor tho pump wan ii-owiving ut tho timo tho iwnrch wan Udng niiwlo CAmo through tho lower or down ntnium Nido of tho Htidinrr, thia liotng tho only jioint At which tho pi|>« couhl lie roiwrhcHl. I Tore thorn wan but little ico. When thoHo focti wore A«cortAin tnwiiiig |HiiiitK^ lii»lori» iliixtigH4lic onjjfni* NlttfifMii ft>r wumi of WiiU»r r% AikHlM»r tliWDtml «iiii ititwU* iiiiiiiiH|Ul«*ly itiMl lli«< iii<'|H>rlitiit fitrt itiirt>rUiit«<«l Unit with tin* tcMi|M>rMtiiH» nf )li« MitiiiiM|i|ittr«« nl 2t)' tin* witt««r nt lh«t i«Mtfitn< wiin 11' imhI itt tin* UtttitMi uf tti0 riitrt •lA . , Al ihiN «lmMf«iil miii'li luMi l(i> wrtM foMiMl itii tlif Klnttimr himI iu N«trruiiit«nH((N tlirtii ill*' drtil tiuM*. Tliit loMiiti l»iit flgjp^ ii|»tNir Nitit htol wimi tlm iti> hiin «4^t{itti«it ttwm imiiiiiiig up •iivniii. AInmii Urn>». lioiim iifufijlu* «livnr*iit(»ii> «l<>iM!ir iti* ^M^gnu tu iium*, wIhh U wtiM iigtiiii rc|H^iti«i| witli tht* th«Mti<»motiii- nt Id*, miil i\w ctmi mItUHj rtiii«|iii|iiig tht'ir \i%lu«hlii Itqiort, wiy llmt " liy tJu* »i«| of " tlxv miltitirtriiio illvrr tlicy hnvn mMfrtniiiitl tliti fiu-l thai, at vvr- " tniii tPm|H»nitHni«, tliiUM) iV* jtt%rMta are ^r^r fMtmiU In Iht river "himI *rfl «mtinuoimlvji^^L».lgwii Iiy tlir iirtioii yf titit I'lirtmit. " ^H^ wliiit«v««r olml7M|flyiAith N (o IiMlgw ii|K>n (Im* i|tiiintity thnt " will ACcumuUto cnnnot viriotiMly uflmt the* flow of wnUw to " tho inl«t |ii|»*." ^ I I nm not nuiij that tin' i-woninH'iulatiun of thi* cohiniitttN' wjim^ oarritMl out, yot I hnvf iruMon to l«li«*vr that it waH, nn that thfl removing of tlm " NpiloH," kv., «lition, an T (iml in Niili»«<<<|iii>iit rtt|H»i tu ih'm i inlioin* givoti of further HfoitM an«l ch«vii'«>»« for u\<'r('oniing thuir Iid »UrtI cuUim, cliiff among whiih wan flu' cxtcnHioii of tho inlttt main J \.nv ^rtioii ui init I'lirivni^ iHj^gjd^h, Mil%iiir |NiiiiMg«>. iN^WtrrnconinMfnd tho toin t t'-. y t tl ll ir t U % '^ m « gut* »M titwr wilhtml nm\ [^ It ihtiiii nuitHiR won* iKerwl fnh'iy ( lirttn iltNit« iiitltri-iii|( to III A «|ini»lit»*t |mn4l»'* wlMi llii» I«h|I t.f ii(# rt*»N\^1%l» e*i«^( »<*n») «»l lli« iKlNiiiwit .1it iiii h ii^t |t)|wy|Mf4 «kimi |w»rf( tlir«iMi{li oriKknitt i4t'iiiiiM>ti) Itaviiii; iiwu butt m^h Ifl ll)|)|Uiotl III iff^ Itllilkrill lll «if i\^ ,iUii |itiMt> hoh'M III ili#> IttioMN wi'i^t i'||f>kiHt iitul i«4ii^ 4ltniiiiii|{ TIiIm |{iiA WrtM WriHrtimi fi«*tM IIm* Hlir .»!' »irn >i>|H« ptiirtnt i%i(1i* iW^ili-l |»»j[H<, iiiMHtii .1 \ I or IWitlvK •m»lrtll|f»»»'l. ft t»|HWHI|VH to IlilU* Hi'll, tiul «li>l not iiiliiiri Uii< •|iMitiity «)f Witli'i' it H ill itMiMii|tt«tni't( iif iu itmri ImviiiK UtMi ritiliinti Uy iiN fmiiiM wtHk , >irt«l iin Nittliliiiiitil t(til« «kitN iit'tiniiiMtfMU'll dm i« ii'iiHxIy for lliin i^ntiKlii^ of (mm I Iiiim> writ(i>ii li» t|r KiUiml, itii* (iiii(iiiv«i: ill t'liRfKi' iC^^"' l*"ti^>ii «^orliii, foi- fiii>«|i4|yiil«iiitiii (MMI «lr||il'|l will Im) hI|I||||&<'.»i. Ihih Hnrt&'n-liijuMi' fiom luichor lii^ «>r J'ttuit in* ii In i-tllllHl |||«>II> Oltlll <'i|Jl< I liM'fH IlilMMtl, Imi( IMit ill till- KlIIIM* wiiy iiikI li«r «*»|N>ri«>ii«'i' wu' iIiin i-khmih lutil no wiimiiiff vnliiu io oitriM'tv<'«t not- niiy irf Um' mkiv* luiimxl, nn will ii|i|m«mi- hy tli» fol Uwih^ lMi«>f N^llti'JIMItt of fnptM. ,:, Till* Moiili'tNil WiiN'i' \Voi>|iH, itN tli«>y HOW «<\ii«l wm-v |i|iiniioi'*iH iimmI to forvi'tlui wiit«'r into u iTH»»rvolr |»lft«'«!»