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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 i«p FI COENELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. BY S. S. CORNELL, COEKESPONDING UEMBEB OF THE AMERICAN GEOGKAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 4 I L NEW YORK: B. APPLE TON & COMPANY, 1, S, AND 5 BOND STREET. MMMjfiim 'iiirtifiriiiriiii V^ PREFACE. This little work has been prepared at the request of numerous teachers, expressly ' for the use of Primary Schools. ! It will be found, upon examination, exceedingly simple and easy to be committed I to memory. The definitions of the Natural Divisions of the Earth's Surface are as I brief as possible, and they arc fully illustrated by means of pictures and diagrams ; I the former showing the object as it appears in nature, the latter the manner of rep- j resenting it on a map. The definitions are also given in the form of a review. This i double method is designed to assist the memory of the youthful student and enable him thoroughly to master the subject. The Maps are clear and beautiful, and all that they contain is asked about in the i accompanying lessons. LIST OF :^/£j^:bs. 1. 2, 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. THE "WORLD, showing the Land nad Water. THE WORLD, showing the Continents. THE WORLD, showfnc the Grand Divisions. THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. NORTH AMERICA. SOUTH AMERICA. EUROPE. ASIA. 10. AFRICA. n. BRITISH AMERICA. 12. UNITED STATES. 13. THE EASTERN STATES. 14. THE MIDDLE STATES. 15. THE SOUTHERN STATES. 16. THE WESTERN STATES. 17. THE TERRITORIES. 18. OCEANIA. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by S. S. Cornell, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the South- ern District of New York. Entered, according to Act of Congress, tn the year 1876, by D. Appleton & Co., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wash- ington. ^A i )!' '% I CORlvrELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. ^'-n-/. ^ / ..^ LESSON I. Spell the fGllowing words : Go-og'ra-phy, Earth, Plan'ct, Sci'enoe, De-scrip'tion, Com-posed'. Wliat is the Earth ? The Earth is the planet on which we live. What is the shape of the Earth ? The Earth is round, like an orange or a ball. What science teaches it^ about the surface of the Earth? Geography. 117ta< is Georjraphy ? Geography is a description of the surface of the Earth. '% CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. What do you mean by tlie surface of the Earth ? The outside of the Earth. Do you live on the surface of the Earth ? Yes. Of what is the surface of the Earth com- posed ? Land and water. LESSON II. Spell the folloioing tvords. Draw'ings, Di-rec'tioTi9, Di-vi'dcd, To'ward, 1 Pi'in'ci-pal, Be-tweeu''. How' is the Earih''s surface shown in books ? By drawmgs called Maps. What is a Map? A Map is a drawing of the Earth's surface. What do Maps shoio ? Maps show how the Earth's surface is divided. Wliat are the principalr^irectioiis on a Map ? North, East, South, and West. / What part of a Map is North ? The part toward the top. What part of a Map is East ? The part toward the right hand. Wiat part of a Map is South ? The part toward the bottom. ]]7iat part of a Map> is West ? The part toward the left hand. LESSON III. /-■ y What other directions are there on Maps ? North-east, South-east, North-west, and South-west. What part of a Map is North-east ? The part toward the right-hand corner at the top. ]Miat j)art of a Map is South-east ? The part toward the right-hand corner at the bottom. What part of a Map is North-ivest ? The part toward the left-hand cor- ner at the top. What 2Mrt of a Map is South-west ? The part toward the left-hand cor- ner at the bottom. Between what points is North-east ? Between the North and the East. Between what points is South-east ? Between the East and the South. Betivecn what points is North-west? Between the North and the West. Beticecn what points is South-west ? Between the South and the West. % I I Spell S A:^ Wia. It s the Ej What The Wliai The How Thr ■wnHMMMiMW imm ; hand. )m. land. I Maps ? •rth-westj ght-hand t? ght-hand St? hand cor- it? hand cor- t? be East. t? e South. U? he AVest. i? he West. DEFINITIONS. MAP OF THE WORLD, Sbowing the Land and Water. LESSON IV. Spell the folloicing zcorcls : Col'orcd, Ilom'i-sphere, Un-col'ored, Ije-cause', Sphere, Globe. ]\7iat is the above Map called? A Map of the World. M^mt docs it show ? It shows the Land and Water on the Earth. Vi-hat does the colored part of the Map show? The Land. Wliat does the uncolored part show ? The Water. How much more Water it there than Land ? Three times as much. — i The Eastern Hemisphen?. I How is the above Map) divided? Into two jDarts. What are they called ? One is called the Western Hemi- sphere, and the other the Eastern Hemisphere. Of ivhat two icords is Hemisphere composed? Hemi and sphere. WJiat does Hani mean ? Ilemi means half. ». WJiat docs Spjhere mean ? Sphere means a round body. What, then, does Hemisphere mean ? Hemisphere means half a sphere. \}^iat is the Earth sometimes called? A Sphere or Globe. IHH ? 6 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. Whj? Because it is round like a Sphere or Globe. What is a 3Iap of the Western half of the Earth called ? -^» The Western Hemisphere. What is a Map of the Eastern half of the Earth called? The Eastern Hemisphere. MAP OF THE WORLD, Showing the Continent!;. The Western Heuii--pliore. The Eastern Hemisphere. LESSON V. Spell the following uords : Con'ti-neiit, Aus-tra'li-an. Aus-tra'li-a, iSur-round'ed. \]7iat is the above 3Iap called? A Map of the World. ]Vhat does it shoiv ? It shows the names of the three largest bodies of Land on the Earth. What are their names ? The Western, the Eastern, and the Australian Continent. What is a Continent ? A Continent is a large body of land surrounded by water. How many Continents are there ? There are three Continents. What Continent is in the Western Hemi- sphere ? . __ The Western Continent. ]\liat Continents are in the Eastern Hemi- sphere ? The Eastern and the Australian Continent. ,1 \ % half of the ly of land ts. stern Hemi- istern Hcmi- Australian i DEFINITIONS. In what parts of the Western Hemisphere is the Western Continent? In the northern and the eastern part. In what parts of the Eastern Hemisphere is the Eastern Continent ? In the northern and the western part. In what part of the Eastern Hemisphere is the Australian Continent, or Australia? In the south-eastern part. In what direction from the Western is the Eastern Continent? It is east. In what direction from the Eastern Conti- nent is Australia? It is south-east. MAP OF THE WORLD, Showing the Grand Divisions and the Oceana. The Western Hemisphere. The Eastern Hemisphere. LESSON VI. Spell thefollotoing words : Ame-rica, a-mer'e-ka. Africa, af re-ka. Europe, u'rope. Ocean, o'shun. Asia, a'she-a. IMiat does the above Map show ? It shows how the Continents are divided. How is the Western Continent divided ? Into North America and South America. How is the Easfern Continent divided? * Into Europe, Asia, and Africa. What are these divisions called? Grand Divisions of the Earth. !i CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPUY. How many Grand Divisions are there in the Western IJemisphere ? Two. How many Orand Divisions are there in the Eastern Hemisphere ? Four. Wliere is the Arctic Ocean? In the northern part of the West- ern and the Eastern Hemisphere. Where is the Pacific Ocean ? In the eastern part of the Eastern Hemisphere, and the western part How many Orand Divisions of land are there ^f ^^^ Western Hemisphere. WJicre is the Indian Ocean ? In the central part of the Eastern Hemisphere. Wlicrc is the Southern Ocean ? In the southern part of the Eastern and the Western Hemisph re. Wifvc is the Atlantic Ocean ? In the eastern part of tlie Western on the Earth? Six. Mention them. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Of thesc^ which is the largest ? xVsia. Which is the smallest? Australia. What else is shown on the Map, besides the Grand Divisions of the land? The Grand Divisions of the Ocean. Wliat is the Ocean ? It is a very largo body of salt water. LESSON VII. Spell the following words : Atlantic, at-lan'tik. Pacific, pa-siflc. Arctic, ark'tik. ludian, in'de-an. How is the Ocean divided? Into five parts. What is eachjmrt called? Each part is called an Ocean. What are the names of these five Oceans ? The Arctic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Southern, and the Atlantic Ocean. Hemisphere and the western part of the Eastern Hemisphere. In what direction from North America is the Arctic Ocean? North. In what direction from Europe and Asia ut the Arctic Ocean? North. In tvhat direction from Asia is the Pacific Ocean ? East, In what direction from Africa is the Indian Ocean ? East. In u'hat direction from Africa and Europe is the Atlantic Ocean? West. In what direction from North and South America is the Pacific Ocean ? West. V* I wate »v DEFINITIONS. he West- liere. Eastern ern part I Eastern Eastern e. Western 1 part of erica is the nd Asia ut the Pacific the Indian Europe is ind South 1 I »t LESSON VIII. Spell the/olUming words : Island, I'Und, Isthmus, i^t'mue. Peninsula, pen-ln'»hu-l«. Connecting, kon-nekt'lng. « Here is n ricture of a portion of land something like an Island, only | it is not quite ';rroanded by water. It is uallud a reuiusuls. Mliat is a Peninsula ? A Peninsula is land not quite sur- Here \% (i Picture of some land surrounded by water. It is called an rOUndcCl by Water, What is an Isthmus ? What is an Island ? . | An Isthmus is land which joins a An Island is land surrounded by Peninsula to the main land, water. Here is a Map of on Island. By what is an Island surrounded? By Water. Here is a Map of a Peninsula and an Isthmus. Wliat is land called which is almost sur- rounded by loater ? What is land called ivhen quite surrounded by * water ? m CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IX GEOGRAPHY. LESSON IX. Spell the foUoioing words: Pro-jects', Moun'tain, Here !s a Picture of a Cape. What is a Cave ? A Cape is a point of land which projects into the water. Here ii a Picture of lome Monntaina. What is a Mountain ? A Mountain is land much higher than the surrounding country. What is a Mountain Range or Chain ? Many Mountains joined together. What rs a Volcano ? A Volcano Is a mountain which sometimes sends forth fire, smoke, ashes, and lava. Here is a Mnp of s portion of some country, and on its coast yon s^e three Capes. ivaatica point of ladcl which projects into the water called? Here is a Map of a Mountain Chain. Mention the vxmcs of the Natural Divisions if the land. Continent, Island, Peninsula, Isth- mus, Cape, and Mountain. li '^'mmmllmm MPMW higher I in ? ^ether. L which smoke, Divisions a, Isth- DEFINITIONS. 