| on tliw " mU^h of tliojnouiitniit" niNHit vHUl twt t»liuv« Oily tiutiiiii o» 10(1 fi>«Jti^nt)ovi) tlw l«jv«!l of tho wntiW nt tlw |tiini|iii)g ntalioii. Tiiu wiiU'i' for City umc tiiul t«> work Uio |)tftti|>N in tnkcii from lliu Ht. I^iwronco uUivu tlin (iiictilti(« ni|iii|ii, lulit jIh liioii^ht t4i tJMi wiiiH-l hoiow) iiy nil opon omul or iM|iifihict which in itU>ut Ti iiiilt>H long, H foot *Utop, 1111)1 10 fmit wiilu, ut llio wiit4>r litic, with itti in t;Uii»tioii oi' fal\ of about i] iuvUtm \h3V llli](^ / 1.L L .« ^ fTi '-, 1*^T.' »•■ f-.: u The niAxiiiiutii irajKU-ity of tlio workh am oHginally ilmiiKiKHl wum ft,000,000 gftllonii i»ro«u5h, and afterwards roraovod, when found to l)o useless, and men and guniKJwdor had to be enii»loyed «v«ry winter a,t the enti-onco to koeji it oi)en and norViceablu. So long as the dehiand for water did not exceeacity of the pum[)«. " Those troubles, "Lsays the superintending engineer (Mr.Lasagu) " wont on increasing pvory winter, so much so that in the year " 1802, 1863 and 18G6 water puncheons bod to bo resortoil to in "oi-dor to supply the citirons." In 1808 a steam engine was oructoil to " save the City from another water famine," and in 1872 a second one was put up for winter lujo, tlio consuniiition having risen to 0,015,000 gallons iwr day. But as the cost of pumping by water jiower is greatly less than by steam the ratetr in Montreal being as $3,41 to $25.00 for each million of gallons placed in the reservoir, a contract was made in 1873 for a new and much larger aqueduct at an estimate cost of about 1 1,850,- 193.ft0. The action pf the ice aiid frazil on the old aqueduct Is thus des- cribetl by Mr. Keefer in a i-oport made to the water works com- mittoo in 1869 : " The difficulties," ho says, " arise from two causes ,-flf:- li r > ■**>-,; . -'■V7--^ ^V 1.1 " vis.; ra|ii«l lluottiAttonM in thn wintri- l«atii undor- *• n«ath insUmtl of ujwn l\w name level with other iw*. The flue- " tuationn increa«o the tliickneiw of the a<|ue«Iuct ice, from fiWf,— " the fra«il from Mow. The fonnor cauHw the ioe-cohl currentu'of " the river to Hse Huddtyily ami flow over the frozen ■ui-fiwre of thi '• a4iueduct immetUately thickening and weighing down tlie ice in " the latter, then by lut M»i»Hljttction of tin- *' aVeruge Hurface of the river in luUlition) the water way under " the iuiue«(uot ice in ho diminiHiiwl that, in order t«> miitply the " wheeln a nipid nndev current HotN in, iiringing in frazil " in groat abundance until the paHmigo in nearly or (luito choketl " up. When thiw reniilt takeM place, if tho wIuwIh continue run- " ning they, rapidly empty tho aqueduct below the obHtruction, " lotting down tho ice aln^ont or ipiiUj to the l>ottom, thUH bringing " about a state of thingH irremoor less ice trouble would be mot with, as must necessarily be the case in all northern latitudes but no one anticipated what really did take place. Tho formiition of " frazil " avs well as its subsequent movements anrouH olmmoti^r of tliiii form of ioo, aikI tho nHortH tluit Imvo boon mn«l« in varioiw ways to ov«ii-otn« it, u fow njiniiilcn in r«lHtion to tho ViewB held by Soientist|HMi ^jB. '">'l thiit it Hhouiil Jn» iiKgr(!giit«(I iiiul lUHHMod, Ht that (I.'