11 LESSON X. Spell the following words : Sea, Ex-tend'ing, In-closed/ 15 trait, Gulf, Sep'a-rates. T> [1/ what is a Sea partly inclosed? By land. Here is a Picture of a body of water called a Sea. What is a Sea ? A Sea is a large body of water, next in size to an Ocean. Here Is a Picture of a body of water. It Is called a Gulf or Bay . ]]liat is a Gulf or Bay ? A Gulf or Bay is a body of water extending into the land. Here Is a Map of s Son. W?mt bodies of water are larger than Seas ? Oceans. Here is a Map of a Bay. What is a body of water extending into the land called ? Mi 12 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. Hero ta a Plctnro of a narrow body of wat«r between two larger bodies of wa'er. It is callt-d a Strait. "What is a Strait? A Strait is a narrow passage which connects two hirji-cr bodies of water. liESSON XI. iS^eU ihefolloicing words: Lake, Kiv'er, Chan'nel, Source, Mouth, Shal'low. Hero is a Map of a Strait, Mliaf docs a Strait sepmuyfc? It separates two bodies of hmd. ]]7iat docs a Strait combed? It connects two bodies of water. Is a Strait narroircr or icider iJiau the bodies of water which it counects / " What is a Channel ? A Channel is a wide Strait. What is a Sound? A shallow Strait or Bay. ^ Here is a Picture of a body of water. It is called a Lake. What is a Lake ? A Lake is a body of water almost, or quite, inclosed by land. M m\ Here is a Map of two Lakes. DEFINITIONS. 13 Here is a Picture of a pretty stream of water. It is called a River. What is a River ? A River is a stream of water flow- ing through the land. What is a stream of water called ? A River. What is the Source of a River? The Source of a River is where it rises. What is the Mouth of a River ? The Mouth of a River is where it empties. What are the mimes of the Natural Divisions of the Water? Ocean, Sea, Gulf or Bay, Strait, Channel, Sound, Lake, and River. LESSON XII. Kevlew of the Principal DeCnitlons. Geogeaphy is a description of the Earth. The Eaeth is the Planet or body on which we live. The Earth's Surface is composed of Land and Water. A Map is a drawing of the Earth's Surface. The Principal Directions on a Map are North, East, South, and West. The Other Directions on a Map are North-east, South-east, North- west, and South-west. North is toward the top of a Map. South is toward the bottom of a Map. •s*» 14 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. East is toward the right-hand side of a Map. West is toward the left-hand side of a Map. LESSON XIII. Kolew of the Prinelpnl Definitions-Continued. The Earth is sometimes called a Sphere. A Sphere is a round body. A Hemisphere is half of a round body. A Map of the World contains two Hemispheres ; one is called the Western, and the other the Eastern, Hemisphere. A Map of the Western Hemi- sphere is a Map of the western half of the Earth. A Map of the Eastern Hemi- sphere is a Map of the eastern half of the Earth. An Isthmus is land which joins a Peninsula to the main-land. A Cape is a point of land which projects into the water. A Mountain is land much higher than the surrounding country. A Mountain Range or Chain is many mountains joined together. A Volcano is a Mountain which sometimes sends forth fire, smoke, ashes, and lava. LESSON XIV. Review of tlie Principal neflnltlons-Contlnucd. A Continent is a large body of land surrounded bv water. An Island is land surrounded by water. A Peninsula is land not quite sur- rounded by water. A Volcano. LESSON XV. IJerlew of the Principal Definitions-Contli^ucd. An Ocean is a very large body of salt water, A Sea is a large body of water, next in size to an Ocean. A Gulf or Bay is a body of water extending into the land. .A i A A A ■-^ ■'■"''■ A m inclc B A H ingi 9 Ti fl it rij 1 T] 1 is w 1 CI m W ^I^E on wi 9 W ■m W 'Wt w GENERAL QUESTIONS. 15 A Strait is a narrow body of water. A Channel is a wide Strait. A Sound is a shallow Strait or Bay. A Lake is a body of water almost inclosed by land. A River is a stream of water flow- ing through the land. The Source of a River is where it rises. The Mouth of a River is where it empties. Mention some Political Divisions. States, Cities, Towns, etc. The boy in the picture is trying to find out whicli way is East, West, Noetu, and South. His arms are extended straight out from his body ; his right hand points toward that part of the heavens where the sun i-ises—that is East ; his left hand, to that part where the sun sets— that is Wkst; before him is Nokth, and behind him is South. These are called the Cardinal Points of the Compass. LESSON XVI. GENERAL QUESTIONS, Wliat is the name of the planet on which loe live ? Wliat is the Earth like in shape ? ^VI^atdocs Geography teach? What is the Earth^s surface ? The outside part. Of what does the surface of the Earth consist? How much of the Earth's surface is Land? About one-fourth. Row much of the EartNs surface is Water ? About three-fourths. Hoio much more Water is there than Land ? Wliat are the names of the Natural Divisions of the Land ? Why are these Divisions called Natural ? Because th v :- have been formed by Nature. Wliat are the Divisions called which have been formed by man ? Political Divisions. How can you tell the Points of the Compass ? By noticing where the Sun rises and sets. Wliere does the Sun rise ? In the East. \\7iere does it set ? In the West. If you extend your arms, like the boy in the picture, so that your right hand points to the East and your left to the West, where will the North be ? — Wliere will the South be? Wliat part of a Map do we call North ? Wliat part of a Map do we call South ? What part of a Map do we call East ? What part of a Map do tve call West ? I ,^M ^^StEBNJEmsj^^^^ /. In I "I'S Grcenl Wlu Ne ■■Ml Wlu V South Th Whi Pacific Th Zeala /Sj5e?/ Panfl Aud( Eock \ Wlfl Amerit Jg. 2 ►',*«S»! MAP EXERCISES. 17 ^ <*5 LESSON XVII. / Spell the foll(ywing words : Oreciiland, greeti'laod. Society, «o-il'e-te. Baffin, bsf'tin. Bandwich, Band'wich. West Indies, In'deez. Now Zealand, nu le'land. Newfoundland, uu'iund-land. Friendly, fruud'le. / — / What Grand Divisions are on the Western ] Hemisphere ? North America and South America. \Miieh is larger^ North America or South America ? North America. What large Island lies north-cast of North America ? Greenland. In what part of the Western Hemisphere is Greenland ? What Island lies cast of North America ? Newfoundland. WJiat group of Islands is between North and South America ? The West Indies. What four groups of Islands are there in the Pacific Ocean ? The Sandwich, the Society, New Zealand, and the Friendly Island. liESSON XVIII. Spell the following words: Panama, pan-a-mah'. ♦ Hudson, hud'sun. Andes, an'deex. Behring, be'ring. Eocky, rok'e. Mississippi, mli-sii-dp'rc' *^ Amazon, am'a-zoc. WTiat Isthmus connects North and South America f The Isthmus of Panama, WJiat Cape is south of South America ? Cape Horn. What Mountains are in South America ? The Andes. In what part of South America are they ? In the western part. What Mountains are in North America ? The Rocky Mountains. In what part of North America are they ? In the western part. Wliat Oceans are in the Western Hemisphere if The Arctic, the Atlantic, the South- ern, and the Pacific Ocean. \\ Which one is north of North America ? Which one is east of North and South America ? Which one is south of South America ? Which one is west of North and South America? What Bay is west of Greenland? Baffin Bay. What Bay is in the northern part of North America ? Hudson Bay. What Strait is between North America and Asia ? Behring Strait. Between what two Oceans is Behring Strait ? The Arctic and the Pacific Ocean. What River is in North America ? The Mississippi River. Wliat River is in South America ? The Amazon River. ;^stj2^L55MispBr^^ MAP EXERCISES. 19 LESSON XIX. Spell the following words : Japan, ja-pan'. Yaii Diemen^s Land, van (la'zD«Dz. Philippine, fil'lp-pln. Java, jab'va. Celebes, ««re-l)eze. Sumatra, lu-mah'trs. Borneo, bor'ne-o. Madagascar, mad-a-gas'kar. New Guinea, uu ghin'ue. / ¥— What Grand Divisiotis are on the Eastern Hemisphere ? Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Which two are furthest north ? Which one is furthest south-east ? Australia. Which extends furthest west? Africa. What two groups of Islands are east of Asia ? The Japan and Philippine Islands. WJiat large Island is south-west of the Phil- ippitie Islands ? Borneo. ^ What Island is east of Borneo ? What Island is east of Celebes ? What Island is south of Australia ? What Island is south of Borneo ? What Island is nortli-wcsl of Java ? Sumatra. What Island is east of Africa ? Madagascar. / LESSON XX. Spell the/oUoioing words : jUral, u'ral. China, chl'na. I Altai, ahl-u.' Mediterranean, med-i-ter-ra'ne-an. I Himalaya, him-a-la'j-o, Nile, nile. [Kong, kong. Niger, ni'jer. ♦ What Islo.nds are off the west coast of Eurove ? The British Isles. What Cape is in the southern part of Africa ? The Cape of Good Hope. What Mountains are between Europe and Asia ? The Ural Mountains. What Mountains are in the northern part of Asia ? The Altai Mountains. What Mountains are in the southern part of Asia ? The Himalaya Mountains. What Mountains are in the western part of Africa? i, The Kong Mountains. \ Where are the Ural Mountains ? Where are the Altai Mountains ? Where are the Kong Mountains ? What Oceans are in ilie Eastern Hemi- sphere ? The Arctic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Southern, and the Atlantic Ocean. Wliich Ocean is north of Europe and Asia ? Which Ocean is east of Asia ? . Which Ocean is south of Asia ? Which is south of the Indian Ocean ? Which' Ocean is west of Africa and Europe? What Sea is west of the Philippine Islands ? The China Sea. What Sea is between Africa and Asia ? The Red Sea. What Sea is between Africa and Europe ? The Mediterranean Sea. iVfinf linn Tfit^pv* nvo in A ■fyi/'n. f .. .!„„ .It „ !,, „ J. . The Nile and the Niger. ^ NORTH AMERICA 1 - 1 Spel H Al H Ot I ,^/. I N H nort H east I and 1 M 1 D 1 Stat S 7n ■ T] 1 Tc I T( 1 /n 1 T] 1 /n 9 T] In S ica ? ■ T] 9 Wi n A m houg m 17 m T] I Be .9 the U '^H^B mark fl wilJ be 1 m MAP EXERCISES. 21 liESSON XXI. Spell the following words : Alaska, a-las'ka. Washington, wMh'ing-tun. Ottawa, o('to-w«. Mexico, mex'e-ko. A — ' — " How is North America bounded? North America is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the Atlantic, and on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean. Mention the countries of North America. Dominion of Canada, United States, Mexico, and Central America. In luhat part of North America is Alaska ? The north-western part. To what country does it belong f To the United States. . In what part is the Dominion of Canada? The northern part. In lohat part are the United States ? The central part. In what part are Mexico and Central Am r- ica ? The southern part. W7i,at is a City ? A City is a large collection of houses and inhabitants. What is the Capital of a State or Country ? The city where its laws are made. Remark. — Look upon the map, and you will see in the Unitod States the name Washington with this mark ^ near it. In this manner the Capital Cities wilJ be marked on the maps. Nanie the Co.t'^ital of tlie Dom. of Canada. Ottawa. Mention the Capital of the United States. Washington. W/iat City is the Capital of Mexico ? Mexico. LESSON XXII. Spell the follotcing words : Cuba, ku'ba. California, kal-e-for'ne-o. Ilayti, ha'tB. Ilatteras, hat'tc-ras. Jamaica, ja-ma'ka. Mendocino, men-do-ae'no. Vancouver, von-koo'ver. Alleghany, al-lo-ga'ne. ♦ What Island is north-east of the Dominion of Canada? M7iat Island is east of the Dominion ? What Islands are south-east of the United States ? The West India Islands. \Miat Island is loest of Canada ? Vancouver Island. What Peninsulas bclo7ig to 3Iexico ? California Peninsula and Yucatan. What Isthmus connects North and South \ America? i What Cape is in the eastern part of the ] United States ? Cape Ilatteras. What Cape is on the west coast of the United States ? Cape Mendocino. Mliat Cape is so^cth of Greenland? Cape Farewell. WJiat Mountains are in the eastern part of \ the United States ? i Wliat Muwtiiains arc lu tiic western part oj the United States ? 22 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. Capitol at Washington. liESSON XXIII. Spell the following words: Caribbean, kar-rib-be'an. Superior, lu-pe're-or. Saint Liiwrence, law'rence. Huron, hu'ron. Winnipeg, win'ne-peg. Ontario, on-ta're-o. What Oceans nearly surround North Amer- ica ? The Arctic, tlie Atlantic, and the Pacific Ocean ? Which Ocean is north of North America ? Which Ocean is east of North America? Which Ocean is ivest of North America? W/iat Sea is east of Central America ? The Caribben ii Sea. W7iat Bay is weH q'' 'rrccnland? Baffin Bay. Hudson Bay. What Gulf is east of the Dominion ? The Gulf of St. Lawrence. What Gulf is south of the United States? The Gulf of Mexico. What Gulf cast of California Peninsula? The Gulf of California. Wliat Strait is ivest of Greenland? Davis Strait. What Strait m the cast of the Dominion of Canada ? Hudson Strait. What two Lakes arc in the northern part ? Great Slave and Great Bear Lake. What Lake in the Dominion of Canada, south-west of Hudson Bay ? Lake Winnipeg. MAP EXERCISES. 23 What Lakes are hdxoeen the Dominion of Canada and the United States ? S»perior, Huron, Erie, anfl Ontario. LESSON XXIV. Spell the following words Mackenzie's, mak-ken'mz. Klo Grande, re'o grahn'Ja. MIssomM, mi«-too'ro. Arkansas, ar'ksa-saw. Wliat River is in the northern part of the Dominion of Canada ? Tlie Mackenzie's River. In what Lake does it rise ? Great Slave Lake. Into what Ocean docs it empty ? The Arctic Ocean. What River rises in Lake Winnipeg ? Where does the Nelson River empty-? Into Hudson Bay. In what Lake does the St. Lawrence River rise ? In Lake Ontario. Into what Gulf docs it>cmpty? What two large Rivers empty into tlie Gulf of Mexico ? The Mississippi and the Rio Grande. What River empties into the east side of the Mississippi River ? The Ohio River. What is a River called which empties into another River ? A Branch. What three Rivers empty into the west side of the Mississippi River ? The Missouri, the Arkansas, and the Red River. V LESSON XXY. Spell the following worJs : Colorado, kol-o-nOi'do. Esquimaux, et'k«-ino. Columbia, ko-lum'be-a. Indians, in'de-uu. » W'hat River is between the United States and Mexico? The Rio Grande. What River empties into the Gulf of Cali- fornia ? The Colorado River. What River in the United States empties into the Pacific Ocean ? The Columbia River. What is North America ? North America is one of the Grand Divisions of the Western Continent. By nuhom is the northern part of North America inhabited ? It is inhabited chiefly by Indians and Esquimaux. How do thhe people live ? They live by hunting and fishing. Describe the Climate., or weather, in the north- ern part of North America. It is very cold. In what part of North America is the Cli- mate very warm throughout the year ? In Mexico and Central America. An American Indian. «S0W MAP EXERCISES. 25 LESSON XXVI. Spell the following words : Magellan, mah-jel'lou. Patagonia, pat-a-go'ne-a. Colombia, ko-lom'be-a. Venezuela, ven-ez-wo'la. Guiana, ghe-ah'na. Brazil, bra-zil'. Uruguay, oo-roo-gwi'. 4rgentine, ar'jen-teen. Chili, chil'le. Bolivia, bo-liv'e-a. Peru, pe-roo'. Ecuador, ek-wa-dor'. Paraguay, pah-rnh-gwi'. Bogota, bo-go-tah'. Hoio is South America bounded ? South America is bounded on the north by the Caribbean Sea, on the east, by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Strait of Magellan, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Mention the Cotmtrics of South America. United States of Colombia, Vene- zuela, Guiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Ar- gentine Republic, Chili, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Paraguay. Pat- agonia, the southern extremity of South America, belongs partly to Chili, partly to the Argentine Re- public. \ Of these Countries, which is the largest ? Which is the smallest^ Uruguay. Which four border on the. Pacific Ocean ? United States of Colombia, Ecua- dor, Peru, and Chili. Mliich four border on the Atlantic Ocean? Guiana, Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic. Which two are in the interior ? Paraguay and Bolivia. What City is the capital of the United States of Colombia? Bogota.- t" LESSON XXVII. Spell the follovying woi'ds : Caracas, kah-rah'kai. Santiago, sahn-te-ah'go. Bio Janeiro, rl'o ja-ne'ro. Sucre, soo'kra. Monte Video, mon'te vid'o-o. Lima, le'mah. Buenos Ayres, bo'nos a'ri-. Quito, ke'to. Asuncion, ah soon-se-own'. What Country is cast of U. S. of Colombia ? What city is *he capital of Venezuela ? Caracas. What Country is south of Venezuela and Guiana? What City is the capital of Brazil? Rio Janeiro. WJiat Ocean bounds Brazil on the east ? What two Countries lie betioeen Brazil and 1 the Argentine Repuhlic ? Paraguay and Uruguay. miat City is the capital of Paraguay ? Asuncion. What City is the capital of Ui'uguay ? What Country is east of Chili ? What City is the capital of the Argentine Republic ? Buenos Ayres. Wliat Ocean bounds Chili on the west ? What City is the capital of Chili ? What Country bounds the Argentine Repub- lic on the north ? What City is the capital of Bolivia ? Sucre. What Countries arc iccst of Bolivia ? What City is the capital of Peru ? \Miat tioo Countries are east of Pci-u ? Wliai Country is north of Peru ? Wliat City is the capital of Ecuador ? Q. \]7iat Country is north of Ecuador ? CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. Catching wild Csittle In South America. LESSON XXVIIl. Spell thefollotcing words : Terra del Fueg'O, ter'rab del fwa'go. To(*rfntins, to-ltan-tecns', Brazilian, brs-zll'e-an. Madeira, nmh-d»'ra. ""'ode la Plata, re'o da lah rla^'tali' Parana, pah-rah-nah'. What Island is soutli of Patagonia ? Terra del Fuego. By what Isthmus are North and South Amer- ica connected ? Wliat Cape is at the south of South America ? Cape Horn. What ^fountains are in the eastern part of Brazil ? The Brazilian Coast Range. What Mountains are in the western part of South America ? The Andes Mountains. J^ Wliat Ocean is cast of South America ? Wliat Ocean is west of South America ? What Sea is north of South America? The Caribbean Sea. What Strait is between Fatagoida and Terra del Fuego ? The Strait of Magellan. What large River rises in Peru ? The Amazon River. What course does the Amazon River flow? It flows an easterly course. Tnto what Ocean docs it emptu ? Into the Atlantic Ocean. What large River rises in Bolivia ? J ^mtmm»i'''i^><^- ia and Terra Into what River does it empty ? The Amazon River. What River in Brazil is east of Ihe Madeira River ? The Tocantins River. Wliat course docs it Jlow ? What River rises in ihe Bra- zilian Coast Range? The Parana River. What is its lower part called? The Rio de la Plata. Between what two countries docs (he Parana River fow? Between Paraguay and the Argen- tine Republic. ■LESSON XXIX. Of the Rivers in South America, which is the longest ? The Amazon River. Wiai^'City in South America is the most populous ? Rio Janeiro. Of what Country is Rio Janeiro ihe capital ? What City ranks next to Rio Janeiro ? Buenos Ayres. Of what is Buenos Ayres the capital ? Of the Argentine Republic. On what River is Buenos Ayres ? On the Rio de la Plata. In what Countries of South America are the Andes Mountains ? In Venezuela, U. S. of Colombia, Animals of North and South America. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentine Republic, and Chili. W7iat is South America ? South America is one of the Grand Divisions of the Western Continent. What are the most ip^mrtant productions of South America ? ■ Sugar-car^, coffee, cocoa, oranges, pine-apples, indigo, rose-wood. India- rubber, drugs, wheat, and corn. Describe the Climate of the central and the northern part of South America. It is very warm. Describe the Climate of ratagonia. It is very cold. What Country in South America is noted for its rich mines of gold and diamonds ? Brazil. What Country is noted for its mines of silver and gold ? Peru. 'V Co ^ 0i ] J&3 64 =S'tt- "^ if ^ ^ M s ^ % IS ^ 03 •s a 6^ I o IS o 4 5 a -(J P^ 6 S « fe o <u '^l •>) HH c3 ^ O o o if '+-' ^ &4 t^ "'^ ill'? ^™' ^ b. ^ <:• "— . .^ w ec S a o be C •^5 o3 o ^ ^3 ^1 s be o S' o Sis 5=^ .■^' -M eo CO S •^ o o m D: ^2 a O a* S 0) Si ® B > ^ O •5- t<( •r-t g c, O 53 <M o O o m T3 n ■M c J3 cn K^ I— » 1"^ o O Ph O O ^ =0 ■is s a o H M M « o 02 00 "S s t ^ S -v -^ ^- 1 --u ^ ■"^ ^ ^3 -a .- 'e h P a -a ^ N ^ n g ^ 4- .iO Tf =2 ^ •c o s^B (E cc W h5 Ji ^ o -2 g ^ w - " -.^ Ja -•-= ;"■ -^ H J2 S s^ •c ^ .S, ^ s CC o * o E es pq K C P^ « Cq o ■^ ^ f ) s <»» c fW ^4 ' fc ?;" ?^ >o H«j «+-< S s ; o "O CJ s '^ pfi a o t^;^; "Kj « g s o CO i « k- 4 ^ o - 6 ^ p. ><\ CO H 'S O iz; o •S 1 rt S - ^ .2 .2 2 - to '43 -i c s o ^ <5 M ii5 Ph ■< W 'S. .o J !=S .5 ^ J ^ ,ij w ta p ^ o O ■^ a; S S o d G o pi O O Oh a c« o ^ ^ O p. ^ -c' •« ^ .S s pjq ^ O <» ». w m P t^ ~ o ~ p ;h o 4-j o 1/2 o P ■ •-< in o P •^ S o •% -^ U Ph I— I a Fh P o CO s o <^ ^ 3. O ^ OD P5 H rt O _a "~* 7^ ^ Z^ o S •s-c '^"^^m< "to «4-l c ^ — I I 30 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY Trafalgar Square, Louiion. LESSON XXXII. Spell the following words : Vienna, ve-en'na. Madrid, mad-rid'. Danube, don'ube. Seine, sane. Taris, pw'ris. Tagus, ta'gu». Constantinople, kon-stan-te-no'pl. Lisbon, Uz'bun. Wiat City is the capital of Turkey ? Constantinople. Where is Constantinople ? In what direction from Turkey is Amtria ? Vr fllil K/UU W t/ic viipUM OJ ui-Uoti Ul i Vienna. On what River is Vienna ? miat Country is south of Switzerland ? Italy. What City is the capital of Italy ? Rome, in the western part of Italy. What City was formerly the capital? Florence, on the River Arno. What Sea is south of France ? Wliat City is the capital of France? Paris. On v;hat PAver w Paris ? What City is the capital Oj Spain ? Madrid. 