|..Vl|;,9!Pii wmiul or pyrunii.l kn f»M3t high mul ./r/>e«« feet wido ,i|'ti^i|H(, ; tl»Ht it HhouM 1«, found lining with gio.it uniforniity the iiftcrior Hui-fac« of 8til.t4^r- runuan wab-r coum«, rrtising nudthndy tho IovpIh of InkoH ntui rivers und cauHing thoni to ovorfloAV ia«)iv inpidJy than in ordinaiy Hoods— Htopplng tho iufjow m huge culvortu, phicod :'0 foot or Mioro Ijclow tho water lovol, and blocking an oijon canal with u fonHtant onrront flowing through it (aa at Moiitroal,) but tho ovi- (h'ncu in coniphito and irroKiHtiblo. Scienti8t« uro (tividod in opinion hh to tho inn,luM ajterniuU of natumin making and working- with andior ice. Tho conditionH under which it m found appear to bo wondoj-fully uniform, wlrtu- over it is mot with, and agroo exactly with those that prevaih'd lH.'i>e on tho night of the 22nd ult., viz. : open water, clo\ido.l by r thoHo cononiL Nor wouhl the depth (25 " feel) afr(«ct it, for it i.s well known (said tho Professor) that caloric ii ,fT \ 1ft ' . " that lini Ixwii tntnumittiHl through nnn hiyor of n traiiHcnIent ♦' UKMlhun will Iw ImnamitUwl through nny nunilMM* of layer* ; tbo *• Vfiyn of tho nun would uIho convoy hout through tho watffr to tho " j»ipo (tt goixl iilmorhor of tKlorio) iinyholo subjoct i-«quired furthor elucidation. James U. Francis the celebrated hydraulic engineer and Su|)er inttaident of the loi-ks and canals at Lowell, Mass., holds similar views to Honry and Arago in regaixl to tho formation of this des cription of ice imd in a dooj.ly interesting jmi>er published on this subject a few years Iig6, gave an array of facts, Xi\ his own oxpori- ouco, which seemed to put tho nnvtter 1>eyond discussion and bU^w • i .i ii / r K ■' -v-3» - AijB* -t.- .i 10 conclunivoly , tUt tiio nulintinn tlioory of Prof DoukIuh wan lih- Umttblo. A fow flxtmcU fi'om tluM p^jior may Iw worthy of |mr- " Aiwhor K" Mr. Fmuclii iwyii, " in (in iiggrogRtion of Nnmll " crystiilH 01- nooclloH o^ic«, forming in water a Mixingy niiuw oiwily " iwnotmUHl with uuy hanl ' Hulwtancn. It ia frequontly foiuul "adhering in hirgo quantitiox to the Imttom and Bidea of waU'r " ohannola lioth oixftn anil covorotl. In clear weather, an the iun " approavhoR tlio meridian miuuitm of anchor ice often Hm from the ♦' lK)ttom of the open channola and float ofl", aometimea with caitli " and Rmall atonofi adhering. It ia proiluceil in t/te greatest abun- " tlnnai in cold, clear, toimhj nights. It unqnoationably (mginattH •' at the surface qf 0ie wtUer, the noceaaary conditioiu being tliat ♦' the water should be at the/reeziny temjyerature, the air beUm that " iwint ami the aui-face of the water agitated, either by ji cnn-ont " or by the wind. In its firat atagea the ice ia in amall detmhed "neotUoa or vyatala ; if tliero ia little or no cuiTon* tliia ice ac- "cumulatea at the aurface and finally consolidatea intoaahoet; " if the current ia too atrong to permit this, jwrtiona of it accumu- " late at the aurface and finally consolidatea into a sheet ; if the " current is too strong to permit this, portions of it accumuktoa, " in the spongy masses and float along at or below the surface, " their specific gravity differing but little from that of water. In " a currenJ; ot wotor there is a constant intermixture of the water '"at different depths producing a uniform temperature all doptha " and tending to (listributo uniformly foreign matter held in sus- " pension. The small crystals of anchor ice found at tlie surface <' comedown by means of this intermixture and distribute through. " out the whole depth of the stream much in the sftmo manner as " earthy matters are carried along in suspension by^ currenta. " These crystals have a stix)ng tendency to adhere to each other or " to any otlier solid body they may come in cpntoct with. Tlie " odheitinco can only take place by freezing, and here" says Mr. "Francis, " lies the mystery of anchor ice. How can water be- " come ice without u loss of heat 1 .1. ■, 1 i.^ ,m ...»s,.M^,i ■ "-Sf-j^ viaM^: .k J If " ft AJh«rei td lui^ioM ol itont and wood oVef wkioU %iUr ii •' runniitg wiUi a ooiuiuloi^blo voloottjr, in aome cusoa •xoootUng 20 •* foot per Booond and growing up under thta rapid ctirmnt at tho "rat© of an inch an hour. It i« oluarly not doiwndont upon " ra- " torranoan water coursoa, where there can be no lo$$ of hmtt by '• nuliation, covorod with anchor ice." Itoapocting^the formation of thi« ico Mr. F. reinarka, by way of suggestion, that it '• commences to form at tho surface of water " ogittttod either by a current or by tho wind. The water l»oing "at tho temperature of 32* Fahl, and the air at a lower tompcra- " ture heat posses from tlie water to the air equivalent to the '• formation Of a certain amount of ice ; the water being agitolinl " and the ice in minute crystals, the latter become mixed with the " water before all the ice duo to the loss of heat is formed ; and " although the crystals are removed frdm tho further loss of boat " tjiey will continue to enlarge until an equilibrium is attained. "The amount of ice formed after the crystals leave the surface "may be very small but still bo sufficient to cause them to adhoi-o, " when by means of the current they are -brought in conlact with " each other or with any other solid at the freezing temjioratui-o." He also notes the fact that on drawing the water out of a sub- terranean water course he had found the interior surface of tho .channel coated with anchor ice, with great uniformity and sym- metry and several inches in thickness and says it must have fot-mcU before it entered tho subterranean channel and subsequently adhered. Again as an instance of the sudden trouble which may ariso from anchor ice and of the exceptional circumstances under which it is found at times, he relates an experience he had i^ December, 18G3, when the ipo which covered tho river was corrietl out by a heavy rain. Tho rain storm occurrotl on the 13th and 14th of tho month named, (December) and in the night between tho 15th and 16th the wind was high from tho Northwest ; anchor ice I • -1^ -■ -f ^gsr* w^^-^if- «<» ii htftking lnm\j wiib the tKertnouet«r at 90*. At 6 A. Itf. ul tiiA .16th th« wind was frnah antl thn thAnnom«t«r at 20*, th« anchdr Ice fomiing v«rjr frwly. The wat«r «oAm/ for moving tht tl-uif gaUt qf th« NorUttm Canal could not bt tiarted on account qf aneAor ie« havinff choked up the outfall through which the water ia drawn. No anober ioe ia erer foutul at thia wheal when the river ia froaen over. < - The unusual amount of anchor itte at this time forming at such a high temperature waa attributed to the l^igh wind and rapid current in the river and the groat extent of .. -^ II- Vv- • - .^te-j ^f" # ^ ,^ ■# . It dmjr •ml olaar bj night, a hi|h win4 vui mi air t«mp«ir»titr« maf . ing from about flir« dtgrmt to iO dftgnxw abortt lero ; (7) that it ; MidQm forma in bright aunahijia, but on tha oontrarj b oftan Iooa«ned by thia influanoe and ia aiwn to riaa in maaaaa to the aurfaoe ; (H) that it ia laaa troublnaoniA wh«n th« warcury ia at or ' Ih»Iow sero than at higher tem|wratuio, and (9) that the trouble ceaaea aa aoon aa the iur/ae4 qf tht waUr i$ Jirmly /roum ottr. Am the aurfaoe of our reaenroir ia now firmly froaen over tliere ia no likelihood of a recurrence of tb« trouble during tlio prea«nt winter, unleaa, imleod a auddun thaw and freahot ahould reoi»«n the pond and carry away the lee, which ia not ut all proUble. It . beoomea ua however to look to tlio futurv, to «onaidor well our ]«>. aition in the light ami .hiugwr of tluH now vx|Hir^uco, and mv« what can bo done, in rooaoii, U) ovoivomo or ixjduco t4) a iniiiiuunn Uiu inoonvenienoo and riak that conio of auch ualinioly Suton uptiuiia OS wo had in November, r It ia true the liku uuiy not lmp|K.n iigiun for another forty (40) year* and more, but of .thia wo huvo no asaurance ; and it ahould b« no matter of aurpri»«5 if the muuiu thing occurred again in leaa than twelve montha. Sonio auKKto tiona have been made with a view Uf thia which are move oi I..