'serland ? u. part of i^iital ? Aj-no. ance ? mn ? MAP EXERCISES. 31 Hoio is Madrid situated ? What City is the capital of Portugal i Lisbon. On what River is Lisbon ? Of what Country is Lisbon Vie capital ? Of what Couniry is Paris the capital ? LESSON XXXIII. Spell the/ollowing words: Frankfort, frank'fort. Copenhagen, ko-pen-ha'gen Berlin, b«r'lm. Edinburgh, ed'in-bur-ruh. London, lun'd'a- Sicily, Corsica, and Sardini^^/ Which two of these are west of Italy i What Island is west of Korway ? Iceland. In what Ocean is Iceland? Wliat Peninsulas are in Europe ? Norway and Sweden, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, and Denmark. Dublin, dub'lin. Sicily, ds'e-le. Corsica, kor'se-ka. Sardinia, gar-diu'e-a. Iceland, ice'loud. ♦ — On what.l^ea does Denmark border ? What ^ty is the capital of Denmark? Copenhagen. How is it situated ? On an island of Denmark. What Country is south of Dcnmctrl- ? What are included in the German Empire ? Prussia and other States. What City is the captal of Prussia and the German Empire ? Berlin. How is Frankfort situated ? In the west of the German Empire. Mention the Countries of the British Isles. ^ Wiat City is the capital of Scotland? ^ Edinburgh. What City is the capital of England? London. Wiai City is the capital of Ireland? Dublin. W7iat three large Islands are there Mediterranean Sea ? ' LESSON XXXIV. Spell the following words : Mai ajvin, mat-a-pan'. Caucasus, kaw'kn-sus. PyreneeSj pir'cn-ee». Carpathian, kar-pa'the-an. the tliat Cape is in the southern part of Greece ? Cape Matapan. What Mountains are between Europe and Asia ? The Ural and the Caucasus Moun- tains. Where are the Pyrenees Mountains ? The Pyrenees Mountains are be- tween France and Spain. W^iat Mountains arc in Central Europe? The Carpathian Mountains and the Alps. In what Country of Europe are the Carpa- thian Motmtains ? In what Countries of Europe are the Alps ? The Alps are chiefly in Switzerland and Northern Italy, What Ocean is north of Europe ? a2 CORNELL'S FIllST STEl'S IN GEOGRAPHY. What Ocean is west of Evropti? Wliat J^ca is north of liussiu^ The White Sen. What Sia is south-(asl of liussia ? Tlie Caspian Soa. What iSca is south of Russia? Thii Black Sea. Where is the Mediterranean Sea ? The Mediterranean Sea is south of Europe. Wluit Sea is between Italy and Austria? 1'he Adriatic Sea. Where is the North Sea ? The North Sea is cast of Scotland and England. ]]licre is the Baltic Sea ? The Baltic Sea is north of the German Empire, and west of Russia. /« what direction is it from Ricssia? LESSON XXXV. Spell the folloicin g words : Biscay, bts'lta. Finland, fin'lanJ, Bothnia, both'ne-a. Mcssinn, nit'F-se'iia. Gibraitor, je-brawl'ter. Ilovor, do'ver. Ladoga, loli'do-ga. I)^vina, dwi'na. Volcra, vol'^tt. RUiue, rinc. Where is the Bay of Biscay ? The Bay of Biscay is west of France. What two Grdfs are west of Jinssia ? The Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of T7» • 1 J r luianu. Which one isfurilur north? Where is the Strait of Messina ? The Strait of Messina is between Italy and Sicily. What Strait is between Spain and Africa? The Strait of Gibraltar. Where is the Strait of Dover ? The Strait of Dover is between England and France. What Channel is between England and France ? Where is Lake Ladoga ? Lake Ladoga is in the western part of Russia. What River in Russia empties into the ]V7dtc Sea? The Dwina River. ]\7iat Rivers empty into the Caspian Sea ? The Ural and the Volga River. Through what three Countries does the Dan- ube River flow ? The Danube Hows through the Ger- man Empire, Austria, and Rouraaixia. Into what Sea does it empty? Throttgh what two Countries does thi . ■ River flow ? The Tagus River flows through Spain and Portugal. Itiio what Ocean docs the Tagus empty? Through what Country does the Seine flow ^ The Seine flows through France. Into what Channel does it empty ? Through what Countries does the Rhine flow ? The Rhine flows through the Ger- man Empire and Holland. is between ind Africa ? is between England and /^estern part into the WJdte aspian Sea? a River. i } docs the Dan- ! igli the Ger- j . Rouraa.aa. | !■ docs ihi . ws through ■JUS empty ? the Seine /ow ? fh France. the Ehine few ? la-Vi the Ger- i MAP EXERCISES. Between what two Countries does it flow ? Between Switzerland and the German Empire. Into what Sea does it tmjdy ? LESSON XXXVI. What is Europe ? Europe is one of the Grand Divisions of the Eastern Continent. What City in Europe is the largest ? London. Remark. — London is the largest and richest city in the world. WJiat City ranks next to London ? Paris. What is the Climate of tlie northern part of Europe ? It is, for the most part, cold. What is the Climate of the southern pari of Europe ? It is warm. * What are some of the most important mineral productions of Europe ? Iron, lead, tin, copper, quicksilver, and coal. Wliat are some of the most important vegeta- ble productions of Europe? Wheat and other grains ; also a great variety of delicious fruits. Animals of Europe. What Country in Europe is noted for its de- lightful climate and beautiful scenery ? Italy. , For uhnt is Turkey noted? For the manufacture of carpets and silk goods. What Country in Europe is noted for its lofty mountains and beautiful lakes ? Switzerland. For lohat productions is France noted? For wines, brandy, and silk. For what is England noted? For the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, and hardware. What is the Island on uhich Scotland and England are situated, called ? It is called Great Britain. Of what does it form a part ? It forms a part of the British Isles. :• 1^1 6 '^ ■| w >< N ft ^ f^ d o a s ^ CD "^ a a,- Pi s 1 1* "ft I .S 'y o CO .a o •2 f-H « <>.. T> t;^ O o a> M Ph O ^ I 8 ^ I •2 ^ 53 O "*-* fir K ^w' h- e p o s E-t 2 !« <^- S "3 ^ c O H ^ ^ Si 8 a; c PH C) '-' V) o I a. ^ is I o a o W o en O a OS o o so m 1 P •2 S 00 I 13 s o Ma 00 P c3 P o s P o in P- P *"• -p .2 .2 .=2 c: pt <5 c3 • p-i cfi < (-1 Ph H M M M o 03 00 o /I •- - -a ^ « g j2 .S g" 2 3 d u -+-3 '1-1 m ^ -P «H o ■^ •-• rjs o P ^ 1 P .i ^ -P f^ i^o V CO o o Ta ^ -c S •^ -M S o; . ^ «^ c 1 s 8 •2 ►^ P tl— I CO •« CO 00 e o p CO CO o PU P M M o 09 to. c " =2 a I ^ I .a a d S"^ a CD ■s '3 O oj .S & S j3 >^ 03 "TJ ^ rP -^ lO I I .2 ^ I a i ^ S § a a 01 c9 a (4 jg c 2 3 tft ■< OQ P5 o 00 .?? « s O fi'3 CI ^ O o O p "^ P 4-< CO < c3 © P 5^ O ^ CO p O o p O P u s-> o ■*^ p a? o 1^^ ^S o ^ p ^ ,p c3 O 2 P^ *S 2 9^ P Pm t g !« P •^ "i-H I ^ « s a CO Ph p (» c4 O 8 .00 ■ >-< M O V. c a, 8 5» «> ••^ 00 MS I -^ ^ »« P3 00 e p xi O fi o eS C • M o > 05 8 e li CO m *^ ss ^ f^ H^ t< -s o^ s • l-H P c3 s Ph r< § ^ o cz -s "~s I > 8 2 8 u Ph C 1 :M CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. and Ara- AnimaU of Asia. LESSON XXXIX. Spell the following words : Chinese, chl-neze'. Suez, soo'ez. Ceylon, «e'lon. Comorln, kom'o-rin. Wfiere are the Japan Islands ? The Japan Islands are east of the Chinese Empire. Where are the Philippine Islands ? The Philippine Islands are south- east of China. What Islands are south of the Philippine Islands ? What Island is west of Borneo ? What Island is south of Hirtdostnn ? Ceylon. What Peninsulas in Asia ? Hindostan bia. What Isthmus connects Af- rica and Asia ? The Isthmus of Suez. What Cape is in the sout/ieru part of Hindostan ? Cape Comorin. Who'c arc the Ural Moun- tains ? The Ural Mountains are between Europe and Asia. Where are the Altai Moun- tains ? They are between Si- beria and the Chinese Empire. Where are the Ilimalarja Mountains ? They are between Hindostan and the Chinese Empire. What Ocean is north of Asia ? What Ocean is east of Asia ? What Ocean is south of Asia ? LESSON Xli. Spdl the following words : Arabian, a-m'be-an. Aral, ar'al. Eengal, l)«n-gawl'. Obe, o'be. Persian, per'shan. Lena, le'na. What Sea is west of the Japan Islands? The Sea of Japan. gi%'. MAP EXERCISES. 37 iltai Moun- What Sea is west of the Fhilipji^nne Islands f The China Sea. What Sea is between Ilindostan and Apabia ? The Arabian Sea. Wliere is the lied Sea ? Between Asia and Africa. . What Sea is west of Turkey f The Mediterranean Sea, ]]Tiat Sea n north of Turkey ? The Black Sea. What Sea is north of Persia ? The Caspian Sea, In tohat direction from Turkestan is the Cas- piar Sea ? What Sea is north of Turkestan ? The Aral Sea. Wlint Bay is east of Ilindostan ? The Bay of Bengal. WJiat Gnlf is south of Persia ? The Persian Gulf. What two Eivers are in Siberia ? The Obe and the Lena, i^ ' LESSON XLI. Spell thefoUoiHng words : Amoor, »h-moor'. Hoang Ho, ho-«ng-ho'. Cambodia, kam-bo'de-a. Ganpes, gan'jeez. Indus, in'dus. Turquolses, tur-kee/'ez. Yang-tse-kiang, yahng-Ue-ke-ahng'. What two Hivei's are in China ? The Hoang Ho and Yang-tse-kiang. What River flows between Anarn and Siam ? The Cambodia River. Wliat two liivei's are in Ilindostan ? The Ganges and the Indus. What is Asia ? Asia is one of the Grand Divisions of the Eastern Continent. W^at is the Cli- mate of Asia ? In the north- ern part it is cold, but in the southern part it is warm. '* For what is Sibe- ria noted? Siberia is not- ed for its metals and its fur-bear- ing animals*! What are the chief productions of Chi- na? Rice and tea. What are the chief produciions of Ilindo- stan ? Precious stones, spices, drugs, and valuable woods., , For what production is Arabia noted? Coffee. For what productions is Turkey noted? Olives and figs. For what is Persia noted ? For the manufacture of beautiful shawls and carpets. What precioiu stones do we get from Persia ? Pearls and turquoises. An Arab. 1 ■'•JMi\ M»m\ .^-jS't^-i*- •«>• ^ T J TS*I«i£sE2*'i***i^ a"-; i^,'"i»E" »"■»•'-%,•« MAP EXERCISES. 