«h worthy of conaideration. It hM beon aaid that tha oaro-taker at tho roaervoir ahould Iw placed in oommunication with the onginoor'a otiico by uwam of UsUphone or teUgraph. Such an arrangnwont uiight Ihj uuoful on many oocaaiona when work woa Injing done or inimediato iufbrniu tion required, aa in Ireahet timea, of the statu of the reaijrvoiruuj waate way, but I do not think it would have avortod tho" recent accident ; aa the care-taker hod no reason to believe that anchor ice waa being formed, and found at 5 p. m.,— an hour only before the atoppage took place— the uaual height or dcp>h of water iii tho Qftte House well ■ * ■'. ■ ' ■ Such a line of communication would have been of great fervice however, liad it existed when the interruption oooured and would have saved some Mum or four k' (^^iv«( W t "■''!*• ' ■MmL i **•* t 5 ■^--• « ^-/kittle Hirer Rrarrvmir a*, thr ertnimg-'!^^"'^. I' :; » J, . » » j|» 4. ^>'4 -i r ■I# , M * ^ f- '««»«»• 11. ^livor of ^Dfbillg VIM unntiAl w«Nrll iMMiakio b« iMiMil ooad Mild wh«Ut«l (iMMemynd Ui Inrnk ttMr oi| «Hr In tk« ooi )!«▼• UmI I Agit*t«tl W»t M inUi Uit « To ttntUmf th«ra wu flfl hIiqII Ico will laweil the rH ■k«tohi («M fMi or md whifih c!or«»n WAii knpt M liolow 32'. night of the ■ttbside on t A 0»t« tl| Kiul fml froni ofMA, and pii V \ '*^ 'Ik*'*"' I 'j-.-' a c£kitiL> \ ""y^ .e^*.*r. II lb Hal kunm wimf It nraM Imv0 hmn fikrmi m amh • nlglii 10 »iiiva gti«r»t»l«w«l (111 tianfuttt«m Kttr to U rtMUMiHiry In Uvt iim)V» ihMi o«- nwHn IttlUiw from • iBrvii* rmmttAr to » Oftto ItiHHHi 9vm wImm MkeiMr Imi 1« »liiM»t AH iknntiiil tMlMVI, m Ui« |tk)r«i««i iiiltuMwm wllkik wtNikl 4Milfny ihti ofi« wtmkl W «lMMMi (wn«iM 4^> ii«iitmy fcki* <>ill«f Al thd Mkliia UnM, «<«itoiitrtMtii«^ ol ft »»•«' rMMnt, nor until tli««t ki, «t ItNitt, » r«niM>imt»l« iirtMfMWl vt ila Mng A lulwtMitkt Uti|»^vvni«iit wUon rtmittl«t«l.. Ami I mifbt doo imUI that, from an imgiiiMtriiiK RUuuliMtint, it i« klwRji coti- Hiilnrml |inlil«tnt tii Imvd m fnW 0|MningN m iMMihle in rrMMrvoir omlxiukmontii lik« our* , m «vwy nucli o|irUtui fumbhiMl hy (imirK" K l)«ill«iy, (Mvil F.iiKine«*r, Ikwtun ■-.luut liM UMin ftllowtHl to mmati^fui originally tmilt, fruni tho UiHicultiiHi which aUwiI in tho way of lit raconairuotion or on- largomont Thia ({uoatiou waa fnlly oonai«l«n»il l>y tho aUu onginoora JAtvmn. Hladoaml McKoan, who wim^ conaultoil in 1800 on tho beat nioana of improving our then wator iiu|i|»ly ; and Hw rooaona whtoh tiuai |»rQvailotl againat doing anything Rtill oximI, via.: tho lyiigthy i»l«rini|>tiou it would proUMy occnaion to tho ' wator supply, ami th« unforoacon tlirtlciiltifiH and dangera tliat would uriao ifrom ofiening and oloaing tho old eml»ankniont— now ao aUongly j&nd thoroughly conaolidatod. Kad wfl, howover, a con- uooiion with Loch Iximond I would atrongly urgo an onlargomont of tho preaont Qato Houao or tho conatnictitm of a now on« altogothor ; but until thia lung unticiimtod and mudi roquirod oK- f 4 . ' 1 t^ «f- « •T*-r~T 3J • toiulon ii, ,„ado it would not Ik, ,,nid wourfty ttg»in.t • total doprivaUon of water M took place M ■ud.lanly on tho 32nd ultimo, i« an addiUoual Bervioe Reservoir capable of containing not Iom U.au cue w««k'. .upply, and a« much more M ,K>«uble. This in certainly a mo«t deairable thing, could a ^^^■u^. '^ "*"*" ^ *''''"'"«*' "* *»>« immediate neighbor^ hood of the C.ty. and tho coet of comitruction not too great! a. it -calmly could be moaauro.1 by tho magnitude of the inconvonien6«, of, the loM and of tho danger that follow a .layVBu«,K,naion, oven of our orduuiry water .upply. This I have rocommonde constructed at an early day, tho site '.^•mtable for wluch u. known to you. It may be true that at present It i. not much wanted and that if no accident happen to ^^ Lattle River reservoir, or the mains that lea.1 fr«m thence to the City, It may not be required for some year,; but Without one Jhe City supply ui „ot as «ife m>r as perfect as it should be. ^ We have no guarantee of immunity from accident any more than others, and, in the meantime, did any serious casualty be. fall, or circuinstances necessitate the emptying and cleaning of our pt-e«,nt reservoir the City would be at once deprived of water unti the defect was repaired, whether it took a day, a week, or a month. V • ,,.• "In the watersupplyof a City nothing should be left tohward- A ^^ Everything should be perfect and if possible duplicated to such « ZZ^^ ".^ """**"' ^*^"^P'»°« '*>' '^y lengthened period ''impossible WW IS done, is well done, but not ext^sive onough. A reservoir of the kind proposed, capable of contain- ■' \ t^ i?'^^;T^mfi • " Ing tkrMor /odf Wook«' iiopply, ig ttill wantod aikI i* n i\octmnty " a|>iMinrUgn to workii likfl ouni, without whloh th«y aro not com- " plate ; m thoro ii a daily rink which it in not prudont to cmitiiiuo " only for th0 RhortoRt tinio {KHwihlo. " Tho conMquoncoH involveMl in a longthonod inU.'mr|.tion to tho •• iiRunl wftt ■i- li- " M itormg tk« Riirptui by night to moot thii dxirt (iomaud by dnyi "(Mul by thii moana Boouriiig a bottor gfluoral hntwl than otlior- " wiao couhl be had. " From th<»o coniiiderationff, I think it vory dodirablo that •omo *' hiittatory Mtt^w ahouKl l>o taken before long for the promotion of •• this moat doairablo object" (R$port 18016, 1804 m^ 1807.) The si to roforrod to almvo ua auitable for an interniudiato ronor- voir in connection with our ^ttle River ayiitem of aupiily, ih on tho Wilson farm, near tho upiwr end of what is oalloil by aomo the " Trafton VaUoy," to tho oaatward of tho ohl Weitniorland road. (See sheet No. 4)- By tho erection of on emliankmont ocrowi tho lower end of thin valley, a ronervoir could bo constructotl which would have a water surfaco when full of about eighteen oorefi, and an average dapth oi about ton fdi^t The bottom of tliis ireaervoir would be on about the same level 08 that of our present Leinator Street reaorvoir and ita capacity would bo equal, to ftbout one week'a aupply at our proaont rate of consumption. The maximum surfaco level woidd be ah^t 140 foot above City datum, or 20 feet Iwlow that of Little River reser- voir. To bring the water to the City a main or mains of suitable sice would have to be laid between ita outlet and tlio aboidean. I have not made any estimate of tho probable cost, but it would, exceed considerably that of an extra gate houao and pijie chamber. It would, however, be a much more valuable auxiliary in cose of accident and greatly more so in caae of fire. B€t tho pressure at best would be low and diminish with the draft, when the latter was taken from the impounded