39 LESSON XLII. Spell the following words : Morocco, mo-rrik'ko. Zanguebnr, iang-gh»-b(ir'. Algeria, al-je're-n. Mozambique, mo-zam-beek'. Tunis, tu'nU. Calfraria, kaf-fra're-a. Tripoli, trip'o-le. Hottentots, hot'ten-toU. Kfe'ypt, e'jiiit. (Jimbebas, sim-ba'bw. Nubia, nu'be-o. Guinea, ghin'c. Abyssinia, ab-h-sln'o-o. Liberia, ll-be'ru-a. Boinaull, so-maw'lo. Sericganibia, etn-e-gam'be-a. Sahara, aah-haU'ra. Soudan, soo-dahn'. What Country is south of Tripoli ? Fezzan. Where is Soudan ? Soudan is in the central part of Africa. What lies north of Soudan ? Sahara, or the Great Desert. How is Africa hounded? Africa is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, i and on the south and west by the I Atlantic Ocean. ! Mention the Countries of Africa bordering I 071 the Mediterranean Sea. I Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli, I Barca, and Egypt. What Country borders on the Red Sea? Egypt. WJmt Countries in Africa border 07i the Indian Ocean and the Mozambique Channel? Soinauli Territory, Zangucbar, Mo- zambique, Zoolu, and Caffraria. Mention the most southerly Country of Africa. Cape Colony. " • WJiat Countries in Africa border on the At- lantic Ocean? Morocco, Sahara, Sencgambia, Li- beria, Upper Guinea, Lower Guinea, Cimbebas, the Country of the Hot- tentots, and Cape Colony. LESSON XLIII. Spdl Vie folloioing words : Cairo, Vi'ro. Monrovia, mon-ro've-a. Khartooni, kar-toom'. Madeira, ma-da'ra. Ciondar, gon'Uar. Canary, ka-na're. Bab-el-Mandcb. Wh<tf, City is the capital of Jforocco? Morocco, What City is the capital of Algeria? Algiers. What City is the capital of Tunis? Tunis. What City is the capital of Egypt ? Cairo. On what River is Cairo ? ]\7iat City is the capital of Nubia ? Khartoom. On tchat River is Khartoom ? Wliat City is the ca/ntal of Abyssirna ? Gondar. Wliat City is the capital of Cape Colony ? Cape Town. In what part of Cape Colony is Cape Toivn ) }\liat CVy is the capital of Liberia ? Monrovia. -- m 40 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. Animals of Africa. ]]7iai Island is east of Mozambique ? \l7iat Islands arc west of Morocco ? The Madeira and the Canary Isl- ands. What Cape k in the southern part of Cape Colony /. The Cape of Good Hope. Where are the Atlas Mountains ? Tlie Atlas Mountains are in the northern part of Africa ? What Mountains are in the southern part of Africa ? The Snow Mountains. ' What Mountains are in the western part of Africa ? Kong. What Mountains in the east- ern part of Africa ? Mountains of the Moon. LESSON XLIV. Wliat Sea is between Africa and Europe 1 What Sea is between Africa aiul Asia ? What Gulf is west of Africa ? The Gulf of Guinea. Wiat Strait connects the Medi- w,'i^ tcrrancan Sea with the Atlantic Ocean ? The Strait of Gibraltar. What Strait connects the Red Sea with the Indian Ocean ? The Strait of Bab-el- Mandeb. What Channel is between Mada- gascar Island and Africa ? llirough lohat ijountry docs the Kilcjlow? Into what Sea does the Nile empty ? What Iiive^\fl<~<ii:f> through Inywer Guinea? The Coni^o River. o Wliat River in Africa rmpiies into the Gulf of Guinea ? , . The Niger River, What Ocean is east of Africa ? What Ocean is west of Africa ? What is Africa ? Africa is one of the Grand Divisions of the Eastern Continent. What is the Climate of Africa ^ It is hot. For what is Africa noted? For its great sandy deserts. Wliat arc some of the important jjroductions of Africa ? Ivory. dateSj gold-dust, and pahii-oil. For what is Egypt noted? ¥oT its pyramids and temples. THE SOUTH-EASTERN BRITISH PROVINCES LESSON XLV. Spell the following words : Toronto, to-ron'to. Kingston, klngz'tun. Quebec, kw»-bek'. Halifax, hRl'e-fax. Fredericbton, fred'er-U-tun. Nova Scotia, no'va «ko'she-a. New Brunswick, nu broni'wik. Capo Breton, kape brlt'un. Montreal, mon-ue-awr. Princo Edward, priuco ed'ward. ■ ]Vhere are the British Provinces ? In the southern part of British America. What Provinces, belonging to the Dominion of Canada, arc ahowv on the Map ? The Provin( s of Ontario, Que- bec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. What three Cities are in hitario ? What two Cities are i.i Quebec ? How is Montreal situated ? On an Island in the St. Lawrence. What City is the capital of New Brunswick i What City is the capital of Nova Scotia ? What City is the capital of Neufoundlandf What Ocean is east of Newfoundland ? Where is Cape Breton Island? North-east of Nova Scotia. Where is Prince Edicard Island ? What River is in New Brunswick f ]]7iere is the Ottawa River ? What City is the capital of all British Amer- ica f Ottawa. ■ y-^ o rTi •+J fi «<«. • P* 2 ->»> £ ,^ « «/J y 1 n O Hi Ti y. I? M •iS o • i-N ^ P s^ ■2 3 d i O' &> -^ f*o •» to •-"_ . 1 • ■to fe o -+-> d ai -r Qi t '^ .3 o ^ -d 1 d • ^t 'M, i MAP EXERCISES. 45 liESSON XLVIII. 'How is Vermont hounded on the north and east? Vermont is bounded on the north by the Province of Quebec, and on the east by the Connecticut River. How is Vermont bounded on the south and ■ west ? Vermont is bounded on the south by Massachusetts, and on the west by New York and Lake Champlain. In what direction from Vermont is New Hampshire ? How is New Hampshire bounded on the north \ and east ? I New Hampshire is bounded on the i north by the Province of Quebec, and on the east by Maine and the Atlantic Ocean. How is New Hampshire bounded on tlie south and west ? New Hampshire is bounded on the south by Massachusetts, and on the west by the Connecticut River. What bound Maine on the north ? The Provinces of Quebec and New Brunjwick.| Wltat bound Maine on the east ? i New Brunswick and the Atlantic. What bounds Maine on the south ? The Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire and the Province of Quebec. How is Massachusetts bounded on the north and east ? Massachusetts is bounded on the north by Vermont and New Hamp- shire, and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. How is it bounded on the south and west ? Massachusetts is bounded on the south by the Atlantic Ocean, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and on the west by New York. LESSON XLIX. Spell the following tcords: Montpelier, mont-pteryer. Burlington, bur'ling-tun. Onion, un'ynn* Champlain, sliain-plane'. In what direction is Massachusetts from Ver- mont and New Hampshire ? Wfiat bounds Rhode Island on the north and cast ? Rhode Island is bounded on the north and east by Massachusetts. Wliat bounds it on the south ? The Atlantic Ocean. What bounds it on ine west ? Connecticut. How is Connecticut bounded on the north and east? Connecticut is bounded on the north by Massachusetts, and on the east by Rhode Island. How is 't bounded on the south and west ? Connecticut is bounded on the; 46 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. View of Boston. south by Long Island Sound, and on the west by New York. Which one of the Eastern States is the largest ? What City is the capital of Vermont ? Montpelier. On what River is Montpelier ? In what part of Vermont is Burlingto7i ? What is Burlington ? Burlington is the Chief City of Vermont. On what Lake is Burlington ? Wliat is meant by Chief City ? The Chief City is the largest City in the vState. liESSON L. Spell the following words : Concord, kong'kurd. Boston, baws'tun, Morriraac, mer're-mali. Lowell, lo'el. Manchester, man'ches-ter. Springfield, spring'field. Augusta, aw-gus'ta. Providence, prov'e-dence. Kennebec, ken'ne-bek. Newport, nu'poit. Portland, port'land. Hartford, hnrt'furd. Casco, kas'ko. New Haven, nu ha'yen. What City is the capital of Xew Hampshire? Concord. On what River is Concord? In what part of New Hampshire is Manches- ter? What is Manchester ? Manchester is the Chief City of New Hampshire. MAP EXERCISES. 47 Whi , City w the capital of Maine f Augusta. On what River is Augusta ? Where is Portland ? Portland is in the southern part of Maine, on Casco Bay. WTiat is Portland ? Portland is the Chief City of Maine. What City is the capital and Chief City of Massachusetts ? Boston. How is Boston situated? Boston is in the eastern part of Massachusetts, on Boston Bay. v Whai other Cities are there in Massachusetts ? * Lowell, Worcester, and Spring- field. On what River is Lowell ? On what River is Springfield? In what part of the State is Worcester ? WJiat Cities are the capitals of Rhode Island? Providence and Newport. Wliich is the Chief City ? Providence. What city is the capital of Connecticut ? Hartford. \]^iich is the Chief City of Connecticut? New Haven. O71 what River is Hartford? In what part of Connecticut is New Haven ? LESSON LI. Spell the following words : Mobsehead, mooi'hed. Penobscot, pe-nob'ikot. What Island is south of Connecticut ? To what State does Long Island belong ? To New York. What 3Iountains are in Vermont ? The Green Mountains, Where are the White Mountains ? The White Mountains are in New Hampshire. What Ocean is east of the Eastern States ? Mlicre is Casco Bay ? Casco Bay is south of Maine. Where is Massachusetts Bay ? Massachusetts Bay is east of Mas- sachusetts. WJiere is Long Island Sound? Long Island Sound is south of Connecticut, "jfc Where is Lake Champlain ? Lake Champlain is between Ver- mont and New York. Where is Moosehead Lake ? In the northern part of Maine. What River empties into Lake Champlain ? The Onion River. In what Mountaim does it rise ? The Green Mountains. What tipo Rivers are there in Maine ?ym^(/yi 1 Aa-s, Which one rises in Moosehead Lake ? > I Through what States does the Merrimacflow ? Through New Hampshire and Mas- sachusetts. WTiat River flows between Vermont and New Hampshire ? The Connecticut River.. What two States does it cross ? Into what Sound does it empty ? iJ MIDDLE STATES i * .S ' D A ^ U ! K .l...i_.. » L S/S A.- TTi JS T TS ^0&>^ "" 4 fif\ t MAI* EXERCISES. 40 LESSON LII. How is New York bounded on the north ? New York is bounded on the north by Lake Ontario, the River St. Law- rence, and Canada. JIouj is New York hounded on the east ? New York is bounded on the east by Vermont, Massachusetts, and Con- necticut. How is New Yoi'k bounded on tJie south and west? New York is bounded on the south by New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and on the west by Lake Erie, the Niagara River, and Lake Ontario. In what direction is New York from the Eastern States ? What bouTuls New Jersey on the north ? New York, l-^ What bounds New Jersey on tlie east The Atlantic Ocean. What bounds New Jersey oniJie south? Delaware Bay. What bounds New Jersey on the west ? The Delaware River. In lohat direftiori is ,N'fw Jersey from Penn- sylvania? /.,A ^ V ', . How is Delaware bounded on the vorth ? Delaware is bounded on the north by Pennsylvania. What bound* Delaware on the east? Delaware Bay. How is it bounded on the south and west ? Delaware is bounded on the south and west by Maryland. ^ LESSON LIII. Spell the following icords : Albany, awl'la-ne. Buffalo, buf'fa-lo. Troy, txol. liochester, roch'os-tor. Tooklyn, brook'Un. Qencsoe, jen-e-ie'. f How is Pennsylvania bounded on the north ? Pennsylvania is bounded on the north by Lake Erie and New York. What hounds Pennsylvania on the east ? The Delaware River. How iif Pennsylvania bounded on the south ? Pennsylvania is bounded on the south by Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia. WJiat bound Peiinsylvania on the west ? \Yest Virginia and Ohio. In what direction is Pennsylvania from New York ? ^\llat City is the capital of New York ? Albany. On what River is Albany ? Wliat City is on the Hudson Piver, a few miles above Albany ? Troy, v/ In what part of New York is New York City? In the south-eastern part. ]\7iat is New York City ? New York is the Chief City of the State of New York, and the largest city in the United States. ' I w 50 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPUY. Memorial IlaU, Centennial ffow is New York situated? New York is situated mainly on an Island between the Hudson and the East River. Wliat City is on Long Island^ near New York ? Brooklyn. Where is Buffalo ? Buffalo is in the western part of New York. (hi what Lake is Buffalo ? Where is Rochester ? Rochester is in the western part of New York. On what River is Rochester ? Y V LESSON LIV. Spell the follovying words: Hanisburg, har'ris-berg. Monongahela, mo-non'jra-ho'la. Trenton, tren'tun. Philadelphia, iil-a-dtl'fe-a. Pittsburg, ptU'berg. Newark, nu'ark. What City is the capital of New Jersey ? Trenton. EzbibiUon, FhilAdeiplvla. On what River is Trenton ? Where is Jersey City i Jersey City is in the north-eastern part of New Jersey. On what River is Jersey City ? The Hudson River. Mention the Chief City of New Jersey. Newark. In what part of New Jersey is Newark ? The north-eastern part. What City is the capital of Delaware ? Dover. Mention the Chief City of Delaware. Wilmington, f' In what part of Delaware is Wilmington situated ? What City is the capital of Pennsylvania f Harrisburg. On what River is Harrisburg f Where is Philadelphia ? Philadelphia is in the south-eastern part of Pennsylvania. ^■r MAP EXERCISES. 