water alone ; as it would neces- sarily be when the aupply waa_cut off as on tho 22nd ultimo. But allowing for this defect it would atill be of incalulable value as a Bupplementay supply when o^er -sources failed. . " In view of a ][>robable extension to Loch Lomond at an early disiy it may not be thought immediately necessary to construct tliis reservoir, but i^j^ference to this, it may be said that although wo hadour mains extended to Loch Lomond, and had a high and low service supply in full operation, thia. reservoir would still be a ■^ ■; ■■■■ • { ' ' .. " "■'." ■ \- ,, i ^ ^ ■<»,■• ■ - - ■ '■ . ; J - .■ " -■■•■■*, '■ . -■ _ < 1^ « '. ■. ' .■;.-:,--. .-.'■' - ■ . .» i \ ;% *-' ■ ■ ■■• -■ ■ ■ , ■ ,..;,;;: > ■- -i . ■ " - ' ■ i 'L . r / \ -'.'-'-- M. ' - .' . ■- ■' • ^m • ^. , L itti ^ - • . . .■ ■ " ■ ■" "■ ■ ' \ r4 — -* m'^mmnfmmmf^ lUDgpi i||- iiiipw^ ■^ ■ 'V- ^ IB •• •toring ik* •Urj^^ "jiriMcoutabe h^^ •»Froift Ihflhowl ^v . ••intUfttory itapai / ".ihi« moat (Itwiral Thp aito roforro voir in conncntion . tiio WiUon tmtm, " Tmiton Valley ,' (Sea thett N^o. 4.} lower ond of this ' would have ft waf an avoroga dapth III ^ The iMttom of \mt' '* oa Uiat of our pij k' ; ^7^ would bb equal t^ .x' " consumption. Tl f ^ foot abova City d; voir. To bring f Hise would have I , ■■ • ■ ■ ■ . ■ . t T ^i u. 'i '^ -N ,A «t "1^ ■' . ,■"/ ■1 have not mad '*,/ y. ^ excedd considem^ \ X *" ' It would, how6V< 'v:' accident and grei boat would be 1 was taken from aarity be when tl allowing for th^ supplementay su In view of a, day it may not b reservoir, but in had our mains e: - service supply ii i t "••/ ¥. ; V ~<. V .. (•" aluftbla »p|i«)nd«|(« tjO otir watm* aupplj, and iMrticulM-ly to Um }w MTviM, (o which it would rwUly Ubng. B«»ffNti iMving thia aubjoot it tnmj b« profMir to remark that MM of th« advantag«Mi olaimmt (or nn iiit«miatliat« rmuryoit, in h« axtrmotii giv«n abovs; nuch an tha flu|ihiii|t and rr|Miiring of naina and at<)|voooka, worn aoournd in iHTtl wlinii the '24 inch pi|Mi raa laid (mm tho alK>idflan to Iii^l« Kiver. B«aid«a tho foregoing th« oonn«oting of , Lily Lake rith our prnaont reaervoir haa IxMin atifi^gflatad for Are anf water for the City, waa pumped into the Leinater ajl^reet roaer- voir three or lour timea a week, and doled out daily between the houni of 6 and 8 a. m. .For 22 houra oul of the 24 the water ifaa ^ut ofl', unleaa an alarm of fire waa given, when the reaervoir hiul to be opened and the pipoa filled before any could be gotforlta Buppreaiuon from thei City fire pluga. The daily demand waa then about 25,000 gallona, now it ia more than two hundred tinvee that ^uantity^— and even then in dry aeaa&na thia lake waa barely able to famiah the aijiall aupply required of it Ita capacity and elevation could be raimd to aome extent by raising the dam at ita D \ ,*4-i ^^0i v "m vmr' '■gtww^ % -- - ^ ... .. < ) oatlut, but no« mttaifOitXy m to put •nj )»rt of ill wttl«r into Ui« LdiMt«r Ntnmt rwnn rotr by nmvilAtion. <^ . To malm th« waliir of thif Ukm iMnful tliftrwl^rt, M % •hort lim* ■upply. in flrn aMMon*. or whun othmr fHaitxnltm fttilwt. nxtMwiva pumping works would httv* to b« •motfiit aitd in»iiitiiinr •- • ir": . V if^^psaw ^ ^ ' pF^"^ \ •■••*-*■ ■ I '«-r '^'iV'f :¥*r-' t T# -L.^. 'fr* t ^ # » siiKftrr _. " '^^^ t % ~W^ f 4 •*^ '^ *ii*i^ T r siiJ:k r« ci *^'»#%l ■pr H I' '"l^i I »* * 1 , *%. f * . 1 «'f' - 1-, , .1 v». i ,'« ■'• V '/ I > ^ ' ' -^^ ■ • * ( h m ^ « % " M 1,- » i Si " » 1 * ■ftvr'NMIMMpa •* ■ , ■ 1- » m' . •K^^ffiliJO*: i l l iii.i>i w i< »i% ok i*tfrt*it ^ * )Hii« i i mm , " , V-) i, ■ l.*^^*»« ^r^'^ZT'^^^^, *>f~-ii a This woi year^ nor ^ time, if po Bont out aa that they i adviae (2). Tbi made, at si intbeOa^ ^* '^•MTiii ■ti. &; ,fof odncludlng thi. Rn»ort»^ would ^ivkw imrbwoCmif ,.t That one or mote pip- be Wd. m tocm- P"f***"%7* 1 0. on the n.w 24 u«,b main, ^5^ />Am. 5W i^o 6^ old pi;per mill daioe (milked D). «d .uoh armig«nent. «n«de nukj be neoeM»ry to •ecure a . * Supplementary Bupply ^ of other intamipUoDB. By an arrangement of thi. kmd . water would be taken, of oou«e. f«.m the -^/^ *^^ I contain. proUbly. more .u.pended matter than ^^JT^^ , .wnfmm a lower point ; but not to an extent *« ««^ ^^ rtionable. nor to oau«. unea.ine«i, a. when the ground ui fro^ Mtrd. M it neoe-arily would be under the oondiUon. «>»'^^^ heri would be little chance of much impurity being al-oAed by he water on ita way to the rewrvoir. A connection of thi. wrt would an.wer praotioally for a g^ta lOUM .0 long a. the inlet end of the .luice wa. free ««>«» «* •»« the mirfaoeTevl of the r-ervoir maintained ; but the extent ol if ««rfulne« would be me«iured and limited to l«fge extent \>J the U-t named circum.tanoe. Both condition, were favor»Ueon the night of the 22nd ultimo, and arrangement. h«l ^""^^^ for making thi. connection witii aU po«dble .peed ^hwi theioi Wded to our effort, and di«.ppeared from (Hte Hou«» and culveri Thi. work cannot be weU done, however, at thi. w»wn of the year, nor wotild it be adviwble to attempt it before .the .pnng time, if poMible; b%t I propow to have tixe nece««ry pipeisto.. sent out a. .oon «i the going i. «iffidentiy good for th» pun-^ that they may be on hand and ready when wwited. I iroaW •!» advise - . k* (2). Th»t a careful and continued wrie. ol obwrvatiom ^ made at rtated hour, daily on the Temperature of the Water in the Gate Houie at and below it. mirf^ ktd-im the air of "4' .M*» > ' A W ^^ 'i-^i at-Jjt •-a 9 •4^ ib« Oftte House and on the open air ontaide of th« same ; alao on th« sky noting ita degree of clouding and the general force And direction of the wind. Such obairrvationa inay not amount to much, praotioalTy, bat if it be ai «tated I17 authorities on thia lubject that wheta anchor ioe begina to form the water is at or below 32* Pah., the thermometer in observant hands 'wil{ shew when thili point js beiiig approached, or reached, by the water in the gate house w«ll and to this extent give notice of. approaching danger ; unless indeed the change, from the on« sti^te to the other, be extremely sudden, as ^^ttMf go.V^ ■M £- -I/A" uia^ilCj •\, » « £> -l^'^* *ta} nmpendon •■ on the night of tlie 22nd ultimo, mi hour^iupply even m^ht ^^ prove of inanlouUMe vslue in Mruating the progreM of a newly diaoovered Are. > * . ' ' Some of the old welhi thitt formerly exliit«d in the Ol^—euoh M that oh the northern mde of King 8quM« — ehould be eleMfed out and reeerved for worl^ of this kind. Thie ia,a matter of do ■mall importance and ahoutd ,not be overlooked by the pn^tlP anthoritieft • . / . The aboiee reoommendationa it may be remarked are miW iti^tialfy the same aa were nmrle in my Report^ of l^di /v V ^ - ■ ; ',fc ■^ ■■./ :'■, -v' ' , ';/ -* ■ ■V*' m ■,...', ■ ■ ■ * _.-^\ -■■ ■,'■■■■ ■; ' ^ ;«. r » ' 1 ' 1 . J .. •** ,vf; yX] / *.^ •«. .('* 9 • .* f 1 ' \"'> v» .^-_ . % . II |, I * » ^ f. — ■f.fc — ITi ' L__ _ -r i^ '^.; i r. ^ ■ ^ V't •i! . ik I ."^* ,.^ , ^ — H '/^'» - ^ ^ ?, H' V ?<"' I «> aSftl '' -'•• V*, ti-t^al'-ii it* -i?^^^ *i*< » Jl. 1 \ ! ■ ^ - • v. 4 " i ■'.<■' ' ' ■ . ■*' ■■*.'. ». ■" \ - ' -'V l' "■./ .% i I