61 What is Philadelphia f Philadelphia is the Chief City of Pennsylvania. On what Jiiver is Philadelphia ? In what part of Pennsylvania is Pittsburg ? The western part. IJow is Pittsburg situated? Pittsburg is situated at the junc- tion of the Alleghany and the Monon- gahela River. LESSON LV. Spell the/oUowing wM'da : Catskill, kats'kii. Blue Itidge, blu rij. Nfapara, nl-ag's-nu Mohawk, mo'hawk. Where are the Catskill Mountains ? The Catskill Mountains are in the eastern part of New York. WJiat Mountains ar in Pennsylvania ? The Blue Ridge and the Alleghany Mountains. In what direction from New Jersey and Dela- ware is the Atlantic Ocean ? Where is Ncto York Bay ? New York Bay is south of New York City. Where is Delaware Bay? Delaware Bay is between Delaware and New Jersey. What Sound is north of Long Island ? Where is Lake Brie ? Lake Erie is north of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Where is Lake Ontario ? Lake Ontario is between New York and the Province of Ontario. WJiere is Lake Champlain ? Lake Champlain is between New York and Vermont. What River runs from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario ? The Niagara River. What River crosses Western New York ? The Genesee River. hito what Lake does it artpiy ? What liiver rises in Lake Ontario f The St. Lawrence River. Where is the Hudson liiver ? The Hudson River is in the eastern part of New York. What course does it flow? A southerly course. What Branch empties info the Hudson liiver near Troy? The Mohawk River. What River is between New Jersey and Penn- sylvania ? In lohat State does the Delaware River rise ? Info what Bay does it empty ? Throuph tchat three States does the Susque- hanna Rivtrfoio? The Susquehanna River flows through New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. What two Eiva's in Pennsylvania unite and form the Ohio River ? The Alleghany and the Mononga- hela River. 09 ■ If '< rn Its 64 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. \J7iat bound it on the west ? The Pearl and the Mississippi River. What bound Louisiana on the north ? Arkansas and Mississippi. What bound Louisiana on the east ? The Mississippi River, the Pearl River, and the Gulf of Mexico. WJiat bounds Louisiana on the sotith ? The Gulf of Mexico. What bounds Louisiana on the west ? Texas. What bound Texas on the north and east? Texas * is bounded north by New Mexico and Indian Territory, east by Indian Territory and Louisiana. What bound Texas on the south and west? Texas is bounded on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande, and on the west by the Rio Grande and New Mexico. LESSON LVIII. Spell thefolUyicing words : Annapolis, nn-nnp'o-li.. Wilminpton, w1l'inlno:-tun. Baltimore, bawl't.-more, Charleston, charh'tun. Richmond, rich'mund. Conparee, kong-pa-re'. Norfolk, norToV. Atlanta, at-lan'ta. Ealoigh, raw'le. Oconee, o-ko'ne. * See Map of tbe United States, page 42. \Miat City is the capital of Maryland? Annapolis. Mention the Chief City of Maryland. Baltimore. What City is the capital of West Virginia? Wheeling. )iMint City is the capital of Virginia ? Richmond. MAP EXERCISES. 65 On what River is Richmond ? In what part of Virgiyna is Norfolk ? Mention the Chief City of Virginia. Richmond. What two States are south of Virginia i What City is the capital of North Carolina ? Raleigh. On what River is Wilmington ? What is Wilmington ? Wilmington is the Chief City of !North Carolina. What City is the capital of South Carolina ? Columbia. On what River is Columbia ? Where is Charleston ? Charleston is in the south-eastern part of South Carolina. What is Charleston ? Charleston is the Chief City of South Carolina. WJiat State is west of South Carolina ? What City is the capital of Georgia ? Atlanta. In what part of the State is Atlanta? LESSON LIX. Spell the following words : Baton Rouge, b«t'un roozh. Mobile, mo-beel'. St. Augustine, aw-gus-teea'. Austin, nws'tin. Tallahassee, ui-la-hai'se. Natchez, nach'lz, Montgomery, mont-gum'er-e. New Orleans, uu or'le-anz. Jackson, jak'eun. Galvcston, gal'vci-tun. ♦ On what River is Savannah i Wliat is Savannah ? Savannah is the leading Commer cial City of Georgia. What State is south of Georgia ? What City is the capital of Florida ? Tallahassee. In what part of Florida is St. Augustine? What State is cast of Alabama ? What City is the capital of Alabatna ? Montgomery. On what River is Montgomery ? Mention the Chief City of Alabama, Mobile. In what part of Alabama is Mobile? ]]liat Slate is west of Alabama? What City is the capital of Mississippi ? Jackson. On what River is Jackson ? In what part of Mississippi is Vicksburg ? On what River is Vicksburg ? What is Vicksburg ? Vicksburg is the Chief City of Mis- sissippi. What State is partly south of Mississippi ? What City is the capital of Louisiana ? Baton Rouge. On lohat River is Baton Rouge ? What City is south-cast of Baton Rouge ? On ivhat River is New Orleans ? Mliat is New Orleans ? New Orleans is the Chief City of Louisiana. What State is west of Loiiisiana ? What City is the capital of Texas ? Austin. On wihat River is Axistin? Where and what is Galvrstr'.v ? Galveston, the Chief City of Texas, is situated on Galveston Island. 56 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. ^ -E"**"; LESSON LX. Spell thefollmcing words : Great Pedee, grate pe-de'. Altamaha, awl'ta-ma-haw'. Santee, san-te'. Tombiffby, tom-big'be. MTiere is Cape Hatteras ? I Cape Hatteras projects from the ' eastern coast of North Carolina. I Where is Cape Sable ? \ Cape Sable projects from the south- ein coast of Florida. What Mouniaim cross the Southern States ? Where is Chesapeake Baqi ? Chesapeake Bay is in Maryland. Where is the Gulf of Jfexico ? J-"o wuii ui Mexico is soutli oi the Southern States. Plantation. Wlicre is Mobile Bay ? Mobile Bay is south of Alabama. ^Mlat two Rivers jiow into CJmapeake Bay? The Potomac and the James River. Which one of these Rivers is on the bound- ary between Virginia and Maryland? Wliat itno Rivers are in North Carolina ? The Cape Fear and the Great Pe- dee River. Through what two States does the Great Pe- dtc River flow ? What Capital City is on the Congaree River? Into what River docs the Congaree empty ? Into the Santee River. What River is between Georgia and South Carolina ? Into what Ocean does the Savannah River empty ? QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 57 LESSON LXI. What City is in the north-west of Georgia ? Into what River does the Oconee empty ? Into the Altamaha River. Into what Ocean does the Altamaha empty ? What Rivers are there in Alabama ? On what River is Montgomery situated? Where is the Pearl River ? In Mississippi. What two Rivers are in Louisiana ? ]V7iere docs the Mississippi River rise ? The Mississippi River* rises in Minnesota. What course docs itjlow ? A southerly course. Into what Gulf does it empty ? The Gulf of Mexico. What Capital City is on the Colorado River ? Into what Gulf does the Colorado River empty ? LESSON LXII. ♦ Questions for Review. IIow many States are in the United States ? How many Territories ? How many Districts ? What Capital City is situated in this District ? Of what is it the Capital ? What States are called the Eastern States ? Mention the largest City of the Eastern States. Boston. What States bound New York on the east ? Mention the larcost River of the Eastern States. C. * See Map of the United State*. What Mountains are in Vermont ? What Mountains are in New Hampshire V Mention the largest City in the United States. N. Y. Where is New York ? What Cities are capitals of the Middle States? A., T., D., H. Where is Brooklyn ? Where is Bufifalo ? Where and what is Philadelphia ? What Mountains are in New York ? Where is Maryland ? What Bay extends into Maryland ? Mention the Chief City of Maryland. B. Of what State is Richmond the Capital ? LESSON LXIII. Questions for Bevlcw— Continued. Of what State is Columbia the capital ? What Capital is on the Pearl River ? What Capital is on the Colorado River? What Gulf is east of Texas ? What State is east of Mississippi ? What State is east of Alabama ? Wliat River and Ocean are east of Georgia ? Mention the chief City of Georgia. A. Name the Chief City of South Carolina. Ch. Of what State is New Orleans the Chief City ? Of what State is Mobile the Chief City ? How is New Orleans situated ? What State is north of North Carolina ? What State is south of Georgia ? What States are north of Florida ? What State is north of Alabama ? What Mountains are in Virginia ? Of what State is Raleigh the capital ? Jlcntion the largest State in the United States. Texas. Mention the smallest. Rhode Island. 1 i ■ '■■■ '^f,': CU»' :>r tana V \ MAP EXERCISES. 69 LESSON LXIV. How is Minnesota bounded on the north and east? Minnesota is bounded on the north by the Dom. of Canada, and on the east by Lake Superior and Wisconsin. What bounds it on the south ? Iowa. What bounds it on t/ie west i Dakota Territory. What bound Wisconsin on the north ? Lake Superior and Michigan. What bound Wisconsin on the east' Michigan and Lake Michigan. How is Wisconsin bounded on tlve south and west ? Wisconsin is bounded on the south by Illinois, and on the west by the Mississippi River and Minnesota. What Lake bounds Michigan on the north ? Lake Superior. What Lakes bound Michigan on the east ? Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair, and Lake Erie. What States bound Michigan on the south ? Indiana and Ohio. WJiat bound Michigan on the xvcst ? Lake Michigan and Wisconsin. How is Ohio bounded? Ohio is bounded on the north by Michigan and Lake Erie, on the east by Pennsvlvania and the Ohio River, on the south bv the Ohio River, and on the west by Indiana. LESSON LXV. How is Kentucky bounded on the north and east ? Kentucky is bounded on the north by the Ohio River, and on the east by West Virginia and Virginia. How is Kentucky bounded on the south and west ? Kentucky is bounded on the south by Tennessee, and on the west by the Mississippi River and the Ohio River. How is Tennessee bounded? Tennessee is bounded on the north by Kentucky, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and on the west by the Mississippi River. How is Arkansas bounded ? Arkansas is bounded on the north by Missouri, east by Missouri and the Mississippi River, south by Louisiana, and west by Indian Territory. How is 3Iissouri bounded? Missouri is bounded north by Iowa, east by the Mississippi River, south by Arkansas, and west by Indian Territory, Kansas, and Nebraska. How is Iowa bounded ? Iowa is bounded on the north by Minnesota, east by the Mississippi River, south by Missouri, and west by Dakota and the Missouri River. 60 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. I How is Kansas * bounded ? I Kansas is bounded north by Ne- 1 hraska, east by Missouri, south by In- dian Territory, and west by Colorado. How is Nebraska^ bounded? Nebraska is bounded north by Dakota, east by the Missouri River, south by Kansas and Colorado, and west by Colorado and Wyoming. LESSON LXVI. Spell the following words: Wabash, waw'bash, Idaho, i'da-ho. Wyoming, wl-o'mlng. Arizona, ar-e-zo'na. ♦ . Wiat bounds Illinois on the north ? Wisconsin. \Miat bound Illinois on the cast ? Indiana and the Wabash River. How is it bounded on the south and west ? Illinois is bounded on the south by the Ohio River, and on the west by the Mississippi River. How is Indiana bounded ? Indiana is bounded north by Lake Michigan and Michigan, east by Ohio, I south by the Ohio River, and west by the Wabash River and Illinois. How is Colorado * bounded? Colorado is bounded north by Wy- I oming Territory and Nebraska, east I by Nebraska and Kansas, south by Indian Territory and New Mexico, and west by Utah. • See Map of States and Territories, page 64. How is Nevada * bounded? Nevada is bounded north by Ore- gon and Idaho, east by Utah and Arizona, south and west by Cali- fornia. How is Oregon* bounded? Oregon is bounded north by Wash- ington Territory and the Columbia River, east by the Lewis River and Idaho, south by Nevada and Cali- fornia, and west by the Pacific Ocean. How is California* bounded? California is bounded north by Ore- gon, east by Nevada and Arizona, south by Mexico, and west by the Pacific Ocean. \niai Citi/ is the capilal of Minnesota ? St. Paul. On what River is St. Paul? liESSON IiXVII. Spill the following words : Cohimbns, kn-i„m'buE. Nashville, naih'vil. Cleveland, kleve'Iand. Memphis, mem'fis. Cincinnati, dn-sin-nat'e. Jefferson City, jef Frankfort, frank'fort. St. Louis, saint loo'e. Louisville, loo'is-viUe. Scioto, si-o'to. What City is the capital of Ohio ? Columbus. On what River is Columbus? Where is Cleveland ? Cleveland is in the northern part of Ohio, on Lake Erie. Wiere is Cincinnnfi ? Cincinnati is in the southern part of Ohio, on the Ohio River. What is Cincinnati ? Cincinnati is the Chief City of Ohio. M7iat liiver is between Ohio and Kevtucky? ^^l)at City is the capital of Kcntuchj? Frankfort. On what llher is Franlfort ? What City in Kentucky is on the Ohio River ? WJiat is Louisville ? Louisville is the Chief City of Kentucky. What State is south of Kentucky ? What City is the capital of Tennessee ? Nashville, On what liiver is Nashville ? Mention the Chief City of Tennessee. Nashville. },Vhat City in Tennessee is on the 3Iississippi liiver ? Memphis. \Miat State is south of Missouri ? What City is the capital of Arkansas ? Little Rock, On what River is Little Rock? Mention the Chief City of Arkansas. Little Rock. What State is south of Iowa ? What City is the capital of Missouri ? Jefferson City. Wliat and where is St. Louis? St. Louis, the Chief City of Mis- souri, is situated in the oastern part of Missouri, on the Mississippi River. 62 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. LESSON LXVIII. Spell the/oUovHng words : Des Moines, de-mofn'. Inrllanapolli, In-de-sn-ap'o-lli. DavcniMjrt, dav'en-port. Milwaukee, mil-waw'k.. I>ubuque, du-buke'. St. Clair, saint kkre. Chicago, .he-kaw'go. Itasca, l-ta.'k». L }Miat is the capital and Chief City of Iowa ? Des Moines. On what River is Des Moines i Jfentior. two other large Cities of Iowa. Diibuqne iiiid Davenport. On what River are these Cities ? What River separates Iowa from Illinois? \VJiat City is the capital of Illinois i Springfield. On what Lake is Chicago ? What is Chicago ? Chicago is the Chief City of Illinois. Kame^ the capital and Chief City of Indiana. Indianapolis. }Miat City is the capital of Wisconsin? Madison. Mention the Chief City of Wisconsin. Alihvaukee. On what Lake is Mthcaukee ? What City is the capital of Michigan? Lansing. On what River is Lansing ? On what River is Detroit ? What is Detroit ? The Chief City of Michigan. ]nat Mountains are between Tennessee and North Carolina? The Alleghany Mountains. Wliere is Lake Superior ? Lake Superior is between Michigan and the Dominion of Canada. Wiere is Lake Huron ? Lake Huron is south-east of Lake Superior, between Michigan and the Dominion of Canada. What Lake is between Lakes Huron and Erie? Lake St. Clair. Wliere is Lake Erie ? Lake Erie is between Ohio and Canada. Where is Lake Michigan ? Lake Michigan is between Michigan and Wisconsin. Where is Itasca Lake ? Itasca Lake is in Minnesota. LESSON LXIX. W?iat River in Michigan empties into Lake Michigan ? Where is the Detroit River ? The Detroit River is between Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie. ^^^at River in Wisconsin empties into the Mississippi River ? Where is the Illinois River ? The Illinois River is in Illinois. Of what River is it a branch ? The Mississippi River. \Miat River empties into the Mississippi^ between Illinois and Kentn-'-kv - The Ohio River. Michigan da. t of Lake n and the Huron and Dhio and Michigan ta. s into Lake Jen Lake 's into the tiois. lississippi., MAP EXERCISES. 68 A Prairie What two Rivers empty into the Ohio River on the north f The Scioto and the Wabash River. In what State is the Scioto River ? Between what States docs the Wabash River flow? Between Indiana and Illinois. Mention the southern branches of the Ohio River. The Kentucky, the Cumberland, and the Tennessee River. Which one of these flows through Kentucky and Tennessee only ? The Cumberland River. Wliich one flows through Kentucky mdy ? The Kentucky River. }Vhieh one flows through Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky ? on Fire. The Tennessee River. Wliat River en^pties iiito the AFississijrpi River from Iowa ? The Des Moines River. Wlure docs this River rise? In Minnesota. What River empties into the IHssissippi River frotn Jlissouri ^ The Missouri River. Where does the Missouri River * rise ? In the Rocky Mountains. ]\7iat River crosses Arkansas ? The Arkansas River. Of u'hat River is the Arkansas a branch ? Where docs the Arkansas River* rise? In the Rockv Mountains. » See Map of State* and Territories, page 64. o 09 hi !S /H < o c3 Q « e« 08 en to § (3 4<3 eft e« a a o B o O O «^ — CO "Ci rt tS .O 03 ►si -i-t '^ -3 O n3 S O «v». 'O "^ T3 n^ 2 c a c o ;s e8 •^ "^ rt cJ '".■' O ^ '^ in eft 13 -^ a g s o a-, tn O 3 o CO «3 5 e _ V -^ .0) p4 a CJ o a o ^A o ^ 5»i a o .5 ?3 ■§. rSi O is^ a ;± 02 .2 *< -I ^ •V. •2 «o ^ O o •^ -w jc o e t- C< rc; c3 S S: O « Hi iz; o 09 09 h) M <? Ph ^ ^ ^^ on en {>, 03 C ^ •s t •T3 SCO • ^^ J o eo O ^ e« 'JS O S >^ 'O J-i 00 rX O 03 o fi ^ « O o N s S Cj 05 pQ 'rj <«i eft ^ C 03 f^ *• ^^ 03 03 03 r^ 2 **^ "5 si =5 ^ O «5 o s 03 o CO Is >% ^ c3 03 o o S^ o •a *f ►^ •F-l O o 03 "^ a o 4^ I CO , ^ O c3 c3 O U '4W ^ Hi • r-l O o ^ S a o ►o s X s IS 5> o 09 09 2 ^^ I - s g J * >- a ■§ o & a aj t- ^ .iS O 03 ^ Q o o 'H .2 c a ^ -5 ® S -« o o ^ o 03 ^ O o i:; ►^ 1^ c3 re 03 to rt ^ O o3 ^ >•> 'r 03 X5 O ea (/3 03 w o o bo a 4J 03 tD OS* C rrj s eft S4i a s J ji a s «0 I O c3 "^ '^ 03 03 '^ >• O o 3 03 GO 03 cc C 03 "5^ So l^ SJ n of " a o H C 03 F— < ^ 03 ^ P 3 S. ■5i I -^ 3 ^ en 03 en S cJ a a 03 03 3 ■2 W §» o ^ -a ^ -fij ^ a •2 o ^.. ^ -- ^ a « '^i. O o ,3 tZ3 ■4) I I c3 a 03 M «4-l 03 O « wa 8 O ^ a 9i o 5> s >^ o > a .. "Si r3 o t< S 66 CORNELL'S FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY. How is Utah bounded? Utah is bounded on the north by Ida- ho and Wyoming, east by Wyoming and Colorado, south by Arizona, and west by Nevada. How is Wyoming bowided? Wyoming is bounded north by Mon- tana, east by Dakota and Nebraska, south by Colorado and Utah, and west by Utah, Idaho, and Montana. LESSON liXXII. Spell the following words : Olympia, o-liai'pe-a. Helena, hel'e-u*. Platte, plat. Cheyenne, shl-en'. Santa F6, «an'ta fa'. Boise, bwau-za'. ♦ What City is the capital of Washington ? Olympia. What City is the capital of Idrho ? Bois^ City. What City is the capital of JTontana ? Helena. What City is the capital of Dakota ? Yankton. What City is the capital of Wyoming ? Cheyenne. What City is the capital of Kew Mexico ? Santa F6. Wliat City is the capital of Arizona i Prescott. What City is the capital of Utah ? Salt Lake City. Whft Territories are traversed by the Rocky Mountains ? By the Missouri River ? What two Rivers form the Colorado ? The Green and the Grand River. ^V^lat River is in California ? The Sacramento River. What Rivers are in Oregon ? Wiat Rivers are in Washington Territory ? LESSON LXXIII. Quefltions for Review. What State is west of Ohio ? What State is west of Indiana ? Wliere is Cincinnati ? Where is St. Louis ? What River bounds Illinois on the west ? What lavge City is in Illinois ? C. What State is north of Illinois ? What Lake is be* .veen Michigan and Wis- consin ? Where is Milwaukee ? Of what State is Nashville the capital ? Which is further north, Iowa or Missouri ? What large River rises in Minnesota ? Into what Gulf does it empty ? Of what River is the Ohio a branch ? What three States border on the north bank of the Ohio River? 111., I., 0. What two States border on the south bank of the Ohio River ? Where is Detroit ? Of what State is Louisville the Chief City ? On what River is it ? Where is Memphis ? Where is California? What bounds Cali- foraia on the north ? What bound Utah on the north ? Of what River is the Missouri a branch ? What Capital Cities are on the Missouri River ? Yankton and Jefferson City. What City is on the Cumberland River ? What City is on the Scioto River ? Of what State is Springfield the capital ? 5 lo? River. territory ? St. Louis ? e west ? J, \ and Wis- pital ? ilissouri ? iota? ;h? lortli bank outh bank >it? lief City ? Memphis ? unds Cali- raneh ? Missouri j River ? ipital ? LESSON LXXIV. SpeU thefollovnng words Polynesia, pol-e-ne'she-a, Australasia, ttw6-tral-»'she-a. Malaysia, ma-la'she- Sydney, lid'ne. Wliat docs Oceania comprise ? Oceania comprises the Continent; of Australia, and most of the Islands in the Pacific Ocean. How is Oceania divided ? Oceania is divided into three parts, called Polynesia, Australasia, and Malaysia. Mention the most important groups of Islands in Polynesia. The Sandwich, Society, and Friend- ly Islands. What Continent is in Australasia ? What is Australia somdimes called? An Island. Mention some Islands of Aiistralasia. New Guinea, New Zealand, and Van Diemen's Land. Mention some Islands of Malaysia. The Philippine Islands, Celebes, \ Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. What City is the capital of part of Aus- tralia ? Sydney. I i^A tf >tf' GENERAL REVIEW. In what Hemisphere is— North America ? Europe? South America? Asia? Africa ? Australia ? ! Japan Islands? i Madagascar? I Bardiuia? TVhat is the Capital City of, and in what Grand Division is— Dom. of Canada? German Empire ? France ? Brazil? Denmark ? Peru? United States ? Liberia ? Prussia? U. 8. of Colom- Argentine Repub ■ Persia? bia? lie? Austria? Chinese Empire ? Scotland ? Egypt? Eng and ? Venezuela ? Russia ? Turkey? Spain? Chili? Hindostan ? Of what State % Ireland ? Portugal ? ,s each of the following Cities the Capital— Albany? Baton Rouge? Austin ? Kaleigh? Columbia ? Montpelier ? Sacramento ? Jefferson City ? Tallahassee? Frankfort? Augusta? AtlanU? Madison ? Columbus ? Dover? Harrisburg? Des Moines ? Richmond ? Jackson ? Indianapolis ? Springfield ? St. Paul ? Trenton ? Annapolis ? Boston ? Hartford ? Providence and ) Lansing ? Montgomery? Newport? f Lincoln? Concord ? Salem ? Carson ? In what Count) Wheeling? Topeka? y or Countries are the following Mountains— Carpathian? Green ? White ? Andes? Nevada ? Alps? ' Pyrenees? Altai? Catskill? i Kong? Alleghany? Rockv ? i Himalaya? Ural? Brazilian ? 1 i Tiirough what Country or Countries do the following Riteraflow— Hudson? Great Pedeo ? Ganges? Amazon ? Ural? Tagus ? 1 Nile? Wabash? Tennessee ? Mississippi? Missouri ? I'enobscot ? ' Rhine? Danube ? Savannah? ' Kentucky? Ohio? Niger? Seine? Connecticut ? Indus ? 1 James? Where are thefc Volga? Arkansas ? Mowing Islands— Borneo? Long? Terra del Fuego ? i Sicily? Iceland ? Philippine Isles? 1 British Isles ? Java? Madeira Isles? Newfoundland ? Cuba? Ceylon? Greenland ? Canary Isles ? Corsica ? Li what State is eacJi of the following Cities— Philadelphia ? New Orleans ? St. Louis ? San Francisco ? Cleveland ? Portland ? Pittsburg ? Troy? Memphis ? Rochester ? Newark ? Milwaukee ? Lowell? Cincinnati ? Mobile? Detroit? Where are thefollotcing Seas— Caribbean ? Black? Japan? North? Baltic? Red? Caspian ? Arabian f Where are the following Bays— Hudson ? Bengal ? Chesapeake ? Massachusetts ? Biscay ? Casco? Where are the following Lakes — ! Superior? Erie? I Great Salt? Mooseheod? Champlain? Ontario? Michigan ? G real Bear ? Louisville ? New York ? Savannah? Buffalo? Baltimore ? Springfield? Brooklyn ? Burlington ? China? Mediterranean ? Adriatic ? Aral? MobUe? BafiBu? Delaware ? Great Slave? Itasca? Winnipeg ? Huron? On wJiat River is each of the following Cities situ- ated — Paris? New York ? Lisbon ? Buenos Ayres ? Columbus? New Orleans ? Vienna? Rochester? Natchez? Columbia? Wilmington, in North Carolina? Augusta, in Maine ? Augusta, in Georgia? Springfield, in Massachusetts ? Where are the following Oulfs— Me.Tico ? St. Lawrence ? Guinea? Bothnia? Where are the following Straits- Magellan? Gibraltar? Dover? Messina? Albauy ? Hartford ? Cairo? Austin ? Cincinnati ? Trenton ? Troy? Lowell? Sacramento? Persian ? Finland ? Bab-el-Mandob? Behring? iland? •y leleB ? 3a? ■tea— ville ? York? mah? lo? nore? gfleld? tlyn ? DgtOQ ? I? ::crranean ? itic? le? 1? varef :SlAve? 1? lipeg ? n? Cities tiitU' iy? ford? ? in? nnati ? ton? ? jll? .mento? an? ,nd? Bl-Mandob? Ing? CORNELL'S Outline Maps. REVISED TO DATE. 13 Maps, mounted on Muslin. Price, per set, with Key, $13.25; separately, single Maps, 90 cts.; double, $1.75. Key, separately, 45 ^^s- THE SERIES CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAPS: TiTE WORIiD. Size, 82 by 52 inches. Comprising the Eastern and West i Hemi- spheres, Diagrams of Meridians and Parallel?, Tropics and Zones, Northern ai bouthern Hemispheres, and Heights of the Principal Mountains. NORTH AMERICA. Size, 27 by 32 inches. THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Size, 32 by 52 inches. EASTERN AND MIDDLE STATES. Size, 27 by 32 inches. With en- larged plans of the Vicinities of Boston and New York. SOUTHERN STATES. Size, 27 by 32 ..iches. WESTERN STATES. Size, 27 by 32 inches. TiTT^YTr-n rT'lSTTRAL. AMERICA, AND WEST INDIES. Size 27 ^™y^3?iLche? W?h e^arted ^^^^ of Nicaragua and the Great Antdles. SOUTH AMERICA. Size, 27 by 32 inches. EUROPE. Size, 27 by 32 inches. BRITISH ISLANDS. Size, 27 by 82 inches. CENTRAL, SOUTHERN, AND WESTERN EUROPE. Size, 27 by 82 inches. ASIA. Size, 27 by 32 inches. With enlarged plans of Palestine and the Sandwich Islands. AFRICA, 'size, 27 by 32 inches. With enlarged plans of Egypt, Liberia, and Cape Colony. CORNELL'S MAP-DRAWING CARDS. For the study and practice of Map-draxuing. Price, per set, 45 ^^s. Correspondence in reference to our standard text-books respectfully invited. fuirdescXtive catalogue of all our standard educational works sent free on apphcat.on. Address D. APPLETQN & CO., Publishers, 1, 3, & 5 Bond Street, New York. L-A-TEST -A.1ST3D BEST- APPLETONS' AjiERICAN STAPARD GEOGRAPHIES. TWO BOOKS, ELEMENTARY AND HIGHER. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. ELEMENTARY. 1. Prepared in accordance with the views of the lest teachers and educators. 2. The subject is treated objectively ; the concrete precedes the abstract. 3. No formal definitions; new and nccessai j ideas are imparted in reading-lessons. 4. Geographical facts are linked with striking facts of history, natural history, and social life. 5. Illustrations are furnished on which to base questions leading up from things familiar. 6. The pupil is taught to appreciate distance, to apply the scale of the map, and to draw simple outlines by the use of the scale. 7. The maps are distinct, unencumbered, accurate, and attractive. 8. A sufficient number of questions are presented to familiarize the pupil with the contents of the map without overburdening the memory. 9. This book is Elementary in the style and quality of its matter, and in its devel- opment of the subject, as well as in name. 10. The system of reviews, the loritten exercises, the paragraphs in heavy faced tijpe, and the occasional references to standard works, are worthy of special attention. Price, 65 cents. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 1, 3, & 5 Bond Street, New York. - .^^■^^^#^71?^""- thinffs APPLETONS* Americah Statoard Geographies, POINTS OF EXCEIiLENCB. HIGHER. 1. This book is not a mere reproduction or expaDsion of the Elementary ; the sub- ject is treated subjectively. , ^, . r ^ 2 Generalization in the descriptive matter is a distinctive feature of this book. 3' Great prominence is given to the leading industries, and especially to commerre 4*. Peculiar Industries of general interest are explaiiied and illustrated with graphic designs. 5 Introduction of occasional references to standard hooks is an entirely new feature. g! Unsatisfactory meagerness has been avoided on tho one hand, and cumbrousness of detail on the other. 7 SuGGESTiYE QUESTIONS requiring independent thought are introduced. _ 8*. Pronunciation of difficult proper names is given where they occur, as well as in the Reference Tables. ,. ^. * ^a •9 The Study Maps challenge comparison in point of correctness, distinctness, and artistic finish. By the use of both llach and hrown lettering, a convenient study map is combined with a Reference Map. 10 The Physical Maps are uneqnaled in usefulness, comprehensiveness, and beauty; the Commercial Map of the World, the Ilktorical Maps, and the Map of the Arctic Regions, will be found of great value for reference. 11 The Illustrations are/mA, graphic, and instructive worTcs of art. Price, $l.BO. A Descriptive Catalogue, embracing ail our reliable and popular Text-Books, will be "-"^Sr^Z^t:^ of educate, ^er^pec^^^ "^ ^^Z "Educational Departmknt" their headquarters ^^hlle m the city, wnen \^, v inquire for this Department. D. APPLETON & CO., Publisliers, 1, 3, & B Bond Street, New York. Il ' % APPLETONS' -lOOL READE Cons-isttng of Five BooJzs, BY WM. T. HARRIS, LL D., Superintendent of Schools^ St. LouiSf Mo. A. J. RICKOFF, A. M., Superintendent of Instruction, Cleveland, 0. MARK BAILEY, A. M., Instructor in Elocution, Tale College. APPLETONS' FIRST READER Child's Quarto, go pages. APPLETONS' SECOND READER i2mo, 142 " APPLETONS' THIRD READER i2mo, 214 " APPLETONS' FOURTH READER i2mo, 248 " APPLETONS' FIFTH READER i2mo, 47" " These Eeaders, while avoidiuR extremes and one-sided tendencies, combme into one haraia. niou3 whole the several results deairable to be attained in a series of school reading-books. These include good pictorial illustrations, a combination of the word and phonic methods, carefiVgradirig,^drill on the peculiar combinations of letters that represent vowel-sounds cor- rect spellmg, Ixercises well arranged for the pupil's preparation by himself (so that he shall Larn thereat lessons of self-help, self-depend{nce, the.habit of ^PP^^^^tion excretes that develop a practical command of correct forms of expression, good iterary taste close cntical power of thought, and ability to interpret the entire meaning ot the language ot otHers. THE -A-TTTHOHS- Tho hi<^h rank which the authors have attained in the educational field and their long and successful experience in practical school-work especially fit them lor the Preparation of text-books that will emiody all the^est elements of modem educative ideas. In the schools of St Loms and Cleveland, over which two of them have long presided, the subject ot reading has received more than usual attention, and with results that have established for them a wide reputa^^^^^ for superior elocutionary discipline and accomplishments , leeling the need of a senesot read- ing-books harmonizing' in all'resnects with the modes of instruction f^^^^^'.fSontofii^^^ long tentative work, thev have carefulfy prepared these volumes in the belief that the special teat ures enumerated will commend them to practical, teachers every where. Of Professor Bailey, Instructor of Elocution in Yale College, it is ^/"'-'^^ess to speak Iot be is known throughout tile Union as being without a peer m his profes.uan. His methods make natural, not mechanical readers. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 1, 3, & 5 E )«i> Street, New York. h. ^•,,,.i»^#,,^M0M^-'^^it!mmm:,*^